#this cat was so fucking loved by so many people he was our party cat when we lived in marquette 10 years ago
winter-hoof · 2 years
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As if 2023 hasn't been shitty enough so far, my cat Virtute had to be put to sleep today
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Shadowblumendrei Rec List
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This week, we're going with wizard polycules! Here are nine fics that feature Caleb/Essek/Astrid/Eadwulf in some form - some a little cute, a lot that are at least a little angsty, and a good amount of hotness besides. Check them out beneath the cut, and comment and kudos if you like them!
amongst the things left unforgiven by nonwal (63958, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: Discussions of suicide; panic attacks
Astrid and Eadwulf keep showing up on Essek's doorstep. Complicated wizard flirting ensues.
Reccer says: The character voices are magnificent and I love the way the relationships are developed. All of them keep trying to out-twisty each other and it's good.
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in the light of long-dead things by Anonymous (3426, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: Panic Attack
Astrid needs to stop gasping. If she doesn’t, they will be caught, and it will be Wulf who will be beaten instead of her. Wulf who will spend the week alone in the tower, half-frozen with cold. “What – what are you talking about? Who is Caleb?”
Reccer says: Astrid rarely gets comfort in fic, but this was soft and heartbreaking and a great look at what lies beneath the surface
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fledgling pledges by Anonymous (3100, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
an attempt is made to court the former Shadowhand of the Kryn Dynasty
Reccer says: great fun bits of cultural misunderstanding!
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the best of you (belongs to me) by quothhh (2525, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: Werewolf sex/knotting
ssek returns home smelling of someone else. Astrid and Eadwulf fix it. Set in an au where the scourgers are werewolves and Bren never broke.
Reccer says: Extremely hot werewolf smut. Enjoy!
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The Four of Us Are Dying by Defiler_Wyrm (6892, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: Dubcon/Consensual Non Consent, Extremely Dubious Consent
After dinner and too many drinks, Wulf and Astrid invite Caleb and Essek to their bed. They quickly come to regret it
Reccer says: The turn in feelings and vibe part way through is amazing! All the messy feelings are so well portrayed
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of the animal saving me by quanshi (burningdarkfire) (2727, General) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb gets a new cat. It took Wulf a full two weeks longer to catch on than he wanted to admit.
Reccer says: Great fun and fluffy
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tell me about despair by hanap (10411, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
In which the new Archmage of Civil Influence, her sole annex, the former Shadowhand of the Kryn Dynasty, and a weary transmutation professor at Soltryce Academy knit themselves back together, hand in unlovable hand.
Reccer says: This is what I love about the ship- all these damaged people tearing at each other then learning to love again? Yes plz
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i'll meet judgement by the hounds by necromanticomedy (yelenavasilyevna) (6553, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: Dubcon/Consensual Non Consent
A casual dinner party somehow turns into an 'insane psychosexual foursome'
Reccer says: I think the 'sex that is astrid holding essek at knifepoint and they're both fully dressed' and 'eadwulf being submissive the way a guard dog is submissive' tags sum up why I love this fic so much. They're all a bit fucked up in the best kind of ways
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fill me up (don't break my heart) by SandSunSiliceousOoze (7974, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek asks Caleb about fisting. Caleb is more than happy to demonstrate, with Astrid and Wulf as teachers
Reccer says: I love the teacher roleplay with Caleb as the enthusiastic demonstration subject, as well as the amazing dynamic between all of them
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week, we’ll be back with Hallmark/Romcom Vibes!
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
04/17/24 Daily OFMD Recap
== Nathan Foad ==
More pictures of Nathan in Love's Labours Lost!
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== Kay Buchanan ==
Our friendly neighborhood OFMD Master Leather Worker has more pictures for us! This time, maybe Black Pete's bag? Anyone know off hand?
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SRC: Kay Buchanan's IG
== Taika ==
So these pictures are adorable, but be warned of a potential jump scare if you watch the rest of the video-- thank you @ofmd-ann for the awesome stills, I did NOT want to put the full video on here xD See her post here.
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(via Ritas tiktok)
== Lesley Fucking Jones ==
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== Vico Ortiz ==
Sneaky shot of Vico from behind <3 Img Src: @enbybruje's IG
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== Dominic Burgess ==
Technically this would be Cats & Crew but I'll allow it because Dominic is such a friggn adorable cat dad and he deserves so much love for that.
Src: Dominic's Twitter
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== Watch Parties ==
= Flight of the Conchords =
Bit of an adjustment at least on the RhysDarbyFaction discord server for FotC watch party, we'll be watching 3 episodes a piece Thursday and Friday so as not to run into the next week. Continues tomorrow with episodes 5, 6, 7, of season 2 at 4pm PT / 7 pm ET / 11pm BST
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= Palm Royal Season 1 =
A new watch party hosted by @lcwebsxoxo on twitter is up and running! Thursday Episodes 3 and 4 will be playing at 1 pm PT / 4 pm ET / 9 pm BST
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast card features the other fisherman (Pedro Lope) that Stede robbed on his first "raid". We're gonna have a whole set of cards soon I can feel it @melvisik, thank you for these!
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= TealOranges & Garlic Soup Week 2024!! =
Prompts are up for this years TealOranges & Garlic Soup Prompt Week! The week will run June 23-29, 2024 with themes and prompts for each day! This prompt week celebrates all things Jim/Oluwande and Archie/Jim/Oluwande/Zheng!
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Plain Text for Prompts
Additional Information & FAQ
This Years AO3
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies-- I've had 3 hrs sleep today so the words on the screen are starting to run together. I'm still getting love notes from yesterdays request, and thank you so much, I promise i'm catching up to the messages, you all are the best crew someone could ask for. Thank you for spreading some joy in this crazy ass world.
Tonight I would like to send a reminder that we have not lost OFMD, as so many of said, we still have 2 wonderful seasons, and those boyfriends are currently boinking their way into oblivion in their inn, making their poor customers insane. But beyond that... had a discussion today with multiple dear friends / crewmates that made me feel a lot better about the whole thing too. I know it's months in the gravy basket now, but this is not the end for OFMD. Chaos Dad told us it was over, but in all honesty it still doesn't feel over. WBD is driving itself into the ground, Dad's been off at the WBD lot, it feels like things are moving in a better direction again. It may not be today, or tomorrow, or even the next few months, or a year or so, but I think we still have a chance to see the ending of our story.
And we've all said it before, but it bears repeating, even if it never happens, we get to make it happen. Stede and Ed live on in all our crazy ranges of work out there, that so many of you have been just CRANKING out lately, I've been astonished at how much new work I've seen from folks in the the fandom I know, and new folks I haven't met! It's so inspiring to see OFMD affect people so much that they felt they could put little pieces of themselves out into the world through art of all mediums.
I hope I'm making sense at this point.. if not, sorry about that! But know-- there's always hope. There's always S1 and S2, and the infinite universes we get to dream up from those two.
Rest Well lovelies. Img Src: @Chucklesandbleu on IG
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme - Bowties!
Gifs Courtesy of @fandomsmeantheworldtome and @sam-reid!
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lynsstrange · 4 months
the marauders as color/winter guard performers headcannons
(For the enjoyment of me and the probably one other person on the platform who’s two niche interests somehow overlap)
Section leader during marching season, team captain during winter season
Takes it VERY seriously
Is the reason they have twelve hours of practice a week, but also the reason they score very high
Everyone hates him the second conditioning comes around, constantly yelling at the team (Sirius) to try harder while they’re doing suicides and across the floors at seven in the morning
Rifle prodigy (he cannot stfu about showing off how many rotations he can do)
The overzealous upperclassman that scares off incoming freshmen
Always the one lending money at competitions for food. Also has first aid stuff, electric tape, hand warmers, and just about anything else the team could be in need of packed
Basically Team Mom ™
TECHNICALLY co-captain
Her and James are constantly bickering over whether her position is official (“That’s Mary, our FLAG SERGEANT” “WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN”)
She’s much more involved in flag, doesn’t like weapon as much
A good teacher, but brutally honest to anyone she sees as not meeting expectations
Resident playlist-maker, and has dominion over the speaker in the back of the bus
Is constantly critiquing the show design and advocating for aesthetic cohesion (“the rifles would look so much better if the bolts were taped blue, just saying”)
Is good at weapon, more so sabre
Doesn’t like flag as much, but always gets stuck on solos on it because he’s talented
Manages to miss his drill dot EVERY FUCKING TIME by just a little bit and it sends James into rage
Never really knows the counts, but always in time
Manages to look good even in the shittiest of costumes
Trauma dumps and tells wildass stories in the back of the bus on the way back from late night comps
Constant guard terminology sexual innuendo (“Remus, I need you to strip- your silk, Remus, mind out of the gutter 🙄”)
He doesn’t know how he got here
Meaning he got dragged into it by Sirius and James
(Mostly James)
Is basically being held hostage because of his skill- that being that he’s a lot stronger than he looks, so he’s good at rifle when he actually tries
Always has some dusty ass beat up novel in his competition duffle (me)
Late to practice or gone often because he has so many other academic commitments lmao
Always covered in bruises from getting whacked by equipment
Competitive only when it comes to Sirius. (Sirius can do a one handed forty five?? Remus can do a DOUBLE one handed forty five)
Marching band historian during fall season
Runs the guard’s social media pages
Organizes all team parties
A STICKLER for team traditions, and makes sure they’re continued on each year
Pretty well-rounded, but prefers flag
Like Remus, only truly competitive and spiteful when it comes to James
All the freshmen love her because she’s a good teacher, and she has a special talent of talking just about anyone into auditioning
Always mad about the state of disarray in the guard room
Like Remus, isn’t sure how he ended up here
Isn’t really that great at anything, but he tries real hard
Plays trumpet or smth during marching season lmao
And somehow ended up in guard by peer pressure and a crippling fear of being left out
Weapon NERD
And honestly all around guard nerd
Is almost as enthusiastic as James
She even did baton for a short period of time for fun
Is one of those people who can just whip rifle around in that effortless way (you know the type of person I’m talking about)
Constantly coming to James with feedback about choreography, and they’re always either getting along very well or at odds
Definitely on her way to DCI
Resident makeup helper (she can do a mean cat eye, even on a highway in a school bus)
Maybe at some point I’ll do the skittles or other various characters lol but for now I’m imagining just the in-universe Gryffindors/marauders as one team haha
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shortpplfedup · 1 year
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 6
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Another outstanding episode as chickens start coming home to roost and Sand sets a ball a-rollin' that is gonna roll right over him in the end. In a surprise upset, Sand's mom won the audience vote last week, with Top and Boston tied for second place. You really never know who the Tumblrinas are going to favour from week to week, keeps us all on our toes! Here are this week's highly scientific rankings.
🔺1. Ray (4)
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Let me talk to my friends. It’s his birthday. I’d like to say something.
Ray said NO SURVIVORS and sprayed the entire room at Mew's birthday party, and honestly? Kinda deserved. From calling Sand a whore (OUCH) to reading Cheum for filth for her shitty little backhanded comments, to almost letting the cat out of the Top/Boston bag in front of everybody, our resident mess came for every neck in the building. Boston primed him, Sand aimed him and Cheum lit the match, and it's no coincidence those three got hit with the blowback of his explosion at Top. A seething ball of pain and resentment fueled by alcohol and god-knows-what-else was never gonna fire a clean shot.
🔺2. Sand (5)
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Stop thinking about Mew and focus on me for once. Can’t you really see that I care about you?
Well now we know why Sand didn't blink an eye at Nick bugging Boston's car; he's just as fucking unhinged. Sand, a poor, breaking his own phone just to get his hands on Nick's and that recording (which, by the way, calling the file 'That Car' is really too much Nicholas PLEASE 🤣)...WILD. We've all had Nick pegged as the bunny boiler but Sand might be worse and I can't WAIT because I still believe in that baseball bat. But him begging Ray to give a single solitary shit about him even AFTER Ray calls him a whore in front of a bar full of people...I remain embarrassed on his behalf.
🔺3. Mew (6)
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Cocky much? I don’t even know if we’re gonna last that long.
Ok, when Mew said 'I love the sound you make when having sex' I literally screamed out OH FUCK HE KNOWS and listen, I have been WAITING for this moment. That was a baller fucking moment. You just KNOW Top's blood ran cold. Of course these two aren't breaking up, because couples like this NEVER break up. Game always recognises game. This is gonna be the first confrontation of many. But I'm pretty sure this is the last time Mew is gonna cry about it. Top might have just picked the wrong one. Mew has two moms, pretty sure he knows how to destroy a man.
🔻4. Nick (2)
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I don’t give a shit about what number I am. Screw it. I’m not that into you.
At some point Nick is gonna have to stop threatening to walk and actually fucking walk, but it's clearly continuing to work for him as he and Boston are clearly the boyfriends Boston insists they're not. Dates, couple photos, meeting the dad, tender lovemaking, Boston's deep, dark secrets: Nick's getting it all...except the label he wants so very badly. And now he's shook because he knows Sand stole that recording, and he knows if Boston finds out about it it's all coming crashing down.
🔺5. Cheum (8)
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I’m so happy everyone has a lover. Even a heartless slut like Boston has one.
Girl, you absolutely earned that smoke Ray blew at you. Sly Comment Susie got a minor taste of her own medicine and didn't like that shit one bit. It's all fun and games until it's your dirt under the microscope. Maybe Cheum just learned a lesson about minding her own business a little more, or at the very least keeping some of her thoughts to herself.
🔻6. Boston (3)
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If I was a nice guy, you wouldn’t like me.
A surprisingly quiet week for Ton as everybody else gets so messy he looks relatively drama-free. But under the surface he's still paddling like mad: screwing Nick like a lover rather than just a fuckbuddy to keep him from leaving, clearly not out to his dad but bringing Nick round to meet him (once again using him for free work), pinning Ray so decisively that he causes a full-on meltdown. Though, 'I don't hate Mew'...well that might actually be true, because he's giving more fear than hatred.
🔻7. Top (1)
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I get anyone I want. What about you? Who do you get?
Oh how the mighty have fallen. Top spent the episode feeling totally smug as he finally won the game and is basking in his spoils, swinging his dick around, feeling like King Shit. And then Mew played that recording and LOSER TIME. I have the distinct impression that Top hates to lose...
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lovelivingmydreams · 7 months
Question for both you and Moss: what is your favorite moment in Raven Poetry out of everything you’ve shown us so far? (I’m still so hyped about the latest chapter)
Our favorite? Out of the 212,732 word fanfic that's been written so far? Not an easy question. @skeletinmoss decided not to pick a favourite. They picked 26. They love the boys flirting (same, I'm kicking my feet and giggling every time i write such moments you cannot imagine how much I'm enjoying writing them now that they are together) honorable mention to the "filthy peasants" and "Fuck me" moment. Nox being a snitch and tattling to Logan the second he appears. They also love Roman's confusion when Virgil warns him for an attack he couldn't have seen comming while kicking J's but in uno. Virgil being so good at imitating cat noises that Logan couldn't tell the difference. The hug after Ro fixed V's hoodie (that was so sweet!) V getting revenge on his brother and cockblocking him "power move. V jinxing himself and after this when he tell's prince to "bite me" and Roman slamming him against the wall in response "I just might. You might remember you spin my head right round? We already mentioned that we both have a soft spot for the karaoke stream. The boys sleeping on the floor together after the halloween stream. The googly eyes war V being a party drunk Mischief smacking Ro's butt. A long supressed desire indeed. J protecting Patton (my heart) the bodies of the unborn moment. V is so dramatic sometimes. Ro torturing himself with the villain asmr V waking Ro with his pillow the whole cupid incident bitty V V making a nest out of Ro's clothes V sleeping under his bed cuz the room was too bright. V taking a bath with clothes on The identity reveal and the long awaited kiss.
As for me... Oof. I am so biased cuz i wrote them all out. There are so many soft and cute and funny moments. I'd say i'm particularly fond of nox comming home. It's an early moment but it shows how both V and Ro are such caring people in their own way and i love every second of it. The identity reveal and the kiss are of course big ones too. Both had a lot of build up and like i said i'm happy with how they turned out. But i think Nox was a verry essential part of making these two go from akward roomates to friends that will be lovers.
So glad you are enjoying the story and hopefully we can bring you the next chapter soon.
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anamelessfool · 9 months
Copia x Cardinal Marian, Copia & Terzo Domestic Fluff sponsored by @comp-lady's Domestic December
Link to Challenge Here
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Words: 1426 AO3 Link Here
Tags: Duet, Singing, Being Silly, Holiday Doldrums
Dedicated to @delullu and @thew0man <3
Ficlet Below the Cut!
After the Solstice Holidays and before the New Year, it was rough around the Ministry compound. Not much to do except nurse a hangover and wait for the calendar to refresh you, to wash away the old year. Next year will be different. But right now, I got to lie the fuck down.
Papa Emeritus III would make it everyone's problem and start wandering the halls looking for some last minute pick-me-up from a sibling who was already either exhausted with him or disgusted by him thanks in part to his traditionally ridiculous behavior at the Solstice party. Sister would have nothing to do with him, which of course meant he would resort to the only two people whose job description required mandatory interaction: Sister's Personal Assistant Marian and his protegee Papa Elect Copia.
Which is why during this time Marian and Copia preferred to hunker down somewhere. And when Marian would get so sick of puzzles or hearing Copia crow about The Life and Times of JP Morgan she would demand a field trip.
Luckily at this time of year Copia’s beige LaSabre would have the snow chains on and they could go into town without careening off of a snowy cliff on the way there.
And in the nearest town there was a bar that, for a discreet twenty dollar bill it would be Karaoke Night any night Marian wanted.
“Here we stand…Worlds apart, hearts broken in two! Two! Twooo….” Marian scream-sang the words as they lit up across the video screen. From his place at a nearby table, Copia sighed wistfully. She was a terrible singer, he had to admit. Not a musical bone in her body. But her heart was into it. Always, fully.
Also watching her plush hips sway in time to the music was a bonus.
“Some day, love will find you! Break those chains that bind you! You know, I still love you—” Marian held out her hand to him, flashing a winning smile. Copia’s heart soared. “Even when we go our separate ways!”
A man wandered up to the stage and threw a dollar into the empty plastic pitcher for her. She blew him a kiss. Copia felt a little tinge of jealously bubble up in his throat but it was followed by another thought, this one much more thrilling. Doesn’t matter, she’s coming home with me….
“Closer to the heart! Closer to the HEAAAAAART! YEA-YUH!” And Marian jumped off the small stage, drink in hand, to wander back to Copia’s table and his nest of empty glasses with lemon slices.
“The song’s over?” Copia asked. Watching her sidle over to him, a smirk across her face put him in a certain way. He pretended for a moment she had eyed him from across the bar, a mysterious temptress. He a debonair scoundrel. His heart fluttered.
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine….
“No there's like a five minute instrumental section, get with the program,” she said. “Here, drink this.”
Copia did what he always did—immediately what was told. He took a sip from the tiny straw. His whole mouth was awash with acrid flames as the liquid scraped down his throat. He nearly arched and hissed like a cat. “W-what was in that?!”
“Long Island Ice Tea—I thought you'd like it. The most alcohol for the least amount of money.” Marian cackled. “Enough with that unsweetened shit. You're up next.”
Copia clutched one of his empty glasses of unsweetened shit. “No thank you. I enjoy just watching you.”
“Why not?” Marian scanned the room. There were a half dozen people besides them on this impromptu Tuesday night karaoke.
“I just….prefer…”
“There's like five other people here.” She gestured towards the bar. “Four now, because I think that guy over there is asleep.”
Copia idly tapped the glass, blinking.
“You know you're going to perform in front of thousands of people soon, yeah?”
“That's different. So many, and they're ah…they're a wall at that scale, really.”
The little [INSTRUMENTAL] blocks started filling across the screen. She’d have to start singing again soon. Marian threw him a determined look. A hungry look. Her eyebrows raised and her mouth quirked. “Drink the rest of that. I'll get you up here.”
Marian turned back to the stage and Copia watched her ass in her tight jeans cross the floor. Imagined his hands across the nipped in part of her waist. He knocked back the rest of the burning concoction and dealt with the pain.
Marian’s solo ended and someone in the darkness actually clapped. She did an ironic curtsy and the next song title appeared across the screen.
Copia bit his lip and gripped the empty glass.
He heard the song. The fake organ refrain. The plinks and chirps of the most perfect arrangement of notes he'd ever heard since Bach felt inclined to start writing.
It was his ringtone for years, when custom ring tones were a thing.
Are they still a thing?
The intro ended, and the lyrics flashed across the screen, unsung. The midi karaoke track blared without any singer. Without anyone to help push the song along and give it life.
Marian stood there, staring into his eyes. Her smirk transformed into a wild, toothy grin.
How dare she.
How dare she let this song run down.
This perfect song.
Copia blinked again, this time keenly aware of how heavy his eyelids had become. He got up and his vision swam a little.
Marian was right. That was a lot of alcohol for a sensible price. And maybe chugging it wasn't the best idea Copia ever had.
The eight inch step up onto the little stage brought with it a surge of emotion. He was already singing the song in his head, trying to keep time. He wanted his intro to be completely on time.
Copia touched her arm with one hand, then grabbed under her chin. Marian laughed, dropping the mic in his other hand. She winked.
The horrible rinky-dink light set up was still unnaturally bright and he shut his eyes tight, leaning into the mic. He had to recover. He owed it to the song. “Don't go wasting your emotion! Lay all your love on me!”
Marian pulled another mic from the plastic pitcher nearby and joined in, trying to mimic the dulcet tones of Agnetha Fältskog the best a mere mortal could. “It was like shooting a sitting duck! A little small talk, a smile, and baby I was stuck!”
Copia made a little pleased grunt, a nod, then swept his arms out theatrically, continuing, “I still don't know what you've done with me! A grown-up woman should never fall so easily…”
Something pressed play in Copia's heart. The program ran without any doubt, dismay—there was definitely something beyond the buzz of a drink mixed with a heavy hand. For some reason he wanted nothing more than to give the performance of a lifetime. He put a foot up on the stool, leaning into the bridge. “I feel a kind of fear when I don't have you near… Unsatisfied, I skip my pride, I beg you, dear!”
Copia glanced over to Marian. She was red faced and giggling, the mic forgotten in her arms. He threw her his own smirk, pointing at her with an accusing finger. “Don't go wasting your emotion! Lay all your love on me! Don't go sharing your devotion…”
Marian stepped forward into him, and his hands automatically wrapped around her. Her fingers brushed the back of his neck and her lips connected with his. He tasted something tropical, warming him on this dreary winter December evening. The empty song continued, abandoned, but her kiss was consolation enough.
Marian couldn't resist a little bite as she pulled away. “Told you,” she said.
“Eh er-well..I was going to pick that one next anyway,” Copia huffed. He shifted his weight and through the bright lights he saw a curious gleam of metal in the far corner. A figure had slipped into the bar and settled behind a table, a large square-shouldered rectangle. With horns. With a metal mask.
“Omega?” Marian stammered. “What—”
There was a theatrically wicked laugh from behind them. Terzo was standing by the stage, leafing through the giant binder of songs and typing in numbers.
“You think you could keep this place a secret forever, fratellino,” Terzo sneered. The Infernal Eye gleamed in its socket. “We’re singing Super Trooper next.”
Bonus Organ Cover Of the Greatest Song Since Bach Decided to Dabble (Copia's words)
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
[just black list the tag #rani liveblogs got if u don’t want to see me bitch]
changes from book to show i noticed
what do you think it says thematically that they change the execution ned is carrying out from gared to will. do you think it was just cheaper to hire one guy to be both the “point of view” for our intro to the others and to also be the person executed.
i KNOW what it says thematically that they end this open with a scary shocking gared gets beheaded by the white walker scene and completely cut waymar royce’s “dance with me then” last stand and it’s nothing very good.
i don’t know that i like that they gave the “what about you” “i’m not a stark” exchange to bran and jon instead of ned and jon. i feel like it hits more when it’s jon denying his own starkness to ned’s face and bran sitting there realizing what a big thing jon has done here. but maybe i’m being picky here.
i do love this jaime & cersei scene. establishes the incest early, that they aren’t the ones who killed jon arryn, and also nikolaj’s danish accent comes through sooooo bad but i like it let him do it and give no explanation it’s sexy.
the tyrion change sure is. very typical of d&d.
i understand why it’s easier to just have jon snow outside and if they had a stronger jon snow i think i’d find this change less annoying but jon snow getting drunk at the party and crying is like 80% of the reason i love him so much. whomst among us.
these people are cowards prudes and fake perverts for changing this to fully clothed cuddling from those horn dogs .25 seconds after they came. i don’t give a shit about those three dehydrated twenty year olds in the shaving scene, also jon snow is my son i do Not want to fuck him stop trying to make me want to fuck him and give me sweaty and naked sean bean and michelle fairley having political pillow talk dammit.
making that change from catelyn wanting ned to go and ned not wanting to into catelyn fighting with luwin for ned to stay and ned not saying anything. perfect combo of “man is always right” + “completely erasing cat’s canon personality” + “misunderstanding ned’s core trait of grief due to long term depression & ptsd as ned is an honorable fool” nonsense. also let sean bean be naked?? michelle is not even like old???
i do understand why george was annoyed at the wedding night change, he’s writing something much more subtle than this, buti do think that’s a sign that they are not writing as subtle as him in regard to like. literally everything but especially dany and especially her relationships.
general comments and bitching
the archery scene is so fucking good tho. the way bran just LAUNCHES himself over that barrel to go slap arya silly but he can’t catch her she’s gone she’s in the wind and jon rickon and robb are hooting and hollering. really great.
do you know how many people i know who thought that jon snow and catelyn were fuckin bc of the glare they added there. akskdkd.
i wish they’d differentiated between jeyne poole and beth cassel in this scene with some dialogue and arya hears the training outside eventually drown out their voices instead of complete silence. those girls were not just like, the Main socialization that arya & sansa get, they’re both important to the northern plot with jeyne poole being like foundational to both of their stories. but obviously we know where that one goes.
i always think of that “when he looks at MEEEEEE and i look at HIIIIIIM” post during the direwolf puppy scene
“but he’s coming right now! down our road!”
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i really like that arya is so mean to bran because he’s In Her Spot bc she’s next oldest so SHE goes next and HE goes next to the baby.
the way mark addy does that out of breath huffy “CAAAAAAAAAAAT” and hugs her is so funny to me i love every acting decision that man ever made.
honestly they really set emilia up by having most of her scenes be with harry lloyd when she can barely match kit harington and the daarios.
kit harington is always so much worse in this season than i ever remember. but that’s okay because lena headey, mark addy, and sean bean are also sooooo much better than i remember every single time.
the feast scene is also very good. the lil deranged moment between cersei catelyn and sansa. cat’s single nod to robb and him putting on the big brother and perfect heir face immediately. jaime so clearly wanting to fuck ned and ned cannot be more turned off by how desperate jaime is. amazing.
i remember reading an article about how this white opinion writer was like was that dothraki wedding racist. can you be racist against fictional people. you definitely can right?? anyways viserys looking really worried that murder is gonna fuck up his deal before laughing is so funny.
also the suddenness of “the things i do for love” is real good. i always gasp with bran when it happens, the way they time it is really good.
god i hope i don’t spend this much time bitching for every single episode. akskdjd. this is one of the good seasons.
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rezcowgirl · 6 months
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I have so much work to do, but I'm going to leave it until the very bitter end like I usually do. Because why would I do otherwise?
Been feeling melancholy. It's not about the tree. It's kind of about the tree. There's other stuff. Don't feel like hashing any of it out. I have no choice - I have to get through it.
There's also good stuff.
1. Aries was hovering around looking sketchy and sniggering to himself while I was working. I was like "can you please LEAVE??". He did. Later, I found he shoved some very large chocolate hedgehogs into a bookshelf for me to find. He clarified his reason for purchase as: "You like little things, you like big things." I do. I really, really do. Teacup for scale.
I always coo over the wee chocolate hedgehogs at the shop. They're so CUTE. When I opened the big ones, I almost cried. He said the woman who sold him the box of giant hedgehogs said "we don't sell many of these". He replied "My partner likes very specific things...these are perfect".
Our 9 year anniversary is this month.
2. Illegal boozy Spring Welcoming picnic in the park with my best friends. We poured our drinks into the Jiji cups to be nondescript. Ali didn't get so drunk she couldn't get home on time this round. Last time, she left the drinks up to Aries and she had to miss a date with her partner because they both overshot how much whiskey she could handle...
3. On that note, I'll be back on my Treaty 4 home territories next week!!!! It was a trip I purchased for Aries for Christmas because he was missing his friends a lot. We have friends here, but these are friends he's had forever.
We'll be there over his birthday, and...most of his friends are also Aries. How? HOW? I have an invite sitting in my inbox that is "Aries Baby Party". Listen. Listen. I LOVE these people (most of 'em) but I AM NOT looking forward to being around a stable of raucous, likely multi-substance-impared Aries. I am expecting to be in bed by midnight. I'm going to call my mom to come get me, "Mom, I'm scared" style.
(My) Aries was like "It's fine. We'll get you drunk, you cry, and we send you home on the bus. I'll catch you later." Yeah, yeah. I am absolutely going to need to be drunk.
I am so looking forward to just not using my brain, watching Sailor Moon with ayecaptain, eating all the food I can't get here, and listening to my parents bicker (they are hilarious).
4. This fucking cat. He kills me.
5. My outfit for synth wave/dark wave night. I am so pumped. I am going to be so tired because I am vending at a toy sale all weekend, but I am determined to go. At least for a few hours.
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chronotsr · 6 months
Pre-G1 Modules, part 2 - Palace of the Vampire Queen and DK1-3
Asterisk 1: The first standalone module, Palace of the Vampire Queen
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(Another proud DND tradition, evil woman with her tits hanging out, representing here. This adventure is by Pete & Judy Kerestan, the operators of Wee Warriors.)
I'm trying really hard to not get TOO bogged down in exterior details to the adventures themselves, but a small preamble about Wee Warriors. Wee Warriors was a little company that was born to publish DND supplements. They were one of many, there were many zines and magazines and fan supplements going around, for example Judge's Guild forms at roughly the same time. They worked with TSR after a while to publish these things, so they were unofficial-but-official in a weird way. Early DND culture functions less like a business and more like a hobby community. Most of the early DND people knew each other in some capacity, it's only when DND got really far away from Lake Geneva that distinct cultures started forming island effect-style.
Good enough, let's keep going.
Our preamble gives us the basic of the adventure, dwarf island harangued by vampire queen, the undead keep abducting people to eat their blood. Conspicuously absent is any kind of information about a suggested level or party size.
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It's cute, right? The styling is so welcome and loving in a way that TSR products will not have for a long, long time.
It's very rote, lots of very basic traps and stocked rooms. Not much to see he--
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T-telepathic kittens that improve your morale? This is one of those moments where you just instantly know. The hobby isn't as different as you might thing. This is the exact sort of adorable shit you'd see on one of those big streamer shows. We all love our cats. They are our strength.
There genuinely isn't much to say about the rest of the module, other than that there is a shocking amount of child murder. There is an evil castle with a vampiress in it and you gotta go whack people til you can claim the reward money. About the most interesting twist you'll find in here is that there's a fakeout queen, and that the genuine queen will immediately take the (unnamed) dwarf princess hostage to secure her escape. I do appreciate that, if you're going to make every room just be a combat encounter with loot in it, the decision to make the key a table with room/creatures/max damage/description is sound. I'm kind of surprised this table-style key never caught on, given the 'doom monster closets' design that typifies a lot of early DND.
I wish that there was a great revelation waiting here for you, that the first non-TSR adventure was a forgotten classic? But it's really not. It's some monster-stocked rooms with the rare trap, and a vague preamble. Temple of the Frog showed a lot more creativity. I am kind of strangely fond of these lovingly inked maps though, it makes me long for hand-inked maps again. The Dungeon Master's Kit product line continues for two more entries (The Dwarven Glory and The Misty Isles) to form a soft trilogy.
Bonus Round: Skimming the rest of the Wee Warriors Dungeon Master's Kits
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So the thing about the DK product line is that it's not very interesting. But since I had to get a copy, I'm making it your problem by talking about them more.
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Everything about this room fascinates me. There is so much going on here that isn't explained. And then you keep going to room F7:
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Again, nothing is fucking explained. The monsters are in conflict because why not? There's actually a great idea in here, (although again, why is child murder so prevalent?)
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There are wisps of interesting narrative here, but all that's actually presented is like…the end-state? "Evil high priest who is abusing a tragedy to push his agenda" is a solid plot point. The idea that returning the treasure can cause conflict is great. But also, holy shit 500k gp diamond. That's enough exp to max your character in one fell swoop???
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Moving onto Misty Isles, this is more of a…. setting than a module per-se. There's some implied plots I suppose. Here's some of the weirdest things:
The leader of the dwarves on one island is implied to be gay, which is a strange decision given how we don't have any other practical information about him, and has melted all his gold into one pile
A profit-prophet who gives oracles for bribes
Many, many dwarf seems to have access to actual modern day machine guns?
A band of monks are looking for a girl stolen by zombies. Why….did they steal her? Why is there hope of rescuing her? They're zombies, they're going to eat her!
I cannot do this justice myself:
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That's….that's a lot. You want to randomly roll for nearly 600 magical objects? Sometimes designers Simply Say Words. The "My PC is the most bestest guy ever and could never be defeated" stories you hear people whinging about take a very different context when you realize there's just, GMs running around handing people literally 600 random magical items. Eventually you're going to roll and get the best items in the game. Note also, literally zero way of detecting any of the traps.
This random paragraph implies the existence of gamemaster-less play, a thing I guess could hypothetically exist with the degree of randomization, but. What?
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Absolute queen shit. You go succubus lady! And the fairytale logic is cute cus, if the party got mad when they found out about this, they could always give her weight from some magic bullshit, like turning her into lead. Oops!
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And it just goes on and on. There's a Cthulhu reference, there's a party of fighters who casually want to rape women (why were 70s gamers like this), the obligatory slavery character, et c. It's not the first setting released for DND, there are multiple people in front of this, I believe Empire of the Petal Throne won overall [fuck MAR Barker, nazi scum], and City State of the Invincible Overlord certainly predates it by a year. In 2024, it's a pretty tedious read. It reads like a list of ideas, because it is. There's some maps, but the maps are very sparse.
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themellowyellowmomma · 2 months
Do the whole thing and for 50 what is your shoe size?
That's a lot.
A nickname of mine. Copper, Donkey, Hoppy.
An embarrassing story. I peed my pants at a party in my 20's. I'm an alcoholic and couldn't resist the "no one can chug this bottle" but I didn't know there were pills in it and hadn't eaten in a few days so I puked and someone pushed my little brother face first in to so laughed so hard I peed my pants.
A turn-on. I have a thing for backs. haha
A turn-off. Not being funny.
Something I look for in a partner. Being respectful to others.
About my best friend. She has literally saved my life so many times in my battle with mental illness even though she's fighting my own. She loves my kids just as much as I do. She is my soulmate and I truly don't deserve her.
About my worst enemy. It's my mother, the true narc.
About someone I think is cute. Ohh boy, He's just a silly burst of light.
About someone I think is smart. My friends kid thinks she's stupid but I learn something new from her everyday.
About someone I think is funny. My neighbor has me dying everyday.
About my crush. Oi, He's funny and kind and a little crazy.
About my parents. I've been no contact with my mom for 6 years but my dad is awesome and I have amazing adoptive parents.
About my siblings. I only have one biological sibling and due to narc abuse from our mom we aren't close but we are always there when it matters.
Something I like about my body. I like my lips.
Something I dislike about my body. Everything else.
Something I like about my personality. I'm funny.
Something I dislike about my personality. My autism makes me a little unnecessarily honest sometimes.
A quote I live by. "Chuck it in the fuck it bucket and forget about it."
My favorite book. The secret garden.
My favorite movie. Nightmare on elm st.
My favorite food. Rice.
My favorite drink. Coffee.
A talent I have. I don't have one.
An unusual talent I have. I'm not talented.
One of my favorite followers. @nowhere-again1134
A fictional character I relate to. Eddie Munson, I was the metal/goth nerd and it was hell.
My favorite book I read for school. We read Harry Potter. lol
My favorite play. I have never watched a play but I sang in one.
A childhood memory. I don't remember much of my childhood.
My best birthday. My birthday always sucks, aging is my biggest fear.
An embarrassing secret. I have a legit crush on some other than my husband.
A little known fact. I was born dead.
A time I made a mistake. I thought I couldn't have kids. lol
I time I succeeded. Finally getting away from my mom and standing up for myself.
My favorite sport. volleyball or swimming.
My favorite video game. left4dead.
My favorite non-video game. trivial pursuit.
My favorite band. The Beatles and Nirvana are tied.
My favorite song. Hey Jude and Rape me.
My favorite animal. Sharks.
I pet I have. Cat.
My favorite Halloween costume. I was a skydancer. I'm old, google it.
My favorite piece of clothing. "ask me about my prize winning cock" shirt.
My favorite TV Show. supernatural.
Who I want to hug. so many people.
Who I want to kiss. I'm not going to answer that. lol
Who I want to punch. My mom.
Something I want to do before I die. Free dive with great whites.
Something great I’ve already accomplished. I'm a pretty good mom.
Anything! Make up your own. My shoe size. I have huge feet. an 11.
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shewhowas39 · 4 months
another chapter 10 sneak peek!
gonna try to get this one up tongiht, but if not it'll be posted first thing in the morning! in the mean time, have a sneak peek of chapter 10 of Juniper & Starlight. in which the cat(starion) is out of the bag.
“But,” she says, “my blood - you can’t compare it to other people, but…did it taste bad? LIke, rancid?”
“What?” He shakes his head. “No, darling. Far from it. It was…the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted. Not just as a vampire, but even what I can remember from my mortal life. Rich and sweet and…” He finds his eyes drifting down to the pulse point in her neck and has to clear his throat again before forcing them back up to her face. “No, you were certainly not rancid. Why do you ask?”
June bites her lip, clearly contemplating if she wants to answer or not, before finally saying, “Sometimes I get this feeling like there’s something wrong with my blood. Like it’s tainted. Or cursed. I ain’t sure. It don’t make sense, and I know that, but…I’m glad it didn’t taste bad or hurt you or anything.”
“I can assure you it did neither of those things. As for comparisons to other people - I can’t say for sure, but based on the difference in smell, I suspect your blood does taste different. I can smell the blood in people’s veins pretty easily when i”m close to them. And I’ve been very close to many people over the centuries. But I’ve never smelled anything like yours.”
Her brows furrow. “And the smell is good?”
“Fantastic.” He sighs wistfully, resting his temple against the cave wall. “But, alas, I cannot say for sure how it compares. Not unless I can get a hold of one of our other companions’ lovely necks.” 
“Don’t even think about it.” 
Astarion and June both turn to see Shadowheart storming toward them, and the way her green eyes are blazing instantly makes Astarion think he ought to make a dash for the cave’s exit. 
“Shadowheart, my friend, how are you this morning?” he asks.
“Save it, vampire.” 
The cave around them goes silent. If Astarion’s heart could still beat, it would have stopped as that last word left Shadowheart’s lips. Cold fear fills him as Wyll, Gale, and Lae’zel turn to stare, and his brain quickly begins to strategize how he could escape this with his head still firmly attached to his neck. 
“Well,” he says, his muscles tense, back straightening. “Someone’s been eavesdropping, it seems.”
“I certainly have.” Shadowheart tilts her chin up in gesture of defiance. “And don’t act all superior about it. You eavesdrop on the rest of us all the time.”
“I do.” Astarion works to keep his voice calm, but he’s panicking as the others begin to close in. “But that’s different.”
“How so?”
“Because it’s me.” 
“All right, hold on,” June says, raising her hands, palms out toward the rest of the party. “Look, this probably ain’t the best way it could’ve happened, but it’s better to get it out of the way, anyhow. We all need each other. We’re in this together, like it or not. Besides, our minds are connected, so there ain’t much point keeping secrets as it is.”
Astarion can’t help but notice that when June mentions “secrets,” Shadowheart, Wyll, and Gale all avert their eyes. It’s almost comical. Lae’zel, ont he other hand, seems unbothered by the statement. Astarion assumes the gith probably see secrets as a waste of time. He doubts Lae’zel has ever been cagey about anything in her life. 
all these people - aside from Lae'zel - are shady as fuck iwth their secrets lol.
this chapter will also include the long awaited appearance of Karlach! woo!
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bisluthq · 4 months
////perhaps but “nor progressing the relationship when she was still fully emotionally committed” is a funny thing to say because how do you know someone is emotionally committed?? This is what I’m asking?? ///
Well I'm taking her at face value from what she's said in her songs for 6 years whilst dating him. Like she's literally there saying 'you say I abandoned the ship but I was going down with it, my white knuckle dying grip', that she was the one trying to make him laugh and drill the safe and wanting to get married etc. And with everything up till midnights (and on most of midnights) she's writing song after song about being in love with him, and them being destined, and waiting to be together forever and she'll lose it if he leaves etc. Obviously we're never gonna KNOW if people were emotionally committed in a relationship we weren't a part of, but taylor sticking with joe for 6 years, and spending at least 18 months in a period of YLM and bejewelled with a matty option brewing she could hav easily jumped to, very much shows that she was emotionally committed to joe long after she felt he was giving her nothing back. Like you've said, she was hoping he'd pull the rabbit out of the hat and say they'd get married cos she was just waiting for him to fucking DO something for years cos she was in love with him, that is not the emotional state and actions of an ambivalent person imo.
I'm simply trying to say that you seem very willing to disregard this extremely plausible course of events that's right there from taylor's mouth (where we get 99% of our info from these people we don't know). But you will act like there's some definitive proof Joe was unchanged and right about not getting married from some enlightened place (bloody communicate bro or leave her then because she's been hoping for years for you to get married), and that Taylor projected shit to leave him for matty with no nuance really. Like she gets no benefit of the doubt or credence to her own version of events which is very clearly communicated. You brought up your own situation (fair enough) which you seem to be latching onto this and disregarding other takes. I'm not saying you can't have your own takes but you seem very entrenched in one line of thinking and I don't really get why cos it's not based on much beyond you relating to what you think Joe's position here was, in conflict with what Taylor actually describes it as? Like you're generally pretty fair to both sides but you seem to be giving joe a complete pass beyond 'he was maybe shitty at the end', and maybe he was but you seem weirdly staunch in that for no reason.
”bloody communicate bro or leave her then because she's been hoping for years for you to get married” - but this is being shitty and I’ve said this many times? Yes I relate to Joe in this situation because like I said my ex accused me of wasting her time and shit like that wasn’t nice of her but also like idk it took two to tango? I was both the joe and the Taylor there because I stay stay stayed because this bitch wouldn’t go go go as I said and eventually like I went went went and it actually sucked. And I do still care for her and hope she’s fine and we do talk about the cats and stuff like once a month and it’s… fine. But like it’s just a shitty situation to be in? And fwiw like just before we broke up like we were looking at buying a house, much like T/J like we just were because it sorta made sense and prices in the pandemic were low so it seemed sensible even though I spent every viewing appointment being like “WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE BESTIE I LEGIT SAW SOMEONE ELSE FOR A SPELL LIKE HOW ARE YOU STILL HERE????” So yeah I’m sympathetic to both parties. I think Joe sucked at the end (as my ex did) and I think Taylor sucked at the end (as I did) and I think all of us have reasons for sucking like from my ex’s pov I asked to break up, immediately started seeing someone else, she asked (she hates the word begged but lol she did) for us to try harder, we tried, lockdown was happening, my mental health went to shit (also on her but obviously not because no one causes you to be depressed and unable to shower), I left to go to my dad lol and he put me in clinic because my state was so bad. I think she has her own POV on what happened which I’d guess goes like she tried so hard and tried properly to make plans and I wouldn’t propose or buy a house and anyway I always liked guys all along and I drink too much and get stoned too often and I have all these guy friends (recurring theme doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or girl apparently that I’m actually with) that I’m super close to and like her version would be SHE TRIED and I made it impossible and my version is yes I acknowledge she tried but like she SUCKED ASS at the end lol so idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
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ilovesjamesbb · 4 months
Please Don't Leave Me (Pt. 27)
Bucky x Reader
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A month had passed and there was no sign of Christian. He didn’t make contact but there also seemed to be no HYDRA but things aren't always how they seem. It was quiet. Too quiet. Things were different between me and Bucky. All I wanted was to be there for him in the way he always was for me but he was guarded lately. I’m not sure what was driving us apart. The week following Jamie's death we were closer than we’ve ever been. He was by my side through all of it. 
The funeral was held in the upper east side although I requested it be back in Covington. Jamie had ties in New York City with the elitist and it was out of my control. It was grand and I sat in the back row. All of the team came. I was thankful for that. It was elaborate and I couldn’t help but think that Jamie would have hated it. 
4 weeks ago 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Nat asked y/n. She was all dressed up in a tight black dress and black heels to match. 
“I’m fine. I’ve come to terms with it. I’d rather the funeral not be at the damn Louvre but it wasn’t up to me” Nat smiled at Y/n’s joke 
“Some people would kill to have their funeral at a place like that.” 
“And some people are killed to have a funeral at a place like that” Y/n said back. Nat was silent. Yn started laughing. 
“Nat. Come on. That was funny.” Nat scoffed but there was a smirk on her face.
“Alright. Enough with the jokes. It’s showtime. We have to put on our game faces.” Both y/n and Natasha walked out to the common room with their faces stoic as ever. Steve and Sam sat on the couch and stood up when the girls entered the room. 
“How are you doing?” Steve asked genuinely. Nat looked at y/n and they both started hysterically laughing.
“You either have shit on your face or they’ve officially lost it.” Sam said aloud. Nat stopped laughing and put a serious look on her face but as soon as she looked at y/n they both lost it again. This time Steve and Sam started laughing as well. Nat poured drinks in short glasses and they all clicked glasses. Steve immediately spit it out. 
“What is this?” He asked with his face scrunched up.
“Fireball. We gotta get a little fucked up before we have to with the fat cats” Nat downed the rest of her drink. Y/n smiled and went to pour herself another. 
“Steve, you might want to drink up. We are going to sit with like 100 of Tony clones.” Y/n joked. Steve drank the rest of his drink and pursed his lips together. 
“What are we talking about? Me I hope.” Tony sauntered into the room with his expensive suit. 
“Oh you have no idea” Y/n mumbled and Nat must have heard it because she started laughing again. 
“Anyway. Clint can’t come. He is with the kids. He told me to tell you that he loves you and he’s sorry.” Tony said. Y/n raised her glass again. 
“To Clint!” She had to be on her fourth glass at this point. Hell it was a funeral why not make it a party. 
They all made it to the limos that Tony had ordered and Bucky came down. He was fidgety and y/n couldn’t help but notice. She put her hand on his thigh and he looked over at her. 
“Have a drink” She grabbed the bottle of tequila she had stashed in her purse. She took a swig and handed it to him. He didn’t think twice before throwing it back as well. The bottle was passed around to everyone beside Steve politely declined. 
“Thor. You got any of the good stuff?” Y/n breathed. 
“Of course!” He pulled out a flask and handed it to her. She poured some in the champagne flute and then one for Bucky. 
“To Mr. Moneybags for getting us this limo.” She cheered with Bucky. 
“You know me. Philanthropist by day, playboy by night.” He smirked. 
“Jar. Jar. Jar. Jar!” Nat took an empty glass and placed it on the little table in front of Tony. He rolled his eyes but threw a hundred in it. They got to the funeral and sat in the back. The place was packed. 
“Who knew Valentino had so many friends” Sam uttered. 
“Acquaintances. He didn’t like any of these asshats. They're all here for show anyway. It’s an investment opportunity.” Y/n said.
“Business as usual.” Sam said back. The funeral progressed and it was boring of course. There was a gathering in the ballroom following the ceremony. It was way more upbeat. Drinks were being passed around and the sounds of laughter were heard. 
“I say we blow this popsicle stand and go to a real party.” Tony said. Steve looked at him incredulously and was about to tell him how insensitive his remark was when y/n jumped in. 
“Tony. That was the best idea you’ve ever had. You’re a genius!” She grabbed a drink off of a server tray as he walked by and headed toward the door. The limo was waiting out front and Bucky was quick to follow her. 
“Where to?” Happy asked. Tony looked toward y/n and she smirked.
“The Delancey.” Tony said and he started to play some music and LED lights lit up the back.
“Tony, are you kidding me?” Sam asked. He was starting to smile as the Teach Me How Dougie came on. He saw the smile on y/n’s face and he stood up. He hit the dougie as he made his way to y/n.
“May I have this dance Ms. L/n?” He stuck out his hand. She got up and started to dance with Sam. They were all laughing and eventually Nat joined in and Thor tried to dance but was not hitting any of the moves. Everyone was laughing. Y/n started dancing in front of Bucky. He smiled but stayed sitting, his arm casually resting on the back of the seat. 
“Come on, Sergeant, show me what you got.” He got up and Nat changed the music. Ain’t No Mountain High Enough came through the speakers. Bucky started to sing to y/n and she looked surprised he knew the song. She started to voice the Tammi Terrell's part and everyone started to join in. 
“Cap, I know you Marvie Gaye.” Steve smiled and he reluctantly got up and started dancing and singing.
“No, no, baby!” He started screaming. Tony screamed and pretended he was having a heart attack. 
“Oh my god the fossil has been brought to the 21st century!” The rest of the night was a blur but everyone had fun. The most fun they had in a long time. It felt like things weren’t as serious anymore. The weight of the world was lifted and every bad thing had been forgotten for the night. Bucky and y/n made it back to their room. Bucky basically holding her up. As soon as they made it to the room y/n hit the bed with an ‘oof’. She rolled onto her back and smiled at Bucky. He jumped on the bed and y/n laughed. 
“Thank you for today. I needed this.” She said as Bucky put a strand of hair behind her ear. She did the same thing as the bun in his hair couldn’t hold all of the front pieces. 
“Anything for you, doll.” 
“So Marvin Gaye huh?” She joked. 
“An icon. How could I resist?” 
“Alright then. Lets Get It On, Barnes.”
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@cjand10 @blackbirdwitch22 @brnesblogposts
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
Hello! I’m here to tell you that my brother and Brian the cat are officially back home! I have to tell you some stuff tho! I was asked (nicely) to send you a message and i almost died when i got texts from my dad yesterday, so i knew i had to let you know. Anyway just a little thing for you to read because i thought you should see it as well.
I got a text from my dad that my brother befriended the old lady that sat next to him on the plane and they discussed Desperate Housewives because he is still watching it (he isnt at Gales season yet) and the lady really liked it back when it aired. He originally mentioned Gale and was about to tell her about qaf and my dad smacked him on the head and went ‘don’t even think about it. I’m not (my name)’ (he mentioned Gale and went ‘he was on this show Queer as OW’ according to my dad. You can take a guess when my dad smacked him) So he definitely has different ways of dealing with him than I do..I wouldve let it happen and then watch in amusement for 5 hours while he has an old lady trapped with him on a plane while he talks about two dudes in love.
ALSO! They had a surprise party planned for him. And i got a video sent to me of my brother’s girls (aka the queens) and his best friends that came to wait for him at the airport. They even made him a sign (the sign said ‘welcome back Mr Wannabe Kinney’) and he was so happy. And then they all surprised him at that bar they all go to! Turns out my mom, grandma, grandpa and the queens planned a surprise welcome home party. They decorated it all with signs that based on some photos had qaf topics written on them and balloons and when he sent me a photo this morning of all of them in a group, i swear it’s the cutest shit ever. I wish you could’ve seen it but just imagine a shit ton of people where 98% are queer, a few drag queens and then in the middle a dude with a Britin shirt on that looks like he doesn’t even belong there. It’s adorable how happy they all are to have him back and I can’t wait to find out how long that lasted until he unloaded all of his qaf/gale/randy/britin knowledge on them.
And secondly, I’m a little late with this but he did text me before he boarded the plane, asking me to relay a message to you: ‘yooo tell them that I just read that last chapter while we were waiting on our flight. What a fucking ending. I actually loved it, felt good, felt nice, felt like the right time. Wish that the real show ended in a similar way. For real (my name), you’re gonna love it when you read it.’
After that I texted him your replies to my message and he immediately texted me back ‘DRAG QUEEN STORY IS NEXT?! FUCK YEAH! I CANT FUCKING WAIT!’ And then in the middle of the night (so for him around 3 am) a very lovely text followed up: ‘can you nicely ask them to tell their Hannah Montana friend that I fucking love the new story. I have so many guesses and theories how it’s gonna go and I can’t wait to be wrong cause I know it’s gonna be better. And this shit is based on how the other person’s friends met?! I have so many questions, I feel like they’re right up my ally.’ After that he spammed my phone to ask me if I’ve read both of the fics yet (i have and they’re absolutely brilliant. You guys are talented as fuck)
Today he actually called me to talk to me about your epilogue and about your friends fic. This is really how we will bond from now on, isn’t it? I did send him your little teaser of the drag queen fic and he completely lost his shit. He’s so excited and if you were nervous about writing this fic, just so you know, you got a random straight dude in your corner because he is so excited for it, it’s kinda ridiculous (not really, its actually really sweet)
Btw, about the podcast Ron and Dan were on, I’ve also never listened to their podcasts even though I knew about it. But curiosity did get the best of me so I went and checked it out. It was a pretty decent interview. I don’t think it made me hate them more or less, kinda just the same. They didn’t say anything that I would clock as bad. I did see that they might do a part 2 where they’ll answer fan’s questions so i guess we’ll see then how i feel about them.
Dear sweet anon! Thank you so much for sending this update.
Queer as OW I'm dying! I would have let him trap that lady too. Maybe gotten another viewer of the show!
Welcome Back Mr. Wannabe Kinney! Oh I love that. I'm going to guess that since they're his friends, they're used to him info-dumping on them and they signed up for this. Otherwise, they wouldn't have encouraged it with their care packages. They know who he is.
I'm so glad he (and you!) enjoyed the final chapter of Fireflies. It was a short chapter given how long it took me to write it. I'm just terrible at ending fics.
This is my friend's story (as I texted it to the fic author):
"We were at a sex party and after fucking, I asked for his number and he actually gave me his real number instead of what he usually did which was give out the number of the last guy who had 'exchanged' numbers with him."
I'm excited that he's excited for the drag queen AU. It's going to be a long time coming though. I mapped it out yesterday and it's going to be about 20 chapters because I want a chapter devoted to each of the drag race all-stars challenges. And I'm going to include actual queens from the show. I want to have a good amount written before I start posting to make sure I'm up to the challenge. It's hard to capture everyone's voices and balance that many moving parts. My fics tend to focus on relationships and mental health, I don't write super plotty fics so this is new for me. I'm really excited for it though.
I'm going to check out the podcast! After I finish listening to my library book. WHILE WE WAIT FOR ANOTHER RANDY PODCAST EPISODE.
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nicnacsnonsense · 1 year
Okay Dark Lord of Derkholm AU. I don't believe you've read that book from what I recall of our Dianne Wynne Jones conversation, so I will be sure to explain the relevant parts of the plot as we go.
Our setting is a world that vibes similar to a standard fantasy setting -- which is a key plot point -- and they have a serious problem. The Badminton Twins who are business men who forty years ago managed to capture a demon, which they use as leverage to make the demon king do their bidding. (I have no strong feelings on who should be the demons, but I do think it would be funny if it were Mary and Doug, and since the demon king does help our protagonists, but really only to secure freedom for himself & his mate, it works). Their bidding being to force the upholding of a contract the people of this world signed to hold Badminton's Pilgrim Parties.
Every year they have to do up their world to look like an even more exaggerated and tropey version of a fantasy setting, all of which must conform to the Badminton's exact very racist and sexist expectations, and give a fantasy world quest to 100+ parties of about 20 Pilgrims (people from our world) which culminates in them defeating the Dark Lord and saving the world. They are paid for this service, but it's significantly less than what the Badmintons earn selling the experience, and also significantly less than the cost of running it in resource and labor on the people in the world.
(It's a colonialism. The whole story is an anti-colonialism & -capitalism allegory that's honestly pretty light on the allegory part of it.)
Our story starts with Spanish Jackie, Chancellor of the Wizard University, having an emergency meeting with a number of other various guild leaders, heads of state, high priests, etc. etc. About how they are going to stop the Pilgrim Parties. Their plan is to go see the two Oracles and do what both of them say. The instructions come down as make the first person you see the Dark Lord and the second person you see the Wizard Guide for the last tour group. Upon exiting the second Oracle, the first two people they see are Stede and his younger human son Olu.
Stede is regarded by people in this universe to be just as cringefail as he is in canon. He did technically graduate from the University and is a wizard, but he did very poorly. The trouble was he couldn't seem to conform to what was required of him -- which was to perform to specific standards to cater to the Pilgrim Party economy -- and only wanted to do his own magic that he was good at. The University was a very traumatizing experience for him and decimated his self-esteem, but he now has a beautiful farm/estate with a whole bevy of animals and a loving husband and many children where he is very happy and can focus on the type of magic he likes (or at least he could until this whole Dark Lord thing interrupted).
His preferred magic is kind of like a biology magic, I guess? Plants and animals. He's super great at using magic to grow any kind of plant. Nana, a high priestess/queen of one region, gives him an orange that she bought off of a Pilgrim because she is fully confident Stede will be able to use the pips from this fruit that isn't native to their entire world to grow a whole grove of orange trees. And as far as animals, at his home he has flying pigs, flying talking horses, Friendly Cows (they are so fucking dumb, but they have kind eyes), invisible cats, super intelligent geese (which tbf, I'm pretty sure are just normal cats & geese), etc. etc.
As to his children, Frenchie is the eldest. He's in training to become a bard. And I already mentioned Olu, who is the next oldest and who wants to train to be a wizard. These two are probably adopted in this version of the story. And then we move on to his & his husband's biological kids.
Pete is the oldest, and he and Olu are often refer to as the twins since they are about the same age. Pete is also a humongous black griffin. Yeah, so Stede took some of his cells, his husband's cells, cells from a lioness, and some cells from an eagle, did some kind of magic, put it in an egg, and out hatched a baby griffin, who is also a whole sapient person. John, Roach, and Swede (and possible Ivan & Fang, haven't decided on that) are their other griffin children.
For the rest of the crew, starting with Lucius, he is an elf prince in this one. He and his people are supposed to pose as dark elves and the Dark Lords minions. Stede manages to get Lucuis to agree to give him some additional help because (and this is different than the book) Lucius is into Pete. Lucius the elf is dtf the massive griffin, because why not.
For Jim, as a reminder Olu is the wizard guide for the last tour group (and Frenchie comes along too as their group bard). Jim is one of the Pilgrims in that group, but it eventually comes out they're here to try to figure out what happened to their parents, who went on a tour when they were just a kid, and never came back. We don't find out for sure what happened, but we are able to conclude that the Jimenezes were probably marked down as expendable.
Because yeah that's another service the Badmintons offer. You can pay an exorbitant sum to get an X put down next to a person's name, and that person will meet with an unfortunate accident and simply not make it back from their trip to the other world.
(Also in Olu & Frenchie's tour group are Evelyn, Hornberry, and Wellington. They are posing as a married couple plus sibling, though I'm not sure which configuration of that would be funniest. Ultimately it doesn't matter because they are all revealed to actually be undercover agents from various government organizations in our world investigating the shady shit the Badmintons are pulling).
Buttons is the nickname that is given to a dragon that randomly shows up, half-crazed and very confused. HE just took a little 100 year nap, and when he woke up the world was entirely different. Stede helps hims recover and reacclimate, and in return Buttons helps him out with the whole Dark Lord thing.
And then, saving the best for last, Ed. Obviously Ed is Stede's aforementioned husband. He is a very well-respected wizard and can do these little pocket universe things that everyone loves. When Stede is volunteered to be the Dark Lord, Ed is likewise assigned the role of Glamorous Enchantress. The vibe here of the Enchantress and her domain seems like it's kind of going for a Fae Queen & her court kind of thing. Anyway, as the Glamorous Enchantress Ed is required to look extraordinarily beautiful and extremely sensual if not overtly sexual. I'm picturing him having shaved his beard for the role and lounging about in his loose plait, pearls, a robe, and probably nothing else. To the point that when Frenchie & Olu's group show up off-schedule because Olu got them horribly lost and this was the first place they were able to find, Ed is running around freaking out trying to find his tiny gold shorts (thinking a real RHPS number here) because his kids are coming and he needs his least slutty outfit.
As for the actual plot beats, mainly what's important is that the story is about Stede and his kids running around trying to fulfill all the requirements of the Dark Lord role through an escalating series of everything that can go wrong, will. Made worse by all the people who have had enough of the Pilgrim Parties and are actively protesting in some fashion or another, and Izzy, another wizard who is supposed to be helping them but is actually secretly working for the Badmintons, helping them to mine magic from the ground and import it back to our world, and Spanish Jackie who has decided that the point of Stede being the Dark Lord must be that he's going to fail so hard that the whole operation is going to fall apart, and secretly actively working to make things harder for him.
The worst of Jackie's actions being the enchantment she put on Ed to compel him to leave Stede, so Stede is dealing with all of this and the additional stressor of his marriage suddenly and inexplicably falling apart. Of course when Jackie finally realizes what an asshole move that was and removes the enchantment, Ed is immediately all over Stede, like oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't even realize how I was acting, I love you so much.
So our happy ending when things all come to a head, Izzy is discovered for his crimes and arrested. Mary is set free and she and demon king Doug go off together. The gods show up (finally) and imprison the Badmintons inside the jar they kept Mary in and put Jackie in charge of working toward setting the world back to rights after the mess the Pilgrim Parties made of it. All the Pilgrims go back home to their own world, except Jim who decides to stay. Pete and Lucius official become an item. Buttons is revealed to be king of the dragons. And we end with Stede & Ed deciding to have another baby, this time a winged human. The End.
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