#they're so in their heads about what marriage means they just can't be happy married
raventreehall · 8 months
a storm of swords dash simulator
🍋ladyjonquil Follow
i don't want to reveal too much but i had a really great day today hawking and riding and received some really exciting news (and maybe a potential marriage offer!) wow wow wow!!! haven't felt like this in so long 🥰
🤡florianthefool Follow
i'm so happy for you my jonquil
🐦littlefinger Follow
thanks for sharing my lady
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🏹kissedbyfire Follow
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👸🏼daenerys-targaryen-tracker Follow
🐎raeqqo Follow
by the law of the dothraki she must return to vaes dothrak to take her place alongside the crones of the dosh khaleen. it is known.
🐉3heads Follow
shut up and go sack a defenseless city or something
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🍁weirwoodzz Follow
hey do you guys remember when theon greyjoy took winterfell last year and killed the stark boys? has anyone heard anything else about that? feel like it kind of just disappeared from the news cycle, what happened to greyjoy?
🪓cerwynnation Follow
lord bolton's bastard killed him
🍁weirwoodzz Follow
oh really? wow. kind of extreme but deserved i guess
💗ramsays-sharpest-blade Follow
Ramsay isn't a bastard, King Joffrey legitimized him two months ago and Lord Roose is going to make him castellan of the Dreadfort soon. He loves his son and trusts his abilities. Plus, Ramsay is being awarded for his efforts in saving Winterfell and putting a stop to the ironborn raids in the North by being betrothed to Arya Stark—would a bastard be granted that honor? I don't think so.
Also, Theon isn't dead, Ramsay is (rightfully) flaying him for his crimes in the dungeons beneath the Dreadfort. Gods, I'd love to see Ramsay thrust the knife under his skin!!!!! 😜
#ramsay bolton #house bolton #our blades are sharp #theon greyjoy
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🐐the-goat Follow
i'm boutta come into thome real money real thoon 😈 💎💎💎💎💯
🏰freygirl73 Follow
ughhhh my sister is getting married tmrw and my brothers keep going on about getting revenge on king robb while he's here for the feast... like i just wanted some food :/// iswtg that's the only good thing about my siblings weddings and now they're saying there won't even be any and i'm gonna have to go into hiding before the bedding ceremony or something. why can't my family just be NORMAL
🐟greenfork Follow
TW: Red Wedding, death, violence
A masterpost on what happened at the Twins and what it means for the Northern independence cause, the War of the Five Kings, and the realm in general.
Also a bunch of links on how you can help people affected in the Riverlands.
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🍵bowlobrown Follow
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🔥heatofdorne Follow
i wanna ***** ********* on ellaria sand's **** and *** ****** then call in oberyn and ***** **** them both until **** *****
🤎pate7534 Follow
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🌊onthesunsetsea Follow
why are there so many crabs on my dash rn
🐺direwolfing Follow
💙cassssanna Follow
actually i think it's still for king joffrey
🦁lann1sporter Follow
lol i thought it was for robb stark
🥂arborgold Follow
maybe it's for the mountain?
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⬛️ freezingmyarseoffonthewall Follow
⬛️ freezingmyarseoffonthewall Follow
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🕊️ just-a-humble-sparrow Follow
mother have mercy i was walking by the great sept of baelor (i wanted to pay my respects to our blessed king joffrey) but i was blocked by a knight of the kingsguard—i believe it was one of the kettleblacks, unfortunately i always forget which one has been elevated to the kingsguard—because the queen was keeping vigil over her son, so i prayed outside instead. yet only a few minutes passed when i swear i saw the kingslayer arrive (he seemed to be missing a hand!) and enter. then, and this is the most disturbing part, i swear to the father that i heard noises of fornication coming from inside! i know for a fact that the only other person inside was the queen mother. could the rumors be true? i feel dirty even writing this. i wonder if i should tell my septon.
❤️‍🔥stannis-sweep Follow
stannis has literally been telling y'all and you didn't listen 🙄
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🏳️ bannerless Follow
is it just me or is lady stoneheart kinda 👀
813 notes · View notes
sanguineterrain · 1 year
redamancy | steve harrington
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Summary: redamancy (n.) - the act of loving someone who loves you back; a love returned in full // or, four times you kissed Steve Harrington, and one time he finally kissed you back.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Word count: 5.2k
Warnings/tags: friends to lovers, 5+1 fic format, no use of y/n, FLUFF, PINING PINING, injured s4 steve, hospital setting, general vecna angst (eddie's alive bc i will never kill eddie in my fics), bed sharing, happy ending, and kissing. if that wasn't clear. :)
A/N: fun fact: this is the first time i've written a 5+1 fic! technically it's 4+1 but whatevs. if you enjoy this fic, please give it a reblog and support your local steve harrington tumblrina.
divider by firefly-graphics
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i. the promise 
"Would you ever get married?" 
You open your eyes. The setting sun nearly blinds you through the windshield. Immediately, you stick out a hand to block it. 
You're still reclined all the way back in the passenger seat, because Steve's fancy schmancy BMW can do that. He frequently lectures you about doing it while he's driving. Have I taught you nothing? Road safety! 
"I mean, I guess so," you say. "If someone ever wants to put a ring on me."
You sit up and pull down the sun visor. Steve turns. His hair lightens in the summer, shades of reddish blond peeking through. He insists his hair has never been anything but brown, fiercely pledging his allegiance to brunettes. You coo at his highlights all the same. 
"I want to," he says after a minute. "I wanna get married." 
You're parked down the block from your house. You should've gotten out ten minutes ago, but there's never any rush when you're with Steve.
"The line to wed you will be out the door, champ," you say around a grin. 
"Hm. I dunno." He stretches in his seat. "Maybe if I was the same guy I was a few years ago." 
You wrinkle your nose. "I doubt that."
"But what can I really offer?" he continues. "I'm just some guy who can't get into college."
"That doesn't mean no one will marry you. Some people who go to college are dumber than dirt. They get married. College has nothing to do with it. You can go, if you really want to. One rejection doesn't say anything about you, Steve." 
"I guess."
You pull the lever on the side. The seat shoots up with a brrrap! It clicks as you straighten. 
"Where did all this come from, anyway?" you ask. 
Steve shrugs. "Just thinking."
He smiles. "I like to live on the edge."
"Contemplating marriage like the world's biggest sap. Definitely edgy."
Steve hums. His hands are in his lap. He picks at a cuticle, a habit he’s recently developed. You wonder why he’s so anxious. 
"Two people from our graduating class got married last week."
Your eyes widen. "You're kidding."
"Nope. Lisa Schell and Gary Brewer." 
"Wait, didn't she cheat on him?"
"Yeah, but he slept with her sister, so I guess they called it even."
You shake your head. "That's insane. They're literally babies, Steve. That's like Dustin getting married."
Steve scowls. "He's not allowed to get married before me." 
"Not even to his possibly fictional Suzie?" 
"Not even to her."
You stare at the freckles on Steve's face and how his frizz kind of looks like a halo in the light. You imagine the feel of his hair in your hands, the warmth of his scalp.
"I'd marry you," you say. 
Steve's eyebrows shoot up. 
"Like, if you were in a pinch."
He looks at you sideways. You flatten, then scrunch your hands over your knees. Your tongue feels too big for your mouth. 
"I'm talking about spending the rest of my life with someone, you know. Not borrowing fifty bucks."
"Fifty bucks is a lot of money for some of us, Harrington."
"That’s probably how much Lisa's wedding dress cost."
"I hope she kept the receipt."
Silence descends. A soft breeze blows through your cracked window. You want to search Steve's glove box for gum, but you've just told him you'd marry him, so you can't do anything except think about the fact that those words came out of your mouth. 
"Are you…" Steve begins, then pauses. "Why did you say that?"
"Because you're worried, for some incomprehensible reason, that no one will marry you."
"I scoop ice cream for a living."
You level him with a look. 
"Steve. We're kids. Cut yourself some slack."
His eyes turn hollow. They've been doing that lately. You wish you knew why. 
"I don't really feel like a kid these days," he says. 
Something about the way Steve sounds makes you want to climb over the console and curl into him, cradle his head to your neck. Which is crazy. You guys don't do that. Steve isn't yours to do that with. 
"Let's make a pact," you say softly. 
He meets your eye. "A pact?"
"Mmhm. Let's say if both of us aren't married by… thirty, then we'll get married."
"Well, I don't want a pity marriage." 
You roll your eyes. "It's not a pity marriage, Steve."
"Thirty is so late! You really think I won't be married by then?" he asks. 
"No, I don't think that. I already said folks will be lined up to marry you," you say. 
"I can't wait till I'm thirty." 
"Or you'll turn into an old maid?" 
"Meh meh meh," he mocks without any heat. 
You purse your lips so you don't smile. "Fine. We'll split the difference. Twenty-four?"
Steve considers that. Really considers it. It suddenly occurs to you what you're promising and who you're promising it to. You wonder if you'll both forget about it. Or brush it off. Oh, what did we know? We were kids!
Except Steve doesn't feel like a kid. And maybe you don't either, as much as you wish you do. 
"Do you mean it?" he asks. 
"Of course I do."
"No, seriously." He's serious. "I mean it, so if you don't…"
"Steve, I said I mean it. I do."
"You'll marry me?"
"I will."
"Swear on it."
You hold out your right pinkie out, waiting. Steve hooks his finger over yours. Impulsively, you kiss your linked pinkies. To show that you really, truly mean it.
You try to picture it. What walking down the aisle to meet Steve at the altar would feel like. You wonder if he'd keep his hair long, like it is now. You like it long. Would he keep it long for you?
"Will you buy me a ring?" you ask. "If we get married, I mean."
"Of course I'd buy you a ring," Steve says. "I'd get you anything you wanted."
"Okay." Your heart hammers in your chest. "I'm gonna go home."
"Alright. Want me to pull up to the door?"
"No, it's fine. Walking is good for digestion. Those milkshakes were no joke."
Steve smiles. He has such a lovely smile. His Cupid's bow is shaped exactly like a heart. 
"Same time tomorrow? It's movie night." 
Right. Your movie night. A semi-regular occasion that includes you, Steve, Robin, and the kids, sometimes. You've watched at least a dozen movies this summer together. Only this time, you're watching a movie after promising to marry Steve. 
"Sounds good," you say. "Will you pick me up?"
Another promise. You hadn't realized how many Steve makes to you. 
"'Kay. See you."
You get out. Steve waves as he pulls away from the curb. 
Your ring finger feels bare. You rub it, hoping the feeling will go away. 
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ii. the wound 
The plastic chair has turned your legs numb. Your butt is about to follow. 
Can butts go numb? You're not sure. You'll find out soon, though. 
You rub your eyes. God, you need sleep. 
Across the room, you catch Joyce Byers' gaze. She smiles at you, though it's brittle. You try to smile back, feeling distinctly like you might break if you stretch your mouth too far. 
She looks away, and your not-smile falls. 
"They'll let us in soon," she says, like she knows. She does know. Better than you, certainly. 
The hospital smells cold. It smells like a place people go to die. 
Your heartbeat ratchets. You shouldn't think like that. 
"You don't understand," comes Dustin's voice. He's at the receptionist's desk, flanked by Mike and Lucas. Dustin's face is red and blotchy, near tears. 
"I need to see him. You won't let me see Eddie, so—" 
The receptionist rears back, like she can't believe three children are daring to speak to her. 
"Neither patient is cleared for visitors," she says icily. "Now, for the last time: have a seat."
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Joyce begin to stand, ready to herd the kids away. You beat her to it. Out of everyone in this room, you're probably the only person who has the strength to stand. 
"Guys, c'mon. It won't be long." 
They don't look at you. You don't take it personally. An hour earlier, you'd cornered Dustin and forced him to tell you what happened. What's been happening. 
So he did. And now you're here. 
You don't blame them for glaring at the prickly receptionist. But you know that won't do anything. It won't heal Steve quicker. And it won't make anybody feel better. 
"Hey, Dustin." You lay a hand on his shoulder. He looks at you like you're not Steve. You wish it was you in surgery instead. 
"Come sit," you say. 
"I need to see him," he tells you. 
"I know." Your throat tightens, threatening to trap your words altogether. You rush to get the rest out. "I do too. But this isn't going to make that happen faster. Come sit with me. Okay?"
"He'll be fine," Mike says quietly. "They don't wanna get sued by his asshole dad."
You nod, because yeah, good point. Quite possibly the first time Richard Harrington has brought anybody comfort. He's in Cancun, last you'd heard. You hope he chokes on a margarita. 
Dustin follows you. Mike and Lucas sit next to Joyce. The five of you wait. 
At some point, you fall asleep. When you wake up, it's to the contentious receptionist peering over you all. 
"Mr. Harrington is awake," she says primly. "You may see him now, young man."
Dustin flies out of the chair, Lucas and Mike at his heels. 
A part of you wants to go home, and you feel terrible for it. You feel terrible that Steve almost died, but you're the frightened one. You don't know if you can bear to see him tied to tubes and a heart monitor.
"Go on."
Joyce tracks you sleepily. Her hair is more knotted than before you fell asleep. She nods to the hallway. 
"Go see him."
You can’t voice every thought, every fear. I don’t know if I can see him like this.
“It’s good he won’t wake up alone,” she says.
“He’s got a family.” You wave your hand weakly. 
Joyce watches you for a moment. Then she gets up.
"Yes, he does." 
She holds out her hand. 
You don’t know Joyce Byers very well. This is probably the longest conversation you’ve had with her. You realize, then, that you're wrong—you’re not the one who’s strong enough to stand.
“Let’s go see him,” she says. "All of his loved ones should be there." 
God, are you really that obvious? 
You take her hand, and the two of you go down the hall.
Steve is nearly unrecognizable in the hospital bed. The kids are speaking to him, unusually quiet. They look up when you enter. 
Steve’s eyes lock with yours. 
“Hey,” is all you say.
“Hi,” he says, voice rough with disuse and getting choked by what Dustin had described as demon bats. 
“Boys, come on,” Joyce calls. “Let’s make a cafeteria stop.”
You see Dustin about to protest, but Lucas tugs his arm like he knows, and goddamn, you really are that obvious, aren’t you? 
You wait for the door to close behind you. Then you walk to Steve’s side. 
The gnarled ring of flesh around his neck makes you queasy. The rest of him isn’t much better, red and purple smeared across any skin that’s not covered by the chalky hospital gown.
You sit in the chair. It’s the same plastic kind as the ones in the waiting room, but this one doesn’t feel so hard.
“Robin called me,” you say.
Steve closes his eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, you’d better be.” Your voice cracks. “Can’t believe you went dimension-surfing without me.”
“You’re mad at me.”
Your breath is punched out of you. 
“No,” you say softly. “My God, Steve. I’m not mad at you.”
His hand creeps to the edge of the bed. His fingers are scraped.
You take his hand and lace your fingers together. He slow-blinks. He’ll probably fall asleep in the next half hour. 
“It’s okay if you are,” he whispers. “Mad, I mean. I’d be mad too.”
You know he wouldn’t be, though. You know Steve would forgive you in a heartbeat.
“I’m not mad,” you say, equally as quiet. “I just… I was scared." 
He nods. "I'm sorry for scaring you." 
You bow your head and close your eyes. When Robin had called, you'd run to the bathroom and coughed up stomach acid.
They say he’ll make it, she'd told you, and you'd realized with violent clarity that you love him. 
But Steve doesn't need that right now. So you bury it.
You lean in and bring Steve's knuckles to your lips, taking care not to jostle him.
His eyes widen. Part of you hopes he won’t remember this conversation.
"Don't do that again," you say. “Not without me.”
"Okay,” he whispers. “I won't." 
You wait until he falls asleep, hand in his. 
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iii. the brand
“There’s no way I’m getting in your death van, Munson!” Robin whines.
“Death van is an exaggeration, Buckley. If anything, it’s a life van. I’m still here, aren’t I?” Eddie asks.
“Definitely not because of that heap of metal,” Steve murmurs to you. You snicker.
It’s nearly dark, but a summer dark, where it doesn’t actually turn to night until well after nine PM. The top two buttons of Steve’s dress shirt are undone, and you can’t stop staring. It’s embarrassing, really. You’d nearly missed Eddie’s walk across the stage because of that damned triangle of tanned skin and dark chest hair.
“Why can’t we take the station wagon?” Robin asks. 
“I think Nancy already left,” you say. “Sorry, Rob.” 
“And I’ve put my car jacking days behind me,” Eddie announces, flinging his arms out. “So my van it shall be!”
Robin whips her head around to glare at Steve. 
“This is your fault,” she accuses scathingly.
“You just had to go and get a flat tire yesterday.”
“Yeah, Steve,” you add cheekily. “Why couldn’t you have foreseen the dreaded timeline where Eddie drives?”
“Et tu?” Eddie asks. “I’m hurt. I’m a great driver, y’know. Better than Steve, some have told me.”
“Dustin only told you that ‘cause you were high on morphine and about to burst into tears,” Robin says.
As they bicker, Steve draws closer, so your arms brush. You close the distance, crowding him.
“Y’okay?” he asks quietly.
“Yes,” you say, startled. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Just checking.”
“Are you okay?”
He turns to you. He looks like he’s searching for something. You don’t know what.
“Yeah,” Steve says after a minute. “I am. Better than, actually.”
“‘Cause I’m here, right?” you ask with a gooey grin.
“Yeah. ‘Cause you’re here.”
He sounds honest, so you turn away, because you can’t handle that and his chest hair. 
"I should get to choose where we go," Robin says as you arrive at Eddie's van. "Since it may be our last trip and all."
"Funny you were in Band and not president of the drama club, Buckley," Eddie says dryly. 
"Pot, kettle."
"How 'bout Rita's?" you suggest. "Unlimited refills and no one will hassle Eddie."
"Aw, you care about little ol' me?" Eddie asks. 
"If you get us there in one piece, yes."
Eddie huffs. "No wonder you and the Hair are like this." He crosses his fingers. 
"Damn right," Steve says. "We even finish each other's—"
"Terribly cliche sayings!" you say. 
Robin looks at you for a moment, unusually smirky. Then she looks at Steve. 
"You match. Blue dress, blue tie."
"That's so if she gets lost, they know who to return her to," Steve says. 
You scoff. "More like the other way around." 
He pouts. "Hey."
"Hay is for horses," you sing, skipping ahead to Eddie's van. 
"I'm sorry, are you excited to ride in the Hell Van?" Robin asks. 
You shrug. "We could use some excitement around here, couldn't we?"
"No!" all three say.
"I've had enough excitement for ten lifetimes," Robin mutters. 
Eddie pulls the door open. Your smile quickly drops. 
"Uh, Eddie? Where the fuck are the seats?"
"Right, so, usually I only have Gareth and Jeff ride with me. Gareth always calls shotgun—"
"Shotgun!" Robin hollers, and races to the front seat. 
You stare at the single backseat chair. There's no way it's big enough for you and Steve. 
"Holy shit," Steve says, taking stock of the "backseat."
Eddie rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah… listen, if I'd known we'd be taking her, I would've put the other seat in, swear! Usually we take it out for the equipment." 
"Well, what are we supposed to do? Lay down and pray? This is how people get head injuries, Eddie," you say, arms folded. 
"Maybe we can call a cab," Steve suggests. 
"At this hour?" You shake your head. "No way. This isn't Indianapolis."
"Oh my God." Robin groans. "The solution is so obvious. Sit on Steve's lap. Boom. Now come on, I'm starving."
You tense. Steve is tactile, sure, and you've become acclimated to that over the years. 
But this? This is way, way beyond that. 
"Uh…" Steve glances at you. "Do you… I mean, if you don't mind?"
You glance at Eddie, who's got the tiniest smirk. You glower and he clears his throat, hiding his mouth behind a lock of hair. 
"I don't mind," you say, more confident than you feel. "It's a short drive."
Eddie nods. "Definitely. I'll step on it."
"Please don't step on it," Robin calls. "We're already chancing fate by letting you drive in the first place."
Eddie huffs, walking to the driver's side. "Y'know, Buckley, you are just…"
You look at Steve. He smiles at you, sweet as always. 
"This isn't gonna aggravate any injuries, right?" you ask. "Me… sitting on you?"
You wince at the wording. 
"No, should be fine. My PT gave me the all clear a month ago."
You nod tightly. "Right. Okay. You go first."
Steve climbs in, planting his feet on the floor. You go next, stooping in front of him. You catch each other's gaze for a moment. Then you laugh, suddenly trying to look anywhere but at Steve. 
"Right, so I'll just…"
You slide onto Steve's lap, trying to hold some of your weight so you won't crush him. He splays an easy hand over your belly and leans over to pull the van door shut. Your heart thunders in your chest. 
"You can sit back, y'know," he says, breath tickling your ear. "’M not made of glass."
"Didn't want your legs to go numb," you joke weakly. 
Steve makes an unhappy noise and tugs you back so you're fully seated on him. You angle yourself so you can look at him. Steve looks up at you, lightly tracing a pattern on your hip. Like you do this all the time. 
"Hi," you say, too jittery to crack another joke. 
Steve smiles gently. "Hey."
His tone is fond. You feel sick. 
"Everybody good?" Eddie asks. 
He adjusts the rear view mirror and you watch his eyebrows shoot up in the reflection. 
"You two look cozy."
"Shut the fuck up, Munson," you mumble. "Just drive, already." 
Eddie giggles like a gremlin in reply and turns the ignition.
It’s not bad, at first. Eddie takes it easy driving through Hawkins. Part of it is because he doesn’t want to attract attention. The other part is that Hopper promised Eddie a night in jail if he caught him running the stop signs again. 
You personally think it’s a bluff. Robin does not; she’s enthusiastically annoying about road safety, and points out every single sign and red light. This causes Eddie to start slamming the breaks in retaliation. 
“Holy fuck!” you yelp when Eddie hits the breaks particularly hard. “Eddie!”
Steve is quick to tug you backwards, considering you’re not belted. You scramble to grab his shoulders and twist to look at him.
“Thanks,” you say breathlessly.
He smiles, then leans away, glaring at the front.
“Really, Munson?”
“She started it!” Eddie insists. “Blame your BFF!”
“Can you drive like someone who doesn’t have a death wish?” Robin shoots back.
Steve’s hands are now on the small of your back and on your hip, respectively. Your legs hang over the side of the carseat, butt nestled quite firmly on his thighs. 
God, you’re never living this down. 
Steve’s breath in your ear makes you squirm. You turn to look at him.
“Fine,” you murmur. “I’m not crushing you, am I?”
“No,” he says. “Don’t worry.”
Eddie breaks again, harder than before. You slip. 
Steve reacts instantly, his hand grabbing the meat of your thigh. Your dress rides up, so it’s skin on skin. 
The momentum is worse, however, because you jerk back. Right into Steve’s face.
Your nose mashes into his, which isn’t great. But then, your lips smush against his cheek. When you pull back, there’s a smeared lipstick print.
Maybe you’re the one with a death wish.
Robin is screeching incoherently but you can't focus on anything but the smudge of pink on Steve's cheek. Your chest feels tight. 
He looks like he's yours.
"Yeah, we're fine, " Steve says, voice close enough to startle you back into the conversation. 
He looks up at you. Your hand lands on the lipstick, like if you cover it, it'll go away. Steve tilts his head, mouth open in a question. 
"Sorry," you rush out before he can speak. "I got some of my, uh, lipstick on you." 
He relaxes. 
"Oh. Thought I was bleeding or something," he says with a slight laugh. "'S okay, I can wipe it off when we get there."
You drop your hand. You can't stop staring. Stop staring.
The print isn't exactly in the shape of your lips, but it's close. You can see the divots and where your lips parted. If someone were to see you two, they'd assume a lot of things you're not. 
Steve's collar is wrinkled from the van ride from Hell. His neck is flushed. You wonder how your lipstick would look there. 
Eddie presses the brake, softer this time. Steve's fingers dig into the meat of your thigh anyway. More marks. 
"Alright, relax, gang," Eddie says. "We're almost there."
You touch Steve's cheek again and hope he'll forget to wash you off of his face. 
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iv. the secret
It's raining. You're in Steve's bed. 
Thunder shakes the sky. You curl further into your—Steve’s—pillow. It smells like his soap and detergent. 
You used to like the rain. Not so much these days. Rain makes you think of blood on asphalt and being alone at twenty-four. Rain silences you. 
"Do you think he'll come back?" 
You've never dared to ask anyone. Not even Joyce. She'd know. She wouldn't tell you the truth, though. 
Nancy Wheeler probably could. She'd face you with that steel brow of hers and give it to you straight. 
Yes. The monster's back. You're not getting married. 
You slip your hand into Steve’s. He squeezes your fingers. Outside, the rain roars. 
"I don't know," Steve says into the darkness. 
You can't see him like this. It makes you mildly claustrophobic. Maybe you should turn on the hall light. 
"Hopper said he was dead. So did that other guy—uh, Murray. And like, Eddie's okay. And Max. El would tell us if she sensed something. It's not like he could come back without making a sound. I mean, from what she told me, she basically, like, unraveled him from the inside out. Which is pretty gross, but also a good way to keep someone dead."
He's rambling. He's rambling to distract you. 
God, what the fuck are you going to do when you're twenty-four and unmarried and Steve's forgotten all about you? 
"I don't want anyone to die," you whisper. 
Steve squeezes your hand harder. 
"No one's gonna die."
You shift closer. You can barely make out Steve's silhouette. The ends of his hair tickle your knuckles. 
"Hey," he says, and you try to find his eyes, but you can't. "Nothing's gonna happen, okay?" 
"Yeah," you say, even though something did happen, something that almost took him away from you, and you don't know if you can handle that again. 
"You can stay here as long as you want," he says. 
"I can go back to my room."
Steve threads his fingers with yours. You can't see his eyes but it's okay.
"Don't," he says. 
You scoot forward, closing another few inches between you two. Now, you feel Steve's breath on your face. He smells like minty toothpaste. He is alive. 
The rain batters against the windows. You could kiss him. You could kiss him right now, and no one would know except for you and him. 
His breath has begun to even out. You lean in blindly. Your lips land on his hair. 
It's hardly a kiss. It’ll be your secret anyway.
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+ and, finally, the first.
"Dustin wanted chocolate milk," you say, not looking up from the tub of yogurt you're searching the date for. 
"Yeah," Steve says, parking the cart to the side. "Kid's addicted."
He opens the giant fridge door and a burst of cold air nips at your arm. You shy away. 
"Six dollars? Jesus, does it come from gold cows?"
You snort, finally putting the yogurt in the cart. You stay at Steve’s house more often than not these days, so there’s no point in getting a separate cart.
"What?" Steve asks, looking at you. 
"You're funny, that's what."
"I am?"
"You sound like somebody's grandpa."
"I do not!"
"Do too," you say sweetly. 
"Do not."
"Do too infinity."
Steve rolls his eyes. 
"Yeah, whatever. I'm a grandpa 'cause I don't wanna spend a leg and an arm on chocolate milk for the little shit? So be it."
"Steve," you begin, eyebrows drawing together. "It's his birthday. Have a heart, old man." 
"Oh, good grief," he mumbles, but he takes the carton and puts it into the cart. 
You smile. Steve shakes his head. 
"This is why I don't go shopping with you. You're an enabler."
"I am," you say happily, walking alongside him as he pushes the cart. 
"And you don't push the cart."
You tut. "Pretty girls don't push shopping carts, Steven." 
"Oh, they just find some poor sap to push it for them, huh?" 
"I'm so glad you're on board," you say, skipping ahead to the chip aisle. 
You look through the shelves and land on two types of Doritos. Cool Ranch and Original. It’s a tough decision.
“Steve, what do you think?” You hold up the bags. “Which do they like better?”
“Ranch. According to Mike, liking the original flavors of snacks is lame.”
You snicker and take three bags of the Cool Ranch. Steve pushes the cart to you. 
“I feel like we’re shopping for our kid,” you say. “We’re the awesome house everybody wants to visit because we have the best snacks and the biggest pool.”
You look up when Steve doesn’t reply. He stares at you, expression unreadable. Your smile dims.
“What?” you ask.
Steve shakes his head.
“Nothing,” he says quietly. “It’s nothing.”
“Steve, seriously. What is it?”
He shakes his head again. 
“Nothing, really. Just zoned out for a second.”
He continues to push the cart down the aisle. You watch him for a moment, then follow. The two of you quickly check off the remaining items on Steve’s list (yes, his actual, physical grocery list), and then you check out.
The cashier smiles at you both in line. She’s an older woman, with the typical poofy blowout nearly every woman over fifty gets at Brenda’s Salon in downtown Hawkins. You busily put the items on the conveyor belt while Steve takes out his wallet and makes conversation with the cashier. It’s a good routine you two have established. 
When the cashier’s done, you squeeze past the cart and grab half of the bags. Steve takes the receipt and the rest of the bags.
“You two are very sweet together,” the cashier says, her round cheeks blush-red like apples. “Have a wonderful day.”
“You too, ma’am,” Steve replies, and heads to the exit.
You’re frozen for a moment, startled until Steve calls your name. You heft the bags in your arms and hurry after him. 
Steve stops and takes two of your bags before crossing the parking lot. 
“Steve,” you say, and huff. “I can carry them.”
“Pretty girls don’t push carts or carry bags. It’s the rule, remember?”
You watch, unimpressed, as Steve then proceeds to try and get his car keys with an armful of grocery bags. When he almost drops a bag for the third time, you sigh and take pity. 
“Which pocket?” you ask, snaking your arm around.
“Back left,” he says, smiling sheepishly.
You roll your eyes, feeling disgustingly fond. You shove your hand down Steve’s back jean pocket. He wiggles his eyebrows at you.
“Take me out to dinner at least,” he says.
“Pretty boys don’t get taken to dinner until the pretty girl has been asked out properly,” you shoot back. 
Steve smiles, but the joke doesn’t land like it usually does. You step away as soon as you get the keys, clearing your throat. 
“Well, I hope you’ve learned your lesson about carrying all the bags, Popeye.”
You open the trunk for him, then go to open the passenger side door.
“If I don’t carry all the bags, how else am I meant to show off to the ladies?”
You pull the handle on the driver’s side for Steve and he gets in, beaming cheekily at you.
“The only person who’s watching you make a fool of yourself is me, big guy,” you say. “So, mission failed.”
You open the glove compartment and start fishing through for gum. You find a Juicy Fruit packet but it’s empty. 
“Damn, that’s what we forgot,” you say, defeatedly crumpling the cardboard. “Gum.”
You start to turn to Steve. “Do you think we—”
You’ve wondered, probably more than you should, about how Steve Harrington kisses. 
Now you know: tenderly. 
He cups both sides of your face, and you have to brace yourself on the center console for balance. Your other hand tangles in his hair. It’s as soft as you imagined, free of product, and you scrunch the baby hairs at the base of his scalp. Steve makes a quiet noise. 
You kiss until you need air. Even then, Steve doesn’t let you go far. You part with only an inch or two between you. 
“There’s gum in the middle compartment,” is the first thing he says.
“In here.” He pats the compartment between the seats. “Hubba Bubba. I got it last week.”
You giggle and grab Steve’s face with both hands. His hands slip to your arms and he squeezes, smiling gently.
“What?” he asks.
“Fuck, I’m glad I know you,” you say. 
Steve kisses you again. Two. Steve Harrington has officially kissed you two times. 
You hope you’ll lose track at some point.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
I’m sorry I read your post about Chaggie and Emily and arranged marriage and there is SO MUCH angst potential but also on the flip side of it this has been running through my head ever since you mentioned it:
Emily: Okay so before we get down to business about Heaven and Hell, Vaggie needs to be in the room.
Lilith: Wait what why
Emily: Because she’s my wife’s wife and she deserves to be here, obviously.
ascended Chaggie shipper Emily!!! Now she's part of her fav ship too!
All of Charlie and Emily's official wedding photos are just Emily dragging Vaggie into frame while chaggie shares various confused but happy looks about it XD
Sera: "Hell has made an offer to help keep the peace-"
Emily: "Oh thank FUCK!"
Sera: "-language- an offer addressed towards you, which you do NOT have to accept-"
Emily: "It's coming from Charlie and Vaggie right? They're wonderful! And they've worked so hard already, I'm sure their offer is very fair and really well thought out! Of course I accept!"
Sera: ".... it's an offer of marriage to the princess of hell."
Emily: "And to Vaggie?"
Sera: ".."
Sera: "What?"
Emily: "Well if I'm marrying Charlie I'd be marrying Vaggie too, right?"
Sera: "No. Just the young Morningstar."
Emily: "Oh...."
Emily: "I mean realistically speaking, I'll have to be SOME kind of in-law with my wife's wife-"
Sera: "Emily."
Emily: "-even if it's a long distance marriage most of the time presumably we'd have to set up rooms for my wife and her wife up here in heaven, or have them live with me, and the same with me maybe staying with them down in hell sometimes, to make negotiating easier, and they'd RUN the hotel together which is the whole HEART of the heaven hell conflict and connection thing, so it doesn't makes sense for me, trying to solve that issue, to legally have more of a share in Charlie's life without also sharing mine with Vaggie seeing as they've been living the same life together for years already in a very cute way that I can't WAIT to see more of first hand and-"
Sera: "Emily. Focus."
Emily: "Right!"
Emily: "I'll counter offer with a proposal of marriage to Vaggie."
Sera: "No you will NOT. She's already an angel! It makes no sense! It would serves no diplomatic purpose!"
Emily: "She's the royal consort to the princess of hell of course it would serve a purpose diplomacy wise and make sense."
Sera: "Are you drawing fanart of them on your paperwork again, Emily."
Emily: (slides fanart out of view) "It's, um, a just diagram-"
Sera: "Of them kissing."
Emily: "I'm planning our wedding together. I promise I'll keep the peace between heaven and hell by kissing them both equally."
Sera: (pries off halo and rubs her forehead) (Groans)
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slaymitchabernathy · 3 months
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Cold & Calculated
Coriolanus POV
"You haven't touched your wine."
Soarynn glances at her full glass of wine before looking back down at her plate, "I'm not in the mood for wine tonight."
Well then what are you in the mood for? That's what Coriolanus wishes he could ask, but he refrains from doing so and simply waves one of the maids over, "Bring my wife a different wine, something sweeter."
Soarynn sighs and shakes her head, holding her hand up to the maid, "Please don't trouble yourself, I'll just have water instead."
Their maid seems to be torn down the middle, wondering who they should obey. The wife, or the husband?
Coriolanus makes the decision for her and waves her off, settling his stare on his wife who's barely uttered a word since he got back home. He thought things might be different after Soarynn visited him at the office today but they're the same as always. He had been patiently waiting for Soarynn to bring him the file and when she did, he felt as if he had been let down.
She had knocked on his doors and entered once given permission, simply handing him over the file before promising to see him later. What was the point in having her come all that way?
He might as well have enlisted the help of a Peacekeeper rather than Soarynn who was barely able to maintain eye contact with him. And when he arrived home, she was in bed! In bed at six o'clock. Why she was in bed at this hour was beyond him but she roused herself and managed to make an appearance at dinner.
The girl was eating like a sparrow though, picking at her plate and it was beginning to frustrate Coriolanus. "Would you like the cook to make you something else to eat?" He asks, taking a bite of his chicken, the chicken that Soarynn normally loves. Soarynn pushes her plate away and shakes her head, "I'm not very hungry."
"You're not hungry," he repeats, his tone cold, "and you're not thirsty, so what are you Soarynn?" He's never spoken to her like this before, like a child but he's at the end of his fucking rope. If they can't behave like a normal couple, then they might as well be at each other's throats at all hours of the day.
Soarynn shoots him a lethal glare and pushes her chair back from the table, "I'm not going to be spoken to like I'm some sort of invalid," she tells him, quickly standing up and moving towards the doorway. Coriolanus is hot on her heels and follows her into the kitchen where the cook and the rest of their staff are bound to have front-row seats to witness the shitshow this marriage is becoming.
Did he marry the wrong girl? Does Soarynn have some evil twin he's never heard of? As far as he knows, she's the only child of a widowed man but people lie all the time.
Soarynn grabs an apple from their fruit platter and forges into the living room, completely ignoring him, "I'm going to bed. Goodnight."
Coriolanus stops in his tracks, truly baffled by this behavior. He needs a drink, a vacation, something. He needs to call Festus.
꧁ ꧂
"So...you just let her walk away?" Festus asks, clearly appalled by the story Coriolanus just told him. Coriolanus nods and takes another sip of his bourbon, "She said she was going to bed, what was I supposed to do?"
Festus rolls his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose, "For someone so smart, you're absolutely hopeless, you know that right?" Coriolanus glares at him but Festus ignores him entirely and continues, "You're supposed to fight for her Coryo! Make her know that you care. You do care for her don't you?"
Coriolanus scoffs and sets his drink down on the table, "Of course, I care about her, she's my wife." Festus shakes his head, "I mean do you really care about her? About her feelings and her interests? Is she more than a pretty face to you? Because you can always just get a divorce and marry someone else if Soarynn isn't making you happy."
Coriolanus nearly throws up at the idea of getting a divorce, something that is highly frowned upon in their higher circles. The only reason to divorce one's spouse is in the case of abuse, simple as that, not because Coriolanus can't get his wife to hold a decent conversation with him anymore. He'd rather be miserable than be shunned from the Capitol elite and his parents would never forgive him for ruining a perfect marriage.
Well, a perfect marriage on paper. In real life, it's a different story.
"I do care about her," he says with a sigh, "I care about her more than I care about myself, I just...I can't find it in myself to tell her that. Do you know what I mean?"
Festus leans back in his armchair, looking around the bar they're currently sitting in before he shakes his head, "Not really," he admits, "I've always told Persephone how I felt about her. First she annoyed me," he rolls his eyes, "but then I couldn't go a day without seeing her," he adds with a grin, "she's a great fit for me and Soarynn is a great fit for you from what I've seen."
Festus isn't wrong. Soarynn is so kind and gentle, with an aura of femininity that not every woman possesses. She's charming and eloquent and she's so beautiful.
"She is," Coriolanus agrees, "and I don't want her to be miserable, but I just want to be closer to her so that we don't have arguments like this that end with me in a bar with you and Soarynn at home by herself."
Festus scoffs, "What's wrong with being in a bar with me? And I highly doubt that one fight is going to ruin your marriage. Go home, shower first because you smell like a bar, then apologize and find out what's going on with her. Women are hormonal, emotional creatures," Festus says matter-of-factly.
Coriolanus thinks about it for a moment before nodding, "Alright, I'll go home and apologize for the way I spoke to her this evening and then ask if something's happened recently. I asked her a couple days ago but she lied straight to my face."
Festus raises his eyebrows, "Maybe she's planning something for you, like a surprise party." Coriolanus gives Festus a knowing look, "Well if she was throwing me a surprise party, then she would've told you and now you've ruined it for me."
Festus grins at him and shrugs, "Well we aren't throwing you a surprise party, but maybe it's something else. Maybe she's pregnant." Coriolanus widens his eyes at that suggestion that Festus so carelessly threw out. All of his married friends are trying to have children but everyone's so freshly married that nothing's come of it yet.
But Coriolanus can't remember the last time that Soarynn got her period and she always gets it the first week of the month since getting her birth control implant removed before their wedding. Getting her period again after years of not having it had been a bit of a learning curve for her and Coriolanus ended up going to the pharmacy one evening to buy every feminine product under the sun for her.
Some of those products made his skin crawl, strange flexible discs, and cups you could put up there to catch the blood. Being a woman must be terribly difficult if this is what they've been given to deal with.
But if Soarynn was pregnant, she'd tell him. Right?
Soarynn POV
Soarynn sits on the edge of the tub, waiting.
Not waiting for her husband who stormed out of the penthouse two hours ago, no. Coriolanus is a grown man who can take care of himself, she's not too worried about him right now. But she's quite worried about what this pregnancy test is going to tell her in exactly one minute and fifteen seconds.
Her fingers drum against the porcelain tub and Petunia paws at her ankle, letting out a soft meow. Soarynn gives her cat a soft smile before bending down to scoop her up, "Our lives might change Petunia," she tells her, "or they won't, and then I just argued with Coriolanus for no reason at all."
Soarynn has seen Coriolanus argue with his friends enough times to know that she got off easy tonight. He can be ruthless in even the smallest and silliest of arguments like the time he swore Festus was cheating in a game of charades.
She's glad he left though, most likely to blow off some steam before slipping into bed once she's fallen asleep. Visiting him in his office today felt so...strange, it was nearly suffocating. It was as if the tension. between them was so thick that neither of them felt as if they could breathe a single word to one another.
At least not a genuine word.
And then he insisted that she have some wine and now it's all fallen apart!
Soarynn checks her watch again and it's finally time to see if she's pregnant. On her way home from the office, she weighed out the possibility of her being pregnant. Her somewhat smaller appetite, her dizziness, and she was certain that her period was late. She'd have to ask Coriolanus about her period since he always marked the beginning of it on his calendar. She had sent him out one time to get her some products and ever since the man has been stockpiling for her in advance.
Pads, tampons, napkins, new underwear, a heating pad, he's got her covered.
Soarynn sighs and reaches out and grabs the test off of the counter, turning it over and gasping when she sees two thick lines. She's pregnant. A baby is growing inside of her right now. It's a good thing she didn't drink the wine.
She has to tell Coriolanus.
"Oh goodness," she whispers, sitting back on the edge of the tub, "we really have to get our act together now." The past six months they've skirted by with vague conversations and short glances but if they're going to be parents in nine months then they truly need to start acting like a married couple.
It's at that very moment that she hears the sound of the front doors being unlocked. It certainly can't be any of their staff who left hours ago so it's Coriolanus, probably hoping to slip into bed unnoticed. Soarynn pinches the bridge of her nose, she has to tell him, but can't she wait until tomorrow?
No! She has to do it now, get it over with, he is her husband after all and Coriolanus truly has been nothing but good to her besides this one little argument. Married couples argue all the time.
Soarynn slowly stands up and holds the pregnancy test tightly in her grip, he'll want a real confirmation that she's actually pregnant. She's heard of wives surprising their husbands with ornate setups to announce their pregnancy but this will have to do.
Soarynn makes her way into the bedroom and comes face to face with a rather distraught-looking Coriolanus. His normally styled hair is now a mess of golden curls, his eyes look tired and his white shirt is slightly unbuttoned, showing off his chest. He looks messy for such an important man.
"Soarynn," he breathes, some desperation in his tone.
Soarynn swallows and takes a step back, she can smell the alcohol in his breath from here. He frowns and runs a hand through his curls, "I've made a terrible mistake," he says and Soarynn's heart drops.
Has he been unfaithful to her? Did it only take one fight for him to find someone else? Is he going to file for divorce?
She can't afford any of these things right now, not when she's finally pregnant.
"You want a divorce?" She asks, her voice barely a whisper. Coriolanus furrows his brows and gives her a confused look, "Divorce? No, no, I...I would be a fool to let you go." His words, although slightly influenced by his intoxicated state, make her heart flutter. Soarynn sighs and relaxes her shoulders, "Then what terrible mistake have you made Coriolanus?"
Although he looks quite disheveled, it's not like Soarynn looks any better right now in her nightgown, bare-faced with her hair tumbling down her back. Coriolanus opens his mouth and then closes it, shaking his head, "I need to tell you something," he finally says.
Soarynn clutches the pregnancy test a little tighter and she takes a step towards him, perhaps this is the time when they can both come clean and work out their issues. "I have something to tell you too." His piercing blue eyes slightly widen and it gives him a more innocent look, as if he were a young boy. Soarynn's seen the pictures of Coriolanus when he was younger, he's always been handsome.
Coriolanus nods and clears his throat, "Very well then."
They both wait a beat, seeing who will go first but they've never been too good at this whole "communication aspect" of their relationship and they end up blurting out their confessions to one another at the same time.
"I'm pregnant."
"I love you."
Coriolanus POV
꧁ 6 Months Ago ꧂
"Do you Coriolanus Snow, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you vow to protect her with all that you are, to keep her by your side, and to provide for her and the children she shall bear for you? Do you vow to be a beacon of strength for your family, to uphold your values whilst guiding your family? Do you vow to remain by her side no matter what shall befall her, in sickness and in health?"
Coriolanus swallows as he looks down at Soarynn, his fiance, and in a few moments, his bride.
His wife.
It feels like he met Soarynn a thousand years ago, goodness knows he's had to jump through a few hoops to get to this point, to the wedding. The proposal had been somewhat nerve-wracking as there are certain expectations for a Snow to meet. Still, the proposal went well and of course, ended with Soarynn accepting.
His fingers rub the wedding ring that now sits on her dainty finger and he nods, offering her a small smile as she gazes up at him through her veil.
"I do."
There's almost a sigh of relief that sounds throughout the room, his parents being the cause of it. They had been so worried that the marriage might not work, that Soarynn and Coriolanus would end up hating each other but as luck would have it, Coriolanus truly doesn't mind being around Soarynn.
She's well-educated, a good listener, kind and funny. And she's gorgeous. The perfect wife for a Snow.
"Then by the power invested in me by the great country of Panem, I now announce you husband and wife. Coriolanus, you may kiss your bride."
Coriolanus grins as he carefully lifts the veil away from Soarynn's face, revealing her dazzling blue-gray eyes. Her skin looks perfect, soft, and dewy without a blemish in sight. He can hear their family and friends cheering as he gently cups her face, leaning down to finally kiss his wife.
The kiss is short and sweet, two words that perfectly describe Soarynn who still somewhat shies away from too much physical contact. It's honestly adorable how flustered she gets at the slightest touch. Heaven knows how she'll survive tonight. Coriolanus spent a good majority of his morning thinking about consummating the marriage and how he'd go about it.
He couldn't be too sweet and sappy, no. He was to be respected in all domains of their relationship, even the more intimate ones. But he also doesn't want to scare her, Soarynn is so sweet and kind, she deserves a good first time. And Coriolanus has more than enough experience to where he feels confident in leading her through the deed.
He breaks away from the kiss and finds Soarynn giving him a genuine smile, a smile that he often wishes he could see more of. Soarynn is a proper Capitol lady who's mastered the art of a fake, polite smile whilst in the company of the elite. He's only seen her truly smile a number of times and always in the company of either him, her father, her cat, or her friends. To see her smile makes his heart beat a little faster.
Perhaps one day it'll be the only smile she wears, and they'll feel free to let their guards down around one another. But as he leads them down the aisle and smiles at family and friends, he realizes that it's wishful thinking.
This marriage isn't for love.
It's the things we love most that destroy us.
꧁ ꧂
꧁ Present Time ꧂
Coriolanus nervously taps his foot on the elevator floor as it takes him up to the penthouse. He has to come clean, be honest and straightforward with Soarynn. 
Telling people how he feels isn’t something he’s very comfortable with, he’s always been the strong and silent type, just like his father. 
But he’s seen the way the stern and authoritative Crassus Snow completely melts when he’s around his wife. It sounds so nice, to be able to let his guard down around Soarynn. 
Over the past week, he’s found himself absolutely enamored by her and her sweet, gentle femininity. He’s seen how kind she is to everyone from their friends to their household staff. She’s truly one of a kind and he had the audacity to snap at her during dinner tonight. 
He’ll have to both apologize and come clean about his true feelings towards her. 
He loves her. He loves Soarynn. 
It’s taken him an embarrassingly long time to realize that but he knows for certain that he’s fallen in love with Soarynn even though that was never the end goal. Their marriage was arranged to join two great houses together, feelings aside. But his feelings have pushed through and he knows in his heart that if he doesn’t tell her now, he’ll never tell her. 
The sound of the elevator doors snaps him back into reality and he steps out into the hallway, reaching into his pocket to grab the keys. He hopes he hasn't left Soarynn in a state of disrepair. Suppose she cried herself to sleep? He'd never forgive himself. He's done a lot of things to her, fucked her, kissed her, taken care of her, but he's never once made her cry and that counts for something.
He unlocks the front doors and quietly steps into the entryway, finding the penthouse dark and quiet. Soarynn most likely dismissed the cook once he left and their maids are likely asleep in their servant's quarters that the penthouse holds.
Sometimes Petunia will come running down the hallway to greet him, but it's late and he slightly smells like the bar and alcohol so Petunia most likely won't be giving him any warm greetings.
He makes his way to their bedroom and the lights are still on which means she's still awake. The bathroom doors are closed though and Coriolanus suddenly feels so hot, as if he's being baked alive by his guilt. He's quick to unbutton the top two buttons on his shirt, hoping to give himself some breathing room. Why must this be so difficult?
But if he doesn't do this now, then he'll never try again. And he can at least do that, try to tell her how he feels.
The bathroom doors open and his breath catches in his throat at the sight of his wife, dressed only in a nightgown, her blonde hair tumbling down her shoulders with her face barren of any makeup.
She looks beautiful.
"Soarynn," he breathes and he sounds entirely desperate, a feeling he's not used to. But he'll gladly let her see this side of him, the more desperate side of him in exchange for her true love and devotion rather than what's expected of her.
Soarynn takes a step back and swallows which causes him to frown, is she afraid of him? No, but he certainly looks like a drunken mess right now. He can't blame her for wanting to put some distance between them.
Coriolanus runs his hands through his curls which have become quite unruly as the night has progressed. He looks like a mess. Where should he even start?
"I've made a terrible mistake," he confesses and it's almost as if he can see her heart breaking. He curses himself for such a brazen set of words, she must think he's come to her with news of an infidelity he's never committed, or wishes to separate after the little spat they had this evening.
She holds something tightly in her small hand but he can't see what it is, "You want a divorce?" She asks him, her voice is so soft and fragile. He furrows his brows and shakes his head, "Divorce? No, no, I...I would be a fool to let you go." Maybe it's the alcohol talking but he means it, he'd be an idiot to let a girl like Soarynn walk out of his life.
Soarynn lets out a small sigh and her shoulders relax, "What terrible mistake have you made Coriolanus?" She asks him, seemingly nervous as to what he'll reveal to her.
He contemplates coming straight out and saying it, but he doesn't want to startle her, but at the same time he's so pent up that it might feel good to just get it all out in the open. He opens his mouth but the words nearly die in his throat and he closes his mouth before shaking his head, "I need to tell you something," he finally says, looking down at the floor.
"I have something to tell you too."
His eyes widened at her words, he didn't expect her to share something with him as well but perhaps whatever she was hiding has something to do with dinner tonight and why she didn't want to drink the wine. She looks nervous and yet entirely innocent, wide-eyed and bushy-tailed.
He clears his throat and gives her a small nod, "Very well then."
He waits a moment for her to share her piece but it seems that she's waiting for him to do the same and they both end up blurting out their confessions at the same time.
"I love you."
"I'm pregnant."
Coriolanus nearly doubles over when hearing those words leaving Soarynn's lips. She's pregnant, with his child. Soarynn's mouth hangs open at his words and she lets out a shaky breath, "What did you say?" You'd think that he had just placed a curse on her entire bloodline the way she was looking at him.
Coriolanus tugs at his curls and lets out a frustrated groan, "I love you okay? I've been consumed by your entire being for far too long and it's high time I was honest with you...and myself," he adds. Soarynn's expression slightly softens and that's enough to give him the courage to continue, "I always find myself thinking of you and when I'm around you it's...it's as if nothing else in the world matters. But the only times I feel as if I'm truly with you are when we have sex when I can finally touch you and feel you but I want more than that, even if I'm being selfish and not honoring the arrangements of this marriage."
Tears mist in Soarynn's eyes and he worries that he's hurt her beyond repair. "You truly love me?" She asks him, her voice barely a whisper as she takes a step towards him. Coriolanus swallows and nods, "I do," he says, his voice clear and confident, "I woke up one day loving you and I don't know how to stop."
Soarynn looks down at her fist and uncurls her fingers, revealing a pregnancy test, positive no doubt considering the news she just told him. "Well, that's a good thing to hear considering we're about to expand our family." A small smile creeps onto his lips but it's still hindered by doubt. Coriolanus can love Soarynn all he wants, but she still hasn't said anything about her own feelings regarding him. In the beginning, he liked that about her, how she wasn't overly emotional and kept her feelings to herself.
But now he can see that it's become a double-edged sword for both of them.
He takes a larger step towards her, effectively closing the distance between them. She looks up at him and he can see a conflict of emotions behind her pretty eyes. Scared, happy, nervous, excited, and above all, unsure.
Coriolanus slowly reaches out, not wanting to startle her as he gently cups Soarynn's face in his large hands, her skin warming his immediately. "Do you remember what I asked of you on our wedding day? To always be honest with me?" He asks, his voice laced with distant memories of that fateful day six months ago. Soarynn nods, "Yes I remember."
Coriolanus gives her a wry smile, "Then I'm afraid I haven't always been honest with you my darling." Soarynn sighs and leans into his touch, "I haven't been honest either," she admits to which he raises his eyebrows. She finally gives him a small smile, "I often find myself missing you and wishing we were closer. Don't get me wrong, we could've been married off to horrible people, and for that, I'm thankful that I married you Coriolanus, but we truly don't know the first thing about each other. And yet...and yet I love you all the same."
It's as if they've both taken a breath of fresh air after drowning for so long with one another. Coriolanus presses his forehead against hers, "Then let's not waste a moment longer in not loving each other, not when we finally have a chance at starting a family." Soarynn's hands drift down to her stomach and she hums.
"I agree entirely. It's exhausting having to be cold and calculated."
| Part 4. |
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is-it-bussin-hannibal · 4 months
okay so,, I don't know if i have it in me to write a whole fic, but i needed to get this slightly dark Paul out of my head
Paul is married off to Feyd the second Feyd is of age (which avoids the attack on Arrakis yadayada as Feyd, alongside Paul, will inherent Arrakis, everybody wins). At first, obviously, the boys don't like each other very much, they're two teenagers, but they're also of noble birth, it's their duty, and Paul is bene gesserit, his whims have no place here. Feyd tends to ignore his husband most of the time, but he sleeps in the same bed, sometimes he'll stay in their rooms while Paul read or draws, somethings he really just stays there, quiet, sometimes he will engage in an activity of his own, they're practically parallel playing, sometimes he'll excise, and Paul will quietly join him. Paul knows he could seduce him, but there's just something about Feyd, how he avoids physical contact, how he'll move an inch away when approached, he's very mistrustful, and Paul respects that. It only infuriated him a "bit" when he found out Lady Fenring seduced his husband, and he knew why. Still, Feyd willingly spends time around him, and he doesn't do that to anyone else, and that means something.
Living in Geidi Prime proves to be a chore, it's harsh and cold and empty. Paul has observing as his form of distraction, right away he understands the power balance here, he understands why things happen the way they do, he sees the Baron for what he is, he also starts to understands Feyd the longer he stays with him. Paul never had anyone his age around, granted, but he also never had anyone match his wits, and he's delighted with how smart Feyd is. From what he learned with the bene gesserit, his husband was a animal, aggressive and not particularly intelligent, like his brother but stronger, he thought his marriage would be just taming a beast, like he was trained to do, dull and uncomfortable. But oh, what a delicious surprise!! Feyd managed to deceive the witches, made this mask of a monster, but of course, no one can get close enough to see through it. Paul does, like a bad dog, Feyd-Rautha bites when threatened. And soon Paul realizes, that everything here is a threat to Feyd, and has been since he can remember, the biggest threat? the Baron. He feels sorry for his husband, but he knows that would not please Feyd, and Feyd made the effort to be around him, because for some reason, he decided to stay with him for life and not just, kill him, and he's happy with that, so he does his best to show Feyd what a family is, because now they're family.
Paul sets for old fashioned childlike friend making instead of bene gesserit seduction. He talks to Feyd, even though Feyd does not respond, tell him things, sometimes random things, sometimes important things about himself, just to make conversation, to guide Feyd. The Na-Baron is very confused at first, but he listens, Paul urges him to speak too, he doesn't really knows what to say, but in time, he starts making comments about things here and there, like he's seen Paul do, which seems to please Paul. They create a routine. He annoys Feyd enough that the older has no option but let him do whatever he wants, and what he wants? to know Feyd, to be his friend. Feyd is not really familiar with the concept, he has his pets of course, but they're just one of the twisted mentat's failed experiments. The girls are beautiful but with the intelligence of a doberman. They were given to him as mock, but his pets suppressed expectations in his hands. Paul doesn't mind them at first, they scare him but it's nothing he can't deal with. He knows Feyd loves them, he usually doesn't show soft emotions, not here, never here, but Paul just knows, he can feel it. So he approaches the girls, he has heard all kinds of horrible things about the Na-Baron's harem of cannibals, but that's just what they are. They were born cannibals, they need human meat, Feyd is a gladiator, he keeps the girls fed, nothing else. For the world it looks sadistic and evil, adding to Feyd-Rautha's lore, from up close, it's really what Feyd can show of compassion. Gretel, Mischa and Niobe, they can't talk, but they're smart, Paul teaches them some sign language. Feyd is more than impressed, the girls usually don't let themselves be approached by strangers, but Paul won them over, especially Niobe, she's the one more taken by his little husband, follows him around and is eager to communicate, even started to sleep by his bed. Feyd asks to learn sign language too, of course, he also wants to communicate better with the girls. Paul can explode with happiness, something else to bond over!!! They're already have fighting, flying and Paul noticed the dedication Feyd has with his looks and decides to match him. It takes hard work, but Feyd starts to relax around Paul. He also understands Paul is his equal, just as intelligent, just as resilient, he can see Paul and Paul can see him. He's still hesitant, like a wild animal who was kept in a cage too long, but he's getting there and that's okay for Paul, he'll teach his husband, feelings are hard and Feyd never learned to deal with them besides bottling them up and attacking first, but now Paul is here, they are friends.
Enough spice in the food has enhanced his perception, he noted, and easily enough, he knows who he is, what he is, not just a Harkonnen by marriage but by blood. He can feel it now, in the back of his conscience, that thing that have always flown through his blood but he could never name it, hedonism. His sheltered, kinda repressed, life in Caladan makes him a little angry, all he has been denied and for what?. The Baron obviously takes a like for him, and he understands why, he also understands why Feyd seems uncomfortable, almost disgusted with it, and he too, feels a little thrown off by it, but he's bene gesserit, he uses it.
No reason to tiptoe aroud it, Paul calls him grandpa, which just makes the Baron happier with him. He stays at the Baron's side, sits with him in his floating device, talks about whatever the Baron wants, let's his thick hands linger, he gains advantages over the fat man. Soon enough, he's included in the important conversations. Even though the old man is a disgusting creature, Paul sees he's also very intelligent, and even learns a thing or two from the Baron. His grandfather is more than happy to dress him up in the most expensive fabrics, parade him around like a trophy, and Paul does the Baron's biding because yes, he's the most disgusting man in the galaxy but boy, he sure knows what he's doing, and he's got to make the most out of his situation. He knows his family would be outraged to see the Duke's son like this, in the Baron's lap, laughing, clinging to him, whispering in his ear a thing or two he noticed about the nobles around them. But Paul is not just the Duke's son, he's bene gesserit, he has the power here, he's a mentat, he's doing this for the advantages, he's Harkonnen, he's doing this because he can, because it's his birthright.
Paul noticed how Feyd would tense up in the Baron's presence, how he hated to be touched by anyone but held very still anytime it was necessary, he noticed Feyd would cover his body head to toe when he had the choice, only socially he would be showing skin, enchanting everyone around him like a good showman, and Paul knew he hated it, he knew he was doing what he was taught to do, to be a good boy and entertain. Maybe after a while he ever got a taste for that, not enough to enjoy having skin showing around the Baron, but enough to do it effortlessly.
After so much time around the Baron, Paul learned he did, in fact, have strong Harkonnen blood running through his veins. He enjoys power, he enjoys lavishness, he is very much a hedonist. The bene gesserit training served him well, but he saw through them now, he would not do their bidding, especially after learning what they did to Feyd, setting a trigger word that would render him paralyzed, "for safety" they said, it makes his blood boil. Taking away Feyd's agency, making him vulnerable, he knows those are Feyd's biggest fears, oh how he would snap those witches necks with his bare hands, maybe he will if they ever get too close to his husband. Let them think he tamed the beast, let them think of him as a beast, that keeps him safe, and Paul learned from Feyd, add fuel to the fire if it's working for you.
His training from his old masters also served him well, but now that his grandfather included him in real talks about the imperium he knows there's no such thing as morally better or whatnot, if anything, his father was not very smart, leading with his heart and training with repression. He loves his family dearly, but the world is so much bigger now, and out of everyone, is the Baron teaching him. His sees now, his mother is a Harkonnen like any other, hungry for power, he cannot see how love would blind such a powerful woman, that's why she defied the sisterhood, why she tried to make him a boy, the one. He wonders how different things would be if she had been raised by her father, maybe she would be like himself now.
Like the Baron, he thought of Feyd as "his", differently from the Baron, he would NEVER hurt him, and that's how he distance himself from that man, he can not stand the thought of Feyd being hurt, and he will do whatever it takes to protect his husband, his friend. He knows Feyd initially was angry at him for this behavior, withdrawing from him, he couldn't understand why Paul would let the Baron touch him, knowing what he knew, knowing what he did to Feyd, how could he be fine with that, was he that much like his grandfather? it was revolting to him. And at first, Feyd thought his husband was stealing his thunder, then, he thought his husband was giving himself for free. It took a while for Feyd to realized that with Paul gliding around the room in his pretty, expensive clothes the Baron chose for him, nobody, especially the Baron, minded him. He could wear the clothes he was comfortable with, no one cared, he didn't need to say a word to anyone, all eyes were on Paul, the sweet, pretty grandson of the Baron Harkonnen. He felt it, Paul was doing this for him, no one was going to touch him, no one was going to be all over him, he wasn't going to be forced to perform, the Baron would not hurt him, not under the little witch boy's spell. Paul was also safe from the people around them, Feyd was a plaything until he started to bite back, but no one would touch the Baron's arm candy, the Baron's only grandson. Feyd is as close to free as he could ever be, thanks to Paul, he almost can't keep it in his chest, the dukling likes him so much he is willingly at the Baron's side, knowing that his family will not be happy with that. No one had ever protected Feyd before, maybe his mother once, but he couldn't really remember. And like that, he trusts Paul, and maybe that's what love feels like. Paul knows what loves is, he was loved from his first breath, and when he sees it in the Na-Baron's eyes, directed at him, he feels complete.
In the early days of their marriage, when Feyd was very skittish around him, and would not touch him, Paul thought of many things, maybe the Na-Baron didn't find him attractive? or maybe he was repulsed by sex altogether, odd, considering what he learned about Geidi Prime and Harkonnen culture. Maybe he was impotent? no, the sisters would've told him that, they wouldn't jeopardize the way for an heir. That wouldn't do, they needed an heir to secure this union and Feyd unwillingness to touch him as unbecoming.
One day, during their training session, Paul was wearing a short blouse that would ride up with every move, he caught the older boy's eyes lingering on his frame, he said nothing, Feyd also said nothing. Then Paul noticed his struggle to move, the Na-Baron's pants had become tight, the duckling smiled to himself, so he was attracted to him after all, and he clearly could get it up, so what was the issue?. One day, Paul used the Voice on Feyd, they were wrestling, he thought it would be funny to get the upper hand like that, and a good way to let Feyd know of his abilities. He was wrong, Feyd moved so fast way from him, it was as if he used the Voice to tell him that and not "down". He looked terrified for a moment before he caught himself, still away from Paul as he got up. Paul felt so bad, he understood why Feyd was terrified, Feyd hated not having control over his own body, more than hate, he feared that. Paul explaind he only wanted Feyd to know he could do it, told him he would NEVER use the Voice on him again, apologized profoundly. Feyd acknowledged his explanation but was very surprised by the apology, he liked it, Paul could tell. He decided to show what a pinky promise was, and made a promise with Feyd. Feyd-Rautha was quite happy with that.
They had become more comfortable with each other over the weeks, they held hands and hug every once in a while. Paul would have vison nightmares sometimes, other times Feyd would have nightmares, after calming down they would just hug until they fell asleep again, Feyd was getting found of hugs. Paul even got a kiss! the only other time they kissed was at their wedding and Feyd did as fast as he could.
One day, while they were laying in bed, just enjoying the other's company, Feyd asked, out of nowhere, if he would use the Voice on someone else. Paul took a while to respond that yes, if he needed, he would, he saw something shine in Feyd's eyes, he couldn't tell-- "you're very powerful" Feyd said, not blinking, looking directly at him, breathing heavily, and oh, that's it, Feyd is not only attracted to him, he's also attracted to power. Paul then decided to show how much he appreciated his husband by giving him power over himself. Feyd, unlike him, was experienced, forced to perform, then acquired a taste for it, for taking back. Paul knew what he was taught as a bene gesserit and what his grandfather had shown him in filmbooks but nothing felt like giving in to Feyd, not having to be the one in control all the time, just letting go, he trusted Feyd, knew he would never hurt him, and Feyd trusted Paul to never force him to do anything. They were a united front now.
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gingiesworld · 11 months
Ginger a Taylor Sloane one angst with happy ending. You can choose the story ✌️
That Was Hot
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Taylor Sloane x GN! Reader
Warnings: Angst. Smut. Fluff. Fingering (T receiving)
Taglist: @natashamaximoff-69 @wizardofstories @canvascoloredin
Y/N and Taylor have been married for quite some time, all of Taylor's followers know because she has included them into a lot of her streams and pictures. But lately, Y/N has been having doubts because of a fellow influencer, he is new and Taylor has been helping him grasp the followers.
So Taylor hasn't really been around the house as she has been hanging around with Chad. It was when Y/N had noticed one of his posts, a picture of himself and Taylor sat on the sofa, her head lay in his lap as he kissed her temple. What really pissed them off was some of the comments.
'I thought she was married?'
'Chad and Taylor! Relationship goals!'
Y/N had found themselves messaging her and asking her to come home as soon as possible. Needing to talk to her about everything, what they never realised was that Chad had invited himself along.
"Hey baby." Taylor greeted Y/N as she kissed their cheek.
"I need to talk to you." They told her as they ignored Chad's greeting and re-opened the door. "Goodbye Chad." They stated coldly as Chad looked at Taylor.
"But he just got here." Taylor reasoned.
"I need to talk to my wife. In private." They stated firmly as their eyes burned between the two of them.
"I guess I'll see you tonight." Chad told Taylor who went to answer.
"No you won't." Y/N told him as they slammed the door in his face.
"That was rude." Taylor scoffed as she entered the kitchen.
"No, that was just." Y/N stated as they followed her. "I just want to see my wife and not have to share her with another guy." They told her as she laughed.
"He is just a friend." She told them as they chuckled dryly.
"I can't believe that. Not when I have seen his posts, stories and even some of the comments. Especially the latest photo of the two of you." Y/N got it up on their phone. "It looks kind of coupley to me."
"Y/N, I didn't know he took that." She told him honestly. Her own eyes widening at one of his replies to a comment.
'Unfortunately she still is married, but not for long.'
"I'm so sorry Y/N." She whispered as her own eyes stung with unshed tears. "I didn't mean for it to get this far." She watched as they sighed. "I'll straighten this out. I promise."
They watched as she called Chad to come over, she needed to talk to him as Y/N remained hidden in the kitchen as the two straightened things out.
"I need to take a step back from helping you and your blog." She told him.
"Is this all Y/N? They're trying to come between our friendship." He told her as she shook her head.
"No." She told him. "Our friendship has come between my marriage, Y/N has insecurities and rightfully so." She shown him his last post. "You took this picture without my permission, do you know how this makes me look?"
"I can help make the infidelity accusations go away." He told her.
"I am not bothered about my following, I am more bothered about my marriage falling apart." She told him.
"It's not my fault they have trust issues." He told her before taking her hand. "I would never ask you to give up all of the things they have asked you too."
"They haven't." Taylor snatched her hand away from him, a look of disgust on her face as she could see Y/N ready to come in the room. "I think you should leave Chad." She told him.
"No, they are in your head Tay." He tried as he approached her, his hands about to wrap around her hips.
"She told you to leave." Y/N told him as they noticed Taylor's uncomfortable stance.
"You are trying to keep me and Taylor apart." He groaned as he turned to face Y/N.
"There is no Taylor and you." Y/N told him firmly. "Not anymore."
"Fuck you." He snarled as he stepped towards Y/N who just rolled their eyes at him. "You have ruined what we have."
"You had nothing. Just a friendship as Taylor helped you get your blog off of ground." They told him, Chad only answered back with a punch which was caught by Y/N who only put his arm behind his back and pushed him out of the door. "If I see you anywhere near Taylor again, I will personally see to it that you won't see another sunrise." With that they slammed the door, watching as he got in his car and sped off.
"That was hot." Taylor whispered as she leaned on the doorframe, her bottom lip between her teeth as Y/N.
"Yeah?" Y/N questioned with a raised brow as they approached her, she could only nod as Y/N pushed her up against the doorframe. "You are mine." They told her firmly as they squeezed her hips, she moaned as they kissed her hard, their tongue entering her mouth as they moved their hand to cup her clothed core.
"Mm." Taylor moaned as she bucked her hips against their palm. Soon Y/N's kisses travelled down her neck, slapping her clothed aching core. "Fuck."
"All mine." Y/N growled in her ear as she could only nod, trying to relieve the ache between her legs
"Yours. All yours." Taylor told them breathlessly. Y/N smirked as they soon removed their hand from her and pushing it passed her waistband of her shorts and underwear. She moaned as they ran their fingers through her folds, sighing as they rubbed her clit softly. Relieving some of the ache but not enough.
"You are so pretty like this baby girl." They groaned as they rubbed harder. "Desperate for me to fuck senseless." They inserted a finger, making her moan loudly as they thrust at a steady pace. "Do you deserve to cum?"
"Yes." She screamed as they entered another finger, increasing their pace.
"Beg for it." They snarled as she moaned and panted breathlessly. "Beg for me to allow you to cum."
"Please." She squealed as they entered a third finger, biting and sucking her neck harshly. "Let me cum. Please." She moaned as they curled their fingers, hitting her g spot and sending her wild. "Please let me cum for you." Y/N never let up with their movements, only increasing their speed and going harder and deeper. Taylor couldn't form any words as she moaned in their ear.
"Cum for me." They whispered before biting her lip. She screamed their name as Y/N helped her ride her high. Soon they pulled out their fingers and holding them before her mouth, looking in her eyes. "Open." They ordered, she obeyed and opened her mouth, her tongue swirling around their digits. Her eyes never leaving theirs. "You will not be able to walk after I have finished with you." They gripped her jaw and kissed her roughly, eliciting a loud moan from her before they pulled away and dragged her giggling to their shared bedroom.
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simplydnp · 2 months
personally i cannot get on the marriage hill because i feel like they have already crossed that hill without us knowing, or if they havent already they may just not be planning to. obv i dont know anything about their personal life so maybe im way off base here lol but i just feel like they've already committed to each other for the rest of their lives, thats been done! they did it 15 years ago and they've done it a hundred times since then! buying a house together is the big one where i feel like they either already got married before that and never told us, or they consider that theyre already committed enough that they don't feel the need to get married, since at this point marriage for them would just be a piece of paper. not to mention during the devan wedding video they talked about how uncomfortable a wedding would be so i feel like they've decided that they dont need to make it "official"
i think not being on it is fair. love it, hate it, whatever, but we would Know if they had done so in secret. at least, from a legal standpoint. who knows if they did a little thing for just themselves at some point--but to me, that's different than Marriage-marraige, if that makes sense.
they have been committed for a very, very long time. i hesitate to say right from the start because we just have the benefit of hindsight to know that it ended up there, but it's been there for a while.
maybe it's the romantic in me, but i want them to have that Moment. to celebrate them. where, truly, nothing else matters except them and what they mean to each other. for them to get to bring the important people in their life together and enjoy it. for them to finally breathe. and not have to worry, or think, or hesitate in living their life. obviously there will still be walls and boundaries and i don't expect to see them making out in a video, but to just exist without fear. or stress. or anxiety. to be able to show the things they really Do want to; to be able to go do the things they really want to do. that's what i want for them.
it's less about 'marraige is the final step!' and more like it's the first one into the rest of their lives.
one of the biggest themes throughout this fandom's existence, and particularly since the hiatus began, is that we just want them to be happy. to be free of expectations and pressure and speculation and erasure. and i think that's what marraige hill means to a lot of people.
to speak for myself for a moment: i've got very haggard relationships and depictions of love in my life. it feels hollow in many ways. it's described as vibrant and overwhelming and terrifying and beautiful--but for me it's... empty. i read about how it sweeps people off their feet, or it slowly builds over time, or maybe it's always been there--and i can't help but want that. even just being around it is filling for the soul. i think witnessing joy and happiness is critical to our existence. to physically see love in the world. and maybe it's cheesy and maybe it's parasocial, but i want dnp to have their happy ending. cause the twisted, chunk of meat in my head thinks that's how it's supposed to go. how it should be. is people should get to be happy, and for many of them, that includes being in love. maybe it's outdated maybe it's old-fashioned, maybe it's the ex-catholic in me, but that's what marraige should be. and maybe it's the idea that people do get there and it is possible. and it really is this beautiful thing.
in terms of their stances on it, you offer that you think they're committed enough and they may not want it--which, is a fine opinion to have. it's been a very long time since either of them have really truly talked about marraige and weddings, and add the fact that they're both private people and don't even talk relationship stuff candidly, so anything presented, i take with a grain of salt. and i don't think disliking aspects of a wedding and then also wanting one are mutually exclusive. i think there's plenty of ways to eliminate aspects and still do it. their agreement on it, to me, signals they've talked about it.
and especially with how things have been lately--with how much has changed in the last few months for them even--i don't think the option is off the table for them.
they well and truly killed the joint branding in 2018 and buried it. there were glimpses of their togetherness during the hiatus, but WAD especially pushed back on things. and yet, just a few months after it ended, they agreed to a why not--knowing it would mean inviting us back into it again. inviting in people to see. and instead of hard lines and rigid restrictions, they keep loosening the reins. and i genuinely think them being back, and us being here too, has completely changed the trajectory of their life. i don't think either of them expected to tour together again. for them to truly enjoy this. phil may have hoped, but he wasn't gonna push it if dan wasn't willing. so now that they're here, so many possibilities have opened up. and, to me, it feels like they're building momentum. and while some of that was likely for the tour, it still feels like we're heading somewhere. i've got that same gut feeling i did during ii.
take it or leave it, those are my thoughts. i doubt we'll truly know until they either do it or don't.
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pascaloverx · 4 months
Rewrite The Stars
Chapter Sixteen — Season Two
Summary: One photo changes your whole life, when you accidentally bump into a celebrity and the world starts to believe that you are a couple.
In this chapter, we have an extra character called Enzo, whom I'd like you to imagine as the actor Enzo Vogrincic. And for those who enjoy the fanfic, I appreciate if you reblog or like. To the readers who supported a new season of this fanfic, my heartfelt thanks. I will be writing more chapters like this one or even shorter, as long as you continue to engage and enjoy what I'm writing. Let me know what you think of the new chapter, and happy reading to all of you ❤
chapter fifteen chapter seventeen
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Sleeping next to Pedro has been one of the best things in the world. It's even hard for you to go to work every day since Pascal returned from filming. You’re actually savoring your last moments with Pascal, as in a few hours, he’ll be heading to another state to film a guest appearance on a TV series.
"And if we just stay like this for the rest of the week…" Pascal murmurs with his eyes still closed, and you smile. For you, a lifetime like this would be heaven on earth.
"Your suggestion forgets that we both have important professional commitments. But the thought of spending more time with you is tempting. How about dinner tonight?" you say as you try to muster the strength to get up.
"If you finally let me do the cooking. I swear I've been practicing a lot for my role in that culinary show. You'll see, I'll be the best cook on that show," Pascal says as he gets up to go to the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth. You start getting things ready for breakfast.
"You know they're not actually going to force you to cook, right? But I totally support you making our food. In fact, I'm all for you cooking here," you say loudly enough for Pascal to hear. You can hear his laughter from the kitchen as you finish making pancakes for the two of you to enjoy.
"Of course I know they're not going to make me cook, but I want to know what I'll be doing even if it's for the cameras," he says while still in the shower. The sound of the running water makes it difficult for you to hear him clearly.
You prepare the entire breakfast while waiting for Pedro to finish his shower, playing the song "Cheek to Cheek" and swaying gently to the music. You don't even notice when Pedro approaches, taking you by the waist and dancing with you. You lean your face against Pascal's, and in silence, you both dance while the breakfast cools on the table.
"I want this every day," Pedro whispers near your ear, making you shiver as you hear his voice so close and feel his beard lightly brushing against your neck.
"I thought we had already made it clear that we can't abandon our professional lives to live in a bubble of love, Mr. Pascal," you say, looking him in the eyes, and then he gives you a kiss on the lips. A sweet and passionate kiss.
"I'm actually talking about making our life as a couple something more official. You know, like in a marriage proposal, for example," Pascal catches you off guard, causing you to stop dancing and stare at him until you figure out if he's serious.
"Would that be your indirect way of asking me to marry you?" You ask, feeling a bit embarrassed. It would be crazy to believe that he would want to marry you, right?
"I'm asking you to become an official part of my life. Maybe that involves a church and a priest or a simple ceremony. But yes, indirectly, I'm asking if you would like to marry me." He asks so casually that it startles you. He even laughs a little at your reaction. But you can't believe what's happening.
"Are you aware that our wedding means dealing with the media going crazy because of you and my mother freaking out because of me, right? Just letting you know it's not going to be easy." You say, finding it even funny how he doesn't seem worried at all.
"I'm fully aware of what our marriage would entail, but have you ever stopped to think that we would be husband and wife? That officially, every day we're not working, we'll be coming home to each other? To me, it sounds like a win-win situation." Pedro says, kissing the corner of your mouth and smiling. His positivity is enviable.
"Don't you think it would be rushing things? We've only been in a real relationship for a few months…" You try to think of other reasons why this might be a bad idea, but nothing else comes to mind.
"So now that you're done being pessimistic, do you want to tell me if you're going to marry me or not?" Pedro asks in a playful tone, and you look at him with half-closed eyes, but then laugh and kiss him.
"I'll marry you. But on the condition that you're the one who tells my mom," you say between kisses, and Pascal smiles. You can't believe you're going to become Mrs. Pascal.
tag: @wanniiieeee , @hungrhay and @leilanixx
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4. “You know I’d do anything to have you stay by my side, right? Anything.”
Hi! I had a bad day and was wondering if you could do this, for me? Like honestly this two are my comfort ship
Context/Ideas: Adamsapple wedding, Heaven and Lilith intervenes to try and take the first man back and Lilith is trying to get her (ex) Husband back and trying to make him "see reason' on gow marrying Adam is a mistake. Clearly it doesn't work for them..
If you're still out there anon, I hope this brightens your day. :)
"Lilith, what are you doing here?" Lucifer asked as he stared down his ex-wife. She could not have picked a worse day to show up from her long absence.
Today him and Adam were getting married. In 20 minutes in fact. He didn't have time for her mellow drama his fiance was waiting.
"Lucifer darling, I've come to make you see reason. You don't really want to marry Adam of all people do you? I'm back now, we can be together again." Lilith said in a sweet voice. A voice that had she been here 15 years ago, he would have melted for.
Now it just pisses him off.
"You left me, remember? I've finally found someone to be happy with." He crossed his arms over his chest.
She scoffed at him. "Adam makes you happy? I know you've had needs with me being away and all. I get it, I didn't expect you to go without getting some. But marriage is too far. We are still married!" Her eyes flashed red.
Lucifers own turned red as well. "Actually, after seven years of no contact I can assume you're dead. Our marriage was over the second you walked out the damn door!" He could feel himself getting mad. "I love Adam, maybe more than I loved you."
Lilith gasped, "Take it back!"
The door behind her opened. It was Adam. "Lucifer, do you know why the fuck angels are here and-" He stopped when he saw Lilith. "Hey bitch, how was vacation?" He sneered, he didn't really give a shit. She had been on that beach for so long he was surprised her ass didn't fuse with the beach chair.
Lilith was pissed. Her true demon form came out. "YOU!" She brandished her long sharp claws. "Husband stealing prick!!" She took a swipe at him.
Adam knew he couldn't fight her, as a sinner he had no powers. He couldn't move in time. All he thought about was how this was going to fucking hurt.
So much for a happy wedding day.
He closed his eyes and waited for the pain. But it never came. Adam cracked an eye open and saw that Lucifer had come between them, holding Lilith by the wrist.
"Don't you DARE lay a hand on him. Bringing harm to a ruler of Hell is treason Lilith. You are not the queen anymore." Lucifer growled out his voice demonic.
Lilith just looked at him with a gobsmacked expression. "You can't be serious!?"
"Dead serious." With everything he had he tossed her across the room, she landed in a heep on the floor. "Now, collect your angel pals, go back to heaven and LEAVE US ALONE!"
Lilith got up and glared. "Fine. Marry that second rate loser asshole. Don't come crying to me when it doesn't last." And in a puff of smoke, she was gone.
Lucifer turned to Adam. "Are you okay? What's going on?"
"Sera was trying to get me to go back to heaven with her. I told her to go pound sand." Adam looked at him. "Why did you do that?"
Lucifer cupped Adam's face, looking into golden eyes that stole his every thought. "You know I'd do anything to keep you by my side right? Anything. That means telling her to get lost and stopping her from hurting you."
"You chose me over her?" Adam felt his heart flutter. He was always worried that if the day came that that bitch came back, Luci would choose her. For once, he was glad to be wrong.
"Of course. I love you, Adam. I'm going to marry you for Satan's sake. Speaking of, why aren't you ready?"
"Angels in the way."
Lucifer shook his head. "Well they're gone now. Go get in your suit and I'll meet you out there."
Adam smiled. "Okay. I'll see you out there."
He couldn't wait to marry the love of his life.
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kinardsevan · 3 months
what are ur headcanons for buck and tommy's nuptials
I've said some of these before but:
Tommy does something small and intimate for the engagement. It's them at home, very sweet and very subdued. He spends weeks planning it with Maddie's help, recruits Eddie for the whole display he does (idk if it's flowers or some other craft, but there's definitely a display). Dozens of electric candles (because fire safety kids!). In my head, he uses the candles to spell out "marry me" (or some variation of that).
They talk about eloping, just getting it over with in a weekend, not because they aren't excited about it, but because they're not 20-year-old kids anymore. They just want to get on with the next phase (settling into marriage, whether that includes kids or just a bunch of dogs, building their house, making sure their advanced directives are in order), and being married is an important part of all of that. Still, their friends are not okay with this. Hen tells them how important her wedding was with her mom in attendance. Maddie reminds them that they can still do something small and intimate AND allow their family to celebrate them. Eddie, the consummate romantic, tells them that they can't skip the wedding because he wants all the romance without the commitment. Bobby and Athena tell them they'll support whatever they decide.
They have a short engagement, just like Bobby and Athena, and decide to get married in the backyard.
There's an argument over best men. First, they both want Eddie. Then, Chim intervenes and they both argue over him. Somehow, things really get switched up and Bobby ends up as Evan's best man while Tommy has Chim. Eddie gets to be the one that marries them. (Eddie might have lost his spot as best man for Evan because he misplaced the rings a few weeks before the wedding, but who's to say 👀)
When asked "who gives these two away", the entire 118 (and Maddie) says "we do". It's fucking emotional.
Jee-Yun is the flower girl and baby Buck (Connor's kid) is the ring bearer.
THE SPEECHES: Chimney definitely mentions Maurice. Bobby's makes everyone cry. Eddie manages to bring the mood back up by roasting both of them. Maddie also tries to give a speech, talking about how happy she is to see her brother so happy and settled, and how much she loves how Tommy has become a part of their forged family, but she can't get the words out.
HenRen find a moment in the midst of the reception to ask Tommy if his intentions are honorable again. He basically is like "look, I have cake. Can I enjoy my cake? You're literally at my wedding reception."
Phillip and Margaret are there, mostly out of a feeling of obligation to invite them, but Evan pays little mind to their attendance. It's the private speeches about love and marriage Athena and Bobby give him that night that mean more.
Evan went full Clipboard™ on the entire process, down to color coordination. Fall wedding, fall colors. (I'm imagining emerald green dress shirts under their tuxes - color scheme actually found here)
As always, Tommy thinks Clipboard Buck is hot, so he just lets him go wild on the whole thing.
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
I Hate Your Friends
Tenzo x Reader
Synopsis: Tenzo had decided long ago that he hated your friends as they always put negative thoughts in your head. But this time they had gone too far.
Naruto Masterlist: Here
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Springtime was always your favorite season for many reasons. The weather was nicer and the people were happier, but your favorite part was the napping. You didn't know why, but taking a nap in the afternoon with open windows made you feel serene.
You were lucky that Tenzo felt the same.
The sound of a mother scolding her child in the market below your apartment woke you first, eyes opening slowly as you took in the afternoon glow of your room. The weather had gone from hot to cool within hours, but you weren't complaining. It gave you an excuse to cuddle deeper into his arm.
You let out a soft sigh as you tried to fall back asleep, but it was no use. More commotion from the market below floated through the air, making it difficult to fall asleep. Part of you envied Tenzo for being able to sleep through it, but on the other hand, it allowed you to admire him.
Pulling your face from his bicep, you let your eyes travel to where the tattoo resided. It was just red ink in a swirl shape, nothing special. But it meant more to you. Safety. Security. Home. Tenzo knew you loved it but didn't understand why, even though you've told him the reasons a million times before. He argued that the mask should bring you comfort, not the tattoo. And while he was right, he was wrong about one thing.
He'd remove the mask around you, but the tattoo - his strength - would remain. He would always protect you, keep you safe. Therefore, you loved the red ink more than you probably should. Your finger rose to the tattoo, eyes twinkling as you traced it repeatedly. You had become so entranced with it that you didn't even realize he had woken up. "Sometimes I wonder if you love that thing more than you love me."
You gasped, hand flying to your chest as you faked being hurt. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing!!" Tenzos lazy smirk made your heart skip a beat as he rubbed at his tired eyes, "I feel like you'd marry the tattoo but not me-"
"We both know that isn't true" Your whisper made him freeze, and he was thankful his hand covered most of his face. Meanwhile, you held your breath, waiting for him to acknowledge it. You had been with each other for years, and your friends were getting anxious that he had not once talked about marriage.
"I don't think he likes you, Y/n."
"Ya. Part of me is concerned that he's just using you!"
"You deserve better. You deserve someone who wants to marry you."
They were all cruel things to say, but you somewhat understood their point of view. What was taking him so long? Wasn't five years of dating long enough to begin discussing marriage? Your sigh seemed to jolt him from his shock as you exited the bed. Your face was full of pain and betrayal as if he had stabbed you in the heart.
"Are you not interested in marriage? Because if not, tell me. I can't keep listening to my friends go on and on about how they're married, and I'm not, despite us being together the longest of the bunch" Tenzo was feeling mixed emotions at your words. He was happy you were bringing it up, but he was sad you felt this way. He sat up in the bed to face you better. "Of course I'm interested in marriage-"
"Just not with me?"
Tenzo sighed, eyebrows crinkling together as he rubbed at his face in anger. Your friends were the worst, he had decided that long ago, but he hated them a little extra right now for putting these negative thoughts in your head. Real friends don't make you question things like this. Real friends reassure and point out instances that would counter those negative thoughts.
"Yes, with you. Why in the world would it not be with you?"
"I don't know, you seem pretty reluctant to me. Five years is a long time!"
"I mean, come on. You could bring it up occasionally, make me feel wanted."
Tenzo's heart seemed to stop at your defeated tone. He let his eyes drift to the dresser. "Swear to God I'm going to kill your friends someday," he muttered as he moved from the bed to the dresser. You gasped at his statement, storming after him and angrily shouting for him to take back that statement. The drawer opened, and he rummaged through it. You didn't quite understand what he was doing, but the action made your anger disappear quickly—worries of him running away from you filling your body with an unbearable dread.
"Wait, wait, don't leave." Your fingers gripped him tightly, hands shaking as you realized that pushing him away wasn't the answer. Maybe he wasn't ready. Perhaps you had to be patient. From birth, he was trained to be a killer, a machine. He didn't know love when you met. You had to show him, teach him.
Marriage was a scary thing.
Tenzo let out a chuckle. Leave you? Why the hell would he do such a thing? He smiled when he finally managed to find what he was looking for. Pulling you off of him, he turned around to get a better look at you. Your eyes were wide with panic, and your lip was pulled between your teeth as you fought your gnawing anxiety. The sight was heartbreaking.
"I hate your friends."
They instilled this fear and doubt in your mind that he didn't love you and especially didn't want to marry you. They were lies. Tenzo nervously rubbed the box in his hand, and he suddenly grew shy. The blush started at his neck before it climbed to his cheeks. He has had this ring for three years now. He just never found the right time to ask you. Even now, it didn't feel like the right time to ask you. "Tenzo," your whisper was light and airy as you finally let your eyes drift to his fidgeting hands. He inhaled sharply as his gaze dropped to his hands, "I've, um, had this for a couple of years now. I just never found the right moment to ask"
He didn't look at you. Couldn't look at you. But he didn't miss the way your body relaxed in front of him. Shame started to eat you alive, hating that you listened to your friends about something they didn't know about. They didn't know the 3 AM talks when he'd get back from a mission, and he had to know how your day was. They didn't see how he held you close to help you fall asleep or how you rarely slept when he was gone. They never saw the loving gazes, heated kisses, and bone-crushing hugs.
They didn't know, but you did.
"I'm so sorry."
Tenzo sighed as you uttered those words. You didn't have to be sorry. In a way, your friends were right. He should have done this years ago. Silence fell between you both, and shameful tears fell down your face. After what you just did, you didn't think you even deserved to marry him. "Will you-"
"I don't know if I deserve you anymore."
He gripped the box at your words, fear shooting through him as you backed away. Your eyes were wide with panic, and only then did he notice you were crying. For every step you took away from him, he took two towards you. "Hey. Don't say that."
"I mean. I believed my friends over you. You deserve someone better. Someone more stable."
Tenzo shook his head at that as the grip on the box tightened, "I don't want anyone else, Y/n. I want you" he finally grabbed your wrist, stopping your retreat before you managed to run away from him. You didn't fight him off of you, you didn't have the energy to. He didn't know the right words even though Kakashi has coached him on this a million times, so he opted to place the box in your hand without another word.
You just stared at it. Not entirely processing that he was silently asking you to take it and be his forever. He let out a frustrated huff at your reluctance, this was not the perfect moment at all. But he needed you to know that he only wanted you, only needed you.
"Will you please marry me?"
Your e/c eyes flicked up to his dark ones. You should be happy. Should be overjoyed that you were getting what you wanted. But all you felt was sadness. "Tenzo I don't think-" His lips slammed against yours as he dragged you into his chest, tired of you acting like you weren't deserving of this. Like you weren't the most important thing to him.
The box fell from your fingers so you could grip onto him for support. His hold on you was tight as if you were going to float away if he wasn't careful. You pulled back for air, chest heaving as you tried to catch you breath "Tenzo-"
"The only word I want to hear from your mouth is 'yes'. Is that clear?"
Your eyes widened at the annoyance laced within his words. You knew he wasn't annoyed with you, he was just mad at your friends. You let out a sigh, mentally making a note to stop talking to your "friends" for their sake. Your eyes drifted to the box on the ground. It had opened upon impact with the floor and the ring laid haphazardly next to it. You smiled softly at it before dropping down to grab it, "Sorry I dropped it-"
"What did I say about saying anything other than-"
"Ya. Ya, I know. Sorry,'' you teased before standing up once more. Tenzo watched with bated breath as you examined the diamond in the afternoon sun. You slipped it onto your finger; it was beautiful and perfect. You took too long apparently as he pulled you to him, trying to encourage you to say that one word he wanted to hear. Your giggle filled the room as you rested your head on his chest, eyes watching dreamily as the light bounced off the diamond.
"Yes, Tenzo. I'll marry you"
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growinguparo · 7 days
Hii! this is my first post here and i'm not sure about what to say, but i hope someone can help me. I'm really new to all of this, this world of aromanticism, it's like i found something that was missing. i just came to realize being aroace this year, so i'ts just a few months of knowing that i'm aromantic, but i'ts years of being aromantic and honestly, i couldn't say i'm not confused, but i really want some advice on how to.. accept myself. because, honestly, i reaally love romance movies and books, and i grew up thinking some day it would be me, but what if it isn't, what if it's not going to be me, like ever. how do i lead with that? how do accept the possibility to not fall in love like everybody else does, and meet someone to stay together for all life an get married. i know i don't want to get married, but this idea is internalized in my head, how to be happy without romance? without a partner to take care of me, to support me, to help me. maybe one day i'll wake up and realize that i've fallen in love and that i'm not going to be single forever and that i can be just like people expect me to be. but what if i don't? what if that day won't come and i'll be "Loveless". i really loved that book Loveless and i't just felt like maybe it wasn't that bad to be like this, i also watched Koisenu Futari and honestly, i never felt so part of something, like i've found the REAL happiness for me, not that one that people always talk about, saying that is the only happiness, to date, get married and have kids. i know most people feel fulfilled with this, but what if i don't? i'm not everybody else, i don't need to live based on people's expectations. if anyone reading this, feel something similar, please(if you like) share your experiences :) thank you for your attention
tbh my first impression here is that you've already figured out what i think is the most important part: the fact that what will (most likely) make you happy is different than what seems to make everyone else happy. and you being happy is the goal. you've figured out that you don't want that traditional romantic relationship, and that that's okay. that's awesome!
i also love that you were able to see yourself positively within Loveless and Koisenu Futari in a way that felt authentic to you. representation helps us imagine what our life could be like. if you can't see yourself in a traditional marriage, what can you see yourself doing? you could live a life like in Koisenu Futari. allow yourself to imagine a life you would be happy and authentic in. try to be free with it, not shooting down ideas because they're "unrealistic". (btw - this might be hard. there are nearly infinite varieties of romantic relationships that are spoonfed to us from birth. coming up with your own ideas is harder than being spoonfed, so don't get discouraged.)
if you haven't already i'd suggest reading about relationship anarchy. it's basically the idea that no one type of relationship is superior to another, and within your relationships you can do whatever you want forever, tailoring them to your needs and wants.
besides that, i think acceptance takes time. you're altering your view of yourself and your future and your place in the world. you've had your whole life to get used to one reality, one self-image, and now you're changing that. it takes time to get used to.
there are also some very real material concerns that come along with being aro. to name a few: navigating the world as a single person is harder legally and financially. western society is built on individualism and we are trained to only seek emotional support from a life partner, even though that is a blatantly unstable way of living even for allos. that can result in single people struggling to find continued support throughout their lives.
accepting being aro doesn't mean the hard parts go away, and ignoring them will not help. it's like accepting being gay - there are real material concerns that come along with being gay, but you can still love being yourself and love being gay. and you can fight to make the world a better place for people like you, if you want to.
followers, any advice?
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fighting-these-demons · 5 months
Divorce Saga Domon - A Haunted Honk Prequel
Hello Internet Stranger looking up G Gundam on Tumblr dot com!
This is an idea for a fic set in an Alternate Universe involving Queer Non-Canon Relationships between the characters of the series.
If you are not looking for this content please scroll on.
If you ARE looking for this content - and you're ok with reading my and other's Headcanons for this Alternate Universe I've haphazardly spun up -
Then go ahead and feel free to:
Check The Tags Of This Post For The Pairings
and click the Read More below!
Ended up outlining a completely different fic as a Segway for an explanation instead of making progress on the Royal Flush Haunted Honk AU's Clown Motel Fic like I wanted to but uh....
For y'all's review for the AU: A Prequel Outline - Divorce Saga Domon
Hey real quick - I'm thinking of maybe changing the timeline to 2 years post canon as opposed to 3 years and change post canon.
The reason being: I had a thought that this scene could either be part if the fic or if it's getting to big then it could be a stand alone tie-in prequel fic as part of this AU but - like
Immediately Post Divorce Domon Needs Space and runs off. As one does. And he runs to Earth because he just wants to Get Lost for a while.
He has Argo smuggle him out to avoid detection.
Argo has Andrew help stow Domon in a storage hanger of a Neo Canadian supply ship that's returning to the US - they have trade often enough and share agricultural resources - which leads to Domon ending up in New York when he hits Earthside pavement.
He's privately worked on his English the last couple of months and after being dropped in New York with a different hairstyle, outfit, and accent he's unrecognizable. 
He considers making his way west to get some solitude in the wilderness, but something about that initial plan feels off now that he's on the ground.
Chibodee is also Earthside for a special series of prize fights aimed at raising charitable appeal for the US in the eyes of Neo Americans.
Domon decides to hit up Chibodee for a fight on a day between matches hoping it'll clear his head and give him the clarity to decide on a course of action. What ends up happening is an unexpected heart to heart via blows and a breakdown.
Domon is happy for Rain and Kyoji, and he knows it's not true; but he feels like he lost a piece of himself when his relationship with Rain fell apart.
Domon's instinct is to run after that but Chibodee knows this city and Domon doesn't hide out for long before Chibodee drags him back to his place to stay and just "Chill out and breathe. You don't have to be anyone but yourself here. You can take as long as you need to find out what everything changing means for you." Friends and teammates stick together.
So Domon spends a few weeks with Chibodee sparring and hanging out in New York. Chibodee does a frankly awesome job at containing his feelings because he's focusing on Domons feelings and being a good friend first and foremost. Whatever he's feeling can wait until after Domon is done going though it.
There's a bit of a twinge in Domon's heart as he leaves that he can't really place.
After he returns to Neo Japan and gets settled back into life with his family, The Dreams start.
They're mainly set in New York. Small things first like noticing Chibodee's smile and his eyes. Then sparring sessions that begin to turn lurid.
He thought these kinds of dreams would stop after he was married.... he doesn't know what to do about this.
I just figure it gives more clarity and sense of time for the journey from Comphet Marriage Dissolution to Feelings to Confession. Idk.
But I got stuck on a bit and then had this thought and needed to get it down before I lost it and it was so long it made sense to make it its own post as opposed to several replies.
The Maize and Clown Motel will probably still be 3 years and change post canon for clarification.
@thedragonchilde @amplexadversary @youreaclownnow
#Domon Kasshu/Chibodee Crocket#Royal Flush#Chibodee Crocket/Domon Kasshu#Royal Flush Haunted Honk AU#mobile fighter g gundam#I imagine he hasn't had time for a Big Gay Crisis yet but the time is absolutely now#Kyoji absolutely helps him through this crisis because he had a normal environment and university to figure his own shit out.#Kyoji has to figure out WHY Domon is imploding and explosive and avoiding everyone a second time though.#This doesn't seem related to the Divorce but it doesn't seem immediately obvious either. 🤔#Cue Schwarz FINALLY getting a fucking break and immediately coming to stay with Rain and Kyoji at their place.#Domon was aware that they had been living together in Neo Japan briefly before Schwarz was called back to Neo Germany for questioning#Once his rank was stripped of him he was back with Kyoji for a short period before the Divorce as part of Kyoji and Dr. Kasshu's study of#DG Cells. Once they had a breakthrough - Schwarz was sent abroad with a small military group and Doctors Without Borders group to assist#With immediate infection cases on behalf of Neo Japan as part of reparations. So Domon hadn't seen him in quite some time.#Domon certainly wasn't expecting to see him in the garden when he rounded the corner of the Mikamura residence#Leaned over Kyoji who appears to have been working outside on his laptop. Fingers intertwined a hand on Kyojis jaw and locked in a kiss.#Which ends pretty much instantly as they sense Domon and break apart. It occurs to Kyoji and Schwarz that Kyoji never#Got the chance to actually tell Domon much about himself and the man he'd grown into while Domon was training in Hong Kong with Master Asia#This might be a pretty significant shock to him.#I can't decide between Domon running from his Gay Revelation or IMMEDIATELY Losing His Shit at the thought of Rain's SECOND marriage ending#And knowing for sure now the reason why his and Rain's marriage didn't work out. He really does prefer men.#Bu HOW DARE Kyoji do this to her!!! She's been through enough!!!! This will HURT her SO BADLY!!! (Projection of guiiillllttt)#Back to square 1 fir a moment like damn#And once he starts fighting Kyoji about it (Thank God the ressurection gave them the option to make Kyojis new build similar to Schwarz's)#It comes out that Rain cant go through this AGAIN and he won't let him do this to her! Her honor means something to Domon#And it should mean something to Kyoji too as HER HUSBAND#Kyoji and Schwarz catch on the Again bit and Kyoji makes it clear that Rain has known about his situation with Schwarz since they returned#That they're quite literally inseparable and that Rain married him knowing this. She's fully aware and an active participant.#Domon takes a leg sweep and doesn't quite make his recovery as Schwarz steps in#Pinning his arms and one leg in place so he can't run from Kyojis question. Kyoji grabs Domon's hair to turn his head and asks
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ssahotchnerr · 2 years
Ok idk if anyone else does this BUT I like to imagine an au where instead of Haley, Hotch is married to reader from the start and she’s Jack’s mother 🤭 cause its fun and I like imagining Hotch having a loving and supporting marriage throughout the entire time hes on the show (cause I mean its the least he deserves with all he’s been through 😭)
And in this au reader is like really close with the BAU team like she brings in baby Jack during paper work days, remembers the team members birthday’s and gets them small gifts, them going to her when they feel they need someone to talk to cause she’s like the mom/sister of the BAU 🥺. I like to make up so many scenarios with this AU in my head especially one where she and Jack go through the same thing with Foyet but reader survives 🫣
This isn’t a request or anything just like a idea or thought i’m throwing out there for you to enjoy or expand on in any way, shape, or form you’d prefer ❤️
PLEASE the way everything about this is perfect <3333 and honestly how the show should’ve gone from the start
having that contrast between aaron being all stoic and stern, BUT then he goes home, or reader visits with jack, and he turns into that complete softie we all know he has buried deep in him within seconds ☹️ or after a tough case, he always has a sense of stable comfort waiting for him 🥺 ughshsj i would’ve loved to see him switching between the two fronts more vividly- from hotch to aaron.
AND that with the foyet storyline?!?!?! pure genius. like obv we saw him under stress and pressure with haley, but just IMAGINE how it would be with a partner who he’s so so deeply in love with and can’t be apart from for more than a couple days at a time. like a part of him was truly missing and there's no telling when or if he would see the two of them again :( he would be distraught, so so much more tense, and just the whole process of getting foyet would’ve been more frantic, because he can't live without them and he needs his loves back or else he can't function :(
and their reunion afterwards 😣😣😣😣 the way he would just crumble and be so relieved the nightmare is finally over and refuse to let reader and jack out of his arms :(((((((( like just imagine once foyet said rip, he goes running to wherever reader and jack are and within seconds he's pulling the two into his embrace, just weeping softly and giving them both kisses and saying how he's sorry, how much he missed them, or a "it's okay, it's all over now" :( ugh what we should've received rather than him being all traumatized :(
also ALSO the ending of s4 with reader?!?!?! imagine they're in bed, they can hear aaron getting home and they're all smiley to finally see him after a few days (and aaron mentioned the pig farm disaster and how tough it was:(, so they're waiting to console him), and then a gunshot just rings through the air </3
and i love the idea of reader being close with the team :( <3333 haley wasn't at all to begin with -like the scene where she's at the bau with baby jack, she's not on a first name basis with any of them (while all other bau s/o's were referred to by their first name), it's kinda just awk completely, because they just know each other through a mutual being aaron. but reader being an outlet for them <3 like they're not in the bau, so whenever someone needs a break, reader is an easy person to turn to, for a sense of normalcy. or reader bringing them all dinner if they're working late, going out with the girls for girls nights and just being including in all family get togethers :( <3 they would just complete the bau fam overall :(
AND just reader having more babies with aaron <33333 that would've been the cutest thing ohmygodjdnd aaron wants a big family <3 it's canon in my book <3333
aaron just deserves a happy life 😣 that's all
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aleksa-sims · 5 months
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RL Story
Philip came to us today. He heard I was sick and just wanted to stop by.
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I took the opportunity to talk to him about Ana. I asked him why Ana wanted to make a false statement for him in court? Ana wants to pretend she’s Philip’s partner, so he can get custody of Annabelle.
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To my surprise, P. never asked Ana to make a false statement for him. He also told me, that he & Ana were/are just friends, which Ana also said. But as it looked, my sister had some dates with one of P.’s lawyers, who was 10 years older! 😯😄
A little later, N., P. and I wanted to head out for dinner. So I went to change quickly. I was no longer than 5 minutes upstairs in the bedroom changing. The two probably thought that I would need longer? Because when I came back to them, they were talking about something I shouldn’t hear?....
Philip: I just - I've had a lot going on. Sometimes I wonder why I do all this? I’ve almost run out of money. Lawyers aren’t cheap and Isabella’s fucking parents use it to their advantage. I’m going to lose Annabelle.😞
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Nico: You need money, dude?... She’s your little girl! You’ll get Annabelle back!!
Philip: Having a Baby is.... a never-ending challenge. At first, I didn’t want to believe that Annabelle's my kid. Now that Isabella’s parents have taken her away, I feel......broken. Taking care of her wasn't easy. Tbh.... I hated it! Why am I always worried about her or afraid of losing her? I just want Annabelle to have a caring home, a mother, but she probably never will... I have to get her out of there.
Nico: Whatever Annabelle needs, I'll help!
Philip: Thanks, dude.... It’s crazy we’re talking about our kids.
Nico: Yea. I’m having a son, that sounds.... so fucked up, man. 😟
Philip: A. looks cute with her belly. She's happy!.... I never really saw Isabella when she was pregnant. But she never looked cute or happy. She was just....pissed
Nico: A.'s super excited about the pregnancy. Yes, she looks really cute. So beautiful and she's damn hot. Constantly! 😏 That's.... a nice side effect of pregnancy?.. Sorry you missed that. 🫤
Philip: Yea, I missed a lot in that asspect. Nevertheless all too much I do not regret it. I do not think that Isabella & I-..... well, yk? Nah, kind of gross 😄 .... But yk, what I don’t understand? Your serenity about Daniel. Why hasn’t she divorced yet?
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Nico: Trust me, I'm not relaxed. She went to him. She wanted him, so she explained it to me. That totally got me down.😞 But I did everything I could, to pull myself together. I don't wanna lose her. I almost forgot how it feels to have someone you really love. Still, I don’t hate D., honestly. He’s been through a lot of shit. He told me himself that he’s fucked up and can no longer. I also know why he took off. It's.... though.😞
Philip: No joke, you have to end this shit! She can't do it herself.
Nico: What should I do?.... I just hate to kick somebody when they're down. He lost everything! His best friend, his home, his marriage, all gone. For the latter, it's on me! I'm responsible for that. 🤦‍♂️
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Philip: I still can’t believe that guy Dominick passed away... Horrible. ... Listen, if the divorce doesn’t go on, you have to acknowledge paternity. Official!
Nico: What do you mean? The Baby's mine! She knows that! Everyone knows. So???
Philip: As long as she’s married to Daniel, he’s the father of your child! You have to make this official, report to the authorities and clarify it or let them know. Also, worst case scenario: A. leaves you and goes back to Daniel. Imagine she forbids you to see your little one. You wouldn’t have any rights!
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Nico: She would never do that to me! And Daniel, he wouldn’t pull a stunt like this! I talked to him about that! He wants to talk to A. again about the divorce, but he can’t be with her anymore. These were his words!
Philip: Why did she even go to him?
Nico: She saw him with someone else and..... Idk? She went nuts?That's what I got. I just can't believe she was gonna shag him. She's pregnant with my kid! 😠
Philip: Did she?
Nico: She wanted him. Bsut she couldn’t cheat and backed out. Maybe... she was mad at me?... I wasn’t entirely honest with her. I didn’t tell her who I met in Italy. I wanted to avoid unnecessary drama and we weren't together anyway.
Philip: The twins, huh?😏
Nico: Shut the hell up! It was nothing exciting, ok?
Philip: Sure.... You couldn’t say no, could you? Those girls were crazy!
Nico: I’m not into her! Those bitches overplayed it. Too much for me. All fake. Idk why I met her? Maybe I was mad at A., too. She stayed with Daniel. I-.... I wasn't sure anymore? 🤷‍♂️
Philip: It's okay, man. You did nothing wrong.
Nico: Try explaining that to her!... She doesn't trust me.
Philip: Do you trust her?
Nico: Strangely enough.... yes, I do! More than ever before.
Philip: Just be there for her & keep doing what you're doing. After a while she’ll forget this thing.
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I was a little disappointed in Philip. Why didn't he talk to me about D.? And I would never forbid my son to see his Dad, even if I had stayed with D.! But he was right about the authorities. I’ll have trouble registering our Baby. Those damn officers thought Daniel was my Sons's Dad. Bcs after I married him, I took his surname. I'll explain this mess later, once my baby is born.
Back to P.! I didn’t want to start a fight with him. I just wanted to help Annabelle. Nevertheless, I let him know that some of his statements got me sad. Well, he apologized. He just didn’t understand why I still didn’t divorce Daniel. I wanted to, but Daniel hesitated. Anyway, D.'s gonna talk to me soon.
And I wasn’t really aware that I hurt Nico so much.🤦‍♀️ However, it was a mistake what I did! I had to make it up to N. I was really upset to hear how he felt. 😞😢
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weltato · 5 months
I'm going to gush about a very old character (as in the original run of the show is very old, not the character himself).
Hello Tumblr! I remembered the finale of M*A*S*H the other day, as you do, and it just hit me as to why I fucking love Benjamin Franklin 'Hawkeye' Pierce so much.
If you don't know this character/show, dw, I'm keeping things under the cut so you can scroll away :)
If you want to read on anyway, warning for infant death.
So, Hawkeye :)
My goodness, this man is SO well written. I need to explain to you why I find him so endearing.
He's a jokester, that much is obvious right off the bat, so he pranks others and can get a dig at others quite well, but he never does it maliciously. Well, sure, he's an ass to Frank and Charles most especially and will absolutely take any and every opportunity to fuck with them, but he's not out to actively harm anyone.
Which is nice, since he's the Head Surgeon. You'd like to think that your Head Surgeon isn't a serial killer.
He's a ladies man. A chronic ladies man. He makes a pass at almost every single nurse at camp - especially Houlihan - and that's iconic about him. But d'you wanna know what's even more iconic?
As soon as he finds out the girl he's seeing is married or in a relationship, he'll stop. Sometimes he's even outright asked if they're taken, then he'll make a joke and move on if they are.
Hawkeye isn't a marriage breaker.
And I love that about him. He doesn't want to come between couples; it doesn't matter if the marriage/relationship is a happy one or not, he's not about to go and break up a marriage/relationship for his own personal gain. He's just not that kind of guy.
Any time kids come into it, he's immediately protective. He's not going to show a child more pain and suffering when they've already been brought through a warzone and are probably orphaned now and also had to have major surgery.
I mean, that's his whole thing in the finale. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT!
Quick reminder for context: in 'Goodbye, Farewell and Amen' we begin with Hawk away from the M*A*S*H and in a mental hospital for some reason. We (the audience) don't know why, but it's clear that everyone else (the characters) do know. Hawk doesn't think he should be there and seems pretty miserable about it, but then we learn why he's there - a baby died.
And here's the kicker: Hawk blames himself. He thinks it's his fault that the baby is dead. Why?
Well, at first he remembers the event as everyone having a fun day out for once and Hawk in the back calling out for a bottle of something alcoholic for a guy he's sat with.
Then it turns out it's not for fun. The guy he's with is bleeding out, he needs a bottle of either the clear stuff (idk what that would be, I'm not a medical student) or a bottle of blood for a quick transfusion.
What's great about how this scene is shot is that, at first, it stays with the upbeat and happy tone from Hawk, but then the deadly silent and morbid passing of the bottle, and then it shifts to the darker tone.
Now, that's not the baby scene.
Here comes the baby scene.
Hawkeye at first remembers a woman with a chicken when the bus ran into enemy territory and everyone had to be quiet. The chicken wasn't quiet and so he asked the woman if she could get the chicken to be quiet. And it was. It just stopped.
Sidney asks about it - "It stopped?"
"Yeah, it stopped."
Then we cut back to the woman at the back of the bus. The crying woman at the back of the bus. And the still bundle in her arms.
It was her baby. Her little baby that was also crying just a few seconds ago. The noise that Hawkeye wanted to make stop because they'd be caught with all these casualties and innocent people and he's stressed, ok?
That baby is dead. The mum had to smother her own child so they wouldn't be found. And Hawkeye is distraught over this, because he's the one that told her to.
Ugh. I can't even. This man has been through SO much and has seen death and destruction daily, so much so that he's basically numb to it at this point, but a baby dying is too much and he just breaks-
He's in a high stress situation 24/7, it makes sense that eventually the rock of the 4077th would crack. He couldn't say goodbye to Trapper, Henry died on his flight home, Radar left them to go back home to his mum - Hawk has the friends he still has, of course, but he's only human and a human can only take so much.
It's when Sidney deems him well enough to at least go back to the camp that Hawkeye gets his next challenge. Wounded have arrived and they really need him to help out, so he does and it's going pretty well for the most part (y'know, as well as meatball surgery can go) until a child comes across his table. A little girl, probably no older than 6 or 7. Everyone in the room goes quiet, though they're still working since they can't exactly pause while elbow deep in someone's guts, and Colonel Potter (or BJ, I can't remember which) asks if Hawk's ok. BJ (or Colonel Potter) says he can take her. Sidney watches on as Hawkeye takes a second, looks this girl over, then nods.
He can do it. Sidney smiles - his job is done.
Sure, it's hard, but Hawkeye can work, and that's all he needs to know.
Hawkeye, the man who loves a joke and loves messing around with his friends.
Hawkeye, the man who chases after every 'single' woman but not the ones in relationships.
Hawkeye, the man who plays pranks on the whole camp but is kind hearted enough to never cause actual harm because he believes in the Hippocratic Oath so. strongly.
Hawkeye, the man who cares for the children that come into the M*A*S*H despite having none of his own because those are children and they should be anywhere but a war.
Hawkeye, the man who sticks around the longest out of everyone (except Margaret since she's there as long as he is) and can always find something to smile at even though he's always wanting to leave and never does.
Hawkeye, the man who takes his job very seriously and gets angry when other doctors try to come in and flaunt their fancy-schmancy skills that mean nothing out there.
Hawkeye, the man who takes offense at generals who think they can change something when they don't know what the fuck goes on at all.
Hawkeye. The man I would love to be friends with.
I love him so much. I love the writing of him so much. He's just...he's Hawkeye. And I love him.
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