#this list is for 'no archive warnings apply' fics but there are some well written darker fics out there as well
unrealwasteland · 2 years
Tom Cruise fic recs
If someone had told me a year ago that this is what I'd be reading in 2023, I probably wouldn't have believed them. Anyway, here I am with a list of some of my favorite RPF fics.
This list is pretty PWP-heavy and includes mostly bottom!Tom because I'm predictable like that. There are a few different pairings, but they're all m/m. No archive warnings apply to any of these fics.
With you, I'm already winning by Fuddlewuddle 4k, E Tom Cruise/Miles Teller, secret relationship, semi-public sex, belly bulge
Tom and Miles go to the Oscars. The ceremony goes on for so long, no one is going to miss them for a few awards while they go to the bathroom together. Just as long as they're back for the Best Picture award, it'll be fine. Miles isn't sure he'd be able to stop himself, even if it wasn't.
Oscars fix-it! This was lovely and really hot.
Kinkmeme fill: Asphyxiation by anonymous Not rated/E Tom Cruise/Miles Teller, asphyxiation, unsafe kink
Prompt: Tom has a thing for Miles' hands. It's only a matter of time before he asks Miles to choke him in the bedroom.
This kinkmeme fill is short but amazing. It's extremely well written and the characters are very believable.
all we are is indestructible by yellowdressilsa 4k, E Tom Cruise/Chris McQuarrie, wingfic
Chris always wears his wings up and out of the way - Tom finally gets him to let them down.
Somehow an AU where they have wings just makes so much sense for them. I love the intimacy of this.
so come take my hand, come on by notyourwinter 1.5k, E 🔒 Tom Cruise/Chris McQuarrie, shower sex
Tom would stay in the gym forever if McQ let him. McQ doesn't intend to let that happen.
Chris taking care of Tom is just so sweet, I want to live in this fic.
reading about yourself on a plane by yellowdressilsa 2k, E 🔒 Tom Cruise/Chris McQuarrie, topping from the bottom
Tom looks at him a moment; his expression is unreadable but then again, Chris isn't wearing his glasses. "You want to have sex?" Tom asks finally.
I think this was the first Tom/McQ fic on AO3. 10/10, absolutely perfect.
Truth or Dare by anonymous 3k, E 🔒 Tom Cruise/Miles Teller, armpit kink, boot worship, praise kink
"Truth or dare." "No!" Tom said decisively, waving his finger at Miles. "I'm way too old for that." "I'm also too old." Miles shrugged. "But it will be fun! We'll get to know each other, and all that."
This is really hot, I love the praise kink (and so do they).
Turn it on, knock me up, turn me loose by yellowdressilsa 2.5k, E 🔒 Tom Cruise/Glen Powell, pregnancy/breeding kink, top!Tom
Tom probably means "I wish I could have carried them" as an offhand comment, but it starts a wildfire in Glen.
I know I keep saying this about every fic on this list, but this is super hot.
twice as sweet as money earned by Saturn 5k, E Tom Cruise/Paul Newman, first time bottoming, praise kink
Tom could pretend he doesn't understand what Paul is offering but there is no denying the meaning behind Paul’s proposition. They’ve been building toward this for weeks. Tom’s not certain what the details entail, and he’s not sure he wants what’s on offer, but he still manages to sink his next four shots. It’s about options. While filming The Color of Money, Paul teaches Tom far more than he anticipated.
This is the only fic on this list with younger Tom, and I just adore how he's written here. And of course I love how Paul takes care of him.
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antimony-medusa · 2 months
Trying Hard Not To Smile Though I Feel Bad
“You know, that’s something,” she said. “Ranboo’s supposed to be following Niki’s lead, right? Well, if she thinks it’s a good idea, that’ll work. They can date when she starts dating.” “But–” Ranboo cut himself off in horror. He glanced between his family members. “Uh, can’t I date when I’m on the dean’s list instead?” He didn’t say 'that might be more achievable' out loud, but he definitely thought it. “No, when Niki thinks it’s a good idea to date, you can follow her lead,” one of his moms said, nodding. “Like a double date,” his other mom said, glancing up at her wife. “Like a double date,” she agreed, nodding. Niki laughed a little incredulously. “That might not—happen? I’m pretty happy with my life as it is, actually.” Ranboo’s mom grinned, the corners of her green eyes crinkling. “Sounds good to me,” she said. “You can go on dates when Niki does.” “Great,” Ranboo said. They laced their fingers behind their back. “Fantastic. I think this is a great plan that will not have me die lonely and alone.” OR: Ranboo isn't allowed to date until his sister does. Which is bad news for his future romantic prospects. Fortunately, he has a plan to fix this.
Status: 4/4 chapters, updated 30 June, 16,254 words
Fandom: Dream SMP
Rating: Teen Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Niki | Nihachu, Cara | CaptainPuffy, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo
Relationships: Niki | Nihachu & Ranboo, Cara | CaptainPuffy/Niki | Nihachu, Ranboo/Toby Smith | Tubbo, Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit
Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - 2000s, Inspired by '10 Things I Hate About You', Sibling Love. Comedy, Anarchist Syndicate is a Book Club (Dream SMP), Anarchist Niki | Nihachu, Ranboo-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Wealthy Ranboo, Niki | Nihachu-centric, Fake/Pretend Relationship, But neither of them actually know
And here it begins, the first of two fics I wrote for @mcytblraufest! This one is fully written, and is going to be coming out in daily chapters, so Strap In Guys. A Lot Happens.
This fic is based on some fantastic art by @ks1971, and was betted by @droidofmay— thank you for being a wonderful and generous team. I had a wonderful time taking the movie 10 things I hate about you and jumping off in my own direction. My first time writing puffychu, and the first time I'd done beeduo in a WHILE. Anyways I'll let you get to the fic— I hope you enjoy!
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striderepiphany · 1 year
My favorite reddie fics masterpost
I have an absolutely insane number of reddie fics saved in my bookmarks for how recently I joined this fandom so I decided to share my absolute favorites with you. Please give these authors some love and let me know which ones are you've read and enjoyed!
the year of the goat and your kid back by derryfacts2
1 chapter, 14,838 words, No Archive Warnings Apply. Summary: The day you get the most important email of your life, there’s a new black skidmark on the wall of the stairwell, and you know exactly whose fault it is. “Margaret,” you intone to the harried, wild-haired woman in the lobby. She sighs at you as she tries to jimmy her mail key loose. “I know.” It wouldn’t even be that bad if the kid would just skateboard outside. Or get good at skateboarding. Either of those things. Maggie’s a nice lady, though, and she’s had “trying my best” scribbled all over her since they moved into 6B maybe eight years ago. So you try not to be a dick, even if her son is a gold-standard pain in the ass. He’s good for three things: smells, noise, and reminding you how big Eddie must be by now.
The first It fic I read that made me go "holy shit, this is fantastic" and remains one of my all-timers (hence why its first in this list). Really fun and unique outsider POV from Eddie's estranged gay dad, and tells a very sweet story mostly through dialogue. Young adult Eddie and Richie are very cute.
i think the clock is slow by derryfacts2 (again)
3 chapters, 15,815 words, No Archive Warnings Apply. Summary: So there was that reason that work wasn’t boring, too. There was Richie’s soppy campaign of making cow eyes at the back of Eddie’s head as he passed, gently pressing Betty for details about his personal life (“I don’t think he has one. He had this awful fiancé a few years ago, but we’re all glad that’s over”), and chasing the incomparable high of a quiet, muttered “Thanks, Rich” whenever Richie picks something up for him from the copier.
Richie is a wannabe stand-up comic daylighting as the receptionist at Eddie's office. Eddie is a tightly-wound corporate asshole. They are both disasters. Or: five times Richie watched Eddie and one that Eddie watched him back.
I really enjoy workplace dramas and this one satisfied the itch so well. So many good scenes and dialogue, this author characterizes them in a way that really works for me. The perfect read-in-an-afternoon fic.
listen to my heart (can you hear it sing?) by vampirerising
12 chapters, 137,708 words, Major Character Death. Summary: "You need to wake up now,” Stan says softly. “This isn’t real.”
“I know, but I can’t,” Richie sobs. “I don’t want to be here.” Not again. Never again. It is dead, why is It still haunting him?
Stan fixes him with one of those looks of his, the one where he can see his every thought as if it were written on his face. “That’s not true, Trashmouth.”
Alternatively: We all know Richie gets caught in the Deadlights, but do we really know what happens after?
(Deadlights, timelines, Stan’s ghostly meddling—oh, my.)
This one is fucking weird in a way that I absolutely adore. Kind of like a sci-fi novel in that it requires you to pay attention to figure out what the fuck is going on but its so good and worth it. The MCD is Stan, not Eddie, and the last couple chapters are actually a very normal domestic Eddie lives AU. One of the first reddie artworks I made was fanart for a scene from this fic that I really enjoy.
a strange sense of familiarity by Katranga
21 chapters, 103,571 words, No Archive Warnings Apply. Summary: "So Eddie, what brings you to the bar tonight?" Richie asked. "Gonna rebound from the divorce? Pick up a hot young twenty-something to feel young again?” “Fuck you,” Eddie said, jutting his chin forward. “What a terrible way to ruin the mood.” “I’m sorry, all my moods are poorly cultivated. What mood were you looking for?” A nervous lump grew in Eddie's throat. He threw back his drink to get rid of it.
Hand wrapped around the glass he’d just slammed back onto the bar, he said, “The mood that gets me leaving with a schlubby forty-something.”
Pre-chapter two, Eddie and Richie meet and don't remember each other, but have an instant connection anyway...
This one is just... so fucking good. Decently long without ever feeling like it's dragging. Part 1 is them developing their totally-casual-I-swear relationship, which blows up right when Mike calls them back to Derry. Part 2 is them navigating both killing a nightmare clown demon and the awkwardness between them. Also everybody lives! So that's nice.
change partners by avacadomoon (with podfic available)
1 chapter, 30,453 words, No Archive Warnings Apply. Summary: "Rich," Eddie says heavily. Meaningfully, and Richie holds his breath, both afraid and hopeful that Eddie is about to say something really sappy, like I always knew and it didn't matter to me, or you know I support you no matter what. Eddie takes a deep breath before he speaks, and Richie closes his eyes, braced for it. "I didn't look at your dick pics."
"Well hey, Eds, thanks," Richie says, laughing incredulously. "Thanks for that."
I LOVE THIS ONE SOOO FUCKING MUCH. I urge you to consider this as a rec for this author as well, as they have a bunch of other reddie fics I think are fantastic. I have a weakness for any reddie fic that lets them be just a little mean to each other. As a treat. (Also the podfic is very well done, you should check that out too.)
check raise by avacodomoon
1 chapter, 15,061 words, No Archive Warnings Apply. Summary: "Eddie, not a fan of stand up comedy, not a fan of his beer," Rich says, leaning back on one elbow and squinting at him, like he's lining him up in a camera lens frame, "but what is he doing drinking alone?"
"I was alone, and now I'm not," Eddie says. "Some prick sat down next to me and started yapping."
"Ah, unpleasant to talk to," Rich concludes. "Explains a lot."
I know I meant the last rec as a blanket rec for all this author's works but I'm including this one specifically because it has a twist ending that is well-foreshadowed and it slapped my dick clean off.
Things that Happen after Eddie Lives by IfItHollers
11 chapters, 107,947 words, Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Summary: In a world where Richie manages to save Eddie from It after the deadlights, they still have problems on their to-do list. Featuring everything from Derry to Los Angeles—Richie Tozier's murder trial, Eddie Kaspbrak's divorce proceedings, bedsharing of the platonic and non-platonic varieties, an investigation of magic, a truly disgusting séance, the quintessential morosexual road trip, and OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES.
Definitely NOT your average Eddie lives AU. Drama! Mild peril! Psychic abilities! The ghost of Stanley Uris collect calling from beyond the grave via Richie Tozier's vocal chords! Fun and freaky and weird. Three things that make any fic a Josh favorite.
I'm going to stop there because I'm sleepy but let me know if you want more! Like I said I've got like 70 of these lovingly tucked in my bookmarks and I'm happy to share with the class.
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bulkyphrase · 7 months
Steve Rogers + Hydra Trash Party: A Valentine's Day Rec List
Happy Valentine's Day! There's nothing more romantic to me than absolutely terrible things happening to my favorite fictional men, so please enjoy this list of all my Steve-centric HTP faves.
I know these are not for everyone, so this first fic is a cute story where Hydra accidentally turns themselves into cephalopods:
The Better to Hug You With by Lauralot (@lauralot89) (General Audiences | 1,740 words | No Archive Warnings Apply)
Summary: As he's stepping off the Metro, Steve catches a glimpse of waving tentacles in his peripheral vision. An octopus is wriggling onto the platform. He's entering the Triskelion when it happens again: a flash of tentacles in the corner of his eye, this time roping around a filing cabinet. Clearly Steve needs more sleep.
Everything after this is more HTP-typical non-con and violence, so proceed with caution and be sure to check the tags before reading.
[Podfic] A Hostile Work Environment read by sallysparrow017 (Explicit, 45-60 Minutes, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Note: The original has been deleted but at least we still have a great podfic version of this amazing fic
Summary: Podfic of stoatsandwich's 'A Hostile Work Environment' Five times Captain America fantasized about being gang-raped by the STRIKE Team, plus one more.
Blood from a Stone by shinelikethunder (tenlittlebullets) (@shinelikethunder) (Explicit | 23,651 words | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con)
Summary: Once you passed a certain point in the hierarchy, getting ordered to do shit like lead a gangbang on Captain America was a surprise but not a shock. Fill for a hydratrashmeme prompt requesting a Hydra/Steve gangbang where Steve has been dosed with aphrodisiacs to force him to get off. Or, a trash party dumpster travesty in two acts:Act 1: Steve Rogers: World's Most Defiant Hydra Party FavorAct 2: Post-Rescue Hurt/Comfort: Now With Bonus Steve/Sam Sex Pollen Dubcon Also available as a podfic read by sallysparrow017
Catastrophe (Breeds Strength) by sock_bealady (Explicit | 21,272 words | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage)
Summary: Not long after the events of Iron Man 3, the Avengers are captured by what they thought were friends. Rumlow promises they won't remember a thing. Steve is starting to hope he's right.
For What it's Worth by throttlegainwell (@throttlegainwell) (Explicit | 11,654 words | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con)
Summary: When he found the safehouse, after it had been scoured for evidence, he’d personally taken it down to studs. He recognized the room from the tape. What he hadn’t recognized so far was any of the men from the tape. None of them had surfaced, none had been so involved in Project Insight that they hadn’t run for the hills when defeat was on the air. And he knew their faces. He knew them. He knew their ugly jeering voices and their obnoxious laughs and their appendectomy scars and at this point he might even recognize their dicks at a urinal. He’d know them the second he saw them. If he saw them. Part of him hoped that Bucky wouldn’t, but Bucky seemed to remember a lot more than he claimed, so it seemed a stretch too far. As he rather violently found out seven months later, on a side street in Prague at two thirty-three in the morning, it was.
Four Across by justanotherStonyfan (Explicit | 5,728 words | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con)
Summary: Written for a prompt on the Hydra Trash Meme -So say HYDRA uses the Winter Soldier to seduce people as a spy as well as to assassinate people. Some people like it vanilla, some people like to dominate him - and some people want to be dominated by him. He's conditioned to be dominant when triggered by a certain word or phrase. There's a word/phrase to turn dom!WS off too, but the character of your choice has no idea what it is. They didn't mean to trigger this aspect of the Soldier, they just happened to say the wrong thing.
Give Me Your Filth by Dira Sudis (dsudis) (@dsudis) (Explicit | 15,378 words | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con)
Summary: "I don't care," Bucky said. "I don't care which one was you and which one was someone else. You're underneath me now. It's my turn. I do things now, and you lie there and take it." This was going to hurt.
I Remembered You Were Mine by hobbitdragon (Explicit | 4,455 words | Rape/Non-Con)
Summary: Steve awakes in a strange place with a familiar face standing over him. He has no idea where he is or how he got there, but at least Bucky is with him. Also available as a podfic read by Tipsy_Kitty (@tipsyxkitty)
Man in the Box by buckybleeds (@buckybleeds) (Explicit | 29,239 words | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con)
Summary: This is the fic I've been referring to as "the horrible boxfic." Hydra wins and Steve gets put into a put into a sex vending machine in the Strike team locker room.
Mnemosyne by MilesHibernus (Explicit | 6,924 words | Rape/Non-Con)
Summary: Steve's working on dealing with a mission gone wrong when Bucky comes in from the cold.
Salt by throttlegainwell (@throttlegainwell) (Mature | 7,168 words | Rape/Non-Con)
Summary: Memory is inconvenient – for so many reasons, in so many ways. Bucky’d read the books and seen the movies and, frankly, lived the horror show. He knew the misconceptions that people so easily believed. Memories weren’t like movies; they’re not so neat, not so cleanly edited, not so purposeful. They’re just bits of collected and confusingly collated data. Attempting to get around that fact, as had so been the case for the treatment of his mind, was unnatural.
Show You How by justanotherStonyfan (Explicit | 10,567 words | Rape/Non-Con)
Summary: Written for a prompt on the Hydra Trash Meme:Rumlow and Steve have started fooling around sometime shortly before the events of CA: TWS. They've done stuff - they've probably sucked each other off, maybe some fingering, whatever - but Rumlow hasn't actually fucked Steve yet. Steve is still a virgin in the sense of not having had penetrative sex, at least with a dude. Steve is taken into custody, maybe after the bridge fight if they didn't get rescued. He gets taken to whatever horrible gang-bang cell exists in the HYDRA sub-basement with Rumlow and other random thugs. Rumlow says something with super mean fake tenderness like, hey, sorry I've kept you waiting this long to get your cherry popped, but I really wanted it to be the right moment . Which, of course, is going to be right now in front of everybody. Up to the writer if other people then get involved too. Bonus points if Steve isn't particularly naive; he knows there's stuff Rumlow isn't telling him or maybe even that he's being played in some way, but obviously doesn't know the extent of it and is enjoying the sex and the general human contact/comfort before horrible things start going down.
The Wolf by ipoiledi (@ipoiledi) (Explicit | 5,114 words | Graphic Depictions Of Violence)
Summary: So it started that way: a harmless joke.
to burn your kingdom down by glorious_spoon (@glorious-spoon) (Explicit | 12,370 words | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con)
Summary: The Avengers go after a Hydra splinter cell with a nasty habit of brutalizing their prisoners. Steve has some ugly history with them, and when a rescue mission gone wrong leaves him and Sam in enemy hands, the situation gets uglier still.
TsumBody to Love by buckybleeds (@buckybleeds) (Explicit | 7,067 words | Rape/Non-Con)
Summary: *handwavium* Bucky and Steve are now tsum tsums and Brock's gonna fuck 'em and they're going to be sad and squeaky about it.
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codywansleepbingo · 2 years
Codywan Sleep Bingo 2023 Rules
Hello and welcome to the first Codywan Sleep Bingo event! It’s us, your kiss and kink bingo mods, bringing you an event designed for all of us who just want to be hibernating right now in a warm, comfy bed. Keep reading if you're interested and want to learn more about the (very few) rules. 
How to Play 
So, how does one participate in Codywan Sleep Bingo 2023? It’s so easy! Just fill out this form, then wait for us to email you your bingo card. The card will look like this, but will be procedurally generated so that you have different prompts in a different order from everyone else:
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Then you get down to writing, drawing, or otherwise creating something for the prompts you select! That’s it! 
Fill Requirements 
Well, that’s not quite it. We do have some requirements on what you can submit to fill a square on your bingo card. Each fill must include one of the following options: 
Fic: A minimum of 100 words per fill
Art: One piece of art (digital, traditional, whatever floats your boat)
Playlist: One song that explicitly meets the requirements of the prompt (bonus if you make the mods laugh)
Other: Have a different idea? Reach out to the mods via an ask! Let’s chat. We want this to be available to all creators!
Now, and this is very important, we come to the PRIMARY RULE for the Codywan Sleep Bingo 2023 Challenge. And that rule is: you MUST include one of the prompts on your bingo card. And it must be CLEARLY PRESENT. No throw away lines, no blink-and-you’ll-miss-it references….
Basically, if your mod team has to confer to see if we can MAYBE accept the piece as a prompt fill, the answer is: we can’t. Please, give us sleep! Either Obi-Wan or Cody (OR BOTH) of them SHOULD be sleeping at some point in each fill. 
Note that to complete a bingo, you must complete a row of five prompts--meaning, you must have a piece that includes one of the prompts in the squares on your bingo card, and you must in this way fill five squares in a row. You can do a horizontal row! A vertical row! A diagonal! Any method you’d use to fill a traditional bingo card works! 
Prompt Adjustments 
We know not all the prompts may work for everyone. If you have a prompt that’s inconveniently located to complete your bingo dream, you may swap it with another. We allow one (1) adjustment per bingo card. 
Posting Dates 
Once you get your card, you can work on it at your own pace through March 10th. During this time, post your fills to the AO3 collection and reblog them to the tumblr, and we’ll review to make certain you have included a Codywan sleeping prompt from your bingo card and accept your submission, sharing the love for your creations!
Note that, as both mods work full time, we will not be accepting items to the collection after March 10th! (Hopefully, we’ll be sleeping!) 
Choose the Kind of Card You Want
This event has prompts laid out a bit differently. We made our list and discovered we had a handful of spicy prompts, but the vast majority are spice-neutral. SO. When you request a card, you can request a Spice Neutral Card OR a card from the Spice Inclusive list.
Note that getting a Spice Inclusive card does not GUARANTEE a spicy prompt. There are only two of them in total. You might not get one on your card; a Spice Inclusive card merely opens you up to the potential of getting these prompts. 
Regardless of the type of card you get, please tag appropriately. You can select whatever rating you want, as long as it fulfills the requirements of the bingo. Please use archive warning tags, as well, if necessary. 
Posting Rules 
So, let’s say that you’ve written your first fill. You’ve gone over it, it applies to the prompt you are filling, it’s Codywan…. You’re ready to post! 
You can post on AO3 (into the collection), tumblr, or any other location that your mods can view! When you post, please shout at us (@codywansleepbingo) in the body of the tumblr post AND tag us (codywansleepbingo2023) in the tags. 
This helps us find your post! Also, please include a screenshot of your bingo card with the fill circled, so we know which square you’re filling.
Throw on any appropriate tags and you’re good to go! Please place any explicit material under a cut to keep the event friendly to everyone! 
Your Next Steps
Congratulations, you’ve gotten to the bottom of our rules! That’s it! If you’re ready to create some sleepy, sleepy content, we’re ready to make that happen! Click here to request your sleep bingo card today! (Please check your spam filter if you do not receive your card).
ETA: @swfandomevents, for awareness :DDD
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 2 years
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It's been a while since I've had a nice long fic rec list cross my dash so, as my good friend said to me earlier today, I'm going to be the change I want to see.
Anyway, here are some of the in-progress Irondad fics and series been enjoying recently! (in no particular order)
❤ A Secret Or Two by Winterturtle @winter-turtle
Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings || Rated T
A single gunshot was all it took to turn the Parker family's lives upside-down. It's been rough couple of months, but Peter and May were slowly starting to pick up the pieces of their lives. For a moment, it was starting to feel normal again.
That is, until a mysterious man barged into their apartment, leading to a secret or two being revealed about both of them.
Or a (former) Shield agent May Parker fic because I couldn't find this trope anywhere.
❤ 5 times Peter Parker falls asleep in an uncomfortable position by lemonlillybee @lemonlillybee
Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings || Rated T
And 1 time he falls asleep like a normal person
❤ 5 Times Tony Tried to Be a Good Dad by InfinitesimalDna
Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings || Rated M
+1 time he knew he was.
Or, Tony trying to navigate new waters he never thought he would have to with the kid. He hopes he can handle at least one of 'em right.
❤ Social Butterfly Spidey by Jenniboo311 @jenniboo311
No Archive Warnings Apply || Rated T
A series filled with Spider-Man's adventures in social media.
❤ A New Point of View by waitingondaisies @waitingondaisies
No Archive Warnings Apply || Rated T
Peter doesn't hesitate before ditching school to go help fight the weird, purple, goo energy type stuff that's coming out of a portal over Manhattan. Perhaps he should have, though, because when he and Tony breathe the stuff in, they end up swapping bodies. With Dr. Strange not answering his phone, Peter and Tony are stuck living each others' lives for the time being. Really, though, what could go wrong?
❤ one single thread of gold by tonystarktrash
No Archive Warnings Apply || Rated M
Tony's answer to the final question of whether he would ever allow contact to be made prior to his offspring’s 18th birthday had been instinctive. Tony had checked ‘no’ and had clicked the end of the pen, satisfied by a job well done. A quiet voice at the back of his mind, the voice of his mother, had caused him to scribble over ‘no’ until the bottom of the page was almost entirely consumed by ink. Then, his handwriting cramped but legible, Tony had written yes — in case of medical emergencies or death of legal guardian(s).
a drunken dare made six years ago leads to a phone call that changes tony stark's life.
❤ Catch Your Own Happiness by truelovetakesawhile
Archive Warnings Apply! || Rated M
When Tony finds a strange, spidery experiment locked underground in a Hydra facility, he takes it upon himself to try rehabilitating a teenager who knows nothing about the outside world.
❤ The ghost at the back of your closet by niniblack @niniblack
Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings || Rated M
The DODC makes good on their threat to charge May with child endangerment, sending Peter into foster care. But in a universe where Tony Stark is still alive, his actions have repercussions as well, and May Parker isn’t the only one fighting to get custody of her child back.
Meanwhile, Peter’s left completely alone and unable to contact any of his loved ones, trying to navigate a system he thought he’d left behind after his aunt and uncle picked him up a few weeks after his parents’ deaths. And he’s absolutely not going to let anything like what happened to him happen to Morgan, no matter what he has to do to make sure she’s safe.
❤ Tales from the Tower MedBay by Call_Me_Coley @call-me-coley
No Archive Warnings Apply || Rated G
Also known as “MedBay Adventures” with a specific focus on Irondad and Spiderson, and of course some Avengers and Ironfam will be stopping by!
A series of unrelated drabbles and oneshots that revolve around the Tower’s MedBay cuz if we’re being honest, you know those walls have got some stories to tell.
Please be sure to leave these amazing authors' comments and kudos!
Also! Stay tuned for a 'completed multi-chapter' and 'one-shot' rec list in the future!
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Look below the cut for 18 incredible Works In Progress!
birds of prey by mllekurtz (TheKnittingJedi) (91852, Explicit) Warnings: CNTW, mind the tags on later installments Evil Shadowgast AU in which Essek finds himself dangerously entangled with scourger Bren Reccer says: Incredible tension, razor-sharp characterization, and absolutely scorching hot 🔥
heat by Anonymous (20307, Explicit) Warnings: no archive warnings apply AU where elves under go a heat cycle as part of their normal biology every century or so. Essek has been medically delaying his heat by about 20 years. He asks Caleb to help him through it. Reccer says: This fic is SO horny and tender and sweet. It was last updated before ep 97, so there's no betrayal arc. It's just two hot boys fucking each other over the course of days. It's a heat fic but it's specifically not an a/b/o fic.
The Monkey's Paw by jakia (4654, Teen) Warnings: No archive warnings apply AU fic written during 2020 hiatus. Once Caleb has finished saving the world, Essek finds a way to give Caleb what he's always wanted: a simple life, with his living parents. But the problem with getting what you've always wanted is that sometimes you learn the hard way that what you thought you wanted and what you really want are two separate things. [Shadowgast, where post-campaign, Essek sends Caleb to a different timeline where he's a farmer, not a wizard] Reccer says: Love the worldbuilding, both the alternate version of what post-canon canon would look like, and the actual alternate universe that Caleb is sent to.
the fourth corner of the world by royalgreen (allyoop) (50775, Mature) Warnings: No archive warnings apply An alternate take on TravelerCon where Essek has joined them on Rumblecusp Reccer says: It was started during the hiatus, so there's some really great alternate worldbuilding for an AU version of Rumblecusp and TravelerCon. Essek and Caleb's relationship is also a delicious slow burn.
This sudden burst of sunlight, and me with my umbrella by Criticalpancake (63817, Teen) Warnings: None The one where the Nein are Orchid Smugglers (and Essek is still a traitor) Reccer says: I love incredibly specific AUs, and this definitely counts. Plus, I love the way that the author translated the Nein's backstories and personalities into this very different setting
Dappled Shadow and Penumbral Light by Professor_Rye (463977, Mature) Warnings: Graphic Violence/Torture, Trent Ikithon being his awful self The slowest of slow-burn post-canon Shadowgast epos. Reccer says: If we're talking about ongoing fics, this one just has to be on the list. A behemoth of a story that is far from over (and updated regularly) I promise you it is worth to invest the time to read it. The characterization is excellent, and it ties up a lot of threads that have been left hanging when C2 ended. There is intense angst and pain in this fic, but also two idiot wizards in love and lots of soft and fluffy moments between them. It also features a very honest portrayal of disabilities and dealing with chronic pain. Truly the whole package. <3
the great war of the nein sided tower cats by egg (strwpup) (43737, Teen) Warnings: None Honestly, the title is all you need to know. It's Caleb's tower, it's cats, it's plotting and bickering and well... It's war. Reccer says: I love the concept and the surreal undertones. The characterisations are great and the cats... Don't get me even started about the cats. They are AMAZING and you will not see the tower with the same eyes after you read this.
A Tapestry of Stars by Cinderstorm (95903, Explicit) Warnings: None Caleb and Essek end up in an arranged marriage, with each side having their own goals and secrets Reccer says: Politics! Intrigue! Space! Arranged Marriage! What's not to love? This has gone a long time without updating, but what's there is enjoyable on its own.
Pieces Left Behind by Meadow (Medorikoi) (66911, Explicit) Warnings: Rape recovery This is techincally a sequel but can be read by its own. Essek and Caleb trying to recover after Ikithon. Reccer says: This is a pretty dark fic but also moments I love in it. Essek and Caleb's relationship- their co-dependecy is so good to read. The care they have each other. Despite the heaviness of the fic the slowbırn is delicious. I would sell my soul to read more of this- or just wipe my memory to reread.
The Legend of Widogast Manor by royalgreen (allyoop) (6620, Teen) Warnings: No archive warnings apply Essek investigates an abandoned manor, looking for magic. What he finds is the mysterious Caleb Widogast, a man with secrets who may not be a man at all. Reccer says: VAMPIRE FIC. Love all the vampire fic for this pairing, love the AU meeting, love the building mystery and the excellent spooky atmosphere the author evokes.
Ashkeeper, or Urn by darundik (60385, Explicit) Warnings: under-negotiated kink Caleb and Essek are exiled and stripped of their magic. They find their way forward. Reccer says: There's some amazing worldbuilding and description, and the initial sadness just makes the hope even more delicious
Coping Skills by sumomomochi (105862, Explicit) Warnings: None Caleb is an exchange researcher at the Tomes, Essek is responsible for monitoring him for the Dynasty. Essek doesn't date and only has platonic kink since he thinks his disability is too much work for anyone to bother with him. Cue Caleb venturing into the local kink scene and setting his eye on Essek, making him want to brave the minefield that is relationship, with an empire human no lessand all that entails. Reccer says: I love the well thought out relationship, the softness and the SSC kink portrayed, which proves disabilities and health conditions don't have to prevend one from doing things they want to do, provided a willing, caring partner.
Starling by Kaiannae (147960, Mature) Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence; some parts are very dark but it is thoroughly tagged! Bren breaks out of Vergesson and steals a fairy while doing it. It's a beautiful AU about Bren's time right after Vergesson, with a focus on survival and Bren's relationship with the mysterious fairy. Reccer says: It's a beautiful exploration of the time Bren might have spent after escaping, the descriptions of nature are magnificent and Fairy!Essek is a treat.
the golden thread around your neck whispered visions of my undoing by MarsBar2019 (80879, Explicit) Warnings: The inherent dubcon of sleeping with your employee, Caleb typical angsty backstory and mental health issues Essek is the CEO of an arcane tech company and Caleb is his new assistant. Reccer says: The spicy, mildly problematic office romance you didn't think you needed. But listen, I PROMISE you do need it!! It has incredible world-building, really memorable side characters, and the slow burn is just chef's kiss perfection. Mark my words, this is a modern classic of the Shadowgast fanfic canon!
You Be You, And I’ll Be Busy by theprophetlemonade (21321, Teen) Warnings: It has the Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, so it might have darker topics A series of one-shots about Essek and Caleb spending nights in Aoer and mornings in the Blooming Groove. Reccer says: It's wonderful and very poetic storytelling with very deep look into Essek's thoughts and actions.
oh, sinnerman by SaltCore (9614, Mature) Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Suicidal Thoughts Caleb doesn't love Essek anymore, but things don't really add up Reccer says: Salt is a master of emotional angst and this fic is no exception
Soak me in your sin by witches_chant (3382, Explicit) Warnings: Consensual Non Concent Caleb and Essek roleplay some CNC with a cultural twist Reccer says: Some of the best CNC I've ever read. The care and attention between Caleb and Essek is constantly shown, despite the roleplaying they're doing.
And two fics for
Love Letters to Toss Into the Fire by Anonymous (42868, Teen) Warnings: None Caleb and Essek begin a secret correspondence in which they feel free to say the things they struggle to say aloud. Reccer #1 says: Fantastic slow burn and beautifully woven into canon. The letters go to such emotionally intimate places, and it's always a joy to see what enchanting (and enchanted) form they will take in each chapter. Reccer #2 says: The letters and the thoughts behind them are reason alone to read this fic. Besides that it is a beautiful exploration of their relationship.
Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week's theme is Fics Featuring Astrid and/or Eadwulf (not Shadowblumendrei though, that’s a separate theme)
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lololollywrites · 2 years
My Sherlock Fics (AO3):
Current Count: 8 Stories (1 series [3 works], 5 standalones); 145,362 words)
Profile: Lololly
(I also have some Harry Potter fics if you're interested, despite my vehement hatred for JK Rowling. They were originally written or started in 2012, so I hope that explains that.)
Fic Series: Earthly Pomp (Is But a Dream)
Please check all story tags on A03 prior to reading. No major archive warnings apply for the first two fics in the series; none are E-rated. The series is canon-compliant post S4 - it's my attempt to make things right in my own mind. John and Sherlock come back together, talk things out, confess their love, and then... run into some difficulties of the Serbian variety in the third fic. That's where the warnings will come in. This has been so fun to write so far!
Link to entire series on AO3
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Part 1: Step. Jump. Leap. Step. Ficlet. John comes home. (775 words)
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Part 2: Of Sweat, Sociopathy, Scars, and Secrets. Oneshot. John approaches Sherlock with a theory. Much more is revealed than he anticipated. And Sherlock, well... he had been waiting for this. Inevitable. (Here's the Johnlock, ya'll. 8,206 words)
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Part 3: Winter’s Storm Sherlock had buried the past. Shut Serbia away in the attic of his mind palace. Muddy footprints at a heinous crime scene, however, have led him right back to old enemies. And right back to captivity. For God’s sake, Mycroft. (Check the warnings on this one - Sherlock gets tortured, but it's not super-explicit. BAMF!John. 11 Chapters; 51,816 words)
Standalone Fics (list below to be continuously updated)
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The Waning of Withdrawal Sherlock holds a weeping John in his arms and… does something that will forever change things between them. For better or worse. He fears the latter. (This one is rated E for a brief smut scene; as always, heed the tags). (8,249 words)
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Never Been Better John gets married. Sherlock leaves the wedding reception early, but he’s fine. Fine. The seven percent solution? It helps him think. If only Baker Street didn’t seem so empty. But he’s perfectly okay. Never been better, in fact. Never been better.  **Update: Chapter 3 has now been added - NOW COMPLETE Canon breaks during Chapter 2! Chapters 3/3 (16,107 words)
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Pressure Points The bonfire doesn't happen during The Empty Hearse. Instead, both John and Sherlock are placed into a life-or-death situation. One that may prove too much for a still-wounded Sherlock. **NOW COMPLETE: FTH 2023, for @discordantwords. Chapters 4/4 (19,892 words) 
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Cold Inside Sherlock has just shot Magnussen, and John feels adrift. Everything is wrong. He's fairly certain he hates his wife, too. The regrets are too numerous for him to count. Sherlock is in prison, his ultimate fate unknown and the isolation slowly (or, rather, worryingly quickly) whittling away at his sanity. Mycroft is equally untethered, scrambling for options. Perhaps John can help. And perhaps, just perhaps, they can manage to save Sherlock and rid themselves of Mary in one fell swoop. (HLV fix-it; rated E for smut in Chapter 4)
NOW COMPLETE. FTH 2023 for @shakespearelovedladymacbeth.
Chapters 5/5 (26,841 words)
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Breathe Sherlock's death is announced a bit... prematurely. Things spiral from there. --- “Sit, Dr. Watson. I beg of you. I’ll get you some water and then I’d be happy to take you to him so you can say goodbye.” “Ah. Mm. No. No. It’s not possible, all right? It’s Sherlock. Sherlock. I already… I already…" I already suffered this once. This time, it’ll kill me. “Is there anyone we can call for–” But John was no longer listening. He was walking. Fast; in strides as long as his legs could manage. Away from Dr. Fredericks. Far from the A&E waiting area. Toward the grand glass entryway. Shouts followed him as he went – requests for him to come back, to sit down, to listen. They faded in volume the farther John’s feet carried him and dissipated entirely as soon as the automatic doors slid shut. Chapters 1/1 (8,517 words)
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theravenmuse · 3 months
Guide for content warnings on fics
Robust content warnings are something that I take very seriously as a dark content creator. I’ve had many many compliments on my tagging and content warnings so I thought I’d give a few tips.
First, I’d like to mention content warnings (CWs) vs trigger warnings (TWs).
Functionally, these serve very similar purposes, but they have different connotations. Listing trigger warnings would indicate that everything on that list is a potential trigger, as in something that could cause severe emotional distress and or/or a medical episode. Content warnings have a milder connotation, which also means they can be more indicative of what a work actually contains. These things may be potential trigger warnings, but they may also indicate types of content that just doesn’t appeal to everyone.
An example of a content warning might be knotting from omegaverse. That’s not likely to trigger most people, but it may be content that certain people want to avoid. It may also be content that other people look for.
Another example of a content warning might be CNC (consensual non-consent, typically as in role play). This content absolutely can be triggering for some people, but again, it may be content that other people seek out.
I choose to label my warning list as content warnings rather than trigger warnings both because it’s less work for me to try and determine if content is triggering enough to include and because it helps alleviate some of the “I like things on the trigger warning list” guilt that some people may have in seeing one of their kinks listed.
When I list my content warnings on AO3, I try to include everything in the tags in the most effective way for people to both filter out and filter in that content. A lot of this comes from looking at how others tag their works as well as my own personal practice in tagging.
I also list my content warnings in the beginning authors notes on my fics. Sometimes these are listed only on the first chapter and sometimes I will divide up content warnings and place them on the relevant chapters. When I list these out in the notes, I try to give more information than I give in the tags, to let people better decide if this is content that they are interested in and can safely engage in.
An example. This is the tagging and CWing from Fire in His Veins, my ongoing sex venom fic.
Major Archive Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, non-con
Tags: Dead dove: do not eat, sex venom, sex pollen, forced orgasm, made to watch, torture, sexual torture, explicit sexual content, orgasm denial, kidnapping, Aziraphale rescues Crowley, BAMF Aziraphale, Aziraphale loves Crowley, Crowley loves Aziraphale, Lucifer loves no one and is loved by no one, post almost apocalypse, eventual happy ending, sort of
CWs (from the author’s note): DEAD DOVE; Non-con between both Crowley/Lucifer and Crowley/Aziraphale; non-con sexual acts both before and during the effects of the sex venom; Aziraphale is forced to watch Lucifer rape Crowley; sex venom causes unwanted sexual desires; Lucifer both forces and denies Crowley's orgasms at different times; non-consensual sexual torture which may include things like bondage, whipping/hitting, edging, and psychological elements (I have not written all of these scenes yet so can't give details at this point); Lucifer kidnaps Crowley and takes him down to Hell. This fic DOES end with both Aziraphale and Crowley safe and as happy as they can be after going through this.
You can see how I include everything in the tags in my lengthier CW, in case someone who skims missed something, and also expand on certain things to explain them better. For example, I clarify that the non-con tag is applicable to both Lucicrow and Aziracrow. This is something that you might assume only applied to Lucicrow if you were left with only the tagging, and something that might turn this work from a yes to a no for some people. I also explain the “happy ending, sort of” tags, another thing that many people factor in when deciding if a fic with this type of dark content is one they want to read.
Ultimately, my goal as a dark content creator is to have readily available all of the information needed for someone to determine if my work is safe for them. I am not alone in this. The creators and consumers of dark content are the loudest proponents for thorough content warnings, and that’s because we want people to be safe.
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Gods and their Followers: A Critical Role Rec List
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Hello friends! Please enjoy these twelve amazing fics featuring the various gods of Exandria and their followers! Oh, and don't forget to show the authors some love if you liked their work!
The Purest Priorities by wtgw (4133,Teen) Warnings: No archive warnings apply Pairings Artagan & Jester Lavorre
Lord Artagan of the Morncrown meets a delightful little creature and feels himself start to become something different.
Reccer says: Artagan's voice here is amazing and I love the concept - of him accidentally tripping and falling into godhood.
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(how could i) look at anything in this world and tremble by Chrome (4539,Mature) Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Pairings Caduceus Clay & Melora the Wildmother, Caduceus Clay & Fjord & Jester Lavorre
Caduceus is on a mission from god, and forgets that just because he has Melora, it doesn't mean he wouldn't need further backup.
Reccer says: There's a simplicity to Caduceus's devotion to Melora and his thought patterns that's extremely interesting, and I love Jester and Fjord's reactions to him going off on his own.
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Morning Elvis by fruitzbat (1000,General) Warnings: no archive warnings apply Pairings Lucien & The Somnovem
A songfic about Lucien making a pit stop near the end.
Reccer says: It's short, atmospheric, and horrifying
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Gods and Otherwise by sabinelagrande (2381,General) Warnings: No archive warnings apply Pairings Caduceus Clay & Jester, Jester & The Traveler (Critical Role), Caduceus Clay & The Wildmother
Caduceus and Jester have a late night conversation about gods.
Reccer says: It's very sweet and has a very good voice for Caduceus and Jester both. It's rare to see those two interact in fic, and I'd love to see more of that.
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Hope Is A Seed That Blooms In The Heart by Angel Ascending (angel_in_ink) (1744,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings Orym & Melora
One night, Orym reaches out to the Wildmother. The Wildmother reaches back.
Reccer says: I liked it
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Troubled Water by CitizenMocha (1327,General) Warnings: none Pairings Fjord & Melora, Fjord/Jester (background)
With/in spite of most of the Mighty Nein gathered in their new home, Fjord takes a little time to himself to try and reconnect with the Wildmother.
Reccer says: I love fics that spend some time exploring Fjord's emotions, and this fic takes place in the middle of the Mighty Nein Reuninted, so he's having a lot of them.
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Deity Support Group Meeting by YesIAmPlease (1539,General) Warnings: none Pairings Essek thelyss & The Luxon
The Luxon attends a support group for deities after her attempt to claim Essek as her very first champion.
Reccer says: It's absolutely hilarious
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Bitter Earth, Briar Sting by thetickingclock (2407,Teen) Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Pairings Caduceus Clay & Eadwulf Grieve, Eadwulf Grieve & The Raven Queen, Past Blumentrio
Eadwulf worships death. Eadwulf gardens. It's the same thing, in the end.
Reccer says: I love this in-depth look at how and why Eadwulf worships the raven queen, and how that's changed over the years.
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It Means Puppet by Beauteousmajesty (1677,Teen) Warnings: Major Character Death Pairings Caduceus Clay & Melora the Wildmother
Melora's point of view on Caduceus Clay
Reccer says: It's gorgeously written and has some interesting concepts in there
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Endless Ambition (Athenaeum Finite) by Monarchetype (1434,General) Warnings: none Pairings Ioun the Knowing Mistress & Scanlan Shorthalt, Ioun the Knowing Mistress & Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III
A very cynical take on Ioun's thoughts during the events of The Endless Athenaeum.
Reccer says: It's a very interesting idea on why Ioun chose Scanlan over Percy
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and she's breaking my world by grayintogreen (2318,General) Warnings: none Pairings Cree & Jester
Cree and Jester compare minor deities
Reccer says: Jester in particular comes off incredibly well - she comes off as flighty, but it's all setup to rock Cree's worldview. And Cree herself - tragically devoted to Lucien, is very compelling
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Fear of Cold by NKMLN (1525,General) Warnings: None Pairings Vaxildan & The Raven Queen
Vaxildan must become something new, now that he is properly the Champion of the Raven Queen. Its a difficult process, but at least he isn't alone for it.
Reccer says: I just really enjoy the care and compassion that the RQ shows to Vax as he adjusts
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If you liked this rec list, follow along for more! We'll be posting a new list with a new theme each Monday. And if you would like to make a rec yourself, feel free to reach out to @professor-rye to request access to the submission form! Next week, we'll be presenting gen fics about Holidays! Get ready for some divine devotion!
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unrealwasteland · 1 year
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Roosmav fic recs: G and T rated
Explicit fics get a lot of love in this fandom, but there are also many amazing fics with lower ratings, and I made this rec list to highlight some of my favorites. As always, I'm trying to include a little positive note on each fic, and I hope it doesn't get too repetitive because there are only so many ways to say I absolutely loved something.
No archive warnings apply to any of these fics.
live with me forever now by apfelhalm 700 words, G, no archive warnings apply magical realism
"Wow", Mav chuckles, "65, can you believe that?" "You don't look a day older than 60," Rooster says, but what he really thinks is: 50, more like. His own temples and mustache have been starting to turn grey a couple of years ago, but Mav's hair is still jetblack. Maverick may or may not be immortal.
This is a wonderful little ficlet. Technically an AU, but it definitely feels like it could be canon.
out in the wide open plane by Lacerta 3k, G, no archive warnings apply canon divergence: aircraft mechanic Bradley, accidental confession, reconciliation
He didn’t expect they’d run into each other, not like this, not here, in the middle of nowhere in the Mojave Desert. One reason why he took this post in the first place was the luxury of not working with hotheaded fighter pilots. The main appeal is still the birds, of course – the state of the art jets, fastest to ever exist. From the day he joined his first aeronautics class, Bradley knew working on cutting-edge aircrafts was his real dream come true. He should’ve known Maverick would be enticed by their allure, too. * When Bradley talks to himself in the empty hangar, he's sure Darkstar is the only one listening to his confession.
This is very beautifully written. The accidental confession scene means the world to me.
half of my heart by plingo_kat 4k, T, no archive warnings apply post-canon, getting together
As a kid, Mav always seemed larger than life. Whenever Bradley would see him he’d always have a new story, some cool activity to do, be appearing at the door with a kiss on the cheek for his mother and slinging his leather jacket onto an only lightly occupied coat hook along the hall. And during the mission training, he’d flown circles around the best pilots Rooster knew, himself included. It was only after they’d been released from medical, poked and prodded and provided with various compression braces and pills, that he gets to learn Mav the man: someone who lives alone in the desert and likes it, who can be the life of the party but can also spend days saying nothing at all except the occasional soft endearment to his machines.
Lovely and really well written. I adore the characterizations in this one.
Blood is thicker than water, but blood is even stronger by Fuddlewuddle 1.5k, T, no archive warnings apply post-canon, fluff, sharing a bed
Mav and Bradley are at a hotel and have to share a bed. It's everything Bradley wants but not sure he's allowed to have.
This is super sweet. Lovely take on the "only one bed" trope.
the first four knuckles by thekookster 6.5k, T, no archive warnings apply background relationships, pov outsider, character study
eighteen, twenty-two, twenty-five, twenty-nine, thirty-three— and the question remains: who is Bradley Bradshaw, really?
This is an incredibly well written Bradley-centric fic. The last chapter especially is a work of art.
some bunny to love by notyourwinter 4k, T, no archive warnings apply shapeshifter au, crack treated seriously
He'd asked his mother once, when he was a kid, why it felt so much easier to be a rabbit sometimes, rather than human, and she hadn't had an answer. She just gathered him up in her arms and said, "I know it's hard to be different, sweetheart. But you're my Bradley bun, and I love you." It's Top Gun: Maverick, except sometimes Rooster is a bunny.
Amazing take on such a cracky premise. This is cute and fun and I highly recommend reading it.
The next 3 fics have been included on my previous rec lists, but they deserve to get mentioned again:
Coffee Corner by Brenda 4.5k, T, no archive warnings apply coffee shop au, fluff and humor
"Wow." Bradley's future husband frowns — very attractively — as he grabs an apron and puts it on, deftly tying it in the back. "Wow?" "Shit, did I say...sorry." Bradley wants to sink right into the ground. "I'm not...you're real, right?" Because Bradley's pretty sure he's still asleep and having the best dream of his life.
The 'fluff and humor' tag is on point – this is a really fun and heartwarming fic.
I can't promise you anything, but I can tell you I'll never leave by othersideofthis 6.5k, T, no archive warnings apply western au
“Didn’t think you’d show your face around here again,” is the first thing Pete says when Rooster turns up at the ranch. Not “hello,” not “how you doing.” Not “don’t you know it’s been 15 years and I’ve thought about you every day.” No.
I love western AUs and this is really good. Perfect example of how to include canon elements in an AU setting.
can't start a fire without a spark by hazelmotes 5.5k, T, no archive warnings apply 5+1 things, crack treated seriously
Five times the people around Maverick and Rooster thought what is with these two? and one time they didn't have to. In which there is scheming, reminiscing, wagers, long-suffering sighs, sex toys, and Springsteen. Always, always Springsteen.
This fic was a lot of fun to read, and the different POVs in this are super well written.
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
Fic Recs March '23
Some fic recs! Mostly going to be Dream SMP, but I wander outside the fandom ocassionally! If you ever want to see the longlist for this, you can keep an eye on my bookmarks on Ao3, but here's a short list of stuff that made me go Damn, that's just so fun/painful/good.
I'm gonna have to put this under a cut because dear god once you put all the tags in this is not that short of a short list.
The Fics
A Helping Hand by Because Plot Fandom: Dream SMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Philza & Philza's Chat Tags: Philza's Chat is Made of Crows, Action/Adventure, Exploration, Nature, Near-Death, LightHearted Length: 1/1 chapters, 9,630 words
A young Phil gets adopted by some crows! Crows are smart, right? These crows seem— really smart. And kinda unnatural. And there are so many of them? I'm sure it's fine.
the breezy feeling of the faceless crush, by Odaigahara Fandom: Dream SMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eret & Wilbur Soot Tags: AU - The Magnus Archives, Limbo, The Lonely, Beholding Avatar, Traitor Eret, Rescue Missions Length: 1/1 chapters, 3,862 words
Exceptional TMA fusion where Eret goes back for the man she betrayed. The creeping of all the avatars is so scary and the messy nuances of the wilbur & eret relationship and the weight of what eret has done is so well done.
best friends, by monsterloot Fandom: Dream SMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tommyinnit & Tubbo Tags: Fluff, Humour, Not Really Character Death, Light Angst Length: 1/1 chapters, 1,667 words.
Tubbo is dying (he's not actually dying) and he summons Tommy to his bedside for a final request (he wants to troll him). Very fluffy and delightful, and great character voice.
The Last Takeout, by King_Dove Fandom: Dream SMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Captain Puffy/Niki Nihachu Tags: Bittersweet Ending, Complicated Relationships, Food, Emotional Hurt/Comfort Length: 1/1 chapters, 2,707 words
Ooooo messy relationships. Puffy takes Niki out for takout. It goes— not as bad as it might be. These women have so much baggage— but this could be the beginning of their reconciliation! Maybe! If we're lucky! They're trying! They care and they hurt. :sob:
Ranboo's Terrible No-Good Very Bad Hostage Situation, by Aard_Rinn Fandom: Dream SMP Rating: General Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ranboo & Tubbo & Tommyinnit, Philza & Technoblade, Ranboo & Technoblade Tags: Misunderstandings, Hostage Situations, Fluff and Humour, Memory Loss, AU - Superheroes & Superpowers Length: Chapter 2 of 5, 5,371 words.
In a desperate attempt to negotiate with a supervillain (the crowfather) for the release of his friends, vigilante Ranboo decides to kidnap the blood god. It goes as well as you'd expect. This is just a really fun concept well pulled off, but I especially appreciate how benchtrio feels realistically young but not babied, and emduo is DANGEROUS. Love me a murderphil.
pick up your gun (put up those gloves), by Teahound Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Rating: Gen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Grian & GoodTimesWithScar Tags: AU - Superheroes & Supervillains, Vigilante GoodTimesWithScar, Hero Grian, Enemies to Friends Length: 1/?, 2,159 words.
Hero Grian finds an injured HawkEye and has to deal with the fact that he Should arrest him, but he's hurt, and maybe he's helping... Exceptional character voice.
AITA For Kidnapping A Sixteen Year Old?, by Anonymous Fandom: Dream SMP Rating: Teen Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dream & Tommyinnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & Philza & Tommyinnit, Tubbo & Tommyinnit Tags: Kidnapping, Unreliable Narrator, Family Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, AU - Modern, Angst and Humour, Miscommunication, POV Multiple, Obsession Length: 22/60 chapters, 17,177 words
Written entirely as Reddit posts and comments. This one is just soooooo interesting as a form piece. It's not really crack treated seriously in anything but the form, cause once you're used to the form it's just an unsettling slow burn as you realize how unreliable your narrators might be and how people are missing information. I started it going "oh is this sympathetic [character]?" and then certain chapters hit and I went "oh noooooooooo" with eyes the size of saucers. Really interesting. Author has been going through it though.
Swan Song, by CodaAtTheEnd Fandom: Dream SMP Rating: Teen Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Technoblade & Philza Tags: AU - Witcher Fusion, Witch Curses, Witcher Technoblade, Cursed Philza, Angst, Wakes and Funerals Length: 1/1 chapters, 3,231 words.
*sounds of sobbing are hurt* It's a witcher AU and Phil is cursed and Technoblade tries to save him and nothing works and— *continued sobbing*
Blood End, by andthentherewere Fandom: Dream SMP Rating: Teen Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Tommyinnit & Philza & Technoblade, Wilbur Soot & Tommyinnit, Technoblade & Philza Tags: AU - Vampires, AU - Post-apocolyptic, Coming of Age, Relgion, Road Trips, Kidnapping, Angst Length: 4/24 Chapters, 14,982 words
Tommy wants to go on a road trip with vampires, but fates (and everyone in town and also technoblade who is a vampire) won't let him. It's post-apocolyptic AND it's vampires— there is so much worldbuilding sunk into this one. Religions! Cultures! The shadows of cultures past! I automatically trusted the vampires because they're emduo and I have emduo brain, but was I right to do that? Who KNOWS
pov: me when I fucking Get You, by doingthewritethings Fandom: Dream SMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Quackity/Wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot & Tommyinnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Quackity & Slimecicile Tags: Enemies to Lovers with a twist, Homoerotic rivalries, Student Government, I have read mangoball four times, Social Media, Chatfic, Asexual Wilbur Soot, Asexual Quackity, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Hijinks Shenanigans and all sorts of Tomfoolery Length: 1/1 chapters, 3,450 words.
This was the breakout fic of the 48 hour exchange because when I tell you this is hilarious, I am not joking. Oh my god. Quackity thinks he and Wil are enemies, Wil thinks he and Quackity are dating. They clash. It's a chat fic. It's a high school au. It's outstandingly funny.
Ghost Stories, by CodaAtTheEnd Fandom: Dream SMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Quackity/Jschlatt Tags: POV second person, Character Study, Unhealthy Relationships, Cannibalism Length: 1/1 Chapters, 1,713 words
Didnd't realise until I typed this out that it was second person, it just hits like a freight train. INCREDIBLE schlackity character study. I think I get it now. Does exactly what it sets out to do, finishes it in under 2k words, goes home. Mic drop.
The Dollhouse, by MawoftheMagnetar Fandom: Dream SMP, Hermitcraft SMP Characters: TommyInnit, Keralis, Xisumavoid, Docm77, Grian Mumbo Jumbo, xBCrafted, Rendog Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Tags: Atypical Hermit Tommy, Healing, Cosmic Horror, Body Horror, Tommyinnit is Fine, Eldritch Horror Keralis, DSMP is a TV Show Length: 10/20, 14,727 words
So this one is by MawoftheMagnetar so you KNOW Keralis is going to be there, but there's also a Tommy who's on the run from something (what's happening), mysterious monster hermits (what's happening), powerful and myserious forces that are controlling people (what is HAPPENING). It's super fun to see the monster designs for the hermits, Tommy was a star of his tv show but everyone was watching the show for side characters, I have no idea what's happening but I am SO here for the ride. Adderstones.
Ongoings that just completed
Sweeter Than Honey, by CleanLenins Fandom: Dream SMP Relationships: Technoblade & Philza, Skeppy & BadBoyHalo, Philza/MissTrixtin Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Tags: Dark SBI, Kid Technoblade, AU - Fae, Child Neglect, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Mind Manipulation, AU - Royalty, OCs Length: 6/6, 68,376
Okay now that I put those tags out there it looks much darker than the experience of reading this is most of the time. For MOST of it it's just fun times as young prince Technoblade, who is the cutest, is gradually lured away by the fae. Hmm okay maybe that plot is also dark. But come on now, Fae au. Anyways very cute Techno who I love so much, Fae Phil who is just here to cause problems and steal children (which honestly is just gainfully enployed and respectable when you're fae), extremely hateable OC family for Techno who get what's coming to them, beautiful descriptions of magic.
brittle body, brittle blood, by chrysalizzm Fandom: Dream SMP Relationships: Purpled & Sapnap, Purpled & Dream & Sapnap & Punz, Purpled & Wallibear Rating: Teen Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, AU - Fantasy, War, Trauma, Religious Commentary, AU - Royalty, AU - Gods & Goddesses, PTSD, Angst with a Happy Ending, War, Grief/Mourning Length: 13/13 Chapters, 56,417 words
The fantastic Purpled revenge longfic with an entire invented religion and super-cool magic system. I can't overstate how cool the worldbuilding is. Purpled is a construct and a vigilante? Assassinations? I'm struggling not to spoil but mind control comes up at one point? Delightful exploration of revenge plots and recovery.
But you're not yourself (I know you better than you), by BecausePlot Fandom: Dream SMP Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Philza, Philza & Technoblade, Technoblade & Wilbur Soot & Philza Rating: Teen Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Tags: Emotional Hurt Comfort, Fluff and Angst, AU - Canon Divergence, Pogtopia, Angst with a Happy Ending, Queerplatonic Relationships. Length: 11/11 chapters, 71,354 words.
A deep-dive into the Wilbur and Phil relationship as Wil grows up. As the author put it, this isn't Bad Dad Phil, but Phil is carrying his own trauma and Wil is a complex opinionated person and oof. Sometimes these things collide. It's the sort of messy exploration of that relationship that I have wanted for a long time, without villifying anyone involved. And thank goodness, a happy ending.
Super Secret Important Meeting of Seriousness, by NegligentSum Fandom: Dream SMP Relationship: Niki & Ranboo & Philza & Technoblade Medium: Art Rating: No rating Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Just a wonderful syndicate tea part art drawn for the 48 hour exchange! This is uncoloured, but it's so full of detail, and I love all the guys so much. Everybody has unique teacups!
Start Again, by indulgentAnaesthetic Fandom: 3rd Life | Last Life Series Relationship: Bdubs/Ethoslab/ZombieCleo Medium: Animation Rating: Gen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
An incredible ANIMATION also made during the 48 hour exchange about traffic series ties. It's absolutely beautiful. I honestly didn't realize until I was typing this out it was shippy, I just went ueueueueueue the loyalties, so you can read it through a non-ship lens, but also if you ARE into clethubs, it's there.
DSMP Comics Fandom: Dream SMP Relationships: Dream SMP Ensemble Medium: Zine Rating: Teen Warnings: It's not on the archive but I'm gonna say no archive warnings apply, maybe some comic violence.
I was part of this one, but so were about twenty other people, so I feel justified in linking this one. Incredible interlocking series of comics, stories and art, doing a single slice of life in a city when everyone's powers are swapped, and what happens to the city's superheros and villains when they try to recover and fix things. So many cool POVs and story arcs.
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ilovedthestars · 2 years
Sickbay Saturday: Murderbot Fic Rec List
Hey it's the first @sickbaysaturdays!! I might try writing my own fic for this in the future but I didn't have time for that today, so I thought I would make a list of some other people's very good fics that go with the Sickbay theme!
If you haven't read The Murderbot Diaries series by Martha Wells, go do that. (At least read the first paragraph and then tell me it doesn't sound incredible.) TMBD has some really excellent sci-fi concepts that lend themselves very well to whump, hurt/comfort and fascinating sci-fi medical problems, like "what if your brain was infected with malware that caused unbearable hypersensitivity?" or "how do you save a sentient bundle of code that's almost torn itself apart?"
This list will run more on the hurt/comfort side of things, because that's where my tastes lie. If you like a little more pain and despair, @specialagentartemis made a rec list of some excellently horrifying fics focused on cubicle technology! (I'm also stealing her formatting, since I've never made a rec list before.)
In no particular order, here are some of my favorite fics that explore the possibilities of sci-fi medical issues/treatment in the Murderbot universe!! (These are all fairly short oneshots, gen, and rated for either general audiences or teen and up.)
MedSystem by fireworksinthenight
2,273 words, General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Murderbot POV.
Relevant tags: Friendship (don't tell Murderbot), Swearing, Physical Pain, Emotions
ART’s MedSystem is top-notch. None of its crew ever complained, right? Nor did the SecUnit it calls its friend. It’s not like SecUnit wouldn’t bother to tell it if something was wrong.
The fic I was thinking of when I decided to make this list! Our beloved part-robotic, part-organic, all-sarcasm protagonist Murderbot has the ability to adjust its own pain sensors, but we've seen times in canon when that isn't effective, including when it's receiving MedSystem treatment from ART. This fic touches on the differences between how SecUnits and humans receive medical treatment--both in terms how SecUnits are objectified and mistreated and their actual needs. It also has some wonderful "your friends care about you, idiot" energy.
it has turned into a scar, just the same by ampquot
1,171 words, General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, ART POV.
Relevant tags: Medical Trauma, Angst, Blood and Injury, Hurt/Comfort
Even when repaired by a good MedSystem (and Perihelion’s MedSystem was very good), a human body that has been damaged is not completely restored to its previous integrity. Was SecUnit any different? Perihelion’s scans had surprisingly revealed no evidence of past physical traumas.
Or: ART confronts the way its friend's body gets broken and made new again.
Yes, futuristic medical technology that can replace missing body parts and repair major injuries in a matter of hours has countless benefits, but this fic also explores the fridge-horror implications. If any amount of physical trauma or injury can be erased, then it's easy to gloss over the fact that SecUnits were built to be thrown into harm's way again and again. In this excellent fic, ART has some emotions about that.
Hypersensitive by tocautiouslygo
2,147 words, No Archive Warnings Apply, Teen And Up Audiences, Murderbot POV.
Relevant tags: Hurt/Comfort, mostly hurt tbh, Whump, Rated T for swearing, Sensory Overload
Murderbot deals with a malware attack that causes unbearable sensory hypersensitivity.
Malware has SUCH angst potential with characters who are part organic, part machine. (I am a certified Malware Fic Aficionado. Malware is so fun.) One of the most angsty applications of this that I’ve seen in fic is the potential for malware to cause physical pain (or in this case, painful hypersensitivity). This fic is very vividly written whump, but as it's not physical injury-related it's great for those of us like me who don't have much stomach for gore, and it ends with some relief. Deliciously painful :')
Stumble by ProfessorAerii
1,953 words, No Archive Warnings Apply, Teen And Up Audiences, Ratthi POV.
Relevant tags: Missing Scene, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Missing scene from Chapter 8 of Exit Strategy; Murderbot may have glossed over forgetting how to walk but uncontrolled falls to the ground tend to be loud.
This fic elaborates on a throwaway line from that one time Murderbot almost deleted its brain. That whole section of the fourth novella, Exit Strategy, has perfect vibes for Sickbay Saturday, but this fic fills in more detail around Murderbot's slow recovery and shows how its humans friends took care of it during that time. This one is more on the comfort side, and I love Ratthi's concern and gentleness and Murderbot's uninhibited blurting of the feelings it usually won't admit to.
pick up the pieces and try again by CompletelyDifferent
4,875 words, Major Character Death, Teen And Up Audiences, ART POV.
Relevant tags: Character Study, Hurt/Comfort, POV Second Person
The Perihelion attempts to reassemble some corrupted code.
I will be vague about this fic because the character death warning is for a canon character death that's a pretty major spoiler for a later book in the series (Network Effect), but this is a fix-it fic where that death is undone. It's a soft and painful and tender story about nursing a character back to health who doesn't remember who it is and lashes out dangerously, but it looks a little different because the character is a fully digital being. This might not tecnically be a sickbay fic but I think it fits the spirit of "sci-fi medical treatment," and it's too wonderful not to include.
In conclusion: The Murderbot Diaries are great and we have lots of excellent fic. We also have a discord server that's full of fun analysis and discussions where lots of these amazing ideas were born!! If you'd like to join us there, you can message me or another server member and we'll get you on the queue for an invite! Join usssssss
Other Murderbot fanfic enjoyers, please feel free to reblog with your own favorites! I'm sure I missed some good ones. :)
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granny-griffin · 2 years
fic rec list!! my favorites that I’ve found in the last six months or so
the lost art of keeping a secret
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Premise: Miles’ dad finds out he’s spiderman
Annotation: secret reveal between a parent and a child sure gets me in some kind of way. this fic executes the concept perfectly and also has probably the best characterization of Aunt May I’ve ever seen
little birds
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Premise: outsider POV, Robin through the years
Annotation: such a thought experiment. such a tragedy
Getting Eaten Alive
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Premise: clark/lois get together + secret reveal
Annotation: imported from fanfic.net and backdated so the stats don’t reflect how ridiculously well written it is
Danny Phantom
paved with what? rage?
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Premise: three character studies
Annotation: great writing, love to see a fic that focuses on the girls
Invisible Stitches
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Premise: post secret reveal fluff
Annotation: a difficult concept to do well, and it’s done very well
excuse this monster (he's dead inside)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Premise: no one knows AU where Danny hates his ghost form because his parents told him ghosts were evil
Annotation: SO GOOD!! it’s pretty dark at first so mind the tags etc. but this is a hurt/comfort fic
Hunter and Hunted
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: F/M
Premise: danny/valerie secret reveal and then they beat up vlad together
Annotation: I think the whole fic was written to set up one line and honestly mad respect to the author if that’s true because the whole thing is good
Twenty Questions
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Premise: I think telling you would be a spoiler
Annotatio: not something I’ve ever seen done in this fandom and it’s absolutely brilliant
Legend of Zelda
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Premise: zelink post calamity
Annotation: 1000/10 writing style, if you don’t know this fandom you can read it for the poetry and the rhythm alone
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Premise: Murderbot locks himself out of his memories
Annotation: emotional hurt/comfort but its also SO FUNNY
If This Story Had A Title Then I Forgot
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Premise: some kind of software update removes murderbot’s memories
Annotation: similar to the above but less humor and more direct hurt/comfort
I don't like you
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Premise: canon from Gurathin’s POV
Annotation: I just really like outsider POV
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Lewis Fic Recs: Clothing, Part 1
Stories about clothing. As usual, please feel free to add to the list!
The Floral Lexicon by blondeonblonde
12,791 Words, James/Robbie, Rated T, No Warnings Apply When a case involving Victorian flower language inspires a code written in colored socks, James and Robbie end up revealing more about themselves then they had initially intended. A creative premise to get these two opening up to each other, executed very well, with the perfect dash of hurt/comfort and lavender at the end.
Calender Boys by NeonPistachio
12,258 Words, James/Robbie, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply James and Robbie grudgingly take part in the station charity calender and are forced to deal with the unexpected fame that follows. A perfect combination of repressed jealousy and pining, with a chance for James to play rescuer and stake his claim at the end.
Operation Lapis by Anonymous
6,626 Words, James/Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply Casefic. When a case forces James and Robbie undercover as a couple, James finds himself distracted by Robbie's mesmerizing blue shirt. The inspector who brings them the case, 'Randy' Sandy, is perfectly sleazy in his obvious interest in James, giving us the chance to see Robbie stake his claim.
What The Well-Dressed Copper's Wearing by wendymr
1,508 Words, Gen, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply Robbie questions Inspector Hathaway on the unyielding succession black suits, leading to a discussion of their mutual abandonment that isn't half as joking as it seems. With Laura's encouragement, Robbie sets out to show James that there are more attractive options than spending his nights at alone at work.
Choices by Fabrisse
1,660 Words, James/Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply At a university dinner, Robbie can't tear his eyes away from the sight of Hathaway in a suit. The image of James in the glowing candlelight is so beautiful, and the night gives James some confidence and helps Robbie to learn something new about himself.
Another Day in Paradise by owlbsurfinbird
1,305 Words, Pre-James/Robbie, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply James helps Robbie sort through his old collection of tropical shirts from the BVI. A brilliant way to frame the memories of Lewis' past, with plenty of humor and banter (and flirting) to balance out the bittersweet parts.
Here Comes Your Man by greenapricot
4,046 Words, James/Robbie, Rated E, No Archive Warnings Apply James finds a box of old photos while helping Robbie sort through his belongings. Who knew a rugby uniform could leave him so flustered. Without giving away too much, Robbie is delightfully confident and mischievous in this fic.
A Lucky Man by greenapricot
1,022 Words, James/Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply Established Relationship. Robbie attempts to teach James some woodworking skills. Naturally, they get somewhat distracted. Their affection is so physically palpable here, as is James’ awe watching Robbie at work—wearing James' favorite shirt and jeans, of course.
Only With Your Clothes On by paperscribe
729 Words, Pre-James/Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply On one particularly bad night, James finds solace on Robbie’s couch—and in the borrowed t-shirt that James can never quite manage to return. And then it’s Robbie’s turn to have a rough time of it. So much tenderness in this story.
Mine Now by tabitha6
9,250 Words, James/Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply As their relationship grows, James develops a habit of stealing Robbie’s clothing. This warmly comforting fic does a great job in showing their growing intimacy, not only through clothing, but through all the tiny ways they make room for each other in their daily lives.
It's in the Details by citrusgothic
100 Words, James/Robbie, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply Established Relationship. A distracted James feels curious eyes on him at work, and realizes his mistake may have given them away. So in character, and indeed just the thing that fate would have happen to someone so meticulous about his appearance.
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psychiccatpanda · 10 months
Tony Stark Bingo Party - Never have I ever written a crack fic.
I am getting there y'all, I swear. XD Don't see your ship? Want to see your works in one of these lists? Tony Stark Bingo Party People, join us the next time we play! Our NHIE games say written, but we include art, fanvids, gifsets, fanworks, bring what you've got! Occasionally, someone will specify an art type and that we stick to, but it's not limited to fanfic!!
(Also, because I make the posts, I choose the gifs. Them's the breaks, people - also, this is relevant to one of the fics in the list).
Tumblr media
tencitizens - Tony Stark - Weirdest Person I Know. (fanvid) Rating: General. Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply. Tony Stark & Pepper Potts.
@psychiccatpanda - The Smallest One Was... Bucky's #1 Stan. (fanfic) Rating: Teen+. Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply. James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark. Bucky grudgingly agrees to be Steve's fake boyfriend in the hopes that someday his best friend will finally ask Natasha out on a real date. You've heard what they say about the best laid plans? Well, these two didn't.
Meanwhile, a small Catholic girl's school is using the Avengers as an example for their studies on current events, global politics, and the sacrament of forgiveness.
What happens when these two things intersect? Hijinks, dear readers. Hijinks and shenanigans.
@somesortofitalianroast - The Adventures of (Darcy) Lewis and Clark (Kent). (fanfic SERIES) Rating: General to Explicit. Most are Teen+ Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply. Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis. Summary from the first fic in the series: This being Metropolis and her life being straight out of a trope-y made for tv movie, Superman caught her and returned her to her apartment, saying something about how his friend Clark spoke highly of her.
@psychiccatpanda - It’s Always the Quiet Ones. (fanfic) Rating: General. Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply. James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, Tony Stark & Steven Strange, Tony Stark & Wong. Tony Stark and Stephen Strange have had some kind of magical ...mishap. Now they are both sharing Tony's body and Tony's late for his first date with the former Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes. What could go wrong? Or more probably, what wouldn't go wrong?
@psychiccatpanda - Rumor Has It. (fanfic) Rating: General. Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply. James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Steve Rogers. Rhodey wakes up to find Tony reading aloud to Pepper and Steve about his (supposed) wild, playboy lifestyle and their respective roles in it. Jim Rhodes is not caffeinated enough for this kind of hilarity.
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