#this is how i celebrate lesbian visibility week
shapelytimber · 2 months
Happy lesbian visibility week <3
The one week of the year I am being perceived (that's a lie, I am aggressively a lesbian irl. No one can look at me and think I am anything else) ! To celebrate, here is a compilation of what have been slowly taking other my mind these past few months : my star wars sapphic au :)
It's silly, it's inconsistent, it's made for me to have fun drawing women ! So here is every piece of art I made for it until this point, enjoy !
(A lot of them are available as prints on my inprint)
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As always, the Palpatine and Dooku designs were made by Stagbeetleboy :) these are his designs
Here is a link to every og posts :
Disco maul
The anime wives
Butch4femme Hanleia
Blood hound
How to woo a countess
Fem Obi-wan sketches
t4t obimaul hooking up
Maul should have been at the club
Girls night out
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jenjen4280 · 2 months
It’s lesbian visibility week. In general, I haven’t been very visible lately on this blog because my Dad died (fuck cancer).
Warning: Long post. TLDR - my Dad was a great Dad and a good man.
Prior to that, I was spending a lot of time with him and Mom, helping as best I could. And afterwards, spending time with Mom getting everything done that needs done.
The Hot Wife has been at home, keeping everything going there and providing a lot of love and support.
My Dad was from the Silent Generation (the one before the Boomers). Unlike most people his age, he never stopped learning, growing, and adapting to the changing times. He believed in equity and justice not because he was “woke,” but because it is the right thing to do and he participated in civil rights protests in the 60s.
He taught me how to throw a ball and was always up for a game of catch.
He shared his love of folk music, classical music, science fiction, existentialism, art, and weird cult/art house/foreign films with me.
When I came out, he apologized for the times when he and Mom told me to act more like a girl, while encouraging me to be myself and grow up as a tomboy. He would buy fireworks for me and martial art supplies so my bff and I could terrorize the neighborhood in our ninja suits every summer night and a few other nights too.
He always bought boxes of candy for Mom, Seester, me, and my girlfriend on Valentine’s Day.
He randomly showed up at the Baltimore Gay Pride Festival one year (the year I wore my fav t-shirt that said “let go of my ears, I know what I’m doing”), and for many years after we went to Pride together.
We gossiped about our celebrity crushes together.
He refused to take my Mom shopping at Hobby Lobby and refused to eat at Chick-Fil-A.
He was so happy when I married the Hot Wife and he loved her too.
I didn’t know this until I cleaned out his desk - he had been donating to the Human Rights Campaign Fund for years and he had a few different clippings from magazines and downloads from the internet about how to challenge transphobes.
I didn’t just lose my Dad, we all lost an LGBTQ+ ally, a voting Democrat, and an example of non-toxic masculinity.
Good-by, Dad. Easter pizza dinner won’t be the same without you.
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phoebeejeebies · 2 months
i headcanon that 1) trevor is bi and 2) regardless he is a fierce ally. especially for his sister who is lesbian. he celebrates lesbian visibility week on BEHALF of phoebe. who's like can you relax just a little. but he's like Woo!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!! Happy Lesbian Visibility Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(and probably make a dorky joke about how he can finally see her - as if he hasnt seen her every day for his entire life.)
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ratstuckinamarble · 2 months
Happy lesbian visibility week to you!!!
Aw hey thanks! Happy lesbian visibility week to you too!!! What a lovely time to be extra gay B)
And you know, something is making this lesbian visibility week extra special. It's my cat's birthday today!! He's five now :0 Hope you don't mind me derailing this XD
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Look at this darling boy
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So pretty
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He's smelling the rose... Adorable... I'm not sure how you celebrate a cat's birthday exactly- I'm sure he would have preferred if I'd spend the whole day with him. Unfortunately, I couldn't do so- but now he has fallen asleep on my legs, and I think he's very content with that XD
...I am bound to my bed now. And I'm not complaining.
Happy birthday Chito!!! I'm sure he's a good ally jdhsi
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happy lesbian visibility week! how are you celebrating?
Last night I made out with my girlfriend for an unusually long amount of time!
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groovysaber · 2 months
You can find the art and all info here in my Pillowfort! (Due to Tumblr shenanigans, my main blog is now over on PF!)
Note: Lesbian visibility week is also going on now so pretend it's also in the drawing 😎👍
''Pink white and blue is how we do'' - Sgt. Norm Allen or something
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therubymuse · 3 months
Women's History Month 2024
While International Women’s Day has been and gone this week, we are still in the midst of Women’s History Month, which happens to be every March. That’s good for yours truly the slackass, because it means I have had some time to organize my thoughts; to sit with them and really get a feel for what needed to be said. 
It’s also worth noting that it’s been awhile since I could pickup up the metaphorical pen. The last time I shared something I wrote was last summer, a piece about how important it was for me to be a dyke. It was a good piece, but the words have been all jammed up since. Like logs in a river. The only way to get out of a rut like this is just to let my consciousness ramble, and to accept it’s output as just as valid as any authors or people I look up to. And that’s a hard ask some days.
So today, let’s talk about what being a woman means to me. And why it’s a label and a cause I’ll gladly give my life for as necessary. The first thirty years of my womanhood was denied, in equal parts by those around me who said I was an effeminate man who needed to be toughened up, and by myself, having buried those traits so I could fit in with others. It also didn’t help much that I was born with a penis, so the doctor naturally assumed I was a boy. I’ll forgive him, it was 1986. 
I believe I was born a woman, and that I’m biologically female. What we know about science backs up claims of both. Sexual characteristics do not solely present all as male, or all as female, in most of the animal kingdom, so why should we be any different? Many cultures outside of our nightmarish puritanical capitalist hellscape not only recognize genders outside the traditionally masculine and feminine exist, they celebrate our existence. 
And yet, there are those who recoil at my claim to the word, and who claim my existence is erasure. These people virulently insist that me and any of my trans sisters are in fact just delusional men. But here’s the thing. Feminism has long sought to define a woman as more than just a birthing machine. We are strong, capable, smart, creative and wise in ways that extend beyond our recorded history and agreed upon definitions. We have always been here, in all the different ways. The true erasure is demanding women occupy only a box of preconceived notions of what others think we are.  
It’s shocking to me that so-called “feminists” will fall over each other to tightly define who is allowed to call themselves a woman. Trans women have always been subjugated by this behaviour. We were at the forefront of the modern Pride movement over fifty years ago, and yet it took only a handful of years for cisgender feminists to push trans activists out of said movement, and we’ve been barred in varying degrees from doing anything like that since. Now that trans women can be visible enough to ask to be treated better, that’s seen as appropriating women’s rights for ourselves. 
But women’s rights are our rights. Because we are women. 
Cisgender women stand to lose a lot more than they gain through the targeting of trans women with hateful legislation and incendiary speech. Increased scrutiny and policing of appearances in public places will lead to mistakes ranging from the embarrassing to the traumatizing. This is already happening, with gender-nonconforming folks and butch lesbians being harassed in washrooms because they look trans, So are a lot of perfectly cisgender and heterosexual individuals who just don’t happen to dress and act in the prescribed way. 
All of this puts you in just as much danger as it puts me, if bigots think you’re a tans woman too. And it matters to me that you, me, and my trans sisters are all safe, no matter what. 
The label of “woman” means so much to me, because as it turns out, I fit the definition just fine. No matter what shape I contorted myself into, I never neatly fit into my expected gender roles. I was a mousy husband and an effeminate boyfriend. It was visible to everyone except me, and once I started knocking down the closet walls, I felt suddenly like I’d come home. When I said it out loud for the first time, I wept. I was standing in front of my mirror, in my bedroom. It was February 1st and I was getting ready for work. And I had to have a full-on ugly cry over the realization that I had known all this time, but for lack of a matching label, I had been unable to explain it to anyone.
Nobody can take that from me now. It has shaped me as a person, and I’m extremely proud of that person. I have parented my inner child, as we’re making progress on a lot of very deep, very old trauma. I have showered my body in affection and positive language, now that she doesn’t cause me such pain and discomfort via dysphoria. I have learned how to love more fully than I’ve ever known, and more patiently than I ever thought I could. I have allowed myself space to be vulnerable again. And all the while, I’ve been me; a gloriously unhinged disaster lesbian who is growing, changing, and finding a little more of herself every day. 
And, of course,  I’m a woman too. And as I wipe a tear from my cheek finishing this up, I have to admit that hits me just the same as it did all those years ago. 
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Photo from Summer 2019.
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kithj · 9 months
TM: Stonewall is the event you’re asked about more than anything else. So when people ask for an interview, my orders are to tell them, politely, “She’s already described it so many times. No.” Stonewall has become this symbol of nothing– it has nothing to do with the anti-cop riot that working-class trans and queer people started. The fiftieth anniversary of Stonewall in 2019, that year everyone from CNN to Home Depot called to book you as the most visible person at Stonewall who is still alive today. But you’re not a single event. No one is. Just like the movement is not one person.
MM: People put so much into seeing Stonewall as this symbol. And at the time we just though, “Oh, I guess it’s just that time of the month when cops raid the bar, so they can make their numbers for arresting fags for the month of June.” But people get so concerned about the details. I don’t know about all the crap I’ve heard all these years. Sometimes it’s “Oh, someone threw a high-heeled shoe.” Sometimes it’s “No gurl, it was a Molotov cocktail,” or “Somebody slugged a cop.”
All I know is that night, they came in, and nobody budged. I guess we were just sick of their shit. And suddenly we were fighting, and we were kicking their ass. The cops had to back up into the bar. We had them cornered. Next thing you knew, the riot squad was there, and baby it was on. “The night of Stonewall” is how people talk about it, but it was more like a week. People want to know the little details, but what I remember the most is being scared as hell. We were fighting for our lives. They’re still killing us; they’re still not giving us the respect we’re due for putting up with their shit for all these years. I’m giving you the facts about how shit’s been from the beginning, and what’s gone on, and how the law was in our daily lives– the facts! And so with regard to that producer lady, the whole time I just thought to myself, “There’s going to be so much of me on the cutting-room floor.”
When a parade happened the year after Stonewall, couldn’t find us anywhere. Not one of my gurls. I didn’t see Sylvia there, in the front, where she should’ve been. But it’s not about me or Sylvia. I don’t give a shit whether they acknowledge or know about me, but those gays and lesbians were ashamed to be seen with us, and they still want us erased. So for my gurls, it’s as if Stonewall never happened because it didn’t change anything for us.
TM: On one of our last New York trips, on the way to the airport, we passed through Chelsea, where Obama had made Stonewall the first “LGBT National Monument.” The White House planned this very formal dedication ceremony. Sent you an invitation; you RSVP’d “no.” These memorials and monuments have never been your thing.
MM: It goes back to the fact that Stonewall, for my gurls, wasn’t a monumental moment. Especially when it started, it was just another night– cops come in and raid the place, drag us out of the bar, and you’re just hoping it’s not your turn to get into the paddy wagon that night. It was just life. And now when I go through that part of town, and see what they did to the piers, I just cry. I don’t want to be anywhere near that. It’s like when I came to New York and worked for my aunt at Goldwater Memorial Hospital. She put me in the morgue. She thought, “He’s a fag, he can paint.” To me, Chelsea’s like that morgue. And if you pay attention, most monuments are for one person, or one thing that some person did in their life. I wouldn’t be here if not for my community, my friends, my comrades. And so to me, the ninety-nine percent of statues that celebrate one person, it’s bullshit. Regardless of whether they deserve a statue or not, those people didn’t get to do anything great without a damn crowd of people they worked with to get there.
TM: [I point to a side-by-side picture showing the Stonewall memorial statues in New York City. The first image shows the statues as they were created, painted the starkest white. The second image shows them dressed in club wear by anonymous activists in honor of Miss Major, with Black and Brown skin and natural-styled hair.] I do love this picture here. A cis, straight dude was paid to install these statues of some gays and lesbians in the park outside Stonewall Inn in 1992. Then in 2015, some anonymous activists painted them Brown, in your honor.
MM: Then the city painted them back to white the next day. “How disrespectful of them to tell the truth!” I guess instead of painting them Brown, they should’ve made them whiter?
– Toshio Meronek and Miss Major, from Miss Major Speaks
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redheadbigshoes · 1 year
How has the Lesbian Visibility Week been treating you so far (on here and anywhere else)?
I love it here, as it is my first ever week celebrating since realizing I'm a lesbian 😄😄
Tbh I always feel like people don’t really care about lesbian visibility week 😢 it feels like I only see other lesbians caring about it.
There’s an account made for LGBTQ+ pride on Instagram and they almost always post stuff when it comes to other identities visibility days, they didn’t post a single thing about lesbians :/
I’m so happy for you! Hope you don’t get treated badly or don’t see anything bad about lesbians on your first lesbian visibility week.
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astreinomane · 2 months
Guess who wanted to write something for Lesbian Visibility Week, but waited until the last day to do it because he's incredibly lazy?
Anyway, here's the Elmax one-shot I wrote to celebrate this amazing week.
I wrote it in a hurry, so I don't know how much good it will be, but I still hope you'll like it.
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emo-dandelion · 2 months
Happy Lesbian Visibility Week! I drew lesbians to celebrate the occasion
I apologize for posting this so late. I wanted to post this earlier in the week, but stuff came up. Anyway, I drew Tamar and Nadia from Shadow and Bone. I couldn’t decide if I should draw them how they look in the show or how they were described in the books, so I drew both!
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I put so much detail into Nadia’s hair, but you can’t even see it!!!! I’m still pretty happy with how they turned out. I LOVE the way I drew Nadia’s kefta, and I think Tamar’s shirt looks cool. I definitely think I could do better though. I’ll probably redraw this when I have more time. I haven’t actually gotten to Tamar in the show yet, but I liked her in the books.
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I really like their pose here. The clothes are more simple, but I still like it. Tamar’s eyes came out nice. It was fun drawing her tattoos and the embroidery on Nadia’s kefta.
Anyway, thanks for reading. I’m going to go draw different lesbians. Hopefully I finish that drawing soon. I’ve been working on it for over a month :’)
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alexissara · 2 months
Even More Of My Lesbian OCs
It's time for another wave of OC chat! This is my favorite thing to write because, I want to write about my OCs. Please give me more excuses to write about my OCs, ask me questions or some shit, I want to talk about them. This time we're covering my most current Campaigns OC and some older TTRPG OCs as well as one Text based roleplay OC. I figure this is the most fun way to celebrate Lesbian Visibility Week. Let's talk about lesbians.
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By Littleinksheep
Flora Feral aka Twister
Flora is a fun OC in that she was based off of a character from my Webcomic Wish from an early issue I never got to release and I reenvisioned the concept for the cancelled podcast I was on Super Streets. Since then she's been slightly tweaked again a few times as she has gone to slightly different settings since Super Streets cancelation and changes in the people that could be in her life. She was a doomed playbook in Masks so she has the associated tropes although those existed in the OG version of the OC which was created before Masks: The Next Generation was even published. Flora Feral is possessed by the goddess Sorra, a powerful elder goddess forgotten to history whom her mother sacrificed her too after finding out she was trans and wanting nothing to do with her. Sorra killed her mother in turn but granted the family the fortune that was her end of the bargain. Flora died but came back perhaps thanks to Sorra or perhaps thanks to her own will regardless she is slowly being consumed by Sorra, every part of her spirit and herself will one day be Sorra and there will be no Flora left at all. With her limited time she tries to hold Sorra back from killing people and to make the world a better place even knowing every time she uses her powers it brings her own demise ever closer. Flora lost her girlfriend getting visions of Sorra killing her if they remained together she broke up with her and had been a solo act since even if she cares deeply for people she worries about how Sorra may hurt them.
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By Littleinksheep
Mystic Cutie L aka Mara
Mara is from my most active and recent campaign in the Setting Hope At Art's End, a Setting that you may be able to play yourself in the next Thirsty Sword Lesbians expansion. Mara is a magical girl from the world of Mystic Cutie Sailor L. She's the leading lady and when her world was being altered by the Mouse Princess to turn into the "family friendly" Sandwich Squad her girlfriends in a moment of clarity gathered their power up to set her free by launching her into another world and send her into Art's End. Loaded with the trauma of being turned into "Cutie lettuce" Mara attempted to pantomime acting like her old self but she had a deep rage, sorrow and more she felt would manifest when fighting agents of The Mouse Princess. Mara does her best to keep it together but until she saved her world she was really struggling to make connections always feeling like she shouldn't feel real joy when her girlfriends were suffering in their own world forced to act out a shame of a life. She's now happily shifted from the Trickster playbook over to The Matriarch and it was really fun to explore a take on the Trickster that actually worked for me since normally it was one of my least favorite conflicts to play.
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By Littleinksheep
Fearless aka Maria, Elena and Sapphire
Coming from a Masks Campaign Fearless is an adaption of some concepts from a comic I have had on the back burner for a long time Lipstick. The Reformed Fearless was made up of two girls fused together and their persona that formed between the two of them as their own person. Maria gave up her life of crime to make it where Elena and Sapphire wouldn't need to have to deal with the consquences of her actions but also to help her crush EliZe the elder goddess live her dream of being a super hero. They joined a team of teen super heroes and helped fight against the wild forces attacking the city from alien dragons to evil companies they dealt with it all. All the while being one of the most chaotic elements on the team always willing to challenge what was good or evil. Maria dated a teenage reincarnation of Morgan Le Fey, the fearless trio had a big polycule, their was time travel and all sorts of good stuff between the three. As they grew together they eventually decided to leave the team behind to open up a bakery Elena wanted to do and for them to return to a life of being gay doing crime now that they've dealt with the system more and saw all of it's flaws. They do keep up friendly relationships with several former team members including becoming the arch enemy of one of their best friends but like in a fun way, almost romantic.
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By Littleinksheep
Xena and Seraphina Aka Dreamer and Loki
Another set of OCs I used in a Masks campaign brings in Xena and Seraphina. Xena was The Brain and Seraphina was The Legacy. I played both at the same time unable to pick between the two I simply tied the pair together. Xena and Seraphina are girlfriends who love each other a lot. Xena was kidnapped by the queen of nightmares and while she was kidnapped for her genius mind Seraphina become Loki to try and save her but in the end was still unable to break into the realm of Nightmares. Xena escaped Nightmare and the pair were reunited becoming super heroes as they attempted to defeat an company that was at odds with nightmare too. The pair did their best to play both sides along with their friends eventually managing to take both forces out. The two both fell for other women but remained together in a polyamarous relationship. The two can be a bit co-dependent at first but as they recovered from their trauma they learned to count on the others alot more.
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Azucar Scamsly Glasc
Azucar isn't from any particular campaign but instead if an OC that comes from a League Of Legends inspired written roleplay. She is my problematic baby girl, my sweet terrible child. Azucar is Renata Glasc's girlfriend but to keep it under cover she's technically adopted by her and simply a musical talent she is using to earn revenue across Runeterra but particularly from the Piltovens. She is part of a found family of swindlers originally intending to just scam some money from Renata with her job singing at a Zaunite club the two came to mutually respect each other as they both one uped each other in a mental battle. Azucar might have been able to match Renata at wits but she is 100% on her team and devoted to her goals happily submissive to her dommy girlfriend. She's always down to do a murder, manipulate people, put on a role or a character and really just mess around with folks. She is part Fairy but hides that part of herself since people don't believe Fairies are even real but her powers prove they very much are. Azucar has been through the ringer living life as a poor zonite orphan and she's seen the high life of Piltover being the best friend to one of the richest people in Piltover. Azucar refuses to live a life being treated like dirt and she'll do whatever it takes to live the kind of life she wants. Renata puts that into a cause she can believe in, burning down Piltover which puts her in an angsty situation with her best friend and long time crush. It is really fun to really root her in the setting and explore the characters and world that will likely never really get explored to their fullest.
Check out my Patreon and Ko-fi if you want me to make more art and have more free time for more OCs and then posting about them.
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sometimesraven · 1 year
So. London Pride.
I want to start off by saying I had an amazing time! It was great fun and the pros outweighed the cons by far. I enjoyed seeing how many kids and young people were not just there but actively protesting and participating, I loved the outpouring of support for trans people that the parade had, the vibes were excellent and I met a few lovely people through the night.
I'm getting real fucking sick of cis gays acting like it's their parade and theirs alone. From lesbians actively shoving their way in front of me (a visibly nonbinary and disabled person), cis women hiding behind their "not ashamed of who i love" signage to avoid the parts of the LGBTQ+ community they didn't personally want to exist, to gay men yelling about how "trans people already have rights", it was MESSY.
There was a distinct vibe of entitlement from the cis monosexuals that really rubbed me the wrong way and it led in some cases to active transphobia and threats of violence. I've felt this vibe before (a few years ago, a trans woman in drag I was friends with had her drink spiked at Pride) but this year it was so tangible I felt actively unsafe in certain parts of the celebration.
Again, don't get me wrong, the overall vibe was positive! There were some lovely people who were very considerate (one person I met watching the parade asked me if I was doing okay, told me not to bend down to pick something up if I dropped it again because they would do it for me, just all around lovely), but I'm really really getting sick of the entitlement of cis gays and lesbians (especially cis white gay men) at these events and I'm not the only one (had a lovely discussion in a sex shop of all places about how entitled they can be, with the pansexual black woman behind the counter and I quote "I want to turn up and support my cis gay brothers but they're making it real hard.")
Idk. It'll be interesting to see how different the vibe is at Trans Pride next week but there's definitely this kind of insidious vibe of cis gays forgetting what Pride is about and treating it like a great big party specifically for them rather than a protest for inclusion. It's one thing seeing all the christian anti-gay protesters who were there, you kind of expect them at some point, but where entitlement and -phobia is concerned, the call is coming from inside the house and it's getting scary af.
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
“Lesbian visibility week this and lesbian visibility week that. When do we get a week for the straights!! When do I get to celebrate how I love?!”
It was in that moment that I seriously considered punching a human in the face
Like, I’m sorry but straights have been the “normal” for all time. They didn’t get killed or discriminated for who they love. Visibility weeks are to show people who have overcome hardships, for example; veterans, people of color or different backgrounds, gay people, trans, etc. not people who have been accepted for all eternity. 💀
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crushofdoves · 1 year
are u writing anything to celebrate lesbian visibility week??? :D
i celebrate lesbian visibility every day by being a capitol ‘D’ Dyke and parading my trophy butch around our small town with my hand in the back pocket of her wranglers.
that being said, i probs won’t have time write any trans lesbian wolfstar this week - just know that i want to so badly, and i will get to it eventually!
i just accepted a job offer at my fave lil local thrift store and i start on monday, so i gotta spend this week working on you wouldn’t like me bc it’s my top priority, and idk how much time/energy i’ll have for writing while i adjust to having a job again after seven months of doing freelance work.
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sidhewrites · 4 months
Now obviously Phan Ngo has a wide repertoire of recipes she can cook, being a grandma with tons of kids and I cry thinking she’d invite kaz over to various holiday and family functions because Kaz isn’t always sure if she’ll be going home due to the strained relationship with her parents, and Phan wants everyone to be loved and happy.
I am also imagining her misunderstanding various unofficial American Holidays and holds a very American themed barbecue during lesbian visibility week and gives kaz a birthday cake because there’s nothing online that tells you how it’s traditionally celebrated and she wouldn’t listen to any of her kids who said “it’s just about the spirit of the thing, it’s not a traditional holiday.”
It should be noted: Phan cannot grill. We love her dearly but not a single one of those burgers comes out well. Kaz still cries about it all the same.
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