#this one in particular has the power to change my mood from bad to good
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opossumloverr · 1 year
Just some silly lil headcanons to start of the summa❗️🫶🏾
None! all fluff up in here
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I would like to start by saying this man loves you very much and would drop almost anything for you
You need help with a school project? Big red is on his way, you don't know what shoes will match the outfit you picked, oh what a coincidence! he just so happens to have a matching pair of shoes that fits you perfectly, you just want cuddles? lock and loaded baby, come at him
I think I can speak for everyone when I say we all need a Raph in our lives
He protects you from his brother's teasing, even if it's just playing or goofing, he is NOT taking any chances.
He loves to scoop you up randomly, you'll get used to it don't worry
Very cautious when picking you up though, doesn't want his spikes to hurt you, he will feel mad guilty if he was the one who caused you even a little bit of pain, even if it wasn't attentional (please comfort the man)
Appreciates the little moments he shares with you, oh my gosh I actually have the perfect scenario, just imagine...
After a long day full of fun cahoots and mysterious adventures, you two finally decided to go home, you usually go your separate ways after a day like this one, but it was rather late at night, and New York lets the creeps roam at this time, so he offered to ride the subway train with you, even though you were a bit hesitant but agreed cause there's no way your gonna allow yourself to get mugged in the middle of the night and like I said it was late at night so the subway cart that you guys were on was empty, he did wear a Hoodie and mask, just in case, the ride was silent, no noises but the constant screeching of the train tracks, but other than that it was just comfortable silence, Raph was lost in his thoughts, thinking about how the next day will be and how it will end, will it be a good or bad day? or something in the middle; what's the meaning of life? and what happens after death? Where does your soul go to, to heaven? or is it just pitch black forever, will today be his last day-- suddenly, he felt a lightweight on his shoulder, the thoughts that were coming in like a rapid wave started to smooth down to a calm stream of water, he glanced down at your sleeping figure, apparently you thought it was a perfect time to take a quick power nap, how cute! he coos softly at you, loving how you're so comfortable and calm around him. god, he loves you so much ♡,
"I promise I will always be here when you need me, you're my everything, sweetie"
Sorry guys I just felt a little kooky at the moment
If you like to play fight he's totally down, doesn't fight too hard obviously, and lets you win all the time, what a gentleman
He'll hold doors open for you, push your seat out, and then push it back in, hell, he would even do that thing where a guy puts his coat on a puddle so the lady could walk through it even though she's fully capable of walking around it
Takes so many pics of you and him at places, and has a particular folder on his phone with pictures of you guys
When it's family game night or movie night, he always invites you, you are practically a part of the family so why not? (The others don't mind)
It's so common to find you in the lair with how much you go down there on a daily basis
Yall have to do lovely dovey things in a private area cause of his brothers (mostly Leo, his bitchass) constantly changing the mood
Likes it when you watch him workout, it motivates him so much, sometimes he uses you as a weight
Loves to give you piggyback rides for some reason
He likes pickles, LISTEN LISTEN, if you don't like pickles in your burger you'll pick them out and give it to him cause you know he loves em (THE OLIVE THEORY ♡)
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I GOT SOO MUCH MORE BECAUSE OF HOW MUCH I LOBE HIM BUT ILL KEEP IT INSIDE, FOR NOW, CAUSE ITS 5:08 AM RN 💀 sorry for being dead for 5 months, AGIAN, but imma be back on my grind now 🙏🏾 and I'll try to complete all of my 15 drafts 😓 and if you see any grammar mistakes, no you didn't.
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orionsangel86 · 4 months
Who do you think is better suited for dating Morpheus: Johanna or Hob?
Lol controversial ask! Jokes. I am guessing this came off the back of my response to the Calliope post the other week where I mentioned that I am loosely a Dreamling shipper but lean more towards Morphanna currently. I guess I need to specify that it very much depends on my mood because I am a Sandman multishipper at heart but feel different ships serve different purposes regarding Dream. I struggle to stretch them beyond the purposes I have set aside for them. Also it's Dreamling week and so one look at my blog would definitely give the assumption that I am a huge Dreamling shipper but that isn't actually the case. What I am is a Morpheus stan and everything else is peripheral to my focus on him and his story.
But sure lets dig into this. Honest answer? Neither because Morpheus is terrible and his track record alone is enough proof that he should never date anyone ever.
If we want to be sticklers for comic canon here, neither is suited because there are particular blockers in place for both ships.
For Morphanna the blocker is the rule that states that an Endless can not love a mortal. We have the Nada situation to show us what happens when they do. (Sun gets big mad and throws fireballs at the Earth)
For Dreamling the blocker is less carved into stone but its still gonna be a biggy for certain readers/audiences, being that Morpheus is not gay/bi/pan/queer whatever you wanna call him. For all intents and purposes in comic canon he's as straight as a ruler. However whilst we only ever see Morpheus's lovers as powerful, confident, beautiful female presenting immortal beings, we can throw in the tried and true argument we can apply to all of Neil Gaiman's non human beings which is that since he is not a human cis male, he technically can't be straight and since he has multiple forms and is as old as the universe itself, attraction is probably a very different thing to Morpheus than it is to any of us. It's entirely plausible that he could fall in love with a man shaped being (I actually have a meta in progress about Morpheus' potential queerness - sure it may ruffle some feathers but since I do this for fun and not to please anyone but myself I don't give a damn and will post it one day).
Anyway, that said the show could easily do away with both these blockers. We haven't had Nada's tale yet so whats to say the Endless are forbidden from loving mortals in the show universe? Nothing. The show could also easily confirm Dream has had past male presenting lovers (my money would be on Oberon in a threeway situation with Titania - or Pharamond if he shows up.)
So putting those elements aside, who is better suited to Morpheus?
In Johanna's corner we have the following;
She generally fits the archetype of past lovers and therefore could be considered Morpheus's "type" - beautiful, confident, argumentative, not phased by his status, not submissive to him, puts him in his place (listen we all know Morpheus has a submissive kink its practically carved into comic text lol).
Well versed with his "world" and supernatural creatures and can hold her own against them - being a Constantine has its benefits.
She cares - underneath her tough exterior its clear she has a good heart. She was able to bring him down to Earth, to give a human perspective that he needed at that point.
Flawed characters - Johanna considers herself a bad person and compares herself to Roderick Burgess. But Dream is quick to dismiss this. The truth is that Johanna may be messy and a bit of a disaster, but she is very selfless and good at her core. This could be a good thing as it could help Dream to see the good in humanity that he has been missing. Its clear she already helped with this in the show, but going forward, a relationship between them could help even further accelerate his change and make him a better being.
She encouraged the development of his relationship with Matthew. Something else he needed which she saw before he did. Basically she's smart enough to figure out what he needs, and when to press the issue or not. (she dropped the topic of his imprisonment as soon as he deflected to her photo).
She understands heartbreak and messy relationships - I think Johanna would be well suited to Morpheus because she is just as broken as he is, with almost as messy a relationship history. They have common ground there.
"It never ends well does it?" "What? Love?" She's realistic about relationships, which Morpheus - being Dream - needs. She can ground him, at least for a little while.
Johanna is also a powerful ally to have on side, it makes for excellent storytelling to bring her into the narrative regarding Lucifer and the stories revolving around Hell. She's competent, highly skilled, and I think he finds her impressive.
For Hob consider the following:
Friends first - for someone with such a terrible track record of past lovers, finding love in a friend is something Morpheus doesn't appear to have tried before, and this could be exactly what he needs. Dream and Hob have a shared history over 6 centuries, and those are strong foundations to build a relationship on, especially since they've already basically been through the big break up fight and heartbreak and are already in the rekindling phase.
Stories for the storyteller - the beauty of Hob's role is that he is Dream's respite from his world. The visits with Hob are the one time the Prince of Stories gets to sit and listen to stories himself. There must be peace in that, and we all know Dream desperately seeks peace.
Blind Devotion - Hob is patient, and he will wait for Dream. One thing that I think a lot of Morpheus's past lovers had in common is that they struggled to stick out the periods of time when he would throw himself into his work and basically forget about them. The relationships fizzled out after the honeymoon phase because Dream couldn't sustain that, even though once you have his love you have it forever. With Hob that wouldn't be an issue. He is the man who waited. Who never gave up hope that Dream would return even after he was stood up, and when he did return, Hob smiled and joked. It was all okay. Morpheus needs a relationship with that level of chill.
Flawed characters - Unlike Johanna, I think its safe to say that Hob is a very flawed character. He is selfish, greedy, self centered and ignorant to a lot of what takes place around him. Whilst he does grow and improve over time, his flaws are still a huge part of his character. Morpheus is also very far from perfect and it is this that makes them so well suited. There is almost an equal footing there. Hob could potentially see Morpheus's POV when it comes to the grander schemes, but at the same time, it is clear from their journey together in the show that they have a tendency to make each other better.
Grieving fathers - now this is an important one and its something I feel the comic failed to see the potential of. A huge part of the Sandman story is Morpheus struggling to come to terms with his grief over his son. Grief is a central theme. Of all the characters in the comic who Morpheus comes to meet, Hob is one of maybe two that share that experience - being a father whose son died too soon. I think the other character in comic who suffers this same grief is Shakespeare, which is an interesting parallel and one worth exploring. The show adds Roderick Burgess into the equation - making a fathers grief for his dead son the trigger for Dream's own imprisonment. The show emphasises the theme of grief far beyond the comic, which is definitely worth further exploration in a separate meta. The point is that Hob sits in this very small circle of characters who have shared Dream's experience. Hob is therefore in a prime position to help Dream where they can grow and learn to heal together.
Whilst he doesn't fit the archetype for Dream's past lovers, the differences Hob provides could prove to be just what Dream needs. He is still a handsome man (and God knows Dream gave him bedroom eyes in 1789) and he still ticks certain boxes regarding dominance, confidence, and an ability to hold his own in a fight. "You need not have come to my defence" suuuuure Dream but you did enjoy it nevertheless! Therefore attraction isn't an issue.
Both Johanna and Hob tick certain boxes to meet the requirements for "love interest" and could easily be positioned that way for Dream. When I really dig down into it I think it depends on what fans are looking for in a Dream ship as to which character is best suited.
I love Morphanna for how messy it is. Yes, Johanna cares and has a good moral centre, but placing her into a certain role within the bounds of the canon story could actually be bad for Dream going forward. I see it as a dramatic relationship. It would be passionate, fiery, dramatic, chaotic, and will end in heartbreak.
I say this because ultimately Johanna doesn't do commitment. This is a clearly defined character trait in the show. Commitment is something she struggles with. Whereas Morpheus is all about commitment. He doesn't appear to do anything BUT commit to people and comes on extremely strong. I love exploring this dynamic between them. I think it would work brilliantly as a canon ship and I am still resolutely behind the idea that Johanna should replace Thessaly in canon and be the trigger for the rainsoaked Dreaming and the Brief Lives disaster trip.
So whilst I 100% ship Morphanna, I think I only ship it on a temporary basis. I struggle to imagine a future where they can have a happy ending and be together long term. Instead I see an ending where after all is said and done, Johanna stands and tells her story at the Wake, and mourns the creature she loved, and has to go on struggling to understand her role in his downfall. If we are seeking an alternative ending where Morpheus lives, I still struggle to see him settling down with Johanna as she is a mortal and I cannot imagine her ever choosing immortality or giving up her job as someone who saves people from the supernatural. She will never be Morpheus's queen. It just doesn't suit her character.
When it comes to Hob, as much as it sometimes irks me to admit it, he is very well suited for Morpheus even in an endgame/alternative happy ending way. Foundations based in centuries of growing friendship, his patience and ability to wait for Morpheus to get his head out of his ass, his being unphased at practically all the weirdness and oddities that Dream's world brings with it. The fact is, Hob is Dream's best friend. This is something that Dream needs so much more than a lover. Not only that but he is a friend who has shared history, shared grief, shared pain, blind devotion, and he is immortal. Hob will stay by Dream's side forever if he has the chance. So long as he still gets to live. Whether you see it as purely platonic, queer platonic, non sexual romantic, or fully romantic and sexual, they are in it for the long term.
Whereas Morphanna for me is a quick burning fiery passionate love affair that ends in tears and A LOT of rain, Dreamling is a very slow burn. I struggle with canon based fics that have them falling into bed shortly after the 2022 reunion because it feels out of character to me. If Dreamling were to happen, it would need to take practically the entire comic run story to get to that point. Hob's devotion to Dream is clear, but his awareness of its romantic potential is not yet there. I always return to Hob's dream in Sunday Mourning when I think of Dreamling, because for me, that is where a relationship between them would actually start, rather than end. Because I think it would take a huge event like Morpheus's actual death for them to pull their heads out of their asses and get together. Because you see even with all the arguments and debates and highly emotional opinions thrown around, I still feel deep down like Sunday Mourning is telling us that Morpheus escaped. He got out the narrative and is free from his cage, and now he's set for his own adventure off in the stars. The only person I can realistically imagine him taking with him is Hob Gadling.
At the end of the day these are my opinions. I want canon Morphanna, I just want it to end with a horrible messy break up because I want that drama. I am unsure if I want Dreamling in canon, but I do hope that if the show ends similarly to the comic, that we will get those scenes in Sunday Mourning and have them be extremely emotionally charged - if ever there is a Dreamling love confession, that is where it belongs. I can only really analyse my opinions on these ships based on canon but I am aware that fandom is a big sandbox and people can do what they want always with these characters. Please don't ever let my opinions deter you from shipping them to your hearts content in any way you feel like.
So I guess the TL:DR is that they are both suited in different ways. Morphanna is a mid story passionate love affair that I adore and want to end in disaster. Dreamling is an endgame slow burn friends to lovers that has the potential to go long term.
I love them both for their specific purposes, believe they both are suited for those purposes, but never the other way around. I hope this satisfies your question! :)
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sage-nebula · 5 months
💫✨ people I’d like to get to know better ✨💫
thanks for the tag @caffernnn !!
last song i listened to: So I'm actually going to plug three songs that I've been absolutely obsessed with over the past weekend and have been listening on repeat as a result, all by the same artist -- Lydia the Bard, over on YouTube.
Lydia makes villain songs for the Disney princesses (among other Disney female characters). Her first handful were just lower pitched versions of their songs (or songs from their movies), but as she progressed she started changing lyrics, and now she's really grown and is making the songs more and more unique, culminating in finally creating a wholly unique villain song for Tinkerbell, which just came out and is my favorite.
"Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall" recontextualizes Tinkerbell's animosity toward Wendy. In this version, Tinkerbell and the other fairies of Pixie Hollow brought Peter Pan and the other Lost Boys there because, due to the nature of fairies' existence depending on humans believing in them, fairies were dying all around them as humans grew up and stopped believing. So the only way to secure their own lives was to make sure their humans never grew up. But Wendy threatens that by making Peter and the others long for human lives. Therefore, Tinkerbell sees her as a threat who must be taken out to save her own and her friends' lives. Not only does this song make Tinkerbell a far more compelling character, but the vocal performance is stunning, and the animatic that goes with it is amazing as well. Literally obsessed.
The other two I'm obsessed with are Meg's (where Hercules betrayed her as well & she kills Hades & takes his power) and Isabela's (where Mirabel doesn't get to her in time, and her resentment over the arranged marriage drives her to snap). Meg's is a bop and has a killer line in "In time they'll say I was cruel 'cause I cared", and I'm sorely tempted to use her final look at the end of the animatic as my Halloween costume this year. Meanwhile, Isabela's is also killer musically of course, and has equally fire lines like, "What could you possibly expect was gonna happen when you made me? / Tend to a plant with poison and expect a flower, are you crazy?" They're both just so good.
favorite color: Purple! Specifically cool shades, and especially cool shades that are more pastel, mixed with grey. I also like blues and greens that are faded like that, too.
currently watching: A little while ago I had started rewatching Sabrina the Teenage Witch since I hadn't watched it since middle school, but once I got to season four it got . . . bad . . . and it has continued to be bad . . . so I've kind of stopped watching lmao. I've lately been rewatching Jenny Nicholson's videos, but I finished that, so now I've gone back to rewatching Jenna Marbles videos. Oh, and I really love this series on YouTube called Bistro Huddy! It's hilarious, and Drew (the guy who portrays all the characters) is fantastic, he really melts into the roles so you almost forget it's one guy doing all of them. Highly recommend checking it out.
spicy/savory/sweet: Honestly depends on my mood, but I do have a strong sweet tooth, so honestly it's hard to go wrong by offering me ice cream or a cookie or something similar.
relationship status: Currently dating the lovely @skimmingthesurfaces 💜 She's actually going to be here this weekend for my birthday! (My birthday is on Tuesday, so I'm very blessed to have her with me for the whole weekend.)
current obsession(s): Aside from the songs mentioned above, I've been really thinking about one OC in particular of mine, and her story / novel . . . she's a character that I first created when I was about 13 or so, and has gone through a lot of development since then, but I've been fleshing out a lot more of her story and how she fits into this new original world I've created (since she was originally created for a Legend of Zelda role play, albeit even back then she came from a country outside of Hyrule). I really love and cherish her a lot, even though most other characters think she fulfills the "girl who is stupid" role in the adventuring party, and on some level she also believes this about herself, and to be fair she's not academically gifted at all, but to be even more fair the school and in fact overall society she was raised in was extraordinarily fucked up and no one actually tried to teach her in a way that would help her learn and in fact learning disabilities were seen as personal failings and --
Ahem. Anyway. I have long since described her as "pure of heart, dumb of ass," and in many ways she is, but for the second half, she's not in the way most everyone around her growing up assumed she was (including herself), or like, even if she is it wasn't 100% her fault (like yeah she slept in class and that was on her, but also she wasn't going to learn whether she was awake or not because her teachers were not going to be able to teach her the material because it was a One Size Fits All approach to teaching even when it really wasn't -- and that's only scratching the surface of the problems in her school / culture, it's a huge systemic thing). But yeah I've just been thinking about her a lot. Karin's my girl and I love her lots.
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omegalomania · 2 years
i keep trying and failing to articulate what heartbreak feels so good feels like. but i guess the best way the say it is that the lyricism feels, to me, like a discussion of catharsis through the act of creation. and it sounds SO happy but it genuinely feels a bit sad to me? it might just be me. i swear to god i know i was just like "i dont really do lyrical analysis so much except in little snippets" but this song has me so intrigued and i have no idea if anyone else got those kinds of vibes from this.
but basically. right from the start, we have hope mixed with cynicism. the first line of the first verse is a compelling, optimistic hook: it's about how the future is up for grabs, and you have the power to shape it. and the second line adds in, no matter what they sell you, followed by that reference to the 2022 jordan peele film, "nope." i have not seen this film (yet) so i could not expand on the themes of it, but i did rb a really good analysis of that particular line there and i thought that was super compelling, especially given my read on the rest of the song. one thing that the analysis there says that REALLY got my brain going was how the movie nope comments on how the "bad miracle" is the spectacle of the complacency in watching something self-destruct. and op phrased it better than i did, but it's VERY applicable to the way fall out boy's whole legacy was shaped - through the commodification of the band, and of course primarily of pete, and the deification/demonization of his pain, his intimate details, the invasions of his privacy.
given what the rest of the song says, i thought that was super super applicable, especially paired with the prefix of no matter what they sell you. commodification is already a theme here.
nobody said the road was endless, followed by could we please pretend this won't end?
the road will end. you will eventually overcome that hardship. but crucially, the song doesn't want to overcome hardship. it wants the hardship to never end. it wants it to always be there.
and of course the line between those two - no one said the climb was friendless - because they've always been a band of brothers. they've always climbed this road together. again, that little kernel of hope sandwiched between those subtly saddening implications. nobody said the road was endless - and the road is not a good thing, as the prechorus will indicate to us. the fact that they're not alone is the only consolation they have in this.
It was an uphill battle but they didn’t know we were gonna use the roads as a ramp to take off
naturally, there's commentary on determination and persistence in the face of overwhelming adversity. but i love the way it's not just "we push through despite all that" it's "we succeed BECAUSE of that" - the roads are ramps! you take your pain and turn it into something that will launch you into the fucking stratosphere! but rather critically, you don't get anywhere without the uphill climb. a flat road is just a road. it's only with a steep incline that you can actually use your momentum to head skyward.
and that's the point, isn't it? heartbreak feels so good - not because it actually, legitimately feels good, but because it's only through heartbreak that you can make something profitable. heartbreak feels good because if you are broken, if you are not fixable, you can guarantee that you will remain a fixture in the industry. your pain is compelling. the second verse really cements that for me.
we said we'd never grow up It’s open season on blue moods
because obviously everyone writes about heartbreak. again, blue moods are big themes in music. if you're heartbroken, then as far as the world is concerned you're producing good art. likewise with the idea of "never growing up," since well especially with fob and the way they've been perceived, there's a general preconception that they're at their "best" when they've been kind of frozen in a state where they don't get to grow, change, or learn. if you're at your most prolific creatively at your saddest, then maybe the fans, the world, the industry likes you better like that. never growing up. never getting better.
taking a look back at the chorus, there's the whole interplay of crying and dancing, and that is what really makes my brain go brrrrr
We could cry a little Cry a lot But don’t stop dancing Don’t dare stop
the "don't stop dancing" part reminds me a bit of the song of the same name from bojack horseman. and if you're unfamiliar with bojack horseman, the cliff notes summary is that it's about a washed-up actor who was on a famous 90s sitcom and all the ways he is fucked up and hurts himself and hurts the people around him and how he struggles through it. it is RIFE with commentary on celebrity culture and it's an excellent show but also a genuinely hard watch. it is a show that i know that pete is at the very least familiar with, and thematically i can see why it would interest him.
anyway, the song "don't stop dancing" is sung twice in the show. the first time is while bojack is having a tremendous mental breakdown and he hallucinates/dreams his co-star singing to him so she can mock his self-pity and comment on the inherent absurdity of celebrity culture - the line that stands out for me here is why not sell your sadness as a brand? the second time, it is sung by a mental construct of his former co-star (who died an unnecessary, tragic death for which bojack was directly responsible) while bojack is drowning in a pool. the reprise is about the inevitability of death and what your legacy leaves behind - because bojack is dying in that moment, and the character singing the song here is dead and her death has cast a permanent shadow over the entire remainder of the show.
all this is to say that the "don't stop dancing, don't dare stop" bit feels genuinely kind of...like it sounds joyous, it's delivered as such, but it's also got that darker undercurrent to it? the thing is that the heartbreak is inevitable - the whole song is about how heartbreak is inevitable and it is gonna happen anyway. and you can cry all you fucking want about it, but you are not allowed to stop dancing. you are not allowed to stop turning your pain into art. because your pain is the most profitable thing about you.
We’ll cry later or cry now You know it’s heartbreak
cry later, cry now. cry a little, cry a lot. it doesn't matter when or how much you fucking cry about it as long as you keep dancing - keep creating. keep making something, making your fucking pain and misery and heartbreak worth it. because that is what the people love. that is what the people want to see. that is what sells records.
heartbreak feels so good precisely because it means you can make something out of it.
but then, that last bit of the chorus...oh. oh, my heart.
We could dance our tears away Emancipate ourselves
that last line. emancipate ourselves. i am reasonably confident that this is a direct reference to "redemption song" by bob marley. pete is familiar with marley's body of work and the phrasing is too specific, too deliberate. that line in "redemption song," emancipate ourselves from mental slavery, is in and of itself a reference to a speech made by marcus gavey, a jamaican activist. and there is legitimately so much in that alone. the fact that both the song and the speech are about slavery. the fact that marley wrote this song in '79 while he was already dying of cancer, and confronting his own mortality through his art. i wish i could articulate all that there is in that but i don't think i'm the right person to. but the fact that the chorus ends on that note, punctuating it with one last refrain of we'll cry later or cry now / but baby, heartbreak feels so good, that is what makes the song for me. that's what gives it that little zing. that's what elevates it to something much more hopeful. because again, the song sounds happy but says some pretty saddening/harrowing stuff. but the parting note is on that. emancipate ourselves.
"We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery because whilst others might free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind."
and to have that happen in conjunction with "we could dance our tears away" is like.......you can survive free of whatever pain might plague your legacy - in more ways than one. we could dance our tears away - because while we are required to never stop dancing, never stop creating, it still helps, doesn't it, to make something beautiful from all that has hurt you? and there will always be people who want package that, sell it, make it into something that can be bought and advertised. but you can make yourself free of that, if you have the inclination. and i think the upbeat nature of the song is what supports that. it sounds jubilant but it also sounds...free. for all the ways that you might be weighed down by the onlookers, the people who want to profit off your pain, the people who prefer you broken, your ability to find catharsis and freedom through your craft is yours, and yours alone. and despite everything else, you can still find a release in that.
thats what gets me about this one. i cant stop rotating this song in my head and thats all
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pe0ple3ater · 7 months
OK I've had a full hour and a half driving to think about this so I have a whole etoiles/bad/cellbit au to present to you now 🖤 but before I begin: RAHHHHH Cellbit angst my absolute beloved thank you PeopleEater you're so right and based and roier would 100% beg cell to eat him omnomnom
Now without further ado:
This is gonna come in 2 parts and I'm gonna start with Etoiles because goddamn that man is WOOF. Etoiles in clerical clothing BARK he is so fine he would look so good in that sexy little priest outfit.
They probably didn't have anything properly his size because how many priests are absolutely jacked? (mmm thinking abt fit too) So it's a little small. So his shoulders and chest stretch the fabric and his thighs and ass in the slacks are enough to distract many parishioners from the word of the lord. Maybe a few of them even come to confession to talk about it. Whether he knows that they're talking about him who knows
He'd be really good at it too, I mean, that man is so sweet and honorable and bright, he's like the golden boy of the church, everyone's favorite priest for his sermons alone. Of course he gets up to some nasty debauchery behind the scenes. (Im still thinking about that one fooletoiles size kink ask and imagining Foolish meeting him in a back room between services to fuck between his thighs still in his pants and turn the confident, holy man into a begging mess to have Foolish inside him. Etoiles gets upset with him afterward because now he has to change)
Cellbit is the newer, priest. Etoiles knows he has some issues, he just doesn't know what and he doesn't make it his business. What matters is that Cellbit is doing well and working to become a good man. Etoiles thinks he already is, Cellbit just has a hard time believing him. Etoiles is teaching him exorcism
Then one day Cellbit comes to him shaking and on the verge of tears and asks him to come to the confessional. He looks really good like that, but Etoiles is good at ignoring such unholy thoughts...Until Cellbit tells him what happened and he gets to prescribe some...particular acts of penance
Etoiles stays in the confessional for a while after Cellbit leaves. It's late, there weren't even services today, but he's expecting someone. And sure enough, though he can barely see it through the small holes in the booth wall, the door to the next chamber opens. He can't see who or what entered, but the scent of blood and ash follows after it, something Etoiles didn't expect to find so alluring. "Greetings Father."
The voice is sweet, high and thick with amusement. Etoiles isn't in the mood for a demon's play, he's fucking upset. He skips the pleasantries. 
"You turned that poor man into a monster," he hissed. 
"He already was a monster." A pause. "You don't seem to be all that offended, are you father?"
The demon plays tricks, they get in your mind. "You dragged him from the faith!"
"I didn't make him do anything. He did it all on his own."  He could practically hear the smile on the creature's face and it made him sick.
"You know," the demon offered. "I could help you too."
"What are you talking about?"
"I can see the truth in you. You liked hearing what Cellbit did. You've tasted blood before and you want more."
Etoiles froze. The confession felt like it had been ripped from his very mouth, yet he hadn't said a word. 
No. "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." Etoiles took a deep breath in, letting the demon's temptation roll off his shoulders (even if the idea of watching cellbit tear into someone, covered in viscera was enough to start making him hard).
"You ought to burn for what you've done."
The demon tsked. "You're no fun. What are you gonna do? Exorcise me?" Then in a flash, before Etoiles could respond, the world warped. Suddenly he was no longer alone in his side of the booth, but with a pitch skinned, grinning demon perched on his lap. A very pretty demon, wearing nothing but a wine red dress, archstar criscrossed over its bare chest and skirt slit high up over its hips. "Or are you gonna make me repent like you did with your student?"
The demon's tail swishes behind it, and he looked for all the world like the cat who got the cream. Without thinking, Etoiles grabbed the tail and yanked. 
The demon lets out a high gasp that goes directly to his dick. It hadn't seemed to notice, but one clawed hand had shot out to grip his shoulder. Etoiles barely flinched. Instead, he pries it off with his other hand and dropping the tail, picks the demon up to slam it against the wall. Etoiles rolls his hips into the demon's making him whine. "You don't deserve to repent," he mutters, still grinding, nails digging into the demon's exposed flesh. "But I'll fuck you so hard you'll never go near my student again."
"Wh- Language!" For a moment he has to stop. You've got to be kidding.
He doesn't say anything. Instead, he rolls his eyes and drops Bad to a heap on the floor, grabbing one of his horns and shoving his cock in its mouth before they complain. 
Anyway--this definitely wont be the last time they see each other. Etoiles fucks bad's throat against the wall then makes Bad grind on his thigh until he cums, clawing at his back making the priest hiss with delight. Bad begs Etoiles to choke him and he takes his crucifix to burn into the hollow of Bad's throat like a brand as he does. Etoiles also definitely gets Bad a collar with a chain for him to hold short and tight when he fucks Bad ruthlessly over the altar
Bad definitely has a pussy and a dick in this and Etoiles makes good use of everything. I have a lot of demon Bad fucking thoughts. He/it/they Bad is my everything, also.
I have limited time so the cellbit part will come tomorrow but I might make this properly longer and into a fic we'll see
--Sin Anon
"Etoiles in clerical clothing BARK he is so fine he would look so good in that sexy little priest outfit." I have a Thing for priests so I was SO EXCITED to read this. You did not disappoint AT ALL
"So his shoulders and chest stretch the fabric and his thighs and ass in the slacks are enough to distract many parishioners from the word of the lord. Maybe a few of them even come to confession to talk about it. Whether he knows that they're talking about him who knows" First of all, Etoiles in tight black slacks made me dizzy to think about. Poor guy is constantly dealing with leering, hungry eyes and he doesn't even know.
"..imagining Foolish meeting him in a back room between services to fuck between his thighs still in his pants" HEY HEYUM YEAH. Yes Foolish fucking his thighs, yes please. Making a pretty mess of his clothes and laughing at Etoiles frustrated little whines when he realizes he has to change. hah yeah.
"He looks really good like that" YEAH HE DOES, yes Cellbit with big wet eyes all sniffly and needy ngh..yeah I feel normal about it. I'm normal.
"(even if the idea of watching cellbit tear into someone, covered in viscera was enough to start making him hard)." yeah we're the same btw, Etoiles being a good man of faith and yet no one can deny how pretty Cellbit would look covered in blood!
"..grabbing one of his horns and shoving his cock in its mouth before they complain." YEAH GRAB HIM BY THE HORNS. PLEASE. Bbh having horns that people grab to fuck his mouth is everything to me. It's what he deserves!
"Bad begs Etoiles to choke him and he takes his crucifix to burn into the hollow of Bad's throat like a brand as he does." HOT, a brand from a man of the lord. Etoiles is doing gods work, purifying this demon from the inside out! He can't be blamed for it, it's the only way to get to the demon.
Sin anon..please make this into a full fic and drop it in my inbox I love it very very much. Hell, I'll even edit for you
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
TURNABOUTS FAIR PLAY what are your top five horror movies??
Aaahhh, I've been uno reversed~. Touché, darling!
The last three are in no particular order and they're all trilogies I'm counting as a set. Second place is usually subject to change at any given point in time, it just fluctuates depending on my mood.
1: Candyman (1992) - Not just my favorite horror movie, but my favorite movie of all time, period. Taking the mythology from "The Forbidden" and turning it into the story that they did? The shots, the symbolism, the casting, the sheer power of how seductive the relationship is between Helen and Candyman, the tragedy. Truly a movie for all disaster bi's out there. Helen's story and the way it's handled! This movie gave me such a triumph out of tragedy, and it's so beautiful. It holds up brilliantly, it's high art, it's everything. The 2021 sequel was also excellent.
2: Malignant (2021) - Absolutely bonkers in the fucking yonkers. This movie was made for fun and that one specific fight sequence in the police station. It's wild, it's not taking itself seriously, and yet it's fascinating to analyze and comb through. Periodically I just get hit with the need to reassess and think about elements of this movie. Maybe one day I'll get back to that fic trilogy I had planned for it. An excuse to pour my analysis into a written narrative? Perhaps...
3: Hellraiser original trilogy (1987-1992) - Is that the religious trauma talking? Maybe a little. These movies grabbed me by the throat. The first was a near-perfect adaptation of "The Hellbound Heart" and an interesting look at Clive Barker doing directorial work. I actually adore the second one to pieces. It dives beautifully into its own mythology, into revenge, into the horror of medical malpractice as well as the body horror and sexuality. Kirsty Cotton is, imo, perhaps the Final Girl of all time. I also appreciate Tiffany, she's a very good example of a positive neurodivergent deuteragonist in that movie. The third one is...WOOF~. In all seriousness though, I'd always been curious about the films since childhood (the posters and box art of the Hell Priest and the other Cenobites used to grab my attention whenever we went to the video store, Mom used to have to come find me and pull me away from "my staredowns with Pinhead") but I'd been anxious for so long to try them because I hadn't had much exposure to body horror in films. Finally gave them a shot, went "oh, huh, this isn't that bad," and then got sucked in by the movies' approach to the topics they tackle.
4: Scream original trilogy (1996-2000) - My gateway to horror, as I saw the first one when I was seven. My uncles were babysitting me and they never really worried about whatever I saw them watching. They've stuck with me my entire life and honestly they're just so damn fun. The writing is solid and while 2 and 3 have their flaws, I'll defend them to the death, they're still fun and they still work well. Sidney Prescott was my first Final Girl and she'll always hold a special place in my heart.
5: The Shining 3-part TV film (1997) - it's the superior adaptation. Full stop. Kubrick's adaptation has some gorgeous camera work, a few memorable tracks in its score and some iconic lines but it's so lacking. It misses the true heart and strength and point of the story because Kubrick went and did his own thing. The 90s made-for-tv adaptation is brilliant. It has its weak points and there's a few things that visually aged in a clunky way, but the heart is there. The catharsis and the hope is there. It moved me to tears and it gave me everything I could have asked for and more.
Fear Street trilogy (2021) - They were fun, a lot of fun, and for someone who's never been a fan of R.L. Stine, these were still easy to enjoy. I heard about the trilogy being released and it felt like the kind of thing I remembered from childhood as far as gimmicky releases went, so each weekend, I dove onto the couch and watched them drop on Netflix one by one. I still have a lot of issues and complaints with them, dgmw, but they're a solid summer watch, they really played around with popular subgenres and I think Janiak and her cast and crew did well. One day I'll get back to my fics for this trilogy too. Justice for my girl Ruby Lane.
Us (2019) - ngl this one sat in my brain for weeks afterwards. I need to rewatch it, it's such a good psychological horror.
Urban Legend (1998) - I have a fuckoff weird relationship with this movie. Like, that deserves its own post, probably. But because I have such a weird relationship with it, I felt the need to give it an honorable mention.
Halloween (2018) - I'm here for senior citizen final girl Grandma Laurie Strode kicking ass, I love seeing a survivor reach that age and still be willing to do what it takes to survive and protect those she loves.
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) - this is a weird one because I wouldn't say I enjoy watching it like most other movies. But it's a really interesting study piece, especially the more I read nonfiction books that go into depth and detail about the film and the time period it's contemporary to. I don't watch this movie for fun, I watch it to study, to analyze, to self-inform and to then improve my ability to apply those skills to other horror movies I watch.
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dojae-huh · 9 months
I'm going to write a sad and serious post, so if you are still in the mood to celebrate NY, please skip it and read later.
Doyoung looked happy during the end of year concert, so, touch wood, he wasn't too affected by the MC scandal. I hope he learnt how to withstand and wait out personal attacks by now. He has been an idol for a long time, and had many a trouble.
I was a bit surprised that only 3 people unsubscribed from me in the past days. Either few subscribers read me regularly, or I successfully weed out the weak ones (I have a high subscribe/unsubscribe rate).
I'm not very eloquent with my words. I often come off too harsh and don't deliver my point of view well. I'm coming back to the topic of online virtue-signalling, "do good" pressure, witch-hunting of idols as I need to clarify a few points.
On the first glance it might seem like I'm behaving like a fan who protects one's bias. Actually, I would defend any idol who is accused of things he/she didn't do/that weren't proven. My opposition is to the mob, to the cancelling culture, to the people who use nice pretext to be awful humans. Their power is strong, they crush not only celebreties, but grind in the mix other fans as well. And I want more people to learn how to withstand this type of bullying into complience with the mob's POV.
The masses are often wrong. And a minority often looks like it represents the opinion of the majority, when in reality media and socmed algorythms just favour loud confrontational people and people who earn being "spokepersons". You don't have to pick a side if you don't want to. You don't need and you actually can't have an opinion on every subject. You can and should hear out people you disagree with or who has bad sides to them (like being a homophobe). A person possessing a bad character or view still stays a source of information you can learn from.
You will be pressured by "well-meaning" people into action "for the cause". Not just pressured - bullied. You won't be given a chance to question the cause, its revelance to you, whether there is a point to it, will the associated campaign bring any positive change really. Swear words, accusations of lacking morale, empathy, threats of being cancelled would be thrown at you if you won't comply. So the task is to learn to see through the wall of trigger words and mass histeria, to be able to ask questions and think and decide for oneself.
I didn't follow the Korean fans vs Indonesian fans fanwar. I don't know the specifics. Still, I can comment on absurdity of (some) Indonesians cancelling a Korean idol over a fastfood brand boycott that has little to do with their country. Indoneasia has an ongoing conflict of their own. Papua wants to become independent and is not allowed to. Killing or rebels - check. Denial of self-identification - check. Indonesians from other islands, other ethnicities, coming to the land and using its resources, starting to live there - check (Indonesia populates Papua with other peoples deliberetely, selling of mining and logging rights to foreign companies is rampant). When I went to YT to look for a video on the conflict, I came across the fact that Indonesia has a migrant issue as well. Rohingya refugees, a muslim minority fleeing Myanmar.
It is the truth that athrocities and injustice happen all over the world at the same time. And not only man-made conflicts. Poverty, ilnesses, nature destruction. People suffer and die constantly. People following online mobs that get into a frenzie after media shines light on a particular issue and bully everyone to do the same are hypocritical. The world is big, people in one part of the world deserve peace and to be preoccupied with their mandane lives, celebrate, even if something bad happens in another part of the world.
When Russia-Ukrainian war started I followed it closely. I listened to commentators from both sides and I was watching the videos from the battleground with burnt corpses in tanks, Ukranian drones releasing explosives on the heads of Russian soldiers, child graves dug on playgrounds, leveled to the ground cities (before and after airial photos), as well as humanitarian and volunteer campaigns, etc. I also read comments and observed the wave of hate Russians were getting online from "well-meaning" people. I was stripped off of the ability to use credit cards abroad, ability to enter several European countries, and other issues. It was a very unstable time when everyting changed every day, I was afraid to be locked in Russia like Soviet people were locked in USSR (it's a real concern among Russians, a new iron wall). Back then I constantly switched between reading about the war and writing silly stuff here on this blog. I didn't write about the war not only because I wanted a space to escape to, but also because it was a local problem. Yes, huge, and affecting the whole world (oil, gas, vegetable oil, wheat, more refugees, the disraption of the "peace" in Europe, etc), but still a conflict people in Indonesia, Thailand, India, South America and so on had the right to avert their eyes from.
Right before New Year Russia (nothing sacred for Putin) sent rockets to several large Ukranian cities. You can see Ukranian k-pop cover groups filming dance covers for YT and think that everyrhing has calmed down, that it's only soldiers who fight on the perifery. Well, no. And Ukraine also sent rockets into a Russian town. On both sides civillians died in the buildings during explosions.
Instead of a NY conglaturation, a political oppositioner on YT I watch released a video with information about a couple of people that died. Turned statistics into stories about individual human beings. You can watch it here, it has English subs. The author asked to forgive him for not being in a celebratory mood, so many commented how they too couldn't celebrate the holiday.
The attack angered me, but I didn't dwell on it. I personally did congratulate all my friends with positive words. And I celebrated. War or not war. I want to live. I want my friends to be successful next year despite actually not knowing their onlook on the conflict (I was hesitant to discuss with some). I don't want Putin and his desire to stay in power to ruin more lives than he already has and will continue to do. Certainly not mine. I have my lane, nature conservation. It is as important as other "fields to do good". And to have any positive impact on the world, firstly I need to stay sane and happy myself. And my friends need to stay sane because they will outlive the dictator and be the part of people who will push for democracy.
To sum it up. Don't fall to the mob's pressure on the internet and don't be quick to judge people, cancel them. Don't delegate thinking and decision making to others. Form your own informed opinions. And don't waste your time on trivial things. Fanwars online don't help anything and anyone. It's action in real life that matters. Even if all you do is being kind to your family and people around you, you still do more good than justice-warriers.
Be kind in 2024.
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transjarlaxle · 1 year
good evening kaine nation
saw my mutual @bg3 answer these questions for their ship and i am nothing if not a dirty little thief so
i too ignored a few questions, combined some others. anyway. no cuts. read it whores
What, specifically, was the catalyst for their physical attraction (if applicable) to the other character? In other words, what in particular had them like “Oh, they’re...hot...”
Kaine is physically attracted to Gale pretty much from the start. He's older, competent, and charming in an endearing sort of way - they want him so bad it kinda makes them look stupid. It's really solidified after some innocuous comment - read about it in kainefic pt2 ehe - that Gale makes while they're alone in camp, a compliment about how silver is a color that suits them. They’re about ready to go down on him right there I think it's similar for Gale, really. He's not stupid and he's not blind - and with the amount of unsubtle posturing that Kaine is doing in his vicinity at all times it would be ridiculous to say he doesn't notice them. The attraction is the simple part - they’re an attractive person, and they know how to play to their strengths. He realizes he wants them badly the first time they release enough magical power that he can feel it on his skin - he can’t differentiate between the electricity from their spell and the effect their physical vicinity has on him.
Does this change over time? What things do they find “hot” about their partner after they’ve been together for some time, and have had more time to, well, notice and appreciate?
I think over time Kaine’s appreciation for Gale’s hair really shows - there’s not any part of him they’re necessarily not attracted to, but his thick dark curls really grow on them especially~ and this goes double for his body hair ‼️
Idk that anything really changes over time for Gale but there are a few things I imagine him fixating on - Kaine’s eyes, how expressive they are, the way their pupils betray their mood; their scales, where they meet their skin on their hips and legs; their legs in general. So on and so forth
By contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? Not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh...I adore them...”
For Kaine, there’s a moment when they say something teasing to Gale, and he just frowns a little and explains why whatever ridiculous thing they said can’t be true, and Kaine just thinks, oh, I could be with him like this forever. 
For Gale, it’s a crack in Kaine’s mask - a quiet moment when they’re alone, or they think no one is watching, and there’s a genuine smile, a bad pun, or a deep sigh of exhaustion - Gale wants them to be themself around him. He’ll do whatever it takes to make them feel safe enough to do so. 
There’s a song on their playlist which goes “You’re bringing me around / something which I’ve never thought about / I hope you keep me around / something which I’ve never written about // I wanna see you dance with the lights on, I wanna watch you twirl around our room / wanna hear you laugh like nobody’s listening, wanna know everything there is to know about you” so. idk. that’s it. 
Does this change over time? What will always reliably make them melt with how much they adore the other character?
I think Kaine is just endlessly fond of how open Gale is, and how easily he can get them to put down their walls. He’s easy to be around. 
Gale discovers over time that Kaine is soft - they’re good with animals, and they love cheesy romance stories, and genuine displays of affection, and it’s all just for him. They constantly choose him.  
How do they react to the realization that they like the other character? Is it an “oh my god I’m never going to think about this again” thing, or are they pretty comfortable with it?
Kaine is determined right away to have him. They’re nervous, though - it’s more real than anything they’ve ever felt, and they’re not sure he feels the same way. It makes them hesitate. 
Gale probably pushes it away for a few days, at least - he has a lot of baggage, not least of which the bomb in his chest, and he doesn’t want to drag someone with so much potential into that sphere. But he’s not one to deny himself what he wants, so I think he gets over it pretty quickly. 
Do they (or would they) pursue the other character’s affection, and if so, how? Do they tell the other character how they feel? Try to earn their admiration? Woo them with romantic gestures? Flirt with them, skillfully or otherwise?
Kaine attempts daily to seduce Gale. Stretching and angling their body for him to see and bending down in front of him and making suggestive comments - and that’s part of why they’re so unsure that he reciprocates their feelings. Gale is autistic and experienced enough to remain composed in the face of what is truly a masterclass in flirtation, until the end of act one when he invites them to channel the Weave, and he truly sees their intentions, and he’s thrilled. 
What do they think about romantic love? Do they have baggage surrounding it? Do they idealize it? Is it an object of longing and wanting, or were they really not thinking about it until they started falling for the other character? What are their expectations like?
We don’t need my Gale thinkpiece on this topic so I’ll just say that for Kaine, they never put much stock in romantic love before - they’d had a few short flings, both in Valais and in the few years they’ve been traveling the Sword Coast, but they didn’t last, and quite frankly, they never mattered that much to them. Kaine doesn’t know what to expect, but they know that they’ve never wanted someone in their life so badly, and that they’ll do anything to make sure he stays. 
What do they think about commitment? Is a long-term partnership the goal? Are they thinking about building a life with their partner, or are they focused on the present?
Kaine is single-minded. Once they have what they want, they’re not going to let it go, and they’re not interested in looking elsewhere. I don’t know if they’re consciously thinking about “forever,” but they’re content with what they have. 
Gale expresses on multiple occasions a desire to bring his partner into his life, talks about how they’d be together at home… yeah. Yeah 
What scares them about entering a relationship?
Kaine is afraid that they won’t be enough - that Gale will one day realize they’re not what they’re supposed to be. Gale is afraid of failing them the way he (thinks he) failed Mystra. 
What fears, past traumas, etc. would be hardest for them to talk about with their partner?
Kaine struggles to talk about the emotional neglect they experienced growing up, mostly because they almost refuse to recognize it. Their parents love them and care for them, so much, everything they did was to protect them. That doesn’t change the fact that they grew up disconnected from their personhood and as such have an extremely warped view of what their existence means. It just takes a while to get to the bottom of it (and for them to quite literally die for a few minutes)
How much independence do they prefer in a relationship—do they want to share their lives as much as possible with their partner, or do they prefer to mostly do their own thing and let their partner do their own thing?
I think Gale is more independent than Kaine is. He’s well in his prime and spent over a year self-isolating before the events of the game - once they’re able to settle down again, he has no issue spending time alone, or allowing Kaine to, but Kaine is constantly asking him where he’s going, what his plans are, when he’s gonna be home, so on - not in a controlling way, just a nosy, possessive one. This is changed a lot when they go back to Valais because there’s less cause for them to actually be apart by then. 
What is their go-to for making a partner feel loved?
For Kaine, it’s attention. They love attention, so they give attention. Physical touch, soft-spoken words, leaving marks on Gale’s skin - they give him bruises and scratches and love bites that he’s going to feel later, so he can’t forget exactly how they feel about him. They listen to him speak, they ask him to help them with things, they humor his ideas - they make sure he knows they’re always there. 
Gale makes Kaine feel seen. They’re a simple creature - they need a compliment, to be told that they’re beautiful, that they’re powerful, that they’re the envy of the Realms, and Gale knows all the right words to use to turn their brain off immediately. 
What, for them, constitutes a level of intimacy that they would only rarely share with someone? This can be physical, emotional, etc.
Kaine has walls upon walls. They’re perfect, they’re poised, they know what to say and how to say it. They use the allure of their body as a defense mechanism, to avert attention from whatever manipulation they’re trying to achieve with their words. it takes a while, but eventually, they let their walls down, and when they let someone see them for who they are, their likes and thoughts and desires, it’s easy to see how much you really don’t know them unless they let you. 
If they had the ability to just spend free time with their partner, what would they do? Would they go out or stay inside?
Kaine is an extrovert they want to go on DATES they want to drag Gale to fancy events and be beautiful and untouchable and glittery. They want to explore the streets of their city with him and share their culture with him. They want to see everything there is to see by his side.
Gale, I think, needs a healthy balance. He pulls Kaine in a bit - I think he prefers to be at home, with them in the same room, reading to them or watching them sleep or listening to music together. 
Are they okay with public displays of affection? Do they like them?
It’s all very situational. Gale is a self-described gentleman, and likely has certain standards when it comes to public affection. Kaine grew up learning imperial etiquette, and can pretend not to even know someone if they need to. That said, they do like to hold onto him, to make sure everyone knows they’re his - when it’s safe, of course. Every once in a while Kaine gets a little handsy and Gale probably has to remind them to be normal, but they’re generally pretty cognizant of the situation. They’re also afforded a bit more freedom when they’re married in Valais - the imperators being married isn’t exactly a secret, even if their public affection at that point needs to be a bit more rehearsed. 
When would they say “I love you?” Do they say it first? Do they say it often, or is it reserved for special moments?
Gale says it first. Kaine struggles with saying it aloud, but they do, a few times, when they’re in a situation where they feel like it’s the only thing they can say. Gale says it often, even more so the longer they’re together, and I think Kaine eventually relaxes into it, but still only says it when they’re alone. 
If sex is something that would be part of a relationship for them, do both or either of them have prior experiences? If not, how do they feel about it?
They have about equal amounts of experience, I think, discounting Gale’s relationship with Mystra. Kaine had a bit of a hot girl summer(s) in the few years leading up to the events of the game, and I think they both know enough about themselves to communicate about it well. 
What does sex mean for them? Socially, religiously, what attitudes are they bringing with them? Is “virginity” something they care about? Do they want sexual experiences to occur within a certain “level” of relationship, or does that not really matter so much to them? How comfortable are they talking about, and openly communicating during, sex?
Combining these ones just to talk about their sex life at length ~ Kaine wants sex and they know exactly how, where, when, and how often, which is honestly fairly often. Gale is nothing if not determined, of course, but he definitely has a bit of a more chaste attitude when it comes to sex. Culturally, Kaine comes from a place that doesn’t put a lot of pressure on sex and sexuality, whereas Gale sees it as something important, a big step for their relationship. Kaine recognizes this and does everything they can to make him feel comfortable and understood, but it doesn’t stop them from unraveling him in every way they know how. 
One of Kaine’s favorite things is to tell Gale what they want to do to him, with him, for him - I think verbal communication is a major aspect of their sex life. Before, during, after, all of it. Gale loves for Kaine to tell him what to do, how to please them, to tell him he’s so good at it, and Kaine wants to hear exactly how they’re affecting him, so on and so forth. You get it.
What would their partner do that would really turn them on, perhaps unintentionally?
To kind of go with the last one, Kaine is so turned on by Gale’s words - he’s an orator, he’s a poet, he knows how to string the right words together in the right order to get under their skin, and he does it well, even when he doesn’t mean to. His voice is a big turn on for them, too, whether he speaks low and soft or he’s commanding spells into existence or just commenting on the weather. Really, they love knowing exactly how skilled he is with his mouth. 
Kaine spends a lot of time actively trying to turn Gale on. They’re pretty successful at it, too - they know what they look like, and they learn quickly how to get to him. Unknowingly, though, it’s displays of their power that get to him. We know he’s turned on by danger, by seeing them in combat, and Kaine is a formidable mage, it’s true. They’re a storm incarnate, and their magic is palpable, and electricity can do a lot to someone’s body.
More than that, though, is when Kaine is powerful. When their 22 charisma kicks in and they’re talking their way into a locked room, or they’re sneering down at an enemy that’s surrendered, telling them to beg for mercy, or they’re putting on their imperator voice and demanding answers from someone. It puts him in his place even when it’s not directed at him. 
Kaine wants to be in control - they want to use Gale. His power and confidence gets them going, and they want to channel it into something that will work for them. That’s not to say Kaine is entirely ignorant of Gale’s pleasure; rather, I think they know exactly what to do to him to make it work for them both. 
Something that is also exemplified in canon is that Gale 1. has group sex fantasies about his partner and 2. likes to watch. His mirror images get a lot of use. Gale’s sexual fantasies are such that Kaine picks up on them, and they become a master of subtle looks and innuendos throughout the day that have him ready to do whatever they say once they’re finally alone.
They accidentally hurt or upset their partner. What happened? How do they respond? What do they do to make their partner feel better? (and) They have an argument with their partner—what is it about? Do things stay respectful, or is there some shouting and accusing going on? (and) They have to apologize to their partner. Is this difficult for them? How do they approach it?
all the answers you seek lie within kainefic <3 
To get a little abstract, Kaine doesn’t know how to apologize. They’re selfish and vain and they don’t think they’re wrong. They feel regret over hurting Gale, especially accidentally, and they’ll try to make it better, but it takes a lot to make them apologize and mean it. Kaine also doesn’t think that Gale has anything to apologize for, like…..ever.
When they fight, Kaine lashes out. It’s all they know how to do - they can’t cope with feeling like they’ve fucked up, so they instigate and antagonize and make it worse until something clicks and they have to move on - and then they can try to make amends.
Without giving too much away about the postgame kainefic in the works, when Kaine truly feels that they’ve hurt Gale too much, they would rather see him leave than even attempt to apologize. He shouldn’t forgive them, not after what they did to him - but he does, and they have to find a way to move on. 
How do they feel about the prospect of parenthood? Do they plan on it? 
Gale says he doesn’t see himself as a father, but I think he’d do just fine, and I think he would enjoy it, truly. Kaine’s bloodline is important to them, and despite their general air of selfishness and disregard for responsibility, once they’re coronated and they settle into their role as imperatore, they want a family. 
What compromises are they making in their relationship?
read kainefic Later on down the line, Gale is compromising his life in Waterdeep - he can bring everything with him that he wants, and Kaine will make him as comfortable as he can be, and the Dawn Palace is a beautiful place, but he’s giving up a lot to move to Valais and build a new life. 
What completely petty topic (music taste, favorite food) do they find themselves completely at odds with their partner about?
Kaine’s traditional style of dress involves more exposed skin than is covered, an insane amount of jewelry for the express purpose of the sound it makes, and a complete lack of shoes - and Kaine stubbornly sticks to this as vehemently as they’re able to, no matter where they are or what they’re doing or how much actual danger to their health it causes. It drives Gale crazy. Kaine insists he just needs to get used to having his tits out. 
How do their friends react to finding out they’re a couple? Do they have lots of mutual friends? Did their friends know, perhaps before they themselves did?
It’s painfully obvious that they want each other, it’s a bit of a “gods, it’s about time” moment for most of them. Once they are together, they’re a constant source of sickening couple momence that the rest of the group is subjected to lmaoooo
Under what circumstances would they feel jealous? Under what circumstances would they feel protective?
Kaine isn’t …… jealous, per se, but they are possessive. Halsin would call them territorial. Gale is theirs, and they are going to make sure it’s known. They decorate him in their colors, in their jewelry, and with the marks of their love. There’s simply no competition. 
I don’t think either of them feel the need to protect the other. Gale feels something like protectiveness for a while after the events of kainefic, but, of course, that’s a surprise tool that’ll help us later. 
Would they get a pet? What kind? Who brings up the idea, and who takes a little longer to convince?
In another life, Kaine is a dog person, and grew up with a fantasy doberman. Gale, of course, loves cats, and Kaine would let him have as many as he wanted. They love animals, they connect with them easily, and they probably end up with quite a few. 
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universestreasures · 2 years
Happy Birthday @blasterdiablo​ Part 3!
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Asaka enjoyed spending time with Ren more than anything. The activity itself didn’t matter. All that did was the two of them simply being together and enjoying their company. Though, that didn’t mean the vampire did not have preferences. Oh no, she did. Quite specific ones, actually her boyfriend seem to also share. No wonder they were a match made in heaven, true soulmates as it were.
Currently, the two students were enjoying in a daily preferred activity. Though, one might call it a ritual or a tradition at this point to have tea inside of Asaka’s private office inside of the Pale Moon Club during the afternoon hours of the day. The tea she would make for the two of them did differ each time. She didn’t want Ren to get bored of any particular flavor, but it usually followed their shared pool of favorites. Today’s selected involved a simple matcha tea, made to perfection and served in these adorable cups featuring circus animals she received as a gift. Only Ren was allowed to drink some such special dishware, for he was the most special person in her eyes.
Vampires know that falling in love with humans usually ends bad. Their history has shown that time and time again. Back in the olden times when their kind used to rule the planet, such a thing was even forbidden. There were tales of nobles falling in love with their human blood banks to the point they were willing to die for them. At a time, she thought they were fools for doing such a thing for humans, but since meeting her boyfriend who she admires as he sips her tea, her mind has changed on the subject. 
Ren was like no other human she’s ever met, a sentiment shared even among his own kind. Honestly, he seemed much more like a vampire than anything else. He took the reveal of her true nature super well, did not show any sign of disgust when he learned of their culture and practices, and was for the most part anyway, well liked by the other club members (though part of that might be due to the fact he was dating Asaka, and well, everyone was kinds scared of her. As they should be!). It made her wonder if he had been a vampire in a past life or something, and what would happen if he would be given the chance to become one just like her. Such powers of transformation were usually only given to those of the royal family according to the history books, but with the fall of the vampire reign and that bloodline, such powers seems to have been lost to the sands of time. 
Oh, well. Human or vampire, she loves Ren all the same and will do anything for him. Her life with him might be short. Vampires did live a lot longer than humans, after all. But every single moment, including what was transpiring right now, would be etched into her heart for all eternity. 
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“I hope you’re enjoying your tea, Ren. Our tea time is something I look forward to every day, and I’ve taken great lengths to ensure no one bothers us, especially today.” The only person who could even access this room at this time would be Tetsu, and usually that was only for emergencies. He’s been invited to the tea on occasion, but today, it was just to be her and her human love. Asaka had something she wanted to ask him, and well, she didn’t need any idiots barging in and ruining the moment. 
She moves then to take a seat next to him on the coach, having made sure to grab herself a cup and setting it down on the table in front of them. Now seemed like as good a time as any to ask him, considering he seemed relaxed and in a good mood. Her hands then gently take Ren’s as soon as they are free from his cup, the vampire moving them to hold in between them. The look in her eyes says it all, portraying her love for him, the seriousness of the question, and of course, a slight bit of nervousness. 
“Ren...We’ve known each other for years now. Though, it doesn’t really feel like that. It feels like...I’ve known you my whole life, as if you were always there giving me the support I needed too...face the world and keep going. I...I can’t think of how I would be if you weren’t around, and...I don’t want to think about that kind of life.”
Her past was rough, rougher than most, and yet here she is now the president of a safe haven for her people on this campus. Asaka never would have gotten the confidence to do this if Ren hadn’t been there by her side. Just him being there, had been enough to bring her out from the darkness of her past and into a brighter future, and she wanted to let him know she wanted him to stay with her, too.
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“Which is why...I want to ask you something. You see, vampires have a...special way of showing their love for someone else.” The form of that love differs from vampire to vampire, but to her, it was the truest form of it. “It’s...It’s a special mark we can bestow upon another, a...mark of possession that lets everyone know that you are special in the eyes of the person who gave it to you. Not only that, it acts as a form of protection. It’s a sign to other vampires that you are...off the market, if you get what I mean.”
Now, as far as she is aware, the only person to have bitten Ren other than herself was Kai, and that was only because he and Ren had been friends since childhood. It hasn’t happened as long as she and Ren had been a couple at the very least. The brown-haired male knew, even without a mark, to back off. It was something she respected about him, even if he had recently frustrated her with his resistance to her terms regarding his own human lover.
“What I’m getting at is...I’d...I’d like to give you my mark of possession, Ren. I’d like to give you the greatest sign of love that I can, one that everyone will see and know just how special you are to me. But...I want you to be okay with it. I-It is something that can be removed in case things between us don’t work out. So, it’s not permanent or anything...” 
It would only become that way if they ever became what vampires called ‘mates’, and well, that was the human equivalent to marriage that neither she or Ren were ready for. Still, this was a step towards becoming that, a step towards a future where he truly would become hers and she would become his forever.
“You don’t have to answer me right now. It’s an important decision. Just...Just think about it, okay?” She ends with a kiss on his cheek. Asaka truly wanted to make this next step, but if he wasn’t interested or wasn’t ready, then that was okay. Her having Ren in her life, in any sort of capacity, was enough for her. Though, of course, she wants something more. She’ll just have to wait and see what fate had in store for her and her love.
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maguro13-2 · 9 months
Darkness Reborn ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Pt.18
[Leaving Flow - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Rico : Flowen...Why...Why did you come back to me?
Flowen : I realized that Dr.Osto was a foolish moron, after my death, my body was taken to the Seabed and that man turmed into a hellish beast they call me "Olga Flow". Unfortunately, Dr.Osto had made a terrible and serves him right for turning me into a creature. He got what he finally deserve.
Rico : Flowen...I understand that I'm a young girl. Look, all scientists make their mistakes and I was the first HUmarl to break the seal of Dark Falz and I was complete nut case for discovering the mysteries Ragol, I realized that the Ancient Ruins on Ragol we discovered was actually a hi-tech spacecraft owned by Falz himself. So he captured me and devoured me as his personal host to become the great and powerful Dark Falz again. I was trapped within him ever since.
Flowen : Guess we all died after Dark Falz destroyed Pioneer 1's population, colonizing the planet was a bad idea. All the inhabitants on Pioneer 2 think we're dead, well guess. It's their fault or it's humanity's fault that we were the cause of all of this! We got infected with the D-Cells in our bodies, and of course, one Newman elf girl was the one to have the power of a D-Cells user. That user's name was Rupika FOnewearl.
Heero Yuy : Rupika was the Elf Girl to have D-Cells in her body? I guess this is what Humanity feels like that if they were an arrogant species to Dark Falz's kind so that he would get away of destroying Ragol, by creating one explosion, and BOOM! that's how PSO started in the first place. This was all just a cover up from the men of influence, they hid the from both of you. You all died and there was many mysteries about Ragol's secrets.
Rico Tyrell : Why thank you. I understand that we've been puppets to D-Cells too! Dark Falz, how can I ever forgive him like this?
Flowen : Rico...
Rico Tyrell : (in awe)...Flowen. We are finally reunited at last. This is truly been a moment. And now, our reward to our last moment before we die. (attempted to kiss each other)
Group : Ahem!
Heero Yuy : Save the hugs and kisses for later, would you?
Rico : (blushes) R...Right!
Heero Yuy : So where would you be at for the reincarnation?
(scene changes)
"A few days later..."
[Rose Confession - Hideaki Kobayashi, Yutaka Minobe]
Heero Yuy : This is where the spirits of you two resides?
Rico Tyrell : Of course! I believe this place at the Ruins of Ragol. This monument righ here, is part of the Ruins. And this is where we Like to get Married sometimes.
Flowen : Marriage? What part in particular is that?
Rico Tyrell : (blushes) Well...you know? Although, I could be your wedded wife sometimes I would be the bride and you would be the groom.
Flowen : Really? That would make me a husband. Hey, where did you get some crazy idea like that?
Rico Tyrell : I got a ring, but although we're still spirits and we don't have our original bodies anymore. We should do something with souls not being depleted. I wonder if we could get ourselves tied a knot or something it's like a marriage is possible for us to handle the spirits of the dead! Oh my, what am I going to do!? I can't remember anything! Oh! I'm such a girl who hasn't had any plans to. If players would remove our spirit, who's going to look after the monument?! I'm still a living spirit! There's no one look after to mourn our loss nor will be gone when anybody is upset!
Flowen : Rico. You're a great girl, and a great hunter. I've do known you for a quite some time, but it's good that we might be a something-something, How do I put this in one particular way? Maybe we being hunters and missing persons does sound like an NPC, but the players keeps on messing our spirits.
Rico Tyrell : Should we keep this a secret from my father?
Flowen : Why yes. Of course.
Quatre : Well, I'm not in the mood for a ghostly smooching, but I wonder why can we spirits from our views and that has ability to see other spirits?
Wufei : Maybe for it's the best that it's like some people do not believe in ghosts, fairies, or aliens.
Quatre : Wufei, please let's not talk about the whoel alien thing, that's what makes humanity becoming an arrogant species.
Wufei : Oh right. Well, since we stopped those infested monsters that are Olga and Falz, we decided to head back to the real world and consider the Falz Monument as a home for you two.
Rico Tyrell : I guess we decided to live at this monument as a home to us.
Flowen : I guess living here as spritis, would be a thing to call "home" after all. Let's all agree on that.
Rico Tyrell : Agree.
Heero Yuy : Alright, guys. Through those door that are cartoon logic.
Heero Yuy : What's this?
Meer Campbell (via radio) : Hello! This Meer Campbell from Gundam Seed! We have a widespread emergency going on here in Real World AU. the Space Colony ARK is now being infested with Heartlesses since the Colony's incident and the Black Arms Invasion 10 years ago! I can't believe that it's happening! First the Biolizard, then the Black Arms, now this!? I don't know what's going on with the ARK today. Everyone! Head back to the Real World and get to the Space Colony ARK, immediately! (heartlesses laughs evilly) And beat it! These heartlesses are planning to--*TV BUZZING*
Heero Yuy : That was Meer Campbell. She said that the Space Colony ARK Is infested with Heartlesses? I believe this must've been someone's doing!
Quatre : Damn! So fighting the bosses of PSO was all this for nothing!? Back to the facility, everyone! [Quatre runs to the door on the left and enters it] Hey, what door is this leading me to?
Quatre : [exits and is shown covered in ashes] Let me guess, that's not a wood-burning pizza oven was it?
Rico Tyrell : Oops, I forgot. That's the door leading to the Dome Dweller, it's the nickname for a Dragon that was inside of the Central Dome. Use the door on the right. That'll get you back to the facility.
Quatre : Okay, I got it. [opens door on to the right and enters it, along with the group]
Wufei : Hope anyone knows that the door leading on the left is not really a can opener.
Trowa : You got that right.
Heero Yuy : Best of luck.
Rico Tyrell : I'm glad that's over with.
Flowen : Same to you.
Rico Tyrell : I wonder what were going to reincarnate into?
Flowen : Let's find out! (Rico holds onto his arm) Huh?
Rico : You know, I guess single reincarnation wouldn't hurt. But we are going to reincarnate into our own son.
Flowen : Reincarnate into our own son? What does that even...(realizing) Oh no. Please don't tell me we're going to reincarnate into-
[Rico and Flowen's spritis fuse together to reincarnate into their own son; It's Endu from Episode III]
Endu : -A dude!? This is the reincarnation that I get?! God Damn it! (throws Rico's Red Ring on the ground) Thanks a lot, Mom and Dad! (shrugs) Eh, worth a shot. I'm still Endu the HUmar and that's final that I'm really the son of Flowen Rico. It doesn't matter, I'm going over to the ARKZ sides in Episode 3 on the Gamecube. (leaves) Stupid Sega.
Rico's voice : Well, at least he was nice of us to call me his Mother, which makes you the father.
Flowen's Voice : [in sniper's voice] Ahh, piss!
~ Ninety-Eight Scene : Two Souls, One Birth ~
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"My worry about all of this is that I think that people are basically processing their own anxieties when they worry about the career of a popstar."
Would you elaborate on this topic specifically? it's interesting to me how fans stress over their favorite artist's career as if it's their own. I'm not gonna lie, I sometimes fall victim to that headspace around new releases of my favorite artists.. but at least I try to snap out of it by asking myself if this would have any real effect on MY life. I mean, I guess it'd make me happy, put me in a good mood, make me feel proud of my fave for accomplishing something great, help me win a fan war on Twitter when people come for my fave.. you know, because I can pull out the screenshots of the numbers! but ultimately, it has no real, meaningful, lasting effect on my life. I realize that, and I think most fans do as well, yet still let that irrational fear of their favorite popstar being a "flop" consume them. We also see this phenomenon with sports fans, it's just part of fan culture. but I wonder if people do it instead of actually focusing on their own careers and goals they wanna achieve.
Thanks for sharing where you come from anon. It's not a way of doing fandom that I particularly understand. Why war with other fans? How could you possibly win? What would screenshots of numbers tell you?
Fandom shows a lot of signs of anxiety thought processes - the underlying dynamic of anxiety is: "I have to be good - and if anyone suggests that I'm bad in anyway that is intolerable". I think part of the process of living a good life is moving away from that particular hole (which is really hard to do).
I think fandom ends up digging people deeper into that particular hole. Because people identify with someone and do the same thing. That's where fan wars come from one person is like 'it's intolerable that anyone suggests anything negative about the person I stan' and the other person takes that as a negative comment about the person they stan and that's intolerable and that's where fan wars come from. But because it's all a proxy, and this mode of being is being reinforced all the time socially - it's very easy to entrench this.
So you get anons where the basic underlying logic is that it's really bad and important if Niall wants to play stadiums and doesn't get to.
I'm definitely not advocating anyone focusing on their careers and what they want to achieve. I promise you that you can't achieve your way out of anxiety. But what I worry is that by projecting anxiety onto other people it makes it so much harder to process it.
One thing that helps with anxiety is experiencing things that seemed unbearable were in fact survivable. Having a dream, trying for it and things being OK when it doesn't happen how you wanted is really powerful. But we can never really learn that Niall not playing stadiums is survivable - because we're not experiencing hte process - just projecting things onto him.
So that's my worry - that standom is a way of making emotions more bearable by projecting them, but that in doing so it distances fans from the internal processes of change.
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quirkless-accident · 3 years
Danny is a dog person, the class/Aizawa find out and ask. So Danny brings in Cujo(who has a quirk to change size), Wolf(a werewolf quirk), and Frostbite(who has an ice quirk but also is just yeti shaped) to class. Chaos ensues.
"Cats don't really like me," Danny was telling Shinsou sheepishly as they walked into their classroom. "I think it has something to do with the overall creepiness of my quirk."
"Yeah, I get that," Shinsou set his bag down on the ground as he climbed into his seat, which was next to Danny's to the left. "But dogs? I can't believe my best friend is a dog person."
"You don't like cats?" Todoroki asked Danny, butting into their conversation. It happened often enough though, Danny couldn't really be upset. It was just another fun Todoroki thing that happened.
"I think cats are fine," Danny corrected. "It's cats that don't like me."
"Usually when someone doesn't like cats it's because it's rarely a good reason," Aizawa pipes up from the front. He's buried in his sleeping bag, and he has this glint in his eye that says he's just saying shit to stir the pot. Unfortunately, it's kind of working, considering half the class is looking at him now. Danny shoots him a glare as he continues. "Usually they've never interacted properly with a cat or they have a bad association with something that involves cats. Or a phobia, but you don't seem like the type."
He was half-right about the association. Vlad was still hanging onto his weird obsession with his mom via cat, but honestly Danny rarely saw the thing much less interacted with it. He thinks cats in particular are just good about sensing the offness that Danny's had since the accident.
He gives his classmates a shrug. "All of my friends are dog people. And I have a dog. But that doesn't mean I don't like cats."
"Oh, can we meet these friends?" Hagakure asked excitedly. Danny just shrugged.
"I'm sure we collectively begged them to let them on campus it won't be a problem. Right, Mr. Aizawa?" Danny said, punctuating every syllable since his teacher was in the mood to start shit.
He hoped the headache was worth it.
"Wow," Jirou said. "When you said your friend were dog people, I didn't expect them to be...Dog people."
In front of them stood Danny's closest friends from the Zone. Frostbite, in his never ending wisdom and cool ice arm. Wulf in his broken English and wonderful sense of humor. And Cujo, who the class was familiar with only in passing.
Danny just stood next to his friends, awkwardly shrugging. His head and shoulders was pushed down by an affectionate paw ruffling his hair. Frostbite threw his head back and laughed before slapping him on the back. The force sent Danny sprawling, but it only made everybody else laugh harder.
"Guys, these are my friends, Frostbite and Wulf. And that's my dog, Cujo."
"Cool!" Kirishima cheered as he knelt down and opened his arms. Cujo jumped in without hesitation as Danny peeled himself off the ground. Aizawa was looking at the group with a weird half-curios, half-disinterest as he sipped from one of Momo's coffee mugs. (He had tried to take the Nasa one, but seeing as that's Danny's only mug and it had been a gift, there's a strict rule that only Danny gets to use it.)
"What are your quirks?" Midoriya asked them, eyes sparkling.
"Frostbite here has an ice powers," Danny said, gesturing to the yeti. "He's actually the one that taught me. And Wulf has...A mutation quirk," he finally settled on. It was an indirect way of telling his friend not to tear a hole through space and time to go to and from the Zone until his friends were gone. Wulf just winked at him. Danny sagged. He's not really sure if it was from relief or exasperation.
"And the dog?" Iida asked, chopping his hands in Cujo's general direction. Danny whistled sharply, and Cujo leaped from Kirishima's arms and ran beside Danny, standing at rapt attention.
"Cujo, grow," he commanded. Cujo let out a single bark before allowing his form to grow and grow and grow until he was nearly the height of the dorm building. Danny easily floated up and gave the dog belly scratches, rendering him useless. Kouda in particular looked very excited about having more Very Good Boy to pet. Several other classmates wasted no time in joining in.
Aizawa just looked tired.
"How do you know Danny?" Aizawa asked them.
"Oh, the Gre-Danny has been a wonderful pupil. He came to me for help when his ice powers first emerged."
Wulf replied in a language Aizawa had no hope of understanding, but Danny did perfectly.
"I ran into Wulf when he was in a bit of trouble, so I helped him out," he said, looking as Wulf kept talking. "It was a miscommunication since he's a mutation type and all scary looking. Guy's a real softie, though. And he's hilarious."
"What language is he speaking?" Uraraka asked.
"Esperanto," Danny replied without much thought.
"Did you say you taught Danny ice powers?" Kaminari was asking Frostbite.
"Did you show Todoroki his moves, too?"
"I've never met this man in my life-"
As everybody started talking over everybody, Danny managed to slink away where Aizawa was lazily watching, though Danny had no doubt the man was listening to every word.
"So, a dog person, huh?" Aizawa asked. Danny just shrugged.
"Dog people like me. Cats still don't, though."
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introvertguide · 3 years
Abuse of Children Portrayed in Film
I like to use movies as an escape from the harshness of the real world and one of the things that I have learned about in my education is the effects on children when they are mistreated. I have a Masters Degree in Developmental Psychology and one of the hardest classes for me to handle was Abnormal Development in Children and Adolescents. We covered everything from dealing with dyslexia and ADHD to surviving severe abuse and loss at a very early age. We had guest speakers that ranged from people who had escaped genocide as children, to individuals who had been sold into prostitution by their parents, to people who had suffered severe abuse from their parents or guardian. I have heard stories that will stick with me forever and that is nightmare fuel that I don't want to share.
Because of my background education, I take note of the treatment and behavior of children and adolescents in the movies that I watch. There have been many great movies over the years that have depicted the suffering of children and it has always been difficult for me to deal with. There are more well known examples of films that focus on suffering but throw in more of a "sometimes we all suffer, even the children" message that demonstrate that kids aren't immune to great travesties (basically any film about The Holocaust). There are also well known films that show children "coming of age" through hardship (Annie 1982, Oliver! 1968) but end perfectly. There is a more current series of films that focuses entirely on a boy discovering a fantasy world that was robbed from him when his parents were murdered by a tyrant (Harry Potter series). But in this list I want to review some lesser known films that show examples of abuse. Even after all that I have seen and heard, the following list of films have affected me personally for one reason or another. Sometimes the children in these films endure and overcome their situation in the end. Sometimes these children do not survive or sadly remain in their misfortunes. To me, this can make the movie all the more powerful because of the incredible amount of pathos that endangering a child character can add. It can also make it a heart wrenching experience that is painful to watch. Here are some powerful films in which children suffer and the struggle is one of the main plot lines of the movie:
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Sybil (TV Movie) 1976
I just recently saw this film after I had heard of the story in my abnormal development class almost 10 years ago. It is the story of a woman who developed multiple personalities to deal with a childhood in the care of an undiagnosed schizophrenic mother. The movie stars Sally Fields and is based on a true account of Shirley Ardell Mason and her treatment by psychologist Cornelia Wilbur. The acting in the film is overdramatic at times, but it definitely reminded me of some of the actual old videos of Shirley Mason and her sudden strange switches in personality when she was scared or anxious. Dr. Wilbur used hypnosis to actually introduce Mason to her alternate personalities and she was able to recognize her disassociative identity disorder and overcome it. It still hurts me to think that this person was mentally wounded so deeply by her parents that it basically shattered her into pieces in an effort to make sense of things.
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Leon: The Professional 1994
I mention this film a lot because it is a heartwarming story of an assassin teaching a young orphan how to murder. It is the breakout role for Natalie Portman and it is just amazing. Leon is a "cleaner" that lives next door to an abusive and addictive family with a troubled girl named Mathilda. The father gets in trouble with the mob and some enforcers come by and slaughter most of the family while Mathilda is getting groceries. She returns during the massacre and realizes what is happening so continues next door and pleads for shelter. Leon takes her in and teachers her the trade and protects her from the men who want to finish her off. The movie was written and directed by Luc Besson and stars Jean Reno, Gary Oldman, and Natalie Portman. The suffering that this girl endures because of her parent's addictions hurts me, yet I have seen and enjoyed this film many times. I recommend watching when in the mood to be deeply affected by the trials of a little girl and the killer who protected her.
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Kids 1995
This film came out when I was early in high school and bothered me greatly. It is a story by Harmony Korine, and one of his many attempts to capture the hopeless lives of unmotivated and unsupervised teens. These are young teens having unprotected sex, stealing money to do drugs, and attacking people in the park. I did not really go to these kinds of parties when I was that age (or ever really) and it has bothered me to think that adolescents would partake in this kind of behavior. It is hard for me to believe that these kids had the ability to mentally comprehend the consequences of their actions and some of the characters end up contracting HIV from each other. I would not recommend the film because it is a depressing day in the life that no youth should have.
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Gummo 1997
I would not call this a good movie and I wouldn't really recommend it. It is another work by Harmony Korine and really details the depravity that can occur with unsupervised youths living in low socio-economic conditions. This movie is just depressing and motivated me to find something to motivate me into action. I got into both psychology and teaching, which has served me well for the past 20 years. It was this film that showed me how low the bar for quality of life could be, and I guess for that I am thankful. However, I still wouldn't recommend it.
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Happiness 1998
This movie I didn't see right away but noticed it at the video store on many occasions. I final watched it when I was about 25 on the recommendation of a friend and one particular storyline greatly disturbed me. It is basically the story of 3 sisters that feel they should be happy and project a face of happiness, yet they are miserable and have horrible lives. One sister in particular is married to a psychiatrist who turns out to be a pedophile that rapes the friends of his young son. At one point rather early on in the movie, this man confesses to his son that he raped the boy's friends and that he would do it again. The son is so confused that he asks his father why he never raped him. It is so disturbing to me because I know the boys that were assaulted will be forever damaged and this boy who was not actually raped will be mentally scarred as well. The fact that there are people in the world that would harm children that way, recognize what they had done, and then know they didn't have the self control to stop themselves from doing it again is horrifying to me.
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Lilya 4-Ever 2002
This film is deeply disturbing and I highly recommend never watching it. I will spoil it for you now so you never have to see it if you don't want. A 16-year-old girl named Lilya lives with her mother. The mom gets a boyfriend and the couple move to America and abandons Lilya with a neglectful aunt. The aunt movies into the old apartment of her sister and Lilya is forced to move out and become a prostitute to make money. A boy comes along and convinces her to move to Sweden to escape her life. When they arrive, this boy sells her to a pimp and she becomes a teenage sex slave. She almost escapes, but is then captured and beaten almost to death. She escapes again and this time commits suicide so she won't be recaptured. This movie is awful and changed my mind about giving every film a chance. I wish I could forget this film, but I can't. Perhaps it is just not for me, but this film presentation is definitely an experience that you won't soon forget.
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The Kite Runner 2007
I read this book in my twenties and saw the film in my thirties and both affected me greatly. A well-to-do boy and his friend are in a kite battle competition and the friend is beaten and raped when he goes to retrieve a fallen kite. The well-to-do boy denies knowing what happened to his friend (he does know) and basically shames and abandons him. This action haunts the well-to-do boy for the rest of his life. How the boy who was raped is basically falling prey to blaming the victim is heartbreaking, and the lifetime of guilt of the other boy is pitiable. Neither boy was the actual attacker yet they both were the ones that suffered.
There are many other examples of movies along these lines and could be found if you feel like suffering. I can't say that I would recommend them because they are very difficult to watch. Beyond just dealing with the content, it is rare to find child actors who can actually portray somebody who has truly suffered. The mix of bad acting and a depressing plot can make for a terrible movie going experience. The genre of movie involving suffering does exist, though, and it could be enjoyed (?) by some. Just not generally by me.
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
Hi! First of all, your writing is ASTOUNDING. I adore how you characterize. Secondly, I have a prompt idea:
A Villain who is falling in love with a Hero, but won’t admit it to themself. They stop being able to effectively fight Hero because they don’t want to hurt them. But Supervillain notices, so they capture Hero and use them to lure Villain in.
🥺🥺🥺 Thank you so very much! You just made my day. I thank you for the compliment and the prompt! I sure hope I did it justice, and I hope you enjoy!
CW//Injuries, threats, implied torture
Villain’s world spun as their skull cracked against the rough concrete of the roof. Opening their eyes, their field of vision was filled with only an array of stars.
Everything hurt.
They were convinced, in that moment, that there was not an inch of their flesh that was left unbruised, not a rib left unfractured. Breathing on its own was an ordeal, an ordeal that they endured only out of pure necessity.
Pain rippled through the stocks of jelly they had once called limbs as the villain scrambled first to hands and knees, and finally to their feet, even as unsteady as they were. They could do nothing but gasp as they faced down their opponent.
There was something in Hero’s eyes. Something that even their nemesis, their sworn, life-long foe could not quite name. It was not quite sympathy, no, but it was not quite pity, either. Something inbetween, perhaps, with only the slightest garnishing of regret.
“Come on, Villain.” It was with a pleading tone that the hero spoke, as though attempting to coax a frightened cat down from the top branches of a Redwood tree. “Just stand down! You can’t win this. We have you surrounded. No harm will come to you- No more harm.”
Yet, the villain only shook their head.
For any outsider, the matchup would have looked more like a massacre, waiting to happen. Villain themself was perhaps not the picture of musculature, but what villain was? No, they may not have been the strongest. But everyone knew what power they held in their palms, the lightning they could unleash at will. Enough to topple the building upon which they stood. Enough to topple the whole city, perhaps. The city had yet to so much as see their full potential.
But it was their potential that the villain now refused to use.
Hero, on the other hand, was... well, they weren’t much. As strong as they were, as clever, as smart, superstrength could only do one so much good. Villain could have destroyed them in passing, with the snap of a finger!
Why wasn’t the hero in the nearest emergency room? Even Villain themself wasn’t entirely sure.
“I’m not giving up, asshole!” They snarled, balling their hands to fists. It would be so easy. So very simple to send a torrent of lightning forth, to shock Hero within an inch of their life. Hell, Villain used their powers to make popcorn on the weekends!
But, they couldn’t. They couldn’t imagine Hero, the poor thing, the pitiful little fool, fallen to the ground. The very thought of using their powers against their opponent made them feel sick.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” Hero spoke, eyes wide and glimmering with that same mix of sympathy and regret.
“Too bad.”
And, with that, the rooftop once more became a battleground. Villain surged forward, met in the center by their nemesis. A blow to the side of their head sent them stumbling.
They couldn’t go on like this, they knew as their vision clouded once more with stars. Another hit and they would be unconscious, in the custody of the so-called good guys. They couldn’t do that.
They had two choices.
Three. Three choices.
The first? To take the hit. To bite the bullet, to find themself behind bars.
The second? To hurt Hero. To wipe that oh-so-innocent quiver from their lips. To destroy-
No. They had two options. That wasn’t even on the table. Villain could be beaten, or they could flee.
It was with a shivering gasp that they chose the second.
Sidekick placed down their fork with a resounding clack. In the silent room, the sound resembled the ring of a gong.
“Are you absolutely certain you’re alright?” They asked with a quirked brow. With the day turning to evening, they had left their sidekick’s uniform behind, replaced now with a casual set of garments. After all, the restaurant at which they were eating was far from fancy. That wasn’t the type of villain that their mentor was.
“Of course I’m alright. Do I look like some kind of ailing senior citizen?” Villain muttered under their breath as they looked over in displeasure at their sidekick. For someone so young, they certainly had a mouth.
“Not now. But on the battlefield last night-”
“I’m fine. I’m up and walking, aren’t I?”
“It’s not about that.” Sidekick shook their head. “It was in the battle. You could’ve taken out Hero easy-”
“Keep your voice down, we’re in public.”
“Sorry.” They lowered their tone. “But, I’ve seen you take Hero out dozens of times. Recently, though, you’ve been all over the place. You can’t even land a single hit! I’m worried. You’ve lost your edge. Up on that rooftop, it was like you were somewhere else entirely.”
Villain had been somewhere else entirely, not that they would ever dare to admit it. They had been lost, hopelessly lost- Lost in the eyes of their damn nemesis.
“I just wasn’t on the ball. Everyone has off days.” They grumbled, turning their embarrassed gaze away.
“Everyone has off days. But you’ve been having an off month! Don’t think I haven’t noticed that it’s just them. Just Hero.”
“They’re getting better.”
“So are you.”
“Really, I’m fine.”
Sidekick reached across the table, placing their palm upon the back of their mentor’s hand, which had unconsciously been balled into a fist.
“You nearly got captured, last night. I don’t know what I’d do without you, Villain. If you’re sick, if something’s wrong, anything at all, you need to tell me.”
Villain suddenly spotted something very interesting on their shoes, and kept their gaze fixed there.
“It’s stupid.”
“Are you sick? Everyone gets sick sometimes, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Not sick.”
“Then what?”
Villain gritted their teeth.
Sidekick withdrew their hand in shock.
“Look, it’s stupid! I don’t know. I shouldn’t be feeling that way about a hero, but- They’re a good person, I swear it. They want to help, and they’re kind, and I just can’t bear the thought of hurting them. What if I changed them? What if I hurt them, and that was what made them lose hope, lose faith? Then that’d be on my shoulders!”
“You’re saying...” Sidekick’s jaw was still ajar in shock. “You’re saying that you can’t fight Hero, because you’re in love with them?”
Villain looked up with a sigh.
“To put it shortly, I suppose.”
The both of them were shocked as a figure appeared next to their table. A sharply-dressed figure with a notepad.
“Are you two ready to order?”
“Yes, my apologies.” Villain cleared their throat. They and their sidekick presented their orders, which the waiter scrawled down with a series of understanding nods.
It was not until that particular waiter disappeared from the dining room that they slipped out of their disguise, and dialed a number into their phone.
“Hey, Boss? You might wanna hear about this.”
To say Villain was in a bad mood would have been an understatement.
The injuries covering every last inch of their body, too, ached with every step they took. Bruises and beatings rippled, forcing them nearly to limp. Yet, they forced their gait to remain normal, even if it meant pain.
They couldn’t call attention to themself. Not when they were in civilian clothes like this, and not when they were on the streets. Still, they kept their head low and their sweatshirt hoodie up as they went along. No need to stick out in the crowd.
This was the only solace they ever got, after all. When some got frustrated, they would go for a drive in the night. But their vehicle was distinctive enough that that wasn’t an option for the villain.
Instead? They walked, moving along with the crowd as though they were a single fish in a school. Usually, this helped them calm down. Now, however, every step they took only made their thoughts spin more wildly.
First, it was Hero. Hero and their stupid eyes. Then it was Sidekick. It wasn’t that Sidekick had confronted them that made them so worried, it was that they’d noticed at all.
That meant that other people out there might spot their weakness. Might use it as an advantage. Who would it be, though? Hero themself? Or, even-
A gasp rippled through the crowd around them in a wave. Voices shouted and fingers pointed, all in the same direction. Villain wiggled their way out of the crowd in order to see what had caused such fuss.
A billboard. An electronic billboard.
An electronic billboard that no longer housed an advertisement for the latest cellphone or insurance scam. No. Upon the massive thing, multiple stories in height, surely, was broadcasted a video.
“Good evening, and I do apologize for interrupting. But I just had to get my friend’s attention.”
Villain’s breath caught in their throat. They would know that voice even if they had to pick it out of a crowd of thousands.
Most would have expected that two people so similar as Villain and Supervillain would get along, but the reality was just the opposite. Villain couldn’t call themself a good guy, no, but they had ethics. Morals. Real aims to work towards, rather than burning the city down and laughing among the flames.
Supervillain, on the other hand? There was a reason that they were so feared. Their goals were far grander than Villain’s.
To say that they had never been very good friends would be an understatement.
And, now? Now they were enemies. The video projected upon that billboard made that fact certain.
Supervillain themself was not visible in frame-- Perhaps that was lucky for Villain. Seeing that stupid face would have certainly goaded them into destroying the projection outright. Instead, the video displayed a room.
A concrete room, with a chair in the center. A chair that was far from empty.
It was always Hero’s eyes that they could not help but get lost in. Now, that wasn’t a factor. Not when the hero was so tightly blindfolded. Their soothing, calming voice, too, had been eliminated-- the cloth gag in their mouth was already soaked-through with spittle.
Tied to the chair, bound, gagged, and blinded, sat Hero.
“Now, I don’t want a ransom. No, no. I only want to see a dear friend of mine. And it has been oh, so hard to track them down.
So, Villain, dear?”
They shivered at the sound of their name. Their name.
“How about you come to my base, and pick up your little friend, here. Or else, I might just have to do something drastic.”
For six hours, Villain did not move.
As soon as the broadcast had left the billboard, it had repeated itself upon every news channel that gave half a crap about the metropolis. National news, even international, with subtitles in two dozen languages telling of Supervillain’s threat.
They’d found out. Of course they’d found out.
Villain knew they  should have been furious. They should have strangled Supervillain, strangled Hero, strangled themself! After all, this was all their fault. Falling for a hero, how could they have possibly been so stupid?
Now, they stared. Hands balled to fists in their lap as yet another newscaster explained the same events, over and over again.
“Boss?” Sidekick’s voice was soft, nothing like their usual, nosy self. They sat in a chair behind their mentor, who was seated criss-cross on the floor.
There was no answer.
“Boss... What are you going to do?”
“I can’t leave them.”
“Leave who?”
“Leave Hero. You know what Supervillain is like! They’ll destroy them. Destroy the last good hero in the city.”
“You didn’t want to hurt them.”
“And I don’t want to see them hurt, either.”
“I know you don’t. But it’s all Supervillain has over you. You can just... Leave them, right? It’s not like Hero has any real power over you.”
“I have to.”
“You don’t!”
Villain stood.
“Yes, I do.” They spun around, stalking towards the room that held their costume. “And I need to wipe that damn smile off Supervillain’s face.”
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
ʙᴜᴄᴋʏ ʙᴀʀɴᴇs x ᴘʏʀᴏᴋɪɴᴇᴛɪᴄ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛᴇᴅ: (ANON) heey!! Can you please write something (possibly smut pls) in which Bucky falls in love with Tony's adoptive daughter but they have to keep it a secret?
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: SMUT 18+, fluff, age gap (you’re like mid-twenties and Bucky’s early thirties) angry Tones, Steve being such an asshole lmao 
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ’s ɴᴏᴛᴇs: I imagine that you were like thirteen to fifteen during the attack in new york and your parents uh… died ig and Tony took you in and they find out you got super powers teehee
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It started when the Avengers had their first movie with Bucky as a new recruit. He had completed his evaluations and was applicable to join the team. That’s when he met you for the first time. 
You were this beautiful ball of craziness and light and he couldn’t take his eyes off you. You were tipsy, he could tell and every sudden burst of laughter or even a sneeze you’d spark a flame setting something on fire making you laugh even more. 
He practically fell in love with you that day. 
Weeks later he chalked it up and asked Steve more about you. He told Bucky that your parents had died when you were young during the attack on New York almost ten years ago now and Tony took it upon himself to take you in and protect you. 
“How did you guys know about her powers?”
“We didn’t. Few days after she moved into the Tower she sneezed during breakfast and set her food on fire. I don’t think she knew about them either.”
“Who were her parents?”
“We don’t know. She told us their names but it’s like they don’t exist; no medical history, socials, nothing.”
You were a mystery, a beautiful mystery. But one thing everyone was that you were Tony’s daughter. Adopted, but still. And Tony still didn’t like him. It was an argument on it’s own to even let near the compound; telling him that he wanted to date his daughter would send him into cardiac arrest. 
So you guys are sneaking around.
Of course you noticed his shy and lingering eyes. You were flattered. You agreed a bunch that Bucky was one of the most gorgeous men you’ve ever laid your eyes on. You didn’t push anything and waited for him to come to you. And when he did, he came hard, literally.
It started when Steve was away on a mission in Berlin. Bucky had woken up from a nightmare and he hadn’t had one in weeks. During his time here, because of his infatuation with you, he grew close to you. 
You laid under him so perfectly; like you were meant to be there. The way you bit your lip to muffle your moans so you wouldn’t wake anyone. The way your eyes fluttered when he hit that particular spot. The stinging from your nails dragging down his back. 
“Fucking hell, you feel so good wrapped around me, doll,” he grunted as he continued to thrusted in and out of you. 
“Oh god, Bucky,” you moaned before pulling him down to connect your lips together. 
“Ugh, your dad’s gonna kill me,” he grunted.
“Fuck him,” you chuckled breathlessly.
Breakfast the next morning was foul. Everyone was eating as normal and Steve was set to fly back in from Berlin, but y couldn’t shake the awkward tension between you and Bucky. Both girls could sense that something had happened and when you told them later that day they nearly screamed like teenage girls. 
“You can’t tell anyone! Especially Tony!”
“We won’t say anything,” Nat giggled, “He’s gonna kill you.”
“Not if he kills Bucky first,” Wanda snorted.
Since then every lingering touch, every persistent stare, you found yourselves in either room making the most of however many minutes you had together until someone came looking for you. Your chest pressed against his, combing your fingers through his hair as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. 
“You’re absolutely irresistible, doll,” Bucky whispered against your ear.
“Fuck, we’re gonna get caught one day,” you panted.
“I know but we haven’t yet, so be a good girl and turn around for me so I can that gorgeous ass while I fuck you from behind.”
You turned over, getting on your hands and knees instantaneously feeling a pleasurable sting from Bucky’s hand on your cheek. He quickly soothed the pain by rubbing his hand over the red mark before gliding up your spine to softly rub your back. 
He slowly slid back in through your folds eliciting a moan from you both. His pelvis slapping against your soft skin, the sound echoing lewdly through the room. Your arms gave out and your face buried into the sheets under you letting Bucky hit deeper inside you making you nearly scream.
You threw your head back up covering your mouth to muffle the moans. Bucky bit his lip harshly in an attempt but wasn’t as successful as you were. His hips snapped violently, stuttering every now and then as he got closer to a release. 
“God, Buck! I’m gonna cum! Fuck!” you whined.
“Shit,” Bucky groaned before spilling inside you, coating your walls with hot cum. 
He fell forward pressing soft kisses to your slightly sweaty skin. He lifted himself and turned you around, settling between your legs lazily kissing you in your post sex bliss. You looked so pretty with your hair spread out on the sheets and the marks that littered your neck and your breasts. He truly fell in love with you and you did for him too. 
“Y/n,” he whispered looking intimately into your eyes.
“Bucky,” you whispered back with a grin.
“I lo-”
“Hey, Buck. I’ve been looking for- What the fuck!” Steve barged through the door to find you two nude in each other's arms. You tucked your face in your shoulder away from the door in shame and Bucky saw red. He reached above your head immediately and threw as hard as he could at the intruder.
“Get out!” 
Steve slammed the door shut with wide eyes and furrowed brows. Did he see what he thinks he saw? He went to the lab to look for Tony. 
“Hey, Tony, do you know about Y/n and Bucky?”
“Excuse me?” he sassed.
“I uh- I found them together. In Buck’s room. Uh... naked.” 
Tony slowly raised his head with an evil expression staring directly into Steve making the big super soldier feel timid. 
You and Bucky cleaned yourselves up and changed as soon as Steve left. You sat next to each other on his bed unsure of what’s to come next. 
“Maybe Steve won’t say anything?” Bucky shrugged.
“My dad’s gonna kill me,” you sighed.
“Hey, I won’t let him-”
“Get the hell away from my daughter!” Tony shouted slamming the door to Bucky’s bedroom opened; behind him stood and guilty Steve and you felt rage.
“You fucking told on us!” you spiraled fire around your fingers ready to fight for revenge. Your hands and arms glowed bright red and orange and yellow and pits of fire glowed in your eyes. Steam practically
“Hey calm down,” Bucky grabbed your waist. He stepped in front you and lifted your chin to look at him. The second your eyes met with his, your entire body cooled down and you felt yourself fall in the ocean that are his eyes; as if a wave had dissipated the fire you created. 
“Hey, what the hell is going on?” Tony fumed.
“Leave her alone. She has nothing to do with this,” Bucky defended.
“The hell she does. You’re sleeping with my daughter!”
“I’m not talking about this; I’m talking about what we have. If it was anyone else, you wouldn’t be having a cow,” Bucky growled. 
“Tony,” you stepped forward.
“Dad,” you whispered; Tony's eyes snapped to yours. 
“Please, I love him.”
“No,” he couldn’t accept it.
“Well, whether or not you like it, we’re gonna be together.”
“I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.”
“We’ll just keep sneaking around like we have been for months.”
“Yes, months. And it would’ve been longer if it wasn’t for you!” you pointed at Steve, who casted his eyes away in guilt.
“Dad, please. I love Bucky so much; and you’re not going to take him away from me,” you cried. 
Tony noticed how sincere you spoke. And the way he easily calmed you down; he knew there was love between you two. He wouldn’t be to live with himself if he took something that clearly made you so happy away from you. As much as he couldn’t move past his issues with Bucky he knows that Bucky was right and that this has nothing to do with you. 
“I don’t want any more accidents with walking in your private time. You’re lucky it was Steve and not me; I would’ve killed you both on the spot,” he said to you.
“Thank you, Dad,” you hugged him tightly before going back to Bucky’s side. 
“And you; if you so much as put her in a bad mood, I’ll fucking kill you,” Tony said before leaving.
“Well, well, well,” Bucky looked at Steve.
“Bucky, leave him alone; it’s not like he almost ruined our lives and tore us apart,” you chuckled.
“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t think freak out like that,” Steve apologized.
“And why didn’t you lock the door?” he asked.
“Yeah, why didn’t you?” you looked at Bucky with furrowed brows. 
“Don’t turn on me, this is not my fault!” Bucky defended as you and Steve shared a laugh.
“Well, I’m happy for you guys. You’re good together,” Steve smiled before walking out and closing the door. 
“Wow, Toyn fucking terrifying when he’s in dad mode,” Bucky turned to you.
“Yeah, but he’ll come around.”
“I love you too, by the way.”
“I love you, Bucky.”
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
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