#this was also when I was out as a lesbian though I've since come back out as bi
myangelscrimson · 2 years
Women with glasses and dark/curly hair.
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spockandawe · 1 year
Here we go! I have some smaller books to share as well, but I've been absolutely VIBRATING with excitement to share a BIG one, and I'm going to indulge myself and post that today, then figure out words for the rest. Because I bound a new cnovel. Check it out, guys, I bound jwqs/clear and muddy loss of love :D
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Let me indulge myself and backtrack a little! First, these are quarto books, so they're short. But I think these average a little under 500 pages each, and jwqs is a LONG book (my beloved), and this adds up to a total eleven inches of lesbians. More like twelve once they're in their cases. It's over a million characters in Chinese and I think the English translation comes in somewhere around 890k, it's HUGE
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Making these books was SO FUN, I hadn't read jwqs and still haven't, and will probably read on my phone when I do. I don't have any exciting photos of the typesetting, but I knew this was an imperial succession story, and that made me nervous, those stories don't always click for me. Well, the process of typesetting and adding footnotes for this beast definitely confirmed that I'm going to have a good time with this thing when I have the time to read it, but there was also so much going on that only the vaguest of spoilers sank in. I went into an absolute FRENZY of typesetting, and after I printed, cut and folded it, well. That was one afternoon of sewing. You're looking at the reason I'm scrambling to make up a few hours of missed work, hahaha
After that, I needed cases. At the very beginning of march, I received a shipment of some FASCINATING bookcloth. It's called Duo, and it's made by layering a thin gauzy fabric of one color over paper of a different color. Depending on the combos, you get a really cool range of color-shifting effects. And they've gone out of production! But I was part of a group order to get some of the goods, and hadn't yet finished a new project. Reader, I went for it.
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That purple and green is bananas!!!! It's so hard to photograph, this midnight picture of a few cases is one of my most successful attempts to capture the full range up close. Originally I'd been thinking of trying to evoke imperial gold, but I figured this was still the kind of drama and luxury suited the book, and also something something the hidden colors suited Qi Yan's character. I tied it back a little to the imperial gold with the endpapers, then titled them in silver foil, since the endpapers had silver in them.
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But once the books were made, I felt like it wanted something... more. Something like a BOX!
And me, I chase novelty. A set this large would be tricky for anything clamshell, but a slipcase for all seven would leave books tipping all over if it was wide open, but putting walls between slots would be demanding in terms of precision and would risk similarly-sized books getting stuck in the wrong slots. Then I remembered learning about slipcases where you could put in a little insert to support the weight of the text block, and the concept SNAPPED into place.
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Colors aren't going to photograph well at midnight, but I made the supports using the scraps and off-cuts from my endpapers, to tie it back into the bindings. The back of the case is lined in more of the duo, and the walls are lined with a faux leather bookcloth I like a lot, it feels buttery smooth and seemed like a good neutral material to tie the papers and bookcloth together. I listened to some of the DEEPEST layers from the nine-hour conspiracy theory iceberg video while I was working on this, haha, it was a TRIP.
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And in the end, each of the supports is sized to comfortably sit in the smallest of the volumes, and evenly spaced, so I believe it will take the books in any order with no problems. It's easy to grab the books without having to cut notches into the walls to grab them from. And even though weight is less of an issue for quarto sizing, the books in here have their weight supported no matter what angle the box is at! I'm so, so pleased with how this concept worked out and definitely plan to do more with it in the future.
So there we are! Jing Wei Qing Shang! I had such a fabulous time with this project, and I'm so excited to get to share it with all of you. The story was fun to work with, the bindings and box were fun to make, and everything here came together just as well as I could possibly have hoped. I'm so proud of this, and incredibly, incredibly excited to show it to you!
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superconductivebean · 2 months
#919: imelda headcanons post
Whilst writing something anything for my wlw OTP's and OT3 has me in a perpetual state of stagnant gaze at the nearly empty sheet, I thought, what if I go full delulu and out of the writing way again.
If you've been following me for a while, you might've noticed this tag, #utlitd brainrot. It is the reservation for my magnum opus fic, its abbreviated name, yadda yadda yadda. I don't post about it often assumed it'll be super tiring to have my ramblings look nice -- even though this work is my MC's entire storyline lmao.
Anyhow, while working on it lots I've become to sit on some ideas and headcanons and -- not sharing them. I'm a criminal for this. I plea guilty. Some headcanons are brainrot-derived and marked as such.
Assuming you've not scrolled past my little hello note, IMELDA REYES HEADCANONS:
Butch lesbian. Accepted herself rather well but she was soon to realise finding someone isn't just a challenge, it's a quest;
Half-Spanish, Half-Scottish. Her grandparents and part of the family left Spain, fleeing the tumultuous change of its regimen;
Was born in Glasgow, Scotland. If the family decided to stay in Spain or to move back, would've attended Beauxbatons instead;
Relatives from the father's side live in Seville, mother's side of the family is stretched across Orkney Islands;
Learnt to ride the broom there btw, she's well-accustomed to the weather and especially, weather changes. If to name one of the reasons she is an amazing Chaser, this would be one of them;
Not as much of a headcanon as it is a tiny essay but! She doesn't like Seekers for a very peculiar reason, if not to downright call it a fundamental difference between a skill-dependent play and a luck-dependent play. She often irates at Seekers: they bask in attention and praised for their skill -- but Chasers rarely have a fraction of that, as if they perform a rotten work! That's her opinion. Bar in the grand scheme of things, Seekers are the different breed of team players. They have to count numbers and be on a constant chase & lookout for the snitch in order to win in numbers. 150 points for the snitch is only 15 times quaffle gets through the rings; you could imagine a scenario when 150 points aren't enough if not for the Chasers' work;
This one is pretty much implied canon: she doesn't like Gryffindors because a Gryffindor caused her father a permanent injury ('took his knees out', gruesome), hence he's disabled and can't walk on his own -- and has been unable to walk since his school years. Imelda is unlikely to had seen him riding a broom ever in her life;
Brainrot: despite the disability, her father is an avid Quidditch aficionado, goes to her every match and makes half the fannish noise because His Wee Little Mija Is Winning. He's not coming to watch her alone, in fact, half the family attends Slytherin matches. It is an important social link for Imelda;
She doesn't have many friends, if at all, which is also an implied canon (an npc slips a mean comment about her, saying she had only a broom for a friend);
Brainrot: support of the family, nonchalant attitude and dead-set goals built Imelda a sense of confidence, she knows what she wants and needs, perhaps, however, she is lacking simple silliness of life and that she isn't anyone's friend but a background celebrity weighs on her;
Brainrot: moreover, her rigid training regimen, partly inspired her childhood on the Orkney Islands, partly enforced by the former Toyoashi Tengu almost-player Madam Kogawa became to feel mundane. As she would put it, there isn't an opponent worthy of her time and skill. As I will say, it isn't as much a need in a rival as it is an ask for a feedback;
Although Imelda notes compliments make people go soft and that no one tells her she did a great job, and that she couldn't care less, she isn't truthful to herself. She needs positive feedback. However, positive feedback isn't praise for her;
After Black cancelled Quidditch for the year, Imelda took it harsh. It meant she was cut off from genuine reaction of the crowd at her play, wouldn't receive family's (dis)approve of performance, and wouldn't even have chances to train on the Pitch;
Brainrot: Imelda feels isolated, to say the least. She is naturally sensitive and quite talkative, insightful and outspoken, however, the mean attitude may have caused people to stray away from her. She does take notice of it but never seek reconciliation, knowing not many people would like to befriend her, besides, a new friend would do game if plays Quidditch or willing to challenge her, too. Time is valuable to her, it's a resource she'd like to spend on a person willing to take on and press on;
MC's timely arrival signified a potential to have someone new to get a hold of after Anne Sallow's untimely departure from the school and effectively, from the Slytherin Quidditch team. Anne was a beater;
Brainrot: to Imelda, Anne was another important social link. They weren't exactly friends but Anne's mischievous nature prompted Imelda to spend more time with her, Sebastian, and Ominis, as both pastime from Quidditch and a way to catch up with studies. Their company introduced her to students she'd normally would've not ever interacted with: Everett Clopton, Ravenclaw Keeper, disastrously ill-disciplined but overall harmless individual, yet too nonchalant to her liking; Garreth Weasley, whom she jokingly berates each time he blows up cauldrons but finds his expertise otherwise valuable whenever she needs help with Potions; Poppy Sweeting, a girl that alerts her to something but she hadn't a clue to what for quite an amount of time, she just knew she wasn't an another meek Hufflepuff; I imagine, @catohphm's Danny, Ravenclaw Seeker, would've been introduced to Imelda, too;
Brainrot: if u thought her and poppy had slowburn mutual pinning 300k words until the first kiss kind of thing going on in my head u are not wrong it is basically canon to me they're so different and unsure about each gesture -- or a suspicion there was an one -- it's as cute as it is silly as it is u just name it im gonna cry
She and @boxdstars' Amara probably are in each other's support group even after they completed the Find Girlfriend quest;
Imelda could use more sleep;
A straight O-student in Herbology and a straight E-student in DADA and Charms;
Has a deep respect for Aesop Sharp: if he finds it in himself to go and teach a bunch of dimwits how to brew potions out of seemingly sheer passion for the subject (he's able to tell the colour of the potion is wrong while nose deep into grading papers), just like her father is always eager to attend her games despite and in spite of his injury, she totally can be as motivated for Quidditch. Whenever someone has anything disparaging to say about Sharp, she would admit, she takes it personally;
What she also takes personally are mean comments and the lack of genuine interaction, and appreciation for who she really is. She's stuck, however: she is mean when there has to be insight, she is brash where it needs to be reflection, she simply shatters when she is wrong or pointed out her reasoning does loops and meandering.
The girl is lonely and insecure, she is naturally abrasive but isn't a massive bitch bomb; stubborn, easily dismayed by a sass response, I would also say, she is very capable of being meek or show at least some weakness when privy because upholding a veneer of someone tough but who isn't really her is a very emotionally tasking endeavour.
and if u'd like more imelda hcs including nsfw ones feel free to send me an ask 👉👈
some tags: @thriftstorebabayaga -- look it is breaching containment again @ladyofsappho @celestial--sapphic @rypnami @endeavour12345
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aziraphales-library · 5 months
Hi!!!!! I just got into good omens and this hyperfixation is going ABSOLUTELY BONKERS. Ive been reading so many fics from yall thank u ❤️❤️ i was wondering if u could req some lesbian/wlw aziraphale ? :P
Hello! You can check out our #ineffable wives tag for fics already recommended. Here are some more to add...
wanna witness your eyes looking by izzyhandsgf (E)
"How could someone so unbearably holy commit such sins in the most beautiful way?" ----------------------------- Or, Aziraphale and Crowley meet in the 1930s, fem-presenting, and both are slightly overcome by their feelings for one another...
I stretch out the time (and now I know why) by Nix_Nihili (T)
I should pull back, Crowley thought. She should pull back because she was the one with the fork in her mouth that Aziraphale was holding. Aziraphale wouldn’t pull back because that would be rude so Crowley had to pull back. Pull back. Crowley swallowed the cake down and pushed herself away because that was what she did. Push and pull. Six thousand years of pushing and pulling. God, did it ever end? - Crowley finds Aziraphale on a fateful night for the first time since 1941. They haven't seen each other since but something has changed in the past two decades. or Something definitely happened between 1941 and 1967 to warrant the "You go too fast for me, Crowley" comment.
“I thought that I was getting better.” | Setbacks by die_traumerei (T)
Aziraphale is already having a rough time of it, when her new neighbour Crowley's cats trip her up and the inevitable happens. She and Crowley becomes friends, though, and more than friends -- and a good thing too, as Aziraphale faces one setback after another.
Herefordshire Pomona by Eigon (T)
I was reading Bleating Hearts by HKBlack (which is excellent, btw) and also thinking about the advice to "write what you know", so I started daydreaming about how the goat farmer meets literature professor scenario would transfer to Herefordshire. Aziraphale was easy - a bookseller in Hay-on-Wye, the Town of Books. I've put her shop where Green Ink Books is now, which used to be a multi-level shop, with a flat above. Crowley - well, that became obvious pretty quickly, too - instead of goats, apples. Herefordshire has a lot of old orchards, and I used to know a lady from the Marcher Apple Network, which identifies old apple varieties, and works to preserve them. And I wanted it to be Ineffable Wives, because I had so much fun writing the Old West story Secret Friendship (which is a boring name, but I couldn't think up a better one).
strange workings of fate by skyflyerr (E)
Aziraphale sat down gently and let her feet that didn’t quite touch the floor dangle from the stool. “Would you spare enough time for one glass with me?” Aziraphale watched her turn and look a little taken aback at the notion of her being here. Maybe this was a bad idea. “With you, darling? I can make the time. I’m a woman of my word, if anything.” *** Crowley is a bartender and Aziraphale is still figuring out the bookshop. Both are utterly lonely and winter is coming quick. Maybe they could keep each other warm.
Dance Me to the End of Love by Black_Bentley (E)
In general, Crowley would very much like to see the ones who hurt her grovelling at her feet, experiencing her pain and fear. But Lucifer’s plan is... well, it far surpasses what she considers ‘getting a revenge’ falling wildly into wreaking complete havoc and destroying innocent lives as collateral damage. Most importantly, that puts her dearest friend in danger. And she is to bring the proverbial cuckoo into the Celestial nest. OR: Aziraphale is a ballet dancer for the British Celestial Ballet Company, which grooms its perfect 'angels' from childhood Crowley used to dance for them too, but after they literally kicked her out, she took on pole-dancing for the Nine Circles of Hell Nightclub Its owner, who used to be the Celestial Ballet's star, is ready to take his revenge on the company's Director (referred to by its 'angels' as Mother) and chooses Crowley to enact it by forcing her to deal a brand new drug among the ballet dancers.
- Mod D
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astaraels · 4 months
You don’t get how bad I need your fem!gallavich headcanons 😭😭 (that being said pls - with no pressure - share some 🙏🙏🙏)
OKAY DON'T WORRY I'VE GOT A LOT OF THEM TO SHARE WITH YOU I HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR SOME GOOD WLW FEM!GALLAVICH FEELS (these may be a little all over the place but just roll with me here okay? okay here we go)
to start with, Ian is a nickname for Lillian, Mickey is a nickname for Mykhaila (Ukrainian feminine form of Mikhailo)—they'd still go by Ian and Mickey, because if Lip can be a nickname for Phillip then all bets are fucking off :p
technically all of this started with my brain going "lesbian gallavich with hella self image issues" because they don't feel like they can measure up to their "prettier" sister (Mandy and Fiona) but both of them thinking the other is gorgeous as hell. Mickey being kind of a femme/butch (which is why she's the one who calls the shots with her brothers, she's the tomboy compared to Mandy), and Ian wanting to be all pretty and femme but doesn't think there's a point to it because money and also she doesn't think highly of herself
things would be way different for them both as lesbians—Ian would definitely still be the forgotten middle child, although she and Lip would still be Fiona's backup ("you two are my rocks") because I refuse to believe that girl Ian wouldn't be just as committed to ROTC and fitness as canon Ian. She'd be able to kick anyone's ass any day of the week. I think she'd really look up to Lip and ofc he'd love Ian as his little sister but like, with the same kind of condescending vibe he gives Fiona and Debbie? Although maybe since they're practically twins his misogyny toward Ian wouldn't be as blatant.
she'd still be taller than him (tallest Gallagher no matter what!) and have long red hair that she just throws back in a bun or ponytail all military style. I can't see her having short hair just because short cuts can be a lot to maintain, better just to let it grow and keep it pulled back. (I know, I've thought way too much about the little stuff lol)
Mickey would be very punk. With an undercut and all kinds of piercings. Mandy gets more attention from boys but Mickey does get her share, although of course she's like blegh. She'd rather be kicking ass and taking names and proving to her dad that she's just as good at being a fuckin Milkovich as Iggy and Colin—she's got more brains than both of them combined and she's smart as a whip when it comes to doing math, as well as where scamming people is concerned. Terry would begrudgingly acknowledge this but never misses a chance to put her down because she's just another dumb bitch. Only serves to make Mickey more determined to show what she can do, though, and her brothers and cousins are no match for her when it comes to scrappy back alley fighting. She climbed to the top of the heap early on and punches out anyone who tries to take her on.
Ian absolutely falls in the lesbian stereotype of wearing flannel constantly. I feel like she would want to do girly sorts of things but like, doesn't feel she'd measure up to Fiona or other girls so she just sticks with "comfortable" as her main fashion staple. Her and Debbie probably share a room too, although as I said above, she's still super close with Lip. Debbie would ADORE her big sister, would look up to and admire Ian because they've got so much in common—it might even be that she finds Ian's lesbian porn and that's how she knows about it ("penetration isn't required for sex to occur").
I'm not sure how they'd meet in this au but it would still probably involve Mickey chasing Ian around trying to beat her up lmao. my original thought was maybe like, either Mickey chased after Ian because of something Lip did in a reverse of canon, or Mandy thought Ian was talking shit about her. Regardless, the idea of 5'1" Mickey chasing after 5'9" Ian is hilarious especially because I feel like Ian would end up being almost six foot tall by the time she's done with puberty.
even once Ian and Mandy end up being bffs (there'd definitely be some miscommunication, but Ian doesn't wanna get murdered by the Milkovich siblings, so she manages to clear the air with Mandy when she can get away from Mickey and their brothers), Ian probably wouldn't tell Mandy she's gay, gotta keep that shit on lock. So once they're besties she's gotta endure all the boy talk and be like oh haha yeah totally…but at some point Mandy would figure it out, probably because she's not dumb and also Ian "play what cool" Gallagher is not as subtle as she thinks she is. But Mandy, other than asking if Ian has the hots for her ("you're beautiful, but I like you better as my friend"), is actually pretty chill and realizes she doesn't actually mind hanging out with a lesbo. Yes, Ian and Mandy and Mickey would use all the derogatory slurs that get used towards lesbians, although Ian is used to the casual homophobia and Mickey is the most homophobic gay ever (I feel like she'd definitely call herself a fag and a dyke once she gets more comfortable in her identity).
idk how the whole grooming thing with Kash and Ned would transfer over—maybe Ned would be some rich lesbian cougar who wants a kept girl or something. But that's unfortunately a big part of Ian's character, the middle kid who's the only one to be physically abused (and yeah, Frank would still hit Ian, boy or girl), and is desperate for any kind of affection so attaches to anyone who gives it. Kash might be a (seemingly) meek wife to some bruiser of a husband who's short and has small dog syndrome, and that makes her sympathetic in Ian's eyes, thus making it easier for her to take advantage of Ian. I try not to think about Kash too much but it is an important part of Ian's self-image
I'm gonna talk about s3 in its own post because I have some Thoughts and Ideas for some changes to make things interesting :p
season 4 would be really even more depressing because I think that when Ian is manic (there'd be no running away to the army because she couldn't use Lip's identity; instead she'd go straight her sugar mama and from there calls Monica when things get too wild) she'd end up getting pimped out by Monica to really gross straight dudes—not that there aren't creeper lesbians who like younger women, but in general it'd be easier for her to find a job stripping at a regular club (lesbian bars don't seem to have the same opportunities as a straight bar or a men's gay bar do wrt making money). Poor Lip and Debbie finding her in the skimpiest outfit, worse than anything Fiona ever had to wear for a job, with way too much makeup on and dollar bills tucked in her underwear, coked out as hell, skinny enough you can see her hipbones, brain and mouth going about 300 miles a minute...ugh.
But Mickey coming and bringing her home safe and sound <3 beating up the skeevy guys trying to roofie her <33 watching over Ian while she sleeps <333
In a happier train of thought, I love the idea that Mickey really likes Ian's long hair and plays with it when she's not really thinking and Ian gets all 😍😍😍 because it means Mickey might like her omg. Mickey has a partial undercut and Ian loves the texture of the shaved part of her hair. Tells her not to let it grow back out and everything.
Mickey having to stand on her tiptoes to kiss her stupidly tall gf ("You're too tall, Red" "Complain all you want, Mick, you know you like it”). Mickey likes getting manhandled but only by Ian—anyone else tries it and they're losing a hand. But Ian shoves her against a wall and does her whole cocky, smug, looming thing and Mickey can't help but melt in her arms (not that she'd let Ian know about it, not at first; gotta make Gallagher work for that shit. Just cause she's a fag doesn't mean that she's anyone's bitch!).
I also like to think that Ian would try the super femme thing in s4 era and Mickey, once out, would be a little more comfortable being more butch, but they both come off as a mix? I just love the idea of fem!gallavich playing with gender stuff in that very specific lesbian relationship with gender—on one of Mickey's more butch days Ian jokes and calling Mickey her boyfriend and Mickey being like oh
personally I feel like Mickey in her dyke era (s5) is an absolute pint-sized powerhouse, and still an absolute fashion icon because those cut-off vests? the tank tops? perfection🤌🏻
most of my thoughts are of early gallavich because I think things would go much differently since Sammi can't call the MPs on Ian in this au, but lemme just say that there's some fun stuff I'll be adding in another ask to add to the DRAMA
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piningpercussionist · 6 months
Howdy, Pine! Can we get three headcanons for all your favorite Scott Pilgrim characters? :-)
Oh absolutely!!!! Lemme think for a minute...
Okay I had a whole thing here, but we're gonna try this again but slightly more Hinged-- forcing myself to format so things don't get out of hand again. I will HAPPILY elaborate, though!!
((Whoop this is future me. This post is going to be so long if I dont do this, so I'm going to put this all under the cut! I'll try to remember to come back up here with the characters I talk about- alternative, should I not do that, maybe check the tags! I'll try to only tag the people I'm directly talking about))
sexuality: very likely canonically Bi, I am a very big fan of her being a comp. het. lesbian, though (I get this both from my read of the comics/her character and just me Injecting myself into my favorite characters ✌️)
pronouns: she/her usually, but I think she'd be very open and vibe with they/them (me injecting myself again, but also she's just chill like that. I think she prefers if strangers use they/them for her, and her friends or partners use she/her. I'm undecided if she prefers her partners call her their girlfriend or their partner, though.)
Characters I think she has feelings for: RAMONA FLOWERS, Lisa Miller, (MAYBE Scott Pilgrim, still)
Elaboration on that:
I honestly think I can just. Point at some comic panels for Ramona. And the goat thing again. They make me Unhinged that's how canon that is.
Lisa!!! My beloved!!! I think she had a tiny crush on her in high school and had no idea that it was a crush until way later in life- maybe shortly after seeing her again, actually. But like. She's so obviously smiley and happy when she's around, I really can't help but read it that way! She, at the very least, gets an extreme mood boost in her presence, so she really likes having her around.
Scott Pilgrim.... *scrubbing at my face* okay. Okay. So, I have a couple different reads on her feelings for Scott, they're kind of complicated for me to dismantle. Especially since I haven't started my reread of book 6 (I've been giving my thumbs a break, which I am currently prolonging but I have been DYING for someone to ask me to talk about this series.) I'm going to go with my more canon read and leave it at that I think, because it's already becoming this text wall.
Scott was really important to her, I think. She's this aloof, sullen, bitchy girl and she knows it- and then this dorky idiot walks into her life and they really hit it off! They date, they have really sweet, private moments together- it's everything to her. It's someone loving her in spite of the hard shell she initially puts out, and managing to reach her soft, easily bruised heart in ways no one had before. But then he left so abruptly, and that heart was crushed under the weight of her own ribcage. I think she carried that hurt with her every day from that point- I don't imagine her having a particularly roaring love life after that. I think she kept that hurt bottled, and it made any relationships she DID attempt fall apart. It's a wound she's been nursing for way, way too long, and I think she knows that- that's why she wants so badly to forget about it. But then she goes to Toronto and runs into Scott again at the lowest point in his life, and she can't get herself to step away, because this is the only person who ever claimed to love her in a way she felt. I think her decision to stay was sort of... detrimental to her moving on. If she'd detatched herself and stepped back, maybe she could have moved on eventually- she could have worked on herself, or maybe lucked out and found someone who could get through those walls without a sledgehammer, and she would have been better for it. But that's not what happens. She stayed, and I think the longer she stayed the harder it became to keep herself completely shielding from him, because he's still that same goofy guy at his core- he's just a bit worse than she remembered him being. But damn near everything he does throughout the comics just continues to crush her until she HAS to leave- he can apologize, and she can accept it for the version of him she loved, but he's not enough to convince her to stay anymore. I'm going to cut my canon analysis there until I reread their next scene, rather than just continuing incase my thoughts have slightly changed, but like... man... they hurt me in a very unique way. If it was anyone other than Scott, it'd be tragic. (Maybe it still is, maybe that's the Kim Bitterness talking)
For a brief touch on my less canon take, with Kim being a lesbian: I think Scott would have been better placed in her life as a best friend than a partner, but when you're young, and honestly even when you're not all that young, emotional distinction like that can be so, so confusing. So all of the hurt remains very genuine, because she does love him, just not the way she thought she did.
((Because I do love the trans!fem Scott HC as well, I will say. I feel like it would be really, really funny for Kim to realize she's into women and be like "wow sure dodged round two of the Scott Pilgrim bullet" and then one day Scott shows up having started her transition and is like "Oh hey Kimmy!! I'm a lesbian AND a girl, like you now!!!" And Kim just. Crushes her drink or something in her hand like "oh no... oh no she's attractive again... FUCK FUCK FUCK." Obviously a lot more nuanced than that, though. I should probably clarify that I started answering this ask almost IMMEDIATELY after waking up and also BEFORE I've taken more pain meds. If this post has been or starts to become very scattered again, that's why lol.))
Bonus consideration: Hollie. I can dig her having a crush on Hollie, but I feel like it faded a little living with her, and then shattered entirely after the Jason Kim situation. Even an overwhelming attraction to women ain't savin that one, chief. That's just too severe a betrayal.
The Knives Situation: Oh Boy. So in the original answer for this I had a whole thing done up, lemme try to condense it. Basically, I think Kim woke up the next morning HORRIFIED by what she'd done. Like, dry heaving in the bathroom horrified. And this likely really hurt Knives's feelings, should she see! Which Kim would feel horrible about. I'm undecided on if she just runs from the situation before Knives can wake up, or if they have a sort of agrument/one-sided rant on Kim's part afterward where she just really tries to hammer home for Knives how not okay it was for them to do that- for HER to do that, given their ages and inherent power imbalance. In the event that this discussion happens, Knives absorbed none of it, and probably leaves that conversation a little wounded. I think it would proceed to play back in her mind when she and Stephen are talking at one of Julie's parties later on, though, and she'd probably approach Kim after that to thank her for being a reasonable adult about that, unlike how some of her friends had been. Once that understanding is reached, I think they could be good friends, although Kim probably teases her for how she started to dress like her after they first met.
Silly little things: If anyone's familiar with Night in the Woods, do you know the part where Mae's like "that's not drums... that's a computer..."? I feel like that has Kim energy. To me.
Also I think Kim sucks at Rockband- I know that releases like, way afterward or something so far as comic timeline goes, but bare with me, okay? It's my silly little headcanons! Anyway, she'd suck really, really bad on the drums, since so far as I can recall, they don't REALLY correspond with the music. If her friends force her to play, she demands either the mic or the bass, because "fuck you Scott, you try playing their stupid fucking drums." He proceeds to play flawlessly, much to her chagrin. She fairs better on the bass, but only a bit better than the drums, since her fingers aren't quite used to the movements.
Kim didn't think she liked cats for a while, mostly because she was only ever around them fleetingly, and generally in the homes of people who should have been cleaning their litter boxes more regularly. After hanging around Ramona's house more, though, she discovers she really love them! She feels a sort of kinship watching how they actually behave, and I think Gideon ends up warming to Kim very quickly, which probably helps with the very quick turnaround on her opinion. I think it'd be funny if sometimes, when Kim's over, Scott will try to beckon Gideon over to him for cuddles or affection, and the cat will just. Stare at him entirely unimpressed before jumping up into Kim's lap with exaggerated purring and chin rubbing before curling up for a "nap." Kim was in awe the first time this happened, and Ramona finds it ceaselessly amusing every time it happens. ((Funny additonal scenario: once after this happened Scott was whining to Ramona, who was coming to join them on the couch, looking generally very sad/cute/pathetic, and overcome with a sort of playful evil, Ramona proceeded to sit by and cuddle up to Kim as well. Kim immediately froze up and went bright red and wide eyed, Scott's jaw probably dropped before he dove into a theatrical, exaggerated spewl about the betrayal of it all, and Ramona just got to blissfully enjoy Kim cuddles while giggling at both of their reactions and petting Gideon.))
Conversely, I don't know how Kim feels about dogs. Like, I don't think she hates them or anything like that, but maybe they fill her with a sense of pity, for their associations with unwavering loyalty. Something about that specifically runs too close to things she considers about herself, at times, maybe. Idk, just kinda spit ballin here.
I think she does like rats! And mice. Idk. They're cute little guys and I like them, let me have this--
Oh man... just Kim's section is so long. And I have other characters to get to,,, buckle up I guess--- I mean, I did start with My Girl, so maybe the others will be shorter?
((This is future future me again... this is where I actually went back and processed the ask properly :') I have no words to describe my current emotional state beyond that I am trying really hard not to burst into a little fit of laughter at myself and wake my roommate--))
Three! Three headcanons!! I can do this (restraintrestraintrestraint)
Okay! Let's try being Normal About Media- and just as a note, they aren't really in any particular order, beyond Kim being the first because she IS legitimately my favorite, I think. Idk she's very Me.
Ramona Flowers
1. She doesn't really do labels, for things like her idenity; she does think pride flags are pretty, though. Scott got her a bi flag once and she decided to keep it and hang it in her room for this exact reason, though she did explain to him that she doesn't really consider herself anything but herself- Ramona Flowers. He's very understanding about that, although a little confused in the typical Scott manner! They eventually come around to just considering it being his flag, when he comes to terms with himself (yeah, spoilers, I HC him as bi)
2. Her hair actually does have magic properties to it that prevent it from getting absolutely butchered by all the bleaching she does- she doesn't know how or why, though. Maybe it's less magic and more to do with the supplies themselves? Unlike Scott, she's not as meticulous when it comes to reading the status effect labels on things she uses or consumes.
3. Of her former partners, I think she does have genuine lingering feelings for Roxie. So far as the comics/movie go, she simply repressed the hell out of them and plays the Deny Deny Deny! game, but so far as the show goes, I think she's come to terms with the fact that she still loves her, but horrifically fumbled her- she doesn't want to hurt Roxie like that again, so she's unlikely to ever try things again between them, I think. Not unless Roxie was the initiator, and even then, it'd take some coaxing.
Bonus 4. She absolutely has feelings for Kim. I feel like maybe further into their relationship she'd 100% ask Scott like "hey... you know your really hot friend Kim?" and proceed to discuss with him if being in a polyamorous relationship is something he could get behind. Maybe it'd happen after a period of time with Kim living with them too, or something.
Roxie Richter
1. She gets ALL the girls- all of them. She's an unholy TERROR for men where she lives, because she is notorious for giving women the night of their lives and making them never look back so far as dating men goes. Now, I don't think she deliberately breaks up people or goes after "straight" girls or anything, but it's probably something that's happened on accident before, so she's A Menace. I will say that she might deliberately swoop in and woo a girl she knows is taken if it's extremely clear that their relationship is just Not Right- like if she's seeing clear signs of abuse, or something. She isn't intending to get with these girls when she does this, but she is fully intending to get them out of shitty situations. She's even turned girls down after their (ex) boyfriends have stormed off in a huff, simply out of respect for them- she'll try to give them advice, and if they're adamant in trying New Venues, she might play matchmaker where she can, but she isn't really comfortable sleeping with them after doing stuff like that- to her, it feels gross, maybe even exploitative.
2. I actually don't know if this is meant to be canon or not, because it's noted alongside some of her sketches, but she's german/japanese in my eyes- but raised in the states. She knows English the best, and some German, but she doesn't really know much Japanese, much to her own agitation- she just struggles with it a lot, for whatever reason. She can kind of read some things, but if she tries to speak it she runs the risk of butchering the words. I personally further HC her dad as German and her mom as Japanese- dad by process of elimination, mom based loosely on how I read some of her and Ramona's conversations in the comics.
3. She is in fact whistling the tune in the show intending it to be from the Robin Hood movie- in fact, I think I'm going to HC it as one of her favorite animated films from childhood. (... do I HC her as a furry now?)
Lisa Miller
1. Disaster Bi! She's a bit of a Menace and she knows it; she likes to rile people up, but she can't really take what she dishes out. Like, if she'd done the kind of seductive teasing she does to Scott to Kim and received any sort of flirting back, her brain would shut down and she'd need to reboot. She doesn't know how to handle when someone else takes the reigns, which is why it was so easy and fun to play with Scott- he was too stunned/shy to play back, which she enjoys. Not to imply she doesn't enjoy having her brain melted a little, of course.
2. I think she makes it big after she heads to America! Or at least, bigger than she was. She sends her friends back in Toronto signed copies of movie posters and CDs and things when she can- she doesn't expect them to keep them, although she loves it when they do, but at least in Scott's case it's sort of a "incase of emergency, please sell" sort of situation. He does not, obviously. (Ramona probably does, though, both from admittedly petty lingering jealousy and because they just don't have room for all of it; Scott rarely seems to notice anyhow, and the money usually goes towards rent or random gifts for him anyhow)
3. I forget if everyone's sudden absence is noticed when they Poof briefly during the finalt episode of the show, but if it is I feel like Lisa starts to talk to Kyle, since he's in front of her, like "hey, what exactly happened there-" before looking out over everyone else who reappeared in their seats and noticing Scott is actually up there with them. She spends the rest of that night chatting up him and the league, and maybe even scores an in with Matthew for getting a foothold in her acting career!
Matthew Patel
1 . He absolutely has a dedicated cult following for his theatrical works, and it's warranted! He's genuinely good at what he does, and his passion is clear as day; any production is lucky to have him, and he knows it, which can kind of lead to butting heads behind the scenes. I feel like he might come across to his fellow performers as full of himself, especially given his proficiency with one man performances, but he truly is just deeply, deeply passionate about his work, and he wants to feel that passion with anyone he works with, too. He NEEDS his energy matched to feel like it's going to be a grand performance, and he simply doesn't notice how off-putting this can be for his coworkers as a result.
2. The demon hipster chicks have always been the visual age they are now, even when Matthew was a kid; he viewed them as older sisters growing up, and they're very protective of him perhaps as a result. At his current age, they're his best friends and personal body guards- they'll descend like rabid dogs on anyone that steps out of line around him, if he doesn't call them off. Sometimes it's a bit much for him, but they're usually pretty good about understanding when they do and don't need to interfere on his behalf.
3. Ya know I'm not sure if it's a HC I've seen at all but I could really vibe with trans!masc Matthew. I would love that for him, truly.
Scott Pilgrim
1. Look... I really love any trans!Scott headcanons. Like, any direction, I've said before; I genuinely have such a problem figuring out which version I enjoy best: he's trans!masc and has been all along, or trans!fem and Ramona eventually helps to crack that egg. But also, while I'm saying this, he is. So stupid. Not like maliciously stupid in this sense, absolutely not, but I feel like he's the kind of person to like. Run into someone from his past post their transition, with THEM coming up to HIM to be like "oh long time no see, Pilgrim," and then he would say something to the affect of "oh, you have the same last name as (DN)!!! Are you related? Kim, Kim!! Do you know if (DN) had any siblings?" while Kim and the other person just stare at him deadpan for a bit before bursting into laughter at his expense. He would then proceed to be really confused and just not get it, either until they explain it to him or like, he'd just suddenly sit up in a cold sweat later that night realizing what he did like "oh my GOD that WAS them, I said their dead name at them like seven times!! I am Going To Hell!!!" (And Ramona would just kind of blindly, lightly slap around in his general direction, like "honey you're not going to hell for basically affirming the effectiveness of their transition, go the fuck to sleep. They would've said something if it was a problem." Idk, that's just how he feels to me.)
2. When he has his own money for things, and space living with Ramona, he spends it on video games or video game related merch- it's probably a lot of patches and t-shirts, but I can see him starting to collect plushies, too! Like some of the really old kinda silly looking Sonic plushies, for example? If I had my Knuckles one on hand I'd use him as an example, but I think he's in storage somewhere :(
3. Gets into really heated arguments about video game mechanics and stat stuff where applicable; like, Ramona has to drag him away or else he will actively start fighting people kind of heated. He can hold chill conversations, but if he feels like he's being talked down to about a game that he's REALLY into, like Sonic Adventure (he has the director's cut!)
Wallace Wells
1. MENACE TO SOCIETY. He's comparable to Roxie in this way except he is so much worse (I say this affectionately <3) because he does just straight up, in canon, do things like steal Stacey's boyfriends! And that's his friend that he's doing that to! So I cannot IMAGINE what mischief he gets up to when he goes out drinking. He's probably ruined so many lives, naybe even marriages. What am I saying, maybe? Definitely. And he feels no remorse about this! In his eyes either your man was already gay or you needed to treat him better, sweetie; he HAS been rejected before, so clearly his charms can't ruin what ain't already broken.
2. While he does have feeling for Scott, which is basically canon I don't even want to hear it, he KNOWS better. Like, he'd been living with Scott for a while, so he knows if they were legitimately dating he probably would be even more sick of him than he already is. When they were still living together, though, there were times where he couldn't help but wonder if it would really be all that bad... right before Scott comes in and does or says something that just highlights for Wallace that he's making the Sane choice. Besides, Wallace is (and i hate using these terms but I straight up don't know what other words I could possibly use) a sugar baby; he can't keep up being both a sugar baby and Scott's effective sugar daddy (HATEHATEHATE THAT WORD) while ALSO paying rent. It doesn't really work out that well, especially with him having, at the time, such a shitty apartment to begin with.
3. I feel like Wallace really enjoys his nightlife and getting to sleep around, so I'm unsure if this is something still in play while he's with Mobile, or if he respects Mobile enough to do away with that entirely. Like, different situations work for different relationships, so if Mobile is fine with it then maybe it's something that continues! But taking into account the sparks from the show, maybe he'd actually be really fine being exclusive with Mobile. Especially given how well their future selves seem to be doing. Idk! Basically the sum of this one is just that, if Wallace is exclusive with Mobile, he misses be a bit of a whore, but he's very happy where, and with who he is, now.
Envy Adams
1. She gives me vibes.. queer vibes... in some sort of direction.... idk if I'm fully behind her also being a comp. het lesbian or just labeling her a disaster bi, but I also get a vague sense of gender fuckery. It's entirely her name thing, probably, but I can see Envy being genderqueer.
2. She probably hunted Lynette down after that show- an arm was likely Not Enough to quite satisfy that rage. Especially since she didn't get the satisfaction of beating Todd more thoroughly herself, since Scott stepped in. Conversely, for the show canon, Wallace has a target on his back for the rest of her life, as far as she's concerned, even in a world where her feelings for Todd were just misunderstood- she considered him her best friend, and you don't get away with hurting her friends like that unless you're her.
3. I think I'd like to HC that some part of her regrets booting Scott from the band the way she did back in college? Maybe not immediately, or even soon, but I feel like sometimes she would think about him and their relationship as a whole and just feel bad, Idk. Like, she doesn't want to get back with him at all, but I could maybe see her offering to promote Shatterband (or Sex Bob-Omb, in the show,) or even play with him as a genuine apology instead of a coy trap somewhere down the line.
Knives Chau
1. Look... look I know I'm about to sound like a broken record... comp. het. lesbian or bi. HEAR ME OUT: her puppy dog love for Scott is really just that- something cute and innocent, but very intense, especially once he cuts her off in that honestly really brutal manner. Teenage heartbreak is messy- even if you feel like it was real, true love you had, you can often realize later in life that what you felt was just admiration, or something else innocuous like that. I think she reaffirms it to herself as a deep and true love because of how intense the pain of that breakup was, paired with everything that comes after, and I think the show really highlights that for me? Because in the show, with Scott out of the picture entirely, she's just a lot less intense about it. I think after playing music and hanging around his friends, she realizes she didn't really love him all that much, just thought he was a cool older guy and liked that he took an interest in her, even if she recognizes how wrong that was now. ((I probably have more articulate thoughts on this but I am really starting to feel the lack of pain meds so I need to get through this--))
2. Knives is really good at rhythm games and things like DDR or, when it's eventually released, Just Dance. Like, freakishly good. She picks them up just as well and just as quickly as she did her instruments.
3. With how quickly she picked up her instruments, she kinda gives me honor student vibes? Idk. I feel like it'd be a little stressful for her later on, because I do think her passionate drive for music makes her grades take a slight spin, but she just gives off that energy for me. Knives is a lot smarter than people give her credit for, I think, Idk.
... yes, I am very normal about media... spending 3 hours on 1 ask that offered me a lot more simplicity than I can apparently manage...
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vampiricalblob · 8 months
Stumbling Upon A Castle in the Woods
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Fem!Vampire x Fem!Reader
Author's Note: I've never really written x reader or y/n content, so forgive me if it's not that good lol. I mostly just have been scrolling the vampire x reader tag and have not been finding a ton lesbian content, so I figured, why not write my own! I dunno, I ended up just writing what I personally would hope to find on my dash, so I hope it's at least to your liking! I tried to make our vampire character here as description-less as possible so you can imagine whoever you want in her place, but if this ends up being popular enough and depending on how y'all want it, I might make her into an oc, give her a name and an appearance. I hope you enjoy!
Also quick note: Y/n isn't being hypnotized or anything, she's just horny.
You were so, so tired. Hours of hiking through the woods, looking for a way out of your cursed little town, that never let anyone leave. You were so tired of being trapped there, unable to escape. So, one night, you packed your things and left. Or, tried to. It was noon when you entered the woods, and it’s nightfall, now, and you can’t seem to make heads or tails of any direction. The trees seem to shift and change positions when you aren’t looking.
You actually cry with relief when you find a castle, dark and imposing. Shelter. You don’t stop to question why there’s a dark castle in the middle of the woods that keeps you from leaving your cursed town, you’re just relieved to find somewhere to stay for the night.
You don’t even knock, you throw the doors open and shut them behind you, a warm entrance greeting you. You sigh in relief, before remembering that you’ve just let yourself into a house without permission.
“Hello?” You call out. The entrance is wide and tall, and the place smells of cobwebs and dust. “I erm, I’m so sorry to intrude– I just need a place to stay for the night…”
No response. You aren't too surprised, this house is giant. You start to wander around, looking for any signs of life. Candles are lit, it’s not like the place is abandoned. It’s eerie, actually, how the place seems to house people but none can be found.
Eventually though, the exhaustion of wandering the woods for several hours starts to catch up with you. Surely whoever owns this place won’t mind if you crash in one of their guest rooms? There are so many, lining the halls, and the beds seem to call to you, they look softer than any bed you’ve ever seen.
Caving to your exhaustion, you fall into the canopy bed of one of the many guest bedrooms, finding it to be even more comfortable than you’d expected. You pass out almost immediately, oblivious to the laughter that echoes through the dark.
Hours later, you wake up from a sleep that might be the best you’ve ever received in your life. Even as your eyes flutter open, sleep tugs you back down into the mattress, promising sweet dreams and comfort and rest. You sigh contentedly, pulling the thick duvet closer. Since when has your bed felt this heavenly?
It hasn’t. Memories of the night before flood back to you, and you realize that this isn’t your bed. It’s not even the bed you had collapsed into the night before, it’s bigger, and the sheets are different. You try to sit up, but are forced back down by a pair of slender, strong hands.
“Hush, go back to sleep. You looked like you were having a wonderful dream.”
Your eyes snap open, wide awake now. A beautiful woman is holding you down, laying beside you. For a moment you feel frozen, your brain is confused and you have to take a moment to just stare. She’s downright stunning, and she’s looking at you like you’re the most beautiful thing in the world. Half of you wants to do as she says.
Wait, no. Your senses come back to you and you realize that you’re a trespasser being held down on a bed. That’s, weird. You realize that this is not normal, not good.
You struggle out of her grip, sitting up and panickedly scooting away. You get the idea that you were only able to get out of her hands because she let you, by the way she laughs.
“I-I– stay away–” you start to say, but you don’t really know what to say afterwards.
She just smiles and tilts her head at you, propped up by her forearms.
“Stay away?” She asks, voice like honey, slow and sweet. You could drown in the sound of it, you find yourself wishing for her to speak more. “Miss, you’re the one who broke into my home unannounced and used my guest rooms without my permission.” She scoots closer, so that she’s practically on top of you. “Do you know who I am, silly? Do you know what you’ve signed yourself up for? It’s been so long since I’ve had visitors, you know. I always have to go to your town to eat, but here you are, waltzing right into my home like you own the place.” As she speaks her fingers walk up your shoulder, pulling at the hem of the dress you had fallen asleep in like she wants to pull it off your shoulder. You flush red when she does so, gay panic freezing your brain in place.
What is happening.
You try to make sense of her words through your confused stupor, stuttering out incoherent syllables. She acts as though you should know her, that she’s important. As the cogs click into place you realize exactly who this is.
The town has had attack after attack as of recent, all women, claiming to have been attacked by a beautiful lady who drained them of their blood until they had passed out. A vampire has been loose for years, although she’s become more active as of recent. Looking at the woman in front of you, you see that she matches the descriptions down to a T.
You feel so stupid. How could you have wandered into the den of a monster like this?
She laughs at the face you’re making, pulling away and sitting among the pillows on the bed.
“Oh dear, you’re so easily flustered,” she says, and you just flush darker. “You’re quite adorable, darling.”
“What are you going to do to me?” You ask, voice trembling. Your brain is at war right now, the logical side says you need to run away, now. Unfortunately, the touch starved side says otherwise.
When she smiles, you can’t help but notice how sharp her canines are. She scoots closer again, and for a moment you’re afraid that she’s going to bite you right then and there. Instead, she pulls you into her arms and cards her fingers through your hair, catching you off guard.
“If I end up liking you, I’ll make you mine, permanently,” she says, lifting your chin with a single finger. “Anything you desire will be yours.”
Your brain short circuits.
“But,” she continues, face becoming serious, “If you aren’t a good girl, I can’t promise to treat you as more than just a living food storage. Disobedience will earn you nothing but a cold shoulder.”
You don’t like the sound of that very much. The way she’s holding you, the way she was smiling at you before– you want it–
You snap yourself out of your stupor. You should be wanting to escape right now. Right? That’s why you left the town, to escape it. Although, being here, is it really the same as the village? You weren’t treated the best there, and the living quality wasn’t particularly good. But here? You’re practically swimming in blankets and fluff, and a beautiful monster is giving you attention as though you’re a princess. It isn’t what you had in mind, but isn’t it escape nonetheless?
“Other than that,” the vampire says, “I mostly want to drink from you. And if you want it, I want to kiss you, and play with you, and cuddle you every single morning before we go to bed…” She trails off, before giving you a smile. “Of course, those last few are only for if you want… Can’t go making you too uncomfortable, hm?”
I want it, your brain screams, and you immediately force yourself to be logical about this. “I-I, erm, I don’t even know your name,” you squeak out instead. “How can you know you’ll like me?”
The vampire laughs, fingers running through your hair again. “I’m sure I’ll know soon enough,” she says. She then tells you her name. You tell her yours in return, hesitating at first.
“Well then, my dear,” she says, giving you a boop on the nose. “Be a good girl for me?”
You pause for a moment, studying her face, assessing what it is that you want. Thinking about your town you left, and where you might be if you hadn’t ended up here. Somewhere where you’ll struggle, surely. Much wouldn’t really change, as you turn your options over in your head. The next town over won’t be any different. You won’t find anything waiting for you there. And you feel so comfortable here, and she looks so beautiful, in her red nightgown, looking at you expectantly. She’s stunning. You wonder how she looks at you like you’re the most wonderful person in the world. You feel undeserving.
That doesn’t stop you from giving in, melting into her touch. You want this. You want to make a home here.
Before you know it, you’re leaning in and your lips are on hers, the faint taste of blood dancing along your tongue as she laughs into you and pulls you closer.
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azulasmommyissues · 3 months
ATLA sexuality headcanons, part 2, Roku's era:
due to the limited information regarding this era, i might just be spouting bullshit. but! it's mY bullshit.
-bisexual, male lean
-he mainly dated men when he was younger because he was trash at talking to women, but after mastering the avatar state he actually started seeing women (because raava is a lesbian)
-he is the master of homoerotic friendships, i tell you. sozin? gyatso? sud? no heterosexual explanation for any of them
-with sozin, roku was oblivious as fuck. he loved him, but he could never pinpoint exactly how. there were many moments of unresolved sexual tension.
-he fell in love with ta-min because she's absolutely raava's type
-but literally wore sozin's crown until the end of hid life and keeps it in his spirit form despite everything??? roku, please.
-he is gay but he's also awful
-contrary to all I've written until now, these things CAN co-exist
-being the golden child, a direct azula parallel, and also obsessed with roku?
-the fire nation law allowing married couples to legally annul their married was drafted and ratified by firelord sozin at around 44BG on the eve of avatar roku's wedding
-and gay marriage was made illegal after roku died.
-and he banned dancing in his oldest bitterest years of being alive because roku liked dancing, “sozin, It's my wedding! have a cookie! dance with someone!” (he didn't)
-he basically proposed to roku with his crown bfr
-i imagine that he was the one to kill gyatso. personally.
-absolute lesbian
-in the avatar universe the lesbian masterdoc is a philosophical text that she herself wrote
-SO sick of sozin's imperialist, fascist bullshit. girl same. be gay study philosophy.
-she canonically bore no romantic love for khandro and he bore no such feelings for her either. the marriage was strictly political and based on mutual respect.
-rioshon, on the other hand? the love of zeisan's LIFE fr fr
ta min
-you've got no idea how much I'm looking forward to getting to know her when roku's book comes out. she seems nice. the roku episode barely gives her any attention, though. she's definitely raava's type that's for sure-- not a coincidence roku wifed her up AFTER mastering the avatar state, raava had been WAITING
-the vibes are relatively heterosexual
-girl was BEEFING with sozin
-"may i borrow your husband for a moment" if i were ta min and that was my wedding day idc if he was the firelord he would have gotten his ass beat (/j) so she's definitely a better person than me
-I'm a big fun of the theory that each avatar has the face of their past life's true love and aang looks a LOT like her so i think her and roku are sweet
-gay bitch
-i don't know i just genuinely can't imagine him with a woman,,
-he had feelings for roku which weren't reciprocated and a nice old homoerotic friendship. his difference with sozin is that he didn't commit genocide and he DIDN'T leave roku to die in a volcanic eruption
-he loved roku enough to settle for being his friend if it meant he'd be happy
-he would have protected aang with his life, he was like a son to him,,, and he reminded him so much of his best friend
-after gyatso caused so much damage to the fire nation troops, sozin came to kill him himself. and god was it personal.
-another homoerotic roku friendship
-roku you slutty slutty old man
-sud was roku's bi awakening, in fact. obviously sozin was the first one he loved but he couldn't explain it or understand it back then. he was old enough when he met sud to figure it out.
-him snd roku had tea dates after training, come on now
-they were friends first and foremost, though, lifelong friends.
-bisexual but never realises. I have to imagine he's at least somewhat conservative since he's from the northern water tribe and all—at least at first.
-then again, he was very spiritual and soft-spoken since his childhood. he travelled the world as a diplomat and saw many different walks of life
-he was perhaps in love with his good friend nai, and that's why his betrayal shook him to his core and gave him such terrible trust issues
-also asexual
-perhaps she also fought sozin during the comet.
-maybe it was more personal for her than it was for him.
-she mourns the life she could have had with zeisan, if only she'd spoken out. if only she'd been honest with her feelings. damn the consequences! sozin won anyways. they wasted their lives and their love for nothing.
-aromantic and asexual
-bro finds rioshon captivating and respects the grind
now... nyanchi, boin, ezra, zeebee, bo, chegu, ema, sherab, and norbu, etc, who all appear in avatar legends as regenerated characters—i actually don't know what to say about them. they barely feel like characters-and they're not really that connected to roku. i just want this era to get fleshed out like kyoshi's and yangchen's! like their novels were so good. I'm more excited to find out more about the past avatars than to get new avatars, honestly, but that might just be me.
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babes you are fueling my robin thots rn istg i've been thinking about this for SO LONGGGGG (hence why this fic is unbearably long (4.4k so not too horrible but still longer than intended))
framing this as best friend!robin x innocent!reader (both POVs)
nsfw under the cut (strap play: riding & fucking w it, sucking a strap, oral giving and receiving, fingering, scissoring, basically all smut, multiple orgasms) this is FILTHY (also kissing)
You and Robin have been best friends for a few years now. The two of you do everything together and talk to each other about everything...almost everything. But you decide to make it everything tonight.
"Hey Robin?" you start tentitively.
"Yeah babes?" Rob says casually from beside you in her bed.
"So you know how I said I'm a virgin?"
Robin stops what she's doing on her phone and looks over at you. "Yeah." She says with a question.
"Well, uh, how does it work? Sex?"
"Your mom never gave you the talk?" she laughs.
"No, no she did but she did it how mom's do—always avoiding the logistics of it," you laugh shyly.
"You've never looked up porn?"
You shake your head no.
"So you're asking me, the resident lesbian, how sex works?"
"Well, I mean you said you tried it with a guy before you realized you were gay and you're my best friend so I felt comfortable asking you about it before I tried to figure it out on my own or got stuck in a situation and didn't know what to do-" you ramble.
Robin looks warily at you and then it's like a light goes off in her head.
"Ok, here's the deal. I'll show you how it works as long as you let me use you as an example. It'll be...very educational but also fun, for me at least. I'm a very hands on teacher so I'll be doing things to you that would happen in hetero sex okay? Say no now if you don't want that or to see that."
"See?" you ask.
Robin chuckles, "so the way I want to teach you is for you to watch me fuck myself with my strap."
Your eyes go wide and you swallow deeply.
"Damn, you're really that innocent are you? You've never touched yourself to make you feel good?"
"No, I-I don't know how."
It's a slight lie. You catch a soft fuck as it leaves Robin's lips. Lips that you really want to touch with how she bites her bottom one. You've always been curious about Robin, about being with a woman, but you know it's "not right" as your parents would say. When you have tried to touch yourself though, it's always been to the thought of Robin. But you always stop before anything happens because what would your parents think?
"You there?" Robin asks.
"Yeah, sorry, um, yeah that's ok. I-I'll watch-" you say softly.
"So here's the thing, a strap needs to be on someone, to sit properly enough to ride it."
Her eyes grow even wider at that.
"So if you wouldn't mind, putting it on? So I can show you?"
"Oh, ok, yeah I can do that."
"Perfect, now it can get a bit messy so you might want to take your pants off. Only fair really since I'll be without pants too," I laugh trying to persuade her.
I get off the bed and go to my closet, I open my toy box and pull out my purple strap. Fuck this is going to be so hot. Having her below me while I ride my strap is gonna be like one of my wet dreams come to life. I turn around to see her taking her pants off and standing there timidly, waiting for me.
There won't be any coming back from this for me.
I smile softly at her and kneel in front of her, "use my shoulders for support and step into the harness."
She does as I ask—so compliant. I lift the harness up her soft legs and strap it around her waist, hiding her pretty pink panties from my view.
"Now go ahead and get comfy on the bed again, you can lay down or sit up against the pillows, up to you," I say standing. I take off my pants and underwear while she situated herself on my bed, back slightly raised as she leans against the pillows so her head is a bit elevated so she can see better.
I'm wet just thinking about this.
"I'm gonna start by showing you how to do a blow job ok? This will help me, honestly, so the dildo is wet enough for me to ride it easily without lube."
She nods her head and watches as I move onto the bed and lay down between her spread legs. God I wish there wasn't a strap and panties between me and her sweet pussy right now.
I look at her and smile before licking a stripe up my strap from base to tip. I catch her tongue dart out to wet her perfect lips before taking the dildo into my mouth and slowly taking all of it. I feel her thighs tense under my hands, and smile to myself, pulling off the dildo to talk her through the motions.
"Now," I say, moving my hands to stroke the fake cock. "Since you've never done this before you probably won't be able to take the whole dick into your mouth at once, which is fine, the guy is just going to be happy that you're sucking off even a part of it."
Her eyes are glued on my hands moving up and down the strap, shiny and wet with my spit. "If it doesn't all fit in your mouth you can just stroke what doesn't with your hands. You want to squeeze it a little but not enough to hurt. Just slight pressure from base to wherever it fits or base to tip if you're taking a breather."
I collect enough spit in my mouth to let it drop onto the tip of the dildo and watch her reaction. Her breathing elevates and her pupils dilate. I think I notice her hands gripping the comforter, too.
"Guys love that. It's so hot to them."
I take the cock back in my mouth and bob my head, making sure to hit the back of my throat so I gag a little. Coming off of it I say, "they really enjoy that too. They love when girls choke on their cocks.
I don't think I'm breathing. Robin is sucking my cock her strap and it's the hottest thing I think I've ever seen. My pussy is clenching around nothing and I know just how wet I am right now.
She takes the dildo back into her mouth for a few more head bobs and I see one of her hands snake under her body to her cunt. She's touching herself while sucking my dick.
She pulls that hand back up as she lets go of the dildo with a pop and then she strokes it with wet fingers from her cunt.
"Did you-did you get wet from that?"
Robin blushes and looks at me, "yeah, my ex-girlfriend and I would take turns on who would wear the strap and I really got off on giving it a blowjob while she wore it."
Her ex. Great.
"Alright, now's where we're going to get real personal and you'll be seeing my pussy. If you're not okay with this say so now," she says, sitting up on her knees. Her t-shirt is still long enough to hide her nakedness from me but god I want to see her.
"No-no it's fine, I'm good."
Robin smiles and shifts off to one side of me. "Can you put your legs together for me? This way it's easier for me to straddle you."
I do as she asks and squeeze my thighs together to try and get some release, hoping she doesn't notice.
Then she does it. She lifts her shirt slightly and swings a leg over my waist and I can finally see her perfect, wet cunt. She pauses and drops the shirt so she can grab the strap and then pauses.
"Okay so I'm going to take off my shirt so you can actually see the mechanics of what's going on. Is that ok?"
I nod my head yes.
"Words darling, I need words from you," Robin chuckles.
"Yes," I respond clearly, despite my dry throat.
She takes her tee off in a swift motion and is left in just her sports bra. I try not to stare. but I can't help that my eyes go straight to her hard nipples that show through the thin fabric.
She's staring at my tits and there's no way she's straight. Maybe I have a chance?
No no no don't get distracted, you're teaching her. And getting off for the first time in a while, while doing it.
"Eyes on me babes."
Her eyes meet mine and I smile at her. "Still good?"
"Good. Now have you touched yourself before." She nods. "Do you know what hole your vagina is?" She nods again. "Good, usually you want the guy's dick or your cunt to be nice and wet, either with your own slick or lube. The other thing that helps with the first time is a bit of fingering so you can stretch and it wont hurt as much going in."
I do exactly that, hand reaching between my thighs, fingers pumping in and out of my pussy a few times. Her eyes don't leave my hand. Once I've fingered myself almost to completion—her watching just does something to me—I shift my hips forward and use the hand that was just in me to line the tip of the strap up with my entrance.
I watch her face as I sink onto the toy. She won't stop staring at my cunt and it's distracting and so intoxicating. I groan as the dildo bottoms out in me, hitting that one spot just right. Her eyes snap up to mine at the noise and I smile at her.
"Once you're on his cock, if you're riding him you can put your hands two places to help you. His shoulders-" I place my hands on her shoulders and moan softly as the toy shifts inside me. "Or leaning back and putting your hands on his thighs behind you," I do this and her eyes follow me.
"Pick a position that feels the best for you," I gasp as I start to rock my hips. "Then you can either bounce on his dick, or roll your hips to hit the right spot."
I stop talking and focus on hitting my high. Hands grasping tightly to plush thighs as I lift my hips up and then down and then roll and repeat. God I'm so close and she's so pretty as she watches me.
"But-but what if I'm not riding him? What if I'm the one laying down?"
I don't stop my movements, doing my best to answer while still fucking myself to the sight of her curious gaze.
"Jesus christ, uh then he'll be in control of the speed and movements," I reply with ragged breath. "You can tell him what feels best though. And you can play with your clit if you need help to finish." As I say this, I reach my hand down to play with my clit. My fingers run around it in circles as I speed up my ministrations. The coil in my belly is tightening, I know I'm close. I open my closed eyes to meet hers and feel her hands as they softly rest on my thighs.
I come undone.
Robin's face tenses and then her mouth drops open in a silent cry. Her thighs tense and she caves in on herself above me and it's the most erotic sight I've ever seen.
She pants and her thighs continue to tense as she keeps riding out her orgasm.
"So-sorry," she laughs shyly. "I haven't masturbated in a while so that was a big one."
"It's-" I clear my throat. "It's okay," I say, thighs clenching while I do so.
"Anyway," Robin says as she gets up on shaky legs. "That's how hetero sex works."
I nod my head, but my eyes wont leave the strap around my waist, glistening with her release. She taps my hips and helps take the toy off of me and then puts it over on her chair and runs to the bathroom.
I can't stop looking at the toy.
"Do you have any questions?" Robin asks from her bathroom.
"Uh, no! Not really!"
She comes back into the room in her sports bra and a new pair of underwear and then pauses when she catches my face.
"You definitely have questions," she laughs.
I feel a blush warming my cheek. I do, but they might ruin the friendship.
"No, no it's okay."
"Babes, you just watched me cum. There's nothing we can't talk about now."
I weigh my questions, trying to figure out which to ask first.
"Can you-" I pause and steel my nerves. "Can you show me how to kiss?"
Robin's eyes go wide, "uh, okay, yeah."
She climbs back on the bed and settles in front of me. Pushing a strand of hair behind my ear she cups my cheek and brings my face closer to hers. Robin's eyes search my face and I lose patience.
I close the gap.
I press my lips to hers and pull back. She's stunned for a moment before I lean in again. This time she meets me halfway. Lips pressing against mine harshly. Her tongue swipes at my lips and I open my mouth to her. Our tongues meet and I moan into her open mouth. I shift myself up on my knees so I can be nearer to her and she lets me. Without our lips separating, she's guiding my waist so I straddle her.
She breaks away, "you definitely don't need kissing lessons."
I don't care what she says, trailing hot kisses down her neck.
"Love," Robin whispers. "Please."
The beg makes me come back up and meet her eyes. I move for a kiss but she pulls back.
"I need to know what's happening before we continue."
I whine, needing her lips. "Robbbb."
"No," she says sternly, lifting me from her lap and sitting me in front of her. "I won't take advantage of you in this state. I need you to tell me what's happening and what you want."
"You," she breathes, her chest rising as rapidly as my heartbeat. "I want you, please?"
"Wait, wait, wait." Am I hearing this right?
"Robin please, I never thought it was right until tonight—until seeing you come undone above me," she pauses and grabs my hand to play with. She runs her fingers along my own before saying, "when I've touched myself, it's always been to you."
My mouth goes dry and I go speechless.
She keeps playing with my fingers while I sit in front of her in a small state of shock. But then, she drags our intertwined hands between her legs. She moves our hands into her panties to pulls my hand to her center.
"Feel how wet I am for you."
That breaks me and I jump towards her. She giggles as we fall onto the bed, lips locking again, my hand still in her panties. I stroke lazily at her wet folds and she moans into our kiss. My thumb finds her clit and she leaves the kiss with a gasp, I feel her cunt retract against my finger and can't wait to feel her clenching my fingers when I finally find my way into her. I take the opportunity to kiss down her neck and bite at the juncture of her shoulder.
"Take your shirt off," I demand.
My thumb continues to rub her clit as she rids herself of the fabric and shows me all of her—almost all of her.
"No bra?"
"They're uncomfortable," she gasps as I take a hard nipple into my mouth at the same time that I start to probe her hole with my fingers. "Robinnnn."
I push one finger into her and feel just how wet she is. So slick for me, so beautiful under me. I finger her while laving at her tits, taking turns sucking and biting at each nipple until she's writhing under me.
I take my mouth and hand from her. Lifting my hand to my face and taking the finger that was just in her into my mouth.
Her eye's go wide.
"So fucking sweet, god I want to taste you?"
"Taste me?"
I chuckle, "you're so innocent it's insane. You know how I sucked on the strap?" She nods. "That's oral for guys. Oral for us is being eaten out. Can I eat you out?"
She hesitates.
"What do you want, love?"
"Can you fuck me first? With your strap? I want to know how it feels."
God this woman will be the death of me.
"Yeah," I say, getting off of her to retrieve the toy. "Let me go clean it first." I move towards the bathroom.
"No," she says quickly. A blush creeps onto her cheeks again.
"I want you to fuck me with it, with your cum on it," I say the second part in a hushed tone.
"Say it again?"
"Fuck me with your cum still on it," I blurt out. "Please?"
Robin's eyes go dark. "What a dirty dirty girl. Who would've thought. Innocent little you, wanting to get fucked with my cum covered cock?"
My pussy clenches at her chiding and I cower as she steps into the harness and secures her strap onto her hips.
She comes back to the bed and grabs my chin so I meet her darkening eyes. "Don't hide away, baby. You asked for this so be excited, I'm gonna fuck you just like you asked."
I go to lay down on my back but Robin stops me.
"Nope, I'm going to show you the top position for guys." Robin says. "It's also my favorite to fuck in. Get on all fours, ass towards me."
Doing as she says, as soon as my ass is in front of her she smacks it and I jolt forward with a gasp, but then she leans down and kisses where she smacked. "What a perfect little ass. I'd love to take it someday, if you'll let me. But we can work up to that later."
She taps her strap against my wet cunt. It's cold now, the fan going chilled Robin's cum as it sat on her chair out of use.
My body moves for me, against me, and pushes my ass into Robin's waist. One hand on my hip, the other grabs her cock and pushes the tip through my pussy, teasing my hole and meeting my clit before sliding back and into me.
"Robin," I moan her name as she enters me. I feel so full of her and can't help but push back into her, unknowingly taking more of the strap until it hits a spot in me that has my knees weak and pussy clenching. I lean down onto my elbows at the sensation and Robin moves to lean over me.
"Move, please," I beg. And she does. Robin pulls the strap almost all the way out and then pushes back into me, starting at a slow pace at first but quickly speeding up to a relentless one.
I'm gasping between moans as the tip of her cock hits just right inside of me. Pleading for her not to stop, and she doesn't.
Instead she presses down into my back and wraps a hand around my waist to find my clit. My pussy clenches as she runs circles around the bud, eliciting more noises from my lips as she fucks me.
"So-close-" I groan.
"You're safe, you can cum, go ahead baby. Cum for me."
Something in me snaps and my vision goes white as my legs shudder and try to close. Robin keeps dragging her strap in and out of me as I climax until I beg her to stop.
The noises she makes when she finishes are heaven to me. She's gasping and moaning and I can't stop fucking her until shes begging me to stop.
I pull out and see her release start dripping out of her.
"I need to taste you," I breathe. "Lay on your back for me."
She does as I say, body spent and willing, as I take my strap off and drop it onto my nightstand. I'll clean it later.
Laying on my stomach on the bed, I grab her thighs and push them apart opening her to me.
"God your pussy is so pretty," I say before diving right in and licking up her slit from hole to clit.
She arches off the bed with a cry, her hands finding their way into my hair as I worship her cunt with my mouth. My tongue and mouth are focused on getting every last drop of her release, tongue darting in and out of her as she squirms.
My arms instinctively wrap around her thighs to hold her down as I take my fill. I move from her cunt to her clit and lave at it. Circling it with my tongue before sucking it into my mouth, earning the loudest scream yet from her lips. A scream of my name.
"You gotta be quieter babe, don't need the entire neighborhood knowing you're being ravished by the town lesbian right now," I smile, taking a brief break to look at her fucked out face and kiss her inner thigh.
And then I'm back in her cunt, paying all the attention to her little bundle of nerves while one arm leaves its wrap around her leg so I can finger her as I suck.
It doesn't take long for her to cum after adding my fingers. And she does, wholly and loudly. Her body arches off the bed and her thighs try to close around me as I move my mouth from her clit down to taste more of her release. Her legs are shaking and her hands are pushing me away from her cunt.
I look at her and suck off the fingers that were just inside of her before licking my lips and smiling.
Her chin is shiny with my release and I can't think straight.
But that's okay because I definitely am not.
"You taste so fucking good," Robin says, crawling up to me. She kisses me deeply and I taste myself on her tongue.
"Show-show me how girls fuck," I breathe against her lips. "It's more than that right?"
"Babe, you need to rest, you just had two orgasms," she laughs, peppering kisses down my neck.
"Wanna make you feel good though, will it make you feel good?"
"Love, you've made me feel so good tonight, promise."
"Please," I beg. "Show me?" My hand moves down her body to her mound and inches further and further. Robin opens her thighs to me and reconnects our lips as I trail fingers up her slit and find her clit. She moans into my mouth as I rub and rub, my own pussy getting wet with arousal again.
"A-ah ok-ok," Robin grasps my wrist and stops my movements. "I'll show. Sit up for me."
As I do so, Robin gets up on her knees and moves towards my waist. She kneels in front of me and tucks her left leg under my right, and my right above her left.
She holds me up by the small of my back before explaining, "lesbian sex is a lot—oral, toys, fucking with straps—but this is scissoring."
With that she lowers me down at an angle and I feel the heat of her wet cunt before actually feeling her pussy rub against my own.
"Fuck, Robin," I moan, arms wrapping around her shoulder as she guides my hips to rock along her own as they move. Her mouth latches onto one of my tits as we rub against each other. Warmth seeps from me to her and this feels like the most right thing ever.
How could this ever be a bad thing?
Robin is huffing along with the movement of our bodies, her head thrown back, eyes screwed shut. I cup the back of her head with my hands that rest at her neck and pull her mouth to mine, taking over the movement of my hips so she can grasp onto me and pull me ever-so closer to her. We move in sync, rocking and kissing and moaning until we reach the end and climax together feeling the warmth between our bodies spread more and more until we're tingly with feeling and looking at each other like a lightbulb just went off.
"My turn to taste," I say moving from Robin's lap and laying down on the bed.
She beckons me with her eyes and her hands as they guide me by my thighs so I hover above her.
"You sure you've never done this before," I laugh in a sex-drunk haze.
"Never, you're my first but I've imagined my lips on you hundreds of times by now."
I moan at her confession and shift closer to her mouth. She has no patience though, and pulls me down so her hot, wet tongue licks up my cunt.
"FUCK!" I moan above her. My hands shoot to the headboard to steady me as she takes her sweet time licking and sucking curiously, finding a rhythm. Her lips circle and suck at my clit and I encourage her, "right there, yes, god, yes-"
It's like I can feel her smile against my pussy, and she stays, sucking on and trailing around my clit with her tongue. I start to grind into her, and she shifts her focus to my hole, licking around it before plunging her tongue as deep as it will go. I jolt and she continues to fuck me with her tongue while I grind on her, her nose hitting my clit just right with each roll of my hips.
"So-so close, baby. So close," I gasp.
She moves back to kissing at my clit and within a few rolls of her tongue I'm done for. Thighs clenching around her ears, a silent moan leaving my mouth open as I shudder above her.
She taps my leg and I move off of her, collapsing backwards onto the bed beside her. I turn and press a kiss to her knee beside my head and she reciprocates with the same.
We lay in silence, catching our breath.
...what now? I think. But she speaks before I get a chance to ask.
"Well...I'm definitely not straight."
We laugh together.
Everything will turn out okay.
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fractiflos · 2 months
I've decided to do the thing where I put a poll up of my wips and write however many sentences that wip gets. BUT! These wips aren't even published yet. I like to put something up then come back to it later so I can at least take the pressure off myself. Because the pressure of getting a first chapter out makes it difficult to write.
Jult - Inspired by a conversation me and my sister had in a shoe store. We were wondering if Best Jeanist ever put a J at the front of words (ex: Jhe Jaghetti jas jood) and if he owned jean themed items like a Jable and Jhair. Then I learned there was a jult around him and thought "hey, what if he had a Jult in canon universe?" which is what happened. Although, this one is a one-shot.
Snippet: The parents would leave the hospital as confident and reassured as new parents could be, doing their best to make sure their child grew up happy and healthy. His blond hair grew out and took on a shine along with his oddly long lashes, and his green eyes always sparkling, much like his mother’s. Yet, despite his healthy look and appetite, there was something worrying about him. 
He only liked denim. 
Shigaraki - Frankenstein AU! Where AFO brings Yoichi back to life, Frankenstein style. And what luck, Yoichi appears to have lost his memories, leaving him with the opportunity to create the perfect little brother. When Second and Third find out, they try and get his memories back. But there's something that all four of them don't know. That's. Not. Yoichi.
Snippet: It was not a dark day when Yoichi died. It was sunny and there was not a cloud in the sky, though they couldn’t tell as they ran through the sewers like frightened rats. Hearts pounding in their ears, terror palpable in the air. 
Ice King AU - The AU where everyone was born earlier into the Age of the Dawn of Quirks. Second and Third are brainwashed and work for AFO while Yoichi has become unrecognizable to everyone ever since putting on the quirked crown that gave him the ice powers. Meanwhile, Izuku and Katsuki are unaware of his tragic backstory and beat him up everytime he kidnaps a hero.
Snippet: At twelve years old, Izuku Midoriya should have been in middle school cutting open a dead frog. Instead, he was battling against a very large, very alive frog with acid spit. 
Pokemon AU - Instead of quirks, they get pokemon. Izuku is still bullied for having an eevee that can't evolve. AFO and Garaki do all sorts of unethical experiments on pokemon. And it's really annoying how I can't type an accented "e" on my computer for some reason.
Snippet: Izuku Midoriya was 9 years old when he learned that not all Pokémon were treated equally. 
Death Tree - Are you in the market for a fic with lesbian duoholders? Another Victorian era AU, but this time Yoichi and Second are both girls. I thought about how easily AFO's possessiveness over Yoichi would translate over to the attitudes toward women. He'd still have to disguise how deep it goes, but even if he slips up every once in a while, no one would suspect anything. The actual plot is Yone falls in love with the daughter of the stable manager, and they eventually start a secret relationship. She also makes some friends in the small town that she lives near and is pretty happy. Then her friends start dying. Looks like they're going to regret not paying more attention to AFOs behavior.
Snippet: Yone was thirteen years old the first time she met the girl. Her wild hair was a flame in the summer sun, freckles scattered across her cheeks in a way that was reminiscent of the stars in the sky and calculating ruby eyes. She couldn’t help her staring, not used to seeing someone display such blemishes so freely. 
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miserypanic · 3 months
I've seen other people write their own experiences with being aroace, and that inspired me to write my own 🙏 I'm not typically a writer, so I apologize if this is disorganized.
When I was pretty young, I had a best friend who was also a guy, so people just assumed we were dating. And I guess that convinced us we had to date because we thought that's what boys and girls who were close were supposed to do?? Looking back, that mentality is very stupid, but I was also a child 💀. Skip a few days, we kissed, and I didn't feel anything!! 🤗 I literally scrubbed my lips after, and if that doesn't say anything, idk what does LMAO
A couple of years later, I thought I was bi because out of nowhere, girls were more appealing to me than before. I identified as bi up until 13 years old, when I realized I wasn't attracted to boys at all, so I told myself I was a lesbian. That only lasted for about a year and a half because I was confused again. I was unlabeled/confused for a while too, until I started accepting that I'm aroace. Through it all, I knew I was asexual but I was also sort of in denial.
It didn't help that whenever people asked who I had a crush on, I always said "nobody" and people's response to that was "you're lying" what. who are you to tell me that?? 🤨🤨 I've never had a crush on anybody, and from the looks of it, I probably never will. I hate that whenever I explain my thoughts to someone, they act like they understand and then somehow completely forget or disregard what I've told them. I think that's been the most frustrating thing, not having anyone who understands or at least listens to me.
Some aroaces have been content with that they've felt this way since they realized that's what they were. I, however, have felt like something was wrong with me because other people made me feel that way. I thought I was missing out or something, so I tried convincing myself to have crushes on people because that's what Im supposed to do, right? no, dumbass, it's not!! Crushes come naturally, and my ass didn't realize that/was in denial. 13 years old, I convinced myself that I had a crush on this girl, and I asked her out. She said yes, then not even a day later, I thought I should break up with her because I didn't feel anything like I thought I did. After a couple of weeks, she broke up with me, and I forgot exactly why, but I was entirely content with it.
The attraction that I do have, though, is aesthetic attraction. I definitely think some people are nice to look at, but I wouldn't date them or do other things that aren't solely platonic. I didn't know aesthetic attraction had a label until very recently (that would've helped me realize my identity a lot sooner 💀) Last year I thought a guy in my class was attractive and I got nervous around him because he intimidated me so I thought I had a crush on him. I didn't 😁. I just thought he looked really cute. It was kind of a letdown, but I didn't stress over it after I realized it. If anything, I saw it coming.
What made me realize I was aroace was the question: "Would you date this person or do sexual things with them?" It's always no. "Would you hold hands with or maybe kiss them?" Hell yeah!! As long as it's platonic. The thought of being in a romantic or sexual relationship is unappealing to me. Romantic/sexual relationships feel forced, and there are certain rules you have to follow to stay together (at least it appears that way), but in platonic relationships, the only rule is human decency. I've always valued platonic relationships more, and I wish other people did too.
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watermelinoe · 8 months
Do you feel as though most lesbians on radblr (not all of course) are… you know? Like.. they progressively become more and more biphobic after months or years of being decent. I don’t know if I’m making a lot of sense, but first it was the 22v6 girl, then normallesbian, then menalez, and now heterophobicdyke too.. i know there are more examples but i’m just getting tired of the biphobia on here.. ☹️
honestly i don't think of this as a lesbian problem. afaik 22v6 wasn't a lesbian. i can't really speak on the other users you mentioned bc i don't follow them, i've seen some of the behavior i'm about to describe from some of them but they don't come to mind when i'm thinking of some of the worst things i've seen on here.
radblr in general just has an accountability issue. someone will say something biphobic (or homophobic! afaik that woman who made that homophobic pastor comparison remade and carried right along) and some people will express disapproval, but most will ignore it or try to downplay it and they'll keep interacting with that user. i'll use heterophobicdyke as an example since she's deactivated, but someone in her inbox was complaining that bi women "whine" about our rape and dv statistics, and in her response she completely brushed past it, zero acknowledgement of that being a fucked up thing to say. that's one typical radblr response. downplaying is another. but the worst imo is being accused of being manipulative.
so if we complain about being called dickmunchers on here, we may be told it's just "venting" and to log off and get real problems, but if we mention said real problems (rape and ipv statistics as well as substance abuse and mental illness statistics) then we must be weaponizing those statistics to play the victim in the great lesbian vs bisexual war that we've all been drafted in i guess. bi women are all master manipulators, obviously.
so where does that shit come from? imo, not radblr.
most deranged shit being said about bi women can be traced back to this blackpilled thing. radblr's biggest problem is that instead of saying "hey that's a deranged thing to say," the gyns are more annoyed with bi women for ~making a big deal out of it~ when WE say "hey that's a deranged thing to say." i can make a post documenting some deranged thing someone said and the two responses i will get are: "this is based actually and i hope your nigel kills you" <- some blackpill weirdo orbiting radblr who assumes i'm male-partnered, and "log off if you don't like it" "that's not a radfem" (bonus points if it's about a user that radfems regularly reblog from) <- radfems
and that's not a lesbian thing, the root is just that no one here thinks bisexuality is an oppressed sexual minority. kind of ironic for the "we totally understand class analysis" group. but if it seems worse than before, i think that's because the blackpill thing is sort of in vogue rn, especially with edgy teenagers orbiting radblr.
it would be nice if more women on here would actually stand up for bi women instead of finding a million excuses not to do so. that's what i find frustrating, personally. but it also happens with racism and homophobia all the time. i know it doesn't seem like it bc we have conflict all the fuckin time, but i actually think radblr is overall conflict-avoidant to a fault.
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riversofmars · 10 days
So I've finally finished listening to Echoes (yes I had this boxset preordered since it was announced, and yes I was incredibly slow to listen to it) and how do Liv/Helen shippers keep winning even when we've already lost (coz Liv returning to Tania at the end of Stranded)??
From episode 2: "Helen - she's my...she's everything I have left"???? I screamed??
Episode 3 where Helen went and got Liv's stuff from the TARDIS but also got her a book in case she can't sleep and a bottle of water and an apple???
Every boxset since Stranded has had Liv be ferally gay over Helen (and has obviously confirmed our favourite lesbian is in fact a lesbian ofc)
And I'm so confused by what Big Finish is doing playing with our hearts like this - but I will also gleefully, and gayfully accept whatever Liv/Helen we can get. Thoughts?
Honestly, I have no idea what Big Finish are thinking other than
Tumblr media
Who knows, maybe they have realised that Liv/Helen sells??? And that they made a mistake with the Stranded ending??
But seriously... I hope there is a point to it all. It really does feel like they're doing it on purpose, it's SO SHIPPY! Albie's Angels was just... HELEN CHENKA?! Come on. And you're so right. How easy would it have been to have Liv say "Helen is my best friend!". Having her break off mid-sentence is a conscious choice and you can't tell me otherwise. And that scene where Helen brings Liv all that stuff and then offers to go back? ADORABLE. They're everything.
Now the way I see it... For the ending of Stranded to make sense, it can only be one of two things really. Either Liv and Helen get together and Helen dies... and Liv returns to Tania cause she can't face being with the Doctor without Helen and she tries to bury her grief that way. It would be horrible and unfair, but it would make at least a little bit of sense, because why else would Liv Chenka, brilliant med-tech from the 30th century, want to be in 21st century London where she will be bored out of her mind and never see her sister again?? It just doesn't make sense for her character unless something fundamentally changed her like the death of the woman she loved. BUT LET'S NOT THINK LIKE THAT OR I'LL CRY.
The other option, and I'll hold on to this, is that maybe they all get a happy ending and there are two Livs somehow. We already know from the end of The Robots that there is a Liv duplicate out there. While that duplicate would only have the memories of up to Escape From Kaldor, that doesn't mean that something like that couldn't happen again. This is Doctor Who after all! Think of Rose getting her personal Doctor. Maybe they send a duplicate back to Tania so she gets to be happy too (and the Stranded ending that BF may have realised was silly will still work) and Liv and Helen stay together.
Honestly, who knows! But I will also hang on every scrap BF throw us. The Liv/Helen ship is sailing strong as ever and I think BF may have noticed and decided to cater to it.
I imagine it will be a while for another set for them (though I am curious as to Hattie's role in the Time War one, that will be interesting!) and I don't know if we will ever get a resolution for them, but in the meantime, I say let's be vocal about the ship on socials, hoping BF continue to take notice and give us everything we want. It seems to be working at the moment :D
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my-castles-crumbling · 10 months
Prompt: Sweat
Words: 535
Modern & muggle university AU
The sweat dripped down Sirius's back as they curled closer to Remus, mind racing.
It wasn't that it was hot in the small flat they shared with Peter and James- actually, a blanket was draped over Sirius, who was laid across Remus's lap like a needy cat.
No, it was that, though Remus was quite relaxed, holding his book with one hand and carding through Sirius's hair with the other; Sirius was nervous and contemplative, fidgeting with the blanket and opening and closing their mouth over and over again.
"Rem?" Sirius whispered, finally building up the nerve to speak.
"Hmm?" Remus replied, still immersed in his book.
"Y'know...y'know how you're gay?" Sirius asked softly.
"Yes..." Remus responded, closing his book and looking at Sirius curiously, a bit of humor in his eyes. "Are you...are you nervous I'm not? Because we've spent the better part of the past month snogging, Padfoot, I'd hope you believe I like boys."
It was true- Sirius and Remus had finally kissed one drunken night a month ago, after what felt like decades of sexual tension, and since then, Remus had been surprisingly open about coming out to people.
But that was the problem. Remus was very open about liking boys. And Sirius was becoming more and more certain that they were not a boy.
And after so much time pining after their friend, Sirius didn't want to lose him. But they also didn't think they could stay quiet much longer. It wasn't really in their nature to be quiet about anything.
"What if I'm not a boy?" Sirius asked in barely a whisper, burying their head in the blanket.
There was a shocked pause.
Then, long fingers curled over the blanket and pulled it back over Sirius's head.
"Sirius, what do you mean?" Remus asked.
Sirius noted that he didn't look angry or disappointed. Just...curious?
"Sometimes I feel like a boy..." Sirius explained, clearing their throat nervously. "Sometimes I feel more like a girl...or like...neither? Or both?" They ended this explanation in a question. They still weren't exactly sure how to explain it, if they were honest.
Remus nodded, looking thoughtful.
"I...I met this person, at a bar," Sirius said quickly, on a roll now. "They like to be called 'they' and 'them.' And sometimes they wear skirts and makeup and sometimes they wear...I dunno, pants and t-shirts. I was just thinking, that sounds...that sounds perfect, to be honest. Because...I don't always feel like a boy. But if I'm not a boy, where does that put us?" They asked the last question with a tremor in their voice, fighting back tears.
"I guess...I guess that makes me pansexual, then," Remus shrugged calmly.
Sirius gaped at him. He'd said it like it was so simple. "So...so you still like me?"
"Sirius, I've loved you since I first met you. I don't care what pronouns you use or what you wear, or if you're a boy or not. I've already told you, I'm yours," Remus whispered, eyes sincere.
Sirius sighed, sinking back into him. "I don't deserve you," they muttered.
"You deserve the world," Remus murmured back, kissing their head gently.
Note: This is based off of when I told my wife about the fact that I was questioning my gender. In that moment, neither of us had all of the best words to describe being nonbinary/genderfluid and a lesbian/pansexual, so neither do Remus and Sirius. It's a lot more nuanced, obviously. Enjoy!
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assigning each of the bad kids a taylor swift era because i am feeling deprived of tswift content now that she's on break from the eras tour
Kristen: Fearless. I can't even explain why, but to me that album is just so sunny and in my mind it fits Kristen perfectly. I think maybe it's because Fearless was one of the first album I ever really loved, then when I was older the rerecording is what got me back into tswift and I can totally see Kristen going through a similar journey with it where maybe she loves it as a kid but then stops listening to it as she distances herself from her childhood/family, only to fall in love with it again later on. Also I feel like the country vibes fit her well. (She would also LOVE betty but she would pretend it's a lesbian anthem)
Gorgug: Ok this feels controversial but he's a Lover stan. I just fully belive that to his core Gorgug is a lover not a hater and he would un ironically love Lover. Like to me that album is all about having gone through some bad shit and choosing to only carry forward the best of it? And that fits with my perception of Gorgug. ALSO the end of afterglow 'I want to be defined by the things that I love, not the things that I hate, or the things that haunt me in the middle of the night' just feels very Gorgug coded to me dont ask me why. However if you've seen any of my other posts about music and the bad kids you know that I wholeheartedly believe Gorgug loves all music so I think he'd be hard pressed to choose a favourite album.
Riz: Midnights. And not just because this kid never sleeps. Bassically I really couldn't decide which album he would listen to because none of them really fit, but then I started thinking about specific lyrics and I think Midnights has the most that he could relate to. I mean 'no one wanted to play with me as a little kid so I've been scheming like a criminal ever since' is about him. You can't change my mind. I do think though that Riz is definitely more invested in all the easter eggs and firguring out which album is coming next over actually listening to her music. Like he would for sure be among the first to figure out all her clues.
Fabian: 1989 and Folklore. I fully to the bottom of my heart belive that until his sophmore year Fabian would exclusivly be listening to pop music, sea shanties, and weird elven music. So obviously he would love the greatest pop album ever made. He wouldn't listen to Folklore until post sophmore character development. Also he would For Sure learn the choreography for the dance in the background of Dress on the Rep tour and recreat it perfectly using his sheet.
Fig: Speak Now. I mean do I even need to explain this? It's the perfect album for Fig. It's the kind of thing she would have loved when she was in her Preppy Cheerleader phase, but it has just enough of that pop punk influence that I feel like she could still appreciate it when she's older. I feel like she would definitly take issue with some of the misogynistic lyrics used in some of the songs, and would be all for the lyric change in Better Than Revenge. Also as I've mentioned many times before, Fig would love Paramore, and would LOVE Castles Crumbling. Like you're going to sit here and tell me that lines like 'They used to cheer when they saw my face, Now I fear I have fallen from grace' + 'Their faith was strong, but I pushed it too far, I held that grudge 'til it tore me apart' + 'Ones I loved tried to help, so I ran them off, And here I sit alone, behind walls of regret' + 'People look at me like I'm a monster, Now they're screaming at the palace front gates, used to chant my name, Now they're screaming that they hate me, Never wanted you to hate me' weren't written by Figueroth Faeth? I also just think songs like Never Grow Up and Long Live would perfectly fit with her not so secret sentimental streak.
Adaine: Evermore and Folklore. I think theres just a sort of elegence to these albums that really reminds me of Adaine. I also think theres so much vulnerability in them and a lot of the songs touch on feelings of not being good enough for others (mirrorball, tolerate it, this is me trying, right where you left me) that I think she could relate to not from a romantic relationship standpoint but from all the expectations placed on her by her parents. I also think that although these are probably the most low key of tswifts albums, they have some good angry songs (no body no crime, illicit affairs, mad woman) that she would definitly love. But yeah this is mostly based on aesthetics. Evermore and Folklore were albums written with a quill and Adaine is the kind of girl to appreciate this.
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willalove75 · 4 months
the way you CLAPPED back at that person >>>
honestly though.. where did they find the bloody audacity - and to do it anonymously too?!?
the audacity to say that a bisexual has no right to be in the community if they are/have been with men is actually absurd. are we going to start excluding every lesbian, bisexual etc who’s ever had a male relationship in the past now?!
like god fucking forbid a bisexual writes fan wIw fiction and has a husband?!? (i think it's epic your husband supports u btw) and idk where i’d be without your wlw writinggggg
in the most non respectful way possible i hope they get what's coming to them because that's the most conservative (capital c) shit i've read in a while. some people need to take the stick out their arse and feel the breeze up there just for a damn reality check
and in my honest opinion lady d would probs devour a woman who’s had previous male relationships just to prove that she's better
Hahahah thank you so much!!!💕💕
Right?! Like if you're gonna be so loud with such a horrible opinion, at least have the balls and not hide behind the anon button!
And that's what I'm saying!! Like if you're reallyyyy gonna go there the only members that they'll consider to be "valid" LGBTQ+ at the end of the day are the gold star gays and lesbians and that's wrong both morally and literally on so many different levels I can't even begin to count.
Who someone has been with, dates or marries should (and at the end of the day does, thankfully) have absolutely NO bearing on what fics they write!! Because that truthfully doesn't matter!! And thank you! It continues to amaze me that I was lucky enough to marry someone who is so incredibly supportive, especially because there are definitely guys who would feel threatened or something by their wives writing stuff like that. (They shouldn't, but it does happen) And I'm so grateful to have his support all the time💕
Hahah thank youuuu!!! It really means so much when people say how much they enjoy what I write. It definitely helps give me the confidence to keep going!
But me too!!! Honestly if they didn't mention the "lesbian/sapphic spaces" part I would almost be convinced that a straight dude wrote it to be a mega troll bc that's 100% the kind of energy it gives off. Conservative (with a capital C) is SO ACCURATE! (Also, I haven't heard the term "knocked up" be used that much since like, 2007 LOL)
NO BUT YOU'RE SO RIGHT LMAOOOO she would 100% be like "a man thing? Really? Let me show you what real pleasure is supposed to feel like" and fucking GO TO TOWN😂😂😂
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