#third fan fiction
urjeni · 1 year
╰﹒Maybe it's time for some rest..
・୨ ✦ Pairings : König x reader
・୨ ✦ Plot : Fluff (somewhat?)
・୨ ✦ Warnings : None
It was around 9:55 pm and you had a boost of energy. you didn't know where it came from but you were just jumping around, running all over the place as you just felt so energized. König sat and watched as you danced and sang knowing in a few minutes you'd be pass out in bed.
König found your little energy boosts adorable, especially when you'd change moods and do the most weirdest stuff like scream out of nowhere or crawl over him and in the end you'd always find your asleep in bed with his arms wrapped around you. "Meine Liebe. Maybe it's time for some rest." (trns : My love)
You looked at him for a minute and before you knew it you ran towards him, he stared at you in confusion as you ran towards him and stopped right in front of him. "But I'm not tired! I can sing forever!" you yelled out as you jumped on the couch and jumped back off, könig let out a small chuckle as he saw how energized you were but he was getting tired himself.
It didn't take long for you to begin feeling sleepy as you slowed down and shut your mouth completely, könig was in the other room setting up your bed as you sat on the couch curled up. You tried to stay awake but you couldn't and eventually gave in, falling asleep right on the couch. König walked into the living room noticing you knocked out, he knew it was going to happen eventually.
König picked you up and walked into your bedroom, placing you down on the comfy bed as he began taking your clothes off. As könig began getting himself ready for bed he couldn't help but notice your little snores or how you shifted in your sleep like you were having a wild dream. He sat on the other side of the bed exhausted, he laid down next to you pulling you closer to his chest and hugging you like you were some teddy bear.
"Good night, meine Liebe." ✦
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thecruellestmonth · 2 years
Jason's feelings about Sheila Haywood
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Batman #427 (1988)
"God, it must have been hard for you."
"...I'll save you... Mom..."
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Batman: Gotham Knights #44 (2003)
"...I love..."
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Batman #428 (1988)
"He threw... himself... in front... of me... in front of me... He took... the main brunt... of the blast... Such a... good boy... Must have... really... loved his... mother..."
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Deadman: Dead Again #2 (2001)
JASON: "It's weird--she betrayed me to the Joker. Got us both blown up--but I'm not mad at her. It wasn't really her fault--her whole life was screwed up. Things just... happened. [...] You gotta tell me--is she going to make it?"
DEADMAN: "She's fading pretty fast, kid--"
JASON: "No, I mean-- her soul. What's going to happen to her... afterward?"
DEADMAN: "That's not for me to decide."
SHEILA: "Jason tried to rescue me... We almost... made it... So close... He turned out to be such a good kid..."
JASON: "Thanks, Mom..."
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Batman Annual 25 (2006)
He remembered most of what happened. The search for his mother. Her betrayal. Joker. And his own murder.
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Task Force Z #8 (2022)
"I died trying to save someone I cared about."
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emperorsfoot · 4 months
(I need this for one tiny throw away line in a fan fic.)
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I'm writing a fic and cloud sourcing this decision. Poll for one(1) day only cause I'm impatient.
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featheredenby · 3 months
Winner’s Guilt
This was just an excuse for me to torcher Grian.
Written by: FeatheredEnby
Word Count: 3,466
Random One Shot Fic
For the first time since the game started he’s alone, the hot desert sun beating down on him as he clutches the shirt of his now dead friend. Silent tears run down his face and bore pathways through the blood, sweat, and sand that clings to his skin. What has he just done? You killed him, the voices taunt because aren’t they good at that, at ruining what he holds dear. At the beginning of the game he hadn’t remembered anything really, just the basics of who he was and who the others were. He had been left in the world and they had given him a note to read to welcome the players to the game. But now he’s won and Scar’s blood is on his hands and this time there’s no do overs. His skin is burnt and his knuckles are bruised and his wings are changing back to their old purple and he can feel the eyes surrounding him. Their voices feel like new wounds on his skin, You destroyed everything that you loved. It’s the only thing that you’re good at. 
He knows what they want, they want to torment him to make him suffer. Alone in the world with the weight of his actions but he’s not about to give them, the creatures who have been chasing him since he left, satisfaction. He knows what he has to do. Grian lifts from the ground and takes off his poncho which he lays over Scar like a blanket. He stands up only faltering when he places his fingers to his lips and then closes Scar’s eyes. He makes his way out of the circle of cacti and over to the cliff, his wings are starting to work again but that doesn’t stop him. As he reaches the edge of the mountain he turns back to Scar and whispers, “It’s been amazing, goodbye.”
The pain is brief and soon after everything goes black but he isn’t dead. Maybe he is dead now that he thinks about it but he isn’t with his friends so it doesn’t matter. He opens his eyes and sees an expansion of red-orange sand in front of him and in the sky it’s only half night. The sky looks dark but only a purple sun can be seen in it, how odd. A few yards in front of him there’s a building similar to his home on monopoly mountain. Tears are starting to fall from his eyes again but there could be someone in that house, they could tell him what’s going on. So he walks forward and opens the door into a small room with a table at the center and two connecting doors. It doesn’t seem to be inhabited, it couldn’t hurt to look around. He walks over to the door on his right and opens it to see a shimmering path in a surrounding void and on one side of the path there’s a mural.
It’s stained glass which has been carefully shaped to look like Egyption hieroglyphics. And the scene that it depicts is awful. He’s there surrounded by cacti holding a dead Scar in his hands. The eyes are watching him and the shape of the sun is behind his head. He’s clutching Scar’s hands with his own and in them there is a bouquet of poppies and lilacs. Beneath the painting there’s a sign and it reads, The Sun.
Grian runs out of that room and back into the one he saw earlier he sits on the single chair at the table and makes a connection. He won and now this is where he gets to stay. He slowly calms down and stands back up. He walks over to the other door which was on his left originally. He turns the handle and finds a cozy bedroom with a large window to let in light and a large amount of sun themed decorations. It also has a pizza banner, lofted bed, and a vase of poppies and lilacs. He understands now this is the winner's void. There will never be another game so he will be the only person to ever step foot here. 
When they enter the second game he’s surprised that there’s a second one. However he’s even more surprised that no one else remembers but he won’t make the same mistakes as last time. Grian pushes Scar away knowing that it’s for the best. He spends the game with Timmy, Impulse, Martyn, and Mumbo. But then the game ends for him he dies and wakes up once again in the winner’s void. He sits there for days, maybe even weeks but then as he looks out of the window the sky shifts. Now instead of just a purple sun there are cyan stars and instead of just a red desert there are mossy spruce trees popping up. This can only mean one thing, someone else has won.
Grian jumps up and runs outside barely noticing the changes that have happened to the house. When he gets outside he sees that standing in front of him there is a very confused Scott. Scott looks up at him and shudders, “What happened?”
Grian stares at him, surely he remembers what just happened. Surely he remembers that he won. “It's kind of hard to explain, uhm… welcome to the winner’s void.” The man in front of him stands up shaking and without a word he walks towards the house. Grian pushes the door open for him and notices that there are now pieces of darker woods and moss on it. When he walks in he sees that there is now another door on the left side. “So,” Grian asks in a hesitant tone, “Do you want a tour around?”
“Grian,” Scott says, “Why did I forget it?”
“Forget what?”
“I forgot about the poppy and the pufferfish,” Scott cries, “and I forgot about Jimmy.”
“I think that only winners remember.” He explains.
“Oh,” Scott looks up, “I think I’ll take that tour.”
Grian slowly shows Scott around the building. When they enter the void room there’s a new mural. It’s stained glass too, but much more realistic it shows Scott standing while holding a sword straight up to the sky in one hand, a bucket with an axolotl in the other. He’s getting struck with lightning. Around him there are also eyes opening up but there are a fair amount of teal mouths too. Under the painting it reads, The Stars. They quickly move on to the new room which is another bedroom but this time it’s snug and cozy with stars decorating its walls, a queen sized bed, and a painting of a tree canopy on the ceiling. It also has a pizza banner and an aquarium with an axolotl and a pufferfish.“Hm… it’s nice here.” Scott says.
Grian isn’t ready for the third game either and when it happens it’s all he can do not to scream. He has a soulmate they tell him, Someone who makes you complete. And of course they pair him with Scar who he continues to push away. They manage to be the last greens but their deaths come soon after, TNT, zombies, and the warden. Grian wakes up again in his sun colored bed in the winner’s void. This time he waits out the rest of the game in the mural room. As soon as the painting forms he runs out and greets the two other people. Pearl is sitting on one of the patches of snow that now litters the ground and Scott is in his bed. With a glance at the sky he sees that the purple sun is no longer in the center and that it now shares the sky with a regular moon. Scott comes out of the building and they help Pearl up and show her around.
Her painting is in a horror film style and it shows her riding on a wolf with a yellow collar. In her hand there’s a shattered green heart with a broken string, slowly changing to yellow and then red, attached and in the other there’s a bloodied diamond sythe. The moon is at the upper center. Just like the others there are eyes opening around her in the glass. Once again there’s  a caption, The Moon. The three of them leave that room and quickly go to the new one. They show Pearl her new room which is spread out with a desk in one corner and a lofted bed with a hammock underneath, moons decorating it and a moss pet on a shelf. There’s also a plush of her dog Tilly.
When the three of them sit back down in the now three chairs in the main room she speaks up, “I’m sorry Scott.”
“It’s fine,” he says, “I already won once and this is still a half win for me. It was my fault really.”
The fourth time that a game occurs he half expects it. Similarly to the other games they split off and Grian once again pushes Scar away. He stays with the bad boys and when they both die he joins the nosey neighbors. He watches the other winners closely. He sees Scott team up with Martyn despite their past and when he asks why Scott he explains the reasoning, We remember it but he doesn’t, we can’t push people away for something they don’t remember. You’ve teamed with him before and you remembered it when you did. This isn’t that much different. Ha! That’s awfully poetic for someone who spent almost the entirety of the last game pushing someone away. In any case it’s too late for him to stop pushing Scar away now.
After his final death Grian wakes up in his bed again and lays in it until he hears Pearl’s footsteps in the main room. He explains to her that he’s gonna wait for the new winner in the room with the stained glass and she agrees to join him. They sit in silence and wait for a while until they hear a noise from a different room and exit. They see Scott walking into the living room with a strange look in his eyes, “He’ll be here soon.”
Just as promised soon after Scott arrived another door is added to the room and they walk outside and see a yellow version of the planet Mars in the sky. The terrain in front of the house has also gained a tropical coast lined with driftwood and coral. The building now has coral growing up the sides and intertwining with the vines. Standing near them is a very frazzled Martyn. The sight of him is enough to make Grian blood boil but he thinks about what Scott said and tries to calm down. He’s the first person to walk up, “Hello Martyn.”
“Ha! This isn’t real is it?”
“You all died, I killed you!”
Scott steps forward, “Martyn are you-“
Martyn passes a line into hysteria and soon passes out so the three of them pick him up and slowly carry him to his new bedroom where they place him on a small bed. It’s a spacious area with an axe sitting in one corner and a pile of different headbands on a table. On the wall there is a Dogwarts banner and a broken hearts club flier. They lay him down in a bed and quietly exit the room. The trio walks across the dining room and Grian opens the door to the art room.
Inside there is yet another painting this time in a style that he can’t quite place. It depicts Martyn standing at the world’s spawn with a sword and an empty bucket. He looks like he’s going insane and in the background there’s a dead Impulse who’s bleeding out and Scott who lays in a pool of lava. Behind Martyn’s head is Mars and all of the glass has random red splatters. There are eyes in even more spaces on his and there are also yellow ears hidden around it. Logically the caption under his mural reads, Mars.
During the next game Grian can see even more of their influence. At the world’s spawn there is a large statue of a person with a very familiar symbol on its face. He doesn’t team up with Scar this time but he doesn’t push him away as much. Still nothing really changes, this time he teams up with Cleo and Etho. Things are alright but still it’s nothing unusual. He goes through his three lives and then he wakes up back in his bed except now his room has a photo of his last team in a frame and things from the last few games are there too. A spy glass on a shelf, a goat horn next to it, and a pair of sunglasses. When he gets up he opens the door and sees Martyn sitting with tea, he looks disheveled. To be fair he did go slightly crazy after the last game and seemed to be in a coma like state for the week that they remained in the void until going back to their respective worlds. Maybe he needs someone to talk to. Grian starts talking while pulling up a chair., “You good Martyn?”
“No.” He responds flatly.
“You want to talk about it?”
“Why…” Martyn asks, “Why are you so willing to talk to me after what happened during Third Life?”
“Up until recently you didn’t remember, I couldn’t really blame you.”
“Ren…” Martyn says under his breath, “Why wasn’t he there?”
“I’m not sure… It just happens sometimes. Like how Pearl wasn’t in Third Life, and Lizzie and Mumbo have only been in two games. Or how this was Gem’s first.”
“Well I’ll leave you here. I’m gonna go wait for the next mural to form.”
Grian leaves the room and walks onto the shining path in the void. He positions himself in front of the area where the next painting will form. Slowly over the next few days or so Martyn decides to join him, but for some reason neither Pearl nor Scott arrive until the last day of the game. First Scott gets there and joins them explaining that he let Gem kill him in hopes of her winning. Then a few hours later Pearl gets there, she says she died of fall damage and that the next winner should be there any moment. Just as she promised, Grian sees the mural form, it’s someone very familiar. On the new mural there stands a person with brown hair and scarred skin pressing the succeed button. He’s wearing a purple cloak with the hood over his head and the edge embroidered with poppies and lilacs. On the edges of the painting there are sunflowers growing and behind him is the secret keeper. The caption reads, The Earth.
The others have barely had time to process what this means when Grian bolts up and out of the door he dashes through the living room and out onto the new porch. He narrowly avoids running into the railing that borders the area and runs out into the sand now sprouting with sunflowers, lilacs, and poppies. Grian locks his eyes on Scar and suddenly freezes. Once again the voices taunt him, Do you really think that he wants to be around you after all that you’ve done? He doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore. Grian takes a hesitant step backwards as Scar looks up at him from where he’s sitting in a patch of grass. Then Grian turns and runs as tears start streaming from his eyes. He runs back up the stairs to the porch and back through the front down, almost running into the others. He turns straight to his left and bursts through his bedroom door, slamming it shut behind him. He flies onto his bed and hides under the blanket until his hyperventilating causes him to have to pull the blanket off of his head. He turns his back to the door and faces the wall, he knows. Scar remembers now and Grian has to try and make amends but how can he after everything that he’s put Scar through.
Knock, knock, knock. “Grian? Can I come in?” Scar asks. At Grian’s lack of response he continues talking, “It’s alright if you don’t want me to. You know it’s funny to remember all of these things now. Things make a lot more sense at least.”
“You don’t have to come out but if you need to talk I’ll be in my room.”
Scar leaves Grian’s room and Grian hears his footsteps fade away. He lays on top of his loft for awhile until he can’t think while being there any longer. He climbs down from his bed and leaves his room but through the window instead of the door. Grian walks over to a patch of the ground with a large amount of flowers growing in it. He lays down and breathes.
Scar’s hand presses the button and he’s teleported away from the secret keeper. He finds himself sitting in a patch of grass, in front of him there’s a house that resembles the one that he now remembers sharing with Grian, except for the fact that it has spruce parts with vines and coral growing on the sides. There’s an expanse of red-orange sand around him with spruce trees here and there along with patches of powdered snow and clumps of poppies, lilacs, and sunflowers growing. To his left there’s a beach covered in driftwood and dead coral. He hears running and looks up to find Grian coming towards him but then he stops with his eyes flashing a strange look in them. Grian turns away from Scar and runs off, the other winners come out of the building and help Scar up. They give him a tour of the place but nothing really stands out to him. Afterwards he walks over and knocks on Grian’s door. “Grian? Can I come in?” No response, “It’s alright if you don’t want me to. You know it’s funny to remember all of these things now. Things make a lot more sense at least.”
“You don’t have to come out but if you need to talk I’ll be in my room.” He walks over to his room which turns out to be a small area with a bed in one corner and a bookshelf in the other. A pizza banner hangs on the wall and on the shelf there’s a statue of Jellie, a collection of crystals, and a clock. On one wall there’s a large window with floral engravings and through it Scar sees Grian jump out of his window and go to lay down in a patch of plants. Scar leaves his room and walks over to where Grian is sitting, he sits down next to him but Grian doesn’t say anything, so Scar does. “It’s a nice view from here.”
“I guess so.”
“Scar, why are you so casual about this?”
“About what?”
“About all of this! About us.”
“Is there something to not be casual about?”
“Yes! I mean I just- ever since I killed you in Third Life I’ve regretted it and know you remember it and you’re just acting like nothing happened.” Grian exclaims and when Scar doesn’t say anything he continues, “And then I spent three games pushing you away and I hurt you and you don’t seem to think that much about it.”
“I don’t.”
“I don’t think about it, it's as simple as that. Sure you made a mistake but all of us do, you took my final life in Third Life but I’m happy that you won that game. And sure you pushed me away in the other games but I don’t blame you, you were trying not to hurt me again. You just didn’t go about it in the right way.”
“Scar- I- Why?” He asks.
“Why what? Why am I forgiving you? It’s because you deserve it.”
“No I don’t, Scar I don’t deserve your forgiveness.”
He turns and looks at Grian, “Listen to me G,” Scar says as he picks up Grian’s hands, “Yes you do. I forgive you, I forgive everyone. I forgive Ren and Martyn and Joel and Etho. But I especially forgive you.”
Tears start to build in Grian’s eyes again and he turns away to wipe them, “But what if I don’t Scar? What if I just can’t forgive myself for everything that I’ve done?”
“Oh G…” Scar wraps his arm around him and Grian lays his head down on Scar’s shoulder, “You just have to let it go.”
“I- Thanks.”
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avis-fictional-world · 10 months
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Based on AO3 fic called A Different Kind of Training
I find it both funny and a bit somber for Yoichi.
I hope you enjoy this @fractiflos
Fic could be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51782035/chapters/130913665
The use of “Yoichisan” is just a call back to the first comic
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jacksdoodlesnshit · 4 months
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70’s Doctor Who cartoon animated by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises (The Pink Panther and The Inspector cartoons) starring Jon Pertwee and Roger Delgado as the Third Doctor and the Master respectively.
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best-fictional-cat · 2 years
Round 1 Group 10
Lumi (Cats are Liquid) vs Mewo (Omori) vs Pet cats (Stardew Valley)
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the-bar-sinister · 26 days
Bleeding, Broken, Mended (3676 words) by VickytheSnake, thesavagesabretooth Chapters: 1/? Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Donquixote Doflamingo/Trafalgar D. Water Law
Additional Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Protective Donquixote Doflamingo, Getting Back Together, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Feels, Angst and Romance (see AO3 for more tags)
Summary: When Law's ship is blown to hell by Blackbeard he wakes up in the worst case scenario-- rescued by Doflamingo and the Donquixote pirates, trapped at sea and at their mercy. With the destruction of his crew he's alone in enemy territory with only Bepo, and the new crewmate he picked up on Wano.
Law is certain that he was 'rescued' just so Doflamingo could kill him himself, but Doffy has other plans. As far as he's concerned, Law's decade-long quest for revenge was nothing more than a sad misunderstanding. He wants to remind Law how things used to be. He wants to find a way to bring Law back into the fold-- back to him-- forever.
Law woke slowly, feeling heavy and disoriented. 
The last thing in his mind were the chaotic fragments of the aftermath of Blackbeard's attack. He remembered the icy sting of the water as it choked him and pulled him down. He remembered Komurasaki's arms around him as she dragged him back to the surface, kicking and grasping futilely to keep both their heads above water. That was the last thing he remembered distinctly. That, and a flash of Bepo's powerful sulong form scooping both of them from the icy jaws of the endless sea, pulling them away from the fragments of the sinking ship.
After that, only darkness, and cold.
But he was warm now. And laying down somewhere. Before he could open his eyes he felt the weight of a blanket on him, and he could hear the soft sounds of someone else in the room. Quiet breathing. Rustling fabric.
The Polar Tang. He remembered it split in half, and the sharp decompression sending everyone he cared about into the darkness of the sea. He stirred against the blanket, sucking in a sharp breath.
Blackbeard. That sneering, unpleasant oaf of an upstart. Blackbeard— the monster who somehow kept rising the ranks despite everything. 
Blackbeard the creeping darkness infecting the era of piracy with a desire to drag everyone down to his fucking level.
Blackbeard, the man who beat him to shit and threw him in the ocean and killed his best friends in the world. He felt the churn of something sick in his stomach as he tried to open his eyes again. "...damn it all.." 
Law managed to pull his eyes open and as his vision swam into focus he found himself in a cot in a narrow room— on a ship, judging by the porthole window high in the wooden wall. There was very little to see, other than the bed he was in, a small table with a jug of water, and a chair at the foot of the bed where Komurasaki was dozing, dressed in something unfamiliar, not her usual kimono, with a blanket around her shoulders.
He tried to sit up, shifting his arm to prop himself up and stare around the room, at Komurasaki's clothes, and out the porthole.
"...Someone picked us up? It can't be Blackbeard, Komurasaki'd be in chains or worse." He murmured to himself as he tried to activate his 'room' to give himself a sense of the surrounding area. 
He felt an unfortunately familiar wooziness as he moved— and even worse as he tried to call on his devil fruit abilities— and realized with a start that there was still a sting of biting cold around one wrist. As he managed to sit up and pulled his arms out from under the covers, he saw a chainless, bracelet-like manacle locked around one wrist. The outside of it was metal, but lined certainly with sea-stone.
Komurasaki sat up, hearing him speak. "Mm? Ah, captain, you're awake?"
"Komurasaki," he said slowly, cautiously, "...why am I chained with sea-stone?" 
His mind was going a mile a minute, only stopping to hitch on the image of the bodies in the water. His heart beat faster in his chest as he sucked in an uncomfortable breath. "I hope you have more context for all this than I do." 
"I do, captain," she nodded. "Our rescuer asked me in advance to apologize to you for the precaution. He said that he was concerned your first instinct might be to try to kill everyone on the ship."
Komurasaki's face had that same placid, almost amused look on it, that Law was still learning how to tell when it was genuine, and when it was a mask for her anxieties. The answer seemed obvious now, but he still couldn't be sure.
He stared at her for a long moment with a twitch of his lips, before he laughed weakly and fell back onto the sheets. 
"Thanks Komurasaki. I'll try not to go on a rampage. Promise." He looked over her outfit again, judging identifying markings. She must have gotten it from someone on the ship, it'd serve as a clue to exactly who had 'rescued' them, and if this was going from the frying pan to the fire. "Seems like a pretty sensible precaution, depending on the rescuer is. It ain't Kid. Kid's ship couldn't possibly look this normal." 
She was wearing a quite ostentatious dress, florid and ruffled, and very unfamiliar to her usual style, though the blue and yellow pattern of azaleas on it wouldn't have been entirely out of place on a kimono. A kimono wouldn't be that low cut however, or sleeveless like the dress was, judging by what he could see of her arms underneath the animal print blanket over her shoulders. Neither really suited her pale green hair or her complexion. 
"No, it's no one I'd ever met before," she said, shaking her head. "Though they seem to know you, captain."
Dressrosan fashion. That was a Dressrosan dress, very clearly. A dancer's dress, like one he'd seen recently enough for it to be seared into his memory. His brow furrowed as his lips drew into a tight line.
"They seem to know me, do they. What'd they look like, if ya don't mind me asking. Our rescuers who knew me so well."
He had a sinking feeling in his gut. It couldn't possibly be. It had to be a coincidence…or maybe it was Rebecca and Violet who…
No, Violet had left Dressrosa. She sure as fuck had left Dressrosa. Rebecca too , but…
Komurasaki leaned her chin in her hands, elbows on her knees, peering at him. "Well, I can describe them for you, but their captain did introduce himself. He wanted me to tell you one thing before I said who he was, though."
Law shot up to a sitting position despite the fatigue and discomfort, having to painfully raise his hand to his head to steady himself. ".....hahahhhhhhhh fuck. Fuck. Alright. I'm listenin'." 
"He wanted me to make sure you knew they're treating Bepo in their infirmary for his wounds and fatigue. I don't know if you remember, but he passed out just as we were being fished out of the water."
Law lurched forward the nausea washing through him and making him swoon against his hand.
"Hhh…Bepo…he's…" Tears welled up in his eyes. "Thank hell he's at least okay. Him, you, me, thank hell at least some of us survived."
Penguin and Shachi… Ikkaku… the whole crew sucked into the darkness of the ocean. Besides them.
"And it's…good…good knowin' they're taking care of him." 
Even if they were who he was increasingly terrified they were.
Doflamingo and his gang; the very gang that Violet had reportedly fled and turned up in the company of. A gang that shouldn't have existed. 
Komurasaki nodded. "I heard that it seems like he's going to be okay, thank goodness. He took some kind of drug, didn't he? To induce that state? I don't think it was good for him."
Law grit his teeth.
"Yeah…the artificial Sulong state. It ain't good for him, it's only for emergencies. I'm glad he's pulling through…" 
"Indeed… Ah, anyway, you wanted to know who rescued us?"
He rubbed his fingers over the outside of the bangle around his wrist. "...I have a creeping suspicion, but it's better if you just let me know." 
"The name he gave was Doflamingo. He says you'll know it."
He felt sicker than ever, a worse nausea than the seastone washing over him as he made a low gurgling sound.
"Komurasaki, hon. It's been fun having you in my crew, wish it was for longer." He dropped back onto the bed to stare at the ceiling with a twitch of his lips. "I'm screwed. He's gonna kill me while I'm down."
Doflamingo. Doflamingo. Doflamingo Donquixote. The name repeated over and over in his mind as his teeth grit together. "I should have been DONE with him! I'd …Shit, we'd won! And now here he is dragging me outta the sea? For what? To end me himself??" 
"How would I know?" Komurasaki seemed both unalarmed by, and unimpressed with, his outburst. She leaned a little closer to him as he fell back on the bed. "I take it the two of you have some kind of history that I'm not privy to."
He looked up at her with tired eyes. 
"Yeah. Sorry, Komurasaki, it's… complicated. I was venting. Rest assured, this is the worst ship we coulda been picked up by right now barring fuckin' Blackbeard." He looked at the bangle around his wrist with a grimace. "He's the man I spent years trying to bury." 
Metaphorically and literally. Bury the memory of any good times they may have had when he was growing up— and bury him for the death of Rosinante in the snows of the north blue. "He killed someone who tried to save me, and I tried to kill him to even the scales." 
"I see. Then it's certainly strange that he bothered to fish us out of the ocean at all." She chewed on her lip thoughtfully. "Stranger still that they've been caring for Bepo."
Komurasaki had been sailing with them for a total of five days. Five days since she'd left her home shore of Wano to become a pirate on his ship. And now that ship was blown to hell, and she was here with him, with absolutely no context for it. Considering all of it, she seemed remarkably unperturbed.
"Yeah, it's– it's real odd. You seem pretty calm, Komurasaki. I'm impressed. Even considering you don't know exactly what kind of guys captured us…it's impressive."
Law pressed his hand to his face, looking at her with one eye and laughed bitterly. "...my ship's sunk. My men— my friends— are dead. I've got nothin' but you and Bepo anymore. And now we're captured, saved, whatever…by the Donquixote pirates. You've got nerves of steel. I respect that. Hope this massive fuckup hasn't completely dashed any respect you mighta had for me." 
"Hardly," she said, shaking her head. her gaze was steely. "Tragedy and setback aren't what define a man's character, but how he moves forward from them. And if I'm calm, it's because I've been trained that way since I was small, captain, to maintain dignity and composure in the face of chaos and loss. And I've had practice. Lots of it."
He sat up slowly again, taking a deep breath with a nod. 
"I'd heard. And it's pretty damn remarkable to see, Komurasaki. I'd say sorry to add a lil' more chaos to your life, but you asked to be a pirate…this is the pirate's life."
He rested his head against his knees, drawing them up. "We're gonna heal up from this. If Doffy—" He bit his tongue on the nickname. "Doflamingo— if he really 'rescued us' or not, we'll deal with it. We'll get through this.Shachi, Penguin, Ikkaku…they woulda wanted us to." 
Komurasaki nodded. She stood, finally, and came and sat on the edge of Law's cot. "I did ask to be a pirate. And I intend to continue to pursue the life of a pirate at your side, captain, assuming you'll have me. I hope you don't feel like I've brought some curse on you from Wano."
The tone was conversational-– flippant, even— but something in her eyes told him that it was a thought she'd had on her own, and one that didn't amuse her.
He reached out, with the great difficulty of a cursed man fighting sea-stone, and squeezed her shoulder with a weak grin. 
"Of course I'll have ya, Komurasaki. I promised I'd take you to sea, didn't I? You're my crew. That means somethin' to me. And…this ain't a curse, neither. Real as curses can be, this ain't on your shoulders. This was bad luck. This was Blackbeard and one hell of a terrible coincidence." 
She smiled; beautifully, grimly, with determination. "I'll take your word for it. You've the more experience between the two of us. So what then, is our path forward, captain? What's the 'plan', so to speak— if only in the short term."
"I'll tell you one thing…" He leaned towards her with a feral edge to his smile, a dark mania welling within him. "We're going to get strong enough to sever Teach's head from his body and sink his freakshow of a crew to the bottom of the sea. But that's long term."
His eyes darted to the door. "...the short term plan is figuring out what Dof…Doflamingo's intentions are here and how we can work forward with him here. If this is his ship, the whole DQ family's on board. Which means a whole slew of hideously awkward reunions."
He hesitated before he murmured. "I used to be one of them, just… so you know that." 
"Really?" She sat up with interest. "And you spent, in your own words, years trying to bury their captain. It must be a complicated history you have indeed. What a fate to bring you into reunion now."
Komurasaki's tone was gentle and sympathetic. But there was something at the edge of her voice, in the look of her eyes, that almost felt like she was excitedly reaching for popcorn. Maybe she did have a pirate's temperament. Maybe growing up in a brothel had left some interesting marks on her.
He wouldn't have been surprised. Honestly, the hint of those interesting marks had been the very thing that convinced him to take her along when she gave her pitch. She was a fascinating girl, after all.
Of course, that was one thing, being grilled about his sordid past was another. He felt himself flush a bit under the scrutiny, shifting in the sheets.
"Yeah uh, it's sure a fucking tangled web of fate. If I didn't know any better I'd suspect Doflamingo's fucking strings to somehow be behind it. But this is even outta his hands." He rubbed his neck. "...Doffy and I have a lot of history. He stopped me from suicide bombing myself when I was a kid and took me into his gang, but…"
So much had happened. He'd grown to love and respect the man…up until he very much didn't. Up until Rosi snatched him away and told him exactly what Doflamingo's plans for him were— and exactly how cruel he could be. "Things happened. It went south between me and the other members of the family." 
"I see," she nodded, thoughtfully. "Interesting. So far everyone I've met has been fairly cordial to me, if… admittedly very odd, Captain Doflamingo included. Though I have little way to measure what counts as odd outside of Wano."
"Cordial. The Donquixote Family?" He wasn't exactly incredulous…no, they could be very charming. Something he knew all too well. They weren't exactly very polite but they were charming and friendly up until the point they weren't. "They're absolutely odd. Doflamingo's fond of gathering up all kinds of folks… who'd you meet? That looks like one of Viole— Viola's dresses." 
Violet— Princess Viola— hadn't been with the family when Law was there. But he'd heard about her extensively from Monet on Punk Hazard, and he'd seen her, however briefly, in Dressrosa.
"It is, yes. It's a little big on me in some areas, but she was very kind to lend it to me." Komurasaki tugged at the chest self-consciously. "Ah, besides her and their captain? There was quite the bunch— they didn't all introduce themselves. There's a precious little doll woman who was called Sugar. And a woman in a maid uniform they all call 'Baby'. I don't know if that's her name. I also caught the names 'Vergo' and 'Dia', and I could pick them easily out of a line up. I'm good at putting names with faces."
Certainly one of her many skills as an Oiran.
"Good fuckin' skill to have, Komurasaki…very good skill." He complimented her as he put his hand to his head with a sharp hiss. "Baby…yeah. That's her name. Baby 5, actually. It's…"
It was a fucked up, tragic story for why she was called that. A dismissive 'non-name' for a child deemed dead-weight turned into an affectionate name by the gang. She'd become rather proud of it when they were growing up together.
"It's a hell of a story for why. Sugar…be careful with her." His eyes darted to the door. "...she's got the power to make the world forget you ever existed." 
"Well,thank you, that's terrifying," Komurasaki huffed a nervous laugh. "I'll keep it in mind. She seemed very quiet, though that big man was even quieter. Is there anything else I ought to know? Well, I imagine the answer is 'a lot' but I don't expect a full annotated history given the circumstances."
"A whole lot," Law rubbed his temple with the side of his hand. "Sugar used to have a sister, Monet… I killed her. They probably ain't happy about that. Vergo was a fake marine who's one of Doflamingo's closest men. Beat the shit out of me a while back. Baby's got an explosive temper. Literally, if she turns into a bomb. Dia…he's one of the executives"
He counted off his fingers before he paused and he pointed to her. "and one more thing, Komurasaki. Doflamingo was the guy supplying the SMILE fruits to Kaidou that let him empower his men. That's part of his operation, the finding and smuggling of fruits and the production of artificial fruits." 
She pressed her hands together and closed her eyes for a moment, perhaps committing it all to memory. "I see. So he was responsible for the SMILE fruits that found their way to Wano's shore. You were certainly not lying, captain. This is quite the situation for us to have found ourselves in. I admit, in hindsight I was acting quite blithely and naively these last two days."
Two days. 
"T…" Law's eye twitched , his body suddenly feeling exhausted all over again. "...two days?" 
"Ah. That's right, we hadn't yet spoken of how long you'd been unconscious." She bit her lip, and nodded. "Yes, captain, it's been two days. I was very worried."
It must have been the effect of the seawater on him. He'd certainly choked some down during the horrible encounter.f
"....the ocean's curse, probably…" He pressed his hand to his face with a shaky smile. "two days. Two days on the Donquixote family's ship. Two fucking days. Great, alright. Well I'm awake now, Komurasaki. Sorry to worry you, I'm…fine."He wasn't fine. His eyes flicked to the door, half expecting to see that horror show of a smile looming in it at any moment. "This is gonna work out." 
Doffy gripped the neck of the bottle and took a swig from it. He'd had too many already. He'd been drinking almost constantly for the past two days.
He was tense.
He was on the outs with Trebol, who hadn't been shy about telling him how he felt when Doffy had fished Law and his crewmen out of the sea.
Trebol thought he should throw him back like a bad catch, and shoot him a few times on the way down for good measure.
Trebol thought that Law would only bring disaster on the family. He pointed out that he already had. The disaster of Dressrosa was barely three months behind them, and while yes, they were doing well with Cross Guild now, Law had broken their little empire. Law had been responsible for Monet's death. He had almost killed Vergo.
What sense did it make to save his life?
He was right— it didn't make any logical sense to rescue him. It had just been Doffy's first instinct. 
It had been his first instinct when Violet had spotted the Polar Tang in Blackbeard's sights, to haul the ship forward at all speed.
It had been his first instinct when he'd seen Law, pale as fish belly in the arms of his monstrous crewmate. 
It had been his first instinct when he'd seen Law for the first time, shaking and strapped with explosives.
He took another swig from the bottle.
It had been his first instinct when Rosi had kidnapped him.
All Doffy had wanted was to ride to the rescue.
He'd put the family over his feelings. Doffy was always putting the family over his feelings. When he'd killed his own brother to protect them. When he'd asked Monet to protect them all with the last of her strength. When he'd nearly had to say goodbye to Vergo.
All of it was putting the safety and success of the family over his own feelings.
His fingers shook on the bottle. So Trebol was mad at him? So what. So the rest of the family was confused, and angry. They'd get over it.
Assuming Law didn't kill all of them. Trebol's voice rang in the back of his mind. Law's always been difficult. Unpredictable. Destructive. Out for blood. You can't trust him.
He was right about all of it. Doffy knew that. In concession to 'trust', he'd put a seastone cuff on him, to keep him from lashing out immediately, at least. 
To give Doffy time.
Time to talk Law down. Time to get him to see reason.
He'd done it once before, talked Law down from self-destructing. He wanted to believe that he could do it again. He hadn't had time in Dressrosa, not with the chaos. Not with Straw Hat. Not with the rest of the family dead set on interfering.
But this time. This time he would make time.
This time it wasn't going to end like that night so many years ago with his finger on a trigger, and Trebol's voice telling him that he had to put his feelings aside and protect the family.
This time he was going to be selfish.
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e-to-the-v · 1 month
If you’re looking for a good Ranchers fic, please read Just the two of us (wait, what are they doing here?) by Alex_xis (as of posting this it has 3 chapters)
It’s so cute and I enjoy them so much.
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sunsetsandsunshine · 4 months
Literally about to binge both live action Sonic movies because of your fic and because lee Tails has been taking over my brain 💖 I’ve never been in the Sonic fandom, but I adore the fic you wrote for it and now I need to watch the movies ✨
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AWE BLUSHYYYYYY 🥹☹️💖💗💞💕✨‼️ I almost didn’t recognize you from the new PFP lol— it suits you, amiga 💝💞💕
But thank you so much 🥲😭. Funny you mention it, I have been re-reading my old fics and that was one of the first I read. Sonic and Tom are so silly 💖🕺🏾🕺🏾
And as for Lee!Tails? That’s so real…he’s just a jumble of squirms and giggles and AUGHHH 🥹✨💝💖💞‼️‼️‼️ I WANNA WRECK HIM SO BAD OMIGOSH 🥹🥹🥹
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word-ghost · 4 months
an unfavorable attachment // 2
Eleanora’s palms prickled, and she couldn’t quite find her breath as she guided—or more honestly dragged—Harvey through the garden. 
She couldn’t think about what had just happened—not now. She could lie awake all night and re-examine the entire evening, from every awful angle in excruciating detail. But not now. Even if what bubbled in her chest was impossible to ignore, a nauseating concoction of horror and thrill. 
Even if Harvey’s big, warm hand was still wrapped securely around hers. And only moments ago it had been his arms around her, and his breath in her ear, and— 
Dash it. 
They needed to get back inside. Separately. 
Eleanora fixed her gaze on the path ahead. She would get Harvey upstairs unseen. He would meet Shane in the card room and they could stew in their respective ruminations over a glass of port— or whatever it was they did together. 
Retracing her steps through the garden, Eleanora could sneak back to the ballroom from the other end of the terrace. She would say an early goodnight and retreat to the solitude of her room. Then she could sit with herself and ponder what the devil she had been thinking. 
Once was a mistake, unexpected and not entirely unforgivable. But twice? 
At least she only had to answer to herself.
Counting her every footfall until they reached the stairs proved an adequate distraction from her churning worries. In that she failed to think that once they reached their destination, she would have to look at him. 
The untamable tangle of dark curls, soulful eyes behind a pair of round frames, and the lips that mere minutes ago had—
“Upstairs,” she whispered, glancing away and praying the darkness concealed the heat rising to her cheeks. “You need only follow the cigar smoke and belligerent political discourse.” 
Eleanora’s heart gave a painful lurch. Why did he have to smile? 
keep reading
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deathwhoregutfucker · 3 months
Pictures of Graf Von Baphomet on his knees.
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phoenix on📍
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Kate on📍
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graf von baphomet on📍
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emmisztikus on📍
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samuraivibes · 7 months
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Chapter 4 of Like Light Through Silk is up! This time, we're focused on Yata and Zenigatta for a change in pace. Hope you enjoy it! Picture commissioned by me from @lady-zoras-artroom . I absolutely love their style and I've been holding onto this piece for a couple of months. She did an excellent job!
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jacksdoodlesnshit · 3 months
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Fan art of an Ogron. Pretty easy to draw, no complications.
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afniel · 3 months
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the-bar-sinister · 9 days
Bleeding, Broken, Mended (88278 words) by VickytheSnake, thesavagesabretooth Chapters: 16/17 Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Donquixote Doflamingo/Trafalgar D. Water Law Additional Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Protective Donquixote Doflamingo, Getting Back Together, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Feels, Angst and Romance, Romance, Drama & Romance, Family Drama, eventual Third Corazon Trafalgar D. Water Law, Background Relationships, Donquixote Doflamingo Needs A Hug, Trafalgar D. Water Law Needs a Hug, Hurt/Comfort, Twisted and Fluffy Feelings, donquixote doflamingo has feelings, POV Third Person, POV Donquixote Doflamingo, POV Trafalgar D. Water Law, Mentioned Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinante, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, the world's cuddliest doflaw fic, smut is in chapter 15, please see chapter 15 authors note for any smut related warnings, Enthusiastic Consent Summary: When Law's ship is blown to hell by Blackbeard he wakes up in the worst case scenario-- rescued by Doflamingo and the Donquixote pirates, trapped at sea and at their mercy. With the destruction of his crew he's alone in enemy territory with only Bepo, and the new crewmate he picked up on Wano.
Law is certain that he was 'rescued' just so Doflamingo could kill him himself, but Doffy has other plans. As far as he's concerned, Law's decade-long quest for revenge was nothing more than a sad misunderstanding. He wants to remind Law how things used to be. He wants to find a way to bring Law back into the fold-- back to him-- forever.
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