#tigers are so popular but it fit
tactax-art · 1 year
Please, I am in LOVE with your Mage au, I am on my knee’s to know if Price is a mage and if he is-his familiar.
Aah thank you <3
Yes he's a mage too! He's got one familiar who's a siberian tiger, can't say no to that face (and matching beard).
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alternautxyz · 24 days
uuhhh in other new that lmk s5 trailer dropped and people are very
for context the new season is being partly animated by wildbrain i think. flying bark is still working on the show but probably due to all the other projects they've been working on like the atla movie the animation is off.
its understandable that people are upset. lmk has some of the most consistently dynamic and lively animation ive ever seen, and going from that to ok animation kinda sucks. as a culmination of a lot of what the series has been building up to people were inevitably going to be disappointed
at the same time people shouldnt harass animators. like ever. no amount of trying to petition or anything will change the s5, people are just trying to do their job and theres no probably no major changing to the finished product by now. and theres still a lot of that lmk charm in there, and we haven't even seen the whole season yet to judge it. flying bark is still working on it, and even if the animation never reaches the peak of the old seasons it still has the same writers so at least the writing has the chance to live up old standards. idk though we'll just have to wait and see
#i do think they could have just delayed it after dealing with other projects but with the anniversary lego might have jsut forced them????#and with how the animation industry is i guess they didnt have a choice#tbh im still really sad about the downgrade but after rewatching the trailer a bit more its not that bad despite the tweening#we've been spoiled with the other seasons but i think people will get used to it at some point. maybe#though i cant forgive some of the new stuff like li jing and that dragon tiger duo they do not fit the artstyle at all#though for li jing i think the problem is mostly proportions and how small his eyes look#but the dragon and tigers snouts just look bad.#ok looking at it again i think it looks weird because theyre dissolving. the design's still off but it wasn't as bad as i first thought.#but the proportions and shapes feels like it just isn't from lmk#idk i could nitpick but negativity is tiring and these guys have big shoes to fill for a show they werent prepared for it was inevitable#for any last takeaways please do not be mean to the animators#also studio changes are normal so its not some horrible injustice or the sign of the end times im more upset lego didn't handle it better#i still hope s5 is good and i want to believe it'll still be satisfying by the end the plot so far sounds pretty interesting#or atleast that the atla movie is good enough to compensate#and if im feeling greedy there will be a 6th season that gets better#and there are still good shots throughout all of this so maybe it'll work out with the season as a whole#with how popular it is in china i dont think its out of the question#idk though a lot of information is still up in the air so i guess we just wait#lego monkie kid#lmk#monkie kid#alttalks
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chr0llossexygf · 2 years
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PAIRING: eddie munson x fem reader
SUMMARY: eddie is surprised to see a hawkins high tigers uniform in a heavy metal shop. but he’s even more surprised to see it belongs to hawkins high’s golden girl y/n l/n.
WARNING: fluff sm sm sm fluff. THIS IS CO CUTE OMG!2:!:7: creds to the original gif owners! idk their @ cuz i find most of these gifs on pinterest and they aren’t linked :((
eddie walks the streets of hawkins with his hands in his pockets. he’s wearing his hellfire shirt with his jean jacket. his skinny black ripped jeans. it’s the same thing he wore last week on tuesday. but it doesn’t really matter.
he looks at the shops, none of them seem to fit his style and taste. not that there are any to begin with in hawkins. it’s a shit hole made for stupid suburban rich families. not for people like eddie.
in the midst of his little breakdown of how shitty the town is, one shop catches his eye. he’s never seen this shop before. he walks a bit faster. his eyes widen. slayer heavy metal shop? holy shit. holy shit.
his face brightens up. there’s no way. a heavy metal shop in hawkins? what the actual fuck? he stops right infront of it. he looks at the inside from the big glass windows. holy shit it’s sick. there’s everything there. t-shirts. vinyls. posters. cassettes. jackets.
his eyes travel around the shop. his eyes widen. he stumbles.a hawkins high uniform. a cheer uniform to be exact. he stares. your hair is up in a pony tail. a dark green ribbon tying it together. your wearing white knee socks with white sneakers. he recognises you. it’s y/n. what are you doing at a heavy metal shop?
he pushes the door open. you turn around, your skirt twirling with you. a smile on your face. “ e-eddie?” you blurt out in surprise. “ oh my would you look at that! you remember me!” eddie says his eyes wandering around the shop. you smile, “ yeah of course why wouldn’t i?” you say folding a motörhead t-shirt.
“ i’m surprised you remember me y/n.” he says flipping through a bunch of dio vinyls. you laugh. eddie walks around the shop, “ you know, i am obviously not the one to judge people but uh. what are you doing here y/n?” he says shoving his hands in his pockets. you turn around crossing your hands, “ what do you mean?” you ask tilting your head to the side with a smile. eddie laughs grabbing a mötley crüe cd. “ you know your a cheerleader what would you be doing in a heavy metal shop?” he confesses turning the cd around to look at the price. you giggle, “ what your saying is i don’t fit in?” you mumble smiling.
“ no no totally not. it’s just you know you dont-“ you cut him off. “ fit in? i know. believe or not i like heavy metal.” you giggle looking through patches. eddie walks up to the cashier leaning on it, “ so let me get this straight. y/n l/n the most popular cheerleader of hawkins high works at a heavy metal shop.”
“ correct.” you mumble turning to look at eddie. “ is that a bad thing?” you ask smiling.
eddie quickly shakes his head. “ no no no totally not. it’s just- your not what i thought you’d be like.” he says grabbing a metallica patch. “ mean and scary?” you giggle walking to the cashier. eddie tilts his head to the side, “ yeah well i actually kind of thought you’d be kinda mean and scary too.” you mumble biting your lower lip. eddie chuckles, “ i certainly look the part.”
you laugh. “ so do i, i mean i look like your typical mean cheerleader.” you joke biting your nails. eddie covers his smile with his hair. “ who works at a heavy metal shop.” he adds. you smile nodding.
you look at the patch he’s holding. “ i have that one on my jacket.” you say looking up at eddie. he giggles, “ you listen to metallica?” he questions quietly. you nod giggling, “ yeah i do.”
he smiles again. he’s surprised. and shocked.
and happy? your so easy to talk to. no one from hellfire is gonna believe him if he tells them he saw y/n l/n in a heavy metal shop. but he also doesn’t wanna tell them. he wants it to be a little secret between you and him. how is it so easy for you to make him smile. how are you so easy to converse with. he feels warm. really warm right now. he feels secluded from the world. and that’s a good thing right now.
“ then i‘ll take this one.” he hands you the patch. you look at his denim vest, “ do you want me to sew it on?” you ask looking back at him. “ oh i wouldn’t wanna steal your look l/n.” he whispers furrowing his eyebrows jokingly. you roll your eyes.
he takes off his vest placing it on the counter. “ i put mine on the right side. do you want yours on the left?” you mumble opening a drawer, grabbing a sewing needle. “ i don’t really mind.” he says shoving his hands in his pockets. “ i’ll put it on the right side so we can match.” you mumble smiling.
his heart just melted a bit. heat rises in his cheeks. his ears get warm. he quickly looks down hiding his face.
“ all done!” you exclaim looking at eddie, he looks at his denim vest. “ oh that’s sick.” he chuckles. “ you like it?” you question smiling.
“ yeah of course i do.” he says admiring the patch. you feel your cheeks start to heat up. you cough looking around the shop. “ it’s uhm- it’s for free.” you choke on your words. he looks at you in confusion.
“ your cool eddie.” you mumble playing with the hem of your skirt. eddie chuckles, “ your cool too y/n.” he whispers gently grabbing his denim jacket putting it on. “ so uh are we just gonna go back to not talking to each other during school?” he says putting his hands in his pockets. you giggle. “ why?”
“ because i’m a freak l/n.” he teases biting his nails, you look at his rings. “ so am i munson.” you giggle biting your lower lip. “ you know what- here.“ eddie looks at you.
you remove the green ribbon from your hair. your hair falls down.
eddie stares at you. you look so beautiful right now. your eyes are beautiful. your hair is falling in slow motion for him. time froze. he examines your face, your eyes are sparkling. your smiling. you have the cutest most adorable smile on earth. his eyes bore into you. he can stare at you for hours and hours and not get bored. something soft snaps him out of his trance. he looks down to see you tying the green ribbon around his wrist.
“ here. if your so sure we won’t talk to each other at school. or if u forget to talk to me, just look down at your wrist. there’s your reminder munson.” you giggle tying the ribbon.
“ you deserve a reminder too then. for when your too busy with the shooting balls into laundry basket weirdos. with your little pom poms.” he reaches for his back pocket, he grabs his black hankerchief. you laugh tilting your head to the side. “ what is it?” you ask smiling. “ your wrist please?”
you extend your wrist to him, he ties his hankerchief around your wrist. you blush again. he’s holding your wrist. and holy shit your skin is soft. so so so soft. he doesn’t wanna let go. he double ties it just to be able to feel your soft skin against his. “ there we go.” he chuckles.
“ oh that’s sick!” you exclaim looking at your wrist. eddie smiles. “ yeah? you think so?” he whispers gently. you nod smiling. “ then i’ll see you at school freak.” eddie says turning around . “ i’ll see you freak.” you laugh. eddie opens the door turning around to look at you once more. you wave. he waves back. “ gosh your adorable.” he mumbles under his breath turning around to leave.
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formosusiniquis · 3 months
Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington WC: 2173 | G | Day 4: Middle Names | AO3
“What are middle names for?” The question bubbles out of Steve as he takes in the picture of Michael J. Fox in Tiger Beat.
It’s the kind of question he thinks of a lot. The kind he’d normally bury in the back of his brain to ponder over on his own when sleep is a far off concept. But Robin is different. They’re so much a part of one another that Steve has stopped holding those questions in his own brain, realizing she likes to puzzle them out and tear them apart like he does.
Only Robin’s base of smarts is a little different, sometimes these questions he has actually get real answers. 
He can feel Robin go still beneath him, his head on her shoulder just like hers is on his. With anyone else the position they’d found themselves in this afternoon would probably be uncomfortable. Sprawled out on his bed, technically back to back, Steve is using the bony knob of Robin’s shoulder to raise his head just enough that he doesn’t have to hold the magazine he’s reading up in the air. Robin has taken the top of the bed, her legs make an L where she has them stretched out against his bedroom wall, toes pointed toward the ceiling. Whatever book she’s been reading is propped up against her thighs, too far to actually read without using the binoculars Dustin left behind last week.
He flips another page in the magazine, content the way he always is with Robin, knowing that when she has finished puzzling out the order that she wants to respond to him in that she’ll speak. Steve thinks it’s probably to tell the difference between people. There are so many in the world, eventually you’re going to have two Tommy H.’s in a room and have to use that middle name.
Tommy Allen, the thought of spending two years of junior high and two and a half in high school calling Tommy that in public drags a little giggle from Steve. That would have made them losers of the highest order. Robin makes a noise that reminds Steve of Mrs. Johnson’s cat whenever he’d feed it for her when she was out of town, inquiring but also a little annoyed that you disturbed whatever it was doing before.
He shimmies his arm just enough that she knows he’ll explain it later. Once he figures out a good way to explain how much of being popular is being good at being perceived the right way. Tommy H’s can be popular, Tommy Allen’s get their slightly bucked teeth and bad laughs noticed. She isn’t going to like that, but Steve learned pretty quickly Robin doesn’t like a lot of things about how popularity actually works.
“I think,” Robin says slowly, she’s talking a little funny and Steve wonders now if she’s let the binoculars rest against her chin instead of just putting them down like a normal person. He could turn and look but figures all he’d actually see is the blurry, too close suggestion of Robin’s face. It’s better in his imagination. 
“I think,” she repeats, in his head the binoculars wiggle down her chest a little further every time her mouth moves, “it's to continue the family line. That used to be a big thing you know, it’s why men didn’t want daughters because then the family name would die out. So you’d give your kid a middle name to help continue one of the old names from the family that was just going to die if you didn’t keep making your wife have more and more babies that she probably didn’t even want.”
“Oh like JR.”
“Yeah, you know JR. He’s that football player that graduated two years ago. His ears stuck out weird and he always seemed to have, like, a Rudolph zit on his nose.”
“You mean Mark Williams?” She shouts, incredulous.
“Sure, I think it was Mark. His dad was definitely Mr. Williams, but they had the same name so whenever they went anywhere he always called him JR. ‘Hey JR wouldja get that for me.’ ‘If you ever wanna go pro, JR, you’re going to have to learn how to take a tackle.’”
Robin is in fits beside him, the impression is terrible but it’s also exactly what the guy used to sound like gruff but also whistley somehow.
“Wait, wait,” the bed shakes as she adjusts herself, he can feel the weird shape of her ear and the uncomfortable poke of her earrings in the cradle of his arm. “What’s your middle name?”
“You mean you didn’t see it when you rifled through my employee file to find my birthday and social security number?”
“I was looking for important information.”
“So you could steal my identity.”
“So I could make fun of you less on your birthday if it was in the summer or maybe just take the whole day off so I didn’t have to deal with the cavalcade of pretty blondes coming in to fawn over Steve Harrington, real adult man.”
“Ew, the worst way anyone has ever described me. You make it sound like I’m some kind of pervert.”
“They would want you to be,” Robin agrees, “I think it would be part of the appeal.”
“No, dingus,” he relishes the moment that he gets to turn her favorite pet name against her, “my middle name is Richard.”
Robin takes that new information and digests it for at least thirty seconds, but that’s just a guess since she’s laying on the arm that has his watch on it. “Stephan Richard Harrington,” she tries out.
“The one and only.”
“It feels like there should be a number at the end. Stephan Richard Harrington the Sixth, best of his line.”
Maybe if he were a Sixth he’d like it a little better, he thinks. “No, it’s like what you said, continuing family names? Mom named me after her brother that died in the war, and Dad hated that or him or probably both knowing him so I got stuck with Richard so he could be included.”
“Robin Marie Buckley,” Robin offers in exchange.
“I didn’t ew yours even though it makes you sound like a fancy little rich boy.”
“I am a fancy little rich boy,” Steve says, flipping the front of his hair with a half assed toss of his head, “you’re lying here in my ivory tower.”
“I think ivory towers have less blue plaid.”
“I like the blue plaid, it makes hanging things up easy. I’m sorry we can’t all have this season’s Laura Ashley-”
Robin is, unfortunately, at the perfect angle to punch him directly in the chest. “My parents did that to surprise me when I came back from bandcamp two years ago so I could have a more mature room as a high schooler.”
For all that it’s worth he tries not to sound mean when he snorts, the Buckleys are nice and mostly well meaning or at least they have been every time he’s visited. “And they somehow missed the dresser covered in spiky bracelets and the closet full of grandpa suspenders while they were in there.”
“They mean well,” Robin unintentionally echoes Steve’s own earlier thoughts. “They just don’t… really get me.” Her voice trails off, a little lost, and he hates himself for being the person who made Robin feel like that.
“We should change our names.”
“What and go on the lam?” Robin asks.
“We can, but I don’t think any lambs, sheep, or goats need to be involved.”
Steve sits up in bed, forcing Robin to do the same as he pulls his arm out from under her head. It only takes a quick spin before he’s facing her, grabs her arms so she can’t pull away from how totally and completely serious he’s being. “It’s like you said, it’s about family right?” He says, “You’re more family to me than my douchebag dad has ever been so why do I have to be stuck with his name when I could be Stephan Robert.”
“Not Robin?”
“Don’t wanna make it too obvious, and Robin Stephan probably wouldn’t fly at the name changing place.”
“Robin Stephanie,” she tries slowly.
“I mean obviously if I were a girl I’d go by Stevie,” he jokes.
“We can’t just change our names!” Robin says, she doesn’t sound like she believes it though so Steve is pretty sure he’s winning.
“Why can’t we, people do it all the time, I bet it’s super easy.”
“When they get married! Or like adopted. People don’t just change their names on a Tuesday because they feel like it!”
He tries to give that the thought that it deserves, but he mostly just feels like Robin is making excuses because she’s scared. Maybe it’s the leftover fear from Starcourt bubbling out in a place where she can control, or maybe she just likes her parents enough to be scared of hurting their feelings. One of those things he can relate to more than the other.
“Well Thursday would work better for my schedule.”
“What! So we get married then, is that the problem? I mean I know I’m not your first choice romantically, but didn’t you say people do that so that they’re safe from people knowing they’re gay.”
Her arms are already out, ready to make a point that would probably be big and dramatic and a little long winded the way Robin likes to be when she’s all worked up like this. But he’s stopped her in her tracks. Face to face he can watch as the outrage melts into something sticky and wet like melted ice cream.
“You’d do that for me?”
“I would pretty much do everything including die for you, getting to be Stephan Robert Buckley would really be more like you doing me a favor.”
He’s getting pulled into a crushing hug before he can blink. He doesn’t mention how he can feel the wet fall of her crying against his neck, if it didn’t embarrass her, it might stop Robin from doing her best to climb inside him like she’s Luke and he’s that weird ice kangaroo. Mascara stains on the neck of his shirt are a small price to pay for a Robin Buckley embrace.
They hold each other for as long as it takes for Robin to feel regular again, and it’s nice. Steve thinks they’ll have to have a different conversation about how rarely he gets hugged just for the sake of it later. Right now this is about family and names and because Robin is family in every way that matters he doesn’t say anything when she wipes away those tears and a little snot with the back of her hand.
“You’ll have to wait until March,” she says, “I’m not getting married until I’m at least 18. I don’t want people thinking it’s some shotgun thing after working with you this summer.”
“As long as it’s before you get your dorm assignment for whatever fancy school you get into. If we’re married I’m pretty sure they have to let us live together.”
“Yeah? Even if I go somewhere like Bryn Mawr?”
He pretends like he’s giving that careful consideration, like he doesn’t already know she really wants to go to some big city where the schools might have a language program and she has a better chance of finding other people more like her.
“Well I guess we could live off campus then, if you really want to go to the lesbian school for lesbians.”
She punches him again. “It is not.”
“I wouldn't want the other lesbians to bully you for being married to a really hot guy.”
“One, I never said yes, dingus. Two, I have a whiteboard that questions how hot you are hotshot.’
“Pretty sure that got burned in the fire so you can’t use that as proof anymore you’re going to need more dates.”
“Data, you need to try to land dates.”
“Same difference.”
She pushes him until he’s laying down, grabs her book from his pillow and he takes that as his cue to go back to his magazine. It takes her a minute to decide how she wants to lay down again, he’s already back on his page about this month’s Hollywood Heartthrobs before she’s decided that his chest makes the best pillow and his arm can prop her book up for her. He isn’t sure what it is today, he wonders if she’s close enough to the beginning that he can get her to read it out loud to him, this month’s Tiger Beat really is lacking.
“Why does anyone think these guys are hot? The guys in Rolling Stone are usually better looking than Alex P. Keaton or the guy from Growing Pains. Johnny Depp is kinda okay, I guess.”
“Stephan Robert!” Robin sits upright again, and Steve thinks he might have accidentally started another capital C Conversation.
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music-orthemisery · 7 months
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Saw this photo floating around and it is…SENDING ME. In multiple ways. So I’m going to ramble.
Ok first off - this is like, quintessential mid-00s teen heart throb photo shoot. Literally erase Pete’s tattoos and photoshop on a head of any popular male celebrity at the time and it would honestly work. This was The Template.
I think it’s easy to either forget (or just not realize) how TRULY big the FOB/“emo” hype train was back then. Cosmo Girl, Tiger Beat, and countless other magazines that solely focused on HUGE celebrities like Beyonce and Justin Timberlake and Lindsay Lohan were suddenly putting FOB, MCR, and Panic on their covers (although, let’s be real, usually just one or two members - i.e. Pete, Gerard, Brendon, Ryan).
There are…slightly less boundaries now with stuff like this because of the saturation of social media making “normal people” famous, but, back then, that was almost unheard of. You’d only see pictures of these bands in like, ALT Press or Kerrang. For them to get lumped into the same category as these A listers was absolutely bonkers.
So to see this picture of Pete…it kinda makes me laugh tbh, but it also makes me sad. Because that didn’t…FIT him. It looks ridiculous. It’s not an authentic picture of him- it’s him being placed into a mold. Him accepting “The Template” because that’s where he was expected to go. Which makes it…not at all surprising that he was only able to keep that up for so long before it fell apart.
It reminds me of that part in the Zane Lowe interview where they’re talking about this time of their career. Like, just go watch from min 35-42 because it’s fantastic but some highlights:
Zane acknowledging how easy it is to fall down the rabbit hole, especially when you’re thrust into it so quickly - it’s not really a choice. Patrick seconds this later by saying that once that fame light is on, it’s on, and you don’t really have a way to turn it off
Pete acknowledging how it kept him from being a “real person,” how little he liked it, and how much he had to grow during the hiatus to get away from that
Patrick saying how you really can’t win - you either accept the attention and you’re hated for it or you reject the attention and you’re hated for it. And this was ESPECIALLY true then. The media is still brutal but it was absolutely HORRENDOUS at that time. You really had to be “on” 24/7 and that’s…impossible.
Talking about how that level of fame creates a wall around you that is not only difficult for others to penetrate, but also yourself. And if Pete can’t access himself, he can’t access what he can give Patrick to create around, which then makes everything crumble like a house of cards.
I give FOB so much credit for realizing that, if they didn’t take a break, they would’ve ended VERY poorly and likely forever. Look how a lot of careers ended from that time. Either not well or a fade into irrelevance because of just trying to “keep up” and failing. Because, at that point, you’ve lost a lot of your “real person-ness” and, if you’ve lost that, what authenticity can you bring to your work? And if you’re BUILT on authenticity (which FOB is), then what is there to put out that is meaningful and relevant to your art?
Part of FOB’s magic has always been their authenticity and that they really are just “some guys.” That is what has allowed them to be so innovative and grow as artists and as people because there is a constant striving to push themselves and still remain grounded in who they are at their core. Pre-h, they didn’t know how to do that yet, and it was hell.
Pictures like this honestly just remind me of how deep in the hole the pressures of fame at that time did to not only them as a band, but Pete himself. Like, look at this picture. Does he look…genuine? Happy? Does this look like the Pete Wentz you know and love? Of course it may on the surface, but if you really look at it…to me it looks more like a caricature. The clothes, the pose, the styled hair and eyeliner…it just looks off. It’s Pete Wentz through a lens meant to appeal to the masses.
These lyrics from So Good Right Now feel extremely relevant to this time:
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I am endlessly grateful that…regardless of the other reasons and intense drama around it…they recognized that need to step back from…all of this. That they didn’t let themselves just get covered by the weeds. Chewed up and spit back out like so many others. And so many years later we are still getting incredible, meaningful music from them. Like, it truly just keeps getting better. You can’t say that about…A LOT of people/bands who have been making music for this long.
I think I’ll end this here for now. LOL at a thirst pic of Pete Wentz making me wax poetic….
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candysharkart · 1 year
Hey I really loved your frond and belcher hcs
So I was wondering if you maybe had any hcs about any of the fischoeders (I understand if you don’t just curious I am very big fischoeder fan)
sure ive got some!
it might not really fit, but i like the idea of the fischoeder empire originally being in the textile business. very fine, expensive fabrics.(probably unethically sourced and also a front) they dont have that part of the company anymore, but its still family tradition to wear whites and pastel pinks/purples, which were their specialty
neither of calvin and felix's parents had a paternal/maternal bone in their body. shouldve maybe not been parents
their mom was an actress (around the 30s-50s era. still acted till her death, but lost popularity from the 60s on) very eccentric and often away filming. unfortunately treated her sons more like her exotic pets than children
she definitely bought a tiger cub off someone on a set and raised it. it maybe ate both the fischoeder parents. or they drove off a cliff. havent decided
calvin and flelix are around 4-5 years apart
felix cut out calvin's eye when they were around 5 and 9. they were fighting over scissors and it was an accident
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calvin had a glass eye until his senior year, when felix jabbed it out again (less of an accident) which damaged the socket too much to replace so he switched to the eyepatch
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calvin is in his 70s and felix in his late 60s (still got a baby face)
calvin is pan and felix is maybe? bi? i COULD see him liking men but i think he greatly prefers women (he.....also gives me egg vibes lol)
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chireila · 2 months
tbh i've been thinking about idol!kisedai where at first, the lineup are the og first-year regulars (seijuuro, daiki, shintarou, atsushi, tetsuya) and then comes ryouta and the last is of course, taiga; kinda like nct (the addition of members).
ryouta can easily fit in and becomes the most popular member in no time, meanwhile taiga takes some time to become part of the group. his determined-yet-somewhat-innocent vibe draw a lot of fans to take a liking. his introduction is "i am the flaming wild tiger, kagami taiga. nice to meet you all!" and the members and the fans kinda cringe at that (please don't blame him he's just doing his job others are ridiculous as well especially ryouta)
sometimes taiga speaks japanglish like "このポジションで、そして you go this way, だろう?" and the only one who understands is seijuurou WKWKWKWKWK others have to constantly remind him "日本語!" and he just resigns XD daiki and ryouta often mimics him (in annoying way) when he speaks english because he somewhat becomes slightly softer yet confident. just trio musketeers thing, i guess.
i haven't thinking about their position but this is my initial rough sketch:
seijuurou: leader, lead vocalist, center, visual
colour: red
representative emoji: 🦁/🐱
dob: december 20th (sagittarius)
ryouta: main vocalist, sub rapper, center, visual
colour: yellow
representative emoji: ☀️/🐰
dob: june 18th (gemini)
shintarou: lead vocalist, lead dancer
colour: green
representative emoji: 🐸/🐢
dob: july 7th (cancer)
taiga: main rapper, sub vocalist
colour: maroon
representative emoji: 🐯
dob: august 2nd (leo)
daiki: main rapper, main dancer
colour: navy
representative emoji: black panther
dob: august 31st (virgo)
atsushi: lead rapper, sub vocalist
colour: purple
representative emoji: 🍭/maiubou
dob: october 9th (libra)
tetsuya: maknae, main vocalist
colour: pale turquoise/pale blue
representative emoji: 👻/🐶
dob: january 31st (aquarius)
momoi: manager
colour: peach
representative emoji: 🍑
dob: may 4th (taurus)
so ... yeah. that's my rambling for today. might as well change it if i find something new/fitting for them
*the age lineup is based on the japanese school system(?) idk what it's called ... something like the ones who born on april or near april is the oldest(?) ... it might be different if it counted from january, which makes tetsuya the oldest and seijuurou the youngest.
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genshrineimpact · 2 years
I honestly feel like at some point when zhongli and the god!reader where younger they both found a half baby dragon that looks like the two of them when they where both walking through a forest together ,and they probably also took care of the baby!?
awwww! i love this idea yes yes yes it gives me the found family trope!!! <3 <3
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⬙⤠ masterlist ⤝⬙
personally i headcanon that the god of war!reader's mythical beast form is a white tiger instead of a dragon!
In Chinese art, the white tiger often appears with the dragon. The white tiger symbolizes power and army. Therefore, many things named after the white tiger in ancient times are related to military affairs, such as the white tiger flag in ancient army and the symbol that can command the army.
The White Tiger represents the Chinese element of metal. In Chinese culture, the tiger was seen as the king of the beasts. It was believed that a white tiger would only appear when there was true peace throughout the world.
Tiger symbolism is also frequently used in military settings. A brave and skillful general, for example, is known as a “虎将 (hǔjiàng, tiger general).” Those who walk with a majestic or imposing gait are described as “龙骧虎步 (lóngxiāng hǔbù, walk with dragon and tiger steps);” a term mostly used to describe military generals.
it just fits so well, and i can confirm while the dragon zodiac is the one that's most sought after by chinese parents, the tiger zodiac is just as popular!
but let's roll with the general idea - you both find a seemingly abandoned dragon hatchling, and morax is the first one who reacts because he himself was 'abandoned' by his parents in the past. and so you both agree to take the baby under your protection, especially since it could be that the baby was left there because of the archon war, in which case you feel a sense of responsibility to make sure they're taken care of.
you would be very awkward at first in handling the baby! you've never really taken care of such a young one before, and you fear that your bloodstained hands will taint something so pure. morax of course tries to persuade you, saying that his own hands have taken many lives before, yet the hatchling is happily clinging to him and trying to chew on his fingers. so you try holding it once and you're blown away by how small and soft and warm they are.
soon enough, you're completely smitten.
your adeptis and retainers and generals watch in awe as you start attending meetings with this small dragon perched on your head or sleeping on your arms. it's very adorable, don't get them wrong, but seeing you both together just... didn't click to them.
well, at first.
until one day, baby started teething and accidentally bit your finger a little too hard, and they drew blood. and the whole room freaks out, because your skin is supposed to be stronger than steel and the only time you would bleed is if you take serious damage from another god, or when you've completely let your guard down for some reason.
but you only look at the small dragon, sigh, and proceed to use the sleeve of your robe to wipe off the blood on their tiny fangs. morax stands up and pulls out a roll of bandage, skillfully wraps your finger, and places a kiss on it. everyone rolls their eyes.
so just like how everyone gets used to you smiling whenever morax is around, they also get used to you carrying this tiny little thing, sometimes in human form (they always pick a form that's a cross between you and morax's human forms) and sometimes in their dragon form (some days they're wrapped around your torso and other days they're a tiny dragon nestled on top of your head).
and yes, you both still carry the dragon around and call them "hatchling" even when they're like, hundreds of years old. lol
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© genshrineimpact | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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ps. if you want to be removed/added from the taglist, just send an ask or dm me!
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writing-wh0re · 2 years
Don’t Blame Me - 1
Don’t Blame Me - Mini Series
All Stories will be tagged #writing-wh0re-requests. 
Eddie Munson x Cheerleader!Reader - *established relationship* 
Warnings for series and chapter: Smut 18+, Oral (Male and Female), Unprotected Vaginal Sex, Slight Dom Eddie / Sub Reader, Drinking, Drugs, Angst (?), Language. 
A/N: Please feel free to send any requests to incorporate with this series, I have a flow and ideas going for it but if you’d like to suggest anything, please do!
Love Made Me Crazy - 2
If It Doesn’t You Ain’t Doin It Right - 3 - Final
Hanging out with Eddie Munson was something that closed minded people would call social suicide. No one knew Eddie like I did. 
Eddie and I had known each other since elementary before the popular kids separated from everyone else and forced people into their own little groups. 
I however was lucky enough to float between the groups, having top grades meant I was able to fit in with the "nerds" as Jason would call them and being a cheerleader meant I sat with Chrissy and the basketball boys. Although there was a side of me not many people saw or would understand. The part of me that was fascinated by the world of DnD and the Hellfire club. It was mainly my fascination with Eddie Munson. That, that was something people wouldn't be able to wrap their heads around and it's only something I had figured out recently.
Eddie and I bonded over DnD in elementary and it had been a few years since I even thought about the game. Until one day when Eddie was wearing his Hellfire T-shirt, who knew a shirt could look so good on someone. 
Eddie and I had been fooling around for a few months now, nothing serious and mostly under the influence of weed. I guess clouded minds paired well with wandering hands. Although Eddie and I had never gone the whole way together, worried having each other to the full extent would complicate our already complicated friendship. 
I walk the halls with Chrissy Cunningham listening to her laugh about a joke Jason told her. 
“I didn’t land it, did I?” 
“Sorry?” I ask as Chrissy huffs. 
“You keep spacing out.” 
“Ah, just nervous about the upcoming game, do you think they will give Lucas game time?” I ask, trying to divert away from my absent mind. 
“I hope so! Sinclair has so much potential, maybe I should say something to Jason.” 
I smile at Chrissy encouragingly as she continues to talk about Jason and how kind he is, which causes me to roll my eyes. 
“You’ll have to meet Steve!” I hear Dustin say across the hall as I stand by Chrissy’s locker with her, my eyes flick over to the group dubbed the ‘Hellfire Club.’ 
“Isn’t Harrington a douchebag?” Eddie laughs, causing Dustin to sigh almost defeated. His eyes flick over to me, quickly wandering up my body as I feel blush rushing up my face. Eddie sends a swift wink my way causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. 
Chrissy shuts her locker, my body jumping at the sudden sound as I lock eyes with her. I smile weakly as she shakes her head. 
“Clearly you're not listening, you honestly shouldn’t be nervous.”
“Easier said than done.” I laugh. I feel a warmth behind me before an arm is hung over my shoulders noticing Patrick pulling me into his side. 
“And how are Hawkins finest?” Jason asks, quickly kissing Chrissy as she giggles. 
Patrick smiles at me fake gagging at the couple in front of us. I laugh with him before looking back over in Eddie’s direction noticing he’s gone. I mentally slap myself ‘It’s just Eddie’ I tell myself repeatedly, not being able to convince myself that the butterflies and stares mean nothing. 
“C’mon there is only 2 minutes left before half time.” Chrissy tries to encourage us to cheer the team to get them over the line. 
I nod in support as Chrissy smiles and grabs my hand. 
“Let’s go Tigers! Let’s go!” Chrissy starts as I follow her lead encouraging the grand stands to join us. 
My eyes scan the crowd before I catch myself, shaking my head slightly. 
``It's a basketball game y/n, he wouldn’t be here.’ 
The whistle blows signaling the end of the first half. 
I turn around and look at the scoreboard. 
Home 46
Away 48
“Awh man.” Chrissy huffs, causing me to smile. 
“We bought them up by two points.” I try to encourage as she smiles weakly. Chrissy perks up when Jason walks over, handing him a bottle of water and a kiss to the cheek. I see a familiar figure disappear into the crowd as my heart races. 
“Just going to the bathroom.” I smile, walking away from the crowd and walking through the halls to the locker room. 
A sigh escapes me, the silence of the locker room soothing me. 
“I know you’re in here.” 
“M’lady.” Eddie smirks, tipping his head in my direction. I smile in response, raising my eyebrow and setting my hands on my hips. 
“Thought co-curricular activities weren’t a part of Eddie Munson’s vibe?”
Eddie scoffs softly, rolling his eyes “You’re forgetting that half my customers are in attendance.” 
I click my tongue in realization. 
‘Customers, right.’
“Don’t be sad.”
“I'm not.” I mumble as Eddie walks closer to me, my back hitting the lockers behind me. 
“I saw you and Patrick getting cozy in the hallway, something I'm missing?” 
“I’m not sure yet, maybe he will make a move at the party tonight.” 
Eddie’s jaw clenches, his eyes flicking to my lips. 
My breath hitches in my throat as his fingers trail up my exposed thigh. 
His warm breath fans my neck, lips brushing against my ear. 
“I know you love it when the crowd cheers with you, catching everyone’s attention.” 
His fingers grip my thigh, slapping the skin before he whispers again. 
“You’re a good little cock whore, aren’t you?”
A rush of arousal pools between my thighs, my breathing labored. 
Eddie leans forward his lips inches from mine, our breath mixing together. 
“Y/n! Y/n!”
I quickly pull away from Eddie, hearing him groan and kick the metal locker as I run through the halls.
“C’mon, we have 30 seconds until the second half.” Chrissy says, grabbing my forearm and pulling me behind her. I quickly look over my shoulder, Eddie leaning against the door of the locker room, eyes locked on me. 
I guess wandering hands don’t always accompany clouded minds.
To Be Continued 
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orangerosebush · 10 months
hi there! I was wondering if I could pick your brain re: accents in the fowlverse because I adore reading your analyses and thoughts so I’m curious to see what you think! Artemis 1 and 2 I’m assuming have a Dublin accent (forgive me Irish fans I’m not familiar with Irish accents!), but what about butler and Juliet for example? And holly and opal and other fairies, while of course they can speak any language they’d like, do you think they adopt an accent that fits their language of choice, or is there a “fairy” accent they have?
Hi there! I have a few thoughts on this, though I will ask that you take them with a grain of salt due to being an American, lol.
The Irishness of the books is a subject on which people have written much more intelligently than I ever could. The first AF book was published in 2001, which I note here due to economic context. The "Celtic Tiger" refers to the rapid economic growth in Ireland from the mid-1990s to the late 2000s.
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O’Leary, Eoin. “Reflecting on the ‘Celtic Tiger’: Before, during and After.” Irish Economic and Social History, vol. 38, 2011, pp. 73–88. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/24338906. Accessed 2 Aug. 2023.
During this period of economic growth (which one must note was characterized by high technology exports), there was a boom in internationally successful Irish children's and young adult fiction. These books usually harkened back to pre-colonial mythology while incorporating high-tech themes connected to economic optimism for Ireland's future.
The 2011 essay collection edited by Keith O'Sullivan and Valerie Coghlan, Irish Children’s Literature and Culture: New Perspectives on Contemporary Writing, analyzes the historical context behind these trends in youth fiction.
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O’Sullivan, Keith, and Valerie Coghlan. Irish Children’s Literature and Culture: New Perspectives on Contemporary Writing. 2011. Routledge.
‌Of the Irish children's fiction and YA published from 1995-2005, Colfer's Artemis Fowl series remains one of the most internationally popular. In looking at these books' success, Patricia Kennon interrogates the particular Irishness of AF in her essay, "Contemplating Otherness Imagining the Future in Speculative Fiction".
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O’Sullivan, Keith, and Valerie Coghlan. Irish Children’s Literature and Culture: New Perspectives on Contemporary Writing. 2011. Routledge.
The first book establishes some interesting elements of the Fowls' class. When describing the relationship between the Butlers and the Fowls, we learn, “The first record of this unusual arrangement was when Virgil Butler had been contracted as servant, bodyguard, and cook to Lord Hugo de Folé for one of the first great Norman crusades"; the Fowls and Butlers arrive in Ireland as Anglo-Norman conquerors.
One other note we have about the Butlers and Fowls is that: “The original Fowl castle had been built by Aodhán Fowl in the fifteenth century overlooking low-lying country on all sides.” The fifteenth century saw the reconquest of Ireland under Henry VIII; Ireland was changed from a lordship (where the island was ruled by the King of England and controlled by loyal Anglo-Norman lords between 1171-1542) to a full Kingdom. Furthermore, with this excerpt about Aodhán Fowl, we must note that the Manor was built in Dublin. During the 15th century, Dublin was located in the Pale.
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From Wikimedia
The Pale was located around and in Dublin, and it was the base of English rule in Ireland following the reconquest. By the Tudor period, there was intermarriage between the Gaelic Irish aristocracy and the Anglo-Norman lords, and many of the Anglo-Normans had become "Gaelicized"; descendants of the Anglo-Norman colonists were seen as assimilated into Irish culture and increasingly less "English" by the end of the Middle Ages. These descendants were seen as the "Old English" of Ireland, in contrast to the "New English" of Ireland of the Tudor invasion. One should note that in the case of the Pale, it remained subject to the English king during the 15th century when other parts of Ireland were predominantly under the rule of native Irish lords or Anglo-Irish lords (who, in theory, answered to the king). One should also note that the Pale was comprised of Old English merchants who were loyal to England. Thus, there is a specificity to the time in which Aodhán Fowl lived and built the Manor.
Based on the aforementioned bits of lore and historical context, we have to understand the Fowls as having their wealth and power tied to the class position they enjoyed historically due to being descendants of Anglo-Norman invaders, as well as being "Old English" during the reconquest. The Fowls are undoubtedly Irish -- Colfer positions Artemis and his family as nothing but -- yet they hold the power they do as a result of having at one point been Anglo-Norman (whose descendants "Gaelicized").
As such, IMO the Fowls wouldn't have a location-based accent per se, but rather an education-based accent that is posh, RP-style with a tinge of Dublin. FWIW, some Dublin accents already are received as posh, like the D4 accent. With the Butlers, I think that they'd have a similar accent to the Fowls due to being of a similar class. However, their training would likely lend them the ability to affect an accent that is "local" to wherever they are stationed.
Honestly, I have no idea on accents for the People! I would assume that there is a "Haven" accent, though when it comes to the gift of tongues, I am open to ideas as to how that would affect speech.
Also, I would love to hear any thoughts/additions you may have :)!
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lovelytsunoda · 1 month
welcome to wherever you are (the lore behind the verse)
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'sup guys, here is the long awaited post about the very real lore behind the welcome to wherever you are series! i am a big fan of music from the eighties, specifically rock and new wave. i was really inspired to write this series shortly after learning about the life and times of inxs, a band i have loved since i was a kid listening to 'the stairs' for the first time. this is a very niche special interest area, and i feel like sharing the lore would really add to the series. so, without further ado, the real life history behind one of my favorite reader inserts. the lore is under the cut :)
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y/n elodia heaven hutchence, was two years old when her father, australian rock god, michael hutchence took his own life in a sydney hotel room. while his death occurred in 1997, and lance stroll was born in 1998, i have adjusted (and been purposely vague) about his time of death to make the ages for the story line up. she was raised by her single mother, and eventual stepfather paul, with the help of her father's ex-bandmates, kirk, gary, tim, andrew and jon. of the four, she's closest to kirk for reasons she can't explain.
given her father's popularity in australia, comparisons were not easy to escape. she leads a very private life, away from the prying eyes of the gossip magazines. every few years, she carefully composes a statement that she releases to the press, giving minor, inconsequential life updates.
now, it is important to note that while the basis of this au is based in real life, almost all of it is fiction. the true story of michael hutchence and the people he left behind, including daughter tiger lily, is sad.
here is a link to an article by the new zealand herald that talks about his downward spiral, brought on by a massive brain injury he suffered in the early nineties.
helpful links about the life and legacy of michael hutchence: inxs wikipedia page, michael's wikipedia page, podcast episode on michaels death, inxs' first interview since the death of micheal hutchence
it's stated that micheal had a fear of not being loved, and a confirmed fear of growing old. i'd like to think that these are traits baby hutchence shared with her father until she met lance.
despite being australian by birth, micheal was buried in los angeles, where his mother lived. he is buried in the same cemetery as matthew perry. baby hutchence has never visited his grave.
lance and y/n would have met through a friend. and by friend, of course I mean kirk. kirk and his wife would have gone to a grand prix, and when kirk first laid eyes on lance, he had a gut feeling that he was a good fit for yn.
their first date would have been low key, on the beach at sunset. a picnic followed by a trip out on tim’s boat (before tim lost his fingers in a fishing accident).
they were married two years later. andrew thought they were rushing into it too fast. gary and kirk thought that when you know, you know (they also have four divorces between the two of them, so what do they know?)
all y/n and lance knew was that they were truly and madly in love, and that’s exactly where our au starts.
for those who want the full inxs story, please consider watching ‘never tear us apart’.
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neonscandal · 5 months
Thanks for your posts and metas, @neonscandal .... Before I found your blog, actually I ship tododeku and kiribaku. But thanks to you, I became bakudeku shipper (until now). Your metas are amazing and always based on canon. Sorry, I'm not good with words, but I hope you know how great your blog is (you are definitely one of my favorite tumblr blog). 💐🌷
And WOW these last 10 - 15 chapter, really are the best. Even my mutuals who are anti-bkdk can't deny Bakugou and Midoriya's bond anymore. Also, love Uraraka and Toga's bond....
Do you think it's possible that at the end of BNHA, Bakugou and Midoriya have ambygous relationship (kinda like Tiger and Bunny)....? I know it could be hard to be canon in shounen series.....
P.s Do you think SatoSugu (from JJK) is queerbaiting?
⚠️ Vague spoiler warnings through chapter MHA 410 at best. Covers JJK S2 with a vague mention of a character who pops up later in the manga.
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It's funny you say that because I also love a good tododeku or kiribaku situation. Like yea, people have their OTP but... realistically? Characters should be just as messy as people in real life. ✨ They're going to date around before things fit together with that OTP, right? At least that's how I look at it. So I love exploring offshoots.
You are far too kind in these rough times but I appreciate you saying that (and reaching out). The swarm of asks lately have been so funny. I tend to carve out time to address them quicker than some of the other things bouncing around my head (literally, the exact opposite happens with fic updates 🥺) so I'm just happy I'm writing something. If someone else enjoys it then that's the whipped cream and caramel on my sundae.
DUDE. I hadn't read 409 or 410 yet because holiday chaos but I feel like we're beyond allegations at this point haha ALTHOUGH, I didn't see the cliffhanger from 410 coming at all so I wonder what that means for the larger story.. Got any theories?
Regarding endgame... honestly the last two chapters gave me a little anxiety. "This is our tale?" Too good to be true. Especially when we know from chapter one "this is a story of how I became a great hero". Also, I've had some thoughts since 406 about how their connection is being framed up which I haven't had time to write but it feels like a lot of fanservice for Horikoshi (and subsequent editors, etc) to not commit. Additionally, in all the ways this story subverts the typical formula for shonen, it would also feel like a fumbled opportunity to turn everything on its nose with such a wildly popular series. So I'm holding out hope but conservatively preparing for one of them to just... not make it even if we get a confession *shudders in Supernatural flashbacks*.
I hope this makes sense as I struggled to recommend stories where this wasn't the case when asked about BL. In my opinion, good representation in mainstream stories (gender identity, orientation, race, religion, disability, etc.) is when, whatever makes a character different isn't their whole identity. Specifically in the context of more traditional stories (not centered on BL for instance), they should be involved if not just as integral to the plot as any other character wherein their diversity isn't sticking out like a sore thumb. But even that characterization requires nuance which is what makes it so hard to articulate? Maybe it's simpler to say that their character arc shouldn't just be based around identity. As a short answer to your question, I don't think that SatoSugu is queerbaiting. I think they are authentically and intrinsically coded to one another in subtext and out loud straight from Akutami but that, sometimes, relationships don't work out or love is unrequited. They may not have had the same feelings despite their inherent complement to one another and that's okay.
As above, characters should be just as messy as real people and that's what makes what didn't happen between them all the more tragic because it's heartbreaking in how relatable it is (not the cult leading and murder though). Seems like a convenient answer from a delulu shipper unless you take into consideration how Kirara Hoshi's identity is given the same level of subtlety. They aren't defined by their identity nor are the characters jarred by some particularly grandiose reveal nor are they perturbed by the nature of their connection to Hikari. I'm by no means an expert but I think that these characters are executed well in the sense that they have a complexity that doesn't hinge on what would otherwise make them different. They aren't "othered", it's just a fact of who they are and the story continues. It's a facet of who they are without cheaply being all they are. With Gege Akutami's own pronouns not expressly confirmed, perhaps that informs the care around those with differing identities.
I haven't seen Tiger & Bunny yet but now I know what to check out next!
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twistedtummies2 · 2 months
Top 5 Portrayals of Sebastian Moran
This is our penultimate little list for the primary supporting figures in the universe of Sherlock Holmes. We’ve gone over his greatest allies, and one of his greatest adversaries: Irene Adler, whom I declared to be probably Sherlock’s second most notable opponent after Professor Moriarty. While this is true in terms of popularity and impact, there’s one other character who arguably fits this bill even better in the books: the man Holmes declares to be “the second most dangerous man in London,” and, going with the “second” theme, acts as Moriarty’s chief lieutenant. I speak, of course, of Colonel Sebastian Moran.
Moran’s genesis is an interesting one, as it is intrinsically linked with his master, Moriarty. After deciding to bring Holmes back following the events of “The Final Problem,” Conan Doyle had to figure out how to manage it. Bringing Holmes himself to the land of the living again was relatively easy - he’d laid the groundwork for that by making the actual demise of Holmes out as Watson’s presumption, in the way it was written - but just as he needed an enemy powerful enough to snuff out Sherlock’s light in the first place, he needed another opponent who would be worth the great detective’s trouble to step out of the shadows and back into the limelight again. So, in “The Empty House,” he invented Moran: Moriarty’s second-in-command, and the closest thing the Professor ever had to a friend. So loyal he will stop at nothing to kill Holmes, even after Moriarty has been dead for a few good years. A disgraced soldier and expert sniper, whose origins are as shrouded in mystery as Moriarty’s own. While Moran is not as popular as Irene Adler, or his well-known employer, he has remained fairly persistent throughout interpretations of the Holmes canon. He’s even had a few versions where he’s totally separate from Moriarty, surprisingly. But which ones are the best? (pauses) I have no idea, but here’s a few I like, at least. These are My Top 5 Portrayals of Sebastian Moran!
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5. Vinnie Jones, from Elementary.
In this series, Vinnie Jones (keep your Juggernaut jokes to yourself) plays a rather different version of Moran. Instead of being Moriarty’s loyal right-hand man, this take on the colonel is a killer-for-hire, who eventually turns against his mysterious employer. He is somewhat more sympathetic than other versions of Moran, as it is ultimately revealed Moriarty has gained hold over him by threatening his family.
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4. Nikolai Kryukov, from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes & Dr. Watson.
This somewhat older take on Moran first appears in “The Deadly Fight” (the Russian series’ adaptation of “The Final Problem”), and secretly helps the Professor out behind the scenes, sniping at Holmes and seemingly killing him after Sherlock defeats Moriarty. In “The Tiger Hunt,” the show’s adaptation of “The Empty House,” Moran returns as the main antagonist, baffling Dr. Watson before ultimately being defeated by the “resurrected” Holmes.
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3. Patrick Allen, from the Granada Series.
Allen is a more-or-less “by the book” Moran, which is both his greatest pro and greatest con. He’s the most accurate to the source, but I think a couple versions above him, which go a bit beyond that, are simply more interesting. This version keeps Moran’s identity as a villain a secret for a while, and I love the dichotomy between his more “crusty but seemingly jovial” demeanor before the reveal, and his absolutely fiery, unhinged wickedness when his true nature is brought to light. The anger he exhibits when he goes after Holmes is especially striking: clearly, these two have a history as much as Moriarty and Sherlock do. So much is done with so little, and I applaud this version for that.
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2. Paul Anderson, from the Guy Ritchie Films.
Anderson’s version is interesting in that he acts as a sort of dark parallel to Dr. Watson, just as Moriarty acts as a sort of dark parallel to Sherlock Holmes. This is a concept no one has really touched on before or since, and I think it’s a fascinating one. Anderson’s Moran is just as faithful as Watson (if not, arguably, more so), and, like the good doctor, has military experience to back him up. But while Watson questions Sherlock’s bad behavior at times, and acts as an anchor of sanity, Moran goes along with anything Moriarty does without question or remorse, and seems to enjoy it all just as much. He was honestly just as memorable for me as Harris’ take on the Professor.
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1. The Version from Moriarty the Patriot.
Like so many other characters in this anime, this version of Moran takes what was in the book, pluses it, and adds many new flourishes. Just like his boss, Moriarty, Moran is reinterpreted not as a villain but instead as an anti-hero. He’s still a gambler, still a sniper, and can be exceptionally cold-blooded when the chips are down, but instead of being a criminal monster, he’s someone trying to find a new purpose in life, facing demons from his past and seeking to do some good. He’s even more fascinating in the manga than the anime, for the record; in the latter, he’s played by Satoshi Hino in Japanese, and Christopher Wehkamp in the English dub. Incidentally, I’ve actually gotten Wehkamp’s autograph: nice fellow!
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trashytoastboi · 13 days
Day of Dominance - Diavolo
~Karaoke Bite~
> Karaoke Bite: The characters at Karaoke
> Song: Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
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👑 Diavolo is having the time of his life- he admittedly ditched work to come here with everyone. Barbatos came in tow, so Diavolo thought the more the merrier. He saw a tambourine that people could use to tap along to the beat, although his timing wasn’t that great he just kept laughing and hitting away while people were singing. 
👑 He was asking {Name} for song suggestions, and informed them that he had heard rumors of these things called power ballads. Diavolo may have misunderstood what a power ballad really was but he was so eager and had no idea of any songs that fit the category. Was it like magic in a song? A spell? He had no idea, was it like a war cry? {Name} actually affirmed that technically the last one wouldn’t be too far off. 
👑 They explained some of the more popular and well known ones. Eventually Diavolo chose one titled Eye of the Tiger after {Name} gave a brief description of the song and what is associated with it. Diavolo took a little bit to fall into the timing, Barbatos hitting the tambourine in time almost to act like an indicator while Diavolo got really into it, roping the whole group to sing it with him in the end. 
So many times, it happens too fast
You trade your passion for glory
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive
It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @roninfromtheops
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weatherman667 · 9 days
Types of Tanks
Most people think Light, Medium, and Heavy, but these are entirely dependant upon context. Since WWII, most tank design has gone towards Universal Tanks, either on purpose, or by accident. And throughout the short history of tanks, there has always been an effort to make thicker armour and more powerful weapons. A literal arms race.
Infantry Tank
The British literally invented tanks, and the first tank they created without foresight into what tanks could become was the Infantry Tank. The Infantry tank is designed to support infantry. This means it only needs to go as quickly as a soldier does at a march. This was back when the infantry literally walked everywhere. We are so used to vehicles nowadays that it's hard to comprehend, but if you wanted your infantry to cross Europe, they literally had to walk there. Because of the fact it does not need to move all that quickly, all of it's power can be used for armour and weaponry. This allows them to be produced for cheap, and if anyone thinks that cost is not an issue in warfare, you literally know nothing about warfare. Britain actually focused heavily on infantry tanks because of the battlefield effectiveness, and because they could achieve this battlefield effectiveness on the cheap. A few Infantry Tanks dramatically improve the capabilities of the infantry, and the majority of your land forces are infantry.
Cruiser Tank
Once you have a gap in the enemy forces, you need to exploit it, and with tanks, that was the Cruiser Tank. The British put less emphasis on this or the simple reason that it was more finicky. If you wanted armour, firepower, AND speed, you had to pay a lot of money, and it is a lot more mechanically complicated. The other reason is that horses are a thing. In the modern day, a lot of the lighter tanks would be called armoured cars. In the standard video game rating, they would be light tanks.
Because people forget who created tanks in the first place.
Breakthrough Tank
One of the main categories that would get classified as Heavy Tank. The point of a Breakthrough Tank is to heavy enough to break through enemy lines. This goes back to the original Infantry Tank Mark I form WWI to the King Tiger.
Standoff Tank
A tank powerful enough to get shot by everything the enemy has, and still fight. The problem with this is that it's impossible. On one hand, there have always been infantry anti-tank weapons, and on the other.
Air. Pursuit, Fighters, Strike Fighters, Bombs, Attack Helicopters, Drones. The Germans had plans for tanks of ridiculous proportions, even one fitted with battleship guns called a Landkreuzer.
Of course, if it's sci-fi, and the tank is big enough to equip a forceshield from a smaller ship, then things might be different.
Battleship Tank
Another failed experiment. These are tanks with multiple turrets. Like regular battleships, it turns out having one big cannon is better than multiple ones. Interbellum forces also drastically overestimated how many machineguns are actually useful. One coaxial. Maybe one for the driver. Maybe a pintle mount for Ack-Ack.
Are they cool? Oh, God yes. Not that useful, however. But incredibly cool.
Tank Destroyer
When most people think German tank tactics, they think the Blitzkrieg. Which was the most effective use of tanks in Human history, along with the first use of combined arms and mechanized brigade groups. But, contrary to popular belief, none of the cool cats took part. It was mostly Panzers II's and III's. Panzer II's had a pair of single-shot 20mm cannons.
But, later on, the II's were worthless, and the III's simply could not keep up.
The answer was to use the III's hull, remove the turret, and add a howitzer. The original plan was to use it as a self-propelled gun to accompany a panzer unit. But, the StuG III was designed too well. It's lower profile made it a perfect tank killer.
You see, tanks aren't actually designed to fight other tanks. They do often have to, but tanks are designed to break through Infantry ranks.
Because you have more of them.
When the British got the Sherman, they started adding the 17 pounder (75mm), gun... to 1 out of 4 or 5. Each troop would have one, that would often sit in overwatch as the other tanks advanced.
But the StuG had such a low profile, which made it absolutely deadly when on the defensive. Like Germany was in the second half of the war.
Modern British tank tactics don't even have them fire on the move, (and this dramatically affects accuracy), meaning that tank destroyers could in theory be used. Which is why everyone gets so butt hurt when I call the S-tank a Tank Destroyer.
Assault Gun
Big gun strapped onto a tank hull, with an armoured casement put overtop.
What's the difference between an Assault Gun and a Tank Destroyer?
Entirely practical. In fact, the original tank destroyers, (Jagdpanzers), were created as an Assault Gun. Assault Guns can have much shorter barrels, which allows them to have bigger explosives.
Here's two variants of the Tiger I (PzKpfw VI), the Jagdtiger, and Sturmtiger.
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The Jagdtiger has the longer barrel and is a Tank Destroyer, while the Sturmtiger used a rocket mortar, (modified from depth charges), and is an Assault Gun. These are two extreme of the same design, with many having a lot more overlap.
The StuG III was designed as an Assault Gun, but worked so well as a Tank Destroyer that it caused Germany to make tank destroyer variants of every subsequent tank, (during the war).
Reconnaissance (Recce)
or Recon for the Yankee Doodles
Less space for big guns, more space for scanners. Because post WWII we actually had scanners that were an improvement over the Mark I eyeball, and a lens or two for magnification. They will often have room for a small group of infantry to dismount, for the simple reason that infantry are smaller, and easier to hide. It could be done without a tank, (including dirt bikes), but force reconnaissance is a thing, and they better fit in with tank platoon.
Air Mobile
Nowadays, if someone designs a Light Tank, there's a good chance it's designed to be carried by one of their standard utility aircraft. Air mobile or airborne units will benefit from any vehicle you can get them. To be entirely honest, this has never really worked, and it's difficult to get something that can actually stop bullets. For the gun, they can replace it with soft-launched missiles or a bolt cannon, and still be viable.
Team Fortress that engineers are there to build robots. While robots are becoming more and more common, there is a huge difference between Engineer (civilian), and Combat Engineers. Combat Engineers are there to create and remove obstacles.
This doesn't sound that bad, until you realize that the obstacles are probably close to enemy lines, and they will probable object to their removing.
With machineguns.
The standard way of turning a tank into an armoured engineering vehicle is to replace the cannon with a mortar. Even a giant mortar takes up a lot less room than a standard tank cannon, and you use that for explosives. Extra points for hotrodding the engine and/or adding a dozer blade.
Armoured Recovery Vehicles
Most people think that destroying a tank means making the thing explode, leaving nothing but burnt pixels in it's wake.
In truth, the best way to stop a tank is to damage it's tracks, damage the turret ring, or liquify the crew. It turns out the squishy Humans inside the tank are easier to kill than the tank itself.
So, now that you have a dead tank on the battlefield, you need to get it off the battlefield to some place less explodey to get it repaired.
While other vehicles could definitely be used, there are a few advantages to using a tank.
Armour (obviously), as the battlefield is usually not all that safe.
Tanks are often the biggest / heaviest things on the battlefield, making the tank hull + engine one of the only things that can actually move them.
It allows that tank unit to share logistics. Every type of vehicle you had add to tank company requires it's own logistics. If you can have utility, truck, and then one type of tank chassis, you are saving yourself a LOT of trouble.
Universal Carrier
Battlefields often have terrible infrastructure for vehicles. Shockingly. Sometimes having something on track with a bit of armour is the best way to move things.
Armoured Personel Carrier / Infantry Fighting Vehicle
These are two very different vehicles in practice, but very similar in description.
APC's are to carry your infantry to the battlefield. Without infantry, tanks are extremely vulnerable to enemy infantry.
IFV's are to carry your infantry to the battlefield, and then fight with them. In fact, the iconic Bradley has a 25mm autocannon. The "Light Tank" from Command and Conquer.
Main Battle Tank / Universal Tank
By most modern definitions, the only tank, and the insane furor that literally excludes the literal first tanks.
The Universal Tank maximizes the holy trinity of tank design: Armour, Firepower, and Mobility. And, as with everything else, trying to maximize everything is difficult and expensive. Germany in WWII could probably have built at least a half-dozen StuGs for every Tiger. The only reason why the Universal Tank is considered the exclusive proprietor of the word Tank is because we literally don't have to fight any real wars. In a real war, war industry, and when talking about tanks, how many tanks you can build, is crucially important. This is why in the Ukraine/Russia conflict, they are dusting off WWII and post-bellum tanks to throw into the fray.
And using the holy trinity of tank design ignores other issues, not just your ability to build them, but your ability to maintain them.
German tanks in the later war were infamous for breaking down.
There is a wide variety of other, more specialist armoured vehicles. From artillery, to amphibious tanks, to fascine layers, to command tanks, to flamerthrowers, to mine layers/sweepers, etc.
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lpsviolette · 2 months
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So I got this response on one of my posts showing all of my lps and I decided to make a post for it. It’s a doozy!
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These are the top three.
Violette- my mom bought two lps boxes. One for me, and one for my ex best friends birthday. I picked the one with violette over the one with 675 lol. Childhood favourite.
Rudolph- based off my childhood stuffed animal Rudolph the webkinz. My favourite animal are deer and this baby is too cute. Childhood favourite.
Ayla- long time dreamie, but only purchased last year. Ayla means halo around the moon which fits her unmatched beauty. She is a character in a story I’m writing with my sister, which takes place in the future on another planet she is studying as a microbiologist.
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These are the other childhood favourites.
Baby beagle- Violette’s best friend.
Violette’s boyfriend
Mr Poop- the janitor
Jellybean- Violette’s younger sister
Hunter Muscles (Mr Muscles)- has a big crush on violette. Hates her boyfriend.
My favourite lps at my schools daycare. Bought online recently though
Mr Balooney- beloved town mayor on the verge of finding himself in an adultery scandal
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Character lps
Savannah Reed- SophieGTV’s main character in lps popular, of course
Nova- mythological being feared by all pirates
Atlas- Ayla’s best friend
Doctor Nancy Candy- new doctor at the most renowned hospital but something is off…
Tiger- just a bad person
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Some other pets
Scarlette (léopard in second picture)
Rudolph’s mom (deer in second picture)
Shark my mom got me and I started crying of happiness when I was 11
Honey (calico cat)- works at the cat cafe
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All my g7 favourites
Peggy (last one)- named after my dads childhood dog
Thank you for your message!
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