#this time he won't end up in med bay
How X feels about Iris? She's dead or someone brought her back to life?
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Zero wasn't in real trouble because X loves him too much. Axl obtained the information by questioning Zero while they were on a mission.
Zero is sheepishly waiting for "the talk," which never comes. Only X has the privilege to handle him this way without having his head blown clean off.
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stargirl-writes · 11 months
pairing : force healer jedi! reader x anakin skywalker
word count : 1.5k
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anakin skywalker confessed his love for you. except, you turned him down, reminding yourself of your duty to the jedi. weeks would have passed and you're reaching a breaking point where you can no longer deny how you felt about him.
tags : angst, mutual pining, fluff towards the end,
warnings : pretty much just denial of how reader feels, and angst with a happy ending (!)
notes : hi lovely people! this is the first thing i'll post under this blog! thank u for taking interest in my little imagine, i hope you like it!
likes, reblogs, and comments are highly appreciated !
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It has been a few weeks since Anakin Skywalker told you he loved you. For a moment, the cruelest thing to do seemed like the sweetest thing he could say.
For you both know that the Jedi Council will forbid you to delight in this feeling.
No attachments, live to serve the good, clear lines. No devotions.
You didn't understand how loving someone can be so corrupting, after all, the Jedi Code taught you compassion for all things. That in itself is an act of love. Living so detached from things just makes it all feel... meaningless.
Why hurt for love? Why hurt for not loving?
But now, ever since Anakin told you he wanted you, you are held by a ravenous grip that left you feeling breathless. Suffocated.
Because the truth was simple: You wanted to hoard Anakin in your heart and keep him there. You wanted Anakin.
Of course, you didn't mean it. Anakin Skywalker is the only one who truly knew you. He shredded down your walls to find you where you're most vulnerable and loved you anyway. He wasn't scared of the things about you he didn't understand. Things you, too, find difficult to accept.
But caught by the abruptness, you could only tell him "We can't" before storming out of the room that one night.
You were perplexed, because for the longest time you have resigned yourself to the idea that you were the only one feeling it.
And now he says he loves you. All along.
He loved you.
He loved you despite, despite, despite...
And you turned him down.
Because you can't....
You were bound by duty first. And your duty is to serve the Republic. You can't have Anakin, not if he is supposed to be the chosen one.
You still cried in your sleep; angry and tremendously sorry you turned the closest thing to love away.
You can't take the Republic's only chance of surviving this war. He was meant for something larger than you are. Larger than both of you. You understood this, but it didn't really make it hurt any less.
It fell into this odd... silence between both of you.
You'd catch yourself looking for him in every room you find yourself in. A force of habit. His force signature used to be a warm beacon of light to anchor you, now every time you sense Anakin, your heart aches.
Haunted by the images in your mind of what could be if you allowed him to love you. Terrified that you've allowed yourself to want to share a lifetime with him.
You can't. You wouldn't.
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You shuffle in your bed, unable to find a spot so you can comfortably rest. You were becoming more frustrated, for your mind just won't turn itself off.
You grabbed your robe and pulled your hair away from your face, tying it back.
With a sigh, you sit up. It would be futile to attempt any sleep, dawn was already breaking from the windows of the Jedi Temple.
Force healing is something that not every Jedi practices, for it requires a deeper state of discipline and precision. Besides, there are medical droids that can take care of the wounded.
The council had briefed you on your mission for today, you're stationed at the med-bay to overlook the casualties after the recent attack on Kamino.
You valued healing; no matter how forgotten it may have been for the Jedi Order. So, this mission is equally important to you as fighting in the front lines.
The halls of the temple were still quiet, deep in sleep. You wander around, not really knowing where to head.
You hear a shuffle from behind, and instinctively, you turn.
You halt at a balcony— entranced by the rising sun. You breathed deep, wondering when all became so complicated.
A pair of blue eyes meet your doe-eyed gaze. You surveyed him, he looked like he just came from battle, his robes were covered in dust, and his eyes were glossy as if he had been awake for some time, too.
"Anakin" you breathed out, realizing it had been the first time you addressed him after the night he confessed.
"[Name]" He answers, sounding tired.
Your heart thumps, unsure, and half-terrified that if he calls your name again, you might fall to pieces.
"How did the mission on Kamino go?" You say, trying to find any topic other than—
Anakin steps forward, leaning against the balcony. You hold your breath. Being so close to him felt like all air vanishes.
"It went alright" Anakin answers, his gaze falling into the horizon.
Your eyes trail on his arm, noticing the dried blood, a gash maybe, you step forward, wanting to get a closer look, your healing instincts telling you something was off.
"You're hurt" You say, your hand carefully moving his robe.
Anakin sharply turns at your touch. Then his eyes bore into yours. You lifted your fingers, realizing you may have startled him.
Anakin always had you. Part of the reason you were persistent in learning healing. Because the anxiety of him hurting never settled, and you wanted to be equipped to take care of him.
"Let me do this, it won't take long" You insisted, because you knew Anakin too well, and he'd not get it checked until someone else forces him to sit down at the med-bay.
The wound started closing and after a moment, it was like it wasn't there in the first place.
Anakin nods, his eyes never leave yours.
You felt it, a ripple through the force. A very specific frequency. A jedi might mistake his hurt as that of a physical one. But you have memorized him too much to read through his pretenses.
The wounds hurt, yes. But he is carrying a lot more pain than he lets on.
So, you continued. Your fingers graze over his skin, channelling the force, willing it to heal the gash.
You withdrew your touch. The silence lingered. It's a silence that makes you feel mad, because it feels like this is how it'll always be for you and Anakin now. Delicately dancing around the elephant in the room.
The silence amplified the voice screaming in your heart.
You may as well just say it out loud because your force signature is latched with it. It involuntarily pours your heart out.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
"Anakin" you began, your lips opening and closing unable to find words to express how you felt.
He turns his head, standing straight, he had an expression you recognized. Some sort of braceness, like he was already anticipating for you to break his heart again.
"I'm sorry" was all you could say.
Even if you would've ran away with him if he asked you to.
Clear lines. No attachments. You'd cross them all if he asked you to.
This was the right thing to do, you think...
"Don't" Anakin shakes his head "Don't... I know you don't mean it" His eyes fall to his feet.
"No, I do" You answer swiftly— no longer able to deny how much it had hurted you too.
You felt tears threatening to cascade down your face. You've heard it said that love turns people soft, but you have never felt more broken now that you have loved something you can't have.
"Anakin, when I said we can't, it's because I can't take you for myself. You're meant for larger things. Only with the Jedi can you fulfill your destiny" You rambled, verbalizing the thoughts you convinced yourself to believe in at night.
Anakin's eyebrows furrowed, but you continued "It doesn't mean I didn't, that I don't—" You halted, your heart and mind tearing you apart.
"[Name]" he calls, "You are no small thing in my life" He tucks a loose strand of hair to your ear.
"I meant it when I told you I love you." His palm presses on your cheeks.
You thought you could crumble beneath his touch.
These weeks, the small amount of time you spent trying to convince yourself that his feelings will eventually pass, never faltered the way how you felt. His absence felt like half of you was missing. And now, he was here, insisting softly.
You can't hold it in anymore.
So, in the absence of words, you pressed your lips against his— slowly, gently, slipping into the intimacy you only ever shared with him.
I love you.
You say between the kisses, hoping it'd suffice for you can't quite bring yourself to say it just yet.
Nothing in the world belonged to you, just this love you were overpouring with. And this kiss— it felt like the beginning of something eternal.
Whatever that may be.
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© to @cafekitsune the dividers!
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harventheblorbo · 2 years
Can you do a Tfp headcanon of the cons' reaction to their s/o is about to fall off from a great height trying to get something?
Head cannons for the TFP deceptions reaction to their human S/O almost falling from a high place trying to get something!
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Containing; Megatron, StarScream, Soundwave, Knock-out, Breakdown, and Shockwave
___ is human and Gender neutral
Warning; None
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When he sees you climb up something, he double takes and just gives you a dumb stare. His optics follow the path on where your trying to go and see your trying to grab something up high on one of the nemesis's shelf in the throne room.
He walks over to where you are just in time for you to lose your grip and almost fall. He quickly catches you with two servos. He gives you a lecture on how dangerous it is as he grabs the item you wanted.
When you fell it almost gave him a heart attack even if he won't admit it. He cares about you even if he doesn't show it but he would go insane if you were injured whilst he was in the room.
When starscream sees you on something high, he freaks out and runs over to where you are and trys to calmy pick you up. He's pretty nervous with you being a human and how small and vulnerable you are.
When you look up at him with confusion, he questions why in the all spark you would climb up the tall shelf that was more than 10 times your size with no supervision.
When you answer that you wanted to grab something that you wanted to get, he sets you aside and grabs the item you wanted to get and give you it.
Sound wave;
Normally, you ask him to grab you something but unfortunately, he was busy and you didn't wanna ask him since you felt too embarrassed to.
When he glances over you climbing up a shelf, he panics a little in the inside. He walks over and stares at you until you look back. He uses voice clips from other bots to ask what you are doing.
When you respond, he asks if you need help. Right as you are about to answer, he quickly grabs you. When you respond, he grabs the item and bring you and the item over to his monitor.
When he hears some grumbles and you struggleing to get up, he naturally gets curious. So, he looks at your direction and gets immediately scared. He panics and runs over to where you are.
When you slip and fall a little abit, you end up stretching your knee before he can get to you. When he finally catches you, he pauses for a moment.
He unfreezes and stands up straight thinking for a moment. He glances down at you and exames you quickly. He puts you down and treats you quickly as he asks what the hell you were doing. He quickly grabs the item and puts it next to you.
Just after he sees you on the shelf, he rushes over as you trip while climbing up. He quickly picks you up. At this point, his level of anxiety is through the roof and just trying to process what happened while also trying to figure out what to say.
He brings you over to the med bay as he doesn't know how to patch you up all that well as knockout does. He lectures you on how you should have asked him to grab whatever you wanted to grab.
Shockwave is usually the first person that you talk to whenever you need something that is beyond your reach. Unfortunately, today you were having a bad day and didn't feel like being a burden and asking him.
Yet, when you crawled up the shelf to grab it, you unfortunately slipped and landed right on your behind which caused a sharp pain. Shockwave heard you wheeze in pain as it rather took the air from your lungs.
He speed walked to where you were and quickly grabbed you with his servos. He asked what was wrong and what happened. He nods as he listens as his antennas twitch. He listens and sets you aside and grabs it and gives it to you.
He gives a small lecture on how it was illogical for you to not ask you as he carries you to knockouts med bay.
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
Alright friend, so when I was watching Hawkeye and it's the scene where he's talking with Kate about the cost of being a hero. It gave me an idea, so I was thinking kate, yelena and reader are on a mission to scout an abandoned hydra base or something. Kate and reader enter a room when they are looking at a computer, reader hears a bomb. They both look around and when they find it it's about to explode. So reader pushes kate out of the room and shuts the door to protect her or if you like it better I was also thinking of reader getting shot saving kate or something while fighting hydra agents. Anyway, however you want reader to get hurt. So then at the compound in the med bay, reader is on life support when kate calls clint and just starts breaking down saying how she understands the cost now. Clint ends up coming to the compound to help kate. Reader ends up being ok in the end though cause kate deserves to be happy. I was thinking for a title you could call it the cost or something like that. Sorry sounds cliché I know, especially the title. Anyway, you're the best 💖 Also bonus points for having reader be yelena's younger sister and sorry if I rambled to much
The Cost
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Super Soldier! Reader
Summary: After saving Kate from a bomb, it opens the archer’s eyes to a much, much bigger picture about her new job. 
Angst | Fluff | Mentions of Blood | Medical Talk | They/Them Pronouns Used | 1.4K | 
AC: Thank you for sending this! I’m so happy to do some more Kate content, I made reader a Super Soldier for this, I hope that’s okay x 
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Not a second thought went through your mind when you pushed Kate out of the room that held the data you and Kate were collecting. The bomb went off not even a second after Kate was pushed to safety, not leaving you a chance to get yourself to safety as the building fell on top of you. Kate was speechless as she searched the rubble for you, back up was on the way but even when they arrived, Kate didn't stop looking for you. 
When you were found, all Kate could see was how much blood covered your body and instantly she thought the worst. Tears filled her eyes as the others made sure to get you to safety and take you back to the compound's medical center. Kate was beside herself as she waited outside your medical bay while the medical team did their best to keep you alive. If it wasn't for the fact that you were a super soldier, there would be no way you'd have survived the blast of the bomb. 
It didn't matter how many times Kate replayed the situation over and over in her head, she knew you saved her life when you pushed her out the window of that room. Anytime Kate saw a nurse come out of the medical room, she would stop them and ask for an update but just like any hospital, they couldn't give the young archer any update until the doctor had completed the operation. Hours would pass before Kate would have any news on your condition. 
"For now, they're in a medical induced coma to help their body heal. We won't know anything further until they wake up" Bruce explained to the team, but more so to Kate who felt sick to her stomach with worry. 
You've been Kate's work partner for a little over a year now but only recently over the course of a couple of months have the two of you kindled a romance. Its new and exciting to the two of you which is why nobody else knew about it just yet. Besides, you'd be lying if you said you were slightly scared of what Clint might say considering how close he and Kate are. She's basically his adopted daughter and he's very protective of her. 
"But they're going to be okay, right?!" Kate asked with a worried tone, she just needed Bruce to assure her that you were okay because she called the one person, she knew would help her through this situation.
"Right now, yes but until they wake up, we won't know if there us anything further that needs attention" he replied. It wasn't exactly jumping for joy news, but it was enough for Kate to calm down for a moment and excuse herself form the room.
"Clint, I need you to come to the compound, please" Kate's broken voice spoke through the phone. 
"Is everything okay?!" Clint asked in an instant worried tone. 
"I just…I need you here, I understand now" Kate replied. 
"Understand what? Kate, are you okay? What's happened?"
"It all happened so fast, we were just getting data from this Hydra base when Y/n noticed an active bomb….it was already too late to run, they pushed me out the window before I had a chance to help them" Kate broke as she recalled the events that took place. Tears streamed down her face as she hoped you'd be okay. "The building just came down, there wasn't anything I could do Clint" Kate added in a sob, her words breaking with every tear that streamed down her face. 
Clint gave the young avenger a moment of silence, already packing his overnight bag and writing a note for Laura to see later. "Kate, I'm on my way, okay?" he spoke, breaking the silence. 
Kate nodded, even though she knew Clint couldn't see her action. "I need them to be okay" she sobbed. 
"I know sweetheart, I know" Clint replied, not afraid to show her his caring side. "I'm on my way, just hang in there for me, can you do that?" he added. 
"Yeah" Kate wiped her tears even though it felt pointless as more tears filled the place of the last ones. 
Clint arrived and found Kate sitting by your bedside when her hand gently resting on top of your left, her thumb gently stroking your knuckles. The thought of you knowing she was by your side helped calm her wondering thoughts as she would tell you repeatedly how much she needed you to be okay. 
"How are they?" Clint asked, quietly taking a few steps into the room. Kate looked up at him, her exhausted expression worried him. "Bruce said we won't know anything else until they wake up" Kate explained. 
"What about you? Have you been checked out?" 
"I'm fine, just a couple of cuts and bruises" Kate replied before she looked back at you, "they saved me Clint, without a second thought….they just pushed me out the window and I'm not sure how I didn't understand it before, but now I get it…this is the cost" Kate looked back at Clint with teary eyes, "I could lose them" she added. 
"You can't think that way" Clint replied, placing a hand on her shoulder as he looked into her eyes, "yeah, this is the cost and there is a chance you or somebody on your team could lose their life but that's what makes you fight harder so that doesn't happen. Y/n's first thought was to protect you, to keep you safe and they did that. They are willing to risk their life to make sure you're okay and this is the cost they took. When it comes to life-or-death moments, there isn't time to think, you just do. This is why we train as hard as we do and why are so annoying with going over mission details to help prevent things like this happening." Clint added. 
Kate's tears broke and once again formed another stream down her face as Clint wrapped his arms around the younger woman, holding her close for comfort.
6 months later and you were back on your feet like nothing happened, a few scars to remember but you made a full recovery. 
"What's on your mind pretty?" you asked, breaking Kate's train of thought as she staired into space. "Huh? Oh, just you" she replied with a soft smile. 
"That looked like some intense thoughts" you chuckled, "good ones I hope" you added. Kate wandered over to you and straddled your lap before softly pressing her lips against yours, "promise me you won't scare me like that again?" she spoke. 
"What? Bring you back from your thoughts?" you asked, gently rubbing her back. 
"No, I mean" Kate paused for a moment, "I don't want to lose you, ever! Clint told me something a couple of years back, you know, before I became an avenger. This job comes with a cost an-"
"Baby, listen to me" you stopped Kate's worrying thoughts leaving her lips, "it's going to take much more than a bomb explosion to get rid of me, I knew there was no way the two of us were going to get out of that room safely and I knew I'd have a much higher fighting chance at surviving the bomb because of the serum" you couldn't help by brush a lock of her long dark hair behind her ear. 
"I wake up every morning worried that something might happen to you on a mission or just by doing day to day things, I wish I could protect you from every single thing but it's not how life goes but if I can protect you, I will, without a second thought" you added while looking into her eyes.
"But what if one day you don't make it? That's what I'm worried about baby" Kate replied as her hands rested peacefully on your shoulders. "Kate, honey, let's not think about the what ifs, let's think about the now. I'm here and I'm okay. You're here and you're okay, we have each other and to me, that's all that matters. I'm not going anywhere, I promise" you cupped her face gently, pulling her closer to your lips as you kissed her deeply. "I love you" Kate whispered between kisses. A smile tugged at your lips before you kissed her once more, "I love you too baby" you replied.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @kiwiana145  | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok |  @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145  | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @observeowl | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @musicinourlips | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @blue-serendipityy | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | 
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mychlapci · 5 months
Pregnant Roddy triggering the breeding kink across the LL. Drift and Ratchet fuck constantly. Magnus vaping with shaking hands, painfully hard inside his suit. Megatron locking himself in his room 'cuz he's a mess getting wet at mere thought of being sparked and thinking of it non-stop. Rung going crazy from consulting everyone on their newly discovered kink while being desperate to knock something up again, maybe a whole planet this time.
HELL YEAH. Rodimus walks on the bridge with his pretty baby-bump peeking between the plating on his abdomen and Minimus gets so dizzy he has to excuse himself. Megatron is clearly distracted the entire time, staring blankly at his work while trying to not grind against his chair. Drift ends his shift early so that he can go get Ratchet and fuck him hard while thinking about that pretty pregnant belly. Ratchet gives Rodimus a check-up and his panels almost pop off - talk about unprofessional. Every medic in the med-bay is huddled around Rodimus and not-so-subtly staring at his belly. He's almost worried there's something wrong with him, but they're all just super turned on.
Everyone is coming to Rung to tell him about how insanely attractive they suddenly find Rodimus. It's insane. None of them have ever felt like this before. Rung could knock up a planet at the mere sight of him. Swerve starts to serve pregnancy-friendly drinks just so that Rodimus has a reason to hang around the bar.
And when he starts to get bigger, everyone realizes it's semi-appropriate to ask him if they can touch his baby bump. Finally, the privilege of touching it won't be exclusive to the medics (lucky bastards)
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sibillascribbles08 · 8 months
Man I've written 26 fics for rise, that's insane, anyway here's a master post, sort of? I realized some people either A) may not know how many different fics I've written or B) not realized "oh he wrote that" sooo
One Shots
Don't You Care? – Donnie and Leo centric, post-movie. Donnie isn't always great with feelings, and when he fails to understand Leo's, he tries to find a way to fix it. Doing so forces him to unpack some of his own thoughts on their victory over the kraang as well.
To Bridge a Canyon of your Own Design – Splinter centric, post-movie, a bit of a retrospective on his relationship with his sons, his depression, and him trying to move away from his unhealthy coping mechanisms.
I Didn't Vote for You – Leo's the leader now, and Donnie always finds ways to argue with him about it. Leo wants to find out why Donnie has such a problem with how he's trying to lead the team, but it turns out that isn't the problem. It's simply the fact that Leo's the leader at all.
I'd Give Anything – Donnie-centric. A slightly alternate take on the movie's ending where instead of just firing a drill into the portal, Donnie jumped in, and ends up losing an arm in the process. But he has to kind of piece all of that together as he recovers in the med bay, talking to each of his family members.
Grappling With Things Beyond Your Control – Gift fic for my friend Bat! Donnie-centric, post season 2. Suddenly getting ninpo with no prior training causes Donnie's powers to start to run amok, and on top of that he has to help his family not only find a new home but move into one. It's a lot to balance, maybe too much to balance.
Four Turtles in your Corner (Store) – A silly fic about April being out of supplies for her period, and in desperation sends the boys to go get her some. I'm sure four reptilian mutants have competent knowledge on what humans need for things like this.
Now Lie In It – Big Bang fic! Takes place during season 2. Leo won't sleep, and ends up getting on Donnie's nerves. The softshell's solution to the problem is a simple sleep potion, but when he pours too much into Leo's tea his brother won't wake up. Time to force April and Draxum to go find an antidote while he hides his mistake from the rest of his family. (it sounds angsty but it's comedic, actually)
What Will You Leave Behind – Big Bang fic! Doomed timeline, Raph centric. Raph is the first of his siblings to die during the war. And while he does everything he can to be their ever present pillar as they eventually follow after, he can't help but loathe the fact that the ones still down there are suffering and he can't do anything to help.
My Words Died With You – Gift fic for Bat! Doomed timeline, Donnie centric. Donnie quit speaking when Raphael died, months later he still isn't. His family tries to help him cope with this, even Raphael does from the afterlife, but it may not be enough.
VHHB series
(These are all post-movie)
My Roommate the Troubled Time Traveler – Casey and Draxum centric. Casey Jones Jr. isn't coping too great with being in the present, and trying to live in the lair isn't helping. So Mikey has the GREAT idea to convince Draxum to let Casey be his roommate. The alchemist thinks this is a terrible idea, but he might be able to help the kid far more than he realizes.
Violet Hues and Holly Blue – Donnie centric. 8 months after the kraang invasion and Donnie's been the reigning champ in the Battle Nexus for a while, in his attempts to improve his mystic abilities. But this draws the attention of a business focused wasp named Holly Blue who offers to help sell his tech designs in the Hidden City. Donnie ends up agreeing, having to keep that secret from his family too, but eventually they're going to find out. (This is only a partial summary haha sorry, fic is heckin long)
Missing Pages – Just some VHHB extras, but hey it features Big Mama being herself, Lou Jitsu maiming some people, Donnie dealing with past blood on his hands and uuuuh Leo and Holly becoming friends (what a mood whiplash)
You Are Loved – Two-shot fic about the Caseys (of the Senior and Junior variety). Casey Jr. wants to know why his ninpo sprung up so suddenly, and in his search to find out discovers his family is much closer than he realizes. Meanwhile Cassandra is struggling with her place among the Hamatos, it doesn't help when she finds out they're keeping a pretty big secret from her. Hopefully they can make it up to her.
The Sun and Icarus – Mikey-centric. He's been doing pretty good at developing his mystic abilities lately, but now they're starting to explode, pretty violently. And it turns out if this keeps up the whole ordeal could just kill him. Better find a way to put a cap on it, or something to that effect. (Wow more power overloading fics from ME)
Girls' Night – April centric one shot, also April/Sunita. She's just trying to have a fun night out with the girls, inviting Holly Blue along for the ride, but maybe that was a mistake because in her attempts to playfully tease the wasp, she's suddenly forced to confront her own crush.
And For my Next Trick – Leo-centric one shot. Leo's getting frustrated with his lack of progress on his mystic powers, and with Hueso's advice decides to shift his focus to a different kind of magic, stage magic. With Hueso Jr.'s help, he plans to put on an entire show, which should be fine if some other magician doesn't show up to steal the show.
Look Up Hero in the Dictionary – Raph centric. Raph's feeling a bit too idle in the city lately, with only minor crimes going on, but in his wish for something exciting a strange explosion happens at an apartment building. He attempts to help everyone escape, but a yokai holding the building together stays behind, and on top of that charges Raph with the task to take care of her child. Have fun taking care of a powerful psychic seven-year old, Raph.
What You're Made Of - Casey Jr. centric. Casey is getting frustrated with discovering weird things about his body like skin problems and peanut allergies. Draxum suggests he find out who his other parent is to get an idea of his genetic history, but when he finds out who it is, he's kind of ticked off that his family never told him. (this is a bio dad Raph fic for the record).
Off Colors AU (Separated AU)
Off Colors: Contrasts - Covers season 1. Leonardo's spent most of his life believing he's an only child because his little brother was kidnapped when they were only toddlers. But a rescue mission to the Hidden City with his best friend April results in him finding out he actually has three siblings. And in the span of a couple of weeks he finds out all of them are alive and, unfortunately, working for bad guys. He's going to try everything he can to stop them and convince them to come home, but it may be a fools errand.
Other Chaptered Fics
An Alien Invasion Happened but That's Not Really What This is About - Long ass title. Jason-centric. Hi I wrote a novella sized fic about what happens to this kid during and after the events of the movie. Watch him attempt badly to cope with trauma while also fixing his relationship with his very queer dad who loves him a lot.
Artificial Phoenix – Lou Jitsu died in the arena but then Big Mama said no no no! So Draxum brings him back to life while mutating four turtles so Lou Jitsu said NO NO NO! And he took them and ran. Alternate take on the events of the show, where Splinter is undead and unmutated, and unfortunately does not keep his soul in his body the entire time, leaving his sons grieving and desperate to get him back.
Jasonnie things
Not Part of the Plan – Donnie centric. Despite knowing time travel exists, Donnie is still surprised to find his future self in his lab. But his excitement at the possibilities is swiftly crushed as his future self has an easy time embarrassing him. He hopes he can at least gather some useful information in the process, but he slowly begins to wonder if he even wants answers to all these questions.
You Have to Let Him Go – Donnie centric also sad as hell. I literally just wanted to write about how Donnie's husband hecking dies. Read this if you want to be miserable. (or if you hate Jase I guess ??? alskdjf man got char grilled (I have to make jokes to keep myself from being upset shh))
I'll Put the Knife in Your Hand – Well, now that Donnie heard about his possible future husband, he's determined to at least get to know the guy. Unfortunately his family is far more cautious about this than he seems to be. AKA Four times Donnie's family believes Jase is planning to stab him in the back, and the one time he actually does.
ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND - Donnie is messing around with his mind machine again, and in the process ends up erasing part of his memory. Specifically the memories about Jase, and Jase is barely handling this well. Good thing Donnie's brothers who totally and absolutely are on good terms with Jase are there to help. Maybe.
Dual Dragons - Collab fic with @there-wolf ! A fic in which our versions of Jason end up encountering each other and even switching universes temporarily, giving them a window into how their life could be different (for better or worse).
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atarathegreat · 2 months
Please, Forgive Me. Alejandro Vargas
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Alejandro never meant to hurt you.
"It's okay, big guy, just a scratch. I'll be okay."
Normally, the praise of a gentle name like big guy or smart boy was enough to make him purr and settle into your hand. Why wasn't it enough this time? Why didn't it calm him?
Medics hurried in and out, in and out, in and out... but none of them spoke to him. It didn't really shock Alejandro that they didn't. He was hybrid, a thing they didn't have to answer to. For them and the other soldiers, his ears and tail were nothing but a sign that he was property, a tool, a weapon.
A weapon that just gravely injured the one wielding him.
A dumb scent, that's all it took. A small whiff of something from his past, and he blinks to find himself face to face with the only human he can stand, bloody and scratched up beyond what he'd ever done to an enemy. Alejandro couldn't wrap his mind around it. How could he hurt the one person, the one human, who ever saw any good in him?
Chemical scents pushed under the door to his nose, and he bristled. No one had ever said anything about operating on you. The ugly gray walls seemed to close in around him, he could already hear the condescending voice of the council that would deem him too dangerous to be alive, and it made his tail flick back and forth with uneasiness. There wasn't a world where he wasn't getting the death sentence for this. Even if that was his end, maybe he could ask them to spare him until you recovered? Maybe they'd find it in their hearts to let him apologize and beg forgiveness from you?
How could he have failed you this hard? You taught him how to control himself and that he could go to you for comfort! How could he have done this?!
The doors creaked open, and a short man stepped out, his hair slicked back with what smelled like an expensive oil. He was the head in the medic's corner, top dog, as you would say. "Is it only you out here?" The shorty looked around as if anyone else truly would be there. Maybe if Alejandro wasn't pacing or he hadn't mauled half of them, there would be more. Instead of being sarcastic, a knee-jerk response that you had scolded him for many times, Alejandro just pointed his ears down and nodded. Being snappy wouldn't help.
"The lieutenant is stable." Was the only explanation Alejandro was given. Not like the doctor owed him anything more. Still, his heart ached with the intense need to go to you and curl up beside you. It wouldn't be enough to ease his guilt, but this wasn't about making it easier on him. Alejandro just wanted to let you know he regretted whatever he did, that he felt so, so bad for hurting you this much. You had a surgery because of him, you had lost blood because of him, you were currently in the med-bay because of him. And he didn't want to shake that guilt. If anything, Alejandro wanted you to put the muzzle on him, wanted you to be angry and slap the mittens on his hands, leash him to the buckle on your belt and, if he was given the death penalty, he wanted you to be the last face he got to see.
"Can I go in and see them?" Alejandro stared down at the little doctor, hoping that his height wasn't as intimidating as others had said it was. There was the assumption that the doctor would tell him no and a team would round the corner to cuff him and dump him in the basement. The plump man nodded, no longer paying attention to him, "Just be careful. They'll be stiff for a while."
You looked better than when Alejandro had come back to his senses. Stitched up, no more blood splatters. It was almost like you had just fallen asleep and were waiting for Alejandro to wake you for his morning exercise. Gods, what he wouldn't give for it to be him curling up under your blankets and growling to get you to take him on a run.
"I'll stay right here until you wake up... I won't move a muscle." Alejandro nuzzled against your neck. He hated the scent of surgical cleaners on your flesh and couldn't wait for you to wake up so he could replace it with his scent.
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bambifornia · 5 months
more swindle headcanons because he won't leave my brain and i'm tired of him
crazy good at math. he's able to calculate the price/cost of something within seconds. the only reason he's not a mathematician/accountant or anything like that is because swindle wouldn't do well with those jobs. swindle likes moving on his pedes, not sitting behind a desk
extremely well-versed in politics. but not because he's very political or anything; swindle just likes knowing where and when the next intergalactic war is raging so he can profit off it. it helps to keep up with the news
workaholic. though this trait is less notable to see in him than say, someone like optimus (mostly because swindle takes great care not to let his exhaustion be shown. his image MUST be perserved, after all)
used to keep a diary in which he noted anything interesting he found on the planets he traded with. he was actually semi-organized with it, and even included some crude doodles of the organics he ran into. he stopped journaling once the war broke out, though, and hasn't journaled since due to fear of his diary being used as blackmail
answers questions like a politician. if u want a straight answer from swindle then good fucking luck LMAO. he doesn't like to go into detail about his past. it's all old news, anyway
he's a Beyonce fan. i feel it in my bones
puts effort into his image. granted his image got fucked over ever since he defected to the decepticons LMAO but the point is that swindle tries to make himself look better than he actually is.
surprisingly open-minded. he has to be. if he were to be openly xenophobic to the multitude of alien races he trades with, then his business would tank. besides, he's actually pretty curious about other worlds besides his own (ex; how he mentioned he spied on the human villains in the SUV episode, and thought their whole get-up was "exciting")
he hates hates HATES the cold. if he HAS to do business in a cold planet, he will bitch and complain about it the entire time except when he's in the negotiating room
when he was a young bot, swindle was pretty open book. that's not to say he didn't LIE back then, it just so happened that swindle was created with a super expressive faceplate, and you could always tell what swindle thought based on whatever look he was giving you. this got him into some...issues (dw he learned how to keep a poker face later on)
not the jealous type (how can he be jealous when he's the most wanted bachelor on cybertron?) but on the rare occasion that he IS, he gets real quiet. probably sulks to himself in a corner while sipping on some energon. if confronted, he'll brush it off but don't you doubt it for one second; he is PISSED
says he doesn't have any regrets or moral dilemmas about his job, but that's only half of the truth. swindle takes care not to give himself enough time to think about the past. it makes living easier that way. and swindle is a creature who seeks comfort, even if it inconveniences everybody else around him. don't try to call him out on this bad habit of his; he will huff and excuse himself by claiming you'd do the same thing too if you were in his shoes (or pedes?)
he does not like keeping living things in his subspace. he's made the mistake of storing a organic he thought was cute when he was younger, and it ended up with a trip to med-bay (surprisingly, organics don't like being in strange voids filled with nothing but weapons)
fantastic at detecting scams. he doesn't have a mod for it or anything, he just KNOWS
has a """"healthy"""" amount of paranoia. he claims he's just looking out for himself, given the kind of business he's in, but there's times where the paranoia really fucks with his health
really likes sprinkling those "infomercial phrases" into his daily speech. he thinks it makes him sound suave. thought he sometimes fucks up with the delivery and he just gives up mid-way lmao ("guard the prisoners...orrr loot the ship? it's a no process-...or? er? err..." - a direct quote from decepticon air)
he's mostly self-aware. the only thing he isn't honest about to himself is his own emotions
whenever he feels stupid stuff like "fear" or "stress" or (shudder) "remorse" he takes a look at his bank account. it helps him, in a weird way. because yes, he's an outlaw, and yes, he's technically gambling his and everyone else's life, and YES, there's days where he winds up battered and broken, barely an inch away from death, but...at least his efforts aren't for nought. they're adding up to something; with every corpse, swindle's wallet gets fatter. and with all that money in his servos, swindle might be able to buy himself the one thing cybertron can't offer him: peace
^ swindle thinks he deserves this. he delusionally believes he deserves peace and riches more than anybot
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harlowhockeystick · 1 year
Dumbass - Adam Warlock
Adam is a tough guy, but he's also a hard headed dumbass who doesn't know when to stop, and who also doesn't know how to ask you to help him.
Adam Warlock x guardian!fem!reader
contains: inury, cussing, fighting, tension, stitching someone up. reader is human like quill, a lot of dialogue.
requested by the lovely @carliim mwah! <3
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Adam was a dumbass. Grade A, classic, book defined dumbass. All he knew, all he was good at, was fighting. Defending, throwing punches, using his powers to tear others down. He didn't think, he didn't process, he just fought.
And that is how he ended up here, lying on the dirt with a gash on his shoulder and his uniform torn halfway off. Groaning in pain, unable to lift himself up off the ground. This is it, he thought to himself, this is my end.
"Goddamnit, Warlock."
Standing above him, a cloud of dusty haze surrounding the fighting grounds as the enemies laid dead on the ground, you shrugged looking down at the pitiful god beneath you. He groaned again once he made eye contact with you.
"How come I always have to clean up your messes?" You leaned down to help him stand up off of the ground. Draping his arm over your shoulder you helped him walk back to the ship. Both of you rolled your eyes at the team's comments, rocket's whistling and laughing.
You took him back to the medical bay where you began to patch and clean his wounds, taking care of him like you've done time and time again. Frankly, you were getting sick of it. You were tired of always having to pick him up off the ground, stitch him up, to only do the same thing again two weeks later.
"Why do you look like that?" he asked you, laying on the cool table while you cleaned out the gash would as best you can.
"Like what?"
"Like you're mad, like you want to punch me." Adam responded, his voice raspy but quiet as he laid at the mercy of your healing hands.
"Because I do. Each time I stitch you up, I hope it's the last. I'm tired of this shit," Adam winced as you began to thread stitches to his shoulder after the wound had been cleaned.
He scoffed at your words and rolled his eyes, "humans, you're so entitled." Adam winced again in pain when you pressed hard on his shoulder after his comment toward you.
"Gods, you're so fucking dumb."
You spent the rest of the time fixing his wounds ignoring his comments, groans, fits of rage he had against you. He always did this any time you cleaned him up. It was so unfortunate that you were the only one available to do it, wasn't it?
You sent him off to sleep while you cleaned the med bay, and to cool off. It always took everything in you to not rip his head off. You always thought to yourself that one of these days, he is going to cry for your help again, and you won't give it. One of these days...that's gonna happen.
"Mind if I sit?" Adam asked, standing behind you with a blanket wrapped over his shoulders.
"Kind of." He sat beside you anyway, not too close but not far enough where it was awkward. Adam rested his head on his hand which was propped up by his knee, staring out into space as he sat next to you in the cool night air.
Minutes of silence went by before he spoke, his low and raspy tone making goosebumps appear on your skin against your will.
"I don't intend to be so rude to you, I don't know why it's my first reaction." Adam admitted, looking down at the dirty ground beneath him. He heard you sigh and saw you shake your head, biting back a smile.
"I forget you're only...a few years old." You started in response, "it's because boys are mean to the girls they like. It's just...how it is."
Adam frowned, looking out into the stars. He felt bad. He didn't intend on hurting her feelings, he didn't like making her feel bad. He didn't like seeing that sad and depressed look on her face.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. You don't deserve to be treated like that, you are deserving of the stars and everything beyond them." Adam turned toward her, gracefully putting his hand on her knee.
She sighed, taking a deep breath looking over at him with heavy hooded eyes. "I know. Maybe one day you'll man up enough to give them to me."
masterlist | feedback
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
Grant Ward x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Marvel
Day 1 Prompt: "It's not too late, let's go."
Summary: The scene with FitzSimmons and Garrett on the Bus at the end of Season 1 if, instead of FitzSimmons, Grant had found and captured his long-time best friend, partner, and girlfriend.
Word Count: 4,158
Category: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of abuse. No depictions of it, but the mention/realization that a character has been abused in the past, while staring at/standing in the same hallway as the abuser.
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
This had to be a nightmare.
With each step I took, one foot in front of the other, I willed myself to wake up, to realize everything had just been a bad dream. And with each step, I was forced closer to the realization that my situation was heartbreakingly, terrifyingly real.
The past week, I'd had a line of similar thoughts, hoping and praying that the fall of SHIELD and the betrayal of my best friend and boyfriend, Grant Ward, had been some insane fever dream. That I'd wake up in the med pod on the Bus, the team happy to see me awake, and that I'd realize everything had been some horrible concoction of my imagination instead. But just like now, I'd been forced to come to terms with the fact that I was wide awake.
First, I thought the nightmare was Hydra's infiltration. Then it became Garrett, Grant's mentor and basically surrogate father, being a traitor. Then it was discovering Grant was a traitor. Now, it had reached a whole new level, as Grant frog-marched me toward the Bus that he and Garrett had taken over, my hands tied behind my back and his gun forcing me to keep moving forward.
"Grant... what are you doing?" I breathed, trying to keep the tears out of my voice as we neared the ramp of the plane. Garrett had taken things over in the name of Hydra, and he clearly had some hold over my boyfriend. Every step towards that ramp lowered my odds of making it through this.
"We can't have SHIELD following us, that's all," he said. He kept his voice level, trying to convince me he was being reasonable, like I'd heard him do with our enemies on missions countless times before. I shook my head.
"You are SHIELD, Grant," I said. "Please, please remember that."
His grip tightened slightly on my forearm as he led me to the base of the ramp, a comforting squeeze more than anything threatening. A week ago, it would've put me at ease.
"I'm not the man you think I am," he muttered. I sighed heavily through my nose, a little bit of irritation finally flaring up.
"I know you better than anybody else on earth, apparently including you," I huffed. Grant didn't respond.
As soon as we entered the garage bay, where Lola used to sit, Grant and I were flanked by three other agents, who followed us up the stairs. Grant moved ahead, leading me through the physically wrecked and shattered hallways of the plane we'd spent a few, blissful months calling home, and my heart squeezed tight in my chest. How had everything gone so wrong?
"Here she is, sir," he said, and a second later I saw John Garrett's stupid, shitty face staring back at me. I narrowed my eyes and scowled, unable to contain my hate and anger enough to keep a neutral expression.
"What's the matter?" he asked, his tone light and teasing in a way that made my blood boil. "Cat got your tongue?"
"Maybe I've just got nothing to say to you," I replied. He had the nerve to laugh.
"Well, that's fine then. I don't know that I have much to say to you either, especially now that you're here. Thanks to Ward, you won't be much of a problem for me anymore."
Over Garrett's shoulder, I saw Grant's expression flicker and shutter. Like a kicked dog, caught between someone he loved and someone who scared him. An anger I'd only ever felt when our enemies threatened Grant welled up in my chest.
In my entire, almost fifteen-year career at SHIELD, I had managed to get through it without killing anyone. Ever. Even before I had the Icer to knock enemies out instead of shooting them the old-fashioned way, I'd made a point of using non-lethal force. It mattered to me; it felt important to find a way to do my job without killing people in the process.
Grant had never had the same reservations. It didn't bother me, and although we'd talked about it once or twice, I'd never expected him to take up my same system when we'd been partnered on missions, when we'd become good friends, or when we'd started dating. Time and again, he'd gone to the mat for me, tearing apart anyone that existed as a threat to me with a force I'd never have imagined using.
For the first time in our lives, in our decade and a half of friendship, the tables had turned.
Thanks to the rest of Coulson's team, I knew John Garrett had significant organ failure. A Cybertek device in his chest was the only thing still keeping him alive. He'd abused Grant for longer than I'd known him, and for the first time, I could see clearly how it affected Grant, in real time. For both our sakes, I couldn't let this go on any longer. I didn't know if it would kill him, and I still hoped it wouldn't, but for the first time I didn't care enough to make sure it wouldn't. I needed to get away from Garrett, and more importantly, I needed to get Grant away from Garrett. Even if it was for just a few minutes.
The Bus's engines whirled outside, and I felt us lift off the ground. An added complication, for sure, but not enough to change the plan I'd just formed in my head. I took a deep breath in and out, steadying my heartbeat and readying myself for the action ahead, like Grant had taught me years and years ago. Then, I jumped as high as I could, bringing my handcuffed hands under my feet and around to the front of my body as I did. Before anybody could register my movement, I darted forward and struck Garrett in the chest as hard as I could, putting all my weight and momentum behind both of my hands.
Garrett went down like a sack of bricks. He doubled over, gripping his middle as he groaned. I brought my knee up and hit him again before anybody could stop me, and then I took off running through the familiar passages of the jet that I used to call home.
"Garrett!" I heard Grant cry, distress in his voice that sent a pang running through my chest. I ducked around a corner at the sound of thundering footsteps behind me, and soon the agents that'd followed Grant and I from the minute we set foot on the Bus came rushing into the small common area in front of all our bunks, one room over from Garrett and Grant.
I heard shouting from the other room, and Grant's voice faded as he told Garrett to wait just a second. I tried to keep a piece of my attention focused on that while I engaged the three agents who'd decided to chase me. Even with my hands tied, they weren't much of a match for me.
I wrapped my arms around the neck of the one who'd come in last, using him as a human shield against his friends as I held him in the sleeper hold.
One by one, I worked through my three assailants, until they were each unconscious on the ground. As soon as the last one was down, I paused to tune back in to the goings-on in the other room, and heard Grant's voice as he assured Garrett that he would live. Apparently Cybertek was preparing to treat him in Miami.
I made the quick decision that I had enough time to make sure these three wouldn't continue to be a problem, so I dragged them into my old bunk (right next to Grant's) and then wedged a loose piece of the dining table's structure into the door so it couldn't open again. It likely wouldn't hold them for very long, but it was better than nothing. I took a few extra seconds to wrestle out of my handcuffs, my mind working as I did.
With Garrett and his three goons incapacitated, I had decent hope of getting Grant alone. I heard Raina, an inhuman we'd been struggling with, promising to stay in the room with Garrett and keep him safe. And then, I heard Garrett's voice hissing at Grant, barely above an ugly whisper.
"I need you to put her down."
I straightened, hands on my hips as my handcuffs finally dropped from my wrists, and frowned. There was no mistaking what he meant, but I couldn't imagine he actually thought he'd get very far ordering Grant to kill me.
"What?" Grant's voice, barely louder than Garrett's. I shifted a little closer to the doorway to hear better. "No. There's plenty of time. I won't leave you."
"And I'm telling you to cross her off for me. It's not a weakness, is it?"
The silence seemed to stretch for years. Then, finally, Grant's voice:
I turned on my heel and ran.
The nightmare continued, apparently, as the man who'd saved my life more times than I could count anymore had apparently just agreed to be my murderer. I couldn't believe he'd actually go through with it, but I also couldn't believe he'd entertain Garrett to this point. I couldn't take any risks, not now.
I slid down the ladder between the sleeping compartment and the cockpit, landing in the maze of pods in the hull just as I heard heavy footsteps overhead. My heart started racing in my chest, a fear like I'd never felt in all my near-death experiences at SHIELD gripping my chest.
Grant wouldn't actually kill me, would he?
I darted between the pods, and just like in a horror movie, I heard Grant's voice call out my name from behind me. I sped up, finally ducking into one of the pods and locking it behind me as I heard his footsteps closing in. My hand slammed on the locking device and it turned from green to red just in time. A second later, Grant appeared before me, his hand on the glass separating us.
"Open the door," he said, his eyes locked on mine. I could only see one of his hands, and my heart raced in my chest as I realized the other was likely level with his hip. I took an involuntary step backward.
"Grant... you're scaring me," I breathed, tears at last rising to the surface and threatening to fall. I'd fought them back once, but this time, I didn't think I'd be able to.
"Y/N, just open the door."
"No. I heard what you said, I heard what Garrett said. You... you wouldn't actually kill me. Would you?"
He grimaced, his jaw setting in the expression I recognized as him dealing with something he DID NOT want to deal with. My heart broke a little more in my chest.
"Just open the door."
"No! Grant, are you kidding me?" The tears were coming now, streaming down my cheeks, and I stepped towards Grant again, pressing up against the glass to get as close to him as possible. "I love you! You're my best friend, you're my partner! You're supposed to have my back through anything! I... I'd started daydreaming about marrying you! About the two of us, having the SHIELD careers recruits would be hearing about for the rest of time, before finally retiring somewhere nice together. Every time I thought about my future, Grant, you were in it... and now I might not have a future because of you? Are you kidding me?"
His expression flickered, and he couldn't keep some sadness and regret off his face when he looked at me through the glass this time. The tiniest spark of hope fluttered in my chest. If he felt bad, maybe I could still talk him off the ledge. Maybe I didn't have to lose the love of my life.
"I'm sorry. I tried to tell you... I'm a bad man. I'm not the man you thought you fell in love with."
"Bullshit!" I cried, slamming my fist into the glass in front of me. Grant jumped a little, surprise registering on his face. "You are exactly who I think you are. I know you, Grant, I've spent the last fifteen years of my life with you. Garrett may think he knows you, but he's wrong. He knows who he wants you to be. But I know who you actually are."
"You don't-"
"The sugary, caramely coffee drinks you secretly love but refuse to let anybody else but me know you drink?" I said, interrupting him with a hand on my hip, my eyes locked on his. "How invested you got in The Circle when I made you watch it on Netflix? All the time we spent planning what our strategy would be if we ever went on the show together?"
He grimaced, but I didn't give him a second to respond.
"The face mask you did with me that you loved, and all the stupid pictures we took together with the masks on? Your aggressive hatred of the Patriots even though you're from Massachusetts? The fact that you sleep best with a sleep mask, and that you have to take your socks off right before you get under the covers? Not a moment before, and definitely not after? All of that shared history, all of those things we've shared and that I've gotten to see, and you think I don't know you?"
Grant just stared at me, looking at a loss for words. I let mine hang in the air for a minute, then continued.
"I highly doubt John Garrett could list even one of those things. And those little things that you do every day, that you can't fake? That's you Grant. I know you. I know you've saved me more times than I can even count, from the demons in the real world and the ones inside my own head. So I get that Garrett's got you believing you're some kind of secret evil supervillain, but I know enough to know how ridiculous that is. You're the best man I've ever met, Grant. Please, believe me over that piece of shit upstairs that never cared enough to know the real you."
Grant still didn't speak for a few long moments, but this time, I just let the silence hang. I held his gaze, the tears having finally stopped. I didn't wipe away the remnants as they slowly dried on my face. Finally, Grant sighed, breaking eye contact to look down at the ground before returning his stare to me.
"And how exactly do you see this going?" he asked, his voice low. He'd leaned in a little, like we were co-conspirators, and I swear I felt a weight lift off my chest. The glimmer of hope had turned into a full light. "What do you expect to happen next, after all this? Don't tell me you still see a happy ending, with us retiring after full careers at SHIELD."
I sighed through my nose and rolled my eyes up to the ceiling, before fixing Grant with a look. He raised his eyebrows, and I had to fight back a laugh, mostly at the relief for that small moment of our relationship back to normal.
"Well, no, I don't think that's in the cards anymore," I deadpanned. "But the only important part of my vision of the future has been you, Grant. I don't care if we get mentioned in SHIELD classes years from now or if we're labeled as failures, examples of what not to do. All that matters to me is you."
He stared at me for a few more long, silent moments. For most people, he would've been unreadable, but I recognized the slightly-wider eyes, the deer-in-headlights look he got whenever I admitted big feelings that he didn't expect me to share. It was a good sign, and when he swallowed and cleared his throat, his expression had all of the grim defeat gone, replaced instead by a shaky hope.
"So what are you suggesting?"
"I'm suggesting we run," I said simply. "It's not too late, let's go. Let's ditch it all, and go somewhere we can start a new life together. Screw Garrett, screw SHIELD, screw Hydra. All that matters is you and me."
Grant stared at me like he didn't believe I was real. Slowly, swallowing heavy again, he nodded. I raised my eyebrows and smiled.
"Yeah," he finally managed, nodding again, more sure this time. "Yeah, let's do that. You're... you're all that matters to me, too."
My small smile broke into a full-on grin, and at last, I hit the lock on the door. I slid it open the moment the lock flashed green, darting forward to close the space between me and Grant and wrapping him in a bone-crushing hug. I buried my face in his chest, and after a moment, he wrapped his arms around me in return.
"Well. I guess she was a weakness."
Grant and I's heads snapped up in unison to find John Garrett standing just down the hallway from us. I narrowed my eyes. Of course he'd picked this moment to show up.
Grant stiffened under my arms, and I could feel the stress radiating off of him. Garrett took a small step towards us, but I didn't dare move, lest Grant feel anymore trapped than he already did. Besides, holding him tight in a hug we'd shared during and after a thousand traumatic experiences felt like the best leg up on Garrett I could get.
"Agent Ward, I didn't train you to be a pushover. I trained you to be a man who could go in and do the job that needed to be done," said Garrett. "It's not too late. You don't want to disappoint me, son."
At the same time Garrett's words washed over Grant, he took another step closer, and his hand flexed at his side. Grant flinched under me, and I saw red.
In almost fifteen years, Grant had never flinched. Not like this. When something came flying at his face? Sure. When an especially good jump scare happened in a horror movie and he tried to hide how badly it had scared him? Always. But when someone stood apart from us, subtly threatening him? Never. Not once.
Garrett had clearly manipulated him, badly. I knew that. Throughout the course of this interaction, I'd assumed Garrett had crossed the line into mental abuse, too. But now, I realized it had gone even further. To mental and physical abuse. Garrett had hit Grant enough after Grant "failed" him, that my boyfriend, who'd stared down some of the scariest people in the world without fear, stood next to me trembling, caught between a rock and a hard place.
"Think things through here, Ward," said Garrett, continuing his slow walk towards us. "Either you kill her, or I do. Weaknesses are unacceptable, especially now that we've come out of the shadows. A happy ending doesn't exist to this love story that came from your lies at SHIELD. So don't be stupid, son. Don't make this worse on yourself than it has to be-"
My hand moved before my brain actually registered what I was doing. I grabbed the gun out of the holster at Grant's waist, the one I thought he might've decided to use on me only about ten minutes ago, and I levelled it at Garrett. I was aware enough to realize this wasn't an Icer; this had the ability to do lethal damage. And for the first time ever, I decided I didn't care. I shot John Garrett in the chest, twice. He dropped to his knees, the life quickly fading out of him, leaving a crumpled heap on the floor.
The gun fell out of my hand and clattered to the ground, my hands were shaking so bad. I dropped to my knees, a wave roaring in my ears as I stared at Garrett's dead body. Vaguely, I registered tears streaming down my face. What had I just done?
A second later, Grant dropped next to me. His arm wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me to him. Not only had I just killed someone, I'd killed someone important to Grant. In front of him. His abuser, yes, but that wouldn't make it much easier to watch the man he thought saved him die before his eyes.
"Grant... I'm so sorry," I breathed, the words coming out broken around sobs and gulps for air. I shook my head and buried it into his shoulder, the reality of everything washing over me again and again, like waves pounding into the shore. "I can't believe... I just killed someone. I'm so sorry, I... I've always found another way. Always. All life is precious and important, but he was just so rotten- And he was hurting you- I'm so sorry."
I broke, words failing me as I shook, sobbing, head buried in Grant's chest. He wrapped his other arm around me and held me tight, which only made me feel worse. We stayed like that for a few moments, until I finally got a hold of myself enough to look at him. His eyes remained on Garrett's broken form, and it felt like a punch to the gut.
"Grant... how can you be comforting me right now? After what I did to someone you care about, I-"
I broke off again, the words turning into choked sobs as I ducked my head back into his chest. I squeezed my eyes tight, waiting for Grant to come to his senses enough to pull away. Instead, he sighed, and pulled me closer.
"Come on, is that even a real question?" he asked, his words as shaky as both of us combined. "The same way you forgave me for everything I did. I love you. And... if you, of all people, decided the right decision was to shoot John Garrett? ...Well, I don't know. Maybe he was having a worse impact on me than I realized."
I cried harder at that, relief and sadness and a thousand other emotions that had been warring in my chest all day coming together to be processed as one. After a few moments, I felt Grant's shaky breathing and a few drops of wetness on the top of my head as he cried silently with me. Grief for a lot of things gripped us both, but at least we could cling to each other.
A few long minutes later, we finally pulled apart and helped each other to stand. We were both still shaking, and I did my best to stand between Grant and Garrett's body. It felt wrong to keep my back to Garrett, to let myself avoid facing what I'd done, but I just couldn't make myself do it.
Wordlessly, we wandered back up to the main level of the Bus. Raina still waited here somewhere, but we didn't see her, and we didn't seek her out as we headed for the cockpit. With a few looks, we both knew exactly what we wanted and needed to do. I held Grant's hand tight in my own as we had the Quinjet set down immediately, in the middle of a field in Oklahoma. Neither of us wanted to be on board a second longer.
We walked out of the cockpit and towards the ramp in the back, avoiding any of the cargo bay where so much had happened. We found Raina in the living room, but she didn't try to stop us. Hand in hand, Grant and I walked off the ramp and out into the field. A moment later, the plane took off again, continuing on its original course and leaving us behind.
Grant tugged me closer to him and wrapped an arm around me, and we leaned on each other as the plane disappeared into the sky. Both of us still shook a little, and we were each the only thing keeping the other standing. After a minute, once the plane completely disappeared from sight, Grant spoke in a quiet voice.
"So... what do we do now?"
"...I guess we just start walking."
I looked up at him and our eyes connected for a few moments, holding each other's stares and trying to promise the other that everything would be okay. With Garrett gone, now more than ever, there was nothing stopping us from leaving all the hurt and bad memories behind, and starting over somewhere new. With any luck, Raina would tell people we were dead along with John Garrett, and that would be the end of our involvement with SHIELD and Hydra.
For now, though, none of that mattered. All that mattered was the man standing beside me as we turned, our backs to the plane and its path, and started walking towards our new future, hand in hand and one foot in front of the other.
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @luv-ghostie
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stargirl-writes · 9 months
safety net part two
pairing : force healer! jedi reader x anakin skywalker
word count : 1 k
masterlist | part one
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finding safety in a world deranged by war became a distant dream until your childhood friend, anakin skywalker, comes back to your life.
tags : angst, fluff, romance, friends-to-lovers
warnings : mentions of dressing a wound
part two of this one but can be read as a stand alone !
also, i think it'd make sense if i say that as a demisexual, angst is my version of a smut haha!
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Anakin would appear every Wednesday.
The clone war broke out and healing Anakin became more difficult. For every wound that you closed, another would appear.
By the fourth week of your treatment, his bionic arm was nearly finished. You've gone to extensive lengths to gather beskar alloy. Which worked out in the end, because Anakin's synthetic arm became a sort of shield.
There was absolutely no reason for him to keep coming to your med-bay station. You knew he could've easily submerged himself in a bacta tank, which he developed a deep hatred of, or used a stim, but he persists.
And you can't entirely find it in yourself to not welcome him.
Anakin was a part of your childhood that felt like how home always felt. Even if you can no longer identify with most parts of your past, Anakin was... well, it was nice having him around.
"I'm starting to get the idea you're hurting yourself to see me" You teased one late night when Anakin welcomed himself to your quarters.
He lets out a soft chuckle, shrugging his shoulders.
You step forward, hand finding a way to his cheek out of instinct.
Exhaustion. Warmth. Excitement. 
You withdrew your hand, he was alright.
His gaze felt warm on your skin, you caught your eyes locked with his.
Your heart races and you step back, searching for something to occupy yourself with.
"I still don't get how you do that" Anakin's voice echoes from behind. You open the drawer of your closet to find your kit.
When you turned, Anakin was curiously stirring the pot of soup you were preparing.
"Do what?" You asked absentmindedly, laying out the cotton, the antiseptic, and the salve neatly on the table.
"You can tell how I'm feeling by touch?" Anakin searches the cupboards for the bowls and cutlery.
"I've been trained to" You answered, then gestured Anakin to sit down so you can dress his wound.
Anakin walked over and started taking off his robes. He winces under his breath. Recognizing his careful movements, you helped him unbutton his shirt.
A large blaster burn was marking the back of his shoulder to his collarbone.
"You should've gotten this checked by a med droid" You lectured, surveying the wound.
"Thought I could use gentler hands" He still delighted in himself.
You huffed a laugh. Then, you began cleaning the wound.
"I'm applying the salve now" You narrated what you were doing, a habit you developed after realizing Anakin does not like being surprised by the sensation.
He nods and you continue. Finally, you focused your intent on fully healing the wound. You closed your eyes, focusing on breathing at a steady pace. It had been a few moments before the skin was new again.
"Thank you" Anakin mutters, rolling his shoulder to feel the pain had gone away.
You stood up and turned the heat off the soup. Anakin pulls the chair and waits for you to sit. Once again, it was just you and Anakin sharing a table, isolated from everyone else. The way it always used to.
However, when morning comes, the reality of it dawns on you. You can only ever steal a few moments of safety with Anakin, but the truth is there'll always be a war.
On most days, it felt like the losses were unending. On most nights, Anakin would make time to hold you as you wept when the weight of it all felt too heavy.
You weren't really the person to cry in front of other people. But with Anakin, you fall to pieces. Perhaps, you were comforted by the fact that he won't judge you, even if some nights you'd utterly be inconsolable.
"We'll be alright" He'd promise.
Even the fact that you have Anakin Skywalker so definitely became a cause of fear.
Because there he'll always be. You know his eyes like they are your own. You can hear his laughter when he is not laughing. You can come to Anakin and there he'll always be.
What happens when he's not?
You hadn't even realized how much you were depending on Anakin. Because it was always about taking care of each other.
So it came unexpectedly.
One quiet evening Anakin insisted on staying the night.
And you let him in, holding the door wide open so he'd know he could leave anytime he wished.
"I didn't think I'd ever be this happy to be back on Coruscant" You sat on the edge of the bed. Taking a deep breath as you leave the tormenting memories of the day fade away with the light.
"I make you happy?" Anakin half turns with a boyish smile.
His resilience was something you admired. You were certain he was carrying an equal amount of grief. And yet, here he was. Brave and confident, so competent, so certain that he, too, has something to offer.
"Of course, you do," You said, to yourself or Anakin, but you couldn't decipher.
He was telling a story of how he started implementing this game with Ahsoka, a competition of some sort to revert her focus away from the truths of the war. His words blur as you stare and think to yourself, Oh.
He has that power over me now. 
It felt like a surrender. In a world terrorized by a raging war, he built a home that made you feel safe.
He notices your silence and sits down next to you, his finger tracing the necklace he gave you, and you find yourself running yours through his hair.
"We're going to be fine," Anakin said. "It's okay, it's going to be alright," he said in a firmer tone.
He'd been there when you needed him to. So, he'd always reassure you.
"I'll always take care of you, you know what, right?"
"That's my line" You chuckled.
Anakin mirrors your smile. "Right, well, I mean it".
Your mind quiets, and you can't hold the pose of defiance when Anakin presses your head to his chest.
"Doesn't it get tiring? Fighting and fighting..." You trailed, voice barely above a whisper.
"It does." He answers. "But we have to, otherwise, it's like handing the galaxy in the hands of a cruel tyrant"
You turned your face upwards to hear more, and your nose touched his.
"Alright, chosen one" You teased his heroic remark.
He grimaces at the title. He still doesn't believe it to be true. And you'd never miss the opportunity to call him that.
"At least you're already chosen by someone" You looked up through your lashes.
Anakin shakes his head and his lips curl to the side. "Well, you're my chosen one"
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did anyone catch the dramatic irony haha!
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emelinstriker · 3 months
The Oracle X Townnie Drabble
Art drawn by me + the OC is mine + ESAU cameo. Townnie belongs to himself/@fifteenhourstolove, lmao-
This is just a random drabble inspired by his failed flirting attempts on the server regarding one of my OCs. Can be seen as crackfic. ESAU!Wukong just shows up for a tiny moment.
[TL;DR] Townnie is horrible at flirting.
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/ ~ Random ~ \
This was attempt No.420 of Townnie trying to rizz up the Oracle. The man with the red fox mask was in the middle of picking up another little bag filled with black liquid, when suddenly Townnie walked into the med bay to fix up a wound his clumsy self ended up with again. That's when he spotted the Oracle observing the contents of the bag. His heartbeat began to quicken at the presence of his one true love(, besides Sun Wukong). Cautiously he made his way over to the much taller, masked creature. However, before he could take a closer look at what the cloaked entity was doing, the Oracle swiftly turned around to face the shorter humanoid.
His void-black eyes were staring straight into Townnie's soul, as if looking for any hidden agenda. After all, he could not allow outside sources to hinder his work, let alone stop the Judge's experiment.
"...Is there something you need, Townnie?" The Oracle asked him.
Townnie took a shaky breath, trying to calm down, hoping for the red-masked entity to not notice his blush. He then responded...
If he were able to see the Oracle's expression, he could've sworn the cloaked entity was staring at him, clearly suspicious of the young man's response. Due to Townnie clearly having finished his sentence, the Oracle did not like that word.
Townnie, seemingly having been snapped back to reality, quickly tripped over his words trying to cover his previous response. "Oh gosh, sorry! What I, uh, meant to say was that, uh-" He started before trying to lean on the table the Oracle placed the bag on, only to let his hand slip on the table, making him lose his balance. The young man let out a shriek before falling onto the ground, faceplanting on the tiles below.
Disappointed in the young man, as usual, the Oracle simply decided to continue with his task. He pulled the bag towards himself and hid it behind his cloak, silently moving towards the door. Looking up from his prone position, Townnie couldn't help but eye the way the masked creature moved so elegantly across the room. The cloak only added to the mystery his curiosity wished to uncover.
"Are you alright, Master?" Wukong asked as he peeked his head inside the room. "I heard you shriek-"
The monkey then was cut off by the young man shrieking once more, this time louder as he tried to hide his blushing face.
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..Jk, I won't continue this.
[ Masterlist ]
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biganncookie19 · 2 years
a cold day off pt1
König x reader
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könig x reader
summary: new guy shows up to the base and warms up reader dring his stay. one thing lead to a another.
a/n: this is my first fanfic so not sure how good its. hope you injoy this big guy like a do, i may do a part 2 
warnings: slow burn, fluff, agissty, i dont know am doing 
 the last couple of days have been quite in the med bay, mostly being marked up to task force 141 being grounded for the next 2 weeks. Something about the last mission was a buss and ended up with soap having a gunshot to the leg and Gaz’s arm with some burns. most of the day I’ve spend reorganizing the office and taking count of stock, taking note that am low on disinfect, ointment and rapping gaze. Deciding to find the captain and ask about when the next supply drop, making my way thought the cold building. “Who idea was to pick the middle of England during the fucking winter for a dame base” I mumble to myself. Not even with baggy cargo pants and hoodie I can still feel the cold nipping at my fingers.
Turing in to the makeshift dining room to Find Captain price with ghost and Gaz looking over the table that was covered in folders and lose papers talking about the next steps for the mission. “captain I got a question for ya” saying while walking over to the table, “whatcha need doc” he grumbled his eyes never leaving the paper in his hand.  “ I wanted to know when the next supply drop was going to come in, the med bays running low on materials”. Gaz passing me a paper while saying “it going to be coming in sooner by tonight, do you want one of us to help you load up the truck ?”.Captain Price picks his head up to say “that won't be needed, i called for more arms support The new guy should be coming on the plane. You don't mind picking him do you y/n?’.
“As long as he helps load up the trunk than ya i don’t mind, less time in the cold for me” shrugging my shoulders putting the paper back on the table.
 “Also how’s soap doing haven't seen him around base”
 Ghost replies first “he been in bed all day, came down with a small cold”
 “ ah, tell him to get his butt out of bed and to see me in the med bay when I get back to check over him,” saying while walking over to the coffee pot to pour myself a cup for the night. “ Who's the new guy anyway?”.
 Captain Price leans back in his chair to say “he is an insertion specialist with a private military company apparently he is more on the shy side, so try not to scare him off’ y/n”.  Finishing Stirring sweetener into my cup “was hoping for another lady but he shall do” taking a sip out of the cup, also hoping there is some milk on the plane.
 It is around 7am when I got to the airport and had to wait in the truck until it was safe to park the truck close to the plane to load it up. Rubbing my hands together to warm them up I really should have bought another jacket, so I don’t freeze my ass off even with the heater all the way up it only helps a little. Seeing one of the runway men give all clear to go in, staring up the car to back it up. Whence lined up to the plane putting the truck in park and jumping out of the truck to see the new guy and the supplies. One the pilots comes up to me with a click board in hand “this is for you to sign also the new guy should be out in a little bit” signing the paper and handing it back to him. “There no rush, let start loading the truck I am pretty sure no one wants to be out here longer than they need to”. Walking over to the back of the truck to drop the tailgate and help load, turning around to only to see a massive man walk down the ramp. He's wearing some kind of hood covering all of his face, kind of like ghost but only taller and skinnier. I hold my hand out for him to shake “ the name’s y/n am the medic for the team you can put your bag in the front of the truck and can you give me a hand moving the boxes?” He takes my hand engulfing it with his, giving it a small shake nodding his head but never meeting my eyes.
 After putting his bag in the truck, he starts helping me move the boxes picking them up like it’s nothing and without losing breath. To say it didn't make me blush a little bit would be an understatement, but what really caught my eye was his surprisingly   small waist! The members of 141 are more on the big side having to be well built with muscle and some fat, and I thought ghost had the small waist. Leaning back after the both of us finish with the boxes, now that i can get a better look at the new guy he’s very tall for sure maybe around 6’10 but kind of looks goofy with the big puffy jacket.
 “ I take it you're not used to the cold?” I say trying to at least make the car ride back not awkward.
 “ n-n-no ma'am I don't take well to this k-kind of weather” he spurs out  
 “Same here, let’s get going. I have the heater on inside” quickly turning around to get inside the trunk. Oh god. His voice is not at all what I expected, hitting right in the soft spot with his dorkie high voice. Come on y/n, you can handle this there is no reason a man with a dorkie voice, tall and strong should be leaving you blushing like a high school girl. Just drive back to base and you’ll be fine. Ones’ were both in the truck I rub my hands together trying to warm them up before driving, I can feel someone’s eyes burning into the side of my head. “ so mm i don't think i got your name?” turning to catch his eyes.
 “i-it’s König ma’am” even with the mask i can see that he has soft doe eyes that are covered in some kind of black eyeshadow. Taking a quick glance down to his hands, he is playing with his slender fingers.
 “Yeah, there no need for formalities am just the doctor” i try to wave off seeing if that would make him any less nervous
 “O-oh i'm-sorry” his voice cracks a bit and his eyes snap to his fingers and sinking back into the seat, it looks like he's trying to make himself smaller.  Dag it y/n now he looks like a sad jellyfish.
 The drive back to base was awkward but manageable. Turning off the truck and opening the door had the cold hitting right in my face like a wall. “Come on let's get inside before it gets colder” jumping off the truck and closing the door.
 “B-but what about the supplies?’’  König asked
 “We can get them tomorrow, come on big guy” I say while waving my hand to follow me inside. Basically, jogging to escape the harsh outdoors. Following me close behind with his bag in hand. Opening the door to get in, I guess I forgot to say watch your head cuz i heard a thunk behind me. quickly turning around to see König holding his head down grumbling in pain, without thinking my hands instantly went to check his head. “are you ok, am sorry i should have given you a heads up” Rambling out
 “N-n-no no no I should have been looking” he said looking up, realizing that I have his face in my hands and atop of his. Pulling my hands back, shoving them into my pockets, I spilled out “ w-we should go get you to the team” turning around to speed walk to the makeshift kitchen. At this point I’m pretty sure my face is all red, I just want to go hide in my office. Getting to the room I see captain price, ghost and gaz all still at the table, “sup, I got the new guy” i moved to the side to give König space to see the others. Captain Price was the first to get up to greet König “welcome to the team König, with your skills I am sure we can pull through the mission” he gave a smile to König. König hands caught my eye again , his free hand fingers were rubbing together hard.
  As the team started talking i Slipped out of the room, skedaddle back to my room since it’s closer. Closing the door behind me and leading on it, he’s only been here less than 3 hours and he’s already got me all flustered. Thinking back to when I had my hand on top of his, his hands were rough and warm. I wonder what his hands would feel like ar- .no no no put yourself together y/n he’s here to do his job not rail some chick he just met, his probably stressed out and nervous. Mumbling to myself, I’ve been stationed out here for a long time i haven't had any intimacy with another person i guess i just jump on whatever chance there is now.  
 Its whatever now, its late and i would like to sleep this off and get stuff done tomorrow. Looking around my room seeing clothes all over the floor and on the spare bed, i was lucky to score a room to myself. I wouldn't mind sharing a room with one of the guys but i like knowing my eyeshadow hasn’t been raided by ghost and the room doesn't smell. Changing out of my cargo pants into some short shorts, cuz for the life of me i cant sleep in any kind of pants. Taking off the hoodie to only leave the light long-sleeve. walking over to my bed ready  to throw myself into my mess of blankets
 A knock at the door catches my attention, opening the door i see gaz. “ yo price wants to see if its ok to have König in your room tonight?.i would have him in my room i would like if König doesnt get sick by soap”. “Auh yeah am fine with that just need to clean” i spill out, god my heart is racing right now why would i say yes. “Don't trip on your clothes” gaz said laughing as he walked away
 Panicking i shove some of the clothes under my bed, picking up the rest and shoving it into my drawers. Rushing to clear off the spare bed and cleaning it off. A another knock on the door, dag it dag it “ give me a minute” i shout out. I rush over to my desk to spray myself with a body spray,just in case.
Rushing over to open the door for König, seeing him stan there so unsure of himself makes my heart pater a little bit. “ sorry for the wait i had to clean up a bit, so sorry for the mess” i breathed out moving to the side for him to come in. he walks in and stands next to the spare bed putting his bag down  “ a-a-are you sure yo-your ok with me being here?” i waved him off. “ its fine König am use to men being around, plus you also need your sleep”
I move over my bed to mess with it and clear it off to sleep, i can hear König move around a bit than the bed creaking under his weight. As i was done messing with the bed i move on to my desk to organize it since am no where close to sleepy. As am walking over to the desk i see König siting on the bed taking off parts of his gear  but not his mask. I turn to him asking “ if you don't mind me asking König do you take off your mask or your like ghost who sleeps in it?” hes leaning on hes knees one of which is jumping, not looking at me
 “ i p-pefer to k-keep it on”
 “Ah gotcha, i don't mind it” he glazes up for a sec but not to my face, i blush a bit moving to my desk to do something. Before i walked away i took note on how hes wearing a tight long sleeve shirt that hangs to his frame. He dose look good tho
 After like 6 mins at being at my desk i get up to leave the room to give König some space, but as i was going to walk pass him he gets up right as am front of him. It feels likes like running in to a tree almost knocking me over. But before i could fall over i feel König slender hands land on my hips keeping me in place
“ a-a-am so sorry y-y/n i wasn't -l-looking, are you alright??” he sounded panicked
 Every part of me is red and hot at this point, realizing his hands are still on my hips. I push my self off “ i-it fine König it fine am just going to the bathroom” i say with my hands up leaving the room. Rushing to the bathroom I get in closing the door. Leaning over the sink “ get a hold of yourself y/n you cant fold this easily “I mumbled out. Looking down at my leg’s which are barely even covered, I move my hands to where  König had his placed. I can still feel his warmth and the pressure i smiled a bit. Oh god he must feel horribly i cant imagine how  bad his anxiety is right now.
 I calm myself down taking deep breaths and splashing my face with some icy water. I walk back to my room and open the door, soon as i go in König stans up and he starts talking fast fumbling over his words. No doubt  hes also flustered trying to apologize for bumping into me. I wave my hands “it fine really it was a accident your fine” i say trying to calm him down.
 “A-are you sure?”
 “Yes König”
 “O-ok” he says siting back down on the bed, oh this man is too cute
 “Oh! I almost forgot to give you a pillow and blanket” i turn around to grab some form my bed
 “  oh y-y/n you d-don't have to, you al-already done so must for me” he tries to protest
 “Nonesec König you said so yourself you don't do well in the cold” i bend over to pick up the bedding to give to him. As soon i turned around König head snap to the floor, pretty sure he was looking at my ass. cheeky man. I handed him my spare pillow and blanket “do you want another pillow?”
 Still not meeting my eyes he spits  out “your t-too kind this is f-fine thank you”  
 I gave him a nod i turned around to go to bed, as i climbed in i looked at König one last time. Now in the light I can see that there two faded red line’s coming down from König eyes holes. “König If you don’t mind can you turn off the light when you’re done, please. He’s head come up “yes well do”
I turned around and laid my head on my pillow.
Let’s hope tomorrow  is a lot better
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Can I request transformers' prime hc's for Megatron, knockout, smokescreen, and arcee's reactions to seeing starscream attempt to catch an autobot off guard during a battle by trying to fly ahead of them and get an advantage. But messing up and accidentally crashes into a mountain or tree and ends up falling and crashing hard into the ground, causing an explosion. ( not deadly, just like one of those funny cartoon explosion skits)
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He thinks Starscream is the only one to blame for his failure and he deserves whatever injuries he gets.
He knows his ego will be badly bruised, but that won't stop him from disciplining Starscream later. He may also suggest the seeker goes back to training since he obviously doesn't know how to fly properly.
He feels slightly bad for Starscream, he knows this will affect him and make him grumpy. But then he knows that Starscream will complain about it to him later and will probably take out his anger on him, so Knockout no longer feels bad for him.
As entertaining as it was to watch, he knows he is going to have to fix up Starscreams injuries. He sighs and walks away to go prep the med bay, he'll probably have a long night ahead full of a whiny seeker.
He laughs so hard. He wished he could have filmed it, he would have shown all of the bots back at base. He goes back and tells all the bots, making sure not to leave out any details. He exaggerates a little about the type of explosion. But he still enjoys telling the story.
He also makes sure to bring it up every time he sees Starscream, he will not let it go.
She doesn't laugh, but she thinks it's brilliant. Definitely what he deserves. She hopes it hurt.
She also makes sure to bring it up when she sees him, wanting to rub salt in the wound and make Starscream angry. Seeing his face when he realizes she saw it is just priceless.
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mychlapci · 9 months
In a simpatico brainrot rn but what if sparkeater eggs were bigger than cybertronians eggs?
Sparkeaters are naturally large predators and their bodies have adapted to be efficient with egg laying to use the least amount of energy as possible. Percy being one has absolutely no problem passing that big egg through his ovipositor.
Brainstorm on the other hand feels like he’s getting split apart every time they transfer eggs. An absolute sobbing mess as his gestation chamber is pushed to its limits. Poor guy has an even tougher time pushing them out with his too small ovipositor. It just drags on where it’s overload after overload for hours. Afterwards his sore throbbing valve is being soothed by Percy’s tougue
When the time comes, Brainstorm ends up being the one to lay the eggs. Percy’s instincts are on overdrive, demanding him to protect his mate and his brood at all costs, making him quite snappy towards the medics. While Brainstorm is whimpering and moaning in their nest trying to push the stubborn eggs out.
ah, looks like Brainstorm bit off more than he can chew... The moment Percy's eggs push into his valve for the first time, he immediately knows something's off, that they must be larger than average, and his suspicions are later confirmed to be true in the med-bay... they're still fresh so they're small, but they're going to grow, and he's been strongly advised to let Perceptor know he won't carry for him before they get too big for him... but Brainstorm isn't afraid of a challenge, and if this is how he can pioneer his recently started research on sparkeater biology, then so be it...
The eggs grow so quickly inside of Brainstorm, and Percy is very insistent on transferring them regularly... mhmmm Brainstorm clawing at the floor, his small, tight ovipositor pulsing inside of Perceptor's monster valve, whimpering everytime Percy clenches down around him. They hurt even more going out than they do going in- Percy's ovipositor is big and fat and perfectly sized for the eggs, so it doesn't even take as much time, but this way Percy is pushy, constantly grinding his valve down against Brainstorm's, their anterior nodes rubbing together. By the time he's laid the last egg, Brainstorm is lying on the floor all flushed and limp, only whining when Percy dislodges, and for a moment he's completely still, not wanting to irritate his worn ovipositor anymore, when suddenly Perceptor starts gently licking his own fluids off of Brainstorm's valve...
Oooh, Brainstorm being the one to lay the eggs when they're ready... Percy's tentacles snapping at anyone who dares come close, not caring whether it's a doctor or not, he keeps Brainstorm close, licking the tears off of his face, rubbing his contracting belly... poor Brainstorm, his ovipositor is on fire, the eggs so big they're barely able to pass through, stretching it to the point of breaking, the agony mixing with the intense bliss of the eggs pressing into every single node in the cable walls of his valve... when he struggles with a couple of particularly large eggs, ovipositor bulging, and Percy helps him by squeezing it until the egg is basically forced out by the pressure... Brainstorm probably can't walk for a while after the monster eggs have been laid <3
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nnnyxie · 1 year
donnie 💜🍇🔮👾☁️
Donnie, who is the first to intercept April’s call that fateful day.
Donnie, who doesn’t know how to feel when he’s made aware of the whole situation. He had answered April’s call with his usual flair, relaxed and amused at the fact that their best friend was still outside in the bitter New York autumn–winter weather; he slurped loudly on his steaming mug of coffee for emphasis. Because he’s a little bastard.
Donnie, who’s the first one out of his siblings to know.
Donnie, who sets his dumbstruck-ness aside in order to put forth what he does best: work and help. April sounded so distressed and that was enough. He could tell she was masking it, though, and that just augments the entire situation. He doesn’t bother saying much – seeing as Leo had been there to hear the main gist of the conversation. The twins move in perfect sync as they prep their individual stations: he’s set in one part of his lab while his robotic arms are in another, and by the end of it, the Med Bay is set up to his impeccable standards; his monitors are set separately with April’s tracker and a loaded screen ready for data collection on another.
He ends up doing a dramatic arm sweep when cleaning off one of his desks– a desk which was previously occupied by a load of junk that Leo had brought in earlier: snacks, a couple takeout containers, comics, a unicorn lovey, a half full pickle jar for some reason?
–and Leo can’t even be mad. He’s too preoccupied in his own mind.
But it’s a funny memory for them to look back on – solely for the way Donnie was so aggressive with it while focusing on something else entirely.
Donnie, who keeps a neutral standing once you and April arrive, but he’s just as worried as everyone else. When you both make eye contact– he feels it. The shiver at the center of his ninpo. The sense of familiarity is strange and overwhelming . . . he’s never met you before. So, what in the name of Ohm’s Law is this?
Donnie, who feels a fickle sense of kinship with you right from the beginning. He won't be the one to tell you that outright, tho. He was far more taciturn in his approach to you; compared to his blue banded brother, at least. He mirrored Leo's tactic of telling you what he was doing before or as he did it, and he moved with the hands of a kind-hearted scientist. Gentle, swift, and efficient. He may not have joined in on Leo's jokes or cute little comments to distract you – but he did give you a sympathetic expression in spite of himself.
Donnie, who offers his own bedroom to you when Leo and he are finished dressing your wounds. He had spoken with Mikey about what would be the best things to feed you, and after the intrinsic nudge he sensed, left the kitchen to whatever aftermath of thinly controlled chaos his brothers would achieve this time. After all, it's not everyday you come into caring for a whole child.
Donnie, who had kept track of your vitals the entire time you were asleep, dropping everything to check on you when something went awry. He forced April to go with him (though it didn't take much convenience) but blessedly, you didn't rouse to full consciousness outside of twitching in your sleep. He left April to soothe you even further back to slumber, loitering nearby, stiff and simply watching.
Donnie, who isn't good at emotions. At all. Didn't really like them, either. They were something that was difficult for him to properly process through and were unpredictable. But he does swear then and there that, in spite of all things… you were important.
Donnie, who says as much while they all discuss what to do with you at the living center of the Lair. Despite his desperate masking of his very off-kilter emotions, he was an open book.
He grit his teeth, he worried his lip, he returned Leo's incredulous eyebrow ridge raise with a glare so cold you could've put it in a drink and called it refreshing… and found that in the grand scheme of things, he didn't care.
There were much more important things to worry about at the moment.
That's what he tells himself.
That's what he tells himself as he ignores the fact that he's the one who's most adamant on taking you in. That's what he tells himself as he and Leo share a knowing look again. That's what he tells himself as his gauntlet beeps to alert them all that you're fully awake now. And that's what he tells himself as he and April descend the halls to you. To you. You.
Donnie, who doesn't stay around for all the excitement once you agree to staying. He had turned away and immediately went to work at getting the whole process started – and he most certainly did not turn away so quickly so everyone couldn't see the palpable shift in his aura. He would never admit it, but he was excited. And that was scary. He hardly ever knew you! As far as he was concerned, you were just a random street child that his best friend who wore their heart on their sleeve took in. And yes, that's true in every sense of the word, but everything happens for a reason, no?
Donnie, who's excited for change.
Donnie, who's entirely terrified that he's excited. For change.
Donnie, who may be terrified of what he's feeling, and when he can't filter through these new feelings, shoves them deep down to work through later. Much, much later. For now, he puts on his Big Boy gloves and rocks it as the genius he is.
Donnie, a veritable professional in all things [Name]. Albeit the road to get where you guys are now was paved with . . . well. Oddities. In instances, he regarded you as another “project” or living statistic breach. As peculiar as it may sound, this process is what aids Donnie in becoming much closer to you in such a short amount of time.
He wouldn’t consider himself to like kids: they were sticky, loud, nosy, reckless and gross . . . but you? You were an exception. You always are.
Donnie, who doesn’t admit you become his favorite in a first-rate amount of time, but it’s blatantly obvious that you become his favorite in a first-rate amount of time.
When you get over the initial shyness and come out of your shell (HA.) a lot more, you find yourself wandering into Donnie a lot. Be it in his lab — ... where this whole thing started, really. The catalytic incident happened like this: you bypass the extensive security system without a cinch, he nearly unleashed all seven gates of tech-grade hell on you by reflex because you actually scared the Softshell out of him– but when he realized it was only you, he simmered down to a cold and sulky puddle, if only a little tense. Turning you away was on the tip of his tongue but . . . something, something, stopped him.
Long story short, you ended up staying. He set you down on a nearby beanbag after a very lecturing warning to not touch anything, and turned back to his work. It might’ve come off as annoyance, but he just didn’t want you to get hurt: physically and emotionally.
(He just sucks a–word at showcasing his emotions /aff◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜ Y’all get there eventually, don’t worry.)
Then you prove your worth! You’re respectful, and though your eyes shine with childish curiosity, you don’t disobey Donnie’s words and stay put. Lookie, no touchie. And that’s probably what catches Donnie’s attention at first– very early on; he doesn’t outwardly show it, and Donnie is not one to be easily impressed, but you? You impressed him. Greatly.
Also, you’re willing to listen to him!! He rambles on and on and you sit there with a cute little expression on your face. You’re invested, despite what may be showing on the outside, and just when Donnie has it pegged as everything he’s saying isn’t registering to you, you ask him relative questions.
He’s pretty much hooked from then on out.
You get privileges that nobody else does! He sets up a little corner reserved just for you in his lab, stocks up on your favorite snacks and drinks, and he creates so. many. things for you! Gift giving is his prime love language after all.
He sees you as a ~fresh mind~ And when you initially don't decline his interests in the sciences, he is practically vibrating with excitement! Proceeds to stuff your hungry little brain chock full of everything he knows, and beyond that!
However, even if you don't have a STEM-dominant mind, it's okay! If you happen to doze off while he's well into another one of his infodump rambles, he doesn't get mad. If anything, he's kind of... endeared?
He might tease you a little, but it's all from a place of love.
Concerning academics, the help from Unca Don-Bon always ensures that you at most get a passing grade for all your science-centered subjects! Not to mention the science projects and fairs. Oh man.
Y'all either dominate the entire school every time, or you come within nano inches of getting expelled every time.
Oh also also— this man scoffs at modern-age technology, you can't tell me he doesn't. You ALSO can't tell me he didn't create his phone from scratch. Heck he might've created his entire family's phones from scratch. Bro has his own OS and — when you come of age to start holding onto your own electronics — everything you own is patented by Genius Built™. Of course.
Don't insult him (or do. just for the laughs) by utilizing said modern-age technology. Just don't. (Do it. His reactions are golden every time.) He can appreciate good technology where he sees it, but it's not often. That's why it's so funny.
The most he did once when you gawked over the PS5 was scoop you up into his arms and give a condescending look so low to the contraption, it had you cackling the entire way as he ranted about the highs and lows of technology.
But hey! All your electronics are one of a kind! You can't ever say that~ Any updates or features that you want, he makes it happen. He completely personalizes it to your tastes to make it as comfortable for you as possible.
Your acquaintances are mad jealous of your cool tech and you can only knifecatmeme.jpeg your way through like a boss. (Golden ref. 🙌🏼❤️)
Donnie, who all too gladly helps you with your homework! April has to stop him from literally doing all your work for you.
—y’all be getting into the dumbest situations fr 😭 Be it conversations or infiltrating multiple high–standing scientific research facilities or simply discussing the economic state of the world or literally what's better: flavorless juice or pineapple smoothies, y’all gone be the main ones. That’s all.
(He gets you something yummy afterwards tho! As a treat. Bonus points if you don’t snitch. He always takes responsibility. He throws in an extra head ruffle or two. But he always, always makes sure you don't get in trouble. He's got your back, you have his. Partners in crime, best way to describe y'all.)
“If Little Jimmy has 12 apples and he gives 5.7 of those apples to his friend Becky, multiplies by the 7 to the nth power, then divides that all by the median of an octagon, how much horsepower was Little Jimmy’s dad conducting the neighbor’s car after 15.5 minutes exactly of installation?”
“. . .”
“. . . .”
“. . . . . Seven–”
“What in the fresh hell are they teaching you at that wretched, poor excuse of a school?”
(And Donnie loves school. That’s how you know it’s bad. Zeep, blatantly dissing the public education system? More likely than you would think!)
Cue April walking into the kitchen in her pajamas, all sleepy-eyed and confused, only to see her best friend and child reciting PEMDAS at the table. You start crying and Donnie sings the Pi Song with his best opera voice in support.
Donnie, who is very, very protective over you. He's the type to show, not tell, but believe me - once you're out of sight, he has a lot of colorful things to say to your offenders . . .
your foster mother being a prime example.
Needless to say, your foster mom is now completely ineligible to foster in the system any longer (as well as any and all forms of careers in all of New York. And the surrounding states. Probably the whole world.)
—and if anyone has anything to say about it, all he sees is the flashing image of a sweet little child, homeless and scared and alone, braving it out on the streets.
He'll never let anyone hurt you. His tech is always on standby when it comes to your safety.
And I mean, all his tech.
Donnie, kooky, scientific and calculating uncle Donnie –
. . . forthcoming, thoughtful, heart full of love Donnie, who may not be the best with his words, especially when expressing how much he loves you, but is one of the beloveds in your corner who says it the most.
“Haha! Aw, man. I love you, Purple Rain.”
“Mhmm. And I do suppose you’re enjoyable at most, my Young Apprentice!”
“Unca’ Don-Bon . . .”
“ . . . Ah, Sweet Galileo. I love you too, [Name], you already know I do.”
🫐‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪🪻 ִֶָ☾.
(we did it boys *passes out on your lap* Donnie Bonnie is doneeee!!! it was under high construction for quite a while, especially after Tumblr ate it, so this is a revamped version! but just as well, no? :'3 hope you enjoy this one, ceejie pie!! 🥰🤍)
i’m still a little sick (& delirious) so i’m so sorry if my reply doesn’t make sense—
okay so— as much as i LOVE and ADORE uncle don….
what if…. NOW HEAR ME OUT OKAY?!
WHAT IF ………. it was dad don™️
dad don that ensures a proper education. he’s explaining the (poorly taught) subjects to you better than any teacher ever could. is he a bit aggressive about it? yes. but does he reward you afterwards? also yes!!
dad don who never expected to be seen as any sort of father figure.
it’s donnie who nearly cries when you accidentally call him dad one day.
dad don who raises you to be strong, smart, and independent. dad don who’s so proud of you when you get awarded for any subject.
and donnie— he never expected to adore a child as much as he does you. but— the moment you looked at him and his inventions with such passion and curiosity… he just knew that you would be the only exception (youuu are the onlyyy exceptionnnn). the only kid he’d ever care for.
but going back to uncle tello— he’s the kind of uncle to do illegal pranks with you— especially when it’s towards your school (again, illegal?).
uncle tello can’t even hear you say “love you, uncle” without wanting to burst into tears— not because it’s uncomfortable but— because, he’s so overwhelmed with joy.
uncle donatello that secretly goes to your school on the first day of kindergarten because, he’s so scared that something bad could happen to you. he doesn’t want a ‘purple dragons’ incident (you’re literally 5??).
uncle don and dad don are both so attached to you because, he’s been one of your main caretakers since you were just 3 years old.
donnie has watched you grow into such an amazing person and he can’t help but feel so happy that he was able to witness it all.
teehee (michael jackson style)
(i really hope this makes sense…. i am loopy from meds)
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