#theyre just two boys in love your honor
chaaase69 · 2 years
Afraid of the Dark - Cyphmen/Shadowire
finally deciding to post this on here since i only dropped the link before. this is just a cute cyphmen i wrote in an attempt to try and rekindle my love of writing. this is also not beta read or formatted in any way, so please excuse if its total trash. enjoy! :)
If you’d prefer to read on ao3 feel free ! Check out my twitter for updates on new writings or more of my silliness <3
no warnings apply, sfw, m/m, cyphmen/shadowire
For a man that holds so many secrets, who knew the dark could be so terrifying?
The Valorant Protocol was full to the brim on days like today. When winters came by and snow began to fall in thick blankets of pure white, missions would be canceled in favor of staying in doors protected from the harsh cold. Many of the agents end up finding comfort amongst each other and stay in doors. Phoenix, Jett, Neon, and Raze were all bundled up in the common area, each with their own cup of hot chocolate as they watched some cheesy rom com. Sova and Killjoy found themselves not far from the others, talking about their tech and recent missions they’d been on. Others such as Cypher and Omen preferred to spend their free time alone, each confined to their own rooms.
Cypher spent his time staring at endless lines of text, the light of his computer glowed right onto his tanned skin and into his eyes. There was another light on in the background, he knew better than to strain his eyes especially when he wasn't wearing his mask. He read article after article for some paperwork Brimstone had asked him to work on, switching back and forth between the articles and a document, typing every once in a while to add notes or fill in information he deemed necessary. The loud whipping of wind against his window caused him to jump a bit, diverting his attention to the window to gaze at the falling snow. Everything outside looked pure white, nothing but snow could be seen for a long way. A weird feeling churned inside Cypher’s stomach, knots of fear and anxiety that he refused to let himself acknowledge. With a lingering eye, he eventually convinces himself to turn back to his work and ignore the loud winds and aching feeling.
Omen on the other hand spent his time lounging in his bed, wrapped up in a warm blanket as he carefully knitted. It wasn't a past time he shared with others but he enjoyed it nonetheless. His current piece was a long scarf in a deep shade of blue, a similar color to that of his cape. He wouldn’t admit outloud why he was making the scarf, he wouldn’t dare mention the fact he overheard Cypher mention to the others that he got cold often during the winter. He sure as hell wouldn’t dare admit he was knitting said scarf for Cypher, because the little fact meant nothing to him. He was knitting for fun, and that is what he told himself as he glanced out the window to look at the snow. His gloved hands worked without him having to think too much about it, leaving Omen ample time to think and watch his surroundings
The first signs of the increasingly heavy storm began to make itself apparent when the power in the facility flickered. The group in the common area all groaned loudly as their show was interrupted for a brief moment before it resumed. Cypher sat back in his chair as the bright screen in his face flickered, he felt his heart jump into his throat, the anxiety from before now too making itself far more apparent. He wasn’t scared, no way. He spent every waking moment around others in a mask, no way a little storm and some flickering lights scared him. Right? As if the storm could hear his inner thoughts, a particular harsh gust of wind howled and whipped against the window, slightly shaking the glass from its force. There was a brief pause and then yet another gust of wind picked up. Somehow even harsher than the last, or so it felt like that Cypher. The lights once again flickered, but this time did not come back. He sucked in a breath and quickly sat up, turning to look at the now off lamp. The room he was in was filled with complete darkness, no light inside or out. There was some commotion outside in the common area, but to Cypher their voices seemed to melt together. He couldn’t distinguish one from another as a wave of panic washed over him. He felt around frantically trying to find the closest thing to grab onto, in his panic he only backed himself into a wall and slid down it. The waves of panic washing over him grew with each moment that passed, he absolutely despised the dark.
Cypher covered his face with his long sleeves in an attempt to shield himself from crying. The all-powerful man, who knew so many secrets about the kingdom, the protocol, and his own friends, was reduced to a shaking crying mess. He hiccupped in between sobs, trying to quiet himself down, not wanting to risk someone coming in when he didn’t have his mask on. Omen just so happened to be in the room next door, though even as the power was out and his room was too filled with darkness he continued to knit away, he didn’t particularly need to see it. At first he wanted to ignore the noises he heard through the wall, it wasn’t his business. He didn’t care about Cypher, he shouldn’t care about Cypher, he shouldn’t be worried. As the sobs grew louder and shakier, his heart ached and he couldn't bring himself to just sit there and listen. Without a second thought he was teleporting into Cypher's room, avoiding using the door entirely. He crouched down in front of the other man, whose knees were pressed into his chest in an attempt to find any sort of comfort in himself
“Cypher…” Omens' voice was barely above a whisper, he didn’t want to scare the other more than he was already. The other man looked up teary eyed at the shadowy man before throwing his arms around his shoulders and hiding his face in his chest. Cypher felt so embarrassed that someone was seeing him like this, but the fear he felt was much more prominent in his head; he just wanted nothing more than a hug. Anything that made it feel less like the darkness was closing in on him and going to swallow him whole. Omen immediately returned the hug, wrapped his arms tightly around the shaking man and rubbed small circles into his back. “It’ll be okay. Nothing will hurt you.”
Cypher gripped onto Omens cape as if it was the last thing in the world, if he were to let go right now the darkness would consume him. The other man kept him grounded, his hand never leaving his back, “I’m right here. I’ll stay right here until it’s fixed. I will keep you safe.” He mumbled softly into his hair, which seemed to help ease the others' worries. He meant every word he spoke, every promise he made. He pressed the lightest kisses to Cyphers temple every few sentences, giving his words more meaning, wanting to make sure the other knew very well. Soon, his sobbing was reduced to sniffles and tiny hiccups, he knew the fear wouldn't go away until the lights were on again. “You’re doing amazing, Cypher. It’s all gonna be alright. You’re so brave, so strong.” Omen moved his free hand to cup Cyphers cheek, wiping away some stray tears before rubbing his cheek softly with his hand.
The small action eventually soothes Cypher enough to look at Omen, who to much his surprise had removed his own mask at some point from when he entered. “I… I didn’t want you to feel more worried that I had seen you, so I thought I’d return the favor…” They are both silent for a long moment. “I can put it back on, I-I’m sorry if I’ve scared you-” He is cut off by a gentle shush. “You do not scare me, Omen. You are…” Cypher trails off, his hands had finally let go of his cape, only to now be resting on the other's cheeks. His hands felt cold on Omens skin, he wasn’t used to such intimate contact with others, but as long as it was with Cypher he didn’t mind nearly as much as he probably should have.
“Can I kiss you?” It is asked so quietly that Omen almost misses it over the sound of the wind. His heart races at the thought, “me?” He looks to Cypher's eyes for confirmation, trying to find any sort of malice or lies, but finds none. Cypher only nods in return and leans closer to him, their faces only a few centimeters apart, they could feel each other's breaths. Omen decided it was now or never, maybe he’d never get another chance like this. He closed the gap between them, gently pressing their lips together, Cypher was quick to follow the kiss smiling softly against the others lips. Omen had heard the others say before that kissing someone was like fireworks, and maybe there was really a method to their madness, cause he felt like he was on cloud nine. After a few moments of holding the kiss, Cypher is the first to pull back, blushing immensely and hiding his face in Omens shoulder. “I didn’t think you’d actually kiss me.” He giggles almost like a little kid, “No way I’d let that chance go.” He responds, pressing another small kiss to his temple.
“Do you wanna spend the night in my room or here in your room?” Omen askes after a bit. Cypher thinks for a moment, “your room.” He gives a small nod and grips onto the other a little tighter and teleports them both back to his room. He plops onto the bed and allows Cypher to get comfy at his side. “Thank you, for helping me” Cypher eventually whispers to Omen, having turned to face him, leaning into his chest. “I don’t mind one bit. And don’t worry, I wouldn’t dare tell anyone.” He lightly reassures as he wraps his arms around the other man securely.
Cypher only nods, already starting to drift into slumber since he was pretty tired. He cuddles as close as he could to the other, humming softly once he is finally comfortable. “Aamir, by the way.” He mumbles as he falls asleep, a tiny small drawn across his lips. Omen is left shocked and oddly warmed at the fact he is trusted enough to know the others real name. “Aamir…” He lets the name roll off his tongue and past his lips before deciding he would follow the other into sleep.
The winter had never felt warmer.
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denebolablack · 8 months
Steve and Bucky:*Arguing with their Brooklyn's accent in the middle of the common room*
Tony: *Flushed as fuck*
Pietro: You okay, brains?
Tony: Fine. *Mutters something*
Pietro: What was that?
Tony: IjusthavealittlethingwithillegallyhotsupersoldierstalkingwiththeirBrooklyn's accent.
Pietro: *Amused* I think you forgot something very important about that pair of super soldiers.
Tony: What do you me- ¡¿Steve?!
Steve: *Pulls the genius to his chest and talks with a very strong Brooklyn's accent* Glad to hear that you like our accent, sugar.
Tony: *Dying of embarrassment* Goddamn, super ear.
Bucky: *Also with a strong accent* Yeah, sugar, amazing super ear.
Pietro: Well, I'm out. I have zero interest in seeing any of you naked.
Tony: *Totally ashamed* ¡No one's getting naked!
Bucky: Oh, really?
Tony: Why do you sound so disappointed? Steve, why does your boyfriend sound so disappointed?....Why do you seem disappointed?
Steve: Oh, it's nothing. You know, I was kinda hoping to see you naked.
Bucky: You and me, Stevie.
Tony: But why in the world would you want to see me na- oh, oh.
Bucky: *Smirks* Your brain is finally braining, dollface?
Tony: Uh-uh, yeah.
Steve: *Gently touching the genius' hips* Yeah?
Tony: Yeah! Absolutely, yes, totally!
Bucky: *Kissing Stark's neck* Good, cuz I really wanna see how much you like our accent.
Tony: *Dying inside* If this is a dream don't you dare wake me up.
Pietro: Please get a fucking bed, then!
Tony, Steve & Bucky: PIETRO!
Pietro: *Runs away*
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nerosdayinanime · 6 months
cant stop thinking of sabito-mitsuri interactions
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munsonfamilyband · 1 year
I delivered Steve thoughts, now it is time for Eddie thoughts!!!
I absolutely love Eddie getting himself covered in tats and piercings but I don’t see him getting anything like gauges. I don’t mind seeing it, but to me I’ve seen him as someone who just gets as many things pierced as possible. His ears are loaded with piercings, he got his tongue done on a whim, both nipples absolutely are pierced and he would 1000% get a dick piercing while high and then decided to keep it anyways.
Steve, who is scared of needles (thanks Russians) but wants to get his ears pierced mentions it casually to Eddie one night and he offers to do it for him. You cannot tell me Eddie isn’t that bitch who numbed his ears with ice and pierced them himself multiple times. And because Steve trusts Eddie and adores him, he agrees.
They have separate little dishes on the dresser in their room and you can always tell whose are whose because Eddie’s dish has gunmetal and silver studs, some dangling crosses, different nose rings and barbells to exchange body piercings when he’s bored. Steve’s dish has some silver but mostly gold, a lot of cute gems and pretty colors.
When Eddie has to go away for a show he puts a pair of Steve’s favorite studs in to wear for the whole trip so that he has a piece of Steve with him.
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loving-family-poll · 4 months
Ultimate Incest Tournament - Round 4
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Propaganda under the cut:
Vocalist and bassist respectively of my chemical romance. they are insanely codependent (describing themselves as the same person just different heights etc). gerard has also licked mikeys nipple onstage. good times
Gerard is decidedly super abnormal about mikey. he has written many songs about him that are always adjacent to straight up love songs. he has also been explicitly sexual with him (giving him a pantomime handjob, caressing his chest, saying he looks like a hooker etc etc) while also constantly babying him. theyre codependent and they finish each others sentences and theyre in ickydisgusting brotherlove❤️❤️❤️❤️
Grew up together as the outsiders in their New Jersey town and spent their teenhoods together in a musty basement. Mikey learned to walk by running after Gerard and face-planting. Gerard drew comics for Mikey and told him stories. They went to a Smashing Pumpkins concert together and decided that being in a band is what they wanted out of life. Mikey learned the bass because Gerard was in bands and he wanted to join. Gerard called up Mikey after witnessing 9/11 and told him they're gonna start a band. Everything they do is together, they love each other. And isn't it so much fun to turn that incest?
Mikey Way wrote a comic where the main character, who looks like him from the black parade era, gets a woman pregnant. Which isn't incestuous on its own, but she looks like the female version of Gerard Way from the black parade era. Love is love or something
Daverose blondetwin sweep because they were codependent without ever meeting from growing up seeing each other in their dreams
What does it mean to be an abused teenage boy growing up alone and seeing a girl in your dreams every night who is also your best friend. and when you finally meet her you go on a suicide mission together even though nobody was asking you to die with her. and then you are the only two human beings left in the recognizable universe on a cold meteor surrounded by aliens but you’re glad it’s with her. and when you finally touch the girl from your childhood dreams she looks exactly like you. because she’s your sister
I don't have words for how good these snarky assholes are together. DaveRose is brain chemistry changing. They both put up so many fronts, and engage in so much snarky wordplay, and are constantly trying to get under each other's facade. They play off each other so well, witty and sharp, I need them to be together always
We all die & we all die alone are the two cold truths of the universe but dave and rose broke both simultaneously by ascending to godhood together
Their twincest wins because it is just so confusingly tragic? profound? dave leaving rose behind in a doomed world, dave following her to the bomb. they are both so closed & cut off & curt its hard to imagine the depth of these things. but that is their love language: giving up their lives for each other over and over, in a confusing and fumbling and heartfelt love song. i can’t say i love you but i know we’ll die together anyway. because we’re made of the exact same stuff. i’ll find you again at the last moment. that’s love.
Confirmed canon by the author, (something happened) between them. Parallels of dying by each other's sides in EVERY timeline. They are THE womb-to-tomb. There is nothing platonic about winking at your brother while talking about crushes, that shit is incestuous. Seer/Knight archetype. They will die protecting each other.
do you realize love someone if you don’t follow them on a suicide mission into the gaping maw of a literal fucking sun after they knock you out and psychoanalyze you in your dreams? the blueprint of the “ethereal androgynous blonde boygirl twins” trope. witch/knight dynamics. they find each other to die together in every timeline no matter what (but they’re still emotionally constipated teenagers who bicker and make fun of each other in pesterchum). kids with grown-up powers. perfect little freaks of nature. what if we looked exactly like each other’s eyes
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mcyt-trios · 8 months
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HAVE YOU SEEN THEM??? THEY'RE JUST XUTFGUIUGDYYDYRDTESARYTDUFIYGOBJOJ I- THERE IS NO WORDS. They are stupid together. There is 3 brain cells between the three of them apart (one shared between the three of them, two that are attached to Grian and mumbo) BUT TOGETHER THEY HAVE 0.5 BRAIN CELLS!!
These three give me so much serotonin. When Mubo came back to the server, they did a little reunion thing that was just so cute. Also F*cking with Doc is just hilarious. Only Scar and Grian broke the tunnel bore, but they still roped in Mumbo somehow🤣🤣🤣
they say “what’s up buttercup” to each other!!! they covered docs perimeter!!! they have special skins!!! they’re peace love and plants!!!
OG Sleepy Bois Inc.:
i love them so much crying wailing screaming theyre all so stupid theyre my childhood they dont even make a single collective braincell they love blowing things up and doing shit the hard way and using the wrong tools and they've launched a spaceship from a can of baked beans and it took them three tries with obvious on screen instructions and your honor they are iconic they're always together it's always them. im so sleepy
Just a father struggling to keep his twin sons in check, one of them eating sand and one of them (totally not the favorite) constantly out for blood. All sorts of chaotic
they’re like brothers ^_^
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thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | MS47 | part. 06
Pairing: hamilton!reader (she/her) x mick schumacher
Warnings: curse words, twitter environment, mention of food, not proofread etc etc. Minors DNI!
summary: after a week away for work, Y/n is back to follow the race calendar and this time she decided to join the drivers party. What a bit of alcohol and a week away from Mick could do to her? Hopefully, nothing that exposes their situation too much.
a/n: none of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. everything else is made up by me and I do not give permission for it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
part. 05 | series masterlist | part. 07
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liked by mickschumacher, pierregasly, and others
theofficialyn Such an amazing day wearing Valentino! 💗 But today’s tip is: don’t do a photoshoot with your older brother, he will absolutely make you laugh all the time 🧍🏾‍♀️
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violadavis Love you two!!!! 💗
⤷ htgawmfan What multiverse is this???? Queen Viola and the Hamiltons?! Im here for it!!!
maisonvalentino we loved the laughing shots, such a great duo 💘
ynfashion Please, tell me Valentino is gonna update more stuff because I’m starving for content and you guys keep feeding me crumbs *cries in obsessive*
lewismerc the fact that Lewis kept making her laugh is so pure
lewishamilton 😜
⤷ theofficialyn blocked!
⤷ sunshineferrari I wanna be their friend so bad
pierregasly Charles was so jealous, he said you should invite him next time!
⤷ lewishamilton tell him she’s MY sister, he have two brothers
⤷ charles_leclerc exactly I have two brothers and now one sister 😇
⤷ tifosiitaly the way charles is getting under Lewis’ skin is sending me HAHAHAHAH
fan2 💘💘💘💘💘💘
hate123 Funny how it's outed that she’s Lewis's sister and suddenly she’s representing Valentino…
⤷ theofficialyn LOL My shoe brand has had a partnership with Valentino for years now, this is nothing new 😘
⤷ popyn yes, queen! put these haters to sleep
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liked by justinbieber, mercedesamgf1, and others
lewishamilton Grateful for the invitation from Valentino 💖 I had a great time! (And yes, YN was absolutely judging)
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theofficialyn not funny, delete!!!
sirlewis9 Lewis, I hate to break it to you, but both of you were judging
charleslechair The banter is so older brother energy. I love them
danielricciardo Looking good, mate! 🖤
maisonvalentine 💘 An honor to have you two!
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theofficialyn added to her story
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liked by yndisney, and others
paddockgossip Y/n and Mick are at the same party and rumor has it they are looking pretty cozy, all hugs and sharing drinks. If you have more tea our dms are open!
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1990yn where are these pics from?
⤷ fortyfourlewis mick’s from lando’s story and yn’s is from lilys (alex’s gf)
sainzcentury Schumi boy is looking good. Go get your man, yn!!!
gaslygaslight patintly waiting for the videos from the party so I can scan one by one looking for yn and mick kissing in the background 🙏🏾
⤷ user1 LMAO can you imagine?
mickmercedes I wanted to be at this party so bad 😭 can you imagine their energy while drunk????? unmatched!
mickschumacher added to his story
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this story was deleted
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liked by pierregasly, mickschumacher, and others
theofficialyn Great night but not so great morning 👎🏾
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illicitaffairs2 not the noodle in the car on her way to the paddock ☠️
lewishamilton water and sun waiting for you in here, the best cure
⤷ theofficialyn please, I’m going for a swin with rocks inside my pockets 🤒
pierregasly the best party partner ever!!!
⤷ charles_leclerc excuse me?
ynnature can you imagine being hungover and having to hear the vroom vroom from the paddock all the time??? lmfao
⤷ f1sainz but theyre not racing, just training and general work stuff
⤷ paddockprincess its still loud tho
lilymhe ILY!!!
If you liked it, make sure to like and reblog <3 feel free to talk to me as well, my inbox is always open! And I will start a taglist on my posts, to be part of it you just gotta comment/send an ask saying so, and most important: have your age in your profile (I don’t interact with minors!). See you guys next post! <3
wanna be tagged on my stories? click here
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stevie-petey · 13 days
I have blurb idea for the kids in season one when you have time for it. In season one after bug left with Nancy and Jonathan the kids debriefing on what they just saw. Which is basically just the kids gossiping about what they think is going on between the three. Like Mike asked Nancy if she liked Jonathan now so clearly he saw something going on ya know?
anon i LOVE this one its always so fun writing the kids gossiping about the teens <333
enjoy !
"whats going on with your sister and jonathan, man?" lucas asks your brother as they watch you run out of the schools gym after jonathan and nancy.
dustin sighs and rests his head against the bleachers. "i dont know. theyve been weird all week."
"i think it has something to do with my sister?" mike joins in on the conversation now. "i asked nancy if she liked jonathan and then she got all weird."
"why would she like him if shes with harrington and y/n is with jonathan?" lucas frowns now, feeling suddenly defensive over you. "do we need to do something?"
mike hits his friend with the back of his head. "no, doofus. y/n doesnt need you to fight for her weird honor."
"well, i mean, maybe she does-"
dustin slaps a hand over lucas' mouth with a disgusted look on his face. "dude. your crush on my sister is showing and its gross."
lucas yanks dustins hand away and shrieks. "i do not have a crush on y/n!"
mike and dustin share a look with one another as el, who has been quiet this entire conversation as she rests, lets out a weak giggle. during her few days observing you with the party, its obvious even to her that lucas has a slight crush on you.
seeing everyones disbelief, lucas throws his hands up in the air and groans. "look, this isnt about me! clearly theres something wrong between jonathan and y/n, and if theyre fighting then that means we wont be able to get free rides out of them anymore."
"why wouldnt we get free rides if theyre fighting?" dustin asks, furrowing his brows in confusion.
"because jonathan has his own car and we'd be taking y/n's side," mike says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world with an eye roll. "duh."
your brother feels a certain happiness at the knowledge that his friends would take your side against jonathans. and, even though will isnt here right now, they all know that he would also ditch his brother in a heartbeat for you.
all the kids would.
youre a part of the party.
the boys eat the cookies that you made for them in silence for a while as they think about the strangeness between you and jonathan tonight. while theyre more than willing to defend you and take your side, they cant help but be worried about it.
theyve never seen you and jonathan so off kilter before, and it frightens them to even consider the idea that the connection between you two could be severed.
"theyll be okay, right?" lucas finally voices the worries that they all have quietly sat with.
dustin sighs, also unsure himself. hes grown up watching the two of you become intertwined with one another. now, he watches as you slowly unravel, and hes not sure how it will end. "its y/n and jonathan we're talking about. of course theyll be okay... they-they have to be okay."
"well thats depressing." mike says with yet another eye roll. "why cant we just keep y/n and replace jonathan with someone else?"
"careful, mike." lucas leans in close to the boy now and puckers his lips and makes kissing noises. "nancy could replace harrington with jonathan."
"yuck!" mike shoves his friend away and looks towards dustin for help. "that wont happen, right?"
dustin frowns. for once, he really isnt sure. he saw nancy and jonathan earlier, how they almost left you behind tonight, and he saw the hurt in your eyes when you watched them together. theres feelings there between the three of you, and dustin is afraid for you. its obvious to everyone how much you adore jonathan; your entire world revolves around the guy.
with a sigh, dustin shakes his head. "no idea, man. i dont understand teenagers."
"no one does." lucas rests his head in his hand and chews sadly on his cookie. then, with poorly hidden curiosity, he asks, "my crush on y/n isnt that obvious, right? like, she has no idea?"
mike and dustin again share a look and shake their heads at their friend while el lifts her head up. with all the energy she has left in her, she responds to lucas. "friends dont lie."
lucas covers his face in embarrassment and groans as mike, el, and dustin all break into laughter.
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fe-fictions · 3 months
waiii happy new year! love love love your works, ive been a huge fan of urs since 2016 and its my first time sending in a prompt im so excited ajdjjqnss!!!!!!!😭❤️❤️
could i request some lonqu hurt comfort??!?! maybe something to do with self sacrifice....like robin pleading the enemy to let go of him when theyre both captured hehe! thanks so much >_<
(Finally finished this one and I'm thrilled to put it out !! Nothing like a stressed out Lonk U V U )
You didn’t know how you got into this situation. Neither you nor your husband. It was a simple reconnaissance mission, venturing a few miles into enemy territory in an attempt to figure out what they were plotting.
It was already risky since you were short-staffed, and with your exceptional analytical abilities, you’d be able to figure out what was going on the fastest.
Lon’qu wasn’t going to let you go in by yourself, and he definitely didn’t trust Gaius with your safety; he might be sneakier, but he was much more laissez-faire with the lives of others than he was comfortable with.
And so it was just the two of you. Lon’qu had stuck to your side the entire time, watching for threats while you took down hastily scribbled, imperative notes. But all it took was one silent assassin that was able to go undetected…and suddenly, you were both bound and forced to your knees.  
“Well, well…whatever do we have here?” Orton’s voice was more than recognizable; the slimey rat that had escaped your justice when you first rescued Maribelle, not long ago.
You struggled against your restraints, recognizing the unmistakable bloodlust in the bastard’s eyes.
“I’m sure Lord Gangrel will be quite pleased with the little rabbit caught in our snare. This one is new, though.”
He eyed your husband, “Bring along some cannon fodder?”
“Leave him alone. He’s got nothing to do with me or any of this.” You glared at him, earning a glance from Lon’qu. What were you talking about?
“I doubt that very much, Tactician. There must be some reason he’s tagged along with you all the way out here…far from safety.”
He brandished his polearm, the tip pointed inches from Lon’qu’s face. The blood in your veins burned hotter.
“A soldier, assigned to me for protection. Nothing more. I’m the one you want, not him.”
“Let him go, and I’ll come willingly.” You demanded, not skipping a beat. Lon’qu’s expression was difficult to read. But the fear that flashed in his eyes was immediate, and impossible for you to miss.
Orton laughed, turning the spear to you, instead.
“I don’t think you’re in any position to negotiate, girl. But I respect the attempt.”
He nodded to one of the soldiers behind you both, and immediately there was a painful yank on your arms, forcing you back from Lon’qu.
“Hey!!” He barked out, ready to lunge in spite of his predicament. Instead he was pulled the opposite direction, separating the two of you.
“You know what I think?” Orton mused, spinning the weapon in his hands. “I think he’s more important than ‘some soldier’. I think he’s a lot stronger than you’re pretending he is.”
“Leave him be, and I’ll tell you anything you want to know. I’m Chrom’s right-hand; there's more than enough that I can give him.”
“Really? You’d sell out the crown over one paltry soldier?” He narrowed his eyes at Lon’qu, who fought so very hard not to let your facade be for nothing.
He was glaring sharply at you, pleading with you not to make a foolish deal.
“It is a captain’s duty to protect her soldiers; no matter how small.” You spoke with conviction,  “Surely you can understand that, as an honorable military man, yourself?”
“I’d be lying if I said Milord felt similarly about the lesser of our ranks, but…I cannot say no to such an alluring deal. Leave that one, boys- the mountain lions will get to him before anyone else does. Take her away.”
“Stop! Damn you-!!” Lon’qu roared, fighting against his restraints. He was only pulled further away. His arms twisted painfully behind him, dragged further and further away from his wife. 
You could only watch as he was flung from your view, sent crashing down the ravine into and out of sight. It was scafrier when you couldn’t hear him.
It took everything in your power not to try and reach him. To fight back and rescue him.
“Now then, Tactician; I believe I was promised some answers.”
The paralyzing fear was the only thing that kept you from lashing out; the swirl of endless emotions was stalling your mind. All you could do was stare at the ravine, getting further away with every drag across the dirt.
You hoped Lon’qu’s head would pop up, revealing him waiting for you and preparing to save you from your enemies,
But no such surprises would occur.
You still stared after that empty place, waiting with baited breath for the man to appear who would not return.
At least…not right away.
But there was nothing you could do but wait and pray that he hadn’t died after that nasty throw. There wasn’t much else available to you.
“You promised to give me what I wanted. Why do you insist on silence?” Orton was growing tired of your disobedience.
He had you tied to the pole of some ratty tent, interrogating you without  a hint of mirth in his eyes.
“You promised not to hurt my soldier, but you condemned him to death anyways. What right do you have to ask me questions?”  You spat, earning a click of his tongue and a slap across your face.
Enough of this arrogance!! You are in no position to hold such arrogance- you do not have the upper hand, woman!”
You fought hard not to focus on the stinging pain in your cheek; he’d drawn blood and all but numbed the side of your face.
Who knew those bastards could pack such a wallop?
“I can only tell you…what I know…which is very little. The Fire Emblem is a sacred artifact to the royal family, and it is hidden somewhere that none can find, unless Exalt Emmeryn reveals-!!”
You were cut off by another strike, this one sending you headfirst into the ground. The ringing in your ears grew louder, your vision clouded and blurry. That definitely wasn’t a good sign.
“If you don’t stop playing foolish games, then you’re going back in a casket. I planned to deliver the head tactician to King Gangrel in one piece, but if he knew how infuriating you are, he’d have you brought to him in pieces!!”
The man spat at your feet, stalking away to try and regain himself.
You did make an effort to focus on his words, but it was so very difficult. After a few deep breaths and a number of colorful expletives left his mouth, Orton stopped his pacing and returned his focus on you.
Maybe it’s because you were tired of looking at him, but you found yourself looking past him and at the guards by the tent entrance as his ugly boots came back into view.
“I’ve been more than patient with you, wench- but I’m running out of options on how to deal with you, and you’re running out of time.”
There was a sudden shift in the colors of the bushes behind a guard. A bright blue and red appeared behind the green.
You blinked, brow furrowing in an attempt to focus your vision. A pair of hands had shot out from the leaves and grabbed the man, mouth covered so as not to allow a shout. The other guard and Orton…didn’t notice.
You must have been hallucinating. 
“I want the location of the Emblem.” He spoke again, louder and closer than before. He hadn’t noticed that one of the soldiers had disappeared.
Your gaze flicked to the other man standing just the opposite, confused by the fact he was now standing alone.
Within an instant, a dart stuck into his neck, and he crumpled. A shadowy figure caught him, dragging him away.
You couldn’t even think to react to what you were seeing. Orton’s hand was on your face, grip tight and painful on your jaw to force you to look at him.
“You’re not getting away. Stop looking outside.” He grinned viciously, “The only chance you’re getting out of here alive is if you give me what I want.”
He stared down at you, grinning wickedly. His grip was so tight it felt like he was going to crack your bones.
“Now…tell me. Where is the Fire-”
The tip of a blade broke through his armor, silencing him with a wet choke. Your eyes widened, staring in shock at the sword mere inches from your own body.
“W-what…did you…”
He crumpled to the ground when the sword was pulled from his chest. When he fell away, Lon’qu stood over him, raging fury in his eyes.
“Oh my gods-” You gasped, stunned at what you were seeing. “L-Lon’qu?”
“I’m here.” He closed the distance between you, throwing the blood from his sword before cutting away your bindings. 
As soon as you were free of the ropes your arms were flung around his neck. Lon’qu grunted from the impact, welcoming the embrace all the same.
He squeezed you close, his face pressed to your neck. 
“Are you hurt?”
“No, I’m-” You were suddenly jerked back, Lon’qu holding you an arm’s length away to search you over. “Wait, w-why are you asking about me? They threw you down a ravine!!”
“Shepherds found me. They were on our trail when they realized we weren’t in the headcount.” He nodded his head back, and you were able to make out the shapes of Gaius and Cordelia, the few who passed by the tent to secure whatever camp the Plegians had brought you to.
“So you’re okay?”
“I am. But...” He nodded, but the sharp glare in his eyes had yet to dissipate. “I can’t believe you.”
“How could you do that?” He glowered, his grip tightening on your arms. “How could you give yourself up like that? The hells is wrong with you?!”
“I wanted to protect you.” He scoffed at your response, harsh and bitter. “If I knew he was going to try and kill you anyways, I-I never would have-”
“It doesn’t matter. You bargained your life, when you know damn well that I-!”
“Lon’qu, we couldn’t find her in the camp! Did you- oh!! Oh, thank the gods!!” Your husband was cut off at the sound of Chrom’s voice, the prince thrilled to see you were here. 
The Myrmidon spared you one last glower, before he pulled back, letting Chrom and Lissa flurry past him. 
You bit your lip, trying to fight the urge to press the argument. He looked deeply upset, and you didn’t want to cut it off before it could be resolved. There was nothing worse than letting him stew in his hurt.
“It’s okay, Robin!! We’re here now! Lon’qu led the  way, and the whole camp’s cleared out! Though we’ll need to do something about that body…”
“We’ll worry about Orton and the rest later. Lissa, can you heal her quickly?” Chrom asked his sister, who already had the stave pulled out and glowing.
“You got it! Just hang tight for a second Robin, we’ll get you out of here in no time!”
It wasn’t yourself that had your mind occupied. It was the fact that Lon’qu stormed out of the tent without looking back that had your focus.
Lissa gave you a pitying look, the healing glow of the stave some comfort.
“Sorry, Robin. I/…we tried really hard to keep him calm. But he’s been angry since the second we found him.”
“Not angry.” Chrom sighed , following the man’s storm from the tent. “Scared.”
When everyone made it back to camp, many of your dear friends who had been so terribly worried were awash with relief.
There was a mild swarm, a million questions being flung at you, but you were simply glad to be back in the arms of your friends.
You did your best to answer as many questions as you could,, but it didn’t take long for your patience to run thin.
Sure, you were healed and feeling far better physically, but there was a deeply hurt man on the far side of camp that you needed to speak to. It was clear what your decision had done created a much bigger issue than anticipated.
So you took a deep breath, steeled yourself, and made your way over to your shared tent. You could hear the sound of steel being sharpened against a whetstone, but little else.
Lon’qu was absolutely steaming. You would tease him and categorize it as sulking, but you figured it best not to try your luck.
Not when there was a serious issue to resolve.
Wordlessly, you entered the tent, making sure to latch it shut behind you. He was kind enough not to lock you out, at least.
“Lon’qu…” He did not stop his work when you called him, his back to you. “We need to talk.”
He did not answer. The stone ground against the blade harder.
“Please, love, I…I’m sorry I hurt you. But I need you to understand why I made that decision. I was trying to protect you.”
This seemed to slow the grinding. He still did not look at you. With a deep breath, you crossed the tent, coming to sit behind him.
Tentatively, your hand touched his back. He did not recoil, which was an improvement; at least he was receptive.
“If they knew you were my husband, they would’ve used you against me. If I let them carry on, they would’ve killed you in cold blood as a simple guard. I…I just…I didn’t think they’d toss you into the ravine like that. I thought you’d be safe.”
Lon’qu shook his head, his grip tightening on the sword. “They’re the enemy. Why the hells would they keep their word?? Surely you knew better than to trust them.”
“It was all I had to ensure your safety. W-when they threw you over the ledge, I…I saw it. I thought that it was over…I t-thought they killed you.”
Lon’qu’s shoulders braced against your touch, feeling your forehead touch his back. You were leaning fully into him, trying desperately not to cry.
“I-it was my fault that you were…that you were in danger in the first place. If I’d been more v-vigilant, I wouldn’t have put you at risk. I wanted to protect you, Lon’qu…please…please understand.”
He sighed, turning slowly and taking your hands into his and pulling you away from his body. He looked at you directly, but the bitter sting wasn’t present in his glare anymore.
“I don’t blame you for this. It wasn’t your fault we were ambushed. I’m upset because you bargained your life for mine. You are not worth less than I am. You have no right to sacrifice yourself for me.”
“I have every right, as your wife.” You argued, squeezing his hands, “And even in that, I failed you. I thought…”
“Robin...” He squeezed your hands, “I understood your intent. But if I’d lost you in that moment, I wouldn’t have forgiven myself, either. Your right to protect me reflects on me, too. It’s my duty to keep you safe. You know my past. Do you really think that I would be okay with you giving your life for mine?”
“It…it didn’t phase me in that moment. What mattered more was making sure that my husband would still be here.”
“You think I would be different? If I was in the same situation, I wouldn’t put my life in front of yours?” Lon’qu was staring into your very soul; trying desperately to make sure you understood what he was feeling. “After everything I’ve been through- what I’ve suffered- you would have me relive it again?”
“No.” You leaned closer, holding his hands to your chest. “No, I wouldn’t. And I’m so sorry that I put that fear in your heart, again. I just want to protect you, because I love you.”
Lon’qu nodded, his gaze falling to the ground. You released his hands so you might wrap your arms around his shoulders, drawing him into your embrace.
“I love you so much, I can’t bear the thought of losing you. And I know you would’ve done the same for me. We have to look out for each other…and we can’t always be safe. But I swear to you, I don’t want to throw my life away. I want to share it with you, more than anything.”
Slowly, finally, he returned your embrace, squeezing you tightly for fear of you ever slipping through his fingers again.
He hated feeling this way- that fear would consume him when it came to you. How badly he didn’t want to lose you. 
His face pressed against your neck, all but engulfing you in his arms like a shroud that cloaked your whole body. 
“I love you, too.”
He felt the slightest tremors in response to his words. How your fingers curled into his tunic, clinging to him with just as much force.
You were everything to each other, reminded and reassured through the tears that slipped from your eyes as feverish kisses connected over and over again.
There were promises to be more cautious with your lives, to find ways to protect one another without putting yourselves in mortal danger…and at the very least, employ some stealth training with Gaius so you could sneak around without “foolishly” (Gaius teased) getting caught again.
Which was a fair argument, if you were being honest.
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atlasdoe · 1 month
you should soooo tell my your remary thoughts
They love holding hands and always do whenever they walk together. literally these two never stop touching each other even if it's just their pinky's they HAVE to be holding each other some way otherwise they'll explode
Remus doesn't like parties and Mary does so whenever Gryffindor have a party Remus will sit in the corner by the window with the smokers while Mary goes out to socialise with her friends and dance. Before she leaves him tho she'll put on a shit tone of lipstick and kiss his cheek so it stays on just to make sure that nobody thinks he's single and tries anything before she goes back. Remus pretends to hate it but really loves how wanted it makes him feel
Remus' favourite thing about Mary is her confidence. he admires her so much and how she can always hold her head high despite the prejudice she faces for being muggleborn. he can only wish that he will be even a tiny bit confident as she is despite him being a werewolf
Speaking on werewolves. In a cannon universe where they're together i imagine the prank happening on the same day or the day after Mary getting attacked by Mulciber. In this universe i'm saying that Remus did care about the prank for the plot. So Mary is shut out in her room because of Mulciber and doesn't want to speak to anyone but Lily is trying to get her talk to her about what happened and while she's doing so makes a comment about Remus also refusing to come out of his room. Mary immediately thinks that the Slytherins had also hurt Remus and goes to the boys dorm to see him (she is the most protective gf in the world) but when Remus opens the door and tries to get out of telling her what happened she mentions that the Slytherins hurt her too in a way to tell him that she understands and Remus sees RED
Hear me out. Remus Lupin is not intimidating in the slightest. So when he goes to Mulciber he's laughed at for even thinking that he could take him. But i hc that Remus knows every defensive spell on the book (because he wants to be able to protect those he loves like his dad protected him)
Remus does eventually tell Mary everything and that's how Mary finds out that Remus is a werewolf
SPEAKING OF PARENTS. Lyall and Hope ADORE Mary. Mary is literally every in laws dream. She's polite and helping and all smiles around them and they can clearly see how much she cares for Remus and how happy she makes him
AND MARYS PARENTS LOVE REMUS TOO. They were skeptical at first because of the scars and the scrawniness of him but once he started talking they fell in love. (and they're obsessed with his welsh accent. they love how he speaks)
AND MARYS YOUNGER SIBLINGS ARE OBSESSED WITH REMUS. Mary in my hcs has an older sister and two younger brothers and because her brothers are so small they think Remus is the coolest person ever. They very bluntly asked him where he got his scars from when they first met and Mary told them that Remus fought a dragon
Yknow the "she's like a shot of espresso" audio of Andrew Garfield talking about Emma Stone?? Yeah that's actually Remus Lupin talking about Mary MacDonald
Remus loves burying his face in Marys neck. It's his favourite place to be and he loves kissing her there
Mary loves kissing Remus' scar on his face and hands. She's always sitting on his lap and running her hands through his hair
Remus LOSES HIS MIND when Mary wears short skirts
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cauldronoflove · 7 months
Good luck with the recalibration 💕 a two word prompt instead of three: workplace shenanigans
i love a robin and eddie dynamic where anyone that doesn't know better would think they hate each other so bad but all their friends are like theyre literally obsessed with each other your honor
The bell over the door sparks for the first time all day and it makes for an immediate scrabble. Magazine pages flapping, the hollow drag of the chain on his jeans scraping off the front counter. He draws himself upright, a glancing pain up his spine and down the tight skin of his side.
Chin angled toward the defaced name tag affixed to his chest, Eddie clears his throat and musters a, "Welcome to The Record Emporium what's...spinning today," that's laced with only negligible levels of disdain. He sighs under his breath, eyebrows ratcheting covertly up behind his fringe.
His manager's a gem, all things considered, her only vice the religious fervor she holds for the stupid opening line. It's like she can tell when he doesn't do it. Growing up with Wayne's old union stories he'd think she has the place wired, but life lessons since learned, he's not above considering it some kind of preternatural echolocation. Or maybe their customer-base is just skewed toward narcs.
"Oh, excuse me, sir," comes Robin's voice across the store. Pitched slightly higher, vowels drawn out, but unmistakably hers. "Do you have anything with a like, stupidly long guitar solo in the middle?"
"Fresh out," he demures with apologetic hands fanned wide. "Anything else?"
They--because Eddie never doubted it was anything but the package deal--come around the corner grinning, only to remember it gives the game away all too quick. Steve schools his face fastest, notching an elbow on Robin's shoulder and tipping his head toward hers for quick conference. He comes out on the other side with: "What about one of the ones if you play it backwards you can hear Ozzy's grocery list?"
Be still thy traitorous heart. Eddie tips onto his elbows, which are so potently numb they don't feel like his at all, and clasps his hands, twiddling his thumbs absently. "Mm, no can do. Boy George's grocery list, if you're lucky. And for the lady, a fine selection of real music, aisle five."
She sketches a curtsy with the hem of her oversized blazer, something jangling ominously in one of the pockets; she doesn't look skittish, so Eddie figures live and let live. "Let me know when the coast is clear," she orders with a lazy salute off the brow before peeling off for the vending machine.
Eddie notches his chin atop his hands, rings digging into the underside of his chin, the soft skin of his throat. But he's unaffected, nonchalant, even. Workday visit from the boyfriend, totally in bounds, such is the illustrious life of one town freak and his geeks. If he can feel his heartbeat all the way in his teeth, who's to know.
He flicks his brows up in question. "So, to what do I owe the distinct pleasure of a visit from the wonder twins on this fair Monday? I can't clock out before three or Heather's gonna kick my ass. So, y'know, any world-saving 's gonna have to wait for the factory bell to toll."
Steve shakes his head, huffing a little laugh. "I haven't even heard from the little shits today." Snagging something from his back pocket, he waggles it once, twice, and tosses it over. "I just figured you might need that."
Eddie only fumbles it a little, so maybe the whole shacking up with a jock does something for hand-eye coordination that gym class never did. The brief flash of congratulatory vigor sputters and dies a coward's death when he finally registers the who and what of the cracked black leather caught between his palms.
Any clever entendre is choked off in his groan. "You're kidding," he mutters, the crooks of his ears feeling suspiciously, disastrously hot. It's muscle memory that makes him thumb the seam and flick it open, eyes scanning from the frayed ticket stub peeking out of one of the card slots to the shitty photo on his I.D. he's still got two years with.
Steve folds his arms on the counter, clearly happy to be on the other side for once, and glances at Eddie out of the corner of his eye, a shit-eating grin winning the fight of neutrality. "If you wanted a call back, you didn't have to leave your wallet in my backseat."
His flush snakes down--up?--tangling with the scars along his throat, and a small, pleased smile curves at the corner of his lips. "Fuck off, man. No fuckin' way has anyone ever actually done that to y--" He breaks off in face of the baleful, almost pained expression Steve makes.
"Seriously?" Eddie sputters, tossing his head back in laughter. "Jesus, and I'm getting all this for free."
The lines by Steve's eyes crinkle when he smiles then, and Eddie considers hanging up the whole inquisition and hauling him into one of the security camera blindspots for a brief reminder of what got them here in the first place. But there's something itching at him still and he's a junkyard dog with a bone at the best of times. He tips the wallet back and forth between his hands, absentmindedly weighing it.
"Tell me it was in the floorboard, at least."
"Robin was looking for her retainer case, or something. I don't know, she didn't exactly stop for detail." Steve looks at Eddie full-on then, all windswept and easy. Pulling off unaffected and nonchalant with decided precision because he's a bastard. "Which she didn't even find. That," and finally, finally he has the decency to look at least faintly abashed, marginally sympathetic to Eddie's plight. "Was between the seats."
A few things connect for Eddie then--the off-balance weight in his hands, the rattle in her pocket, the thump of the vending machine--and he's scrambling over the counter before most of it has time to lodge permanent residence. His belt buckle scrapes the Formica, and his sneakers crinkle the open face of his notebook, and it's all plenty of warning for Robin before he ever even yelps, "Buckley!" as he tumbles to the floor. "Quit pilfering my change--and don't give me that 'I'm poor' shit, it doesn't work on me!"
"I make seventy cents for your dollar, Munson, you can buy me a soda for my emotional damages," she shoots back, leaning around the corporate-approved 'employee picks' display with a can of RC at her lips. Jesus, she can't even use his hard-earned quarters for good. "That was the all-clear, right? I just want to be clear, because if I have to see you two, like, debauching each other in clearance I'm letting the next demo-creature eat my face, okay?"
"Clearance?" Eddie tuts, scuttling close enough to shove a hand in the nearest pocket of her blazer, fingers glancing off paper scraps and what his passing grade in shop tells him is a screw. "I'd at least debauch your boy in view of full MSRP. I'm a courteous suitor. Respectful."
She makes exaggerated gagging noises as one of her long-fingered hands swats what of him she can reach. Wrist, shoulder, forehead. "You're an asshole," she tells him, all kinds of fondness behind it.
He grins. "Yeah? That's the way you like 'em, anyway."
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onepiece-polls · 10 months
One Piece Shipping War - Round 2 Side A
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IzSmo art by @flaggermousseart. Please check out the full piece here!
Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Izou x Smoker:
Yes, they are a crack ship. But they go so well together! Listen. Smoker being this grumpy but righteous guy, he knows what justice is. He knows pirates can't be trusted. He knows pirates are the enemy and even getting slightly friendly with one is not good (but sometimes temporarily necessary). He would NEVER fall for a pirate. But Izou? Izou is something else entirely. Izou gets under his skin in the best way possible. Izou is that dangerous, forbidden fruit that just keeps tempting him. He's so pretty, so hot, so badass, and knows just how to push the right buttons... Smoker has fallen before he even realizes what's happening. And Izou just can't get enough of his own little (yes Smoker is taller) Marine Vice Admiral. His own grumpy cat that he loves to death.
Did this get your interest? See more about this ship here!
Propaganda for Yamato x Ace:
its daddy issues x daddy issues, both shouldering a legacy both chosen and unchosen, both adoring luffy, and both finding kinship in destruction and freedom and THEYRE CUTE TOGETHER OKAY
They both have father issues.
The “why do you let him chain your heart too?!” Moment mid fight is peak!
What’s better than one himbo? Two himbos!
What’s better than this? guys bein dudes. Two men with daddy issues and incredible destructive capacity. Theyve both got great racks (Yamato even has two sets). The immediate connection. The height difference. The commentary on their fathers’ legacies. The drama. The angst. Ace is fire and Yamato makes ice. Theyve got it all.
Just two bros being dudes
The height difference. That's it.
They’re both dog boys your honor.
tragic boyfriends!!! they only knew each other for a few nights and yet that was enough to change both of their lives. what isnt romantic about that?
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c0rvidbones · 3 months
hello I love your art a whole lot!! tell me more about Wit (he's hot and evil and I require more juicy details) and Ruby (his design goes so hard) please?
oh my god hi i did not expect to come back to 20 notifs. (/pos) youve given me a much needed ego boost tonight thank you. is it bad i cant remember having ever posted ruby art?? ive only ever gotten One comm of him which is a crime, my violent martyr son should rly get more love than i give him 😔 but thank you for asking! buckle up this is gonna be a long fuckin post ♡ everything under the cut including relevant character art
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behold, all art of wit i have including one i havent posted here bc i never actually finished it and the wip of him being a silly giggly boy. pls know i came up with him like MAYBE a month ago. two, tops.
SO wit is actually a what-if au of another oc of mine, his name is doodle. doodle (seen below) is a very robin-hood-esque oc, honorable thief and kindhearted, swashbuckler rogue that dual wields rapiers bc hes insane. but hes insane in like a normal way. he was a horrible child but he did grow out of it and its rare to see him w his hair down so pardon me making him look absurdly pretty in that one.
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as you can see there are some (but not MANY) differences between the two. kid wit does have the starry hands/peets im just forgetful dont @ me about it djdjdj
ANYWAYS so the what-if of the au that wit is, essentially, little singular things didn't happen to people in that au world. it goes like so;
wit: never met his childhood best friend when he was a freshly injured orphan. was alone from the (elf) ages of 0-16. ended up studying magic (illusion wizard) since he didn't have someone to lean on for that sort of thing.
laika (wit's mom): never truly broke out of an archfey's madness curse. stuck with a very twisted version of the spell Tasha's Hideous Laughter burned into her mind. everything is funny and if it's scary? even funnier. she died briefly. shes back now, but still madnessed.
perseverance (wit's dad): never saved his mother from a death blow in the be-all end-all fight to save his home. was held back by someone who he thought was a friend, killed that person and then ultimately spiralled so hard that he became a lich. may or may not have accidentally killed laika.
something something one decision can change your whole life, me and my friend loved playing with that concept.
okay now that you know a lil lore/history i can dive into what wit is like.
as a kid (drawn with the short megafloofy hair) he's very mischievous and bastardly, almost always smiling or grinning but it's more to lean into the uncanny valley effect his eyes cause than out of any actual joy or anything. he doesn't Blink and he knows it unnerves people because he also has a freakishly high insight (i think its like a +9 or smth??? at level 9??). he loves to come up with fucked up spells, like. for example i saw a silly post on here the other day that was very jokingly having a wizard cast a spell of "10000 bricks until you die" but then i was immediately aware wit would (1) come up with that spell, make it functional, and have it unfortunately obliterate everyone that gets hit with it, and (2) he would call it Wit's Bricks which i think is fuckin funny. he would also come up with spells of like. cause heatstroke. boil all fluid in your body. FREEZE all fluid in your body. he's a little freak with extremely low empathy for those he isn't connected to with blood ties. that said, he's kind to his family (albeit very blunt and will call them out if theyre being stupid) and inquisitive. he DID look his dad in the eye when he met him for the first time and went "are you dead?" which. again, hilarious, but BRUTALLY blunt. he then called his dad cool because yes his dad is now a lich and therefore undead. he's a little freak but he's still a kid and that is ultimately his saving grace, what small child isn't a little freak.
as an adult (long ponytail) i get a feel of him being aro and using romance as a way to manipulate people. he's definitely still not a good person and far more stoic than he was as a child. also he most definitely maintains a constant illusion to make it seem like his eyes are always closed, which lends an air of mystery to the strange elf that seems to always be standing right behind every throne in every kingdom of faerun. i say this because i like to think he would become what's called a King's Wit, which is like a combo of royal advisor, court mage, and "guy the regent has insult other nobility since insults are beneath the reigning royal". he uses all of that to his advantage, gaining the ear and trust of every single person of noble blood that is part of any royal or ruling court, and he will bend and twist their choices so subtly that they won't realise he led them to ruin until it's already too late. which is his ultimate plan. he's STILL somewhat a robin hood style of character, but he takes it a bit further and with far less kindness to the nobility. he guts their coffers completely and every hoarded coin down to the last copper inevitably will land its way conveniently into the lap of the common folk. he does take a healthy chunk for himself - did you know being a wizard was EXPENSIVE in dnd btw? i didnt until i made wit - but most of it is for the local citizens. he does this everywhere he goes if he sees that it needs to happen. fucker topples kingdoms For Fun, because he never gets caught or credited with the ruin he leaves behind himself. he's awful. he probably still comes up with fucked up spells and he manipulates his way into wherever he wants to be. i love him.
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behold! @polterpumpkin drew my (not very) little guy for me! this is part of a greater set but this is the fully coloured one and arguably my fave bc it captures the absolute batshit energy ruby brings to the table.
ruby is a tiefling that was born in a lab. voluntarily, his parents participated in a sort of study that wanted to eval why it is tieflings could be born to non-tiefling parents. (both his parents are half-orcs, interestingly!) he participated in it up to a certain point, before he got sick of being poked and prodded and Watched. that's when he demanded to be released and, when he wasn't, both his parents helped him escape, unfortunately leaving his other two tiefling-born siblings behind in the process. both parents Died helping him escape, and he was embittered as is by the whole study bs, and then to have his parents die Saving him? it left him with this sort of hole he didn't know how to feel.
so he fills that hole with every vice he finds agreeable. he drinks, he fights, and he drinks again. he's a drunken monk, and one full of unbridled rage and a death wish. he isn't my happiest oc but he isn't my worst off (that would be talisman bloodhunter). he's constantly seeking a grand and worthy cause to die for, literally. he's a wannabe martyr, because he doesn't think he has anything to live for. no lovers, no friends, no allies, MAYBE a coworker or two on the occasion he's needed (he is so not needed most of the time, because it isn't often any job needs an angry monk tief to glare around the place). he has just those two sides to himself - party animal and underground drunk brawler - because he doesn't want to think about the pain underneath them both. he's tragic in a very human way, hilariously enough, but he's not a bad person. even if he's being dragged by the tail to do a job, he's ultimately going to be helpful and he ALWAYS keeps his team alive. he'll grumble about it but he'll do it, and if you thank him he brushes it off, muttering something or other about how it's just his job, don't Thank him for that. i think having a friend would Fix him but fuck if i know what would get past his thick skin 😔
i dont get to play or write ruby really, not for any specific reason other than the dnd games im in have been going for So long, and that i havent really been super inspired to write him. but i love him! literally my car is named after him! i have so many feelings for him and i hope one day i get to play/write him so he can be more fleshed out.
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shitpostingsystem · 5 months
bsd ramblings (season 3 and 4)
“is there really any value to this thing we call living?” dazai’s a mood
“what kind of suicidal punk are you” — chuuya to his future husband 
omg i love the sillies
mori sounds like the kurzgesagt dude ngl
chuuya being a shortie is so fun. “i’m still growing” growing my ass just kiss dazai already 
dazai you autistic motherfucker 
chuuya being a gang leader is fun
dazai is my silly
wait so chuuya’s technically 7 years younger than he actually is? 
gravity boi x suicidal manic, my favorite ship dynamic 
when are dazai and chuuya gonna kiss dammit
dostoyevsky is so silly
i am in dire need of more pm dazai. i need it all. i need more. i crave my husband’s past life. i need to see him and chuuya kiss while wiping out their enemies. 
i can’t wait to write fanfic once i finish this show. i don’t wanna screw up anything canon wise so i’ll wait. i’ll watch all of the show plus the spin-off to get all the dazai i can. i’ve already pirated the movie, nothing can stop me now. 
dazai is a slut and i love him for it. this is actually canon (at least during his pm years he was) 
dazai x kunikida x chuuya
kyouka is my child, i love her so much 
power of money?? real american o7 yeehaw capitalism 
bro just walked into someone’s home, sat down, and started laughing
“black daniels” HEY THATS JACK DANIELS
“hey poe!! it’s so nice to see you!!” JUST KISS ALREADY YOU TWO
the random ass fish-eye cuts in this show 😭😭
“OBJECTION!!” what is this, ace attorney???
i love how the superhumans are called gifteds, implying they’ve taken at least one honors/ap course. by that logic, i’m extra gifted (im in honors history and english) 
i haven’t seen dazai in a while wtf. where’s my husband?? i’ve barely seen kunikida, let alone chuuya. ok he’s here rn, prob won’t be for long 
ok but seriously mori is a pedo. elise is getting used even though she’s a fucking brat who gets what she wants
oh shit they got blew up
oh shit i forgot the catholic existed. puritan, whatever. same difference, both are culty at times
i think what i love about bsd is that the characters are complex. dazai can be considered a serial killer and definitely bad mentor to akutagawa but an amazing mentor to atsushi and is my husband
i love dostoyevsky’s english va. they did such an amazing job. 100/10 russian accent 
virus cannibalism my favorite /j
kunikida has tear gas powers? what is he, a cop???
oh noooo a kid got shotttttt how terribleeeeee  /s
oh that’s why, dostoyevsky has one
kenji the silly!! 
“aren’t you the one who lost to dazai?” RANPO RUBBING THE WOUND IN DAMN
the music is autism frfr
KARL <333333
“if ranpo really were to die in that world though, what would i do with myself?” — edgar allen poe
katai’s dead? damn. rip ig
oh shit here’s the bowl cut lemon dude
the office girls are dating 
damn fukuzawa and mori had a past together
dazai making his kids work together is gold
“what did you have for dinner last night?” “yes” GOD I LOVE THIS SHOW
the classical music omg 
“you’re quite the rough ride, yknow” that’s what she said
“enough, you’re not paying for this ride” that’s what she said
incel (katai) isn’t dead 
i love how dazai is the mafia boss in a different timeline 
akutagawa and atsushi are so down bad for each other omg
my native english speaking ass hears theodore instead of fyodor. i’m pretty sure it’s the same but different languages but still 
dazai <3
ranpo <3
wait so season 4 is fukazawa focused? dammit i wanted more dazai
i fucking love ranpo. the silly 
he’s such a brat. good for him 
oh it’s the play 
“there something everyone else gets and i don’t get it” RANPO MY AUTISTIC SCRUNGO <33 
ranpo my silly <33
honestly i keep forgetting they’re detectives
ranpo has adhd and autism 
ranpo got fucking bitch slapped i love him 
“as always, i have a hard time saying no to ranpo” ITS BECAUSE YOURE GAY POE
“but i got to see your rare, exasperated face so it was well worth the money!” poe you homosexual 
“are you that detective’s fanboy or something?” “no i’m his rival!” how about boyfriend? 
i fucking love ranpo omg 
why can i handle anime gore but not irl organs omg
my gore levels are weird. organs and bodily fluids (beside blood) are a no-go but i can see a dead body no problem 
when did atsushi become op
“a total of 625 charges…” MY BABY GETTING ARRESTED NOOO
wait so the ada is a front? wtf??
i’m so confused wtf is going on
the decay of angels would be a cool ass band name
ok so moot says ada is innocent and shit like that. i trust them.
teruko is my child 
everyone’s a shitty person i love them
why chuuya kinda 😳😳
kunikida has ocd (i’m not projecting wdymmm) 
“i won’t let anyone mess up my schedule!” whole mood and a half there kunikida
dazai <33333333333333333333
dazai and dostoyevsky are besties fuck you
“she’s so strong-willed! i love it!” MORI YOU PEDO
“Dazai is a good person SOMETIMES! But he’s also a criminal who has done fucked up shit! And he has a personality! He’s really smart! And lowkey manipulative to get what he wants! He’s not amazing!” my moot gets it!! 
morally dubious characters <33
i love yosano so much 
i love lucy 
sticking out your gyatt for the rizzlerrr you’re so skibidiiiiiiii you’re so fanum taxxxxxx i just wanna be your SIGMAAAAAAAAAAA
sigma is so silly. i love him
dazai is a weezer fan
chuuya is a nirvana fan 
i’m terrible with names so i’m like “oh damn That Dude” both fictional and irl. like atsushi was Terrible Bang Traumatized Furry until i got his name 
i don’t even read omegaverse but every time they say sigma i cringe 
sigma has amnesia?? mood
bro’s a fictional character within a world of fictional characters 
dostoyevsky <3333
sigma named himself??? nah don’t even he was born with an ao3 account 
i don’t know shit about cosmetology but if i got ahold of sigma i would fix his hair
oh hey catholic scarlet letter man
if my beautician aunt saw atsushi and sigma she would take them out of the show, fix their hair, beat them up, and put them back as changed men 
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imagine dark romance childhood friends eveline who grow apart when emmeline's family moves away
but evan remains as obsessed with her forever, as he stalks her everyday
i like to think it would begin in some prestigious boarding school that the two both attend (scholarship kid emmeline x rich evan + scholarship kid lily x rich barty for the win btw)
evan only attends the classes that emmeline is in (even the ones that he isn't supposed to be in) and he is her guard dog, glaring at anyone who tries to approach her
emmeline's just glad to remeet the boy that she used to play in sandboxes with (and the first ever crush she had)
evan is never too far from her- they were apart for too many years for him to let her out of his sight again- and emmeline usually makes sure that she's somehow touching evan (holding hands, playing with his hair, drawing something on his arms, colouring in his already existing tattoos)
theyre obsessed w/ each other, your honor (even if emmeline denies it on her side)
then bartylily dark romance academic rivals to lovers
lily's the one who has his schedule memorized first (because she's so competitive, she needs to know where he's volunteering and what his extracurriculars are)
lily takes notice of the boy who barely shows up to class but is still directly competing with her almost immediately
barty takes notice of lily on the rare occasions that he has to attend class, when he enters into a debate with her in english lit
barty agrees with all of lily's points (some obscure topic that he barely sees anyone else know that much about) but to fuck with her, he debates on the opposing side
this leads to him attending more classes just to debate with the really pretty redhead and before he knows it, he's watching her through crooks in between the library books and making sure she gets to her place safe
-your favourite dark romance girlie
I think I'm in love with you.
fancy boarding schools are the perfect set for that tbh. I mean, where else would those guys get the perfect chance to spend every moment with their lovely girlfriends?
childhood friends to lovers eveline????? I eat that shit up
I love that idea sm
academic rivals to lovers is the best troupe to ever exist already, but then you make bartylily, and it becomes a divine gift fr
emmeline always touching evan in some way is so real. it's the main reason people assume they must be in a relationship because why else would he act the way he does and she touch him so much??? obviously, they must be dating, and he is just a tad bit... possessive?
they sit together in every class she has. he'll miss his own classes just so he can sit with her
emmeline being equally obsessed with evan as he is with her (she just shows it less), but boy, a jealous emmeline is a dangerous one (we don't even talk about a jealous evan)
barty debating lily just to debate her is such a barty thing to do tbh. him only coming to class so that he can debate her is even more in character
lily is probably so confused about him coming to class more regularly and just starting fights with her every. single. time. it probably drives her insane
lily definitely knows about him following her around (he's not as subtle as she thinks he's trying to be (he's not trying to be subtle at all))
I can imagine that when he found out abt lily having his schedule memorised, he was giggling and kicking his feet
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bettathanyou · 1 year
Hii! Could I request a cedric × reader who is also the royal sorceress for another kingdom? Their royal family visit Enchancia and shes shocked when she sees cedric bcs theyre close childhood friends? Just hugs him infront of everyone. She's quite shy so they just spend their days locked up in his room doing magical stuff, except that time someone in the castle insults cedric and she defends him and that tips a confession scene? Plus points if both royal families are out there shipping them! Thankss!!
Omg thank you for the ask!! This is my first one and I feel so honored <3 I love writing Cedric angst so this feels like such a good treat :3 Also since there was no kingdom specified in the fic, I'm keeping it purposefully vague. I figure it would fit better in a y/n fic anyhow. anyways enjoy!!
An Old Friend, A New Lover
Fic request for @acupnoodle
"Are you excited, y/n? We haven't seen our friends in Enchancia for ages!"
Your queen gushed, smiling brightly in excitement. Beside her, the king was staring out of the carriage window soaking up the scenery, and the children next to you were both snoring softly in their seats. Personally, you were more excited to get out of the cramped carriage to stretch your legs.
"Yes, I'm very excited your majesty. The last time I was in Enchancia..." Your sentence hung in the air as distant memories shuffled across your mind; the song birds chirping when pulling an all nighter, reading in the Hexley Hall libraries until you passed out, hearing the seniors plan their yearly pranks on Royal Prep... you exhale slowly, feeling the nostalgia carve a hole into your heart. It felt like forever since you've seen your old magic academy, or any of the people in it.
Suddenly, a face pops up from the hazy mist of memories. A boy with bangs the color of moonlight, striking against his ebony hair.
You feel your heart cry out as his name settles on your tongue. You almost can't believe you've forgotten your own childhood best friend. Your mind reels as you try to claw your way through memories, latching on to the moments you two shared together.
Being painfully shy yourself, along with Cedric being an outcast of his own, you both quickly grew close. You both sat together in every class you shared, worked on projects together, and talked into the long hours of the night about every hope and dream a young sorcerer and sorceress could have. You feel yourself biting back a dopey smile thinking about it, however your burning cheeks give yourself away.
Lost in your reminiscing, a voice cuts through your concentration.
You startle at the mention of your name, staring at the queen with owlish eyes as she wears a bemused expression.
"Ah- I'm so sorry, I got lost in thought..." You mumbled shyly, your cheeks tingling from embarrassment.
"Well, I can see that... Care to share?" The queen quirks an eyebrow at you, grinning like a cat.
"Oh, well.... It's a bit of a long story." You chuckle self consciously, rubbing your thighs. You can feel the queens questioning gaze on you, and your anxiety begins to flare up.
"My dear, it's going to be an even longer trip!" The queen laughs, her eyes twinkling. You laugh politely, but still refuse to answer. Seeing you unconvinced, the queen presses you further.
"Tell me, before I swoon from boredom." The queen flutters her eyelids dramatically, fanning herself in jest.
You genuinely laugh this time, which leaves you feeling disarmed. Tentatively, you start to speak.
"Well... I... Had? Have? This friend..." You begin, your voice droning on as you edge closer to your destination.
Time Skip Time!~
The scene is now taking place around sunset. The queen wasn't joking about it being a long trip, lol.
"Announcing the visiting Royals from beyond the continent! We welcome you to Enchancia!" An older man with neatly combed grey hair, spectacles, and black coattails formally greets you all as you step outside of the royal carriage.
You deduce this man to be the castle steward, but can't put a name to the face. All you knew was he was supposed to have an outstanding reputation amongst his peers.
Standing behind the steward were the royal family of Enchancia. Your eyes widen as you take them all in. King Roland's eyes met yours and paid you a kind smile.
Feeling your skin crawl from eye contact, you quickly bow your head and shuffle to the side of the staircase to be out of the way. The two families begin to intermingle- the adults chattering away and the children begin to split off into groups to play.
Your eyes drink in the engagement from a safe distance, happy to be in your own bubble. In your peripheral vision, however, you see a blotch of purple catch your eye.
Turning to get a better look, you see a tall and lanky man appearing in his late thirties in a purple sorcerer's robe, standing idly by the Enchancia castle doors.
His posture was slightly hunched, with his hands tucked away behind his back. His prominent nose and high cheekbones gave him a naturally evoking look, and his cognac eyes drifted in a bored expression. Your eyes travelled upwards to his hair, silvery white bangs framed deliciously against ebony locs.
Dumbfounded, you feel the cogs in your brain short circuit as you realize who that man was. Blood rushed to your ears. You felt your heart catapult from the pit of your stomach right into your throat. You let out a choked noise, struggling to catch your breath. Almost as if being tugged by an invisible rope, you drag your feet along the polished stone of the castle stairs towards the sorcerer.
Cedric didn't notice you immediately, but halfway there he turns to meet your approach. The setting sun catches in his bright brown eyes, transforming them into the richest golden hue that any king would envy.
Taking the suns rays upon Cedric's face as a sign, you continue to put one foot in front of the other. The noise of the royals started to fade, and all that filled your senses was the man standing fixed in front of you.
Cedric, however, looked more and more unsettled as you closed the gap. His eyes betrayed a look of confusion, the once golden light in his eyes clouding over.
His expression made you pause. You feel the tunnel vision lift, and suddenly you're back in reality once again. Despite this, you find yourself still not backing away.
"...Cedric?" You push out, your voice wobbly from nerves.
Cedric blinked, an unreadable look blooming on his face. Your eyes bore into him, silently pleading for any sign of recognition. A beat of silence stretches for miles between you both.
Suddenly, his eyebrows shot up and a gasp left his lips. His gloved hand covers his mouth in shock. Backing away, Cedric leans against the archway of the castle.
"Y/N...? Y-you-..." Cedric's muffled voice stutters in disbelief, his eyes wide.
The wind rushes out of your lungs in sheer relief, and you almost collapse on the spot. Before you could register your own actions, you found yourself buried into purple silk and warm skin. Your arms squeezed Cedric close, inhaling his scent deeply. Burnt citrus, lavender, and the familiar saccharine smell of potion chemicals hits you hard.
You almost cry from happiness.
You slowly feel the man in your grasp shift his arms, and you start to pull away in fear of making him uncomfortable. You remember he wasn't keen on physical touch, at least back then.
"Stupid, you shouldn't hug people randomly!" You curse yourself, trying to ignore the pricks in your heart.
Before completely detaching yourself, however, you feel Cedric's arms pull you in again in a soft embrace. You feel his chest fall with a heavy sigh, his head dipping to rest on your cheek. His hands rest lightly on your back- just enough to be present, but still maintaining a respectful distance. Every inch his skin touched you felt like fire, and for a second you're convinced that this is what magic truly is.
"..You're really back, Y/N? This isn't a dream?" Cedric asks softly, pulling away slightly to look you in the eye. You almost whine in protest, not wanting to break any contact with the sorcerer. Before you could respond, however, King Roland's voice booms from across the entrance.
"Cedric, Y/N! I see you're catching up..." The royal glances between you and his friend, his eyes twinkling in a way you weren't sure you quite liked. You dip your head down bashfully, trying in vain to salvage your composure.
"Yes, it's been quite a long time..." Cedric mutters, a dark look shadowing his features.
"Well, why don't you show her around the castle? I'm sure she'd be interested in your workshop too! You both can practice for the magic show coming up, too." Roland nods in satisfaction, catching Cedric's eye and giving him a quick wink.
"R-Right! Excellent idea, sire. Y/N, would that be okay with you?" Cedric nervously glances over for your approval.
"Ah... I should ask before I go wandering off..." You bite your lip apologetically, your eyes begging for forgiveness from Cedric. You glance over at your king and queen and back to Cedric.
"Oh, of course. I'll wait here for you, then." Cedric gives you a smile, but the disappointment in his voice was poorly masked.
With a nod, you quickly go over to seek permission to be excused.
"Oh my, that's the Cedric you told me about?" The queen spoke in an excited hush, barely containing her giggles.
"Yes, it is." You answer, trying hard to maintain your cool.
"Well then, you shouldn't keep him waiting a second longer! Have fun." The royal gives you a knowing smile, and you flash her a bashful one in return.
Briskly returning to Cedric's side, you tell him you're free to go.
"Excellent. So, would you like the grand tour or shall we skip to the grand finale?" Cedric wiggles his eyebrows at you, his lips curling into a mischievous smile.
"You should know by now, patience is a virtue I've never had." You joke, earning a chuckle from Cedric.
"Of course, how could I forget?" Cedric says lightly, gazing down at you with a smile; however, it doesn't quite match his eyes. You feel as though he was talking to himself moreso to you. Even so, you laugh as you walk alongside him.
You both make your way to Cedric's tower, chatting along the way. Cedric is mostly doing the talking, but being a good listener was always your preferred role anyways. Just hearing his voice made your heart swell with joy. Before you both realized it, you were at Cedric's door.
"Y/N, this is where the magic happens." Cedric burst into a cheeky grin, and you groaned at his lame sorcerer joke.
"You really still say that, Cedric?" You feign annoyance, but secretly love the fact he referenced such an old inside joke between you.
Cedric tutted, cocking a brow. "Well, I thought it was funny. But I suppose everyone's a critic, hmm?" He sniffed, strutting past you to open the door. He tucked himself against the wall, beckoning for you to enter.
"Sorceress's first, Y/N." Cedric dipped his head respectfully.
"Always the gentleman, Ceddy." You coo, the nickname slipping out before you could stop it.
"Y-y-yes. Of course." Cedric coughed into his sleeve, the tips of his ears flushed pink.
You don't comment on Cedric's reaction, instead choosing to quietly tuck it away in the back of your mind.
Entering the workshop, your eyes scan the room. Trinkets, magical artifacts, bottles, potions, and other various magical supplies littered every free inch of counter space.
Cedric always had a haphazard way of organizing, and you couldn't help but smile at the familiar sight.
"Old habits die hard, I suppose..." You murmured, scanning the room once again.
"Did you say something, Y/N?" Cedric questioned, his frame popping up from beside you.
"Oh!" You startle, jumping from the sudden movement.
"Um, I said you have a lovely workshop." You flash Cedric a cheery smile, trying to mask your lie. Well, technically it's not a lie. Besides the questionable organization, there were plenty of things that caught your eye.
"Well, it took years and years of hard work to get it to where it is now." Cedric sighed, his eyes wandering the cramped shelves. You hummed in response, following his gaze across the various items he possessed.
"But, thank you. It's my pride and joy, Y/N. Anything you need, I'm sure I have it." Cedric puffs out his chest confidently.
"And you're welcome for as long as you'd like, of course." The sorcerer added, a nervous chuckle leaving his lips.
You give him a grateful smile, thanking him.
Both of you were starting to enjoy this trip already.
(Another Time Skip Because This Fic Is Getting Long Enough~)
"Cedric, where did you keep the mugwort tinctures again?" You called down from the stairs, rummaging once again through his herb storages.
"Top shelf, three drawers to the right!" Cedric answered, not sparing a glance from his bubbling beakers.
"It's not there, Cedric. I looked! There's only dried Mullein leaves." You yell, exasperation edging your voice.
"What? How... That's impossible!" Cedric scowled, rising from his seat. With a flick of his wand, the drawer magically opens and the contents gently levitate from the drawer.
With a twirl of the wrist, the dried leaves make their descent from the upper level of the workshop into Cedric's palm. After a minute of inspection, you hear him curse loudly.
"Damn it all, this has to be Cordelia's doing. I've told her multiple times to NOT. touch. My things! I have a process that must not be disturbed!" Cedric glowered at the leaves in his hand, his frustration building with each word.
Placing the Mullein in a heap on his desk, he runs his fingers through his hair as he sighs in resignation.
Seeing his upset state, you gingerly float down from the balcony to comfort your friend. You were shocked to find out that Cordelia and Cedric were still on speaking terms, but that question could be answered at a later time.
"I'm so sorry, Cedric. Is there any way we can get Mugwort from the castle gardens? I'll help you replace whatever Cordelia took." You offer gently, brushing your hand across the sorcerer's back in soothing motions.
"She didn't take them, Y/N. Surprising, I know." Cedric snorted in annoyance, rubbing his temples with his fingers.
Seeing your puzzled look, Cedric continues.
"Sometimes, when Cordy visits she insists on 'helping me' by 'reorganizing' all of my materials. Without permission, I might add!" Cedric crosses his arms, clenching his jaw.
"And she never listens to you when you ask her to stop?" Your question was more of a statement, given you remember her kleptomaniac nature.
Cedric nods silently in agreement, then draws out a long huff of air.
"I know what you're looking for is here, somewhere. She wouldn't steal such a frivolous ingredient. I just have to find it." Cedric's brow furrowed and his lips formed a tight line. He rose from his seat, holding his wand up in the air.
With a flourish of his hand, magical ingredients were flying to and fro in a crazed manner.
"Ah, Cedric...!" You cried out, ducking your head from the incoming projectiles.
"Don't worry, y/n! I'll have this sorted out in a jiffy!" Cedric drawled in a sing song voice.
"I don't doubt it...! But I'm going to take my chances in the garden. I don't have much time left to prepare for the show tonight!"
You spoke quickly, begging for Cedric's understanding in the matter.
"Well, if you insist, my dear! I'll fetch you when I've found the Mugwort!" Cedric shooed you off, fully concentrated on finding his missing ingredient.
Eager to leave, you rush down his tower steps and towards the royal courtyards.
Finally finding your way, you approach the well tended royal gardens of Enchancia. You notice this kingdom spared no expense at the various types of plants that grew here. With a satisfied hum, you expertly scan the ground for your prize.
After about 20 minutes, you're ready to just scrap your entire idea altogether. You sigh loudly once again, sitting on a plush carpet of grass and moss.
The serene sounds of the gardens slowly took the edge off, and with a cool head you decide to give it one last try. You push off your knees, ready to stand and try again. Before you could rise however, you hear giggling coming from your left.
"I know, right? I mean, really, if it weren't for his father being Goodwyn The Great he would never have been a royal sorcerer!" A servant girl chortles with her friend, their voices carrying through the breeze.
You duck below to your previous spot, hoping they didn't see you. You lean closer, trying to overhear their conversation. Were they seriously talking about Cedric?
"I think his sister should've been the royal sorcerer. Have you seen her magic? It's amazing!" The girl sighs dreamily, clutching her hands to her chest.
Your stomach sinks as your suspicion is confirmed. Your body refuses to move from your hiding place, despite your mind's anguished pleas. Anger begins to cloud your vision, and a faint ringing in your ears starts to grow louder by the second.
"Cedric the Great? I think he should just be called Cedric the Second Rate!"
The girls burst into uncontrollable laughter, their high pitched squeals igniting the burning hot anger within you.
Your mind flashes back to the brats at Hexley Hall, and everyone who would turn up their nose at Cedric. The name calling. The pranks. The snide remarks.
The nights where you had to drag Cedric out of bed because he wouldn't move otherwise, wishing he was dead.
You jump up from your hiding place, feeling the blood rush to your skin in a seething rage you haven't felt since those distant memories.
"How dare you both speak like that about Cedric!" You hissed, stomping over to the servant girls.
They turn to you, their mouths forming a shocked "o" in response, eyes bulging from fear. The girl who mocked Cedric a second earlier begins to stutter in response, but you won't allow her another word.
"Don't you dare try to speak now. I heard everything. Both of you are such wretched, awful creatures. The rats that scurry in the castle walls have better manners than both of you combined!"
The girls shrank into themselves, clutching each other's arms at your agitated state. Even though name calling would normally be beneath you, it felt good to give them a dose of their own medicine.
"Neither of you peasants know a word about the man you're talking about. You don't deserve to speak his name, much less mock it."
Your words wavered from your emotions, and your throat already felt hoarse from the foreign feeling of raising your voice. Yet, you found yourself completely unable to stop. It was like you were watching yourself from outside your body.
"Please... Miss Y/N, we were only joking! We didn't mean any harm, I promise!" The girl who called Cedric second rate piped up, her voice pleading for mercy.
"Yes, that's what they all say. It's all fun and games, a little tit for tat." Your hands shoot up in a dismissive wave, then ball up into fists at your side.
"But any good sorceress knows that words hold power."
You grab your wand from its resting place at your hip, it's familiar power singing a siren song to you.
The girls cried out in retaliation, cowering before you. Their piercing wails suddenly bring you back into your body, and you momentarily froze in place. After a beat of hesitation, you hear a voice call out to you.
"Y/N! Stop!"
You turn your head to the sound of your name, seeing purple satin and white hair billowing in the afternoon breeze. Cedric huffs breathlessly, his arms outstretched towards you.
"Cedric?" You echo, your arms falling limp to your side.
The girls scramble to their feet, taking advantage of the distraction. They turn to run, and in response your body twists to capture them. With your wand aimed straight for them, there was no escape. However, a pair of gloved hands capture your wrists in protest.
"Let them go, Y/N." Cedric spoke simply, but you knew he wasn't asking- he was telling you to.
Your eyes don't leave the servants bodies for a second as they run off and turn a corner, successfully escaping your wrath.
Begrudgingly lowering your arm, you avoid Cedric's piercing gaze. His hand still grasps your forearm, squeezing it tightly.
You both stand in silence, searching for the right thing to say. After a beat, Cedric speaks.
"So... It seems you got side tracked." Cedric prompted, his tone unreadable.
"Trust me, I did not intend for it to happen. I happened to overhear those witches cackling about you, and I couldn't just-"
Your words harshly are cut off by Cedric's pointer finger being brought up to your lips. You stare up at him, your anger resurfacing.
"I know. I saw- and heard- enough to piece together what happened." Cedric spoke softly, his eyes unable to fully meet yours.
"And you did nothing?"
You spat, your cheeks lighting up as your emotions rose up to the surface.
"I stopped you, didn't I?"
Cedric snapped back, his brows furrowed deeply in anger as his voice cut through the garden. Falling into silence, all you could do was stare at him as you fought tears that were already welling in your eyes.
"My god, Y/N... I'm not a child anymore. I don't need you harassing a couple servants over petty gossip." Cedric glowered at you, his grip on your forearm tightening even more.
"You're hurting me." You reply weakly, tugging against Cedric's hand.
"You could've hurt them, too." Cedric countered.
"I wasn't going to do anything! Just scare them off!" You protest weakly.
Cedric scoffed, but relented his grip. Slinking away from his tall form, you swat at your wet eyes.
"Well, you certainly did your job. We should go, before anyone else knows what happened." Cedric responded curtly, already turning away from you.
Not budging from your spot, you stare daggers into Cedric's back. Not sensing your presence, Cedric's head peeks over his shoulder.
"Are you coming?" Cedric eyes you wearily, holding his breath.
"How does it not anger you, what those girls said?" You asked, your voice breaking. You bite your lip to keep your chin from wobbling, but the tears from your eyes were now flowing rivers. Your feet were like anchors, holding you to the spot. You couldn't move until Cedric explained himself. However, before Cedric could reply, more words tumble from your lips.
"While you're... Right, we aren't children anymore-" you mumbled, your tongue becoming thick with emotion.
"-It's not as easy as you might think, ignoring those who tarnish the name of the person you loved since childhood."
Your confession felt like a heavy blanket, weighing down the atmosphere of the space around you. Your skin crawled with every second of silence.
Cedric's eyes swirled with complex emotions, slowly processing what you had said.
Exhaling a heavy sigh, Cedric returns to your side. Conjuring a tissue, he tenderly wipes your eyes. You silently beg him to say anything, anything to just break the tension already.
"Do you want to know a trick I learned from another dear friend of mine?" Cedric whispered, his face leaning in close to your own.
You gave a meager hum in response, your eyes locking with his own.
"The only people's opinions I need to care about are my own, and the people whom I love. Anything else is noise that can be drowned out." Cedric's hand moves to peel a stray lock of hair out of your face, gently tucking it behind your ear.
"I already know what those girls think. I don't care. And you certainly gave them a piece of your mind too." Cedric chuckled darkly, his eyes glinting in a way that made your reddened cheeks turn scarlet.
"So... Are we okay, then?" You murmur, anxiously bunching your skirts up in your hands.
"I'm afraid after this... I don't think it's best we remain friends." Cedric replied, his voice low and eyes downcast.
Your heart lept into your throat, and only a strangled noise escapes your lips. Your knees begin to feel weak, but before you could protest any further you find your lips fully occupied by Cedric's.
Your whole body stiffens, completely unaware of how to react. A million questions blitzed in the back of your mind, but slowly the feeling of Cedric's warm lips melted away any worries in that moment.
You closed your eyes gently, matching Cedric's pace of the kiss. Your hand snakes around his neck to bring him in closer, and in turn his hands rest in the small of your back to pull you flush into him. Your whole body hummed in satisfaction, and this moment felt like it was what you waited for your whole life.
After exchanging a few more lingering kisses, you both break apart for air.
Your skin is still buzzing from the kiss, and you cling to Cedric's robes for support.
"Wow... That was...!" You stutter, breathless.
"Magical?" Cedric grinned, taking your hand and rubbing your knuckles with the pad of his thumb.
You shake your head, a huge grin of your own on your face.
"Even better, I fear." You reply, nuzzling into his chest.
You both stand in each other's embrace, until the realization hits you that you both had a magic show that needed to be done and you still had no Mugwort.
"Cedric-! The magic show!" You cried, your eyes wide with worry.
"I did say I'd come fetch you when I found the Mugwort, didn't I?" Cedric smirked, digging into the sleeve of his robe for your missing ingredient.
"Haha! Cedric, you're simply the best." You hug him tightly, sighing in relief and love for the sorcerer.
"Ready to knock some royal socks off, then?" Cedric asked, his wand at the ready.
"With you by my side? Absolutely." You nod, pulling out your wand in turn.
"Then let's not keep them waiting, hmm?" Cedric offers you his hand, which you take graciously.
"Let's go!" You tug Cedric along, laughing. In this moment, it was just like you two were kids again.
Except this time, neither of you were going anywhere.
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