#this is just venting
cowbandits · 9 months
super random but can DC please just let dick grayson be the bisexual icon they keep coding him as? like, they keep giving him variant covers for pride and yes some characters have these as a way to show allyship which I absolutely love but please for the love of god just let him be bisexual. I love the representation we get, but he's definitely one of those characters that's always been queer coded and I feel like DC needs to just make up their minds. I had always wished that I could have more positive queer characters in the comics and this is just one of many characters that would be nice to acknowledge. I've loved superheroes since I was five but it felt impossible to find characters like me. the same could be said for trans characters. I know this is an ongoing argument but dear god am I frustrated every time I read comics, marvel or dc. just let your canonically queer characters shine outside of june and actually acknowledge that some of your characters have been queer for years
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a-star-is-here · 11 months
I think… I have too many hobbies/things to do🤓☝️
-that mf Arthur painting
-making piano covers
-learning 6 other languages
-viet homework
-posting on IG art account
-promoting my art
-looking up unis
-look for a part time job
-Psychology hw
-ENG homework
-Bio hw
-those other paintings…
-read ORV(@boombams will not stop nagging about it)
-make social media posts for my school LGBTQIA+ club
-make designs for my shop
-write a song…
-more promo on like, 10 different social medias(why do I do this to myself)
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welljustmaybe · 1 year
NO no no non no no no no no no give me my dashboard layout back! why does it look like a twitter knock off now!? i saw in the changes blog that you (staff) were going to be trying out a new layout but not this! the site looks too crowded now, I get that you must have put quite a bit of time and effort into making this but no, not everything has to follow the twitter/fb layout, nor should it. tumblr used to have its own identity, and you've changed it for what? to appease people moving in from other sites? they learnt how to use those places they can learn how to use our interface. all you need to do is have an intro/tutorial when people sign up to explain things! and then they will learn!
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kenapiece-main · 1 month
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Can you believe I'm having to make this meme even after successfully finishing up taxes and applying to job
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doom-dreaming · 5 months
"when i was your age, i was working three jobs to help support my family" and "when i was in college i was sleeping on a mattress on the floor and living off of soup"
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krmljam · 7 months
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more bugs more drinking
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peaceandlove26 · 21 days
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everything is funny & i love being alive
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a-method-in-it · 6 months
You know that Chris Fleming line that goes "Call yourself a community organizer even though you're not on speaking terms with your roommates"?
I honestly think every leftist who talks about the "revolution" like Christians talk about the rapture needs to spend a year trying to organize their workplace. Anyone who sincerely talks about building a movement so vast and all-encompassing that it overwhelms all existing power structures needs the dose of humility that comes with realizing they can't even build a movement to get people paid better at a badly run AMC Theaters where everyone already hates the manager.
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komodocloud · 5 months
do you guys ever feel like an outcast even in a group full of outcasts. like i'm autistic and even in groups full of neurodivergent people i'm still excluded sometimes. i don't understand why
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crisasincrisis · 5 months
The conflict of wanting to talk and spend time with my friends everyday, but I do not have a single idea of how to talk to people, it makes me uncomfortable and exausted, I cannot do it everyday and I need alone time in the same way I need to breathe, but I also dont want them to feel like they don't matter to me and that I dont like talking to them
Im Just,, I'm not even gnawing at the bars of the enclosure, I'm just throwing myself agaist them
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xharzo · 6 months
Sometimes I want to make new friends, but then I remember that the friends I have now often just have things that are more entertaining than me, so I know how boring I am for them to leave me alone, and I just go back toy corner and don't want anything anymore.
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buckleydiazmp4 · 1 month
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crxnberrykxng · 29 days
hey google, "low c@l recipes" does not mean "445 per serving"
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teaboot · 9 months
You know being transmasc after a life of growing up as the sole "girl" in male-dominated areas gives you a weird and complicated relationship with gender identity.
Like... being told straight to your face, "you're naturally bad at this cause you're a girl", "you're naturally weaker cause you're a girl", "you can act tough but you'll always just be a girl", "stop acting like you can keep up with the men", and even the well-intentioned, "Yeah women are like that, but you don't count, you're basically one of the boys"...
It leads you to this weird space where it's like. "Fuck you, women kick ass," and then busting yourself up to prove that you, a woman, *can* keep up, and not only keep up but do it better than anyone else, and taking pride in your femininity because it's not a fucking weakness, but at the same time knowing that... You're not a woman.
You're not a woman. You're not a girl. People just see tits and curves and decide that nature made you delicate, and then all of a sudden it's your responsibility to prove that you're not fucking weak, women aren't weak, while also saying, "I'm not a woman, though."
It's... bizarre.
I'm not a girl. But so long as I'm interpreted as one, I'm still gonna be held back by the same stereotypes. But if I ever stop being interpreted as one, then all the hard fucking work I put in to excel in my field is going to go down the toilet as "just something you can do because you're a man".
And fuck that. That's stupid, too. Guys shouldn't have their effort taken for granted like that, and it stings extra hard because you remember people just naturally assuming you suck and earning respect only to lose it immediately the second you step over to the "man" side. Because you've worked your whole life for something that as a man you'd just be expected to have naturally.
You SEE that shit staring you in the face, and worst of all people still walk around you in plain view and still talk about how women can't do shit and conveniently forget that you've BEEN ONE. "Because you were a man all along" or "because you overcompensate to prove yourself", whatever they think of to justify the cognitive dissonance that keeps their narrative going.
Nobody seems to consider that I'm not really different from women OR men, because those differences don't exist.
I'm not "naturally better" than women because I don't identify as one, and I'm not "worse than" men because I wasn't assigned the title by a third party. I'm just a person. We're all just people.
I'm just tired, man.
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allythn · 8 days
Note: Do not eat that.
You will hate yourself if you do.
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illbae · 9 days
{miserable but thin}
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