#this took forever but it was worth it😭🎄🎄
equestriagirl16 · 2 years
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Under the mistletoe~🎄
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Here’s a lil something for those who are curious as to how twst bois would share a smooch with their favorite prefect in a familiar tradition.~
Notes: I guess this also counts as my 1k followers special, thank y’all so much!!! Pls reply/reblog. !Ortho is platonic!
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Riddle is in an interesting case. Somewhat stuck between being all too willing to participate yet stubborn in his embarrassment. He was probably pushed towards the thought by his fellow dorm members, eventually cooking up an idea after collaring them. He decided to simply coerce you to join him in this activity, enforcing it as another silly rule during Heartslabyul’s Holiday tea party. When you arrived, you stood chatting with your friends. That’s when he sauntered over in an authoritative manner as always.
“MC if I could have a moment with you. Would you mind standing here.”
“Sure Riddle but what’s-ooooh.” You go along with him standing across from the strangely stiff ruler under a lit and well decorated shrub arch. Curious about what he needed you for, until you saw that familiar green bundle hanging above you two.
“A-According to Rule #259 all holiday traditions must be carried out in full. So of course this is no exception-”
You swiftly hush his rambling with quick peck on the lips leaving him speechless, with his face adorably flushing redder than the colored lights.
“Well who am I to break the queen’s rules. Merry Christmas riddle”
“M-Merry Christmas MC.”
Ace would try his best to play it cool, being the suave playboy he desperately tries to be. Perhaps he did it as a dare or on a whim, either way he knew this could be a perfect opportunity to fluster you. That site would be sweeter than any of the food set out and rest to eat at the party. He’d attempt to distract you during your conversation after you arrived. You both slowly make you’re way over to the same arch, as you try not to notice his blatantly shifting eyes the whole time.
“Hey MC, bet you didn’t notice where we’re standing.”
“No clue, unless you’re referring to the mistletoe conveniently placed right above us.”
“Ah-way to ruin the surprise! I was trying to be romantic here.”
You hum apologetically and seal it with a kiss on his warming cheek. When you step away you’re quickly pulled back into his chest.
“Hey, you missed a spot.” He says planting a nice smooch right on your lips, just as planned.
Deuce being the sweet boy he is would most likely just ask, admittedly a bit nervously. The gesture is always something that’s been on his mind during this time of year. Seeing school peers participate, and even hearing his mom go on about her younger days, made him quite curious about the act. Now that he has someone to try it with he was more enthusiastic than he’d like to show, hoping his sweaty hands wouldn’t give it away. When you stepped into the lit up garden, he unleashed every ounce of confidence to grab your hand and drag you over to a familiar designated spot.
“Ok ok Deuce slow down, your gonna rip my arm off here.” You say between giggles as he abruptly stops you two under the same arch.
“Sorry it’s that I-uh. I really wanted to do this with you before I chicken out.”
“And what’s that-oh!” Without another word he silently points above you as you direct your attention to the dangling plant.
“Awe Deuce.” Before he knew it your lips were on his, and despite his protest they moved to both his cheeks right after.
“Merry Christmas Deuce.”
“Hm, Merry Christmas MC.”
Trey absolutely adored the idea for a long time, knowing it was a romantic moment shared between lovers. He just thought it was cute, and what better way to spend the holidays than doing something cute with you. He would plan his attempt during either the cleanup or prep for the festivities, but either way you’d be in the kitchen helping him out. Perhaps while you’re distracted he’ll make his way to you with a little surprise behind his back.
“Thanks again for the help MC, you really are a lifesaver.”
“Its no problem Trey you know I love helping you out.”
“Yeah I do. By the way what’s that?”
“What’s wha-”
You see him lift his arm and immediately notice the quite little piece of holly he held above you.
“Hmm, I’m not sure. Maybe this will answer.” You lay sweet yet deep kiss onto unsurprising sweet lips. When you break you’re greeted with a familiar wide smile.
“Was that what you were looking for?”
“Hahaha, always.”
Ok, Cater knew kissing under the mistletoe is like THE thing to do if you have a partner during this time of year. All across his magicam page were couples in their winter attire all snuggled up and lovey. He wanted to do that too, especially with you, not only would it be magical but his followers would go crazy over the content! He would honestly just go for it, but with a cute amount of misdirection. Simply asking for a photo op under the same decorated arch for his magicam page.
“Alright MC, just stand right there I’m gonna set up the camera.”
“Cmon Cater you pulled me away before dinner started. I’m starving!”
“Ok here I come!”
He jogs over to you embracing you in a back hug as you both pose waiting for the flash of the phone. However, when Cater knew there was only a second left he swept in for sweet and loving kiss right on your cheek much to your surprise. When the camera went off he instantly went back over to retrieve his device.
“Omg MC! You look so cute, everyone’s gonna go gaga over our special mistletoe pic!”
“Mistletoe?” Curiously you looked up to spot the dangling plant in question.
“Whaaaat, you don’t like my gift MC?”
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Leona wouldn’t care at first, at least not in the sense that he’s running to you thirsting for a holiday smooch. He’d probably raise an ear to it once he heard about it from another source, or maybe even straight up from you. Not to mention the thought of being the one and only to sweep you off your feet would stroke his ego. You can thank a certain hyena friend of yours for the push. So he thought if it’d satisfy you too, he might as well put in a little effort.
“Hey Herbivore over here.” You heard Leona call you from his comfy spot in the Savanaclaw lounge. They were having a little holiday celebration, that he casually invited you to. You trotted over and plopped down right next to him, getting comfortable yourself.
“What’s up?”
“Hmm probably that.” You look up as he pointed to the mistletoe dangling within the canopy you two were under. Before you could say anything, he tugged you by the waist and smothered you in a heavy kiss. When you pulled up for air he then dragged you to lay down with him in one swift motion.
“The holidays are always so tiring, stay here for a while and don’t move alright.”
“Alright, ya big kitty.”
Ruggie honestly thinks it’s a little cliche but it did seem like a good way to get a laugh out of you. He’s only ever seen in some of those movies, or seen people do it as he passed them by on the streets. He thought it was sweet enough, a bit mushy, but that’s how he feels when it comes to you anyway. Plus if there was anything he could do to make you happy he would. Not too keen on anything that involves expenses, but a free act of service is always his go to. So he came up with something on the fly when you came to their holiday party.
“Hey MC, you got something right there.”
“Oh what is it-WAHAHAHA RUGGIE!” As he pretended to reach for the mysterious something on your body, he began to tickle you within an inch of your life. You eventually fell over dragging him down with you. He stops after that as you catch your breath.
“R-Ruggie what was that for?!”
“Shishishi, found it.”
He holds up the little bundle of holly above your head, smooshing a kiss against your cheek before rapidly pecking your lips earning more giggles from you.
“Hope you enjoyed gift number 1. Sorry there’s not many after that.”
“I’d say you're off to a great start, but don’t worry about all that. I’m already plenty happy.”
Jack wouldn’t really know how to go about it when he eventually decided on doing it. Mostly egged on by his first year friends to try being more romantic with you. He may not be too gung-ho, but it’s a nice opportunity to share something sweet with you. I think he’d be very straightforward about it, he’s not the suavest guy but the genuineness is more than enough.
“MC, would you like to join me for something for a second?”
“Yeah sure, you need anything?”
“Well I heard about this whole mistletoe tradition and was just wondering…” You notice him start to trail off as his face turns a slightly darker shade. It’s cute you think, usually such a big brave wolf trying to ask for something like this. How could you not oblige.
“I’d love to. Cmere big guy.” You quickly drag him over to the nearest mistletoe you see hanging and without hesitation pull him down into a kiss. It lasted a bit longer than you expected, but it was well worth it to see a flustered Jack with a fast wagging tail behind him.
“Thanks MC, Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas Jack.”
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Kalim is also extremely forward, just the absolute most excitable and sweetest boy when it comes to the romantics. The holiday ones were no exception either. He’s seen so many films, and plays, and even relatives indulge in this tradition. So how could he possibly resist setting up something special for you, ya know aside from the million other things he got you this year. That way he has another excuse to throw a huge party at his dorm and make you a guest of honor. Specifically requesting an entire hut be reserved for the occasion.
“MC! I’m so happy you could make it! Come with me quick.”
“Ok ok, just slow down for a sec.” You both merrily jog throughout the lounge and make it to said hut. When Kalim pulls back the curtains you witness a beautifully decorated little hideout made for two. Like a holiday oasis, complete with a mistletoe hanging in the center. You could swear you saw jewels in that thing.
“MC, I’m so happy I get to spend this time with you. Do you think I could have the honor of sharing a holiday kiss?” He asks grabbing both your hands tenderly and leading you under the dangling plant.
“Awe Kalim, the honors all mine.” You both sweetly lean in for a picture perfect kiss. It was soft but made you feel so light, smiling sweetly at eachother when you separated.
“Merry Christmas MC, now let’s head back to the party!”
“Right behind you!”
Jamil would be extremely hesitant, mostly because he’s not one for the mushy stuff. He’s also witnessed this activity from friends and family, but never would he have thought he’d get the same chance. He wants it in his own right, but if he does do it has to be private and personal. Something he can share with you alone and feel the pride well up inside him when he hopefully gets to see your flustered face in the night.
“MC, can I borrow you for a second.”
“Huh? Oh yeah sure.” You break away from your conversation with Kalim and follow Jamil throughout the hallways of the Scarabia dorm. Stopping to sit on a window bay while you both peeked out the frosted glass.
“So what can I do for you Jamil?”
“I don’t need anything. Though Kalim’s parties are so extravagant I can barely think.”
“Yeah I needed a bit of a breather too.”
“Luckily I know a great way to distract us.” Opening your mouth to ask what that may be all that came out was a gasp seeing Jamil be mere inches away from your face. The pull at that point was undeniable as your lips collided with his in a strong kiss.
“You gave in so easily I didn’t even need the mistletoe did I?”
You raise your head to see the plant in question secured to the window above your head. Chuckling you lean onto him smirking when he looks down at you with a bit of deep red on his cheeks that he tried to hide.
“I guess not.”
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Vil is slick with it, an extremely proficient charmer. He would also know very well about this sweet holiday tradition. Unfortunately, throughout the years he’d be constantly pestered by fans and others alike to indulge in the deed with them. Of course he never gave them the time of day, he may love having the world in his hands but somethings were special. A sacred activity he would only share with someone he deemed to be his only beloved. Naturally, sweeping you off your feet comes with ease so he really didn’t have to plan too far ahead with this one. Mistletoe was practically a huge part of Pomefiore’s decorations this time of year. All he had to do was invite you over to their holiday ball, clad in the most beautiful Yule tide attire of course.
“Sooo how do I look?” You ask confidently yet still seeking his esteemed approval.
“Hmm, you clean up quite well. You just need some final touches.” Carefully he reaches for the collar of your clothing, folding and fiddling with it absentmindedly. He notices how you look at him with nothing but adoration and patience unlike any other. Standing straight and elegantly just like he always taught you. His face softened as both his hands settled on the sides of your face, squishing it a bit.
“You really are an adorable little potato aren’t you?”
“Hehe I try, but you’re always so gorgeous Vil. Thanks for inviting me.”
You beamed so brightly in your gratitude and Vil could actually feel himself become restless. He needed something, and intended on getting it right this moment. Hands still firmly planted on your face he pulled you forward delicately kissing your lips as you enjoyed the soft feel of his own. The moment was brief and gentle, yet you looked beyond breathless when it was over.
“What was that for?”
“Well I have to give credit where it’s due. Like I said, you look quite elegant tonight my dear. It would also be a shame to miss such a picture perfect opportunity.”
He gestured to one of many branches of holly that decorated the walls over your head.
“I suppose it would. Merry Christmas Vil.”
“Merry Christmas MC.”
Now Rook would be one of the few to deviously plot how he would ensnare his little prey into such a compelling trap. What a beautiful way to celebrate ones love for another during one of the prettiest seasons as well. He’s always been unashamed in his flirtations, so what reason would their be for him to hesitate when it comes to swooning you. Of course he’d watch throughout the night to strategically plot where you would end up halfway through the party. Making his entrance when your guard was down.
“Hello Mon Amour.”
“GAAAAAH-Rook! Where are you even hanging from?!”
“Apologies, but there is something I must share with you. It’s very important you see.”
“This better be worth the heart attack.”
“Of course, if you could turn your attention to your left.” Swiftly you turn your head in that direction seeing a delicately put together mistletoe Rook had hanging right in front of your face. You attempt to question him, but when you turn your head back the right side of your cheek was met with a chaste kiss from a smirking pair of lips. You pull back in surprise much to his amument.
“Hahaha what an adorable face your making! Mignonne/Mignone~.
With a pout an idea quickly popped into your head. You pull the upside down man towards you planting a huge kiss on his lips. Now it was his turn to be flustered.
“How’s that for cute.”
“Hmm, my point still stands!”
Epel obviously knew about the classic tradition, things like those are pretty common back on the farm you know. It was also something he knew he had to accomplish as soon as he had a partner. Because Epel is a man, a manly man. Manly men swoon their partners, they make the first move. They sweep them off their feet, and they definitely don't get cold feet seeing them in the flesh that night. No, he can do this, he has to, he’s gotta prove he can step up and be the one to steal that sweet holiday kiss from you. It’d be perfect, just like all those Christmas romcoms his grandma watches every year. So with a deep breath he stomps over to you.
“MC, you look great tonight. Well not just tonight, I mean you always look nice.”
“Why thank you Epel, you look quite handsome yourself.” You say reaching over to adjust his lopsided bow tie, although you did like it that way. The action made his breath get caught in his throat so without a second thought he took that same hand and dragged you away to somewhere private.
“C-Come with me!”
He led you to a more secluded hallway, somewhere he knew he could drop the formalities.
“Listen MC, Imma be honest with ya. You know nobody gets my heart beatin like you do so I-I wanted to have one of those special holiday kisses. Do somethin all romantic ya know?”
“Well isn’t that uncharacteristically sweet of you.”
“Uh-” Before you let him say more you bring his face to yours in a swift smooch. Squeaking when you feel him bring you in closer by your waist almost hungrily. You both separate flushed and panting.
“Damn, you sure are somethin else.”
“You’re not too bad yourself. Merry Christams Epel.”
“Merry Christmas darlin.”
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Like no lie I can’t get the thought out of my head of Azul purposely covering the entirety of the Mostro Lounge head to toe in the little Christmas bundles. He’s a smart man, he knew all the ins and outs of what lovers participate in. So what better way to win you over once again, with a little planing of course. When the preparations were done, he’d claim it as being a part of their special winter event theme to reel in customers. Although the one he mainly wanted to reel in, however, was you in what he thought to be a master plan.
“Happy Holidays MC, you have my gratitude for volunteering in the Lounge tonight.”
“Well from what I gathered at first I was just invited, but somehow you roped me into kitchen duty.”
“More hands on deck are always needed, and worry not you will be compensated. In fact if you’ll join me this way for a second.” Offering a hand to you, the suited gentlemen led you away towards the aquarium displays. You took a moment to bask in the beauty of the sea creatures gracefully swimming about. As Azul looked at you with a smile ghosting on his own face.
“I see you’ve once again taken an interest in our display, but I think you’d enjoy it even more if you take a further look towards the top.” Following his advice you adjust your gaze upwards, seeing a string of mistletoe adorned along the top edges of the tank. You feel a presence close to your side as you slowly look back down, your eyes meeting pair hidden behind glasses.
“Well now, it seems we’ve come under traditional holiday obligation. You wouldn’t mind indulging in me would you?”
“It seems I have no choice, I am under oath after all.” You say with fake dramatics, pulling a chuckle out of him. Within a moment's notice, he delicately grabbed your face bringing it closer to his at an agonizingly slow pace. Although the wait was worth it, feeling his lips delicately press against yours. It was swift and sweet yet you don't think he was breathing the entire time.
“I hope that was to your liking.”
“Considering you went through all this effort to dress up the Lounge I’d say it would suffice.” A wave of red and a pair of fogged glasses stared blankly at you. Another quick peck on the cheek would make things better right?
“You’re adorable, Happy holidays Azul.”
“A-And to you as well MC.”
Jade is probably the most forward out of anyone here, yet also quite unique. He’s also someone that appreciates the romantics, especially the aesthetic of it all. The season set up quite the perfect mood for such a sweet moment. The thought of being able to share that with you brought him a good deal of joy, perhaps he could prepare something special. He had different plans and they didn’t start with the Lounge rather the gardens. He humbly requested that you take a break from your duties and accompany him on a nice stroll. See the frost decorate the glass walls of the building maybe.
“Woah the windows look so cool.”
“I agree, although I would like to show you something before you’re too far gone.” You playfully try to nudge his arm but he evades and grabs your hand, guiding you further into the gardens.
“Since this is a special time of year I decided to experiment a bit with a certain plant that seems to be customary during the winter.”
“You mean like some poinsettia-woooooah!” You gaze up at a humongous tree with spindly green leaves. Each small branch being decorated with shiny pearls and ribbon.
“Did you really grow this whole thing yourself?!”
“Of course, a little magic and dedication go a long way. Although it was still hard work, I think some compensation for my efforts is in order.”
“Hehe, alright maybe you’ve earned a little something.”
No further words were shared as you both crept towards one another, and embraced almost seamlessly. His kiss was graceful with a slight hunger behind it, causing you to be lost in a daze when you broke off.
“I’m glad you enjoyed my little gift. Perhaps you’d like to take some home as a momento?”
“If you can manage to hack off anything from that monster I’d be happy to.”
Floyd is also bold, very bold, scarily bold. Bravery to the point where decorum is no longer an option as he tried to weasel you out of the Lounge. You see, any opportunity he has at all to tease you in the slightest he’ll take it in a heartbeat. Especially this one, being able to share a Christmas kiss with his shrimpy? Ah, he could just eat you up! Your talk through the night was tame enough, but he seemed to have some extra anticipation running through his veins. Acting on instinct he began to tickle and tease until you both broke into an all out chase. Speeding down the hallways loudly and without a care in the world.
“Shrimpy come back! You know you can’t outrun me!”
“No! You play too rough!”
“That’s only because I LOVE you!” He emphasizes finally on your heels and tackling you to the ground. He resumed his onslaught of tickling, finding pleasure in your giggle filled begs. Eventually he let up knowing he had you right where he wanted you.
“Alright Shrimpy I’m done, no more tickles. I do have one more gift for you though.”
“Floyd please, I don’t think I can handle any more surprise-” The mischievous eel quickly stole your breath away, smashing his mouth against yours. You whined as you felt the collision of teeth, but the pain was soothed as he let up a bit. Kissing you passionately, coming up only to plant more kisses all across your face and neck making you laugh and squirm again.
“Floyd! You promised!”
“No, I don't think I did actually. Besides, how can I resist giving my cute Shrimpy all these kisses when we’re under the mistletoe.”
Realizing what he said you look up to see a bundle of the delicate plant hanging above the windowsill you two crashed under.
“Sneaky eel.”
“Cute Shrimpy.”
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Ortho is an adorable case to say the least. He hadn’t even had anything planned in the first place. The young robotic friend of yours just wanted to invite his bestie to Ignihyde’s Holiday dorm celebration. He arranged most of it himself, with surprisingly a lot of help from his brother. Idia knew deep down the gesture would make his little sibling happy. So despite his lack of presence, he did what he could. So when you walked through the door, he was just over the moon already.
“MC! I’m so glad you could make it.”
“Of course, anything for you bud.” He squished you in a hug, that took a bit of the wind out of you due to his unconscious strength.
“I assume your brother’s still cooped up in his room?”
“He’s actually just taking a break for now. Big brother’s been really helpful so far, he promised to try if it’ll make me happy!”
“That’s great Ortho! Do you think we could see him before everything gets started? I don’t want to pressure him to come out too much tonight, so let’s just visit him in private for now.“
“Great idea MC, follow me.”
You trotted behind the flame headed boy as he soared off towards Idia’s room. When you both were walking down the hallway you noticed a little something hanging above his bedroom door.
“I see your brother could only manage a bit of mistletoe for his decor huh?”
“Oh! That was actually my idea. I have a surprise planned for big brother and you're going to be the one to help me finish it.”
“Am I now? Well before I give your brother this gift, how about a little something for the party planner?”
You swoop him into a strong hug as he reciprocates, enjoying the warmth you both bring to each other. Giving him a quick and obnoxiously loud kiss on the cheek, bringing a laugh out of the adorable cyborg.
“Awe thank you MC! I’m glad we get to spend Christmas with you.”
“Me too little buddy.”
Idia was taking a much needed breather after helping his brother out with this party. All that direction took a lot out of the poor man and he needed just a little time to himself. Relaxing in his solitude enjoying the Holiday events in his favorite games. Undisturbed and thriving, only for that all to come crashing down as he heard a knock on his door. He practically jumped out of his skin so hard he fell over in his chair. Embarrassed despite no one being able to see him, he quickly rushed over to see who could be possibly bothering him right now!
“Who’s there!”
“Big brother it’s me, and I brought MC too!”
“Hi Idia, think you could open the door?”
With ridiculously shaky hands he forced himself to at least crack it open. He wanted to see you tonight but not so soon! It’s a good thing he didn’t start that quest yet.
“Cmon big brother it’s just us, you can come out.”
“I know that! Just hang on.” He finally steps all the way out his bedroom, closing the door behind him so you don't see the mess he always leaves in his wake.
“So Idia, your brother says you helped plan the party. That’s so nice of you.”
“Y-Yeah of course. I had nothing else to do so I thought I might as well.”
“And as a thank you for doing such a great job, we set up a little surprise. Somewhere up there.” Confused Idia looked up to where you were pointing, all the color left his face when he did. A mistletoe…A MISTLETOE!! Like the same mistletoe people kiss under in all those cringey normie holiday movies?! The exact same mistletoe he always sees be used in those otomes so the main lead can swoon their love interest?! No way, WAS HE THE LOVE INTEREST??! That can’t be right, you’re YOU and he’s HIM! You can’t honestly be saying that you want to kiss him! Or have him kiss you?! Well he can’t say he hasn’t dreamed of it before, but he’s not ready. He does want this, he wants you, but it’s just too much. Too sudden, his heart is pounding, his head is spinning. This is finally it for him isn’t it??
“Big brother, your heart rate is dangerously high! Do you need assistance?”
“NO-I mean, I’m fine I just-! MC, do you really wanna..?”
“Well, yeah, only if you do though. I would never make you do anything you don’t want to Idia. If this is too much, just say the word ok?” Of course it’s too much, but to turn you down right now just makes him feel even worse! If this feeling really is mutual then what’s stopping him? His dumb heart, and sweaty hands, he can’t let his own head ruin this moment. He can’t let you slip away because he’s scared, not this time. Just this once, he has to do something! ANYTHING! If his body would just MOVE!
So it did, almost automatically his stiff and shaky frame moved so fast you could barely tell what happened. All you could feel were clammy hands clutching into your arms, and a pair of quivering lips laying against yours. You return the favor and lean closer into him, something that elicited a squeak of surprise from the fiery man. You both backed away and dazed at one another not really sure as to what just happened.
“Big brother you did it!”
“I DID IT?!”
“Heh, you did.” You say hugging the Idia warmly.
“And I couldn’t ask for a better gift.”
“Aaaaah, this is the best Christmas ever!”
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Malleus, our sweet dragon prince, is a romantic at heart. All the stories he’s been told, and the relationships he’s seen through tinted windows would only encourage his love for the theatrics of it all. Although he is still blissfully ignorant to a good deal of customary ways humans indulge in one another. So when he heard that there was a special plant people share a kiss under during the Winter session, he just had to seize the opportunity. He learned all he could from books, and even asked Lilia if this plant had any magical properties. Maybe it has a love spell to seduce your partner, or it binds souls for eternity perhaps? Luckily, the vampiric caretaker assured Malleus that this is just a simple tradition amongst humans. But the ones that require no spells or tricks tend to be the most significant don’t they?
Diasomnia isn’t very well known for their Christmas celebrations, but an attempt was made regardless. Mostly as an excuse to invite you to their humble ball. Malleus waited for your arrival with bated breaths, the only quell being seeing you happily greet his dorm members as you walked through the ballroom.
“MC, I’m so happy you could make it. I’m sure everyone will be glad that the guest of honor has finally arrived.”
“I don’t need all that spotlight Mal. I'm just happy to be here, and to see you.”
“And for that I am forever grateful.” He swiftly takes one of your hands and brings it up to his lips in a chaste kiss. Grinning mischievously at your awestruck face.
“Would it be alright if I borrowed you before the festivities begin?”
“This isn’t another kidnapping attempt is it?”
“Haha! For tonight only, you have my word.”
You squint at him suspiciously, yet he leads you out of the ballroom regardless. You both end up around the back of the dorms where bushels and plant life grew. Festering with dark thorns, now covered in a thin blanket of frost and snow. It was almost ethereal in a way, such a dangerous plant that held such beauty.
“I can see you’re enjoying the view as well. The beauty of nature at its finest, wouldn't you agree?”
“Indeed I would Draconia.”
“Speaking of plant life, I learned a very interesting human custom recently. Apparently around this time of year couples usually engage in a romantic kiss under a particular bundle of branches, do they not? I believe it’s called..”
“Mistletoe?” You interject, looking up to see a piece of the ribbon wrapped plant tied to an arching branch of thorns. Delicate yet dangerous, how poetic, and how familiar. You looked back down at the man in question who gazed at you expectantly and wanting.
“Awe Malleus.” You leaned in closer to the gleeful dragon. His eyes glowing in the night yet only staring at you while you advance. He embraced you yet as the distance closes between you two, the mistletoe slipped loose of its tie and blew away in the winter wind.
“Oh no!” Malleus noticed as well and without a second thought, he flew up to capture the bundle with you in tow. You gasped in surprise but were secure in his hold. As you two floated high up, the moment was almost incredibly dream-like. Being swept into the air by your charming fae as he held the plant above you. To his shock you took the initiative to grab his neck and pull him down into a kiss. It was sweet and intoxicating, as Malleus held you impossibly closer. You could tell he didn’t want to separate but unfortunately you needed air.
“I can see why this is such a prominent tradition among your kind. That was..”
“Yet somehow so much more. Happy Holidays to you my love.”
“Happy Holidays, Malleus.”
Lilia with all his years of wisdom in and out of the castle walls, he would be quite knowledgeable of this quant holiday tradition. He thought it was cute, and what a lovely way to celebrate the love between hearts on such an occasion. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to participate this year and snag the opportunity to see his favorite human become so adorably flush again. So without hesitation when you arrived at their little holiday gathering, he set his plan into motion.
“Well if it isn't our lovely MC, it’s good to see you tonight.”
“And you as well Lilia.” You say playfully bowing. He mimicked your gesture with a chuckle, and then grabbed your hand and led you towards the center of the ballroom. Gliding you around the marbled floor so gracefully you almost felt as if you were floating.
“You sure are lively tonight.”
“What can I say, this time of year puts just about anyone in a good mood.” The bat fae says spinning you one last time before dipping you down. Inching his face closer to yours with a fanged smile.
“And I suppose it helps that I have you in my arms as well.” His voice was almost a whisper as he firmly pecked your lips. A kiss so sudden you couldn’t help the muffled gasp that left you, yet you took time to enjoy it for as long as it lasted. He pulled away, staring down at your cutely dazed face.
“Forgive me if I was too forward, I just wanted to indulge in a classic holiday tradition.” He looked towards the ceiling of the ballroom and you followed. Spotting the mistletoe that was loosely hanging above right where he conveniently halted your dance.
“I guess it’s nice that you’re still intrigued by human festivities.”
“Well I’d say more than that has piqued my interest. Happy Holidays MC.”
“Happy Holidays Lilia.”
Sebek is…Sebek, he would not know what to with himself. Let alone feel as if it was appropriate to participate in such a thing, especially not in a public setting where Malleus could see him! The thought makes him want to die of shame, yet he’s still not fully opposed to the idea. He supposes it would be nice to be intimate with you. Only once though, and only in private! So that’s the reason as to why he so suddenly pulled you away from any watching eyes at the ball. Firmly placing you across from him to sit down in a secluded study of sorts.
“Now that I’ve made sure my arm is still attached to my body, you wanna tell me why we’re here.”
“Of course! Simply put I wanted to share something..intimate! With you! And I couldn’t rightly do that in front of my master's eyes! Or anyone else for that matter!”
“With me?” Curious yet flustered, you avert your eyes to start scanning around the room. Your question was quickly answered seeing the hastily put together red and green bundle hanging from the ceiling.
“Ah, I see you’ve caught on. Well then *ahem* would you do me the honor…MC?” The green haired man, despite standing upright and proper, had a nervous shake about him. Trying his best to offer a fidgeting hand towards you. The gesture was adorable so without a second thought you placed your hands on his and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, followed by another on the cheek.
“You’re always so sweet in your own way, I appreciate the effort Sebek.”
“Thank you MC! I suppose..”
Silver is extremely casual about the whole thing, he strikes me as someone who has an abundance of confidence despite his demeanor. Also thanks to being raised by you know who of course. The sleepy guy is very knowledgeable about all those Christmas time activities so he just figures, why not. If he got to share a sweet moment with you, then it’s something worth trying. Plus he may or may not have been heavily encouraged by a certain bat fae.
“Good evening MC, you look very nice tonight.”
“Well look who’s wide awake, thank you Silver.”
“Barely, I was prepping for tonight by napping as much as I could. I didn’t want to miss you after all.” He explains letting out a small yawn.
“I also wanted to ask you something. Think you could meet me outside?” You follow suit as he leads the way to outside of the dorm. From there he guides you to sit down next to him under a familiar tree he seems to comfortably lean against.
“It’s cold out here.”
“You can take my jacket for a second, we won’t be long.” His hands remain on your shoulders after he places the jacket around you.
“I remembered how when I was younger my father would tell me stories about lovers who shared a kiss under the mistletoe around this time of year. I would like to do the same with you, only if you’ll have me.”
That’s when you heard the small squeaks and scampering of woodland creatures approaching you two. The cutest little squirrel descends from the tree holding the same festive plant from his mouth over both your heads. The moment was so fairytale like, you figured Silver took those stories more literally than you thought. You couldn’t deny the expectant glint in his eyes however, while you two snuggled closer
“Hm, of course.”
He gently placed a hand on your jaw carefully pulling in until your lips met in a sweet kiss. It was delicate yet deep, and you both melted into it until the need to breath took over.
“Thank you MC, I’m glad that worked out so well.” He yawned, leaning his head on your shoulder.
“Hey, a kiss is supposed to wake you up, not make you fall back to sleep!”
“Well you’re always full of surprises, and very comfortable. Merry Christmas MC.”
“Merry Christmas Silver.”
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