#this was originally to tell a story. not to sell a card game
ectoplasmer · 1 year
sorry it’s early and i’m brushing my teeth while the sun is rising since I passed out last night before I got the chance to, and we’re getting genuine sunlight for the first time in weeks, and I’m busy contemplating just how ridiculous this series is
#ridiculous probably isn’t the right word#it’s more just… funny?#i just…. i wonder what tcg only people think. just in general about the card game#it is. so funny looking at a character like for instance seto or ishizu who is over here having *genuine* in depth relations that have to-#-do with familial bonds and the idea of living up to something or being the bigger person *for* their family#and also having to acknowledge that they kick ass when it comes to a children’s trading card game#like on one hand i am going absolutely crazy with grief and emotions over whatever happens in this insane series#and on the other i am busy following a. card game. that carries the same amount of importance#am i??? articulating this well enough#with how *i* view this series i think it’s absolutely bonkers that the card game came from this#because now in modern day it has NOTHING to do with the original series#it’s just… a card game. but it still came from something this story oriented. that’s literally so crazy to me idk why#that’s why i always glare at the reviews about the anime or the movie and how it’s only for marketing purposes#like yeah you’re probably right but that wasn’t *initially* the reason for it#this was originally to tell a story. not to sell a card game#sometimes i forget this series even centers around mainly that#it’s… interesting to me that people can play the card game and not know anything about the original series it came from#and they’re allowed to do that!! i’m not the fun police people can do whatever they want#but it’s so… interesting to me that people can pick it up and not know about a story that has been personally impactful to a lot of people#like the main ‘legacy’ dm left behind was technically the card game itself#but that card game isn’t directly connected to it anymore#like wow i’ve cried over this series how many times because of it’s themes and characters. and it’s about a. children’s card game.#oh my gosh okay how do i phrase this bluntly#it’s lowkey disconcerting to me that people can pick up something without knowing the things before it to enjoy the something to it’s full-#-capacity. especially if said something doesn’t carry the weight/theme/importance/etc of the things before it#i think. that is the closest i am getting to explaining my thought process#i don’t know i’m still half awake#I’m gonna go. sleep for another three hours bye tumblr see you later#rainy.file#delete later
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missamericame19842023 · 7 months
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Wow, I had no idea about the origin story of Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer! If you aren't familiar with it either, read below:
As the holiday season of 1938 came to Chicago, Bob May wasn’t feeling much comfort or joy. A 34-year-old ad writer for Montgomery Ward, May was exhausted and nearly broke. His wife, Evelyn, was bedridden, on the losing end of a two-year battle with cancer. This left Bob to look after their four-year old-daughter, Barbara.
One night, Barbara asked her father, “Why isn’t my mommy like everybody else’s mommy?” As he struggled to answer his daughter’s question, Bob remembered the pain of his own childhood. A small, sickly boy, he was constantly picked on and called names. But he wanted to give his daughter hope, and show her that being different was nothing to be ashamed of. More than that, he wanted her to know that he loved her and would always take care of her. So he began to spin a tale about a reindeer with a bright red nose who found a special place on Santa’s team. Barbara loved the story so much that she made her father tell it every night before bedtime. As he did, it grew more elaborate. Because he couldn’t afford to buy his daughter a gift for Christmas, Bob decided to turn the story into a homemade picture book.
In early December, Bob’s wife died. Though he was heartbroken, he kept working on the book for his daughter. A few days before Christmas, he reluctantly attended a company party at Montgomery Ward. His co-workers encouraged him to share the story he’d written. After he read it, there was a standing ovation. Everyone wanted copies of their own. Montgomery Ward bought the rights to the book from their debt-ridden employee. Over the next six years, at Christmas, they gave away six million copies of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer to shoppers. Every major publishing house in the country was making offers to obtain the book. In an incredible display of good will, the head of the department store returned all rights to Bob May. Four years later, Rudolph had made him into a millionaire.
Now remarried with a growing family, May felt blessed by his good fortune. But there was more to come. His brother-in-law, a successful songwriter named Johnny Marks, set the uplifting story to music. The song was pitched to artists from Bing Crosby on down. They all passed. Finally, Marks approached Gene Autry. The cowboy star had scored a holiday hit with “Here Comes Santa Claus” a few years before. Like the others, Autry wasn’t impressed with the song about the misfit reindeer. Marks begged him to give it a second listen. Autry played it for his wife, Ina. She was so touched by the line “They wouldn’t let poor Rudolph play in any reindeer games” that she insisted her husband record the tune.
Within a few years, it had become the second best-selling Christmas song ever, right behind “White Christmas.” Since then, Rudolph has come to life in TV specials, cartoons, movies, toys, games, coloring books, greeting cards and even a Ringling Bros. circus act. The little red-nosed reindeer dreamed up by Bob May and immortalized in song by Johnny Marks has come to symbolize Christmas as much as Santa Claus, evergreen trees and presents. As the last line of the song says, “He’ll go down in history.”
@awesome moments
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theresattrpgforthat · 25 days
Yo, I am under the impression there’s a flourishing market for “campaign supplement” games that can be played as like slice of life side-bars to another campaign? My play group just finished an Ebberon campaign but we still love these characters and I’m wondering what’s out there? I’m curious for whatever but stuff with a focus on settling down or running your new dukedom would be lovely.
THEME: Fantasy After-Campaign Games.
Hello there! Yes, there are a number of games that you can probably use to keep your characters around and explore other parts of their life! I've got a few games that might be somewhere in the realm of what you're thinking, and then I've got some other ideas that popped up in my brain as I was writing this out.
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Peace in the Land, by JunkyardTornado.
Peace in the Land is a cozy one page fantasy ttrpg about solving some regular kinds of problems in a fantasy town. There is a very simple character creation process based off a simple system, the Quick and Dirty System, originally designed for one-page rpgs. 
If you want low-stakes problems and quick rules, you might want to check out Peace in the Land. The rules are pretty standard, with a typical success threshold and differently-sized dice according to player abilities. You can probably place the simple rules into a setting that you’re already familiar with, and then generate problems that the townspeople might turn to the player characters to solve. If the group wants to settle down in one location but still go on minor adventures, this might be a game for you.
Pour One Out For Her, by MrPluckyComicRelief.
She was the greatest hero the world had ever seen. She slayed the Beast of Artenfield, rescued every princess north of the Green River, outgambled the demon Jav-Urok The Bold, and she never paid for a drink. All those years ago, all of you stood by her side, as her faithful companions. You supported her through thick and thin, through triumph and tragedy. You thought she would live forever.
But in a cruel twist of fate, you’re all here, standing at her funeral. For her last great prank, she stated, in her last will and testament, that you would all give a joint eulogy.
Pour One Out For Her is a gm-less RPG for any number of players. It's about good times with old friends, reckless adventures, and a celebration of a the greatest hero to ever live, who was taken too soon.
This is more of a one-shot kind of game for a solemn, last goodbye to a character that didn’t make it. Because it’s GM-less, if you traditionally had a GM in the game, this might be a chance for them to embody an important NPC who saw the characters through the bulk of the story.
Pour One Out For Her assumes that the dead companion had a dying wish, and that the companion was a team-player. Apart from that, I think you could use it to remember the ending of a character that meant a lot to the party.
Stewpot: Tales From A Fantasy Tavern, by Takuma Okada.
The adventurer’s life is tough. It's time to call it quits. For years you stumbled through hostile lands, living off stale rations, and struggling to get a few hours’ sleep. Now it’s time to hang up your weapons, sell off your armor, and settle down. If only it were that easy…
Stewpot: Tales from a Fantasy Tavern by Takuma Okada is a collection of cozy mini-games that tell the story of a tavern run by former adventurers. Gather your dice, pick up a deck of cards, set aside a shiny coin, and get ready for a new set of challenges. Only this time… your adventures start behind the bar.
Stewpot is divided into a series of slice-of-life scenes, with a different set of simple rules and prompts helping adjudicate each scene. You might be scrambling to cook something edible with random ingredients, bartending for troubled souls, calming down a tavern brawl, going shopping for all the things a tavern needs, and more! Work to upgrade your tavern's cuisine, atmosphere, and service. In the process, you might just learn a little bit about yourself - and your fellow party members.
Takuma Okada is known for a number of thoughtful games, including Alone Among the Stars, a solo roleplaying game of introspection in space. Stewpot looks to deliver a cozy, retrospective experience, probably similar to Dungeon Meshi and Legends & Lattes. Stewpot recently finished funding on Backerkit, so if you’re willing to wait for a little bit, you should be able to order a copy of it from Evil Hat’s website! If you’re not willing to wait, there’s a Sampler PDF available on DriveThruRPG.
Wolves & Spices, by A.Tian.
Wolves & Spices is a simple tabletop roleplaying game, based on the traveling mercantile adventures of the light novel/anime series Spice & Wolf.
You are traveling merchants in the medieval country of Feldland. Your shared dream is to earn enough money and goodwill to open a business as a permanent part of a community.
You could use Wolves & Spices if you feel like your characters wouldn’t necessarily settle down in one place, but rather would be more likely to turn to trade as a way to earn their keep while still travelling from town to town. Your goals will probably be more focused around meeting other people’s needs, using your earnings to help meet your heart’s desires (also called your Wolves). If you want a game where the quest didn’t bring about the happy ending your characters hoped for, you might want to try out Wolves & Spices.
Some Other Thoughts
Another way you could possibly re-visit your character’s stories is to re-visit them in a different genre or setting. There’s a lot of possibilities if you’re up to remixing a game or two! For example, you could re-cast your characters as fantasy investigators, such as in Swords of the Serpentine, or follow their attempts at romance, such as in Passion of the Jukebox or Thirsty Sword Lesbians. You could also follow up with the adventures of your characters’ children; my group followed up our Spectaculars game with a game of MASKS, playing as the children of our characters. Games like Kids on Bikes or Kids and Spirits could also work if you want to combine solving mysteries with passing adventure down a generation!
Games You Can Also Check Out
Merchants & Monsters, by AndieSanade.
Dungeon Mart, by May Day.
So, the Beast is Dead, by Prepared Heathen.
Back Again, from the Broken Land, by Cloven Pine Games.
The Laughing Kobold, by therabidbanana.
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acesw · 6 months
UTTU Part 1: The Magazine
Welcome back to A.D. doing mega lore posting because good god this will never get old. But anyways, this post will be about UTTU and not only about their magazine, but also about their Flash Gathering. (This also counts as my birthday gift for Sonetto since she likes being info-dumped, probably. Happy Birthday Sonetto!)
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“Standing in the shadow, we tell all the stories which were once unknown, like a weaver in silence, or a moth light trap in the dark night.” - Pandora Wilson, UTTU Journalist
First, who even is UTTU?
UTTU Magazine is an arcanist magazine organization that releases stories about notable arcanists. According to Blonney, they are "the greatest fashion and arcanist information magazine." They operate globally as well as privately, going so far as to hide the physical identities of their reporters and their main headquarters.
There’s not a lot of things known about how UTTU works, but what we do have is information about their magazine and their Flash Gathering event, which we can start off from there. But first, what does the name mean?
The name ‘Uttu’ comes from the Mesopotamian goddess of the same name, one of Sumerian origin. She was associated with weaving (and spiders but the claim of Uttu being envisioned as a spider is limited).
They sell their magazines in the form of seasonal subscriptions, advising to only purchase the subscription and not much else. From there, they create the articles and send out monthly updates.
UTTU also hosts “Flash Gatherings” for the game’s events as a reading club, where the arcanists are invited to see the UTTU market situated in the area of where the in-game event takes place; they can read the Flash Journal and FLASH:FAME, obtain FAME cards from retails, and get rewards. I’ll get into this in Part 2.
First, we'll explore the magazine since there's so much questions surrounding them.
UTTU Magazine
Of course, the magazine is the main brand of the organization. The magazine has properties in which only arcanists are able to read it (speculation), and it has a scheduled self-update to release new articles/artworks.
The reason why we are able to see such a large amount of information is because from what can be told, Vertin is an avid collector of this media, even being titled “Top Collector” in the introduction of the Green Lake Flash Gathering.
Anyway, the magazine has a very interesting way of how it works, and they even have their own reading guide, including instructions of how to manage the magazine and activate the self-update.
Reader’s Guide and Self-Updating system
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Welcome to UTTU. This is a magazine.
Don’t skip this page. Unlike those useless prefaces filled with boring platitudes, this one is important.
1. Don't doubt the truth of UTTU. We only tell true stories that happened to real arcanists.
2. You only need one copy of UTTU. After you make the seasonal subscription, the copy will update itself on 15th every month.
3. Whenever the copy updates itself, please place it below a cupboard or the firewood in a fireplace, but do not leave any fire or light. Then step back to 8.8 feet away and wait for 10-15 minutes. It is normal to hear the sounds of sewing and crawling during the update.
4. Don't be confused about the interviews of the artworks. Please note that anything can be an artwork: they can be alive, or dead. Whoever has a story to tell can be deemed an artwork.
5. You might smell a fine aroma from the pages while reading an interview. This is normal.
6. Do not be shocked by live photographs, and do not let any of them come in contact with dark coffee or matches.
8. Keep UTTU away from fire. This is an arcanum magazine and is definitely not fireproof.
9. Although it's not fireproof, UTTU is waterproof, but please do not soak it in water for too long. If you do so by mistake, please prepare enough insect repellent.
10. Don't ask where article 7 is. (lmao)
11. If you see any ads about nightmare recycle on the attached pages, do not call the number on it or make any attempt to catch those monsters. If your children report strange goings-on to you, comfort them with one extra milk candy before bedtime.
12. Try to enjoy reading UTTU.
The way one could get the magazine is buying a seasonal subscription, and upon receiving it you’d have to take care of it regularly since it is delicate. When updating, you put it in a place where you’d most commonly find spiders. That way, these arcane weavers can multiply and add to the tapestry. Additionally, this magazine seems to be a live and interactive type of media, which does explain the “live photographs” and the spiders.
Magazine Contents
Now, what are the contents of the UTTU Magazine?
First, we look at our Role Atlas. Yes, the Role Atlas is involved in this too.
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There are categories of our roster that classify them by what they are: Beyond, awakened, arcanist, mixed, and infected. Now, what are each of these?
Beyond: an Arcanist with unexplainable origins not found within Arcanum (Ex: Voyager and aliEn T are aliens born of supernatural causes rather than arcanum. Jessica is a hybrid species of a deer woman (a spirit in Native American myth) and a changeling (a supernatural creature in European folklore) )
Awakened: an Arcanist who was once an object and has been given sentience one way or another (Ex: Sputnik was a regular space probe as the real Sputnik 1 who gained sentience when entering orbit).
Arcanist: A general term for those who are born with a different physiology that makes them able to sense and use arcanum, this is not limited only to human arcanists. (Ex: Door was born of arcanum on Earth and was always sentient thus is not a Beyond nor Awakened arcanist)
Mixed: People who both have the genetics or blood of a Human and an Arcanist. (Ex: Pavia and Satsuki were implied to be born of a human and an arcanist)
Infected: Currently unknown, no arcanists within this category.
They also have a “Bound Volume”, which serves as a gallery collection of arcanists that Vertin has and has not met. Those she (and we) haven't met will be obscured.
The “Artwork”
Artworks in this game are basically the arcanists that UTTU chooses to write about. As long as there is one to tell, they will conduct an interview and report on it. For each artwork they contain: Exhibition details, Item Collection, and Story/Interview.
First, the cover. Made by my friend and fellow lore chat dweller Rabies En., this is what can be made out of what each part of the exhibition details mean:
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And of course, the “Completion” date is their birthday.
When it comes to describing their inspiration, it tends to be left on a vague note and left for speculation. While concluding that the first half is the title of the arcanist’s afflatus, the second half has left most people confused. My speculation is that this latter half is something that is related to their job, hobby, skill, or interest.
For example, Balloon Party’s inspiration is quite straightforward: “Remains of a Rock Formation [Mineral] Bones Balloon.” It directly showcases her afflatus and what she is inspired by, which also goes hand in hand as to what her arcane skill is. Meanwhile, Sonetto’s is more vague and unique: “Trained Loyal Dogs [Mineral] Foreign Affairs.” These reflect her upbringing and main interest respectively. With this theory, I concluded that the afflatus and inspiration boost one’s arcanist’s medium, which in turn helps fuel their arcane skill.
Second, the items. All arcanists have a section that lists personal items that closely pertain to their character, usually, these things would be visible on their person. The author analyzes them and relates them to their story and character. And depending on the item, they are priced by clear drops.
Additionally, if a character has a garment that isn't their I2 (e.g. event garments), they will have a special section for a new set of items. (Ex. Sonetto's Parade Anthem garment isn't exactly her I2 outfit, thus she has another set of items that relate to the uniform.)
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Lastly, the Story and Interview; Each and every arcanist is interviewed by Pandora Wilson, another fellow arcanist and one whose face is obscured to the world other than a pair of lips.
The first story is a retelling of their background and upbringing, the second is a story about their daily life or lifestyle, and the third is a transcripted segment of their interview. The interview segments usually starts with Pandora greeting and/or asking a few questions towards the interviewee, but occasionally they also include the end of these interviews.
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They highlight parts that make the interviewee unique; It exhibits their distinction, their personality, and most importantly, their overall character and the life they lead. These help us learn about the arcanists in a more deeper level the more we bond with them, as well as learning about the world they live in considering how all of them come from different times.
Now, our magazine analysis ends here. Feel free to ask questions and Part 2 is linked below!
Part 2: The Flash Gathering
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moonlume · 2 years
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DSMoonLite ✨
Close-up of my fave from the retro dreams set..!! My DS brought me so much joy in my teen years... Tiny origin story under the readmore :') [ stickers / keych / pins here! ]
I'm Lithuanian, and Nintendo was Not A Thing when I was growing up. But I was on Tumblr (AND HERE I AM AGAIN.) and I kept seeing everyone enjoying Pokemon, Zelda, etc., I was so jealous... I did manage to emulate them in DesMuMe, but it just wasn't the same. I really, really wanted the real deal. But I couldn't convince my parents to let me buy one on eBay, because "it looks like some small overpriced toy"... ;;W;;
So I secretly saved up money from my very first Etsy shop when I was 15-16, (illegal yes I lied about my age when I opened it haha..) selling little clay jewellery and figurines. I ordered a pink one despite being a ~pink hater~ at that age, because it was the cheapest one I could find. Some weeks later, it arrived, along with an R4 card (yes the bootleg rom card, YOU try affording Nintendo games in Eastern Europe in 2009....... ;w;) and oh MAN I can't tell you how many hours I spent on that thing. Endless amount of joy and late nights...
And whenever my parents saw me playing on it, I just kept telling them I borrowed it from my friend. (Hey Squibby! :'D) I still have it, and it still works, with the very same R4 card!
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Thanks for the endless hours of fun, lil buddy! ♥ :D
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22to22 · 1 year
It's my birthday
and the thing you can do to celebrate is check out Spindlewheel, a tarot-like storytelling system where you weave a story from card to card.
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Spindlewheel is a unique system where the deck has as much to say about the story as you do, but the story is bespoke to you and your friends every time. Every Spindlewheel game is a constructed scaffolding for story structure, ranging from western four-act stories in Spindlewheel Classic, to tense bombastic duels to the bitter end in Meet Me In The Field of Honour At Dawn, to sorting out a trio's complicated feelings for each other in Love Machine.
The goal of Spindlewheel is to tell a satisfying story. Your character might win wealth and fame, or they might crash and burn. Both of these are victories if they fit the arc of the story you’ve told, and bring satisfaction to you as a storyteller.
How do you play? Well, I'm glad you asked!
Spindlewheel’s fundamental verb is interpretation.
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Each card’s text evokes an idea.  The upright and inverse text are different. Sometimes they’re diametrically opposed; often, they’re two sides of the same coin.
Use the card as an anchor for the part of the story that you’re telling.
A card can be a person, an event, an attitude, or a physical object. Use as much as the entire card, or as little as a single word. A card is interpreted twice: once when it enters your hand, and again when you play it. It does not have to be the same interpretation.
FOR EXAMPLE: I might draw the Hearth card and Reflect that I feel like people closed their doors to me; but I might Engage that card later, declaring I won’t do the same to someone else, and play it to invite someone into my home.
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It's a really excellent one shot system: it takes no prep, every setting is procedurally generated for each table, and most games are GMless. The games that are GMed are designed to support improvisation and provide coherent throughlines so the GM can focus on moment to moment play. It also works as a GM tool within other systems for when you need an ominous portent or an answer to a question where a dice roll just won't cut it.
It also makes for pretty damn good radio. Check it out on Party of One, An Atlas of the World Unknown, You Don't Meet In An Inn, Follow the Leader, and played extensively in the devlog Spindlewheel Stories where you can listen as the game takes shape over time.
Did I mention it's got an open SRD? Anyone can hack the system and sell their games. Here's a collection of people who have done just that!
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There's lots of ways to try Spindlewheel online for free! give @spindlewheelbot (by Caro Asercion) on twitter an @ for a "classic" spread inspired by the celtic cross, or a single card "vibe check"; print and play the deck with the original legacy art or play it on playingcards.io; or play it on Tabletop Playground and Tabletop Simulator.
Head over to www.teacabbage.com/spindlewheel to pick your digital copy of Spindlewheel on itch.io and roll20!
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tokyo-tower-symbolism · 3 months
I've been meaning to get into the re:live game story for a while now, but I don't know how necessary the event stories are in comparison to the main and school stories...
do you have a recommended reading order for main story and events if the timeline makes them interspersed?
Uhh, there was this one good google doc that had a bunch of stuff like what stories were important for each character, but I cannot find that right now so I'll do my best from memory but honestly I might miss a couple things so my bad.
Edit: thank you @pallastronomy for finding the doc in question, i really wanted to read that again too
To read it you can go to the wikia, read it on karth.top, or look up the parts on Youtube. That last one might be the best since you'll get the full visual novel experience.
So first off I would suggest reading the first part of the story, so Main Story chapters 1-6. Well, suggest is a strong word. I think those chapters kinda suck, but I guess they're necessary for the premise and to introduce the characters? But then again they abandon the original premise half way in favor of the performance festival so whatever. And if you want a better introduction to the characters you should read the School Stories (ignoring SJH) and also maybe watch Shoujo Cante All Starlight. So really I don't suggest you read those chapters but
I think at this point you are can read the event stories from "Hello to Halloween" to "Surprise! Rehearsal Friends!"
And you don't need to read them all, but they're fun! I couldn't really tell you which ones are super important to the plot, sorry about that. Honestly my personal opinion at this point is to just pick a couple characters you like to follow and read their stories. You can see who participates in each one on the Revue Starlight wikia
Plus, character card bond stories! Each event has a couple gacha cards they're trying to sell, and sometimes they're not super related to the story, but sometimes they are. If someone references something that happened off screen, it either happened in an earlier event or in the bond card, but I'd still only read the bond cards once you're done reading the event is over since otherwise they can be spoilers. Just think of those as prequels instead of preludes.
Then at this point you can read Main Story Chapters 7-11. And I really do think you should read these since they are juicy. There's a new plot and we really get to dive deep into the ReLive characters and see their individual pasts and why they now stand on stage. It's great.
Now for the Event Stories, feel free to read any story from "Starry Diamond Tragic Orion" up until "Royal Retainer"
Although now I gotta bring up some caveats. Anything with Seiran is not going to matter to the main plot of ReLive, and if you're curious about them, then that gets into Stage Play Territory which is much easier to follow but not in ReLive.
And honestly same with the Seisho only stories. They're fun, don't get me wrong, but they kinda don't affect the developments of the cast at all.
Starry Diamond is a live show that had some Revues, so some of the relive events are just rehashings of those. Except Venus & Cupid Story, which is a sequel to Zeus no Chuusai from the Starry Diamond Live, and that revue is actually super important to the Yumeoji Sisters's story but it is not in ReLive.
And once you've had your fill of those stories, you can start reading Main Story Chapters 12-18, Arcana Arcadia. And this one is really good. Iirc, the main revue starlight writer came in for these parts. There's some info that directly leads into the movie. And it's honestly great.
But the issue is that there are intermission bond stories that need to be read in the middle of the chapters. If you are reading it online that can be kind of pain, but in the game I think it's in the right order? I could not say for sure since I don't actually play it. Anyways, here's the vague order according to the wikia, but I'm not 100% on this
Chapter 12: 1-2
Chapter 13: Tower, Hermit, Empress, 1-3, High Priestess, 4-5, Magician, 6-9, Hanged Man, Strength, 10-15
Chapter 14: Wheel of Fortune, Chariot, 1-2, Lovers, 3-14, Faith, Hierophant, 15
Chapter 15: 1-2, Devil, Sun, Justice, 3-15
Chapter 16: Death, Charity, 1-15
Chapter 17: Temperance, 1, Fool, 2-4, World, Judgement, 5-15
Chapter 18: Hope, 1-9, Emperor, 10-14, 15/Moon
So yeah, after this you have basically free reign to read the remaining event stories. The next big ongoing plot seems to be about Siegfeld Junior High, but that one also isn't really connected to the previous stories at all.
Also some cards have connecting bond stories even without events, such as the Frontier Rangers, Orpheus, Camelot, Snow White, and Yin-Yang.
But for real, I think the best way to get into the story is to read the main story and then see what characters you like. Then you can read along all their bond stories and events that they star in, and maybe you'll find other characters that stand out. If you are missing any information, usually characters will reference whatever they are talking about, so you won't be completely lost.
So yeah, I hope you have fun with the relive story! It touches on a lot of the themes from the show and honestly I just really liked seeing the characters again. And also Arcana Arcadia is great, just so great.
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hesokuri-wars · 7 months
I never got the chance to play this game, but it looks so fun... Why was it shut down? Also, are there any other oso-san games still available?
Well, nobody here was playing around the time of the shutdown, so we wouldn't really be experts on the situation. Either way, game staff in general don't just outright tell players the reasons for discontinuation, but I think the safe assumption would be that they simply didn't have the budget to keep it running anymore. Which... honestly, was a possibility that I had been concerned about for a while, given how much the game grew to rely on its whales. I could be way off on this, but the fact that they flat started requiring to spend money to roll for premium sets had the alarm bells going off in my head.
As for the (mobile) games still available now, there are three - Pokomatsu, Tabimatsu, and NEETPro, all of which region-locked to only Japan (assuming you don't live there, if you want to know of a way to get around this issue, follow the instructions in the FAQ under "how to install the app" - the process should be the same).
And because I have thoughts on all of them, I wrote up a brief description on each game before concluding with my personal thoughts on the current state of the Ososan Gaming Experience, but I'm not sure if anyone else really cares that much so I'm putting it under a cut lol. Links to downloading the games are included below as well for those who are curious.
Pokomatsu (Apple Link / Android Link)
I kind of talked about this one just the other day, but basically, it's the game that "replaced" Hesokuri Wars. Not only does it use a lot of Heso's assets, but the Twitter account for Hesokuri Wars and Pokomatsu is one and the same.
And... that's really it as far as similarities go. Hesokuri Wars was a tower defense game, and Pokomatsu is that one game where you aim and shoot balls at objects/people that are slowly advancing towards you and have to hit them enough times to win (idk if there's a more succinct name for this type of gameplay). Also, you can collect screenshots from the anime, movies, and Heso, either by playing/progressing or by rolling in the gacha. The basic story of the game is that the sextuplets are defending themselves from having their roles as the protagonists stolen by the other characters.
Here's a sample of some gameplay, if you're curious. Note that the voice clips are recycled directly from Heso. Also, it's incredibly noisy, so I guess that's just another similarity the two share.
Mod Ichi's Opinion: If you like this sort of game, then go ahead and give it a try, but I personally can't see myself getting too invested in it. Collecting the cards is its main selling point, but even that's not really all that given that they're just screenshots as opposed to original art. Also, I think I'm bad at it because I can't get past Stage 8. Never mind, I was playing it while I was typing this and I just beat it lol. But now I can't get past Stage 9.
Tabimatsu (Apple Link / Android Link)
AKA the other big Oso game from back in the day, although it still wasn't as big as Heso. The premise is that the sextuplets are traveling to all of the prefectures in Japan to pick up money, and the gameplay is in the form of a board game where you roll a die and move around. Much like Heso, had its fair share of original outfits and events, but it's currently in a bit of a weird place because it's been dormant for the past few years; it's still there for people to download and play, but it hasn't had a proper update since like 2020/2021 aside from the occasional maintenance. It's very clearly on its last legs, but it's still available to the public, presumably because it's not as costly to run as some other games of the past.
A sample of gameplay.
Mod Ichi's Opinion: I really enjoyed this game when it was more active! I'd like to replay it for the nostalgia, but it refuses to load properly on my phone teehee.
NEETPro (Apple Link / Android Link)
This one was released in conjunction with the first movie. It's also made by the same people who made Tabimatsu.
NEETPro is by far the simplest out of all the games, being more of a story-driven visual novel and not much else - I think this is the first and only Ososan mobile game to not have any gacha function? You play as a female showbiz manager, Totoko is your supervisor (she quit being an idol), and you're responsible for managing a sextuplet of your choice. Depending on the choices you make throughout the story, you either succeed in turning him into a movie star, or he stays a NEET.
In other words, this is the closest thing to an official Ososan otome game that exists. Like I said, this game is very much just a visual novel and not much else, so it basically was just released and not really updated since. I also found a tweet posted by the official Tabimatsu account from this September announcing the app would no longer be available on the Google Play store (though people who already had the app can still play), so like. That pretty much confirms that keeping this game up to date isn't exactly a top priority of the staff.
A sample of gameplay.
Mod Ichi's Opinion: I'm playing Ichi's route and I keep trying to brute force him into letting me become his manager and at one point he grew convinced that I was secretly an assassin plotting to kill him. Anyway, I don't think you'll have much use for this if you can't read Japanese or can't find a translation somewhere.
I feel like I've been hinting at this all throughout this post, but Ososan doesn't seem to be thriving in the mobile game sphere as of late. We used to have games like Hesokuri Wars, Damematsu, and Shimamatsu, all of which were rife with content, but all three current games I described above are fairly low-maintenance to keep running, have very sparse updates, and overall just don't seem to be here to keep your long-term interest. Maybe it's not too fair to say that about NEETPro, given the type of game it is (not to mention that it mainly served as promotional material for the movie), but like. Tabimatsu? That game used to consistently get new content, until one day, all that just stopped.
Idk I don't really have a conclusion to all of this lol this isn't meant to be some thesis or anything. It's just that when I went back to see which games were still available to the public, I immediately noticed the lack of actual content, and it's such a downgrade. It kind of bothers me as someone who not only rigorously played Heso for years, but also was super into checking out every other game the staff would drop.
🐾 Mod Ichi
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2 26 46 from the ask game??
ooooooooughhhhh this got stuck in my drafts i am SO sorry
2: favorite pair of socks; all my socks are the same (black cotton ankle socks) so they all get dumped into the drawer and i never have to fold or match them. specialty socks (boot, etc) go in the fancy box with the rest of the hosiery in my closet
did 26 u get 27 bc i want to tell this story about keychains; my actual car key is on one ring of a pull-apart valet fob and all my other keys are on the other end. this makes it hit the top of my leg in a less annoying place when driving bc im short and have to sit scrunched close. i have a couple library cards, a dog tag with my phone number and “REWARD 4 RETURN” on it and a WWII issue can opener. i had a very funny interaction with a gadget booth man at the rodeo this weekend, bc he was selling reproductions and i pulled out my original to show him and said “but I’ve never been able to open a can with it” and he PULLED OUT A DEMO CAN OF CORN and opened it with my keychain. the man also perusing the stand at the same time bought one, which i think is silly bc he showed off the strengths of my original. what if his reproduction was dogshit? also the man offered me the can of corn to take home but i declined
did 46 the closest one i haven’t answered is 43: shower with lights on or off; on??? what is the utility of showering with the lights off. how do you (general) know you got everything. do you use one of those ten in one boys products and just have at it???
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theparrybutton · 1 year
Sequels to RPGs and how they handle progression
One of the most story-rich, narrative-heavy genres in gaming. The kind of games that don't leave many stones unturned, trying to tell full, complete stories with the lore of the setting explored to the last letter. As well as a definitive ending waiting for player, after they defeat a dark deity, or a guy trying to become one, or just a guy who's a huge asshole. Endings that give the world and it's characters a happy conclusion. But what about games that just... don't do that? Games that, while giving you a complete story, still leave out many secrets, red herrings and unresolved plotlines? Games that are made with the intent of following themselves up with a part 2? How do they handle game-to-game character progression? All this growth the player has built up over the course of their long journey?
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Game sequels are usually completely different worlds with different mechanics, and even if they're set in the same world and star the same characters, the different mechanics can require character progression to be reset, leading to funny explanations (if any) like Dante selling his weapons to pay rent, or Adol Christin losing his stuff because of constant shipwrecks. RPGs are in the same boat (no shipwrecks here). These game sequels don't interact with their predecessors whatsoever because of that, aside from maybe giving you extra goodies if they detect save data. And even sequels that ARE direct continuations to previous games don't interact with prequels for various reasons. Such as, like mentioned above, having completely different game mechanics, a brand new cast of characters (who would naturally have to start from 0), and/or setting the sequel years after part 1, aging the old cast and effectively "rusting" them. For example, Final Fantasy X-2, despite starring characters from the original FFX, has no data transfers whatsoever, due to different game mechanics. But there are outliers, and there have been different ways sequels have interacted with their prequels, so let's look at a few examples.
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Now, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn is your typical case of a RPG sequel. Brand new cast of characters, set years apart from Path of Radiance (part 1 of the story), and also released on a different platform! Despite that, through the usage of GameCube memory card slots present on most Wii models, the game allows you to transfer your clear data of Path of Radiance which can affect various functions in your Radiant Dawn playthrough. For the most part, save transferring will affect characters from the first game in a minor way, due to those characters appearing much later in the story. Transferring will only give +2 to the stats a character has capped by the time they hit Level 20 on their promoted class, with a few exceptions to certain characters. One such character being Sothe, a sort of guardian figure to Radiant Dawn's new main cast, and as such he is present from the very start. In his case, his Level 20 stats by the end of Path of Radiance will carry over directly to Radiant Dawn, overwriting his base stats that he would have without save transfer, even if some stats are lower than his base stats. (Pictured below: RNG-blessed Level 20 Sothe in Path of Radiance and no-transfer base Sothe in Radiant Dawn)
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Interestingly enough, the other Fire Emblem sequel game(s), Mystery of the Emblem and it's DS remake don't have any interactivity with their Book 1s. The only difference being that in Mystery of the Emblem SNES, Marth gets a special icon next to his name for just one chapter. This type of data transfer, fully carrying over character levels, is very rare in RPGs, and there's only one RPG series I can think of that does this.
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The Trails series, or simply Kiseki, is a very unique series, due to it's 12 and counting games all being set in one, continuous timeline, happening one after another, with some games even happening at the same time as each other. This is because the series is cleanly split into different story arcs, each arc set in a separate in-universe country, so even here we run into the case of new games starring new casts. But the games within those arcs have interesting approaches to save transfers.
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For example; Trails in the Sky SC and Trails to Azure, sequels to Trails in the Sky and Trails from Zero respectively, allow you to fully transfer the stats and levels of protagonists Estelle and Lloyd, allowing both to start at a higher level than they would otherwise, as well as having alternate versions of certain scenes, affected by how much side content you did in the prequels. Beyond those two games, a constant between all Trails sequels is that characters retain all of their abilities and the level cap is raised, due to the sequels having a much higher starting level for progression consistency. Characters will get upgrades to their old abilities on top of new ones, and if part 1's level cap was 50, in part 2 it would be raised to 100, with the characters' starting level being above 50. (Pictured below: Rean's average endgame level in Cold Steel 1 and Rean's level cap in Cold Steel 2)
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And that's very cool. Not a lot of games care about character progression from previous games and yet here's a series of RPGs that put care and attention to their stories so much that they even maintain character progression consistency.
Now for something completely different, with the way the data is transferred being the unique part.
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Two GBA games! But how is that possible? Save data is saved on the carts, not on the system itself! Here the developers used the ol' reliable method of passwords, with password length determining what you get to transfer over.
Short "bronze" passwords only transfer custom character names and certain event flags. Moderate "silver" passwords transfer full character stats from the original Golden Sun, as well as bronze transfers. And now the fun, stupidly long, 260-character "golden" passwords, which on top of previous bonuses, also transfer every item the party members had in their inventory by the end of the game, including exclusive items not present in Golden Sun Lost Age. A huge reward for the patient gamer who managed to put in all 260 characters correctly.
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Or, y'know, you could just transfer over through the Link Cable, like a chump.
These were some of the examples of how sequels to RPGs handled character progression, if they bothered to at all. While it is a bit of a bummer that more games don't do this, it's understandable why sequels ultimately decide to separate themselves from their predecessors, even if they are direct continuations. But that's a topic for another day.
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roadandruingame · 5 months
First post!
Simply creating a sideblog for development musings for my ttrpg, Road and Ruin. Ideally with the intention to post updates, art, and adverts, if it ever gets off the ground to sell.
Welcome, to the official tumblr page for Road and Ruin, an original, generative storytelling ttrpg system, that requires no controlling host (though one is always possible if preferred), rewards enthusiasm and creativity, and evolves over time with each new player, idea, and philosophy.
The World of Ruin is the basic setting of this game, though systems are in place to guide storytellers through creating their own unique and personalized lands to explore. Here, various fantasy races clash in combat, compete for resources, and collaborate to build something new. Monstrous creatures nestle tucked into corners of a world that shifts and tilts with temporal and geographical instabilities, and the occasional splash of corruptive energy from a spill from other dimensions. Spirits, gods, demons, and more push their own ideologies and agendas, while mortals struggle to piece together a tapestry of life that came before, from records, maps, and relics.
By the Rulings of the Round Table, each player makes creative contributions to the setting and story, with a Host only responsible for some narration, and to serve as a tiebreaker. By interpreting the generative elements, all players at the table are at the whims of chance, and explorers and discoverers of wonders not anticipated.
Much of these rulings and discoveries are made through the Round Table card system, making controlled use of each player's creativity and familiarity with cultural and storytelling elements to lead the story forward, and different Module Types present recipes and algorithms for telling particular types of stories, with no professional writing experience required.
If this at all seems interesting to you, then please, drag up a chair, and take a seat at the table; anywhere will do, for it has infinite edges.
Welcome, to Road and Ruin!
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mayarab · 8 months
WIP List (Tag Game)
I was tagged by @the-grim-and-sanguine - You can see their post here!
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
The Queen & the Demon
Just Another City
Chaos Magic Kaijus
Guardiãs de Primália
Better! Twilight aka Vampires in Rio
Conto Avantesma
Continuação de Journey Home / A Caminho de Casa
Contos Andarilhos
D&D Romance
Fantasy Heist
Space Adventure
O Santuário de Liara
Queer Greek Myths + Fairytale Retellings
Melting Pot of Ideas
Crônicas de Irhullan
Foi por Acaso
Swordswoman & her Wizard GF
Shape-shifter & Hunter
Demissexuais & Dinos + 2 Girls, Music, Books and Internet
Story Engine Anthology
The Golden Queen
A Garota e o Dragão
Demon Soul
A/B/O but with actual wolf social structure
Chaotic God + Necromancy + Chaotic MC
Bruxas Latinas + Witches in Saquarema
Isekai Scout
The Untamed x Inuyasha
Portal Book
CdZ inpired Mess
Hunted Siblings
Kingdom Hearts x OUaT
Chosen One Academy
Daughter of the Chosen One
Magic People
Isekai Brazuka
Anna & Milla
Mage & Prince
Warylk AU (Makhy lives)
Warylk Coffe Shop AU (Gods Edition v1 - with powers)
Warylk Coffe Shop AU (Gods Edition v2 - no powers)
Pimpim Café
Garotas Mágicas RPG
O Sonho de Nina
Ace of Cakes
To Be Human
I Heal Hearts
Escola Mágica + Criaturas Sobrenaturais
Inuyasha Mermaid AU
Year of the OTP 2023 InuKag
The Heart of the Miko
Memory Loss
Shikon Strike Force
Inuyasha dies and KagMirSan try to bring him back
Inuyasha HighSchool AU
Kagome MD
SessSan KindergartenGod
InuKagMirSan Polycule
Inuyasha x Pokémon
Prophetic Dreams
Inuyasha Beauty & the Beast
A hanyou birthed by a female Youkai
Inuyasha Retelling Sequel
Polyam Kag/San
ATLA: Twin Avatars
Inuyasha VTuber
Inuyasha sends a video masturbating to Kagome by mistake
Inuyasha + Sell Your Haunted House
Inuyasha + FFVII Remake
Inukag song fic - Give your heart a break - Demi Lovato
Viking Punk
Whimsical Life
On the Shoulders of Giants
Esperanthya 5e Setting
Sparkles & Wonder
Azure Garden
Witch’s Workshop 2.0
Digital Deckbuilding Card Game
DnD Character Creator
Match 3 Mobile-style game SEM MONETIZAÇÃO AGRESSIVA
Runeterra Hack
Assexualidade e Esteriótipos
tags: @artemis-devotee @anisaanisa @ruddcatha @razdazberry @atelierwriting @akiwitch @mauvelilywilliams @bia-sa @ninaescreve @autielivros @saphoblin
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judiawoods · 6 months
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The true origin of Rudolph.
How beautiful! A quick read…🎄❤️🎄🦌
As the holiday season of 1938 came to Chicago, Bob May wasn’t feeling much comfort or joy. A 34-year-old ad writer for Montgomery Ward, May was exhausted and nearly broke. His wife, Evelyn, was bedridden, on the losing end of a two-year battle with cancer. This left Bob to look after their four-year old-daughter, Barbara.
One night, Barbara asked her father, “Why isn’t my mommy like everybody else’s mommy?” As he struggled to answer his daughter’s question, Bob remembered the pain of his own childhood. A small, sickly boy, he was constantly picked on and called names. But he wanted to give his daughter hope, and show her that being different was nothing to be ashamed of. More than that, he wanted her to know that he loved her and would always take care of her. So he began to spin a tale about a reindeer with a bright red nose who found a special place on Santa’s team. Barbara loved the story so much that she made her father tell it every night before bedtime. As he did, it grew more elaborate. Because he couldn’t afford to buy his daughter a gift for Christmas, Bob decided to turn the story into a homemade picture book.
In early December, Bob’s wife died. Though he was heartbroken, he kept working on the book for his daughter. A few days before Christmas, he reluctantly attended a company party at Montgomery Ward. His co-workers encouraged him to share the story he’d written. After he read it, there was a standing ovation. Everyone wanted copies of their own. Montgomery Ward bought the rights to the book from their debt-ridden employee. Over the next six years, at Christmas, they gave away six million copies of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer to shoppers. Every major publishing house in the country was making offers to obtain the book. In an incredible display of good will, the head of the department store returned all rights to Bob May. Four years later, Rudolph had made him into a millionaire.
Now remarried with a growing family, May felt blessed by his good fortune. But there was more to come. His brother-in-law, a successful songwriter named Johnny Marks, set the uplifting story to music. The song was pitched to artists from Bing Crosby on down. They all passed. Finally, Marks approached Gene Autry. The cowboy star had scored a holiday hit with “Here Comes Santa Claus” a few years before. Like the others, Autry wasn’t impressed with the song about the misfit reindeer. Marks begged him to give it a second listen. Autry played it for his wife, Ina. She was so touched by the line “They wouldn’t let poor Rudolph play in any reindeer games” that she insisted her husband record the tune.
Within a few years, it had become the second best-selling Christmas song ever, right behind “White Christmas.” Since then, Rudolph has come to life in TV specials, cartoons, movies, toys, games, coloring books, greeting cards and even a Ringling Bros. circus act. The little red-nosed reindeer dreamed up by Bob May and immortalized in song by Johnny Marks has come to symbolize Christmas as much as Santa Claus, evergreen trees and presents. As the last line of the song says, “He’ll go down in history.”🎵🎶
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p5x-theories · 10 months
What We Know About P5X
(updated 8/25/23)
Persona 5: The Phantom X (P5X) has now had two beta tests, the first of which ran from March 29th to 31st, and the second of which ran from August 18th to 25th. Here’s a summary of what we know about the game itself so far. Hopefully this’ll be useful, whether you're new around here or not!
I'm also making updated posts for the game's story and playable characters so far, which'll be added to a new pinned post (along with this post!) once they're all done.
Keeping this as succinct as I can, but it's still a little long, so under the cut it goes.
P5X is a turn-based RPG mobile game with gacha elements, developed by Black Wings Game Studio and published by Perfect World Games. While not directly creating it, it is officially licensed by Atlus and Sega. Atlus has apparently been very involved in its production, including Shigenori Soejima designing the protagonist and his Persona.
As Perfect World Games and Black Wings Game Studio are Chinese game companies, P5X is produced in Chinese, with no current official English translations. The dialogue in-game, however, is voiced in Japanese, with Japanese voice actors.
There are specifically two gachas in the game- a character gacha for gaining teammates, and a weapons gacha for gaining better weapons for those teammates.
Right now, we know the game will release on both mobile and PC, but it’s unconfirmed whether it will release anywhere outside of China, and we don’t yet have a release date for even the Chinese version of the full game. Both of the beta tests so far have been closed betas available only in China, where players could sign up for a chance to get in, and actual beta accounts were given out via lottery.
The Characters
So far, there are 12 new Persona users. These characters can be divided into story teammates and "Phantom Idol" (gacha-only) teammates.
The story teammates so far are the protagonist (codename Wonder), an owl named Ruferu in Japanese which has sometimes been translated as "Luffy" by fans (codename Cattle), an athletic classmate of the protagonist's named Motoha Arai (codename Closer), and a boy from another class with an interest in cooking named Shun Kanou (codename Soy). These teammates have all joined as part of the plot of the game.
The "Phantom Idol" teammates ("Kaidoru" in Japanese) are described as being cognitive beings created by Wonder's Velvet Room attendant, Merope, to assist him in the Metaverse, and seem to be based on people Wonder meets, though they are only copies. So far, they include Motoha's friend Tomoko Noge (codename Kotomo), first year student Kiyoshi Kurotani (codename Kii), Wonder's family friend Kayo Tomiyama (codename Okyann), college freshman from China Yaoling Li (codename Rin), an aspiring acting student whose real name may be Reo Kamiyama (codename Leo), a student from Kosei High named Yukimi Fujikawa (codename Yuki), rich high school student Seiji Shiratori (codename Seiji), and a former ice skater whose real name may be Kotone Montagne (codename Mont).
The original Phantom Thieves from Persona 5 also appear as Phantom Idols: Joker, Mona, Skull, Panther, Fox, Queen, Oracle, Noir, and Crow. Datamining also found some of Wolf’s battle voice lines from P5S at least in the first beta, and an icon from P5S with Sophie in both betas, suggesting they may later be added as well. No sign of Violet has been found yet, other than the Faith Arcana card in the files.
Munehisa Iwai, Tae Takemi, and Chihaya Mifune also return in P5X. Iwai runs the weapon gacha, Takemi sells medicine like in P5, and Chihaya tells fortunes. The other original P5 confidants’ portraits and 3D models have been found in both betas' data, and the Councillor Arcana card was with the other cards in the second beta's data specifically, but it’s currently unknown whether they’ll actually return in any capacity.
At least six new songs have been heard in P5X, four of which feature vocals by Lyn: "Last Strike", "Wake Up Your Hero", "Shadow Loop", and "Fatal Desire". One of the instrumental tracks is named "Elite Battle", while the other is the background music for the second Palace.
The majority of P5 and P5R’s locations have been confirmed for P5X, including Yongen-Jaya, Kichijoji, Shibuya, and Shinjuku, but the protagonist lives in a new location called Zoshigaya, and goes to a new school called Kokatsu Academy. Another school named Kiga High School has also been mentioned.
(Note that while Yongen-Jaya exists, Leblanc has been replaced with a generic coffee shop, run by someone other than Sojiro Sakura. Similarly, the Big Bang Burger in Shibuya is now just called Big Burger, with no apparent traces of the space theming, and the Crossroads bar in Shinjuku has been rebranded.)
Mementos and the concept of Palaces also return in P5X, though there are some differences. At least in the betas, Mementos operates as a sort of hub, with characters entering Palaces through Mementos, from the entrance to each Palace located within the massive floors of Mementos. Mementos also has special battle locations apparently similar to “domains” in other gacha games, where completing the fight gives special items to strengthen characters and weapons, themed after the first three of P5′s Palaces.
Basic Game Mechanics
For the most part, P5X operates extremely similarly to P5, both in and out of the Metaverse. One notable difference is that the calendar isn't progressed by anything but the story- other activities, such as working, crafting infiltration tools, and spending time with Confidants, instead cost hourglasses to do, without being restricted to a single afternoon and nighttime time slot each day, as was the case in P5.
One interesting and more significant change made in this category is that the Confidants have what appears to be a total of 20 ranks, instead of the series-standard 10. They also haven't been associated with any Arcana, though the P5 Arcana cards have been found in the second beta's data.
The UI elements of combat look a little different (as well as all the skill animations), appearing to be more optimized for mobile play, but otherwise it seems largely the same to P5, though one notable difference is that it seems Navigator skills can be called in at will (and then have a cooldown), rather than occurring randomly. There is a new kind of special attack called a Highlight Attack, which is similar to P5S’s Showtime attacks where the character executes a special attack with their Persona.
The protagonist can gain Personas by talking to shadows, and fuse them in the Velvet Room. Challenge battles in the Velvet Room, like in P5R, are available to attempt. Palace exploration also seems relatively standard, even if the Palace itself and the method of entering it is different. One major change is that several shadow/Persona designs have been censored; this includes Incubus and many others being given shorts, Bugs' stomach being sewed up with the blood removed, Mara being given a large hat, Hell Biker having a helmet that obscures his skull, and several female Personas like Lamia being given shirts. However, these changes are purely cosmetic.
It’s worth noting that because the game has yet to be officially translated to English in any capacity, character names can only be absolutely confirmed when they’re either written in Japanese kana (as opposed to the Japanese kanji characters names are typically written in) or spoken aloud in official material, to confirm which reading of the names is the correct Japanese one.
The characters do also have Chinese names, of course, but as the voice acting uses the Japanese readings, and the game is set in Japan, the name that would most likely be used by an English release (if it ever happens) is their Japanese one. As such, the Japanese names are the ones presented in the Characters section earlier in this post, and the main ones that this blog uses.
All the codenames, however, are written in English, and thus the most easily confirmed as official.
And just to close this out, keep in mind that the majority of our information about the gameplay specifically comes from the beta versions, and thus things may change in a later beta playtest and/or in the actual release of the game.
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tanadrin · 2 years
okay, final thoughts on beating inquisition. good stuff first:
the game is of course very beautiful. it is realistic without being drab, full of color, and very good at atmospheric environments and dungeons. the incidental art--the character tarot cards in particular--also have a very distinct and delightful style.
the sound design is also terrific, and that's something i usually never notice. the music is great, too.
the characters are all great. special mentions to Ms.-Killing-For-Jesus-Or-Possibly-Just-For-Fun, Captain-Buzzkill-The-Lady-Cop, The Ancient Furry Who Is Also an Elven Fascist, Mr.-Gets-An-Erection-Every-Time-We-Fight-a-Dragon, and the Necromancer with Daddy Issues. all of them would be exhausting as hell in real life.
many of the mechanics, like recruiting agents, the war table, and the way skyhold changes over time do make you feel like you’re building up a big organization, and that’s quite fun. it’s a pity it mostly goes to waste when it comes to the actual plot.
the game develops the backstory to the setting in tantalizing ways. the plot in some ways feels like it’s obviously setting up a sequel, but it manages to do so without feeling incomplete. the bioware method of storytelling and incorporating player choice is fraught in a lot of ways, just because of the limits of what video game designers can reasonably do with those choices, but overall i think dragon age as a franchise and DA:I handle those limitations well.
the meh stuff:
not wholly bioware's fault, but the fact that the only mod manager for DA:I is extremely hit-or-miss seems to be down to the fact that an awkward rube goldberg machine of software must kick into gear for da:i to start. if you are going to force me to use your storefront rather than selling me a standalone piece of software, *it had better run flawlessly.* as it is, i cannot recommend buying any game that isn't available solely through steam. (DA:I wasn't available on Steam when I originally bought it; it seems to be again, but if it's like DA2, you still have to install EA Desktop and run it every time you play). unfortunately, mods are a must for reasons i covered elsewhere. they help sidestep some of the boring padding, like idle mechanics and bad map design. otherwise, though, i think moddability in an RPG like this is a strength: one reason Skyrim has had such a long afterlife is that Bethesda has made modding relatively easy, allowing people to customize and embellish their gameplay experience in countless ways (only some of which involve giving the Dragonborn a monster hog).
shallower ability trees and thus less interesting combat. give me more tools, not less!
took away attribute customization for no good reason. let me minmax, dammit!
in general, despite the crafting system (thbbbbt), the armor and weapon customization still feels pretty shallow. you just don’t have that many options for stats, and since i can’t minmax my underlying stat scores, the benefits are limited.
the stuff that i think really fails:
all those zones are a fuckin' slog, lemme tell u. it would be one thing if the zones' quests fed in an interesting way back into the main quest, or if the zones had unified and compelling stories, but it's honestly mostly fetch quests and random collectibles. DA:O was *really* good about having narratively unified side/sub-quests as part of the main quest; there were other small tasks you could accomplish while doing those, but they didn't require taking a break from the main action. They were woven into it.
doesn't help that the zones aren't differentiated enough, and there's too many of them. why do we need three desert zones, all next to each other? why not have fewer, larger zones?
and on top of all that, the main quest is actually kinda sort! it's 1) join up, 2) recruit the mages or templars, 3) close the breach, 4) go to a party in Orlais, 5) visit the Temple of Mythal for a surprise macguffin not foreshadowed at all elsewhere, 5) kill the final boss. The only reason the game is as long as it is is that next steps are usually gated behind large amounts of inquisition power, so rather than the story carrying you along as it did in DA:O and DA2, it's "do a ton of filler quests and then have a major story beat as a treat." That structure sucks ass! and the recruitment/inquisition-building work you do only shows up in the background of quest 5. it doesn't take you to open-world locations much, mostly to one-off specialized zones like halamshiral, the temple of mythal, or the breach.
despite gating main quests behind inquisition power, i did a ton of sidequests and was swimming in it by the end. i had like 200+ power. i couldn’t tell you what those side quests were about, really; they certainly weren’t memorable, and didn’t affect the main plot at all. i wish all the time poured into those side quests had gone into developing the main story.
even da:o had a way for the armies you recruited to matter in the final battle; your forces are explicitly absent in DA:I (but it’s ok because the villain shows up to the final confrontation alone anyway??), which means that, narratively, it feels like all the side stuff you do to build the inquisition is mostly pointless. the final showdown is a 4-on-1 slugfest, and not even an especially interesting fight. and this is related to the next point:
last quest is kinda random and makes no sense. we made a huge stink about closing the breach earlier; but surprise! it's open again! and suddenly we transition to a boss battle, with very little intro. it feels *very* rushed, like they had to cut out a bunch of stuff in the middle. (also why dos a guy who can lift mountains into the air need an army to conquer Orlais?? he could just turn Val Royeaux upsid-down if he wanted) visually, it looks like a lot of the assets meant it was gonna take place in the Fade or something, but they changed it up at the last minute. Where do those towers in the distance come from? There isn't anything like that around Haven or the Breach.
there are no decision points, no interesting mechanics, and no stakes other than “lol the breach is open again i guess kill this guy or the world ends.” compare the battle of denerim in DA:O, where you’re defending a whole city, or the last quest in DA2, which (though it starts with little buildup), has immediate fallout with your companions, and forces you to pick a side, with repercussions for the game’s ending.
also this feels like kind of a minor writing quibble in comparison, but corypheus seems to go from "self-aware and very much in control mustache-twirling villain" to "gibbering megalomaniac" in the last mission, and it's pretty jarring
we got a moment with each companion before the climax in da:o and da2, and we don't get that in da:i for some reason. i guess it's in part bc the game doesn't actually end like in previous installments--you can finish up side quests after if you want--but it really contributes to the rushed feeling.
all the language in the post-battle scene about "just getting started" feels very strange knowing they shut it all down in the trespasser DLC just two years later. i still think that's a terrible ending--they should let a dragon age protagonist rest on their laurels a bit for once!
seriously, why the FUCK do i not get a mabari in this one?!
despite all the things i like about inquisition, it’s just not as good a game as da2! or even da1! i don’t know if the team was bigger and the franchise so popular by 2014 that it was harder for a single creative vision to cohere, what development was like and what executive mandates were handed down from above, or what constraints the frostbite engine imposed. i worry that with the departure of david gaider and the game’s financial success, those problems might only get worse with dreadwolf as commercial demands trade off against creative consistency. as it stands though i’m hoping dreadwolf is much more structurally linear--the three act structure in da2 was actually kind of a godsend from a narrative perspective, since each act had to have its own contained arc, and you had room for time to pass between them, and i would very much welcome something like that showing up again in dreadwolf.
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anonyhex · 3 months
ooh, what’s The Charlatan’s Song?
So this is less exciting than most of my WIPs I think! (Although the title is a banger hahaha) It's a Wyll/Tav story.
So my Tav (Pimpernel) is based on a half-baked idea I've had for a D&D character I've never gotten to play. In the game I made her a halfling with the charlatan background, and she's a bard that claims to be a heroic figure from a minor noble house that was disowned after a torid love affair with a woman from a much more well-established house that was about to enter an arranged marriage. She dueled her love's fiancé and won (earning a scar on her cheek in the process) but was disowned because of the negative attention it brought her own house, and she now travels throughout the land saving people from their issues and then earning money through telling her tale in taverns.
It's all a lie, as the charlatan background indicates. Her family are farmers or ranchers and are quite poor. The scar on her cheek is from a simple work accident (one idea I had was it's an injury from a boar's tusk while she was hunting or protecting her family's livestock). Her parents were killed while on the road traveling to sell their wares and she's either the oldest or second oldest of a ton of kids, many of whom aren't adults yet, and since she was dissatisfied living out in the boonies she used it as an excuse to leave and finally live out an adventure like the books she loves. Another adult sibling of hers is now the parent figure for the rest of her siblings, and she sends a lot of the money she earns as a bard back to them. Oh, and originally I planned on her having the gambler background (which isn't an option in BG3)...because the other way she earns money is by cheating in games of chance and generally being a card shark. The real reason she moves around a lot isn't because she's always on the hunt for people to protect, it's because if she sticks around too long in one place she risks getting caught. She's seen a bit of combat because she lives on the road, but not NEARLY to the extent she claims to, she's low level.
So imagine my shock when I realize Wyll is ACTUALLY the person she claims to be--a true hero, who actually is the disowned child of a noble house. Didn't know his background at all until I started playing the game and was blown away by the coincidence once I got to Waukeen's Rest.
I originally intended to romance Astarion but fumbled that BADLY (she might be lying about being a hero but she still WANTS to be one, so of course she was constantly helping others and I did not read him well at all until I got to the scene with the blood merchant so he's constantly irritated with her despite constantly getting inspiration from her because they're both charlatans lol). And once Wyll started talking about enjoying to dance...I mean, she's a BARD HALFLING, of course she's going to bug him to dance with her, so it was pretty natural to fall into Wyll's romance instead. (This is also more or less how I started getting into Wyllstarion, since they were the characters I was interacting with the most.)
The thing is...obviously the game isn't set up to give me a chance to actually play out this whole elaborate backstory with Pimpernel pretending to be the type of person Wyll actually is, only to have to admit it later to him that she's been lying about who she is. It makes sense that I can't, how in the world would a game be able to account for that? The only way I could think of would be if they did something like what Bioware did with the backstories for Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect and Larian obviously wanted more open-ended characters for the players.
I really wished there was some way I could express what was going on with Pimpernel in the game, but I couldn't do it particularly well, so...I started trying to write it, and that's what A Charlatan's Song is.
“Oh Wyll, I never said she was a princess!” Pimpernel responded, in a tone that implied she very much was one. “Alas, it was quite a scandal. She loved me, but…well, if we had run off together, it would have damaged not only her reputation, but her family’s. So in the end, she refused me. And my family was quite mortified, and I’m one child of many, so it was easy to just…send me on my way, rather than keep me around as the family embarrassment.” 
“I’m sorry. That must have been difficult.”
“Oh, no no, I’m well suited for a life on the road. I’ve found I fit in much better in a tavern than I do in a ballroom, as much as I enjoyed my life there.” She shrugged. “And well…now you know.”
Behind her there was a slow, mocking clap. Pimpernel turned to look over her shoulder at Astarion, who was looking at her with a fang-baring grin. “Bravo! Quite deftly told, as you expect from a bard. It almost sounds like something out of a romance novel!”
Pimpernel swallowed and did her best to maintain her composure. “It does, doesn’t it? But it’s all true, I’m afraid.”
“Oh, of course, of course.”
Now he was digging into the chinks of her armor. She had something to lose, and he had been revealed and stayed safe. He had a natural royal flush, and she’d already played all her best cards.
She could only hope he’d decide to keep her secrets, for now.
So the PROBLEM IS as interesting as it would be to actually get to play this out in game...I dunno how to make her actually interesting as a character on the page without just huuuuge amount of exposition dump (I deleted a lot from this post!!) and internal monologues, and especially since I'm pretty settled in the no-Tav discord I'm just not all that interested in writing about my OC over the established characters in the game. I also don't have a good ending (my constant problem lol), especially since I still need to actually beat the game, so...ehhh...this one will probably stay abandoned at this point. Ah, well.
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