#those are all domestic fluffy stuff so I'm very into that
majimasleftasscheek · 5 months
Quick! What's your current fav Kazumaji au you've made so far?
noooooo don't make me choose I love them all so much kldjkljdsflkd
if I had to pick, prolly the spirit!AU 👀 1) I love my bbygorl Ms. Hannya and 2) I really like imagining all the like major decision's Majima's made in his life having the backdrop of someone losing her mind trying to protect him but he's too stubborn to care about his own wellbeing
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layuhsblog · 1 month
Hi, I'm not sure if ur still open to requests (I'm so sorry if ur not >_<) but could u do some princess treatment with nct dream bcz I've genuinely just thought of them spoiling their gfs🫶🏻
its not too princessy and more domestic and 'nct dream as boyfriends'
reqs are still open, ask away babies
idk how to write diff stuff for diff members but i tried and i hope you like it. definitely very fluffy tho. and YEP THEY'RE DEF THE SPOILING THEIR GFS TYPE
warnings: very fluffy, suggestive at some places, very crack, a bit imagine based as well, i think i swore once? i dont remember, some members are too short I'm sorry i was having writers block also ITS LONG.
also cus its so long its unedited.
members drabbles under the cut
• I feel like if you're dating Mark, your house will never be quiet, whether its with his chaotic unhinged questions, his jokes, him singing or producing songs or just his playlists playing in the background. especially if you're the type to always need some kind of background noise while doing chores- he'll make you like a thousand playlists for every mood, every chore etc.
He'll even make you a personal playlist with secret songs only meant for you to listen, even if the lyrics are highly unhinged like;
"Yoyo my girls cookin, and she's hella goodlookin yoyo" just for you to laugh at his silly antics even when hes away for too long.
• I dont see him as someone who'll get you flowers cus I feel like he will get sad when they die. He'll stay up at night when youre asleep finding origami videos to make you paper flower bouquets. Each date a different type of flower. Even goes out of his way and googles what flower signifies what feeling, literally befriends a flower shop owner.
• He once called them at 4am to ask what flower means "I'm sorry, I messed up. Please don't break up with me." The phone hung up on his face ofc. Your argument was about mint chocolate and pineapples on pizza. You obviously wouldn't break up with him for that. (He hopes)
•You definitely have a specific closet filled w those paper flowers. He has never given you a handmade bouquet of your favourite flowers cus he plans on doing so when he proposes to you, hiding the ring at the bottom of the bouquet. AHH IM SOFT
•Personal Spotify, he'll sing you to sleep whenever you tell him to, whatever you tell him to.
•You once had an argument with him in public and he asked you how he can make you forgive him so you made him sing 'Welcome to Miami' infront on random strangers
•OH I FEEL LIKE. If you're on a picnic. He would take help from his members (the 127 hyungs. Dreamies are hopeless I'm sorry) and make you both a bento. Imagine your surprise when you opened the picnic basket and saw two lunchboxes one was spiderman and the other was hello kitty.
"Mark, this is so cute. But yknow I like spiderman too right?"
I've said this before and I'll say it again, Mark's the type of boyfriend to snatch a jar from you, tell you he got it and fail miserably. Most of the time when you DO have a problem opening a jar and you go to him..he gulps nervously.
"I, have to go to the bathroom. Be right back."
"Mark- ...you took the jar with you.."
You know where this is going.
"Baby, I know you asked Johnny to help. But thankyou! Yes you're very strong."
To sum it up, being with Mark is dorky and comforting and you love that man with all your heart.
•I see Renjun as the type to do princess treatment stuff with you together.
•Like Idk how to explain it- you both spoil eachother. Your nighttime skincare takes you both HOURS because instead of doing like sane people, you do it on EACHOTHER, explaining every step of your routine to the camera (the mirror) in a fake accent.
•If he sees you painting your nails, he gets offended because he's your personal nail tech.
I definitely see him as the type to tell you,
"Gurl, that watermarble is a disaster. Let me do it for you." and he does a better job than you.
"Silly girl, this is why you should always let me do your nails. Don't even bother."
•He's adorable, if its your birthday or you achieved smtn big at a job or at uni he would celebrate it with you. Decorate your room with pink balloons and stuff, get you a tiara and a sash- like a true princess, get you a pretty dress to wear. Click your pics and share it on his close friends story.
You love it. You saved that same tiara for his birthdays and achievements and crowned him your princess. CUTIES
•Allows you to do his makeup while you're sitting on his lap on one condition, you don't click pics.
Once he grows into it though-
"Hey! Blend that foundation properly, my neck and my face are two different shades."
You show your puppy eyes to him he's cracking. Lets you take as many pics as you want, doesn't say shit when you post it. He's soft for you.
•I dont see him as a very verbally expressive partner, he'll show you through his actions, like the one time a family member of yours was very sick and admitted in the hospital while he was on tour.
•You were continuously crying on call and it was late where he was. He knew you had trouble sleeping for a few days as you were staying at the hospital with them. He flew in to surprise you and had a mini date in the hospital cafeteria. He made sure you ate and you both took a walk around the building after dinner as he comforted you and gave you advice on how to deal with everything going on.
He stayed in the room, looking after your family member as you showered and slept soundly after forever. You felt bad as he was jetlagged and tired but he scolded you and forced you to sleep.
You woke up to the sound of the door opening and the nurse greeting your relative the next morning. There was a note propped up on the couch you had slept in,
'Had to fly back baby :( Call me anytime and I'll be there. My girl comes first always, I love you<3'
•Oh your family loves him btw, he had also got a get well soon card and a bouquet for your relative.
You were gonna marry this man, you were sure of it.
•Overall he scolds you when you don't take care of yourself and always puts your needs first before his and trusts you fully to do the same when he needs it, and you will<3
•This is so random, but I really see Jeno as the type of boyfriend who bakes for you?
•its just a you and him thing. When you started dating, you were at his dorm and got hungry and night. So he decided to make you a mugcake? It tasted like rubber but you ate it anyway ans reassured him that it was really good. (It wasn't)
•Y'all know that guy on tiktok who bakes for his gf?? THAT'S HIS INSPIRATION RIGHT THERE.
•Experiments each recipe on Jaemin before making you try it. Why do you think Jaemin hates strawberries? Its HIS fault.
•Yknow how...Jeno is so buff and sexy?? His favourite part of going to the gym is sending you post workout bathroom mirror selfies. (YES THAT IS SPOILING. SHUSH)
•He also definitely seems like the type to call you princess. If you hate that nickname? He doesn't care he'll call you anyway cus you ARE his princess. You eventually grow into it.
•Definitely the type to wake up no matter how late it is if you need anything. You're hungry? He's up and running ready to cook, go to the convience store or order food for you. Anything his princess wants. You got your periods? You think he already doesn't have your necessities stacked in the dorm bathroom already? Pads, tampons, everything- even if you're on cups, he'll always keep them ready for emergency purposes and incase the other dreamies have their girls over and they need it. Your bf is a gentleman yes. You love it.
•PASSENGER PRINCESS PRIVILEGE. You'll always be connected to the Bluetooth. You never have to drive ever in your life again. His favourite part of driving is you screaming out the lyrics of ur new favourite songs.
He will never tell you how tired he is of listening to the same song over and over and over again. Even if his ears feel like bleeding from listening to the same song again, he'll hold back his tears and just smile. He loves you but he's not a big fan of your music.
"You're so quiet babe, what's up?"
"Huh, nothing... just focusing on the road.. You keep singing, I love your voice hehe."
•Yknow how much it annoys him, youre testing his patience to see when he'll tell you to stop. He wont tho babe, he's getting tortured, stop please. (I unironically love that song)
•I think he's the most princess to ever princess which is why he's perfect at giving princess treatment.
•Also hes very clingy, wont leave you alone for even a minute.
•One time you were cutting fruit with a new knife you had just bought and cut your finger on it. He was so annoying with it;
"Hyuck, its just a small c-" He pecks your lips to shut you up and runs to his room. He runs back and to your surprise shows you a hello kitty band-aid. You laugh at that to which he pouts and claims that "it hurts less with this specific one"
Doesn't even let you wash the cut yourself. He washes it for you, puts antiseptic and lastly puts the bandaid on your finger.
He proudly admires his work and when you thank him he "kisses your ouchie" to which you cringed out for a solid five minutes.
•He's the type to say, "I GOT IT" to everything you're about to do.
Opening a jar? He's got it. Opening your apartment door after a date? GASP YOU JUST GOT A MANICURE, HE'LL DO IT. Reaching for the shelf to grab a mug? He's got his Johnny hyung to get it for you cus he can't reach it either.
•He absolutely thinks it's his job to make you laugh. You literally cannot laugh at another guy's jokes now. Mark is an exception tho, he'll fite you for Mark. How dare you not laugh at a stupid joke Mark made.
•Speaking of fite, He'll let you win all playfights. This is how you know shit is srs between y'all. Haechan is competitive. But he'll let you win. I know its an unpopular opinion.
•Especially if you don't have much in common with Haechan and start showing interest in gaming and ask him to teach you, he'll go very easy on you. Yknow, set his pride aside, let you win a lot of games before actually becoming competitive with you as well. Still he won't ever admit it even years after being together- if you have a particularly bad day, he would let you and not make it very obvious, even if you call him names and make fun of him for being a loser, he'll just have a lovesick smile on his face and stars in his eyes as you're doing a dorky winner dance for beating him.
The 127 boys are very proud of their maknae, he's surely grown a lot. You're both still incredibly immature but they love you together.
•Oh the only down side is you're always competing with Renjun.
"Blink twice if you love Renjun and Mark more than me"
*blinks twice*
"We're done."
•You love him too much to get mad at the fact that he still didnt choose you
here we go..
my bias wrecker.
•YOU CANNOT DENY He's going to be the best boyfriend ever.
•You want to put ribbons on him? he bought you those himself. the pinkest of pink ribbon for you to tie his hair, biceps, _anything_ with.
•He loves making you flustered.
•Will check up in you every second of the day.
"Did you eat yet? Slept properly? Drink enough water?"
•Nags at you like a mother.
•If you're studying for exam or just working from home in general he'll pop up to check in on you every five minutes with coffee, freshly cut up fruits, chocolates etc.
•If you're too busy to eat, he will pull a chair and sit beside you, stare at you while you work and feed you occassionally.
•When you're tired he'll give you a massage and draw you a pretty bath with rose petals and scented candles and stuff.
•He cannot say no to your puppy eyes. He loves cats but you're the reason he has three.
•Also the type to get jealous of the cats, AND you if you're not giving him attention. He doesnt know whether he wants to be at your place or the cats'.
•HE COOS AT YOU. A LOT. ANYTHING YOU DO. "AIGOOO MY BABY IS SO ADORABLE *insert incoherent wooing noises as he pulls your cheeks* and you're just there like- '🧍😀'
•If you're on a date, you don't even have to ask. He'll already have his camera ready, suggest you cute poses and click pictures for your Instagram. He'd stay up late to edit them himself.
When you're with Na Jaemin you cannot have a blank looking Instagram.
•Overall hes the sweetest and absolutely adorable but he also has a babygirl to take care of. (He himself is a babygirl)
•Another one to call you princess.
•I saw a reel of him asking his nephew for a kiss before handing him money. THAT'S SO ADORABLE OH MY GOD MY HEART HE'LL DO THAT WITH YOU TOO.
•Even if you're not the type to accept gifts or ask for money he'll MAKE SURE you get used to it because he JUST LOVES SPOILING HIS PRINCESS
•If you're going for a spa or to get your nails done or any type of self care activity and you DONT ask him to pay, he gets mad. he'll sulk, wont talk to you.
"What's the point of being born in a rich family and working hard to earn a living if my girlfriend doesnt want to spend my money?😔"
•He loves you so much. Every night when he does his skincare, you're sitting on the bathroom sink and hes doing your skincare as well.
•Another nagger who will ensure you're hydrated and wellfed, keeps track of your period.
"Open the door, I know you're on your period, I got you heatpacks, pads and chocolates. Let's watch Hamilton and cuddle."
"Lele, marry me."
"Pick your diamond, baby."
•But, we all know chenle is so much more than just a rich guy, he'll sing you to sleep and stroke your hair whenever you're stressed
•He may be mean and nagging and annoying sometimes but hes such a huge huge softie for you its crazy. Everytime you walk into the room, its all music and wind blowing and time slowing for him. Cliche lover boy and I'm here for it.
•He loves you so much, if you pout at him he'll be on his knees at your service doing anything and everything you tell him to...even aegyo.
•He also tries to learn how to cook for you. The first time he cooked, the food tasted like dish soap cus he thought vegetables had to be cleaned with soap.
•Eventually gets better and cooks very comforting meals. They taste like home, you love it. Yknow the type of food that's not too fancy but its warm and make your heart feel full.
•Thats also what loving him would feel like. He wouldn't go OUT and extreme but whatever he does is warm and fills your heart with love for him more everyday.
•Occasional flowers, gets you chocolates/cookies/ice cream everytime you hang out.
•Lot of movie dates, he'll always let you pick the movie. You'll always be the small spoon
•Oh he always pulls your chair at a restaurant. Also has a habit of putting his hand under your shirt and just holding your stomach when cuddling, makes him feel closer to you. Same with hugging, when you hug his hand peeks under your shirt so hes touching your bare back. It's nothing sexual, it's just intimate.
•He would always purposefully leave his hoodies at your place so you dont have to steal them. He's too shy to admit he left them on purpose. Also does it cus if you stole his hoodie, his poor heart wouldn't be able to handle it. It would probably combust into flames.
"You forgot your hoodie at my place."
"Oh shit, well its okay, you can take it. I don't wear it much anyways." and you're just there thinking,
'That's your favourite hoodie man, you'd rot in it if you could.' You don't tease him about it though. Its cute to you that he trusts you with his favourite hoodie.
•He's the type to be jealous of your plushies but then would also go out of his way to buy more for you. He gets sad if you buy new ones.
In his logic, if he buys them for you, he's the father and the kids will be loyal and know their place. But if you buy them, they'll be too greedy to share you with him. Oh please, he talks to trees don't tell me things like these wouldn't cross his mind.
•He loves it when you ask him to pay for dinner cus you usually split the bill. He realised he loves it a BIT TOO MUCH, makes him feel all alpha-protecter, big boy and would start demanding that he pays for dates more often.
Unlike Chenle he's cool with it if you don't like it, he'll turn it down a notch.
•He just wants you to be comfy and he'll always stick to his boundaries while also keeping an eye on you, making sure you're okay, comfortable and happy with him.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
hello my love <3 can i request fluff with lockwood where y/n is sick and she also has injury on her hand (something like lucy's maybe?) and when lockwood wants to clean it she's not happyy about that 'cause she only wants to sleep and he's like "i'm your fully qualified doctor, remember? you have to listen to me, love", btw i absolutely adore your stories, keep writing cause you're amazingg, mwah <3
a/n: of course!!! domestic lockwood is the best in my humble opinion. and im so glad you like my stuff so much, love you my dear <3 also taking this as an opportunity to apologise for the terrible titles for most of my fics i spend ages thinking but can never think of something good lmao
warnings: minor injury detail gn reader
Perfect - Anthony Lockwood
The library is the warmest room in the house, and by far your favourite, so it's no surprise when Lockwood finds you there, curled up on your designated armchair close to dozing. He smiles at you as he steps in, carrying a tray of something or other that he places down on the little coffee table before sitting in his armchair.
There's something about him today that makes you want to laugh. Maybe it's the way he's been mothering you all day because you're ill. Maybe it's the lack of Anthony Lockwood professionalism he has today, what with his crinkled hoodie and pink fluffy socks - aren't those the ones George has been looking for? He's so unlike his usual self today, but also inadvertently just like himself. A walking anomaly.
"How are you feeling now?" he asks quietly, as if your ears may explode if he speaks too loud. "Any better?"
"No better than I did seven minutes ago," you say with a laugh. "Lockwood, you don't have to keep a constant eye on me. You've got things to do."
"One of which being to take care of you," he says. "Which reminds me, are you finally going to let me take a look at that cut on your arm? It needs cleaning."
"I trust you with my life, but I do not trust you with the first aid kit. You'll shove half a tube of Germaline on it. Besides, I want to go to sleep, and here is cosier than my room."
He gives you a look, but it's halfhearted. "You can sleep once I've cleaned it. I've brought you some of your favourite biscuits and a brew in return."
You lift your head from where it had laid on your arms. "Doesn't sound like a very fair trade for you."
"Ah, I'll cope."
"Well, it doesn't hurt anymore. I'm sure it's healed amazingly and then I'll be back to my wonderful self in no time."
"I'm not leaving until I've at least taken a look at it. Then after that, you can have your tea and go to sleep." His grin is dazzling then. It's the kind he always uses when he's trying to get his way. "I'm your fully qualified doctor, remember? You've got to listen to me."
If you could be bothered, you could push for him to leave you in peace, but your head feels like it's full of water and you want to go to sleep. So, begrudgingly, you shift so that your arm hangs over the armrest of your chair.
The gentleness of Lockwood's hands as he takes your arm and slowly, carefully peels off the plaster you haphazardly placed on shocks you. His fingers are soft, holding your arm as if it's a delicate thing that could break at any moment.
He takes a minute to just look at the gash on your forearm. It's no longer than your index finger, cutting diagonally across halfway up, and it's still oozing some blood. The plaster is covered in it, and he deftly throws it into the bin before taking his little first aid kit from the tray he brought in. Its original purpose was for you to use it on him whenever he got banged up on cases, which was more often than not, but there's something strangely special about him using it on you now. It makes you feel a little giddy.
"You got this from a glass door, right?"
You're acutely aware of his touch as he shifts his grip so as to clean the cut. "Yeah. George knocked me into it by accident. I'm surprised this is all I got out of it."
His reply comes in the form of a quiet hum. As he cautiously cleans the wound, you watch as his brows furrow a little with concentration, creasing a little line between them, and his top lip twitches a little bit. A little quirk, you've noticed, when he's particularly invested in something. Usually, it's the latest gossip rag, in which he always loses sight of the real world, but now it's you. A small flutter arises in your chest.
He wipes over a small part of the gash, and you suck in a sharp breath. The sound makes him falter, the wipe hovering an inch above your skin as he looks up at you.
For a moment, then, you forget about the pain. Through his thick lashes, his eyes are brimmed with worry and apologies, but after insistence that you're fine, he continues to clean the fresh blood away.
"Let me put the cream on the plaster," you murmur. "You'll put way too much on."
He smiles. "Who's the qualified doctor here?"
"In all honesty, Skull is probably better at this kind of thing than you are."
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that."
But, even still, he passes you the tube of Germaline and a long plaster. A moment later, you pass it back, and with delicate hands, he places it over the gash. It stings a little, and you hiss at the sudden cold, but the feelings are gone before the minute is even over.
"Perfect," he says with a soft, private smile. "All sorted."
His hand lingers, still holding your arm, and you suddenly feel more awake than ever. It's as if the tiredness has just melted away into the cushions of the armchair and down into the floor with only his touch, and you yearn for him to not let go. To stay exactly where he is.
And, as if having read your mind, he does.
If someone were to walk in, the scene would be strange. You, curled up in your seat with your arm hanging over the armrest, head resting on your own shoulder, and Lockwood, holding your arm as if it's some valuable thing, and simply looking at you with those expressive eyes of his.
"How do you feel?" he asks. His voice is a little breathy.
You're trying not to focus on the feeling of his fingers slipping down your arm until they almost - almost - slot in between yours. You shift slightly so that your head is in a position that isn't causing a crick in your neck, and it only grants a better view of him. His dark hair glowing bronze in the firelight, the ever so faint freckles on his nose, the dip in the left corner of his lip that insinuates another smile.
"A little better." The words almost catch in your throat when his fingers curl around yours just so. They don't hold yours, but they're so, so close. You can feel his pulse - or is that yours beating wildly out of control? "Do you have any paracetamol?"
He takes a second to realise what you've just said, and his hand leaves yours as he rakes about in the first aid kit for the painkillers. Out of pure mothering ability, he pops two out of the packet and hands them to you along with your mug of tea. Not the nicest thing to swallow them down with, but it'll do.
"You need to be more careful on cases," Lockwood says.
"Tell that to George. He's the one who bumped into me." Then, you shrug. "I suppose I shouldn't have gone when I've got the worst head cold I've had in yonks."
A breathy laugh escapes his lips, and you notice how he's looking down at your hand.
It's a bold move, completely unlike you, but you reach for his hand, looping your fingers through his. His hand is warm and, yes, that's definitely your erratic pulse.
It takes a lot to catch Lockwood off guard, but that does the trick. For a moment, it's like he can't decide whether or not to look at your linked hands or at you, and you laugh at the sight of it.
"This is wholly inappropriate," he jokes. "Doctors and patients shouldn't do anything remotely like this."
You must be out of your mind entirely because you lean over and press a kiss to his knuckles. "What about that?"
The expression on his face reminds you of when the TV signal has gotten busted, and the four-person-army of Lockwood and Co, plus a glowing and crude Skull, are sitting around it angrily waiting for it to stop buffering. When the picture freezes, glitches a little bit, and buffers for even longer. You can almost see the buttons and wires in his mind, struggling to compute what you just did.
That's not to say you aren't the complete same. Truthfully, you shocked yourself with the kiss, and you sit here now, staring at the spot where your lips touched his skin.
You're ill, you remind yourself. Maybe he'll pass it off as delusion.
"Would you mind if I weren't your doctor for a little?"
Frowning a little, confused, you say, "No...?"
You've never seen a person move as fast as Lockwood does then. Before you know it, he's leaning over your entwined hands and his lips are brushing yours so softly, giving you room to move if it's something you don't want. But you do. You want it more than anything.
Everything seems to melt away at the moment you press your lips firmly onto his. The library, the fireplace filled with dancing orange flames, your horrible cold, the sting of anti-septic cream on your fresh cut. You're aware only of his lips on yours, his fingers twisted in yours, the warmth of his hand. Every nerve in your body feels as though it's about to combust. Your heart is practically beating through your chest. God, your hands are awfully sweaty.
Only a moment later, he pulls away, but his face stays so close to yours that you can feel his breath on your cheek.
You want to say something romantic, maybe something smart or snarky like you usually would, but all you can think of is, "You're going to get a cold now."
"It's just as well we have Skull, then, huh?" His laugh is soft and airy, and you could catch it between your lips if you so wished. "I'm sure I'll be fine."
His gaze flickers between your eyes and lips, and you're positive that if he weren't holding your hand right now, you'd implode in a burst of sparks and fireworks.
"Well, if you're so sure -"
Knowing where the sentence is going, he presses his lips to yours once more, and it's perfect.
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crackedoutwalnut · 2 years
Howdy! I was wondering if I could request a part 2 to Debris? It’ll be a year after the incident and WandaNat finally made a move on R. The three are dating and it’s still in the honeymoon stage. Overall just very fluffy, but the Avengers need Carol for a mission. Carol being back makes R a little jumpy because R doesn’t fully trust Carol alone with them unless there’s somebody else in the room.
Unless you already had an idea or weren’t gonna write a part 2 you can totally disregard lol. Have a great day/night :)
P.S. you write so beautifully! I hope to see more of your fics whenever you release them!! :))
Debris Part 2: Reconstruction
First part: Debris Part 1
Word count: 4k
A/N: I'm baccckkkkkk... sorry for the unofficial hiatus. I missed y'all a lot and decided requests were the best way to revive my blog. Also thank you to @theprinceofmarvel for the lovely request and the very kind compliments. Any appeals to my ego are always appreciated lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoy part 2 of debris! :)
After "The Incident," as you have come to call it, what happened afterward came in phases. First, you spent the majority of your days' training or sulking on Natasha and Wanda's couch. This lasted a couple of weeks before Natasha forced you out of your slump and back into the real world. She forced you to take a full-length shower because, according to her, you smelled like "rot and sadness." The comment would have hurt had you not caught a whiff of yourself as she said it. Next, she and Wanda took you out to eat something other than spicy chips and shredded cheese. 
The next phase happened subtly throughout those first couple of weeks and onward. Without ever formally discussing it, all three of you started to move your stuff into their condo. At first, it was small stuff like toothbrushes and pajama pants. Then, it progressed into blankets, most of your wardrobe, and miscellaneous decor. That was when they offered you their spare room permanently. All three of you knew that the idea of staying in your old condo, Carol's old condo, sent your gut churning with dread. 
The entire floor still smelled of her, still held little traces of her here and there. Everything from her favorite beer still lying in the fridge to her bottles of cologne made your chest twist up with a concoction of fear and aching want. They were like monuments to what the two of you never quite had in the first place: contentment. You realized that more and more when you observed Wanda and Natasha. From date nights to stolen kisses and inside jokes, you felt resentment overtake your previous sense of longing. Carol had never provided you with any of those things. When falling in love with Captain Marvel, there was no security or sense of domesticity. There was only a vague feeling of being dragged along and repeatedly put on a shelf. There were half-hearted promises and unfulfilling quickies when she was there and radio silence when she was not. Which was all too often.
That realization made way for the final phase, almost a year after The Incident. You had just returned home from a short-term mission to find your roommates waiting for you. If you had not known better, you would have sworn they were almost nervous. Wanda was fiddling with her hands, her dexterous fingers flexing and bending with unconscious habit. Natasha would have been the perfect mask of stoicism were it not for her subtle pattern of growing anxious whenever her partner was agitated. 
Wanda had shot to her feet, her smile warm and eager at the sight of you. "Y/n! Welcome back; how was the trip home?" 
You offered them both a grin of your own and settled down on the couch beside Natasha, "Exhausting, the turbulence prevented me from getting a nap in on the way back," you confessed. "Plus, my arms are killing me from having to scale that building." 
The assassin let out a sympathetic hum and rubbed your shoulder, "Well, you are home safe now, and that is all that matters to me." She glanced over at her partner, arching her brow in silent question. Wanda nodded as if knowing exactly what the woman was requesting. 
The witch turned back to face you, "Y/n, we were thinking of celebrating your safe return with a night out." 
Nat quickly added, "After you rest, of course, wouldn't want you collapsing on us, would we?" She teased, lightly nudging you with an elbow. 
"That sounds amazing." 
You remember that night as a whirl of noise, color, and bliss. The three of you danced, drank, and talked the night away, fully enraptured by the feeling of being beside each other. The look the two of them gave you whenever you spoke dripped with pure adoration and joy. You found yourself returning the expression tenfold. 
At the night's end, they took you down to an isolated boardwalk just outside of the city. The three of you sat, legs dangling over the dock in content silence. The water glistened in with the light of millions behind you as the city remained awake as if it, too, were waiting for what would happen next. 
Wanda spoke first, "Tonight was perfect," she turned to face the both of you, "you two were perfect." 
You grinned and reached over to grasp her hand, "I can't thank you two enough for this. I've never been happier." 
Nat smiled, her face growing more uncertain than you had ever seen it, "Speaking of happier, Wan and I were thinking that maybe we could take you out like this in a more romantic setting."
Your heart began to staccato in its cage. "What do you mean?" 
Wanda cleared her throat, "Over the past few months, I fear we have fallen a tiny bit in love with you, honey." 
You furrowed your brows in confusion, "But, what about the two of you?"
Natasha gave you an amused look. "We would still be together, sunshine. We would just be adding a new member, so to speak." 
"But after Carol, you can't honestly want to-" 
Wanda placed a hand on your cheek, effectively silencing you. "This has nothing to do with her. What the three of us share has never had anything to do with what she did to you, Y/n. You are not a charity project for us to repair; you never have been. You are someone we love and respect enough to want to spend every waking moment with you."
Nat spoke up, "And don't try and deny that you don't feel the same, darling. What we have shared over these past few months has been far from a casual friendship." 
You were choking on tears, your face cracking into a shaky grin. You nodded eagerly, "I love you two more than I ever thought I was capable of loving anyone. Your home, our home, has become my sanctuary, and I cannot wait to have you two as long as you will have me." 
Natasha stood and helped you to your feet, Wanda not close behind. Placing a firm kiss on your cheek, which the other woman mirrored, she chuckled, "Get comfy, sunshine; we'll be having you for a long time." 
To say you were happy would be a gross understatement. Every day you woke up beside your partners was a day spent in pure bliss. The three of you spent most of your days attached at the hip. If Natasha wanted to train in the downstairs gym, you and Wanda would not be far behind. If Wanda went to bed, the other two would follow. Currently, you were lying across your girlfriends' laps. Your head rested in Wanda's lap while your lower half lounged across Nat's. The witch watched the movie playing while gently massaging your head. Well-groomed nails scratched your scalp, allowing a content groan to fall from your lips.
Wanda smirked down at you, "I am that good, huh?" 
"You have no idea," you muttered in reply, eyes slipping shut. 
"You are absolutely precious, sunshine," the witch murmured, moving to trace the apple of your cheek. 
You grumbled in protest, however, made no effort to reply as you turned to bury your face in her shirt. The shirt in question was a well-worn SHIELD shirt you had stolen from Nat before Wanda inevitably snatched it from you. 
"Y/n, don't you dare fall asleep in the middle of movie night. You promised you wouldn't do that again," said Nat, shaking your calf slightly. She was met with the sound of your breathing evening out. She huffed, "I swear, I'm not carrying her to bed this time. She can wake up and walk herself."
Wanda gave her partner a bullshit look and glanced down at their girlfriend. "You and I both know you are lying, Nat. Look at her. How could you possibly leave a face this cute to sleep on the lonely couch?" 
Nat pursed her lips and sighed, "I can't," she confessed. Standing, she tucked her arm under the crook of your knees and along your back. She carried you across the room and down the hall as if you weighed nothing more than a gallon of milk. Mumbling sounds fell from your lips as you drew closer to the familiar warmth guiding you. Inhaling the comforting scent of maple and balsam, you buried your nose in the shoulder of Natasha's sweatshirt. 
The assassin tenderly set you onto the mattress and pressed a kiss to your temple. 
The next morning, your peaceful slumber was interrupted by an urgent voice above you. 
"Y/n, wake up; Fury called for an emergency meeting."
You groaned and heaved yourself up, "Can't it wait until later?"
Nat clucked her tongue, "No, that's why it is called an emergency meeting, sunshine." 
"Fine, let me get dressed," you dragged yourself out of bed and into the bathroom.
In the meeting room, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, an extremely hungover Tony Stark, and Wanda sat around a long table. Nick Fury stood at the head, nodding slightly as the two of you entered and sat beside Maximoff.  
"Thank you for coming. I just received word from a field agent that an old alien terrorist group has reformed and started attacking cities along the East Coast. They were subdued by Captain Marvel in 2015; however, it seems they have come back with more forces and better technology," he explained. "That is why all of you, along with Captain Marvel, will be spending all of your efforts as of now to take them out for good." 
You felt the blood in your veins ice over at the mention of Carol. You cleared your throat, "Um, I thought Car- Captain Marvel wasn't joining us on missions anymore?" 
Nick leveled you with a neutral expression, "Regardless of your history with Captain Marvel, I expect you two to work professionally. The better you two collaborate, the faster you can part ways." 
Nat sat in her chair, an outraged expression etched on her face, "I hardly think that is fair, Fury. After what happened, I don't think Marvel deserves-"
Nick raised a hand and spoke over her, "This meeting is over; I don't want to hear any more complaints about the details of this mission, am I clear?"
The assassin grit her teeth, "Crystal," she shot up in her chair and strode from the room. Wanda, sporting a similarly furious expression, followed close behind. You shot an apologetic look to Fury and scurried after your companions. 
"He should have let you know sooner." 
"I don't think there was any way of him knowing sooner." 
"That bitch won't be let anywhere near you," Wanda hissed; crimson light wreathed her clenched fists. 
"If this threat really is as serious as it seems, I don't think we have much of a choice in the matter," you muttered, teeth worrying at your lower lip. "I appreciate it, though," you reached to grab her glowing hand, allowing the fingers to unfold and the tendrils to dissipate from her palms. 
"We have your back, sunshine," Natasha assured, pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
Try as they might, the Avengers tower was only so big, and you could not stay with them forever. You were heading down to the communal kitchen the first time you ran into Carol. The three of you had your own kitchen in the condo; however, the public one was where Tony kept all his expensive snack food. Instead of foreign chips and gourmet chocolates, you were met with your ex-girlfriend sitting on a marble countertop drinking coffee. She wore an Airforce muscle tank top that would have made your panties drop only a year before. Now, the very sight of her made your body tense painfully. She hadn't changed; her biceps were still perfectly toned, her short hair slightly ruffled over her face as it often was in the mornings. Her body still radiated a terrifying power that nearly had you running back toward the elevator. 
"It's nice to see you again." The sudden comment rang out in the empty room like a gunshot. You nearly leaped from your skin, eyes locked onto her ever-intense gaze. You swallowed and nodded before pivoting on your heel to leave. "Wait!" You flinched at her tone and looked over your shoulder towards her. "How have you been? You look... healthy," you could hear the caution in her voice as if the wrong word would send you fleeing. 
"We don't have to do this, Carol," you muttered, eyes never leaving hers, watching for any sudden movements like one would an apex predator. 
"I want to," she replied quickly, "I would like to catch up with you." 
"Well, I have been busy with work; other than that, nothing special," you lied. You did not owe Carol the knowledge of your relationship status. 
She forced a chuckle, "Yeah, same..." It was silent for a moment before Danvers started to move closer to you. Panic grasped at you as you subtly moved back towards the door. "Y/n, I wanted to talk to you about-"
"Move any closer to her, and you will lose your head, Danvers," Wanda barked from the other entrance across the room. 
  Carol's face tightened with frustration; however, she quickly masked it as the witch made her way over to you. Your girlfriend wrapped her arms around your waist before pulling you in for a slightly possessive kiss. You smiled at her as she pulled away, her hand remaining on the small of your back. 
"Captain, I think you would find it in your best efforts to stay away from Y/n while back on Earth," Wanda advised, her tone frigid and stiff. 
"I was just saying hello, Maximoff," she replied, hands raised in surrender. 
Wanda angled her body in front of you as if to act as a wall between you and your ex. She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes, "Well, you have said hello. You may go now." 
"I will see you later, okay, Y/n?" Carol craned her neck over Wanda's shoulder to look at you. Your gaze remained glued to the floor as your girlfriend's hand grasped your own. Carol sighed and stormed towards the door. The moment the blonde was gone, Wanda whirled around, her hands cupping your cheeks. "Are you alright, baby girl? What did she say to you?" 
You offered your girlfriend a shaky grin and leaned forward to press a kiss to the corner of her mouth, "I am fine, Wan. She really was just trying to say hello." 
Wanda narrowed her eyes, "Well, she better keep herself away from you from now on." 
You giggled, "You're such a mother hen." 
"I think I am perfectly reasonable; now, let's go back upstairs." 
Wanda filled Natasha in on the events of that morning, causing the assassin to fuss over you just as your other partner had. "Sunshine, are you okay?" 
You snickered and glanced between the two women, "You are both ridiculous. I am fine."
"I know you can take care of yourself, but can you blame us?" Nat replied, pulling you into an embrace. 
"I am a grown adult who can deal with an ex-girlfriend without having a freakout." It wasn't a total lie, not technically. Even if you can't breathe when you come face to face with Carol, you can still navigate an almost civil conversation with her without sprinting from the room. 
"Still, if anything ever goes south with her, make sure to reach out to me in your mind. I will always hear you." 
"Thank you, Wanda. I love both of you so much, and I promise I will be fine with Carol around." 
You were not fine with Carol around. Not even close. Every time the two of you would run into each other, the blonde would attempt to corner you into a conversation. You would panic and make a quick excuse to flee the scene. All you saw when you looked at her was the look in her eyes that night she nearly shot a hole through your chest with her photon blasters. 
You became rather good at avoiding her until you decided to work out in the training room. It was late in the afternoon, and most of the Avengers were having a game night upstairs. Not really in the gaming mood, you wandered down to the workout facility, clad in a sports bra and tight bike shorts. Grabbing a towel from a rack near the front entrance, you wandered into the main room. Ready to head over to the treadmills, you were stopped in your tracks at the familiar sound of a photon blast exploding from a hand. 
It felt like a bucket of cold water dumped over you as the sight of Carol practicing her photon attacks came into vision. You froze. Your limbs locked up as visions of that night filled your vision. Her words, awful and hostile on her tongue, the feeling of debris covering your arms and hair. 
"..ey, Y/n? Y/n, are you okay?" You snapped out of your frozen state as Carol waved a hand in front of your face. You flinched and backed away from the woman. 
"Wh-what?" You stammered.
"I was asking if you were okay? You kind of froze," Carol replied, attempting to reach for your shoulder in comfort. She quickly remembered herself, however, and stuffed her hands in the pockets of her sweatpants. You glanced down at her hands, and over to the blast-resistant dummy she was practicing on. Realization seemed to dawn on Carol's face as she turned to look at the practice mannequin. "Fuck, right. About that night, Y/n. I wasn't myself, and I am so sorry. I never would have done that had we-" 
"I need to leave," you cut her off, stumbling away. You weren't ready to have this conversation. You never would be. Not with her. Not ever. 
"Y/n, please, we need to have this conversation. I have been trying to have this talk with you for days now. Your...Wanda and Natasha keep preventing it from happening."
"We don't need to have this talk. You want to have this talk. Now I need to go; Wanda and Nat probably want to know where I am." 
"Speaking of those two, why the hell are they so touchy-feely with you?" 
"A lot can change in a year, Captain," you muttered. 
"You cannot seriously be with both of them? What about us?" 
"There is no us, Carol," your voice shook as you worked to move away from her. 
"There should be, though. We were meant to be together, Y/n. I promise that night will never happen again. I will stay this time, for good. I will let you see that one friend. The one from that night."
"I don't need you to 'let' me do anything," you snapped, anger replacing your fear. 
"Of course, that is not what I meant. You know that." 
"No, I don't think I do know that, Carol."
"Can we just talk this out, please?" Carol stepped towards you, grasping your wrist. 
Panic coursed through your veins as you attempted to wrench yourself out of her grip. The might of Captain Marvel easily overpowered your efforts. "Let go, Carol. I don't want to talk anymore." 
"We need to talk about this. Please, we'll both feel better once we talk." 
"No! Let go of me!" You gasped, chest collapsing in on itself as you trembled in her grasp. You continued to stammer pleas before Carol dove in and erased the gap between you. Her lips were rough and overwhelming. Her heat was now foreign and hostile as you attempted to push her off of you. Air caught in your lungs, refusing to circulate to the rest of your body. You wheezed into the kiss and jerked your body in her grasp like a fish. 
Wanda, please. Training room, please help. 
It was moments before you heard the rumbling of two sets of feet stomping down the stairs into the training facility. Faster than either of you could react, Carol was sent flying across the room, her back colliding with the wall-to-wall mirror. Crimson light radiated from Wanda as she hovered above the floor, her eyes glowing with primal fury. 
Natasha raced over to you, pulling you into her grasp and forming a physical barrier between you and Carol Danvers. You burrowed yourself further into her hold and watched as dumbells, medicine balls, and treadmills floated from the ground and circled around Wanda's gravitational pull of power. She moved closer to Carol, who was desperately flailing in the woman's grasp. 
"I told you what would happen if you ever laid a hand on her again, Danvers," she roared. "I warned you that I would gut you if you ever came near her again."
"Let me go, Maximoff. It was a mistake."
"You might think you are tough shit. But, I assure you I could kill you in seconds without breaking a sweat." 
You whimpered, burying your face into Nat's sweater. The assassin shushed you softly and rested a hand on the base of your head, tucking you closer to her chest. "Wanda," she rasped, rocking the both of you from side to side as gently as possible. "Wanda, babe." 
The woman turned to face the two of you, her eyes still lit with an unnatural red glow. The tendrils of magic were wrapped firmly around Carol's neck and arms, causing her face to grow pale and sweaty as air escaped her lungs. 
"As much as I would love to assist in grinding her ass into dust, I don't think this is the best time." You let out a shaky sob; Natasha cooed softly and swayed you faster. 
Wanda's face softened, and the gym equipment around her crashed to the floor with a thunderous crash. The glow disappeared from her eyes, and Carol collapsed onto the floor. You felt your other girlfriend race to your side. 
Natasha let you go, allowing you to fall into Wanda's embrace. The woman muttered sweet nothings against your temple and laid kisses along the crown of your head. "Are you alright, darling?" 
You sniffled and nodded, "Can we get out of here?"
"Of course, I am so sorry." 
Natasha pulled away from the two of you, "Go to the condo and rest, both of you."
Wanda nodded and led you out of the room and into the elevator. Once you were out of earshot, the assassin turned to face an incredibly disheveled Carol. "Let me make a few things clear, Danvers. You will tell Fury that you wish to stay in a hotel for the rest of your stay on Earth. When you are forced to be around us, you will not look or breathe in the direction of either of my girlfriends. Are we understood?"
Carol nodded, her gaze locked on the floor below her. 
Natasha marched over to her and grabbed the woman's shirt collar. "She doesn't need or want you anymore, Danvers. We gave her everything you were unwilling to provide. She has moved on from your sorry ass, so I think it is in your best interest to do the same."
The blonde nodded, "You're right." 
"I know. Stay away from my family, Captain." 
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
I love ur choppy and nubbins stuff! My fave boys! If it’s not too much trouble may I please get a lil bit of x reader fluffy headcanons (separate) with em? All good if not I understand how it can be🫠 thanks anyway!💞
If you want fluff you came to the right place. I am an avid lover of fluff and I love writing it for y'all so keep it coming. I love these two baby girls with all of my heart and I'm glad other people do too. I also made these general relationship head cannons cause why not. Sorry they're kinda short I just couldn't think of much at the moment.
General relationship head cannons with the Sawyer twins (separate)
Warnings: It's the Sawyer twins so all of that kinda stuff
Nubbins Sawyer
He's a very touchy lover. Always wants his hands on you or your hands on him. Loves cuddling, hugging, kissing, holding hands, whatever else.
He loves showing you off to victims because I have a feeling that he doesn't get to go out of the house and in front of other people too often.
But he's always talking to his brothers about how much he loves you and how cute of a couple the two of you are.
He also loves giving you gifts. Most of the time it's random things from the side of the road or things from victims. Jewelry, animal bones, teeth, loose coins, animal hides, etc.
He loves spending time with you. He'll often ask you to go join him on his little trips around town and will have you sit with him and talk. Although he might do a lot of the talking.
But if you tell him that he's been talking too much he'll stop for you and will let you talk.
Just because he talks a lot doesn't mean he's not interested with what you have to say, he's just a man who talks a lot is all.
If you're smaller or the same size as him then you're free to steal any of his clothes that you want to wear. He doesn't mind and he loves seeing you in them.
If you're bigger than him then your closet is his too. He's going to steal your clothes and wear them. I can also see him putting his hands under your shirt just for fun.
Loves seeing you do domestic things around the house no matter your gender. It makes him feel like he's some normal guy with a stay at home spouse who takes care of everything else.
I also head cannon that the Sawyers have somewhat of a farm going on so they don't have to go into town too often so seeing you working on farm issues is another thing that he loves to see.
Chop Top Sawyer
Like Nubbins his biggest love language is physical touch. He honestly can't keep his hands to himself half the time and he just want's to constantly touch you.
Also loves spending time with you in general, mostly when it's listening to music together but any other kind of activities are fun too. He considers them little dates.
Will talk about you to all of the victims that come their way, also probably to all the corpses that they have laying around their cave. He just wants you to know he's not ashamed of being your boyfriend.
I feel like he still gets war flashbacks and has nightmares so you'll have to comfort him through those even though he says he's fine. Mental health isn't something they really talk about in the Sawyer house.
Now like Nubbins he also doesn't know when to shut up, but he'll always make room for you to add imput into his rants that he goes on. I feel like he does impressions of Drayton a lot like he does in the movie and he's pretty good at it too in my opinion.
Loves watching you get ready whenever you're going to go out. He doesn't go out often but if you wear makeup he loves watching you put it on and might suggest you put some on Bubba too.
He lovingly teases you a lot. It's pretty harmless and it usually ends with the two of you just cuddling together.
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beeisntevenhere · 5 months
Request Rules !
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I realised I havent made an organised post about my requests so here it is lol
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☆Fandoms I write !
Star wars
Hunger Games
Doctor who
I've seen lots of other stuff so jst ask and I'll probs have seen it
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☆ What you can request !
Character x reader - I can't really do M!Reader because I'm not very good at it but NB! or F! yes absolutely just specify, I will do heterosexual BxG, or Homosexual GxG, BxNB, GxNB
Character x Character - This one you can request but it depends on the characters and also it has to follow the rules
Angst - I can write angst although I'm more of a fluff person
Fluff - One of my fav tropes to write I really enjoy it and I love myself some hurt/comfort, i write found family alot so it's probably one of my best tropes
Smut - I can write it and I don't mind anything particularly kinky but don't expect it to be a 1. A masterpiece 2.Wayy too kinky, there are plenty of writers on this app that can write that better and happily so
Anything not too gory - I don't mind writing gore but I don't know if I'm very good at it, please don't come at me with some horror movie shit tho because I won't do that
Aus - Depends on my mood but overall I will write them
Headcannons - These can be fluffy, smutty, angsty idc I really like writing headcannons but please for the love of God don't ask me for headcannons of a characters private parts I won't spend that much time thinking about that
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☆ Things I won't write !
Noncon, Dubcon - nop
Incest - I feel really icky about even writing stepcest so no incest
Abuse - I won't write about said character doing it to reader or reader doing it to character, but characters talking about it for closure and stuff then yes, althought domestic abuse kinda of crosses the line been there done that.
Pedophilia, Zoophilia ect... - No. Althought some agegaps r fine but only if they're legal
Age regression or age play - don't feel comfortable
Watersports, scat, vomit
Drugs or being drugged
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☆ Other stuff
I won't write smutt of minors all the smut I write they're 18+ or in their adult timeline
I make take a little I do other stuff with my live and writing is not my only hobby
I'm more motivated to write certain characters than others so I might write those faster (they will be listed down below)
Constructive criticism is fine but only when I say I'm okay with it please don't give unwanted criticism
English is not my first language and althought I try to proofread everything I definitely miss some stuff occasionally so I'm sorry if there is any mistakes
I'm not a pro and I'm doing this for free so don't come at me being mean, rude, or disrespectful
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☆ At the moment I'm more motivated to write
Anything MHA/BNHA
Captain marvel
Any found family
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I don't consent to my work being posted anywhere else by anyone except me
I dont consent to my work being translated by anyone except me
I dont consent any of my plots to be used by anyone except for me
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☆ Any question you maybe have feel free to ask :)
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phanfictioncatalogue · 6 months
Sleepy Cuddles/Kissing Masterlist
A Cure for Hiccups (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan and Phil find themselves wrapped up in some late-night shenanigans. Based off of Dan’s Tweet: It’s nearly 3am and I’m trying to sleep and I can hear Phil hiccupping through the wall x__x it’s been four hours now
All I Want for Christmas (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan plans to spend the Christmas alone, Phil isn't going to let that happen.
Butterfly Kisses, Video Games and Cuddles on the Couch (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Just a cute, fluffy one-shot (to make up for all the sad stories I've been writing lately!! You're welcome!)
Can I Borrow A Kiss? (I Promise I'll Give it Back) (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Lots and lots of different kisses
Distractions (ao3) - your_starless_eyes
Summary: Dan's a bit anxious about his newest video, and that just won't do.
Gotta Get An Upgrade (ao3) - your_starless_eyes
Summary: Phil notices Dan becoming more and more aloof and obsessive as the tour continues on. He ends up talking to a high school in New Jersey's resident "stoner" after a fatal mistake is made on stage.
i'm bad at cooking (but not at loving you) (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: 3 times Phil tries to make Dan breakfast, + 1 time it actually works
It's U (ao3) - your_starless_eyes
Summary: Late night frustration and existential episodes are just a part of Dan's daily life by this point.
"I guess it's just another one of those nights / When I'll spend way too much time / On something so small that no one really cares about at all."
Languid Kisses (ao3) - Misha_with_wings
Summary: "I can't believe that this many years later I'm still so in love with you."
/fluffy smut/
Normality (ao3) - YourEyesHoldTheGalaxy
Summary: After long months of touring, Dan and Phil arrive home. And though all Dan wanted was to sleep in his own bed, he couldn’t fall asleep after sleeping in Phil’s arms for months. So Dan decides he’ll go sleep with Phil then.
Secret For The Mad (ao3) - your_starless_eyes
Summary: Sometimes Dan can't sleep.
Phil is more than happy to help.
Sleep well Little Lion (ao3) - Fluffyphanfics
Summary: Dan came back from Germany, and Phil is happy because of that. But he hasn’t slept well since he has depression. And since they haven’t been together since Dan left, they have a whole afternoon together but Phil was too tired and depressed because he was up all the nights depressed or waiting for Dan to wake up and smile a little again.
Sleepy Movie Nights (ao3) - YourEyesHoldTheGalaxy
Summary: Dan and Phil need a movie night in and maybe just maybe, it’ll be different this time.
Take a Break (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Phil is too tired to function because of tour, so Dan takes care of him (despite also being quite tired).
The Lovers (VI) (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: Dan, guardian of the forest, feels inadequate to love and of love. His best friend Phil loves him despite that.. but doesn't know quite what to do when Dan becomes a hypocrite- playing with both their feelings
the way he loves you (ao3) - deletable_bird
Summary: A collection of drabbles involving Dan Howell and Phil Lester in tooth-rottingly fluffy domestic scenarios.
Things you said with no space between us (ao3) - sinking_wthatship
Summary: 2009 Phan making out in Phil's bed. Smut ensues. It's very cute and cheesy and their first time doing 'stuff' and Dan can't seem to be quiet. Neck kisses, obviously.
Welcome home! (never leave that long again) (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan comes home from tour and stumbles right into Phil’s arms. He is more touch starved than he’d realised.
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circusrat13 · 6 months
Hot take. And probably not the one a lot of people would agree with.
We're all very happy that omens are renewed for season 3, and with the onslaught of very romantic fan content of the two, I got the impression that most people in the fandom would love nothing more than to see Aziraphael and Crowley together at the end of it all, white picket fence and adopted kids and all that jazz. And while I adore the fanarts and fics and everything about this ship, I wouldn't necessarily want to see your typical romantic comedy ending in the 3rd season. That would diminish their relationship and make it out to be just another ship that went canon, and that, frankly, would be hella boring. At least, for me.
Yes, we had that kiss, but was it actually a romantic kiss? Did Crowley actually knew what they were doing? In my mind, they did what they saw humans do, to make a dear person stay. And I think, since both of them practically genderless, it wouldn't be a far fetched idea to say that they're also (both of them) asexual creatures. Because... well, sexual drive comes from your genitals, doesn't it? And they don't have them. Probably. I didn't check personally. (Btw, sorry for assaulting your eyes with the g-word)
To me, that kiss meant love, but not sexual love and not even romantic love. It felt like something deeper and stronger and more complicated than those kinds of love could ever be. And to soil it with human-like "happy" ending would do it injustice. It's not your regular happy lgbtq+ pair, it's not your gay uncles, it's not your sappy melodrama. At least, I wouldn't want it to become such. Consuming fluffy and flirty and gay and all the domestic stuff content is ONE thing. But actually having that in the show? Nah.
That being said, I don't actually know what kind of ending would satisfy me, but I surely don't want them to settle down and live their lives as humans, nor I want their relationship to become your standard lovey-dovey stuff.
P.s. I know I don't reblog much omens, so you may not even be aware that I'm in the fandom, cause I keep getting my good omens fill on pinterest instead. And I don't know if my hot take is actually hot, maybe it's lukewarm and somebody else already said that on tumblr. Oh well.
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dingoat · 10 months
So, a whole two people had an interest in my thoughts on cathar in Star Wars and purring, which I guess is enough to prompt me to try and put some of them into proper words. I do want to preface this by saying my own personal thoughts and feelings on these matters are very much my own personal thoughts and feelings, coming from my particular areas of interest and professional knowledge, and have absolutely no bearing on how much I enjoy other people's takes/characters, or how willing I am to interact or depict other people's takes/characters! Everyone approaches these things differently and frankly I have no interest in nor take any pleasure from raining on other folks' parade or telling them how to write/design/depict their own characters. Mostly, I want to reassure people that it is in fact completely okay to have completely different ideas to the more popular fandom headcanons, it is absolutely fine to disagree, and it is very not cool to try and force a single way as the 'best' or 'most correct'. I also, personally, have way more respect for people who will readily admit that they imagine a character/species a certain way purely because it viscerally appeals to them- they dig the aesthetic, they just think it's cool/cute/neat, etc- rather than those who dream up a feature and use ham fisted imperfect science to try and justify it.
If you like your cathar to purr simply because you think it's lovely, you go and do you, I love and respect you for it, and my words going forward here and now are simply not for you. I'm not here to fight or argue or try to convince you otherwise, I have no interest in discourse! There are just facets of world building and character design that I know I feel differently about than most people and I'm making myself vulnerable here by sharing some of them.
(I am also going to talk about a little more than purring.)
So! A little bit of background on me and where I'm coming from.
Animals are my life, I have studied them academically and work with them professionally and have lived and breathed animals since my very earliest memories. I am fascinated by form and function, by taxonomy and natural selection and adaptation to environments, by behaviour and cognition, and I am deeply committed to conservation efforts. All of these interests are what inform and guide the way I think about fiction, they are what I enjoy about made-up species, sometimes I think long and deep, and sometimes I just have gut responses. (Also, most of you here wouldn't know me from a bar of soap and I don't expect you to believe anything I say simply because 'I said so'. I could be lying about my life experience! If any of my talking points are of genuine interest to you I encourage you, I implore you to research further on your own!)
Cathar are just one of many many many 'space cat people' that hang out in Star Wars land. I was first introduced to the greater Star Wars universe through a tabletop RPG and I found myself RAVENOUS for lore, to know what was out there, to help expand and flesh out our character's adventures with as much delicious and beautiful variety as possible. I love this stuff. I dig the obscure aliens, I love the nonhumans, and because of my interest in real world animals, yes, the animal-analogue aliens have always been particular favourites.
Star Wars has lots, and lots, and lots of cat people, and visually they vary from very-animal (fluffy, four-limbed Cor) to basically-human (hi, Cathar, hi, new-canon Zygerrians), with a bunch of in-betweens at varying levels of cattyness and a few novel features here and there. To me, applying every variation of 'earth felid' to every species of 'sapient feline' in the Star Wars universe is just kind of boring and scientifically improbable in a way that (personally) irks me. If Cathar are the only space-cats you think of and utilise in your corner of fandom, I can see why you might enjoy making them as wonderfully varied as all the wild and domestic cats we have around us, but I just don't feel the need. I am far more interested in seeing some-features-here, some-features-there. These guys more like tigers. These more like domestic turkish vans. These ones more like lynx but WHAT IF theyr'e from an ocean world?? I have fun with that. I don't need a tiger-cathar and a siamese-cathar and a lynx-cathar and a margay-cathar. I have way more space cats to play with, and where canon/legends falls short, I'll make my own thank you very much.
So, coming from this angle alone, I actively don't want to stuff my cathar full of every variant of earth-cat behaviours and abilities. I have literally no need to make cathar, arguably one of the most humanoid cat-people Star Wars has to offer, capable of purring. To me, they're physiologically pretty much human with some mild, superficial feline facial features and fuzzy bodies. Human mouths, lips, tongues, throat, speech capability. I don't think they meow or prrp or hiss or purr (at least, no better or with any different reason than a human might mimic these sounds), I even struggle to visualise them 'perking' their ears, and if I want a character that I can write with those more catlike tendencies, I'll pick something that isn't a cathar! (And if I want a tail, I'll write them as a farghul or something. I don't need my cathar to have tails, and the function and variety of tails is another thing vastly misunderstood and misrepresented in popular fiction, but that's a whole other essay.)
We've also got the whole thing where roaring and purring are mutually exclusive sounds. No cat species can both roar and purr, and it is a distinction in the hyoid bone (that supports the tongue/larynx) that makes a cat capable of one or the other. Some big cats might have little rumbles/growls that can sound a bit like a purr, but it's really not the same thing. Hollywood messes this up all the time, look at every cartoon lion and tiger out there, and while it's totally within your right to headcanon some cathar-specific vocal apparatus that allows for both, I simply prefer neither, because the unique position of this bone in humans is apparently the foundation of our ability to speak. I look at a human-proportioned head, and I imagine human equivalent vocal abilities (so yes, I'd imagine the same for zabraks, @gran-maul-seizure ). I might write a togorian capable of roaring, or a trianii capable of purring, as both are significantly more alien than a cathar in my eyes.
Splitting cathar up into different subspecies with different abilities doesn't really work for me either (a lot of fandom intra-species variation doesn't really work for me) because there are a lot of very widespread, fundamental misunderstandings of how natural selection operates, and what leads to different species in the first place, and even what makes a species at all.
If these points don't matter to you, again, I re-iterate, that's fine. Go ham. If all you want to do is make a thousand creative variations, if you want to make a cathar for every cat-look under the sun and that's what's fun for you, please go right ahead! But these points matter to me a great deal, and so I take great enjoyment out of including them in my world building and character thoughts.
[Why do these things matter to me? Because I want to see life on our actual, real world home planet earth preserved. I believe understanding the vast variety of life is essential to fostering greater appreciation and ultimately care of our natural world. Biodiversity is essential and so poorly understood/acknowledged by the general public and it is one of my genuine missions in life to increase and improve understanding in whatever avenues I have available! Not every rabbit is created equal. You can't replace one lemur species with another and expect it to fulfil the same role in the environment, they are fundamentally different creatures. One lizard is not the same as the next, one skink is not equal to the next! People stroll down the beach and cast their eyes over a dozen different shorebirds at once and yet all they see is 'seagull' despite so so many different processes and niches and roles operating right before their eyes! If people can't recognise a sandpiper from a curlew from a crake, let alone a wood sandpiper from a marsh sandpiper from a terek sandpiper, how can they learn, how can they understand that each individual species is doing something different in the environment? That when one species goes extinct, something is irrevocably lost? Helping people understand that one species can not simply be replaced with another, no matter how superficially similar, is truly important to me. Important enough to me that it matters in my fiction as well! That I get more joy out of seeing exploration of earth felids represented across multiple unique space cat species, rather than a one-size-fits-all-cat-man!]
So, back to the space cats. To me, personally, it is most believable to imagine that cathar evolved to a certain level of intelligence, sapience, technological advancement, within a single environment, and then these abilities allowed them to expand further into more extreme environments, cross oceans, survive in hostile climates, etc. A single, distinct species, with certainly some physical variation (just like humans) but within very specific parameters (just like humans - our skin colours and body shapes vary, yes, but across predictable spectrums; we don't have spider-monkey humans and chimp humans and mandrill humans and capuchin humans and snub nosed monkey humans and pygmy marmoset humans). I imagine that when the early cathar population spread, say, from a lightly forested landscape into the snow, they did not need to evolve a fluffy coat with snow leopard patterns because it was their ability to make heavy coats out of wildlife pelts and construct shelters and build fires that allowed them to move into the snow in the first place. They didn't need to develop camouflage appropriate to the environment because they could find colours to wear, they could dye or bleach their fur, their intelligence took over and allowed them to adapt much faster than natural selection ever would. Once they hit a certain point in their species' evolution, they did not need to continue to change physiologically to adapt to environmental pressures.
Could you look at it the other way? That the cathar-predecessor spread across their home planet and adapted into various environmental niches, developed new coat colours and vocal systems before actually becoming the intelligent and self-aware spacefaring cat people we know and love? Sure! But I would argue that it is deeply, profoundly improbable that what you would wind up with is a single species! I would argue that it's profoundly improbable that each one of these environmental variants would develop to the same level of sapience at all, let alone wind up able to produce offspring together, but y'know, the idea of multiple dominant species from a common ancestor is cool and fun too. The key, here, for my own personal believability, is multiple species. If you don't care about any of this in your fiction, fine! Do what's ultimately more creatively fun for you, but own that creativity rather than misrepresent science! And if you actually do like to consider species variation and evolution from a more real-world biology perspective, I encourage you to read and think a little more deeply, go beyond the rule of cool and get to understand the sheer, magnificent, overwhelming variety and beauty of our own home a little better.
My cathar don't purr, because biodiversity matters to me.
Footnote: Slightly more sideways thoughts, I guess, but I also kind of find the trend of giving animal-esque species cutesy animal-esque tendencies to be a little rude, and it's something I prefer to write into Imperial xenophobia rather than make fact for alien species. I don't find it especially fun to consider Aric Jorgan getting distracted with a ball of yarn or being placated with a saucer of milk or grooming himself with his tongue, and especially not any implications that the behaviours might be involuntary. I imagine it's a very tiresome, disrespectful gag for human Imperial agents to give a bowl of milk to their cathar colleague, and I imagine a Republic trooper wouldn't dream of insulting their cathar counterpart in the same way.
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rnisa · 2 years
Yesss okay for Near x reader, can I ask for some really sweet fluffy headcanon style stuff. Stuff like physical affection, comforting each other, domesticity, kissing and cuddling. (If you want to, add in some nsfw ish stuff too, I don’t mind but it’s your choice). That’s all, thanks!
Hi, my favorite Anon!~ Of course you can, I really like what you're asking! I'm sorry, this is reaaaally long-winded but I kinda split this up. I wanted the chance to talk about a potential scenerio where Near and the reader first meet, so I threw that in as some build-up, for those who like that! If not, please scroll down to the next title in big letters to jump to what you actually asked for <3 Sorry, got carried away, but I hope you enjoy!
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Fluffy Near x Reader Headcanons: Pt. 1
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★ To be dating Near, means you have maxed out friendship points with him. Sorry too much Sims lately. Anyways...
★ It's safe to assume the two of you are stuck with eachother for life at this point. There is no formal, "Will you be my partner?" from him. It's to his understanding that the two of you are just...on the same page.
★ It's mutual, between you both; first it starts with you being hired as company for him. Halle and Rester have lives of their own, after all. They have their own dreams and goals that lay beyond being Near's babysitter. I know I've mentioned it before, but it's not at all unreasonable to believe that he would have hired some new people to keep him company in their stead.
★ You were first hired after a series of interviews. The pay was good - really good, though the job description was a bit...vague. You were handed a card by, (to you), a stranger (Rester likely) with a number, and a place to be. Sounded fishy - but you couldn't pass up the offer. You wouldn't get hired, right? Still, you'd be foolish not to go to the interview. A live-in caretaker and emotional support person. "Is it some kind of weirdo, needing to pay people to be their friend? Or maybe a really...old, lonely person.?" You had no idea.
★ Halle was the one to interview you. Her questions fluctuated between vague and confusing to invasive. These questions were really just to see your honesty, though - Near already knew everything about you. As she grilled you, he watched, and listened...through cameras. He paid very close attention to your body language and by the time the interview was over and Halle had sent you on your way, Near had already told them to hire you. Still, they waited a few days to...'tidy' up the place.
★ You'd forgotten about the very weird interview until you received a call to return. You didn't remember giving them your phone number, but... Just like that, you got the job!
★ After signing many NDA's and even a waiver, it was then you understood how serious this job was going to be. They explained - even threatened - that if you discussed your job from that moment on, you would have serious repercussions in your life that you just couldn't come out of. That was your last chance to really walk away.
★ When you made the decision to go through with it, it was then explained to you that your job would be the personal assistant of no one other than L. Your mind went nuts on the inside, you weren't expecting this. You stammered and stuttered, before Halle continued to explain it was not the "original", but the third. Third. "There's been THREE L's?!"
★ Meeting L was...not at all what you expected. It wasn't exactly unexpected either. Your first meeting was no doubt awkward and...quiet. This 'L' sat on the floor like a fluffy white cloud, playing with some sort of.... wait is that a furby?
★ You stood still for what felt like hours, just staring at him. You waited for him to stand up, to look at you, address you,...anything. Instead he acted like no one new had entered the room, and fiddled with the robot.
★ "Um..." after a minute had passed, you felt awkward. The white haired guy had abandoned the furby, to begin setting up jenga. Looking from Halle to Rester, you then took a step toward him. You said nothing until you knelt to the floor (keeping your distance...you were afraid to get too close to him, he looked so fragile.) "...Can I play?"
★ He doesn't look at you, he looks focused. "Sure." is all he says. Several years later, you had no idea this would be the start of a lifelong relationship.
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Fluffy Near x Reader Headcanons: Pt. 2
★ There was no formal, "Will you be my partner?" from him. It was just assumed, that, after spending several years together as his companion, you genuinely enjoyed one another. There was no asking for a date.
★ You invited him to the rooftop of his headquarters to see Jupiter. It was a romantic thing, though you didn't really think of it that way, you just thought it would be cool to look at the planets together with him. Near, as you now knew him, was used to you trying to get him to go outside. You were honestly and truly successful on many occasions, but 9 times out of 10, the offer was declined. But to see the planets? In the dark, where no one else could be? That sounded pleasant to him.
★ "Am I to assume this is a date," he says - not asking.
★ That's how it started.
★ Since then, your relationship evolved. Near always felt like he could open up to you. He didn't often. When the two of you would have deeper conversations, it was usually after the two of you had split by the end of the night; you'd still message eachother despite having spent time with eachother all day. He found it easier to...confide in you through text. You mistook his aloof personality for being a natural flirt; he'd tease you, and you'd tease back. You did have to be gentle with him, though. He always liked talking with you because you always had a response to him that was totally out of left field. Halle and Rester just talked to him differently than you did. You didn't take any attitude from Near, you didn't suck up to him...you were honest with him, and he liked that. Albeit easy to read, you still surprised him. It was never a boring day when you were around.
★ There was no asking to do anything couple-like, it just happened naturally. Passing him one of his legos made the moments your hands touched special. Eventually they began to linger.
★ The times your hand would accidentally graze his head and grab a strand of his hair turned into you combing it with your fingers. The two of you didn't really speak about these things. I think Near would've been too embarrassed if you did. All he knew is he liked when you scratched his ears or ran your hand down his back. And you liked when he'd hold your hand, picking at your nails, and staring at you when you 'weren't' looking.
★ Before you knew it, you were staying with Near fulltime. You could go outside at any point, he trusted you this much now. Years had passed, and he 100% believed there was no scenario in which you would leave him forever. He falls for you but also feels a bit sad for you at first. He wonders if he caused you to develop a Stockholm syndrome - like effect. He expresses this to you before, and you assure him that you do genuinely love being around him. He needs that, a lot of reassurance.
★ The two of you spend your days with eachother, more often than not. Even if neither one of you so much as speaks for hours, your shared presence is more than enough. Around you, Near feels safe. Every so often he will move whatever he's working on closer to you, as close as he possibly can. Other days you'll be busy moving around, but still make time to hop over and kiss him.
★ You mostly do everything first. You did the first kiss, but after around 50, he's comfortable enough to be the first one to do it. He's surprisingly clingy. When he needs a break from what he's doing, he will go next to you and snuggle. He might have a small game with him, or something to fidget with while he does, but he loves resting his head in your shoulders.
★ Once he's more comfy he gets more bold. Grabbing your face and pulling you into a deep kiss. He just loves holding you, and loves when he can take the time to enjoy your attention. He'll eventually ask you straight up, "I would like some attention," when he wants it. Once he realizes he can be himself, he overcomes some shyness.
★ When you want attention, it's another story. If you want to be more playful and surprise him, all you need to do is give him that look, and you have his attention. Nothing but love in his face.
★ He wouldn't be the first one to say "I love you" as he's a bit afraid of rejection. He'd have a feeling you felt that way, but wouldn't say it without you saying so before. "Well, that's good," he'd say - honestly, it takes a few "I love you's" on your part. Near will surprise you one day by saying it back.
★ Loves nothing more than cuddling with you while he plays with a toy. Sometimes he'll take a small car and run it over your curves. Your relationship is unorthodox, but you have him for life. You bring out the best in him, and even encourage him to feel safe outside. As long as he has you by his side, he feels confident.
★ Halle and Lidner aren't gone forever, of course. Though they have a slightly more personal time to themselves, they still work for Near, after all. Though you are an amazing addition to the team, even if all you are is emotionally available and supportive to Near. Nobody was expecting you two to fall in love. Despite Near's insecurities, the more you two learn about eachother, the stronger your love grows.
★ He gets pretty clingy but he internalizes it. He won't vocalize how much he misses you; he'll only cuddle the Build-A-Bear you made for him, and not letting go of it for as long as you're away. He's afraid if he acts too clingy to you and doesn't give you enough personal space away from him, you'll feel suffocated, trapped, and leave. Of course he gets jealous when you leave to visit family for the holidays, and you get sad when he refuses to come with you. "I can't. You knew this when we got closer..." he never said the word "relationship" - again, he understood that you just knew.
★ He feels sadness in those moments, but the two of you agreed when you confessed your feelings to him. This was not going to be an average relationship, and sacrifices (mostly on your end) would have to be met.
★ Though it's not perfect, you wouldn't trade a typical person for Near - the love he showed you was boundless, even if in his own, unique way.
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eyedelater · 2 years
i have written a post to encompass every thought i have had about the golden kamuy character ogata hyakunosuke. i couldn't help writing it, and here it is. it includes analysis, interpretation, confusion, thoughts about shipping, and spoilers all the way to the end of the manga.
the post is incredibly long because i wanted it all in one place... i'm sure that much of this has been said by other people, but i haven't read anything anyone else has said. this is purely between me and canon. i have now read golden kamuy through twice and watched the anime once. i missed a lot on the first read, and i probably missed some things on the second read too.
i can't help but love the character ogata hyakunosuke. i know a lot of it is the character design: sneaky eyes with built-in eyeliner, greasy all-back hairstyle with a powerful ahoge (and don't try to tell me an ahoge is not what it is), little beard that somehow skirts past my strong dislike for nasty little beards. he's so crafty… he's sorta weak in close combat… he's completely wrong about things such as killing one's parents and the nature of guilt… he's confident right up until he isn't…
normally if a character captures my interest like this, i want to ship them with another character so i can be satisfied by looking at amusing fanart of them outside of canon. but there honestly isn't anyone i want to pair him with… the fact of his eventual death notwithstanding. (i don't ship dead characters. too sad.) he's great as a cruel and calculating loner who thinks he knows what he wants but doesn't. i don't feel a need to see fun and exciting shipping antics with this character in particular. i will to look at some fanart to see what i can get out of it, but i'm really satisfied by just what happens in canon. and yet i still feel like i have to make sense of these feelings, so i'm writing a post that nobody asked for (just like all my other posts).
i'm annoyed with myself because as i was first reading golden kamuy, it took a long, long time to dawn on me that there MUST be people who think of ogata hyakunosuke as their favorite silly little cinnamon roll and make obnoxiously cute posts about what he would do in domestic situations and stuff. as we learned more about him, i became certain that some people must feel that way, Despite Everything. and i was so very annoyed by the thought of it that i decided to make it a point to dislike ogata… to buck the trend. to avoid biting the fandom bait. BUT IT DIDN'T WORK………… he grew on me… ugh. i still really, really don't want to see fluffy fics with him or anything like that though. god. i have less patience than ever for fandom content that cutesifies every character. especially fucked up weird horrible men like him <3
it's an incredibly audacious move to create a merciless sniper character who killed three (3) members of his closest family (and who knows how many soldiers) and then also give him explicitly catlike characteristics and behaviors, all the while knowing that everyone loves cats!!! (slams table.) fuck off! noda-sensei had to have been trying to induce brain-melting levels of cognitive dissonance in the minds of horny readers who desperately want catboy hyakunosuke to be their poor little meow meow but also want to cancel him for being a bad dude. i'm not immune
i like ogata in kind of the same way i like crocodile one piece. they're weird and smug and fun to watch. and of course, they're similar in some ways. the greasy all-back hair with pieces falling down, and the facial stitches, and the excessive confidence, and their voice actors being perfect. and, you know, the being villains who are eventually defeated. crocodile lets out his slow laugh whenever he feels things are going his way, and ogata just does a little shit-eating grin, and they're both perfect. key difference: ogata gets naked
i have been made aware that a non-zero amount of people ship ogata with asirpa, and those people might benefit from being run over by a car. asirpa is excluded from shipping of any sort, no exceptions, because she is 13 years old and 95% of the other characters are (bizarre, horrible) adult men. the fact that she has a one-sided crush on sugimoto for some amount of time is perfectly natural and reasonable given the circumstances (i believe that anyone would fall in love with sugimoto if they were in her place). the relationship between sugimoto and asirpa is that of a wonderful, wholesome, and strong found family.
back to ogata. i liked that during his first appearance, he gets his arm broken, gets beaned on the back of the head with his own gun, falls into a ravine, hits his face on a cliff, and bounces off the cliff into the icy river. that was so early in the story that his character design wasn't even nailed down yet, and that scene can be easy to forget, but it should be remembered. i like when ogata gets shot in the chest and the shoulder. i like when we get just a little snapshot of ogata knocked out cold at the stenka. i like the flashback of masked ogata getting his face bloodied by teen koito and then having to pretend like it never happened even though he's pissed. i like when ogata gets the snot beat out of him by usami. this is not a toga-himiko-like aesthetic preference for a man's bloody and beat-up body. rather, i love how he has strong (and justified) confidence in his one skill (sniping) and therefore seems confident overall but keeps getting busted up anyway because he's weak in close combat. it's a good dissonance.
i love seeing ogata smugly perched on things… it's like, "ah, there he is…!"
i love ogata feeling guilty about only the worst murder he committed and none of the others… he was testing his limits, and he found them. it didn't stop him from killing again, but he never got over it either.
i love ogata being the only one who chose not to hold hands and jump at the beach scene… doesn't want to make a fool of himself… but he made a funny face when he got beaned in the back of the head, didn't he. i like the ogata who gets made a fool out of.
after the ordeal with anehata shiton, ogata said that all men feel regretful and disgusted after they shoot their load. probably that's all he's ever felt, doing it with prostitutes and such, if at all. makes a little note in my notebook
ogata does terribly cruel things, and he must recognize to some degree that people will see his actions as cruel, but he doesn't do it for the sake of being cruel. he is heartless, but only when he feels he has a reason. everything is analyzed based purely on how it will affect him, and he acts that way consistently throughout the entire story. he can mime kindness if he has to, but clumsily. he cultivates a trusting relationship with asirpa purely because he understands that nopperabou is her father. he goes along with what sugimoto wants purely for convenience and because he understands how strong/dangerous sugimoto is. he shoots wilk, despite knowing that he is asirpa's father and that she will be very upset, purely because he wants to limit the spread of whatever information wilk has about the gold. he shoots sugimoto, his ally for months, not to be cruel, not as revenge for almost killing him that one time, but to eliminate a potential complication to his plan. the only one he really needs in his party is asirpa, and all asirpa is to him is the key to the gold, and all the gold is to him is a path to climb the ranks to prove that his father was worthless. his behavior is unpredictable on first read, but when rereading, it's incredibly consistent. his lack of guilt is entirely premised on what he can justify to himself, and he's great at justifying anything in his own mind. but there is a limit, and yuusaku was that limit; what haunts him most about yuusaku's death is that this time, he can't justify it. he didn't have a good reason. that causes a crack in the foundation of his entire personality, and when he gets acute aconite poisoning from asirpa's arrow, the anxiety it brings is what causes that crack to spread and his entire ego to collapse.
can someone count how many panels feature ogata's face and then also count how many of those panels show him smoothing back his greasy hair and give me some kind of ratio? i think it's high. i think the ratio is high. though i didn't notice until a couple hundred chapters in. but on reread it's like yeah, every other ogata panel, he's got his hand on his head. i do like when an author commits to a tic. no one else in the story has such an obvious repeating tic, i think. he even gets a nade nade (pet pet) sound effect when he's smoothing his hair repeatedly out of nervousness (after he shot the reindeer by accident).
have i mentioned i hate nasty little beards but ogata's slides right in under the gate? that's another cognitive dissonance for me, and it's tough. hard to get over this one.
"daily affirmations i Can be normal about that man"
~quote from deleted post by a tumblr user who maybe doesn't want credit bc they deleted their post
he dishes out smug grins when things are going his way, but he dishes out WRY grins when things AREN'T going his way! hoargh! (throwing up hands)
it's worth noting, to defend my honor, that ogata is not the only one who grew on me. everyone grew on me. another important one is tsukishima, who i admit i wasn't paying very much attention to until they started heading toward karafuto (during the first reading) and then i was like, that was the guy in the coal mine... right? oh, he's been there The Whole Time. and his design didn't change very much. he grew on me a lot. first you think snake nose, but then you think bunny nose. (someone on pixiv said gorilla nose? i don't like that…) his little beard doesn't strike me as nasty either (why not?? i don't know.) of course, koito was the boy of the hour as soon as he first appeared, and i paid a normal amount of attention to him. (the only part of his design that changed is that his eyebrows got stronger and his parted hair got fixed. actually his part seems to fluctuate between messy and neat.) i really like the dynamic of koito being a needy younger pain-in-the-ass to tsukishima while outranking him and being taller than him. in japanese, tsukishima always addresses him with polite speech, and koito rarely even addresses tsukishima with an honorific. tsukikoi seems to be a good and semi-wholesome ship… you know, semi-wholesome. listen, they end up together forever at the end, so it's fine. you guys can make obnoxiously cute posts about what they would do in domestic situations if you want. so anyway, it's not just ogata who got my attention. but it is ogata who this post is about, so let's end this paragraph and leave room for more notes.
Noda-sensei will use any and every opportunity to show you the silhouette of a dick and balls swinging around during an action scene where people happen to be naked. However, he doesn't do that with Ogata. The reason is that he wants you to remember that Ogata is a serious bad guy character and doesn't want you laughing at his dick and balls. For the same reason, he also precludes Ogata from partaking in the horny otter sumo wrestling. In this essay, I will-- ok just kidding, they showed his dick and balls when he kicked koito in the face. and then they showed that exact panel again a few chapters later. with his dick and balls again.
i bet the hyaku in hyakunosuke is obviously referring to getting a 100% hit rate. (hyaku means 100, same kanji and everything. -nosuke is a common ending for a boy's name.) or to put it in sogeking terms, 100 shots, 100 hits, lu lu la la lu
it's interesting that out of the 4 people we see tsurumi gratuitously manipulate into loyalty, ogata is the only one where it doesn't stick very well. to be fair, tsurumi played his game with ogata a bit differently than with the others. he helped ogata kill his father and promised to help him rise through the ranks, but ogata didn't understand at first that tsurumi had an ulterior motive that would make hanazawa's death a win-win for him. it was usami who brought up mantetsu and made ogata understand he was being manipulated. but even knowing that, he thought tsurumi might uphold the other part of his end of the deal by helping ogata get into the army academy, so he was willing to play along. of course, tsurumi's time was split between everyone he was trying to manipulate (as well as pursuing his main goals), so everything couldn't happen at once. another problem was that each of them wanted to be daddy's only special little boy, and ogata was no exception, so he got impatient upon seeing him pay attention to the others and thought tsurumi wasn't working to help him fast enough. it was only when ogata decided that tsurumi wasn't holding up his end of the deal that he decided to betray him by working for central (in the hopes that central could uphold a similar deal instead). i think i'm getting that right. compared to what tsurumi did for tsukishima, he didn't do that much for ogata. but tsukishima was his masterpiece of manipulation-- look how much he got out of him. in the end, tsurumi wanted to cultivate soldiers who are dogs among sheep, but of course, ogata is a cat in that metaphor…
i didn't read the manga well enough the first time and was thinking that ogata's failure to advance in the ranks was because he just wasn't really good at anything but sniping, and sniping wasn't properly appreciated by the higher-ups. while those two things are basically true, i now understand that he couldn't get promoted because he didn't attend the necessary school and was ineligible for any promotion above his current rank, regardless of his skills. and that's why his roundabout desire to climb in the ranks was hinged on his going back to school, which he couldn't do without the help of either tsurumi or central. so complicated…
people ship ogata and sugimoto, and i'm really torn about that. they do look kinda good together, but first and foremost, sugimoto deserves better (and he deserves a character who doesn't die at the end). i also think that the dynamic between those two is not that fun or interesting-- yeah, they almost kill each other and then save each other, etc., and that's fun, but i mean all the other interactions. i think there's not that much potential between them. plus ogata shoots him in the head. maybe that part should have come first and foremost. he does shoot the man in the head. that being said, of course, there's not a lot of great options for sugimoto to begin with, so i understand when people want to put him with ogata-- they need someone for sugimoto to be horny with, and they need someone for ogata to be horny with. like, who else do we have for sugimoto? shiraishi? you could argue for it… tanigaki? but what he has with inkarmat is pretty good, and i hate to sully canon romances by shipping against them. kiroranke? dies. anyone in the army? they're living in different worlds at the end of the story… just not a lot of great options for sugimoto, who deserves the best. also, if ogata and sugimoto had anything between them, ogata's death would make sugimoto sad, and i wouldn't like that.
shiraishi/ogata might be funny though. i like that scene when shiraishi is like "boy am i hungry!" to the man with a gun who likes to hunt and ogata doesn't say anything or look at him. (other good options for shiraishi include kiroranke [who dies] and boutarou [who dies]. that's 3 for 3 dead. unfortunate.)
i saw some ogata fanart. some artists like to give him Sneaky Squints and Crafty Grin all the time. he is sneaky, and he has distinctive eyes, but i think canon makes it clear that Sneaky Squints and Crafty Grin is a very rare special occasion thing, and a huge majority of the time he only has Glassy Eyes and nothing at all going on with the mouth. and that is the righteous truth. in a manga, facial expressions are a very important part of characterization, especially for characters who are always around but not always involved, so i prefer fanart where people try to emulate (and exaggerate) the faces a character makes in canon instead of assigning their preferred faces to a given character. (an unrelated example of this assigning of preferences would be taking two complex characters and turning one into Stoic Seme and the other into Weepy Uke. it is shocking how thoroughly and audaciously people will squish characters into those two molds. what a waste of time.) i get that i'm probably in the top 1% of sticklerism when it comes to wanting characters to adhere strictly to canon in certain ways, but it's because i strongly feel that canon ogata who is making a neutral Ogata Face 95% of the time and a rare Other Face 5% of the time is true and beautiful. to sully that by tailoring his character to your preferences is your prerogative, but to hate that is also my prerogative. not that i would ever leave negative comments or anything along those lines, ever. because that's stupid and a waste of time. the most time i will waste in that way is the time it takes to write what i've been writing here.
ogata dakimakura is permitted but it has to be ogata laid up on a stretcher, wrapped up, splinted arm, with his face all puffy after getting dumped in the river by sugimoto. or it has to be ogata standing up wearing his uniform complete with little cape and his gun on his back and looking through his binoculars into the distance. or it has to be a watchtower spanning the length of the pillow and ogata is perched in it, looking through his binoculars into the distance.
i hate the relationship between ogata and usami. usami is the ultimate slimy little dog (derogatory). nasty little freak usami. ogata is wrong about almost everything, but he was right about usami being the cheapest piece on tsurumi's gameboard. nasty little wannabe sexual predator usami. that scene where ogata's like "i'm normal, right?" and usami is affirming all the things he's wrong about, it's like, the man is fucked up enough already! i can't believe i'm saying this, but you're a corrupting influence on him! i don't like how usami calls ogata "hyakunosuke" like they're friends… tsurumi calls him that because he's manipulating him and a cool dad calls his special little boy by his given name, but usami fucking hates him, and yet he calls him that anyway. something gross about it. usami's death was perfect. nasty little death. and i liked how ogata kept quiet due to bullet in mouth while usami was going on and on saying whatever he wanted while he beat the shit out of him, and then usami left after getting shot, and ogata felt compelled to say his one-liner to himself. fuckin nerd
i like the ogata who is seriously, seriously wondering if he's being haunted by his brother's ghost.
i think my one main beef with everyday heroes scans, who did an overall great job scanlating, is that they should have kept honorifics. keeping honorifics is a tough choice to make for a translator because it can be confusing for an english reader, especially when you come across one that's out of the standard few. but i was very surprised to find upon watching the anime that sugimoto calls asirpa "asirpa-san"; i had no way of knowing that in the manga! even though she's so much younger than him, even when their relationship becomes very close, even when yelling out her name in moments of desperation, he keeps the honorific. it might just be out of habit, but i think it indicates how much he respects her. it might be small, but something is lost by omitting the -san. honorifics and the ways people address each other are very important in japanese, and because this story takes place chiefly in japan, chiefly among japanese (and japanese-speaking) characters, i think keeping honorifics would have been perfectly appropriate in this circumstance. i also think it would have clarified some things for the readers rather than confusing them. (for contrast, it would make perfect sense to omit honorifics in a story that doesn't take place in japan but just happens to be written in japanese… though some meaning would still be lost.) (side note: EH scans does in fact keep some honorifics: the ainu word "nispa.") and sometimes, omitting the honorific in a context where it is important can make the translated wording MORE awkward. the example i'm thinking of is when ogata is recovering in the hospital and the scanlation shows him muttering, "yuusaku… sir…" now i'm 98% sure that ogata called yuusaku "yuusaku-dono," even though younger siblings typically get no honorifics, because yuusaku outranked him (and also maybe to show distance between them), and that's what he's muttering in that scene. i think it's less weird to call your younger half-sibling "-dono" in japanese than it would be to call your younger half-sibling "sir" in english. it's an in-between level of respect (and distance) that doesn't exist in english. so it became weirder in english, and leaving the honorific would have preserved that meaning. well, i do respect that EH scans made their decision about honorifics in the very beginning and then stuck with it to the very end. i guess it would have been worse if they selectively added in SOME honorifics when they thought it was important. but my opinion is that they should have made the decision to keep honorifics from the beginning.
in chapter 283, ogata falls asleep on the train and dreams of his mother singing a traditional song to him about how the way there is easy, but the way back is scary. i think the symbolism is clearly that it was easy for him to kill his mother and his brother, but it's not easy (or possible) to take it back. it's a one-way path that he chose. it's another subconscious manifestation of his feelings of guilt.
now here is something i've been puzzling over but which everyone but me has probably already made sense of. i think this is the only part of the manga that has stuck with me BECAUSE i am confused by it. chapter 199, page 6. kidnapped koito otonoshin, whose father just told him over the phone that he cannot be saved, is saying something heartbreaking in reply, and one of his captors is rubbing his back as if to comfort him. what else could that be but a comforting hand? am i mistaken? and it's got to be important because it takes up THREE panels! now, if you're like me and you've decided that tsukikoi is the OTP of golden kamuy, your first thought was to want tsukishima to be the one under the white hat, and ogata is the one watching disapprovingly because he's a jerk. but otonoshin smacks and bloodies the face of man in the white hat with the back of his head, and the wounds we later see (and basically everything else) make it clear that the white hat was ogata. (then of course they put those hats on russian-looking corpses that they obtained… somehow. kidnapped off the street?) (side note: when they take the white hat and mask off one of the corpses, otonoshin should have been suspicious right away, because that guy's nose wasn't bloodied or anything. but i'll let his lack of perception slide given the circumstances. unless he remembers it in a later chapter and i'm the one who forgot.) anyway, so it was clearly ogata who rubbed otonoshin's back, which seems really weird and out of character. i was thinking that it must have been that tsurumi gave them orders along the lines of not completely breaking the kid's will and making sure he isn't too physically or emotionally hurt (or else he and his father wouldn't be usable in the future). this would gel with the fact that tsurumi seems slightly surprised/perturbed when commander koito says he's going to tell otonoshin to die for his country (because of course that's not what tsurumi wants or had planned for). so maybe ogata interpreted those orders, thought otonoshin was giving up on life, and decided that he should make sure the kid's will wasn't completely broken by providing a little comfort. and then the glare from the black hat is tsukishima with a sentiment like, "you're giving the game away, you dumb piece of shit! captors wouldn't do that! ESPECIALLY IF THEY DON'T SPEAK JAPANESE!" but another possibility occurs to me. we heard from ogata when he was pointing his gun at huci that he doesn't want to just kill someone's grandma if he can help it. he's a cold-blooded killer when he thinks he has a reason, but maybe he does have the thinnest sentimental streak when it comes to people he does not perceive as a threat. so maybe that thin streak is showing here? kidnapping some weak kid might have been the dirtiest work tsurumi had ever put him up to at that point. (did he kill his father before or after this? but was that even dirty work to him, when he felt he had a good reason?) maybe he honestly felt emotionally reluctant to traumatize a defenseless 16-year-old like that, so he reached out to comfort him without thinking. i wonder what is the fandom consensus about that page, yet i feel reluctant to look it up… but whichever scenario it is, tsukishima's glare has to be him thinking, "man, you suck at dirty work." (and afterward, ogata glares at otonoshin because he's angry and humiliated that he underestimated how much of a threat a bound 16-year-old posed to him.)
EDIT: regarding the above paragraph, i think i've realized the correct interpretation. it's not that the situation of kidnapping a kid has activated ogata's thin sentimental streak. it's the specific circumstances of the lines that were just said: commander koito saying he could not save otonoshin, and otonoshin apologizing to his father and asking him to pretend he had never been born. that combination of circumstances was maybe the only thing that could flip ogata's empathy switch enough to make him reach out a comforting hand. he probably feels with great certainty that if he himself had ever been kidnapped and held for ransom, his own father would have told him to die for his country as well, and he might even have said a similar line in response. the pain otonoshin felt in that moment was so clear to ogata that he couldn't help but comfort him... it's a key emotional character development moment for ogata... with his face covered... but of course he misinterpreted otonoshin's resilience and that's how he got his nose bashed.
i cried a lot when i first read ogata's death chapter, and i cried a lot the second time too. i think noda-sensei might be a genius… one thing that didn't register on first reading was that ogata must have enjoyed the time he spent traveling with asirpa and the others in a way, even if he didn't exactly realize it. asirpa reminded him of yuusaku, not just in her innocence, but in the way she trusted him and ate with him and joked with him and treated him as if he were "normal" (when he believes he isn't normal). ogata was yearning for familial love his whole life; he just fixated on getting it only from his father, which wasn't going to happen, and ignored what he got from his mother and his brother. yuusaku was the only one who loved him, but he got some of that warm familial feeling from asirpa and the others as well, even though he usually acted cold. (i think he said "hinna" primarily to manipulate asirpa... but maybe after saying it, he felt happy.) and now, not only did he have to deal with his mistake of killing yuusaku, but here he was trying to kill asirpa too! not only that, but he was corrupting her into killing HIM, and he thought he wanted that, but he didn't! he couldn't even accept his old guilt, and now he was foolishly inflicting new guilt, as if by compulsion! it's so painful! as he breaks down, we see him realizing his mistake in real time, how his goal of proving his father worthless was itself worthless all along, how he didn't actually need to kill any of his family, how he was following the wrong path based on his delusions and misunderstandings his whole life, and it hurts him so much… and he tries to deny it, but he's having it explained to him by himself, and he can only trust himself… whenever he felt conflicted about anything, he would just find some way stamp out the opposing view and believe in himself, but now, both sides were him, so he couldn't do that, and as a result, he was defeated. the chapter was very emotionally powerful… he died a coward's death because, never having confronted his guilt before, he couldn't imagine being able to live with it… and vasily found his body by the railroad tracks and painted his fursona.
you could ship ogata with vasily but the fact remains that they spend vasily's entire span of appearance in the manga in a fight to the death and then one of them dies. also he shot vasily in the mouth. you can't shoot a mouth with your gun and then try to kiss it later. that's inappropriate
the last time ogata shoots sugimoto, he doesn't aim for the head. it's as though he learned his lesson. but it still didn't work, did it?
i saw the ogata nendoroid and took damage from it. hate it. i don't want any more chibis...
it seems that some things are changed in the volume releases of golden kamuy. i have only read the scanlated magazine releases. i wonder if i can be content to decide that this is the end of my ogata post when i don't know if any important ogata details were changed in the volumes. i would also like to read and compare the official translation. one thing i want to see in the volume releases is if noda-sensei ever goes back and adds teeth to the white voids of characters' mouths. it is incredibly clear to me that noda-sensei truly, viscerally hates drawing teeth. that's fair, but i do prefer even the vaguest semblance of teeth to a white void of a mouth. when he does draw teeth, they usually look perfectly passable. anyway, my next project will be deciding how to get my hands on the official translated volumes and then rereading again.
i think that might be all i have to say about ogata hyakunosuke right now.
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quill-pen · 1 year
I need help...
... for many reasons, one of which is the fact that this... thing is taking over my consciousness and will drive me batty! But that's not what I'm asking for help for. This is why I'm asking for help.
I am not new to the world of writing fanfiction. I do, in fact, have an FFN account with several stories on it that are/will be series. (I have yet to decide if I will post any of those things here.) Problem is, they are very different from what I'm doing with this Scrooge fic: i.e. they are pretty strictly family oriented as opposed to romance centric. Don't get me wrong, I plan to have some romance in my other fics too and family stuff to happen in this fic, but the main focuses of the writing are flipped. That is to say, I'm not experienced in writing this romance stuff. I've read my fair share, watched my fair share, know what I want to do, but actually doing the writing for it... I just feel clunky with it. I can write the cute, cheeky, funny stuff just fine, as well as the soft, fluffy, domestic stuff, but the hotter stuff that's supposed to make your gut light up and legs quiver leave me feeling just a little daunted. Particularly with the dialogue. I get the dialogue and I can feel my way through the emotions and actions well enough.
I know I said I wouldn't post too many more of these kinds of things before I actually wrote the whole story, but I just need some advice, critique, tips, opinions, and whatever else you got on how I'm going about writing the dialogue for such things. Once I get that nailed down, I should be set. And then maybe I can focus on writing this thing in sequence instead of working out long-yet-to-come scenarios.
So I'll just leave this here for review:
Warning(s): Mentions of past SA
Ebenezer: My Darling, you’re crying!  What have I done?  Have I said something I shouldn’t?  Done something that hurt you?
Y/N: No.  No, it’s not that, Ebenezer, it’s… oh, I can’t really be just yours, can I?  Not after….  There will always be a piece of me missing that you’ll never be able to claim because of that man!  *crying harder* I’m so sorry, Ebenezer!  I’m sorry I’m not whole and perfect for you!  I’m sorry I can never give you the pleasure of that!
Ebenezer: *holding you, kissing you, trying to calm you* No, shh, shh, hush now, Darling, no.  There is no reason for you to apologize.  It wasn’t your fault, my love; that brute was solely to blame for his own actions, not you.  *tilts your face to his and gazes deep into your eyes* What he forced from you is of little consequence to my pleasure because to me you are as whole and perfect and pure as the Virgin Mary herself. 
Y/N: *sounding dreamy as you’re completely entraced by his gaze* Ebenezer….
Ebenezer: And if that is not enough to comfort you, Dearest, know this: Knowing that I will be the first man to touch you that loves you and that you love in turn; the first man to see and hold you naked; the first man to hear you cry out in ecstasy; the first man you trust and allow to do and witness these things--is more thrilling and pleasurable than any promise of claiming your virginity could ever have been.
Y/N: *swallows hard*… Y-You mean that?  Truly? Ebenezer: *wiping tears away* Truly.  With all my heart and soul.  Your happiness is my greatest pleasure, Y/N.  *nudging his nose along side yours, whispering*  Confess to me your worries, and I will soothe them.  Tell me what you want, and I will give it to you.  Tell me what to do, and it shall be done.
Y/N: *adamantly* I want you, Ebenezer.
Ebenezer: You have me.  You’ve had me for a long while.
Y/N: *pulls back a bit with slight smirk* Not as long as you’ve had me, I’ll be bound.
Ebenezer: *chuckles* Well, that may be true, I suppose.  Tell me how I can make up for lost time.
Y/N: *leans back in, your nose brushing his again, gaze hungry* First kiss me again.  Then make love to me, Ebenezer.  Just make love to me.  The only man I ever want to remember touching me is you… my husband.
Ebenezer: *eyes darkening, lips ghosting against yours* Consider it done, my wife.
(Keep in mind, the fic will NOT be written in this format. This is just to help me work out dialogue in certain scenarios as well as a few action cues to clue me in on how I was thinking the scene out when I finally get around to transferring this to proper formatting.)
@the-house-of-auditore-frye @oldmanlusting
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autisticempathydaemon · 10 months
Hi there! If you were still accepting these and had the time, I wanted to join in on the redacted match ups!! Please and thank you <3
About me:
A song I'm fixated on right now is Read Your Mind by Sabrina Carpenter. Specific lyrics are
"Decompressin', tryna ease the tension But you got me stressin', feelin' like I need to call when You sneak up on me, tell me that you miss me in your life
I can't read your mind You say that you need to be alone But night and day, want me at your beck and call"
I think I've just been really drawn to this song lately because I'm at a place where things are going really well for me, and I have a full assurance that I know who my friends are right now and I just compare that to a previous time where I didn't have those certainties and thinking about people who were kind of two-faced and would make me relate to this song.
Not sure if this tidbit is relevant, but I hadn't even taken any enneagram test before going down your list of questions. I'm a 4 apparently! (The test I took showed me a pie chart that was like, all 9 numbers, the other two biggest pieces were 7 and 2, if that matters at all. Idk, as said hadn't done a test for this kind of thing until just now)
I do love YouTube video essays, but I always watch them intently rather than as background noise. My go-to favorite would be the Lindsay Ellis Omegaverse Lawsuit video (does that count as a video essay? I'm pretty sure it does). On the surface, it sounds like such a ridiculous topic to take so seriously, but the actual case was very dramatic and fascinating to me.
I didn't really have a childhood imaginary friend. I would either play by myself or pretend I was playing with cartoon characters (I specifically remember on multiple occasions pretending to be going on adventures with Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach).
My go-to way to fall asleep would be taking my medication (I am an insomniac, and melatonin supplements don't work for me, so we got prescribed sleep medication), and then either putting on an asmr audio roleplay video or just laying in silence depending on how tired I am. I can never fall asleep to sleep aid audios, I prefer listening to just rambling nonsense about a specific thing like video games or something like that.
My favorite Redacted audio would be Confronting Your Technician. I really like that one for multiple reasons. First off, Project Meridian was the first series I had actually listened to when I first found the channel and I really liked the concept of an android listener. I think the series as a whole is really interesting because it really makes me think about how we treat technology, especially as you get into the territory of making devices seem more "human" (that's the brief version, but I have many ramblings about this series in my notes on my phone). Secondly, I really relate to being taken advantage of by someone who would know I wouldn't know any better or any different, and to have that audio as the turning point for not just confronting Marcus for what he did, but also having James be there to help the asset face him was just really nice. I didn't have that same kind of support when I had to face people who were bad to me, and listening to that audio is almost healing in that sense for me. I have it saved on a comfort audios playlist even though it's not labeled as a comfort audio.
The redacted boy that holds no appeal to me is one Asher Talbot. He's sweet, and he's lovable, but when I first found the channel, his audios just felt kind of boring and repetitive. Not that I don't like the occasional sweet and domestic fluffy stuff, but I just didn't see that much in him tbh. I understand the appeal, but he's just not for me.
One movie I know all the words to is Burlesque (2010). I'm not a huge movie person, but I ended up watching that at a sleepover I went to, and I just really loved the movie. I like musicals, I like sexual humor, and I liked the story of the movie (even if it was a little cheesy and predictable at times). Plus, it features Christina Aguilera, and her vocals are PHENOMENAL!!
A redacted boy that I love platonically and would love to be friends with is Huxley. He's in my top 5 favorite redacted characters, but I think ultimately I do like him more as a friend than a romantic partner. He's just so chill and supportive and I tend to be very fast-paced and anxious and excited a lot of the time, so I think he would be a good friend to have to sort of balance that out.
My go-to thing to ramble about always relates to animation. Specifically, I am such a nerd about breaking down the process of how something was animated and either theorizing or looking up certain choices that were made behind the scenes. For a long time, I wanted to pursue animation as a career, and I still kind of do, so that has become a topic I am very passionate to ramble about at any given moment, not specific to when I'm tired.
When I was a kid and we stopped at a gas station, I either got a Dr.Pepper and cheese puffs, or a cherry icee and a plain glazed donut. Nowadays, if I stop at the gas station for a snack, I'll get a diet Dr.Pepper and nacho cheese Doritos.
My current favorite playlist is this playlist I made for me to start my day playing. Noise helps me wake up, and so I made a playlist with songs that inspire me to think confidently of myself. I'm not going to share the entire playlist, but the first three songs are all from Barbie movies (You Can Tell She's A Princess and On Top Of The World from the Princess Charm School movie, and Life Is A Fairytale from the Fashion Fairytale movie). The rest is what I can describe as generic uplifting pop music. It feels very cheesy and fake to have a playlist like this, but it genuinely does make me feel happy and energetic and confident in the morning and I think it helps me start my day just a little bit on a good note.
My guilty pleasure media is the show Mr.Pickles. It's a cartoon about this demon dog who kills people. The show is very violent, and the writing is morally questionable, but overall it is a show I like to just binge every once and a while because I do consider myself to have a somewhat sadistic sense of humor. I never actively wish bad on any real people, but I will laugh at a cartoon dog ripping someone's legs off.
I feel like I've already said a lot (definitely way more than I was anticipating lol) so I think I'll leave it here
Please and thanks again!! Have a good time zone!!!
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Thank the lord for you, because this is the moment I’ve been waiting for. 44 match-ups, and I finally get to pair someone with that sweet, lovable boy, Geordi.
The basis is definitely there for a deep emotional connection and supportive relationship. Geordi has this history of insecurity and not being properly appreciated or treated which resonates, to me, with your song choice and why you relate to it. That makes me think the two of you would really understand each other and be able to connect, to communicate clearly in a relationship and set boundaries, to build something good and cohesive right out the get-go.
On a lighter, funner note, I think the two of you would have a lovely, comfortable, domestic life together! Geordi would love pop music with you (so far, the only Redacted boi I headcanon as a Swiftie) and would love listening to you ramble about animation. Even the things you don't have in common would mesh well- I can see you loving watching Star Trek with him or, at least, listening to ramble about Star Trek. Likewise, I’m not sure he loves Mr. Pickles, but he loves you and spending time with you engaging in the things that make you happy.
Oh, you're the one I want/ I want to drive away with you/ I want your complications too/ I want your dreary Mondays/ Wrap your arms around me, baby boy
Like I said, Swiftie! This song is so cheerful and sweet and is just a fun love song that works for y’all. Also, Geordi knows all the words, and you’ll catch him belting it out when he doesn’t know you’re home. He’ll be embarrassed, and it’ll be so, so cute.
I like David as a runner-up because of his similarities to James, the way he’s a solid, reliable authority figure but more protective and warm than the telepath. He, if necessary, would be the perfect man to make sure you were never taken advantage of again. Elliott is a runner-up because I just love pairing that dreamwalking boy with creatives; like, imagine him building dreamscapes full of adjustable models and features, your own life-size animation models. He’s an artist’s dream come true!
note: this didn’t officially factor into it but your song being named “Read your mind” was a very serendipitous coincidence
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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thegoldenshi-shi · 1 year
Sunny Simp Anon here!
I had ordered the zine when preorders first started and when I saw that you were in the zine many months later i got very excited!!
I took a pic and sent it to Smooch and shared the rest of the art with them and their friends and we loved it all and I love what you did with Jazz ans Prowl!!
The officiator: Any one object?
Prowl: *silently glaring*
Jazz: *had a cannon* :D
Also they look so good and I want to frame your art on my wall but I cant because it’s in a book but it’s so pretty and I love it and i want to hug it but it’s paper and akskdldkdk
Many conflict here you see
Also personal update myself, I probably didn’t do good on one of my exams today because i forgot there was an exam and I didn’t have my book and it was open book and so like, i didn’t do good but it is what it is
Also I want to hold your sideswipe so much, he is such a pretty boi and when he pops up he overtakes Sunny for a minute and is the star of the show and he knows he’s a pretty boi and will use it
I want to hold him so badly and domestic soft thoughts are my enemy cause I want them to be happy and heal from their pain and they are twins and they know each other the best and they went through hell and back and deserve good things!!!
Let Sunny become a famous artist again, let Sideswipe help with selling his brother’s paintings and also maybe own a lil bar and stuff also Bob being his cute self and get doted on and Sunny also maybe makes vent arts and let out his pain
I do personally headcanon that Sunny makes some vent arts but keeps some of them secret cause he doesn’t want to worry Sides too much with how he feels and it helped to just draw it out
Also me and my friends in the JazzProwl discord server made a lil meme thing into a bug angsty au and then we talked about the future after they mostly heal and it was from dark and angsty and stuff to more fluffy but still some angst(it’s with the Elite trine but i am gonna ask if we wanna include other ships and other lil stories besides the elite trine’s)
Anyways! I hope to be in your inbox again soon but some smaller things jn my life came up that needed my attention so I had to focus on those for a lil bit but i will return
-Sunny Simp Anon💛
Oh! You ordered a Monochromatic zine?
That's so exciting! I just got mine a few days ago~ I'm so happy to hear that you like my piece! I was really nervous about it because it was kinda spoofy compared to the others. It's pretty silly even by my normal standards hehe As far as my digital work goes, Sideswipe has been given so much love lately. It's great that his "pretty boi" status has been recognized. I purposefully designed him to look more friendly and open, so if he's making you think soft domestic things then I have done my job correctly hehe. On the subject of Sunstreaker's art habits, I think all artists make vent pieces at some point, writers and other creative mediums too (I know I do). So Sunny does probably have some pieces squirreled away here and there, I agree. I'm glad you're having fun on the JazzProwl server, and hope you get through whatever requires your attention now.
Don't rush through anything, I will still be here when you get done hehe.
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Love your writing!! Do you have any Daredevil fic recs? Xx
Thank you! And yes I do!
First off, if you like Daredevil fics, you need to read basically anything by @deniigi, but specifically these series: Dumpster Fire Verse, Lighter Fluid Verse, the Inimitable Verse, and Into the Multiverse. it's a LOT of reading and all of it is utterly fantastic. the humor is great, the writing is immaculate, the plots are full of love and feeling, and they're some of the most unique and creative fics i've seen in fandom. the matts in each of those series are each distinct characters with their own personality, and all of the characterization is great. seriously, it's just fantastic. this author is also just amazing at portraying messy characters? the characters are flawed and so fucking funny and the author side steps a lot of the moral absolutism that fandom tends to root a lot of stories in. this author also tends to incorporate in a lot of comic stuff that's fun and kind of rarer to see. i'll be recommending a few specific works below, but seriously, everything's good.
The Bride of Mole Man by Werelibrarian. Short, funny MattFoggy one-shot. Matt almost gets stuck marrying a comic book villain out of pity. it's cute and hilarious.
None So Blind by prettybirdy979. It deals with disability and ableism well, and it's just a fun read. Features the Avengers.
Matt Murdock vs. the Media by JeannetteRankin. short, fluffy humor piece, funny and cute.
Action Figures Sold Separately by lembas7. It hasn't been updated in a hot minute, so be forewarned, but very original and well-executed idea. Steve Rogers fucks off and escapes SHIELD before fury can corner him in times square, finds Matt Murdock instead.
kisses so bitter by deniigi. oneshot, part of the Inimitable Series, but can be read as stand-alone. old married guys domestic MattFoggy. In the comics, Foggy gets cancer, and it's touching on that plot line a bit. i LOVE MattFoggy but i'm a little bit picky about its execution (mostly because i think that foggy nelson tends to be misunderstood as a character by fandom, and that usually seeps into the MattFoggy content). This is honestly such a great portrayal of their relationship, and i love it so much.
Tape by deniigi. Part of the Lighter Fluid Series. The Murdock clan throughout the years, as relayed by Fogwell.
Ensemble featuring Matt:
the Staying Close to the Ground series by iustuscadens, specifically Weekends Are for Breaking Promises and Getting Way in Over Your Head and Observational Skills. More Spider-Man centric, but such a great matt peter mentorship. very solid plot, characterization is great, and it handles conflict between characters VERY WELL without like, assassinating any one character. i also just absolutely love Ned and MJ in this. they are very much characters in their own right and they're treated with a lot of respect by the narrative.
You will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not by @tupacaze. God-tier fic. Matt doesn't show up until the second act, but he's got some fantastic characterization and it's incredibly well written. all of the characters are complex, in character, and it also deals with conflict between them so well. absolutely in love with this one.
in technicolor by deniigi. it's so funny. Ensemble vigilante cast, as shown through the eyes of Brett Mahoney. Hilarious and still has some very serious discussions. it was the first thing i ever read by this author and one of my favorites.
The Teenage Vigilante's Guide to Saving New York (And Making Friends Along the Way) by candlesneedflame. Ensemble cast, spider-man centric but Matt is very much a main character. ensemble vigilante cast. recognizes how sluttiness is an integral part of matt's character.
chicory coffee by deniigi. Part of the Into the Multiverse Series, and one of my favorites. I don't know if you've got much knowledge of the Spider-Gwen universe, but Matt Murdock (Matt Murderdock) is Kingpin in it, and this universe has pretty much my favorite Murderdock I've ever seen.
Sidebars by deniigi. Part of Inimitable Series. Features MattFoggy wedding, extremely funny and great characters.
can't always fly by deniigi. part of the Dumpster Fire series. admittedly more peter-centric, but i think that it really nails matt's character in ways that a lot of people miss. i'm fond of it.
who do you pray for by deniigi. it's so fucking funny. i've read it so many times. clint barton, on the prowl to get with daredevil. love it.
where from here by deniigi. my FAVORITE use of mike murdock i've ever read. Team Red ensemble fic. sort of fic you read and re read.
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
House husband sage. We've already established that he can cook pretty decently so that's like 3 stars for him. Sometimes when you come home he re-arranged the a few things around the house, maybe did some renovations to make it more cozy. He's watching your reaction so closely,,,,,lil baby,,,,,,,.Y'all definitely have plants/cats/dogs that he takes over-the-top care of. At first he finds it kinda boring to be looking after plants but I think the peacefulness of doing such a mundane and domestic thing is what gets to him. Probably fixes stuff around the house all the time, like one of those dads that constantly has a tool box around. If you're going through a particularly rough time, whether you've been more stressed lately or work is piling up, he'll kidnap go to tulsi for help and make you a nice romantic dinner in your balcony. This does end up back firing when leaves and birds won't leave (haha they won't LEAF YOU ALON- *gets shot*) you alone but it's the thought that counts <3.
Honestly the life of a house husband doesn't particularly suit him, he wants be outside working a lot, it's what he's used to and he doesn't really mind either but there's probably a lot of days where you're out working while he's just vibing in your shared home. Oh and coming home to him high on catnip intensely watching Nat Geo.
-egg anon (dumb bitch anon)
House husband,, I think you mean housecat,,,
GN!Reader, soft and fluffy and augh I just wanna cuddle with him omg, we're assuming this is post-game so this is post-timeskip Sage
I, do not,, think that Sage would be able to take care of cats because his cat jealousy would kick in. He might be okay with a dog? Although given all the traumatic shit he's been through over the last few months I just think giving him a pet rn would be a little too much for him to handle. So I'm gonna give this one to my friend's OC Maehwa and say he takes care of the plants!!
You guys have a little garden. Once you teach him how to take care of everything (he takes a lot of notes and you have to supervise him for a couple days) he definitely hits the ground running. At first it's because he's desperate to please you - please tell his therapist about that - but over time he genuinely starts to find it really peaceful. Seeing the plants grow and sprout and stuff makes him happy. The hands which once took away so much life are now helping make new life. He likes that.
I also think that the scent of the Earth grounds him a lot. And he likes the scent of the plants too.
He also definitely is a handyman. He likes being useful and he likes getting to turn his brain off while he works on something.
You come into the living room and he's sitting on the floor and putting a bookshelf together and you set a mug of tea down on the table and smooch the top of his head and he just purrs and pauses to nuzzle you and kiss your cheek and then goes back to his work. You sit on the couch and ask him if he wants to watch anything in particular and he just hums and tells you to pick,,, you lean over and pet him and he kinda hums a little as he works and it's just very soft.
Sometimes he'll move furniture around so he can get the best sun spots to nap in. He always puts it back as best he can but sometimes they're a little off.
Other times he just needs a change. If you have certain things that need to stay in certain positions then he'll leave them alone, but everything else is fair game. You can always tell when he's done it because he'll greet you at the door and his ears will be half-folded but the very tips will be quivering and then he'll kinda,, trail behind you back into the room so he can see your reaction. Please give him praise. You can move things back later if you want but he needs the approval. And smooches. And maybe a treat.
It's a pretty common occurrence for you to come home to Tulsi hanging around. Sometimes it's because she's helping Sage with a romantic surprise for you but sometimes it's because they're stoned on the couch (or the floor) watching wildlife documentaries. You come home once and there's a kiddie pool in the living room and it's filled with ice chunks and water and Sage and Tulsi are chilling in it giggling at walruses.
Another time you get home right before Sage is about to pounce at the TV because it's showing a bunch of birds and you have to sprint over and grab his tail to stop him.
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