#this made me sad x
durrtydawg · 8 months
can i just say how thankful i am that you are keeping us samuel sluts WELL FED LATELY!!
And can i also please request something, anything angsty :3 i literally do not care what happens I'm just excited to see what you can provide 🥵
Thank you, kind anon. My heart is full of love from you and everyone else in my inbox (what the hell where did you all come from???) I hope this meets your expectations. It definitely made my chest tighten. Didn't specify a gender here- hope that's okay! would love to hear your thoughts bc this isn't the usual from me. big love <3
WOUNDED- Sam drake x Reader {angst one-shot}
CW: Injury, blood | 1.3k Words | Gif is absolutely unrelated I just think he's neat <3
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“You’re….we can’t go back in there.” You hunch, dumfounded, pointing towards the entrance of the mid-collapsing crypt you’d just somehow fought your way out of. You clutch the bleeding gash on your upper arm, coughing as dust continues to settle around you.
The cough sparks a pain in your torso, drawing your attention to a bloodied score in your shirt.
“We can, and we will.” Sam grumbles, teeth gritted as he removes his plaid over-shirt, knuckles coated in a thick layer of crimson.
“Come on, Sam,” you urge, raspy and desperate, chin trembling. “We should get out while we still-”
“And then what?!” He snarls in your direction. You step back in trepidation, eyes glossing over as he waits for an answer. His eyes burn into yours, and you don’t know whether to chastise yourself for being such a coward, or scream some sense into him. His newfound aggression, however, pulls you away from the latter.
Never had a job gone so horrendously wrong at the last hurdle. Months of planning and physical toil, rotted down into a husk of nothing but severe injury and anger in mere minutes.
Sam scoffs at your silence, tugging at the sleeve of his shirt. The fragmented tearing of the fabric only makes you shrink further away from him.
You gnaw at your bottom lip, attempting to forego tears that threaten to spill, but the sudden sting from a freshly punched split has your cheeks dampen anyway. You wince, limping over to the wall to catch your breath and try to calm down. 
Sliding unsteadily down the wall, you land with a thud, boots forcing another cloud of dust to roll over the ground as gravel gets scuffed aside by your heel. 
The pain in your torso intensifies, and you shakily peel the torn fabric of your shirt away from your skin. It’s not good.
You watch through watery vision as Sam wraps scraps of his shirt around his bleeding knuckles, his expression stiff and unmoving from his indignant glare. His grey t-shirt clings to his torso, with help from sweat and blood that steadily grows more and more stagnant from time and exertion. His jaw is clenched so frighteningly tense that you swear you feel your own teeth ache, and oh, the anger in his eyes is horrible. You’ve never seen him so enraged- so…intoxicated by his own determination to succeed, to the point where he doesn’t seem to care whether or not you bleed out in front of him.
Does he care? Has he even noticed the extent of your injuries? You wince as the rise and fall of your chest repeatedly pushes and pulls soiled fabric from the laceration on your side. With reluctance, you press your palm against it, squeezing sore, cracked fingers around the expanding red stain on your t-shirt, and you hiss, unintentionally catching his glare.
He takes in your appearance, and it’s hard to tell if he’s more angry at you or himself. Then, he looks away. 
He fucking looks away, and you feel sick. You squeeze your eyes shut after taking an anxious glance towards your fingers. The small spaces between each are thickly oozing crimson that’d be so beautiful if it were any substance other than your own blood. God. No- you didn’t think it was this bad. 
“It’s just a graze”, you whisper to yourself. Just a graze. Your chin quivers. He’ll come around.
“Shouldn’t’a brought you.” What? Your eyes snap open in disbelief. “I shouldn’t…” You shake your head at the venomous grumble he mutters from across the room. Through a haze, you watch him smack blood and dirt-encrusted hands over pockets in search for more ammunition that you both know doesn’t exist. He grunts, loud, angry, before kicking the stone. 
You shrink back further into the wall out of a fear that you’ve never felt around Sam before, stifling a yelp of pain as your wound twists painfully under your hand.
He covers his mouth with his palm, nostrils flaring as his eyes squeeze shut- an attempt at suppressing his outburst to give way for some capacity to think. You watch on apprehensively, head throbbing as he turns back towards the crypt entrance you’ve only just managed to scramble away from, scathed, exhausted, and possibly on the brink of passing out all together. His brows shift from a tightened rage into a conflicted indecisiveness that makes your mouth go tight and dry.
It’s purgatory that you can’t afford right now.
“Sam.” You croak, trying to adjust your uncomfortable posture. “I…I can’t.”
Your lungs are suddenly under a painful pressure that you can’t shift. What would happen if he makes you go back in? Sam storming off ahead, blind-firing into mercenaries far more prepared for battle than the pair of you could ever hope to be, as you lamely hobble behind, becoming more and more lightheaded by the second. 
Your chest tightens more as you imagine him looking back at you as he ducks down behind a precariously structured pile of rubble to reload his pistol, with nothing but disappointment- no, scrap that- disgust in his eyesas you fail to keep up with him. 
You’d plead from a small but dangerous distance, crying out for him to help you get back to your feet after your inevitable fall; blood loss rendering your legs into useless jelly, bullet and stab wounds too sore to pick yourself back up again. The pain you’d feel as he mutters something towards you one last time before taking off into the gunfire smoke subduing your peripheral.
No. No! He’d never leave you behind. No matter how desperate he is to prove his worth again. No. Not your Sam. He’ll come around.
You pant through parted lips, damning your panic attack back to the confines of your stomach.
“We’re…gonna die if we go back in there.” You murmur, resting your head back against the stone wall, eyes squeezed shut as if to try and shut out the incessant pain pulsating around your body.
“Don’t be ridiculous-”
“I want to go home. Before I can’t.” You spit, causing Sam to glare in your direction. He stands slowly, taking in your weakened form. He’s trying to uphold his expression of anger, but a brief softness in his eyes fails him. You feebly grab at the wall behind you, dragging yourself halfway upright, stopping to hiss in pain. You’re lightheaded.
You collapse back onto the ground, and you feel your energy dwindle even faster.
Had you actually felt your own mortality bite at your heels this harshly before?
God, your heart is pounding, the sound beginning to echo around your head, taunting you with your own failure. Your own weakness.
He stares at you for a moment. Eventually, his eyes soften even more. 
Your brows arch slightly in hope.
Crouching in front of you, he grabs a hold of your head, taking you in for a moment before placing a soft kiss onto the bridge of your nose that twists deep into your guts more than any enemy blade ever could.
He pulls his lips away, hands still holding the sides of your face as the weight of your eyelids becomes another burden you’re trying hard to fight against. You watch his eyes flit between every feature on you, a watery glaze of his own forming as your brows twitch in defeated disbelief, and a distraught understanding, your hands growing ever wetter from your own blood.
He looks away again. Back to the tight space you just escaped from. You begin to shake your head with whatever strength you can muster.
You know what he’s about to do, and you try to pull together the will to push yourself up, but you can’t. Your body is tired. Drained.
“No.” You whisper, voice strained by the silent sob bubbling up your throat.
“I’m sorry.”
He never apologises. He never ever apologises.
You want to kick, and scream, and beg, but your mouth is tight and your lips won’t let you form words anymore.
“I… have to see this through.” He whispers. Any louder and you’ll hear that he’s crying too.
Then Sam stands, turns from you, wipes his eyes, and walks.
Knowing that you’ve both seen each other’s faces for the last time is more painful than the feeling of your life draining from you.
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westruun · 9 months
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You have given me everything.
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somewillwin · 10 months
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Damn I had too! AJJSJSJJS I love them so much. 🫠🫠🫠🫠
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kimwexlersponytail · 5 months
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No. No. Just tell me what I need to do to change, okay? Just tell me what it is and i'll do it. Jimmy. No, Kim. You make me happy. We make each other happy. How can that be bad? Hey... I love you. I love you, too. But so what?
McWexler in Every Season
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levitiquee · 7 months
𝘔𝘦𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭
𝘞𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘴, 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘵e𝘭𝘭
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Levi let out a sigh of relief the moment your silhouette appeared through the shadows, tensed shoulders relaxing. He turned his head, all focus shifting instantly to you.
“You.” He exhaled, a hint of exasperation in his tone, indicating that the little time spent without your absence had not been very fun. “Where have you been?”
“Hi. Went to scout.” You answered, reaching the little campfire to stand beside Levi. All your friends sat circling it. Levi’s subtle, not very subtle eagerness at your arrival seemed to have triggered something, making the already guffawing crowd of people laugh even harder. Concluded with Levi’s sour face, it wasn’t very hard to guess what the subject of amusement must have been.
“Oh, are we bullying Levi again?” You beamed, nudging Levi’s leg with your foot, signaling him to give you space. “Scoot over. I want to join too.”
Levi shot a glare, but shifted to let you sit beside him. As another wave of laugher sparked through your friends, you plopped down on the grass, folding your legs. It was a chilly night, and everyone wanted to stay near the fire, therefore, the circle was so tightly formed around the fire, you could barely squeeze yourself between Levi and Nifa.
“Sit on my lap, why don’t you?” Levi grumbled, scowling and squirming a little at the close contact.
“What? It’s cold. And you’re warm.” You said as you sat down. “What are you so pissy for anyways?” You pressed yourself tighter, curling yourself up against him, uncaring of the poisonous gaze. You’ve learnt a long ago, half of Levi's words didn’t mean shit, that if he actually was uncomfortable, you wouldn’t even be here right now, he would’ve broken a bone or two. Levi’s personal space wasn’t something he let anyone come through, but you’ve been an exception for that for a long time.
And he was warm. A warmth that surprisingly only the cold, cold man was capable of.
And as always, the low protest died soon and he adjusted to let you lean against him.
“Hange.” He muttered, answering your previous question. “They’re trying to convince people to marry me.”
“Wonderful.” You grinned, “I volunteer.”
“I hate you.”
Cue for a very drunk Hange cracking up again, leading the others to join in. Even Erwin, ever regal and solemn, couldn’t seem to be able to hold the small smile from forming. With Hange’s contagious laughter and Levi’s scowl, it was impossible to.
“Oh why’d you let Hange drink again?” You laughed, watching them as Moblit struggled, trying to pry the bottle out of the section commander's grasp. “They're gonna be terrible to deal with tomorrow.”
“They insisted it was one sip.” Erwin said solemnly.
“Well, that sure seems like one sip.”
“But seriously though,” Nanaba piped in, shoulders still shaking with the waves of laughter. “Levi’s got all that spunk, but no bitches.”
“Stubborn shortie-” Hange's voice was cut of as they hiccupped
“Shut up. All of you. Please.” Levi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “
“Point stands. In your mid-thirties, Levi. How long are you going to wait?”
“Why,” He huffed. “Are you people so insistent on analyzing my personal life every damn time? Do you not have anything better to do?”
“Only well wishers.” She gave him a smug smile. “That’s what friends do, they care for each other.”
“No. You just want to give me shit.”
“Well, that too.” She shrugged.
“Iffff—if anything,” Hange stumbled in, rubbing their eyes. She glanced at you pointedly. “You could at least date her. That’d be nice.”
“So I keep telling him.” You feigned a disappointed sigh.
“Don’t fucking egg them on.” He hissed, face heating up at the suggestion. How could they even think it’d work out? He thinks, against the thoughts tugging. Ridiculous. They were ridiculous. You were just as ridiculous. So what does he do with this ridiculous fucking feelin–
“Oh but look,” Hange leaned forward, squinting to watch the two of you, their glasses reflecting off the fire and casting shadows on their face. “ Do mine eyes deceive me or is Ackerman over there blushing?”
“No.” The denial was quick. A little too quick.
“I confirm.” Nanaba smirked. Miche grunted.
“Oh, Levi.” Erwin’s eyes glimmered amusement.
“I will hit you. Don’t even go there.”
The roar of laughter only grew louder.
And the night rolled on, the nonsense bickerings and banters continued. Friendly faces and friendly voices, joking and teasing and laughing without a care in the world. Bottles clinked, the firelight glinting on them. At one point, you and Hange started singing some stupid song you’ve heard in the fair, rocking back and forth with the music. And you weren’t certain, but you could swear there was a hint of melody even in the wind blowing by. And it was cold, but with Levi beside you, you were okay. But that was okay, it was okay. More than okay, really. The happiness was overwhelming.
“You know,” Hange called out suddenly. They had taken to fully sprawl out on the grass. They’d been quiet a while, and you had thought they must’ve passed out, but appears not.
Everyone turned to look at them.
“This is nice isn’t it?” They mumbled, blinking up to the sky. “I mean, sure, we might die tomorrow, but this is nice. I wouldn’t really mind dying.”
“You know, what would’ve been nice, Hange?” Nanaba said, watching Hange. And despite the words itself, she was smiling. “To not mention death.”
“I know but,” Hange sat up, grinning. “This is not too bad as a last night of your life right? I wouldn’t mind.”
And for a second, no one spoke. Perhaps, it was because all were drunk more or less but that hit harder in that moment. Unsaid words were spoken in silence, the wind carrying the oaths away. And even Levi’s eyes had softened.
Only Hange could say words like that with that face, you thought. You weren’t sad, not really. Because Hange was right. Being a scout meant learning to appreciate every breath you can take, and nights like this were as good as they’d come.
“Aww Hange.” You sighed, grinning back. “Cheesy much? You’re making Levi all squirmy.”
“No, I am not—” Levi’s protests were buried as the group jumped in yet again another session of Levi leg-pulling.
But despite it all, Levi thought.
Pissheads, all of them were. But nevertheless.
He watched you with the corner of his eyes, watching you as you laughed your head off to something Eld said, shoulders shaking, the firelight making your eyes glitter. And you were so close, so close, he could hardly breathe. And the urge to wrap an arm around you, to pull you closer. To feel you against him.Would that be so wrong of him? If he leaned close, would you pull away? But it’s okay, he thinks.
Hange was right.
It’s okay if he dies tomorrow. He wouldn’t really mind.
He didn’t really mind right now either.
He finds it strange that he didn’t really mind it. Any of it.
He didn’t mind Hange or Nanaba or any of them.
He didn’t mind your stupid little jokes, clearly made with the intention to piss him off. He didn’t really mind that you were so close. He didn’t mind that your head on his shoulder. He didn’t mind a lot of things that he thinks he would’ve minded if it was anyone else but you.
He doesn’t really know how it works. He doesn’t like thinking about the strange little feelings in his heart that tugged everytime you smiled, or the way his stomach tightened whenever you flirted with him so casually.
And maybe one day he’ll tell you. Maybe he won’t
Does it matter? Is it not enough to only have you alive and close?
He’s here now. With everyone and with you.
He’s home.
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pinkeos · 17 days
we all know jing yuan is immortal, he's lived for so long and remained as one of the key figures of the alliance. but with his long life span comes with memories that would sometimes grow hazy
however, aside from his old friends, there's one more person he'd never forget and would never allow to slip from his mind; you. his mortal lover who had passed away centuries ago
unlike him, you aged. and with age, comes with inevitable death. he could still remember how hesitant you were at first when he asked to be your lover, because you knew his life would last longer than yours, and he'd end up alone
you'd joke multiple times that he'd probably fall out of love when you start growing older, but he never did. he stayed by your side, held your hand as wrinkles slowly appeared on your skin. he still pressed kisses on your face, brushed your grey hair and reintroduced himself whenever you started forgetting who he was
he'd tell you stories of the years you spent together, all the heartwarming memories and even the disagreements you've been through. his heart still skipped a beat when your weak chuckle echoed in the bedroom, a bittersweet smile still plastered over his face when it was your turn to retell the memories you've shared
like he told you before, he still stayed by your side even when you breathed your last, his heart stabbed by a million daggers with how you tried so hard to remember him even before you left. whispering a declaration of love and his name as your eyes fluttered close
even after your death, he'd still keep you close to his heart. even death won't be able to keep you apart
he'd talk about you fondly to anyone who's willing to listen, a smile of adoration and longing very much visible on the general's lips. it doesn't matter how many years had passed, or will pass, it will always be you that occupied his heart while he waits until he reunites with you again
and by a twist of fate, his eyes met your familiar ones when his hologram came to meet the guests from the astral express
even in a different life, that smile and that presence, everything about you... it was still you
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shoccolatine · 4 months
their reactions if MC was fatally wounded by wanderers and passed away
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⚘pairings: xavier x reader, zayne x reader, rafayel x reader
⚘tags: sfw, gender-neutral MC, established relationship, loss and grief, ANGST, alcohol consumption (in xavier's part), very slight chapter 7/8 spoilers (in rafayel's part)
⚘a/n: sorry xavier's is shorter, i'm still figuring out his character! also can you tell i have a bias um hehe,,,
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╰┈➤ ❝ XAVIER. ❞
is devastated by the news, and blames himself for not being there as their hunting partner to protect them and keep them safe
he drowns his grief in liquor at The Nest—the bartender worries for his sudden habit, but xavier's lips are locked tight, and so he doesn't pry. the best he can do is cut him off before his veins are more alcohol than blood
he also takes it out on the wanderers he fights from then on, hoping that the next one's throat he slits is the one who took his precious MC away from him
on calmer days, he brings flowers to their grave whenever he's able—he'll sit and chat about everything and nothing in the hopes that somehow, somewhere, they're still listening
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╰┈➤ ❝ ZAYNE. ❞
would be in the ER doing everything he can to save them
....but it's not enough
the guilt of their life slipping through his fingers weighs heavy on him. but he never lets it show
he already spends a lot of time at work, but after they pass, he throws himself fully into his job
he's even more clinical and impersonal than ever and fully embodies the "cold and distant dr. zayne" title everyone else thought of him (everyone but MC)
he doesn't allow himself to get close to anyone anymore—after all, the ones he opens his heart to always get taken away from him
he keeps himself busy 24/7. if he allows even a moment's break, he starts thinking, and thinking is bad
his already frequent nightmares worsen, and he finds himself pulling even more all-nighters than usual to avoid them
bonus extra angsty alternate ending: his lack of sleep and inner anguish affect him to the point of messing up a delicate surgery. he resigns that same day.
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╰┈➤ ❝ RAFAYEL. ❞
thomas is unable to contact him for days. texts and voicemails remain unanswered, deadlines are fast approaching with no updates... but, isn't this normal behaviour from the antisocial artist?
it's not until finding out about MC's passing a week later that thomas realizes he should have been more persistent with rafayel. but would it have even mattered? when rafayel is in a mood, it's near impossible to find/reach him, nevermind pull him out of it
weeks pass with still no word, and thomas regrets his last conversation with rafayel—pressing him to finish his latest painting, with an eager buyer already waiting
thomas does his best to manage cancelling rafayel's many interview and art show invitations without stirring up concerns. rafayel is already known to be dodgy with such things, though, which thankfully buys him some time
rafayel is finally spotted some time later on the beach just off his home studio, drenched to his bones and wandering aimlessly barefoot along the coast
he hasn't touched a paintbrush in ages, and has completely forgotten the inspiration for his last unfinished piece
he's spent nearly the entire time in the sea. the rocking of the waves and the rush of his heartbeat in his ears keep him distracted more than painting ever could
his muse is gone, and with it his flame. he spent all this time to find them... just to lose them again. his poor heart just can't bear it
one day he leaves one last cryptic message to thomas, dons his scales once more, and returns to the sea forever
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betashift · 1 year
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STAR TREK V: the final frontier (1989)
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harlanimation · 7 months
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The shipmates to innkeepers pipeline is real.
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noxcheshire · 12 days
Might be blasphemy within the Danny Phantom fandom but I just cannot see Danny x Sam being an actual ship regardless of it being canon in the actual show and now book.
Even as a kid I thought it was weird and couldn’t figure out why that bothered me, and I think now it’s because I never saw any indication of Sam or Danny ever being actually romantically attracted with each other. To be fair I saw that show when I was little, and maybe I’ll see those romantic moments that the show was building to if I can find actual length videos of the episodes.
But at this moment, I can’t recall ever having seen it.
And it baffles me, because I kinda don’t feel like Sam really loved Danny, even as a friend. And I think that really showed in the episode with her wish that changed the structure of time and space so that Danny never died and she was never friends with Danny and Tucker.
If she loved Danny, regardless if it was as a potential lover or friend, she would never have allowed him to die. Not once, but twice.
The first, okay, it was an accident. Kids do dumb things all the time, the more potentially dangerous it is the better — but the second time? The second time was deliberate.
She put him into that suit, without explanation, and without assurance. Nothing but a change of his hero signature.
She didn’t hesitate to let him die again, instead of asking herself if she could stomach watching him go through that again.
What person who loved you could do that to you? Could stand to see you go through that pain?
I feel a good example of love as well, especially in the show, is Jazz. She loves Danny, as a sibling, as a friend, and with all that love she would choose to walk herself into that portal then to let Danny do it instead.
She shows that deep love for Danny to the audience by choosing to protect him from their parents so they would never know he is the ghost boy that they want to rip apart molecule by molecule because she doesn’t want to take the chance of loosing him twice.
Jazz wanted to do that.
So why couldn’t Sam?
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dreamtuna · 6 months
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“What are these?”
You stared curiously at the paper bag that had been dropped onto the table. It wasn’t uncommon for Levi to bring you small gifts and treats and dump them unceremoniously in front of you like this. It was just the way things were between you.
He sat himself into the seat opposite you and gestured towards the bag. Not sure what to expect, you unrolled the paper and peered inside. You gasped, quickly tipping the bag to empty out some of the contents into your hand. You’d never quite seen anything like them.
“What are these?” you repeated, eyes wide in excitement.
Colourful little drops lay on your palm, sugar coating both them and the table now from tipping the bag. Levi tutted, leaning forward to gather the sugar in a neat pile, using the opportunity to lower his head a little to hide the way his eyes lit up at your excitement. You’d caught it though, your grin widening even further at how he still thought he could hide these things from you.
“They’re sweets,” he explained, reaching to grab one gently from you. “They called them fruit jellies.”
You leaned forward to look even closer at these colourful little jellies, trying to decide which one to try first, what colour could be what fruit. But Levi’s hand was reaching out towards you.
“Open your mouth,” he told you.
He placed the sweet on your tongue, the sugar instantly assaulting your senses, but before he could fully pull back you grabbed his wrist, giving him a soft, sugary kiss on his fingertips. The sweetness engulfed your mouth as he slowly pulled back, hand lingering in yours for just long enough to squeeze it gently.
He made a mental note to get more of these in future.
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something's made your eyes go cold (6)
TEEN!gojo x FEM!reader but mostly TEEN!geto x FEM!reader (platonic) - soulmate AU
TW⚠️: geto suguru defects soooo be warned, reader is not a sorcerer, geto is beyond mean, angst/hurt, gojo does not show up at the end, friends to enemies, mentions of sex, and loss of virginity off screen (from gojoxreader)
a/n: special chapter for my fav criminal💜 this is not proofread!!!!!
something's gone terribly wrong
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Geto Suguru appreciated Satoru's soulmate, besides him, his best friend would have another constant in his life. Someone else who would care for him unconditionally, and just like Suguru vowed to protect Satoru - he vowed to protect her. He was strong after all, and the strong must protect the weak.
When Satoru wasn't there, it was Suguru who would keep her safe from curses; curses that reared their ugly heads when Satoru wasn't around. They were far more daring when she was alone, even if Suguru was with her. He was nowhere near as fearsome as his best friend, but he handled the curses just fine without him.
Let the curses underestimate him, it made them easier to deal with, easier to keep her safe from harm.
If Gojo Satoru was on a mission and Suguru was still in the city, then he would routinely check up on her - Satoru couldn't warp at long distances yet, so if anything happened to her, he would not make it in time, so Suguru took it upon himself to be her protector. She needed it and Satoru needed her, and Suguru cared for them both deeply.
Sept. 19, 2006
' ' it's getting dark and it's all so quiet ' '
A curse tried to latch itself onto her when Satoru was cities away on mission, Suguru exorcised it expertly, with her back turned to him without even realizing she was ever in danger.
A soft smile graced his lips, "Everything alright?"
She jumped at his gentle voice, not realizing he was behind her, "Ah, Geto," she returned his gentle smile, "I didn't see you there. I'm alright, you?"
"I'm doing fine," Suguru looked up at the cloudy sky, "Come on, it looks like it's gonna rain. I'll walk you home."
The walk was full of light and awkward chit chat, despite Suguru's best efforts to be friendly. He supposed he shouldn't be too surprised, they had only met a couple of times; he supposed it would take time for her to warm up to him, at least she wasn't given him the cold shoulder like had been to Satoru. Suguru never put in a good word in for his best friend, he had said awful things about her - Satoru deserved her silent treatment.
Suguru wasn't too worried about it though. They were soulmates and while he didn't understand it, he had always admired it. He was even proud of Satoru for discarding his old and stupid opinions of her and actually putting in work to try and win her over.
"Thank you, Geto," She awkwardly waved goodbye to him when they arrived outside her family's bakery.
Suguru only smiled, "No problem."
He turned to leave and scrunched his nose up the gray sky. He was going to get caught in the rain for sure.
Oh well, "See ya."
Suguru's phone buzzed in his pockets:
Gojo.S: thank you :)
The shops bell chimed, and then, chimes again, and she yelled for him.
Suguru tilted his towards her, half-shocked, she had never called out to him before, but there she was with her hands outstretched towards him - a clear plastic umbrella and a styrofoam to go box.
Suguru gingerly took them from her hands, "Thank you."
Her cheeks were slightly pink when their hands brushed, "It's the least I could do. Thank you again for walking me home."
With that, he left with the protection of the umbrella from the rain and hot pastry warming up his hand.
His phone buzzed again:
Gojo.S: no way, she likes you more than me, right???
Gojo.S: I'll fight you >:( don't think that I won't
Suguru chuckled and rolled his eyes.
Geto.S: guess that means she has better taste than I thought
A flurry of rushed texts blew up his phone - worth it.
Nov. 28, 2006
' ' i thought i had you figured out ' '
A text had woken him up in the morning. Suguru was expecting it to be Satoru, sending him photos of his lastest mission away from Tokyo, but no, it was ______.
____._: sorry to bother you so early in the morning, but do you know what sweets are satoru's favorites and his favorite flavored cake???
____._: he never says he just eats anything sweet
That certainly sounded like Satoru.
Suguru yawned as he typed out:
Geto.S: He's a glutton
Geto.S: I'm sure anything will be fine but he does prefer kikufuku as for the cake - angel cake seems to be the best option
He rubbed his eyes and slid his phone closed, he needed to change into his uniform - wait... no, he needed to shower first.
His phone buzzed in his night stand. He gave it a quick look over, before he ridded himself of his clothes and hopped in the shower:
____._: thank you!!!! I owe you big time :D
____._: you like soba right?? My treat!
Suguru was glad, she felt like she could rely on him. He wanted to be relied on, if she relied on him, the easier it was to keep her safe from anything that tried to grab her in the darkness.
There had been too many close calls and it all reminded him of - No, she was not Riko. Suguru would not make the same mistakes.
When he got out of the shower and changed, he texted her back.
Geto.S: We can go shopping together
Geto.S: Are you free at 4:15?
Thirty minutes later she texted back:
____._: yep, where do you wanna meet?
Geto.S: I'll meet you at your school
Geto.S: We'll leave from there
____._: See you then :D
Suguru was right on time waiting outside of her school gates. He kept his eyes trained on curses energy residuals, and the curse dwelling on at the school - none of them were powerful, none of them posed a real threat to anyone.
Good, he could rest easy for now.
A bag slung around her shoulder, she enthusiastically waved at him as she ran up to him with a bright smile quirking her lips up, "Geto!"
Suguru's smile was as it always was soft, but this time he wasn't tip-toeing around her, afraid he would scare her away.
They were friends.
Of course, he kept things from her like the curses that tried to hurt her, but so did Satoru, but he supposed, Satoru didn't need to - nothing dared to touch her while he was around her. She couldn't even see them, so Suguru didn't feel the need to worry her about it, especially when he would protect her from it. She was already worried about Satoru as it was, no point in adding something else on to the list.
She chewed on her lip, "His mission isn't too dangerous is it?"
Suguru placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "No, he will be back in two days tops."
Still, she closed her eyes to check on him. He didn't blame her if he had felt Satoru die, he would check on him all the time.
She quickly blushed in embarrassment when she realized Suguru was watching, "I'm not a stalker -"
Suguru laughed.
Her cheeks burned into darker and brighter shade of red, "Don't laugh at me! I'm just -"
"Worried?" He chuckled out, "Come on, worry wart. If I remember correctly you owe me a soba."
Today, a curse user tried to sneak up behind her. To take her or kill her, Suguru didn't know. Not that it mattered, he pummeled him into a bloody pulp and called a window to take him back to jujutsu tech where he would wait trial by the higher ups.
Execution, no doubt. Suguru didn't care that's what the curse user gets for trying to pick on the weak, and on his best friend's soulmate no less. If anything, Suguru considered him lucky - it would've gone worse for him if Satoru had been the one to catch him. Forget about being beatened to a bloody pulp, imagine getting erased with a shot of hollow purple? Very lucky.
"Geto," she called out to him as she showed him a shirt, "what about this one?"
Suguru pocketed his bruised knuckles, "Yeah, he'll like that one."
She cheerfully skipped to the cash register and waited for the man to ring her up.
Suguru's eyes narrowed at the man, he seemed normal, but something was bothering him. Suguru was behind her in a few quick steps, his face seemingly expressionless when he took the bag from the clerks hand, before she could even raise her hand to grab it for herself.
The clerk waved them off as both teenagers said thank you, but Suguru lagged slightly behind her with his hand on the small of her back, keeping his senses trained on the clerk until they were at a safe distance, but then he saw a woman standing ominously a little ways away from them. A glance behind him and he saw the store clerk - shit. This was fine, nothing he couldn't handle, but his friend would no longer be blissfully ignorant about the dangers that were lurking around her.
Suguru's shoulders visibly relaxed. The grip on her waist loosened as he waved at Gojo Satoru. The girl's smile widened into something more joyful as she wrapped her arms around Satoru's torso, pulling him into a warm hug.
Satoru rested his head on top of hers as he always did now and only kept one arm around her, but still hugged her close to his chest.
"You're back early," Suguru raised his fist and Satoru fist bumped him in greeting.
Satoru grinned, "It was easy peasy."
She peered her head up from his chest with the warmest smile, "So you're not hurt?"
"Nah," Satoru placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, "nothing can touch me."
But Suguru was the flicker in his best friend's eyes, not much concern for himself, but for her, and Suguru knew why Satoru had come back early and why he had no doubt finished his mission as quickly as possible; Satoru had seen the store clerk for what he truly was through her eyes.
Suguru remembered the time, he had asked Satoru, if closing his eyes would leave him vulnerable. Satoru had smirked and smugly said:
"Nope, my six eyes work just fine. It just takes a little more focus."
Satoru's smugness was all Suguru needed to know that it took no effort at all to do what he does when he looks through her eyes, especially when he does it constantly.
Suguru casted his gaze back in front of him, the woman was gone and he could no longer sense the store clerk.
Of course, they were gone. One thing was fighting Geto Suguru, it was another fighting Gojo Satoru.
She tip-toed and kissed Satoru's cheek.
Suguru smirked, "I thought you two weren't dating?"
She turned pink, "We're not."
"Yet," Satoru added with a smug smile.
After they dropped her off home and Satoru begrudgingly let her go, (Suguru didn't know why he was pouting so much seeing as he was most likely going to see her tonight) Satoru pout widened into a grin.
"I have a plan."
Suguru let out a hearty laugh when he explained what his plan was - Operation: Love Quest.
Oh, he couldn't wait to tell Shoko.
Feb. 12, 2007
' ' i have known it all this time ' '
Valentine's Day was approaching and Suguru was now a victim of Satoru's incessant shopping sprees. Nothing was too much for his soulmate, he needed to get her everything.
Flowers (she liked pink peonies the most, Suguru learned recently), chocolates, sweets, dresses, jewelry, more sweets, and god knew what else.
"You've gotten her enough," Suguru yawned sleepily, "don't you think?"
Satoru was looking at a simple princess cut diamond ring, scratching his head.
Suguru playfully shoved him, "And it's a little too soon for an engagement ring."
Satoru tilted his head toward him with a frown and was slightly offended, "I would never get her a 0.10 carat diamond for an engagement ring," he grumbled, "It's far too small."
Suguru leaned against the glass counter, "I get this is your Valentine's with her, but you're over doing it just get her something you know she'll like."
"What type of girl doesn't like diamonds?"
"The type that'll feel bad when you get her a mountain of presents, when she only got you like three." Suguru said, "Not everyone has generational wealth to sustain them."
Satoru's pointed look softened as he smiled widely, "She got me three?"
Shit, Suguru wasn't supposed to tell him, "Yes, and I'm not telling you more."
"That must mean she really likes me, huh," Satoru's eyes glittered brighter than any precious stone in the store, "as the best boyfriend ever I have to at least get her twice as that."
"You already have." Suguru sighed, "Triple, I'd say."
Satoru ignored him, "Yo, sir! Sir! Sir!" He tapped the glass annoyingly, "That one!"
The jeweler smiled, "What size?"
"Shit, I don't know her ring size."
Satoru turned Suguru and before he could say anything, Suguru had slid his phone open and called her.
She answered at the second ring, "What's up?"
"You free right now?"
Satoru started whispering, "Don't tell her to meet you here."
Suguru pushed his face away from his and gave her a meeting time.
The jeweler gave him a ring size measurer and with that Suguru left to meet her.
When she wasn't looking he would look at her fingers and take out the measure trying to gauge which size it was after careful deliberation, be concluded a size 5.
After an hour or so, she had to leave - something about an essay and homework she had to work on before Valentine's Day.
Suguru sent one of his curses with her to make sure she got home safe.
Satoru berated him when he got back, "What size?"
"Five," Suguru handed the measure back to the jeweler.
"That one," Satoru grinned out and then dragged Suguru to another shop.
It was going to be a long day of shopping again.
Apr. 4, 2007
' ' oh, holding my breath ' '
Shoko had stolen ______ for the day, claiming she needed a break from Satoru.
"You're beyond clingy," Shoko said, "Don't want her breaking up with you because you never gave her space right?"
Satoru's eyes widened, "Did she tell you that?"
Shoko being Shoko, said, "Maybe."
So there Satoru was fighting the urge to call or text his soulmate.
"Shoko was lying, right?" He asked Suguru, "Ain't no way, she wants to break up with me, right?"
Suguru drank his hot tea, "I'm sure she was just joking."
Or maybe she wasn't, but Suguru didn't want to tell Satoru what ______ had told him in private.
It wasn't that she didn't like him anymore, it was the incessant thoughts in her mind. Thoughts she couldn't push away any longer and as much as she cared for Satoru, he would never understand. Suguru would do though, he always understood.
She had been nervous at first, texting him to meet with him privately at a cafe without Satoru knowing, he was out on a mission anyway, he was focusing his six eyes on finding the curse, instead of closing his eyes to see where she was, but in the end, she faced up, after Suguru coaxed it out of her with soft smiles and a promise not to laugh.
"You have to promise again, not to laugh," She said.
He wanted to laugh now, but he knew she would shut down if he did, "I promised already."
"Alright," pressed his lips together to keep himself from chuckling, "I promise, will you tell me now?"
She wondered a lot about how she should phrase it. Worthy? Good enough? Holding him back? Which word encapsulated what she felt when she saw a curse through Satoru's eyes, but could never see them on her own.
Worthless was the word she was looking for, she realized that a few weeks ago.
She bit the inside of her cheek, Suguru would for sure tell Satoru, if she started the conversation like this, so instead, she said, "It's not a problem, is it that I'm not a sorcerer," she played with the straw in her drink, "or that I can't see curses - I mean -"
Suguru stopped her before she could get in any farther, "Satoru was an idiot when he said that." Suguru smiled in the way that made everyone feel accepted, "He never meant any of that."
Yes, he did. At the time they both knew that he did, but she didn't say anything.
"Things are different now," Suguru scooted his chair closer to hers, "Satoru cares about you a lot, I know he does." He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and rubbed soothing circles on her, "He'd throttle even me if it meant to keep you safe."
And Suguru was proud of him. His best friend was finally turning into the person he knew he could become - he was still annoying and arrogant, but he was no longer cruel and dismissive of others.
She let out a laugh, "I don't think he would go that far."
"I do," Suguru said firmly. "A lot of people can't see curses or jujutsu, it's not something to be ashamed of and Satoru has enough cursed energy and strength for the both of you."
She shook her head, "And when he's not here?" She looked at Suguru, "What then? I'm not stupid, you know, I may not be able to see curses, but I know whenever Satoru shows up randomly or when you show up to walk me all the way home - It's for a reason." She crossed her arms, "Shoko does it too, but she has a better poker face."
Suguru should've known that she knew. It had been months, it would've been odd if she hadn't noticed their overprotectiveness from even Shoko.
"You're our friend, ______," Suguru said, "we just want to make sure you're safe."
"I know. It's just -" She let out a long breath.
She nodded, and then a bashful look, "Promise, you won't tell Satoru?"
Suguru smiled again, "I promise, but I do think you should talk about it with him." He drank some of his tea, "I'm sure he'll listen if it's coming from you."
But until then, Suguru was there to listen. Sometimes all someone needed was a friend.
Satoru's voice brought him back to the present, "She hasn't said anything to you right?"
Suguru rolled his eyes at him, "She's not going to break up with you."
"Did she tell you that?"
"Satoru," Suguru warned, "she's probably just stressed. Exams are coming up, aren't they?"
Satoru nodded, "Yeah..." He pulled out his phone from pocket and flipped it open as a smile graced his lips, "I'll help her study after she's done hanging out with that traitor that should relieve some of her stress."
Suguru doubted that would help since exams weren't what was plaguing her mind, but other more complicated things. If it got too far, he would tell Satoru. He might get punched in the face or a reversal Red shot at him, but it would be for the best.
Jul. 24, 2007
' ' something keeps me holding on to nothing ' '
Satoru had punched him in the face when Suguru told him. All this time Suguru knew why she was acting weird, he had known for months and he hadn't told him. It would've been different if she had told Shoko and Shoko didn't tell him, but Suguru? Suguru who was always supposed to have his back - it was betrayal.
Satoru put up two fingers and almost chanted: Curse Technique Reversal: Red, but stopped himself.
"Is she still talking to you about it?" He gritted out.
"No," Suguru rubbed his swollen cheek, "she wanted to tell you herself, but I think she's scared to bring it up."
Scared? Why would she be scared of bringing something like this up to Satoru? He was her boyfriend, her soulmate - she shouldn't have, had to feel scared to tell him anything. He would have listened, he promised to himself that night when he was all bloody that he would.
"I promised I wouldn't say anything," Suguru said, "but you two do need to talk about it."
Satoru ran his hand through his soft white hair and closed his eyes. He frowned when he saw her writing an essay down on a piece of paper - she was home.
Suguru spoke up again, "Do you want to hit me again?"
Satoru sighed and opened his eyes to look at his best friend, "No," he fixed his glasses, "just don't keep something that important from me again."
Satoru warped away, no doubt to talk to his soulmate. Suguru only hoped he had told him in time, before more damage could be done for his friends.
It was night when Yaga had knocked on Suguru's door.
"Where's Satoru?" Yaga gruffed out, "He hasn't been here all day."
Suguru always covered for him and he wasn't going to stop now, "He went for some sweets, you know how he gets."
Yaga shook his head, not believing a word that came out of Suguru's mouth, but he left anyway.
Suguru looked at his phone and thought about calling Satoru, but shook his head. He probably wasn't coming back til later, so Suguru fell asleep instead.
He woke up at noon with a grinning Satoru at the foot of his bed instead.
Suguru blinked as he assessed him, at least he didn't look heartbroken, instead overjoyed and a little smug. Satoru's snowy white hair was a mess as if someone had raked their hands through it roughly, his glasses were askew, and his lips were swollen and smudged with pink lip gloss smearing across cheek to his neck as his neck had deep red and purple marks that shaped into a heart, and his clothes looked a mess.
Suguru chuckled, "I take it things went well?"
"She said she loves me," Satoru squeaked out in glee.
Suguru pulled his long black hair back, "And?"
Satoru's grin had softened, yet it stayed plastered on his face, "I said I love her too."
Suguru pointed at hickeys that shaped into a heart, "That's all?"
"We had sex," then, Satoru playfully shook his head and sang lowly, "No, we made love."
Suguru almost vomited at that, "Go take a shower lover boy."
Satoru walked backwards as he skipped happily into his dorm room and yelled, "I am a lover boy!"
Sept. 2007
' ' come on, don't leave me like this ' '
She had just finished mopping the bakery's floor when Suguru came in, his long hair was down with only a small bun tying some of the more unruly parts of his hair.
She waved at him, "What's up, Geto?"
His smile wavered when he saw her like this was the first time he had seen her.
"Is something wrong, Geto?"
"Yes actually," Suguru frowned, "I want to talk to you."
She dropped the mop in the bucket and wiped her hands on her apron, "What is it? What happened?"
Maybe, she should text Satoru - No, he was there for her a couple of months ago, she should be here for him now.
"I think you were right before," Suguru pocketed his hands, "about it being a problem - you not being a sorcerer."
"What are you saying?"
Suguru ignored her, "I think you weren't saying the right words before," his eyes told and black, "instead of a problem, I think you meant a pest, a worthless one."
Her eyes widened, "Geto -"
Suguru's eyes hardened into a glare, "Don't interrupt me," he paused for a second like he was about to add something else, but stopped himself, before continuing, "all this time you were worrying that you were holding Satoru back, you were right."
Tears welled in her eyes, "I told you all of that in confidence." She flinched back when Suguru took a step toward her, "You're my friend."
"I was never really your friend," Suguru spat out, "I realized that I only ever really tolerated you for Satoru."
"Stop," she whispered putting her hands up as if she could stop his words from reaching her, "just stop it. Satoru and I talked about this already - he loves me."
She blinked her tears away. If this is how Suguru truly felt, then he wasn't allowed to see her vulnerable, only Satoru and people she trusted were allowed to.
Suguru stalked up to her, until she was backed up against a wall. She quickly flinched to the side when Suguru's hand shot up to the empty space behind her and for a second, she heard something squirming and writhing in his hand.
Suguru gave her one last cold look before purple blood splattered on the walls, "This is the last time I save you, ______."
' ' i can't turn back now, i'm haunted ' '
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Gojo: You really hurt her feelings and she's been crying non-stop -
Geto: Womp-Womp
Gojo: Did you just FUCKING say womp-womp?!
@phoenix666stuff @96jnie @mr-underhills-things @whatamidoing @wbad-world @ancientimes @whippedbyikemen @sammyiguess (can't find you sorry) @pumpkindudeishere @witchofthecoffee @arminswifee (another one that cannot be tagged sorry) @weebotaku21 (another one I do not understand why) @nevermoresworld @jjk97091 (cannot tag you sorry) @toshirolovebot @marblesphere @sabo-has-my-heart @laurenzitaa
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latenightsundayblues · 9 months
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Lawrence squirmed uneasily; the mere sight of the individual across the room had initially managed to knock the air out from his lungs and squeeze his heart mercilessly, a breath held tightly within his chest tinted with the taste of bile. His lips parted absentmindedly when his vision finally cleared itself seconds later and allowed him to take a good look at the man, who, unsurprisingly, was definitely not Adam Faulkner. It's just the new janitor. Gordon wasn't sure whether the pang he felt afterwards was one of relief or disappointment.
Although the uncanny resemblance still disturbed him greatly, he could now identify various signs that should've tipped him off to that sooner (other than Adam being, well, dead); slightly longer hair reaching the base of David's damp neck-- Gordon had managed to catch his name in the tag on his uniform--, a gnarly red line ripped along his cheekbone altering the path of the sweat drops rolling down his forehead and a sarcastic tone of voice without the intention of lightening the mood, but tainted with a certain degree of hostility. Gordon would've risked calling it defensive, even.
He tried not to think too much about the stranger as he drove back to his lamentably empty apartment, to no avail.
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sanzusslutt · 24 days
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞
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Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Y/N
Warnings: angst with kind of fluff at the end, no smut, Katsuki is a hero and Y/N is a villain, Y/N is dead, prob spelling and grammar mistakes just ignore them, threats, bakugo is a crybaby.
Summary: Katsuki hates everyone but the hatred he has for you is no comparison to others. Or at least he thought so but your sudden death makes him see things differently.
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The blonde hero fell to his knees as he watched the scene unravel in frond of him. The battle was finally over. The war was over. The rain washed your blood-covered body as it laid dead on the cold stoned street. Above you, the green-haired hero was standing with blood all over his body. His eyes turned to look at his friend, kneeled on the ground, trying to catch his breath as the sensation of safety finally came back to the city. You, the great villain mastermind, were finally dead on the ground. The city was finally safe again.
Red eyes locked on your figure, trying to comprehend that they won the battle. Katsuki’s head fell back, letting the rain touch his tired face as he waited for the pro heroes to arrive. Izuku’s eyes were back on your dead figure. With his one knee on the ground, he lowered his body and with his hand he slowly turned your head to the side where katsuki was kneeling. The red eyes of the blond hero find your lifeless ones, bringing a weird feeling to his stomach.
Bakugo watched as the pro heroes and rescuers searched for victims and wounded citizens, feeling completely empty. Katsuki’s tired body was hurting with even the slightest move, making it impossible for him to move and help the other heroes. His thoughts were clouded as he observed your body being moved to one of the big vans that the heroes used. The blond hero’s head fell back once again. This time his heavily wounded body followed, falling with his back on the stoned ground and loosing consciousness.
The only thing in his head was a memory of you, corned with your back to the wall and Katsuki’s hand on your neck as he swore on his life that he would be the one to take your life away. He never thought the day that he would watch you fall on the ground, could actually come.
…“Kacchan?.. are you okay?..”
…“Bakugo are you feeling good?”
…“Bakugo you’re not alright..”
…“Bakugo-kun you’ve changed..”
…“Bakugo-kun you’ve become distant..”
…“Kacchan.. you don’t talk to anyone anymore..”
As the months passed, nothing came out of their mouths except of how much the blond hero was distancing himself. They could see something was wrong but no one ever got to actually find out what was on his mind. And no one ever could.. he didn’t even know.. the only thing that felt right to him was thinking about your last moment with him. There were night when he would throw things across his room out of anger and betrayal. How dare you die on him? The sounds of glass or other materials being thrown and crashing onto his door or wall, echoed through the building. Kirishima and kaminari would check up on him through the night to make sure everything was alright.
Everyone could see that he wasn’t feeling good. Aizawa-sensei decided that it would be good for Katsuki to go on patrol one night, to feel the fresh air on his tired face. The blond hero wanted to stay on his cold and empty room once again but Aizawa didn’t gave him that option. Once the cold air hit his face, his mind started playing the memory of you falling on the cold ground with blood all over your body, like a movie scene. As he wondered around the city, he came across the place he saw you for the last time. Something like a villain attack or his sixth sense must have led him there for a second time. Or so he thought.. He never admitted that, what had led him there, was non other but his own feelings.
Red eyes staring at the barely visible blood stained tiled ground, where you laid dead in what feels like last night to him. With slow steps, he approached the red-like spot on the street, feeling the tears that were building up on his now, dark red eyes. The blond hero kneeled upon the blood covered smudge, sensing his own body start to tremble as he placed his two hands on the frond of his knees. His jaw tightened, trying to keep his mouth shut and not let the words that were screaming inside his head fall from his lips. The tears that he tried so hard to keep, finally fell on his cheeks. The unbearable pain he felt in his heart, washed over him like a flood that he could no longer keep inside of him.
“Why the hell am I hurting so much?.. it’s-.. it’s your fucking fault y/n.. you fucking promised me you wouldn’t die that easily!!..” the words fell from his lips and stabbed him straight on his heart like the sharpest swords. The numbness he usually felt inside his heart was now replaced by insufferable pain. How could he ever believe that your death would cost him so much?..
The night visits on the unpopular stained street by the blond hero were now regular. With each visit he would leave behind new tear stains and your favoured coloured flowers. Katsuki would come and “see” you with every chance given. He would tell you how his day or week went, how much stronger Izuku has become, every new move of his, every new feature on his hero costume and every now and then, how much he hated that he loved you or how much he despited that you were the only thing in his mind, in hopes you would walk out of the shadows to kick his ass for being so stupid to fall for a villain.
Five months have now passed since your death and three month of Katsuki secretly mourning and hoping this was all part of your plan. A plan where you were alive and hiding in the dark, watching the blind hero finally being honest with himself and his feelings. Katsuki was once again “talking” to you but this time, he was different. He was almost completely quiet. He just looked at the sky, his eyes filled with tears falling on each side of his beautiful and exhausted face.
“It’s been three fucking months.. fuck.. three months am standing right here, hoping you would be somewhere out there.. I’m fucking loosing my self!!.. IM LOOSING MY MIND!! Fu- fucking shit.. IM FUCK- I LOST YOU!.. WHY WOULD YOU FUCKING LEAVE ME?!.. WH-.. why?..” his voice breaking as he shouted on the now, invisible blood stain on the ground. His heart shattered as he finally started believing that you were actually dead and him thinking and waiting otherwise, would only make him worse.
“I promised, katsu..”
Everything froze. The blond hero stands still, kneeled on the ground as he heard a voice he could recognise from miles away. Your voice.
“Y/n?..” he questioned in disbelief. His body couldn’t move in fear you weren’t actually there. If he looked behind him, there was a chance he was actually loosing his mind and that would actually break him.
A warm hand on his cheek swooped away all the fear from his heart and mind. With your thumb on his chin and the palm of your hand on his tired face, you slowly turned his head to the side, letting him see that you are real. Red eyes looking up and down your figure and in a mater of seconds the blond hero, your greatest enemy, was breathily crying in your hold.
“I promised you, katsu.. I won’t die that easily..” And with that, the hero abruptly stood up from his kneeling position and circled his hands around your waist as his crying face hid on your shoulder. His hold so tight in fear you would disappear again if he let you for even a second. Your hands found place around his shoulders, holding him close and finally letting yourself melt in his arms.
He now knows, he could never live without you and you never could either.
Inspired from this post
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rabbbitseason · 1 month
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practicing painting abs with blade heehee ╰(*°▽°*)╯✿
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galedekarios · 9 months
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°˖* ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ a certain measure of his personality
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