#this could be a cool fanfic idea
lovable-bastard · 1 year
so Merlin was most definitely malnourished before Camelot bc Ealdor definitely didn't have enough food for everyone. And one of the side affects of malnourishment in childhood is stunted growth. Merlin was one of those kids who was malnourished, but he is still taller then Arthur (not by a lot, but still taller). Arthur, who is a prince with more then enough food to help him grow. Even Gwaine's shorter than him (he's a noble, so it isn't malnutrition). It also can't be blamed on genetics, Hunith is quite short and Balinor is (I think) 6'0 something. Hell he's even taller/same height as many of the knights/guards we see!!!
So my question is, how tall would Merlin have been if he had the same resource's as Arthur, Leon or Gwaine??
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chase-ing-shadows · 2 years
AU where Atreus gets stuck as a bear and him and Sindri have to go on a brother bear style adventure to make him human again.
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also open to the idea that this happens after Ragnarok and this is the story of how Atreus and Sindri reconnect
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mx-giraffe · 5 months
Okay but what if there was a fic where Ace and Law meet in the coffee shop that Ace works at, Law always orders a straight black coffee and Ace always jokes about his soul. And so Law works at this hospital and then one day he’s telling Ace about this really annoying patient who won’t stop talking and keeps asking for meat for some reason!! Ace just sort of watches him rant about it with a grin cuz he knows who Law’s annoying patient is and then one day Ace goes with Luffy to his doctor’s appointment and when Law walks in the room and sees them, his face is like “???”. Then Ace is like “Hey Law” and then Luffy’s like “OMG ACE YOU KNOW TORAO???!!” And Law’s just like “what the fuck.”
Bonus if gay
And extra bonus if Luffy’s like “hey is Torao the hot doctor with tattoos you told me about?!” And Law turns his head to look at Ace SO FAST and Ace is like bright red and he’s like “shutupshutupshutup” and Law’s face is like “OKAY WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON???”
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orymsblueflower · 18 days
So I saw a post hoping that Sam's new character is a paladin, and I got this idea in my head and ran with it...
Imagine Bells Hells exploring Aeor even further, come across yet another bubble with someone in it, but this one looks different, and Orym with his high ass perception notices that this person's eyes are moving ever so slightly and the bubble is faintly glowing. They start debating about whether they should try to help or leave, but before they can talk further, the bubble glows bright and cracks on its and Sam walks in as his character whose this Paladin of the Crown, thanking them for apparently being the catalyst that freed him and saying this must be the time of great need he was required for. They're all like wtf are you on about and he tells them a tale of just before he was put in the stasis bubble by his god, the city of Aeor had decided to try to strike down the gods, and of course that goes against everything he stands for and he tried to lead a group internally to stop them, but of course there was a big fight and his own god froze him in this bubble with the message that it would be opened in a time of great need and his life wasn't over yet - it was merely at the beginning. And that was the last thing he remembers until now, and after looking around at the remnants of Aeor and their clearly underground location, he pauses and asks "what year is it?"
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r0semultiverse · 9 months
What We Do in the Land of Ooo
🧛‍♂️ What We Do in the Shadows x Adventure Time crossover AU! ⚔
Finn Mertens in place of Guillermo de la Cruz
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Marceline Abadeer in place of Nadja of Antipaxos
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Bonnibel Bubblegum in place of Laszlo Cravensworth
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Jake the dog in place of Colin Robinson
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Vampire King in place of Nandor The Relentless
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Betty Grof in place of The Guide
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The Lich in place of Baron Afanas
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Peppermint Butler in place of Wallace the Necromacer
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Simon Petrikov in place of Derek
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BMO in place of Nadja Doll (her old consciousness uploaded or something was an idea I had)
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Marshall Lee & Gary Gumball/Prince in place of Sean & Charmaine
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#I want to clarify that I don't have any plans to write this out as some sort of fanfic.#I also don't have any plans to draw actual redesigns for any of these characters.#this is all an indefinite WIP; anyone who wants to make content about the idea please tag me please I'd to see it!#also want to mention that this was somewhat inspired by recent fionna and cake content!#I suppose this AU could take place in the land of Ooo or it could take place on staten island but I was thinking land of Ooo#up to yall though if you wanna sketch any ideas from this lol#I was just trying to find images that somewhat fit the character they're in place of if you're curious as to why I chose the images I did!#also this isn't going with the nandermo stuff to clarify before people are like hey this is gross; no read the tags first; read my rambles!#these aren't 1-to-1 character crossovers; obviously I'd want to take some liberties with each of them if I were to put more effort into it!#vampire bonnie bubblegum would be cool to see! it doesn't need to make sense; we're having fun with it here! Vampire Betty Grof too!#Finn could also be an adult here if y'all want; I wasn't thinking too hard about this; just popped into my head & wanted to jot stuff down!#I'd also be curious to hear what adventure time characters you'd put in the roles of the wwdits ones; replacing mine or ones#that i didn't end up listing! I'd love to see a vampire Simon Petrikov & Finn Mertens though if anyone wants to draw that. anyway thats it!#mine#op#wwdits#what we do in the shadows#adventure time#adventure time fionna and cake#fionna and cake#adventure time spoilers
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irregularbillcipher · 8 months
i think it's really funny when people are like "i can't take this show seriously i think it's so funny that this show has a fandom. it's like if people started shipping simpsons characters or wrote video essays about bart" or otherwise use the simpsons as an example of a show that Obviously People Don't Take Seriously. like what are you talking about. go on nohomers for three seconds to realize how insane people are about the simpsons
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glitchy-anime-fan · 1 year
I was scrolling through my Assassination Classroom tiktoks and was reminded of a comment that said that they thought Gakuho was Karmas dad because Karma and Gakushuu are similar, and ngl I can see it.
Now I kind of want an angsty - potentially hurt/comfort - fic where Karma and Gakushuu find out they’re half brothers through Gakuho (Gakuho is the bio dad to both but they have different moms) and now they have to navigate through the new information.
I want a fic where, at first, Karma and Gakushuu are in complete denial of this new revelation because there’s no way it’s true. They try to ignore it, sweep it under the rug, pretend everything is normal, but as time goes on they start to see the similarities between them. They can’t deny it for much longer and they’re both itching for answers to the questions consuming them.
Perhaps one day they confront Gakuho and even he’s in denial at first. There’s no way he could have another son right? Even when he’s confronted with the DNA test he’s still in denial. He can’t fathom having another son and not knowing about it. The strict/calculated aide of him doesn’t like the idea of this unknown variable, of Karma Akabane actually being related to him. But his old self, the kind hearted teacher that’s been locked away for so long can’t fathom the idea that he’s failed another one of his students.
I think Karma would struggle with this whole debacle the most given he’s been neglected by his parents for so long. I think he would struggle with the thought that he’s the reason they’re always gone. The idea that he’s not his “dad’s” biological child, essentially an affair baby, would probably cause him to think that’s why his parents travel all the time. He’s the reason they don’t want him around.
Gakushuu would most likely not know exactly how to feel about everything. He’s not sure if he should be angry or upset at the situation. Should he direct his anger at Karma despite him also being a victim of the situation, or his father despite him claiming to have no clue about his and Karmas relationship. Had his mother known anything?
I think they way Karma’s mom and Gakuho met could vary, but whatever the case this whole thing started from a lack of communication. Either Mrs. Akabane didn’t realise Gakuho was the father, not her husband, or she did know but being the free spirited person she is she didn’t want this to tie her to Gakuho in any way. Karma takes after his mother more so whatever the reason it was very likely that no one would question Karma’s parentage.
And in the end, whether Karma and Gakushuu become friends or whatever, I think in the least they start to understand each other just a little.
(Ps. If anyone wants to actually write a fic based off this idea feel free to! Just tag me so I can read it 😉)
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htsparrowheart · 1 year
AU idea: when a Fey woman dies of unnatural causes, she can return to life by sacrificing her spiritual power. She wakes up healthy and whole, but normal.
Possibilities include:
Mia or Misty thought they were okay with turning away from their spirit medium heritage, until they wake up unmurdered and realize that they actually can't go back now. (They could even discuss the matter after they both survive!)
Maya could survive the 2-4 Bad Ending, or survive 3-5 in a painfully ironic way
Dahlia and Iris don't have spiritual power because they used it to survive a childhood illness or something
Morgan is sentenced to execution but it just ... doesn't stick. Law enforcement is baffled. She claims she can do it again (she cannot, she's just trolling as many men as possible before she dies)
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thecharliechip · 8 months
Hey, I have a byler fanfic that I'm writing and I would love it if people could help me edit it! I don't want to give the Google Doc link to just anyone so if you want to help edit DM me please (my DMs are open)
Also, if you want credit for helping me edit, it will be posted on AO3 when I've finished so you can comment your AO3 usernames somewhere on the document.
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steakout-05 · 8 months
i found this piece of promo art for 'Halfbrick Zombies', the a game that would be later reworked into 'Age Of Zombies', on the Halfbrick Network Twitter account. the game in this state looks much more like a survival horror and has a much darker tone than what it ended up becoming. i think i'd really like to see a game featuring Barry with a much more grim life-or-death feel, it'd be super interesting!! it looks super cool and i kinda wish it was released in this form :)
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glitterhoof · 1 year
joker 2019 is written by someone who's never seen joker in any media ever and paul dano riddler is literally just some guy from 4chan
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skittidyne · 2 years
It's been two months!! How are you feeling? How are sales going? Have you found a name for a sequel? What can we do to help?
you're very sweet anon!
i just checked the sales (that i can easily access) because i haven't for awhile, and not after that book blog tour i tried, and it only serves to remind me that ingramspark is very confusing with their sales reports.
BUT. if i'm doing my math correctly and ingramspark isn't doing something really stupid, then i've very much broken triple digits on my sales!
not only that, but WOAH NELLY WHAT IS THIS
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i... actually don't know what that is. it can't be just my books, because i only have one available through them. but it seems hard to believe that it's #2 overall?? i'm not selling that much. (yet!!) but it makes for a really neat screenshot to take! it also gave me a little gold ribbon on my book thumbnail :'3
i have NOT found a title, and i hate that Very Much, but that's also something i can't ask for outside advice on because holy legality batman.
THAT SAID. here is a list of ways to help your local skitty author with her local guides to the supernatural:
REVIEW. review my books on amazon and goodreads and wherever else you want!
TELL PEOPLE TO BUY MY BOOK! friends, family, libraries, your boss who is cool with queer content and swearing, and maybe your influencer cat who makes more money than you or i will ever dream of!
send asks! i love asks! and again: you're very sweet, anon :> these fill me with warm fuzzies and the support needed to scowl my way through editing for preptober
make fanart! make fanfic! make SOMETHING. i know a lot of people are like "i can't make anything ;O;" but trust me. y'all can. go make natalie's mashed potatoes! make a playlist! make the vorpal sword! crochet a unicorn! hunt an afanc! find a taxidermied jackalope to take promo pics with! talk about it on social media (and tag me; i'll talk back)! everything that fandom does generates hype for a series, and weird things are great.
i'll be looking for beta readers and ARC reviewer/readers in coming months, so do one of those! or both! (i think you can be both? i don't see why not?)
help me figure out a way to get the cool promo pictures i took on my fancy camera onto my laptop because i only just have realized that my stupid laptop doesn't even have a normal-sized SD card port
seriously tho, keep sending asks. questions, comments, liveblogs, predictions, anything! (except title name ideas, because if you come up with a really cool one, i can't use it, and then i'll be peeved i can't use it.)
stream distractible & go my favorite sports team on podcast sites so i can partake of markiplier's onlyfans. that will support me A Lot.
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castelled-away · 1 year
Prince boyfriends with big egos who compete with each other for the throne/place as leader (Peter was the High King before Caspian’s family ruled Narnia in present times, so the question is: which 1 of them should be king now?) and have to get along for the sake of winning a war while simultaneously trying not to kill one another but in the end manage to see that there’s enough room for both of them on the battle field/castle & they can actually learn a lot from each other.
Also the fact that they’re both princes (or kings in Peter’s case) is nice bc I think in period dramas it’s always like a commoner x a royal person. Just look at BBC Merlin with Merthur, Argwen or Bridgerton with Eloise/Theo, Anthony/Siena or Benedict/Sophie. & I get the appeal of those forbidden/risky love ships bc they ARE pretty cool & bring diversity into the dynamic. BUT BUT BUT. Princes/Princesses who can relate to each other about the pressure of always being in the eye of the pubic, having to be perfect for your subjects & allies, constantly preparing for that 1 day when you’ll have to take up the mantle of the ruler & how you always have to put the peoples’ needs before your own as if you yourself weren’t a person with hopes & fears & emotions too🥺
ALSO the RIVALRY!!!! These 2 are both leaders & think they each know what’s best for their subjects. So, yeah, while they do relate to the expectations of the other’s position & so should by all means be fast friends from the start, they fight one another. Bc in order to get back on the throne they both have to prove how one of them deserves to be king over the other & also try to get the competition out of the way. Plus the whole thing with Miraz’ reign of shit over Narnia makes Peter think of Caspian as the big bad enemy bc he’s Miraz’ nephew.
And this right here is REALLY interesting. 2 characters from the same background & shouldn’t have any problems with each other possess a valid reason to actually have conflict. HECK YES ENEMIES TO LOVERS
Anyways, no thoughts (except for that whole essay, oops) just prince boyfriends with their man egos & underlying fear of replacement that they have to work through
Just Caspeter <3
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teslapenguini · 2 years
so correct me if i’m wrong but i’m like, 80% sure that at this point the only people from empires who haven’t engaged in the ‘jimmy is a toy’ thing in any capacity are the fairytale trio. which could have some interesting implications for the future (or a neat fanfic) cause like. he and joey hate each other pretty much, and shelby wants nothing to do with him, but they and katherine are the only ones who aren’t actively dehumanizing him for fun (or just because they don’t know better, as seems to be the case with false’s occasional mentions of him and also gem’s whole thing with him). again do correct me if I’m wrong on this but I think it’s neat that two of the people who probably dislike/avoid jimmy the most out of everyone engage with the bullying of him the least (and also katherine being one of the only people native to the server who seems to genuinely respect him)
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goldenkid · 8 months
'oooh i should do nano' <- girl who absolutely cannot manage nano this year
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rabbitindisguise · 1 year
it's my post and I can make it as long as I want to :3 (it's really long)
hm this might be a weird thought but I wonder how much misinformation has contributed to positive things in society?
a lot of human rights activism is a game of telephone where someone will say something like "I would like to use the restroom" and then someone else is like "my god someone can't even pee in peace why do we even have gender signs" and then it's all "gender signs should be removed!" which is 1) not what they said and 2) very much a part of mob mentality type of deals where everyone is so upset and repeating the worst most ridiculous parts they ping pong around until bigger, more concrete and radicalizingly basic ideas are established
in academia this is often seen as a negative. Like, "no good progress will ever be made until people can communicate perfectly an telepathically and it's only a major con," and not "perhaps an important feature in the ability to mediate social conflict because it's existed long past our attempts to remove it"
but yeah your cause getting picked up by well meaning middle aged white women has, historically, been a wonderful thing in general. Abolitionists, gay rights, suffragettes, etc are all movements that have had significant support in this area. And almost universally, these women tend to badly misunderstand some things and yet those misunderstandings, while they might incite rage in oppressive groups, also tend to rally lots of support by being emotionally gut wrenching.
I think the important part of misinformation is not that it's wrong but what the purpose of the falsehoods are. It IS true that we use gender signs on bathrooms, so while that's not the most pressing concern, why is it such an effective way to stoke resentment towards the kind of person who defends actively attacking trans people? If boiling something down to surface level arguments that barely scratch the surface is not doing due diligence, why does it so often pan out correctly more often on the side of the oppressed than the oppressor?
Words are wonderful and important tools but tbh I wonder if trying to logic our way out of human emotions is not just a fool's errand but actively harmful. One thing important about trauma processing is not just learning to properly identify emotions to wrestle with them, but to learn TO feel. At all. Since PTSD causes irritability, panic, anxiety, restlessness, etc because of repressed emotions, disassociation, and avoidance, I think it's a sign that emotions serve an important and even arguably necessary evolutionary purpose to intelligent thought and sensible action.
We get tired when we need a break, we get happy when good things happen (typically). These cues are important bodymind communication tools and intertwined with lots of chemical reactions and complex psychological responses that control everything from perspiration to metabolic rates to oxygen saturation. When someone says "they're being mean!" and we get angry, that's regarded as purely interpersonal emotion but I think perhaps there is something deeper going on wrt to the social aspects of humans as a species. We talk about hiveminds (literally: bee hives), chemical signals, ultraviolet lights, etc as exotic compared to "rudimentary" human speech. But I think perhaps like gut microbes communicate with human bodies, humans in social groups communicate with the larger social groups. And things like democracy, anarchy, communism, capitalism, etc all fundamentally fail to answer how DO we actually make decisions anyways? Stripped down to the bare essentials, we appoint moderators/diplomats/instructors/skilled professionals into roles to handle disputes or take care of particular tasks.
But like . . . that's weird right? We don't really learn what it means to evaluate someone for something like that. "How do you know that Sam is good at teaching math?" There's nitty gritty How Many Kids Pass or Who Learns What but ultimately we sort of know what we're looking for and often laws and regulations aim to fix things . . . and make them worse sometimes in some aspects. But in addition to that, there's pressures for people to fill roles that they are not suited to fill because there is a huge amount of economic draw so they need to successfully remove people from the group that are interfering by not being good at it, causing risking making it worse to be worth it. So in a sense there's a pressure to self police at a global scale what's difficult to police even in a 1 to 1 interaction. And it's weird that it actually works at all. It means on a 1 to 1 level we have a shakey but effective system to determine who does what and what's in or out of line socially that is being replicated on a global level, with global level errors.
Take like . . . food labels, unions, and banks. People died and got sick when things were improperly labeled "not full of sawdust." When people found out about it there was outcry and regulations happened. Simply knowing was all that it took to get angry and the anger was effective at creating action. With unions on the other hand, disputes are mediated so that it doesn't turn into a shouting match and stuff can get done by sharing the facts, and just by mutual agreement unions will represent workers and not double cross them by lying a bunch. What? Trust, honor, and integrity are the only things standing in line of that, people say stuff like "if this union doesn't stand by their workers they're not a union" and that's like a fallacy or whatever but it's also decreeing what can be true and acceptable through regulating through social force of will. Laws like these are effective from punishments, sure, but what makes punishments effective is the social will to make it so- and shocking someone from touching a button doesn't really have a lot of social impact, even if you tell them it's the button that shocks them. Similarly, banks are methods to hold a currency's value on mutual agreement of value that's agreed upon by an entire country. Gold is typically used as a metric of value behind the dollar, but why did everyone agree gold was valuable?!?!? There has to be some utilitarian purpose- part of it is that it's rare to find, and effective for some status symbols like jewelry worn by people who can afford to pay for people to do luxury labor for them, as well as the value as a metal that is fairly hypoallergenic and can be used for protecting teeth to all sorts of other functional uses. But there's lots of other things that are similarly valuable that aren't globally seen as important (water for example). It doesn't make sense until I reconsider it in the context of humans being a living organism with social instincts, and gold being a tool and not something essential to survival.
On some level, problematic discourse could be considered in the same vein as an algae bloom or a rock slide or a migratory pattern change.
I think ultimately the answer to why misinformation works effectively to hear out oppressed people is that the facts of the matter are irrelevant to the intention of the interaction. The issue of the matter is Not if trans people can use the restroom, it's to draw the gaze of the entire country on the problems faced by an iiiiitty bitty tiny fraction of the population. Using the most inflammatory language possible, even if it's egregiously wrong, increases the attention- it's why trolls are such a big problem. It would also explain outcry, social change, reactionary behavior, and post reactionary behavior cycles. The outcry is the problem, the social change solves some and creates new ones, the reactionary behavior focuses on the problems, and after the reactionary behavior there's a bunch of chaos until Everyone Has Been Briefed on The Issues. Understanding this through the lens of a social group makes sense- individual birds will nest closer to a sunny spot, and others will follow to maintain the protection of being in a group. Cats will share nursing duties between themselves and raise kittens together. Strip away the complaining and infighting that happens, you can see regulations shifting towards informed consent HRT over time, then backswinging to it being outlawed, to a national conversation and protections from people fleeing the punitive laws. I don't think that California and Massachusetts would have such firm stances if they had not hear the (flawed) reasoning of republicans, or the pleas from trans people, or the very angry middle aged white women campaigning for trans rights with things that don't really make a whole lot of sense but are surprisingly effective. There's a huge push and pull across entire countries that looks like a nice flock of birds in the distance or a swarm of bees shifting course or a bunch of fish dodging a shark, if we didn't have to listen to insults and angry back and forth about it. We stare and wonder at ants making anthills and don't stop to think that it's incredible that we have people build houses that we can live in.
All this to say, I'm really curious about the bird discourse that may or may not be happening in light of this realization. Are there ant taxes? Are there ant fines for ant littering?
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