#to heal a broken soul
aquadestinyswriting · 4 months
To Heal A Broken Soul: Epilogue -Confessions of a Troubled Heart
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Summary: Selene and Edwin finally have a heart to heart about what happened three days ago.
Words: 1,705
Warnings: None. Fluffy fluff is extremely fluffy.
Tag list (dm to +/-): @druidx, @sparrow-orion-writes , @homesteadchronicles, @warriorbookworm, @mariahwritesstuff, @ashirisu , @thesorcerersapprentice , @blind-the-winds , @philosophika , @the-down-upside-finch
Notes: I did a re-write of the original version, as I felt that one didn't flow quite the way I wanted it to following the revisions I've made to the earlier chapters.
It was two whole days after her Resurrection before Selene could even stay awake long enough to have more than a few bites of food. Not that Edwin had been any better; the poor man had also spent what time he hadn’t been fretting over her dozing in a chair next to her bed. Selene grunted as she pulled herself up to sitting, while she was still tired and achy she was now too awake to want to just lie and listen to the goings on of the world outside. She sat still for a moment, gasping from the exertion. 
~Don’t go getting any stupid ideas. Edwin’s only dozing.~ Chrackle’s voice stated in her head. Selene glared up at the magpie sitting on top of one of the posts of her bed,
~I’m not, but I am now awake and aware enough to get bored.~ she retorted, ~But since you’re going to be a little tattle-tale, why don’t you go grab the book I want while I create enough light to read by?~ she suggested. 
~But it’s too big for me to carry!~ Chrackle whined, gently clacking his beak to emphasise his annoyance. Selene snorted,
~Well, go find someone to bother to get it for me then, since I’m not allowed to leave this damn bed!~
“Well, you must be feeling better if you’re bickering with Chrackle, even if I can’t hear it.” Edwin’s voice suddenly stated, causing Selene’s gaze to snap to the cleric. Edwin stretched as he looked between magpie and familiar, “Let me guess, you need something and Chrackle either can’t or doesn’t want to get it for you?” he queried. Selene felt herself flushing as she took in Edwin’s rumpled hair and vestments,
“Something like that.” she muttered. Tearing her gaze away and looking out at the rest of her room instead, “I’m sorry if we woke you.”
Edwin shook his head and stood up, 
“You didn’t, I was on the verge of waking up anyway. Which book was it?” he asked. Selene looked back at him, huffing a half-irritated sigh,
“Calibrian’s Treatise on Inter-Planar Relationships, it’s the one I was trying to continue reading the other day.” she replied. Edwin nodded and made his way across towards the bookcase near the fireplace to find the book in question. Selene watched him for a moment or two before, before shaking back the sleeves of her nightdress and muttering an incantation under her breath. 
Edwin’s head snapped up at the sound of a sharp hiss. He looked in the direction the sound had come from just in time to see a Light spell flicker and die and Selene clench her fists. He immediately rushed over and sat on the edge of the bed,
“Selene! Are you alright?” he asked, looking the woman over to make sure there were no signs of spidering. Selene, who had scrunched her eyes closed, nodded,
“I’m alright.” she murmured, wheezing, “Fingers just sting a bit is all.” 
Edwin took a hold of Selene’s hands and coaxed them open, inspecting the slender fingers. The ends were a bit red, but otherwise seemed to be unharmed. He looked up at Selene’s face, which was more relaxed, but still pinched a little in pain. He gently rubbed the fingers in his hands and muttered a prayer. A soft green light sunk into the wizard’s hands, and he finally felt Selene relax completely. 
“What happened?” Edwin asked as his Cure spell completed. Selene hung her head, avoiding Edwin’s gaze,
“I figured that I’d get a Light spell going so I could read more easily. Save you the hassle of fiddling with the lamps.” she muttered. Edwin gingerly squeezed Selene’s hands,
“I don’t mind doing whatever it is you need, Sel.” he said quietly, “You don’t have to push yourself to get back to normal as soon as possible.” 
Selene raised her head again, her eyes brimming and lip trembling,
“You don’t get it, Edwin. A Light spell is one of the most simple cantrips to cast. If I can’t manage even that –” 
“Selene, you died not three days ago. You need to allow yourself a chance to recover from that.” 
“But what if – “
Edwin gripped Selene’s hands more tightly, causing her to stumble to a stop. He gently tilted her head so she was looking at him more directly,
“Selene, you need to relax.” he told her, his voice soft, “Stressing yourself out like this is only going to make you relapse, and I don’t want to go through that again.”
Selene’s throat constricted painfully. Dim memories of his voice confessing his love for her flitted through her head, making her heart ache. Had he truly meant what he said?
~You know, for being as intelligent as you are, you’re pretty damn clueless.~ Chrackle’s voice suddenly piped up. Selene glared at her familiar, who was cleaning his beak on the sheets at the foot of the bed.
~And what’s that supposed to mean?!~ she snapped mentally. She felt Chrackle roll his eyes,
~Mistress, the man has been besotted with you since you came to Fangthane about the God Clay. I think he meant what he said.~ the magpie sighed. He ruffled his feathers and cocked his head in Edwin’s direction, ~The question is, do you love him back?~ 
Selene flicked her gaze back to Edwin, who was watching her calmly. Her heart skipped a little as she took in the laughter lines around his eyes, the grey streak that had started growing into his beard, the quiet smile on his lips that dimpled his cheeks ever so slightly. Every last detail took her already short breath away. Add in the fact that he had never once let her down despite all her best efforts to push him away since he had arrived in Toreguarde and – Of course she loved him. More than anything else in this world. But could she really allow herself to? Especially since there was every possibility that either of them could die tomorrow?
“Then you make the most of the time you have.” Greg’s voice echoed in her head. All the other Gods damn it! 
Edwin’s calm expression pinched into one of worry as he noticed a flush start to creep up Selene’s cheeks as she stared at him. His heart leapt into his throat,
“Sel, are you alright. Don’t tell me you’re –” he was cut off as Selene waved a hand,
“No, no I’m fine. It’s just –” Selene quickly ducked her head so Edwin couldn’t see the sheer embarrassment on her face, “Cur ita velim Durus.” she hissed in Draconic. She felt Chrackle’s smug amusement as he fluttered over to her headboard. She sent him a mental glare as she struggled to come up with the words that could convey to Edwin what she was thinking, never mind feeling.
Edwin, swallowed down his initial burst of fear, replacing it with a worried sense of confusion. He squeezed Selene’s hands again,
“Alright, breathe.” he said as calmly as he could manage on hearing the wheeze in the wizard’s chest. He waited until Selene actually took a deeper breath than the ones she’d been taking, “What’s the matter?” he asked. 
Selene glanced up at the cleric, still struggling to work out how to tell him what she’d heard and how she felt. She felt Chrackle shove her mentally,
~Just tell him the truth! You’ve both spent long enough talking past one another already!~ He squawked in her head. Selene sent her familiar a mental glare before finally lifting her head and looking to the window on her left side,
“I heard you, you know.” she said quietly, “When you were trying to – well, you know.”
Edwin’s eyes widened and he instinctively pulled away a little, his heart skipping wildly,
“You – You did?” he squeaked, feeling his cheeks and ears begin to burn. Selene bit her lip, looking down at her bedsheets, even as she shifted so she would be facing him directly. She took in a shaky breath,
“That’s why I decided to come back. I didn’t want to leave this world before telling you that I – I love you too.” she admitted her voice quiet, embarrassed. 
Edwin simply stared at Selene. Had she just –? He was awake, right? He hadn’t dozed off again once he’d sat down? He felt Selene grip at his hand nervously. Ok, so definitely awake. Which meant –
Edwin’s face split into a huge smile, his heart soaring as he breathed out a laugh,
“Galana save us, we’re both such fools.” he chuckled, reaching out and tucking a strand of curled, auburn hair behind Selene’s ear before taking out his Holy Symbol and beaming at it, “I’m guessing that’s why She even let me make the attempt even after I’d expended everything She had to give.” he added, his throat constricting with emotion. 
Selene shook her head,
“I’m not even going to get into that.” she murmured, “However I do believe I owe you several dozen apologies. At least according to Chrackle. She added, glaring at her familiar, who simply cackled at her, while crowing smugly in her head. Edwin gently forced her to look at him again,
“Selene, you have nothing to apologise for.” he said softly, “Feelings are hard and strange and exceedingly difficult to deal with at the best of times. I was quite content to know my own heart even if my feelings for you weren’t reciprocated.” he told her. “I am, however, beyond happy to know that they are.” 
Selene swallowed thickly, her heart felt ready to burst and she felt warmer than she had in what felt like an age. She suddenly leaned forward and hugged the cleric, burying her face into the space between his shoulder and neck,
“Thank you.” she said, her voice muffled. Edwin didn’t say anything as he wrapped his arms around Selene’s slender frame and returned the hug. Chrackle croaked happily as he felt his mistress’ joy, happiness and contentment, fluttering over to the nest he’d started making in the nearby hatstand and quietly closing off the telepath connection with Selene. Now that the matter had finally been settled, he could safely leave her in Edwin’s hands. At least for the time being.
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purdykittykatsworld · 4 months
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dumbnotstupidfuck · 4 months
lowkey obsessed with angel having so many hands to hold and gently touch husk with. angels holding both of husks’ hands? well guess what he’s also tenderly cradling his face AND holding him close, how about that?
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blueberryfruitbat · 1 year
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He rarely ever likes to be held like this... So when I can I cherish it more than anything...
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noname-404s-blog · 10 months
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lestatslestits · 13 days
Every single Raleigh Ritchie song is a banger. This man is too powerful.
Like what do you meannnn all of your music slaps and you’re the most beautiful man in the world and an exceptionally talented actor and you’re so nice and talented that all of your coworkers are physically incapable of shutting up about how nice and talented you are???
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chief-lu · 1 year
Idk what I'm doing, idk where it's going, idk if it's understandable as I'm not a native English speaker and I didn't find anyone to proofread what I wrote but anyways !! Here's the first part of... Something? Don't hesitate to volunteer to proofread the next part and give me some ideas ? If you have some.
Healing of a Broken Soul Pt.1
Ominis x M!Reader (Hogwarts Legacy)
Summary : You're a member of a cult who's against magic and wizards and one day, you encounter one of them. You need to kill him, but things don't go as you expected.
Word count: 3361
Tw : Physical violence, mention of murder, fainting, curse words
Part 2
Eight years, it's been eight years since you joined that sect, well, since -your parents- joined that sect and you've been brought into this mess.
You never asked why you were here, what you were supposed to do, you just followed rules and orders, which raised you into a little soldier.
The sect you were part of didn't use magic, in fact, they were against it and therefore, against wizards, and you, were trained to fight those wizards. How could you win against magic with no magic you once asked yourself, well, the sect leaders found a way, wizards' weakness, a special type of iron, a mix of elements which can cancel magic.
With that iron, they made armors, shields, weapons such as swords, spears... Everything you were wearing right now as you were guarding the camp. Everything was calm, fortunately, wizards weren't supposed to know the existence of the sect, and if one happened to hear about you, they were to be exterminated, no questions asked. If you saw someone using magic near the camp you were to kill them, that's exactly how you found yourself fighting against a young wizard as you were patrolling in the forest near the camp.
You weren't supposed to talk while fighting, in case a wizard escaped, which wasn't supposed to happen, to keep anonymity, your face, your whole body, was covered by your gear, making your moves really slow, but you didn't need speed in a fight against magic users, every spell crashed against the iron of the armor, canceling it. The wizard who kept talking while fighting, started sweating, confused as to why his spells weren't working, his voice becoming louder from irritation, gormless prat.
As you slowly approached the man, you raised your sword, he started backing up against a tree, until he did something you didn't expect. He pulled out Dungbombs from the pocket of his robes and threw them at you. Startled by the thing and by the smell, you froze and started coughing, leaving enough time for the wizard to get away on his flying broom, flicking you off as you watched him fly away. Boiling with anger, you gritted your teeth as slurs escaped your mouth.
- "Dammit!"
You rapidly regained your senses though, you let a wizard escape, a wizard who witnessed how your gear worked, you needed to fix that mistake as soon as possible if you didn't want to end up being executed by your own mentors. Speaking of mentors another guard ended up coming near you, having heard the fight from afar.
- "You alright? What happened ?"
Straightening up at the sound of one of the other soldier's voice, you looked down as you explain what happened.
- "I... I let a wizard escape... B-but he must be around my age, he had a Hogwarts uniform, I can find him easily, I promise !"
Wearing a serious look, the other guard closed his eyes, conflicted, before sighing and setting his gaze on you once again
- "Fine, I'll let the leaders know, you must start the research as soon as possible, tomorrow morning I don't want to see you in camp, understood ?"
- "Yes sir."
You nodded at his question before retreating to camp, preparing yourself for a dressing-down, and as expected, you did receive one. You ate then went to sleep, having nightmares of you being sacrificed in the middle of the camp, with everyone watching, witnessing how you failed at your only job, you would never let that happen.
You woke up, it was 5 am, you didn't want to waste any time as you were already putting on your fighting gear. You reached the stables and saddled your Thestral, you really liked them. You both grew up together, they were the first Thestral you rode, and thinking that you would have them while going through this difficult task relieved you.
You eventually started your trip to the Hogwarts Castle, but you didn't want to bring attention to yourself so you established a camp in a forest near the location. You started to think about a plan and wandered into Hogsmeade in search of some information about the young wizard. It was already the end of the day as you returned to your camp, so you took care of your Thestral, did your nightly routine, and went to sleep.
One thing about you was very unfortunate, you had a very deep sleep, so as you woke up in the morning, you suddenly found yourself sitting, your limbs restricted by something. Confused, you furrowed your brows before slowly opening your eyes, your gaze falling on a wizard, the same one you fought against just yesterday.
- "You thought you could catch me by coming here? You must not be very smart my friend-"
The wizard you were searching for started to approach you, squatting in front of you so you could be at the same height level. He grabbed your jaw and started to analyze it, squinting his eyes.
- "You don't seem very old... How old are you ?"
Having no intention of answering him you just glared at him in silence, the brown-haired man appearing to become irritated.
- "Speak!"
Speak? Oh no you weren't going to speak, but you could certainly open your mouth, opting to spit in the man's face who let out a startled sound as he let go of your jaw.
- "You nutter !!"
The man wiped his face, regaining his composure before letting out a small and airy laugh.
"You got some balls... Don't you? What should I do with you then?..."
As the wizard seemed to think, you heard voices getting closer, calling someone.
- "-bastian! Sebastian! What the hell are you doing? I swear if I came in this stupid Forbidden Forest for nothing I'm gonna kill you"
Glancing past the so-called Sebastian who stood up at the calls, you noticed a blond hair boy coming closer, his wand in his hand, glowing in red, he wore the same robes, another Hogwarts student you thought, great... Now you had two people to kill.
- "Ominis, perfect timing! I found the guy with the weird armor I talked to you about, I told you he would eventually come for me !"
The "Ominis" guy eventually reached your position, his brow furrowed as his strangely very clear eyes looked at... nothing.
- "It's very dangerous, are you nuts ?? We don't even know how many they are !"
- "It doesn't matter, we have a hostage now, if they threaten us we'll just threaten them back, they're nothing without their armor and weapons ! While we have magic"
- "We're nothing without our wands and magic either Sebastian"
- "Well-... Maybe but we still have knowledge! We just need to ask Natty to teach us how to use magic without our wands, simple as that"
- "If you say so... Did you manage to learn anything about him ?"
- "Not at all, this brat doesn't want to talk"
Too tired to deal with his friend, Ominis sighed before slowly approaching you, still not looking at you, but you felt like that's what he wanted to do.
-"Maybe he's mute..."
After muttering these words, Ominis put away his wand and lifted a hand to show he didn't mean any harm.
- "Hi, I'm Ominis, I'm blind so I can't see you... Sometimes people don't notice it and it can lead to some misunderstanding. So I'm gonna ask, are you mute? You can touch me one time to say no and two times to say yes."
At the mention of touching, which meant you needed to use your hand which were restricted, Sebastian started to protest
- " And then I'm the one putting myself in danger? You want me to free their hands ?"
- "Well you said yourself they were nothing without their gear and you managed to capture him so I just assumed he didn't have it on"
- "I- hm, you're right... I'm just, gonna watch your back in case"
Sebastian took out his wand and freed your hands before taking a defensive stance. You, on the other hand, started to move your sore wrists before setting your gaze on Ominis. Now that he was that close, you could see how clear his eyes were and there was no doubt about his blindness. You still didn't want to reply to any of them, but you didn't want to stay stuck here for eternity either, so you rapidly tapped the man's shoulder one time.
- "Okay, so you just don't want to talk... Or maybe you can't but for other reasons"
Ominis nodded before standing up and turning his head to Sebastian.
- "Now maybe you can ask them questions, it's gonna be easier if they reply to you instead of me"
Sebastian nodded his head, wand still in hand as he took Ominis' place.
- "Okay, so I'm gonna ask again, how old are you, show me"
Watching Sebastian for several seconds, you glanced at Ominis before smiling and spitting in the brown-haired boy's face once again, you didn't forget how he flipped you off and how he just called you a brat. You didn't like arrogant idiots like him, and you sure weren't going to answer him, if there was someone who could ask you a question, it would be the blind boy who seemed to have heard the sound of spitting and repressed a laugh.
Done with your attitude, Sebastian took you by the hair, making you groan slightly with pain.
- " You're going to answer or I won't hesitate to throw you in the lake !"
Shaking his head as he listened to the whole thing, Ominis sighed once again, crossing his arms.
- " I don't think it's gonna work Sebastian"
- "Then make it work! That little sod didn't even hesitate to kill me, I would be dead if I wasn't smart enough !"
Ominis stayed silent after that, thinking, he didn't like talking about the crypt, it was his little secret place, only him and Sebastian knew about it, but the whole situation was weird and serious, and they needed information about you and your people.
- "Let's take him to the crypt, he won't be able to escape, and if he wants to survive, he' will eventually need to talk to us"
Sebastian, surprised by the mention of the crypt, as he knew how dear this place was to his best friend, immediately agreed, it was a good idea after all.
-"Okay, let's do that, but we'll need to sneak him in without anyone noticing"
Hearing that, you started to panic, not because they were trying to make you a hostage, but because your Thestral would be left alone here and even if he could survive alone in the wild, mentally you needed him to stay somewhere you knew he would be safe, with all the poachers you saw lurking around... Trying to catch the wizards' attention, you started clapping in your hands, two heads turning in your direction. Then you started pointing at your Thestral who seemed agitated because of your previous groans of pain, but who couldn't come to your rescue because you had tied him to a tree.
Surprisingly, Sebastian suddenly noticed the winged horse, slightly pushing Ominis.
- "He has a domestic Thestral, I think he wants us to take it with us too... But we don't have anywhere to stable it"
- "And... You can see it? You've been hiding some things from me Sebastian..."
- "YEAH WELL- It's not like you could see it either way..."
They both fell silent and you didn't know why but the situation made you snort, shaking your head to hide your amused smile.
- "Anyway, we could bring it to Brood and Peck, they would take good care of it"
- "Yes why not, it's not like we have any other solution"
Sebastian shrugged and began approaching the Thestral, unfortunately for him, thr creature saw how the wizard treated you and began defensively kicking his legs, Sebastian then backing up with big eyes.
- "What is going on with these people? Why is everyone so aggressive here ??"
- "Thestrals are known to be very protective of their owner... So I think you have your answer"
- "And why exactly do you know so many things about these beasts ?"
- "Because I actually listen in class unlike some people"
Everything went silent again and Sebastian shrugged once again.
- "Fair. I'll let you try to "tame it" then, since you've been nothing but gentle with that wizards killer"
- "Would you stop, we don't even know his motives, and I'm not gentle, I'm smart, if you want to learn things from this one you won't get anywhere with violence"
Rolling his eyes, Sebastian watched as Ominis approached the dark horse in turn, calmly. He could not see it but he could feel it, feel its body temperature, hear its nervous and angry breathing. Ominis lifted a hand when he felt close to the head of the creature and started caressing its muzzle, whispering sweet words to calm the animal. He then untied the rope and started leading the Thestral back to where you and Sebastian were standing.
You, who watched the whole thing with attention, felt your heart beat a bit faster than usual, you never saw anybody else act so tender with your horse and... It made you feel strange. As Ominis approached, rope in hand, you swallowed the lump in your throat, before lifting a hand to touch the blond hair boy's hand to thank him. Said boy got a bit startled at the touch before nodding his head in your direction.
- "Well, can we start going before you start collaborating with the enemy, Ominis ?"
Sebastian, feeling betrayed by the interaction, looked at the two of you, raising an eyebrow, waiting for a response.
- "Sometimes I wonder how I put up with that temper of yours..."
Sighing, Ominis took out his wands so he could know where he was going, hoping that the Thestral would stay calm. You, on the other hand, had your hands tied up again, but your feet were now free so you could actually walk and follow the two wizards.
That's how you finally found yourself in a big, dark, dusty and almost empty room, now free of all the restraint they put you under. They had successfully managed to sneak you into the castle by putting an invisibility cloak on you and casting a Disillusion spell on themselves, it looked kinda impressive if you were to be honest, but of course, you kept it to yourself.
You didn't see much of the castle as you had your view obstructed by the cloak, but you definitely noticed it was very huge, and now being in a room like this, completely secret, you couldn't stop wondering about all the secret rooms and passages the place harbored. Maybe you'd find some way to escape the room by analyzing it everyday, all day long, because the two wizards were still students and they needed to go to class, so you spent most of your time alone in the crypt, thinking about a plan to escape.
When the wizards had some free time, they would come, ask questions, try to make you talk but you didn't budge, until you really had no energy left in you and ended up fainting as you were walking in a circle in the crypt.
The first who found you was Ominis, he came a lot more often to the crypt and most of the time he wouldn't annoy you, he would just sit on a bench and read his book, with his glowing wand, you found it funny. The blond boy would even give you some sweets to eat, even if he was a "Slytherin", he felt bad not to let you eat, he didn't want you to die of hunger, Sebastian either actually, it wouldn't be in his interests, they just wanted to weaken you to make you talk.
As I said, Ominis entered the crypt first as you were lying unconscious on the floor. He eventually sensed that something was off, the room was too quiet.
- "Hey, are you here ?"
Waiting several seconds, Ominis didn't know if he should've felt worried or suspicious, from what he knew you may very well have found a way to harm him and were just waiting to attack him by surprise. But after several minutes, there was still nothing, so he started searching the whole room and ended up finding your body on the floor.
- "Hey, are you alright? Can you touch me?"
Nothing happened, and Ominis started to furrow his brow as he tried to find your face, taking your pulse and checking that you were still breathing. Everything seemed okay but you still weren't making any movements so the blind boy tried to make you sit up against a pillar, his brain eventually connecting this to your lack of food.
Leaving you in a sitting position, Ominis stood up and rapidly exited the crypt so he could bring you some food and water. He came back not too long after, Sebastian following him.
- " So what happened ?"
- "I don't know, I... I just found him lying on the floor, he's not moving"
Both of the boys approached you and as expected from Sebastian's delicacy, his method to wake you up was just to slap you multiple times. And it surprisingly worked well as you regained consciousness with a jolt, breathing was hard, and your eyes were wet but you were barely able to open them, you never felt so weak in your life.
- "Hun-... gry... Water..."
Whispering those words, the two wizards were surprised at first, it being the first time they hear you talk. Ominis quickly regained his composure though as he gave you food and water, the thing was, there wasn't enough energy left in you to eat by yourself. Sebastian noticing that, as you didn't touch what was given to you, just took the food container with a sigh and made you eat just like a baby.
- "At least you're talking now, but don't die okay ?"
Nodding your head because you were too tired to argue, you practically devoured Sebastian's hand as he fed you, making him scream like a girl.
- "Merlin, be careful !!"
- "What's going on ?"
- "He nearly bit my hand off !"
Hearing that, Ominis started to laugh lightly, shaking his head before offering to take over. Sebastian who didn't like to babysit people at all, accepted without hesitation, leaving the place to his friend. Now that you regained some energy, you left your gaze wander on Ominis' face as he tried to feed you without making a mess, making you laugh a little because he had a hard time finding your mouth by himself. You helped him by moving your head forward to take the food in your mouth, chewing it before deciding to speak again.
- "Thanks..."
Freezing a bit at the sound of your voice again, Ominis continued to feed you, staying silent for a bit before answering you
- "It's nothing... I mean... Even if you did try to kill my best friend, I'm not gonna let you die of hunger, I can be cruel but not that cruel"
- " Still-..."
- "Don't talk, eat for now, we have all the time to discuss after that"
Nodding your head, you found yourself following Ominis' order without protesting, Sebastian watching the two of you with wariness. Ominis wasn't usually this gentle with people he just met, especially people who harmed his best friend, the brown-haired boy almost thought you cast a spell on him but since you didn't seem to know or use magic, it wasn't possible.
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fictionalbara · 30 days
Enjoying the music, the photos, the videos, the posts of another Sixth Guns... and overlooking that shadow of grief. Maybe even pretending nothing happened.
But then boom, reality is here.
It still hurts...
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spaceafy · 9 months
As much as I hate to see my cubitos suffering and going through so much angst, I can only look on the bright side and know that the animatics and fanfic that will come from all this new info will be FIRE
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dailydiarynquotes · 6 months
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nerosdayinanime · 9 months
crippling need to draw this image i have of sabigiyuu pressed back to front, giyuu holding onto the arm thats hand is splayed over his stomach/ribs, easily leaning his head back onto sabito's shoulder, his soft barely-there hold on giyuu's neck with their cheeks gently pressed together
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aquadestinyswriting · 10 months
WriteblrCafe Playlist Challenge Day 1
So the rules of this are pretty simple. I post about 1 song from a WIP playlist that I've made for every day throughout August and explain why they're a good fit for the WIP in question. Since all my WIPs take place in the same universe and share parts of their playlists, I'll be choosing from one of three or four playlists I've created and will detail which WIP each song is for rather than sticking to just one. The tags are simply to share these posts with those on my taglist and are not a call for anyone to participate. The first song and explanation will be under the cut.
Tagging: @druidx, @asher-orion-writes, @homesteadchronicles, @warriorbookworm, @mariahwritesstuff, @writeblrsupport, @ashirisu, @thesorcerersapprentice, @blind-the-winds
OK so my first pick will be a song specifically chosen for 'The Wizard's Tale'
OK, so why choose a fansong created for the Final Fantasy 7 remake to go into a playlist made for a WIP that concentrates on Selene? Well, when I first listened to this song, I noted the lyrics fit remarkably well with the throughline of the story 'To Heal a Broken Soul'. This story, in particular, focuses on Selene finally breaking under the pressures that have been placed upon her for the last ten years, and the unresolved trauma that's been plaguing her since her adventuring days; all of which come to a head when she receives a letter with the most unfortunate news.
When I first began to re-write the first draft of this story, I realised that the character whose perspective is the most blatant is actually Edwin's. Sure, Selene is the main character and focus of the main plot of the story, but I think reading the story through the lens of the only person present in the story who can possibly understand why Selene has broken so badly lends a more tragic perspective. For my part, I do mentally modify the lyrics so it becomes a duet that basically echoes the sentiments held by both characters throughout the story: Edwin's desperate plea for Selene to allow him to help her, and Selene's desperation to keep him shut out in order to protect him from the machinations of the people that are looking to break the last Heroes of Toreguarde.
To Heal a Broken Soul is a story near and dear to my heart, and I've been iterating on and editing it for nearly 6 years and I'm very happy to have found a song that, in my mind, fits it so completely
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justalittlelogophile · 5 months
She sat by the pool, shoulders hunched dejectedly, her eyes hollow and distant in the soft fading light of dusk. Her finger flicked in the water, absentmindedly drawing little swirls as she let out a hoarse and exhausted sigh.
“I think…I think I’m afraid of the possibility of healing…
Making the best of shattered pieces…well…it’s all I’ve ever known. Pain is the great connector and of inspiration of us all; none is exempt from its reaches.”
She let out dry and mirthless laugh, reaching up to wipe at a tear that had so betrayingly begun to trickle down her cheek. “And besides, people just love their broken things.”
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klayr-de-gall · 2 years
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Cute couple icons 🥰
No honestly, i didn't intend this, but I feel in my bones that this two go together
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purrvaire · 8 months
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Moon, tell me if I could
send up my heart to you
so, when I die, which I must do
could it shine down here with you?
'Cause my love is mine, all mine
I love, my, my, mine
nothing in the world belongs to me
but my love, mine, all mine, all mine
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jakowskis · 3 months
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tumblr user ojibwa / gooseberry by james goss
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