#this ask was a whole journey but please hurt me again :) please :) i’m not being sarcastic i need to scream with someone over this
aylinaliens · 2 years
i still think about when yijin's mom was telling him he should find someone like she has with his dad, and yijin was literally going back to that person and it didnt happen. and how yijin had the same advice for heedo that her dad gave her, who she loved very much. he wouldve loved yijin. imaging finding a guy like your amazing father you looked up to. im so ??? tbh i hate when ppl say "the writer gave us many hints it wasnt gonna be endgame since the beginning" OK BUT DID SHE BACK IT UP THROUGHOUT THE SERIES? their characters had to be OOC for it to happen. in no real world where heedo and yijin fight so hard to even BE TOGETHER that they give up like that. thats not good writing idc idc. anyways... EAW pls dont hurt us
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anon ily i really do you are always welcome in my box but shjdjwjdjdjd THIS HAD ME CRYINF REAL TEARS AS SOON AS I WOKE UP 😭 the anger and betrayal i feel toward 2521 is scary. literally where were the hints!! in other sad dramas there are CLEAR hints (think sageuk’s or dramas where one of the leads are terminally sick). the signs? crystal clear. 2521? lazy writing AND to make matters worse they had a severe lack of understanding in the characters they created. they fought so hard!! they gave it their ALL!! i like realistic endings but 2521 was straight up depressing. so you telling me a love like that is impossible? that even if you fight that hard you’ll still end up alone? heedo and yijin love was so real and honest and the reason for them not to be together makes zero sense and if they were never endgame why do the freaking comparison/parallel with the parents?? they WERE ooc jdjdjsjd i would have been okay if they literally got together the last minute like what happens with other dramas because at least we some kind of ending. the 2521 ao3 writers are the real MVP they are churning out better storylines and character studies than the official writers of 2521 themselves
i…heedo and yijin!! why!! WHYYYYYYYY
if eaw goes with a realistic ending (aka breaking them up & making things depressing)…no. please don’t 😭 please please please eaw writers we can’t handle something like that
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writingoddess1125 · 5 months
Could you spare some moments of Shanks and Viv’s mother? Please. I’m begging for some crumbs, they are criminally underrated!!
One Sided
Shanks x Fem Reader
<<< Old Man Series
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What was suppose to only be a fling on your end.
You had been a baker for your whole life, your parents being bakers and your parents parents being bakers. You'd had wanted adventure, something rebellious- Yet you had found something different...
"I think I'm in love with you (Y/N)" He whispered in your ear. Your eyes widening at hearing this as you stared at him shocked, it was too sudden and it felt like his words had swept you under the tides all the sudden.
At the bar that night, a Captian with bright red hair cause your wondering eye. He had said he'd only be there for a short while, buying you drinks and flirting with you. It seemed like the perfect adventure to you, especially when the two of you went back to his ship together.
By morning, you slipping away from his bed before he could wake up. The adrenaline long gone and a comforble sorness between your legs was all that had been left-
You'd didn't expect him to come into your bakery the following day, with flowers in hand and asking you for a date. Shanks cheeks as red as his hair as he shuffeles before you like a school boy wanting his first kiss.
How could you refuse?
The next few weeks started a falling romance, a whirlpool of feelings that you seemed to have a hard time catching up to.
You could see he was falling hard for you, while you fell into confusion. Every night for those weeks you laid in bed together, you unsure if it was lust or the starting of love bringing you there.
"I have to leave tomorrow morning... I have a journey to make" Shanks said softly, laying next to you in your bed. You looking to him surprised.
Part of you was relived- while the other part was hurt?
"For how long?-
"I don't know.. But I want you to see me off tommorow.. If you want, you can even come with me" He said softly, playing with your hair.
You could see his eyes shimmering with affection and a desire for you to be there, so you cuddled against him and nodded.
"I'll be there to see you off.." You whispered, that sentence being enough for Shanks to know the silent rejection of you coming with him.
By morning, you had made the two of you breakfast in your tiny kitchen. It felt far too domestic to go unnoticed by either of you-
After breakfast the two of you walking together to the docks, silence following the both of you like a heavy blanket. Unsure of what was to come next-
Once to the docks, he turned to face you- Looking over your face as you cleaned into his gentle touch, Shanks leaning into place soft kisses on your cheeks and pulling you flushed against him like he had done ever night and every morning.
"I-I.." You couldn't speak, your cheeks feeling blushed at this point. He chuckled a bit sadly and lowered his head, clearly a bit embarrassed at himself for his own sudden words.
"Don't force yourself Love" He said calmly, rubbing your cheek with his thumb gently in affection. Guilt now hitting your chest a bit, unsure of what else to say as you bowed your head also embarrassed.
"I'm sorry" You whisper, earning a chuckle from Shanks.
"Don't be- Never apologize for how you feel..."
There was a moment of silence between the two of you it was almost awkward- almost. You looking up and just greatful for his kind words.
"Be safe- You hear me?" You say softly. This earning a chuckle from the man.
"Of course and I'll come back for you- And ill make sure to hear those words from you one day" Shanks said with a bright smile, pressing a kiss to your lips as he stepped away from you and onto his ship.
You wave to him, watching him as he conducted the crew to set sail. He stared down at you, His red hair haloing around him as the winds picked up.
"I'll see you again (Y/N)! Don't forget!" He called out, You of course smiling and nodding.
"I wont!"
With that the ship pulled away from the tiny dock of your village, sailing away from you. An unfamiliar pain hitting your chest as you watched Shanks sail away from you, a burn of tears hitting your eyes you didn't expect.
Standing on the dock as you watch his ship go over the horizon. Touching your chest, right above your heart where it ached the most.
"I think I love you too.."
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buttercupjosh · 11 months
Underneath the Stars
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(Gif credit to @jonasiegenthaler)
Word count: 3,075
Warnings: none
Genres: established relationship, fluff, self-insert
A/N: I’m back at it again by participating in @wyattjohnston’s Summer Fic Exchange and this is my story for @ilyasorokinn, written with the very handsome Nico Hischier. I hope that you like it. I’m sorry in advance that it kinda goes by fast and about the timeline format but I just wanted to try something different. I also decided to challenge myself a bit more by writing adding some dialogue so please bear with me if the conversations aren’t that great. This is an established relationship story (so there’s no meet cute this time, which was a challenge for me to not write one). I’ve also never been to New York City before so I used Google to help me and I apologize for any inaccuracies. Title and some of the story elements comes from Underneath the Stars by Mariah Carey (which I highly recommend listening to). There are also some elements of the journey across NYC events that take place in “The Sun Is Also A Star” by Nicola Yoon (book). As always, I’m open to any and all feedback, comments or questions; just put them in my inbox or dm me. Thank you so much in advance for reading, I appreciate it😌 (P.S. I have other stories (linked here) that I have written for other players as well if you want to check it out)
Optional/recommended listening: Underneath the Stars by Mariah Carey
“Who needs a crowd when you’re happy at a party of two?” -Late To The Party by Kacey Musgraves
7:05-10:00 pm
Another Devils season had yet again come to an end without making the Stanley Cup Final. It was a bit disappointing but the nice thing about being eliminated early is that you had some additional time to spend with your boyfriend, Nico. You were excited to see him but you knew your time together would be bittersweet. You were granted a summer sports medicine fellowship opportunity in California but that meant that you would spend the whole summer away from Nico and you would not be able to visit him in Switzerland either. Nico was happy for you, achieving something that you worked really hard for, but he was also a bit sad that you wouldn’t be able to spend the off-season together and be in the same place without worrying about the hockey season for a few months. You and Nico had been separated at times before, while he was away on road trips, but this felt much different. 
For your last outing together before going your separate ways, you agreed to go into the city to watch the Mets play against your favorite team, the San Francisco Giants. Yes, although you were dating the captain of a hockey team, your favorite sport was baseball. Despite being surrounded by others, the PATH train ride into the city felt like you were the only 2 people on board. During your trip, you noticed that the light from the waning sunset bathed Nico in the warmest glow. Before you knew it, you were in New York City and continued the rest of your journey. After taking the main NYC subway, you arrived to your destination at Citi Field and had a lot of fun at the game. It was so nice to enjoy your favorite pastime with Nico and it didn’t hurt that he looked good in a baseball jersey as well. Every time you watched a game, Nico always asked you questions about what was going on since baseball isn’t as popular in Switzerland. It was fun to be on the other side as the one explaining the game to him, just like he would explain things to you when you watched his beloved soccer together or had questions about hockey. One nice memory that was made during the game was singing along to “Take Me Out to The Ball Game”; the song was such a classic and Nico even joked that there should be a hockey version of the song, which made you giggle. Your time together at the game flew by and to your delight, the Giants won.
10:10 pm-10:15 pm
After the game, you planned on taking the subway together back over to New Jersey but Nico could sense that something was off on your walk to the station.
“Hey, what’s wrong? You look upset.” Nico asked with a hint of concern in his voice.
“I’m sorry, Nico, I just don’t want this night to end. I’ve been having such a good time with you and I know once you leave, I won’t see you for a while,”  you replied, trying to hold back tears. 
Nico felt the same way, he knew he would go back to Jersey, go to sleep, and have to wait months before seeing you again.
“It doesn’t have to end, my love. What else should we do then?”, Nico said with a smile on his face.
10:40 pm-12:56 am
After your conversation, you decided to go to a late night showing of Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse at Alamo Drafthouse. Before the movie, you and Nico stopped at a nearby bodega to get some snacks to sneak in. Nico didn’t care if the snacks were a bit unhealthy because it was the off-season and although it was wrong to sneak in outside food, it’s not like the theater employees were going to kick you out anyways. There weren't many people around for the showing so it was almost like the movie was shown just for the two of you. During the movie, Nico subconsciously put his arm around you and tried to pull you in closer; he would miss movie nights with you. It was a rare opportunity for him to just sit down and relax with his lover. The movie itself was super amazing and after the movie, you and Nico had a lengthy conversation about the events of the film.
1:00 am-2:00 am
Sleep may be an athlete’s secret weapon but even at 1 am, Nico still had energy. You ended up having a game night at Brooklyn Bowl since it was the only fun place that wasn’t a bar that was still open. Of course, being an athlete meant there was a competitive side to Nico so he was trying his best to win the game. You, on the other hand, were just having fun and didn’t care as much about winning. Nico’s goal was to get a strike but he kept knocking most of the pins down except for 1 or 2 so when you got a strike in your casual play, Nico was ecstatic. He lifted you up in the air and spun you around, making you laugh. All of the other patrons must have thought he was drunk but no, he was just sober and so happy for you. You were slightly embarrassed by your boyfriend’s excited gesture but you didn’t care because yet again, he made you laugh. Hearing you laugh was a sound that Nico would miss while you were apart from each other. Despite striking out, you didn’t win the game and Nico never achieved getting a strike but he had more points so winning allowed him to gain even more energy for the rest of the evening.
2:30-3:00 am
Since Brooklyn Bowl closes at 2 am, there was still time in the night and exhaustion hadn’t hit either of you yet so you and Nico headed back towards Manhattan. Nico decided that the best way to expel some of his extra energy was singing and bopping around. Nico’s actions inspired an activity. You decided to go for a late-night karaoke session at a karaoke bar called Karaoke Boho Orchard in the Lower East Side. Thankfully, this karaoke bar had private rooms so you wouldn’t have to worry about singing on stage in front of strangers. 
Nico wanted to sing first and he dedicated “Lover” by Taylor Swift to you; it was a song that you loved dearly. Although Nico’s vocals were a bit off-key, you were so in awe observing him sing and you began to quietly tear up a little bit. While you were wrapped up in your bubble of awe, you didn’t quite realize that Nico had finished singing; you didn’t even think about what song you were going to sing. After scrolling through the song catalog, you serenaded Nico to “Always Be My Baby” by Mariah Carey. The song reminded the two of you that no matter what separates you, you’ll always be a part of each other. Nico’s heart began to fill with so much amusement and joy with your musical tribute. Listening to you enunciate the words of the song sounded almost like poetry. If Nico wasn’t weak in the knees with loving you from before, watching you sing to him made him hit the ground. After you completed the song, Nico suggested singing a duet together and you settled on “Islands In The Stream” by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers. Although it was cheesy, singing love songs to your lover and with your lover reminded you both that the love you shared was so strong. For the rest of your time, you and Nico continued to sing different songs. It was so much fun singing and dancing together; it was a side that rarely came out but whenever it did, you both always had a good time.
3:00-3:45 am
The karaoke room was paid by the hour but Nico was a bit hungry so the two of you made a quick stop at Katz’s Deli since it was the only food place open nearby. The restaurant was surprisingly not filled with many people so you and Nico sat close to the walls; observing the wall photos, trying to figure out who the famous faces were.
“Do you think I should tell them who I am so I can get my picture on the wall?” Nico jokingly asked while you waited for your food to come out.
“Nico, you do know this is Rangers territory? They would rather burn your picture than put it up” you whisper replied.
“Y/n, you do know that the diners in Jersey are better right?” Nico said in a not-so-serious louder tone.
“Nico, how dare you insult an iconic New York institution?” you gritted through your teeth.
You playfully swatted at him and thankfully, your waiter arrived with your order of potato latkes and matzo ball soup. Over the meal, you and Nico chatted and people-watched those who came in and out of the restaurant. 
3:45-5:00 am
As the night dragged into the almost sunrise hours, you started getting tired. Nico suggested that you rent a hotel room and rest; he knew that you would probably fall asleep on the train ride back to New Jersey and preferred for you to rest somewhere somewhat comfortable. The closest hotel was the Hotel Indigo Lower East Side, which was right next door to Katz’s Deli. You pleaded with Nico that he didn’t have to pay for a last-minute hotel room but he insisted. The front desk person who checked in was a Devils fan so they gave you a discount and a room with a spectacular view of the city. Nico embraced you as you lay in bed and you tried your best to fall asleep but you couldn’t quite stop staring at the sea of lights from the City That Never Sleeps right outside of your window. You wanted to continue to talk to Nico but as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was knocked out. Over time, your eyes fell heavy and you went to sleep.
5:00-6:00 am
You couldn’t quite stay asleep, your brain raced with thoughts about how your time with Nico was winding down, even though, he was right next to you. You watched Nico as he slept, matching your breaths with the rise and fall of his chest, wondering what he was dreaming about; he looked so peaceful. You tried to quietly slip out of Nico’s arms but he kept pulling you back to hold you close to him. Nico’s eyes fluttered open once he felt the flat space of the mattress after you successfully broke free to use the bathroom. When you emerged from the bathroom, Nico’s big brown eyes greeted yours and he was sitting up in bed. 
“Are you okay? Do you want to switch rooms?”, Nico asked with the same hint of concern from earlier in the evening.
“No, I’m good. I just can’t sleep”, you replied back, “ but you can go back to bed.”
“Do you want to leave and go back home then?”, Nico suggested.
Hearing him say that made the reality of your time ending together hit you in a painful spot but it was for the best; you couldn’t stop putting off the inevitable separation that was going to happen soon. You agreed to go home. On the elevator ride downstairs, Nico expressed that he would want to come back to see more parts of the city and for a staycation with you and you suggested that since the hotel had a rooftop bar, it would be a good spot to host a team party.
Instead of taking a train to get there, you decided to walk to the PATH train station that would return you back to New Jersey. On your walk, you and Nico passed through sections of the New York University campus and even made a quick stop at Washington Square Park. Although the park wasn’t as large as Central Park, it was nice to stroll around together and there was a warm gentle breeze that wrapped around you. There weren’t many people around, just a few joggers and people walking their dogs. At one point during your walk, Nico wanted to take a quick break to sit on the grass. Sitting on the grass eventually turned into laying on the grass. There were still a few stars out from the previous evening but not long before, you watched the sun begin to spill the warm colors into the sky; the rising sunlight dressed you in a warm glow. It was hitting Nico bad that this would be the last time that he would hold you for the rest of the summer and he planted a kiss on your head. You felt a tear hit your scalp and you looked up to see Nico crying a little. You had never seen Nico cry like this before but you reassured him that everything was going to be okay. After the sun fully rose, you and Nico left the park to go home. As you walked under the Washington Square Arch, you squeezed Nico’s hand three times as a quiet gesture to remind him that you loved him.
6:30-7:30 am
The train ride back to Jersey had much fewer people than the train ride over. You and Nico sat in the back, wrapped in your own personal bubble. Nico kept trying to stay awake to maximize the time you had left together but he ended up taking a nap on your shoulder. You still couldn’t quite fall fully asleep yet. Although he didn’t have to do so, you were grateful that Nico sacrificed his time and sleep schedule to spend all night with you. Nico felt similarly; there was no one else in this world that he would be willing to spend sunset to sunrise in NYC, running on little sleep than with you. While he was asleep, you slipped a custom handmade letter bead bracelet onto Nico’s wrist. It was neutral colored and it had your initials together on it so everytime Nico looked down at his wrist, he would be reminded of you. You and Nico hadn’t planned on exchanging gifts before you left but you decided to make it for for him once you realized that you wouldn’t be spending the summer together.
After arriving in Jersey, you and Nico went to a local diner to share one last meal together. As you waited for your order, you were calmly soaking in your final moments with Nico but he was a bit antsy in his seat. Something was on his mind and he couldn’t quite keep in any longer.
“Can we take it to go? I want one final moment with just us.” Nico declared.
8:00 am
Over your last breakfast at your apartment, you and Nico reflected on last night’s events and the memories you made together. The time you had together sailed by so fast and you both had such a great time; it was both beautiful and bittersweet at the same time. You were obviously surrounded by people everywhere you went that evening but at times, it felt like the city felt like it was your own secret, special place.
Nico’s flight to Switzerland wasn’t scheduled to leave until the following afternoon so he still had time to get some sleep and finalize any final things before leaving the country until returning for training camp in September. After breakfast was done, you and Nico migrated toward the couch to watch the news; watching the morning news together was a rare thing that you got to do together whenever Nico had a weekend off day. You tried your best to stay awake but a wave of tiredness crashed hard into you and you ended up drifting off to sleep in Nico’s arms on the couch. As you lay deep asleep in Nico’s arms, he reluctantly said goodbye. He really didn’t want to leave you behind and wish that he could just move your summer fellowship to Switzerland so that you could be enjoying a Swiss summer with him. He would spend part of his time, missing you being so far away and trying to perfect a potato latke recipe to match the one you had enjoyed at Katz’s Deli. Being this close to you for one last time, Nico could feel himself fading into you and feel the parts of you that faded into him with each minute that passed and he had hoped that these parts would stick around long after he left (which they did).
Time unknown
You woke up hours later on the couch, feeling a bit disoriented. The TV was turned off and you were covered in a blanket. It was dark outside and Nico was gone but he left a gift behind for you. Before going to shower, you noticed that there was a stack of Polaroids and one of Nico’s bracelets on the coffee table. The stack contained all of the pictures from the evening before that Nico took on his phone: the photo of you and Nico at a baseball game that was taken by a fan, a photo of you singing karaoke, an image of Nico taking a selfie while you were looking off-guard at the Katz’ Deli picture wall, a photo of your side profile looking out the window on the train ride home and a Nico selfie on the grass at Washington Square Park to round out the stack. On the back of each Polaroid, Nico wrote “I love you so much” and other sweet notes. You were slightly confused as to how Nico did this but you realized that he had secretly stashed his mobile Polaroid printer at your apartment. It was such a kind gesture that Nico put these photos together for you. Last night felt like a dream but the love captured in those photographs were the most significant memories you would hold onto. Whether you were hundreds of miles or a few inches apart, the love you both shared was always there, lingering around in your hearts. It sucked that you would be separated for a brief moment in time but each day apart was one day closer to being together again.
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mazzystar24 · 2 months
Hello, I hope you are having a good day. I was wondering if I could ask your thought and possible speculation for next episode. I've read what you've answered so I hope this is not a redundant ask.
I know and we all know that this is gonna hurt Buck to feel left behind to be replaced even maybe not feel good enough to be Eddie's friend (or more but my shipper heart need to calm down) and most of us realise that this is most likely, hopefully the time where buck is gonna realise that he feels more towards eddie. But my question is more regarding Eddie, what do you think happens in his pov? Like eddie doesn't have the same problems as buck regarding abandonment issues but he knows buck has them. You think he gonna realise them like during their basketball fight or after (that is gonna hurt to watch) or maybe someone will point it out? And if he realises it would he also go on a journey to realise his feelings or at least have him question why buck feel that and him wanting buck to realise that he should never think eddie will leave him?
And last then I'm stopping cause I don't want to be a bother, but what about Christopher? You think he's gonna be mentioned? Maybe Tommy mentioning him or something switch the flip for buck to start a fight (I know it's mostly and accident but I dont know how else to put it) or eddie uses christopher to anchor him (more episode 7x05 I guess then)? But that feels like the first one hurts way too much and the second like eddie would mask his feelings by using Christopher as a sort os middle ground/shield.
Sorry for the long ask is just that I ve always been the person whose friends preferred other friends and never picked for teams that sort of thing so just the sneak peak hurts to see and I wanted some insight and I've really liked your take on the whole thing. Also, fun fact the only person that did pick me I ended up marrying so eddie please take note lol
Hey anon thanks and you too! <3
I think Eddie’s perspective is super interesting to get into this episode because I genuinely think that he genuinely doesn’t realise that buck could be jealous because in his head he’s reassured Buck so many times and he himself is so self assured in their friendship and their places in eachothers lives that I think it genuinely doesn’t cross his mind at first to even think buck may be jealous. Like you saw him in that sneak peak like he saw buck and started bouncing on his heels like OMG BUCK IS COMING? YOU SHOULD HAVE MENTIONED THATS SO GREAT!!!!!🥰😍👏🏽👏🏽
I think like when he sees the jealousy that seems to be apparently directed toward him over tommy(??) and also towards him having other friends that he’ll be a little pissed and hurt and confused inside but nothing like deep or angsty I think he knows buck enough to like understand how deep his insecurities lie and will very easily overcome this little conflict
I don’t think from his perspective he’d question buddie things based off of this because their relationship has always been different than other friendships and buck has always been very insecure in general so he may hash it up to that, but if buck were to point out that not only is he feeling replaced on a friendship level by Tommy and maybe mention something about Marisol it could cause a little 🤨👀👀👀 moment but I think that’s the secret optimist in me
Ah stop don’t worry about being a bother I legit love these asks, on the Christopher front I think that’d be hard to fit in but would be cool to see, like I think that based off interviews it’s supposed to be a very lighthearted episode so I’m not expecting an overt amount of angst. But Chris is such a huge part of Eddie’s life and this is a character driven episode so I can see them mentioning him. Also I sorta made a joke about this but I can see them not so subtly comparing player Chris at the start of the season to this funny little jealousy thing going on between buck and Eddie.
Again DONT APOLOGISE FOR THE LONG ASKS AND I WONT APOLOGISE FOR THE LONGASS RAMBLING ANSWERS (that’s a lie I will continue to do that but I’m a hypocrite) I totally get what you mean like that is such a shitty feeling but I don’t think that this episode seems to be that angsty so hope it’s lighthearted for you too when it airs. That last part was so adorable btw yes Eddie should take notes from you and your spouse 😌
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The Mission Bolin x Reader Series: Part Four
You return to Republic City and don’t recieve the warmest welcome but manage to prove to everyone where your loyalties lie...but can you show this to Bolin?
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Previous Parts: One, Two and Three.
When you got back to Republic City you could’ve easily slunk away and buried your head in the sand but you didn’t. You went right to the council and shared with them everything you knew. You told them you’d accept any punishment they thought fair but asked you be allowed to help in the time being. Obviously they were all very wary of you but Varrick vouched for you. “She’s on our side now we promise! Kuvira was intimidating her as much as she was everyone else but Y/n stood up for us and is a very big part of why we're still here”. Varrick’s word didn’t seem to be doing much good though, which was understandable considering his past, so you stepped forwards ready to argue your case when Bolin beat you to it. “Varrick’s right. Y/n helped get us here and stood up to Kuvira for us...she can be trusted and she has invaluable knowledge. We’re going to need her to stop this”. Mako’s brother and the Avatar both nodded, convinced by Bolin’s world and that persuaded Tenzin and the others. “Fine!” Raiko nodded “you can help but we’ll be watching you like a hawk and the second you falter you’ll be locked away forever”. You nodded “I won’t let you down”. 
You hoped to catch Bolin after the meeting but Raiko grilled you for hours to get information about Kuvira and when you left Bolin was nowhere to be seen. The next day you found Mako, Bolin’s brother and asked if he knew where Bolin was staying. He directed you to Air Temple Island and you made your way there a bundle of nerves. You found Bolin outside playing with Pabu and smiled to see he seemed back to normal...or he did until he looked up and saw you. Oblivious, Pabu ran over to say hello before Bolin could intercept him. You stroked Pabu happily and Bolin stood up, coming towards you hesitantly. “Hey” you said softly “I’m really sorry to drop in on you like this but with the war coming I figured sooner would be better. Can we please talk?" you asked. Bolin sighed "i guess I can’t avoid it forever...let's go this way" and he led you to a private part of the island overlooking the ocean. You nodded and followed him in silence. Once you were sat down Bolin frowned "so...do you want to take the lead?". You nodded and took a breath. “I just wanted to apologise again for everything I did to you and give you a chance to ask any questions...I’m so sorry for everything Bolin and I know the journey here hasn’t solved anything. Is there anything you want to say to me?”. "Was it all just a game?" Bolin asked and you had a feeling this had been on his mind for a while. "Being nice to be, laughing with me, flirting with me...the whole time you were only speaking to me because she told you to right? Would you even have given me the time of day if she hadn't commanded you to?" Bolin asked. You nodded "of course I would have! Initially I did it because she told me to but after our first meeting I realised I enjoyed being around you and it stopped being a secret mission but something I wanted to do. I liked being around you Bolin, I would’ve acted the same way I promise". Bolin sighed "well unsurprising I don’t believe you" and he looked away upset. "Of course I want to believe you. I want to think you did care for me and like me but how can I even begin to trust you?" he pointed out. It was a very good question and one you didn’t have the answer to. You sighed "I don’t know" you replied honestly "I've hurt you in an awful way and I don’t know how I can ever do enough to repair that. To make you feel safe around me again but I promise I'm not going to quit until I do it. I'm not going to stop trying even if you lose interest or hate me. I will never stop trying to repay the damage I did because you mean a lot to me Bolin. While it wasn’t genuine at first it didn’t take long before it started being and by the end I’d really fallen for you. I know that ship has probably sailed for us forever but all I want is to get your friendship back. No matter how much work it takes". Bolin nodded "okay. I can’t promise anything but I also won’t tell you it’s impossible". You nodded to him "that’s more than I could’ve hoped for, thank you". Bolin nodded and walked away.
You heard Opal was in town the following day and figured she deserved an apology as well. You made your way to Lin Beifong’s apartment where Opal was staying and knocked twice. You were sure this wasn’t going to be pleasant and that was before you told her what you’d done to her and Bolin’s relationship. But still you wanted to wash away everything you'd done for your sister and the first step was being honest. So you’d deal with this and then you could move on.
The door opened and Opal appeared. "What do you want?" she asked. Great start, she hated you already. You winced and tried to look non-threatening. "I was hoping we could talk?" you asked. "Funny you two even think alike now" she replied and you paused "me and who?". "Bolin” she said and Opal moved back to reveal the living room where Bolin was sat awkwardly. He met your eye and you looked away "sorry I didn’t realise he was here...i’ll come back later". "No why don’t you stay?" Opal asked her voice dripping with anger "Bolin was just explaining how he broke up with me for you and I'd love to hear your side of things". You winced but Opal held the door open very menacingly for an airbender. You walked inside and sat in the only available chair which was next to Bolin. "So" Opal said standing in front of you both "carry on Bolin". Bolin coughed "so after we broke up I went to Y/n and I...we kissed". "The same night I left, right?" Opal asked. Bolin nodded "yes". "And you thought that was okay because...?". Bolin sighed "I knew it wasn’t but I hadn't seen you in so long and every time we did it was so tense. Things with Y/n had been building for a while and I was so emotional after our breakup it all just kind of burst out". Opal raised an eyebrow "so you're blaming me?". Bolin immediately denied that and went to explain himself when you stepped in. "Haven’t you told her what I did?". Bolin shook his head "I was getting to that part". You turned to her "Opal none of this was Bolin’s fault. Kuvira calculated it. She made a plan to have Bolin fall for me and I...I helped her. I seduced him and encouraged him to break up with you. I made myself seem like the better alternative and helped orchestrate the whole thing so if you want to be angry at anyone it should be me". Opal shook her head "you're acting like you twisted his arm behind his back and forced him to fall for you. Whether you encouraged it or not you didn't force him to do anything. You didn’t make him separate from me or make him kiss you. From what I've heard you actually stopped that. Bolin fell for you because he liked you" she said "and for me that's the ultimate betrayal because if he’d really have liked me and had no feelings for you to begin with then this would have never happened". "Opal please" Bolin cried as you said "let me explain it better" but she’d had enough. "No I'm done. You both said you wanted to explain and you did so get out. Bolin it’s over, stop blaming Y/n for your own actions and take responsibility. Y/n...well all the apologies in the world won’t resolve what you've done but I think I have an idea of how you can start". You frowned "how?". "You're going to help me break my family out of Kuvira’s prison".
All things considered risking your life to save Opal’s family who had been imprisoned by your sister, the one you helped takeover their home, seemed fair. So you agreed. Bolin had protested, claiming Opal shouldn’t just punish you but him too. That honestly hadn’t helped things and so you rode to the prison in a very stormy silence. Lin was smart enough not to get involved and stayed quiet. 
Once you got there you were soon joined by Toph and broke into the prison. The Beifongs were literally tossed to freedom and only when you got outside of the cell undetected did they all turn to you. "Y/n?" Su yin asked the first chance she got. "You came back to us?" Wei asked a smile on his face and you felt like crying. "No" Opal’s voice rang out "she was working against us the whole time. She’s only here because Kuvira made her go against Bolin and that was too much for her. Not us". The Beifongs all frowned and you hung your head, aware there were no words in the world you could say to make up for what you’d done to your real family. "Still..." Huan said suddenly "she’s here rescuing us and where’s Bataar? Our actual flesh and blood". You looked up to see the others were slowly nodding. Suyin smiled and stepped towards you "regardless I'm happy you're here and you're safe" she said offering you a hand “if you’re willing to make this first step then so are we”. You took one look at her kind face and burst into tears. "I'm so sorry! For everything" you sobbed and Su cradled you in her arms. "It's okay" she soothed and you finally felt safe. Opal understandably wasn’t happy but the others all forgave you. You explained why Opal hated you and how it was justified. The others all just replied she’d forgive you eventually and you felt so happy to have your family back. You were always closest to the twins and found yourself staying with them on the way back to Republic City. "So..." Wei asked "where did you and Bolin leave things?". You swallowed "I told him that I'd always care for him as more but I'd never stop trying to win his friendship back". You expected the twins to judge you for saying that to their little sister’s ex-boyfriend but they just nodded. "That seems fair" Wing nodded and you stared "how are you all not yelling at me?". Wei smiled softly "Y/n you may not be a Beifong by blood but you do realise we grew up as together right? To us you're family. So is Kuvira too and anything you've done doesn’t really matter now you've said sorry and are trying to put it right. We love you and we support you. Opal and Bolin were on the outs before you even got involved but he’s a nice guy. If you have something with him then we say go for it". "Really?" You asked tears in your eyes and Wei nodded "yes". “You’re the best brothers ever” you replied and the twins grinned to hear you finally call them that. 
When the final battle came you fought in it side by side with your earth bender family. You brought Kuvira’s giant mecha suit down and then Kuvira herself. Bolin got to the new spirit portal just in time to see Korra emerge with Kuvira. Bolin spotted you across the field and you were staring frozen as Lin and Su clamped handcuffs around your sister’s wrists and everyone celebrated. Bolin watched you warily and felt a pang of sadness. No matter what you’d done he still cared about you and seeing you upset made him sad. He went to step towards you when a twin appeared on either side of you. Wei touched your arm tentatively and you turned and buried your head against him crying. Wing joined the hug and Bolin was pleased to see atleast you’d reconnected with your family. Not wanting to ruin the moment Bolin walked away.
1 year later
After the battle you were pardoned by Raiko due to your help taking down Kuvira and so you didn’t serve any jail time. However you didn’t return to Zafou after the battle. Kuvira had done a lot of damage to Republic City, hundreds injured, thousands displaced and so many homes utterly destroyed. So, you decided to do something about it. 
Bolin witnessed the whole thing and saw first hand the stroke of genius ran in Kuvira’s bloodline family. You became lead of the restoration efforts and everyone soon forgot who's sister you were once your intentions became clear. The Beifong’s were a golden support system and Bolin saw even you and Opal were friends again which was nice. Opal had also told him she’d forgiven him and they were friends again but he knew that was all it would be with her. With you however that was a different story. Bolin still liked you. He knew it was stupid, most people would never consider going back to someone who did what you’d done but he couldn’t deny how he felt. Not to mention everything you’d said turned out to be true and he saw the changes you’d made to become a better person. You weren’t the same person as before and neither was he. But that didn’t make telling you any less scary. Bolin finally decided to do it one day after he spent the whole week watching you help refugees get rehabilitated. He knew he had to tell you or move on and he chose the former. Bolin could always find you around city hall these days so he headed there and soon enough he spotted you walking down a hallway. "Y/n" he called and you stopped looking around. You smiled when you saw him and walked over "Bolin! How are you? Is everything okay?". Bolin nodded "I’m good thanks and everything is great. I was just wondering if I could talk to you? What time do you finish up here?". You seemed surprised but quickly recovered "I actually finish in an hour, there’s a great coffee shop around your corner if you’d like to go there?". Bolin nodded "sounds great! I'll meet you at the main entrance in an hour".
It was raining when Bolin got to the coffee shop so he went inside and found a table. He sat facing the door, which turned out to be a bad thing as every time it opened his heart sped up and he panicked before realising it wasn’t you. Finally, after many false calls you arrived. Bolin froze as you stood there in the doorway and he felt his palms sweat and his cheeks flush at what he was about to do. He was excited but also terrified. You’d said you would always care for him as a friend and as more but what if that had changed in the year that had passed? What if he’d missed his chance and the two of you would never get your opportunity to be a couple? “Bolin?” you called having located him and Bolin jumped up “y/n hey! Thanks for coming”. You smiled sitting down “no problem, so...how can I help? If it’s about those building permits please tell President Zhu Li I’m getting the zoning board to work as fast as possible...”. “No it’s not work-related it’s about...us”. “Ow...” you said and your whole body language changed “okay, what do you want to discuss?”. 
Bolin took a deep breath “well first of all I wanted to tell you I’ve noticed all the good things you’ve done this past year and how you’ve been trying to reduce the damage Kuvira caused and I truly believe you’re a good person. I’ve forgiven you for what happened between us”. Your face lit up in surprise and you smiled shocked “really? Bolin that’s amazing! Thank you so much”. Bolin smiled “it’s nothing, it felt right so thanks for not giving up I guess”. “Totally worth it” you grinned and Bolin blushed ”also one more thing...I wondered if things have changed at all for you? Before you mentioned you would always care for me as more than a friend but were happy just being friends, is that still true”. You paused looking down “yes my feelings haven’t changed. I think I’ll always like you but I respect your feelings and promise never to try anything with you...is that what you were worried about?”. Bolin shook his head “no more the opposite, Y/n I still like you too and all this time I was unsure if I could trust you but like I just said I know I can now and so I wondered if you’d maybe like to go on a date with me?”. Your face split into an even more surprised expression and Bolin had never seen your eyes so wide before. You spluttered in shock “I’m...of course I would! Sorry i’m just lost for words because I thought I’d royally screwed this up so to hear you say this, I can’t believe how lucky I am”. Bolin blushed, in all his relationships he was usually the one providing all the security and compliments and it was nice to have someone else share that. “Well I feel pretty lucky too, none of my past partners have gone to the amount of effort you have to show me they care. You make me feel wanted and I like that”. You blushed but didn’t look away “I do want you Bolin, so not to sound eager but when are you free for that date because I’d love to take you out and make you feel even more special”. Bolin was so flushed he felt several degrees warmer and he smiled “how’s Friday night?”. “It’s a date” you grinned and Bolin smiled “great...” and he tentatively reached across the table to take your hand. Your drinks arrived seconds later and you smiled holding yours up “a toast, may our future be a lot less complicated and happier than our past”. Bolin nodded “to our future” and clinked your glass. You had a good feeling about this and couldn’t wait to see what your future had in store. 
You always used to fear the future but now, with Bolin back in your life you were ready for it. 
Bring it on. 
Bolin is the bestest boy! 
I never really warmed to him and Opal as a couple because it just felt forced to me, like they were both single and nice people so they got smushed together. I wish they’d given him a more romantic fun partnership like Korra x Asami and Mako x Wu (yes they’re together in my mind). Even the way they got together felt quite convenient and not really that special or fun. All I’m saying is Bolin and Opal both deserve better! 
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thunders-lumity · 1 year
Lumity Fic Recommendations
I read a lot of lumity fics on AO3, and I was smart enough to actually start bookmarking them from the start of my time in this fandom, so! Here is a collection of just a few fics I adore.
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out of the blue - by somewhereokay
This is more of Amity-centric fic, but there is an absolutely delightful and romantic chapter with Luz. It revolves around Amity recieving a call from Odalia for the first time in three years post-finale, and the emotional fallout of how Amity deals with that. I cannot recommend this fic enough. It is so well-written and has such a lovely conclusion.
She Wants Me (To Be Loved) - by Starry_Amaryllis
Hurt/comfort that concludes with fluff. Luz has a nightmare, and Amity is the softest girlfriend ever. If you also love nightmare fics and/or Luz struggling with her self-worth (that sounds mean but you know what I’m saying), then this is definitely a fic you should read.
there is a swelling storm (and I'm caught up in the middle of it all) - by gayestcatra
 Set during the Thanks to Them timeskip. Amity watches a human realm thunderstorm with Luz, and she’s overwhelmed and transfixed by it all at once. The fic is a sweet conversation between them, but it’s fluff underlined with such a bittersweet edge, due to Luz’s mental health in S3 and her POV being heartbreaking to read. But, the good kind of heartbreaking.
Hush, my baby, do not cry - by jacepurr88
Luz sees Amity singing their baby a lullaby goodnight, and she’s very emotional about it. I don’t know what to say about this one, it’s just perfect, and probably the cutest domestic lumity fic you’ll find on the whole website.
Hello, My Old Heart - by moonlight_sapphic 
If there was ever a fic to make you feel proud of Luz, it’s this one. It tackles her traumas and all the fallout from S3, but it also shows Luz taking steps to get better and confide in her loved ones, and I just!! I love it. The relationship between Luz and Amity is just a part of the fic, again - there’s soft moments here with Camila and Eda too.
Paper Stars - by lemonadeglaze (@fizzledlines​)
I could go on and on about this fic but I’ll try to keep it brief. Set during the Thanks to Them timeskip, Luz can’t sleep and she certainly won’t ask for help. But Amity, Willow and Vee are going to be there for her no matter what. The lumity in this fic is adorable, but it’s also about the hexsquad girls all coming together to support Luz. And it’s a tough but very heartwarming journey over the course of the fic, and the ending makes me want to cry every time.
There they are - just six lumity fics that I think are all wonderful - I have many more I could recommend, but I’m keeping it brief for now. If you know any of the authors’ tumblr accounts please let me know so I can tag them!!
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werdlewrites · 9 months
Those Two Words (Dean Winchester x OC)
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summary: He watched her, too. The way she floats through the home with a now sleeping baby in her arms, head just on her shoulder. She doesn’t make a sound, and even if she had, Eric was known to be a heavy sleeper. But it’s effortless - like she was made for this, despite never picturing her future with a child. Until it happened. And then it didn’t. warnings: small amount of dialogue, hurt/comfort/depression, miscarriage, Dean is a family man, AU? mentions of two OC's. This might be triggering for some wc: 4,075
There’s a light that flickers inside. A bundle of life to soar within your chest like thousands of butterflies to kiss your skin. It loves, forgives, and guides through this short journey left on Earth. It’s filled with beauty - something to never know pain or darkness, and yet it comes. Heartache penetrates this shimmer - wounds left behind as violent claws reach through your soul to tear it in two. There’s no peace, not even in grieving for the loss of someone you loved - or the loss of a piece of yourself. Time is the only ally, yet enemy all the same. Time brings distance from the pain, allowing wounds to stitch together with the hope of becoming whole again. Then the guilt comes - fallen from the tongue of someone unseen, yet buried in your mind. It calls you “selfish” and “unloving” as you move - not on, but forward. You allow fingers to pry their way through a healing light, and rip it open to bleed and create an ugly scar. A reminder of the hurt - the suffering.
The light heals but is weaker than it once had been. Tired from the time spent in recovery, yet strong enough to carry on - for you to carry on. It quivers and shakes as the memories come flooding in, yet you remain strong on two feet. Sometimes it falters - flickering in and out to leave its person in a daze, fighting to catch their breath or understand their surroundings. Like now, a mere two words rang out like a church bell in her ears. Yet, not of something to celebrate and praise, but rather, a time of mourning. Two words to lock her in place, mouth hung agape as she tried to understand..if she heard correctly. They trickle in like the start of summer's rainfall, until the pressure builds and breaks through the dam, dousing the light.
“I’m pregnant,”
She’s stuck in the dining room chair, hands splayed out over her knees - squeezing, though she doesn’t know it. All senses die as her life flutters and falls to the polished wood beneath her bare feet. Her best friend of a decade was pregnant - someone so beautiful, carrying a frail, tiny creature to call her mother. “Please say something,” Allison begs, voice warm and filled with sorrow for her friend - the color drained from the woman's face. She doesn’t seek a “congratulations” to come spilling out in the heavy quiet - more so forgiveness, for carrying a reminder inside of her belly, something her friend once dreamed of. The solemn eyes of the dying woman shift to intertwined hands to rest over her stomach, shielding this new spark from the cruel world it would soon face. She finds tears reaching just the corner of Allison’s eyes - weighed down by uncertainty and confusion. It’s then that her once darkened soul sparks with light again - in and out, sputtering until it brings her to stand from the chair, with Allison soon wrapped in a tight embrace. “I’m so happy for you,” she mumbles in the crook of the girl's neck - the only acknowledgment being a frantic nod of the head, untrusting of herself to speak.
Two words were all it took to remind Carmen of what she had lost.
Allison grew, and so did the threat against Carmen’s stability. She wore genuine smiles, though they wavered the moment curious eyes looked her way. “It’s not about me,” she tells him. Folding up the laundry with the help of her husband, who asks almost daily how she is doing with a little Winchester on the way. One that hadn’t been hers. “They’re bringing a baby into the world. It’s a beautiful thing,” she continues, packing away their neatly done clothes - a trait adopted after dating Dean for so long. All military and structure. “It doesn’t mean you can’t feel a certain way about it, y’know?” She hated these conversations - she hated the way it forced her to look inside at the damage done, to feel the pain as life slipped from her grasp. She lets go in the quiet moments, a bleeding heart spilling out into her partner's hands. He doesn’t try to push it all back in - to stop the flow with a firm hand on her fragile heart. Instead, he lets himself float within her misery - a moment of suspension for the two of them. To feel, see, and accept this reality. Dean holds her in the mornings, afternoons, and nights - never allowing her to feel lonely. Other times, she holds him. Fingers tangled through freshly washed hair as he lay over her emptiness, thumb soothing across the bare skin that once held life. She apologizes for failing him - for failing their baby, and he holds onto her tighter. “You could never fail me.” But soft words are buried beneath self-loathing. Carmen gives into his comfort, letting it wash over her to cleanse a tortured spirit. But it’s tainted, and beyond the help of sweet words.
Family dinners and game nights are hosted by none other than the expecting couple themselves. Meals were cooked with love and the table was cleared by the guests once dinner was finished. They would play board games from their childhood - or rather, from Camen and Allison’s childhood. The women would exchange sly glances with one another across the table, hidden smiles behind their hands as their partners sat in silence, plotting a course of action like they have for their entire lives. “What’re you lookin’ at?” Dean would spit out - a look of annoyance in his eyes. “Nothing,” she sighs out, a shit-eating grin still shining brightly beneath the dim lights. “You’re just..so pretty.” He scoffs, a light smirk seen just at the corner of his lips - doing all he can to not smile - to not give in to her. “I’m going t’be the God damn Pretty Pretty Princess if it’s the last thing I do.” “Not with that ring you’re not,” she gestures towards the black, plastic ring. It sits snug around his pinky finger, barely hanging on and ready to snap should he make a fist. While his brother adorns purple earrings, a child-sized ring, and a bracelet - nearly a winner of the game. “This is a damn joke,” Dean mutters to himself, finger flicking at the numbered board for his next move. The games go on for hours, it seems. Leaving everyone sleepy-eyed in the living room while they talk about nonsense. Dean catches sight of his wife leaning into her palm, pretending to listen to his brother while a hand lays idle over her abdomen - a silent admiration of Allison, and what it must all feel like. He laughs at his brother's jokes - a distraction to keep attention off of Carmen, while a strong hand slips its way through. Fingers tangle to pry her focus away from the loss, giving a squeeze of reassurance - and she returns the gesture with a softened sigh.
Eric Winchester is born at 1:10 AM, weighing seven and a half pounds - crying and screaming until he is bundled up in his cocoon of warm blankets. The tears are unavoidable - cradling his tiny body against her chest with eyes full of wonder and adoration. "He's perfect," she offers in a hushed tone, letting the boy continue to bask in his peaceful dreams. Dean watches with a softened smile, heart warming until it’s agonizingly hot - boiling and damn near killing him on the spot. His vision flashes white from the ache, thoughts, and words left scrambled and lost on his tongue. But Sam is with him - a comforting hand on his shoulder to let him know he is there for support should his brother need to fall. But he remains steady for her; his wife, who offers the newborn to his uncle with trembling hands. He doesn’t realize at the moment that he is shaking just as much, dismissing the kind touch to his hand as he accepts the infant with a dazzling grin. For a moment, it’s as if the bliss had been their own. Leaving the hospital in the early morning to find something to eat, and catch up on long lost sleep. Together, they swoon in the car - faces lit by the oncoming sunrise, skin kissed by the vibrant orange. The couple smile together, filled with love and happiness as they talk about this new baby to enter the world. How small his hands were and the puffiness of his cheeks. When the quiet comes, he finds Carmen’s gaze cast out the window, unfocused on their surroundings but doing all she can to bury the creeping ache. She wipes at the corners of her eyes with the back of her sleeve, and he steals away her hand to lay a kiss across the surface.
Nearly nine months have been spent in healing for the two of them since his birth. He becomes a focus - a beacon of light to drown out their sorrows. It’s when three words reach her ears that suddenly shift the tides, fighting against the familiar current. “Will you babysit?” It’s just like before - a disembodied moment, a disconnection. Her knees weaken and he doesn’t notice the way her fingers tighten over the edge of the counter. Instead, his gaze drifts away - flickering to take in the sight of anything that wasn’t her lifeless eyes. “I’m sorry, I just-” “It’s fine, Sam.” Her voice is enough to surprise her, crawling over the barricade lodged in the woman’s throat. “Allison’s parents are out of town, and..she really needs some fresh air,” he finishes with a nervous laugh, which in turn pulls her dull expression into something joyous. “She definitely does. Of course, we’ll babysit.” Hazel eyes fill with light, grateful, and understanding of what his sister-in-law has agreed to, knowing it may not be an easy task. And then, the day comes. It washes in like a dark, threatening cloud seen just over the horizon the night prior. It inches closer as time passes, waiting to douse her in its heavy burden. It casts a shadow just over her shoulder, while Dean’s carries a little less shade - a sign of healing, but unforgetting. Carmen gives in to the pull as she moves down the hallway, pushing a once forever sealed doorway open to reveal shades of forest green and plush carpet. Who knew a lively space could feel so hollow? A place meant to overflow with laughter left eerily quiet since the last photograph was hung. It shines in the daylight - rays streaming in from thinned curtains, not once feeling the breeze dance along its threads. So alive in the day. And as the sun fell, it took the light with it, stripping vibrance away to let the darkness in. Stuffed animals sat upright in their places - on the chair and shelving. Books collect dust - childhood favorites left untouched. The crib was still - no imprints or rustle of fabric to show it had been lived in. To show that it had loved, and warmed someone once upon a time.
The deer and other small wildlife stare outwards from the wallpaper, never having the chance to protect someone - but always seeking the opportunity. She remembers how much of a pain in the ass it all had been. Choosing decor to leave both soon-to-be parents happy, but especially the wallpaper. Sights had been set on the pattern, and she spent an entire day convincing a Hunter that it would be beneficial for the imagination. Dean caves with a kiss to the lips, proceeding to help apply it before an argument fueled by hormones ceases the process. Carmen spends her day in bed, surrendering the project to the brothers who take care of not laughing too loudly, fearful of the woman. She cries in the doorway, thankful for all they’ve done, and apologizes for being so emotional. And as Dean cradles her tired body, he studies the finished wall and confesses his newfound love for it. That was nearly two years ago, time flew by before she’d even had the chance to catch it. Spending hours, weeks, and months in mourning. He calls for her, voice booming from the living room as he slips on his shoes. It all happens so fast. She blinks, and suddenly she’s walking through her friend's doorway - ignoring the cloud to now hover just above. “Our movie starts at six,” Allison begins, nearly out of breath as she becomes frantic with organization and the lists she’s prepared. “And this is the name of the restaurant we’re going to after, and-” “Okay, okay,” Carmen cuts in with a laugh, grabbing at her friend's shoulders to spin her around, pushing the girl closer to the front entrance. “I’ve got it taken care of. I’m a big girl, y’know?” “I know,” her friend responds with a sigh. “I just - it never gets easier. Leaving. I feel guilty for-” There’s a heavy pause, meeting her friend's eyes as a hard swallow chokes her on the spot. “I - I’m sorry. I really shouldn’t-” Carmen leans in a little closer, expression unreadable until her lips twitch into a sly smile. “Get out of here. Go have some fun, momma.” Allison embraces her words, though with great reluctance before wrapping herself up in the other’s arms. “Thank you,” she mutters, slipping away into her husband's hold as they both move into the evening. “Don’t you dare let that woman come home within the next few hours,” she warns, pulling a hearty laugh from Sam’s chest. “Yeah, I’ll try.”
The littlest Winchester is already swept up in the adoration of the eldest. Barely speaking a word to his brother as he moved with purpose, finding the boy slouched as tiny hands slapped carelessly against the buttons. A cluster of sounds emitting from the plastic table, until they suddenly stop as Dean towers above him. Gleeful cries follow only seconds after, making attempts to pick himself up to pull at his uncle's jeans. But just as he tumbles onto all fours, Dean kneels down to his level, a pointed finger holding all of Eric’s attention. He watches in wonder as he reaches for the table, pressing down on a vibrant pink button to release a bright tune in the silence. Again, more delight shines on in sweet eyes. His joy was heard through squeals and giggles. “You’re too easy,” Dean states with a prideful look on his face. “C’mere, squirt,” he grunts, swiftly plucking the boy up from the ground to hold against his side. “We’re gettin’ up t’no good today, aren’t we?” Carmen has only just seen the other couple leave, locking up for the night until their return. She can hear the coos and plotting buried in hushed whispers just around the corner. “We’re stayin’ up late. We’re watching movies-” “Excuse me?” Carmen interrupts, finding her partner with a guilt-ridden expression, though he fights past it to appear confident - maybe even a little offended by her playful prodding. “Nothin’,” He blurts out, tucking the boy deeper into comfort. “We’re talkin’ business, okay? Big boy stuff.” Her face contorted, amused and disbelieving of his defense before reaching across the way to wiggle her hands between the two. “You’re not forcing him to watch Poltergeist,” Carmen chuckles, successfully stealing away the infant to kiss soft cheeks. “It’s a classic!”
The hours passed with ease, filled with vibrance, laughter, and some delicate moments where the other was simply too afraid to break the spell. Some of those moments being when Carmen overhead her husband encouraging the infant to speak. “Can you say, ‘Best uncle in the world?’” Eric would spit and babble in response, gnawing on his tiny fingers as his shimmering eyes looked elsewhere. “Well, that sucks. Because I’m your only uncle.” Or, when he watched her dance along the slick tile of the kitchen floor, all for the boy's entertainment as he sat on the other side of the baby gate. Eyes were wide, watching with amazement and sloppily clapping his hands together every time she did a dramatic spin. Other times, she would study him from the couch as he read the boy a story. Thick pages nearly blocked from view as Eric laid his palms across the pictures and words with every flip. Dean would laugh, “I can’t see, bud,” as if the child could understand. She soaks in these gentle moments. A spotlight filled with a warm, summer glow cast down upon the two. His rough hands and angered spirit were now watered down. A dying garden filled with rotten weeds and poison now thriving with delicate flowers and joy. He watched her, too. The way she floats through the home with a now sleeping baby in her arms, head just on her shoulder. She doesn’t make a sound, and even if she had, Eric was known to be a heavy sleeper. But it’s effortless - like she was made for this, despite never picturing her future with a child. Until it happened.
And then it didn’t.
Carmen lays him with care in the crib - a rich mahogany to match the changing table. The color compliments pewter walls and perfectly white accents. It had always been clear, that this was no hollow place. A soft rug held a singular stain at the edge, having experienced an accident as the new parents struggled to adjust to new life. Toys were littered across the floor, though hastily pushed aside as they were left with no time to clean before their night out. The ear of Eric’s favorite dog was crumbled and permanently disfigured as he gums it. Colored blocks were stacked to the side, with other loved items frantically tucked into storage with arms still hanging out from the box. This room sang a joyous chorus in the day as sunlight poured in, and a velvety lullaby as the moon took its place. You could hear the adoration bleed out from the walls even in the quietest of moments, and it was heard throughout the home as Eric’s door was always left open. Even now, as his caretaker slips from the crib with ghostly steps, slipping back out into the hallway to meet her partner. “Down for the count,” she sighs, allowing a tired body to rest against the wall just at his door. The woman waits in the silence - waiting for his deep voice to cut through and warm her flesh. To make a sarcastic comment or joke that lights a smile on her face. Instead, she lingers under his stare. Green eyes sparkled beneath the dim lights, alluring and filled with something she couldn't place in the moment.
It was yearning.
Plump lips twitch into a smile, a sensation of butterflies bursting within his chest - sickening, yet warm and encouraging goosebumps to the surface of freckled skin. Dean averts his gaze, feeling as though her curious stare was ripping through him to pull out unspoken thoughts not yet ready to reach his tongue. "What is it?" She questions, watching as he licks at his lips before shrugging away her invisible touch. Just before confessions spill to the floor, revealing all he’s dreamed of as Carmen lives out a life once lost to them. “Nothin’,” a strong hand reaches and tangles with delicate fingers, tugging her along until they settle on the cream-colored couch. She doesn’t buy it - not after having known this man for just over a decade. His wife can do more than simply read through his hazy shield. She predicts, understands, and reasons - while her past self had spent energy she couldn’t waste on fighting a stubborn, arrogant, man-child. “Sam says they’ll be home soon. I guess Allison started crying.” The imagery brings unexpected laughter as she settles into his side, fingers fanned out over a denim-clad thigh. “She lasted longer than I thought.” It’s a deflection. Dean Winchester has grown and shifted with the tides. Swimming with them, rather than against as they seek to pull him under with violence. There’s a storm at his back and it holds reality - turmoil and emotions he struggles to express. So, despite the bliss in their hearts and laughter in their chests, he’s lost somewhere in that sea. Eyes carved from jade staring out into nothingness, swimming faster from the heavy cloud. “What is it really, Dean?” His resolve shatters from her kind voice, gripping at her fingers as they work to pry them from her flesh. Words act like water caught in his throat, choking and suffocating until he finally forces them out, and with it comes a new light to cast out the shadowy sky.
“We got dealt a shitty hand,” he begins, not yet brave enough to face her, instead electing to watch as her thumb soothes circles over his skin. He refers to more than just their loss as a joined family. But to the loss of Carmen’s sister, before they had ever met. He means the sacrifice of his father's life, the murder of his mother, and each painful journey they fought through up until this moment. “Doesn’t mean we have t’stop playin’ the game.” Confused by his words, her brow knits together as she tries to make sense of it all. Lips parting to ask what he means, though silenced as he shifts his body to face her directly. “I’m tired of our girl’s room being shut.” Her breath hitches as Dean tears down that dam to keep her own storm at bay. Angry, grey waters crash and grip until she’s fighting for air. She could die here in his arms from sheer pain. From a broken heart. “I see you and Eric, and I - I just can’t stop it, y’know?” He can see the glisten in her eyes - sorrow climbing to the top and threatening to wipe the woman out like a plague. He inches closer, pulling her legs to drape over his lap, a comforting hand against her cheek. “I think about you. I think about us, and what it was like. T’have her, and-” Mentions of her loss leave him sick and gagging on foul words, but he manages to choke them out as a tear spills down her cheek. “She lived, Carmen. She lived, and she was perfect.” Another tear on tinted cheeks and she surrenders to his touch, a thumb brushing them aside. “Yeah, she was,” is her mumbled reply, followed by a sniffle and an aggressive swipe just beneath her nose. “We can walk away from it. We can leave that dream behind, just say the word. Whatever you want, I’m with you. I just-" He doesn't finish, watching as those waves crash within tearful eyes. It's familiar territory, she doesn't need to hear the rest as she fights against the current. Her only focus was to keep her head above the waves.
A strong hand falls to her hip, all too close to a once full belly - a home provided now echoing with the haunting cry of a ghost. He hopes to let it sing again, if she only reaches for his hand for guidance in the murky waters. The shoreline awaits in the distance, beckoning them in closer to taste its warm security. But it’s not a journey to take on alone. And though painful, they would come out of it together - so she takes hold of him. She has long been dreaming of that empty crib, whether it be in nightmares or something rare like a dream she couldn’t pull herself from. Had it been the trick of a Djinn, she would have died if only to see her daughter grow. And as Eric’s gentle breaths and grumbles of sleep slip through the baby monitor, sadness shifts into hope and longing. “I don’t want to keep it closed, either,” She whispers, untrusting of her own voice to carry the following words filled with power. But there’s strength as she meets his stare. “Let’s try again.” They’ve touched land - brilliant sunlight stripping the weight of water from their clothes, so they may walk freely across the sand without burden. A sunrise dances across his skin as excitement sinks in. Beauty and love are seen shimmering like crystals in his eyes. That flickering light in their chests fighting for survival now glows with radiance. “Yeah? You want to?” She can only nod, a faint chuckle from nerves slipping through painted lips that are captured in his kiss. “I love you, so damn much.”
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friendly-books · 6 months
Dresden Files Dead Beat live blog
Dead Beat live blog
This is going to be a two parter comment because I apparently have a lot to say. Part one
Thomas and Harry living together!
“Thomas looked like someone’s painting of a forgotten Greek god of body cologne” pg. 18 Bi Harry 20
On Harry’s bed?!? Thomas! That’s rude at least keep it to the couch 
Oh Kincaid and Murph are going to Hawaii together good for her as far as I’m concerned Kincaid is better than Rich 
Uh oh Mavra’s blackmailing Harry
Harry’s grave 
Aw Harry’s got pyrophobia :(
Oh Bob thinks someone is Evil
Kemmler started WW1 glad to see urban fantasy address it for once *cough* Harry Potter *cough* What about WW2? 
He died several times and it took the whole White Council wow he was powerful 
Oh Kemmler had Bob before 
Aw Bob :(
I’m glad Harry and Bob are friends and care about each other 
Oh cool science as to why wizards live long lives 
Poor Phil
A fedora really? :| 
No Butters it isn’t a cool hat
Zombies are scary in this universe 
Top 30 wizards is impressive stop selling yourself short Harry
Harry you not being popular among the White Council is an understatement 
Oh yay White Council bashing my favorite I have so many issues with the Council it could be its own comment 
“Roommate” sure Harry can’t wait for Butters to meet Thomas 
Why not let the Alphas help Harry?
Cool that Ebenezar wrote a book
“Touché, O dark master of evil bathrobes” pg. 139 Ha
“And again do I answer thee. Bite me” pg. 140 Ha
“At Biacana’s masquerade” “It’s been coming back to haunt me for years” “A great many things of significance happened that night” pg. 141 That’s what I’ve been saying. What kind of Checkhov’s party was that? So many checkhov’s guns and and people were there. It was only the third book in the series. How can one party be this important? Did Biacana know how important this party was going to be. Or how important she was as a minor character. She was only in two books but her party and death set off a chain reaction. 
Cool that Harry flipped a car
Lash’s influence 
“I think you need to talk to someone. I don’t think it’s important who it is. But you have a lot of pressure on you, and if you don’t find some way to let them out, you’re going to hurt  yourself” “People talk to their friends, man. No one can do everything alone. You work through it together” pg. 162 that’s what I’ve been saying Harry talk to your friends or a therapist please 
“Why didn’t I pick up the kid instead of Lasciel ‘s coin” pg. 165 That’s what I asked 
Mort’s back!
Mort I thought you and Harry were friends :(
Harry’s dad!
“I’m fresh out of vorpal swords, the closet I can get is a Snickers snack” pg. 185 Ha
“While she’s in Hawaii” “With Kincaid” “Thomas stopped running” pg. 192 Ha Thomas is a Harry/Murph shipper 
“Of all the ridiculous immature nonsense” I said. Then I hooked a foot behind Thomas’s calf, shoved him down to the sand and took off down the beach at a dead sprint” pg. 195 Ha 
“If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s ruining people’s day.” “You can say that again” “If there’s one thing I’m good at-“ pg. 217 Ha and very true 
“Yes my Lord” pg. 228 Interesting the ghoul could be progressive but I doubt it 
“Bony Tony worked for John Marcone” pg. 232 Yay Marcone mention 
I’m half convinced that Marcone’s cursed with how many of his men have died at this point
“That stupid polka suit filled up most of the backseat of the SUV” pg. 236 Ha 
“Life is a journey. Time is a river. The door is a jar” pg. 237 Ha
Aw Harry isn’t allowed at the bookstore anymore :(
Mind battle so cool
Ninja Ghoul is cool 
Cool that Harry used his pain against Lord Corpsetaker 
Marcone! Yay Top five character has arrived 
“He looked handsome and wholesome” pg. 274 Bi Harry 21 
“You must admit Dresden that I have just saved your life. Again” pg. 274 Yep and you’ll do it again I’m sure
“What is the point of having free will if one cannot occasionally spit in the eye of destiny” pg. 275 Ha
“Hubris. Mortals never understand” “Tell me about it” I said “Everyone makes that mistake but me” pg. 275 Ha 
“His eyes wrinkled at the corners. It was nearly a smile” pg. 275 aw glad that Marcone thinks Harry is funny 
“I don’t have time for any more banter” pg. 275 I do keep the banter going 
“I suspected you would somehow become involved with the events at hand” pg. 275 When is Harry not involved in supernatural event in Chicago?
“Because I know you. I know that you would oppose them. Just as you know that I will not permit them to take one of mine from me without punishment” pg. 277 They really know each other 
“Stay off of it for a few days at least” pg. 286 like that’s going to happen 
“Since they arrested you there, they haven’t lost one” “You did something” pg. 288 It’s nice to see Harry’s good deeds come around 
Welcome to the world of gray magic Harry
Harry be nice to Mister
“He’s a coward” said Thomas” pg. 295 Thomas you should know better than to talk bad about Harry’s friends also that’s rude 
“You have a date” pg. 298 Ha that’s the part he picks up on
“Good God. You’re shy” pg. 299 Adorable 
Mab? Why is she here and not Lea?
I like that Harry is protective and sentimental of his friends and things. Lea might not have been “nice” to him but she’s his Godmother so he cares 
“Nothing that I could imagine would truly rattle Mab’s composure, but that sentence apparently came close” pg. 313 oh no that’s not good
“My offer of knighthood yet stands open to you” pg. 316 Yet another job offer from Mab. What is it with people and offering Harry to work for them? First Marcone, Mab twice, and Nic with Lash’s coin. What about him inspires such fanatic employment offers? 
“I’m never going to be your knight” pg. 319 ouch painful irony 
“There’s no way they’re going to get in here” pg. 32 Harry you should know better than to say that 
“Because Thomas is too pretty die. And because I’m too stubborn.” “And polka will never die” pg. 331 Ha and Bi Harry 22
“Oh no. A risk” I said “Well we wouldn’t want that, now, would we” pg. 341 Ha
“No one likes a wiseass Harry” pg. 341 No I like Harry being a wiseass 
“Well That you know you’re gay” pg. 364 Ha and Harry is Bi obviously 
Lasciel has arrived! This is going to be fun
“By any chance does all this knowledge and power and good advice come for only three easy installments of nineteen ninety-five plus shipping and handling?” pg. 372 Ha
“Or maybe it comes with bonus set of knives tough enough to saw through a nail, yet still cut tomatoes like this” pg. 372 Ha
“You aren’t nearly as funny as you think you are” pg. 372 Ha and I think Harry’s funny
“They’d use both of us against each other” pg. 383 aw :(
“You could just leave this whole thing. We could head for Aruba or something” pg. 384 Ha Thomas you tried it’s never going to work but at least you tried
“No one has remembered me birthday since Susan left” pg. 385 aw :(
“But you can be a really scary guy” pg. 401 aw Harry’s friends are scared of him :(
“Say please”
 “Please” I said 
Her smile widen “Pretty please”
“Don’t push me” pg. 413 Ha 
“You’re either incredibly stupid or one of the most courageous man I’ve ever known.” 
“Go with stupid” pg. 417 Ha and it’s both 
Oh a body switcher cool
Ugh Morgan why him? 
So this is how Harry became a warden Morgan must be so mad
Outsiders so He Who Walks Behind I see that capitalization 
“You don’t to be Merlin of the White Council by collecting bottle caps” pg. 454 Ha
I’m glad that Harry still cares about Ebenezar to ask about him 
Why would Harry want to become a warden? The white council has been out to get him since day one. They haven’t made an effort to ingratiate themselves to Harry. With people like Merlin, Morgan, and LaFouter why would Harry trust or like the white council? Luccio you need better arguments. 
“When the Council is in its hour of need, it will make our people look at you differently” pg. 467 till they kick Harry out 
I guess Harry got drafted :(
“Harry, do you feel any more judgmental and self righteous than you did this morning?” pg. 476 Ha
“He offered his hand and we traded grips” pg. 479 What no Harry and Thomas should hug each other 
It’s very cool and immersive that Harry was able to bind and push back against the Erkling 
Oh no they took Bob :( 
“How could I be so stupid” pg. 507 Harry stop being so critical of yourself 
“I whirled in a fury and slammed my fist into Murphys fridge so hard it dented the side and split my middle knuckle open” pg. 507 ouch
Ooohhh Shelia is Lasciel 
Look Lasciel I know you haven’t known Harry for long but surely you know by know that Harry’s really stubborn and when he says he’s not going to take up the coin he means it
Liver Spots is Cassius how did he aged so much?
How does Harry not have more brain damage from all the blows to the head he’s had? I know he doesn’t like hats but I feel like he should wear a helmet 
“You’re about the fifth-scariest person I’ve met today” pg. 548 Ha
Shiro :(
If Michael or Sayna could show up that’d be great 
Why does Cassius think the coin is on Harry? Why is him not having the coin so impossible?
“Surrender your coin” he purred” pg. 554 Creepy 
“No one is coming to save you Harry” pg. 555 :(
Mouse and Butters to the rescue 
“Butters skittered away from the knife, eyes wide with terror.
But he skittered directly between Cassius and me. 
And held his ground.” pg. 556 So cool Go Butters!
“DIE ALONE” pg. 560 A death curse so cool but kinda lame curse. I don’t if it’s because I know he’ll come back or if I’m just a lot more chill about death than I realize cause everyone dies alone 
Interesting that Lasciel and Id Harry talk 
“Both I and my alternate self said, at the same time and exactly same voice 
“Shut up” pg. 564 Ha 
“It’s the right thing to do” pg. 566 Yep
“I promised that I would live my life by my terms. That I would know the difference from right and wrong and that I wouldn’t cross that line. I wouldn’t allow myself to become like Justin DuMorne” pg. 567 I like this bit
Sue is so cool this fight is going to be so cool best part of the book
“I didn’t know this before, but as it turns out, Tyrannosaurus can really haul ass” pg. 581 Ha 
“Here’s something else I bet you didn’t know about Tyrannosaurus: they don’t corner well” pg. 582 Ha 
“You’re like a human wrecking ball!” pg. 584 Ha and an accurate description of Harry 
Nice that the wardens are protecting the kids trick or treating 
Luccio is cool
“Sue ate him. Snap. Gulp. No more ghoul” pg. 591 Ha 
“I told you he would turn on us. This latest violation of the laws only proves what I’ve said all along” pg. 595 Take a hike Morgan no one wants you here. What’s it going to take for you to realize that Harry is a good?  
Go Butters! Nice circle
Harry is being the voice of reason 
Morgan Harry isn’t fighting you 
Luccio to the rescue hooray! 
Morgan definitely loves Luccio not sure what kind. Cause coworkers don’t react like that when they’re coworkers die 
“Everyone else who lets me ride on their dinosaur calls me Carlos” pg. 618 Ha 
I’m glad the younger wizards look up to Harry 
I bet that Carlos has never dated nor had sex with a woman. No one who has talks like him. He’s a virgin guarantee 
Oh no poor Bob :(
“Bob wasn’t precisely a friend to me” pg. 634 No you two are friends 
Go Bob 
Even the Erkling thinks Sue is cool
“I’ve got a fallen angel tripping all over herself to give me more power. Queen Mab has asked me to take the mantle of Winter Knight twice now. I’ve read Kemmler’s book. I know how the Darkhallow works. And I know how to turn necromancy against the Black Court. So once again, let me be perfectly clear. If anything happens to Murphy and I even think you had a hand in it, fuck right and wrong. If you touch her, I’m declaring war on you. Personally. I’m picking up every weapon I can get. And I’m using them to kill you. Horribly.”
There was utter silence for a moment 
“Do you understand me?” I whispered 
She nodded 
“Say it” I snarled 
“I understand” she rasped” pg. 644 So cool 
“Son. Everyone dies alone. That’s what it is. It’s a door. One person wide. When you go through it, you do it alone” pg. 645 Nice, see it’s a lame death curse 0/10 Cussius you could have done better 
“He died doing the right thing” 
“God I hope so” pg. 646 I’m not sure if he will as he does commit suicide and then come back. Would that be the death curse? An outside force? Speaking of death curse with Harry dying does that fulfill the death curse? Does coming back negate it? Is it a one time use? This is another reason the curse is lame. 
Now Morgan thinks Harry isn’t doing anything out of malice finally 
“You know, Butters, for a mortician you’re a pretty good healer” pg. 651 aw :)
Final thoughts 
I liked this book. We had two Bi Harry moments up to 22. I always liked the Marcone moments.  Loved the White Council bashing. I loved Butters in this. I’m glad Bob is safe. Harry should punch Morgan as a treat. I hope to see more of Thomas and Harry interacting. I’m glad Dresden files kinda addressed the WW1 question. What I mean is that a lot of urban fantasy with magic and monsters don’t really address WW1 and by extension WW2. Like if you had magic where were you during WW2 and the Holocaust? With Kemmler he started WW1 which led to WW2 and his whole mass graves. The death curse was stupid and a waste from Cassius. I liked the Erkling. I loved Sue she was so cool. I hope I get more Lasciel. I like Carlos and I’m glad Harry got a friend. Harry’s threat to Mavra is very cool. Onto the next book.
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theereina · 1 year
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer all of my asks regarding the Miami guy...I’m just beyond hurt and just mad at myself. The red flags, writing on the wall was there for day one (people, especially my family tell me how astute I am with seeing people for how they actually are and seeing things clearly) I have met a new guy in Miami every time I’ve been there so knew I didn’t deserve his treatment, but honestly haven’t dated a whole lot and really wanted it to work even clearly seeing the red flags....the girl telling me he was her boyfriend really took it to the next level for me especially with how frequently we talk and all. But things are just adding up with the way he’s been, the inconsistency, the leaving me when I’m there in Miami, not taking me out I’m public even took my phone last time and sent himself the money for the sushi we got and alcohol was so bad....I needed to have ended it awhile ago it’s just he was so good at making things my fault and was so frustrating dealing with him and his lack of accountability or care for anything and always just wanted it! It also didn’t make sense to me as to why he was always coming back, always wanting to see me again if we had already hooked up and obviously he has a girlfriend....anyway. I just don’t know how to heal. I know I have options and all but definitely don’t want to be hurt like this again. Do you have any advise or tips??
Tips on how to heal from a narcissistic relationship
Healing from a narcissistic relationship can be a challenging and emotional process. Here are a few tips that may help:
Seek support from a trusted friend or therapist. Do not go through this alone if you have a support system. Being alienated is one of the easiest ways to fall back into the cycle.
Practice self-care, such as exercise, meditation, and healthy eating. Healing and taking a break is what you need most.
Set boundaries and stick to them. Going back on what you said only teaches people that they can continue to hurt, traumatize, and disrespect you. People only do what you allow.
Focus on your needs and desires, rather than trying to please the narcissist. You need to care about yourself for once. Be selfish. It may save you.
Consider going no contact with the narcissist if possible. Your safety and peace are important.
Give yourself time to grieve and process the relationship. Giving yourself grace will allow you to heal and learn from this experience. You do not want to repeat this cycle if it can be avoided.
Remember, healing is a journey and it's important to be patient and kind to yourself.
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keenvictory · 2 years
Hello Lovely~ : ̗̀➛
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Synopsis: Although Thoma was your childhood friend for many, many years, when he mysteriously disappeared on his journey to Inazuma, you assumed you’d never see him again. Many things were left unsaid between you, but when Thoma returns to the gates of Mondstadt will either of you have the courage to reignite the old spark?
: ̗̀➛ Featured Characters: Thoma x Gn!Reader
̗̀➛ Content Warnings: Some depictions of grief/mourning, and believed character death (He’s fine.)
̗̀➛  Additional notes: Incredibly sorry that this request took me.. some time. But I’ve been chipping away at it over the last few months, and I’m rather fond of how it turned out! My dearest proof reader is asleep as of me posting this so please forgive any spelling mistakes until they wake up and roast my grammar. This sort of became a comfort/hurt/comfort, but I’m not mad about it. Thanks for your patience with my slow uploads, as ever.
Requested by the lovely @ladycoleigh
Yours Faithfully, V.
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𓆩♡𓆪 Growing up in Mondstadt gave you a lot of childhood freedoms. With only distant rules about not wandering too far from the city gates, and getting home before dark for dinner, you were allowed to roam the city as you pleased. 
𓆩♡𓆪 There were so many nooks and crannies to explore, so many dandelions to make wishes upon, so many games to play, and yet nothing was quite so fun, as spending time with Thoma, the little blonde boy you were inseparably fond of. 
𓆩♡𓆪 It was only natural, your parents had been close since they were children, so you’d known Thoma since before you could even remember. And yet you never grew tired of hearing that familiar knock ring through your family home. 
𓆩♡𓆪 “Can they come out to play today?” Thoma would ask your parent, grinning ear to ear when you’d try squeeze through their legs to get outside faster. “Today we’re gonna play pirates!” You said, not even waiting for your parent to respond. The answer was always yes, all the fresh air was good for you, they said. 
𓆩♡𓆪 Thoma never minded when you decided what game you two would play. He never pouted when you won, and never teased you when you lost. He just grinned, happy to be beside you, to spend the day with you, like you had so many days before. 
𓆩♡𓆪 You two were inseparable. Rarely was there a day you didn’t spend together. Wherever one would go, the other would follow. Everyone knew that an invitation, a request, a secret, given to one, was equally given to the other. It had always been You and Thoma, two halves of an equally troublesome whole. 
𓆩♡𓆪  Everything was shared between you, secrets, games, and trouble alike. When one was grounded for misbehavior, kept inside doing chores and schoolwork instead of running through the wild grass, the other was equally punished by their absence. 
𓆩♡𓆪 Your neighbors had always teased the idea of you being soulmates, of getting married, of being made for each other, even the other kids would do it. A little boy bitter over losing a game to you would accuse you of having a crush on him, a little girl envious over your bond with him would call you an attention-seeker, but what did their opinions matter to you? You could care less, what they said, what they thought, Thoma would still wheeze a heavy laugh at your silly jokes, and wipe your embarrassed tears when you grazed your knee, regardless of what anyone else had to say about it.
𓆩♡𓆪 In a way, Thoma made you braver. As long as he was by your side, anything was possible. No tree too tall to climb, no game too outlandish. No matter what challenge you faced, you could face it bravely, knowing Thoma would be right there when it was all over. 
𓆩♡𓆪 You had promised each other, Afterall, that no matter what, you two would have each other. It was a quiet promise, the twist of pinkies under the Windrise tree, a moment of shared vulnerability, of hope. 
“Though things may change with time, you will always find me by your side.”
𓆩♡𓆪 Just as promised, little changed as the pair of you grew. Others from your childhood came and went, people changed, or vanished all together. But all the same, you and Thoma stayed at each others sides, braving the terrifying face of adolescence as a team, just as always. 
𓆩♡𓆪 When Thoma faced the frightfully embarrassing voice cracks forced his way by the unrelenting pace of puberty, you were there to gently tease his croaky voice, and make him honeyed tea when his throat would ache. When you would fret about your own changes, your skin, you body, all the parts you did and didn’t like, he was always there, eyebrows slightly dipped in concern, as he assured you that nothing, nothing, would change who you were, and what you meant to him. 
𓆩♡𓆪 As the pair of you bloomed into you own, individual people, your bond flowered just as brightly as it ever had. When he began to dabble in cooking, Thoma would always bring you dishes to try first, and you naturally dragged him to participate in all of your own hobbies, whether he liked it or not. Not that it mattered. Whatever you did was fine, as long as you did it together, that fact had been set in stone far before you two began to explore interests beyond running around and getting into trouble.
𓆩♡𓆪 But, undeniably, things began to change. The new firmness to Thoma’s broad shoulders, the sudden weight to his hands, the way his eyes would linger on you, for just a second more then it used to, just a moment longer then he should. This strange unknown brewed between you, as curious in origin as it was in nature, you’d known Thoma for what felt like forever, and yet you’d never felt this... strangeness. This stretch of unknown. 
𓆩♡𓆪 You knew Thoma like the back of your hand. You could whisper his responses word for word when you fell into a familiar daily rhythm. To be unsure, to hesitate, in your words or your actions to him, was in of itself, an undeniable change, regardless of whatever develops had caused it. 
𓆩♡𓆪 But you were undeterred. Strange ache be damned, Thoma was, and always would be, your best friend. Nothing was changing that was outside the norm, perhaps this was simply part of that dreaded growing up your parents dragged on about. 
𓆩♡𓆪 And it eased you, admittedly, to see that same hesitance in your dear friend. When his voice would waver at a harmless tease, the unsure placement of his hand on you waist when helping you climb up something you definitely were not supposed to climb, the slight tinge to his cheeks... You were stumped as to what it could mean. As to what either of you had done to cause it. But whatever it was, you could face it together, Thoma had always made you braver. 
𓆩♡𓆪 Whatever it was brewing between you only solidified as you grew older. Becoming something more then fleeting feelings and shy glances. In your later teens, it became something real, something palpable and knowable. Your feelings were no secret to each other, there had never been secrets between you two, you wouldn't have known how to keep it.
𓆩♡𓆪 Averted gazes became held, daring stares. Trailing from eyes, to lips, unashamed and grinning wildly when caught in this little game. It was like a game of cat and mouse between you, daring each other to take the leap, to say or do something that sharpened this blurry line between friendship and romance. 
𓆩♡𓆪 There was no rush. You had all the time in the world to bask in each others company, enjoying the slow unfurling of new limits, and new freedoms. There was no denying you loved each other, but the waiting game, the constant back and forth, was almost as fun as the love-stricken what-ifs that raced through your daydreams.
𓆩♡𓆪 All good things come to an end, eventually. It was subtle, at first, the worst things usually are. You hadn’t known how little time you had left, perhaps things would have gone differently if you did, the wondering, the what-ifs you used to relish turning to ash in your mouth, you didn’t know how to be without him. It felt like missing a part of yourself.
𓆩♡𓆪 “I’m visiting my dad for a little while,” He said, smiling lazily in the summer sun, “Bring over some dandelion wine, spend some time in Inazuma... Ah i wish you could come. It’s beautiful over there, especially at sunset, Dad sent me a photo from his Kamera.”
𓆩♡𓆪 You had smiled, rolled over in the soft grass and poked absently at his side. “You’ll be just fine without me for a few weeks. Its not like we’re attached at the hip, you know, you’re perfectly capable of being self-sufficient and making your own friends out there. Besides, you gotta bring me a souvenir.” He had laughed, tilting his head up to warm himself under the sun like a wilting sunflower. 
𓆩♡𓆪  “Capable! You think too highly of me. Mother keeps saying I’ll miss the port on accident while I’m sulking in my cabin. I don’t sulk that much when we’re apart.” The slight quirk of your eyebrow spoke volumes. “I think you’ll find I sulk the healthy amount when missing my best friend.”
𓆩♡𓆪 You lifted yourself up onto your elbows, rolling your eyes as he grinned down at you. “Alright, fine. But please don’t miss your port. You’ll be stuck on that stupid boat for twice as long, and then where will we be?”
𓆩♡𓆪 “With my luck, the port will be closed when I get there, and I’ll have to wait around definitely not sulking while they decide whether or not to take pity on me and let me in.” Thoma said, the conflict in Inazuma added a slight edge to his tone. An edge that made you take pause. Your immediate thought was highly reckless, and probably quite stupid. But Thoma made you braver, and if it had even slightly the effect you hoped, it would be worth it.
𓆩♡𓆪 “If it’s gonna be like that, then kiss me. For luck, of course.”
𓆩♡𓆪 You delighted in the way his cheeks immediately darkened, his whole body going still as he stared at you, slack-jawed. It was a hurdle neither of you had dared cross. An action that all too clearly defined the murkiest parts of your muddled friendship. Perhaps a dramatic love confession, or a frantic plead not to leave you for the sea would have been a novel way to put all your cards on the table, to finally, finally indulge yourself in one of your romantic daydreams. But the way Thoma leaned down, and guided your jaw with one, trembling but certain hand, brushing your lips together with such an aching gentleness you couldn’t help but place your hand against his chest to steady yourself, was perfect. You could feel the rushed pace of his heart against your place, and you smiled into the kiss in a way that made Thoma laugh blissfully.
𓆩♡𓆪 “For luck.” He murmured, as your noses brushed together too enraptured by the look in your eyes to truly pull away. “For luck.” You echoed, pulling him in for another, firmer, longer kiss, one the of many you’d share in the sun-warmed grass, with only the birds and buried dendro slimes as your witnesses. 
𓆩♡𓆪 “It’s funny,” he breathed, between sweet, lingering kisses, “I already feel like the luckiest man alive.” He brushed a stray strand of hair away from your eyes, gazing at you like you were something to be treasured, adored. “It must be working already then.” You hummed, letting out a shriek of laughter as he pulled you back down into the grass, wrapping his arms tight around you, and covering your face with kisses. You didn’t let go of each other for hours, not until the sun set well below the horizon, and the chill of night air nipped at your skin. And even then, your giddy walk home was interrupted with fits of laughter and shared affection. 
𓆩♡𓆪 You’d felt on top of the world then. Like nothing could ever go wrong.  “Come back home to me,” You’d told him, when he boarded that dreaded boat, “Safe and sound. Promise me.”
𓆩♡𓆪 “I promise. You’ll always find me by your side, remember? I’ll be back home before you know it.” You hadn’t kissed him at the docks. The prying eyes of your family had turned you both shy, the new development in your friendship hadn’t yet been shared with your family, and you wanted to spare Thoma the onslaught of teasing on such an already difficult day. You wish you had now. More then anything. 
𓆩♡𓆪 The boat was out the harbor and off into the sea, Thoma waving you goodbye from its deck. You’d gone home, continued life on as normal, missing him, but certain of his return. 
𓆩♡𓆪 It all happened so quickly. Word from him ceased altogether, news of Inazuma’s closed boarders spread, and the boat never returned to Mondstadts harbor. 
𓆩♡𓆪 His mother assumed the worst. She mourned him, just as you did, having her to share your loss made it easier, but nothing patched the strange tear Thoma’s disappearance had left in your life. At first you feared the worst. Death, or imprisonment, Thoma all alone in Inazuma with nowhere to call home. Then, as time passed, you began to fear the bizarre. That Thoma had made it there safe, but all the time away would make him realize he was far, far better off without you. Or perhaps he’d met someone in Inazuma you couldn’t compare to. It haunted you for a time, these spiraling scenarios you couldn't seem to escape. But you healed, as best you could, and stopped torturing yourself with nagging possibilities. 
𓆩♡𓆪 It was strange, how things moved on without him. You’d always been known as a pair, even since you were young. To be seen alone, to know one half of you was missing, was so strange, the pitied glances followed you everywhere for a time. But eventually bigger things pulled at Mondstadts attention, and you were left in relative peace. 
𓆩♡𓆪 So much happened, while he was gone. So much you wanted more then anything to tell him about. Dvalin, the traveler, your vision, Jean taking over as the Acting Grand Master, the mysterious dark-knight hero, Cavalry Captain Kaeya with no cavalry left to captain, that strange man you’d met in the woods, Klee in all her entirety would take up several stories by herself, you couldn’t even remember if Thoma had had the pleasure? misfortune? entertainment, of meeting the youngest Knight of Favonius, you had even travelled to Liyue for a time, exploring the vastness of a new nation to distract yourself from your personal loss. There was so much he missed, so much he was missing, it never failed to leave an ache in your heart. 
𓆩♡𓆪 You wrote letters to him, sometimes, stacked in an unsent pile. Whispered it to the stars late at night, in hopes his might be listening. Collected little souvenirs, rubble from the great storm, a gift from the traveler, one of Klee’s thoroughly disarmed little bombs.
𓆩♡𓆪 You couldn’t find it within yourself to move on. Not when there was the chance that Thoma was still out there, waiting for you too. When you heard the traveler was venturing all the way to Inazuma somehow, you practically ran to Liyue, asking the traveler to just.. keep an eye out, for a friend of yours. 
𓆩♡𓆪 You received the letter from the traveler after a few painfully slow months. You’d made sounds you didn’t know you were capable of making, there were parties, Diluc had pulled you into a tight hug and vainly tried to hide his own tears, Kaeya listened to all your hope-filled ramblings, Lisa pried you away from the shoreline to stop you staring at every ship that sailed past, preoccupying you with chores and errands. Relief and joy was palpable across Mondstadt, and at the heart of it was you, overwhelmed with hope and longing. 
𓆩♡𓆪 Lisa had sent you out on another errand when you saw him, stood dazed at the Mondstadt gates. Amazed at how much had changed, at how much had stayed the same. His breath caught when he met your eyes, the two of you frozen in place, as if time had stood still. You were running before you had time to think it through, throwing yourself at him with such force you feared for a second you knock the both of you right over. 
𓆩♡𓆪 But Thoma caught you with practiced ease, his natural strength having turned into taught muscle in his time away. He had changed, the clink of his polearm at his back, the heat of a pyro vision flaring at his side, scar and muscle replaced the soft, freckled skin you knew in your youth. But beneath all that, in his watery smile, and hushed breaths, and gentle touches, he was the same as you had always known. The Thoma you had loved, everyday, over and over again, in his sturdy presence at your side, in his lingering absence, two halves of a troublesome whole, reunited. There was so much to talk about, so much you wanted to share, so much you wanted to know, you hoped more then anything that Inazuma had at least been kind to him. But the archons themselves couldn't have stopped you from kissing that teary-eyed smile off of his face first. 
𓆩♡𓆪 “Welcome home.”
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mickmundy · 1 year
hiii (again lol) just wanted to elaborate a little, but there is so much in the way you write particularly Sniper and his struggles with shame, loneliness, that hunger (in all its forms) and complex parental relationships that just resonates so deeply. Reading (and rereading) through the series and the evocative way you describe everything and break down/talk through it within and in bonus posts has really helped me put words to some of own feelings and motivated me to work towards improvement!
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(i hope its okay that i combined both of your asks, i didn’t want to risk mixing up my thoughts or leaving anything about either one unanswered! ;-; <3) FIRST OF ALL…… i’m ltierally so speechless ;;; thank you SO much for sending me this, it really means the entire universe to me… like i genuinely adore that something that i wrote from such a personal part of me is emotionally impacting people who read it… like it fills me with so much love knowing that there are people out there who can relate to….. sniper’s…….. yes… of course…. sniper’s……… journey with falling in love, internalized homophobia, sexual repression, rental trauma etc… sometimes being a human feels So Much and i really don’t know how else to describe it LOL but it’s… A Lot. in good and bad ways. and sometimes i’m just overwhelmed with emotion and i don’t know how to feel or what to feel or what i’m even feeling, i just know i’m feeling a LOT! and i’ve always felt like a total freak for how i process emotions and how i see love and so it just brings me so much comfort and joy to know that not only do people understand and appreciate sniper’s journey, but they also relate to it too ;;; i am holding all of our delicate hearts so close to my chest!! ;u; <3333
and YESSS ;;;; i love both of these things too, they were Big Deals to me to write. i cried when i wrote the first two chapters of fever over a year ago and back then i didn’t have anywhere near the amount of engagement (on here, twt, ao3, anywhere really) and so i was so scared that when i Would post this fic, i’d get laughed at or misunderstood (couldn’t decide which was worse lol) and so it’s really… like.. idk how to describe it… but it feels like a heavy hand on my shoulder in a really good way.. like the reception it’s gotten, i’m genuinely blown away… ;___; and i really appreciate people being comfortable enough to be Vulnerable with me like i feel like i’m being Vulnerable with you by posting my fics.., ;; i’ve cried a lot of tears as i’ve been writing these fics and they really are a massive part of Me (and my gf + our relationship heh) and i’m just so happy that people enjoy them…
the tenderness hurting more than pain..,., like idk how else to describe it lsdkfjsdjf. being told your whole life that you can’t let your emotions dominate you, you can’t let your feelings get in the way of What Really Matters (which as it turns out.. is… nothing really at all lol. or nothing that can’t be Enhanced With Feelings…!) and realizing later in life like oh my god. i’ve wasted so much time being This Person and now it’s not working anymore… and you cling to That Person because they’re all you’ve known how to be… and the idea of putting yourself out there as Who You Are and not Who You Were Told To Be… god it’s horrific. and so scary. and it sucks. but for the sake of love… you want to try… but how do you even try… well… with a lot of attempts! and after a while it starts to get a little more natural.. and a little more natural…. <3 hehe.. and the feeling of rejection from your parents (who you are desperate to please) for things that you can’t help or don’t even understand yourself… it feels really bleak. and sniper’s only been taught to just “power through it” but it’s like… that can’t work forever.. sometimes you need to turn around and Face what you feel… and shoving through it only works for so long…!
i’m so happy to hear that you’ve been inspired to improve yourself too, i’m right there with you!! being in a place emotionally where you find the ability to like. Look Within Yourself and at least Try to improve,, it’s really hard!! and sniper and medic doing it in their own unique ways (and the slow crawl that they do it at!) and seeing them be… not so great at it but they’re getting better! i think that’s a really human trait… like it’s okay that things don’t magically fall into place all at once Conveniently, you know what i mean? and i think with tf2 characters especially it’s like… they’re all immature, they’re far from perfect, but they’re also so capable of love… in their own ways hehe!! but i think that’s fun. i like that we can all have a little emotional vulnerability… together! :’)
thank you SO much again for this wonderful message, i sincerely adore talking with you about my writing and i am always so glad to hear that you enjoy it!! ;_; <333 ILYYYYYY MY DEAR FRIEND ;_____; <3333333
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queenofcats17 · 1 year
What Could Have Been
I had some more ideas for @hlvrai-twh~
The title comes from “What Could Have Been” from Arcane
The first thing Gordon does when Benrey walks up to him is apologize.
“Hey, man. I’m really sorry about all that.”
It catches Benrey off guard.“Sorry?” He echoes. “About what?”
“About the whole...making you the bad guy thing,” Gordon clarifies. “And the way I treated you. I know it’s not an excuse, but I was really stressed and I ended up taking it all out on you.” He smiles apologetically. “You didn’t deserve to be the scapegoat. I’m really sorry.”
His smile is gentle and kind, his eyes full of genuine regret.
“Why didn’t...Why didn’t you say that sooner?” Benrey asks, some of his hurt leaking into his voice. “If you were really sorry why didn’t you tell me before?”
A part of him thinks, “too little too late”. This isn’t going to save Gordon from his punishment, he tells himself.
“I wasn’t thinking,” Gordon says. “Tommy had to point it out to me. Like I said, I know it’s not an excuse.” He scratches the back of his head sheepishly. “You’re my friend and I shouldn’t have treated you like that."
Benrey can feel his resolve crumbling. “I’m your...friend?” His voice is small, hopeful.
“Yeah, man.” Gordon smiles at him, full of fondness. “You’re really funny and I like being around you.”
Tears are welling up in Benrey’s eyes. “Then why’d you shoot me? Why’d you make me the bad guy?” All his feelings are boiling over, all his hurt coming to the surface. “I didn’t wanna be bad. I didn’t wanna be the bad guy!”
“I know.” Gordon’s smile becomes regretful once more. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”
Benrey’s about to start yelling, about to start unloading all his pain and anger onto Gordon. He wants to scream and cry and get out all the uncomfortable feelings that have been swirling in his chest their entire journey.
Then Gordon hugs him.
The hug is gentle but firm. Gordon has a strong grip. Benrey had thought more than once that Gordon probably gave good hugs. Now he knows he was right.
“I know I can’t fix everything with an apology,” Gordon whispers, his breath tickling Benrey’s ear. “But I want to try. I want to be friends. Can we start over? Please?” There’s a pleading note to that last word.
All of Benrey’s walls come crumbling down and he begins to absolutely wail, clinging to Gordon like a drowning man might cling to a life preserver. Everything he wants to say comes rushing out, although it’s pretty incomprehensible given how hard he’s crying. Gordon still listens. He’s quiet, continuing to hold Benrey until he stops crying. Once Benrey’s coherent again, Gordon asks him to repeat what he was saying.
Benrey hesitates, but he does. He tells Gordon everything he’s been feeling, all his anger and frustration and pain. He also apologizes for the whole arm thing because he does genuinely feel bad about that.
And Gordon listens.
The only time he interrupts is when Benrey mentions his data is being deleted.
“Wait, what?!” He puts his hands on Benrey’s shoulders, immediately looking panicked. “You’re being deleted?!”
Benrey sniffles loudly. “Yeah...”
He doesn’t tell Gordon what his plan was to escape this fate. He doesn’t know if he’ll still use the plan, but it’s looking less and less appealing. He already didn’t want to do it, but after Gordon apologized? After Gordon held him as he cried?
Would he be able to live with himself if he betrayed Gordon now?
Gordon’s look of panic transitions to one of stubborn determination and he takes Benrey’s hand, charging off down the hall.
“Where’re we goin’?” Benrey asks.
“To find the others,” Gordon answers. “They have to know how to fix this. You’re not getting deleted.”
Benrey almost feels like crying all over again. He’s so tired, everything hurts, and all he can focus on is Gordon’s hand in his and Gordon’s warm voice assuring him that he’s not going to let Benrey die.
He barely registers when Gordon finds the others and begins to explain the situation. There’s a lot of technical jargon being thrown around by Coomer, Gman, and Gordon.
Tommy moves over to hug Benrey as the others talk. “We’ll- We’ll figure this out,” he assures Benrey. “You won’t get deleted.”
“Like Hell we’re going to let you die like this,” Bubby agrees, folding his arms.
“I don’t understand what’s going on,” Darnold chimes in. “But it does seem pretty unfair.”
Forzen doesn’t say anything, but he nods in agreement at the others’ statements.
Tommy, Darnold, and Bubby don’t seem to completely understand the whole “this world is a game” thing, but they’re all in agreement that they can’t stand by while Benrey potentially dies.
It feels good to have everyone united in support of him.
He can’t go through with his previous plan now. Not when everyone has come together for him like this. None of them would ever forgive him if he did. And he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself.
Gman, Coomer, and Gordon do a lot of talking for a few more hours, with Gordon taking off his headset a few times to look at something in the game’s code. Tommy, Darnold, Forzen, and Bubby stay with Benrey, trying to keep him comfortable and distract him from the pain of being slowly deleted. They remind him of things he might have forgotten because of the deletion.
The deletion is still unbearably painful, but at least he isn’t alone while experiencing it. He takes comfort in this. He’s going to be alright. They’re going to figure this out. He’s not alone. His friends care about him.
He’s loved.
Finally, whatever Gordon and the others were doing is complete. And the pain stops.
“Did it work? Is he safe?” Gordon asks, looking between Gman and Benrey.
“He should be stable now,” Gman confirms with a nod.
“How do you feel?” Tommy looks down at Benrey, who’s laying with his head in Tommy’s lap.
“I feel...good,” Benrey says. “Doesn’t...doesn’t hurt anymore.”
“Wonderful news, Bipple!” Coomer proclaims with a grin.
"Oh thank God.” Gordon lets out a laugh of relief, taking off his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose. “I was really scared we were going to lose you.”
“Yes, that could have been...” Gman pauses, his pale blue eyes slowly trailing over to where Benrey was being spun around by Tommy. “Very bad, indeed.”
Their group goes out to Chuck E Cheese afterward. None of them are quite sure how this is possible, but they decide not to question it. They’re just glad to be out of Black Mesa and have their friend’s safety guaranteed. They eat pizza, drink soda, and play dumb arcade games.
Benrey sits between Gordon and Tommy, not focused on following the argument that’s going on, simply enjoying being with his friends. This is what he wanted. He’s with his friends, he and Gordon have made up, and he’s not at risk of being deleted.
Everything is alright.
Gordon throws an arm around him, dragging him over. “Benrey! Weigh in on this!” He demands. His face is flushed and there’s a fiery intensity in his eyes.
Benrey feels his own face grow warm. “Huh? Wha-?”
“Don‘t drag him into this!” Bubby slams his hands on the table. “You can’t use him to make your stupid point!”
“What’s, uh, what’s goin’ on?” Benrey asks.
“They’re arguing about whether Chuck E Cheese is a restaurant or not,” Darnold explains, not looking up from whatever science he’s been doing with his soda.
“It is!” Gordon insists. “It serves food!”
“No, it is not!” Bubby fires back.
“It is a family entertainment center that contains a restaurant,” Gman agrees. “The entire establishment is not a restaurant.”
“What the fuck are you on about?!” Gordon yells.
Forzen and Tommy loudly sip their soda while Coomer begins to recite the Wikipedia article for “restaurant”.
Benrey smacks his lips. “I’unno,” he says. “Does...Uh...Does this place have a license to be a restaurant? Got the right documentation?”
For a second, it seems like Gordon is about to start yelling again. Then he erupts into raucous laughter, pulling Benrey closer.
“Come on, man! I’m trying to win an argument!”
“Gotta have those documents, bro,” Benrey says, which only makes Gordon laugh even harder.
This feels good. This feels right. All of them together, laughing over some dumb shit that doesn’t matter.
He wants this to last forever.
Benrey woke up crying.
He sat up, beginning to cry even harder at the curtain of long brown hair that obscured his vision as he did.
He’d had dreams like this before, but never this vivid. Never this real. He could still taste the cheap pizza, still feel Gordon’s warm body against his. It felt like a glimpse into another world. Was that what it would have been like if he hadn’t gone through with his plan? Was that what he could have had?
He drew his knees up to his chest and covered his face with his hands, still sobbing. Once more, the guilt washed over him, threatening to drown him. He’d ruined everything.
Tommy found him like that when he came to visit. He didn’t ask why Benrey was crying.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked softly, sitting down beside Benrey.
Benrey shook his head, drawing further into himself. He didn’t want to complain to Tommy. He knew it was his own fault. And Tommy would agree, even if he didn’t say it outright. Tommy had some sympathy for him because they were still kind of friends, but even Tommy didn’t forgive him for what he’d done.
“Okay.” Tommy nodded, shifting to sit with his back against the cave wall.
They sat in silence, the only sound being Benrey’s quiet sobs.
Healing would take a long time for everyone. But for now...the wound still gaped.
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hdmiru · 1 year
hello, dolls! it’s just me 𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒆 (dayeon’s mun, kst, she/her) coming to you all with my second muse! this is 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒅𝒂 𝒎𝒊𝒓𝒖, and i’m so excited to bring her here because she’s quite different from dayeon! she’s already been through her own journeys before joining hydra labels, and i can’t wait to see her interact with all of your muses! please go ahead and like this post to plot! once again, i am available through im’s or d*scord. whichever one you prefer!
incoming is her background!
born december 28, 2003 in tokyo, japan. she’s a capricorn, and i do think that says a lot about her. her father is a retired tennis player, while her mother is a retired volleyball player. the whole family was very sports-oriented, and so naturally, miru was pushed into that field as well
she took after her mother’s footsteps and played volleyball until her freshmen year of high school in which she suffered an injury that wasn’t life changing, but it did prevent her from pursuing volleyball professionally
it definitely feels like her whole life is crumbling down as that’s all she’s known. her mother’s pretty disappointed (is anybody surprised?), but she quickly moves onto miru’s younger sister instead. miru takes this opportunity to do everything she couldn’t do as a child
one of those includes going on trips. summer of 2021, she’s visiting korea when she gets casted by some entertainment company. they feed her sweet lies, and she’s convinced to take on the offer. she starts training at this npc company july of 2021, transfers to high school in korea (she was at hanlim arts for about eight months if anybody’s muse was there at the same time) and begin training
unfortunately, it was never a stable company to begin with, and they go bankrupt so she’s suddenly a jobless eighteen year-old in the middle of 2022! but she feels that the training that she did receive would be a waste if she didn’t continue to go down this path, and so she auditions for a bunch of other companies before finally making it to starlight music in december of 2022
onto her personality!
her background as an athlete shaped her personality quite a bit. she’s disciplined, polite, rigid, plays by the rules, honest and pretty much everything you’d find in a stereotypical athlete! adapting to the trainee life wasn’t super difficult because of these traits, but it also means that she does better with competition as well! she feels the need to improve and push herself further if there’s someone to compare herself to
pretty peak introvert tbh. like she prefers spending time alone. will make plans but silently pray they get cancelled by the other party so she can spend it at home, that type of person! not to say she’s no fun to be around, but she prefers to hang in the background and watch/observe what’s going on rather than being the cause of chaos
i don’t want to put so much emphasis on mbti, but miru’s also very peak istp/j (the latter is pretty 50-50). she prefers to get work done, and she’s really not good at imagining things. likes to stick to realistic options. the type of person that if a little child walked up to her and asked what they thought of their painting, she wouldn’t know what to say because she doesn’t want to hurt their feelings but the painting’s terrible, yknow? that kind of person
some wanted connections
while i love figuring things out one-on-one, here are some vague ideas that could work as starting points! as mentioned, she would thrive off of a rival, but i imagine it to lean more towards a friendly one, someone who isn’t afraid of criticizing her when she needs it and vice versa! someone who’s surprised that she’s better at korean than she seems? maybe she catches you talking bad about someone and kind of laughs because she understands everything! someone she knew pre-hydra days! she did train somewhere else and they could have crossed paths that way? i think miru can appear intimidating to some people with how quiet and observant she is. somebody who’s intimidated by her vibes? or someone miru wants to so desperately befriend but can’t seem to because she doesn’t know how to start the conversation! at the moment, i believe she’s the newest trainee around so someone who’s helped her since her first day? 
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multifandomrandomgirl · 11 months
The Ropes that Bind Us -Peter Tork x female!reader PART EIGHT
Taglist: @strawberry-sunset-skies
After a short car journey and an explanation from Davy as to why it took so long for him and Michael to rescue Y/N, they pulled up at the pad.
Peter hopped out of the vehicle in order to help Y/N out, she gratefully accepted his help, giving him a big smile as she got out. Y/N took in her surroundings, questions flooding her brain, however, the biggest question was:
“Wait, why is there a beach there? Where are we?” The four boys looked at her in confusion before Michael’s expression turned to one of sympathy and sadness for the girl who was most probably thousands of miles away from her home.
“Oh Y/N, we’re in Los Angeles.” Michael said sadly, Y/N’s face fell, and she glanced around again, staring at the sea, not knowing what emotions to feel.
“L.A? What the fuck? How’d he get me so far away? I’ve been in L.A for three fucking years? It’s not a wonder no one found me.” Y/N said, trying hard to mask the upset in her voice.
“Y/N, sweetie, where are you from?” Micky asked her gently before turning to Mike and giving him a ‘what the fuck do we do?’ look. 
“Illinois. Fucking Chicago.” Y/N ran her hand through her hair, a tear slipped out of her eye and Peter pulled her into a tight hug, finally being able to comfort the girl. Micky shot Mike another look, none of The Monkees knew what to do. Y/N was 2000 miles from home. They didn’t know if she wanted to return to Chicago and try to locate any friends or family she may have left in the area. 
“Y/N? I’m so sorry that you were forced this far from home. I don’t know what you want to do, but until you know, please stay with us. We’ll help you through anything and everything.” Michael took a step forward, placing a hand on her arm.
“Thank you Michael.” She whispered, Peter held onto her tighter, he wanted things to be right for her but he had no idea to make her feel better, he wasn’t expecting her to be from a whole different state. Peter wanted her to be safe and comfortable, and that’s what he planned on doing whilst she stayed with them, as well as making her feel like she was loved. He had no idea what her relatives were like back in Chicago but he wanted her to know that no matter what, people did care about her.
“Let’s get you inside, we really should clean your injuries, I don’t want them getting infected.” Peter guided her inside the house careful not to further hurt her. Mike smiled to himself, he knew that Peter really truly cared for the girl and he thought it was sweet how gentle he was being with her. The three remaining Monkees knew that no matter what, they’d help Peter protect Y/N no matter what.
Peter had drawn a bath for her a got her settled in there, giving her the things she needed to clean out her cuts and refresh herself, he then took it upon himself to find her some clothes, he found some clean underwear and a large t-shirt and made his way back to the bathroom.
“Y/N, is it okay if I come in? I have some clothes for you.” Peter asked, Y/N told him he could enter and so he did. He placed the clothes down on the lid of the toilet seat before crouching down next to the bath. He picked up a sponge, he looked for permission in her eyes, and it was granted. Peter began to gently wash Y/N, ensuring that all the dirt and fluff that was in her wounds were gone.
“Thank you, Peter. I really appreciate it.” Y/N smiled up at him, taking the towel that he held out to her.
“It’s no problem! I’ll wait in the hallway for you! The shirt is mine, and the underwear is Davy’s as he has the smallest waist and so I figured that’d be best for you, they’re clean!” Peter hurried out of the bathroom, Y/N giggled, dried herself off and picked up what appeared to be teenager-sized underwear. Y/N slid the top over her head and hung the towel up on a rail attached to the wall. The top smelt like Peter which instantly made her feel safe. 
Y/N left the bathroom, and just as promised, Peter stood waiting for her, he looked up and grinned at the sight of her. “Feel better?” He asked, she nodded in response. “So, you’re going to sleep in my bed, I’ll be on the sofa if you need anything, but Davy’s bed is in the same room as mine, so he’ll also be there.” Peter began to explain.
“Peter, don’t be ridiculous, you’re not sleeping on that sofa.” Y/N started.
“But-” Peter tried to interrupt but she wouldn’t let him speak.
“Peter, I was going to ask if maybe you’d sleep in the bed with me, please? I’m scared that Lord Reynolds is going to get me again, I know it’s ridiculous but-” Peter interrupted her this time.
“Of course Y/N, I want to keep you safe, I’ll protect you from him.” He took her hand and showed her to the bedroom, pulling back the duvet and letting her lay down before he clambered in behind her, pulling the duvet over the pair of them and wrapping his arms around her. The girl was out within seconds. “I’ll protect you from everything Y/N.” Peter murmured before falling asleep.
Davy entered the room an hour or so later to go to bed, he flipped the light on so he could find his pyjamas but caught sight of his bandmate and his new friend cuddled up, even in sleep, Peter’s face expressed the care he had for Y/N. Davy grinned stupidly before fetching Micky and Michael to look at them.
“Pete’s adorable, look at him. He’s so determined to protect her.” Micky smiled, tilting his head affectionately at the pair who looked more vulnerable than ever.
“And this, Lord Reynolds, is why we need Peter. He’s the most caring and sweet human ever.” Michael mumbled as he exited the room to go to his own bedroom, Micky in tow.
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mackenzielovee · 1 year
i just finished reading part 23 and i’m absolutely flabbergasted 😭 okay so THE DIALOGUE!! the way i could feel rafes level of anger and despair all through the story is a testament to the absolutely talented author you are 🫶🏻
"Let them give the damn spot away, then!" he cries, shaking his head, "I told you, she'd be fine dancing anywhere, but you were so dead set on this one place, and that was fine with me until you shipped her off with your brother and he almost got our daughter killed-"
as much as i feel for scott and his situation and i’m rooting for his recovery i completely understand where rafe is coming from. they’re his kids and it’s josie, his baby girl. the fear and horror he must have felt the moment he got the call automatically reminded me of y/n was in the car accident all those years ago.
"No!" he shouts, silencing you once again, "Stop it. It can't happen again, Y/N. I almost lost you once, it cannot fucking happen again."
once again i know where his fear is coming from and it absolutely broke me at the idea that you later wrote on about how it could’ve easily been the 3 of them in the car. while they can’t stop these things from happening i was silently hoping he wouldn’t blame it all on scott especially since rafe himself knows what struggling with substance abuse is.
"Thought I could, considering we're not consulting each other on decisions anymore," Rafe mutters.
the way my jaw dropped when he said this. i was in complete shocked, i probably re read that line about 5 times before continuing with the rest of the story bc excuse me rafe
"He's sick, Rafe. He's an alcoholic. Guilting him every time he comes to us like that isn't going to help him,"
i was thinking of maybe one day when scott is better, him and rafe can talk. i don’t know if you’ve mentioned before if scott was someone who knew about rafes drug addiction but i think rafe could be a huge help in scott’s journey to full sobriety or maybe just a support after. either way i would be really interested in how they’re relationship can grow through they’re shared experience with substance abuse. as much as y/n wants to help and understand i think rafe would do it better since he’s been in that position where he hit rock bottom and was seen as a disappointment
"Rafe, please," you beg, but you're not sure for what exactly. His eyes. His love. His forgiveness. "Don't," he says, pulling hand from under yours, "You really hurt me this time."
my heart actually broke here.
"We can all what?" he scoffs, standing up, "Live happily ever after? Scott can worm his way back into our kids' lives? I cave on a lot of shit for you, Y/N, but this is not something you can ask me to do."
okay so i’ve never thought about how rafe has actually bended himself a lot for y/n up until this point. and i now understand that as much as rafe clearly loves and adores y/n and she’s his world, his kids are his universe. the safety and stability of his kids will always be his priority, correct me if i’m wrong but even before y/n’s
"I'm terrified that something will happen one day. That I won't be there to protect you, or stop it, or fix it, and this whole thing really brought that fear out of me. I know that I seem overprotective with the kids, especially with Scott, but I just can't stand the thought of something happening to them. To you. You're my entire world, Y/N. I just need you to understand that."
and you healed me with this dialogue. yes, rafe can’t protect his family from everything but his love for them 3 is enough to last him a life time, he went from being a struggling absolutely head over heels teen boy to this mature and still head over heels man. their journey will always have a very special place in my heart. i cannot thank you enough for this universe. i’ll never get tired of saying this but you’re writing is one of the most heart wrenching yet heartening i’ve ever stumbled upon on 💗 thank you once again!
OMG STOP i am sobbing at this. there's nothing quite like my own words being quoted back to me. and for you to tell me how they made you feel??? such a blessing. i cant even express it. thank you so, so much!
and i love what you said and you're 100% right. the safety and stability of his kids will always be top priority to him. i love you for sending me this and thank YOU so much for being so sweet and supportive!
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rune-writes · 2 years
By the Babbling Brook
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV
Word count: 989
Rating: G
Summary: Nayra tells Alisaie about her first meeting with G'raha
Note: written for the fluffvember thing on twitter. Day 1 prompt: First Meeting/First Kiss
Read on AO3.
“So,” Alisaie began when they were half a malm away from Castrum Oriens. “How did you meet him?”
They’d been sent out to scout the area for potential spies, traps, or any refugees wanting protection. But the East End was fairly quiet that night. The thick boughs hid most of the starlight—and moonlight, as a quick glimpse upward had shown Nayra the faint silhouette of a crescent moon behind thin strips of clouds. Both she and Alisaie had kept their steps light. But between hooting owls and the wind's whisper, there had been nothing much of note. 
Nayra glanced over her shoulder at the young elezen, who skirted what looked like a lump of dung left by the local bears. 
“Who?” she asked back. 
Alisaie rolled her eyes. “Your friend.”
Nayra pondered for a whole minute before an earlier conversation came to her mind. Prior to their journey across Baelsar's Wall, she’d told her of a friend she had slumbering inside the Crystal Tower. 
The elezen nodded. 
The sound of babbling water brought her attention to a creek cutting through the eastern side of East End. A small wooden bridge led across it and beyond, the trees fell away to a plain of rocks and a river far ahead. Nayra stopped in her tracks, finding the end of their scouting area. 
Outside of the usual beasts—of which they’d steered clear off—there was nothing out of the ordinary. She thought to return, but the river bank looked enticing, and after an entire day coordinating with Raubahn and Conrad, surely a quick rest wouldn’t hurt anyone. She looked at Alisaie, then nodded at the waterbed. The elezen quirked an eyebrow. Without waiting for her reply, Nayra looked for a good place to sit, free of pebbles and uneven ground, then took a seat and dangled her knees down the side. She patted the spot next to her, and after a sigh and a shrug and a chuckle, Alisaie joined her on the creek. 
“We met when we were children,” Nayra said once Alisaie had settled down. The current was slow and shallow. Every now and then, Nayra dipped the toes of her boots beneath it, only to raise them up again before Tataru had a fit at how wet her gifts had become. “I was nine-ish? Ten, maybe? My parents and I were traveling to Mor Dhona. They’re traveling merchants, by the way, so we always went to places. We were visiting this village on the southeastern side of Mor Dhona when I saw him.”
The memory surfaced to her mind—of these long-gone huts and the people working there. Her father’s client had been the smith, who had been looking for rare ores found in the precipitous cliffs of the area. While her parents had been completing the transaction, Nayra had noticed a group of children ganging up on a boy. 
“He was being bullied when I first met him,” Nayra added with a chuckle. 
“And let me guess: you came to his rescue like the knight in shining armor that you are.”
“I’m not a knight,” Nayra said, scoffing. 
“Oh please, after all you’ve accomplished, I dare say you’re more deserving of the title than all the knights of Ishgard combined.”
“You’re exaggerating,” she replied with a laugh. “But, yes, I did go to his help.”
Nayra ignored her outburst though a soft chuckle bubbled out of her chest. 
“Anyway, I helped him out of a tight spot and…he was obnoxious at the start, but, well, I warmed up to him.” Nayra broke into a smile. “He wasn’t from here—moved away from home due to reasons—but he knew a lot of things. He liked books the most, and this one time, he told me of a tale his elders used to tell him. Of dragons and empires. The way his face lit up every time he talked about it…”
She remembered it: the bank of a babbling brook beneath the boughs of great trees, sitting on a place very much like this. Raha would sit next to her, their feet dangling down the side, as he told her tales after tales of far away countries or fallen empires. Every once in a while, he’d dip his feet in the water and comment at how warm it was. Sharlayan was always cold all year around and so it brought him joy every time he came to visit Eorzea. 
“Do you miss him?” Alisaie asked. 
Nayra stopped playing with her feet in the water. The wind blew unusually cold. Judging by the gathering clouds, a shower might not be far behind. 
“He did what he had to do,” came her quiet reply. “I’ve not the right to speak against it.”
Her chest rose then fell, trembling as she tried to close that chapter of her past. Shuddering in the sudden coldness of the air, Nayra pushed herself to her feet. 
“Come on,” she said, “let’s go. We have reports to give.”
Alisaie’s face spoke of unspoken words, and maybe half of Nayra would appreciate the ear her friend was lending, but the other half would rather Alisaie let it rest. She'd set her gaze on her path ahead. There was no merit in looking back. 
Her face might have shown whatever conflicting emotions were battling in her heart, because then, Alisaie pursed her lips, then drew a deep breath. “We shouldn’t keep them waiting then.” She rose to her feet then stretched her arms. “But I would very much appreciate it if you could stop keeping things to yourself. The Twelve know how much you can take before you burst.”
Her unexpected, yet not unwelcome, jibe gave Nayra pause. Had it been any other person, Nayra would have taken it personally, but maybe it was Alisaie's plain honesty that prompted her to respond in kind. 
“Of course,” she said, and there was no lie in her heart. “I promise.”
~ END ~
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