#things and really look at what you do and see how they don’t align anymore
jemmo · 9 months
i cant even begin to explain how interesting i found this ep, but i think it all centres on night saying that day was a crybaby as a child, and yet in this ep he’s the one we see cry the least. and while i dont want to diminish how insanely difficult it is for day to lose his sight completely, i mean, we all saw the end of last weeks ep, i find it so interesting that it was the other people in his family that struggled with it the most, in their own ways. it makes me think about how for day, this is something he’s known is coming, and it’s only he who knows how his sight is deteriorating, so it’s not a shock, and while it’s upsetting for mohk, day confides in him enough that he knew it was coming to, and they had that cathartic moment together. but for his mom and for night, they didn’t see it coming, which is why it’s completely understandable that she panics. it might not seem like panic on the surface bc she’s a very put together woman, but the need to protect day and keep him away from any possible harm and do it herself, it tells us that she’s panicking, both bc this change they thought they could beat by getting a transplant before it got this bad, but also bc it brings to the surface that for all this time, the last months of day having some sight, she’s been absent and swamped with work and hasn’t been there with day, taking care of him, doing things with him, enriching that time, and the guilt makes her double down, at the expense of day. and it’s nothing anyone but herself can deal with, address that feeling and know that maybe she could’ve done different, done better, but ultimately that time has passed and change can only be made now, in the present.
and for night, wow. i wanna commend mark so much bc for me, he managed to capture that sense of a child in an adults body so well, bc this ep was about him healing that child inside of him that felt second best and not cared for like his brother was. and it says a lot that he cried more when his mother made his favourite dish after so many years than he did when day forgave him, bc for the whole show we think that the heaviness he is carrying is the guilt of the accident, but it’s only in the past few eps we really know what the root of it all is. and that’s not to say that day forgives him lightly, he absolutely doesn’t, it says more about how he actually has been keeping count of all that night has been doing to make it up to him, from taking him to go with mohk on the trip to bringing him a phone, night has constantly been trying to show that he does care, and none of it feels insincere, like just trying to get rid of a guilty conscience, he actually wants to be the big brother he wasn’t before. and when he cries at his favourite meal, it feels cathartic not just for all the obvious reasons of feeling loved and included, but for night that’s been doing all this stuff to show day he cares, finally someone is doing that for him, and it’s like he finally knows what that feels like on both sides, for someone to care enough to do something like that for you, and to receive that act of love. finally, it feels like all that care he was showing other people is being returned to him, and it’s not out of courtesy, it’s bc they care for him just as much as he cares for them.
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dodger-chan · 22 days
AO3 is down? Okay, well here's about 900 words of a story I don't think I'll ever finish
Edit: now on AO3
The Alibi
Clearing Eddie Munson’s name went against every instinct Jim had honed in his years as a cop. Munson was bad news. A drug dealer. A born criminal, in and out of Hawkins Police custody since he was a kid.
Admittedly, no small number of those early detentions were more about trying to track down his father than anything Munson had done himself. He’d been an uncooperative shit, though; always insisting he knew nothing while sporting bruises fresh enough to prove his old man hadn’t been gone very long.
If Jim hadn’t known for a fact the kid was completely innocent of the three murder charges. If he hadn’t been told by Henderson, both Sinclair kids, the good Wheeler, and Harrington and his girlfriend that Munson had been instrumental in beating back the monsters beneath Hawkins. If Jane hadn’t looked at him with loving expectation, hadn’t been so sure her old man would make fairness and justice align, well, Jim wasn’t sure what he would have done. It wouldn’t have been this.
This being escorting the Harrington kid to the hospital to sneakily convey the plan to Munson, and then ruin his life.
Ruin Harrington’s life, that is. It might save Munson’s. 
Jim recognized Wayne Munson from all the times he’d come down to the station to claim his nephew. Wayne looked older than Jim remembered him. Eddie, pale with blood loss and handcuffed to the bed, looked younger. He didn’t know the officer standing guard in Munson’s room; a new hire while he’d been in Russia.
“It’s family only,” the officer instructed. Jim frowned at him.
“I'm not here to visit.” Jim wasn’t the chief anymore, but he still knew how to talk so the lower ranks would listen. “I’ve found Munson’s alibi.”
He shoved Harrington forward. The kid reached a hand out towards Munson, looked at the guard and stopped. He stiffened his shoulders and placed his hand on top of Munson’s. Not a bad performance.
“I thought the cops would ask me about our last date on Friday. But they didn’t come around.” Harrington kept his eyes down, but spoke to Munson. “Why didn’t you tell them? Did you think I’d lie about being with you?”
“Maybe? The whole ‘no one can know’ thing seems pretty important to you.” Between the handcuffs and the IV drip, Munson couldn’t really shrug. “You still take girls out. You took a girl to the game that night, even.”
Harrington had said Munson would figure out the plan quickly, that they wouldn’t need to feed him very much information. Jim hadn’t expected he’d not only get the gist of the plan but be able to fish for useful information as well. He was impressed.
“And took her home right after so I could meet you.” Harrington raked a hand through his hair. “You know the girls are just for show. So no one suspects. I don’t… I don’t sleep with them anymore.”
“That’s enough.” The officer looked between the two young men, then at Jim. He obviously wanted to take Harrington out of the room and interrogate him properly, but wasn’t sure he could leave his murder suspect. 
“Munson’s not going anywhere,” Jim pointed out. “I’ll keep an eye on him while you call Chief Powell.”
The officer nodded in deference to Jim’s air of authority. He left, taking Harrington with him to keep the boys from discussing their stories any more.
It clearly hadn’t occurred to him that Jim might help them get their stories straight. Ideally, he’d speak to Munson alone, but presumably the elder Munson cared more about keeping his nephew out of jail than the truth.
“Right, so after your club meeting-” Jim started. Munson interrupted him.
“I drove to Steve’s place. I parked my van in the woods so none of his neighbors would see it. Like I always do.” Munson rolled his eyes. “I got there first; let myself in the back. Steve got there maybe five minutes after me. We had a fight, about Steve taking girls out. Again. I will spare you and Wayne exactly where that led, though I expect the police will request all the details, perverts that they are.”
“You got all that from ‘date last Friday?’” Jim asked. It was almost exactly the story Steve had told him. Not the same words, not the same point of view, but the same events. 
“No, I got it from ‘last date, on Friday,’” Munson corrected. Jim wasn’t sure why the difference mattered. “So our last date, but like it happened on the Friday before Spring Break.”
Jim frowned, confused. Wasn’t Harrington pretending to be dating Munson? He looked over at Wayne, who seemed as lost as he was.
“I thought you broke up with that boy?” Wayne was apparently lost in a very different place than Jim was.
“I did, though, under the circumstances, I may omit that detail. Unless Steve is planning to say I dumped him before I left that morning?”
“He isn’t.” Harrington had asked if the alibi would sound more believable coming from a current or ex-boyfriend. Jim had thought a break-up the day of the murder sounded too convenient. Not that either would have been credible enough to clear Munson’s name if the Feds weren’t around to put their thumb on the scale. Harrington’s story was more to get them to place it on the side of Munson being released rather than blackmailed into a plea agreement.
“Then I guess he and I are officially back together.
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kyuwaimo · 2 months
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。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ lost in between us when we touch . ꪆৎ ˚⋅
zayne x y/n, fem!reader
tags. mdni! smut, unprotected s/ex, reader is downbad (aren’t we all), doing it on the pool table (yw girlies), zayne’s in control (trust frfr), for the zayne lovers (yes u) enjoy hehe notes.2.3k words, first fic i've released so pls bare w my writing <3
synopsis. in where a private room of a game of pool evidently doesn’t become a game anymore. zayne has you laid before him just how you been aching for.
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it was late in the evening and you were bit hesitant on wanting to play a game of pool with the man you’ve been so strung up on. he’s everything you could have ever asked for, a beautiful heart that only wanted to care for you. as to why you’re nervous well that stems from how he’s dressed today.
his toned body underneath that black collared shirt with only a tight tie wrapped around the collar. the way his black pants hug around his bottom and down to his legs. you were too busy checking him out. how does he look so good in everything it amazes you really.
“you’re gonna give it a go y/n?” his soft husk voice snapped you back into reality.
“a ye yes.” with a blush forming on your cheeks you nervously make your way to the table.
a small chuckle was heard behind you wondering what he was amused by you turn around to question.
“i unfortunately can’t find another cue stick, would you like to use mine?”
the most dirty thoughts begin to flood your mind and there you are again cheeks getting flushed red. looking down fiddling with your hands and then back up at him. god why do you have to be thinking about things like that on a day of an innocent game of pool.
“yeah.. i don’t mind” you really don’t. honestly when it was touched by him and used by his slender fingers it won’t ever be a problem.
“very well here you go” he hands it to you and with a breath you took, now begins your turn against him.
placing the cue stick between your fingers and aligning it towards the ball, but for some reason you’re too nervous to even take the shot. fearing you might’ve clouded the dirty thoughts in your mind a bit too much about zayne, it took a min for him to speak up.
“y/n would you like some help, i don’t mind this isn’t serious of a match so i can help guide you.”
guide me? you think. that’s-
“yes” not even thinking twice you answer him. damn it’s really dawning on you that you’re too much in love with him to even think half the time. although how can you really? he’s a tall dark haired beautiful man who took interest in you surprisingly enough.
“okay i’ll show you” he spoke again. handing him the cue stick and turning around back against him. your hands on the pool table nervously tapping down on it. awaiting for him to start his teaching.
as anticipated you felt zayne’s presence behind you. only for the air to feel menacingly as in something is up.
he chuckles a very deep but rich laugh and you couldn’t help but gulp down a swallow. the things he can do just by a simple laugh. hell that isn’t simple it’s etching in your ears sending shivers down your spine and eating you out alive. just what is this man up to.
scared but also curious you turn around to see him looking right at you, a smirk plastered on his handsome face.
you wonder what is he thinking what is going to happen in this very given moment.
reaching his hand upwards to your chin and pinching it softly. he raises up your head to look at him directly, and so both of your eyes are locked into each other. him staring down the depths of the soul that’s been tainted by him. in a good way of course.
“when i asked if you wanted to play some pool today i was a bit surprised you’d take the offer up.”
staring blankly at him he then continues
“only because you’ve never even played before, that i know very well of. i’ve known you for years darling what was that mind thinking when you agreed to come down here, huh were you wanting to see me that much?”
nothing will ever make you deny the fact that this man has such a tight grip on your sanity (if there even is any left) and how much he can get you to feel numb. nervously swallowing but finally getting to answer him back with a simple sentence.
“y-yes i have.” you wouldn’t be able to deny that. of course you’ve missed your man, the one who always checks up on you. the one with no interest towards others but all the attention for you. zayne is your comfort and he is all you want for anything and everything.
“haha i’ve noticed my pretty girl, you’ve been uttering yes only. why is that? is it because-“
with a pause he tilts his head to side of your neck. his warm breath on your exposed skin. placing his lips onto it and bringing himself up to the bottom of your chin.
“you’ve been wanting me have you, wanting me to touch you like this. to have me come this close to your sensitive skin and lavish it all up hm?”
not answering he looks into your eyes once again and slightly smiles. now with even that alone it had your stomach knotting up.
it amazes you how much zayne can get to you even when being gentle with his touch and manners.
as you were in a dazed state zayne then moves his mouth to your ears. his hot breathe once again sending shivers in you.
“say it one more time darling and i’m all yours.”
with not a second thought you answer him back.
“yes” not realizing you’d subconsciously answered him but not caring about what will happen because this is indeed what you’ve been wanting all week.
“good girl.” he mutters before sinking his lips onto yours with a slight aggression towards them. you’d start to think he’d probably wanted you just as much as the need for him about you.
tongue intertwining with your own the slick of the saliva mixed between them, it was so lewd it makes you blush harder.
lifting you up so your bottom is on the edge of the pool table and his hands are leaned down your sides. zayne’s broad chest hovering over the small frame you had.
zayne was a tall man so him leaning down on you just to reach your mouth was silly but in a way hot.
“y/n if you feel discomfort do tell and i’ll do my best to fix it.” you nod as it’s the only thing you can respond with.
he starts to un lose his tie and then alter to your dress, trying to untie the bow that was tied to cover up your breast window. to him that was an obstacle in a way of what he wanted to eat up so bad.
starting to feel your dress top fall down your shoulders and the exposed window he’s been getting at. he begins to fondle one of your breasts while the other is behind your neck.
your head sprung up to the ceiling as his warm hands caress what he’s holding in it. getting aroused with just that he suddenly moves his mouth towards the other.
kissing and sucking on them. it made you feel so good and so delirious. wanting nothing more than for him to be more aggressive.
as if he read your mind he started to pinch the other and slightly bite on the one his mouth is sucking on. oh did it make you feel so good so good you just want him to speed up already and have you here and now.
as he’s continuing on with what he is doing he starts taking of his shirt. wanting him to be in you already you take it upon yourself to un buckle his pants. him moving his mouth away to look at you with such hungry eyes.
“i know what you want darling, and you will have me.”
once you finished unbuckling his pants and they were moved down to his thighs. all was left was his boxers covering his length. he then leaned his body onto yours making you lay down on the surprisingly not so uncomfortable table.
he started to kiss away at your mouth deepening his body onto you more. and already feeling feel his harden length press down on your clothed area.
his mouth made way down your neck to your chest and that’s where he decided he’s had enough of your dress being in the way for too long. he pulls it down off you with a bit of rush, zayne seems to be wanting you so badly with each passing second.
now with just a bra and pantie he then un clips your top and slides your bottom undergarment off. laid there before him was your exposed skin underneath his big body.
“sculpted by the gods with skin so soft it melts with my touch. quite the opposite of what my evol can do darling.”
continuing on he speaks again “i too have wanted you y/n all week every damn day i can’t stop thinking about you. can’t stop fantasizing you underneath me just like you are now.”
starting to pull his pants off and expose his length, the size he was amazed you every time but it turned you on in every way imaginable. with such length and thickness you just wanted him to sink himself in you already.
“then p please..” was what you had mustered up to say.
“please what?” you know what he wants you to say and with no means to not obey you respond with his awaited answer.
“p-please i want you inside me.. zayne”
just as you finished your words he presses his length to your already wet core. he didn’t even need to prep you that and well you’re both very much eager to have each other.
zayne starts to push his shaft into your core slowly, it made you make noises that he loves to hear. looking up at your face the face that he loves to see as he can get you to make them and him indulge in the way he effects your body.
“so damn beautiful, you’re so beautiful.” his words alone make your heart flutter and it only makes you fall in love with him even more. you’re absolutely thankful he sees you as this precious gem that he cannot have crushed or touched by anyone but him only him.
he starts slowly with his pace as he’s sliding in and out of you making you make those beautiful noises he so loves to listen to. gripping at his back as his hands hold your waist to keep you in place. with the way he’s getting at you it makes you arch your back up from the table and your head against it.
every small sound that comes out of your mouth turns him on even more. practically begging for him to go even faster even deeper and so the man does. picking up the pace as your bodies lock together he starts to pound into your core. him starting to moan into your mouth and the grip youve had on his back deepening.
scratching his back, your legs wrapped around his waist barley enough to keep yourself in place.
but zayne had other plans he wants to be even deeper. with that decision in mind he begins to place his hands underneath your legs having them over his shoulder to get a better angle just how he wanted you.
“tell me if i hurt you darling” you doubt he will and if it did that’s not something you’d be bothered by. simply you just wanted him to fuck you endlessly however he likes.
with a dazed out mind you nod to him and so he enters you once again this time reaching so deeply it sent your eyes rolling back as he pounded into your core. making you moan his name just what he loves to hear.
“z zayne!”
“so d deep ha agh”
“fuck.. y/n.. hah.”
hearing him lose himself within you made the all more moment feel so good. his moans drowning in your mouth. his lips purse into you deeply eloping his tongue with yours.
ramming you so deeply and at a fast pace you’re still surprised he has this much stamina. but then again he does work out a lot not as much as you know but enough to work up enough to keep at it.
with your walls starting to tighten around him zayne already knows you’re getting there, so is he and he wants to release at the same time.
“ssso tight fuck”
“y/n let’s do it together hm, thatss ngh.. that’s something you can do yes?” not being able to answer but understanding what he means you agree by sinking your nails into his back.
with a final thrust you both come undone together. filling himself up in you and your juices flowing down his length. feeling the heat of the air around you and his hot breath on your neck, all you can do is try and catch your own.
he begins to pull out of your wet enough core and looks at your fucked out face.
“let’s fix you up a bit and then get home shall we, i’ll clean you up my pretty girl” he moves his hand under your head and gives you one last soft kiss and lifts you up.
with you in his arms carrying you out.
“let’s get you home” zayne gives you a small smirk he couldn’t help it. the way he had you underneath him and make all the noises he loved because in fact he too was in love with your every being.
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@bitchynightmarepost early bday present for u~
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colourstreakgryffin · 7 months
HIIIIII I'M BACK, my phone was broken for a few days and even when it was fixed I had no inspo for ideas on asks... BUBUBUBUBUT I'M BACK AND I GOT AN IDEAAAA
I've been losing interest in kny recently so I think I'll go along with Hazbin Hotel!!
Hear me out so much, Husk, Cherri, or Vox with reader who does ballet... I do ballet myself and that shit is soohohohoho fucking awesome and painful at the same time, like doing a split while doing a backbend too, not even like a half assed split no no no no no. A perfectly aligned split. I've had so much moments where I thought my legs would just... *pop* like a doll's. BUT ENOUGH OF MY RANTING.
remember to take breaks and drink enough water, you don't have to rush anything. take good care of yourself, make sure you have healthy habits and treat yourself to something today, like going out to a great restaurant! idk but just make sure you treat yourself to something nice today, Chiharu :3
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here's terribly deformed Charlie bringing you chocolate milk :3
Haha! I have that EXACT SAME picture! I love terribly deformed Charlie bringing me chocolate milk every Wednesday. Thanks, Lottie! You know Husk’s response to our flexibility is a resounding ‘what the fuck’ and this is my first time ever trying out Cherri! And hey, I won’t write Cherri or Vox, I’ll write both!
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Husk is a sweetheart when it comes to being your boyfriend, trust me. He’s caring, he may be a bit rough with his advice but he only does so in order to protect you. He’s skilled with people and he is happy to help comfort you. His patience is high… but even Husk himself is anxious at getting to see your beloved hobby
Ballet. Well, Husk isn’t against it. He always thought it was such an old hobby. That ballet dancers don’t really exist anymore but then again, he won’t express his thoughts outloud and he gives you thumbs up when watching your practices. It’s very impressive and he isn’t against being at every single practice to performance
You know Husk is freaked out by how flexible you are. Back bends whilst doing full on splits. Satan’s fuck, he is cringing at how a human body can do that but at the same time, he’s so impressed that he just can’t bring himself to hate what he is looking at
Husk is in complete and utter awe when he can review your practice performances. Ballet may be a bit disturbing to him, due to how much it stretches the body’s limits, but it’s also so beautiful, graceful and majestic
Husk can’t pull his eyes off you and he falls into a deep state of enamour. You’re so beautiful, even more than you already are, as you dance. He couldn’t even believe it was possible 
Husk is quite protective over you, like I said before, so when you land on your ankle badly, he is rushing onto the stage to check it and carry you out to make sure you’ll heal well. He won’t let you practice or stretch or practice your flexibility until you are doing better
“Honeypot. You will win this dance, I know you will. You’ve done training for years and you look incredible as you dance. Yes, I will be there in the crowd”
Cherri Bomb
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Cherri Bomb is an energetic, supportive and joyful girlfriend. One that doesn’t mind getting a bit destructive and carefree with her partner and encouraging them to have more fun with her but has a soft spot. Of course, however, you know she will take your hobby seriously and help you or watch you for you, it’s actually fun to her as well
Cherri actually finds your ballet passion ‘precious and cute’. Something she is all for since it’s such a simple, innocent, harmless favourite activity. She likes making bombs to make things explode, you love to explode the competition and grace the dancefloor stage with your beauty and poise
Cherri may seem like she isn’t much of a dancer, maybe more of a rapper but seriously, she actually is and it’s canon that she is a very skilled dancer so there is no doubt that she is either passing down her own skills in dancing, training you more or dancing with you. She will dance ballet with you and practice two-dancer ballet with you
Cherri will blow up a hole in the wall at your practice ballrooms or your performance ballrooms to make it and she refuses to let anybody else try take care of you if you’re hurt so suspect her to get into a fight, in a crime of protective passion. She wants you happy and safe, she’ll fight for that
Cherri is actually quite fine with how flexible you are and how your warm-up stretching can really stretch out your limbs. The way you lift your leg up until it’s completely vertical and both your pelvis and the underneath of your thigh is visible. She is impressed and asks if you can teach her how to be so flexible. She isn’t as disturbed as the other two, she likes it
Cherri, just like Husk and Vox, falls into a complete and utter admiration at being able to watch you perform and dance. The soothing gentle music has her head dancing as well and her single eye basically widening, she’s more in love now then ever
“Hey-ya, bubblegum. Did’ya have fun on ‘dat stage? I had fun recordin’ it! You looked amazin’, you’ll win this tournament. No problem! Of course, babe, I’ll be in the front row!”
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Vox is a busy man and can be a bit arrogant at times, but he is actually quite a good boyfriend. He gives off good advice and support, he is protective with his power and he is the type to spoil his lover. When he is around, he’d doting, he’s a bit overbearing but because he cares and he makes sure you’ll always feel loved and comfortable with him
Vox is actually quite supportive but he is the voice of reason. He won’t tolerate you overdoing yourself in your precious little hobby, he will encourage to dance ballet but if you go too far, he will step in and correct your behaviours. However, that doesn’t often happen so you can dance all you want at the big practice ballroom he hired out for you and/or dancing with you
Vox isn’t sure how to feel about seeing how flexible you are… it’s pretty hot but at the same time, it’s disturbing. You’re on the floor and you’re stretching your pushed-back leg over your back so much that you’re almost in a wheel-shape with your body. He’s amazed, he is already cheering you on, he’s recording it to brag about he can’t help but feel aroused
Vox, everytime he attends your passionate hobby’s practice and performance events, records it on his phone or on his own face so he can both watch it back to admire you and to show the other Vees that he is the boyfriend of the best ballet dancer in Hell. He sometimes forgets to record it since you look so… incredible
Vox is protective, extremely protective. You’re smaller, you’re weaker. You’re less wealthy and less well off. You require constant guarding to ensure you’ll be able to make it to the next day. If you even slightly land on your ankle awkwardly, he is stomping up to the stage and taking you away so he can check up on you
You know Vox almost drops the camera he is using to record you every professional dance on the stage and he can’t stop thinking about how unbelievably beautiful you look, how you’re as silly and velvety like a swan with your every spin and flex. He takes a few seconds to snap out of his awe over you
“Come now, sweetheart. You’ve done more than enough, that dance can again-kill everybody in this room and you made all those amateurs look pathetic. I want to reward you for this. Don’t you worry, I’ll be at the final performance“
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syoddeye · 21 days
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consequence / brew [interlude]
price x f!reader | 540 words series directory tags: stupidly sweet, mild coffee snobbery a/n: i was overcome by mushy feelings. this is what came out of them. not the next chapter, but a pause. ☕
“i’ve never used one of these.”
“folks are oddly intimidated by them. they shouldn’t be. they’re simple, really.”
what would the boys say? kyle’d have his phone out, for certain.
john slightly slouches, peering over her shoulder and staring intently down his nose as she weighs the grounds on a small scale. the numbers flash and roll on the screen, and after a delicate scoop with a teaspoon, they’re apparently satisfactory.
“then this?” he slides the filter on the counter with a single finger, bumping her hand.
she folds the paper, slots it into the top of the pour-over, and aligns the thicker side to the spout.
his lip twitches when she doesn’t even look away from the thing, as if conducting surgery, and reaches blindly behind herself to take the kettle by its handle and splash water onto the empty filter.
“and that helps it stay in place.”
she adds the coffee with her free hand and flicks the glass with a finger to encourage them to settle evenly. then, she adds another couple of milliliters to cover the grounds.
he hums. a roasted, nutty scent curls in the air. the steam drifts, and after a brief glance at the side of her head, he leans into her space under the guise of catching another whiff.
“kind of smoky, huh?” she says, turning her head toward him.
her mouth is right there. half a step closer would spell trouble.
“i’m thinkin’ sweeter.” he lets that linger for all of a second before, “why’d you only pour a little?”
her head swivels, probably for the best. “i’m letting the grounds bloom. see how the coffee’s expanded? that’s the ‘bloom’. once the water’s slowed to a drip, i’ll add more.”
“why not fill it to the brim? shave off a minute or two?”
“you in a hurry?” she pivots on foot to set the kettle down and leans against the counter. for a moment, the only sound is the trickling water. brewing. “if you rush…the filter may break. dump all the sediment and ruin it.” she nods at the kettle.
john slowly takes the handle, arching a brow.
she nods again, inked arms crossing over her chest, eyes trailing after his hands as he moves to add more water. “you made a face when i got this out–”
he frowns. “i did not–”
“–and i’m sure i can guess what you were thinking. 'who uses those anymore? why not get a machine?' and i could. i could choose something more efficient. but i like this way of doing things. slow and deliberate.”
he nearly jumps when her hand brushes his forearm, gently guiding him to stop.
“i like to savor things, don’t you?”
it’s treacherous—the ache in his chest and the accompanying heat in his belly. pleasant, but barbed. hinting at something too good to be true. too good to last. a cup of coffee. a flower. 
life rarely allows him to relish. a trail of half-smoked cigars and nights of fitful sleep follow him. but here, in her flat, he wonders if this is his chance. if he’ll get a taste for it.
he steps closer. 
“i do.”
maybe he’ll let it bloom.
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l3v1s-g4m3r · 3 months
Could you please make another replaced MC au? I really loved the first one❤
ask and you shall receive 😈😈
main idea is from my old account but with some touches and more plot
btw this don’t align w the bible this is my om! heaven ranks in here
replaced au mc who did indeed love the brothers, royals, and purgatory boys once and was devastated when they came to the realization they had been replaced.
first it was just cancelling hang outs and dates, saying they promised r/n they would spend time together even though you have had this planned for weeks.
then it was was comparing you to them, saying how r/n has such perfect grades and everyone likes them, what happened to you?
and lastly it was threatening and insulting you when you tried to spend time with them again, being threatened that they would eat you, saying that you should stay out of their business, quite like your first time in the devildom all those years ago.
you had lost the only people who gave you purpose, the only real reason for you to continue living. you had nothing to go back to in the human world, no family, since your family had died long ago. not even a home anymore. no friends. nothing.
there was no need for pacts anymore, they were useless, for when you were in actual danger, no one came to your call.
so you got rid of them. all by yourself. it was painful, you were in agony for days, not that anyone noticed. they were all too busy with the new exchange student.
and then, since you had nothing to live for, that fateful night, you took your own life.
it was a short, but painful death. you jumped off a cliff. in your final moments though, you saw heartfelt memories of your loved ones. your mother and father/sibling(s), your friends. such happy memories.
then came the darker memories, memories of a certain set of brothers and an exchange program that took you away from the people you loved.
then, just white.
you woke up in a bright place in front of an open gate. you trudged forward through the gate, and saw the one and only, who the brothers called, father.
he told you he knew you were strong, and that’s why he let you into celestial. he said you could repent for your time with those demons, all you had to do was follow his orders.
and, you did just that.
your wings went from a dark grey, to a glowing, blissful white. your halo shimmering a bright golden sunset color.
you went from being an ordinary angel, all the way to an archangel comparable to michael himself.
then you became even stronger. even more powerful.
due to your strong ambitions and long-lasting good will, you were given the second strongest rank to father himself;
the holder of the seven virtues.
you thanked father profusely for this position of power and swore your undying loyalty to him.
now, with your new position, you helped run the entirety of the celestial realm.
you had asked the angels to just refer to you as “xeythus” from now on, not holder, or higher up.
a bit after your new ranking was bestowed to you, the devildom decided since they had three human participants in the exchange program, it was time for another angel student.
father thought it would be a good idea for you to go, to see how things were down there. it would be a good look for the celestial realm if you, the highest ranking angel below god, did good down there.
this is about two years after your mysterious disappearance. you disappeared without a trace from the devildom. everyone just assumed you went back to the human realm, finding nothing for you in the devildom. but when diavolo looked for traces of you in the human world, there was no information on you. no death date, no nothing. it was like you didn’t even exist. then again, they just assumed you went off the grid.
the brothers felt guilty for driving you away, but just filled the hole in their heart with r/n. or atleast they thought they did.
deep down, they knew they were just trying to fill the void you left when you disappeared. knowing that it would never work.
now, back to the present. simeon had heard of this new holder of the virtues but didn’t know who they were. all he knew was that the angels liked to call them “xeythus”. luke had heard lots of them, and now looked up to them, maybe even more than michael, after he heard how they had dark wings and managed to clear their name and climb the ranks by doing good. and he was so excited to finally meet them as an exchange student!
the day finally came when the new exchange student would come. the brothers and r/n were in their respective seats, with r/n in your old seat, while diavolo and barbatos stood near where the portal was supposed to show up. the purgatory hall boys didn’t have to be there, but luke was so excited to meet this higher up that they basically had to go.
the room went silent as a blinding golden light appeared where the portal was. the portal was about seven feet off the ground, with seven clear steps each with a sigil of one of the virtues on it leading down to diavolo and barbatos.
a hooded figure steps out onto the first step. they wear a flowy cape with a sleeveless turquoise green shirt that has each of the seven virtue sigils on it. their pants are white and fade into a blue sky with constellations in it. as the figure goes to step on the second step, the previous one turns into a sparkly golden color before fading away. this happened with each of the five next steps until the final seventh step fades and the portal closes into a mist of turquoise green.
”hello! I am diavolo, future demon king of the devildom! welcome!” the very familiar redhead introduces himself, not knowing that you indeed know him very dearly.
you gently pull your hood down and shake you hair around, it flowing gracefully around you as people around the room recognize you.
“why, hello diavolo. I am xeythus mc, the holder of the seven virtues, and greatest helper to father.” you decide to also introduce yourself, to help some people recover from shock and realize that it indeed is you.
mc, the second, or first, human exchange student who disappeared two years ago without a trace.
”m-mc..?!” a familiar tan cloud haired man calls out.
you turn around to see many familiar shocked faces, the one that spoke being mammon.
“it is xeythus, avatar of greed. if you would please call me by that?” you smile sweetly, grin full of nothing but pure genuine kindness.
now they knew that they could never get you back, for you swore your undying loyalty to their worst enemy.
(I really like this one! feel free to use the idea, and please, tag in it if you do! I would like to see!)
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redclercs · 1 year
INTRO: who's y/n anyway? ew.
— the one where everyone tells you who are.
warnings: ignore the timestamps please, online harassment.
masterlist ✢ next
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Soft jazz is playing in the living room of y/n y/ln's apartment in SoHo, with all the curtains pulled back the golden hour feels like a golden infinity. We're already in our second cup of coffee, a specialty brought from Veracruz, Mexico by y/n herself.
This is not our first meeting, y/n and I go back a few years, when the box-office hit 'Supercut' sent her straight into stardom and earned her a place in the public's heart. Since then, there has been no other way but up for the young star.
From humble beginnings and a list of failed castings, roles as an extra and endless photoshoots with stock images, y/n knows what it's like to work hard to achieve what you want.
"Sometimes, when I look back at my struggles I wonder what made the universe align in my favor. Hard work only gets you so far, I am incredibly lucky too." She says, eyeing the framed picture of the wrap-up day of her very first movie 'Loneliness', where she played the daughter of a struggling waitress.
"I was in about six scenes, but I couldn't have been more thrilled. It was the first time I felt like a real actress."
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Of course, there are other aspects of her life where y/n is extremely fortunate. It has been two years since she started dating Asian-American hearthrob Aidan Kim. Looks like 'Supercut' really was her luckiest strike.
"We do like to keep some things to ourselves," y/n laughs after I ask her for an update on her relationship, I want to know the details behind the lovestagrams we get on a regular basis. "We love and respect each other deeply."
Night has fallen in SoHo and while y/n shuts the curtains, I take my surroundings in once again. A loveseat with a stain on the cushion, a coffee table that Aidan brought from a trip to Nepal where he filmed his newest project, framed pictures of the couple and their families crowd the room. This is the home they have built for themselves.
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Some may argue that y/n's specialty are romantic comedies where she gets to play the doe-eyed love interest to the dark and handsome male protagonist, but y/n has her sights set on bigger things. An Oscar nomination, maybe?
"I have fun with the movies I make, but I do want to expand my horizons. I have so many ideas I want to try, I just need a shot to prove myself." She beams with hope, in an ideal world, type-casting wouldn't be a thing.
Speaking of tall, dark and handsome, just as we're about to wrap things up, the door to the apartment opens and Aidan Kim himself comes through bearing a bouquet of roses and bag of take out. A sheepish grin bursts through his face as he realizes the interruption, and does his best attempt to disappear, not before giving a proud thumbs up to his girlfriend. This peek into their private life is enough to see how much they love each other.
"Thank you so much for coming," y/n has been an excellent host this evening, and I am happy to leave her to attend to her love nest. "It was a pleasure."
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Liked by aidankim1, vicpresley, calumhood and others.
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ynstars pretty! hope you had fun babes
effmeaidan you’re only famous thanks to aid
cestbren please tell me you’re really going to be on euphoria
dropbeastsss she’s so fake idk why people like her
dropbeastsss I’m not even aidan’s fan btw
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Liked by aidankim1, jessiegrey, vicpresley and others.
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softforyn mY PARENTS
aid4nshoe you followed him to Paris? God let him breathe
loladell my friend saw her today and she refused to take a pic lmao💀
ynflowers can’t wait for you two to get married🥺
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Chelsea Gonzalez: I just- I feel like y/n is so lazy at this point. Girl you have been doing romcoms for years read a different script.
Gabriel Irwin: [laughs] I don’t think she even reads them anymore. It’s the same role every time that’s just the way she acts on a normal basis now.
Brianna Martin: that’s so mean! Honestly I just feel like she needs to switch agents, there were rumors about that marvel movie and then nothing happened?
Y/n: I just love being on set, I have so much fun getting to be somebody else and it really feels like I’m in another world.
Ryan Campbell: But your movies aren’t too distanced from your real life situation are they? You have your own movie-like love story with none other than Aidan Kim!
y/n: Oh, uh… yeah I mean, one is fiction and another one isn’t? [laughs] real life relationships are definitely not like the movies.
Ryan Campbell: But how does it feel knowing everyone wishes they were you? I know I do!
y/n: [laughs] I really think we should go back to the movie talk!
Riley Green: [cont.] I mean I loved her look on the red carpet, her stylist LOVES her.
Martha Vincent: y/n is a gorgeous woman, I think that’s why she’s so loved by the public.
Greg Zane: She’s certainly a rising It girl, I just wish we saw her more rather than her fiancé? Boyfriend?
Riley Green: Oh take that back Greg, I’m not about to get cancelled for your shade towards Aidan Kim.
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─── team principal radio: ❝ this is my first fic for a f1 driver! exciting! i hope you enjoy this series as much as i'm enjoying creating it. i would love to know your thoughts through comments/reblogs!♡❞
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bibliocharlie · 2 years
Weekend activities that cultivate your mind:
go to a local museum or gallery. observe everything — other patrons, the art, the information, whatever you can learn
find a coffee shop along a busy street and order something special. sit at a table near a window or on the patio and people watch
pick up a book from your local bookstore and read it in its entirety. notice how you feel before, during, and after.
clean your space. (happy space, happy mind)
go for a mini-trip. find a new city a few hours away and travel there. while you’re there, do at least one thing you’d not normally do in your own city
eat a meal at a fancy restaurant by yourself.
grab your journal and write down in detail everything about your “ideal self”. act like that person from here on out
have a movie-marathon with a docu-series! really pay attention to what is happening
grab a copy of the local newspaper and read it. staying on top of local news is so important
volunteer for a local food bank or clothing drive
go to the botanical gardens. bring a plant ID book with you and your journal and look up and document the plants you don’t know
spend time with your friends.
call your mom (or anyone you need to catch up with) and ask how they’re doing. really listen to what’s going on in their life. pay attention
go through your closet and donate what you no longer wear. remember, if it doesn’t align with your dream self, it’s not serving you anymore
write a letter or a poem or a short story. really pay attention to grammar and vocabulary. see what you need to brush up on
feel free to reblog and add some of your own!
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enthusedbambi-jjba-au · 4 months
Monster AU - Risotto Nero research notes
You weirdos really wanted me to try and study this guy. It’s… been interesting! Here’s what I have:
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[A paper of notes about Risotto Nero. The paper has tape in various places.]
[On the left side:]
Risotto Nero
he/him (I think)
At least 6'5" by my estimate (I'm VERY short so hard to tell)
Leader of "La Squadra" (bunch of assassins. Every time I've tried to infiltrate, catboy catches (:3) on to me.) Human jaw strength is about 7.5 times a cat's. hospital.
Species : Sanguisuge ('vampire') - species unknown
has fangs (yes)
drinks blood (yes)
Non-undead (bleeds normal blood, so he must have been born like this).
Not P.C.S (Pop Culture Standard)—no weakness to garlic, can be in direct sunlight (though he seems to prefer not to be) and no weakness to religious affects despite being Catholic aligned—can tell he's Italian-born.
I know he drinks blood because I’ve seen him do it. seems to have keen senses. I’m sure this isn’t surprising but I can’t get close enough to tell if he’s warm- or cold-bodied. he could be a half-vampire. They’re usually more likely to be warm-bodied despite still having poor circulation. They often don’t have to drink blood, but the craving is stronger, especially if they don’t give in often. They also tend to drink more at one time than full vampires since they tend not to satiate themselves as regularly… he drinks a lot of blood when he does drink it.
[There's an illustration depicting one of Risotto's eyes. The 'whites' are black, and the irises are bright red, and the pupils—also black—appear slit, like a cat's.]
Eyes are black sclerae and pupils with very bright red irises—glowing, I think.
Stand: "Metallica"
Update: its not blood based so much as its iron based but he uses blood as a source of iron which still makes things complicated for me to figure out. range seems to be a 5-10m radiu [The writing trails off at the end. There's a lot of blood on the corner of the page.]
[On the right side:]
Maybe in his 20s? Short of directly asking, I don't think there's a way I can pinpoint for sure.*
[There's an unfinished rushed illustration of Risotto Nero.]
My memory isn't the best and he uses invisibility a lot so I can rarely see him long enough to draw him from observation...
Will he show up in a photo? I don't think cameras use silver anymore!!
[There’s a partially-ripped photo of Risotto Nero, in dark lighting, presumably in the process of using his Stand, taped to the page. There's blood splattered over the photo. Frantic writing at the bottom of the photo reads "I PICKEDA A BAD SPOT TO STAND IN"]
he does show up in photos!! thank god for camera zoom haha...
*Vampires are known for looking fairly young, due to abnormal physical aging tendencies. Turned vampires usually stop aging once Turned, since they’re undead. Born sanguisuges like this guy can vary—some hit a certain point where they just stop “getting older”, and some age very slowly once they hit puberty. I heard someone say that the slow aging owes to vampires’ typical poor circulation—what?? Do you know what aging is? Yes, vampires tend to have poor circulation if they have any circulation at all, but the poor circulation contributes mostly to cold skin (and infertility, I think) like it does in humans. And for the record, they don’t drink blood to compensate for a lack of blood in their own bodies because, in case you’ve forgotten, that’s not how bodies work. Blood consumption does not affect the consumer’s own blood in any significantly direct way. ]
Guess it must be lucky to be a sanguisuge whose job is offing people… he’s hard to get close to because I usually catch him when he’s uh. You know. Doing his job.
He still hasn’t realised I’ve been tailing him though! I… I think. Like with his age, short of asking him directly, I can’t really be sure, and as I’m sure is obvious, that’s not really a good idea.
if anyone has any questions or insight… go ahead?
I could use any info.
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gayofthefae · 8 months
Here it is. The Mike Wheeler Playlist Post.
So I finished it. What seems to be the end of season 4, at least. I am avoiding spoilers for myself. All 28 songs from Smalltown Boy to Mad World. Here is what I have deduced:
Mike got over El after she left and started liking Will, but when she came back, he got with her motivated by the grief of “what could have been” but once they got together he felt that the relationship was aimless, only staying because it was familiar. He pursued getting back together with her because he didn’t want to lose her, despite feeling that the spark wasn’t there anymore. His fight with Will makes him question their relationship again but he ultimately doesn’t believe Will reciprocates and regrets even going back down that path. He doesn’t know what he’s going to do when Will moves. He can’t get Will out of his head and, though secrecy is the only safe thing, he’s getting worn down with it and is increasingly considering taking action in his relationship with El because his feelings for Will make him happy and don’t seem to be going anywhere. He’s getting anxious as it gets closer but Will talking to him in the van gives him a lot of security, but then the moment comes and he lies and feels absolutely horrible about it. He feels like he’s just running in circles. More inaction. Over a year now of just inaction.
There are 19 songs left which feels like a lot for one season as I've said before but in defense of that on top of just the consistent alignment with plot points in the playlist this far, season 5 is going to go back in and reveal a lot of this stuff with some very complicated emotions and much more focus on him, his feelings, his trauma, and his overall relationship with Will. So there IS a lot there to fill songs with. If you would like to read my original semi-chaotic notes from the past 5 hours(you read that correctly. You're welcome. And yes I know the full playlist I didn't even finish is only 3.5 hours) listed by song and including bits I skipped over so that it wouldn't be horribly long, lyric quotes, and one link to a cover analysis, you can do so under the cut.
Scared closeted gay kid in a smalltown in the 80s (confirmed by the songwriter, widely known in this fandom)
He sees Will everywhere.
This girl’s really cool and knows about things I don’t
Alien abduction - ET Parallels.
This song is an instrumental but the title “In The Face of Evil” is self-explanatory
El heroically sacrificed herself for everyone. She is a hero because she is the type of person to make that choice.*sweet that his love isn't hero worship, that's just how he conveys it.
He’s haunted by the memories of El, seeing her face everywhere.
Over time, “absence makes the heart lose weight” and his feelings for her fade
He’s starting to experience a new and scarily tempting, intoxicating kind of love. (based on context…for Will)
This song is an instrumental but the title is “Beta Girl Lost in Forever”. There is a great cover art analysis by @digestionsack at #20 of the post linked here but I could not find anything on the original meaning of the song or album. I couldn't find like anything else on Google of this one's meaning there were under 300 results when I searched in quotes.
This song is a duet that looks back on the relationship of a boy who helped lift up a girl from a very low and helpless place but the girl is now gone and he wants her to need him again and a girl who always had ambitions not dependent on him from the start and appreciated the time they spent together but needed independence now.
He feels an uncontrollable love that’s taking all his focus that he “can’t shake” but “makes [him] feel so blue” (for Will given the last love song)*this is to say nothing of his self awareness. (though could have convinced himself he got over it as opposed to never having known? *consistent with the s3 fight words)
A song about teenage love. Kinda horny.*He's in love and a little bit horny in the season checks notes...without El?
It’s “Ghostbusters”. It makes sense in a literal context but for the record this song is actually very 80s-under the radar-horny like “Barbie Girl”. Probably literal in this case but I’m sure the Duffers know about the second meaning and so maybe it shouldn’t be put right after Teenage Kicks if they aren’t trying to make me at least consider the possibility that they’re meaning to say Mike is jerking off to Will, possibly while he’s possessed. I didn’t need that, Pete Duffer. (Although 13-year-old boys definitely do. I remember the back of the bus conversations on middle school jazz band trips. I'm all for openness and sex education but I know too much about your masturbatory habits, Ben.)
El comes back and he reflects on how their relationship ended so suddenly and she branched out into independence but now that she’s back he’s not gonna let her get away again.*seems like he wants to fix the past vs take action in the present. What could have been. Acting on behalf of his past self.
Their relationship feels aimless to him, but he stays because it’s familiar. “I’ll carry on with what I know”.*her dumping HIM was an important push for him.
Making mistakes is human and a natural part of relationships. He stays in the relationship despite the spark dying out of a larger, more general love for her and because he doesn’t want to lose her. “If not so in love, it’s not so wrong, we’re only human after all.”*feeling an obligation to get her back because while not dating, she's gone completely (at first)?
He left Will/his feelings for him behind but he’s reminded of them by their fight (“little deals and S.U’s”) and he questions the nature of their relationship again but he doesn’t think that it means to Will what it means to him. “A sly touch at times; I don’t think it meant anything to you”. He regrets even going down that road again. “And I should never have tried”.
He’s going to miss them when they move, seeming to specify Will with “seven years went under the bridge”. He doesn’t know what to do without him now.*this song might sort of also explain why he didn't call if he didn't but it's not sure and there are no other songs about it, so he still could have called("if you leave don't look back, I'll be running the other way" but not every lyric has to apply and it could mean something else)
He’s now set/stuck in his desire for Will and can’t get him out of his head. (I considered an angle of this being for El, but the constant thinking about the lover + the interpretation of unreciprocated a love/a pursuit didn’t fit)*one of the interpretations I read also said they think it's about a gay guy which is a great addition, though not an "official" interpretation.
He feels safest in isolation/secrecy (car=closet?) “It’s the only way to live” but he’s wearing down and feeling lonely/alone in this state so he’s starting to consider “leaving” it.
He definitely still has feelings for Will that don’t seem to be going anywhere. They’re kinda…baffling “You got me so I don’t know what I’m doing”. He’s losing sleep over them. But…he’s not mad at it “don’t ever set me free”.
He criticizes himself for his inaction and starts to seriously think about making decisions for himself.
He’s in love. (very simple lyrics: “I saw your eyes, and for a little while/though it took a while, I was falling in love” repeatedly with minor variation)
He’s worn and broken down but still wants love. He’s holding onto Will in the chaos of his mind and the world and trying to keep out of preying eyes. Also it is apparently written as tribute to Stranger Things after season 1, which is cute. “Just stay close” “You can’t stop this feeling.” “They won’t pull us down”. This song is also called “Vale of Shadows”.
Instrumental Synth called “Dead of Night”
He’s full of uncertainty as seeing El gets closer but Will talking to him in the van comforts him and gives him more security; Will’s love makes it all better. “And she pulling the strings” definitely fits this idea of the situation with Will (especially if he is aware)
He feels horrible about lying to El (The song is “Mad World”). He feels like he’s just “run[ning] in circles”.
Notable lyrics: 
[pre-season 2-season 2]
When Love Breaks Down "Absence makes the heart lose weight yeah, til love breaks down, til love breaks down" "When love breaks down, the things you do to stop the truth from hurting you. When love breaks down, the lies we tell, they only serve to fool ourselves." I really thought it would say “grow fonder”, which fit and was cute and I was fine with, but nope. And my jaw went slack and it made me want to write this whole thing.
Love is a Stranger "Love is a stranger in an open car to tempt you in and drive you far away." "Love is a dangerous drug. You have to receive it and you still can't get enough of the stuff." "Comes in like the flood and it seems like religion" "And I want you so, it's an obsession. It's guilt edged."
[season 3]
Something About You “If not so in love, it’s not so wrong. We’re only human, after all.”
Are ‘Friends’ Electric “A sly touch at times. I don’t think it meant anything to you.” “And I never should have tried.” “For you see, it meant everything to me.”
[season 4, volume 2]
Mad World “When people run in circles, it’s a very, very mad world.”
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blueikeproductions · 2 days
Got to see TFONE last night.
Spoilers obviously.
This is more looking at the world building and references than the film as a whole though.
The theater I was in wasn’t exactly full. Initially it was just me and a mother & son. Later on another family and some college/high school girls trickled in, but that was it. The box office so far, despite the film debuting at #1 and positive reviews and word of mouth, is pretty weak.
It’s been pointed out that once more that casuals don’t really care if it’s accurate to Transformers or not, they just like seeing the shredded metal Bionicles smashing each other and transforming into cool cars, skeletal dinosaurs, & skeletal nonsense animals.
Like it or not, the Bayformers are still very popular, heck the audience for The Last Knight I was in years ago was considerably bigger than this.
Do not be shocked if at some point the movies go back to these guys:
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Over these guys.
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The TFONE toys have rolled out, and have largely superseded the EarthSpark toys, but so far they don’t seem to be budging. Now before you say kids don’t like toys anymore, the kids I saw in Ollie’s were excited looking at the toys, but even at Good Stuff Cheap, the kids didn’t buy anything because it was still too expensive for them.
It’s all about price, and I’m sorry to say the TF toys are just too expensive still. I almost got a Sentinel Prime toy because I liked him in the film, but the cheapest thing was 10 dollars and not worth the amount as a 1-Step Changer.
The toy aspect I’ll circle back to because it’s relevant, but as for the movie itself, it’s good!
I liked it well enough, it’s definitely the film hard cores claim they wanted. Personally I still kinda prefer the Bay films. DotM is my personal favorite, and the use of Sentinel Prime as the main villain echos some of that. As a new origin story, it does what it’s supposed to do, and it’s the only time Optimus and Megatron being friends actually makes sense. The old G1 episode that sparked it, Megatron was never Orion’s friend, he just feigned interest to get Energon. Cyberverse and Prime, despite what the writers pat themselves on the back for a showing a nuanced Megatron, no he was just an unstable idiot that threw a 4 million year hissy fit when Optimus got what he wanted.
Here, TFONE takes great pains to establish Optimus and Megatron’s relationship. It’s very believable they used to be close friends, and I think part of it is the movie ignoring the political aspect that drove Aligned, IDW, and Cyberverse, instead casting both as underclass Worker-Bots that mined for Energon in the bowels of Cybertron. They’re just a couple of college aged dudes bonding over their love of the Primes, their wide eyed optimism and their job. Simple as that. Honestly I think the political aspects that stuff like IDW went so hard on was what made Orion and Megatron being friends before hard to believe, especially when most stories made it clear Megatron had a corrupt, semi selfish agenda to put himself in charge. Regardless if this film does well financially, hopefully the goodwill will see Hasbro and other creatives go with the blue collar approach for Optimus and Megatron’s origins. That works so much better. Also a big change is Orion was the well meaning reckless go getter, while Megatron as D-16 preferred structure and routine. Usually past stuff had it the opposite, so this is a welcome change. Even a recent manga took this to heart with Optimus as the reckless prankster doodling on Alpha Trion’s statue and falling asleep during class, while Megatron was the more attentive, studious one. More of this please.
Similarly, the future Autobots all being the Cogless while the future Decepticons were the high society/corrupt High Guard also makes so much more sense, as it never made sense before how the Decepticons were bad if they were the ones standing up to an oppressive government and the Autobots were the privileged ones that seemed to be defending it. Netflix WFC even acknowledges in-story that’s what’s happening but doesn’t really offer a reason as to why things escalated this badly and why we should root for the Autobots if they’re supposed to technically be the rich we’re supposed to eat.
So yes more of this, more the AUTOBOTS were the oppressed underclass. That makes much more sense, than they were the ones who largely benefitted from the old system.
As for the general lore, this is pretty divorced from what’s been the norm so far.
The Primus origin story is the default with the Quintessons as an ancient alien enemy that attacked the Transformers years ago still in play. From there it spirals into its own thing.
The Primes are simply known as the Primes, they’re never called The Thirteen at any stage. They were the peaceful, benevolent rulers of Cybertron who were prone to epic speeches. Zeta Prime is among the Primes, and was the Matrix holder before Sentinel Prime. It’s unclear if Zeta is the replacement for The Arisen, since The Arisen being Optimus was such an unpopular idea (wouldn’t it make more sense if he was Rodimus?), but until an art book comes out to clarify it, I’m leaning towards Zeta Prime being the replacement member.
Zeta’s character model was a loose hybrid of his previous designs but with a G1 ‘toon bent.
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Also, Primes die (except Alpha Trion) during a Quintesson ambush. Alchemist Prime never goes on to become Maccadam in this universe. Megatronus Prime is the most popular Prime among the youngest population and he has a lot of merch. Megatron had posters and a sticker tattoo he proudly wore gifted to him by Orion. Megatronus was the biggest, and most powerful Prime, but unlike most incarnations, he didn’t turn on his siblings for selfish, Unicron related reasons or was perpetually on fire as he was among the first to be killed. If anything they made him look more like a G1 cartoon version of IDW Tarn. I thought it WAS Tarn at first until I corrected myself.
The Primes have more unique designs, taking cues from the Aligned designs, though Vector Prime is more specifically based on his Galaxy Force design, but otherwise are their own thing. Potentially the upcoming Age of Primes successor to Legacy may use these as a basis. In particular they finally found a readable design for this monstrosity.
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Taking the base idea and pushing it into an Ed-209 direction.
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Sentinel Prime is the current leader of Cybertron, but he’s a fraud. Formerly an assistant to the Primes, he hated them and coveted their power and the Matrix. Making a deal with the Quintessons, he stages a coup that kills the Primes, with Sentinel slaying several himself, Megatronus (and much later Alpha Trion) among them. While having a certain charm, he’s a selfish, greedy weasel who sold out his people for power, robbing the newest generation (Orion, Megatron, Bumblebee and Elita among them) of their Cogs and making them into a worker class to mine Energon to pay off the Quintessons. It’s never explained WHY the Quints attacked Cybertron, though maybe that’s something for TFTWO to tackle if we get one. While described more as paying off debts to loan sharks, it comes more off as Sentinel paying them to leave Cybertron alone. Sentinel’s actions also caused Cybertron’s energy crisis, as in this universe, the Matrix itself is tied to the flow of Energon on the planet. When Sentinel ripped open Zeta’s chest to claim the Matrix, the babble disintegrated like it did in RotF, denying Sentinel the power he craved and starving the planet of free flowing liquid Energon. Instead, he took Megatronus’ T-Cog as a trophy. Like RotF, the Matrix only appears to those worthy of it. This again makes more sense than just having it laying around for writers to make Megatron be worthy of it instead when he absolutely shouldn’t be, let alone able to use it at all.
Despite the Quintessons being the background antagonists, it’s never clarified in the film if they’re still related to Quintus Prime or not. To an extent I’d sort of prefer if they weren’t related, I’ve always been mixed on the idea that the Transformers created the Quints, vs the more clever meta gag the TFs are in-universe product created by the Quints.
The Quints, what little we see of them, have unique designs that are way different from the tiki mask wearing eggs but still harken back to them somewhat. They took great pains to make them look scary, giving them a more bio mechanical look. Even their ship looks somehow alive, having the same bio mechanical design. The Quintessons aren’t usually known for their fighting ability but these guys are brutal. Their foot soldiers are crablike versions of these one offs from the G1 ‘toon:
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No Sharkiticons for these guys, at least not yet.
A funny observation is while the Transformers have a written alien language, it flip flops between a Japanese looking script to just being straight up English. Perhaps English is galactic standard on Cybertron.
Circling back to the toys, the toys don’t take advantage of a unique gimmick within the story itself. The T-Cogs are a major plot point, and like in more modern media, are the reason the Transformers can Transform at all. Not having one is seen as bad, as some throwaway lines see some Cogless having tried to Transform without one, but twisting themselves into pretzels.
Despite being present when D-16 openly said he wanted to kill Sentinel dead for his betrayal (Megatron LOVED Sentinel originally, a big don’t meet your heroes moment for him), Alpha Trion saw fit to gift the four Cogless workers the Cogs from the Primes to shape their destiny and save Cybertron. Orion got Prima, Bumblebee got Micronus (cuz he’s small, geddit?), but the other two I’m not clear on. The other donated Cogs were Onyx’s and Alchemist’s, but who they went to I’m not super sure. I THINK Elita got Onyx and D-16 got Alchemist, but feel free to correct me. Later on, D-16 stole back Megatronus’ Cog from Sentinel, and installed it in himself after removing Alchemist’s. Doing so causes D-16 to evolve into his more traditional Megatron body, with a tricked out triple barrel cannon in place of his usual cannon. Sentinel also briefly turns into artillery laden battle mode using Megatronus’ Cog.
My point being is you could’ve had the One toyline be built around a Mini-Con/Powermaster like gimmick, where plugging in a Cog unlocks a battle mode and the ability to Transform. Even if it’s not 100% accurate, how cool would it be to have a toy of Elita where upon plugging in Solus Prime’s Cog causes a pop out Solus Forge Hammer to appear. Alternatively, the Cog itself Transforms into a Prime themed weapon, so Orion Pax gets a Cog that turns into Prima’s sword or Megatron gets a beastly clip on cannon from Onyx. Stuff like that would be really cool I feel. They kinda have a Cog theme in the current 1-Step Cog Changers, but it’s not quite right.
My only real complaint with the movie itself is the High Guard, the future Decepticons and soldiers that worked with the Primes originally, feel tacked on. Screamer, the Waves and the Jets occupy the Guard, with Starscream as the leader. They broke off from Sentinel after seeing his betrayal, but they also seem very keen on seizing power for themselves, as Starscream has no Nobel intentions, he simply wants to be in charge as those in charge have the power and luxury. The Guard are responsible for minor attacks and inconveniences to stick it to Sentinel, but the movie only tells us this when we meet the group. It might’ve helped if there was a scene early on that better establishes them, like Orion and D-16 watching a news report about them, and D scoffs at their audacity or something. Nevertheless Megatron high jacking the Guard is a clever subversion on his and Starscream’s schtick: Megatron is the young upstart who took it over from the much older established Starscream. Future resentment should be amusing though despite being humiliated in front of his squad, and his voice box damaged, Starscream seems content to follow for now.
Shockwave is also more of a comic relief character here. He’s very emotional and silly, berating the others for not having Bee’s gag on tight enough so he’d shut up, and there’s a running gag about Elita punching him in his eye, that caused him to shut up and listen to her. Shockwave was also the one to try and help Starscream when D-16 beats the crap out of him, but Soundwave stops him. No logic from this version, so perhaps Shockwave in the future will be more like his traitorous Marvel G1 self? Skybound also entertained a huge departure in Shockwave as a highly emotional mad scientist, so we’ll see if this bares fruit.
All and all, this is a solid entry and as it’s own thing (Lorenzo was finally forced to admit One is a new universe unrelated to Bayformers), but with the movie currently struggling to make back its budget, it’s functionally a flop right now. It will probably do far better on Streaming like RotB (besides P+, it also did really well on Netflix in other countries) but with people generally being okie-dokie with the film’s premise, hopefully that sees Hasbro using this backstory going forward for other projects as this is what we should’ve had for Aligned, Cyberverse, EarthSpark & IDW, not the crappily written moral ambiguity we’ve been stuck with most people hate.
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dira333 · 1 year
Father and Son - Spock x reader -  part 1
part 2
if you remember reading this on tumblr, good to see you again, old friend. I’m reposting this back on tumblr.
Prompt: “But why is the moon gone?” - Spock
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“And Franklin the toad looked up at the sky, searching for the moon that was gone. He looked between the stars, behind the sun and at the edges of the sky where the twilight twinkled, but he couldn’t find it-”
“But why is the moon gone?” The little boy asks.
You sigh softly, looking down into dark questioning eyes.
“Well, Franklin the toad is asking the same thing. Do you want me to read more to find out?”
“Is it New Moon?” The boy asks, “Father explained that during New Moon the Moon isn’t visible from earth.”
“That is true. Do you know why?”
“Sun and Moon have aligned in a way that Earth is on the opposite side of it so that the side of the moon that’s facing Earth is lacking the light of the sun.”
“That’s right. How smart of you.” You push your fingers through his dark hair and watch him blush a proud shade of green.
“Are you going to read me the rest of the story?”
“Do you want me to?” You ask, “Your Dad asked me to stay with you until you fall asleep but we don’t have to read stories for children if you’re so grown up already.”
“Well grandfather told me that grandmother used to read stories to father too, so yes please.”
You smile at that. Who would have thought that Commander Spock has a soft heart for Children’s stories?
“He looked between the stars, behind the sun and at the edges of the sky where the twilight twinkled, but he couldn’t find it and Franklin grew worried. The moon was his friend and as a friend, he had to look out for the moon…”
“And Franklin looked up at the sky and waved to his friend, the moon, who waved back, happy to be home again.”
You close the book softly, looking down at the boy who’s sound asleep now. You right the thin blanket around his feet, pulling yourself away from him before you get up and press the panel to open the door.
Commander Spock is waiting right outside.
“He’s asleep,” you tell him, “Franklin the toad can get every child to sleep.”
“How is he?” He asks, touching your shoulder lightly to get a better look on how you’re feeling.
You’re calm, collected and convinced when you answer.
“He is feeling well. He is not afraid of speaking about you or his grandparents, although he hasn’t really spoken about his mother. He does not seem traumatized, nor is he asking about home.”
“Thank you for your assessment.”
He takes his hand back and turns as if he wants to leave. You should leave it at that.
You’re just a communication officer with a degree in psychology. You’re just a crewman he trusts with assessing with his son but not enough to have told you of this son beforehand.
It seems that hardly anyone on board had none of the little boy or his mother, an Ambassador raising their child on Phi13 until she became fatally ill and couldn’t care it anymore.
Commander Spock does not seem to mourn her, but Vulcan’s aren’t really known for showing their emotions openly.
Commander Spock also does not seem to know what to do with the child he could have only seen during short leaves.
You don’t know what has gotten into you if you have a soft spot for the child or the man or both, but you take his elbow, stopping the Commander from getting away.
“I don’t want to push myself onto you, but what are you going to do?”
“What are you referring to?”
“The boy. Your son, commander. Are you going to keep him here or leave the ship to go to New Vulcan or Phi13 with him?”
He raises his eyebrows at you, telling you without words that you’re overstepping unwritten boundaries.
If you want to say anything else about this topic, you have to say it fast.
“I apologize beforehand for my choice of words, but you don’t seem familiar with him. The long time apart might have estranged you from each other. I’d like to help you get to know each other so you can decide wisely, considering his wishes as well as yours.”
You look up at him, almost breathlessly, adding a soft “Please” when he does not respond immediately.
“One week,” he tells you, “To show me progress.”
“Hey!” You peek around the corners of Commander Spock’s ready room that has been temporarily turned into the child’s room, “Do you want to play a game?”
The boy sets down the PADD he must have been reading on, looking at you. He looks just like his father, the same eyes, the same hair and haircut, just his nose is a tiny bit different and he has a softer way of talking that he must have learned from his mother.
“What game do you have in mind?”
“I suppose you know chess?” You step into the room, holding up an old-fashioned Terran version of the popular game.
The boy has the audacity to roll his eyes at you.
“There are more advanced versions of this that would be more challenging.”
“Well, I’m sorry, that standard chess is not challenging enough for you,” you tell him, remembering with a smile that he’s still only 8 years old, “Because today’s task is not winning, but teaching. You’ll have to teach me how to play first.”
“You don’t know chess?” He looks utterly surprised at that fact.
“When I was your age,” you tell him, “There used to be a cafe down the street where we went to every day. I helped to serve and learned sentences in as many languages as I could to greet the customers.”
“Your parents have a cafe?” He asks, setting up the game.
“They had. They sold it so they could travel the world before they retire.”
“Are they still alive?” He asks and you smile at him.
“They are. I got a holo message from Mumbai last week. If you want I can show it to you later.”
“Maybe,” he tells you, pointing towards the Chess game, “Let us play first.”
You hear the door swish and keep another smile to yourself. Right on time.
“Oh, Commander Spock,” you turn to send him a smile, “Your son is teaching me how to play Chess. Why don’t you take a seat and watch? I think I’m a pretty fast learner.”
“She has managed to make some moves without my help,” your young teacher tells and Spock takes a seat without another word to watch you.
“No,” he speaks up five games later, reaching out his right hand to stop you from moving your knight, “If you do this, he will beat you in at least three moves.”
“Well, thank you for the advice,” you tell him, pulling your hand back, “But we will have to ask my teacher if you’re allowed to help me.”
You both look towards his son, who is clearly enjoying the fact that he’s allowed to decide.
“He may. Maybe you can win at least once with his help.”
“That does sound like a challenge, Commander Spock, don’t you think?”
Twenty minutes later you excuse yourself for a quick toilet break. They tell you they will wait for your return, but when you step back into the room, they’re focused on playing again. You get something to drink and take a seat on the side, not wanting to leave when it’s finally so peaceful.
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ickybabybear · 2 days
pissing in public with dad and strange men <3
what if i have to pee while out with daddy but the women’s bathroom is full like always
“i’m not waiting that long” as he grabs my wrist and pulls me into the men’s bathroom
of course everyone stares at us and i can’t help but stare back at the men standing there just letting it go. The sound of their pissing reminds me how much i have to go
“but daddy i can’t use this toilet it’s no for girls!”
“stop making a fuss and take off your panties.”
“daddy no i don’t wanna pee here!”
suddenly he lifts me up and holds my legs open, my skirt rides up so that my clothed pussy is alignment with that toilet bowl at the wall. dad rips my panties apart while in that position leaving me completely exposed.
the urinals next to us are still occupied and i can’t help feel everyone’s gazes shifting towards my exposed cunny
“now let go sweetheart”
i whine in protest.
“dad do i really have to?”
“you tell me. do you want to piss yourself in public rather than just doing it here? fine with me”
“then fucking piss”
i concentrate to make it happen but it’s really hard to relax with at least 5 other men surrounding me.
“daddy they are staring”
“of course they are sweetheart, it’s their good right and who could resist looking at your cute little girl parts. How about you close your eyes?”
i do as daddy says and instantly feel myself starting to relax. the sweet release of piss flowing through my little hole makes me squeal out
“daddy i’m peeing!”
“good job little one. now careful you need to hit the urinal don’t spill anything”
it’s harder than i expected. i’m completely focused to aim so i’m not aware that the bathroom is getting fuller. only when i hear the sound of skin being rubbed to i look over to the side and see 9 men standing there palming themselves through their jeans and some straight up jerking their cocks to this scene.
“d-dad they-“
“it’s not their fault sweetie. you’re just too pretty”
i slowly nod and focus on getting the last bit out of my bladder.
“dad i’m done with potty”
“good girl” he turns around so my pissy puffy pussy is on full display for the men to see and i can hear one moan at the sight
“can one of you gentlemen help me to clean up my daughter, my hands are full holding her like this fetch me some toilet paper?”
there is none, one voice calls out.
“how unfortunate” daddy singsongs not in shock at all like he knew about this beforehand
“well then would one of you lend us your tongue to clean up this little thing here? “
my head whips back at him, eyes wide in shock
one man is especially fast to answer and dad gestures for him to kneel between my legs and he instantly starts lapping at my princess parts.
it’s scary but it feels so good whenever he sinks in his tongue to clean my hole. the others are enjoying the show stroking away.
technically i should be clean but the scene continues and i feel another liquid coming from my hole. his rough tongue is speeding up once he tastes my wetness and i can’t help but moan in pleasure.
“enough” dad intervenes
i protest a little but the man retreats nonetheless
“she is clearly not dirty anymore so she doesn’t need cleaning, isn’t that so baby? “
i pout
“now if her cunt was covered in piss again for some reason, the cleaning could continue … speaking of, daddy really needs to piss as well.”
i cock my head to the side like puppy not understanding the implications but the men do
next thing i know 3 men are holding me in the air and dad is aiming his cock at me reading to release a hot and heavy stream of daddy piss
the hot stream hits my chest, trickling down to my legs. next he aims for my cunt, specifically my clit and i moan in pleasure. before he finishes dad aims for my face and bc i’m moaning like a whore he even gets a little in my mouth.
i’m totally spend but the men around me shift and i’m back in daddy’s arms with three contestants surrounding us and licking my tits, thighs and cunt desperate to taste daddy’s piss off my skin.
another man comes over and holds his dick in my face. i eye daddy questioning what to do and he tells me to go for it.
i blow the man for a while, his small dick easy to deepthroat after practicing with dad for years when i feels a warm stream of piss gushing down my throat. dad holds my head in place so that the man can relieve himself in my mouth. his warm piss tastes not as good as dad’s but ok.
taking this as an invitation the other men form a queue and i gulp down piss after piss. one even asks if i could lick his asshole clean bc of the missing toilet paper. dad fingered me while i rimmed the man like a good little girl which made me crave daddy cock.
we shift positions so that that dad can fuck me doggy style while i keep eating ass. dad hitting my g-spot over and over again, i moan into the drooly dirty asshole. the other men gather around jerking their cocks to orgasms at this sight. their loads land on my back and face as only daddy cum is allowed near my pussy.
some men also piss on me but my hair catches most of it before it can get in my face.
covered in loads of piss cum and even spit i orgasm around dad’s cock as he fills me with his seed.
i am completely spend at this point, threatening to lose consciousness. dad holds me as his cum flows out of my pussy.
the last thing i remember is someone lapping up the cum gushing from my cunt and the sound of the door opening, new footsteps arriving …
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flightfoot · 2 months
do you have any fic recs about the miraculous squad post-canon as adults, that focuses on other characters besides just adrien and marinette?
Hmmm. So I guess for this, I'll look for any fics set in the canon universe where the main characters aren't Adrien or Marinette. Or at least, where other characters get equal billing.
The 8 Weddings of Alix Kubdel by The_Rabbit42
The bet is simple: with the Rabbit Miraculous, Alix will be speaking at all of her friends’ weddings. No matter what age they tie the knot, she’ll be there looking the same. From Alix’s perspective, she’s going to each ceremony and reception one right after another in a nonstop bender.
This fic’s a lot of fun! I loved seeing all the different weddings, as well as how Alix slowly felt more and more out of place, with going forwards in time. Some of the weddings could get, uh. Exciting as well XD. And while there’s been years in-between Alix’s appearances for her friends at the wedding, for Alix, it’s only been a few hours, if that…
Strangely Familiar by @sunfoxfic
Alya Césaire’s life is perfect. Indeed, between the success of the Ladyblog, how well she’s doing in school, and the fact that she’s a superhero who has never bore the weight of a crisis of epic proportions, her life almost couldn’t be better. Almost. But Alya has always been a go-getter, and so she’ll chase after that perfect life if it kills her. Which is how she ends up rushing to move out of her father’s apartment and in with Marinette, Adrien, and a complete stranger: Nino Lahiffe. And in fact, her life does seem perfect — she and Nino are fast friends. They spend a lot of time together and get to know each other really well. But in the end, fortunate situations will bear unfortunate truths, and she learns things about herself that aren’t quite comfortable. Like I said, though: Alya has always been a go-getter, and she won’t let new feelings deter her from chasing after her perfect life.
This is the single longest DJWifi-centric fic on AO3 (which is a travesty) and it is GLORIOUS. Alya and Nino are both well fleshed-out here, with their own problems and baggage they’re dealing with, but it’s easier together.
When Feelings Are Too Big For Words by ClockworkCaptain:
When Luka takes a gig playing for a drag show he’s falls hard and fast for the drag queen Buttercup who uses her performances to work through her own em otions. Meanwhile Adrien’s been using drag to work through his own emotions and thinks maybe Luka coming back into his life and showing interest might mean a second chance. Made for @mlsecretsanta 2022
Published on New Year’s Eve, this just barely makes it to the deadline for this list. I’m glad I don’t need to wait a year to talk about it though! One of the issues I tend to have with Luka shipfics, and with Lukadrien especially (though I think Lukanette actually has this problem worse) is how Luka tends to disappear within the fic and the pairing, feeling more like “The Love Interest” than his own person. Not so here! While most of the intrigue surrounds Adrien, I still got the sense of Luka being his own person, not just existing in the fic for Adrien.
 I adored Adrien getting to display an aspect of himself through persona and performance - that does align well with how he approaches Chat Noir -  and overall I just had a lot of fun with this fic!
Everybody's Changing by @coffeebanana
Alya's finding it a little hard to adjust to her new normal, post-Shadow Moth. Which...might be why she's a little more focused on getting Marinette and Adrien to finally figure out they have feelings for each other than actually enjoying her graduation party. She knows she should feel relieved that Shadow Moth's gone, but...things just feel so much more complicated. It's hard to accept that some things just won't be the same, anymore. Thankfully, Nino knows exactly what to say and do to help her figure things out. Or: DJwifi for day 11 of Kiss Prompt November (effervescent)
may we write it all down (in cursive light) by @sunfoxfic
Since retiring as a journalist, Alya hasn't been involved in an interview in several years. But now that her identity is out, that's about to change.
Number One by christallized
Marc and Nath have been dating for a while, but the rest of the world doesn't have to know that. It's complicated, it brings unwanted questions and anxiety. But the Comic of the Year contest is coming up, and Marc knows that sometimes what matters most isn't the thoughts of the rest of the world. Sometimes it only has to matter to one.
raw honey: a coffee with chloe bourgeois by demistories
I meet up with Mlle. Bourgeois at a classy, upscale café just in time for brunch. When I arrive, she’s sitting at an outside table and typing on her phone, glittering nails clicking against the screen. She doesn’t even look up at me when she says, “Fancier than you’re used to, huh, Césaire? Think it’ll break the bank?”  I remind her that she still owes me a meal from the last time we saw each other, and she scoffs and removes her sunglasses.  “You asked me for an interview,” my former classmate says. “The polite thing would be to foot the bill, but I suppose I can cover you just this once.” Her sarcasm is biting, but her smile is genuine.  an interview between alya césaire and her former classmate, chloé bourgeois
I hope these satisfy you!
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kingsansa · 14 days
Hi ! I just wanted to say I (cried) so much for PP last night lol such a beautiful story, feels like it's the type of story that has been waiting for me. I normally tend to skip incomplete story simply because I can't bear with waiting (just like now!). I really feel so so close to your Sansa, and at the same time I struggle to understand her and her thoughts. She seems... so sad. Yet, she claims she isn't overall. I wanted to ask if you could talk about her to me, maybe let me know your opinion on her. At times she breaks my heart because I think "she's depressed", other times I think whatever she has in her head would just be fixed in only she said it out loud.. Anyway. Thank you for sharing this story with us. Looking forward to the new chapter! xx
At the moment, a lot of her words aren’t aligning with her actions. She says she’s not sad but she’s in this brand new city and missing home every second that she’s alone. She says that she trusts Jon but she clearly doesn’t trust him enough to talk about things (skating with Edric, Dany, etc) She says that she forgives him but as much as she refuses to admit it, the past is still impacting how she interacts with him in the present. She isn’t being honest with herself. She’s always been an anxious person and that anxiety is manifesting itself in the worst way here and she’s struggling to manage it.
Still, she’s a very strong person. Having a kid isn’t easy. Raising him along for seven months isn’t easy. Deciding to move hundreds of miles away from home isn’t easy. But Jon is her first love. To call what she has for him a soft spot would be the understatement of the century. He’s her “Achilles heart” as Carrie Fisher would say. Aside from the cheating, Harry didn’t get away with half of the shit that Jon did, and the only reason Harry got away with cheating is because she was trying to GET OVER Jon. He’s everything to her. So when we see her not telling him things, holding back, not being upfront with her feelings, it’s all with the hope of keeping him around in mind. He’s told her over and over again that he’s not going anywhere but she can’t make herself completely believe him. And it’s not just because she’s been burned before, but because it isn’t just her life anymore.
And she draws strength from that—having Robbie changed her. In some ways, I do think it restored some of her pride. Right now, we don’t really see that because she’s letting Jon slide on A LOT because she hid Robbie from him, and she’s still beating herself up about that but her threshold for bullshit is a lot lower than it used to be and in the next chapter, we’re gonna start seeing what it looks like when he pushes at those limits.
The cherry on top (to me) is that Jon is completely unaware of this change. Obviously, he knows that it changed her life, just as knowing that Robbie existed changed his, but he definitely still believes he’s dealing with 15 year old sansa, 18 year old sansa, the sansa that he could—for lack of better phrasing—run game on. (No it wasn’t intentional but that’s what he did.) Unfortunately for him, that’s not the case. That girl could afford to give you fiftyleven chances. This woman cannot. Not only that, but she’s been around the block with Harry a couple times now, does he not know she thinks what a lie sounds like? The only reason he’s being allowed to get away with it is because one, she NEEDS what he said to be the truth, and two, she knows she didn’t really have a right to ask in the first place.
tldr: I love her just as much as my other sansa’s and I could write a whole essay on her and Jon is in for a rude awakening and I can’t WAIT
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vinff7 · 7 months
This update got me looking at and editing some of my Head canons, so posting those here. HC for how Gortash started worshiping Bane. And other ‘young Gortash’ HC
The game gives us very little hints about how and when Gortash started worshiping Bane. (Except for that one draft of a biography that seemed to place it in his adulthood, but doesn’t mention Hell? I think that might have just been when his Bane worship got more pronounced and noticed by that author not when it really started)
So I’ve made my own headcanon as I’ve seen multiple different versions around.
For me I think he started worshiping Bane in the House of Hope. Not right off the bat. I HC that Gortash likely was enslaved down there around the age of 10. Obviously a very difficult transition for a child to start living in Hell. But I think he eventually got to a point where he was aloud to wander somewhat and read in the library to educate himself. But was also taught by the Walock that brought him there to start (In-between him getting tortured and abused because I love whump to much to not imagine that there were horendious things done to him)
During this time around age 11 I like to think that he caught the attention of an awful demon/devil that would take torturing him really far, citing how amusing it was to get Enver to cry.
I also like to HC that young Enver had really bad anxiety and fear around crying. Like when he was in baulders gate his parents would get furious and yell at him to shut up. So if he noticed he was getting close to crying he would panic, which would pretty much ensure he would cry. And it would be a fun awful spiral of self hate thoughts at himself to be quiet and stop crying making his crying worse.
Anyway, awful torture keeps happening to the kid in between him needing to work and learn. And then Enver’s warlock teacher misses his lesson, and the next one. So Enver is hiding out trying to avoid the houses inhabitants when he finally spots his Walrock teacher and approaches them. Tries to figure out when his next lesson would be. Only to get dismissed with a wave. His mentor tells him The devil that had taken an interest in him has a habit of killing and breaking prisoners and he out ranks the Warlock, so the Warlock is giving up teaching Enver since trying to argue that he should be left alone would be more trouble then it’s worth.
Outright tells an 11 year old “Yeah, maybe not today, but I bet by the time 6 months has passed he’ll have tortured you to death. So there’s not really a point in teaching you anything anymore. No matter what you or I do you’ll end up the like mindless tormented souls soon.“ seeing how terrified Enver looked he says “Best you can do is try convince a god to fish your soul out of here after that devil gets bored or reckless enough to torture you to death.”
Which uh, def fucks with Enver’s head. So he does start deep diving into the Gods and trying to figure out if he can find any he aligns with enough that they would take him. And during this search he finds books about Bane and I fee like Bane’s philosophies is something he would immediatly relate and cling too.
Bane started as a slave and became a God. Bane teaches that the world is truely an Evil place by default, and pretending it isn’t is a lie. Someone who has only seen the worst the worlds have to offer must feel so validated reading that. To me Bane teaches so much about Self Disciple and self Control that some of his books written by worshipers must go into methods of self control. I can see young Enver finding a book of Worship with mantras to repeat when feeling weak or when needing to focus and clinging to those like a life raft.
Repeating phrases like mantras over and over in real life can have mind altering properties. Add a religious one to a word with magic and maybe there is an added Boost that actually works for getting in the zone via worship.
I don’t think Bane answered or noticed Enver at first, at all. I don’t think this discouraged Enver at all, the mantras helped and he figured he needed to do more to earn his gods favor so he worked at it. The focus on his self control helped. He could endure toruture quietly more and some of his tormentors lost interest in the now more stoic boy. Learning to master himself became a thing he could control to keep himself sane in Hell through the torment.
Obviously things didn’t ever get kind in Hell. But I also imagine after a few years of contactless worship Bane does notice Enver since getting prayer pings from Hell is not the most common. I doubt he would often interveen. Enduring torture is good training for a Banite.
I do think the first time they speak is an intervension though. Gods are able to see the future when it comes to things under their portfolio and so I imagine he could see that Enver has a LOT of potential. But he notices that the potential vanishes if all is left with nothing changing which gets him to interveen.
In my head the violent devil that started all of this does decide he want’s to break Enver during a point where Raphael might have been out of the house. Bane notices looking into the future that the torture they have planned for Enver would shatter him, and while Bane approved of discipline, he knows the difference between being weak and being put through so much agony that it’s unreasonable to expect discipline to cary someone through.
So I imagine Enver getting dragged from his cell, trying to fight down panic and start praying as a devil taunts him about his up coming torutre then, vision starts getting very dark and far away as Bane reaches in and just puuuulls his soul away. Bane is able to posses his followers so in my mind he does that for Gortash and pulls him away for a private chat.
I imagine being possesed by Bane is a bit like The Sunken Place from Get out. There is a viewing window you can look out to see what you body is doing, and otherwise Bane sponsored darkness. I feel like they had a short chat, nothing huge for Bane but life altering for a kid, someone actually caring for him enough to help. I feel like Bane would make an agreement with Enver that he will make sure Enver will never have to go through anything so bad that he would not be able to overcome it, which is a huge boost of self confidence for Enver. Now anytime he’s getting tortured in the future he has the promise of ‘My God knows this won’t break me’ going off in the back of his mind.
Bane also tells Enver that he won’t step in to free Enver, Enver needs to free himself, but he will grant him power if needed so that Enver can rise up as long as Enver loyaly serves him.
And so that is how they meet and Enver becomes even more loyally tied to Bane in my HC! I also have a couple ideas I’ll toss here at the end about him escaping since I’m already rambling.
I like to think that once he was older Enver was able to escape by using the Helldusk boots since he has those in game. My though was somehow the boots magic was used almost like a magic key? So he stole those, wards noticed the boots and figured whoever had them must be aloud to be there else why would they have them, so they helped him get past some magic locks and escape.
I did see in a fic about Enver leaping through those portals that could cause insanity and just giving a ‘hey help me out’ prayer to Bane to help him survive which worked and I always liked that idea.
Last Gortash ~ Bane idea that I like is that once Gortash escaped from the House of Hope Bane gave him his approval and told him like “You’re a Watchful Brother in Bane’s church, now you’ll never be called a Slave again.” And got to skip that ‘rank’ in normal Baneite hierarchy.
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