#thinking about porsche being the one to find him and vegas
veliseraptor · 4 months
Do you think vegas loved his father?
oh, yes. I think Vegas's life would've been a lot easier in some ways if he didn't.
but I think Vegas loved his father very much, and very much wanted his father to love him, and that makes it hurt all the more that he seems to not - a lot of the time, he barely even seems to like him. Vegas spends a lot of time and energy trying to earn his father's love and care, and I think it's one of his primary motivations for what he does.
for instance: I think it's important that, while he'd probably be interested in Porsche regardless as a sexy boy Kinn is interested in, he's also specifically told by Gun to watch him. (I forget what the exact words are; clearly Vegas reads this as 'seduce him' but that's definitely Vegas's personal read based on what we find out about Nampheung.)
his lashing out at the safe house is, I think, largely an exception - because for all that love there is also resentment and fear and tangled up emotions about Gun, and the wish, sometimes, that he had a different father, or that this father was different than he is. I think Vegas makes a lot of excuses for the abuse - he's not good enough, he's not living up to the family legacy, he's not doing what he needs to in order to advance the minor family - but he's still upset about it.
I think a lot about post-canon Vegas profoundly grieving his father (and grieving what it means that now he'll never get a chance to earn his father's love/be good enough for him), and Pete meanwhile being pretty thoroughly just glad Gun's dead.
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mrs-apocalypse · 5 months
I’ve got an unpopular hot take about Vegaspete:
I don’t think “escaping the generational curse of the mafia” is a happy ending for them. Maybe for Porsche and Kinn, I can see that. Porsche never wanted this life and has experienced happiness outside of it. Kinn, while raised within the mafia world, could easily exist without it. It might be hard at first, but Kinn at least had, at one point, dreams outside the mafia world (i.e. being a singer). And even outside that, he could probably exist within an above-board business.
But Pete and Vegas? I know we like to say that they’re lucky, that after everything, they got what everyone else wanted—an escape from the mafia. But Vegas isn’t like Kinn; he, as far as we know, has had no other dream than receiving his father’s approval and receiving the credit he’s due within the family business. Between that and Vegas’ extreme interests and violent tendencies, a normal life would be miserable. He wouldn’t be able to exist within that space for long without crawling back into the Bangkok underworld.
And Pete? He was fucking born to violence. He was abused his entire life, and then became a weapon for violence. For a majority of his adult life, that’s how he perceives himself first. Tool/weapon first, and a person second. Sure, he remembers his feelings, his humanity, after finding love in Vegas, but that doesn’t erase who he is and what’s been normalized for him.
The way I see it, the only way I see them existing outside the mafia is for Macau’s safety. But after he’s grown up? After he’s moved out and distanced himself from his childhood? What’s to stop Vegas and Pete from going back to their old life??? They were made for violence. Violence brought them together, made them fall in love. I see no way they’d be able to live happily outside that for very long.
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yujeong · 1 month
There's this idea that possessed me the other day, and since I don't trust myself to be able to write it at all in fic form, I'm going to share it: Pete experiencing symptoms of narcolepsy post-canon Pete feeling tired all day after they leave the hospital with Vegas and Macau but paying it no mind - he barely slept the past month after all, it's logical that he feels this way. Pete trying to sleep at night but being unable to, again paying it no mind - he's anxious about Vegas, he can't sleep without sensing his breath on his skin, without hearing his heartbeat. Pete at the verge of sleep seeing Vegas' bloody corpse on the floor next to him - it scares him shitless but the excuses never stop. It'll be fine, he'll adjust to his new reality, Vegas will get better, he'll get some sleep soon, it'll be fine. Except Pete eating breakfast with Macau and out of the blue collapsing on the table, his head falling onto the plate with the food Vegas prepared for him to eat. He's awake, he can hear Macau screaming his name and asking for Vegas to come and check because Phi fainted, except Pete hasn't fainted, he's wide awake, but he can't move and he can't open his eyes or his mouth to tell Vegas he's fine, and he's sorry for ruining the food he went in the trouble of making. He tells him eventually when it passes and he can open his eyes again and he can apologize to a frantic Vegas who's inspecting him all over and cleaning the mess he made on his cheek and his hair. He convinces Vegas to let it be and that it's probably because he's tired. Pete driving with Vegas on the passenger's seat when suddenly the tiredness is so overwhelming he falls asleep. It happens so quickly he doesn't register the consequences of it, how it'll lead to a crash, how he's going to lose Vegas and it's going to be his fault again, just like back then. He wakes up to find Vegas shaking him with teary eyes, screaming his name while being in evident physical pain. Pete wants to let it go, it's fine, he's just tired, except it's not fine because he's careless, he almost killed Vegas, but he can't have him being in distress. Porsche eventually comes to pick them up - they were on their way to meet him anyway. Pete didn't trust himself enough to drive. ^those are the two main ideas I have at the moment + another one which would be a variation of this: Pete experiences an intense emotion (I'm thinking either stress or laughter, it depends on the context) and losing control of his muscles again. It'd fuck up Vegas tenfold if the reason for that emotion was him :) One last thing: There's no cure for narcolepsy. You can only treat some of the symptoms with medication and lifestyle changes. Would you like to know what one of the options for medication is? Well:
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Now wouldn't that fuck up Vegas' little mind just a bit? Mmm, I wonder. Decisions, decisions... (Everything I've found about narcolepsy so far is from this article my beautiful beta shared with me. I want to study narcolepsy a lot more to see how it could be used for this story, if I end up writing it.)
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the-cookie-of-doom · 8 months
Here is my role reversal AU where the Kittisawats are the powerful mafia family, and the Theerapanyakuls are the poor brothers cousins trying to survive. Also they’re all sex workers. 
Tankhun is the overworked and overstressed eldest trying to take care of his family. Korn is a sick old man, likely to die any day now, and Gun is their shady, unreliable uncle who takes advantage of his brother’s failing health and the boys for his own gain. He’s part of a low-level gang; robberies, muggings, minor car theft. Nothing that would get the attention of actual organized criminals. A scumbag. 
Kinn and Vegas are the primary supports. Tankhun does his best, but he’s got his own trauma to work through. Kinn is the bartender fucking patrons for extra tips; Vegas is just a prostitute, and he doesn’t try to hide it. He also deals drugs on the side, and sometimes is forced into helping with Gun’s crimes. First as a lookout when he was young, then as an active participant. Kinn and Khun both fight with him about his methods. Kinn, because he thinks Vegas is reckless, getting involved with his father like that. He won’t be able to avoid the police forever if he keeps engaging in violent crime. Vegas thinks none of them can afford to be scrupulous with their morals, and none of them can deny that he delivers. 
Tankhun, a former prostitute himself, until he was kidnapped and… had a bad time… scolds Vegas for being so reckless with his own sex work. He’s terrified of anyone in his family going through the same things he did. Now he’s agoraphobic as hell, terrified of strangers, and only manages to pull himself together for the sake of his family. He still does sexwork, but now he’s just a camboy; there isn’t much else he can do that doesn’t require him to leave the house, when he’s a college drop-out with no qualifications or marketable skills. 
Kim’s bright plan was to become a YouTube sensation, get famous, and make it so none of his family ever has to work again. It doesn’t pan out quite that way. He does have and maintain a channel for his music, sharing recording equipment with Tankhun, but it’s small time. He does have a significant amount of subscribers; between that and his patreon, it’s not enough to live off of, but it’s enough for him to put himself through school. Anything extra he gets goes towards his family; Tankhun always tries to protest, but Kim can see the way some of the tension leaves his eyes when he doesn't have to worry about the month’s bills. Unlike the elder cousins, the closest Kim ever comes to sex work is playing his guitar shirtless on his patreon. Maybe a couple times people have offered to pay him for ~extra services~, but he just can’t bring himself to do it. 
Macau is still in high school. He tutors people for extra cash (read: does their assignments for a hefty fee) and helps Kim edit his music/videos. Wants to be a DJ someday. The two of them are close, as the babies of the family. Closer than Kim is to his own brothers, but the same can’t be said for Vegas; he and Macau are thick as thieves. 
One day Kinn gets a job as a personal bartender. He doesn’t bother trying to hide that he’s working for Porsche Kittisawat, and Kim isn’t shy about calling him a kept boy. He doesn’t begrudge his brother the choices he makes, he just wishes Kinn didn’t have to make them. Kinn puts up a good front, but Kim knows the craves the intimacy of a lasting relationship. He’s desperate for something real. To love and be loved. Kim is too jaded to stake any belief in finding something like that. 
Then he meets Chay. 
Chay is actually a fan of his. A very generous fan who regularly makes sizeable donations. Kim owes his upgraded recording equipment to Chay’s generosity, though he has no idea who his online benefactor is. 
Kim is local talent. Sometimes he gets called to play small shows every once in a blue moon. Kinn is pretty good at pulling the strings to get Kim booked at his club, courtesy of Porsche, who’s really making the offer on Chay’s behalf. It’s how Kim ends up meeting Chay. Not that he makes the connection. 
Chay is in the crowd, watching him with more interest than he thinks he’s earned. Kim thinks it’s regular attraction, the kind he’s used to. Used to it dropping off when people get to see the real him too; his pretty face isn’t enough to make up for his ugly life, especially when his personality isn’t enough to act as a buffer. Kim buys him a drink after the show anyway. They talk, they flirt, Chay admits to being a fan, which is nice. Kim’s never been recognized before. 
They start seeing each other. Kim still doesn’t connect Chay ro Kinn or to his favorite subscriber. Thanks to Kinn (and Chay’s) efforts, he keeps doing shows. Gets booked for better clubs as he proves himself able to handle it. He doesn't want to know what it cost his brother; he hopes it’s not too much, and Kinn always assures him he’s fine. He seems to mean it, and Kim is just selfish enough not to question it if it means his dream coming true. He starts promoting his shows online, and Chay is there at every one. Pretty soon that leads to seeing each other outside of shows, too, then going on dates. 
It’s building towards something. But before they can fall over that edge, Kim finds out about everything. The mafia, Chay’s subscription, Chay getting him these shows. All but paying for him. Kim is devastated. He knew better than to trust Chay from the start, it was too good to be true, and now look at what’s happened. 
He goes to his family. 
Tankhun, shrewd as ever, tells him it doesn’t change anything just because he knows now. Vegas, ruthless, tells him to use Chay for everything he’s worth until the money dries up. Macau thinks it’s romantic; that Chay admired him from afar, only for them to meet by chance and fall in love. Except they didn’t meet by chance, and Kim isn’t in love. 
Kinn understands, though. Kim didn’t expect him to. He didn’t give his brother enough credit. He thought Kinn would be like Vegas and Khun. Instead he tells Kim to follow his heart. He knows Kim isn’t like them, isn’t built for the kind of life where he can set aside his feelings and use someone else for his own gain. He’s too much of an artist for that. 
Kim tells all of this to Chay, who says that he doesn’t want to buy Kim, either. If Kim doesn’t return his feelings, that’s okay. They can go back to the way they were. They can be friends, or Chay can just be an anonymous name on a screen. He wants to be with Kim, but he doesn’t want to pay Kim to pretend with him. 
It’s exactly what Kim needed to hear. 
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lu-sn · 2 years
ranking kp characters by how much they deserve to be the one to shoot korn in the head 🤍
honorable mentions: chay and macau, who might not quite have the skills to pull it off, but who would CERTAINLY rise to the occasion if sufficiently prompted
7. kinn
now, if this were a list of who needed korn to be dead the most, kinn would be much higher up on this list. poor kid. so completely gaslit. but he probably deserves to NOT be the one shooting korn, on account of the very fun i-killed-my-dad trauma he'd have to pile on top of the my-dad-is-dead trauma. so someone else should just take one for the team here 😂
6. pete
i don't think pete would derive any sort of great joy from killing korn. but he would also be totally ready to do it if, say, vegas indicated in literally any way that he wanted that. or if vegas was in danger. the reason pete deserves to do is simply that vegas would find it SO hot and would eat his ass SO GOOD for it. and pete always deserves to get his brains fucked out silly 🥺
5. kim
because it would be hot 🔥 and he'd make it look sick
ok but actually it's because kim probably has the most rage stored up regarding how fucking unfair it is for him and his big brothers to be trapped in this terrible puppet play for the rest of their lives. and he deserves to free himself and his big bros! let out all that rage! it's healthy!!! and it would be very hot
4. khun
this one's hard. how much khun deserves it is directly related to his backstory, and how he got kidnapped, and whether korn intended to push him out of the heir position. and we're just never gonna know any of that 😢 so really, khun could be anywhere on this list. but i do think that korn pulled some amount of shit here, and khun should get to repay him in full.
also, i think khun is the only one on this list who would do it slow. and i think korn should have to die slowly, pitifully, knowing that his own son is lowering him into his grave and being able to do nothing about it.
3. porsche
where do i even begin? dead dad. imprisoned mom. terrible fake uncle that skimmed all their money and put them in debt. soooooo much lying and manipulating and gaslighting holy shit like so much. porsche is owed MANY pounds of flesh.
and i think it would feel like justice served — not just for himself, but for his family. and for korn's underestimation of him. apples and dull knives, indeed.
the only reason why it might be hard for him would be because kinn would get really hecked up over it. which brings me to...
2. vegas
you could make a good argument for switching porsche and vegas on this list. but i think vegas deserves it just a tiny bit more, and that's because korn has spent vegas's entire life cutting him down into a shell of himself.
sometimes i think about how happy and at peace vegas might have been if korn hadn't been so insistent on inciting competition within the family, and then i want to cry. and then i wish vegas had pulled that trigger when he had korn in his sights.
i bet vegas wishes he had, too. he wants it. and god knows someone should start letting vegas have what he wants.
1. namphueng
you knew this was coming. we all knew.
listen i'm just saying that namphueng could desecrate korn's corpse in the most horrifying ways and i'd just be like 😌👍 girl you looked so good clawing out his jugular and sawing his limbs off do it again ❤️
(thank you @kissporsche for the idea 🥰)
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misspoetree · 1 year
You know what I find really interesting though?
Normally, if there's a drink prominently featured in a scene, people will drink it. Kinn's whisky, Tawan and Porsche's warm milk, Vegas and Porsche's red wine, just to name a few examples from episode 9.
But here, Tankhun doesn't.
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He holds his glass and swirls the wine during the whole scene but never drinks from it. Not even once. Not even a tiny sip.
(Well, we know that Tankhun is quite picky when it comes to the taste of certain alcoholic beverages.)
That's why I think this glass of red wine is just a prop. A prop to give himself a certain air, to present himself in a certain way - sophisticated, collected, sane - in front of his father. Because let's face it, just like Kinn, just like Vegas, he's not immune to being a son who wants to impress his father.
But in many ways, it's even worse for Tankhun, being a firstborn who lost his birthright. I mean, how many times do we see Korn and Tankhun in the same room? Maybe that's why he's snapping at Big as soon as he interrupts them. Does Korn ever bother to seek him out, to speak to his oldest son - about something that doesn't concern Kinn, alone?
So what can he do to retain that little sliver of attention, to be at least consulted in matters of his younger brother? He puts on an act. Maybe this one is closer to reality, but just like the exaggeration of his eccentricity, this is another performance. Another role to play. One of control and accountability and perspicacity.
And isn't it fascinating that Tankhun picks red wine as his prop-beverage of choice? The one drink that makes us all think of another certain someone, another firstborn son?
So maybe, just maybe there is a tiny shred of...recognition, of admiration even, buried beneath all the animosity (because what is hatred but admiration if you allow me that little Tumblr quote).
And wouldn't that be quite something.
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kissporsche · 2 years
please talk to me about vegas involving macau in his little games (macau apologizing to porsche, delivering snacks to pete and pol with vegas, going to the temple) and how excited macau is that he gets to be part of the family shit (and how vegas chooses the most innocent things for macau to do with him???)
Brothers 😭😭😭
No but this is one of my favourite things! We get so little of Vegas and Macau together but when we do they're hanging out, Vegas is asking him about school, they're causing mischief together, it's delightful
Vegas wants Macau to be involved in his life and finds the most benign ways to achieve that. Macau loves being a menace and most importantly loves being part of his brother's schemes! It means they get to spend time together, and he can do something to help Vegas in return for Vegas always protecting him
He knows these are small asks, and he knows he isn't getting the whole story about why he's doing these things. But it doesn't matter because he trusts Vegas and wants to help him anyway, the fact that fucking with Porsche or Pete is fun is just a bonus
I think Vegas is walking a fine line: he wants to protect Macau from some of the darker realities of their life, but if he cuts him out entirely he'll only be resentful. And more than any of that he loves his little brother and wants to spend time with him. And if we want to make it sad he wants Macau to spend as little time as possible alone in the house with their father
We have no idea how much time they get to spend with each other usually, so Vegas finding ways to include Macau in his work while continuing to shield him AND allow them to have FUN together while he does all that is so special. Brothers, man. BROTHERS!!!!
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vegaseatsass · 24 days
What would make Great better than Tawan is the fact Great just... doesn't have much grandeurs about what he is and what he wants from life. So whatever Vegas has plans for, he will stay out of it and let the professionals get their hands dirty handle it. He is there to be cute and offer hole.
He just wants affection attention, and he WILL dig his cute little kitty claws into the nearest source of it and milk it for what it's worth until said source (read: Vegas) literally kills him, to which he will still say "Oh, and what a way to go this was!" in afterlife.
Vegas would totally Fasai the hell out of Korn. "You don't want me to ruin your family? Get on your knees, handsome, and I will think about it," and at least Korn will SOMEWHAT enjoy it (and maybe find out some exciting news about himself like the joys of bottoming to someone smaller than you).
Oh yes please have no fear, when I said I want Great to be one of Vegas's Tawans I firmly meant as like, one of the many many boytoys with rings on their fingers who chase Vegas no matter how badly Vegas treats them, everything Pete has to fear in his darkest moments that he's become post-canon. Not as like Great is at all Tawanish in personality or behavior. Great doesn't need to take 29128923 showers to self-soothe, he's got a cat, and he likes a dipping neckline, not a dipping arm hole, thank you!!! And importantly, like you said, he's not delusional at all, just full to bursting with death wishes and desperation.
My real thing is I just think it would be so funny and difficult for Vegas to deal with a doppelganger (Vegas, whose body is a weapon, having an identical body handed to him like a gift he can unwrap or hurt as much as he pleases) who's completely obsessed with him. And unlike Pete who can really see through Vegas and get to the heart of him, Great would happily buy into whatever front Vegas tries on for the day. So Vegas is getting this unconditional affection but it's not from someone genuinely good at people like Porsche or good at seeing him like Pete, it's from someone terrible at people with completely bizarre alien reactions to things who simply devotes himself to Vegas no matter how blatantly he lies to him, and turns on his family like it's nothing.
Imo a deep part of Vegas would be soooooooo helplessly drawn to the affection and attention, and the "person who looks like me but treats me/the world kindly instead of ruthlessly" of it all, but because there's no motivation to STOP being his lying sleazy fake as fuck worksona, Vegas would be a man at war with himself, full of contempt at Great for buying in but admiration for Great for choosing something with his whole heart and not caring what his dad demands of him, and of addiction to the love and intimacy Great pours his way... which then makes Vegas turn the contempt back on himself for being weak/vulnerable/stupid, rebounding once more at Great. And on and on.
But yes Vegas would Fahsai Korn and Korn would fucking like it. That is a man who is made to be shoved to his knees and told what to do. His life would be so much more peaceful and stress-free if he just embraced it!
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mousydentist · 5 months
sorta no tutoring v2
HI. i told you i’d do all of these (and this goes to the other people, i PROMISE i’ll get to all of these after my ass is done being kicked by the end of this semester)
so! no tutoring (sorta)
the whole idea: au where porsche and chay get moved in early, the only time they’ve [kimchay] met so far is the one time at the studio so chay doesnt necessarily think kim is spying. he just said he didnt know all the happenings of the family so he didnt know porsche was working for them
so thats from chay’s pov, he doesnt know that kim was spying on him. and then from kim’s side, porsche and chay move in super early, which honestly makes kim even more sus, and now there’s no reason chay would discover hes lying so he just spies on him for like, a looonnnggg time, and maybe he even stops spying but they’re still together, and the only way chay finds out is cause he finds kims murder board and sees himself on it
Chay rolls around Kim’s enormous bed and stretches sleepily. It’s probably almost noon, given the sun beaming daggers into his eyes, which means Kim’s long since left (and is therefore not at risk of being crushed). He yawns and rubs his eyes until they can blink open, then gracelessly flops out of bed. He brushes his teeth (a habit Kim had forced into him) and heads out to the kitchen to see what he can scrounge up for breakfast. Kim’s kitchen goes through waves of being well stocked, when he has enough time to cook, and completely barren, when he doesn’t even come home let alone make himself food. Today is in the intermittent period where he has food but it’s on the verge of going bad. First and foremost, Chay makes himself a cup of coffee in the fancy machine he’d spent a month trying to figure out how to use. He randomly presses one of the buttons that sounds like something tasty and waits for it to brew while he throws a piece of bread in the toaster. Coffee and buttered toast is a well rounded diet, right? He strolls around Kim’s apartment while he nibbles on the toast. He’s been here at least once a week for the last few months, but he’s rarely here without Kim. He knows how much it means that Kim trusts him enough to be here alone, so he’s done his best to avoid snooping. And for the most part, he doesn’t (he’s very proud of himself for that). But today he is feeling a little nosy, because every time he comes here he stares at the giant portrait of Kim on the wall, which… it clearly moves. Like, it’s definitely on a track and can move side-to-side. He hasn’t brought it up to Kim but at this point, he’s confident he knows that behind it is some complicated mafia map. Something he probably won’t understand, and therefore wouldn’t hurt anyone for him to see… Sure enough, when he pushes the side of it gently, it moves. Kinn, Korn, Vegas, a bunch of random, mean-looking people, and… Him. And his brother. And his parents? Chay drops his toast on the ground. It feels dramatic to do so, after all Kim has his own brothers on this board, but his mom? Chay’s hardly ever talked to Kim about his parents, and he’s only ever had the chance to see a picture of his mom when he noticed Chay’s family photo in his room. Or, Chay thought that was the only chance. Looking again, there’s a red string going from his mom’s picture… to Korn. This is too much. Chay breathes in heavily but it gets trapped in his lungs on the exhale. The open house concert. Kim calling him after. There’s no way. Chay had told himself that meeting Kim was all his shitty luck balancing itself out. But this… this wasn’t luck.
(send me a prompt!)
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veliseraptor · 2 months
au for vampire kinnporsche? if Porsche and Pete are vampires but Kinn and Vegas aren't 😱😱😱
oooh this is a fun one because it reverses the vampires = high status association in an interesting way, and entails playing with the "traditional" power dynamics which is always a fun thing to explore
because I'm me I'm particularly thinking about this in the context of vegaspete and the possibilities for safehouse dynamics - vegas starving pete of blood specifically, maybe even teasing him with offering but withholding, the ways that there is (generally speaking) a sexual undertone to vampire feeding and that being very present but with vegas (the non-vampire) the one in control of pete (the vampire). I don't know if I'm articulating why I find this idea so tasty (ha) clearly but
also thinking about access to blood as a factor in porsche's decision to take the job from kinn - that being something he can offer in a way that porsche can't have otherwise, that being part of the source of his dependence on what kinn can give him and the starting power imbalance in their relationship.
back in vegaspete, thinking about the concept of a human drinking vampire blood creating a link between them and the way that on a very physical level means pete can't separate himself from vegas after leaving the safehouse
in general the metaphor of dependence on blood being something that keeps vampires on a lower level that humans in this au. murder is too conspicuous which means that there's a need to depend on the largesse of human beings in order to get blood.
in this au tawan is also a vampire, I think, because it makes it fun for me specifically to play with my headcanons about vegas's at least eventual feelings of repulsion against him but the way he sustains a blood-drinking relationship anyway because vegas's relationship with his body, especially his sexuality, is fucked
this was a fun one, anon, and now I kind of want to write something in it. which, I've never in my life written a vampire au or even thought about writing one, so this is some kind of accomplishment
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aeternallis · 1 year
Kim’s Redemption : A Rant
I think one of the things that I tend to question and kinda struggle with at times being a KP enjoyer is the fandom’s general tendency to soften certain aspects of Kim’s personality and his actions as a way of redeeming him, either due to the influence of Jeff Satur’s media personality and/or when he’s compared to Vegas and Kinn.
And before I say anything else, this is not a jab towards anyone in particular, it’s just me ranting about my favorite character, so you can go on about your day if you don’t wanna read what I gotta say. 😆
I think part of my struggle comes from the fact that since Kim barely has any scenes in the show that lasts longer than 2-3 mins, I’m also somewhat constricted from the few assumptions I can make in how I interpret him, especially when I’m writing fic (which I am doing atm). Which in and of itself isn’t totally a bad thing, at least I don’t think so; if anything, I think that makes it a lot more fun as a challenge.
For example, if you were to ask me how do I think Porsche would react to finding out Kim had used and manipulated his little brother, I honestly couldn’t tell you. Kim and Chay’s storyline was so cut off from everything else in the beginning that ngl, it was a bit of a whiplash once their narrative finally began to intersect with the main plot, lol I can't really see Porsche getting angry, if nothing else due to his ignorance of Kimchay's situation (which also imo, isn't really a bad thing), but I also don't know if I can see him being lenient towards Kim, because he's also overprotective of Chay.
So in the end, I just choose not to think about it, and work within that framework instead~
But anyway, I digress!
Jeff's media personality and its influence on how Kim is interpreted as a character, that one is pretty much unavoidable, since the two men share the same face and body. XD Some can differentiate between the two much more than others, some tend to meld them as a sort of hybrid and use Kim as the container of a Jeff-esque fantasy, and all in all, that sort of thing is entirely dependent on preference and said fantasy, yknow? So it's just one of those things that I tend to scroll past or move on.
What truly gets me so befuddled though is when Kim is compared to Vegas and Kinn, and between the three of them, somehow Kim is taken to be the least problematic of the three, in terms of how they treated their romantic interest. And I'm not really sure how that conclusion came about, lol. In fact, I even remember reading a meta on here somewhere saying something along the lines of, compared to Vegas and Kinn's actions towards Pete and Porsche respectively, what Kim did to Chay was somewhat lenient and doesn't warrant that much groveling.
And I agree with that, at least in regards to the technical details, because OP was right. Kim never blackmailed Chay, nor assaulted or threatened him; in regards to physical intimacy, Kim never touched Chay in a way that was non-consensual.
But be that as it may, that way of thinking comes from the audience's POV, not Chay as a character.
And it really doesn't, right?
Chay doesn't know--or at the very least, we have no confirmation he's aware--the extent of what Porsche suffered through during the beginnings of his relationship with Kinn; he knows they're together, but I highly doubt Porsche told Chay he was pretty much sexually assaulted that first time. He REALLY doesn't know what's involved in VegasPete's relationship, much less their BDSM proclivities. Lol XD
In other words, Chay's actions and feelings post break-up with Kim (as well as the subsequent reconciliation) are and would be entirely based on his own experience, as they should, not based on the assumption that, when compared to Porsche and Pete's experiences with their respective Theerapanyakul, he got off lightly.
I think personally, something that often tends to be forgotten when Kim is made a lot more soft uWu babygirl than (imo) he really is is the fact that what Chay went through emotionally is, in and of itself, also a form of trauma. Sure, Chay was never physically hurt by Kim, but I don't think the emotional damage Kim dealt him is something that should be taken just for granted either.
There's a reason why this boy spiraled right after that devastating break up, and why he cried out the way he did. So how you interpret and imagine what Chay's next course of action would be if/when forgiving Kim is entirely up to you, including how he would respond and deal with the emotional trauma of that break-up. That scenario would come about based on your own interpretation of the show, your own preferences, and frankly, your own beliefs and life experience. If you think Chay is the type that needs some groveling/begging from Kim in order to heal, go for it, that's completely valid; if you think he can get over it easily enough, that's valid too.
It goes without saying, but just in case~
I stand by what I said before that although Kim has not physically harmed Chay in the way Kinn and Vegas has with Porsche and Pete, he's just as capable of doing that as his brother and cousin. And honestly, that's what makes Kim and the rest of the characters such an awesome bunch to me; a character doesn't have to be morally good in order to be a good character, yknow? Besides, I think that's what makes all three love stories strong enough to stand on their own: these Theerapanyakul men can love fiercely, but they can and have hurt and manipulated the people they love just as fiercely.
The physical and emotional wounds Porsche, Porchay, and Pete have suffered in varying degrees is incomparable, because by doing that in the first place, the characters' agency in turn is taken away.
And don't get me wrong, if you genuinely see Kim as a soft, uWu babygirl because that's how you HC him, go for it and more power to you! XD But if you HC him as being soft, uWu babygirl because he never physically assaulted Chay when you compare his actions to the shit Vegas and Kinn did, well...more power to you too, although I imagine this rant probably feels like a personal attack. Sorry about that~
But for my own interpretation (and limitation I admit, as well as it not being my preference in general; Kim can be soft for Chay and his family, but otherwise, there's a reason Korn doesn't trust him and in the books, is secretly made the true heir), I guess the reason I'm not inclined to see Kim as having a lot of the softer edges fanon!Kim has to the point that it's made part of his overall personality, is because, for me, it almost feels like I would be trivializing Chay's emotional trauma, just so they can quickly get together again and share in the fluff and puff, yknow? Almost like trying to resist the urge to think, "in order for Chay to be able to handle Kim, you gotta soften him up a little bit."
Because then I would be doing a disservice to Chay's character, who imo is more than capable of handling Kim's problematic tendencies. This boy had no problem blocking Kim's ass and pulling away from him, he can handle himself~
And just so we're clear, I'm not saying those fans who do see Kim as a soft, uWu boy with stunted emotions is doing just that, not at all. Just that for me personally, that's kinda the mental block in my noggin. XD Besides that, I'm just a sucker for angst, man.
But meh, at the end of the day, to each their own, yknow? XD That's what makes fandom so much fun, you can pick and choose what you want to engage with.
As an artist / fic writer, I'm just grateful I can feed myself the food I want to see~ Hehe!
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yujeong · 11 months
Hello. I'm back with my Macau bullshit. This time: the difference between his relationship with Pete and his relationship with Porsche (because if I don't scream about Pete and Porsche and the parallels between them, I can't function as a human being apparently.) Ok so, first things first. I am aware that I may be comparing apples and oranges here. Besides the fact that they're both bodyguards of the main family and very close to Kinn, there's not really anything else tying them together in regards to their relationship with Macau. But here's the thing. That's what I care about. What circumstances make Macau act like the devilish little gremlin that he is VS the compliant and polite son of the minor family. And my boys are perfect for the job. (The post will be split into 2 parts because I guess I had a LOT to say about Porsche and Macau so, Pete and Macau will be explored in another one)
Ok. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we did NOT get enough Macau in the show. He had like, what, 5 scenes total? HOWEVER, the scenes we got were spectacular for a gazillion reasons but I'll choose to focus on a specific aspect of them for this post: Most, if not all of his scenes, were either from Porsche's or Pete's POV. And that's giving us a lot. Let's start with Porsche. He - and the audience, remember, most of this show is through Porsche's POV so that's important - meets Macau like he actually is; a typical teenager. He's moody, rude and doesn't want to deal with Porsche's bullshit. (Although, one could argue he was extra antsy because they were at the main family's house, which I choose to believe due to how the minor family is treated by their relatives.) Their first scene, accompanied by the scene in which he goes to Gun and calls Porsche out in front of everyone is Macau being sincere. It actually is him, and it's tragic as well as amazing how he's never himself again in front of Porsche for the rest of the show. Because the next time we see Macau with Porsche, it's in ep 7, when Vegas has his plans with Porsche to execute and Macau has to follow along. BUT, Porsche gets to have a glimpse of the real Macau in this exchange:
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(Vegas' smile is KILLING me OMG, he loves his brother SO MUCH, I'M CHEWING GLASS AS WE SPEAK-) Porsche never gets to see Macau's actual face in this (maybe a glimpse from above but with difficulty) but his voice betrays his happiness at seeing his brother and from the answer he gives. Aaaall of that fades away when the bodyguards sit down. Macau turns quiet and polite, keeping appearances because they have guests, and we have him welcoming all of them, and Porsche, like this:
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The show knows we the audience - and Porsche - remember what has happened between the two, so Macau saying "Hello" to Porsche carries significance here. GOD, I wish I could make gifs because, after that, after the camera stops focusing on Macau's face, you get him blurred in the background and the boy is SO uncomfortable by what's happening. His eyes dart left and right, mostly at Pete and Arm's direction - he fucking HEARS Arm's comment about "no surprise that the heirs of this family turn out like this" and he SIGHS and looks downward and he STARES at Vegas' direction when he spews his bullshit about how the minor family treats their bodyguards. My boy is PRESENT in the discussion and he hates every second of it. Isn't it spectacular then, how the next scene between him and Porsche, is the one in which Macau apologizes? I love the fact that he calls him Phi. It's so good, because in my eyes Porsche doesn't even deserve it. He never apologized for what he did to Macau. He did, to Vegas, but not to Macau himself. So, the respect Macau shows to him is so fake I could cry from laughter.
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He finds him trying to get on Vegas' motorcycle and touches him and urges him to ride it. "I know you like motorcycles," he says, like that's a normal thing to know and not something Vegas told him to say because VEGAS is the one who knows.
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I'm dying over here, truly. Macau is amazing and it hurts as much as it's funny, because Macau must be feeling so bad here imo. He's not an idiot, he knows Porsche was in the wrong and Vegas knows as well because LOOK AT HIS FUCKING FACE AS MACAU SAID THE THING:
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This isn't a strict face, one that's like "that fucking kid, finally he learned how to apologize". This is a "the things I do for my plans to work" kind of face. Vegas used Macau here. And I'm convinced that he hated every second of witnessing this scene in front of him.
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Also, I love how Macau is touchy with Porsche. Macau does show affection through touch, just like his brother does. It's evident by the hospital scene with Pete and the scene above with Vegas when they talked + the scene in ep 2, in which he stretched his arm in Vegas' direction. But, just like Vegas, he uses that in his advantage to get what he wants here. What Vegas wants from him to get, which is, Porsche's trust. And, if any audience member actually believed for even a second that Macau was sincere here, then comes this to show them that NOPE, the boy doesn't believe his words in the slightest:
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It's easier to see in motion but Macau's shy grin as he sees Vegas in front of him, shows you everything you need to know about the sincerity of his words. And even if THAT wasn't enough, you have Vegas confirming your suspicions with his words:
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Oh, Vegas, you scheming bastard. You wanted your plan to work so badly, you used even Macau for it. I wonder if that kept you up at night. This whole scene was so...Vegas coded? It felt like Macau adapted Vegas' methods of seduction with Porsche here, didn't it? Actual Macau would never do any of that and it's incredible how Porsche only saw that version of Macau after ep 2. It makes you wonder; what did Porsche see and hear from Macau during that one-month period before the show finale, a period of time in which Vegas was fighting for his life + Porsche had just gained Vegas' right as the heir of the minor family? How was Macau's behavior then? I really wish we got to know, because Macau showing his true self to Porsche again due to circumstance is very appealing to me. Porsche&Macau in general is a relationship dynamic I haven't seen people talk about at all, which is strange due to their canonical scenes. Oh well. Another excuse to write essay long posts on Tumblr, I guess.
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ae-azile · 6 months
Progression, Chapter 22 Sneak Peek:
Between the two of them, Kim tends to sleep later than Chay. His body is hard-wired to stay up late, and on top of that, he tends to sleep lightly. The latter is something that has changed a little in the last two months. Sleeping with Chay is just better. Even when they had slept on the couch in Chay’s house - prior to everything falling apart - he slept better than he usually had. Now that they're together and Kim isn't waiting for Chay to find out everything and leave, he almost always sleeps through the night. 
So that's the only explanation for not hearing his phone ping the next morning. He sleeps right through it until Chay is gently shaking him awake. 
“We missed a few texts. I have been talking with Macau for a bit, but you should catch up and read them.”
Kim lets his eyes open as he sits up and grabs his phone from the nightstand. Even as he opens the texts from Macau and Porsche to read them, he can't quite comprehend what it means. 
Macau: Hey, why is my brother talking to Kinn on the phone?
Macau: I'm not hiding in some safe house to wait out another attack. The cell service was so shitty and the WiFi was non-existent. I was kept out of the loop until Porsche and Khun came to get me. Pissed me the fuck off at the time, but I went with them because I needed out of there, even if it meant death. 
Macau: That sounds like I didn't care about my brother. I did. They downplayed his condition until we got to the hospital. I didn't care about the shitty service after that, but it was horrible while it was a main priority and I didn’t know any better. 
Macau: He's now off the phone, barely talking, and cuddling with Paris, Valencia, and Pittsburgh.
Chay: Who are Valencia and Pittsburgh?
Macau: Hia’s and P’Pete’s cats, duh. 🙄 Took you long enough to answer. 
Chay: Who names a cat Pittsburgh? Who names anything Pittsburgh? 
Macau: When Hia and P’Pete got them, they agreed to each name one. Hia named the girl Valencia because it is a city that has the same starting English letter as his name. So P’Pete picked Pittsburgh for the boy because it matched the starting letter of his own name. They also got stuck there during a layover last year due to a huge snowstorm and it was the first time P’Pete ever experienced snow. I guess they even extended their time there a couple of days to enjoy it. Pittsburgh now has a special place in P'Pete's and Hia's heart. Anyway, the cat is white. Pittsburgh. 
Chay: I guess that makes sense? Also, why did you never say anything about being an uncle now? Kim and I would have sent you a present or something. Hia showed me a picture of Paris. She's really cute. 
Macau: I’ve been an uncle. Valencia and Pittsburgh have been here for a while now and are a lot quieter. Paris doesn't scratch at the furniture though, so that's nice. I think that's why she's Hia’s new favorite. 
Chay: That's definitely it. Let me know if anything else happens. 
Macau: wtf he and Kinn are on the phone again. What is going on???
Kim: 🤷🏻
As soon as Kim sends that emoji to Macau since he doesn't actually know, he moves over to the text group Porsche started with the two of them. 
Porsche: Kinn and Vegas talked on the phone for over an hour last night. I guess it went well. Kinn was emotional when I got back to the suite, but he said it went better than he expected it to go. 
Porsche: And they're on the phone again. Idk who called who.
Porsche: They're fighting over some game they played when they were kids and are choosing to be pissed off about that over literally anything else?
Porsche: Vegas hung up on him 😕
Porsche: Nevermind, he answered when Kinn called him back. 
Porsche: I don't know what is going on. Kinn is laughing about something. It's exhausting to keep up with. I am about to go hang out with Arm and Khun because they cause me less stress.
Chay: You can't. This is more important and interesting.
Porsche: Important, maybe. It isn't interesting when I can only hear one side of the conversation. You know two people who are interesting? Arm and Khun. 
Porsche: Also? Took you long enough to answer. 
Kim: 🤷🏻
“Is that all you have to contribute to both conversations?” Chay asks as Kim cuddles back into him, “You just found out your brother is on his second phone call with Vegas and that's the only thing you can say?” 
“It's their third conversation,” Kim mumbles, wrapping himself around Chay, “Vegas hung up on him the second time. See? I care. I paid attention to what I read.” 
“Kim,” Chay says, “This could be huge for your family. You may have some sort of reconciliation and be friends with your cousins again after years of animosity.”
“I’m not going to get my hopes up, but that sounds nice.” Kim says, but it is apparently not enough. 
“Kim. Call your brother. See how he's doing.” 
Kim glances up at Chay, “It sounds like he is probably on the phone.” 
Chay points at Kim's phone and keeps staring at him, “Try. If he doesn't pick up, ask him to get a hold of you later.” 
“Or I can just call him later,” Kim counters, “Or talk to him when I get home.” 
Chay lets out a huff, “I'm nosy, P’Kim! I want to know what's going on now! I'm invested, just like Hia is invested in us, as well as Arm and Khun-” 
“Pretty sure ArmKhun is his top ship now,” Kim says with a shrug, “And there is no romance between Kinn and Vegas, so it isn't really comparable-” 
“Maybe I get more invested in toxic family dynamics than I am in romantic couples!” Chay says, then literally rolls over Kim to grab the phone before handing it to him, “Call him. Now.” 
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The Secrets You Keep
Chapter 3
Pete tries to leave things alone for a while. He just sits and stews on what little information he has in his possession. He is a patient man, and part of him wants Vegas to come to him on his own. But it is becoming increasingly obvious that even though his little episodes of blankly staring off into space are increasing, he isn't going to be crawling to Pete to discuss it any time soon. 
He doesn't really know how to bring it up, though. There's never a good time. They are working, or fucking, or he doesn't want to ruin a decent day when Vegas is in a great mood. He knows he has to confront him at some point. He does. It just takes another month before the opportunity presents itself. 
They are both in a meeting with Porsche when it happens. 
Porsche says a name and Vegas's body jerks in his seat. Pete stares at him, watching the color drain from his face before he fakes a cough and slams his mask of indifference back into place before their boss can see anything is amiss. 
Pete watches him closely for the rest of the meeting, and while he never says anything out of the ordinary, he fidgets more than usual and looks incredibly uncomfortable as they climb into their car. 
Pete thinks about saying something on the way home but decides against it. Their bodyguard, Itt, is pretty trustworthy, Pete hired and trained him himself, but he knows how Vegas is. He wouldn't want any witnesses if he breaks down, and Pete is one hundred percent expecting a breakdown tonight. Especially because Pete is going to corner him. 
And Vegas hates being cornered. 
So he waits until they are home, until they are all alone and settling in for the night to start demanding answers. 
“So, are you going to tell me what happened earlier?” Pete asks him as they are changing into their sleep clothes. 
Vegas pauses, shirt halfway off as he looks over at him. “What do you mean?” He asks, pulling it the rest of the way off and yanking on the soft tee he likes to wear to bed. 
Pete just stares at him for a minute. He knows what Vegas is doing. He’s playing dumb. So he just waits until the tension rises uncomfortably between them and says,  “Who is Hiran Ayutthaya?” 
Vegas flinches back like Pete had struck him instead of simply saying a name. 
“Pete.” It comes out like a warning. 
Pete ignores it because he is so tired of playing this game. “No. Don't Pete me. And I don't want to hear another ‘I’m fine’ come out of your mouth.  You're the farthest thing from fine, and we both know it.” 
This time, when Vegas says his name it sounds almost painful, like it's being forcefully ripped from his throat. “Pete, please.” 
That makes him pause, but, “No. We are doing this. I'm really worried about you.” 
“I know but-” 
“If you know, then why won't you talk to me?” 
Vegas crosses his arms over his chest, his stance guarded. Pete hates it. He shouldn't have to feel guarded with him. “Because I don't want to talk about it.”
“Maybe you should, though. I really think you need it.”
“What makes you think you know what I need? You don’t fucking know anything.” 
Intellectually, he knows that Vegas is lashing out at him on purpose, to get him to back off, but the little jab still stings. “Stop.” 
He tilts his head and frowns. “Stop what? I'm not doing anything.”
“Stop trying to hurt me to shut me up.” He tells him, hands resting on his own hips. “It isn't going to work.” 
“That's not what I'm doing.” 
“Isn't it?” When Vegas just frowns at him he continues, “You're scared of me finding out something you've been hiding so you're going to dig into all the places you know I’m sensitive to make me hurt. To make me back off. But I don't care what you say. Only one thing will stop this conversation, and that's if you tell me to leave.” He knows he's doing the same thing here, hitting him where it hurts, but it's the truth.  The only way he's leaving this alone is if he's forced to physically leave. 
Vegas looks like he's just been punched but doesn't respond. 
“So, are you going to kick me out? Tell me to leave and never come back?”
“That's not fair.” He replies, tone low and face pinching in distress.
“I know it's not, but I can't keep tiptoeing around this, Vegas. I'm your partner. I'm supposed to be there for you. We are supposed to be doing this whole family thing together.  I'm supposed to be taking on your enemies with you, right by your side. And that includes the ones I can't see. I'm supposed to protect you. But how can I protect you if I don't know what's hurting you?”
His dark eyes look suspiciously wet as he quietly answers, “You can't protect me from this, baby.“ 
He searches Vegas’ face. He looks like he is either going to bolt from the room or disassociate right in front of him. This face right here is the reason they need to do this. 
“Then at least let me help you. Tell me what’s going on so I can help you when you withdraw from me. Please. You are always taking care of me. Don't you trust me to take care of you too?”
Vegas physically turns away from him, like he can't accept that Pete could love him and want to take care of him in the same way Vegas does. 
“Please.” He repeats, quieter this time. “Let me take care of you.”
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lu-sn · 2 years
i've got this highly incoherent pete meta floating around in my head please bear with me
we know that pete is the type of person who seems open and friendly but is actually completely walled up. nobody knows anything about pete's deepest desires or fears or issues because he doesn't talk about them. he's the perfect listener, and finds personal value in checking in on people and listening to them and helping them out, and uses this (possibly unconsciously) as a shield so that no one asks him anything about himself.
so i think it's interesting to consider the exceptions to this, and what it means for him going forwards as someone dating vegas, who is absolutely not going to let that behavior slide.
let's start with the few times that pete opens up in the show, about things that are likely painful for him:
ep3: pete tells porsche he used to play heroes and villains as a kid, and now he knows there's no such thing
ep5: pete tells porsche that tankhun punished him pretty badly once before and it sucked
ep11: pete tells vegas that his dad used to beat him, and never stopped
ep13: pete tells vegas he doesn't feel human anymore and wants to die
ep14: pete tells vegas he's hungry and vegas needs to live to feed him
and one singular instance where he doesn't open up:
ep13: porsche asks pete what happened to him and pete asks him to drop it
now it is time for me to extrapolate a ton of conclusions from relatively little data. hehe
most of these can be summarized as "pete is packaging his past trauma as life experience and offering it up to people as advice / solidarity." note that the trauma is in the past, and pete is not currently experiencing it. he's able to distance his feelings from his truama, talk about it clearly and rationally, and convey the lessons he learned to others who need those lessons right now.
i think this is a way for him to seem like he's open about his feelings without actually being open about feelings that he is CURRENTLY vulnerable about. he can relate to people and connect to their pain, but conveniently is not in any pain for the other party to connect back with him. i don't mean for this to sound like this is reprehensible, on his part. it's just part of why people can think they're close with pete. he's told them things about himself! and then it's much harder to realize that he never tells you these things when he's going through them.
and then there are the instances where he is feeling so much, and is visibly losing it. notably, both of the times where he actually says anything — are to vegas! he doesn't say anything to porsche, even though porsche really tries to get it out of him (granted, he's got good reasons to keep his mouth shut). vegas doesn't even ask, though. either time.
so when, exactly, does he choose to be vulnerable?
in ep14, he tells vegas he's hungry. this absolutely does not come out of his mouth easily. and i'm not sure he would have ever said it, except it was probably the only thing he could have said to vegas to convince vegas that living was worth something. so he is still, kind of sort of, packaging his trauma for someone else. but it's mutually beneficial. if he does it, vegas lives. if vegas lives, he has something worth living for.
in ep13, though? what he's saying about himself doesn't benefit vegas at all. it is truly the only time in the show he speaks up about his pain, for his own self-preservation and nobody else's. and it's when he's been pushed so far past his normal coping mechanisms (smile, don't talk about it, keep it to yourself until it passes, it will pass) and is buried under a huge volume of conflicting emotion. he has been pushed to the brink, and he can't handle it anymore.
this is what it takes, for him to open up and be honest about his pain.
so in the future? if vegas wants pete to tell him what's wrong? vegas is going to have to:
notice when pete is feeling down (likely)
confront him about it (a little harder)
get past all of pete's deflecting without getting angry about it (unlikely, especially early on)
push him to some sort of emotional limit to actually get him to talk (doable! but can he do it in a way that doesn't rely on making pete feel like shit? dunno. is it gonna be kinky either way? probably)
and do all of this before pete gets all of his emotions in order and suppresses them (this is like playing a video game with permadeath on tbh)
in short, vegas is fucked 😂 but by god, is he gonna try. and it's gonna hurt so much for pete, in a way he's absolutely resistant to, because he just cannot be experiencing feelings and talking about them at the same time. it's gonna suck so bad. and whenever vegas gets it wrong, it's going to set them back weeks.
but eventually, there's gonna be a day where vegas asks what's wrong and pete just — answers. and it'll keep happening. and that's what healing looks like.
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daeyeol4you · 1 year
The Chay Rewatch ep 7
Ep 1 & 2, Ep 3, Ep 4, Ep 5, Ep 6
Ep 7 - Of course this is how Kim falls in love
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Time: 16:27 -17:27 – Macau Spotting!
Macau’s Outfit: he is literally wearing the same school uniform as Chay. This could have opened so many plotlines, especially if the show wanted to place Chay in a love triangle mirroring Porsche’s.
Macau looks so bored at the table until Vegas shows up, and Vegas looks so excited to see him! I know this whole scene is an act put on by the minor family to lure Porsche away, but that’s the one time we see Vegas’ true feelings. He’s genuinely so happy to see his little brother. Macau, in turn, is so happy to see him because no one else was acknowledging him. Though the second Porsche sits next to him and he sees the act Vegas is putting on, he's over it.
I do wonder if Porsche clocked Macau’s uniform and wondered if this was a threat against his brother. Probably not, love Porsche, but Porchay definitely took most of the puzzle-solving abilities (I’m not calling it smarts because it's not. It’s the ability to connect dots, and Porsche is canonically incapable of doing that)
Time: 17:51 – 19:12 – Theerapanyakul Courting Habits
I SEE TRINKETS! Y’all know I love to analyze trinkets.
The Nefertiti bust makes a reappearance as does the white bird statue
A tiny microscope like one from a child’s play science set.  Was this Porchay’s as a kid or Porsche’s? Those sets aren’t exactly cheap, and I don’t think Porsche could have afforded one when they were kids. Which means it could be something their parents bought for Porsche. Interesting.
An ornate hourglass with black and gold details, including wings on top that look Ancient Egyptian in design from the half second the camera pans over it.
This is the first episode to show both Macau and Chay
Do you all think it’s a genetic trait for Theerapanyakul boys to show up unannounced at the Kittisawat house to bamboozle the person they’re obsessively in love with? Kinn did it, Kim did it, and Korn (& Gun) did it
Chay’s outfit: a pale blue/purple (Depending on the light I couldn’t really tell) shirt with the word Vendredi on it and cream-colored shorts. Vendredi is French for Friday, and I honestly don’t think it has anything to do with the scene outside of the color looking cute. His hair is also extra fluffy in this scene.
The absolute panic Porchay goes through when he sees how messy the house is, I felt that
Kim just going Oh, but I’m already here. Why don’t you let me help with that problem? With his little bitchy lean (I love him) as he watches Chay THROUGH THE OPEN WINDOW
Chay’s little wave! Baby boy he just saw you panic cleaning and lying about it! You can’t dissolve that embarrassment by being cute!
Kim’s outfit: a muddy olive green shirt with leather pants and the usual silver accessories. This is the first time we see his safety pin necklace though I’m pretty sure.
Time: 22:01 – 22:52 – Macau Spotting 2.0
Macau gets to be slightly evil and manipulative without judgment, as a treat
The way Porsche should have one hundred percent said oh my brother goes to your school; it would be so in character for him to just blurt that out here. He still finds Vegas marginally trustworthy, and it’s the kind of segue that Porsche would think of.
Time: 23:29 - 31:31 - Chay please clean your house
You can see the freakout Chay is having in his eyes. Also, the way he is clutching his dirty laundry because he was so panicked he forgot to put it down before scampering to let Kim in.
Not Kim wearing full-on leather pants to a ‘tutoring session,’ sir.
Not me accidentally pausing and getting a great shot of Kim holding the guitar (23:35, the veins my dudes the veins)
Chay, I need you to stop being so Baby while Kim looks like That. My heart can’t take the two opposing forces
“It's not a mess.” – Kim I know you’re lying to Chay in general but don’t lie about that
the fucking gong when they show the mess! Chay lying about it being Porsche! Kim’s little laugh!
Not the back shot of Kim exposing him for having literally no ass, made even worse by the fact that he’s in leather pants
The matter-of-fact way Chay talks about his parents’ death. He’s not broken by it the same way Porsche is because he doesn’t remember them. And I’m not saying that’s bad! It's just a detail that strikes me. Chay grieves the idea of parents while Porsche grieves the real people. Chay’s also gotten through it in a way I doubt Porsche ever could.
Kim actually has a flicker of emotion on his face just before he says sorry. He knows what it's like to lose a parent (because his mom is def dead, Korn wouldn’t allow a divorce)
This whole ep is full of manipulative gift-giving. Vegas with the bike and Kim with the guitar. Kim impatiently cuts off Chay’s refusal so he can go snoop. At least allow Chay to be grateful before you go searching Kim!
Okay the more I look at this shirt the more purple it seems to me, am I the only one?
Chay’s little thank you and the jump! The panic he goes through when he remembers his Wik shrine!
The interest growing in Kim’s eyes as Chay frantically guards his bedroom. Internally happy screaming because he’s gonna find a clue! (Sike! You catch feelings instead)
How the hell have Porsche and Chay afforded their big house? No joke, that place is huge for two orphans
Kim, getting food after a tutoring session can be considered a date. Please be aware of that when you are thinking of ways to get the kid with an obvious crush on you out of the house. I adore the cute manipulative scrunched up face he makes though
Chay, please stop swinging your brand-new guitar around! You are giving me anxiety!
The switch from Wik to Kim is so subtle but so real. Jeff is such a great actor
Chay really likes collages, he has a few in his room (yes I’m counting the Wik Shrine) very art kid of him
Are those baseball helmets on top of his bookshelf? He also has another hourglass and a pic of his parents alongside a ton of trophies
Not Kim literally falling for Chay only after seeing his stalker shrine, bro get off of the floor! This is freak for freak behavior Kim!
The music in this scene kills me because it's so dramatic and meant to invoke horror at seeing this insane stalker side of Chay, but then the music shifts to WDYS and the camera turns to Kim and he’s literally bashfully smiling! He’s practically kicking his feet going he likes me!
Kim saying thank you in his suddenly deep ass voice, the seduction of Chay has begun I see
“I’ll let you try writing a love song.” – Yeah so he can serenade you
“Don’t tell me you’ve never been in love?” “Do you like anyone?” – Chay 100% sees Kim’s intentions with that one and runs with it. Kim, you opened a door, and now Chay is in your house, he's redecorating
The head pat – once again hate to see others living your dream!!
I could write a billion words about the facial expressions in this scene but Tumblr has character limits. Kim is just so soft staring at Chay now while Chay has this knowing look on his face
Overall Chay Rating (Chrating): A+
This episode was so good on the Chay content even though we only got one Chay outfit. Chay’s genuinely a really happy kid (which often gets mistaken for naivety), and it's really nice seeing him so happy. Kim falling for him was inevitable because they are Freak for Freak, and it's so in character for Kim to actually develop feelings after seeing the stalker board. We even got to see Macau twice in this episode, so not only was this a great Chay ep but also a great little bro ep
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