#this is not a fandom in which you get to be fucking picky
coockie8 · 10 months
ur right tho the storm hawks fandom rlly is quieter now imho
Oh yeah? And here I thought it was just because I had like half the fandom here on tumblr blocked lol
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philsmeatylegss · 1 year
*Types into search bar*
“How to still be an active fan of a creator when previously being an obsessive fan for most of your teens because they were one of the few good things keeping you from killing yourself in middle school so now trying to become a more casual fan feels like a betrayal and I cannot get into new fandoms because the high I got in middle school from the extreme emotion switch cannot be replicated both because I’m literally twenty and I’m far from suicidal so now and I love these creators with my whole heart and still engage with all of their new content but I want to move on while also still being a fan but I just can’t?”
#this is about dan and phil lol#literally my pfp and url is inspired from them and my identity partly is them#they were my first healthy adult relationship I saw as a child so it feels fucking hard to turn away#and I just can’t get into any new content because it’s not the same#also I’m really picky in who I like to read fanfic about and most fandoms don’t fit that criteria but that’s irrelevant at this time#idk#the phandom is dying because we’re all getting older and have learned how to be healthy about an interest#and it hurts to watch it happen to yourself#idk I can always fall back on it when they upload new content#that’s actually what I do#I still get that same high when they upload#but it fizzles out after a few hours#WHICH IS HEALTHY#but I’ve spent so long obsessing over it that this casual treatment feels like betrayal#I feel like I can’t be the only one going through this though#hmu to create a support group for people who were rabidly obsessed with dnp in their early teenage years accompanied with severe mental#illness and are now getting older and healthier so you don’t get that same obsession but you’re still a fan but you can’t join any new#fandoms and so on#also if you just happen to know of a fandom stanning something that includes a real carnon gay relationship where both parties are gay and#the fics fucking slap please lmk#I mean ig it can be fictional but I just have a thing with them not being fully gay irl#I’m not gonna start because I don’t want to be cancelled#so many people have gone through this phase of going rabid to normal why did no one warn me#rae’s rambles#dan and phil
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regicidal-optimism · 7 months
You've been reblogging more stuff about female characters getting ignored by fandoms recently and I would be really curious to hear your full views on the topic.
The thing is that... look. I get it. Many fandoms do not have very many women in their canon, many of those women are treated pretty poorly by the canon or aren't given as much depth as their male peers, and if you're at all picky the pickings are kind of slim (I would love to be a fan of c!Niki, if I were able to watch six-hour vods, which I am not). It is not wrong that most works with large fandoms are really, really sexist, and the problem is not just in the fanbase!
But come the fuck on. It is not an accident that the DSMP and the MCU and BNHA, all of which are vast-majority male and the female characters are treated terribly, are megafandoms, and Revolutionary Girl Utena is eligible for yuletide. It is not wrong that if you want to see more female-character-focused fanwork you should go to Sailor Moon and not The Untamed, but it is also kind of missing the point to say that and not look at the difference in size between those fandoms. People can say "it's because the male characters are so often more interesting and have more meaningful interactions," and like, sometimes that's even true, I will be the first to tell you that quackbur has more to it than tinarose, but please compare the Clint/Coulson tag to the Utena/Anthy tag and look me in the eye and tell me that's the only thing driving the trend. With a straight face.
And even more there's a thing where— so, I was a mod in the @ao3topshipsbracket bracket. And femslash ships, once they were in the bracket, did really well. Like, absurdly well, like 80% of the f/f ships entered got to the top 16, and the last one was against blackbonnet which was never gonna lose in round 1. You might notice something about that number, though, which is that there were only five of them entered total, because people love to vote for femslash but they absolutely will not write it. And they won't say anything about it either! I was watching the activity feed the entire tournament, and I can tell you, for all of the "let's go lesbians" that populated our notes, nobody would say anything that was actually about the specific characters who made up their ship. I learned a lot about Naruto fandom, modding that bracket; I still know nothing about CW Supergirl, because the only thing anyone would say about it is "it has women in it". Because women are interchangeable. Because women are avatars of Being A Good Feminist. Because clicking a button is easy, and actually thinking about any specific woman and her traits and her internality is hard.
The thing is that guilt over misogyny does not actually fix misogyny. It gets you a lot of people who vote for women in polls, and who say "he's like a woman to me" about their male faves but notably don't have any canonically female characters they talk about, and who say that the only thing they care about in a fic is if it has women in it but will not ever actually say anything about any specific woman, and who never shut up about yuri but apparently yuri is everything and anything except women who have feelings about one another.
I'm tired! I'm very tired. I want people to actually give a shit about specific women and their specific traits, which do not begin and end with "woman". And, also, to stop treating women exclusively as the wingmen, advice-givers, mom figures, and accessories of men.
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“I personally like [certain fanon thing].”
The WoF fandom here: “Oh yeah! I get that!”
“I personally don’t like [certain fanon thing].”
Also the WoF fandom here: “BOO! You have no fun nor whimsey in your blood! Go cry about it in a ditch, you whiny fucking idiot.”
Like- look y’all, I get why you wouldn’t like someone’s point of view about a certain thing in fanon (especially if it’s a bad and/or shitty take)-
But I honestly feel like some people are throwing insults at people and being toxic towards them with little to no thought about the negative mental impact they’re putting on someone over their personal nick-picky and/or negative opinions on a certain subject (Ex: a fanon design) to the point that they go way to fucking far about it tbh.
Like- you can disagree with someone’s opinion WITHOUT being overly-toxic and overly-aggressive towards someone about it! You can do it in a calm and informative manner!!! (Ex: I disagree with your opinion, because…. within the books it says or people to do this thing because…)
Plus, a good proportion- heck, majority - of people within this fandom are literal MINORS, including ones that ARE going to be Nick-picky, immature, and/or even straight-up incorrect about certain things, either in canon and/or fanon. That’s just how some kids (and people) are like unfortunately, whether we like it or not!
So people being overly toxic and/or angry towards literal minor - and people in general tbh - within the fandom are just going to make younger kids feel uncomfortable and even unsafe on the internet and/with expressing their opinions towards others about a series that people connect to each other with, which will also results in those kids to not able be to learn from people who genuinely are able to help them understand why their opinion isn’t good and/or why they should change their point of view (in a non-malicious and/or non-aggressive way).
So yeah - basically what I’m trying to state here that toxicity and aggressiveness towards someone based on their personal opinions about a fictional book series does MUCH more bad than good than people think it does and that people should think through what type of negative impact they’ll put on someone before responding to them on the internet.
End of story.
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audiblehush · 5 months
Listen, I’m on the “I’ll believe it when I see it” train with all these inconsistent S3 rumors because 1) LOL the fucking Sun, people, really?! and 2) “Well, the friend of my friend said… and they’re really reliable! Trust me!” 🙄
But even if it all ends up being true: I’ve already seen a handful of great posts talking about no, it’s NOT actually harming Colin’s character, thanks, and would make a lot of sense from what we know about where he’s at mentally so far - I’ll try not to rehash stuff they’ve already argued really well… and probably fail once i get going 😬
But I would also like to throw out that canonically… Book!Colin ALSO had experience prior to his relationship with Penelope?? Not to rakeish levels, but yeah, he had sexual encounters with women… That he then specifically mentions as meaning NOTHING once he compares it to what he has with Penelope because with her there is actual LOVE built over YEARS of INTIMACY.
And since Show!Colin is markedly younger than his book counterpart, it would make sense that this is something he is exploring, whether the initial choice is through coercion from his brother(s), or because he is curious, or… whatever he reason is?? It doesn’t matter??
He’s YOUNG. Being young means being curious about sex! It often means learning over time the difference between mere physicality vs intimacy. Learning about sex can be messy, confusing, wonderful, terrible, mediocre, not what you thought it’d be, etc etc etc.
Regardless of if we’re taking about Penelope OR Colin: Context is everything and WE. DON’T. HAVE. ANY. YET.
Penelope has her own coping mechanism for what she’s dealing with on her own throughout the show with LW; why is Colin any different, whether that’s drinking, tea, sex, etc? He’s clearly exploring different aspects of himself and finding what appeals or doesn’t appeal to him. And that’s normal!!
The IRONY of people claiming they’re furious at Colin treating women like sex toys… when that’s exactly how some people view Colin for Penelope. He is more than a prop for her! Their whole story is that they choose each other after years of self discovery and recognition of each others true selves… ALL of their past experiences included.
Even if the rumored second instance is true… 1) it would clearly be used as a way to prove that he’s miserable and NEEDS love and Pen and intimacy and 2) characters make mistakes... often ones they learn from. Pen has made her fair share of poor choices, too. Colin has and WILL make mistakes because that is what interesting, developing characters do, yet y’all act like he is unforgivable for being given his own plot scenes. He is NOT just there to have sex with Penelope!! He is a character outside of his romance with his own struggles to grapple with!
Also, please be real - this was SO NORMAL for men during this era, especially at his age! Why are MODERN DAY AUDIENCES acting so fucking scandalized?? One or two instances doesn’t even make him a real rake, ESPECIALLY if it’s being framed as him realizing it isn’t what he ultimately wants! Why are you even watching this show if something like this is so offensive to you?!
If all this ends up being accurate (which again, I doubt), I will admit I’ll probably be picky about how it’s handled… but I’ve always felt that way about this pairing in the short time I’ve been in the fandom.
But I NEED people to chill the fuck out until the season actually airs. You’re lambasting something you HAVEN’T EVEN SEEN YET.
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vera-king-hrfl · 4 months
Zevlor Sex Drive HC.
OK, so I've been thinking about our sexy old legend a lot recently (obviously), and I've decided to explain how I understand his needs. Just... I mean, just look at the guy.
I can't be arsed to format anything, but w/e, you get what you get.
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He's really shy at first and doesn't want to burden you with his desires, but when he feels more comfortable, he will indicate his needs in subtle little ways.
He's too much of a gentleman to ask for it outright, but you see the hunger in his fiery eyes as they travel over your body. The way his sharp teeth indent that delicious lower lip, his claws digging into his palms trying to control himself.
He loves to make out. He can kiss you and touch you for as long as you can take it before you get too hot and absolutely attack him. When he learns how to turn you on there's no hope of resisting.
Maybe at first, he comes too fast, he's been starved for touch for so long, but he's able to perform multiple times in any given day. He has amazing stamina and really strong legs, so once you have released that incredible pressure he's able to go for hours.
He needs... needs sex, on the daily. It makes him feel attractive and wanted. He's damaged, and being inside you, or having you inside him, makes him feel loved.
Once he is really comfortable and knows you want him however he likes, he's not picky about the setting. He'll take you anywhere. In bed, bent over a table, up against the wall. He'll pound you into the dirt if that's what's available.
He likes everything. Blowjobs, hand jobs, dry humping. He loves when you play with his ass. Your fingers, your tongue, your cock if you have one. He whimpers so sweetly when you stretch him there. He can come from that alone.
He can also get off from going down on you. And with that long, forked tongue... (it isn't in the game but we the people have decided it and so it shall be.) He's good with you sitting on his face or grabbing his hair or horns and fucking his throat, whatever the case may be.
Zev isn't picky about gender or appearance. As long as you want him, he thinks you're beautiful.
He loves when you caress his horns or his tail. When you touch the ridges on his body, or complement his eyes. He isn't exactly ashamed of what he is, but he's been insulted so much that it makes him really happy that you appreciate his infernal attributes.
He's big. Like, long, heavy, thick, with prominent ribbing. He's been thoroughly blessed by the cock gods. I think it's pretty much universal fandom lore now. He is aware of that, and always afraid of hurting you. And he does, but you like that, don’t you? You'd never tell him that it's too much, even if it is.
He's also really strong. He's not the biggest guy in body, but he's so fit, and has been for so long that he can easily hold you down or throw you around even if you're heavier than him.
He likes to bite and be bitten. Not into pain that much, but he considers it love bites and likes leaving marks on you. He is embarrassed about it but he enjoys the taste of your blood.
He's ready at a moment's notice if the two are alone. He can get hard at a light breeze.
He's not an exhibitionist, but he's fine if nobody can see and you try to be quiet. He'll get shy about public displays of affection.
He always thanks you afterward, even if you're the one who's quivering, covered in sweat and half-wrecked from the pleasure.
He's big into aftercare. He likes to hold you and soothe you as you tremble in his arms. He'll get you a drink or a cloth to clean up with. He can also heal any damage he's done, which eventually makes him more likely to take kinky risks, if you’re enthusiastic about your desire for that.
Slight edit because I forgot...
Favorite position: I know this is vanilla, but, missionary! He likes everything as I said, but he's the Hellrider, the Paladin, the Commander, and he really loves being on top and being in control. He's fine bottoming, but he wants your legs around his waist, wants to put his weight on you, to look into your eyes. He wants to see every expression and every reaction to what he's doing to you, and you better believe he's taking mental notes. That also feels very romantic to him, and you know the guy is just hopeless. It won't be that bad. He's not very heavy. I imagine him as being about 5'8 and lean.
In conclusion, yeah, I'm down bad. I can't help it, and I'm not sorry.
Note: there's a little hint of what I'm working on now up there somewhere. Something I haven't included in any of my Zev stories yet. Be afraid.
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transmascswagpolls · 4 months
Transmasc Swag Polls- ROUND 1
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Propaganda and other info under the cut.
PUPPET: OOPS! Accidentally Transgender
ALICE: Subtext/ Coded
FNAF: High School (a Youtube animation series), Your Turn to Die (and other related media)
PUPPET PROPAGANDA- (Pollrunner's Note: I genuinely wish I could highlight all the propaganda that was written for this character. Some of the stuff I read was WILD. The submitter uses he/they pronouns for Puppet, but I will have to note the character canonically uses she/her)
On their introduction, Puppet was interpreted by everyone in the fandom as a guy. He has a very deep voice no matter the va, has short hair, and wears the boy school uniform (aka a tie instead of a bow and pants instead of a skirt). His sister has an extra song where she sings about being there for her sibling- uses a lot of male gendered ways to refer to them, and the song has a lot of trans subtext in it ("I'm still that little boy to you" (showing puppet as a kid), "it was only me who could see you", "a light will be born in your new world, and that will be your song"). This song's MV shows Puppet as a kid wearing a dress and a bow in his hair. He looks really sad when looking at their reflection in a puddle and they angrily take the bow out of his hair. In the reflection we can see present day Puppet with his chest covered in bandages, smiling. One time when Puppet is placed in a boy's cabin, other characters point out the 'mistake' to him, which he brushes off and says it's ok (in fact, he seems very happy about it). The creator was confused as to why people were calling Puppet a guy. She says that Puppet is not trans and is just a tomboy. When people thought Puppet was trans, [she] got some backlash for showing unsafe binding, so she said that Puppet doesn't bind and is "just flat chested" (which is really weird to me since his identical twin is not in the least bit flat)
Alice has a whole scene in the spinoff where someone asks him why he talks like a girl sometimes (uses feminine pronouns when he's flustered or stressed in japanese) and he tells them that his mother raised him as her daughter but he knew in his heart that he was a man and eventually got up the courage to tell her. VERY defensive over his gender as a result of that. Sure he's AMAB. But also considering his situation I think he can also count as transmasc. He's one of us Was in his sister's band and played the drums (he doesn't know how to play them). Can only wear striped things if the stripes are in a specific way and is so picky he tries to get a 17 year old to eat his food. He's very kind and cares for people (especially his younger sister) but is also very cringefail... you should play this game. Pleag (Pollrunner's Note: I only met this character thanks to this poll and that alone made everything worth it. His pseudonym (which is a spoiler so I won't include it here) is so clever that it inspired the name of one of the characters in my game. Swaggy fucking guy fr fr)
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howlsofbloodhounds · 12 days
Thinking about young nightmare and his friendgroup...doing dumb shit....
I saw this a lot that nightmare would be the responsible and completely mature teenager that knows everything(though i havent seen it a lot now, but i also dont read a lot of nightmare centred fics because i get nit picky about it) which kinda gives me the ick i cant lie 😔
I've been thinking about them a lot recently, like nightmare probably got pulled into a bunch of dumb shit and stuff he would've never done if it weren't for his friends
I'm talking vandalism, and not the malicious kind like destroying buildings that 5 century old nightmare does, i'm talking grafitti and accidentally breaking a tree while breaking in a school because they were gonna prank the history teacher. OR when they're a little older drinking games
This man has definitely done some dumb shit, just because he is book smart and immortal doesnt mean he wasnt a teenager and young adult. He definitely both fucked up and has had some embarrassing moments.
I'm also just thinking about them having sleepovers and being in a giant cuddle pile because nightmare is cold, and him just accidentally hitting them with his tendril thingies
Sometimes its not an accident though, shouldn't have made a comment about an embarrassing moment for him 😋
Also just thinking about him and his lover when they were young, like they definitely had some fights and have said dumb stuff. They always made up, either by themselves or like that one time they got locked in a linen closet and forced to make up by the others.
Also thinking about how nightmare is an unknown creature to them, they have never seen a walking skeleton before let alone one covered in...something and tendrils out his back. Also just thinking about him and his lover exploring eachother because well, they're curious, and young so they do dumb shit and accidentally fuck up nightmares hand for a second while trying to figure out how his hands work
Or just nightmare being confused about humans, and why they are warm, why they have eyelashes and stuff. He knows they do, he has seen humans before in the village but he could never ask why they had that. So having someone explain it to him is probably nice and vice versa.
Also thinking about how nightmare is cold so in the summer all of them are frequently seen draping themselves over nightmare while eating icecream. And nightmare is still under a blanket.
Honestly just giving nightmare the teen experience because dream wont be able to because he was in the stone, and seeing almost everyone around you have had that experience, even your own brother must be..well something
Also yk how you make a dumb mistake in your teens and then discourage others not to do that?
Nightmare encourages dream to do the same embarrassing shit he did when young because he thinks it funny. Schadenfreude is something nightmare is very much familiar with
Also probably to make himself feel a little bit better that even his 'perfect' (according to the villagers) brother has embarrassing moments too
You and I are similar in not being able to read many favorite character-centric fics due to being nitpicky.
Although in my case there’s very rarely any Killer centric fics that isn’t just Killer sucking off Nightmare or Cross or simping over someone—usually Nightmare.
(Strange how this fandom used to hypersexulize killer by making him a horny lustful pervert 24/7 and infantilize him at the same time. And still kinda does. Though thankfully people are moving away from that, and i actually find much better fics for me by writers (and artists) over here on Tumblr.) (I had to prevent myself from ranting about killers potential in fics multiple times 🙏)
Anyway! I love that idea, especially the idea of him and his lover exploring eachother and just being really dumb teens. The idea of Nightmare having a teen experience and a life before all the King of Negativity, cult leader labor trafficker kidnapper torturer stuff.
It would be kinda funny and interesting if Nightmare’s lover actually had a red soul—and he kinda attaches to Killer for that reason and sees a lot of them in him (similar to how Chara saw only the “better” version of Asriel/Flowey in Killer, or how Papyrus and the whole multiverse only saw Sans, and keeps with the theme that no one but Color ever saw Killer for Killer.)
And like, Nightmare may or may not have any of those types of feelings for Killer—but he is possessive, because Killer reminds him of what he lost, and he is useful.
And also the idea of Dream having lost out on his childhood/teen hood and having to spend it just training and preparing to become the Guardian of Positivity and keeping the Balance, protecting the Multiverse, fighting/saving his brother, is all so sad. Nightmare got to live and mature naturally (without his family of course, and likely being hated and feared and isolated wherever he went), whereas Dream was forced to grow fast to basically be a child soldier.
{ @brokenramunebottle }
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bringthekaos · 3 months
Im not sure if you're still actively in the arcane fandom but I was wondering what type of things Jayce and viktor would argue about besides their opinions on hex tech/ war. Would they even argue a lot?
Kinda like normal couple things, like would Viktor get annoyed at Jayce for chewing with his mouth open or would Jayce get annoyed at Viktor for cleaning up his room for him? and etc.
Oh I very much am still here, just kinda getting steamrolled by life. But I’m still just as obsessed with JayVik as I was on day one!!
My headcanon for a recurring argument is organization—if you look at Jayce’s apartment, he is just… all over the place. Like… he made himself and Cait sandwiches and then left them on the table and fucked off to the Undercity for parts. I feel like he’s got a little of that ADHD; he starts a project, gets distracted by another, leaves shit lying around, repeat ad nauseum. I imagine his system for organizing is “I’ll remember where I had it last.” Which I can totally relate to, as I’m that way. It would be great if I could put things back where they go on a shelf or in a drawer, but for some reason I just “take a picture” with my mind, and I remember where things were last, even if that’s not where they go.
And Viktor is much more organized—a habit he’s trained himself into over time. He needs to know where things are when he needs them, and it’s important to him that he can find those things without wasting time searching for them. And I imagine he gets frustrated when he needs certain tools in the lab, and they’re supposed to be hanging above the workbench, but they’re not. So then he has to ask Jayce where they are, and of course Jayce knows, he remembers where he put it. But it gets frustrating for Viktor, having to ask every time. He’d prefer if it was just where it was supposed to be.
And of course this wouldn’t be a recurring thing if they would just explain to each other their rationale, but there’s a measure of self-consciousness involved—Jayce being insecure about his disorganization, and Viktor worrying he’s being too picky (even though it’s often not about being picky, it’s about saving himself the movement and the pain of having to go looking for something).
I imagine they disagree on many other things, obviously politics and economics, but those things I can see them more easily avoiding (at least in the early days). Kind of an “agree to disagree” situation. But as time goes on, I can see all of these small disagreements festering, and because they don’t really talk about them, what was once a minute crack in their relationship becomes a massive rift. That said though, I still think all of it could be mended if they would just talk to each other—level with the other, explain why they feel the way they do. I’m certain they’d both understand, and would compromise with each other in the interest of maintaining their relationship. They care deeply about one another, whether it’s platonic or romantic, and I believe they would put in the effort to mend that rift. But sadly, they don’t get that chance before it all goes to hell.
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dootznbootz · 2 months
Have you ever read a fic/headcanon post you liked so much that it influenced your characterization of Odypen?
I love this ask so much, Dear Anon, holy shit. Thank you so much! I'm so excited to talk about this!
Because...I...I purposely basically shut myself OUT of the fandom until I had MY own characterization down because I wanted to basically have a read of the texts, and then have my own ideas/opinions.
I actually had so much fun with it too!!! :D I wanna ramble about it lol
Ngl, I noticed a SHITTON of like, "hivemind fanon headcanons" in the fandom. Or at least a lot of people sharing the exact same one.
And while there is NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT, I also know that people sometimes will just be a "Yes Man" with ideas and that MAYBE that's a bit of fanon. And that my own reading could be completely different.
I REALLY love this story/myth and so I just really wanted to go into it "blind". I even just RESEARCHED on my own. I have not read a single translation introduction ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ THAT'S how much I wanted to really form my own beliefs before anything else.
And I just had so much fun reading and studying and ANALYSING the texts so then I could really pinpoint exactly WHERE I get a certain headcanon from (most of the time. lol some headcanons are simply for fun and don't have too much textual evidence)
I mean...How many Penelope's have you seen that are feral? 👀 Who is prideful, snarky, reckless, stubborn, ruthless, etc.? (I HAVE read some angry Penelope fics yes! And they're wonderful! ...But that's not necessarily MY Penelope. My Penelope curses and says "Bet" before rushing at something 10x her size. Mine has a temper and WILL lash out. She was just extra careful with the suitors.) Yes, she's intelligent and patient and thoughtful...but Odysseus ALSO has those traits somewhat as well.
THEY'RE LIKEMINDED. BOTH are a person of "many twists and turns". It's why they're fucked up lil soulmates 🥹
There's a few HEADCANONS that I really love that I plan to use and try to credit the OG person though! Just that they're small-ish and not really a big thing on characterization.
My fellow fuzzy worm, Char, (@fangirlofallthefanthings) has OdyPen call Telemachus their lil "droplet" which is super cute.
Someone on tumblr, (I think it was nerdygirl2023??? Idk for sure though, I'll have to recheck later lol) mentioned how Amphitrite kind of helps Odysseus about the Oar quest which I REALLY love. (please let this sad lil fuck rest ;~; I want him in Penelope's arms PLEASE. If I don't go with that idea, Penelope goes with him. Either way, I'm not separating them for at most a few days.)
Other than that and maybe some small things from other works that SUPPORT my headcanons. (Odysseus' behavior towards Circe in Epic kind of supporting my "Odysseus is asexual/demisexual" headcanons, etc.) but most of my stupid silly stuff is from my own silly head :P
It's not like I don't like anyone else's headcanons lol xD It's just that certain things would not fit well with my lil weirdos as it would be out of character for THEM, you know?
Ngl, I sometimes get a lil embarrassed by how DIFFERENT my ideas are from others :') Or even just how few I've seen that are like my own. I love my ideas but it's like I'm a lil bee outside the hive where everyone else is working 🙃 I don't like that I'm so "picky" about my ideas but I just am ;~; (Especially about Penelope's characterization.)
I've seen some posts and "incorrect quotes" that fit my sillies but that was still AFTER I've established my weirdos :P
...I almost wonder sometimes if folks are inspired by MY Sillies 👀 as I've seen some stuff that really makes me wonder lol
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prince-liest · 6 months
Hi there! I've been having SO much fun with your 666 verse, and I can't send you enough Kudos for your ace-spec / touch-averse representation of Alastor. I'm a big fan of how you build up and build in the gentle moments of caring between alastor and vox but honestly I am also a big fan of them exploring the D/s dynamics that emerge (I'm also so happy that they're not fixed within the dynamic / roles but rather explore)!
Ayyy, hello there and thank you so much!
I am fairly rarely actually strictly fixed about the dynamics I prefer to see in ships—it's happened on occasion in different fandoms, admittedly, but it's always a characterization thing for me—and for Vox and Alastor in particular they honestly just 100% strike me as the kind of people who enjoy both roles. Alastor because "sadomasochist" just seems like his thing, and Vox because he's obsessive and gives 110 very enthusiastic percent to anything involving Alastor. So I'm really glad you're enjoying! I've spent the last few years in danmei and Genshin fandoms which tend to be a little more... let's say picky about the idea of fixed dynamics (whether they be top/bottom or d/s), hahaha, so the positive reception that radiostatic being the switchy as heck is getting is genuinely so nice to me.
One of the fun parts of writing radiostatic in 666 is that Vox doms more often and enjoys the hell out of it, but at the same time, even when he is taking on a dominant role in an encounter (I hesitate to call them scenes because they kind of are in terms of how the two of them wear the roles, but also they're generally not at all negotiated or defined as such by radiostatic themselves), it's still relatively clear that there's a bit of a power imbalance in terms of who openly cares more about the other's opinion—and it's in Alastor's favor. Which I think comes through in how the flavor of their play changes depending on what roles they're taking on in a fun way!
And that resulting power imbalance has been slowly closing somewhat as Alastor grows to care more and, as you said, realizes that it's actually important and not always necessarily fucking painful for him to show that he at least fundamentally gives a shit in those quieter moments. But it will probably never close entirely, because consistently behaving like he's beholden to the good opinion of another person would give Alastor hives and possibly anaphylaxis, let us be real.
Anyway, thank you very much for your kind words! I hope you continue to enjoy!!
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appleflavoredkitkats · 9 months
i'm not someone i consider to be someone from og fandom communities pre-2010 but recently, as an artist, i've shared many of the sentiments they've had abt the growing perversion of fandom spaces, especially in the context of capitalism. of really fucking bad capitalism (which is the only kind of capitalism tbf).
like, we joke abt capitalism haha but i don't think y'all GET it. like, to its roots. one of the things i realized was kind of fucked up is the culture of improvement? because there's videos and posts out there talking about "how to improve one's art" and it's heavily intertwined with the large-scale issue we have of artists absolutely HATING themselves because they don't like the art they make.
and this is so fucked up because like. i just realized rn that the focus on Being Good prevented me from wanting to create in the first place. improvement is literally just a tool for you to fit into the capitalist lens. when i began writing again, i decided to not be picky about what i wrote and just Wrote. i stopped looking for advice on structure. and would you look at that, i enjoyed it and i write pretty damn well!
now we're stuck in a hellscape of people pumping out works they think will appease the status quo, and hundred and millions of lurkers doing nothing but like and scroll. the absolute community-based characteristic fandom is usually associated with just GONE. POOF. i'm in a particular fandom rn where i watched it happen, especially during hiatuses, and it's like. we're moving too fast. we stop caring so fast. we see artists as production machines and not someone we literally TALK to.
and just. sigh. i wished we can stop hating artists. i wished artists stopped hating themselves.
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fiveht · 11 months
do you have any fics you'd recommend reading? like, a personal "everyone should read these they're so good jesus christ" list? i need something to tide me over until we get the next chapter lmao
So I really haven't done nearly as much reading as your typical Marauders fan. I think this fandom might have the highest average word count of any fandom I've ever been in, and committing to 500k+ words often feels impossible to my ADHD-riddled ass. I'm also bound by my extreme pickiness, as well as my aversion to heavy angst and trauma porn. I won't read anything with a sad (or even open/"hopeful") ending, and I won't read MCD. Which is massively limiting when you ship a pairing of two characters who both canonically die tragically young.
That being said, I do have some faves to share! Here are three that came to mind when I got this ask.
A Moral Obligation by Quietlemonhush. This one is a/b/o, Alpha Remus/Omega Sirius, set in a world where the good guys win the first war. Sirius is so great in this, a clever, fiery, gorgeous war hero who everyone assumes to be an alpha because he doesn't present as an omega until much later than expected. Lovely little series with delicious porn and delightful characterisation.
Pretty Little Greys by @cancerravenclaw. I don't read a lot of fics set at Hogwarts because canon makes me sad, but this one is an exception, because good lord it is hot as fuck. Remus is very possessive in this one, very dominant, and Sirius is so sweetly submissive, but still very much himself, confident and sharp. Semi-public (Gryffindor tower bathroom) sex, with lots of claiming and marking. I love this one so much.
Dear Your Holiness by MollyMaryMarie. I know this one gets recced a lot, but that's just because we all need to make sure that everyone reads it at some point in their life. This fic is an absolute fucking masterclass in UST. The near-kisses, the physical closeness, the scenes at the shows where Moony is playing just for Sirius, good fucking LORD. I would have read 500k of this without anyone even taking their pants off and I would have been fucking happy about it. There were several points during my first read of this fic where I actually had to put my phone down and walk away because the tension was too much and I needed to temporarily remove myself from the situation.
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stocious · 4 months
🖤weekly tag wednesday🖤
hey hey hey, ya bitch is back from vacation, lets gooo. thank you for tagging me @jrooc, @creepkinginc, @energievie @doshiart! @thepupperino and @roryonic🖤
how did you get into the fandom? 
i finished the show and needed *more*. and where do the fandoms hang out? the tumblrmachine.
how long have you been here?
two years? nosho?
what’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?)
probably the kids here. or tiktok.
what’s your favourite now? 
the tumblrmachine.
which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom?
@creepkinginc and @ian-galagher i think.
which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know?
i was creeping so badly over @jomilky and @sluttymickey and @heymacy and @metalheadmickey and now i'm being so brave and tagging yall (hi!)
first Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember)
the rebuilding series was my first venture into multi chapters and i am on my knees til this day.
first fan art that blew your mind? 
everything by @steorie 🖤
fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love?
a/b/o. i didn't understand it at first, but now? i'm down so bad for it. otherwise i haven't ever been that picky honestly.
what surprised you most about this fandom?
the amount of support! everyone gets supported no matter what they do for the fandom and it's a beautiful thing to see. the internet can be a messy fucking place sometimes.
moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich?
idk, i got to s4 and it just struck me out of the blue. i was here for everyone up until that point but then they boys took over.
Ian or Mickey?
mikhailo a. milkovich 🖤
which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? 
i'm not very much like anyone on the show i think? but maybe sandy. 👀
i'm eepy so not tagging anyone but if you're reading this i think you, yes you, should do it. okbye!
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I’m very excited to see that you’re taking requests for Frank from Abigail. Our little fandom is so small, but he’s too hot to ignore. Dan Steven’s did a knockout job playing him.
Could you write something where the reader is on a job with him? It can be the kidnapping job in the movie, or something different. Maybe he gets along with reader so well (which I assume is rare haha) he asks them to join him on more.
Not picky if it’s fem/male/gender neutral reader :)
Hope you have a great day/night! <3
Dan Stevens definitely did an excellent job in this film! I’d love to see this fandom grow, but not to the point of toxicity. I’m gonna make reader gender neutral, since I’m so used to writing gender neutral stuff now. I hope you enjoy, and also have a wonderful night/day! Also this fic is probably the longest one I’ve written for Frank thus far
Tumblr media
Warnings: gore
They stood behind Sammy, but it wasn’t out of fear. They stood behind her while listening to Lambert to look at one of the other members here. Frank was listening to what Lambert had to say, but was also looking at them. It wasn’t because they were already looking at him, but because something about them wasn’t like the others he had the time to properly examine
He didn’t know the other’s, but they looked familiar and he couldn’t put his finger on why they looked so damn familiar. Lambert noticed the two looking at each other, and told the two to stop looking at each other and pay attention
They looked at Lambert, and felt extremely embarrassed for being called out. Obviously they knew Frank was also looking at them, but the rest of the group knowing that they were silently admiring one of their teammates felt extremely embarrassing to them
Frank didn’t care that he got called out. He needed to know why he couldn’t read them or why they looked so familiar. “Wait. Aren’t you like known for being better at this than all of us?” Dean asked. That’s when Frank was in shock, and remembered hearing about them from others back in his detective days
“Yep! And the one Frank tried to find out about back when he was a detective. Also Lambert, I was listening. You reminded us the rules, but we all know the personal one is going to be broken, why? Because what else is there to talk about for the amount of time you told us we’re spending in here?” They asked with a smile on their face
“I’m surprised that you weren’t a detective” Sammy says out of shock. “It’s not as fun as being the one who you’re searching for. I like a good game, but not the one you’ve put us in Lambert” Frank approaches them now. Once he stood by their side, he looks at them briefly and then back to Lambert
“A game the kid likes to play. Oh Lambert, you’re genius! Except you’re not the genius in the room right now” they said, which makes Frank impressed. “What are you talking about?” Lambert asked. “Oh don’t play dumb Lambert!” They snapped as they pulled out a steak from their bag
“What the fuck” Sammy says in shock. “You’re a fucking vampire!” They yelled as the group now smelled blood. “Where’s that coming from?” Joey asked. “Check the room where you left the kid” they said as Joey went upstairs. Sammy, Dean, Peter, and Rickles followed along
Frank was about to follow along, when they grabbed his wrist. He turns to face them; “stay down here. You’ll probably want to see this” they said as they find themselves getting lost in his eyes. “Okay” he says as they let go of his wrists now. The two looked at Lambert and now he showed his fangs
“Oh fuck” Frank says in shock. “Told ya so” they said with a smile. Joey screamed out of the sight of blood being everywhere, and some puss as well. “Good job at killing the kid” Lambert says to them. “Well what can I say, I’ve got great  strategy” they say with a smile. “Then drop the steak, because I have an offer you two would like”
Joey and the crew come back to seeing Frank and them covered in blood. The steak was covered in blood too, which makes Joey realize how right they were. “We’re definitely not done yet. Lazar will be here at some point, so we do have to stay for that” Frank says, but they told him that’ll be unnecessary
Frank turns towards them with a bit of rage. “You’ll get your time hun. Just not now” they say as they get out glasses cleaner and a wipe for his glasses. “What else do you have in that bag?” Frank asked them. “Stuff that you never think to bring in these kinds of situations” they said, which makes him smile. “Are we gonna ignore what just happened, or?” Dean asked
“Of course not. There was also no money if that wasn’t clear” they said, which makes everyone but Sammy upset. “Thank you by the way” Frank said, which makes them look back at him. “No problem detective. I gotta keep you on your toes still even if you’re not a detective anymore” they said with a smile. He smiles back. After that night, they went on more missions with him
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sabh0 · 5 months
Hi, sorry to bother you, I'm new in this fandom and I feel like you're kind of a big figure in here, so I wanted to know if you read fanfics and, if so, if you had any rec for me? I can't say I like the usual take on Chuuya or Dazai or their relationship in most fanfictions, making of Dazai an emotionless bully and Chuuya an angry spazz with anger management issues and absolutely no brains.
Your takes on the character seems to me closer to actual canon, and so I figured you'd probably know of fics I would actually enjoy.
(If you do, then to be more specific, I'd rather avoid fics with no powers/modern aus and if explicit, then no bottom chuuya, please? For some reasons, bottom Chuuya writers always make him to be some dainty little princess and Dazai a daddy dom which is. Hilarious. Holy fuck.
Hi!! Damn i get ur problem 😭😭 I don't read fanfics regularly exactly because i cant find things that would be close to my perception of their relationship,, even if, i read mostly oneshots
Im picky af,,
Tbh i don't really remember many fics, but for some reason i have saved a bunch of them by halfbloom (diphylleias) so i would only guess my past (months ago) self thought the writer was good real good. I dont remember most of these, but i must say i regulary reread one of their fics, "Castles out of couches" (this is a oneshot consisting of??? A lot of very short stories about skk living together) (im a sucker for domestic skk that r still silly and bickering for fun) (and this fanfic is exactly that) (instead of suddenly very cutesy and petnames using couple that some ppl write) (castles out of couches makes me giggle like a teenage girl) (i drew some old arts based on this one, even)
So i would start from there and then check other halfbloom works with tags u r interested in! (I obv skipped what i didn't wanna read right) (tho i think they mostly write skk talking things thru, which is cool)) (there may be nsfw in some ig?? But it's bearable amounts + none of that annoying uwu chuuya daddy dazai)
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