#this got lost in my drafts
vasattope · 11 months
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The 5SOS Show Tour Dusseldorf | 28 September 2023
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elizaellwrites · 2 years
Thank you @daisywords for the tag!
I'm tagging: @ficsinhistory, @late-to-the-fandom, @words-after-midnight, @queerlilchinchin, and @sassyglitterchaos.
Your words are: Filter, Laughter, Worse, Quell, and Sabatage.
My words are: Drift, Dare, Please, Pry, and Bright
Drift- Not Found
Dare- Legacy of the Fallen Chap. 2
Her eyes bulged as the box almost looked like it shifted under her gaze, her breath stuttering as her hand began to shake. In the low light that strewn in from the open doorway, a second source appeared. A turquoise glow seemed to originate directly above her, dimly lighting the white walls in a blue-ish sheen. When she looked up to see what it was, however, the light followed the path of her line of sight.
She snapped her head back to look at the box, the glow following once again. Her breath was coming faster, her legs feeling weak under her weight. Her hand, still outstretched, flexed absently, the muscles in her arms tightening. A tearing sound just caught her attention, her breath stopping altogether when she saw the makings of a hole just starting to show on the side of the box.
Anna ducked into a crouch without thinking as a rip rang through the room, her arm moving from in front of her to being raised above her head. She could just see the silver flash at the top of her vision, her fist abruptly closing around something cold and solid.
She opened her eyes from their sheltered position staring at the floor, the blue light was now gone. She felt her arm lower back to her side, gripping whatever now rested in her hand with white knuckles. She didn’t dare breathe, she didn’t want to raise her gaze to look at the box, nor to see what she held. Her eyes moved on their own, straining from her bowed position to see the jagged hole that punched outward from the cardboard.
Slowly she forced her head to turn to her right hand, her fingers slipping slightly on textured metal. A silver blade expanding outward from her backhanded grip sent a gasp that shuddered her body. Crystal, wing-like structures jutted out on each side of the hilt in an admittedly gorgeous guard. A silver V-shaped joint connected the simple length of the blade which was almost as long as her forearm to the hilt, with only a sharp hourglass indent two-thirds down the blade interrupting the classic shape. She shifted her fingers slightly, the ridged lines on the grip making it easier for her hand to balance the alien object in her palm.
Please- Legacy of the Fallen Chap. 5
TW: Mentions of abuse
“Are you doing okay?” She switched topics, his face falling slightly at the question.
“No worse than usual,” he met her eyes, letting her know he was telling the truth. After all, it wasn’t like he hadn’t lied to her before.
“Will you be okay?” She watched him, her brown eyes more serious and caring than anyone gave her enough credit for. It meant the world to him that she knew his normal was bad, though he could do without her almost daily check-ins.
He hesitated in answering, the night before had been… rough to say the least. That morning, he had hardly been able to motivate himself to get out of bed. His mom had screamed at him until her voice went hoarse and then some, her feet beating into him as she loomed above.
“Stay at my house tonight,” Rachel interrupted his thoughts. “Please.”
He shook his head automatically, knowing that his mom would never allow that, especially with what had happened.
“What even happened this time?” Her voice was quiet, and he knew that some part of her didn’t want to know. He also knew that she was going to imagine the worst if he didn’t say anything, letting her imagination run wild.
“The usual,” he told her. He wasn’t going to tell her any more; he didn’t want to say more.
She bit down on her lip, her eyes growing stormy with the reddish haze she got when angry.
“I was the bigger person; literally and figuratively,” he gestured to his six-foot-tall self, trying to lighten the mood even a bit.
Pry- Legacy of the Fallen Chap. 1
She let out a soft sigh, letting her breath fog the window further. She refocused her eyes on the pavement, creating an imaginary trail with her gaze while they drove along. Anything she could do to distract her from the inevitable pattern of going to a new school would make her day better.
Truly, it was getting old. They didn’t have much to move with just the two of them, but place after place, lifting boxes and dragging around what little furniture they hadn’t sold. She was only fifteen, and she really didn’t think she was supposed to feel old already. The one hope she held about this place, above all the rest they had been, was her uncle.
Throughout the years, her father had hardly spoken of their family at all. When he did, he always spoke of them in the past tense, leading her to believe for many years that they had no other family. So when he had told her about Joseph, his brother who was only a year older than himself, she had been confused, to say the least. She had heard him talking on the phone with him many times over the last couple of months, their conversations only ever serious or sombre. What they were talking about, however, she didn’t pry.
They had been living in Minnesota for a week at that point, and her opinion of the place was no different from many other places. Whether they stayed here or left, she just wanted to settle back down, just as they had when she was younger. She knew that her father had been a restless spirit since her mother was gone, having trusted friends watch over her while he was gone for weeks at a time, sometimes coming home more disheartened than when he left. She missed him during the times he was gone, but he had always overcompensated when he came home, the affection and care he had shown her as a single father leaving her unable to hold resentment of any sort. She supposed he had waited until he deemed her old enough to travel with him, as the borderline nomadic lifestyle was not one for a kid. She had been able to see some amazing sights, however, travelling much further distances than most her age.
Bright- Legacy of the Fallen Chap. 6
Was it necessarily his business what was going on? No, but he hadn’t been able to shake the idea from the beginning that Jacob didn’t have someone to support him in the ways that mattered. Asher couldn’t pretend that he didn’t jump to adopting the socially awkward guy as a pseudo little brother; never mind that he was younger than Jacob. He didn’t know if that’s how Jacob saw it, but that was how he saw it, and that was that.
He noticed him leaning against his locker with one ankle crossing over the other, an action that sent alarm bells through his head. Never, in the six months he had known him, had he done that. It was unheard of during passing time since the hallways were too crazy to just stand in one place and expect to be given enough space for such things. Next, he was staring straight down at his hands, which were gripping each other lightly, not holding anything, not tapping against his leg or running through his hair. Something was wrong, terribly wrong.
He approached his friend, dodging around other students and groups that were too engaged in conversation to notice where they were walking. He stopped in front of him, watching him expectantly. “What’s wrong?”
Jacob was very still, just his eyes raising to look at him. His unusually bright golden-brown eyes held a darkness to them that Asher wasn’t used to. He could feel his muscles tense, suddenly on high alert, but he forced himself to relax. He had to keep calm to be able to help his friend.
He looked around the hallways, sighing at the continuous flow of students all around them. He shoved the idea of getting to class on time out the window, thankful that Ms. Larson was the most likely to excuse him for a situation like this.
“Come on,” he clapped Jacob on the shoulder, pulling him from the wall of lockers and directing him in the opposite direction that he would have gone to get to class. He led Jacob back to the spare classrooms, choosing a door he knew was usually left unlocked and slipping them both inside.
He flipped the light switch quickly, revealing the multitude of extra desks that were pushed all along the walls, chairs, and more desks piled atop them. Random boxes were strewn across the floor, looking like they hadn’t been touched since the start of the school year.
He turned to face Jacob, the other boy now standing stiffly with his arms crossed over his chest. “If you want to talk,” Asher began, softening his voice. “I’m here to listen.”
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
how was willow and fuchsia’s talk like
I imagine that they were alone for it and it was pretty emotional.
It took a while but Fuchsia built up the courage to talk to Willow. And once they do finally sit down, it's easy to talk but there's still a burning feeling in Fuchsia's head as she dances around the topic.
Willow notices this but doesn't push for an answer, she's patient (completely than Boscha).
Another minute goes by as she avoids the question but blurts it out.
Ends with a lot of hugging
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koalajay · 2 months
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Rancher Duo hehehe
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spicyraeman · 10 months
titless laezel is SO GOOD it works canonly and it's HOT. women with flat chests!!!!!
Hard Agree
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matchingbatbites · 4 months
Eddie is weird.
It's something that Steve knew long before he actually knew Eddie, the older boy's oddities and eccentricities on display for anyone to see. Past Steve used to roll his eyes whenever Eddie would push against the flow of normal, but present Steve enjoys it, Eddie's brand of different. 
That's really the reason why he pretends not to notice when Eddie takes things.
Nothing crazy, nothing valuable, and that's honestly the real reason he hasn't said anything about it. He watches Eddie pocket bottle caps from the kids' sodas and paper clips from the Family Video counter, even the little tables from the pizza boxes when they have a movie night.
Steve doesn't understand why Eddie collects these little odds and ends, just sees it as another one of his quirks. Until he finally sees where everything is going.
They're walking to the corner store that's fairly close to the trailer park, the sun on its way to setting but not quite there yet. The conversation that flows between them is easy, easier than Steve ever thought it could be, and it makes something in him want to curl up and purr like a contented cat. 
He's telling Eddie about something that happened at the grocery store today, when the older boy makes a soft noise of delight before crouching and grabbing something from the pavement. Steve barely gets a look at the penny, but he can tell from just a glimpse that it's seen better days and has more than likely been run over by a few cars, if the scratches on it are anything to go by. 
Eddie makes another happy noise as he stands once more and tucks the coin into his jacket pocket, and Steve picks his story back up like nothing happened. It doesn't get mentioned at all, but Steve can see the extra pep in Eddie's step, like he's so excited over something so simple, yet trying to contain it.
His silent joy is contagious, and by the time they get back to the trailer, they're practically plastered together at their sides and giggling like children. Steve nearly forgets about the penny, until Eddie drops his bag of snacks onto the little kitchen table and beelines to his room. So, so curious, Steve leaves his own bag next to Eddie's before following.
The older boy is crouched on the floor by the bed, and Steve watches as he pulls out what appears to be a shoebox, possibly for a pair of work boots, and sets it on the bed. Steve gets a brief look at the lid and the chicken-scratch Crow Box written on the top before Eddie opens it, and a few things quickly make sense.
The box is full of little things, even more than what Steve has seen Eddie take and pocket, a clear sign that that has been ongoing for years. Little plastic dinosaurs and incredibly smooth or shiny rocks, a chain of colored paper clips and a plastic cup full of acorn hats. There's even an old pencil box that appears to house a small hoard of bottle caps, all different colors, tucked in neatly next to a handful of the pizza tables. 
The whole collection is actually well organized, and Steve watches as Eddie takes the new penny from his pocket and drops it into a tin can full of other scratched and beaten coins.
"That's quite a collection," Steve says without even thinking, and Eddie looks up with wide eyes, like he wasn't expecting Steve to follow. Steve just crouches down next to him, resisting the urge to reach out and pick up one of the acorn hats, or one of the dinosaurs. "Any reason behind it?"
Eddie just shrugs and looks down at the box. He takes one of the shiny rocks and offers it to Steve, who gladly takes it and rolls it in his fingers. "They're weird, or actually, they're things that are so normal, they're invisible. Things people usually don't think about, or throw out, or walk right by. They're… different. But I like them."
God, Steve has never related to a feeling more. Seeing something that other people just brush off or ignore and wanting to be the one to cherish it. 
"I can get that," he says as he drops the rock back into the cup with its siblings. "I mean, you're different, and I like you, so." His heart in his throat, Steve leans in and presses a kiss to Eddie's cheek before standing, and he again finds himself caught in Eddie's wide-eyed surprise.
"C'mon, crow boy. We've got a movie to watch."
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wispscribbles · 7 months
thank you for feeding us such quality ghost soap art mwah bye
And thank you for eating it up!! I love feeding you all w art of the murder lads - Here's some more to chew on :D Tarot Ghoap!
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air--so--sweet · 3 months
I found out from the production designer's website and an interview he did that the basement kitchen is actually the 'kid's lounge', a space the siblings created for themselves.
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And I've been obsessed with it ever since because I feel it gives us more of an idea about what the umbrellas childhoods were like.
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Because, okay there's the slightly extravagant things like the pool table and foozball table, but most of it is very simple. A hifi system and a collection of cassettes and CDs (I bet Luther was only allowed have a record collection as part of his special treatment as Number One), what looks like board games and some toys in what used to be the butcher shops fridges and there's another toy next to the hifi system that looks similar to some of the ones we see in Five's room.
And in the scene where Allison and Diego fight Cha Cha we see art supplies as well.
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These are just basic things most kids would grow up with but the umbrellas had to create a secret place, away from their father, to have them. It's just desperately sad.
But I also find it kind of beautiful that they worked together to make a place for themselves and I like to imagine the process of it coming together. Them scavenging furniture from the unused academy rooms. One of them finds the table in storage room, or the attic maybe, and then over the next few weeks they manage to take chairs from different rooms until they can all sit at the table together. Coming home from Griddy's one night (sneaking out became a lot easier once they had a separate entrance that their dad didn't know about) they spot an armchair and a sofa left out on the sidewalk and they don't look in too bad a condition so Five jumps back with the armchair while the others carry the sofa home (Five was still getting the hang of jumping with objects, the sofa was still a bit too big for him to manage). Grace catches them stealing food to take downstairs one day and she mentions it to Pogo (who knows about the room since it's right next to his own room, but he chooses to turn a blind eye) and suddenly there's a fridge in the room and Grace makes sure it and the cupboards are always fully stocked, even after the kids are gone (we see Five make a sandwich here when he comes back from the apocalypse). Hargreeves never interacts with Grace much and doesn't pay much attention to the food orders she makes as long as she stays in budget so some extra loaves of bread or jars of peanut butter won't catch his attention.
And Hargreeves never found out about the room because There's no reason for him to go to the basement, the only things in the basement are Pogo's room (so telling that there are 42 bedrooms in the academy but Pogo is relegated to the basement) and a utilitiy room. Viktor's cell is also in the basement but it's accessed by a separate elevator so Hargreeves wouldn't pass the kid's lounge to get to it.
You can tell how important the space was to the siblings as well because of how they use it in adulthood.
It's where they all go when Five returns and where they hangout when in the academy (we see them in the living room too but mostly for family meetings).
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When Viktor comes to invite the others to his concert he comes through the butcher shop entrance.
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It's where Klaus gathers his brothers when he tells them that he spoke to Reginald the night before.
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And, even when he was the only one left living in the academy, Luther ate breakfast there.
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It's the only part of the academy they feel is truly theirs and theirs alone. It's their safe place.
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mochiiniko · 2 months
apologies for the ramble but: if the living tombstone ever makes a fnaf sb ruin song. if "this comes from inside" was a message to long-time fnaf fans. i like to think a sequel to that would be a message to newer fans in some way, the ones who don't feel nostalgia towards the older games but still loves them and wants to keep the spirt going
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you think that youre alone, but we are waiting for you every night
heya, i just wanted to say thank you for this ask! ive been wanting to draw something based on it since last year im sorry it took so long 😭 as someone who got dragged into the fandom when security breach first released, your ask really resonated with me
while i didnt exactly grow up with fnaf (my earliest core memory was like. playing the fnaf 2 mobile demo and laughing my ass off after getting jumpscared because i understood absolutely nothing) i still adore the franchise and the community and i cant wait to see what the future has in store for the silly freddy game :]
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skeletalroses · 4 months
NEAR DARK is on Tubi!
I disappear into the woods on the other side of the continent for a week and my favorite rare movie comes out on free streaming? This is an unprecedented chance to catch an underground classic with no effort on your part! Go watch this gorgeous, weird vampire western/road movie immediately.
Do you like The Lost Boys (1987)? This is its gritty redneck cousin.
Do you like Aliens (1986)? This is the Aliens cast except now they're sexy evil vampires.
Do you like It (2017) and It Chapter 2 (2019)? This is that director's favorite horror movie.
Do you like women's film history? This is the first solo project of the first woman to win an Oscar for best director. She also co-wrote it and the female gaze is strong.
I've been evangelizing about this movie for years. If you love horror, vampires, me, or anything I stand for, go watch it; it is worth your time for the delicious bar scene alone. You have not seen Bill Paxton until you've seen him in this role. Come join our tiny fandom. We crave new blood.
EDIT: Looks like it's on Pluto too!
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ayilings · 5 months
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(wip) what do you know about toxic yuri
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paladinbaby · 6 months
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returning home
no light no light, florence + the machine / gallant, v.e schwab / @arunima / where does the temple begin, where does it end? mary oliver / @doomed-bythe-narrative / caitlin conlan / @wolfythewitch / tired, langston hughes / hum hum, mary oliver / nine lives, ursula k le guin
[Image description: a collection of ten texts mostly on white backgrounds.
1: “Would you leave me / If I told you what I've done?
And would you leave me / If I told you what I'd become”
2: “Perhaps you are haunting me. / What a comforting thought. / Maybe it's you in the darkness. / I swear I've seen it move.” The first two lines are highlighted in pale green.
3: “in summer wounds fester and in winter they ache. another one of life's classic no win scenarios”
4: “I look; morning to night / I am never done with looking.”
5: “some people are taking “doomed” to mean “dead”. this is actually a misconception! you can be doomed even if you don't die! it's sometimes worse if you don't die!”
6: “It was never so romantic to become so obsessed with the past that I put my whole life on hold just to spend more time thinking about it.” Block capitals written in purple marker on pale blue paint chips.
7: “Constantly obsessed with the concept of a man forced to be a myth. What do you do when every step you take is embedded into the text. Every word you say prose to read. You're part of something bigger than yourself. The narrative tugs you along lime water currents. There is no time to rest, to be human. You must be great, you must be legend”
8: “I am so tired of waiting, / Aren't you / For the world to become good / And beautiful and kind?”
9: “Some wounds never vanish
Yet little by little / I learned to love my life.” The second two lines are highlighted leaf green.
10: “We're each of us alone, to be sure. What can you do but hold your hand our in the dark?” End ID. ]
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faunandfloraas · 5 months
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... Hi.
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bloodbruise · 5 months
Rosestarkiller taking care of virgin james🤗
all the mutuals posting ab virgin james lately thank u for giving me the opportunity to speak on it 🤭
to me, a big part of james' personality is this easy self-assurance. he's always so unapologetic, unashamed to be honest about what he wants.
so he's not even embarrassed when he comes in his pants from just their hands on him. it's just so much. he feels high from it, can't believe what he's seeing, touching, feeling. there are kisses and palms running down his body, a flat chest under his own palm—three of them, actually. evan is licking into his mouth and barty is biting at his throat, he's groping reg's waist. it's the noises too—whimpers, sighs, and giddy laughs—all of it has him over the edge within minutes.
that drives them downright insane, barely holding themselves back from completely ruining james. but reg is gently stroking his bicep, asking, "what do you want to do, baby? we can stop if it's too much."
james shakes his head though, speaking so fast he's almost stuttering, "i can go again, fuck- please, just let me eat you out." he's so eager, almost moaning the words. so barty talks him through it while evan pulls at his pants, sucking off the sticky mess until he's hard again before reg rides him into the mattress.
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mushroomsie224 · 2 months
Hi! I’ve got a drawing request! You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. If you want, I’d like you to draw Cedric inspired by a fairytale princess of your choice. I’m in a fairytale mood right now and my birthday is on Monday.
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Happy Birthday! I decided to draw him as Rapunzel!
Cedric lives in his tower, longing to go out and go on adventures and do important things, but is stuck inside doing mundane tasks instead.
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gojonanami · 6 months
Bringing househusband gojo to your work party <3
he would be so excited to go to your work, while you would be both excited and nervous — you knew others would find your gorgeous and charming husband to be a prize, one that they would want to take. and you knew you had nothing to worry about — but watching your husband wear his best suit and press sweet kisses to your lips after you got dressed did little to ease you.
and you were right — all of the others were fawning over satoru, playfully (and not so playfully) chiding you for not bringing him to the office. you liked to keep work and home separate—so you only had a few pictures of satoru you kept in your office. but while the others fawned over him, he was too busy gushing over you — talking about how wonderful you are, how caring you are, how lucky he was — and he ended off his ramble with pressing a sweet kiss to your head.
and your insecurities ebb away, as you pull satoru into your office and once behind closed doors, you press a sweet kiss to his lips. and he’s only grinning goofily, “what was that for, sweetheart? Not that I’m complaining?”
and you chuckle, wrapping your arms around him as you wonder how did you get so lucky? and you only shake your head, “I just love you so much,” you murmur, and he wraps his arms around you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“not as much as I love you.”
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