#this time was an accident though. a cut is less fun than a bruise. especially when layered :
orcelito · 1 year
2 hours zoned out catering prep while listening to trigun OST. 5 hours of stress stress stress stress becoming a bundle of nerves winding tighter and tighter and tighter until it begs for a release of Some kind, any kind, anything that would make the constant stream of customers and drinks and noise just STOP-
Then 1 hour, long hour, but calm hour, listening to trigun OST again and dealing with the aftermath. It did wonders for keeping me from biting my own arm off, but it still took. So long. Even with the help of my boss and the manager coming back from her catering thing, it still took about 20 mins over the hour (1 hr 20 mins when it usually takes 30 ish mins)
This was not a good day for me.
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fandom-imagines · 4 years
Sweet little darling~
Fandom: House of Wax (2005)
Pairing: Bo Sinclair X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Canon typical violence, domestic abuse (abusive relationship; not Bo) Kind of out-of-character Bo, depends on how you headcanon him for liking someone! Also not proofread yet.
Words: 2.55k 
Summary: Kindness can get you killed, but it can also get you out of a sticky situation.
Part Two!
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To anybody that saw their relationship, it was evident that the feeling wasn’t mutual. Perhaps it once had been, but it no longer was, and for good reason.
“You fucking bitch!” The scream echoed throughout the building, one body looming over a small, cowering young woman.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, doing her best to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.  “Please don’t hurt m-“ her pleas were cut short as a tight hand grasped her arm and tugged her onto her feet, a harsh slap hitting her cheek shortly afterwards.
“Please don’t hurt me,” he cruelly laughed, mimicking her frightened and desperate tone. “How pathetic.”
“I’m sorry,”
With one final laugh, her boyfriend tossed her to the ground.
Laughter filled the truck the group of friends were currently seated in, music blaring through the speakers of a radio one of them had brought but their drunk selves were unable to remember who.
Four of the friends engaged in conversation about anything their clouded minds could think of, whilst the final friend lay against the side of the car, desperately avoiding the demanding gaze her boyfriend was giving her and had been giving her the entire night.
It was clear what he wanted.
Eyes fixated on the green of the grass beneath her, Y/N noticed an approaching truck. Choosing not to say anything, she silently waited for somebody else to notice the vehicle.
“Guys,” Lucy, a close friend of Y/N’s boyfriends, called. “Who is that?”
By now the headlights of the truck were focused on the gang who were circled around the campfire, narrowly avoiding Y/N’s figure.
“James, do something?” Y/N winced as she watched another of the girls grasp onto her boyfriends muscular arm, her blonde hair rubbing against his bare chest.
“Can we help you?” He yelled over the sound of the roaring engine, their music having been paused the second they had notice the driver. “Look dude, this isn’t funny. Just fuck off!”
James’s final sentence was one that made his girlfriend cringe, body remembering the way he had hurt her the night before using that exact same tone; it almost made her cry.
Deciding to stop him before this escalated any further, Y/N made her way towards James before placing a hand on his chest to signal him to back down. This seemed to only anger him further, something that was clear by the way his hands balled into fists. Nobody noticed, except one other person.
“Leave it,” she whispered into his ear, hand dropping from his body to hopefully ease his anger.
James’s hand reach out to her, grabbing his own with a bruising force and tugging her into him as he leaned down to her ear, ignoring the whistles from his friends who assumed he was saying something sexual.
“Just you wait till I get you alone,” James snarled in her ear, unaware of the way an unknown man glared at him before driving away.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” James spat, smashing his hand against the cars hood. “It’s busted, the fan belt is fucked.”
His anger seemed to put everybody on edge as they all fell into an uncomfortable silence, something that was uncommon for them.
“You needed a new one anyway,” Y/N mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear.
“Don’t you fucking start,” while his words were directed towards his girlfriend, the others assumed it was aimed at the car in sarcasm; ignorance is bliss after all.
“I can help y’all.” A seemingly kind voice yelled from behind them, having heard the entire conversation. “Sorry, couldn’t help but overhear ya. There’s a town not to far from here. A guy, Bo, runs a gas stop, I’m sure he’d have some.”
Before James could rudely decline this man, Y/N decided to respond. “Do you know how to get there?”
“I’ll drive ya! Truck can only fit two of you though,”
“That’d be great!” She gave the unnamed man a gentle smile, one which he gladly returned. “When are you ready?”
“Now is good,”
She simply nodded, rushing towards the car without giving James a chance to say anything, only leaving him time to follow her, but not before a “fuck sake,” left his lips.
“Thank you so much, Lester!” She grinned once again as she hopped from his truck.
“It was no bother, pleasure to meet you Y/N,” he smiled back at her, ruffling her hair slightly before realising the angered look on James’s face. “And you of course,” he nodded awkwardly whilst his hand dropped back to his side. “You two take care now,” and with those words, he drove away.
“Fucking slutting yourself out to weird men, typical,” James spat as he tugged Y/N’s hand so that she was following him into the town, ignoring how she almost tripped in the process.
“I’m sorry, I was just being nice. He was helping us!” She all but yelled, silently praying for him to loosen his grip so that she doesn’t have to use all of her concealer hiding, yet another, mark from him.
“Sure he was. He didn’t just want to get into your pants or anything, huh?”
Ignoring his hurtful words, Y/N began to look around the town.
It was quiet, too quiet. But when she began to think, it was Sunday and there was a Church up ahead at the end of the road which would make more sense, especially considering how early in the morning it was.
“There’s the garage,” James said, dropping her hand to instead point at the small garage not far from them. “Let’s go,”
Y/N followed him, quickly striding to keep up with his large legs.
“There’s nobody here,” she sighed, watching as James just barged his way into the unoccupied garage. “You can’t just go in there! That’s rude.”
“Do I give a fuck? Wait out there for all I care,”
So she chose to do just that.
“Oh, hi!” A tall man in a suit gave Y/N a bright grin, accidentally startling her slightly. “You need something?”
“O-oh, hi! Uhm, my boyfriend is in there, I’m sorry I told him not too, he needs a fan belt? I have no idea what one of them is but I-“
The man chuckled, smiling once again as he put his arm around her waist to guide her inside. “Don’t worry, darling. I got ya,” his words were somewhat calming, as though he was offering to protect her from James, despite not knowing what was going on, or perhaps he did.
“You finally grew a p-“James’s words fell short as he turned to see a man, who was significantly taller than him, stood beside his girlfriend. “Hello?”
“Hi, names Bo,” Bo’s tone was a lot blunter than the charming one he had been using previously. “You need something?” He repeated his previous words, instead this time to James and less kind. “You are in my garage after all.”
Despite knowing that Bo could easily subdue him, James chose to get angry anyway. “You got a problem with me? Don’t leave it unlocked if you don’t want people coming in,”
“James leave it,” Y/N gently pushed herself between Bo and James as James began to try get into his face. “Just ask him for what you need and let’s go.”
“Fine, we need a fan belt. Fifteen inch.”
“I might be able to do that, but you’ve already had a look so let me know what I’ve got,” Bo smirked at the angered expression on the mans face at his words.
So maybe he did have a problem with James, a problem neither of the couple knew of.
“Not a fifteen,”
“Then they’re back at the house,”
“The house? Why would they be there?”
“Deliveries are delivered there, easier for everyone really.”
Y/N watched as the two men interacted, Bo incredibly calm whilst James was boiling with anger. Part of her was scared of how he would react, his threat about ‘waiting till they’re alone’ floating around in her mind, yet some strange part of her felt safe knowing that Bo was there. Perhaps it was the fact that he could fight him with ease, or maybe that James would, most likely, never harm her in front of another person.
“Let’s just go,” She pleaded, desperation swimming in her Y/E/C orbs.
“No, I’ll stay, you go.” James seemed pleased with this idea, smirking at the way his girlfriends body tensed; he enjoyed the fear he caused her.
“That’s fine with me,” Bo chimed in, offering Y/N a smile. “That fine with you?”
“Yeah, yeah that’s fine.”
“Let me just lock up,” Bo said, leading the visitors out into the street, much to James’s dismay, before locking up. “Let’s go then.” He gave James one last sarcastic smile before leading Y/N away from him.
“Do you live with anyone here?”
Y/N and Bo had been talking for a while now, having chosen to take a slow walk instead. He was nice, to her anyway. She felt as though he understood her, despite not knowing a thing about her.
“Nah, I live with my brother,” Came his response, winking at the girl as he ran a hand through his dark hair, enjoying the way she blushed under his gaze.
She knew it was wrong, finding him both attractive and sweet. But he was both of those, and James was neither, not to her at least. Maybe it was because he was the first person to be this kind to her in a long time, or maybe it was the feeling of safety she felt around him, but she was enjoying his company more than anyone else’s.
“Oh, that must be fun!”
Bo chuckled at her enthusiasm, “I suppose so,”
The pair walked up to Bo’s home, guilt filling the girl’s chest each time she let Bo’s hand brush against her own. She simply enjoyed the sparks flying throughout her body, forgetting about the pain she would receive later as a punishment.
“We’re here,” Bo’s words pulled Y/N from her thoughts, almost tripping over a rock as she came back to reality. “Easy there,” Bo shook his head whilst smiling as he caught her, sneakily pulling her body into his own without her realising it was not an accident.
“Thank you,” she blushed, unknowingly allowing herself to melt into his touch, feeling the need to savour every kind and gentle touch she was getting from a stranger.
“No problem, darling,” he smirked, once again enjoying the way she blushed at the nickname he had given her.
Hand still around her waist, Bo guided her into his home.
“Take a seat, I need to get out of this horrible suit.” His words caused a giggle to leave Y/N’s lips, her head nodding as she took a seat on the faded leather couch, watching Bo leave the room to go change.
“Sorry to keep ya waiting, Darl.” Bo’s voice startled Y/N, her body jolting in a way that made Bo feel slightly guilty, something that he rarely felt. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“No, it’s okay. It was my fault,” she offered him a weak smile, twiddling with the hem of her short-sleeved t-shirt when he seated himself beside her.
“That looks painful,” his hands cautiously reached out to gently take her hand, fingers lightly running across a hand-shaped bruise that had began to form. “You shouldn’t let him treat you like that,” Bo’s spare hand reached up to her face, hand cupping one cheek which made her flinch, Bo frowning at the action.
Bo had no idea why she was apolgoising to him. It had been him that touched her, but it all made sense in his head.
“Does he hit you?”
Her lack of response was enough for him to understand to full situation.
“I’m sorry,”
“Don’t be, darling.” He sighed, hand moving from her cheek to her neck to pull her head towards his lips, planting a soft kiss on it, something that made her almost cry along with his sweet words.
“Thank you,” her own arms wrapped around his torso, grateful to be given affection without it feeling forced.
“You took your time,” James spat as Y/N walked towards him, Bo having quickly headed to the gas station for something that she couldn’t remember the name of. “Were you shagging him or something?”
“N-no,” the nervousness in her voice was something that caused Y/N to cringe, knowing that he wouldn’t believe her.
“Oh, you were.” James’s hands balled into fists as he stalked towards her, ready to attack.
“No, I had to get changed,” Bo’s deep voice startled both of them, James’s fists unclenching immediately.
“Sorry, man. Can’t be too careful with girls like these, can you?” He laughed, trying to play off his previous words as a joke.
“Can’t be too careful with men like yourself either, can you?” Bo’s words seemed innocent, despite having a deeper meaning.
“What?” James snapped. “You told him about us?” He yelled as he turned to face Y/N whose breathing was becoming laboured in fear. “You little bitch!”
As James began to march towards his girlfriend, a tight hand grabbed his fist, spinning him to face the holder only to not be able to see because of a hard punch hitting him in the jaw. The only thing he could hear was a gasp from Y/N and the ringing in his ears as he dropped to the ground.
“Not so tough now, are you?” Bo sniggered. “You can hit a woman but the second a man touches you, you’re out cold. Pathetic,”
Y/N stood frozen to the spot, unsure of how to react.
She hadn’t expected Bo to attack him. In fact, she hadn’t expected him to do anything at all to him or about her situation. Those who knew didn’t care, so why would a stranger?
“You fucking dick!” James screamed, climbing back onto his feet to throw a punch at Bo, one that he barely reacted to.
“Leave him alone!” Y/N yelled, darting between James and Bo, shoving James away from him to the best of her ability.
“You fucking whore. I should’ve known this is what would’ve happened. Actually, I guess I already did.” His words were fast, but his fist moved towards her faster.
Bo was quicker however, grabbing the man’s fist and twisting it behind his back before kicking his legs from beneath him, effectively knocking him to the ground again.
“Vincent!” Bo yelled. “Got one for ya,” both Y/N and James were confused at his words, fear filling them both as a masked man came running out into the street, knife in hand.
Bo took Y/N’s hand, pushing her behind his hand so that she couldn’t see the horror that Vincent was committing to her boyfriend in full glory.
“Y-you killed him…” Her words were quiet, watching from one eye as the man, who she assumed to be Vincent, tugged away the lifeless body. “Are you going to kill me too?”
“You’re safe here, Y/N.” Bo’s words were quiet, praying nobody else heard his true self speaking. “I’ll take care of you. Nobody will ever hurt you again, my sweet little darling.”  
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demonsandco · 3 years
Oh my god wait, so based on the one speed driver post.
Considering Solomon and MC, when they are in the human world, they probably hang out all the time like a pair of BFFS. Which means they drive around a lot.
His speediness would not only get him in trouble with cops nearby, but also the brothers, the angels, and probably Diavolo and Barbatos if they found out and they most certainly would if something bad happened. (TW for some people maybe? Be sure to put it in there just to be safe).
No one gets hurt, but like if Solomon just ran into a field with some damage to the car for example. Simeon and Luke would be quite mad and give him a scolding. However, I can’t say exactly the same for the brothers. Especially Lucifer or Satan knowing their anger, Solomon better make some good teleportation plans. Diavolo and Barbatos? Perhaps a mix of what the brothers and angels would feel. Although I think Barbatos would find a way to temporarily take Solomons car away, idk how but he would and if anybody’s asks he’d just have this small knowing smirk and he wouldn’t answer you. I know Dia would be upset, but I’m not sure what he would do.
Oh I can totally see this happening! MC is one of the only humans that understands Solomon and tolerates his presence, so it's no surprise that he finds himself spending a lot of time with them in the human realm, and long drives are a perfect way to do so. Of course, considering it's Sol we're talking about, something always ends up going wrong.
(mention of speeding/minor car accidents under the cut)
Solomon is the type of person to take problems in stride, and he'd find the whole thing quite amusing! Neither him or MC are hurt, and any damage to the car can easily be magicked away, so why bother getting upset? He'll promise to be more careful next time, at least, but he definitely won't change his driving habits.
The angels would both play the "I'm not mad, just disappointed" card when they hear about the incident. It's not really the accident itself that upsets the two of them, considering that nothing bad actually happened, but rather the fact that he was driving unsafely in the first place. Luke especially has a whole lecture about the importance of following rules prepared for the next time he sees Solomon, while Simeon just gives him a look of disapproval.
The brothers would all be quite upset about the whole thing, but they don't get too genuinely mad. MC was in a lot more danger living in the Devildom among hungry demons, than they were while driving with Solomon. Most of their qualms are related to the fact that Solomon was getting to spend so much time with MC, and he wastes it by crashing his car and potentially scaring them. Mammon and Lucifer would be the most upset about him endangering MC, but they don't have much room to judge considering the two of them are just as chaotic in the road. They'd let him off with a warning and some thinly veiled threats, but it's clear that they won't be so nice if it happens again.
Asmo would be rather disappointed, too, fussing over them and making sure that neither of them have any minor scrapes or bruises from the incident. He makes a big fuss about not being invited in the first place, too, despite both of them having his pact and Solomon having the ability to summon him very easily.
Barbatos would definitely take the opportunity to ground Solomon from any form of driving for a while, feeling quite smug about having an excuse to punish the sorcerer. Perhaps this way, they'd have a reason to call upon him for assistance, too, to act as a chauffer of sorts. He's not at all fazed by the incident, though, having had millennia now to get accustomed to Solomon troublemaking, while also trusting him to not actually endanger MC.
Diavolo is caught in a dilemma, though. On one hand, he honestly thinks the little road trips sound like a lot of fun and wishes he could've been invited along. He almost wants to just laugh the whole thing off, considering no harm was done, but he worries about the impact on Solomon and MC's reputations. He can't have his first human exchange students getting in legal trouble, after all.
He supports Barbatos in confiscating Solomon's car for a bit, and takes the opportunity to have a serious conversation with Sol. In the end, though, the talk ends up being less about telling him to abide by the rules, and more about telling him to be more discreet with his troublemaking. He may also request to be invited on one of these drives once the car is returned, in the hope that he'd have the chance to take some time off and experience something new and exciting! They'd better not offer to let him drive, though. He'd be even worse than Solomon about following the rules, considering he doesn't even know what they are.
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cozycryptidcorner · 4 years
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Kinktober: Fae/Dry Humping
Tags: fae/reader, lemon, dry humping, femdom
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The lights of the street lamps bleed through the doors of your car, illuminating him with a dull neon glow. His hands grip your waist, his breath coming out in hot, heavy puffs, eyes seeming bright orange in the flickering fluorescent sign. As you settle over his hips, you can feel a tent in his pants, hard, thick, desperate for release.
There’s a dull, distant bass that somehow sounds through the metal and the rest of the block, a reminder that you’re only a few impossible yards from a club. Your supernatural partner looks absolutely ruined beneath you, lips pink and wet with spit, his eyes almost entirely black and shockingly lucid.
His hands are twisted in a makeshift tie, the seatbelt wrapped around his wrists a few times and locked. Even if you saw fit to release him, there’s no way you could manage to untangle his limbs in a timely manner; you made sure to lock him in well and good should you need a quick escape for… business purposes. But for now, you suppose you can have a little fun with him.
With your back against the steering wheel, you spread your legs around to tightly straddle his hips, watching his face as soon as you settle over the bulge. His face doesn’t disappoint, his eyes widening, his mouth opening to a soft oh, back arching as far as he can make it off the flattened seat.
You start with kisses, heated, open-mouthed kisses where you’re quick to dominate his mouth with your tongue. He whimpers, and he keens, pelvis thrusting into yours, eyes closed as he allows you to violet his lips with such easy submission you wonder why you’ve never tried fucking him before. After all, you’ve seen him, hanging around the club with his silk shirts and expensively cut pants, but you’ve never offered up a passing thought until-
Just to be a bitch, you bite down on his lower lip, determined to make sure he leaves this chance meeting looking like he got in a tussle with a fully-fledged werewolf. As he moans his approval, you shift, trying to get yourself more comfortable in the suddenly stuffy interior. Say what you want about car sex; it can be challenging to find comfortable positions for both parties, especially if it’s an unfamiliar environment.
Moving your mouth to his neck, you bite down, trying to take advantage of the sensitive skin that will easily blossom with the most decadent of bruises tomorrow morning. Placing a knee up on the center cupholder, you snake your hand down to where his cock is steadily fighting to be free of its confines, a testament to his arousal and desire for you to fuck him into oblivion.
“You seem eager,” you whisper, wishing you had the foresight to at least turn the radio up. Something about the steady woosh of warm air coming from the heaters puts you on edge.
“All the better to fuck you with, my dear.” His voice is anything but steady as you accidently squeeze his rod just a tad too hard.
“I think you have a misconception of who will be fucking who,” you murmur, a smile on your face, opening your mouth and biting down on the skin of his shoulder.
He lets out an approving moan, arms struggling against the car seat strap. His face seems to be turning bright red, but nothing in his words or tone suggests that you should be stopping your onslaught anytime soon. Calmly, you begin to unbutton his shirt, going down the damn things one by one, until you finally have his chest exposed enough for you to gently violate.
Without a shred of mercy, you go for his left nipple, squeezing the rose-colored dusty bud between your fingers. He keens and he moans while you begin to pinch and roll his right one as well, body wriggling and jerking so very beautifully between your legs. Wishing you could be even less impassioned than you are, you watch him slowly become undone, slick wetness still developing between your thighs.
Your own needs beckon you to grind, but you still have it in you to torture this soft bitch of a fae before you tend to yourself. Slowly, in a facade of tenderness, you kiss him again, right on the mouth as you slowly rub his clothed cock in your hands, reveling in the way he gasps as you experiment with different motions. Up, down, squeeze gently, maybe a little rougher, press and pull, watching his face as he slowly becomes undone.
“Please,” he gasps, one of the few words he’s said to you all night.
“Please, what?” You ask, wishing you knew how to be so much more crueler to him than you already are.
“I want to cum,” he whispers, as though he is well aware of how absurd the request is.
You hum, as though in thought, even though your mind is already made up. With the voice of a person who might be convinced, you ask, “do you deserve to cum?”
The hesitation is all you need to latch onto, your fingers wrapping around his throat, your mouth curved in a sadistic grin. “All you’ve done is whine and moan beneath me; what have you done to actually deserve a release?”
He lets out a raspy breath, blue eyes haunting. Opening his mouth, he tries to make out the words that plead you to his case, promises that offer up the sun and the stars if you’d only allow him to relieve his tension, but you glare down at him with an impassive stare.
“I didn’t hear any reason for you to cum. Can you please tell me?”
“I-” he chokes as you rub his crotch, “I’ve been so good to you, all tied up like a pretty present. Will you please let me cum?”
“Hm,” you murmur, thinking over his response, “but can I reward you for doing what you’re told? For cooperating like the bitch boy that you are?”
He gasps, those sweet eyes watering, his struggling against his straps almost sweet. “I’ve obeyed you, I haven’t cummed, or moved?”
“I’ll think about it,” you say, pretending to not care. With some level of violence, you cup his chin in your hand, squeezing, admiring the way his mouth puckers when he wants something. He’s been a decent pet, hasn’t he? You might actually allow him the satisfaction of cumming, though you don’t plan on stripping him from the rest of his clothes.
Still, you put up the facade of careful thought, mindlessly palming his crotch. Even through the material, you know that he would fit inside you so very sweetly, you know that letting him inside is a reward that he hasn’t yet deserved, even if you are allowing him this single instance of release. Slowly, you bend over him, hovering your lips just inches away from his ear, and whisper, “you’re allowed to cum.”
He chokes, you can feel his tongue against your index finger, so you push it in further. Even with the hazy fluorescent light, you can see the threads of his sanity unwinding, his pelvis thrusting up to grind against your thigh. You don’t say anything as he becomes undone, only watch, your own arousal heating up your womb and making you wish you had an extra hand to touch yourself with.
The only signs he has cummed are the hot, sporadic thrusts from his waist, dark splotches growing from the sperm coating the underside of his pants. His face becomes red, his breath coming out in heavy, ugly puffs, his moaning and begging so sweet in your ears you might have had your own release if your guard had been any lower.
He writhes and he moans, face twisting with the bitter sense of being bested by someone he might consider to be of lower status. You love the way he tries to rationalize his behavior, such a sweet, stupid little fae. The way he seems to bend towards your supposedly inferior human body.
When all is said and done, the shame and humiliation give his mouth such a sweet, pathetic little quiver, anyways. You suppose that you might allow him back in your presence should he come seeming you again.
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I have a head cannon that when technoblade becomes friends with someone he braids their hair he's so far done it to Tommy philza and ranboo but only philza knows why
This is such a good prompt thanks! I went a little overboard and added a lot of my own hc's, hope that’s okay! Quick note I’m not past exile yet so my apologies if bedrock bros and just Ranboo in general are slightly inaccurate
When Philza met Techno, Techno was only a child, barely even able to talk, sitting dead-eyed in the ruins of a piglin village, hiding under the rubble in the hopes he wouldn’t be spotted. Philza, of course, being Philza, basically immediately adopts him.
Philza tried his best, he really did, but this was in the middle of a war, and Philza didn’t really know that child soldiers aren’t the best thing (he never quite learnt that, honestly). Techno learnt to fight before he learnt to read.
When Techno was young, he always had his hair cut short and out of his face, but he really liked the small side braid that Philza always wore in his hair. He had started to grow it out a bit, but not long enough to braid, by the time he became the vessel of the Blood God.
Short side note, he and Philza were fighting against a cult, and they’d managed to capture Techno and brand the sigil of the God into his flesh allowing the Blood God to make Techno his champion. Needless to say, the cult was near immediately completely wiped out after this process was complete, but also Technoblade wasn’t exactly super thrilled with all this.
Along with the more obvious changes- glowing, blood-red eyes, growing to almost nine feet tall, an insatiable desire for a good fight, and the constant voices ringing in his head, the growth of his hair was barely noticeable. Sure, it touched the floor and regrew rapidly when cut, but it seemed to mystically never get in his way during combat.
During combat being the operative sentence. Even if it isn’t life threatening, constantly tripping over your own hair when you’re still trying to get used to being a good two feet taller than usual and the voices in your head constantly mocking you for it.
This is when Techno gets the idea to braid it, like Philza does! The issue is, he doesn’t know how to braid hair, and he’s been so terrified of accidentally hurting Philza with all of his changes that he’s been avoiding him best he can, so his attempts fail horribly.
Meanwhile, Philza's very concerned that Techno's started avoiding him. He’s actually really frightened that Techno hates him now, since as the champion of the Blood God, with the voices of it’s angels in his head now, he might well view all other gods as enemies, and Philza, as not only the most esteemed angel but the husband of the goddess Kristin, would be included in that.
Still, he was very concerned about how Techno was avoiding him, and eventually came into Techno's room to have a talk with him, and he walked in on one of Techno's honestly awful attempts at braiding his own hair.
Philza offers to help braid Techno's hair, and during this they have a long, long conversation about both of their worries. Techno reassures Philza that he doesn’t hate him (or Kristin, for that matter), and Philza reassures Techno that he’s not going to lose control. The voices decide that Philza is pretty pog, actually, and chill out a bit. Overall, it’s just a massive relief for everyone.
After this, Philza starts teaching Techno how to braid his hair. It’s a slow process- especially since braiding nine feet of hair is an ordeal- but it’s one of the few moments of peace in the Angel of Death and the champion of the Blood God's life. Once Techno learnt how to braid hair, he started braiding Philza's too. The two of them knew what it meant. I trust you, unconditionally, and without fail.
Hundreds of thousands of years pass. Nations rise and fall, legends are made, but Philza and Techno stick by each other’s side throughout it all. They maintain the tradition of braiding each other’s hair. Techno does not do it with anyone else, but Philza does it with whatever random of assortment of children is under his wing at the specific time. Techno can’t quite understand the mans attachment to whatever orphan he finds on the street. Even the ones who don’t die in the battlefield die too soon, and he can’t understand how you could let yourself go through the heartbreak of seeing their inevitable demise.
He doesn’t expect the latest batch to be any different. Sure, one's Philza's biological kid, so he’d theoretically be able to survive indefinitely, but he’s a creative type who’s so inept with a sword Techno's certain he’ll perish the second a war comes around. One's a failed clone of Philza, but the hybrid and human DNA he was given to stabilise him made him a mess of instincts with atrophied wings and constant sickness. And while the shine in the ram-boys eyes shine with an energy that's definitely a sign of some relation to the older species, everything else about him suggests a regular child who’ll pass and die in maybe a hundred years tops.
Still, when he receives a letter from Wilbur about a rebellion, Techno was excited to go. More for the fun of combat and of course overthrowing a tyrant, but he can’t help but feel proud of the boy he remembered once trying to pick up a sword blade-end becoming a capable general.
He honestly developed a respect for Tommy and Tubbo during Pogtopia. They were so young, and already capable warriors. He felt they were naive, with their talk about restarting a government, but held hope in them that they’d realise that anarchy would be preferable.
Still, they drifted apart, in no short part due to being pressured into canonically killing Tubbo and non-canonically killing Tommy. Techno would never admit it, but the anger in Tommy's eyes and the fear in Tubbo's whenever he was around stung a bit.
His few interactions with Tommy after the sixteenth lead him to believe that the boy didn’t want anything else to do with him, so he was surprised to find the boy shivering under his house, bruised and eerily quiet in comparison to the Tommy he was used to who would never stop talking.
The Blood God may be more traditionally thought of as a god of combat, of killing and of blood shed by violence, but that’s only scratching the surface of the Blood God's dominion. It is also a god of anarchy, of freedom, of vengeance, and of protecting those who cannot protect themselves. And as a champion of the Blood God, Techno would have hesitated throwing out even someone he despised in those circumstances, but Tommy? There was no way he wouldn’t have helped him, despite how much he grumbled and groaned (that, at least, was easier than admitting attachment).
Techno tries, he really does. But he mistakes bruises and scars caused by cruel hands to the ones a younger Tommy came home with on accident due to his frailness, the possessiveness of the man who hurt him as he came in search as him as overbearing concern instead of obsession. He chalks up confused feelings to some awful accident, unwilling to pry in the clearly distressed child's business (and while he doesn’t want to admit it, he doesn’t want to think that Dream, his friendly rival for thousands of years, might be truly a monster.)
The first time Techno offered to braid Tommy's hair, he didn’t even realise what he offered until he’d already said it. Tommy was just sat, shivering, despite being curled up in one of Techno's cloaks in front of the fire, and Techno'd noticed how Tommy's long hair always got in his face, and he kept raising a shaking hand to push too long hair out of his face, and Techno couldn't help but be reminded of himself long ago, scared to leave his room and dealing with hair far too long for for himself.
That’s not to say he had any regrets, though.
Techno braided Tommy's hair every day after that. Honestly, on the days where he wasn’t shaking bad enough that he couldn’t braid his own hair it sort of annoyed Tommy- he felt a bit like he was being pitied, and that’s something he absolutely can’t fucking stand, but Techno's pity was far, far preferable to being back with Dream, watching the light slowly drain from his eyes in the reflection in the water every day, so he stayed quiet.
After Tommy's betrayal, Techno felt hurt- far, far more hurt than he’d ever found himself before. He’d given the boy his unconditional trust- showed it to him, every day, and Tommy couldn’t even show enough trust to stay by him.
The first time he saw Tommy after, still wearing a braid in his hair, a mockery of friendship, he punched through the walls in his home afterwards. Anger hurt less than sorrow, so he stewed in it, refusing to admit he still cared about the boy at all.
As such, it took him a long time to even braid his own hair, let alone anyone else’s. It was something that was safe, and now just reminded him of a boy who used his kindness and left it unrepaid.
The first person he started braiding the hair of again was Philza, not long after this. It was Philza, and Techno doubted he could lose trust in the man, even if he flat out stabbed him in the back quite literally. Philza was much closer to a friend than a father, but he was still the closest thing to family Techno had ever known.
Eventually though, somehow another boy managed to sneak past his defence. Ranboo was awkwardly tall and quiet with a crown and inexplicably good fighting skills, and Techno couldn’t help but like the boy who reminded him so much of himself. He supposes this is probably the closest he'll ever get to understanding Philza and his children.
Still, it takes a while for him to feel safe and comfortable braiding Ranboo's hair for him- as far as he was aware, Ranboo almost never had it loose out of the braid it was already in, anyway. The last time he trusted someone who reminded him of himself, it only hurt.
Eventually, though, Technoblade came around. Ranboo had just come out of one of his weird sleepwalking states, hair a mess and very distressed. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure if the kid had enough memory to know who he was, but he relaxed as Techno braided his hair and talked about nothing in particular.
Now, as Technoblade's founded the Syndicate, he's grown a little more comfortable showing affection to others, especially Philza and Ranboo. Niki's a little new, but Techno knows that someday soon he'll trust her enough to braid through her hair, and put his trust in her completely.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Little Home (Deladore) - Candy Cane
A/N: soooo… i know i havent exactly been around lately. im dealing with a lot  of things atm (like most people lol) but i managed to get this out for the rare pair challenge! i think its a cute ship and i really hope that u enjoy @drag-race-jedi <3 im also working on the third installment of Everything is Color, and i have planned it out so that the series is at least five works so we’ll see how that goes sdfsdgf hope yall enjoy this lil fic for today tho
Summary: Adore was always a clutz.
Adore has been trying very hard for the last hour to not get in Dela’s way, and she would probably be more successful if she just sat still in a different room, but she loves watching her girlfriend in the kitchen. And even more than that she loves helping her girlfriend in the kitchen. The singer can admit she’s an awful fucking cook on top of being a giant clutz, she just doesn’t allow either of those things stop her. Tonight is very special though, as they’re throwing a dinner party to christen the new house they’re renting out together.
It’s a small house, only one bedroom since they really don’t need a ton of space. The big appeal lies in that it’s near each of their jobs and the parts of town that they frequent the most. By no means was it an easy find, but it’s perfect for them. Adore loves that she gets to have her own home with the person she is fairly certain is the love of her life, who is currently flying about the kitchen in a frenzy trying to get everything ready.
They have one more hour until all four of the people they invited start arriving and Adore is getting worried for Dela. The older woman is clearly stressed, wearing a nervous frown as she completes each task as best as she can. While Adore knows she’s not really being helpful trailing after Dela like a dejected puppy, she’s not sure what else she could do.
“Babe…” Adore whines, big pleading eyes looking down at Dela with a very convincing pout, “I wanna help!”
Dela sighs from where she’s standing at the counter, knife in hand as she cuts the mushrooms for her vegetable medley, “And you already set the table?”
“Yeah!” Adore nods eagerly.
“And did the dishes?”
“All the ones you gave me,” Adore says earnestly.
The older purses her lips thoughtfully, “I need to do some touch ups for tonight. Do you think you can cut these and put them in the pan?”
Adore grins, realizing she’s worn down on Dela, “Yup! Go take care of yourself baby, I’ve totally got this!”
Dela smiles softly, “Alright, but be careful. Remember what happened the last time I gave you a knife?”
“I’ll be fine!” Adore insists, shooing her girlfriend back towards the bedroom, “I’ll yell if I need help.”
“Alright…” Dela relents skeptically, quickly disappearing into their bedroom to freshen up for the evening.
She loves Adore, a lot, but her girlfriend is nothing less than a walking disaster. No matter what it seems she manages to find a way to wind up with a new set of scrapes and bruises everyday, even though Dela begs Adore to be more careful. Still, most nights Dela finds herself forcing Adore to put a bandaid on a particularly bad cut, or put ice on especially nasty bruises. While Dela worries and is often frustrated by Adore’s unusual habit, she loves being able to take care of her.
It didn’t take long for her to come to that conclusion. However, it did take a while to become completely comfortable with that conclusion. She feels all warm and soft inside whenever Adore gives her a kiss and a ‘thank you’ after she takes care of her. Though what she loves most is knowing that Adore is safe, and healthy.
Just minutes after starting to redo her hair, Dela hears a loud yelp from the kitchen. She quickly sets down her hair brush and heads back to the kitchen, a worried shout of “Adore?!” on her lips.
This has to be a new record, Dela thinks, a little amused at the thought but mostly concerned for her disastrous girlfriend.
The first thing she sees upon entering the kitchen is Adore hunched over the cutting board, one hand gripping the other tightly, long hair covering her face, and her shoulders visibly quivering.
Dela runs up to her and wraps her arms tightly around the taller girl, then reaches out for her clearly injured hand. There’s blood dripping from her hand onto the cutting board and all over the mushrooms, the sight of which causing Dela to feel a little sick and very worried.
“Let me see,” Dela says, attempting to pry Adore’s hands apart so that she can survey how bad the cut really is. She hopes it’s not actually very deep, that Adore is just being dramatic, but there’s really no telling quite yet.
“I’m okay,” Adore says through clenched teeth, not letting Dela look at her hand.
“Honey, please,” Dela begs softly, moving Adore’s hair out of the way to look into her eyes.
Adore sucks in a sharp breath and slowly reveals her hand to Dela, whispering a very quiet, “I’m sorry.”
Upon gently taking her hand to inspect it further Dela discovers that the cut is surprisingly shallow, it’s just deep enough to bleed a lot but not deep enough to mean any real damage was done. She sighs in relief, and kisses Adore’s cheek softly. She’s mostly just glad that Adore isn’t severely hurt, as that would not make for a fun evening for any of them.
“Accidents happen, but maybe I shouldn’t leave you unsupervised in the kitchen anymore,” Dela reassures her teasingly.
Adore giggles wetly, rubbing roughly at the tears collecting in the corner of her eyes with her good hand, “Yeah, that’s… that’s probably a good idea.”
Dela pulls Adore over to the sink, carefully eyeing the way Adore grips her wounded hand, “Sweetness, I have to clean it.”
“I know,” Adore pouts, “It just hurts even more when you do though!”
“I’m sorry, I know,” Dela soothes, turning on the sink faucet and guiding Adore’s hand underneath the warm, low pressure water.
After rinsing it with water thoroughly, Dela pours hydrogen peroxide over the wound, shushing and soothing Adore the whole time. The younger whines and grumbles through the whole thing, and Dela feels terrible for it, she does, but she knows how necessary it is and doesn’t allow her girlfriend to pout her way out of it. She pats it dry with a paper towel, presses a cotton pad onto the wound, then wraps that in medical grade tape from their first aid box.
“There!” Dela finishes with her signature smile, “All done.”
“Thank you, baby,” Adore says, leaning forward to kiss Dela. It lasts a few more seconds than she had planned, but in no way does she complain.
“Anything for my girl,” Dela murmurs.
It’s an exciting way to start their new life in this new home, Dela can’t deny that it’s very… them, though. She knows the rest of the night will be fun, and that Adore will animatedly tell the story of why her hand is all wrapped up with all the excitement of an eight year old. Dela loves that she knows her girlfriend so well. She loves that they trust each other so thoroughly, so deeply.
Dela has never had anyone like this in her life before, someone to take care of and someone that will gladly take care of her. Like any other couple, they need different things from each other. That’s part of why they are so perfect together. Dela is certain this is what she wants for the rest of her life. She’s certain she wants this.
Adore grins at her with love and confidence, with warm and heart, and Dela knows that this is what she wants to. It works. They work. Perfectly, just like this.
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numbaoneflaya · 3 years
Can I get a list of all ur ocs?
Well anon youve done it, you made me make a list of all my major OCS in one place. I hope your happy with yourself. Under the cut for obvious reasons, may link in my blog desc later.
Modern/BTD verse!!
Jilly- Ferret beastkin little creature, was recently turned into a werewolf by vincent as well so she's running around on full moons in a wereferret wolf hybrid creature form. Chaotic and friendly and wants to be everyone's bestie. She has the most energy in the world and is very kind hearted. Banned from most Claires for stealing and from one Home Depot for climbing the shelves. Prone to living life with rose colored glasses on and seeing the best in everything/everything even when there's nothing there. Socialization is a must for her and is why being basemented/kidnapped broke her psych so quickly and developed severe stockholm. Sometimes overly talkative/enthusiastic and can scare people off. Even if she sees someone shes decided shes friends with be noticeably 'evil', will convince herself it must be for some reason/her fault and ignore it.
Ciggy- Undead punk still learning to harness his powers to interact with the world as a ghost. Was sacrificed by a cult he joined for free concert tickets and to get laid. Likes to cause problems on purpose both pre and prior death and he's not above possessing someone once he learns how to. Was called Rooster in high school before he dropped out because he's loud, obnoxious and always screaming. And also has bright red dyed hair. Looking 4 ways to become less ghosty bcs he wants to be able to help raise his infant daughter, whom he died before he could meet. Bit annoying and in your face, likes poking at bruises, his or others. Kind of a sad heart seeking attention through volume and persistence.
Mike: Vampire loser! Sells drugs and lives at raves. Was turned when she was attacked by a coked out vampire (whom she supplied the product to) and has major scarring on her face and chest. Needs a somewhat constant influx of blood so shell sometimes take victims back to her place and chain them up, slowly draining them over time. Feels bad (ish) about it tho so it is possible to survive her if you are nice and or interesting enough. Kind of desperate for a friend and for love. Is a stalker. If she likes you enough/finds you interesting, she might just appear in your house one night and start rummaging through your fridge like nothing is wrong and youve been besties for years. Its best to indulge her and be friendly, otherwise she could turn violent quickly if her feelings are hurt.
Kilaine- Regular human woman, but fucked up. Born and raised by an elite waspy society she had an interest in the human body and pain tolerance since she was young. Quickly learned that these traits were socially unacceptable in most professions, so she became a doctor. The only family she cared about was her younger sister who she lost in a car accident, where they were flipped over and trapped inside while it was afire. While her sister burned up in front of her Kilaine only lost her left arm and had major burns on her body. This tipped her descent into sadism and she is now madly obsessed with bringing her sister back no matter the cost. Rude and offstandish, clinical.
Dragon age verse!
Thurwen- My main Hero of Ferelden with a bad temper and a heart of gold. City elf from the Denerim Alienage, 18 at the start of origins. She's a reaver warrior with a lot of pent up rage which sometimes scares others when she lets it out in battle. Over the years she's grown less moody as she's had to take the role of Commander. Crude sense of humor and violent impulses, very sensitive to the plights of others and tries often to help. Never seen crying in public but only cries to herself at night- major martyr and hanged man complex.
Caz- My circle mage elf inquisitor who was an apostate before the conclave. Blood magic, but make it sneaky. Wary of strangers and new faces, always dealing with the impulse to flee/find a high vantage point. Endless curiosity about the unknown/ the forbidden/ naughty, was supposed to be made tranquil for it but she escaped. Kind of a little creature as well, lived on her own for a while as an apostate in the woods, filed her teeth down to sharp ends to make herself look more intimidating (shes 5 ft tall) and less cute (her elf ears are huge and expressive, which shes embarrassed about)
Dag and Thagna- Carta twins! Professional lyrium smugglers since birth pretty much. Raised casteless in dust town and had to work their way up the chain of command by themselves. Dag is the brother, Thagna the sister. Their father traded them to the carta for drinking money and their mom died in childbirth so they have somewhat of a codependent relationship. Both charismatic and calculating, friendly and agreeable but won't hesitate to put a dagger in your back. Hard to pin down morally or physically, squirrelly bastards.
Reila: Dalish elf who works for the inquisition/ is the inquisitor in some aus. She has an extreme fixation on elvhen history and rebuilding what they have lost. Not a people person, prefers solitude. Takes some time to warm up to shemhlen as she has a hard history with them. Good friends with Caz, who recruited her in the first place. Doesn't understand very many social cues and finds societal expectations limiting and frustrating. Fondness for halla and hooved animals, which she finds graceful.
Elder scrolls verse!
Valkya: Near seven foot nord woman whos over a thousand years old by the events of skyrim. Tall and buff, two handed warrior and compulsive hero there to bask in the spotlight save the day. She was killed at the start of the events of Elder scrolls online and had her soul ripped out and sent to coldharbor and she's just been a pain in the ass about it since then. Her body can physically die and will not regrow pieces. Her soul however will escape and teleport to the nearest source of power where her body will regrow from an aetherial plasm until its whole again. Loud and brash, friendly and jovial. Actually pretty keen especially after centuries of life but prefers to play dumb as it makes people underestimate her. Plus, she really does enjoy mud wrestling and drinking contests and acting generally like a rambunctious frat boy. Ha developed a bit of a substance problem and a problem with acting out, as after being alive so long she would turn to anything to dull the ache inside of her that never goes away.
Espira- My Dragonborn! Redguard from Hammerfell who was briefly in the Ash’abah due to killing undead while protecting her parents water farm as a child. Ran away from them after years and went to Cyrodille, then to Skyrim and was caught crossing the border. Reserved, kind and soft spoken, she's a sword and shield warrior who's committed herself to doing good in the world by helping others. Dislikes killing and anything messy but believes it is often necessary in order to protect the weak. She blacksmiths often to save money on the upkeep of her own equipment, and takes up metal jewelry working as a hobby with the excess material. Prone to trusting others too much and giving too many second chances, as shes always looking for ways to make even the most hardened criminal a second look at life.
Riley- Espiras little brother who she locked in the wardrobe during the event of the water farm attack. In preventing him from doing violence against the undead she kept him from being conscripted into the Ash’abah. He's way more chaotic than his sister, and suffers from a case of little sibling syndrome in which he will often pester/poke at people just to get a rise out of them. Still kind hearted as his sister, he tries to hide it because he believes that the world is a cruel place and the cruel survive. Despite that belief he is often still unable to force himself to be cruel/careless, only making a show of it so that others leave him alone and don't see that he's very sensitive and emotional. Deaf in one ear due to a magic mishap in his youth, he trained and enchanted his most beloved rats to live for years and sit on his shoulder, alerting him to noises he would not otherwise notice.
Felria: Evil vamp :/ chaotic evil dunmer necromancer. Small and devilish and likes dead bodies too much. Manipulative and cunning, she loves acting. She's a trained assassin for the dark brotherhood and is the speaker. Likes dressing up for missions and wearing disguises like its all a play. Loves toying with people more than she loves killing them, will act in ways that cause as much trauma as possible for other people just for fun and she finds the reactions interesting. Considers herself too far removed from most people's perception of morality and of her so it's hard for her to trust someone or see them as worthy of knowing her. Finds the psychology of grief and fear to be interesting and wants to study them first hand. The hero of kvatch.
Herren: Fifty something year old rat woman looking for something to keep her going. Ran away from her wealthy family in her youth when they wanted her to take charge of the household, instead became an infamous jewel thief and swashbuckler. Spent most of her life traveling and stealing and double dealing. She's smarmy and sarcastic, a serial romancer of the highest caliber. Bit of a show off and a hedonist, always looking for the next good party or new product to snort. Her family died off due to the hard times she wasn't there for and she keeps looking for bigger and bigger heists to fill her appetite as she's chronically bored and lonely, though wont accept intimacy and will scoff at it out of the belief she doesn't deserve it. Irresponsible and selfish, lonely and terrified of any sort of commitment. Fun to party with though!
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hey there! could i request a yandere dragon bakugou (hcs or scenario, ur choice!) where he comes back to his den to find his darling missing? he leaves to go look for her and finds her on her way back to the den with a bag in tow, full of shiny objects for his hoard. she went back to her home, perhaps it was a cabin of sorts where she was keeping the items should she need to sell them for money, (1/2)
abbut now that she’s with him she doesn’t exactly need them anymore and decides he would appreciate having it more? for the plot (and angst) maybe she got a little scratched up during the trek and is sporting a few cuts or bruises when he finds her. i absolutely love your writing, and if this is too much i totally understand, you can ignore it! hope you’re doing alright!!! (2/2) 
Thank you so much! And thank you for your patience im sorry this took me forever ToT
I did a little bit of both! I hope you dont mind. 
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-When Bakugou comes back to the den from a hunt and finds you gone he is going to be p i s s e d
-He thought the two of you had finally gotten past this little game where you would run away and make him have to come chase you down, but clearly he hadn’t nailed it into that stupid brain of yours enough
-Don’t you know how dangerous it is out in those woods without him to protect you? A fragile little thing like you would get squashed in seconds without him there to protect you from everything...including youself in some cases
-Originally he is stewing as he abandons his kill to stalk out into the forest to find you, already thinking of punishments to unleash on you once he drags your ass back to the den, stewing about ways to make sure they stick this time
-All that melts away after about 10 minutes
-In the past he has always immediately been able to find you, your clumsy human foot steps or scent always immediately alerting him to where you went and where you are. Even when he plays with you and lets you run longer to get that energy out and show you how hopeless it really is to run for him he’s never had you out of his sight for more than 5 minutes during any escape attempt
-But this time you’re /gone/  you must have left near immediately after he had left you, curled up and sleeping peacefully in his nest, he couldn’t hear or smell you anywhere near by
-Throws this boy into a complete panic when he realizes that you could be anywhere you could be hurt or bleeding or dead for all he knew! 
-Normally he likes to hunt you down in his fully human or only partially shifted forms, to really show off and rub it in your face how he doesnt even need to be at his best to hunt your wimpy ass down
-This time though he is fully shifted in seconds, taking to the sky, scanning desperately for any sign of you
-It may take a little bit with how small you are in comparison to the forest but he will find you no matter what it takes. 
-When he finally spots you, stumbling through the forest with a dumb little bag that was clearly too heavy for your fragile little arms to be carrying by the way you kept stumbling around was any indication. 
-He immediately nosedives down towards you, a terrifying sight to see, even when you do know exactly who the dragon is and that he probably isnt trying to eat you
-He shifts in the arm, damn near toppling you over as he lands right next to you just to immediately scoop you up in his arms, clutching you like a life line as he immediately starts rubbing up against you
-He is not crying, damn it
-It only takes him a moment or two rubbing against you, covering you with his scent again before he realizes that you are scratched up and dirty, causing him to bristle in even more anger than he already had been in
-Immediately chews you out, lecturing you as he takes the bag from you, carrying both you and the bag back to his den, ranting and lecturing you the whole way, pretending like you both don’t notice how he is still shaking
-”What the fuck were you thinking, dumbass?! You could’ve gotten hurt! I don’t have time to look after your pathetic little human ass!” 
-He’ll turn bright red when you tell him whats in the bag and why you risked getting in trouble with him to go fetch it. Immediately your lecturing angry dragon boyfriend will be a blushing pouting mess as he takes you into his den
-”You should’ve told me...Idiot. I could’ve taken you.”
-He stares longingly at the bag as he sets it down, his instincts clearly calling for him to root through the bag and add the collection to his horde, to make sure to put his mates gifts in plain sight so everyone will see how much his mate cares for him, how perfect and beautiful his mate is
-His mate was so perfect she brought him more stuff for his horde, perfect stuff, and he was going to show that off
-He needed to return the favor for his mate, get them shiney things to cover their body in to show that he owns them, to show off that they had taken the first step in courting him and he had returned the favor they wanted him just as much as he wanted them 
-But he knows that his mate was injured in their travels and first and foremost he needed to take care of that
-He’s surprisingly tender as he scoops you up, tsking in annoyance at how filthy you were
-for someone who lives in the forest the man sure doesn’t like dirt, especially on you
-he’ll wrap you up tight in his arms and carry you to the nearby hotspring, demanding to clean you and take care of you instead of hovering annoyingly close like he usually does
-You better get use to it he is going to be clingy as hell for awhile, if not indefinitely now that you had taken the final step in courting him
-You had gone out of your way to court him in the dragon way (it doesn’t even cross his mind it was an accident and you didn’t know you were just being thoughtful) half of him wonders if he should wonder down to a human village and learn how to court you in the human way too, just to be fair
-Or he could just ask you. That would be less fun though. You surprised him it was only fair he showed he was just as good (if not better) of a mate as you were. 
“K-katsuki!” You flushed squirming on his lap as the dragon growled down at you, easily holding you still with one hand as the other slid down your calf, cleaning off the dirt and scowling at the scratches and bruises that littered that area. It had been a slow process, the dragon insisting on inspecting you from top to bottom, starting with your head and working his way down, scowling and grumbling as he spent extra time at each and every little scrape or bruise he discovered as if they had personally insulted him. “This is why you should never leave anywhere without me, stupid. You’re too fragile to wonder off on your own.” he growled and grumbled as he moved to the other leg, being remarkably gentle and careful with his grip and touch on your wounds as he washed that leg too. “I know...I just wanted to surprise you.” You pouted back down at him, biting down any argument over tiny cuts and being able to take care of yourself since you knew the dragon was still on very volatile ground. He may have chosen to forgive you thanks to your surprise gift but that could change at any moment if you made the wrong move. “Yeah well...” he huffed pouting slightly in response, grumbling to himself as he finally set down your leg his hand moving to rest back on your hips, lifting you up with ease, ignoring your flustered squealing as your bare form was lifted out of the water. “Quiet down.” he huffed rolling his eyes as he turned you around, grabbing your legs and forcing them around his torso as he pulled you close, hands sliding down to hold your ass as he held you up, pushing you against his chest as he relaxed in the hot water. “Honestly I’ll never understand you humans and your insistence at being covered. I know what you look like anyway.” He huffed softly leaning his head back against the rocks that lined the spring, tension relaxing from his body. He finally had you here tucked into his arms, safe and sound, and he could relax as hot water lapped away any knots and tension that still clung to his body.  
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that-good-trash · 4 years
That Should Be Me
Kaminari x Reader
Word count: 4,153
Warnings: None
Summary: You were everything to Kaminari, and he was everything to you. So why did he feel like he lost you? Was there a way to get you back?
Comments: Just a nice little romance fic that I threw together to try and cure my writers block. Enjoy.
The world was such a colorfully gorgeous place when you were in love. The sun seemed to shine brightly with warm rays that blanket over you. The best mornings were when you would wake up to sweet texts reminding you how beautiful you were and how much they missed you. The way your eye lite up when you looked at your phone caused your classmates to tease you. You couldn’t help how you felt so much emotion for your boyfriend. He was average to anyone else but to you he was amazing. He didn’t go to the same school as you, he didn’t go to school for being a hero at all. In fact, you had only met him by accident. You had been getting coffee for you and the girls. You hadn’t taken into consideration how many drinks there was gonna be and how you were gonna carry all of them. With two drink holders full in your arms you attempted to leave. One of the drink carriers fell out of your grip when the door didn’t open completely. You watched with horror as the drinks almost hit the ground. A boy had caught them in the holder, not spilling a drop. He looked just as nervous about them falling. He lifted the drinks up and went to give them to you but found he couldn’t. Your sparkling E/c eyes shimmered with gratitude. They were like whirlpools dragging him in. His mouth went dry trying to think of anything to say but lacked the ability to.
“Thank you so much!!!!” You grabbed the drinks from him waiting for him to reply but he didn’t. You awkwardly waved a few fingers since you couldn’t use your hand. You walked past him but stopped when he yelled for you.
“Go on a date with me!” You stopped and couldn’t turn because your cheeks were red. He almost screamed at himself because he had yelled it in front of everyone. You set the drinks down on one of the free outdoor table before quickly writing down on your phone number on your cup. You carried the drink to him and handed to him.
“That’s my favorite drink, you can treat me to one next time.” You weren’t dumb or completely shy like most people assumed. He was not expecting you to give him your drink and he definitely wasn’t expecting it to have your number on it. A huge grin spread across his face before you grabbed your friend’s drinks and fled before he could say anything else embarrassing.
That was a month ago and the two of you spent most of your free time together. You would go on dates and talk on the phone for hours. You had been scolded by Iida on more than one occasion for being on your phone during class. You and him were a loving cute couple. He was attending a normal high school with dreams of becoming a biologist. You supported him and he listened to you talk about hero things. The difference was that while you gave him your support, he didn’t seem to like the idea of you being a hero. The first fight you had was over your ‘reckless’ behavior. During training you missed an attack and received the brutal end of Kirishima’s fist. Kirishima felt so bad as you laughed at the swollen bruise across your cheek. You told him it was a good hit and it didn’t bother you. This bothered your boyfriend. He didn’t like you putting your life on the line. You stopped talking about school to avoid upsetting him. You loved being a student at UA and you loved him. You just tried to find the perfect balance of both of them. Though the more time you spent with your boyfriend the less you spent with your best friends.
“What does he have that I don’t!” Kaminari’s whining could be heard down the corridors of UA. He had thrown his head back running his hands down his face. Kirishima laughed while walking ahead of him next to Bakugou who was trying his best to ignore the bitching blonde. Mina rubbed Kaminari’s back in a fake comforting way.
“He’s got Y/n, that’s what he’s got.” Sero had to dodge his besties fist. He laughed while hiding behind Mina who rolled her eyes but was also laughing.
“Denki!!!” Your voice cut through the chatter of the crowds around them. You rushed around the students and directly into Kaminari’s waiting embrace. He wrapped his arms tightly around you before spinning. You giggled and to anyone watching they’d think you two were dating. Actually, until you told your classmates about your boyfriend, they all thought you and Denki were a couple.  Mina wanted so badly to be able to support both of you but it was hard since you were happy with someone else and Kaminari so desperately wanted to be with you.
“What’s up babe?” That was the thing with Kaminari, he came off as a playboy. He was smirking at you with the pet name slipping from his lips. You giggled since you were so used to it by now. He was your best friend. However, Kaminari wished you knew how much he wanted to be with you. He wanted the pet name to be real, not just something he said with false confidence. You knew he was playing around but he actually wasn’t. The term was enduring, and he wanted to tell you but couldn’t. Especially now looking at the diamond necklace around your neck with your first initial and your boyfriends.
“Denki! You better not be looking at my chest!” Kaminari flushed red and looked at his friends for help. Sero was laughing manically, clutching his middle while holding onto Mina for dear life. Bakugou had already abandon all of them to go to class. Kirishima looked like he wanted to follow the blasty boy but waited for the rest of their friends. “I wasn’t staring, I was admiring your necklace.”
You believed him, or at least the smile that spread across your face seemed like you had. You lifted the necklace holding the charms between your fingers. Oh boy how he wished you would look at him like you looked at the chain around your throat. You returned your attention to him letting the necklace drop against your skin.
“Denki. I want you to come to dinner with me tonight.” Kaminari almost fainting at your statement. You had Mina and Sero’s jaws on the ground. “I want all of you to come to dinner with me and meet my boyfriend”
There it was, there had been no way you were actually asking him and he was let down. He knew he shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up. Mina and Sero looked at their friend with pity. Sero bit his fist shaking his head, hurting for his buddy being done dirty like that. Kirishima smiled and nodded, he would be acting as the ambassador of the Bakusquad in Bakugou’s absence.
“We’d love to. When did you want to have this dinner?” Kaminari felt betrayed by Kirishima even though he wouldn’t be able to tell you no. “Tonight at 7, we have reservations at that Chinese hot pot place downtown. I hope that’s okay with you guys.”
“Sounds amazing, we’ll be there.” Kirishima flashed you his manly smile which you returned. You hugged Kaminari before running off to class. Kaminari was frozen not wanting to move. He had a permanent pout as his friends dragged him off to class. He would try to play nice but if a plug malfunctions and electrocutes your boyfriend it can’t really be helped. He thought about a million excuses to use to get out of this. He already had a hard time watching you text or hearing you talk about your boyfriend. He would literally die if he had to watch it with his own eyes.
“I’m not going.” Kaminari had his arms crossed while leaning against Kirishima’s door. Kirishima raised a brow before pursing his lips in annoyance. He was going to scold Kaminari about how unmanly that was but Bakugou beat him to it. “If I have to fucking go so do you dunce face.”
“But” Mina walked in through the open doorway pouting at his attempts to bail. They knew he liked you and that his was hard but they wouldn’t let him hurt you like that.  “No buts except yours out that door and to the hot pot place. We can’t keep them waiting.”
A groan of frustration and heartache escaped as Mina dragged in out by his wrist. Kirishima laughed walking out with an annoyed Bakugou. Sero was downstairs waiting for his friends and when he saw Kaminari he slapped his back. “It’s okay, if you wanna bail later just say you got a stomach ache and leave.”
With his friends by his side and a good back up plan to bail in his pocket Kaminari was ready to face his fear.
Laugher broke out amongst your friends as they made fun of something you had done during training a week prior. Your face was red from laughing so much and you were wheezing. Your friends just kept throwing out stories about you which flattered but also embarrassed you. Bakugou elbowed Kirishima when he leaned over mentioning the angry blondes soft spot for you. Sero chimed in mentioning how you were allowed to insult Bakugou playfully and not die. Mina talked about how gorgeous you looked in literally anything but also how you owned a lot of stupid clothing pieces. You choked on water before smacking her hand. She shrugged talking about how you owned mens Hawaiian style shirts and light up glasses.
Every time you laughed you would look at your boyfriend to see if he was enjoying himself. He was quiet but smiling. He would laugh once in a while which made you extremely happy. You wanted your best friends to get along with your boyfriend. As much fun as this was you weren’t completely happy because your favorite person wasn’t happy. Kaminari hadn’t contributed to the conversations and barely touched the food. Every once in awhile he would smile or nod along. It made you sad, broke your heart. Did he not feel well? You excused yourself to the bathroom to think of a plan on how to get him to tell you what was wrong. You skirt lifted up pretty high when you jumped up. Mina giggled when she caught sight of your underwear. You could be ditzy at times so you didn’t even notice it happen. Bakugou growled at your stupidity while Kaminari’s hand shot out pulling the fabric back down. He wasn’t even looking at you when he did it. You turned watching his hand return to his side. You didn’t catch the dark aura that surrounded your boyfriend but your friends did. Without any words you ran off. Sitting on the toilet you watched your phone screen typing and retyping questions for Kaminari. Eventually you dropped your head. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Y/n?” Mina called out for you as she entered the bathroom. She didn’t like the tension that was surrounding the table so she left to check on you. You opened the stall and she saw the sadness in your eyes. “What’s wrong.”
You got up and walked into her waiting arms. She hugged and rocked you slightly. The one thing about the Bakusquad was they were very protective of you. She knew something was bothering you even before you left the table.
“I think Denki is mad at me.” Mina was actually surprised by your statement. Never would she expect you to think that. Kaminari never gave the impression that he was upset with you, even today she thought he just gave the aura that he didn’t want to be around your boyfriend, not you. He always looked at you with admiration and longing. He was an idiot but not dumb enough to hurt your feelings. That’s why he was here. “Kaminari isn’t mad at you, he’s just being dumb. He doesn’t like your boyfriend.”
She knew that saying it was controversial and would cause problems but she had to say it so you didn’t think ill of him. You looked so confused. “Why?”
What could she say? Hey Kaminari is in love with and he can’t stand to see you with another guy. Or maybe she could say, hey the moment you left your boyfriend stared down the boys with a look that was laced with possession and jealousy. Bakugou looked like he wanted to kill him and Sero looked physically uncomfortable and usually he was the one that got along with everyone. She didn’t want to start drama.
“Well, um. He doesn’t like when other guys are around you. He’s kind of protective of you.” You looked unconvinced.
“I hang out with guys in class all the time, how is this different? This is my boyfriend. I just you guys to all get along.” Your hands play with the ends of your skirt and she just wants to hug you and leave the boys to take care of this. That’s not how this night was about to go. Outside the bathroom in the private seating area you had reserved things were heating up and not because the hot pot.
“You don’t own Y/n!” Bakugou snapped at your boyfriend who made a comment about how you should wear more modest clothes around boys. Kirishima was pissed along side the hot head.
“I don’t own her but she is MY girlfriend. She shouldn’t be showing her panties to every guy around her. Also, it seems like you guys have sleepovers together. That’s gonna stop. She will not be spending the night with a bunch of guys like some kind of whore.” Bakugou was ready to attack but he didn’t have to, Kaminari slammed his fist into your boyfriend’s face. The sound of his knuckles meeting the boy’s jaw could be heard through the thin paper doors. “She’s not a whore and you’re a fucking asshole.”
Bakugou smirked while Kirishima told him to stop. Your boyfriend rubbed his face before hitting Kaminari back. You ran out with Mina when you heard yelling. You ended up walking up as Kaminari hit him again. You screamed for him to stop and his blood ran cold. You witnessed him as the bad guy and he never wanted that to happen. He watched the harsh glare you sent him as you held onto your boyfriends bleeding face. “Y/n it’s not what you think!”
“Don’t… Just don’t.” You left with disappointment in your eyes. Your boyfriend won and the real story was never told. The Bakusquad knew the truth and were willing to tell you since they wanted you to break up with him. Kaminari left ignoring his friends. He harshly rubbed angry tears into his hoodie as he walked the darkening streets. He just wanted to protect you. He knew that guy was right for you and now he just lost the ability to prove he could love you the way you deserved to be.
“You can’t hang out with them anymore.” You had been icing your boyfriends’ nose when he spoke up, he was dead serious. You were mad but not mad enough to end friendships over this. “But they’re my friends.”
“Aren’t I your boyfriend? Don’t you care about me? That crazy red eyed demon said horrible things to me and that electric idiot hit me. How can you defend them when I’m bleeding?” You were mad when he called your friends insulting names. You knew this was a bad first impression but you didn’t want to tear apart your life because of this. You looked at him and he stared back with a stern look. You felt guilty like this was all your fault. “For now, I’ll give them space but I don’t think I can stop being their friend.”
This was a small victory for him but a lose for you. You couldn’t imagine a world where they weren’t in it, but this is what he wanted and you loved him, right?
A few days passed and you hadn’t talked to your friends and it was killing you. They didn’t avoid you so it was even harder. Kirishima tried to talk to you but you just ran off. Sero and Mina cornered you but you escaped. Bakugou tracked you down but you hid in the girl’s bathroom for hours till he gave up. Kaminari hadn’t gone after you and that part broke your heart even more. You wanted to ask him what had happened but couldn’t get yourself to go against your boyfriend’s words. This whole fucked up scenario and started affecting your work and training. You were distracted and tired. Everyone could see what that boy was doing to you, expect you, you couldn’t see his manipulation. Deep down you knew, how could you not. It was just hard to think that he was bad when he was so caring in the beginning.
“Y/n!” You couldn’t run when the whole squad excluding Kaminari approached you. They had you trapped, no where left to run. “Okay, tell me what happened.”
You stood in your UA uniform leaning against the fence surrounding the park that you had many lunch dates with your boyfriend at. You had texted him to meet you. Your friends had told you what was said by the man you were supposed to trust and love. You didn’t want to believe it but it had to be true. They wouldn’t hurt you unless they had too. You knew what needed to be done even if it hurt and left you with scars on your heart. The breeze blowing by lifted your skirt which you pushed down to avoid another incident like at the restaurant. You look up and see your boyfriend smiling at you. He hugs you before you can speak. “I was gonna ask you to meet up with me and then you texted me, what perfect timing.”
You wondered what he wanted to talk about and the possibility of him telling you the truth popped into your mind. You hoped he wanted to own what he had said and done. Oh boy were you wrong. “What did you want to talk about?”
“Oh, I wanted to tell you that I think you should quit UA. I think being a hero is to draining and it doesn’t look good on you. Your always getting injured and that hurts me. I can’t worry about you. I don’t want to have to fight for your attention. That school is bad for you. You should transfer to my school; you’d look better in our uniform anyway.” Talk about a blow to your chest. He hit you where it hurt. You loved UA and your dream, that you mentioned all the time, was to be an amazing hero. He wanted you to give up who you were to be his, his arm candy. You were strong, courageous, heroic but to him you were clumsy, reckless, and in over your head. You wanted to believe that he meant well but this wasn’t at all in your favor. You were a doll and everything your friends told you made perfect sense and fit directly into this puzzle. A puzzle you no longer wanted to be a piece of. “I’ll give you time to think about it.”
“No…No? What do you mean no.” He was looking at you with distain, like you just spit on his new shoes.
“I’m not leaving UA. Actually, the only thing I’m leaving is you.” You wore your confidence proudly. A girl passing by yelled that she was proud of you and that fuck him. You had to bite back the laugh that wanted to escape. You crossed your arms waiting for his response. He nodded and started pacing. He looked pissed, his lip twitching. He turned toward you dropping his arms by his sides and walked toward you. You stood your ground as he looked down at you. You looked him over before staring into his burning eyes. He was heavily breathing and for a moment you thought he was gonna hit you. “You’re a stupid whore anyway and I don’t need you. Have fun with your fucking gang bang.”
“I will.” He hadn’t expected you to get the last word and so proudly spoken to. You threw him off guard but he punched you off your feet. You were on your ass stunned. He turned to leave and you saw the girl from a moment ago yelling while running toward him. Another person came running cause your ex to ditch out. You helped yourself up thanking the strangers. Beside the pain of your swollen lip you felt good, free. You headed home with a slight pep in your step.
“Denki?” Kaminari was waiting outside the dorm building. He turned wanting to apologize but stopped. He saw your lip and felt rage course through his veins. He stormed passed you but you caught his arms stopping him. “He did this to me but it’s okay. I broke up with him. It’s actually why he did it. Fuck him though, right.”
You were smiling despite your bruised lip. Your eyes gleamed with life and happiness again, it was enough to calm Kaminari’s anger, for now. He sighed before going back into the dorm building. He returned with an ice pack. He held it to your lip earning him a huge smile from you. He smiled back at you causing your heart to clench. You hadn’t realized how much you missed him till he was in front of you. You lean against his side while he ices your wound. “Hey Denki, Mina told me you didn’t like my boyfriend before all the fighting happened. What made you hate him prior to meeting him?”
He could have lied and lived with the truth forever but he needed you. He loved you and would give up anything for you to realize that. This was the moment he could free himself from carrying this burden. If you broke his heart, he would still love you and be your best friend.
“I hated him because he had the most important thing in my life and I didn’t. He had your love, your heart. I, I love you and just wished that I could have been him.” He was red and he was sure he was about to go into cardiac arrest but hey he said it. You had wished that he had told you before, before all this shit had to happen. You wished that you never went out with that asshole but chased after Kaminari. You had liked him all this time but thought he was just being nice and flirting because that’s who he was. Hearing him be shy yet confident and tell you made you realize you could have had this all along. A happy ending with your favorite person. You started crying and hit him which made him think he fucked up. You held into his shirt sobbing while looking at him. He was scared and hated himself for making you cry.
“Y/N please don’t cry! I’m sorry, you don’t have to like me.” You hit him again before hugging him. He hugged you back with no hesitation. “I don’t hate you idiot. I just wish you saved me the heart break and told me earlier. I love you too Denki.”
His heart stopped and you actually could physically feel him breathing, you let go and waved a hand in front of his eyes. He looked like he had just overused his quirk but with a little more shock and less stupid. You felt like you should get somebody but before you could escape you were grabbed. His arms held you tightly against his body, his breath hot against your ear. “I hope you realize what you’re getting yourself into.”
“Denki, I’m well aware and willing.” You giggled and pressed your nose to his. He countered your cute sentiment with his own. His lips gently pressed into your own with hope that it wouldn’t be painful for you. There were sparks which was cliché and almost ironic but nonetheless there were sparks. Your lips moved forming themselves perfectly against his. Despite the swelling and bruising you felt that this was exactly how your first kiss should have gone. It could have lasted forever but that was unrealistic. You had to pull away to breathe. He laughed and your foreheads met when he leaned down, his arms holding your waist. You didn’t know it but there were now pictures and recordings of this timeless moment because a certain group was watching. They were happy for the both of you. Bakugou though made a mental note to take the squad out later to find your ex and repay him for your lip.
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3laxx · 3 years
A Fate Like This
It hadn’t taken long for the demon to be attracted to her emotions. Strong and dark, a true feast. In the early morning hours, they had slipped into her room, taken Luz’s form, with pointy witch ears, but it had been enough to fool Amity. It wasn’t like she had protested much, though. --- When their relationship hits an abrupt stop, Amity gives in to the dark side. It's just too unfair how tempting it can be.
Yeah, I literally just wanted to write a little Creepy!Luz and Villain!Amity. Kinda inspired by the "Say My Name" animatic on YouTube, by HiroyukiAnimation YT, I just really liked Amity's dynamic with turning evil and imagined Luz getting desperate about her girlfriend to pair them. So, I just decided to chuck out this Oneshot xD Enjoy!
Ao3 / FF.net
A sense of confidence immediately filled her.
Amity brushed through her hair and loosened her ponytail before the hairband fell to the floor. Her messy bangs fell into her face.
Maybe she shouldn’t have made a deal with the demon. After all, her parents had warned her about people wanting to profit off her position and wealth.
But their arguments had just been too alluring. They had promised her the confidence to stand up to them, to her bully friends, and to protect Luz. They had said she would finally step out of herself. Reach the potential she was meant to have.
The twins had always belittled her about their skills. How they had excelled at everything before her, better and faster and more impressive than her.
Her parents had always called her the black sheep of the family, behind her back, but she had heard the staff whisper. That she had been an accident, that the twins had been born lucky while she had been lucky that she was born.
She knew all the talk. That she had to study a lot just to be good at school. Her private tutoring to excel. That she was dumb and not worthy to be called a Blight.
It had all just gotten worse when Luz had arrived. Well at first, she had only embarrassed her, but then she had fallen in love with the human, the degenerate wannabe witch and somehow, the elite circles around her had found out.
The twins had looked cool for flirting with Luz, all the while keeping out of reach, but when Amity had started flailing around the human, and blushing, and spending time with her, she had only been downgraded more like a witch, as a person and as one of the Blight heirs.
Fallen in love with a human, such a klutz, too.
She heard that it had to be expected that she wouldn’t keep her head leveled, that she would fall in love like a fool and not keep her emotions at bay. That it served her right to be called a disappointment to her esteemed family.
It had started projecting onto Luz as well. She had been followed, threatened, and even beaten up, without ever being told a reason. Amity knew it was to put a dent into her facade. She was bad news and had tried telling Luz that, but the girl had ignored that and continued to be with Amity.
Even when she had patched Luz up in a dark classroom, softly dabbed the blood from her upper lip, and cried at how badly a beating Luz had taken. Luz wouldn’t back down and Amity knew immediately, that she would be too weak to be with her as well, just like with Willow.
That she would push her away to have her stop hurting. That she would give in to the bullies and the bad voice in her head. That she would give up on Luz just like she did on Willow.
Luz hadn’t let her.
That stupid, stupid human had just kissed her out of nowhere, in that dark classroom while outside, it had been pouring and thundering. Disregarded all the bruises she had received from the bullies and the cuts she had gotten from running away from them. She had just kissed her.
Amity had tried pushing her away but Luz hadn’t let her, instead chased her lips again and at that moment, she had been too weak to resist.
Too weak again.
Tears had flown down her cheeks and Luz had flinched back, asked if it had been her fault when she had felt the salty taste on her lips. Titan, she was so sweet and naïve.
Amity had pulled her back in and desperately pressed their lips together as if Luz had been her oxygen. Outside, it had been thundering, storming, the boiling rain hitting the protective shield around the school, and they had been alone in the classroom while Amity had gotten above Luz, pushed her to sit on her lap and hold onto her, hold so tightly because she had thought she’d lose her again.
For a while, it had gone well.
They had managed to keep their relationship a secret, only getting intimate when they were sure they could not be caught. It had caused them to long for each other, to go deeper each time, to crash their lips together whenever they got the chance.
Amity hadn’t ever anticipated such a fire burning inside Luz, especially with the secrecy surrounding them, but she had explained to her that she never would’ve expected a romantic relationship for herself and had longed for one ever since she had hit puberty.
Even when Luz got beaten up again, they stayed together. Amity patching her up, them assuring each other that they wouldn’t stop, just because some guys had it out for Luz. But Amity knew the truth. They were after her. Hurting her. Showing her that what she was doing was wrong.
Luz hadn’t wanted to hear a word. Every time Amity had tried explaining, Luz had just shut her up and let her hands wander under Amity’s shirt, successfully rendering her a mess. After a few times, the Latina had quickly perfected her technique, learning to be able to take Amity out of commission within a few seconds.
She didn’t exactly know how Luz did it, nor did she care. All she cared about was that Luz was strong enough to be with her.
Until their enemies had gotten stronger.
A picture of them kissing had leaked. The whole school had known within minutes. The whole of Bonesborough within an hour. Her parents had been at school almost immediately, to pick her up. The media had plucked the story apart and the picture had been posted all over social media by the evening.
Not that Amity would’ve gotten the chance to explain herself. Her parents had just locked her into her room, for further notice. And once again, Amity had gotten weak.
To play along, not to fall out of line, to go back into the shadow of her siblings, and to continue to attempt lying to herself, that she was the top student, the most skilled witch and worthy.
When Luz’s light glyph had hovered up to her window, she had been too weak to open it. Even when her twins had knocked on her door and begged her to go to Luz, to be strong enough to rebel, she hadn’t managed to. She was too weak, too caught up in herself, too scared.
Luz had been chased off the property again, and Amity’s heart had broken at her begging, screaming for her.
She had been too weak.
It hadn’t taken long for the demon to be attracted to her emotions. Strong and dark, a true feast.
In the early morning hours, they had slipped into her room, taken Luz’s form, with pointy witch ears, but it had been enough to fool Amity. It wasn’t like she had protested much, though.
The Luz-shaped demon had brushed up to her, voice thick and sweet like honey. They had sympathized with Amity, had whined how unfair it was for her to be born into such a cruel family, such a hopeless situation, and had offered her a deal. Amity had tried to block the demon, locking them out, but her emotions had been too delicious for the demon to ignore.
They had promised things to her.
The necessary confidence to stand up to her parents.
The amazing skills she had trained so hard for but only been able to use a speck of what she had dreamed of.
The power she had sought to have.
The power to herself from ill talking, from her status and her family.
The demon had changed their face, Luz’s face, added bruises and blood. Had tempted her, talked sweet, had promised her that she would never have to see Luz like this again.
She had been weak again.
Too weak to withstand the pressure.
Had shook hands with the demon.
Her back cracked when Amity straightened up, then she grinned. Her eyes changed color, got dyed darker. Until they were redder, darker, less like gold, and more like fire.
Suddenly, she stood taller. Her shoulders weren’t pulled up in self-doubt or hanging like she didn’t care. She kept them squared, asserting her newly established confidence. A grin played around her lips when the demon slipped into her mind and pushed away any doubts. All her emotions were gone in an instant. The demon had sucked them up like a festive meal and only left their control. Amity felt as confident as she had never before.
The smirk that had played around her lips before now turned into a smug grin.
She would no longer let her parents tell her what to do. She was of age and they would not force her to do their bidding anymore.
Her siblings could suck it. She felt the powerful magic surging through her body, enhanced by the demon who feasted on her emotions, and felt that she could do things they would not ever have dreamed of.
And she would teach everyone at school a lesson for beating Luz up.
As for Luz herself, she was better than that. She was a Blight. She only associated with a selected few, and she would not let herself be slowed down.
Rolling up her sleeves, Amity brushed through her hair and mustered herself in the mirror. Suddenly, she showed a whole other self of her and she began to like it. A more confident self, who wouldn’t let others walk around on her anymore. This was going to be fun.
It began with Amity walking out of her room despite being grounded. She had blasted the door out of its hinges and continued down the hall as if nothing had happened.
She wouldn’t care if her parents would tell her to go back into her room. The world was hers now. She wouldn’t let them torment her any further.
The twins busted out of their own doors, attracted by the explosion, ready to fight, but merely stopped at their little sister sauntering past them, leaving a smoking door behind her. They looked at each other and ran to the railing of the manor’s big staircase, watching Amity descend and march towards the door. Their parents closed the entrance off by standing in front of it and told her to go back upstairs, her ban hadn’t been lifted yet.
But the witch didn’t care. She grinned at them and snapped her fingers to encircle them in fire, so hot and high that their hair started getting singed.
“You can’t tell me what to do. Get out of my way or I burn you alive.”
The twins ran down the stairs, already readying water spells, but Amity merely snapped her fingers again, making the stairs tremble beneath their feet and finally collapse, to trap their feet and then wrap them into the carpet that had formerly covered the stairs.
Horrified at their daughter’s sudden change of behavior, Odalia and Alador Blight stepped away through the little way Amity had granted them in their ring of fire, followed by the flames when their daughter walked past them.
With a slam, the big entrance door opened and Amity walked through, releasing the spells with a wave of her hand. Coughing and spluttering, the twins fell to the stairs and heaved, and the Blight parents just stared at each other when the fire was distinguished.
Amity, on the other hand, never felt better. She wore the smirk on her lips confidently when she sauntered through Bonesborough while heads turned after her. Whispers emerged.
But she wouldn’t pay them any mind. They were not worthy to get a place within her head.
Soon, the people of Bonesborough changed their chatter to something more sinister, talking about her affair with the human, especially some colleagues of her parents, and she made short process of them. One who raised his voice too loud she simply engulfed in flames. It was just for a moment, enough to burn his skin and let everyone see, all the while never even stopping to walk.
From that second, the crowds parted for her and she didn’t even spare them a second glance. They were right to treat her like a queen and she wouldn’t accept anything less.
Arriving in school was no less amusing.
Word hadn’t spread yet that she had set a person on fire, but she was sure they’d see it soon enough. Smirking to herself, she held her chin high and walked past all of them. They gossiped and whispered among themselves, that she had been pulled from school the day before, for what had happened.
But Amity didn’t care. She would prove them today. She would never let them think less of her anymore. She was powerful and she was scary. They would learn to fear her.
Grinning and ignoring all of them, she sauntered past, her appearance entirely changed not by her outfit, but by her posture, by her aura.
Rounding a corner, she finally found the goal of her search. Luz was standing with Willow and Gus, holding her books close. Apparently, she had taken the day before quite hard, if the bags under her eyes were any indication for that. But Amity didn’t care. She’d show her what she really meant to her.
Luz noticed her first of the group and immediately dropped her books to approach her, not sensing the danger cursing through the hallway the closer Amity got.
“Amity, I was so worried, I thought-”, she began, but the witch merely lowered her head while lifting her shoulders and walking faster, never letting her eyes leave the human. As if she was getting ready to pounce on her prey, her fingers parting like claws.
Willow noticed first that something was going on with her, but her warning cry didn’t reach Luz in time.
In a second’s notice, Amity had roughly grabbed Luz’s jaw and pulled her into turning, before pushing her legs out from under her body and letting go, having Luz crash into the ground. Amity stood tall while eyeing Willow, enjoying her face changing to a shocked one.
Then she looked down to her former lover, chuckling while a ring of students gathered around them. Conjuring up an abomination hand from the ground, she lifted the human up to her, but never let her hover higher than Amity’s eyes. She stood over her. The hand wrapped around Luz’s body and she heard a satisfying crack. She hadn’t broken anything, but the grip was so tight, Luz was struggling to breathe.
“Come close to me one more time and I’ll make sure you don’t stand up again, got it, cutie?”, she sang but Luz’s face showed nothing but confusion. That disappointed Amity a little, after all, she wanted her to cower in fear. But Luz had never been the fearful kind.
“A-Amity-… What happened to you?”, she asked, pleading, and Amity brushed through her hair, chuckling at the stupid question.
“I grew a spine. Quit being stupid or I’ll break yours with ease.”, the grip around Luz tightened threateningly and she gulped.
The witch leaned down to her with an insane grin, then she buried a hand in her hair and clenched a fist, making Luz yelp, before roughly pressing her lips on hers, before straightening up again and pushing her head back.
“What, don’t like it anymore? That’s just a shame.”, with a wave, the abominations hand dropped and Luz coughed, trying to get up, before Amity stepped closer and already lifted her hand, conjuring up a fireball, before Willow stepped in and stopped her with a vine, catching her wrist.
“What the hell happened to you, Amity?!”, she yelled, before kneeling to help Luz. The human accepted the helping hand and got back up to her feet while Amity easily let the vine disintegrate, before mustering her fingernails. “I woke up from a deep slumber. A deep slumber that lasted all my life.”, she explained and Willow squinted her eyes at her, before suddenly, a hesitation went through the students around them, before they stumbled back, staring at their phones. Smirking, Amity supposed they had found her fiery morning action.
One broke from the line.
“Yo, she’s crazy!”, he shouted and ran down the hall. Amity let him. That’d be fun.
By then, word had spread and voices got louder, while Luz kept staring at her. She was so confused and admittedly, a little scared. What had happened to Amity in the twelve hours that she hadn’t seen her?
Even Boscha seemed to hesitate at the power radiating from Amity, Luz noticed, her keeping away from her friend by a few meters, but Amity had finally spotted her.
“Ah, there you are.”, she growled and Boscha sank into herself, stepping back.
“W-What?!”, she tried but Amity just snapped her fingers and caused Boscha’s legs to be frozen to the floor while she approached her.
“You’re one of the many reasons I finally snapped. I wanna thank you!”, unsure, Boscha looked back to Willow and Luz somehow hoping they would help but they were just as clueless as her.
“What are you talking about?! You’re crazy.”, Boscha exclaimed while Amity grinned at her, before cupping her cheek. She did not like where this was going.
“Maybe I am crazy.”, Amity sang in an alluring voice, then she smiled at Boscha, “Hm… I will catch you later. But never forget that you were the one to lick my boots before turning on me, hm?”
She patted her cheek, then she turned and waved her hands, freeing Boscha’s boots before waving again. Suddenly, an abomination grabbed Boscha and threw her against the lockers, leaving her crumpled body on the floor and sinking back into the ground where it came from.
Shocked silence filled the hallway while Amity sauntered away, cackling to herself.
For the rest of the day, nobody dared to speak to Amity again. They didn’t exactly know why she was that way, but Willow had figured he had finally snapped under the pressure of her parents.
Over the day, the bruises she had given Luz started appearing in blue and purple colors on her jaw, just from gripping her.
Luz didn’t know how Amity had gotten that strong, but when she had looked into her eyes, she had immediately known something was wrong.
This wasn’t Amity.
Something must’ve happened, over the night, something else than her snapping.
Luz softly rubbed her shoulder, where she felt another bruise forming. Something had massively gone wrong. Something that had given Amity unimaginable power and confidence.
Luz doubted that had come from the witch herself, because as much as she loved her, Amity was unsure and always let her own head block her potential.
Cowering behind a corner, she saw Amity confronting some guys who had beaten Luz up a few days back. She caught them in vines and pulled their face close to her, before caving it in with an abomination fist. The students around her flinched back while the second bully tried freeing himself from ice pillars, but Amity was faster. She kicked his middle, then she conjured another abomination and beat him unconscious, before leaving.
Luz held a hand over her lips while Amity came her way and thankfully walked past her, seemingly not noticing her hiding behind a doorway.
She hadn’t once used a circle to do magic. Her magic came from somewhere else. Amity had done the movement, sure, but there had been no conjuring up with a circle. Luz had seen it.
Suddenly, the witch stopped and her ears twitched. Biting her tongue, Luz pressed herself tighter into the doorframe, but it was of no use. Amity stood next to her faster than she could scream. Pushing the human into the door, Luz recognized the classroom they had first kissed in.
“Amity, wh-whatever you wanna do-”, she began, but the witch merely drew her fist back, engulfed it with abomination goo, and punched. The rock-hard, enlarged fist connected with her chest and robbed her of all air. Luz felt her body flying through the air before hitting the blackboard at the front of the room, then she dazedly fell to the floor.
“You’re the human.”, Amity snarled, and Luz immediately felt reassured that Amity wasn’t herself at the moment, “You’re the degenerate who tricked me into thinking she was more than she was worth.”
Luz softly shook her head, then she conjured some vines to dodge Amity’s fist, breaking the abomination. Amity summoned a fireball and Luz finally got to her feet enough to roll out of the way before bringing an ice pillar between her and the witch, feeling the heat of the fire blasting around her shield and melting the ice.
“A-Amity, please-…”
But the witch wouldn’t listen.
Instead, she let an abomination rise up in front of Luz and throw a punch at her, but the human rolled out of the way just in time. Her ice pillar exploded in a thousand pieces when the abomination sunk into itself, only to resurface behind Luz and grab her.
Amity let it throw Luz across the room and a satisfied grin grew on her face when she crashed into some tables, breaking them. The human slapped a plant glyph on the ground and let some vines wrap around Amity��s feet, but she was faster.
With ease, the witchling burned the vines, before conjuring up a fireball to throw after Luz who jumped out of the way and hid beneath a table. A light glyph emerged from there, so big that Amity had to turn away, then he felt some hands grabbing her but she was too strong for Luz. The human was thrown past her when she turned, her hands losing the grip on Amity’s clothes, and crashed against the blackboard. Immediately, Amity followed suit and tried throwing a punch at her, but Luz ducked and the blackboard broke at the force of her fist connecting with it.
Groaning, mity held her hand, then she turned after the human who conjured some ice spikes to keep her on distance, but Amity merely drew another circle and et an abomination rise between them. The creature turned off its head and threw it after Luz who ducked again, the tables and chairs behind her getting crushed in the force.
“Amity, please! Stop!”
The witchling just grinned, another fireball appearing in her hand. “Not interested.”, she hissed, then she threw it after Luz and hit her back when she tried running, making her scream in pain. The human fall to the floor and could only just so roll out of the way when the headless abomination tried stepping on her head.
With quite some effort, Luz got back up again, creating a fireball herself to hit the abomination and make it disappear, before using another plant glyph to try and trap Amity, grabbing her wrists with the branches of a small but sturdy tree, but Amity merely broke free with demonic strength, taking a quick step and grabbing Luz’s hair to throw her to the ground and land a punch in her face. Screaming, Luz broke free and kicked Amity away, conjuring up an ice pillar to stand on so the witchling couldn’t get to her, before searching for another fire glyph. A kick from Amity let her ice pillar crack and she quickly jumped before Amity kicked it again, successfully letting it fall into itself while Luz rolled off the ground and came back up to her feet.
Growling, the girl turned back to her.
“Amity, you have to stop, please!”, Luz cried, but Amity just growled louder, screaming as she drew a big circle and conjured up spikes to trap Luz. She could just so escape them by protecting herself with a wall of vines, then she jumped out on top before Amity could reach her, letting another fireball appear in her hand to stop Amity’s steps as she threw it in front of the witchling, running to the other side. She grabbed after her and caught her uniform, pulling her close and making her stumble, then Luz just so dodged another fireball and freed her shirt from Amity’s grip, kicking against her legs to make her fall.
An abomination suddenly grabbed her from behind and Luz screamed again, feeling herself getting thrown. Thinking fast, she threw a glyph to make an ice slide, coming to her feet somewhat unscathed, before Amity lunged at her and punched her stomach, making the human sink to her knees, completely exhausted and glyph-less. Most of the room was trashed by now and she had nothing else to give She could only hope Amity would get close enough for one last resort.
She groaned when Amity lifted her up with an abomination hand, before using some vines to grab her face, thorns digging into Luz’s skin.
“You’re the dirt beneath my feet.”, Amity hissed and slapped her, before turning away, leaving Luz helpless in her prison.
“Amity, please, just listen to me for a second, please.”, she begged but the witch just cackled, “What happened to you?!”
“What happened to me?”, she asked and turned with a manic grin, “I got some welcome help. I got more powerful than my parents ever planned for me, more powerful than the twins could imagine. I’m the Blight I was meant to be now.”
Luz grimaced at the pain before Amity snapped and left the vines and abomination to disappear, allowing Luz to breathe again.
“It’s not you.”, Luz then stated, just getting to her knees again, brushing some blood off her lips with the back of her hand, growling. At that, Amity flinched, “This isn’t the Amity I know.”
The witch looked back to her and smirked, kneeling as well to grab Luz’s jaw once more.
“The Amity you knew was weak, Luz. I’ve replaced her now.”, she brushed over the corner of her mouth with her thumb, wiping away some blood, “And now, everything will be perfect for me.”
Luz wouldn’t accept this. Something bad had happened and she had to snap Amity out of it.
“If you won’t tell me what went down last night, I’ll be forced to do this.”
Furrowing her eyebrows, Amity finally let go of her jaw again and gave her an arrogant snort.
“What do you seriously want to do to me? You’re pathetic.”
Luz surged forward and caught Amity’s lips, grabbed her head tightly with one hand while her other flew to Amity’s waist, her fingers finding a way to her bare skin before cupping her waist with her palm and slipping upwards softly.
This had usually rendered Amity a blabbering mess in the past, so it should hopefully be enough to snap her out of this. The witch fought back, but not with the power she had possessed before. Luz pressed closer, pulled Amity’s middle to her, and kept her neck in a tight grip, nuzzling closer to her and kissing her lips desperately.
Amity’s fighting died down before something cold wiped over Luz’s face. The witch in her arms collapsed against her, her face falling against Luz’s shoulder. Her body went slack and Luz had to bring up all her strength to catch Amity, roll her off slowly and bring her to a halt on the floor.
The witch was out cold, not necessarily something Luz had planned for, but it was a good sign Amity hadn’t been able to withstand her.
Instead, Luz was facing herself.
The pointy ears and the smug grin on her face were the only things differing from Luz’s appearance, the bruises as well but Luz didn’t count them. Furrowing her eyebrows, she remembered King’s lesson about demons.
There were emotion-sucking beasts, out there to make deadly deals with desperate people. Amity must’ve fallen for a demon like that, and made a deal to exchange her emotions for power. Luz felt a chill running down her spine when the demon laughed.
“Are you surprised?”, they asked smugly while sauntering around Luz and the unconscious Amity, circling them.
“Not that much…”, Luz replied, keeping close to Amity, “But you lost. Now scram.”
The demon merely cackled and gestured to its former vessel on the floor, smirking.
“I haven’t had my payment yet.”
Luz growled, cupping Amity’s cheek.
“You won’t get her back. You better leave or I’ll kick your ass, you understand?”, she tried lashing out but the demon merely let her hand wipe through their appearance and laughed.
“I don’t want her back.”, they cackled, then they focused back on Luz, kneeling and cupping Amity’s other cheek. Luz clenched her teeth at that, “I just want a vessel, not necessarily hers.”
She knew what the demon was playing at. Exchange her for Amity.
Normally, she would’ve taken this deal immediately, out of sheer panic for Amity’s wellbeing. Hell, she would’ve taken it now, if there wasn’t some little problem with that.
“I said leave.”, Luz gritted her teeth, clenching her fist when she glared at the demon, “You used Amity to bring so much pain. I won’t let you do that again, not with her, not with me, not with anybody.”
The demon was almost impressed at that but didn’t back down.
“I could make you powerful, Luz… I could give you native magic. I could make you create a portal to the human realm, see your mother again.”
Luz gulped but merely lowered her gaze.
“I don’t want your empty promises.”, she growled, then she slowly reached for the emergency light glyph she always kept on her person. It wasn’t that useful in a fight, but to scare off a demon, it might just work.
“But Luz, my promises aren’t empty.”, changing forms, the demon now took Amity’s face and stood up, “You could be with Amity. I could help you stand up to her parents and your bullies. I could make you so powerful to mess with them all.”
But she wouldn’t back down.
Luz huffed, then she got up.
“I said LEAVE!!”, she screamed, before pulling the light glyph and conjuring it in the demon’s face to blind them, before getting up in their face, “Or I’ll annihilate you because the Owl Lady is my mentor and she taught me to kick demon ass.”
She was just bluffing, after all, Eda hadn’t exactly taught her how to defeat possessive demons, but they apparently understood. They squinted their eyes at first, but when Luz didn’t back down, they huffed.
“You’re too much effort.”, they growled before leaving in a puff of smoke. Contently, Luz leaned back and smiled to herself. These demons feed off of self-doubt and if Luz didn’t give an opening, they’d give up soon enough. After all, there were weaker targets to go after.
Behind her, Amity groaned and Luz turned, seeing her girlfriend sitting up in the trashed classroom before looking around, her eyes widening.
“… Luz?”
The human kneeled down and softly brushed over Amity’s cheek, smiling.
“Hey, are you okay? Sorry for using that on you.”
Looking around, Amity took in the mess, her eyes asking if they had really done that, but another few things burned on her heart first before she could ask.
“… I-I-… I’m so, so sorry, Luz… I didn’t mean to hurt you, or anyone for that matter! I didn’t know what came over me, suddenly there was so much power and-”
Luz sat down and pulled her closer, sighing against her shoulder.
“It’s okay. We understand. Please don’t feel guilty, you were taken advantage of.”
Amity slowly began sobbing, before full-on wailing into Luz’s shoulder, while the human held her close. She would always be right there to catch Amity, and she would never judge her for something like this. The demon had found her in her weakest moment and hit a sore spot. It hadn’t been her fault.
“I-I hurt s-s-o many pe-eople-”, she cried but Luz shook her head and rubbed over her back.
“We’ll fix this. It’s okay, Amity, we’ll make sure they understand.”, the witch leaned against her and continued crying until there were no more tears left. Luz parted softly and brushed over her cheek, “I’m just glad you’re okay… I really wouldn’t have liked to lose you to a possessive demon.”
Amity groaned, then she tried hiding her face, but instead, Luz nudged her nose and softly kissed her.
“I’m so sorry…”, Amity whispered and Luz smiled.
“I know. That’s a start, okay?”
She nodded before falling back against Luz and keeping her close, sighing into Luz’s shoulder and wrapping her arms around her girlfriend.
“Th-Thank you for staying… A few hours more and the demon would’ve devoured me.”
Luz nodded and weaved her fingers through Amity’s hair, holding her close, making her feel as protected as she could.
“I wouldn’t ever leave you to a fate like this, Amity.”
Let me know if you liked it! It's kinda short, I know, but I won't write more for it, it was just to relieve my headcanon x)
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ranposlittle · 5 years
hello darling.Um can I request mori scenario where he found out that his girlfriend got hit by the car and she is currently unconscious.Make it fluffy fluffy in the end please 🥺🥺🥺
Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst
Tags: Accident, Comfort
A/N: Aah my first request! Thank you so much for sending this in! I had so much fun writing Mori in this way that it's longer than I expected~ I fudged up the plot a little bcos my brain thought you asked for reader-chan in a car accident instead of getting hit. It's still kind of similar so I hope you'll still like this and it's fluffy enough! (;ŏ﹏ŏ) I also hope you like the little Mori I created on Pastel Friends haha! Feel free to send another ask if you would want~ 💕
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Small gasps and low whispers echoed throughout the hospital hallways as a group of suit clad men stormed in. They stopped for nothing and no one dared to get in their way. Everybody is well aware of who these men are and what they do, they don’t need to state their business to anyone. People in wheelchairs would push themselves aside with all of their arm strength to give way to this stride, especially since the tall man in the middle looks horribly pissed.
It is rare for Mori to be sighted in any public places such as this hospital particularly wearing his “mafia boss” outfit but given the importance of the situation, he couldn’t care less. He couldn’t bother disguising as your friendly neighborhood physician and maybe sneak his way inside. He needed to see you as soon as he heard the report. Mori’s scowl deepened and his clenched fists tightened as he remembers the exact reason why he barged in here in the first place.
They stopped at the room at the end of the hall. His subordinates stood guard outside as Mori practically bust the door open and marched inside.
A doctor and a nurse was within the room and they both gasped at the intrusion. They were held back by one of his men to keep them from interrupting as Mori towered over your layed body.
He bit his lower lip as he swallowed back a whimper that formed on his throat when he saw you in your current state. Although, he’s thankful that your predicament wasn’t caused by the fact that you’re in a relationship with him nor for his notoriety, it doesn’t mean that his heart didn’t dropped on the floor at the mention of you getting into a bad accident.
“What happened?” He asked in almost a whisper, directed to the doctor.
“Are you a relative of the patient?” Mori’s head whipped to face the doctor, his stare is as sharp as his own scalpel and for a second, he was considering to take it out and end him for such an insolent question. However, Mori was never a man to let his emotions dictate his actions. With just a look, his subordinate pressed the mouth of his pistol against the doctor’s temple, eliciting a quivering cry before he gulped dryly and began to explain.
“I-It was an accident near the highway. The responders said that the car tipped over when it avoided a speeding truck on a curve and the car rolled down the wooded area beside the road,” Mori bit back another sob and gritted his teeth in an attempt to keep his composure.
“They’re unconscious right now because of a head trauma, possibly due to hitting the roof of the car when it rolled over. There’s a mild hematoma but we’re closely monitoring it until the blood clot is resorbed naturally. Although, it might take a while,” the doctor continued. Mori studied your face and saw the damage the incident left you with. Even though the cuts were properly stitched and your scrapes carefully bandaged, he can’t help but feel a pinch on his chest. As if the pain from your physical injuries bounced back to him and his heart took all the blows.
“There were also some broken bones on their arm and leg so we needed to cast it. The car landed rather harshly on their side so their limbs took a hard beating. A neck brace was also necessary for a minor dislocation of vertebrae,” as the doctor elaborated on the extent of your condition, Mori’s chest grew tighter and heavier. His heart sending pangs of pain throughout his whole being and it just keeps on going. He held your free hand tightly. Your skin felt so soft and gentle on his calloused ones that it sent another big wave of pain from his heart by the thought that he failed to protect you and he couldn’t have prevented this despite the immense power he possesses.
From the way that his eyes are burning right now, he knew that the waterworks are coming. He can’t help it and he’s honestly too hurt to even want to try and prevent it from happening. So with a wave of his hand, his subordinate was dismissed and left the room along with the doctor and nurse.
He took the seat right beside you and slumped. It felt good to finally let his shaking knees rest as it struggle to keep him from breaking down while in front of other people. He held your hand close to his face and looked at your beaten up image one more time. Mori maybe known for being ruthless and perhaps heartless, but he treats his people in a certain level of respect and the concept of loss was never a friend of his. So, it is a different level of frustration and sadness for him to think that he could’ve lost you, a person whom he holds in a much higher praise than any one in his world right now. You’re neither under him nor above him; you’re beside him on his throne.
Mori buried his face on your hand and laid his armor down. He let the tears flowed out of his eyes and onto your delicate hand as he feels deep inside, the human left in him.
You can hear a slow but steady beeping sound as you slowly opened your eyes, a bright light filling up your vision. You slowly started to feel your aching body, your heavy head and the weight on your hand. You slowly turned your strained neck to the side only to see a view you’re thankful you’re still living to witness. Mori sleeping is a sight you never get tired of watching. You never cease to appreciate how vulnerable he is in that state and how he let himself be exactly that when he’s with you. His head’s laying on his hands on top of yours. You wanted to caress his hair as you always do during the countless nights you’ve shared the bed together but quickly realized that your other hand is immovable due to the cast it’s enclosed in.
“Mori,” you called out softly. Your voice sounded so rasp and tired but to Mori, it sounded like an angel summoning him back to life. He woke up with a slight jump, his mouth agaped in a quiet surprise and his eyes wide.
He muttered your name with a slight disbelief and excitement on his voice. This made you smile despite the prickling pain of your facial injuries. You untangled your hand from his to reach up as high as you can and touched the side of his face. His facial hair has grown into a stubble and it tickled your palm a little. He once again put his hand atop of yours and pressed his cheek further onto your palm. Mori’s eyes were soft, restrained tears clouding its purple shade. His wide smile spilled warmth throughout your battered body and mind.
“How long was I out?” You inquired while rubbing your thumbs on his cheek.
“About three days. You surely took your time,” he chuckled lightly.
“Did I made you cry?” Your question took him slightly abacked. Mori may not be famous for it but you know well about his caring side. He shamelessly showcased how gentle and nurturing he can be with you and he knows that he didn’t even have to answer your question for you to know that he undoubtedly did.
“Am I going to get in trouble for that? Go ahead and punish me,” you jested. You wanted to lighten up the mood for the both of you as you can also feel your tears straining from your eyes. Mori’s laugh echoed through the room and made your heart flutter.
“Go on. I thought you’re into bondage, I’m practically immobile right now. This is your biggest opportunity. You can do whatever you want to do with me,” you went on and placed your hand behind your head in mock seduction. He blinked at you but a smirk suddenly crept up his lips.
“You know what? You’re right. I should take advantage of you,” he said standing up to take the tray filled with food from the side table. Mori spooned the soup and placed it near your mouth.
“Open up for the airplane,” now it was his turn to tease. You moved your head back and protested.
“What are you doing? I’m trying to be sexy here,” you giggled. He just follows your mouth with the spoon when you would move your head from side to side, trying to avoid his ministration.
“You said that I can do whatever I want with you. So, I’m taking care of you. That’s what I want to do,” Mori’s words made you froze. You stared at him wide-eyed and he just smiled at you, his eyes affirming what you’re already thinking.
You might’ve been together for quite awhile now but Mori’s sudden display of emotion and affection still hasn’t failed to shock you every time. You lowered your head in an effort to hide your blush even though you’re not even sure if it’ll show up with all the bruises on your face. You opened your mouth and took in the spoonful of soup. It wasn’t as warm as you hoped it would be but your disappointment quickly dissipated when Mori wrapped you in a loving embrace.
“What’s wrong?” You asked quite concerned for the man. You rubbed his back with your free hand to comfort him and also, to let him know that you appreciate the gesture.
“I just never thought I’d tell you how scared I am of actually losing you,” Mori’s deep voice vibrated through your ear and his words squeezed on your heart.
Everyone in Yokohama would quake in their boots when faced with this man. This man, who stops at nothing and would do even the most despicable acts just to attain his goals, is holding you softly in his arms. This man, who would carelessly manipulate the people around him and use them as pawns to his battles, cares so deeply for you that he doesn’t mind showing off his weakness as a human.
You clutched tightly on his back as the tears you desperately held back dropped on the side of your face when you smiled.
“You’re making me feel guilty for worrying you, huh?” You joked light-heartedly and Mori chuckled even if you can hear the hitch on his breath from all the sobs he pushed back down.
“Yes,” he playfully replied and moved back from the hug to cup your face.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled as another tear rolled out of your eyes. Mori wiped the wetness on your cheeks from the tears that streamed down and gave you another comforting smile.
“If you really are then, why don’t you make it up to me?” Mori leaned down and weaved his lips affectionately onto yours.
His lips fit yours perfectly and you felt like it has been forever since you’ve kissed him. You thought of how dreadful it must’ve been to not be able to be with him like this ever again if the accident was much worse than it was. You imagined how your soul will long for him and how you’ll patiently spend many lifetimes just to find him again. It wouldn’t matter if he’ll still be the monster that other people think he is or he’ll be the friendly doctor he often poses to be, you know your souls will recognize each other no matter what. He may be known for taking away lives but Mori’s the main reason why you still want to live right now and similarly, your life is the only one that matters to him.
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miruka-cioccolata · 5 years
“What if a reader accidentally hits one of the La Squadra boys with her car? Instead of calling for a ambulance, she freaks out and puts them in her car and drives home and attempted to care for them?” - asked by @jashin-priestess
Ohh, this was a fun one to write! I’m sorry for the wait, but I made it extra long this time~ thank you for sending in that request! ^^
(Under the cut for length!)
Risotto Nero:
You still don’t know how exactly you managed to do it, but apparently the shock made you develop superhuman abilities, because somehow you placed the huge 2-meter man you accidently ran over into the back of your car and drove back to your home with him.  
While you were preparing some cooling pads for his broken leg and bruises, you suddenly feel an icy shiver running down your spine. Turning around slowly, you almost drop the ice with a loud shriek: The man you had placed onto the floor just a few minutes ago in order to tend to his wounds is now kneeling in front of you with a knife in his hand that he points straight at your throat. His gaze out of red eyes resting inside pitch black sclerae is piercing right through you.
“Tell me. Where am I?”, the silver-haired man asks calmly and yet the underlying threat in his dark voice is undeniable. You swallow down an anxious cry and gather together all your courage to answer: “I…I brought you home since I kinda, uhm…I hit you with my car and I wanted to help you. I think yo…your leg is broken.”
For a moment the man keeps on staring at you, before his crimson eyes wander down to his wounded leg. Apparently, he didn’t even realize that he was injured until now.
Seeing him lowering his knife, you feel a confidence bubbling up inside you again and you finally allow yourself to take a deep, steady breath.
“Sorry for not taking you to a hospital”, you mumble, “but I sorta freaked out when I saw the blood on the tires, and I couldn’t even think clearly anymore so I brought you back to my place. I hope it’s okay…yeah?”
The man’s strange eyes still scare you, but despite his intimidating appearance, you move closer to him in order to have a better look on his injuries. His muscles visibly tense when you approach him, but he holds back with any movements. Apparently, he has concluded that you are of no danger to him, so he lets you take care of his leg with the cooling pads.
Some time afterwards the man even decides to break the ear-crushing silence between you two by saying: “Why are you helping me?”
“I feel really bad about the accident”, you respond in shame, “so I want to take care of your wounds. Really, it’s the least I can do.”
Risotto stares at you a tad longer in taciturnity before giving you a short nod.
“Thank you.”
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god”, you mumble like a mantra under your breath as you try to carry the man you just hit with your car into your living room. Momentarily, you are simply glad that he isn’t that heavy so that it is easy for you to lay him down safely onto your sofa. The blonde groans lowly, eyes shut tight from the pain visibly coursing through his body.
“I am so sorry. I just…I didn’t see you standing there, really, It was so dark and when I noticed you, I hit the brakes too late, and I-“
Your mouth comes to a halt when you receive an angry glare out of blue eyes.
“Why did you bring me to your home then instead of the hospital? Aren’t you afraid of letting a stranger in without even knowing if he is dangerous or not? I could do horrible things to you and you wouldn’t even have the slightest chance to defend yourself! How fucking naïve can you be?”
The man’s words might have been harsh, but there was a concerned undertone in his voice, something akin to the scolding of a teacher. Upon seeing the intimidation present on your face, the blonde lets out a deep sigh.
“Well, it is how it is”, he says with much less vigour than before. “The hospital would have probably been a bad choice anyway. Too risky.”
You look at the stranger, questioningly tilting your head at his remark.
“None of your business.”
He presses his fists into the cushion of the sofa with clenched teeth to get himself into a sitting position, trying to carefully rest his leg onto the pillow you had fetched him earlier from your bedroom. You help him with the whole ordeal the best you possibly can.
During the crushing silence between you two, you finally ask: “So, uhm, your name is…?”
A stern look is thrown your way and you already brace yourself for a chiding retort, but instead he really does answer your question – his name is Prosciutto. How weird.
“Don’t worry, I am going to care for you until you can walk again. It’s the least I can do to make up for the accident”, you say to him while you put some cooling ointment onto his injuries.
Prosciutto opens his mouth to respond, but then closes it again after a moment of overthinking. Surely, he wanted to reprimand you again for your gullibility, however, he decided to let it slide. After all, he really could need some assistance with his wounds for now.
“Okay so, you are…ouch-!”
“Sorry!”, you say as you dab the cotton drenched in alcohol onto the man’s wound. It would certainly not leave a scar (you think), but nevertheless you need to disinfect it.
“Ngh, never mind, I put up with worse in the past”, the man with the buzzcut says, flashing you a cocky grin, one that quickly melds into a pained grimace when the burning disinfectant meets his bruised skin.
“I gotta say though that I’ve never been the victim of a car accident. There’s a first time for anything, huh?”
You look at him – the man who had introduced himself as Formaggio to you earlier – in shock and you wonder how he is able to laugh at a time like this. Especially since you could have killed him right then and there with your car.
“I am sorry”, you repeat yourself, lowering your head in shame. “I’ll make it up to you, okay? I’ll treat your injuries the best I can, and you can stay here until you feel better. It’s the least I can do.”
Formaggio nods at your words, letting himself fall back into the sofa’s cushion with a yawn.
“Alright then, fine by me! But don’t be too good at your job cuz I could get used to a personal nurse!”, he says with a mischievous smirk on his lips.
You tried to be careful – really! – and yet you still handled his ankle too roughly, making the injured man on your couch cry out in pain.
“Fuck, can you be a little more careful perhaps!?”, he snaps at you.
“S-sorry”, you mumble in response, feeling even worse when you notice the man is grinding his teeth in agony from your treatment. “Can I do anything for you?”
“Yeah, there really is something you could do for me…say, do you have a mirror somewhere?”
You blink, confused about his request.
“Uhm, yes, it’s hanging right there-“
Illuso follows the pointing of your finger with his eyes, looking quite content.
“Ah yes, perfect. I mean…could you get me a glass of water?”
Nodding, you move into the kitchen to fetch the man some water, but once you return to the living room, you draw in a sharp breath.
He…he is gone!
Frantically you look around your living room for the slightest trace of the strange man with the dark pigtails, but there is no trace of him, none at all! It’s as if Illuso had only been a…well, an illusion.
Suddenly, you hear a small noise, something akin to a huff of exertion or pain coming from the mirror that hangs on the wall next to the sofa. Huh, how weird. Maybe you had just imagined that sound, your nerves were still playing tricks on you apparently.
You watch the man on your couch anxiously as he tries to stretch his leg, only for him to let it drop back onto the cushion of your sofa with a yelp.
“Moving hurts too much”, he groans, trying to fight back tears from the seething pain radiating from his injured limb.
“I am so sorry! I didn’t see you there crossing the street and it was too late for the brakes to work”, you try to explain yourself, the guilt of your careless action making you sick to the stomach.
“Why didn’t you get me to a hospital then?”, the man asks, looking up at you with a pang of fear. “What a-are you gonna do with me now?”
“Well, I just kinda freaked out and then took you back to my place. Don’t worry, really, I’m just trying to help you!”, you add quickly when you notice that the man – Pesci was his name, if you recall correctly – eyed you with apparent fear, his hands slightly trembling.
“I’ll make sure to make you feel alright again! It’s my fault after all that you got involved in a car accident after all.”
Pesci gives you an uncertain look, clearly not too sure how to react to your offer. “That is, uhm, nice. I think. Thank you…” 
You could almost cry from relief when the stranger on your couch finally opens his eyes. Well, it’s just one eye if you were exact, because his other eye was covered by a translucent mask and a curtain of lilac hair.
“Where am I?”, he asked, his voice still a bit drowsy. You couldn’t blame him for that, after all he had just woken up from an unpleasant encounter with the bumper of your car.
“You are in my house. I brought you here after I, uhm, after I hit you with my car”, you say, the last few words added very, very quietly. The man blinks two, three times, before he tries to sit up, only to sink back into the cushion when he feels the sizzling pain in his leg.
“Ah, I see”, is his only comment to the whole situation.
The man seems to contemplate about something, the gears in his heads working in pregnant silence, before he finally says: “Melone.”
You stare at the man in confusion. Melone? Was he hungry or something?
“That´s my name. I think you ought to know now that I am already here in the security of your home.”
The man with the lilac hair looks up to you, his turquois eye throwing an attentive gaze at you.
“I presume you are intending to care for me then? Since you didn’t get me to a hospital for medical treatment?”
Well, he had a point! Panic had overtaken you the moment you decided to take the injured man back to your home instead of getting him proper treatment. So, you simply nod as response to his question.
“Di molto!”
Melone’s mouth curves upwards into a sly smile and suddenly you feel like taking this stranger into your home wasn’t a very good idea.
“You know what, I think I prefer your treatment over the hospital. You are the cutest nurse I have ever had the pleasure to meet!”
“Why didn’t you get me to a fucking hospital? You hit me with your goddamn car!”
The loud voice of the man currently perched on your sofa makes you wince. Apparently, he isn’t all too familiar with the concept of ‘indoor voice’.
“I’m…I’m sorry, everything was just a bit much for me and you ran across the street without looking and I couldn’t stop the car in time and I panicked and then I-“
“Listen, I don’t need you telling me in detail how you fucking RAN ME OVER! It just happened an hour ago and I remember”, the blue haired man tried to sit up, but recoiled in pain when he tried moving his broken foot, “I fucking remember it well…”
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry”, you blurt out again for what feels like the hundredth time. In a fit of panic, you had tried to tend to the stranger’s wounds by yourself – a terrible idea in retrospective.
The snarling man on your sofa had grudgingly introduced himself as Ghiaccio and you truly couldn’t be mad at his foul mood, considering that you were the reason for his current predicament.
However, the prospect of you taking care of him until he could properly walk again was at first met with an iron resistance (and a plethora of excessive cursing), after a while Ghiaccio seemed to accept that he didn’t really have much of a choice anyway.
“Trust me, I will treat you well!”, you assure him.
His response hits you like a frosty blizzard: “I hope for your sake that you fucking will or else you’re gonna regret it.”
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 6 years
Hyung Line
My sister and I were talking about this yesterday so I thought I'd do a post about how bts would handle being a fwb (spoiler alert they all catch feelings eventually)
**Also I take requests for BTS and maybe Monsta X so hmu in my asks, fam**
Hyung Line (Maknae Line coming up bc this got Loooong)
Warnings: smut, angst, fluff, alcohol tw
Word Count: 1,779
Namjoon (RM)
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If it was your idea, he would be so down like "yeah of course who needs relationships?" but low-key he wanted to confess to you 5 seconds before you suggested an arrangement
Puts that mouth to WORK
Likes it a little rough but nothing that would leave bruises or hickeys that's for amateurs
He has a downright filthy mouth this boy will have you clutching your pearls with the nasty shit he'll say (you love it)
Late night convos, this boy will text you at 3am not for a booty call but just to talk to you
He's more of an emotional booty call than just sexual, he'll come to you when he's stressed or upset
Don't get me wrong, he'll fuck your brains out but expect lots of pillow talk, especially if he's been drinking
Takes you out for coffee, will buy you breakfast, insists to his friends he isn't dating you since he doesn't take you out at night
You're the only one he's fucking, though he flirts a lot
If he runs into you at a club and you're dancing with someone else, God help you
He won't be mean just stupid charming, doing his best to lure you away for a night of crazy sex
If it doesn't work though, he'll be high key salty, pouty, whiny
You'll get texts until daylight because he'll keep drinking, imagining you with someone else
He might show up at your door at 6am, shitfaced, honestly
"Did you bring that clown home? No, I'm not jealous, I just wanted to talk to you."
You're weak so you let him in and he spends all day at your place recovering from his hangover
He will only admit he's caught feelings if you do first or if he thinks you're getting serious with someone else
If you go on dates he'll pick a fight with you about nothing and when you're yelling at him he'll just kiss you senseless.
"I love you, ok?"
You start dating him before you even know what's happening the smartass manipulative little shit
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The biggest fuckboi of the group don't @me
He's a pro at this
After he got cheated on all his relationships are fwb arrangements and they always catch feelings first
Not you, though, you know he's a fuckboi and you know what you're in for
This boy will make you laugh during sex he's never serious he'll make you come while you're giggling over some stupid shit he said
Sexts, sexts, sexts
He will never stop dirty texting you while you're in an inappropriate place like work or dinner with your family
God forbid you tell him you're going on a date, then dick pics and sexts galore
He's not jealous, he's territorial, he wants to be the best you've ever had (he is but you would die before you'd admit that)
This boy is not even a little exclusive with you, at least not at first
He'd invite you over to meet his friends and be shook at how well you fit in
You start playing video games with Jungkook and when Kookie starts looking at you with stars in his eyes Jin goes all possessive puppy
All over you at all times he's not ashamed of you he just isn't ready for a relationship
Like Namjoon he will use you for emotional comfort too, although his pillow talk will be mostly jokes and flirting
Your convos don't get too serious unless he's had WAY too much to drink
Then he tells you about his ex and shit gets real for a second before he wakes up the next morning his flirty self again
He gradually stops texting the other booty calls he has on lock, just telling himself you're better in bed, that's all
Finds out you have another fwb when he comes to your house at 3am drunk
He is SO salty, there is less salt in the Pacific ocean
He's whiny and pouty and shading the other dude constantly
"Jealous? Why would I be jealous I'm just wondering why you bother with him, he's ugly."
But if he hung out with you and the other guy would not let on ONE bit. Makes friends with him, I easy going even if he's a bit touchy feely with you
But low-key stares at you like a kicked puppy when no one is paying attention
His friends are all like "what did you do to him?"
YOUR friends are like "what'd you do to him he looks so heartbroken"
He only admits to catching feelings when you get so fed up you say it's done and you are over it
He gets mean when he sees you with the other guy on a real date and says some cruel shit
You are D O N E
Block his number done
He will 100% show up drunk at your house
He's cute so you let him in and he really does look like a kicked puppy
Honest with you for the first time bc he's scared of losing you
"I still don't know if I can trust anyone enough for a relationship but you make me wanna try it. Don't cut me out."
Yoongi (Suga)
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He would only agree to a fwb arrangement if he had some feelings for you
He's not the type to fuck around with a girl he can't see himself dating
Definitely the fuck and run type at first zero pillow talk
Absolute master with his hands and fingers LORD
Not too vocal during sex but it makes him crazy when you are if you want him to nut fast you just gotta moan his name
Won't say anything non sexual unless he's drinking even then it's low key like "You look pretty tonight."
Texts you for booty calls like "hey dumbass wyd"
Will not take you for coffee or be seen in public with you, bc he's worried you're ashamed of him, not the other way around. Otherwise why wouldn't you date him?
You have no clue he likes you. Absolutely none he barely talks to you unless he's horny
He loves it when you booty call him he's so smiley and sweet when that happens
He's so soft to you when you get too drunk at his house party and throw up
He sits behind you as you hug the toilet and strokes your hair for hours
You're shocked to wake up in his bed since he has a strict no overnights rule
Scolds you for drinking so much but brings you breakfast in bed and is low-key a sweetheart through your hangover
You: shook. Your heart: full
You don't tell him you're seeing other people until he point blank asks you. When you say yes, he just nods
"Good we always use condoms then."
Will ignore you and be kind of a dick when he finds out but that's not uncommon so you are still oblivious
If you wait on him to admit to catching feelings you will die waiting
Only one way you will find out
One of his dumbass friends lets something slip when they're drunk (It's probably Jin)
You're complaining about how he's ignoring you at the party
"Bitch he's so whipped for you his lockscreen is your selfie."
You cannot believe it
You think it's bullshit
You end up sleeping in Jungkook's room that night bc you fell asleep whupping his ass at Mortal Kombat
The next morning somebody is slamming every door in the house and throwing dishes around.
Jungkook's door is open so he saw you cuddled up to the maknae
He big mad
When you finally get him to talk about it (probably days later)
"I just don't want you fucking my friends it's messy."
You only find out the lockscreen shit is true when you grab his phone by accident
He knows you know he fucking BAILS
Books it outta your life for like a week
The only way you pin him down is by texting him a paragraph about how you like him too
He kisses you so sweet when you see him next and he's all smiles and affectionate
You're dating now, that's it, no need for discussion
RIP Kookie tho he'll never trust him again despite you telling him a thousand times nothing happened
Hoseok (J-Hope)
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He agrees because he is literally down for anything
Definitely a good time this boy is so much fun in bed
Will try anything once and I mean ANYTHING
You wanna tie him up? Definitely. You want him to eat whipped cream off your tiddies? Tell him when and where
The world's biggest switch don't @me
Has a thing for public sex, loves to finger you on a dance floor
Y'all do everything together, everyone thinks you're just dating
He's a big goofball with you in public, v affectionate
He's your best friend and you're his
Y'all don't take anything seriously when one of you is upset you text each other dumb selfies and fuck it out next time you hang out
Never drunk dials you you won't even know he's out until you see him on the dancefloor with some girl
Y'all compete to see who can dirty dance with the most people before you go home together
Feelings? He's never heard of them
Least likely of all the boys to catch feelings first
Would take him FOREVER to realize he actually likes you
I'm talking y'all have been fucking for MONTHS before he catches on
If he gets jealous he'll just think it's bc he's competitive
If you make him sad by not hanging out with him he'll think he just wants the attention
Feelings hit him like a brick when he finally realizes
You're in his car jamming to his latest track and you're singing and dancing like a fool with your hair flipping around and all of a sudden it's like the sun shines only on you
The boy is SHOOK
He gets real quiet
Scary quiet
You think he's mad but when you ask him he blows you off with a smile saying he's tired
You don't hear from him for a couple of days
He's pacing around his place and trying to process, talking to friends and trying to decide what to do
Everyone tells him to just tell you ofc
Confident boy is not used to feeling insecure he's hesitant.
"What if she doesn't love me back?"
There's no dramatic reveal
He really just asks you on a date
A REAL one
Nothing much changes, honestly, he has always been your bff and being your bf is just a bonus
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jjbaconsumedmysoul · 5 years
Hello, I am wondering if you don’t mind me requesting What would Bruno’s gang do if there s/o is super clumsy like there are nothing on the ground and they somehow still trip, so that’s a reason why they get many scars on their body. Thank you and have a nice day!
At first, Bruno thinks it’s cute and a little bit endearing that his crush always seems so be so clumsy on a day to day basis. What’s more, it gives him the opportunity to swoop in to the rescue at the last moment. Several times just seconds before they toppled to the floor Bruno has miraculously appeared to catch them in his arms. It might have been such romantic scenarios that eventually helped them fall for him…
He’s always there to save them from a stumble or to use his quick reflexes and move a wine glass out of the way before his s/o has the chance to knock it over. But he’s still sometimes worried about the times he’s not there to protect them. He always keeps a watchful eye when they’re out in public, resting his hand on their waist and making sure they aren’t lost in the crowd. And if they come across a particularly bumpy cobblestone road, Bruno might joke that it’s too dangerous for them to walk considering how clumsy they always are; they might trip and fall! Laughing heartily he’ll scoop them up into his arms despite their giggles and protestations.
But he’s not as cheery when it comes to the marks they’ve gotten on their body from such accidents. He treats them with care, kissing any scars and healed over wounds to reassure them that he loves them, that nothing could ever get in the way of how beautiful he thinks they are. Whether or not they’ve confided in him about disliking their scars, he understands it’s something they might feel self-conscious about. And Bruno is here to tell them that they are amazing just the way they are.
Abbaccio might feign annoyance at first, mumbling something whenever they trip or spill a drink. But it doesn’t stop him from helping them out. He might start to pull them back before they do something that might be “dangerous” for them or maybe start cleaning up his house so there are less fragile items to knock over. However, in the end, it still happens sometimes. And he can’t help but turn away and blush. There’s something a bit cute about how flustered they are when their clumsiness shows… Eventually, he’ll stop acting annoyed and things will become smoother between the two of them. He seems extremely protective in public , however, always insisting his s/o stick close to his side and not wander off alone. 
He doesn’t notice the scars at first. Or if he does, he thinks it’s normal. Everyone has had a few cuts and scrapes in their lifetime, it’s nothing to be ashamed about. But if his s/o explains the marks on their body make them feel self-conscious sometimes, he’ll do his best to understand. He’ll reassure them that he thinks they’re gorgeous, that nothing could ever change that. Everyone has flaws and he thinks their flaws are beautiful.
At first, he’s gonna laugh. A LOT. He makes that silly snorty kind of laugh whenever he catches them tripping over their own feet. But he’s not laughing AT THEM! Of course not!!! He makes a point to help them up and reassure them he’s not making fun or anything, he just… it’s kind of cute? And besides, he does it himself sometimes. He isn’t exactly a grateful person. You guys can be clumsy idiots but together!
Domestic life might be a bit of a disaster. Someone moves a couch and the other person doesn’t notice it’s sticking out more than usual until they stub their toe on the corner, someone leaves a glass on the counter and their partner accidentally bumps into it aaaaaand… 
But at least they both get some good laughs out of it. And each time someone gets a bit too battered up the other person is always there to patch them up and kiss them all better. Mista makes to point start kissing them all over and teasing them about how much he loves them! 
Scars don’t matter to him. He loves to run his fingers along every inch of their body tenderly kiss anywhere they might feel especially self-consciousHe certainly isn’t free of imperfections himself, and even though Giorno has saved him from a few bad ones he still has several bullet wounds. The point is, he loves his s/o no matter what, and loves worshipping their body even more!
“(Y/N) ARE YOU OKAY?!” Fugo goes into panic mode every single time he hears his s/o so much as gasp. He is extremely protective of their safety and well being to the point that he will not let them go out of the house when it’s too windy. But get ready for him to blush like hell  (like the true tsundere he is ) whenever they bring up how cute it is that he cares so much. Of course he’ll get flustered and deny everything, which is even cuter! But if Narancia brings it up forks are gonna start flying…
He’s always tender whenever he inspects their injuries. (Don’t worry, you’re much more important to him than Mista. He would never staple you!) He’s surprisingly skilled at first aid when he has the materials. And if he’s got enough self-confidence might even kiss it to make it better.
He might start to giggle at first but when he realizes his s/o keep stumbling over their own feet he freaks tf out. Not that he’s much better though (he walked straight into a pole on their first date cause his s/o was looking so damn adorable). But he tries to catch them every single time they trip over something, even if he’s several feet away and just ends up falling on top of them. A lot of times they just end up giggling together in a pile on the floor. He thinks it’s silly and cute that they’re every bit as clumsy as him, even if it worries him sometimes.
And of course he doesn’t mind a few marks here and there. He actually likes hearing stories about how each one happened while he cuddles with them. He might show them a few of his own and boast about how awesome he was when he took down a whole rival gang using just a knife! (okay maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, maybe  they’ll  ask Fugo if  that’s true…)
Giorno is practically a knight in shining armor. He’ll always there to sweep his s/o out of a dangerous situation once he realizes how clumsy they are, also his heart does flutter a bit every time he notices how cute they are when they take a stumble…
He reassures them that it’s alright to be that way, he doesn’t think any less of them for it. He’s there to help them out if it gets in the way of daily tasks. 
If they’re ever injured or even mildly bruised, he’ll offer to help heal them. He doesn’t want to hurt them of course, but if he can prevent from any further scarring they don’t want he’s happy to help out. 
However, there’s nothing wrong with past scars. He thinks his s/o is the most beautiful and precious thing on this planet, and there’s nothing that could ever change that. He wants to protect them and make them feel loved.
She might giggle a bit at first each time they trip over thin air and fall flat on your butt. “Aww, (y/n), you’re so cute sometimes…” of course she’ll kneel down, flash that bright smile of hers and offer her hand to help them up. Trish will always look out for her s/o’s safety, holding them back if she notices something they might trip over, warning them if they’re about to run into something fragile. 
She certainly doesn’t mind the scars. (Is it bad if they think they’re a bit sexy?). She loves laying next to her s/o, drawing circle and shapes along their bare skin. She’ll run her fingers gently along the marks as a loving smile crosses her face. “You’re so beautiful (y/n)”
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dnpsuck · 5 years
once you get around to listening to lover what did you think !!! im v curious on your opinions about it heh
thank u for wanting my opinion. i thought i was gonna make it a brief review thingy but i cannot be brief for the life of me. i’m sorry. anyway,
i’mthankful it’s a long album because based on me! i knew i’d like it. not thatme! is a masterpiece or anything but it’s brighter and more fun than herprevious era which i Did Not like. i know reputation is, taylor swift history-wise, important. it’san album she did no press for and allowed the songs speak for themselves and i really like this idea and the sentiment behind it, i’m just Not A Fan of the execution. edgy taylor swift doesn’twork for me. don’t blame me slaps tho. i’ll probably compare these songs to alot of reputation, sorry.
anyway. loveris a more colorful album and probably my favorite pop album from ms. swift, i’m not good at like. Grading things so i won’t be like ‘this is a 8.5 kind of album’ cause like. i don’t know numbers? what you need to know is that it’s a good album. let’s gowith the tracks:
may i add that this is not coming from a taylor swift fan, however i have several friends who are into taylor swift so it’s hard not to get the slightest 2nd hand interest. 
i forgot that you existed: was excited as soon as it started! theproduction is lighter and less dramatic. i feel like contrary to reputationwhere she was kind of obsessed with the people who hurt her and betrayed her inthe previous years, this song is a nice way of letting go. a nicer, yet stillkind of shady, revenge by being like. Oh. You Mean Nothing To Me Anymore.
fave lyrics: “it isn’t love, it isn’thate, it’s just indifference so.. yeah.”
 cruel summer: the chorus…. amazing! i remember reallydisliking her reputation singles, especially “ready for it” because it was veryunnecessarily dark and, again – in my opinion – dark and edgy doesn’t work fortaylor swift.  BUT, rfi had that chorusthat escaped the intense beats and kind of went back a little to her 1989 eraand it’s the one thing from the song that i actually tolerated. and i feel likeall of cruel summer is song that fits the melody of the rfi chorus better thanrfi itself. does that make sense?
fave lyrics:the entire bridge but especially: “i don’twanna keep secrets just to keep you” and “i love you, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?”
lover: 11/10. fucked me the fuck up. it’s a song aboutlove that isn’t a still-too-fresh-and-uncertain love, or some angsty love. it’sjust love. she’s properly in love and is singing about it with somuch care and certainty. it’s a happy song about the one she loves and how could i hate it? bestsong in the entire album. probably my 2nd fave taylor swift song ofall time
favelyrics: “with every guitar string scar onmy hand” so much is being said in this one fucking line. i absolutelyfucking love it. the fact that this song was 100% written by her is a big plus.
the man: honestly was kinda stressed about the kind of discoursethis one could cause, especially cause of the lack of addressing the whitenessof it all but idk. this is her ownexperience so how much can we ask from her? and also in many ways this feels like 5years late but i’m not gonna complain about this. better late than never (andshe has addressed sexism in her songs before so it’s not like she’s just starting at feminism). she’s made severalpoints w this one and it sounds good. 
favelyrics: the part where she’s like “what if i was bragging about the models i’mfucking?” cause like. girl is aware of aspecific group in her fandom and i appreciate the little nod (it being real ornot)
archer: love the lyrics. this was like. the 3rdsong from this album that she released and i was So Relieved to actually SEEsongwriter taylor swift coming through. it’s a great song about self hatred andreflection, etc. but i’ve listened to it enough times to know i’m gonna be skippingthis one when i’m listening to this album. 
favelyrics: “screaming ‘who could ever leaveme darling?’ but who could stay?”
 i think he knows: the chorus and her vocals… *chef’s kiss*. loveit. cute crush song. more mature yet fun style that works for her. 
fave lyrics:all of the chorus.
miss americana: i get it, i see the politics of it all but. i’mgonna skip it. soz 
favelyrics: “my team is losing, battered andbruising i see the high fives between the bad guys”
 paper rings: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS. again, pure,happy, bubbly, unashamed love. a love bop that i adore. 
fave lyrics:“i like shiny things but i’d marry youwith paper rings / i hate accidents except when we went from friends to this”
corneliastreet: it’s a nostalgic song that i can’t decide if it’s exactly abreak-up song or not. i like to think the “sacrednew beginning / that became my religion” lyrics are a nod to her bestreputation song aka don’t blame me. i’m so-so on this one but it’s definitely notbad, don’t think i’ll be skipping it for now. 
favelyrics: “that’s the kinda heartbreak timecould never mend / (…) and baby i get mystified by how this city scream yourname”
 death by a thousand cuts: eh? it’s nice and soft and sad-ish but. idk.not right now - since the album is still pretty fresh to me - but i’ll probablystart skipping this one eventually. 
favelyrics: “you said it was a great love,one for the ages / but if the story’s over why am I still writing pages?”
 bondon boy: i am so sorry for every londoner that had tolisten to this one. i could hear it being offensive as soon as she startedsaying those words. it sounds nice and fun but jesus christ taylor. it’s likesomeone from her label said “you gottamake it clear you’re fucking that joe dude or your album won’t sell” andtaylor immediately googled ‘british slang’ and wrote this song. 
fave lyrics:“but something happened i heard himlaughing / i saw the dimples first and then i heard the accent” i’m asimple phannie. i hear the word dimples i think of dan
soon you’ll get better: bro. was not ready. you can hear thepain and fear in her voice. the chorus kind of reminds me of “never grow up”(aka my fave taylor swift song), etc. the sad, almost hopeless addition of “cause you have to” is so heartbreaking. it’sa personal and gorgeous yet sad song, and she goes back to her country roots for this one,so that’s nice. absolutely beautiful. 
fave lyrics:hard to choose but “you like the nicernurses you make the best of a bad deal / i just pretend it isn’t real / i’llpaint the kitchen neon, i’ll brighten up the sky / i know i’ll never get itthere’s not a day that i won’t try” i hate, hate, the notion ofromanticizing a sad and scary situation like this one, and i think i understandthis as less of romanticizing and more of sympathizing with, cause i’ve alsobee in this situation with my family – but because it was just a few days agothat phil revealed his father’s battle with cancer, i couldn’t help but thinkof him too and how much he must have feared for his dad while still trying to keep it together for everyone around him.
false god: love the sax. i know i will fully love thissong at some point. i know it. i’m just not there yet. i like the parts when she has torush her words. i’ll get there with this one. 
favelyrics: “they all warned us about timeslike this / they say the road gets hard and you get lost”
 you need to calm down: fun, boppy, cute. i get what shewas going for and appreciate it. it’s a more carefree pop song and i’m okaywith it. not unskippable though. 
fave lyrics:“and i ain’t tryna mess with your self expressionbut i’ve learned a lesson that stressing and obsessing bout somebody else is nofun”
 afterglow: i don’t know yet. probably one i’ll skip. notbad, i don’t think there’s a song in this album that is necessarily Bad, butthis one is just not really memorable. 
fave lyrics:don’t have one actually. soz
me!: definitely not a masterpiece BUT introduced usto this era which is probably her best pop era. i loved the absolute changefrom the reputation era, bringing back colors, bringing back fun, introducing amore politically active taylor swift, etc. i also like the idea that she knowsthat this is not her best work but she knew that if she was gonna make a catchyradio friendly pop song, she’d make one that’s about self love, etc. 
fave lyrics: i’m a simple girl, “me e e e, o o o oh”
 it’s nice to have a friend: this folk-y vibe? works? is thisfolk? sorry if im being dumb. but it has a lonely vibe, it’s kind of really sadin a way, but it’s lovely at the same time. 
fave lyrics:“something gave you the nerve / to touchmy hand”
 daylight: a song about letting go and forgiving herselffor her past mistakes and learning to focus on the good parts of her life, morespecifically her lover. like new year’s eve was to reputation, this is a nicesong to wrap this album. 
fave lyrics:“you are what you love”
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hellrisen · 4 years
LETHA: as if served on a silver platter, letha has to contain the giddiness rallying up inside her upon the view of beau rochester — sitting atop a $1 dollar dunk tank. not yet spotted, she rummages through her pants pocket for the needed change. perfect, brilliant, absolutely fucking amazing. a casual stroll, arms fold across her chest as she approaches. “ sup, beauregard. „
BEAU: Of course Letha has to roll up. If she'd have been the one in the tank — as he'd expressed to Kai earlier, Beau would stand there all day: ball in hand, dunking on repeat. But, naturally, the fact that she was doing it annoyed him endlessly. As she did all the time. "Letha Newman," he calls back from his position atop the tank. "Don't worry about paying to fail. I don't think anyone wants to lug around warm pennies if it'd leave you in such a tough financial spot."
LETHA: normally, heat would collect in cheeks and all the way up to her ears upon one of his comments. but there was no denying the power had shifted. and how it had. a smile forcing itself onto tanned features, letha hands the other person her hard earned money. “ wow … even as you’re about to be served a fat, greasy plate of karma you don’t shut up. „ beat. “ is that your talent for the show? your unsolicited commentary? „
BEAU: Regardless of the accuracy of her statement — if there was one thing Beau could do well, it was chime in where he didn't belong, especially when it came to anything Letha did — he wasn't going to sit there and take it lying down. He leans forward in his seat, water disrupted below him from rickety machine. "No, I'm not participating. I don't have that kind of desperation for 5k."  Eyebrow quirked, smile appearing on his face full of smarm & sarcasm. "Or attention."
LETHA: beau was, unfortunately, right. while her own participation was a last minute decision, it had been one entirely based on escaping the monthly dependency on the rochesters. he always did have to hit below the belt. lips pressing together tight, fingers clench the ball just the same. a fierce throw his way, and she misses — the target at least. it manages to swirl upwards, colliding with the wall right above his shoulders instead. a fail in multiple regards. “ fuck … „ she murmurs.   BEAU: Speaking of hitting and belts ... the ball sails easily above his, and above the target, landing against the plastic wall behind him, and falling into the water below. Classic — and something that couldn't have gone better for him. "Hey, Newman, you're supposed to hit the target. Not try and take my head off." A sarcastic tut, face miserable but eyes twinkling with the joy of getting one over her, at least for a minute. "That's very violent of you. There's families here, you know."
LETHA: there’s an urge — never ceasing in its tumorous growth — to strangle beauregard rochester. if only until he passes out for a minute or two. and if you were to ask anyone, anyone at all, letha newman was not the aggressive type. sometimes passive to a fault, practically running from confrontation when presented with it. yet … beau. beau fucking rochester. a cartoon iteration of the event would include steam erupting out of her ears and eyes going dark, dark, dark. “ i’m getting there. „ she snaps. “ it’s called building the tension. alright? „ another bill fished out and she hands it off. “ — … ready? „
BEAU: He rolls his eyes, clearly unimpressed by both her aim and her attempts to justify it. "Born ready — It's a warm day out, I've been trying to get a little swim in." He complains, though tone of voice and the fact that it's even directed at Letha in the first place, shows that he isn't really interested in touching the water. He doesn't hate her — she's merely an annoyance, someone seemingly so set on making him ... well, annoyed. She's certainly digging herself a big hole that leads to more aggressive response through, and a bullseye might speed up the digging process. "We're all waiting on you." We're all including the inhabitant of the booth next to him, maybe, and the bored looking attendant. Not exactly a crowd.
LETHA: beau’s comment cut short, the ball is hurled his way. and to everyone’s surprise, letha’s included, she hit the bullseye. a SMACK, then … a splash. excitement bubbles through her whole being, overshadowing disbelief, and it comes pouring out. feet leaving gravel, the triumph is celebrated through a delighted squeak, and a victory dance ensuing. including hops of pure delight as she struggle to contain the poor sportsmanship. “ yes, yes, fuck yeah! „ childish, check. entirely justified … check, check, and check. “ sucks to suck, doesn’t it, beau? „ words less than cordial, wide grin presented waters down the hostility.
BEAU: with a satisfying whack against the target — satisfying for letha, at least, he's sure — he falls into the water the words you... trailing off as the seat below him collapses. head coming up out of the cold as he stands, he shakes out his hair in something reminiscent of a wet dog. "beginners luck," he calls out, already hoisting himself back up to the now uncollapsed seat. "or, i guess it'd be second time's the charm? batting 1-1 isn't really success ... though considering your lack of athleticism..." he settles in fully, relaxing back in the chair with eyebrows raised and cockiness entering his tone. bold, for someone now soaking wet. "you probably wouldn't get the baseball metaphor."
LETHA: with a win, beau’s grip on her had loosened, and the biting remarks became nibbles. still, eyes roll as they always would.   “   i have other places to be, you know.   „   she points out, though another dollar is fished out and handed off. douche.   “   best out of three?   „   a purely rhetorical question as a ball is immediately swung —— hitting the target for a second time; the same glee erupting in her chest, all whilst lips press into a fine line in forced composure.
BEAU: he falls again, same motions repeated — stand in the water, climb back up, make a snide comment towards letha. the third part was a daily occurrence, no need for a dunk tank to exacerbate feud. alright, now he'd gave to think a little to annoy her.  "other places? " comment is interrupted as he climbs back into the chair. " i didn't realise the pool's snack stand was all that intriguing. " a beat, and her calls out to the dunk tank attendant, "hey, give her her money back. she needs it." back to letha. "you're welcome to keep getting your aggression out. my treat!"
LETHA: and there it is again, that beauregard induced agitation. it trickles back in : overcoming momentary bliss and triumph, urging her to ignore the attendant’s puzzled stare … and reach out for a new, unpaid for, ball. it doesn’t linger in her possession for long — instead catapulted out of her grasp, the way of beau. and it hits. just not what she’d aimed for. hands instinctively snap to her mouth, stifling a gasp as the ball tumbles into the water. although letha hadn’t aimed at his face, convincing him otherwise would be futile.   “   oh my god!   „  she exclaims, moving towards the dunk tank : coming to a full stop before she’s within an arm’s length. to be safe.   “   are you okay?   „
BEAU: taunts all in good fun — at least fun for him, perhaps a little cruel headed in her direction — are ended when the ball sails well over the target and way off from the target. at least his baseball metaphor had been inaccurate, but the bright green of the tennis ball had smacked squarely into his eye. hand flies up to it, and the seat shakes with sudden stunned movement, but luckily, does not fall as letha rushes up to him. yet. an attempt to beckon her closer with momentary sympathy he know's he'll lose, hand remains firm on eye. "does it look too bad?"
LETHA: he’s not yelling. though rather than luck, she considers it the calm before the storm. a grimace, letha takes another step to further investigate damage done.   “   no.   „   she lies. poorly at that, and her face is bound to give her away.   “   … you’re bleeding.   „   a fact which does not bode well for letha newman … or her financial reliance on the spoiled, albeit injured, brat ahead.
BEAU: mechanics of the dunk tank are mystifying, and beau assumes rather than rentals, someone in eden must have made them themselves. sides low enough to send water careening out if there's a particularly sudden fall, they're stationed by the hoses for constant refills. no cage surrounding them, a safety violation if he's ever seen one — and now he reaps the consequences of that part. lastly — falls not only triggered by the pushing of the target, but of sudden movement ... and a tiny lever under the seat. hand removed fully from eye as if to investigate, hand swings under him, sending an injured beau falling downwards suddenly ... and quite a bit of water over the sides of the tank and, at least partially, over letha. vague, weak revenge doesn't do as much to satiate frustration as he thinks it would, and once fall is over and shock from the sudden injury is placated, annoyance fills his tone. "there must seriously be something seriously fucking wrong with you if you lash out like that," he grumbles, voice raised. "we've got lawyers on retainer, you know." good ones, the rochester's wealth a secret to neither of them, even if threat is empty. he touches his eye gently. bleeding he is indeed, and the area around it is sure to bruise.
LETHA: despite a hurried step back, beau manages to soak her from the waist and down. fair enough. she would take this over a shiner any day. a truth kept to herself as she hurries to her own defence. voice whiny and childish —— sounding more like a little kid caught with its hand in the cookie jar than an apologetic adult.   “   it was an accident!*   „   she was starting to wish it hadn’t been. he deserved it. if not for today then for all the previous combined.   “   and there’s nothing wrong with me.   „    that was up for debate. luckily, he was unaware of the turmoil which possessed her life. aside for the financial portion.   “  i mean, i’m not the one threatening to go crying to daddy. what are you, beau, five?   „
BEAU: he scoffed, so enraptured with both his injury and taking out the blame for it on letha that it didn’t seem to matter that he was still standing waist deep in water. at least he was prepared enough to wear swim trunks — no matter what level of cockiness, someone was bound to hit him in multiple times throughout the day. he just didn’t anticipate it would be letha. twice. he recomposes, gone is what's gained from increased anger ... and he's returned to the usual level of annoyed back & forth for benefit of his own pride. “oh — i’m five? you’re the one hurling things at people because you got your feelings hurt. little playground etiquette for you, newman. you don’t get to kick sand because someone has more toys than you.” his eye hurt like a bitch, but he wasn't about to nurse it in front of her. as far as letha could be concerned, he was barely phased by her antics.
LETHA: jean sticks to her legs, chafing wet thighs and adding another layer of thick, impenetrable annoyance to the situation.   “   i wish it’d been on purpose.   „   a snap in her voice, letha grabs a bundle of — previously folded, now crumbled — singles.   “  in fact, i wish i’d broken your big, stupid friggin’ nose.   „   temptation is found in the act of tossing change onto the ground but manners keep a fist from unclenching where she stood. pacing back to baffled attendant, letha hands her the whole of the day’s budget. and then, like the five year old she was so insistent not to be, she spins back around.   “   it’d probably look better.   „   juvenile but satisfactory, she adds punctuation with a classic storm off.
BEAU: watching with raised eyebrows — or, raised eyebrow, considering that any movement near the other eye was painful enough. "my nose isn't big, it's strong, and it is considered attractive in many cultures!" beau called out, but letha had already turned on her heel and stormed away. typical: starting a fight, couldn't take the heat ... he climbs up back past the seat, and makes his way out of the tank, ice pack waiting for him as the attendant places letha's crumbled bills into the EDEN CHARITY FAIR fanny packs. man, is he glad he doesn't have to wear one of those. somewhat turned off by the fact that the dunk tank had been so prepared for injury, after a minute or two of standing around, he resumes his prior position, eye feeling only slightly better, still stewing at letha's purposeful attack.
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