#this is a fun thing to work on as a line cook because sometimes ill just be standing there frying chicken
koolades-world · 5 months
hiii i was wondering if you could write abt an asian mc ? with the brothers or the dateables i don't mind! i just think it would be funny to see yk asian mc who's a high achiever (so even at RAD when they know nothing abt magic they'll try to score high), always take off their shoes before entering a place (entering a place with shoes is forbidden !!), always cook rice or stuff from their country when on cooking duties ("wdym we already ate that when it was my turn last time?"), will make you special herbal tea if you're sick (first time i suggested to make tea for my ill white friend they laughed :( ), tells you to eat more and in the same fashion, whose love language is giving you food, etc... bonus point if mc swears in their mother tongue. And if the MC was living in their native country before going to the devildom, their ability to just nap anywhere as if it's normal.
As someone who grew up in an asian household it's just regular to me but i can picture the face Lucifer would make if the first time mc enter Dia's castle they take off their shoes casually or like MC stuffing Beel's mouth with food as if he just didn't swallow the biggest mouthful of udon ever saying "come on Beel you need food, you need strength to play Fangol"
For the nap thing i was thinking about my relatives who take nap on their wooden bad or just the floor during summer (cause its fresh yk). My grandma always said a hard bed is good for the back lol
Anyway no pressure!! Have a nice day and take care !
hi!! yes of course :)
i'm a different flavor of asian but some of the culture overlaps so this was fun to write! haha the amount of times my grandma has urged me to eat more is hard to count. oh and the amount of tea i drank when we went to visit. i'll never forget watching her make the tea because it was a whole experience
i'm half indian and someone actually requested an indian mc so that will be out tomorrow because doing these requests back to back easiest for me!
enjoy <3
Asian Mc
you're ALWAYS on him for the amount of coffee he drinks
you also always make sure he takes a break to eat dinner because he needs to eat in order to continue his work
despite how bothered he might seem sometimes, he really does value what you do for him
plus, you not only keep yourself in line, sometimes you do his brothers for him too. thanks on his behalf!
once you grow closer, he's asking you to teach him swear words so he can cuss out lucifer
if you don’t, well, he’ll just pick them up when you swear and hope he can figure out what it means haha
if you want, feed him random words, or even compliments so when lucifer hears them, he'll just be confused haha
despite the fact that he's the demon, maybe you can help him in class
when he first meets you, he'd not sure what to expect
however he quickly learns you're the best at everything you do
this includes video games and everything of that manner
he's got competition now, but he has no clue how you got so good considering it was probably your first time at all of the games you've tried
he's impressed by your work ethic and desire to achieve
you got dropped in a totally new environment and instead of struggling to adjust like he predicted, you bounced back almost immediately and were at the top of your class like it was nothing!
he tried to ask you once why you seemed so determine to get the best grade and never asked again after the look you gave him
something the two of you can bond over, though, is tea! he can often be seen with a cup of tea so that's an easy conversation starter between the two of you if not homework instead
while initially he thought you two might not get along, you actually do quite well
he's huge on no shoes in the house and especially in his room
after all, he wants to avoid bringing as many outside germs into his room as possible
can and will ask you to teach him how you make your special herbal teas because he hates being sick and genuinely just wants to know
he falls in love with your rice cooker
rice that easy and that quick? sign him up! if he didn't already love rice you've put him on it
he doesn't think he could ever part with you and your wonderful cooking
even if you do cook the same thing every time it's your turn, he will inhale it because not only is it delicious, but you're an amazing cook
even he's impressed by your ability to fall asleep anywhere
at least he's always with his pillow and maybe a blanket but he's seen you just curled up on the porch waiting for someone to get home
but that sighting was rare, because he felt like he always saw you doing something
however he really appreciated all the little things you did for him, such as making his bed
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rose-lunaire · 1 year
May I ask for overall dating Bedelia headcannons? What is she like in the relationship etc. Thank you 🙏🏻😊
i have to say i was surprised to see how little content there is about her, really. so i’m very grateful for this ask, hope it’s what you were looking for, enjoy! i wanted to write about her from a broader perspective, so i hope you don’t mind i altered the ask a little bit
pairing: bedelia du maurier x gn!reader
warnings: mention of mental illness
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bedelia du maurier sfw dating alphabet
a - asking out
as much as i believe in bedelia’s confidence, it was you who made the defining move. you met at a charity gala on a chilly evening in september. the first round of champagne has been distributed and bedelia found herself finished greeting all of her acquaintances, her gaze suddenly drawn to an unknown figure. pushed by an invisible force, nearly ran in your direction. “oh, i’m so sorry, i mistook you for one of my old friends!” it was a lame attempt in masking her excitement, but you just laughed and introduced yourself. as the evening passed you ended up gravitating towards each other multiple times. it was almost surreal, you gave in to the urge to finally ask her out
b - best friend
the connection between you is undeniable, it runs deeper than simple attraction. bedelia is an attentive listener and there was something about her that made you trust her completely. it’s your weekly ritual to dish out the juiciest gossip on saturday dinners. it’s always fun to make fun all your pretentious colleagues and drink good wine. there is always an atmosphere of warmth and trust when you hang out together. you don’t need anyone else in your life, because you just found true love in your soulmate’s embrace
c - cooking
i feel like she isn’t a fan of cooking. it feels mundane and messy for her. hates cleaning afterwards. she can make simple things or prepare a beautiful charcuterie board but that’s it. that’s not to say she doesn’t enjoy fancy food; you both will explore all restaurants in the neighbourhood, searching for the perfect place to relax after a long day of work. sometimes you’re both too tired to go out and end up snacking in the kitchen, laughing at bedelia’s attempts at cooking dinner. in the end it always tastes good because of how much fun you had preparing it (and thanks to your life-saving cooking skills)
d - date time!
at first you mingled at many social events, sometimes dancing under the scrutinising gazes of other guests. as your connection deepened, you opted for coziness of your houses. you lost track of passing days, the whole world seemingly disappearing for the time of your dates. bedelia doesn’t like planning many things ahead as her schedule changes frequently. quite early on you got the spare key to her home, hanging out anytime you got. the setting doesn’t have to be special for you two, the sheer company makes for unforgettable time
e - escapism, exploring the enchanted gardens
for bedelia, the only thing that can measure up to your beauty are flowers. on gloomy days you would visit local botanical gardens or orangeries. the humid air and heart-fluttering scent make of a unique atmosphere so unreal and mystical, you can forget all the mundane earthly worries. you dive into the feeling, savouring the serenity in your lover’s eyes: a sight so rare and precious to your heart
f - favourite part
her favourite part of you is your hands. the light squeezes and feather-like brushes of the knuckles, it grounds her and never fails to make her heart flutter. bedelia would trace your callouses, detailed lines on your palms searching for peace after a difficult day. loves the way your hands fit together. eager to adorn your hand with a promise ring
g - gifts
bedelia is a big spender and you can’t convince me otherwise. will buy you gifts any chance she gets, ranging from your favourite pastry on a sunday breakfast to a gold pendant she saw on a shopping spree. expect countless items related to your hobbies appearing on your shelf. it’s always something thoughtful and not over-the-top. you once scolded her careless shopping habits and now she’s bit better with limiting herself. but she just loves you so much, there’s no stopping bedelia from splurging on your birthday
h - holidays
i would say her favourite holiday is the summer vacation. she enjoys the warm evenings filled with mellow jazz and good rosé. it usually means less work and more time to spend with you. it’s the season for oversized sunglasses and strapless dresses. evening seem to stretch on forever, filled with your soft laughter and your cheeks flushed from the heat.
i - illness
gets sick easily, especially in autumn. with meeting a lot of people come consequences, but with years she got better with masking her own struggles to focus on helping the other person. if you notice her sneezing, she will dismiss it as dust allergy or something. bedelia enjoys being pampered as long as it doesn't get in the way of her work. pro tip: reschedule all her meetings before she has the chance to protest!
j - jealous, jealous girl! does she get jealous easily? how does she react to you being jealous?
she despises seeing you jealous. for her it’s a symptom of distrust, which she fears the most in a relationship. but sometimes it can’t be avoided: once a waiter slipped a note into her hand and bedelia made a show out of turning him down. she was shocked to see a shadow of a frown if your face. “what’s wrong, dear?”was her voice a little too loud, she wondered. “it was cruel. i wish people knew you’re mine and stop doing such things.” it was hard for the blonde to hide the smirk forming on her lips.
k - kisses
kisses with bedelia are short but sensual. they leave you wanting more and yearning for her touch. like everything with her, they’re playful yet almost dignified. the way she places her thumb under your eye, studying the depth of your orbs. how your hips touch as your bodies slowly melt into each other and the surrounding fade away. her breath is hungry, she’s feeding off your desperation. with nowhere to run, you’re savouring every second.
l - love language
words of affirmation are a must. as a psychiatrist she understands the importance of communication and wants you to know how much you mean to her. it’s just.. her emotions are so strong and bedelia wants you to know just how much you mean for her, her efforts seem a bit messy and the message doesn’t really get through. there’s just so much she wants to tell you on the daily basis.
m - mornings
hates to waste time in morning. not to say she’s an early bird, she hates the way her joints feel heavy and her gaze blurs at the bright sunlight. it’s like the nature is playing a joke on her clouded mind. her days are filled with rummaging through people’s darkest memories and pristine mornings seem like an ironic prelude. however, her attitude changed when you moved in with her. now the sharp rays are the signal to let go of your body, start of missing your warmth and calming scent. but seeing you rub your eyes sleepily makes bedelia forget all about it
n - nicknames
for you: duckling! there’s a cute story behind it. there was a cocktail party hannibal was hosting and you both couldn’t miss for the world. unfortunately you barely knew any guests and just followed bedelia anywhere she went. during the dinner you observed her manners intently, faithfully copying her every move. when came the time to chat with host, hannibal greeted you by saying “and who is the lovely duckling following you around, bedelia?”
for her: snowflake! cold and unique, bedelia is an unattainable treasure for most people. some tried holding her tightly, but it resulted in losing her momentarily. you were the one she graced with her beauty, the one who saw her true nature and didn’t try to melt her icy exterior. you loved all her sharp edges and intricate patterns
o - open book, how open is she about her past, her struggles?
to be honest she doesn’t like discussing her past. it’s complicated and painful so she doesn’t want to burden you with unnecessary knowledge. but if you as for something in a straightforward manner, she will probably confess what’s on her mind. just don’t press too hard as she feels more comfortable helping with your struggles. during some late-night talks like this she will also unveil a bit of her struggles, so listen carefully then and hug her tightly
p - pda (public display of affection)
melts every time you greet her with a kiss on the cheek. it’s subtle and cute, but during a dinner party it can reassure her deeply. sometimes she would squeeze your ring finger to catch your attention. no one needs big embraces or french kisses to see how madly in love and committed you are to each other. it’s the stolen moments by the bathroom giggling and staring contests across the ballroom. a smile so bright each moment your hands are intertwined. it doesn’t take a detective to tell how much in love you are
q - quiz time! how much does she know and remember about you?
queen of small gestures. once again, it’s her job to remember personal information and uses it to her advantage. that blue shirt you liked on instagram? she will paint the bedroom walls with this colour. in the early stages of your relationship she exhausted all sources to find more information about you. it’s gotten to the point when you want to tell her a story from your childhood and she just goes “oh, i remember that one” even though you don’t remember telling her about this detail
r - romance
she has a very alluring aura and in addition to that, bedelia has an immense knowledge about relationships. she has seen the most toxic unions as well as pure platonic couples through her career. she knows exactly what to not do, but barely what how she actually wants to treat you. she’s not big on over-the-top gestures and splurging on gifts. firm believer in quality time! she goes relatively fast in the relation, which doesn’t make her intentions less genuine. she would never admit that she fell for you at the first sight, but bedelia was sure the moment she saw you.
s - sense of security
constantly being around unstable individuals, hell, being held hostage as hannibal’s wife, i took a big toll on her well-being. when he’s in jail, it’s like something is missing. the lack of adrenaline felt foreign, so i feel like she would look for it in a relationship. borderline unhealthy attraction to scheming, games of cat and mouse. keeps life interesting until there is mutual trust within the relationship. keep each other on your toes while holding hands tightly.
t - temper
i would say she’s a stoic person, to the point it’s unsettling. when provoked, her rage manifest as an icy, calculated cruelty. she knows how to hurt a person on a spiritual level and they won’t notice until it hits them bad. bedelia is like a dormant volcano, full of mystery and unspoken wishes. the first time you’ve ever seen her angry was when hannibal escaped prison. the animalistic look in her eyes made you want to flee. moment like these, she’s like a venomous snake, quietly contemplating whether to spare her prey.
u - unwinding
i guess that she host her psychiatric sessions in her house, so the building has a strong stressful connotation. but it was like she haven’t noticed; always reading in her living room, excusing herself from other plans to stay at home and rest. you made it your point to change her habit. you started to plan dates outside, dragging bedelia to the lakeside and taking her on long walks to talk about her feelings. that’s also the reason you eat out so much. it’s become your tradition to go to the seaside once in a while
v - vanity, is she concerned about her looks? and what would people think?
she likes to look her best every day, reliable and charming attire is her signature. adores accessories and the days when her hair curl perfectly. her whole image is meticulously crafted during her years as a therapist. it makes her feel empowered during difficult moments. bedelia wants to look reliable and a little unattainable. the layers of silk make for an intricate armour and tease
w - warmth and wishes
“well, and what did you pray for?” she asked, ushering you to the side, a playful smile lingering on her lips. the birthday cake was long forgotten, but the sight of your hopeful eyes wouldn’t leave bedelia’s thoughts. you’re not supposed to share the wish with anyone, but this time you would make an exception. you look at girlfriend and confess with a hushed voice. “i asked that you would believe me.” her baffled expression begged for more. “it’s just… i love you so much and i can’t stand the way you dismiss my praises. the only thing i care about in this world is your happiness. so give it to me, it’s my birthday after all.” you chuckled, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. “then who am i to deny your wish, duckling?”
x - xtra, random headcanon for you!
has a collection of silk scarves, once someone told her they carry scent the best, so she can enjoy her favourite perfumes even more. also, bedelia likes to match the colours and patterns to how the scent makes her feel: musk fits embroidery, floral patterns with fresh aromas etc. she would gift you one for your anniversary, so you can have a part of her always with you. if there is a challenging day looming before her, she would take the scarf from you to feel your scent throughout the day.
y - yuck! absolute no-no in the relationship
incompetence and helplessness. she had enough of desperate individuals in her lifetime and craves for a partner, not another patient. someone to ground her, remind of what’s real, present. another big turn-off is a lot of secrets. as it may be thrilling to play games sometimes, she is not keen on uncertainty and insincere gestures. she’s sure about the relationship with you, so don’t make the mistake of doubting it.
z - zzz… sleeping habits!
as i mentioned previously, bedelia has a hard time falling asleep. sometimes it takes a chamomile tea before bed or a heart-to-heart at two am. she wouldn’t want to burden you with her struggles, but with time you’ve started to recognise her breathing patterns. after a while you just cuddle her and softly ask what’s bothering her so late at night. she never snores, but trashes a lot. needs something to hug, either your arm or her favourite pillow
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kirby-the-gorb · 3 months
reply roundup!
man apparently these are still hard even when I'm not Literally Dying anymore :v
the sad sale went great, thank you for all the support everyone <3 I bought shelves and makeup and paper star papers and stickers and a new blanket, plus it's helping cover my allowance until my wife starts getting paid. I am already thinking I might do another sale in november just for fun lol
my wife has started orientation at her program and she's having a great time, our partner and I are gonna go down to visit her in a couple weeks :) I also finished rearranging all my furniture now that her furniture isn't here and it only made me terribly ill once!
I am really enjoying everyone singing along on [live and learm], I love enthusiasm <3
on [stars] @korattata said: HEY THATS WHAT I'VE BEEN DOING ALL DAY!!!!! i just started learning last night! its a nice break at work to stop looking at the computer screen. they all still look a bit wonky and i think one of the sheets of paper is too thick but i'm just using paper i got from the supply closet and cut with the paper cutter lol
aw that's so cool! the ones that are like actually packaged for making paper stars are usually a bit thinner than printer paper, like other origami paper, but that also means they tear a lot more easily in the first step if you're not careful, so it's always a tradeoff. what a fun coincidence :>
on [hallway] @thesilentpotato said: the first thing i thought of was the "da dee la da dee la da" krabby patty zoom in scene from spongebob
lol I hadn't thought of that until you said it but you're so right (she is referencing [this scene] from the krusty krab training video for anyone unfamiliar)
(side note thank you to folks who put pronouns in easily findable places so I can refer to you correctly even if I don't know you <3 )
on [birthday] @joekingv1 said: *asks baby what gifts they received and if they would like to read/watch Komi Can't Communicate*
I never really got into komi because one of the side characters really squicks me out, but I have a friend that really loves it, so maybe they've watched it with her! I think they probably got to go somewhere fun for their birthday like a theme park or a zoo, and get a souvenir plush while they were there -u-
on [sheep] @ceylonsilvergirl [added] a different line for kirby, which I still think about regularly lol
on [pills] @minty-spice said: op i hope your health improves and your empire of pills eventually shrinks
thank you <3 honestly I'd be happy with just the first one, I don't mind all the pills so much as long as they're actually helping.
on [crackers] @amatsuki said: made a bunch of cold noodles today with cucumber carrot chicken & sesame peanut soy sauce. the only actual cooking i had to do was boil water and steam chicken
oh hell yeah cold noodles are a fantastic example of a basic food to go feral over. now I want noodles too.........
on [thinking] @adrawrable said: hope you're cozy op
not right now as I type this because it is Computer Work Time, but in general I am So Cozy these days, I have a whole queen bed to myself so it's full of big stuffed animals and fluffy blankets :) (tbh even once my wife moves back here we may just all have individual beds we all seem very comfy this way lol)
on [slam] @jeaniechibi said: we'll be right back ➡️ shshgdtsudtdidh why is every bit of art with a blurr effect so damn funny 🤣
it truly is, I love a thoughtfully applied motion blur (or perspective blur can be funny too) (altho tbh I don't use the perspective blur tool for those I just use separate layers and gaussian blur) (for anyone unfamiliar this is a reference to the eric andre show meme)
on [beehive] @galacticnova3 said: me @ wasp nests minus the frowning, little fellas doing their little fella activities. sometimes they squabble. the thinking man’s reality tv drama
true, true, gotta love little fella activities. personally I feel better observing from a safe distance, but we had a lot of wasps around my childhood home and I didn't really know how to get friendlier than not actively making them mad lol
anonymous asked: That profile is amazing
for some reason I don't feel like I understand, but thank you!
on [sale] @milkymoon-ramblings said: gahh why do so many people have so many cool probducts, the queers are tempting me with their cool swag. however I need to save money for my own cool swag (digital art)
I just love the phrase "the queers are tempting me with their cool swag", so relatable lol (also no worries to anyone who couldn't or didn't want to buy anything, it's not like I needed it to pay bills I just wanted treats :v )
on [solstice] @jaune-chat said: Definitely, the sun can fuck right off. I break into a rash if I get too much sun, and I can't walk outside without full body coverage to some degree or be itching for WEEKS! In order of preference, is fall, winter, spring, summer.
oof yeah my mom gets a bad rash from sun exposure too! I'm fortunate to not have that specific symptom, but dang it seems so inconvenient, especially if you're also sensitive to heat so being covered up puts you at additional risk. personally I rate winter a little higher than fall but otherwise yeah total agreement lol
on [rollerskates] @nexus-nebulae said: @ prev tags i used to daydream constantly about being able to roller skate everywhere because i would constantly think 'rolling would be way easier than dragging my feet everywhere rn' and it took me two months of constantly thinking about that before i realised OH i need a ROLLATOR that would help (<- i am not smart) i haven't actually tried roller skating bc i don't own skates but i have used a skateboard briefly and that also feels better than walking. i wonder.... if the roller skating rink nearby would allow me to use a rollator in the rink with skates on........ probably not lmao
honestly it takes so much to actually realize like "oh a mobility aid might help with this" which is like, a bad thing, but we're just gonna focus on the funny part for now happy disability pride month :v and tbh I think maybe they might let you do it??? cuz like at ice skating rinks they usually have those little penguins or just straight up plastic lawn chairs for people to support themselves on, so I don't think it would be that crazy to go out on the rollarink with a rollator? but also that's just me and I do not run the place or get paid minimum wage to keep people from breaking the place sooo lol
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tinywitchgoblin · 5 months
Hey wassup, I’m delusional (and insane) and I saw your past posts, so which bad batch member would you ship me with?
Im Hispanic (Dunno if that’s important lol). Brown curly hair and brown eyes. Tan skin but I have low iron so I kinda look pale but not too pale. I got two little moles on my chin that I’m insecure about but sometimes I’m confident about them. I’m 5’5. I struggle with anxiety but I’m coping with my depression, I occasionally have really bad depressive episodes. I’m bipolar. Sometimes I act so confident in myself and other times I get insecure and try to hide my stomach.
Some things about me is that I love to write and make poetic shit, like I will sound like a insane hopeless romantic. I like to use cheesy pick up lines when I get comfortable enough. Music is my life and savior. Will legit make a whole playlist or CD dedicated to someone. I LOVE to dance to literally anything, usually if I try to get someone to dance with me is because I just wanna have fun with someone and be able to laugh and feel alive. Dancing is just a way to express myself and have someone alongside me. I love painting, cooking and reading. I adore romantic poetry. My friends consider me as the mom of the group. I’m loyal and I’ll always put other before me ( it’s a curse). If you need anything, honey I’m right here like a genie. I hopelessly devote myself to others. I LOVE taking care of others though, maybe it’s because that’s what I’ve been doing for majority of my life.
I Love cinema. Like deeply love cinema. I’m always up for a night or day full of movies and shows and being lazy on the couch or bed. My definition of Netflix and chill is to literally Netflix and chill, we are watching movies only! Will use quotes from movies on a daily basis and expect someone to get it and finish the quote. Kind of a introverted but I can be social if I know enough people in one space. I’m always up for adventure and thrill in life, like wanna go on a roller coaster? Heck yeah. Wanna dance? Aint gotta ask me twice. Try new things? Might be nervous but I’m up for it.
My standards for love and a relationship can be described as Melanie Martínez’s song High School Sweethearts.
Alright that’s it. Thank you and have a blessed day! <3
Thanks, you too 💚
I ship you with...
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You'd actually met Omega first, but once she introduced you to her brother Wrecker, the two of you were inseparable. You would write him love letters and make playlists for him, and he would shower you with compliments and support you in every aspect of your life. Once, he tried to write you a romantic poem back because he loved the ones you gave him, but it... didn't go as well as he wanted. When you asked him about it, he told you he wanted to make you feel the happiness he got when you gave him a poem or a playlist, but nothing was working. You reassured him that you felt his love in other ways, that his love was as unique as him.
One of Wrecker's many love languages is quality time, and he wants to spend it all with you. Sometiems you'll end up in the kitchen, attempting a new recipe (or maybe just dancing while some pasta is boiling away in the background). Other times, you're just relaxing on the couch, watching something on Netflix. If you're into it, he'll pull you into his lap and keep you close especially if you're watching a horror movie. Both you and he get super frustrated when Hunter has to drag Wrecker away because he needs help with something, but there's always the promise of hanging out again later.
Wrecker doesn't know much about mental illnesses in the clinical sense like Tech does, but he's really good at not only telling when you're not feeling well, but sussing out what the underlying issue is. He's very in touch with emotions (both his and yours), so he's usually able to tell if you're anxious, depressed, insecure, or any of the above. Wrecker doesn't like seeing you in any type of pain, so he will do anything he can to make you feel better. He'll sit with you, talk with you, make you some good, make sure you take your meds and/or get appointments scheduled (if applicable), etc. He isn't someone who does things halfway, and that includes loving you; making sure you feel your best is only a small fraction of that.
Thanks for reading! If you want a ship request like this one, drop it in my ask box, and don't forget to reblog 💚 it may take a little bit, but I'll get to it eventually!
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butchpeabody · 1 year
in lieu of drawing a ref (hard) (boring) im gonna list some stuff abt my funne tome oc radrabzz...yippie!
white hat hacker obviously. due to the period accurate Rona Virus shes stuck doing coding classes at home and takes the insane pay to fund hrt and her tuition. she does other small coding jobs on the side, maybe working on a game of her own
has a roommate irl! havent thought much of what to do with it but she miight become relevant in my brain world
she was going into tome literally so hard trying to be like okay just gotta do my job and not talk to anyone. and then alpha showed up and her being utterly interaction starved due to the once again aforementioned rona shes like oh ok we r best friends now. dandy alliance having her is really fun for her
she REALLY likes nylocke. in a platonic way ofc (she is a lesbian) but thats her emotional support funny dude
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i do think the nature of tome characters especially in the rpg is like. to have a Rival. i was joking abt it earlier but thats like 100% rockoon in my head. theyre both silly dudes but she is genuinely kind of angry at him for cheating at the game with so much cash on the line and getting her so close to like...just straight up being kicked out of her new friendgroup it seems?? ill have to see more of rpg rocky before i decide how this develops but i have THINGS cooking in my brain
as a side effect of the last one she does not use her Hacking Abilities in battle against anyone who isnt actively cheating themselves. game is weird to navigate sometimes because of it (the way she set up her skill class is weird reflective of mine ((i shouldve gone brawler HELP))) so shes not really. strong at first and struggles a LOT
a lot of the struggles in the PREVIOUS point however are solved when she gets the bomb rush spell. that wasnt even an intentional rockoon parallel, when i got it ingame it just did a BUNCH of damage when i needed it. but now i'm rolling with it
second gen immigrant to the us from jamaica! im still working out the family tree (her mom n dad are already concepted characters in her main story but i gotta expand) but she has family back there she visits as well. was raised in florida and moved to socal for school (ended up staying there after the rona happened bcus she already had an apartment)
her irl name is raeni, she still doesnt give it out ingame but either goes by hatty or rab online
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hospitalterrorizer · 2 days
monday - tuesday
going to mess around in ableton for a bit... then sleep.
i watched a movie today... splice. it was basically very bad but made me feel ill and anxious, because i'd seen it when i was a kid i suppose, well that's why i watched it, cuz i know it messed me up as a kid a bit, i was like 11 when i saw it, anyhow, i remembered adrien brody dying and thinking it was pretty how afraid he was, or like, how fucked up everything he was, that his death was like this nightmare-catharsis thing almost, like, things get maximally bad, you bottom out, disappear, life gets too bad so you evaporate or something, also obv erotic, but the movie makes that point more clear cuz of the whole pseudo incest stuff... grody... but kind of good, or like, it's fun how horrific it is, and funny sometimes. but it's also profoundly stupid. it's also like, a period piece to a freakish degree, of that time, 2009, or like 07-09, that sector, look at this:
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really funny to me. also very good, tobehonest, a good look. (the tokidoki figures are very cute,,, funny how that is all on trend now).
i just made a guitar sound i really like, i think part of why i'm so frustrated is that the sounds i'm making are too... layered maybe? so simpler is better... i wonder if this sound i just made will be good to replace one of the songs i'm having trouble with. it could beee. that'd be exciting.
here's another shot i like:
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i #really #really like blood... what can i say.
this one is just funny:
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anyway, today i did work on the soundtrack, i need to write one more song out... that last one will be tough but i should be able to figure something out, the idea i tried out today was just un-musical, there wasn't a compelling root, to it, so i need to give myself some kind of foundation to work from, i think a bass drone to begin that one, i should just focus on that.
i also did edit... a bit.
then i did work on music later in the day, my stuff, after watching splice and cooking... got obsessed with this new hellp leak as well:
i'm thinking maybe this new guitar sound will help me figure out how to fix the songs i'm struggling with, if it's not gonna replace the sounds in them, it might in one... with some extra stuff thrown on it to make it freakier or something. but it's a hard balance to maintain... i ought to mess w/ modulating resonant peaks pre distortion for that kind of grody sound.
i'll be another dead deer on the roaaaaaaaaaaaa-oaaaaaaaaaad.
wow, the new chat pile song is probably one of their best i've heard, i don't normally care that much for them, they're okay, but not the best, but this one's cool, it's got this really spidery weird guitar line:
not much else to put down,
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novadreii · 18 days
something i don't talk a lot about on here are my chronic pain/illness problems. i guess because i try not to think about it more than i already do, and it's probably the biggest present source of anxiety for me.
when i entered my 30s a couple of years ago, after a particularly stressful year after about 10+ of them, my physical health declined pretty quickly. my hair fell out, i gained weight, my perfect eyesight suddenly wasn't one day, i had constant fatigue and brain fog. i waited out healthcare timelines and was diagnosed with the beginning stages of an autoimmune thyroid disorder right before i moved across the country and got on another waitlist. in this time i managed to improve a lot of the symptoms with lifestyle factors.
i spent the next year researching everything i could about autoimmunity and its triggers, and also about things that could improve my condition while i waited. i tried all kinds of foods and supplements, but unfortunately, stress is pretty much my number one trigger and i was in a very toxic relationship with someone who seemed determined to maximize the amount i experienced on a daily basis. i took too long to leave (6 months since the onset of the neglect, but this person had been triggering me with their unavailability for basically the entire 2ish years).
i remember fearing i'd go to sleep and never wake up from the constant chest pain my anxiety was causing me, and that was my cue to end things. but it was too late health wise--I'd already spent months crying every night and trying to control the shaky, cold sweat anxiety that accompanied me almost every minute of every day.
this basically triggered a huge flare of my illness that had added fun new symptoms (arthritis in my hands, inner ear pain, and constant, all-day muscle spasms and eye twitches. fun!). i am once again, on a waitlist, because i moved back home and had to go to the back of the line :) i have spent all summer trying to regain the progress i had made before my personal drama happened. eating right, moving my body, avoiding stressful endeavours like the plague, processing trauma in therapy head on so it doesn't fester, sleeping for the first time in probably a year and overall just resting for probably the first time since i was 15 lol. my job is a blessing because it's remote, stupid easy and relaxed, allowing me the kind of work life balance where i can heal myself while earning a living. i've complained about my job a lot, but the universe sent it to me because it knew i needed something flexible to accommodate the freakshow my life would soon become.
this is basically what i work on in therapy these days. the surrender needed to know i am doing all i can, and right now all i can do is continue to take care of myself and wait. and it's okay. i will likely see yet another patronizing mandoctor in a couple of months, and i won't be in a flare then so i won't feel so terrible, and i will finally get the meds that will help me feel normal again, what i haven't felt for coming on 5 years. it's out of my control right now, but that's not a bad thing because it's going to be okay anyways.
this process has truly helped me not identify so hard with my body. i need to stop fighting it (while taking the best care of myself as i can) and accept that it's gonna do what it wants to do. but above all, i cannot be so pressed about it because that's the one thing that makes it worse above all else. i have learned to ignore/live with a certain amount of pain; it's not always at a 9 or 10, but it spikes there sometimes but averages out to 4-6 on a daily basis. just enough to be distracting, annoying, and prohibitive of certain activities (begging my brother to do dishes because it physically hurts to use my hands. also can't cook which is a rare thing that brings me joy). i will have to ice my wrist after this. but again, i'm in a flare so it will let up eventually. and in that time i just have to let things be. a concept that was foreign to me this time last year.
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salaciousslut · 8 months
Ive never had espolon! Maybe i should try it with you sometime 🤭 same as long as im drunk then im happy☺️ and thats more than okay princess<3 i wouldnt mind if you took you clothes off for me, i know you could use a few marks all over your pretty tits<3
I hate to say the masochism falls in line with the cnc for me because if you fight back and hurt me I'll just like it<3 And fuck the dudebros, (literally if you'd like hehe🤭) they dont really matter anyway, theyre also focused on themselves, if they dont want to be around you i swear they'll just move, esp if you have me around sweet thing<3 our preferred exercising methods are very different but i'd be more than willing to take your lead and protect you wherever you go princess<3 and i havent done yoga in a while!! Its been years 🫣 but i'd follow you anywhere<3
You absolutely deserve to be loved and cherished sweetheart, youre literally so precious<33 i wanna put you in a cute collar so bad princess<3 but also i get it, being a kitten has such a cute appeal to it, but being a puppy is cuter, it also shows how good you are at following orders as long as someone treats you right<3
Tbh🫣 i dont like ceviche with fully cooked shrimp the texture is off, but its ok!! I sill get to eat all sorts of yummy seafood! My family's from coastal regions so i grew up with lots of fish and a ton of shrimp, and at least fully cooked shrimp is good in other stuff!
No i get that! I hope no one's been weird about race in your dms lately, race fetishists are weird as fuck.
Wait you really think we'd look good together, princess? 🥺
You are too cute<3333 chips and salsa are good! Whats your favorite kind of chips? I wanna know 🥺 Also wtf i love wings, im partial to mango habanero at most places! But i love spicy food a lot. And im also one of those weirdos that doesnt mind pineapple on pizza 🤭
I understand princess, its much more fun if someone else does it for you<3 i wish i was able to add to your orgasm log by eating you out sweetheart<33 I really love eating pussy if im being honest<3333
hehe yes!! i just got a mew bottle so ill open it with you!! plus u can feed me shots!! maybe make me a heavy handed drink. u really like my tits huh?? hehe if i were in my dms i would send u pics all the time (this is me gently convincing u to come off anon hehehe)
hottttttt i like struggling a lil because its more fun that way but knowing that youll like it too is really hot!!!
and we will take turns working out! bc lets be real, if ur lifting, i dont think i could pay attention to anything else!! nor do i really want to!! so we take turns <3
i get that! but yay for shrimp!! im also coastal so fresh shrimp and fish are my bread and butter!! yummy hehe
duh i think we would look good together babe!!! i mean look at us??? hot as fuck
i love anything that hot limon flavored!! thats always my go to but cool ranch doritos or sour cream and onion chips are yummy too!! or anything with dip, im a big sauce girl so dips and sauces are my jam. mango habanero is so yummy!! you have excellent taste 😇 see for me, i totally understand the flavor profile of pineapple on pizza, but i have a big aversion to warm fruit. i hate the texture and flavor of warm fruit so much. like fruit pies and cobblers and stuff? i eat it cold because the fruit taste more like fruit to me that way. idk its a lil weird but warm fruit gives me the heebie jeebies
hehehehehe eat me out then!!! im very vocal when im with someone its kinda embarrassing but i know people like that 🫣
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psychopompousgame · 2 years
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carlos is a nice dude i swear but also, he works in customer service
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0risha · 3 years
— a request from @blackweebtrash on how the csm cast would be in a relationship
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➵ includes. aki, power and denji
➵ content/warning. fluff, some angst??, mention of boobs😁
➵ a/n. my first chainsaw man request, thank you Rumi!! Love you and make sure to take care of yourself as well<33 This is way sadder than I intended it to be, especially Aki’s but i hope you like it!
➵ to join my taglist, go here !
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AKI's relationship with you is solemn. Stolen nights filled with throes of love that aren’t outwardly spoken. Aki never says he loves you, never will. If you were to ask why, he would blame it on the ‘love devil.’ ‘If he were to manifest it into this world —into his hands, it would take from him more than he could ever offer.’
In this case, let’s hope he’s still not in love with Makima. let’s hope he knows that the pattern of her doings have the scent of ill intent. So, he does everything to protect you. 
Takes ‘smoke breaks’ to talk to you on the phone.
Aki will never introduce you to Power and Denji, he would hate for your connotation of him to dim. Since they live with him, Aki has another apartment where he spends his time with you. 
Now, back to these ‘stolen nights.’ Where Aki slowly but surely unravels his thread of emotions around you, but sometimes— sometimes when nights get too dark —too suffocating, he gets tangled in a canvas of insecurity and fear. What if he loses Denji? What if he loses Power? What if he loses you? 
He never does convey his thoughts with words. But he does convey them with damp cheeks. Pale ones that shine as he places it into the crook of your neck while his salty tears cling to your skin. And his arms cling to your sides with intensity, not enough to hurt you, but enough to remind himself that you’re here, right now, with him.
And with the way he holds you, it’s almost as if he wants you and him both to melt, together. And if he could, he would. Because god knows, this life of his was too cruel. He’s fine with it, he thinks. But his chest aches whenever he thinks of this world being cruel to you. 
In some way, you’re his angel and he appreciates you with every undamaged fiber of his being.  And Aki swears up and down that the devil inside of him does too. 
POWER lies and says you’re just entertainment because that’s what humans are; weird but interesting things. But it’s all a facade, of course. 
Power is one hundred percent a tsundere. She takes you to her home she shares with Aki and Denji just to show you off. But when you try to give her so much as a kiss, she’s pushing you away with a hiss. 
Everyone knows that she actually loves you –it’s almost amusing to see her try to deny her feelings for such a ‘lowly human’– but there’s no denying that she’s head over heels for you. Aki and Denji see it in the way she actually puts effort into looking or smelling her best whenever she sees you. 
Power’s a little dense, so she doesn’t see anything wrong with introducing you to her line of work. She might even try to convince you to join, just to be ‘partners in crime.’ It takes Aki’s convincing to explain to her that it’s not.. necessarily safe. Which she’s confused about because ‘isn’t that what makes it fun?’ but she discards the thought once Aki tells her that he could lose you. 
Power hates the thought of that and also the thought of you being so fragile. 
Because... who else would she bite randomly at night? (sometimes in broad daylight) Who else would feed Meowy when she forgot to? (Which was all the time) Who else would remove her breast pads when she forgot to? (She hates the blush that graces her cheeks whenever your hand grazes past her chest) Who else would remind her to bathe? (She coaxes you to bathe with her, probably only really bathes when you’re there.)
DENJI's complicated…. to say the least. He is and will never be over Makima, so it seems. He always finds himself comparing her to you. In some way, you’re the only tie to humanity he has left. 
Don't be mistaken, he loves you but why does he feel such a tie with Makima? And why does it pull at his heartstrings and yours whenever she's mentioned?
If you're in a relationship with Denji, him being handsy is a guarantee.
Will brag about your...ehm– boobs to everyone he knows. You have to remind him sometimes to just tone it down just a bit. Especially if he's in front of others.
Kisses you at random. They'll be sloppy, beware. You have to guide him.. and guide him in everything else. Teach him how to cook, he won't be able to do it but the thought, is what's best 😁.
Apart from Makima, you might be wary of Power but once you observe longer you don't seem to find any problems. Though, Denji might encourage you to make friends with Power but that's all up to her.
when Pochtia aka his devil comes out full throttle and Denji's going berserk ;deep into an abyss of violence where he can and only wants to see blood, he reminds himself to think about you. Because it's you who he has to make sure to come back to.
Of course, he has to come back to you, it's always been you, right?
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 years
I hope you’re having a great day Lena! I was just wondering if we could have any fluff facts about the shepherds as a whole! Like fun tidbits of how they interact with each other, what some of them do if they have the same day off, does anyone host weekly game nights?? I hope that makes sense! Reading the recent short story on Patreon I love seeing how the characters interact with one another and now I need moreeeeeee🙏
Ooh, great question! I’m feeling curiously tapped dry at the moment, so I’ll probably have to reblog this as more ideas come to me; I’m so happy you’re enjoying the short story, btw!! 💖
Some group dynamic headcanons:
Many of them steal clothes from each other. Briony wears a cute sweater of Shery's (she asked), Ayla gets cold so she just takes one of Red's jackets from a chair (she didn't ask), Chase gives Tallys his scarf one day and Riel corders Trouble a pair of gloves from a fashion line he favors because his old ones are holey and they get into an argument about it... This leads to some recruits mistakenly thinking that the captains are all involved in some sort of mass relationship because they keep walking out of each other's rooms wearing each other's clothes. (The recruits believe a lot of really dumb stuff, if you couldn't tell. They LOVE gossip. It's like a competitive sport in the compound)
There is a weekly card game night, initiated and organized first by Chase, but it grows bigger over time, with snacks, cakes, drinks, and new games being procured! I'd actually say it's more like every ten-fourteen days or so than on any set weekday, and is typically proposed by anyone who senses that they or others need to blow off some steam. They all tend to meet in a private common room and either just chill and play some card games and casually drink and listen to music, or they get LOUD and raucous and play more risque non-card games (like Question or Command/Truth or Dare). The loud nights are more like once a month or bi-monthly, though! They take place in the captains' lounge so dumb recruits don't get to join! It's rare that they're in there all doing the same thing, though: maybe half will be at the table playing card games while others will be broken up into smaller groups, say arm-wrestling in the corner or playing chess at the smaller table or reading, but they're all there! Game nights are almost never held unless everyone is there, which is extraordinarily difficult to schedule, but they all make an effort to make it happen--even those who first had to be dragged into it, like Blade or Riel!
Speaking of chess games, Red and Riel have a standing game where they complete at least four more moves every night that they're around and able to meet up after dinner. Planning their next move helps them both break up the monotony of the day, and it's something they enjoy immensely. However, whenever he gets called away on a mission, Red gets sick with worry that Riel's been cooking up all sorts of schemes while he's been gone, so sometimes on the road he has, like, a schematic that he doodles on trying to anticipate Riel's next move, and it's very nerdy and ramps up in joking Anxiety. Riel, graciously, goes easier on him on nights after he comes back from long trips, though he denies it
Similarly, Blade and Trouble have a standing training session once a week where they just beat the crap out of each other. This is generally where they do the majority of their talking
Briony and Ayla first had an agreement that they would get the other one up if they overslept (Briony tends to be the one who oversleeps while Ayla is better about being up at dawn, but Ayla is really grouchy if she went to bed late and Briony is the only one who can handle her), which morphed into doing runs and sparring together at dawn and having breakfast frequently!
The girls have a standing spa night once a month where they all get together in a room (usually Shery’s) and basically do sleepover stuff and relax and chat and catch up for a few hours. This also sometimes involves showing each other new outfits that they bought that month! Sometimes there are even group baths in the big common bath, but these are rarer because Shery is shy and Tallys doesn’t like sitting in hot water getting pruny
Chase and Trouble drag Red and Halek to go drinking with them around once a month; sometimes Blade is persuaded to go if Trouble can get the drop on him and punch him hard enough to wind him. It’s complicated
Riel and Shery, of course, have tea together once a week! You’re not allowed if you can’t bring a chill vibe (Riel’s rules). Tallys, Lavinet, Halek, and Red are occasional visitors; Briony is allowed on a good day. Blade would be allowed but he has 0 interest
Similarly, Lavinet hosts a weekly brunch, either in a courtyard or at some restaurant in town! Typically it’s a girl thing and Ayla, Briony, and Shery are the most consistent attendees, but Chase has snuck his way in there often, and Riel, Halek, or Red pop up occasionally!
Tallys and Halek cook together! It’s not all that often and doesn’t seem to have any set way of materializing--it just happens somehow--but they both very much enjoy it! Sometimes they cook dinner for the whole group and have a little dinner party that they both secretly get excited for! Sometimes Shery bakes the dessert!
Riel noticed that Tallys has a little garden that she spends time weeding, so he sends gardening tools or special seeds when he thinks she needs them and she leaves baskets of vegetables or vases of flowers in his office. All of this is done without exchanging a word
Chase sporadically teaches Briony acrobatics and things like tightrope walking, just randomly whenever they’re both idle. She teaches him how to gut people with bare fists and also sometimes they paint! 
Caine caught Red grazing in the pantry late one night and now it’s like a Thing where they pass each other in the kitchen and Red sort of just looks the other way re: Caine’s bedtime and what on earth he’s doing up so late and Caine doesn’t tell anybody that Red is just absent-mindedly eating a loaf of bread at 2 AM because he was too busy working to remember to eat dinner. It’ll be like, “there’s some turkey leftover from dinner in the cold box” “oh hey, Caine. thanks. ...so, what’s the news from the midnight watch tonight?” “i’m going to go hunt ghosts on the seventh floor with my friends!” “...okay! have fun!”
Lavinet has a monthly shopping trip where she updates her wardrobe, and it is very common for others to accompany her around the city and just shop while they drop! Common partners are Shery, Briony, Riel, Chase, and once memorably Blade, who didn’t know what he was in for!
Trouble and Ayla are wildly competitive and keep arm-wrestling each other for money; this becomes a bi-weekly sporting event that is eagerly attended and bet upon by third parties
There was ONE group karaoke night. ONE. Most of them got so blackout drunk that they swore to never do it again. Even now, several of them go green whenever they hear a popular bar song (“Don’t Piss Where You Plant Your Flowers”) being sung, especially badly
The game of "telephone" gets really bad in their group. It's like, Shery will say to Briony that she's worried because she thought Riel looked a bit peaky and feverish. Briony will say in passing to Trouble that Riel is getting sick and Shery is worried. Trouble will say to Tallys that Shery is worried sick because Riel is bedridden. Tallys will be mixing herbs and Chase will ask what for and Tallys will reply that Riel is sick, but because she's mixing herbs, Chase will surmise that the sickness must be quite advanced, and will later say, "Damn, have you seen Riel? Seems like he's really sick." Red will interpret this as "I have seen Riel for myself and have determined that he's extremely ill." At least four people will bust into Riel's room, expecting him to be on the verge of death, despite the fact that they saw Riel that morning. Riel will be fine and very annoyed at the intrusion.
They rarely go out as a group to bars and establishments outside of the compound (too chaotic as well as risky, for one thing, and also, recruits don't need to see their superiors like hanging out of bushes and dancing on tabletops drunk out of their minds, and also, "Mages can't drink" (lol)), but when they do deem it a worthy occasion (Trouble's birthday, say), the girls are very punctual when getting ready, and the boys are almost always extremely late due to various shenanigans (Chase forgot that he put a booby trap on Red’s door, covering Red with flour, or a cat somehow slips into Trouble’s room and steals, like, a detonator or an important key, and they have to go chasing it across the city). This has led to the girls coming late on purpose in order to even out their arrival, but mysteriously, this has only led to even later start times, meaning they often don’t get started until like 10 or 11 PM when the most well-intentioned souls meant to be in bed by midnight... that never happens, either!
One such night once led to them ending up on a ridge in the Sun’s Embrace, like a mile outside of the city, in order to watch the sun rise together, because hiking in the dark while blasted out of their minds sounded like a really good idea. They all made it, and the dawn was spectacular, but the moment was ruined when Tallys said softly, “It’s the beginning of a beautiful new day--” punctuated by Trouble abruptly throwing up in a bush and Riel just flat-out passing out
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meggs-benedict · 3 years
do you have any herb x spinach headcanons?
SoRRY AGAIN!! I was actually supposed to respond to ur previous message but i forgot to save it as a draft dnnsndnd
i love me some rare pairs
Herb Cookie and Spinach Cookie ! 👇
🪴 Being influenced by Spinach, Herb’s crazy about being healthy and staying fit. He absolutely loves warm and sunny days especially during his morning jogs or tending for his garden. He keeps a journal of happy thoughts or vents to keep his mental well being in check. That’s why he finds the beauty and goodness in most things and he’s almost in a good mood all the time, even at work! Though despite his calm, shy and collected nature, he WILL scream if you tap him on the shoulder or just surprise him in general LOL.
🪴 Herb’s very well-rounded when dealing with kids and sometimes he’s been asked to babysit! He does and let’s the kids play around his yard or by the plant market’s gardens. Reason for this is because he has custody over his adopted little brother, Pancake Cookie! He loves him dearly! He also has a biological sibling that lives by the Kingdom’s shores and docks named Peppermint Cookie. They visit the markets and gardens every now and then, but Herb, being a worry wart that he is, insists they should stay nearby the markets since it’s safer. Pep says it’s okay since they know their mother is always there to protect them from the seas.
🪴Herb may be a friendly and welcoming person, but you wouldn’t dare provoke him. He could easily snap you in half. He’ll also make you never come anywhere near any plant ever again. He’s a killer at arm-wrestling and at some point, he challenged Vampire to an arm wrestling match. Needless to say, he won without an issue and Vamp was pulverized LOL.
🥬 Spinach is a hard working woman amongst the vegetable family, running a chain business pretty much on her own. She’s very diligent in keeping her workers in check, but at the same time would grow a connection with them. She’s not just your boss, but she’s also your mom and will make you rest and eat your veggies when needed. Her motto may go along the lines of “we’re not just workers, we’re a family!” and she wants all of them to cooperate and help eachother out/get along! It’s the key on how she makes her business successful. Making it fun and very close-knitted!
🥬Spinach absolutely loves the cottagecore aesthetic and pretty much lives in a farmhouse type of home by the forests near her workplace. She has plants EVERYWHERE in her home and even some animals she kept as pets. Her home decor is pretty much as natural as you can get, hell it’s pretty much merged with a tree. All she really pays for is water and wifi. Her wardrobe consists of her typical uniform, aprons, summer dresses and hats and etc.
🥬Sadly Spinach suffers a chronic illness that causes her to rot and wilt when she doesn’t take care of herself or is under an overwhelming amount of stress. More the reason why she works out, eats healthy, and is always in a happy mood. It pretty much keeps her alive in sense that if she doesn’t tend for her health that way, it’s over. It’s a manageable lifestyle she was able to maintain without an issue. But of course the rotten apples in her workforce can push her over the edge and can get her really ill.
🪴🥬 Spinach and Herb actually live together in their little farmhouse! Herb helped decorate the place! They share a room with a little balcony in it too so they can rest together in the hammock outside when the weather is just right. Herb also does the cooking while Spinach is the one with the license LOL.
🪴🥬 Call him a simp if you want but Herb can be a tad overprotective with Spinach. Mostly because he knows about her illness and has seen her being mistreated before over paychecks. He’d absolutely hate the world if his gorgeous flower wilts since.. she’s the reason he’s ever here living his best to begin with.
🪴🥬 Spinach and Herb actually found Pancake abandoned near by one of the market’s stalls all crying and hungry. They both decided to take him in and give him a home! Pancake doesn’t really see them as parents or anything, he sees Spinach as the awesomely annoying wife of his annoying simp of a big brother, Herb LOL. He loves them both though! Just not when they make him eat veggies.
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nicknellie · 3 years
Anonymous requested: roommates Alex and Willie share a bed on the night of a storm and it becomes a habit, resulting with a confession and a kiss. (This was edited/simplified just to make it shorter.)
Sorry this has taken me so long to get round to! I absolutely loved the request and it was a joy to write, especially since I’m so stuck in my JatP feels for the anniversary. I’m always a sucker for a one bed trope too! I really hope you like it, thanks for the request!
Raging Storms and Lovesick Hearts
There were times that Alex wasn’t sure if moving in with Willie was the best decision he’d ever made or the worst. In many ways, it was a decision he would never go back on – living with Luke and Reggie had been fun during the day, but apparently neither of them had ever heard of sleep and decided to make that Alex’s problem, so now that he lived with Willie it was nice to finally know what it felt like to be well-rested. It was also great because he got to spend much more time with Willie, something he’d craved for as long as he’d known him.
But that was also sort of the worst thing about it all.
Being around Willie all the time was beginning to drive Alex a little bit insane. Not in a bad way, it wasn’t like he felt stifled or had grown bored or frustrated by Willie’s near-constant presence in his life. If anything, it was the opposite. Nowadays, he got to see every version of Willie, not just the smiley, put-together version he saw when they met up on odd weekends. Now he got to see tired Willie, just rolled out of bed, still unsteady on his feet from sleep; he saw even more of the kind, generous, fair Willie who offered to do the dishes whenever Alex cooked dinner; he saw the childishly exhausted Willie who crashed on the couch and slept for three hours every time he got back from the skatepark; he saw adorably sleepy Willie at night when it was nearing midnight and he was reluctantly going to bed, eyes already drooping closed; he saw paint-splattered Willie, brushes tucked behind his ears and shoved into his hair, headphones in, working tirelessly on some big piece that Alex admired every stage of; sometimes, he saw a version of Willie that made his heart ache, a broken version of Willie with tears running down his cheeks as he wiped furiously at his eyes as Alex did everything in his power to console him. He saw every version of Willie and he wanted them all so badly, but he couldn’t have any of them.
And sure, he’d brought this upon himself. When the guy he’d been pining over for exactly one year had asked if he wanted to move in, he could have guessed that it would ruin him, and he could have said no. It would’ve been easy.
But Alex had seen the smile on Willie’s face, the excited glint in his eye about the prospect of living together, and his affirmative answer had been out of his mouth before he’d given it a second thought. He was paying the price for his thoughtlessness now, condemned to watch Willie be anything but his for as long as they lived together. Frankly the whole thing was exhausting – he had to wonder if that was adding to him getting a good night’s sleep every night.
There was another reason he preferred nights now, not just because he could rest easily. Night was the only time he didn’t see Willie, the only time he could get a little respite from his aching heart, lie alone in the dark and pretend he was the only person on Earth. Maybe it was a little lonely and more than a little sad to think of things that way, but it was a change from his usual pining at the very least. He thought that having that time to escape his feelings was definitely doing him some good.
Until the night of the storm.
There had been warnings about it all week. Alerts popping up on Alex’s phone, breaking news plastered on every TV he saw, articles about finding shelter and stocking up on food just in case the storm was worse than they thought. It was only supposed to be a passing thing, been and gone overnight, but it was better to be safe than sorry.
It had been raining all day, a dismal drizzle, the kind of rain that was so fine you didn’t realise you were soaked until you felt your clothes sticking to your skin. But around midnight, everything kicked off. Alex lay in bed, toying with a fraying thread on the duvet cover, listening to the rain hammering against the windows hard enough to rattle their frames, the wind whistling as it bled through the streets outside, the claps of thunder loud enough to deafen as they came just seconds after bursts of lightning illuminated his entire room. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little bit frightened, but he curled up tighter in his bed, pulling the covers close, and tried to force sleep.
A knocking sound made his eyes snap open. At first, he wondered if he’d imagined it, or if it was the sound of something hitting his window, but then it came again. And yes, it was definitely a knock. A knock at his bedroom door. A knock on his bedroom door at half-midnight in the middle of a storm. And there was only one person it could be.
Alex stretched as he swung his long legs out of the bed and flicked his bedside lamp on. He pulled open the bedroom door, squinting in the sudden burst of light from the hallway, and was met by a timid-looking Willie with his hair braided back, wearing his pyjamas, fist still sheepishly raised as if to knock on the door again.
“Hey,” Alex said, voice low with fatigue. He tried to stifle a yawn as he scrunched his eyes, forcing the tiredness out of them. “Is everything okay?”
He must have not hidden his exhaustion as well as he’d tried because Willie winced before saying, “Sorry. Did I wake you up?”
“No, no,” Alex assured him, “I couldn’t sleep anyway. The storm is too loud.” Willie nodded awkwardly, casting his gaze around, seemingly trying to look anywhere but at Alex. It was strange – Willie wasn’t the type to avoid talking to someone, especially if it was Alex, who was suddenly left feeling very concerned. “Is it… Is that why you’re awake too?”
“Kind of,” Willie replied, a half-smile on his face that quickly flickered out of existence. He shook his head, taking a few steps back. “It’s silly. Don’t worry about it actually. I’ll go back to my room. I shouldn’t have bothered you.”
“Hey, no,” Alex protested, clutching Willie’s wrist as he tried to turn and walk away, stopping him in his tracks. Willie didn’t turn to face him, but did stop trying to leave, so Alex took that as a victory. “You could never bother me. And whatever it is, I’m sure it’s not silly.”
Slowly, Willie turned back around to face him, some mixture of hope and nervousness dancing in his eyes. When Willie looked down again, Alex followed his line of sight and saw that he still had a hold of Willie’s wrist. He dropped it suddenly, instantly aware that he’d been holding on too long and if he wasn’t careful Willie might take that to mean something that Alex definitely couldn’t have him knowing which would introduce a whole different kind of storm. (But before he let go, he could have sworn he felt Willie’s pulse racing; maybe it was his nerves, but maybe it was something else… something Alex didn’t want to get his hopes up about.)
“It’s just… I’m not really great with storms,” Willie admitted softly, meeting Alex’s eyes again. “They freak me out. I was just going to ask if I could… if I could, you know, sleep in here with you tonight? If it’s totally out of line you can say no, I get it, man, I won’t be up–”
Alex shook his head, not wanting to let him spiral, knowing that never ended up well for anyone. There was a pretty major part of him panicking over the fact that Willie was going to spend the night in his room, but that part was outweighed by the even bigger part of him that was worried and concerned for Willie, the part of him that wanted to protect Willie at all costs.
“No, no, it’s alright,” he said, interrupting Willie before he got too lost in his own head. “Come on, you can sleep in here. I don’t mind.”
It was only as the two of them backed into the room and Alex shut the door, blocking out all the light from the hallway and leaving them dimly lit by just his bedside lamp, that Alex remembered that his room was very small and ill-equipped for impromptu sleepovers. Which was to say, there was only one bed.
His internal panicking doubled in an instant. Because there weren’t many options here. He could make Willie sleep on the floor, which seemed incredibly harsh and unfair considering the state he’d just come to Alex in. He could sleep on the floor himself, which he really didn’t want to do because it would be cold down there and he didn’t like the idea of being able to see underneath his bed. They could relocate to Willie room down the hall where there was a small sofa that one of them (probably Alex) could sleep on, and they’d still be in the same room, but he knew they were both tired and switching rooms sounded like a lot of effort. Which just left sharing the bed, and truth be told, Alex was utterly terrified by the idea.
He was about to say something, ask Willie what he thought the best course of action was, but the words died in his mouth as he saw that Willie was already climbing into the bed. He already seemed much more at ease, the worry lines around his face softening as he closed his eyes. After yet another brief panic, Alex got into the bed again and laid down beside him.
He could hardly hear the raging storm over the incessant beating of his own lovesick heart.
The whole thing felt so intimate even though there was nothing overtly intimate about it. Really it was just one friend helping another, Alex being there for Willie when he was frightened, lending him a bed and a comforting presence. But they were so close, touching all along one side of Alex’s body, their breathing synced, the world around them slowly fading into nothingness until it was just the two of them.
After some time, it was impossible to tell exactly how long, Willie said, “Thank you, Alex.”
Alex sighed quietly, letting his eyes fall closed. He shuffled ever so slightly closer to Willie on the bed and as his tiredness overtook him he lost a little control over his inhibitions. Before he knew it, he’d thrown an arm around Willie’s waist, holding him close, their bodies curled together. When he registered what he’d done, he almost pulled away, but Willie relaxed into him so he let his arm stay where it was.
“Don’t mention it,” Alex whispered to the darkness around them. “I’m always going to be here whenever you need me.”
In moments, they were both asleep, the storm still raging outside.
When Alex woke up the next morning, the storm had all but died. He could still hear the gentle pitter-patter of rain drumming on the windows and roof, but the wind had long since ceased, as had the thunder and lightning that had lit up the night. He exhaled contentedly, relaxing against the warmth on the left side of his body, and nearly drifted off to sleep.
But then he realised what – or rather who – that warmth was.
The events from the night before came flooding back to his with all the ferocity of the storm itself. Willie coming to him in the middle of the night, how frightened he had seemed, how Alex had offered up his room, and how they’d fallen asleep tangled together. Now they had woken up in the exact same way, and Alex had no idea what to do about it.
If he moved, he risked waking Willie and that was a conversation he would rather avoid. But if he stayed still, Willie would eventually wake up and he’d still have to have that awkward ‘remember last night’ conversation. There was really no winning here. Even in a situation where he was cuddling the love of his life, he couldn’t come out unscathed.
So, he went for the slightly immature third option and opted to feign sleep, letting the whole thing be Willie’s problem whenever he woke up.
And eventually he did, not long after Alex. When Alex felt him stir and stretch, he tried to slow his breathing, keep his eyes closed only gently, and even let out a few fake little snores to try and sell the piece. His eyes were closed, so he had no idea if Willie even looked at him, but moments later Willie slipping out from his grasp and Alex heard the tell-tale creak of his bedroom door. Only when he heard it click shut did he breathe a long sigh of relief.
Honestly, he had thought that would be it. One night together and then Alex could get back to his nights of peaceful sleep. Only there were two things in the way of that:
One – suddenly, without Willie sleeping in his bed, Alex found that sleep was much harder to come by.
Two – after that night, Willie slept in Alex’s bed more often than not.
Alex really had no idea how it became so routine, but it did. About a week after the storm, Willie knocked on his door again and told Alex he’d had a nightmare, asking to sleep in his bed again. And who was Alex to refuse? So they’d slept in the same bed again, they’d woken up a tangle of limbs, and Willie had crept out while Alex pretended to sleep.
Then just two nights later, Alex’s resolve had broken and something had possessed him to go to Willie’s room and invite him back to his own. He had made up some flimsy excuse, something about his heater having broken and him needing warmth, but Willie hadn’t questioned it. They’d slept in the same bed again, they’d woken up a tangle of limbs, and Willie had crept out while Alex pretended to sleep.
And the very next night, they hadn’t even discussed it before the two of them just went straight to Alex’s room and climbed into bed together. They’d slept in the same bed again, woken up a tangle of limbs, and Willie had crept out while Alex pretended to sleep.
For something so focused on sleep, it was ridiculously tiring.
After it had gone on for a few weeks, Alex had to wonder if maybe this whole thing meant something. If maybe he wasn’t alone in his feelings. If maybe Willie felt the same, but had similar hang-ups to Alex – he didn’t want to ruin their friendship, didn’t want to embarrass himself by admitting to unrequited love, didn’t even know how to bring it up. Maybe sleeping by each other’s side had become something of a safety net for them, a teetering middle ground on the border of friendship and something else entirely.
And as Alex lay awake, head rested on Willie’s chest, listening to his heartbeat, he knew suddenly that he had to push it. No matter how much that frightened him, he had to take that leap and push them into the uncertain territory that was something other than friendship.
When he sensed Willie waking up, he did not pretend to be asleep.
He eased his head off Willie’s chest and rolled over to lay on his front, watching Willie as he blinked awake endearingly. Alex’s heart was practically beating out of his chest, but he knew he had to do it. He had to take that leap.
“Good morning,” he said quietly.
Willie smiled gently, rubbing at his tired eyes and pushing his hair out of his face. “Good morning, hotdog.”
“I think we need to talk,” Alex said without preamble. It wasn’t the most natural segue into the matter at hand, but that hardly seemed to matter right then.
Willie blinked, clearly a little surprised, but then he nodded. Alex took a deep breath, steeling himself, and let it out.
“I really like you, Willie,” he said, maintaining eye contact even though it was the most petrifying thing he’d ever done. “Like, a lot. So much that it’s been kind of driving me crazy for a year now. I’ve wanted to tell you how I feel for about a year now, but every time I tried all this doubt and anxiety just told me it wasn’t worth it and that you could never like me the way I like you. And I believed it. I never said anything, and I fooled myself into thinking I’d be alright if we were just friends. But after all this, sharing a bed almost every night and then pretending it never happened… it’s proved to me how much I need you. I can’t sleep without you next to me, Willie. I want you by my side all the time. All of you. So, if I’m not reading this whole thing dramatically wrong, then I want to finally ask you to… to be my boyfriend.”
For a long moment, Willie said nothing. He held eye contact, like he was searching Alex’s eyes for the truth, whatever it might have been. But Alex had said the whole truth. He’d let it all out, he’d told Willie he needed him. All he could do was hope that Willie needed him too.
The moment ended abruptly when Willie breathed out and almost silent, “Yes,” and then surged forward to kiss Alex.
He was kissing him.
This was a possibility that Alex had never allowed himself to entertain, a thought he’d never followed up, a scenario he’d never imagined. He had known that once he thought about kissing Willie, he would be ruined if it never happened. But the real thing was better than anything Alex could have thought up in his wildest dreams anyway. It was like a muffled explosion – both harsh and soft, near and far, dangerous and safe.
When they separated, Alex rested his forehead against Willie’s trying to get his breath back and his heartrate under control.
“I’d been wondering if I should say something,” Willie chuckled, stroking his fingers through Alex’s hair. “You beat me to it.”
Alex smiled and pressed another soft kiss to Willie’s lips. “Doesn’t matter. We got there eventually.”
The next morning when they both woke up in Alex’s bed, Alex didn’t need to feign sleep. He pressed a kiss to his boyfriend’s cheek and pulled him tighter. He thought that after months of missed opportunities, they definitely deserved a lazy morning in bed together.
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tearlessrain · 4 years
Giant Masterlist of Cathar Facts (that I completely made up but nonetheless rigidly adhere to)
I am an unstoppable force and disney should have killed me when they had the chance (that chance was splash mountain when I was seven and as you can see I survived).
Under a break because it is way too long and covers really quite a lot, much of which I will probably never even need. But researching and writing this kind of thing is what I consider a fun afternoon so here we are.
General basic stuff
Cathar are basically felids evolved to fill a similar evolutionary niche to humans in the absence of any viable apelike species on their native planet, in the same way hyenas evolved to fill a niche normally occupied by canids. 
They are pursuit predators but not terribly efficient ones outside their home planet. In terms of both speed and strength they can outperform humans on average in the short term, but have noticeably less stamina especially when it comes to running or walking long distances. They greatly outmatch any quadrupedal felids for stamina, however. (Mandalorians are an invasive species)
They run hotter than humans, around 100-102F.
Though height varies quite a bit, cathar are taller on average than humans and build muscle easily, making them extremely formiddable opponents in hand-to-hand combat.
The average face/skull shape of cathar is largely based on assumptions that they evolved under weirdly similar conditions to humans evolving from early hominids, aka shortening of the face, larger cranium, smaller mouth, etc.
While they are obligate carnivores and do have elongated canines, their teeth are more even in size than wild felids, and while they do still have barbed tongues, the barbs are relatively small/soft and more similar to a housecat than anything of comparable size (aka they won’t literally take your skin off if they lick you).  They also have somewhat thinner skin than wild cats, though they are still more damage resistant than humans.
They do not have retractable claws because that’s not how fingers work, but they do have narrow, naturally pointed claws rather than humanlike fingernails. Many cathar choose to either dull them or file them down for convenience, but losing/damaging them, as per that one ambient dialogue on Dromund Kaas that I can never find when I need it, is extremely traumatic for them. 
They have tails because I want them to, used for both balance and communication. Cathar tails are approximately lion-like, thin with a coarse tuft at the end regardless of markings (ie. a cathar with stripes won’t have a tiger tail), with the tip the same shade or a few shades darker than the darkest part of their coats. occasionally those from colder regions will have longer fur over the whole tail, or look like they don’t have a tuft due to longer fur overall. 
Variation and a lot of bullshitting about genetics
Wookiepedia describes Cathar as “a planet of savannas and rough uplands” but I refuse to believe that all these habitable worlds are all one consistent climate/temperature across the whole globe. The weirdly ubiquitous infrastructure/cultural info I can kind of forgive since 90% of them were wiped out by Mandalorians and the rest left, and I’m charitably assuming there were a lot less than 7 billion cathar to begin with, so a lot of smaller or more isolated cultures across the planet were lost entirely. 
They have less sexual dimorphism than SWTOR implies, though females are a little smaller on average and tend to have shorter/finer manes that are closer to their base color. In terms of relative strength/mass the difference is minor and female cathar are still very capable of fucking you up (the conventional assumption in the Empire that females are weak/docile and males are too uncontrollable to enslave is not remotely true in either direction). 
Variation in fur/metabolism/ear and nose shape depends on which region/s of Cathar they come from (or their ancestors come from), but they don’t recognize different “races” the way humans do, particularly in the wake of the Battle of Cathar. 
On average, cathar originating closer to the equator have shorter, finer fur, larger and more tapered ears, a tendency toward slender, lanky builds, and coloration that leans more toward golds/reds and higher pigment density. whereas those closer to the poles are much stockier and can be extremely fluffy, sometimes with an undercoat, with paler colors and less vivid/extensive markings. None of the above is universally true and cathar didn’t necessarily always stay in the region where their ancestors come from (and thus sometimes you get people like Riska, who is all limbs but has fairly northern features and entirely too much fur)
Cathar mostly left their planet in groups, so in some parts of the galaxy you’ll run into whole colonies that originate mostly from one part of the planet and have distinct appearances/cultural idiosyncrasies from other colonies.
They mainly follow the same general rules that apply to most felids in terms of coloration/pattern.
Markings can be stripes, spots, or less commonly rosettes (definitely some version of Taqpep variants) and mostly lie along Blaschko’s Lines, though it’s more obvious on some individuals than others and it isn’t always perfectly precise. Even spotted individuals usually display some striping on the tail and around the eyes, though not always. 
“Default” coloration is black-based, with dark markings on a greyish or brownish base. 
Countershading falls pretty much along patterns you’d expect and usually lightens the chest/stomach, lower face, palms/soles, and inner thighs. Specific distribution and patterns vary quite a bit, and sometimes express in odd ways (hence whatever is going on with Khatte). Darkest points tend to be the tail tip, nose bridge, and mane.
Genetically solid cathar are incredibly uncommon; much more common are genes that affect the appearance/distribution of markings, sometimes rendering them almost invisible. Even ones who appear mostly solid (aka Khatte) usually still have some faint striping around the face and/or tail.
Khatte is basically some loose equivalent of ticked tabby, which mostly just looks like weird countershading but leaves some faint striping on his face and tail.
Jial-ro’s coloration is the result of a gene that suppresses all eumelanin production, and a sepia-like form of partial albinism. 
Riska has something similar, along with something that reduces the size/spread of spots.
They’re mainly carnivorous and have different nutritional requirements from humans (similar but not identical to those of a cat), which can be a problem in places like the military where standardized rations are the norm. In the Republic a cathar can usually put in a request for rations designed to accommodate carnivores (or supplements, failing that), though they might have some trouble on more isolated or undersupplied planets. The rare cathar in the Imperial military have to procure supplements out of pocket, though it’s technically possible to get reimbursed for it if they’re willing to wade through the bureaucracy.
Cathar are perfectly capable of eating raw meat with few to no ill effects, and have a subgenre of cuisine centered around it (and while they didn’t invent sushi, they have enthusiastically embraced the concept). They also have plenty of ways of cooking meat and readily adopt any new ones they come across. 
Their “natural” diet apart from meat mainly consists of fruit, root vegetables, and eggs, though the closer to the poles you get the less likely you are to encounter fruit in a dish. Cathar never cultivated grain and it holds no meaningful nutritional value for them, so bread, rice, and similar products simply do not appear in traditional cuisine. This does not stop some of them from eating grain products in small amounts, as they can still enjoy the taste, but it isn’t any healthier than processed sugar is to humans and they have a high rate of gluten intolerance as a species.
All cathar have a heightened and refined ability to detect savory/umami type flavors, but around 30-40% of cathar, and the vast majority of those from colder regions, have no taste receptors for sweetness at all. This has resulted in the cathar equivalent of the Cilantro Debate centering around desserts, even though they’re all perfectly aware that it’s genetic, and some who can’t taste sweetness still enjoy some desserts for the other flavors present. Those who do have sweet taste receptors are about as sensitive to it as humans, but it tends not to have the same addictive quality for them and a lot of them don’t like processed sugars in anything but small doses. They would appreciate a lightly sweet creme brulee but most of them would find soda absolutely disgusting.
Citrus is right out.
They suffer no more ill effects than humans from drinking alcohol, and due to generally having a fair amount of mass they can usually drink a lot of it.
Social minutiae
They use a fair amount of feline body language, particularly with others of their own species. While facial expressions play a part and they do smile, scowl, and generally express broad emotions, they have a reduced range of facial mobility compared to more humanoid species and no eyebrows to speak of, which leads to a lot of them having what humans perceive as resting bitchface. It also results in humans underestimating the range and depth of their emotions, and can be a problem in the medical field with human medics/doctors who haven’t been trained to work with less humanoid aliens and won’t necessarily recognize severe pain or distress.
Their ears are less articulated than a cat’s but still have some degree of mobility that serves more of a social function than a practical one. They also express a lot of emotion through their tails, to the point that it can be a detriment in some situations if they haven’t practiced consciously keeping control of it.
Bumping foreheads is a common way to express platonic/familial affection, or can be the equivalent of a chaste kiss between partners. They also squint and slow blink, though it doesn’t always translate clearly to other species.
They have a wider range of vocalization than humans; while their voices are often humanlike and they’re just as capable of articulate speech, they can also growl, purr, and make sounds outside human hearing range. Those raised among humans or near-humans tend to do this less, if at all, while cathar raised in more insular communities of their own kind can come off as very taciturn due to heavier reliance on nonverbal communication.
Sense of smell is much stronger and more refined than a human’s and plays a more significant role in how they perceive and navigate the galaxy. They can occasionally be mistaken for Force-sensitive by humans due to their knack for picking up on emotional distress or the presence of particular species/people by scent. This is more true with people they’re familiar with; they won’t pick out distinct members of the other species by default but will eventually be fairly reliable in identifying the scent of a friend or anyone else they spend a lot of time around.
The exception to the above is other cathar, who they can easily tell apart on an individual basis. They have scent glands around the jaw/neck that come into play for identification, conveying broad emotional states, in some situations can aid medical diagnoses, among other things. They also play a part in building connection and familiarity between friends, family, or romantic partners.
The ~horny section~
Cathar don’t really kiss the way humans do by default, but they can, and usually do so unless they’ve somehow had no contact with any near-human species at all. Their equivalent is gentle biting around the neck and jaw, which is another situations where the scent glands are relevant, and when aroused that whole area becomes an erogenous zone for the vast majority of cathar. 
Plenty of humans (particularly if they don’t encounter a lot of aliens day to day) will avoid kissing cathar anyway because they have sandpaper tongues and dry mouths and fangs, and it feels fucking weird if you aren’t prepared for that. 
They tend to be very bitey in general unless specifically asked not to. It only becomes a problem if the cathar in question is inexperienced with humanoids and hasn’t figured out how much bite force is acceptable for a species with thinner, more sensitive skin.
Their dicks are fairly humanoid in size and shape, though somewhat more conical at the head, but they do have a sheath rather than a foreskin. after maturity they don’t actually retract into the sheath more than about two inches when flaccid, and tend to be slightly less sensitive than the average human (same keritinization factor that affects circumcised humans). It also makes them more vulnerable to damage, but since it’s customary to wear pants on most civilized planets, that never really becomes a problem in the course of a normal day. The base of the shaft that’s usually covered has noticeably higher sensitivity. There are probably individual exceptions to most of the above.
Conventional understanding is that cathar don’t have barbs, which is true the vast majority of the time, though about 60% of them have some amount of vestigial non-keratinous bumps over their head that have no noticeable affect on anything aside from occasional increased sensitivity in that area. Rarely an individual might develop a few actual barbs at the onset of puberty, but they have no practical function and pose a risk of discomfort and injury, and can easily be removed via a fast and mostly painless medical procedure, so the number of adults who have them is close to zero.
Females do have (mild, easy to suppress if desired, and mainly not at all disruptive) heat cycles. Other cathar can generally tell by scent, but not to a distracting degree, and it’s considered rude and inappropriate to point it out with anyone but a close friend or partner. It should go without saying that males don’t have heat cycles, but I’ve gotten enough weird DMs about this to know that I need to say it. Unless said male is trans, and not on any sort of HRT, that’s not how that works. 
They kind of have breasts but unless actively nursing they’re barely noticeable if at all, especially under clothing. Cathar have much fewer hangups about going topless regardless of gender than certain human cultures do.
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dadsbongos · 3 years
Greetings! I got this idea for danganronpa AU where Nagito is like ghost "living" (or haunting idk-) his old house and the reader moves into that house and they slowly became closer and yk<3
hi i love this concept :)
Request for: Nagito Komaeda Warnings: nagito’s backstory, slight religious overtones, we breach minor ghost-fucker territory (but no actual ghost-fucking), no-killing game au also ~~~
The house itself was rather nice. Nothing too luxurious for who the previous owner was aside from the obnoxiously fancy chandelier hanging in the den.
The realtor was hesitant to explain that the reason it was selling so comically cheap was, in fact, due to the belief of a ghost. Not just any, however. It was the previous owner’s ghost.
People who even stepped into the house could feel his chilling touch. Hear quiet, shaky whispers in the night. The fireplace would crackle and burst to life at strange times with nobody near it. Visitors and almost-buyers alike would thrust their warnings to stay away upon anybody who so much as looked at the home.
But that didn’t matter much - a house was a house and it’s not like the ghost was malicious from description. Just… annoying. Perhaps a little eerie, but again, not harmful. Everybody escaped without physical injury. So, why not buy it?
Maybe the ghost just needed a friend? Death was probably a lonely time.
Bought on Tuesday. Moved in Wednesday. Finished unpacking… still pending.
It’s not like (Y/n) had anybody to impress anyways. She’d made the move for a fresh start; new faces, new stories.
The bumps began on Friday.
Sometimes they were taps. Sometimes crashes followed by the gentle rapping against the walls, as if to apologize for the loud noise.
She’d stayed through the month, undeterred by any of the ghosts’ activities.
Then the happenings seemed a little more… intimate.
A photo slowly sliding out from beneath the fridge, at first.
Three people in frame. From left to right, there was a figure with shoulder-length pink hair and a smile to make the heavens jealous - then white hair to rival a cloud-marshmallow love child, skin sickly pale and body wastingly thin - finally, brown hair with an ahoge sticking out like an antenna and posture that almost made him taller than the one in the middle. Well, not really, but attempting counted, right? 
“Which one’s you?” she asked the air, whether she was too tired, or simply didn’t care enough, to be embarrassed was irrelevant. 
A single droplet of water, from a leak she didn’t know existed until this very moment, fell from the ceiling before splotching over the face of the one in the middle.
“White hair, heavy eye bags?”
There was no response, but she took it as a yes anyway. What a pretty, pretty face. In a tragic way.
Because he did look rather ill. Frail build and purple hues under his eyes. Pretty but suffering - it made her feel bad. Of course, she already knew he was dead, but even so - suffering should always inspire empathy rather than romance.
And again, he was dead, so the likelihood of a romance between them anyway was slim to none. None. Unless she suddenly dropped dead, there would be no sweet kisses in the morning or gentle hugs from behind as one of them makes dinner. Maybe when she died, he’d be available for a ghostly date while the house gets put back on the market.
(Y/n) chuckled at the sudden thought of lightning cracking into her home, despite the sunny weather, and striking her dead where she stood. Ridiculous, but God liked ridiculous things.
The sudden thought hit her - what if that old photo was old old? Maybe he was eighty when he died and she just subconsciously signed herself up for a date with an elderly ghost?
Shaking her head, (Y/n) scolded herself for the thought. She’d already be dead by then, it wouldn’t matter what age he was...
Then, it was the scribbling on spare papers. Always specifically spares. Double copies she had put in recycling. Scraps. Even on the backs of paper-esque trash. It was an oddly considerate move for a ghost, though to be fair, she’d never met a ghost before and couldn’t tell if it was out-of-place or not for them.
The words always appeared when she was out of the room. Leaving to grab something and coming back to find the out-dated schedule for work out of recycling and on her desk with crayon sprawled over it. 
Eloquently said, in her opinion.
“Hi?” she looked around the room, “Can you not talk? I thought people said they heard whispers…”
A bang in the other room drew her out. When there was nothing out of place, she returned to her desk only to be met with more words.
I’m Nagito Komaeda :)
“Dodging the question, huh?”
The process repeated. Bang. Nothing out of the ordinary. Return. New words.
Sorry :(
“Don’t apologize,” (Y/n) shrugged off before moving to her computer, “I’m just gonna look you up.”
A series of bangs - now that she truly listened, it sounded like a fist pounding to the drywall - resonated through the home. She did not get up nor did she pause her actions of Googling the man known as Nagito Komaeda. 
Until a piece of paper flew in from the open door.
Bad idea
“Probably, yeah,” she huffed, moving back to her computer.
Nagito Komaeda, born April 28th, first popped up as the sole survivor in an old plane hijacking report. Both parents, all plane staff, and the hijackers left dead after the plane crash caused by a meteor strike. Then he came up as a survivor of an old serial kidnapper/killer. Then as a boy who’d inherited the entirety of his parents’ fortune and won a large sum from a lottery ticket he’d found in the trash bag he was stuffed in by his kidnapper. Then as a Hope’s Peak graduate under the title Ultimate Lucky Student.
Finally, as a 25-year-old man who’d miraculously survived ten years post-diagnosis with frontotemporal dementia and advanced lymphoma before his death.
“Holy shit,” she nearly choked on her own shock, “You weren’t boring, that’s for sure.”
Another paper, this time written in marker as if he could sense that she didn’t wish to get up. Another strangely considerate move.
You’re not creeped out?
“I mean, it’s more sad than creepy,” her eyes scanned over a single line in the article once again.
“Nagito Komaeda, after all his fortunes and misfortunes alike, died at age 25, after ten years of illness, surrounded by friends who took the place of family. Out of respect, no interviews were conducted, but anybody, anyone at all even from a quick glance, could tell - Nagito Komaeda will surely be missed.” 
Her eyes watered slightly as she clicked out of the Togami Publications, laughing at the pure awkwardness of her situation, “Oh my God, that’s really fucking sad. I’m sorry your life sucked.”
Another paper.
It’s fine
I was just wasting space anyway :)
“No, you were- “ she gestured to her computer screen before covering her eyes in shame of her tears, “You meant so much to your friends.”
She expected memorial posts, maybe not as many as there were, but she saw them coming. What she didn’t see coming, however, was that each and every one would be dearly heartfelt - not a single one was disingenuous or vague in the slightest. She also didn’t see herself crying by the end of her little search.
But there she was.
Something light floated into her lap. A tissue.
“Oh my fucking God,” (Y/n) choked up again, picking up the tissue with a small smile, “Stop, you’re a ghost, you’re supposed to be scary and making me leave, not helping me dry my tears…”
Another paper atop the slowly growing pile.
Was that a ghostphobic remark?
“Oh, I’m keeping that one,” she stood, sniffling as she wiped away her tears, and picked up the last paper, nodding to herself as she muttered, “Yep. This one’s going on the wall.”
Nagito stopped whispering because people ran when he did. His voice was always hideous, he didn’t to be reminded. Besides, (Y/n) seemed to prefer the paper method - she hung up her favorites along the walls of her office and if a visitor teased her about it she would ignore them. It was admirable, how their grins and giggles rolled off her back like water droplets over a duck.
He wished he could be like that.
Could have been.
He still had trouble with that.
Nagito looks up from his spot at the kitchen table where (Y/n) was cooking for herself. She seemed so at-peace in this house, and he’s glad for that. He never liked living alone and everyone else seemed to hate having him there. Not that he blamed them much.
Even so, he much prefers (Y/n) over any past guest as his living counterpart of the house.
She even leaves chairs open for him at the table; he smiles widely at the thought, patting his thighs and kicking out his legs in his seat- just like now!
She’d pulled out the chair upon entering the kitchen before calling out for him that she’d be cooking. She even knew he liked watching her cook!
It was selfish of him to crave so much attention, but in the end, Nagito was already dead so… did it really matter when he indulged in his wants more than he should?
Divine punishment isn’t real and he likes being around her, so why should he bother hiding himself away in the attic?
(Y/n) moved around the house with little to no liveliness, it made him chuckle. Her shoulders drooped and footsteps heavy, it was fun. To feel like he wasn’t alone.
He hoped she felt the same. That he was a friend… or, undead companion?
He hoped she would stay and not move out.
He hoped they could be real friends one day… if it’s not too much to ask, that once she dies, she’ll meet him. The real him. 
That would be heaven.
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
The Naruto/Frozen Crossover
So I was planning on just doing an image ID thing for this post, but apparently the formatting on desktop is such a mess that it’s easier to just make a new post that’s text only. I can also like. Bulletpoint it so that it can be a little neater. All ideas were made with @firebirdeternal​‘s help, because they are the most efficient enabler I have.
Also I added some bits at the end.
Under a cut, because it’s Long As Heck.
I originally had two options: either Mid-teens Elsa and Anna being transported to ninja land sometime pre-canon and running into Haku and Zabuza... or just like. Born as a Daimyou's daughters.
Spoiler alert, we’ve got nukenin and I’m a sucker for an intrusive crossover, so transported to ninja land it is.
Suggestion from Birdie:
Mechanism for crossover: Elsa ices over a Wishing Well by accident after having Wished for someone else who understood her, Anna and her fall in and get Ice Mirror Portaled to Ninjaland, falling out of an iced over pond near a shrine that Haku recently prayed at for similar lonely child reasons?
Which I like! They don’t end up there soon enough to run into Haku, because I want a dramatic chase first, but I like it.
Obviously, Anna is forced to learn about Elsa's powers because it's the only thing keeping them safe
Or at least alive
(Elsa will do ANYTHING to keep Anna safe, and if that means she has to get her hands dirty...)
...neither of them knows Japanese, so, you know. There’s that.
I'm thinking that they end up in/near Kiri at first
And they aren't FAST ENOUGH to get away so Elsa panic-enchants a giant reindeer made of snow to run away across the suddenly-frozen ocean.
She and Anna have to ride and Elsa is probably crying the whole time.
Oh shit this is like. RIGHT after their parents die, I forgot. So that’s a thing! They are in mourning and all that fun stuff.
Point is, they use the powers for a Self Defense thing and BBY Haku is just !!! "Master can we rescue them for Ice Cousin reasons?" Zabuza: Yes, and only for those practical reasons and not because I collect endangered children like people collect pokemon cards.
I imagine that maybe they track rumors of a Yuki-onna down, or the Giant Snow Reindeer rides by and Haku’s just like Wat
The girls just tag along with Zabuza because. Like.
Do they like him? No. Do they trust him? No. Do they enjoy the fact that he considers them pathetic civilians? No.
However, Haku is Baby.
Zabuza is REALLY annoyed at them being Useless Civilian Royals “but Haku likes them so I guess they can stay.”
Age at meeting, three years pre-canon:
Zabuza - 23
Elsa - 18
Anna - 15
Haku - 12
Elsa is 90% anxiety/depression master combo BUT if Zabzua protects her then she's WILDLY dangerous so like. Whatever
Elsa's bingo book nickname options, uninspired:
Winter Witch
Winter Queen
Ice Queen
Snow Queen
Something about a Yuki-Onna maybe
She's Very Stately and kinda breakable but Winter is her Bitch
I mean like, the fact that, if protected, she can shut down the agriculture of a fucking country? That's an S-rank even if she's not that useful in a fight.
She's like. Jinchuuriki-level destruction. Generally speaking she wouldn’t. But she could.
Elsa: What the fuck is a chakra? Elsa: my snow monsters are self-sustaining. Elsa: I'm gonna build us a house.
Zabuza has NO idea how her powers work and it is INCREDIBLY frustrating but “there’s no chakra cost to keep these things going and we have shelters on demand” is too convenient to question after a while.
Haku: Delicate, deadly, incredibly fast ninja work. Elsa: I can't dodge a kunai but watch me wreck your entire country's ecosystem in under a day.
Elsa is a siege weapon.
Meanwhile, Anna is really, really into the physicality of ninja practice.
She's clumsy and she's not very good at ninja stuff, but she sure is determined!
Anna also gets on Zabuza's nerves because she keeps insisting that Haku get to be a kid.
Anna: Let's make flower crowns! Zabuza: No, he needs to train, not- Anna: FLOWER CROWNS
Consider: Haku saying Elsa-nee-sama and Anna-hime.
Or just calling Elsa “onee-sama.”
Anna is also younger than Elsa and way more Fun so she probably gets adjusted to Anna-chan or Nee-chan.
If Zabuza calls Elsa “Hime-chan” or “Elsa-hime” or, Sage forbid, “Elsa-sama/dono” then he’s VERY MUCH making fun of her and he’s probably getting his soup frozen that night.
At one point, Elsa... tries to like. Convince herself to have a crush on Zabuza or Kakashi or something until Zabuza just puts a hand on her shoulder and asks "do you even like men?" "...that's an OPTION?"
Zabuza urging her to try and ask out a Cute Kunoichi and Elsa's like.... I can't decide if she's bright red and a useless lesbian or uncomfortable and ace.
I am SO invested in the siege weapon thing.
It's not her fault that every single other combatant on the continent is Massively Dangerous in melee! She took a very traditional back-line build!
Enemy: Doesn't it GRATE to protect someone so pathetic, Zabuza? Zabuza: She literally froze an entire castle of enemies to death because they harmed her sister, so. No.
Most Ninjas: Sharp Knife. S-Rank Mega Ninjas: Gun. Elsa: High Yield Explosive Rocket Launcher. Literally loses fights to the Knife People, because she can't bring her power to bear on that scale. But if you can give her Time and Prep? No contest.
Long distance AoE
Like  you know how Nagato is literally dying of starvation due to illness and can't walk, but he's also capable of leveling powerful villages more or less on his own?
Elsa is the same Vibe.
It’s like sealing a bijuu in a civilian.
She's honestly both more and less powerful? Like it'd be hard for her to kill everyone in Konoha in the snap of a finger? But also, she could starve out the Country of Fire in a summer.
She WOULDN'T, but she could.
I always read Elsa as gay or ace but my brain keeps trying to ship her with dude ninjas and I have to yank it back on a child leash.
People insinuate that Zabuza is interested in Elsa and he's just "What? Ew she's like five."
"I'm eighteen."
Elsa! Might mistake trust and companionship for a crush!
I can see THAT happening despite gay/ace.
Also like. I don’t think Zabuza is straight.
So mlm/wlw solidarity?
And Haku is probs genderqueer.
Anna is like, the Straight Friend who will go to the mat for her queer friends. Like vicious. In-your-face barking like a mean dog at people who were being bigots.
You know how Elsa in the second movie uses her powers to make toys for kids out of ice?
Okay, so her practicing by making things with Haku.
But yeah, Elsa can't really do "throws ice senbon," but she can do Delicate Geometry Things since she apparently, canonically studies math for fun and loves fractals.
Haku: I can trap you in a prison of ice mirrors, and you are at my mercy. Elsa: LOOK AT THIS CASTLE I MADE???
Haku wants to do Pretty Things like Elsa
Elsa makes... snow bunnies..
For the ninja distraction reasons but also because it's a Soft Thing that makes her feel better about, uh, everything. And Haku likes bunnies.
Zabuza still takes The Dirty Missions but Elsa gets upset when he does something that hurts innocents and Nobody wants Elsa upset. Even Zabuza doesn't want Elsa upset.
When Elsa gets upset, overnight accommodations are suddenly Very Uncomfortable for everyone except her and Haku.
And then Anna gets upset, which makes Elsa even MORE upset.
And then things just keep getting colder.
Zabuza doesn't want Elsa upset for many reasons, not limited to: "Is actually capable of killing me from outside of Sword Range if she's mad enough, even if it’s not that easy" and "the Small Children would be unbearably sad if she died and honestly so might I."
She's more of a friend than a ward and he's not entirely sure he's okay with that.
Zabuza: "Ew, friendship."
He has absolutely no idea how to have a social interaction with people he isn't Bullying, Raising, or Threatening to Kill.
Elsa and Anna have no trouble convincing people they're related, at least. Different coloration with almost identical bone structure.
A tendency to burst into song when they feel emotions.
Identical weird accent that nobody can place.
The girls are royalty, they don't know how to COOK.
But they also want food from HOME.
It's a lot of trial and error.
More error than not, since they have both no knowledge and also a language barrier to overcome. It probably takes YEARS before they can describe things like Unfamiliar Flavors well enough for people to say "OH that sounds like spearmint."
When they run into something they know that’s familiar, it’s life-changing.
Chocolate is more common in the elemental nations than in Arandelle and Anna may or may not cry about it.
Anna is loudly bossy, even at Zabuza.
Zabuza is gruffly commanding, to everyone.
Elsa doesn't actually like being in charge, but when she talks, people LISTEN.
(Haku is just happy to be here.)
Elsa radiates two things: Anxiety, and Natural Command, and she basically just fluctuates between those.
"I don't want to be in charge but also I'm vetoing this."
So, obviously, the main reasons that Zabuza keeps the girls around is that Elsa is a living siege weapon and he thinks she could be convinced to help him run a revolution in Kiri, and also that the Ice Queen schtick is like. Really good for Haku and Zabuza can’t really say no to the kid.
HOWEVER, Anna is clumsy and messy and all that, so Zabuza starts training her in Ninja stuff. Elsa joins in on the “I need to know how to Run Fast to get away from fights I don’t want to have in the first place,” but Anna’s the one that’s like “TEACH ME HOW TO SWORD.”
It’s honestly not that hard to teach her, she’s just really, really, REALLY enthusiastic.
Once or twice someone asks why she’s so bad at this yet running around with an A-rank nukenin and Zabuza’s just like “I’ve only had her for a year and a half, shut up!” because it’s not that he’s a bad teacher, it’s that she was a very pampered civilian until like a week before he met her.
He should get a MEDAL for even getting her to low Chuunin.
Zabuza: I'm taking a job from Gato Elsa, who has Training in economics and politics and bureaucracy: I have a better idea.
This is actually not entirely what I’d do but I wanted to make the joke first ANYWAY here’s an actual plot or something.
Oh, also by this point everyone is Canon Ages so Elsa’s 21 and Anna’s 18 and Zabuza’s 26 and Haku’s 15.
Elsa is getting paid to keep the water from interfering with construction, by way of....
Elsa with Haku as her Guard while Zabuza is off running his own mission? Which Anna begged to go on because Cool.
Elsa also kind of keeps her involvement on the ice front semi-secret by claiming she’s there as an engineering consultant.
LISTEN canon made her like geometry, I can ENTIRELY believe she’d be excited about the bridge-building.
Gato has hired someone else on the danger level of Zabuza, who is Threatening to Team 7 + Haku? But then when things look bleak Anna and Zabuza arrive and then Scary Sword Man is on our side and oh dear that's a lot of blood.
Which, you know, fun!
Birdie suggested Raiga which I’m not feeling but I do feel the need to bring up as an option.
It’s also not Kisame BUT
Kisame: [giant lake dome filled with sharks]
Elsa: uhhhhhhhhhhh...
Giant lake dome: [is now a giant ice dome]
Gato: I'm hiring an army. Elsa: [giant ice wall around his compound] Gato: ... these guys can walk up walls! Elsa: [adds snowman guards] Elsa: ... Elsa: [adds a ceiling]
Just puts Gato's entire mob in a fucking snow globe.
Zabuza shows up twenty minutes late with (Throwing) Star(buck)s just like "Oh, they dead? No? Want 'em to be? Okay cool I'm gonna go pick up Haku, I'll be back in like an hour."
Anna would... LOVE Naruto
"I found us a baby brother!" "No, we already have Haku." "BUT LOOK AT HIM."
Anna is only a year or two older than Itachi.
I wanted to make a joke about how Naruto also vibes with her because he's less judgmental that she can't really... talk properly.
Sasuke is Judgy and Kakashi is Paranoid and Sakura is Uncomfortable.
Meanwhile Naruto is just like "And I Shall Scream."
Anna, who learned Japanese from Zabuza (rude) and Haku (uber polite): WELL FUCK YOU, GOOD SIR Naruto: YEAH WELL FUCK YOU TOO, LADY Elsa, overly formal: I am... so very sorry.
Anyway, generic missing nin fights and all that.
Elsa gets injured in the process and after a variety of arguments, Naruto manages to convince them to take her to Konoha for medical attention.
Elsa is... usually the one getting injured.
Zabuza and Haku are FAST and Anna is at least learning (even if she’s only been doing it for three years), but Elsa is The Squishy Wizard.
If someone throws a kunai... she can’t... really dodge...
So yeah, gut wound.
Normally they find a nukenin medic to patch them up but Konoha is reasonably close and has some of the more skilled medics on the continent and they DID technically help the Konoha nin so like. Gah.
That’s Zabuza’s final thought. Gah.
Just “Fuck it, let’s save the ice queen.”
Elsa ends up in a half-literal-ice stasis state on the way there and it’s happened before (it is not the first time she’s been stabbed), but it’s always terrifying.
Especially to the Konoha genin who are just like WHAT THE HECK IS THAT.
So they get to Konoha, there’s a whole bunch of stuff about extradition treaties and “you are bringing a literal WMD of a woman into our town” and “we can’t just let MOMOCHI ZABUZA in.”
Anyway, it ends up being that Zabuza has to wait outside the village while Elsa is treated inside, and one of the Teenagers goes in. Obviously, it’s Anna, because Zabuza is INCREDIBLY UNCOMFORTABLE with letting Haku enter a village that’s known for having lots of bloodlines, and anyway, Anna’s the sister.
Bunch of stuff, she’s healing, etc, and then one day Anna comes in and is told “your sister had a bad reaction to the anesthetic, we couldn’t save her, I’m sorry, she’s gone.”
She flips out, gets shown the corpse, flips out MORE, gets escorted out to the village walls where Zabuza and Haku are waiting.
Horrified reactions
Zabuza doesn’t want to admit that it’s EMOTIONS because this is his FRIEND, he is clearly just upset about losing the living siege weapon.
Haku is just super confused and goes “But she’s not dead.”
“She’s not dead, I can feel her, I can always feel her, it’s like sensing but just her, because we’re both ice. She’s alive, somewhere over... there?”
And points right in the direction of the Hokage Mountain, which for the purposes of this fic and also Drama is where ROOT headquarters is.
YEP we absolutely have that plot point.
Is Danzo overused as a plot device? Probably. Am I going to diabolus ex machina him anyway? Ye.
They kick up enough of a fuss that the Hokage gets called down.
He wouldn’t, normally, he’d leave it to a couple of skilled jounin and call it a day, except Naruto got involved so like. You can’t. Ignore that.
There’s lots of shouting.
Just like. A lot.
And then part of the mountain explodes!
Elsa comes flying backwards out of the hole, catches herself on a spontaneous ice slide, gets to her feet.
Girl is swaying like MAD.
There are absolutely ANBU (both fake and real) coming after her.
At least one of them gets speared through by an ice spike.
Anna runs up to her, tries to hug her, gets batted away.
Elsa’s staring at her in sheer TERROR and starts muttering something about how Anna died years ago, this isn’t real, etc.
Nobody except Anna understands most of it, but Haku picks up enough to translate when Anna’s freaking out.
Elsa starts doing her Ice Castle thing in the middle of Konoha as a coping mechanism, mostly so she can get Up and Away and Shielded By Ice.
This is not a good look.
Especially because she’s singing, which Zabuza always thinks is a bad omen because it means shit is getting real and one or both of the girls are about to get a powerup or be beaten even harder than otherwise. When they start singing, things get More Dramatic And Extreme).
(Zabuza does not like Disney Musical Rules)
Danzo shows up.
There’s a bunch of arguing.
All the medics insist that nothing she was given at the hospital should have caused amnesia, psychosis, hallucinations, delusions, etc.
It’s. Not hard for Hiruzen to guess what happened.
Namely that Danzo, upon finding out that chakra dampeners didn’t do shit since none of Elsa’s powers come from chakra, decided to keep her drugged up and start using genjutsu to make her more malleable.
Because like. An injured WMD just showed up in your village. What are you supposed to do, not try to kidnap her and turn her to your side? Like, come on. What was he supposed to do?
Not that, Danzo. Literally Not That.
IDK how it gets resolved, probably Anna getting to her with the power of love, because Elsa is ultimately Super Disney.
I also don’t really know where to go from there other than “Maybe Jiraiya can get you home, but also I’m pretty sure Zabuza wants you all to get the hell out of here and take over Kiri” but who knows.
Imagine Ino getting a puppy crush on Elsa.
IDK that’s it for now.
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