#to be fair i guess his moms did just die
suzukiblu · 1 year
. . . anyway I met a new soulmate AU concept and I'm gonna make it the Core Four's problem, natch.
It's kind of weird and awkward when Tim's Pocket shows up, because a) Tim's Pocket is Superman, and b) Superman is dead.
So that's . . . several kinds of weird and awkward, yeah.
"B," he says first thing into the cave, trying to sound professional and reasonable and not like he's kind of freaking out a little. Or . . . more than a little, maybe. "Can we, uh . . . talk?"
"Go ahead," Bruce says, not looking away from the Batcomputer. Tim really wishes he would. It would make some things easier to explain. Like his Pocket. Specifically his Pocket would be much, much easier to explain.
"My Pocket showed up last night," Tim says. Bruce nods in acknowledgement, still not looking away from the computer. His own Pocket is sitting on his shoulder, and at least she's looking at Tim. She also looks a little gobsmacked, which is saying something for her. Cat came from Selina, after all, and is very rarely gobsmacked.
"We'll get them a mask, then," Bruce says.
"Glasses might be better," Tim says resignedly. Bruce . . . pauses. Cat tugs his ear. He turns his head, and Tim tries not to die of embarrassment as his Pocket continues to hover over his head, peering curiously at Bruce.
He's Superman, still. The costume is a little different for some reason–there's black in it and different divisions of color and weird unnecessary-seeming belts and straps and gloves–but it's still undeniably Superman, big red cape and all.
Bruce looks blankly at Tim's Pocket. Tim's Pocket grins confidently back at him.
"What the fuck, Tim," Bruce says.
Tim does not in any way whatsoever blame him for it.
Cassie's Pocket is Superman and she has no idea how to feel about that. Superman's dead, for one thing. And also like in his thirties, at least? If not forties. And also dead.
"Uh, Mom?" she says when she comes down for breakfast. "Something . . . happened?"
Her mom looks up with a frown. Cassie's Pocket chirps a friendly greeting.
Mom stares.
"He's too old for you," she says immediately.
"Mom!" Cassie protests, and her Pocket cackles and swoops a circle around her head. "You–stop that, you jerk! And Mom, don't embarrass me in front of my Pocket, oh my god!"
"He should be embarrassed," Mom says darkly, glaring at Cassie's Pocket. He looks mildly offended. Cassie is very offended. To be fair, she also did not expect her Pocket to turn out to be a full-grown man with incredible alien superpowers and it's kind of freaky and a little off-putting, but that's her business, not her mom's.
Also, like, well . . . he's really cute, honestly. In a very weird way that she doesn't quite know how to reconcile with an adult man, but still. He's her Pocket, so there's no way he's a creep or a predator, and he's also Superman so there's definitely no way he's a creep or a predator, but the situation is really freaking bizarre all the same.
She's never even met Superman, so him being her Pocket really doesn't make sense. Especially because he is, again, dead. That'd be a really strong soulmate bond. Like, scary strong, Cassie thinks.
Though in retrospect, expecting Superman of all people to die was maybe kind of stupid of the world at large.
Bart is pretty surprised when his Pocket happens. It's Superman, he thinks? Which is weird. Superman's, like, super dead. Superman's from like . . . the twenty-first century, and Bart is definitely not.
And like . . . he's also just old. Like really, really old.
"I'm gonna call you Soup," he decides immediately, poking his Pocket's curly hair. His Pocket looks just as immediately unimpressed and folds his arms. "What, you don't like it? Seriously? Okay, what about Soupy? Soupers? Soupette? Sou–ow ow ow stop!"
Okay, he's gonna have to workshop the name a bit, he guesses.
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paradiseismine · 7 months
Twice as wet - Mike Wheeler x reader
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Part 1/2.
Pairing: Mike Wheeler x f!reader
Warnings: slight NSFW, but tasteful I swear ok bye
It was a hot summer’s day, but not as hot as you. Your hair was shinier than ever and your smile was to die for, after all. Your confidence in your body had increased in the last year or so, and ever since you moved to Hawkins a month ago, it had sky rocketed, for some reason. You had just turned 18 and were ready to meet some cute guys.
Just not today.
Your mom had hired some neighbourhood kid to mow the lawn, and told you to stay home all afternoon to pay him afterwards, since she would be out to run some errands. So you sat on your couch, bored in a bikini and a pair of your shortest shorts, unable to jump in the backyard pool until that damn boy’s arrival.
At 1 p.m. sharp, your doorbell rang. You walked to the door and opened it gently.
- Uh, hello, are-are you y/n? - The boy asked, his head slightly tilted down so he would look you in the eyes. Man, was he TALL.
- Hi, that’s me - you smiled sweetly, trying to remember his name - and you’re… Michael, right? My mom told me to wait for you.
- Yes, that’s right… You can call me Mike, though - he scratched the back of his neck with his left hand, licking his lips.
That really got your attention. You examined his face for a second. His perfect jet black hair, his fair skin, plump red lips, delicate little freckles… Ugh. He’s so beautiful. Your lips cracked open as you wanted to say something, but nothing came out of your mouth. It was nearly a trance.
- So uh, should I get started on the lawn? - he grinned, shyly.
- Oh, yes - you said, as your eyes shot wide open, breaking that trance. - Sure. Come, I’ll show you where everything is.
You showed him around the garden and the garage: where the lawn mower was, how it worked and the area he needed to mow: your front yard first, and then the backyard, just around the pool. You tried to keep your cool and be normal about it, hoping he hadn’t noticed your staring when he arrived.
But he did. Mike Wheeler had been 18 for a few months right now, and he couldn’t believe such a pretty girl would check him out like that. He also tried to keep his cool, of course. He needed those summer jobs to afford a new guitar, and wouldn’t risk doing anything to displease you.
After the front yard was done, Mike circled around the house and got to the backyard - just to see you sunbathing near the pool.
Fuck, she’s perfect, he thought, as you got up and turned around, giving him a good look of your figure. What he wasn’t expecting, though, is that you jumped in the water a few seconds later.
As you emerged from the water, your hair darker and your eyes slightly squinted because of the sun, he couldn’t help but also notice all the little water droplets that were dripping from your face to your chest.
He was definitely checking you out. Ugh, thank God, you thought. Finally a cute boy I can obsess over. Because of course, you wouldn’t obsess over anyone who wasn’t obsessed with you too. As the work was all done, he put the lawn mower back on its place and walked over to you.
- Thank you so much, darling - you said, batting your eyelashes at him, your legs dangling from the edge of the pool. - There’s a red envelope on the fridge with your payment. I guess you could grab it later…
- Later? - he said, confused.
- Yes, after a little swim with me… in here - you said, smiling as if you had just offered him a drink of water.
Mike chuckled. He was definitely taking a sip.
- I mean… c-can I? - he asked, just in case.
- Of course, i got plenty of towels you could dry off with later… my mom won’t mind, she’s not coming back home until, at least, 7 p.m… What do you say?
Mike smiled at you as he yanked his shirt from the back of his neck. Just that single movement already made your insides twitch. Oh, that boy was in for a treat.
As he took off his pants and sneakers, you simply watched, no longer worrying about getting caught staring at him. He sat down next to you on the edge of the pool, his cheeks a bit red. Maybe from the sun, maybe from shyness.
You leaned in to kiss him, there was no point in waiting. He kissed you back softly, his hands grabbing your waist gently, as if he was afraid to scare you off. You were so pretty, he couldn’t believe it. Your right hand reached for his face, caressing it lightly, as you held his arm with your left hand and slowly guided him to actually enter the pool, so you would both stand up in it. Now your bodies were touching, and you hoped he couldn’t feel your heart beating out of your chest as you grabbed a fistful of his perfect hair and scratched his back with your nails, now fully making out with him.
He reached for your thighs and brought you up to his waist, intensifying your lust. You wrapped your legs around him, holding yourself in place, as his hands slowly left your butt after a few good grips. You had never been so grateful for that pool.
Mike Wheeler had the biggest boner of his life. His underwear was white and now completely wet, plus he had a hard-on - great. What if you were offended by it? Was that uncalled for? Those questions left his brain the second your soft hand reached down under the water.
Damn, that boy was packing some heat down there. He jumped out of his skin with your touch, at first, but melted into it a second later.
- I know you’re kissing me in the pool just to get me twice as wet - you said, chuckling, as your foreheads were touching. - But maybe we should continue this on dry land.
- Sure, whatever you want, princess - he said, enchanted by you.
- Whatever I want, huh? - you put your arms around his neck, tilting your head to the side. - That’s good to hear. I might take advantage of this later, though.
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raineydays411 · 1 year
My Fathers Daughter pt 10
A different perspective
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Dick Grayson has always been used to being the first.
He was the first Robin, the first son, the first to be picked for almost anything.
Hell he was the first child as far as he knew. So imagine his surprise when he finds out his mother not only has a whole secret daughter, but one that she completely abandoned.
He could still hardly believe it.
He couldn't stop thinking about the night they found out about her. The look on Christine's face, it was one he's never seen before. The look of shock and almost disbelief, like she had seen a ghost.
In a way she did.
The ghost of the life she left behind with Tony and Y/n Stark. Now Christine was trying so desperately to revive it. As if she didn't murder it with her own hands. And while Dick himself had reservations with these actions, Christine was his mother before anything, and he was going to help her no matter what.
So here he was, standing outside the bedroom of his mothers long lost daughter, trying to figure out something to say. It shouldn't be too hard, seeing as Jason of all people managed to get you to open up.
And yet, here he is. Unable to muster up the courage to simply knock on the door.
"This is fucking ridiculous", Dick thinks to himself, "Just knock, what's the worst that can happen?"
Lost in his own thoughts, Dick didn't notice the shadow under the door, and was startled by the sudden swing of it opening and you standing there.
"I can hear your thinking over my music." You said a little annoyed," Is there something I can do for you or...?"
Dick blinked trying to gather all of his thoughts, he really didn't know what to say to you. This is the first time you've said more than three syllables to him.
You stared back, face revealing how uncomfortable you were getting with this prolonged eye contact.
"Riiiight, so im just gonna" You say taking steps to shut the door in his face
"Wait!" The raven haired man shouts, "Wait, please."
You stop with a sigh and open the door, inviting him in, " Alright, come on."
Dick walks in, looking around at the room that actually used to be his when he first moved in.
He mentions as much trying to break the awkward silence.
"Hm, and you were okay staying in a room that was copied from a dracula movie?" You say snarkily
"Well to be fair I was 12 and watched my parents die in front of me, I wasn't really looking at the decor." He says half joking.
You made a face and looked away, feeling even more awkward.
"Anyways, I just wanted to you know...see how you were settling in" Dick starts, " Its been a few months and it feels like we hardly even see you."
You pause, thinking of what to say. But before you even have a chance to say anything Dick continues.
"You know, moms really excited that you're here." He starts, " Honestly I don't think I've ever seen her this excited over anything. She's usually very level headed."
You stare at him
"I mean, you know how she is I suppose she is your mother too."
You stare
"I know she probably really missed you, she gets lonely sometimes you know? Everyone here usually has their own thing going on and we don't really get to see her as much."
Nothing from you
" Well, I guess she see's Damian more than any of us but that's because he's basically her baby."
Okay...that hurt
"I mean, I think he was the youngest when he came to use, I think he was like nine or something. And he was not the easiest to get along with. So don't worry that he hasn't warmed up to you yet."
You hum, already irritated with this conversation.
"He's also really protective of our mom, she's done alot to make sure their relationship is as good as it is." he says offhandedly, " Actually she's done it for all of us."
"Oh really?" You ask with no real intrest.
"Yeah! I remember one time when I was little she always made it a point to spend time with me even though she was so busy." He says fondly.
You decide to play along and remince on the memories that you buried long ago.
"You know, when I was younger, Christine used to take me out of school and take me to see ballet shows." You say with a slight smile, " I was in classes back then and loved watching the older girls dance."
Dick smiled, feeling as if he made some progress with you, " Really? I think she actually takes Cassie and Steph to those sometimes, you should ask to tag along I'm sure she'll love it."
You cringe, feeling another needle in your heart. Not even your memerioes were sacred.
"Yeah no thanks." You reply harshly, " I don't like ballet anymore."
Dick pauses, shocked at the sudden shift in atmosphere.
And before he can say anything you cut him off, feigning a yawn
"Hey look, not that I don't love our little chats, but I am beat."
"Oh! right, sorry I guess it is getting a bit late.."Dick say hopping up from your bed and walking to the door, " Y/n, you know its really nice talking to you. You should try and open up more."
You smile sarcastically, " you know, something you and mother have in common is that you both like talking at me, not to me."
And with that you shut the door, promptly ending the conversation and sending Dick spiraling.
In fact, the statement bothered him so much that he went seeking a second opinion.
"Yeah... I don't know how to help you man."
"Oh come on! Jason, you and her are like...bosom buddies or something."
"Bosom buddies? How old are you?" Jason scoffs, " Look, what you and everyone here doesn't understand is that Y/n has a family waiting for her. She's not going to except mom as her mom because her mom is still alive and well."
"But...technically our mom is her mom." Dick says hesitantly, " And if I were her I'd be thrilled to have my mom back."
"Dick. Your mom didn't abandon you for a different family." Jason says annoyed he's not getting it, "What the hell is wrong with you, you're usually so level headed about this stuff?"
Dick pauses.
To be honest he doesn't know why he's being so hard headed about the whole situation.
He knows that he doesn't like seeing his mother sad, and lately seeing her face when you reject every move she maked to make amends is heartbreaking to him.
That was his mother. The woman who took him in as her own when his biological parents died.
The same woman that stayed by his side no matter how moody, rude, and bratty he first acted when he first arrived. She took his grief on as her own and basically put him back together along with Bruce. He can still remember the night he considered her his mother.
He had just started out as Robin, and had just got back from patrol. It was a rough night.
First, it was the middle of autumn and raining heavily, he and Bruce weren't getting along this particular night and he overall was just having a bad night. So needless to day he was a little rougher with the baddies he was fighting tonight.
Bruce had already reprimanded him throughout the night about his unnecessary force but Dick did not want to hear it. It got so bad that Dick was just going off own his own without Batmans orders, and thats where the trouble began.
Dick had jumped the gun again, throwing himself into a fight with some drug dealers , not realizing that there were one too many for a fourteen year old to handle by himself. They quickly overpowered him, and ganged up on the poor boy.
He was given quite the beating before Batman caught up to him and basically saved him.
In pain and with a bruised ego, he had to listen to yet another lecture from the irritated (actually extremely worried) dark knight, and one from Alfred who was also extremely worried while he cleaned up the child.
He has finally marched to his room in a huff and after he shut the door, was finally able to reveal in the fact that he almost died. He was lost in thought, finally feeling the fear and pain in every move he made as he tried to crawl under the covers when he heard a knock on the door.
In she came, with a tray of goodies she personally made,staying home from a business trip he had known she was going to go on. She crawled into the bed with him, held him to her chest and allowed him to cry.
"You may be a big brave superhero" She said to him, " But here in this home, you're my son. My baby, and you are allowed to cry if you need to. I won't judge you. I won't say a word."
And he did. He cried.
He cried because he was hurting. He cried because he was angry. Angry because he was beat up. Because he was lectured all night. Because he missed his parents.
But most of all, because he felt as if he was forgetting them. He was having such a good time at the Wayne manor, grew to love the Waynes as the parents they intended to be to him. He felt as if he was betraying his parents. The parents that had raised him up to that point.
And here he was, laying cuddled up to Christine the same way he would with his mother. But at this point the two of them are blurring together, to the point where he can't tell where his mother ends and Christine starts.
This woman, took him in and wrapped him in love.
Love that he thought he would never feel again after that tragic night.
A love that, he honestly cannot imagine never having.
It was something that he couldn't begin to repay her. He wouldn't know how. Where to start.
Rekindling his mother with the daughter she lost. Gave up.
That was the least he could do. He'd do it for her.
But, after the conversation he had with Jason, he went home and thought about it. Actually really thought about it.
The year he came into the Wayne's lives, Christine stopped going on her business trips.
Not all at once, but she would push them back.
Usually because Dick had needed her.
She pushed her trips back until eventually, she just stopped going.
She hadn't said much, just saying that she realized that she was needed at home more than they needed her over there. But even at that age, Dick noticed she was sad. She kept her composure around the family, but once Dick had seen her crying in a pantry deleting something off her phone.
He had thought it was weird but after a few months she was okay.
No crying, no sadness.
And... now that he thinks about it. While he was being wrapped up in love there was another child in New York, who's life was being completely unraveled. All because of him.
And maybe...the reason he was trying so hard to rekindle you and Christine wasn't really because of Christine.
But because since that night, the night you were revealed to be her daughter, he did the math. And he just wanted to give you back the mother he unknowingly stole away from you.
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ladykailitha · 2 days
Of Butterflies and Backstrokes Part 5
Hey guys!! Things are finally starting to move in this story, I'm not sure how much longer we have, but I just started Eddie's training, so whooo!!
In this we have Eddie being dumb, fixing it, and then apologizing properly! He can be taught!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Robin smacked the back of Steve’s head as she walked past. “No staring. It’s creepy!”
Steve ducked his head and blushed. He had been caught staring so many times today that, yeah, it was starting to be a little creepy now. But in all fairness, Eddie was staring right back. A thought that sent Steve spiraling. But like in a ‘oh shit, that’s hot!’ way.
Which he really, really needed to tamp down on, because yes, the guy was eighteen, but like barely.
“You should just go talk to him,” Robin encouraged gently. Because for all her teasing, she knew how important it was for Steve to talk to him about his swimming.
Steve nodded. He had time until his next class. He took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. He walked up to Eddie and flashed him his patented Harrington smile.
“Hey, you’re Eddie, right?” he said warmly. “Robin tells me you like to swim on Saturdays, yeah?”
Eddie blinked at him for a moment. “Um, hi. Yup! That’s me. My mom used to call me her little fish.”
Steve grinned. He liked that. He wished his mom had taken that kind of interest in his swimming. “I saw you swimming when I was helping Joyce set up for the party last weekend and you were really good! Did you compete in high school?”
“Nah,” Eddie said with a shrug. “I wanted to, but I couldn’t get someone to take me that early in the morning so I stopped. Competed in middle school, though. I was decent enough, I guess.”
Steve was shocked. To have to stop just when you hit your stride must have been quite the blow.
“That fucking sucks, man,” Steve said with a grimace. He scratched his cheek thoughtfully. “You ever think about competing on the national level? Because I really think you could.”
Eddie rolled his eyes with a scoff. “Yeah, right. I couldn’t afford the coach let alone all the traveling I’d have to do to make it to meets. I’m going to have to pass on that one.”
“There’s actually a program here for people who can’t afford it,” Steve hedged. “Robin used it when we both first started out.” He was fighting back the urge to start biting his nails.
Eddie’s eyes narrowed and Steve gulped. “Is that so?” He nodded. “Well ain’t that nice. Still not interested.”
Steve wished the floor would swallow him or that pool would suddenly flood or that he’d get a brain aneurysm and die, right there on the spot. He pursed his lips together and nodded with his whole upper body. He turned on his heel and walked away.
When he was about to the other side of the pool, Eddie called out, “Who would even want to coach me?”
Steve turned around with a grin. “I would.” Then he spun on his toes and walked out of the pool area to the cool fresh air of the hallway.
Once Steve was out of the pool area and into the hall, he had a full on panic attack. He sank to the floor and held his head in his hands. Why the fuck did he offer to coach Eddie? He didn’t know Eddie, he was afraid of deep water, and he hadn’t even talked to Joyce yet.
It was a real mess now, but the words just forced themselves from him and now he wants to gobble them back up. Well maybe they’ll just avoid each other from now on. They had done a pretty good job up to this point, they could just continue as normal and forget all about how Steve made a fool of his himself.
Then slowly he began to come out of his panic attack to the sounds of soft words and the gentle rubbing of his wrists with their thumbs. His breathing evened, his heart rate dropped, and his eyes fluttered open.
The eyes looking back at him were warm chocolate brown and deeply concerned. The angel in front of him said something but Steve couldn’t hear. Then all at once all the sounds came rushing back into the hall. And suddenly there were more people in the hall with him than he thought. In addition to Eddie who was the one holding his hands, Robin and Joyce were there too.
“I think he’s coming around,” Joyce said gently as Steve’s eyes focused on her. “Hey, there, Steve. Are you okay now?”
Steve gulped, nodding. He was feeling better. In fact he didn’t have a pounding headache like he usually had after an episode. “My head doesn’t hurt.” He looked over at Robin in confusion. “Why doesn’t it hurt?”
“Uh...” Eddie said hesitantly. “I might have something to do with that. I used some calming techniques my friend’s dad showed me.”
Steve turned to him, mouth open in awe. “Oh. Thank you.” He didn’t know what to do with that because technically it was his conversation with Eddie which caused the panic attack in the first place. But maybe that’s why Eddie helped, because he knew he’d caused it. That was a nice thought, Steve supposed.
Eddie smiled and stood back up. “I have to get back to work. You take care of yourself, okay Stevie?”
Steve nodded and Eddie slapped his hands on his knees, standing up. He muttered goodbye to the two women and then wandered off.
As Robin helped him to his feet, she said dryly, “I take it the conversation didn’t go well.”
He barked out a laugh causing Joyce to look back and forth between them in confusion. So Steve put her out of her misery. “I was telling him that he was good enough of a swimmer to compete, but I think he thought I was mocking him or something, because he kinda blew me off.”
He rubbed his temples for a moment before adding. “I even offered to coach him.”
Joyce blinked at him for a moment. “You offered what now?”
When he looked up both Robin and Joyce were looking at him with large, wide eyes and slack jaws. “Yeah, that’s kinda what started the panic attack if I’m honest. I know I am like the worst person for the job with all my...” he waved his hand helplessly. Then he snapped his fingers. “Issues. Anyway. It was nice of him to help me out after all that.”
“Dingus...” Robin said with a heavy sigh. “What were you going to do if he accepted?”
Steve grimaced and ducked his head. “Have you help me?” He looked up at her through his eyelashes and batted them, pouting.
Robin pushed his shoulder. “Disgusting!” Then she gave him a huge hug and kiss on the cheek. “Of course I’d help you.”
“I think it would be perfect,” Joyce blurted out. They both turned and looked at her. “This place could use the publicity if I’m honest. There are other pools in Indy that have been bringing in the bigger names. So if Eddie accepts and starts training under five time gold medal champion Steve Harrington...”
“Then this place could start bringing in the big names again,” Robin said. “Not to say that Steve isn’t a big name of his own,” she added when Steve’s face twisted into something like offense.
Steve shook his head. “Which isn’t going to happen because he said no.”
Joyce and Robin sighed. There was that. But they knew they shouldn’t go trying to pressure Eddie into it. Plus, despite how good he was there was no telling he’d be on par or better than his younger peers.
Steve and Robin left Joyce standing there, pondering her dilemma.
Eddie chewed on the inside of his cheek thoughtfully. He was grateful that the technique worked, but he was pretty sure that he had caused the attack in the first place. Which was... not good. He could have handled the offer to have him trained to compete a little better. Steve was paying him a compliment and he threw it back in his face as charity. He didn’t need charity not from no one.
There was no two ways about it. He was going to have to apologize. Which was never his strong suit. But he’d do it. He just wasn’t going to take Steve up on his offer. He would see about staying on here as paid help because then he could still have access to his beloved pool.
It took him a couple of days but finally their schedules matched up and Eddie was on his break and Steve had time between classes again.
“Um, hey,” he said timidly, sauntering up to Steve. “I just wanted to apologize for being a bitch on Monday. I was rude and that wasn’t fair.”
A slow smile spread out over Steve’s face. “Thanks. I did just spring it on you without an preamble, so...”
Eddie laughed. “Yeah, there was that. But it still was mean and I should have been nicer.”
“Well, you made up for it by helping me with the panic attack afterwards,” Steve said. “I’d say that makes us even.”
“A panic attack I’m pretty sure I caused.”
Steve winced, confirming the worst of Eddie’s suspicion on that one. Steve rubbed his chin thoughtful. “I’ll tell you what, if you teach Robin and Joyce that technique you used to pull me out of my panic attack, then we’ll be even.”
Eddie smiled that sweet closed mouth smile that melted Steve’s insides when he saw it. “Sure thing I can do that. On Saturday before the crew swim. I’ll teach them both.”
Steve’s shoulders relaxed. That was going to be so useful, having multiple people know how to get him out of an attack would make it easier for him to go out in public. Something that was very limited after the incident in Beijing.
“That’ll be great, thanks.”
“You should come too,” Eddie suggested. “I know you don’t like being in the pool, but you could come hang out and have a little fun for a change.”
Steve gasped dramatically. “What do you mean? Isn’t teaching beginning classes meant to be fun?”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. It took him two seconds long than it should have to realize that Steve was joking him. He pushed Steve’s shoulder playfully.
“At least with us,” he teased, “we won’t try and drown you, deliberately or otherwise.”
Steve tilted his head to side and looked at him in confusion. Where the urge to bite those cheeks came from, Eddie will deny knowing until his last breath. “I saw that snotty teenaged little shit try to pull you into the pool. That’s fucked up at hell.”
Steve’s smile was blinding. “Fair enough. I like getting to sleep in on Saturdays, but we’ll see.”
Eddie grinned back. “I never used to get up this early for school. But ya know, keeping out of jail is pretty inspiring.”
“I could see that, yeah,” Steve agreed. “It was the one downside being on the swim team in high school.”
“You went to a regular high school?” Eddie asked tilting his head. “I would have thought after getting fifth in your first Olympics you would have gone to a special school for kids that are huge in sports or whatever?”
Steve blinked at him for a moment. “Do they have schools like that?”
“They do for like actors and shit,” Eddie said with a shrug. “So I assumed they would have something similar for the jocks.”
Steve laughed. “Yeah, no. That would have been preferable.” He shook his head. “But no, it’s much more cut throat that than that. Pretty much, schools try and poach students from other schools to make the best sports teams.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shot up. “Wait, really?”
“Yep!” Steve said beaming at him. He looked up at the clock on the wall. “Look, my next class is about to start. So I really should get going. Especially with Joyce’s son in the class, I don’t want to be late.”
“Why is he starting so late?” Eddie asked. “I would have thought with Joyce being in charge of the rec center and his older brother literally being a trainer too, he would have been in the tots class.”
Steve nodded. “She didn’t get the manager position until five years ago and Will was afraid of the water by then. So they just waited until he was ready.”
“So he’s ready now?” Eddie asked curiously.
“Mhmm,” Steve hummed. “All his friends are going to be in the class with him, so he ready to hop in the pool with them.”
Eddie smiled. “That’s cute.”
That surprised a huff of laughter out him. “Sure is. But don’t tell him that. He’s at the age where cute is akin to baby and well...”
“He’s too old for that?” Eddie finished.
“I feel that,” Eddie agreed. “Have fun in your class, and remember you can always make it look like an accident.”
Steve laughed out right at that and waved goodbye. Eddie watched him go feeling better about the whole panic attack thing. Now all he had to do was make sure it never happened again. Or at least not by his own big fucking mouth.
1-@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @cryptid-system
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @justforthedead89 @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji
5- @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @beelze-the-bubkiss
9- @chameleonhair @sadisticaltarts @dreamercec @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @mac-attack19
10- @aol19 @eriquin @tartarusknight @gloomysoup @morallyundefined
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finchesslingshott · 4 months
ACT 1     ⁃    SOBBINGGGG OH MY GOODNESS I LOVE YOU ORCHESTRA     ⁃    ok valjean i see you!! get the emotions!!!     ⁃    YES ENSEMBLE I SEE YOU AND I LOVE YOU     ⁃    I DREAMED A DREAM. OH MY GOSH. HER VOICE. cry #1     ⁃    fantine death- THE EMOTIONSSSSSS. OH MY GOSH. cry #2     ⁃    cosette im sobbing i love you     ⁃    YES THENARDIERS YOURE SO ICONIC     ⁃    all together master of the house is a 5000/10 literally so funny     ⁃    THE SET???? THE FRICKING SET???!?!?!!?!?!??!     ⁃    VALJEAN AND BABY COSETTE SINGING TOGETHER BEFORE THE BARGAIN???? BRB SOBBING MY EYES OUT OHMYGOSH     ⁃    OHMYGOSH GAVROCHE. GAVROCHE. GAVROCHE.     ⁃    ok grantaire i see you!??! long haired drunk king??? get it i guess???!!!     ⁃    RED AND BLACKKKK IM CRYING THE HARMONIESSSSS - cry #3     ⁃    "listen!! lisTEN TO ME!!? L I S T E N  E V E R Y B O D Y" (really awkward pause) "general lamarque is dead.."     ⁃    me and my friend both said "womp womp" and were sobbing laughing     ⁃    i LIVE for the grantaire + gavroche duo like theyre such a cute duo i cant     ⁃    DO YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE SING OH MY GOODNESS HARMONIESSSS - cry #4     ⁃    oh my gosh the eponine/thenardier fight i love them so much what a traumatic duo     ⁃    IN MY LIIIIIIIIIIIFE I WANT TO BE COSETTE SHES SO HOT     ⁃    A HEART FULL OF LOVE THOSE HARMONIESSSSS THE END OHMYGOSHHHH - cry #5     ⁃    stars - so much better than russell crowe but thats not saying much - 1000000/10 i love you javert     ⁃    I. LOVE. TENORS. OH. MY. GOODNESS.     ⁃    ONE DAY MORE. OH MY GOSH. THE CHOREO. THE SET. THE CHARACTERS. THE HARMONIES. THAT STUPID RED FLAG. OH. MY. GOSH. - ♾️/10 i love you marius never change - cry #6
side note- i was sobbing at the end of "one day more" as intermission started and house lights went up i just looked up at my mom + friend and said "i freaking love tenors" through copious tears ANYWHO-
ACT 2     ⁃    THE BARRICADE????? THE SET????????????? OHMYGOSH????     ⁃    OKAY OH MY GOODNESS WHO ALLOWED IT TO OPEN WITH ON MY OWN THATS NOT FAIR - cry #7     ⁃    little fall of rain OHHHH MY GOSHHHHH MARIUS PONTMERCY I LOVE YOU - cry #8     ⁃    AND WHY ON GODS BEAUTIFUL GREEN EARTH DID "DRINK WITH ME" IMMEDIATELY PROCEED THAT IM SOBBING     ⁃    gavroche sprinting across the stage and hugging grantaire like his life depends on it, grantaire turning around dropping to his knees and just hugging that sweet little boy i love him grantaire was shaking i love him     ⁃    grantaire i love you why did you leave me - cry #9     ⁃    AND THEN "BRING HIM HOME??? RIGHT THERE???? WTFFFF????? - cry #10     ⁃    WHO SET GAVROCHES DEATH I WANT TO HUG YOU AND KILL YOU AT THE SAME TIME YOU PUT A SPOT ON MY BOY ON CENTRE AT THE TOP OF THE BARRICADE AND THEN JUST LET HIM SLUMP INTO GRANTAIRES ARMS??? BECAUSE YOU WANT TO HURT ME THAT MUCH???? - cry #11     ⁃    and ohmygosh the dead silence after his death like everyones in shock oh my goodness gavroche come back i miss you     ⁃    UGHHHH THE WAY THE ABC BOYS DEATHS WERE SETTTTTT I CANT THE SPOTS ON ALL OF EM IM SOBBING - cry #12     ⁃    ENJOLRAS BEING THE LAST ONE AND DOING THE ARM RAISE AND THEN JUST FLOPPING OVER NOOOOO BBY DONT LEAVE ME ILY - cry #13     ⁃    the guy putting gavroche in the cart with enjolras SOBBING I MISS THEM     ⁃    javert starting to emotionally unravel when seeing gavroche dead     ⁃    OK BACKDROP I SEE YOU ATE IT UP     ⁃    thenardier i hate you i cant wait for you to die say hi to judas ascariot for me     ⁃    EMPTY CHAIRS AT EMPTY TABLES MARIUS I LOVE YOU - 10000000000000/10     ⁃    when "phantom faces at the window" all thE ABC BOYS CAME OUT WITH ENJOLRAS AND GAVROCHE SPLITTING CENTRE AS THE FIRST AND LAST OF THE ABC BOYS TO FALL ON THE BARRICADE LITERALLY STOP - cry #14     ⁃    javerts suicide omw literally in shock like jaw DROPPED tears STREAMING - cry #15     ⁃    the EMOTIONNNNNNN     ⁃    ALSO THE WHOLE SCENE LIKE THE BACKDROP??? THE TECH??? THE LIGHTING???     ⁃    orchestra i love you never change ever marry me     ⁃    the wedding ate i freaking love mme. thenardier shes so chaotic     ⁃    "this ones a queer / i'll give it a try" (mr thenardier dips another dude like a fricking king ily)     ⁃    marius i love you marry me forget cosette MARRY ME     ⁃    fantine in valjeans death scene I LITERALLY CANT I LOVE YOU - cry #16     ⁃    EPONINEEEEEE FANTINEEEEE I LOVE YOU     ⁃    valjean pulling off his coat and being in white bcs hes dead now UGH     ⁃    the FRICKING ENSEMBLE AND ENJOLRAS AND GAVROCHE SPLITTING CENTRE AGAIN WITH GRANTAIRE BESIDE GAVROCHE UGH I LOVE THEM - cry #17     ⁃    VALJEAN WALKING BACK AND HUGGING JAVERT UGH TEARS STREAMING - cry #18     ⁃    THE FINAL CHORD - "tomorrOW (pause for five seconds) COOOOOOOOOOOMEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" - cry #19     ⁃    I LOVE YOU ORCHESTRA
conclusion: i dont think i've cried that much in years and i know this is what i want to do with my life also i love you grantaire
thank you for your time i'm gonna go cry now
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all blues again i guess!
YEAH! Although the loop is purple for me. Oh well!
24 for ➰
Tagging @steadfastsaturnsrings
“Do I die the most often?” Buck asks. 
Eddie’s eyes lose their sleepy quality. 
“On the go-arounds,” Buck clarifies. “If we mess up the timeline, is it usually me who dies?”
Eddie swallows. He rubs his eyes.
“It’s random,” Eddie says. “I haven’t counted.”
“But if you had to guess, who is it most often?” Buck asks. 
“Okay,” Eddie sighs. “Yeah. Maybe you. You’re the clumsiest.”
Okay, well that’s… Yeah. Fair. Give Buck an opportunity to trip and he’ll take it. He thinks of all the ways he can remember dying outside of the restaurant. The rocks, he did fall. Okay, clumsiness. The car, he was distracted, arguing with Eddie. 
30 for 🔼:
She still wants a divorce. Still doesn’t want him. Might prefer to have Buck. And hell, he understands that. He would, too, if he were her. But he’s here and he knows her and he can make her feel good and he needs this, too. 
Shannon gets the message. 
She closes the remaining space between them and before Eddie knows it, they’re kissing. The same way they’ve always kissed. Frantic and hungry and full of as much need as love. It’s the only thing they’ve both always been good at at the same time. Eddie feels a wash of relief crash over him at things falling back into place, even if only for a moment. 
They kiss, and everything is good again. Everything feels like home. 
They kiss, and he’s here with her. He’s here with her, but he’s also wondering. Wondering what kissing Buck was like. Imagining him, standing just behind Eddie. Lips ghosting at the back of his neck. Eddie could drown in the moment; the blend of reality and fantasy.
He lifts her. Takes them both to her bedroom. Starts undressing her as he sets her on the bed. It’s easy for him to maneuver her. Something he knows she’d liked a lot when they got back together. At the height of their relationship together - when they were kids, at their best - he hadn’t been nearly as strong as he is now. And then he got stronger, but he was gone. And when he was back, they hardly touched each other. But he can do this for her now. He can be strong.
15 for 🧟:
Hen might be the luckiest person in the whole apocalypse. She knows this. Without a doubt, she understands this. Never forgets to count her damn blessings. Everyone has lost someone. Even her. Most people have lost everything. But here Hen is, with her wife and son, safe and secure, and honestly? Happy. Very happy. 
Could life be less dangerous and insecure? Yes. Would she prefer no zombie apocalypse? Obviously. Does she worry about her son’s future constantly? For sure. 
12 for 📖:
So things are good. No complaints. And if Buck feels that age old loneliness creeping over him, he ignores it. He’s still got more than he’s ever had. 
The first time Buck sees Eddie and Christopher after the Christmas holidays, there’s a woman with them. Which is fine. Totally fine. Buck has no reason to feel a tight knot in his stomach, so he simply doesn’t. Whatever.
“Buck, this is my mom!” Christopher introduces them excitedly. “Mom, this is the best librarian in the whole world, Buck.”
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 7 months
Don't Get Attached | Drabble Series
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"We're still on break, got it?"
“Y/n?” a female voice is muffled by the sound of the music outside. Fixing my curls, I tighten the strap of my two-piece before turning to Yoona, the host of the nightclub I’m currently working at. Very odd pairing, I know, I’m still not sure how I got the job, but it’s quick money, right? It’s only been a few weeks since I started, but I still cringe over the idea of satisfying the male gaze, so, I try to numb that part of my consciousness at work. As far as I’m concerned, this is temporary, just until I can pay off my mom’s hospital bills. She was diagnosed with Diabetes a month ago and had to be hospitalized for treatment, which unfortunately, as with everything in this capitalistic world was not free. 
Cut scene to the present time, I’ve learned to somewhat navigate this nightlife business, learning a few tips and tricks from the other girls, who are way older than me but are also struggling financially. I guess we are all just trauma-bonded in the end. To be quite frank, money wasn’t the only thing that fueled this decision of mine. Today also marks a month since Jungkook and I decided to take a break from our relationship. Nothing really happened aside from the fact that I was stood up and caught him with another girl, the usual plot, right? Anyway, I think this job came to me as a source of distraction, dissociating myself from reality until the thoughts in my head outscream the DJ at the front. Why didn’t we just break up, altogether? Fair question. Well, based on Jungkook’s words, he was meant to “change” over this period of separation and supposedly “can’t bear to lose me”, or something like that.  We’ll see, he’ll either be my everything or yet another lesson. 
“Someone is here for you. They’ve booked out a VIP room?” Yoona sounds and looks unsure, resting her head on the door frame before letting out a deep sigh. 
“Who? Is it Mark? I told the security not to let him in anymore,” I say almost irritated by the mere thought of that man. Ugh, he was the epitome of a manchild, always whining and demanding everything to go his way. I’m sorry, but my dignity will not be negotiated over money. I would rather die poor than have someone walk all over me because they can. 
“I’m not sure, I’m sorry. It’s so busy out there, you know with Valentine's Day and all,” she sighs, rubbing her temples. Oh, right. It’s also my first Valentine's without Jungkook in about two years. Just more fuel to the fire, I guess. 
“That’s okay Yoona, thanks for letting me know,” I reassure her with a soft smile, taking a deep breath before heading out. She wasn’t lying, the club is full to the brim. Every corner is occupied by a man with a stack of dollar bills in his hands, surrounded by bottles of champagne and naked bodies. 
Knock Knock Knock 
“Hello … what? What are you doing here, Jeon?” I almost yelp, jumping from the sight of his rested form on the velvet couch. Those naked bodies that I mentioned before, well, turns out I wasn’t an exception, covered in nothing but a lacey two-piece bedazzled with fake rhinestones. So, you could imagine the panic in my eyes, as I tried to pathetically hide behind a nearby curtain. Technically, it’s nothing he hasn’t seen already, but now it’s different. 
“I don’t know, what do people usually come here to do?” Jungkook grins, stretching his body before resting his head on his tattooed hand. 
“How did you find me?” I snap, still behind the curtain, too ashamed to come out. 
“Does it really matter if I’m already here?” there is a distinct hint of lure in his tone as his eyes focus on my furrowed expression. 
“Stop playing. I told you we needed a break,” I snap again, only this time with my body fully exposed to his visual field. Crossing my arms over my chest, I walk towards him, determined to prove that I in fact am not flustered by his presence. 
“I am on a break … and it’s pretty relaxing so far if I say so myself,” Jungkook grins, eyeing me up and down before leaning his arms on his knees, moving in closer. 
“Well, I’m not dancing for you if that’s what you want,” I scoff, rolling my eyes at his teasing sense of humour. 
“That’s okay, I don’t want you to dance,” he reassures with a soft smile, except nothing about him or this situation is soft. Suffocating at best. 
“Then what exactly do you want?” 
“Sit on my lap, y/n, and we’ll see what happens next,” he says hushedly, hooded gaze looking up at my scattering eyes as his hands trace up my thighs. 
“Fuck off Jungkook,” I try to walk away until his grasp on my arm tightens, pulling me back onto his lap. Now, inches away from each other, there is virtually no air to breathe. 
“Careful love, you know I only ask nicely once,” he whispers into my ear, softly nibbling on the skin before looking back at my flushed face.  
“Let me go, Koo,” I insist with my gaze still lowered as I try to push myself out of his grip. 
“Mhmm … Koo. I missed your voice. Say it again, y/n,” Jungkook pleads softly, leaning his head closer to meet my eyes. “Please?” he adds, caressing my red cheek with the back of his hand. Feeling my chest heave up, it’s hard to breathe. Unable to break out of his possession, there isn’t much I can do but give in to his desires. 
“Koo?” I say softly, innocent eyes looking up at his darkened orbs as his fingertips traced my lips.  
“Good girl, aren’t you?” he grins with a sly wink, before nuzzling his face into my neck, hugging my form tighter than before. Feeling his hot breath on my skin, I can’t help but succumb to the adrenaline and panic running through my veins. 
“I have to go,” I stutter abruptly, moving his face up to mine. Searching his eyes, there is an evident sense of emptiness behind them. Sadness even. 
“Please stay, y/n. You must be tired, let me take care of you,” he pleads into my palms, placing a soft kiss on the tip of my index finger which was covered by a bandaid. And, although I knew I would regret it later, I stayed. 
“Okay,” I whisper, straddling his thighs as my legs go numb at this point. Nibbling on my lips, I watched as he pulled out a black ribbon out of his jean jacket. 
“May I?” he asks innocently. 
“Oh, do I have a choice?” I chuckle at the way that innocent smile of his quickly turned into a sly grin. Tucking a few curls behind my ear, Jungkook leans closer before tying the ribbon over my eyes, gentle with his touch. Giving up yet another sense to his possession, I feel the panic rush in again. 
“Wait!” I snap abruptly, gripping his arms. “Whatever you do … this doesn’t mean anything. We’re still on a break, got it?” I try to convince both of us, before finally giving in. 
“Of course, whatever you say y/n,” Jungkook whispers into a needy kiss, nibbling on my bottom lip as his hands unclasp the bedazzled bra. Feeling his kisses go down to my neck, purple hues of desire begin to mark my skin. One thing is for sure, our lust for each other has been desperately fueling the whole of that break. And, as I hesitate to touch him, Jungkook senses my tension before placing my hands on his exposed chest, gliding them up and down his defined abs. 
“It’s still all yours, baby,” he whispers into my ear, laying me down on the velvet couch. Alarmed by the cracking sound in the background, my chest heaves up in suspense before a cold sensation hits my consciousness. Gliding an ice cube down my stomach, Jungkook’s hooded eyes watch in satisfaction as my back arches from the feeling. Licking the trail of melting water, he sucks on the soft skin, leaving a few love bites behind that turn me into a whimpering mess. 
“Koo,” I whine, reaching out to feel his arms. That is until a yelp escapes my parted lips as he glides the melting ice cube under my panties, which are already wet. With my chest heaving up, there was no time to even protest as his grip on my thighs tightened, moving me closer to him. 
“I’ll warm you up, baby,” Jungkook reassures with a raspy tone, helping me take off the lacey fabric before putting it in his pocket. Leaving a trail of kisses up my thighs, he stopped by my throbbing core which was now hot and cold at the same time. 
“Hi, gorgeous,” he grins.
Don't Get Attached Masterlist
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diazpatcher · 4 months
7x09 my thoughts
"my resignation" WHAT BOBBY WHAT. this man needs extensive therapy bc why does he think he doesn't deserve good things.😭
Athena being the supportive wife she is. "Walking away from the 118" THOSE ARE YOUR KIDS
Edmundo noches is at it, with his ex dead wife's doppelganger 💀 the date is waaaaaaaaaaay to romantic for 2 people who aren't an official item.
Eddie baby no, you're not only emotionally cheating you are full on cheating bro 😭💀 pls let her be part of his mental breakdown.
Athena fighting for bobby even when bobby doesn't want to anymore:( Athena is such a great wife I can't fucking handle it.
Finally they talk about Bobby's struggles, of balancing his past and his present and the guilt he has😭 as much as I want retirement for the Grant-Nashes I don't want Bobby to leave 😭
Bobby is straight up evil, he wants to retire and before he does so, he takes care of every single person in his team "they're not the only kids you're raising Mother Hen"😭
Buck and Eddie cooking together😭
Buck looking at Bobby the way a kid looks at their dad waiting for praise 😭 im not okay bro that whole sequence fucked me over. BOBBY😭 7 years😭 "here's to seven more" 😭 Their father son relationship makes me want to chew on glass 😭😭😭 "it's been my pleasure kid"
BUCK MEETS THE DOUBLE, OMG. THE WAY HIS FACE FELL😭 He is so fucking funny I can't 😭OH OH BUCK IS MAD. He used the Back door💀😭 The way he's trying to figure out if Marisol is still around lmao😭 "Eddie who's kim" HILARIOUS ACTUALLY. "Marisols my girlfriend, she just a friend" "a friend who's a dead wringer for your dead wife' OKAY BUCK😭 Buck has healed he is ready to confront and pull Eddie out of his ass. The way Eddie is trying to justify his actions, "does this poor woman know thay she is a carbon copy of your dead wife"
"Im worried about you" HUSBAND BEHAVIOUR 😭😭😭
The kids🥺🥺😭 Wilson-Han family is so special to me❤️ Chim knowing something is wrong with Bobby!!!
I knew that the Council woman was gonna be a bitch. I knew it.
I feel so bad for Kim. She got pulled into this mess it's insane. "But I'm not her" THIS POOR WOMAN. she knows Eddie just wants to replace Shannon with her 😭😭 heartbreaking. "which was not fair to you"
Hey anyways Eddie did that after buck talked to him even his break up with his ex wife's doppelganger is colored by the interactions with buck.
"I never meant to lead you on"
"but you did" 😭 "I guess she was the love of your life" STOPOP😭😭😭
Eddie should be talking about this with Frank 💀
"living happily in Florida with his husband" lmao💀 Okay either Amir is gonna help Bobby or he's gonna torch the place. oh he's gonna torch the place. right.
Mom and Dad are fighting 😭 oh god Athena is so desperate. She's trying so hard. "You're making your round to say goodbye" 😭 Athena still worrying about Bobby being suicidal. "And you're standing on the ledge of a building again, Bobby." 😭 I'm in shambles. somebody glue me back together.
Athena doesn't know about the Book...
"I threw it in the trash on the night of our first date." She gave him hope that he was worth something 😭.
Garica is a BITCH. idc what happened to her she's a bitch. Who is she to refuse Mara a home😭 just bc her idiot son refused treatment. They're ripping apart a family they don't give a shit. Fuck CPS. fuck those 2 especially. ripping Mara out of Karen's grasp what the fuck. Fuck this what the fuck.
WHAT. THE FUCK. IS KIM DOING. SHE GOT A HAIRCUT AND IS.WEARINF SHANNONS DR3SS???????? Eddie looks as horrified as I do. She's pretending to be Shannon IM GOING INSANE. Kim is so smart istg. "You have to let me go" 😭 She is doing the right thing but my god this is psychotic to watch 😭
Eddie finally FINALLy letting go of Shannon is so 😭 he deserves peace. Eddie breakdown era 2.0 let's go. he sounds like a little boy so scared and angry and hurt. CHRIS WALKING IN WITH MARISOL !!!
Bobby, Bobby??? bobby... oh. oh no. He is, he's drinking. Oh my god. he dreamed of his dad while HIS HOUSE IS ON FIRE. ATHENA!! he gets to save his family this time. BOBBY???? HE HAD A HEARTATTACK WHAT.
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stolaz-the-artist · 3 days
May you make a murder drones au of nexo knights Please 😢
I mean yeah, that's kind of obvious.
This Is gonna be a loooong post. Longest ask I've worked on.
I didn't need to make so many drawings but I had so much fun I just kind of had to.
im gonna do everyone a favor and kind of digitalize my writing under each page, just in case its hard to read.
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Serial Designator C
"I don't know because you won't tell me!"
"Oh please don't run! if I miss it will just prolong your suffering"
"Oh i do wanna be dapper *sigh* but alas"
Clay: Are you . . . new drones?
Macy: Uh, sure?
Clay: Hm. . . Well I have been saying we need more bots
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Serial Designator W
"C-100110010! HOW DARE YOU LOCK YOUR MOTHER UP!? You let me out this instant!"
"Wait . . . Prom queen?"
Lance: He's literally so ungrateful. Like you're so cool.
"How did you even manage to knock yourself offline?"
*Rebooting. . .*
"If the other one survived after all this time it's truly a miracle"
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Serial Designator F (Fletch)
Post limb change
Him and Izzy are very close friends (She think its cool when its revealed he's a Disassembly drone)
Was "adopted" by two worker drones (That W killed in an attempt to get him back)
He's a bit taller due to his torso, but because his legs cant fully support him, he's constantly hunching
"Im so tired of this shit"
Gets called names like • Loose-limb Fletch
•Snap-off Fletch
Wanda: Literally barely anything. Just put the right limbs on
Wanda: Like what kind of idiot tried to connect Worker drone limbs to a Disassembly drone torso?
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Macy Doorman
"Huh, knew illegal downloading all those Ned Knightly movies would come in handy"
Macy: One more buzzword and I'll do it
Jestro: . . . Equity Partnersh-
"Oh bite me"
Clay: Now im pretty new to this "Rebelling" stuff. But uh, do I have to fight my mom? Its just that-
Macy: YES!
Clay: sighhh Fine, lets do this
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"The hell happened to you?"
Aaron: So do you think they like video games?
Lance: Doubt it
Aaron: Then why are we here?
Lance: Blackmail
Aaron: Oh fair
One of Macy's best friends (And the friend she's had the longest)
"Super invited to my shindig next week"
Aaron, whispering: I mean, he's fun sized?
Aaron, whispering: Ok so not fun
Macy: whispering: OH REALLY!?
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Axl: Where's Macy
Lance: She went out
Axl: Out? Have she lost her mind?
Lance: Think so. Oh and Aaron went with her
Axl: Excuse me?
Lance: Yeah . .
Phone focus cuz tiny space
Wanda: This is so shit
Lance: I know right
Fashionista. Yes he knows there are non flip phones, he has one, but it just doesn't meet the same level of sass as a clip phone
Lance: Do you understand what will happen if you go out there? Let me spell it out; D-E-A-T-H! Are you out of your-
Aaron: I'll come lol
Lance: Yeah, no. You two gp enjoy dying. The hell you think this is, a shitty horror movie?
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"Im gone for 5 min to get some actual edible snacks and everyone is dead!?"
Accidentally gave her the gun idea
Really fixated on food, spends a lot of time recreating food
His bigger legs make him a bit less flexible, but he packs a mean kick (home made)
Axl: There we go!
Lance: Aren't you worried someones actually gonna drink it thinking its actually edible- or drinkable I guess
Lance: But idk, people are pretty stupid here
Axl: Hm, no you're right
Decoration don't drink u'll die lol
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Serial Designator J
"its tricked you! and if I promised you anything . . . It tricked me too . . ."
"Ha-ha! I-am so good-at-hiding!"
Is AD's most "trusted" worker (And with ,pst trusted I mean most easily manipulated)
Clay: What will the company do to us once we're done? How do we know the company wont get rid of us?
Jestro: Awh, im so sorry. You know the consequences of questioning the company
Clay: Hm, fair enough
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Absolute Destruction
"The flesh demands invitation"
"Dropped this-silly"
Pre-skinning Merlok
Robot view
Monstrux: You look g-great, toots! hm . .
Monstrux: Have you considered a hat-tho
There's a few extra sketches I did for fun lying around, and if ya'll want that (plus the story line of what's happening) just tell me I would include it here but this is painfully long enough
(Oh and all relationships are kinda neutral here. They don't entirely line up with the show. Ship whoever I don't care)
Anyways, this took weeks to make (cuz of studying and the fact I got sick in the middle of it) but im rather happy with what I have came up with!
Always feel free to make asks like this! I enjoy them a lot! might take a while for them to come out cuz of school but I'll do my best!
(Also I'm aware some are a bit out of character, it was for comedic purposes)
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sirfrogsworth · 8 months
My grandma died from lung cancer when my dad was only 16. They couldn't afford to take her to the doctor, so it was only discovered as what was making her sick when it was already stage 4. Having your mom die when you're a teenager is already hard, but my dad has to ALSO eternally wonder if catching it early would have even made a difference? Survival rates NOW aren't even that good, much less 40 years ago. It's insane that people are okay with making THE cause of lung cancer look "cool" again, when the end result is a painful and/or expensive death that leaves your family broken.
He says she was a lot like me, and that we would have gotten along really well. I'll never know.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I didn't get to know my grandpa either. I was just a baby when he passed. I can definitely relate there. And I was really close to my grandma. We spent almost every Saturday of my childhood together. We'd play board games and cards and then watch Wheel of Fortune. She called me "Ben Bolt" because whenever I entered a big store I used run and hide and make people find me. She was the cutest old lady there ever was. Classic grandma with the blue hair and the church quilting circle with all the other gossipy grandmas.
The sad thing is that she never smoked. She just lived with a very heavy smoker. And before she got to see me turn into a teenager her lungs failed her. I don't remember it well. I just remember her coughing in her hospital bed. And it always upset me that someone else was able to make her sick. It didn't seem fair.
That did inspire my uncle to try and quit. But after decades of smoking he just couldn't figure it out. He knew what was coming but he just didn't have the tools to fight it. I've never heard a cough like that. It just sounded... wet. And he'd get into these huge coughing fits for minutes at a time. And then his anxiety would get so bad he'd have to go outside for a smoke. It's such a vicious addiction.
The people who love smokers have so many of these stories. And I guess that is why we are so desperate to keep more stories from manifesting.
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creampuffqueen · 1 month
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okay i got one like so now i'm going to give y'all a rabbit lore drop! meet this guy, #4, aka Number Fucking Four
be me
second year raising meat rabbits. mostly know what i'm doing
it's the day of the county fair
i'm dressed and ready to leave, all that's left is to grab my show rabbits from their hutch
look outside
little brother is chasing a white blur around the backyard
Oh Fuck
turns out one of the cage doors was open overnight. either accidentally unlocked, or somehow fell open. no idea. doesn't matter
thankfully, not the cage door of the rabbits i'm taking to show. those three are still waiting in their hutch, perfectly behaved
but in the other cage, 5/6 of the babies are running haywire around our backyard
we live on 3/4 of an acre, btw. it's a large backyard
whole family chases rabbits for 30 minutes
4 of the 5 escapees are caught
1 still eludes us. it's hiding beneath the shed
i have to leave for the show. family promises to catch rabbit and meet me there
i go to the rabbit show
parents show up right before it starts. they were unsuccessful in catching the last rabbit and have decided to try again when we get home
i do really well at the rabbit show :D my trio makes sale!!
we all go home
baby rabbit is ducking between fences outside. staying close but not close enough
finally my mom goes into the neighbor's yard and catches it from behind
rabbit screams bloody murder the entire walk home. it's not hurt. just furious at being caught
we discover this is rabbit #4 (we don't name the babies, just number them. helps with attachment as they are meat animals)
surely the excitement is all over! we can rest easy
next day, #4 looks a bit sluggish. i start getting worried
day 2 post-escape, he looks almost on death's doorstep. Oh Fuck
during his hours away, he must have gotten into something bad
we scramble for what to do
he is floppy, clearly extremely dehydrated
but, on the plus side, his mother is still taking care of him! that's a good sign. rabbits won't take care of a baby they think is going to die. she's protecting him from his siblings and spending all day grooming him
the babies are weaned at this point, so he can't get his mother's milk to help perk him up
we improvise
we start syringe feeding him watered down heavy cream for hydration + nutrition
^^^^ do NOT do this. idk why it worked honestly. weaned mammals are lactose intolerant. somehow it worked, but don't try this home
but it did work
#4 managed to push through the worst of it and his body cleared whatever toxins were in his system
we were syringe feeding him every few hours. during the day when we were at work and school a neighbor came and did it. we didn't want this baby to die
and bonus: since he got held so much, he quickly became one of the most docile babies i've ever raised
okay, now it's over! he's healthy again!
be me, a few weeks later
mom has been in the hospital. family is pretty stressed
but she's being released today! dad and brother are going to pick her up, i'm tidying the house, home alone
i notice a white blur running around in the yard
Oh Fuck
run outside. a corner of the cage wire has come loose. just enough for a baby rabbit to slip through
and guess who's fucking running wild in the backyard?
Number Fucking Four
i chase. he runs
i manage to corner him behind our pool chest. he's squeezed between the chest and the side of the shed
i reach down to grab him
Uh Oh
my arm is stuck
like. really stuck
like, wedged down to my shoulder stuck
try not to panic
panic a little
thankfully, i have one free arm and my phone
call neighbor
no answer
call other neighbor
no answer
call dad
answer! he's still at the hospital getting my mom released. won't be home for another 30-45 minutes
try not to panic
panic some more
call neighbors again. still no answer
then, somehow, someway, manage to free my arm
we're so back
stick a pool net at one end of the tunnel. position myself at the other end
#4 falls right into my trap and into the pool net, where i grab him
obviously can't put him back in the hutch
am forced to take him inside and just let him hang out in the kitchen until my family gets home
that's where these pictures are from. look at his assholeish face :/
jk i love him
dad fixes hutch
finally, we're done
#4 is no longer with us, but he will forever live in infamy
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mikeslawyer · 1 year
as a will byers fan I respect byler and won’t have an issue of it happening but I don’t think it’s fair for bylers to insist that it’s the only way for will. He absolutely could do better and open his horizons he is only 15 years old, in his head he’s thinking that’s it that’s all he has but I think for his coming of age they could show that he isn’t alone out there and that he could find love somewhere. It absolutely doesn’t have to be with mike either and I know this will trigger a lot of you since your hardcore bylers, but this is coming from a person whose only looking at this from a different view. I think he deserves more then what Mike could give him cause Mike is dealing with his own stuff and has made some mistakes regarding Will, plus he has his relationship with el he’s dealing with.
Again I wouldn’t be mad if byler was endgame cause if wills happy then I’m happy, but If it’s not I understand it exactly it’s all I’m saying.
I truly don’t even know where to start telling you how wrong you are.
First off, let me address the “he’s only 15 years old and he thinks he doesn’t have perspectives” because no. Will absolutely knows he has perspectives, he just doesn’t want them. Let’s not forget he lived in California for a year and even though it’s still the 80s, it was much more open and progressive than Indiana. California passed one of the freedom laws in 1974, following with more - they basically agreed that if both parties have consented, then it’s none of their business what’s happening between two people. They allowed gay people to be open, to express themselves.
Secondly, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie and many, many others existed and spoke up regularly and openly. Look up either of their interviews. Will knows he’s not alone, he’s not the only one. He literally moved back to Lenora, but he simply doesn’t want to. My guess is he explored his sexuality there, met more gay people, learnt about himself. Mind you, he doesn’t hate himself for being gay. He knows he can’t change it - it’s Mike who’s denying his own sexuality. Will has long since come to terms with being gay.
Another thing - I hate when people say that Mike can’t give him everything he deserves, because yes, he absolutely can and will and would always. Did we watch the same show? Mike would and has walked through hell and back for Will. His first insist when they were being shot at was to literally shield Will with his own body. Mike doesn’t see the world besides Will - he literally said that his home isn’t home because Will isn’t there. He has repeatedly, time after time, proved how much Will means to him.
Yes, Mike has problems with his relationship with El, so what? Let’s not forget that he, too, is fifteen years old and he, in contrast to Will, did not spend a year in California, a place much more open than Hawkins. Another thing, as much as Nancy would protect her brother no matter the situation, they don’t exactly talk. Meanwhile, Will has unconditional love from both his mom and his brother, who have shown him support when he cried. Mike would rather die than cry around Nancy or his mom. He has no one to turn to, no one. The only person he trusts like that is Will, who not only is the problem Mike is struggling with but also seems to just not get him anymore.
Lastly, putting all of this aside. Will is in love with Mike. He doesn’t want better. He wants Mike and I cannot stress this enough. And saying that he deserves better than the closest person in his life, someone who would walk through fire for him, someone who literally would and has protected him at the cost of heir own life - saying that just proves that you don’t understand either of their characters.
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magixfairyix · 2 months
Trix & OC Core Incorrect Quotes 01
After S.S.S. (as in far after) Iorda is consensually kidnapped into the coven as they'd (and the Winx) been friends for four years at this point, and Iorda had gone fully from fairy to a witch a year prior.
Darcy: It was in the third year when you and Icy were fighting, cue crow's dust, and she said 'Now, what am I going to do with you.' Right? >:)
Icy: hOw CaN YoU qUotE tHat?
Darcy: I have a book of your homosexual quotes with Bloom. I had a guess you'd bang/makeout with each other at some point and I decided to keep a book so when you two did relieve the sexual tension I could chuck it at you
Iorda: Hey um... I might've fucked up
Icy: What did you do? Is everyone alive?
Stormy: Technically we both fucked up so...
Darcy: 'Fucked up' by whose standards?
Iorda: 'Fucked up' as in you three will likely approve
Darcy: Alright spill the tea
Icy: It was his fault. He should've been grateful it was Iorda because we all know if Darcy and I was there he wouldn't have been able to walk out of there with his limbs intact
Iorda: Yeah that's what we call illegal Icy
Darcy: BSH fucking with someone's pain reflex is illegal
Icy: They are don't worry. Darcy stop scaring the child
Iorda: Darcy, fuck you. I thought I just did something illegal
Iorda: Since Darcy and I are immune to poison does that mean we can't get intoxicated to death, stung to death by poisonous animals, or get poisoned from drinking human blood?
Icy: Iorda, the hell
Darcy: Eh I don't think human blood is poisonous it just fucks with your body. Also the first it's not necessarily poison. The second though...
Stormy: One, why did you assume we would know?
Iorda: Eh ya'll tried to kill me via poison I thought you'd know
Stormy: Nuff said. Secondly, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Iorda: A lot of shit
Iorda: Yeah turns out it wasn't a daemon, it was Death
Stormy: ... excuse
Iorda: Don't worry I'm alive. Wait... does this add a ninth time considering I 'interacted with death?'
Stormy: ... yeah no shit you're alive. You're talking to us
Iorda: For all you know I could be possessed sthu
Icy: Darcy! You're girlfriend is going fucking insane and please tell me you didn't know that DEATH is real!
Icy: ... You scare me
Stormy: Oh yay mom is back
Iorda: Acually get your ass on here this is revolutionary!
Icy: What is revolutionary and what did you two do?
Iorda: Your ice doesn't melt in blood! ^^
Darcy: Remember when Iorda got stabbed and got a free chiropractic appointment?
Iorda: ... shit my back issues actually disappeared for two years after that so not far off from the truth
Darcy: ... not even gonna question that, but anyway
Stormy: Wait wait wait, what happened after the stabbing?
Icy: Darcy what did you do? (five years too late)
Iorda: You didn't tell them? DARCY THE HELL
Darcy: Damn. Well after that happened a bad migraine hit from the emotion feeling thing so I forgot, so, yeah I didn't tell them. Oops
Iorda: You didn't tell them you broke every bone in my body? Priorities
Darcy: I thought she would
Iorda: Cackling rn holy shit
Stormy: And you did that when you could feel her emotions?! Darcy?!
Darcy That's why I got a hell of a migraine and nausea after. Felt like shit
Iorda: yOu felt like shit?? I was dYinG 
Darcy: Fair, you win
Icy: ... I told you to like, kill her mind or something not bReAk hEr bOnEs
Darcy: Yeah I know I'm a perfectionist ;)
Stormy: Musa is laughing her ass off at this conversation
Iorda: Tell them that they are a traitor
Stormy: Done, they flipped you off. And by the way, I just remembered that were used to compare you to a cockroach because of your inability to die
Icy: Perfectionist my ass. You didn't even finish the job. This is why I'm the coven leader because you all are insane
Iorda: It's not their fault I'm a badass cockroach
Icy: That's also not likely. That'd only happen if Iorda didn't get her blood and magic energy cleansed 
Iorda: .. do what?
Icy: Get your blood and energy cleansed. You know, to get all the curses and whatnot out of your body so you can use your magic properly. Otherwise, you could have difficulty using certain parts of your magic, sleeping, also a sense of paranoia and unease
Darcy: Iorda please tell me you're just you and that you did get your blood and energy cleansed for the love of-
Iorda: And where do you find this information? Just asking~ 
Stormy: They teach us this second year of Cloud Tower, common knowledge. Though it's not taught to faries because it's not relevant and... You didn't go to CT second year, did you?
Icy: Iorda answer
Iorda: ... so tHaTs why I'm shit at psychic magic
Stormy: So we can't speak because otherwise the Ariste will hear us. Only communication is through this chat while we search for potion ingredients
Iorda: The what now?
Stormy: Creatures that'll eat our skin if we make noise
Stormy: JUST RUN!
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smilesrobotlover · 3 months
Odyssey notes I took while reading the odyssey since I finished it!:
Imagine surviving the sea, monsters, and curses, and how you die is by breaking your neck LMAO. I guess that’s the nicest way to die compared to the others I guess 💀
Odysseus seeing his mom in the underworld nearly brought me to TEARS HE COULDNT HUG HER AUGHHUFHFHFJHFJ
Dang Scylla is pretty terrifying. Poor Odysseus, couldn’t save his men :c
Can the men listen to Odysseus, for FIVE SECONDS
he probably needed that sleep so bad.
Also those mfs just left him 💀
POSEIDON NEEDS TO COOL HIS TITS!!! HIS GRUDGE AGAINST ODYSSEUS IS GETTING OLD!!!! Bro was gone for like, 17-20 years and he lost everyone, almost died, and was prisoner to Calypso for 7 years. Leave him alone dawg
The freaking fact that Odysseus couldn’t recognize Ithaca and just assumed that he was on an island of monsters or somethin makes me so sad bruh. He’s been through so much that he just can’t accept that he’s back home. Even when Athena herself telling him he’s home he JUST can’t believe it. This man needs so much therapy omg
How did homie come up with that elaborate backstory under his disguise??? Why is Odysseus so extra???
Also that fake backstory kinda paralleled his own. Very loosely but it’s neat.
I bet it was so hard not to sob right in front of Telemachus as soon as he saw him. Odysseus was using all his strength to fight against the tears.
Also Odysseus and Telemachus reuniting also nearly brought me to tears. I am not ok
“On hearing this Telemachus smiled to his father, but so that Eumaeus could not see him.” PLEASE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH AKSHDKSBSKSBSK
“Penelope came out of her room looking like Diana or Venus, and wept as she flung her arms around her son. She kissed his forehead and both his beautiful eyes, “Light of my eyes,” she cried as she spoke fondly to him” 🥺🥺🥺🥺 this is making me touch starved lmao. Oh to have everyone kiss my head and shoulders when I return home. Also love seeing momma Penelope
Penelope 🤝 Odysseus
Crying a lot
“As soon as he saw Odysseus standing there, he dropped his ears and wagged his tail, but he could not get close up to his master. When Odysseus saw the dog on the other side of the yard, he dashed a tear from his eyes without Eymaeus seeing it…” WHAT IF I CRIIIIIIIIIEEEEED 😭😭😭😭 HIS DOGGO
NOOOO ARGOS!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭 he died as soon as he saw Odysseus. He was able to see him one last time. I am unwell
“As she spoke Telemachus sneezed so loudly that the whole house resounded with it” THAT IS THE MOST RANDIM THING TO ADD IN THERE HSKDBSKSBSK. It’s so cute tho 😭😭😭 oh Telemachus you’re Adorable. And his momma laughed. Aww.
Nvm Telemachus’s sneeze was apparently an omen that the suitors will die lmao. This story just has things Happen
Telemachus: *sneezes*
Penelope: this is a sign that the suitors will die
Eymaeus: what
“This was what she said, and Odysseus was glad when he heard her trying to get presents out of the suitors, and flattering them with fair words which he knew she did not mean.” HE LOVES HIS WIFE!!!!
“…I believe the light had not been coming from the torches, but from his own head—for his hair is all gone, every bit of it.”
Did this mf just make a bald joke 💀
Me and my homies hate the maids and suitors
Also Penelope rocks. Deceiving everyone cuz she doesn’t want to get married to those douche bags. Pop off queen. Poor lady, forced to get married :((
Odysseus trying not to cry upon talking to his wife after years 😭😭😭 that dude is TOUGH
Odysseus: oh yeah, I met Odysseus. He was wearing fancy clothes and was hot af.
Odysseus is trying so hard to convince Penelope that he’s coming home. Ough… sweet man
Ok so Odysseus was officially gone for 20 years. Ok Coolio. Yikes
Bro went on a huge tangent about the boar. It’s neat to hear about but sheesh.
Penelope had a dream that explicitly told her that Odysseus was coming home to kill the suitors and she’s like “can you interpret it for me?” I assume she’s trying to mess with Odysseus, cuz even tho he’s in disguise, she’s sensing something with him.
Oh she knows Odysseus is somewhere. Why is she setting up a tournament that only Odysseus could do now?? She knows…. She knows….
Book XX: Odysseus cannot sleep. What else is new?
Odysseus’s name meaning anger is starting to make sense now that he’s home and wanting to murder people out of anger. I guess the fact that he pisses everyone off to is also an indicator of that 💀
Oh the Odysseus and Penelope parallel augh
Odysseus is just brooding all the time huh
I like the idea that Telemachus is very timid and soft spoken. Everytime he speaks against the suitors they’re always surprised; now that he’s older with Athena and his father by his side, he’s beginning to break out of this shell and become more bold. It’s neat for his character. wonder how he’d feel about himself compared to his lion-hearted father
Telemachus is sooo cuuuuute he tried to do that trial for his momma… he was so excited too. My son
Love how Odysseus is absolutely JACKED. Just super strong. An absolute tank. Love him
“Eurymachus,” Penelope answered, “people who persist in eating up the estate of a great chieftain and dishonoring his house must not expect others to think well of them.” EAT EM UP PENELOPE!
I guess people in Ancient Greek times just killed each other without any thought lmao. I have a feeling that it’s less about the law and more about the revenge that would fall upon you if you killed someone. It was satisfying to read the suitors and maids die tho. Heck yeah
Athena is a great wing man. Just making Ody hot and godlike
Love Penelope testing Odysseus to make sure it was him. Very good. She’s a very cunning women indeed
Gosh. The love and chemistry between Odysseus and Penelope is so strong, even tho they’re barely together in the story. Like, it’s interesting to hear how much love they poured into each other that night, (especially compared to Circe and Calypso. Odysseus clearly did not love them.) and then they talked and explained their times away from each other. Augh they’re so in love 😭😭😭
Odysseus just tell your father that you’re home why are you LIKE THIS
Dang, that was an abrupt ending. But why did Athena like… tell Odysseus’s father to kill the guy and then told them not to kill each other lmao. Idk. But overall yay. Interesting how Odysseus didn’t listen at first. I think he’s truly changed since his adventure
Something I noticed was that Odysseus was probably a very happy and joyful man. He had family and friends, a wife and a newborn son. He treated everyone fairly and with kindness and everyone adored him for it. But after his adventure, he seemed far more somber and angry. Sad change of character, but ultimately he didn’t change too much. I love him. I enjoyed that WAAYYYY more than I thought I would. Sure the writing was different than what I was used to—there was so much yapping and tangents and metaphors—but it wasn’t impossible to follow! I’ve read difficult stories from Shakespeare to scriptures and this was an overall easy read. The culture of Ancient Greece is very…. Strange to me, but it’s always neat to see differences in cultures, no matter how uncomfy it makes me feel. Love how both Odysseus and Penelope remained faithful to each other and cried over each other a lot. They got married for a reason <3 and Telemachus my son. He’s so precious. Good good story I enjoyed that a lot
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reashot · 2 years
Thank you to everyone for helping me reach 30 followers. To celebrate the occasion. Here's team RWBY meeting their future children with Jaune...
Team RWBY and Jaune suddenly found themselves in an empty expanse of whiteness. There's nothing in here except for the five of them. All of them are confused at how they managed to end up here. Everyone except for Jaune that is.
Jaune: Oh no, I'm here again.
Ruby: Where are we? 😵
Blake: There's nothing here but the color white.
Yang: No sh** Blake! Hey Weiss! Did you send us here? We're in your color after all.
Weiss: What! Just because we're in a white place doesn't mean I'm responsible for it. Honestly Yang are you really this daft?
Jaune: Uh... Everyone. I can't tell you where we are, but I've been here before.
Weiss: I knew it! Every time there's something wrong it's always you that causes it!
Ruby: Hey leave him alone. It's not his fault he keeps attracting trouble where ever he goes. 🤬
Blake: Ruby... That's going too far.
Yang: Look it doesn't matter whose fault this is. Right now we need to find a way to get out of here.
Suddenly someone appears out from out of nowhere. That someone a large man much older than them encased in a golden suit of armor from head to toe. Carrying with him a large greatsword that are as tall as he is.
Yang: Holy Oum! That guy is huge!
Blake: And he is in a golden suit of armor?... That's kinda tacky.
Ruby: Oh. He have a greatsword. That's so cool. Hey do you think he will let me see it? 😋
Weiss: Ruby will you please stop drooling at every weapons you see! Jaune, if we die. I blame you.
Jaune: That's fair. Everyone get ready. Here he comes!
??? : Excuse me. May I ask you all something. Where exactly am I?
Yang: Eh, that's what we are also trying to figure out unfortunately.
??? : I see. It seems we all found ourselves trapped here.
Jaune: Say. Who are you exactly?
??? : My name is Aurum Arc, son of Jaune Arc and knight captain of the Arc Knights.
Everyone: WHAT!!!
Aurum: Ah. You must have misheard me. I repeat again. My name is Aurum Arc, son of...
Jaune: Wa-wa-wait just a moment. Did you said you're my son?
Aurum: Father?... But, that can't be...
Yang: Wait you have a son? Way to go Vomit boy!
Aurum: Mother? Why do you look so young...
Ruby: Jaune and Yang have a child together! 😦
Blake: But that can't be. He looks so much older than they are, how is it even possible?
Weiss: Can someone please explain what is going on right now?!
Yang: Wait are you really my son? Are you like from the future or something?
Aurum: I guess that closest explanation we are going to get, but yes my mother's name is Yang Arc. Are you her, are you really my mother?
Yang: Well my last name isn't Arc, but yes I'm Yang. Yang Xiao Long.
Aurum: Then I apologize for my insolence, honored mother.
Yang: Wow so polite. You sure you're my kid?
Weiss: Also do a paternity check there's no way he could be Jaune's son.
Jaune: Hey! I could so totally be this guy's father.
Blake: Somehow I doubt that Jaune.
Aurum: Rest assure. There is no doubt that Jaune Arc is my father. After all Both my father and mother love each other very much.
Ruby: Jaune and Yang have a child together... No! I refuse to believe it! Jaune and me are supposed to be together. Where is my child with Jaune?! 😫
???: Mom!!!! *tackles Ruby to the ground* 🥰
Ruby: Who the heck are you?! 😮
???: It's me mom. It's Scarlett. 😊
A teenage girl around their age then stand up to greet them. She has long dark red hair, deep blue eyes and wearing black dress with red hood.
Blake: I take it you also came from the future?
Scarlett: Yup. My name is Scarlett and I'm Ruby Rose's daughter. Nice to meet you all. 😚
Ruby: So I do have a child in the future... But if it's not with Jaune then... I'm sure you must be good kid and I will love you and your father in the future. But right now I just want to be alone. 😞
Scarlett: But Mom. Dad- I mean Jaune is your husband. 🤨
Ruby: What?! Then forget everything I just said. I love you and Jaune so, so much! It's so nice to meet you Scarlett. 🤗
Scarlett: Ooh we need to take a selfie together. I wish my big brother are here to see this.
Blake: Wait if she's also Jaune's daughter. Then that means?.. *stares at Jaune* Do you want to explain yourself Jaune?
Weiss: *stares at Jaune* Disgusting...
Yang: *stares at Jaune* Wow. The two of us? I got to hand it to you vomit boy. I never thought of you as a player.
Ruby: Jaune. How could you. You already have me. Why do you have to go after Yang too! 😡
Jaune: Oh c'mon. I didn't do anything!
As everyone around Jaune accuses him of being an adulterer. Someone comes up from behind him and gives him a hug. That someone is a little girl much younger than they are. The girl is a cat faunus but what most surprising is that the girl looks exactly like.. .
Jaune: Blake...
Blake: Oh no, don't tell me she's my children.
Yang: What the hell Arc are you three timing us?!
Weiss: I say we neuter him right now before he impregnate half of remnant.
Ruby: Not before he unload on me first you don't. Then afterward we can neuter Jaune. 😖
Jaune: Can we please don't treat me like I'm a tomcat. Or at least hold on to that idea until we figures out what is going on.
??? : Daddy I'm scared. Why are the mean old ladies screaming at you?
Jaune: Are you okay?
??? : I'm scared daddy. I want my mommy.
Jaune: Blake can you help me with calming our "daughter" down?
Blake: I guess, I have no choice. Can you tell me your name little one? Mommy seems to have forget.
??? : It's Dusk, mommy. So please don't forget it again.
Blake: Of course Dusk. Forgive mommy please. I seems to have gone forgeful in my old days.
Dusk: I forgive you mommy. We all forget things sometimes. And daddy? If daddy did something to make the old ladies angry please say you're sorry to them. That's what you always told me.
Jaune: I will Dusk *kiss forehead* I swear I will make things right. I'm your dad after all I will make you proud.
Blake: (Wow he's so good with kids. No wonder he can't stop making them. )
Dusk: I know you will daddy. You are my hero after all. And daddy when are you and mommy going to give me a little brother or sister?
Everyone: 😳
Jaune: Ah, ha, ha... Le-let's ma-maybe not talk about that for a while okay. At least not in here...
Weiss: Yes, tell us all about it Jaune...
Yang: *smash fists* Yes let's have a long talk. With my Ember Celica and your crotch.
Ruby: This is all your fault for not picking me in the first place Jaune. 👹
Scarlett: Shouldn't we intervene or something? 🤔
Aurum: I don't think it's our place to help our father out.
Scarlett: I guess so, but if our dad happens to die in here. Don't you think we will disappear after? 🤓
Aurum: That is... Actually a good point. Come let's help our father out.
White knight
But just moment before Jaune are about to be castrated. Another person suddenly appears this time he looks almost exactly like Jaune. But whiter in appearance. He is not as old as the knight but still slightly older than Jaune and the rest.
Weiss: Let me guess he's my son?
Yang: Look at you catching on quick.
Weiss: It's a simple process of elimination Xiao Long.
Blake: Let's hope this is the last "surprise" we will be getting. I don't think we can handle this anymore.
Ruby: (He looks kinda like Jaune. But I feel something wrong here. 🤨)
Aurum: Get Ready.
Scarlett: Ready for what? 😕
Jaune: Oh hi. I guess you're my son too. My name is Jaune, Jaune Arc. It's simple...
??? : And roll of the tongue. Ladies love it. It's nice to see you Father... It's been so long. So long. Since...
Weiss: Well. Now that we are getting acquintaced. I guess this makes me your future mother...
??? : YOU!!!
Weiss: Uh, excuse me?!
??? : I have spent years dreaming of this moment, I've rehearsed everything I ever wanted to say to you, every words. To make you understand what you did to me and your family. But now... I realize I don't need you to understand everything. In fact. I don't need you at all.
Jaune: Don't you threaten your mother. I mean, your future mother. You know what I mean. I want you to apologize to your mother. I know you didn't mean that. Let's apologize together, okay.
??? : You. I will deal with you later. But right now I'm going to kill this bitch once and for all.
He then push Jaune away in order to put his hands around Weiss's neck and start choking her. Jaune and everyone else then start running towards Weiss to help her. But then the man pulls out the same sword Weiss have and used the same semblance to put some distance between them.
??? : Don't you dare stop me from killing this whore. Or else I will not be responsible for what I will do next.
Jaune: But that's insane. You could erase yourself out of existence by doing so.
??? : Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha... Oh father. So naive. Don't you think I didn't know that. But thank you for worrying about me father. But nothing would make me happier.
With a wave of his sword he summons a Dragon like Grimm from the ground. Preparing to do battle with everyone in the void dimension.
And that's the end. I might continue this if it gain enough traction. Also you can ask each of the future children a question if you want just leave a message.
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hamliet · 5 months
Random ask, Hamliet. Can I ask how can your dog and cat not fighting each other? So I had a cat for 3 years, named Gojo (yes, I know it's cringe). And last month my sister who lived with me, got a puppy and want to keep him, she named him Sukuna just to spite me.... And they kept fighting each other. Do you mind if I ask for your advice, please?
HAHAHA I love their names! And it is not cringe! Well, aside from the fact that with their names you were kind of asking for it... (I'm kidding).
So. I think I lucked out to a degree? They have very similar extroverted personalities. That said, I do have some advice for you, so read on!
I've had Alyosha almost four years now, and he's a very friendly puppy who loves humans, dogs, and cats we see on the street. When we visit family who have cats (numerous cats) he would always want to snuggle with them, but only one allowed him. So I knew he liked them before I looked for a cat.
Smokey I got from a shelter, and he was actually being fostered at a home with dogs. He was noted to be good with dogs, but not with other cats, amusingly enough. So I thought it'd be a good fit, and I think it took them all of four days (two of which Smokey spent trying to die on me in the hospital, because he was a very sick kitty; like I got him and the next day had to bring him to the ER) for them to curl up next to each other.
Smokey, dying on me but still wanting to speak to the manager:
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Smokey did hiss the first time he saw Yosh, but he kind of immediately took to me and so started taking to Alyosha soon after that. And Alyosha loves him; they frequently cuddle, and Alyosha refuses to eat his treaties unless Smokey is next to him and also receiving treaties.
Their first cuddle four days after I got him and 3 hours after I took Smokey home from the hospital; try to discern where one fluff ends and the other begins:
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Awaiting treaties (and Smokey mimicking Yosh):
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Also, Smokey is now larger than Alyosha by a fair amount. I accidentally adopted a panther I think -__- wish me luck, he's only eleven months and still growing...
(why is Smokey so large)
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They do fight sometimes, though. It's kind of a sibling relationship. But it's never been like, a violent fight--more like annoying each other and then they slap each other a few times and storm off to me like MOM GUESS WHAT HE DID.
And then other times they team up on me. Like when I gave Alyosha a bath and Smokey sat on the counter watching and hissing... at ME. He then jumped onto the edge of the bathtub and touched noses with the dog like... I'm sorry Mom's such a bitch.
So, it depends on the size difference between Sukuna and Gojo. Is Sukuna a large dog? If that's the case, I would try to keep them from fighting. But if he is not, or even if he is a small puppy now, I would watch them when they fight. Are they actually trying to hurt each other? Or are they just being bratty? If the latter, let them fight; if the former, intervene.
I would also try to use their love for you. Namely, with the dog, since he's young. If the dog sees his beloved human loving the cat, then since he's so young he might not be jealous and might transfer that love to the cat. I think that's partially what happened with Smokey when he was a (younger) kitten--oh, she loves dog, she loves me, dog must also love me. I also think it might make sense when giving treats or something to have your sister start with Sukuna and you start with Gojo, just so that they both know that you prioritize them (to prevent jealousy, I always start with Alyosha since he was here first; I call it birth order rights, jk).
Good luck! And if anyone else has advice, please share!
Leaving you with a photo of the two of them from yesterday evening:
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