#this is kinda shit but i've been toying with this idea for a while
kettlefire · 1 month
Prepare for the unexpected. (DPxDC)
Everyone knew about the reign of Pariah Dark. Even those who did not dabble in those realms have heard the tale of the tyrant. A power-hungry man who ruled over the dead with an iron fist.
Following the rise of Pariah Dark, his realm had been effectively cut off from communication. Many mystics and magic users knew better than to open the door of nightmares that could arise if Pariah Dark's reach went further than his own realm.
Except, the universe had plans to bring the realm of the dead back into the cards.
A new opponent, one that had all of Earth's heroes scrambling for options. A being with powers of a god over weather, destruction was on the horizon. A world ending threat.
It's the only reason the Justice League was doing this. In a deep bunker, far from close civilization as a precaution, the heroes looked on with grim expressions.
The world was already being threatened. It would be destroyed regardless of what the league did. So it only made sense to make the last ditch effort. To summon someone strong enough to defeat the threat.
No one wanted to do it. No one wanted to be the one to pull the realm of the dead back to the living. The consequences were untold if this succeeded. If Pariah Dark was freed and defeated the threat, whose to say he won't want control?
That was a problem for later. For the aftermath. For now, the league could only watch on with bated breath as Constantine completely the summon ritual.
They watched on as the shadows in the room seemed to darken and grow. As the sigil sputtered to life with a glow that was growing increasingly brighter. A sudden gust of wind rushed through the room, the temperature began to drop with eaching ticking second.
And then it was all gone.
The room stood perfectly still. Just as it had been moments before. Nothing changed. No giant king standing before them, no sign that the ritual worked.
The room stood deadly still for another beat before the murmurs started. The team trying to make sense of the situation, figure out what went wrong.
Constantine swore up and down that this was the correct ritual, taking offense that they would even think the problem was on his end. It only made it better when it finally happened.
A loud sound ripped through the room, pulling everyone's attention back to the summoning circle. Just in time to see a tear appear in the space above the circle.
A thin tear that ran the length of eight feet. The fabric of the dimension seems to curl at the edges, pulling back to reveal a deep glowing swirl of greens. A dark gloved hand reached through, fingers curling around the edge of the tear, stretching it even further.
A portal. The ritual had worked, but there had been a delay. A delay that had every hero nerves on edge. Each team member tensed, weapons at the ready as they watched the being stretch the portal to the right size.
Then, a foot stepped out with a heavy thud. A dark boot that looked otherworldly despite its similarity to mortal clothing. A deep black that seemed never-ending. A second foot quickly followed before a full body emerged from the portal.
Not many people in the room have ever seen Pariah Dark, let alone know what to expect. Based on what Constantine and Zatara had said, this wasn't Pariah Dark.
A man had stepped out of the portal, standing at almost seven feet tall, and built like a brick house. One glance at the glowing white hair, deadly red eyes, and shard teeth was enough to know this being was not to be messed with.
But there was no giant show of armor or royal garbs. There is no large crown at the top of his head or jewelry from the infinite realms laced around his neck.
Instead, the man stood before them in combat boots, worn-in ripped jeans, a graphic t-shirt, and a spiked leather jacket. Despite his almost normal clothing choice, the man's jacket seemed to be a never-ending depth of the dark night sky. If one was to look closely enough, the cosmos could almost be made out in the sea of darkness.
None of that would have prepared them for when the man spoke. His tone sounded more bored than anything as he took a step forward.
"Oh, so now you need the help of the dead." The man had spoken, running a hand through his hair. When Batman took a step forward to speak, the man raised a hand. Immediately commanding silence in the single gesture. "I'm on babysitting duty and have yet to have a cup of coffee. I'll be right back."
Just like that, both the man and portal vanished into thin air. Leaving behind a group of stunned heroes. Not only was the man not Pariah Dark, but he was also supposedly babysitting.
"Did that just-"
The Flash had been the first voice to speak up, his eyes trained on where the man had once stood. Except he had barely made it through the first few words before the man was suddenly back.
The man that now had a child hanging off his shoulders and another teen being held up by his scruff. Unlike the man, these kids looked human.
Too human for Bruce's liking. The dark black hair and bright blue eyes had every heroes eyes flickering to Batman for just the briefest moment.
"This isn't fair! I'm not even the king. Why do I have to be here!" The teenager had been complaining the moment the man had reappeared. Arms crossed tight over his chest and seemingly used to being held dangling. "Besides, who brings kids to a show down! Wait til I tell mom about this."
"Aw, come on, Danny. This is gonna be fun!!" The younger girl seemed in much better spirits than the teen, Danny. She had climbed up the large man, sitting on his shoulders and resting her arms on the mess of glowing hair. "It's like take your kids to work day! Ooo, Dan! Can we fight too!?"
Unlike the two kids, the man looked purely exhausted and annoyed. The man, Dan, dropped Danny like a sack of potatoes as he took a long drink from the travel cup in his hand.
It didn't take a genius to recognize the look of an exhausted parent in Dan's expression. A look many of the league members were well acquainted to. A look that even had Batman grimacing with sympathy.
"Can it, little shits. You two were grounded, remember." Dan had growled at the kids before shifting his focus back on the team of heroes before them. His glowing eyes set in a deadly glare. "Pariah Dark isn't coming, and he never will. He's been dethroned and banished. We're the best you've got."
A summoning that started with a group of on edge and scared heroes looking for the ghost king, ended in a way no one expected.
No one was even sure if it made any sense. They weren't sure if they should feel hopeful or in despair.
Because truly, what was a ghostly man with two seemingly human children against a godlike foe with the control over the weather?
The unspoken question of power and ability seemed to vanish following Dan downing the metal travel cup of coffee, and crushing it in his fist.
He tossed it to the side, straighting up his posture as he looked over the heroes. Dan might not be a hero, but he's been playing family for too long.
An almost feral, bloodhungry grin spread across the man's face, sharp fangs on full display. The look made the man suddenly look even less human. He looked closer to a demon from the pits of hell rather than the exhausted parent he looked just a few seconds ago.
"Point me in the direction of this bastard. It's been too long since I let loose and had some fun."
#danny phantom#danny fenton#phandom#dc x dp#batman#dcxdp#dp x dc#dp x dc au#dp x dc crossover#justice league#I've been toying with the idea of following Pariah Dark's end the zone abolished the idea of a one true king#instead setting up a counsel of the most trusted ghosts and deities with in the zone; including Pandora and Clockwork#I also like to vote for Technus to be on the counsel and Ghostwriter to be like the secretary/note taker#after Ghostwriter stopped being an asshole ofc ofc#I kinda have this list of specific details I've created for this idea and like I keep thinking up new ones#like the Phamily's backstory is somewhat canon complaint with the show but also a whole mess of complex shit#like the expanse of Danny turning into phantom and the events that occurred still did except technically they never did#it's clockwork's time mumbo jumbo type of shit#Ellie had to be deaged some to help stabilize her core so I'm roughly saying she's like 7-8 years old#but idk children so idk how a 7-8 year old actually looks or how they usually act or talk#The JL seriously don't know if they should be hopeful or not but Dan's grin and excitement makes it seem more promising#I like to imagine Bruce is just watching Dan with Ellie and Danny trying to figure out if he's actually a good father or not#people being surprised to find out that Ellie Danny and Dan are all technically orphaned siblings#while Dan is just trying to coparent his siblings with the help of a time god an earth goddess a princess and a dirtbag with a motorcycle#dan phantom#ellie phantom#I can go on and on so I'll force myself to stop now#long post
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headcanonenthusiast · 8 months
COD characters and their opinions on toys
Includes Valeria Garza, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo Parra, Simon Riley, König, Kyle Garrick, John Price and Alex Keller.
All headcanons, besides Valeria's, are gender-neutral.
Ladies, gentlemen and everyone in-between, I got an ask from an anonymous user that gave me an absolutely devilish idea. They suggested a multitude of things, but one thing they requested was another COD characters x reader headcanons, but specifically, how they feel about using toys.
Also, if you've been following me for a while, you'll know that I've never written for Price before. He's literally my grandpa but imma do my best to deliver for you Price lovers 🙏
NSFW under the cut.
Valeria Garza
-Sooooo, yall know how I said she'd encourage the use of toys when away, but when she's with you she won't let you touch one? She still does that.
-Her view on toys is actually quite positive despite restricting your use of them. She kinda just denies you the right to use any toys she hasn't picked out for you specifically bc it turns her on (and bc she's a bitch ❤)
-If she catches you using a toy that she didn't permit you to use, she'll crank the intensity on said toy up to 100 and basically overstimulate you until you're complaining and crying. (Consensually, ofc. Consent is important y'all 🙏)
-"What did I say about using toys without my permission, hm? That's right-I said not to. But, you didn't listen, did you? No, no, you stop that shit. If you didn't want me to punish you, you never would've picked up that vibrator in the first place."
-Shes absolutely RUTHLESS if you use a toy without her permission.
-But, when it comes to toys she DOES want you to use, she'll either intruct you how to use them or just control the toy herself.
-Personal favorite toy is a vibrator, but she also loves using a strap, but only on you. She'll never let you use any type of strap/dildo on her.
-Will occasionally use a vibrator if you aren't there/in the mood on herself, but will never let you use one on her.
Alejandro Vargas
-If you suggest the use of toys, he'll look at you like 🤨
-"Toys? You wanna start using toys? Am I not enough for you anymore, mi chula/o? (Girl/boy)"
-He'll probably think he's not satisfying you enough if you suggest it, but he's open to trying it after you insist that he's still able to satisfy you.
-When he does try them out with you, they become a staple in your sex life. Specifically a vibrator for each of you to use.
-Does prefer it where it's just you two, though. Sex toys are kinda like a special treat he likes to indulge in on occasion.
-After you introduce him to vibrators, though? He uses them all the time for masterbating.
-May or may not send you videos of him pleasuring himself with the toys yall bought together 🤭
-Also may or may not eventually want to get a vibrator that has his name engraved on it for you, so you can use it whenever he's out on missions :)
Rodolfo Parra
-Kinda like Alejandro, where he only uses them sometimes, but has probably used at least a fleshlight before yall got together.
-He's honestly a sucker for vibrators, but it's become something he only does with you. Won't use them to please himself because he needs to hear your voice for it to feel really good.
-His opinion on toys is more positive as opposed to Alejandro's in the beginning, though. He's perfectly fine with the suggestion and doesn't feel embarrassed when you two (obviously) may not know how to use a specific toy for the first time.
-"Don't worry, amor (love). It's only our first time. If we like it, we'll use it again, and the more we use it, the better it'll feel."
-Very encouraging of you if you wanna buy a new toy. And he doesn't necessarily mind what it is, either. Fleshlights, vibrators, straps, most toys he's open to trying.
-Would totally send you videos (or more so, just the audio) of him using any toys you bought for him. Very vocal about it, too. (I'm a firm believer that Rudy has a voice kink)
-Will occasionally send you links to toys he think you'd like on Amazon or something and be like "if you give me a bj I'll buy you this for Christmas " (you don't have to give him a blowjob. He'll buy it for you anyway)
-I feel like he'd be a biiggggg fleshlight enjoyer.
-Would love to use one and pretend it's you when you aren't there.
-He's kinda ehhh about other toys, though. Mostly because his fleshlight satisfies him enough without the addition of others.
-If you wanna use them on yourself, that's fine. König just wants you to be happy.
-But, if you wanna use one on him? May Lord have mercy 🙏
-Will probably manhandle you for the suggestion, pinning you down and punishing you how he sees fit.
-Maybe, when he finally loses all self-respect for himself, he'll try it out.
-"But only once." He says, not willing to admit how much he learns to love vibrators.
-Will totally use one when you aren't home. Wouldn't be caught dead by you with one, though. If he asks you what time you'll be home, there's one of two things going on.
-#1: He just misses you
-#2: He's using a vibrator and wants to know if he has enough time to cum before you get home
John Price
-Not a big toy guy honestly, not even with fleshlights or simpler toys.
-Like...I feel like he'd be okay with trying something like a vibrator or sex doll, but he just won't like it as much.
-"These toys aren't anywhere near as good as you, darling."
-They really just aren't for John, but he doesn't wanna deprive you of using them. Most of the time, anyway.
-Sometimes, he'll catch you with one while he hasn't had the best day and is desperate for you. So, he'll take control of the toy for you, gently edging you before taking you for himself.
-"Can't believe you thought that that little toy could compare to me, love."
-Despite barely using the toys himself, he's the one who insists on washing yours after you use them around him. He knows how sensitive the combination of him and toys must make you, therefore, he doesn't want you to move an inch afterwards.
Kyle Garrick
-He's a big toy enthusiast. Loves them, anything that vibrates in particular. Probably has a cockring.
-Gaz is also more than happy to let you use whatever toys you want. On yourself, on him, he's pretty open to when it comes to the use of sex toys.
-On the occasions where you aren't there, he'll send you a video or picture of him using a toy (Totally not to tempt you home, totally not).
-"Look at what you do to me, baby. Can't keep my hands to myself when you're not here."
-I feel like he'd like mutual masterbation. Just watching you use a toy of your choice is enough to make him cum.
-He'll also place any toys on the bedside table to be washed the next morning (which is important btw❗❗) and may or may not get the biggest smirk on his face seeing whatever mess y'all left behind.
Simon Riley
-Appreciates a good fuck with a fleshlight or pocket pussy.
-But besides those types of toys? Ehhh..
-Not really his thing. Like I said in the Simon specific headcanons, he's not really that crazy when it comes to sex. He's not the type to judge his partner if they use toys, but if they manage to piss him off, I feel like he'd hide them. (Would probably just put it on a high shelf or something if you're shorter 💀💀)
-"You're not getting that stupid toy back. Not till you say sorry."
-Might even tease you with the toy, like drawing it over your dick/pussy and chuckling when you demand he give it back.
-"Oh, you want it back, do ya? No, no, no. Sorry, love, but I think I'd like to see why you like this little thing so much before I hand it over."
Alex Keller
-He loves anything that vibrates.
-Almost as much as he loves you, actually. Uses them religiously whenever you aren't in the mood/there.
-Like Gaz where he likes to use them during sex, but not really with mutual masterbation.
-Instead, he'll have a vibrator or even an anal plug on himself while he eats you out/sucks you off. (Totally moans against your cock/pussy btw, he's fairly vocal 🤭)
-Or, you can use a toy on yourself while you give him a handjob and he'll praise you endlessly for it.
-"Aw, does that feel good, baby? Yeah? Good, good girl/boy."
-At the end of the day, though, he'd much rather be cumming from your touch than a toy. So, he'll put them aside so he can have you all to himself. You're absolutely irresistible to him, afterall. How could he choose a toy over you when you're so perfect in his eyes?
Yall I'm SO sorry that this took me forever. Life has been absolutely slaughtering me, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. Next up will be COD men x male reader headcanons, so be on the lookout for that!
Feel free to ask me what I should do next! My inbox is always open.
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localratman · 7 months
skybound Thoughts
sooo uh, im thinking about doing a rewrite of ninjago skybound.
im currently rewatching it because of this, and in case i never get around to actually writing anything, im gonna word-vomit onto this hellsite (affectionate) cuz im having Thoughts.
quick tangent though, skybound seems very similar to danny phantom (at least in how the fandom treats it) in the sense that, when you actually watch it, it's pretty tame and honestly kinda shit. but then you dig deeper. and you see the Implications and Possibilities, and suddenly it has you by the throat with all the ways this could have gone if it wasn't a kids show.
like, in skybound you get genuine torture and creepy implications on nadakhan's part (seriously, get away from jay and nya you fucking creep), and while it's never really explored since, y'know, kids show, it makes nadakhan one of the best and most terrifying villains i personally have watched in ninjago.
anyway, here are a couple of things i've been toying with in terms of a possible rewrite:
one thing im thinking about taking from various other fics i've seen (i think its mainly shown in bending but never breaking, which is an absolutely amazing fic and you should go read it but MIND THE TAGS AND TRIGGER WARNINGS PLEASE) is jay learning to use the electricity in his body, though obviously not painlessly
bonus points for his elemental power getting royally fucked up once/if the vengestone is removed, but in the sense of suddenly he is completely overwhelmed and his power is so much stronger and its a danger to both himself and others
queerplatonic jaya: i think in this season especially, nya felt very aroace coded (i might just be projecting as i myself am aroace, but that's the vibe i got) and so for a skybound rewrite nya and jay would have a serious conversation about how nya doesn't feel that way for anyone, even if she *does* really like jay
just general angst and torture
id rewrite jays obsession with nya, specifically his first wish (if i dont just jump right into him being on misfortunes keep)
i think id like to do something more with delara than just her being some dead girlfriend. i.e.: i'd make her fucking unhinged and the kind of person that would fall in love with and support nadakhan.
i really liked @cotidianoseeder's idea for canary!jay, so possibly something in that direction
i also really like it when people keep serpentine aspects in jays character, so some of that as well
fuck it, make him inhuman, y'know?
i'd age everyone up i think (i dunno how old they are in skybound, but a 17 minimum would be in my rewrite)
OH! i'd put bruiseshipping as a romantic relationship cuz i love them
nya would make the final wish, since a big part of her character would be forging her own story and taking control of her own life
zanes falcon would survive cuz i love that fucking bird
echo would be taken off the island post-rewind
what do y'all think??? i keep having more ideas, i might post them
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suzukiblu · 10 months
Would you be willing to post a snippet of think pink? It's been a while since I've seen it on here and I would love to get some think pink crumbs
welllll since you asked so nice, friend . . .
Tim hasn't told him what to do this time, but Kon kinda already has a goal in mind here, so he just grins flirty and dirty at them both again and leans forward towards Tim, giving him a wink as he wags the unwrapped condom at him. 
"You still look good in green, right, man?" he asks teasingly. Tim visibly swallows, and Kon watches his pupils dilate. 
And he feels his cock twitch. 
Fuck, Kon loves his TTK. 
"I'll let you be the judge," Tim says. "Put it on me, pet." 
Kon is very, very happy to. 
He shifts forward a little farther and reaches out, feeling flushed and warm and weirdly . . . excited, almost, to have this. To get to touch Tim this intimately. 
Seriously, if he'd had any idea this was an option sooner . . . 
Well, it sure as shit would've happened a lot sooner. 
He wraps a hand around Tim's cock because he can't quite resist the urge to; can't quite hold back when he's got permission to touch him like this. Permission and encouragement to touch him like this, even. 
Kon feels way, way warmer at that thought. 
Tim inhales quietly. His cock feels weirdly good in Kon's hand; warm and hard and a perfect curve against his palm. Kon licks his lips without quite meaning to and wonders how it's going to feel in his mouth. 
And inside him. 
He squeezes, once; gives Tim a stroke. Watches his face as he does it. 
Tim exhales, and takes a picture of him. 
Kon wonders what he looks like, if Tim wants a picture of it right now. 
"Fuck, man," Kon says, biting his lip around a grin; giving Tim another stroke or two to get him fully hard. "You always this pretty when you're getting jacked off? I've been missing out." 
"He gets prettier, actually, this is just stage one," Bernard informs him, and Kon resists the urge to squirm at the thought. "Stage one" implies multiple stages, after all. And Bernard mentioning those multiple stages implies Kon being around to get to see those multiple stages. "You should see him right after he's come, when he's all oversensitive and overwhelmed.” 
“Bernard,” Tim says, his voice mostly even but a little tight. 
"Can I see that, Tim?" Kon asks with absolutely every intention of doing so. Tim's face reddens, and his eyes go heated and dark. 
“If you're good for me,” he says, and Kon nearly bites his tongue. 
“Fuck you're hot,” he mutters, immediately taking that as his cue to hurry up and get the damn condom on him already. It's a little weird doing it from the opposite direction he's used to, but it's still something he's done a thousand times, and it's not like it's complicated: he just uses his TTK to make the gesture smooth and quick and do it without having to worry about getting any air trapped in the tip or any risk of tearing or anything. 
“Kon,” Tim says through his teeth. “Did you just use your powers to do that?” 
“Yeah?” Kon says, not sure why he's asking. They both just watched him do it, after all. 
“Do you usually put condoms on that way?” Bernard asks curiously. 
“Yeah,” Kon says. “Makes sure I won't accidentally rip it. And I mean, it's not any different from using my TTK on toys or–” 
“Ngh,” Tim says, putting a hand over his face. 
“Don't take this the wrong way, because just to be clear I love literally every word that has ever come out of your mouth,” Bernard says emphatically, gesturing at Kon as he speaks. “But please stop talking and start sucking off my boyfriend, like, yesterday.” 
Kon's gut twists with heat, and this time he definitely does bite his tongue. It's fine; his tongue is invulnerable. Like. Mostly. 
“Tim,” he says, leaning in a little closer than he means to and giving his cock a few more exploratory strokes as he does, and the name comes out just a bit pleading. “I can, right? You'll let me?” 
Tim exhales roughly and drags his hand down his face, splaying his fingers to stare intently at him. Kon's gut twists up even tighter. He wants to kiss him again. He wants to knock him over and touch him everywhere and stay so much longer than a long weekend and just–
“Would you like that, pet?” Tim says, and Kon feels restless and overheated and just–hungry, for lack of a better word. 
“Yeah,” he says, swallowing at the thought. His mouth feels . . . it waters, almost. Feels . . . empty, almost. Eager. 
He doesn't really know how else to put it. 
“Hm,” Tim says as he reaches out with a hand and threads his fingers into Kon's hair, and then curls them against his scalp and sort of . . . scritches, like he's petting a dog or a cat or something. 
Like he's petting him. 
Kon's every single higher thought process shorts out and he feels like an electric shock just went up his spine and through all his muscles and stays very, very still. 
He wants to say Tim's name. He wants to push into the contact. 
He wants Tim to tell him how to be good. 
“You know I want to give you things you like, pet,” Tim murmurs, and then he flattens his hand against the top of Kon's head and just . . . doesn't push or anything, but . . . 
Kon can lift literal tons without breaking a sweat and take a hit from a fucking train without even noticing the impact. He can withstand gravity that'd crush an unenhanced human and impacts that'd outright pulp them. 
The barely-there little weight of Tim's hand on his head is absolutely impossible to resist.
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smuttysabina · 2 years
Lia's Gossip-Filled Gangbang
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(Lia x Male Reader, 1600 words)
Lia has always been a touch, concerned, about the public image of ITZY. While not openly opposing the... activities her fellow groupmates perform onstage, she often finds herself filled with righteous disgust. Whilst at the same time as she is getting her holes filled by her fan's raw, sweaty cocks. Of course, to Lia, her getting double-penetrated by guys she just met is perfectly okay, she is only working off a little steam; not like those other girls! Her propensity to whine and complain only grows as the night wears on, as she painstakingly catalogues every last immoral act her friends have engaged in. Hearing such salacious tales only causes her fans ardor to grow, and soon they are either prematurely ejaculating, or sneaking off to see if the tales are true. Which leaves you in a rough spot, since you are the last one left ah, standing per say, and Lia is far from finished with her rant.
Lia has you pinned to the floor, with that surprising strength all idols seem to possess when in heat. Your clothes went missing a while ago, and she straddles your bare thighs as she idly strokes your cock. But your member is not what holds her attention, instead Lia is mostly intent on complaining about what a whore Yeji is.
"She just takes, so many guys to satisfy her you know? Its honestly appalling watching her brutally fuck her way through dozens of guys, she's just insatiable! And Yeji makes them cum so fast too, after only a couple of thrusts they end up nutting in her already! I think they just get off to how hard she uses them, like they enjoy getting treated like a toy... You don't like that sort of thing do you huh? Mhmm of course you don't, because you are a good wholesome boy; ALL my fans are, they just need a little bit of help. You don't want to get treated like a piece of meat, and get verbally abused while Yeji's cunt practically rips your dick off with how hard its clenching on you, right? Thats what I thought! Yeah no she just fucks every guy in sight when she's horny its awful, like I cannot count the number of times I've seen her tear guys pants off and just forcibly fuck them. Yeji even does it to couples! Yeah I know right? She will just fuck the guy senseless while his girlfriend is right there wailing in horror. Okay okay, I get that she's the leader and needs to work off some steam, lord knows she does; but maybe she can do that without draining hundreds of guys? Also she keeps leaking cum everywhere, but that's kinda an idol problem so..."
Lia pauses in her excoriation of Yeji to notice that your cock is leaking profusely. She lets out a soft exclamation of surprise and smoothly plops herself onto you, sliding you all the way inside. Lia absentmindedly starts to bounce on your cock, returning with glee to her gossiping, "Oh my god, speaking of jizz, that fucking cum slut is always gushing it everywhere! Yeah, Yuna! Like every chance she gets she's getting bent over and pumped full of fucking cum. We will be doing a shoot, or a fan-meet, and you'll turn around and then next thing you know! Yuna is getting railed by like half the film crew or some shit, she'll just be guzzling cum like a freaking addict! I honestly think she needs help like this girl's sex drive is. Out. Of. Control! I have seen her literally DROWNING in cum; like she just milked too many dicks into her mouth, and now she's flailing about and crap! Do you have any idea how disgusting it is watching her cough up turgid jizz all over the place while trying to save her? Like, I'm okay with getting splattered with cum, but there are limits to what I can handle! I mean, I do appreciate that with her around we need to pleasure waaaay less guys than we did before, but does she have to be such a slut about it? I guess she did have to just sit there and watch us getting plowed constantly for a couple years, that may have messed her up a bit... Oh hey, did you just cum in me?"
Your cock flops out of Lia's pussy, her reflexive bouncing causing you to orgasm even as her mind was elsewhere. Of course, hearing all about how Yuna was a filthy cum-whore did not exactly help in inhibiting your growing load. But Lia isnt done with you yet, and she simply grabs your cock up and begins to lick and suck on it; cleaning your shared juices off of your member. But, true to form, Lia finds the time to continue complaining. "Yeah you know who else just watches stuff, Ryujin! She's usually creeping around the edges of the orgy, furiously masturbating like a pervert, making a mess everywhere. Like you'll be in the middle of getting made airtight, and then suddenly Ryujin is there squirting all over your face! I mean she does kind of help with the workload, like all the usual skulking voyeurs just dump their loads into her, which is nice. But is also means you dont get any of those shy boys anymore! Its always nice at the end of a fan-meet, all of those hesitant boys come forth with their cocks twitching... and its a treat milking them! Ugh Yeji does haul Ryujin over to the main area occasionally though, and seeing that pervert getting plowed like a fuck doll is pretty cathartic. I honestly think she enjoys getting caught, she likes to pretend that she hates being the center of attention; when really she just wants everyone to watch her being a slut! I swear she cums like a fucking fountain, and she'll keep wailing about how everyone can see what a shamefully lewd whore she is and crap. Somebody obviously has a LOT of repressed issues to work through..." Lia pauses, noticing that once more you are firmly at attention, your cock straining towards the ceiling. She lets out a pleased noise, and promptly angles your cock towards her leaking asshole. You slide into her ass, eased along by the efforts of your predecessors, making her tummy bulge a little bit where your tip is. Lia leans back, her legs framing the beautiful sight of your dick buried to the hilt inside of this idol, while your seed still dribbles out of her pussy. Evidently your turn now, you start to thrust upwards, punctuating her next distracting thoughts...
"Oh that feels quite nice actually, keep thrusting just like that... ah, that's it! Mmphmm, anal just feels so filling you know? Of course, its even better when your other holes are getting fucked as well, but that's obvious! Yeah no all of us girls can handle it, so dont be shy about using an unoccupied hole! Or even sharing one... well okay ask first before doing that, unless its like Yuna or something, I've never heard her complain lol. Oh wait, you should be careful with Chaeryeong though, she really isnt used to taking too many dicks at once! She's so much more... picky than the others, and she tries way too hard to please her fans. Like Chaery will just pick out a dozen or so fans, and the scamper off to a corner or something and take her time pleasing each and every one of them in the most intimate way possible. I think she just really needs the love and attention you know, she had it kinda harsh for a bit there, so a more private setting suits her. Not that she isnt approachable though! And Chaery does help out when we have to do gratification on stage! She's a good girl she just needs a little space you know? She's so much better than those other vulgar whores... Hnnrgh, geez you're really pounding my guts right now, are you going to cum again? Oh fuck, I can feel it in my belly, its so waaaaaarm... mmm I can tell you enjoyed yourself!"
Lia lifts herself off of your cock, her anus dragging along your shaft until it is freed with a pop. She gives you a smooch for your troubles, before looking around and realizing that you're the last fan near her, those lewd sluts didnt leave enough for her! Its so hard being the only pure-hearted girl around here, those cum-addicts just steal all the attention! Lia continues to whine to herself, wallowing in self pity as she complains about her fellow members. Lia gives you an innocent look, SHE isnt a vulgar dick-milker like the others, right?
A healthy dollop of your cum plops out of Lia's asshole, trailing down her stained thighs. Her holes are unable to close, red and swollen from getting pounded by countless cocks. Her hair is frazzled, crusted with spit and worst, her eyes red from irritation and her lips cracked. Cum and spittle stain her chest, her nipples bruised from getting suckled on one too many times. Lia's posture acknowledges none of this though, as if she is just a virginal girl, shyly showing affection to her crush. As if she hadn't just finished fucking scores of her adoring fans, as if your seed hasn't been inside all of her holes.
Yes Lia, you are a sweet and innocent girl! :)
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driftingmoonmenace · 2 months
Ok ok ok I'm gonna just dump all my DCA OC thoughts/info in a post cause I'm shy with rambling about them individually with ppl atm 👉👈💦
BUT OK SO I've been like rattling this idea around in my brain for quite a while! At first I just had Paradox and he was just in his own little AU world thing, but then I decided to just take all my DCA ocs and shove them into a world together and they just work at different Pizzaplexs and stuff.
Paradox's info is still pretty much the same! He's tired of being treated badly by adults and acting out by retaliating with pranks and it's getting on Fazco's last nerve. So they hired a handler to keep him in check.
I got my other Eclipse model, Equinox, he's from a defunct Pizzaplex, there's a lot that went into it closing down, but before he could be decommissioned like the rest, he managed to escape and is 'on the run'. He travels cross-country on a motorcycle with a mission to help other animatronics get out from under Fazco. He totally leans into the 'badboy' persona and has modified himself over time to look how he wants to.
And then there's Umbra! He's a Moon model that Equinox picked up on his travels, and is his journey partner! Umbra was also a Daycare Attendant and had a Sun counterpart, though unfortunately he was officially decommissioned before Umbra could do anything. It's a sensitive subject for him and he's completely on-board with Equinox's plan to save as many animatronics as they can because of it, and maybe take Fazco down too. Umbra is super smart, and a little shy. He tries to make up the plans, but half the time Equinox goes jumping into potential danger before he can even finish getting his thoughts out. It exasperates him, but Equinox is 'totally cool' to him and man he wishes he could be like that and boy he's kinda hot too oh wait wait wait keep it together!
Lumi and Nova are Daycare Attendants who were separated and updated as part of a rebranding for their pizzaplex! Though mysteriously after a year, Nova has gone missing and Lumi has no idea where he's gone. Every night Lumi tries to find clues and access computers to try to find out what happened to him along with searching the pizzaplex from top to bottom. (Nova is actually alive but was moved to a completely separate pizzaplex where Fazco figured he'd 'fit in' better and hasn't made up their mind if they want to keep Lumi alone or build another Sun counterpart for him.)
Then I got Sol and Lune, they're mini Sun and Moon DCA models, and were made more so to be helpers for human daycare employees rather than actual DCAs. They were made as a test run in comparison to regular DCA models and it was found that the regular DCAs were more popular with the kids than the mini versions, so now they don't come out too often and are kept basically in a storage closet. They're only let out when a certain threshold amount of kids is met and the human employees need help or for events. Sol is fed up with being a 'toy stuffed in a closet' and is making plans to escape. Lune tries to be a voice of reason but Sol is pretty hard-headed.
Last but not least I got my pink DCA, Astra! I still don't know much about them, but I think she'd be the next DCA model that Equinox and Umbra find. She's got wings, though she can't fly, and I think she's a beta model that isn't released to the public. They're not quite a Sun model but close to it, not sure how to describe it really! Super sweet, upbeat, and cutesy but they're ready to throw hands and they pack quite the punch for being so petite!
I also may have more DCA OCs knocking around in my brain as vague ideas atm that eventually will get thrown into this hot mess of a mix later...but uh YEAH!
Eventually everything just goes to shit with Fazco and all my OCs end up in a group together but I haven't figured out everything yet. There's a plot in there somewhere! *vague hand gestures*
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
I know Ted lassos not on your ask list so feel free to ignore this. But if you want I’d love some fluff with Roy Kent or maybe some angst turned fluff. Roy Kent doesn’t get enough love. I love your work and writing style!!!! 💜
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So I have been toying with the idea of writing for Roy for a while but I've never written someone sporty if that makes sense? So I was a little apprehensive about taking him on, however this ask kinda gave me the push to try it and I think I kinda like it!
It’s three in the morning and Roy is lying in a bed that is not his own, with a woman he may or may not be in love with sleeping beside him. He rubs his hands over his face as he listens to the sound of your breathing in the darkness.
He doesn’t know why he does this, why he turns up at your door on the nights when the noise in his head gets too much. You’re a shelter from all of the shit that he has to deal with, the pressure, the toll it takes not just mentally but physically as well. He knows that his career is coming to an end, he can practically taste it. He can barely keep up with the training sessions. He’s given his entire life over to playing football and he has no clue what the future holds for him. It’s terrifying.
But Roy Kent can never admit that, not to anybody else.
He wants to though, he wants to tell you that he feels like he’s about to become irrelevant, that all of this has been for nothing.
What he really wants is to actually spend the night with you instead of sneaking out like he usually he does, to tell you that this thing the two of you have is more than just a fuck and run situation.
He rolls onto his side to face you, you look so peaceful, it’s as if you don’t have a care in the world. He envies that, your ability to obtain some sort of serenity in this life.
His hand comes to rest on your cheek, his thumb caressing over the blush of it as his lips ghost over yours.
“I’m staying tonight.” He tells you gruffly.
“Good.” You mumble tiredly, your arm wrapping around his waist and drawing him closer so that the two of you are tangled up together. “You have to make the coffee in the morning though.”
He chuckles against your mouth before kissing you again.
“It’s a deal.”
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Daddy's Perfect Toy
Bo Sinclair x Female Reader
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This is the nastiest thing I have ever written. and I blame it all on @visceravalentines and @ventiswampwater and both their Bo fics.
This is the first time I have ever written something like this where he isn't your husband he's just holding you captive. My Bo fics are normally soft and comforting but not today. No we're gonna fuck shit up or more like Bo's gonna fuck you up. Now I've only written smut a couple of times so just keep that in mind while reading this.
I'm 5ft and I'm using it in this fic. It does have a tiny tiny bit of softness just cause I can't help it. Reader is on their period during this cause I'm also suffering through it.
Warnings: smut, noncon it's gotten to a point where you kinda sorta like it but not really, bondage, forced orgasms, he is filming the entire thing, taking photos, daddy kink, choking, marking, biting, blood play, creampie, throat fucking, shoves his fingers/thumb in your mouth, dirty talk, degradation, praise, size difference, objectification, overstimulation, dacryphilia, cockwarming, breeding kink, a lot of licking, cunnilingus.
Please let me know if I've missed something.
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You woke up sometime in the afternoon with the worst stomach ache you've had in a while. You are sitting with your back against the bed's headrest. Your head falls down as if it's too heavy for your neck to hold up. Your bottom half is completely bare as it would 'restrict access' to have anything on, a certain man would say. The only item of clothing you are wearing is an old shirt that has a few holes in it. You're assuming it's Bo's. Slowly opening your eyes you see a red stain on the bed sheet in between your crossed legs. Your sleepy brain takes a couple minutes to realise that the stain is blood from your period. Your eyes widen as your head shoots up. You begin to panic because you know Bo won't be very happy that you've stained his sheets. You can't move to hide the stain because your arms are bound to the bars on the bed's headrest. Although you know trying to hide it would just piss him off even more.
You have been sitting here for hours. You try to think of what's going to happen next. You're not quite sure what his game is anymore. He told you you deserve a reward for being such a good girl that you went from being tied to a chair in his basement to being tied to his bed in his house. You're not quite sure how long it's been. You wish you knew what was going to happen.
Things were different in the basement. True it was a lot more uncomfortable being tied to that chair but at least you knew the routine. Food, shower then fun time as your captive would call it. You both have very different ideas on what fun is though. The shower however in the basement it consisted of baby wipes. In the house you get to have an actual shower yes but only with him either watching or joining. That little voice in your head that sounded a lot like him reminded you that you hadn't earned privacy yet.
You turn your head to look out the window, noticing it was starting to get dark. It was around this time that Bo would bring you some food down into the basement. Except you had already eaten today. You had a burger and fries that Bo made. He has been giving you actual food since you've moved into his bedroom. You'd never admit this but he is a pretty damn good cook. It's definitely a couple steps up from the microwave meals you were being fed in the basement.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by the glow of headlights and the sound of Bo's truck. Sitting up straighter after hearing the door slam shut. You feel yourself smile hearing his loud footsteps. You can't believe you're even a little excited to see him, you feel sick. You straighten out your legs to try and hide the blood even for a little bit. Putting a smile back on your face before the door opens. Bo walks in holding a glass of water, shutting the door behind him.
"Hey baby girl, got ya a drink." he brought the glass to your lips so you could have a drink. Placing the now empty glass on the bedside table. Bo sat by your leg on the edge on the bed facing you. He slowly puts his hand on your knee. You flinch slightly hoping he doesn't notice, if he did he didn't comment. Tracing circles with his thumb, he sighs then looks at you "ya know I've had a pretty shitty day ta day. Hoping you might help me with that"
Before you had a chance to reply, not that he would listen to you anyway he would do what he wanted regardless. You see him setting up a camera. He makes his way back over to you after the light turns green.
He began by softly holding your chin and running his thumb across your bottom lip before pushing it through your lips into your mouth. You knew exactly what he wanted as you began to suck. Bo smirked, immediately moving to attach his mouth to that sensitive spot behind your ear. You were trying not to make any noise. He removes both his hand and his mouth from you before going to undo his belt and tugging his jeans and boxers off.
Kneeling over you so his crotch is right in front of your face. Grabbing his dick he pumps it a few times before lightly tapping the tip against your lips. You reluctantly open your mouth as he presses himself all the way in. Trying desperately hard not to gag because you know he would enjoy it too much and you weren't going to give him the satisfaction. You could already feel tears starting to form in your eyes, your hands gripping the bars. You can feel him lay heavy on your tongue, trying to breathe through your nose. He grabs your head with both hands pulling out slowly and without any warnings rammed it back into your throat. Causing you to choke and gag. You go to try to push him off so you can get some air but your arms are still tied to the bars on the headrest. Bo chuckles darkly as he is full on fucking your throat. Everything, every part of your body feels like it's on fire, you can't help but start crying. Bo looks down on you and a low growl escapes from the back of his throat. "Goddamn princess, you look fuckin gorgeous when ya cry like that!" He grabs his polaroid camera taking a picture of your tear stained face and cock stuffed mouth. Giving the picture a shake then places the camera and the photo back down.
Bo thrusts a couple more times then rips himself out of you before he has the chance to cum. You take in several deep breaths but they are each painful. Your lungs are burning and your throat is hella sore. Bo leans down and starts licking strips up both your cheeks. He then grabs both your thighs and pulls them apart. He sees the blood stain on the sheets, you think he is about to get mad but his eyes darken in a very lustful way. Looking back up at you with a kinda half smile "don't worry bout it darlin' I'll change it afta we done" he winks and spreads your legs even wider. "This is such a pretty pussy, and it's all mine." He dives right in devouring your cunt hands gripping your thighs. You're trying not to make any noise but with his tongue hitting all the right places in your already sensitive cunt it's becoming really hard not too. He growls into your pussy sending vibrations right into your core when he feels your walls clench around his tongue. Moaning, you try to arch your back but it's difficult in the way you're sitting. Releasing one hand from your thigh, he glides a finger through your folds and then another and then another.
You are so so close "b Bo, ohhh 'm c close" you feel him growl again. Sucking and swirling his tongue like it's his last meal on earth. You wish you could grab hold of his hair as you cum hard in his mouth. He had swallowed your juices yet kept going at it. You feel your eyes tear up again as you try to unsuccessfully wiggle your away from his touch. He has an iron grip on your thighs that will no doubt leave a mark. You try tugging your arms against their restraints to push him away.
"Bo, p please" your over sensitive walls clench as his continues to fuck you with his tongue. After your second orgasm hits. Bo's eyes look up at you as he licks straight up your folds. The way the blood is smeared around his face mixed with some of your juices that has dripped down his chin makes him look absolutely gorgeously feral. Bo straightens up to capture your mouth with his. He loves that you kiss him back. You're breathless as you break away.
"You taste fuckin' amazing baby doll, daddy just can't get enough." He has a smug smile as he uses two fingers to scoop up your folds wiping them on your face not forgetting to smear some on your lips. He shoves his fingers in your mouth to suck the rest off before going to untie your arms. Bo takes off his shirt then yours then guides you to lie down. Lines himself at your entrance before gliding in. Kissing your forehead, giving you a little time to adjust.
"Yer so tiny baby, daddy's cock is all up there" he pokes the bump in your belly where he is buried. He pulls out watching the bump go down then rise as he enters you again. Bo does that a couple more times before his pace speeds up. Your brain feels completely fuzzy. You're not even sure if you can produce words at this point. He lifts your legs up into a mating press. Your back arches as you let out an almost pornographic moan. Your nails are clawing at his back as he sucks marks on your neck and chest.
"Ya really are fuckin' made for me princess" Bo groans "my perfect little whore" his hand wraps around your throat squeezing just enough to make it a little uncomfortable. "Who do ya belong to baby? Who does this pussy belong to?"
"Y you Bo"
His hand squeezed a little bit more "who?"
"Daddy it it belongs to you, I b belong to you d daddy"
"Good slut"
Bo loosens his grip on your throat but keeps his hand there as he thrusts into you harder. Your mouth falls open but you don't hear any sound come out. Your nails dig deeper into his back. If he's leaving marks on you, you're gonna mark him too.
Bo feels your wall clench around his cock. He knows you're close. You try saying your close but all that comes out are whimpers and moans. "What d'ya need sweetheart? I can't understand yer whimpering"
"Wanna cum"
"Ya wanna cum?"
You nod
"O on your cock"
Bo looks at you with a smirk like the big bad wolf. "The little cockslut wants to cum on my cock uh. Who would have guessed that?" "Well you have been very good lately so go ahead, cum for me" "m gonna fill you up for being such a perfect toy for daddy to play with. You deserve it princess" Bo sinks his teeth into the part where your shoulder meets your neck drawing blood, leaving another mark. He fucks you through your orgasm and cums deep inside of you.
Stays still for a few minutes before Bo puts his hand under your back and rolls you onto your side with him still buried in your warm cunt. He wraps his arms around you and you can't help but snuggle into his neck very thankful for the comfort and being too fucked out to care.
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Tag List: @sketchy-rosewitch @rottent33th @phantomcat394 @lanamiller comment or send an ask if you want to be added or removed.
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bigball-thefrog · 4 months
Hunters Prey: Slasher!Rob Lucci X Reader Pt2:
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Sorry, something short again this week. I've just been exhausted and exams are coming up so next week might be the last one for awhile until I finish.
Modern AU
Slasher Lucci
This is not a romance thing, I am not romanticizing this kind of relationship, I just got the idea of a slasher Lucci and thought it was kinda cool, please for the love of God don't think I'm romanticizing this
Implied torture at the end
Reader POV
My head was pounding. I regained consciousness and looked around. Nothing but pitch black. I thought I was dead and in just a void of nothingness but I stood up and hit a wall. Shit, the power must have gone out in my house while I was asleep. I started blindly wondering around the room trying to find my phone or a torch for some light. After some wondering I tripped over a box and hit the floor. The floor felt like concrete, why would it be concrete? I have no concrete floors in my house, and it can't be my garage because I there would be a window I could see through right now. Damm, I must be in some kind of basement, but I have no basement in my house? Why would I be in a base-.... Oh... Lucci....
Shit, so it wasn't a dream. Rob Lucci really is the serial killer of Water Seven... I can't believe that bastard, I thout we were friends... But there's no time for moping now, I need to get out. I went to one of the walls and began feeling across the walls to try and find some way out. I eventually found the foot of a staircase and decided it was my best bet, so I got on my hands and knees and slowly crawled up the staircase so to not make much noise or accidentally break or step on an exposed nail. I managed to reach the top of the stairs and was halfway with getting back up when the door creaked and there was a sudden blinding light. I closed my eyes quickly and covered them with my arms. There was a low chuckle that came from my front, then a hand moved my arms away and lifted my chin upwards. I opened my eyes which weren't used to the light yet and saw only light and a silhouette of someone bent down in front of me. As my eyes became adjusted the silhouette became more clearer and recognizable, soon it was clear that the silhouette was Lucci. When my eyes properly adjusted I saw he had that same sinister smirk on his face when he kidnapped me, I froze. "Aww, look at you all scared and on your knees in front of me~" he said as he caressed my cheek with his finger, "Unfortunately for you sweetheart, you're not leaving this place until I've had my fun." He grabbed my arm and dragged me back down the stairs and towards the bottom of the basement.
He threw me against the floor and stepped back over me, he grabbed the collar of my shirt and lifted me to his eye level again, "Lucci, why are you doing this? Why would you even want to do this to anyone?! It's sick!" I shouted at him, he just chuckled and started caressing my face with a single finger again, "Well it's simply because... I just like it~" My face went pale and a pit started growing in my stomach, Lucci just continued, "The blood, the screams, the power, the knowledge that you can basically control life or death? It's ecstatic!" That pit feeling in my stomach just kept growing, this man is sick, how could anyone ever enjoy something like this, I wanted to throw up. Lucci noticed my nauseous look and chuckled, he gripped the collar of my shirt tighter and lifted me up higher, "Don't worry dear, you won't die. You're just going to be my new little toy until I can either trust you to keep this a secret, or until you break~" he said as he moved his freehand to squish my cheeks.
Suddenly he dropped me back to the ground. He walked over to a table and picked something up. He put whatever it was on his hand and turned back around. He was wearing a glove that had long sharp blades coming out of the fingertips like killer claws of a cat, that explains all the claw marks on his victims. He walked towards me, that sinister smile growing on his face. He bent down and used one of the claws to gently caress my face, "Now let's just see how strong you are, my little prey~"
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specialgradefckr · 3 months
Heyyo! I'm usually just a lurker, but your Heatwave series has been absolutely incredible and I had to write in. I'm not usually an ABO fan, but you are rapidly changing my mind. Started with the Yuuta/Rika piece and loved your characterization of that sad eyed dude. Sweet and mostly passive while also being fully aware of reader-chan's BS.
Day 4 tho??? 🥵🔥🥵 I'm a more recent Gojo convert and oh my stars, "...you think for a moment he sounds like a dog toy. You think you want to make him your dog toy." Arrogant, but also whiney and pathetic Gojo really hits for me. The Pining? Phenomenal.
Just wanted to gas you up a bit and let you know what an excellent writer you are. Totally looking forward to the rest of the Heatwave series and whatever else your big brain cooks up in the future! 😊
wanted to gas you up a bit
awwhhhhHHh THANK YOUUUU 🥺 i super appreciate it!!!
honestly i started this blog recently and i've been trying not to compare the numbers but sometimes i get discouraged, you know? like, i AM doing it for the art (i knew day 3 was not gonna get a lot of love) but i'm posting it bc it makes me happy to see people enjoying it.
it's super encouraging to hear from you (and all the others who leave comments or reblog etc.) that my work is doing well.
i'm trying to be more critical of my own writing, fix things i don't like about it, and sometimes i need a reminder that it's still worthwhile and enjoyable to read even when i feel like it could have been better.
I've been writing like? All 10 of the Heatwave prompts concurrently, and while it means I have all of them drafted and partly written rn, it also means I switch between them a lot.
Inevitably I start to kinda. Lose the plot sometimes of a scene I'm trying to write skdfhglsdhg like the intro to the Yuta fic was SOOOO long actually and it was rambling about social phenomena with alphas, basically the omegaverse version of red pill dudes LMAOOO
and that was also supposed to lead in to like. the idea of what a REAL alpha is. the non-gendered values of leadership, protectiveness, and actually being sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of people around them (a crucial trait for someone in a leadership position).
and yuta fits those things SO WELL. he is CONSTANTLY worried about the people around them, how they feel and what they think. he admires the shit out of his classmates who like, tried to attack him when they first met fghskjdfgh. he wants to protect them but he never looks down on them.
later in the manga we see that yuta's consideration and empathy isn't just for his classmates. he cares a lot even for people who are very capable of protecting themselves - he cares about their feelings.
so i just knew like. yuta and tsundere reader. yuta who can see though your fussiness because he's always been perceptive.
yuta who thinks you're hot bc he has a constant boner for strong women but also has a deep yearning to see you be honest and vulnerable with him, and goes feral for it.
yuta who you can be vulnerable with because you know him and his gentle smile, his kind words, how he looks up to you even though he's a special grade and stronger than you'll ever be,, hhhh....
tmi but "fuck me until i sound like a dog toy" is actually something a previous partner said to me??? i've never been much of a top but hearing that just kinda had me... hsdfgjhdsg HHHHHH
i think a major part of gojo's appeal is how he can be arrogant and pretty AND sultry all at once. there's something utterly delicious about a slutty confident man who is also crying screaming throwing up for you to let him put it in you skdhflsdhg
next heatwave fic is sdkfgsdlhgshg uhhhHHhh different from the ones you have read, it's a yandere piece with gojo and geto.
After that it's another gojo piece i think you'll REALLY like >.> masochist!gojo is a favorite headcanon of mine and i was actually super hyped writing some of the smut there so far hehe.
glad you've enjoyed so far! more to come for sure ;)
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alovelyburn · 2 years
I think the craziest part about Griffith in my mind is that he probably would've been the most popular character in Berserk if he didn't assault Casca. Like he's very well written and his motives were pretty understandable. It's just the one thing he solely did out of spite ruins him for people.
I do agree with this - he's the type of antagonist that tends to commandeer fandoms more often than not in most fandoms. Which is why it always bugs me out that people are so hostile to him. I do realize it's the rape but that's kind of difficult for me to fathom for... maybe three main reasons.
First, I just have a hard time understanding people being angry at fictional characters for things that never actually happened. I have long since come to realize that I'm the only one in the universe like this aside from @zombiesgohome lmao but it doesn't make it any easier to fathom for me, I straight up can't understand it.
Second, tbh, is that Griffith didn't even do it, Femto did. One of the things that really bugs me out about Berserk's English-speaking fandom is how ... not even unable but like unwilling people are to acknowledge any difference whatsoever between human Griffith and Femto/NeoGriffith to the point where they just straight up make shit up about Griffith (like that he's a serial rapist and raped Charlotte) in order to support their obviously incorrect theory that he was just a monster from day one. And it's especially weird because this concept - the "Person was different before they were turned into a [whatever. vampire/demon/werewolf/zombie/lich/whatever] and now they're very different" thing - isn't exactly uncommon. And in Griffith's case, we are repeatedly told that he's changed and that his heart is frozen. Even Miura himself explicitly rejected the concept that Griffith was Just Evil (hell he kinda rejected the idea that Griffith is evil NOW). And yet....
They don't care, they ignore the story, they ignore the creator, they somehow imagine that a child who engages in self-harm while claiming that he's fine is actually literally completely fine, or that someone who has an emotional breakdown and self-destructs when left by Guts is just having a tantrum because he lost his toy. They imagine that he's spoiled even though he literally grew up on the street. They even blame him for his own extreme and prolonged torture and it's just fucking weird, I've never seen anything like it in my life. I think this is the thing that I find most baffling of everything in any fandom I have ever been in, and it will never, ever, ever make sense to me.
And third, this has a lot to do with my personal experience in fandoms, but Berserk was literally the first fandom I ever encountered that would have cared about this.
I'm a fandom veteran, you know? When I see people trying to argue that AO3 should ban [insert dead dove: do not eat topic here], it's just incredibly ironic to me because the reason AO3 exists is that Livejournal tried to enforce rules against what would now be considered problematic content and people were so angry that they started plotting an escape from the site. It's also the reason Dreamwidth exists.
So basically... when I first finished reading Berserk, I was genuinely shocked by how hated Griffith was because in literally every fandom I'd been in until then he would've been the most popular character even with the SA. Hell a lot of people would've just used it as a diving board off which to launch their darkfic.
And it's so odd to me that like... so many fandoms were out there trying to infuse into their canon the things that Berserk fans were angry about having to see.
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sourcoded · 2 months
Hey, Do have anyone in particular you ship Kenshi with? I would love to know if anything of the MK characters would work well with romantically with him in your opinion.
In my opinion, I started to become really obsessed with the idea of the OG timeline Kenshi and Kuai Liang being boyfriends.
I DO!! but as for mk1 specifically it's... crack ship territory so I'm a liiiiiittle shy about it tbh ...but hear me out 😭!
so me and my beloved friend @tymbalzine have been shipping and exploring kenshi / Shang tsung SUPER hard for a long while now 🙈... entirely based on its au fic cobra defanged! ( Which you totally should go read and support btw ) ...now you gotta be like 9 rings of hell equivalent of discord conversations deep to fully understand all of what we got going on soooo it's kinda hard to explain everything all in 1 ask lol but trust the dynamic and layers between these 2 go CRAZY ...it's surprisingly a rather tender n sweet ( but pretty toxic depending on how you flesh them both out..) ship and its currently most of what my brain has being gnawing on like a chew toy for a few months now!!!!!! so i'm probably a little to excited rn to share this sdjflksjdlfks!!!!
BUT ANYWAYS again this is just au shit + a lot of personal headcanon and the both of us just flexing our writing skills tbh and love for these characters ...and practically locking them in a room together (permanently) just to see what happens :P a petri-dish if you will.. if you'd like to know more details hmu !!!
as for other ships for past timelines kenshi/suchin is my main for alt timeline!!! and others (jaxshi / kenzo ) ^_^ and for OG KENMAC!!! such a good underrated ship fr...and YESSS i've also considered kuai and kenshi as well !! but only for new timeline tho. id love to further hear your take on them anon if you'd like to share :)!!!
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bylightofdawn · 6 months
Holy shit, how long has it been since we had one of these??
I've started the prequel fic for my CodyWan modern AU which takes place 10 years before It Only Knocks Twice.
I thought about writing a fic following them through the war but you guys? I just finished a 200K monster that's taken me a year and a good chunk of my sanity to write, I am simply NOT up for something that deep or involved. So hopefully this will serve.
I will admit, this is reigniting my love for this AU and I have some ideas percolating including a complete crack ship fic of Rex who is struggling to recover from the war, has been pressured into joining the Protectors by Jango as his second choice for heir since he always had an eye on Cody taking up the job of replacing him. Look Jango is kinda a dick n this fic cause well..he is a dick in canon sorry not sorry
And then Fenn Rau who's been holding down the fort while the Fett boys have been gallivanting off to fight in a war halfway around the world and is rightfully annoyed at the blatant nepotism going down.
I was kinda toying with the idea in my brain years ago but it got shelved but now I might actually write this fic at some point.
ANYWAY context for this fic. Takes place after Utapau, Grievous is dead, Dooku didn't die and sang like a fucking canary so Palpatine's entire house of cards has crumpled and both sides are kinda like wtf, I guess we'll try peace? As a nod to ATOTC, Obi-Wan nearly dies in an unfortunate blue-on-blue incident and is recovering at a nearby hospital when he receives the call that Qui-Gon had been murdered by Maul and this accelerates his plans to leave service.
Cue all the pining and regrets about things never said and actions never taken.
After years of war between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent States, the war was on the cusp of being over.
The death of General Grievous on the battlefield of Utapau had been the final nail in the coffin that broke the CIS’s back. Of course, the capture of Count Dooku and the damning accusations against Chancellor Palpatine had helped to bring the Republic as well.
Both sides were tired and weary of the war by that part. The realization the entire bloody conflict which had killed countless people being engineered by a set up of corrupt politicians who wanted yet more power had cut through both sides like a wildfire.
Widespread protests and demands for an immediate ceasefire had cropped up across the Republic and the CIS.
Cody and his troops were just as angry and outraged as the civilian population but they unfortunately didn’t have the luxury of throwing down their weapons in disgust out of protest.
If he was being honest with himself, he didn’t know how far that sense of duty would have gone if the generals demanded they head right back out onto the battlefield.
Knowing they had unwittingly propagated an unjust war that had led to the decimation of countless civilians and left some nations on the brink of ruination was a hard pill to swallow, and he’d heard the whispers of displeasure and bitterness from more than one veteran in his battalion.
As company Commander, he’d done his best to ignore and pretend he didn’t hear those grumbles of displeasure. In truth, he shared some of those sentiments and while a worrying amount of his more veteran soldiers were making statements about wanting to cash out and return home out of disgust for the war, he knew in his heart of hearts, that wasn’t for him.
No, he wanted to help to break the things that he had accidentally broken.
He enjoyed service and while he knew his father would have been delighted to have him return home after his ‘rebellious’ decision to join up with the Republic’s war rather than maintain Mandalore’s stubborn neutrality, he knew he was doing the best here.
His talents would be wasted back home in some cushy job with the Protectors.
Besides, there was another—more selfish—reason for wanting to staying in the GAR.
They’d claimed a beaten-up loveseat that overlooked the scrub brush and desert that led out to the distant mountains. The land was harsh, but it had a beauty that had been lacking in other desert climes he’d seen during the war, such as Geonosis.
Little Gods, but he hated that place with its endless dust storms and red sand, which had gotten everywhere. Or maybe he hated how much blood had blended in with the sand and how much death he’d seen during the First Battle of Geonosis.
That had been before he’d been assigned to Obi-Wan’s batallion and while he would never say a bad word against Mace Windu as a commanding officer, that particular battle had been a shitshow and far too many people had died.
And what was worse, a year later they’d found themselves back in that same gods forsaken country being shelled out of their minds by Seppie artillery.
Yet here they were in another kriffing desert but this time with the hopeful promise that the war might at long last be coming to a close. If Utapau hadn’t very nearly killed Obi-Wan, he might have actually enjoyed the austere landscape.
But it was hard when the man sitting next to him was still dressed in hospital-issued pajamas and a threadbare robe. At least he no longer had those awful tubes and IV’s sticking out of him. It had been an all too poignant reminder that after three years of hell, just as the end was in sight, he’d very nearly lost Obi-Wan Kenobi.
And to nearly lose him to a blue-on-blue friendly fire accident was all the worse. If he hadn’t been wearing his body armor, he would be dead now.
Cody wasn’t sure what he would have done with himself if that had happened.
After three years of bottling up his feelings, of promising himself that once the war was over and they were free of the constraints of the chain of command, he would finally tell Obi-Wan exactly how he felt about him.
Hopefully, the other man would feel the same way which…judging by the fact they sat there enjoying the sunset over the desert with their hands so close together their fingers were brushing, hidden as they were beneath the folds of the other man’s robe? Cody was optimistic the other man returned his feelings.
“How are the men holding up?”
“As good as can be expected. Lots of mixed feelings about everything.”
“It’s awful, I completely understand their feelings.” Obi-Wan had made little secret of the fact that he’d intended on resigning his commission once the war was over with. He wasn’t built for war, he claimed. But Cody thought differently, the man had been one of the best commanding officers he’d ever had.
He was a natural leader, one who was there with his men through thick and thin. He’d sweated and starved with them throughout the bloody years, had bled and at times cried at the senseless tragedy they’d seen.
Losing him would be a blow to the 212th but Cody kept those words firmly in check because he didn’t want to lay any sense of obligation or guilt on the man who had given so selflessly for them over the years.
“I can’t believe it myself. All of this death and heartache? Just because Palpatine wanted more power? Wanted to regain some banthashit glory about a lost Empire?” He couldn’t help the anger that threaded through his words.
“I understand, Cody.” Obi-Wan’s fingers shifted and he covered his hand with his and squeezed gently. The empathy in the redhead’s eyes was genuine and Cody felt something unnamable well up in his chest.
“I’m so ready for this war to be over with, sir.” He confessed softly, and it was a testament to how tired he was that he had even spoken that truth.
Obi-Wan’s expression shifted minutely, and that empathy shifted into a weary sort of understanding. “Me too, Cody.”
The words were spoken between them almost like a secret.
And in that quietude the resided between them, the familiar spark of longing could be felt on both sides. Obi-Wan’s fingers tightened around Cody’s almost imperceptibly as though he could sink as much meaning as he was allowed through that brief physical touch.
But then, the moment was shattered with the arrival of one of the hospital aides who stepped out of the doors and towards them.
Both struggled to pull themselves back together as he approached with a nervous look on his face.
“Commander Kenobi? There’s an urgent message for you.”
Concern flashed across Obi-Wan’s face and he carefully levered himself to his feet with a wince of pain.
“Of course, lead the way.” He said and shot one final regretful glance over at Cody.
Cody forced a smile for Obi-Wan’s benefit as the redhead walked away.
He had no idea that call would change their lives irrevocably.
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Thoughts on the idea of eggman doing horribly vile shit but still wanting to be seen as in the right for it, like “oh I’m not making them slaves it’s protective robot skin haha”
Feel like it could be an interesting twist on his char, kinda got some of those vibes from the park in colors, the full corporate speak and like, trying to make this obviously evil plan look not evil, feel like there’s a lot to be done there
I love love looove it, that's what I was expressing a desire to share more concepts of just the other day. I have some I've been meaning to share but my favorite part is when he finally drops the act and shows his true colors and mocks them for it like a cold hearted bastard so I focus on that most lol. I do wanna delve into the build up more though.
He has indeed done it in various official media already like X, Archie, games, and promo material and I absolutely loved every instance of it. But since I'm a game canon guy primarily I'm just gonna focus on that for this reply, though in the future I'm probably going to share what I liked about the cases even outside them because I appreciate it in many places.
I love how one of the things about how he likes to take things that are generally considered childish like toys, theme parks, carnivals, circuses, etc and has his own twisted fucked up spin on it is how it can also be used to lure people in with the bright colors and usually perceived innocence of it. The times Eggman has played into it is interesting.
With Eggmanland in Unleashed, he was upfront about the hell on earth that it was to Sonic because he knew he wouldn't have believed his trickery, plus he takes pride in the fact. He enjoyed teasing him with the "If you have any complaints, come deliver them to me in person. If you can, that is!" to emphasize that it was the theme park of horror >:)
Plus the atmosphere was a lot darker so despite the neon colors, it probably wouldn't have fooled anyone Sonic or not. But he still had the Eggshop be a thing where horrible sawdust and motor oil tasting food was sold to make it horrible and unpleasant for his sadistic amusement, so maybe he would've hoped to trick people regardless?
We don't get to know for sure there but in Colors he wants lots of visitors and he really had to do some immense trickery make sure it seemed innocent and appealing enough to get them to use a space elevator to travel all the way up there lol. It's a lot more colorful and fun looking than the more dark and polluted looking Eggmanland from afar.
So for the Interstellar Park, the trickery is both in its design and his words with how he pretended it was a happy wonderland of fun with nothing to do with any evil plot or premeditated misdeeds. What I love is how once you've gotten all the way up there in space, you're fucked. You'll get messed up and killed one way or another.
In his PAs when you're actually inside, the act is dropped quick. He lies about some of it being safer than it looks but for the most part? All his lines are brutally honest about how messed up it really is, with the Wisps he harmed, blatantly acknowledges the dangers of the rides and planets, and how they can cause death, horror, and fear.
I love how sadistic he is in the PAs and his morbid humor that reveals how truly sick he is and that this park was created for anything but pure innocent reasons. He intended for the rides to be deadly and food to be bad and finds it very amusing. He probably loves the idea of these tricked people coming in and quickly becoming horrified and afraid.
But it still looks so colorful and fun from afar! It's so beautiful and with the joys he promises, how could you not want to go? So while it works to lure people in, it can also give its true horrors even more impact when visitors expect something nice but the dangerous disturbing and terrifying reality is revealed and I'm sure that's very appealing to him too.
So you get this funny combination of him both trying to deceive you but then quickly becoming brutally honest as soon as you're successfully trapped in it. This is exactly what happened in the SPINGEAR ride too, where he was immediately like "haha sike you're actually in for a terrible time!" as soon as the ride began and was loving it.
But I think the idea of him playing the long game with his trickery and deceit is interesting too. We've mostly only seen cases where it's a lot quicker like that but he's set up well for him to do an elaborate scheme of dragging it out for longer and the impact would hit extra hard after all that time too, which he'd definitely enjoy and mock after.
The Eggman Empire propaganda Sonic Forces promo video was cool because Eggman was trying to convince people the world being a dark polluted hellscape is actually a good thing, which reflects his twisted idea of a "perfect" world shaped his image, where he has the power of the control and the sadistic enjoyment of the harsh conditions.
Then because people obviously need the clean air to live, he tries to trick them into thinking robotomy is a wonderful helpful treatment for it. That never needing to eat, sleep, or think again is a good thing and that they'll love it. When really it's a trick to get them to submit to him, have control over them and strip them of their freedom and free will.
But there's an eerie glimpse at how he really knows none of this right with how he says love is mandatory. Once he's tricked them and they've submitted and given up their freedom and will, he can use them as he pleases and keep them controlled and brainwashed but if they do realize how fucked up it is there's no going back, they're trapped in it now.
I'd really like to see more of that, where he tries to tell people the vile things he does are genuinely great, for their own good, are nice and selfless of him and genuinely beneficial for them. Where he manages to manipulate so well to the point of mass delusion and brainwashing with people that follow him believing he's doing something the right thing.
It's good to be a mindless slave under his control, never having to think for yourself again! Trapping living beings in robots improves upon nature and is better and more beneficial than natural! The deadly attractions are what real fun and excitement really is! The brutal sadistic punishments if they fall out of line is for their own good! There's no meaning to life if it isn't to serve him and the world is better under his control!
And the idea of people actually believing that in the Sonic universe and following him is interesting to think about. Even though it bothers me when people do it in real life and believe his lies and think he actually has good intentions but I mean hey, they give me an example of what it'd be like at least. Eggman really is a good actor, props to him! XD
I have a few ideas I'd like to share in the future. Showing love, care, and false acts of kindness to trick and manipulate, or not even hiding his vile actions but managing to convince people it's good or that the end justifies the means, and have them falling for it and he sees how far he can take it makes it especially impactful and devastating.
Delusion, deceit, manipulation, and gaslighting in general is very fascinating to me after years of experiencing it and I've always wanted to understand it from the perpetrator's perspective and portray it as dark and disturbing as it really is. It's always been interesting for me to explore in Eggman too, from when he's manipulating specific characters to the masses. I've actually been researching big cases of mass delusion in history again lately so this is timely.
Pulling people into the empire with the lie that it's something great that will benefit everyone but their leader has much darker intentions and the true final outcome will benefit only himself, but he strings them along on a lie, brainwashes them, and has control though mind games and trickery is fascinating and thrillingly devious.
Then slowly or abruptly realizing it's a lie and the impact when it all comes crashing down and Eggman spits and laughs in their face and mocks them for having a heart and wanting to see good in him/believing and having hope in good coming from it. It emphasizes his coldness and cruelty and how much of a threat he is even to the mind.
And if that happens he'll try to shut down their doubts and lie more to keep them deluded because he knows just what they want to hear and promises them they'll get it. So if they don't believe it's right, the ends justify the means. And if that doesn't work, he'll threaten them to keep them in so they can't leave, or have them dealt with.
But he's so good at taking advantage of people's vulnerabilities, saying what they want to hear, and embedding lies so deeply into their minds to warp reality into what he wants them to believe that sometimes they may be too far gone and never see the truth. And he takes it to the darkest places, using them all up and harming them and they die in vain.
Every outcome has the potential to be very fascinating, entertaining, and impactful!
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megaawkwardhuman · 1 year
after a rollercoaster of a week for me y'all have NO IDEA how happy this makes me to say but
THE TRAILER FOR SEASON 5 IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and that means looking far too much into it!!!!! :D
OK so I have A LOT of thoughts so I'm going to do bullet points
right off the bat (hehehhe bat) nandor never fucking change XD love how he thought that would work
oh yeah speaking of nandor we have a scary lack of him in the trailer or at least what he's going to do this season (mom pick me up I'm scared for my cringefail)
to say what's on everyone's mind OH MY FUCKING GOD FINALLY LET'S GOOOOOOO
well at some point? by the looks of it we're kinda getting a have your cake and eat it too when it comes to guillermo being a vampire and ngl kinda upset about it if it's going how I think it's going
I swear if he's practically normal until the very fucking end I will raise HELL
also I love how chaotic his turning is XD
colin for office babyyyyyyyy
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also (DON'T QUOTE ME ON THIS) I think this is the first time we're seeing colin flirt/do anything remotely romantic or whatever to a dude in the show (which confirms that every main character is queer but we already knew that lol)
the scene with the microphone woke me up (well so did vamp guillermo but the mic REALLY woke me up)
so the guy in the promo WAS nandor huh
love how outdated laszlo's medical stuff is
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d-did nandor bring guillermo to a basketball game out of jealousy?
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nadja pouring coffee on her date's plate XD
ayyyy the sire!
ok I'm assuming part of nadja's and colin's plots will revolve around getting a date??????
I'm assuming the store nandor is at is a hot topic/spencer's stand in
if it is PLZ LET THERE BE A LOOKING AT THE BACK OF SPENCER'S SCENE (for those who have never step foot in a spencer's it's basically a common mall store that has edgy shit and the back is known for having sex toys and other nsfw shit in it think of it as the edgy older brother of hot topic)
"that's how we all learn" UHHH TF!??!
glad to see laszlo accept guillermo and help him learn how to vampire :) (let's hope the others will)
by the looks of it nadja and colin's plots will at some point involve dating??????
AWWWWWW charmaine is supportive of sean
this has been said a million times but NANDOR IS FUCKING CUTE IN HIS SEAN COMING OUT OUTFIT!!!!!! THE LITTLE BELLY!!!!!!!
if I remember correctly (AND I REALLY HOPE I'M WRONG) but the last time we saw nandor THIS happy was during the wellness canter cluster fuck so I'm REALLY glad he's going to be happy this season
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YOOOO SEASON 4.5?????? (1 I know it was a talk show in 4.5 2 yeah I made this joke already XD)
theory: whatever happened the guide is happening to nadja
the only thing to back it up: they both be blonde
THE GUIDEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I MEAN SURE I GUESS???????????????
I'm assuming that what he said is in reaction to him being told he's a dhampir or he's immune or something like that
hUh weird but ok????
and finally WHAT'S WITH THE MOON SHIT?????
theory: guillermo only shows signs of being a vampire at night which is why he can go out during the day without being burnt to a crisp
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bleedingcoffee42 · 16 days
Ha, it is interesting that Winters didn't take Tab with him. But, maybe just because he was not an officer? Dunno. Poor Tab tho.
You know, no idea how they were in reality, but for me Winters did like Sparky and they could be close, but the fact is he lost command of his beloved Easy to him, so a little green eyed monster probably poke his sides from time to time with the "oh yes, splendid officer ... BUT". He felt like someone who gave his fave toy car to a kid and then had a one hour instruciotion talk about how to play it and not leave a scratch on it and then watched the kid playing like a hawk. Poor Spakry had a biiiig shoes to fill.
Besides, Dick was petty from time to time. It's canon.
Please, write a fic about Sparky bitching about Dick being a bitch to Nix. And hey! You post some fics again! *dances around the room*
Btw, have you watched Generation Kill? Because there is a super duper interesting Lt x Sg interactions and the Lt had some suicidal mad runs while people shoot at him, what I find hilarious. And super cool.
Hope life treats you well!
He could have used a staff sergeant or something. End of the war and Battalion CO he genuinely could have made up a position for him. Winters would just snag a guy for a runner, just to get them off the line for a while. I'm kinda with Tab on this one. Why not? Alton Moore got to be a Jeep driver with an album under his ass. Dick could be creative. Maybe he wanted someone he trusted still in Easy but it seems like there was a personality clash with Speirs in addition to a longing to be with Dick? Guess we'll never know.
I feel like his tune changed a little after the book. Not that there is any evidence to say how he felt before the book, but from BoB info gathering forward Dick's opinion of Speirs fluctuates. I do feel feathers might have been ruffled when Sparky stole some of the spotlight because you can't really underplay the bad-ass shit he did. Sure the first question is "Did he really shoot those people?" but it doesn't dampen the awe any. Got worse after the movie.
I have so much material I need to write for. The Chuck Grant saga just keeps getting more involved, I'm sure "Please get your man under control" and dropping Dick's letters on Nix's lap will be in there. Has to be. But honestly having Nix being the voice of reason for Dick Winters tickles something.
I haven't watched GK yet. I have to tackle one thing at a time. Just BoB has my head buried in research trying to track down all these guys. I can't handle more of them at the moment, I have to hit Winter's research boxes again but instead I'm looking at marriage records and Plastic Industry magazines from the 50s and the occasional one on Glass Manufacturing executives. It's a deep hole I've dug.
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