#those silly internet argument peoples
oberorka · 10 months
metric system: we have the meter and a few dozen metric prefixes from quecto- to quetta-, which is more than enough to measure everything from the smallest elementary particles (1 yoctometer) to the diameter of the visible universe (just under a ronnameter). also water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100. simple
imperial system: yeah so we have inches, feet, yards and miles. 0 degrees is "cool" and 100 degrees is "hot". our system is better because its more intuitive and comprehensible for the layman. idk i just don't like the idea of a nice ordered system of length and temperature measurement where everything is easily convertible through simple multiplication/division by a power of 10
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muffinrag · 1 year
I must not reply. Replying is the mind-killer. Replying is the little death that brings total obliteration.
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redr0sewrites · 6 months
Can you write Vox x reader where like the reader just says like really unhinged things and just like vile things whenever they rage and stuff like the internet could be slow or smth and the reader is just like “IM GOING TO RIP OFF MY SKIN” idk man I’m kinda just self projecting rn like you can right anything with it tbh idk sorry for rambling anyway you don’t have to do this if you don’t wanna
THIS IS SO MEEEEE I LOVE THIS IDEA SM!!! sorry it took me a hot minute to reply to this i have over 70 hazbin hotel requests in my inbox 😭
🥀Cw: fluff, crack, silly vox
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when he first met you, vox was charmed by your seemingly sweet nature- that is, until you were pissed
your unholy screech of how you were going to rip off your skin if he cut the wifi again was both endearing and confusing in his eyes
vox would just short circuit for a second, just blinking at you while he tries to process what you just said
once it clicks, he just starts giggling. vox very rarely genuinely laughs, most of his laughs are professional or part of the persona he adopts as the leader of vox enterprises, but when he's so shocked by what you just said, he can't control the booming laughter thay fills the room
he's wheezing and gasping, each barking laugh only pissing you off more
"what's so funny? if you keep laughing i am going to fucking break ur fingers like carrot sticks!" you snap, and vox only giggles harder
after a few seconds, you can't help but notice how adorable his laughter is, and soon you don't mind it as much
once you two are officially together, you notice how stressed vox often is, yet how he seems to visibly relax around you
the batshit crazy things you say, which normally disgusts other people, only seem to amuse him
its actually a wonderful dynamic because you bring some spontaneity and slight insanity into vox's otherwise irritating and depressing lifestyle, and vox balances out the crazy things you say and calms you down every time
you often find yourself searching for new phrases to baffle him with, and for new ways to make him laugh
after vox has a stressful day, he enjoys just listening to you ramble about the most insane things and adores hearing whatever fucked up saying you've adopted recently
vox notices himself beginning to copy your speech patterns. he only begins to realize when he slips in an exceptionally odd metaphor into a work meeting and everyone stares at him, yet his heart skips a beat at the thought
there's something so charming to him about the fact that he's adopting your mannerisms, and you truly make him laugh when no one else can
whenever another one of the vees pisses him off, he always comes to you for advice on incredibly deranged comebacks, and you never disappoint!
he's won multiple arguments by just repeating one of your fucked up sayings and the other vees being too lowkey shocked to disagree
vox LOVES IT when you diss people he hates, hearing you ramble some fucked up insults about alastor made him fall in love with you all over again
"that worm on a string fucked up karen cut bob looking ass- if i see him around here again im going to eat a fucking brick" *cue vox looking at you with the biggest heart eyes*
overall, you are both menaces, but you're menaces in love ♥️
vox lay with his head in your lap, the blue light of his screen illuminating the dim room as you rambled mindlessly about your day.
"and THEN, this fucking asshole tried to flirt with me! ME!! as if he doesn't know were dating! ugh, it makes me feel like i have an entire beehive living beneath my skin. i swear if he even looks at me again im going to lick wet cement i can NOT deal. how can you even work with him? he's such a fucking CREEP voxy, i'm going to cut off those ugly ass wings and shove them so far down his throat- hey, are you even listening?"
you look down to see vox half asleep, his eyelids drooping as his light dimmed. "keep talking.." he murmurs, looking up at you with a lazy smile on his face. "you're my favorite person t' listen to.."
i love the idea of vox with a partner who challenges his very idea of power. he clearly wraps himself in a sort of persona, surrounding himself with powerful people and acting like he's so serious and important. i love the idea of him falling in love with someone who can break down his walls in seconds, someone who can dismantle his entire bravado act and who allows him to truly be himself. this is such a wonderful prompt and i am eating this up. nonnie ur awesome!!!!
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lemonycranberries · 4 months
RIP William Russell; saw the news earlier today but only had time to come on the internet now.
Ian is arguably one of the most important characters in all of the history of DW. The Doctor only is how we know they are today - extremely empathetic, doing everything they can to help people (very blatantly seen in last week's episode) and having a love for humanity because Ian and Barbara taught them that all those years ago. I've been watching the very first season of Classic Who recently and the difference between the Doctor we know today and how the Doctor was in the first few episodes is so glaring. 1 sees humanity as lower beings, and he doesn't really mind putting people in danger if it serves his own self-interest (...he also tried to kill a caveman with a rock, so there's that). He only begins to change and develop empathy for humanity because of Ian and Barbara. At the end, they're the ones who end up making helping people his life mission. The original TARDIS team also shaped and inspired companions for decades to come, and the show itself is the way it is because of them.
So yeah, this 60's teacher who worried about one of his most brilliant students enough to follow her and find out if everything was ok at home even when it wasn't required, who was one of the first humans to ever step into the TARDIS (and ended up getting kidnapped lmfao), who got into silly little arguments with the Doctor but truly grew fond of him in the end, who was always very brave and did his best to keep everyone safe, and who, in after all, was just an average person, ended up having some of the biggest impact in the entire Doctor Who lore, and in the show itself.
so yeah everyone thank him (and Barbara) and the actor who played him. rest in peace William Russell. you truly did a lot for this show.
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hobiebrownbrowser · 1 year
Constant Arguments pt.2 <Back massages>
Summary: After the argument things got better. Until he started to disappear like always.
Contents: Kissing, cuddling, etc
Bad Spanish= blame Duolingo and the internet lol
"¿Por qué estás levantada princesa?" = "Why are you up princess?"
"que voy a hacer contigo.." = "What am I going to do with you.."
"dulces sueños mi amor." = "Sweet dreams my love."
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It was happening the way you thought it would. Still waking up on a cold mattress alone at night. You wanted to call him. Knowing damn well he wouldn't pick up anyway. You were more worried than angry, having to worry about his safety more than anything else.
It sent chills up your spine just thinking about Miles not coming back. You pushed the thought aside. Looking at the alarm clock too see it was 3AM. It was still considered night. The sun was hiding from the moon. I don't know why but it always felt that way. Just how Miles emotion's were hidden from you. Locked away in his heart where you couldn't reach.
You sighed, Looking at the slightly opened window. The air making the room colder than usual. You got up to close it. Stumbling in the dark until you reached the clear glass. The night was beautiful. The sky being filled with stars you've always wanted to touch.
The sight was memorizing. Wondering if Miles saw the same thing you did when he left every night. No matter how many times you told yourself you were fine with it, deep down his absence hurt. It felt life a knife was forced into your back. Missing his small touches more than anything.
You tightly shut your eyes. Eventually closing the window. You decided to stay up a little longer, Taking out your notebooks to study for a test you had tomorrow. Slowly easing the pain that reminded you of Miles. At least it was a distraction from something else. 'Someone' else.
How long has it been? 2 hours? 3? It was hopeless waiting for him to come back. The notes on every page memorized in the back of your mind on repeat. You looked outside one last time before getting up, Your stomach growling as you exit the room and towards the kitchen.
"¿Por qué estás levantada princesa?" You were startled by the sudden voice. Almost dropping the food in our hands. You looked back too see Miles sitting on the couch. Neon lights catching your eyes as he stands up.
You'd be lying if you said his mask wasn't imitating, His body turning until he was directly facing you.
"I was hungry.." was all you could say. His mask retracting to reveal his handsome face. He was breathtaking and he knew that. His braids complimenting his looks.
He looked you in the eyes before the food in your hands. It was more like a small snack, A tub of your favorite ice cream in your hands as you grab the scooper from the drawer.
Miles looked at you again before rubbing his temples. Covering the small smile that was daring too plaster on his face. You were the most adorable human he laid eyes upon. Giving up the tough act and taking off his suit for the night.
The thought of him laying next to you made your heart flutter. Finally being able to feel his arms wrapped around you tightly. It was a one time opportunity. Finishing in the kitchen and quickly following his lead like a lost puppy.
You noticed he was limping a bit. Walking slower than normal. He must be tired. Whatever he does out there must take alot of strength and energy. You quickly examined his built structure. Wanting to ease the pain somehow.
An embarrassing idea popped up in your head. What if you gave him a massage? Like what those places do to loosen up the tension in people's bodies. It was a silly idea. But you wanted to try it nonetheless.
"Hey babe...?" All you heard was a "hm" Miles being to tired to turn around. How were you going to explain you wanted to relax his muscles?
"Does your body need aftercare?" Miles stopped in the middle of the stairway. Looking back at you with a raised brow. Of course he'd take it as an invitation and not a helpful gesture.
"Not like 'that' Miles." You rolled your eyes. Urging him to keep going and you'll explain on the way. Miles shook his head 'no'. Clearly lying from the way he kept limping up the stairs.
You scoffed, Questioning if he could go any slower than this. It broke your heart a bit seeing him struggle. A part of you giggling, thinking he was waddling like a penguin.
"What's so funny Hermosa?"
You shook your head clarifying that it was nothing serious. You both reaching the top of the stairway and back to the bedroom. Miles immediately aiming for the bed, lying down clearly exhausted.
"Are you sure you don't need me to help?" You could tell he was thinking hard about what you said, A smile creeping on your face as he ushers you to come closer. Pulling you towards him as you both just lay there.
"Miles! My ice cream is gonna melt..." You whined, His grip not loosening on your waist, His eyes already glued shut. You poked his cheek. A small grunt emerging from his throat before he fluttered his eyes open again.
"que voy a hacer contigo.." You simply shrugged, bringing back up the offer to relax his muscles for him. He groaned again, sitting up from the bed and pulling off his shirt. Your heart dropped seeing all the scratches and scars on his back.
You wanted to kiss all of them. Taking away the pain they'd brought him. Without hesitation you kissed the one that ran down his spine. His body tensing up before relaxing to the cold touch of your lips.
You took a firm grip on his shoulders. Putting pressure with your thumb before rubbing in a circular motion. Making sure to get every crevice of his neck before moving somewhere else along his back muscle.
You couldn't really reach anywhere else with the position you were in. Telling him to lay on his stomach for more access to his pressure points. He paused for a moment before complying with you.
It was time to work your magic. Pressing on his back until you found an exact spot that felt like it needed treatment. A bearable sigh coming out of Miles nostrils everytime you found a painful spot. You didn't want to hurt him, being extremely careful in those sore parts.
Miles would let out a shudder every minute or so, The room temperature slowly dropping the colder it got outside. Your ears perked up to the sound of something hitting the window. A single water droplet catching your eye before many more revealed themselves.
It was raining, no wonder it suddenly got colder. You quickly finished up so Miles could rest. Miles pulling you closer to him.
"Ew. You stinky." Miles gave you a look, just wanting to sleep. Kissing your forehead and closing his eyes. You watched with glee, giving him a peck on the lips before grabbing your bowl of half melted ice cream. Finishing it off before following Miles lead to slumber.
"Dulces sueños mi amor."
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txttletale · 9 months
i agree there's no slippery slope between kinks and actual csa, but isn't there an argument to be made that people who are actually dangerous to children do exist in progressive/LGBT/etc online spaces ('radqueer', et al.) and do participate in anti-kink conversations using those sentiments as dogwhistles? the internet and grooming is a new avenue for adults to prey on children, so while the social mores of institutions like the catholic church doesn't include 'normalizing' pedophilia through anti-kink rhetoric, for more left-wing people online those ideas/spaces can be signaled by being laundered through progressive anti-kink (and youth liberation/family abolition) arguments. i feel like the toonimal situation shows that child abuse can still be facilitated over the internet, even though there isn't a traditional hierarchical institution enabling it.
yeah sure. obviously it would be silly to say that no LGBT person or youth liberationist or kinkster has ever been a sexual predator, which is why i've never said that. but i mean i think you are getting at a core element here which is that sexual predators can actually exist in any social space and use any ideology's buzzwords or rhetoric to justify their behaviour. & it is the idea that thinking that consenting adults should be allowed to do whatever they want in private spaces is somehow uniquely susceptible to or likely to be held or reiterated by predators that i am viscerally opposed to.
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goldensunset · 3 months
so like. what is majora's mask about (is one of like 3 people who's dodged it on the internet somehow)
ohHO you’ve made a mistake
the basic gist of it is that the moon is about to crash into the earth and you have 3 days to stop it. nevermind being physically or cosmologically realistic that’s not important right now but Moon’s Haunted. not normal moon evil moon. it’s all the work of this like chaos deity or w/e named majora who’s working through this little imp kid known as skull kid bc of the haunted mask he’s wearing. how do you stop the moon from falling? easy. awaken four giants and get them to literally hold up the moon. push that thang back into the sky. did i mention it’s freaky and scary btw. not normal moon.
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btw there’s a clock at the bottom of your screen perpetually ticking and at the start of each day you hear a bell tolling which is fun. it’s where these memes come from!
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here’s the thing though. you cannot possibly realistically do all of this in 3 days. not unless you’re a hacker or speedrunner who’s built different. so what can you do? well as a matter of fact you can play a magic song on a magic instrument that resets time to the beginning of the 3-day cycle. and you can do so anytime! so yay you can just reset infinitely!!
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except that comes with a price. only certain parts of your progress get saved through your time-meddling. you lose most things- money, common items, dungeon quest progress, npc questline progress- when you reset time. if you’ve completed a dungeon or earned a mask (collectibles which you put on to unlock special abilities) those remain in the new timeline but other than that a reset is a reset. so you have to be careful you’ve seen a quest all the way through before going back through time. if you find yourself running short on time but you aren’t done with something you’re either going to have to scrap that precious progress and play the song and try again orrrr let the moon fall and game over lol. so it’s really like. your time is simultaneously infinite and limited.
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^uh oh sisters!
you can help the people around you, all of whom have rich inner lives and great characters (in reference to both the main quests and the many incredible side quests which this game is known for), and you may get to keep the fruits of your labor from each endeavor (the magic masks you get, or weapon upgrades, or like. the giants being awakened), but then you reset time and their problems come right back to them. and you know that there’s nothing you can do for them because you simply do not have enough time to do all of this in 72 hours so one way or another you have to abandon almost everyone. you get all the material progress you need but in terms of the underlying story you just have to move on through life with the knowledge of all that suffering…
oh and did i mention the part where the moon is falling??? yeah that’s like. on top of the other personal problems people already have, some of which are related to skull kid’s other mischief and some of which aren’t. the moon. it is always hanging above you
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yeah people around town aren’t ignorant of that. some people panic. others are in denial. some people are convinced that if they just do this and that it’ll all be fine. there’s a somewhat political aspect to the arguments in clock town (the heart of the game’s map) where some people are insisting they’re in danger and the mayor needs to order an evacuation and some people saying hey shut up don’t be silly! are you really gonna distract us from our super special carnival we’re about to host? you’re just trying to control people with your conspiracy theory! it feels a lot like a sociopolitical commentary on how different people react to crises. panic, acceptance, denial, trying to take control, drinking away your sorrows, embracing it, still holding onto hope, etc
but by day 3 nobody is denying it anymore. there’s just pure dread. not even evacuation is gonna save you because let’s be real the entire planet is done for. straight up it is the end of the world and there’s nothing anyone can do. you can’t fight the moon. the giants are the only hope and link is gonna fix everything but it’s not like the people of termina know that. so like the apocalyptic, despair-filled atmosphere is heavy. masterpiece of storytelling tbh
a few more things to mention:
-most of your masks are just optional quality of life upgrades or stuff for one very specific sidequest or just a trophy etc. but the main mechanics of the game involve transforming into the other races of hyrule- aka you can become a little tree guy, a fish guy, and a rock guy, by equipping the proper mask. as a matter of fact you start the game by having skull kid mug you and then like curse you into becoming the tree guy so you get to have a body dysmorphia moment for the entirety of the first 3-day cycle before you can break the curse and change freely. oh but fun fact about those masks. yeah those are inhibited by the souls of real actual people of those races who died tragically and their loved ones don’t know they’re dead and they’re convinced you are them. yeah.
oh btw if you get all the masks you can trade them in at the end to unlock a new transformation mask (implying you’re channeling some new mystery spirit. oh boy) called the fierce deity mask and it’s insanely powerful and makes short work of the final boss and we know nothing of the fierce deity’s lore which is a little scary. yippee!!!
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-just in general both games (this is strictly speaking the second of a duology) very much have the recurring juxtaposition of childhood vs adulthood and the traumas of both. the plot of the first game involves being suddenly aged from 10 to 17 (you’re put to sleep for 7 years instead of being oh idk trained or something) and you just have to adjust to life as a child in an adult’s body. (and they’re like ‘wow cool congrats on being a grownup! :D’ as if that isn’t horrifying) then at the end just as you’re getting used to it you’re forcibly returned to being a child and now you’re an adult (kind of) in a child’s body. as a child you’re belittled and as an adult you have people making demands of you that you aren’t ready for and you’re both and neither. but now you’re definitively a child and get to have your childhood back right? yeah no. there’s no going back home anymore after everything that has happened. also one of your last remaining friends just left and now you’re trying to find her desperately. that’s the context going into majora’s mask.
-skull kid himself makes me sad because he’s not even evil he’s being controlled by majora. he is mischievous absolutely and it’s still partially his fault of course but the real him would never do all this. he ultimately just wanted friends and attention and fun and it manifested itself in a bad way (kinda reminds me of ventus in khux with about like 20% more culpability…). you get to be his friend afterward plus his two little fairy friends so yay! gotta say goodbye though.
-the two fairies are a brother sister duo. the sister (tatl) gets stuck as your companion bc she took the time to stay back and bully you extra hard at the beginning of the game and accidentally got separated from the others lol. by the time you catch up to them she wants to stay with you anyway. her brother (tael) stays with skull kid but like he isn’t evil he provides valuable intel to you but he’s just loyal to his friend. anyway tatl warms up to you which is nice and i adore her… but of course you have to say goodbye to her too :(
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^child link and tatl the fairy (tatl and tael together sound like ‘tattletale’ referencing the theme of childishness)
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^skull kid (wearing majora’s mask) and tael the fairy
so in short to summarize the vibes:
what if you were a terrified lonely child experiencing layers upon layers of dysmorphia and trauma searching for your last friend and a giant moon with a face was about to fall and crush the earth and you alone were the only person who can save everyone by reliving the same three days over and over again, racing against the clock each time, making new friends and solving problems only to have to toss most of it down the drain with each reset, witnessing the fear and dread around you, feeling the weight of the world on you… just. man. lemme share some music too
. x this is the clock town theme. bright and cheery on day one, kind of hollow on day two (it rains that day), by day three it sounds frantic with an ominous undertone. denial and panic etc
x this is the theme that plays between midnight and 6am on the last day (fourth day i guess? the cycle starts at 6am on the first day so the last 6 hours before the dawn of death are technically a fourth day). at this point there is no denial in the world and this track plays everywhere in the world at that time. the world is ending. this is such a masterpiece of a somber track i found the best version i could that included the clock tower bells
x theme that plays when you finally summon all four giants to epically stop the moon after heaven knows how many cycles. no more smug skull kid no more despair it’s time!! baby!!!!!!
x this is the song of healing, another magic song that helps undo corruption in various forms throughout the game (it’s taught to you by a shady weird fellow known only as the happy mask salesman. love him.) it’s such a beautiful track that really kind of symbolizes the heart of this game- yeah it’s dark and scary and chaotic but at its core it’s about healing and hope, recovering from trauma, learning to live again… link manages to do it!!! he saves the world! and while he doesn’t stay in clock town he has a good time with his friends while he’s there. he gets to breathe for a bit. not every problem can be fixed but there is a new tomorrow nonetheless. acknowledge the hurt and work through it. gorgeous
have i said enough words yet. (watch someone) play majora’s mask please
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 month
Sometimes being in the SW Fandom is about diving into the annals of the internet researching the most obscure tidbit of batshit insane Canon or EU Lore imaginable to man (which is honestly my favorite thing to do because people have done some pretty insanely funny things with this universe and characters). But for the majority of the time, being in the SW Fandom is also watching people repeat a cycle of asinine arguments that make an absolute ass out of them for the worst possible reasons.
So here's a quick reminder of past arguments to be mindful of and always consider, when you see something in the tags that makes you wrinkle your nose at:
Everyone has something they like or dislike about the overall universe and story. Be it the Original Trilogy, the Prequels, the Sequels, the Animated series, the Live-Action series, EU stuff, Novels, etc. No one is above or below anyone else just because they don't love the entirety of the universe and/or the direction the current writers are taking it.
Canon can be a good baseline for your own creative purposes. You don't have to love it (because yes the whole thing can be inconsistent as hell), but don't get to a point in your fanfic/AU world-building where you vehemently deny that canon is an actual thing. This goes hand in hand with your personal depiction of characters vs someone else's depictions. Reading comprehension and the creative process depend on perspective and how you process the information you're given, so it's only normal that no two person's idea of a character is the same. But saying that your headcanons are how the characters should be written by everyone is not gonna do you any favors in the long run, because it's not up to you to decide on that. Don't forget Blorbo's actual roots and what it took to get him where you took him, but don't try to force someone else to accept the journey you orchestrated for them!
No one's OC should be put on a pedestal. It's good that people feel comfortable enough to play Barbies with each other's OCs in roleplay sessions, or even add a cameo in a fic to a character of a friend and/or artist/writer they admire from a distance. Hell, the fact many people are passionate about someone else's little fella/s is great! But the moment someone's OC becomes an object of obsession within a Fandom community, things can go a little wrong... It stops being fun to be in that kind of space that goes from welcoming OC discussions to suddenly shunning new people in favor of someone's Ultimate Blorbo who now has a Cult Following and should be written into every fanfic ever.
No one is evil for lacking knowledge or self-awareness of certain grievances that people rightfully have with the source material. The SW Fandom has always had a long-standing issue with racial stereotyping, whitewashing, cultural appropriation, sexism and many other equally serious topics that have been more eloquently explained in posts made by people much more eloquent and qualified than I am or ever will be. However, one must recognize that not everyone who joins the Fandom is immediately aware of these things. Especially the younger generations that have either not been exposed to these concepts due to one reason or another (upbringing, biased educational curriculum, etc), or because they were simply never in a position where they could delve into these topics with someone knowledgeable on them (some experiences simply aren't universal, especially if you come from a more privileged family). For the most part, SW is just a silly sci-fi universe that is nothing more than a simple means of escapism or dumb fun. Not everyone is going to study it under a microscope or go through it with a fine comb. That said, another important thing to remember is to listen to those who know their stuff and that have had personal grievances with any of the topics above. You can be excused for lack of knowledge, but you cannot be excused for purposefully ignoring the voices of those who provide you said knowledge for free if you go searching.
This is kinda returning to the second and previous topics, but I really need to put emphasis on this: If you're going to cling to certain design choices with an iron first and incorporate them into your personal ideas/headcanons, please always consider how it SOUNDS when you say characters that are written with basis on real POC people/communities are much better/superior if they have phenotypical trait expressions that are not present (or considered rare/atypical) in their real world basis. This is a CONSISTENT problem I have seen crop up specifically within the Clone Wars and Bad Batch sides of the fandom, especially when talking about Rex (who is a blond) and Clone Force 99 (who do not look like standard clones). Always remember: The problem isn't that Rex can't be naturally blond (genetics can be unpredictable and we really don't have an extensive look into the cloning process), the problem is the way some people think he'd be inferior in some way if he were a bottle blond who chose to distinguish himself (almost as if having darker skin, darker hair and darker eyes is somehow worse than having lighter skin, lighter hair or lighter eyes.. How curious isn't it?). Needless to say, I don't think I need to elaborate further on why CF99's "desirable mutations" giving them considerably lighter skin and less ethnic features, while also making their most POC presenting member look and sometimes act like a moronic brute (something which this Fandom pushes further by infantilizing him relentlessly), is a bit of a red flag...
Star Wars has always been political. It is literally in the name and in the meat of the writing. The entire thing is basically a political and social critique presented in a sci-fi/fantasy wrapper, with colorful plasma swords, cool spaceships, and kickass explosion bow on top. You cannot separate the political conversation from the universe's overall lore, and trying to do so makes you look foolish. Disney may have taken creative liberties with some of its shows, but at the end of the day they can't ever eliminate what the Original Trilogies and even the Prequels tried to tell us about. With that said, complaining about how some of the new shows are "too Woke" or PC is the equivalent of saying you read Romeo and Juliet and that the story is relationship goals. You might need to revisit the original material.
For the love of god if you don't like something, don't go after someone who does, it's not worth it. Sometimes the best thing you can do is either filter something you actively dislike/that makes you feel uncomfortable, or simply unfollow/block whoever is repeatedly bringing it onto your doorstep. And you also have no real obligation to explain your decision to block someone, especially if they hound you for questions. Rule of thumb: Don't like something? That's perfectly fine and valid. Take the steps to make yourself comfortable then, but don't go out of your way to be a royal asshole to someone else just because they themselves enjoy it. This encompasses things from anti-jedi demonization, actual ethnic cleansing in canon, siding with personifications of alt-right extremists, proshipping apologism, etc. The block button was added to this hellsite for a reason. Use it.
Sometimes you can't change someone else's opinions on a matter and that is perfectly fine. Just don't start a feud. People come and go, and their opinions vary (we're all individuals with out own perspectives and unique experiences after all), but getting up in arms every time someone either refuses to yield in a long-winded argument, or continuously tries to shove their unsolicited opinions/advice onto you, or even makes incredibly uncomfortable/forward/gross comments that they definitely shouldn't be saying to a complete stranger on the internet, is kind of pointless and will drain you of energy faster than you can say Death Star. You're not the lesser person for walking away from a lost cause. It's ultimately not your job or responsibility to fix/better someone else. Especially if they don't want to change.
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joyswonderland1108 · 3 months
Drama. Drama everywhere.
Hello Loves, hope you are all doing okay and having a good life.
Quite honestly i was not going to talk about this because i was trying to stay drama-free for the longest time as i've been busy with uni but also wanted a bit of a break from all the bullshit while i continue to support, appreciate and wait for our boys peacefully.
My reactions for this situation were :
This shit is funny af because here we go again making a scene out of basically nothing.
As much as the situation is funny it is also unfunny when we're looking at the whole scene from different angles.
So to begin we all know why this shit is funny, same story, different day. People will continuously feel pressed about Jimin or Junkook or Jimin AND Jungkook, people always have this obsession of bringing down their bond because for some reason people can't even accept them as two bandmates, it HAS to be two strangers or nothing to them.
The whole "we do not support content that has shipping material" argument is silly to me because darling, if you see member X with member Z doing something totally normal that anyone can do and can still call it "shipping material" that's a you problem, you must be having serious untreated problems and should seek help from a therapist ASAP.
To think that "Tteokbokki by JK" caused so much fire and for what? We've all been knew that the members have been eating together many times before and it wouldn't be the first time that a member would've cooked something that was appreciated by other members. We were even able to see through the moments the boys decided to share with us that Jungkook did in fact cook for Jimin and if anything to me whether it was Jimin who said it or any other member, picking the Tteokbokki by JK as his favourite dish, that to me at least is a really good praise for JK because this could only mean his Tteokbokki is a banger!!
Now moving on to why it is also unfunny and i'm not even going to get into the details that we talk about every single time about how both Jimin and JK get unnecessary hate but i'm going to talk more about the fans.
We should all keep in mind that stan accounts are run by actual people not bots, so this whole thing about making a big deal out of a very small thing and making up lies to justify this hate is absolutely mental. People are receiving death threats through their dms, they're being lied about, they're being doxxed and basically their lives could be in danger and over what? Childish behaviors that are not assumed.
What irks me is those with big platforms who can't bother to do things correctly, and i'm not saying they should not do any mistakes, we're human we do make mistakes and it's okay but what's not okay is knowing damn well we are wrong and not apologizing for it, being able to fix it and not even try but instead proceeding to block the people they were wrong about.
I don't want anyone to tell me that those people behind those big accounts are not responsible, when you have a certain amount of followers you become responsible of the behavior they show after they followed YOUR advise. Like any influencer on the internet, they are responsible for their audience, as the word itself is "influence" which means that the behavior, decisions, actions, etc.. of the audience can be diverted by this person.
Seeing how these big accounts caused a lot of damage to many people over false information that they did not bother to fact check before but even worse didn't even think about making a follow up post apologizing not only for the misinformation but also to the people who have been impacted by it, this says a lot about what kind of people they are and the type of values they grew up with. Because those accounts are owned by real people too, which means that the posts are also influenced by their personality and values, knowing damn well that because of YOU people are being sent death threats and not even a simple "Sorry"?
It is quite sad actually because we're seeing fewer and fewer big accounts in this fandom being completely honest and unproblematic. Ship whoever you want, stan whoever you want, heck if you want to be a solo go ahead no one is stopping you as long as there is no disrespect out there, as long as there are limits, literally no one gives a fuck what you chose to do or believe in.
A this point i feel like i used up all of my energy in writing this post and if i go any longer it would no longer make sense so i'm stopping here. Please, let's do better for our boys, i know there's like a whole year for us to wait for all of them to be together again but i swear a year is not as long as you think it is, so in the meantime please let's work hard for them, if we can't be present on social media as in actively posting and all that's fine but at least let's be supportive and let them know that we did NOT forget them and we are still here for them, we still love them and we will continue to do so.
With that being said, take care of yourselves and have a very nice day.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 month
Episode 4 of Responding to the "Sophie is Dangerous Doc": On Genders and Slurs
If you haven't seen my other posts on this:
Episode 1 (Block Evasion Allegations) Episode 2 (All Tibetan Buddhists are Monks) Episode 3 (Survivor's Network) Episode 3.5 (Hate Groups)
Let's just get right into this!
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First, just noting that I absolutely H*TE the culture online around censoring sl*rs where this is a t*rrible word nobody should say, BUT it's totally okay if you replace ONE vowel with an asterisk. Mostly because, when reading it in their heads, I'm certain most everyone is going to instantly read the slur as the slur, and it should be just as triggering to those who would be triggered by it. This isn't specifically an issue with the author but more collective st*pidity of the internet.
Here I went through the trouble of, after realizing I had messed up, to at least replace the whole word with "the T-slur" when all I needed to do was write "tr*nny." Silly me. (This is the only time I'll be writing it that way in this post. I just really need to illustrate how stupid I find this whole thing.)
This bare-minimum censorship while being outraged over saying a slur is just a tad too ridiculous to me to take seriously.
This came about during an argument with someone over the word endogenic. They were arguing, in essence, that because the word "endogenous" may have had vague ties to Freud fakeclaiming trauma, the word "endogenic" was bad because it's the same word.
My point was to illustrate how even if this was true and endogenous was offensive, two words can sound similar and have the same roots with similar literal meanings with one still being offensive and the other not. The example I gave was how trans/transgender are perfectly fine terms while the t-slur is bad despite both having the same roots and literal meanings. Connotations of specific words matter. Not just their roots.
I apologized after seeing how that affected people because I wasn't aware of the severity of the term.
Derogatory terms aren't all equal, and while there are certain pejoratives that you never should say, ever... others are generally acceptable in neutral contexts when not using them as an insult.
My mistake here was not being educated in which category this particular pejorative fell under.
On our gender...
A huge part of this narrative is the idea that I just suddenly for the first time ever decided to identify as genderfluid because I was under fire.
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This is, like much of what is said in this document, completely false.
I had previously posted about how being a system with multiple genders makes our system's body more accurately described as genderfluid.
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This post was back in August of 2022. Well before the slur discourse in May of 2023.
I believe there were other posts but they're hard to find because Tumblr searches are bad. (I used google to find this one.)
The idea that the body/system is technically genderfluid isn't something I invented out of thin air for that one discussion, but is something that had been on my mind for a long time, and something I had talked about before.
While I won't blame the author for not having an encyclopedic knowledge of every post I ever made. This is yet another instance of accusations and assertions without ever even bothering to confirm if they were true.
This lack of due diligence is a massive theme in the "Sophie is dangerous" document.
If anyone had asked me if I had made public statements referring to our body being genderfluid, I could have answered and provided a source.
In fact, the author quotes me saying that I've always considered the body genderfluid, even highlighting it...
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But didn't once think, as any reasonable person would have in this situation, that there may be evidence of this out there.
Instead, the author lazily repeats the lie that this was something new I just suddenly decided for the sake of this one argument.
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There are a couple problems.
First, let's start with the point near the end about being queer. Because my point was more than that.
It was that genderfluidity is not merely queer, but specifically on the transgender spectrum as seen below:
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My position is actually that any system with fronting headmates of a different gender than their AGAB is genderfluid to an extent. And because of this, is on the transgender spectrum. (Regardless of whether they identify as transgender or not.)
Slipper Slopes and Bad Precedents.
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This is a ridiculous take meant to try to villainize me. And is a bit of revisionist history at that.
I initially apologized and did explain that the intent was not to reclaim the term, and that I didn't feel comfortable reclaiming it. I stand by that.
I didn't cast myself as a victim over people being upset by it.
After my apology, I listened to numerous transgender systems who were uncomfortable with the topic that arose from that, and uncomfortable with the people taking issue with a girl in an AMAB body using the T-slur.
There is a lot of underlying complexity here that I believe needed to be addressed.
Because simply apologizing without addressing these other issues sets a precedent that I didn't want to be setting.
I wasn't going to let the takeaway from that conversation be "individual headmates can't reclaim slurs, even ones they could be called, unless they directly identify by the specific term for the experiences they have."
I've never been called the T-slur. But as more systems are out publicly and headmates of different genders are expressing their gender, it's likely that they'll be victims of transphobia.
Systems with multiple genders are, as a whole, genderfluid.
Genderfluidity is on the transgender spectrum. Regardless of whether they identify as transgender or not.
And it's pretty weird to try to police the language people on the transgender spectrum use based on whether they specifically call themselves transgender or not.
My biggest problem with the whole discourse around that topic is that it ultimately presents an intrusive ideology that is super concerned with policing the specific terms GNC people use and identify by. And worse, it presents the gender of systems as less important than those who have varying genders for other reasons.
The precedents you set don't exist in a vacuum. The fact is that you are arguing this at the same time that sysmeds have resorted to maliciously misgendering endogenic systems, justifying it under the basis that it's not actual misgendering because the headmate with those genders aren't real.
Something which, if you remember from the previous episode, the OP of the "Sophie is dangerous document" doesn't believes counts as real misgendering.
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In the end, it's a very slippery slope from "female headmates in AMAB bodies with gender dysphoria can't reclaim transgender slurs" to "gender discrimination against headmates is totally separate to that faced by trans people and misgendering headmates isn't as bad as misgendering real transgender people."
And this is a slippery slope the author of the document appears to have fallen straight down and crashed face-first on.
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marcos-scorpion · 2 years
Do I look good, Mr Armstrong? - Marcus Armstrong x Reader
hihihi! So turns out quite a few people were interested in this when i posted to ask, so here it is ! This was just gonna be mega fluff announcing your relationship, but apparently I’m incapable of writing just fluff, so this is angst with a happy ending. Defo not my best work, but I love this sm so i hope you do to. Also! Requests are open for f1/f2/motorsports now i guess! Xoxo moth
Warnings- angst to fluff. Relationship doubts (that are wrong). Secret relationship.
Word count- 1.8k
Watching James and Clem pose for the silly TikTok that Marcus was making, you let out a little chuckle, as a stupid plan began to form in your head, mind whirring as you tried to figure out what your boyfriend’s opinion on the matter would be. Snapping out of your little daydream of Marcus’ possible responses to your dumb scheme, you ducked your head off his shoulder just in time for him to flip the camera to himself to end the TikTok. 
No one knew about your relationship with the beautiful boy seated beside you, not even his close friends and podcast co-hosts sat across from the pair of you. To the world, you were Marcus’ close childhood friend, the only person that could keep his life on track. His team saw you as his personal assistant, the rest of his friends jokingly calling you his slave. In reality, you took the job to work for him to ensure you could be close to him, to travel the world with the love of your life at your side, watching him do what he loves. 
After almost three years as a secret couple, and over fifteen years as inseparable best friends, seeing you two close in public wasn’t rare. No one questioned you leaning against him, plenty of childhood photos had circulated the Internet to prove that it wasn’t a new development. When photos of this meal inevitably ended up plastered across the twitter trending page, they would be compared to those childhood photos, as they are every time a photo of the pair of you is posted online. The difference now, is no one could see your ankle looped with Marcus’, his hand placed firmly on your upper thigh. 
Marcus’ desperation to keep your relationship hidden was a sore spot in your lives. Between his obvious following, and the collection of fans you had amassed across different social media, both with and without his help, there would be a small meltdown at the reveal of your relationship, especially after being hidden for so long. Marcus claimed it was to keep you safe, but you can’t help but feel that he’s ashamed of you, no matter how much he argues against it. 
You were no stranger to the hate that comes from even being associated with people in careers like Marcus, let alone the hate that came from your own career in social media. You knew you could handle petty people telling you Marcus deserved better from behind a screen. It was an ongoing point of contempt in your relationship, with the most recent argument about the topic leaving an iciness over the two of you even now. 
In public, very little had changed, but in private, the quiet of his drivers room and hotel suites bigger than your flat, empty garages long after his engineers had left, not a word was shared between you. It stung, his disbelief that you could handle a little hate, that you could handle yourself. You hadn’t voiced the fears that he refused to go public because he was ashamed of you. The answer you believe you will receive from Marcus scaring you before the words could even begin to formulate in his mind. 
The most recent argument, the one still lingering now, had been the worst around the topic. In the most recent Screaming Meals podcast, a feminine laugh could be heard behind the scenes when Clem made a joke, and the way Marcus’ eyes shined when he looked to the person behind the camera had the comments speculating who she was, and who she was to him. 
This speculation had been less than pleasant. The comments were ripping apart this girl, calling her ugly despite not seeing her face, calling her a cheat for laughing at Clement’s joke despite them believing her to be Marcus’ girl, saying she was an attention whore for distracting the boys, for having to be involved despite not being on camera. 
It was easy to detach yourself from these comments, for you at least. Marcus struggled more, clearly taking many of the words to heart and believing you did too. Hate was hate to you, it didn’t have to affect your relationship unless you let it. Unfortunately, Marcus let it. 
“You shouldn’t have to go through all this shit just to be seen with me!” Marcus had his hand on the door handle to your shared suite, “It’s been me and you, always. There’s no fucking need to change that now. No one else needs to know as long as we do.”
Those had been his final words of the argument just a few days before, as he left you in the unnecessarily plush hotel. They stung. The fact he seemed so ashamed to admit he loved you, that, yeah it had always been you and him, but it was different now. And you wanted people to know. Clearly, he didn’t see it the same way. 
That night was the first in three years that the other bed in the suite had been used, even though he didn’t come back until the next morning. 
A few days after the TikTok the boys had been making was posted to the Screaming Meals page, you and Marcus seemed to be back to somewhat normal. Well, you were exchanging small, meaningless conversations and sleeping in the same bed. Deciding you couldn’t hide this anymore, you decided to break this tentative peace, bringing back the topic he seemed so adamant to avoid. 
You were trying to build up the courage as Marcus made his way out of the en-suite, smiling at you as you tried to get your eyeliner even in the mirror. Despite the tension, he had insisted that your date night went ahead. He had picked the fanciest restaurant that was within walking distance of your hotel, meaning a beautiful outfit was in order. 
Meeting his eyes in the mirror as he sat on the end of the bed, shirtless but in smart dress pants, you gave him a shy smile, dragging as much confidence as you could to get your next words out. 
“Marcus, we need to talk.” His face fell, but he nodded slightly, “I can't do this anymore. I can't be the hidden girlfriend, from your friends, your team, everyone. You keep saying it's because of the hate I would receive. But you’ve seen the hate I receive almost daily, just for existing on social media, and in your world. You know I can handle it. I feel like, at this point, you won't say anything because you’re-“
You broke into a sob, not even realising tears had been pooling at your lash line, desperately fanning your face so as to not smudge your makeup as all your worst fears bubbled to the surface.    
“Because I’m what, love? Have I done something?” He looked panicked now, moving to stand behind you, warm palms on your bare arms. 
“Well, yes, but no. Marcus.” Letting out a deep sigh, you prepared yourself for the rest of this conversation, “To me, you won’t post me because you’re ashamed for people to know I’m your girlfriend.” The last part of the sentence came out whispered and rushed. You wouldn’t have even known he heard you, had his hands not stopped ghosting across your shoulders. 
With a deep sigh of his own, Marcus spun the chair you were sitting in, kneeling to face you as you desperately tried to hide behind your hair. Gently lifting your chin, he forced you to meet his eyes. The tears that had been pooling earlier had begun running down your face, gentle tracks in your otherwise pristine foundation. 
“Oh sweetheart.” He whispered, tightly pulling you against him, face buried in the crook of his neck. “I promise you, the last thing I could ever be is ashamed of you. You are the love of my life, and have been since we were nine and you punched that girl for making me upset.” You let out a wet snort at the memory, but your tears continue to flow, dripping onto Marcus’ collarbone. “I truly thought I was protecting you by not announcing anything. I should have shown you off to everyone as soon as I had the chance. And I am beyond sorry I didn’t. Nothing in my life matters without you there by my side.” 
You were fully sobbing now, but you had raised your head to look in your boyfriend’s eyes, surprised to find them lined with thick tears. Reaching up to cup his cheek, you lightly shook your head. 
“It’s ok. Well, it isn’t. But we can fix it.” And with a watery smile, you pecked his forehead. 
“Do you want me to post something? I could do a instagram photo dump, you know I have enough photos? Or we’re recording Screaming Meals tomorrow, could I say something on the podcast?” Chuckling at the panicked look in your boyfriend’s eyes, you grinned slightly, your usual glint returning to your eyes.
“Well, I had an idea the other day, but if you’re not comfortable with it, we can do something else.” 
That’s how, when you had finished fixing your makeup, you and Marcus were standing in front of the full length mirror, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist as you brought up the TikTok sound, purposely keeping the camera angled to the side so Marcus wouldn’t be seen. 
“I’m sorry, I just need one minute to make sure I look good.”
Gently running one of his fingers under your lip to wipe an imaginary smudge of lipstick away as you mouthed along to the words, watching as you tilted your head to the side as you continued. 
“Do you think I look good, Mr Armstrong?” 
Smiling lightly as you move your phone so that Marcus was visible, with his arms wrapped tightly around you, his head resting against yours, he grabbed your jaw to pull you into a kiss as the audio switched to the music and the TikTok ended. 
After watching it back, along with a burst of laughter at how Clem and James would react, especially after he wasn’t excited to use the sound with them, you hit post, quickly followed by Marcus saving it and posting it on his instagram. 
Within minutes, both of your phones were flooded with notifications that were ignored as someone started banging on your suite door. James and Clem fell through the door as soon as you swung it open, babbling about how they knew it, how Clem owed James money because he didn’t think Marcus would have the guts to say something. Giggling as your boyfriend tried to calm his friends, also cracking into laughter himself as he returned to your side to wrap his arms around you again. 
He grinned down at you as you reached out for Clem, who was currently trying to escape James, he was honestly upset he hadn't done this sooner. 
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allegedly-human · 3 months
Saw a post from a USAmerican teen saying hating France ironically was americans trying to find socially acceptable ways to be racist and that it was imperialism and like.
Hi! French here. Making fun of France ironically and for silly reasons is more than okay 90% of the times. The few times people have been cunts about that has been when they were salty about us not joining the US to invade the Middle East, and other equally racist comments. We are not a misrepresented community that suffers from racial or societal prejudices because of our French origins, and especially not from people posting a vid of France disappearing from a map with a One Direction song. And fun fact, the argument that other Western countries don't respect us (especially the USA) is a far right argument for nationalism with the intent of pushing the "reject modernity embrace tradition the woke is coming from the US" argument with it. Believe it or not, "the French must not see any part of their culture treated lightly for it is holy" is a lot more worrying to me than "I kissed a Frenchman and got lung cancer from the second hand smoking" or whatever infinitely funnier thing internet people can find.
And, and I cannot stress this enough, this applies to our language. I cannot and won't talk for other French-speaking communities, but here in France I don't know one person who wouldn't make jokes about French being a joke and all that, and those I do know like this are people that tend to say the sentence "but is it really a genocide" a lot on various topics. However, the institutions that are hellbent on respecting and protecting French here are, you guessed it, conservative institutions like the French Académie who thinks that you shouldn't call Natives Americans Native Americans and that you should not be allowed to use gender neutral pronouns or to have a word for female authors, and of course the right. You're not being progressive by treating our culture the way Le Pen wants it to be treated, believe it or not
It's a long long topic worth thousands of words but I think the bottom line for this is: you guys joke about 9/11 and burgers, believe me, we're not that different, the only people who'll get offended by this are the same people who would scream at you to respect the troops and the thin blue line if they were from the US. The USA isn't the most special place of the world that's the only one worth laughing at, and claiming that USAmericans are "punching down" when making jokes about us is fucking stupid
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erinelliotc · 5 months
Talking about "Ed, Edd n Eddy" outside of Tumblr with (probably) heterosexual cisgender neurotypical men is just... frustrating. I feel like I'm talking to a door. The guy got mad just for stating the simple fact that what the Kankers do to the Eds is sexual harassment. I mean, how can anyone deny that? I thought it was, like, obvious to everyone lol. I made it very clear that it's my favorite cartoon and that admitting that what the Kankers do is sexual harassment doesn't mean it's bad or that it should've been canceled, and the guy just said he wouldn't read my text. It's ridiculous.
People outside of Tumblr are so lazy and this scares and saddens me because I love writing and I can hardly summarize my thoughts. I mean, it's okay if you don't want to read it, but then at least keep quiet and don't give your opinion on something you don't know about or assume what the other person said. People simply leave discussions with a simple "I won't read it" and feel victorious for it, even if the person in question is agreeing with them, agreeing more than disagreeing, or only partially disagreeing. They treat "writing too much" as having already lost the argument itself and that doesn't make any sense. The worst part for me is that being lazy to read and having the inability to formulate a counterargument has already been widely normalized on the internet as winning an argument, and it totally pisses me off.
Why are people so lazy to... think, discuss and reflect? To use their fucking brains!? They just want to attack people for no reason and be right at all costs! They act stupid and others agree with them! Ugh, I should just stay on Tumblr. I've already accepted that this is the only nice and safe (or at least the nicest and safest) place for neurodivergent / autistic people.
Anyway, about what happened:
It was in this Instagram post:
Comments started here:
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I replied emir.d95 with this text:
I mean, it is sexual harassment. Admitting this isn't the same as saying that the cartoon is bad or that it should've been canceled (far from it, it's literally my favorite cartoon of all time), it's just stating a fact. It's like denying that Ed has an intellectual disability and is bullied because of it, or that Kevin is a bully (at least in the initial seasons), these are things that aren't explicitly said in the show, but are obvious and don't make it bad (furthermore, it was the 90s/2000s, it was a cartoon within what was considered normal for the time). Problematic things and complications happen, they are part of life, showing them in a cartoon isn't the same as agreeing with them. It was very clear that the Kankers were a bother to everyone and nobody liked them. Danny Antonucci said the Kankers were based on a group of girls he knew during his 7th grade school year. In his words "they're based on a pair of Grade 7 girls who true to form were always on the lookout for potential boyfriends. They frightened us with their intensity and attitude yet they always wanted to play the innocent with the older guys whom they wanted to date". They were based on real girls who were actually scary, cynical and a nuisance to Danny and others. The Kankers are supposed to be creepy, problematic, a pain in the ass, and disgusting. One of the biggest features of this show is the gross things, disgusting the viewers, and the Kankers and them abusing the Eds and sometimes others is one of those gross things. And before anyone says something like "It's just a cartoon, it's not that deep bro", we're talking about "Ed, Edd n Eddy", a show that literally addresses domestic violence, shows the main character's redemption arc and how his brother's abuse influenced him to act the way he did, and consequently teaches about friendship, forgiveness and acceptance. It's not just a silly cartoon, it also touches on serious subjects when necessary, sometimes in a more shallow, light and humorous way, or in a more explicit and profound way, like in the movie. The Kankers are abusers, just like Eddy's brother, and his punishment in the end is precisely being abused by them. Like it or not, "Ed, Edd n Eddy" teaches us, even if unconsciously and subtly, that girls can also be abusers and boys can be victims of sexual abuse. It's a great show for a laugh, but also for learning some valuable lessons every now and then. The movie was supposed to have even more serious and touching scenes, but unfortunately they didn't fit into the available time and budget.
Then I got these:
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So, yeah... The lesson is: Don't expect a healthy in-depth dialogue about "Ed, Edd n Eddy" with people outside of Tumblr xD
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typingatlightspeed · 2 months
Metal Gear Fanfic - Thunder
Hal discovers another metal gear leak, in perhaps the most obvious of places. A very stupid fic with a very stupid joke. Ao3 Link! @tarisbackyard made a joke about this months ago and I knew then I needed to write a silly lil ficlet of it, lol.
The frantic clicking of Hal's laptop mouse and absence of any other active sound was what alerted Snake to the fact that something was amiss.
Typically, even when deeply engrossed in work, a flurry of sound tended to accompany Hal's computer activity. He usually listened to something, background noise to help him focus in the form of some 80s city pop or an episode of a mecha OVA, rarely actually paid attention to. When Snake was doing something in the same room, he'd wear headphones, but when he was alone, he didn't bother.
So when Snake walked out of the bathroom, fresh from a shower and toweling off his hair, it immediately set off alarm bells to find such relative silence, doubly so as he walked into the living room to find Hal sitting cross-legged on the couch, hunched over his laptop like a shrimp in near-complete silence, save for the sounds of his own busy typing and clicking.
"Everything okay?" Snake asked, digging in his ear with his towel. Rounding on the couch, he caught sight of Hal's face and stopped, his guts clenching tight. The man looked like someone had just shot his dog.
"Not even slightly," Hal murmured. A few clicks, and he sat back to let Snake see the screen, upon which were a set of metal gear blueprints. "This was just posted. Publicly, on the War Thunder forums."
Snake came up alongside Hal, peering at the screen, eyes wide. "War Thunder forums?"
"War Thunder's an online military vehicle combat game. It's whole gimmick is that it tries to be as realistic as possible with its portrayal of the vehicles it features."
"And they've added a metal gear?"
"Yes, but this isn't their post. Their public forums have a reputation. People get really passionate about their favourite vehicles, their specs, the verisimilitude, and a bunch of times over the years, there have been players with access to classified design and specification documents who've posted those documents on the forums in order to win arguments about the vehicles they're discussing."
"You're serious?"
"Never underestimate a military nerd with an axe to grind. Some people get so deep into it that they forget that winning an argument on the internet isn't the be-all end-all," Hal said, shaking his head ruefully. "It's happened enough times to become an internet meme known outside of the player base of the game. People who have no interest in the military, vehicles, or the game know about the War Thunder forums and people leaking classified information on it."
"And someone leaked metal gear plans."
"Yeah. Recently, they added TX-55 to the game, and it's caused a bit of an uproar on the forums. Some people are mad earlier iterations of metal gears weren't added first, others are angry that something that powerful was added before the infantry models like Metal Gear G, but for the most part there's been a lot of back and forth about the actual specs of TX-55 itself, how it compares to other metal gears, and modern innovations. And then someone leaked these plans."
Snake squinted at the schematics onscreen, scanning the information as quickly as he could. There was no mistaking the shape of it. "That's REX."
"It is," Hal confirmed, the weight of it making him sink in his seat, slouching over again.
"Who posted it?"
"That's what I've been working on," Hal replied, taking his mouse back in hand. "The username is a jumble of letters and numbers. It looks like a bot username, honestly, but the poster uses enough slang and has enough grammar errors in their post history that I'm reasonably sure it's a human user. They're here to argue about tanks and planes and metal gears, no doubt about it. So I've been working on figuring out how to hack into the forums' database and get their IP info. Once I do, I can work on finding them."
"You can do that." It wasn't a question, it wasn't a statement. The words left Snake's mouth bereft of tonal indicator, himself unsure which direction they should go.
"Of course I can." Hal smirked, and began typing something out.
"Alright. While you get on that, I'll go get dressed. Once you've got a bead on them we can make our plan from there," Snake said matter-of-factly.
"You gotta get dressed?" Hal lamented, reaching out and giving Snake's ass an appreciative squeeze.
"If I don't, you'll get too distracted to work," Snake chuckled, grabbing Hal's hand and removing it from his butt.
Hal pouted. "Now I really hate this leaker," he grumbled, turning to watch all the same as Snake chuckled and sauntered out of the room, swaying his hips for Hal's benefit.
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airenxys · 5 months
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As the header presents, I am Airenxys, though those nicknames will do the job. Nothing is interesting about me tbh, just a silly little person on the internet willing to be your friend :3
I'm much more active in Quotev, as that is my main platform of writing. This Tumblr account will only serve as a way for me to interact with a lot of people around the world and have fun ♡
Oh, and also to post sneak peeks of my upcoming works, the official/drafts of them, and lastly, their book covers. (The original pictures used are found in Pinterest ONLY unless stated otherwise.)
I do not tolerate any hate comments about my work/writing style. Only constructive criticism and feedback are allowed.
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noperopesaredope · 6 months
Disclaimer: I barely know what I'm talking about. I'm just putting some thoughts out there because I'm honestly confused about some things. These are the words of someone who can barely understand what anyone is saying and also trusts no one on the internet. I've accepted that I am too stupid to understand this conflict and no matter how much research I try to do, I will never understand any of it. Believe me, I have tried. These are the ramblings of a confused idiot who is out of the loop on everything and will never really be in the loop.
You can add your own thoughts or disagree. But don't yell at me for my thoughts. I've tried to educate myself, but that has failed. But I still want to throw some thoughts into the discussion using my limited understand of everything. I will likely be turning off notifications to this post if too many people shout at me for not understand shit or agreeing with them, so probably don't try to change my mind. Just say what you want to say and add your own essays in the reblogs.
I've been trying not to say too much about the Israel-Palestine conflict (not just Gaza, but in general) since it's so complicated and messy and I'm not informed enough on another country's massive, decades-long conflict for me to feel comfortable commenting on it. However, I have had a little nugget in my brain that has been bothering me for a while now. A common Zionist argument I occasionally see is that Palestinians aren't actually "indigenous" to the region of Israel-Palestine, and that they are invaders. They came from somewhere else to live in that area, and therefore aren't "the true people of Israel." But I find this argument rather silly and a bit hard to believe.
First off, and I'm not even saying this as an argument against Israel, but isn't the whole point of Jewish mythology (mythology is the technical term) that Israel is "the Promised Land?" As in, the end point? The final destination rather than the start? Maybe I'm confused and need to brush up on Jewish mythology, but from what I remember, the Hebrews came from a different region in the Middle East, then migrated to the region where Israel is. Therefore, they didn't exactly "originate" from there either.
It's also kind of hard to believe that there weren't already other people who were living there already. And then Abraham and his family moved to Egypt anyways due to drought, and the Hebrews were there for hundreds of years before coming back to Israel. And by the time they'd come back, a bunch of other ethnic groups had already made their homes in Israel, as people had been doing likely long before Abraham and his family first came to the region.
And even if Abraham and his family originally came from that region, Abraham already lived in civilization. Civilization still existed there, and people were still living there. Abraham was basically part of a different ethnic group before he created the Hebrews. Therefore, the Hebrews would be from Israel, but so would all of the other people already living there who weren't descendants of Abraham.
Whether or not you believe that the region belonged to the Hebrews by the will of God, all those other mfs were still living there first. You can say that you own the land because God said so, but you can't truthfully say that all the people who were there before Abraham was even born are not native to the region.
Even if we're not looking at Biblical accounts, realistically discussing archaeology and patterns throughout history leads us to the conclusion that there was no singular native ethnic group in Israel.
It is well known that Israel has had, like, hundreds of different peoples who have lived there at different points throughout history. It has switched around a lot of times, and has definitely had multiple ethnic groups living there at the same time. It is a region that has historically been diverse, and many have called it home.
On top of that, who is to say that Palestinians aren't actually also natives to that region? I've heard some people say that the Palestinians are decended from Arabs who invaded the region, but is it really true that all of them are of Arab decent? Again, this area is incredibly diverse, and I'm pretty sure it was ethnically diverse even before Israel was founded. It's unlikely that
Also, haven't the Palestinians been living there for thousands of years anyways? Because in that case, I'd say it's questionable to declare a pretty diverse group of Middle Eastern brown folks to not be native to a region they have been living in for hundreds/thousands of years.
Especially when a large number of those who moved to Israel when it was founded (refounded?) back in 1948 were of white European decent. I believe that Israel is still the homeland of the Jewish people, but is a white Jewish person whose family has been living in Europe for hundreds of years really more native to the Middle East than a brown person whose family has been living in Palestine for hundreds of years?
Like, I see these white ass mfs sitting here saying "I belong here more than you" to these brown people who have been there for generations. This statement is not about Jewish folks who have been living in the Middle East for generations, mainly just those of European decent who declare that the land belongs to them more than those who have been there forever.
I still believe that the Hebrews should be considered "indigenous" to Israel, but to say that they are more indigenous seems disingenuous when both groups migrated to the region. No one group has ever been the true native group of that area, and I feel that either side arguing that the other is not native to the region is full of shit.
We don't know who is native to the region. We barely even know if Israelis and Palestinians each are made of singular ethnic groups. So I feel like declaring the "One True Indigenous Group" is pointless and redundant to the discussion. Either both are or neither are. Shut the fuck up.
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