#this man has such a chokehold on me
marosina · 4 months
When Eren Jaeger 🥰🥰🥰
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wonusite · 8 months
I'm spiteful because you had the audacity to call Dino the love of my life. Like Seungcheol isn't right there. Smh.
Unfortunately I'm really sick right now lol. I'm glad you've been doing okay though!
Anyways, maybe I'm thinking about bumping into Ex! Chan at Jeonghan's Halloween party (he somehow conveniently forgot to tell you and Chan that he invited you both). Mayhaps they reconnect in a way that isn't exactly wise and healthy. And mayhaps they do said reconnecting on Jeonghan's bed to spite him 👁👁
lmfao he totally is. he’s like seungcheol’s bf in law.
and that sucks :( being sick is the worst and i hope you get better soon 🤍
also this is the kind of thing i live for! glad to see you finally succumbed to dino hard hours 🤭
as soon as you see chan, you know jeonghan has invited him on purpose. he means well, but you wish he would’ve at least told you beforehand. bc whenever you saw chan, it always ended up the same way.
part of you feels guilty, but a larger part of you feels like you’re getting your lick back when you end up on jeonghan’s bed, angel wings broken as chan fucks you into the mattress.
his thrusts are ravenous as his leaking cock rams against your sweet spot over and over until you leave his cock and heavy balls soaking in with your arousal. chan is groaning about how he’s missed your tight pussy, how no one ever feels as good as you. his hand comes down to your clit, rubbing in slow circles to coax out another orgasm out of you. he makes you to tell him how much you love his cock, how no one else can fuck you like he does.
it’s all you can do because he’s succesfully fucked you dumb again. you can’t care that your pretty makeup is ruined with tears of pleasure. all you can focus on is being stuffed full like you’re craving. the fact that you’re leaving a mess on your friend’s bed is the last thing on your mind. vaguely you think this is exactly what he must’ve wanted since he pushed you two together since you arrived.
and so you come with a cry of chan’s name as he spills his hot cum deep inside you.
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katyakazanovas · 2 years
hot man in ghost shirt at this birthday party oh my GOD
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gingersnapped · 6 months
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"Sam is probably my only friend in this town..." emergency sleepover time in the mountains after local small town emo and skater boy played too much solarion chronicles and lost track of time
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ribbittrobbit · 2 months
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ami--gami · 1 year
Some of my favourite photos of Damiano David
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miothle · 8 months
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classy date with Neuvillette💙✨
(the otter is me fr🦦)
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fqntasies · 2 months
Just a taste, baby - Feyd Rautha x Reader
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summary: You and Feyd-Rautha have been connected through dreams since childhood; a complex inner-working of the Bene Gesserit mothers to join your bloodlines. It binds the two of you in a pull you can't escape (nor do you want to). Feyd is absolutely feral for you.
words: 1,258
disclaimer: characters may be out of character, specifically feyd, considering his desperate softness here. just a forewarning.
You were trapped, breaths coming out of shallow pants as you felt the scratch of the cement structure beneath your palms. He had you against the wall in a hidden alcove; along one of the lengthy corridors of the palace in Giedi Prime. Your mouths were just breaths apart. In fact the Harkonnen before you seemed intent on matching your breaths, mingling them. Tasting your tiny pants as his own. It made your eyes heavy, made you want to tilt your head back and close your eyes, give him access to the expanse of your neck.
"sweetness." He rasped, unable to control himself. The Na-Baron wrapped an arm about your waist, a vice arching you against him as he lowered a wanting mouth to your neck, licking and sucking where the two met. You mewled at the wet heat, felt him growl desperately at the taste.
The two of you hadn't even kissed yet - but the wait; the dreams - you both knew each other to the soul.
---- flashback ----------
The sands of Arakis and Geidi Prime alike carried mysteries of prophesies of the lisan-al-gaib. But midst such tales, the Bene-Geserit mothers also had worked to connect bloodlines through dreams. The Na-Baron and the princess of Arrakis had been bound by such since birth. A well-planned move to align feuds and place power into wanting hands in preparation of war. A web of politcal conspiracy only they controlled. Their plans could not be foiled.
But Feyd couldn't care less about such witchcraft; and neither, if one were honest, could you. The two of you had known of this binding since a young age. And when you had met as children too - the connection had been strong.
"Their line is bright" The reverend mother's voice had burned into your mind, even at 10 years old.
You remembered her cloaked form; a black shadow against the haze of the horizon, a tower above you as she turned from your parents. Her voice had been void of emotion, except for a smugness you didn't understand. But when you turned to glance at the older boy before you (such a uniquely beautiful boy; broad shoulders and smooth skin, black attire across a lithe form), his eyes shone with an intensity that surprised her. Dark, watching, intrigued. He intimidated you. He made you curious.
At 15 years of age, the Na-Baron hadn't spoken in their meeting; but he had felt more than he had imagined. The girl...she had made him feel things. It confused and awakened him to something he had never known. His uncle had never spoken of such a pull. A need.
When the ship had arrived to his homeworld, and the strange foreigners parted like a sea, Feyd-Rautha found himself straightening to his full height; head lowered as he studied them beneath an angled gaze. Garbs of strange colors - hair he had never seen before in elegant styles. He would be Harkonnen predator. He would be a warrior. Strike fear in these alien people, show the Baron he was not swayed so easily by something new.
But then-
Swathed in layers of white, a girl stepped forward; dainty and gracious above all else; practically floating across the landing platform. Yet her eyes betrayed her; darting to capture the landscape, thrown off perhaps by the infrared of Giedi Prime's black sun above them.
She was drinking in the strange newness before her, and then they found him. Feyd felt his chest tighten. Fists clenched. Heat brimmed under the chestplate of his armor.
She looked like some newborn animal, caught in his gaze. But they both felt it. The familiarity. The warm hum between them. It made you want to slip from the safety of your parents and stand beside him, as though his shadow was more protection than the whole parade your own family brought with them. You wondered if he'd felt the same.
Three nights later, you had dreamed of him. A bit older, hand in his as he raised it to his lips. His eyes had never left yours. As a young girl it made you blush. Now...
You made a breathy sound as his tongue lathed the mark he had made, moving with a lazy carelessness across your pulse, hungry above all else, uncaring for decorum. He wanted to devour you entirely. He wanted you to see you helpless and delirious against him, just as you were now. As you were in all his dreams.
He knew you'd had them all too. His eyes on you at their wedding. His tongue against yours, moans and tastes and hunger. You watching from the arena as he slaughtered man after man, coated and heaving. He felt like a beast.
"Feyd-" His name barely formed, like a prayer from your lips.
His eyes nearly lolled in his head at the way you sounded, and he dragged his wanting mouth up to meet yours. Wet and wanting. Feyd's free hand shifted to engulf your slender neck, moving your head against his mouth to deepen the kiss, taste all of you. Consume.
The Na-Baron was all muscle and prowess, a looming figure that practically dwarfed you. The spanse of his shoulders alone were sinful, and deep down you loved how it felt to be completely in his grasp. Guiding you in your movements.
Feyd's tongue sought yours as much as he could, controlling and demanding - but you were a needy little thing too, weren't you? In the haze of passion you were pressing into him - leaning just as much towards his heat as he was pushing you both together. You sucked his plush bottom lip into your mouth - unable to help yourself. After all, why was he made so beautiful, if not to kiss? He was quick to follow, biting your own with a growl that made your knees practically give, and following with his greedy tongue.
"You're going to be my wife." the words are a promise, his eyes glittering under the low light; shadows flashign with the coming storm. You part your mouth as though to taste him again, a helpless 'please' slipping past as you arch in his grasp.
Feyd practically took you then and there. Enter the nearest room... make all his dreams a reality. His patience was nearly worn thin. Years of waiting, of hunger. And now it was here. You were in his reach, that tempting little waist; those hips. It made him absolutely insane.
He wets his lips, gaze feverish.
"tomorrow. tomorrow sweetness, hmm? Can wait that long?" He intends to tease you, but he knows he speaks to himself, his jaw locking as he adjusts his arms to press you against him.
You're so fucking soft. It makes him groan. Of all the things he's known in his life, softness was not one of them, save for the flashes of you in his dreams. He craved you like a creature starved. Thoughts of you made him fight better. Made him kill easier.
There's a rumble suddenly of a drone; Harkonnen orders breaking the silence in distorted code. The words don't make sense to your ears. Not yet anyway. You hope to make progress in the language, but it was a challenge; more than others. The variety of tones were a feat for any foreigner to take on; but this was to be your home. A lady of harkonnen would learn her husband's native tongue.
You know he has to leave.
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teddytheartist · 3 months
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Zukka for the win my guys
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prizzzyyy · 4 months
Regulus "have you ever wanted to cry but no tears came out, so you just stare blanky into space while feeling your heart break to million pieces?" Black.
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dilfsfordinner · 1 year
“Mi amor- ngh, a- ha-” Miguel’s voice was reduced to nothing but ragged syllables slurred together, groans spilling from his lips as he bullied into your now raw and sore cunt.
Scarlet eyes were glued to your face, watching as you writhed beneath him, droplets of sweat sliding down your flushed neck, your eyes squeezed shut and eyebrows drawn up, mouth releasing little pants and moans of his name.
“Y/n- ay carajo-” he choked out, his large hand cupping your cheek to pull your attention back to him, “look at me.” With fluttering eyelashes, your watering eyes opened to latch onto him, a light groan leaving his lips at the look on your face, your expression the effect of his very targeted pace. His hips continued to snap into yours, your knees bent to cradle his shoulders, thighs pressing against your chest in a mangled hold.
Your husband wasn’t someone one would call careful, especially when it came to himself, but with you waiting for him at home he found it his personal duty to always make his way back to you. His recent mission had gone awry and he found himself hanging on the edge between life and death, the image of you in his mind his only motivation to keep pushing, and when he did come back home, you were immediately subject to his burning hunger, his need to protect and prove to himself you were safe only satiable through the form of intimacy you both loved most.
You had been in all sorts of positions already, your current being the favorite, your pliant body bent basically in half to take him. His heavy cock continued to stretch your insides to the limit, every vein lining his shaft catching on the ribs of your walls to ignite hot, blinding pleasure throughout your body.
“Araña, Migs- s’too much,” you panted, your eyes looking down to where you connected, your most sensitive area now red and practically gleaming in your shared liquids, cunt literally sucking him in, skin wrapped taut around his shaft as he pumped in and out. You couldn’t help admire him as he took you, his skin glistening with sweat; his dark hair messy, stray pieces sticking to his forehead; his muscles rippling from exertion, pure strength lining his arms as they cradled you.
“I know-” Miguel whispered, his fingers carding through your hair as he kissed along your neck, “Corazón.. I know you can take it for me.” With his sweet words, he upped the intensity, strong legs aligned with the backs of your thighs as he pushed into you, his thick cock now completely sheathed in you. It was a feeling like none other, some pain mixing with your pleasure to enhance your senses, your lips letting out little cries as he thrusted into you, his cock visible underneath the sheet of skin covering your belly.
His movements seemed endless, every ushered word and tender kiss infinite, the only end you ever felt being the snap of pleasure in your core accompanied by a surge of thick liquid filling you, a heavy body collapsing atop your own. Miguel wasn’t careful, no, but when it came to you, he found his apathy slowly turning upside down into the pounding desire to protect and provide.
mi amor- my love
ay carajo- oh fuck
araña- spider
corazón- sweetheart
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blondwhowrites · 4 months
Boyfriend! Mattheo who'll buy you anything that you want not caring about how expensive it is because you deserve to be spoiled
Boyfriend! Mattheo who sneaks into your dorm almost every night so that he can sleep beside you and feel safe in your arms
Boyfriend! Mattheo who tells Theo and Draco about his worries that by being with you he'll put you in danger during there nightly smoke session at the astronomy tower
Boyfriend! Mattheo who walks you to every single one of your classes pulling you into a corner and kissing you goodbye even though he'll see you not even two hours later
Boyfriend! Mattheo who has no problem randomly pulling you into an empty classroom and eating you out, making sure to leave hickeys and bite marks on your thighs because your skirt is a little bit short and he needs to make sure everyone knows you are his
Boyfriend! Mattheo who gives you his jumpers, and sweatshirts whenever you are cold. He encourages you to keep them because he secretly loves the way you look all cozied up in his clothes
Boyfriend! Mattheo who tried wearing protection once and immediately hated it because he loves the feeling of your warm walls clenching around his cock. He then proceeded to buy birth control potions for you every week
Boyfriend! Mattheo who is insatiable because your body is absolutely perfect and you never fail to turn him on even when you are doing the most mundane of tasks
Boyfriend! Mattheo who'll help you study or help you with your assignments whenever you are struggling because no matter what people believe he is actually intelligent, he just doesn't like doing his work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Boyfriend! Mattheo who is absolutely enamored by you and everything that you do.
Boyfriend! Mattheo who tells Draco and Theo that you're the one and that they will have to fight for the title of best man at his and yours wedding
Boyfriend! Mattheo who loves you and genuinely wants you to be a part of the rest of his life because you are the best thing to ever happen to him
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bibmob · 3 months
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Something something feral bastard man
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redhoodie1723 · 3 months
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procrastinated my homework to do this
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vvokeup · 2 months
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gangstagandalf · 3 months
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“I .. we all… the .. the orb… what have I done… I was ready to .. to kill us all…”
“Shhhh my love, you didn’t. We’re here, and you’re safe.”
Gale’s grip tightens as he looks up as the first rays of dawn, the first breaths of a new day, hitting Tav’s watery eyes. “I would have condemned the the brightest of stars to death. What a fool I have been….”
Really bummed we didn’t get a sad Gale/panicked Gale after moonrise towers. No matter! Here’s my rendition of what that could’ve looked like for any galemancers missing the angst 🥹 Anyone feeling inspired enough to wrists a fic?? I’ll trade you some art!
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