#this was such a rollercoaster though im screaming
gunsatthaphan · 11 months
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
kings island number one tho i love that place. i wanna go to kings island
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
A/N: last night was a rollercoaster of emotions and i still can't believe love on tour is over, but it will always have a special place in my heart. one thing is for sure, im sill here and i will continue writing for this amazing human until he returns onto the stage where he belongs.
SUMMARY: You made a promise in the beginning of Love On Tour and now it's catching up with you and though your heart wants you to keep your word, you know it's not that easy, because it's about your boss, the person who matters the most to you.
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You should have learned by now that Harry Styles never forgets.
He remembers every birthday, anniversary, every story anyone tells him, he remembers fans he has interacted with and he is extremely good with names. It’s definitely one thing you admire about him.
But know this tiny detail about him did not teach you to watch what you say around him, because he will recite your words even years later.
It’s been an on and off tango between the two of you for a long time. As his assistant, you’ve been dancing on the line of being professional and jumping into his bed whenever he does as so much as looking at you with those stupid, gorgeous eyes. He is your job, you keep telling that to yourself, but deep down you know he is more than just that.
He is… everything.
It would be easier if he only saw you as his assistant, but that’s not the case. Just how you caught those certain feelings, Harry has shown interest towards you, on several occasions, flirting with you bluntly, asking you out every possible chance.
And each time, when you turned down, a voice in your head screamed at you, but your rationality has been stronger so far and it hasn’t let you take that leap that would change everything forever.
Now, back to his immaculate memory.
You’d been working for him for over a year when the first European leg of Love On Tour was about to start, the residency shows were set to be announced and along with the South American, Australian and Asian dates and another full European leg was in the planning phase. Tour was looking endless and everyone on the team was joking that there won’t be a final show of Love On Tour.
Following another meeting in Harry’s LA home you were hanging out by his pool, something that happened quite often, because he liked to share what he had with the people around him. The sun was setting and you both had several glasses of wine, so the business talk has been long forgotten when you ordered food for the two of you.
You were in the shallow, lounge area of the pool where you could sit in the water and you were enjoying a hamburger while he was swimming around, watching you. You caught him looking right in the middle of a huge bite.
“What?” you asked, narrowing your eyes at him as he swam closer with a grin on his face.
“You look amazing.”
You snorted out loud, mouth full and probably smelling like onions.
“I’m sure I do,” you sarcastically said. “Is this what turns you on? Chewing and onion smell?”
“No. It’s you.”
You stopped and gave him a suspicious look. He moved over and sat beside you.
“You turn me on, Y/N,” he added, when you didn’t say anything, just leisurely staring back at you, as if he hadn’t just overstepped a major boundary between boss and employee.
“Harry, stop,” you mumbled, putting the remainder of your burger to the plate at the edge of the pool.
“What? You started it with guessing what turns me on.”
“It was just a joke!”
“Okay, and I told you the truth.”
“You definitely shouldn’t be saying shit like that to me.”
“Too late, already did, so I think we could take it even further,” he shrugged and you couldn’t hold back a laugh.
“Oh, you are something else, Harry Styles, you know that?”
“That didn’t sound like a no to me,” he grinned, moving just a tad bit closer, but still respecting your private space. “I really want to kiss you, Y/N,” he bluntly added and you knew it was the wine talking from him, sober Harry wouldn’t have said those words out loud, but it didn’t fail to make you feel dizzy and weak.
“That’s not gonna happen now,” you shook your head.
“Okay, if not now, then when?”
“You are so annoying,” you laughed again. “You know what? You can kiss me when Love On Tour officially ends,” you joked.
It was a genuine joke. Anyone would have known you didn’t mean it, but it was Harry you said it to and the moment the words left your mouth they burned into his memories forever.
“Alright then,” he simply said, splashed you and then swam away.
That was the beginning of 2022. You slept off the wine and though you never forgot you said it, you didn’t keep track of the promise you initially made.
Harry did, however.
Not one day went by without him thinking about those words and it was the only reason he was looking forward for the very last show of Love On Tour.
He’s been acting weird, probably since about Vienna. With two weeks until the end of tour and his break, your workload hasn’t gotten less so you couldn’t really care about his weirdness, but when you’re out for dinner in Barcelona with the band and some other crew members and two rounds of drinks have been consumed already, you finally acknowledge the change.
“Hey, you alright?” You poke your elbow into his side, stealing a fry from his plate. Shrugging, he pushes the plate closer to you.
“Just thinking.”
“About what?” you ask, snacking on his leftover fries.
“The end of tour.”
Freezing you instantly remember to that one conversation in his pool. You peek at him and find him already looking at you with a gaze that burns right into your heart. Clearing your throat you turn back to the fries and pretend like you don’t remember the promise you made.
“Just two more weeks and you’re free.”
“That’s not how I see it.”
“Mmm,” you hum, but don’t dare to look at him. You can feel his eyes on the side of your face, but luckily, before he could bring up anything specific Mitch call out his name from across the table and you’re relieved. For now.
It’s almost midnight when you all head back to the hotel and you and Harry somehow end up at the back of the group. The elevator is too full for the two of you to get in as well, so you wait for another round. While you’re still ignoring to look at him, he is very much only looking at you, it feels like.
The elevator returns and you get inside, but Harry pushes the button for the top floor.
“Hey, that’s—“
“I want to show you something,” he hold up a hand.
The top of the hotel has a rooftop bar with an amazing view of the city, the perfect grid of the streets, it’s breathtaking.
“I knew you would like it,” he smiles, leaning against the railing next to you, with his back towards the view, as if he was way more interested in seeing you than the city.
“Because you know me so well,” you chuckle softly.
“I do,” he answers quietly. “We have only four more shows.”
“Mhm,” you nod, eyes glued to the view in front of you.
“The final show of Love On Tour is in ten days.”
“I’m glad you keep track of the shows so well, I feel like I’m not even needed anymore,” you joke with a chuckle, but when you finally look at him you know why he is bringing all of these up.
“Do you remember what you promised would happen when the last show finally comes?”
“You do,” he simply says. “I know you as someone who keeps her word.”
“It’s… Harry, that was never a promise, I was just joking!”
“None of it is a joke to me, Y/N.”
You roll your eyes, but hate the effect his words have on you. Like your whole inside is on fire, begging to just give in finally, to end this years long game and act on the feelings you’ve been pushing down so hard all this time.
Sighing you cross your arms over your chest. You want to make fun out of it again and say that it was all just about a kiss, but you know, you both know that it would never stop at one kiss, that it’s bigger than that and it would consume you fully if you let your walls down.
“This seems like a big mistake,” you tell him honestly. “What if it goes wrong and… I lose my job… and you.”
Your voice breaks at the end and you can’t look him in the eyes. You’ve spent endless nights thinking about what would happen if you gave in and it all went downhill. Your job might be the last thing on the list of worries, what really scares you is to imagine a version of your life without him because.
It would break you.
“Being scared of the wrong outcome will keep you away from the best things in your life, Y/N.”
“Did you just call yourself the best thing in my life?” you try to joke, but he just gives you a look.
“Don’t think about the what ifs, if you get there, you’ll figure it out. You always do. We always do.”
“This is not that simple,” you shake your head. “You know it’s not that simple.”
“But it is,” he chuckles, but you keep shaking your head. “Figuring out my feelings has never been this simple.”
There’s a heartbeat of silence when not even you know whether you’re about to give in or not and for a split second it actually feels like you’re breaking, but something pulls you back last minute.
“No. And we should be heading back, you have a show tomorrow. You need to get some rest.”
You step away from the railing and start walking back, but when you notice that he’s not coming you turn around and see him staring at the city this time. Opening your mouth you’re about to call out for him, but then change your mind and let him be, walking back to your room.
When you see him again in the morning he doesn’t bring it up again and you’re convinced he won’t bring your promise up again.
The last show has everyone all over the place, you’ve been running around since about six in the morning, picking up people, making sure the hotel check-ins go smoothly and everything is exactly how it should be. The day feels like a whole week, but the excitement and bittersweet sadness that’s been wrapped around everyone is what keeps you up on your feet still.
But the real weight of the last show hits the moment it finally starts.
This is the time when you have nothing to do so you watch Harry perform every night, meaning that this is the 169th time you’re seeing him take the stage and perform just as perfectly as he did at the first, the fiftieth and one hundredth show. He always gives his absolute most. Not just at his shows, but in his life as well. That’s one of the million reasons you fell for him.
Medicine has everyone dying, all 100 thousand people out there and then Harry starts giving his speech that’s extra long this time, talking about how grateful he is for everything, for his fans, his friends and family and it’s one big emotional mess and you can’t help but cry a bit as well, watching from the side.
“The last two years of my life, the last two years of this tour has been the greatest experience I could ever ask for…”
“I see it, the love, in how it’s affected all the people around me, continue to affect people. It does not end with this tour.”
“I love you, thank you so much.”
Screaming rolls over the crowd as an answer and you expect him to go on with starting As It Was, but then he starts talking again.
“There is one more thing I want to say tonight. I have learned and experienced so much in the past years. I will be forever thankful for the memories we’ve made.”
There. He said we, he switched up his narrative. That’s how you know he is not talking to the crowd. He is talking to you.
“If this is it, if it never goes beyond this, I would live a happy life. With you forever in my heart. But if we ever take it further, if we ever take the risk and reach for the stars and we might fall… just know that I will always be here for you. You can never lose me. No matter what. I love you.”
You suck on your breath, covering your mouth with your hand as you stare at him stand in the middle of the stage, staring out ahead of him, the crowd screaming for him, oblivious to the one sided conversation that just happened between you and him.
As It Was starts and the show carries on towards the end, but you’re still frozen in that moment and when the show ends and you watch Harry drop to his knees on the stage, you know things will never be the same.
Backstage is like a tornado once the show is over, the band walks off the stage and Harry is following right behind with Lloyd by his side, but when he sees you standing still in the middle of the madness, he drops out of the conversation right away and stops a few feet away from you, letting you decide where to go now.
“You promise?” you breathe out, your throat closing up. “You promise I will never lose you?”
“I thought that was clear by now, Y/N,” he replies, his chest still rapidly rising and falling. “But if you need me to actually say it, I will. You will never lose me, no matter what. It will always be you and me and I know you’re scared, but I’m—“
He doesn’t get to finish, because you’re already throwing yourself into his arms and kissing him.
It doesn’t matter that the whole crew bursts out into screaming and whistling, that you’re giving a second show with the way you get lost in each other, because in your little bubble it’s just you and Harry and everything that’s been building between the two of you.
Every joke, every teasing comment, all the stolen looks and suppressed feeling that was never acted on is now free, they all burst out of your chest and into the electricity that’s snaking around you as you keep taking more and more of him, hungry to make up for the past years.
The clapping dies down when you finally pull back, forehead resting against his, his hands holding you so tight as if he was afraid you might run away any moment.
“You kept your promise. I knew you were trusty, Y/N Y/L/N,” he chuckles, pecking your lips softly again as you laugh at his words, finally opening your eyes to look at him.
“Actually I feel like I kissed you. I promised you could kiss me, so technically—“
“Shut up, you’re already getting on my nerves,” he laughs, kissing you over and over again, so your promise is actually fulfilled. “Can’t wait for you to do that every day for the rest of my life.”
“I thought that was part of my job too, have I not been doing that?” you tease, lips moving against his as you speak.
“You have, but you can take it to a whole new level now,” he laughs, pulling you against him before letting you go and popping the bubble, though his hand never lets go of yours, not while everyone congratulates him, not when the final show celebrations start and not when he pulls you into his hotel room to end this journey of Love On Tour with you by his side, but also start a new chapter.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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Going on rollercoasters while being an Archive Of Fear is an... interesting experience. I wait in line and feel my own fear build, but as soon as it starts, it all dissipates. I feel the screams of each person behind me translate into each individual fear. One with the fear of a malfunction, a screw coming loose, someone with a fear of the drop itself, someone fearing getting stuck upside down...
On the ride photos, I notice I stare right at the camera, as if Im just taking in each curve and bolt and shake of the ride.
I do enjoy them though.
J. Sims, thrill seeker (?)
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borderline-culture-is · 4 months
bpd culture is i love you more than any meaning love could have. i love you so much that every single star and all their children combined couldn't create enough force to show the love i hold inside my body for you. if every bird were to sing upon my request, their song couldn't describe how my love for you feels. i could scream and laugh and cry a billion times, and it still wouldn't be enough because the way your love makes me feel is transcendent of anything that could ever be. your love feels like a new universe. you make my soul settle. you make my heart warm. you say my name, and it sits so perfectly in your mouth. you are the only thing that makes me feel human. you taught me what love was. you taught me what it meant to be happy. i am so grateful, unimaginably so. im so glad i met you. i think i will love you forever. i wish you could've made me another cake for my birthday, did you remember it? i wonder. i have yours in my calendar. it's purple colored. my bedsheets are teal because of you. i miss the sound of your laugh. i miss your eyes. i miss you and the way you made me feel, even though it was such a rollercoaster of emotion. even though i hurt you, and i hurt myself. even though it was so dangerous and disgusting and terrifying. i wish we could've met under different circumstances. i wish you knew how much i want you to hold me like you hold your children every day. i imagine you rocking them, kissing their little foreheads. i think of the one that has your eyes, and i think of how i held him when you visited. how you don't know what's been happening in my life, and i have no clue what's happening in yours. i wish you knew how delicate you've made me. i wish you knew how hollow i feel these days. i want to say your name and have you answer. i think of you so much, my angel.
ive written another one boss
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im back hehehehehe could i get some headcanons of like. dating mischa. or ricky- either one- i <3 them sm
dating mischa and ricky
pairings: ricky potts x gn reader, mischa bachinski x gn reader
warnings: mentions of the rollercoaster disaster
a/n: i’ll give you both because ily liz <3
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Ricky Potts
okay so
he’s really sweet!!
100% randomly comes to your house and signs something like “wanna go stargazing”
you WILL say yes.
when you’re stargazing he doesn’t actually look at the other stars, because his star is beside him <3
you best believe his cats love you
they love you more than they love him
sometimes they just walk straight past him to get to you <3
i like to think he has a thing for noses, so when he’s close enough he’ll just lean in and kiss it so gently <33 or poke it
i feel like he gets tired really easily and stays up until like 3am
and because he loves you and he feels comfortable with you he leans his head on your shoulder and falls asleep!!
during the cyclone disaster, my man was holding your hand so hard and trying to keep you (and himself) from falling out of the cart
long story short it didn’t work and you fell together
back to the sweet stuff!!
you know all of the zolar lore and characters and give him stickers for his crutches
between classes he runs (runs??? he gets to you as quickly as he can with his crutches) and hugs you so tight
calls you the most random things ever
turkey-chicken-leg, monkey-love-drop (ofc <3)
im sorry but he would have called you kitten at one point. joke or not he 100% would have once. someone had to say it
i do think he’d call you love though
he loves you!! so much!!
penny aka his bestie has had to listen to him talk about you for hours
he’s very clingy!! constantly touching you in some way or is always near you
lightly hits you with his crutches when you say something outta pocket or questionable
your parent(s) LOVE him
he has that “anything for you love! <3” mentality and your parent(s) can tell this!! they know hed do anything for you and it’s why they love him!!
omg binge watching movies that take place in space with him <3
he gets so absorbed into the plots and points out every little thing
he’s so cute
will CRY (happily ofc) if you learn sign language for him
oh!! you’d also have a way to communicate from across the room if you can’t speak directly
like you’ll be visibly uncomfortable or tense and he’ll give you a concerned look or something to ask if he needs to come over there
i think he would be really protective, glaring at anyone who makes you uncomfortable and sometimes protectively putting a crutch or arm in front of you
incorrect quote!!:
Ricky: you want some leftovers?
Y/N: what are leftovers
Ricky: you’ve never had leftovers?
Y/N: no, im not a quitter
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Mischa Bachinski
dear lord
the most overprotective soul ever
has body slammed ocean for looking at you weirdly…
will fight someone for you
just ask
also has that “anything for you love! <3” mentality but it’s more aggressive like “ANYTHING for you, love.”
oh he definitely uses you as an armrest
i like the idea of him and his s/o having a mean/nice dynamic
he’s mean to literally everyone except you
he’s also the type to put things on a shelf you can’t reach just so you have to ask him for help
sometimes he just picks you up in the middle of class and runs away while the teacher is screaming at you guys to come back
only listens to you
ocean: mischa no!! | mischa: mischa yes!! | y/n: mischa no | mischa: mischa no.
writes autotuned songs about you
okay but like imagine being his sweet sunshine s/o and one day someone pisses you off enough that you actually yell at them and he’s standing there with his jaw dropped and eyes widened
whispers over to noel “i love them.”
noel whispers back “i know.”
randomlt shows up at your house
if he can’t get in through the front door he scarily climbs through your window
secretly the little spoon when you cuddle during sleepovers but don’t tell anyone
smiles into your neck, but pretends he doesn’t even though he knows you can feel it <3
it someone talks smack about you
they mysteriously disappear that night
and when they come back they don’t even look in your direction again
he’s actually very sweet with you!!
holding your hand, cupping your face, whispering sweet little nothings in your ear <3
brings you alcohol on your birthday…
incorrect quote:
Mischa: *kicks the door down looking panicked*
Y/N: what did you do?
Mischa: nobody died
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after some recovery time, so as not to be so heartbroken, these are my thoughts on the final episode that i wrote as i was watching it, but that i was too sad to post yesterday:
(apologies in advance for how much i had to say)
- muriel is literally adorable
- maggie rn: 🖕🖕
- lmao that one demon who just turned around and was like, yeah alright, i'll leave
- look at crowley's pleased little grin he's so cute
- hello??? so he was a hiGH HIGH angel, like he was important af??? i really hope that's explored more in season 3
- god aziraphale is so soft and sweet, he just wants to stay in his bookshop drinking hot chocolate all day
- yes he is Crowley's Emotional Support Angel, thank you very much
- Crowley, Prince of Heaven. it has a nice ring to it ngl
- omfg crowley's little shoulder punch to muriel, he's like a big brother 😭
- hajsnshdhdh stop i LOVE crowley, his laugh is literally my favourite thing he's so proud of Az
- "it's a cardboard box, it's not going to bite you" ICONIC
- ooh. beelzebub and gabriel have a bit of thing going on don't they? "you're perfect 🥺" "gently 🥰". are they going to be... A Thing?? cause i ship it
- also aziraphale putting his hand on crowley's arm please my heart can't take this
- "i've had quite enough of this. you will speak, one at a time" YES AZIRAPHALE I LOVE YOU. AND CROWLEY'S PROUD LITTLE SMIRK 😭
- "you know Alpha Centauri's nice, always wanted to go there" *exchanges soft glance with aziraphale* SCREAMING
- him and aziraphale needing 'us time' 😭😭
- nina, to maggie: "you're not helping angel" ANGEL. LIKE THE SAME AS- IM- I CANT
- hA yes you TELL him nina and maggie, he is in love with aziraphale and they both need to come to terms with that
- holy fuck. he's about to make a love confession. glasses are off, emotions are bared. this is going to be painful though i can feel it
- oh no. no no no please no
- no no no crowley is begging this is all going wrong
- jesus fucking christ crowley's about to cry my heart can't handle this
- just the two of them. 'us'. please please please.
- "i- i NEED you"
- no please there's so much more to say. don't leave aziraphale please dont.
- "i forgive you." "dont bother." im sobbing i cannot cope with this
- god crowley watching him is so heartbreaking, because he looks nonchalant but he was HOPING AGAINST HOPE THAT AZIRAPHALE WOULD RUN TO HIM
- no. dont step into the lift.
- stop the song is so sad but also really funny
well, my heart is in pieces. so that's nice.
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cxsmic-reactions · 2 years
How would the companions react to riding the nuka cola space rollercoaster?
(p.s im so glad your back! Your my favorite fo4 blog)
Companions React to riding the Nuka-Cola Space Rollercoaster (+GAGE)
Once the Nuka World Roller-coaster, finally got electricity and was fixed up. Sole wanted their companion to go with them and try it out. While some of them are fine with it, others aren't. 
The short answer was NO. No matter how many times Sole asked Cait it was a straight NO. But with a few bottles of beer and a bet of 150 caps from Hancock. Cait strapped herself into the rocket. For the first few seconds Cait was fine but when the machine started moving forward. Suddenly 150 caps weren’t enough but it was too late. And with that, the ride took off taking Cait with it. While Sole was laughing and cheering, Cait was clawing at the machine while screaming. Seeing Cait freak out Sole immediately takes her hand to calm her down. Without hesitation, Cait instantly calmed down followed by a blush. Soon after the ride was over and they arrived at the beginning again, Cait screamed, “One more go!”. It's gonna be a long night.
Roller-coaster? This is something that she read about in the lab a long time ago. She always wanted to ride a roller coaster. Some of the scientists that she worked with used to talk about the Nuka World rollercoasters every now and then. Which made her wish she could experience one. But that was all before she got her new body, so she could definitely experience that now. And with that both of them got onto the coaster and shot off past the coaster doors, speeding through the coaster, Curie was so overwhelmed with such happiness. She didn't know what to do, either cry, laugh, or scream. So why not all three. Even though the coaster started only minutes ago it felt like seconds to her. Begging to ride one more time they went off again. After the third time, Sole got off spinning while Curie kept going. She was so happy!
Absolutely not. This was a firm no. There was no getting around it. The fact that Sole would even ask a question like that, and the fact he was even entertaining it by answering them was even crazier. But a drunk Danse was completely different. He was faster jumping on the roller coaster than Sole was. Though it was absolutely hilarious to see Danse so excited on the coaster, the one downside was that Danse throw up halfway through the ride which got on the coaster railing. Hopefully, Codsworth could clean it up later. Once the coaster was over Danse wanted to go around again but Sole got him out of the coaster and got him to bed. Geez.
This is an obvious answer YES! There is nothing this man will not do. So the fact that Sole had mentioned it, he was already there. Even before Sole. In fact, Deacon had already ridden the coaster twice by the time Sole had brought it up. And of course, he wouldn't mind going with Sole this time. Jumping into the coaster with Sole the coaster started as soon as they buckled in. The coaster then sped off. With this being Sole's first time they shrieked with wonder and surprise as the lights flashed and the aliens battled. So to not ruin Sole's experience Deacon acted shocked and he also pretended to be surprised. Once the roller coaster ended they both got off happy that they got to experience it together.
HOLY FUCK YES. We all know Hancock was down for absolutely anything. Hoping in the rocket with Sole in between his legs, he took some jet and they were off. Feeling the rush of jet and the adrenaline. Hancock cried tears of joy. He has never felt such a high as this one. But all things must come to an end. So holding a screaming Sole in his arms while the ride came to a close, he got an idea. He wouldn't tell anyone, but this was probably one of the best days ever since he discovered he could make BuffJet. Coming to a stop Sole got out but before they could help Hancock out, he was off again. Leaving a hearty scream and an empty jet canister behind. 
ABSOLUTELY! There was no way in hell he was gonna pass up this chance. He strapped in and even before Sole could get in Mac ordered the Mr. Frothy to press go. Shooting off like a rocket all anyone could hear and see was Mac smiling and screaming with his hands in the air. By the time the rollercoaster was over Mac still wasn't ready to get off. He had to go around 5 times before Sole gave up and left. But Mac was none the wiser he just kept asking to go again. Maybe later he will ask Sole to join him.
Well, he wasn't entirely against it but also not entirely for it. He mainly got on just to ease Soles' constant begging and bribing. He gave Piper his hat and sat down next to Sole accepting his fate. Shooting off Sole looked at him with a huge smile. He smiled back but his smile soon turned into a loud scream followed by laughter and then more screaming. He was having fun but this still scared him. Minutes go by of this same emotional cycle. And once it ended Sole smiled brightly and thanked him. Even though he was a little scared at first, it was really fun, and seeing Sole happy made it 10x better.
She was a little on the fence but it took very little convincing from Sole to do it. Plus maybe she could put this story in her paper. Maybe something a little positive to give her readers. So she strapped herself in with Sole not too far behind and waited for the ride to start. As if on cue the ride shot off before she could even finish her thought. This was probably the most fun she's had in years. This was such a crazy feeling. She never felt joy and fear at the same exact time before. The pits in her stomach were knots the whole time and she couldn't help but sweat through the palms of her hands. But in the end, it was all worth it, she enjoyed it so much that she might have to bring Nat to try it one day.
He was super nervous about it at first. It's not like he has a fear of heights, it's just that he doesn't like being up high that long. The highest he was fine with was the castle wall or even the window at the Museum. So this was a bit of a bigger task he was quite ready for. But with Sole's constant reassurance and their hand on their shoulder, Preston felt okay and ready for anything. Strapping into the coaster with Sole right next to him, he closed his eyes to prepare but before he could even start... BOOM! The coaster shoot right off instantly without hesitation Preston began screaming at the top of his lungs with Sole laughing right next to him. Which felt like seconds to Sole felt like hours for Preston. He didn't stop screaming until the coaster stopped completely. All he could say was never again as he left the coaster.
There is no shock with this one. NO! There was absolutely no way that X6 was going to sit his ass on that rollercoaster. That was until Sole was made the leader of the Institute and anything they order he had no real choice but to follow. Even though secretly he would have gone but he's a courser he has a reputation to uphold. So with that both Sole and X6 strapped in and enjoyed the ride. While Sole was happy and screaming, X6 kept his face completely straight. Though on the inside he was screaming like a schoolgirl. After the ride Sole got off and walked away, along with everyone else, heading back to the Fizz Top for dinner. X6 stayed and hid until he knew everyone was for sure gone. Once the coast was clear X6 ordered the Mr. Frothy to start up the roller coaster. Jumping back in the coaster went around again and again until he was tired of it. If only Sole knew...
Absolutely the actual fuck not. FUCK NO. There will be nothing that will get Gage on that damn roller coaster. Not unless he had a gun pointed at his head, and even in that case he would still say no. So if that's the case and he feels that way, why the hell is he sitting next to Sole on the coaster waiting for the ride to start. This wasn't how he wanted to spend his night, he just couldn't remember how he got there. And then he remembered CAPS. Mags Black. She had bet him 3,000 caps that he wouldn't ride the coaster and wouldn't scream. So here he was sitting on the coaster with Sole while the other raider bosses stood and watched. Shooting off like a rocket they were off, zooming through the ride, which made it harder and harder to keep his composure. Letting out a small shriek he quickly covered his mouth. Soon coming back into the platform again Mags glanced at Sole and before they could say anything Gage kicked them. Sole waving off Mags and letting her know that Gage won. She tossed Gage the bag of caps and left with a puff. Before Gage got out Sole snatched the caps back with a smile and said "I wasn't gonna say anything about you screaming but since you kicked me, I think I'll keep this." Gage just shrugged and nodded his head. Well, at least he had a little fun.
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This was requested by Anon. I hope you enjoyed it it's been a little while since I've made these so bear with me guys :)). Thank you so much for requesting and let me know if you guys want more. <3<3
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formulawonu · 2 years
seventeen & amusement parks
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prompt: how svt would be with you at an amusement park (thanks to this)
a/n: im back…. svt brainrot still alive and kicking. imagine going to an amusement park with seventeen that would be so fun :/ btw i take requests for reactions or small blurbs so hi carats please be my friends!!!!!!
seungcheol: he would act like he isn’t scared at all then start giggling the moment u get in line to ride something 🥱 screams his ass off during the ride itself and says it wasn’t that scary right after fml he’d buy all the ride souvenir pics tho
jeonghan: would get u to ride a rollercoaster even if ur scared asf then when he notices ur freaking out he would start saying stuff like “this is fr just 5-10 mins of ur life it really won’t last forever if u wanna conquer other things u have to conquer this first” just so u could focus on bickering with him instead of being nervous :( then after the ride he’d be all “I TOLD U IT WASNT THAT BAD U WERE WORRYING FOR NOTHING” then gives u a tight hug bec he’s proud of u anyway. man is so confusing but i love him
joshua: byeeeeee he’d get u to ride whatever rides he wants to ride because 1) hes paying 2) he just has the ability to reassure u that ur gonna be fine until ur already strapped in and can’t ask to get off the ride anymore. he'd be the type to check on you in the middle of the ride and ask u if ur ok. its giving spongebob and patricks "are you feeling it now mr krabs." also praises for u for going on scary rides tho. tricky man pt. 2
junhui: he’d be so game to do anything and ride anything!!!! u for sure have two day passes or something bec i feel like junhui would really take his time exploring the whole park and trying out as much things as he can. also bad news for u if u hate haunted houses u are for sure going to one with this guy
hoshi: 100% peer pressures you into riding all the rollercoasters or gets u to sit at the back of any ride. im sorry u signed up for the Real Amusement Park Experience™️ the moment u chose him to go with u. he'd be all "why did we bother going if we dont go all the way!!!!" and yes u do have matching headbands or hoodies. let him live his life <//3
wonwoo: he’d honestly say yes to most rides for the ~experience~ and will just love watching u freak out or scream. imagine him sitting beside u then smiling/laughing at how nervous u look. him telling u ur gonna be fine,…. imagine him throwing his hands up during a ride and having fun. i think im going to cry pls id so want to be beside him on any ride JUST ONCE
woozi: plz respect his time ,,, pick max two rides THEN GO HOME! u know what maybe two is pushing it pick one and be grateful he even came 😪
minghao: PLS HE’D BE SO FUN AT AMUSEMENT PARKS HE’LL RIDE ANYTHING WITH U!!!!????? he’s also just laughing the entire time and not complaining abt the heat or the lines. if he finds a ride he rly rly rly likes he’d ask u to line up w him again just so he could experience the feeling once more. also ur staying for the fireworks no questions asked
mingyu: im sorry but ur gonna have to force him to get on any ride that doesnt stay on the ground. the mans height has unfortunately made him afraid of anything taller than him. u guys would have cute ass pics though <//3 he'd also go food tripping with you and carry u on his shoulders if the situation ever had to call for it like watching the parade or smth??? idk why but he would do it anw just needed to put it out there
seokmin: ANOTHER SCARED ONE. however hes waaaaay easier to talk into riding rides with u as long as u can reassure him every five minutes that he’ll be fine and deal with his nervous jitters as the line gets shorter and shorter. he wont shut up lmfao so if ur also scared its just both of u scaring each other until u get on the ride. would be funny when u look back on the experience tho jsdkfhsdf u also have matching headwear w him and he's singing to the songs playing all the time
seungkwan: omfg he would be so nervous lining up for any ride. “That thing just creaked i swear” “what are the chances of this ride stopping in mid-air?” But would love love love the adrenaline that comes with rides. I honestly think he would love the teacup ride in disneyland dont even ask me why. would also befriend kids on the rides/lines with u
vernon: he is really there for The Vibes™️ but dont get him wrong he would be screaming his ass off on diff rides i can already imagine his face xjenfjtngk he’s trying to find where the camera is on each ride so he knows when to pose lmao
dino: im crying why is he that friend u have that is so excited to ride all the rides then pukes after the first one and has to sit down and drink water to recuperate after hxjsnejdnc but he'd be so fun to be with and he'd make u laugh all the time. would take pics with all the characters roaming the park
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jesssssssssica · 2 years
the way i loved you b.c & m.m
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ben was perfect.
a gentleman. someone that would laugh at all my stupid jokes and would hold the door open for you.
someone that understands everything i’m saying, someone that makes all your friends feel single and lonely.
he’s just so perfect.
he opens my door and i get in his car and the only words he mutters are “you look perfect tonight”.
i know i couldn’t ask for anything better.
but at the back of my mind is mason.
the mason who would argue with me for hours in the pouring rain and yet we could still passionately kiss each other as if we were two perfect lovers.
the mason who would make me feel like i was sat at the front of rollercoaster, all the highs and lows i would experience with him that would make me curse his name to the heavens above.
the one that would make me so in love that i was on the verge of insanity, but i gave him all the love i had in my body.
ben is wonderful though.
he respects me and my time, never being late to anything and always having time to push everything aside for me and my stupid facetimes.
he’s even charmed my mother, bringing her flowers every time we see them, even if we’re just popping in for something, he’s just that sweet. he even talks with my father about football and how everything’s going, my dad always butting in and joking about how his teams doing better.
i know i should be head over heels in love with ben but i can’t just ignore how much i miss mason.
i miss the screaming and the fighting, the passionate kisses we would share. i miss his stupid laugh and his stupid face. i miss him.
only mason would know, as i sit at the dining table bens hand in mine, that the smile i’m sporting is fake because im not feeling anything, not like how i felt it with mason.
he was so wild and adventurous and crazy and so frustrating and intoxicating and complicated that he was addicting.
because i miss him in a way that i never knew i could.
and that’s the way i loved you.
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cloudcountry · 9 months
i created my own ikemen wrapped for 2023. this is how i feel about the routes i played by the end of the year!!
this isnt spoiler free so tread carefully!!
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im sorry jean you would have had a higher rating if i DIDN'T play your route. i'm mostly neutral towards a lot of them but i ADORE the top four. it becomes even funnier when you realize that the top four are the only ones whose routes i have completed.
i played isaac's route twice, shakespeare's route twice, vincent's route once, and arthur's route once. i started comte's route only to drop it, and i am currently on jean's route!! i did not diversify my suitors at all JAHSJASGHD
a memorable thing about each suitor i played this year:
one thing i remember about isaac is when he started to fall in love with her, the scene in the church when he tied that ribbon in her hair. i nearly choked when he called her darling, he was smiling so sweetly and holding her so close. it was such a tender scene.
( honorable mention to that certain fanart i was tagged in so many times that the op called me a true isaac lover or something along those lines. it made me really happy that so many people, even people i didn't know, knew how much i adore him. )
for will, my most memorable moment of him was when i realized i loved him after playing vincent's route. i hadn't cried that hard over a character's misfortune in a while, but will's always been good at giving me a rollercoaster of emotions.
( honorable mention to vio calling my love for will blinding, ive thought about it a lot ever since she said that C: )
my most memorable moment of vincent was when he tried so hard to make mc genuinely smile on her first few days in the mansion. he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable so he tried his absolute best to make sure she could be herself and be happy. he really is an angel.
for arthur, it is one hundred percent his apology to mc for almost biting her. i've never seen him look more like a sad puppy in my five months of playing and honestly, it was so nice to see him reflecting on his actions and actually being able to admit his feelings (since we know arthur isnt the best with that.)
( once again, honorable mention to my enemies to lovers arc with this man. he's really not as bad as he appears, he is one of the most tender hearted and sweet men in the whole game. give him a chance if your heart allows it!! )
even though i'm not done with either comte's or jean's route, comte's most memorable moment was when he called the mc strong in chapter one. it was nice too see someone acknowledge her situation and try their best to help her instead of biting her. side eye.
and on that note, i'm sorry jean but your most memorable moment is the only one that made me angry. i hate that he bit her and i hate that the writing just skipped past it like it meant nothing. im blaming this on the writing itself because i believe jean's route is a good route so far, but it would have been so much better if it had a different beginning. but if i pick one that was actually wholesome, i'd say whenn he took her to the field of lilies and said the flowers were very her.
i started playing on july 2nd, 2023!! and what a journey it has been ^^
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my first route was yves!! i wanted to play licht's first but people talked me out if it because his route is HEAVY!! i ended up playing rio's, then licht's, then nokto's, then i played about halfway through clavis's before keith's route was released. i played keith's route twice and then hopped back over to clavis, and i'm currently finishing up his route!!
a memorable thing about each suitor i played this year:
when mc chased after yves when he was leaving for obsidian just to tell him she loved him i was SCREAMING. i remember really admiring how much strength it must have taken to go to the kingdom that abandoned you.
for rio, it was 100% the discussion he had with nokto about how he doesn't want to be with mc because he might put her in danger by being with her, but ultimately he can't help himself. that was such a good insight into his character.
licht's route was. intense. and because of that it was packed with moments that i agonized over. but overall, i think what nokto told mc about how the closer she got to licht, the more she was hurting him stuck with me the most. it really showcased the bond between the twins and sent a knife through my heart :C
i actually forgot i played nokto's route and skipped right over him, and that probably says a lot LMAO oops. honestly i thought his route's pacing was weird but the romantic ending was very cute. the most memorable moment from his route wasnt even a cute one HELP!!! when mc straight up slapped him for no reason and he was like "oh so slapping me helps you huh??" and she was like " :(( no...." and then they made out like WHAT!!!
clavis is also a very memorable person, and after spending a lot of time analyzing him i know why so many people love him now. something that really stuck with me was his philosophy on government and how the current ruler decides whats right and wrong. i think the same about people in power so it was nice to see my sentiments reflected in a prince.
oooh its time for my favorite prince!! keith also had a lot of memorable moments and ive been sitting here for like ten minutes trying to pick out the best ones.
for nice keith, i'd say the moment when he told mc he would try his best to stop saying "a guy like me" and "i'm sorry" over and over. it really touched me because i know how hard it is to break that habit and it made me really happy when he said he'd try ^^
wicked keith was such a TEASE but the most memorable moment with him was when he and mc went out to that cafe and he actually answered a lot of her questions. i know that may seem trival but it felt like a sigh of trust to me and that felt really sweet.
( honorable mention to the scene were they gave mc the earrings they picked out for her during the christmas event, i actually cried. )
i started playing on july 11th, 2023!!
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my first route was kyle ash and honestly i'd say for a guy i don't like romantically his route was very memorable. he's a great first route and if anyone is a bit indecisive as to who they want to pick i'd definitely recommend him!! ANYWAYS moving on, i played harr's route next, then edgar, zero, jonah, then i tried playing ray's but he was being stinky so i started lancelot's route.
a memorable thing about each suitor i played this year:
like i said, kyle had one of the best route i've ever read. listen to vivi aka the ikerev authority people. i remember lots of bits and pieces from his route, such as his determination to keep people alive, his pig goo, mc making him soup so he wouldnt drink himself to sleep, his gentle care for her once he figured out he liked her, how he pointed out the full moon and told her she could go home and was happy when she chose to stay, how he waited until everything was over to let her know how he felt, how he DIDNT DRINK on the night he wanted to make love to her, OUOTUOROUGUOUROHGH IM TELLING YOU HIS ROUTE WAS TOP TIER. but the thing that stood out to me the most was how him and mc worked together to save amon, and furthermore, to uphold kyle's principles. it was so heartwarming when mc told him to stick to what he believed in (even if i wanted to punch amon's teeth out during that scene)
i would keep talking about kyle's route but i have to move!! on!! because harr's route was peak domesticity. the first time he took his mask off in front of mc is one of my favorite moments (i actually did a happy little dance when i saw the other half of his face ehhe) because it shows such beautiful trust in her and arghgougohugo INSANE.
the most memorable moment of edgar's route was absolutely when he was so hesitant to let alice hold his hands, but when she takes them so comments on how warm they are. it was such an emotional moment because edgar was definitely feeling very complicated but alice was still there for him. i love them together :((
( honorable mention to vio saying i was alice reincarnated when i talked about that scene were they were all calling sweets evil LMAO that made me very giddy ^^ )
( second honorable mention to edgar asking mc if she thought pickles were a wolf in sheep's clothing??? weirdo. )
i was intrigued by zero all the way back in harr's route, and i started to really like him during edgar's route when he was trying his best to protect mc, which was really sweet. absoLUTELY the most memorable moment in his route was when he was fighting against the magic tower and he emerges from the rubble with an injured arm and a smile, just to tell alice "i'm home." i was crying like a BABY. zero i love you. please marry me.
jonah's route is a classic and a fan favorite, and i can see why. he starts out being arrogant and hell (and its irritating tbh) BUT he melts so quickly under gentle love and care. anyways, the red army routes seem to have a theme of giving up your position for what you believe is right because it happened like three times okay!! and jonah became a "traitor" to the red army just to protect alice. it was him and her against cradle and i will NEVER forget that.
lancelot's first impression was really bad but after playing all the red army routes and finally, his own route, i've grown to like him a lot. what really sticks out to me about his route is when he takes mc away from the dance floor because they're being stared at and they have a heart to heart. he tells you a single white rose would suit her or smth along those lines and when i looked up the meaning and saw it meant hope and renewal i DIED.
i started playing on july 27th, 2023!!
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my first route for sengoku was mitsunari, then kenshin, then kennyo, then sasuke, then kanetsugu, then yoshimoto. the only routes that didn't bore me to death at the end were mitsunari's, kennyo's (i was actually shocked when the route ended, it felt like the perfect length to me), and sasuke's. i can't speak for yoshimoto though since i just started. i feel like ikesen has a tendency to reallyyyy stretch out the routes but maybe thats just me.
a memorable thing about each suitor i played this year:
mitsunari was such a good first route for me, and the most memorable part of his route was definitely when he challenged nobunaga for mc. not only was it unexpected but i was so proud of him for betting so much on his plan AHGRHGG mitsunari my beloved.
kenshin's route was crazy but EASILY the best part was when mc rode into battle with an army of her own to stop kenshin from FLATTENING the country. she kicked ASS and earned the title "goddess of war" for what she did and that was so cool of her.
i played kennyo's route because of the parallels between him and kenshin and WOW i did not regret it. his route was phenomenal but the most memorable part was when mc and him buried the bell that kennyo had kept with him to remind him of all the lives he felt he was at fault for losing. it symbolized finally letting those people have their peace, and furthermore, kennyo's inner peace. it was beautiful.
sasuke really got me when he THREW himself into battle with kenshin after kenshin lied about him and mc liking each other. sasuke's desperation to let her know that he couldn't stand her being with someone else made my heart RACE. it was so nice to see a suitor finally being on the more "selfish" side.
kanetsugu's route had the Wonderful experience of mc carrying a head!! a decapitated head!! and while i'm sure he has a lot of cute moments (one of them being when he told mc he loved her and she FREAKED OUT) I CANNOT GET OVER MC PICKING UP A DECAPITATED HEAD LIKE ITS NOTHING!!! shes a trooper.
yoshimoto's route gives you the unique (and memorable!!) experience of a warlord actually viewing you as a friend instead of an enemy!! (keep in mind this is coming from someone who has only played ONE oda forces route. im constantly on the "enemy side" oops) i thought his mindset was very refreshing after months of "oh nooo we cant see each other we're enemiesssss"
i started playing on july 27th, 2023!!
this took me so long to write oh my goodness. it was fun though!! im thinking about how all of this information is only five months worth of playing so i dont know how im going to handle TWELVE MONTHS PLUS A NEW GAME but i'll figure it out. i might leave the fandom before then idk!! who knows!! but anyways thank you if you read my thoughts i love sharing them even though i know its a lot hehehe
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toxic-lullaby · 2 years
「What the older brothers do for Valentines Day」
When they’re not trying to undo a curse, that is
Pairings: Gn!Mc x romantic/platonic!brothers
Content: Food
[A/N: I wanted to post this a lot earlier since it’s probably not even Valentines day for a lot of people rn but like tumblr crashed then deleted like 3 paragraphs and formated the post all wonky and the whole 9 yards. Also levi’s part deleted like 3 times so if it seems lazily written, that’s why. Despite that i hope you can enjoy :3]
If you are in a romantic relationship he would get you something traditional like a box of chocolates, a bouquet, and a bottle of wine wrapped in a ribbon of your favorite color, maybe a card with a special note written on it.
He would reserve a table at Ristorante Six for you both, finishing the evening by listening to one of his many records together. Oftentimes, his pride gets in the way of him letting you know how much you really mean to him but he’ll try his best to open up to you today. Cherish this, he cant even admit he loves his brothers, you’re special.
If you have a platonic relationship, you, him, and Lord Diavolo can spend the day together. He would still get you a gift don’t worry. Pretty much the same but a bouquet denoting friendship, yellow roses, mums, or sunflowers and maybe not chocolate but instead one of your favorite snacks, or cupcakes from Madame Screams.
This would probably be a time when he would tell you one of his stories about Simeon or Lord Diavolo. Even though he hasn’t known you as long as the others, he still cherishes you and holds you as near and dear as them. He won’t say this out loud but the avatar of pride doesn’t just spend his free-time with anyone, that in itself is a sign you are loved.
If you’re in a romantic relationship, i hope you like being spoiled. He may get you a flower or two but his main gift would be a gift basket. You know those gift baskets people make for special occasions with all the candy, hygiene products, clothing and a teddy bear? That’s what you’re getting
If he has the money (which is rare), he’d take you out to Devil’s Diner. Whats more romantic than a diner? Maybe you can share a milkshake??👀
If you’re just friends and you’re down for a Harrison Porter marathon, thats how you two will spend your night. If you’re not in a movie type of mood, he’s more than willing to play blackjack or any other card game, at home or at his favorite casino
If you chose to go out, drinks are on him. Just don’t get too caught up in the free drinks you lose yourself, you need to be able to sneak back in the HoL, after the incident you two aren’t allowed to go to the casino on weekdays
If you’re in a romantic relationship, bless you, he has never had a romantic experience like this, he is a mess. He was overthinking for days on what to get you, but he eventually settled on the mini valentines day funko pops. Instead of getting you real flowers, he got light up flowers that you can keep forever because they will never die.
Makes a little minecraft world for you with a special rollercoaster than shows you fireworks and little structures he built for you. (if the sakura update was out already he could add those but alas). I promise this is more sweet than im describing it lol. (credit to @/Kashii.cos on tiktok for the minecraft screenshot)
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Don’t think that valentines day makes him less of a shut in, he still is but he cleaned his room extra good for you and layed down a nice quilt so you don’t have to sit on the floor.
If you’re in a platonic relationship, you two are still gonna have an amazing time. Did someone say co-op video games?? On top of those, you’ll also play fun sleepover games like justdance and the tsl board game.
If you’re into nail art, MAYBE you can convince Levi to let you paint his nails, watch out for Asmo though you’re seriously stepping on his toes.
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altruistic-meme · 8 months
hey!! 🥳✍️📚
hi!!! 🧡
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
because there were stories i wanted to read but couldn't find!!! i had this specific idea of some story that i was really into, and i couldn't find anything even similar, so i decided to give it a try myself. ahhh memories :')
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
very simple and very chill, just sitting on my couch or maybe at my desk, some music playing quietly in the background (generally dependent upon the mood of what im writing!)
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
so many!!! i went a little ham on this bc im doing 3 different fandoms but I also limited it to 2 recs per fabdom so at least I've got a little control fjsjjf
Captive Prince:
anything by idratherhaveyou!!! I've mentioned them before I sure but their works are just INCREDIBLE. they are one of the few authors that I have genuinely checked their page for more fics right after finishing one because o simply scored their style and their plots and their characterization and UGH
also BIG recommend to "even in another time" by @irregularcollapse !!!! the amount of thought and work and care that went into this fic???? it's fucking insane. the story is gorgeous and had me on an emotional rollercoaster and I can NOT wait until they start posting "a storm that took everything" I am SO excited
All For The Game:
"quicksand" by likearecord !!! it's an incredibly fun fic and I definitely need a reread but I remember loving Kevin in it <3
of course, the 'paralyzed' au by major_816 as well!! i always rec this even though it hurt me so much :'))
Young Royals:
anything by @zee-has-commitment-issues is glorious and beautiful. I wss scrolling through my bookmarks to see which to recommend and I saw "the thing in the mirror" and even just that made me emotional bc i remembered how good and painful the story is and HHGHHHHH
finally, "did you see the love in my eyes, oh were you gazing through this disguise?" by @tooindecisivetopickaurl I adore a fake-dating au and this one hit so many marks for me i am still screaming about it fjjzjd
[ fanfic writer asks ]
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crowning-art · 2 years
How I'm feeling regarding the entirety of what I have read so far:
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Xie Lian said, quite matter-of-factly, “Didn’t you ask me to believe you? I believe you. That’s it.”
Me saving you is just me following my own principles, that’s all,” Xie Lian replied.
HE SAID IT!!! I saw a lot of art and stuff about this and I finally got to read it! It was so sweet thoo lmao Feng xin is so savage tho
Feng Xin piped up. “You said it yourself, you very much wanted to be His Highness’ f-f-friend!
LMAOOOO MU QING HERE!! My man here really said ya, so plan A is DIE and forgot there are 25 more letters of the alphabet 😂
Mu Qing was so full of spirit earlier, but now his face paled. He raised his palms, closing his eyes, looking as if he was going to smash through his own skull first before he got burnt to death, so he could die more straightforwardly.
Mu Qing opened his eyes again. “WHAT PLAN?
Loool them going from this:
“Will you both not air out each other’s dirty laundry at a time like this? What’s the point in hurting each other…”
To this:
Sweat rolled down Xie Lian’s forehead and he looked back. “Wait a sec, there’s no need to air mine out either?
Goushi leaves NO survivors lmaooo, def my fave dude ever
“I’m sure there’s at least a million vicious ghosts that have paid a visit to Mount Tong'lu,” Mu Qing said.
“DON’T INTERRUPT!” Guoshi exclaimed.
Literal chills at the whole battle going on but especially....
Since every one of Jun Wu’s strikes were aiming straight for Hua Cheng’s right eye!
“Xianle, did you actually believe that something like being pierced by the sword is something I have less experience in than you? Did you think I would care?”
Damnnnn I have no words
Jun Wu was expressionless, but his hand was ramming Xie Lian into the rocks like crazy, asking him repeatedly: “Does it hurt? Does it hurt?”
Guoshi exclaimed, “Your Highness!!!”
But, who knows who he was calling for.
Xie Lian’s bloody hands pushed against the uneven surface of the rocky wall, gritting his teeth as he roared, “…IT HURTS!!!”
It was as if Xie Lian had gone mad too, and he gripped Jun Wu’s arms, roaring, “I WON’T! I WON’T! I WON’T CHANGE!!!”
Even though the smashing was making him see stars, incomparably painful, he held this breath in stubbornly, refusing to give the desired answer at all, and cried out as he roared. “I JUST WON’T CHANGE! EVEN IF IT’S PAINFUL I WON’T CHANGE, EVEN IF I DIE I WON’T CHANGE, I WILL NEVER CHANGE!!!”
I'm just..... I cant....I love Xie Lian so much..this dude deserves the whole world and I'm just so emotional and proud of how far he's come and who he is as a person and he STILL Goss through trials and tribulations but look at how strong he stays in mind, body, and soul and the-
But Hua Cheng gripped his shoulders. “So what? They’re just millions of fools, they’re all useless trash! But for you, one person is enough!”
One person was enough?
Xie Lian hadn’t yet wrapped his head around it before Hua Cheng pulled him close.
Xie Lian’s eyes widened.
Spiritual power exploded and rushed in.
Those two bands of fetters, that had constrained him for eight hundred years, had burst and shattered!
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but the way the power of love is what helped them win lmao
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jjackfrost · 1 year
genuinely no better feeling than deciding to read something on a whim, only for it to completely alter your brain chemistry in ways you are unprepared for. i finished otnwas in 4 days because i literally couldn’t put it down i was severely suffering from just-one-more-chapter syndrome (and honestly how could i not with those cliffhangers) and have been re-reading my favorite parts over and over the past month. i can’t even begin to tell you how wonderful my experience has been, i love it so so so so much. i really felt like i time-travelled too because the way the hours were whizzing so quickly… what do you mean i was reading for 15 hours straight ??????
i’ve been stewing on how to properly convey the feelings i had for this story, only because it felt so much bigger than me that i struggled to find the words. otnwas has made a permanent home in my heart. thank you for bringing back the whimsy and magic i felt at 13 when i first watched these movies and fell in love with its characters.
the heartwarming brotherly relationship of jack and jamie, the slay of the century that was your majesty the snow queen, the rtte references!!, blizzard of 68 angst (how dare u..) the comedy, the chemistry, the MAGIC, the lore, the sweet and gradual romance between hiccup and jack (the slowest burn in history i was crying and shaking and ripping my hair out at the reveal) - seriously the rollercoaster of emotions i went through !!!!!!!!! giggling, kicking my legs, screaming, throwing up like the whole works ,, just unmatched.. i’m a mess i’ll be spending the rest of my days searching for the high that i had when i read this for the first time i’m so serious....
an enormous thank you for writing and sharing it with the world (and also for bringing me back into the hijack community) i’ll end this with my favorite quote ever from otnwas, though i have many but this is my top:
“it makes me wonder what time really is. if it’s linear, or if each moment exists in its own present… because then maybe a part of us will always be here… and this moment won’t ever end. even when we’ve moved on, i’ll know that there is still a jack and hiccup somewhere in the universe, existing just like this forever.”
wishing you lovely days ahead :)🌷🤍🌟❄🌙
MAN THANK YOU SO MUCH this was so nice to read 🥹🥹🥹 15 hours straight is actually kinda crazy, are you okay?
im glad theres so much in there you enjoyed (maybe especially snow, since i always feel a bit self conscious about including oc’s in fics. yet it keeps happening lol) and like ive said, ive been enjoying reading your posts about the fic 😆 the most fulfilling thing is to see it being talked about without me being part of the conversation haha
ALSO so happy you enjoyed that part specifically, because it is also one of my favorite scenes :’)
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
Wow this chapter was such a rollercoaster
First the video reader deleting it instead of using it against vision i was very interested to see which route you went with this cos on one hand vision should be punished for violating someone’s privacy that way but at the same time reader just doesn’t want to see it. I also wonder what readers paycheck looks like cos 800k is insane.
One of my favourite parts of the book wandas therapy. “Wandas resilience is a force to be reckoned with” damn right it is. Im glad calliope told her she’s a victim because what happened wasn’t okay and her feelings are valid because they absolutely are. This therapy session seemed one of the harder ones for wanda and i quite like it because it shows how recovery isn’t a straight line.
with the running club reader’s jealousy was not very discreet i mean the whole game thing as well trying to show her up then injuring yourself in the process💀(is it bad i kinda thought Valkyrie had something to do with reader not being picked to run in the marathon) and then Valkyrie pushing wanda to drink pissed me off i was screaming for reader to step in but oh my god they fumbled it. They didn’t have to say it like that man. Wanda’s struggles are personal she didn’t have to air it out to everyone its not fair to her when shes been putting in the effort to get help. Then what was said outside. I could’ve slapped y/n.
Sparky had me so scared i hate in booke and shows and movies when anything happens to a dog its so sad.
Now the juicy part
“It becomes perfectly clear to you that you love her and you never stopped. Not even then.” THANK YOU SHERLOCK YOU ARE THE LAST PERSON TO REALISE THIS. And then the kiss. Wow. I kinda expected it but im still shocked by it cos reader cheated. And poor wanda. “A hint of worry appears in wanda’s deep emerald eyes” she tried to stop it from happening and then the “this isn’t right” “you’re better than me” that just broke my heart. She can’t forgive herself (yet - i really hope she does one day). It just shows her growth because at the start she probably would’ve ran with it but now she’s put a stop to it even though it was probably so hard for her because shes still in love. Im worried yelena or nat are gonna label wanda a home wrecker even though she didn’t actually do anything in this case like i hope she doesn’t get treated poorly for reader’s decision.
Then yelena finding out. Reader was honest and told her immediately. And yelena reacted about as well as I expected her to. But and i hope I don’t sound like a bad person for this but i really agree with that other anon when they said what did she expect. I know that doesn’t excuse reader’s actions and im not trying to or invalidate yelenas feelings because her reaction is very natural. Im trying to say she jumped into this relationship with someone who was very emotionally unavailable. Someone who had a tragic end to a 10 year relationship and who didn’t have therapy to process that end. I think yelena was so obsessed with being with reader because of their past that it clouded her judgement to an extent (i say to an extent because she was cautious of wanda the whole time so she wasn’t completely blinded)
This brings me to the final thing something I could’ve addressed earlier but got way more complicated after the kiss. Natasha. Shes gonna kill y/n. Or wanda. Or both? Reader calling her earlier was sad because friendship breakups hurt so bad. At that point there was hope for fixing their friendship but i’m not so sure now because of that kiss. It sucks for reader it really does losing your best friend is one of the worst pains you can feel. I don’t feel reader’s completely at fault, for the cheating yes but I don’t think they should’ve been in that relationship to begin with. Yelena pursued them knowing what she was getting into and idk i kinda hope nat considers that part of it before she decides to cut reader out her life or something. Which is hard because yelena is her sister but she seems to forget reade is also her best friend ik its different for some people to some family is the most important to some its friends to some its both so its complicated.
Sometimes two souls are so intertwined that no matter the circumstances they just gravitate towards each other and there’s nothing any external forces (in this case yelena) can do about it. The heart wants what the heart wants.
Im eagerly awaiting chapter 17 i have been since you said reader would find out and oh my god seeing how this one went I absolutely can’t wait
Hey there!
The 800k will partly be covered by R's insurance. I looked into it and basically they have insurance for that? like, it doesn't exist in my country so i went with that. probably R will be charged a participation fee though, im not sure
For the marathon lottery, it really is a lottery when you join any of the world major marathon events (london, new york, tokyo, berlin, chicago and boston) with only boston that is purely by qualification time to join. so val had nothing to do with reader not being picked in the lottery.
This is the same scene where I initially intended the dog to die, but I couldn't bring myself to. Sparky will be fine, no more scares from this point onward
Yelena - yes, i agree with you even though i feel bad about it. i keep saying this but ive literally been in yelena's shoes, our difference is just i decided not to pursue the person. a year later, i learned that this person cheated on the girl she dated after me. so i dodged a bullet on that one. i always had a feeling that i was just second choice.
Wanda is so strong in this chapter but she's not going to magically turn into someone with the most self control in this story, but it's not going to be bad either..
Natasha is a bit indifferent to Wanda because she knows reader had the choice to stay away if she really wanted to. but anyway, i can't say much without spoiling some details
Whew that was long! but thank you so much for taking the time to give me your observations. I treasure each of them!
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