#this is prompted by a specific character but it applies to many and has happened many times before
virtual-minotaur · 1 year
thinking about a romance for a character but not in the way everyone else is doing it because its boring.
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3hks · 7 months
How to Write REALISTIC and SMOOTH Dialogue
In a story, dialogue is quite important, it helps the readers paint a picture of what's happening and the characters themselves. However, it can be difficult to avoid the unnaturalness and choppiness that comes with a lack of experience. But luckily, I have put together A LOT of advice on how you can get over that rockiness and improve!
>> Keep your characters in character:
Dialogue is a remarkably quick way for readers to determine your character's personality. Thus, you want their speech patterns to remain fairly consistent so the audience won't get confused. If your character is more serious, then they will use less slang and perhaps a more impressive vocabulary. If your character is more relaxed, they will use more slang and compress the words. (such as "dunno," "kay," "y'know," etc.)
Basically, you want their tone to match their traits so the way that they talk is more realistic and personlized to themselves. If the way all your characters speak is the same, there's something wrong. A strong tip is to put yourself in your character's shoes and imagine how they would respond!
>> Take the situation into consideration:
This is another part of keeping your characters in, well, character. Different emotional situations will have a different effect on separate people, so make sure that you have an idea of how your character will act during stressful, irritating, and sad times.
If your character is normally cold, they will struggle if it comes to comforting other people because they have less experience in that field.
>> Don't take too long with their words:
Unlike when narrating something, most people talk just to get the idea across. They will be more specific and quicker with what they say. (This excludes any character who likes to talk a lot.) Unless it's on purpose, they won't dance around the topic. Think of when you casually chat with your friends; you're pretty unlikely to use certain words and/or phrases that might be common to use while narrating.
If you want to explain something complicated, instead of writing out a paragraph of just one person talking, use a question-and-answer prompt! This is where another character continuously asks related questions that get answered by another person, so you can indirectly reveal your explanation.
>> Having a variety of dialogue tags:
This is a pretty basic thing to look out for if you're new to writing conversations. Using words like "said," every other sentence can easily make it feel choppy and robotic. Instead, use words like "murmured," "smirked," etc. to paint some emotion into their words. Additionally, vary the location of the dialogue tags! They don't all have to go after the statement, you can include something in the beginning or even the middle, too!
Beginning - She tilted her head, "What are you talking about?"
Middle - "Oh," he blinked, "I actually never thought about that."
End - "Wait up!" She exclaimed loudly, waving her hands around.
>> Using no dialogue tags to create a smooth conversation:
Having too many tags can also overwhelm your reader--remember, sentence variety is a crucial part of writing--so you can always drop them if they're unneeded. This applies when your characters (two is the suggested amount) are talking back and forth in a pattern straightforward enough for the reader to understand who's talking without it having to be labeled.
Dropping dialogue tags in these moments can create a smoother atmosphere during the conversation because the reader only has to focus on the talking present.
Human speech is often not perfect; when talking, we often make mistakes such as filler words, grammatically incorrect phrases, etc. Hence, for more natural-sounding dialogue, it's important to incorporate some of these.
>> Pauses and stutters:
When reading dialogue, we read it at a steady pace unless it's written otherwise. However, that steady pace can soon get too robotic and too smooth. Luckily, there are several ways to change this! You can use dialogue tags, (ex: she quickly spoke) commas, and ellipsis (...). These are often integrated when the character is hesitant, nervous, answering something, or when they need to admit something. The same idea applies to stutters--they're mainly used to demonstrate anxiousness, which can be found in varying situations.
>> Filler words and slang:
Filler words can really just be used where you see fit. They may be used in the situations I previously mentioned (because it shows someone stumbling over their words) but it's ultimately up to you!
Slang, just like everything else, should not be used too often, or it will seem forced and exaggerated. The point is to sound natural, and increasing amounts of repetitiveness can ruin it. It's also important to remember that in real life, our conversations move slower; when someone speaks, another person usually doesn't respond quite literally, right after. However, in writing, dialogue can actually often seem that way, which is why using tags and these imperfections of speech is pivotal for building a realistic conversation!
Lastly, a key point when writing dialogue is to ALWAYS read the conversations! Whether it be in your head or out loud, it can often help you catch anything that seems off! Additionally, like I mentioned at the very beginning, write dialogue from your character's perspective! Imagine yourself as them and how they/you would talk. Try to keep your dialogue tags, sentences, and word use varied to create a natural conversation!
If you were struggling before, I hope that this (extra) long guide was able to really offer you some insight and useful tips! If you read this far, thank you!
Happy writing~
3hks <3
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leona kingscholar as a father (part 1)
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im being delulu again🙏🏻actually because im making leona kids ocs so i need to write this so bad⏤͟͟͞͞★
leona kingscholar, fem!reader, i will mention a little bit of my ocs if i needed and a small part about ruggie⏤͟͟͞͞★
headcanon, sfw, cute that it will melt your soul, mention of pregnancy and abortion, a bit of leona trauma to make it emotional⏤͟͟͞͞★
how would leona act if you became pregnant with his cubs and how will he raise his children and act with you and them⏤͟͟͞͞★
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"leona, i'm pregnant"
this sentence will ring in his ear for a few seconds, trying to process what did you just told him..he is speechless, unable to get a suitable reaction for the situation..just staring at you with the words sticking on his tongue..his facial expression made you nervous, breaking eye contact with him..
you know leona doesn't want kids and sure that he is not ready for fatherhood by any mean, So telling him this was a difficult thing. You had been hiding your pregnancy for a week already, but now it has become unbearable and you have to talk..
You tried to study his expressions. His feelings are unclear, very conflicting. He doesn't seem sad or happy, he's just confused and lost in his thoughts..You didn't speak, you just remained sitting opposite each other on the sofa, and Leona looked at your belly from time to time..
You decided to break the silence, the noise of which was very annoying. You were both confused and nervous, and you finally spoke after 20 minutes of silence "I...I don't mind keeping and having cubs, but I don't want to make you bear a responsibility that you are not ready for. If you want, I can have an abo-"
"stop right there.."
as you were about to tell him that you didn't mind abortion, he looked at you with..kinda vulnerability and desperation, you have never seen this look on his face before "y/n..I...I mean you...don't do this, I don't want you to...have an abortion.." you stared in amazement..not expecting this from leona specifically "are you..sure?"
Leona paused for a moment.. thinking again and trying to determine his decision, but this is difficult.. Leona was prepared for the worst possibilities, but this was not part of his plan.."give me..some time to think, this is so hard..i don't know what to say.." "you can take your time, for me im done with my decision..It's up to you in the end"
Leona would walk back and forth in his room all day long thinking about what happened. A part inside him felt regret because he did not wear a condom that night. He was about to slap himself for a moment, his mind and heart conflicting violently. Each of them wanted to make its own decision. Unfortunately, Leona does not have any experience in these matters, despite his extensive experience in many fields
In the end, he resorted to the safest option he thought was...he called his sister in law and asked her for advice (I think Leona has a good relationship with his sister in law and asks her for help often)
He spoke with his sister for a long time and told her that he did not want this, but at the same time he feels responsible and wants to finish what he started and make you his partner. He does not want his conscience to blame him later. It is true that he hates children, but the idea of ​​you being pregnant with his cubs makes his heart beat Strongly..Something stirred inside Leona, a very warm and affectionate feeling...but he is honest with himself and his sister about his fears. He does not trust that he will ever be a good father. A broken, hated, lazy, arrogant, and lacking in passion like him does not seem like the best person to become a father
Leona is not sure if he is able to give his children the affection they need. Leona has not experienced a strong parental bond with his father to apply it to his children. He does not know the basics of affection and love between a father and his son, so how will he make it?..
His sister, after a long discussion and encouragement was able to convince him that everything will be fine and that he must take responsibility and make you continue your pregnancy and that she will help him and give him the necessary advice
Leona, the next day, he was able to control himself, collect his thoughts, and sat all night planning what he would do with his life with you..Leona decided to start by focusing first on your health and ensuring the safety of the cub and a home for you above all else. He also had to inform his brother Farena and the rest of his family of his decision
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princess treatment..
you are speechless...
Leona is on his knees for you. His wallet full of money is always at your service. Servants take turns filling you with food. Your closet is full of new and expensive clothes. Your room is luxurious. You have your own doctor, a maid of honor, and bodyguards..You told him about your pregnancy only a week ago and Leona is already carrying you on his shoulders when you need to walk -not literally..or maybe literally-
After Leona got used to the situation and settled down mentally and emotionally... he had just realized that he was going to become a father. He needed to recover from the shock
Leona's extreme respect for women was to your advantage..Leona became more emotional with you and his instinct for protection increased. He would sit next to you most of the time and ask you, “Did you sleep? Did you eat? Did you drink? Do you need anything? you don't? i don't care"
"servants, more meat!!"
Leona will sit in front of the bed and massage your feet for you as a form of support, or he will make you sleep in his embrace and rub your back for you and massage you when your belly begins to grow and you begin to suffer from nausea and joint pain..His anxiety will be hidden behind those angry expressions on his face, angry because he cannot stop the pain...but he will feel foolish and remember that all pregnant women suffer from the same thing and that you are not dying or something like that
Leona will be more cuddly than ever, He always showers you with hugs and kisses and licks your ears and cheeks, his tail swinging behind him and his pupils dilating every time he sees your belly swell more..The lion's instinct and intimacy within him became stronger, the fatherly feelings within him awoke from their slumber when, for the first time, Leona saw the cub's feet kicking your belly, clear and visible small feet on your skin
he felt his brain was broken, he got really excited, almost flush on his face as knelt on the floor in front of you, lifting your clothes to stare at your belly and feel it..kissing it like crazy and getting very emotional..
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"how could he not love me?.."
(leona thinking to himself)
i never understood it till now..and i will never understand it..
how could my father not love me? Is it possible that just because I was born 10 years later, his feelings of fatherhood disappeared? Only now... when I look at my beloved's belly... the mother of my cubs... I imagine my cubs and imagine how they will hold my finger with their little hand, their big cheeks and those innocent eyes... I feel my heart melting... but how can my father, only my father... I will not ask The rest of the people expressed their feelings towards me because it is nothing.. I am just now wondering how my father’s heart was able to harden to the point that he does not love me the way he loves my brother..How could he even think about it?..
I always hated my father anyway...but after experiencing this feeling, what it's like to be a father...I feel like my hatred for him has increased exponentially, I realize now how ruthless and merciless he is...I realize now that I am the one who appears to be the insensitive and cruel one, I have more affection and compassion than that damned old man.. He doesn’t really deserve to be a father.. He and everyone separates their children in this barbaric and inhumane way..
I just feel now what I have lost.. My pain now increases, the idea that the love that I feel for my children now, my father could have given me the same, but he just did not.. It breaks me so much.. but I am glad that this bastard did not love me, I do not want someone With this ignorance and degradation that my father is...let him rot in his grave and go to the hell he deserves. He and everyone did this to me without the slightest justification..I will live my life with my new family and build my little world with them, now..
i have a reason..a reason to stand my feet and fight, to live, to open my eyes for another day..my life now has a meaning..a very beautiful one..
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Twin..(some of my ocs are mentioned)
"...hold on, did i hear you right?.."
the doctor gave leona the biggest shock of his life by telling him "congratulations your Highness! your mate is pregnant with twin boys!"
leona sat on the chair staring at..he was just staring at something, blankly and a very weird smile appeared on his face, while you were jumping around and immediately fell in his lap, Hugging him tightly and kissing his cheeks, screaming "OH GOD WE ARE HAVING 2 CUBS!!!"
After Leona realized the news, his eyes widened and he jumped from his chair with you, adrenaline filling his body and his tail hitting the ground hard. He lifted you from your hips and started laughing and spinning you around while kissing you..He wasn't just kissing you, he was about to devour your lips
After this news, Leona and you already decided to name the cubs Daniel and Valerio
Leona's intimate behavior increased even more. Leona thought that having two cubs would mean more responsibility. His cubs would need a father to be their role model and provide them with a comfortable life. So he simply decided that he would take his position as prince seriously and focus on his studies as well
Leona decided that he would not become a scoundrel like his father. It was impossible for him to be this low and foolish. Leona would prove to himself and everyone that he was better...
His mental state improved and he became active again. He no longer cared about the opinions of his family and the nobles and was focusing on you only. He was building himself from scratch and your relationship together developed a lot and the love between you became stronger with time. Leona used his abilities and knowledge to carry out his work for the kingdom and his future family
Leona has finally become the best version of himself after the birth approaches. There is one week left and Leona has been keeping a good eye on you and spending a lot of time with you, reassuring you and promising that he will definitely be by your side..giving you some jokes and teases to get you out of your fucked up mood
Leona made sure to hug you at night and always keep you warm, preventing you from overexerting yourself with work, and you also supported him by chatting with him, laughing, eating in front of him, and doing some simple exercises to show him that you were in perfect health and making him less stressed
Because he became more emotional, actions were no longer enough to release all the emotion inside him. Leona became better at expressing his feelings, after your relationship developed and he knew that revealing what was inside him and showing his weakness in front of you would not make him pathetic. Leona began to whisper gentle words in your ear and He tells you how much he loves you and wants his future to be with you, and how much the simple mistake he made that night has become an even bigger mistake that he does not regret making..
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sorry i will stop here because i have 3 FINAL EXAMS TOMORROW AND I NEED TO FUCKING STUDY, i will write part two as soon as possible wait for me leona simppssss😫🔥🔥
⏤͟͟͞͞★thanks for reading!
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xerith-42 · 8 months
Stop blaming characters for bad writers
Seriously, stop fucking doing this. While this is a post that could certainly be applicable to MANY fandoms, I'm mainly directing this whole rant at my target audience which is mentally ill minecraft obsessed freaks.
If a character is written badly, gets badly fumbled by the creator, or has the ball dropped in regards to their arc in some way, a lot of people will blame the character, as if they're a real conscious person making these decisions. When they aren't. They're a block man literally being controlled by two people who just aren't very good writers and one or both of them are incredibly sexist, kind of racist, ableist, and just bad writers in general.
Yeah, Laurance does some pretty shitty things through out Season 2 of MCD, actively crossing lines he wouldn't have previously crossed. We as fans can cope by saying something something calling, or just saying Laurance is a bad abusive person, but the reality is that the writers wanted to force the series to fit a specific vision and as a result were willing to do anything to get the series to that point. In order to make Aaron the most favorable suitor for Aphmau, her previous suitors need to be out of the picture, or clearly inferior options.
Garroth suffered the out of the picture, being mostly absent outside of a few cutscenes here and there until episode 81 of season 2, but episode 81 is the culmination of the writers goals to make Aarmau happen. By the time Garroth has returned to the series, the damage has already been done. He's not getting the life he wants. And Laurance is written out of the picture as well, but only after being shown to be inferior because Jesson were pushing an agenda.
Laurance didn't deteriorate as a person due to neglect of his physical and mental well being after a severely traumatic experience. He deteriorated as a character because the writers stopped giving as much of a shit about him and instead were using the series as self indulgent fanfiction of alternate versions of themselves. That's not Laurance's fault.
And this applies to any character who was completely fumbled in MyStreet due to this similar focus on wish fulfillment from the writers. Jess has stated that the relationship between Aphmau and Aaron in Phoenix Drop High is reflective of her relationship with Jason, we all know this. This means that any characters who come off as total fucking creeps in that series (namely Gene), are not actually acting on the whims of their own autonomy or desires as characters. They are acting in service of telling a predetermined story that they are retroactively being added into for author fulfillment.
In this regard I fully support fandom cope and say that you should rewrite your little guys to your hearts content. But if you're going to criticize these characters for their actions, don't criticize them. They didn't do anything wrong. All characters are just puppets in service of the story or themes a writer is trying to push. If a character acts in an objectively terrible way, especially a way that isn't in line with their previous characterizations, that is a failing of the writers, not the character.
And I feel like largely a lot of us can and frequently do this. We're actively criticizing Jesson for being terrible low-key bigoted writers all the god damn time, it's like half of the content here. But when we get into character discourse I feel like some people cling onto bad actions of the canon too closely and I've seen more than a few posts presume some pretty terrible interpretations of characters based on these actions. Obviously Laurance is a character I and a lot of others are fixated on so a lot of discourse revolves around him, and it was seeing some... interesting takes on him that prompted me to start writing this post.
But this happens to everyone. Quite personally based on the character I was shown in MyStreet, it feels really weird that Garroth would make an insensitive comment about his brother's weight. Yeah siblings poke fun at each other and often cross lines, but if that was something Zane was seriously insecure about (which it seems like he might be) then it does make Garroth come off as a really insensitive brother, which just doesn't gel with how hard he tries to bond with Zane despite their tense relationship. And I don't think Garroth should be criticized for making those comments.
Whoever wrote those lines (Jess and/or Jason) should be criticized for writing a scene where a character is mocked by their older sibling over a physical insecurity even if said sibling would not normally do that. It's not Travis' fault that Jesson never decided to give him more of a character beyond "funny pervy guy" that's not funny in every anime they've watched until Season 5 of MyStreet. It's unfair to try and say Travis should be scrutinized for his borderline sexual harassment of some characters when it's not his fault that happened, he was written by writers who don't think this sort of behavior isn't all that bad if they make it out for comedy and punch him in the face.
And god dammit it's not Laurance's fault that his jealousy became the most prevalent emotion he felt. Laurance has always been a character to give into his vices and yet fight against them at the same time, it's what makes him compelling. If they were going to pull on those vices in order to make him a less appealing love interest, he never had a chance to really be his own character after a certain point. Because at a certain point in Season 2, Jesson stopped caring about the character they had been writing for over a hundred episodes at that point. They just wanted to canonize their self insert ship and were willing to do anything to get it.
Laurance isn't an abusive angry person who would have killed Aphmau if they got together. He's a flawed character being handled by incredibly flawed writers who are prone to making some of the worst decisions you have ever seen a creator make in regards to their character writing. He was caught in the crossfire of the adoration he received from a very dedicated fanbase, and the creator who would rather pretend he and his previous arc didn't exist for the sake of her fun. It's not Laurance's fault his arc was stilted, jerked around, and ultimately ended with him completely face planting. And yet still reliably dragging his bloodied body up at just the slightest glimmer of hope (Void Paradox).
It's deeply poetic and tragic that I can describe his character in universe and in the meta-textual sense that way, but we should never blame Laurance, or Aaron, or any other characters for things being like this.
They didn't write the show. Jess and Jason did.
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spopbang · 8 months
Questions and Clarifications
We're thrilled with how many people have expressed interest in this already and are gearing up for an amazing event!
Here's a quick round up of some of the questions we've gotten so far....
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(that's how you should picture me answering all these questions)
Does it have to be a new fic or can you participate with an existing fic / new chapter of an old fic?
Must be a new fic written specifically for the bang.
Can it be an AU?
AUs are completely welcome. So long as the focus is on the SPOP characters, you can put them in whatever situations you wish!
Can it be a crossover?
While characters from other properties can cameo, the main focus of the story should be on the SPOP characters.
Can you post something from an existing AU of yours?
A new standalone fic in an existing AU of yours is fine! In other words, if someone could hop into your Bang fic without having read anything else of your AU and still follow it, that would work.
Can I write my own fic, but also sign up to illustrate someone else's?
Sure! Just let us know on your sign up form so we know what is going on.
What kind of draft is due on March 31st?
The objective of that check in is to show to the mods that your fic is close enough to finished that you are on track to post it on time. There may still be typos, it might still need a lot of editing, but it should be at least 75% complete.
This step is to ensure we're assigning artists to the fics that are nearly ready for the event and not giving someone a writing partner that has barely started.
What happens if I don't get my draft in on time?
While only writers who get their first draft in by the March 31st deadline are eligible for an artist partner, writers who complete their draft after that are still welcome to post their fic as part of the event and will still be listed alongside the other content. They just will not have the chance to be paired with an artist.
Are there any limitations on what fics can be about? i.e. does it have to center around certain ships or characters or prompts?
As long as the focus is on the SPOP characters, anything goes! The only thing to keep in mind is that artists get to choose with fics they illustrate. So the more appealing or interesting to draw your idea is, the more likely you are to attract an amazing artist.
Any restrictions on mature content?
Generally, it's open to whatever, but, for the comfort of everyone involved, we'd appreciate if it was nothing too... let's say controversial. If you're not sure, feel free to ask. Keep in mind, the previous answer about artists getting to choose applies here too.
Will you be sharing the Big Bang content on this Tumblr blog?
Yes! We plan to share links to all the fics as they are posted.
Can I participate without joining the Discord?
Unfortunately, no. This event is hosted by the SPOP Creative Flex and as such is run under the guidelines of that community. While Tippen is the head mod of this event, she is not on the mod team for the server itself so if you have questions or issues about the SPOP Creative Flex server specifically (including appealing a prior ban or other issue), you can contact the server mods through the email listed here.
What should I write? I can't pick!
That, I can't help you with. But I would say pick the idea that is begging to be written, particularly if it's large scale and exciting. It is called a BIG Bang after all! Think epically!
Any other questions? Our askbox is open!
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monmuses · 1 month
🔥 + Is there anything under no circumstances that you would never write, like a particular plot or a ship and if you feel comfortable expanding, why?
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. - currently accepting!
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oh man, i gotta think this one through.
so, for me, im so open to any sort of writing. i love writing romantic plots, found family or mentor/mentored relationships, friendships, toxic plots, etc. this isn't an unpopular opinion, but my no-go is always random smut prompts or fetish content. that's honestly an easy answer.
however, a genuine one for me? i'll list a few, but it's like ... savior complex ships. "I can fix him/her!" type threads. ships that only exist for one person to fix the other. that, i have a big ick for. i also HATE doing ships where one is just "woe is me, please soak up all of my baggage for me" where i end up being somebody they dump ALL of their angst and vents to.
i cannot stand holding up somebody's baggage. both in writing and in person, because i've had it happen so many times where ships i've written go nowhere. it's just emotional baggage! i'm not your fucking therapist! like, i know it's harsh, but i'm here to write with people and grow with my muses and cool ships with people, not to turn this into a therapy session where i end up being dumped all of this baggage because me existing is me consenting to being given all your tears.
to give a specific example, a ship that has nothing BUT angst threads, angst plots, angst asks, and just absolutely no joy to forward the progress of a ship is what i mean. this also applies to those savior complex ships; i cannot stand threads or plots where it's only having one character "fixing" the other in how THEY see them.
and no, i don't call this bad if i'm asked for a shoulder to lean on or for some advice on something personal, that i think is good to just ask for help - this is different. this is when i'm told about multiple situations or if all of those are filtered in writing through their characters and that's all they have - angst. there's no good character, no personality, no quirks, no nothing. it's JUST angst. i've had this happen to where i just don't tolerate it. i'm turned off by it and i don't want to write with you anymore if it does happen. i am not an emotional sponge where i suck up your trauma.
and i will admit, i was like this. i lost friends over this and i've adjusted to being better than that and found healthy ways to fix those habits. this is just bad behavior that does not paint roleplaying in a good light, nor does it paint others in a good light when people see it.
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ven0moir · 2 years
The Duffers use many storytelling techniques to clue an inquisitive audience in on important plot points and character fates. One of them is the use of specific words and/or phrases to subliminally encourage the audience to draw parallels & patterns and uncover the TRUTH. Here’s an example of them sending this message to the audience:
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In this specific scene, Joyce and Murray represent the inquisitive and skeptical audience respectively. The usage of the word ENZO leads her to the CONCLUSION that Hopper is alive because of the CONTEXT in which it was used between the two. They planned a date at that restaurant even if it took a lot of back and forth initially. This small hint is enough for her to draw a simple conclusion: Hopper is alive, and that’s worth looking into. Following her gut leads her to the truth. 
Meanwhile, Murray’s explanation makes logical sense outside of the context of the show (well, yeah the KGB could’ve taken him, it’s realistic for him to think this). But within the context the show has given us, there is no evidence supporting Murray’s theory nor discrediting it at this point. But we find out that the KGB didn’t force the word ‘Enzo’ out of Hopper. We learn he’s working alongside Dmitri to get himself out. We learn that Joyce is right. We are subliminally told to be like Joyce. To do what she did. 
Essentially, the Duffers are telling us to trust our gut and follow the signs and patterns they leave for us viewers within their writing and discuss it with each other, it’s not rocket science. 
Back to the use of specific words, you may be thinking ‘that’s ridiculous, of course some words are bound to repeat and be used by different characters, wtf?’
Hear me out … 
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Be like Joyce. We can infer from her the following formula:
Word or phrase / Who said it? / What’s the context of the scenes and usage of the word? / What’s our conclusion?
If the repeated or SINGULAR usage of certain words makes you squint, it might be worth looking into, follow the pattern and see where it leads you! Speaking of … 
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(Shout out to that YELLOW WINDOW behind Will the Wise and the word BOY behind Mike)
Rewatching S3 it hit me that, as far as I could find, the only two times the word ‘Destiny’ has been used in ST has been between Mike and Will, and even though they are surrounded by others in the scene, they said it to each other - Mike with uncertain connotations due to his insecurities and Will with positive ones. Now, let’s apply the formula we learnt from Joyce to these scenes. 
Will the Wise brings up the word ‘Destiny’ in S3EP3 and declares that ‘he’s seen into the future and today is a day free of girls.’
In S4EP8, Mike tells Will that meeting El was ‘not fate, not Destiny, just simple dumb luck’, and it doesn’t seem he believes romance is in the cards for the two of them anymore at this moment - he tells Will he doesn’t believe El will need him anymore after everything is over aka in the near future.
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Mike’s comment was prompted after Will says to him that if they went to Vegas with El, she could make them rich and ‘they could just play D&D and Nintendo for the rest of their lives’. Mike agrees to it, though he seems unsure, likely because something's still unresolved within him and between him and El. But Will was not the first one to bring that up. This parallels what happened later in S3EP3. Mike and Will get into a fight, prompting Mike to first bring up the concept of them playing games in his basement for the rest of their lives. Based on his reaction to Will answering with an affirmative ‘I guess I really did’, it seems he expected Will’s answer to be ‘no’ and seems sad/regretful. So now we found three common points in these scenes that lead into each other. a)    They used the word ‘Destiny’  b)    They both implied there’d be no girls/girlfriend in the near future. c)    They both said the phrase ‘playing games together for the rest of their lives.’
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(Shoutout to that YELLOW WINDOW behind Mike and that BLUE PHONE behind Will. I’m coming for you next.) Will is certain, while Mike implies his desires as a question and expecting to be let down, to be told the opposite of what he wishes.  “Did you think we were going to play games for the rest of our lives?” Expected answer: “obviously not.” and “What if you want to join another party?” Expected answer: “oh, right. Nevermind, I’ll play with others.” The way these scenes are framed makes it feel like we are meant to associate them together in the long run. As endgame, especially because there seems to be an unspoken MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING between them. Y’all … this immediately made me think of Finn and David giggling as they spoke about how Will wants to be in the basement with Mike playing D&D for the rest of their lives ... it’s been in plain sight all along.
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utaite-mun · 1 year
melting steel, a meta about shouto todoroki v tetsutetsu tetsutetsu
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[ Spoilers for My Hero Academia through s5 and the Joint Training Arc. I will be discussing both the manga and the anime in this post as evidence of my claims and as points of comparison. ]
tl;dr I think that Shouto as of the Joint Training arc is still feeling many of the ramifications of his hate of his father still, which leaked into his fight against Tetsutetsu, which lead to him attempting to go through with behaviors that should have had more punishment for him, either by the fans or within the narrative. I do not believe that he is a bad or worse character or person for it.
I do believe that the anime’s adaptation of this scene shifts the emotional focus to something else rather than the already presented one, intentionally makes a character more antagonistic, and removes an interesting anger from the other.
The Joint Training arc in BnHA is clearly a top pick for many fans of side characters simply due to the format permitting for more screen time for much of the underutilized cast. Issues of writing and very little of substance to add to the characters has been a scene that rubbed me quite the wrong way for a time after first reading it, aiding no more by community reception. 
We’re going to be talking about the third battle, specifically the fight between Shouto Todoroki and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and talk about the circumstances in the battle and my opinions of them, as well as fandom perception and reception as well as applying a filter of real world logic to see what would’ve really happened.
In this meta, we’re going to be using a lot of direct screenshots from the officially English translated manga and a few screenshots with the Crunchyroll translations as evidence to back up these claims. As a result this post will be quite long under the cut!
Let’s start simple! Character motivations!
The easy one is, well, it's a class training. Mandatory participation for grade all that of course, but every character carries with them a little more than that.
We’ll start with Tetsutetsu because his motivations are a lot simpler, both due to being a far simpler person, and also without very much characterization. But what we see is telling.
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He believes everyone thinks he’s stupid so he’s gonna counter Class A’s team!
This is entirely for the immediate comedy of showing that he is indeed quite stupid because he is causing quite the amount of collateral damage by flattening the arena. Outside of that, Tetsutetsu really doesn’t have any other motivations to want to win the or even to fight outside of typical school tournament battle shounen competetiveness!
Shouto on the other hand is a little more of an interesting case. While not a direct motivation, before the battle Tokoyami brings up the legacy and upholding the reputation of the heroes they intern under, being Endeavor and Hawks. Shouto is then prompted to think back on his past and the abuse that he’s faced from his father, with a particular focus on moves that Enji claimed only he could learn due to, well, not being like Touya (who couldn’t due to burning far too easily).
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“You will learn these moves.” “Only you can do this technique!”
There’s a heavy focus on these move, this technique, that only Shouto can do, so claims Enji. This technique and these powers are the why behind all of Shouto’s abuse which is why the abuse is also so heavily focused on here.
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But Shouto never takes a particular stance on these feelings when the fight starts, he’s just thinking about it because its part of the reputation he’s upholding, part of the legacy heaved onto him.
Now before we get into the nitty gritty of breaking down the fight with even more panels of evidence, we also need to talk about the two’s fighting styles. It might feel a little pointless but it’s very important to a point we’re going to bring up later and also to gather how the fight goes.
Tetsutetsu is a physical brawler above all else, he doesn’t have any range to speak of unless he starts throwing things, but outside of that he punches. It’s all punching and bludgeoning things, because that’s what his quirk is best for, getting up close and beating things up.
Shouto then is more of mid to long range attacker. His fire and ice are best used in wide areas where he can entrap opponents in obstacles of his own making. But we know him to not be the best at fighting hand to hand with people mostly because he’s never had to do that. His quirk always let him finish engagements before he ever needed to use his fists, or to think of how to counter them.
With that bit squared away, let’s look at the fight and the characters mental states during the fight. Admittedly, this is significantly more for Shouto, because Tetsutetsu does not have any real baggage during this fight outside of “I want to beat this team in a fight because we’re battling to see how many teams from each class wins” and more training. Very simple shounen battle competition mindset. But let’s look at a few examples before the particulars that I want to get into.
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Tetsutetsu is brash and crude, but this is really just par for the course in all shounen series, and in fact, these behaviors are akin to Bakugou, if not slightly nicer, though not that much nicer.
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And before we start going into Shouto’s emotions, were gonna talk about this, and talk a little about how this has been taken by the anime and a lot of other people. Yes, Tetsutetsu is indeed saying he’s going to clock Shouto so hard he passes out. Could Tetsu drag him back to the jail cell? Yes and no, yes because its more nice than beating him up, but no because that goes right in front of the other people.
Is this violent? Yes! Is this more violent than series typical violence that has been previously enacted on other characters? No! Bakugou has done exactly this to Shouto (to the point of actually making him pass out) in the Sports Festival on a public stage. This is series and world typical violence, whether we endorse it or not.
So let’s get into the meat!
Shouto Todoroki and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu are fighting basically in the middle of a pipe jungle, Tetsutetsu has the upperhand due to early on getting Todoroki into a hold and then proceeding to punch his way to a victory by knocking out Shouto to then be taken to the faux jail cell.
Shouto’s ice proves to not be of very much effect when Tetsutetsu punches and shatters it, while his fire also proves to be of very little effect due to Tetsutetsu’s steel which resists fire and heat up to quite a high temperature (Shouto’s fire is likely only about 1200°C at it’s hottest, while steel doesn’t start to melt till around 1400°C).
In an attempt to fight Tetsutetsu, Shouto raises the temperatures of his flame, and says this.
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And this is the very much part of the meta where I bring up my grievance.
Unlike the intentional comedic relief of Bakugou and his violence, Shouto in this instance is threatening violence unto another student that is unlike series typical violence established in the school setting (its important to note in the school setting because series typical violence outside also includes Kirishima losing the outer hardened layer of his quirk to Rappa, however that was a villain encounter who was TRYING to kill him).
Neither the audience, nor the character of Shouto, knows what melting Tetsutetsu will do to him. From a logical idea of how his quirk works, it would either melt his body entirely leaving just a puddle of melted metal, or the metal is just a layer atop the body, which looking at what has happened to Kirishima as reference... well, that layer would probably be the equivalent of Tetsutetsu’s skin.
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It’s also very important to note that the heat Shouto creates in this moment is so hot it forces the cameras in the area that the teachers are using to monitor the situation for feedback to be destroyed.
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Tetsutetsu responds, not by backing off, but by recognizing what the situation is with empathy for the other (yes empathy, he is burning, shouto is also probably burning, they’re feeling the same heat). And his recognition is a doubling down on his previous tactics. Knock out Shouto Todoroki in an endurance battle and quell the heat because Shouto will no longer be able to create it.
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Shouto, too, doubles down. He doubles down that he’s going to wound Tetsutetsu is a severe manner. To which the reply is that Tetsu is ready to die in this training because if he can, then it means he’ll be able to do it when it really matters too.
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The response is annoyance. And we receive a panel showing us just how massive the wall of flames he created really is. It’s massive.
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The last of the panels of the immediate fight we need to look at is this one. Yes, Tetsutetsu eggs on Shouto, but that too is simply part of a fight. Shouto is choosing to escalate just for this short moment, with a concentration of fire to a punch, the only fist he’s hes thrown this entire fight by the way to double down on him not normally doing hand to hand combat, to hit Tetsutetsu, who is already warping under the heat.
So I’ve dug into the fight, broke it down, mentioned my major gripe, but lets dig deeper into this.
Shouto could not beat Tetsutetsu with his normal tactics, and was on a trajectory to being knocked out and losing. You may have noticed I left out some key panels here, and especially if you’ve only seen the anime, some key scenes.
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All while losing, Shouto focuses on the reason for his abuse, this power only he holds. Which comes right back around to the flashback he was thinking on before the fight started, and what leads him to using such massive and hot fire against Tetsutetsu and threatening him. It is a technique only he can use that surpasses anything he had done prior to.
And when Tetsutetsu fights back still, he’s pissed! He’s annoyed that this guy can think that he can still possibly win this battle, he just wants Tetsutetsu to shut up and get away or else he’s going to hurt him with far worse than just some burns. He’s cruel and angry, and he’s willing to do a lot of things he probably shouldn’t. And I’m honestly a little pressed to believe that he was doing this out of anger in the moment.
When he wakes up in Recovery Girl’s hes just kind of dazed and confused. But he’s not fuming, and that probably in part of the heat exhaustion and likely lack of oxygen.
We’re going to go on a tangent about the anime now! Yaaayyyy....
For those who have only seen the manga, or have made it this far, the anime fundamentally changes a lot of the emotional context for reading Shouto (and Tetsu!) in this scene. And I really don’t like these changes.
First we need to focus here. There are no clips I can find of this scene but this is 8:30 into episode 96, Battle 3 Conclusion. The anime completely removes the second half of this statement from Shouto.
First, at the timestamp, there’s a heavier emphasis on Shouto getting physically punched. A focus on the impact and the reaction of him heaving over, and whether intentional or not drawing a heavier emphasis and direct imagery to the next scene which is of a child Shouto on the ground after being similarly hit. Even if the words spoken carry the same meaning as the manga’s the scenes tone and imagery does not.
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There’s also this!
This does not exist in the manga, nor is there any real reason for Tetsutetsu to act in this manner.
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If the above scene with Tetsutetsu was supposed to be in the manga, it would be where this red circle is. And sure, you can assume that it pulls on the previous panel with him saying he’s going to punch Shouto until he’s knocked out, but that’s a very different energy from the above.
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Finally we need to focus here. There are no clips I can find of this scene but this is 8:30 into episode 96, Battle 3 Conclusion. The anime completely removes the second half of this statement from Shouto, being “Unless you wanna melt!”.
What the anime did with this scene with just a few changes ultimately changed a lot of the emotional context of this entire scene in a way that painted Tetsutetsu in far more of an antagonistic light than he really was. Between imagery that all but asks you to picture Shouto having a PTSD response (in the vein of a paralyzing panic attack), and adding a line which makes Tetsutetsu sounds far more sadistic or cruel than he is muddies some of the focus this scene had.
The manga didn’t have a focus on the abuse specifically nor did it make parallels to it the same way the anime did. It used the abuse but more specifically it was calling into recollection the reasons for the abuse, not necessarily the abuse directly (though it is all connected yes). And due to not having a line about Tetsutetsu telling Shouto to just get punched and take it (which is already terrible to say to anyone), Tetsutetsu was also completely more empathetic without it, because he still recognizes this as a classmate who he’s just gonna knock out and he’s gonna do it faster because they’re both BURNING.
So the scene happens, Tetsutetsu makes it out alive, we all know how this ends, you probably do since you’re still reading. Let’s talk aftermath.
I’m gonna sum up a lot of science and say, Tetsutetsu should not be alive. Working under the assumption his quirk is one that functions as a layer of steel over his body, his insides should have been so heated they literally explode. Like when you microwave food and it pops so loudly in your microwave it sounds like a gunshot. Imagine that, but your body. (Also there should be no oxygen due to that fire).
But I like Tetsutetsu, and I think everyone would like if Shouto didn’t commit a murder in the end, so we ignore that.
Next, we address Honenuki and Tetsutetsu dropping the tower on Iida and Shouto. No, Honenuki dropping part of the pipe on Shouto’s neck therefore knocking him out is not any more extreme than previous violence done by other characters (see Bakugou knocking out Shouto in the Sports Festival). 
And no, dropping the tower is also not any more atypical than anything that Shouto himself has done in the past. It is not any more heinous than something we haven’t even batted an eye at. It is akin to Shouto dropping the zero pointer robots on the obstacle course in the Sports Festival, which he did not care if he had smashed anybody under (very clearly because Kirishima and Tetsu were under there).
We’re also going to talk about here, that Shouto faced no ramifications for threatening to either kill or seriously maim Tetsutetsu in this fight, which is not behavior he typically engages in without reprocussions. There is no reprimanding by Recovery Girl or any of the teachers regarding his actions that could be potentially dangerous.
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Here, in Chapter 241, we see that none of the students have any particularly bad things to say. They all think it was cool, and that it’s worth showing off as one of his super moves. Shouto doesn’t face consequences.
In this vein there have been a lot of fights where consequences happened. Shouto and Izuku at the Sports Festival had to be stepped in on by Cementoss and Midnight because of the threat that one of them would be too badly injured, or Izuku and Bakugou fighting against All Might and All Might being reprimanded for how he fought Izuku and possibly snapping the kid’s spine (even if it was played up as a joke). But that just never happened here.
And with that, we’re going to talk about real people reactions now. People like you and me, and I don’t have evidence of these but I want to talk about it. I at least want to touch on it here.
The fandom reaction to Class 1-A’s misconduct and dangerous behavior is vastly different from the reactions to the dangerous behavior of the same caliber from 1-B. There’s also heavy favoritism towards 1-A with no exception.
Back in 2018, when these chapters were first released, I never once saw any person talking about, “Hey,,, that’s actually a little messed up that Shouto’s threatening to melt someone”, but I definitely saw people getting mad that Honenuki let a pipe drop onto him or even the tower. But not a thing about how it’s similar to Shouto dropping those robots.
There was also a string of people just joking and being outraged about Kinoko, nevermind that especially what Shouto was doing was on just as bad of a scale (I’m looking at all those broken Geneva Convention jokes, yeah you know it, Shouto breaks it too, hes a walking flamethrower).
In the end it’s just a funny story about weird superpower teens, but for how much this series community used to revel in adding some complexity, it always just felt a little weird and bland when it was just this hype for unlocking a super move, that’d possibly even come at the expense of another character’s life.
I’ve been building this case since then and wanted to wait until the anime adaptation to really say something about it, little did I know how I’d have to discredit the anime to fast by doing the characters a disservice in my view.
Ultimately, I do like this scene. There���s a lot of interesting ideas here, especially about Shouto and his annoyance being driving factors (and something I want to write about in another post, talking about Shouto through some of his major plot points). I also think there’s a lot of things you can make here that I think are interesting, like in my “Lets Have a Talk, I’m Sorry” comic where it’s possible to say that Shouto was so blinded by this legacy that he threw away the safety of others.
I just think it’s a shame that the anime warped it in such a way that it only let’s you read a trauma ridden (oh no shouto is having a panic attack poor boy) version of it, and that no one really took the time to think about it like this back when it first released. In the end, I kind of just hope that I can offer a different look at a scene people love for so many reasons (and that I dreaded for a year), and some of my opinions on fandom perception of characters (which i do want to go more in-depth about later as well).
More of my BnHA meta’s can be found in this master list!
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myevilmouse · 1 year
This is one of those questions that I want to ask a lot of authors, because I curious how many answers will be the same (if any)
The the basic premise is Do You Control Fic or Does it Control You?
What I mean by this is broken down into a few sub questions
Do you watch a show or read a book & fic ideas just pop into your head?
Are you watching/reading something and you are unsatisfied with the plot, but love the characters, therefore, set out to fix it?
Do you intend to write fic from the start, so you go in search of inspiration?
Have you ever completely lost interest in the canon, but still love the characters/fic (therefore, no longer revisit the original source of the fic?)
As is usual, this is just a guide. Answer any which way you would like - long answers are always welcome!
@beebee-76 I’m so happy for your asks/interview questions, and definitely could use a break this evening so thank you so much for including me in your author pantheon for these queries!
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First of all, your premise is easily answered:  Fic controls me.  I am never in charge, and it’s part of what I love about writing.  I start typing and the story reveals itself.  I may have scenes in mind or something I want to accomplish (usually smut!) but the joy of writing is in the discovery and creativity of it all, in my opinion.  I know some writers who plot and outline and create character sheets, etc., and that’s just not my jam.
But let me tackle your subquestions before I get too carried away!
Do you watch a show or read a book & fic ideas just pop into your head?
This question took me a sec to contemplate.  I think overall fic ideas just pop into my head outside of the canon, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t inspired by something specific in a show or book.  An example is my fic The Annual Stormtrooper Relief Fund Ball, which takes the scenario of the “dance auction” from Mitchell’s Gone With The Wind and applies it to Thryce.  I wanted to write a fluffy quick fic and had a bolt of inspiration to try to use that scenario. 
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I have to say though, to clarify, “fic ideas” are rarely well-formed or mature when I start writing.  Mostly I have one particular goal in mind, whether to make Thrawn and Pryce dance, or Luke bang a droid, or whatever, and then just see what happens when I start typing.  It’s a weird and wonderful way to work and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Are you watching/reading something and you are unsatisfied with the plot, but love the characters, therefore, set out to fix it?
Not really.  This seems like too much work, and I would rather ignore canon than try to fix it most of the time (looking at you Jake Skywalker!). 
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my sixth favourite gif
The only exception would be like the “what if they banged instead” premise, which comes to mind quite often to my pervy brain, and has been the genesis of many a fic.
Do you intend to write fic from the start, so you go in search of inspiration?
When I started writing fic, I liked getting prompts or ideas from friends and fellow writers, but I think mostly because I was new to it.  Now, I have too many plot bunnies/inspiration and not enough time, so I invariably intend to write fic after inspiration has already struck (and lately, that intention does not result in actual story sadly!).  (Inspiration + Desire + Computer) – Time = 0
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Have you ever completely lost interest in the canon, but still love the characters/fic (therefore, no longer revisit the original source of the fic?)
It’s more the opposite, actually.  I wrote some Trigun fanfic in the 90s/00s, and while I still love Trigun, I don’t really revisit my writing or fics… But with Star Wars, I tend to consume the source material on a fairly frequent basis and reread my fave fics just as much (or more) often.  I think in general though, I am more likely to lose interest in the fic and return to the canon (looking at you X-Files/Labyrinth)
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Thank you so much for the excuse to think about fic tonight.  I am having a nice long vacation in a couple weeks and hoping to put that time to good use writing lots of delish fic (in addition to tackling my regular evilmousetober drabbles) so this was a lovely way to get my brain back in ficland, and I am grateful! Have a Lars Mikkelsen Thrawn in gratitude (hope you are enjoying his portrayal!) thinking about beebee-76:
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Character Playlists: BAU Edition:
Not what they’d listen to necessarily, but songs that I think apply to them.  BLANKET STATEMENT: I assigned what I did and regret some nothing.
First of An Untold Number: Reid
Cringe by Matt Maeson
Initial Inspiration: I said I’m just tired/she said “you’re just high”. .  ./ Do I make you cringe?  
Explanation: Tied for 1st place for Prompted Me To Do This.  I couldn’t get over how well the questions encapsulated the entire BAU’s reactions/non-reactions every time drugs, addiction, or Reid’s squirrelly behavior came up in late S2/early S3. 
King by Years & Years
Initial Inspiration: Don’t wanna have to lose/all that I compromised to feel another high. . . I was the king under your control/I wanna feel like you let me go, so let me go
Explanation: Tied for 1st place in what kickstarted this.  If Cringe was the BAU’s outsider reaction, this was Reid’s insider reaction.  
30/90 from Tick Tick Boom! (Andrew Garfield)
Initial Inspiration: This was almost Quarter Life Crisis by Taylor Bickett; no specific line so much as Vibes.  
Explanation: True Genius had a significant hand in this.
Dear Reader by Taylor Swift
Initial Inspiration: Can I just say the entire chorus?  “Bend when you can/snap when you have to.”  Sure, definitely.  “The greatest of luxuries is your secrets” I’m dying over here.  “When you aim at the devil make sure you don’t miss.”  Ah.  
Explanation:  Even the title sounds like it’s addressed to Reid, I don’t know what more you want.
Never Love An Anchor by The Crane Wives  {Actually about Diana and William Reid)
Initial Inspiration: On some level, I think I always understood/That these hands of mine were clumsy, not clever.   And I tried to do the best that I could/But try as I might I couldn’t bring myself to hold you.  
Explanation:  This is Diana and William regarding Reid, with admittedly a more sympathetic reading of William.  I love complicated family dynamics & these three more than fit the bill.
We Are the Champions by Queen
Initial Inspiration:  I’ve paid my dues/Time after Time. I’ve done my sentence/But committed no crime.  
Explanation:  Needed something not wholly depressing, and this really includes the whole BAU when you think about it, just. . . Some more than others.
I Miss You by Blink-182
Initial Inspiration:  Don’t waste your time on me/You’re already the voice inside my head (I miss you)
Explanation:  Do I really need to enumerate the revolving door of more-or-less important people in Reid’s life?  
Cough Syrup by Young the Giant
Initial Inspiration:  I’m losing my mind, losing my mind, losing control
Explanation:  Although accurate for Dilaudid Reasons, considering the prevalence of mental illness and emotional turmoil Reid has, it also fits those.
Magic by B.O.B. 
Initial Inspiration:  No specific verse per se, but how could i pass up the title?  
Explanation: This list was too depressing and despite everything, Reid is pretty cheerful.  At least, when nothing’s happening.  Besides, he’s Mister Magic Tricks, and Intellect-Wrought Pseudo Miracles, it seemed appropriate.
Still Breathing by Mayday Parade
Initial Inspiration: “Cause I’m standing here alone/Trying to make this life my own
Explanation: I feel like this is reasonably accurate throughout many of Reid’s early endeavors.  Going to Caltech?  Sure.  The FBI?  Absolutely.  The way he comes into his own over the course of things?  Yeah.  
Migraine by Twenty One Pilots 
Initial Inspiration: Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat/ . . But I know we’ve made it this far, kid.
Explanation:  Like Magic, the title says a lot, but also, the words my god.  The chorus obviously fits, and a decent amount of the rest, but the vibe and the fact “Kid” is still one of Reid’s nicknames from the BAU, even towards the end.  I can’t.
That’s all for now folks, we’ll see when the rest come together. Feel free to do as you will, criticism will be received and ignored.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
hi! I hope this is okay to ask, if not that’s okay too^^
I’m a (fanfic) writer also! I love writing but I often struggle with coming up with ideas. I dont have a big following on tumblr (I dont publish my works here), which makes it difficult because I can’t really take reader requests.
I was wondering if you have any tips for coming up with writing topics when you’re stumped? Thank you, I really look up to your work.
Oh this is a fun message!! Ok sorry if i ramble, but i love talking about writing and craft! Im also gonna reblog a specific post of writing advice and encouragement that i adore.
I'd start with what's your favorite sort if fic to write - is it classic multi-chapter fics, oneshots, head canons? Which ones really stood out to you - what were their tropes, tags, the characters? Now, which of those you kind of liked, but something felt off? Was it the prompt, something in the plot, something in the characterization? And which ones peeved you so much you just had to click off - what about those annoyed you?
This will help you visualize what you look for in fanfic, and what sort of scenarios and characterization click with you. If you're writing a single character, that's much easier to work with than say, 10 (or 30~40 .... word to aspiring and new writing blogs ....... maybe give yourself a character limit orz........)
You'll find some characters come naturally to you, wether because they're your favorite or a character archtype you just "get". Some you'll love but still struggle with - I remember being so worried with writing Roose and Tywin from ASOIAF, because they're subtle and more complex. And honestly, I don't like my early work with them ... but I kept at it. You gotta keep at it. Now I'm pretty confident in writing them; it took a while to get there!
((Also I think all writers in general should consider what their strengths and flaws are - this can be hard to pin down objectively, especially after staring at your own work for hours! Think what your favorite parts of writing are. Which parts in your story are giving you that rush of excitement, and why? Which parts are you dreading to work on?))
I think some topics/scenes will jump at you and beg to be written, but it's annoying when you want to write your fav and you're drawing a blank. While requests can be great for this - I've gotten so many delightful ones - you also need to draw from your own creative well. So, how?
Reading other fic is a great inspiration. Don't be afraid to say someone directly inspired you - link to them and mention them! - and build off that. As I said earlier, what if you read a fic that had a great plot or scenario, buuuut you would've done something different? "What if" is a great starter. If you're writing reader insert stuff like this blog, draw from your own experiences in life. Or maybe there was something in the show/book/movie/etc that you really wanted to see, but it didn't happen. What if this character didn't die? What if this major event went differently? "What if" is the basis of all fanfic - besides smooching, that is.
(You can also take a prompt you read in one fandom fic and apply it to another! "Oh i love this reader insert story from Show A, how would my blorbos from Movie B respond in the same situation?")
And on that note, sometimes it's fun to write what personally comforts you and what's your personal fantasy. Requests revolving around family life and kids are easy because I love that shit, and it's something I'd think up on my own without prompting. Lists are great for this - what do you like to write best? What scenarios or characters are you curious about exploring? Brainstorm and make notes! Daydream! Discuss with other fandom friends! You don't have to sit down and chunk out a complete 2.5k+ word fic for every idea. Sometimes just the notes and brainstorming is enough, sometimes you'll wanna explore further.
I feel like most writers will understand that feeling when an idea just grabs them and they have to pursue it. Requests and suggestions are all well and good, but at the end of the day, write what grabs you. That's what you'll put your heart into and feel proud of. It may stay a 300 word drabble or sprawl into multiple chapters of madness, or fall somewhere in between - it's your fic!
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distort-opia · 2 years
😞 One wild arguement I saw is it's wrong to say J made Jason more interesting because " it implies trauma makes people more complex, therefore it's good". These are characters and trauma does in fact make them more interesting??? Yes literature has impact on the real world but as a genre superhero comics would not work without this. ( Almost) No one would tune into Bruce Wayne economics class 101. That J plotline made Jason more recognisable- non fans literally know him mainly for it, individualised him further and got him more fans, and got his fans to care even more about him because J is fucked beyond belief, and gave Jason an overarching mission. Alas, J is not some evil entity possessing writer's minds, but a very convenient and efficient device to push these characters to their limits. Why would you want that gone, I don't get it. To hate him as a character based on his morality is more than valid( Jason beating him up is some good shit), but to hate the existence of him as a character is strange imo. He drives the plot forward. ( And carries archetypes and universal themes therefore is bound to stay as a relevant and popular character, but that's another topic)
Some things are just deep emotional gut reactions, I think. This applies to real life as well. You just might really not vibe with a person, or with a character, and they might get on your nerves even though there's little rational reason for it. It doesn't really matter to that emotional side of you that a character might have a deep convoluted history, or is very important to the narrative. And I do believe this is a perfectly normal thing, disliking a character doesn't necessitate a reason. You can just say you don't personally resonate with them and move on. I only think pure, vitriolic hatred raises many questions, because a lot of the time it also involves treating the character as if they're a real person, and/or also hating the fans of that character. After all, since one can't harass a fictional character (on account of them not existing), the next best option is harassing the real fans (who sadly are within this mortal plane).
This all ties into the first thing you mention, Anon -- that argument regarding trauma denotes an inability to differentiate between reality and fiction, and a type of black-and-white moral thinking that's hard to combat. Conflict drives a story forward. It's simply a narrative device, and of course, traumatic events will be part of that conflict. What made Bruce Wayne become Batman, the main character we all follow? The death of his parents. What prompted Jack Oswald White to become the Joker, his main antagonist? The death of his wife and unborn child. What made Dick Grayson take on the Robin mantle? The death of his parents. What prompted Jason Todd to become the Red Hood? His death at Joker's hands.
And so it goes. At their core, Batman comics especially are about dealing with trauma. There's horrible events happening in canon all the time, but that doesn't mean the writers or the fans think that trauma is good. An adult story is not meant to teach you moral lessons; you're supposed to bring your own critical thinking to the table. Joker happened to be the vehicle through which Jason underwent major conflict, which then became a turning point in his evolution and made him into a fascinating anti-hero. (Not even going to delve into the interesting aspect of Jason's death that is the fact fans voted for him to get killed off.) As you say, characters are, at their core, tools in a story. And again, anyone can just dislike Joker, but the intense wave of hatred towards him specifically is... well, it isn't entirely about him. He's become a fandom scapegoat in a lot of ways, and a popular method to signal loud and clear that you're denouncing the "evil toxic serial killer" for many fans. But that's a whole other can of worms that I've gotten into elsewhere already.
#and. okay kind of unrelated rant incoming but these are my tags and I do what I want#I don't think this was at all intentional but#Joker killing Jason and then Jason taking on the identity of Red Hood#is just SO SO INTERESTING#also because Jason's story prior to getting adopted by Bruce is similar to what we can piece together of Joker's own childhood#Joker also very likely dealt with abusive parents who had substance addictions#and ended up living on the streets#however. where Jason got adopted by Bruce and given a second chance#as per Streets of Gotham. Joker as a child got kidnapped by a mobster who then abused him some more#one way or another Joker became the Red Hood later in life. but not by choice#if The Killing Joke is to be believed (and at this point it's unavoidable)#being Red Hood signified being a VICTIM. he was coerced into it#and then 'Joker' was the identity he made for himself after the fall in the acid#and just. this twisted victim of an endlessly traumatic life. choosing to become a monster and lashing out at the world#ending up killing a child who was just like him...#and then that child coming back from the dead. much like Joker survived the acid fall. and CHOOSING#Joker's own prior Red Hood identity that signifies being a VICTIM to him#and making it his own#is just. it's FASCINATING#not to mention the fact BRUCE failed to save Joker AND Jason. which being Red Hood is also associated with#I have so many thoughts about this. fuck#asks#fandom negativity#joker
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fratboykate · 1 year
I saw a post asking ppl to stop using AI bots like chat gpt because using it is like "training the AI to take away writers' jobs", and I was wondering, would this stance also apply to the AI bots that create digital images like Midjourney? Would the continued use of them also be considered "training to take away the jobs of real artists "?
I think things like MJ are a lotttttttt more nuanced than ChatGPT. I think it should ABSOLUTELY be impossible to be able to use prompts like "in the style of [insert artist name here]" and try to mimic that artists work but there are so many other uses that don't lean in on already existing art/styles/artists. I now personally use AI to help create the pitch decks for my shows/films. I craft my characters and also specific shots of the projects I think help sell the idea of the thing. If you've ever heard of storyboarding, directors like me who can't draw and relied on really shitty stick figures or just straight up screenshots of other films to try and give a general idea, can now go to say...MJ and create those storyboards. No artist is suffering because of that. I can show you some examples of AI images I've made for pitches:
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I'm pitching a limited series that happens over the span of 40 years so with AI I was able to do age progressions of each and every character and put it in the deck:
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And for this same show these are some of the "storyboard" type images I used to give people a vibe of the world, mood, and characters:
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What artists' livelihood am I putting at risk with these? None. No art was stolen. I basically just shot my show/movie before actually shooting it.
I think AI can be infinitely useful and beneficial as long as we put limits to it. It can't be a free for all like it is now and it certainly shouldn't be allowed to copy people's styles. But I don't see the harm in using it to make hyperrealistic stuff like this. Or craft original characters. For example, I also made a deck for the "lovers through the ages" show based on the Period AU and I made character references for each of the periods. Here's gladiator AU since I know you guys love that one:
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It can be immensely helpful to help people like us (writers) transport the studios and networks we're trying to get to buy our projects deeper into our vision. It has its dangers and downsides but I also think it could be revolutionary in many ways.
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ecliidse · 2 years
𝐖𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐬. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬, 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐬.
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#𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐈𝐃𝐒𝐄. › independent / semi-selective / low activity. a 18+, heavily canon divergent & headcanon based 𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐔 from 𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐔𝐍 & 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍. brought to you by 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍 / 𝐒𝐂𝐏! ( 27 y/o, italian, any pronouns ) › sideblog of tm1o!
the blog contains triggering content that and always tagged. if you need something specific tagged, or if i forgot any tag, just send me a message! rules and credits are found under the cut!
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𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄' 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐋! → ( all sideblogs of tm1o! ) tm1o › pokémon multimuse timeskippcd › ingo from pokémon legends: arceus truebeginnings › trainer red, sun&moon timeline centred olimdise › professor sada and professor turo, scarlet&violet. heavy spoilers!
o1. 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋.  common etiquette applies: BE RESPECTFUL! that’s pretty much all i ask for. as mentioned above i’m LOW ACTIVITY and won’t be super present. i will always reply, sooner or later, but expect long times! i’m NON-MUTUAL FRIENDLY, but i do tend to be a little selective with who i roleplay with. remember that MUN AND MUSE ARE DIFFERENT PEOPLE, and what they think or do might not reflect what i would think or do.
o2. 𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐎𝐗 & 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒.  the prompts lists i reblog NEVER EXPIRE, and you don’t have a cap on how many you can send me! SEND AS MANY AND AS OFTEN AS YOU WISH, regardless of how “old” the list is, with or without plotting! any questions are always welcome, both ic and ooc! just please make it clear if you’re talking to me or my muses, especially if you’re going for a heavy hitting question or statement.
o3. 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐒.  my turns usually get really long: i tend to write multi-para and novella, and often don’t use any icon and minimal formatting. DON’T WORRY ABOUT MATCHING MY LENGTH OR STYLE. write as much as you like, being it more or less than me, and use any graphic you wish, i have no problems at all! i only ask you to write at least enough for me to work with on my next turn, so a couple of lines at least, and to keep the formatting readable. IF I NEED TO MODIFY ANYTHING, LET ME KNOW! i have no problems in modifying or straight up rewriting a turn. i’m open to roleplay pretty much anything, from the light and fun ideas to extremely delicate and dark topics, but i’m not interested in smut, as it makes me extremely uncomfortable.
o4. 𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆.  i don’t require it for us to roleplay, but I ADORE IT! from pre-established relationships to entire plots to develop and roleplay together, if you have an idea, throw it at me! i’m open to have multiple plots with each character, and even with the same person: if there is something i love roleplaying for, is to see how differently things can evolve based on circumstances! basically, i just enjoy putting together ideas and writing, haha. so never fear of throwing ideas at me, i have never enough of them!
o5. 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄.  while exploring romance with nanu might be really interesting, it is not a main focus at all for me: nanu has to deal with a lot of emotional closure and apathy, and him falling in love is extremely difficult. if i'll ever happen to write it, as with any of my blogs i will avoid smut as it makes me extremely uncomfortable; furthermore, in case of more than one ship, each will be in its own timeline, as i am not interested in the cheater trope.
𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐒. header and avatar are from 灰汁; all other art used in the icons are from shrimposaurus. all edited by me. 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓. ' big houses ', by squalloscope.
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vwritesawholelothm · 5 months
Hello! This is Lainey! I sent you some asks on your other account you answered!!!
Wow! I have so many ideas and prompts but I don’t want to come off to eager. I’ll just pick one!!
man what to choose theirs so much. Like. I love your sweet DracuClawd fanfics! But you wrote some really good toradeen as well. (Lol. If you can’t tell from my username I happen to be a pretty big fan of them). Your Lagoona fanfic was great too! The detail was beautiful!
Oh! I liked your little recent Drabble about some sweet little moments of Apollo writing the names on their kids stuff. Do you think? You could write a story about Apollo and Selena adjusting to having toralei join their household? Maybe their reactions to her arriving? Questioninb Clawdeen about what she knows about them. Noticing Toraleis definite trauma she has, and deciding to become her new surrogate parents?
Idk, I’m sorry I can’t be too specific. Do you need more? Or does this as a general idea sound okay? Don’t hesitate to reply and say you want a different prompt if you don’t like this one!
all the best!
Fandom: Monster High (Cartoon 2022) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Apollo Wolf/Selena Wolf, Toralei Stripe & Clawdeen Wolf Characters: Apollo Wolf, Selena Wolf, Toralei Stripe, Clawdeen Wolf, Clawd Wolf Additional Tags: Wolf Family Adopts Toralei Stripe, Family Fluff, Toralei Stripe Needs Therapy, but in this fic it's /affec you know, takes place between season 1 and season 2 Summary: Apollo and Selena agree to take Toralei home after the events of the Monster Ball.
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crying-over-cartoons · 8 months
how do you choose what pov to write from? do you prefer the beginning/middle/end of a fic?
oh yay, an ask!
i always write in 3rd person. growing up, almost all the books i read were in third person, and that seems to be the default for fanfiction as well. to be more specific, i generally write in 3rd person limited, meaning that the story is being narrated by someone who can see inside the main character's head, but not anyone else's. POV can switch, but usually each scene only shows a single character's internal monologue. for my current WIP (my zane-centric whump series) this character is usually zane, but some scenes show the internal monologue/emotions of other characters, such as jay, pixal, and lloyd.
other types of 3rd person include: 3rd person omniscient, where the narrator can see into everyone's head at once, allowing for a number of perspectives in any given scene, and 3rd person objective, where no character's internal monologue is given, requiring the reader to figure it out from the dialogue and actions. i don't usually use these perspectives because i find omniscient to be a bit too much for me to juggle, and i find objective to be too limiting (people who can pull these off effectively, i am applauding you).
as for other perspectives, i'm not sure why i don't write in 1st person. it has similarities to 3rd person limited, but can add an additional layer of the character's biases if you do it right. i'll have to practice 1st at some point. with 2nd, in fic spaces, this is used almost exclusively for reader-inserts, which i neither write nor read (no shade to anyone who does, it's just not my thing). i did once read an excellent fic with a transmasc main character written in second person. with this POV, it kind of forced me as a reader to recognize what the main character was going through as a dysphoric, closeted trans man and apply it to myself (a mostly non-dysphoric transmasc nonbinary who didn't know half of those words yet). i read this fic before i really understood my own gender identity, and i think it helped me internalize some things i otherwise might not have gotten until a while later. i can't find the fic right now, which is really a shame... i know the fandom was Danny Phantom, and that the fic is several years old by now, but not much else.
another usage of 2nd person is in choose-your-own-adventure type stories. since the reader is an active participant in the story, 2nd person is a natural choice. i don't have any fics in this format that i know off the top of my head, but The Stanley Parable is an excellent example- it's a video game where the narrator continuously refers to you, Stanley, or the player. it's also just has really excellent writing in general. if you're into weird time loop shenanigans, i'd suggest giving it a try.
ok, i spent more time on that question than i meant to... as for the second, i usually start with wherever i have an idea for. oftentimes, this is the beginning, but sometimes its an event that doesn't happen until 2/3rds of the way through. my current WIP is a series of oneshots based off of 30 prompts, and i've been writing them in nearly random order. whenever i have an idea for a prompt, i write it down, and then flesh it out over time. i also have an original story that i've been slowly rotating in my mind for many years, and the scenes in that story are written in whatever order i come up with them in, and then shuffled around and connected until they make sense.
tangentially related, i have a document on my computer called "overflowing trash bin in the sky" (referencing a piece of advice from Spilling Ink: A Young Writer's Handbook, which i would recommend to pretty much anyone who wants to get started with writing fiction. it's aimed at kids, but i continue to use advice from it to this day). this document has everything i've ever cut from another document, as well as what it was cut from and why. sometimes you have to kill your darlings, but sometimes those darlings would be better off in the freezer until you find somewhere better for them- maybe with a few changes or adjustments.
thank you for the ask, hope you don't mind that i ended up rambling for.... a while, lol. i'm very passionate about this stuff, apparently.
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