#to basically him going ‘clark. Clark. CLARK. DOG I KNOW IT’S YOU’
call-me-corvid · 1 year
Watching the first few episode of My Adventures With Superman with the knowledge that Jimmy knew THE WHOLE TIME makes half of his dialogue/actions SO MUCH MORE FUNNY
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loveandleases · 15 days
LOOVVVEEDDDD the demo and can't wait for the update! I hope you don't mind that I got two questions, but I gotta ask: what kinda hobby options do you have written down for the MC? Also, how would all the ROs, plus Chris, Jade, and Aunt Em, react if MC's cooking is five-star restaurant levels good? (I imagine Chris is kicking themselves over losing a god-tier-chef MC who cooks as a hobby)
💗 Glad you enjoyed and I don't mind at all! 1. We have writing/reading, art (drawing, painting), gaming/watching anime, cooking, photography, music (could be singing/playing instrument), exercising.
I'm going into it with the thought that depending on the hobby the MC will have the chance to spend time with RO's even in a platonic sense as well as be used to further their business. (For example: an MC who likes to exercise has the chance to run into two RO's. MC who is into art can create a logo for their business) (2 is under the cut due to length)
2. 💩 Chris - Butthurt. Which is what we want! Clarke family curse is that they can't cook right? So Chris before MC relied on fast food or their parents chef. The only real homecooked food they had was from MC or Em when they visited. It's like throwing salt on a wound. Because now they're back to fast food, easy snacks. Because Jade can't cook a damned thing. Chris is pretty sure doggo enjoys watching as Chris mumbles about wanting a hot meal from time to time.
💀 Jade - In her eyes she doesn't have time to waste on things like cooking. Why would she bother when she can just have Chris take her out to some fancy dinner? The only reason MC bothers is because they have nothing else to do obviously. (She's jelly very jealous)
😇 Em - If MC is great at cooking then Em was the one who likely taught them the basics. So for Em, it's like winning a prize. All those little dinners they have Em can have MC help. It's refreshing to be able to have someone else in the kitchen with her, it's something she hasn't had the luxury of in many years. (She's really relieved that MC and Cam won't starve. Cam could screw up warming soup, so for Em it's a blessing.)
❤️ Cam - Oh it's like he won the lottery, and it's Christmas and his birthday all at the same time. Cam is an eater, he loves food. An MC who can keep him fed is like the cherry on top for him. MC would have to tell Cam not to bother them late at night, when he's up all alone on his laptop. He just wants one snack, honest!!! He will use puppy dog eyes, don't let them deter you!
💙 G - To them it's a nice ability to have. In fact, G will be curious as to why they only get cake's on their birthday. Shouldn't they be allowed more? Do they look like someone who doesn't enjoy the delicious taste of dessert? They would want to watch MC cook from time to time, see if they can pick up some of the things they do and surprise them later with a nice home cooked meal.
💚 Kara - Finally, someone who can cook and not kill her! She's thankful all too much, this will be the one time you see her tearing up when she realizes she doesn't have to eat another cold sandwich for work. She would want to help, Kara wants to bake. She wants to be able to make cute cakes and cookies. But, she should never ever be allowed in the kitchen. She's worse than Cam.
💛 M - Won't even notice at first, even when they see MC in their kitchen. They have no idea why MC is in there, M kinda lives off easy food, until their moms send them something. Even then they kind of forget to eat. So imagine their surprise when MC has a five star meal ready for them when they finally look up from their computer. Absolutely flabbergasted. Can MC try and make recipes they've seen in anime? Is it weird for them to ask? Sorry MC, but your cooking expertise is going to be wrote about.
💜 Isaac - They aren't the worst in the kitchen, they can make some delicious stuff but Isaac sticks to what they know. They haven't had someone actually cook for them since their mother died. It would be a bitter topic at first, Isaac not wanting to seem thrilled by the notion. Then they would make the offhanded jokes that MC knows the way to their heart is through their stomach. But they would begin to truly appreciate it, and eventually want MC to try making their mothers signature dish. (The one Isaac makes when they feel lonely.)
🖤 Ardent - As a wiz in the kitchen, don't think that's going to impress him so easily. In fact, don't think that MC can make better baklava than him. It would become a competition, Ardent far too cocky for his own good thinking that there is no way MC can be better in the kitchen than him. When he finds out that he actually enjoys MC's food, he will play it off like he's allowing MC to cook for him. Like he's allowing them to do him a favor. (he will be making moans of how delicious mc's cooking is) play it off like he's sore from working out.
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dallasgallant · 3 months
Outsiders Soda and candy -
I guess this is a bit like my “the gang as dogs” this is me basically assigning favorite flavors to the boys. It’s a great character workshop/headcanon thing to do. Going to stay in time period as well
Pony- Pepsi and Clark bars
Canonically a “Pepsi fiend” and he enjoys chocolate the most, so I’m assigning him one that sounds good. However, I think Pony would also be into candy cigarettes (you can still get them at some candy stores. I’ve had them it’s straight up sugar sticks)
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Soda- Pepsi and Classic Hershey bars
He’s a classics man. Plain original formula. Don’t fix what ain’t broke, he believes that chocolate is in no need of flavor inhancements. However, would destroy peanut m&ms. I can also see him as a huge fan of root beer barrel candy. But his top of all tops has to be flavored toothpicks. (He’s seen with a few in promo shots, flavor would only add)
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Darry - Coke and chicklets
He’s not too much of a candy guy but can appreciate a good chew or handful of something.
Steve-Mountain dew and Jujyfruits
Loves the energy from the Mountain Dew and like Darry he’s a fan of chewy candies and - this is the most chewy, juicy candy out there (I think they’re still made they’re so good). He’s also a fan of milk duds
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Twobit- Dr pepper and penny candy
He’ll have just about anything he can grab. He likes all the sweet stuff, a little less on the chocolate. Mostly a gum guy - you never know if he has an actual pack or a prank one. If he buys a ligit pack he’ll give the cards or prizes to his little sister.
Dally- Cheerwine and Red hots
Insane about cherry flavored stuff, he looks like a vampire half the time because he’s so pale and having red around the mouth doesn’t help. As for candy he prefers cinnamon.
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Johnny- Orange Fanta and Crunch bar
It doesn’t have to be Fanta. Any orange cola will do. And he likes crunch- mainly for the crunch and the chocolate. Can also see him treating a sheet of candy buttons like a science, there’s a system to eating them you don’t get it…
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asco-bisco · 1 month
School Bus Graveyard Stereotypical Personality(?) AU
so i posted this on ao3 and im gonna delete the chapter with all this info but i still wanted to get this out js incase anyone is interested
Ashlyn Banner: The Introverted High School Girl
- I'm just getting a lot of Tall Girl vibes but I never watched the movie
- Still has the same personality but I might write a bunch of cringy ahh y/n stuff
- She still likes dogs just because
- She absolutely despises EVERYONE on a more alarming level (she hates Tyler)
- She pesters Taylor about wearing makeup
- She listens to Prom Dress by mxmtoon (at least she's supposed to give off the vibe)
- Still does ballet
- I don’t know how to run her under a stereotype without making her a ‘quirky’ girl or a pick me girl
Aiden Clark: Your Pyscotic Mosquito
- He has no concept of personal space (as usual)
- He needs to give off the annoying stalker vibe or creepy vibe, not the one everyone simps for
- Kinda stalks people (he knows where everyone in his group lives)
- He pulls pranks on people he doesn't like (He does the whoopie cushion prank on Tyler)
- I guess 10x crazier and maybe not as caring--if the roof thing with Ashlyn happened again, he'd probably call others to help instead or would end up inside the house before it even happened
- I don't know anymore
Ben Clark: Quiet Unpopular Kid
- He doesn't care about your well-being (idk)
- He's still the medic of the team though, if that makes sense
- His trauma is still there but his anger issues just exist, they don't get triggered from bullying though they just exist ig
- Maybe that's why he's unpopular
- I don't know if he should still live with Aiden or not
- I wanna make him mean idk y but he prob won't be
- He doesn't get as flustered as he does in the webtoon, like y'know those moments where he's just cute asf (maybe that's just me) but those moments don't exist anymore
Logan Fields: Nerdy Astronomy-Loving Boy
- He still has W shooting skills
- He's way shyer though like he full-on goes "U-Uhm, I-I-I-I-I t-th-thi-think we-w-we-we s-should g-g-go n-n-n-n-n-n-n-now"
- the stuttering is not that much tho (i would DIE writing that)
- Tyler and Aiden pick on him a lot (not together though, in their own time)
- Aiden purposely gets Logan to do things he doesn't want to do like face a phantom or go patrolling just to see him squirm and cry
- Whether or not he becomes the sassy S2 Logan we know is a secret (and to be decided)
- He sticks around Taylor a lot because Tyler and Aiden are basically bullies and Ashlyn and Ben are too scary to be around (they're both quiet people who give you death stares)
Taylor Hernández: Nice Popular Girl
- She loves everyone and teases her brother a lot
- She still has trauma (joking about it is how she copes)
- She is kind to EVERYONE but if you share lip gloss/mascara with her, you're keeping it forever (she doesn't want your germs)
- She’s blunt and doesn’t think before she speaks
- so passive aggressive it’s not okay
- The only person she doesn’t love is Barron and his friends
Tyler Hernández: Rude Popular Jock
- He hates everyone that aren’t his friends
- His ego is so high it’s not okay
- He loves Tay and Tay only
- He kind of makes sure everyone is in check unconsciously because he likes to nag others
- He picks on Logan and Ashlyn for their height (he leans on them)
- Mention his dad and he just might shoot you
- Doesn’t like physical bullying but if you give him a chance to insult you, he will do it
- He might end up fighting Ben if he ticks him off, that’s to be decided tho
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stuckasmain · 5 months
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I’ve approached this topic before and now I want to return to it after finishing the book series. The author himself has basically admitted you can pick and choose what’s ‘canon’ or not due to the books being slightly different universes- that’s a ramble for another time but I still want to go over the sad shift that happened with Dave. I’ve said it before and I’ve seen others joke about it but it’s very clear when you’re reading Clarke did NOT want to write more than 2010. I’m not saying he got spiteful but there is definitely a disconnect.
To me it almost feels like Dave looses his Starchild status as how he’s explained in the last two books is in a stark contrast to his initial transformation. He’s near omnipotent, a child in the scheme of things— eventually he has responsibility but for now he’s sort of left to flounder and chooses to watch earth. Now I am a fan of the dog metaphor of 2010 where he’s occasionally used but has a lot of autonomy.
In the first part of the series to me it seems that this is expressly Dave just transformed whereas later he’s a mind copy tool. (Though still Dave in a lot of ways that autonomy and ability to move freely is GONE he’s tied to the monolith). Again I think a lot could be done with this concept but it goes back and sort of rewrites where he’s not “ascended” but a slave.
It’s just so sad because there is a lot going for both concepts but little payoff ultimately, however enough of me complaining… here’s some angst.
There’s something so tragic about Dave in that we know him more as a legend than we ever did know him as a man. He’s young, ambitious and great at his work- he hopes to go to the beach when he comes home, he wants to live comfortably and looks out for his crew members. He had a sad life but found joy in his profession and then he has the worst few months of his life and dies- and depending on which you follow is reborn or copied.
He becomes a name to be invoked. A missing astronaut. The “Bowman thing”. Starchild. Hell! He’s basically the local cryptid of Ganymede.
He is a constant throughout the series because he haunts the narrative. Not fully gone but a ghostly god figure who wants so desperately to remember himself - who’s attached to his fading humanity.
It’s a shame because this haunting is a light one. I wasn’t looking about invoking his name as he’s basically a helper god. What’s sad to me is that it isn’t explored as a genuine loss or charecter trauma but instead he’s just a plot device.
Halman is more of a plot device than a character (and I fully believe it was also Halman in 2061 just there wasn’t a name for them yet. As it’s just ‘yeah Hal’s here say hi Hal’ and that was it)
It’s just such a shame as David Bowman is a character filled with trauma and potential. While I would’ve preferred to follow the initial Starchild being, as him watching over earth and discovering what he is and you know like thematic significance of clinging to humanity etc. The tool idea is also fascinating but I would’ve preferred to explore it more… unfortunately tool was taken a little too literally and he’s a plot device.
I don’t know- canon is what you make it in this series, it’s not like I can’t write what I want to see (and I’m going to). It’s just a shame is all.
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rdng1230 · 2 months
Breaking down that "which actor/singer are you" scene from chapter 4
I was gonna write this after I was done with the whole thing but fuck it. I'm damn proud of it and I want to let all of you in on the layers:
"“I’m just tryna figure out which member of the rat pack you are.” Tommy ponders, using his spoon to gesture in his direction. Sal poses jokingly, before eventually just giving up and pointing at his eyes. “Mmm, too obvious.” Tommy says with a quirk of his eyebrow. “Even ole Blue Eyes has got nothin’ on you in that department.”"
Ok so this is when the options are limited to just the members of the Rat Pack, There's no universally agreed upon list of who was in the Rat Pack, but generally it includes the likes of Dean Martin, Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis Jr., and most famously Frank Sinatra, whose nickname was 'Ol' Blue Eyes'. So he's saying Sal's eyes are prettier than the man who is famous for having gorgeous blue eyes. More down bad-ism on display from our dear Tommy Kinard.
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So Tommy broadens his sights to classic Hollywood in general.
""Sal knows whatever he’s about to say is gonna be equal parts bitchy and adorable. “Brando.” Tommy nods, sure of himself. “Definitely Brando.” Sal brings one hand under his chin, doing his best smolder.""
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So Brando is one of Hollywood's most famous Hound dogs and he was an equal opportunity hound dog. his affairs included Rita Moreno, James Dean (apparently they were like SUPER kinky), Jackie Kennedy, and indeed, legendary comedian Richard Pryor. He was also known for his cocky smoldery attitude. Tommy making this comparison is an indicator that he likes Sal and is super attracted to him, but doesn't really take him seriously as a long term romantic prospect. That list of affairs I mentioned? He was married during most of them.
Another layer to this is that Sal compared himself to Sinatra and Tommy compared him to Brando who notoriously HATED each other. Brando stole the role Sinatra wanted in the movie version of Guys and Dolls. Now funny enough, the role Sinatra ended up having was as a kind of lovable goofy guy who is actually deeply in love with the woman he's with but has strung her along for 14 years because he's too afraid to come out and commit to his own feelings. She ends up pushing him away and breaking up with him because she doesn't believe he's ever going to actually choose her (hmmm now what couple does that remind us of?)
As an aside, I actually think Sal and Tommy have a lot more in common with Brando's character Sky and his love interest Sarah. Sky, like Sal, is a hound dog who is really surprised to find himself in love. Sarah, like Tommy, is a romantic who is really surprised to find herself SUPER turned on and attracted to this guy she knows is wrong for her. But that's not really relevant, so moving on.
So Sal gets all up in his feelings and doesn't object to the Brando comparison. Which could mean nothing....
He turns his thoughts to picking out a comparison for Tommy. His first thought is Cary Grant, but he puts a caveat that it will make more sense when Tommy is older. He specifically singles out the North by Northwest Suit, which is widely considered to be the most perfect suit that has ever been created. This is basically him saying "I think Tommy will age so gracefully he will turn into the epitome of Suaveness."
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He also eliminates the idea of Bogart, who was known for his very moody/broody personality. It's a little bit ironic, because back in Chapter 1 when they ran into each other at the wedding, Tommy's mind went immediately to Bogart's most famous broody line. This is Sal not realizing the sheer negativity happening in Tommy's subconscious. He registers Tommy's tenseness, but not necessarily the sadness its masking.
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He also disqualifies Clark Gable for being too smarmy. This is honestly just him saying he thinks Tommy's coolness comes from being kind and not from being a cocky asshole.
"He throws out “Peter Lorre.” to buy himself more time. “You dick.” Tommy huffs, tossing a few more pieces of cereal for good measure."
Now this truly broke my heart when I wrote it. So Peter Lorre was famous for playing kind of effeminate gremliny little dudes. He also tends to play characters that kind of cling to the hero of the movie, like an unwanted hanger on. Now for Sal, he says it specifically because the idea of Tommy being like that is so ridiculous. but for Tommy, who has all these hang ups about being the lonely "not anybody's first choice" kind of guy, I think Tommy thinks Sal is being serious on some level.
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"Sal smiles when he finds his answer. Sweet, kind, dark haired, beautiful. He runs his tongue over his lips, building up his nerves. “Rock,” He commits, “Rock Hudson.” Tommy tilts his head a little, he seems almost touched. Sal sees a cloud come over Tommy’s face that he wants to physically push away with his hands, but it's just as quickly replaced with a goading smile. “Is that a fucking gay joke?!” Tommy barks."
Ok so firstly, this answer comes to you courtesy of @mannafromtevan who provided the magic ingredient to this scene without even knowing it. Rock Hudson was a dark haired, very sweet, sort of boy next door-y type. This comparison is Sal seeing Tommy's big heart and kind demeanor and telling him so. It's probably the most honest Sal has been about how he feels about Tommy since their relationship began.
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So why does Tommy get that dark cloud? Well as we've established if he can interpret things in a doomed/sad way, he will. Rock Hudson was closeted. Most of his fellow actors knew and protected him like Julie Andrews, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor etc. But when the AIDS crisis hit and he contracted the virus, he couldn't really hide it when he got sick.
He was essentially the first well known celebrity to publicly die of AIDS, and so again Tommy hears "doomed queer, never getting a happy ending" over all the other sweet things Sal is trying to say.
In summary, this scene is a big old red flag saying "Hey! you guys are ignoring/not seeing key facets of the other's personality!" and also that Tommy's doom spiral is very much in progress as he keeps latching on to the most negative possible meaning of Sal's words.
I think that's everything! Thank you for coming to my info dump/director audio commentary. And I'm sorry again for the trauma I have caused you all with that last scene. Never fear Saltommy friends, they'll get there eventually.
@sunnywithachanceofbi @ohlookitsthearkhamknight @racerchix21 @evansboyfriend @cliophilyra
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blorb-el · 2 years
lil snippet [376 words] of tooth rotting established relationship superbat fluff set in the purring au [kryptonians purr, that’s basically all you need to know] sometime after tacere and sometime before unnamed and still unplotted sequel. its pillow talk but g rated
"Bruce," Clark murmurs. "If you don't stop doing that I'm going to start purring on you."
Bruce smiles lazily and continues to card his fingers through Clark's hair, enjoying the loose-limbed weight of his partner resting across his chest, satisfied and warm. Clark makes a muffled nmrgh sound and presses his face a little more into Bruce's body. God, he's getting nuzzled. Maybe Clark wasn't-
Oh. No, he wasn't joking. Bruce feels it before he hears it, a low, slow vibration against his torso. He continues to stroke his fingers through Clark's hair, and a slow dawn of happiness rises in his body. Clark feels so safe with him that he lets himself purr. Bruce watches Clark's shoulders relax even further after a few moments. He hadn’t even thought that was possible. The man’s practically liquid. Nothing short of the world ending could stop him continuing to be here, continuing to tease Clark’s soft hair between his fingers as Clark’s heart-warm body rumbles with contentment draped over his own. God, Bruce wishes he could purr back.
After a few minutes, Clark turns his head, resting his chin on Bruce’s chest, looking up to him languidly. The mate markings on his cheeks and forehead are glowing faintly, and a smile traces the corners of his mouth and eyes as the rumbling purr continues. Bruce diverts his hand for a moment to stroke Clark’s cheekbone with his thumb, feeling the line of greater warmth on the marking, and Clark closes his eyes. Bruce tries not to compare it to petting a dog or a cat. It’s Clark. He’s better. Although…
“Hey,” Bruce murmurs, and watches the sweep of Clark’s thick eyelashes as those unearthly blue eyes open. He slowly blinks at Clark, feeling a little like an idiot and a lot in love. Clark looks puzzled for a moment but then, his eyes brighten and he snorts, his stupid smothered laugh he doesn’t do around anyone else.
“You dorrrk,” he says. The effect is completely ruined by his sappy smile and the slight flip on the r, persisting from his rumbly purr. Bruce, unnatural contentedness lightening his whole being, grins at Clark, and Clark rolls his eyes and then slow blinks back at Bruce. “I love you too.”
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thegayhimbo · 1 year
Stranger Things Winter Special Review
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Warning: The following review contains MAJOR SPOILERS!!!!
Synopsis: It’s the Winter of 1984, and El is celebrating Christmas with the Byers family and her friends for the first time....
As far as one-shot, stand-alone comics go, this was enjoyable. The synopsis I gave speaks for itself: It’s about El celebrating Christmas over at Joyce’s house with her friends and family as they give her a cool present (the cover pretty much spoils what said present is), tell her about their favorite Christmas Specials, and help her get into the Christmas mood. The entire comic is basically a Christmas Special of Stranger Things, and I like that.
Something I found clever about the way the Christmas Specials are drawn in this comic when El’s friends are describing them to her is the way El imagines the stories in her head. Because El’s been isolated for almost all of her life (12 years at Hawkins Lab, and an entire year being cooped up in Hopper’s Cabin), she’s been limited in how many people she’s met. So when she’s imagining the Christmas Specials in her head, she substitutes the people (and creatures) she’s encountered in her life in place of the actual characters from those stories.
For example, when Mike is telling her about the origins of Santa Clause, she imagines Hopper as Santa, Joyce as Mrs. Clause, and her friends as elves:
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Likewise, when Lucas tells her the story of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, she imagines the Demogorgon in the role of the Grinch:
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Same thing with A Christmas Carol, except it's Dr. Brenner as Mr. Scrooge, and Scott Clarke as Bob Cratchit:
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And then, of course, there's A Charlie Brown Christmas, where El imagines Dustin and Dart the demodog in the role of Charlie Brown and Snoopy:
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The way this was handled by the writers and artists was brilliant.
I also appreciate how they subtly reference El’s time the previous year as a fugitive in the woods. There’s a scene when the Party finds an injured rabbit outside, and El, remembering how she had to eat a rabbit to survive at the time, decides to take the rabbit back to Joyce’s house to fix its leg:
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It’s a little sappy, but it works in the context on the comic.
Other references I appreciated:
The call-back to the dog the Byers family had in season 1. They never clarified what happened to him on the show, but the implication was he passed away. This comic confirms that:
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There’s also Hopper’s gift of Hungry Hungry Hippos, which I believe was referenced at one point during the show:
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There’s another reference I’m glad they included: Remember in the season 2 finale when Steve and Dustin shove a dead demodog into Joyce’s fridge to preserve it “for scientific purposes?” The show doesn’t ever revisit that moment again, but this comic does:
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Basically, it turned into sludge, and Joyce was not happy with Steve and Dustin when she found it in her fridge.
I don’t know if that’s officially canon on the show, but I consider it such because it fills in the plot-hole of having a bunch of dead demodogs all over Hawkins after the gate closed with no residents discovering them by accident. It also explains what happened to the Meat Flayer’s flesh-body after the Russian gate was destroyed in season 3:
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That must have been a fun mess for Dr. Owens and his crew to clean up! 🤣 
One last thing: This moment from Steve when he’s driving Dustin, Mike, and Lucas to the Byers house:
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Sure, Steve. 😂 
On the whole, this is a fun comic with plenty of neat call-backs, nice character moments, and a cheerful Christmas mood. Check it out if you get the chance! :)
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zorilleerrant · 8 days
what kind of farm did Superman grow up on? let's see
constantly, people use imagery of a spaceship crashing or settling in a field of wheat or corn. sometimes the Kents were right there because it was their farm, sometimes they were just passing by, sometimes they were helping at a neighbor's farm (implying that they also grow wheat or a similar crop)
on Smallville, the Kents definitely had cows, and the herd numbered in the hundreds. of course, they also had wheat and several times enough sheep and goats appeared that it seemed like they were breeding them
he almost always has chickens. sometimes it's just enough for eggs for personal use, sometimes it's far more chickens than three people could comfortably handle
sometimes Clark thinks it's silly that he would have horses, implying they grow crops instead of having animals to keep track of. other times he has so many horses it seems like they might just have a horse farm and breed/train horses or even just stable other people's horses as their main specialty
if Krypto is a herding dog, as is sometimes implied, then it would make sense that they had sheep/goats, because he's always shown to have sufficient enrichment on the farm to curb his herding tendencies. if he's not a herding dog, Clark doesn't ever have any other dogs, so then it seems unlikely they have sheep/goats, especially in the versions where Clark just has no idea how to ride a horse
Clark often shows unusual knowledge of the care and keeping of corn and/or wheat. this could just be because he listened to other families he knew who did grow that, but it seems unlikely since he never seems to know about sunflowers. it's unusual for someone to grown corn and wheat tho
Clark almost never shows more than basic knowledge of the care and keeping of animals, except sometimes dogs, which is usually specifically about Krypto. even tho he's an alien and wouldn't tell you anything about Earth dogs
often when talking about Martha's special skills, various stories will bring up her pies, pastries, and preserves, implying that the Kent farm is an orchard or other fruit farm
often when talking about Jonathan's special skills, various stories will talk about him dressing turkeys or more exotic birds like geese and quail. however only chickens seem to get depicted in visuals of the Kent farm, and they usually have a small area
Clark sometimes talks about having a pet pig. prototypically this is the run of a litter who gets adopted, but they don't talk about any other pigs in any context. given the Jewish creators I think a hog farm is unlikely for the original context, so someone would need a particular reason to go that route
pumpkins and other squash seem to appear for the occasional Halloween special and immediately disappear. despite that a pumpkin patch is fairly large even for only a handful of pumpkins, let alone thousands
they also seem to cut the occasional Christmas tree from their own forests? implying they might have Christmas tree farm?
in conclusion I don't think superhero media creators actually know what farms are or that they do only one thing
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rex101111 · 1 year
Finally gotten around to watching the three so far released episodes of My Adventures with Superman (in a way that is Totally Legal(TM) I Swear), and I love it! Its very sweet, very cute, just a really sunshine show with a lot of room to grow and some nice intrigue thrown in right away to let quietly simmer throughout it, very good.
A few noteable things i liked:
* Superman. Supes is...so good here. Just the perfect blend of modern Good Boy Shonen Protag and classic Farm Boy Clark he’s been since the 90′s. He’s a delight. Specifically I really liked how they established how central his “I’m here to help” thing to his character right off. He had a kite stuck on a tree, and his powers didn’t awaken when he wanted to this (very very slightly) selfish thing. A person is in danger? His powers roar to life right away. Pitch Perfect Superman.
* Lois!! She’s such a delight, honestly. Its a bit jarring since I just finished binging the old Superman cartoon from the 90′s, in which Lois is the hardass experienced reporter she’s been in just about everything since the late 90′s, but new Lois here is still very recognizably Lois Lane, the reporter that doesn’t think twice about putting herself in danger for a story, she’s just more puppy dog about because we get Intern Lane for the first time in a while. A thing I really liked about her is that, yeah, she wants to interview Superman for the big scoop...but her initial and main driving motivation for that is that she wants to say thank you to the person who saved her life. That’s just great.
Also also these two are totally a Gohan X Videl Au fanfic with the names changed and I am all for it lets fucking GO.
 A couple things I’m undecided on:
* Fuckboi Deathstroke is...a choice. That’s for sure. I’m really torn because im so used to Slade being this totally in control, always scheming older dude with a rancid vibe you can only get from dating a 15 year old. (YEAH THAT’S A THING, YOU THINK HIS DYNAMIC WITH TERRA WAS FUCKED IN THE CARTOON??? HOW LITTLE YOU KNOW). So him being this young is throwing me. Granted, he’s still a douche, and a slimeball, and he introduces Amanda Waller into the narrative right away and I am always game for The Wall to show up and make things difficult, so I’m in the middle here. Lets see what they do.
* I want to like Jimmy, I do, but there’s just something about his energy that seems too...desperate. I dunno I think he needs a bit more fine tuning with his writing because he’s just a bit...too much for me. Which is not that bad honestly, he has his good moments, specifically when he teases Lois about Clark, but unlike those two he’s too surface level. Sure he and Lois stick around to help people but that’s...basic. Lois is driven to be a real reporter and is willing to stick her head into any bear trap that looks interesting enough. Jimmy is a...conspiracy theorist...lovely.
Okay, real talk, can we stop making conspiracy theorists main characters? Or treat it as some cute quirk? Because I swear these guys are never likeable enough to hold major screen time every episode. I swear if Jimmy says some bullshit about Lizard People I am going to McFreakin lose it.
And just because he’s right about the aliens and meta-humans and all the other shit doesn’t make that gimmick any less annoying! Give the guy something else! If he isn’t Superman’s Pal anymore, okay sure fine shifting dynamics is fine, but maybe give more weight to him and Clark knowing each other since college? Maybe have him visit his folks and show off how much he cares for Clark as a friend more specifically without the tinfoil hat bullshit? Please?
Anyway major nitpick above besides, good show! Go watch it! In a way that is totally legal but is sure to not give anyone in WB any money. 
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Hi! I don't know if you're still answering but I was wondering how a family reunion may pan out in your freedom AU. I get that at least the batfam are not very involved in Damian's life. Do they ever get closer? And what about the supers? And do you think someone tried to convince Jon to not give up on the hero's life?
It's not so much that they're not involved, but more they're scared to be - at least Bruce and Dick. I have it in mind that Jason, Cass and Steph visit somewhat regularly. Tim too, but moreso after Jon moves in, since he's married to Kon. (Tim and Damian get pretty close after their both with their respective Kent boy - thus the TimKon story)
But for Bruce and Dick - Damian got out. Damian got safe, and what kind of people would they be if they dragged him back in? And then even outside of still heroing, their biggest fear, the thing that keeps them up at night, is Damian being targeted or becoming a victim because they were seen with him, or some villain figured out that this random animal shelter director was important to them. So, because of their emotional stuntedness, to keep him safe, they stay away, not realizing that it more or less turned into self-inflicted avoidance. And because Damian isn't much better (though GETTING better) he internalizes it and just...doesn't bother, assuming they don't want him and just doesn't ask. They all text regularly, like any modern family does. Have a group chat and all. But he stopped asking for social calls. In first story timing, Damian is still at the 'don't reach out, they don't want you' stage. At the timing of the Bruce and TimKon stories, he's probably been in therapy and recognizes it for what it is.
(Jason, Cass and Steph recognize this and how dumb their eldest and youngest are, so they make it a point to have regular hangouts with regular Damian doing regular things. They also find these hangouts help their own mental health and push to do it more often. But, just like with Bruce and Dick, they do NOT include Damian in ANYTHING hero. NOTHING. So they basically rebuilt their friendship and love for him from the ground up as 'normal people', and are all better and happier and closer for it. They still sometimes talk cases but not in a 'wanna help?' way, but more a 'you will NOT BELIEVE what happened last week' way.)
As for Jon, I don't think anyone knew he was even considering leaving heroing, so when Damian called that morning post-story, to inform Clark and the Supers where Jon was and what was going on, I think they were hella surprised. They also didn't realize he was struggling so much with being a Super, and any of the losses.
(They ABSOLUTELY knew he was hard crushing on Damian, though. That was the LEAST surprising fact of the whole situation.)
I think the Justice League and Bruce might push for Jon to reconsider, or at least push Clark to make him reconsider, but Clark wouldn't. I think he, Lois and Kon would go to Damian's that day of the story, or in the next few, and just have a heart to heart. (That Damian awkwardly tries to avoid while working from home (to take care of Jon)/being in his own house. He walks the dogs like four times in an hour to not be there.)
But they talk with Jon about what happened, and what he wants. Jon cries, and apologizes for being a failure and letting them down, to which they all deny, and are proud of him for doing something for himself for once. Then they talk about how he's going to transition, and how he's going to coexist with Damian. That's probably the only thing they harp on, Lois and Kon especially, that Damian is NOT his parent, and he's not there to take care of him, as much as Damian would happily do so, because he loves him. They touch on some of the things Jon already had in the story, but a little more in depth. But overall they'd support his decision, and already tease him about when the wedding was going to be.
Damian and Jon would LOVE if their families visited more often. They'd love to play host, love to have people stay for a few days. They're completely domesticated and would just thrive in being the families' 'safe/happy place.'
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anarcho-puppy · 3 months
hiya! welcome to my blog! i mostly just rb or post for myself soooo... don't expect much in terms of consistency lol.
my pronouns are he/him/his, xe/xem/xers, or it/it's; if you misgender me on purpose, you will be blocked >:P
alive but gay
i rb a lost of fandom stuff (basically just whatever media i'm currently hyperfixating on), but these are my favourite media:
DC (mostly batfam)
BBC Sherlock
ATLA (also kinda TLOK, but not as much)
Good Omens
Marvel (debatable, not the new stuff, mostly just AOS)
Jesus Christ Superstar (shut up, i’m a theatre kid)
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot (in relation to JCS)
The Dragon Prince
Amulet (i’m allowed to be a kid, okay)
Bluey (…very much allowed to be a kid)
probs more, i just have a shit memory lmao
pls pls talk to me about my interests! send me asks!
just spent two hours organizing my blog so that i can actually find stuff... so here's a guide:
#puppy barks = og text posts, rants, etc. (basically just everything other than rbs, except threads i’ve added to and wanted to save)
#anarcho puppy (duh) = anarchist and an-com shit
#geo nerd puppy = history-related stuff (one of my SPINs)
#pub trans puppy = public transit-related stuff (another SPIN)
#puppy puppy = feral (sometimes) dog boy me
#poet puppy = started out as poetry but now it’s basically just me writing things
#arty puppy = my art and art rbs
#disabled puppy = disability stuff
#neurodivergent puppy = autism/ADHD shit
#nom nom puppy = baking/cooking/food stuff
#conlang puppy = conlang shit
#little puppy = agere/little me stuff
#faggot shit = uhm uhhhhh… yeah…
#mutual aid/gofundme = self explanatory (please donate or reblog!)
#my polls = polls (obviously /s)
#me = pics of me
#ask = my asks
#hehe = ...yeah i'm not doing so hot (memory loss, trauma, etc.)
#dc = self explanatory (#B, #NW, #RH, #RR, #R, #O, #steph, #cass, #duke, #alfred, #clark, #kon, #jon, #talia, #bernard)
#hozier = my MAN
#atla = avatar the last airbender (and spin-offs)
#sherlock = self explanatory
#tdp = the dragon prince
#hannibal = self explanatory
#go = good omens
#ninjago = self explanatory
#sense8 = self explanatory
#assortment of religious hyperfixations = jesus christ superstar, the last days of judas iscariot, etc.
#i’m gonna be a lawyer bitch = my latest hyperfixation; law, specifically landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities (an actually practical hyperfixation?? crazy… /s)
#covid safety = self explanatory and also really important
#L = iykyk
shut up, i know that there’s a shit tons of tags but it’s not for you; i don’t expect y’all to need a tagging system bc you’re probably not doing a deep dive on my blog, but i need to be able to find things, hence the excessive tagging system :)
self-described liberal
biden supporter
transids/whatever the fuck you’re calling yourselves
yes, i know that dni lists won’t stop dirty, disgusting people from interacting, but it makes me feel better when i set clear boundaries.
and remember kids, i block LIBERALLY >:P
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
Top romance novel moments that live rent free in your mind.
(I take it back include derek this time I want to read that wild mf again and I need the inspo)
Dreaming of You: obviously, the scene where Sara is all "oh no don't!!!" because she's breastfeeding at the end and he's like "OH YES" and purposefully drinks it because he's a real man; the scene where he thinks she's a ghost and is a blubbering mess of emotions; the "sometimes I want to punish you a little" scene; the "YOU'VE HAD ME LIKE A DRAWN DOG" scene... Like.... That shit.... is so nasty. And I. Live. For It.
The Duke's Perfect Wife by Jennifer Ashley: there's this scene where Hart fucks Eleanor when she literally has her arm in a sling and he's like "Iiiiiiii don't know if we should be--" and she's all "UM YES PUT IT IN ME" and I love her a lot; there's a scene where after they fuck for the first time in years they're on a boat and he pulls the whole yOU COULD BE WITH CHILD!!!! thing and she's trying to turn down his proposal but then she looks in his eyes and realizes he like, super wants a baby, his womb is EMPTY, and she's like *sigh* yes I will marry you; of COURSE the whole *Eleanor straddles Hart while he scowls and growls at her and she boops him* moment
When the Duke Was Wicked: Rum! On! Lips! Obviously! But I also really love the moment when Lovingdon is like "well we must get married now that we've had sex and I think it'll be great because we're really good buddies and do sex good" and Grace is like "... what" before gathering the blankets up around her being all "GET OUT" in a very dignified manner. He was flabbergasted
The Bride Goes Rogue: lol similarly Preston Clarke doing a "BUT WHAT ELSE IS THERE?" proposal and Katherine politely turning him down, to which he reacts by stumbling to her dad, who he hATES, all she *sob* won't *sob* marry *sob* me!!!!
The Duke Gets Even: the entire book but especially--"I'm going to cover you in bite marks, darling"; Nellie finding out Lockwood's Secret and clearly falling for him in that moment and him being like "pls calm the fuck down I'm only like dying basically"; the pool scene; the scene where he gets trashed to impress her cousins and they're all lmao Nellie isn't a virgin and he goes "THANK CHRIST FOR THAT"; "I'm keeping you, Eleanor" both times; the scene where he finds out nobody in law enforcement cares about him being a duke, like, at all; the scene where he manfully walks away from her and you can tell he's thisclose to bursting into tears the entire time
Mafia Madman by Mila Finelli: when Gia bites Enzo right before they have penetrative sex for the first time, like fully bites into his bicep so that it's dripping blood and his response is "stop, you'll make me come"; him returning to her after slaughtering like 20 people to save her sister, covered in bled, being all "suck my dick in the shower while I tell you about all the people I killed" and he looks down during and realizes she's touching herself and is all "THIS IS THE IDEAL WOMAN"; the scene where he keeps her chained to his bed and fingers her while his home reno employees work like six feet away; the scene where he's having a panic attack and she teaches him how to breathe through it and then they have emotional cowgirl eye contact sex and she says "make me your good girl" because... lmao.... the grovel... THE BOOK, basically
Mafia Target: this is one of the only books that has ever pulled off love at first sight so jot that part down; Alessio blowing Giulio in the club and then Giulio getting sent a pic of the guy who's been sent to murder him and realizing it's Alessio lmao; when Giulio finds Alessio chopping wood on the tiny island where they first fell in love, barehanded because he's angsty following a failed grovel, and Giulio is all "oh my god you're fucking up your murder hands you IDIOT" and takes him inside and makes him pasta
The Dragon and The Pearl by Jeannie Lin: the tattoo scene. that is all
Waking Up with the Duke: Ainsley and Jayne's parting and him telling her that he lied before and he'd rather be in her husband's place than in his own; Jayne feeling the baby kick and impulsively taking Ainsley's hand to put it on her belly and him being like "it CAN'T be mine" and freaking out because he wants the entire marriage baby thing with her now
Shadowheart: Allegreto telling Elena to take confession and Elena refusing because she can't handle the idea of going to Heaven if he's not allowed in; conversely lol, a scene where she visits him in prison and like... mouths his dick through his clothes.... and it's reeeeeally hot, especially because they have something of a femdom dynamic lol
New Camelot Trilogy: obviously, every threesome scene; the scene where Greer asks Embry to do CNC with her so she can work through some shit and also, if we are being VERY REAL about that series, CNC is absolutely Greer and Embry's Deal Together; Ash and Embry's Last First Time (and also their first first time tbh); there's this scene where Greer is all "WELCOME HOME CHEATER" because she thinks Embry cheated on them! with her cousin! and I think she like confronts him and is all does she taste sweeter than me is she prettier than me is she softer than me super meanly and he's like "NONE OF THE ABOVE" and goes down on her and it's GREAT
The (ongoing) Lyonesse Trilogy: uhhh in an extra scene there's a moment where Tristan goes "sir?" and Mark replies "Yes, puppy?" and I literally can't stop thinking about that shit. I also really love the face sitting scene in Salt Kiss. More m/m face sitting in romance novels plsthx.
Heated Rivalry: when Shane is on the phone with Ilya after Ilya's dad died and he's like "well just tell me everything that's bothering you in Russian, I don't speak it, just vent" and Ilya vents for five minutes about how he thinks he's in love with Shane and he doesn't know what to do about it and then switches to English all "ANYWAY"
The Kingmaker: the sweatshirt scene. GIRL.
Thief of Shadows: Winter taking the pins out of Isabel's hair; Winter going down on Isabel for the first time and being like "I'm sure I can figure it out somehow" lmao; Winter holding Isabel after she tells him she can't have children and just letting her cry and admitting that he would've loved to have had biological children with her but he wants her above all else oh my HEART
Duke of Midnight: TAKE MY COME FOR IT'S ALL I CAN GIVE YOU.... that whole sex scene is.... insane
Kingdom of Dreams: Royce calling Jennifer a bitch and grumpily dragging her bodily to the altar because he doesn't wanna be there any more than she does!!!
Scandal's Bride: Richard coming back to rescue Catriona from a fire only for her to yell at him after to which he basically says "WHAT. YOU CRAZY BITCH". Also, Catriona going "nobody will believe we had sex Richard" and Richard immediately sketching a pic of her ass and going "lmao well how do I know about your ASS BIRTHMARK" then because of course, he'd just been fucking her from behind like six hours prior.
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topazadine · 2 months
I know you like horses a lot but are there other animals in your stories?
Good question! There are, though they aren't as extensively detailed as the horses (and mules) in The Eirenic Verses.
Dogs are actually part of a cultural divide between the Sinans and the Bremish. The Bremish love dogs and have two basic types: the Bremish wolfhound and the pullhound.
Bremish wolfhounds, quite obviously, are based on Irish wolfhounds, my beloved Muppet-beasts.
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Since Breme is a large, expansive, but sparsely populated country with long, sweeping steppes, Bremish wolfhounds come in handy for hunting down stray horses or tracking wolves that are endangering the populace.
Part of the reason they're so great for Breme is that they can run for long distances without tiring. I was a dog walker for a brief period working with an Irish wolfhound named Tara and holy shit, when those muppets get going, NOTHING can stop them. They are absolutely relentless. I love imagining them galloping across the steppes.
The other breed is pullhounds, which are based on pit bulls. Because of course they are! I love pit bulls!
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Pullhounds, as the name suggests, are used for pulling small carts, especially in urban areas. They are loyal, friendly, and very strong. Because they have such short coats, a lot of Bremish owners will make them little outfits for the cold winters <3 They wouldn't have survived if people didn't love them so much.
Canonically, Orrinir was partially raised by pullhounds before joining the War Academy. It's complicated. We hear about that in Funeral of Hopes.
If you're wondering how the hell there are two completely different breeds that look nothing alike, there's a reason for that.
Pullhounds migrated with the proto-Bremish nomadic tribes from what is now Sina to what is now Breme, so they were bred in a warmer environment. As such, they are more a pampered "pet" breed since they can't really handle being out in the cold by themselves. They work closely with humans and you're not going to see them wandering around by themselves.
Wolfhounds are the indigeneous dog breed that evolved on the steppes, so they are better suited for the climate. You can keep your wolfhounds out with the herds, no problem, though a pullhound would simply expire. They like humans but are more independent, and they don't generally live inside.
Sina has a much more unpleasant relationship with dogs. They have penal colonies that are filled with feral pullhounds. The worst criminals are shipped off to these penal colonies of half-starving animals, and ... well. You can guess.
Cerie is unfortunate enough to visit one of these islands (for reasons) and she ends up adopting one of those dogs, which looks like this ....
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Yes, I have a perfect reference because the dog she adopts is based on my own dog. You know, the one my first book, 9 Years Yearning, is dedicated to?
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The dog she adopts is named Aleric, named after her childhood dog. This was also taken from my actual dog Clark: that was his shelter name before we adopted him.
Eight-year-old Cerie wrote an adorable little poem for Aleric #1, her childhood dog, in 9 Years Yearning:
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Aleric later becomes Vice President. It's complicated. You'll hear about that in the last book in the series.
Also, there's an entire country besotted with cows! It's called The Cow Republic and is very very loosely based on, like, if you took the Maasai and put them on the Faroe Islands.
Lastly, there's some brief cameos by wild animals, including rock eagles and briar bears. There are no cats in the story, though, just a small reference to one of the Sinan royal family members breeding pedigree cats. (Can you tell I'm a dog person?)
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i'm not drunk enough for this. -kabby
Modern AU, PG-ish, also on ao3.
Chaperone the Debate Team retreat, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.
Well, actually it was more like “as the teacher nominally supervising this horror show of a student activity, you get to make sure these kids don’t kill each other in the middle of nowhere after one of the worst seasons in school history”, with undertones of “if they collectively decide to murder you, no one will blame them”, but…
Marcus is heading for a midlife crisis anyways. If this latest bit of administrative fuckery is what finally pushes him over the edge, so be it.
It’s not the kids he’s worried about, really. Well, he is worried about them, but most of them are graduating next month and legal adults on paper and most of those have been his problem for the past four years and well…
He knows he can’t exactly control which of the mothers decides to be the other chaperone, but why did it have to be that one?
Abby is the kind of nemesis you can only have in a smaller town, and Marcus does not say that lightly. She’s done everything in her power to make his life difficult since they met, and her marriage to one of his friends gave her so much opportunity until that accident, and the number of major life events that should’ve either outright stopped that woman or kept her too busy to terrorize him and yet somehow didn’t…
Unfortunately for him, Abby has a very blonde daughter who takes too much of her and was the only kid on the team to even make it to State this year, and Abby is the most involved debate team parent by a mile, so…
This is a circle of hell, Marcus thinks. Possibly multiple overlapping ones.
The kids don’t really need that much supervision. The kids are loose on a state park that hasn’t quite hit the normal tourist season for the year, and the only reason to have adults present is to make sure someone in the vicinity has the common sense to call 911 if needed. For intents and purposes, Marcus is stuck in the great outdoors for two and a half days with nothing to do except-
“I’m not drunk enough for this.”
He’d assumed, at some point, that his counterpart would’ve correctly estimated the weekend’s actual responsibility level and brought a book or two to keep herself occupied, but apparently-
“You do realize we’re just here in case someone gets food poisoning from an undercooked hot dog,” Marcus mutters.
“Is that likely?”
“You do realize I’ve somehow gotten stuck with every questionably parented kid at the school who’s been kicked out of football or… I don’t know what the aggressive girls did before but-“
“If you are describing my daughter as questionably parented, I will-“
To be fair, the thought has crossed Marcus’s mind a few times, but his goal for the weekend is to not get murdered, so-
“At least you’re an involved parent,” he says instead. Might be better for everyone if she wasn’t, but-
“She didn’t want me to come, but the school basically told me that no one else wanted to do this and unless I was in the ICU…”
“Would you have taken a way out if you’d had one?”
Abby laughs. She’s pretty when she does that, impossible to look away from, he is trying to keep his eyes on her face but the neckline of her shirt is… she’s going to get bug bites in some sensitive areas, he can’t wait to see how venomous she gets when-
“Probably not.”
He’s not that lucky, more like.
“The trip does end early if someone breaks a bone. Anything less than that…”
“Broken bones are nothing. Clarke was a Girl Scout for a bit, you wanna see bad parenting in the middle of nowhere…”
“Don’t tell me you volunteered for this hoping you’d get to practice your field medic skills.”
“No, I just thought you were out of your mind for taking this bunch of idiots to a remote location and letting them run wild and-“
“They had a bad season, the administration wanted to do something, the budget was minimal…”
“And that’s enough to justify that some sixteen-year-old is going to get poison ivy somewhere awkward and make it my problem?”
“You’re a terrible person.”
That probably shouldn’t sound like a compliment from her, but-
“You did technically volunteer.”
“I’m being forced to use vacation days and if I stay alone in that house all weekend…”
“So trying to make me miserable had nothing to do with it?”
“The idea barely crossed my mind.”
He doesn’t believe her, but their sparring matches are so much more fun with an audience and they don’t have one right now, and-
“If you say so.”
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backtotheo · 1 year
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(joe keery, he/him/his, cismale) who is theo clark anyways? ew. you don’t know about him, we’ll bet you want to. they’re feeling thirty and singing karaoke feels like a perfect night to them. rumor has it they’re indecisive and have low self-esteem because they care, but they’re also intelligent and adaptable in the best way. he works to make a little money as an employee at the animal shelter (...but he also walks dogs on rover on the side). they’ve rented on a place on cornelia street in the form of an an apartment. back to december and long live are the song they could dance to the beat of forevermore. (tw: cancer, about 3/4's of the way into the "backstory" section here!)
full name: theodore james clark. nicknames: honestly? most people just call him theo, though teddy is a family nickname he'd probably still respond to. gender/pronouns: cismale/he/him/his. sexual orientation: extremely bisexual. birthday: july 22nd. star sign: cancer. cancers are known to be highly intuitive, sensitive...and insecure. occupation: proud employee of the animal care center of new york...and he walks dogs for rover on the side.
positive traits: intelligent, adaptable, caring, honest, empathetic. negative traits: realistic pessimistic, indecisive, blunt, sensitive…but like not talking about those feelings ever?,  low self esteem while being self-centered. hogwarts house: i know jrk sucks and we do not claim her but the man is a hufflepuff…but a burned one. alignment: chaotic neutral. ennegram: 4w5. personality type: infj. 
his childhood was normal. happy, even. except for the part where his parents never let him have a dog because they were 'too busy' for one.
because his parents both had pretty demanding jobs, he was put in a ton of after school activities, but he kind of sucked at sports. so he joined boy scouts and took a bunch of different music lessons. he's pretty decent at guitar and piano and can fake his way through some accordion in a pinch.
theo is the oldest of three and was the child his parents placed their hopes on. his mother is a well-known pediatric oncologist at pittsburgh children's hospital and his father teaches biology at carnegie mellon. everyone assumed that theo would follow in their footsteps. and he did...sort of
he studied biology even though it wasn't really his thing because he wasn't paying for college, his parents were...and he minored in both music theory and psychology, which he liked more.
he met one of he most important people in his life while attending duquesne university in caroline davis.
...they didn't hit it off right away. in fact, at first, she was a bit of a thorn in his side. but a little bonding over a mutual love of music (and the food trucks on campus...) and they clicked. he asked her out around homecoming that first year and the rest is history.
they dated for years. it was very serious. he was two weeks away from buying a ring, honestly. but they spent a really big chunk of their relationship long-distance and it was just...hard. he really fucking loves loved her. but you know what they say...if you love it, let it go. or whatever.
during college, he made spending money at a work study job at the school library, but he made more walking dogs so he quit the work study job and started pet-sitting and dog walking most evenings.
this is where his love of animals began and only started to grow the more he spent times with classmates' and neighbors' pets. he decided to apply to vet school instead of med school, much to his mom's chagrin.
he got in!
...and he dropped out 2 semesters in because he hated it.
theo kept up a pretty big lie for the better part of a year, working odd jobs around pittsburgh and maintaining his off-campus apartment and dodging his parents' questions...until his dad was a guest lecturer to one of his vet school classes and he was nowhere to be found.
his parents gave him two choices: go back to vet school or go back to college and get a degree he would use.
theo chose neither. he packed up his shit, hopped on a bus, and moved to new york city with a collection of cassette tapes, a duffel bag of clothes, and whatever was left in his bank account to his name.
his parents didn't exactly disown him during this period, but they didn't reach out. he found out his mom was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer about 2 months after his move...and she'd been diagnosed a month prior. he heard it from one of his siblings and tried to reach out, but didn't get a response.
she passed away eight months after her diagnosis. he never got a chance to make amends and it's one of his biggest regrets.
he has since reconciled with his dad, but that's something that just..you don't just get over that. he's struggled with it mightily and with the help of a good therapist, he's starting to forgive himself. some.
he intended on reconnecting with caroline when he got there but...well, that didn't turn out so well.
so he couch surfed for a while until he could accept the first non-sketchy craigslist roommate ad he could find and moved into his cornelia street apartment.
he's not sure what he wants to do, really, so he's worked a lot of odd jobs since moving to the city. he's worked at almost every starbucks in an eight block radius of his apartment, bartended for a while, tried his hand working a food truck...but nothing seemed to stick. he paid rent by ubereats-ing most months, until he started walking neighbors' dogs and found something he kind-of-doesn't-hate.
during this in-between time is when he sort of got back into music. one job, he played piano in a restaurant's main dining room. another was a bar where he sweet talked his way into a few gigs. probably ended up meeting the rest of the electric touch crew during this period!
now he's working at the animal shelter, walking dogs using rover, and playing some gigs on the side. thank god for dogs and music.
plots n' stuff.
a roommate. or a few? i could see him having a few to keep costs low and i didn't snag any of the premade skellies for this so if you're down i'm down
found family/besties. i love those vibes especially given he's essentially upped and move away from home knowing like 2 people in the entire city.
people with dogs. either people whose dogs he walks or neighbors who happen to have them. he's like a dog whisperer so if you need a pet sitter he's your guy.
or! shelter volunteers!!!
people from any and all odd job he used to have. like a regular at the coffee shop who can't get their order right now because he left or a co-worker who helped him create a sandwich that's still on a menu at a local restaurant?
random hookups would be an option tbh. he came to new york intending to, like, win back his ex in some kind of rom-com bullshit way, but...well, it hasn't worked out so far.
someone who thought their hookup was more serious than it was would be kind of funny too. we live for miscommunications.
would love some kind of enemies/animosity plot. we'd have to talk it through. could've started with something little and spiraled or maybe they're just besties with caroline and are on her side. or maybe he accidentally ran over your muse's dog's tail on his bike :/
i'm dani. 32. friendly, promise! and i'm open to plotting pretty much anything, honestly! DM's here or on discord are always open to figure some stuff out. i'm danisaurus. over on discord and i'm really looking forward to writing with you all!
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