#this is just jason's way of spending time with his family because he's too shy to just ask upfront
fanaticalthings · 4 months
Jason only resorts to his emergency signal when he's 0.1 seconds away from death and only when he's 100% reaching raw desperation levels of survival
BUT he also uses it when he's faced with the most mild of inconveniences, so the batfam are always stressed when they get his panic signal because is he about to fucking die or was he just locked out of the family Netflix account?
And obviously they can't take ANY chances, so it's always a 50/50 on whether the night ends with the fam huddled in the medbay of the cave, or whether all of them are fully costumed, weapons sharpened and ready to throw hands in Jason's apartment and Jason's just casually lounging on his couch like "Oh hey guys, I'm out of flour, can one of you run to get some?" with the most annoying shit-eating grin you've ever seen.
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lazycats-stuff · 10 months
Can I request a batfamily fic with a reader who loves reading and is rly shy but they’re trying to spend more time with them ♥️
Aww yeah... I can just see the fluff. Also, the speed that you sent this request made laugh so hard my friend looked at me like, are you okay?
Summary: (Y/N) is very shy. The others try to spend time with him.
Warnings: fluff, shy reader...
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Bruce knew that not all of his children would be vigilantes. He knew that not all of them would be cut out for it. He was actually very happy to have one normal kid at least. Well, some what normal if you will. (Y/N) was very shy and introverted. It has been a bit difficult for him to open up about something.
Bruce never minded the fact that (Y/N) was silent and just shy overall, but there were times when he wanted (Y/N) to speak up when he was hurt or just bothered by something. Sure, as he is too emotionally constipated and finds it difficult to talk about his emotions, (Y/N) was just shy and that's what made it difficult.
The boys were fully aware how shy (Y/N) could be. Damian found it weird when he first came. He just couldn't understand how someone could be so... Damian couldn't describe it, which was something that he has never done.
You could almost say that Damian was speechless about the way (Y/N) was shy and how he couldn't speak up for himself. At first, Damian teased him about it, well, more like insulted (Y/N). Bruce and the others were trying to get him to stop doing it, but wouldn't.
It wasn't until (Y/N) saved Damian and himself from a very dangerous situation. Damian was shocked once he realized. It has been due too the fact that (Y/N) had a radar for stress. He has developed it after years of being stressed in public.
He could see it coming from a mile away and that might have saved his own and Damian's life. And Damian had to admit, it was incredible to see how someone who is apprehensive about interaction with other people could observe them and just see if there is something coming.
Damian was trained to look for those signs, but to see that an untrained, shy teen saw it before him? It made him gain some respect for (Y/N) and soon enough, Damian was very protective of his older brother too.
Whenever (Y/N) was in public, Damian acted as a bodyguard. Everyone acted as if they are (Y/N)'s bodyguards. They know that (Y/N) doesn't like the public and anyone really approaching him. Bruce and the rest of the family didn't have a problem with protecting their brother and son.
The only thing that they really hated was the fact that (Y/N) is bottled up in his room reading and not spending any time with them. Sure, he studies and reads, doing something productive, but he didn't spend any time with them.
Jason was the one who was the most whiny one about, but he understood why he shouldn't push it. Every time he would be outside of his room, Jason would follow him around, before just grabbing him and taking him to the couch in the library and then the two are reading together in silence.
(Y/N) liked it a lot and the two were just often basking in silence. (Y/N) always fell asleep on Jason's chest and Jason followed a few minutes later, catching up on the sleep he needs. The two had that routine and it felt nice.
Dick just watched the movies that were based on books that (Y/N) has read or if he didn't do it by any means, which is impossible, then (Y/N) would find that book to read it. If he read the book, he would comment during the movie about inaccuracies or accuracies.
Dick would often smile at the way (Y/N) talked passionately about his opinion. He wouldn't back down from it and Dick loved it. he stayed quiet and then carried his brother upstairs. (Y/N) was protesting it, but Dick knew he loved it.
Tim? Whenever Tim needed a break from a case and if he just needed to be listened to, he would go to (Y/N). His brother is a great listener and not just because he is quiet, but because he often tries to provide the solutions. Tim would just come in after knocking and then he would plop down on the bed and talk to (Y/N). (Y/N) would hum occasionally and Tim would be like, I know right?
And Bruce? He had no problem going to the bookstores to browse for books (Y/N) wanted. He walked behind him, offering his suggestions for (Y/N). The young boy would just hum and Bruce followed closely behind. (Y/N) took Albert Camus' Stranger and he was interested in the Communist Manifesto... But would he be judged for it?
" What's wrong? " Bruce asked and (Y/N) pointed at the book in question.
" Oh. I would take it. I have never had a chance of reading it unfortunately. " Bruce said, taking a copy into his hands.
" I'm just afraid of being judged you know. " (Y/N) mumbled and Bruce took a copy.
" Don't be afraid to read anything. Reading is a good thing, especially when you can read and understand philosophy. I will read it after you do. " Bruce said and (Y/N) smiled a little bit. Bruce smiled too and he put his hand on the back of (Y/N)'s neck to guide him to another aisle.
(Y/N) liked it when Bruce put his hand on the back of his neck. It made him feel safe and he liked that level and sense of security. Bruce liked it too, it showed to him that (Y/N) trusted him. He had no problem with paying for the books.
Bruce had no problem with spoiling his son with books. (Y/N) stopped, eyes focusing on a cookbook. He thought of Alfred immediately and took it. Bruce smiled, but didn't say anything. Alfred was one of (Y/N)'s favorites and he saw that Alfred didn't have this cookbook and (Y/N) would be damned if he didn't get it for Alfred.
Bruce just took his credit card out and paid for it all, without even looking at the price. (Y/N) smiled shyly as Bruce carried his bag for him. Bruce scowled once he saw paparazzi outside and (Y/N) saw them too.
Bruce often kept (Y/N) by his side, arm wrapped tightly around his shoulders, allowing him protection and a place to hide his face away from the invading paparazzi. (Y/N) accepted it and his hid his face away from prying eyes.
Bruce frowned at the paparazzi and made sure that (Y/N) got into the car in order to save him from the paparazzi. Bruce huffed as he entered the car, quickly driving away.
" Well, that was crazy. " Bruce said as he tried to make the light of the situation. (Y/N) nodded, feeling tired from the paparazzi interaction. His social battery is officially out and he just wanted to go to his room and read.
" Is your battery out? " Bruce joked and (Y/N) smiled very slightly.
There is this joke that (Y/N) has a low social battery and it gets depleted every time he has an interaction with anybody outside of the family and he would just make a be line for his room. Every time without fail.
Once they got to the manor, (Y/N) quickly found Alfred and gave him the cookbook and then ran towards his room, trying not to bump into any of his brothers. Jason was the first one to see him, but didn't stop him.
" What happened to (Y/N)? " Jason asked Bruce.
" Paparazzi found us. "
Jason whistled and then he made his way upstairs. Sure, his brother preferred to be alone, but that's not really healthy... And Jason wants to make sure that his brother is okay. (Y/N) hates the paparazzi and has had bad experience with them and Bruce had no problem punching one.
Jason punched one for his brother. He was happy that evening. Jason opened the door to (Y/N)'s room, smiling at the small groan from his brother.
" I know, but you need some comfort. I need to spend some time with you. " Jason said closing the door before plopping down on the bed quickly next to (Y/N), looking at the books he bought.
" I didn't know you were into philosophy? " Jason inquired, looking at the Communist Manifesto and Stranger.
" I have always heard that they were good, especially the Stranger. And I didn't thought that I was ready to understand it. " (Y/N) explained and Jason nodded.
" Lets cuddle. I missed you today. " Jason said as he hugged his brother, rolling them down to lay down comfortably. Jason closed his eyes and smirked as the others came in.
There were soft noises at the five brothers laid together napping. (Y/N) wouldn't want to change anything in regards with his brothers. They loved him, each in their own way and (Y/N) loved them back.
Nobody said a word as they drifted off, (Y/N) feeling comfortable with his brothers. If they had to nap to spend time together, none of them minded. And besides, they needed all the sleep they could get.
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myesmi · 1 year
hi hi! i saw that you were taking requests, and i'd love to hear your personal headcanons about thomas hewitt (and maybe jason voorhees?)!
have a nice day!
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cw. my personal general headcanons, mentions of insecurity and mental illness, bones / bone collecting, etcetera
note. ahh tysm for the request!! <3 i’m so glad you’d like to hear my personal hcs for ol’ thomas! i hope you enjoy my thoughts, it’s a little all over the place, so apologies! and speaking for jason voorhees, i’ll do another post at a later time for general hcs! comments and reblogs always appreciated! <3
requests are open. masterlist.
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thomas is not shy, he’s reserved. he keeps to himself not because he’s particularly shy or afraid, but because he was conditioned to think, ‘ why would anybody be interested? ’
he spent his entire life being aggressively put down by the town he grew up in, as well as his family. charlie, hoyt, while he would defend thomas when needed ( as hewitts stick together ), was not one for kind words. and uncle monty was quiet and not particularly the supportive kind.
so, thomas really only had luda mae to depend on for emotional support. she was the matriarch, and the one whom he cares for the deepest. you mess with luda? you’re messing with him.
in general, thomas is naturally a protective man, if not also an envious man. of course he wants his family to be safe and sound, he was simply surrounded by the fact damn near his entire life. protect your family.
and yet thomas is a deeply jealous, deeply insecure man. his intimidating size is already enough to make him wish he was smaller, however growing up deformed? poor? and he never really did too amazing in school either.
i feel like at some point, thomas came to terms with his physical situation. he had to. there was nothing he could to do change his physical self, so he had to learn how to deal with it. that doesn’t mean he’s any less frightfully insecure, however.
which leads me to believe that he’s quick to annoyance / anger. he is a patient man to an extent when it comes to work and chores, and especially towards his family. but with victims? outsiders? he is extremely quick to anger, or even violence. it comes from a deeply rooted place of discomfort.
thomas only trusts his family. they know what’s best for the hewitt household.
speaking of, while thomas is much larger, and much stronger than everyone in his little family unit, he remains firmly underneath them and their words. he is still their little boy that they took in. hoyt basically runs the household, especially by the point in the movies, he’s taken over as leader.
it doesn’t feel right saying that thomas is afraid of hoyt, but he most certainly does not want to go against him, or make him angry. hoyt has always been an angry man, especially after returning from the war. ( however, it wouldn’t be impossible for thomas to stand up to hoyt, especially if it were for thomas’s s/o. however that could be explained further if anyone wanted to request s/o headcanons or something… <3 )
switching gears, thomas is crafty. of course we know this, he creates his own masks. however, i feel like he just generally likes crafts. thomas is into creating, as it makes him feel… good. he’s creating, instead of destroying. positive to distract from the negative, y’know?
thomas is also a huge workaholic. he spends almost all of his time working around the hewitt farm, doing any type of chore and any type of work his family requests of him.
and however, despite being a workaholic who often strays far into the night, thomas is an early bird. the quiet moments in the mornings are his favorites. no one knows it, but he often wakes up before the crack of dawn to watch the sunrise, sneaking his way through the house to watch through the kitchen window above the sink.
and as for hobbies, bone collecting. of course this one was coming. i feel like thomas, being crafty and spending a lot of his time on the farm doing various tasks, comes across some old animal carcasses time to time. little bones left behind by natural scavengers. so? he collects them. has been since he was a young boy ( which in turn made him an even bigger outcast… ). he has many an old, dusty jar full of various bones from animals such as rabbits, field mice, deer, etcetera. he even was able to collect a few skulls.
also? pressed flowers. thomas would never reveal this to any of his family members, especially hoyt, but when he comes across a wild flower in the field? little clumps of ditzy white flowers growing along the roadside? he’ll carefully pick them, place them in his pocket, and at the end of the day, press them into a little battered, empty journal he found. it’s rather beautiful, his own pretty little slice of the world to admire.
i also think thomas collects whatever little nicknacks he comes across. little old, cracked glass figurines, old metal pieces, discarded cds, interesting little coins, etcetera. he keeps them in a box, hidden in his basement work station most likely, alongside his hidden journal filled with pressed flowers.
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© myesmi . . . do not steal, translate, or repost.
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britcision · 2 years
Happy WIP Wednesday everyone! I’m having weird problems with pasting text so today is also Science Wednesday!
@welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikoyuii @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @trickerdi @mayoota-blog1 @xysidhe @idkmrpianoman @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper @bun-fish
First two chapters of fic are in the tag!
Party At Brucie’s
Jason had been added to the Team Phantom group chat pretty much immediately on return from the Ghost Zone.
And maybe Danny hadn’t been the most tactful, but he’d sure as shit made Jason laugh.
‘New halfa just dropped!! *DannyP has added JTodd to the chat*’
Jason then got to spend a couple hours explaining the situation and watching Sam and Tucker roast Danny to within an inch of his life about it.
He liked the Team Phantom group chat. Definitely preferred it over the Wayne family group chat or the Bat Chat for those few days leading up to the gala.
Fucking Dick sending pictures of him.
Red Hood was NOT cute. No matter what any of them said. He was just glad Dick had been considerate enough to crop it to his own face, not showing Danny’s.
Small mercies.
He’d have avoided Wayne manor until the last second if he hadn’t known he’d then have to deal with them at the gala, in front of Danny.
So, the morning after the photo (and his brief, apparently unnoticed sojourn to another dimension) he made his way back to the mansion, wondering idly what he’d be doing if the pit rage wasn’t a still a soft, gentle ball of calm.
He could see himself being pissed he’d been spied on. Turned it into something dark and nasty.
As it was… well, he was mildly annoyed. Maybe just the tiniest, ittiest bittiest bit touched Dick had come to check on him.
Mostly? Dread. Apprehension, really. They weren’t gonna hurt him or do anything nasty.
Buuuuut Jason remembered being an Extreme Little Shit to Dick when he was crushing on Babs, and while he totally, absolutely did not have a crush on his new king…
Well, it was a cute picture. Smiling, blushing Jason, and even he had a hard time believing it was of him.
It looked like he had a crush.
But really it was exertion from the wrestling just before it was taken, definitely for sure.
He wasn’t gonna argue that though; it’d be admitting the idea had merit beyond just dismissing it.
He’d managed to wake up in time (after chatting with Danny’s friends online into the night) for Alfred’s pancakes, and that’d make up for damn near anything, even Steph being home.
She didn’t always stay at the manor, but there was a chance she’d crashed out for those same sweet heavenly pancakes.
Jason had another mission now anyway, and the good news was that Bruce would be home; no one in business got shit done in the week between Christmas and the New Year.
The bad news was… Bruce would be home, Jason would have to talk to him.
But for Alfred’s pancakes Jason would fight the devil himself, with his bangin’ new gun to boot.
(He’d taken the time to have a longer look at that too; a Colt revolver, not quite his usual machine pistols, but classic. It had a satisfying weight in his hand and was a neat matte black, with just the strangest hint of red light flickering across it.
Danny said the sword burned green in its owner’s hand; something to check out at the range. Maybe in the cave. And, apparently, it was definitely non lethal.
Knowing this because Danny’d seen people stabbed did not reassure Jason.)
The table was mostly empty when Jason arrived, which wasn’t exactly a shock. Duke was in, and he gave Jason a half shy smile and nodded.
They hadn’t interacted much; Duke was new, and he was Gotham’s daytime hero, while Jason still preferred to patrol at night. Still, he’d helped out a couple times.
They got along, even when Jason was at odds with the rest of the bat clan.
And his phone was on the table, likely with the group chat on it.
Jason gave him a nod and a half smile of his own as he took his seat. Not right next to Duke; the table was big and empty, he didn’t wanna crowd. He sat across from him instead, so they could talk.
“You can ask,” he said by way of greeting, tipping back to grin at Alfred as the man brought him a stack, “and you are the real hero, Alfie.”
Duke hid a grin in his juice as Alfred raised an eyebrow at Jason, not quite in reprimand.
“As you say, Master Jason,” the butler said calmly, setting down his plate. “You were missed at dinner. Twice.”
Jason made a face and shrugged, knowing full well what Alfred actually meant. He hadn’t actually decided how much he wanted to tell them about Danny yet.
Alfred? Alfred he trusted without question or reservation. Even to keep secrets from Bruce, if he didn’t think it would hurt someone.
But if Bruce knew he told Alfred something and not him, he’d pout. And while Jason wouldn’t have to deal with it, the others would, and Jason dealt with them.
For now, it was better to keep anything ghost related quiet. Bruce would want to know absolutely everything, and frankly?
Just once, Jason would like a handle on something first. Just this once, he wanted to know what was going on with his body. With his life.
It wasn’t that much to ask.
So he gave Alfred a sheepish smile, half wishing he could just put a hand on the man’s shoulder. Touching with Danny was so easy, he hadn’t realised how much casual touch was missing from his life.
“Yeah, sorry about that. Wasn’t exactly myself, so I figured I’d keep out of everyones’ hair.” He wasn’t expecting the worried look Duke gave him as he turned back to the table.
Wary? That’d make sense. They were all fucking pros at talking around the pit rage, and Jason knew they all expected him to lose it.
He had.
“Are you feeling better now?” Duke asked softly, not quite able to make eye contact and poking at his pancakes instead.
Jason took a moment to just. Enjoy the warmth that rose from the simple question. No worrying it was fake, no green hunting for ulterior motives.
His brother cared. It could be that simple.
He spread his hands and smiled, shrugging.
“Good as I can be. Figured I’d come back and socialise since I have a party to go to this weekend. Are you coming?” Fuck, was it really tomorrow?
Duke studied his face for a long moment (being in the detective family was finally getting to him, Jason knew that squint) then smiled back.
“Nah, I’m working before and after. I got a conveniently timed lead,” he added smugly, leaning back in his seat.
Jason made the appropriate noises of jealousy and Duke chuckled, shaking his head.
“Hey, I have another three weeks to go to beat Damian’s record, and I haven’t even stabbed anyone. I’ll come to your next one,” he promised. Paused again.
Coming to a decision, he leaned in across the table and beckoned Jason to join him. Shifting his plate aside, Jason did so, wondering what Duke wouldn’t want overheard.
“It seems like the pit’s been worse lately,” the younger man said softly, finally meeting Jason’s eye, “are you okay?”
And oh, apparently since the pit itself was still in post-Danny bliss, Jason’s regular emotions were going to choke him. Lovely.
He forced a smile, leaning back so there was half a chance Duke might not read it in his face. For half a second, he considered telling the truth.
Buuuuut the truth would get complicated real quick.
“It’s been bad,” he agreed, keeping his voice level with all the stubbornness that propelled him to the Far Frozen, “but it’s gonna be fine. I’ve got a new strategy and it’s getting it back under control.”
Duke didn’t quite follow his lead right away, sharp eyes scanning every inch of Jason’s posture. Fuck, if Dick was here, Tim, maybe even Cass?
He’d be screwed. Just had to hope Duke wasn’t at that level of intrusive bastard yet.
Whatever he saw, it settled him enough that he relaxed as he leaned back, crossing one ankle onto his knee and grinning.
“And would this strategy have anything to do with a hundred pound twink throwing you around?” He asked, suddenly cheeky.
Jason’s cheeks flushed at just the memory and his smile spread, becoming something more real.
“Fuck, I said you could ask, didn’t I?” He groaned melodramatically, letting his head drop back for a moment before getting back to his pancakes.
Letting them go cold would be worse than a sin.
“You did,” Duke confirmed, a hint of laughter in his voice.
There was a lot of laughter in Jason’s life lately. It felt really good to notice that. Swallowing a large bite of syrupy goodness he thought about Danny for a moment.
Danny and everything he’d learned both from and because of him. A soft, sappy smile stretched across his face entirely without his noticing.
“Yeah. It does.”
Duke considered snapping another quick pic for the group chat. But honestly… it was just nice to see, and he hoped whatever it was worked.
Duke had seen people struggle with addiction, some of whom never found out who spiked their first dose. It wasn’t the same, but… he hated seeing people fighting something beyond their control.
On impulse he reached across the table and patted Jason’s hand.
“Then I’m happy for you man. Right up until Dick gets here,” he added as loud steps descended the stairs towards them, debating fleeing the room himself.
Some of the rowdier birds still managed to surprise him, but. Fuck it. He had to get used to it some time.
Jason groaned and shovelled another large bite of pancake into his mouth, speaking as he chewed.
“Dick’s here?“
The eldest usually went back to Bludhaven at the end of the night, to his own place and his cop job and… aaaaand Dick had taken the day off to help Jason get a fucking suit.
Of course.
He’d forgotten, possibly by sheer optimism. He didn’t have time to lament the slip before Dick charged into the kitchen, spotted him, and slammed into the chair beside him hard enough that it skidded over and hit his own.
“Jaybird! I thought I heard your voice! Tell me everything about your new boyfriend, is he nice? Do we get to meet him? What’s his name?” He asked without pausing for breath, resting his chin on Jason’s shoulder and grinning.
Jason stared him dead in the eye and took a slow, deliberate bite of pancake. Across the table Duke snickered, toying with his juice.
Dick groaned as loudly as he could, flopping back into his own seat as Alfred brought him a stack of his own.
“Awwww, c’mon Jaaaaaaaay, you know you wanna tell me everything! Is he coming to the gala? We can bring him suit shopping, I have Bruce’s card and he’ll never notice a second charge,” he wheedled, reaching for syrup without glancing at the table.
Duke pushed the bottle closer to his hand, giving Jason an entirely unapologetic shrug.
“You’re the one who said we could ask,” he pointed out innocently. Dick gasped in delight and Jason pointed his fork at the younger man.
“I said you could ask,” he corrected, stifling a grin when Dick pressed a hand to his chest, feigning injury.
Yeah, he and Danny would get along just fine. Drama queens the both of them.
Shit, Danny had black hair and blue eyes too, maybe Jason should keep him away from Bruce. Could you adopt a king?
“Jason! Little Wing! You’re not gonna tell our baby brother and not me!” Dick proclaimed dramatically, breaking off that train of thought.
Duke grinned wider, leaning over to grab a jug and refill his juice.
“Hey, I’m the cute one,” he said smugly as Dick protested. Jason chuckled, taking advantage of the distraction to finish the last of his pancakes.
He snagged Duke’s empty plate as well while the two argued, Dick utterly insistent that he was still the cute one, Duke calling him cute for the nursing home, and filled the dishwasher.
Alfred gave him a raised eyebrow from the stove, another set of pancakes already underway, and Jason shrugged.
“It’s quieter over here,” he said innocently, turning to lean back against the counter and watch his oldest and newest siblings fight.
Alfred made a low hum of approval, expertly flipping a pancake.
“You were always the quiet one, Master Jason,” the older man agreed and Jason almost argued before looking back to the table.
Compared to Dick? Yeah he kinda was. Jason could semi-reliably be persuaded to sit still with a book. Dick wouldn’t sit still if he wasn’t upside down.
Best to put him out of his misery though.
Giving Alfred a half smile, Jason made his way back to the table and swung back into his seat.
“Alright, fuckwits, you’re both adorable, now shut up or I won’t tell you shit.”
Dick’s mouth slammed shut immediately as he turned, leaning on the table and watching Jason wide eyed. Duke, eyes crinkled with laughter, leaned back in his chair and raised both hands.
Satisfied that he had their attention, Jason opened his mouth to give them some basics, then hesitated.
He’d been planning on asking Bruce if he could add a plus one to the list, so Danny’s friend Tucker could come and say hi. Just a friend.
He didn’t know much about the guy, except that he was fucking hilarious and worshipped the ground Tim walked on, but he didn’t know much about Danny either.
Buuuuut, if his siblings were all gonna be gushing fuckheads… it couldn’t hurt to mess them around a little. Schooling his smile into innocence, he turned his cup between his hands.
“I’m gonna ask Bruce today if he can come. He’s got a suit,” (Jason fervently hoped, but when they’d made the plan it hadn’t come up) “but you’ll all meet him at the gala.”
Duke groaned and flopped back in his chair, dropping his cup.
“Aw fuck, that’s not fair. Just three more weeks, Jason!” He complained, and Jason hid a grin in his own juice.
Tucker’s reaction the night before had been pretty similar; annoyed he wouldn’t get to meet the new halfa with the others. Too bad Duke wasn’t coming. There’d be more of their own class than at any other gala ever.
Dick was about as sympathetic as Danny and Sam had been too, grinning over at Duke and pointing with his knife.
“Hey, no one’s forcing you to go for Damian’s record for longest without attending a gala Duke.”
Duke stuck his tongue out at Dick and sighed, glancing around.
“Yeah, but you guys don’t exactly make it sound fun. And if I go to one, neither of you assholes live at the manor anymore, and Bruce’ll expect me to show up for more. Can’t he meet you here, Jay?” He wheedled, trying the puppy eyes.
Sucks to be him, Jason spends half his time with the Alley kids and they were smaller, cuter, and more likely to kick him in the shins.
“Sorry Narrows, he’s coming in from out of town tomorrow. I’d bring him after but you’ll be in bed,” Jason teased and Duke groaned again.
Dick frowned, cocking his head.
“Wait, he’s gone out of town? He was here last night, why not stay?” He asked, looking for pieces to put together.
Luckily this was an easy one. Jason just shrugged.
“Gotta go get his suit. Apparently not everyone brings the good three piece to college,” he added and Dick grinned, shaking his head.
“Already going? My you’re certain Bruce’ll say yes,” he laughed and Jason grinned, spreading his hands.
“It’s my party, and it’s not like the venue charges by the head. I just gotta get his name on the list.”
“Hey, if I don’t get to meet him early, I want all the juicy details,” Duke cut in, pointing seriously at Dick. “You gotta tell me everything that happens.”
Dick raised his hand in a boy scout salute, which none of them had been. Jason only barely recognised it.
“Your words, my bond little man. I’ll even get you a pic of Jay and his date all gussied up,” he swore and Jason rolled his eyes.
“What makes you think we’re taking pictures?” He asked mostly rhetorically. Dick shot him a wicked grin.
“What makes you think you’ll know I’m taking it?”
Which, fair, expected, and totally valid. They’d all been just as annoying when Tim and Connor finally got together. Dickie kept a scrapbook.
There was some more noise from upstairs now, footsteps getting closer, and Jason wondered how many people had stayed overnight. Usually the manor just held Bruce, Alfred, Damian, Cass, and Duke.
Maybe half of those would be going to a given gala, so Jason had been reasonably confident he could be in and out. From the sounds of it, either all three missing members were on their way down, or there were extras.
Seeing his expression, Dick shrugged modestly.
“Tim’s bribe to escape the gala was three nights of Alfred-supervised sleep, Steph stayed over with Cass to gossip, and Damian had Jon over. You’ve got a full house to satisfy,” he explained, eyes bright with laughter.
Jason hesitated for only a moment, considering bailing. His siblings were fine, one or one or in small groups. All at once? A little overwhelming.
Someone always managed to set him off eventually.
Almost reflexively he reached for the pit. Felt its warm, gentle peace. And let his shoulders settle.
Why not give it a shot? See how much was just something else’s rage and how much was him not being able to handle them all.
And they were getting close. Leaning in, he lowered his voice and hissed to the other two.
“Wanna pretend I’ve already told you everything?” He hissed, and very much enjoyed watching both of his brothers’ eyes light up with mischief.
“Okay but you actually do have to later,” Duke hissed back, all three now watching the doors avidly for the first sight of bodies. Dick nodded eager agreement, finally making headway on his own breakfast.
Footsteps in the hall. Not long left.
“His name’s Danny, we met at my grave on the 24th, he loves space and puns, he goes to Gotham U and I’ll text you more later,” Jason said quickly, not missing the light that went on above Dick’s head, then pushed back in his chair and sitting casually. “Pretend I told a joke.”
Duke and Dick burst into immediate, mostly genuine laughter as they dropped into similar poses and Jason grinned, a wave of affection for both washing over him.
Like the universe itself was giving him a gift, it was Steph who burst into the kitchen next, Cass and Tim both at her heels. Steph’s eyes gleamed almost unnaturally when she caught sight of Jason.
“You’re here! Did you bring your danger twink?” She exclaimed eagerly, almost tackling Duke when she slammed into the chair next to him even harder than Dick hit Jason’s.
That pushed Jason to cackle as well, even as Cass came and draped herself over his shoulders.
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mxtantrights · 1 year
The Series Finale
it's time to say goodbye. let me just say right now I plan to make this part a bit longer than the others. I love the little universe I created and I love love love how many of you guys interacted with it. there will be a few small parts after this but other than that, get ready to say goodbye!
According to Cosmopolitan there are multiple ways to spend your twenty third birthday. Cake and candles sure. Presents yes. Drinks surely. Friends and family absolutely.
About to puke because you're about to make your red carpet debut with your boyfriend? Well...
You were offered so many dresses for the ceremony but honestly you couldn't pick just one. So you offered to wear all of them at any upcoming event, except for tonight.
Tonight is Oscars night. And you wanted to make a splash. A makeshift tuxedo with just the tight sleeveless white button down and black tweed shorts with a black cape attached to the back that reaches your feet.
The outfit is already ironed and hanging in front of you on the bathroom door.
You can't believe that you're nominated for an Oscar. You couldn't believe when your manger and agent asked if you wanted to submit yourself for a nomination. But here you are.
The glam team is amazing. Yeah they made you look magical but you missed Delores badly. She could talk you down your ledges when you got like this. So can Jason but you were shy about talking to him around new people.
You look down so that eyeliner can be applied.
"Woah." someone says.
Another person asks what it is. You can't ask, you're too nervous and you're in the middle of being made over.
"Luthor is done." someone answers.
You wait for the makeup artist to finish your liner before you open your eyes. You don't want to get poked.
When you do, you turn around to face the artist in the back.
"What do you mean?" you ask.
One of them, a small girl with cotton candy pink hair and an all black ensemble comes up to you. She shows you her phone. On the screen in bold red letters.
Your eyes go wide and you can't help the squeal the comes out of your mouth. The sound makes everyone quiet down in the room.
"Sorry-I just, I have to make a call! I'll be right back!" you say.
Then you're rushing. Out of your chair, and out of the living room of the hotel and into the bedroom. You keep the door open as you shuffle through your bag to find your phone.
When you find it, there are several missed calls. Your manager, your agent, and Jason. You shoot quick text to your manger and agent that you saw the news.
Then you call Jason.
He picks up on the first ring.
"Babe did you see it? Did you see the news?" he shouts.
He's loud but you don't care. It's Jay. You'd deal with the high volume forever.
You smile, "I saw! I saw! I can't believe it. Does this mean we can go back to work?"
"I just sent a text to Harvey, he said he's working out details now with the lot mangers."
"What about the strikers?" you ask.
"I got a text from Damian here hold on," he hums to himself, no doubt scrolling through his texts with his tongue out, "yup. Nyssa and the others got everything they bargained for."
"Oh that's so good. I couldn't go back to work if I knew they didn't win this strike. Can you win a strike?" you say.
You hear him laugh on the other end, "I'm not sure how that works, hun. Wait-did I interrupt you, you're getting ready right?"
"I was..." you trial off.
"Okay go, go, go. I'll see you on the carpet-" he starts.
"Wait can I call you when I get in the car?" you interrupt him.
"Isn't it like bad luck to see me before?" he asks.
You laugh, "Jay this isn't our wedding."
He hums at first which gives you pause. Not a bad pause but a a kind where your mind is racing with thoughts. Thoughts about you and Jason and how serious you guys are.
Jason is a jokester sometimes. Yeah his dad's emo phase can always be slipped into the conversation, but there are certain things he doesn't tease about. Clowns and bad haircuts to name two.
"Jay?" you ask.
"I'll see you on the carpet sweetheart." he answers.
There's no sadness in his voice. He sounds normal. But you can't help but notice theres still more to it.
And then because it's Jason he doesn't hang up first. No. He waits for you to hang up which you are reluctant to do because of what he said. But you do only because the makeup team is waiting and you aren't in your outfit yet.
You quickly walk back out to your makeup chair.
From there it's actually a pretty easy process. They put the final touches on your makeup and give your hair a blowout. Then you're in the bathroom putting on your outfit.
Within an hour you're tucked into the backseat of a town car. Your usual driver, Mike, is on vacation. So most of the talking comes from your agent and manager.
The drive isn't long. The hotel you were getting ready at wasn't too far from where the awards were taking place. You were excited but tremendously nervous.
In the backseat you ring your fingers and your leg is bouncing up and down. If Jason were sat beside you, you wouldn't be this nervous. You want call him but honestly he needed to get ready too. And you didn't want to talk about your relationship in front of three people who weren't in it.
So you sit in silence. You smile and nod when you're asked questions, all the way until the drive pulls up to the theatre.
You can hear the cheering and the clambering outside before the door even opens. You are escorted out of the car and outside. You manager is telling you which reporters are ready to speak to you and how long to pose for each picture.
And that sounds good and all. But your eyes catch on you man. Huddled around his team in a suit. He doesn't seem to notice you yet. You watch as he nods along and his green eyes flitter around.
You can't help the smile on your face. Somehow, because it's Jason Todd, he can feel you smiling somewhere in his vicinity. His eyes lock on you instantly.
Yeah you could totally see yourself walking down the aisle, and him waiting for you at the other end. One day.
You wave at him and he does the same, a smirk on his face.
Of course you probably won't be able to speak to him until you're done on the carpet. There were so many people in line to be interviewed and photographed. It's not like it was at your first movie premiere where he could just join you.
"You stopped listening the moment you saw him didn't you?" you manager asks.
Your eyes widen as you finally look back at her and your agent. They are looking right back at you with big smiles. Nervously you rub the back of your neck.
"To be be fair I was listening for a very long time before that." you answer.
"Sure you were, okay well you know basically everything. We'll be near you incase you need us." your agent says.
You nod your head once.
From there it's relatively easy. You get guided to the line for the carpet. Both your agent and manger sooth your nerves a bit. They talk about how good the work you've done is, how you deserve to be here and deserve to be nominated.
And as you get your picture taken you do well to listen for instruction but also stand your ground. The photographers are shouting different things all at once and it's hard to follow all of them at the same time. But when your manager waves you over to an interview you know you're done.
The first interview goes by quickly. You talk about the end of the strike and what you missed most about filming, how honored you are to be nominated and you can't wait for the after party.
The second interview is more fun. That comes from Edward Nigma being really good at his questions. He asks about your humble beginnings, what your passions are outside of acting, and what you would do with more free time.
By the time you get to your fifth and final interview your brain is working on autopilot. You smile. You answer the questions in a bright voice. You thank the interviewer. The camera pivots to someone else and the microphone is taken away.
You are so tuned out that you don't notice Jason come up behind you. You had thought he was in front of you, in the theatre already. But there is only one person in the world who knows the exact juncture between your shoulder and your neck to press a kiss to.
When you feel his lip on your skin you turn around.
"Hi there." he says.
You smile and reach up to fix his bowtie, "Hey yourself handsome."
"This ole thing?" he jokes.
"You look-well I should keep that to myself. Privacy and all that." you say.
He smiles and his hand is cupping your cheek. You lean into his touch. All the nerves that your manger and agent tried to subdue finally fall to the side. You feel at ease.
"I made sure that our seats are close. At least until they call you up when you win." he says.
You snort, "Jason it's not gonna happen."
He hums, "I don't know. I would never count you out."
Soon enough you and Jason make it your seats where you have the same tiff. He thinks for sure you're gonna win while you're convinced that it won't happen.
The show starts off with a performance, courtesy of Dinah Lance. She looked amazing in her all black dress, a high slit that revealed the fishnets underneath.
You clapped at others wining awards. The composer for your movie won. And the sound mixers, designers and graphic designers too. As you got close and closer to your category you felt the turn in your stomach.
When your category finally got called Jason entangled his hand in yours. His fingers slated into yours, his thumb brushing over the back of your hand. The announcers spoke all the names in the category including yours and you are sure your ears just went static.
And then you heard your name again. You look over at Jason, who has a huge smile on his face. You let out a curt breath as he helps you get to your feet. The roar of applause takes over the static in your ears.
You can't help to be shocked. Shocked as Jason helps you up the steps to accept the Oscar. You look back at him on the last step, his hand still in yours, and you bring his hand to your mouth and kiss the back of his hand.
"You did it, you did it." he says.
And then he's letting go so you can walk onto the stage and accept your award.
You watch from your bed as Jason walks into the bedroom. He's only sporting a towel on his waist. He knows what he's doing, he's devious like that. And delicious.
From across the room you eye him. He turns his back to you as he ruffles through the cabinet for clothes. Except he's definitely going through your drawer and not his so he's not going to find what he's looking for. But you take it because you can stare right at his back.
"Baby do you need help?" you ask.
He turns around and shuts the drawer with his hips.
"Now that you've asked, yes. yes I do need help. Only the kind you can provide." he answers.
You begin to laugh at his eagerness. He struts over to you with all the swagger of a frat boy. You can't help the snort that comes from you and he smiles too.
"This is supposed to be sexy!" he says.
"Oh it is, but it's so rehearsed. I love it though." you smile.
Jason sighs. And then all of a sudden he's laying on top of you and putting all his weight on you. You know he's doing it on purpose because in the early days of this relationship Jason did his best to not even lean his body weight onto you.
That went out the window three months after you started dating.
"Jay you wanna talk about it?" you ask.
He mumbles something but you can't hear his words. How could you when his head it nestled into your neck. His stubble is tickling you in the best way possible. You reach up and card your hand through his hair.
"Didn't hear a word you said baby." you say.
He picks his head up and looks at you now, with a pout on his lips. You lean in and give him a small peck. He of course isn't good at taking only one peck, always the needy one. He leans in and gives you three more.
"I'm just trying to seduce my Oscar winning partner. Is that so bad?" he asks.
You shut your eyes with a giggle, "Oh not this, come on it's not a big deal."
"It's literally the biggest of deals. Like it's one of the four biggest deals. You're close to an EGOT hun." he rambles.
You peel open one eye and look at him. How could you disagree with that face? And those eyes? You cup the side of his face with your hand.
"Thank you for making me feel like a big deal. I promise I do find you sexy." you say.
Jason lets out a dramatic sigh of relief, "Thank you. And anyways I'm just following your cosmopolitan article." he says.
Your eyes widen and you gasp.
"Jay! You did not just take advice from a magazine, you're like a walking greek god." you laugh.
"Greek god you say?" he asks.
But he isn't asking. Not when he starts planting kisses on your shoulder and your neck. It makes you giggle and it makes your stomach warm. You wrap both of your arms around him.
"I can't believe I get to be on set with you tomorrow." you say.
"I can't believe I get to be on set with my Oscar winning co-star." he replies.
"Does this mean I get top billed?" you ask.
"I wrote it into my contract a long time ago, keep up sweetheart." he says.
Jason stands in the door of your shared trailer. He was told to come and bring you on set to start filming a scene between you two. It had started with Jason's character by himself and then you were to appear as a daydream. 
Which, he definitely said you already do, no matter how cheesy that sounded. You still gave him a peck for such beautifully strong words. 
When he got to the trailer door he heard you singing already. He had gotten you some new headphones since you kept complaining about your earbuds going wonky. He was surprised how long you hung onto those, five years. 
Now he's watching you sing along as you rearrange the script on your table. The only way you could learn lines fast enough was to spread them all out and keep them in your peripheral vision. He's not sure how you do it.
But he watches as you tap your feet along to a tune he doesn’t know and with your hands on your hips you stare down the papers. You’re already dressed in the scene outfit, a white dress. Simple but enough to make his heart do the thing where he thinks nothing can be real if you exist. 
He can’t help to be transfixed on you. He leans against the doorway and just watches with a smile.
Truthfully he couldn’t believe the person of his dreams was dating him and smiling his way, sending him gifts and letting him spend time in their bed. And when he says person of his dreams he means it.
The first time he saw your face wasn’t when the two of you were sat in a room going over the movie contract. Nope. He think he’ll take this secret with him to the wedding aisle and wait until he can slip it into his vows how bad he has it for you.
On moments like this, when it’s just you and him, he wants to tell you so bad. But he thinks waiting is the better option. What other way to press you ?
All of a sudden you’re turning around and you literally jump at this sight of him. Your mouth goes from a gaps to a smile. Then you’re bustling over to him and throwing your arms around him, earbuds still in. 
“Missed you sweetheart.” he says.
His hands wrap around your middle. He could literally lock his arms together and not let you go but that would be unwise and costly. Filming and all that. So he settles with just having his body pressed up against yours, warm and inviting. 
You bite back a laugh, “Jay we woke up in the same bed a couple of hours ago!”
“I’m a simple man. You’re gone for more than ten minutes I miss you.” he explains.
He watches the way your eyes go wide first and the smirk that dances it’s way across your face. Your fingers card through the hair at the back of his head.
“I’m sorry baby. Wanna go to set together?” you ask.
He smiles, “I am personally here to see to that. Come on.” 
You untangle yourself from him, which earns you a groan. He watches as you scoop up the papers on the table and pull on a robe to cover your costume. He doesn’t mind because he knows you two are about to be filming for an hour or so and he’ll see all of you then.
A vision in white.
“Come on bub.” you say.
And the definitely kick starts something in him. He smiles and follows you out of your trailer. The two of you walk all the way to the set. For the sequence being filmed today you two would just be fooling around in a very chic and vibrant living room and then bedroom. 
Then you two get on set of course you are pulled in a different direction than him. You’re going over your lines with one of the writers. Then you’re getting touched up by the makeup artists. Touch ups with your costume. And then Harvey wants a word.
Jason lets himself get pulled too. Touch ups. Lines. Harvey. Sure. He doesn’t mind really. Because he’s basically filming his everyday life with you.
When Harvey calls action you and Jason take your spots. Jason takes your hands into his and brings each of them to his lips. You roll your eyes at him, as depicted in the script.
The two of you get into sync fairly quickly. You two are standing in the living room. The fake window open and the curtains moving in the breeze. Your hands wrapped around his neck, dancing to music that isn’t playing.
Then you two are on the couch in different positions. Him on the floor, one of your legs thrown over his shoulder. The two of you laying on one another on the couch. Him sitting normally and your legs over his lap.
Finally it was time to get to the bedroom scenes. They were noting raunchy. Just the two of you goofing around. You chase him around the bed, you end up pinning him down and tickling him. Then you two are sitting with your backs against the head board, your hands together and fingers intertwined.
At some point Jason is moving you forward to personally fluff your pillows, which makes you laugh. You lean over and kiss his cheek, which makes him smile. 
Then Harvey is yelling cut and everyone’s moving around set. You will have to film a couple more takes of this scene but you don’t mind. How could you? You get to fool around with your favorite person in the world like you usually do sans cameras and you were getting paid for it.
You have already gotten so used it this, you remember what life was like before he was in it and hope you never have to do that again.
The press junket was just as nerve wracking the second time around. Yeah that was never gonna change. Tons of people asking you questions over and over was hard. Making sure to sell the movie and not spoil it was even harder.
You had been paired with Jason the first time and he was really good at playing off your vibe. But that had been before you were dating. Now things were different. There would be more questions about the two of you outside of the film. Part of you didn’t care, but a bigger part of you worried about what you would say.
The next interviewer comes in with the BBC-Bludhaven Broadcasting Channel. They were always polite and playful. You aren’t worried. And that worry drops even more so when you see Donna Troy walk in.
“Hi guys!” she says.
You both wave at her, “Hi!” 
You watch as she gets mic’ed up. And then she’s sitting in front of you both with purple notecards. She talks to the imaginary audience first and then you.
“So, guys, obviously you’ve cooked up some good stuff that has gotten awards. One in particular because now we’re sitting with an Oscar winner.” she says.
And you still can’t believe it yourself so whenever someone else brings it up you can’t help to be bashful about it.
“Oh…” you laugh.
Jason points to you with both his hands, “If anyone was unclear, it’s not me.” 
You wave off his hands which he dodges and still points to you. But he cuts it out soon enough, he knows you too well to let it drag on. 
“It’s a big accomplishment, so congrats!” Donna says.
You smile, “Thank you.”
“So you’re basically an EGOT now—“ she starts.
You burst out laughing at that and so does Jason. Then Donna too but she tries to compose herself for the most part, clearing her throat and adjusting her hair. You pull yourself together.
“I mean yeah. Sure.” you answer.
“So have you decided what you’ll melt the gold down into?” She asks with a straight face.
Jason yelps, “Donna?!”
“Maybe a house key.” you say blankly.
“Good for you!” she says.
“But I can’t now because I just admitted to it on camera. I’ll have to come up with something else.” you joke.
“Of course, and you can text me your idea. It’ll stay between us.” she adds.
You nod your head, “You’re on speed dial actually.” 
“Number nine?” Donna jokes.
“No you’re at—wait do they still do numbers? Okay wait never mind, I meant you’re in my favorites.” you answer.
Donna gasps and holds her hands, and notecards, to her heart.
“Okay Jason,” she holds out her notecards again, “what type of hair gel do you use on set?”
“I legally can’t answer that actually because no one on set would tell me the products they used in fear that I would just buy them myself and do their work for them.” he answers.
“Remember when you gave yourself a bowl cut?” she asks.
You laugh again, “What?!” 
“That was one time—and I didn’t look that bad!” he shouts.
“I remember your brother said you cried yourself to sleep for two weeks.” Donna says.
You wrap your arm around his shoulder and pull him in closer, “Aw Jay, you had a bowl cut?”
“Very funny sweetheart.” he says.
You pinch his cheeks, “I kinda wish I could see it.”
“Oh but you can!” Donna says. 
She fishes out her phone.
“Donna! No!” Jason yells. The two of them start full in running around the room. You watch in amusement. 
“Donna slow down I did Hot Ones yesterday and I haven’t been the same since.” Jason says.
You laugh even harder at that.
Dinner at Wayne manor was something you had been equal parts ready and unready for. How doe sone prepare to dine across Bruce Wayne? The man was the heartthrob of the 80s and 90s. 
It’s not like you could say definitively you didn’t have a crush on your boyfriends father at one point in your life. And maybe that’s the part that’s throwing you off. That and the fact that it’s a real family dinner and not another bustling gala thrown to draw you and Jason out of our recluse. 
You had finished filming and in another three months the film would be out. But you and Jason have been using that time for yourselves. 
Sure you’d hang out with your friends and go out in public from time to time. But technically the press junket was over for a month and change.
And the two of you wanted to be just that, the two of you. 
There were long nights at the beach, trips to the bookstore, date nights. It was easy and fun and your own bubble with Jason. No one came around to poke it.
So stepping into Wayne manor felt like your bubble was really close to a garden of cacti. Ready to burst at any moment. You and Jason tug off your jackets and put them on the coat hanger.
Once you’re done you stand still as Jason starts to move around. It takes him five seconds to realize that you had stayed glued to the hardwood floor. He makes a u turn and comes back over to you.
“It’s low stakes by the way since they all love you anyways.” Jason says with his hand on the small of your back.
You can’t help to snicker, “And more than you right?”
“But every year without fail I get birthday presents that are well thought and planned in advance.” he answers.
Before either of you can say another word, Damian comes from one of the doors. He is dressed in his school uniform and you can’t help to smile at how cute he looks. 
“Damian!” you shout.
He comes running over to you and hugs you. The sight makes Jason surprised but also very happy. Damian wasn’t a hard person to please, he just took time and has a lot of boxes to check off. And you managed to do all of that within the time you stepped into his life.
You hug the boy back.
“I missed you. So has Sir BillingsWorth.” he says.
“I missed you too. But I’m free the next few weeks, we can plan something.” you offer.
Damian pulls always immediately, “I will be vacationing the upcoming week but after that.”
“Oh cool, where are you going?” you ask.
Jason snickers, “Don’t ask or you’ll have to be part of his alibi later on. Trust me.” 
“Shut it Todd.” Damian whispers.
“So what inhumane zoo are you planning on raiding next?” Jason asks.
You look at Jason shocked. You think surely Damian Wayne isn’t going to raid an entire zoo by himself. He’s got a big heart for animals and would do anything for them. But would his father just allow him to—wait he’s done this before. You sworn you’ve seen an article about him leaving an animal sanctuary with a lump in his jacket. 
“Don’t plan any trips to the south any time soon.” Damian answers simply. 
And then he’s off. You two watch in bewilderment as his small body disappears behind another door. You turn to Jason. “He’s more like you than either of you care to admit.” you say.
Jason gasps, “Bite your tongue!” 
Jason manages to get you to start moving again. With his and still on your back he walks you all the way to the dinning room. There at the table is the Wayne family. And no they aren’t sat quietly at their seats. 
Damian is picking up food from a plate and setting it down on the floor. Your eyes follow his actions to see a big dog sitting on the floor underneath the table. Titus. You look back up when Bruce tells Damian to not overfeed him. Tim and Steph are snickering on their phones. Duke and Cass are playing a hand-game very loudly. And then there is Dick Grayson. He’s the only one in the family you haven’t met yet. He was always just busy. Sure you’ve interacted online before but this was different. 
“Guys!” Jason shouts.
Everyone goes stone still and looks your way. All at once they start trying to talk to you which makes you even more nervous. Jason has to reign them in again for you.
They all stop.
“Hi…” you trail off.
“Welcome, please sit. There’s plenty of food.” Bruce answers.
You and Jason take your seats at the end of the table, across from each other. Coincidentally Jason takes the seat next to Duke which means you take the seat next to Dick.
He smiles your way and offers you his hand. You take it and shake it.  
“It’s nice to finally meet you.” he says.
“You as well.” you answer.
“It would have been sooner but I’ve just been a bit busy—“ he starts.
You shake your head, “No no no, it’s okay. Plus we’re meeting now.”
“Thanks to my little brother, who by the way I’ve never seen like this before.” Dick says.
“Like what?” you ask.
Is your heart beating in your chest? You have to make sure. Surely it is. But surely it isn’t if Dick Grayson is telling you that his brother is in love with you. It’s not like you don’t know how much he cares for you, you see it every day, he shows it and tells you all the time. But to have someone else see inside the bubble you two made…
You look over at Jason who is trying to get in on the hand-game between Duke and Cass. You can’t help to smile.
You had known for some time now that you’re in love with him but to hear it might be in love with you. Yeah that would be everything. 
“Okay I just finished the boxes in the kitchen.” Jason says.
You nod, “Good. I’m closed to finish in here, just one more box. It’s your books.” 
“You can stack ‘em any way you want. I’m gonna start on lunch.” 
You had been tasked with unpacking the living room. Or, unpacking Jason’s stuff into your living room. Your press junket was about to start again in two weeks and you had asked him on the sly if he would like to make your living arrangement more permeant.
He spent more hours at your house than he did his own. And it’s not like he’s giving up his house either. He just took all the things he needed or wanted from there and put them in boxes so that he could have them here.
Most of the things were needed. Clothes. Bath bombs and his skin care routine. His laptop and his gaming system. Alf of course his books. You think if he could Jason would retire from acting and become a book seller or a book keeper. Maybe both.
You tear open the box with your hands and find it filled with books. Romance books. You knew he was a romance guy but you severely underestimated how much that was true. You pull out stacks at a time and put them on the floor.
Then you being to shelve them by author name on the bookcase you just brought for him. You would do color but every time you go to his house you notice Jason has them sorted either by name or height. 
As you get to the last books your eyes catch on something familiar. And what would be more familiar than your own face?
You pick up the book slowly. There is no way. There is no way he just has this book? When did he find it? 
You remember your manager telling you that the books stopped using your face a few months ago. Which means anyone who had them had brought them from re-sellers who had gotten them during the time the print was still active. 
“Uh, quick question.” you say.
“Shoot, lover.” he says. Then he’s walking into the living room where you are. He looks right at you without a worry on his face. He’s got on the apron you brought him as a joke. It was bright red and in white letters said ‘wanna lift the hood?’
His eyes then fall to the book in your hand and his smile drops. You watch in real time as his ears then his cheeks go red. He scratches behind his head.
“So you have this book with my face on it…” you trail off.
Jason laughs sheepishly. Then all of a sudden he’s taking off his apron and sitting next to you, like on his knees and his body angled right at you. You want to laugh at his alertness but you don’t want to ruin the moment.
“Look it’s not weird—I just had it before I met you. I didn’t, well if you want someone to blame you can find Bruce because he gifted it to me.” Jason rambles.
You nod along, “so you totally knew who I was when we first met?” 
“No I didn’t know who you were, I know how you looked which is completely different. I mean sitting across from you was like a dream come true.” 
“What?” You ask.
Jason breathes out slow. You watch this and decide to take his hands into yours. Your thumbs rub across the back of his hand, trying to comfort him, and urging him to go on.
“I have liked you from the moment I saw you, which was because of this book cover. And then one day you’re sitting across from me in a room about a romcom and I swore that fate or destiny was real because it lead me to you. And I can’t even begin to tell you how in love with you I am.” he speaks.
You know you’re tearing up because you sniffle through your nose. Which makes Jason let go of your hands and cup both sides of your face. 
“Don’t cry, hun.” he says.
“Sorry I’m just—you’re just. Everything.” you respond.
“I was planning on telling you.” 
You cock your head to the side, “When?”
“I guess after we had a conversation about how we both feel about marriage.” he answers.
Your eyes go wide.
“It doesn’t have to be now, don’t worry sweetheart. I can wait if your not ready. Or I can be okay if you won’t be ready.” he starts.
You shake your head violently, “No Jason it’s not that.”
How do you put it into words? How do you tell the man you’re in love with that you would marry him no questions asked and no regrets on a moments notice? How do you put it all nice and neat?
You turn your face inward and press a cheek to the inside of his hand. Jason smiles. You can faintly see his eyes get watery.
“Jason, growing up I didn’t think I was the marriage type. I always thought marriage was a thing you do for something or someone. But when I’m with you it’s different. It’s something I want to do with you.” you explain.
“You wanna marry me?” he asks softly.
You nod your head, “Whenever, wherever.” 
Jason can’t stop smiling. You can’t either. And when he pulls you in for a kiss it’s a mess of lips and teeth and giggles. But neither of you care. And neither of you care when you fall over top of him and he’s laying onto of his books that are poking into back.
This is what you wanted for the rest of your life. Jason Todd.
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zorilleerrant · 1 year
Tim would do anything for Bernard, he really would, which is why he's stalking around the docks in the middle of the night, when he would usually be on patrol - when he said he'd be on patrol - not even wearing his Robin gear, which makes him feel, if not naked, then at least like this is a bad idea. He's armed, because he's not quite that willing to go along with everything Bern has planned, but a pocketful of knockoff batarangs, a taser, and an extendable baton is still a lot less than he keeps in his utility belt. And he's not armored at all.
He's pretty sure Bern is armed, although clearly not armored, it's just that he didn't want to ask, because there's no way his boyfriend is going to be dissuaded by any kind of logic or emotional appeal, and while sex works some of the time, having him scramble out of bed in the middle of it because he just realized somewhere new to look for clues is... well, look, Tim's out at the docks in the middle of the night trying to avoid that happening again, isn't he. Tim doesn't want to worry more than he has to, therefore Bernard's most likely armed.
Oracle isn't in his ear, and things have been fairly quiet on the city-threatening and world-ending fronts, but it's still something he's going to catch disappointed looks for, because he did promise he'd do something. And this is something, but Tim can tell himself all he wants that maybe he'll stumble across a vital piece of evidence wandering around the city like this, he's still going to know how much more efficient it would be patrolling on his own, like he should be. And less nerve-wracking, too, not just because he's worried for Bernard's safety.
But Bernard doesn't want to look for missing homeless kids - that might not actually be true, Tim didn't ask - he wants to look for Batman's secret Robin training facility, which he has a 'solid lead' on, and he may not have a solid lead, but he has puppy eyes with the best of them, and he smiles like a madman whenever Tim grabs a coat and follows him out the door. Tim doesn't know why that's his favorite of Bern's smiles when there's the soft one he gets at a cheesy compliment, and the pleased one he gets when one of his pastries turns out just right, and the just shy of laughing one he gets when a song hits a mondegreen but he's in the middle of humming it. But Tim says yes, and then has to spend all night watching the shadows for things trying to get them both.
What Tim knows is this: there's been a rash of missing kids. Nothing reported, nothing the news would know to pick up on, and the few reporters who keep an eye on this kind of thing don't sound totally credible at the moment. But there are places people hang out - and places Jason always snaps aren't really best described by hanging out - and they aren't there, even at the times of day where they're most often there. Homeless kids, some, and other vulnerable kids, kids with less than stellar families, kids with risk factors, kids with problems they have trouble getting out of. No reports, sure, but rumors fly, and people ask Batman directly, it's gotten that out of hand. No bodies yet. No word, either.
What Bernard knows is this: someone saw a bunch of Robins where Robins don't usually deign to be, at hours they aren't usually there, training together in unison, uniforms all pristine like they just came off the assembly line. Tim doesn't have the heart to say it's probably just leftover meetups of We Are Robin, or even a fanclub that's not quite official enough not to worry about giving the wrong impression. There's no way to explain to Bern that there aren't really that many Robins, and anyway none of their uniforms look the same. By the time they're out in the field, they're already responsible for making their own. Even Dick did, back in the day.
Tim doesn't actually think this new group of vigilantes (or established group that Bernard just doesn't know about, maybe) is gathering to solve the pressing mystery of where everyone's friends went. That's too big of a coincidence even for Gotham. And he doesn't think it's probably them kidnapping kids and selling their organs or whatever, because the whole city knows how fast you get shut down wearing the Bats' symbols while doing anything they don't like. People who aren't so close to the fire might think Red Hood has some kind of leverage (and they aren't wrong), but they also know how tight a hold he keeps on his goons, and they know he doesn't fuck with people who break his rules. Jason's been losing his mind over this, anyway, and so it doesn't even matter whether they know how protective he is of the kids, they're going to know if they so much as try it.
So Tim can be sure anyone wearing his colors is at worst a mild nuisance, possibly a mild help. Bernard can't, though. He's too optimistic at what might not even be a real sighting - there are people there who lie for clout - and too paranoid to believe anything the news has to say about it, which is probably the only outlook he has right in the whole pipeline. (Tim also, possibly, knows that, possibly, there are some people who go on those sites and lie on purpose, not for clout, but to cloud the issue. Possibly.) He's just, and, okay, obviously this is a problem, so cute doing it that Tim finds himself accidentally believing it could be true. And for all he knows it could be Damian doing something stupid again, so doesn't he have a responsibility to follow Bern down the docks, hand in hand, warm callouses against his own?
Tim does still have his phone, and can tap out codes to the rest of the family when he sees what he inevitably sees down by the docks, and keep his phone on mute so that they can't lecture him about anything until later. So he doesn't even feel that guilty letting himself be led along and not worrying about everything else, none of which looks like any kind of human trafficking, or anything that could be corpses, either. (Well, one obvious mob thing, but it's a mob thing, and that's the harbor's problem now.) He's stopped telling himself he'll stumble across the answer, but he hasn't started telling himself he'll stumble across a bigger problem, so it works out.
Bernard turns around with a proud grin, the same proud grin he gets when a souffle turns out, prouder maybe, and Tim's stomach falls. That means he's been here before. That means he started investigating without Tim, and he found something, found enough to want to do a big reveal, putting his finger dramatically to his lips and helping Tim up the stack of crates. Tim's too numb to do anything but let himself be lifted, either, peeking his head in the window as Bern gives him a look that says, see?
See? Batman really does have a Robin factory.
The window is grimy, but not so grimy Tim can't see through it. And he does see what Bernard means. He can tell - but from experience, not from the details which are all that Bern can see from here - the armor isn't as uniform as all that, mismatched from make do parts, but as careful as it can be. And it's clear to him in a way it might not be to someone without Batman's training that they aren't moving quite in sync the way the purported clone army would, the way Tim and the rest of the family do when they take the time to train together for just such an event. But it's also clear it is Batman's training.
Bruce is at home right now, resting a broken leg. As much as they can get him to, but it was two days ago, and he's still high as a kite, and Alfred probably just told him he already patrolled. It's not Bruce. But someone is in there, with the cape, with the stance, with the way he walks up and down the lines inspecting everyone's form. Someone with the right proportions - the right height, the right build, the right chin jutting out from undeniably the right cowl. It's not just someone playing dressup. Or if it is, they're good.
Tim doesn't know whether this is a timeline thing or a universe one, shapeshifter, robot, clone, hallucination, military experiment gone wrong, wronged dark double of one stripe or another. But Bernard knows, or thinks he knows, that this is where Batman trains his Robins, grows them in industrial vats until they're roughly ten and then pipes them out and starts training them. And Tim doesn't know how to correct any of that, with all these kids, who now maybe are the missing teens, looking so similar in shape, so generic of feature under their bright costumes they might as well be the same.
Bernard kisses him triumphantly, and Tim can feel that gleeful smile pressed against his frown, but there's still Bern heavy in his arms, an anchoring weight against what's turned a problem not quite worse, but something he can't call off patrol in the face of, anymore. He needs surveillance in here, now. He needs to send Bernard home. And to do it, he needs to catch that disappointed look for not being proud of this horrible, horrible find.
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002yb · 2 years
Can you write something soft with Jaydick in a date? Pls
Nothing softer than busy boys purposefully making time for one another. //U//  They’re both aware that their lifestyles don’t exactly lend to healthy maintenance of relationships.  Content as they both probably are with finding creative ways (patrol dates!  post-patrol sleepovers!  reconnaissance meet-ups!) to spend time with one another, the charm would wear off after a while.  Not to say they don’t enjoy having those sorts of dates on occasion, of course.  But it’s important to have time together away from the stress of work (and lbr - family).
So they learn to make time for each other.  It’s not smooth sailing at all at the start.  They both have a bad habit of getting caught up on work/cases/missions/etc.  It leads to a cute little phase of them making impromptu visits to one another (with coffee or milk tea, a quick snack or a three-course meal to-go).  Which is also fun, but they can be better.
Needless to say, they don’t always do better LOL.  The effort is there though.  It’s not like either of them don’t understand what a struggle it is, too.  So while they might get down on themselves, they’re pretty chill with each other.  It’s always a good time to tease though.  Which leads to miserable apologies because guilt.  And then soft hugs and face holding as they check-in and see if they can help at all.
Sometimes they nail it though.  They just hit it out of the park hahaha.  When they’re energized they’ll do cute activities during the day.  Trampoline park, those giant bubble-balls on the water, mini-golf; hiking, going to the beach, day-tripping anywhere.  Volunteering together (at homeless shelters, or youth rec centers).  Scavenging second-hand bookstores for a book for each other and exploring new hobbies/skills together (alternatively them showing off what they already know that the other doesn’t know yet).  Just all the thoughtful things.  Simple, but romantic.
Surprise dates, too!!  Or just sweet quickie things.  Where Jason surprises Dick with breakfast in bed before Dick ducks out for a full day of day-job & night-job & everything that comes up in between.  ANd Dick turning up at Jason’s place unexpectedly, just at the window with a flower that Jason presses between the pages of some book.
These two are aware of how uncertain life is.  Their lives, in particular.  And Dick, especially, knows how unexpectedly someone can be lost (again and again).  So these two make the most of everything.
Also, related but kind of veering off the vibe above - ahaha these two finally sitting down for a traditional date at a traditionally ‘up-scale’ restaurant.  They’re both dressed up.  They just got there, but they’re having a good time.  Jason is shy because it’s intimate (which Dick teases him for because they were more intimate like an hour ago and - *smacks*).  But yes, Jason is out of his element, but Dick makes it comfortable.  Just steals all of Jason’s attention with heart eyes and holding Jason’s hand, bringing Jason’s hand to his lips to brush kisses over Jason’s knuckles.  And just laying the praise on.  And the filth, maybe.  And it’s so heavy-handed that Jason can’t help but laugh because omg, this man.  Dick.
That’s when Jason would see it - across the room.  And his eyes would widen and he’d straight up slump in his seat, sinking as low as possible.  Incredulous looks from the other patrons be damned.  Jason would try so hard to hide behind whatever was available (menu, little flower arrangement, a glass of wine).  Meanwhile Dick is just ??? and Jason panic whispers, ‘be cool, be cool’  and ahhhhhhahahah Dick startling when two hands clap over his shoulders and squeeze and - shit.  Dick would just take the deepest breath and tell himself, ‘be cool, be cool, be cool’ because it’d be Bruce hovering over him with all the protective dad energy and fffffffffffffffff -
Bruce was supposed to have dinner with the board of Wayne Enterprise.  Needless to say, he passes the responsibility off to Tim who is just OTL.  And then Bruce pulls up a seat and just sits between his boys, chaperoning the crap out of them ahahahah.
If anon would like a fully written soft date, I recently posted this to ao3!  It’s basically a Dickjay daytime date.  And they’re very sweet hahaha.
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wickedthiswaycomes · 2 years
〔 johanna braddy, 33, cis woman, she/her ) Rebekah Simmons was seen listening to miss americana and the heartbreak prince. Rebekah is a gymnastics coach and known to be empathetic & reserved ( caity )  
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full name; rebekah pearl simmons, married name rebekah tate
nicknames; bec, bekah, 
age; 33
birthday; october 1st
zodiac; libra
gender/pronouns; cis woman, she/her
sexual/romantic preferences; bisexual, biromantic
personality traits; empathetic, reserved, shy, 
Rebekah Simmons had it all. From the moment that she was enrolled at Huntsville Elementary School, other kids knew her and more importantly, they liked her. Her two older brothers were outgoing kids, able to befriend others quickly, and their parents enrolled all of their children in enough after school activities that they didn’t really have the ability to not make friends wherever they went. Rebekah, like her brothers, made friends quickly and her teachers quickly grew to like her. She wasn’t quite as active and excitable as her brothers, but was instead the kid that offered a bit of her snack to any kid that forgot theirs and was the last to leave the classroom for recess because she was waiting for a friend. 
It would have been easy to get lost in the shadows that her brothers cast, though Rebekah managed to create her own instead. She was a decent student and a great athlete-- her parents had enrolled her in plenty but gymnastics was the one that stuck. To everyone around her, Rebekah Simmons had it made. But no one else ever saw the sly commentary from Mrs. Simmons about her daughters looks and grades. No one else saw the way that her father controlled who she could spend time with and demanded that she just practice more. 
Jason was the first boy that ever actually asked Rebekah on a date and then to be his girlfriend. He was her first everything. They began to date when she was just sixteen years old (he was seventeen) and they just...never stopped. At first, it was perfect, straight from a fairytale. Her family loved him (sometimes she thought they liked him better than they liked her) and everything was easy. He soon fell into the same rhythms as her family did, prodding at her sore points over and over and over again. But still, they carried on because it was easier than stopping. So they did the whole thing-- marriage after a perfectly acceptable engagement period, buying the house, attending the family dinners. Rebekah never actually considered if she was actually happy. 
Everyone from their parents to their friends and the random cashier at the grocery store began to ask the couple when they would be expanding their little family. After all, they’d been married almost ten years at this point. Jason wanted children, he had always been vocal about that, a little too much at times. Rebekah was the one with reservations. After one particularly nasty argument with ultimatums thrown out, she realized that she’d had enough. She hadn’t been happy in years. She couldn’t remember the last time that she’d replied in earnest when he’d told her that he loved her. 
So she left. She packed a bag and a small box of what she considered important and she left. For the first time in her life, Rebekah Simmons had nothing but a clear road in front of her. It was the first time that she’d ever really gone against what everyone expected her to do. 
Rebekah has three young nephews and a niece that she loves. She hasn’t ever been able to quite sort out why the idea of raising a child with Jason always frightened her except that it felt so permanent. 
Absolutely abysmal taste in music. 
Best Friend - They’ve been attached at the hip since they were in middle school and know everything there is to know about each other. This person is probably the only person that Rebekah has ever given an inkling to about how she actually feels about just about anything. 
more to come, 
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pre1ude · 2 years
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@gareththegreat , 👫 for four headcanons about our muses' relationship
their first actual interaction with each other is so profoundly abysmal it gives danny war flashbacks to middle school. by the time it happens it's been about four months of quietly playing each other in dodgeball, during which a.) gareth grows the utmost contempt for new kid prisslord and b.) dan starts seeing their friendly rivalry as lovely opportunity for future friendship but is much too shy to approach gareth. he's sort of unnecessarily loud and chaotic, but his passion in a game is admirable. sometime near the end of the school year in '85 he hits gareth so square and hard in the face with a ball that his nose bleeds all over the court. when dan rushes to check him over gareth headbutts him out of sheer protective instinct (rich blonde fuck quickly approaching at his 11 o'clock, it's the jason instinct) and they both end up at the nurse's office with identical nosebleeds. the rest is history.
after that dan spends some 3 weeks trying his best to apologize (his chest hurts after arguments, man can't handle genuine conflict, especially since he can't exactly pinpoint why gareth acts like he hates him so much), but they just end up bickering every single time. gareth is immovable, danny is indignant. they slowly and stupidly grow closer through banter without realizing. it takes exactly five tries for daniel to fold his arms and call gareth a stubborn brat.
they bicker so. goddamn. much. some days gareth decides to be a contrarian for the fun of it and other days dan strolls up all prissy and far too matter-of-fact to be bearable. their arguments can span months (even years), it takes one mention for the whole topic to be resumed. i can only explain it like this: they're both viciously dead-set on winning an argument (honestly i have a lot more to say on this but let's keep it brief) and i love that for them. gareth is highkey the only person able to make dan lose his 'indoor voice' and dan suspects he relishes in it. in an act of cosmic vengeance, dan gives gareth the nickname 'picnic man' during one legendary fight about fashion superiority. he stills calls him that occasionally and is not sorry about it, gareth has no room to harp on his suits when he's wearing red plaid. they truly can't (and refuse to) agree on anything beyond a mutual dislike of jocks.
and maybe horrible parents. it's no secret gareth doesn't get along with the other keefers and daniel is well-aware of his reputation as the family's 'black sheep' before they're even friends. he'll never admit to assuming it to be true, but getting to actually know the man enlightens him on a few personal feelings he has on his own mother. the thing is: he gets it. he is painfully, miserably familiar with the inability to please a parent, the mistakes framed as failures, the need to rebel underpinned by a desperation to earn a love that is conditional, that has stipulations. and maybe he'll never talk outright about his mother, who he claims to love and appreciate and who he has deep, mangled scars from - both physical and psychological. and maybe it's far too easy to assume he agrees with gareth that, 'yeah, parents are shit', just for the sentiment because what could a rich, doted-on only child raised in the lap of luxury possibly understand. but if there is one thing he and gareth can agree on.. let it be that affection and support should not be constantly earned through the skin of your teeth. and maybe the way danny tries to support him through it and talks about it, vague though it may be, lets gareth know that he understands conditional love. and that he doesn't practice it. fuck the keefers.
he grows to understand gareth's anger and recognize the different facets of it that actually mean things like pain, fear, spite, sadness or resignation. danny sort of knows what it's like to have a language. his own is comprised of many silences that all have different connotations. and having your own language means being difficult to read and easy to abandon to your frustrating, indecipherable moods and danny hates how little control he has over it. so he understands quickly that gareth doesn't either. and sure, sometimes they get lost in translation, maybe misjudge a mood or a word, get short with each other, but daniel makes it a point to never just walk away. and yes, he uses his soft voice on gareth a lot.
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Slashers reaction to the reader referring to them as their boyfriend/partner to other people for the first time?
The Slashers reacting to their S/O referring to them as their Boyfriend/Girlfriend to other people for the first time:
Thomas Hewitt
It was no secret that you and Tommy were together, always by each other’s side, acting lovesick. 
Luda May wasn’t shy about voicing your relationship, already referring to you as Thomas’ partner and to Thomas as your boyfriend, she already had her mind set on a future of weddings and grandbabies. 
Her talk had always made the two of you flustered and embarrassed, neither of you really confirming her claims of your relationship.
You had been down at the gas station with Luda May and Thomas, she had asked Thomas to come to help move some crates and you had already been there to help her watch the place.
A group of travellers had pulled in, getting some gas and stocking up on snacks.
Being a friendly and trustworthy face, you were sent out to greet them and ask if they needed assistance. Thomas had been lifting another crate and had looked over to you, always protective over you, especially when it came to strangers. Eventually one of the men had commented on Tommy’s staring as he worked, scoffing to himself.
“Oh, that’s Tommy, my boyfriend. He’s just a little protective, you never know the type you might run into ‘round here” you reassured them with a smile, fully knowing that it was the Hewitt family that nobody wanted to run into around here.
Of course, Thomas overheard you, and your declaration instantly made him blush, quickly busying himself with his work again.
He’s overjoyed though, hearing you refer to him as your boyfriend, sounding so proud of him, he loved you so much and each day you convinced him that you felt the same. He also likes that these strangers know that you’re together.
Michael Myers
You were seeing some friends and Michael had gotten bored, heading out to find you and continue with his usual stalker shenanigans since he seems to enjoy stalking you when he’s bored and you’ve left him at home. He saw you talking to some of your friends, you were saying goodbye.
They had tried to get you to stay a little longer but you had smiled, telling them that you had to get home to your boyfriend. Of course they had demanded to finally meet this mysterious boyfriend but you shook your head at them before heading home, where Michael would already be when you arrived.
So, you had been referring to him as your boyfriend to your friends for a little while...he isn’t going to bring it up, he’ll act like he never heard it, like he was at home this whole time.
He won’t say anything but he ponders it for a moment, if that’s how you want to refer to him...he’s more than okay with that. Maybe more okay with it than he would admit to himself.
Jason Voorhees
You had gone on a walk through the woods and had wandered into the old camp. You hadn’t been aware of intruders but accidently stumbled upon a group of trespassers who had just arrived and where getting bags out of their car.
The group had turned to you, surprised but friendly. You, on the other hand, panicked a little, knowing you shouldn’t interact with them too much. Jason would be coming to deal with them some time soon. 
“Uh sorry...I was just looking for my boyfriend...bye!” you practically ran off, back towards the cabin, knowing that Jason would want you to be somewhere safe and out of the way. 
Jason had seen it all from his hidden spot in the trees. At first he had been worried when you stumbled upon the group, worried that you would get hurt or something.
But his heart fluttered when he heard you referring to him as your boyfriend, liking the way it sounded and how it made him feel.
You had been staying with him for a while now and the two of you had become close, certainly entering a more romantic relationship. But that was the first time you had used the title, and you had done so with so much ease.
Yes, he was your boyfriend, and he adored you.
Brahms Heelshire
You and Brahms were certainly dating, at least he definitely thought so and believed that you did too.
The delivery boy had come with your most recent grocery delivery, and you had answered the door. 
The two of you were chatting for a while, slowly irritating Brahms, who was sure that the delivery boy had a thing for you.
You had never really thought the delivery boy liked you but he was getting friendlier lately and you knew how much it bothered Brahms, so you had just casually slipped in some talk about your boyfriend (not mentioning Brahms’ name of course), just to get the point across to both of them.
The delivery boy had always been friendly and that had always made Brahms a little jealous but now that the man knows that you have a boyfriend, Brahms feel more confident that he won’t try anything and it makes him just a little less jealous.
Brahms is looking pretty smug when you close the front door and he comes to greet you, you barely have the chance to roll your eyes at him before he’s pulling you into a kiss. 
You can’t help but smile fondly at how proud and happy he seems with his new title.
Bo Sinclair
You and Bo had been getting closer, what you had definitely wasn’t ‘casual’ but neither of you had really talked about it. Bo didn’t like talking about that kind of stuff and you didn’t want to bring it up and put him in a bad mood. 
It was fine...until a group of visitors arrived in Ambrose.
It wouldn’t be the first time that a woman had flirted with Bo and he had allowed it, even flirted back to lull the strangers into a false sense of security. This would be the first time it made you jealous and you had every right to feel that way.
The flirtatious woman had laid it on fairly thick, Bo had only chuckled but hadn’t really returned the flirtations. You appreciated that but you still wished he would just tell her to stop or be a little less encouraging. You understood, you just didn’t like it.
Bo was looking at their car while you went to tell the group what was going on, telling them that ‘your boyfriend was just checking their car and should be done soon, he’s very good at his job’. You saw how the woman pulled a face at that, which satisfied you at least a little.
Bo had already been on his way over and had overheard how you had referred to him, making him smirk to him, both because of the title but also because of your jealousy. 
Now, he just had to mess with you.
He walked over, announcing that their car needed a new fan-belt as he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into his side.
You knew that he was being extra obvious in front of the woman, probably more to mess with you than anything, and you knew that he was going to tease you for this later on...but at least he was showing off your relationship in front of these strangers.
Vincent Sinclair 
When visitors to Ambrose came by, Vincent would watch from a distance (especially when it came to you, just to make sure you were safe). 
He’d listen to conversation he could catch, and he was currently listening to you speaking with the group about their car that they needed help with.
“Sure, I’ll just get my boyfriend, Vincent, to go pick up your car” you told the group politely with a smile.
Vincent was taken back by how you referred to him as your boyfriend, and how you did it so causally. He wondered if you knew he was listening, that he could hear you.
Obviously the two of you had gotten very close as of late, sharing more than a couple romantic moments, but you had never brought up the topic.
It’s fair to say that Vincent is a little flustered when he next sees you but you had truly made his day, made his week even.
Lester Sinclair
You were in Ambrose when a pair of strangers walked into the garage, telling you that their car broke down and some guy gave them a lift into down, saying that his brother owned the garage. 
“I’m guessing it was my boyfriend who gave you a ride” you chuckled fondly, obviously knowing that it was Lester but keeping up some sort of act. 
“Yeah, he did” Lester beamed proudly as he walked into the garage behind the pair. 
You blushed a little, getting a little flustered by getting caught referring to him as your boyfriend, not that he seemed to mind.
When he heard the way you referred to him, it just put a huge smile on his face. He kind of knew that he was your boyfriend but this was the first time you had actually said it.
He greeted you warmly, pulling you into a hug and kissing your cheek, still beaming. It was sweet really. If Bo had seen, he probably would have gagged.
Bubba Sawyer
The brothers had been bickering and arguing, which was nothing new. Of course, you had started to defend Bubba, since he was pretty unconfrontational.
Drayton had scoffed and complained about you defending Bubba. 
You had just responded with “well, he is my boyfriend”, without even thinking about it.
Nobody else (other than Bubba) was surprised by the word ‘boyfriend’. Just rolling their eyes at you and continuing with their bickering.
Bubba had the biggest smile on his face.
He accepts his new position as your boyfriend instantly. Yes, he is your boyfriend and he loves you so much.
He just gets a little giddy and wants to give and receive a lot of affection from you after that.
Billy Lenz 
You had been on the phone with a friend. They had invited you out for the evening but you had politely declined, telling them that you were spending the night in with your boyfriend.
Of course, Billy had been listening in on the conversation, and as soon as you referred to him as your boyfriend he was grinning like an idiot.
It was more than obvious that the two of you were in fact dating, you just hadn’t put a name on it and Billy hadn’t really thought to do so. He felt like you had just made the relationship official, but he was more giddy at the thought of other people knowing that he was your boyfriend, that you would talk about him so fondly to your friends.
As soon as you put the phone down, Billy is on you, wrapping you up in his embrace, making you giggle as you returned the gesture, wondering what had gotten into him.
“I’m your boyfriend” he stated proudly, grinning from ear to ear before peppering your face with kisses, making you giggle again.
“Yes you are” you agreed fondly, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Asa Emory (The Collector)
You were at Asa’s home when you got a phone call from a friend, asking if you wanted to hang out that evening but you already had plans with Asa. And that’s what you told them.
“Sorry, I’m spending the evening with my boyfriend” you told them, smiling when they complained about not having met your boyfriend yet.
As soon as you hung up, Asa appeared next to you, holding out a drink for you. You couldn’t help but get a little flustered, knowing he had heard and also knowing that you hadn’t really defined your relationship like that yet.
“You could have told me” was all he really responded with as he sat down beside you. Clearly not minding the way you referred to him.
Asa isn’t an idiot, he knew that’s where your relationship was, he just hadn’t brought up the conversation yet. Now it seemed like it didn’t have too, and that was good to know.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull)
You had decided to visit Jesse at his office, which he had told you that you could do whenever you pleased. When you arrive and were asking for him and the location of his office, you were met by a woman who seemed pretty hostile about your presence.
You definitely didn’t want to cause any trouble at Jesse’s work but she was being rude and you were getting tired, you just wanted to visit Jesse for lunch. 
“Look, I’m just here to visit my boyfriend, I’ll just call him and let him know I’m here” you sighed, about to give up as you pulled your phone out of your pocket.
Luckily, Jesse had just been passing through the reception and had witnessed the end of your conversation. Smirking to himself when you referred to him as your boyfriend.
He approached before you could unlock your phone, tucking it away again as you smiled up at him. 
Jesse nods to the woman, placing a hand on your back before guiding you up to his office.
Once you’re alone, he will playfully question you about how you had referred to him. After messing with you a bit and making you a little flustered, he reassures you that it’s perfectly fine. He is happy to call himself your boyfriend and to call you his partner.
From then on, everyone knows who you are and that Jesse is your boyfriend. You won’t be stopped or questioned again, don’t worry.
Otis Driftwood
You and Otis had gone to a nearby bar together, just to get out of the house and have a little fun. You had wandered over to the bar without him and when Otis looked over, he saw some guy flirting with you.
Jealousy and protectiveness (maybe some possessiveness) had Otis marching over to the two of you. 
“Uh, yeah sorry, I have a boyfriend” he heard you tell the man, shifting away from him in discomfort. You glanced around and relaxed when you saw Otis approaching. “There he is!” you smiled brightly, you were quick to push yourself away from the bar and meet Otis.
He instantly wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close to him, protectively and possessively as he glared the man down.
Damn right, he’s your boyfriend. And he’ll make sure everyone here knows it.
You had never actually called him that before, never actually made whatever the two of you had official. But now you had, that’s all he had to know.
Baby Firefly
You and Baby had gone out to a bar to have a few drinks and probably cause some trouble. She was dancing even though nobody else was, just her, having a great time, as you watched on adoringly.
Some guy and come up beside you and asked who she was. 
With a grin, you had proudly exclaimed “that’s my girlfriend!” 
Of course, Baby had heard you and smiled about it to herself.
Once she finished dancing, she returned to you and the same guy moved closer, introducing himself to her and asking for her to introduce herself in return. 
“I’m their fucking girlfriend” Baby stated proudly with a grin of her own, wrapping her arms around you as if to get her point across even more.
Yautja (Predator)
Of course introducing your family or your friends to your current partner (or ‘mate’, as he would call you) wasn’t really an option at the moment. But you had mentioned that you were seeing someone.
You were on the phone to a friend when they started asking about this mysterious person you had been seeing.
So, finally you told them to give your boyfriend some privacy, the two of you laughing before ending the call.
He had been referring to you as his mate for a while now and you assumed that was the same level, if not even more serious, than the title of boyfriend, so you figured it was okay.
And your mate thought so too. He knew what ‘boyfriend’ meant since you explained human dating to him, so when he heard, he knew what you meant and it just filled him with pride, knowing that you definitely felt the same as him.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
All I Wanna Be Is Somebody To You
A Jason Todd x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 2.6K Warnings: None
Author's Note: For the one anon who wanted a nervous reader! I hope I did this justice for you, darling! Enjoy! -Thorne
She didn’t hate talking. Not really. But the idea of holding conversations with people she didn’t know sent her heart fluttering and her throat tightening until it was impossible to breathe. More often than not, she found herself apologizing a lot for the stuttering or the repeating of things she said. Most people gave her odd looks, told her to stop apologizing so much (like that ever helped anyone), or laughed and told her she was cute—which was nice until she realized they meant in a childish sort of way rather than an endearing one.
But it wasn’t always like that. According to her parents, there’d been a time when she couldn’t stop talking. Always had something to say and had somebody to tell. Something changed during her years, she knew when, even if she didn’t want to admit it to herself or her family when they asked what happened to their outgoing and talkative daughter. Too many times she’d heard, “You know no one cares about X, right?” or “Oh my God, will you shut up?” and every time she heard it from a friend it dug into her a little deeper, made her shut her mouth tighter, and tore her heart much harsher.
And because she chose to be the silent type instead of the outgoing one, people assumed her arrogant and cold, distant and rude, and she found herself spending most of middle school and high school by herself. She was glad when graduation came, and while she’d dreaded giving her valedictorian speech, she did manage to get through it without too much trouble. It did feel like her one triumph against everyone who ignored her throughout school.
College freed her. Allowed her to make a flexible schedule, take smaller classes, and be solitary when she wanted. She’d refused a dorm room on the campus, living only fifteen minutes from Gotham University, instead choosing to commute daily and she liked it a lot more than having roommates in a four-bedroom apartment on the school grounds.
When she wasn’t in class, she stayed home a lot. It came with being a homebody, but when she did go out into the great big city, she liked to shop. Little antique shops or bookstores. She went to bookstores more than she did school. There was something so wonderful about finding a book in the shop and sitting down at a café and reading quietly. Which is how she met him, and for the life of her she couldn’t figure out why he wanted anything to do with her. She was quiet and shy, and he was open and flirty. They obviously didn’t match in any way, shape, or form. At least, that’s what she thought.
She drew her gaze along the wall of books before her, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she searched for the novel. It’d been a long time since she’d read The Count of Monte Cristo, a copy of her father’s that he’d had when she was just a child. Something had reminded her of it the other day and all she could think about was getting her own so she could annotate in the margins.
As she came across it, she started reaching when someone got to it first, one finger pulling it out by its spine before taking it into their hand. She visibly deflated with a soft sigh as it was the last copy and hung her head in defeat.
“I’m sorry, were you wanting this too?” Her head cocked up and she gazed at the young man before her. He smiled and she felt like she’d been shot in the chest at how dazzling it was. “Here, you can have it.”
Swallowing thickly, she shook her head, “You got it first.” Nodding, she added, “It’s yours.”
He cocked a brow at that. “Well, from the devastated look on your face, doll, you want it to be yours.”
Her cheeks warmed at that, and she felt nervous where she stood, resisting the urge to fidget under his scrutiny. “N-no it’s okay.” She said. “You take it.”
“Oh no you don’t. That’s not how this works.” He chuckled and took her hands, pressing the book into them, then he winked at her. “The doll deserves to have her book.”
If there had ever been a time in which she wanted to explode from embarrassment, it was then, and before she knew it, she shoved the book back into his arms and so hard that it must’ve knocked the wind out of him because he gasped. She spun around and took off down the aisle and out the front doors as fast as she could, wanting nothing more than to disappear in the crowded streets. That or sink into the ground. Maybe next week she’d come back and get the book. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be there again.
Then again, her hopes were always wrong, and she picked up the copy of The Divine Comedy, flipping it open to read the first page.
“I see you’re a fan of the classics, aren’t you, doll?”
She snapped the book shut when she heard his voice and looked over at him. Something inside annoyed her at the cocky smirk he wore, much more was the arm he had resting on the top of the bookshelf as he gazed at her.
“You know, you left a nice bruise on me the other week.” He quipped, shifting his weight to cross his ankles. “You’re pretty strong.”
“Thank you,” she muttered, turning to look back at the book. “Sorry I hit you…it was an accident.”
“Well, I can accept your apology if you tell me your name.”
“Why?” she questioned quietly, wiggling her toes.
“Because I wanna put a name to such a cute face. Why else?” he flirted, and she scowled at the book cover. “Oh, that’s an even more adorable face.”
“Quit doing that!” she hissed. “It’s not funny!”
He chuckled. “Oh contraire, it’s actually hilarious.” He took a step towards her. “I’m Jason, by the way.”
Her eyes darted to the outstretched hand, and she stared at it for a split second before softly shaking it. “(Y/N).” she murmured.
Before she could pull her hand back, he raised it and pressed his lips to her knuckles. “Enchanté ma chérie,” he professed, breath hot against her skin and just like before, she was so absolutely flustered she was yanking her hand back and poor Jason’s grip slipped, and he whacked himself in the face with his own hand.
“Nice to meet you!” (Y/N) yelped and scurried off down the aisle and to the register where she purchased her book in record time. Third time was the charm and she prayed that he wouldn’t be there again.
And whoever lived upstairs must’ve really had it out for her because she flipped the page in her One Thousand and One Arabian Nights and heard an exaggerated cough. Looking up through her eyelashes, she saw Jason standing there with a grin on his face. “Hello (Y/N),” he purred, and she immediately felt her cheeks become hot.
“Hi Jason,” she muttered, gazing at her book, listening to the chair screech as he sat down across from her.
“How are you doing today?” he asked, setting down his own copy of Arabian Nights.
(Y/N) cleared her throat, finding it harder to focus on the book over the smell of his woody and oriental cologne. She thought she smelled a twinge of tobacco with it. “I’m fine.” Her eyes found his teal ones for a moment. “And you?”
He smiled, making her heart pick up a beat. “Doing pretty good.” He winked. “I got to see you again. Though I’m hoping I don’t get hit again. Either by a book or my own fist.”
“Sorry…” she cringed, sinking down in her seat. “That was an accident.”
Jason shrugged and propped his elbows on the table, placing his chin on his fingers. “Don’t worry about it. Say, do you like coffee?”
“I do,” she murmured.
“Great, want anything from the café?” he asked, nodding at the board and she looked over at it.
“I guess I could order a latte,” she replied more to herself than him, starting to pull her wallet out.
“Nah, I got it.” Jason said, standing from his seat.
(Y/N) blinked. “Wait, what?”
“I said I got it.” He quipped and she jumped from her seat to stop him, but caught the leg of her chair, and she flailed, stumbling right into Jason. They went tumbling to the floor and she landed atop him. For a minute they were both stunned silent as the people in the store looked at them and he smirked at her. “Well, this saves me the trouble of asking you out to dinner.” He winked again. “Should’ve told me you had a bold streak, doll.”
She immediately scrambled up, placing one of her hands on his chest to shove off him when her leg slipped, and her knee went into his groin. He groaned and rolled over, holding his crotch and (Y/N) was so mortified all she could do was apologize profusely and at one point she was sure she was mixing up her words, but it didn’t matter. Grabbing her things, she started running off a third time.
Though she’d made it ten feet out of the door and down the street before someone grabbed her round the waist and hauled her to a stop. “Oh no! We’re not doing this pattern again! I am not getting hit a fourth time!”
(Y/N) spun in his arm and gaped at him. “I’m sorry!”
Jason sighed heavily and lowered his head. “Holy crap, I’ve never had such a hard time getting a girl to go out with me.”
“You wanna go out with me?” She pointed to herself despite her flustered state. “W-with me?” she gave him a dubious look. “Really? M-me?”
“Well, if you wanna hit me a fourth time to be sure, go ahead, but yeah,” he retorted then heaved another sigh. “Jeez, talk about getting hit on.”
(Y/N) spluttered at that. “I did not hit on you!”
“Right, you just hit me instead.”
“It was an accident! And I said I was sorry!”
Jason grinned at her and arm away. “Well, I’ll accept your sorry’s if you go on a date with me.”
She blinked at him. “A date? When?”
“Tonight.” He said. “There’s a bookstore down in the town square for insomniacs. Open until seven A.M. and serves a mean cup of hot cocoa.” Jason smiled and took her hand. “So? How ‘bout it, doll? Wanna go out with me tonight?”
All she could do was simply stare at this gorgeous man that obviously had a thing for her for some god forsaken reason. “Why?” she asked blankly, and he seemed to falter at that.
“Why what?” he repeated, confusion etching across his face.
“Why do you wanna go out with me?” (Y/N) gestured to herself. “I’m weird.”
“So am I.” he agreed.
“I stutter a lot.”
“So does my brother.”
“I don’t talk a lot. I don’t like talking a lot. People get mad at me when I talk a lot and I prefer to listen and you’re not going to like going out with me because I’m going to be super quiet because I get flustered easily and I—”
Jason put his hand over her mouth and stared at her. “Do you ever take a breath?” she nodded silently, and he sighed. “Look, (Y/N), it’s only taken getting shoved in the stomach with a book, getting punched with my own hand, and getting nut-shot to understand that you’re not exactly comfortable with the public.”
He removed his hand. “That’s why I invited you to the bookstore. Because even in the few weeks we’ve known each other, I know you like quiet places. But if you don’t feel comfortable going with me right now, that’s okay. We can take it slow.” Jason smiled at her. “Doll, all I wanna be is somebody to you.”
(Y/N) swallowed thickly and looked at her feet, whispering, “I…don’t wanna go out right now…but I’d like to give you my number…if you’re okay with that?” she shrugged. “We can text.” Feeling hopeful she reached out and placed her hang on his arm. “And get to know each other better? Maybe tell each other our favorite books? That’s…the best way in my opinion.”
His face lit up and he murmured, “I’d love that.” He pulled out his phone, tapping at it before he handed it over to her. “Here you go.”
She took it and looked at the contact name he’d already put in. My Flustered Doll. She glared at him. “You think you’re pretty cute, don’t you, Jason? You’re not. At all.”
He smirked. “Oh, is that so?” She nodded and he quipped, “We’ll just see about that then.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and typed in her number, handing him back his phone. “There you go.” He glanced at it, seemingly satisfied before he locked it and put it back in his pocket, then they met each other’s gazes and she awkwardly pointed over her shoulder. “I’m going home now.”
Jason caught her hand and kissed the back of it. “See you later, doll. Stay cute.”
She was hurrying off again, his laughter in her ears, unaware that their exchanging of numbers was going to evolve into so much more in the coming months.
“—And I’m pretty sure I can never show my face again at school, Jay. I’ve never been so embarrassed in all my life.”
He hummed, fingers gently dipping into her spine. “Well, this is coming from the girl that nut-shotted be in the middle of a busy bookstore.”
“Why would you remind me about that?” (Y/N) scowled. “It was an accident.”
“And yet it can’t be more mortifying than telling a guy to shove his head up his ass.” He retorted, eyes still closed as they basked in the sunlight streaming through the window. “This is at least a five on the ten scale.”
“More like a hundred.” She muttered, tucking her head under his chin. “I can’t believe I said that to him. Oh, I was just so—just so mad at what he said about my poem! He was just being mean!” (Y/N) gripped his sweatshirt. “You understand right?”
Jason nodded, his other hand resting at her hip. “Mhm.”
“You don’t think I’m overreacting, do you?” she frowned. “Everyone else thinks I am.”
“Telling someone that their poetry isn’t good because it isn’t iambic pentameter isn’t following constructive criticism, doll. It’s called being a douche.” She giggled and he bent his neck, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Call me next time Lord Douche-Canoe starts on your poetry again and I’ll school him on face-time.”
(Y/N) giggled again and rolled over, pressing them chest to chest and she grinned when he whined at her moving. “Thank you, Jason.”
He smiled at her. “I only take my thanks in kisses. Sorry, doll.”
Rolling her eyes, she bent down and pressed her lips to his. “I love you,” she murmured against him, and he hummed, hands grasping her hips.
“I love you more.”
“Nonsense?” he scoffed, pulling back to look at her. “I am willingly in a relationship with the girl who nut-shot me in—MMHPF!”
(Y/N) shoved a pillow into his face, face hot as she shouted, “Stop bringing that up! It was an accident!” All she got in return was his laughter.
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zyettemoon1800 · 2 years
more of team jabberwock
Random hc
Though he has the most money, he tries not to spend much of it if he doesn't have to.
When he is goes shopping he usually goes to places where his family or friends own it and he can get discounts off of it.
He also is in charge of choosing the clubs and restaurants so they can make sure that it's not too expensive but at the same time, they get a good experience.
Probably spends the most money out of everyone because he has to have the latest thing which leaves Nash yelling and fussing at him to be more responsible and not spend his money on the first thing he sees.
Though many people think that Jason is a community dick which in some ways he is. He really only acts like this to look cooler.
Like yes, he gets more girls than the others, but he doesn't sleep with all of them because he knows that some want more than a one-night stand and others want to try and trap him with a baby.
He is the quiet shy boy of the group when it comes to girls. He can barely get his name out of his mouth before most of the women lose interest and go to Nash or Jason.
He is also the gamer when he is not with his team.
He is just the quiet boy of the group. Most don't even know he exists until they hear him speak or bump into him.
He actually used to scare Jason when they first met, but after hanging around him, they both got used to each other...kinda
The most annoying motherfucker you will ever meet in your life. He is all about the cringe and bad jokes that would make a nerd look cooler than him.
He also went through this phase where he tried to "act cool and ghetto" because he thought it would earn with some street cred, however, it just made Jason and Nash hate him a little.
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All Men Have Limits - III
Character: Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne
Summary: A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.
Word Count: 3,500+
Previously on…
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Bruce was having yet another night without sleep. It happened often. And similar to the rest of the family, he just learned to function on very few hours of sleep.
So, he decided to make his way down to the kitchen.
But as he walked down the long hallway of bedrooms, he noticed that Y/N’s door was open. He glanced inside to see that it was empty and her bed was still neatly made from this morning. 
He looked down at this watch to see that it was almost 5AM.
A part of Bruce expected to find Y/N snacking or drinking coffee. But she wasn’t in the kitchen either.
Bruce sighed, realizing where she’d be and made his way down to the cave.
He expected to find Y/N with her eyes bloodshot and shoulders hunched over at the computers.
What he didn’t expect was to find Y/N passed out, slouched in the chair, knees in her chest and head balanced on the palm of her hand. How her elbow stayed propped up on the arm of the chair was beyond Bruce.
He smirked at the sight.
Perhaps she’d been spending too much time around the Wayne family. She was starting to adopt their bad habit of exhausting themselves.
Bruce knew she would be irritated if he moved her. But, honestly, he didn’t really care.
Carefully, Bruce slipped his arms behind her back – separating her from the chair – and then behind her knees, slowly lifting her into his arms.
Even though the movement was extremely smooth, Y/N still stirred.
“I was just taking a cat nap,” Y/N mumbled, but couldn’t even open her eyes to make the argument compelling. “I’m still working.”
“No, you’re not. Time to get some sleep.”
“Mmmm. Fine,” she slurred and tucked her head into his neck.
Bruce wasn’t sure if her mind even put together that it was him carrying her.
But he savored the closeness as he carried her out of the cave and up the stairs to the second floor of the manor.
When they got to her bedroom, Bruce put her down on the bed so softly, that she didn’t even feel it. Then he bent down to take off her shoes and unfolded the covers to tuck her in.
Just as Bruce reached the door.
Y/N woke up slightly and muttered, “Night, Bruce.”
His hand froze on the doorknob. It was so quiet that he wasn’t even sure if he had imagined it. But he couldn’t find the courage to turn and face her.
So he shut the door and let her sleep.
“Where’s Y/L/N?” Damian asked the table.
She usually ate breakfast with them.
“Still sleeping,” Bruce answered without looking up from the newspaper. “No one bother her today. She needs to rest,” that made him look up and give a warning look to Tim, Damian, and Dick.
Then Jason came stomping into the kitchen.
He grabbed a pastry and ate it standing up, getting crumbs all over the floor.
“Where’s ladylove?” He asked with his mouth so full that he looked like a chipmunk.
Bruce ignored him and looked back down at the paper.
But Dick frowned at him. “Don’t call her that.”
“What do you care?” Jason laughed.
Dick didn’t dignify the question with an answer. He just thrust his chair back and shoved Jason’s shoulder as he stormed past him.
“What’s his fucking deal?” Jason asked once he was out of ear shot.
“Watch your language,” Bruce warned with a glare from behind his paper.
Jason exhaled a laugh. “I’m not a kid. I also don’t live under your roof anymore.”
“And I consider that a gift,” Damian muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.
Jason smacked the back of his head.
Damian flew out of his seat and lunged for him. “I will end you, Todd!”
“Maybe when you hit puberty, demon spawn.”
“Damian!” Bruce shouted to get his son’s attention. His son snapped to attention. But then Bruce’s tone was eerily calm when he continued with, “Control your anger.”
It was something they’d been working on since Damian arrived at the manor. Bruce guessed that Damian would always have a temper. But he needed to learn how to control it. Through time and practice, he got better.
Damian took in a deep breath, but still looked like he wanted to murder Jason.
“I will be training,” Damian announced through an irritated sigh before leaving.
Bruce glared at Jason. “Don’t push him.”
“He started it.”
“You claim you’re not a kid, so don’t act like one.”
“Speaking of kids…” Jason started with a smile.
Bruce swiftly stood up. “Don’t even try.”
Then he was gone as well, leaving just Jason and Tim.
“Well, it appears everyone is in a rather bad mood this morning,” Jason joked.
But there was no response from Tim.
“Are you sleeping with your eyes open?!?” Jason yelled.
That woke up Tim and he jumped. “Huh? What?”  
Y/N would’ve slept the whole day if she hadn’t smelled the coffee and breakfast.
She winced as she woke up to see if her mind was playing tricks on her.
But on top of her nightstand sat a beautiful, antique tray with a full American breakfast on it, a cup of water, a giant mug of coffee, and a little vase with a tiny flower in it – a single, pink peonie.
Y/N rubbed her eyes awake with a shy smile.
Alfred was way sneakier than she realized if he could bring in a full tray like this and not even wake her up. She must be far more exhausted than she originally thought.
But then a piece of paper caught her eye. A note.
Y/N reached for it.
In the neatest handwriting Y/N had ever seen, she read:
“Perhaps you should take the day to relax. I apologize for my behavior last night.”
Y/N snorted at the word ‘behavior.’ Everything he had done last night was passive. It was more of an energy and tension than actual behavior. But Y/N had to give him credit for being aware of it. He had annoyed her last night, especially when Dick somehow took the fall for her own actions regarding her own life.
She ate the food at a disturbingly fast rate, not realizing how starved she’d felt until taking the first bite.
She would definitely miss Alfred’s cooking when she finally left Wayne Manor… whenever the hell that would be.
Y/N hoped it was sooner rather than later.
‘No, you don’t. Liar.’ A voice said inside her head.
Once Y/N had finished eating at light speed, she threw on a pair of baggy jeans and a cropped sweatshirt. She grabbed her coffee and carried it through the hallway.
She heard typing coming from Bruce’s office. He hadn’t used the room since she starting stay at the manor. So, her curiosity got the best of her and she leaned into the doorframe.
Bruce was wearing a navy polo that fit tight on his toned body. He was behind the desk, typing on the computer with his brow folded in concentration.  
He immediately noticed her presence and looked up from his work.
“Hi,” she said shyly before she leaned her back into the doorframe and took a sip of coffee.
“Hi,” he smiled back.
“Thank you for the breakfast.”
Bruce leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms. “I can’t take credit for the actual cooking,” he admitted with a smirk.
“Oh, I know.” Then she looked around the study. “I was on my way to the cave when I heard you in here.”
Bruce frowned at that. “I thought you were going to take the day off.”
“I think you thought I was taking the day off.” Then she raised an eyebrow and glanced at all the work spread out on his desk. “Maybe you should take a break.”
“This is Wayne Enterprises, not my…nighttime…activities.”
Y/N shrugged and sipped more coffee. “Still work.”
Bruce rubbed his face. “Guess so.”
“I’ll make you a deal,” Y/N walked into the room and didn’t break eye contact. “If you take the day off, so will I.”
She expected Bruce to immediately shoot down her offer.
But he was smirking as he considered her proposition.
“Deal,” he told her before standing up and walking out from behind the desk.
He got unnecessarily close, invading her space.
Bruce held out his hand.
Y/N grinned at the formal gesture, but shook his hand.
But when their hands gripped together, the gesture no longer felt formal. It felt intimate. Y/N’s grin fell when she acknowledged it.
“What did you have in mind?” Bruce asked. He put his hands in the pockets of his slacks.
If he felt the same intimacy as she had, he didn’t show it.
Y/N cleared her throat. “How about something simple? Maybe a walk?”
Bruce nodded slowly. “A walk sounds good.”  
“Well, then what are we waiting for?” Y/N sassed.
He shook his head and almost rolled his eyes before gesturing to the door, silently telling her to go first.
Next thing Y/N knew, she was getting an informal tour of the grounds at Wayne Manor from the owner himself.
Y/N listened closely, genuinely finding all the history interesting. Bruce was surprisingly a good storyteller – even if he was more informative than colorful.
“I know you had a hard childhood. But it still must’ve been nice growing up in a place like this,” Y/N tried to tell him.
“I suppose so.”
He glanced at Y/N and found her giving him an encouraging look, as if she was silently begging him to say more, to share more.
But he left it at that.
“Damian is rather fond of animals. That’s why we updated the old outbuilding. He keeps his horses there…amongst other things.”
Y/N chuckled and nodded, “He was telling me about Batcow the other day.”
“I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate me telling you this, but I think Damian has enjoyed having you around – all the boys have.”
Y/N hummed and turned to fully face Bruce. “And what about you? Have you enjoyed having me around?”
“Wayne Manor is the safest place for you right now.”
“That’s not what I asked, Bruce.”
But he already knew that.
Y/N waited. Because she wasn’t going to let him ignore her question.
“Dick has taken quite a liking to you,” Bruce said quietly.
“Don’t change the subject,” Y/N snapped.
He opened his mouth to continue, but she cut him off.
“We’re not talking about me and Dick. We’re talking about me and you.”
Bruce’s jaw tightened.
Y/n took a step closer to him. “Why did you kiss me the other night?”
He tilted his head to the side. “Did you not want me to?”
“What does it matter?” Y/N sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “I want to know what you’re thinking. I thought I put up walls. But you give me nothing, Bruce. Absolutely nothing. One second I think you see me as a nuisance, then the next you’re fucking kissing me.”
“You’re not a nuisance.”
“Oh, he speaks!” Y/N threw up her arms.  
“What do you want me to say, Y/N?” He asked evenly.
Always calm and collected. Overly polite. Controlled. Closed off.
“Forget it,” Y/N breathed and started walking back to the manor.
But after she was a few yards away, she realized she wanted to say one last thing and turned back around.
“Not that it matters. But I did. I did want you to kiss me.”
“Then why did you run away?” Bruce asked.
“Because I knew you would do it eventually. And I was trying to protect myself.”
So much for a “day off.” When Y/N was upset, she turned to her work to take her mind off of things. Was it denial? Was it displacement? She didn’t like to dwell on it. And most of the time, there was no one in her life to call her out for it.
Y/N thought she was emotionally distant, but Bruce won that race by a landslide. And she found it infuriating.
It was interactions like the one she just had that made Y/N think everything Dick tried to tell her about how Bruce saw her was utter bullshit.
Y/N arrived to the cave with an energy she was definitely not expecting.
Damian and Dick were training on the lower level while Tim and Jason observed from the sides.
Y/N had seen footage of each of them fighting before. It was one of the research pieces she’d watched while investigating them before figuring out their identities. But seeing it in person was a completely different experience.
Dick was using his escrima sticks,  while Damian had his katana.
Jason noticed her arrival and made his way over with a smirk.
“Was wondering when you’d wake up,” he greeted.
“Please tell me that’s a sword for training and not an actual blade,” Y/N asked nervously while her eyes followed the two dancing around each other. She could even hear the blade slicing through the air.
“Don’t worry. They won’t seriously hurt each other.” He had a little side smirk. “Especially since Dick is Damian’s favorite.”
Y/N looked at Jason. “I always assumed Bruce was his favorite.”
He shrugged. “Dick’s been a father to Damian far more than Bruce ever has.”
She didn’t have anything to say to that. It caught her by surprise a bit.
“Can you fight?” Jason asked her.
Her eyes widened. “No. I don’t know how to do…anything. I did one of those boxing workout classes. I hated it. All the instructors are male models, and that’s their side hustle.”
“I can assure you that was not boxing,” Jason laughed. “Why haven’t asked one of us?”  
Y/N shrugged. “Seems like a waste of your time.”
“No, it sounds like a fun time,” Jason corrected.
She laughed at that.
They both watched the two again.
A few moments went by before Y/N quietly added, “I have a gun. I don’t really know how to use it. But I thought it was necessary with my…line of work.”
Jason nodded slowly. “These pansies have a certain aversion to guns.” He looked down at her. “If you need me to show you a few basics, let me know.”
Y/N quickly looked at him. “T-Thank you.”
He laughed. “Don’t look so surprised.”
Jason Todd may have been labeled an anti-hero or even a criminal at one point. But deep down, he was still a Wayne. And even though he had the reputation of the bad boy, they all knew he was a sweetheart deep down. However, Y/N was now just seeing it.
Y/N jumped when Damian was slammed to the ground.
“Jesus,” she hissed.
“He’s fine,” Jason insisted.
But then he leaned closer and started pointing out certain moves to her. 
“With Dick’s gymnastics background, he incorporates a lot more acrobatics and moves that require more flexibility. He’s good at improvisation. He also leans more toward taekwondo. But with his escrima sticks, he also uses arnis.”
He looked down to make sure he wasn’t boring Y/N before he continued.
“He almost moves like a dancer,” she thought aloud, proving she was interested and engaged.
“Exactly,” he nodded. “Whereas Damian is still a kid. It’s less about power and more about agility. Before he got here, he was trained to kill. He’s mastered the sword better than any of us – but don’t tell him I said that. Damian’s had to adjust his technique and turn it non-lethal.” He smirked, “Just think devil ninja and that pretty much sums it up.”
Y/N laughed.
“And Tim?” She asked.
“Tim leans towards Kobudo, which is an ancient style developed by the Japanese. He prefers to use a battle staff. He’s smaller, so his technique is very calculated and controlled. Every move he makes counts for something. He’s extremely observant and can read his opponents like a book. Dick tries to create his openings, while Tim waits for the exact right moment.”
“Smart,” Y/N commented.
Jason nodded in agreement.
She turned back to him. “And you? What’s your style?”
“Brutal,” a voice said behind them.
Y/N whipped around to see Bruce standing behind them with his arms crossed. He’d changed, and was now wearing a tank top and sweatpants. Clearly he came down with the intention to train as well.
Jason didn’t seem surprised nor did he acknowledge him, meaning he probably knew the moment Bruce had arrived. He just didn’t care to notice him outwardly.
“Wing chun. Heavy-weight boxing. Krav Maga,” Bruce continued as if he was just listing of stats. “Angry…” he shrugged, “sometimes reckless.”
Jason scoffed at that.
“And he can’t seem to get over his complex for guns,” Bruce finished.
Jason turned to him. He was just an inch or so taller than Bruce. But he looked like he was twice the width and his muscles were somehow even bigger.
“Should we give her a show, B?” Jason offered with amusement.
“We’re not a spectacle, Jason.”
Jason looked down to Y/N. “Such a party pooper this one.”
She smirked at his sass. Bruce was not in her good graces right now, so she would support any and all mocking of him.
Y/N hadn’t even looked at Bruce since he arrived. And now she was choosing it as a perfect time to finally make her way to her computers and away from him.
Jason didn’t miss the cold shoulder. “What did you do to piss off yet another woman?”
Bruce glared at him, and walked down to the training area with the boys.
Jason followed after him. 
He looked back and forth between Bruce and up at Y/N, a plan developing in his head.
“$100 bucks Bruce can lay out Dick in two minutes,” Jason said loud enough that Y/N could hear him.
Tim and Damian shared a smirk.
Bruce and Dick glared at him.
“I’m not betting against that,” Damian announced.
Tim smiled. “But I will.”
Dick shook his head in submission, “Fine.”
Bruce needed the practice, even though he was aware Jason had ulterior motives with his request. So he just gave Dick a look of consent.
Y/N tried to ignore what was happening, even though Jason made it very clear for her. She heard the sound of fists and feet hitting skin. He heard their grunts of pain and exertion.
It wasn’t until she heard Dick torment Bruce with, “Come on, old man,” that Y/N couldn’t help but turn to watch them below the platform she worked on.
Dick’s teasing worked, but not in his favor.
Bruce no longer took it easy on him. Maybe that’s what Dick wanted, but he was now on the defense.
They were fighting hand to hand. No escrima sticks or gadgets. Just hand-to-hand combat.
Y/N could tell the that Dick was starting to get frustrated. 
Bruce, however, seemed completely calm. He knew all of the boys’ fighting styles and taught them the majority of what they knew. There was a part of Bruce in all of them. It almost made for an unfair fight. 
Their movements got faster and faster. Y/N was struggling to figure out what was even happening anymore.
But just when she was about to give up her observing and get back to work, Bruce managed to get a proper grip on Dick and flipped him over his shoulder.
Dick landed on his back hard. So hard, that Y/N heard the smack and the sound alone made her feel sick.
Y/N gasped, and put a hand in her mouth when the sound came out louder than she expected.
Jason, Tim, Damian, and even Dick glanced up at her.
But Bruce was staring down at his opponent.
“Your weight placement was off and you know how to get out of that hold,” Bruce lectured. “You know better.”
Dick glared up at him.
Bruce offered him a hand up, but Dick ignored it.
“I know,” Dick growled as he got to his feet.
“You’re letting yourself get frustrated. It’s causing your mistakes.”
“I said I know,” Dick snapped louder this time.
Before an argument could really start, Alfred made his presence known by clearing his throat.
All the boys looked up at him, as well. 
“What is it?” Bruce asked.
“I was rather certain you’d forgotten. Seems I was right.” Alfred cleared his throat. “I came to remind you all that the annual gala for the Martha Foundation is tomorrow night at the manor.”
“Can’t we reschedule it,” Damian whined.
Bruce shook his head. “The Court of Owls is made of Gotham’s elite – many of who are invited. If we cancel, it will cause suspicion.”
“You can’t honestly think we should risk that with Y/N being here,” Dick called out, gesturing up towards Y/N.
Bruce and Dick had a silent conversation.
Y/N knew it was about her, so she did not appreciate being excluded.
“Oh, wow. Looks like one of my safe houses is finally more secure than this place,” Y/N spoke up melodramatically.
But she should’ve known it wasn’t going to be that easy to escape.
Next chapter is gonna be fun, guys. 😈 But let me know what you thought of this one. 
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Jason//you’re all my birthday wishes rolled into one
Request: Can I request a Jason blossom where he gets jealous of the reader spend time with Cheryl it's because she and Cheryl are planning his birthday surprise
hey! i hope you like this!! i was a bit stuck at first, but thanks to @statticscribbles we managed to figure it out! 
Something’s not right. 
Jason can feel it in his bones, something is missing and it’s throwing him off everything. He’s lost every game for the past three weeks, he’s scored way below average on every test, and he just feels an aching sense of loss. Like when you go from having your phone in your back pocket all the time, to suddenly leaving it at home one day and you just know that it’s gone and that nothing will be right until you get it back. 
Yeah, that’s how he feels. But his phone is in his bag, like it always is during a game. No, it’s you. You’re the reason he feels like this, because you’re not where you usually are. Normally he doesn’t even have to look for you, you’re always sat in the same seat cheering him on, and usually he can hear you before he see’s you. 
But tonight he can’t, and it feels like the hole that you’ve left behind when you’re not there, has only grown bigger over the weeks. 
Usually he’s used to you being right there, always beside him with a bright smile and a sarcastic comment. You make him laugh when the weight of being a Blossom get’s too much, and he always replies the same thing, that he could make you a Blossom with just one question, but you never get the hint and he always get’s the same reply, ‘i don’t think your future wife would appreciate that.’ 
And he looks at you, as you usually get distracted by something else, and he longs to be able to tell you how he really feels. How when you’re stood beside him, he feels like he can do anything. That he’s not good at football because it’s in his genes, it’s because he knows you’re close and cheering him on. 
It’s something he’s felt ever since he was young, even when he didn’t know what it was that he was feeling. He just knew that if you were off sick, he would feel sick. And that if he asked to hang out and you were already busy with your family, he would mope around the house until he was able to see you again. He insisted on having you come to all of his birthday parties, even when you were on holiday, he would wait, much to the dismay of Cheryl, and then the two of them would have their birthday party a week later, just so you could be there. 
But then he looks to the side of the pitch, and he notices Cheryl watching the time on the board. She bites her lip as it slowly counts to the end of the game, and when the whistle is finally blown, she practically sprints back to the school, leaving Jason puzzled and sweaty. 
It seems like the only Blossom you want to hang out with recently, is her. The two of you have been inseparable, and he starts to see why people get so annoyed when he hangs out with you if that’s how the two of you act together. 
Whenever he walks into a room, you and Cheryl freeze and go silent. He hears the hushed phone calls and see’s all the sneaking about, and thinks that maybe you’ve had enough of him and now prefers her. 
He doesn’t blame you, she’s confident and funny and doesn’t take no for an answer, compared to him, she’s a lion and he’s a mouse. He’s confident, but not in the right places and it’s understandable that you would eventually realize who the better Blossom is. But it doesn’t sting any less, and it doesn’t stop him from wanting to cry every time he see’s the two of you together, always sneaking off to do something and coming up with the worst excuses when he questions either of you. 
He sighs and re-adjusts the bag on his shoulder. All of his friends have now disappeared, and he doesn’t think he’s ever seen the entire team move quicker while getting changed. They were practically sprinting out of the day as soon as Jason came out of the showers. 
So now he’s moping, with slightly soggy hair and a permanent frown. He lost the final game of the season and now he’ll have to go home and listen to his mom whine at him for something she’ll decide when she see’s him. 
His head hangs low as he shuffles down the dark corridor and he wonders what you’re doing. He tries to think back to the last time you had an actual conversation, and whether or not he said something that could have upset you. But he can’t think of any reason why you’d be ignoring him, and how in a weeks time he’s going to be eighteen and he’ll be celebrating with everyone but who he truly wants. 
He thought his tenth birthday sucked, it was the year you got chicken pox and became banned from anywhere that wasn’t your house. He remembers looking around at all of his friends, and even then he knew that something wasn’t right because you weren’t there. 
Now, almost eight years later he feels the same, only this time he knows what he’s feeling. He loves you, he’s so in love with you that when you’re not around he feels like half of him is gone. He doesn’t know how to function without you, you make him feel safe and loved, just by standing beside him. 
“Hey!” Archie shouts causing him to stop and turn around. “Coach wants to talk to you in the gym.” He adds before walking in the opposite direction. Jason frowns and then sighs heavily before dragging his feet back up the corridor and towards the gym.
The wooden doors open with a loud creak, and he huffs, knowing that he is no doubt going to be shouted at. Why can’t he just go home and cry in silence like he normally does when he’s stressed? 
“Surprise!” His eyes widen at the sudden noise and he looks up and locks eyes with you, grinning and holding a party popper with too much enthusiasm. He then looks behind you, and notices everyone else. All his friends, his family, even some people that he has no idea who they are, they’re all stood grinning at him. 
Cheryl stands beside him and wraps an arm around his shoulder, while you shove a party hat on his head. 
“Happy birthday JJ.” She says and squeezes him. Music plays through the speakers and Jason smiles at the opening lyrics of his favourite song. You smile up at him, and then wrap your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug and he lets out a breath he feels like he’s been holding for the last three weeks. 
“Happy birthday!” You grin and motion to the decorated gym. It’s covered in balloons and banners and pretty lights. There’s a football theme throughout, even down the cake that has clearly been decorated by you and Cheryl seeing as though it’s wonky and has some of the icing missing from the back. 
Tears sting in his eyes and you look at him concerned.
“Is it too much? I’m so sorry, it’s just we wanted it to be really special because it’s a big birthday but I knew we should have just done it somewhere a little smaller but Cheryl insisted the gym becaus-” You’re cut off by his lips on your and your eyes widen as his hands cup your cheeks. 
You can hear gasps and cheers from behind you and your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, which is then quickly taken over by the need to kiss him back. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to you and the cheers get louder, however, you can’t hear them. The only thing you can hear is your own heartbeat.
“I thought you preferred Cheryl over me.” He laughs once he pulls away, his voice barely above a whisper and you giggle quietly. 
“Never, you’re my favourite.” You reply. 
“Understandable.” He shrugs and Cheryl rolls her eyes at him. “But you’d been hanging around with her so much that it just felt like you’d forgotten I existed and I didn’t know what to do without you, which I know sounds really stupid because now I know that you were planning all of this and it’s incredible, thank you.” He rambles and presses another kiss to your lips. “This is the best birthday ever.” He whispers in your ear and you feel your cheeks heat up as a shy smile pulls at your lips. 
“As happy as I am for you both, seeing as though I have been waiting ten years for this to happen.” Cheryl motions between the two of you. “But this cost a lot of money and a lot of time, so if we could get to the partying now and then you can sort out whatever this is later on, that would be great.” 
You and Jason look at each other and roll your eyes, but the matching smiles on your faces prove that neither of you care about the party anymore, the only thing that matters is that you’re by his side again, but this time there’s no small gap between you where the line between friends and something more sits, it’s been crossed and held tightly in your intertwined fingers. 
support my writing! if you want! 
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spilled-some-blood · 4 years
Dating The Slashers Include
Includes: Bubba Sawyer, John Kramer, Billy Loomis, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, Stu Macher, Amanda Young, and Tiffany Valentine
Warning: Slight smut warning for Freddy (but are you shocked?), but mostly just fluff
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Dating Bubba Would Include: -Starting off as probably best friends -laughing and walking around a lot together -becoming very close, somewhere in between friends and lovers -you making the first move -maybe by accident -you’d probably be talking to him and Choptop -“Why don’t you ask that guy out?” -“Because I like Bubba, remember.” -“You do?” -luckily, he likes you too -going on a first date -it not being awkward at all -if you go out on the town, you end with a hot cup of tea and new clothes, wanting to get him out of the blood covered apron -back at home, laughing and hand holding, forgetting it was actually a date -you end with a soft kiss -both of you blushing madly -the two of you will sit on a sofa and Bubba mumbles about anything -being the last ones awake -Bubba falling asleep on your shoulder -you are smiling -you also falling asleep, not wanting to wake him up -the next morning, you greet with a kiss, as if it has been done a hundred times already -every night, before bed, cuddling on the sofa and cuddling together -searching for Choptop with him -just to please him -always being amazed at how smart he is even though he can’t talk -he knows everything about you -just on his own way -stroking his hair in a calming manner -always holding hands -quick kisses -favourite place is his room, where you can sit close and lay your head in his lap while in a puddle of happiness -spending holidays with each other -one time by him, one time with you -just being cute together -always thinking of each other -general love and sweetness
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Dating John Would Include: -Reading books together in the living room with a blanket draped over you. -Laying your legs on top of his whilst attentively looking over the pages. -Him playfully starting to trace patterns on the bottom of your feet, fully knowing that you’re the most ticklish person ever. -It eventually became a full-on tickle fight. -But when you’re starting to scream for mercy he’ll stop so you can breathe again. -Making traps together as well. -Him giving you tight hugs every time you remind him you love him. -Snuggling into his jigsaw robe. -It kind of smelling like him. -He gives you neck kisses and collarbone kisses and doesn’t matter what kind of kisses… -Cause they’re loving and soft and gentle just like him around you. -He looks at you with sleepy puppy eyes and it melts you every. single. time. -Over all, he is so very happy about being with you. -Because you’re kind and amazing and loving towards him, and he can’t quite understand what you see in him. -But you make sure to remember him, very often, that he’s just as lovable as you. -And he will never appreciate someone more than his beautiful girlfriend/boyfriend.
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Dating Billy Would Include: -Him coming up with pick up lines and always strolling up to you casually, looking you up and down, as he bites his lip and says something stupid -Billy dragging you to see a movie he loves -Going to see it with him but him smiling the entire time -Acting up together -You're concentrating on something and he'd look at you and forget to breathe -Nose kisses -Neck kisses -Changing study locations due to the seasons/weather -Quiet 'I love you's' -Cheek kisses -Trips to the kitchen to bring a worrying amount of sweets back to the room -Stu forcing you to share -Having a competition to see who can scream 'I Love You' the loudest -Having a very public relationship -Seeing each other across the hall or corridor and running dramatically into each other's arms and hugging -Stu would tell you off but you could see a twinkle of laughter in his eyes at your escapades -Sudden passionate kisses when you realise you’re alone -'It's been 1 day, 5 hours, 12 minutes and 6 seconds since I’ve seen you' -Comforting him when his dad hurts him -Stu always laughing when he sees him zone out because he's thinking of you -Spending most of your time together -Your family loving him instantly -Warm, comforting hugs to keep each other stable -Sitting in peace, tracing patterns on each other's skin -Having a very goofy relationship -You almost never stop laughing -Cuddling almost constantly -Whispering 'I love you' against your neck as he places soft kisses against it -Playing with his hair -Being the 'It' Couple -Braiding his hair even though it's short so it ends up being multiple little random braids in his hair -Him laying his head on your lap -His HAIR -Soft sighs falling from his lips as you lightly scratch his scalp -Him putting his cold feet on you when you're in bed -You shrieking and kicking him off -Wearing his Ghostface outfit -Double dates with Stu and his dates -You brushing his hair -Him attempting to brush yours -Watching the stars -Lazy days cuddling on the couch -Playing with his hair. A LOT -Putting flowers in his hair -Just loving his hair -"Sometimes I think you're only dating me for my hair" -"I am"
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Dating Michael Would Include: -Him being extremely protective over you -No one daring to pick on you because of this -Shy smiles and glances -Believing in him -Him opening up to you and showing you his kind vulnerable side -Sharing secret kisses -Getting unexpected gifts -Him smiling when he sees you wearing his stuff especially his jumpsuit -You bring out the better side of him -Sitting by the couch and leaning on each other -Teaching him out to act out rationally, not on anger -Holding hands in public with your hands locked tightly by your sides -Him getting jealous of other guys and you teasing him about it -You being the big spoon because even though he acts really proud, he likes to be held at night -Sneaking around a lot -Midnight rendezvous -Neck kisses -Him calling you stupid nicknames to annoy you -"How are you, my sugar-drop?" -You hit him on the shoulder and him acting as if it didn't hurt but oh my god it does so much -Lazy Sunday mornings where you just sleep the day away -You wrap your arms around him from behind and hugging him tightly -Waking up to him tracing patterns on your skin with light fingers -Always trusting you with absolutely everything -Lots of giggles -Midnight dates -Deep talks in the middle of the night, either in bed or over anything. Him always playing with your hair -Him always being able to be himself with you -Suggestive grins during class -Sending animal-shaped notes to each other -Him being a perfectionist -So much sarcasm -Him laughing at you when you won't admit that you're a bit jealous of all the female and male attention he receives -You hiding his stuff to tease him -But him not being able to be upset with you -Arguments about minor things but both of you not meaning it seriously -Stolen kisses -Lots and lots of neck kisses -Sneaking into each other's homes -Back rubs -Cuddles
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Dating Freddy Would Include: -Sometimes starting conversations but loving the silence of the moment. -At night he never lets you roam around without him. -After he tells you about how everyone hate him, understanding why. -But still doing after and it becomes a thing for you. -Starting to let you in more about his plans. -But carefully -Loving (ssshhh) your curious side and how you wanted to know more about all his slasher friends. -"So If that's the most painful place for a man where is it for a woman?" -"Well aren't you a curious little thing dear." -The other slashers not minding you. -He obviously had told them not to harm you. -You getting along with Chucky after you get to know each other a little more. -"Okay, now I know why he is your favourite. He is really interesting under his arrogance and big ego," you say and Freddy smirks. -"Hey, I heard that f-! " *Freddy looking disapprovingly* "......lovable normie" -Taking a stroll with him in the nightmare realm. -Gripping his hand tightly. -Playing it cool but when a bird scares you, you scream and fall into his arms. -"You know this is kinda ironic right? I can probably harm you more than anything in this forest. " -"Oh hush! " you say. -Kisses in secret places. -(Getting closer sentimentally to you.) -Seeing him battle and win his opponent is a total turn on (Sorry not sorry) -Mostly rough sex -Like taking his time with you -Slowly approaching the pain-pleasure subject especially after he founds out that you like spanking and choking (sorry not sorry again). -Blowjobs for sure. -Like when he is feeling pissed and generally needs to feel like a powerful man you are right there. -You feeling sometimes that he might not do some things because he might not think you are good enough -But he kissed you to shut you up -Talking back to him one day while going to hang out with Bubba and Jason. -Telling him not to blame the others. -Pinning you to the wall. -"Listen to me, dear. You don't tell me what to do. Also, someone has to be blamed." his hands lowering to your waist and leans to your ear. " You have to get used to it love if you want to be with me." his hands slowly trailing up your thighs. "So now shut your pretty mouth because it's not going change anything," he says smirking to you now caressing you. -Sighing and accepting that there is nothing that you can do. Kissing him while he leads you to your room too pissed to be around anywhere now.
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Dating Stu Would Include: (Oh look, it’s two Scream imagines)
-where do I even start? He’s a kinky rat, everything to him is a kink -him falling completely in love with you, and never want to see you hurt in any way, especially by himself -he’d spoil the shit out of you -and he’d protect you to death -people would know not to touch you, those who have tried disappear -he’d take you shopping with full security -he’d be the guy waiting outside the change room to tell you how gorgeous and sexy you are when you come out -his hands go anywhere they want to, that’s just him. So if you wear a dress, you can guess where his hands are going -he’s the guy with his arm over your shoulders when you walk -very possessive -rough and VERY kinky sex lets are honest -but he spoils the shit out of you. wait I legitimately already wrote that but it's so true. -he’d love when you sit on his lap -especially with nothing on or in his room ;) -it throws other slashers off because they know to respect you and not look at you too long or Stu will flip and stab them -he’s the guy that can growl that sexy growl when he’s angry -but purr that sexy purr when he’s happy -you like both sounds. so sexy -he’d take you to the most expensive places and buy you the most expensive outfits and jewellery, although some of the outfits can’t even be called outfits ;) -date night is the best -ride or die. -him driving you places and speeding to make you laugh and scream. -rough ‘you’re mine’ kind of kisses -but the way he grips your waist when he kisses you is 100% -I mean, I wouldn't say he would be the best boyfriend, but it would be an experience
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Dating Amanda Would Include: (Oh look, another Saw imagine) -Looking out for each other -Playing with her hands -Her being a real getlewoman -Her getting embarrassed and flustered when people ask her how she managed to get an 'an amazing person like you' -You tell her you're the lucky one to have a girl like her -Her getting clumsier when you make her nervous -Smiling when you notice Amanda getting more comfortable in your relationship -Opening up to each other -Meeting John and him adoring you -Her telling you all about her favourite fictional characters and how the pretty ones remind her of you -Her getting you the 'pretty’ characters toys as a gift -Lots of hugs -Her watching you talk, write or anything else -Blushing furiously when you catch her staring -Quick pecks in public at first -Watching anything together while cuddling -Her depending on your emotional support a lot -Light touches -Teasing each other -Amanda going on and on about basically anything and you just listening because you like seeing her happy -Picking a single flower and placing it in your hair -Sweet cheek kisses just whenever -Catching her looking at you and looking down and catching her eye and blushing furiously -Sitting by the lake and doing your work -Helping her out with her rehab sessions -Always standing up for her and vice versa -Spending a lot of time in her room just talking to her -Her heart fluttering all the time when you're around -Warm hugs where neither of you wants to let go -Helping him overcome her drug addiction -Comforting her when she feels useless -Gentle kisses -You aren’t a fan of a few a things she likes but you still listen because the excitement in her voice when she talks about it is so freaking adorable! -Cute nicknames -Spending entire days together -Letting Amanda play with your hair -So many inside jokes -Falling asleep under the stars -Food fights -Reminding her about what she's forgotten -Piggyback rides
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Dating Tiffany Would Include: (You already know I freaking love Tiffany so you know this will be a long one) -God, she’s so fucking dramatic. -There would be multiple public declarations of love a week, without a doubt. -Crybaby™ -You’ll be goofing around together and say something jokingly rude, like how annoying she is, or some shit like that -And she’ll just deflate -She’ll start pouting, and a small crease between her eyebrows will appear -So, of course, you feel bad -So you’d take her face between your hands, and just start placing little kisses all over her face -On the cheeks, the nose, the forehead (if you can reach, that is) -After a minute you stop, looking Tiffany in the eyes at last after brushing her curls behind her ears -And they’re just filled with amusement, and she also has a shit-eating grin on her lips -She’d trick you into giving her extra affection because she’s a whiny little baby she loves you so much -So you smack her across the head -After a while, this little trick wouldn’t work, so she’d start finding other ways of getting what she wants -It’s not that you don’t show her enough love, it’s just that she needs excessive amounts -Because Tiffany never does anything halfway -It’s all or nothing -And with her, it’s often all. -She’d always show you off as ‘her girl’ and literally never shut up about you -And at first, people found it cute, because ‘aw, look how in love they are!’ -But now everybody just wants to put duct tape over her mouth -(they all still find you two cute, but, God, does Tiffany ramble) -You’re constantly talking about the future. -“What’d you think our wedding will look like?” -“How many children do you want?” -Pranks. So. Many. Pranks. -You turn it into your own little competition to see who can get the other better. -This was fun until the paranoia set in. -“Why are you looking at me like that..?” -“Because I love you.” -“Tiff….” -“Mmm.” -“What have you done?” -*Cue you chasing her down the house whilst screaming profanities, both of you laughing as you do so* -Her taking you on adventures around the town -She would teach you how to be a sassy bitch -Or, if you already knew how you’d have small games together. -Just you two, one-on-one. -You’d either: A) kick her ass, and she’d insist that she let you win, or B) be so damn terrible, but look so adorable trying that she would let you win - although she’d never make a joke about it, she’d support you and help you get better. -Throwing stuff to each other while the slashers are arguing. -Her aiming the paper so it hits your head, so you decide to make her get in trouble with Freddy -Mean Girls puns. -“You dropped your coffee? Get in, bitch, we’re getting more” -“How dare you!” -Tiffany laughing because of how terrible the jokes are. -Also, just horrible jokes in general. The type that makes you cringe, but also giggles. -Her being so open with you. -This girl will literally share anything with you. No fuss, at all. -She believes that trust is the foundation of every relationship, so why should she keep secrets? -She has so much faith in you, so the thought of you ever telling anyone something private has never even crossed her mind. -She hates it when you’re sad. -It physically pains her to know that you’re hurting. -So she’ll do everything she can to make you happy again. -Want to cry it out? She’ll hold you, murmuring words of comfort as she does so. -Feel like eating away from your problems? She’ll take you down to the kitchen so you can both have as much food as you want. -Just need to let it all out? She’ll take you by the hand and walk you down the lake so you can throw stones into the water. Or she’ll just take you up to the bedroom so you can scream into a pillow until your voice stops working. -Constant physical contact. -Even if it’s just holding hands, or feeling your shoulder brush against her: she likes to know that you’re there, and you’re safe. -Because in such a short amount of time, you’d become so important to her. -And she couldn’t bear to live without you by her side.
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shyestofhearts · 3 years
Hey Shy, so....
My Period Cramps™ are in full swing and I need some comfort...
Do you have any? 🥺
I have got you covered my friend
First of all: sending you all my good vibes
Now for the comfort! It shall come in the form of lots of headcanons
People can tell if Damian's had a nightmare by the way Titus behaves in the morning, and they make sure to go easy on him those days
Sometimes family pictures/portraits will go missing but they're always put back no longer than two days later
Alfred doesn't ever bring it up because he knows that Damian takes them when he wants to sketch/paint them
Everyone thinks Damian goes to Dick to rant when he's upset: he doesn't
He goes to Duke because as much as he loves and trusts Dick, Dick has a way of trying to solve the issue where Duke will just listen and joke with him about the issue to lighten the mood
Most times Duke will invite Damian to do something after Damian's rant has ended
If it's something that made him ESPECIALLY upset though, like with the whole family? He goes to Stephanie
Stephanie has a similar approach to Duke during these times: listen, make jokes, hang out with Dami. She just tends to make a few more jokes
Stephanie keeps getting Damian more animal friends, Damian does not ask where they came from and Steph does not tell Bruce
They're going to get caught eventually but by then it'll be too late
Maya is the one Damian goes to when he's upset but doesn't want to talk about it
She never asks questions, just takes it in stride and they spend the day together and usually by the end he's either forgotten what he was upset about or he's simply not focused on it anymore and will handle it later
Maya, Jon, Maps, Damian, and Colin all have sleepovers constantly but instead of doing it in the manor where there's plenty of room for all of them, they do it in Jon's backyard in several tents with flashlights and everything
(Occasionally they do it at the manor too but they like to see the stars)
Damian has brought a raccoon into the house on 3 different occasions that the family knows of
Bruce never let him keep the raccoon
However Dick could swear he saw Alfred sitting next to a raccoon, giving it some food once
Alfred denies it of course
If Damian gets (minorly/mildly) injured over something he thinks is reasonable he goes to the cave with the family to get patched up
If he thinks it was a very stupid and embarrassing way to get injured he goes to either Alfred exclusively or to one of Jason's safehouses where he steals the first aid kit
Damian once broke a window and blamed it on Jason
Jason agreed to take the fall but only if Damian promised to tell him what was actually going on because he wanted to know what actually broke the window (+ a few other things they negotiated)
Turns out a few things broke the window, 1 being an animal and another being something Damian had accidentally thrown (lost his grip) + a few more things
Jason won't let Damian live it down
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