#think most people know about that from the movies but doesn't hurt to tag...
innerslumber · 2 years
I went to the Marvel: Universe of Super Heroes exhibit and wanted to share for anyone who has not seen it. I am under the impression that the installation changes from location to location so I wanted to show this snapshot in time. I fully admit to being biased in what I will post so if you want to see a particular character, please let me know! Apologies ahead of time for my crappy photo taking skills.
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
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There was a very large section dedicated to Spider-Man but I saw him scattered all throughout the tour. Which makes sense because he's such a long standing and popular character. Trying to take this picture with no one in the shot was pretty tricky but I did it! 😊😊😊
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I did feel that among superheroes that were living the double life, Spider-Man had it pretty hard. I think most people would already be struggling with school/job/loss of family and then add the vigilante crime fighting? Oof.
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This display was really cool. It showcased the various artists who have drawn Spider-Man, starting with Steve Ditko to Sara Pichelli who drew the Miles Morales version of Spider-Man.
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And speaking of Miles...
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I absolutely adore Spider-Man : Into the Spider-Verse. They had a wall of different concept and character designs too. It's definitely a movie worth multiple repeat watchings.
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And of course they had a Spider-Man suit! This particular one was worn by Tom Holland for Homecoming. The material looked so thin! Omg I think he probably got cold if he was filming anywhere with a cool breeze. The webshooters were pretty neat.
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The image on the left is Spider-Man playing his own console game in 1983. I was cracking up over the magazine name though: Blip. Guess Marvel didn't just pull that term for Thanos.
The picture on the right was an interactive display where you can vote for your favorite character. Guess who was #1?
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Yup! It was Spider-Man! I was surprised to see Groot so high in the ranking but maybe that's just me being salty that he beat Captain America. (And yes I voted for Steve...)
Honestly there was A LOT of Spider-Man through the exhibit and there's no way I could have put it all in here. Have to say though, finishing the tour with the comic panel of Gwen's death was an omfg moment.
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Literally a hallway with giant projected images on both sides and this was the last thing I saw before entering the gift shop! Not me crying my Andrew Garfield tears as I took the pic. Thanks a lot, Marvel exhibit. 😝😝😝
All joking aside, I had a blast! There was a lot of Spider-Man comic book lore that I didn't know about until I saw this exhibit. Educational AND fun! Peter Parker would approve.
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
Your Touch is My Shelter
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: 6 months later, Natasha returns from the dead. It's a tightly kept secret as it's unknown how she returned, but everyone claws and fights about who will keep watch over her like savages. You're far down the list of people who should protect her, but you find yourself unable to leave her be.
Warnings/Tags: hurt/comfort. undisclosed trauma. physical and mental signs of trauma. angst. somber assisted bath time. sad hair braiding. emphasis on hurt AND comfort.
Note: This takes place after endgame :-) the dates might be inaccurate idk i did my best 🥲 ha-ha enjoy 👁️👁️
Masterlist || Library Blog || AO3
Reminder there's no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Count: 5.2k
Please do not copy, repost, or translate my work anywhere else.
You heard the news through Bruce. 
Well, it was through Bruce telling Pepper, and you just happened to be at the coffee machine getting shitty coffee. The quality drastically dropped since Tony was gone, and you've been putting off telling Pepper she needed to literally buy anything else. 
You didn't really know how long was the appropriate time for someone to grieve before you could ask if they could buy another brand of coffee.
Tony was gone. 
A part of you thinks you keep putting off telling Pepper because then you'd have to face—really face—he was gone. 
Steve was gone. 
What did it matter, really, in the grand scheme of things? Coffee was just coffee, and it'd probably taste fine if you just put a shitload of sugar and creamer in it. 
Vision was gone. 
Honestly, you only really noticed because it was the same brand as whatever was stocked up at the Avengers Compound. 
Natasha was gone. 
But perhaps the coffee always tasted bad at the Compound and it had nothing to do with Tony being gone. Natasha used to bring coffee into the office most days for people, and Clint filled in the other days. 
Maybe Tony Stark just liked shitty coffee, and you were only now just noticing it. 
Natasha was back. 
Your hand faltered at the coffee machine, spilling a little of it on your hand, and the burn stung immediately.
"Are you okay?" Bruce asked as he noticed you inhale a sharp breath.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You smiled awkwardly at him before looking at Pepper. "Morgan's fine. She just has the flu and her fever's gone down. Make sure she gets plenty of rest and fluids. I'm going to set up a humidifier for her and help her settle into bed with a movie and wait for her to fall asleep before I head out."
Pepper let out a heavy breath, putting her hand over her chest in relief. "Oh, perfect. Thank you so much for coming suddenly. I just—Morgan doesn't really like going to the hospital, and suddenly she started throwing up and having a fever—"
"It's fine, Pepper," you waved off her ramblings after you wiped what you spilled on the counter. "You can always call me if you need me."
"Seriously, I think I might just employ you full-time as a live-in doctor if you say that," Pepper joked, and you laughed. 
"I am already your live-in doctor, just for one of your research labs. instead."
You don't think about Natasha—at least, you try not to. 
You heard things here and there about it through Pepper. Apparently, she's being held in a government facility similar to The Raft, detained like some criminal they needed to study instead of the war hero who sacrificed everything to save the world. 
It made you sick to your stomach. 
But you hear that Clint, Bruce, and Nick Fury have been fighting to get custody of her, so you don't think about it. There were people who knew Natasha far better than you did and were way closer to her than you were. 
She was in good hands. 
So, you continue on with your daily routine to pass your monotonous days, unaware you're waiting for some kind of update.
The next time you heard about Natasha Romanoff, it was Clint and Bruce cornering you at your lab.
"What?" You panicked, tensing up. "Why me?"
"You're the only person Natasha ever sought out to treat her," Clint answered, and you felt even more lost at the fact he knew. "Natasha allows medical professionals onsite to help her, but there were times she left to go see you. That has to mean something."
But, of course, he knew. He was Natasha's...best friend. And Clint was an incredibly nosy person, even if Natasha didn't tell him. 
"I've only treated her a handful of times—literally only five times. I don't know her that well," you shook your head, trying to walk around them. "I didn't even know she had a sister until you told me."
"Please," Clint begged. "I'm fighting to get her out, and the doctors they have looking after her are shady and callous with her. I can only visit her with Nick's influence, but it's not enough to get her out of there."
"And what do you suppose I can do?"
"You're a renowned cellular biologist," Bruce cut in. "If they're holding her for research, we want someone on our side who will at least treat her like a human being. The faster we get answers, the faster we can get her out."
"Please," Clint begged again. "Natasha needs help. She's...different. And it's only going to get worse if she remains in there. She's not talking, and they won't let her go until they can find some answers."
It felt wrong. 
You don't want to study Natasha Romanoff like an animal. Despite being a scientist with an inquisitive mind, you don't care about how she returned.
But it sounded like Natasha would be researched whether you liked it or not. And if that was the case, you do wonder how the other doctors may be treating her.
"Fine, we're going first thing in the morning," you gritted out, unable to block out the handful of memories of times you've treated her.
June 2012
"Oo, that looks painful," you hissed in sympathy as a redhead with a busted lip and nasty gash on her temple entered the med bay.
There was a snort that sounded like a half-grunt. "It looks worse than it feels. I hope I'm not intruding, but Tony said I should see you to be treated."
"Natasha, right?" You asked slowly, gesturing to a seat for her to take as you grabbed some medical supplies. 
"Yes," Natasha replied, equally slow with caution.
"Tony talks about you a lot," you tried to reassure her of whatever paranoia she might have. It probably didn't help that Natasha was still in her catsuit and probably would've preferred to be called by her alias.
"Well, don't believe everything he says," Natasha gives a light but somewhat tight smile. 
"Oh, so you aren't a unique woman with high intellect, sneaky, and rightfully smug?" You teased, and it was flattering that you could make a superhero laugh. 
You began treating Natasha's wound carefully. 
"You're pretty good at this, doc," Natasha commented as you blew on her brow, even if it didn't sting. "You're pretty gentle. Must be why Tony says you're his personal doctor."
You chuckled. "I'm actually a cellular biologist. Tony is funding my research and pretty much my lifestyle. With the money he's paying me, he can come crying about his boo-boos anytime. Although, he doesn't really come to me for serious stuff. It's usually if he has something ridiculous like a papercut."
"But you can treat wounds and other medical things?" 
"I was on my way to becoming a medical doctor before I decided to go into research instead."
"Huh," Natasha hummed, raising her brow at you. "Smart cookie."
"I'd like to think so," you finished cleaning Natasha's wound and putting a bandaid over it. "Feel free to come see me if you need any other basic medical aid. For a pretty redhead, it's free of charge."
"And if I come back blonde?"
"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it," you smiled, and Natasha smirked back at you.
"Smart and funny. Tony has it too good."
April 2014
"This is the worst bandage job I've ever seen. Who did you go to see for this? A grocery clerk?"
Natasha grunted. "Hi, to you too, doc."
You looked at Natasha, noticing how different her hair is now. But it's been about two years since you have seen her. Despite your offer for her to come to you anytime she needed help, she never did. Or she rarely did, you supposed. 
You could only deduce that Natasha was used to caring for her wounds on her own. That, or she didn't trust you. 
"Alright, let's go to my office," you sighed. 
"Am I interrupting?"
"Not really, kind of hit a brick wall."
"Oh, me too."
You looked over at Natasha, who had a straight face, but you noticed the bruise on her temple outside the obvious gun wound on her shoulder.
You pursed your lips. "Will you hate me if I laugh?"
"Not at all. On the contrary, I may like you less if you don't."
June 2015
"You know, when I told you that you could come for me for basic medical aid, I feel like you didn't understand the meaning of basic."
"Is this too complicated for you?"
"Then am I unwelcomed?"
You pursed your lips at the redhead, who stared at you with a tiny upward quirk on her lip. "No," you sighed. "Just not sure why you'd want to see me for such serious wounds. There are other more experienced doctors."
You lift Natasha's shirt up, looking at the long gash on the side of her stomach. "We're gonna need to stitch this up. I've been doing research with Dr. Cho, and we have a new machine that can help with cell tissue generation. It would be faster than me manually stitching—"
"It's fine," Natasha declined. "I'd prefer if you manually did it."
You frown lightly at the fact but relent to the redhead's wishes. Another year passes, and Natasha's hair has changed again. 
You worked silently on cleaning Natasha's wound, and she also declined the anesthetic. You focus on stitching up the wound with precision and care.
"I like to go to you for some things because your touch is gentle," Natasha said quietly, but it felt so loud in the silent room. "It makes me feel human when I can feel your touch."
You looked over at her face briefly, but Natasha wasn't looking at you. You don't take any deeper meaning into it. She's someone who's probably felt dehumanized most of her life. The machines that can heal her twice as fast would be fine for life-threatening injuries, but it probably all feels clinical. 
You looked back down at the stitch. "Well, as long as you're a redhead, it's free of charge."
"Don't kid yourself, I would look perfect blonde."
"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that."
September 2016
"What are you doing here?" You hissed as you pulled Natasha in quickly, peering outside before shutting the door. 
"Why? Am I unwelcomed now?" Natasha's tone sounded a little hurt, and you scan her body. She didn't seem to be bleeding anywhere that required immediate attention, but you did notice crusted blood at the edge of her nostrils. 
"No, but you could get caught here," you shook your head at her. "They're looking for you and the rest of team cap everywhere."
Natasha shrugged. "I highly doubt Tony has your place under surveillance. We don't meet enough for anyone to consider looking for me through you."
You sighed, not sure what to feel about the statement. "I suppose. I don't work for Tony anymore, anyway."
Natasha's brows furrowed.
"I don't agree with what he's doing."
"So you're on Steve's side?"
"No, I think Steve was obstinate too. They're both stupid. Men are stupid."
Natasha laughed before wincing as she held her nose.
"What happened?" You brought her over to your couch before finding your first aid kit.
"I broke my nose," Natasha shrugged. "Can you believe breaking my nose saved millions of girls?"
"With you? Yes." You smirked as you tilted her head to look at the injury closer. "Lucky you. Looks like you don't need surgery. Do you always come here immediately after you save the world?"
"Couldn't even clean your nose before you did?"
"And deprive you of giving me care? I wouldn't dare."
You snorted, carefully cleaning the blood in and around her nose. It was silent again before Natasha spoke up.
"So, what happened with your research stuff now that Tony's not sponsoring your work?"
"Pepper is funding it, even though she knows I won't share anything with Stark Industries at the moment. She doesn't want me to sell my research or provide any data to other companies."
"Smart cookie."
"And a really hot blonde."
"This feels targeted. It's like you know I might dye my hair blonde soon."
"You're still a redhead; I have no idea what you mean. I like your hair, though. Braids look good on you."
June 2018
Natasha showed up at your front step, holding her rib. There's a look of genuine relief at seeing you.
"You're still here," her voice sounds empty and hollow. "You're still here."
You pulled her inside gently. You're still in shock yourself. You were on a walk when people started disappearing left and right. The sheer panic on the streets was chaos as you were dialing Pepper frantically, almost crying when she picked up the phone. Then there were actual tears when you called other people in your life, and half of them didn't pick up...and they weren't going to. 
"I'm here," you swallowed. "What happened to your rib?"
"I don't know." Natasha looked so lost. There was the look of failure and self-blame all over her face. 
"Does it hurt?"
"I don't know."
You grasp her wrist, carefully moving her hand away from her rib before gently putting your fingertips against them. Your fingers trail up, down, and around. 
Suddenly, Natasha broke into tears. 
"Does it hurt?" You asked, panicked.
"You're still here," was all Natasha choked through her tears.
You didn't know what to do other than treat her wounds more gently than ever before while reassuring her you hadn't disappeared. You were one of the many people on this planet still here. And when she was better, she'd get the rest of them back. 
It was a long and exhausting night, and Natasha fell asleep in your bed, and you made sure she was comfortable before leaving to sleep on the couch.
Natasha's hair has changed again.
"You look good blonde."
That was the last time you saw her. 
Natasha's hair has changed again. She's gone back to being a redhead with blonde tips. Her hair was a mess, barely brushed, and looked knotted. 
The room was big and had padded walls, a singular bed in one corner, and a toilet and sink in another. There were lights in parts of the cell but also areas of darkness. It looked like a fucking prison cell. 
You were looking through an unbreakable glass window, the middle holding up a microphone you assumed was linked to the speaker in the room.
Natasha stood in the middle of the room under the light in a hospital gown falling off her shoulder. Her hands were covered in scars, and her lips were so chapped, you were sure they'd split even if Natasha breathed the wrong way. 
Natasha was only a few feet away from you, but it felt like she was a million miles away.
They let you see her alone under the guise of privacy as you saw her.
You felt you weren't supposed to see this—see her like this. 
A sense of dread filled you at the blank expression on Natasha's face at what she'd gone through—what she was still going through. 
She was a hero, and this was how they were treating her? This was someone who had fought wars repeatedly for this stupid country and the rest of the world, and they had her locked up like a mental ward patient from the 1600s.
You thought the government had gotten better. There were reforms and peace after people came back from the snap. This wasn't how they were supposed to treat someone who'd given up their life to ensure everyone got theirs. 
It shouldn't matter that she came back; she had still given it up in the first place for them. 
Natasha didn't even seem to recognize you through the glass as you stepped closer to the microphone. She looked past you as if she could tell the exit was somewhere behind you. 
"Natasha?" You said into the mic, and it bellowed into the room.
Natasha's eyes were listless. She was a broken, empty shell that seemed more like an animated corpse than actually being alive.
You swallowed, trying one more time. "You're still a redhead. Looks like it's still free of charge."
Natasha's eyes flickered this time, her head tilts towards you as she blinked with focus. It was just a spark, but it was something, and relief spreads through you. 
"Not completely." You could barely hear her voice, but it was coarse. Cold.
There should've been a joke about some kind of discount, but Natasha didn't make it. You were speechless.
You didn't know what to say. Don't worry, you're trapped in here, but I'm going to help with the research, and hopefully, we'll get you out soon?
It was like prolonging a death sentence. You were horrified.
"Just—wait for me," the words flew out of your mouth so fast but you meant them with every ounce of your being. "You're gonna go home with me today."
Natasha's eyes sparked at the words but just as quick as you saw it, they died out, falling back into listlessness. She turned, stepping into a darkened corner away from your view and prying eyes of the cameras as she said, "No, I'm not."
You realized she's probably spent weeks watching Clint, Bruce, and Fury try to get her out unsuccessfully.
The resignation made something lurch in your throat and eyes sting with desperation and rage. 
"So, we can send you a contract—"
"You're going to release her to my custody," you cut off some government official. He was old, wearing some kind of toupee that was slicked back to hide his balding head. 
He looked at you in disbelief, almost laughing like you were some stupid, naive young girl. 
He looks at Clint and Bruce, who are also just looking at you in shock.
"As I've told your friends and Nick Fury, this is out of their hands. The Accords are still intact as of right now, therefore—"
"I don't care about the Accords. You will release her into my care. I'm more than qualified and I have the resources to find the inane answers you're looking for while rehabilitating Agent Romanoff," you cut him off again, able to tell that it was irking him. 
"That won't be necessary as you can see we have the resources here," the government official raised his brow at you.
"Your resources can't compete with Stark's resources."
It was no secret that Tony had left a very sizable fortune to you in his will, outside of everything he gave to Pepper and Morgan. And it was also no secret how close you were with the surviving Starks. 
"Doctor," the government official sighed, obviously making it sound like you were a nuisance. "If you're not here to join our research team, I suggest you go on your way and remember the NDA you signed."
You glared at him even more. "I'm not leaving without Agent Romanoff. You will hand her over to me, or you will regret it."
"And exactly how will I regret it?" The government official looked smug, and you smirked back at him.
"I'm still in talks with the government regarding my research, and I will pull out and sell that information outside of this country as I'm free to do so. I know Dr. Cho is in talks between the US and South Korea about her nano-technology. One word from me, and America can fall behind on those advancements as well." You pulled out your cell phone in a threatening manner. "Pepper and I will pull out all of our money from the very same banks and company investments that you're supporting and make you watch as they collapse one after another."
"You'd ruin our entire economy—our country by doing so!" The official was red in the face. "You'd put your entire country into chaos?" He sneered at you.
"I will if you don't give me Agent Romanoff!" You sneered back at him. "It's not like you won't eventually get your research and answers if she's in my custody. It works in both our favor."
The official is staring at you, glaring and seething.
"I imagine your colleagues and superiors will pin the blame on you if this entire economy and country goes into ruin because if I have to do that, I will say that it's the government's fault. The NDA said I can't specifically talk about Natasha and this place, which I won't. But I'm sure some journalist will discover the truth and plaster all over the news what you're doing to a war hero," your voice was so vindictive; you're not sure if you've ever been so cold before. 
"So," your voice was flat, devoid of emotion now. "What will it be?"
It was agreed that Natasha would stay in a cabin that Pepper owned out in the countryside. You were to provide monthly updates on your research and rehabilitation progress. And while this was in headway, neither you nor Natasha was free to leave the country or this planet. 
Clint initially wanted you and Natasha to stay with him and his family, but you declined. You pointed out that it would be hard for him and his family—his children, especially—to see Natasha like this. 
Pepper had everything prepared while you gingerly collected Natasha.
"We're going home, Natasha," you said softly, shrugging off your jacket to wrap around her shoulders. But Natasha still didn't react, even if she let you take her hand and drag her out of the facility. 
During the car ride, you mentally planned what you needed to do. Natasha needed to eat, take a bath, and rest. 
"Have you eaten yet?" You asked the redhead, sitting stoically in the car, straight as a rod. 
There was no answer. Natasha was peering out the windshield, her hands perfectly on both thighs. Clint looked worried as he looked at you.
"Natasha?" You gently placed her hand over hers. You could feel the bumps of the white scars over her hand. A part of you is too frightened to ask where she got these from. 
Natasha looked down at your hand over hers before looking at you. Her eyes were so empty. Such a dull green like dying grass.
"Did you eat?" 
Natasha nodded once before looking back outside the windshield. 
You looked at Clint, trying to give him a reassuring smile, but deep down, you were afraid you had no idea what the fuck you were doing. 
"Pepper says you've been here before, but let me know if you need help finding anything," you brought her into the house where Natasha just stood, looking at nothing in particular. 
"Um," you took a shaky breath. "How about a bath? I'm sure it'll be good to get the grime and stale air off of you." 
Natasha didn't move on her own, so you began to lead her up the stairs to the bathroom. 
It was a detached tub near the high window to get plenty of sunlight without anyone being able to peer in. 
"I'll just get this started for you," you offered. Turning on the tap and pouring in a liquid that formed into bubbles. "Just make sure to check the temperature and adjust. Pepper says that sometimes that faucet can be a little finicky."
You turned to Natasha, who stood there, staring at the wall. She was unmoving, making no gesture if she was waiting for you to get out or to start undressing.
"Do you, um, need help?" You asked, but there was no answer. 
Maybe it would wake her up a little once she was in the water. 
"I'm—" you took a long breath in. "I'm gonna help you undress and get into the tub. If you get uncomfortable at any point, let me know and I can stop or do something else."
It wasn't like you've never seen a naked body before. You've seen plenty both in your sex life and field of work. You've even seen parts of Natasha's body when you've treated her. You just never thought you'd see Natasha fully naked. 
You slid your jacket off her shoulders, letting out a puff of breath. You looked past her as you undid the string of her hospital gown. You looked up when you slid down her underwear before guiding her towards the tub. Your gentle guiding seemed to spark Natasha into mechanically climbing into it herself the rest of the way. 
"Okay, cool. Um," you stuttered. "I'm sure you've been through a lot. Once you're done, we can get you into bed and if you're hungry later, I can make you something."
You were getting used to the lack of answers, but it didn't make your stomach drop any less. "Just let me know if you need anything."
You don't wait for a response this time, leaving without shutting the door fully. Down the hall, you leaned against the wall, swallowing harshly. 
It feels like you brought a lifeless shell home. A part of you wonders if Natasha really did return or if this was just some lifeless doll. 
You didn't want to think about it anymore, so you pushed yourself off the wall and into a bedroom with a suitcase and unzipped it open to grab some clothes.
When you were heading back, you heard the water still running and frowned. 
"Natasha?" You called as you opened the door. The tub was overfilling, and you rushed to turn off the faucet, trying to not slip.
Natasha was sitting how you left her, staring ahead at the running water but not really looking at it.
You sighed, relieved that the bathroom floor was designed with wood and curved so that any water would naturally run towards a drain in the floor. 
You go to check the temperature of the water and find that while it was initially fine when you turned it on, Natasha hadn't attempted to adjust it, and the finicky faucet ran nearly scalding water. 
"Jesus, Natasha, you're going to hurt yourself," you yelped. You braced through it and stuck your hand in to drain the tub halfway.
You inwardly sighed, knowing you would have to help Natasha through the entire process. You began to refill the tub, monitoring the temperature and shut it off when it was filled adequately. 
"I'm going to help wash you if that's okay," you muttered. "Just let me know if you prefer to do it yourself at any point."
You grabbed a nearby stool and sat on it before grabbing the loofa. You began with Natasha's shoulders and arms, trying to wash parts of her that were easy to access.
Natasha tensed as you washed her, so you tried to be more slow and careful. 
"It's just me," you said softly, trying to reassure the redhead. "I've always taken care of you."
Natasha said nothing, but her shoulders relaxed slightly as you continued. There wasn't much dirt on her, but the stale air that was surrounding her began to fade away. 
Her knees were propped up, folded to her chest, and you washed down her thighs and legs, trying to not think of anything too much as you did it. You tried not to think about the scars on her hands and feet. 
Readjusting your stool, you went to sit behind her. You used a cup to wet Natasha's hair, trying to detangle some of it gently first. It was then you discovered a shaven spot in the back of her head, where there was a large scar. You realized that was where Natasha's head hit the ground when she—
You swallowed, trying to suppress the anger that they shaved her head to get a look at something so private. 
You squeezed a considerable amount of shampoo in your hands and gently rubbed it into her scalp. Natasha tensed at first before your fingers massaging her scalp made her relax, her body leaning back against the tub and her head into your hands. 
It was quiet as you did this. You shampooed her hair twice before slathering it up in conditioner and finally getting out the rest of the knots. You drained the tub, grabbing the shower head to rinse her down once more before you grabbed a towel and helped her out. 
You helped put a bathrobe around her to help dry her as you didn't think you had the gall to fully dry every part of her by hand. Grabbing her clothes, you led her to her bedroom, setting her down on the bed. 
Natasha sat silently as you towel-dried her hair with gentle hands. Her eyes fell closed as you began to blow dry it. Your soft fingers tousling her hair. 
So delicate. 
When it was dry, you set the blow dryer aside. 
"Hm, your hair is pretty sensitive and might be for the next week. It might be better to braid it so it doesn't tangle and break when you're sleeping," you commented, mostly to yourself. 
You took sections of her hair, delicately beginning to put her hair into a french braid. 
"You've always had beautiful hair, red or blonde," you complimented Natasha as you finished. You moved to sit in front of her to check if you did okay from the front. There wasn't a response, but Natasha opened her eyes. They focused on you, looking at you as they traced over the features of your face. She was studying you apprehensively. 
Natasha lifted a hand, slowly reaching up as her fingers brushed the side of your face. It felt bumpy from the scars, but it made the back of your throat burn. 
"Am I really here?" Natasha mumbled as she then traced your cheek before your lips. "Am I really here with you?"
Your eyes were burning now. You couldn't even answer right away because you were afraid your lips would start trembling. 
You lifted your hand, hesitating at first, before you held her hand against your face. "Yeah, you're really here."
The edges of Natasha's eyes began to brim with tears. 
"When I jumped, I didn't die right away," Natasha whispered. "There was a feeling that something bad was going to happen. It didn't get me yet, but it was going to."
You couldn't help the tears that began to fall over the edge of your eyes when they overfilled. 
"Something bad happened to me," Natasha's lip trembled. "It's still happening to me."
You gripped her hand tighter unintentionally, but it was like it grounded Natasha. 
"I was scared," Natasha admitted. "I was scared that even if you came to me, it wouldn't go away."
Then, Natasha grabbed your hand and placed it against her cheek. It was still warm from the bath and blow dryer. 
"But I can feel your touch," Natasha sighed like it was a relief. "It's gentle and I feel human. I'm scared I'm not really here."
"You are."
Your throat felt clogged with raw emotions, and you didn't know what to do with it. You've only seen Natasha a handful of times, and maybe it's because the more you do, the more emotionally charged you both feel. 
"You're really here," you told Natasha, using your thumb to caress her cheek. You didn't know what else to say. 
All you can do is offer her shelter under your touch.
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secondbeatsongs · 4 months
Hello, you said in some tags in a poll that Speed Racer (2008) is your favorite film. If you’re okay with it, I’d really like to hear more about why you love it. I love the Wachowskis’ work (they’re among my favorite directors), but I kinda ended up bouncing off Speed Racer (2008). So, hearing that it had a real impact on someone makes me very curious why. I’m not interested in criticizing your opinion or arguing with you, I’d just really like to know why you love it in the hopes I might be able to enjoy that movie more in the future.
oh god this is from seven months ago, I'm so sorry - but I do love almost everything about Speed Racer (2008) and I still think about it nearly every day.
I love that it's so bright and colorful and absurd. I love that it's an anime in live action form. and I love that at its heart, it is a story about love.
it's about the mistakes people make out of love, and the consequences of that. it's about the way children grow to understand why the adults around them make the choices they do, and maybe choose to do the same things. it's about taking risks for the people you love, and the pain of failing to change the world, because everything is capitalism and everything hurts.
(and it's also about being transgender btw. like, that's one of the main things about it - it is very much a movie about being transgender)
what if your father's choices hurt your older brother, and your older brother's choices hurt you, and now it's you and your younger brother staring down a future where you're going to end up hurting him by making the same choice?
and then...what if you can escape that? what if the broken parts put themselves back together, and the hope doesn't run out, and you're not alone with the things that haunt you? what then?
and now you're at the end and mistakes were still made, people were still hurt, but everyone's grown and changed and they're different now. and they've figured out that maybe, just maybe, you can change the world by doing something you love, by creating art and beauty and making people feel things.
maybe you really can defeat capitalism by driving a car really fast. and even if everyone thinks you can't...don't you have to try anyway? shouldn't you fight with the skills you have, the only way you know how?
what if it works?
and I'm not even gonna get into most of the Racer X stuff (because I want people to go watch this movie, and most folks probably won't be spoiled for it), but his whole deal is just...everything. I love him.
(if there's a guy from Speed Racer that I want to put in a jar and shake every so often, or maybe wrap in a blanket so he can have a nice nap, it's Racer X. he's a great character. prime blorbo material)
anyway I've been rotating this movie in my head ever since I saw it for the first time, and I think I've seen it...seven? times now? and I still cry at the final race, and I still get blown away by the intro sequence.
(the beginning of the movie is genuinely one of the best things I've ever seen - it does an amazing job of introducing you to the world and the story of the characters, and gets you emotionally invested in it right from the start. it's fantastic filmmaking)
also like. story stuff aside, from a technical standpoint, the movie is a masterpiece. it's the type of thing that people hated when it first came out, but when you look at it now and see how it was made, how it intentionally looks bizarre and cartoonish, plastic and surreal, you can see the exact vision the Wachowskis were going for, and it's brilliant.
the way they did the visual effects, the way they made the outdoor scenes feel so detailed, the way the driving and the tracks work - they put so much thought into that, and the behind-the-scenes vids show how cool their process was.
also uhhh cars go vroom, crash into each other, flip upside down, explode, maybe have bees and hammers in them sometimes?
(the above is me complimenting the unhinged vibe of the races themselves, which I love very much)
anyway I could make other full posts about the script of the film and how much I love it, or the cool side characters, or the fanfic potential of the amazing world of the film, or how I can prove that it's set in 1991...but I guess if anyone wants those rants, they'll just have to watch the film and then come talk to me. :)
(please. please come talk to me about Speed Racer.)
so, yeah! I kinda lost my mind there and made this post way longer than I intended, but I do feel strongly affected by this movie, and I hope this has helped explain why.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Jungkook: Tongue Tied
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In which Jungkook starts to get closer to you- and realizes quickly that you don't actually need words to communicate.
Main Tags/Warnings: SFW, Hybrid!BTS x Hybrid!Reader, Wolf!BTS, Dog!Reader, strangers to ???, fluff, some angst, insecurities & very openly emotional reader, Jungkook focus, some manhandling cause it's kook duh, mc is becoming spicy (she growls for example), hybrid problems, Major fluff, some angst
Length: my phone crashed twice
-> Series Masterlist
Jungkook was a bit wary of you in the beginning- but it's gotten better.
He's a strong guy after all, and you're so quiet and delicate and- he's hurt his hyungs on accident before, he really doesn't want to end up hurting you. But now, after you've spent some time with them, he's come to grow more relaxed around you, currently zipping up your coat for you before he smiles. "Alright, you know the drill." He excitedly tells you, and you nod, eyes sparkling.
It's something he's sure he'll get in trouble for, sooner or later.
Jungkook has his own apartment apart from the pack-dorms. He's very much a fixed part of the pack, but he's also terribly introverted- so sometimes, he just wants time for himself, alone, some quiet and calm away from everyone else. And that's where you come in- because he's started to sneak you out to sleep over at his place with him, nights filled with movies and games and delicious food cooked after recipes he's found online. He always makes sure to bring you back early mornings before the caretakers will check up on you- but because they only check once a day (something that's concerning him greatly), he can most of the time just leave you at your apartment for a few hours and pick you up later to spend more time with you.
Right now, he's at his home, relaxing on his couch with you cuddling up to him. Jungkook himself isn't all that touchy, usually- but he really doesn't mind you latching onto him at all.
There's a commercial on the TV about a hybrid's sports event- and you chirp up at that. "Me." You point at a swimming hybrid being celebrated by people. "Me, too." You say.
"You did sports too? Swimming?" Jungkook wonders, and you nod.
"Fun." You tell him, and he chuckles, a hand on your back.
"I bet it was." He nods. "Why'd you stop?" He asks, and you become quiet, before you tap your head.
"Break." You try and explain, pointing to your head. "Head.. break." You say.
"Hmhm, Namjoon mentioned that he wondered if something happened to you. How did your head break?" He asks, and for a moment, you seem to think.
You don't know how to explain it. You lack most of the words to put your memories into vocabulary Jungkook would understand- but then you spot the newspaper near the table, and get up to pick it up.
Jungkook has sat up now, watching as you roll the paper magazine up, sitting on your knees in front of the idol on the couch. Your hands curl his fingers around the roll of newspaper, before you lift his wrist-
Softly making him hit your head with it.
And he understands.
He wishes he didnt- but he does.
You repeat the action again, and again, and again, and he's frozen for a second, horrified from the revelation. "Break." You say. "Make.. stupid." You try and explain, and he can't help but carefully pull his hand out of yours to let the papers fall to the floor, his hands instead pulling you close to his chest where he holds you. His ears are pinned back, tears stinging his eyes.
He hates that he knows exactly what you're trying to tell him.
Namjoon was right all along then- you're probably not a category five, but rather still suffering from the consequences of what your old home had put you through- and somehow, deep down, Jungkook doesn't want to know the full extend. He can't even imagine what must've happened to give you such extensive injuries that you're still struggling to recover to this day. It's not fair. It wouldn't be fair on anyone, but especially on you. You're too sweet to have been put through stuff like this.
And you only prove his point when he feels your hands on his head, carefully petting his ears to calm him down.
"Ears- yoongi. Yoongi happy." You tell Jungkook, who nods with a tight lipped smile. "Jungkook.. like?"
"Hm, I don't.. usually I don't like when people touch them cause they're really sensitive." He says. "But you can pet them all you want. I don't mind." He smiles, and you nod, tail wagging.
"I like." You say, pointing at his lips.
"My lips?" You shake your head. "Oh, you mean smile? You like my smile?"
"I like you'smile." You repeat a bit clumsy. "Jungkook.. happy. I like." You tell him, and he melts at that, pulling you back into his arms.
"I like it when you're happy too."
There's a big problem, and he doesn't know how to solve it- or more so, if he even wants to solve it.
Jungkook has a crush on you.
I mean, how can he not? He doesn't truly feel bad about it because you're his age- you're not someone who can't understand things or isn't capable of grasping the situation around you. You're not even truly struggling to communicate with him anymore- both of you having developed some sort of own language to make sure the other knows what you're thinking. And you're definitely pretty- not just by looks alone.
He doesn't care you're not the same predator wolf hybrid that he is- you're more than that, more than just your floppy ears and curled fluffy tail.
It's early, and you're a bit grumpy- but you know you can't stay in and risk being caught by a caretaker, so you slowly drag yourself into a sitting position. "Here-" Jungkook walks in, your mouth already open to receive the toothbrush he puts in with a chuckle. "-we can have pancakes for breakfast later, if you want?" He asks, and at that your eyes cracked open, tail wagging. "..I take that as a yes. Now come on, get your butt up!" He teases as you get up to follow him into the bathroom.
He can see himself living like this permanently.
Though of course, things would be easier if he didn't have to drive you back to the company building every morning at the crack of dawn just to keep up the illusion you've been staying at your apartment, but it is what it is at the moment, so he just rolls with it.
Everything goes smoothly again this morning, and while he has to leave you at your place after all because some schedule came up for him, he still doesn't miss picking you up late evening again to bring you with him.
You wonder if he knows that you won't be around forever. It doesn't seem like he does, and if he does, he either doesn't care or doesn't show that it's bothering him. It's hard to tell.
Jungkook is a sweet guy. He's the kind of guy you'd have hoped to meet when you were older back when you were just a pup, but now that you did, you realize how out of reach he really is. Not because of his social stand, but rather because.. well, why would he want to be with someone weird and broken like you? He probably just has some sort of.. Savior complex with you, or his nurturing instincts flare up whenever you're around. It happens a lot to other hybrids after all, this sudden need to take care of you fueled by your struggles day in day out. It's upsetting to you, and its why Namjoon is always such a breath of fresh air; together with Yoongi and Seokjin, they never pity or baby you.
Though you don't mind being babied by Jungkook, you won't lie.
Though right now, in this moment, you're both sitting on the couch with heads bowed and ears drooped in shame while Yoongi and Namjoon shake their heads. "Do you know how much trouble you could get in? Get her in?" Namjoon worries, and at that Jungkook sighs.
"I.. I just never got to spend time with her.." he mumbles quietly, and you instantly look towards him at that, wanting to reassure him, but you've realized too how dangerous what you've been doing has been.
"I know." Yoongi sighs. "But you could've told us about that. We would've helped- Jungkook we're a pack. You can't always do shit like that on your own." He explains, before walking into the bedroom with you to pack your stuff up.
Namjoon simply picks up some crumpled newspaper from the floor before putting it on the table- and at that, Jungkook remembers your conversation yesterday. "Namjoon.." he starts, staring at the paper on the table. "..you were right."
"Right with what?" He asks, sitting down on the couch next to the wolf hybrid.
"Her." Jungkook explains. "She.. yesterday we saw something on TV, and she told me she did sport's swimming at some point." He retells the events. "And so I naturally asked why she stopped. And she.." jungkook moves to grab the newspaper, smooths it out before he rolls it up and hits Namjoons head gently with it. "That. She did that, and told me her head broke from it."
Namjoon runs his hands over his face.
"I suspected something like that." He shakes his head. "I was hoping I was wrong though." The leader says, leaning back.
"Well, at least she's here now." Jungkook nods to himself. "They.. whoever it was, they can't hurt her anymore. And we can make sure she'll be fine from now on."
When you wake up the next day, it feels off.
Your room is quiet, interior brightly lit by the sun outside shining into your windows. Your roll over underneath the covers to move the clock on your bedside table towards you.
1:43 PM.
That's strange. You're typically woken up by staff at 9 AM, when someone will check on you and bring you breakfast- typically from one of the cafes close by. But today, it seems like they forgot you. Or maybe you just didn't notice?
No. When you walk into the main living area with the kitchenette and small table there, there's no food. Everything's still untouched from last night when Yoongi had brought you back, plastic bag with your stuffed animals you'd left previously at Jungkook's place still hanging on the edge of the chair at the kitchenette. No one's been here since yesterday.
You've really been forgotten.
You stare at the empty table for a moment, before you yawn and stretch your limbs, simply walking closer to take a pastel purple chipmunk plush out of the plastic bag to sit on one of the chairs. Another one, a white rabbit, sits on the opposite chair.
It's not the real thing- but it feels a bit more crowded like this.
You've never had a problem with being alone, which had been something many hybrid-specialists called 'not the norm'- because dog hybrids are typically very social and dependend on people. But it never bothered you, in fact, you feel like it's honestly easiest like this. You can take care of yourself after all, it's not like you're mentally or physically incapable of it. But when you open the fridge, you're reminded why you need the people around you so much.
Apart from a small plastic cup of strawberry flavored yogurt, and two bottles of water, there's nothing in there.
And even after eating the sweet treat, you're left hungry, naturally. You try and pass time by sitting at the table practicing your speech with the stuffed animals you've seated there, before you move to watch some TV. Bit by the time the clock hits 8, you're too hungry to concentrate on any plot you're watching unfold on the large screen in front of you.
So you brush your teeth, wash your face, and go to sleep.
It's 2:12 PM the next day, and no one's been there yet again.
You're worried now. Have you done something wrong? You like to be alone from time to time, but you also are a dog hybrid down the line. You're starting to feel lonely. Abandoned, even.
You don't have a phone, so you can't contact anybody. And you can't leave on your own, because you don't know the passcode to your own apartment to get back in later. And it wouldn't even do anything either if you knew it- you don't have any money to buy food even if you wanted to.
You drink a bottle of water in hopes of filling your stomach, before you sit in front of the TV again. But your hunger makes it hard to concentrate on anything yet again, as you let yourself fall to your side, frustration making you choke up on tears you don't want to shed. Maybe they'll be here soon. Staff will be here today. They have to.
But no one ever enters your apartment the entire day, not even when the sun sets and dips everything in orange and gold.
Only when it's dark outside does the lock of your apartment chime happily with the correct code input- and you immediately snap upright on your small couch, head looking towards the entrance.
When the person turns on the lights however, it's not staff. It's Jungkook, who seems a little confused for a second, before he brightens up. "Hey pup-oof!" He exclaims surprised when you race into his chest, holding onto him with your tail wildly wagging. He laughs at first, holding you close before closing the door behind him- until he notices you shaking. "Puppy? Baby, hey-" he says, concerned, moving you a bit away from him. "Hey what's wrong? What happened?" He asks, and you sniffle.
"Nothin'." You shake your head, not wanting to get the staff in trouble in case it wasn't their fault. "Jus.. happy." You say, and Jungkook nods- though he's wary. Your loudly complaining stomach makes him laugh, before he suddenly seems to turn serious.
You're still in your pajamas, and they smell like you've worn them for a while, not just for a night.
With a suddenly serious face, he walks closer to the kitchenette, opening the fridge, before he looks in the other- mostly empty- cabinets. "When.. was the last time someone checked up on you?" Jungkook worries, and you don't give him an answer, though your nervous face gives him all he needs to know. "How long?"
"Uhm.." you start, looking around as if to search for the word. "Two?" You say, hoping he understands. "Yes'day. No.. day- before yes'eday." You tell him. "But! Yo- uh.. snack!" You point to the fridge. "Me! I.. have snack, yes'day." You tell him, but it doesn't seem to really make him feel any better.
Jungkook instead takes out his phone, sending a few text messages to the boys back at the dorms about the situation, before he walks closer to you. "Go pack some clothes, okay? You'll stay with me for a bit."
"But, no?" You point towards him.
"Hm yeah I know they said you can't, but this isn't up to them anymore." He shakes his head, and so you go to pack up just like he'd asked you to. He knew something was already up the last day he'd picked you up- he doesn't want to know how often this already happened before.
And this time, he won't back down and do what the company wants him to.
While the hole incident with the missing staff is being investigated, the company basically gave him the okay to take care of you at his own apartment for the time being. And he absolutely loves it.
It's refreshing to him how he can be who he is without having to fear any kind of negative reaction from it. At this point, he's become so used to hiding his hybrid behavior that it was almost a bit awkward to see you express it so openly. And maybe that was what was freaking him out a little about you at first. Made him wary of you, so to speak.
But right now, all that is thrown out the window as he playfights with you over the blanket you'd stolen from his bed.
It's not like he doesn't want you to have it- you can have anything you want if you asked, but you has just taken it without his permission. And considering he's still a wolf hybrid at the end of the day, a type of predator hybrid that is a bit different in how they experience their own instincts, he's not having it. He considers you part of his pack after all-
And a pack needs order, and order comes from rules being followed.
You're still holding onto it even when he pulls you over his floor a bit- something that makes your tail wag as you realize his strength over you. But you also growl at him from your spot down on the ground, something that sets him off. No matter how cute you are, no matter how much he likes you, he won't let you play around with him like that. So he pulls you up at the edge of the blanket you're still holding onto, arms high above your head letting go of the fabric in shock of the way he holds onto your wrists now. Your tail at this point has stopped wagging, slowly lowering down- but you're not yet backing down.
He's not doing anything, simply looking at you, jaw clenched for a moment as he waits for you to finally submit- and it doesn't happen instantly, though it starts when you suddenly can't seem to look at him any longer. "No, attention back here, pup." He demands, making you whine as your tail finally tucks between your legs, body loosing all tension as you back down. "That's it." Jungkook chuckles, letting go of your hands- though you immediately hug him, something he's expected to happen.
It's been a while since he's witnessed hybrid behavior so openly like right now, even though he's a member of a pack filled with full blooded wolf hybrids. Maybe that's what's causing all those issues? The fact that they're playing humans, when they're clearly not?
He himself, right now, has never felt so comfortable. Or at least hasn't in years.
He chuckles as you rub your cheek against his sweater, something you've done yesterday as well when he'd brought you over to his place. You're scenting him, and he knows you're stealing his blanket and pillows and clothes because you want to match up with him. You want to make sure you smell like him, so that the pack will recognize you as a member. It's something he's sure the other members don't actually truly think about anymore- but to you, it's important. To you, it's part of your life as a hybrid.
And maybe that's your way of helping them. By teaching them how to be themselves again.
When he brings you over to dance practice the next day, the members seem a bit unsure for a moment.
It's not until Jungkook himself realizes that, while he's spent a few days with you now and has probably developed back into a more proper wolf hybrid, the rest of the band isn't used to that anymore. But maybe this is a good chance to show them what they're currently missing.
"Yah Jungkook, be careful with her, yeah?" Jin calls out, sighing when Jungkook does absolutely not listen to him- though his ears clearly show that he's heard him. He still pulls you back by your ankle when you try and slip from his arms on the floor, your laughter however clearly showing that you're aware he's not actually any threat despite his manhandling of you. "What's with him today?" Seokjin sighs, looking at Yoongi in the corner on his phone.
"What do you mean?" the rapper asks, glancing up to watch the scene between you and Jungkook. "He's playing with her." He shrugs, making the singer look back at you both to watch some more.
Taehyung walks in as well, equally as interested in the way the youngest of the group chases after you, who playfully growls at him while you hold onto his bottle of water. To any human staff present, it makes no sense why you would steal a bottle, and why Jungkook would be so interested in getting it back- but to the band members, it finally clicks.
"She smells like him too." Seokjin mentions absentmindedly, as if he's just realizing it. It's clear now that he's simply forgotten what you're both doing. "I haven't seen him laugh like this since he was a trainee."
"Yeah." Taehyung agrees quietly from the side, feeling almost a sense of longing at the way you both seem so carefree, while everyone else seems exhausted already. It feels odd to him, as if they're not a part of it anymore- like they're not a pack at all, but Jungkook and you are. And to him, it's even weirder that he doesn't know what to do to join in. But he should, right? He's a wolf hybrid too. So why does he feel so helpless?
Suddenly, you almost bump into him- looking at him for a moment, unsure what to do it seems. He smiles, and you smile back, tail wagging. "You're playing with Jungkook?" He asks, and you nod, when the singer in question walks up to the both of you, petting your head as he walks past. "I heard you're sleeping at his place right now." He tells you, and you nod.
"She steals the blankets at night!" Jungkook chimes up playfully scolding you. "Don't let yourselves be fooled, she's an absolute brat!" He laughs, making everyone chuckle at the scandalized expression on your face.
"Not!" You bark at him, and at that Taehyung can't help but laugh.
"I'd disagree too." He hums, pulling you closer to him, hand on your shoulder almost protectively. "She's an angel, aren't you?" He asks you, and you nod with an innocent expression.
"Lies, I did not give her my shirt for an example!" Jungkook laughs, and you hug Taehyung at that, though you turn your head to talk to him.
"But!" You defend yourself, thinking how to say it. "Pack! Me- pack." You huff, and while Jungkook chuckles and agrees, everyone else suddenly realizes what you've just said.
You're part of the pack. Sure, yeah, they've kind of said it before as well, and yeah of course they say it here and there as if it's nothing. But the way you say it, right now, kind of sparks something entirely different in everyone- and it's clear that everyone thinks the same way, as they share glances. They're all a pack-
but why doesn't it feel that way, right now in this moment? In fact, why hasn't it felt like that in forever?
It's like a sudden wave of realization hits everyone, and Taehyung in his position with you so close can't help but feel the sudden urge to scent you as well. He himself doesn't even smell like pack anymore. No one does, in fact. Why not?
"What if we.. asked again to have her stay at the dorms with us?" Namjoon wonders suddenly. "It's clear that staff has failed to properly look after her, and with us, she'll always have someone to watch over her." He asks, and everyone nods after a moment or two, agreeing.
"And whenever we have practice, she comes along anyways." Yoongi nods from the side. "Army already knows her. Accepts her." He reminds everyone, and you look around in excitement.
And clearly, your look of pure happiness is enough to convince everyone.
Now they only need to convince management.
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abby118 · 2 months
It makes me so happy to see I’m not alone here. Honestly the Loki fandom is so fucking isolating, and I feel like if you say you prefer Pre-series Loki/Loki Prime whatever….you get shit flung at you. This fandom has done a really good job at making me scared to share my opinions. (Hell, I can’t even criticize the TVA without “UWU THE TVA ARE SMOL ANGST BLORBOS WITH TRAUMA! THEY’RE LOKI’s WHOLESOME FOUND FAMILY WHO HELPED HIM!!!”) It’s helped me a little bit to remember Loki in the series is a variant of our boy, because like…he’s literally nothing like Loki in the slightest and no offense to the fans, but it feels like a majority of them haven’t even TOUCHED the previous films. (Literally saw a post calling them old and outdated.)
Thank you for this blog. 🥺
Ooh yes, mhm. It can be isolating, for sure, but I also think we're fortunate that it did split into pre and post ragnarok eras of the fandom because some fandoms die when its source material gets retconned. I definitely relate to the opinion aimed towards the new "fans"; they're one of the most disrespectful and meanest people I have had the displeasure of interacting with in fandom spaces and I've been on this site for a while now.
And no, the character in the series is not a variant of Loki. The *only thing they share is a name, which has been stolen from the original character it rightfully belongs to, with the intent of cashing in on the fans. I refuse to refer to him as the same character. *They do share the same actor too, and as much as it hurts to say it, because Tom Hiddleston has been my favourite actor since I can remember - I was literally 9 when I joined the fandom when T1 came out..(for context, I'll be turning 22 this year), I no longer relate to how he views, or seems to view, Loki. And don't get me wrong, he will always be the person who played my favourite character, that will not change, but I do not see his interpretation of Loki as my own anymore. It doesn't even match his old one. And I know I'm not alone in feeling like this.
The TVA is a topic I don't have the energy to get into but it is beyond problematic. I'll just say that, I'm sure we all know what I'm getting at there. And I wouldn't even say it "feels" like the newer people haven't touched the movies. I have spoken to a few of them and it is an actual thing, apparently. Some of them started with ragnarok...which does explain a lot...and never bothered to check the original ones. And then they complain about feeling unwelcome among the fanbase, I wonder why that is, huh? - "I feel like if you say you prefer Pre-series Loki/Loki Prime whatever….you get shit flung at you. This fandom has done a really good job at making me scared to share my opinions."
Don't listen to them. Block them. They are not interactions that would bring you enjoyment or any sort of positive feeling and that's not what fandoms are supposed to be like, trust me. If you genuinelly feel upset about people's takes and opinion aimed towards you, you have every right to avoid them. Tumblr has no algorithm and blocking is nothing but curating your experience, you don't owe anything to these people. I, myself, have done this, including filtering tags, and it is so much more peaceful than when I rejoined (beacuse I changed blogs). Still, no longer being able to go to the main tag is incredibly sad.
Find a group of people you can interact with, follow the tags that are more specific and avoid what doesn't benefit your fun here. And thank you for being here, really. Especially for reaching out 💚🖤 I'm very glad you like my blog. I'm just doing my own thing, which in my case, means trying to stay true to the fandom I loved and enjoyed (and still do) from years ago, regardless of the notes or what people say. Because, at the end of the day, all that matters is your own enjoyment. I'm trying not to post too much negativity towards post2013 despite having a lot to say because there are blogs who do that, and do so well (thank you guys), and we need one that's focused on the good things too, but sometimes it really is needed. So thank you for the opportunity.
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corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ Skateboarding w/ Team Stan [Headcanons] ✧.*
✧.* tags: skateboarding idk man, comedy, college au
✧.* Charactions: stan marsh, kenny mccormick, kyle broflovski, butters stotch
a/n: I was writing a different set of headcanons and started thinking about this and it got so long that I decided to just make it another post.
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Most skater aesthetic out of them all
even though he doesn't actually know anything
He bought the board because the like the IDEA of being someone who skates
But he’s too scared of falling down to actually do it
Much better at roller blading
but he'll NEVER admit it
mainly because people (cartman) would call him Ken because of the Barbie movie coming out
"Okay but why the fuck do you know that Ken uses roller blades in the Barbie movie?"
"Well actually that's none of your fucking business"
"Yeah okay dickwipe."
"It's literally pride month bro"
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Kenny on the other hand is the epitome of “I could do it this morning”
Makes you all sit around for 30 minutes while he tries to do an ollie
“Dude it’s okay if you can’t-”
Like okay bro you can do an ollie
Gaming sessions of Tony Hawk Pro Skater where he does a move and says "yeah I could do that"
Gets the most hurt
mainly because he doesn't care
worst cast- and i mean WORST CASE- he dies and he's back the next day
at least now he knows that he can't do a rail grind off the golden gate bridge
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Stan and Kenny try to teach Butters how to skate
turns out he doesn't really need their help
Butters ends up being 100x better than them INSTANTLY
Its the hawaiian blood
paddle boarding translates very well to skateboarding
“Woah! It’s so much easier when there aren’t waves coming at you!”
“I both hate you and idolize you right now”
“Stan close your mouth before a mosquito flies in”
You ask Butters to teach you and Kenny is AGHAST
Granted Butters is a shit teacher 
“Just picture the Hawaiian islands holding your hands to keep you steady.”
“What the fuck did they do to you there.”
“Well for one, we got absolutely plastered so they’re tripping balls 24/7”
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Kyle skates pretty fine
He and Ike were HUGE zeke and luther watchers fs
It was the only show they could agree on so sheila and gerald let them watch it 
He always wears elbow and knee pads though
The others (cartman) give him shit for it
But he’s the only one going home without any bleeding appendages so who’s laughing now
The only one that can actually do an ollie
Doesn’t brag about it but once everyone else goes home he’ll show you some pretty sick tricks
"So you're like the red head from the gay anime."
"Now we've just got to find a blue haired canadian- omg wait isn't your brother from Canada-"
"Planning the road trip right now. If you take your brother's passport I bet you can pass it off as yours."
"I regret telling you anything."
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
What are you most controversial/unpopular OP opinions??? Sorry if it was answered before
You want me to get canceled so bad-- If I speak-- But idk, I guess I'll say the controversial opinions I can say publicly without a bunch of people coming at me!
Zo$an is a bit... Overrated? And by overrated I mean extremely/annoyingly overrated. I like the ship and its canon dynamic but I think at least 80% of the fandom portrays them in a very mischaracterized way. Not to say that... The ship is literally everywhere and the shippers always look for every little thing to prove they're canon, even if the "proof" has literally nothing to do with them. It's not that I don't enjoy the ship (although I must admit I prefer other dynamics a lot more) I just can't stand shippers that go to extremes. It's funny because I think Zo$an's dynamic is way more interesting and romantic in canon than it will ever be in the fandom. It's a bit sad, ngl. I liked them a lot at first but it got so tiring and now I am pretty exhausted from seeing it everywhere. The people force it to be more than it is when the canon is already pretty fucking great.
Adding to the Zo$san thing. I think that relationship would only work if Luffy is there somehow but it wouldn't last a day without him in the relationship. Unless there's like, a ton of character development most of these people don't make them go through.
One Piece Film Z is my worst enemy. It's such a boring movie. The only good thing is the soundtrack and maybe the suits but God watching that was torture.
Boa hate is uhhhh weird. I mean, I get why the joke about her being in love with Luffy might be annoying, but I think most of you need to learn to understand that Oda's sense of humor is sometimes a bit too exaggerated (and not funny) and it has basically nothing to do with the actual canon dynamics between characters. Boa likes Luffy because he's one of the first men who has ever treated her right, so of course she confuses that feeling with love. And of course, yeah, it isn't canon. Whatever. Just read between the lines, maybe? And also, stop using words like "pedo" to describe her because using that term so lightly about 1) a fictional character and 2) somebody who's clearly not a pedo is fucked up. Lmao. Do you even know what that word means???
Once again complaining about Pudding hate and saying that it's stupid. I won't overanalyze because I always do it with her, but the only reason people hate her is for misogynistic reasons and because they're babying Sanji. Evil male characters are okay and hot and very traumatized but the second it's a woman she's the most evilest person ever! Because God forbid they make mistakes! Suddenly their character development isn't valid because they hurt their babygirl!
Now that we're talking about my dearest Pudding. Not tagging anybody of course, but I saw this post with so many interactions of people agreeing about Sanji considering violence as a sign of love which??? Doesn't make sense at all?? OP said it was because he couldn't tell the difference between love/abuse because of his family, but that's just... Not accurate. That could only happen if they had manipulated him into thinking abuse is a type of love, but he had healthy love growing up. Even when he was with the Vinsmokes (Sora and Reiju, I love you). And yet OP said Sanji considered Pudding's behavior flirting (wrong) and that's why he let her attack him (nope) and that it was proof of Zo$an. And okay, it's not a hugely popular theory, but a lot of people agreed with it and it bothered me a lot because it's both out of character and also using Pudding (complex female character) once again to try and prove the canon of a ship (that doesn't have anything to do with WCI either???). It just bothers me. People can perceive the story however they want but... Y'know.
OPLA isn't that good. Or good at all? I only like it because I like the cast and it's funny seeing my blorbos irl. But the script is simple and dull and just stupid most of the time. The characters are either simplified, mischaracterized, or forgotten. And tbh most of the shots are very awful and could be a lot better. The directing is also nonexistent. It's 6/10 and 3 of those points are because both the Zolu and the cast.
Apparently this is a very common theory about Nami's origins, but, uh, I don't think we need to know? What else do you need to know about her? People say she's a lost princess or something like that as if we didn't have a lost princess already (Sanji ily). Repeating the same plot would be boring and underwhelming, but also? It'd be extremely useless for the plot and it'd go against everything about Nami's story and the way Luffy reacts to it.
Luffy isn't canon aroace. In fact, the reasoning people use for him being "coded" is the same Oda uses for Zoro too and Zoro is almost never portrayed as the "idiot who doesn't know what sex is" the way Luffy often is. If you're calling Luffy canon aroace for what Oda said about him being focused on adventures, the same goes for Zoro being focused on his dream. They could be coded arospec but there's nothing confirmed and the constant discourse about it is stupid. Attacking others because of their ships just because you don't agree with them and saying it's wrong using our identity to do it is very fucked up. Especially since most of the time people complaining aren't even aroace. The only reason people do it (attacking others saying they can't ship Luffy and that it's "weird" and "wrong") is that they infantilize Luffy/Don't want him getting in between their ships (<- aroace person writing this) (also, it's very ableist since people agree on Luffy also being neurodivergent coded and treating him like a kid bc of that but this isn't about that now).
Somehow this is very common. Some fucking how. I can't believe I have to say this. I'm tired of people blaming Usopp for what happened in Water 7. Or in general hating Usopp. Actually, he's one of the best-written characters in the whole show and he's so underappreciated it's so frustrating.
Sanji's perv jokes are annoying af and we all know that, but people who hate the character and consider him a red flag for that are missing the point completely. The point being "Oda exaggerates jokes to an annoying extent and most of the time they don't even reflect the character". I understand they can make you uncomfortable (same here tbh) but reducing Sanji to only those jokes is a waste of his character. You need to take jokes less seriously.
If I see one of these "red flag OP boys" TikToks adding Law/Ace/Zoro/Sanji next to fucking Doffy I will riot. Also, stop adding Crocodile there. He's a mafioso, there's NO way he won't be a sweetheart to his lover.
Baron Omatsuri's artstyle and animation is amazing and it fits the plot and aesthetic of the movie perfectly and people saying it's ugly will forever bother me.
"Usopp is suddenly hot after timeskip!" He has always been hot what the fuck are you talking about.
People reduce Nami to her "mean"/"sarcastic" personality a lot when she's quite literally one of the most kind-hearted characters of all. That being said, morally speaking she's probably one of the worst. I could explain how that works but I don't want to do it now, the point is-- Let the girl be sweet instead of making her mean all the time. And also, let her be mean and selfish without making it her entire personality. There's something called "balance".
Film Red was kind of bad. Like, the songs are amazing (thanks, Ado) but the ending is awful and the plot is very meh. I'm only here for Uta and Shanks but the rest of the characters are just useless. I do appreciate Sanji's hair in the movie, though.
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
Hey ik on that "equally distribute the horrors" post, a lot of people were talking about Mikey needing horrors (tbh he deserves some, they all need equal rights to the horrors.), but I've never seen anyone even talk about the horrors for Raph? Maybe that's just me and my web experience tho. (If you have any examples of Raph dealing with the horrors pls list them, my cousin ((who also says Mikey needs more horrors, at least)) and I are desperate)
ah that's probably because i specified mikey in the tags because im a mikey enjoyer who is followed principally by more mikey enjoyers teeheee
but huh
i guess i understand what you mean
in terms of Raph Horrors™ we have
mmmm i unfortunately won't include every single horror from every single tmnt iteration out there. there's too many for me to remember all the specific raph horrors from each of them rn so i'll just list some random ones off the top of my head 😺
Feel free to add more to the raph horrors list! lol
- Raphael gets progressively demutated and basically reverts to a normal turtle for a while
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(the panels of when this was happening were actually very emotive and made me cry) he does say this when he's back to normal which i find very funny tho
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90's movies
- Raph gets beaten the fuck up and then gets thrown trough a skylight. He's then placed in a bath tub while he heals (Leo is the one who never leaves his side on this iteration)
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- Nearly injures Mikey greatly with a metal tube because of anger (He feels really bad about this and i def think this moment never truly left his brain ever)
- Getting kidnapped by footbots, getting interrogated by Hun
- All the fights with shredder or karai/all the injuries gotten in all the fights with shredder or karai
- Same As It Never Was Raph
- Watching his injured older brother get thrown to a window and watch said older brother heal from his wounds
- Seeing himself as the shredder/ thinking himself as the shredder
- Got his home raided countless times
- Getting separated from his younger brothers + dad in one of said times and waiting alone in the surface without knowing if his family even made it out alive
- Witnessed dad get disintegrated
- Brainwashed (actually getting infected with a digital virus but eh). Him and his brothers are foot ninjas for an unspecified amount of time (maybe days). During this, shredder sends the brothers to the most mortal/difficult missions in hopes that they die under his command.
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- Getting thrown into the future (Raph is the one brother who hates this event the most lmao)
- Witnesses older brother get kidnapped and blames himself for it
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2011 IDW
- Raph gets separated from his family before mutating. Spends years homeless and by himself before his brothers find him again (this forever makes raph feel that even if he's with his family. he somehow doesn't belong)
- Right after getting mutated he spent some time being cared by Buck (blind homeless guy that is the first person ever/parent figure that's nice to Raph). Watches Buck get beaten to death. (Possibly. Buck did survive but i can't remember if he did die because of his injuries. still. traumatizing to raph that was still fairly new to the world)
- Forced to be family warrior/protector (he doesn't want this, he just wants to be a farmer man 😔👊)
- Witnessed shredder stab Casey (Raph's bestie/first ever friend that he relates to)
- Had to fight against brainwashed brother (Foot Leo)
- Witnessed Donnie's corpse (would def fuck u up if you feel like the protection of your family is your responsibility)
- Gets kidnapped and experimented with/tortured
- Dad dies, rip 🕊️
- Losing Spike (he literally stayed 15 years underground with only his family for company. spike meant so much to him)
- Watching mikey get hurt because of his bad leadership literally made him freeze up and not know what to do at all
- The whole scene of splinter letting his brothers insult him. what the hell 💀
- Fighting his (brainwashed/hypnotized?) dad
- Cockroach mutant
- Watching his older brother get thrown trough a window (the sequel). And watching said older brother be extremely injured.
- Leo 3 month coma
- Brainwashed via worm that ate all the way through his skull and into his brain
- Dad dies, rip 🕊️ the sequel (this happens quite a bit in the series) and hil being in the front row of how splinter gets mortally wounded and then thrown off the roof
- Fighting his family while brainwashed
- kidnapped and being put into an oven to die (and would have died if leo didn't go ham and destroyed his enclosure)
- Witnessed someone kill himself while he was actively trying to prevent it
- Witnessing the death of both two little brothers
- Witnessing older brother nearly die. Again (Again. this happens quite a bit in the series)
- the whole mutant bomb apocalypse holy shit
theres def more that im forgetting mb
- Home gets raided, the sequel
- All brothers get kidnapped except for him
- BROKEN SHELL BECAUSE OF SHREDDER AND HE JUST KEEPS GOING???? please..............take one second to rest THATS YOUR SPINE
- Eldest sister syndrome
- The fucking bunny plushie that I've forgotten the name of (his siblings were so mean for no reason at all that ep 😭)
- Rise shredder
- Having to forcefully remove his family from deathly situation even if it meant leaving a beloved family member behind (he prob blames himself about karai ....augh)
- Kidnapped/taken hostage (?)
- Kraang Brainwashed
- Having to fight younger brother while brainwashed
- Apocalyptic Kraang Future
The last ronin
- Died for literally no reason at all . fly high king 🕊️
Mutant mayhem
- Getting kidnapped (quite violently too)
- Milking Machine
- Getting shell cracked from being squished too hard
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indieyuugure · 1 year
Hi! Let me start off by saying that I absolutely adore your ROTP series. This is also one of the very few Rottmnt/2012 crossovers in existance that does justice to both verses and doesn't put a biases on any. I love this comic.
Now that aside, I need to get something off my chest. I wouldn't have gone on Anon but experience has taught me that opposing opinions will make the followers of a blog insult and harass you so I tend to err on the side of caution. You see, I Love Love Love TMNT. And I love 2012 series, it's something I relate to so much and grew up with. It's my most favorite version of TMNT.
But the thing is, ever since the Rise movie got released, I've been seeing nothing but slander against the 2012 series and it breaks my heart every time I come across it. It has escalated to an unfair point that I've seen even 2012 fans who love it just as much begin hating aspects of it. I mean, don't get me wrong, it does have its flaws but it's unfair how highlighted those select few flaws are to the point of extremely biased comparisons and blame games and general 2012 slander which half the time doesn't even comply with canon. Moreover, literally every TMNT has its flaws just the same.
And recently, I've been seeing an increase in posts on your blog that have 2012 slander undercurrents or simply blatant frustrations with it. I love the comic but keep seeing this hatred still is just... it hurts ya know. Like really actually hurts.
So if possible, can you plz tag such posts with something I can filter out? (And let us know what that tag will be?) You don't have to but I really really love your art and comics, it's just the 2012 slander again that hurts me and I don't want to see it anymore. I've been seeing it everywhere.
Again, plz don't take this the wrong way, it's just something that's been hurting me and I had to get it off my chest. And find a solution to it that doesn't involve blocking or unfollowing because I genuinely do love this fancomic
Thank you for your feedback!!💕 (seriously feedback is extremely appreciated to me!)
I sorry my posts came off as 2012 slander, I really never meant it like that. I will admit I do critique media pretty aggressively, but I never mean it in a hateful way. TMNT 2012 is one of my absolute favorite shows and I love everything about! It’s the weird quirky stuff about it that while yes, I will criticize, I still love. It wouldn’t be the same without it. Just like the weather, I will complain about it, but I don’t want it to actually change.
I will try to be more conscious of how my posts are perceived, I really never wanted there to be a bias on my blog. I love all of TMNT for all it presents, and I don’t want to ever be slanderous!
Thank you again for your kind nudge! I’m very thankful to have people like you who’ll tell me if I’m making a mistake! I truly do love TMNT 2012. I can’t fix what I’ve said, but now that I know, I can be sure to be more careful to not sound biased going forward.
Again, I’m very sorry it came off that way, I didn’t mean to be so harsh. I never want to harm a series’s reputation, especially one that I love so much!
You are truly appreciated!💕
I know this won’t fix the things I’ve said, but I’ll say 3 of my top favorite things about 2012:
I love the way they depicted characters! They do an amazing job using indirect characterization that makes the characters feel so real. The characters don’t have to tell you things about themselves, you learn about them from the way the interact with each other, the way they solve problems, the things they like and dislike, and even what they’re doing in the background! It really feels like you’re there getting to know these fun people and go on adventures with them! Truly amazing!
I love the way the turtles look! Seriously I think they look so cool, and at the same time cute. They’re visual designs inspired me so much in my art and I will watch hours on end of them because they’re just so freaking cool!
I love the way their stories are told! The episodes are so well paced that it never feels boring to watch an episode! Believe it or not, I have never once wondered how many minutes are left on an episode. It’s so good at sucking you in and addicting you, that while I was watching it for the first time, I was straight up binging it and would be forced to put it down by my parents. Several times I would stop to eat something and have that weird “wait, who am I? What is my life?” Thing you get from a really good story. The stories and arc pacing are so good that Indie TMNT, my original series is using massive inspiration from 2012.
Once again, I am truly sorry for coming off as slanderous. Thank you for being so brave and telling me what many people were probably thinking. I want to do better. Thank you! :]
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cottoncandyafterdark · 5 months
Acting as a Big Sibling Figure to: Kyoka, Kenji, Q
Character(s): Kyoka Izumi; Kenji Miyazawa; Yumeno Kyuusaku/Q (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Tags: SFW, platonic, familial-ish, headcanons
Warnings: None
Notes: Originally posted on ao3 here; this is old and I'm not caught up with the manga now so sorry if anything seems strange
Kyoka (& Atsushi)
When Atsushi brought Kyoka to the Agency, your first thought, like everyone else's, was pretty much just that she was adorable. You didn't know much about what she had been through, but you were made vaguely aware that she had been an assassin for the Port Mafia, which you could hardly believe- she was just so young, and looked so cute and innocent.
You also soon realized that despite seeming distant and unemotional, she really is just a kid at heart- a kid who has already been through way too much in her life.
The first few times you tried to talk to her, she didn't exactly pull away or shut down or anything, but it was kind of hard to hold a conversation. She didn't do too well with small talk, and it was hard to figure out what to else to talk to her about.
So, it took a while, but with enough time and effort, Kyoka will start to open up to you a little, and you'll start to see her emotions shining through when she talks to you. She'll smile, just a tiny bit and for a few seconds at most, and it will feel like the greatest success of your life.
At that point, the hard part is basically over: once you've started connecting with her, it'll only get easier to get to know her properly from there.
You start taking her out to try doing some regular kid/teen stuff she hadn't gotten the chance to do in a long, long time, and maybe not ever for some of them- go to an arcade, see a movie, little things like that. She doesn't end up liking everything you two do, but she she still appreciates it every time.
Basically: relationship ended with Kouyou, now you are Kyoka's stand-in older sibling
Atsushi often joins you on these adventures if he isn't busy, since he's friends with Kyoka. You're happy to have him along; not only does he make Kyoka feel more comfortable, he probably hasn't gotten to do lots of those things either, so it's a good opportunity for both of them.
You can take them out to lunch if you want to, but you might end up having to put some limits on how much they can order because Kyoka will happily eat enough boiled tofu to bankrupt you.
You make sure that Kyoka and Atsushi both know that people care about them very deeply (it's you, you're people), and that they have inherent worth as humans and deserve to live a happy life. And the people in their pasts who hurt and traumatized them, and made them believe otherwise, better hope to never meet you because if you ever run into them those people will die by your hands.
As soon as Kenji joined the Agency, not too long after you did, you knew he had to be protected. With that sunshine-y smile, those cute lil freckles, and that simplistic, some might say naive outlook on the world, how could you not? He's babey!
You might think that opinion would change a little the first time you were sent on a mission with him and you saw him toss a car around like it weighed nothing, but if anything, you were just more convinced afterwards. It was incredibly clear by then that he had no clue how cruel the world could be, and you didn't want him to learn that the hard way.
When you started hanging around him more, Kenji was, of course, immediately friendly and welcoming. You had no real trouble making friends with him, and over the next few weeks, the two of you quickly bonded.
You would show him around the city, helping him learn the layout so he wouldn't get lost, and introducing him to any "city things" he didn't know about yet.
"Money can be exchanged for goods and services" was surprisingly difficult to explain to him. Trying to explain why currency has value to someone who's not familiar with the concept is a nightmare.
Sometimes you would take him on little field trips on your days off. Museums, aquariums, parks- anything the city had to offer that he wouldn't have gotten to see back home.
His favorite place was the zoo. There were so many animals that he'd only heard about in stories, and some he'd never heard of at all before!
He also liked all the different kinds of food that were available in the city. Really liked them. You pretty quickly learned to only take him to cheap restaurants, otherwise he would empty your whole wallet in one meal.
This whole time, you were also trying to gently introduce him to the idea that maybe he shouldn't automatically trust every stranger he sees. You didn't think this would be a difficult concept to grasp, but he just didn't quite seem to get it. He knows there's bad people in the world, he isn't stupid, but he doesn't see why he should ever assume that someone is bad.
So, faced with that stubbornness, you just had to resolve to keep him safe by personally trying to make sure he didn't get too close to anyone who would use his kindness against him… and occasionally beating the crap out of anyone who would do anything to hurt him.
With how protective you are and how the two of you always seemed to be together, you started to occasionally be mistaken for his actual older sibling, and the other members of the Agency started jokingly calling you such as well. Kenji, for his part, quickly accepted this, and even started calling you nii/nee-chan.
Obviously, you already knew it wouldn't be all sunshine and roses when you joined the Port Mafia. But even after everything you'd seen in the mafia, you couldn't help but feel a little sick to your stomach when you found out about Q.
A kid being locked up all the time, no family, no friends, no one looking out for them? No matter what they did, no one that young deserves to be treated like that. So, you decided to ignore your colleagues' warnings, and whenever you had some spare time, you started trying to talk to Q.
At first, they were mostly just confused, and maybe a little suspicious, as to why you were being so nice to them. No one spoke to them so kindly, so they figured you must have an ulterior motive, and they resisted your attempts to befriend them.
If you managed to keep at it for long enough without being invasive or pushy, though, eventually, little by little, the walls would start to come down. The suspicion and confusion slowly become curiosity, first. Q just wants to figure out why you're so insistent on being their friend. By the time they fully realize you really so just want to help them, they've already gotten attached to you.
They start to really look forward to your visits, and get upset if you can't come see them for more than a few days in a row.
When you do come see them after a long gap, they'll be mad at first, so it's recommended you bring them some snacks as a peace offering. They otherwise never get to have sweets, so their anger pretty much fades immediately as soon as they get their hands on some candy. After you've calmed them down, they'll want to hear all about whatever adventure you went on that kept you from them. Don't spare the violence if it was a mafia mission- that's their favorite part to hear about.
Eventually, the other members of the Mafia take notice that Q really likes you. They all know you're making regular visits to talk to the kid the whole time, but it takes a while before anyone sees you two hanging out and realizes that Q looks genuinely happy- and that Q is now even less happy than they were before whenever you aren't around.
It took some work convincing the higher-ups, but they eventually decided that just letting Q tag along with you around headquarters would keep the kid happy enough to prevent any unfortunate incidents. (You certainly still won't be allowed to take them anywhere outside headquarters without a damned good reason, sadly.)
The two of you quickly become a well-known duo, and people quickly learn that if they mess with one of you, they'll have to face the other's wrath. There's plenty of people in the mafia who lost friends, even family because of Q's ability, who are still holding a grudge, but God help them if they try to actually do something about it, because you will not let anyone harm this kid.
And if somebody, for whatever reason, tried to hurt you, Q would absolutely lose it. Considering the whole point of letting them hang around you was to keep them from hurting any other members of the mafia, this would ultimately be a situation you'd just have to defuse one way or another before it really broke bad, but it's at least nice to know that they care.
If Q ever was sent on another mission, you would be sent right along with them, to make sure they stay in line and it doesn't end up as a repeat of last time. If the two of you do a good enough job, you could get sent on more missions together- and if you keep succeeding, and Q behaves in general, you might even eventually be able to convince Mori to give them a little more freedom. After all, from the beginning, all you really wanted was to make their life a little better.
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earthbabysbooks · 10 months
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-hello all you beautiful people!
-(you already know the drill) but my name is cicilia and i run a blog called @earthbaby-angelboy (previously bellanotchewrites!)
-i decided to make a lil place where i can repost my friend’s works, and give recommendations!
-most of these fics are angsty or about age regression, so dni if it’s not your cup of tea :]
-my messages are open / you can always tag me with fics you think i should repost.
-under the cut begins the masterlist; my personal favorites have a 🧸 next to them!
-thank you for reading, and i hope you find some comfort in these trying times. xx
Toby Kwimper general headcannons
Clint Reno general headcannons
Vince and Toby at the beach 
Night time routine with Dr. John
Helping his sick S/O
Comforting his S/O through the loss of a parent
Helping his depressed S/O
Standing up to his best friend’s abusive parents🧸
Helping his S/O enjoy their birthday
El's S/O is a bit too clumsy...
Dad!E picks up his daughter from school
Teenaged Elvis helping the new girl at Humes
Elvis receives a unique piece of fan mail
Buying his little a new plush
Little!reader colors a picture for Elvis
Protective CG!Elvis🧸
Defending his little from the Colonel during the 68’ Special
Helping out his nonverbal little
Defending his little in front of the Mafia🧸
Helping his little who is overwhelmed at his show
Comforting his little who doesn't like change
Helping his little who has PTSD🧸
Cuddling with his little one while in the hospital
BFF!Elvis helping his nonverbal + little best friend
Trying to stay big while on an important trip🧸
Regressing at the beach🧸
Defending his baby while on a movie set
Comforting his little after a nightmare
Helping his baby who is struggling to slip 
His very sleepy little, who absolutely will not go to sleep
Elvis spooking his little by firing a "warning shot"
“You’re too little for that”
A night time routine
Elvis gets his girl out of work
Helping his hypochondriac baby
Playing hide-and-seek before bedtime 
Irritating Elvis to get his attention
Elvis wins at hide and seek…
Gentle giant🧸
Little!E gets hurt on stage
CG!Jerry and Baby!E’s nighttime routine
Helping Little!E regress
Playing dress-up with Little E
His new teddy bear
Possible reasons behind Elvis’ use of baby talk🧸
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galaxythreads · 11 months
How do you feel about Odin, because I saw lots of posts saying odin messed big time with all three of his kids but then you say you only said because it’s fun
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In Thor 1, and only Thor 1, with ONLY the context of Thor 1, I can argue that Odin was just trying to reach out to his kids and couldn't quite manage it. That he was a good, but flawed father, who tried. That opening scene where he grabs their hands is extremely soft. Odin couldn't fight the Odinsleep and he had been putting it off, but rather than immediately go to sleep after Thor was banished he finds Loki to make sure he's okay. I genuinely think that if Odin hadn't fallen asleep, he could have talked Loki down from the rest of the chaos of the movie. When you add in all the movies after Thor 1, that's when I'm like "hmmm. no. with more context, you're actually a terrible person and father."
I've read so many fics where Odin is a good parent. I've written a few myself. I actually started a one-shot series, now deleted, of times where Odin was a good parent. I love the idea of him being a good parent, but I just don't see that as canon reality. With how he's treated his children, the combined evidence of how all of them turned out speaks volumes for how loved they felt. Even if we got to see Odin's perspective, that doesn't matter to me. Odin doesn't get to decide he isn't the bad guy to his children. What he did affected them permanently. Are his children biased in how they view him, so the audience is too? Yes. But again, Odin doesn't get to be the good guy just because his motivations are muddled and more complicated than we usually think of them as being. His children were victims of him and you can see that time and time again. That is something that I personally can't look past. Even if he had the most loving, deeply caring reason in the entire world to treat them like that, Thor, Loki, and Hela deserved better than what they got. They are not okay and if Odin had been a good parent, they would have felt loved and more secure. Being a bad parent is different than being a bad person, but Odin manages to get 2/2 with the context of later movies.
I said in the tags of a post I reblogged discussing Odin not being as horrible of a person as we consider him to be, the post you tagged me on, that "I write him as abusive because I find it interesting" and to be clear - I do think that Odin, with all the context of every movie we have, is abusive. I do not think he is physically abusive, and I didn't clarify that. There is little to no canon evidence of that, but THAT is what I put into my fics because I find it interesting. Physical abuse. It's not that it's the Worst Type of Abuse or that I'm trying to play everything up just because I can. IT's just one type of abuse that I want to explore. It's fanfiction. I am exploring the possibility of what Thor and Loki would be like if they were physically abused. I wrote a fic where Hela was the victim of human experimentation and like. I had fun. People love that story. It isn't canon and I know that, but that doesn't mean I can't write it. It's very canon-adjacent.
But, regardless of that, emotional neglect is abuse. Thor, Hela, and Loki in canon absolutely have symptoms of being emotionally neglected and somewhat have some of being emotionally abused, You can see Frigga being emotionally neglectful to Loki in the TDW, and the way Loki reacts to it suggests that he's not surprised and he is used to it. Odin tells Loki his birthright was to die as a child on a frozen rock and that he should be grateful to Odin for not killing him. You know. As a baby. Odin is extremely dismissive and emotionally neglectful of both Thor and Loki in the TDW. He compares the woman Thor almost died for to a goat and you can see that it hurts Thor, but he says nothing in his defense. Thor is severely depressed in TDW and you can see it everywhere, and Odin doesn't care. Frigga doesn't care. They ignore it because it's easier. Sif is really the only person to ask if he's okay, and that's at the end of Thor 1. That to me suggests that their home environment was not very healthy. You know that entire conversation of "reassurance" between Frigga and Thor in Endgame? That is a master class of emotional neglect. She didn't help him. She didn't listen to him. Not a healthy environment.
I think deep, deep, deeeeeep down in canon, Odin and Frigga wanted to be good parents - to Thor and Loki, they would leave Hela in prison for a 1000 years and be cool with it, oh wait they actually did - but they didn't have the time/energy/mental health to manage it. They're both the rulers of nine worlds, they don't have time to raise kids. Thor and Loki are vying for their attention constantly which suggests that it's a very rare thing to receive from their parents. Thor is the most attention-starved person in MCU in the first Thor. Emotional neglect!! I genuinely think that Thor and Loki more so raised each other than their parents.
So no, I don't like Odin. I think he's a complex character and I'm happy to discuss him in depth, but I think he is an awful, awful parent. Like I said, there is a distinction between parenting and the person, and Odin is a TERRIBLE parent. He's not an amazing person either, but I think he tried. Odin didn't decide to stop collecting realms on a whim, something must have happened that made him value peace over bloodshed. He told Thor and Loki that "a wise king must never seek out war, but must always be ready for it" so he was trying to be a better king and not leaping at things with his teeth bared. He tries to stop the war with Laufey. Idk. It's complicated. Canon is complicated. People are very rarely black and white and Odin isn't an exception to that rule.
There is a reason that him being physically abusive doesn't feel ooc, AND why him trying to be a good parent also doesn't feel ooc. A complicated man, to be sure. I don't really discuss Odin as a character that much, but I do think about him. He and Frigga are fascinating to me.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 5 months
Tag Game: OC Interview (Round... 3?)
...I'm too tired to go and find the other two but I think I've done it twice before and I'm not double-checking.
Thanks to @thewritingautisticat for the tag!
The Wheel has chosen Korfel Domin, from Trials of the Six! Questions are in bold, responses are unbolded, my own questions/thoughts are in blue.
Are you named after anyone?
Some random ancestor of my father's. I don't remember what he did for my parents to name me after him. It probably wasn't that important.
It's actually a fairly common name in his bloodline. The first Korfel was a renowned king.
Yeah. Not that important.
When was the last time you cried?
*long sigh* ...not since I was a kid. No, that's a lie. It was right after I met Jarsali. But not since then. And I can see the look on your face, but I'm not telling you why. That's final.
In the immortal words of Brandon Sanderson, RAFO.
Do you have kids?
Not biologically, anyway. Emotionally, though....
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Sarcasm? Me? Never.
What is the first thing you notice about people?
How they carry themselves. It usually tells me how a person fights, or their attitude or personality before we even exchange words.
What’s your eye color?
Dark brown. Nothing too special.
They're pretty close to black, actually. Doesn't make much difference.
Any special talents?
'Suppose I gotta be honest. I'm a pretty good Earth Mage, and that lends itself to a lot of things. Especially tracking. And fighting. I'm good at that.
You're selling yourself short, you're good at improvising.
Yeah, because my planned-out-plans are shit.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Hmm... don't really have a preference either way. I suppose if I had to pick it would be scary movies.
I think he'd like M. Night Shyamalan films, where details are everywhere and the twist is foreshadowed. Like the Sixth Sense!
Uhh... yeah. I'll take your word for it.
Where were you born?
Tya. Obviously. At my family's homestead. Haven't been back there in over a decade.
The reasons for that are also a RAFO.
...why do you keep saying RAFO?
Do you have any pets?
Nah. Animals don't seem to like me that much, and that's just another thing I gotta worry about.
How tall are you?
Tall enough to have to duck through most doorways to avoid hitting the top of my head.
What was your favorite subject in school?
Ugh. I hated school. Not the subjects themselves, most of the teachers just didn't know how to teach them properly. That being said, learning how to use a sword was the highlight of my day. Could work all the frustrations out on a wooden practice dummy.
What is your dream job?
In a perfect world, I'd be teaching young Earth Mages how to harness their abilities so they wouldn't hurt themselves or others. Or something similar.
Ah, but you don't live in a perfect world! Where's the plot in that?
Gently tagging @phoenixradiant @faytelumos @diabolical-blue @catwings-writes-things @thethistlegirlwrites
@pluppsauthor @pluttskutt @gamerkats @overdecorated-furniture and open tag! :D
(blank version under the cut)
Are you named after anyone?
When was the last time you cried?
Do you have kids?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What is the first thing you notice about people?
What’s your eye color?
Any special talents?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Where were you born?
Do you have any pets?
How tall are you?
What was your favorite subject in school?
What is your dream job?
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galactic-rhea · 18 days
possibly the most obvious ship i could send for the ask meme but anidala/vaderdala!
ohohoh of course, them!!!!
when I started shipping it if I did:
Probably since I started watching TCW and saw some fanarts! Which I know it's a bit odd because most people apparently dislike them in TCW (and yeah, when I finally watched the movies I get why!), but that very first iteration of them in i think, the second episode of TCW with them kissing in an enemy ship, with Obi-Wan a few metres away, and all because she randomly ran into danger, was very, very fun to me, so I shipped them in a "they're dorks" way.
Then a saw all the epic tragedy romance stuff and, yeah, i'm sold.
my thoughts:
I think I have said it before, but there's something very "bigger than life" about their romance, which is what kept me hooked beyond "is just funny". They're extremelly passionate people, with the height of the world on their shoulders, and with sides of them that no one but the other knew about each other. Particularly with Padmé becuase she's very cold and compossed most of the time (it's her politician facade!). Anakin overall is just very painfully obvious and easy to read, but he still kept many things from the world, and Padmé knew most of that iceberg, so to speak, and they still loved each other madly despite the ugly side.
What makes me happy about them:
They're just,,,very romantic and silly! When they're actually together and in a situation where they're allowed to relax, they're just very dumb and in love 😆 I think what it makes me so happy about them is that you could tell how happy they were with each other, despite being so miserable most of the time, they just loved each other so much and that's nice.
What makes me sad about them:
This doesn't need answer, lmao 😭😂 But yeah, the,,,tragedy and damnation, Anakin turning on her despite doing all of that for her on the first place hurts so much
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
I'll be honest, I haven't read that many fics that focus anidala? At least no yet, it's been less than a year since a got into this. But I guess it could be that,,,many times they're tagged and then in the fic it's barely mentioned, like sometimes it will be just Anakin randomly thinkin "ah yes, padmé" lol
Another thing could be that,,,ehhh Padmé rendered to just girlboss/dominatrix/ the one that just gives Anakin a glare to keep him on check as if he's a manchild. And the diametrically opposite of this which is just sad, crying, poor wife in a domestic abusive situation and Anakin being the epitiome of Evil Bad Boy Sexy Cool Kidnapper
things I look for in fanfic:
Honestly i just want them being fairly in-character, I feel like they're very easily misinterpreted. But again, everyone has a different opinon on them, I guess, so -shrugs- Probably more situations in which Anakin is the one kidnapped/wounded/in danger and Padmé has to do something about it, so hurt/comfort!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Ah....-scratches head- They're so obssesed with each other that it's hard for me to think about that. Like, sometimes I fancy for the giggles and jokes some other ships for them in like a passing crush way, like Anakin and Rex, or Padmé and Breha, but, their narratives are so damn tangled into each other's that it's hard to, but that's just me.
My happily ever after for them:
Anakin leaves the order, Padmé steps away from politics and run away to Naboo to raise their twins, like they always wanted 🥺
Alternatively, I like to believe their ghosts are very happilly looking over Luke and Leia,,,,,,,and also haunting and scaring some random privileged senators passing awful bills in Coruscant. They love writing messages on mirrors with red lipstick
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
I think Padmé likes to be the big spoon just to more easily bite and headbutt him. But they switch, i suppose, because I'm sure Anakin sometimes just really really wants to hpld her.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Domestic: Just talking, the most boring and mundane stuff, but they just like talking.
Not so domestic: These two are wild souls, they probably enjoy randomly rushing to help some planet/cause/random battle, whatever. In an ideal scenario, this usually means rushing into the ship to go and bail their children out of jail, organize a heist, or a little slave liberation. While holding hands.
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mysticstarlightduck · 5 months
OC Interview Tag
Thank you so much for the tag, @kaylinalexanderbooks!!!! (here)
I'll go with Nimwen from Of Starlight and Beasts because I don't think I've done one of these for her yet!
Are you named after anyone?
"I was named after my paternal grandmother. My parents' marriage was severely looked down upon by my mother's side of the family, because Dad wasn't of noble birth. They decided to choose the name because it was a nice keeping my grandma's memory alive but also a little bit as a way to stick it to my maternal grandparents. Her relatives never really got over their union, and didn't rest until they got the King himself - who was apparently a family friend - to annul my parents' marriage. Her family then arranged for Mom to marry some random noble from a 'proper House' - despite her protests - and cast my father and I out of their social circle."
When was the last time you cried?
"Hmm. That's uh... quite the question, isn't it? Very personal all of the sudden, y'know (her hands squirm and she laughs awkwardly). Let's just say... I have nightmares, and some of them are more... severe than others and sometimes end up crying because of it. I had one recently. I won't go into detail about the dreams though - that's not for you to know. Only Scarlet knows, and even he doesn't know the extra gory details."
Do you have kids?
"Certainly not! I'm barely a grownup and I don't think I should be left in charge of anyone other than myself - Scarlet is always going on like (she mimics her adoptive brother's voice and tone) 'why don't you take care of yourself?' or 'didn't you think this through before doing it? Again, Nim?', so maybe I perhaps might not be the most responsible person to grace this earth. I know, shocking. (giggles). But in all seriousness, I have far too much going on in my life to even think about something like that in the coming years - unless you count my friend Syp as a kid, because he's the youngest of our bunch and is always following me like a little shadow."
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
"No, not really. I'm usually too nervous about hurting someone's feelings or being misunderstood in what I'm trying to say or causing a mess, to the point that I somehow end up just fumbling over my words and making a fool out of myself. Scarlet is the king of sarcasm though, he always knows what to say or how to come up with a sarcastic quip at the right timing. I'm not that lucky (laughs awkwardly). He says I'm fine the way I am and that I don't need to change to be like others, but I do wish I was more eloquent like him."
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
"If they're dangerous or could be a potential threat. I've learned the hard way not to trust too many strangers and still struggle with a lot of... ghosts from my past, per se, looking to strike me down so I've got to be on the lookout for anyone that looks like they could work for the King or the Royal Guard. I also notice their stance and if I can use the terrain around us to my advantage to escape if need be."
What’s your eye colour?
"Dark blue, like my Mom's! I've got Dad's long strawberry blond hair to remember him by though, so that's nice. It's like I've got a little bit of both of them with me at all times - which is comforting, and sad, and a little bit weird. But nice."
Scary movies or happy endings?
"Happy endings, happy endings all the way! I hate scary stories - there's enough terror, and gore and violence and hatred in our world, why should we be subjected to those things in the very fiction that is meant to let us escape it? I hate when the other kids in our bunch start telling horror stories when we're gathered around the campfire - it usually leaves me up all night thinking about it! I know this is probably very silly of me. But I still don't like scary stories one bit and I will keep not liking them until the end of time itself because I don't like being scared."
Any special talents?
"I'm very good at hiding - when you're the daughter of someone who was executed for treason he didn't commit, you learn to hide like your life depends on it, because it really does. Scarlet has also taught me how to shoot the bow and arrow, and I'm... average at it. If I really, really focus I can hit close to the target of my choice, or even hit the target itself if I'm lucky, but if I have to do so whilst moving that arrow is missing the target by a mile. I also know how to sew and embroider, as well as play the harp, which are things my father taught me when I was a child and I haven't really done in a while, so I wouldn't know whether or not I'm still any good at it."
Where were you born?
"I was born in the city of Sylla - which used to belong to another kingdom but was annexed by Tirawen around forty years ago. My Mom comes from a long line of Tirawenian nobles, who moved to Sylla when she was a child because they were given land - a lot of land - in the conquered terrioty by the royal family. My Dad came from a local family of much humbler standing, and he'd risen in the ranks of society by pursuing a career as dyplomat. It didn't end well, as you probably already realized."
Do you have any pets?
"Scarlet has a pet hawk called Arrow! I consider it my pet as well. My brother has trained Arrow to carry messages for us and to hunt. Sometimes he also sends it to scout terrain ahead to check if it's safe for us to pass. Arrow is the most adorable, cutest little bird of prey you'll ever hope to meet! He loves snacks and always chirps happily when you pet his feathers!"
What sort of sports do you play?
"Oh, many! The other kids in our little group of 'outlaws' are always coming up with new things to spend our time doing, so I'm never bored! If anything I'm the opposite. I'm also very good at running, climbing and jumping! And as I mentioned I have a passable knowledge of archery."
How tall are you?
"I would say average height, I never really put much thought into measuring my height, but I seem to be somewhere in the middle between tall and short. Scarlet is very, very tall, so I don't think he counts as a comparison, but my height is similar to that of most of our friends."
What was your favourite subject in school?
"... I uh, didn't really get to attend any of the schools and academies of the kingdom. With the whole 'my dad getting beheaded for treason' ordeal happened when I was really young so I didn't really get a chance. But I think I would've liked to attend the royal academies - I used to love books!!! I still do, but there aren't many opportunities to read when you're living in the forests as an outlaw."
What is your dream job?
"Okay, now, don't laugh, but when I was a little kid I used to dream of growing up to be a pirate - I loved reading tales about pirate adventures and the sort, and couldn't wait to see the ocean one day. I even got a cute little pirate costume for my sixth birthday! But I do realize now real life pirates probably aren't really that nice though. Nowadays I would say my dream job is to become something like a physician or an apothecary - I would love to help more people, especially those who don't have the means to afford healing, because the kingdom all too often tends to forget they exist."
Tagging (gently, no pressure):@steh-lar-uh-nuhs @inky-duchess @late-to-the-fandom @eccaiia, @willtheweaver @littleladymab @cabbojage @lassiesandiego @little-peril-stories @oh-no-another-idea @thepeculiarbird @rickie-the-storyteller @crowandmoonwriting @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gummybugg @forthesanityofstorytellers @doublegoblin @aalinaaaaaa @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @elshells @clairelsonao3 @anyablackwood @tabswrites and OPEN TAG
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moonlightdancer26 · 11 months
(tw bullying) Sometimes I go to the anti-snape tag bc I want some variety in opinions, and I don't really have an issue with people disliking Snape...he's not a nice person.
But then I get a post that's like 'Snape deserved to be bullied' and all the variants and it's just...look, "Snape was and awful person" and "Snape didn't deserve to be bullied" are not mutually exclusive. And just bc Snape was a lousy nasty teacher as an adult doesn't mean he was that way as a kid.
I think it's just a specific minority that thinks this stuff*, and granted, there is a very strong slant in HP that leans towards the Marauders* but it just kills any desire I have to read further, even if I block whoever said it.
*(for the sake of the post and all new readers, I'll give the summarized version: Almost every time we hear about something the Marauders do to Snape, we quickly get the Marauder's 'Snape did something to deserve it' POV. Plus we're inclined to like the nicer Marauders vs the nasty teacher Snape).
*I'm trying not to generalize all marauders fans/anti snape people for a variety of reasons.
I completely agree. Despite how headstrong I seem to be about my opinions (which I am), I genuinely am so interested in hearing other people’s opinions and trying to look at the text from their perspectives and interpretations. 😭 I feel like my followers have no idea how balanced I can be during arguments bc y’all mostly just see me focusing on the negative aspects of the characters I hate (because to me, that overshadows the positive aspects of their character). For each character I hate, there’s almost always a long process of how I came to hate them, watching/reading the entirety of the show/movie(s)/book(s), forming an opinion about the character throughout the series, reading other people’s analyses of said character and how they interpreted certain things the character did, finally concluding whether I love/hate/dislike/get irritated by/etc this character, and then try to build a balanced take on them for later discussions.
Sorry that got long 😭 I just wanted to explain to y’all that I really love meeting people who have different/more neutral opinions than I do so I can learn about them 💀 anyway-
Like I said, I agree with you, I enjoy reading a variety of mixed opinions and seeing other people’s perceptions of a character I feel strongly about (be it positive or negative). But I seriously hate when Snaters always dramatise their hatred (emphasis on always, bc sure I can be dramatic too BUT AT LEAST I ACTUALLY ANALYSE SCENES AND EXPLAIN WHY SAID CHARACTER SUCKS) and over-exaggerate every single thing he does, they always make it hard to be civil and calm when reading their posts 😭 And when they call him Snivellus, make childish and hurtful jokes about his appearance, and try to actually JUSTIFY all the trauma he went through? That’s a no-no. I may hate a lot of characters, but I would never actively try to justify what they went through (throwback to that one Snape fan who tried to say Sirius wasn’t abused and was just mistreated 🤢 so gross and disrespectful) nor would I pretend that it doesn’t play a part in how the character turned out later on. Snaters fail to realise that “this character was abused” and “this character is a shitty person/a bully” can coexist, they hardly even register that his being abused at childhood was most definitely a contributing factor in how he turned out as an adult (which even the simplest of minds can realise).
*I'm trying not to generalize all marauders fans/anti snape people for a variety of reasons.
Lol it’s okay anon, your clarification isn’t necessary. I think we all know that not everyone from the Marauders fandom acts like that. Usually, if one were to look at your ask and think “ok but not all of us!! you’re generalising! *starts attacking us*”, then that would be a pretty tell-tale sign of low intelligence. 💀
Thanks for the ask, love! Have a great day.
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