#they're so toxic
nandorfucks · 1 year
guillermo is so unwell he said it's not enough to let someone else turn me into a vampire as my own twisted way of revenge and retaliation I have to literally make the love of my life murder-suicide us both
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heartburiedingreece · 11 months
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I'll never get over this photo, I'll lecture my grandkids about it, I'll be thinking of it on my death bed, I'll get it engraved on my headstone
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More of Jason Todd and Roy Harper using Class of 09 quotes and depicting them as the ambiguously gay best friends
Jason: Where's the coward arrow?
Roy: He hasn't been around after you scared him... and slashed his tires.
Jason: He better be.
Roy: Oh yeah?
Jason: I don't like how he talks to you. You're really cool and smart and should be treated as such.
Roy: Wow... that... um... have I been deprived a compliment for this long?
Jason: We're friends, I'm going to be nice to you. Don't worry about it.
Roy: ... You trying to sell drugs to me?
Jason: You're a recovering addict so no.
Roy: Then I definitely went through it in life.
Jason Todd: Has your dad ever complimented you?
Roy: No.
Jason Todd: 'Cause he doesn't appreciate what he has and seriously, seriously Roy if I ever see him talk like that to you again I will rip his beating heart out and hand it to you on silver platter!
Roy: And you're not trying to have me relapse and then kill me?
Jason: N- No. I like you, you're neat.
Roy: Oh... hm... well while the heart platter is fucked up, that's so kind of you... You sure you not selling drugs to me and this is all a ploy to get me back on them?
Jason: Oh my God... you poor thing. You make me dying seem like a coma or something. This is why I will be your friend forever. I will not let anyone hurt you!
Jason hugs the man, tightly.
Roy: Hm...
Roy blinks, patting the man's back and then shrugs accepting this insane friendship.
Roy: All right.
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loosely heathers based fic?
I have an idea.kinda. I don't know if it's good. here u go
Warning: Major character death, suicide, manipulation, they're just so toxic for each other
Lucifer is infatuated with alastor as a human, comes to earth, convinces him to commit his first murder. That one song from heathers 
get off the fence get off the damn fence
Oh man Okay
Lucifer finds alastor in Hell and figured out his plans to take over
He falsely agrees, befriending him again and tricking him into loving him
Loosely based on heathers
Lucifer is the one making "big moves", but he’s setting alastor up for failure
Alastor comes to Lucifer’s room/house ready to finish the plan
Finds him “dead”, flips his shit, broadcasts it through hell in mourning
Lucifer finds alastor the next day, half dead from his own traps, etc. 
alastor ends up killing himaelf in a last ditch effort in front of Lucifer
I wouldn't be writing this until after the Falling Doesn't Feel So Bad series is done, but,,,,
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poitionsprince · 1 month
Masochism Tango is Snape × Karkaroff coded and non of y'all can change my mind.
I'm still hung up with how Karkaroff sold Snape out so quick to save his his own skin and yet came back running to him when the mark started burning in his hand.
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"always gone, always away... but now your rings are gone, your rings are away"
TOMMY SHELBY & LIZZIE SHELBY [nee. STARK] → my top 50 fictional dynamics [15/50]
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rookieclaire · 2 days
adam and larry who hurt each other like pressing cigarettes against skin.
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hotcat37 · 1 year
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Without you I'm just Mic without Mac 😢😢
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viciouskhepri · 12 hours
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@relmint-draws brainrot goes both ways ❤️ I blame u for fueling it hehe
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celestialseawitch-ff · 5 months
Whenever I interact with FFN I am remembered why I left it for Ao3.
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kaitoukye · 8 months
1987 AU SaguKai bounce back and forth between their theme being Say Goodbye by Black Lab and Worst In Me by Unlike Pluto like its a game of Pong.
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harlowhockeystick · 1 year
Nolan for sure annoys the shit of Princess sometimes because he's bored but most of the time because he likes seeing how pissy she gets
nolan loves pissing her off. like truly he just giggles and watches while she stomps off to her bedroom cause he said he didn't want to go on a date night to watch a musical and he said he thought musicals were dumb.
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thatoneluckybee · 1 year
I'm so normal about them. I like this ship a normal amount. So normal.
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oasisr · 1 year
I'm not okay today.
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lunaetis · 1 year
@renjisei asked :
The hand trembles and a bandage as bright as the purest white wraps around the injured hand. The bandaged limb trembles and the red eyes hide sorrow for their owner. The rain that hits Blade's dirty body does not wash away what is hardest for him — the sense of deception and hatred for those who were close to him in his heart. The days when it was him for others are gone. The days when his technique to help people leave this world without pain have closed in favor of something destructive... painful and disturbing. The sound of a puddle being smashed by a high-heeled shoe. His eyes trembled again and looked at the tall figure above him. ❛ Doesn't even I deserve to have last wound dressed ? ❜ He asked in a low voice and more falling raindrops filled the silence between them as red eyes trembled — staring at the future that knocked on his door so quickly and how painlessly. / the special ask is here uwu
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「カフカ」─  choose the best future out of all that's available. seize your own fate, grasp the ones you like most, make it happen. do not let anyone get in your way.
                the pouring droplets scattered about as each step was taken towards a CERTAIN FIGURE who had fallen onto his knees. the glory and brightness dancing around his very form was no more. the hands that healed others with utmost care, the sacrifices made over and over at the expense of his own sanity, at the expense of his lifeforce, now it had left the healer beaten and broken. shattered completely like the fragile glass being thrown aside after a single crack was seen. that crack was, however, dark and consuming. it was a CRACK that was capable of widening into something sinister, into something akin to a black hole that would destroy all it had met, that would bring about DESTRUCTION upon his path.
                the contrast of the healing aura he had been giving others.
                the heels clicked against the dirty and damp ground, as the UMBRELLA in her hand made a small tipping upwards, just so that magenta hues could catch a glimpse of those broken crimson. she saw the quivering of those pupils, of the ones that should be dripping in blood instead of looking so LOST, so betrayed.
                what a wasted potential.
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                " you do not ask for what you want, you take it. " having last wound dressed ? those were words of A WEAKLING, and this world had no place for the weak. the universe is ruled by absolute power, by seizing what one would want by their own hands. she crouched down, heedless of how her clothing would be dirtied by the mud that was stuck to his very form. her head cocked to the side, and gaze SOFTENED in a darker hint of something. fascination ? obsession ? interest ? one could never tell. but she looked at this SHATTERED VESSEL, and she smiled sweetly, lethally.
                " you gave yourself to others and look where it got you. " pitiful creature. no. he could be so, so much more than this. than a broken blade, than something that was tossed aside after its usage had been exhausted. oh, no. she wouldn't allow that. of course not. " kindness has no place in a dog eat dog world. your eyes, your potential. you could be much more than this. you can surpass all of them. anyone who ever wronged you, you can make them pay. any kind of future you want, you can grasp it in your very own hands, and cut down those trying to oppose you. "
                " ren. " his real name dripped from her lips, cutting through the falling rain like a razor, like the sharpest of weapon and straight into the MAN whose tossed the said name aside. gloved hand reached out, covered digits oh-so-gently caressed over his expression as water dripped down his chin. index finger tilted his chin up, the curl of her lips tugging upwards in a sweeter smile. it was like she had found a TREASURE, a favorite toy, a new tool, one that she couldn't wait to play with. to make hers. all hers.
                her hand lowered from his face, and tilting her palm up. it was an OFFER for him to take.
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                " if you come with me, i'll make you unstoppable. you'd never have to bow before anyone again. they would bow to you. no more healing the wounded. it's time you inflict those wounds to those who deserve it. time to take control. remind them who you are. " it was a PROMISE, one that resounded even through the countless raindrops descending all around them. she tilted her umbrella towards him, so that the tip would shield his face and the rain wouldn't be able to obscure his eyes. aah, those eyes. the eyes that were like a mix of blood and fire. she wanted to see them bathed with hatred and revenge. she wanted to see them glow with ABYSSAL POWER, mind plunging deep into that need to taste liquid of life upon his very blade. a weapon, a monster ... her eyes softened even further, almost AFFECTIONATE. there was a twisted kind of warmth, a misplaced tenderness, a misguided affection.
                like a SWEETEST FLOWER DIPPED IN POISON. the scent was so sickeningly saccharine, its petals deadly upon touch. but her hand beckoned. it beckoned, it called, it SUMMONED.
                " come with me, and you'll never lose again. " i'll let you bathe the universe RED. when she felt the weight of his hand upon hers, kafka smiled again. there was a tender giggle that left her lips as gloved digits curled around the hand he entrusted into hers.
                you'd make such a beautiful monster, wouldn't you, ren ?
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arabella-s-arts · 7 months
Scenes/Things in Supernatural that genuinely don't make sense to me if Dean was straight:
The confession booth scene.
Sam just rolling with the fact that Dean's siren is a guy while still thinking sirens infect people through sex.
Dean being flustered by several men: Gunner Lawless, Aaron, Doctor Sexy, etc.
All the parallels between Destiel and other couples. (A big one being "last night on Earth" bc how do you do that accidentally.)
Having all the gay jokes be on Dean instead of Sam.
Paralleling Sam meeting his childhood celebrity crush with Dean meeting Gunner Lawless.
The boner Dean got when Cas cleaned up.
Dean gulping after Cas does an impression from a Western movie.
Charlie, a lesbian, calling Castiel "dreamy."
The way Mary looks at Dean and Cas when they hug.
Dean wondering why everyone assumes he's gay, while Sam not caring.
The logic that Charlie can't flirt with guys because she's only attracted to women, but then having Dean flirt with the guy for her.
Dean seeming disappointed when learning that Aaron's flirting was fake.
The amount of time Dean and Cas spend staring at each other.
Dean canonically having an orgy with Crowley.
A woman saying that she knows when someone's pining for someone else to Dean, just for us to learn that Dean was never in love with Amara.
The set design and script choices that lead to a cross in the background while Dean said "I do." to Cas after he came back to life.
That time when Dean wanted to say something and Cas was like, "It's okay, I heard your prayer." But Dean still looked like he wanted to say something important.
Amara: [about Dean] "I can see inside your heart. Feel the love you feel. Except, it’s cloaked in shame.” (Thanks @adeptune01 I honestly forgot about this one.)
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