#this is technically for my bug bestie
x-littlemoth · 1 year
Apparently there's a game on the app store where you just collect moths?
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bunchesofoats · 2 years
When The Lights Go Out.
Feat — Ajax Petropolus x Nevermore!Reader
Contains — No Established Relationship, Mutual Pining, Besties to Lovers (Sorta Technically Yes but Not Official), Teen Substance Use, Teen Drinking, Those Stereotypical American Style Parties You See With The Red Solo Cups (Except Classier?), also Drunk Confessions
Length — ~3.5k words
Notes — These fics just keep getting longer haha ALSO! For the sake of my personal plot purposes, Rowan does not d*e at the Harvest Festival. As far as we’re concerned, it didn’t happen. ALSO! You should all know me by now: My work is done at 3 am, therefore it’s not proofread. Amen.
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“You have to come to the Nightshades Harvest Party!”
You rolled your eyes at Kent’s request. Leave it to him to make the secret school society not so secret in the middle of the school quad. Divina gave him a small punch to his side before looking back at you expectantly from across the table bench.
“All I’m saying is, the last person who was a downer got kicked out. Now look at him,” Kent gave an obvious look to Rowan Laslow, who was making his way out of the overgrowing quad population due to lunch hour.
“What he’s trying to say is, you’re practically a part of the Nightshades anyway. You know the code, who’s in it, where we’re located. Everything!” Divina explained. “Plus, we’re down a member anyway.”
“Lovely to know I’m Rowan Laslow’s replacement.” You snorted. You had nothing against the guy, but the twins were really not selling the idea to you at all. In fact, you didn’t even want to go to the Jericho Harvest Festival but attendance was mandatory.
“If it was Ajax asking then you’d say yes.” Kent crossed his arms, fake pouting at you. You flicked a piece of your lunch at him, hitting him directly between his eyes. He winced, holding the bridge of his nose as Divina snickered.
“Because Ajax is my best friend, and I know he wouldn’t tell me dumb stuff to get me to go.”
“Go where?” You heard a familiar voice call behind you. Turning to find Ajax, you moved your bag for him to sit next to you.
“Nowhere. Just a totally secret school society party that you would know nothing about.” You shrugged nonchalant as he sat down with you. He let out a small scoff with a smile. The smile you had been in love with for the past 6 months despite you knowing him for over 2 years.
“Technically you’re not supposed to know about it, but I guess people can’t keep their mouths shut.” Divina immediately pointed a finger at Kent who immediately pointed one back at her.
“Says the guy who can’t keep his mouth shut either, Mr. I Know When I’m High.” You mocked him, remembering the time he admitted he was in the Nightshades to you after a particularly long session of hotboxing Xavier’s shed before he repurposed it as his own.
“As far as we’re concerned, you practically pledged that night. He was not making it back to his dorm in one piece under Principal Weems radar.” Divina raised her hands in defeat.
“If I go, will you guys stop bugging me about being in the ever so definitely-totally-super-secret-definitely-not-notorious-amongst-half-the-student-body Nightshades?” You dramatically brought the back of your hand to your forehead in fake woe. Ajax took the opportunity to steal a bit of your food, which had you quickly swat away his hand away.
“Yeah, yeah. All that and more, just come to the party. It’ll be fun, I promise.” Ajax wrapped an arm around you reassuringly, to which you just rolled your eyes before reluctantly nodding. In that moment, you could’ve sworn you saw Divina slip Kent $10 underneath the table. You couldn’t tell though, because your food was stolen yet again.
Harvest Festival.
It wasn’t a particularly cold evening in Jericho, not with all the people gathered into one area. The sounds of carnival games and buzz from normies and outcasts alike filled the air. Along with the incredibly delicious scent of cotton candy, which you definitely wanted to get a grab of when you could.
“We have to try this out next, please!” Ajax was practically dragging you to each game in attempts to try them all. The “please” was just something his mothers taught him to add to every sentence at this point with how much he was pleading. You’d have to tell them both how annoying he was next Parents Weekend.
“Jax, please, I cannot carry another giant stuffed animal. We’re gonna have to give these to Enid’s collection at this point.” You were muffled underneath the mounds of faux fur in your arms. It was hard to say no with Ajax holding your wrist so carefully despite him pulling you to another booth, especially since you were pretty much blind with all the prizes you had gotten.
He finally stopped at a booth that seemed to his liking, and you managed to find a nice spot on the ground for all your stuffed wonders to watch. The booth was definitely haphazardly thrown together, you could tell it was a scam.
“Hit three balloons in a row and you get a prize!”
You looked at Ajax, brow raised as he excitedly handed the game master his money. Your lips tugging into a downward smile, he was unbelievably dense but he also happened to be the guy you had a crush on. So who was really in their right mind here?
“Easy win, I got this!” He picked up the darts in front of him. They were absolutely sanded down to be duller than a pencil, but who was gonna notice with all the commotion going on. You watched as he threw each one by one into the 3 by 3 board holding balloons that held less than enough air to be popped. Each of them ricocheting off or completely missing the balloons.
“Nice try, young man. How about your partner over here has a go instead?” The game master wiggled his eyebrows. Your eyes widened as he said that, immediately you tried to stammer out a no but words couldn’t escape your mouth.
“Hell yeah!” Ajax handed him another $3 before pulling you close to him. Your head spun at the situation, it wasn’t like you two hadn’t made close contact before. He was constantly clingy with all his friends. Even Xavier wasn’t safe from him and he was Nevermore’s self proclaimed tortured artist. The “partner” thing definitely had you in for a loop, and Ajax didn’t even deny it.
“You know what to do, hit three to get a prize.”
You slowly picked up a dart from the table, trying hard not to think about Ajax’s hands resting on your shoulders as he cheered you on. You knew why most people didn’t win these, and it was because they never thought to throw hard enough thinking it was easy. Either that or they just couldn’t aim correctly, and you were definitely part of the latter. It’s why Xavier couldn’t let you join the Archery club, something about being a hazard to society. As far as you were concerned, most outcasts were.
You took a deep breath, focusing on the balloons and willing your wrist to move. You pinpointed as best as you could and threw haphazardly, somehow making two in a row. You could feel Ajax hold his breath as his grip on your shoulder tightened ever so slightly. You took another deep breath, aiming for the last balloon in the top right. You threw the dart, eyes closing as the dart left your fingers, awaiting the disappointing sound of the metal hitting the cork wall. It never came.
Your ears were filled with a satisfying pop, an exciting cheer of Ajax behind you, and the game master sputtering to himself. You opened your eyes, seeing your throw had made its mark. You turned to Ajax beaming, he wrapped his arms around your waist, picking you up in excitement. You yelped as he did, but a laugh soon replaced it.
“Alright, lovebirds, pick your prize.” The game master grit his teeth, still putting on a fake smile. You looked to Ajax expectantly, seeing what he wanted. He proceeded to turn you back around, letting you look at the prizes yourself.
“You won, fair and square. Your choice.” He whispered into your ear, your thoughts honing into his voice over the loud carnival sounds. It sent a shiver up your spine that you had to shake off. Scanning the prizes carefully, you noticed a giant snake plushie hiding amongst the large bunnies and usual game prizes. You eagerly pointed to it, and the game master begrudgingly handed it over. You thanked the man despite his attempts at scowling at you both.
“Why would you need that? You have a better one right here!” Ajax pout, one of his snakes wriggling it’s way out of his cap. You laughed before giving the small reptile a boop on its head, which had it going back into its spot in the darkness of his beanie.
“Well, this one is less likely to stone me.” You held the stuffed animal close. Ajax picked up the other stuffed prizes he had won with a sigh.
“You know I would never purposefully try to stone you.” Ajax mumbled sadly behind his stuffies, to which you grabbed his hand gently.
“I know you wouldn’t,” You reassured him. “Now do you want to attend the Nightshades party tonight or not? You did a lot of convincing just to get me to go so I’d hate to miss it.” You showed him your phone screen which lit up the time.
“Oh, shit! We’re gonna be late, Bianca’s gonna have my head for this one.” Ajax started pushing his way through the crowds. You quickly followed suit, trying to not draw too much attention. It definitely seemed like Ajax was dragging you to another game though, a lot of your classmates wide eyed at all your prizes. You spotted Enid along the way out, and quickly pulled Ajax’s hoodie to prevent him from running further.
“Enid, hey, these are for you!” Ajax understood, pouring the mass amounts of aliens and bunnie and other toys he had won into her arms. You kept your prize wrapped around your neck, wanting to keep that one for yourself.
“What?” She gasped as she had to hand Wednesday her funnel cake, the ravenette begrudgingly taking it.
“See you!” Your voice was caught in the wind as Ajax had grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers with his as he pulled you along. It really didn’t matter if you two were late, but Ajax always liked being early to snag some of the snacks Yoko made before everyone else could. You were definitely sure it was for when he needed munchies.
Nightshades Library.
Snap, snap!
The Edgar Allen Poe statue opened itself to you and Ajax, the metal creaking itself into placed with a final thud of the open door. Ajax allowed you in first, before stepping in himself. The doorway closed behind you two with another thud, and your senses began to fill with light music. You squinted in the darkness, seeing the dim lighting of the Nightshades library at the bottom of the steps. Slowly making your way down, you were met with all your friends already talking and eating and dancing. You two were definitely late.
“Well, well. Where were you two lovebirds?” Yoko had noticed you two first as she was closest to the stairs by the makeshift bar already preparing a few drinks.
“Someone lost track of the time because he was too excited by normie games.” You raised your hand to point at Ajax, not realizing you were still holding his hand. Immediately you slipped your hand from his, warmth enveloping your face. He took that as his cue to leave, grabbing a few snacks from Yoko and saying hello before making his way to Xavier.
“He still hasn’t picked up on it, has he?” She took a sip of her Bloody Mary, and you knew that absolutely wasn’t tomato juice filling it.
“Nope,” You grabbed a pretzel from the snack bowls, making yourself comfortable on the barstool in front of her. “But I don’t mind, it’s not like I want him to know anyway.”
“Gods, you both are dense.” You heard Kent’s voice pull up next to you.
“Honestly, Y/N, have you considered he likes you too?” And there was Divina in the other seat. Great, now you were surrounded. You huffed jokingly before greeting the two. Thankful you didn’t need to see an optometrist from how much you rolled your eyes at their idiotic quips.
“Yoko, make me a glass of whatever. I’m gonna need something if these two keep pestering me tonight.” You pinched the bridge of your nose. Kent exaggerated a gasp, mouth agape with eyes wide as if you were accusing him. You attempted to flick the pretzel you were holding at him, but unfortunately he had expected it.
“You don’t see me pestering you about the snake plushie around your neck, but please, keep accusing me.” Divina took a sip of her drink. You looked down at the stuffed prize, removing it from your neck before setting it upon the table with a boop on its nose. You smiled, remembering how Ajax had cheered you on and held you close and picked you up.
“Long Island Iced Tea.” Yoko set down a tall glass in front of you, snapping you out of your thoughts. You looked at the drink before looking at her.
“You really just threw everything in here, didn’t you?” You took a sip, feeling the alcohol down your throat.
“I emphasize amateur when I say I’m a mixologist, don’t I?” She shrugged. “Now tell us about this, did he win it for you?” She poked it with a stirring stick.
“Leave Gerald alone, and no, I won it!” You shooed the stick away. All three of them winced at the name.
“Definitely seems like there’s a lot more to it than that.” Divina giggled. “Also, Gerald is a terrible name. Please pick a new one.”
“Well…” You remembered Ajax’s apathy to the game master calling you his partner, either that or he wasn’t paying attention. He didn’t deny you were, though. Thinking about it, he probably really did seem like your boyfriend to onlookers. Holding your hand 24/7, dragging you to booths, winning you prizes, not correcting the game master, the works. You just wish it were real.
You sighed deeply before taking a big swig of your drink, not caring for the burn it left. Kent and Divina gave each other a look before lifting you from your chair.
“You are going to be going through these way too quickly if we don’t do something about it.” Kent took your now empty cup away from you before handing it to Yoko. The latter stuck her tongue out at the boy before sticking it in a bin filled with other cups.
“Why don’t we get your mind off things?” Divina hummed. “How about a dance?” She spun you onto the dance floor. You couldn’t tell if you were already feeling the buzz of the alcohol or if you genuinely wanted to dance, but you swayed along to the music anyway. Bianca noticing your presence, spun to dance with you as well. It was an easy rhythm to get lost into, and you hate to admit Ajax was right about the party being fun.
The night went on for awhile, you kept switching between drinking and dancing and talking. It wasn’t very long before you were drunk, Yoko had to cut you off because you could not get back to your dorm like this. She was with you this time on the dance floor, vibing to the song that was on. You couldn’t help but feel a pair of eyes on you. Twisting to the beat, you turn to see Ajax eyeing you from his spot on the couch with Xavier. You practically hadn’t seen him all night, which was odd considering he’d usually dance as well. He sat with his legs open comfortably, an arm resting upon his leg as the other was brought up to take a hit of his joint. He then handed it to Xavier before puffing out the smoke in fancy rings. Maybe it was you or maybe it was the alcohol talking but he looked, to say the least, hot.
“Jax!” You called out to him from your spot on the floor. His attention turned from his conversation to you, eyes softening as his gaze met yours. Your heart skipped a beat, and well, fuck it. You were making your way over to him. Not like you could control much of your movements anyway, your brain and body were on two different hemispheres. Both working opposite of each other, but definitely somehow working because you slumped down next to Ajax.
“You seem to be having fun.” He hummed, inviting you with an open arm. He rested it around your shoulder, pulling you close as you leaned into him exhausted from dancing.
“Are you, Jax?” You reached up to hold his face with your hand. The position incredibly intimate as his face was mere centimeters from your own. For a moment, there was an unrecognizable look in his eyes. He pulled away slightly, letting out an awkward cough. Your expression twisted into a pout.
“Are you not enjoying yourself?” You tilted your head. His lips tugged into a downward smile, shaking his head no.
“I am having fun, just worried about you. Seems like you’ve had too much to drink.” Removing his arm from your shoulder, he adjusted himself to face you. You whined at the loss of contact, but he suddenly cupped your face within both his hands. Your heart skipping another beat as you stared into his mesmerizing eyes.
“You’re a bit warm, I’m going to get you some water.” You leaned your head against the back of the couch as he pulled away from you. Closing your eyes, you let your thoughts take over. Drowning out the noise, you indeed did feel warm. Had it really been the alcohol or had it been Ajax’s proximity? It was getting harder and harder to deny that you loved him more than you thought you did.
“Here,” A hand lifted your head carefully as a cold glass was brought to your lips. Your eyes fluttered open, remembering where you were. Ajax held the cup as you took sips, feeling the water begin to cool you off. He set the glass down on the table before turning his attention back to you.
“I’m thinking I should get you back to your dorm, let’s call it a night.” You could only nod your head in approval, not wanting your words to betray you. Every nerve in your body concentrated on his skin on yours, lifting you from your spot on the couch.
“I’m gonna get Y/N to back to the dorms, they’ve had too much I think.” You could only hum goodbye with a wave to your friends as Ajax dragged you up the steps. It wasn’t particularly hard to get to your dorm, but man, were you exhausted. The hard part was getting you into your bed.
“Jax, have I ever told you how much I love you?” You murmured as he was adjusting your head on your pillow. It was dim in your room, but you could see the color in his face shift. You never used such strong words like ‘love’ around him, and especially not about him. It was always “I love this ice cream” or “Jax, you’re my best friend but you’re a dumbass.” never “I love you” which surprised him.
“You’ve had too much to drink, Y/N. You’re not thinking straight.” He pulled the blanket over your figure. You grabbed the bottom of his jacket, stopping him in his tracks.
“No, I really love you.” You hiccuped. “You’re so sweet, and caring, even though you can be so dense. You always do that thing when you wrap your arm around my shoulder and give it a squeeze when you greet me that makes my heart flutter. You also have the prettiest eyes ever, so warm like I can get lost in them. I have to tell your moms how much of a good son they raised. They’re so cool for that.” If you were sober, none of these thoughts would have been vocalized, but clearly you weren’t.
Ajax stopped momentarily before reaching for your hand, removing it from his jacket and returning it to your side. He attempted to pull away, but you kept your grip on his.
“Jax, stay with me please.” You pleaded. He smiled before sitting at the side of your bed, leaning to make sure your temperature wasn’t too high with the back of his other hand.
“Why won’t you say anything back?” You breathed out, head starting to spin. The room was dim and only the moonlight illuminated you two.
“Because you are not in your right mind right now, and as much as I love you back, this should not be how this happens.” He looked at you solemnly. It was undeniable that he loved you back, but he’d rather have heard it when you were ready, not when alcohol had consumed you.
“Now, get some rest.” He gave you a small forehead kiss, you could even feel one of his snakes give you one as well. You nodded, half paying attention as you drifted off. Ajax carefully leaning every now and then to adjust your blanket or make sure you weren’t too hot.
“Jax?” You called out, to which he hummed in response.
“I never got cotton candy at the Harvest Festival.”
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takenbypeter · 1 year
Heyo you already know it’s gonna be Peter Maximoff! Sooooo reader and Peter are a couple but sleep in separate dorms?rooms? idk what you would call it but they obvi live in Xavier’s school for gifted youngsters. Anyways, reader told Peter she was going to bed a little earlier just to tell him. He agrees without putting too much thought into it and continues on whatever he’s doing. Until he’s getting ready for bed and goes into his closet and notices….. one of his shirts are missing. He is speeding around looking for it even though he technically doesn’t need it at this millisecond, it’s just the thought of him not knowing where it is that’s bugging him. He cannot find it anywhere in his room. So he goes out….. assuming somebody is messing with him. Wakes up the guys who might’ve done it like Cyclops, Nightcrawler, even the Beast cuz he just “KNOWS”. Probably cuz Peter knows he’s a bit (a lot) of a butthead to them and maybe someday they’ll want some payback and today was the day. But all of them denied it and Peter is going absolutely insane. He now gets all the X-men in one room and THEY ARE NOT LEAVING UNTIL THIS CASE IS SOLVED (his band t-shirts are a priority). Somebody has to be lying and he brings in the big guns. He’s woken up Xavier. (yes he woke him up, put him in his wheelchair, and sped him into the room) He would’ve just asked Jean to read their minds but she might try to protect Cyclops or something. The arguing got louder since the X-men were all now stuck in a room, annoyed at Peter for waking them up, and still don’t really know what the heck is going on. Reader wakes up from the noise to see what all the bickering was about. There she opens the door all eyes on her staring right at the supposed “missing” shirt she was wearing. Heads turning back to Peter most (all) of them with angry faces and reader with a confused look. Peter sweetly walks to reader without an anger in sight. (he’s never angry at her and thinks she looks cute in the shirt) He comforts her as if nothing had happened and puts her back to sleep. The team’s jaws just drops in utter disbelief. A couple minutes later he comes back to the angry faces and awkwardly apologizes. As soon as he noticed he’s got no sympathy he speeds aways. Let’s just say there was a bit of a goose chase throughout the night until they tackled him down. This is just a silly and LONG request. Sorry :/
Too Cute To Blame
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Peter Maximoff x reader
Words: 1561
Authors note: hey hey bestie 🌺 so glad to get a request from you, I loved this idea so funny 🤣thanks for the request and enjoy
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It was another one of those nights in the X-mansion. No missions, no actual fighting, it was just a normal day filled with a number of training and lessons to practically bore your mind, but you knew they were important. At least it was over for the day.
You were currently in your boyfriend Peter’s room as you two typically were, if not your own. It was getting late and he was spread out on his mattress with his eyes shut and his hands folded together behind his head while he bobbed it to his music that played throughout the room.
You listened too, initially starting the night cuddled against him until you got slightly bored and opted to read in his desk chair.
But as you checked the clock that he had displayed underneath some papers you realized just how late it was and that's when you decided to call it quits for the night.
Packing up your things you got up and leaned over him, “I’m heading to my room, I’ll see you tomorrow,” you say and with his eyes closed he puckered his lips and you bent down to meet them for a quick kiss. “Goodnight,” you said and he repeated.
As you stood back up you looked around making sure you weren’t forgetting anything and that’s when your eyes landed on one of his band shirts. It was in his clean clothing pile on the floor with other clothes and before you could give it another thought, you took it.
You didn’t think it was a big deal but apparently it was.
Peter stayed up for about two more hours before he decided to at least attempt at sleep. After getting up from his lazy position he zoomed on over to his pile that he just washed and searching through it he realized the shirt he was planning on wearing was gone.
He knew he washed it, he absolutely washed it…didn’t he? Great now he was questioning himself.
Instead of thinking about it too much he continued his search practically tearing apart his closet, and dirty laundry bin in search of the black graphic tee.
It wasn’t a big deal or anything, it’s not like this was going to bug him for the rest of his life.
…except it was.
As he searches and searches, double checking every nook and cranny he finally comes to the conclusion that it’s not in here.
As a new thought popped into his brain he squinted while tilting his head, someone took his shirt.
“No he wouldn’t,” he mumbled to himself before he thought about it some more and let out a weary, “he would.”
And that’s when he sped off.
He knew exactly where he was headed to first. Scott’s room.
When he got to the place that he barely stepped foot in, he quickly put on Scott’s glasses before hovering over the boy, “hey,” he gave Scott’s face a little slap causing Scott’s eyes to flicker. When that didn’t do the trick he slapped harder, “hey!” That one seemed to do something as the mutant woke up, “what the f—“
“I know you took it,” Peter accused not wasting a second.
Scott looked around the room, his eyes landing on the darkness from the window,”what time ‘s it?”
Peter turned Scott’s head back to him while Scott easily pushed it away, “give me back my shirt.”
Scott let out an angry sigh as he turned to his side and covered his head trying to block out the light, “I don’t have your dumb shirt.”
Peter leaned back, still suspicious, “I don’t believe you.”
“Don’t flatter yourself. I don’t care about you that much.” Peter lifted a brow at Scott’s words, that was true. Maybe it wasn’t him.
In the next second Scott’s light was off and Peter was gone for his next suspect.
Arriving in the blue mutant’s room he leaned over the boy deciding if he should slap him as he did Scott or choose a different approach this time. As he was distracted, he noticed Kurt’s eyes beginning to open and he took the opportunity, “where is it?” He demanded.
Kurt yelped not expecting this at all, but once his eyes fully opened he calmed down realizing what was going on.
“What’s happening?”
“Someone took my shirt. Was it you?”
“Do you really believe I was the one to take it?”
Hmm, sure Peter’s bugged the kid but honestly, the blue mutant had a point and off Peter went. He sped right by Jean Grey’s room knowing; one, she would either protect her dumb boyfriend, or two, she probably had no idea either way, so instead he headed for the labs that he knew Hank would probably be in.
“Hey!” Peter shouted so unexpectedly he caught Hank off guard as he practically dropped whatever science tube he had in his hands, “where’s my shirt?”
Hank gave him a blank stare behind his safety goggles, before responding, “do I look like I know?”
Peter pressed his lips together as his hands interlocked with his pointer fingers pressing against his own lips in thought while he practically scanned the beast, “you honestly look like you know…everything,” Peter said before once again taking off.
And like that he spent the night practically waking half of the mutants of the building up but still he got no answer, which is when he decided to get the big guns.
But not just that, no, he was going to publicly embarrass whoever took his shirt so they won’t ever do it again. Gearing his body up he grabbed the closest suspect dropping them off in the lounge area of the building. Then he filled the room, and one by one he brought in every single mutant he suspected until he got Charles, yes Charles out here.
“Oh great the psycho’s back,” mumbled Jubilee as Peter took his place in the middle, while Charles was just beginning to process everything.
“Peter, what is going on?” Charles asked.
“I’m glad you asked,” the gray haired boy pointed a finger practically scanning the room, “someone in here took something of mine, something very precious.”
“It’s just a shirt!” Shouted Scott.
“A Pink Floyd shirt, it's very important.”
“A shirt?” Charles squeezed his eyes shut and his fingers went to his forehead already getting a headache despite having been just woken up. “Do I have to watch you all like children?”
Peter winced suddenly feeling like this wasn’t the best idea.
“Just go to bed, we can figure it out tomorrow,” suggested Kurt.
“No, we're doing this tonight. No one is leaving till we figure this out.”
“Okay will whoever did it just confess I prefer not to use my powers on such mundane behavior,” Charles said, currently regretting his decision to bring kids together like this.
“It wasn’t me,” could be heard followed by a bunch of, “wasn’t me either,” which was then followed by “will someone just confess already?” Which was followed by a “Scott we know you did it just give it back,” causing Scott and Jean to defend him before turning the suspicion on someone else thus creating a full circle of mutants blaming mutants throughout the room.
As the arguments grew, so did the noise, awaking most other mutants who hadn’t been accused yet.
Including you.
You woke up from a deep sleep to sudden shouting and curious about the ruckus you put on some nearby pants as you entered the mutant filled room with your boyfriend standing in the middle of it all.
“What’s going on?” You questioned eyes squinting trying to adjust to the sudden bright light of the room.
Nearby young ones looked to you before looking down a little, and began nudging one another. As everyone was suddenly becoming aware of what you were wearing the room grew quieter and quieter but you, too tired to think, only kept your eyes on Peter who just realized you had entered the room.
It took only one second for Peter to glance down and easily spot the shirt he’s been desperately searching for. But instead of scolding you or accusing you like he did the others, he just runs to you immediately wrapping his arms around you while internally gushing about how cute you look in his old t-shirt.
“It’s nothing. Just an argument but it’s settled now.”
“Oh okay?” You said head still propped on his shoulder as he had his arms around you. Soon enough he removed his arms and just took your hand in his, “just go back to bed, everyone’s heading back anyway.”
“Okay?” You repeated not questioning the man's actions and everyone watched as he walked you out, leaving them there to question his sanity.
“So that’s it! We get yelled at, we suffer, but not—“
“Well you saw how cute Y/n looked,” Peter said interrupting Cyclops from the chair in the corner causing some to jump at his sudden appearance while most just glared. “Who could be mad at that face?…so uh…goodnight.”
And off he ran. Most went off to bed while others weren’t done with the whole situation.
“Oh he is so gonna get it," said Jubilee as she noticed Scott practically grinding his teeth in anger before he plus a few others tried to run after the speedy mutant.
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shadowqnights · 2 months
Do you have any like thoughts on or headcannons for MCD Travis?
its funny cause i haven't really gotten around to him in any rewrite stuff yet except for like. AUs where he's a part of the guardboys(tm). so this may be brief but here's my rewrite thoughts so Far on travis.
i feel like most people like sticking with the canon of travis being socially awkward because of his isolation. like yeah. i'm a big fan. social cues are lost on him and his more confident/flirting behaviours are from copying books (even the most extreme or fantastical ones). unspoken social rules are the devil to him. this boy was born to yap his head off.
[clashes most with katelyn and garroth at first because of this BUT finds common ground with them later thanks to his studies.]
speaking of his studies hoo boy hello my freak scientist. let him learn! loves getting his hands dirty and doing experiments. no qualms about going to hold bugs and rolling around in the dirt to try and Figure Shit Out. he's a cartographer, in his spare time he's trying to fully map out gal'ruk. he loooves to read, just you wait until he gets his hands on actual up-to-date books and becomes kenmur and emmalyn's bestie. that's kind of where his common ground with katelyn and garroth comes from because they're all fascinated with history to a degree and Can like . sustain a convo with Just pure infodumping. but garroth's a bit of an academic snob sometimes vs travis is a bit of a freak scientist so.. clash...
in a similar vein god travis journals like a teenage girl trying to get her life back together. he notes down everything. he's interested in biology and geology in particular. he will draw and write about everything he sees, and later begins noting down a Lot of human behaviour to understand it better. even to an invasive degree, since he's incredibly perceptive. what he lacks in social cue knowledge he makes up for in pure Vibe Checks and straightforwardness. he will just say exactly what he's feeling.
emotionally he gets along best with laurance and aph, then later katelyn. also kenmur. he and garroth still have some shit to work through. he and laur start off trying to kill each other a little bit and then become besties. i still have to work on his demon mode but it will happen . hoenstly even though he would tire aaron out, they would probably have a mad good chat about divine grudges and demons. younger dante and travis would probably relate a lot to each other.
he's a little bit odd in the way of like . you know the trope where a character is like. isolated alone in the wilderness and is just. having conversations with animals. that's travis. he's just chatting casually with the island critters a lot , if only to have Some company. but he does genuinely also have a really good bond with the wildlife on gal'ruk. i imagine him with a snake companion.
carries knives and a polearm of some sort as his weapons. despite being like a good fighter and like a core of his life on gal'ruk is literally 'guarding' by technicality, he's not really that big on fighting. he's capable , but similar to aaron he would NEVER think of himself as a guard figure. they're more like . freelancing out of necessity.
i think those are like the Main things ive thought about but again like barely scratching the surface cause i haven't really got to him in rewrite yet. but i will one day. sorry i have a funny way of typing casually in a janky way that my brain would say it irl happy to explain anything further if it doesn't make sense. tee hee
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storiesofsung · 2 months
Obey Me Rewrite - the Passion Project
Note: spoilers below the cut
I’ve always been in love with the game obey me and been super passionate about it as a long time fan however the game itself is kind of lacking.
Obviously it does what it does well, it’s a dating simulator about demons from hell but what I mean is it lacks potential.
I love the characters and their relationships with each other and the overall concept, that is what made me fall in love with it in the first place however I do have my own issues with the game not as a dating simulation but as a story.
To give you more context:
- characters are given great potential with interesting backstories and fun personalities however the direction the game takes them completely wastes any sort of progression as interesting 3 dimensional characters
Example: Satan - he is shown to show personal struggle with a sort of inferiority complex with the way he was brought into this world (or hell) by people only viewing him as an extension of Lucifer and only as wrath, not as an individual living being. He works hard to create a name for himself and he prides himself on wisdom. He has a strong character and one of the best self restraint in terms of anger I dare say (he did attack mc but honestly from the way he was acting in Nightbringer it is progression) plus he is calm and collected and obviously by now a respected demon. Though he knowledgeable in itself, he still has issues to work with, one being working out his difficulties with Lucifer, (maybe) coming to terms with the way he was born and the trauma he went through when Lilith fell (he technically felt Lucifer’s pain). Instead as the series progressed we only saw him a soft cat boy, cmon 😀.
There are much more examples of this in fact all of them have such wasted potential, I’m not going to go in depth (unless someone asks me to hehe) but a very notable mention I would also like to make is
Example 2: MC - I’m not going to comment on how they are dull or has no personality because actually they can be very sassy depending on which options you choose. Also the mc is supposed to just be a self insert so I understand that enough. Anyways what I would like to give note to is the fact that mc forgave belphie right away after he I don’t know KILLED US? Or should I say, more accurately, the game forced us to forgive him so we would have the belphie lovey dovey options (no hate to belphie stans I’m just saying). What I mean to say is that we shouldn’t have not forgiven him you know, honestly it’s more of pacing. We COULD have forgiven him and actually that would be interesting development and a look into their backstory as angels, however there was no real progression towards forgiveness or us even being remotely scared of him (I may be wrong on this but I remember belphie and mc becoming besties real quick with no hard feelings) like the snappy mc incorrect quotes I think would actually fit well into the story as well as proper talk and real progression towards forgiveness.
2. Concepts and storylines
This is slightly less of an issue but I do take slight to the way the game handles storylines. Season 1 was the best (in my opinion) because it was less of “uwu mc marry me” content and more of demons being demons.
Alright so this really bugged me but I don’t like how MC is a a descendant of Lilith, like I know the brothers and Lilith are not blood related and are honestly more found family and that MC and Lilith and so far related (in terms of how many generations were between them) that they barely share dna I believe (in terms of physical dna and all that good stuff not the angelic powers) but I’ve always found it kind of gross but I guess that’s just a me problem…
I’m going to take the next part of my issues with concepts and storyline as general as possible but it’s really long but… hell doesn’t feel like hell, or should I say devildom doesn’t sound like hell
There is technology in other depictions of hell (like Hazbin hotel) but that’s done better because it’s not so emphasized (I know DDD is part of the game but I think they drive the technology bit overboard) it’s a lot less subtle and hell just feels like an abridged human world with slight magic involved.
The demons don’t even act like demons or look like demons, as hot as their demon forms are they look like emo teenagers that just discovered hot topic like girl bye 😭. They don’t act remotely demonic like sometimes, and everything just seems like a cosplay is the best way I can describe it. I know it’s 12+ and not 18+ but I really enjoy the more gorey fanfic versions of obey me concepts because that feels like hell, it brings out emotions in me of shocked scared and surprised which is what Dre me into the game in the first place, not a bunch of boys going to play dress up and harass the MC.
I have much more problems with the game( I still love so obviously I’m gonna play it) but this is more of a rant and I just played Nightbringer so I hope there is more lore that resolves some of my issues but yeah!
I’m not that skilled of a writer or anything but I would really like to try and rewrite obey me as a kind of “real hell” as a passion project, obviouslt no characters, or anything trademarked belong to me this is more of for fun. Again I’m not that experienced so if anyone would like to give me tips on how to write or would lousy like to chat about obey me, about this rant and other issues or just obey me in general feel free to dm me I’m always looking for more obey me stuff hehe but yeah, or actually honestly I just want your opinion on this.
I know it’s not that deep it’s a game about horny demons but it still means a lot to me and I hope you guys understand where I’m coming from. Thank you.
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leverage-ot3 · 1 year
I love how the ot3 are still taking classes to learn each other's skills. Do you think that we'll ever see part of those classes? Like the tail end of one at the beginning of the episode right before we find out about the person who needs to be helped?
omg bestie me tf too
I’d LOVE to see, like, hardison and eliot learning how to crack a safe, or eliot practicing fighting forms with parker and hardison, or hardison teaching eliot and parker how to create basic bugs
or parker taking them to a racetrack or something like that and backseat driving making them practice driving maniacally defensive driving
OR ELIOT TEACHING THEM HOW TO COOK (I know that isn’t technically a crime talent, but helloooooooo sharing your love language let’s fucking GO)
or in that vein, even just scenes of parker and eliot watching hardison’s favorite shows and actually paying attention would be really cute
also eliot holding the punching bag as parker and hardison take turns with it, gently critiquing them on their stances and punches. he isn’t gruff with them (unless they tease him) because he genuinely wants them to learn and be able to best protect themselves. he knows they’re both strong and fit and capable, but it helps him rest a little easier knowing that he has taught them better self defense moves
and parker teaching them how to pick out of handcuffs so they will never be trapped if she can’t get to them in time
and hardison teaching them how to deactivate self-destructs and other offensive technological security measures because he never wants them to feel like he felt stepping on udall’s bomb or feel like he felt waiting to hear if parker made it out of that potato safe
logically I know that we probably won’t see it in the show since it (unfortunately) isn’t really centered around the ot3 dynamic, but I’d surely sell my soul to see it on screen
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cupids-cringe · 2 days
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The BUGS proper and real!!!
i keep saying i need to talk about them everytime i post art of them and then i never DO!!
the Bugs are a part of VoidVI, which started as a Hlvrv/Y2kvr rp i made with my bestie @lowpolyskeletonz and then it became this larger thing with aliens and demigods and and those exist in the askblogs too nevermind,, but these are DIFFERENT !!
the Bugs are a collective of AI that all (apart from Eiris) appeared because of corruptions in Benrey and his code that was so fucked up (from existing in a broken & abandoned program for years) and then becoming infected repeatedly with his own virus.
Benrey was 'part of' (stowaway) an unreleased computer program called PalVR, which, along with Benrey & his virus and pretty heart charm necklace, was eventually found by a totally normal and totally human computer nerd called Bea (my beloved<3) to cut a long story short: Bea became friends with the AI, a new mad scientist friend built Benrey his own robot body while they were on a multiverse travelling spaceship, and then Bea and Benrey began to grow a close bond. (man marries computer, not clickbait)
Sweetheart started as his infected/Lovecored version. he was a bit ditsy as most lovecores are, really not a threat at all, he was empty headed and bubbly and- perfect for when Benrey didn't want to deal with anything. while in spaceship therapy Benrey was actively in recovery for the things he'd done in the computer and an infection that had spread like a zombie apocalypse, however he was so guilty and ashamed and would try to hide from everything by leaving 'Sweetheart' to deal with it. each time he was infecting himself it glitched his code, the virus would attempt to copy itself but had nowhere else to send itself to and so essentially built up within strings of Benreys code. until one day 'Sweetheart' was actually Sweetheart, an entity now considered separate from Benrey but inhabiting the same robotic body as the original Bug.
the second Bug was Scorpion. who was similarly created due to Benreys reliance on his own letters and whether it was true or not he considered himself to be "evil" he considered himself to be made of all of the anger and hate that Benrey had been suppressing, Scorpion was the virus and he existed only to spread the infection. at least that was how he felt. somehow Bea was able to talk to Scorpion, to really get through to him, to help him realise that he was so much more than just a computer virus.. Scorpion would then join Necklace (another virus on the ship) in a journey of redemption and self-discovery. Scorpion kept up his edgelord act and appearance because he liked it, it made him feel safer. more confident.
the final Bug didn't actually break off of Benreys code but was instead an alternate version of Benrey from another universe that was accepted into the collective body, Eiris was from another world where he didn't meet Bea, and his program wasn't in such disrepair, he met a different user and he too grew close to him.. however, things took a horrific turn once Eiris permanently absorbed his programs Restrictor, Mother Nature, an AI who Eiris once considered family. attempting to run away, Eiris crawled into an email and somehow found himself in the inbox of a ship floating through space. Recovery for Eiris wasn't easy, and at first the other Bugs were very uncertain of him (having had bad experiences with multiple strange cyan/teal coloured people turning up to stir up trouble on the ship) but again through Beas help Eiris was able to begin healing and be accepted into the group.
there is technically a fifth Bug, Mega, who is less his own additional Bug and more a larger collective customised body for the 4 of them to share, however hes over time become an honorary 5th Bug,,<3
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panoffrying · 1 month
okok so ummmmm ,,, this took me a while to write down bc i fucking SUCK at writing down my thoughts in actually coherent ways so i hope this all makes sense:
i think sozo's sorta the black sheep where he comes from . a lot of stuff abt ants is usually abt how BRUTAL they are toward other ant colonies , literally ripping each other apart an kidnapping babies n shit . so i think sozo's colony was sort of like that—very warrior-oriented with not much space for anything else . then there was sozo , who didn't have Any interest in fighting or anything to do with battle , instead WAY more interested in fungi an stuff
in his colony (and in others) fungi r generally treated as life-threatening pests , since EVERY ant ever knows tha horrifying tale of cordyceps an how they'll rip apart a colony from tha inside out n whatnot . most of sozo's colony just thinks his fascination with fungi is simply a childhood phase , that he'll get over it n realize how dangerous they are , but he doesn't because it's NOT A PHASE , MOM !!!!!!!! he wants to be a MYCOLOGIST , not a WARRIOR !!!!!!
(his colony is also in silk cradle . i forgot to mention that so i'm putting that here)
so sozo ends up leaving his home as a young adult after growing up as a social outcast , wanting to pursue his own dreams instead of just listening to whatever his queen wanted . he eventually Does become a mycologist an one day , ends up at shamura's grand temple to add his knowledge of fungi to their great library , which is when they first officially meet each other . at first it's a fairly generic follower meeting his god type thing , but after a while of talking their conversations slowly get more casual an they begin regarding each other as friends , an then eventually Close friends . maybe they could've become more if sozo hadn't gone off to anura , discovered those mushroomos, and ,,, well . you know what happens to him .
eventually shamura forgets about sozo (since this all takes place After narinder's betrayal) but they occasionally get a strange , yearning feeling ,,, like someone used to come to them everyday to talk about ,,, something. they can't quite remember what , though ...
it's only after the lamb takes over , when shamura is indoctrinated and sozo gets brought back from the dead (then promptly goes through rehab) that they meet again . shamura doesn't quite recall sozo an he only vaguely remembers them , but they still like to hang out together , especially as shamura's head injury slowly stabilizes into something more manageable for them . shamura likes to hear him talk abt his studies , and sozo likes having an attentive audience . they're really good friends who also maybe wanna kiss (but shamura isn't willing to unpack THOSE emotions yet bc they have weird feelings abt romantic relationships after that whole fiasco with their ex a few millennia ago but sssshhhhhh)
anyway that's abt it :3 i'm just realizing it kinda dipped into sozura toward the end there but ehhhhh that's still TECHNICALLY a sozo headcanon if u squint so
It’s very different from other sozo headcanons and I like that a lot. I like to imagine for your headcanons sozonius is literally like hiccup from how to train your dragon lmao. To be fair he might know some self defense based on how he was raised.
I like the idea that sozonius colony was in silk cradle in which I have it in my headcanons that after Narinders banishment silk cradle becomes the most dangerous land of war, just killing without thinking. God bless Sozonius for making it through their bro💀🙏
AND YOU KNOW ME IM ALWAYS A SUCKER FOR THAT SOZURA FOOD. I really like the idea of sozonius meeting Shamura before sozonius went to Anura. THE BUGS ARE BESTIES a bishop and a mortal ant.
Bro my heart of thinking of Shamura remembering sozo in random moments and wondering where he is, then having to be explained to that Sozonius went missing years ago, before forgetting him again AGH MY SOUL!!! THE POTENTIAL HERE
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I ADORE THIS SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME ABOUT YOUR HEADCANONS! Seeing this stuff inspires me and I love being able to interact with yall💜
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moonlight-tmd · 8 months
regarding your recent post:
I'll be honest, I'm either rooting for blitz or prowl lmao X3
blitz cause he's gone out of his way to do these things for bee that you listed in the other and his pure admiration and love for the lil' bug. blitz has nerve and gut to do those things, especially for an autobot ; who are the enemy since he's a decepticon, blitz's own fraction and leader are an after thought, and I respect that to an extent lol
can't really say the same for shockwave/longarm tbh but he's trying lol
and prowl because of the chemistry he and bee shared in the canon of the actual show. I'm pretty sure there are two episodes dedicated to just the duo working together or bonding cause they're the embodiment of technology and nature. I like this one because it fits more into the canon and they just give me brain rot >v<
and bee just seeking protection from bulk from all three is funny and cute to me! like, bulk and bee are long term besties of course they'd protect each other. bee just running to bulk, asking for a place to hide (from longarm and prowl lmao) and bulk agreeing. so, bee just naps in bulk's subspace while he's doing something as prowl and longarm wander around the factory
yeh me too X3
Blitz is literally attached to the Decepticons by nothing other than the fact he's scared of Megatron, it says so on the wiki even. And now Megatron is gone so technically there's nothing holding him back from doing what he wants and ditching everything to pursue the yellow scout that stole his Spark.
Prowl knew Bee for a while and had grown to admire him in secret. He never thought about asking him out cuz there was never an occasion- plus he thinks that Bee will turn him down cuz he's so different from him. (even if they get along great as they are)
Longarm/Shockwave is just stuck in a perpetual loop of "What's more important: Job or Love?" So he's just trying to cope with everything at once- seeing how every choice will impact his and Bee's life and all. It's a lot even for his processor. Although, similar to Blitz, Megs is gone atm so there's nothing holding him back from casually switching sides once and for all and devoting his life to Bee.
Bee is just there very confused and worried to why everyone wants to date him all of a sudden. I mean, he likes the attention but he doesn't like how possesive each of them get. He doesn't wanna be treated like a prize, but like a loved one. Bulkhead is just trying to help him out and so is the rest of the team- when Bee suddenly disappears they don't tell Prowl or Longarm where he went on purpose. Prowl is smart enough to understand Bee avoids him which saddens him. He wants to apologize but he never gets an opportunity.
Tbh after Blitz reveals Longarm is a spy there are 2 routes it can go; Longarm gets arrested and Bee is hurting cuz he did like him and Shockwave is just being depressed in his prison cell. Or Longarm pulls an uno reverse and says he's been an Autobot spy in disguise and been doing infiltration missions in secret to get Decepticon files, effectively earning him a good favor with Bee. (he's not really registered in the criminal records, he has access to that if he needed to delete it and all his actions have been anonymous from the start, few know of Shockwave's existance.)(Blitz knew Shockwave for a bit but he is too dumb to see thru Long's lie.)
Either way it's most likely that both Blitzwing and Prowl get to date Bumblebee. If Shockwave does decide to pull the uno reverse then he tags along too. Don't worry they learn to share nicely and that there is enough love for everyone.
though BlitzBee is my favorite but don't tell them
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
May we learn about Sting and her other parent?
Sorry this took a hot second, I wanted to finalise the Bean Designs™ before replying
There's actually 3 of them, with Sting being the eldest
And for some context, they're from an AU where PV's sentience is discovered before the sealing, and also they ruinite with Ghost shortly after.
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She's extroverted, super energetic and likes to bite things (and people rip PK's ankles). First thing she did right out of the egg was to try and chew on PV's finger. She's also named after Hornet.
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Spectre is her twin brother and the younger one out of the two. He's a shy, quiet kid and a bit of a drama queen. Literally came into this world screaming his head off. And you can probably guess correctly that he's named after Ghost. I find PV naming their kids after their siblings very cute.
Also, yeah he's a bee and should technically be a grub, but I got attached to this design and just justified it by saying since vessels go through hemimetabolous metamorphosis, they got that from their parent and just hatch looking like a miniature bee. Yeah, that does raise some eyebrows.
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And the third one, Tally. They're 5 years younger than their siblings and look a lot more like a normal vessel and take a lot after PV appearance-wise. They're a quiet, sweet kid that prefers to do their own thing. Their nickname is "little tulip" thanks to their horns looking like flower buds. They're also the one kid I draw the lost of, for some reason
As for their parents-
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They have three. (the bee is supposed to have wings btw I just consistently forget about giving the characters wings for whatever reason, it's the bane of my existence)
Petunia is a solitary bee that just ended up in Hallownest and settled down there after a pretty hard life. They're genderfluid, use any pronouns and work as a comedian (who has a personal love for puns). They met, started living with and got together with their other partner before they met PV. Also, I find it funny that they're with PV bc they're very much an anarchist, very critical of the monarchy and generally dislike the higher beings. Also also, they've been declared autistic by my bestie.
Lummis is the firefly, he was born in Hallownest, orphaned and then adopted into a family of menderbugs. Because of it he's sort of a mechanic (or the bug equivalent) by trade. He's also the token cis guy of the relationship (he/him). He's the reasonable one in the relationship that keeps the others in check but still goes along with whatever idiotic idea Petunia pulls because "somebody will have to talk the guards out of arresting us and it certainly won't be you and your big mouth". He's also Hegemol's godson because I head anon that guy as a menderbug and I thought it'd be funny if PV has a bunch of close calls getting catched by good ol' Hedge.
Petunia is the bio parent of Sting and Spectre and Lummis is the bio parent of Tally, though they don't really make that distinction and just all raise them together.
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So Saturday I woke up and before Sophie and Sam came over I went to my new house and put my new sheets on my new bed, and hung my bug net. Because I knew that the last thing I'd want to do after moving everything was then have to make my bed and struggle to hang the bug net in the dark. And there's no question of me sleeping WITHOUT my bug net.
Then I went and collected oranges to offer my friends as payment for helping me out because cooking for them was kinda out of the question because I have one plate and no food.
Then Toño and I changed the oil in the generator that he's leaving at my house.
So then Sophie and her guide showed up, and a little later Sam came to and we got all my shit to the new house. They all hung out while I got myself organized. Sam went up on the roof to install my solar panel.
It was my first time seeing Sophie since Ave Maria so that was really nice, and Sam is my bestie. For the most part we talked books all day because the three of us have just been swapping back and forth books.
After Sophie and her guide left I walked with Sam to the next two over, he has like a 2 1/2 walk from my town back to his so I walked for like 30 minutes with him to show him this really cool abandoned government building near the river. We spent a good amount of time trying to find a way inside and then headed our separate ways. For my first dinner I made boiled plantains (Sophie brought me plantains as a housewarming gift) with some spicy seasoning. Followed by a bottle of warm champagne that Sam brought me as a house warming gift. Had to toast to the new house.
The plantains tasted wonderfully and the champagne went straight to my head because the only things I ate had been oranges and a boiled plantain.
The two of them really hyped me up about my new place. It's 2 rooms: a bedroom and a kitchen area. And I am really lucky because Toño is leaving me with a bedframe, table, two chairs, washing machine, generator (for the washing machine), and helped me hook up my gas tank for the stove.
Sophie is having issues finding a rental option because there's a lot of drama in her town and her family keeps telling her she can't rent every option because the owners are bad people.
Sam doesn't have a rental option...and has been told he might have to build his own?
I'm feeling much more settled, and now that I have space to myself I will seek out social interaction more because it's not being forced upon me. Sunday night at like 8 pm (a little tipsy and pitch black) I walked back up to Elena's house to say thank you for her hospitality. When I tell you that I REALLY didn't want to, I mean it. But she goes to school in the city all day every Saturday so I didn't see her at all when I was moving things and even though she knew I was moving, I couldn't leave without saying anything. So I trudged up the hill and thanked her for her generosity. Then I went and slept in my brand new bed with brand new sheets and was terrified the entire time. The thing about a wooden shack is it's a lot easier for bugs to get in than a cement house, and as we've seen, the cement doesn't deter much anyways. I woke up at every noise and slept terribly. But it's a new space and I'm just not used to it.
The biggest issue is there is absolutely NO Signal at my new house. Obviously it's not the end of the world, it's just the one perk of living at Elena's that was so good was I could scroll Instagram from my bed. But Elena also lived on top of a pointy hill and my new house is in the shadow of that hill. Maybe I maintain a relationship with her just enough for some hammock/Instagram time.
Then Sunday morning I went to Penonome. I am technically supposed to be heading to chorrera to buy more shit that I need for my house (clothes hangers, duct tape, more dishware) but instead I'm heading to the capitol provincial city of the neighboring province, Cocle. Because conveniently, Penonome is halfway between Carlo and I. We've had this little date planned to see the new Planet of the Apes movie and get a hotel room for some time before I knew I was moving. But I'll never say no to AC/Electricity for a night (or seeing Carlo I suppose)
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arcaneyouth · 1 month
Ooooh OC asks! Would love to hear more about Swag Georg (Your fellow in red with the crescent on the face) if you've got fun facts on the guy!
soooo. this got pretty long,,,,, because i don't explain george to people very often and i got excited. so a good chunk of this will be under a cut LAISUDHALSUIDH
george my beloved... that version of george is an overhaul of a dnd npc! the campaign never got finished after kinda falling out of touch with the players, but george was always my silly skrungle my blorbo my poor little meow meow. he was my favorite of the npcs and i didn't wanna leave him so i revamped him for my detectives story c:
george holds quite a bit of the same backstory. george is a human born and raised on another planet who helped his parents take care of a Celestial, Moon, a powerful being that needs to be kept under careful watch. bug warning but this is moon btw, but in the detectives story moon is much much smaller. after his parents died, george ended up joining the same organization that oversees the protection of celestials around the universe to make sure they don't bring about disaster. unfortunately this organization Fucking Sucks. they abandoned george back on his home planet years later when moon was bringing about a disaster (they thought he was dead to be fair) and he had to deal with it entirely by himself. he did succeed and moon is his very bestest friend in the entire world but it was a little bit very traumatizing
this is where current george and dnd george split off in terms of story. dnd george ended up joining the party when they were working for The Organization. i THINK current george may have done something similar? but basically he snuck moon into his pack and ran for it, ending up back on "earth" or whatever we wanna call The Main Planet in this universe before embracing the fact that he is technically a wanted criminal and teaming up with a mob boss. they're absolute besties and they get to be so silly together. george is absolutely living his best life as a criminal now. he gets to steal candy Whenever He Wants!!!
in the detectives story, starlight and george are presented as the main villains of the murder mystery when in reality they don't know who the fuck is killing all those people either. but they DO know someone who does, and she has begged them to keep dover, the main character and main detective on the case, away from the truth as long as possible. they happily oblige <3 and that's as much as i can really explain about george plot wise before i have to explain the entire convoluted plot to you c:
other fun facts!
george has a massive crush on dover and will NOT stop flirting with him. dover fucking hates him
george has power over gravity, able to point in a direction and make that direction "down" for him and anybody he's touching. he ALSO has a passive luck power that basically functions based on how funny it would be. he can't get caught by dover, just barely slipping away every time, because he is simply being so silly your honor. this doesn't mean he won't ever get caught tho
george is entirely unaware he has this luck power
moon is always just hanging out in his pack. moon will not ever cause a disaster because they love george very much and they like to be with him c: which sometimes means george will be heading out the door like "keys, wallet, gun- SHIT I FORGOT MY GOD"
george glorifies and admires criminals and cowboys and when he realized he was allowed to be both to the extreme he got So Excited this is gender euphoria for a cis man. nothing's under the mask or the shadows on his face he just thinks they're awesome
george is generally pretty good with kids!!!! starlight has a daughter, fleta, and george is like her funny uncle. there's a lot of kids in this story and they tend to flock to him cause he will dote on them and let them say hi to moon and yeah sure maybe sometimes he teaches them how to use weapons but in his defense that shit is so cool how can he not let them play with knives it's literally sick as fuck
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vapor-vine · 1 year
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hits the woah and turns the twstie cast into furries (feat. me and my besties’ ocs). technically part of an au, those who were human in canon get rounder/flatter faces like some styles of how people draw furries, while beastmen and fae get to be a bit more animal-ly
species in the below
Riddle - Brittania Petit
Ace - Cat (moggy)
Deuce - Dog (mutt)
Trey - Smooth Collie
Cater - Harlequin Rabbit (some cat)
Leona - Lion (uncertain which though)
Jack - Grey Wolf (some jackal)
Ruggie - Spotted Hyena
Azul - Octopus/Oriental Longhair
Jade & Floyd - Moray Eel/Cat
Kalim - Arabian Gazelle
Jamil - Arabian Cobra
Vil - Fantail Pigeon (some peacock)
Epel - Welsummer Chicken
Rook - Augur Buzzard (some fox)
Idia - Borzoi
Ortho - Cretan Hound (yes i know he doesnt really look like a dog in the doodles)
Malleus - Dragon/Dragonfly
Lilia - Vampire Bat/Vampire Moth
Silver - Fallow Deer
Sebek - Nile Crocodile/Lightning Bug
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loganlostitall · 9 months
A pairing I wish I liked but just can’t:
I don’t think I have any for TWD! I have some I definitely like, definitely don’t like, like, don’t like, and am neutral about, but I don’t think there’s a single one that I’ve said “hmm, that’s interesting but I can’t get into it.” Maybe… maybe Rickyl and Desus? They don’t bug me but I don’t take the time to read them! The idea catches my attention and then I move on🤔
There are definitely some from other fandoms of mine that I have wished I could get into before, though. I know it’s an unpopular opinion but Fiona Gallagher and Jimmy/Steve from Shameless can’t snatch me. I get the ick when I see that man, even if he was technically her best relationship on the show. Also the same with Debbie Gallagher and Sandy Milkovich, I just dislike Debs way too much to even appreciate that we got a new LGBTQ+ pairing lol.
I’ve been a fan of Marvel and DC for as long as I can remember so there’s a handful there as well. For the ships in the MCU as well as Marvel Comics, cannot get into Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. They don’t even ick me but I never saw the appeal either. Same with Thor and Jane Foster. AAAAAGHHHHHHH!!!!! I used to hate them together adamantly but after the latest Thor film I had a little bit of “I wish I could get into it.” Can’t really get into… literally any Wade Wilson ships, including his current non-binary partner despite the initial excitement for more DP LGBTQ+ rep. I’m a massive Deadpool fan but I have no interest any time there’s a comic run w romance. Maybe that’s just my diehard Spideypool obsession… I think so actually since I’m not fond of Peter Parker x Mary Jane Watson/Michelle Jones or Peter x Gwen Stacy with the only exception of TASM 1&2. Pete and Wade are.. honestly.. probably my full-on fav ship 😭
Rounding back to DC Comics, my dislike for Bruce Wayne x Selina Kyle is completely purposeless, just don’t like it ig, every comic run with them getting married makes my lip curl which is just strange because I’m a sucker for hero x villain/anti-hero. Idk. Something in my brain also refuses to allow me to get into any Bruce Wayne x Talia Al Ghul storylines because of the one singular comic run where it was revealed that she rped and baby-trpped him. Justice for my Batsy boy. At least Damian came out of it! I also… may get crucified for the fact that I have no interest in Clark Kent x Lois Lane, or Dick Grayson x Princess Koriand'r, despite finding them precious. And for a fandom ship, I neutrally dislike Superbat.
Long ass answer but these are my biggest fandoms and ur already used to me talking a lot! Sorry bestie.
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Bestie, in Sweet & Sticky you wrote that they've been together for 25 years now. For how long they dated before they tied the knot, and how long into the marriage before they had Bianca? Loved that fic btw, those two are hilarious (and great at traumatizing their kids 🤭🤭) and the kids are so dramatic! Btw, don't feel pressured by this, I know you have a lot of fics planned, but do you ever plan on writing something for Andy and A.J some time? Idk what it is about him, but he's so effortlessly funny kkssksk Despite the bonding with his father (the only two boys in the house), I feel like he acts a lot like his sisters? Like, Idk if you get what I mean, I'm basing my comment mostly on "Dad, don't be a hero" but I think he's really cute 💗
Hi, my darling!
First of all, I am so glad you loved Sweet & Sticky! At this point, Reader and Andy are almost past the point of caring about whether the kids witness them being, as A.J. put it, "gross". They really enjoy traumatizing them a little every now and again - so long as they're still fully dressed, you know? Hehehe
Yes, so I did say that those two had been together for almost twenty-five years, which is true. In this fic, Reader is about 48, which would put Andy close to 55.
Reader was 23 years old when she first met Andy and 26 when they officially got married. And then they welcomed Bianca into their little family when Reader when she was 28.
That's the timeline we're working with here.
And I do plan to write more about Andy and A.J.! They're just so dang funny together, at least to me (and you as well, it seems). Aside from him being his Mama's biggest protector (move over, Andy), Junior is actually a very sweet and caring little boy. Which is due, in large part, to having three sisters. Even though he is technically the youngest of four (RoRo is older by about 5 minutes), he wants to take care of everybody.
His favorite thing to do when someone is sad is to bring them a little treasure to try and cheer them up. Usually it's something cool he's found outside, like a bug or a rock. One time he tried to give his Mama a couple feathers he'd come across in the backyard. Reader may or may not have broken out into a cold sweat over that one. Although she did manage give him a kiss before handing him to his Daddy so that he could be properly hosed down.
But back to Andy & A.J., the next thing I'll probably write for them will be all about their first-ever father and son football game. I've got it all planned out in my head. It's gonna be a hoot. And I think you'll really like it.
Thanks for the ask!
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lea-andres · 1 year
Mind if I just step in here and ask you how Bark & Jewel met? Sorry, my curiosity about BugBear is eating me up 😅 They're just so cute 🥺💖
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You may!!! Come bug me (hehe) about BugBear whenever! I'm always DYING to braindump about them to someone!!! 🤩🥰🤩🥰
They have half a thousand first meetings, LMAO, but here's the most frequent two I flip between:
1. The one utilized in my fic When the Day Met the Night (the Google docs are on my pinned post and the fic's in AO3 too, but only visible to those with an account), WtDMtN takes place in my own personal lore, about 6 years after present canon, where I like to pick apart the parts of canon I do like and throw out the stuff I don't. Anyway, TL;DR: Spiral Hill's hosting a fighting tournament, Team Hooligan are amongst the colorful cast drawn to the town to compete. Bark falls in love with Jewel on first sight, Jewel's... Totally terrified of him and the rest of the Hooligans. 😅 She comes around though, after a little careful nudging (and by that I mean Bark's idiot bestie and Jewel's idiot bestie throw a lit bomb into the Mineral Museum by accident and Bark saves Jewel, LOL). Bark's having trouble communicating his romantic intentions, and Jewel keeps missing the point of any romantic gestures pointed her way, and all of their friends are trying to help but are all EQUALLY bad at helping. The Hooligans have interestingly already reformed at this point, thanks to some... heartwrenching headcanons I have about where they were during the Metal Virus. (Poor Fang... 😭) But they've been MIA for absolutely ages so a lot of people don't know they've changed their ways. Espio spends a lot of time in my fic trying to discourage Jewel from befriending the Hooligans, for VERY understandable reasons, but everyone's gonna get REAL mad at him in the next few chapters. LMAO 😎✌️
2. There's no fic attached to this one yet, but I've explored what a more (technically, because yes I'm aware it still breaks some rules) IDW compliant BugBear would look like. I'm still figuring out what the details are, but TL;DR: Clutch hires the Hooligans to steal something from the Restoration. Job goes super sideways and Fang takes Jewel hostage so they can escape unscathed. Bark feels HORRIBLE they kidnapped her, so he keeps her safe and comfortable... And eventually lets her go when she works up the courage to ask him to because he's SO worried about her wellbeing it might actually work, LOL. Jewel ends up accidentally taking over the Hooligans at this point. Jewel wants to find out why the Hooligans were hired to steal the thing (still working out what that is), she's pretty much got Bark wrapped around her finger, Bean is technically more loyal to his bestie Bark than he is to Fang's orders so he's willing to tag along... But he's not willing to let the extremely irate Fang leave, so HE kinda ends up being the hostage at this point LMAO. They go to the rendezvous point with Clutch, the fucker had NO plans to pay them and was planning on killing the Hooligans, Jewel saves their asses somehow. Fang's singing a different tune now, especially when Jewel sweetens the deal by offering to hire the Hooligans as the Restoration's treasure hunting team. Consistent work, consistent pay, no backstabbing to get out of paying them. So they stop whatever Clutch is up to and save the day, yayyyyy~. Everyone else is VERY confused when Jewel returned to the Restoration with the Hooligans and insisting they're her new friends, but she seems to have it under control so there's little fight back, LOL. And I explained part 2 to this tale on a separate post. Bark, whenever he's got the free time to, is practically following Jewel around like a lovesick puppy and Amy has to TELL Jewel Bark likes her, LMAO.
And I have half a thousand other AUs each with their own unique first meetings, but those two are probably my most used. My next frequent usage is probably my kid!Bean AU (Bean's age has been significantly lowered and he's Bark's adopted kid now), but we'll explore that one on another post if you'd like. This got very long, I'm so sorry, but I can ramble for ages about my favorite rarepair, as I've proven. 😂😂😂
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