#thorin's favourite
shurikthereject · 1 month
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Uh oh looks like i procrastinated and made a new sketchbook spread, welp. Behold the fluffiest uncles with their adorable nephews and tiny Frodo with crazy bed hair.
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must-be-mr-boggins · 2 months
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It seems that most of my fave fictional ships favour this position.
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kateksmallcuteowl · 4 months
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Page 2/3 of my BagginShield comic.
New headcanon: Hobbits take Floriography (flower language) very seriously. Dwarves have NO IDEA of it existence. Thorin just really picked up the tiniest and prettiest flowers he could find, because he thought Bilbo will like them.
And, yes, that’s a quote from Shrek in Thotin’s line🌚🌝 Why not?
I’m still trying new things with the style and colouring here, so I’ll be glad if you let me know what you think of it.
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basil--and--sage · 2 months
*a few decades ago, somewhere in Ered Luin*
Kíli: Uncle! Uncle! Come quick! There's a monster under my bed! It's hideous!"
Fíli (in the bunk bed beneath him): why, brother
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nastiiuu · 9 months
I had a fic search request on my discord server for Bagginshield fic where Hobbits have tails. I was completely shocked that I couldn't find any, (searching the Bagginshield tag on ao3 for "tail" brings up some weeeeeird stuff!) but I realized that's because your Hobbits with tails art has taken over my brain and it just feels like there's a whole fic out there already! So, I was going through your Bagginshield works (🥰) and a random thought occurred to me...do you think consort!Bilbo would wear any kind of jewelry (or a braid?!?) on his tail? 🤩
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YES!! Thorin would absolutely make a bunch of jewels and rings and bedazzelmemts for Bilbo. And marvel when Bilbo wears them
Here are some more headcanons:
Hobbits wear their wedding rings on their tails since a lot of them are farmers and workers, so Thorin always makes extra rings just for Bilbos tail
When Bilbo is looking for Thorin he will subconsciously wiggle his tail so the rings make noise. Thorin always answers the call
Once it’s long enough Bilbo would wear a braid in his hair. Thorin likes to braid it. Bilbo learns to as well but keeps it to making Thorins hair pretty and fancy
After the journey Bilbo starts wearing much more simpler and comfortable clothing. Whether he is in Hobbiton or on court makes no difference. He sometimes will wear the fancy clothes for important events but keeps mostly to something one can move around in effectively
He constantly travels around. To the elves, to other dwarf folks, to the hobbits and back. Always documenting his journey and knowledge and sharing it with the world. As such he is very popular and gained some refined muscles. He still likes to have the belly and eat with a lot of hearth. But he is considered very strong and with an impressive stature for a hobbit
(The drwarfs see him more like one of themselves)
He has a little bit of facial hair grown. It’s not much and never will be much but it’s a little bit and Bilbo is proud of it
People think he always looks like he is analysing you and every situation. When he sits on court the nobels are always more careful with what they say bc Bilbo has a tendency to read everyone like a book and snap with the situation calls for it. Thorin thinks it’s funny unless the eyes are set on him
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bluebellhairpin · 5 months
Words cannot express how badly I want to be secretly married to Fili. Like imagine thinking you'd never be allowed to be together because he's a prince, heir to the greatest dwarven kingdom to exist, and you're you, daughter of a lowly wood carver. Imagine eloping right before Fili leaves to reclaim the mountain and having to hide your marriage beads from everyone. I can see the horror that overcomes the Company (especially Filis family) after they find out, realising you both never got to celebrate the bond with your families, and that you really only spent three days together as husband and wife before possibly never seeing each other again.
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conkers-thecosy · 1 year
To Our Bilbo Baggins...
Here's to our Bilbo Baggins, no matter what guise he wears. To our book Bilbo, our film Bilbo, our Lego Bilbo, our Rankin & Bass Bilbo. To our fandom Bilbo, and all the hats we give him to wear. To our confident Bilbo, to our anxious Bilbo, to our clever Bilbo, to our foolishly brave Bilbo. To our feral Bilbo, to our calm Bilbo, to our grumpy Bilbo, to our determined Bilbo, our sweet Bilbo, our always a little queer Bilbo. Master Baggins. Mister Bilbo. Professor Baggins. William Robert Baggins. Billy-Bob. Bella. Bilba. Bilbo.
Here's to the Consort Under The Mountain, who finds his happiness with his found-family in Erebor. Who hits his stride amongst dwarrow, and slots into place as an ambassador between the three surrounding kingdoms. Who takes tea with Princess Dis every Mersday at 4pm sharp, who trains with Dwalin, and learns to speak Khuzdul with Ori. Who works and sleeps beside his husband, supporting and driving King Thorin onwards to meet all of his goals and dreams for his people. Their people, together, united, content, and in love.
Here's to the confirmed bachelor that lives at Bag End, who returns from adventure, tired and heart-sore, and finds comfort in the sunshine of the Shire. Who works in his garden, grows his tomatoes, and sits outside the big green door with his pipe. Who writes songs and poems, who translates epic tales, and dedicates years of his peaceful life to spinning one of his own. Who takes in his distant cousin, who calls him Nephew, and shares a birthday with him each year, then leaves him to begin his own tales of adventure with a precious golden trinket he picked up many years before.
Here's to the Hobbit who falls somewhere in the middle. Who leaves the Lonely Mountain and returns to his books and his armchair, who plants his seeds and watches them grow, all with the company of another. A dwarf who might have been king, but for one reason or another, has decided instead to spend his days beside the company burglar, both of them in their idyllic reshirement. Sometimes they have a child of their own, sometimes they adopt the self-same distant cousin who calls them both Uncle, and sometimes it's just the two of them, but they are always together, and always at peace, at last.
Here's to Bilbo Baggins, who is forever changing in our hands, but who, at his core, will always be courageous, always be impulsive, and always do the right thing, no matter what it may cost him. Who will always be kind, always love a good joke, and always take pleasure in good food and song.
Here's to Bilbo Baggins.
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nikuttek · 1 year
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I wanted to draw Thorin with his post botfa scar because he's definitely alive and well.
(an alternative version with blood is under the cut since people wanted to see that too, haha)
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code-dy · 2 years
Holy shit i have the capability to draw things for my favourite fanfic authors!!!
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Here’s a quick sketch for that lovely author who wrote that absolutely lovely vampire thorin fanfic inspired by wwdits
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shurikthereject · 3 months
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The only way for me to express how much i love something is through art, but i cant express enough how much i loved objectlesson's (@alienfuckeronmain ) Living After Midnight . I won't spoil anything, but if you love fics with modern aus and misunderstandings, alongside incredible pacing and writing, then you will love this fic.
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curious-trickster · 2 months
To preface this, I am not trying to start drama or belittle anyone's personal tastes just trying to get others opinions. I personally do not like when people have Bilbo be called little one from a romantic partner and I was wondering if it's just me or maybe if it's authors whose first language is not English. To me it reads as a term of endearment for a child, first and only language is American English. How do you feel about that term? Is English your first language? What's your favorite term of endearment for Bilbo or do you not like any?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Kind of get what you mean.
I personally can't stand 'baby' or 'babe' as an endearment. Just feels wrong to me.
I am personally very fond of 'dearest', 'heart' or even a simple 'love'. And of course, the dwarfen endearments are always a nice touch.
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I think it's kinda funny how you can see if a The Hobbit fan is a book fan or a movie-only fan just by asking who their favourite dwarf is and why
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dizzyspice717 · 1 month
I just adore it when a normally powerful and generally stoic character becomes an absolute failure when it comes to the person they like
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
I've always loved how Thorin Oakenshield, this badass king who survived a dragon attack, fought Azog hand to hand alone, and led his people to safety, is also directionally challenged and has no concept of geological location. He shows up late all the time and everyone assumes it's because he's a king and he has to make a grand entrance but it's literally, canonically just because he got lost. Twice. It's very possible that Thorin was travelling to Bilbo's house with Fili and Kili to prevent this from happening, but he lost sight of them and they didn't even notice he wasn't with them until he showed up at Bilbo's very late and they were like 'oh shit it was our turn to supervise uncle Thorin oh fuck'
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Favourite Female Tolkien Character Poll - Round 3, Match 10
Today is the last set of polls for round 3!
The sister of Thorin, and mother of Fili and Kili. She lost all three of them in the same day, at the Battle of Five Armies.
Dís was the daughter of Thráin II. She is the only dwarf-woman named in these histories. It is said by Gimli that there are few dwarf-women, probably no more than a third of the whole people. They seldom walk abroad except at great need. They are in voice and appearance, and in garb if they must go on a journey, so like to the dwarf-men that the eyes and ears of other peoples cannot tell them apart.
Pearl Took
Quotation is from The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, letter 214:
A well-known case, also, was that of Lalia the Great (or less courteously the Fat). Fortinbras II, one time head of the Tooks and Thain, married Lalia of the Clayhangers in 1314 [Shire-reckoning], when he was 36 and she was 31. He died in 1380 at the age of of 102, but she long outlived him, coming to an unfortunate end in 1402 at the age of 119. So she ruled the Tooks and the Great Smails for 22 years, a grand and memorable, if not universally beloved, ‘matriarch’. She was not at the famous Party (SY 1401), but was prevented from attending rather by her great size and immobility than by her age. Her son, Fenumbras, had no wife, being unable (it was alleged) to find anyone willing to occupy apartments in the Great Smials, under the rule of Lalia. Lalia, in her last and fattest years, had the custom of being wheeled to the Great Door, to take the air on a fine morning. In the spring of SY 1402 her clumsy attendant let the heavy chair run over the threshold and tipped Lalia down the flight of steps into the garden. So ended a reign and life that might well have rivalled that of the Great Took.
It was widely rumoured that the attendant was Pearl (Pippin’s sister), though the Tooks tried to keep the matter within the family. At the celebration of Fenumbras’ accession the displeasure and regret of the family was formally expressed by the exclusion of Pearl from the ceremony and feast; but it did not escape notice that later (after a decent interval) she appeared in a splendid necklace of her name-jewels that had long lain in the hoard of the Thains.
Pearl was Pippin’s older sister. She was 27 at the time of the incident; Pippin was twelve. All his siblings had P-names (Pearl, Pimpernel, Pervinca, Peregrin).
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