#this type of behaviour is completely childish
thegirlinvelvet · 5 months
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Never thought someone would call me "homophobic" over fucking pixels again but here we are looool.
Mind you this person harassed a 15 yo girl over settphel (yes). They made a whole ass post on r/apheliosmains accusing her of 'homophobia' because she made a humorous tiktok about her least favourite LOL ships, SettPhel was one of them but she clarified in the comments the reasons behind it, basically saying that it was due to the fact that some ppl tend to mischaracterize Phel and often associate him with Sett. Clear explanation, right? Well, that person still refused to let go of the accusations, which led the poor girl to privatize her fucking account. They’ve been called out by multiple ppl, myself included but still didn’t seem to give a shit.
I stumbled across their comments multiple times, one time they accused yet another girl with fairly fragile mental health of homophobia because she said she didn't really like the idea of shipping Aphelios with anyone, that he was her comfort character, and made her feel better; happy.
"jUsT saY yoU’re HoMoPhobIc anD Move On" was their answer. They keep on throwing these words under harmless posts but when I called them out and on their BS I’m wrong and homophobic????
Oh and they also criticize other people’s ships and hcs, I remember someone posting a super well-made painting of Sb Phel x Sb Thresh, and you know what they commented? "SettPhel is much better." Okay? If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Like, how can you possibly be this disrespectful? Why do you feel the need to bring up SettPhel? Are you that insecure? Over fucking pixels?
Simply INSANE. It’s like people aren’t allowed to have different tastes anymore. "No you can’t ship SettRaka, it’s gross-" "NamiPhel is weird" "You can’t ship SettEz, Sett is already-" stfu and let people live. These characters are NOT REAL, they do NOT BELONG TO YOU, stop harassing innocent ppl and let them be creative. You’re fighting the wrong fucking battle.
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bella-goths-wife · 3 months
How alec, Johnny and Jane court Cullen reader
Warnings: obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, oblivious reader, inexperienced reader, mentions of abuse from Cullens
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Alec has to be subtle about his affections and intentions with you
Your ‘family’ already hate him, they have since the day Edward was introduced to the volturi and could report to the Cullens every thought alec has had of you
His courting had to remain subtle for his forbidden flower, for his sweet Juliet to his Romeo
He found that at first his best option for being close to you was ask for a dance at one of the balls that the volturi threw for the introductions of new members of big time clans
These balls were for the most part mandatory, meaning your family couldn’t just lock you away and you could spend time with other vampires with minimal fear
Alec would walk to to you with one of the volturi kings next to him so that If you accepted a dance with him, they could distract the Cullens long enough for Alec to slip the two of you onto the ballroom floor
He never was one for dancing before you, coming from a poor village in the medieval times he never really had to learn
Even after joining the volturi, he copied basic moves whenever he had to dance with someone for the sake of politeness
But after meeting you and realising that you came from a different time period to him, he begged some of the female volturi members to teach him some steps to dances from your time
He tried to master them but sometimes you still have to correct him, to which he’ll claim that you must be seeing things to save himself embarrassment
He also tried to learn courting culture from your time, but he never could do with all the politeness from it
He preferred being improper with you, it gave him the opportunity to see the real you
So he’d sneak up to your room after the Cullens locked you up for the night
He’d sneak through the window and the two of you would spend the night talking and laughing together, considering neither of you needed to sleep
It made him feel closer to you, made him feel special to have that time with you
He knew that no one else had that experience with you, and that made his worries of you being taken from him
He’s done everything in his power to make sure the vampire clans know that he has claim on you and is courting you, he’s seen the newer clans looking at you like a piece of meat and he thought it best to show who you belong to
If any others try and intrude on your time together, they’ll be hissed at viciously and the volturi kings will be told of the interference to their plan to match you with either Alec or Jane
His last act of devotion to you was to swear you that he will free you from the Cullens grasp, and you can only pray he’s truthful
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Jane isn’t the most loving person
She struggles to express most emotions, but showing her adoration and love is the hardest
So she tries to court you in more practical ways, such as acts of service
Anything that you need doing, she will have the task completed by sundown
Your struggling to find clothes because the Cullens only give you childish clothes? Jane had handmade clothes tailored to match and compliment your body type and skin colour and she leaves them in your room for you
You’re thirsty but you don’t have any blood to feed with? Jane killed a human for you two to share during your teatime
She even asks for it to be baked into pastry’s even though neither of you can digest food anymore so you both end up coughing it up
You need entertainment while you’re locked away in your room? Jane will sit outside your door and read your favourite books and poems to you and keep you entertained
She also tries to work on her physical affection for you
She offers you an arm when you walk together through the garden at night, she places her hand over yours when you need comforting, she will place small kisses on your hand when greeting you in private
These are all things she never thought she’d be comfortable with until she met you, so she’s slowly improving in private
When she’s feeling extra possessive, she will cover you head to toe in her signature scent either by spraying you with perfume or briefly holding you and rubbing her cheek against your neck
This means she can put a subtle claim on you to show that you are hers and that anyone who tries to touch you will feel the wrath of her painful stare
Her final act of devotion from when she saw you last was swearing to free you from the Cullens so the two of you could stay near each other forever
She does all of this and yet your still completely oblivious to the affections her and her twin hold for you
Johnny (post meeting you)
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Johnnys methods of courting is mainly just trying to help you discover more of yourself and help you separate your identity from the one forced upon you by the Cullens
I suppose it would fall under the category of quality time as he will spend hours upon hours with you helping you learn a new skill or remember an old memory
He helps you acclimate to the more modern parts of society that the Cullens never taught you about, such as dating culture and party culture
He tries to find things for the two of you to do that he thinks you’ll enjoy the most
An example of this is him taking you to a petting zoo and letting you control all the cute animals because it made you feel better then hunting with the Cullens
He also used his power to his advantage and he will shape his shadows to make shadowy animal figures for you to admire
He will also get very secretly proud of himself every time he sees you’ve enjoyed yourself doing an activity he chose out
He’s also very big into PDA as he’s less afraid of what the Cullens will do to him
He’s always got an arm around your shoulders or waist when you walk or he’s holding your hand as you talk to each other
But always with permission, he understands that you can have a slight touch Phobia because of your time with the Cullens
He was also raised as a lord, so all of his courting will subconsciously be very gentlemanly despite his playful and rough persona
So that means the sidewalk rule is being obeyed, he’s always taking your arm when you walk together and he’s always generally acting with honour and decency
He’ll do all this and you’ll still swear that he hates you though
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Thoughts guys? 😭
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imviotrash · 5 months
🗡️Edward Midford and Autism coding 🗡️
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During my Hiatus from the Kuroshitsuji fandom, I got diagnosed with autism. It took me some time to come to terms with that and to figure myself out.
I returned to the Kuro fandom last summer, due to (what I now come to recognize as) my longtime special Interest finally getting an anime adaptation and upon rereading some of my favourite arcs, I came to the realisation that I see a lot of my (and my peers) autistic traits in Edward. What's interesting about this character is that he has a lot of autistic traits, that are not really touched upon in media. So lets get into it!
The gentleman extreme (and how everything is taken a bit too literal/seriously):
In his introduction in chapter 52 he is shown to uphold the same beliefs as his mother, scolding his sister for behaving in an unbecoming manner. He's shown to be very close to his family and strictly upholds their values of protection. At first one may assume he is just like his mother, but it is quickly revealed that he is far more ridiculous. His upholding of his gentleman status is often paired with anger, such as in chapter 58, where he scolds other men for not letting women and children go on the lifeboats first (king behaviour) and also being the one to later recommend to look for more survivors. He has a strong code of ethics and upholds it, even if it is seen as ridiculous or even dangerous.
When it comes to clothing, he also upholds strict values and instantly gets flustered and afraid when that standard is not upheld, to the point where he needs physical distance and shields his eyes.
From these tidbits already we can observe that he is ridiculously formal, upholding the social decorum to the very extreme. While autistic individuals are known for their non-conformity, they are also known to accidentally not conform by confirming too much and following instructions to every detail. I fall into both extremes, but I definitely stick to the latter when it comes to social interactions.
I think Edward definitely falls into that category, because he represents how ridiculous the Victorian code of ethics and etiquette can be if upheld at all times. I may dabble into headcannon territory again, but I strongly believe that knighthood and the chivalry connected to it is something like a special interest for him, which contributes to the way he acts.
Aggression and volume:
In his introduction he yells at his future brother in law. A complete overreaction and incredibly ironic considering his previous scolding regarding etiquette. This happens multiple times, especially when confronted with Ciel his gentlemanly behaviour suddenly turns into childish banter. He is usually soft spoken but can be louder if he is simply commanded to do so.
Volume control is something a lot of autistic people struggle with. For me it's especially when talking about special interests or talking to a person who interrupts me A LOT. I am quiet and do not speak often, so when I do I must make the most of it.
Based on cannon evidence, I believe that Edward may struggle with this too. He's loud to get his point across, because he believes that loudness will make others listen to him.
Spiky hair, in this economy?
So we all know Frances and her strict rules regarding men's hair, right? Everything has to be slicked back and she thinks Sebastians hair is atrocious (so do I). So why is it that her son is the only one allowed to run around with this type of hairstyle? Alexis has very nicely brushed back hair, Elizabeths is also nicely done. Isn't it strange that she makes an exception for ONE family member?
So here is where I dabble into headcannons, because I think the exception was made because he has sensory issues regarding his hair. He doesn't like it slicked back in any way and feels uncomfortable with any product in his hair.
Once again, heavily falling into headcannons, so take this one with a grain of salt.
Elizabeth and her influence:
Edward is incredibly attached to his sister. Mainly being protective of her and not trusting other men (especially his brother in law) to treat her with the respect she deserves. He knows and appreciates her skill and knows she's incredibly capable. So...why is he so attached?
Elizabeth is an important catalyst for his behaviour, because it shows the extremes of his gentleman code. His good manners instantly turn into ridiculous aggression as soon as he sees something that he views as a threat to her. Despite his behaviour towards Ciel, he does care about him, because he realises how important he is to his sister. Elizabeth is a person of comfort for Edward. He admires her talent and sees her as a valuable family member who has been through a lot of hurt.
Autistic individuals often have trouble with boundaries and attach themselves onto others quickly, which leads to them unintentionally treating them incorrectly. This is definitely the case here, since he gives little (social) agency to Elizabeth for the sake of her protection. He genuinely cares about her but is unable to set healthy boundaries, because his way of emphaphy differs from the social norm.
Masking and copying behaviour:
What is interesting about Edward is how he copies the behaviour of others. He has a role model and copies their behaviour because he desires to master it. So why does he do that?
My answer is masking. Edward genuinely admires these people, but is unsure of how to adapt their skills in his own way, so he copies them. This is something we can often see in masking. Behaviour that is seen as acceptable by society is often copied by autistic individuals to blend into society. I think for Edward it's a combination of masking and admiration. His strong upholding of the Gentleman code also fits well into this category.
Beyond that, the Blue cult arc also proves that he able to severely alter the way he behaves, if needed. Does he feel comfortable with that? Absolutely not. But he does have the great ability to do so if instructed, which proves to yet be another factor for him masking his behaviour.
Mediocrity in a Neurotypical society:
So Edward had this nice monologue about him being mediocre compared to his prodigy sister and I think it is exactly this scene, which makes me headcannon him as autistic. Because this is the exact trait I do not see often.
In media, many autistic individuals are represented as prodigies and amazingly intelligent and I can't help but hate that stereotype, because it puts unrealistic expectations on disabled individuals. I have prodigy friends who are autistic and I truly admire them, but I need people to understand that autism is a disability and not just "socially incompetent person who is going to revolutionise the world". As soon as one's interest is not deemed useful by society (which mainly includes "feminine" interests), they are not validated. Autism is only accepted by society if it proves to be impressive or useful. It is not seen as a disability, but as something to exploit.
I like Edwards monologue, because I relate and it rounds out his character really well. He accepts that he is not a prodigy, that he sucks in many regards, but that he still looks up to those who fit into the standard. His monologue is something that I've truly taken into heart, because you do not need to be a prodigy to be valid, you should not need to be extraordinary to be accepted as you are. You are allowed to be mediocre. You are allowed to treat your disability as a disability, because that's what it is.
Please remember that most of this is based on my personal expenses with autism. It is an incredibly diverse neuro divergency and manifests itself differently in all sorts of ways. Many of these traits may not apply to you or to anyone you know. This is just a personal observation based on my own and my companions experiences.
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33446699 · 2 months
Red flags in tarot/astrology readers:
Readers who do 18+ ,love readings on minors
Readers who are biased in their readings
Readers who answer invasive questions
Readers who answer NSFW questions about celebs
Readers who are racist or cultural appropriate
Readers who impose their religious or political or social beliefs on others
Readers who accuse any celebrity of knowing or doing black magic or hexxing
Readers who are passive aggressive, or literally cursing or lashing out on people asking them questions or to other readers
Readers sharing moodboards in which FS (appearance , connection, description)of a celebrity , weirdly matches with their own appearance , connection or vice versa
Readers who act childish
Readers who act like they know it all
Readers who believe/ say only their readings are accurate 100 percent,and other readers are wrong or not accurate
Readers who use AI for their readings but don't mention it
Readers who are extremists or part of organisations that are extremists
Readers who support genocide or war in any region of the world in any form
Readers doing readings( games,free,paid) how relationship will be like between a particular celebrity and their fans (friends , romantic) as it increases delusional behaviour and strengthens parasocial relationship
Readers who answer questions related to divorce/ death
Readers who answer questions related to cheating
Readers who are friends with delulus or themselves fall in stage 2,3 of Parasocial relationship
Readers who are hateful to a particular celebrity and their FS for no reason and drag them for it
Readers who assume gender of FS of a celebrity without giving the reason why they feel /believe so
Readers who assume sexual orientation of a celebrity by themselves and readers who are shippers
Readers who say that what they dream is 100 accurate only the interpretation can be wrong ( dreams can be normal sometimes) ,or readers accusing other people/ readers on basis of dreams
Readers having whole blog discussions based on dreams , judging everything related to a celebrity or their FS everything on basis of dreams
Readers who tell that a particular celebrity or FS is tired of being read on ,or people discussing their love life but still continue to do so
Readers rejected by a celebrity or FS energy many times and continue to read on that celebrity or FS
Readers being too invested in a specific celebrity personal life ,or FS ,having discussions on their blogs for weeks or months ( parasocial relationship type 1)
Readers dedicating their whole blog or almost whole blog to one specific celebrity or their FS
Readers supporting or having fan blog for FS of a celebrity
Readers saying a celebrity has children ( if unmarried) when the celebrity hasn't/ hadn't mention anything about it
Readers who completely deny the possibility without reading that FS or partner of a particular celebrity can be of certain age , religion,country ,status , appearance,race, professionetc
Readers who do readings on a celebrity or their FS too often , ( every few days or weeks ),or doing too many tarot readings in one day ( energy draining)
Readers creating possible birth chart of a celebrity FS ,or describing every little detail of a celebrity chart using astrology
Readers who encourage drama,create drama, controversy in tarot, astro community
Readers doing readings on rumors
Readers body shaming celebrities or their followers
Readers diagnosing a celebrity or their FS ,or their followers ( even worse if not a doctor)
Readers answering same question multiple times whether ( for example jungkook has met his FS or not , will cheat or not , divorce or not ) ,for views ,followers ,or to feed curiosity, Delusions of their followers
Readers who claim to be FS of a celebrity
Readers who label a celebrity as playboy
Readers who sexualise a celebrity or their FS and give weird sexualised nick names to them
Readers who promote,share reading fanfics ( increase delusional and parasocial relationship)
Readers saying that a particular celebrity is delulu when they are doing their job
Readers acting like they know a celebrity personally and having discussions how they should act in relationships or friendships according to what they think ( no tarot or astrology )
Readers being bully themselves or supporting celebrities who are bullies,readers who mock and bully other readers ,their followers , or readers supporting convicted criminals..
Readers getting angry or making fun of ,if anyone ask them questions about possibility of that person being FS or having a connection with the celebrity instead of answering politely
Readers whose main focus is only love life of a celebrity with few to none readings on a celeb career ,goals , achievements etc
Readers being too specific in details in their readings for FS physical appearance ,country ,zodiac sign, ethnicity,race, age ,religion ,profession anything which tarot,astro can't tell precisely
Readers who answer every question they get about a celebrity or FS ,with no boundaries with themselves and their audience,and disrespectful of the boundaries of celebrity or FS they are reading on
Readers saying a certain celebrity FS readings are done on them
Readers who switch on their words often ,doing the very things they criticise others for
Readers who request their fans to do reading on a particular celebrity or their FS if that celebrity or FS energy rejected reading by that specific tarot reader
Readers sharing no feedback at all ,or sharing no feedback from their personal readings,the only feedback is about celebrities they read on
Readers continuously deleting and creating blogs ( content is precious and it creates trust issues between a reader and audience)
Readers forcing their advice on people they read tarot for
Readers saying someone has dark aura ( without giving reason why )
Readers advising people to follow tarot, astrology in everything in life ,or saying they can't change anything about future
Readers behaving like every ask or every question is delusional
Readers saying a particular celebrity or FS is on their blog (without use of tarot or astro)
Readers whose energy feels off
Readers who are performative activists
Readers who infantalize a celebrity
Readers saying that the person any particular celebrity will marry won't be their main FS
Readers stealing content of other creaters ,readers
Readers who don't take positive criticism well
Readers directly or indirectly supporting saesangs, discuss,share it do readings on content leaked by saesangs
Readers who don't mention what cards they got in their readings
* This is what I believe and think ,in the end everyone is free to follow and like any reader they like ,no one is forced to agree with me ,lot of the points are linked to the followers ,will discuss later
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spongeofaces · 1 month
Matchup exchange for @thecurrator 1/3
First of the three matchups! I'm sorry for taking so long with these 🙇‍♀️
Really loved the one you made by the way, super cute.
Hope it lives up to your expectations!
Do tell me if I made any errors, I'll fix it up right away.
I match thecurrator with...
🐉 Malleus Draconia 🐉
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Malleus may be an absolute sweetheart of a partner, but he is also new to this kind of relationship. He does try his best, however he may not always know what is expected of him; what's too much or too little. Just be patient with him, okay? He'd wait an eternity for you, after all.
Typically, Malleus talks to others in a respectful yet somewhat cold tone, but fortunately he's comfortable enough around you to drop the polite walls he's built up. At times, he may find himself making small jokes or teasing comments that he usually wouldn't make with anyone else. Slowly yet surely, he'll become more and more willing to act childish if he wishes to, not feeling the same shame he used to when he acted in such a way. You've helped him become a lot more open with his words and actions, and he appreciates that.
As someone who has had personal experience with feeling isolated for a long time, Malleus has made it his personal mission to make sure that as long as the two of you are together, you'll never feel lonely. He needs you to know that no matter the situation, no matter the time, he is willing to be by your side. There's no need to hesitant or worry if you want to ask Malleus to spend time with you, I assure you; he'd drop anything if it meant he could be with you instead.
Malleus can take on any role in a conversation, switching between speaking and listening depending on the current mood. Whenever you speak, he is sure to pay his utmost attention, treasuring the words that leave your lips, storing away any and all information you give him in his head. You may make a one-off comment about a show you sort of like, and a day or two later he'll be bringing it up, having watched some of it to learn more about your tastes. Whether you feel like fast-paced banter, meaningful conversation, sudden rants or complete silence, Malleus is always happy to oblige.
This guy does not hold back on the compliments, always finding some sort of excuse to praise you. No matter how mudane a task you complete is he'll have something positive to say about you. Just by the look of utter adoration in his eyes, you can tell that it isn't empty flattery; he means every word of it. At this point, you find that he's truly enamoured with even your smallest actions and behaviours.
Definitely a gift giver. He'll experiment with different types of gifts, trying to get a read on which kind of trinket you treasure most. At the start, he'll stick to the default gifts, flowers, jewellery, clothes, plushies. The only thing that isn't stereotypical about the gifts he gives, is the amount. You'll be recieving something every other day, some things small, some things large. His gifts will become more personalized as he learns more about you.
He adores spending time participating in your interests with you. He'll organize movie nights or days to binge entire shows, just so he can listen as you discuss the themes and delve into the characters.
He is not going to help with your habit of getting lost in new places, if I'm honest. Pretty sure he'll just play dumb and let you lead you both off-track, feigning ignorance when you ask if he has any clue which way to go. Oh, but he doesn't have any malicious intent, he just finds the act of going on a simple, spontaneous walk with you pleasant.
He'd go absolutely anywhere if only you'd invite him. If he's the one choosing a date location, it would probably be somewhere out in nature, with a pretty view or scenery. He may start getting sappy and compare you to a flower or something, how you react to that is up to you.
Make him a music playlist, and it will be the only thing he listens to for practically the entire month. He might seek you out to talk to you about how he interprets certain lyrics and songs. He's grateful you took time out of your day to make something so thoughtful for him.
You two share the 'unapproachable' vibe. You because of the rbf, him because of his intimidating presence. But hey, at least you two know that the other isn't as scary as they look.
If you ever space out, he'll just sit in silence and watch you affectionately, wondering what could possibly be going through your mind at that moment. When class is about to start, he may poke your cheek to snap you out of the small daze.
Other options: Silver and Jade.
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maliciouslove · 1 year
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NSFW—college AU, aged up characters (21+) || minors, ageless and/or empty blogs DO NOT INTERACT!
pairing // itadori yuuji x professor!reader 
summary // you’re having a particularly rough week and your student yuuji’s childish and nonchalant behaviour towards his failing grades and missing assignments is simply the last straw, forcing you to snap and teach the brat a lesson. for some extra credit, of course. :)
word count // 5.1k
tags // power imbalance, mean dom!reader, sub!yuuji, dubcon (tagging non-con just in case), forced masturbation (m!receiving), blackmail, recorded masturbation (m!receiving), cockwarming a dildo (m!receiving), little to no preparation penetration (m!receiving) sexual favours for extra credit, oral (f!receiving), dacryphilia, slight degradation, humiliation, praise, use of the title ‘professor’,  hair pulling, spit as lube, cum play, unprotected sex, creampie
AN // and the reposting continues! reading this again reminded me that i love writing submissive men. a very long time ago @/cyancherub beta read this for me, and I am still eternally grateful :) <3
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You’ve been having a very shit week so far—your car broke down on Monday and the guys at the repair shop told you it’s going to be at least three days before it’s fixed, and the price they charged for their services also didn’t help with your mood. 
Furthermore, on Tuesday you found out your health insurance claim didn’t go through, adding yet another expense that you have to worry about. Your poor wallet can’t handle all the damage it’s taking. 
You would think you could’ve gotten some peace and quiet when you got home on Wednesday, but no—you walked into your apartment only to find your new couch and all the pillows completely destroyed by your dog. Pillow filling and pieces of cloth scattered all across the living room as your dog was now laying in his bed, looking up at you innocently, as if he didn’t just destroy an extremely expensive couch. 
Thursday was no breeze either, as you started your day by spilling a venti sized caramel macchiato all over your white dress shirt. Walking into your meeting with the dean of the school covered in coffee was embarrassing enough, but when he started chewing you out for the low grade point average in your class, you were just about ready to cry. 
But you clenched your fists and bit your tongue, refusing to show weakness to anyone. It was just a bad week, it too would pass. 
There is only one day of the week left, and after that, you can indulge yourself over the weekend and take time to relax and de-stress. Only Friday left… but boy, you’re not looking forward to this Friday. Why?
Because you have to teach a class with him—Itadori Yuuji, your most annoying student. Yuuji is by no means unintelligent or incapable, no—but he is, however, an asshole. A petulant child that firmly believes he can get away with anything simply because he is handsome and charming. He is the type of guy to enter the classroom 20 minutes late and simply smile and wink at you; no apology, no explanation. Just a cocky 24-karat smile. He talks loud, voices all of his opinions, and doesn’t really care about anyone or anything. 
Now apparently he has decided to stop handing in his assignments, which in turn creates another problem for you. You could, of course, choose to ignore him and simply let him flunk, but that would mean two things: first, he would have to repeat the class, meaning you would have to see more of him, and second, it would give the dean one more reason to be angry with you and punish you for “bringing down the grade average of the entire institution”. 
So this Friday you’re planning on pulling him aside after class and having a serious discussion with him about his grades and work ethic. You have been lenient enough with him over the past few months, choosing to ignore his attitude and simply focus your attention on the students who actually wanted to be there, but that has to come to an end. What you’re less willing to admit to yourself, is that you’re very anxious about the conversation you’ll have with him. What will you say? What if he mocks you? What if he keeps that irritating everything-is-a-joke attitude? But the scariest thought of all: What if I finally snap? Maybe I should teach that little brat a lesson. 
So here you are, laying in your bed awake way past your bedtime, anxiously pondering over the events that might unfold tomorrow. It’s going to be a long day. 
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2:37 PM
The days are surely growing shorter and colder. Grey clouds are hanging heavy over your head, ready to rain down on you any moment now. There are 23 minutes left until class begins, so you grab a quick cup of coffee to go and you head on over to the classroom, mulling over what to say to Yuuji, practising different scenarios in your head. For some reason, the majority of these scenarios end up with Yuuji tied up and sobbing, spanked raw and begging for forgiveness. You shake your head, trying to get rid of these thoughts. Trying to shake away the urge to break the strawberry-haired man. He would look so cute crying though. 
By the time class starts at 3:00 PM you’re halfway through your coffee, slightly starting to regret having more than two cups that day because it’s making you antsy. You take a final sip and greet your students, making a mental note of the fact that for once Yuuji is on time. The lesson goes smoothly, but you can’t help noticing that Yuuji never seems to be paying attention; never really even looking towards the big screen behind you where important slides containing assignment details were shown. Almost like he’s avoiding looking at you. 
Finally, class is over, the room filling with the sounds of chairs being pulled and students chatting amongst each other. You call Yuuji over, secretly glad that none of the other students are paying attention and simply rolling out of the classroom one by one. Itadori slings his backpack over his shoulder and saunters over to your desk, hands in his pockets, a certain pep in his step. 
“Whaddup, Y/N?” he grins, not a care in the world.
“It’s miss L/N to you. And I need to speak with you about your last assignment, the one you never handed in.” You don’t even look up from the pile of papers on your desk that you were busying yourself with in an attempt to remain composed. 
“Oh yeaaah, there was an assignment, wasn’t there? Oops.” His stupid smile never falters. The irritation is bubbling in your chest and it tastes bitter in your mouth; the papers in your hands crinkle under the force of your fingers. 
“Yup, there was, and it was worth 40% of your final grade. That means you are facing the possibility of failing this class, Mr. Itadori.” Your voice is cold and calculated, all traces of irritation erased—you’re all business. You are his teacher, you need to keep things professional, no room for emotions, especially emotions that will not improve the situation in any way, such as anger. 
You finally look up at the strawberry-haired boy, only to find him staring, but not at you. His brown eyes were fixated on the collar of your tight shirt, the top two buttons undone, showing off your soft skin and collarbones. The shirt itself doesn’t reveal a lot, but it’s tight, the outline of your bra quite visible up close. He swallows and looks away quickly, but not fast enough for you to not notice his quite obvious interest. 
“I’m sorry Mr. Itadori, are my breasts more interesting to you right now?” You arch an eyebrow, the irritation that was growing inside of you finally reaching your voice too. The audacity this brat has.  
“I- no... I- m’sorry” he stutters. Yuuji Itadori, Mr. Charming and Almighty, was flustered. How interesting. The scenarios your mind conjured earlier are suddenly flooding your brain again and you can’t help but wonder… could you make him even more flustered? 
“Listen here Yuuji, this is basically sexual harassment, you know. I’m trying to help you here, have a serious conversation about your situation, yet all you can do is stare at my tits. Now, what do you think I should do about this, hm?” 
He opens his mouth in an attempt to say something, to argue, to come up with some witty comeback—yet no sound comes out. After a long, uncomfortable pause he finally mumbles a barely audible m’sorry, fixating his gaze on the floor. Some sick, twisted part of you finds this adorable. The corners of your lips curve upwards just barely. 
“What exactly are you sorry for, Yuuji?” There is a teasing lilt to your voice, the use of his first name completely throwing him off guard. He looks at you with big eyes, once again unable to form a response.
“For, uh- … for always staring at you inappropriately.. a-and fantasizing.” He gulps loudly, mouth suddenly feeling all too dry. His little confession is a surprise to you, but you don’t let it show. You maintain a neutral face, studying him closely. You can see him get even more nervous under your gaze. 
“Always?” you pause, eyebrow raised quizzically. “Fantasizing?” tilting your head slightly to the side, your eyes never leave his. Your presence only grows, asserting its dominance over his. The boy that usually towers over you and always has a carefree, happy-go-lucky attitude, suddenly looks very small to you. A blush is creeping up his neck and cheeks, proof that he really is feeling flustered. 
“Huh.. so you fantasize about your teacher?” you smirk, several sinister ideas flooding your brain as you look at the boy in front of you shrink even more. “You can get in a lot of trouble for this… Mr. Itadori.” Gracefully you get out of your chair, moving to sit at the end of your desk, shortening the distance between you and your student. “If word got out, administration would have to remove you from my class—you would lose all credits you’ve obtained thus far in my class and you would have to pick a different course in order to obtain those credits again.” Your eyes travel up his body, slowly, undressing him in your mind. “That would be a lot of work, Mr. Itadori. Don’t you think?”
Not trusting his ability to speak right now, he simply nods. There is apprehension in his eyes, but also curiosity.  
“Perhaps we can work this out? Resolve our… conflict, as to avoid getting administration involved.” 
You hear the gears turning in his head, mulling over all the possibilities, mind racing and his heart pounding loudly in his chest. “Resolve… how?” 
You can barely contain yourself at how small his voice is, how unsure. The boy that usually gleamed with confidence and strides down the corridors as if he owns them is suddenly unable to look you straight in the eye. 
“Well, Mr. Itadori, I am a teacher after all. I think it would be best if I teach you a lesson about how it feels to be objectified. To be seen as nothing more than a pretty face, or hot body.” Your hand darts forward, now toying with the hem of his shirt. Yuuji is holding his breath as if the tiniest movement could drive you away. “Relax, Mr. Itadori, it’s just a lesson. You will benefit from it. Just do as I tell you and this little incident will be forgotten.” You pull him in by the collar of his t-shirt, his face now inches away from yours. A coy smile plays on your lips as you practically feast over the expression painted on his face at this moment. Surprise, desire and fear mixed all together, making his coffee-coloured eyes water slightly. But a breathy okay leaves his lips, eyes transfixed on yours as you push him backwards to sit in a chair. 
“Clothes off. Don’t talk unless I ask you a question. Understand?” 
Yuuji mutters a quick “yes,” fingers already hooking under his sweats, pulling them down as you lock the door to your classroom and make sure there is no way to peek inside the room. Lucky for you, most classes also end early on Friday, so the building is surely almost completely empty by now. 
Yuuji’s heart rate picks up with each clank of your heels against the wooden parquet as you head on over back to the desk, once again sitting on its edge, arms crossed over your chest. Here he is, strawberry hair dishevelled, chest exposed and if you look closely enough, you can see the vibrations on his skin as his heart hammers wildly against his ribcage. All he has left on were his over-the-calf white Nike socks and his banana print boxers. The outline of his dick making your mouth water, already semi-hard even though nothing has really happened so far. 
“Show me what you do when you fantasize about me. Tell me what you think about. I want to know how exactly you objectify me… how often.” Your voice is quiet but commanding, distant yet curious. It takes him a moment to gather the courage to go through with what you ask of him, but he finally palms himself over his boxers, not daring to look at you, but opening his mouth to speak. 
“I- I often imagine what you look like under your clothes. What kind of l-lingerie you wear...” his voice falters at the end, the blush creeping up his face betraying him. But quite visibly, blood isn’t rushing only to his face. His eyes are shut and eyebrows pinched together, but he keeps on talking, just like you asked him to. “I think about you masturbating… Like I do almost every night. I-I think about eating you out and I imagine how you taste, what you look like.” He is gripping his now fully erect cock under the cloth of his boxers, and the whole view is just so delicious. His little confessions go straight to your clit, desire taking you over. You take your phone out and quickly open your camera, switching to video and turning it on.
“Go on, don’t hold back.” 
He keeps his eyes shut, but his hand movements get braver. In an instant, his big calloused hand dives under his boxers to pull out his heavy cock, the elastic band of his underwear resting under his balls. He’s already leaking, a pearly bead of precum sliding down his shaft, right next to a big juicy vein. You zoom in with your camera, making sure to catch all the details. 
“I imagine how tight you’d feel when you cream around my cock.” At these words he squeezes his length harder, a tiny whimper escaping his lips and it makes your heart twist and your insides burn. You just know the stretch of his cock will be delicious. You know he’d feel so good. The thought alone has you clenching around nothing and you slide a hand under your skirt, fingers pressing over your clit as a shudder travels your spine. 
“Yeah? You wanna do all those things to me, Mr. Itadori? You want to see me naked, taste me, feel me? Tell me how much you want it.” You’re focusing the camera on his face now, capturing his face contorting in pleasure and need. Hand stroking his dick faster now, smearing the pre all across his length. He doesn’t really need to say how much he wants that as it becomes evident from the vigour in his strokes, but you want to hear him anyway. “Tell me, use your words, baby boy.” The nickname sets him off, all the moans he’d been staving off finally surfacing. 
“S’much… it’s all I can think about. Every time I come to class my mind… w-wanders, mmgh.” His chest is heaving, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he fucks his fist wishing it was you, eyes still tightly shut. “Even now… I really am imagining that you’re jacking me off… it’s so fucking h-hot.” 
It would be a lie to say that your hands weren’t itching to touch him, to make him writhe and squirm and beg. But that would have to wait. Right now, you just want to see him cum. 
“Mmm, and how do these little daydreams of yours end, hm? Wanna show me?” It takes Yuuji only a few more strokes before his orgasm washes over him, abdomen muscles tightening, hot thick cum spurting over his chest and tummy, some even landing on his chin. His breathing is erratic and his heart feels like it's trying to break a hole through his ribcage. Finally, he cracks an eye open, gaze immediately landing on the phone in your hands. 
Stopping the video and tossing the phone aside, you stride over to him and card your fingers through his hair, slightly pulling his head back to look him in the eyes. Amongst all the emotions he’s feeling, fear is the most prominent right now. His eyes are watering again, and you quiver at the sight. 
“Call it an eye for an eye. One video for me to keep in exchange for all the times you’ve stared at me, imagining how good I would actually feel. If you behave, the video stays in my possession only. So be good f’me Yuuji, yea? Can you do that?” 
He nods his head quickly, too quickly for his own liking, but he dares not to disobey. His submission pleases you so you ease your grip on his hair, deft fingers sliding down the side of his face and tracing his sharp jawline. 
"You know Mr. Itadori, we’re not quite done here yet. I still need to discuss the possibility of you failing my class. I was thinking of assigning you some extra credit work to make up for the assignment you didn’t hand in… if you’d like to stay in my class-" 
He cuts you off. “P-Please… I want to do the extra credit work. Please, I-I’ll do good, I’ll make up for my bad grades, ‘promise.” The puppy eyes he gives will simply be the death of you. You smile and rub soft circles with your thumb on his cheek. 
Straightening up,  you walk away from him heading towards your desk, fingers running through the wooden surface and landing on your briefcase. "I really, really dislike brats, you know. And I absolutely will not tolerate more mistakes like this from you, Mr. Itadori. No more attitude. No more slacking off."
There’s an edge to your voice, a coldness emanating from it, and it sends shivers down his spine. Unconsciously he swallows, tongue darting out to swipe at his bottom lip. Even for him, it’s hard to tell if he’s scared or aroused. Or maybe both. But what he is sure of is that you’re commanding all of his attention right now. He would do anything for your approval.
“To ensure you actually complete the assignment and don’t flunk out of my class, I will be monitoring your work. And you will do it right here, where I can see you.” The briefcase is now open, your hands rummaging in it, fingers wrapping around the object you’re looking for. “You’re going to use some tools to further… motivate you.” Your grin is wicked as you pull out a pink silicone dildo from your briefcase. Smiling at your student, your tongue presses itself flat against the dildo, licking a slow stripe from shaft to tip.
"You said you’ll be good, right? Promised you’ll do the extra credit… Still feeling up for the task?" You're now walking back to him and his eyes grow wider with fear. He's never done this before. He tries to swallow the lump in his throat as you sit down on his lap but to no avail. His mind is going completely blank, but his dick is acting on its own accord, becoming hard again pressed up against your ass.
“I want to do the extra credit, professor. Please?” The words are almost a whisper, the sound of his heart drowning out the sound. You chuckle and present the dildo to his lips in a silent command which he obeys, wrapping his lips around the tip of the dildo. 
"Ah, so you can obey orders, well that's a relief. Because I have a tall order coming for you." You shove the dildo all the way down his throat, tears immediately pooling in his eyes, the only noise coming from him being muffled moans and gagging. "So listen up, brat—you're going to take this dildo like a big boy and cockwarm it for me as you write your assignment right here, right now. Where I can see you." 
He can’t verbally give you an answer with the dildo shoved down his throat, so he nods, trying to hold off his gag-reflex, a single tear rolling down his cheek. 
You don’t even think about it as you lean closer, tongue darting out to collect the stray tear, the salty taste of it making you hum in delight. You remove the dildo from his mouth, a clear string of saliva connecting his lips and the pink tip of the dildo, which you simply hand to him. It’s his extra credit work after all, he should do all the work himself if he wants a good grade. 
This time you drag your chair from behind your desk and position it across Yuuji’s, giving you a perfect view of the show he’s about to put on for you. With shaky hands he positions the dildo on the chair, making sure the suction cup at the bottom is well attached. You could see him think through every move he makes, taking his laptop out, positioning everything so that he could attempt to write while he cockwarms the dildo. 
The strawberry-colour haired man takes a final unsure look at you as if seeking confirmation, but even he can’t deny the excitement he feels deep down. The primal need to please you, show you he can be a good boy too, for you and you only. Lifting one leg over his desk, he gives you a perfect view of his round ass, puckered hole already clenching in anticipation. Two of his long fingers push past his lips, tongue sloppily covering them in saliva that he plans on using as lube. Those same fingers, now covered in a layer of spit, rub soft circles over his puckered hole, lightly teasing and prodding while he gets used to the sensation. 
One finger finally pushes past his ring muscle, a wanton moan escaping his pretty lips. The sound is heavenly and you just want to hear more. To see more. Slightly parting your legs, you let your right hand travel up your thigh and toy with the hem of your lacy panties, enjoying Yuuji’s reaction. The little display you’re making for him is really fuelling him further. Not even a minute later, he’s sinking a second finger in his greedy hole, sounding more and more desperate, each moan and whimper a treasure for you. 
Spitting on the dildo again, this time nasty and unabashed, mind hazy from lust, Yuuji finally positions himself over the pink dildo, the tip resting right over his hole. One more glance in your direction and he sinks down an inch, the tip pushing past his muscle, the stretch immediately filling his eyes with more tears. But he ignores the weird feeling, ignores the pain, and simply focuses on the pleasure. The more he sinks down on the dildo, the more you toy with your pussy, panties now pushed aside to give him a better view. Fingers sliding up and down the slit, collecting your essence and smearing it all over, gentle circles with your middle finger over your clit. 
Halfway down the dildo, Yuuji opts to slide back up, and then down again, his eyes rolling to the back of his head, mouth hanging open in pleasure. He was not expecting it to feel this good, the fullness making him slightly dizzy. One hand gently strokes over his sensitive cock, the feeling making him shiver. 
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” In response to his puzzled look you simply nod over to his laptop, reminding him that he is supposed to be writing an assignment. “Just write an essay on any topic that we’ve covered in class… or did you not retain anything from our classes because you were too busy being a pervert?” At these words, you slide two fingers inside you, knuckles deep, pumping them in and out slowly. 
After staring dumbfoundedly for a few seconds, his shaky fingers pull the laptop closer and he begins to type. It’s adorable to watch him struggle to remain concentrated on the task at hand, with the dildo filling him up perfectly and with the sounds you’re making as you fuck yourself on your fingers… poor Yuuji can barely keep it together. Even though he’s sunk all the way down on the dildo and knows he’s supposed to stay still, he can’t help the little thrusts of his hips against the silicone cock. 
Around 10 minutes has passed since Yuuji started his attempt at writing an essay, but it’s becoming more and more difficult for him to focus, not with the tip of the dildo pressing up against his prostate, making his thighs quiver and his breath hitch. He needs relief; he can’t write like this. And you know this all too well, your own desire taking over you completely, temporarily forgetting how you got in this situation in the first place. Screw it.
“P-please, professor.. I need..” 
Before he can finish his sentence you’re already on his lap, lips pressed to his in a heated, sloppy kiss. You can’t hold it in anymore; you want to feel him. His lips feel soft against yours, but his tongue feels sinister as it dances against yours. Moving his laptop to the side, you sit on top of the desk and spread your legs for Yuuji, pussy glistening with your slick and on full display for the boy. 
“An orgasm or two might put you in my good graces?” you suggest and spread your pussy lips with two fingers, watching as Yuuji practically drools over the sight. He doesn’t need to be asked twice, still impaled on the dildo he bends forward, tongue darting out to lick a stripe from your entrance to your clit. The taste of you drives him feral, lips latching onto your clit and sucking hard, mouth hard at work to coax more moans out of you. To taste more of you. To him, you’re truly intoxicating. As his tongue works feverishly against your folds, constant praise falls from your lips. That’s my good boy, fuck yes, right t-there. 
“Move your hips, ride that cock baby boy.” You’re so close to your own release, it’s suffocating you. A few more flicks of his tongue over your sensitive bud and you’re coming undone under him, legs shaking violently as your mind floods with overwhelming pleasure and your pussy flutters. Yuuji’s greedy mouth is ready to swallow all your slick, hungrily lapping at your cunt, the obscene squelch of his tongue against your wetness filling the room. 
Pushing him away just enough to sit back in his lap, your hands wrap around his length, pumping it languidly. His hips slow down but he doesn’t dare stop moving up and down the dildo, he doesn’t dare disobey you. Catching his lips in another kiss you guide his cock to your slit, rubbing it up and down, collecting all your arousal. Slowly you sink down on his cock, eyes rolling back at the feeling of his fat meaty cock stretching you out, your tight hole hugging him perfectly. 
And Yuuji could cum from this alone, from finally feeling your warmth and wetness around him, squeezing him for all he’s worth. You feel so much better than he could ever imagine. With you hovering over his lap enough to give him space to bounce up and down, impaling himself on the silicone cock, and simultaneously drilling upwards into your welcoming heat. The feeling is so overwhelming; his movements are sloppy, and he’s constantly babbling incoherent words, hands gripping your waist tight enough to bruise. And as you look down at him all you can think about is how gorgeous he looks all fucked out.
Your hand snakes down your body, middle finger expertly rubbing tight circles over your clit, pussy immediately clamping down even harder on his dick. A second orgasm was approaching and Yuuji can feel that, the way your walls flutter around him, how much louder you’re getting. All he has to do is hold off his orgasm for a while more. He angles his hips and pistons up into your cavern, the tip of his leaky cock ramming against your cervix in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Right there is all you can repeat, teetering on the edge of your second orgasm, a few good strokes being the last push you need before you stumble over and drown in the pleasure once more. Yuuji follows right after, sinking all the way down on the dildo and pushing you down his length to completely bottom out inside you as he empties his balls, thick cum spurting right against your cervix. You can feel how full of cum you are, the thick sticky substance dribbling down your thigh. 
After a few moments of silence, the two of you just staying close and trying to catch your breath, you finally speak. 
“You know, you will actually have to write at least one essay for me for that extra credit, consider this just your… motivation to actually get it done. At the end of the day, I’d rather you not fail, Yuuji.” 
You did it again, you used his first name. The softness to your voice makes his heart twist, and he knows he has to live up to the promise he made. 
“And this stays between us.” 
You didn’t really need to tell him that, he knows how badly things could turn out if anyone found out, but he gives you his word. He doesn’t dare say anything else out of fear that anything he says might ruin the magic. One wrong move could sully this moment forever, and this is a memory he’ll cherish for a long time. So he tucks his flaccid cock in his boxers and puts on his clothes, gathering his things and heading for the door. He pauses for a second and turns around for one last look. 
“Miss L/N.. uhm, thank you for giving me an opportunity for that extra credit. And uh, I don’t mean the sex. The actual extra credit. I know I can be difficult, so I appreciate this a lot.” 
You smile and wave him off, telling him there’s nothing to be thankful for. You remind him to hand in his essay before the following Friday and you say your goodbyes. 
There’s a slight empty feeling budding inside you, missing the attention of the younger boy, but ultimately you realize you had completely forgotten about the stress of the week; and there was an undeniable pep in Yuuji’s step as he made his way home that night... Today was truly a good day, for both of you. 
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𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑! I do not own any of the characters or people mentioned in my work. these are works of pure fiction that do not reflect the views, opinions, or actions of any person, real or fictional. Furthermore, all characters I write for [thirsts, drabbles, fics, etc.] are aged up to 21 or older – they are adults with adult characteristics presented and written in adult contexts.
all rights reserved © by maliciouslove. my work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. all fanfics belong to me, please do not copy, translate nor repost the fics or files seen above as this is strictly prohibited.
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screeblees · 8 months
Heyaaa are you still taking req?
I really love your writings especially the angry yandere x reader
I was wondering if you could still continue that with them having children's or adopting kids if not make them have pets but have it in a plot twist
Hi!! Yes I am still taking requests!
Thanks so much, this is a cute request, maybe not so cute of an outcome though. :/
Hope my writing isn’t too degraded in quality!
Angry ! Yandere Headcanons here !
Find my Masterlist here !
Please enjoy!!<33
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❥ To be completely honest, Angry ! Yandere is not the type to want kids. They’re messy, loud, irritating, and they steal away your attention. He is not a kid-person.
❥ But~ they do come with the benefit of creating them. If that can’t be done naturally or through one of the many scientific methods (using bone marrow, etc), then it’s not happening.
❥ Let’s be clear, he would hate them unless they were biologically yours and his, as he can reason that as they are a part of you, they won’t be as horrible as other people’s kids.
❥ Angry ! Yandere the strict, no-nonsense father, the rules he sets are the rules, no if, ands, or buts. There are definitely rooms they aren’t allowed in, even if it’s for the sole reason of Angry ! Yandere getting some time alone with you. They aren’t allowed in the master bedroom for one, and once they are older there’s definitely going to be sound-proofing on the walls.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who is definitely having the kids home-schooled not only due to the fact that his school experience was pretty horrible but so they won’t really be leaving home until they’re older. He doesn’t want some little chatterbox spilling everything that is going on at home, now does he?
❥ Angry ! Yandere who will engage in screaming match after screaming match with the kids if they develop his heated temperament, though they’ll likely be much softer than him due to your calmer influence. That and fear being used as a tool by their father to nip such behaviour in the bud.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who often wonders if the children will end up more like him and search for their person. The person who will calm their irate minds and smooth over their wounds as you have for him.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who definitely grows softer on you as the two of you get older, though he’s still just as ill-tempered and demanding of you as he was in the beginning. Having you read to him and talk to him about your day with the kids and your little projects.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who’s punishments on the kids are definitely as harsh if not harsher than the ones he gave you before you learned to behave. At least once they’re older, he can’t have them thinking they can get away with just anything, huh? Most of all, showing disrespect to you or him.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who knowingly or unknowingly drives the children more and more to your side, loyal to you and only you, always. You are their favourite parent, the one they seek to show their achievements and be comforted for their failures, to mend their childish scrapes and kiss their bruises better.
❥ Maybe you’ll also be the comforter of your children, your sweet voice singing them to sleep each night and softly waking them up in the morning.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who enforces the nuclear family dynamic: he, the breadwinner, his loving spouse at home, taking care of the housework, cooking and children, and the two or three obedient kids who love their parents dearly. The perfect family…
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alpydk · 3 months
Just a mini idea that'd been in my head a few days now - The poll last night was related.
Word Count - 1096 CW - Dub/con, angst, Mystra - No point for the comfort because we all know what happens in the game. This is set pre-game events.
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“I’ll give you everything, Gale Dekarios.” Her voice was soft, her palm upon his cheek like that of silk.
He knew she would give him power, love. He’d become her chosen, the whispering in his mind surely just cold feet as he stood under the gaze of the goddess Mystra. To be accepted as he was, after all the years of being the outsider, was a miracle, and he would do anything for her. He already loved her, after all.
“You are worthy enough,” her words, a blessing.
Gale wasn’t sure at what point he began to question his reality. The doubt crept up insidiously, a tendril into his mind, an utterance he wasn’t sure he’d even heard at first. Was it as Mystra spoke of a previous chosen so casually and apathetically, or was it the night he felt exhausted but still wove himself through stardust to satisfy her needs? Gale pushed past the worries, their relationship perfect, his love accepted without question.
Over time, he lost himself to her, her requests becoming something he could predict and carry out, eager to please, keen to make her happy. Her smile was that of sunrises, her voice that of the symphony of the waves washing upon the docks of Waterdeep. To be the cause of such beauty was all he strived for, his life now holding no greater meaning. Poetry, dancing, the depths of a full-bodied red upon his lips, no longer the priorities of his life. Now there was nothing but to be with her, and worship her as she deserved.
“My love, I’m not particularly inclined at the moment for such…activities.”
Turning down her requests would be accepted, she cared for him in like, and yet the rejection seemed to ebb from her as clearly as the weave curled from her fingertips. A goddess would never sulk, far too removed from her humanity for such childish behaviours and yet the silence she met him with would make his heart ache, his will faltering and his wants sacrificed again and again. It was his obligation as chosen to serve, his duty as her partner to satisfy her as she wished. And she would return it in kind, with power, acceptance, love.
His boundaries slowly fell, communication pointless as his servitude merged with guilt, a fear that if he revealed his true emotions, he would lose her. The darkness that had buried itself deep within his heart was something he would never let her see, convinced that he deserved each unwanted touch, each kiss laid by astral lips, and that the pain she caused him was of his own grand design. He smiled, so she smiled; he gave, so she gave; he loved, so she loved. There was no malice behind her actions; Mystra, after all, was all magic, chaos and order, good and evil, and so all fears he was held could not have been real.
At one weaker moment, he had asked Tara for advice; a friend of a friend of a friend has a partner. She had been quick to jump on the path of abuse, that the goddess was a jealous type, quick to use those she saw a profit in, and would dispose of him just as quickly should she grow bored. Other confidants reacted in different ways: that Mystra was not to blame, her actions that of a goddess that could not be understood, that the complete story was not being told, that it was not abuse, but toxic behaviour and poor communication. He felt his mind whirl in confusion, afraid of throwing away the relationship based on the inconsistencies of his emotions, of staying and continuing the lie, of telling the truth and being abandoned.
Days in Waterdeep were years on the planes of the goddess, longer to embrace and think of all that was happening. Mystra continued as before, her neutrality now an obvious feature to the young wizard. He saw how she reacted almost as the flames of a fire would; with fuel she would burn brighter, if ignored, she would dwindle and go out. Were her reactions truly based on the things he did for her, or could he have been anyone else? Had he been good enough to be her chosen, worthy enough, or had he simply had the fortune of being in the right place at the right time?
Stray thoughts led to vague questions to his goddess, ways to prove himself. Not to her, but to himself. He needed to know if he was strong enough, because if he was, then maybe a choice could finally be made. The limbo of the infatuation could be overcome, and he could be free. His questions were met with silence or the unhelpful answers that he had all he needed to be and each grain of sand that passed through the hourglass was another reminder of his life passing before his eyes; all the time being lost to the devotion of the goddess. But he wanted this, though, didn’t he?
It was as questions were met with silence, as pleading hit loving smiles, that Gale found himself drawn to one option, a strand of the weave lost during Karsus’ folly. If he could return that to her, then maybe he could make her whole again; her story completed, revealing the person she truly was, the flames of her heart burning brighter than they ever could, all because of him. And if she didn’t love him? Well, at least he would have proven to himself that he was strong enough to stand alone and find his own way.
Gale shook his head at the distant memory, one that had distracted him all too easily. He thought that being away from Waterdeep would have made his situation easier, that the orb, and Mystra would have been flickering stars when compared to the sun that was the tadpole, something that in a short time would tear him apart, body and mind. It had only taken a few moments of absent-mindedness to find himself summoning her visage upon his fingertips, a longing to go back to how things were when his possible hurt was all that was buried in his chest.
The image was dismissed as quickly as it had been created, a memento for another lonely night when wine was not enough. For now, he would entertain, spill the details of the goddess he had conjured so freely before, wear the mask that bore no cracks, embrace in the weave to feel her touch once again.
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homunculus-argument · 2 years
The thing about cultures is that babies really are the same everywhere, and the act of raising an adult who can function in this specific society is cultivating the natural skills this specific individual already had potential for, and minimising the natural and instinctive behaviours they are prone to which this specific culture considers undesirable. Sure, people have their own distinct tempers and personalities from birth, but functional adults are still shaped and formed by carving away from that block of Baby, like you're making a sculpture, whether the starting material is marble or granite.
Because of this, different cultures have different ideas of what sort of behaviour is "acting like a toddler" or "this is what people do", and seeing a fully grown adult person openly and shamelessly behaving in a way that was nipped in the bud in you when you were five years old and embarrassing your family can be shocking. In the past few centuries white westerners have been quick to label peoples of other cultures as "child-like" due to their own egocentric and childish assumption that their own way of living is the only objectively correct one, and not even entertaining the idea that different cultures simply have different outlines of what is, and is not, appropriate adult behaviour.
This is why it's so hard to explain the difference between introvert cultures and extrovert cultures to people who grew up in extrovert cultures. I am going to assume that children of both types are born equally in every people - just as children of different tempers and personalities are born in every other way - but the distinction is in what kind of behaviour is considered mature and is encouraged, and what's considered a personality flaw one should work on.
In extrovert cultures it's polite and good manners to be open and talk to people at every opportunity - they invented the term "small talk" for filler talk you're supposed to fill the air with when neither of you have anything important to say - and it's considered rude to dislike being talked at. In introvert cultures, it's rude to assume that someone wants to be bothered with your chatter. Assuming that a stranger wants to talk would be just as weird and rude as walking up to a stranger's car sitting at the red lights, opening the door and sitting in the passenger's seat, completely unprompted and uninvited.
People from extrovert cultures see introvert culture behaviour as weird, stunted and childish - if you don't know what someone else is thinking, why not just use your words and ask them? Forcing someone to communicate isn't considered abusive, but refusing to comply to these demands somehow is. The idea that someone could just ~intuitively know~ that there is something going on, but never ask what it is, because it's none of your business, sounds absurd.
In introvert cultures, people are expected to have at least some level of sense when and whether their attention, opinions and questions are welcome. It's no different from physical touch - if you can't tell whether someone happily consents to being touched like that, or is simply reluctantly enduring you, you just shouldn't be trusted to be around people at all. Someone demanding open communication is just as absurd and childish as a toddler throwing a tantrum because they want to eat that very one specific piece of food that someone else just put into their own mouth.
And then being more upset when what you forced them to spit out wasn't as nice as what you wanted it to be.
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charliedawn · 1 year
OH, YOU THOUGHT THE LAST REQUEST WAS WEIRD-I have many more in-store for you
If I remember correctly, there was a post you made yourself where it was non-con. It was a big surprise coming from you.
So I was wondering if you could do the reader with the hannibal family and they do age play.
Age play: When you act younger than your age. (Usually used for sexual pleasure)
Me: Something Important to add would be spanking for a brat, (even though I like being good for rewards) wearing frilly dress and girly childish clothes (light colors), them having to dress and clean you. There's a lot to it, but remember that it's also used for sexual pleasures. So please, add some smut.
*Cue me me maniacally laughing*
Me: it's not that bad when you think about it, Charles [New Nickname Achieved!]
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With my degenerative mind, we can do wonders together, think about it.
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Also, here's more Bo gifs:
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Warning: SMUT AHEAD.
Hannibal Jr. :
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Hannibal Jr. knows how to play the caring *cough cough* daddy.
He’d be the type to reassure you and tell you everything is going to be okay. He’d wipe your tears and hold you while shushing you gently.
Hannibal Jr. wouldn’t punish you often, and would always make sure to keep his baby safe and protected.
He’d go on shopping trips with you and wait patiently while you try everything pink and fuzzy.
But the thing is, he’d also be sure to make you understand who’s got power over you. He’d be quite calm and collected while punishing you, but he’d be ruthless nonetheless.
Meaning: He’d show no emotion whatsoever while making sure you get the message.
Him *smiles before gripping you by the back of your neck* : "Sssh, love. You wanted to be a brat ? Now, I have no choice but to do this. It is for your own good. Now, be a good little love and stay still."
You move. You dead.
Kevin Hannibal:
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Kevin will play right along with it and love going on shopping trips with you. He likes to be unconventional himself.
And god forbid anyone who would make fun of you for it.
Morgan *snickers when he sees you give your favourite plushie to Kevin* : "Great. Another plushie. I knew you were eager for attention, but that is just sad…"
You *lose your smile and attempt to walk off in shame*
Kevin *grabs you and settles you on his lap before flipping Morgan off* : "Yeah. And where are your gifts, Morgan ? That’s right. Ya got none. Must be sad getting no bitches, right ?"
Kevin would love your gifts and constant need for attention.
He’d be sure to take care of you and play with you as much as you want. He’d show you all the affection he’s got. No way you’re moving from his lap now….
However, he’d refuse to punish you.
His motto: Stay there, look pretty and let me spoil you rotten.
Morgan Hannibal:
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Morgan wouldn’t mind, but he is one to like intellectual conversations on many different subjects. If anything, he’d be attracted to older women.
But, there is one thing that you would both agree on…Story time.
He’d be thrilled to read to you children stories or fairytales and take you to different events related to them. He’d talk to you and take you to see children movies at the theaters without a care in the world.
He may eventually become a little annoyed by your childish behaviour, but unlike Kevin…Morgan would have no problem punishing you when you turn into a brat.
You *accidentally throw water at his face* : "M…Morgan. It was an accident. I’m sorry."
Morgan *gently wipes his face with a napkin before addressing an apologetic smile to the rest of the family* : "If you’ll excuse us…" *suddenly drags you out of the room in a flash*
He will not tolerate disrespect and would make sure you can’t sit down properly for a couple of days…
Hannibal Sr. :
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Hannibal Sr. wouldn’t have a problem with it.
He would love it when you’d dress up for him and he’d dance with you and spoil you rotten with gifts and kisses.
But, you have to understand something. There is one thing he’d ask of you in return:
Complete and total submission.
You want to be his little doll ? Fine by him. But, one word of protest or even a glare out of you, and he’d be spanking the shit out of you.
Hannibal Sr. isn’t the type to play around. He needs to be in complete control. 24/7.
Hannibal Sr. *slowly strokes the top of your hair while you cry on his lap* : "Sssh…little lamb. You know better than to make me angry. Why would you try to upset me like that…"
You *whimpers* : "M’sorry…"
Hannibal Sr. *smiles* : "Good girl/boy…"
Praise king though. He’d be sure to reassure you and whisper sweet nothings into your ear after he’s done.
Peter Hannibal:
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Nope. Sorry. No way that poor boy is daddy. He wouldn’t be able to be. Literally. He’s baby.
If anything, you’d both be babies together and make the whole family take care of you. Partners in craving affection.
However, he’d be more than capable of punishing you in his own way…
Peter*tying you up to a chair with the sweetest smile ever on his face* : "Let’s play a game, Y/N…You stay on this chair. And no moving at all, got it ?"
You *nod*
Him *giggles* : "Good…And tell me if it gets too much, alright ?"
And he means it.
Peter can sometimes be pretty cruel in his punishments. So, better tell him when it’s too much.
And don’t be afraid to punish him in return.
He secretly loves to cry…
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grow up, and stop using the fucking prequel, you guys are so fucking childish, making fun of people YOU don’t know. Everyone on this fucking planet is problematic so grow the fuck up and a life. And making fun of people’s appearances is DISGUSTING and Disrespectful. You need to get morals and Jared isn’t that good of a person as well so grow up and stop fucking crying over mistakes people make including any actor or celebrities.
First off, Jenn—ANON,
They’re celebrities. They’re going to get hate and criticism from the media. I’m sure they’re all aware of that when they’re actively putting themselves into the public eye.
Can’t exactly argue with you, I’ve said things about Jensen’s and Danneel’s appearance — because they’ve had very noticeable changes due to fillers or other type of cosmetic surgery. I’m not saying anyone who has work done is automatically ugly (because then I’d be a hypocrite) but having excessive work done never has good results, take Danneel for example, she used to be really beautiful before she filled her face with Botox that she didn’t need — to the point where every five years she looks like a completely different person. I just hope Jensen doesn’t go down the same route.
And just please… shut up with your holier than thou nonsense. Because you’re literally bringing up Jared, which proves my entire point of how AAs have to somehow make everything about Jared to deflect criticism from Jensen. I’m aware Jared’s made mistakes, neither him nor Jensen are saints.
Why should I stop using the prequelgate? Because there’s no way to excuse Jensen’s behaviour so you’d rather me just not bring it up?
And what’s with all the ‘fucking’? Did someone learn a new word?
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Rocket Raccoon-Autism and Immaturity
One way that autism can present in a person, is behaviour and speech patterns commonly associated with those younger than the autistic individual themselves. Here are a few examples of this appearing in GotG, related to Rocket.
Vol.3 (Counter-Earth flashbacks)
Rocket as 89P13 plays with his friends much like a child would all the way until he becomes an adolescent. This is partially justified by their collective enhancements and their ignorance of social norms pertaining to the outside world. Regardless, the way he does not influence any of the admittedly adorable aspects of their childish games points to a mindset that rather chooses to embrace it fully.
He has learned to speak and enough equations to fly a spaceship, but forgets a phrase that has two many consonants (the enzyme thing that gets suppressed to make "angry turtles") Here the maturity of his vocabulary varies greatly. He also says thems and cants instead of them and cant. Of course he is still just a child but is nonetheless a gifted one with the theoretical potential of sounding much older than he indeed does in the scene.
While we do not know how old Rocket is supposed to be, his criminal record implies he's very much an adult. And yet, here are some things he says before his arrest.
(to Groot) Learn genders man!
(gets bitten by Gamora) Biting? That's not fair [we later learn of his alleged history of this]
I live for the simple things. Like how much this is gonna hurt--- yeah, writhe, little man!
The schadenfreude mixed with slur "humie" which no one else says but him, makes him seem like the youth he was when he ran. Naturally, since no one was around to tell him to grow up in one way or another. Likely, his brain misremembered the word human and no one ever bothered to correct him, as it was after he escaped the High Evolutionary.
Vocabulistics is a rare example of advanced language similar to technobabble- half the words stored in his cybernetics are engineering related.
In the prison he is unarmed and does not hesitate to seek out security in his new humie pal, pawing at him several times to beg him away from the danger. His hunched-over stance adds to the meek display.
Another bonus is when he misses Gamora's sarcasm, before barking at Quill and whining about the plan going awry. Every parent has seen their child pull at their face like he does.
On Knowhere, his main objection to the way the rest of the team treats him is when Gamora, a woman, calls him a rodent. That's the last straw for the poor guy...not a pest, not a thing, just a smaller animal ^^
He mocks the Collector's mannerisms and goes straight to raising his voice when their dawdling customer stalls further by asking about type of currency. Yes, he is scared. Also, he is having a bit of a tantrum as opposed to speaking up about his anxiety. Not just trust issues...
"you got issues Quill"- sounds like someone skipped out on giving a raccoon sex education
Furthermore, his jokes about prostethics. That's it. His issues translate to innocent mischief. Why? Bc psychology.
Honorable mention goes to a touch-starved fella letting a complete stranger pet him due to Tree Death.
Lastly, his inability to grasp right and wrong. You apparently can't fit moral code and piloting next to each other.
Vol 2.
The winking. In the words of James Gunn "Cybernetics glitch sometimes" Tic disorder, anyone?
Again, the sarcasm. He even goes so far as to request Peter spell it out for him.
The desire to threaten with bodily wastes. Someone else's to boot.
He thinks objects getting larger as they get closer is a groundbreaking observation.
He doesn't know what suspicious behaviour looks like but is very tuned in to his general feelings towards people.
His blunt warning to Quill about his dad gets misconstrued as an insult. Not his fault his own 'dad' made him a bit cynical towards parents.
He chooses to use his captivity to laugh at the name Taserface and gets hung up on the reason Groot doesn't like hats. Confusion about other people's behaviour? Busted. (sidenote: he doesn't mind being called a rat as opposed to a rodent. Interesting standards)
His cybernetics glitch again when attempting to show scepticism towards Yondu's excuse for keeping Quill around. Can't express what you don't know.
He dubs the button not to press the Death Button. Dramatic much?
The irony of a guy who says frickin' at every opportunity teaching his plant baby brother not to swear xD
vol 3. Present day
He jumps into the arms of both Quill and Groot upon waking up. Reflex.
He listens to music even when Quill isn't there to hear it. It's only ever been a stim to him. Peter gets credit for reminding him, though.
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Hello, I have a question on your answer to that last anon about men from different countries. You say that we mustn't judge men based on their ethnicity, that it doesn't make them violent/sexist, their culture does.
But isn't that what radfems already acknowledge about men in general ? That they're aren't this way naturally/biologically but because of how they are raised in this society we live in ?
If we can acknowledge that and still be female separatists, why not also acknowledge the bad experiences some women have had with men from specific cultures and understand that they trust them even less than the ""average"" man ?
It's not my case personally, but it's mostly because I don't live in a very diverse country and only know people who have the same origins as me. I can't tell if other men are worse or better. But I'm really asking about this in good faith, because some of what I've read from radfems who have been called racist didn't really seem so to me.
Is the core of the problem the fact that we are allowed to make generalisations about men based on our experience with them, their behaviour, and the way they're raised, but we are not allowed to single out certain cultures/countries ? It seems unfair to me, I think it's childish to pretend like all over the world all men are the same, even though the cultures are so different.
I do think culture plays into it, and we should ofc be able to criticise misogyny when we see it, even if it is part of a marginalised culture (so long as it’s not used as justification for racism or xenophobia). And there are ofc some cultures that are more obviously sexist than others, which we should also be allowed to acknowledge. That being said I think misogyny is at a dangerous level in all cultures (which I’ll come back to).
But as I said earlier I do think environment plays a bigger role: ie how much the current surroundings allow for misogyny. And often any culture becomes completely irrelevant as it appears any and all men will descend into misogynistic violence no matter where they have come from. I do not think we can blame women who are afraid of men who have been in or are in these environments and have participated in or been complicit in misogynistic violence, I think that’s self preservation. But at the same time I do not think it is as simple as ‘men from this country’ or ‘men from this culture’, because even one country/culture and its people are going to vary greatly. And generalising about a certain ‘type’ of man is usually useless anyway because male violence really doesn’t vary that much between ethnicities. I can understand having an instinctual elevated almost irrational fear of a certain type of man if there have been previously bad experiences with similar looking men, but it should treated as such: irrational and not a legitimate reason why that type of man should be feared more than any other men.
I don’t have a perfectly coherent answer….but roughly what I mean is yes women have every right to be afraid of any men, especially those they know to be violently misogynistic for whatever reason; but at the same time it should not be allowed to devolve into racism or xenophobia; because it is mostly down to environment anyway. This may make it seem inherent to men rather than socialisation, but it is worth noting that no culture on earth thus far has made much meaningful progress against societal misogyny or male violence. It is, in my opinion, pretty extreme even in the most ‘progressive’ of cultures. I think if there was a culture or society that actually managed to eradicate it, perhaps the men from that culture would not devolve into misogynistic violence at the first chance. Maybe the best we can hope for right now is preventing the environments where misogynistic violence is permitted, and trying to eradicate misogyny in our cultures as best we can.
I hope this answers what you’re asking
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People on this app have to learn to see people (and characters) not as horrible monsters or angels who could never do anything wrong in their life. Idealizing and dehumanizing people/characters is an empty form of analysis that is based on the childish criteria that people are intrinsically and totally good (angels or heroes) or that people are intrinsically and completely evil (villains). THIS IS NOT HOW PEOPLE WORK. (And if you want a realistic character, it shouldn't fall into those categories either)
Labeling a person/character as a monster even though they have done the worst unimaginable things is totally counterproductive to the discourse of social justice and human rights. As long as we cannot put aside that childish idea that there are people who are born evil (they are born "monsters") or that cruelty appears in people just because, we will never be able to correctly analyze the cruelest behaviors that people commit (rape, torture, genocide, hate speech, etc) and so, we will not be able to understand it's "reasons to exist" meaning what feelings, social pressures and stimuli cause the violent behaviour. To eradicate the violence of humanity once and for all we have to be extremely aware that ALL PEOPLE ARE THE PRODUCT OF A COMBINATION OF FACTORS WHERE THE SOCIAL CONTEXT AND PERSONAL HISTORY ARE INSEPARABLE FROM THE PERSON AND THEIR WAYS OF THINKING AND ACTING. People are not born bad (or good) we are formed as people by learning from our environment, VIOLENCE AND HATE ARE LEARNED (AND TAUGHT). THERE ARE NO MONSTERS OR ANGELS, WE ARE ALL HUMAN PRODUCTS OF SOCIETY. Classifying someone as a "monster" only leads to the ERRONOUS idea that their cruel way of acting was inevitable since they lack humanity, WHEN IN REALITY HUMAN SOCIETY IS THE ONLY GUILTY OF GENERATING "MONSTERS". As humans who have spent centuries living in societies dominated by hatred, wars, racism, exploitation, abuse, misogyny and any type of violence imaginable, we have to ASSUME that all that is a HUMAN product, as a society we have to take responsibility of our "monsters", assume them as people who are what they are because of everything they have lived and learned and actually do research on how violence and hatred is taught and learned in order to stop the circle of violence through EDUCATION.
Other things that seem very obvious but evidently a lot of people on tumblr don't seem to understand:
1. UNDERSTANDING why a person is the way they are and act the way they do, DOES NOT MEAN believing that their violent acts cannot or should not be judged and punished. (I can understand the reasons that led a baby to become a abusive man, but that does NOT MEAN that I believe his actions are correct or that he cannot be judged for his actions.)
2. FEELING SORRY FOR A PERSON IN A MOMENT OF "WEAKNESS" DOES NOT MEAN LIKING THAT PERSON OR BEING UNABLE TO RECOGNIZE THAT THEY HAD GENERATED A LOT OF DAMAGE TO OTHERS (with the same example I can find out stuff about the life of the abusive man that makes me feel actually sorry for him but that does not mean that I will stop believing that he is an abusive person and that his abusive acts should be judged) FEELING EMPATHY FOR THE SUFFERING OF OTHERS IS TOTALLY HUMAN AND DOES NOT IMPLY LIKE OR SUPPORT TO SAID PERSON.
3. liking a fictional character who is abusive, toxic, violent, etc. DOES NOT MEAN YOU APPROVE THEIR ACTIONS (NEITHER IN FICTION OR IN REAL LIFE). There are many characters that I like that are extremely violent and that does not mean that I am a fan of violence itself, there are cruel characters or characters that act violently that I like because I consider that they are very well constructed characters and that they are very realistic/representative of how humanity works (something that I personally really like to see in fiction).
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meghapatel0108 · 2 years
love that everyone deserves
You are in a situation where you are completely over the love...you don’t love anyone...you don't care about anyone...you don't even try to approach someone because you are tired of talking with people who don’t even have emotions...because you had a bad experience in your life for being in love...because you are trying to love yourself...because you don’t want to give someone a chance to hurt you...because you want respect over love which he didn’t give you in your relationship...because he didn’t treat you the way you deserve...because he didn’t even try to understand you...because he never made any effort to make you feel loved...because you trusted him that he will be there for you in every situation, he will never make you feel alone but he broke your trust.
Suddenly, someone came into your life like a storm...he changed everything...firstly, you were not able to love him but his love, honesty, efforts, respect and craziness made you love him...you didn’t want to be with anyone but you loved him because he accepted you the way you are….because he loved your craziness, your childish behaviour…because he always assures you as you have a lot of insecurities….because he is with you even if you are not that much mature….because he always motivates you to do whatever you like…because he always listens your POV and respects your decisions…..because he makes you laugh when you are not in mood…because he makes you confident as you trust him that you can do anything because in every situation he will never leave you alone…because he understands your feelings even if you didn't share with him…because he understands if you are comfortable or not without telling him….because you are his comfort zone….because he can share anything with you….because he doesn't make you feel bad when you behave like a child….
These types of people are rare so when you find someone...don't let them go and if you have someone like this, appreciate their presence in your life ❤️
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hoghtastic · 11 months
“To the one anon going to Paris: I don't mean this in a bad way, but why do you want to see him at all? Why spend so much money on him? To get an autograph or a picture? A hug? I’m sure he is set up well financially but those conventions are nice extra money and he will invest his earnings in his future. Alex said in the interview that they "have" to move in together anyway. To me the interview means that he plans to have a child with her and get married, but especially the child. Why else would you „have to“. Reminds me of „then I have to find a wife and have kids“ in 2021. Johanne is not going anywhere for the next few years and it will only get worse. Personally, I find Johanne repulsive. But that feeling transfers to Alex for me too. Because he loves her. Means for me he must not be as great as I thought otherwise he wouldn't be with her. You know what I mean? Your partner is a mirror of you.”
Yep Johanne behaves like a repulsive egomaniac and gives off eerie vibes. She has venom dripping from her eyes many times when she interacts with people, and it’s scary. Her friend is also a repulsive fake creep and doesn’t look safe to be around to be quite around. If you guys wanna know why Alex likes them, to me the answer is simple. Watch his older “mockumentary” and just imagine that he’s not acting at all and watch the pre season 5 premiere with the Vikings cast and pay attention to how he behaves, he’s drinking and beside Marco and the interview is less structured so he is more comfortable being himself. Notice he’s not an outright asshole but he’s a bit rude and acts childish with the host, mocking him a few times and he is louder and bolder than the other cast members, and dare I say comes off as being obnoxious. This is a different image from the one he gives off when he is with fans and other interviews. I don’t think he is completely acting with his fans but he does hide a lot of his real self around them . And while I don’t think Alex is like them personality wise (those two are just plain awful) I think he is a bit douchey irl and thus finds this behaviour attractive. I think he thinks their behaviour makes them look cool, and he probably things she is a bad-ass for the things she does. This is something I noticed especially in this new generation, a lot of times narcissism and rude behaviour is seen as something to emulate. Celebrities who are assholes and display diva-like behaviour get called “savage” and often times people who emulate that type of behaviour aren’t necessarily bad people they just do it to look cool, I would say that is the case with Alex. Unfortunately, it means people who are genuinely bad people who are narcissistic and selfish get praised and people think they are cool. Alex himself called her cool when people were attacking her lol, so he clearly agrees.
PS: does anyone know who else apart from Fanny who is close to Alex that johanne follows but doesn’t follow her back? I noticed a few people mentioned a while back that some people close to him don’t follow her.
On another note, I wonder how Alex’s older friends would feel when they meet her. He has been hanging around of a lot of fake people lately and they probably don’t care enough to sniff through johannes BS.
Anon to anon, in response to this ask. 😊 Thank you for your input, I personally think you made a great point there, when you mentioned the glorification of certain kinds of behavior in today's world.
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