#this dpXdc fic slaps
clockworkclownart · 5 months
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Day 1 - Insect - #DannyMay2024
So it was complete coincodence that the first day in this challenge lined up so perfectly with a doodle i had just done after reading @impyssadobsessions 's ongoing Raising Phantom AU. there was a scene in the extra's where de-aged danny is hanging out with buterflies and one becomes a ghost~
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doodlesforfics · 2 years
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Two for One Special by @halfagone is a freaking hilarious one-shot.
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phantomskeep · 2 years
I really, really love Clockwork as a character. He's legit my favorite DP character (besides Danny, but even then they're pretty equal). Anyways, have an excerpt from Putting the Fun Back in Funeral chapter two :) (Should be finished by the end of this upcoming week!)

... A sarcastic reference to the Observants trying to murder Danny should not have made Clockwork laugh.
Danny eyed the other with obvious suspicion. “What’s funny about that?”
The older’s form aged up as his chuckles died down. “You simply reminded me of when the Observants came to me about this very issue.” Clockwork loosened the grip on his staff and used it to lazily jester towards Danny’s throne. “They came to me months ago, warning me of how our timeline was going down the most horrible path. Danny Phantom, a half-dead ghost child with too much power taking the throne? It was something out of a nightmare for them.”
When Danny’s eyes flitted nervously downwards, his body unconsciously curling in a defensive motion, Clockwork used his staff to gently lift his king’s head. Pupilless red eyes met burning green, and a comforting expression graced the middle-aged ghost’s face. “My King, they were very wrong. This is the best possible timeline - one with such a powerful king who wishes only for peace? Whose Obsession isn’t one of power, or rage, or a burning greed, but of protection? Danny, this is the best timeline, the best era - and it is because of you. The Observants are correct with many of their findings, but they can make mistakes like any other being. Their power resides in control.” Here Clockwork paused, a mirthful feeling brushing against Danny’s calming one. “This is something I know you are very aware of. They fear the lack of control they will have during this timeline. It was their goal to gain control of the throne through you, but I’ve made sure the Observants failed every time.”
Danny’s eyes widened, a small gasp escaping his lips. Tears welled in his expressive eyes as he tackled his mentor into a monkey-gripped hug. The older ghost chuckled, easily returning the embrace. His form shifted, aging quickly as he ran time-wrinkled hands along the young king’s back.
“I had suggested a boarding school, of sorts.” Clockwork whispered into his apprentice’s hair. “A chance for you to go and stretch your proverbial wings. This other dimension has an old friend of mine who has offered to continue with your teachings, and the Earth there has many different protectors you can learn from. Of course, there are still duties you will need to attend to.” The old ghost broke from Danny’s clinging hug, looking the twenty-one year old king in his eyes. “It will be dangerous. There are many different forces who now have their eyes on you, my King. But know that if you choose to go this route, you will always be able to access the Infinite Realms and the dimensions attached to her.”
Danny discreetly wiped his eyes, nodding in agreement with Clockwork. A burning determination danced in his eyes as Danny’s gaze steadfastly stared into his most trusted advisor’s. “I need to explain things to my family, at least a little bit. Tell them I’m going on a mission for you at the very least - but I’ll be back. I’ll go to this other dimension and do what I can to be a better king for my people.”
[mmmm there's more stuff in the actual chapter here but for noooow LARGE TIMESKIP]
... However, instead of joining in the festivities like the others on the Council of Ancients, the time ghost had another important meeting to attend. Clockwork allowed the quick passage of time to overcome his form, aging him down like an ancient phoenix recently reborn from its own ashes. His young body turned to face the newest ghost king’s throne as a maelstrom of blue energy rapidly crisscrossed around his form. Wild winds whipped Clockwork’s pale purple cloak as a dark clock-hand appeared behind him, sweeping in a large clockwise motion to reveal a swirling blue and teal portal. The sound of a striking old grandfather clock echoed hauntingly across the empty room of Phantom’s Keep as the hands reached the metaphorical twelfth numeral. When the clock-hands began their descent backwards in time the Master of Time was swept under them, disappearing into the portal of his own creation. The hands again struck the midnight position with the last thrum of a dull, heavy, monotonous clang - once again leaving the now-empty room with the wistful cry of an old clock.
On a different world - one full of heroes, aliens, and otherworldly forces fighting vicious battles for justice - a smog-filled city held within the dark heart of an old ghost was just starting to awaken. When Clockwork’s portal faded from view, time snapped back into place. Loud honking filled his ears as the Master of Time floated above a striking clocktower, his back turned to the ever-moving bay that lapped at the shores of such an inspiring city. A low voice caught Clockwork’s attention, but he did not turn to face the ghost.
“Clockwork, perfect timing as always.” The voice was lofty, easily gliding over syllables with an ease born of hundreds of years.
The purple-cloaked ghost tilted his head in a small greeting, his own words spilling past smiling lips. “It is my pleasure - as always, Lady Gotham - to be welcomed into your haunt.”

:) I'm very excited to post this chapter!! Finally getting into those awesome DPxDC storylines I have planned out!!
(Also, I’m currently high-fiving baby-me for deciding on using “PhantomsKeep” as a username. Cause now I can name-drop myself in my own fics! And I laugh every time >:D )
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Snitches the cat and his favorite bat
I wrote up dpxdc fics based off of prompts I happened to see in the last day to add to the reading pile for anyone who didn't prep for the archive down time today.
The idea for Danny as a cat came from @shycorvid, thank you so much for correcting me and letting me play in your sandbox!
Snitches the cat comes from @garbagewith-a-cherryontop (I think??? I couldn't find a definite first post!) but the fantastic linked post is the one with how I think Snitches the cat looks here.
Word count is 1053.
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masterpost for my AO3 downtime fics
“Ugh- that's not- did we just summon a demon cat?”
“It's so messed up looking. Ew.”
Danny blinked and swayed on his feet. He'd had a tail a minute ago, speeding across the GZ to check in on Walker. There had been an unpleasant lurch in his stomach. And now he was on his feet. All four of them.
Wait, what?
“You fucked this up.”
His ears twitched at the sound of a slap. Danny swiveled towards the sound and then got distracted by the feeling of his ears swiveling back. Whaaaaat?
He looked down at his precious little feeties. They were adorable paws.
“Oh, you motherfuckers,” he said. It came out as a conversational yowl.
The humans looked at him from about ten feet away and five feet up. “Annoying…”
He was pretty sure they were high schoolers. There were five of them, two girls and three boys. They were all bigger than him. High schoolers were usually bigger than he was, but this was just ridiculous.
“Count yourself lucky, dimwits,” one of the older kids said. He took a step towards Danny. Danny pressed his ears flat against his head and hissed at the approach. “If you managed to sacrifice Patches to a demon, your Mom would straight up murder you.” He laughed when he said it, like anything about that was remotely funny.
Uh- what now?
Only now, Danny noticed a very distressed calico cat underneath a laundry basket on the other side of the room. There was a stack of textbooks weighing the basket down. A large rug had been rolled up and- he sneezed rapidly, eyes watering. Chalk! They'd drawn on the floor with chalk!
‘This is some incompetent summoning,’ Danny realized, way too late. ‘Did they- how did they turn me into a cat?’ He looked at his unfortunate brethren under the laundry basket. Her ears were flat against her skull and she looked scared.
He remembered the word “sacrifice” and his blood flushed hit with fury. They'd wanted him to eat her! They'd wanted something to eat miss Patches!
The teenagers froze and looked at him, aghast at the angry sounds that were coming out of his throat.
“Shut up!” One hissed. She took off her shoe and threw it at him. Danny dodged and then threw his head back to yowl even louder. Sonic attack! Aural damage, you big jerks!
“The neighbors are going to- make it shut up!”
Danny had to run, dashing over furniture and tearing his way across a crowded table to avoid being grabbed. He screamed the whole time, eager to alert whoever they were so afraid of. Someone should see!
The window burst in.
Danny stopped running, shocked. He hadn't actually expected-
Someone snatched him up from behind and smacked him on the face with a palm. His jaw exploded with pain. It cut off his yowling.
Stunned. He was still for a moment and then he struggled for his life. The grip on his ribs was way too tight-
He looked over at the sound of a sword being pulled from a sheath. Holy shit, that was bomb as hell. His eyes went wide at the sight of a heavily armored small child crouched on the windowsill. The boy's eyes were covered, but Danny could still see him look at Danny and the poor calico under the laundry basket. He sneered.
“Unhand the cat or lose your hands at the wrist, you wretch.”
Danny loved him.
The teenager dropped him. Danny caught himself with a stumble. He let out a sad mraow before he could stop himself.
Fight club baby was enraged. “What have you done to this animal?” He hopped down into the room, revealing he was at least a foot shorter than the smallest girl in the room.
Danny trotted to him and started winding around his ankles admiringly. What a good kid! He purred.
“I will be taking both of your cats with me. If you ever harm an animal again, it will be your head that is found in a chalk-”
“Robin.” A hugeass grown man squeezed himself through the window that the kid had broken. Danny craned his head up, up, up, to see him case the joint.
The older man radiated incredible judgment. “I see that you require education on animal welfare and demonic summoning. Go on, Robin.”
“That's my Mom's cat!” One of the teenagers protested. “You can't take her!”
Robin growled at her. Danny jumped in his skin at the sound.
“Then we shall return it to your Mother and her alone, when we explain what you've done.” Danny let murder baby scoop him up and purred at full volume. Hell yeah. He looked at the cowering teenagers with condescension.
“Not that fugly thing.”
Danny blinked. He ended up making an inquisitive mraow. Why was a finger being pointed at him? He was baby.
“That thing showed up, you can get rid of it. But Patches is Mom's cat, and you can't steal a cat because-”
“Batman can steal any cat!” Robin bit out, gathered up Patches, and jumped out the window with both cats in an expert grip.
That didn't sound right, but Danny just enjoyed the night air as a line pulled Robin up to where yet another masked vigilante was waiting, cackling himself to tears.
“Batman can steal any cat,” he wheezed. “Brilliant. Good detour, Robin. Can I hold one?” He held out his blue-striped palms expectantly.
He faltered when he saw Danny, visibly surprised.
Danny… was starting to feel bad. He curled into Robin, hurt. He wasn't ugly. Why did people keep reacting to him weird?
“No,” Robin said curtly. “You have damaged his pride, and Patches is still reeling from her shock.”
The man let out a sigh but let the topic go. “That's Patches, and this is…?”
Robin hesitated. “He is the Snitch.”
That unlocked cooing. “Snitches? Snitchy Snitch Sni- ow!”
Danny snapped at the hand that came way too close and he let out a warning growl. No baby talk!
Robin seemed very pleased. He rubbed behind Danny's ears. “Snitch… I suppose that Snitches will suffice. We are taking him home.”
“....Maybe, just for fun, we should take him to get treated for mange first!” The guy made jazz hands to go with his statement.
Robin and Danny both growled that time.
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disillusioneddanny · 7 months
DPxDC Negativity
Hey this is just a friendly reminder that I'm going to put in the plainest terms that I can.
If you are telling people how they should and should not participate in fandom you are GATEKEEPING
If you are telling people that they need to read more comics before writing fanfic you are GATEKEEPING
If you are telling people that they need to do more research into canon in any form, whether that be reading wikis, reading comics, watching shows, whatever you are GATEKEEPING
If you are telling people that what they are writing is not canon compliant and therefore not a valid way to participate in fandom you are GATEKEEPING
Fandom is supposed to be fun
Fanfiction is supposed to be fun
We are not writing these stories for anyone but ourselves. And to tell someone that they are participating in fandom wrong is GATEKEEPING
There are plenty of fanfics in the DC only sphere and the DP sphere that are so far away from canon it's unreal and that's totally okay!
People are allowed to enjoy fandom in however the hell they please. If that means they are writing a crap ton of Batfam/Danny Phantom content and not very much Justice League/DP content, that's totally okay.
If someone read the Wayne Family Adventures Webtoon and decided that they want to write Danny being adopted into a loving and crazy Batfamily that is totally one hundred percent fine.
If someone wants to write Danny with abusive and neglectful parents guess what? they can.
If they want to write Vlad as being a nurturing and loving godfather to Danny, they can.
What I'm trying to explain to you all is that it's okay to write things that are not canon compliant. It's okay to write things that are so far away from canon it's not even recognizable--I mean have you even read a fantasy au or a no capes au? That's basically just slapping a characters name and face to an OC. And guess what? THAT'S OKAY.
It's also okay to want to see more people interact with the canon lore, to want to share resources and tell people about your special interests. But the moment you start doing it and it makes people feel bad-- even if that is not your intention you are GATEKEEPING.
Gatekeeping is defined as the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something.
By you telling others what they should and should not write, you are being a gatekeeper.
I get it, you want to share lore, you want to show that you know all these cool things about DC. You want more than just batfam and DP content. That's totally valid and really cool.
Do it yourself.
Don't take someone else's joy away simply because it's not what you want to see. They aren't writing it for you, they're writing it for themselves. You're just a lucky person who gets to see the beautiful works that they are putting time and effort into.
When I joined DPxDC I knew absolute shit about DC. Over the last year, I've read over 400 issues of the Batman comics, read all of the Red Robin series, and a smattering of random other comics with plans to read others. But when I started writing? I knew jackshit. My knowledge came from the Teen Titans cartoon, the Batman animated series, and vague memories of watching the Justice League animated series as a kid.
And if Dis from a year ago saw this gatekeeping shit, they would have never started writing for the fandom because they would have been too scared to be told they were doing it wrong.
Now? I'm writing DC only fics based off of what I learned in the comics and it's a lot of fun.
But I did that because I wanted to, I was starting to get more and more interested in DC and I wanted to know more. And I had access to pay for DC Infinite so that I could get access to the comics. Not everyone has that luxury.
Not everyone has the luxury of being able to read them from free sites either. Maybe they have to use a public computer that doesn't have ad blockers. Maybe their local libraries don't have access to the comics. You don't know what their situation is.
Maybe you're being well intentioned. Maybe you're just wanting to share your wealth of knowledge with the fandom. But remember, if just one person is getting hurt by your statements, that means you're no longer being helpful. You're being harmful. You're scaring off a new fan who was super insanely excited to start sharing their headcanons.
You're making people feel unwelcome. And that's not fucking cool.
Fandom is supposed to be a welcoming space for everyone, it's supposed to uplift and bring joy. Not make people feel bad for not knowing enough, or for feeling too anxious to even begin figuring out where in the 75 year history of DC they should start reading.
I know that's what kept me from reading the comics for a long time. it was just too overwhelming. It still is overwhelming for me and thats with having friends telling me where to start and what comics are best to read.
Before I end this super hella long rant I want to remind you of one last thing.
You don't know what someone has read or researched before writing their fic. You don't know just how much they know about that character or universe. For all you know, they may have read, watched, consumed every single piece of DC media in existence. But they may still interpret it different than you did and that does not mean that their Bruce Wayne is OOC because it doesn't align with how you interpret Bruce Wayne. it just means that they view his character differently than you do.
And that's such a beautiful fucking thing don't you think? That a single character, a single universe, a single fucking line can be interpreted hundreds of different ways by hundreds of different people and it's still valid.
It's what makes fandom so freaking cool in the first place.
Like one day someone woke up and they were watching Danny Phantom and they thought hm, what if I had Danny Fenton go to Gotham one day and hang out with the bats? And next thing you know, now we have thousands upon thousands of different fanfics, fan art and HCs, all because of it. All because someone had that one idea and shared it and others saw it, interpreted it their own way, and decided to create even more.
And now we're here! And this fandom is beautiful and thriving. There are so many amazing and lovely people in this fandom. There are so many discords to talk about fandom, there's so many events, a DPxDC Bang is the works, a DPxDC fanzine is in the works.
That's so fucking cool and we should be celebrating that! Not making others feel bad for not knowing as much as others.
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tourettesdog · 1 year
It's been entirely too long since I dropped some fic recommendations, so here are some DPxDC fics I love!!
(Part 2 here!)
Unearthed, Reborn by QueenOfTheQuill
Quill writes the best dialogue. The words just flow so organically, and they have such a nice balance of humor and sincerity. Cannot stress enough how funny their character interactions are. I'm also a sucker for Everlasting Trio, and they write it so well.
We're Longing for Daylight by AKelaNakamura
Akela has such a masterful grasp on writing emotion and tone. I love how she describes emotion so much, and weaves it into lore with ectoplasm and ghosts. She has several other DPxDC and DP fics to enjoy, all of it slaps.
Shovel Talk by SummersSixEcho
This is a dead tired (Danny/Tim) fic and I love how Summers crafted their relationship for it. The fic is so funny, with lots of fun puns. It's just two boyfriends being goofy and going through awkward situations and I love it dearly. I love all of Summers' DPxDC works, and she has great DP only ones too!
Recognized by AgentIanLegend
This is one of the first completed fics I read for the crossover, and it still lives in my head rent free. It's complete, very well written, and the story is interesting throughout with a bunch of twists and turns.
Premeditation by Chromatographic
Super interesting fic with neat lore throughout. I love the dynamic between Danny and his friends and Jazz in it, with the roles they've carved out. The general plotting nature of the story is very neat.
Noise and Light by TheWritingOwl
I'm so soft for this fic, it's SO sweet. Deaged fics have a special place in my heart, and I love the emotions throughout this fic. It's ripe with family feels and Owl describes it all beautifully.
Family Friction by Halfagone
Halfa has SUCH a prolific library of DPxDC fics and all of it is quality. I need to read more of them. Tis oneshot in particular has a special place in my heart. The premise is just so fun and goofy and I love how it's executed.
Build-A-Boyfriend by NightShiftShenanigans
I spent my entire time reading this fic with a goofy smile because it is just insanely fun and cute, with great dialogue throughout. I love it.
A Halloween in Amity by spite_sapphic_starlight
I love this poly ship, I love the scenario, I love the dynamics and the dialogue and-- it's just a good time. Just the occult shop alone is enough reason to love this.
Knight of the Boyking by Milaley
I love the angst in this one and the general setup from the beginning. The start of it has such a hook and it's just great throughout from there.
The Curious Case of D. Grayson by brothebro
I LOVE the Everlasting Trio dynamic in this fic and the shenanigans throughout. God, there's so many shenanigans and they're all great. Just a thousand misunderstandings and the domino effect of each lol. I love it.
Afterimage by TorScrawls
The descriptions in this one are just plain wicked. It still really stands out to me, as just being such a neat way to describe how mortals perceive Danny and his powers.
Close Enough to be Whole Again by hailsatanacab
Literally the twin fic that inspired me to write my own. The fic has insanely good descriptions and carries emotion so well. I love Hail's writing style a lot.
Vacation Crashers by Imp_y
I love everything about this one from the premise to how the story unfolds to the conclusion. This was another one of the first finished long DPxDC fics I read and I still love it dearly.
Voices That They Left by catmiint
This one has such an intriguing build up, with a lot of concerning things boiling beneath the surface. I'm not caught up on it atm, but I need to fix that soon because the story is really neat.
Liminal Familiarity by isitcowboytimes
This fic goes heavy on the angst and is wonderful written. There's this like really melancholic, liminal feel throughout the fic and it really sticks out to me.
To Join the Whispers by ayamari_no_goshi
Another one of the first completed long fics I read for the crossover (I think the actual first, based on bookmark date). I feel like this fic was the first one for a lot of people, and I definitely think it set the bar for Jason and ectoplasm shenanigans.
Ghosts Don't Go to Highschool by Evandarya
This is the first DPxDC fic in my bookmark history and I love it. I love the premise, the underlying story, the building relationship between Danny and Tim. I've had the pleasure of betaing for the most recent chapters and it's been a blast also!
Have You Heard of Danny Wayne? by FortunateCookie
This one has fantastic dialogue and I love the building shenanigans in it. All around a fun read, especially the chatfic portion.
Memories Lost in Time by MidnightsFury
The building lore and story in this one is so neat, I can't wait to see where it goes. The fact that it's a twin fic too has me vibrating with excitement, just waiting for the shenanigans to really settle in. I don't care how long it takes these nerds to find each other, I'm here for the shenanigans.
I would add more, but I really need to get some sleep before I pass out at my desk lol. I also plan to make a separate list for DP and non-DC crossover fics I love too!
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Fic Masterlist
Because Tumblr search features are shit. Fandoms, Fics, and Series are organized in alphabetical order. Each link will send you to the Tumblr version but there will be a link to the AO3 version within that post. If you would rather go straight to AO3, my account is linked in the post pinned on my blog.
Assassin's Creed:
Of Blades and Parchment Series
Tumblr tag: #Of Blades and Parchment
Altmal AU where Malik never became an assassin and instead works as a crippled bookseller. Series is in progress.
Two Crickets (My addition is only 646 words but idk about the ones before it)
no tag
An addition to a prompt by @/ailithnight and writing by @/omnicrafts and @/atiyasnake
The GIW has had Danny for an undeterminable amount of time. The strain is finally more than he can handle and he body hops into a brain dead clone, R13. Danny thinks he is having a nice dream. Kon is worried for the escaped clone he found in the middle of a field.
TW: mentions of tortue
Here's Where You'll Stay (3082 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #Here's Where You'll Stay
"As John stared at the door preparing to get his face mauled, he couldn’t help but incredulously complain that this was not how he wanted his weekend to go. He had plans! He supposes that he would be willing to put them on hold for Phantom’s sake, but he wasn’t agreeable to the incoming face mauling. "
When Phantom comes down with Core Sickness it's up to John Constantine to save the ghost from fading.
Nothing Says "True Love" Like Being Given The Soul of Your Murderer (1510 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #nstllbgtsoym
Dead on Main ship. Addition to a post by @/nelkcats
"Another snarl caused him to lose his staring contest with the Bat. Nightwing was now standing between the two of them and appeared to be trying to placate the crime boss while Red Robin made the bloody stupid decision of trying to sneak up behind him. Red quickly paid the price for his folly, finding himself flat on his back pinned underneath Hood's boot while he honest to God snapped at Nightwing like a rabid dog.
"It's my gift! He gave it to me. Now fuck off before I m̶a̷k̸e̸ ̵y̶o̸u̶."
Yeah. Someone should probably interfere before they pissed him off anymore.
"You should corral your kids before one of em' loses a hand."
"Hngh." Batman leaves to break up the fight with Nightwing's aid. Hood scampers off to one of the corners of the cave, cradling the violet ball in his gloved hands as if it was the most precious thing in the world. It sounded like he was purring. John was suddenly very tired."
Rending Flesh From the Bone (3093 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #RFFTB
Dick wasn't so sure about Jason's "gut feeling", but what are brothers for if not to support each other during paranoia episodes? Now, deep underground in an abandoned subway tunnel, Dick is starting to have regrets as he watches the scene before him.
TW: Gore, Cannibalism, Vomiting, Zalgo Text
Slap a Bow on It (4752 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #Slap a Bow on It
Dead on Main ship, written for Dead on MAYn 2024
 "Contrary to popular belief, Danny wasn’t stupid. He could be a bit oblivious, but he always got there in the end. So when Danny woke up the next morning and realized that last night wasn’t a dream, he had an epiphany. He was being courted by the super hot and apparently undead crime lord who ran the haunt on the other side of the street."
TW: Danny is thirsty as hell, mentions/allusions to nsfw but nothing explicit
sketch of Danny's courting gift
Star Shoes (2772 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #Star Shoes
Dead on Main ship, written for Dead on MAYn 2024
"Things had been going so well for him lately. He should have expected the other shoe to drop. Or the metal pipe in this case."
In which Danny and his totally normal boyfriend who is definitely not Red Hood are abducted by cultists. Danny is super concussed, but he's got the spirit.
The Dead Stay Dead (My addition is only 679 words but idk about the ones before it)
no tag
An addition to writing by @/some-kind-of-creature and @/nerdpoe.
In which the LOA has a rule that those who die are never mentioned again and are erased from their records. Damian doesn't think to mention his late sister. Once he does he creates a portrait to commemorate her, but it turns out his sister is actually his brother now.
The Double-edged Blade of Chance (5309 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #The Double-edged Blade of Chance
Dead on Main ship, written for Dead on MAYn 2024
Not everyone gets to meet their soulmate. It was just a fact of life. There was always a chance, but chance was a double-edged blade. 
Jason quite literally runs into his soulmate at the young age of eight.
“Sorry! I thought you were a ghost!”
"Why would I be a ghost?”
TW: Major Character Death, Child Neglect, Mentions of Abuse, Mentions of Drug Addiction, Depression
Unnamed fic (ghost chirps/unintentional ghost adoption au fic)
Tumblr Tag: #ghost chirps/unintentional ghost adoption au fic
Addition to a post by @/starwrighter
Fic is currently a work in progress with only a minimal amount released to the public under the Tumblr post. Once it's completely written chapters will be posted and linked independently.
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sporksaber · 9 months
This idea has not fully formed in my brain yet, but dpxdc time reversal isekai. This'll be a bit disjointed so bear with me.
Danny phantom and DC are the same universe to start with. Danny goes darkest timeline (not in the dan way. Dan is boring. He does not exist for this purpose) after years of being legally not human and trying to run from the giw while the organizations that should of helped didn't.
In the original timeline he is found out in some horrible way and has to run. He is kidnapped by the giw. He frees himself and finds himself entangled with the batfam. Everything goes wrong, his tenuous relationship with them gets super messed up as none of them are in a good place, and danny is slowly dying. Eventually it all gets broken off.
Danny, completing his journey into insanity, kind of destroyes the universe. And on a little related tangent, when writing these kind of stories all powerful characters are hard to deal with. Characters like clockwork give me the ick because their pulling at the strings robs the characters of their agency and they often fall apart when you look at them critically. So I'm nerfing clockwork. He can see all the timelines, he can watch over them and prevent major fuckery, but he isn't just able to meddle as he pleases.
Like I said, Dan doesn't exist and the whole bit never happened (originally I said that because it's a lame plotline but now it has real reasons) so Danny's never met clockwork. Clockwork takes the burst of power from danny going nuclear and reverses the time stream.
Danny wakes up on the day the event that leads his parents to find out happens. He's unable to avoid it as he's confused and dissriented with a bunch of strange thoughts and images making his head feel fit to burst, but does avoid the giw while running away.
Onto discussions of a main plot point: the romance bc it's always there with time reversal isekais (and with my fics in general tbh). As I'm thinking about it it's hard to decide bc I recently read a bunch that annoyed me into disliking them all and made me step away from the cross over for awhile. But as I was thinking of what to write I came to a decision. I already have one of these for Tim, having it be damian would make all the other characters older than him and it doesn't fit the vibe I'm going for to have danny surrounded by a bunch of adults when he isn't quite one, Jason just isn't fitting in my head rn, so I'm making it Dick. (I did also consider bruce, but I didn't...
The ages I'm going off of: bruce 37 (27), dick 21 (11), Jason 18 (8), Tim 15 (5), Damien 10 (fetus.)
I'm torn. I like the concept of Bruce being the love interest better but i dont know if i like it more than Dick. Like I said, this idea came to me and I immidiently opened a a draft. The idea is not solidified. And as I think more about it, maybe bruce would be better. Because with crossover ships you can slap the timelines together however you want you can change the ages and ship characters as you see fit. My initial reason for not considering bruce was the ages and wanting all the kids to be around for the plot. So I'm going to do the math.
Danny gets his powers at 14. Gets away with only monsters of the week to deal with for the first year. Giw gets new funding and becomes a consistent problem into when he's 16. It's manageable for awhile. I'm going to say he deals with it well enough for them to pull back and regroup around when he turns 17. Six months later and The Incident happens and he's outed. He runs and in his panicked gets captured by the giw.
My initial plan (initial meaning first thought that occurred less than an hour ago) was for him to be kidnapped long enough to be thoroughly traumatized but not super long. Like a few months. And I'd thought his freeing himself might have somthing to do with them kidnapping Jason or somthing. And if I stick to that Dick works really well and I feel like there's some really good content in dick and danny ending up together.
With Bruce I'd have to adjust the timeline more. Both for my batfam agenda and to make it not icky. If bruce is going to be in his mid thirties danny needs to be a minimum of his mid 20s. So I think if I were to go with Bruce I'd extend the kidnapped time to like 2 years (so Danny's like 20) and have him spend some time in the ghost zone before coming back to mess up the giw? I don't know. I'm going to have to write some stuff physically.
This has gotten out of hand and now I'm confused and my head hurts. I think the difference in the decision in unstable young adult danny vs unhinged adult danny in the original time line.
And the other thing I have to consider is not just main timeline but post rewind attempt 2 timeline and how those ages fall.
Dick is easier because it'd be easier to not have to handle that mess. I could have what I want without worrying about an age gap. And I think they could be really compelling. Especially with the idea of Dick seeking out Danny to help Jason, the brother he thinks he failed. Their relationship is originally a will they won't they as Dick has to deal with his family being a mess and desperately not wanting to lose anyone again while danny is in a limbo between who he is and if he's human. And it doesn't work out. It blows up in their faces as circumstances tear them apart and force them to let go of eachother. And you get the forbidden romance trope as batman doesn't trust danny. And then danny loses his shit and everyone dies before the rewind.
I think after the rewind they'd restart quieter. Danny searches out a familiar person after running away. Dick had just become nightwing and set up in bludhaven. Jason is 14 and hasn't died yet. Maybe they'd meet organically. Danny is drawn to Gotham and ends up in bludhaven while skirting around it. He meets the new vigilante who he knows but he also knows he doesn't (his core remembers. The core always remembers). Dick finds himself drawn to this haunted guy he keeps running into, maybe it's his savior complex, maybe it's somthing else entirely. He figures he's some kind of meta, jumpy from escaping someone's experiments.
Eventually Danny will remember Jason. Dick brings him up and Danny's filled with dread. Dick thinks his reaction is wierd. But Jason is eventually saved.
If I were to write it this way I think I'd have a couple of different mystery plot likes that connect thematically but aren't actually connected. (A nightwing vigilante based one of mob bosses or whatever, Danny's whole deal, what the giw is up to, where their money comes from and how that's gotten on the jl radar). But that's all on that for now.
To summarize: they have a very turbulent relationship initially. Dick will eventually be forced to chose the bats over danny. Danny has not properly healed from the giw and slowly spins out of control. After the rewind it's a lot of Dick solving mysteries as Danny tries to heal. The plot would be majorly driven by Dick, Danny's is mostly internal.
Back to the bruce concept (reminder that these two concepts are not connected at all).
The thing with time reversals is that you have to decide in the beginning whether or not the reversal is seperate from the main characters original timeline or if it's continuous. Are they the age they were pre reversal or the age they were reversed to? How much of it do they retain?
With the Bruce option I matched it to bruce being like 6 years older than danny. So pre reversal danny shows up to investigate bruce when his connection to the al ghuls (10yo damien) is established. Danny is 30, jaded, and less human than the other version. He's been warped in a way. The torture was longer and he recovered in the zone. A lot of his friends and family died.
Some relationship stuff happens, some al ghul caused demon stuff happens, the world is destroyed, time is reversed.
I'm fudging the previous timeline a bit. Danny's reveal happens at 19 while he's still in amity taking a gap year to weigh his dreams against his responsibilities. The Incident happens. He's kidnapped for a few years. Escapes durring an expierenment that allows him to slip into the zone. Dedicates himself to destroying the giw.
Danny post reversal retains skills and knowledge but is still his 19 year old self. He returns to the day of the incident, is confused, gets outed, dips but escapes the giw. Goes to Vlad and demands money, resources, and a contract that makes him heir without the downsides of his shady practices. It's important to not at this point, danny is basically bluffing. The kid has no idea what's going on or if it'll work, but he spooks vlad enough for him to agree now, plan how to spin it in his favor later.
So Danny takes a bit to decompress from that shitshow.
Flash forward, bruce wayne notices he has a bit of a (new) stalker problem. Some guy he doesn't know (and Brucie Wayne knows everyone) starts showing up at all his galas and the charity events he goes to. 20 year old Danny Fenton, heir to Masters Enterprises.
Cue Romcom.
This would have a drastically different tone from the other version. Very fun and much lower stakes.
Anyway I'm done for now. I hope you enjoyed this 2 hour unedited rant. Might expand on both separately, I like them both.
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stealingyourbones · 10 months
How many people does this blog follow?? I know you have a LOT of followers but you dont just rb prompts/fics/etc from the same 5 blogs which is dope
Confused a tad on your wording so I’ll answer both questions!!
Yes! I follow a bunch of folks and am followed by a bunch of folks! I scroll through the dpxdc tag and my ‘for you’ page when I want to spruce it up and find posts I might not have seen otherwise!
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I do my best to reply to just anyone who I think has a wonderful idea. People tag me and DM me in stuff all the time that I check out and will reblog if I think it slaps (sometimes I don’t reblog bc I’m simply busy as hell. Especially now that it’s finals week) and that always helps me see funky cool new stuff :)
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sister-cna-reader · 9 months
For your fanfic questions!
1) favorite fic you wrote this year
21) most memorable comment/review this year
25) a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
Thank you 💕
I already answered #1 here
21) most memorable comment/review
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I take a bit of pride in being the pioneer(?) of so many ships and bringing my favorite side characters into the spotlight. ( I know it says unread, but I'm very lazy when it comes to cleaning out my inbox)
followed closely by this genre of comment:
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When people scream about plot points. 💕😊💕 it makes me feel very loved and that my writing is good.
25) a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
oh good gracious.... Where to start?
If you're a Spy X Family fan:
How could I not recommend Before Tomorrow ?
It's such a beautiful work.
honestly between us (he's totally lying) by artements
it starts so light hearted and funny and then IT SLAPS YOU IN THE FACE WITH PLOT.
Its very much a fic where I'm like this at the end of every new update:
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If you're a DPxDC (Danny Phantom x DC Comics crossover) fan:
Nothing But The Dead And Dying (back in my little town) by Umei_no_Mai
11 AMAZING chapters posted in April that had me in a CHOKEHOLD. It is something I like to read over and over (and I usually don't like to re read things)
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surelysilly · 4 months
Fic asks: let's just pretend I'm sending you like an entire box of crayons, okay?
fufufufu okay here we go <3
🌍 What tags or warnings will your / one of your wip(s) need if you intend to share it?
oooh my latest (and soonest) WIP... I'd almost want to tag it as some sort of horror, but I'm not quite sure exactly how to go about it... but!
underage smoking, mystery (maybe), AU - canon divergence (as always), hurt no comfort, angst...
i think the memes about Danny getting slapped as a vape user because of his ghost sense r very funny but i like to sit my fics firmly in the the mid 00s or late 2010s onward so... teehee!
⚠️ Which wip your most likely to finish or update next?
one from above ^^^ it's a fanfic prompt challenge for the r/danny phantom discord server "i didn't mean to say it like that" has to be used in the fic :)
other than that... next arc in the waiting for the sun to smile on everyone series uwu;;; hopefully in a week or so, we shall see
💾 What is your document of your wip/ a wip called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
usually the series name or short hand for it
lost in the universe > LITU pt 1, pt 2, etc
the visitant and the island of misfit toys > the visitant pt. 1
dpxdc misc 1.0
dp misc 1.0
the shorter fics live in the misc documents lol my BNHA documents were much worse versions of those
🛠 Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
I'm struggglinngggg to write a new character sort oooof, but i think i just need a break from litu AU so im unintentionally avoiding it, whoops! which is why im writing other things
which i am also struggling with because i need to rewatch the main lego movies + lego batman to study :9
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gilbirda · 2 years
Saw your tags
You've seen strange magic too? What were your thoughts? Personally I really liked it story wise though I feel a few things could've been changed to make it go from decent movie to great movie. But overall it was great
BRUH what I DONT have to say about the movie. Before I went down the DP and DPXDC rabbit hole, I watched that movie once a week and im not kidding. I know it by heart.
Pros: Music slaps, voice acting by ACTUAL voice actors that know how to do their jobs, animation is beautiful, plot refreshing and I love how the romance is made in that movie (and how the "beast" doesn't magically become beautiful at the end!!!!)
Cons: Some of the humor doesn't land and the plot is very simple, and the whole "im strong independent woman" feels kinda... void? I hate this trend that to be a strong woman you have to reject romance forever because that makes you weak. Or how they pitch the sisters as the "helpless romantic" vs the "bitter sword lady".
But that's my opinion.
This movie, I don't know if you knew, was buried on purpose. Is a Lucasfilms production, so big money, and this was after Disney bought the company.
Why did it flop so much?
It wasn't properly advertised.
Is a weird movie, the 3D models are an acquired taste, and is too silly sometimes - but that's what makes it interesting. Is not whatever Disney was pumping at the time and it shows; and advertising made it look like some kind of Barbie silly fairies story and it's nothing like that.
Also, of course, people don't like things if they aren't the Disney formula, so there's that.
I have SO MANY opinions about Strange Magic.
(I also have written fics for that fandom!!!!! Including a rewrite with what if Bog and Marianne had been friends since the wedding day and how he helps her out!)
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I'm thinking about doing some title illustrations for my DpxDc fics like @/Clockways does for theirs.
If you're unfamiliar with any of these, you can find them in my fanfic masterlist (link in pinned post)
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gilbirda · 2 years
Time for some BatPham and DPxDC fic recs
I got a comment asking for some recs and I thought it'll be easier to have a masterlist or something in my tumblr and link that
SOOOOO I asked the BatPham server for recs and I'll just slap them here and add some that come to my mind in no particular order because it's 4:20 am (blaze it)(not really, kids, dont smoke) and ill comment some ive read personally
Now with Part 2!
Just the Typical Weirdness by Pandemi
The Phantom and the Knight by savya398
The Auction by Lalenja (young justice crossover)
30 Days of Kidnappings by Hyperintrovert
Types of Family by NerdofSpades
Unearthed, Reborn by QueenOfTheQuill
Pearls and Pomegranates by Evandarya (BrainDead (TimxDanny) inspired in Hades&Persephone)
The Fantabulous Emancipation of Danny Fenton by HistoricallyInnacurate
It Matters to Have this Ghost Clan Near (This Family I Never Knew) by SagaDuWyrm
The Captain and the King by Sivan5733 (A series featuring Captain Marvel AND John Constantine)
Change in Management by voidwriting (Love me some Sentient Gotham, I actually have to catch up with this gem of a fic) - with fanart!
Beauty lays behind the hills by Library_of_Cronos
moon's haunted by heybabybird (funny)
Speed Dial by apotheosis_avaritia (funny but short :( I want more)
Concession to Realism by wildimaginingsofhalfbakedideas (danny yeeted to WFA universe. Very cute)
Ghosts Don't go to High School by Evandarya (BrainDead cuteness tbh i love this one)
close enough to be whole again by hailsatanacab (twins Danny and Damian. ANGST. Good shit right here)
Green skies by siren_of_the_ocean
It's Hard to Make Friends When You're Half in the Grave by SagaDuWyrm
Leap Before You Think by TourettesDog
overbearing obsession by Ocearna (good shit right here, Ocearna's writing..... good)
Shrodinger’s Bat by Michaelisunderrated (angst! I have to catch up but it's really good as far as I read!!!)
Robin's Egg by Calix (really good!!!!! Damian is so serious and dangerous and will protect Danny like the "I only had X for a day but I would kill..." meme)
Raising Phantom by Imp_y (good shit!!!! de-aged Danny! Some Anger Management (JazzxJason) hints, batfam dynamics!!!)
Bat Ghost by Megaerakles
Who's Old Now? by LiraBuswavi (funny and short! With Captain Marvel!!!)
Vertical Limit by hppjmxrgosg (the good shit right there)
Vacation Crashers by Imp_y (one of the first i read for this crossover!!! the good stuff)
Unnerving by razzle_berry (Arkham security guard Danny and Arkham doctor Jazz fic!)
The Boy King and the Dark Knights by smallgaything (good stuff!!!! de-aged danny adopted by Jason!)(it inspired my fic "Safehouse")
EVERYTHING FROM SEASILVER (Really all their stuff is pure gold)
Date Night: Interrupted by HadesGhost (funny and short Anger Management treat)
family friction by halfagone (milkywxy) (funny!!! BrainDead and Anger Management oneshot!)
And So It Ghost by Evandarya (another one of the firsts i read for this crossover!! good!!)
To Join the Whispers by ayamari_no_goshi (best of the best! I base a lot of my Jason characterization from Goshi's in this fic!)
Chasing Shadows by ayamari_no_goshi (Goshi's stuff is pure gold)
death echoes by Ocearna (Ocearna's writing is good. What more can I say)
Ghosts of Gotham by Iymea (this one looks promising!!!)
This is it for now. When I get more I shall put more
Happy reading 🤗
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