#to be a top student with a+ in everything and he compliments you everytime he sees you
sebfreak · 5 months
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That Butler, Teaching
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atinylittlepain · 2 years
Firehouse Harrington - Chapter 7
fireman!Steve x f!reader/f!oc
series masterlist
Steve struggles watching his girl pave her way to a bright future. Will he be able to stand by her side? Or will he let his mind drown him in doubt?
warnings | 18+ SMUT, dubcon, rough sex, degradation, use of safe word, serious angst, alcoholism, y'all been warned
a/n | there's no two ways about it, this one is rough, heavy on the angst, light on everything else, thus is life with toxic steve
She hasn’t felt this nervous in a long time. She looks at her reflection in the full length mirror of the hotel room, smoothing her palms down her dark green dress. It’s the most grown-up thing she’s ever worn, she had bought it just two weeks ago from a secondhand shop, a vintage fit and flare wrap that stopped at her shins, simple black heels on her feet. She needed to look adult tonight, professional, but dressy. The neuroscience department at her school was throwing its annual holiday banquet at one of the fancy hotels in the city, and she had been invited amongst a small number of other students. The faculty only invited those at the top of the class, and she knew it was a huge compliment, and also a huge opportunity. It’d be a chance to talk to the heads of the doctorate program at Indiana University, a golden ticket that she wanted badly. Needless to say, she was a tangle of nerves getting ready to head down to dinner. 
“Holy shit.” She’s broken out of her swimming mind by Steve’s breathy words, turning around to see him leaning against the bathroom door frame. She has to take a sharp inhale to stop herself from letting out her own curse at the sight of him. He’s wearing a perfectly fitted black suit, crisp white shirt underneath and a tie hanging undone around his neck. She’s never seen him cleaned up so nice. Her eyes finally flit up to his face, seeing the slack expression as he takes her in. She blushes under his hungry gaze, quickly moving over to him and getting to work on his tie. He rests his palms on her waist, dipping slightly to squeeze at the softness of her hips. 
“Thank you– you look so fucking beautiful right now.” She finishes doing his tie, smoothing her palm down the length of it before finally looking back up at him. His eyes are practically melting at the sight of her, all soft and sweet. She leans up to plant a quick kiss to his lips.
“You’re welcome, handsome. God– I just feel nervous.” She chews at her bottom lip, brow creasing as she looks at him. Steve is quick to bring his palm up to her jaw, thumb lightly coaxing her deep frown away.
“Don’t be, huh? Already know you’re gonna be the smartest one in the room, honey. Nothing to worry about.” She snorts, shaking her head lightly.
“I doubt that. But, thank you, Stevie. I guess we should probably head down.” He nods, stealing one more kiss from her before resting his hand on her low back as they head out.
“I’ve got you, baby. Be right beside you.”
Steve is out of his fucking depth, and he realizes it very quickly once they get down to the banquet hall. First of all, he hasn’t worn a suit in years, the only reason he has this one is because his mom sent it to him to wear to his grandma’s funeral three years ago. He’s just lucky it still fits. Second of all, the instant they walk in, people are on her. It’s clear she’s golden to these people, a top student with promising prospects, and while Steve wants to only feel proud of her, he can’t help but feel frustrated by how he has no goddamn clue what they’re talking about. Phrases are getting thrown around like “ischemic infarction” and “diffusion tensor imaging” and “ideomotor apraxia” like these are things normal people talk about. But it’s clear that it is stuff she normally talks about by how easily she can work the conversation with these eggheads. 
Meanwhile, everytime she introduces him to another colleague of hers, Steve gets a little more tense under his shirt collar. He can see the question on their faces when she tells them what he does for a living, a look that says why the hell is she with him? As the night continues and all he can do is smile and nod, pretending to understand what they’re talking about, Steve starts to wonder the same thing.
Ever since Thanksgiving, Steve has been trying hard to be better for her. He even started seeing a shrink at the VA center once a week, something that he still thinks is useless, but he really likes the proud look she gets when he tells her he has another appointment. He stopped drinking, at the therapist’s behest, and hadn’t had even a glass of wine since November, but he’d be hard pressed to admit that it really has been calming down his headaches. He’s trying everything he can to keep her, but tonight, he’s never felt so close to losing her as he watches her shmooze out a path for her future. Steve excuses himself from her side, and while she shoots him a questioning look, she’s quickly folded back into a conversation about something called transcortical sensory aphasia. He sulks over to the bar, and for the first time in a month, he orders a drink.
She only catches a glimpse of Steve out of the corner of her eye, her stomach drops when she sees that he’s at the bar. She nearly excuses herself from the small group that’s collected around her, but just then someone blocks her view of Steve. The man is tall, in a smart, navy-blue suit, dark curly hair and a crooked grin as he holds out his hand to her. 
“So you must be the one everybody’s talking about. Pleasure to finally meet you, I’m Thomas Klein. I’m one of the–” She cuts him off, eyes wide.
“Oh! I know who you are. You’re the doctoral candidate doing research with Professor Malcolm– it’s fascinating stuff you’re working on, really.” She’s completely embarrassed by her outburst, but the man seems to take it in stride, raising an eyebrow at her and smiling. The truth was, everyone in the department was talking about Thomas and his groundbreaking work looking at language circuitry. He was sure to be published by the end of the year and receive his degree in one fell swoop. He was practically a celebrity amongst the neuro students.
“Well, I’m flattered that the golden girl of the neuro department has heard of me. And I’m not only a doctoral candidate, you know. I also happen to be on the admissions board for the graduate program.” She smiled brightly, shaking his hand back.
“I wasn’t aware of that, congratulations, that’s a huge responsibility I’m sure.” She absolutely had been aware of it, and had been hoping to talk to this man tonight in fact. But he didn’t need to know that. 
“It certainly is. But students like you make my job easy.” Her heart jumps in her throat at his words. She had applied to several graduate programs, but she wanted so badly to stay at IU to continue her studies. She told herself it was because the supervising professors were doing research in the areas she was interested in, but deep down she knew a large part of it was wanting to stay close to Steve. She grins at Thomas and he offers her his arm.
“I think we’re getting ready to sit down for dinner, I’d love to hear more about your research proposal. May I take you to your seat?” She nods, loosely taking his elbow as they walk over to the table. She glances briefly over her shoulder, trying to find Steve in the crowd, but Thomas once again draws her attention away as he begins asking her questions about her area of study.
Steve’s had two tumblers of whiskey, but when he sees some guy putting his hand on her low back and walking her over to the banquet table, something burns harder inside him than booze ever could. He takes his glass with him, pressing up off the bar and stalking through the crowd. He sees red as he watches the man pull out her seat for her, his head filling with static at the way she smiles at him as she sits down. The man takes the seat on her right and Steve is quick to slide in on her left. The fire licking up his spine is soothed for a moment as she turns and smiles at him. He brings his arm to rest on the back of her chair, shifting to turn slightly toward her. Her eyes dart to the table where his other hand is resting around his glass, the ghost of a frown pulling at her lips that she’s quick to hide.
“Hi, Stevie. Let me introduce you to Thomas Klein. He’s an admissions fellow for the doctorate program here.” Steve tries to stretch a tight-lipped smile across his face, nodding at the man, Thomas Klein, who holds out his hand for Steve to shake. He’s quick to take his hand away from the brisk squeeze, settling it back around his glass.
“You must be the firefighter boyfriend. I just think that’s great that you serve our city like that. Hats off to you, man.” Steve’s fingers flex around his glass. He glances at her before settling his gaze on the man who’s offering him a grin he’d like to wipe clean off his face.
“Thanks, yeah, it’s, uh, it’s good work.” Thomas doesn’t seem too interested in hearing anything else he has to say, focusing his sights back on her.
“So, you were just starting to tell me about your research proposal.” He glances at Steve before continuing, “has she told you about this?” Steve’s jaw ticks, he shakes his head. She never talked about grad school stuff with him. She brings her hand to the top of Steve’s thigh, squeezing lightly.
“Well, I’d like to look at neuronal changes and regeneration in concussion patients.” Steve feels his stomach drop. He’s not really listening anymore, static once again in his mind, the voices around him a low hum in his ears. The only thing he can really think about is what Eddie had said a few weeks back to her.
“Is that why you’re with Steve? Are you running experiments on him?” 
He tosses back the rest of his drink, craning his neck to find a waiter to signal for a top-up. 
She has Thomas practically eating out of her hand over dinner as he gushes about her work. Steve, however, is a different story. She’s been trying to keep track of how many times he’s had that glass refilled, but she’s lost count as she struggles to keep a worried eye on him while also presenting herself well to a group of people who could literally hold her future in their hands. 
He’s sulking, she knows this look well, and she figures it’s his all too familiar jealousy creeping in from the way he’s openly glaring at Thomas. Quite frankly, she’s starting to get pissed that he’s acting this way when she’s on cloud nine at how well this night is going for her. She keeps her hand on his thigh, checking in with light squeezes every now and then, but Steve is unmoveable in his brooding stupor. The only sign of acknowledgement she gets is his hand that’s draped over her chair brushing her arm from time to time. She’s realizing that he must be really drunk to be so quiet. She had learned early on that drunk Steve ran a spectrum. It was at about a moderate drunkenness that he got loud and violent, but she actually preferred that to this stage, the point where Steve had gotten enough drink in him to go practically catatonic. 
“So Steve, what do you think about all of this one’s amazing work?” Thomas has turned his attention back on him. Steve tilts his head back a bit, eyeing Thomas. She winces at the low grumble of his voice. Yeah, he is really drunk.
“Well I guess it’s all a bit over my head. But it’s certainly something else.” She doesn’t have time to cringe at his words, not when he’s leaning in and planting an unpleasantly wet kiss on her cheek that she tries not to flinch away from. Steve huffs, slumping back in his seat. She’s scared to see Thomas’ reaction, but he appears unphased by it, maybe just interpreting it as a sweet moment of affection. But she knows better. That wasn’t affection. That was a reminder of a claim. Steve seems done with the interaction, but Thomas isn’t quite finished.
“Have you ever thought about going back to school yourself?” She takes a sharp inhale, her shoulders tensing at his question. She’s afraid to even see what Steve’s expression is now.
“You know, Thomas. I really haven’t. Probably couldn’t hack it with the likes of you.” Thomas laughs, but she’s horrified.
“Steve.” He just huffs, raising his hand to flag another waiter down to fill up his glass. She grabs his wrist and presses it back down on the table. He glares at her, but she’s too upset to care. When she speaks, it’s a hushed whisper. She hates how much like her mom she sounds.
“You’ve had enough for the night. I think you oughta just go lay down. I’ll be up later.” His eyes flash, something that she thinks could be hurt, but it’s gone just as quick and he scoffs, shaking his head. He slowly gets up from his seat, letting his hand linger heavy on her shoulder before he turns and shuffles out of the banquet hall. She knows it could have been worse, that Steve could have made a scene like he used to when they first started dating. She really thought they had worked past that. Obviously not.
When Steve gets back up to the hotel room, he promptly keels over the toilet, emptying the contents of his stomach as his head starts to pound. He rests his forehead against the cool porcelain, letting out a garbled groan. His mind is a swirling flash of words and images. What Eddie had said, the way she was smiling at Thomas, and the way she looked at him when she told him to leave. Perhaps mercifully, it wasn’t long before his thoughts were silenced by the sweet slip of sleep that tugged him under, slumping him down splayed on the bathroom floor.
The party went late, much later than she expected. But, it was a huge success. She gets onto the elevator with two offers from supervising professors to pick up her research proposal, as well as a shining recommendation from Thomas for the graduate program. She can’t help but smile to herself, heels in her hand, as she rides up to her hotel room floor. However, the minute the doors open, her stomach sinks as she’s reminded of what, or who, is waiting for her down the hall. She sighs as she unlocks the door, rolling her shoulders back and bracing for whatever mess she’s about to walk into.
She’s surprised to find him sitting in an armchair, his back to her as he seems to be looking out of the floor-to-ceiling windows. She drops her heels with a soft thud that he doesn’t turn his head to acknowledge. When he speaks his voice is hoarse, but clearly sobered up. His casual tone scares her more than his shouting ever could.
“How was the rest of your night?” She quietly pads over to stand in front of him. He keeps his gaze firmly on the horizon, not even glancing her way.
“I-it was really good actually. I think they’re gonna take me on next year.” He sniffs.
“So am I gonna have to come into your little lab? Or have you already gotten what you need from me?” She’s shocked by his words. She hadn’t even considered that this was what he got so upset about. While he had made it clear he didn’t want anyone digging around in his head, she thought he’d at least be proud that she wanted to study something that so clearly affected him. That had clearly been a mistake on her part. She sighs, kneeling down next to his chair. She tries to take his hand in hers, but he jerks his arm away, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Steve, that isn’t what my research is about.” He finally looks at her, an angry glare that makes her heart jolt.
“Oh, it’s not? You can honestly tell me that you didn’t decide to study concussions because you’ve seen how fucked up I am? You’re not just trying to figure out why your boyfriend is such a fucking freak?” She rapidly shakes her head no, going to reach for him but thinking better of it, instead wringing her hands in her lap.
“That’s not it at all. Steve, I– I’m inspired by you– by your resilience.” He scoffs, rolling his eyes but she presses on.
“It’s true! I don’t think you’re a freak, Steve. I think you’re amazing. I only know a sliver of what you’ve been through– but the way that you keep going, keep trying? That’s why I want to do this work. That’s what I want to understand. How the human brain–”
“You know, I’ve heard enough talk about the human brain to last me a lifetime tonight.” She presses her lips in a thin line, feeling a prickly heat creeping up her throat, a combination of tears and her resurfacing anger. She lets out a bitter laugh that finally gets him to look at her again, obviously taken aback by the sudden shift.
“Why can’t you just be fucking happy for me? Goddamnit!” The volume of her voice surprises even her, but clearly not as much as it does Steve, whose brows have shot up his forehead, mouth agape. She’s practically seething as she glares at him, her fists clenched in her lap.
“Do you even care that I basically just got into grad school? Do you even care that I worked my ass off to get in at IU? Do you know why I did that, Steve?” He swallows hard.
“It was so I could stay close to you! You fucking asshole–”
“Did you fuck him?” She chokes on her words, face crumpling in confusion.
“What? Who are you even talking about?” They’re both standing now, pressing into each other’s space. Steve sneers.
“Oh, I think you know who I’m talking about, sweetie. You only had him practically up your skirt the whole dinner.” She scoffs.
“Are you seriously gonna do this? Is it that hard to believe that I’m getting in on merit alone? Is that how little you think of me?” His eyes are cold but his grin is wicked.
“Well, you’ve always been such a little slut for me. Not too hard to imagine you’re sharing the love with doctor dipshit.” It’s hard to fight with Steve, mostly because it seems like his anger never wavers. And he always fights dirty. But she on the other hand is already feeling the flames fizzle out into tears at his cruel words. She shrinks back from him, scrubbing harshly at her eyes.
“Fuck you, Steve. Just– fuck you.” She goes to walk away from him, but he grabs her arm, spinning her around and shoving her up against the window, his other hand pressing into her hip as she lets out a gasp. 
“What’d I tell you, huh? You don’t fucking walk away from me.” She shudders under his hard gaze.
“I’m not in the mood for this bullshit.” In a flash, his palm is splayed on her throat, fingers just digging in under her jaw and making her heave.
“See, I don’t believe that, doll. I’d bet all of Thomas Klein’s brain cells that you’re soaking your panties right now. I know you. And I know you like a fight.” She can’t respond, can’t even think with the way his grip on her throat is pressing in closer and closer until it’s all she can do to take quick gasps of breaths. Just as dark spots start to muddle her vision, he lets go and she slumps into his grip, coughing on ragged inhales. All she can focus on is the dark chuckle vibrating in his chest and the tears that are now dripping down her face. Steve’s palms drag down her thighs, rucking up the skirt of her dress before letting it fall back in place, squeezing at the swell of her hips.
“Such a pretty dress, doll. Who’d you dress up for tonight, hmm? Wanted to look nice and proper for all your colleagues?” Her head is still reeling as she presses back up against the cool glass. Steve drags his hands up, harshly squeezing at her breasts before skimming along the dipping neckline of her dress. His gentle touch is a stark contrast to the way he grabs the neckline and rips it straight down the middle, tearing the fabric right down to her navel. She gasps in shock at his action, a pure knife of despair twisting deep in her belly. 
She goes to speak, or even push him away, but he’s already overwhelming her again as he shoves two of his fingers into her mouth, making her choke at the way he presses down on her tongue.
“Little slut like you doesn’t need a dress like this, isn’t that right?” He’s a barrage of hands that she can’t cut through as he takes his fingers from her mouth and immediately bunches her skirt up, shoving his hand down the front of her panties and roughly dipping inside her. She hates the satisfied look on his face, but can’t deny the pleasure that instantly runs up her spine. 
“Ah, baby, I guess I was right. You feel how wet you are for me? Do you hear it?” She does, the squelching of his fingers as he thrusts up inside her ringing in her ears. They’ve always walked a fine line between play and pain, a line often blurred by high tempers. But she’s never seen this look in his eyes. It’s cold, almost vacant, and it makes her shudder in his hold.
 He’s ruthless as he fucks her with his fingers, all but taking her breath away to the point that she can only meekly gasp out his name a few times before he’s painfully pushing her over the edge of pleasure, a broken sob racking her body as she spasms around his fingers. He laughs in her ear before pulling her by her hips over to the bed and roughly jostling her down onto the mattress, pinning her down with his own hips.
“Steve, please. Will you look at me? Just stop for a second.” He pauses in his movements, his arms framing her head as he meets her gaze for an instant, but he’s gone in a flash, eyes glazing over.
“Tell me, baby. How does Thomas like it?” He sits back on his haunches, quickly shucking off his shirt and unfastening his pants. He pulls out his cock, fisting himself as he hovers back over her. She’s fully dropped into that space only Steve can send her to, and whatever was left of her anger has simmered out to a cool submission.
“There’s no one else, Steve. I-I’m not fucking anyone else. It’s just you– I s-swear.” She’s a sobbing mess of pleas, trying to snap Steve out of wherever he’s gone to, but as he lines himself up with her entrance, he brings his hand back to her throat, cutting off her whimpers as he thrusts into her hard, his hips bruising into hers.
“If you’re so fucking smart you should be able to follow some fucking directions. So shut up and take it.” He’s ruthless, relentless in the pace he sets, the hard slap of skin against skin getting drowned by her choked cries. She digs her nails into his chest, uselessly trying to push him away, create some kind of distance from the way he’s caging her in.
“Fuck, baby– such a good little pussy– always so wet for me, huh?” He won’t let up on her throat, the heel of his palm digging into her windpipe. It’s different from anything he’s done before. Steve can be aggressive, violent even, but when it’s with her, it’s always been calculated, always checking in with her, taking care of her afterwards. Many of their arguments would devolve into harsh fucking, it was the only way they could both simmer their quick tempers enough to be able to actually talk. This isn’t that, and she’s starting to panic. With the way she’s gasping for air, she does the only thing she can think of in this foggy state.
“Red.” She chokes it out, but he doesn’t even acknowledge she speaks, his eyes fixed on where his hips are continuously mashing into hers. She manages to drag one of her hands into his hair, tugging harshly.
“Red– Steve– red.” His eyes finally snap to hers, features immediately slackening. He quickly removes his hand from her throat, sitting back as she scrambles up the bed to curl in on herself against the headboard. All she can do for a moment is take big, gasping breaths, trying to slow down her pounding heart. She yelps when he reaches out for her ankle, skittering further back into the headboard and away from his touch. 
“B-baby?” His eyes are wide, searching. She got to see a patient wake up from a coma last month at the university hospital. That’s what she thinks he looks like right now, like he’s not sure how he got here or where he just was. He goes to reach for her again but she stumbles off the bed, pressing up against the wall as she scurries over to her bag. She quickly rifles through the clothes she packed, tugging a sweatshirt down over the torn top of her dress. Steve stands from the bed, shuffling towards her.
“I’m sorry, baby. P-please, I’m sorry– I don’t know what happened–”
“Don’t fucking touch me.” His face crumples at her words, causing him to still, but she tries not to get stuck on the sight, quickly turning back to shove the rest of her stuff into her bag.
“A-are you alright?” Her hands still, save for the tremble still running through her fingers.
“No, Steve. I’m not fucking alright.” She slings her back over her shoulder, sliding her heels back onto her feet and heading towards the door.
“Wait! You can’t leave, baby. Please– I’ll make it better– I swear–” She turns on her heel fixing him with a hard look that makes him hiccup.
“You can’t make this better, Steve. I– I’m done.” He takes a step toward her, but seems to think better of it, dragging his hands through his hair like he’s in agony.
“Y-you can’t be done– I need you– you promised you wouldn’t leave.” She grimaces, scrunching her eyes shut before finally looking at him again. For a moment, she wants to give in, seeing the tears streaming down his cheeks for the first time. But instead she just shakes her head.
“We promised each other a lot of things, Steve. Look where it got us. I’m done.”
Steve wakes up late the next morning on the floor. In a pile of torn sheets and ripped-up pillows. He squints around at the room. The bedside lamps have been smashed on the floor. The stock painting that was hung on the wall had been torn through, skewed over the carpet. Steve winces as he flexes his hands, looking down to see a smear of blood and scabs across his knuckles. He glances back around, confirming what he assumed when he sees the perfect hole punched through one wall. 
He doesn’t care. Not about any of it. The only thing going through his mind is the image of her walking out that door. That, and how, for the first time, maybe ever, he had sobbed so hard he thought he’d break into pieces.
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thehighpriestess1 · 2 years
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Hi! Sorry for the late reply I hope you see this.. I had a draft similar to the request so I am posting that I hope you like it 🤍
Warning : Yandere themes, mature themes
Pairing: Gojo x Y/n
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Who was this new instructor everyone was talking about? Why was everyone obssesing over this new woman? All the women were same to him. Pretty enough to remember for a night and that’s all. Nothing more. He heard the whispers first and found out it was a new instructor. He heard the break room gossip and found out it was a woman. He asked Ijichi and found out you were pretty. His heart skipped a beat when you walked in the teacher’s lounge carrying a stack of papers. “Hi”. One word laced with the most intoxicating of nectars had his brain going hazy. “Hi”. He was at loss of words. Gojo was at loss of words. The Gojo Satoru was at a loss of words!
“I’m new here. My name is Y/n L/n”. You smiled at the strongest sorcerer.
“Hi. I am Gojo Satoru”. Gojo had never introduced himself. He never had to. He was known between friends and foes alike.
“Oh I know..I mean..I am not a stalker! It’s just everyone knows you”. You fumbled over your words as he raised an eyebrow. Was this some act? Were you innocent enough to be unaware of the impact you had on him or were you sly in playing your cards right? “yeah”. Is all he could say before he walked passed you forgetting his brewing tea. You pouted and looked at the floor thinking you had offended the most influential person in the jujutsu world.
Over the course of months Gojo realised that you were infact innocent. He observed how you would get flustered at every compliment. He observed how you would help everyone who asked for it. He observed how you would not only teach new techniques but also made sure your students become good people. He observed how you cowered in front of the elders but always had strenght to fight for your students. He observed how suddenly everyone wanted to talk to you, everyone wanted to invite you for dinner and coffee, how everyone wanted the high that your presence provided and soon his observation turned into obssesion.
He was friendly with everyone but never friends. But with you he could let his guard down. He would tell you about his day as you listened intently, laughing at his jokes, frowning at his mishaps, nodding in agreement with his plans to reform Jujutsu world. He was mesmerised by your every little action from the way you bit your lip when you were in deep thought to the way you pouted lightly everytime the vending machiene ran out of your favorite snacks.
Gojo could know everything about everyone but he never bothered. But you, he knew everything about you. It started with an excuse of wanting to find your favorite restaurant and resulted with him standing in front of the cleaning supplies picking up the detergent you use.
Gojo loved you and to his delight you did too. He loved his morning coffee with a kiss. He loved the cookies you’d bake together on weekends. He loved your picnic dates. He loved your scent on his sheets. He loved the look on your face as you come undone under him. He loved the tears that rolled down your eyes as he gifted you countless orgasm. He loved the marks he left on your collarbone. He loved the jealous eyes of people who saw those marks. You were the sweetes of cherries. His cherry. His to own and devour.
Gojo hated everyone. He hated how his students took you away from him. He hated how men would ogle at you as you walked by. He hated how they would stare as you jogged in your gym clothes. He hated everytime you laughed at jokes that were not his’. He hated everytime you waved him goodbye.He hated how everyone would stop in their track everytime you wiped your sweat after a workout.He hated that when asked about his ideal woman Yuji described you. You were a creation of the master himself and he alone was worthy of you.
He stood in front of the room he had designed in the Gojo estate for you. This wasn’t a cage. This wasn’t a prison. This was your home. How did it come to this? When did it start? Was it when he saw you agree to go on a dinner with Nanami? Was it when Ijichi gave you flowers that you accepted? Was it when the students started demanding more of your time? Clearly prying you away from the conversations ans always lurking around wasn’t enough to send the message neither was the silver necklace with his initials enough to let everyone know that you belonged to him.
This had to be done. It was the right thing to do. He was sick of watching you return injured from missions. He was sick of sitting outside Shoko’s room waiting for you. He was sick of everyone trying to steal you from him. This had to be done.
You slept in the arms of your lover in your apartment but when you opened your eyes you were far away from your home. Gojo entered with a tray of breakfast with the same smile. “Satoru, where am I?”. He caressed your hair and placed a kiss on your forehead to calm your nerves. But his calmness only intensified the fear in your heart. “You are home”.
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faeryarchives · 2 years
33 + deuce spade + gn reader?
you did great (gn!reader)
“i am so proud of you.”
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"did you know that i really look up to you, prefect?" surprised (eye color) eyes met bright cyan ones at the unexpected remark causing you to feel a little embarrassed and looked at the empty seat next to you.
"h-huh? what's that about all of a sudden?"
"hmm? nothing, because just looking at how you always seem to do your best at everything."
you often hang out with deuce everytime ace and grim would go find someone to prank and discovered many things about the blueberry haired boy - from being knowledgable in technology, hardworking to make his mom proud of him and how he values his friends. you expected him to be this straightforward but not at random times.
he sat up and lean on the bench behind the two of you and put his hand on yours, feeling the the warmth of his palm on yours.
"i always notice how you always humble yourself whenever someone would compliment you about your work." his mind wandered off when deuce coincidentally stumbled on your conversation with cater the other day.
"(nickname) you are really talented like for real! i can't believe that you manage not only to get the highest score in alchemy for the first semester but also for history?" the first year student couldn't help but feel so happy for you, because being top over all the first years in the two most difficult subjects?
that is so amazing, he was about to go and congratulate you when the next words you spoke made him stop on his tracks.
"it's nothing really, grim and i just got lucky during classes that's all."
"i never knew you were the eavesdropper type." you gave him a playful nudge on the stomach before leaning your head on his shoulder while looking up at the sky.
"i never got to fully acknowledge my achievements because before i was never enough to anyone - parents only seeing my mistakes and being surrounded by people who always mocks people even just the slightest." turning your head to your friend, he could finally see the tears at the corner of your eyes threatening to spill out.
"do you mean it? what you just said earlier?" without wasting a second, deuce enveloped you in a big hug while giving you a pat on your back.
"i am so proud of you. and i am very glad and would not hesitate to tell everyone how great you are." as if the dam just broke, your tears started falling and after a long time - all of your cries could be heard and deuce watched you let it all out, patting your back with a smile on his face. because finally, you opened up and let all your feelings out.
"waaaaaaah! i-i-i just want to make you study calculus today why did you made me cry!"
"w-why are you blaming me?!"
"should i blame the tree instead?!" the two of you laughed at each other, raising up your hand, you ruffled his hair with a grin not minding his whining at all.
"watch the hair!"
"come here you little!" thank you deuce. eyes softening as you watch him close his eyes still giggling due to your tickling. thank you for being proud of me.
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yunhocrumbs · 2 years
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༻𓊈𒆜𝙒𝙖𝙧 𒆜𓊉༺
♔Choi Jongho♔
Warnings: Definite public sex, fingering, orgasm restraint, words such as slut, unprotected sex (Be careful)
Focusing in class was always easy until you found yourself sitting near Jongho. Everytime you tried to at least get an assignment done, Jongho would always be there with some kind of distraction. Towards how he looked of course. His muscular figure made it hard for you to take his eyes off of him and he took quick notice of it. Ever since he'd caught you staring since the school years started, he'd tease you about it. Endless flirting went on over the months you both had been speaking to each other.
You look over at Jongho, who was paying attention to the professor, going on and on about the Civil War. He leaned back in his seat, legs open as his hand landed on his crotch. This was one of the tactics he used on you, although it didn't count as one. Just a natural habit he has and it frustrated you. You ended up squeezing your legs together, rubbing to get at least a tiny bit of friction. It only took a few seconds before Jongho looked over at you, a small grin spreading across his face. You roll your eyes and turn back to focus while rapidly tapping your leg. God damn him, he made everything nearly impossible. But the sudden idea struck your brain. What would be so wrong if you reciprocated the same energy towards him? Thinking about it put a devious smile on your face. If he could play at that game, so could you.
The next morning you woke up and decided to wear one of your shorter skirts, along with a pair of fishnets to compliment the look. Throwing your black long sleeved crop-top you giggled loving how the outfit fit your body. As much attention you would get from other students, Jongho would surely notice. You twirled in front of the mirror, finalising your look before grabbing your bag. You fish up the rest of your school essentials and leave the apartment.
Later on, you enter the classroom and pull out your laptop for the first lecture of the morning. You could sense a couple of pairs of eyes on you but you didn't care. Jongho finally walks into the classroom with his belongings and takes his usual seat in the next column to the left and behind you. You grin to yourself, not taking your eyes off of the screen of your laptop. You could feel his eyes burning the back of your head as he continued to stare. The skirt nearly exposed your crotch area as you leaned back into your seat. Meanwhile Jongho came close to losing his mind. He wouldn't even care if he was caught staring, he knew what you were getting at. He watched as you had accidentally dropped your pen onto the floor. Or was it an accident? He watched as you stood up and bent down to grab it, your skirt slightly lifting up to almost show your black lace underwear. He began tapping his foot rapidly, becoming more impatient. He would be lying if he didn't say he wanted to rip all of your clothes off and fuck you in that exact spot. He had no choice but to just sit still. So that's what he did.
Later on, you packed up your belongings to head to library and look for some books to read. Anyone could easily get lost in the university library because of how gigantic it was. You make your way to the second floor of the enormous room and sit your bag on the nearest table. Making your way to the thriller section, you begin to scan across each on every shelf of thriller books they had to offer. It wasn't long until you heard some one speaking.
"So is this the game we're playing?" You immediately knew it was Jongho. You turn around to see him leaning against the wall, looking you up and down.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You lie, turning back to find a decent book to read. Before you could grab one, Jongho gripped onto your wrist and spun you around. You nearly fell over but he held onto you with his other hand. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." He says, now staring right into your eyes. His face was dangerously close to yours. You feel your face begin to heat up, causing you to turn away from him. He quickly turned your head back to face his own, kissing you abruptly. It left you in shock once he shoved his tongue into your mouth. You could hear other students enter the library, making their way to the top floor to where you two were located. Jongho quickly pulled away and dragged you over to the storage room and shut the door. "What the hell are you doing?" You complain. Jongho put a finger up to his lips, signaling you to keep your mouth shut. For now, at least. He quickly turned you around whilst pressing you against it with one arm. You felt him lean onto you, your ass coming in direct contact with his crotch. His erection had become obvious due to it making a tight print in his pants. You could feel stead breathing on your earlobe. "You wanna play games? Let's play then, slut." He whispered. You could feel one hand slipping under the silky skirt, reaching for the waist band of the fishnets. He began pulling them down, letting them reach your knees.
"You're so desperate for me to fuck you huh? Showing up to school dressed like that? You're such a whore." He comments, now reaching to pull your panties off. You shake your head in complete denial, or at least to fool him a little bit, but you knew nothing was getting past him. "Don't lie, that was the whole purpose of you dressing like this, was it not?" He said, pulling your undergarments to your knees. His fingers slid to the front, touching your clit and rubbing on it. You gasp, throwing your head back. "Fuck, Jongho~" you moan, trying your best not to be loud. It would've been a total nightmare if you'd both been caught like this in the library's storage room. "Yet you say no about everything huh? A liar and a total slut." He says, clicking his tongue. He moves his fingers closer to your slit, pushing his middle finger in. You gasp again as he starts moving it. "If you denied it, you wouldn't be getting off by just my fingers, would you?" He asked. You shake your head again. "Then why are you moaning now?" He said, sticking another finger inside, moving faster. Your mouth was left agape.
Your walls clenched around his digits as he went deeper and faster. You quivered after Jongho placed his thumb on your clit again, harshly rubbing and moving it in figure eights. Your walls throbbed with every thrust he made with his fingers. You cover your mouth, trying to keep moans from coming out as loud. There was no point in stopping then though. Your orgasm gree closer as your moans grew slightly louder through your hand. Jongho noticed and quickly removed his fingers. You uncover your mouth and turn your head. "Why did you do that...?" You whine, unsatisfied by the stunt he just pulled. "You think you're about to cum by my fingers? You're so dumb. A dumb little slut." He says, turning you back around. You heard the zipper of his pants become undone. "Hopefully your big mouth doesn't get us caught." He mumbles, positioning himself at your slit.
Without warning, he makes his way inside you, causing you to almost moan loudly. Luckily, you stop yourself from as you cover your mouth. Only for Jongho to remove it from your face. "It's all part of the fun. I wanna see how quiet you can stay without any help." He says, placing your arm behind you. He began moving, keeping your figure pushed up against the wall.
"Mhm~" you moaned, staying as quiet as possible. Jongho gradually started to speed up as his thrusts became harder. You quickly bit down on your lip, stifling your moans for a quick minute. His impressive girth moved deeper as the tip prodded at your cervix. You ended up moaning a bit loud, causing Jongho to chuckle in your ear. "Not so easy is it?" He taunts, now peppering kisses along your neck. No, it wasn't. Any faster and you would've been screaming. You couldn't afford getting caught.
You heard a few groans spill from his lips as he pushed deeper and went harder. His cock dragging along your pulsating walls, hitting the spot you desired for him to reach. "God..." You muttered, loud enough for you to hear. Your moans began to escalate even more while you were almost about to achieve your wanted orgasm. Jongho slowed down and thrust deeper into you as his tip hit your cervix one last time. At that, you release all over his length. Jongho pulls out just before his load spilled all over your lower back.
You took your time to get your breath back, then stood up straight. After cleaning yourself up, you reach for the door knob. You didn't even get the chance to open the door before Jongho stopped you. Turning around, you see him with a devious expression plastered across his face.
"Next time, watch what move you make."
i deeply apologize ╥﹏╥
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 211 let's go
ok first of all, this is the second to last episode guys... I don't even wanna think about how much pain I'll be in after next week's episode
mr mazzara doing the recap-
this is so weird to me and I don't know why
is Nini giving out the cards a callback to season 1 when Natalie Bagley said that Nini gave her a card or something on opening night of another musical?
Ricky in the crown gives me Harry styles in that photoshoot vibes
he's so pretty.
ok but why did we never see Ricky and Ashlyn interact before? it's been like 5 seconds and I already love how they bounce off each other and it's just so natural
well that explains a lot...
so Ricky fell on top of Ashlyn and all that broke for both of them was their wrist-
insert Jake Peralta *coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool no doubt no doubt no doubt*
of course howie was amazing as the beast, were we expecting anything less??
Ricky is so beautiful and I will not shut up about it....
let me enjoy this before the makeup crew slaps mud on his face.
Nini and Ricky talking to eachother? in a civil manner? wasn't she avoiding him just in the last episode? hm ok
yes Kaden and Rico, my favourite east high boys 🥰
I mean....where's EJ?
EJ AND GINA IN THE BACKGROUND... doing something idek
Howie is a shining star, ofc ofc
the smallest fOrk
can't wait to see the fork burst into song about how she deserves more than to be used to eat salad😌
the duster and the bluster.... ok😃
hi Gina!
hi- oh wow I didn't know Robbie Rotten was in this show!!!!!
the portwell look.
that my friends, is a married couple's look✋
aww Gina's so excited for this
D word?
Dom Toretto?
"good, clean fun all alone with someone I dig...a lot"
sir that does not sound very clean to me
Seb looks so cute standing there next to pope Carlos
Seb's reading Carlos better than big red read the script in episode 102, this is great development after the "fight"
Kourtney really just made the best outfit for herself and let the rest of them suffer
the way Gina immediately goes to hold on to EJ after the announcement
"tonight we're going to put the U in UTAH"
"hey where are you from?"
he's officially salt lake city's resident thanos
just wity clapping because for some reason I have a feeling he doesn't know how to snap his fingers...don't ask why
Ms Jenn do you mind encouraging your leads before the show? idk just an idea
pepto bismol product placement smhsmh
those flowers are bigger that big red himself-
*bops along to the opening theme*
that whistle at the end slaps everytime
I guess they're all here to see Ms Jenn go on as a fork after Nini decides to *go her own way*
wow i am so funny
so they couldn't do many group scenes cuz of covid, but this 300 person crowd is cool? nice
"Mr Caswell", he said, in the loudest voice possible while backstage at a show that's about to start.
Mazzara what are you trying to pull-
I usually like Benjamin but I don't like his tone
"we've had some good conversations these past few weeks"
right so what's going to happen after you graduate?
what does he think of you not going to Duke?
what did he say about you giving the sweatshirt that's been in the family for 3 generations to a girl you're not even dating?
good old Mr. M
therapist Mr. Mazzara, they all need it.
start with Ricky though.
"Michael Bowen"
dude why did you shave, now you look less like "hot lumberjack" and more "creep at the gas station"
does she not like Mike anymore?
why does it sound like jennzzara started dating and now they just sit back and talk smack about everyone in their freetime
break the fourth wall-
uhhhh im scared
why am I scared
he's scary
hehe flowers for Ricky, obviously for Ricky, ObViOuSLY
oh boy poor Michael
this man is in love, rip
why does Ms Jenn always look at people with her eyes open so wide
I'm only excited because I really like the idea of lily and Ricky being friends, nothing more.
ha this guy's got jokes
also he's very pretty.
"the wolves and very talented humans"
how dare he forget to mention the very talented wolves and normal humans, smh erasure
"being nice, what a concept" ted talk by Lily who still doesn't have a last name
did she just say lol out loud
same with the hug emoji last episode-
go touch some grass babes
the way he didn't say no, but said he didn't know how the east high kids would react-
not saying he does want to date her but that's an interesting thing to think about, also another thing to write an essay analysis on just to leave it in my drafts for a few months
awww lily genuinely trying to help him
sorry guys, I've been taken by the Lily charm (didn't know it existed until now but oh well)
just look at me now
the Lily wink I can't she's so cute-
David Attenborough?
oh nvm it's Benjamin narrating the show in a really weird British accent for some reason.
also is this to show that Nini doesn't care about being the star of the show anymore? the way she's supporting everyone else even though she's a fork?
I would pay for a special of the full musical ngl
yo where did the makeup come from
man I wish I was a theatre kid
my girl is starring
"needs an X-factor"
Simon Cowbell creeps in
"it's a yes from me"
and them boom, he takes Nini and mistreats her horribly and then she comes back to theatre after deciding music isn't for her👍
"I thought she just hog-tied him?"
don't ask sebby, it's better if you don't know.
imagine they spotlight the wrong person and this dude is just some random person that likes writing down stuff during shows.
Ms Jenn just let them do what they rehearsed (at some point we never saw) or else this is gonna end horribly wrong
same Carlos, same
I love how seb is just his translator rn
I thought he said "great displeasure" instead of "greatest pleasure"....help?
big red coming out from throwing up to see his girlfriend star is the cutest thing in this show.
Ash and Gina dancing is so fun
I'm imagining them practicing at night at their home, watching the movie for the 100th time and making sure their one dance together is perfect
no because I'm actually crying
I'm dead serious.
we need this musical released as a special
big red is so proud and I love to see it
Natalie: "if you do not by at least 20 dollars in concessions, you do not support art"
rando in the audience: "but I pay for ad free Spotify"
Mr Mazzara clapping in the distance
Gigi, the guy you like is talking to you, complimenting you and hyping you up
aw EJ teasing her about the chocolates in a way that doesn't make her feel bad? take notes Richard
there is no rest of the show idc Jordan is it for me
they look like they're high and having "deep" conversations on the floor
@sunshine-julie-molina YOU HEAR THAT
Natalie really just be coming for them all
Howie what is happening rn
I'm scared
"did you enjoy it"
"very much"
dude wants a kiss so bad
I want a Jordan autograph please
just keep swim- oh pushing...
Gina is literally a giant next to him and I live for it
am I about to cry for the 3rd time in this episode?
Ricky's leg kicks under the table makes me so happy aw
the portwell glances will kill me.
ah yes, mashed potato snow
Mr. M.... I'm not a theatre kid but even I know you can't have your phone on backstage.
Howie please just do it
oh ok bye Jordan
oo tea
"we're all just glad Gigi has a big brother figure in her life"
excuse me for a few thousand hours while I laugh hysterically
someone else said this already but I think it's hilarious that they had to bring in 2 guest characters to create some portwell angst
omg this really is Cici's episode, found family is their thing
elevator music lol
I'm gonna bet that big red took the harness for his surprise for Ashlyn without realising what it was
did Ms. Jenn just....tell her most mentally unstable student....to commit suicide....on a disney show...was that....I'm very....well....what the actual-
oh and there she goes running off instead of trying to make it right
oh wow Nini's the hero, she's gonna save the show 🤩
the judge is doing a sudoku
honestly if I went to the hsm show as well, I'd come prepared for this one too
Lily why are you looking like that-
wow ok, there goes that.
what if Howie was acting weird because he knew what Lily did and wanted to tell Kourtbut Lily threatened him so he was scared to-
anyways see y'all clowns next week when we all simultaneously lose all motivation for the week without Fridays to look forward to.
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missallsundayyy · 3 years
Bandit and A School Girl
For today's fic its gon be bout my BIGGEST crush EVER. CHROLLO FUCKING LUCILFER. So I actually wrote more for this fic I think this is part 5 or sumn but I decide that this is my favourite part to post on this blog so here u go. Something bout Chrollo being a sugar fucking daddy turns me on so hard ON GOD. YES Im a Chrollo Stan and I'll always be ~~~ I actually have this fit posted somewhere as well and IF you guys want more parts just tell me & I'll post it here. Oh and also I don't really write with OC's I guess its just my preference I would usually come out with my own name but in this case I am borrowing a haracter from Seven Deadly Sins......Elizabeth Liones simply because she's the perfect character to portray my fic vision.
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"I know that stare and look. Don't. There's something wrong about her. Elizabeth is one of the hottest girls on our campus but boys that goes on a date with her never want to talk to her or even look at her again. Despite that.......she's very smart and also one of the top students here." a boy her age said to Chrollo while he was waiting for Elizabeth to end her class.
He found this interesting, he was getting to know more about her without her telling him. He had already seen first hand that she can be erratic but this was from another pov of the girl.
"Do you think I'm compatible with her then?" Chrollo's demeanor changed to one of those cheeky school boys that had a crush on a ridiculously pretty highschool girl. The brown haired boy laughed and scratched his head "You look much older than Elizabeth and you're probably not from this school. Judging by your appearance and body posture, you're probably a very determined person and also a confident man." the random guy briefly summarised him. Chrollo laughed "Your observation explanations must be a mandatory skill here I guess" he said .
"To be honest, most of us are just trying. God seemed to gift some students here with high IQ and abilities to absorb every knowledge given to them in a heartbeat and Elizabeth is one of them. I'm quite jealous" he joked. "Well don't say I didn't warn you, Elizabeth is very attractive but she's suspicious at the same time and I don't mean it in a good way" Chrollo nodded at the guy's departure with a smile before returning his gaze to Elizabeth "You might be a serpent in disguise " he mentally thought.
"You're not some ordinary guy with a crush yourself" the random student muttered to himself, looking back to Chrollo giving him one last suspicious glance.
Chrollo of course felt the hostile glance, he might be just trying to pursue someone he likes but he will never let his guard down, He smiled to himself
"Elite school indeed."
"You know you didn't have to fetch me from class, my dorm is on this campus." Elizabeth said sweetly to Chrollo.
They were walking towards the campus café. "Well there's nothing wrong about wanting to see the girl I like isn't it" he flirted playfully. To anyone that knew Chrollo will find his current behaviour mystifying, he never showed such emotions with anyone but was able to with Elizabeth.
"If you like me so much why don't we go on dates like girlfriend and boyfriends" she joked cutely. He smiled at her not so subtle hint. "If you want me to take you on date you should have just asked. I would love nothing more to go out with you, afterall how can I turn down such a request when a young attractive schoolgirl wants to go out with an old man like me" he teased and Elizabeth burst out laughing. "Oh! so you agree I'm an old man then" he raised his brows down at her. She shook her head still laughing, "You know I don't think that way and I think you're a very very handsome man Chrollo" she said shyly, her face tinted with a slight blush.
"Do you like this school Elizabeth? Are you enjoying yourself?'' They sat down on a bench on the campus grounds and Elizabeth leaned on Chrollo's shoulder. "Oh god that was such a long lecture, I am mentally tired" she whined softly but continued "I love studying in this school but I know and feel there's more that I can learn. It's not enough for me here." she said whilst playing with the sleeves of his buttoned up shirt.
He looked so handsome Elizabeth felt like jumping onto him right now. She was zoning out on him , her mind went dirty and she suddenly had a brilliant idea, thrilling if she would say so herself.
"I want to show you something, Chrollo! Come!"
She abruptly stood up and took his hand and dragged him with her towards the campus. Chrollo smiled, she was tiredly whining one second and dragging him around the next.
Elizabeth dragged Chrollo into her Constitutional classroom that was now empty.
"I hate this class the most, it's repetitive and the hours are ridiculous" Elizabeth complained.
Chrollo took the classroom layout into mind "So you want me to burn this class for you my dear?" he asked seriously. Elizabeth turned to him and laughed at his words "You're funny you know that, we're not here for public vandalism" she said softly walking towards him innocently.
Elizabeth grabbed Chrollo's collar and kissed him roughly. His hands instantly grabbed her waists and her small hands roamed and slowly crept its way under his white shirt. Her palms greedily roamed his hard abs, even if she didn't have a view of him, touching him made her see his glory in her mind. She had already memorized him mentally and there is no way she could forget. Her lips left his and she planted small kisses down his throat and her tongue gilded back up teasingly against his Adam's apple. Her lips planted small kisses and she went towards his right right ear.
"We're here so I can suck you off"
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She whispered and her right hand palmed his hardening cock through his pants, her voice filled with lust she couldn't contain herself, everytime she thought of him in class she got so god damn fucking wet. Just by the thought of him. He grunt at her vulgar words, he became harder just by her words. "You're very naughty Elizabeth, the classroom is not locked. What if a lecturer comes in then?" he was struggling to finish his sentence because her hand movements were getting too much for him. "Then I'll be in trouble danchou......" moaned in his ear. That was the last straw for him. He grabbed her silver hair roughly and yanked her down in front of his crotch.
"You better stop talking like that and put me in that sweet mouth of yours." he growled at her. Elizabeth giggled at his request, her small hands hurriedly fumble with his pants and in a second she had him down her throat. "fuckkkkk..el..elizabet..th yo..you're such a good fucking girl" he moaned and encouraged her actions. His fingers run through her silky smooth hair, appreciating her feminine features greatly. The look she gave sucking his cock like that, the lewd sounds from her doing the deed. The sloppy wet sound echoing throughout her classroom accompanied by her soft moans of enjoyment made him want to stop her and ram her against one of these school desks. He decided against the idea because he loved how determined the sexy young girl was in giving him pleasure like this. Her head bobbed up and down, coating his very large member with her saliva, it was as if she was in her own world.
Elizabeth was truly enjoying what she was doing, she didn't feel forced or obligated to suck him, doing this felt like an honour and she was going to show him that nobody was as good as her. "mhhmmm....." she took his cock out of her mouth with a soft 'plop' sound and licked viciously bottom to top "you're so fuc..mmmm..king big Chrollo, can...have this in my mouth everyddayy??..." he almost came to her dirty talks. "This will be...uhh..the only fucking...cock in that pretty mouth of yours Elizabeth.." she nodded at his words, giving herself 100% to him.
"You're the only one that I will pleasure, no other man will feel my lips, mouth, body but you..." she said, locking her eyes with his. The eye contact was a promise for the both of them, no one will ever touch them in such a way. "Good...show me how good you are for me and make me cum Elizabeth." he said yanking her head roughly making her take him wholly once again.
"mmmmhhh!" the soft noises she was making and the view of her body on her knees with her skirt riding up her thighs flashing him a generous amount of her thick and soft thighs.
Her tongue licked the tip of his head in a teasing manner before roughly sucking his cock again. His large hands had her hair in a ponytail "yes...yes fuck that cock with your mouth.." he urged her, he was almost there and it took Elizabeth to withdraw his cock from her mouth and spitting on it seductively before taking him all the way down again.
"shit! ah..... fucck! fuck Elizabeth!" he grunted and release his seed into her pretty mouth and he made sure to empty everything he got into her mouth. He still had a tight grip on her hair and she was moaning at his orgasm, it was such a godly sight for her.
"mmmmmm that's so much cum down my throat Chrollo.." her voice was soft and innocent, she could feel how sore her throat was becoming. He let go of her hair and closed his eyes, processing the euphoric feeling he just felt because of her efforts. "How many boys have you practiced on, the way your mouth worked was wonders" he complimented her. She giggled and stood up "Well I have dated a few boys in this campus and i have done things occasionally with them."
He had already adjusted himself and his pants was back on, he then remembered what the guy said to him when he was waiting for Elizabeth just now. "You've had boyfriends before you, I don't like it. Shall I kill your past lovers?" he said bluntly. Elizabeth laughed, he could be so cute yet so horrific at the same time
"All the boys in this campus combined could never be as handsome as you" she said.
"Take me to my room and lets have fun" she said innocently but already was walking out of the classroom. He laughed and trailed behind her shaking his head.
"Anything you want Elizabeth"
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castleofclouds · 4 years
7 Days A Week.
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Genre ; Fluff, Slice of Life, Humor
Warning ; I'm writing this in the middle of midnight and I'm trying my best to used my last brain cells.
Summary ; A Story About you (fm reader), and your 7 dorks!
Part 1 ; Nostalgia.
Today is a normal day, nothing too different than the yesterday, except the way you started isn't by cliche way in which another character would wake up at exactly 7 AM in the morning to go to class.
Nope, you weren't doing that!
In fact, you are on your bed lying down, actually not really on top of your bed, kinda like a tent that was make with a blanket and pillows build just for the eight of you.
Yup! It's a slumber party! Surprise! How is it? Isn't it great to start it with a slumber party?
Anyway that...
"Can you stop talking?" Jeno said, currently getting irritated by how the narrator never stop telling things.
"Yeah! Like we don't need to hear it just get the spotlight down here!" Renjun remarks.
Those bastard! Anyway since the narrator felt attack I will leave it to you, take care of it.
"This is much more better!" Haechan exclaimed, feeling relief after the narrator leave.
The story telling was just too much for him.
"Anyway, how's you guys been doing?" You asked trying to change the topic.
"We been doing things that you do, except we are doing it our own way." Jisung said, being sarcastic as he should, Jaemin gasped.
"Did this baby just insulted someone?!" He overreacted, trying to tease Jisung.
"Can we stop with the baby joke? It's becoming to boring." Jisung said, even though he doesn't want that to stop, he love getting attention.
"Shut it!" He shouted to the narrator at the corner of the room.
"We've been playing things like jenga and even that penguin escape." Renjun explains showing all the jenga and the penguin escape game being left alone in the corner of the tent.
"We should play something to take care of our boredom.." Mark sighed, he gets bored sometimes, but sometimes he doesn't understand how he is already 20 still love to make a tent and playing a card game, pretty sure he's just childish.
Seeing his child, Jaemin come up with a solution, it's sound like there's a lamp effect going around on top of his head.
"Aha! I got an idea!" He chirped happily, the 7 pair of eyes are lit by it.
"What is it?" You ask excitement going around your eye, you can't help it.
"Yeah yeah what is it?" Chenle said as excited as you, he hold your hands the both of you waiting for the great idea that Jaemin has.
"How about we talk about our high school life?" He said, thinking that it was the best idea he ever had.
Renjun sparkling eyes losses it's spark, now he's ready to throw some hands.
Poor boy was so happy, and either Chenle, he just want some fun, what should he hope for? It's Jaemin, Jeno best friend pretty sure Jeno teach him how to be a boomer like him.
"Seriously?! Are you being serious now?" Renjun said, getting annoyed.
Jaemin tilted his head, he thought it was a great idea, sadly not much people in here understand his efforts.
"Fine! Then come up with something nice!" He exclaimed, then Haechan start to act as if he's Sherlock from Sherlock's Holmes books series.
"Hmm... How about we talked about embarrassment that we had back in high school!" He shouted, giving his almost the same kinda idea that Jaemin just gave.
Jaemin was ready to complain how his idea sounds just like him but then he heard a lot of agreement going around.
"Not you to Jeno!" He said disbelieved how Jeno was quick to betray him.
He should have thought much before he make a deal with all of this dumbass.
"I'm sorry Jaemin, but Haechan Idea seems very interesting!" Jeno said, Jaemin felt the urge to choked his friend but he try to calm.
He isn't Renjun who are always thirst by blood and will always be the one who ready to pick a fight, he had an image and he need to keep doing it, because it's his Ninja Way! As in Naruto.
"Jaemin everyone can hear you thoughts." Renjun said, which made the boy flustered.
"Sorry, my bad." He said, excusing himself to the toilet feel ashamed.
"You don't need to go, we just start the story." You said, didn't want Jaemin to miss any of the great story that are waiting to unfold.
Jaemin who found out that you cared a lot about him, move pass Haechan who previously sit next to you.
"Hmm.. YN finally give me the attention that I deserved!" He exclaimed exclusively, while cling onto your arm like there's no tomorrow.
You pushed his head a little bit, you don't really like skinship, you are fine with some of them, but sometimes Jaemin way of affection is too much, let alone Jisung who had to endure it everytime he met Jaemin.
"How is it feel?" Jisung asked you, more like a whisper.
"Not fun, thank you." You stated calmly, while still trying to get away from Jaemin, the boy tightens his hold to your arm, his other arm are already at your waist.
Well, you gave up in the end.
"You can't get out mwaahaha!" He shouted while laughing evilly.
"Anyway let me start!" You said, taking all of the attention you get inside the room, even the narrator going closer.
What could be the interesting story you has?
"So.. I knew how all of you were very sensitive about this topic, well not really if you aren't Jaemin." You explained, Jaemin ears perked hearing his name.
"Oohhh.. What is it?" Haechan who heard the summary of your story is very excited.
"Remember how, back when we were an elementary students there are a new substitute teacher for our class?" You continue, everyone nodded their head.
But then by the power of Mark brain cell, he discovered it way faster than the other, when it comes to elementary school there's a lot of embarrassment going around the 8 of you.
And that thing is one them.
"Don't tell me.." He mumble.
"Yup! How can I forgot Miss Kang? That one teacher who made Mark, Jeno and Haechan going berserk, or you can say first love?" You smiling evilly seeing how the three mentioned boy getting shy, their ears turn to red.
"Miss Kang? Ohh yeah yeah! I remember!" Chenle chirped happily, of course he remembered.
"Yeah I knew.." Jisung whispered.
"Wait I forgot how Jisung falling for Miss Kang, it's very cute I swear!" This time you went overboard.
How back in the day, Jisung would always smiling everytime Miss Kang give him a compliment, even Mark who hated math learn it just to get noticed by Miss Kang.
Haechan would always try to point his hand toward the air, just to asked a question, and acting like he doesn't know anything when he's always the first one who knows how to finish math homework, Jeno the typical nerd he is always try to be the best students, just so he can see how Miss Kang proudly talking about him in front of the class.
And Renjun, the one who are being oblivious, that guy would always prepared an apple just for Miss Kang exclusively from his uncle farm.
Chenle in the other hand, doesn't understand a thing back in the day, he just follow everything that his friends doing, pretending like he do have a crush to while in fact he wasn't.
"Omg! Really? they did that?!" Jaemin gasped, and while getting second hand embarrassment when he heard about the story.
"Yeah, sadly you have can't join us to see how cute and naive they were, Jisung is the cutest one, poor boy was so happy because he got 97 in Math Exam to impress Miss Kang, but doesn't know that she's already married at that time." You said, ruffled Jisung hair who looked very gloomy.
"It's not my fault, I don't know that, Mark didn't tell me about it." He protests, Mark eyes turn big.
"What?! It's not my fault, Miss Kang was so beautiful I can't help to fell for her." He said taken aback.
"Anyway that was pretty fun, seeing how naive you guys were." You said finishing your story.
"Wait wait, you guys remember how Jisung literally almost burned down the laboratory?
"Omg yes!" Haechan shout happily, he remember every part of it.
"Yeah, we almost burned it if it weren't because of Jaemin smartass we would already getting sued."
That time, in a chemistry class, Jisung, Renjun, You and Jaemin were partnered to do some experiments but because of Jisung clumsy hands.
The laboratory almost burned to the ground, thankfully Jaemin who are fortunately know how to stop the fire before it become out of hands.
"Yeah yeah, I remember how literally Renjun just watching it while shouting about how he's afraid of the fire, Jisung already crying and Yn is the only one who help Jisung calmed down." Jaemin explains about the situation.
Probably that's why the 8 of you always labeled as the trouble maker back when you were still in elementary school, you know how basically every teacher hope the 8 of you ever getting transferred to another school.
Even how Mr. Ben always try to make you guys got expelled because the man are too tired to babysit, how Mark always chewed a gum on his class, even Jeno who are very obedient sometimes get out of his comfort zone because of how the 7 of you always whispering evil plan to his ears.
Anyway there's still a lot of story being told that night, you stayed up late as always other than Jisung who already falling asleep on top of Jeno shoulder.
"Well I guess we should be sleeping at this hour, Jisung seems very tired." Jeno said, while looking at his left side of shoulder.
"Yeah we should, I want to sleep next to YN jinx!" Chenle exclaimed, you nodded your head, he bopping his head excited.
Not even an hour later, the eight of you are already falling asleep, being in the most comfortable position ever.
Good night!
The narrator leave the room.
Previous / Next.
A/N ;
Okey I found this being one of the cutest thing I ever wrote, anyway, it's already morning.. Actually afternoon but you don't hear it from me, I always love this type of story actually.
Btw this story has a concept of like how the tv series showed? Like episode 1 might not be the same like how episode 2 will be so yeah, there's a whole new story everytime, and I take request.
This has something to do with NTC story, the difference is based on how this is basically a spin off, how they are best friend with you and that's is the main focus of the story.
Prepare for more fluff and humor I try my best to include it, but yeah anyway not everyday is a happy story.
See you next time! 😃 ps. I probably will upload more of 7DAW than NTC because of how I got a little bit confused on NTC.
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alycosworld · 4 years
I'm Beginning to See the Light
Bakugo X Reader
A/N: I wouldn't rly call this a songfic, but I'm obsessed with this song. The Ink Spots and Ella Fitzgerald are legendary!
Request: nope!
Ah, karaoke night with Class 1-A. When is this not eventful?
In the past weeks, we've had Momo pull a Mariah Carey and hit notes too high for fucking Shoji to reach, Kaminari sing 'driver's license' and cry while pointing at Kirishima and Sero, and Iida attempt to do the WAP.
But this week, there was some real talent.
Mainly from the shyest student in the class, (Y/N) (L/N).
They weren't going to sing, until everyone realised that despite their fortnightly karaoke nights, they haven't had to sing once. Everyone else has, why shouldn't they?
Now, this got Katsuki Bakugo very interested. He was more attentive during the night than usual after their name was mentioned and he listened out for even the short answers they mumbled, amplifying it and replaying it in his head.
He would never admit it, but he was intrigued. Ever since the first time they spoke, when they addressed him by his first name, and not his last.
They were a foreigner (sry if you aren't! Or if you're from a country that does call people by their last name) so they didn't know any better, but it felt awkward to hear his first name on their tongue. It sent the strangest sensation up his spine. In fact, everytime they spoke to him, or giggled and smiled, it did. Granted, they only did it a few times, opting to speak as little as possible in any situation.
They were absolutely adorable, and Bakugo found himself staring at the back of their head or thinking about them too much sometimes.
Not to mention, they were an absolute heartthrob. Bakugo would tense up upon seeing their tie even slightly loosened, or their top button was undone. Just that little spot of flesh peeking out sent him wild, and something had to be done about it.
"What? Guys, I can't sing, really." (Y/N) shook their head, quietly refusing the class's requests.
"Yeah, none of us can other than Jiro! One song, that's all we're asking for." Uraraka pleaded.
"W-well...I'm really not--"
"We'll even let you pick the song! Nothing weird, we just wanna hear you sing!" Hagakure insisted, and they sighed before standing up and walking up to the machine, taking the microphone.
"You guys better not laugh at me." (Y/N) rolled their eyes.
"Of course not," Tokoyami assured her, making her turn back to the machine and scroll through the songs.
"Oh, you guys won't know this one but I like it." (Y/N) they smiled, unintentionally looking at Bakugo of all people. He almost choked on the air, covering his mouth and composing himself.
The song started with some piano and (Y/N) closed her eyes, initially too afraid of the crowd's reaction to look at them.
"I never cared much for moonlit skies,
I never wink back at fireflies,
But now that the stars are in your eyes,
I'm beginning to see the light."
Jesus Christ, her voice was heavenly.
Bakugo thought as she sang. As if (Y/N) wasn't already bewitching him, he was under their spell once again.
"I never went in for afterglow,
Or candlelight on the mistletoe,
But now when you turn the lamp down low,
I'm beginning to see the light."
(Y/N) was a beautiful siren, and Bakugo was a pirate. And God, even if it meant he died, he'd be happy if he was lured in by them.
"Used to ramble through the park,
Shadowboxing in the dark,
Then you came and caused a spark,
That's a four-alarm fire now."
By this point in the song, (Y/N) had opened their eyes and they were responding to Bakugo's captivated gaze by smiling back at him. When he realised that they had acknowledged him, he turned away, putting a hand over his mouth and blushing profusely while he grumbled something incoherent.
"I never made love by lantern-shine,
I never saw rainbows in my wine,
But now that your lips are burning mine,
I'm beginning to see the light."
(Y/N) winked at Bakugo when he cautiously glanced at them, before they made their way back to where everyone was sitting and cheering for them.
"I didn't know you could sing like that." Ojiro said.
"C'était incroyable!" Aoyama complimented.
"You're a really good singer!" Tsu added.
"Well, I was in the school choir as a kid, but I've always been kinda reluctant." (Y/N) shrugged.
"Why?" Sato asked.
"Because...I don't know, I guess I was worried people wouldn't like me if I messed up." They shrugged, looking at Bakugo. He gazed back at them before interruoting the silence.
"What are you looking at me for?!"
"N-no reason, Katsuki, I promise." (Y/N) mumbled, bowing their head shyly.
"Jeez, Bakugo. Don't get angry at them for looking at you." Kirishima said. There was a short silence before he turned his head to the side and leaned his jaw on his palm.
"Sorry." He mumbled.
"Ah! No, no, it's fine, really." They blushed.
"You're lucky they're so nice, Bakugo." Sero said.
"Shut up!"
Later that night, when everyone was in their rooms getting ready to sleep, Bakugo crept down he hall and made his way to (Y/N)'s room, hesitating slightly before knocking on the door.
They opened the door and their eyes widened at the sight of Bakugo, blushing slightly.
"O-oh! Uh, hey, Katsuki..." They said, looking down at their feet and fiddling with their fingers.
"Can I come in?" Bakugo asked. His voice was deep and gruff, but sincere for some reason?
“Yeah, of course.” (Y/N) said, calming down.
Bakugo walked into the room when (Y/N) stepped to the side, closing the door behind him.
“Is everything okay?” They asked.
“You were...uhm...you sang well.” He said, mentally cursing himself for not knowing what to say.
“Thank you.” (Y/N) smiled.
“I, uh...actually, it’s nothing.” He said, angrily making his way back to the door.
“Wait!” (Y/N) said, subconsciously grabbing his wrist.
“What?!” Bakugo said, baring his teeth and turning back to look at them.
“Well...I-I was wondering if you’re, uhm...”
“If you aren’t busy on Friday, do you wanna come with me somewhere? I didn’t really plan on doing this right now but I just had to ask, I promise I’ll figure it all out before Friday.” (Y/N) said shyly. They dropped Bakugo’s sleeve and shoved their hands in their pockets instead, not daring to look up.
“Hey. Look at me.” Bakugo demanded, and they hesistantly lifted their head to look him in the eye.
“I was supposed to say that.” He growled, and they quirked their head to the side.
"Sorry, what?" (Y/N) asked.
"I said, that was my line. So let me say this:" He grumbled, never once smiling, confusing by exciting (Y/N).
"6pm. Don't be late." He said, before yanking the door open. He turned around as he was about to leave, grinning at (Y/N).
"Got that?" He asked, loudly. They timidly nodded their head with a smile.
"Good." He slammed the door behind him and sighed, a blush spreading on his cheeks and a warm feeling in his chest while (Y/N) damn near melted, collapsing onto their bed with a dreamy smile on their face.
Katsuki and (Y/N) couldn't wait for Friday.
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ningningsdream · 4 years
f o r t y  o n e | kdrama
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summary: “why do yall act like you’re in a kdrama?”
pairing: y/n x jeno
warning(s): none
main masterlist |   kdrama masterlist
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"So tell me. What's up?", Jeno asked, closing his bedroom door.
"If Somin wanted to kick someone out from the university where her mom is a member of the management board, could she convince her mom to do it?"
"I-I mean, technically she could. If Somin wanted and could do something like that, she would've done it easy."
y/n sighed, sitting on his couch and running her hands through her hair eventually messing them up in frustration, "Hey, hey, hey, easy.", Jeno said, grabbing her hands, "What happened?", his voice was soft and smooth, dripping in concern.
y/n couldn't say it, she didn't want to say that her brother lost the chance of his life because of her. She knew how important SM University was to Mark, she saw it, that little light in his eyes everytime he made her listen to his melodies and lyrics, how he always smiled when he showed her the demos he recorded with her, how he was so happy when he got a compliment from his professors. SM was a big opportunity for Mark, it could've open many doors for him afterwards but now, everything was gone in a blink of an eye. Every all nighters he pulled just to perfect his songs, all the stress and implication, all of that for nothing because y/n had to get on the nerves of a little rich girl.
So many tears welled up in her eyes that they overflowed, one tear falling onto Jeno's hand, "Wo wo wo, y/n...are you okay?", he asked, really worried her sudden state.
"Do you have any useless paper that I can tear? It helps me calm down.", she mumbled against his chest.
"Uhm...How about my math lessons?"
y/n sat on Jeno's couch, tearing his math lessons into tiny pieces and theowing them into the bin while looking blankly at the ground. Her eyes were still glossy as she tried her best to keep herself calm. She never was the type to cry, at least not in front of someone. She had always managed to control her emotions and think clearly about what to do next but it didn't seem to work this time, even destroying useless algorithm wasn't helping.
"y/n...talk to me, please.", Jeno begged, handing her one of his sweatshirts.
She stopped what she was doing and grabbed his sweatshirt, putting it on. She was engulfed in a cloud of Jeno's smell, smiling unknowingly. She held out her arms for him to pull her up and he did, immediately pulling her into a warm hug.
"Mark got expelled from SM University."
"What??! You think Somin did something-"
"Can she?"
"I mean, she could have but I don't think her mom would agree if there wasn't a real reason to expel him. Why was he expelled?"
"The report said he bullied and stole songs from another student, threatening them and all. That is so not Mark, I mean look at him. He's as scary as a rainbow."
"That's true."
"I can't help but think that it's my fault. If all the things that happened with Somin didn't happen, my brother would still be in the school of his dreams and everything would be fine."
"Everything wouldn't have been just fine. This-", he motioned between him and y/n, "-wouldn't have happen."
y/n put her head against his chest, saying, "I like this."
"I like you.", he replied, pecking the top of her head.
"I like you too.", she replied back, taking Jeno by surprise as she's never told him something like that before.
"Cuddles?", he suggested and she nodded, accepting the display of affection. He brought her bridal style to his bed, earning a little gasp from y/n as he picked her up and dropped her on the mattress. He settled his body next to her and therefore their cuddling session had started, "Do you have a plan?"
"Oh yes, happening a lot earlier than I expected but I'm going to make her regret ever messing with my family."
"Atta girl!"
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a/n: jeno said y/n>>>>math and y/n said mark = 🥺😇👶🌈
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aestheticdenki · 4 years
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Butterflies- Tamaki Amajiki
You had a quirk where you could grow butterflies. It’s Tamaki’s favorite thing when you make them when your frightened.
Warnings- Tooth rotting fluff
Tamaki Amajiki caught your attention from the moment you stepped foot into the classroom. His shy nature and sharp pointed ears were the cutest in your opinion. When you were introducing yourself, you accidentally made eye contact with him causing him to blush furiously and look away. The days following, you found yourself wanting to get to know him more than what the school tells you. You knew he was the top three and would soon be replaced by a younger promising student the moment he became a hero, be it underground or pro. Nejire was the first of the three to talk to you with Mirio following suit. They took a liking to you considering, you were like their other friend, reclusive. You were also the youngest of that class surprisingly but of course, switching from the other best school helps. Nobody even cared that you were an entire year younger.
“So were you recommended to Shiketsu Highschool? Is that why you are so young. Are you a daughter of a famous hero or two?” Well, everyone except Nejire. You knew it was her personal mission to find out everything about you and you didn’t mind. It felt nice to have someone want to know you. Setting down your pencil, you looked up at her expecting eyes. You stifled a scream when you saw Mirio popping up putting his clothes back (that Tamaki had to go get) on from using his quirk right next to you. “I was recommended to Shiketsu High when I was only ten due to my growing powers but they took me at twelve. I am not a daughter of a famous hero unfortunately. My mom and dad are both reclusive and scared of people.” While Nejire was talking, you resumed the paper you were filling out with a doodle of the Big Three in hero form. They couldn’t see it though, as you had it pulled closer to you at a weird angle.
“What are your powers?” You thought of how to explain it. Maybe you should just show them. A butterfly formed out of your wrist and flew around the classroom before landing on Tamaki’s nose and he smiled. Apparently, it was rare for him to smile so Nejire took a photo shoot. “So cute!” That startled the boy and the butterfly landed on your hand and disappeared. “So you have a butterfly quirk?” “Yes and no, I can deal with anything plant and bug related i.e growing, controlling, creating.” She smiled in delight. “I-I think I-it’s cool. I-I l-like the butterflies.” You couldn’t help but smile a little. Just the fact that he liked your butterflies made you feel a little better about your quirk. You were by far not the most confident person in your abilities. “What are you drawing? Can you show us?” Nejire pressed, not leaving any time for you to fawn over the boy with red cheeks. Slowly, you put the pad on the table and showed them the drawing of them. “I-I’m not that g-good so please d-don’t criticize me.” They offered you only good compliments and you sighed.
Being a quiet person can be a curse and a blessing unless you were one of the big three. No one messes with you then. Since you weren’t part of the big three, you were getting picked on by the other classmates. You’ve become close with the ones everyone is pining for and that made you the easiest target. That is how you found yourself thrown on the ground with your sketches flying everywhere. “Oh look at these. These are all of the Big Three. Oh what is this?” The girl’s condescending voice made you feel small. She picked up the small stack of papers that hadn’t fallen out of your sketchbook. They were all of one person. “YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON TAMAKI?” She laughed in your face and you stuttered to come up with a response but nothing came out.
“B-B-But. But nothing. Stay away from them or else.” Tears in your eyes, you released vines out of your skin to grab the drawings. The girl pulled her hand back from the vine and cried out in pain when it wrapped around her wrist forcing her to drop the drawings. “You bi-” Her words were cut off by Mirio popping up in front of her, his smile never wavering despite being naked. It wasn’t long before she took off and he turned to you. You screamed and fell back into strong arms. Nejire handed Mirio his clothes while you were still being held by whoever had caught you. “A-Are you o-okay?” You shook your head. How could you be okay? Humiliation and embarrassment were all you felt, the tears in your eyes were long gone. Amajiki hugged you tighter and the other two joined in. You were their friend and they were going to protect you no matter how much it costs them.
Your bully has been docile the past few weeks and you have been feeling better. On the other hand, your friends have just come back from their talk about hero work studies to class 1-A. Nejire and Mirio were as happy as ever but you noticed Tamaki looking glum. “What’s wrong with Tama?” Mirio explained how Amajiki couldn’t envision everyone as potatoes therefore got embarrassed and couldn’t talk the entire time. You watched silently and sympathetically as the nervous boy took a seat next to you. Feeling sad that they couldn’t cheer him up, Nejire and Mirio sat and watched him silently. No. You couldn’t watch your crush beat himself up over something he couldn’t control so you were going to do something about it. Taking his hand, you turned it over so that the back was in your palm and you hovered your other hand over it.
A butterfly formed in his hand. It had an indigo hue to it’s wings, almost the same color as his hair. You were confident in your decision until he looked up at you and just like that, you lost all your confidence. “Y-You said you l-liked butterflies s-so I wanted to c-cheer you up. I-I’m sorry, I-I shouldn’t have d-done that.” “T-Thank y-you.” He smiled and you did too. Cheering yourself up in your head, you watched as he played with the butterfly for a few minutes. Mirio nudged you, grinning. He knew your secret crush and he loved to tease you about it and push you to confess. “Mirio, no.” “______, yes.” God, you just wanted to smack him into next week. Luckily, he dropped it and moved onto something else Nejire was talking about and you went on watching Tamaki and the butterfly.
The bell rang signifying lunch. Everyone got up and raced towards the cafeteria leaving you behind in the dust. This time, you had to go alone because Principal Nezu and Aizawa wanted to talk to the Big Three. “Well. Well. Well. Look who doesn’t have her bodyguards.” Not again. “I saw that little stunt you pulled for Amajiki and it’s honestly pathetic. He doesn’t like you. Get over yourself.” She used her storm quirk to make it rain on you, drenching you from head to toe and anything you had with you which was the torn sketchbook she ripped the last time. All the pictures you drew would cease to exist anymore. You rushed to cover it to protect the pictures “Are you still drawing him!?” She grabbed the book and threw it on the floor causing it to flip open to a random page clear for everyone to see.
“Just give up and go away.” Your eyes stung with tears and you just let her hurl her insults at you. Why argue? They were all true. All of a sudden, the rain stopped and the girl didn’t move. She couldn’t. Aizawa had trapped her and canceled her quirk. At this point, your tears mixed with the water dripping from your hair. “Are you okay?” Mirio asked with seriousness in his tone. You looked up at him and saw Tamaki holding your sketchbook looking at the pictures. He wasn’t supposed to see them and your friends sure as hell weren’t supposed to see you getting bullied. “GO AWAY!” “We aren’t going to leave you alone right now.” You released vines as a shield and ran off to wherever your feet took you. “Amajiki…” Nejire’s voice was soft, far from her happy self. “I-I have to go.” They watched as the boy ran in the same direction you were knowing this was important.
He found you in an empty classroom crying, the plants around you growing at an alarming rate. Maybe it should be the Big Four, you’d make an excellent partner in battle. “________?” You looked up at him. Why is he here? “A-Are you here t-to make fun of m-my crush o-on you?” “N-No. I-I wouldn’t do t-that. I-I’m happy you h-have a crush o-on m-me.” Amajiki placed your sketchbook in your hands. “Y-You left this. I-I like your d-drawings of me.” “T-Thank you.” The two of you sat in silence. Thankfully, the plants stopped growing and returned to normal. “Y-You already know this b-but, I l-like you.” His eyes met yours and he smiled. “I-I like you t-too.” Tamaki quickly kissed your cheek. You yelped and released a butterfly. Hurriedly, you explained that because he kissed you, you got startled and created a butterfly. “W-Wait! E-Everytime I kiss you, y-you release b-butterflies?” You nodded. “I-I might have t-to kiss you m-more.”
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Imagine Katsuki Bakugo/Reader part 4
Part 3 here:
Once again I say that English is not my native language. But, I am doing my best.
Secondly, it has been a while since I last watched or read BNHA so there might be some stuff out of the anime context.
After Kirishima forces you into making friends with the gang you start seeing Bakugo more and more, until a day he tricks you into going to the movies with him by asking where you had bought some snacks you had brought to gaming night. Bakugo says he had found out you like him and after telling you he thinks you are intelligent, strong and pretty he kisses you. Now, you are dating.
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This part will start showi g up some of how your relationship goes.
The next day
You can't believe how well the date went, how Bakugo has kissed you, how much you had fun picking snacks while also picking at each other. You also competed on who was going to pay for everything you chose. Bakugo won by scaring the hell out of the cashier:
"if you get y/n's money, I'll blow you out of existence." he said while blowing up a pack of snacks.
He bought you so many of your favorite snacks you didn't even know what to do with that many. (Take some time to picture that)
When you came back Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki were sitting at the common room. You waved at them and smiled. They waved back, confused. You weren't used to doing it.
Bakugo stopped by your dorm room.
"So... what do you do on Sundays?" he asked you while leaning against the door.
"I usually train and study."you replied.
"It is not like I have much else to do. I don't have a strong quirk like you, I need to take great efforts to become a hero like my Uncle." you said, a little annoyed by his mockery.
"Aizawa isn't even on the top 5 heroes." Bakugo said, shaking his shoulders.
"Not everyone is aiming that high,Ba... Katsuki."
He smiled to hear you call him by his first name and stood straight, changing sides with you, making you step back, against the door.
"I need to beat you in everything even more now. I don't accept losing to someone who doesn't know their own potential." he said, getting his face close to yours.
"I can't say if this is a compliment." you say, turning your face to the side to avoid him.
"It's not."
As he says that, he opens the door and pushes you in. You almost fall, but he comes inside and holds you by the waist. Your faces are close together, you are pretty sure you are about to kiss again.(if you are taller than him, Bakugo has leant you on his arms)
He rests his lips on your forehead and steps back.
"Bye." he says, leaving and closing the door behind him.
You sit down in your bed, shaken.
There you are, in your special tracksuit training early in the morning. You had already run and worked out and now you are training your punches and kicks on the punching bag.
Sunddely, you hear an explosion and it comes back to you with a blast. You dodge with a backflip and look behind to see it exploding against the wall.
"Come on Bakugo! This is the fourth one this week!" You hear someone complaining.
He is standing in front of you with an obsessive smile. You don't even stop to think and jump, hanging yourself on a workout bar on the roof as Bakugo attacks with another explosion.
You swing and jump behind him, throwing a punch on his face. He dodges and advances to you with one hand aiming at your belly. You flip to the side as it explodes in the air and you kick him in his back making him drop on the floor while you backflip to get far from him.
Everyone else in the training room is now against the walls watching in horror as Bakugo stands up looking really mad, his hands are already making lots of little explosions.
He runs towards you, but you jump over his head and turn with a kick. He holds your leg, laughing and pulls you towards him, holding your whole face with his ingnite hand.
"FUCK!" you say as the pain of the explosion gets deep in your head.
Everyone screams in terror and then again in surprize when they see you picking a barbell and hitting Bakugo with it in the stomach. He flies away from you, to the fighting mat in the middle of the training room.
You stand up licking your flamed lip while it gets healed by your quirk.
"Ok, now it is for real." You say, letting go of the barbell and walking towards him.
Bakugo stands up and cleans his training suit, putting himself in his famous fighting position.
Everyone gathers around to see you train against each other. They cheer everytime they see you healing from Bakugo's explosions and landing a hit on him. They also cheer when they see Bakugo hiting you with a point-blank explosion.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" you hear someone scream.
Everyone shuts up and you and Bakugo stop fighting for a moment, as you see Aizawa showing up from the little crowd.
"Unc... Professor Aizawa." You say, swallowing your breath in.
"Y/n and Bakugo are taking a match for 30 minutes now!" Denki says. You handn't seen him there. "It is amazing!"
"Y/n? Against Bakugo?" Aizawa says looking from you to Bakugo many times. "Against Bakugo?" he says one more time, in desbelief.
Aizawa lets a small smile come up to his face. He seems to be a little proud of you. He then gets back to his usual grumpy face.
"Ok, just keep it down, there are people trying to sleep." he says, and leaves, yawning as always.
You barely have time to celebrate that small victory. Bakugo gets right to your ear with an explosion.
He gives you a bottle of water from his bag. You are sitting outside, both with some wounds and tired. You were the one to give up when you noticed he started getting to hit you way too many times and some of your healings were becoming small scars. Also, your clothes wouldn't take much more of that even though they were made to stand a battle.
"Does it hurt?" he asks you while he throws some water in his face.
You get distracted by it, seeing the water run through his neck and chest and some steam coming up. And his caramel smell was the strongest you had ever scented.
"Hey!" he calls you back to your senses, giving a little smirk to notice you were admiring him.
"Yeah, it does." You answer looking away and trying to put on a serious face. "Hurts like hell. Exploding takes a 7 in my scale."
"What takes a 10?"
"Being impaled. Happend once only." you put your head down and feel a little goosebump as you remeber something bad. "I feel less pain than others, though. It is part of the quirk."
"It is a great quirk." he says. "You may be an amazing hero someday."
"I MAY be?!" You ask frowning your eyebrowns.
"You are too soft. Maybe you won't get there." he mocks on you and you throw your empty bottle on him.
Bakugo laughs and explode the bottle you've thrown, then, stands up and offers his hand to help you. You accept, but he doesn't let go of your hand after you are standing.
"Wanna come to my room, little brat?" he asks with a smirk.
You blush and look away so fast you get dizzy. Bakugo laughs.
"To study." He says. "What are you thinking of?!"
"Shut up. No! I don't want to." You say and shake your hand to make him let go, but he holds you with your arms down and when you see, he is carring you in his shoulders again.
"AAAAH KATSUKI, LET ME GO!" You yell while hitting him.
But not so hard.
You, actually, study. His room smells entirely like him.
He is so smart. He could solve the exercises you couldn't and his serious face explaining to you how to solve them made him, almost, look like a calm guy. Almost.
"You are always one step ahead." you say closing your books and shighing.
"That is where I like to be." he answers while stretching on his chair. "If I want to be the number one, I have to defeat those who could beat me... and then I have to go further."
"Is that why you hate 'Deku' so much?"
"No, I couldn't stand Deku because he was a Crybaby." he looks foward and frowns. "I respect him now. That is why I have to beat him. And that Todoroki too. And you."
"Me?!" you ask, blushing to being compared to two of the best students in class.
"You have a quirk that makes you almost undefeatable. If you had standed longer today, I would run out of explosions. And you know how to use it. I thought your weakness could be the pain, but you don't seem to mind it." he looks up and scratches his chin. "You are strong, and fast, faster than me, so you are probably faster than Deku too. It is difficult to hit you, as many times as it is necessary to get over your quirk."
You scratch your head, embarassed.
"Your problem seem to be how much you care about the scars." he turns to you and looks at your arms covered in small scars. You are wearing a simple shirt.
"It... it is ugly." You say, trying to hide them by crossing your arms. "Too many of these, I'd be seen more like a villain than a hero."
"I don't think like that." Bakugo says, and takes your arms into his hands. "They are battle wounds. Seem really badass to me."
"You wouldn't say that if you've seen all of them."
"Why don't you show me?"
You hold your breath as he comes closer and holds the bottom of your shirt, his red eyes locked onto yours. He waits as you feel your heartbeat increasing fast.
He rises one of his eyebrows as a question. You slowly shake your head affirmatively in reply.
Next part here
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brownangel07 · 5 years
NCT 127 reaction - having a crazy sex drive
(Disclaimer suggestive smut)
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He would be so confused how you had so much energy after the second round.
He barely made it through the first one with you.
“Fuck I don’t think I can go again” he pants out heavily.
You knew how to make him cave in, everytime.
The look you gave him, like a deprived child who didn’t get their way when they wanted something.
The small pout evident on your lips, didn’t give him much of choice but to please you.
“Fine baby” he mumbles out, sliding his digits into your warm core.
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“ One more round?” He questions un-surely, his sweaty body on top of you.
“Yes please” you moan out desperate for anything he had to offer.
“Where does all this come from” he chuckles out.
You wait patiently for him to regain his energy, and his thoughts.
Johnny cock slides back into you, waisting no time in setting a speed that would have you a moaning mess under him.
“Fuck baby girl” he moans out when your walls tighten.
He definitely loved your overdrive in sex.
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The sound of skin slapping together and moans was the only thing heard in Taeyong’s room.
“Taeyong don’t stop” you moan out when you feel him cum inside you.
The sloppy sound of a wet kiss placed on your bruised lips, only made your orgasm come crushing down harder.
You didn’t mean for the high pitched moans to leave your mouth when he finally hit your g-spot.
You feel him start to pull out but you stop him.
“Carry on” you dare him, wanting him to fuck you sensless until you couldn’t walk again, which only fuled his ego.
“Fuck y/n how many rounds can you do?”
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You and Yuta had just finished having sex and he decided to go take a shower, getting ready for practice.
The aching feeling between your legs had you begging more for him, even though it hadn’t passed merely 10 minutes.
Taking off your clothes, you sneak into the shower surprising him with a kiss on his back shoulder.
“You alright?” He asks turning around to peck you lips.
Without saying anything, you move his hands down to the place you needed him most.
“You don’t get tired do you y/n” he teased giving your neck kisses.
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Doyoung knew you wanted more, he just loved watching you try and deny it
“I’m going to the shops do you want anything?” He asks, throwing on a pair of grey joggers and a oversized white T-shirt.
Your legs unintentionally squeeze against each other, after seeing his choice of clothing.
“More condoms” You shout out, giving him a smirk.
“Thought you were sore baby?” He questions, his head tilting to the side.
“Never too sore for that dick though” you laugh out, finally standing up to pull him down to the bed.
“You’re so needy” he mumbles kissing you, he wouldn’t say it but he loved that you always wanted sex with him.
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It doesn’t take much for you to be horny around Jaehyun.
Everything he did just had a certain masculinity energy surrounding him which made it even better.
“Do you need something?”he teases at your gaze on him.
“Matter fact I do” you reply moving to sit on his lap, you start to grind down on him.
“Y/n we had sex today morning”he reminded you, staring up at you.
“We had sex and fell asleep after it’s practically a different day”you mumble out, making him laugh.
“Also you look so fucking good under me” you moan out when Jaehyun’s hands move to control your pace.
Jaehyun loved that he didn’t have to do much to turn you.
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“I’m trying to be good and make you breakfast” he chuckles when you want his attention.
Hugging his broad back, your hands aimlessly lead you down to his boxers.
Tugging on it slightly, jungwoo moves to turn off the heat, moving you to sit on the counter.
Your legs wrap around him tightly, never wanting to let go.
“You okay from last night” He asks softly, not wanting you to be uncomfortable from walking.
“I’ll be fine, plus I like it when you get rough with me” you wink at, arms wrapping his neck.
Jungwoo also had quite a high sex drive so you two together only meant more noise complaints from the neighbours.
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Being with Winwin was definitely a long journey, he annoyed you to no ends most days.
But one thing you could compliment him on was always knowing how to make you wanting more of him.
Win was always confident in the bedroom, as if he was a professor and you were just a mere student who didn’t know anything.
The thought of you coming undone again infront of him, had you ready to risk it all.
“Please” you beg him, gripping your chin he gets you to look up at to him.
“I’m not fucking you again y/n...you’ll have to wait until tomorrow baby girl” the amusement on his face when he hears your silent cries makes it worth it.
“A couple of more hours y/n” He taunts, caressing your thighs, he knew you wouldn’t last but liked the foreplay nonetheless.
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It never took long to turn Mark on again, spitting a few dirty words at him would have him riled up.
“But Mark...daddy I need your tongue so bad right now” you spoke gently, watching him finish up his food.
A groan emits from Marks lips, cheeks turning a pretty pink shade for you.
“Come here then angel” he says motioning you to him.
Lying down on the sofa, Mark happily lets you ride his face liking your taste better.
“That’s it baby” you encourage, rolling your hips back and forth.
Marks hand grip tightly on your waist, pulling you more down towards his tongue.
“Don’t be shy now” he complains when you start to fight his strength.
“I don’t want to suffocate you” you respond worriedly, Mark let’s out deep chuckle thinking to himself, he wouldn’t mind being suffocated by you at this point.
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There’s something about a hormonal teenage boy with a girlfriend that always has people speculating their very high sex life.
And they weren’t wrong with yours and Haechan.
Anytime, anywhere, no matter the circumstances you and him always found a way if needed to.
His hands gripped your thighs, easily picking you up, moving your back onto the wall.
He hitches one leg higher, throwing it over his shoulder.
“That’s it y/n” he moans, fucking you like there’s no tomorrow.
“You begged for it so you’ll take it like the good girl you are”he spits out when he sees your eyes watering from the amount of pleasure you were getting.
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winchester90210 · 5 years
The BH 90210 Rewrite. 1x06: Higher Education
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Read the previous chapter here!
Rewrite Masterlist
Chapter Summary: The Danzel curve brings out the worst in everyone.
Warnings: Swearing, Y/N and Brandon’s first fight, make out session, cheating on schoolwork, bad hairdos.
My work is not to be reposted or edited without my expressed written consent. (Reblogging is fine and encouraged!!)
Word count: 3,600
A/N: This was a fun one! And to all my Dylan fans. don’t worry, something’s… coming.
Feedback is appreciated!
“I grade on a curve. 10% A, 10% F. The remaining 80 get C’s. C for average, C for mediocrity. C for just getting by,” Mr. Danzel slowly trots around the room, handing out a bundle of C’s to his disgruntled students.
“God, who dresses him?” Donna giggles, leaning halfway on Steve’s desk, halfway on hers. You weren’t one to bash the way someone dressed, but Donna had a point. His suits were never… stylish, to say the least.
“There’ll be another quiz next Friday, and every Friday,”
“Love the tie, yeah,” She mumbles sarcastically, giving him the “ok” gesture when his back is to her. Mr. Danzel hands you your paper, a bright red “A” sketched across the top. You smile proudly to yourself. Brandon’s hand shoots up, brows furrowed.
“Yes? What is it?”
“Some of the people who made C’s only missed three or four questions,” Brandon airs his concerns, but all you can think about is how good he looked in that brown vest. Wow.
“Those who get A’s only missed one or two, that’s the difference between the pursuit of excellence and the morass of mediocrity,” he states back. Wasn’t that a little… harsh?
You walk out with Brandon and Steve at the end of the period, sighing at Brandon’s defensive mood. It had been a week since the kiss, and neither of you had brought it up. You’ve tried, sure, but everytime you had gotten interrupted. By Steve, or his mom, or Brenda, or Eric. So you decided to drop it. It would come up when it would come up. No big deal.
“History used to be my favorite subject,” He complains, voice whiney yet low.
“Yeah, the guy gives new meaning to the word hemorrhoid,” Steve agrees. Donna walks out behind him, denim clad.
“What did you get, Steve?” She asks, running her hands through her teased hair.
“What do you think?” He smirks.
“Oh, I hate you!” She pushes him playfully making Steve laugh.
“You got an A?” Brandon pipes in. Oh, here we go again.
“Yeah,” He brags, casually pushing his way past his friend and into the halls.
Steve got an A and Brandon didn’t? That’s… suspicious.
“Steve is such a brain when it comes to history! And a total sub-mental when it comes to everything else,” She teases. You giggle at each other before she leaves as well.
“Hey, you didn’t by any chance get a C, did you?” You raise an eyebrow at his steamed composure.
“Look, what are grades anyway? I mean, they’re just some weird arbitrary reference points that can’t measure what a person really knows!” He bellowed on an on, voice taught, trying to reason away his bad grade. You felt a little bad for him. If he was anyone else you’d be up the wall, but with him you were patient because… it was Brandon. You grab his hand gently as he looks into your eyes, trying to mellow down. “I’ve never gotten a C before in my life. Especially in history.”
“We could study for the next quiz together? I mean, if you want,” You offer, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
“I suppose you got an A?”
“Hey, what are grades anyway?” You rub his hand with your thumb before Brenda grabs you abruptly to walk with her and Kelly, her arm linked with yours.
“What I would do to go out with Dylan McKay!” Kelly sighs, holding her tote at her front.
“I don’t know, everyone says he’s trouble,” Brenda disagrees.
“He’s a good guy, he’s definitely got a little bit of a wild streak though,” you smirk, “Besides, he’s not as much trouble as he is majorly sexy.” All three of you giggle as Kelly brings you both over to Dylan’s locker.
“Hey Dylan,”
“Hey Kelly, Y/N,” He leans against his locker, tan jacket loose on his shoulders.
“We were just talking, what do you think guys like best on girls? Long or short hair?”
“Hmm, that’s a deep question,” he pretends to ponder, “Personally, I prefer blondes.” You bite down your smirk, knowing that he was just messing with her, toying. He also didn’t even answer the question he was asked, but whatever. He doesn’t necessarily have a preference, but you weren’t willing to explain how you knew that, nor get in the middle of this. Kelly lights up with a smug, flustered smile on her face.
“Really. Truly,” He shifts his attention onto Brenda. “So, you’re Brandon’s sister, huh?”
“Yeah, I’m Brandon’s sister,” she concurs. Their eye contact is intense. The energy to the air felt like it physically changed, something both you and Kelly picked up on immediately. Oh, this was so cute. They liked each other!
“Yeah, she’s Brandon’s sister,” she sighs. Kelly didn’t seem as fond of this as you did.
You walk around Brandon’s room, looking at his walls, his brown dresser covered with knick knacks and pictures, snooping around to keep yourself from getting bored while Brandon was in the bathroom. A swimsuit model calendar, some sport themed pictures you didn’t exactly understand, a few family portraits. When you hear the door open you hop back onto his bed, urgently, bouncing lightly.
“So, where were we?” He asks, taking his spot next to you. You could smell the sweet cologne he had put on while he was in there, and boy, did it smell good.
“The Cherokee nation,”
“Right, okay, uh.. who instigated the indian removal act and what year was it put in service?” Right. History. Think. Think about history. But it’s hard to think about history when he’s so close to you and smells so good. He looks gorgeous up close like this. But yeah, history. Okay.
“Andrew Jackson… 1828?”
“Wrong,” He states, eyebrows raised.
“Wait, what do you mean?”
“I mean wrong. The Georgia legislature confiscated the Cherokee land when they found the gold!”
“Jackson was president! He was the one who pushed the bill through Congress, so wouldn’t he be the one responsible for it?” You bicker back and forward. You’re both painfully close right now, due to his bed being on the smaller size. Your heart quickened everytime he accidentally touched you, everytime he looked at you, and you wanted nothing more than to just… pounce. But, you’re there to study, teenage hormones be damned. So, you restrained.
“Oh..” he sighs, “This is impossible, there’s too much to cover,” He looks down at his notes and breaks the eye contact.
“Look, just… memorize when the great migration took place and you’re good to go,”
“How?” His volume slightly raises.
“Just… do it!”
“Why do you say it like that, like it’s so easy?!” He argues back to you, but behind the tense walls of his voice is a playful tone.
“Because it is!” You bring your voice to match his, and from there it spawns a bickering war that I’m sure no one in the house wants to hear.
“No it’s not!”
“Yeah, it is!”
“No, it’s not!”
You’re cut off abruptly with a kiss, his right hand behind your neck, bringing you closer. At first the kiss was moderately chaste, but as you kissed back, it grew hungrier, more passionate. He had tasted like the coffee he drank earlier and his hands were soft, slowly and gently moving you onto his lap. You heard Brenda rustling around in her room and footsteps outside the door, but you thought nothing of it. You felt his warm hands on your hips, heard the soft moans coming from both of you. You couldn’t get enough of him, and from the way he was touching you, you had a feeling he felt the same.
It all felt so good, so right, so exciting. One of your hands rested on his chest while the other resided on his neck. You weren’t sure how long this had been going on, but it stopped when you heard his bedroom door open. Instinctively, you basically flung yourself off of him, almost tumbling onto the hardwood floor. Thankfully, you’re able to steady yourself before that happens, as Mr. Walsh peeks his head in.
“Hi there,”
“Hi, Mr. Walsh,” you smile, trying to catch your breath as silently as you can. You hear Brandon panting lightly as well. Jim eyes up his son, noticing the lipstick on the corners of his mouth.
“Try to keep the door open, okay guys? Nice to see you, Y/N,”
You could feel your cheeks redden as he walked out. “Nice to see you too!” Both you and him breathed audible sighs of relief. “I should get going, Bran,” he gives you one last kiss, his hand on your jaw.
“See you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow.”
“Where we goin’?” Steve calls out, catching up to Brandon as they walk out of second period.
“Down the tubes,” he grumbles, stopping through the halls.
“Another victims of the Danzel curve, huh?”
“You get another A?” Steve nods at him as they wiggle through the crowds.
“Steve, my dad’s gonna kill me!” He sighs, shaking his head.
“Tell him Danzel gets his kicks out of ruining people’s GPA,”
“Doesn’t work with him– he graduated Phi Beta Kappa Summa Cum something, he never let’s anyone forget it!” Brandon’s seething as he rants, throwing his arm in the air.
“Maybe I could help you out, we’ll form a study group. You, me, Y/N, it’ll be fun,” he wiggles his eyebrows, pats him on the back, and walks off as Brandon ponders it.
You’re sitting on the side of Steve’s pool, your feet sticking in the water with a notebook on your lap. Brandon’s sitting cross legged to your right and Steve’s lounging in a pool float to your left. The radio’s blaring an alternative song you couldn’t bother identifying.
“For some reason this doesn’t feel like studying,” Brandon concluded.
“It’s all the same to me, Brandon,” Steve’s head is back and his eyes are closed, blissfully.
“Hey, nice house,” You compliment.
“This is nothing, you should have seen where I lived before my parents got divorced!” Steve boasts.
“When was that?” You question.
“Which time?”
“They’ve divorced each other multiple times?”
“Amongst other things. There have been other marriages mixed in. Other kids, other houses, you know,” he brushes it off like it’s nothing.
“No… I… really don’t,”
“What? Your parents are still together?” He says it like it was something to be ashamed of, something uncommon, unheard of. You nod, wordlessly. “Look, it’s not your fault, you’ve got to stop blaming yourself,” He jests, causing you to splash him with pool water, all three of you laughing.
“Alright, anyway… what method did the government use to undermine the tribal structure?” Brandon quizzed, tapping his textbook.
“He’s not gonna ask that,” Steve shakes his head dismissively.
“Land allotment, the government detribalized everything by giving every indian a little piece of land,” You answer.
“Hey, Brandon, you wanna go to the laker/piston game next week?”
“You can get tickets?” He skeptically raises an eyebrow.
“Well, yeah, my father gave me season tickets for my birthday!” What didn’t Steve have?
“All I got was a steak dinner and a couple of striped shirts,” Brandon laughs.
“I get great presents ever since my dad moved out,” He’s gloating, sure, but there’s a sad truth behind everything he says, that you pick up on. “You know, if I can keep my average where it is now, I’ll be a trojan. My father’s on the board at SC,”
“Hey, with your grades you shouldn’t have much trouble getting in,” You respond, kicking your feet lightly under the water.
“You’re a good person, Y/N/N, you know that? You too, Brandon. I don’t say that to many people… In fact, I don’t say that to anybody,” he laughs heartily by the end of his sentence. Ahh. Vulnerability covered up with humor, that’s our Steve.
“Well, you’re a good guy too, Steve,” Brandon smiles.
“Okay– name the five tribes that made up the confederacy whose primary aim was perpetual peace,” he
“The confederacy?” Brandon tilts his head.
“Yeah, I don’t think we covered that in class,”
“Memorize it, trust me. It’s the exact kind of question the hemorrhoid likes to ask,”
You began your american history test, writing your name in the upper left corner.
Name the five tribes that made up the confederacy whose primary aim was universal, perpetual peace?
You looked up from your test, and your eyes are met with Brandon’s, who’s looking just as uneasy as you are. What did Steve do?
“Amazing how we studied for every single question on the test!” Brandon scolds.
“Isn’t that the point?” Steve shrugs nonchalantly.
“Steve, did you steal the test?” You lectured, crossing your arms.
“I happen to be smart, guys,”
“I know, but you couldn’t possibly–”
“Look,” he began, “Relax! It’s supposed to feel good to ace a test!” He trots off, away from the lecture you both were giving him.
“Can you believe him?” You sigh, Brandon giving you a kiss to the forehead.
“Brenda, I’m sorry, but that’s not a hairdo, that’s a hair don’t,” Kelly criticizes as Brenda tries to fix her hair in the mirror.
“Stop it, Kelly, you’re making her hairaphobic!” Donna jokes.
“Oh, come on it’s not that bad,” You try to level out the conversation. Brenda sighs, defeatedly.
“No, she’s right, I hate it. The color, the cut, the everything!”
“So change it,” Kelly urges, “it’s not like there’s a law that says you have to keep something you don’t like.”
“Oh, Brenda, my mom goes to this dope guy. He barely speaks english, has a ponytail, and he does Madonna,” You offer.
“Get real, Y/N, you’ll never get her in there! Go to Troy Russo on Rodeo, he’ll do anybody!” Kelly adds. You play with your hair in the mirror. Hmm. Should you go bleach blonde?
“How much does he cost?”
“Uh, color and cut– $300?”
“I can’t afford that,” She dismisses. Donna’s eyes go wide as she approaches the mirror, shock written all over her face.
“Oh, how embarrassing! I’m wearing both contacts on the same eye!”
“And you thought you had problems,” Kelly stifles her laugh, and you and Brenda do the same. Bless Donna Martin.
“Those of you who find the Danzel curve unfair may be encouraged by the resurrection of Brandon Walsh. Not only did he get an A, he’s the only one of you philistines who didn’t miss a single question. Kudos are in order,” Mr. Danzel passes out his weekly test once again, stopping at Brandon’s desk as the class gives him a round of applause. After, you stop him by the soda machine in one of the main halls.
“Congrats, egghead!” You smile.
“Hey, I aced one test, it’s no big deal,”
“It is a big deal, you totally messed up the curve,”
“Why, what’d you get?” He looks at you, a glint of concern in his eye.
“A C,” you sigh, “But hey, what are grades, right? Goodbye Stanford, hello San Quentin,”
“I’m sorry, Y/N/N,” he takes your hand delicately.
“Don’t be, Bran, you earned it,” you give him a quick kiss and a smile before going off into your next class.
Another Friday, another test.
And some more questions he never went over.
You glance at Brandon after the teacher checks on him, and you spit him pulling out a note card from his backpack and sliding it under his paper. That bastard.
“Come on, Y/N, will you let me explain?!”
“Explain what?! How you went along with Steve’s stupid plan? How you screwed everyone else over? How you were totally out of line and dishonest?!” You bark, eyes narrowed as he chases you down the schoolyard and into the journalism room.
“Y/N/N, come on! It’s not like I do it all the time!” He pleads.
“Right,” you bite back sourly, rolling your eyes.
“I’m not letting Danzel ruin my GPA!”
“But you sure will screw over everyone else’s and let him give you a standing ovation when you don’t deserve it!” You fumed, fists clenching ever so slightly, “Look, I just don’t want to talk to you, alright?” Your volume lowers as you stomp over to your spot. You let out a laugh, sarcastically. “You know, if you were anyone else I would’ve turned you in already.”
“Oh, there she is!” You walk up to Brenda with Kelly and Donna at either side of you, bright and early in the morning.
“Brenda, we’ve been looking all over for you!” Kelly calls out, “cute hat.”
“I was in a hat mood,” Brenda defends.
“Show us your hair, silly,” Kelly smiles, yanking the yellow woven hat off of her head. You gasp, sharply. Brenda’s hair was poofy, red, with white stripes down the middle. One more color and she could qualify to be an American flag.
“Brenda…” you trail off, “it’s…”
“Great!” Kelly continues.
“Really? You don’t think it’s too–”
“No! I… love it!” Donna half smiles.
As you three begin to walk off, you mutter “Kelly, what did you do??”
It’s Saturday morning, and you’re at the Beverly Hills public library, studying for your history midterm. You were determined to get an A whether Brandon got one or not.
And speak of the devil, he comes over and slides into the seat next to yours, no warning, books in hand. “What are you doing?” You ask, eyes buried in the books.
“You’ve never cheated on anything, huh?”
“I’m trying to study,” you pause. Brandon rests his head in his hand, and he looks so damn pretty but you’re so damn mad and it him and– “No, no I haven’t.”
“But you’ve wanted to,”
“Of course I have, Brandon,” Your eyes are still focused in on your paper, refusing to look over to your gorgeous friend. “But I didn’t. You did!”
“And you’re never gonna let me forget it, are you?” You roll your eyes at that, and set down your pencil. “You know, sometimes you act like you have a personal stake in everything I do, like we’re a couple or something!” You’re fully turned to him now, and he is to you. You scoff as he continues. “This isn’t a black and white issue, Y/N/N! It was a gray area!”
“I know, Brandon! Just… leave it, okay?”
“Fine,” He shuffles to get his things, and walks over to the other area of the library. You knew you and Brandon would fight eventually, it’s was friends do. And you had known each other for months now, so you guess it was a given but.. it was making you both feel a lot more miserable than you expected.
You spot Brandon in the halls and run up to him. He’s in a mustard colored tshirt and of course, denim jeans. He has no right looking that good and yet… he does. “Hey, B,” you say.
“Hi,” you both pause in the hall for a moment.
“Y/N,” “Brandon,” You both simultaneously start to speak.
“Sorry if I haven’t been in the best mood, I was up till late last night studying,” you begin.
“I was too,”
“What, making cheat sheets?” You were only half joking.
“It… crossed my mind. But if I cheated, I might end up screwing over this girl I like, who I care about and respect… way more than she could ever know,” you smile at your shoes, “even if she can be a little bit of a pain sometimes.”
“I know a guy who’s one of those,” you nod as he smiles back at you.
“Well, maybe we should introduce them, they’d probably get along just great,” his voice is soft today, gentle, playful.
“Oh, actually… I think she’d hate him,” you could practically hear the grin in your voice.
“That’s a real shame,” He says, him pulling you up, and you pulling him down, to have a soft, passionate kiss.
“So, you, Minnesota, what’s going on?”
You sit down on the couch of the hotel room, curling up.
“Not much, we’re friends, why?”
“Everyone saw you guys going at it in the hallway,” he teases, handing you 2 scoops of cookies and cream ice cream in a clear crystal bowl.
You laugh lightly, “We weren’t ‘going at it’ in the hallway, it was one kiss.” You take a bite, “We went at it in his bedroom. Very different,” you joke. Dylan chuckles as he loads on the sundae toppings. “How are things with Brenda?” You wiggle your eyebrows, smirking.
“She seems cool, that’s about it.”
“She is cool,” you nod, adding more whipped cream to your bowl. You eat in silence for a moment before Dylan speaks.
“So, does Brandon know about–”
“Does Brenda know about–”
“No.” He mimics, “And I don’t think we should tell them.” You stare down at your bowl, and sigh. You set it down, and lift up the two VHS tapes on the coffee table.
“So, Back to the Future 3 or GoodFellas?”
Tag list: @be-patient-be-good @blueoz @mpmarypoppins @bevelyhills90210 @lilo-1988
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akaspiderman · 6 years
oblivious ☆ part two
pairing: peter parker x female!reader
word count: 2.3k
warnings: swearing ??
plot: (Y/N) could not make it anymore obvious, she was dropping Peter hints like crazy. Despite being insanely intelligent, Peter is the most obvious person ever.
A/N: catch part one here bc it wouldn’t let me post it at once
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Her phone dings before she can contemplate the pros and cons of telling him. ‘Hey can you come over? I need help’ is on the lock screen from the one and only Peter.
(y/n): Sure, what’s up?
P: Cecilia invited me to a family dinner and idk what to wear
(y/n): Isn’t this early to be meeting her family?
P: idk, but she said that it was with her aunt and she always asks if she’s seeing someone. She said it would shut her up for a while.
(y/n) was baffled to say the least, sure ice skating was one thing but the fact that he’s meeting her family was shocking. She was just expecting Peter to take it slow, not jump right into it. It was nice having her heart stabbed.
P: Are you coming?
(y/n): Yeah
She rolls of the couch into her bedroom. She tries to look more presentable by switching sweatpants for jeans. She then decides to change into a silky top just for the hell of it and throws a coat over top. Was she trying to look better and hope Peter all of a sudden sees her in a different light? Undoubtly, yes.
The problem was, (y/n) knew she shouldn’t be hung up on this. It was her fault for not being straightforward to Peter. She was the one who chickened out of asking him out, she should forget and move on, that was logical. In her heart however, it just didn’t feel right, watching him go on dates with someone else. (y/n) wanted to be happy for Peter, she truly did. But the voice in her head is screaming at her for not fixing this.
When she arrives, Peter answers the door. His brown hair untidy, he was wearing a midtown hoodie and some sweats. He was smiling, before letting her in, “Hey, glad you came.”
“Yeah, didn’t have any plans,” (y/n) mutters.
Peter leads her into his room, and it was in terrible condition. Clothes were all over the ground and spread out on his bed, he usually didn’t care that much for looks.
“I have no idea what to wear,” Peter states. Arms crossed against his chest, looking around the room.
“Is it fancy?”
“She said it was a nicer place, but not like super over the top.”
(y/n) takes a seat on his bed, inspecting the closet. “Any ideas so far?”
“No, at first I was going to go in a suit.”
She gives a dissapproving look to Peter.
“Yeah that’s what I thought,” Peter continues, “But I don’t know if I’m underdressing now.”
This was worst than she thought. Cecilia had Peter questioning what to wear, Peter who didn’t care how he dressed at school. He was so into her, it broke (y/n)’s heart all over again. This was stupid, she shouldn’t have came. She should have made up a crappy excuse and continued to mope at her house. Now, she’s face to face with Peter about to scream at him for being so stupid. She was right here along, she just wanted to tell him that maybe he should consider someone else, maybe someone who was in this room with him.
“What about a button-up?” (y/n) whispers, her voice going soft.
“Are you sure? That’s pretty fancy too,” Peter pulls out some button up options as (y/n) suggested.
She should tell him right now, it was in the early stages of the relationship. It wouldn’t hurt him that bad, he was just getting to know her. If she told him now, maybe it would be okay. She can’t ignore her feelings for him like she thought she could. She wanted to explode everytime he talked.
“How about a green one?” Peter holds the top to his chest, raising an eyebrow.
She was off in space now, thinking about him too much. Thinking about what she should say to him, thinking about how she can break the news. That she wanted him, she wanted him so badly and he’s so stupid for not seeing that. It would be so easy to fix it all.
“(y/n)? Hello?” Peter waves the shirt in front of her face.
“Do you like her? Like a lot?” that was all she could manage to say.
“Cecilia? Yeah, she’s nice and gorgeous,” Peters face flushing.
(y/n) bit her lip, god she’s so stupid. She didn’t cry about this at all yet, she never justified this situation enough to let herself. Crying over boys is stupid is what she told herself, that he wasn’t worth the tears. But maybe the combination of helping him get ready for a date while she was still interested was too much for her to handle. Don’t do it, don’t do it, her mind chanted. She was going to burst and she refuses to do it here, not when Peter was thrilled to be picking out clothes.
“Are you okay?” Peters voice becoming lighter, he drops the hanger and crouches down to be on the same eye level as (y/n), clearly seeing the tears that were threatening to fall.
She inhaled sharply, god she was gonna cry. She hated that sentence, it always made her cry. It triggers everything, and now tears were escaping her eyes. This was stupid, she shouldn’t be hurt by this. She had no right to cry, but Peter had to go on and steal her heart.
“I have to go,” and (y/n) stands up reaching for the door, when Peter grabs her wrist. She tries to pull away, but Peter keeps a firm hand on her. “Peter, please.”
“I’m not letting you go when you’re crying,” Peter tighetens his grip when (y/n) tries to tug free.
“It’s stupid,” her voice cracks. She wasn’t wrong, it was stupid to tell Peter. He was already smitten by Cecilia.
“It’s probably not, we can choose an outfit later.”
God how stupid he can be. That ‘choose an outfit’ line sends her over the edge, the tears she was kind of holding back fall down rapidly. (y/n) tries to keep her sobbing in, this was embarrassing. How could she cry right now? Of all the times she can have a breakdown about this, it’s in front of Peter.
Peter pulls her in for a hug. He wraps his arms around her, his hand on the back of her head. (y/n) was whimpering into his shoulder, letting her tears dampen his shirt. She gives it five seconds, then she shoves him away. Pushing him away, reaching for the door again. Peter reacts too fast, blocking the door right away. Everytime (y/n) made a move, he was intercepting her arm.
“You’re - youre, so st-stupid,” she says struggling to put words together.
“What?” His face was a mixture of hurt and confusion.
“C-can I g-go?”
Peter steps to the side, letting her open the door. Peter trails behind her, “Look, what’s wrong I won’t judge you?”
She spins around, Peter nearly running into her. The tears were more steady now, but she was enraged now more than sad. How could he be so stupid, he was one of the brightest students in school and he still could not see her feelings for him? She made it so obvious, so clear. But he couldn’t tell that she was falling in love with him. He was blind to the fact that she loved his nerd jokes and watched all the Star War movies because he told her too. He didn’t get that she always complimented him and how she would always make time for him when he needed her, even now when he was on his way to a date with someone that’s not her.
“For gods sake Peter, I like you,” (y/n)’s voice raises, but still cracking as she says it. Even her rage couldn’t disguise her remorse.
“You’re the biggest idiot on the entire planet. I made it so clear, I kept flirting with you! It was so obvious. You didn’t even notice and I liked you for so long. Seventh grade Peter, the seventh grade. Then all of the sudden you’re dating some random girl you’ve never mentioned to me. You’re meeting her family already. You never even told me you liked her. Do you know how embarrassing that it is flirting with you when you weren’t even the slightest bit interested? I didn’t want to say anything because you’re so smiley when you talk about it, I didn’t want to hurt you. On top of that, Ned and MJ knew for months though, they knew your little crush. That part just hurt me in a friend way, knowing that you could tell them but not me,” (y/n) was breathing shakily, but her eyes were fierce. She felt a big weight lift off her shoulders, she confessed. She did it. “I like you Peter Benjamin Parker,” this time her voice was gentle.
Peter stood there dumbfounded with this information, this was the least he expected from her. It never occurred that compliments meant something more. Maybe he was stupid.
He took too long to form a response, because her hand was opening the front door. He stood there in place, this was too much to take in. She spilled her guts out to him, but he didn’t even react. He was just frozen in place, that was just plain insulting and infuriating. She told him what she felt, he couldn’t even bother to tell her if he felt the same way.
Before she closes the door, she looks behind her shoulder, tears still steaming down, “I always liked it when you wore that red flannel buttoned up with your favorite jeans.” Then, she’s gone.
(y/n) formulates how to stay away from Peter forever plan the second she’s out the door. There was no way she could face him after all of that, she was so ashamed of the way it went. He just stood there, and just like that all her hope was completely crushed along with her heart. She dreads the fact that she has to walk home with her eyes all puffy and her obnoxious gasping for air, but she refuses to stay inside that building. So she sucks it up and faces the streets. Some faces judge her, but most people pretend that she didn’t get her heart crushed.
(y/n) was zoning out, letting her take in the predicament she was in. She couldn’t tell if she was bitter or hurt, probably a combination of both. Then someone grabs her arm. Panic runs though her, and she turns slapping the person.
The person stumbles back, holding his cheek. That’s when she sees him. Peter stroking his cheek, he was in the exact outfit she suggested.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” she gushes out, reaching towards him before she stops herself.
“No, it’s fine,” he brushes it off. (y/n) already spun away, walking the path back to her apartment. He jogs to catch up, grabbing her arm once again. This time she dosen’t hit him, rather she tries to yank her hand away. “Look, we need to talk.”
“Well it seemed like you had plenty to say earlier,” she scoffs, looking to face him. She wants to run away from him, but she couldn’t. Her feet were planted onto the sidewalk.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, “I was just, just surprised. I, um, wanted to tell you that I’m stupid. I should have noticed and I dont want to hurt you like that. You’re one of my best friends.”
(y/n) lets out a soft sob, best friend. Stupid. She would never be more than that to him, heck she was the least important best friend, he told Ned and MJ ages before he told her about Cecilia.
“I want to try it, dating you. I used to like you actually,” Peter adds on.
She could almost laugh, try it? “I don’t want you to date me out of pity Peter,” she tugs again at her arm with no success. When did Peter get such a solid grip she wonders. She also questions why she denied him, this was what she wanted. She didn’t want him to only be with her because she broke down, it wouldn’t be right. She wanted him to date her because he genuinely sees her that way.
“It’s not like that. I don’t know if you heard, but I used to like you. I got over it because you were way out of my league and I didn’t want to get my hopes up. But then you tell me that you like me and I realize that I still do like you. I want to be with you, it’s not because you’re guilt tripping me,” he explains to her. His eyes were pleading that she would take a chance on him again. “I didn’t react right away because I’m stupid and needed time to construct a response.”
(y/n) almost let’s herself smile, “What about Cecilia?”
“I canceled on her.”
“Peter!” she hits his arm, she may want Peter but he doesn’t have to ditch Cecilia on a date.
“I know, I know. I texted her saying that I was sorry and how I don’t think this will work out for us. She said it way okay and that she didn’t feel any special connection either. I think we were both just happy to go out on a date that we both ignored that we had no chemistry. So it’s okay, and if it isn’t, I’ll deal with the backlash.”
(y/n) wipes the tears away, she finally relaxes, this was it.
Peter slides his hand from her wrist into her hand, intertwining their fingers. He was beyond nervous, his heart racing faster just like hers. “Let me walk you home.”
☆ I was going to end it with her storming out but i decided to be nice sksksks ☆
tags: @choke-me-sweet-pea @tomspeteb @bluelalal @marvellouspengwing @lou-la-lou @tomshufflepuff @acciogryffindor @sassybisquit @iamsatansoul @buckysjuicyplums @its-a-mess-here @polaristrange @wishingforahome @jasmino2001 @winchesters-and-janeways @dudewherearethepeaches
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airis-paris14 · 6 years
Take A Break Pt.14
Setting: AU where T’Challa loves Reader, But is married to Nakia. Both of the women he loves, try to convince him to take a break.
Warnings: Anger, yelling, angst, jealousy.
A/N: there’s a lot of foreshadowing in this chapter. Let me know what y’all think at the end. Hope it was worth the wait!
*I’m putting all other stories on hold to get a few more chapters of Take a Break out. Thanks for reading!
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“So, D’Ajuh, what do you do for a living?” you asked over the table. The sunset illuminated the garden around you as the family dined outside. A tall, well built man sat next to Nakia across the table from you and T’Challa. The sun sparkled in his brown eyes as he cleared his throat. “I’m a teacher, at Isidleke school in the city. I teach the 11th and 12th graders mostly. Try to prepare them to study in college or university if they choose.” Nakia grinned up at the man, blushing as he squeezed her hand in his own. Their brown fingers interlaced on the table, contrasting the cream table cloth beautifully in the summer sunset.
“Do many choose to study abroad, when given the option?” you inquired. “Yes, many see America over the television nowadays, they practically leap at the chance.” their interlaced hands waved around together as D’Ajuh expressed his passion for the children and their success. “Though not usually for the right reasons,” the mild mannered teacher laughed. “Though, I am proud to say, many come back with an appreciation for their brothers and sisters in America. Also, a lot more grateful for what they have here.” The african man smiled as he took a sip of his water.
“That I can understand, it definitely gives you a different outlook on life, spending time there.” you smiled. “Y/N, spent some time working in America on behalf of our country. Many of her stories from abroad were very enlightening as to what people deal with on a daily basis.
“Exactly,this is the experience I feel that many of our students should experience to better appreciate what we have here at home. If I may speak quite frankly,” the man stopped to glance at T’Challa for approval. “Please, a friend of Nakia’s is a friend of mine.” he gestured for the man to continue.
“Well, many of my students, have expressed interests in wanting to open an exchange student program here in Wakanda, where students may come and study with our students here for an American semester. Especially those in the sciences, arts, and humanities. I believe it is a grand idea and beneficial experience for both groups of students.” the young teacher explained. “Many students in America will never know, or experience a culture of people who look like them and have technology like this very often. Also having an total immersion experience here in Wakanda, which will help with maturity and problem solving skills, besides creating more well rounded brothers and sisters.”
“I believe it sounds like a wonderful program to at least consider,” Nakia added glancing at T’Challa. “I agree, i’d love to meet with you about that D’Ajuh,’ the king nodded. The dinner descended back into comfortable silence. The couple continued to sneak glances and share laughs. “Would someone like to share what is so funny, eh?” you chastised jokingly. The couple chuckled like two children caught passing notes in class. Nakia blushed darker as D’Ajuh cleared his throat, “Well, I was telling Nakia, that she looks radiant in this light right now. And her skin has a glow that would only rival that of the Wakandan sunset.” the teacher ducked his head.
“Are you having sex with my wife?” T’Challa interrupted.“T’Challa!” you hissed swatting his arm as Nakia tried to refrain from choking on her water. D’Ajuh tried to aid her attempts as he gathered his own thoughts. “Um,” he stuttered.
“You don’t have to answer that,” you apologized as you shot a glare in T’Challa. “I am your-”
“T’challa,” you warned your voice gaining a slight edge. The king sank back into his seat still staring intently at the young couple’s hands. His hand sought out yours and squeezed posessively. The night held a certain awkwardness as dinner progressed. It seemed that every move D’Ajuh made, T’Challa had to out do. If D’Ajuh offered a roll, T’Challa offered a cake. If D’Ajuh complimented Nakia, T’Challa was showering you in praises.
As dinner finally came to a close, the other man helped Nakia out of her seat, while T’Challa tried to convince you to let him carry you around bridal style for the rest of the evening. And tonight, for some reason, “no”was not registering in the King’s vocabulary or conscious.
“T’Challa, stop it!” you hissed, swatting his arms away. “D’Ajuh gets to help Nakia out of her seat, I just want to help my pregnant girlfriend around the palace.” he fussed and whined. “Exactly, I am pregnant, not incapacitated or invalid. I can walk T’Challa, after Nakia and D’Ajuh leave then I will let you carry me to my room, ok?”
“Nakia would not mind me carrying her,” T’Challa muttered as the couple walked towards them. “What is that supposed to mean?” you rebutted as anger began to pour into your veins. “Is know a bad time?” Nakia asked, noticing the visible tension between the couple. Her hands were again intertwined with her lover’s. “No, now is a great time. What do you need.” you forced a smile. “We are about to head out. I just wanted to thank you guys for hosting us.”
“T’Challa’s eyes remained glued on the couples’ intertwined fingers as he shook D’Ajuh’s hand and hugged Nakia goodnight. Nakia escorted her boyfriend back to his car and T’Challa walked with you around the newly quieted palace.
“You remember what tomorrow is, right?” you asked as you walked down the silent corridor with your love. The moon reflected off of his beautiful skin as you gazed at his features contorted in thought. “Tuesday?” he asked. “Tell me you’re joking?” you froze, consequently jerking him to a stop. “Entle, what is tomorrow?” he furrowed his brow reaching for you.
“Don’t touch me T’Challa, we’ve been looking forward to this day for three months.” you frowned, “I can’t believe you forgot,” you felt tears and anger building up. “It’s the day we learn the gender of our child T’Challa. We had to clear your schedule months in advance for this T’challa.”
His eyes widened with guilt, “Entle, I’m so, sorry. I can’t believe I forgot. I’ll be there, at 9:30 right?”
“8:00 T’Challa, 8 in the morning,” you corrected, sighing, his mouth gaped open. “I- I can’t do eight,” he began. You held your palm up to stop him. You breathed out through your nose, “Tell me you are joking T’Challa. Tell me that you are joking and this is just a bad dream.”
“Entle, I am so sorry-” he began. “No, T’Challa, sorry will not fix this. With you and the jealousy, your pride flaring up at the table tonight, I have had it. I have rescheduled this appointment five times to fit your schedule. You need to have an amazing explanation for why you suddenly can’t do this tomorrow, when we planned this six weeks ahead” you fumed tapping your foot.”I’m waiting kumkani.”
“What jealousy?” the king gaped. “Are you serious, are you serious T’Challa? Everytime the man did anything, you had to outdo him. Every kiss to Nakia’s cheek was a kiss to my forehead. He cut her a piece of meat and you cut my whole meal into bite sized pieces, for our unborn child Challa. I’m a grown behind woman, I can cut my own filet mignon. Don’t get me started on your Nakia comment, ‘Nakia would let me carry her’.” you mocked his voice.
“What! She would have! I thought being a pregnant woman you would have loved for me to prance around the palace, carrying you for the rest of the night! You go around here complaining about walking and your ankles so much anyway.” he argued back. “Yes, I do. Because I am in pain, carrying YOUR child, that YOU planned to put in my body on YOUR own. I wasn’t planning to have this child T’Challa, neither was I planning to put myself through this pain. And I would have loved for you to carry me around, IF it was really about making ME comfortable. You just want to show off infront of D’Ajuh, because you can’t get over Nakia. You can’t get over the fact that she is happy, with someone else now. As long as she was alone and just watching your children, everything was fine, but now that she is happy, you can’t seem to get over the fact that someone treats her just as well, or better than you do. So. You know what, maybe you should go carry Nakia around the palace tonight, because you won’t be laying a hand on me, selfish bastard.” you stormed down the hallway into your old bedroom.
“Y/N wait! The king called as he jogged after you, his anger doused by your words. “What T’Challa?” you sighed stopping at the end of the long hallway. The silence settled upon you tow like a blanket, as the stars observed from the sky. “I am sorry,” he pleaded, again reaching for your hand. You cocoa skin glew in the moonlights as you moved it out of his reach. “Sorry is not enough-” you began, your tired body sagging under all of the hurt and anger. “Not this time T’Challa, I need action. Some form of proof that you truly want me. You need to decide who you want, before you lose both of us.” You heard his breath hitch at the ultimatum.
“Entle,” he croaked. “Not tonight T’Challa. Good night,” you managed to whisper out before continuing down the hall. His tears and hurt echoed down the halls, while yours remained silently upon your cheeks as you vanished from his sight.
“The moon filtered through the gauzy curtains in your bedroom. You finally found the strength to wipe the tears from under your eyes. You bypassed your bed, in search of the small black box that had been given to you by T’Challa. You found the small wooden cube buried under a pile of socks. You quickly pulled the cube from your drawer. Wiping tears from your eyes, you returned all of the socks to their places and carried the box onto your balcony. Settling down onto your swing, you pulled the top off of the delicate box and studied the small ring inside.
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“Do you recognize it?” he asked as he pulled the slender object from the soft fabric lining. At a loss for words you nodded as he held it up to the light. “The marriage sign.” you breathe, as he continues to turn the ring over and over. The candlelight flickered over the metal as he continued to explain. “Me ware wo. A symbol of commitment and perseverance. The unspoken promise that “I shall marry you’.” he grinned up at you. Though the upturn of his lips quickly fell, your face, still contorted in awe, now held a glimpse of fear.
“You do not have to wear it now sthandwa sam. But this is my promise to you, this ring clearly displays all of my intentions. I plan to marry you, sooner or later. Whenever you are ready. This is my promise to you of my commitment and my perseverance in courting you and raising our child. Together.”
You nodded as he placed the ring back in the box. Your hand reached out to cover his as he closed the wooden box. You cleared your throat, “ ‘Challa, it’s not that I don’t want to marry you-” you began in a shaky voice.
“You have nothing to explain. I am the one who betrayed your trust, and I must re earn it. Do not apologize sthandwa sam, baby steps.” he covered your hand with his other as he placed the box in your palm. Whenever you are ready.”
The sounds of birds in the distance snapped you out of your daze as you stared at the ring in the moonlight. You blew off a light layer of dust that had settled on the vibranium. Glistening like new in the moonlight, the ring seemed to call out to you. You plucked the metal from the velvet and placed it over your left ring finger. You stared at it before gliding back into your room. Once again burying the box, you quickly took a hot shower before sliding into bed. Laying on your back, your stared at the new addition to your left ring finger.
One last thought fought for control of your conscious as you slipped into a deep sleep. If you wanted T’Challa to treat you like his, maybe it was time, you started showing everyone, you were.
@almostpurelysmut @blackbypurpose @nyneebee @hutchj @tchoking @sisterwifeudaku @wikiwakanda @royallyprincesslilly @90sinspiredgirl @strictlyashley @afraiddreamingandloving @thedelightfulone @autumn242 @purple-apricots @kumkaniudaku @queertrex @kaciidubs @halfrican-heat @skysynclair19 @dramaqueenamby @gorjiss @leahnicole1219 @kreolemami @mzbritt @yoyolovesbucky @derangedcupcake @builtalongthewayside @ilcb7 @brianabreeze
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