#how fucking tall would have Merlin been!?
lovable-bastard · 1 year
so Merlin was most definitely malnourished before Camelot bc Ealdor definitely didn't have enough food for everyone. And one of the side affects of malnourishment in childhood is stunted growth. Merlin was one of those kids who was malnourished, but he is still taller then Arthur (not by a lot, but still taller). Arthur, who is a prince with more then enough food to help him grow. Even Gwaine's shorter than him (he's a noble, so it isn't malnutrition). It also can't be blamed on genetics, Hunith is quite short and Balinor is (I think) 6'0 something. Hell he's even taller/same height as many of the knights/guards we see!!!
So my question is, how tall would Merlin have been if he had the same resource's as Arthur, Leon or Gwaine??
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petals2fish · 1 month
He’s shirtless.
He’s fucking standing there, shirtless.
Lily did not know what to do with her hands, or eyes, or legs, or hair. She’s frozen in the middle of the field where she’d been meeting Marley for a post practice walk back to the castle for the Slug Club meeting. Marley was busy blabbering on about Anna Spinnet getting on her nerves, going on and on about some rule book thing.
To be honest, the words didn’t even register in Lily’s brain. There was nothing going on up there, not a single brain cell firing, not once she caught sight of him. Instead she stood there, mute, wondering if she could die from attraction.
Next to “Fatal Attraction” in the dictionary, was James Potter.
Now don’t get her wrong, she crushed on him everyday. He had many qualities that made him worthy of a swoon.
His hair, for one, was windswept to one side with curls sticking out in places he’d not managed to tap down. She’d once gotten to run her fingers through the strands and they’d felt like sugar candy from the fair, waves spun like thread that might melt from her touch.
His eyes, if she were standing close enough, would be a deep shade of brown with gold and green flecks. Not emerald green like hers, a softer green, like the color of the sea in photos from southern islands. She’d seen it in postcards, almost like diamonds reflecting a green light.
More impressively, he was shirtless.
Rippled arm muscles demanded her gaze as he drank from a water bottle, the water dripping out of his mouth he was so careless with it. It was May, warming up, and the early summer sun had slightly tanned his chest. Curly black hair ran across his chest, and normally she hated chest hair, but this was James Potter. 
He broke all her rules but that only made sense where he was concerned. Lily often wondered if the man had ever followed a rule in his life. He was known for detentions and late night parties with friends. He had no idea how to stay out of trouble, but maybe that’s why she liked him so much.
She couldn’t stay out of trouble either.
Lily imagined if he ever showed up to class like that, she would grab him by the waistband of his quidditch joggers and pull him into her lap. Merlin, he’d tower over her, consume her, on top. His hand was big enough to hold a quaffle so he could handle her breasts with ease. One of those hands ran across his beautiful body, preparing to stretch and—
She swallowed a sigh just as someone side smacked her, making her call out and capturing the attention of everyone nearby.
“What was that for!” Lily demanded with a cry, rubbing the side of her head and glaring at Sirius Black who had his arms crossed and was looking at her like he could read her mind.
“Dunno,” Sirius tilted his head, his grey eyes slightly narrowed, “I couldn’t tell if you were having a stroke or not, your eye kept twitching.”
“So you hit me?” Lily stepped away from the tall Gryffindor, still rubbing her cheek pathetically, her eyes darting back to James who (still shirtless) was now watching them with one eyebrow quirked.
“My house elf taught me to smack my uncle Boris when he was having a stroke,” Sirius shrugged as he waltzed past, cool as could be, in James’ direction. “Hasn’t failed me yet.”
“I wasn’t having a stroke!” She called after him, “I was—“
Sirius grinned wickedly as he turned on a heel to watch her expression momentarily falter as she stopped herself from speaking. “I know what you were doing, but until you’re willing to pay up, gawking counts.”
She shot him a nasty hand gesture at which he laughed before finishing a complete turn to face James who mumbled something to Sirius quietly. Sirius kept in a bit of laughter as he passed James a shirt, not answering.
Lily cursed Sirius within an inch of his life when James took the shirt and covered back up. Sure, she might’ve made a bet with Sirius that she’d never date James Potter, or else she’d owe him twenty galleons, but that hardly meant she couldn’t stare politely when James offered himself up for it.
She just had to figure out how to get him shirtless again.
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suugarbabe · 8 months
Gotcha!! I am a sucker for how you write Enzo, and even more of a sucker for hurt/comfort or angst that ends in fluff. So to mix the two, my brain came up with this: Reader and Enzo have been together for a while, both are in love with eachother. The only thing is, R has never seen Enzo's "dark side", because the occasion never presented itself, until when Enzo beats up a guy for touching R and making her uncomfortable. R is shocked to say the least, or taken aback, but offers all the same to clean up Enzo's wounds, very lost in thought, because maybe usually violence scares her. Knowing Enzo he would realize this, and kind of spiral in a "did I scare you? Are you afraid of me? I would never hurt you" worries, while R was simply worried about Enzo's well being. So it ends with Reader comforting Enzo and vice versa, just a sweet bonding moment after a bit of a scare and angst. Feel free to change this or make it more dramatic💕💕💕💕💕
you couldn't shake the slimy feeling you had since this morning when Cormac tried to touch you. Well, he did touch you, smacked your ass really. And when you gave him the finger he called you a slag. You tried to ignore him, ignore the interaction. Enzo had tried to ask you what was wrong at lunch, but you told him you were just tired, that you'd had a tough divination class that morning. You could tell he wasn't buying it, but he also didn't push you.
when you were walking with Pansy on your way to the library, she had asked you again, and finally you told her. "What a fucking tosser! A right prick, he is," you had agreed with her words, telling her that you were going to go to the library for your free period. She said she would see you later and that you two could plan to hex him during dinner if you'd want.
You'd liked that idea, so when you saw Pansy sprinting towards you in the library, you were heavily confused. You stood up as she approached you, nearly out of breath. You urged her to tell you what was going on. She nodded, hands on her knees, "Enzo...in the court yard...Cormac...blood...s'getting real bad."
"Oh my god," you took off running, Pansy (reluctantly given that she had just sprinted to you) close behind. When you got to the court yard a small crowd had already formed. You pushed your way through until you got to the inner circle, your hand instantly going to cover your gape at the scene before you.
You always knew Enzo was a big man, he was not only tall, but broad as well. You just never realized how much broader he was than most the guys your age because from where you were standing, you couldn't even see Cormac with how Enzo was hunched over him, landing blow after blow.
You looked around the circle until you spotted the rest of Enzo's friends, storming up to them. You pointed at Blaise and Mattheo, "Stop him. You stop him right now before a professor comes out here."
Mattheo smirked, "No way, princess. This is Enzo's victim, he's not finished yet." You turned, now seeing a different angle of the fight. Cormac's face was bloody and swollen, one eye closed completely shut, the skin around it looking taught like a balloon.
You turned back to the both of them, "Mattheo Marvelo you stop this right. now. or I swear to Merlin I'll hex your dick to the size of a peanut for a month." With his middle name and the threat, Mattheo nodded at Blaise, both boys launching themselves toward Enzo, struggling slightly to pull him off.
Enzo was fighting back against them slightly, trying to swing towards Cormac again. He was so blind by rage he didn't even notice anyone around him. You couldn't stand it anymore, couldn't watch him fight anymore.
"Lorenzo, enough." Your voice was loud and stern. Enzo looked toward you, immediately catching your eyes and relaxing in the two other boys' hold. When you nodded they finally released him. You instructed the other boys to 'take care of this', motioning toward Cormac's beaten and moaning body.
You grabbed hold of Enzo's forearm, not wanting to fully grab his hand and get covered in someone else's blood. You led him down to the dungeons, down the hall of the boys dormitory and into the bathroom.
You pointed to the edge of the tub, "Sit." Enzo did so immediately, looking down at the ground like a child about to be scolded. You opened of of the cabinets, grabbing gauze and some healing potions that the boys kept on hand.
Walking back towards Enzo, you tapped the inside of one of his knees, signaling him to widen his legs so you could stand between them. You lifted his head with a finger under his chin. His had a small cut on his lower lip, "Looks like he got one good swing on you."
Enzo smirked, "Yeah, one's all he got the chance to get." You tsked at him, "You know I hate fighting, Enzo. You never fight, it's always the others."
Enzo's smirk turned to a frown, his lip splitting open slightly more, "I'm so sorry, angel, did I scare you? Are you afraid of me now? You know I would never hurt you, righ-"
You cut him off with a finger to his lips before patting the split in his lip with gauze and a healing potion.
"Why were you fighting him," you knew the answer, but you wanted to know how he knew. You grabbed one of his hands, waving your wand over the cuts that you can only assume were made from either Cormac's teeth or the harsh bridge of his nose coming into contact with Enzo's fists.
"Darling, my angel girl, he touched you, no, he smacked you, and called you names? What kind of protector would I be if I let shit like that slide. No way, that is never happening." You couldn't help but smile as you finished healing his other hand.
You cupped his cheek now, placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth, "My sweet Enzo bear, my big bad protector." Enzo placed his hands on either side of your hips, one hand going round to give you ass a playful squeeze.
You squealed, swatting at his hand with a giggle. Enzo smiled at the sound, pulling you closer still, "I will always be here to protect you, no matter what. I love you angel girl."
You smiled, "I love you too, Enzo," leaning in again to give him a proper kiss.
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dr3amlab · 1 year
wicked games, dm.
SUMMARY — Y/N Gorgon and Draco Malfoy have a long history of mutual hatred. You see, the two of them have been pulling pranks on each other since their 1st year at Hogwarts, to the dismay of their close friends and supervisors. However, after a prank left Y/N completely out of her mind, she decides that she'll pull her cruelest prank yet on Draco by pretending to be his secret admirer.
PAIRING — Draco Malfoy x reader
GENRE — series, enemies to lovers, rival, comedy (?)
WORD COUNT — 1631 words.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — I tried a new format of writing, I kinda want to try narrating like a movie ? idk if you caught that. tell me what you think, I'd really love that. Let me know if you want to be on the taglist!
PARTS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 finale
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“Really handsome, blond, tall and a son of a bitch.” These are the words you would use to describe Draco Malfoy if somebody ever asked you. Of course, you are not worried of ever saying the first four words of that sentence to anyone because, well, nobody would ever ask you.
It’s not that your opinion of the blond boy doesn’t matter, don’t get me wrong, but it’s just that your judgement of Malfoy is well known all across Hogwarts : you hate Draco, with a passion. Matter fact, if you had a gun with two bullets and you were in a room with Voldemort, Umbridge , and Draco, you would shoot draco, twice.
You must be curious on why you both hate each other so much ; Well for starters, it all started on the first ever day of Hogwarts when⎯
“Draco fucking Malfoy.”you yelled at the top of your lungs as soon as you felt a translucent-gooey-textured liquid being poured on the top of your head, slowly making its way on your shoulders. For the matter that drenched your upper body was unknown, you closed your eyes instantly, preventing whatever-that-was from infecting your eyes.
(I guess we’ll tell that story another day)
You quickly wiped your eyes with your fingers, wanting to see the culprit so you could give them a piece of your mind. But, of course, you knew damn well who would dare to pull this type of pranks at eight am.
There he was, right in front of you, Draco Malfoy, with his stupid platinum blond hair, laughing stupidly with his stupider friends. Oh, how his laugh was aggravating to your ears.
“What the fuck did you just pour on me Malfoy?”You gritted your teeth, angry as ever. Who in their right state of mind would be this bored to pull a prank this early in the morning?  
A smirk grazed his lips as he looked down on you. “What I just poured on you is troll snot.” His response earned a roar of laughter from not only his little clique, but the entire hallway which was, conveniently for Draco, busy at this time of the day. “And you think it's bloody funny you fucking tosser?” You said, disgusted as you helplessly tried to clean your hands on your skirt.
“Geez, Gorgon.” He chuckled as if you said the silliest thing ever. “Who shat in your cereals?” This statement made Crabbe and Goyle slap their knees and grab their stomach as it hurt with laughter. “Stop laughing! What's so funny you idiots?” You glared at them which made them stop at once.
You took a step towards the blond boy while looking at him straight into his eyes. “You're satisfied of yourself right now, aren't you Malfoy?” He took a step back, not sure of what's going to be your next move. “Are you du—” You were interrupted by a stern voice that silenced the entire hallway in a matter of seconds.
“What in Merlin's name is going on over here?” You didn't even need to turn around to see whose voice it is as you know it too damn well. Plus, the look on Malfoy only confirmed your suspicion. “Fuck, it's Snape.” He muttered shakily under his breath. “You are little coward, aren't you Malfoy?” You giggled bitterly finding his reaction way too funny. “Everybody go to class.” The professor continued. “NOW.”He demanded making every student watching the scene scurry to their first class of the day.
“Y/N Gorgon. Draco Malfoy.” Snape said in a severe voice. “What did you two scheme this time?” You turned around to look at the professor's face filled of exasperation. Well, can you blame him? There's not a single person in the world that wouldn't be tired of giving the same two students detention almost every day for the past six years. Yes, every day for the past SIX years.
Snape's presence didn't even bother you at this point, the man has seen you in all the possible situations and emotional states since the day you stepped foot into Hogwarts. So, unbothered, you continued talking to Draco as if Snape wasn't even in the room. “You will not get away with this Malfoy”you said through gritted teeth. “Trust, you will be dealt with.” You poked your index finger at his chest. “You didn't win yet, you fucking twat." The last statement earned you a smack in the back of your head from Snape.
“10 points out for Slytherin for your foolishness.” he said, disappointed. “I think you two already know the drill by now.” He sighed looking at the two of you in front of him. “Potions classroom. Cauldrons.” He said lifelessly, as usual.
“I think you are mistaken professor, we cleaned the cauldrons yesterday.” Draco said hurriedly. You quickly nudged Draco with your elbow. “Shut up Malfoy.” you mouthed.
“Would you rather help Filch on his cleaning duties?” Snape said already knowing your reaction. “No, sir.” You said quickly.
“Good.”He said before turning his back and leaving to Merlin knows where, but, then, he stopped his motions before turning back towards you and Draco. “Oh and Y/N.” You gulped. “Clean yourself before going to detention.” He brought his hand to his nose, waving it up and down as if to eliminate a bad odour. “The stench of troll snot isn't really pleasant for my nose. I think I speak for all of us” He turned back and disappeared quickly from the hallways which were empty by now, leaving only you and Draco who was currently laughing uncontrollably.
Of course, you didn't hesitate to kick him where the sun doesn't shine to make him shut up. And it did work.
"And he got me fucked up if he thinks that he'll get away with this easily." You stormed into your room, muttering like a mad woman. "He really thinks" you sat yourself on your desk, slamming a piece of paper on it. "that I'm going to let this slide, huh?" you picked up your quill and started writing on the paper. "Malfoy, you don't know what's coming for your right now." you chuckled maniacally.
"What the fuck Y/N?" Athena, your roommate, said as she got out of your shared bathroom, looking like she just got out of the shower. "Aren't you supposed to be in class right now?" she questioned while looking at you curiously and leaning her body on the door frame of the bathroom. "By the way⎯ What in Merlin's beard is this horrid smell?" she scrunched her nose "And it's definitely not me cause I just hopped out of the shower." You glared at her. "Well, what about you?" you said, "aren't you supposed to be in transfiguration right now?" you looked back at your paper. "If you are wondering about the smell," you stopped writing your sentence and met her eyes, "Draco Malfoy poured troll snot on me this morning." you explained.
A look of horror displayed on Athena's face "Troll snot?" you nodded. "Yes troll snot." for a moment she looked like she was suppressing a laugh, but then she couldn't control it anymore and had a fit of laughter. "What are you laughing for you git?" You were utterly offended, why would your dearest friend laugh of your misery?
"I'm sorry love, it's just that it's kind of a good come back for your last prank." she put her hand in front of her mouth as an attempt to hide her smile. "I didn't think that he could top you putting green hair dye in his shampoo." she continued. "Sure." you said smiling as Athena reminded you of your last accomplishment. "So I suppose that you are planning your next prank, aren't you?" she pointed at the piece of paper you were writing. "You know, I think you guys should just kiss at this point." you pretended to gag at her last statement. "Don’t ever say that again Athena. It’s never going to happen." she leaned back from her previous position and started to walk towards you.
"And, yeah, I am." a huge smirk displayed on your face. "And what is it?" she said as she stood next to you. "Nothing." you said simply. "Nothing?" Athena confusedly said as she picked up your piece of paper. "Yeah, I'm just gonna take a step back and watch things unfold." You said while leaning back in your chair, your arms behind your head.
You watched Athena's reaction at your next prank with amusement. "Y/N! You are insane." she exclaimed with her eyes as wide as saucers. "I truly don't know how to feel about this one, it's really risky." she waved the paper in front of your face. "Don't worry about it, it's all fun." you snatched the paper out of her hand. "Besides, that's the adequate payback for what he did today." you smiled mischievously while reading at the words written in the piece of parchment."
Dear Draco,
You filled up my heart for the past years, and I can not thank you enough for bringing me so much joy.
You see, I'm always looking at you secretly and it's creepy, I know, but I can't stop my eyes for prying for every trace of you. You are the highlight of my every day, hour and second.
I feel butterflies in my stomach every time our eyes meet by accident, I feel happy when you laugh but sadness when I see a frown on your face. Oh, how I'm infatuated by you.
But see, pretty boy, a wave of sadness can't help but to wash all over me when I wonder if you even know my existence.
Darling, do you even know my name? do you know I exist?
yours truly,
your secret admirer.
"This is perfect." you folded the letter and put it in a pink envelope. "I don't know about this Y/N." Athena sounded genuinely worried. "It's all he deserves for ruining my day by pouring troll snot on me." you said nonchalantly.
"Yeah, speaking of troll snot." Athena scrunched her nose in disgust. "you should really take a shower."
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jaylienpotter · 10 months
Part 3 of Let them be | 1.9K words
> Part 2 | Part 4 <
Let people want both
Remus, James and Peter were outside already, waiting for Sirius to join them to go to Hogsmead. Remus was getting impatient (it was getting close to that time of the month), it was unbelievable the amount of time someone could take to get ready. They always expected him to take longer, hence why not waiting at the dorm. But that day Padfoot was taking especially long.
Lupin's frown became something else entirely. Thin lips parted, brown eyes wide and cheeks most certainly darker than usual. Siri looked absolutely gorgeous, hot, perfect.
"Looking good Pads!" Prongs greeted the last marauder with his usual cheerful grin. But he didn't have the tall boy's slightest attention.
"You think?"
"Yeah! Girl day?" Sirius hummed affirmatively and got closer. Fuck did he she look even better.
"Where did you get the clothes?" The short blond boy was still getting used to the whole gender thing, but it had gotten better since the protest they did for Regulus.
"Well, Marlene gave me the skirt, said it's a tad too big on her. The top is mine but I cut it to be cropped. Not bad, I'd say. Definitely not the straightest but it's me after all. And I don't know, it gives it a grungy style. The fishnets are Mary's. I was expecting it to be uncomfortable but it's not, really. The accessories are all mine except for the bracelet, which is also Marlene's. The boots are mine, obviously. It would be fun to maybe get heels at one point but I don't think they exist in my size."
"You can always try spells. You look wicked, anyway!" Potter turned to Remus, who was very much panicking on the inside. "Y'alright, Moony?"
"Huh? Oh- yeah, yeah." Was that suspicious? He was quite collected in general but something about that man - or woman, person, didn't really matter - made him feral. He wanted Sirius to be his. He needed it. But he was far too awkward and shy to ever make a move. I mean, what if it ruined their friendship?
"Look!" Pads lifted her rectangle black sunglasses to show an amazing eye look (not that Remus knew much about makeup) that made her grey eyes pop. "I did it myself! Lily has been teaching me how to make different looks with makeup."
"You're on a first name basis, now? You're not stealing Evans from me, Pads, are you?" He squinted as if threatening, not that he would ever hurt his best friend.
"No, don't worry. I'm still very much into blokes."
"Good. Anyone you got your eyes on?"
"Maybe. Maybe not." Suddenly focused on the conversation, a million thoughts raced through Rem's head. Did Padfoot have a crush? Who could it be?
"Secretive. I'm onto you, Pads. And how about you Moony? We all know Pete is devoted to the Ravenclaw boy-"
"Merlin! I've told you already, Benjy and I are just friends."
"Sure." Round glasses turned to Moony, who, for once, was feeling somewhat brave.
"I guess you could say I fancy someone." He hoped to get a reaction from said person.
"Ooooo! Who is she?" This was his moment.
"Why are you assuming it's a girl?" There it was. Pads looked up, interest peaked. It could only be from curiosity, she always enjoyed some drama. Or maybe, hopefully, it could be deeper than that.
"Am I the only straight person here?"
"Well I'm not gay, because I don't fancy Benjy. I don't fancy anyone." Poor Pete. James wouldn't leave him alone about it, constantly teasing.
"Whatever you say, Wormy. Who's this person, Moony?"
"Ain't telling." He was feeling brave and maybe even impulsive. But not even the full moon made him an idiot.
"Aww, come on! Why don't you lot tell me anything?!"
"Perhaps because you're extremely obvious and embarrassing." He did have a point. Although that wasn't the reason in this case.
"Awn, do I embarrass you in front of eagle boy?"
"You're insufferable!" Potter chuckled, deciding it was enough teasing.
"Well, where we off to first? Zonko's?"
"We should go there last. We will need quite a lot of things, we're running out of stock for pranks."
"What would we do without you, Moony?" Get in a lot more detentions, that's for sure. "Three broomsticks?"
They all agreed and went to the pub, ordering butterbeer. After a while of talking about nothings, Peter got up.
"I have to go for a bit."
"Meeting a certain someone whose name starts with a B?"
"Sod off, Potter. I'll see you later." He was barely out the door when James got up too.
"Oh shit! I also need to go. I want to buy Lily some flowers. See if this time she'll accept going on a date. Sorry mates." He took some coins from his pockets (most of them galleons, rich prick) and messily left them on the table. "Uh this should cover some of the drinks. I'll meet you at Zonko's in like 30, yeah?"
"Just go, lover boy."
"Thank you, you're the best!" And then it was just them. It's not like they were never alone, but it was especially hard to focus when Sirius looked like a hot rockstar. No matter where Lupin looked, he could easily get flustered. Face? Amazing makeup that he wanted to kiss. Top? You could see her abs under the crop. Bottom? Obviously the mini skirt. There was no way out.
"You seem distracted."
"Hm? Do I?" Fuck.
"Yes. Is it because of the person you fancy?"
"Maybe." Absolutely.
"I didn't know you were bi." The lanky boy just shrugged, afraid to say something stupid. "Do I know him?"
"You know everyone."
"You know what I mean." Another non answer, a sip of the butterbeer that was near the end. "Do you know if he's gay? Or bi or whatever."
"He is."
"What does he look like?" They were getting into dangerous territory. There weren't many males at hogwarts with fucking grey eyes. Join the long black hair and it was a given.
"Why the interrogation? You also didn't give us much closure."
"Ask me things, then." He pondered. He desperately wanted to find out if Padfoot had any interest in the boy across from her.
"Do you fancy someone?"
"I do." Could be anyone.
"What's his house?"
"Gryffindor, of course. I have high standards, Moons." Siri was the only person that called him that. Got this man on his knees every time.
"I mean you dated a Ravenclaw."
"Shhhh we don't talk about him."
"Right." Brown eyebrows came together "Is it- is it James?" It made sense. They were always together, after all. And Potter was always complimenting his best mate.
"Prongs?! Fuck no! He's my brother. Why? You don't fancy him, do you…?"
"No, no!" Different Marauder.
"What's his house?"
"Also Gryffindor. What does your crush look like?" It could go downhill from there very fast.
"Brown hair. Brown eyes." Matched… "Bad sense of style." Listen. Remus didn't have a bad sense of style. He just liked to be comfortable. Although he could be the one in the description since Black said he looked like a grandfather.
Before Rem could answer, probably ask something that was more specific, a crash and shouts were heard a few tables over.
"Let's go somewhere else?"
"Sounds good."
After paying, Moony awkwardly followed his crush to a secluded area in the street.
"How about you? What does your crush look like?"
"Dark hair…" Pads hummed, encouraging to continue. "Light eyes…" Bastard was smirking. Smirking at the pink cheeks across the scarred face.
"I see…" She got close. Very close. "You know, Lupin. I couldn't help but notice you get particularly shy whenever I'm wearing a skirt. Any reason?" He didn't say anything. I mean, what was he supposed to say? Sirius obviously knew the answer already. "I'd say you simply like short skirts but I don't see you staring at other girls like that." His cheeks matched the colour of their house and he could be playing quidditch with how fast his heart was beating. "What is it, Remy?"
"Siri…" His voice was pleading, his eyes were pleading, his heart was pleading, he was on his knees and she was well aware of that.
"No no." She took his chin and made him look into those grey eyes. "Say it."
"I…" Shit, he was nervous. "I… like you…"
"Was that so hard? If all I needed to do to get you to like me back was to wear a skirt, I would've protested a lot sooner."
"It's not since the skirt… It's been longer." The Black smirk. Annoying and hot. He just wanted to kiss it, aware the bold red lipstick would get smudged on both of them.
"Remus John Lupin, you fool." And just like that, their lips met. Pale arms around the taller one's neck. Moony put his arms around her and pulled her closer, feeling her bare skin and melting into the kiss.
Merlin knows how long the kissing lasted. Time didn't exist between those two. After what seemed like an eternity and yet not enough, they parted.
"You have some lipstick on you." She chuckled and cleaned some of it with her finger. "I'm making it worse…"
"That's okay. I'll wash my face."
"Woooooo!" Turning around, there was a short Filipino blondie cheering them, holding hands with her dark skinned girlfriend. "Fucking finally! You better tell me the details, Black!"
"Fine! Now sod off Mckinnon!" She laughed and pulled Dorcas, walking away. "Well…"
"I uh… I'll wash my face at the pub."
"I'll walk with you." The silence was a tad awkward. At least to Remus. His crush took his hand and broke the ice. "So, since when do you fancy me?"
"I'm not sure… A year, maybe? You?"
"Awww really? You should have come out sooner. I've liked you since fourth year. Never made a move because I thought you were straight. And even after the protest, I wasn't sure if you just found me attractive because I look like a girl."
"No, I like you when you're masculine too. The skirt just… I don't know, has a different effect. Wait here?"
"Is my lipstick smudged?"
"A bit."
"I'll go too." They went back to the pub they had left some minutes ago. Pads went to the girl's bathroom while Remus cleaned his face and grinned at the mirror in the men's. When they met again, the red lips were as lively as before. They stained Moony, the shape of a kiss on his left cheek. "Sorry. Had to."
It had been over 30 minutes since James left to fetch Lily a gift. So naturally, he and Pettigrew were already waiting at Zonko's.
"There they are! Where were you two- Is that lipstick?!" The werewolf blushed and looked down while his partner held up their hands grinning.
"We're dating!"
"What?! You were each other's crushes?!" Wormtail shook his head.
"You are so oblivious, Prongs."
"Wha- You knew?!"
"Everyone with eyes and some common sense knows those two have been pining over each other. Congrats on figuring it out, it was getting painful to watch."
"Wormtail!" Pads gasped dramatically, her hand over her chest. "How could you stay quiet?"
"Wasn't my place to say anything. And it was quite entertaining to watch how stupid you both were." Sirius seemed offended, but Remus couldn't help but find the whole situation hilarious.
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valentinetypewriter · 6 months
Me And My Husband - Chapter 5
Taglist (let me know if you want to be on it: @ashlynnmalfoy @ashisabitgay @rainychaosmiracle @uarmysingularity @lafrone
Masterlist / Series Masterlist
Chapter 6
Summary: Barty is avoiding Y/n who is avoiding Sirius and Remus, teen drama at its best. But what happens when a certain someone's younger brother finds out who hurt his best friend
Warnings: swearing, teenagers are kind of dicks sometimes
Notes: sorry this jumps a lot between different characters, there was a lot of stuff I was excited to add into this chapter
Word count: 2,481
It had been two weeks since the Library incident, meaning it had been two whole weeks since Y/n last spoke to Barty. Though it wasn't by her own choice, no the Ravenclaw seemed to be avoiding her. Which is surprisingly easy when you aren't in the same house and share very few classes. Though Barty wasn't the only one avoiding people. Y/n herself had also been avoiding Sirius and Remus, much to a certain sandy haired boy's annoyance. For two weeks Remus had been trying to apologise to Y/n, which is very hard when said girl does nothing but glare right through him as if he didn't exist. What annoyed Remus more than being ignored by Y/n, was how unhelpful Sirius had been since that night in the library. Sirius had seemed more cruel towards her, making harsh remarks and jokes loud enough for the girl to hear. They always made James and Peter laugh, though Remus knew it was because they didn't understand the severity of their situation. And as much as Remus was angry with Sirius he couldn't pretend he himself was innocent, he was just as cruel to the friends of the poor girl who only wanted to get to know the two.
It was again that time of day when Remus would attempt another apology, he thought even if she didn't really want to accept his apology, It would eventually wear her down enough to do so. People didn't often seem to harbour guilt for things they believed were the right thing to do. So as soon as Remus saw the Slytherin girl he was looking for, and thankfully she was alone, he ran over to her calling out her name, making her stop dead in her tracks. With a roll of her eyes Y/n spun around to come face to face with one of the boys she'd been trying to avoid, unfortunately his constant harassment almost made her want to accept his apology so he'd just leave her alone. “What the hell do you want Lupin?” The girl asked in a cold and flat tone “I wanted to apologies for what happened in the library Y/n, I shouldn't have said any of those things” the girl scoffed at the tall boy “I agree, you definitely shouldn't have ever said those things to my friends, and I still don't forgive you” she turned to leave but stopped at the pathetically miserable noise Remus let out “Look Lupin it's been 14 days and you've apologised 32 times already, that's more than twice a day. So take a hint and leave me the fuck alone”.
She tried to leave, Remus though didn't like that and grabbed her wrist to stop her from leaving. She whipped her head back and tried pulling away from the tall boy “let go of me Lupin” her voice was cold and almost threatening. “Will you please just listen to me Y/n” the girl tried pulling away once more “I told you no, I don't-” Y/n was cut off by the hand around her wrist tightening, it felt as though her wrist would shatter under his grip “ow! Remus let go please, you're hurting me” her voice wavered and cracked, unable to hide her obvious fear of the boy's sudden change in behaviour. Y/n struggled more in his grip before finally getting free from the boy she assumed had major anger issues. “You know what, maybe my mother was right, you dirty half-bloods are all the same, don't try to talk to me again Lupin. I mean it!” Her voice edged away from the fear it held mere seconds ago to an icy and deep tone. Before the tanned boy could say anything else, Y/n turned around and finally walked off, leaving the boy alone and completely gutted.
“Merlin she's such an uptight bitch” Sirius said to the boy next to him, the said ‘uptight bitch’ he was referring to was none other than Y/n L/n. The only reason he was saying those things, was simply because after another rejection, Remus went sulking to his best friend. Said boy was currently buried under his thick blankets, sulking in his own self pity, Sirius never liked when his friends were upset, no matter what caused it. Sirius was also an incredibly impulsive person, which the two didn't mix very well. “You know what if she doesn't want to talk to you that's fine, I don't care anyway what someone like her thinks of either of us” his harsh words were followed by the loud noise of his stomping feet. Remus peeked his head out of his blanket just enough to see what the raven haired boy was up to, Sirius was currently shoving open the large window beside his bed.
The boy moved over to his bed picking up the enchanted green vase sitting on his bedside table, which for the past two weeks had been the only thing keeping the flowers alive. The angry boy made his way back over to the window, looking out before his attention was directed back to Remus “what are you doing?”. Sirius let out an annoyed huff “getting rid of this stupid thing, if she doesn't want to be ‘friends’ then I'm not going to keep some stupid reminder of her next to my bed” and with that he let the flowers drop out of the window, a quiet smash being heard a few seconds later. Sirius seemed to think that if he couldn't see it, it was no longer his problem. With that said and done, and the window now shut, the grey eyed boy left the room, his anger still burning. Remus just stayed laying in his bed staring up at his own vase, a small ache in his chest as he looked at them.
It had been an entire two days since Y/n was last harassed by Remus, it had been a good experience for the girl, quiet and less annoying. Though she couldn't feel too happy about it, she was still unable to get Barty to talk to her. Not even when she asked Evan and Regulus to help her so many times, he just seemed to avoid everyone and everything. It started with just not talking to her and the rest of their friends, then he was skipping a few meals here and there, and then he stopped showing up to the few classes they shared together, and he stopped going to any meals all together. Y/n heart ached for her friend, she only managed to get passing glimpses of him as he walked through the halls, but even from afar she could tell he didn't look good. Barty seemed more sickly looking, his skin was more pale than usual and he had dark bags under his eyes. Another thing she noticed was how his clothes had been seeming more baggy then his usual.
On the other hand the one thing she didn't seem to worry about was how rude Sirius was towards her recently, she couldn't care less about him or his stupid friend. Well that's what she was telling herself, but no matter how many times she thought that it didn't stop the gut wrenching feeling that twisted her stomach when she saw the green vase that once held flowers she gifted to Sirius, shattered against the ground. The once beautiful flowers were now dried up and dead. All she could do was stare at it thinking about how even though she was beyond angry with him, she never once had a thought to get rid of the gift he gave to her. But perhaps she was wrong to think that. Y/n looked down at her hand, the ring she once thought was pretty now left a sour taste in her mouth, she hated Sirius for that.
The next day when James left his room early for quidditch practice, he had tripped up on his way out, only just managing to catch himself on the door. Peter, who was a very light sleeper and woke up when his friend was getting ready, watched James with a slight bit of worry that was mostly covered by joy at watching his best friend ‘almost’ eat shit “you alright there Bambi?” The joy he felt was obvious in his tone “well I'm certainly awake now Pete” the two quietly laughed together, hoping to not wake up the other two sleeping boys. James looked down to the floor to find out what he tripped on, he was expecting it to be the rug that covered the hallway, thinking that it was probably pulled up by their door. What he saw though was what appeared to be a shoe box, the name Sirius written on the lid. The curly haired boy seemed to completely ignore the fact he had quidditch practice in 10 minutes. As he picked the book up off the floor, he brought it into his room and shut the door behind him.
“What's that?” Peter nodded towards the book James held “dunno, it's for Sirius” the two boys looked over at their sleeping friend “reckon we should wake him?” Peter asked unsure about what to do. James considered it for a few seconds before placing the box on the bedside table of said sleeping boy. He gently shook his friend awake “James I swear if you're asking me to come to your practice again, I'll punch you” James laughed at the tired boys insult “no no Siri, there was a box outside our door with your name on it, almost tripped over it” Sirius couldn't help but let out a tired laugh at his friends misery. “What's in the box?” James shrugged, pulling it off the table and handing it over to Sirius, who was now sitting up. Sirius gently opened the box as James watched over his shoulder, the box was filled with deep red tissue paper. Sirius pulled out the first few layers and felt his heart sink into his gut. In the box was a smaller wooden box, the same one decorated with stars he had gifted to Y/n. there was also a single yellow carnation, just starting to wilt around the edges and seemed to droop slightly when held up. But what made the sad feeling in his stomach bubbled into pure dread was the dark green jewellery box, Sirius knew what sat inside, it was obvious. It was decorated with a crest and motto he was all too familiar with ‘Toujours Pur’. A sick part of him hoped it was a joke, that if he opened the box he'd find nothing but a note, explaining how it was just a cruel prank. He clung to that hope as he slid the box open, the beautiful ring seemed to gleam even in the dim room.
“Wow looks like someone has a secret admirer; some kind of trinket, a flower and even an expensive looking ring” James said as his hand landed on Sirius's shoulder. Peter stood up from his desk, walking over to check out the contents of the gift “holy shit that looks incredibly expensive, whoever it was seems to like you a whole lot” James nodded in agreement “yeah I mean not even my dad got mum something that expensive” Sirius just let out a strained laugh, the two boys just assumed he was nervous about the very pricey display of affection. “hmm, yeah that must really like me” with that Sirius packed the stuff back away into the box and slid it under his bed “well it's a Saturday, so I'm going back to sleep, and I, hopefully, won't wake up until mid-day, have a good practice Prongs” the boy threw himself back down onto his bed, pulling the sheet over him. James and Peter shared a smile, unaware of how miserable their friend was.
Though Sirius wasn't the only miserable one, Y/n herself was also sulking. Though instead of inside the confines of her room she was sat on the top floor of the Astronomy tower, no one ever came to a place meant for stargazing during the day, so it meant she would be left alone. Well mostly, the only other person who would ever think to even come here during the day, let alone on the weekend, was Regulus. After all it was the place they met, it was always the place the both of them went to if they were upset about something. Reglus slowly moved towards the crying girl, gently placing his hand on her back as he sat down next to her “oh mon chéri, what's wrong?” His voice was soft and gentle, his hand rubbing up and down against her back to soothe the girl. “It's just Barty still won't talk to me, no matter how hard I try and it's all Sirius's fault” the small boy froze up, his face hardening at the thought of his brother hurting his friend “what did my brother do to him” Y/n sniffled and looked up at Regulus, her sad eyes full of tears “he said such horrible things to him, and so did his stupid half-blood friend Lupin” she wiped her eye before continuing “they called him all sorts of things, like a pathetic Ravenclaw, and a pathetic pureblood, they even had the audacity to call him Evans pet bird” she shook her head “and then Sirius had the brilliant idea to throw out those stupid flowers I got him, and I mean literally, he threw them out of a window I think” Regulus eyebrows furrowed, he was beyond angry, violent thoughts of yelling at his brother filled his mind. “And after that I gave him back that god awful ring, if he can't respect me or my friends, then I simply refuse to marry him”.
The boy's face instantly relaxed as his eyes shot down to Y/n's left hand, and sure enough, the ring was nowhere to be seen. Quickly his thoughts of him yelling at Sirius was replaced by thoughts of his mother, she'd be beyond furious if she found out he ruined the engagement. He was so incredibly angry at Sirius, how dare he hurt two of his best friend's who never did anything to him, how dare he hurt them so much they stopped hanging around each other, that they both stopped smiling as much, that they cried harder than he'd ever seen before. Regulus wanted Sirius to feel the pain his friends felt, and he knew just how to do so. “Don't worry, I'll make sure to take care of him for you alright, he won't hurt you again,I promise Y/n” the young girl leant into his arms, tears starting to pour down her face again.
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Round 1 - Side A
Tumblr media
Galahad art credit @spiralstain
Propaganda below ⬇️
Junk Rat
I wish his Catholicism meant if he got killed in game it would take him 3 days to respawn
OKAY SO . "Galahad (played by Jonny d'Ville): a travelling preacher/religious zealot who is told to sit in the Siege Seat by Merlin, and discovers the fact that Fort Galfridian is falling into the star Avalon. He sparks the quest for the GRAIL, and willingly goes to his death to overcome its final defences." DUDE SAT IN THE CHAIR THAT IS KNOWN FOR KILLING PEOPLE BECAUSE HIS CRUSH [MERLIN] [AKA HANGED MAN] [AKA DRUMBOT BRIAN] TOLD HIM TO . SORRY I THINK THATS REALLY FUNNY. he found out the whole shitshow of a spacestation he lived on was gonna fall into the sun and he went around yelling about it incomprehensibly and got fucking gunned down trying to get the GRAIL and just kept going through the gunfire because of how Religious [tm] he was . he died . in once and future king it just "galahad's blind faith" . also hellfire goes really hard . he is the definition of going insane with the knowledge of the universe . also jonny dville played him thats bonus points
There was a prophet. The prophet gave three separate people three separate instructions. 1. Stop being racist 2. Love your son 3. Sit in the Chair That Makes People Insane Galahad received number three. He was the only one who followed the instructions. He sat in the Chair That Makes People Insane, saw the sun for the first time, and immediately starts preaching about how everyone will burn in hellfire
i dont know anything about this guy i just wanna help make Kai happy please dont like not count my submission just because i dont know anythinf except for the Kills You Chair im trying my best im sorry 😭
his themesong is called hellfire and it slaps btw go listen to it. anyways he is my blorbo blingus he is Deeply unwell i could fix him but also whatever is wrong with him is incredibly fascinating to watch. a robot dude who's been hanging from the gallows since forever told him 'hey go sit in the Chair That Kills People Who Sit In It' and he was like 'I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT MY ENTIRE LIFE'. the getting-his-brain-fried thing definitely made him worse but he was also clearly kind of fucked up before that. his death is probably one of my favorite scenes in any mechs album. maybe just straight up my favorite. ahem. SAY WHAT YOU WILL ABOUT FAITH, BUT IT CAN HAVE POWERFUL EFFECTS ON THOSE THAT HAVE IT. IT CAN KEEP YOU FROM FALTERING AS THE BULLETS START TO SLAM INTO YOU. IT CAN KEEP YOU WALKING AS YOU LEGS ARE SHOT TO BLOODY STUMPS. IT CAN KEEP YOU LAUGHING AS YOUR LUNGS ARE FILLED WITH SHRAPNEL AND LEAD. IT CAN KEEP YOU SMILING AS HALF YOUR FACE IS BLOWN AWAY. IT CAN KEEP A MAN LIKE GALAHAD STANDING TALL UNTIL THE GUNS. CLICKED. DRY. anyways go listen to high noon over camelot <3
Ok i know this is kind of a shot in the dark because hes so obscure but i need to speak my truth. Hes so insane. The narrator calls him a “holy roller.” He has a vision which is meant to tell him that the place they live is LITERALLY going to get burnt to a crisp because its slowly falling into the sun. But hes like Oh my god i just had a vision of hell i need to save everyone from eternal damnation. And he happily gets killed and turned into a pile of slop because he believes its what he was “chosen to do” he quite literally dies for his religion. Hes also quite funny. I like him. Thank you
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sebluvi · 1 year
Calm Before The Storm
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~Based on a request I received. Requests open!~
Sebastian Sallow x fem!reader
House neutral
Kinda spoilers for endgame, but I twisted it in my own way so its not exact!
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Sebastian tries desperately to prevent y/n from charging into a deadly battle.
Word Count: 1.3K
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Brimstone and rubble spiraled through the air, and the force from the speed of the wind sent you and Sebastian’s hair flying in all directions at once.
Dark, tall towers of stone and rubble sat on all sides of you, and behind you was a steep cliff.
Flickers of bright red sparks crackled through the air like electricity forming a gigantic powerful cyclone.
You could faintly hear the sounds of your exasperated professors calling Sebastian’s name somewhere far away in the cave.
He shouldn’t be here.
Just HOW did he get here?
You had your feet planted firmly, battling the speeds of the winds against your body, balancing yourself so you wouldn’t topple over the edge. Your back faced the cliff, and your wand at the ready, while Sebastian faced you.
“Y/n, please.” He yelled over the howls of the wind, straining his voice.”-I’m begging you. Don’t do this!” He held his hands out towards you, inching towards you ever so slightly, trying to coax you off the edge.
You furrowed your brows at him, taking a step back. Your hair rippled wildly through the air with the wind. The longer you stood there, the more rubble that would whiz past your face, leaving the smallest cuts on your skin.
 You winced, closing your eyes tight. It stung. You opened them again, glaring at Sebastian.
“Sebastian. This is what I’ve been working towards for months! This is my chance, I have to!”
A loud thunderous roar rumbled through the air. You quickly whipped your head around behind you, Ranrok’s ginormous dragon-form flew into sight, its large wings somehow managing to make the wind fly faster in the cave with each flap of its wings. He soared through the air, flying down and landing on the platform. It seems as if the distraction the professor’s made earlier only lasted for so long. His glowing red body seemed to creak and groan as it moved. The dragon stretched its neck into the sky and sent out a horrifying screech.
You looked back in front of you, and Sebastian stood there with a terrified, pleading expression on his face. Sebastian trusted you to be fine on your own in battle for the most part, but he had only seen you fight mere poachers and ranrok’s loyalists. This was a fucking unknown magic infused dragon!
“I’ve already lost Anne. I cannot lose you too. Please, let the professors handle this, y/n!” He took another step towards you reaching his hand out once more.
You took one more step back, feeling the stone cliffside crack beneath your feet ever so slightly, you glanced down quickly at the ground noticing you didn’t have much more space to move. You darted your vision back to him,
“This is my fight! Not yours, not the professor’s, not even Merlin’s! Sebastian you have to understand! I was born for this!”
Another screeching roar thundered through the air, signaling Ranrok was about to make his move. You looked at Sebastian. This was your last chance. You couldn’t let him get to the reserve. Sebastian was almost close enough to touch you, but he was being careful not to apply too much weight on the edge of the cliff. He was being extremely cautious and calculating about every move he made.
His hair flew wildly in all ways, and bits of rubble had started to accumulate in his hair. He had small thin streams of blood trickling down his face caused by the few minor scratches on his skin resulting from the flying fragments of stone soaring through the air. His robe aggressively fluttered behind him as if he was about to take flight. His eyes were willed with all sorts of negative emotions.
Sad and pleading.
Desperate even.
You wished you could drink in this sight of him, stand there all day and count his freckles.
You wished you could reach out and take his extended hand and just go back to the comfort of your common room, but you couldn’t afford to think like that right now.
Especially since this could possibly be the last time you ever saw him.
You lifted your hand up that wasn’t readying your wand, and used the sleeve of your robe to wipe the tears that were beginning to fall down your face, resulting in smearing the blood that was also on your face over your cheeks.
You were sure you looked ridiculous, but he thought you looked amazing.
Sebastian winced at the feeling of the stone hitting his face, and raised an arm to shield his face from the ever-growing winds.
 “Please. You still have time to turn around. Think about this, y/n”.
“No. You think about this Sebastian. If I don’t do this, we could both die. Good people will die, Sebastian. I’m sorry. I’m doing this to save the world. To save us.”
He took one step closer, finally close enough to touch you. He raised the hand he wasn’t using to shield his face and gently grazed his fingers against your flushed cheeks. The touch lightly stung from the small cuts on your skin, but you welcomed it. Small fragments of rubble grazed the top of his hand as he held it up. His hand moved slightly, cupping your cheek, and he took one step closer. He used his arm to shield both of your faces. He titled his head to lay his forehead against yours, looking into your eyes.
“You’re my world, y/n.”
You looked up at him, tears pooling in your eyes, desperately hoping this wouldn’t be how your last encounter played out.
Sebastian removed his forehead from yours and stared at you at eye-level, hand still cupping your face.
"I know you don't care if you get hurt but I do! I really fucking care if you get hurt! Or worse! I know you’re putting your life on the line to save everyone, but what about us?!”
You stuck your wand back in your waistband slowly, and raised your hands to lay them on his chest.
“Sebastian. You’re being extremely selfish right now. This is bigger than us. I’m sorry.”
You frowned, and glanced down at his lips.
You closed your eyes, and pushed him with both hands harshly, resulting in him being shoved backwards and the ground below you crumbling as you slipped off the edge of the cliff.
The wind rushed through your hair and robes as gravity claimed you. The site of Sebastian’s horrified face grew smaller and smaller each second your body flew through the air backwards.
It actually felt peaceful.
The calm before the storm.
 You closed your eyes, and let your ancient magic consume you.
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A/N: In case it was hard to gather from the way i left it, Y/n did not fall to her death. She used her ancient magic to land in an extremely badass graceful way (!) before the final fight.
Requests open, let me know how you felt about this oneshot in the replies! Every comment inspires me to write more.
And yes, pt 2 of love sick is coming
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hxlda-hxlda · 4 months
death eater remus brainrot but make it wolfstar angst.
i've had this one scene rattling around in my brain for the last few days and i sat down to give it a chance. the discord server has since enabled me and i fear it's turning into a fic (there's already a doc and a plot, we're too far gone). anyway, enjoy the angst:
“Wasn’t expecting to see you here.” 
Sirius Black had never been a forgetful man, nor boy. Quite the opposite, in fact. He could still recount the years of every single Goblin Peace Treaty being signed, then broken, signed then broken, in chronological order of course, from that one History of Magic exam in the fifth year. He could still tell you how many bricks lined the ceiling of the classroom McGonagall would make him sit detentions in. Sirius could still recite, precisely, every Slytherin secret password he’d ever managed to get ahold of, for when he and James would sneak into the Slytherin common room and steal all their left socks. 
He could also, with immaculate precision, recall the Welsh drawl of none other than Remus Lupin. He’d sooner forget his own name than the sound of that damn voice. 
The street was empty seconds ago, or so he’d thought. Remus had always been better at skulking around, appearing over his shoulder and scaring the living shit out of him. 
“Moons! We’ll have to attach a bell to your shoes, I swear to Merlin.” 
“What? Just because I don’t announce my presence to the school like you and Prongs?” 
Street or Hogwarts corridor; some things stayed the same. 
Sirius could have laughed. He did not do that. Sirius whirled around.
“Miss me, did you?” he spat before the words could get caught in his throat. 
Remus was tall. Taller, maybe, if that were possible. Sirius had been taller once, up until the end of the fourth year. Then Lupin had shot up over the summer; beating himself and even James. 
“Moony! Any taller and you’ll have to crawl through doorways!” 
He had more scars, too. Again, it was apparently possible. A new one on his right cheek. The familiar one that slitted across the bridge of his nose. His nose was more crooked, broken a couple more times, maybe. He was so different, but not really. 
His eyes were the same: bronze, golden as they caught the afternoon sunlight. 
“You’ve the prettiest eyes, you know? Like caramel, Moonshine.” 
“Says you. You’re prettier than the rest of school combined. All that inbreeding, I think.” 
“Oh, fuck you.” 
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” 
Remus was three, maybe four, metres from him. The street—a pathetic, grimy muggle alleyway of a thing—still felt far too exposed despite being empty; vulnerable. Sirius let his wand drop from the left pocket sewn into his jacket sleeve. He couldn’t see Remus’ wand. It set him more on edge. 
“Your brother sends his regards,” scarred lips murmured, a smirk on them. He had another new scar that etched his top lip as well.  
“Oh, you’re carrying messages, are you? Good, you can tell him to go fuck himself.” 
Remus laughed. It was much less familiar. Cold. He stepped closer, just one pace. “Where did those pureblood manners go, Black?” 
Sirius refrained from flinching at his surname, cruel on a once-kind tongue. “You tell me, you’re the one staying in their fucking… snake’s nest.” 
Remus scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Dramatic as ever, I see. Nothing has changed.” 
Sirius scoffed in turn; a mimic. “Everything’s changed, don’t kid yourself.” 
“Careful, you’ll start sounding all sentimental. You saying you miss me?”  
“Moony! I missed you!” 
“It’s been an hour, you berk.” 
“I missed you anyway.” 
“...I missed you too.” 
“They'll kill you, you know,” Sirius said. To the pavement, the new scar slicing his eyebrow had been too distracting. 
“I’m not a fool, Black. I’m not under any false guises.” 
“Then what? You’re running about torturing muggles for the fun of it? You aren’t a monster.” 
“That’s not what you said last we spoke.” 
Sirius snapped his gaze up. Remus’ eyes—golden, like caramel, Moonshine—were wide, angry, still hurt, Sirius swallowed his own. 
“I never meant that and you- you know-“ 
“Fucking spare me.” Another step toward Sirius. 
“Come home, Remus.” Another step, toward Remus. 
Sirius wasn’t pleading, he’d vowed not to, refused to when he’d left all those months ago. (He was pleading anyway.)
“I have no home.” 
Sirius threw his hands out, laughing something sour and slightly manic. “Merlin, you haven’t changed either. Always so fucking melodramatic. Such a fucking martyr, is that it? ‘I’m just poor little werewolf Remus Lupin—’”
Remus flinched, as though hexed. Later, Sirius will wish he had hexed him instead. 
“‘I have no one. No home.’ Is that what this is?” 
“That’s not fair.” 
“You’re right! It’s fucking stupid, is what it is. ‘No one’ my arse. You had James, you had Lily, Marls, Pete–“
Remus laughed this time. Sirius didn’t understand the joke. 
“You had me.” 
“You have me, Moonshine. Forever and ever and ever.” 
“That’s a pretty long time.” 
“Well, hope you aren’t already sick of me because I’ll be there for all of it.” 
Sirius could have been slapped, wished he was instead. “What?” he choked out. 
Another step toward Sirius. They were face to face, now. Remus looking down, Sirius up. He’d always looked up to, at, for, Remus. “Of course I didn’t have you. You had me. Merlin, you had me. But there’s a difference.” 
“I was your- your fucking pet!” 
“That's- that’s not- you can’t possibly believe that.” 
“No? You all didn’t treat me like some novelty?” 
James had always said that he and Remus argued as though already married for twenty years, squabbles that could become full-blown arguments that could become laughter in minutes. It was just how they always were. 
“Leave them, they’ll be right within the hour. Too much love for each other, I think, sometimes they just have to be loud about it.” 
Sirius wondered if that was what this was. 
“Novelty?” he echoed; breathless, bewildered. 
Remus barked another cold, foreign laugh. “You don’t even realise. Christ, you didn’t even fucking realise it.” 
“Release what? I loved you. You weren’t a pet, you were my–” 
Boyfriend? Best friend? The love of all loves. All of it felt too small, none of it right. 
“Pet,” Remus interrupted. “Something that was there, for you to blow off steam with once a month, feel like you were a part of something grand, maybe get off with while we were there. Don’t be stupid.” 
“Me? You’re being stupid. You’re deranged if you think that.” 
Sirius, in a rather untimely manner, glanced down. Just enough, just the right amount, that he was looking at lips he knew well, had tasted plenty. Chocolate and cigarettes and that wine they’d get drunk on random Tuesday nights with because they were sixteen and what else was there to do on a Tuesday night when you were sixteen and sickeningly in love? 
Perhaps it was habit, the way his eyes found those lips and his own mouth sought to follow. He wondered if they still tasted of cheap wine and chocolate and home. 
“Let’s get you home, Moonshine. It was a rough one tonight, wasn’t it?” 
“I have to go.” 
Sirius hadn’t realised it was him saying the words, him stepping backwards and forcing the distance between them, until he was back to safety; one metre, two metres, three, away. 
Remus was looking at him. Sirius could not read why or how in that moment. It was all too much. 
Sirius felt he should say something but the usual ‘it was good to see you’ didn’t quite sum it up right. Apparating without another word felt just as wrong, however. A voice in the back of his mind, sounding something like Alastor, reminded him he shouldn’t apparate at all when a Death Eater could so easily follow. 
That’s right, Remus; the Death Eater. 
Sirius felt sick. 
“I have to go,” he said again, for lack of anything else. 
“I have to go.”
“Wait– Remus, I didn’t mean it like that.” 
“No, you did. I think we’re done here.” 
“Don’t follow me.” 
When Sirius apparated, no one followed him. Not to the first decoy location, not to the second, not to the third. Sirius found himself in his flat, he found himself alone, he found himself thinking of Remus. He’d like to lie and tell you he didn’t often find himself in this very way, but Remus was always the better liar of the two of them. You can ask him, see if he has something to offer. 
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abrthephantomq · 9 months
Writing in Progress
Apparently my draft either didn't save or I did it wrong.... but.
Started my first attempt at writing fanfic. Or well, second, but the first one was handwritten and I'm lazy and not typing it up.
The beginning of it is underneath the cut. ~400 words, TW for child abuse. I have noooo idea how long this piece'll actually be.
The brainrot is fucking real - Cas
Nick is in trouble, again.
Lord Davis towers over him, fire in his eyes. "What is this I've heard of you breaking into Isaac's library?" He brandishes a thick, dusty tome. "This was found among your things."
I don't need to read the words on the spine to know that the book is about Merlins. About mesmers.
Nick's reckless mother no longer remembers him. She had kidnapped him; had endangered him, and for her trouble, every memory of her only son had been wiped from her mind.
The "Scion of Arthur" doesn't agree with the punishment his mother received for her crimes. Honestly, I feel that she got off easy. She tried to kidnap him. Steal him away from everything, stop his training, treat him like a normal boy.
Nothing about the Legendborn is normal. The training is necessary. The Shadowborn won't go easy on him, and he needs to be prepared for the possibility of Camlann. As the Scion of Arthur, that is his duty.
It is mine to protect him.
When Lord Davis raises his hand and brings it down upon Nick's cheek, I turn my head. Stare at the wall and keep my spine utterly straight, my feet planted where I stand. Stepping in would only make Nick's punishment worse -- Lord Davis would claim I was interfering in the much needed correction, and then turn his ire on me, instead.
At least with his own child, he stops at one, sound hit.
My stomach twists. My Oath itches along my skin, the anger and pain a momentary blight on my vision until Nick gets his emotions under control.
What kind of Merlin won't protect their charge from his own father?
What kind of Kingsmage?
The guilt rises into my throat, but I tamp down on it. Stomp it out as I look over at Nick once more. Take in the way his fists are curled at his sides, the redness forming on his pale cheek --
The tears beading on his lashes, threatening to spill over.
It's not the first time I've thought that. I'm sure it won't be the last as Nick slides through puberty with the same grace he does everything else. The girls at school have noticed; he may only be thirteen, but he is nearly as tall as his father, now. Taller than I am.
He doesn't even have the decency to be done growing. I swear I can hear his bones still lengthening. 
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mashas-rotting · 7 months
The Slytherin Princess
Chapter 3
Chapter Warnings: fighting, blood purity discrimination, blood, pain, torture-ish, p in v sex, kinda soulmate au, attempted murder, death threats, again maybe dead dove. Idk anymore
"HOW DARE YOU!?" You screamed at the tall wizard leaning against the door way of your detention. Detention, you now had until the end of the year of due to you "tampering with the quidditch equipment" and almost killing Moore, the only muggleborn on the slytherin team. The head master told you if he had been killed you would have been expelled and never allowed to do magic again. "I don't know what you mean, but you should lower your voice. I hear they're trying to expel you." Tom taunted.
Infuriated you pull out your wand, but before you could cast anything you were writhing on the floor in pain. It was like being burned from the inside out. If the write-offs had been a 1 on a scale of 1/10, this was a 20. Only when you saw tom standing with his wand drawn did you realize he had cruxiod you. "Him" an ethereal voice whispered inside your head.
Merlin, anyone but him.
"You are pathetic. I tried to be merciful and have them take your magic away, but blank had to live, and now I'll have to deal with you how I should have from the beginning."
"Depulso!" You cast slamming him into the wall behind him before he could throw another curse.
"Exspeliamus!" He tried to unwand you but you were able to avoid it which also somehow put you closer to him. "Not many have been able to land a spell on me, you should be proud. It is both the only and last impressive thing you will ever do. The dark haired wizard laughed as you circled each other. His eyes held something wild and feral in them. He was enjoying this... and so we're you.
Spells flew through the classroom. Books were thrown from shelves and jars of various dead specimen shattered. Still, neither of you landed another hit on the other. Both of you were out of breath. Tom threw his head back in laughter and began walking towards you his wand at his side. You waited curious to see what was coming. He stopped closer to you than you expected. You could feel his breath on your face as he smiled down at you.
You don't know why, but when he raised his wand to your collar bone, you just let him. "Do it." You heard yourself say, although you don't remember saying it. Tom looked confused for a moment. Recovering quickly, he dragged his wand down your chest, slicing your skin and part of your shirt. You gasp at the familiar feeling. It wasn't meant to kill. It was exactly as deep as the quill had cut you.
Your eyes were locked onto each other's. "Again." You whisper. "Fuck" you groan as he adds another slice following the line of your hip bone, making you subconsciously arch your hips into him. The blood dripped slowly, staining his shirt as your bodies now press together. The sharp bite of his wand pressing harshly under your chin forced you to tilt your face up and therefore closer to his. "What... are you doing... to me." He questioned somehow making it sound like a statement
"What do you want from me?" Finally, a question you could answer.
"Everything "
His lips were soft against yours before either of you realized it was even happening he pulled back as if he had been electrocuted. "Ruin me." You grip his house robes pulling him tighter against your body. "Please." You begged in a whisper when he didn't move. Suddenly he spun you around so that you faced the wall and pulled your hips back to meet his very apparently hard cock that was currently held back by his pants. The pressure made both of you moan in unison.
"Ah!" You bury your face into the wall as a familiar sting sliced across your back. This shirt would never recover. Your breath catches before you whimper at the both painful and pleasant sting of his tongue on your back licking your blood. "Tom, I need it." You're not sure if you meant more pain, or his cock. "Needy little thing." He sounded disgusted, but it sent shivers through you regardless. Slowly Tom lifted your skirt. Another slice caught you off guard this time across your ass, leaving you exposed as it cut through your underwear. Jerk, he could've just taken them off.
Before you could voice your disapproval at the loss of your panties you felt him sliding the head of his cock between your lips hitting your clit. "Fuck." You breathe out and grip the wall spreading your legs so he can get better access. "I could kill you." He says holding his wand against the side of your neck. "I still think you might." You reply laughing. In one motion he shoved himself inside you completely. The action makes him drop his wand and bite your neck to keep from groaning. You cry out at the sudden feeling of complete and utter fullness. Fuck you'd never been this full. It stung a little as he stretched you.
And just like that he was pulling your hips into his as he thrust into you. Every movement fueled pain from the cuts that littered your body and pleasure from the absolute insanity that was fucking Tom riddle. He was owning you, ruining you, destroying you. Somehow you had become completely and utterly his. In this moment you would have done anything for him. Your moans became more and more incoherent as he fucked you stupid. Neither of you noticed as the scattered items from your battle began to float.
"Gonna come for me, little one? Gonna make a mess? You know I can feel you tightening around me?" His words meant to taunt you brought you crashing down. You screamed as you came and the feeling was too much for him. He came hard with you. Pulling you back harshly by your hair,l he roughly kissed you as you both rode your release. He pulled back from the kiss as your orgasms faded.
Both of you jumped when the loud crash of pretty much everything in the room dropped. "How did you do that?" Tom asked. "As good as you feel inside me, I'd rather have this conversation after you pull out." As you separate his cum rushes down your legs and you hear him inhale sharply.
"You are the only person to ever survive a true duel with me." He states the accusation. "I don't doubt that." You reply, turning to face him, not wanting to disclose anything, even though you know you'll have too. "You hold back in defense against the dark arts." Another accusation. You nod and slide down the wall not trusting your legs after the brutal fucking you just received. You wince as your ass touches the ground, not caring that your skirt did nothing in this position to cover you. Tom smirks briefly at his view of your cunt before continuing. "Just because my cum is leaking out of you does not mean I've decided not to kill you. Explain yourself." You toss him his wand which he catches easily. "Have at it." You say in a challenge when he doesn't react you sigh.
"I'm not a mudblood." You finally answer. "Though I'm not sure their magic is weaker than a pure blood's." Tom scoffs at this. "L/n is not in any of the pure blood family books. They keep quite the record. Do not lie to me."
"I'm not lying."
"Then why hide it?"
"I... cannot tell you... yet. Please, don't tell the others. It's important that no one knows." You plead with him. He just looks at you with distrust. "Okay look, I can't tell you why, but I can tell you where to find proof. You'd have to make an unbreakable vow with me." Tom tilts his head in interest. "So you want me to vow, to not tell anyone you're a pure blood if you tell me where to find proof of your claim?"
"No. I want you to vow to never tell anyone of my blood status unless I say otherwise so long as I provide you with where to find proof."
"I would require something in return for this vow... If I am to do this, you will duel my... friends. Everyday. In private. No holding back. I imagine they could learn a thing or two from you. And any spells you know that they do not you will teach them."
You sigh. This is a mess. "Fine."
Tom nods taking in your ruined state. "And your detention tonight will be spent cleaning this room, since it's your fault it's in such a disarray."
Tom made you clean without magic and without changing. Which made the process longer and more humiliating. It seems he wasn't done torturing you. After you finished cleaning the two of you made the vow.
"Check the restricted section of the library. Look for dark witches and wizards." You tell him once it's done.
"If your family is so infamous, why has no one heard of them?" Tom crosses his arms. "It's a small family, with only one heir at a time. It's kind of our... tradition. Just find the information and we can be done with all of this." You answer exhausted and ready to sleep. "Not quite. You still have to duel my followers everyday until the end of your detention, which I believe is the rest of the school year." With that Tom turns and leaves
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boredw69 · 8 months
Nurse's Office pt.2
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This is a part 2 to my previously requested fluff. It was my first post on here, and after re-reading I've thought that it would be worthy of a part 2! and possibly a 3rd with some smut *wink wink* ;)
Link to Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/boredw69/678942089244966912?source=share
(Please do not Repost copy and paste or steal my work in any way shape or form)
Warning: | emotions were shared and so were kisses 😌 that’s all.
Its been a few days since George had sprain his wrist. I've been fairly certain he had woken up and left a few hours after our encounter. My thoughts had drifted me into a deep sleep and I wasn't awaken until Madam Pomfrey opened the Office in the morning.
The next couple of days I had just been avoiding the twins as normal, except now I had different reasoning behind it; I did NOT want to continue the conversation with George. Then again, it kept nagging at me. I had replayed that night over and over in my head trying to find the courage in myself to believe what he was saying to me.
"y/n? I do believe it would be smart of you to pay. attention. in my class" Snape's slow agitated voice had scared me out of thought, but I suppose he was right.
"My apologies sir.." I mumbled and picked up my quill quickly scribbling down the note that lingered on the board.
6:08 PM
Mrs. Pomfrey and I had been cleaning the office for hours now, making sure it is sanitary and spotless for the Ministry to inspect tomorrow.
"Oh dear! Look at the time, I do believe you should be heading off to bed! You have the OWLS to prep for now don't ya?" She had spoke up lifting her duster from off the shelves.
I pulled my watch from my pocket and nodded looking up to her, "Yea.. I do need to do some more studying. Thank you" I bowed to her and snatched up my things excited to finally go up to the common room and rest.
I began my slow decent/accent to the y/h common room. As I turned the corner I bumped shoulders with the tall ginger. I huffed looking up at him; of course it had to be George. I didn’t spend long looking up into his gazing eyes before pushing past him; or until I felt his hand wrap around my upper arm yanking me back to him.
“y/n.” He turned me towards him frowning down at me.
I avoided looking at him at all costs; I was afraid that if I did, I wouldn’t be able to control my own words as they’d roll off my tounge in a fit of panic.
“Can you stop avoiding me. I mean, I’m tired of pretending nothing ever happened.” He mumbled.
I kept my mouth shut as he continued; “what are you thinking.?”
“I don’t know.” I whispered. “I want to forgive you but I just can’t; you fuck around too much, and to be honest I don’t even know if I can trust you right now.”
His eyes softened; and for a second I wanted to believe they were real, maybe they were.
He grabbed my shoulders holding me still in a nurturing way. “I’m sorry. And I promise you. I’m not fucking around when I say that.”
I looked down briefly watching as he shuffled closer to me. “George..” I sighed. “Thank you..but I just d-“
My eyes widened as he grabbed at my chin softly raising my head to look at him once again. “I-don’t know how to feel r-ight now.” I barely finished my sentence leaving my mouth agape in shock.
He looked down at my lips so briefly that I had almost missed it; and before I knew it, his lips were on mine.
Was this a way to confirming his apology to me? Because it was unfortunately working. I moved my hands to his chest and up his shoulder blades pulling him closer. He stiffened up like this wasn’t expected.
The kiss deepened for a moment but i started to feel hot and my stomach was fluttering.
Shit.. shit this is so awkward.. I thought before I pulled away gently.
His hand rested on the small of my back still keeping me close.
This feeling was insane, euphoric almost. Did I like George Wesley…? Merlin’s beard.. I liked George Weasley..
He looked down at me studying my face. As I looked up at him I noticed how relaxed and heavenly he looked. He looked at ease, happy.. a different kind of happy than the pranking people with Fred kind of happy.
Merlin.. what is he doing to me.
Finally after the moments of silence he spoke. “Y/n, I’m going to be terribly honest.. I really like you. And I’d like you to go out with me tomorrow afternoon after OWLS.”
I nodded anxiously. “Yes- of course.. I mean I’d love to!”
He stifled a smile before pulling me in for a hug. My heart melted aswell as my body as he pulled me in.
“Good luck tomorrow. Ya know, on your OWLS” he said as he pulled back turning to walk past me.
“See ya tomorrow.!” I stuttered out as he walked off.
I gulped and stared at the wall for a spell before continuing to my dorms.
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sabineelectricheart · 10 months
Off the Forest’s Beaten Path
Summary: Ominis and Rosalie are enjoying their last few days before Summer Break. Something hits them, and they start missing each other before their time is up.
Rating: MA - Content is only suitable for mature adults. May contain explicit language and adult themes.
Words: 1100
Notes: If it’s unclear, the “something” is horniness.
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“Ominis…” The girl breathes, hands gripping the grassy wall of the small alcove by the road that they found, seeking purchase for stability as she forces her taut body to relax. “People… People will see…”
Rough, slightly wand-calloused fingers circle her clit lightly from under her long skirt, and Rosalie keens at the friction. The pressure has her seeing stars.
“Oh, so now you care about what they think.” Her boyfriend chuckles almost nastily, his fingers tightly digging into her hips. “You were not too keen on subtlety when you were begging me to fuck you earlier.”
He thrusts into her like he disapproves, and Rosalie whimpers. He covers her mouth with his left hand, muffling the needy noises that were escaping her throat, while the right one rips apart every piece of clothing he can find on her body. She is too mindless to notice or to form a coherent thought when he manages to find the spot in her cunt that made her eyes roll back. She clenches at the sensation, and his pace stutters.
He swears underneath his breath, saying, “You like this, yeah?”
His hot breath tickles her throat, groaning when he reaches over to grab a handful of her breasts, her nipples hardening under his touch. He feels her swallow when he nips her shoulder, pinching her nipples at her lack of response, and she whines pathetically.
He quickly lets his member out from inside his pants, letting it out from the tight and painful prison it raged against. His large hands spread her open, her arousal dripping on her inner thighs. With a rough movement, he shuffles her around and lines her entrance to his cock and pulling her down in a single motion, eliciting almost a scream between them.
In time, they find a rhythm.
“Is that what you wanted?” He asks breathlessly against her neck.
Rosalie pushes her hips back as her answer, bottoming out on his cock. Ominis bites his lip, suppressing a moan at how her warm walls squeeze him, the sensation spreading across his lower abdomen. He twitches inside her, and pride unfurls in her chest at how she can turn this stoic man into a panting mess.
“Merlin, Rosalie.” He moans, slipping on a syllable or other. His tall frame leans over her as he shoves his heavy cock through her wet, warm slit. “You’re such a fucking distraction.”
Affection warms his chest as she lets out a giggle. He knows she means to tease him, but it is hardly effective as her breath is let out on stockings, timed by his frantic fucking. He loves her, he loves her so fucking much, that, whenever it hits him, it makes his knees go weak.
“It wasn’t like you were paying much attention to your book in the first place.” She retorts.
Rosalie hazily recalls their abandoned picnic in the forest that they abandoned moments ago. She wonders if any creatures have got into the food that she prepared for them or if some highwayman stole the potions she left at her travel bag near the clearing.
They had been enjoying the springtime weather together, seizing the last few days before school ends, that Ominis returns to Yorkshire for the first time in years and she travels to the continent with her family for the social events around Europe. Suddenly, the realisation that she would spend three whole months away from her boyfriend hit her straight like a train.
In response, the girl sat down next to the blond wizard, who was reading a book with his wand under a large tree. She began cooing and invading his personal space, touching him all over.
“What are you doing?” He asked, miffed more than annoyed at her disposition.
“Nothing…” She said, smiling.
He pressed her further, and she ended up explaining that she would miss him over the summer. As she spoke, she noticed that Ominis had not really considered it before, and it is only then coming to him.
He pulls her up and casts Revelio, looking for a cave or nook out of sight from the road. As soon as he finds it, he begins to ravish her like a starved man.
Rosalie is pulled from her reverie as his cock head hits the soft spot inside of her, pushing all her thoughts out her ear, making her mind go blank. Her cunt feels stuffed as his cock continues to drag along her soaking walls, and she envelops him further when she arches her spine. Clutching at the lush wall in front of her, he grunts roughly against her ear.
“You are too pretty to be ignored.” He states, his words low and saccharine.
“Please, Ominis…” She cries, the knot in her abdomen tightening. “It’s too deep, I’m so full.”
“But you are taking it so well.” He tuts tenderly, her arousal covering his fingers, as he thrusts into her, hitting areas in her cunt that make him feel impossibly deeper. “Are you going to cum for me?”
“Yes!” She answers, moaning, the desperation for release clawing at her tensed body. “Please, let me cum.”
Rosalie feels his smirk on her shoulder as he complies, fucking her with borderline malicious intent, his thrusts picking up a pace that is faster and rougher as he aims for her release. Her body jolts and she sob as the tension in her breaks, her vision going white at the pleasure.
She shudders in his arms, her pussy milking his cock. He thrusts feverishly inside of her, stretching her even more, her cum making her cunt squelch obscenely.
Ominis pushes his cock further, grabbing her hips until he spills his cum inside her, breathless.
Both of them stand in the darkness, breathing hard. She looks at him, his eyes are closed and his breathing is frantic, and she smile. His heart flutters.
“Shall we get you cleaned up?” He offered, timid. “I am sorry for ruining tour clothes.”
Ah. Her boyfriend is just like that, something takes over him and unleashes his deepest desires, and then he thinks that he has overstepped and has something to be sorry about.
She chuckles and kisses his flushed cheek. “That is alright, it is nothing that a few spells cannot fix.”
Ominis feels a rush of her magic around him, probably her wiping something that he cannot see from his own uniform.
“Thank you…” He said.
Rosalie laces her fingers on his and leads him out of the cave. “I love you, and I will miss you.”
He smiled widely. “I will miss you, too.”
Hogwarts Legacy Masterlist
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lesbicosmos · 1 year
bbc merlin liveblog: s1 ep6 - a remedy to cure all ills
gotta love the episodes that start with a dramatic compilation
"tall dark stranger", morgana says, looking at gwen like THAT. like bitch no u wanted them to be from her and u know it
sorry but a bug on my face would 100% wake me up
"i could use my magic!" "no merlin" the entire show summarised
arthur sitting dramatically in his chair shouldn't be funny
god merlin is so incredibly neurodivergent he can't sit still for the life of him
i do love that despite all their bickering arthur does genuinely care abt morgana (i just wish their relationship could have been siblingly from the start 😭)
"so you are in love?" *sighs* "no". arthur doesn't exist anymore huh
ah yes let a strange man alone in a room with an already dying morgana what an incredibly smart plan
at least gwen has an ounce of logic and suspicion (gotta look out for her gf <3)
barely anyone's questioning the fact this guy just miraculously healed her 😭
Magic Bug Box™
love that side characters who are only in one episode sometimes find out abt merlins magic but then it took the main characters another four seasons 😭
i think it'd be really funny if the whooshing sound whenever merlin does magic happened actually in-world. like merlin does magic and arthurs like "damn, wind's noisy today merlin"
characters coming into the show with intent to kill merlin or arthur or something are fine, but as SOON AS ANYONE HAS ANYTHING AGAINST GAIUS IM THROWING HANDS
the reluctant sigh before gaius went down to see the dragon lmao, mood
fucking hate edwin wtf
also I KNOW how this episode ends. I KNOW gaius comes back. SO WHY AM I TEARING UP 😭😭
"in life we always have choices. sometimes it's easier to think that we don't" gwen ily 😭
the only good thing the magic physician guy did was nearly kill uther
the dramatic shots of gaius next to the campfire-
arthur runs so funkily
merlin rly just pulled an uno reverse on an axe...slay (literally)
"in the fight against magic, you are the one person i can trust" oh the sweet irony
i do love that it's usually the same piece of soundtrack in the last scene of the episode
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orionlakehastodie · 1 year
Lowkey (1/10)
Whoever said that money did not make anyone happy can go fuck themselves because money is the one thing that will solve all of Lily’s problems at the moment. Not love, not world fucking peace - money. 
And isn’t it just grand that the one person she knows who actually has money is also the world’s most insufferable prat who has made her life a living hell? 
Saint Potter, she scoffs as she stands outside the door of his dorm room. She can hear the laughter from inside there, Sirius she thinks grimly, based on the howling laughter. Remus from the exasperated sighs tinged with amusement and Peter who was eagerly protesting something. 
“Potter, are you in there?”
The silence that follows her voice was so deafening she would have heard a pin drop. She feels her face flame, as she fidgets outside the door. 
She shouldn’t have come, this was a mistake. 
“You know what, nevermind I-“
”Just.. just a minute!” Potter screams, in a high whiny tone, followed by hushed furious whispers that got louder and louder and suddenly the door was being shoved open and James Potter spills out of it, and almost crashes into her if she hasn’t taken a step back. 
He immediately stands up, and the door shuts with a resounding thud. Potter straightens and he was close enough that the motion emphasizes further to her just how tall James Potter got over the year, and her eyes were level with his chest and she can see how that chest heaves in his tight jumper and Lily flushes, eyes quickly darting up to meet James’ looking at hers with concern. 
“Alright, Evans?”
In the years before, that would have been accompanied by a leer or a smirk that would make her want to punch this arrogant toerag. 
But something happened to James Potter since that… incident by the lake, and James Potter, damn him to Merlin and back, decided to grow up. 
Now his eyes, the color of honey and amber alit with a warm candle on a wintry night gazes at her in worry, and he is so beautiful that her breath catches and her heart does this weird thing where it skips a beat just looking at him. 
His hands almost reach out to touch her but he stops himself and blushes, taking a deliberate step back from her. 
“I-ah…” she starts, finding her throat very dry all of a sudden. 
“Lily, you can tell me.”
And she doesn’t know why she does but she trusts him. Maybe it’s all the chocolate he’s sneaked her over the years, when she was sad, and lonely, and Sev was too involved with Sev to actually pay attention to the fact that Hogwarts was hard on her too. Maybe it’s the fact that pratty though he may be, when it comes to the big things, the important things, one can always trust in James Potter to do the right thing. 
So she tells him, the embarrassing truth that she can tell no one, not even Sev. 
“I… I need money to keep attending Hogwarts, Potter.” 
It’s the pride of the poor, to never ever tell anyone just how poor and desperate for money they are. But she has done everything she can, she’s written to the board, she’s written to the ministry, she’s applied to every scholarship and every grant there is, but the fact of the matter is she’s a Muggle-born witch, and most of the scholarships are already so difficult to attain even if you’re a pure-blood witch - and there was hardly any left for her. 
“My parents aren’t… well they can’t afford Hogwarts. And my sister is going off to university and they’re asking to come home and maybe try normal school…” Her voice breaks and before she can help it, big fat tears eek out of her eyes. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” She was enveloped in warmth and before she knew it, James Potter was hugging her, his arms banded tight around her, and his hand pressing her head onto his chest, and she clings to him, arms coming tight around him and letting all the pain, and all the heartache out onto his chest. 
“It’s going to be okay, Lily. You’ll stay in Hogwarts, I can give you the money, it’s all going to be okay.”
He rocks her side to side, just letting her cry, whispering that it will be okay over and over again in her ear and when at last the tears stop, and she lets out a shaky breath, James pulls back but her arms refuse to let him go until James cups her cheeks and tilts her face up to him. 
His fingers wipe away her tear tracks and he smiles down at her, that bloody warm James smile that he sees him put on for the first years in his Transfigurations study group - his detention from McGonagall. 
“How much money do you need?” 
She hiccups and mumbles the dreaded forty thousand galleons that she has been agonizing over how to pay over and over again. 
“Okay, I’ll talk to dad… it wouldn’t be a problem…”
”No. No. I’m not asking for a hand me down Potter.”
She releases him then, twiddling her thumbs as she takes a step back and tries to rein herself in. “Lils, the money is of no matter-“
”I can get you back in Potions.”
“Potions?” He asks with a slight smirk on his face. “If you haven’t forgotten I got an Acceptable for my OWLs and Slughorn requires an Exceeds Expectations to proceed with NEWT level Potions.” 
Lily shakes her head. “You want to be an Auror, Remus told me.” She says before he can ask. 
“Remus told me… about Dumbledore’s Army.”
James’ face shadows and he shakes his head. “Remus should not be telling you about such dangerous-“
”You want to fight him, You Know Who.” 
James says nothing, his body stiffening at the mention of the name. 
“I want to fight him too. Sev he…” just the mention of his name has her stomach tying itself into knots. “We need to be stronger than them, James.” 
James stares at her for a moment, before he sighs. “And you think Potions is going to be the answer to that?”
”It’s a start. And it’s the least I can do… for the money.” 
The pride of the poor never got anybody out of poverty. She can do James a favor, and maybe perhaps even be friends. 
“You know what Evans, it sounds like a pretty good deal.”
He reaches his hand out to shake her hand, and she’s never recognized before how rough his hands were, calloused from Quidditch and from whatever other exploits he must have been on. 
And for a second she does not want to let go
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the-francakes · 1 year
The (Third) Worst Year
“Come on.”
Draco felt a nudge on his shoulder and looked up to see Potter standing next to him, a smile on his lips.  That was new. Even a little shocking even. But it warmed Draco in a way he'd forgotten.  
“We’ve got to finish this report,” he grumbled, yet didn't truly mean.  Who wanted to do work on New Year's anyway?
“It’s five minutes until The New Year, I think it can wait,” Potter said, a smile playing on his lips.  He moved towards the office door, “Come on.”
Draco stood from his desk and followed Potter out of the room.  
The hallways of the Ministry were quiet.  Most had gone to celebrate with their friends.  Draco himself had been invited to the Annual Zabini Gala and was a little bitter that their trainees had fucked up on their paperwork so badly that he and Potter were still here trying to fix it all.
Draco followed Potter into the lift and felt it move downwards so quickly it made his stomach lurch.  They stayed silent, standing side by side, hands in their pockets, eyes glancing sideways at the other and quickly looking away when caught.
When the lift opened again, they were on the roof.  
“I still don’t understand how magic works sometimes,” Potter chuckled at Draco’s raised eyebrows.
“It’s a bitch like that,” Draco chuckled back.  If only Potter knew.
He followed the brunette onto the roof, hands still in his pockets, unsure just exactly what they were doing up there.
“I should have told you to grab your cloak,” Potter murmured as an ice chill drifted through.  
“It’s alright, I run hot,” Draco hummed. He had noticed as winter set in that the cold no longer penetrated his skin. His blood had begun to boil inside of him and keep him warm during even the harshest snow.  He supposed it was one perk to becoming closer to turning into a Dragon.
Potter pulled a carton of clove cigarettes from his pocket and put one between his lips.  Draco reached over and lit it by snapping his fingers.
“Oh, heh, thanks,” Potter stumbled over his words.
Draco nodded and turned to look at the view around them.  Wherever they were was tall enough to look down upon most of the buildings and streets.  On another night, it might’ve been quiet or just full of traffic, but tonight there was laughter and cheering in the air.  There were parties full of people and live music from other rooftops.  There were friends and lovers, couples and family, everyone merry and full of happiness for the new year to come.
“If you only had a year to live, how would you spend it?” Draco asked softly, barely aware he even asked aloud.  
He felt Potter move closer to him, their bodies almost touching side by side as they looked out at the world of happiness before them.
“Destroy Horcruxes and save the Wizarding World?” Potter offered with laughter in his voice.
Draco snorted and rolled his eyes, looking over at the mischievous man next to him. “Sounds taxing and honestly a little boring.”
Potter barked out a laugh, almost coughing on the smoke from his cigarette. “Merlin, it was. Never want to go camping again in my life.”
Draco stole the cigarette and took a drag, his eyes moving back to the Muggle parties filled with joy.  A calm filled the air before the loud beats of counting.
“Three…” Potter joined the beats. “Two…”
And then the air filled with loud cheers and deafening blows.  The sky lit with color, blasting in plumes of sparkles and bright extravaganza.  Draco forgot about the cigarette as he took in the spectacle of Muggle fireworks lighting up the sky like their own sort of magic.
He’d never seen Muggle fireworks before.  He'd always figured they’d be lackluster and dull compared to the moving Wizarding sort.  But there was something so soft and elegant about the whistle of something to come then the blast of color and loud bang of life in the sky.  
Draco’s eyes started to gloss over as each second broke his heart with bittersweet beauty.  It was the beginning and it was the end.  
More and more colors blasted through the air, piling one on top of each other.  Each boom rocked the rooftop and Draco’s soul.  
He glanced over to Potter to see the man not watching the sky, but him. Draco felt himself blush.  A cold hand moved softly and cautiously into his warm one.  Fingers interlaced and a smile played on Potter’s lips.
Before Draco knew what Potter was doing, that smile touched his lips.  A kiss so soft, so nervous, so scared. But it was there.
Draco kissed back, just as soft, just as scared, just as devastatingly beautiful.
You can read all of The (Third) Worst Year on Ao3
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