#this one's a bit messy... might clean it up later
leavingautumn13 · 1 year
If you're still taking requests for art, I'd love to see Scribe Haylen and/or Ellie Perkins sometime.❤️
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and works!
now i'm thinking they'd get along...
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analyzing some images (for fun)
so i found this pair of promotion images for good omens season 1 on the good omens reference library server and it’s hooked me so so bad im having feelings about it. we’re analyzing them now. not really for meta purposes just fun to see the parallels and differences :)
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everything under the cut !
unique traits
1) his plank background. its older, its crisp, it smells like wood from the screen. mmmm
2) the pencil shavings at the bottom. he does a lot of writing honestly, so i like this. also adds a messy and cozy vibe he always seems to have in that shop…. i like that blessed shop fr
3) his SUSHI. little soy sauce drops near it too—just the right amount of deliberate mess. our first formal introduction to aziraphale in the present day and beginning the Tomfoolery just happens to have sushi... i watch that scene and i go “yeah, that sums up aziraphale i suppose” very nicely. (they dont have sushi Up There) (im literally never gonna forget that)
4) the ray of light shining on the scene. tiny thing, but a bit of the heaven is peeking through..it also sort of blurs the whole image but i think thats just me.
5) and we’ve saved the best for last: the big whopper. the nice and accurate prophecies of agnes nutter, witch. I LOVE THAT BOOK!!!!!!! i cant remember if that ring stain was there but if it isnt in the show on the actual book i’d assume thats to add that ‘thy cocoa doth grow cold’ thing. ALSO. you know what’s being used as a bookmark in the pages?? a check for the ritz. he bookmarked their one chance for living . with a ritz check . MMMMMM. my GOD. that means so much to me even if i cant convey it in words. he KEEPS THE CHECKS 😭😭😭😭😭😭
1) let me get my favorite out of the way. crowley’s glasses have fire in their reflection. we’ll talk about the glasses themselves later but the REFLECTION IN THEM. fucking FIRE, BOOKSHOP fire, PAIN, SRIVING THROUGH THE M-25, HELL, I DONT KNOWIM HAVING FEELINGS!!! i do believe this is a bookshop fire reference though, the flames feel too Familiar. the lengths people will go to to attack others 🤧
2) the leather seat background!!!!!!! probably meant to look similar to the bentley’s seats but i cant recall their texture, exactly. maybe just meant to convey modernness—unsure. still, its there <3
3) the tiny little crisp plant </3 its trying his damned best to stay perfect. it might a specific plant that means something, but i cant tell at thsi angle, so i’ll assume its a mini version of the ficus he keeps in the flat. its so SMALL and sitting in ANOTHER POT i CANT
4) the snake slithering!! black and red (in this image it looks orange lol) bellied scales!!!! slithering there, chilling, being crowley, showing hints. love it
5) QUEEN RECORD!!!!! TRYING TO OVERRIDE IT WITH TCHAIKOVSKY!!!!!! the tape over it does a reminisence to crowley’s handwriting, but in a clean ‘this made made to be a font’ way. not exactly just yet. ive become a fan of tchaikovsky recently. amazing darling wonderful crowley, trying to push the rock up the hill for eternity 😞
6) HIS LITTLE DEMON KEY THING. HOLDING A TINY LITTLE BENTLEY CAR KEY OHHH. thats how he doesnt lose the tiny key despite probably not needing one of those. and he CHOSE that intentionally probably. little wings and red circle….URGHHHHHHH
mmmmm now here’s the good shit. similarities! i’ll bullet point most of them but ohhhhh. ohhhh these. i’ll go from top to bottom as best i can….
1) one of their shoes, obviously. crowley has them iconic snakeskin shoes while aziraphale has his old loafers like the old loafer he is /pos
2) chateauneuf de pape wine bottle labels! (crowley’s is under his glasses, aziraphale’s is next to his shoe). oh my fucking god theyre MATCHING. the labels are old, battered, of course labeling the drink’s age, but mmmmm its these tiny details that get me going….
3) their respective drinks in their mugs—crowley’s a black mug coffee (or what looks to be coffee) and aziraphale’s angel mug tea (or what looks to be tea). i think about that mug sometimes. where did he get that from?? mystery for the ages….
4) their glasses, of course. crowley’s iconic sunglasses and aziraphale’s reading spectacles. i cant really tell the reflections in this pair, but if its supposed to be fucking fire, im done with this. im giving up forever
5) their own watches! aziraphale’s is visibily older while crowley’s is visibly modern, but they function just the same. also, crowley’s is set to 2:56:59 (presumably PM), which is around the time we see when crowley starts checking his watch at warlock’s birthday party. its almost time for disaster to strike!! 😃
6) and finally….their ties!! they have their own ties!!! or more accurately, neck accessories, but i digress. i mesn i assume its crowley’s neck tie, because the fabric looks… different. either way, crowley’s neck thingie is very whispy and aziraphale has his funky little bowtie i love so much,,,
okay thats it. there’s no canonical implications, any fantheories, none of the sort. just saw a pair of images and my mind went GOD DAMN!!!!!! theyre very important to me. i need to look at more promo material 😔
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nerdyjournals · 2 months
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Thank you for your request! Other than the little mishap, this was a fun one to do! You really had me thinking over what each one would get upset over, so hopefully they all fit!
Bang Chan
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You could feel his eyes bore through you as Chan stared at you through the glass in the hospital door. He looked frazzled. Hair a mess, the bags under his eyes even worse than before.
He stepped in and you watched all the air escape him as he took in your bandaged wrist.
"And what have we learned?" He said, voice soft but stern.
"To wait until help arrives and to not be a stubborn and impatient baby," you whined as he lifted up your hand. "They said it'll be a week or so before I can lift anything."
"Do you see why I was so insistent that you wait?" You nodded. "Plus I have seven able body movers who were ready to help us later tonight after rehearsals."
You whispered another apology as he took you into his arms and held you tight.
"I'm just glad you're okay and it was nothing major."
Lee Know
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You felt yourself wince as you stepped over the threshold of your apartment. You had been hoping to do some spring cleaning before Minho got home so he could just rest.
He had told you to do it in stages so you wouldn't overwork and hurt yourself, but what do you do? You overwork and hurt yourself.
Now you softly flinch as you spot him sitting in an armchair that you swear was never positioned in the middle of the hallway.
"I'm in trouble, aren't I?" You scratched the back of your head nervously.
"Big time." Minho stood from the chair and walked over. "You know I tell you not to do things because I care about you, right?" You nod. "So why go against me?"
"I wanted you to have a nice place to rest since you've been working so hard, but I just screwed up again." He pulled you into a soft hug, silently trying to find where you were hurt. "You're not even supposed to be home early. Why are you here?"
"You always send me a photo of your food before my lunch break if you're home, and I know for a fact that you have today off."
"You were worried?"
"Don't tell the media. I do have a reputation to uphold, you know."
Okay, the laugh hurt a little bit.
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The front door opened and closed without Changbin's usual fanfare. Yup, you were in trouble.
His figure came around the corner with a small pharmacy bag and two cups of boba. Okay, so he wasn't that mad....yet.
"Are you okay?" Those words shocked you, having been ready for his beratement or something along those lines.
"I'm okay. A little sore, but okay." He walked over and handed you the drink and bag. "I thought you said you'll be late tonight."
"And I knew that if I didn't come home at my earliest convenience, you'd try something stupid again." You pouted as both of you knew he was right. "I know you want our first place to be perfect, but we have all the time in the world to decorate."
"I work from home, Bin. I need something to do other than watching a computer screen for eight hours."
"Then bring your laptop with you and visit the studio. The guys won't mind. They love you."
"Are you sure I won't be distracting?"
"Never. If anything, you might get annoyed with Jisung's antics."
"I'll take that risk."
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The sound of feet rushing against the tile of your apartment floor brought you back to reality. Your little perch on the balcony slightly helped alleviate your headache.
Hyunjin stood there with a small pharmacy bag and a hand fan.
"Are you okay? Any breakouts or irritation?" He asked, worry filling his voice with each word.
"No. I got out quickly enough." You said, obviously tired. He switched on the hand fan and placed it yours as he set the bag aside. "I'm sorry."
"What were you doing in there anyway?"
"I wanted to clean up a bit. You were really stressed about it."
"I'd rather have a messy studio than have you in the hospital." His gaze drifted from you to the view. "Fresh air help?"
"Not as much as you."
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Hearing footsteps approach, you quickly tried to get off the floor but to no avail.
"Aish..." Han's soft curse came from the doorway. "Didn't I tell you to wait for me before trying to unpack?"
The two of you had moved in together recently and your stuff was the last to unpack and also the heaviest.
"Did you finish your book already?" He asked as the two of you began to pick up the fallen novels. He could see your face scrunch at all the bent pages and covers.
"I thought the next one was in the stack of opened boxes. I just wanted to start and not have to bug you for something so small."
"You enjoy reading, yeah?" You slowly nodded. "Then it's not so small. I think it's small when I interrupt your reading for a thirty second clip opinion."
You nodded and placed another book back in the box as he tilted your chin over to look him in the eyes.
"If any of your books got ruined, they're replaceable. You know what's not? You. So ask me next time, okay?"
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It was a little embarrassing to have Felix walk in and see you with your hand submerged in a bowl of water.
"I thought I told you to do an ice shower," he sighed as he placed the bag in the table.
"Why would I need to shower for just my hand?" You slowly lifted out of the water and showed off the damage. "How bad?"
"Well, it's not blistering so that's good." Felix grabbed the kitchen towel to dry pat your hand. "What were you doing anyway?"
"Taking cookies out of the oven." You pointed over to where a batch of cookies still sat on the baking sheet. "I couldn't find the mitts so i used the rubber ones, but the back of my hand touched the metal."
"You're very brave to even keep them on the tray while in pain." He put the cream on and began to wrap it. "You're not allowed to bake without me here anymore, okay? At least, not until this heals."
"Oh no. I have to spend more quality time with my boyfriend. Whatever shall I do?" The sarcasm dripped from your words, making him smile and press against the injury.
"Don't make me regret it."
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His steps were frantic as he unlocked the apartment door. Part of him was thankful they had chosen to put security cameras in the house, but the other part cursed him cause it forced him to watch his partner take a nasty fall.
"Y/N?" He didn't raise his voice, knowing that you might have a bad headache.
Your hand peeked out from behind the kitchen island and he rushed over. He found you leaned against the cabinet with an ice pack against the back of your head.
"Hey," he whispered, "1 to 10?" You held up four fingers then four more. "Can you stand?" You signed out the sign for 'no.' "Can I carry you? I got the car running outside." You signed 'yes.' "Talking hurts?" You signed 'yes' again as he carefully lifted you into his arms.
You signed 'sorry' as you made it to the car.
"Why are you apologizing? It was an accident and the guys understand that." He gently placed you in the passenger seat. "They will want an update once you're all clear, okay?"
You signed 'okay.'
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Something was off. You had been avoiding his hand ever since he got home. Normally Jeongin won't mind, but you won't even hold it in front of you.
"You tried to hook up the gundam already, didn't you?" He said as he watched you freeze. "Show me the damage."
You slowly held your hand out, placing it softly in his. Small bandages say on a few knuckles while little red dots covered your palm.
"You tried to solder the wires without knowing how to use the tool, didn't you?" You tried to take your hand back but failed. "I told you to wait for me."
"But I wanted it done so that I could show it to you when you got home. Now it's just sitting there, taunting me."
"What's more fun? Building together or building alone?"
"Together." You sounded so shy.
"Then let's have dinner and we'll finish your project together." You nodded. "And then I yell at my brother to never give you a complicated set again."
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lolokouhm · 8 months
| Suguru doesn't eat, but tonight he's hungry | smutty smutty smut | tattooed Geto | depressed Geto | kinda poetic | Geto is young and beautiful and not crazy |
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„You haven’t eaten, have you?”
No, Suguru hasn’t eaten.
It’s not like you’re surprised. He’s lost weight - nah, he’s been losing weight steadily for the past few weeks. People say that it’s hard to notice when you see someone regularly, but it’s not hard at all - especially in his case. You’re not sure what’s changed exactly. Suguru still looks relatively healthy, not underweight, but the dark circles under his eyes speak volumes.
You sigh and walk into his apartment. It’s surprisingly neat, to the point it’s a bit scary - so clean it gives an impression as if no living person could function there. And maybe that’s exactly how it is. Maybe that tall, handsome guy in black sweats that greets you is not a person anymore, but a ghost. It’s a question you constantly ask yourself in your head, but never dare to answer. Your heart would break. 
„I wasn’t hungry.” A smile appears on his pale face and you sigh again. 
You’ve been friends with Suguru since high school, but after your last year you went your separate ways, just to meet again years later - just a few months ago. He didn’t change much, at least not visually - except for his arms. He might have gone a little bit crazy on ink there, and that’s exactly what got the two of you talking again. Tattoos. You’ve never expected Suguru Geto, that sophisticated, awfully smart Geto would cover both of his arms in the most insane pieces of art you’ve ever seen. You’ve had your own share of ink under your skin, but your collection was quite messy and not that cohesive. You liked trying new styles, creating your own map of memories from different places and different artists, while his tattoos were definitely an artwork made by one man. You had a million questions, he was happy to answer - that’s how you ended up in his apartment for the first time. Soon you realised you had a million subjects to go through - politics, art, even God. It was easy, talking with him. It was fun.
And then it began - the movie nights, when the two of you were going through different eras of cinema alphabetically, also bringing snacks that would start on the same letter as the movie you were watching. A stupid idea that you shamelessly stole from „The Barbie Diaries” - the first movie you’ve watched together and the first one that left Suguru completely traumatised. 
„Luckily for you, today we’re watching The Notebook, so we’ll be having noodles. What kind of noodles do you want, sir?”, you ask, handing him an invisible microphone.
Suguru chuckles. 
A few clicks later the food is already on its way and the two of you get comfortable on his huge couch. The projector starts warming up and you look around - it’s completely dark inside and if it weren’t for the fact you know Suguru well, you’d think he made the apartament that way so the two of you could watch the movie comfortably. Your gaze goes back to him - his body hunching over the laptop, fighting with Netflix again. 
The projector turns on and the movie starts, as the two of you hide yourselves under the blankets. Unfortunately, you can’t focus. You’re worried.
You’ve had some conversations about his depressive episodes before, so technically you know what he’s going trough, but honestly - you don’t. He doesn’t really talk about it, but if you could get into his head you’d understand how much he values your bare presence next to him. If you could get into his head, you’d know way more, but luckily for Suguru, you can’t. He wouldn’t like that. 
In normal circumstances, at least. Because tonight, he is hungry, he is frustrated, and he needs warmth. 
And you are anything but cold. 
So when he catches your eyes on him, he bets. If you turn away, he’ll let you go. If you give in, he’ll make you stay. 
Three seconds. That’s how much time it takes for Suguru to get closer to you and kiss you. 
It’s short, soft and sensual, but it makes his head go fuzzy, and when he pulls back he just hopes you won’t run away. Don’t run away. Don’t. 
You’re not running.
You’re sitting, legs crossed, just as you were seconds before. Your face is completely red now as Suguru’s eyes scan you carefully, desperate to see the future. Will you go? Will you slap him? 
„Why did you do that?” Your own voice doesn’t even sound like your voice. „The Notebook” in the background is now completely forgotten, the flickering lights on the screen keep on changing and throwing different shades on Suguru’s pale face. You didn’t expect that. Not that you didn’t want to or think about it, it’s just…
„I’m hungry” he whispers, and the way his voice sounds gets shivers sprinting down your spine. „And the food’s not here yet.” 
„Yeah. It’s not.” He still keeps his hands on your cheeks, right thumb gently brushing your skin, touch light as a feather. 
„What are we going to do about it?”, he murmurs, words are barely audible. He’s waiting. There’s another unspoken question hanging between the two of you, and you’re the one who needs to answer.
And that’s exactly what you do. 
Both of your hands are suddenly gripping onto his hoodie as you lean into him, lips crashing yet again, just with much bigger force this time. Suguru’s breath shakes as he finally comprehends that he won the bet and a smile crawls onto his face. You’re kissing him. His ray of sunshine. Well, maybe not his yet, but when he’s done with you, that’s exactly how you will be.
And that’s exactly what he does. 
His lips travel down your jaw, stop for a second under your ear and then go straight to your neck as your hands let go of his hoodie and find their way to his hair, gripping desperately on the black strands loosely caught in a bun. He groans at the feeling as he bites the skin of your exposed collarbone, his fingers playing with the hem of your blouse, eager to feel more and more of you. Suguru looks up and tries his best not to moan at the sight of your face, your lipstick completely devoured. 
„Can I?”, a hoarse whisper leaves his throat, but it’s not even a question. He’s begging you. 
And you let him. 
He takes his own hoodie of as you take off yours - and you can see them again. The artwork on his arms. You lean your body against the pillows on the right side of the couch and Suguru gulps. He’s been imagining that for a while now, but the reality, for the first time in fucking forever, was so, so much better. His lips go back to sucking and licking your skin and by the moment he reaches your breasts you whine. His hot tongue plays with your nipples, making you impossibly wet, and the bare sight of him shirtless in those awfully beautiful sweats is not helping at all. A part of you is relieved - his muscles are still there, tensing a bit with every movement. And when he pulls away for a moment, you notice it.
„You’ve got a new one.” A koi fish, on his ribs, drawn as usual in a traditional style, this time with a bit of colour. Red. Your favourite. Your hand is shaking, but you can’t help yourself. You trace the shape of the tattoo, his hot skin under your fingertips feeling like fire. You are in awe - even more when you look at him again, breathing heavily. A god. He looks like a god. 
And then he proceeds to make you feel like you’re nowhere but in heaven.
He’s not hungry anymore - by the time you’re completely naked he’s starving. His name escapes your lips when his grip on your thighs gets tighter, and then it hits you - his tongue finally making contact with the place you needed him in so desperately. Your hands find his hair again, pulling it relentlessly when he inserts two slender fingers inside of you, at the same time licking your clit. Suguru’s ravenous. You could be his breakfast, his lunch, his dinner, his dessert - everything. He could eat you out all the time, no breaks, no thoughts, no objections. He tries to control his own hips that have been grinding into the couch for a while now, but the feeling of you on his tongue isn’t making it any easier. 
„Suguru…” your voice comes back to you, a familiar feeling slowly building up inside of your stomach. „I’m so close.” 
You really are, and your clouded mind is making the sensation almost unbearable. Suguru groans yet again, happier then ever, and then you hear it.
„Come for me, baby.”
So soft. So simple. Not a demand, by no means. An invitation - to fall apart on his tongue. 
You take it.
His name leaves your lips as your orgasm blinds you, back arching as you pull his hair so hard he groans. Suguru doesn’t stop right away - he makes you ride it out, drinking you like holy water. You shake and quiver and he thinks that maybe that’s exactly what it is. Holy water on his tongue. 
And so you lay, completely fucked out under his perfect body, and when he goes up to look at you he’s almost sure he’s going to come right there, in his pants. You’re so perfect. You’re so perfect. You’re so perfect.
„Fuck.” It falls from his lips as he’s taking these damn pants off and you gasp. „I just… Fuck.” He runs his hands down his face, your arousal glistening all over him. It’s like he shines. You might be going insane. Fucking Geto Suguru, hovering over you, his cock impossibly hard, looking for words. „Can I…”
Before he finishes, you lean into him and bring him down, pulling his neck closer to you and diving into the kiss. He pants and you get scared - it’s not reality. It can’t be. Suguru leaning into your touch, Suguru groaning into your ear, Suguru, Suguru, Suguru. His name carved all over your body, all over your mind. 
He goes in slowly, trying his best not to come right away, but he’s more than determined to make you cum again, this time on his cock. He starts thrusting, diving as deep as possible and then reaches for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. It feels so good. Too good to be true. He doesn’t fuck you - it’s way more than that. His lips move up and down your neck, leaving desperate kisses between pants and grunts. Suguru is in pain and you’re the cure. Suguru is the moon and you’re the sun. Suguru is the believer.
And you’re the god.
You asked him about it one night. 
„Do you believe in God, Suguru?”
He said he didn’t, but he changed his mind. He does.
His god is right there, under his fingers.
You come again, moaning right into his lips when you kiss, and the way you clench around him sends him to the edge. He hides his head into the crook of your neck and twitches inside of you, warm cum covering your insides as he pants, hips desperately bucking into you. You’re barely conscious, but you wrap your arms around him and hold him as he’s trying to catch his breath. His heartbeat runs through you and it kinda feels like you’re one person. Maybe that’s exactly what you have become. 
„Are you still hungry?” 
You can feel him laughing into your skin. Suguru moves his head up and readjusts it, so he can see the bite marks on your neck a little better. Like a tattoo. Another one to your collection.
masterlist ❤️
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eupheme · 1 month
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— clean slate [into the fire, part v]
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | masterlist
cooper howard / the ghoul x f!reader
rated e - 4k
tags: dubcon, power dynamics, vault dweller!reader, bounty hunting, sex for favors, sub/dom elements, canon-typical descriptive violence and death, references to blood/gore, anti-ghoul sentiments, physical violence against reader, hurt/comfort, kissing
a/n: please mind the tags! this chapter got twice as long as the others (maybe I didn't want it to end, haha!) and there was a good break, so to keep things consistent, I am splitting it in half! both are being posted today though, so you don't have to wait 💖
Always said he did this shit for the love of the game. But this time - he thinks - it might just be personal.
(or - they took something from the Ghoul, and he’s here to collect)
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The afternoon edges into night, and he tells himself each hour is the last one he'll think about you.
The Ghoul had waited for you to look back. Stock-still in the swirling dust that bit at his skin. A white-knuckled grip around the thick coil of rope. 
You hadn’t. 
His hand still reaches to scrubs at his neck, his jaw. To wipe you away or rub you in, he’s not sure. 
It doesn't fucking matter. 
He's stuck around a long time. Enough to see generations of families grow old and then die. The last few weeks are no more than a blip, in his far too-long life.
Hell - he's spent more time underground, than with you. 
But something prickles at him. Lingering like a bad trip, leaving his teeth clenching and jaw aching as he finishes out the bounty.
It's messy. 
It shouldn't have been. Should have been easy - but he's aching for a fight, something to take his mind off things. He's antagonistic. 
Could've finished everything up from afar, but he ends up in close range. Another scar marring his chest, new splatters streaked across his dark coat. 
It aches, a deep bruise as it heals. 
Still only slightly dulling the itch of irritation.
I haven't lied about anything.  
Didn’t last night mean anything to you?
It's sometime the next morning, after a night of a starless sky closing in around him, that he gives in. 
Heading the way you went without thought, and when he does notice, he tells himself it's only because he needs more chems. That it’d be a shame to lose a supplier as good as you. 
That it's easier, for both of you to stick together. 
Maybe that's why he was careless. Knowing deep down, it would be easier to find a corpse later than to haul around a bounty, kicking and screaming.
The small sliver left of another man, from  another life, knows he was cruel. That anger had turned him into a viper. Had always been good at striking first. Self-preservation beaten into him after two-hundred years - an old, festering wound. 
He doesn’t know how to apologize anymore, but he can already think of a few ways to distract you. 
Maybe you’ll forget completely, if he's thorough. 
The Ghoul is faster than you are. Needs less rest, less food. Has already plotted just how far you can get in a day. Your footprints faded as packed earth leads to woods, but you’re not the type to wander, and there's only a few settlements in the miles ahead. 
Halfway to his destination, when his eyes snag on a patch of rocks. A broken bits of branches on the trees just before it. There's something smeared across the stone - tasting like iron, when the tip of a finger brings it to his tongue.
Something ancient twists in his stomach, awakening from a slumber. 
Backing up, he's able to piece together the struggle. Seeing the flattened grass, the heavy boot prints, melding with the smaller ones. 
Finding a body, fallen off to the side - angling off the rock with the stain. Something familiar about the look of him.
A boot sinks into their side, rolling them over. A curl of a lip - he recognizes them. One of the two bounty hunters they’d fun into. 
He had hated their eyes on you when they blew through that town.
Something had prickled at him then, but he had ignored it. A grit of his jaw - should’ve dealt with both of them. 
There’s a hole in their head - red spilling down their neck, still tacky to the touch. A clean, close shot. His finger sinks in the wound, the same size as your 10mm. 
"Good girl." The Ghoul murmurs. 
The slightest ease of the knot in his chest.
A crunch of glass beneath his feet, the glint of the sun catching the needle. Another shape he knows well - a syringe. Probably a tranquilizer.
Three meeting one, with three leaving. The dead weight of you weighing down their steps, the footprints pressing heavily into the earth.
Easy enough for him to follow, as he slings his gun free. 
Always said he did this shit for the love of the game.
But this time - he thinks - it might just be personal.
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Despite being back among faces you knew, fear had been your only companion since the meeting in the forest. 
Hazy memories flicker through your mind. Being dragged, snippets of light and the heat of a fire. The bright sear of dawn, and the dry embrace of the desert again. 
Waking to the feeling of your arms being wrenched above your head. Coming to, hissing and spitting. Nails catching the face of one of them - Baine, you think - his fist cracking down hard against your cheek in retaliation.
Leaving you dazed, as your wrists were caught again - bound in place. A cruel curl of a lip, as they examined you like a brahmin.
“You look like a Wastelander”. It’s spit out, a wet mark against the floor, “We’ll get you back where you belong soon enough.”
You’re not sure how much time has passed. A day, maybe. Hunger gnaws at you - only a small sliver of comfort in the dried meat and fruit tossed your way. 
Axton, the head of the Reclaimers - those who were tasked with bringing people back - had grown up with you. At one time, was perhaps even more than that. A distant relation of the current Overseers, his blood too thinned out to be of use - but even he won’t look you in the eye. 
You both know how this will go, when you get back home. 
Hope drains from you, with each hour. Eating away at the little flicker of hope in your chest, wrapped tightly around your heart. 
Maybe he’d show. 
But despair clouded your thoughts, soon after. 
“You get hurt doing some stupid shit, and I’m leavin’ you behind.”
“You're a goddamn fool if you think I hadn’t been planning on turnin' you in the first chance I get."
Maybe he’d been truthful all along, and you hadn’t listened. Read into all those small moments, weaving them together until they had made something tangible.
The looks, stolen breaths and almost-careful touches. All fleeting, but you had caught them. Holding them close to your heart. 
But life isn’t like the holotapes you grew up, back when everything felt safe.
There aren’t cowboys anymore. No heroes on horses - with their silver spurs and a shining, golden badge. 
No one was coming for you. 
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The footprints die out, as the bleached trees grow thin. 
Tall grass to packed dirt, dried by the sun. Rolling hills and then mountains, scraping against the horizon. The dipping sun casts him in a red light that bleeds to black at his ankles, his shadow stretching back long and lean behind him.
But these roads aren't wholly unknown to him. 
Spent time blowing through Junktown and The Hub, a couple dozen miles away. The memory hazy, but there weren't too many places folk could stay, once the sun went down and everything wild and unruly came crawling out.
A feeling in his gut has him stopping two miles down the road. A half-dug quarry, long abandoned even before the world went to hell. Threadbare railings and platforms held together with spit and a prayer, framing the rusted building that cuts into the stone walls. 
The tip of his boot taps a loose rock, sending it off the edge. Head cocked as he thinks, until he hears the faintest clatter a hundred feet below. 
Two-hundred years ago, he had stood on a ledge much like this. Valley of the Gun. The final shootout had his guns lost in the dust. Fist-fighting with the leader of the gang, until they both near tumbled off the edge together.
Honorable, in the way he had caught the man's hand. Tried to haul him up, but had to let go when a knife was pulled - keeping him the hero. A satisfying death that wasn't his fault, a way to keep his conscience. 
All movie tricks. Angles and the implication of falling, as the camera focused on his face that swam with regret. 
Comin' after a girl then, too. 
Thinks that's why the old memory has loosened in his mind. 
Funny how things can change, but the bones remain. How he's still drawn back to life he's left far behind. Even if his conscience was buried, a long time ago. 
Some things linger. He could go down. Take one of those ladders, work his way through the tunnels that are sure to wind through the limestone, and up through the back. 
But he's never much liked being underground. 
Another second of considering, before he's heading for the front door.
He used to like a script, but that was back in the day when the worst thing that could happen was a box-office bomb, not the hell he's been dragged through. 
A half-cocked plan already forming. Twisting that connection between them, his own abandoned contract. Get him through the front door and to the man in charge at least, and that might be all he needs. Let years of instinct take over, after that. 
Had already gotten a good look at a couple of them, when he first picked up the bounty. It had made him curious - why there was so much fuss, over so small a thing. Easy caps, he decided, when he had gotten a look at you. 
Picking up that their brutality had been learned from sharpening their teeth against a silver spoon. Hardy - compared to some Wastelanders - with their filling meals and their pristine weapons. 
But they sure as hell don't have the same grit as one.
Not much of anything, really, when compared to him.
The door opens with the push of his shoulder. Hand beneath the swirl of his coat, finger already fixed on the trigger. Not far in until he’s running into one of them - another Vaultie.
The man startles, wide-eyed when he sees him. Green, in his shades of blue and yellow. 
“Here ‘bout a job.” The Ghoul keeps his voice light, in spite of everything.
Knows they’re keeping you alive for someone else, as much as that makes his jaw clench. No need to go rushing in just yet. 
A flicker of recognition, as the man frowns, “How’d you find us?”
His head tilts, that smooth drawl slipping in, “Wouldn’t be much of a Bounty Hunter if I couldn’t, now, would I?”
The Vault Dweller’s eyes are fixed on his face, that familiar look of fear and disgust - dipping down to the pocket of his nose, the curling smile of yellowed teeth. 
It’s strange how foreign it feels, after the hours spent with you looking at him so differently. 
Maybe he’d been a fool, after all. 
Maybe it’s more than your tight cunt that he wants to bury himself in, to claim. Something soft, bitten back behind his teeth. Something he doesn’t even know if he has a name for, anymore.
Something he didn’t know he needed , until he had chased both it and you away. 
“We’ve already got her.” The man manages, after thinking it over, “Don’t think we need your services anymore.”
There’s another flash of teeth at the confirmation. 
“Agreement was to find her. And who do you think rustled her up?” His brow lifts, “Would’ve been half-way to New Reno by now, if I hadn’t herded her your way.”
That sharp edge creeping in, “Think my time’s worth a little somethin ’. Don’t you?”
It’s easy for the guard to leave that decision to someone else. Standing aside, to let him pass.
“Thank you kindly.” The Ghoul tips his hat, a swirl of his coat as he passes. 
Taking just enough steps past them, waiting until the man’s back turns. Spinning on his heel, after. 
The knife glints between his fingers as he twirls it. A hand pressing over the Vault Dweller’s mouth, before the blade sinks into their neck. 
Muffling the dying gurgle. A grunt as the Ghoul yanks the blade free - leaving the body crumpled in the shadows, as he winds deeper.
One down. 
Hold on, he thinks.
I’m coming.  
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His whistle echoes in the chamber. 
Half old-world - a long-forgotten leitmotif that fuses with new notes of his own. A part to play until he doesn't, letting the Ghoul guide him. 
Down the half-lit hallway, the lights flickering overhead from the ancient generator. Everything picked clean like he figured it would be - every last piece of scrap ferreted away, leaving only dusty crates behind.
Still playing the part, as the low murmur of voices grows louder. Ears pricking up, listening for hers. Picking out at least three or four others from the layered hum.
A sneer, at the number. He’s faced worse odds. It’s in his favor really - take out as many fuckers as he can. Send bits and pieces of them back.
His intentions masked, an old habit, by the time he enters the warehouse. A wide steel grate floor, opening up to a second level below, scattered with old machinery. 
There’s a table. Cards littering the top - a luxury brought from the Vault, as they bet using caps. Couple Vault Dwellers and that Wasteland son of a bitch from the town. Four total, one lounging on a sleeping pack as if it’s just another night, and they weren’t bringing you to your death. 
It rankles him, teeth set on edge. 
A scrape of chair legs on the floor, at the drawling condescension of his voice. 
“Ain’t y’all a little old for a sleepover?”
Hands rest on holsters, but they don’t draw. The Ghoul focuses on one - a face he recognizes, the one who had sought him out.
The man’s legs spread, as if he’s got something worthwhile between them. The leader of this whole operation. Axton , or some shit like that - it hadn’t been worth his time to remember. 
“Believe you fellas got somethin’ of mine.” The Ghoul drawls, “I’m here to collect.”
There’s a pause at that. 
One of them, a right-hand man by the look of their padded leather armor - not a scratch on it - scowls. A face that tells another story. Pink marks start at their cheek, jagged lines that end at a thick neck. 
His eyes narrow at that, lip curling. A flicker of unease in his belly - fingers clenching where they rest against his hips, close enough to draw.
“You’re too late for payment, ghoul. Heard you were dragging your feet.” His head tilts, towards the Wastelander who had gone still, “We went and got her ourselves.”
The Ghoul grins - a fierce thing, with a flash of teeth. A lilt, in his voice. 
“Now, what makes you think I’m here for caps?”
It gives them pause. His question - the prospect of a ghoul showing up, unannounced.
“What else you here for?” Another grunts - eyes already back on his cards, a comfort in their numbers. 
“Think you know.”
“The girl?” Atmos laughs, and the sound is cruel, “Heard she split from you. Caught her after.”
A tilt of his head towards the armored man and the Wastelander. Taunting then, “Must not be that good, if you let her slip away. What, she get tired of looking at your ugly mug?”
If they only knew the kind of things he’d done to you. What you had done to him, right back. 
The Ghoul is only half-paying attention. Sticks and stones, all their insults falling on deaf ears. Too busy with eyes that flick over the top floor. Then down to the ground below.
Something flipping inside his guts, when he sees it. Cast in shadow near the base of the stairs, but his eyesight is keener than it’s ever been. 
Arms bound, the knot looped around the hook of an overturned crane. A raw, split mark - swollen and bruised flesh - on the curve of a smooth cheek. Just above where your teeth cut into a piece of cloth, tied tightly around to gag you. 
A tilt of your head, and then your eyes are meeting his. Round and blank with fear. Widening, when you see him. 
His girl.
Muscles string tight, eyes narrowed as his teeth clench. You’d paid for what you did, and he’d be there to return the favor. 
His gaze snaps back, and focuses. Whatever plan he had been working up burns, turning to ash. 
“Always heard that beauty was in the eye of the beholder.” The Ghoul’s tone is conversational - although his blood boils, scalding hot, “But if you wanna see an ugly fucker , well… you best look right there.”
There’s a nod of his head, towards the man in charge. As if on cue, their heads twist to look - just as he draws, and then fires. 
The Vault Dweller’s head caves in. Gore splattering against the blue of his suit. Barely a breath before his finger is tugging again, a bullet going through the chest of a second. 
Always too goddamn slow.  
Hesitant to take a life, even with their bravado. 
Something that molted from his skin with the rest of him, over a century ago. He’s already reaching for the gun holstered at his shoulder before return shots are fired. 
He can feel the flicker of something miss him, before he’s charging. Ducking under the swing of a knife, the muzzle pressed against ribs.
A hoarse shout that is drawn out by the ringing blast. The knife caught and sent spinning into the back of the Wastelander, heading towards the door. 
Flinching, as something slams into his shoulder, just shy of his collarbone, and out the other side. The turn of a head - an eye fixed on the last man standing.
Padded armor won’t do much to stop him. 
“That your handiwork?” The Ghoul growls, as his head tips towards you.
The man's finger twitches but he’s faster - a shot going into the meat of their thigh. Downing them as they scream, as the Ghoul saunters over to tug the hilt from where he’s buried it in the Wastlander’s back. 
It glints a gleaming red in the light, as he adjusts his grip. Eyeing the scripted tattoos that cross over the man’s knuckles - as they grip at their thigh, near-tenderized from the blast. 
Ones that had struck you. Could send them back, spelling out something obscene. A rough laugh at the thought. 
He’s got someone waiting for him. But, he knows from experience…
That this won’t take too long. 
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In the hours since you parted, it’s only now that you can breathe.
For a long moment, you hadn’t dared believe. Eyes drawn to the noise above - the loud pitch of voices. 
One of them - rough and low - draws your attention. Everything dark from your angle, an ache as you had tried to see.
Knowing that shadow. The brim of his hat. 
The burn of his eyes, when they fixed on you. You could feel the fury in them, even from here. A muted sound of desperation from behind your gag, as you watched. 
The Ghoul shoots first - the second his eyes pull away, and it’s all over in a matter of moments. 
Your eyes closing at the sound of gunfire, of screaming - until it finally cuts short. Leaving the warehouse eerily silent, except for the clicking of spurs against metal. 
He crouches in front of you, now - and you can’t help the whine. So much trapped behind the thick binding of cloth. All you could do is tug at your bound wrists - neck craning as you tried to watch from below.
A force of nature. Bared teeth a quick draw. Again you’re forced to admit to yourself how lucky you were to still be standing, after your first meeting. 
He had blown through them like it was nothing. 
“Hold on a minute, honey.” That low tone is familiar, calming you as his fingers hook around the cloth. Leaving a smear of red against your jaw as he tugs the gag free - shucking his gloves after.
“Are you hurt?” It comes out ragged. Tongue heavy in your mouth, throat dry. Eyes scanning the dark leather of his coat - all that red , smeared across it, “Thought you got hit.”
He barks out a laugh, your chin trapped between thumb and forefinger, “That’s what you’re worried about?”
Something dark swirling across his features, as he tilts your head towards the light. His thumb pressing at the edge of your bruise, denting skin.
“They got you good, didn’t they?” He murmurs, and you smile through a wince, at the dull ache of pain.
“You got them.”
“Sure did,” It’s distracted, as he cuts at the binds, next. The rope fraying and then splitting, an ache in your shoulders when your arms finally lower. 
“Fuckin’ amateurs.” He mutters again, watching as you wince at the rubbed-raw skin at your wrists. The corners of his lips tipped down, lost in thought.
“Thought you would’ve liked seeing me all tied up.” It’s a weak thing. An attempt at humor, the ache in your heart at seeing him cut by the acidity of your last meeting.
He blinks. Comes back to himself, a hoarse hum of amusement. 
“Only when I’m doing it, sweetheart.” The Ghoul’s eyes meet yours then, a hint of a smirk with the tilt of his head. 
“Can think of a much better way of gagging you, too.”
There’s almost a softness to his tone. Just barely there, tinting the rough edges. Something like hope flutters - delicate, behind your ribs. 
“You… you came, for me.” You need the clarification. To hear him say it. That this isn’t some ruse, a way to take you directly to the source, “You’re not-”
There’s a sigh, as he fixes you with a long look. His head tipping towards the platform above, a lazy flick of his finger towards an arm that dangles from the ledge.
“Well that there man’s the one I got your contract from,” The Ghoul drawls, “Said I was to return what belonged to somebody else.”
Those eyes fixing on you again, “Seein’ as you’re not , and seein’ as that man is now indisposed…”
His words trail off - and you can’t help the small smile, as he finishes.
“I’m thinkin we’re square.”
The look you give him is soft. Admiring. You don’t know how he tracked you down, but he did. 
“You saved me.” It’s hushed, and at your tone his eyes pull from you. 
Fixing somewhere low, off to the side, as he crouches. Uncomfortable with the way you look at him. How you see him. Not used to it, not after so many years. 
You’re not able to resist. 
Muscles stringing stiff when you lean forward. Lips pressed against the leather of his cheek, fingers ghosting against his jaw. 
A huff then, teeth biting into his tongue with the shake of a head. His eyes dark, as you pull back, hovering. 
“Darlin’ if you’re going to be stealin’ a kiss, you best be doin’ it properly.” The Ghoul rasps, eyes flicking down to your mouth.
His head tips towards yours, but it’s your that meets his first. A little sound in your throat as your lips slot against his. Warm and insistent as his knees drop to press into the cement floor.
Tugging at you, as your fingers grasp at his collar. A hungry lick of his tongue against the seam of your lips as you whine, crushing your chest to his.
His fingers at your neck, your jaw. Angling your head, a rough groan as you part for him. Turning ravenous - wandering hands as your tongue slips against his. Panting breaths and a grinding of hips when he yanks you closer. 
“How many were there?” He hums, as you try to sneak a ragged breath.
The curve of a smile when you try to ignore him, a click of his tongue.
“I dunno,” Your mind is too foggy. Too focused on the hands that trace against your waist, “Four? No… maybe five?”
“You don’t seem too sure, sweetheart.” He does smile then, at the little mark between your eyebrows. Untangling himself - a hand reaching down to adjust himself, as he stands. 
“As much as I’d like to take you right here,” He husks, eyes dragging over you, “The last thing I need is a bullet in the ass.”
A tilt of his head, towards the open floor.
“Come on, cowpoke. Let’s do a sweep.”
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the last (final, for real this time) part will be up in just a little bit! 💖 thank you so much for reading - this series has become so much to me, and every ask or comment or tag or reblog has absolutely meant the world 💕
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silantryoo · 3 months
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baek harin x reader
WARNINGS ; TRIGGER WARNING! heavy manipulation, love bombing, possessiveness, gaslighting, physical and emotional abuse, spoilers up to episode 8 of pyramid game
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your thoughts ran wild.
harin probably already knew. somehow, she always figured out what you were thinking, as if you were an open book. she could tell your worries and your fears by glancing at you.
you did well. you knew that she would be proud of you, but still...
you shook your head. now wasn't the time to be nervous.
smoke wafted around the baekyeon heiress as you approached her, her eyes drifting in the distance. in her hand, a cigarette, laced with gold and stuffed with toxins that harin always seemed to indulge herself in.
her head tilted towards you, a dull sparkle in her eye.
her voice was monotone, carrying out a sense of boredom that she only showed to a few others.
you watched her in all her beauty, the curls of the fog shaping the area around her. the heiress was stunning, and it always took you a couple seconds to reel yourself back to reality.
harin rolled her eyes as she approached you, tapping the side of her smoke as a warning.
instinctively, you straightened, your eyes wide as she smiled.
there was something so addictive about frightening you, something that was true genuine fear laced with an undying loyalty. you were impossible to replicate, a faithful dog waiting by her bedside.
you took a deep breath, inhaling the smoke through your nose. "i got ambushed by jaeun, suji, and them."
"i thought so." another puff of smoke exited her mouth. "did they mention anything?"
anything else?
you bit your tongue, your face ridden with guilt.
you were tired of the game, tired of getting hurt. as much as you yearned for harin's happiness, the exhaustion was getting to you. you just wanted one day to yourself, without eunbyeol and harin breathing down your back.
harin's eyes hardened, her gaze trained on you like a hawk. her pupils took in the sight; your quivering mouth, your avoidant stare...
she smiled.
"why don't i believe you?" harin clicked her tongue, pointing the end of her smoke near your cheek. "is it because you're lying to me?"
she knew. how did she know?
"no, i just..."
("join us.")
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you never questioned why class 1-5 were in the middle of nowhere.
the building was nice, decorated with marble columns and sleek white paint. the washrooms were clean, close by, and rarely messy except for the occasional tissue lying on the ground.
it felt as if you were purposely isolated, the twenty-four other girls in your class being the only ones in reach.
sometimes, you even forgot other classes existed.
"harin's a fucking bitch."
you paused. kim dayeon?
a girl like her wouldn't be caught dead in the library. there was no reason for her to be here, much less talk shit about the heiress of the entire school.
you kept your mouth shut as your thoughts wandered to the girl in question.
baek harin.
pretty, intelligent, soft-spoken. from what you've seen, all those things were right. you were always too shy to approach her, your thoughts clouded by the beauty that she held. from what you heard from others, she was the embodiment of niceness, going out of her way to lend others money with nothing in return (yet).
why would dayeon even say these things about her?
"god, you think she's all high and mighty." dayeon muttered, her feet shuffling as she paced back and forth. "that psycho probably wants us to worship the ground she walks on."
psycho? baek harin wasn't a psycho.
"a hierarchy game?" dayeon could already see it in her head. she had no choice but to agree at that moment, wanting to spare herself from her father later that day, but when harin had mentioned it... "is she demented?"
"pyramid game, dayeon." seo doah. that made sense as to why dayeon was here. "if you're gonna insult it, at least name it properly."
"shut it."
"you might also wanna check if anyone else is in the library." your throat ran dry as doah stood up, staring at you across the room. "right, y/n?"
you shot up, your eyes wide as dayeon stared at you. there was something in her eyes that was unfamiliar.
fear? what was she scared of? surely, it wasn't harin.
"fuck." your eyes widened at her words. never in your life would you have thought that the eccentric kim dayeon would swear like a sailor. "don't you dare say shit, you understand me?"
you shook your head, your body stiff. "i won't-"
"you don't know what the fuck is at risk here." dayeon's anger roared throughout the library, her fist shaking. dayeon wouldn't hit you... right? "open your mouth and i'll stitch it shut."
you nodded, trembling as you packed your things to leave.
"jeez, dayeon..." doah shook her head.
you stood up, your bag half open, and your textbooks barely inside. in your arms, you gathered everything that you could, arms shaking as you rushed out the room.
a spark of fear lighted up inside you when you saw daeyeon fingernails imbed themselves into the soft skin of her palm. the crescents swelled a bright red, and you knew that she wasn't joking.
she was gonna hurt you. was she gonna hurt harin as well?
you needed to get out of here, maybe even tell harin how insane and dangerous her friend seemed.
how was that even possible? how could someone like dayeon hold a rage inside themselves like that? you could understand it from that suck up, wooyi, but dayeon?
you stumbled slightly as you turned the corner, the books nearly falling out of your bag as you collided with someone. a strong, sculpted hand grabbed your elbow, electricity shooting up your arm.
that feeling...
"is something wrong?"
her breath smelt faintly of nicotine, her perfume - one you assumed cost at least a couple hundred dollars - blocking the scent enough to not register in your brain.
you bit your tongue. "no..."
"you can tell me, y/n-ah." your heart leaped at her words, a cloud of affection and care seemingly coating them. "i don't bite."
harin's smile seemed so soft and elegant, like the status she so desperately upheld. her eyes gleamed gently (and if you looked any closer, void of life) as her cheeks dusted in a costly blush.
don't snitch. you thought as her worried gaze peered into your soul. why should i protect dayeon?
you bit your tongue, your chest bursting with guilt at the thought of dayeon laying a finger on the heiress in front of you.
"dayeon..." you whisper as an eyebrow on her pretty face raised. "she, um, she might hurt you."
you waited for harin's face to shift into worry, into fear, into a normal reaction. you waited for her lips to part and ask 'why?', to ponder what your words truly meant.
instead, she laughed, as if the thought of dayeon hurting her was a part of some greco-roman comedy and not a tragedy.
harin let go of your arm, moving your hair out of your face as your eyebrows furrowed.
"so i'm guess you heard about my game as well?"
you nod. you had forgotten that those threats had stemmed from some game dayeon had mentioned.
a hierarchy game... a pyramid game.
"what do you think about it?" harin's eyes shone in a playful demeanor, full of curiosity and excitement. you couldn't fathom why or how she wasn't worried. "doesn't it sound fun?"
the air shifted around you as her irises seemed to blacken. a heavy burden settled on your chest as she face twitched into a smile, and you felt compelled - forced - to agree.
"it does," you chuckled awkwardly. "i guess."
a soft hum escaped her mouth, her eyes glancing at your face, taking in the fear that had shifted from dayeon to her. behind your eyes, she saw something... something exciting.
the heiress smiled.
"i hope you're in 'a' with me." you had no idea what she meant, but the thought of being near baek harin made the room spin. "it'll be lonely without you."
she stepped beside you, a gentle touch on your shoulder. her breath wafted close to your ear as she spoke with a stiff voice, one you wouldn't recognize as harin's.
"thanks for the heads up about dayeon." you shivered, a cool line shooting up your spine. "i'll deal with her."
she walked away as a deep pit in your stomach emerged.
deal with her?
you gripped your books tighter as you listened to the fading footsteps, and the soft "hello, can i speak to mr. kim? it's harin." in the distance.
you didn't know why, but somehow, you made the wrong decision.
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you were never scared of blood.
it was a liquid that flowed inside you and every person's body, just like how water seeped from the sky and into the ground. blood was a natural process, nothing more and nothing less.
but when you saw that knife, drenched from your classmate's fresh wound...
you shivered at the thought, while harin's soft hands fiddled with a strand of your hair.
"do you feel bad for her?" harin's smile never disappeared, not since the game started. it didn't disappear when crimson dripped onto the floor, either. "woori?"
her lifeless eyes bore into yours, jolts of electricity and fire rising throughout your fingertips and cheeks. her hand, close enough to feel your breath, paused as the rest of harin's body stilled.
all of her stopped, as if so curious about your thoughts that each cell of hers had to still.
"you can be honest." her breath laced in nicotine once more, her perfume no longer covering the overwhelming scent. "i wanna know."
woori was an 'f'.
being an 'a' yourself, you had the right to torture her, to manipulate and ridicule her.
you never did, leaving it up to dayeon to do whatever she pleased with her. part of you still felt bad for what happened earlier in the year, and each time you blinked, you remembered the heavy-handed bruises left on dayeon's face the day after you had told harin about the library incident.
you understood woori, though. the mental toll it must've taken, being bullied throughout the day, months on end without another student looking your way. telling the teachers only resulted in a beating at best, and at worst...
your eyes clenched tightly as your brain replayed that video.
"a little..."
harin chuckled, pulling her hand away and fishing out a cigarette.
"you saw her cut jaeun up." harin muttered through her smoke, her delicate fingers wrapped around the golden band.
you remember the marble on the classroom floor stained red in a way that you didn't think it would.
blood wasn't scary. fear was.
"i did."
"and you still feel bad." harin inhaled, smoke leaving her nostrils as she looked you up and down. "interesting..."
as of late, harin had been smoking around you more and more often. whether it be behind the shed or simply just the two of you in the library, clouds of smoke seemed to follow her, and in turn, you.
the first time it had happened, you had coughed violently, taken off guard as the heiress smiled. your tears were exciting to her, much like your overwhelming sense of loyalty clashing with your morality.
she had never met anyone who was so inwardly conflicted.
"did she really drop out, harin-ah?"
harin blinked, standing up from her chair as she snubbed the end of her cig on some random book cover in front of her. she threw the smoke onto the floor, grinding it with her heel. her eyes were cold, and dark, and you knew that you had messed up again.
you didn't cough this time around. she had no reason to be mad.
the heiress gathered her belongings, sparing not a single glance your way.
your heart skipped a beat.
"my name's harin." she glanced at you, unamused. "don't call me that again."
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seong suji.
the girl was nice, a little naive to the happenings of class 2-5. you could tell from a mile away that the girl wanted to stay low and let time pass its course, but you knew better than anyone that she had a target on her back.
everyone's attention had been on her from the moment whispers spread about a new girl transferring into the class. the moment she stepped into the room, you watched as harin's eyes lit up, and a fire blazed inside you.
you didn't know whether it was guilt or jealousy.
"are you stupid?" harin clenched her teeth as she hovered over you, her eyes hardening like coals under pressure. "telling the new girl about my game?"
suji didn't hear the predators hiding in the tall grass. she didn't see their eyes, nor did she notice their bloodlust-filled gazes, but she felt it, and there were only two people in her mind who seemed to lack the barbarity that lingered in the empty halls of the complex.
"look at me!"
your eyes snapped to harin's, anger exuding from her lips as puffs of smoke filled the air and ashes fell onto the ground.
you winced.
"harin..." you had never seen this side of her, not directed at you. you had always watched from the distance as opposed to being the target. "i just thought-"
"did you?" harin's lips curled in a way that could only be described as disbelief, your utter incompetence boggling her mind. "or are you just as stupid as your dropout brother?"
you winced, the low blow winding your self-esteem.
"she looked confused." you tried your best to reason with an iron wall. "i didn't want her to feel like-"
harin's eyes widened, and her usual curiosity morphed into an unfiltered rage.
"like who? woori? jaeun?" she exhaled another cloud, your face getting covered in smoke as you struggled to breath. "you're so fucking stupid."
you felt the heiress lean closer, the tip of the cigarette centimeters away from your cheek.
"i'm sorry."
"you're sorry?" harin could feel her blood boiling. everything was ruined. "i had a plan. you ruined it for me. you ruined my game, y/n."
you closed your eyes, trying to drown out the sharp words and the blanket of burden that harin enveloped you with.
you just wished harin would go back to being curious and playful, and leave you ignorant to the fact that deep down, she was the monster dayeon had implied many months ago.
with a weak voice, you tried to reason. "i didn't mean to..."
"you didn't-" harin backed away, ripping the smoke from her lips and into her fingertips. "give me your hand."
your eyes widened.
she grabbed your wrist with a surprising amount of strength. her nails dug into your arm, your teeth grinding together at the dull pain. the heat of the cigarette hovered over your palm as you struggled to pull back, and you couldn't help but choke out a strangled gasp.
"harin, wait-"
the smell of flesh burning invaded your senses as your arm shook from the pain. lightning seemed to replace your veins, as a fire replaced your blood. your vision fuzzed, the tears in your eyes falling down your chin.
harin glanced at you, a small smile replacing her grimace. you were always so pretty when you were in pain.
"remember this." she threw her smoke onto the ground, her grip on your wrist tightening. "you mess with my game, you upset me. you don't want that to happen again, do you?"
the last thing you wanted was to see harin frown in your direction.
harin smiled, glancing at how your lips quivered and how your eyes held an intoxicating mixture of fear and want. quietly, she wiped a tear with her free hand, chuckling as you flinched at her touch.
"then stay away from seong suji." she leaned in, her voice soft except for the threatening undertone. "if i see you even look at her without my permission, i'll make your life hell."
her grip loosened, harin's eyes softening as she looked at you with what seemed to be worry and understanding.
"i..." you blinked, agreeing like an obedient dog. even now, you couldn't help but wonder which harin was the real harin, but all you knew was that you didn't want to disappoint her. "i understand."
harin sighed, glancing at the burn in your hand with contempt. "i don't like doing this to you."
you paused, your face brightening as the smell of tobacco stuck to your blazer.
"you don't?"
harin smiled. it was like catching a mouse in a well placed trap. you were predictable and easy to please. a couple right words and you'd be under her spell all over again.
"you think i do?" the heiress frowned, biting her tongue.
she loved it.
with a giggle, she took your wrist, much more gently than before.
"let's get you patched up."
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harin liked putting on lipgloss around you.
she liked the way your eyes darted to her mouth for a split second before they looked anywhere else in the room. the redness of your cheeks delighted her in the sense that she knew that no matter what, you'd be stuck under her thumb.
you were her stupid, little puppet. your strings strong and unwavering, and your heart tainted with a loved one that you thought she didn't see.
it was adorable, like a puppy chasing its own tail, or a whale, no longer strong enough to go up for air.
harin liked to send you on mindless errands.
it was a good way to keep you in check, much better than instilling fear. she could sense that someone like you liked to feel needed, even if it's something as simple as fetching her more of her favorite brand of smokes or picking up items that she used for bribery.
it gave her a good laugh when you would come back, beaming as if you accomplished something when in reality, one of her maids could have easily done the same.
you were none the wiser, currently on your way to getting her more coffee (well, to get doah coffee per harin's demand).
you were just about to leave the campus, but a strong yet gentle hand yanked you aside, dragging you out of sight from the windows of the complex.
"sorry, y/n-ah."
you tried to shake her off, but she was too strong.
"jaeun, let go." why was she doing this? more importantly, why was she taking you to the nearby convenience store. "i can't be talking to you. you know that."
jaeun stopped, and you thought that she had finally gotten tired of you complaining so much. instead, you looked at the scene in front of you, two girls sitting in the shade of a foldable umbrella.
harin was gonna burn you alive.
"harin's pet?" jaehyeong shook her head, staring at the taller girl beside you. "jaeun-ie, are you sick? do you have a fever?"
you frowned. you weren't 'harin's pet'. so what if you liked being around her?
"she's nice." jaeun muttered, ushering you to the other girls. you tried to turn away, but she moved you in such a way that you couldn't escape. "she helped suji out."
"that was a mistake."
suji raised an eyebrow. she didn't know what was wrong with you. how could someone change so much in a matter of two months?
her eyes wandered your figure, stopping at the burns that littered your right hand.
oh. that makes sense.
"hey, y/n-ah."
"yerim?" you turned around, your jaw hanging open as the trainee sat with the girls, sipping on a can of coffee. you glanced at her phone, watching as she scrolled through eunjeong's instagram. "what the hell is going on?"
you looked around, their eyes glancing at suji with hesitation.
"you're not gonna convince her, suji." yerim shook her head.
being in rank 'a' herself, she knew firsthand how you followed every word harin said. she could tell from a mile away what it was, yerim herself victim to the feeling with a certain swimmer.
but there was a difference between the two of you, one that could prove to be detrimental.
you needed someone to follow, while she didn't.
"i can." suji glanced at your hand again. "i know i can."
"convince me?"
you felt a lump in your throat, praying that somehow, in some way, harin would come barging in and save you from whatever was going on here.
you took a deep breath, and sensing danger was near, gripped your wrist for safety.
jaeun frowned.
"i was serious about bringing down the game, y/n."
the pyramid game.
that stupid game that harin focused all her energy into, hellbent on keeping the perfect hierarchy intact. the one where you watched your classmates get beaten to a pulp, bloody and broken to the point of mental disarray.
you had never spoken it out loud, but you were tired of it, watching everyone you know either do the hurting or get hurt (most times both).
but this was harin's game, and you'd rather hurt yourself than upset the girl you loved.
"harin'll be pissed."
yerim chuckled, a knowing smile on her face. she didn't expect anything less from you.
"aren't you?" suji glanced at your hand, one you held for dear life, as if you were afraid it would get burned again. "after everything you've done for her, she still burns you."
you frowned.
harin did it with good reason. she needed to keep you in line, to keep you from lashing out. she did this to you because, unlike wooyi or dayeon, she trusted you enough to understand.
harin did it out of the pureness of her heart.
"that was an accident."
"an accident?" suji could feel your doubt starting to seep through. that was enough for her, to see the light beyond the cracks of your love. "hurting you multiple times the same way was an accident?"
was it an accident? it had to be, otherwise, harin was just hurting you to hurt you.
you shook the thought out of your head, missing the way the girls looked at each other, satisfied.
"what do you want, seong suji?"
there was a beat in the air.
"join us."
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she knew. how did she know?
"no, i just..."
you liked harin, even when she suffocated you with her smoke, staining your white shirt with the ash of her cigarettes. her eyes wandered yours routinely, and it felt as if she was trying to dig deep as if she needed you.
"i figured out a way to get to them."
harin's eyes sparkled. she would have never thought that you, docile and timid, would ever think of something other than her and school.
it was... exhilarating.
"sim eunjeong." you rattled out a breath, your eyes clenching at the very thought of what you were doing. "yerim... likes her more than we think."
the heiress laughed, the excitement in her chest bursting at the thought of you ignoring your morals just to please her and only her.
she leaned close to you, her face in front of yours as she moved a single lock of hair behind your ear. shivers ran up your spine.
"do you feel bad, y/n-ah?" harin hadn't felt this happy in a while. "ratting them out to me must be so heavy on your consciousness."
she looked you up and down, your eyes avoiding hers. your cheeks were tinged in red, and the guilt written all over your face didn't help the giddiness that was starting to overtake her.
"you're fun, y/n."
you'd do anything for her, even when she hurt you. even when everyone screamed and yelled at you to leave, ignoring the bright red stop signs.
"i like you."
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> main masterlist.
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saccharineramune · 4 months
Human!Alastor x Spouse!Reader
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Just to be clear, this is my first time writing Alastor so he might be very OOC💔 also English is not my first language so I apologize for any grammatical errors during this… happy reading! <3
Content: Smut, Reader is Afab but gender neutral, vaginal sex, biting, Kitchen sex, implied aftercare, Needy Alastor, might be OOC(?)
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You were home washing the dishes you previously used. Waiting patiently for your husband to finally come home from his work at the radio station.
As you were finishing it up you don’t notice the door unlocking, nor the hands that somehow slithered their way around your waist.
“Ah-!” You let out a gasp, “Alastor! I didn’t even hear you come in..” you say, a bit flustered by his sudden display of affection.
“I’m sorry, Dear.. I hope I didn’t frighten you.” He answers you, rubbing circles on your waist as an apology.
A giggle can be heard from you as blush starts to dust your cheeks from his simple display of physical affection,
“Hehe.. not at all, honey. Just a bit surprised you didn’t call out first or anything. How was work today?”
“Mmh.. it was alright, nothing out of the ordinary.” Alastor plainly responds as he moves one of his hands down the front of your body..
“Well I’m-“ you accidentally cut yourself off with a gasp as you feel his hand slither under your garments and down to your bundle of nerves.
“Alastor..? What are you d-.. doing?” You try to ask him as his fingers rub soft circles on your clothed clit. Your hand start to shake as you hold onto the cleaned plate you previously were washing.
You quickly put the plate down and your hands grip tightly on the counter in-front of you.
You can feel yourself getting wetter by the second.. and suddenly you feel him grinding against your ass, His other hand is tightly gripping your hip. He dips a finger inside your wet hole, his thumb rubbing circles on your sensitive bud.
You can’t help but throw your head back against his shoulder as your legs start to tremble..
“A-… Alastor..” you manage to say his name, even though it’s very quiet due to your moans and whimpers suppressing your ability to create coherent words.
Alastor groans as you moan out his name and starts kissing your neck. He graces his teeth against the sensitive flesh before biting down harshly, making you yelp. He traces his tongue on the new bite mark on your neck.
Your legs almost give out on themselves but before you can even hit the floor Alastor’s hands quickly grab you and pull you up, placing you on the kitchen counter.
You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him as his hands make quick work of your bottoms, pulling them down and throwing them to the side to later clean up.
He sloppily unbuttons his pants just wanting so badly to feel your warm gummy walls around him. With a bit of work he manages to free his member from his pants and underwear before lining himself up with your entrance.
He looks into your eyes.. he looks so needy today.. his hair messy and face flushed.. just the sight of him alone is enough to make your cunt clench around nothing, Eagerly waiting for him to fill you up.
“Is.. this alright, my love?” He asks as he lovingly gazed into your eyes. His eyes filled with desire and admiration.
“Yeah…” you softly respond, pulling him in by the collar of his shirt to plant a heated kiss on his lips. He grabs your sides and slowly but surely pushes himself inside of your hole, Alastor let’s out a moan at the feeling of your gummy walls around his cock.
Your nails dig into the back of his white button up shirt as he starts thrusting into you in a slow pace to get you both used to the feeling.
When your husband starts speeding up his movement, you simply can’t help but grab his chin and kiss him. The feeling of his cock sliding out of your hole before he thrusts it back inside has your toes curling.
“You feel amazing, Mon amour… I’ve missed you so much..” Alastor softly whispers into your ear as his thrusts start getting sloppy, indicating that his climax is close..
You move one of your hands from a the vice grip on your husband’s shirt down to your tiny bud and you rub harsh circles on it, trying to get yourself close to your peak aswell.
A particularly harsh thrust manages to make the building knot in your stomach snap. Your orgasm quickly washing over you and Alastor following you right after, cumming deep inside of you, painting your inner walls white with his seed.
Both of your breathing is heavy as Alastor eventually pulls out after you both bask in the afterglow of your respectable orgasms.
Alastor moves one of his hands and grabs yours. Bringing the back of it up to his lips and kissing the pretty ring sitting on your finger.
“I love you, Alastor..”
“I love you too, Mon ange.. now, let’s get cleaned up..~”
Alastor purrs as he picks you up bridal style and begins to walk to your bathroom.. the dishes beside the kitchen counter now long forgotten.
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tlbodine · 7 months
Stuck? Try junebugging.
I don't know who needs to hear this, but we're 5 days into nanowrimo so maybe this will be helpful.
Do you want the safety and surety of knowing what happens next in your story but can't stick to an outline? Does knowing in advance what will happen suck the joy out of discovery writing? Do you try to wing it through plots but get tangled in plot holes or have a story that runs out of steam because you can't figure out what went wrong? Are you at your most creative when you have a little bit of guidance? Do you tend to under-write? Do you get ideas in your head for random scenes and snippets that drop from the sky without context?
If any of these apply to you, junebugging a draft might be for you!
What Is Junebugging?
Since you're on Tumblr, you might already be familiar with the concept of junebugging as it relates to cleaning. If not -- I think the idea was first introduced to me by @jumpingjacktrash.
The basic idea is that you tackle cleaning by way of controlled chaos. You pick a specific area you want to focus on, like your kitchen sink, and then wander off to deal with other things as they occur to you, but always returning back to that area. You end up cleaning a little bit at a time in an order that may not make sense to an outsider but which keeps you from getting overwhelmed and discouraged.
How Does Junebugging Work in Writing?
OK, so that's great, but how does this work with writing? Well. In my case, the general idea is to jump between writing linearly, outlining, and writing out of order. It usually looks something like:
Start free-writing a scene, feeling my way through it and enjoying the discovery process.
Thinking, ok, now I have this scene, did anything need to happen to lead up to it? Do I need to go back and add some foreshadowing? Does this scene set anything up that needs to be paid off? And then jump forward/back to make those adjustments.
I'll usually have a bunch of disconnected ideas of ideas that have popped into my head, so I'll write those down in a list somewhere and then try to figure out what goes in between them and what order it goes in.
I'll write what I call "micro-scenes" which is where I'll just sketch out a few essential elements of what's going on without worrying too much about details, description, etc. -- just he did this, she said that, the setting was this, real bare-bones script. Then I can come back through and flesh out each of those microscenes into an actual scene later.
Got a story that has a complex structure? No problem. Write through each storyline one at a time and then chop them up and weave them together afterward. Write all the B plot scenes first then come back through to do A plot and C plot. Move the pieces around like legos. No one ever has to know.
This method works for me because I can't "decide" story elements in advance. I have never been able to just sit down and "figure out" what happens in a story beyond a couple steps ahead -- I have to discovery-write my way forward. But at the same time, that gets really daunting. So I zoom forward with micro-scenes, roughing out the beats in the most bare-bones way possible, then when I run out of clear vision for what happens next I backtrack, flesh out those scenes, build in connective tissue, etc. and by then I will probably find more inspiration to jump forward.
It's basically folding drafting, outlining, and revising all together into a single phase of writing, which is chaotic and goes against everything people teach you, but if it works? then it fuckin works.
Anyway, sorry for the jumbled-up post, I'm dashing this off quickly while I heat up a pizza and I'm about to dive back into my WIP -- but I hope this was a little helpful. If nothing else, take this as my blanket permission that it's 100% OK to jump around, write out of order, write messy, outline sometimes, pants sometimes, and do whatever else it takes just to get through the story. You've got this. Good luck.
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kaleldobrev · 5 months
Things Overheard
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x F. Reader
Summary: Dean overhears a private conversation between you and Sam
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Cursing (8x), Mutual Pining & Lots of fluff, Smut (but no graphic descriptions of it — I use the phrasing “getting yourself off,” but that’s the extent of the smut description), Body image talks
Authors Note: Dreams are in italics | I included the smut warning even though it’s like super brief and not graphic in description whatsoever | Plus size reader fic | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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Dean has known you for five years, and during those five years, he had fallen more and more in love with you. There was nothing about you that he didn't love. He loved hearing you hum whenever you were cleaning your guns or baking something in the kitchen; he loved hearing you sing in the shower when he walked past the bathroom; he loved the way you would do your full body laugh whenever him or Sam said something funny. But he especially loved when you would quietly mumble to yourself while you read.
But as much as he had loved you, and as much as he wanted to be with you more than anything, he knew that he could never have you unless it was in his dreams.
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You were straddling him; your hands on his chest as he gripped your waist. You slowly rocked against him, trying to get yourself off as he barely moved a muscle. One of his hands went to your hair, tucking it behind your ear, and you gave him the softest of smiles. "You're so fucking beautiful," he whispered.
You leaned down, cupping his face between your hands and captured his lips with yours. He pulled you closer, fully wrapping his arms around your waist now. "And I'm all yours," you whispered in his ear.
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When Dean woke up, he looked over to see you sleeping peacefully next to him; still wearing one of his sweatpants and t-shirts that he had let you borrow months ago that he knew he would never be getting back (and he was okay with that, as you looked better in them anyway).
Waking up next to you wasn't an uncommon occurrence, as you tended to migrate to his room sometimes during the night because of a nightmare you might of had, or accidentally falling asleep while the two of you were watching a movie the night before.
He laid back down, and simply just stared at you; admiring you as you slept. Even with your messy hair, he still thought you were the most beautiful woman in the world.
Dean had to restrain himself, as all he wanted to do was reach out and brush your hair away from your face. But all he did was smile at you, as that was the most he could do.
You started to stir just then, and Dean quickly shut his eyes, pretending that he was still sleeping when you woke. One of the last things he had needed was for you to call him some creep for watching you sleep (even though he had found it strangely comforting watching you).
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When you woke up, you stretched your arms and turned over to see that Dean was still sound asleep; but wasn't snoring like he normally was. You stared at him for a moment, admiring the way he looked when he slept, how peaceful he seemed. You couldn't help but wonder what he was dreaming about.
You had to restrain yourself from reaching your hand out to touch his cheek; to run your fingers along his jawline (which was one of your favorite features on him). But you knew there was no way you could possibly do that in a remotely friendly way. So, you did the next best thing and kissed his forehead. Dean always managed to make it friendly, so why couldn't you? "See you later Tiger," you whispered, and quietly got out of bed, shutting the door to his bedroom gently behind you.
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Dean sighed, opening his eyes once again when you shut the door behind you. He wanted your lips to linger there just a little bit longer. It took all that he had not to just open his eyes right there and just cup your face and kiss you.
Getting up from the bed, he started to make his way toward his bedroom door but stopped, when it sounded like you and Sam were whispering right outside his bedroom door.
“I don’t mean to be nosey but —” Sam begun, but you quickly cut him off.
“Of course you mean to be nosey,” you interjected; and Dean had to stop himself from laughing at your response.
Sam scoffed. “Okay, fair,” he said. “But seriously, what’s going on with you two? You spend more time in his room than you do your own.”
“Is that a problem?” You asked. Of course it’s not a problem, Dean thought.
“No but, it’s just got me wondering if you’re ever going to tell him how you actually feel about him,” Sam said. How she actually feels? He wondered. “I mean, I have a pretty strong suspicion that my brother feels exactly the same way you do.”
You sighed. “He doesn’t love me like that Sam. He loves me like the sister he’s never had, the same way you do.”
Sam half chuckled. “Trust me. I love you, I seriously do. But it’s strictly platonic. Dean…not so much.” All Dean could picture was that confused expression on your face right now. “Seriously? You seriously don’t see the way he looks at you?”
“I mean…” your voice trailed off.
“Or how his hugs tend to linger just a little bit longer?” Sam asked.
“I mean…” you sighed again. “Look, I can’t risk saying anything okay? So just…” you huffed off, and he heard you fast paced walking down the hall; a second later he heard your bedroom door close.
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You laid there staring up at the ceiling of your bedroom, thinking back on the things that Sam had said to you in the hallway; praying that Dean hadn’t woken up and overheard you, as that was the last thing you had needed or wanted him to hear.
As long as you’ve known Dean (which was a little over five years), you always had this kind of schoolgirl crush on him that eventually turned into full blown love for the man. You knew that you shouldn’t, as the work you did was dangerous, unpredictable; but you couldn’t help the way you felt.
There was a knocking at the door, and you sighed, hoping that it wasn’t Sam. “Who is it?” You asked.
“Dean,” the voice replied. “Can I come in?” He asked.
“Yeah,” you smiled, quickly changing positions so you were now sitting up in bed. Dean opened the door and stepped inside, still wearing his pajamas that he was in when you woke up this morning. Without having to say it, he closed the door behind him. “What’s up?”
“Can we talk?” He asked, and you felt your heart sink. Did he hear what Sam and I were talking about this morning? You thought. Shit.
“Sure…” you replied with hesitation. “You can come sit too,” you said, patting a spot on your bed.
He smiled at you one of those genuine type smiles he always seemed to reserve for only you, and sat down on the bed a few feet away; but close enough that you could reach out and touch him if you wanted to. “So, I’m not sure how to really start this conversation.”
Your heart began to sink even further. But at the same time, it was beating unbelievably fast like it would bust out your chest in seconds. “Did you hear Sam and I talking outside your door this morning?” You spat out.
“Yeah,” he answered; and your palms have never been so sweaty. “That’s actually what I came in here to talk about.”
“You don’t have to,” you said, trying to quickly change the subject, as you felt a rejection coming; a rejection that you weren’t necessarily prepared to deal with right now. Yes, you knew that he didn’t have romantic feelings for you, but you weren’t prepared to have this conversation this early in the morning, and especially after having a fun night watching movies together in his bedroom. “I know you don’t feel the same way I do, trust me.”
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Dean couldn’t help but give you a confused expression. “Y/N, what makes you think I don’t?” He asked, genuinely curious when it came to hearing your thoughts.
You started twiddling your thumbs, refusing to look at him. “I just…I don’t know…I figured I wasn’t your type,” you confessed, mumbling. Almost so inaudible that he almost couldn’t even hear you.
“What do you think my type is?” He asked. He didn’t really think he necessarily had a type. Then again, you and Sam would probably beg to differ on that account.
“Thin and supermodel like,” you said, still mumbling and still refusing to look him in the eye. It killed him that you refused to look at him; because one of his favorite things was looking into those Y/E/C eyes of yours. “I know I’m not super thin, or have the looks of a supermodel I mean…I like food,” you slightly chuckled. “I got a muffin top even though I workout everyday. My arms and legs aren’t toned. I don’t have…a huge chest I mean…” that’s when you finally looked up at him, but there was sadness in your eyes. “I’ve seen the girls you flirt with. They’re the complete opposite of me. I mean, you flirted with me when we first met but I honestly thought you were just being nice and trying to add another person to your body count list.”
He just stared at you, slightly heartbroken that you had felt that way. He hated that you felt that way about yourself, because that was the complete opposite of how he felt. “Sweetheart, you’re fucking beautiful to me,” he said, his tone not the least bit joking. “You’re basically my dream girl.”
You furrowed your brow, obviously not believing his words. “I highly doubt that. Cause if you’re my dream man, I ain’t your dream girl.”
Dean smirked. “I’m your dream man uh?”
“Obviously,” you confessed. “You’re always so kind to me and others. And you actually make me feel like I matter.”
“You do matter Sweetheart,” he said, finally reaching out for your hand and taking it in his. “You matter so much to me.”
“But as a sister,” you added.
“No. Not even remotely,” he corrected.
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“I’m not following,” you said, furrowing your brow again with that stable confused expression on your face.
“Sweetheart…” he took a deep breath, trying to gather his words. “You matter so much to me that it fucking scares me sometimes. Yeah you’re family but…I love you more than a sister,” he told you. “And the way I just phrased that sounded a lot more creepy than I intended that to sound, but I hope you know that I’m saying here.”
“I think so…” you trailed off.
“I love you romantically not like sisterly,” he said, trying his best to make his feelings clear. “And, I’ve felt like this for a long time. Since…fuck, five years?”
“Five years?” You exclaimed, unsure if you had heard him right. He nodded. “Five years? You’ve been in love with me for five years?”
“Yeah…” it was his turn now to look down and not look at you. “I just…I don’t know. I didn’t want to fuck anything up cause I love hunting with you and I love having you here at the Bunker. And I honestly didn’t want to picture what life would be like without you anymore cause I’m so fucking used to you being here.”
“I didn’t want to fuck anything up either,” you admitted. “I love living here and I love working with you boys and…I didn’t want to go back to how my life was before meeting you two, before meeting you especially.”
“You’re one of the best things to ever happen to me, you know that?” Dean said, sharing the same sentiments.
“Likewise,” you said, the two of you smiling in unison.
“If it’s okay with you, I’m gonna kiss you now. That forehead kiss you gave me this morning wasn’t enough for me,” he admitted, his voice sounding slightly embarrassed.
“Yes you can kiss me. And you can kiss me wherever and whenever you like to,” you smiled, and his lips turned into a smirk.
“Wherever uh?” He winked.
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solarlunarsstuff · 3 months
hello 👀👀👀 may i request an alastor trying to woo lucifer's oldest daughter while the big boss of hell and charlie are watching 👀👀👀
thank you so much and have a wonderful day!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
YIPPEE !! A hazbin Hotel req ! I only watched around 4-5 episodes of the newest show so it might not be accurate ! Enjoy :) !
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Alastor x Fem!Reader (FANFIC)
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A/n: He might be a little bit obsessed with you, but don't worry, he'll make you quiet if he has to force it. (HUSKERDUST 4 LIFEEEEE)
TW: Fingering, READER IS A HOOKER !!!, semi-public, getting caught, his horn thingies grow, tongue fucking, getting eaten out, dry humping, pet names (slut, whore, baby, doll, ect), you look a little bit like Charlie, dirty talk, nipple play, messy make-outs, overestimating, and edging. Lmk if I missed anything ! 😙
Synopsis: Alastor, the 7'3 radio demon, the overlord of a lot of land in hell. Even though he's shown no sign of wanting to experience intimacy, he can change that rule...
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The first daughter of the big boss of hell.
That was your title, ever since you were born. Later on though, you had gotten a little sister.
Charlie Morningstar.
She was a big ray of sunshine despite being born in this hellish place. You loved her, you really did.
The both of you nearly look the same. You did dye your hair to (F/c) so there is quite a difference. You're about 6'9, a few inches taller than her.
You also held that wicked smile from your father, typical.
Anyway, you were in the middle of cleaning your apartment when you heard a knock on your door and the sound of paper falling onto the floor.
You thought it was those stupid kids on floor 4 playing games again, but it wasn't. Turned out to be a letter, signed by... your younger sister?
Of course, having nothing else to do, you ripped it open with your nails and unfolded the neat paper.
It read,
'My dear sister, I know we don't talk much anymore, but I would love it if you paid a visit to the hotel! I also know you probably don't have a job, but dad wanted to see you too. He had just come to the hotel about an hour ago. He was basically pleading to see your pretty face again! So, please, think of this and get back to me as soon as possible.
XOXO, Charlie'
You always loved the way that she signed letters. She's been sending you letters with her sign off like that for years now.
Either way, you sat on your couch, contemplating if you should just go or not.
"Fuck it..." You thought out loud
Choosing something comfortable and not something you wore while hooking up.
Oh, right... You're a hooker. It's a job that's actually nicely paid, paid enough for food and your bills. That's it, that's what you were worried about.
What if one of your clients worked there? What of your dad and sister find out?
One client stood out to you though, what was his name? Did it start with an 'A'? Either way, he was one of those people who would choose a hooker and later on be actually interested.
You? Never, it would ruin your job reputation, not wanting to let your job go, you kindly refused, and he went on with his life.
Until you have gotten various notes from someone, some of them were wholesome? In a way, like, "I miss you" or "Just give me a chance".
Others... others were sort of... sexual... For example, "My cock aches for you" and they even sent a paper that had been covered in lipstick kisses.
But it wasn't lips. It was, uhm, you get the idea. He might have been a little bit crazy for you, but it stopped a couple of years ago.
Maybe he realized that I wasn't interested in something serious? You still thought about it as you took the taxi to the front street of the hotel.
You thanked the driver, but instead of him saying your welcome...
"How about I give you a ten? You know, for your pretty body?" He grinned
"No thanks, you don't seem like the type that I would bother with. Plus, that 10 won't even cover 20 minutes.." You snarled back
He whispered some slur under his breath but drove off anyway.
"People think they can just ask me for -" you stumbled back as you ran into something, more like someone...
Red vest, big deer ears, a staff...
'Oh shit..' You thought to yourself
Maybe he won't remember you?
"Back for round two, love?" He grinned maliciously
'God fucking dammit..' you looked up seeing that stupid radio demon overlord.
"No, I'm not, you sick fuck. I'm here to see my little sister.." You moved around him and continued to walk towards the hotel.
"Ahh, that's why I thought you looked familiar.." his voice had a hint of static to it.
You stayed silent and opened the doors, your sister turned around to see who it was.
"Alastor, I said that you -" she stopped once she saw you.
'That's what his name was...' You smiled a little at how your sister nearly knocked you over as she came and wrapped her arms around you.
"OH MY GOD, Y/N, YOU CAMEE!!!" She jumped up and down while hugging the shit out of you.
"Hah, yep, it's me!" You awkwardly hugged her back, noticing your father talking to the other workers on the lobby couches.
Lucifer turned from the sound of your voice and did the same thing as Charlie.
"MY SWEET GIRL!" He squealed
"Hey, dad." I sighed as he also hugged me
Charlie's personality was mostly taken by your father's side while you to your mother's.
Not really knowing your mom, but you knew you had almost the same personality. The little family bonding was broken by the voice of presumed 'Alastor'.
"Y/n, was it? Pleasure to meet you!~" As if... This fucker is acting as if you've never met before.
"Right..." You went along with it, about to shake his hand, but almost forgot that he is an overlord of souls.
You just smiled lightly at him, seemed like it was the safest option.
[1 hour later]
Nifty was off somewhere cleaning, Angeldust was flirting with Husk, Lucifer and Charlie were laughing at something stupid. And you, you were just sitting on the end of the couch, sipping on your (F/d).
Everything was going lovely until you heard a little bit of static start to form behind you. Everybody else didn't seem to notice, but you did. While turning around, you saw that dumb fucks face.
"Darling, tell me.. Do you like me for the money? Or for how your pretty walls wrapped around my d-" you instantly cut him off, not wanting anybody to hear.
"Shut the fuck up..." You glared at him
He smuggly smiled and sat next to you, squishing you between the armrest and him.
"Could you move-" Your voice stopped in your throat when his hand landed on your thigh.
Alastor kept his hand there, slightly rubbing his hand closer to your cunt.
He paid no mind to your silent pleas. Instead, he started talking with Husk and Angeldust. Thank the gods you were in a blindspot, or everybody would've seen Alastor touching you up.
His hand swiftly slipped into your shorts, rubbing your dampened panties from the outside.
You started to softly buck your hips into his fingers, wanting to gain friction. As if it was obvious, he stopped, grinning from you silently whining.
"Are you okay?" Your father, Lucifer, asked. He noticed how you were twitching.
"Mhm!" Was all you could muster as Alastor started to pump his fingers again.
Your arm flared out, gripping his shoulder. "A-alastor... You..." You couldn't speak for shit.
"Please let me and Miss Y/N excuse ourselves!" Alastor announced to the group.
Before you could speak up, he dragged you a few feet around the corner. "What the fuck-" he cut you off by forcing his lips onto yours.
"You're going to shut the fuck up and take me right here..." He pulled away slightly before diving back in.
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A/N: I'm gonna edge yall since I want this to be done before school starts tm!! :3
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raythekiller · 15 days
I love the masky nsfw alphabet It riled up my imagination.. soo can i request for a hoodie one?? Thank youu
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Featuring: Hoodie/Brian
# Notes: its that time of the year again where i make 1 post and disappear for the next seven months <3 also DAYUM new post format?? (also also theres a new toby drawing on the way stay tuned)
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Surprisingly soft. Wants to hold you close and maybe take a shower together. Don't get things twisted though - it's so he can keep feeling your body against his instead of to comfort you. Call it possessiveness or an ego stroke, maybe.
Thighs man through and through. Thigh highs drive him up-the-wall insane. Will also just absentmindedly knead them if you're sitting next to him, especially if you're wearing shorts or a skirt/dress.
Oh he likes it messy. Just enjoys having his cum on you in general - backshots, face, dripping from you after he came inside, you name it.
None. He has no shame and is very open about what he likes.
Not as much as you might expect, given his demeanour. Don't get me wrong, it's still a lot, but he makes it seem like he worked as a pornstar for a few years with sheer cockiness.
If you ask him, he'll say "all of them". But if you put a gun to his head and tell him to choose, he'll settle for doggy. Just loves grabbing your hips and ass while he's pounding into you.
He doesn't exactly make jokes, but his teasing might be a bit funny at times. He doesn't mind making things more silly or lighthearted as long as you still cum at the end of it.
Usually clean-shaven, but he might get a bit lazy with it occasionally. Always at least well trimmed though.
Usually adapts to what you like best. If you just want to get your brains fucked out and keep romance out of it, he'll happily do it. If you like something more tender with lots of "I love you"s, he doesn't complain about it either.
A lot. This guy has crazy stamina (we'll talk about that later), I'd say maybe five times per week or so.
A lot but mainly: CORRUPTION!! I've said it before and I'll say it again he wants to bring the worst out of you. If you're a virgin, he wants go be your first. If you're not, he wants to see just how wild things can get when he pushes you a little.
Literally anywhere. He is a fan of semi-public sex, though. In the woods, living room of the manor when (you think) there's no one else home, in a busted alleyway, you name it.
Oh it's very easy to turn him on. Here's a huge one though: when you take iniciative. He's used to being the one starting shit. When YOU do it, though? When you make it clear you want him to wreck you? Fucking hot.
N - NO
Very short but obvious list: anything to do with piss, shit or vomit. Other than that, I think he's pretty open. Not even averse to being submissive every now and then.
HELL YEAH BABY! Giving, receiving, whatever, he doesn't care. His mouth isn't just good for talking shit — he knows how to use that tongue. When he's getting head, though? He looks so pretty — head thrown back, moaning and whimpering with a grin on his face. Might buck his hips into your mouth for giggles (and because you sound hot choking on him).
Again, he'll go for whatever gets you off. If you like it rough and fast, he's in. If you prefer slow and sensual, that's also hot.
Biggest quickie fan in the manor. He just can't help himself most of the time and he doesn't really try to, either. If his horny, you best bet he knows how to get you horny as well and things just go from there.
Loves experimenting and finding new ways to make you moan. Doesn't mind getting a bit freakier every now and then.
Jesus christ what are they feeding this man. Y'know when guys are like "I'm gonna fuck you all night long" and stop after two rounds max? This motherfucker is serious about it.
I don't think he'd go out of his way to buy them, but if you already have them you best believe he's using it to his advantage. Big fan of vibrators.
This guy is MEAN. He doesn't make you wait for too long before fucking you but just those few minutes feel like an eternity with the atrocities he's whispering in your ear.
LOUD. He moans, groans, whines, whimpers, you name it. Not ashamed to make some noise and LOVES if you're loud as well.
Likes having his hair pulled— WHO SAID THAT???
7.4 inches, cut. Not too thick, just the right girth.
Can't go like, a week without having sex or at least jacking off. Homeboy has a lot of steam he needs to let out.
Only god knows how he doesn't pass out immediately after. Chances are you'll fall asleep before him.
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thepartyresponsible · 1 month
prompt fill! someone asked for jason todd and truth serum. this was also supposed to fill the request for "who did this to you?" with phil/jason, but i didn't make it to "who did this to you?" part. sorry! i'm trying to keep these under 1k.
anyway, this one's a bit bleak, but educational. here, jason learns an important life lesson: if you go undercover as a criminal, sometimes people believe you. and phil learns to reorder his interrogation questions.
warnings for drugging people without their consent. the drug in question is a fictional truth serum.
- - -
Using this particular drug on a nonconsenting person is a crime in most of the world. A recent amendment to the Geneva Convention marked its use on prisoners of war as a war crime. There’s a blanket ban on its production and use in the European Union. In the United States, administration by law enforcement personnel was ruled a violation of the Fifth and Eighth Amendments.
But SHIELD is not at war. Nor is it a law enforcement agency. And Phil Coulson is not in territory controlled by the United States or the European Union. The man in SHIELD custody undoubtedly has rights of some kind, but the extent of those rights – and who might be obligated to protect them – is currently unknown.
“It’s messy,” he says, to Fury.
“It’s a mess,” Fury replies. “Clean it up.”
- - -
He’s younger than Phil expected. But he has no right to judge anyone for sending their young to die. After all, he looks older than Natasha, possibly older than Clint.
And Natasha and Clint might be dead. In some ways, SHIELD’s no better.
“Your name, please,” Phil says.
“Jason,” the man says, a slow, sleepy mumble, and then his eyes open, and the panic hits.
Phil’s grown familiar with panic. He’s seen it in civilians and soldiers, in diplomats and dictators. He’s seen it every time he’s encountered this drug.
When it was first developed, early adopters trotted out the old lie: if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. But everyone has something to hide. Everyone has a secret they would swallow their own tongue to protect, and here’s a substance that takes that choice away, a wonder drug that retains awareness while negating will. A life-saving torture device.
“Fuck you,” the man says, which is far more spirit than most manage.
“Jason,” Phil says, “my agents are missing.”
“Fuck you,” Jason says, again. “That’s what happens.” He’s double-blinking, struggling to focus. Phil’s done this six times. No one's ever managed this level of control. Usually, they’re drooling by now, spilling secrets and saliva into the collar of their shirts.
Something’s wrong.
“You’ll have to excuse me,” Phil says. “We must have miscalculated your dosage.”
- - -
Medical reports back half an hour later. There was no miscalculation. The man has a tolerance they assure him should not be possible.
“We gave him a second dose. He should be amenable now,” the doctor says. “If he doesn’t stop breathing.”
Amenable, Phil thinks. He explores the hollow inside him where the horror should’ve been. It’s a terrible thing they’re doing. He knows that.
But his agents are missing.
“Thank you,” he says. And he goes back to work.
- - -
“You know,” Jason tells him, glassy-eyed, barely looking Phil’s direction, “if you ask the wrong questions, I have to kill you."
It’s an interesting threat from a man who cannot lie.
“And what are you afraid you’ll tell me?” Phil asks.
“Identities,” he answers, chest rising slower than a sleeper’s.
“Ah,” Phil says. “Yes, we’ll get to that.”
“Batman,” he adds, unexpectedly. “Nightwing.” He swallows, clumsily. When he breathes in, he chokes. Phil watches him almost drown for a moment and then he reaches across the table and tugs Jason’s head forward so he can breathe.
He barely has the coordination to breathe, but the contact makes him flinch hard enough to shake the table. Phil wonders who made a creature like him.
“Who do you work for?” he asks.
“Nobody.” And then, almost smiling, voice dropping into a guttural growl, “Justice.”
Which could be good news. Killers with a mission are predictable, once you understand their cause. “And who decides justice? Who gives you orders?”
Interesting. Most freelancers don’t work at this level, and the ones who do should have extensive SHIELD files. “Who’s been signing your checks lately?”
“Checks,” Jason says, and laughs. “Fucking checks.”
He’s been thoroughly dosed with a drug designed to make him highly suggestible and meekly compliant. Phil’s starting to understand why capturing him was such a costly undertaking.
“Whose money is in your accounts right now?”
Jason makes a noise, some gusty grumble of complaint, and then lists off a dozen or so of the very worst people alive. The most interesting names are the ones Phil doesn’t recognize, but he’ll have to get to those later. The window is short; his time is running out.
A single dose is risky. Some people never fully recover their independence. They’re rendered permanently docile, suffering from a kind of chemical lobotomy that good people across the globe have outlawed. A second dose doubles the odds of permanent damage. After the third, some people won't even breathe without orders.
They’ve given him two already.
“These people who’ve been paying you,” Phil says, “which of them is paying you right now?”
Jason sighs. “Nobody pays me. I stole that money.”
“You---” Phil pauses, looks at his notes. He re-reads the names, marvels at the insanity of stealing from any of them. “You stole from those people?”
“Stole from ‘em,” he says, “killed ‘em. Well, killed some. Gonna kill the others. It’s, you know. A to-do list. I’ve been busy.”
Phil wonders if he’s been wasting his time, if he’s drugged a delusional man. “You don’t steal from people like that before you kill them.”
Jason tilts his head so he can look up him, furrows his brow in something that is almost a coherent expression of disdain. “You never have any fun, huh?”
Phil might be dealing with someone far more dangerous than he’d predicted. “You do this for fun?”
“Yeah,” Jason says. “And for justice.”
Justice, right. Of course. “And who taught you about justice?”
“My dad,” Jason says.
Which is good. Which might be helpful. Truth has its uses, but, in Phil’s experience, leverage gets more accomplished.
“And who,” Phil says, “is your father?”
Jason’s eyes track his direction but don’t quite land. His mouth closes and then opens again. “Batman,” he says.
“Oh,” Phil says. “Shit.”
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jimblejamblewritings · 3 months
An Observation of Humankind [thinkpiece number: 1]
Every girlie (nonbinary, women and men of all orientations included) is a type of Marauder and their partners are marauder love interest — fandom version included.
James Girlies:
either like sports or play sports, especially soccer/football or rugby
bad eyesight
defends everyone
himbo and ditzy but we love them for that
fanfiction reader/sharer
have had several short-term but very intense crushes
surprisingly not always high school sweethearts (which yeah odd cause of Lily)
nature bros
calls their journal a diary with no shame
are always outside and can't sit their ass at home for too long
love bouquets
own at least one pair of converse
loves pop music and Hozier
have scaled a fence before
might be able to play the guitar
handwriting could be nicer if they tried
didn't get their drivers' license right away
take their coffee any way that isn't straight black coffee
definitely think all people are hot even if they don't swing that way (think lesbians love Thor)
loved Merlin the tv show
James Girlies love Regulus and Lily people, which means:
cold people, smart people, black cat people, painters, polite people, readers, homebody people, gothic people, hippie people, people with beautiful handwriting, black coffee drinkers, whisky lovers
Sirius Girlies:
dog people and cat people equally
doc martens
loves coffee and tea equally
fanfiction writer/reader
gorgeous handwriting, probably cursive
might know or has had an interest in calligraphy
an astrology and/or astronomy girl
speaks at least two languages
plays an instrument, any instrument... but their parents definitely suggested piano
leather jackets
denim jackets
wears way less black than people think
fantasy nerd and has played dungeons and dragons
was a superwholockian
usually the only child or older child
doesn't smoke but everyone thinks they might
cocktails or whiskey and beer, no in between
virgin till like freshman year of college or later, to everyone's shock
looks like a black cat but is actually a golden retriever
however they could kill you don't get it twisted
has trauma but won't trauma bond
crooked smile and not perfect teeth but gorgeous anyway
perfect hair that is deliberately messed with
motorcycles and vespas and small cars
listens to every genre of music
tattoos (even if just one small one)
journal person
can quote certain movies by heart
unfortunately turned on by sweater vests
fashion girlie
Sirius Girlies love Marlene, Remus, and other Sirius people, which means:
warm people, confident people, tall people, flirty people, musicians, readers, intellectual people, fancy people
Remus Girlies:
sweets lover
probably likes dark chocolate the most as well as hot chocolate
owns sweaters, probably vintage, some handmade by their Sirius girlies
plays chess
can draw
mismatched socks
waits till the last minute to do laundry
is more of a cat person but also loves dogs
didn't have strict parents and ended up giving themselves curfews and discipline and only late realized the reverse psychology
keeps a notebook about everything their partner likes
messy cook in the kitchen
loves tea a bit over coffee
is probably the actual smoker of the group
doesn't make their bed
good kissers
always carries a jacket or wears a shirt under their sweater so they can give it to their partner
can hold their liquor a bit too well perhaps
has trauma and might trauma bond
great fashion sense but will wear literally whatever is clean
Remus Girlies love Sirius, Pandora, and Dorcas (hear me out) people, which means:
black cat looks and golden retriever personality, weird people, people that pour their pain and emotions into their art whether music or painting or drawing, people that take time to care for themselves in the morning, witchy people, smiley people
Peter Girlies (pretend there was no betrayal):
asks the most off-putting questions without realizing it
takes a camera everywhere
loves board games
tea drinker all day every day
sends selfies at literally any angle because they don't care
always pays attention to everyone
loves breakfast food eaten not at breakfast
had a ukelele phase
cleanest of their friend group
Peter Girlies love Mary people, which means:
sunshine people, almost always happy, excitable people, pda lovers, carefree topeople
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bunnypansy · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet: Pantalone!
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A short script about the ABCs of The Regrator's sex life!
Featuring: Pantalone, and you!
Beware! This film contains: sexual content (duh), objectification, humiliation, financial domination, pet play, submission, handcuffs, spit kink, orgasm denial, edging, dacryphilia, mild degradation
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Perfect. Really! While the richest harbinger, Pantalone does not strike me as the lazy type. He’s not going to pawn off the aftercare on any staff, he’d rather do it himself. Pantalone goes through the same steps every time; he quickly cleans himself up, then gently wipes up the majority of your… fluids. He’ll run you both a nice bath- and you KNOW the Regrator has a giant, beautiful bathtub. Of course, Pantalone will clean you up with the highest quality soap, and when you’re done, he’ll moisturize you from head to toe! No need to stay awake, Pantalone doesn’t mind if you doze off. While he’s mostly hands on, he’ll have staff swap out the messy sheets before he lays you down to rest. Most likely, he’ll hold you close while you fall asleep and he reads.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your skin overall, which yeah, I know sounds weird, but walk with me. He loves your soft, smooth skin that’s perfect for bruising, kissing, biting; so pretty and delicate. Even in nonsexual moments, Pantalone likes to run his fingers over your skin and trace patterns, just for funsies. Like most of his things, he’ll do his best to make you take care of your beautiful skin. Also lips, beautiful, soft, pink lips just get him hard immediately; wear lip gloss and he’ll fall apart.
It’s not hard to see that Pantalone takes incredible care of his hair. He spends an immeasurable amount of time fussing over it, with a detailed washing schedule and care instructions. He spends much of his morning routine brushing, and styling his hair; if you feel like playing with it or styling it, feel free- but NEVER pull on his hair. EVER.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Pantalone takes impeccable care of himself, he’s well hydrated and keeps a good diet, so his cum is a clear, almost pearly color. It’s textured a lot like syrup and has almost no taste except for a faint saltiness- you’re not really sure how he makes his cum that flavorless. Pantalone doesn’t cum very much, it’s a bit disappointing but I’ll let you in on a little secret; if you squeeze his balls a lil bit you can make him squirt, and if you feel like putting in the effort, keep milking his cock after he starts cumming and he’ll cum even more. Please draw out his orgasm!!! Pantalone prefers cumming in your mouth, on your face or on your tummy- he’s not fond of trying to scoop his cum out of you later, too messy. Besides, don’t you just look beautiful with his cum on your face? Of course you do.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He wants to try butt stuff. Huh? No no, not on you. (:
Okay fine I'll elaborate. I don't think he's experimented with anal on his own, he simply has a curiosity that he wants to sate. After sometime, Pantalone might bring up the subject, as casually as one might talk about the weather over morning tea. He actually wants to start rather vanilla with this, a bit of fingering, some gentler sex. After getting a small taste for subbing, he might let you do a few other things to him (cough cough sounding)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Fairly? I don’t think he’s all that experienced when it comes to sustained relationships, he's very busy and not opposed to hiring sex workers! Everyone has needs, and he is happy to pay for services he deems necessary, as long as he’s satisfied with the result. In short; intimate experience? No. Casual experience? Yes.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Pantalone is usually fucking on the go (read: in his office), so he usually goes for the classic bending over desk. If he’s in the office, he’ll press your chest down the desktop and take you from behind, usually with his fingers in your mouth to pull you back and hold your jaw open. For a long while, he'll probably do this in the bedroom for a while too, bending you over the edge of the bed instead; but once he gets more accustomed to intimacy, I think he'll switch to missionary. Call it vanilla, but he likes being able to see your face, your expressions really heighten the experience for him.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
I wouldn't call it humorous, so much as mocking. He's not laughing with you, he's laughing at you. Pantalone likes humiliating you in little ways, squishing your tear-stained cheeks together and calling you a crybaby, then laughing at you. If you try to tease him back however, he'll brush it off and somehow turn it back onto you. He's mean? Awww, but you like it don't you? Mean perv.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Pantalone strikes me as the sort of man who just. Full body waxes. Not hair to be found on this man. Which is a damn shame cus he's got some of the most beautiful hair I've ever seen, so silky and soft… no he won't stop waxing even if you beg. Sorry sports fans, your hairy man is in another castle.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
When Pantalone was younger, (shallow) people weren’t exactly interested in him, now he’s just too busy with work to bother forming a relationship with others, so he's used to transactional sex. He's probably going to remain rather distant for a while; you will have to have a conversation about it for sure. Pantalone will take your criticism into consideration very easily, he wants you both to enjoy your time after all, then change his behavior for you. It's going to be an awkward change at first, and he'll engage in a lot of pillow talk to go over what was good and what needs improvement, but Pantalone will be nothing but agreeable.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Why would he attempt to satisfy himself with his hands when he could just pay for an escort? Truly, Pantalone doesn't see the need and doesn't get horny enough to crank the ol' hog. But I am nothing if not a kind God! So I'll write this for you anyway.
Unlike with sex, Pantalone will not want to mastrubate in his office, it's too vulnerable and he finds it a bit embarrassing. He is definitely the type of guy to take it slowly, slow strokes over his shaft and rubbing his thumb over his tip, then a good squeeze around the base. Pantalone stays quiet most of the time, just barely panting as he touches himself.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Humiliation: Pantalone loves to feel superior, full stop. As long as you give consent, Pantalone likes to keep you naked in his office, sitting on his desk or the floor like an ornament. His favorite thing to do is keep you bound in a corner, stuffed full of toys for anyone to see, but only him to touch.
Financial domination: He likes being the one with all the money in the relationship. A little part of himself thinks you'll only like him as long as he's rich, so flaunting his wealth to you is a turn on. It's also relieving to him that you're dependent, so that way, you can never leave. Pantalone loves most to dress you up in fineries, then tear it all off in the heat of the moment, just to prove how little those things mean to him.
Mild pet play: dragging you around on a leash is one of Pantalone's greatest pleasures. He likes feeling as if he owns you, calling you pet, giving you orders. Pantalone is definitely the type to buy you a very fancy collar with real jewels on it, then use it as a handle while you fuck. If he's going to have any pet, it'll be a puppy, he's interested in the absolute obedience dogs have.
Submission: Pantalone does not put up with brats, hands down. He desires complete and utter obedience from you in the bedroom, you can either comply or miss out on your dick appointment. Brat taming? In this economy?
Handcuffs: While I don't feel Pantalone likes full body bondage (he likes to feel you struggle against him), he appreciates handcuffs or general hand bondage. It's a good way to yank you around and make sure you don't pull his hair out. His personal favorite is to bind your hands, then make you sit on his lap with your arms around his neck.
Spit: I can't say I have strong reasoning for this, it's just a gut feeling. It's something about spitting in your mouth and making you swallow it that makes the possessive part of him flare up.
Objectification: I mean really, is anyone surprised? This man fully believes he can buy anything, including you. He owns you, and he's not going to act otherwise. Sometimes, if he's had a stressful night, he'll just lube you up and fuck you like a fleshlight, and he's not afraid call you such things either. "Pet", "toy", and "doll" are some of his favorite things to call you.
Orgasm denial/Edging (they go hand in hand for this man): This follows closely with his objectification kink- oh you wanna cum? No, no, no, pet. Fleshlights don't need to cum do they? Ah- they don't talk, either. Watching you squirm and cry for him strokes his ego greatly, and he's not afraid to make you beg.
Dacryphilia: You look. So pretty. When you cry. Your lips trembling, your eyes glittering with tears, eyes and nose reddened, cheeks wet- and at his hand? Even better. Of course, Pantalone cares too much about you to enjoy when you're simply miserable, but when he edges you to tears? Nothing better.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Pantalone is a rather private man, he'll want to stick to his two safe spaces; your bedroom and his office. Of course, the bedroom is your house, but he claims that no one can argue with what he does in the privacy of his own office, especially if someone forgets to knock- not like he'd stop either way. Public bathrooms or secluded alleys are beneath him, while fucking on couches or in showers is just too much of a hassle.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
What Pantalone REALLY wants out of this, is to feel like he owns you. He wants to know that you belong to him, that you are dependent upon him, and that he controls you; it's almost a comfort to him. If Pantalone holds all the control between the two of you, then it is utterly up to him whether you stay or go.
However, Pantalone will spend every waking moment reminding you why you should stay, and this applies to the bedroom as well. He wants to hear you cry out, feel you squirm, watch you cry; a reminder that he is the best man you will ever have.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Piss. I wouldn't call this particularly controversial, only a bit disappointing for the little pee-pee boys in the crowd (it's me I'm pee-pee boys). He doesn't like much of any kink that creates smell and a mess, it's just too much of a hassle to clean up and isn't worth it to him.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
For such a greedy man, Pantalone is a giver!!!! He doesn't care for receiving oral- it's fine -but why would he waste his time on fucking your mouth when he can be inside you? He much prefers the reactions he gets from eating you out or sucking you off. Considering this a bonus to the favorite position category, but when giving oral Pantalone has two favorite positions; letting you lay back and grabbing your hips to lift you to his mouth, or placing you on his lap upside down so your knees rest on his shoulders.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Pantalone keeps his pace moderate, focusing on making his thrusts deep and hard instead. He'll grab your waist and roll his hips against yours, aiming for all your sensitive spots with long, deep strokes. Of course, Pantalone's pace becomes a bit erratic when he's closer to cumming, speeding up then slowing to crawl- you know he's really at the edge when he starts pounding you as hard and fast as you can.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
No. Sorry guys. Pantalone wants to take his time with you and isn't going to settle for an ultimately dissatisfying quickie, he won't apologize either. Good things come to those who wait, don't they?
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
If you wanna try something new, Pantalone is happy to agree, most times he won't say no; though he might show hesitation if you ask him to harm you. You'll have to tell him in advance so he can properly research the kink and how to enact the fantasy safely, and even before you have sex he'll probably warn you that he's going to try something new.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
My guy is a one and done kind of man, squirt then skirt if you will. So yeah, unfortunately you're only getting a single round out of Pantalone, but that round can last about as long as you like- and perhaps longer. A session with Pantalone can last from one hour up to three, and he won't let himself cum once until you cum at least twice, so there are no worries of being left unsatisfied.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Yes! Absolutely! Nipple clamps, a couple bullet vibrators, a wand vibrator, vary sizes of plugs, beads and dildos, an O-ring gag, spreader bars- though he only uses those last two if you're being shy with him. For afab partners he also owns a rosebud vibrator, and for the amabs he owns sounding rods and cock rings. Mostly the toys are for you, but with a bit of encouragement you might be able to coax him into using a few on himself. After a fair bit of experimentation, Pantalone finds himself in favor of wearing a cock ring and nipple clamps while fucking you… you might get him to warm up to a bit of sounding.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
If Pantalone isn't a tease, then I don't know who is. He takes great pleasure in riling you up, then denying you sex entirely, not even allowing you to touch yourself; a test of your obedience. God forbid you break his rules and get caught using any toys on yourself- and you will get caught -Pantalone will spend hours punishing you for disobedience. You'll find yourself handcuffed and stuck in spreader bars, the largest dildo of Pantalone's collection stuffed into your hole. Your lover shows no kindness, grabbing the base of the toy and ramming it in and out as fast and hard as he can, but stopping right before you cum and waiting however long it takes for you to calm down. This will go on for hours until you're sobbing, begging for forgiveness and wailing your apologies. So yeah. Pantalone is far from fair.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
A few whimpers, mostly panting, maybe grunt here or there; While Pantalone may not be much of a moaner, he certainly is a chatterbox! He'll go on and on with you, muttering praise and degradation, fully expecting a response from you (how unrealistic, sir). He gets even worse when he gets closer to his orgasm; Pantalone's words break up with moans and become less coherent, but he still forces them out as fast as he possibly can, until he's stuttering forward a slew of curses at a near shout. Cutie <3
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
The male boob lovers in the crowd are going to like this one- I believe with my entire heart that my double D malewife has sensitive nipples, his left one pierced. They're naturally puffy and pink, and they turn all red and swollen when you play with them. Unfortunately, Pantalone isn't going to give you much of a chance to toy with his chest, so when do you get boob time? One of the few times he subs, that's when. He's not going to argue if you pinch and pull on his nipples in the middle of easing your way inside of him, Pantalone is going to whimper. Enjoy this power, and use it wisely.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
This man is vice president of the pretty penis club (I'll elaborate on the prez in a later post). He sits around 5.7-ish flaccid and an easy 6 when he's hard, a skinny penis haver but it's okay because I love him. He only really has one prominent vein that trails from the underside of his shaft then wraps around to the front side, just beneath his tip. Speaking of his tip!! It's a beautiful shade of pink that reddens when he gets hard, and drips soooo much pre. He's got a slight upward curve and when he's very hard, his dick nearly touches his abdomen.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Pantalone has a relatively low sex drive, really only feeling the need for sex every two to three weeks, however! He has no problem going at it more often if you so desire, if anything he likes how dependent upon him you are, please, ask for more.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Sleep?? After sex??? Pantalone could never. If anything, a good session clears his head and calms him down. He's more than likely to grab a lapdesk and do some paperwork while you're dozing off, but if it's really late or you went for a particularly long round he might just read at your side or even talk you to sleep.
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That's the end of our showing for today, and as always, thank you for attending!
You can really REALLY smell the favoritism on this one, I'm very very in love with Pantalone and I wanna kith him.
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gogolstoelicker · 5 months
Dorm leaders with a Razor!MC
a/n: totally lost the pookie who asked for this but if by some miracle yk its you, pls dont beat me up for taking so long </3 /j
also if tumblr did smth weird with the bullet points again, point ur guns at the app
its one week before my exams so im using my adrealine for smth!!
You are generally good-natured person who considers your wolf pack your family and becomes enraged if they are hurt by other parties. You love your wolf family but dislike the fact that you aren't fully like them. You considered the few humans you do encounter to be your friends and are willing to protect them from danger if it means sacrificing your and your pack's dinner for the night. You are a quick thinker. You are also honest and forthright due to your limited exposure to human life. You are not used to speaking and only speak in short phrases and words, finding it troublesome, but you continue nonetheless.
my mans stopping you like this to take a look at your uniform
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pookie, youre a lil messy rn -he said this in anger, I'm just giving you the nicer version
its ok, he helped you clean up a lil after!!
u absolutely trying not to mess up the collar and tie up bcs its so uncomfortable:😢😔
it always goes back to the messy version as soon as hes out of sight or its half the day already
he wont find out (i lied he absolutely did)
he can always count on u to tell him the truth should your friends ever do smth bad
"broke. chair." while pointing at ace and deuece
they have tears in their eyes as riddle approach them
honestly some of ur behaviour makes him go⁉️
fr thought u were a beastman or smth
then found out youre just a human whos lived with wolves their whole life
u being an orphan as he goes on with his speech: /JOKE
ace beats his ass up for u its ok
him trying to figure out how they didnt try to eat u🤔
he didnt try to stop u but that wont mean he wont go😅😅
ALSO eat ur veggies pls
hes chasing u around heartslabyul trying to make u eat a wee bit of carrots
"veggies:( bad:(" "so real"
^ur real time convo
whenever youre given food with veggies, u pass it off to leona
leona then pass it to ruggie who then muched it off
he absolutely told u to give ruggie any veggies btw (free food for the man‼️)
ruggie is forever happy to receive free food
he actually thought u were a beastman too because of your scent
"r u a jack kinnie?" he would ask (he didnt ask it like that)
turns out you just got raised by them
idk savanaclaw might be an ok? place for u? considering most of them r beastman there
like its not even surprising to see u practicing with them every morning anymore
ruggie dragged both u and leona by the collar to practice btw
"im all the way in ramshackle" leona surprise adopted u to savanaclaw, dont resist /J
u surprisingly get along well with him‼️‼️
leona acting like he doesnt care abt the youngsters👴🙄 (hes failing)
he totally didnt take a nap with you in his usual spots, no who did that?? pft not him
no he did NOT save u from accidentally getting hurt by your friend's troubles btw no
also, he did not mind that you do not talk much
the less words the better for him!! he encourages this (he got beat up later by the people who thinks otherwise)
youre so simple, azul actually had a great time
"pls sign this contract to save ur friends" "ok:)"
well youre homeless now (not rlly u have a home in savanaclaw)
yk those super villains laughing evilly everytime their plans r going so well?? thats azul
he didnt even need to put many efforts in trying to trick u, u just go thumbs up at him
he does not feel bad btw
he does not care if youre a beastman or not. a business opportunity is all you'll ever be to him
maybe a friend too but you'll need to unlock friendship level 10 for that
can wolves swim underwater, im sayign yes for plot reasons
anyways u came back from trying to get the painting(?) picture (?) like a wet dog
im saying nonsense rn i think i need sleep its almost 1am
he threw his head back 90° to laugh dramatically at how u reminded him of a wet dog
this is a joke, do not come for me
honestly he had to drag u away from the lounge once bcs u tried catching the fishes in the aquarium
"MF LEAVE MY FISHES TF ALONE IF U WANT TO LIVE" is what he wouldve said if hes not a professional businessman
he is a professional guys do not worry💯
honestly, he is pretty ? that you had trouble speaking
after finding out its bcs youve been isolated from the human things, he kind of goes🤔
the business in his head is controlling him before he can stop them😖🫣
would u like a potion from him to help u with that problem<33
honestly head empty rn
rhey all thought you were a beastman and he is not an exception
is def surprised bcs ur ass howled one time at a full moon
he witnessed that, he had the front row seat as witness
he lets u do ur thing its ok
even asked u if its family tradition HELP /J
"oh man u have such fluffy hair"
he said before trying to touch it and realising its literally tangled all over
him and jamil whos right next to him
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were u raised in a barn??
kalim assumed theres no hairbrush in ramshackle
u dont have to worry bro, kalim is more than happy to stock u up with some hairbrush
"oh its nothing much dont worry😊🙏‼️" the literal gold handles on the hairbrush:
u dont have to worry abt not speaking much, he speaks enough for the both of u
he spoke such strange things u dont understand him sometimes
u just nod along and gave him thumbs up
its like sun and moon but the moon is confused /j
if youre sleeping outside, he will join u btw
he brought his pillows and blanket out to have a small sleepover with u
jamil had a mini heart attack when he went to wake kalim up in the morning to see hes missing from his bed
vil when be sees u
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yk how yall lived in pomefiore for a bit after the idia thing??
yeah he polished u up so much bro
u came into the dorm looking like someone abandoned u so youe only option was to live in the jungle with the help of ur jungle friends and have survived through the way of the mammals since u were an infant
and u came out looking like a brand new person
u came out of the dorm looking like u got new skin that its literally shining under light, ur hair softer and no longer tangled and no more eyebags and u smell like flowers
vil wiping his forehead after a job well done😊🙏
also he was pretty shocked when he found out u were pretty isolated from the human norms or whatever
he did try his best to break you bad habits, like literally running in mud
he also helped u with like speaking problems?
he got u a whole dictionary in case u dont know the word bro
also fix ur uniform for ueach time u try to loosen it up because its too suffocating for u
if u try to loosen it up one more time, he'll add the veggies in ur plate
he absolutely does makes u eat ur veggies
he'll tie u down a chair and make u eat them even
/j he wouldnt. he have rook to help him with that
him after he fixed ur dorm with the greatest and newest updated quality just for u to sleep outside
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he gets it, youve been raised this way
but he just fixed it for u bro😢😢cant u at least sleep in there
grim sleeps in diff rooms every day bcs of the upgrade and u did this?? /j
oh well at least the outside kind of looks better now too he guess....
u dont even use the tv, u dont know how it works
"people in there real?" "? no ?"
he beats u in every video games ever because u literally could not keep up with technology
hes slaying everyone and youre wondering how to make ur character walk the way u wanted them to
u accidentally drowned somehow in the video game
he feels a tad bit bad for u
he cant bond much with u because like
hes quiet, youre quiet
hes a modern dude, u dont even know whats a phone
he likes video games, u prolly like hunting for food
if you two r in a room together, the only people who r talking r literally the wind
"whoosh whoosh whoosh🌬" whoosh whoosh🌪
he spoke enough for the both of u (its abt gargoyles)
he actually spoke so much confusing words for u
u looked at him like 😃🫨 (ur head is spinning and u r dying)
u can always ask him if u dont understand tho
he will explain in another paragraph but its ok, at least u understand now
barely actually
ur brain hurts and its fried from talking to him since he use big words
he did try to use simpler words for u!!
oh u two can kind of bond i think
youre both not familiar with technology so it will work well
u know those faces grandparents make when looking through new technologies
like the eyes squinting and eyebrows furrowed look with thag confused look
yeah thats the both of u
u both try to figure it out together (it did not work out)
yall asked lilia for help
peepaw is into the trends, he can help the both of u dont worry!!
he saw how messy you could be sometimes and went damn
he'll fix u up with magic its ok
show me funny things, magic man
anyways its a habit of his to fix anything in ur appearance whenever u have ur nighty walks
like u have this dirt on ur white uniform? say no more.
theres a damned branch in ur hair (dont ask how u got that) and its tangled in ur hair?? he got u pookie
part of ur clothes r literally ripped off because god's knows what youve been doing in your free time??? u dont even need to ask bbg
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watermelonlovershigh · 9 months
Can you write something where Reader had taken care of Harry all night because he was sick and then she has to wake up to care for their child and maybe the child wants to give Harry cuddles to make him feel better.
Sick Daddy /concept/
AN: had this in my inbox for a while but am trying to clear some of my requests out so here you finally go. its very short because this ask just felt like it didn't need to be crazy long. hope you enjoy still. send you feedback. xoxo
This story contains: mentions of throw up, the rest is fluff
{ husbandrry - dad!harry - any harry era }
word count- 566
You and your son Oliver make Harry a breakfast to hopefully feel better because he'd been sick the previous night. Then after Harry's better, you and Ollie catch the same bug and Harry takes care of you both as you did for him.
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You'd been up off and on with Harry all night. He seemed to have caught some type of stomach bug and nearly every hour of the night woke up to be sick. Though Harry insisted you just stay in bed, of course you were gonna be right by his side. Placing a little clip in his hair to hold his bangs out of his face and rub his back as he heaved over the toilet.
Now it's eight in the morning and your little one, Oliver, who's five, is awake. Though you're dead tired from you lack of sleep, you go into Ollies bedroom and help him get dressed and brush his teeth. Once that's all done, Oliver asks, "Where's daddy? Wanna go see him."
Kneeling down to his level, you reply, "Daddy's feeling a bit ill today, loves. He'll probably be in bed for a while. But, how about you help mummy make daddy some tea and toast to hopefully feel better."
With a concerned look on his small face, Oliver nods, "Alright, mummy. Then can I cuddle daddy? Daddy cuddles me when I don't feel very well so it might make him feel better."
Thinking for a moment, you answer, "Maybe. We'll have to see. I don't want you catching whatever bug he has though."
Oliver helped you prepare an easy breakfast for Harry. One that will hopefully not bother his stomach. Once it's ready, you carry it on a tray and Ollie walks up the stairs beside you, excited to finally see his daddy today.
When you walk in the bedroom, Harry is curled up under the covers sleeping, a thin layer of sweat coating his skin. You set the tray down and nudge his shoulder, "Harry babe, wake up for me. Got you something to drink and eat that you'll hopefully be able to keep down."
Harry slowly turns over and sits up. With his very messy bed-head, he croaks out, "Awe, thank you, m'love. I'll try to eat some of it. Not really that hungry though."
Oliver steps to the side of the bed and asks, "Daddy sick?"
Harry looks down and answers, "Yeah baby, daddy's tummy hasn't been well. But mummy is the best doctor around so I'm sure I'll be good to go in no time."
Harry sat in bed and munched on his plain toast and sipped his tea while you and Oliver sat at the foot of the bed to keep him company. After some persuasion, you finally let Oliver cuddle Harry. You knew it was a risk of him getting sick too but you were also at risk from just being in the same house as him.
Luckily Harry was able to keep that food down and with some more rest, got to feeling better within twelve hours. Unluckily to you and Ollie though, two days later you both woke up to sick tummies and it was Harry's turn to play doctor. With the amount of vomit he had to clean up he should become a professional cleaner.
It got so bad that he had to migrate everyone to the living room where he could watch you both at the same time. One moment holding up the barf bucket for Oliver and the next moment holding it up for you. He gave y'all tons of cuddles and extra love and within a day everyone was well again.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
 // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithhrry  // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  //@mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghost // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @justlemmeholdyou // @hsonlyangelxo // @luvonstyles // @howdey
My Masterlist Masterpost
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