#though i am upset that my thing was very overshadowed by how cool the others girls did theirs...
crescentmp3 · 1 year
hi that went fine.
0 notes
chezzywezzy · 2 years
Yandere Steven & Marc (3/4)
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Word count ; 4.3k
*TW : abuse. general manipulation. Remember, Steven/Marc aren’t really good either lmao. it's yandere for a reason.
I dried my hands, having finally finished washing the dishes from tonight’s meal. Charles was god knows where taking a phone call, so I was grateful to have some time to myself. I cleared my throat and grabbed my phone, stopping the music. I still had my earbuds, though, hoping to watch some videos on the couch before retiring for the night.
It had been a very exhausting last few days. Charles… tended to be a drama queen, so at least I couldn’t complain about life being dull, despite working at a flimsy gift shop day to day. 
I entered the living room. Because the night was cool, before sitting on the couch, I went open to open the windows, although I left the screen to cover them. I could hear Charles talking angrily to someone on the phone about something. I ignored it, though, plopping on the couch and pulling my legs up with me.
I checked my messenger, skimming over some group chats, before moving to YouTube. I put on a random upload from my favorite YouTuber, instantly becoming absorbed. I even laughed a few times. I was so preoccupied, in fact, that I completely ignored Charles when he sat on the couch beside me.
I jolted out of surprise when he grabbed my knee. I paused the video and pulled out an earbud, eyeing him questioningly.
Charles was stoic as usual, but for the first time in a long while, he had a slight smile on his handsome expression. My heart used to melt for the opportunity to see him happy, but it grew old quickly. It was quite overshadowed by how negative he always was. But my friends told me this was normal in a serious relationship and marriage.
“What is it?” I asked, quirking a brow.
“I figured it was about time you moved in with me,” he stated.
My entire body tensed. Even the idea of living with him terrified me. He seemed to notice my body language, though, and squeezed my knee tighter. He wasn’t smiling anymore. 
Once I recovered from the shellshocked, I inquired,” …Why the rush?”
“Why the hesitance?”
“I - It’s just, you’re bringing this up so suddenly when we’ve already agreed to wait til marriage,” I muttered. I couldn’t meet his gaze, instead steeling myself for what I knew was coming.
“Change of plans. I’m getting impatient. Do you not want to move in with me? I have all the money in the world. You could quit your job and live a carefree existence.”
“It’s… too sudden. I’ve already paid this month’s rent. And I like working, thank you very much.” My throat was completely dry.
Charles pulled away and rose to his feet. He towered over me, leaving my with no choice but to meet his fiery gaze. His fists were clenched, and even with a bruised face, he was terrifying to look at.
“There’s no reason for you not to move in with me now. What are you not telling me? I’m right about you being a cheating whore, aren’t I? I’ve always known it —“
“I’m not cheating!” I shrieked desperately. I scooted down the couch quickly, rising to my feet. “How many times do I have to tell you? Because of you, I literally have no life, except for your rich socialite friends! I’ve changed everything about myself for you, and yet here you are, accusing me of being unfaithful!”
As quickly as my anger flourished, it vanished, being replaced with fear as I saw how his expression darkened. He always told me he hated when I raised my voice. He hated when I argued with him. He hated how I was. But… how could I stand for such accusations.
“Shut the fuck up, you sleazy bitch!” he roared, red in the face. “It’s that arsehole from earlier, isn’t it? Am I not rich enough? Do I not buy you enough things? Is that why you fuck other guys? Stop lying to my face, whore!”
Tears had already sprouted to my eyes. Silence fell over the room. It was either I upset him more by defending myself, or I upset him more by admitting to something I’d never done. There was no escape for me in this situation, and he knew that. 
Instead, a sob bubbled in my throat, and my hands went to wipe my eyes. Why did the man hate me so?
“Stop fucking crying, slut! You always play the bloody victim when you know damn well I’m the one being hurt. I deserve better. You should be fucking grateful I waste my time on a bitch like you! I could do so much better, so be grateful I’m even with you.”
“Get out, get out, get out!” I yelled, meekly pushing at his chest. “I want you gone! Now! Leave me be!”
That wasn’t the right thing to say at all. Charles snorted cynically, pushing me in return. Except, it wasn’t nearly as light as mine was. Instead, I was sent flying over the coffee table. While in the process of falling, I reached out desperately, but all I found was a vase of flowers that he’d given me. It crashed along with me, some of the glass immediately piercing my legs. My head also collided with the wooden floor, and I let out a shriek of pain.
I heard several clicks and snaps from outside the window.
My head was pounding, my legs were tangled, and glass was stuck in my. I was also wet from the spilled flowers. I was… miserable.
I curled up on the side, unable to prevent the sobs from escaping, echoing in the room. I felt oh-so pathetic as Charles only stared. He didn’t even move to help me.
He moved around the coffee table and crouched in front of me. I was still cradling my legs to my chest, my hands covered in my own blood. My vision was blurry, and yet I still attempted shrink away from him as he reached out to me.
I hoped for him to be kind. But that would only happen in my dreams. Instead, he grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me upright. My throat burned even further as my limbs were forced to stretch in unnatural ways. He pulled me so very close. With one hand, he had my collar, but with the other, he cupped my cheek.
“Listen here, whore. I’ll look over this incident and forgive you if and only if you never fucking cheat again and you move in with me,” he huskily demanded. “Be obedient and we’ll get married without any other hitches. Got it?”
I was so exhausted, I could only blink. That seemed to satisfy him, and his entire mood seemed to switch. He smiled sweetly, pressed a quick kiss to my lips. My entire body seemed to reject it, and in that moment, I began to heave. He pulled away, confused.
And just like that, I threw up. It was just as painful as the blood seeping from the wounds. The omit landed on his expensive suit, and he immediately threw me back onto the floor, stumbling away in disgust. 
I heard more snaps and clicks but was too drained to see what the commotion was. Charles clearly was too.
He didn’t even say goodbye as he grabbed his briefcase. All I could hear was a ‘fucking bitch’ muttered under his breath.
My mouth was dry after I finished spilling my guts. All I could do was sprawl out on the ground, staring at the ceiling helplessly.
He’d never been violent toward me before. My heart had officially shattered into pieces.
Steven was absolutely knackered. After a night of spying and then him and Marc losing their shit and then immediately diving into planning and then losing their shit again after reviewing the photos, it was safe to say he hadn’t gotten any sleep last night. However, a cup of coffee fueled them for the time being. And besides, she was more important than sleep.
Marc was on the same page as him completely now. In fact, he was the one who thought of their little plan yesterday, and was the brunt force that drove them into ungodly hours of the night. Marc would hopefully never be more interested than him, but he sure was equally obsessed with the girl as him. Although, it was definitely for different reasons.
He waved politely to the security guard. The security guard waved back, greeting,” Hey Stu!”
On any other day, that would bother him to no end. But he was completely absorbed with his mission, entering the museum further.
The moment he spotted Y/n at her normal post, leaning against the gift shop counter with a distant look in her eyes, Steven was as grateful as he was bothered. She was incredibly injured. She should’ve taken at least a week off to rest! But, at the same time, it meant he wouldn’t have to wait on moving forward with his plan.
He uttered as friendly as a smile as he could, despite having nothing but negativity swarming his head. Y/n didn’t even notice as he walked up to the counter, his hands shoved in his pocket. She was looking directly at him, but she was completely spaced out, not even blinking.
Steven sighed, waving his hand in front of her face. She suddenly jumped, standing up straight. She seemed terrified for a brief moment, but all her stress washed away the instant she recognized the man in front of her.
“Hello there,” Steven greeted poshly.
Y/n seemed relieved by his presence. She nodded curtly. “Hi, Steven. The same goes for Marc… What brings you here?” she tittered.
Steven grinned. “I wish I could say it was just to visit, but it’s actually on official business. Are you doing alright, though? You seem pretty knackered.”
“Just… had a bout of insomnia last night, is all,” she fibbed quietly.
Steven’s mouth twitched, but didn’t let his displeasure show. “I’m sorry to hear that. I hate to bother you again, but as you probably know, I work with police, and furthermore, detectives.” That was a lie. But she didn’t need to know that. “See, I recognized your fiancé the other day. Charles Mindel of Mindel corporations, yes?”
Y/n nodded. “Yeah… and?”
“Well, I hate to tell you this, but… he’s been under investigation for the following crimes.” He cleared his throat, pulling out a napkin from his pocket. He read,” Embezzlement, collusion, forgery, and most evident, workplace sexual and physical abuse. Do you know anything about this? Have the police contacted you at all?”
Her jaw dropped. Y/n wasn’t very good at hiding her concern. Steven felt smug; he was witnessing the destruction of Y/n and that piece of shit’s relationship in real time. A part of him also felt bad for lying, but seeing how this guy was, he probably was committing a lot of crimes.
“No, the police haven’t… Charles doesn’t really, uh, talk to people about me. He says its, uh, bad for him reputation. I don’t know anything about it. He doesn’t take to me about his work.”
Steven’s smile faded and he accidentally clenched his fist, crumpling the napkin at the same time. Y/n glanced unsurely at it, but Steven shook his head. “Seriously…?”
“What?” she retorted, confused.
Steven held back a rant about what a piece of shit he was, but he knew she wasn’t in the right mindset to hear it right now. Maybe she would be when she saw the evidence he planted in that arsehole’s office. Not only did he plan on rescuing her from an abusive relationship, he planned to swoop in and steal his heart when he proved he was the right one for her.
“Nothing,” Steven answered. “Em, has he displayed any suspicious activities? Is there anything abnormal about his behavior? Abuser tend to act certain ways, after all, and it would be a great lead.”
“Well -I don’t really know about any of that stuff… Exactly how many people have reported abuse?”
He tapped his chin in lock thought. “Hm… I recall reading four reports from women who used to be his assistants. Their stories seem consistent. First, he love-bombs them with gifts and pretty words, then asks for things in exchange such as a kiss, and often, when he was rejected or they made a mistake at work, he became violent and gave them an ultimatum to keep quiet.”
Y/n was trembling in her boots. Steven could tell by the look in her eyes that she believed it. That her soon-to-be ex-fiancé was capable of such things. Because what he described was exactly how Steven observed him treating her.
But, she shook her head anyways. “That’s… terrible!” Her voice was shaky.  “Um, I really don’t know anything about that. I mean, he treats me… okay, I suppose. Is… there any way I could help?”
Bingo. Steven predicted that instead of admitting the arsehole was abusive, she’d offer to help. Steven almost loser ‘professionalism,’ wanting nothing more than to grin with ecstasy. Instead, he cleared his throat. “Well, yes, actually. Because we are only able to search a house for a specific crime, it’s hard to nail all of them at once.That’s where you come in, Y/n. If you’d be so kind, perhaps after work - if you’ll let me go with you -, would you check his home for anything suspicious?”
“Y - yes! Yes, of course… I just don’t believe… Well, never mind.”
He knew Y/n believed he was capable of such terrible crimes. Because she already knew he treated her like shit.
He became a bit nervous. “Actually, Y/n… one, can we exchange phone numbers? So you can text me when work is over. And second, I’d love to treat you to an, uh, uh, meal afterwards. I’m sure you could use an extra friend with all that’s going on.” And a soon-to-be lover. In Steven’s mind, Y/n was already falling for him.
Y/n opened and then shut her mouth again., taking out her phone at the same tie and handing it to him. As Steven entered in his number, she reluctantly said,” I’m not sure if I can accept dinner. It’s nothing against you - you’re quite lovely - it’s just, if Charles found out…”
Steven quirked a brow, hander her phone back. “If he found out?”
“Well - nothing. I just don’t think I can.”
“If you happen to find something incriminating, I’m fairly certain what he thinks would be the least of your worries. Please?”
Y/n’s shoulders lowered.”Well… I guess so. Sure. Dinner sounds lovely.”
Today was a shitty day. Yesterday was a shitty day. The day before that was a shitty day. Every day had been shitty for the longest time. And right now, as I pulled out a key to Charles’ house with Steven or Marc - the walk was silent and he could’ve switched in the meantime -, I felt shitty. I was walking with a limp, too. 
Marc had noticed earlier. He questioned it several times, but shut up about it eventually. 
The door opening with ease. None of Charles’ cars were sitting outside, so I already knew he wasn’t home. I also knew that when he was giving the cold shoulder, he busied himself with work. And, potentially, forcefully sleeping with other women.
The accusation angered me to no end. It hurt because I had no doubt in my mind that Charles was probably like that. That he had the audacity to accuse me of cheating because I talked to a man when he was treating other women that way…
But there wasn’t any solid evidence yet. And I hoped there wouldn’t be. It would break my heart that I wasn’t even good enough for an evil man like him.
I didn’t have much dignity left, but if I found evidence of criminal activities, I’d have enough dignity to end things. Maybe then… I’d be happy.
I shut the door behind Steven slash Marc. He was proven to be Marc when he spoke up,” So this is the place, huh?”
I nodded wordlessly, hanging my bag up on the coat rack. I didn’t bother kicking off my shoes. Hopefully, this would be as simple as in-and-out. 
Marc cleared his throat. “We need to check the bedroom and office. Those are the priorities, since secrets are usually stored in those areas.”
“Sure thing.”
I motioned for him to follow, and I led him up the stairs. I figured that anything related to cheating would be in the bedroom, so I’d leave it for last. I marched down the hall toward the office, the floorboards’ creaks being the only sound echoing the house.
I wanted to get this over with. Heaving out a sigh, I opened the door.
I was relieved when the office didn’t seem any different than the few times I previously visited. Marc placed a firm, comforting hand on my shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze. I glanced back with him, but he separated, leaning on the wall. He was letting me do the dirty work.
I started with the file cases. I scanned several papers, mostly the ones in the back, but nothing seemed off about it. I didn’t really know how to read the files, so for all I knew, it could be collusion agreements or bribery or whatever. However, that wasn’t what I was looking for, and I knew it.
“Find anything suspicious?” 
“No. I don’t really understand any of this business stuff,” I admitted.
“Me neither,” Marc chuckled.
I weaved around the desk, sitting down for support. By the legs were drawers, the glass onyx for the sake of privacy. I eyed the laptop, but I didn’t know his password, so left it alone. I leaned over and pulled the top drawer open. It was almost completely barren, except for some pens and unopened post-it note packs.
The one underneath had a bunch of business magazines. I dug underneath, and my stomach began to churn when I found some Playboy magazines. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the potential heads-up on what I’d find  or because who the fuck had in-person porn magazines?
I pulled the newspaper up and slapped it on the desk. Marc looked over in surprise before joining me at the desk.  He grabbed the magazines, letting out a quiet ‘huh.’
I opened the third drawer.
And that’s when it seemed that my entire world was crashing down on my. My heart was on the verge of physically imploding. But, I was so stunned that I pulled out a cellular device.
I knew that Charles always had his phone on him for business. There was only one reason he’d need a second one. For cheating… or something worse. I could only hope it was the worse option for the sake of my almost non-existent self-confidence.
But, alas, when I dug deeper, my entire world stopped turning.
Shakily, I pulled out several pairs of lingerie and underwear. They were worn down and didn’t have any name tags on them. They were used. And they weren’t mine. And, most of all, Charles and I had never slept together. He never wanted to.
I set a red lace bra and pantie set on the desk. And then a black thong. And then a pink bikini top. And the bikini top was wet. 
“Are… these yours?” Marc asked unsurely.
I’m sure his question was answered when I burst into tears. I couldn’t help it. After all the accusations of being unfaithful, of not being good enough, of being a whore, he was cheating on me. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I sunk into the seat. My entire body was trembling and my mind was both racing and blank at the same time.
How long had he been cheating? Why wasn’t I good enough for him? Wasn’t I pretty enough? Wasn’t I obedient enough? He never asked to have sex with me. He said he wanted to wait until marriage. Was it because he preferred other women? 
My vision was blurry, but Marc immediately swooped around the desk and crouched in front of me. He grabbed my hands and pulled me into his chest. I felt disgusted with myself, just as disgusted as I was with Charles. I tried struggling to escape the hug, but he was steadfast, hushing into my ear and rubbing my back soothingly.
I couldn’t help it. I caved immediately, grabbing at his t-shirt. I was surprised that Marc didn’t let Steven take over, but that was the least of my concerns. I cried loudly into his neck, despite a numb sensation washing over me. My everything hurt. It was like my thigh was throbbing more than ever, the wounds completely reopened. My heart was torn into shreds.
I wasn’t sure how much time passed. All I knew is that I eventually detached from the man feeling all cried-out. I rubbed my nose and eyes furiously. 
Marc assisted me as I rose to my feet. “Marc,” I croaked,” walk out of frame… please.”
Marc did so, but I noticed that he took his phone out and snapped a few pictures. Probably for the sake of the investigation. But I pulled my own phone out from my back pocket, leaning against the desk for support. I wasted no time in face-timing Charles.
He declined almost immediately. But I ruthlessly tried again. And again. And again. Fifth time was the charm because it rang for several seconds. Just seeing his irritated expression sent a wave of anger through me.
“What? I’m busy, damn it. I don’t have time. The fuck do you want? To apologize?”
I snickered. “Sure. I’m the one who should be apologizing when you’re the one fucking cheating on me and abusing god knows how many people and being just the shittiest fucking human being alive!” My voice progressively got louder, but I couldn’t help it.
He hissed, walking down a white hallway. He looked insecure. He entered through a door during my rant, and immediately his expression betrayed his fury.
“The hell are you talking about, whore —“
I turned the camera view so that it was aimed exactly at the incriminating evidence. “You… you have the audacity to say I’m worthless and - and a big nothing and a whore and yet you were in your fucking office fucking some poor girl in a bikini god knows how many hours ago! How fucking dare you —“
“Shut the fuck up! Stop fucking yelling. You’ll ruin my goddamn reputation,” Charles shouted, having lost his temper. “Did you plant that shit? I haven’t fucking cheated on you, but fucking hell maybe I should have. You’re lying to my fucking face —“
“No. No! You’re a total asshole! You could’ve fucking… fucking immobilized my leg last night! I bet you went home and cheated on me after you fucking hurt the hell out of me like the asshole you are —“
He rubbed his temples. “I’m not fucking cheating! I don’t know how the fuck that shit got into my office. Why the fuck are you there anyways, huh? To plant that shit —“
“Deny it all you want, asshole. We’re over. If I ever see you again, I’ll —“
“You’ll what, huh?” He was seething. I fell silent at that, my skin crawling. “You’re not breaking up with me. I don’t know how that shit got there, but even with how fucking braindead you are I wouldn’t cheat.” I scoffed, but he didn’t seem to be done. “You’re not breaking up with me, Y/n. If you do, I swear to fucking god I will kill you.”
All of my anger vanished and my heart stopped. I had never been so terrified.
My attention was suddenly drawn to Marc. I realized that he had been recording the entire interaction. I felt so terribly embarrassed. He was motioning for me to hang up.I could only gulp.
I had yet to turn the camera back to me. But I didn’t need to. I was scared for my life, but Marc was a witness. That meant, even if I was brutally murdered, at least one person would know.
“…Fuck you.”
I hung up and turned off my phone. My arms fell to my side. Marc immediately bounced back to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I let him lead me out of the room. Everything hurt so badly it was numb. But I leaned against Marc as we left the house. He wordlessly took my bag for me.
A part of me, deep down, was relieved. It was freeing in a sense. But right now, I was absolutely heartbroken.
“Hey. How about instead of dinner, we just go to your apartment and order pizza and watch a movie? I don’t think it’s safe to be alone right now.”
I strained a smile. “Yeah. That would be nice. I’m sorry for… that. You didn’t need to see that.”
He squeezed my arm while gently placing a kiss to the side of my head. “Don’t apologize. He’s a bad guy, Y/n. You deserve better. And I promise, we’re not going to let anything happen to you.”
It was comforting to hear that. And maybe it was because I was vulnerable and desperate, but I could’ve sworn my heart fluttered.
@slutalexis46 @greenxtea0 @gorgeourrific-nerd
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90gemini · 3 years
Falling Up 🌇 Steve Rogers x Reader AU
Summary: A meet cute on a morning train between pediatric intern Steve and reader.
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: big crowds, just too much fluff ngl
A/N: hope this makes you smile, i really love this AU, might be a part 1 of a whole series:)
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Every single morning, as if on cue, approximately two minutes before my train leaves the station near my apartment, I come to the realization that if I do not get into full sprint mode right that second, I will miss my train and then be late to my first class and then have to walk in embarrassed while everyone is already inside and then proceed to feel embarrassed over it the entire day. So, considering the fact that I never seem to make myself leave the house just a few minutes early, for the past three years that I have been going to college, almost every morning I run into the train the last moment before the doors close completely out of breath, and have to subtly work on composing myself much longer than I am comfortable to admit.
Yet today, without even realizing, I got out of my apartment solid seven minutes earlier than usual. My roommate and I were so engaged in our conversation about the events of last nights party so we walked out together still invested in the drama which left me pleasantly surprised with the time I was left to spend before my train leaves after we went our separate ways. The extra time opened a whole lot of opportunities for me, almost made me believe I should wake up earlier every morning and not leave for class at the last possible moment. So, with the 420 extra seconds I got today, I managed to actually dig my earphones out my bag, plug them in and wait for the train with the sounds of my morning playlist filling my mind.
Inside the train, when I wasn’t preoccupied by catching my breath but also, even more importantly, focusing on not making it too obvious I was out of my breath, I became very much aware of my surroundings, noticing everything and everyone around me.
There was a girl sitting down right across from where I was standing, she looked about my age and she held a little baby in her arms, slowly rocking it and I noticed the way she was looking totally spent but the moment her baby made this cute laughing sound, a smile spread on her face completely overshadowing the exhaustion in her eyes. Next to the door was an older woman not so subtly judging everyone who was sitting down and has not offered her to sit and right next to the door was a man sitting down and sleeping like a log. I had the urge to wake him up and ask him when he has to get down or if he has already missed his stop, but in all honesty, it was too early in the morning for me to be considerate like that. While continuing to carelessly look around, my eyes landed on something that opened drawers in my memory I did not even know existed.
It was a book cover. A simple white background featuring a boy with frizzy hair who was flying over a drawn-on city with the words ‘Falling Up’ in the middle. So many moments of my dad reading poems from that book to me before bed when I was a kid came up and instantly forced a smile on my face.
In my head, I started reciting the words to my favorite poem from that book, remembering my dad teaching me how to read with those poems when my eyes fell on the arm holding the book and the man attached to it.
And God, was I thankful for the boosted-up heating in the train this morning because that made him take off his leather jacket and throw it over his arm, leaving only a thin, too tight white shirt to cover his upper body and it worked amazing for me that the shirt wasn’t doing its job well.
I heard the sound of the door opening and saw way too many people try to make their way into the train making it way more crowded which pushed the mystery man to move closer to me. Not as close as I wanted though.
My mind was focused solely on him that at one point I wasn’t even aware what station we were at and have I maybe missed mine, but I found myself not caring at all. The point my eyes landed on his face I was basically addicted. His hair was a gorgeous mess, a bit outgrown but looking so good. And, oh my God, his eyes. I was so upset I am only seeing them under the fluorescent light of the subway because I am positive that it would be an out of body experience seeing them under the sunlight.
At that moment I was sure he was the most beautiful man I have ever laid my eyes on and was already cursing myself because I knew I was too nervous to talk to him and will regret that forever.
His lips would occasionally move into a small, barely noticeable grin while he was reading and every once in a while, his tongue would go over his lips leaving them all full and glistening which led to a whole new set of unholy thoughts entering my brain. And his fingers, the way he flipped over the pages was just so-
‘’May I help you somehow?’’ I was snapped out of my trance by his voice and met his eyes that were looking into mine with the coldest, most unimpressed expression as if he was in front of the most annoying person to ever grace the Earth.
‘’Shit, sorry,’’ I apologized quietly and pulled out one earphone to hear him better because no matter how rude it looks he is going to be right now, his voice was just heavenly. ‘’I zoned out when I saw that book.’’ I pointed to the book in his hand and his eyes followed the direction my finger was showing as if he was surprised I wasn’t staring at him but at the book. I was most definitely staring at him though, but I don’t plan on revealing that. ‘’My dad used to read it to me when I was a kid so just seeing the cover brought back too many memories. Sorry.’’ I said in a soft voice and gave him a forced smile hoping he was not going to talk to me again because I really don’t want to be yelled at by the most attractive man alive at 7.23am on a Tuesday in the subway.
‘’You know this book?’’ his voice broke the short-lived silence between us, making my head snap up to look at him again and I was met with a much softer face adorning an adorable smile. ‘’You must think I’m so weird for reading poetry for children.’’ He let out a small laugh which was, without exaggeration, the greatest sound I have ever heard in my life.
‘’No, I think it’s cute.’’ A sly smirk found its way on my face as I felt my usual confidence come back now that I knew he wasn’t planning on yelling at me.
‘’So, you think I’m cute?’’ The smirk on his lips, on the other hand, was not as subtle as mine was as he turned more towards me, quickly closing the book and focusing his eyes on my face.
‘’I didn’t say one thing about you being cute, I was talking about the book.’’ I lied to keep my cool even though cute truly wasn’t the first word that came to my mind when looking at him. It would be something more in the neighborhood of I-would-drop-on-my-knees-for-you-right-this-momentor whatever.
‘’Okay, so you don’t think I am cute?’’ he leaned closer and licked his lips instantly sending shivers down my spine. This man is too much for me to handle right now.‘’Because I think you are really cute.’’ He whispered loudly enough only for me to hear and moved away a bit to fully appreciate my flustered expression because he obviously was aware of the exact effect he had on me.
‘’Well, I guess you aren’t that bad yourself.’’ The fact that I was not literally falling apart in front of this god cosplaying as a man is still not something I can understand. ‘’And thank you.’’ Saying that my voice got super quiet, and I could see him grin proudly at my reaction.
‘’You are welcome,’’ he didn’t finish that sentence and looked at me asking for my name.
‘’Y/n.’’ he repeated and stepped closer to me with an excuse of letting someone else pass and giving them space. ‘’That is a real pretty name.’’ I smiled to say thank you and looked at my feet for a second to get myself together.
I didn’t even run to catch this train yet I’m still out of breath.
‘’I am Steve by the way.’’ He stretched out his free hand in my direction but not for one second broke the eye contact between us. ‘’It’s so nice to meet you, Y/n.’’ God, just to hear him say my name was killing me.
‘’Nice to meet you too, Steve.’’ I connected my hand with his much larger one and was painfully aware of the fact he must have heard the soft sound I made the second my skin first touched his.
‘’So,’’ he continued while slowly pulling his hand from mine. ‘’do you like poetry in general, ‘’he lifted the arm with the book and nodded towards it. ‘’or is it just this one book you like?’’ he asked with so much interest in his voice making me absolutely thrilled he was keeping the conversation going.
‘’I love poetry.’’ I kept my answer short because forming decent sentences was a though job while looking at this man and seeing the way he was looking at me.
‘’What kind?’’ he adjusted in his spot somehow that he was even closer to me, leaving basically no space between us, yet to everyone else it seemed normal because the morning rush in the New York City subway never was famous for the spaciousness.
‘’About love.’’ I said softly and witnessed his expression changing from the cocky, overconfident one he had on, to a completely soft one.
‘’Same here.’’ He replied and as if he can do it on cue, looked even more deeply into my eyes. ‘’I like reading about how people feel things I have never felt, it lets me to feel the emotion without risking being hurt.’’ He confessed to me and I couldn’t believe a guy that has such a hard exterior is ready to share that much emotion after talking to a stranger in a train for only a few minutes. But I was thanking all the gods he was.
‘’That’s much deeper than my reason for loving it.’’ A small smile appeared on his face as he looked at me to continue. ‘’I just like reading about love and watching movies about love and basically everything about love. Makes me feel all warm around the heart.’’ He let out a small laugh reminding me why it’s my new favorite sound. ‘’That must sound so cheesy.’’
‘’I don’t think it’s cheesy. I think like it is really nice to love love.’’ he said matter-of-factly. ‘’It’s cute.’’
‘’So you are calling me cute?’’ I looked at him with a raised eyebrow as he let out a huff once again leaning all into my personal space.
‘’I am. I have once before too.’’ He whispered near my ear and I know he knew just what he was doing to me.
‘’What poets do you like the most?’’ he moved away leaving me upset over not feeling his breath on my neck anymore.
‘’I don’t read a lot in English.’’ I fumbled with the edge of my jacket and lowered my eyes to focus on my boots because his face was way too distracting. ‘’My dad is not from here and I got the gene for loving poetry from him so most of the things I read are in his mother tongue because it’s really the only way to keep myself from forgetting it.‘’ Making a mental note to call my dad tonight because it’s been too long, I suddenly became extremely aware that I am sharing so many personal information about me with a random man I met on the subway. ‘’So yeah, most of the poets I read, never got international fame so you unfortunately didn’t have a chance to hear of them.’’ I felt a dash of electricity go through my body when he put his hand under my chin tilting it up so we can once again face each other.
‘’Don’t hide that gorgeous face doll.’’ Dear Lord, I can’t believe I might actually die on a train because of a hot, poetry reading guy. ‘’I’d love to read some of that poetry you like if it is translated.’’
‘’I don’t know if any of it is translated but you can check, I can write down some of the names for you.’’ I said quickly really happy that he wants to read something I will recommend, still recovering from that ‘gorgeous’ comment.
‘’I don’t have anything you can write it on, we can just-‘’
‘’Oh, I have a piece of paper to write it on to, it’s no problem.’’ I interrupted him while flashing him another smile and started digging through my bag for pen and a paper only to have his hand stop mine making me look at him with confusion written all over my face.
‘’I was thinking something more in the lines of you writing your number in my phone,’’ he took his phone out his pocket and directed it at me. ‘’then I can text you and we can meet up so you can tell me more about those poets and maybe translate some for me on the spot if you want to.’’ The smile was evident on his face when I took the phone out his hand and started writing my number into it.
‘’I would really like that, Steve.’’ I gave him his phone back with a smile a bit too big for the cool persona I was trying to present myself as.
‘’Well, I am really looking forward to it, Y/n.’’ he returned the big smile and focused his eyes on my face once again.
‘’Can I ask you something?’’ I looked at him curiously.
‘’Anything, doll.’’
That nickname is going to kill me.
‘’How come you are reading poetry for children?’’ he left out a chuckle and gazed over the book in his hand.
‘’There are two reasons, actually.’’ He shifted from one leg to another and started talking kind of nervously. ‘’Firstly, this book is something I always come back to for some reason. My grandma bought it for me when I was just a kid and I reread it for too many times, so I always go back to it because it’s safe. Something like playing Friends in the background because there is nothing else to watch but it always makes you feel good, you know?’’ I nodded and he continued. ‘’Second is that currently I am interning at the pediatric wing at the hospital downtown and kids love me reading these poems to them so I always find a few I think they would like the most when I am getting to work in the morning.’’
‘’That is really amazing, Steve.’’ I put my hand on his forearm and looked at him with so much affection in my eyes. ‘’Those kids must feel really special having you read to them, it’s really heartwarming you do that even though you don’t have to.’’
‘’They are going through too much shit, if I can make it any better for them, I will.’’ How pathetic is it that talking about kids with this guy I met literally minutes ago, makes me think about having his kids?
‘’That is really too sweet.’’ I had plans on saying so much more to him, but I heard the automatic voice announce how my station is next. ‘’Shit I have to go; this is my stop.’’
‘’Oh.’’ He said and I swear I could hear some disappointment in his voice. ‘’I guess I will see you again?’’ he asked as if he is not sure if that is going to happen.
‘’You most definitely will see me again.’’ I looked at him fondly again and I don’t even know what force gave me the confidence to do so, but before making my way to the door I got on my tip toes and kissed his cheek.
‘’Bye, Steve. See you soon.’’ I said while walking away from him but still keeping my eyes on his as I saw him put his hand on the place I kissed him with a small smile on his face.
‘’See you soon, Y/n.’’ Was the last thing I heard before exiting the train, completely sure that I won’t be able to focus today in class.
But I don’t mind.
really hope you enjoyed this, any comment on it would truly mean a lot!<3
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luna-redamancy · 4 years
Obsession {Thranduil x F! Reader}
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Authors note: So, this is a more happy-ending version of my Thranduil fic ‘Crazy’. It is nearly three times as long and my best fic yet (in my opinion). Note: I am writing a part two that will have smut if anybody is interested in that.
Warnings: Yandere themes, obsession, nothing too crazy
Word Count: 3043
Part Two (Smut)
The sun spilled over the tree branches, golden light highlighting a halo around her head. The aged book made her hands look so delicate and small as she read page after page, her mind far from reality as she delved deep into old lore. She was perfect. Thranduil stared with infatuated eyes, his chin propped up on his hand as he watched from a few trees away from her. Her features were ethereal, it seemed impossible for her to be human, but Thranduil knew she was sadly so. 
He watched as her concentration was broken, the change in her eyes as she drifted back into reality, confusion overtaking her features. Listening closely, his eyebrows furrowed as he heard several females walking down the path, their high pitched cackles filling him with disdain as he watched her slowly rise. 
“She’s such a bore!” The taller one groaned, holding her arms over her head to cool off from the sun’s heat. 
“She never wants to do anything, she only wants to stay at home and read her books.” 
Her expression changed from excited to confusion, hurt lacing over her features as she rested her head on the thick oak’s trunk. 
“I don’t see why you both keep trying to invite her out then,” The smaller one spoke to the other two girls, huffing her hair out of her face. “You only asked her to be your friend so you could possibly court her brother instead,” She reminded, “-And then he died with the rest of his travelling company whilst going to Esgaroth.” 
Biting her lip, she sank back to the ground, clutching her book to her chest. Unshed tears lining her eyes as she processed the conversation she heard. 
“Interesting…” Thranduil mumbled, a smirk forming on his face. “She’s even better than I thought.” 
Thranduil watched as his angel packed up her belongings, her gentle smile now replaced with a narrow frown as she disappeared from his sight.
“Soon my starlight, very soon.” He promised, as if she was upset about having to leave him. 
The market was scuttling, people scurrying from one stall to the next, filling their wooden baskets with produce and trinkets to take home. The air was filled with the smells of sauces and freshly baked goods, the hollars of vendors trying to sell their goods filled your ears as you slipped through the crowd, your empty basket clutched to your chest as you avoided getting trampled over by the crowd. 
Taking a deep breath, you smoothed out your skirt before you approached your favorite vendor, the farmer. 
“Good morning Lady (Name)!” He greeted happily, finishing wrapping up some freshly made cheese. 
“Good morning,” You responded with a small smile, examining the lettuce. “I have a deal going on today, five items for one silver coin.” 
Your eyes widened in shock, “Really?” You questioned as you felt your smile widen as well. “Must’ve had a wondrous harvest then?” You asked as you grabbed lettuce, a tomato, a few carrots, and a stock of celery. 
“Wondrous indeed.” He smiled at you as you passed him the coin from your purse. “Well, may good harvests continue to find you.” You bid your farewell as you move further down the market stalls.
“Oh my…”
“Is that--”
“King Thranduil!” 
The crowd was reduced to gasps, everyone bowing once they saw their king approaching on his mighty elk. A small gasp left your throat as you saw him approach, carefully adjusting your skirt to bow as well. Thranduil held a gentle smile on his face, waving away everyone’s formalities as he dismounted. 
“Now now everyone, no need to get into a fuss,” He teased as he began looking through the stalls, a thoughtful expression on his face as everyone went back to their business. 
“Looking to start a new project?” Old Lady Idra questioned you as you approached her stall, eyeing the silvery blue ball of yarn. “I was thinking of making a new blanket for my bed, the winters have been getting colder and colder,” You explained, looking at her selection. 
“Is that so?” Thranduil’s voice startled you, making you drop the yarn ball you were holding. 
“My apologies, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Thranduil apologized while he picked up the yarn ball, carefully placing it in your hands. 
“Oh no, no need to apologize, My King.” You bowed your head in respect, moving to get out of his way so he could examine Idra’s stall.
“No need to move, I apologize for interrupting. I was concerned when you said the winters are getting colder?” Thranduil frowned slightly when he noticed you wouldn’t look him in the eye. 
Carefully tipping your chin upwards, Thranduil grinned when you finally made eye contact. A blush formed on your cheeks as you smiled back. The smell of him filled your nostrils, his beauty stunning you from being so close. A warm feeling bloomed in your stomach as you two locked eyes. “Ah,” Snapping yourself out of your trance, you nodded, fighting the urge to drop your gaze. “Yes, the winters are getting colder. At least on the northern tip of the kingdom...” You explained carefully, not knowing how the southern half was faring weather wise. 
Nodding Thranduil removed his hand from underneath your chin, fighting the ever growing urge to pull you into his embrace. Your voice rings like a beautiful melody in his ears. “Well, thank you for letting me know. I will arrange for more firewood to be sent up north when winter gets closer.” 
Nodding, you gave him a smile as he stepped away from you, Lady Idra watching with a quirked brow.
“Well… I better get going.” You announced, giving him and Lady Idra a nod, fishing through your purse to pull out a few coins to pay for your yarn. 
Thranduil’s larger hand overshadowed yours however, placing a gold coin on the counter. 
“Have a wonderful day, ladies.” Thranduil dismissed himself, giving you a fond smile, his hand twirling a strand of your hair before he made his exit. 
“What in Valar’s name did you do to catch the King’s eye?” Idra questioned, a knowing smile on her face as you shook your head, a vibrant flush on your face. “I wish I knew,” You laughed softly, holding your basket close to you as you bid her farewell, you too exiting the market.
The day felt like it went by in a blur, thoughts of Thranduil drowning your being as you rested your head against the wall above your bed. Your knitting needles and yarn being long forgotten. The memory of his smell, his beauty and the intensity of his gaze now burned into your mind.
“Thranduil,” You mumbled, the very mention of his name soaking your tongue like fine wine as your mind wandered, daydreams of a future together blurring your reality. 
“How I wish you were mine,” Your eyes slowly opened, half-lidded as you stared out the window. The kingdom standing proud amongst the trees, a demented sigh leaving your lips as you reached out to press your hand against the cool glass.
“King Thranduil,” Thranduil’s advisor knocked softly on his study door, opening it once he received a grunt in response. “You asked to pull all documents pertaining to (Name), of (Father Name)?” 
“Correct.” Thranduil’s advisor knew not to question his reasoning for wanting such documents and handed them to him. “Here they are. Birth records, land deeds, reports, anything and everything that mentions her name.” 
“Thank you, you are dismissed.” 
Searching through the documents, he felt closer to you than ever before. Knowing where you were born, how large your family was, what you did for a living, who you lived with, if you were married. He couldn’t wait to ask you more personal details though, things that aren’t documented.
Did you prefer white wine or red? What books were your favorites, and why? What did you love to do on a rainy morning? Who did you love? 
A coy smirk formed on Thranduil’s face as he sat down the documents. Remembrance of your smile, the blush forming on your rosy cheeks, the lovely sound that is your voice consumed him. Looking out his window, Thranduil imagined what your home looked like in the north, how desperate he was to be by your side at every waking moment. 
“My queen will soon be home, where she belongs.” Thranduil vowed, making servants passing by pause in fear. Fear for the life that would be disrupted as a result of a toxic obsession. 
“Very very soon.” He muttered to himself as he filled a goblet full of a blood red wine. 
That night you were left restless, wanting to lay in bed with your eyes shut as your imagination wandered through crafting scenarios with your beloved. 
As dawn rose you lifted your eyes from their curtain of darkness, watching as hues of dark blue shifted into ones of gold and red, a gorgeous sunrise to soften the blow of reality. 
A frown etched on your face. “He’s a king,” you reminded yourself, “At least you can dream…” You recalled the words of your so called friends only a day ago, “He wouldn’t want such a bore anyways.” 
Fetching your shawl, you covered your shoulders from the cold as you walked down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Cutting up your tomatoes, you jolted as you heard the doorbell ring, wincing as you felt your blood rise to the surface of your finger.
Cursing you brought your finger to your mouth. “Coming.” You called out, pulling your shawl tighter around you as you moved to open the door. 
“King Thranduil?” You gasped, pulling your finger out of your mouth. “W-What do I owe the pleasure?” You questioned, realizing just how much of a mess you looked in front of him. “My apologies, I wasn’t expecting anyone…” 
Thranduil had to pause. The way the early morning sun hit your bare collarbones, how your hair was slightly ruffled from sleep and so carefree looking pulled at his heart. Clearing his throat he gave a small smile. “Forgive me for showing up unannounced, I wanted to check to see if you slept alright? Last night was particularly cold and I recalled you saying your blankets were no longer adequate.” 
“Oh!” You shook your head with a smile. “I didn’t get much sleep I’m afraid, but I was plenty warm.”
Thranduil heard every word you spoke, but his attention was now focused on your hand cradled to your chest. “You’re hurt.” 
“Ah, yes… The bell startled me, I was in the middle of preparing breakfast when you arrived, I knicked my finger,” You held up the finger, showing the perfectly rounded bulb of blood on the tip. 
“Oh my… Because of me,” Thranduil surmised, moving to carefully hold your hand in both of his, successfully pushing his way into your home. 
“Oh no, not at all!” You hurried to correct yourself, not wanting him to be upset. 
Instead of responding, Thranduil brought your finger into his mouth, sucking off the blood with a determined look on his face as a blush formed over your cheeks. “Oh my…” You muttered, your heart fluttering in your chest as you gulped. 
“Because I caused your injury, I must atone for your pain… Would you like to join me for breakfast?” Thranduil spoke once he removed your finger from his mouth, concern on his features. 
“You don’t have to do that, King Thranduil, ‘tis no one’s fault but my own.” You smiled, despite your internal self screaming at you for denying his offer. “I wouldn’t want to further interrupt your morning.” 
“I just wanted to help you... I just wanted to be there for you...” Thranduil muttered, dropping your hand, refusing to meet your eyes. 
“I’m sorry, I clearly overstayed my welcome.” Thranduil stood stiff, the rejection of your words seeping into him like knives as he moved to open the door and take his leave.
“No, no, that’s not it at all,” You called out, moving to grasp his hand, tugging him back to you. “You’re a king,” You began to explain yourself, “I’m just a lowly girl, a bore… I don’t deserve to even be in the same room as you, much less deserving of dining with you… Do you see?” Your eyes held sadness as you forced yourself to realize your reality. You were just a lowly girl. No chance to be with a king. No matter how your obsession for him threatened to consume you. 
“You see yourself as lowly?” Thranduil furrowed his brows, his heart pounding at your declaration, his heart hurting at the thought of you thinking so lowly of yourself. “My darling, you are a goddess, a gift from Valar…” Thranduil cupped your cheeks, wiping a tear that you didn’t know had even sprung from your eyes. 
“I know you don’t know me well.. But… I want to tell you I love you until my throat bleeds. I want to hold you close on dark endless nights, make love to you until the sun rises, celebrate feasts of starlight with you until time itself ends.” 
“King Thranduil---”
“Thranduil, just call me by my name my starlight,” Thranduil all but begged, pressing his forehead against yours. 
“T-Thranduil… How long have you felt this way?” Your heart was erratic, your soul howling for joy at the thoughts of your love being requited. 
“Since the moment I laid eyes on you, darling.” 
Instead of responding with words, you responded with action, pulling him closer by the nape of his neck, your lips coming together in a passionate dance. 
“Let me love you?” Thranduil questioned against your lips, relishing in the feel of your skin against his. “Always,” You mumbled in response, pulling away ever so slightly, brushing your noses together as he tugged you closer. 
The past week felt like a blur, after Thranduil confessed his love for you, you two have been inseparable. Your belongings were moved into his castle that evening, and your life changed overnight. 
Going from wearing homemade skirts and dresses to luxuriously made dresses just to your measurements, you felt like a princess in a fairytale. 
“Lady (Name)?” A servant called from outside, worry clear in her voice. “Yes?” You responded after putting on the earrings Thranduil gifted you the first night you stayed in his castle. 
A relieved exhale left her, knowing you lived through another night. It was no secret what their king did to the brides that refused his ‘love,’ nor was it a secret of how brutal their endings were. 
“King Thranduil requests you join him for breakfast.” 
Smiling you brushed your hair with your hands one last time. Excited to know he wanted you to be with him. 
“I’ll be out in a moment, is he in his study?” You questioned, knowing he liked you two to eat outside of prying eyes. 
“Yes m’lady.”
“Wonderful, thank you.” You smiled despite the fact she couldn’t see you, listening to the sounds of her feet pattering down the hall until she was gone.  
Walking down the hall, you smiled at each servant you passed, waving slightly as you maneuvered the twists and turns of the labyrinth of a castle. 
“Thranduil?” You called out, your knuckles rapping softly on the door of his study. The sounds of books falling over within his study made you jump. “Thranduil, are you okay?” You questioned, pushing open the door. 
“No!” Thranduil yelled out, turning to push you back as you began to enter. 
“My love, what’s wrong?” You questioned again, fear in your eyes as he looked at you wildly.
“You weren’t supposed to get here so quickly…” 
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, looking to the mess of books on the floor behind him. “I’ll help you clean up and we can have breakfast okay?” You reached out to cup his cheek, a smile on your face. 
Thranduil’s wild expression dissolved as your hand touched his cheek, nuzzling into your hand and pressing a kiss to your palm. 
“I’ll clean it up, don’t worry about it my starlight, it’s okay,” Thranduil urged you away from touching them, causing you to laugh. “It’s okay darling, I don’t mind, it’s not like they’re going to hurt me,” You joked as you sunk to the floor to pick them up. 
‘Human Mortality’ 
The book titles made you curious, tilting your head as you lifted them up. Then you noticed how quiet Thranduil had become. 
Placing them back on the bookshelf, you turned to face him only to jump, noticing how close he was to you. 
“What do you think of those?” Thranduil questioned, memories of his previous love’s voice alarming in his ears, the refusal of his affection still stinging his heart despite having a new love to focus on. 
“They are… interesting topics,” You smiled, not too sure where he was going with his questioning. 
“What if…”
You tilted your head as he struggled to seem to find the words to say to you, his chest beginning to heave with panic.
“Thranduil, my love, calm down…” You spoke softly, rubbing his arms up and down.
“What if… I was able to find a way to make you immortal… To be with me forever?”
Your silence was deafening, Thranduil’s own thoughts began to swirl in his head as you struggled to find your words.
“You love me that much? That you want me to be with you forever?” You questioned, your stomach flipping, your insides feeling warm as happy tears sprung up in your eyes.
Thranduil’s eyes snapped to yours, his thoughts of rejection and murder leaving him as he processed your reaction. “I’ll do whatever it takes if it means we’ll be together forever, my sweet.” He responded while wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“I’d do anything for you,” His words were laced with honey yet lined with barbs, the meaning of his words sweet yet unnerving as he pulled you into his embrace. 
“I love you,” You mumbled into his chest, moving your own arms to embrace him in return. Your words shooting lightning into him, his eyes widening as euphoria surged through his being. 
“-And I you.”
Forever Tag-  
@lady-of-lies @all-things-fandomstuck  @fizzyxcustard @izzydaelleth @aquaangel18@raindancer2004 @love-colorfulglittercollection @underthemoon-imagines​​ @ladylouoflothlorien​ @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​ @bad268​​ @legolaslovely​ @bthtallmadge2​ @abesottedlass @wilhelmyna
Thranduil- @indelwen-of-mirkwood​ @sapphireduck​ @ashleygrrrl​ @katiegoddessofmischief​
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom 14-20 thoughts!! I finished up s1 :D these last few eps were actually really really good!!!
-did. did tucker really just say esperanto was a dead language only spoken as a secret code between geeks. google says around 100,000 people actively speak it. oh my god...it being an auxiliary language doesn't mean its 'just for geeks to speak in code' ...it helps bridge gaps between people who don't have a language in common...
-danny really isn't pulling punches when it comes to fighting the ghost-cop possessed people huh. like he SLAMMED KWAN INTO THE CONCRETE SO HARD. HE THREW PAULINA INTO A BILLBOARD. will that...I mean it WOULD carry over to their bodies non-possessed, right? like if the ghost piloting their bodies gets hurt?? itd be so upsetting to be possessed, lose time, then wake up covered in bruises (and possibly, broken bones??) real horror movie stuff im sure wont be addressed in any way
-tuckers parents seem nice! I like them :)
-WULF IS CUTE AND I FEEL BAD. im so glad the gang realized he was only causing trouble bc of the shock collar walker put on him and helped. also, him wearing that big hoodie with the hood on, and thinking its subtle. we can tell youre still a giant wolfie :) THEN GETTING SUCKED INTO THE PORTAL AAAAH :( anxiously waiting to see Him Again....
-DANNY BLASTING HIS PARENTS THINKING THEY WERE OVERSHADOWED LMFAO GET THEIR ASSES. maddie marking how many ghosts she gets with lipstick tallies on the side of her portal gun? kindaaa iconic tho. (ALSO, SHE WAS LIKE, 2 FT AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT AFTER SHE TRIED TO SHOOT HIM. HOW DO YOU NOT RECONINZE YOUR OWN SON??? like sure, he might have diff hair/eye colors. but like, if one of my family members dyed their hair, and was wearing contacts, its not like id be like 'wHO IS THIS STRANGER!!!' ...he still has all his facial features!! same everything!!! I hate it here)
-paulina being #1 girl realizing danny's a friendly ghost immediately. smart queen. lancer and kwan ran away right after he made this sweet baby face at them:
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which is hilarious.
-ok. im not saying his bullying is JUSTIFIED, but. dash looked so pleased with the (cute!) poster he just painted, and danny comes thru the wall and spills paint on his nice letterman jacket. his anger is justified maybe 65% of the time so far...(not the way he handles it, but STILL.) at least lancer is stepping in!! and them making a silly little bet was...cute?? until dash pulled out his GROSS UNDERWEAR AND SAID DANNY WOULD HAVE TO EAT THEM???? WHAT THE FUCK MAN. TUCKER WAS SO RIGHT ITS FUCKING WEIRD TO CARRY THOSE AROUND EWWW. THIS KID IS UNWELL. lancer was right, his animatronic setup was SUPER IMPRESSIVE?? hes actually pretty creative. danny meanwhile is stealing the fright knight's design...I hope dash is taking art classes or smth with his sports
-fright knight is the most bestest ghost so far i LOVE THAT DESIGN. I am biased towards knights, and characters with swords, but he fucks so severely. and should sue danny for copyright infringement for stealing his design for his haunted house. if some 14 yr old broke into MY house and stole MY sword, id also be pissed. his evil winged unicorn rules too with its FANGS. and he just CAN SHOVE THE PORTAL OPEN WITH HIS HANDS??? is he the strongest ghost weve seen so far? idk but hes my fav. SOUL SHREDDER IS SUCH A COOL SWORD NAME TOO. ANY NAMED SWORD ALSO FUCKS. 'flaming bedsheets of DEATH' funny king. ALSO he was polite to dash and tucker when just asking for directions and telling tucker 'oh maybe, just a suggestion, maybe be nicer to me and be more respectful :)' I LOOOVE HIM.
-I noticed this in the Ember ep, but jazz has an electric guitar in her room!! talent musical queen!! its cool to see hobbies just in the bg.
-fright knight's murder castle reminds me of the booby trapped murder castle in zexal!! another supposedly 'for kids' show with murder/trap castles! we love that. if you are a dp fan reading this, give yugioh zexal a try. its also got 13-14 year old protags and involves (alien) ghosts. the cardgame is just a vessel for the plot, which is really good. (I just want more people to watch my fav yugioh, man)
-danny. with a SWORD.
-danny doesnt NEED TO WIN this contest, dash didnt STEAL HIS DESIGNS AND STEAL A SWORD. he also got excited to hear lancer got sent to a dimension with his worst fears too just so he could win the contest? DANNY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! BRO MAYBE YOURE 14 AND HAVENT FULLY DEVOLPED YOUR WHOLE BRAIN YET, BUT...THATS FUCKED. this kid casually says the most deranged things, I do worry for my spooky son. once again, therapy needed. that judo toss was great tho. I wonder if he actually did pick up some martial arts stuff from his mom?
-danny can fly 112 mph!!! thats so fast! I love the lil montage of him and his friends testing his abilities and stuff, very cute and a good way to showcase what he can do by now and how much more proficient he's gotten from ep 1!!! I'm sure he's going to get more abilities :)
-im glad...maddie's at least TRYING this ep. I do feel for her because her husband is a man baby. but the fact it took 16 episodes to get a kinda semblance of any kind of real concern or attempts at bonding. hmm. jack's 'BACK OFF SHES A MINOR' @ the ghost trying to attack jazz. also was very funny. and him wanting to make an action figure of her? are the parents redeeming themselves to me? slightly. they gotta Work Harder
-fenton machete. but she doesnt carry a PHONE??? ???
-I mean I expected vlad when you namedrop him earlier in the ep, and also the title card picture, and dalv corp being fucking vlad backwards. but seeing him just pull up on a golf cart made me bust out laughing. WITH the gift baskets prepared. why wouldnt you at least be suspicious. also, if he wants danny to be his lil sonboy, why is he so fucking malicious?? dude you are going about this in such a bad way. stop it. get some help.
-maddie not even hesitating to drag danny out. fucking good. danny is so right, go on the internet to date. get a cat. how do you spend...how many years?? has it been since college?? at least 20, right, since the parents/vlad are in their 40s? hung up on ONE girl. my god, man. incel drama queen. her kung fu IS impressive, but dude. 'we both know hes a creep' SO right. it sucks but they do need a phone and shit being in the middle of NOWHERE. also, just stealing his helicopter was great. <3
-'you must be exhausted carrying the weight of that mistake you made years ago' 'well we all make mistakes. maybe I'll make one now!' WHY DID THIS EXHCHANGE SEND ME. AND VLAD WITH THE BREATH SPRAY EWWW BITCH. 'OLD BAIT BREATH' SOO RIGHT. both danny and his mom playing him HAHAH hes so dumb. or rather, I think he thinks with his emotions too too much and is...actually pretty gullible? lmao he believed danny was ready to give in SO fast. (which is sad hes that hopeful, like you have SO MUCH MONEY YOU COULD EASILY GET ANOTHER GIRL WHO HAS A KID. AND WOULD WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND BE SUPPORTED. GET OVER THIS (1) WOMAN ALREADY IM GETTING SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT AAAAH)
-GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR. it was also in the title card, but I still got very excited. we love bears here
-SAM'S BAT SWIMSUIT COVERUP!!! her outfits are simply iconic.
-'i'd tell you to go to the mens room, but I don't think you qualify' top paulina transphobic moments. :( and him wearing a tanktop to the swim park? hmmm! (actually I think she was overshadowed by then, so, KITTY top 10 transphobic moments??)
-kitty just piloting paulina around makes me feel SO bad tho, paulina's gonna wake up and be like 'wtf do you mean I was dating this rando' like youre leading danny on to make johnny jealous, and also just POSSESSING POOR PAULINA. dude take your relationship problems ELSEWHERE. last time we saw them, they seemed like such a cute couple!! wtf johnny!! I mean, she sucks for trying to make him jealous, he sucks for looking at other girls...maybe they need a break, but Not Like This. or, you know, just. better communication...
-and the A-listers having a full packet and a stamp system. who organizes this. kwan fucking owning being the new danny though, this is hysterical. THE TUCKER/KWAN FLOWER FIELD TWIRL. UNIRONICALLY ADORABLE. and him giving it his all for the poetry slam. bless his HEARTTTT.
-Star owns. actually, all of the extra characters are shining this ep and I love it.
-johnny and danny bein friends and staging a fake fight (which danny takes too seriously, once again this child has aggression he NEEDS TO WORK OUT) I hope these three stay friends, I said it before but danny needs more friendly ghosts to hang with.
-at this point, Danny's ghost enemies are a lot like, I dunno, batman's rouge gallery is the first thing that comes to mind. they all have their own gimmick and unique designs, but most of them are easy to beat after learning the Moral Lesson. I still get excited when any of them show up again, though. 18 is another valerie episode!!!! :D skulker really said you two will get along if I have to handcuff you together <3 and the gym teacher really said, youre married now, have a flour baby! ngl, I'm not really watching this show for the shipping stuff (which I am very scared to look at the fandom for after I finish this watch through- I feel like there's probably discourse/arguing about ships...) but. I'm gonna put my opinion out there. valerie/danny > sam/danny. maybe I just really love the enemies to lovers trope. And the secret identity stuff adds Extra Flavor.
-SKULKER JUST HAVING THE BOX GHOST AND DANGLING HIM BY A STRING. HILARIOUS. and him watching them with binoculars and making his silly little commentary. AND MAKING THE SACK BABY CRY. LMAO. THIS DUDE IS A BABY KIDNAPPER. skulker is super fun
-danny, you just...collapsed the water tower. and then attacked the nasty burger machine...mascot thingy...out of anger..I KEEP SAYING HE'S GOT ANGER ISSUES BUT. HE REALLY NEEDS A LESSON IN MANAGING COLLATERAL DAMAGE!!! So does valerie!! They're both pretty focused on each other. I mean it's good of Danny to say he's trying to make sure PEOPLE don't get hurt, but... (I mean I guess it's not something 14 year olds WOULD worry about, but as an adult im like, who's going to fix that? how much money will that take??)
-TUCKER MAKING BANK. and sam and tucker being super emotionally attached to their flour baby and being pretty good parents. that's cute...also him just straight kissing her and being like. WAIT. O_O JDSKAFHD. his mom baking them into cookies was the funniest possible result. tbh I dont feel like this is on tucker, if anything the other kid's shouldve been more responsible! He was just taking an opportunity to get that $$ which I respect
-Danny being more understanding of Valerie's situation in the end (helping her at her job, too, and trying to keep that a secret for her!!!) And seeing them work together this ep, and also her letting phantom get her out of the ghost zone...was very sweet. LOVE that. more valerie eps pls
-me when I realize vlad's big stupid house exploded because of his own carelessness with changing the ghost portal ectofiltrator or whatever: *pointing and laughing*
-me when I realize it means he's gonna go make danny's life hell for it somehow: >:(
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-SCOOBY PARODY!!! I feel like there's gotta be some scooby doo/danny phantom crossover stuff, right? also, 'guys in white' men in black wishes
-'oh, that's right! dad married the love of your life! you're bitter and alone!' DANNNNNYY GET HIS ASS ONCE AGAIN WE ARE POINTING AND LAUGHING AT VLAD
-'jack, you captured the ghost boy!!' UMM. he did nothing <3 'we have a weapon's vault??' YOU HAVE A WEAPONS VAULT??? and jack didnt put a handle on the inside. of fucking course he didnt! why would you leave that to your son!! or expect him to clean YOUR LAB when its where you work with probably dangerous chemicals and weapons and hes 14!! give him normal chores, like, I dunno, vacuuming, laundry, dishes...CMON. I hate it here. But I'm glad Jack is more chill about danny while he's a ghost, and willing to work with him for this ep. AND. I DID ENJOY JACK PUNCHING VLAD IN THE FACE. AND GENERALLY JUST OWNING HIM. the ghost punchy fists are actually amazing. like yeah, just punch a ghost in the face. that rules.
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-ep 20 opens with the coolest fucking ghost lady design. her tattoos can come off and fight. MA'AM. I like ur nose ring and your cape maam hello 👉👈😳
-sam's grandma is hilarious and the most valid member of her family and I love her. thats my grandma now. and tucker covering for sam by dressing as her. thats true friendship <3 also skipping school to go to a goth circus. just bestie things! sam's parents are haters but for all the wrong reasons.
-'my family has controlled ghosts with this for generations!' WAIT. WAIT FREAKSHOW /ISNT/ A GHOST? I didn't expect that...he's just a fucked up guy controlling ghosts? anyway watching danny shoot at police cars and rob banks while mind controlled. its like, the most stereotypical 'bad' things lmao. (tbh an evil ghost circus troupe is a sick concept)
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this gives off big deviantart emo edit vibes
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(I'm going to assume evil circus reaper danny has a lot of fan content. people love an edgy au, except this one is canon (even tho its via mind control...having the protag go evil otherwise might be hard, I guess?) but au where he stays with the troupe...that has to exist, right?)
ANYWAY. excited to start s2!! lowkey surprised by how many notes some of these posts have gotten. I've gone back and tagged them all with 'dp thoughts' so they're easier to find on my blog! ^^ and I will probably possibly do (more) fanart on my art blog after I finish the watch of the whole show, so like. @sanchoyodraws follow my art blog :)
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darkshadow90 · 3 years
A very long Rant about Loki’s nerfed sorcery in the MCU and his show
Hey guys I wanted to make a post about a big issue I had with the Loki show. I still really enjoyed it, but I also wanted to share a major criticism I’ve had with MCU Loki for a long time. All my feelings about this over the years came to roost after the season finale. I know things are really tense in the fandom right now, and I don’t hate the show. I just want to share my criticism. I want to talk about how I’ve had this issue for awhile before I talk about it in the actual show because I’m hoping I’m not the only one who’s kind of pissed, considering I was hoping to finally see it happen in his show, and that would be the fact that Loki’s sorcery is STILL so fucking nerfed. First though, I’m gonna talk about Loki’s nerfed sorcery in the MCU, and oh boy there’s a lot. Get ready for an overly long rant. I’ve really needed to get this off my chest.
I’ve been on the Loki train since the very beginning. I’ve loved him since the first Thor movie. I may have mentioned this before, but a big thing that always irked me about MCU Loki was how nerfed he was in terms of his sorcery. We’re always told how he’s a very powerful sorcerer and he barely uses his magic. He does one awesome thing in each Thor movie. In the first movie, in the end credits scene it’s implied Loki was influencing Selvig while he was in another  dimension. Is it ever mentioned or seen again? No. There’s a scene in Thor: The Dark World where right after he finds out about Frigga’s death, he destroys his cell using telekinesis. Does he ever use it to fight? No, and if he does it’s just to throw his knives at people LOL. Or in Thor: Ragnarok when he looked into Valkyrie’s mind and saw her memories. Odin also mentions that Loki put him under a spell, and Frigga would have been proud because it took Odin a long time to break the spell. It really would have been nice to SEE that happen, but no, we just get to be told about it. Every time I saw Loki use an awesome ability, I would think “Oh wow, that’s so cool! I can’t wait to see more. I can’t wait to see what else Loki can do!” And then the MCU is like, “Yeah Loki can do all these cool things. But were not gonna expand on his abilities, and this is the only time you’ll ever see him use them. You’ll never see them again so just forget you saw anything LOL” God it’s such an aggravating tease. 
This isn’t a new issue I’ve had with Loki being nerfed in the MCU. It’s always bothered me. Yes, I know certain characters being nerfed isn’t new, that Loki isn’t the only one. But to me he’s one of the most nerfed characters in terms of being able to use his magic. I would always mention to people that I didn’t like how nerfed he was. What was the point of telling us he’s one of if not the most powerful sorcerer in Asgard if he BARELY uses it? And they would say, “Well, they can’t make him as powerful as he is in the comics because then he’ll overshadow the heroes.” Okay fine, I can cut them some slack there as we did need to see the Avengers come together. Or they’d say “Not everyone reads the comics, so MCU Loki isn’t gonna be exactly like comic book Loki.” Okay, but people shouldn’t have to read the comics to see how powerful of a sorcerer Loki is. Is there some kind of unspoken rule that says if there are characters who use magic or sorcery in the MCU, only the heroes are allowed to be extremely powerful? Because Wanda and Doctor Strange still get to use their abilities, and in Wandavision, Wanda becomes even more powerful, and it’s amazing. 
Why can’t Loki ever use his powers? Because he’s a “villain?” What would be so bad about allowing Loki be the sorcerer he’s supposed to be? You mean Loki would actually be able to be a powerful villain? Sorry, but I don’t see how that’s a bad thing. I don’t think giving people more of a reason to love Loki is a bad thing. If anything, if they do read the comics, or are at least somewhat familiar with what Loki can do, they might be a little upset about how much the MCU has nerfed him like I was, and still am. Maybe if Loki was actually allowed to use his magic, he wouldn’t get his ass kicked all the time, and he’d actually be a threat to his opponents.
 I don’t think Loki really needed to use the Mind Stone to control people in the Avengers, he probably could've done it using his magic. I actually think it would’ve been cool if Loki used his sorcery to amplify the negative emotions Bruce was feeling to manipulate him. Bruce knows something is wrong, and maybe Thor seeing Bruce struggling, trying to fight whatever is harming him is able to figure out Loki is exploiting Bruce’s negative emotions to manipulate him. Thor knows how powerful Loki is and he’s trying to help Bruce fight off Loki’s influence, but he’s too powerful. Bruce can’t fight the anger Loki is making him feel so he transforms into the Hulk and Loki is able to bend the Hulk to his will. I think that would’ve been a lot cooler than the Mind Stone being the thing that was responsible for amplifying everyone’s negative feelings, but that’s just me. How cool would it be not just to have a master manipulator but an extremely powerful sorcerer to deal with? I thought that was initially what was happening.  I thought at first Loki was using his magic through the scepter, that he was actually using his magic and his skills as a master manipulator. But no, apparently he was just using the Mind Stone. 
Also I know that there was only so much time for that small scene between Loki and Doctor Strange in Ragnarok, and it was really cool to see the two of them on screen, but Loki should’ve been more powerful than Doctor Strange. Don’t get me wrong, I love Doctor Strange. He’s very powerful and could put up a good fight against Loki if the two of them ever had to fight each other. But Loki should be more powerful. He’s a god. He’s lived for thousands of years and studied magic for a very long time. He should have centuries of not a thousand years more knowledge and skills with sorcery. I think he might find Strange’s sorcery impressive for a mortal, but in terms of his skills and abilities, Loki should be much stronger. I think the dialogue should’ve been more like, “Oh, so you went up against Dormammu? That’s cute. I’ve been able to do all the things you can do for centuries, but if it’s any consolation, your sorcery is impressive for a mortal.” But no, instead Loki is once again played for laughs and just takes out those useless daggers again before being yeeted though a portal.
 Also yeah I’m gonna say it. The fight with Valkyrie is a fight Loki should have won. If he used his magic he would’ve won. He wouldn’t even need to use violence. He could’ve just restrained her and put her to sleep and she could wake up from a nice nap or something. I’m so sick of Loki ALWAYS getting his ass kicked by everyone and being treated like a joke. He’s so fucking weak when he doesn’t need to be. He capable of so much more. We know he is because they always trolled us in each Thor movie when Loki would do one awesome thing one time in the movies and then never again, always hinting that he’s much stronger but they’re afraid to show more of it because god forbid he become even more popular. 
And the final part of the nerfing of Loki’s sorcery before I finally get to his show, and that would be his death in Infinity War. Now listen, my issues isn’t that Loki died. I understand the point of his death. They had to sell Thanos as the big bad. Infinity War was Thanos’ movie. Loki died trying to save his brother. Loki probably knew there was a very good chance he would die. My problem is with how it was handled. Loki is supposed to have tons of magical abilities, right? So why didn’t he at least try to use his magic? Why didn’t he cast an illusion, or shapeshift? Why didn’t he use a teleportation ability or something? Was I expecting Loki to beat Thanos? No, but goddam it, anything would’ve been better than those fucking useless butter knives. God, they couldn’t let him use his magic one last time before he died could they? Also I hate that Loki and Thor never got to have that brotherly hug and Loki never had the chance to reconcile with the Avengers. Wouldn’t it have been cool if Loki got the chance to fight along side the Avengers and died, so they could see he really did change for the better? Apparently not, I guess.
And now, we finally come to Loki’s show, which actually pisses me of more than the movies. You know, I would be more forgiving about all the bullshit excuses people have said or tried to give for Loki being so nerfed. I let it slide because the movies weren’t completely about him, and I could see where Loki’s popularity overshadowing Thor, the Avengers, or the heroes in general might be an issue in terms of sales and getting people to care about the other movies. Hell, Loki was the reason I watched the Thor movies in the first place. That was when he wasn’t the main focus. When I heard he had a show coming I had hope that I would finally get to see Loki be the sorcerer he was supposed to be. There’s no other characters to worry about Loki overshadowing, so now there’s really nothing standing in their way of showing how powerful he is right? After 10 years, I’d finally get to see all the focus on a character I love, he’d no longer be nerfed, right? Wrong. I was so excited, practically giddy when Loki fired green magic beams in a fight and used Telekinesis to stop a building from falling on him and Sylvie. I was so happy because it was a taste of what I had been wanting to see from Loki for so long. I was excited to see more.
Unfortunately, that was really all we got from Loki. Well, except for when he used teleportation to try and stop Sylvie from killing He Who Remains. Guys, I’ve loved Loki since the first Thor movie. It always bothered me that he was so nerfed in the movies, but I was able to look past it because he very well may have overshadowed the other characters if he was allowed to have all his powers. I can understand that. But the fact that he’s so nerfed, maybe even more nerfed in his own show than he was in the movies really pisses me off. I think it’s cool to see all the different Loki variants using magic, but there’s absolutely no reason for Tom Hiddleston’s Loki not having the same powers and abilities as the other Loki variants. What really burned my ass was in Episode 5 when Loki said he couldn’t enchant or didn’t know how to enchant. Fucking really? He did it to Valkyrie in Ragnarok. And before you come at me “Loki in Ragnarok was older than 2012 Loki so Loki probably didn’t know how to enchant before Ragnarok.” Okay fair enough. The thing is though Loki is thousands of years old. He should have centuries to at least a few thousand years worth of knowledge about sorcery. And we’re supposed to think after all that time studying it he wouldn’t know how to enchant someone? Bullshit. Loki should’ve had all of these abilities  and more all along in the MCU and especially in his own show. There’s no excuse for why he’s not just as powerful as the other Loki variants.
Look, I really hate that I had to make such a long post about this. I hate being negative. I really appreciate that we got a Loki show. I’m really happy to see Tom Hiddleston so passionate about it. There’s a lot I appreciate about this show. But the fact that Tom’s Loki was always so nerfed and not really allowed to be the powerful sorcerer he was supposed to be always bothered me. I’m not even saying I’m upset that MCU Loki isn’t exactly like Loki in the comics. I’m saying that  I always wanted to see Tom’s Loki kick ass as a sorcerer for the past 10 years. I was upset that I never got to see him do it in the movies. And when his show was announced I was excited to see him finally use his magic particularly in fights, and to see it even more underutilized was really disappointing. I was patient for 10 years and all I got to see was Loki firing green energy balls, and use telekinesis, and teleportation ONE time, and all the other Loki variants are so much more powerful than him. Not to mention he gets knocked around like a ragdoll all the time. Is it too much to ask to see Tom’s Loki actually be allowed to be a powerful sorcerer and be able to hold his own in fights? Can I see him use cool abilities MORE than once? Can I see more than just illusions and daggers? Can Tom’s Loki be allowed to be a threat instead of being used for laughs? If  the writers for the MCU are gonna mention that Loki is a very power sorcerer, then they should stop nerfing him, and let him be a sorcerer.
I know the first season was basically used to set up the multiverse and the next phase of the MCU which is cool, but I really hope they focus more on Loki and his abilities in season 2. I’m really trying to stay hopeful when people say Loki will use more magic in season 2, but I don’t want to get clowned again. But I’m also starting to think when they say Loki will use more magic in season 2, it won’t be Tom’s Loki. If Tom’s Loki isn’t allowed to be the awesome sorcerer he deserves to be in his own show, then at least we still have fanfiction and the comics. By the way, I’m not throwing shade at fanfiction writers a lot of them write great stories and do a far better job showcasing Loki’s sorcery than the MCU. I have a lot of respect for you guys :) Sorry this was so long, but after the finale I had a lot of frustration to get off my chest.
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radramblog · 3 years
P:LA new pokemon dropped
At this point we know slightly more about the game everybody is fucking hyped about that comes out in like 5 months what the hell, and as such there’s probably enough to talk about to make this sort of post work.
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With that in mind, fuck it I just wanna talk about the new Pokemon designs because come on that’s the fun part. We don’t really know much about the human characters aside from that half of them are blatantly ancestors of regular Sinnoh people (which isn’t how that works but sure) and the protagonists being named Rei and Akari which is so close to making so many Eva jokes work. So close.
So we’re just gonna skip to the new mons.
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I actually thought this was a Normal/Ice type until I checked. As godawful as that typing would be defensively, I’m all here for trying to check off every potential type combination box! But alas, this Stantler evolution is Normal/Psychic, and will probably overshadow incredibly good boi Girafarig as a result. And Meloetta is also there.
The good: I like the antlers a lot, they feel much more regal and moose/caribou-y while still looking like Stantler. Frankly it was always a bit weird that Stantler didn’t do Psychic things, considering its association with Hypnosis via antlers, so the typing makes perfect sense! And finally, I really like the big ol’ beard this fella has. It’s cute.
The bad: outside of the colouration, Wyrdeer’s body and head are ridiculously similar to its preevolution. Like, ludicrously so- same head and nose and ears, very close tail and spots, and the detail on the legs isn’t massive. I’m not sure what I’d change them to, but I feel like there was a way to make a New Stantler without making it identical. Compare something like Mr. Rime- it’s still undoubtedly a Mr. Mime evolution, even if the Galar form didn’t exist, but it still looks very distinct from its previous forms.
Overall I’m here for this deer, but I think it’s going to depend a lot on things we don’t know yet.
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I think this is the one that people are most excited for, and I can see why. Much like Wyrdeer, this is an evolution to an under-represented and, frankly, underpowered single-stager, in this case the much-maligned Basculin. Gone is the weird idiot mix between Siamese fighting fish and gang wars/American political parties (I’ve heard both!), now we have a massive kickass bass that trails soulfire and bites faces off.
Pokemon has a lot of species that are just “this is a fish”, and at this point I’m getting a little sick of them. Arrokuda/Barraskewda are okay, and this is coming from somebody that likes Barracudas, and Bruxish makes me upset on a level I cannot quite articulate. Basculegion manages to go above and beyond all of these on account of being a massive badass.
Not only is Water/Ghost a rare and awesome typing (shared only with Basculin’s Gen V cousins Frillish/Jellicent), it’s a big and angry and cool fish with facial hair because why not? I’m not sure if this bad boy is meant to evolve from the Red-Striped Basculin or just both, but I don’t really care, it’s just hella sick.
Unfortunately, it does mean we’re going to have to put up with Basculin. Which sucks. Basculin is so fucking boring.
 Hisuian Braviary
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Slightly less of interest are the regional forms we’ve seen so far. Don’t get me wrong, I like regional forms, but the ones chosen so far aren’t highlighting underappreciated mons the way that Wyrdeer and Basculegion do.
Braviary, AKA ‘murica burd, is arguably not the most top tier in a lot of people’s minds. But I always really liked it, and I’ve run it in competitive. So how do I feel about the new one? It’s okay. I do like how fluffy the thing looks, and the third-and-fourth eyes looks extremely sick. On the other hand, it’s yet another Psychic/Flying type, and like Wyrdeer it looks very similar to the base form. It does look like it could theoretically evolve from regular Rufflet, though, so I expect we’re not going to see a Hisuian form of that. Which is fine, Rufflet is adorable.
We’ve gone from the Chad Thunderbird to the “where do you work out?” “the library” fluff bird. It’s fine? It’s fine.
 Hisuian Growlithe
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Well they had to sell people the game somehow. I’m actually surprised at the backlash I saw in some places for this Pokemon- like I know Growlithe and Arcanine are sacred icons for some people, but this thing is so fucking cute! It’s a baby komainu! It can’t dang see for the fluff in it eyes! Also that deeper red suits it very well in my opinion.
I also recall some people being like “why is this a rock type”, which. I guess would be confusing if you weren’t aware of this species’ statuesque origins. Because it’s a statue. Considering the many, many Japanese folklore references in the region so far, this particular nod is not one I’d expect people to miss- but I guess not everyone is a big nerd like I am.
Anyway it’s a good fucking dog and I can’t wait to see what the big boy one looks like.
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Somebody at Game Freak came out of a 20-year coma the other day and was like “guys we should make a Scyther evolution” and had enough power to force them to do that again, huh. It….why does it look like this? I think I’ve looked at this thing long enough to decide that I don’t really like it.
Scizor, aside from looking rather sicknasty, works because it looks like it could be a bug still. It has these brutal pincers but they’re pincers, it has little wings, it’s an insect.
Kleavor’s hands are caveman-ass stone axes. They look ridiculous. It looks ridiculous. I can’t take it seriously. It’s face looks more avian than insectile, the legs are weirdly wide, it has rock…eyebrows…?
This is the only miss so far for me. I’m sorry any Kleavor stans, but this ain’t it chief. I can’t wait for this fucker to have ludicrous stats so I have to stare at it for hours on end.
...it doesn’t even have cleavers???
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deedee-sims · 4 years
+1 replies :)
Thank you so much guys for all the comments! It makes me sooo happy! ❤️
@hystericallytragicsimmer replied to your photo  “Plus One - Chapter 7: Skeletons in the closet on my DW! Don’t worry,...”
Omg the moment you answered the anon I was hyped all day waiting for the chapter. I loved that it was a long chapter because I always get immersed and the chapter ends too early for me. Does that make sense? I know it takes longer to make longer chapters, but I loved it anyways. And yes we finally see a new side to Rhett! No shade, but he's the epitome of the funny kid meme. I voted for Oliver to leave Rhett alone. I feel like he needs to collect himself after his meeting with Callum. Please, please give us the Rhett pov chapter 🥺🥺🥺 in conclusion, I loved the chapter and thank you for taking the time to write it ✨❤️ Oops I meant the class clown meme
I’m glad you enjoyed the long chapter! I also don’t mind long chapters, it just takes an eternity to make XD Rhett is definitely a class clown lol. I said that earlier, but I promise there will be stuff from Rhett’s pov!
@themeasureofasim replied to your photo “Plus One - Chapter 7: Skeletons in the closet on my DW! Don’t worry,...”
I've voted "try to enter and talk to him" because I didn't see any option like "enter and reassure him by telling that of course he's much more than "good enough" despite whatever his family thinks, and that he's the only one he desires to be with". Is that too much to ask, Oliver?
themeasureofasim replied to your photo “Plus One - Chapter 7: Skeletons in the closet on my DW! Don’t worry,...”
I've loved this chapter, it didn't feel long at all, and Rhett deserves all the love, and you deserve all the love for creating these characters, you're an awesome storyteller <3
Aw! Ollie is too confused to be able to word his feelins like that... yet at least. I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter! (Rhett definitely needs a big hug!)
@persimmonsimmer replied to your photo “Plus One - Chapter 7: Skeletons in the closet on my DW! Don’t worry,...”
Ahhh new chapter! After reading your end notes I feel kind of bad about voting for the kiss and making you build the festival lot, but you did a great job with that build (and with all your sets) and I really did enjoy that scene. What did a lollipop ever do to Oliver?? Like others have said I also loved seeing a different side of Rhett, and look forward to learning more about that soon!
persimmonsimmer replied to your photo “Plus One - Chapter 7: Skeletons in the closet on my DW! Don’t worry,...”
Comment 2: I voted for Ollie to leave Rhett alone, however. I think sometimes you really do need to be left alone when upset, so I voted for Oliver to give him some time. I trust the truth will all come out eventually. :) On a different note, I also enjoyed all the Minecraft references, and "minecrafting my own business" cracked me up. Love my nerdy Ollie.
Haha, no worries, I just had to download a crapton of stuff, but it was okay in the end! Ollie just really doesn’t like anything that tastes too sweet! (he even drinks his coffee without sugar, what a moron XD) And I enjoyed (finally) showing a different side of Rhett, because he has a lot more in him than what meets the eye. I love how differently everyone voted XD Ollie is just a cute nerd haha! :D
@episims replied to your photo “Plus One - Chapter 7: Skeletons in the closet on my DW! Don’t worry,...”
I can't get over how well you posed Rhett for this chapter. Obviously Ollie too (his expressions during that phone call are especially brilliant) but damn how much there's happening on Rhett's face constantly. And seeing him that down just breaks my heart :(
Aw, I’m glad to hear that! I spend a lot of time on their expressions, and I even try to show stuff that’s not in the text (if that makes sense?) Rhett really needs a hug!
@mdpthatsme replied to your photo “Plus One - Chapter 7: Skeletons in the closet on my DW! Don’t worry,...”
I voted to leave Rhett alone. He needs time to decompress before he talks to Oliver or it'll be an argument and I don't want that for our boys XD
Well, I would definitely need time, so that’s valid! :D
@hexagonal-bipyramid replied to your photo “Plus One - Chapter 7: Skeletons in the closet on my DW! Don’t worry,...”
That was an intense chapter! So good! I had a hard time deciding what to vote for! xD
Thank you! Yeah, I’m trying to make the votings difficult :P
@jeweloftheworld replied to your photo “Plus One - Chapter 7: Skeletons in the closet on my DW! Don’t worry,...”
Oh my gosh, so many feels!!! This chapter, like all the rest, is absolutely wonderful. I’m hooked on every word! My absolute favorite picture was the one you took of Rhett testing his head on Oliver where you can see their faces in the mirror♥️so sad to see Rhett hurt :( I really am looking forward to the next chapter and hope we can find out what happened during his lunch with his brother!
jeweloftheworld replied to your photo “Plus One - Chapter 7: Skeletons in the closet on my DW! Don’t worry,...”
As much as I want the boys to talk things out and for Rhett to have Oliver’s shoulder to cry on, I hope Oliver leaves him be for now until Rhett is ready to open up 💕
Thank you so much! I absolutely love mirror shots, I just hate the lighting on that bathroom XD I promise we will find out what happened (sooner or later)!
@nostalgiastardew replied to your photo “Plus One - Chapter 7: Skeletons in the closet on my DW! Don’t worry,...”
Aww, poor Rhett. :( I get the vibe that Callum is the favorite in the family, and everything Rhett does is overshadowed by his brother. It would explain the strain in their relationship, though there very well could be more to it than that. I’m with jeweloftheworld; I loved the mirror picture. The expressions are top tier, and you can really tell how much Rhett adores Ollie. <3 Now if only Ollie would take Lainey’s advice for once in his life and talk to Rhett about his feelings. :’)
nostalgiastardew replied to your photo  “Plus One - Chapter 7: Skeletons in the closet on my DW! Don’t worry,...”
(That said, I did vote for him to leave Rhett alone. Some people - myself included - get overwhelmed with emotion and need time to cool down before opening up. Pushing it could make things worse.)
Well, yeah, that’s true about Callum. I’m glad you liked the pictures and expressions, I’m trying my best! :D Yeah, Lainey is the voice of reason here, and Ollie should definitely listen to her!
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ctoaurn · 5 years
So my first Tumblr post may as well be httyd books appreciation
In the spirit of doomsday, here are some headcannons/opinions/general gushing about the httyd books bc the shaped my childhood and are criminally underrated. I hope this is cohesive.
- Fishlegs 100% visits Eggingarde regularly after the books, and has since been adopted into her family. Grandmother is outwardly cold towards him but will curse anyone who so much as looks at him wrong. Y'all can pry Fishlegs's adopted family out of my cold dead hands, honestly
- More on Fishlegs, have some angst! While he was in the slavelands, Alvin probably singled him out as being Hiccup's friend and treated him extra poorly because of it. This leads to trauma, some gnarly scars, and an insanely guilty hiccup when he finds out.
- Valhallarama is a terrible mother, even if she is a badass, and we need to stop acting like she can't be both at the same time because that takes the complexity out of an incredibly well-written character and ignores some seriously neglectful and abusive behaviors from her
- She and Hiccup probably fight a lot, but still care for each other (I can't imagine Hiccup finding out that she was just kinda standing by while he got tortured by Alvinsmen and not getting at least a little upset, even if she had a reason to not intervene)
- I had some problems with the last book (particularly the amnesia part), but hot damn if that moment where Hiccup sees toothless and remembers everything didn't make me bawl my eyes out when I first read it.
- I love how there isn't really a shipping community for the httyd books, because 1) they're kids, and 2) I headcannon Hiccup as ace, so I can't imagine him in anything other than a friendly marriage for diplomacy reasons
- That said, having Camicazi have a crush on Hiccup and get rejected/learn to get over it while still keeping their friendship would be a valuable lesson for children (or adults) reading the series to learn.
- I really like the idea of Fishlegs being an incredibly talented musician and being able to play a whole bunch of instruments. He really deserves the world
- Alvin and the witch are better villains than Voldemort don't @ me
- I have a lot of ideas for how the festival of the black star is celebrated. I'm thinking ugliest-baby competitions, axe throwing, choirs, book club (which is always packed because no one has the heart to say no to Hiccup). Very important is the non-stop shipbuilding. As the grand finale, on dusk of the final day, all the ships that had been made during the festival are set adrift and symbolically burned as a memorial to those who died in the three-way war (this is done a safe distance from town, of course). Then, when the boats are ablaze, dragons that had been hiding in the shops perform a somewhat-choreagraphed (read: they go to one rehearsal and collectively decide to wing it) light show, like toothless did in the first book.
- hear me out: anti-vaxxers, but with potatoes and vorpentitis
- Camicazi is such a fun and wonderfully written character, and I am incredibly happy Cowell avoided the trap of writing a female character as a "strong female role model" before writing her as a little girl who is very talented but also flawed. It is important for everyone, but especially little girls to have role models who mess up and get back on their feet again, and who are allowed to be vulnerable, or petty, or to have fears. I am incredibly glad I got that in Camicazi.
-Thuggory the Meathead is so freaking cool, and a severely underutilized character. I just want him to be a part of the group so bad, he's such a chill guy
- It's interesting how, in the HTTYD books, the "smart guy" is the leader, instead of the one who's best at fighting/the most outspoken (common in kids books like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson). Not that that format doesn't work, but it's kind of refreshing to see it shaken up.
- Toothless is actually my child, and I will fight anyone who says he's not just as cool as movie!toothless.
-Speaking of dragons, Windwalker? Baby.
-Even though I acknowledge that the HTTYD movies are amazing and well written and everything, I can't help but have a bias against them because the overshadow the books so much.
Well, that's all for now, because I have the flu and my brain has slowly been dribbling out of my ear this entire time. Hope everything makes sense and im not screaming at a wall here. I have major anxiety about posting things online, so sorry if I didn't do it right or something.
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callme--starchild · 5 years
You and Me Against the World
If someone managed to put Donald Duck and Paperinik on the same stage, they probably wouldn't know it was the same duck.  Especially because of the impossibility of putting Donald Duck and Paperinik on the same stage.
Not surprisingly, Donald has been wearing the cape and mask for so long that he already knew how to get his way to keep his identity secret, being mostly Gyro's voice modulator which kept his speech impediment hidden. And if someone was sharp enough to decipher it or, in the worst case, remove the mask, he could easily choose to use his always faithful Car-Cans.
It wasn't easy work, and he recognized it. Now that he had earned his degree online and Della had returned from her boarding school, Scrooge had focused more on adventures, which kept him busier. He used to say that he wanted to go back to the old days and be them three against the world, and Donald could see how much his sister craved it.
But the truth was that he could perceive that it was Scrooge McDuck and Della Duck against the world, who were already an invaluable team while he was the miserable cannon fodder, always being the one who received the blows and the scapegoat when something went wrong.
And being Paperinik... wow, the duck didn't know where to start. Outside of polishing coins in the money bin, starting work in the Tower part time since he came of age, despite being a janitor, made him feel that he was part of something.
The pleasant talks with Lyla and Angus' comments against the local hero, coupled with his peculiar laugh, had become his second home. That was his second biggest secret, though.
Of course, his time has been reduced since the return of Della, who has insisted on recovering lost time. And while he could not blame her, between that and the adventures Donald has not had the time to visit it.
To visit him.
"Is everything okay, Old Cape?"
Donald stopped walking around the 151st floor, being invaded again by a deafening silence that, honestly, was driving him crazy.
He sighed heavily before pluming himself in the chair that the intelligence had previously prepared for him to massage his temple.
"Yes, yes, it's just..." Donald chattered, not knowing how to justify himself because not even he knew why he saw it as a life threatening problem.
And now that he thought about it, it was perhaps ridiculous.
"My sensors do not indicate any physical damage that deserves to be treated after your last adventure, and Evronians have not been seen in days…"
"'m sorry."
However, he spoke so suddenly that Uno did not know what to say, stopping his metal arms to focus on the sailor-dressed duck.
"Why, Hero? You haven't done anything that warrants an apology."
"But, I've set you aside lately.  I've been venturing so much with Scrooge and Della that I presented less and less in the Tower unless Paperinik has to save someone helpless, imprison some evildoer or fight some Evronian." Don moved in his seat, raising his hand when he perceived that the AI would speak, "I know I don't show it much or I don't say it very often, but you are one of my best friends, Uno, and I don't want you to think that now that Della has returned, she will take your place or our relationship will become merely formal and..."
However, Uno began to laugh, and Donald took advantage of the moment of confusion to regain the breath he had lost and loosen his bowtie.
"Do you love me so much, Donald?" He made the gesture of withdrawing a tear, making a table appear with a glass of water so that the duck could cool and ignoring his blush, "is fine, it really doesn't matter."
"Re... Really?"  Normalizing his breathing, he observed the sly smile on his partner's face.
"I mean, as long as you don't get hurt or your identity is at risk, I know you also have your life, Hero," that he missed him when he was going to venture? Yes, too much. But he couldn't be selfish and hook his friend to the tower even if he had the ability. "Besides, I am irreplaceable, your family does not know the wonders of artificial intelligence."
As if the smirk didn't say much, using the metal arms he pointed to himself, and Donald couldn't help laughing.
"Yes, you're probably right." In fact, the duck couldn't help feeling bad, it hurt to leave his friend on his own and he didn't know why; maybe because he was kinda chained to the Ducklair Tower—?
"I always have it, Old Cape." Very modestly, Uno appeared in a smaller orb in front of Donald, trying not to change color when he hugged him and attached him to his body. ”Let's watch Anxieties, okay? It's about to start and I don't want to miss this episode."
The sailor laughed fondly and rested his chin on the warm orb, listening and feeling its buzzing as the soap opera began.
On the other hand, Uno could not concentrate over the warm and finally relaxed face of his partner, staying curled up against his body.
As long as Donald doesn't get hurt during an adventure, or if a happenstance occurs that puts Paperinik's identity on the tightrope, it would be fine.  He always had multiple satellite cameras to make sure of that, and somehow feel accompanied by him.
(And yes, he had finally managed to learn the expression of the tightrope, as well as others that his companion had taught him. After all, he learned fast, and had a large database with him.)
Hiding his 313 in a large bush next to the ruins of the mansion, Paperinik took his X-Transformer out of the trunk before stepping away from Villa Rosa, listening to the thump of his boots against the concrete.
"Where did the attack was, Uno?" universally, the hero cursed himself for having been distracted again by reading Fantomius' diary while adjusting the shield on his wrist.
"In the central park, fifteen minutes from your current position." Showing his point of view, the hero could see the coordinates on the shield, and paused abruptly at the entrance to the city to press a button.
He knew that his little car had an anti-gravity button, or that he could turn to the springs of his boots if he wanted a safer ride, but none of those objects were quiet at close range and, in addition, the Evronians were not as stupid as other petty criminals he faced on a daily basis.
He could simply go for the 313 once he defeated the aliens and go home once everything was resolved.
"You're about to arrive, PK."
Donald smiled sideways. 12 minutes apart thanks to the incredible technology of his X-Transformer.
"Roger, thanks!"
Uno's next comment, however, was overshadowed by one of the classic monologues of a nearby Evronian who pointed a gun at a young pair of ducks.
This would be easy.
"Your sister?"
The superhero nodded, removing his mask and growling under his breath. He sat in the chair that the artificial intelligence always prepared for him when he returned from a mission.
"Yep, she apparently had a problem with her boyfriend, her emotions were full of skin and that must have attracted them. They're fine, but it was difficult for me to leave them on the porch of the mansion" sighing, the duck let out an ''m upset' without bothering to remove the voice modulator.
"And you don't care if she wants, I don't know, an advice, let off steam and see you're not there?" Donald looked up, his partner's gaze focused on him as he began to stretch his body.
"I told her I would go out and see the houses for sale. But you're right, I should go. It's getting late, and I still have to pick up 313, and there I left my clothes" at that moment, the duck put on the mask again before getting up, wavering, from the chair.
"Do you need me to take you? I'm sure Master Everett didn't mind if we use one of his electric cars" a small orb appeared next to the hero, who smiled in thanks.
If both felt an accelerated blood pressure, neither of them said anything.
"Thanks Uno, but I could use this route to patrol the city, and I wouldn't feel bad about some technological help."
But Donald did not know what invaded him at that moment when he did something that never went through his thoughts and placed a small kiss on the orb.
The duck's cheeks were painted pink under the mask, as if the fact that Uno's orb will change color was no more embarrassing because, if he didn't know his friend's features and gestures, he would have thought of Due.
"I knew you loved me, Hero, but I didn't know how much." Trying to lighten the mood, the artificial intelligence laughed, nervousness lacking in not having it in his system.
"I, er, I'm sorry," he said, concentrating on the squeak of his boots against the ground until he found himself in the elevator, silent as he made his way to the secret entrance.
"You know I couldn't get mad at you even if I wanted to, Old Cape."
It was Uno's last words before Paperinik taken the grappling hook from his suit's belt and point it to a nearby ceiling.
It should be noted that this little accidental kiss had been recorded in the intelligence's database, and he doubted being able to get rid of it easily.
Nor is it that he will need to do it. Paperinik, Donald Duck, was his friend and partner, the person next to whom he defended the planet.
While they were against the world, the other would be fine.
Until Della Duck's pregnancy was discovered and things began to change.
The sailor was reluctant when he handed the X-Transformer to Uno, holding a duffel bag on the other arm.
"What do you mean, will you stop being a hero?"
If he was already confused by the fact that Donald was so attached to him,
(more than usual since the incident of the kiss, which was not unpleasant for anyone after speaking.)
he knew it was a bad omen when he considered that the duck was not exactly the affectionate type.
However, Uno was not sure how much when the visits to the tower were reduced and PK less monopolized the news during the last months.
"It will be the best," the sailor spoke, a raspy voice making his speech more difficult, "my sister was sent on a mission to space, but she has not returned and her kids have already hatched. One of them took 48 minutes to be born... I have to stop seeing for myself and start seeing for them."
"I could take care of them in the Tower. I could expand my database with the care they need, alter the Tower and make it hatchlings-proof" on the face of the AI was a crooked smile, trying to ignore the unknown fail in his system.
Possible was not.
"Thanks, Uno, but I want them to grow safe, my house may be small but it has what it takes. The last thing they'll need 's to lose their uncle because a Paperinik mission went wrong. I mean, Evronians were already defeated, so..."
He yawned, openly showing his tiredness. As if showing himself demonically calm and not showing signs of anger was bad enough.
Uno fought against the willpower that he did not knew he possess when the image of Scrooge McDuck was presented.
Though he did not quite like his friend's uncle for the accidents that caused him in the adventures (as if PK's injuries were not enough before Donald's gradual clumsiness), having hacked the mansion's cameras when they both argued for him sponsoring Della's mission during the ducklings hatching week had not been a good idea.
And that Donald was emotionally weakened didn't mean he could be triggered off.
"But you're tough, smart and sharp, you'll be fine—"
"Look at me, Uno," the duck pointed to himself, and the aforementioned was able to see how old and exhausted he looked, his eyes swollen and reddish through the hyperspectral cameras and his askew feathers, "I'm not as young as I was eight years ago, and my nephews need my full attention, I'm sorry."
Literally the intelligence did not perceive the moment when his smile was erased. The failure in his system was getting bigger and less possible to ignore.
Donald's voice had broken.
"I understand, but... could I meet them one day?" His metal arms didn't stop his friend when he ran and hugged the orb tightly, rubbing his feathered cheek against the glass.
"One day." Smiling sadly, he said nothing when the non-biological hands rubbed his back. "Thank you for always being there, mate."
"Whatever for you, Old Cape..."
The adult sighed heavily and reluctantly moved away from the artificial intelligence, holding the duffel bag tightly.
"I'd like to stay longer, but I have to go with Gyro and hand him the gizmos, and I promised Panchito and José that I wouldn't be out for long."
As he spoke, the speed with which he approached the elevator decreased, especially when he opened it for him.
"See you later, PK."
The sailor's sad smile expanded, and said goodbye with a slow wave.
"Goodbye, Uno..."
That night, he and Lyla Lay were the only entities aware of the Paperinik's retirement by the official source, but Uno did not want to know if it was made public to observe the new episode of Anxieties and the Donald's recordings present in his database.
He was fully aware of his failure when he perceived an unrecognized moisture in his orb, unable to clean it with the metal arms and the electricity of the Tower began to fail.
He was not a fool to recognize feelings, but he had never expected to possess them. It still was the two against the world, yes, but now they would do it each way.
That didn't mean he liked it.
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tekka-dan · 5 years
I was informed of some disturbing news today regarding my best favorite boy Sasuke Uchiha and what his ultimate outcome will be in Borutrash.
Tumblr deleted my first initial rant, so I had to sit down and write it again. Not to fret though, re-writing has given me some clarity and all of you are going to witness my first hand unresolved, but subsiding, rage with the way Borutrash has handled Sasuke Uchiha’s character.
For anyone that’s new to my blog, content, posts: I am heavily against Boruto [as a character, manga, story, concept, anime] so if you’re a fan person of this series and you don’t like disputes or negative opinions your cue to dip is here.
You’ve been warned. Moving on.
Starting off, those of us who remember Sasuke Uchiha from the older days of Naruto [part 1] can easily summarize his character in one word: avenger. As the storyline progressed Sasuke became more than a so-called avenger and he started to gain some heavy handed, much needed, development. If you can recall that much, you would also recall that Sasuke was the “oppositional” character in the earlier days of Naruto. Meaning, Sasuke was the character that didn’t abide by rules, he did whatever he needed to advance but it was for his own sake and decision. He joined the academy to avenge his clan and become stronger to defeat his brother. When he meets Orochimaru that opportunity [to become stronger] arose and he took the bait (eventually—lets forget the part where he was kidnapped against his will, tortured and then kidnapped again).
So with all of that being addressed for his character, Sasuke choosing to follow under Orichimaru’s footsteps, this made Sasuke enter the “antagonistic” role. The reason this role was important for Sasuke [as a character] is because we are given context for his motives outside of the sunshine protagonist. Sasuke knew what his goals and ambitions were from the very beginning and also from the beginning he was being overshadowed by a bumbling fool that couldn’t even throw out milk on time. Sasuke didn’t have time for that, so he fucking bounced like the cool kid he absolutely was. Being on the “dark side” gave depth to this shallow story because once Itachi Uchiha made his appearance, and his role in the black ops and being a double agent was revealed — suddenly this sunshine village with its sunshine protagonist isn’t all sunshine.
Sasuke leaving the village was the best thing he ever did in this series and he is one of the four main characters that had a vision that he never got to achieve and questions he never got answers to. When Sasuke left the village, we are only in the mindset of him as a person and what he’s trying to achieve. We aren’t in Konoha village where the Will of Fire exists, where “I don’t believe in letting comrades die” comes into play — no, fuck all of that, we are simply inside Sasuke Uchiha’s mind and all Sasuke Uchiha thinks about is murdering Itachi for killing his clan and wanting to understand why Itachi would murder his clan in the first place. These are concerns far more prevalent than doing stupid ninja tasks or whatever the fuck Konoha participated in since all they seem to do is evoke war, genocide and havoc. Nothing seemingly important happened in this village up until Sasuke departed and suddenly everyone gives a fuck about saving the last Uchiha.
I seriously wonder what the Third Hokage was thinking. He (and Danzō) coaxed an actual child/teenager (Itachi) to slaughter his own clan in order to silence their people and then they are surprised when the surviving member of that clan flees the village.
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Like Konoha is full of fucking dumbasses I swear. So that’s why I’m glad Sasuke did leave and it was eventually at his own free will. That also ties into my next point.
Sasuke represented oppression. His entire clan represented oppression. Them standing up against the Konoha System represented oppression. And it isn’t enough that every single member of them dies, it’s last member flees the village, and he goes on to save the same village that oppressed him to then become fodder and succumbing to pointless death in the continuation series?
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Let me repeat that: Sasuke represented oppression. Now they are silencing him - and everyone that came before or after him - forever. Eternity. They expect Sarada to carry on the Uchiha genes but we aren’t remembering that she’s only half. We are forgetting that she [somehow] learned about the massacre from books in a library. She hasn’t learned anything from Sasuke or Sakura themselves. Why is that? Because they are trying to silence it forever.
This entire series feels like some massive “fuck you” propaganda because it doesn’t sit well to me. The character that represented oppression, stands up against the system as the last remaining member who can do so, he’s beat down without given a single answer to the questions he poses and then he’s forced to atone for sins he didn’t commit / shouldn’t be apologizing for to then go on to have an offspring he wasn’t ready for to then be killed off?
Is it not enough to just admit you wanted Sasuke Uchiha around for shipping bait and to ensure his uchiha bloodline succeeds him? Because that’s what it is.
They don’t give a single shit about his character and if Naruto didn’t spend 400 of 500+ episodes chasing him to reiterate Sasukes importance than guess where Sasuke would’ve died?
The same place Itachi would have.
Sasuke Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha would’ve both fought to the death, not a single brother would’ve walked away from that. And you know what? This would’ve been an honor to him as a person and as a character. Because up until he faces Itachi his only goal was to defeat his brother and learn why he did what he did. Itachi told him (albeit on his death bed) but I assure you they would’ve wrapped Sasuke Uchiha’s character up then and there and let him perish along with Itachi.
But they didn’t. Why? Because they needed Naruto to beat him into submission. They needed Naruto to remind the audience why Sasuke was considered an antagonist and why leaving the village is forbidden. They needed Naruto to brag about becoming hokage to preach about saving everyone, except the “everyone” excludes every single slaughtered and slain / deceased member of the Uchiha Clan, you know, the only people that ever truly mattered to Sasuke. Nah but it’s alright, sunshine protagonist Naruto needs Sasuke around to remind Sasuke that “he knows how he feels” and “believing in his word can make everything better”.
What makes matters worse about them killing Sasuke who represented oppression after they killed and degraded his character is that other characters who opposed the system were killed off long before their characters could be succeeded or milked.
Example 1: Yahiko / Pein.
Everyone knows what became of Pein and everyone is aware of the Yahiko that existed before the Pein. Everyone knows that Yahiko was the Naruto of his village, wanting to make a difference and have the world be a better place. Except, when the poor young sap tried to achieve this goal, he was killed tragically during an incident that was incredible miscommunication. Dying at the hands of his friend is what was supposed to make that moment less painful but it only sparked the rage in what became the Pein we all knew that destroyed Konoha.
Pein / Yahiko was the embodiment of oppression.
Everyone knows how that played out, I don’t need to repeat the entire chapter and how the questions Pein asked Naruto were never answered, rather he was given a mediocre bullshit half ass speech that made him surrender and sacrifice himself.
Example 2: Neji Hyuuga
Before Naruto’s dreams were drilled over and over into our heads, there was Neji who represented oppression in a literal sense, preaching it to his cousin during their battle and then to Naruto during theirs.
When Neji was killed off, people were upset because his character died for nothing without atoning for a single damn thing. Neji was born a slave and died a slave and we are supposed to believe (and be happy) that during death he was free.
Is this what people expect for these characters? That only in death can they find peace, freedom or happiness? What a pathetic and crippling message that presents.
You see the picture I am painting here? It’s not looking too good, is it? There’s a fucking pattern to it, that’s why. The only difference with Sasuke Uchiha is that his bloodline was extinct so they needed someone to carry it on. Pein (who was Nagato) is an Uzumaki so his bloodline continued. Neji is a Hyuuga and his bloodline continued. Sasuke is the only one who hadn’t and they couldn’t do away with his character until they had a certain someone he could procreate with, regardless if they had a lick of chemistry.
I’m not saying you can’t kill off characters from stories, sometimes characters do need to die, eventually they will anyway. However there are better ways to kill your characters and writing stories that don’t disregard their pasts or completely ravage their futures.
Sasuke’s entire history is being erased and everyone else who represents the same thing were also erased.
When Hinata speaks about Neji (if she does?) does she talk about the hierarchy and what it did to him and his father to her kids? No, because they want to forget about it, they are ashamed of it so they hide these facts.
When Naruto speaks to Boruto (if he does?) does he mention Nagato or even Jiraiya? Does he talk about his former sensei enduring a war, taking on an orphaned group of three and then having to return to their village being slain? Does he talk about the brutal systems the other villages carry on? Again, no. Because these are things they are ashamed of, they want to never have be mentioned or brought up again.
Those who don’t know their history are bound to repeat it, as the old saying goes.
What makes this worse for Sasukes character after death is that his reunion with his “family” feels cheap and downplayed. The only character trait they knew how to write for his character is to be distant and/or absent. Because of that Sasuke never “grew” on Sarada. I think that’s unfair as fuck to do to him, they already robbed him of everything else and even prior to death he can’t just simply be a fucking father.
How goddamn sad is that?
I gritted my teeth at Sasukes end in Naruto 699 but hearing the news about the current predictions / fate of his character has left me with unresolved despise for this series all over again.
It’s not enough that they keep taking everything from him, now he gets to die the same way he feels: empty..
First they killed his dream, then they killed his spirit and now they are killing his character.
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Fem s/o soft-doms Isaac (pt. 1)
Mod Rose and I realized: Of all the boys, Isaac is the only one we haven't done something submissive with yet... so I went hard. Because this boy could use a gentle dom in his life.
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She was going to drive him mad. She had proposed this...idea weeks ago, with the feathery bat of her eyelashes that he could never say no to. It was the reason she used that trick at all.
Isaac was a patient man, but this wasn’t waiting, it was torture. It was catching her eye during meetings, a devilish gleam winking back at him but giving no indication of when. It was small nips on his lips when he would kiss her in passing, the scent of her hair lingering in the air when she would scamper out of reach. He wanted to say he hated it, wanted to tie her down and take her affections in hand but she had promised something much sweeter when the time was right. 
Finally he caved in, bursting through the door to her room with speed that half slammed the door for him. She didn’t seem surprised at all, simply putting a marker in her book and setting it aside as he crossed the floor and grabbed the arms of her chair. He was panting, his skin electric as the calm in her eyes only served to stoke the flame. 
“Beloved,” he mutters, willing himself to be still instead of shaking. “Have I not been patient enough? Or is there some task you are waiting for me to accomplish?”
A flicker of confusion crossed her features which upsets him further. Is she not under the same spell? Unable to taste the tension in the air? Or is she tormenting him further?
“You told me,” he forces out, looking down at her neck instead of meeting the eyes now searching his figure for answers, “that you wanted to experiment, to try…”
“Ah, is that what has you so pent up?”
He huffed a laugh, feeling like an idiot. She must be toying with him, she couldn’t truly be so immune. 
“If that is what you wish to call this curse you’ve set on me. My mind has been unable to clear since you mentioned it. It is in my work, my footsteps, and I was under the impression it was in yours as well.”
A hand brushes over his, bringing his gaze back up. She smiled softly, the grasp on his gives a tender squeeze. “Would you like to start now?”
Isaac finds himself smiling back, no more calm but warm instead of burning. “Isn’t it a bit against the grain for you to ask that? You did say you wanted to take control for a night.”
“Just because you are in the habit of pinning me to a wall and having your wicked way with me at any hour of the day or night does not mean it is the only way control can be taken.”
He couldn’t argue with that, though he did smirk at the sudden flood of very pleasant memories. “Of course. Then how will you have your way with me? I cannot stand the waiting much longer.”
“I am serious. I am not afraid of pain, if that is the reason you hesitate. Whatever you will of me just take it and if it pleases you, be quick about it.” His brief tirade is cut off as two soft hands cup his face, stealing his thoughts as her thumbs brush over his cheekbones.
“Isaac, breathe.” He does, though it ends up being closer to a frustrated grunt of air in her face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to drag you on like this. You did so well holding on for me.”
He isn’t sure what to say to that. He’d expected...well, anything else. A rough order, perhaps even a light slap on his cheek to gain his obedience. All he is aware of is the consistent back and forth of her thumbs brushing the skin by his eyes and the way her pupils have grown wider in the dim candlelight. 
“I will do anything you ask,” he utters, feeling his grip on the armchair soften. She gives a little shake of her head and he knits his brows in confusion. 
She tugs gently on his face, “Come down here first.”
He becomes faintly aware of the height difference he’s holding above her, and carefully kneels down without breaking the hold she has on his face. Now she’s only slightly above him and his arms fall limply to his sides. He feels a little frustrated, still trying to piece together her intent. She has his entire history of teasing and tempting her at her disposal for reference material. He almost expects that she will order him to strip here on the floor, or maybe even kiss her feet. For anyone else he’d sooner turn to bite their hand but the idea isn’t as immediately repulsive as he thought it might be. But she does neither, instead leaning forward so that they are nearly nose to nose. It feels like his heartbeat has set pace to the motion of her thumbs.
“Isaac, I think you might be misunderstanding what I’m after.”
“Then tell me plainly, and I will see that you get it.”
“You are so eager to please me,” she observes, but the statement out loud makes a shiver run down Isaac’s spine. “But I need to know something first.” She starts to remove her hands and Isaac finds himself following them for a moment before straightening. Her fingertips trace over the collar of his robe, he can feel the faintest pressure against his skin. “What would you like me to do to you, Isaac?”
Again he feels a rush of fire, wishing she would just do the deed already. It is hardly the first time they have been intimate, why does this feel like she is asking permission to touch him all over again? He just wants her to-
“Put your hands back on my face,” he says, his lips pursed in the beginning of a frown. Damn her, she laughs instead of getting upset at him for his curtness. 
“You must really be in a state for your manners to have vanished so quickly,” she chides him, but her soft hands again return to his face. He exhales a sigh against the warmth, eyes fluttering closed. There’s a feeling of...satisfaction there, pressed to his temples. She was supposed to be taking control, dominating him, but had given him what he’d asked for. Well, demanded. Perhaps this limitation could be tested further.
“Kiss me,” he orders, eyes flicking open when he feels no movement. She’s giving him a raised eyebrow, corner of her mouth pulled into a smirk. 
“Come now, my love, you can still say ‘please’ can you not?”
He feels his face flush in frustration but sighs when her palms press lightly against his face. Fine, if she wanted to play that game...
“Would you kiss me, please?” The word felt foreign on his tongue, he’s much more accustomed to hearing it fall from her lips in wild desperation when he’s buried inside of her and refusing to move fast enough for her liking. But that flicker of a memory fades as he watches her grin and slowly lean forward to press her lips against his. 
Unlike her brash invasions of his mouth that he’s been accustomed to receiving all week, this kiss is different. She is painfully slow, his eyes fluttering closed as she tilts his head to her preference, her mouth moving slowly and gently pulling his lower lip between her teeth but not so much as scratching him with them. His soft grunt of impatience is swallowed and forgotten, his breath slowly stolen as she only pulls him closer. Her knees part to let his torso bend between them, his hands finding balance on her knees. When she slowly parts their lips enough to allow breath between them he feels drunk, skin hot and mind foggy. Their half lidded eyes meet for a moment before she grins and returns to her thorough exploration of him. When he feels the flick of her tongue asking for entry he parts his lips eagerly, her quiet moan making him tighten his grip and twist the fabric of her skirts. 
Finally he comes up for air, a gasp like breaking though the surface of water rushes between them. He’s aware of a dull ache in his knees but that is overshadowed by the insistent tightness in his britches. Her eyes gleaming and lips glossy, she seems to sense his discomfort. A careful slippered foot nudges between his knees and presses the back of it against his crotch. He hisses a breath between his teeth, face held still by suddenly firm hands. She looks delighted. 
“Tell me, what do you want?”
Isaac wants to scream, but she’s carefully rubbing against his cock just enough to derail him. He finds himself suddenly lacking the words, he’s wanting many things at once but can't quite pin down exactly how. He wants her to keep touching him, to kiss him more, but also for the love of every grain of sand at the bottom of the sea to get on with it. Blessedly she seems to understand, giving his cheek a little pat.
“Soon. But first, a little...reprimand for being so rude earlier.” His lips part to protest but she presses her left index finger against them to silence him. She traces his Cupid’s bow carefully, giggling when he crinkles his nose against the sensation. “Would you like to apologize to me with this?” she asks, tapping on his bottom lip. His eyebrows jump up, before a small smile pulls at the delicate skin under the finger. Her meaning is clear, a little blush betraying her otherwise cool demeanour. Any other day he might tease her but the dull fizzing in his brain instead tells him to nod, and is rewarded with the delighted excitement sparking in her eyes. 
She tells him to scoot back a bit, rest his knees for a moment. He listens, folding his legs once he's shuffled back enough for her to stand. He watches from the floor as the removes her clothing at an agonizing pace. It is like sitting at an oasis but only able to watch the water ripple instead of throwing himself into it, though he supposes he will soon get permission to drink. 
Only once she is bare does he realize he's been gripping the fabric of his robes at his knees, and that he's panting. She notes it as well, and drops to one knee before him. His traitorous eyes follow the crux of her legs before following the centerline of her body to her eyes. Usually she would chide him for staring so blatantly but instead she reaches forward to touch his cheek, a shaking breath leaving his mouth as she turns her palm to cup it. When had he stopped breathing?
He nods, not sure what he's agreeing to but is vehement about it. Her smile reflects on his own face. 
"Are you ready to please me?"
"Without question, yes." Idly he's reminded of using that phrase to address another "master", it amuses him to think of how Dracula would react knowing how the current context of its use. 
She peppers a few kisses to his brow and he closes his eyes against the temptation to stare at her very available chest. It might help keep his hands from reaching forward as well. 
"Then let us begin," she purrs. She stands and steps back to the chair where she's carefully laid out her clothes to sit on, a good plan consisting what happened to the last chair they'd used for their exploits. She leans back, pointing her toes before deliberately opening her legs to present herself. She beckons him forward with a curl of her finger and he is crawling forward before he pay mind to the image of one of Dracula's generals being in such a submissive position. He is only aware of the glittering smile she gives him, the gentle touch of her fingers on his hands as he grips her knees, and the blissful sigh that parts from her lips as he worships her with his tongue. Her thighs shiver beneath his hands and he feels the vibrations travel down his spine. 
He is always painfully attuned to her body, reading it for the tell tale signs of a job well done. Isaac requires no instructions to satisfy her. But now she is tracing the curve of his skull with her fingers, murmuring demands of where to lick and how hard to suck. He obeys and is rewarded with praises and another rock of her hips against his mouth. Not having to think of his next steps he feels entranced, mind silent for everything but her and the burning need to keep following her lead. 
Isaac only surfaces from the haze when he feels a gentle tug on his collar. His eyes open to see her panting, a brilliant flush across her cheeks and chest. She holds him still and shuffles up to kiss him again. He nearly backs away, face drenched in her juices but she doesn't seem to care. If anything she cleans his lips with careful flicks of her tongue, leaving him the space to catch his breath between strokes. 
"Touch me, Isaac," she purrs, pulling his hands from her thighs and bringing them to her waist. He greedily complies, rising up on his knees to wrap his arms around her, pulling their torsos together while she leaves him drunk with kisses.
As much as he wishes he could live in this moment for the next era the heat in his groin is becoming unbearable. When he lifts a hand with the intent to at least rearrange he is stopped, hands placed back to her waist as he grunts softly against her lips in frustration. Just as he believes he will have to beg again in order to seek relief she sits up, pulling his lower lip carefully between her teeth for a moment longer than necessary to draw a strained moan from him. He gazes upon the glossy and bruised red mouth before him and considers reaching forward to drink again. Then her voice draws his eyes up,  "Are you ready for more?"
More; an everything promise with no answers, yet again. But instead of arguing Isaac simply nods and squeezes her waist between his hands. 
"Yes, please."
-Mod Soviet
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
Ectober Day 26: High Score - This Is Not In Vain Chap.2: Look In Vein
Just how does he stack up?
After a bit they all separate, Danny looking around and rubbing his neck a bit awkwardly, “so I’m guessing you’re not too upset with me? Or freaked out?”.
Jack pats Danny’s shoulder as he sits down in one of the chairs, “that was very weird yes. But that’s normal for Fenton’s!”, throwing his hands out to the side slightly, “and you have powers! The flying was really cool! Everything was so small!”.
Maddie nods at Jack but worries her lip and looks at Danny, “it seems like you...get hurt a lot”, cupping the side of his face and visually inspecting his nose, “how do you even forget broken bones sweetie? And I’m not sure whether to be happy or bothered that you did a good job setting your nose”.
Danny chuckles and rubs over the bridge of his nose, which Maddie cringes at slightly but tilts her head, “it’s...healed”.
Danny drops his hand and gives a little nod, “yeah, um, I heal quick”, looking to his dad, “and yeah dad, flying’s great. It’s, well, it’s one of my favourite things”.
Jack grins wide at that, which Danny tilts his head over, “are you guys okay? that I like my, um, abilities? That I have them?”, shrugging and looking at the floor slightly, “I lied to you guys. For, like, a long time”.
At this they both promptly hug him again. Jack rubbing his back a bit, “son, Danny-boy, we’ve already decided we accept it. So long as you like it and accept it”.
Maddie nods as they pull back, “even if it’s quite strange and we have no clue how it’s possible. Though if I’m honest sweetie, it does seem rather wrong, you’re not a ghost”.
Danny frowns and looks away, nodding a little, “yeah I kind of figured. Ghost stuff, you don’t exactly like them”.
Jack clears his throat, “about that...That puppy really was a lot like a normal puppy! And Tucker said you actually have lots of ghost friends! And well, you wouldn’t be friendly with monsters. So we don’t know what to think on that”.
Danny blinks and looks at his dad wide-eyed, “he did what?!? Tuck”, Danny shakes his head, “I guess I did sort of tell you the same though. And his name’s Cujo, Dad”.
Jack blushes a bit at that but nods. Maddie decides to sit down too, so that Danny’s looking down at both of them, at least a little, hoping it makes him more open, “why though?“.
Danny rolls his eyes, “why not? They’re the same as humans, just with powers and more varied bodies”.
Maddie sighs, “I don’t know Danny. But you seem to be doing fine, skilled actually, so that’s your choice to make. We can support you without loving everything you do right?”.
Danny rubs his neck and gives a weak smile, “I mean, I guess? And yeah I’ve been getting into fights like that for a while”, glaring at the air slightly, “Walker’s one of few I actually hate. He also hates me”, shrugging, “mutualistic I guess”.
Maddie and Jack share a look, Jack patting Danny’s shoulder slightly, “we definitely don’t like him either. But about that, what did he mean by ‘half creature’? That sounds like an insult”.
Maddie nods and makes a point to smile slightly, “Tucker mention halfa, I know you didn’t really answer us when we asked about that, but you didn’t know it was us at that point”.
Danny sighs, “yeah that’s an insult dad. The whole halfa thing is part of why he hates me. And, um, I’m called that because of the powers and stuff, while still being, you know, alive”.
Both parents nod, it did make sense. It meant he was a bit ghostly. Maddie touches Danny chest lightly, “I’m guessing having a core makes you able to handle all the ectoplasm in you. There’s an awful lot more than we thought”.
“Heh heh, yeah and thanks for leaving that alone after the initial discovery, or whatever, of it. Core’s are kind of...sensitive”.
Both nod rapidly, Maddie speaking, “as soon as you mentioned it could freeze you over we made sure to leave it alone. Can it really do that?”.
Danny nods and rubs his chest slightly, “oh yeah it can. Pretty sure it nearly killed me. I have to use up its ecto-energy or it’ll freeze me basically”, Danny makes a fist and then opens it, revealing a little ice flower. Twirling it in his fingers and making more pelts form on it till it’s rather large.
Maddie takes it gingerly and spins it nothing ‘wow’, because it was incredibly pretty. Still so off that he could just make ecto-ice but not so bad.
Jack smiles, “you’re good at that! Guess you’d have to be! Seems like a strong power!”, tilting his head and glancing around the lab, “think we could see just how strong?”.
“I’m not turning the lab into an ice rink dad”, making everyone laugh a little.
Jack shakes his head with a smile after a bit, “I mean a meter reader Danny-boy. See just how much icy energy you can put out”.
Danny looks around and rubs his neck, “I dunno, I mean, I uh, um, okay, I am totally curious about that myself. But, like, your guys stuff, you know, saves the data and that would have been awkward. Though I mean, I have totally had Tuck use radar guns on me, you know, speed and that. Flying. Yeah”, shrugging, “doesn’t really matter now I guess. So I um, yeah. Okay”.
Maddie scrunches up her eyebrows, “is that a yes sweetie?”.
Jack beams and stands, “of course you’re curious! You’re a Fenton!”.
Danny nods at his mom while his dad busies himself finding things, “yeah, yeah it’s a yes”. Maddie gets up and kisses his forehead for that, whispering to him, “thanks for trusting us. We’re, especially Jack, a bit upset over finding out all this the way we did. On accident. We’d rather have you tell us on your own terms and knowing it was us. Even if it took longer”.
Danny smiles warmly at that, making a damn point to not tear up at all, “thanks. That means a lot”. Making a mock disgusted face as she kisses his forehead again. Before Jack comes over with what looks like a tuning fork attached to a big ass battery.
Danny sits down and chuckles a little, as Jack touches it to his chest, “no need to explain how it works. I’m familiar”, making both his parents smile. While Danny pushes his Core’s power at the machine. Thankfully he knew this stuff wouldn’t actually deplete his ectoplasm, none of their inspectors would. Humming a little as the machine beeps.
Jack blinks at the screen, a fair bit stunned, “wow Danny-boy! It’s strong! Strongest we’ve recorded actually!”.
Danny snorts, of course it was, figures. Looking over at the screen, “jeez that’s almost double the second highest?”.
They all look at each other before Jack glances to where all the other inspectors are. Danny, way too curious now, nods with a slight grin.
Maddie quickly clears the little side table before Jack dumps the inspectors on it. Danny chuckles, “you’ve built one for everything at this point. Why don’t you make something that’s universal?”.
Maddie quirks her lip, “we are actually. Just much more difficult”. She knew he never seemed to mind the ‘harmless’ inventions.
Danny dips his head, “logically”, as Jack slides over with an ecto-field reader. Which Danny hovers his arm over, easily feeling when he was close enough for it to be contacting it.
And just like before, way higher than every other reading.
From there it continues on much the same. Thing after thing, reading after reading; Danny’s consistently way higher than every other recorded level or score. This also results in Danny pretty well showing off his powers, being a little awkward about it at first but growing more comfortable at his folks not reacting poorly. He firmly decides against anything a little too weird for now. Duplication, body manipulation, the wail, his ghost form, and overshadowing. Even if overshadowing one of them would be really comedic right now.
Maddie eventually stands in-front of all the readings, it was a bit concerning but also incredibly funny. Danny seems to find it pretty funny for sure. Based on the smirking and snickering. Just the fact that the weirdly high readings were making him a bit more comfortable made her happy though. So it’s okay.
Shaking her head with a smile and looking at Danny, “you, a human, are stronger than every ghost we’ve ever recorded”.
Danny rubs his neck and looks around, before looking back with a slight smile, “Fenton’s and our weird huh?”.
Jack laughs, clapping Danny on the shoulder, “indeed! Ghostly weird is even more suiting! I can just imagine the looks of jealousy, shock, and some rage on the ghosties faces now!”.
Maddie ruffles his hair, and thinking of his skill in battle, “I’d say that most have an idea that you’re very strong. You clearly suspected”.
Danny shrugs, “pretty much yeah”.
Maddie makes a point of giving him a more stern mothering face, “not that I like you fighting on your own. Or that it’s actual fights instead of what we do”.
Danny shrugs, “usually it’s more like sparring. Testing each other’s skill and power sort of thing. A little bit of fun”, frowning, “not Walker though. He’s a prick. Same with Plasmius. Pricks, the both of ‘em”.
Jack raises an eyebrow, “what about that Skulker that you mentioned?”.
Danny tilts his head, “Skulker is kind of unique. What I was talking about back there, with him, his girl was insulting his hunting skills, again, so he decided to prove his skill by hunting me a bit more aggressively, again. Skulker’s basically a ghost hunter. Goes after anything ghostly that’s unique or rare. You know, like me. But he has more respect for strong worthy opponents, so it’s usually sparring between us. Frenemies”.
Jack chuckles, “a ghost who’s a ghost hunter! I’m still going to deck him though”.
Danny smirks, “aim for the head then. Very tiny ghost piloting a Mecha. You shrunk him once and I may have froze him in an ice-cube tray”.
Jack laughs again, “good then! Seems like you might have caught more ghosts than we have! What’s your scoreboard like?”.
Danny tilts his head, “huh?”.
Maddie smiles and ruffles his hair, “surely you keep track of how many you nab, or win against I guess”.
Danny screws up his face, snorts and then starts laughing. Shaking his head, “I gave up on that years ago, after a hundred it felt kind of pointless”, snorting again, “well, okay I keep score of the Box Ghost because it’s ridiculous”. This gets both of them to nod and laugh. All of them having frequently not even bothered to actually catch that one.
Maddie smiles, “I think everyone in town has a scoreboard for that one”.
Jack pokes Danny, hoping the question is obvious and clear. Danny nods, “fifty-two thousand and eighty-nine. Highest in one day was fifty-seven”.
Both cough, definitely startled. Danny was an overachiever.
Maddie smiles mischievously, “fourteen thousand and two”.
Jack smirks, “nine thousand on the nose”. Danny smirks at that.
Eventually, everyone goes up for food. And Maddie, watching Danny eat remembers something. Swallowing her food, “sweetie? Question?”.
“I’m sure I felt fangs earlier. You don’t look to have any though?”.
Danny blushes and shifts a little, no point in not showing them. So he opens his mouth and extends them. Which Maddie goes a bit wide-eyed over. Closing his mouth and licking his tongue over them, “Iz pretty vwell only have them outz in fightz. Kinda hardy to eatz or talkz with them”.
Jack blinks a bit before laughing a little, which Danny blushes more over. Jack patting his shoulder, “I can see why! They’re way too big for your mouth!”.
Danny rubs his neck and chuckles, fangs noticeably still out, “Iz growz into them. Eventuallyz”.
Maddie ruffles his hair some, fangs was creepy and rather wrong to see on him but if he could be okay with it then so could she. Tilting her head a little, “isn’t fang size a bit of a status thing? Like wearing fur or well-tailored suits? Being naturally better looking?”.
Jack nods a bit erratically, “like high cheekbones? Or chiselled jaws?”.
Danny snorts and nods, “yezz, pizzzez Plazmiuzz offz”. Danny licks over his fangs again, having basically butchered Vlad’s last name. But this time even Maddie can’t help but laugh.
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portersprincess · 5 years
Preference #1 - He is slightly annoyed with you
Nick: Today was the big day. After months of secrecy, hiding from fans, paparazzi and even some close friends, Nick had finally received approval from management. You two would finally be going public and you couldn't be happier. 
It had all been planned out. Today, the boys would appear on TRL again, to perform and promote their new single and upcoming album. During the interview part, the usual questions would be asked, including the one which was all about what "kind" of girls they liked, what they would do on the first date and if they had girlfriends. Now, usually, Nick would be forced to say no, even though you had been holding special spots in each other's lives for months. You knew the secrecy was part of the contract and partly caused by the whole media attention around them. Management was also worried about losing half their fan base. You knew the reasons very well, yet you couldn't help but feel disappointed and offended by it all. No matter how well you knew that some of the fans could get extremely protective over the boys, you did not like hiding your relationship with Nick. It made you feel as if you were not regarded as a serious match for him by anyone, not even the other Pretty Much members. 
But it would all change today.
Nick had left early this morning to run a couple of things by management, to train, practice and spend time with his band. You were used to it by now and knew how to be independent, so you went on to doing your own thing. You were busy with your studies and there was an essay due in about a week, so you were spending most of the day gathering evidence and building up a certain structure. In reality, though, you were busier counting down the hours until the live broadcast on MTV would begin. 
You were incredibly anxious about the replies you would receive, but that feeling was overshadowed by the pure joy of finally being "official" and "management approved". It felt like a big step in your relationship, as if this was an extended version of meeting his family.
The hours passed by. By the time you moved over from your desk to the couch, the file which contained your essay was left largely untouched. You sighed deeply and turned on the TV. This was it. You but your nails nervously, but smiled a little seeing how cute Nick looked. You barely heard the words of the interviewer, about their albums and tours. You just wanted to hear the words... Yes I have a girlfriend... You longed for those words to come out of Nick's mouth and finally be released from the secrecy. After about 5 minutes, the question finally arose.
"So, girlfriends..." The interviewer smirked. "Nick, let's start with you today. Do you have a special girl in your life?"
Nick smiled at the camera, looked away, then gulped. He was taking longer than you had expected. "A special girl... I mean, other than my family members?" He chuckled nervously. "I'm afraid not..."
At first, you couldn't even begin to understand what your boyfriend was saying. It barely got through to you. Yet again, your entire existence was being denied. You felt all sorts of emotions at once. Anger, because he had promised they would break the news today. Sadness, because you felt disposable. Like you meant nothing to him. The way he had said it, chuckling, with a little smile, had shattered your heart in a million pieces. You quickly turned off the TV and started crying. At this point, you were wondering what was wrong with you. Why were you not good enough for Nick to go public with? Did Nick not love you as much as you loved him? The emotions were overwhelming. You wanted to run away, far away, from Nick and the harm he had caused today, but you couldn't get yourself to move. Instead, you lied down on your side, facing away from the TV. You allowed yourself to cry a little more, but then forced yourself to pull yourself together. You prepared for a heavy conversation with Nick for the rest of the afternoon, playing scenarios in your head over and over again.
About 5 hours later, you heard the front door. You hadn't moved from your spot on the couch. You had been too busy worrying, grieving over what felt like a battle lost. You sat up slowly, hearing his footsteps in the hallway.
"Y/N?" He said softly, as he opened the door. "Are you sleeping?"
"No," you said as he walked in, facing him now. You could feel the tension in the air. He opened his mouth to say something a couple of times, but the words wouldn't come out.
"I don't know anymore, Nick," you sighed. "That was perhaps the most painful thing ever. No one special." You said, mockingly. "Why would you do that! I don't understand. We went over this like 500 times. Am I not good enough or what?"
"What do you mean?" He shook his head. "Of course you are the best, don't say things like that..."
"Yeah? Funny you can say that to me, but not to anyone else."
"I understand you're upset, Y/N," he pouted now.
"Aren't you?" You started getting angry, raising your voice. "I guess not. Because you don't love me as much as I love you. I never wanted to hide you. But you want to hide me from the world, so I must shut up. Because that's how we do things in this  relationship apparently."
"What?!" Your anger started annoying Nick. You could tell. "You're being completely unreasonable here. It's such a childish thing of you to say. You know I don't even have a say in the content of the interviews, right?"
"We went over this!" You repeated, "You went over this with your management, even!"
Nick slowly walked over to you, shaking his head as he sat down next to you on the couch. "Y/N. What can I do? There was some bad press the past week. They didn't think it was the right time."
"Not the right time? We've been waiting for months, Nick! Months!"
"I know," he sighed, grabbing your hand. "But it's unfair of you to get angry at me for this. I don't have much of a say in this, babe."
"You should've just said it. To hell with your stupid guidelines," you sulked.
"You're being childish," Nick groaned in annoyance. "I can't just do that. I could get a huge fine, for starters, and God knows what else."
"Next interview you have to say it!" You yelled in frustration. "I feel like you don't care at all!"
"No, Y/N." He shook his head once more, looking at you. "I won't."
"So you don't care," you huffed. "Okay, cool. Good to know."
"Stop!" He let go of your hand, frowning. "Why the fuck do you care so much about the publicity all of a sudden?"
You blinked, surprised by his sudden outburst. "Publicity?"
"Yes, the publicity," he punched the couch in frustration. "Why can't you, for once, just one time, understand that I love you. And I don't fucking care who knows about us and who doesn't. In the end, I'm sure of my feelings for you. Quite frankly, I'm beginning to doubt whether you're in it for me or for the fame. Considering your eagerness to be out in the open!"
You blinked a couple of times, then frowned. "What are you talking about? You know that's not true!"
"That's how it feels to me right now, Y/N! But guess what. The publicity has to wait. Because we're not telling the fans yet. And if you can't deal with that, you know where to find the exit." He looked away, noticeable annoyed, close to upset. This time, you took his hand, slowly realising how your emotions and your actions had appeared to him. The way he said it, made you consider things differently. In the end, the truth was that you just wanted to be with him. Everything else could wait. The idea of losing him over something like this made your heart drop to your stomach. The threat had never fealt realer, as you realised he wasn't joking.
"I'm sorry," you blurted out after a large moment of silence. "I love you for who you are, you're right. I know it was a lot to ask and I'm sorry I attacked you over something that is not your fault..."
"Even if it was, Y/N," he stroked your hand with his thumb. "Even if it was, I don't understand why just being together isn't enough. Why do you need people to know? You'll get hate. You'll be followed everywhere you go. I don't understand how you want that..."
"Well, I don't want that, necessarily. It just feels like I'm illegitimate sometimes. Like some mistress you need to hide from your wife." You shrugged. He laughed at the comparisons.
"But you're not. I love you a lot. That's all you need to know. That I love you and that I want this. The time will come that we break the news publicly, but until that, let's just enjoy what we have. Please. Please let's not ruin what we have because of this," he pouted, pulling you into his lap.
"You're right. I'm sorry. I love being with you," you put your head on his chest. "I'm a little needy and annoying sometimes, am I not," you sighed.
"Sometimes, a little," he chuckled, cupping your face. "But even that, I love about you..."
You smiled and couldn't help but think that you truly had the best boyfriend in the world.
"I love that we talk things through," you said, smiling shyly. "I love you," you sighed happily and leaned into what would turn out to become a very passionate kiss.
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S3 Episode 9, 10, 11, 12
Episode 9
Gosh I love that Percy’s alt-mode sucks so he’s gotta hitch a ride on someone
Whirl *gracefully descends from the ceiling* Percy: *PLUMMETS LIKE A ROCK*
No joke I laughed so suddenly and loud at that I startled myself
Whirl *jumps directly on the Titan’s face*  Me: I’d die for you
Ok putting the masks on their head to hide from the Quints is actually a smart idea
“I can’t believe that worked” GUYS PLS
Aw I love that Clobber and Roddy do their little fist bump / high-five thing that’s so cute
CHROMIA AND WINDBLADE....Roddy you’re interrupting their date
Roddy: Clobber, you’re a lesbian, can you get through to them Clobber: Sure *picks up Chromia in one hand and walks off*
I feel like the smart thing for them to do would be to wake up Megatron and/or Optimus and use them to wake up other Autobots / Decepticons because like. If I was an Autobot and Megatron wandered by at a parade I’d definitely be on defense. Of course, then Roddy & co. would need to convince Megatron to help them so maybe that’s a no-go anyways
AW I love that everyone’s taking care of Percy, Dead End holding his hand while running was so cute
IF ANYONE CAN TAKE DOWN THE QUINTS AND WAKE EVERYONE UP ITS MY BOY SOUNDWAVE I mean, assuming ripping the helmet off his head rather than waking him up normally didn’t totally screw him up
“Something’s wrong with him...” “You mean more than normal?” SHUT UP DEADEND
“There are an infinite amount of universes in the multiverse. The Quintessons judge which ones are worthy of existence” NICE NICE NICE NICE OMINOUS AND NICE
You know I’m realizing the Titan thing doesn’t explain how Maccadam knows about the future, is HE from a different universe / future?? Has he already seen all of this happen before? Is HE the true Homura of this series?
Every time Roddy uses his flames I lose my mind in excitement
“I wish I was a jet” He’s not gonna jump is OH HE JUMPED
 Episode 10
I saw Soundwave in the thumbnail and got UNREASONABLY excited
Hot Rod is the ONLY bot who could appreciate Soundwave’s background music PLEASE let them get along or at least be amicable by the end of the episode that would be so frickin good
“The Masters of the Multiverse” man what a good title
I’m so glad Season 3 has been so Hot Rod=focused, HE DESERVES THE SPOTLIGHT
lmao I love that Soundwave and Roddy are both crossing their arms on opposite sides of the bar, guys please you’ve got bigger fish to fry
This is embarrassing but I was legitimately so distracted by how nice Soundwave’s legs looked in this scene I didn’t hear a single thing Roddy said and I had to rewind the episode l m a o.....
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Soundwave: I know you’re no Optimus Prime Me: *MORTIFIED GASP* THAT’S A SORE SUBJECT DON’T BE MEAN!!!
I KNEW IT I knew he was improperly removed!!!
OH SHOOT they already tried doing something similar to Hound oof
I can’t believe they came up with names / jobs for these things
Aw Roddy I’m sorry Soundwave’s overshadowing your leadership role :(
“Maybe they’re trading beauty secrets” DEADEND PLEASE
I hope Soundwave didn’t tell her to kill him
Clobber: *crying while trying to kill him* This hurts me more than it hurts you! Hot Rod: No, this hurts me more GUYS PLEASE
I briefly forgot DeadEnd was a Decepticon and was like “Wow you’re not worrying about Roddy getting his head beat in?? Really??”
Gosh Soundwave looks so cool
“The evil back-stabbing music box” omg
Hot Rod: That’s not how Autobots do things Dead End: Yeah but like, we aren’t. So can we kill him
SOUNDWAVE’S INTERROGATION STUFF IS SO COOL I mean it’s mean but that’s an interesting method
Who IS the scientist
Episode 11
Gosh the backgrounds in this show are such a delight for the eyes
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Oh well I guess he can lmao alrighty then
how on EARTH did that work
OHOHO just Hot Rod and Soundwave I hope they learn to trust each other a bit
I’m VERY worried they’re gonna kill off Laserbeak in this episode
‘‘A blue one...I don’t have a blue one yet’‘ UH OH UH OH!!!! OH PLEASE DONT HURT SOUNDWAVE CYBERVERSE WRITERS PLEASE!!!
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The fact that we can now SEE Laserbeak in his chest makes me worry we’re gonna lose her this episode 8(((
“Why would he collect Soundwaves and not Hot Rods?” RODDY PLEASE THIS IS NOT THE TIME!!!!! That’s a very Hot Rod thing to focus on though lmao
I feel like the Cyberverse writers went “Hm, what would make Ana feel most anxious about her favorite character?” and then proceeded to write this episode exactly about that
Like, on the one hand: Good taste weird tentacle alien dude, on the other, GET YOUR MITTS OFF HIM
“When a judge finds a universe guilty, I like to keep a little...souvenir for myself” WOW THAT’S HALF WHAT I GUESSED BUT HE SAID THAT INFINITELY CREEPIER THAN I THOUGHT HE WOULD
I love how this team has exactly one braincell and none of the people currently on the other side of the door are in possession of it
“I keep telling myself I don’t have room for any more, but you would go so nicely right here” me @ me when I’m buying figurines tbh
That’s genuinely so upsetting, like if I were in Soundwave’s place I’d be pissed as HELL
“I’LL SHOW YOU DAMAGED” LMAO Roddy: *starts listing off all his traumas* Tentacle Dr.: Um,,
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“A parade is the best you can come up with?” ASKING THE REAL QUESTIONS RODDY
HELL YEAH GET HIM SOUNDWAVE and thank goodness he got fixed. Hopefully the guy didn’t do anything weird to him
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Why do the words “Laserbeak! Eject!” get me so emotional WHY AM I SO HEAD OVER HEELS FOR THIS CASSETTE TAPE AND BOOM BOX
Ironic for Whirl to be the one to say “hold your fire”
Wow way to abandon Hot Rod and Soundwave
Off-topic but tentacle dude’s voice sounds SO familiar I just can’t place it it’s a really good fit
Perceptor you are ADORABLE
Oh boy let’s see how Megatron reacts to Clobber interrupting him
Percy should just summon a hologram of Optimus, that would do it
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Uh oh spaghettio that doesn’t seem good
Not to sound predictable but I think that was the most interesting episodes of the season so far
Episode 12
Aw man the judge is still alive heck
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Optimus: We will work together to stop this Megatron: *half-hearted grumble of assent*
Bee please don’t reignite the war by bumping into people
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I love this they’re both like “frick this is so uncomfortable”
LMAO THEY SHOVED THEM IN THE TRAINING SIM guys pls. I mean good effort but
Man can I just say it’s so nice seeing these two (especially Soundwave, the world’s most under-valued Decepticon ever) become respected leaders while getting time in the spotlight? I LOVE that!!!!
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I should redraw this screenshot sometime
Bee and Arcee and Shadow Striker and Lockdown!! Such a good combo
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I’D DIE FOR YOU TWO!!!!!!!!!!
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Life-or-death video games really do build friendships
Aw man are you guys still really gonna wake up this Titan
Windblade: Did you guys ask Maccadam about this first Hot Rod: Oh absolutely he definitely said yes don’t worry about it Windblade: You sure? This dude seems like. Super evil Hot Rod: Nah it’ll be fine don’t even worry about it
THANK YOU RODDY for being the voice of reason for once
Maccadam: Now isn’t the time for this Titan, we need to save that for the season finale
Can’t believe they’re really dragging a bomb through the city
Ok so like. Where is Megatron during all of this. Are you seriously gonna sulk and miss this whole battle Megatron
Arcee with her machine gun is SO cute
Someone please shoot this shark dude and shut him up
WHOOPS so much for the bomb
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Man I hope we get to see Windblade and Starscream duke it out with Titans
“I’ve lost too many cityspeakers this way” OH WOW THAT CONFESSION ACTUALLY LEGIT HURT....Mac how many times have city speakers tried controlling Iaconus? How many people have you seen die apart from the citizens of Iacon?
AW MAN BUMMER PLACE TO END IT ok let’s do a few more episodes after a quick break (I’m still SCREAMING over that Soundwave episode)
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Michael in the Mainstream - Spider-Man: Far From Home/Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
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It really is a good time to be a Spider-Fan.
This guy is hitting all the right notes lately: he’s got a great video game beloved by all who plays it, he’s one of the golden boys of the MCU after only a handful of appearances, and he featured in one of, if not THE greatest animated movie of all time. Now if only his comics would undo One More Day and they renewed Spectacular Spider-Man and gave it the finale it deserves, things would be absolutely perfect.
So with me being a big Spider-Man fan, I think it’s about time I talked about his greatest cinematic achievments: Into the Spider-Verse and Far From Home. That’s right, Spidey is so good he’s conquered two mediums and delivered his best stories within a year of each other. My only regret is not talking about both of these films sooner, but I suppose that just gives me the opportunity to praise them both at once.
The greatest common factor these two movies have between each other, and what makes both films infinitely relatable and entertaining, is how both films feature a young protagonist who has great responsibility thrust upon them and they must find some way to deal with it. In the case of Peter, he is saddled with the pressure of being able to live up to his mentor, Tony Stark, in the wake of Endgame’s finale and Tony’s sacrifice. Frankly, Peter just wants to be a normal teenager, get the girl, and have a good vacation – it’s perfectly understandable, and while it may come off as a bit selfish, Peter is still a young man, a young man who has suffered through numerous traumas in his life and is probably upset he can’t just be normal for once. Of course over the course of the film he remembers that with great power comes great responsibility, and he rises up to save the day.
Miles, on the other hand, while initially a bit confused and unsure of himself and what to do, really does want to live up to the memory of Spider-Man, who he only knew a brief time before his death. However, he lacks training, he doesn’t understand his own powers, and he just lacks faith in himself. The entire movie builds up his character, his relationships to others, and all he does so that moment when he takes his “leap of faith” is well-earned and solidifes the moment when he goes from merely being a Spider-Boy to truly earning the name of Spider-Man. I find it very interesting how the two Spider-Men in the two best Spidey movies have sort of opposite motivations – one is being crushed by the pressure to be a world-saving hero while only wanting to be normal, while the other wants to live up to the destiny thrust upon him but initially lacks the skill and finesse to do so – before coming to the same sort of ending. More than the man in the comics who sold his marriage to a demon because he couldn’t deal with the consequences of his actions, these Spideys realize the immortal phrase from Uncle Ben that I need not repeat.
Of course, what would a hero be without a villain to oppose them? Thankfully, both films deliver some of the best superhero movie villains anyone could ask for. Far From Home is a bit more focused, giving us one major antagonist: Mysterio, in the least shocking movie twist of all time. But it truly is a testament to how great an actor Jake Gyllenhaal is and how good a character Mysterio is that he is able to sell you on all of his hero garbage right up until the reveal, and even afterwards he never once drops that affable charm and charisma that belies his true nature as a petty sociopath. Mysterio has always been a character who has struggled to find good use in the comics due to writers not knowing how to use him; he does not have that problem here.
Into the Spider-Verse, on the other hand, goes for what most Spider-Man movies tend to do: cram a bunch of villains in and see what sticks. Thankfully, they manage to hit home runs three out of six times and only whiff twice. Let’s get the less impressive villains out of the way first: Tombstone and Scorpion. While Scorpion’s design is cool and he gets some decent fight scenes, he really could be swapped out with a generic mook and it really wouldn’t make any difference either way. Tombstone, on the other hand, is an absolutely pointless waste of a character, which is a real shame. He’s the bodyguard for a guy who killed Spider-Man with his bare hands and has superhumans and cyborgs under his employ, he’s frankly a bit superfluous. Green Goblin is the only middle ground villain, one who isn’t amazing but is certainly cool enough in his own right to leave an impression despite only having a single scene. His monstrous design really goes a long to selling his threat level and his brutal fight with the original Peter really is impressive. Sadly, he dies at the end of the fight and is quickly overshadowed.
Then we have the two side villains that really work: Prowler and Dock Ock. Prowler is the obvious one, as due to him being Miles’ uncle he adds a sort of tragic emotional connection, one that is only exacerbated once Prowler hesitates in killing his nephew and ends up becoming Miles’ stand-in for Uncle Ben. Dock Ock is a bit surprising, seeing as she is a somewhat unique take, essentially a genderbent original character version of Otto Ocatavius, complete with all that implies (yes, I am talking about the relationship with Aunt May). She’s been the big breakout villain of the movie, and with good reason: she’s cool, she’s cunning, and she’s hot, all hallmarks of a quality villain beloved by the masses.
And then we come to the big one, and I do mean big: Kingpin. Here, his size and intimidation is played up for all its worth, turning him into an absolute mountain of a man and giving him one of the slickest designs I have ever seen. He’s a brutal, ruthless thug, but he’s also given a legitimately tragic and heartbreaking reason to his actions, and while it certainly doesn’t redeem him, it does make him an interesting and complex character. If nothing else, it’s just really nice to see Liev Schreiber finally get to be the villain in a good superhero movie and a good animated movie villain, after getting the shaft in both regards on two previous occasions.
The ensemble casts of both films are great. Far From Home ropes in Maria Hill and Nick Fury, and finally gives Hill some more to do while letting Fury have a lot more fun and taking a more direct approach than usual. Aside from that, all the returning characters are improved – Happy is nicer, funnier, and a better mentor; Dash is still a jerk but he’s toned down and has a bit of tragedy to him; and MJ is fleshed out, given a personality, and has excellent chemistry with Peter. And then there is Peter’s best buddy Ned, who gets ne of the funniest romantic arcs I have ever seen in a movie. And I’d be remiss to not mention Peter’s bumbling teachers, who deliver some more top quality humor to the proceedings. I think it would be best to state now that Far From Home is honestly really funny, with pretty much all of its humor hitting the bullseye, and a lot of that has to do with just how well these people play their parts and dive into their characters with the sort of fun conviction you’d want out of Spider-Man characters.
Into the Spider-Verse has the heavily advertised Spider-Ham, Peni Parker, and Spider-Man Noir, but they actually only appear in the last third of the film and really only stick around to showcase how good the animation can handle other styles, fuel jokes, and help fight in some awesome fight scenes. Frankly, this is enough; they don’t really stick around long enough to overshadow Miles, but they’re also around just long enough to establish personalities and endear themselves to the audience. Out of the three, I find Peni to be the least interesting due to changing her mecha’s design from the more Evangelion-esque one from the comics as well as her just not really grabbing my attention all too much, but it’s easy to see why she has fans. Personally, I preferred the cartoony antics of Spider-Ham and the noir-tinged grittiness of Noir. Also, Noir is voiced by Nicolas Cage and Ham is John Mulaney. It would be a challenge for me to not love them.
The major supporting characters are Peter B. Parker and Gwen Stacy, and both manage to be great in their own right while, again, not overshadowing Miles, with Peter especially being an absolute blast, giving us the miserable, chubby, downbeat Peter we never knew we needed and having him go through a full arc of his own where Miles helps him overcome his hangups as much as Peter helps Miles. Gwen is a fun character, but she sadly doesn’t get quite as much of an arc as Peter, but that will definitely be expanded upon in sequels; she’s still a solid sidekick here. The rest of the supporting cast, such as Miles’ dad, are solid characters, and the film also gives what may be the best version of Aunt May ever (though all Aunt Mays are great and let no one tell you different); I don’t really think the supporting cast is quite as good as Far From Home’s overall, but it certainly does have memorable characters that will stick with you.
Before wrapping up, I of course have to address this: Spider-Verse has some of the most amazing animation I have ever seen. It truly captures that look of being taken right from a comic book, and there are just so many clever visuals and shots that it’s simply astounding. This is the pinnacle of CGI, and revolutionary in the field of stylized CGI. I hope other studios take notes on how to make CGI look good and stylish like this.
Into the Spider-Verse is just a stunning piece of animation. It has good characters, a solid plot, a lot of great humor, a lot of great emotion, and some really decent morals, all while paying tribute to the comics and the Raimi films and giving us some closure by adapting bits of the unused Raimi Spider-Man 4. It’s a beautiful tribute to everything we know and love of Spider-Man while also being a fantastic “passing the torch” story that gives Miles his own time to shine in the spotlight. This movie is basically what Big Hero 6 tried to be, but where that movie kind of stumbled over itself and felt more like a TV pilot for a series on the big screen, this feels like a fully fledged story unto itself. It also has one of the most beautifully poignant Stan Lee cameos ever, as well as what may be the greatest joke in Spider-Man history after the credits. If you love Spider-Man, see this movie. If you love animation, see this movie. If you love movies, see this movie. This might very well be the greatest animated film of all time, and it deserves to be seen.
Far From Home, meanwhile, is a fantastic achievement in live action Spidey cinema. It gives us a wonderful supporting cast, a love interest who actually has chemistry and isn’t a boring damsel that disgraces the name of her comic counterpart, an awesome villain, and genuine funny moments, and for once all of these things are in the same moment! This really solidifies MCU Spider-Man as being a fun, fresh take on a character who has been done to death in almost every medium; it keeps most of what we love while changing some details here and there so that Spider-Man can resonate more with modern audiences. What they do change tends to be for the better, too – I really have no problem, unlike a lot of people, with Tony “taking Uncle Ben’s place,” for a variety of reasons but not the least of which is the fact I’m frankly tired of seeing Uncle Ben die. Having him merely be the long dead motivator for Peter’s early heroics is enough for me. This is absolutely peak MCU, and a fantastic epilogue to the Infinity Saga. If you’re invested in the MCU or Spider-Man at all, this movie will be right up your alley. If you still need more convincing: they combined Raimi Jameson and PS4 Game Jameson into a character, and Simmons still plays him.
Both of these films are the cream of the crop when it comes to cinematic versions of Spider-Man, with Far From Home sitting comfortably up there with Spider-Man 2, if not surpassing it, and Into the Spider-Verse frankly taking on a league of its own, Both projects really alter the course of what can be done with Spider-Man, and it has me excited for all the future works involving the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man we might be seeing soon. With Spider-Verse getting sequels and spinoffs and Far From Home absolutely getting a sequel, it’s safe to say that anyone who loves Spidey will have plenty to love for years to come. And the best part is we will never have to worry about either Spidey making deals with Mephisto.
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