#to me that was crazier than the violence lol
thestarlightforge · 3 months
Wild how Jessica and the Bene Gesserit tanked the entire narrative. But even wilder how Paul looked Zendaya—Zendaya, folks—in the eye & then straight up proposed to another girl immediately after, while she was watching. Sir. What are you doing. What are you DOING—
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suzakisbbygirl · 1 year
“Messed With the Wrong Girl…” (part two)
Pairing: bf!Tsukasa x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, kidnapping, slight violence, mild language, mentions of blood, happy ending (almost there lol)
Wc: 1.8k
an: Part two! Honestly i am really loving this, and writing for Tsukasa has been fun! Part three will be coming out soon, stay tuned!!!
Much love ~ ember
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The next day…
Tsukasa’ s POV
“Fujio, we have to go get her, I can’t take it knowing that she is in there alone.” Tsukasa says as he storms into the school. To everyone’s surprise, Tsukasa is showing more emotion than usual. What can he say? He’s a man in love, and the person that he would do anything for has been taken away from him.
“Don’t stress Tsukasa, I already messaged Rao and Sachio. Suzuran’ s Rao faction, and Housen are both on the way. We are not letting her stay there any longer.” Fujio replies, calming his friends mind.
“This giving me dejavu from when they took you. Everything matches up almost exactly. Does Senomon really think that this time will have a different outcome? I mean we only had a fraction of our forces last time and we still kicked their ass. Why are they expecting this time to be different?” Fujio questioned out loud, as Tsukasa listened to his words.
“This time will be different.” Tsukasa replied, earning a confused expression from Fujio, “This time, I’m not tied up. This time they have to deal with me before they beat me up.” He continues, staring straight ahead with fire in his eyes.
How silly of Senomon to think that they could take you of all people, and think that it would be okay. Not only have you made friends with almost everyone at Oya High, you have made friends with Housed, and Suzuran.
Shortly after, there is a commotion above Fujio and Tsukasa. Who else would it be, besides the one and only Binzo, your best friend at Suzuran. Entering from above, the rest of the Rao faction appear from around the corner. Jumping down and joining the rest of them, it is no secret that Binzo is not happy with Senomon for taking his best friend.
“Do we have to wait, I want to get in there and crush some skulls!” Binzo’s normal smile he gets when talking about fighting is absent, telling everyone around that he is on edge, and not to mess with him.
“We will leave as soon as Housen arrives…” Before Fujio could even finish his sentence, in their normal orderly fashion, Housen appears.
“So they got y/n this time? Hmm, I guess they’re really looking for the beating of a lifetime.” Yuken says, cleaning off his glasses.
“Now that we're all here, let's not make her wait any longer.” Tsukasa says, earning a grunt of approval from those around him.
None of them know why, but the charm that you have won all of them over, and gave you an abundance of friends that, quite honestly, you weren’t even really looking for. Fujio and Tsukasa took you to Housen while they were discussing something with Sachio, and you somehow got wrapped up watching a sparring match between two of the other Housen boys. Cheering them on, Yuken decided that you would be welcome at Housen at any time, and that you could call if you were ever in trouble. Reassuring him that Tsukasa wouldn’t let you get into trouble, you would still visit from time to time with the boys, and were always welcomed with open arms. The start of a beautiful friendship.
Suzuran was interesting. Especially Binzo. You happened to be walking down the street with Tsukasa and Fujio, when the three of you ran into the Rao faction. Fujio being Fujio, ran right up to them and greeted them, earning their smiles. You and Tsukasa slowly walked behind him, considering Tsukasa could tell that you were a little uneasy about the group in front of you. Walking up, Tsukasa introduced you to the group, and you gave them a simple smile. Binzo, who had one too many coffees that day, was bouncing off the walls, making himself seem crazier than he actually is. With this energy, he found the mistake of getting too close to you before you were comfortable. Your natural reaction took over, and you gave him a solid uppercut to the jaw. While everyone was taken back by your action, and you were hiding behind Tsukasa, he laughed. “She's awesome! Tsukasa you better take care of her, she’s a keeper!” He said between giggles, even getting you to smile as well, and become a little more comfortable with the situation.
Little did you know that all of the friendships you have made would be needed for a situation like this…
As the three schools made their way to Senomon, the atmosphere was tense. Everyone loved you, though you didn't understand why. You didn't understand that everyone, with the exception of Tsukasa, sees you as a sister that they want to protect. They see you as someone who they can be themselves around, or someone that they can go to in times of need, and that was something that they all were willing to fight for. To you, it was just being yourself. Your natural kind, caretaker persona. The impact that you had on these guys was insane.
As the group neared Sonomon Tech, the tension grew even stronger. Everyone was ready. Everyone was on their toes, anticipation building, hoping that you were okay. Praying that they hadn’t hurt you in any way. Because if they did, it would be their biggest regret.
It felt even lonelier when the Senomon boys were in the room with you. All you wanted was to be back at Oya high, sitting on the roof, with Tsukasa’s arm slung around your shoulders. All you wanted was to be back with your friends. It’s only been one day, but it's the longest you’ve been away from Oya high in months. It’s out of routine for you.
“So, you wanna try listening today? Or are you going to be snippy with me again?” Kohei says, as he slowly walks closer to you, remembering the swift kick you gave him the day before.
Defiance taking over, you refuse to answer, let alone even look at him. You refused to listen to the guy who not only had your boyfriend in the same situation before, but the guy who also has left you with a black eye.
“Nothing to say? Are you sure that’s the route you want to go down?” He says, as he is now inches away from you, knowing that you are uncomfortable with the lack of distance, and that you can’t do anything about it. “So that’s how we're gonna play, huh?” Before he could continue, another guy came running up the stairs. “We’re in trouble… Oya, Housen, and Suzuran are all here.” The guy says with a panicked look, probably remembering the last time that this went down.
A small smile crept onto your lips, as Kohei sent the others to take care of the three schools.
“What’s the smile for? If I didn't know better, I would say that you don't think we stand a chance.” A small chuckle leaving your lips. Finally you look at him, your eyes shooting daggers at his, and he tenses up with your gaze.
“Your first mistake was taking Tsukasa. Your biggest regret is going to be taking me.” You said calmly, maintaining intimidating eye contact. The sudden surge of adrenaline that caused Kohei to tense up quickly manifested into rage. *Smack!* he hits you again, in the same spot as before, this time leaving a small cut underneath your eye. He quickly gets up and backs away from you, trying his hardest to hide his nervousness. “Good luck dealing with them, I think ill enjoy the show from here.” You say with a devious smile, as the blood from the cut rolls down your cheek. With that, he turns and leaves the room.
Outside, the festivities have already started.
Tsukasa’s POV
It’s right there, we're right there. Hang on y/n, we'll be there soon.
As Senomon Technical High appears in the distance, Tsukasa’s heart races. His mind is going a million miles an hour, and his anger is building up. He’s so close. So close, yet he feels so far. He knows that there is an entire school that he has to get through before he gets to you. He wishes that he would be able to just simply walk in, take your hand, and get you out of there, but of course, it’s not that simple.
Before they arrive at the entrance of the school, the entirety of the student body is at the entrance. Waiting in anticipation. Or is it fear? The fear of knowing that they messed up big time with taking you away from Oya. Little did they know of the friendships that you have built with the other schools as well.
Getting closer to the entrance, the group stops. Tension all around.
“Give us the word, Tsukasa.” Rao said in his normal calm tone. Binzo more focused than ever, Yuken angrier than ever, Fujio quieter than ever, and a whole group behind them with the same emotions. Tsukasa takes a minute before he says anything, preparing himself for the fight to come.
“Let’s go!” He shouts at the top of his lungs, and it begins. Both groups run towards each other. One protecting their leader, the other protecting who they love. Punches and kicks flying all around. Yelling that could be heard miles away, as he works his way to you. He doesn't know where you are exactly, but nothing will stop him from finding you.
Binzo creating a rather easy path for him, Tsukasa stays close to Binzo. The rage that was being contained finally able to be released. “I'll get you there Tsukasa, you get her out!” Binzo yells behind him, between taking people out.
Working their way in rather quickly, Senomon continues to appear like roaches living in an old motel. It seems endless, even though Tsukasa hasn’t had to do much work yet, he can’t even imagine what Binzo is thinking. “Bring it on assholes!” So that’s what Binzo is thinking… I should have known. Tsukasa’s thoughts make him chuckle to himself.
Endless punches, kicks and yelling going on all around Tsukasa, yet he can only look forward, cause that’s where you are. Finally, after what seems like hours of fighting, Tsukasa, Binzo, Fujio, Yuken, and Rao make it into the building.
“Check the gym, that’s where they had Tsukasa!” Fujio yells, directing the group. As they all follow Fujio, they round the corner and find Kohei, Suzaki, and a few others. An even match up.
“Where is she?!” Tsukasa yells, no longer able to hold his composure.
“Y/n? Why would I tell you where she is? That’s no fun now is it?” Kohei says coldly, while a smug look paints his features.
Without hesitation, they charge at the other group.
“TSUKASA!” A voice in the distance reaching his ears, stopping him in his tracks. Stopping everyone in their tracks, as it is easy to tell that the voice is coming from the opposite direction. The group of boys all look at each other, and take off the opposite way, leaving the Senomon boys where they are, unaware that they had a faster way of getting to you.
“Y/N!” They all begin to yell out, trying to figure out where you are.
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thithesandofferings · 3 months
Be-comings of Ardor: pt. 2
Summary: Raian sees you as something other than nothing
Pairing: Raian x Reader
AN: Shorter chapter this time. Smut coming soon muahahaha
Tags: Descriptions of violence. Slow...slow burn. (Its actually not that slow theyre obsessed with each other) Eventual smut. Multi-chaptered. Nothing too crazy. I havent decided if I wanted to get any crazier lol. Honestly this is just an excuse to learn how to write descriptively so please bare with me.
Part 1
Its two weeks before you see him again.
You don't even try to look for him the first few days. Knowing that his presence will be celebrated by others, you would rather die than have that kind of uneasy attention on you.
Doesn't mean you don't feel him. He's a constant being in your psyche. Pressing heavily at your tendons. Puncturing your dreams and basking wantonly in your nightmares. He avoids you, but you see whispers of him. Your peripheral is haunted by the monsters he creates around the corners. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he wants you to put him back where he came from. To retract your winnings.
Your silence and withered patience seems to please him. If only a little. Humor sings cruelly into your fingers when you know he's close by. Because once the two weeks is over, you hear him beacon for you. Its startling. Grating when you hear his voice in your head. Pains the nerves, making you blink rapidly as shadows vibrate the hollow of your skull. Doesn't even deem you significant enough to say words. Just lets his intention fold you into an obedient thing.
Your sandwich tastes of dust, gritty-digging into your gums and eating away at your flesh when you chew. looks even less appetizing. This does not stop you from grabbing it and bringing it over to him. Where he sits alone. A throne in its own right. Not a follower to be found. You hear whispers burn into your neck, but when you turn, heads are down and the heated words are not towards you. Not that you believe for a second they aren't interested in what you have to say.
Or why you're not dead yet.
Picking yourself up becomes easier the closer you get to him. You sit, but make sure to leave his heated gaze. It burns to look at him. Blood vessels crack when your knees press against his. You don't deem it important enough to move it. There is an unspoken crime to be had. One where the strangers of the Kure family didn't think important to tell you. Your shoulders start to lift straighter, and breathing becomes easier. They don't tell you that being away from your demon causes your soul to experience lacroysmic pain. Tears and sheltered screams covet the pillows every night. Or if there inst a brush encounter, then you forget who are for hours. Dissociating as your skin becomes parlor and your cells take on a pewter tone. Hollowed and feeble, for once, you want something permanent. Want him to stain your skin so you never have to go through the kind of pain you did for those two weeks.
"You feeling it now?" You don't even have time to feel embarrassed. Needles prickling at your spine when he speaks to you for the first time. You barely can scramble out a mumbled reply.
"If I had known that not being around you would cause this much annoyance, I would have followed you just like your little groupies" Being snarky with a war demon may not have been the best idea, but two weeks and having to deal with soul sucking despair, you'll say just about anything.
He seemed to enjoy the comment. Studying you before the next moment and smiling cruelly.
"You weren't ready for me, brat-" He leaned in to grab your jaw, pulling you closer. "I needed to know how loyal you were." Wrenching yourself back before his touch burned you alive, you couldn't help but scoff in anger. He could have just asked, or even let you know what was going on with his little test.
He gets up suddenly and doesn't wait to see if you follow. He knows you will. The sandwich is laid limp and cold on the table. The Kure family begins to hover over it. Birds flocking to pieces of meat that smell of you and your demon.
The demon says nothing as you both walk, but you make sure that you are close to him. Breathing in his ashen scent, brushing the molten skin minutely. You take your time to gaze up at him. He looks like he was getting used to the skin he'd been given. Starting to look like the old pictures his relatives had. You didn't see him sporting the purple hue anymore, it fading into a skin tone not quite grey, not quite purple. Blending seamlessly into each other. Didn't seem to care that you were staring either. Making sure to look over at your form, slowly roving over your form in a way that feels like he's pushed you into a lake of fire.
"Stop-" You start, only for him to deliberately stop short.
"You started it first. Don't look if you don't want that shit returned." It has your nerves pushing and trembling anxiously when you follow his broad back passed the back entrance to the training room.
You're about to fight.
Specifically. You're about to fight a demon. Your demon.
Its all a blur after the third time he puts you on the mat. The pain is irrelevant. It always is. But the rush of satisfaction bleeds into your disappointment.
He's out of breath.
His resolve blows gently against your face. Soothing the itch that has been shadowing you since he walked away. Contentment digs its way through your belly, unfamiliar, but not unwelcome. The demon sees it in your face, when you look up at him, brief flashes of surprise melting into the blacks of his eyes.
When he pulls away from you, it feels like puling flesh from muscle. Aches in greedy ways. You want to keep him on you. Inside you. As one. The hunger borderlines on inappropriate. Makes your face flush in embarrassment when you finally start to hear the excited echoes of the Kure family needling at one another.
Silence balances the room entirely when he sticks a hand out. To help you. Roughened palms from decades of blood spilled underneath his fingerprints. Its warmer than you'd expect when you grasps them. Callouses digging into your palm, wanting to rip away tender skin in the brief moments of contact. Rough skin scorching when it presses against yours. Seeing the size of his palm eclipse yours and it makes your throat run dry. Clicking hard as you swallow through your need. His eyes flicker a garish red only to blink and its gone quickly. But you feel it, old weight buried on your body as he assesses the damage he has done. Can hear the eldritch being admit a deep rumble of a satisfied purr when he sees that you have his marks on you.
The look wrenches you open, swallowing you whole in its rapacity. Its hard to look away from him, but his followers take his attention- pushing you out the way without ever touching you. You're used to that by now. Being the strongest doesn't always give way to respect you've learned. That doesn't stop the demon Raian from looking away from you. Eyes shifting and pulling pieces away from you and making them his. You'll have to decide what offering is best to give him the next time you meet.
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sorryimananti-romantic · 11 months
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Horizon (Chapter 4)
series masterlist
faerieprince!san x oc
royal/fantasy au, soulmate au
chapter wc: ~20k
chapter warnings: fluff, angst, tragedy, violence warnings, mention of death/su!cide, past traumas, atz interactions, suggestive
chapter synopsis: gaeul prepares to say her goodbyes before going to the other dimension but also burdens seonghwa with a promise in case things go wrong. san's health starts to deteriorate as a result of his separation from gaeul and the bond. in the other dimension, gaeul practises her magic with yeosang, yunho, mingi and yena make a discovery that shakes their beliefs.
manager-nim: @eightmakesonebraincell (makes sure i don't sound stupid when i write :') LOL)
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“That’s… crazy,” Yeosang breathed, turning to meet eyes with Gaeul who was also staring at the very large tear in space itself- the air was all shimmery and broken around it, distorting her vision. Gaeul took a step back, bumping into Yena who looked equally blown. However, she noticed the others staring at them in confusion.
“What’s crazy?” Wooyoung followed Yeosang’s eyes, staring into the distance but finding nothing out of the ordinary except a sinking feeling that confirmed there was something out there. Wooyoung stepped at the edge of the cave, looking down at the beach and the waves violently crashing on the rocks, and then looking up into the air again. “Can you see something that I cannot?”
Yeosang turned to look at Yena who nodded. Gaeul also pointed at the distance, however, it looked like none of the others could see it. “What’s crazier is that it’s using some sort of illusion magic to become invisible to even you guys. Hongjoong?”
“I can’t see anything- is there anything I should be seeing?”
“There’s a literal tear in the space itself- it’s stitched close,” Yeosang sighed, not knowing how to explain. San walked to Gaeul and asked if he could enter her mind to see from her eyes- he was able to see it as well, and worse, feel it with a greater intensity- the feeling Gaeul must be experiencing right now.
“I think me and Yeosang can see it because duh,” Yena began, “We deal with spaces and portals. Gaeul can see it because she came from it. Interesting none of you can see it.”
“I just saw,” San raised his hand and everyone else groaned, making him grin despite the severity of the situation. “It’s just like Yeosang described. A distortion in the space- you can’t even tell. I bet it opens to let the creatures in here.”
“Which means the missing faeries might be on the other side,” Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong. “We’ve got to save them if they’re… still alive.”
“And how do you suppose we do that?” Yeosang interrupted. “You can’t just go prowling in there and expect to come back alive. You don’t even know what’s there, when it opens, when it shuts close. You could become trapped in a world you don’t belong in.”
“Well then,” Jongho looked at Yeosang. “You know better than any of us about other dimensions. What would you suggest?”
“I think the three of us,” Yeosang motioned at Yena and Gaeul, “might be able to do something about it- but not until Gaeul is able to get her magic under her control. As much as I want to see if the missing faeries are at the other side and are even alive, all I can do is wait. Even my spirits can’t move across dimensions so casually.”
“What can you both sense, across that… tear in the space?” Gaeul asked Yena and Yena paled.
“We can’t… sense anything across that, we can sense only the tear in the space itself, right Yeosang?” She looked at her brother and he nodded, looking suspiciously at Gaeul. Gaeul rubbed her arms.
“You can’t sense the multiple presence of both faeries and… something else across it?” Gaeul asked, looking at each one of them.
“I think I can,” Yeosang hesitantly began. “I sense souls across dimensions, so I think I can. What I’m confused about is that unfamiliar presence.”
“Me too,” Gaeul nodded. “It’s not dangerous though.”
“It’s not?” Yeosang frowned, showing off his arms- he had goosebumps all over. “I think it might be, Gaeul. I’m interested to hear why you think it’s not.”
“Yeosang-” San warned but Gaeul shook her head at him- Yeosang had every right to question her. 
“I just… I don’t know,” Gaeul sighed, looking around helplessly. “I have never sensed this presence before, but I know it won’t hurt me- something like that.”
“It took faeries, what do you mean it won’t hurt you?” Yeosang was getting more and more confused.
“I think I can relate,” Mingi raised his hands and Yeosang gaped at him. “You know how I can feel some souls now- I could feel you, Gaeul. Not your magic, but your soul burning with it. I can feel the unfamiliar presence across the sea too.”
Gaeul was glad someone could relate, she relaxed and smiled in a silent thanks. Mingi only shrugged, looking at Yeosang. “Whatever is across there, it must have a soul if I can feel it. If the creatures in question are not faeries and not darklings either…”
Hongjoong sat down in defeat. “We might really have to rewrite the history books, it seems,” he looked at Yena. “Our plan to omit your story won’t work anymore if we want to explain this to anyone.”
“Well,” Yunho sighed. “What do we do now?”
“Just stick with the plan,” Hongjoong grumbled and Seonghwa snickered at his mood swings. “We can’t do anything about it so let’s just breathe for one goddamn day before we wrack our brains trying to think of solutions.”
Everyone laughed at that and Hongjoong sulked further, making an annoyed face- Gaeul could tell that even though he kept asking everyone to relax and forget about everything, he could never do the same. Gaeul sat down next to him, legs dangling down the edge. 
“I will not move from here until you promise to breathe for one goddamn day as well,” she teased and Hongjoong scoffed in defeat. “One step at a time, okay? I’ll do everything I can to make everything right again.”
“You’re not responsible for what happened, though,” Hongjoong’s voice was quiet. “And I’m worried about the unfortunate faeries that are missing.”
“But I could end it, and I could save them,” Gaeul said and Hongjoong looked at her- she wasn’t wrong. And it was nice to see that she was at the optimistic end for once. “I have all of you with me, trying to help me. Everything will get better, I know- I believe so. Let’s slow it down, okay?”
Hongjoong nodded slowly, taking a deep breath and getting up first, offering Gaeul his hand. “Let’s go to the spot you mentioned.”
“It’s right down there, ironically enough,” Gaeul pointed at the edge where they had just been sitting. “I can’t believe this is the place I came back to.”
“Fate works in mysterious ways,” Hongjoong patted her back and urged Gaeul to lead the way.
Their plan for the day was a little picnic at the beach, and Gaeul had brought them to her favourite spot- away from the city where few people came since it was surrounded by caves. The orange sun shone with all its might on the foamy waves of sea, a tint of green seen in the distance. The only sounds surrounding them were of the waves crashing, of the seagulls around them and the chatter of their group as they ate their snacks. 
San got up near sunset and motioned for Gaeul to join her for a walk. The rest of the group cheered for them dramatically, making Gaeul blush furiously- it was no hidden fact anymore that San and Gaeul were meant for each other, and everyone wanted them to feel good about themselves at least for today- if they were all honest, they weren’t sure if Gaeul and San would meet again- it was going to be tricky for Gaeul to try to live with the bond itself, though everyone hoped she would.
San took Gaeul’s extended hand in his, caressing it repeatedly and letting the familiar warmth course through the both of them as they walked bare-footed along the shore. Gaeul pointed at a seashell with a brown base and red swirls all over it. She bent to pick it up, showing it to San.
“This looks like the colour of your magic,” Gaeul said and San raised a brow.
“Really?” He made a satisfied face. “My magic’s a pretty colour then.”
“It is, pretty boy,” Gaeul smiled, snatching the shell from him and dropping it in the pocket of the pale blue dress she wore that hit her knees. “I’ll take it with me to the other dimension and look at it when I miss you.” San smiled at that, showing off his dimples and Gaeul poked at one of them. “I’ll miss this too.”
“What else will you miss? Go on,” San was clearly enjoying this, asking in a teasing manner.
“Your voice,” Gaeul sighed, resting her head against his arm as she walked and San passed a confused smile- he hadn’t expected this. 
“What about my voice?”
“Something about it is very soothing,” Gaeul sighed, putting her other hand on his arm as well. “It sounds very melodic to me. I’m more jealous because I know I sound like a banshee most of the times-”
San snorted before he laughed- Gaeul was so unpredictable and that was one thing he really liked about her from the beginning. “You don’t sound like a banshee, Gaeul,” he said and Gaeul smiled at him. “You sound like a dying banshee, is a more accurate description-”
That earned him a harsh slap on his arm which had him laughing harder than he had meant to. Gaeul broke apart, pouting as she sulked but San wasn’t having any of it- he put an arm around her shoulders and brought her in until she was flush against him as they walked. San kissed her temple as he rubbed her shoulders. “You’re beautiful to me in every aspect. Whether you sound like a dying banshee or a beautiful siren, it doesn’t matter. I love you in every way. And for the record, you don’t actually sound like that, you sound very normal and cute.”
His sudden confession made Gaeul look up at him but he was looking ahead as if he hadn’t just said things that made her heart swoop dangerously and skin tingle. As Gaeul took in every feature of him, his honey skin and the sharpness and softness that blended so well, she exhaled. “I don’t know what I did in my very uneventful life to deserve you as my soulmate, San, I really don’t understand.”
San narrowed his eyes at that, pausing to face her. “I don’t care how exactly we ended up being soulmates, but… I don’t know what I did to deserve you either- you’re everything I ever dreamed of and more.”
“So you’re telling me you dreamed of death and danger? Because that’s me-”
“Just put the magic nonsense aside,” San laughed, shaking his head and putting his hands on her shoulders and bending down a little to meet her eyes. “I don’t care whether you have the magical capability to destroy this world or no magic at all when all of this is over. All I care is that you’ll be the person I fell in love with. That you’ll be tossing teasing remarks and making all these cute faces that absolutely drive me crazy. That you’ll still have the glint of life in your eyes that you had even when you wanted to die. I’ll be waiting patiently for you, so take your time with yourself, okay? I’m not going anywhere- you own me now.”
“San,” Gaeul sighed, looking away because she was overwhelmed. “You know very well you’re the only reason I’m alive- not just because of the bond, but because… you. If our soulmate bond breaks and I’m still alive… would you still want me?”
“Of course I would,” San tsk-ed at the doubt in her eyes and cupped her face. “I told you. Bond or no bond, I love you.”
“And I love you- even though it’s a little overwhelming because I honestly never pictured myself to be with the scary Prince of Earth-”
“What part of me, exactly, is scary?” San showed off his dimpled smile and Gaeul laughed, shaking her head and moving forward to wrap her arms around his waist. San sighed into the hug and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, resting his cheek on the top of her head. 
Gaeul wanted to tell him that she would miss this- she would miss touching him and hugging him. She knew it was not only just because they were in love but also the reaction it had on both of them physically. She also wanted to tell him that she did not want the soulmate bond to break- she would die if that happened, even though San assured her it didn’t matter. She just couldn’t bear the thought of losing that part of her yet again. 
It seemed like San understood enough and perhaps shared most of her worries and fears with her. He didn’t break the hug and they stood in each other’s arms until it was almost dark- they watched the sky change together, each praying it wouldn’t be their last.
At night- their last night- it hit harder, especially when they just sat staring at each other from across the room, San having already been sitting there before Gaeul came in the room and sat down in front of him to take a breather.
“What are you thinking?” San was the first to break the silence. 
“Just… how long it might take in that dimension,” Gaeul took a deep breath. “It might only be a few days to you, but it could be years for me. That’s… crazy.”
“That is, isn’t it?” San whistled in disbelief. “Would you prefer the time to go at the same speed?”
“No, I absolutely understand what’s it costing us all,” Gaeul knew that everyone helping her also had kingdoms to run, though they kept insisting that they would be considering this a ‘vacation’- Gaeul understood that while some part of that might actually be true, it was also false at the same time. “I just… how will I be apart from you for so long?”
San’s fists tightened hearing that, though he managed to pass his usual smirk in an attempt to lighten her mood. “You’re gonna miss me that much?”
“As a matter of fact, I am,” Gaeul wasn’t in the mood for teasing right now, and when San’s face changed after hearing that, Gaeul sighed and put her head in her hands. “It’s just finally hitting me. As selfish as it sounds, I wish we could be together there, even though I know we can’t.”
“Gaeul,” San got up and walked to her, sitting on one knee in front of her so he could face her. “We’re together tonight. You can be as selfish as you want tonight. I know I’ll be.”
Gaeul looked up and saw something foreign in San’s eyes, in his clenched jaw and parted lips- longing, every nerve in her body screamed. It was pure, raw longing to be with each other forever. To not be apart for a moment. To become one and then stay that way, never break apart. Gaeul licked her lips, her hands trembling as they met San’s face and he shut his eyes when electricity coursed through his nerves like fuel. Gaeul let her fingers trace every angle and curve of his face, before running her hands through his hair repeatedly, playing with his ash mullet, and cupping his face to kiss his forehead, lingering. She let her lips trail down, pecking the tip of his nose and making him grin a little. She swiped her thumb over his lower plump lip and urged him to open his eyes.
He did so, with a huge amount of effort, but when he found her so close to him… his brows furrowed as he held himself back, letting her take the lead. She bent down and pecked his lips once, a strangled breath escaping him. She pecked him again, and again, and again-
“Do you want to break me, Gaeul?” San’s voice was hoarse, and despite what he said, it made Gaeul smirk so devilishly slow that San decided that was enough- he got up slowly, shaking his head as he beheld the sight in front of him. He tipped her chin up until she faced him. “Tell me, Gaeul. Tell me what you want to do with me.”
Gaeul tilted her head, considering- the darkness beneath his eyes excited her. She’d only seen San be gentle and teasing- she wanted to test him tonight, to see what extent he could go, where he would- “I want to watch you break apart under me.”
San’s jaw clenching and unclenching did it for her- she got up and pushed him back on the bed, making him scoff as she got on top of him and straddled him- they only had tonight and an unforeseen time apart- she had to make the most of it. She had no time to be shy- she ran her hands up his chest excruciatingly slow until she reached his shoulders- and then she was running her hands down his arms while San watched, unaware just where she was going with this. 
However, the last thing he expected was her to pin his wrists at his sides and smile almost sadistically at the sight- it made him stifle a groan. He hadn’t seen this side of her and it was a shame he only had tonight to test her buttons. Gaeul bent down and finally met her lips with his, immediately falling into a rhythmic motion, her hands relaxing to move up and interlace with his as she kissed him.
Still, San had better ideas- he broke apart and cupped her face, angling her better so his lips and tongue could make the most of it, and flipping them over, slowly taking more control. For the longest time it was just this- kissing like there was no tomorrow, and this time the gravity of that hung over them, making their kisses more desperate and passionate. 
Gaeul breathed San’s name when they broke apart but he was immediately attacking her neck, extracting the loudest moans from her as he bit and kissed and licked at every sensitive spot, his hands going to undo the laces of her gown and breaking it apart only to remove the barrier between them, taking off his own shirt as well, whistling when he realised they were only in their bottoms now. 
“Turn the fucking lights dim, San,” Gaeul groaned, covering herself, suddenly shy. San chuckled, waving his hand and leaving only one candle on, kissing her forehead before slowly drawing her arms apart.
“You don’t have to hide from me, Gaeul,” he pecked her lips, caressing her face lovingly.
“I’m just… shy,” Gaeul pouted.
“You weren’t very shy a few minutes ago when-”
“Shut up,” Gaeul laughed, urging him down to kiss him. San broke apart, trailing his hand all the way down her, tracing her curves and taking his time to play with what was exposed of her, sliding his knee between her legs so it met her core, and she moaned, which San immediately swallowed with a kiss. 
“San… San, I want you.”
“As much as I’d like to, I really don’t think we should go all the way- there’s no knowing how your magic will react,” San looked to be in pain as he said that. “The first time between soulmates… it’s supposed to be different than with any other.”
“So… you don’t want your dick to turn into ash and fall off, is that what you’re saying?” Gaeul smirked and San threw his head back as he laughed. 
“That too,” he shook his head as he looked at her lovingly. “However… we can do some other… interesting things tonight.”
“Lead the way then,” Gaeul smirked, trailing a finger down his muscular chest sultrily. “We have all night- make the most of it. Let’s see how good you are.”
“It’s a challenge,” San laughed as he bent down to kiss her once again, slow and passionate, more intimate than anything they ever had before, and they barely got any sleep that night, only making out and touching each other everywhere, making the other break apart several times throughout the night without going too far. It left them both tired and they slept in each other’s arms, skin to skin, each hoping tomorrow wouldn’t come.
Even though Yena had told everyone that they wouldn’t be needing food or a change of clothes or anything, for that matter, in the other dimension, Yunho couldn’t help but freak out.
“Are you really sure we don’t need anything?” Yunho gave up asking Yena and Yeosang who just rolled their eyes at him while Gaeul giggled. “I get that it’s the mirror dimension or something, but… we could get bored.”
“I told you, you can travel the whole planet there- you wouldn’t want to come back,” Mingi shared a grin with Yena. “The only thing you’ll miss there is the people, so no. You don’t need anything. At all.”
“That’s convenient,” San nodded as he glanced at Gaeul- the two of them were sitting next to each other while the rest of them were either making arrangements, discussing the ‘how’ or freaking out. 
“I could even visit your castle before you actually take me there,” Gaeul teased.
“Please don’t do that,” San laughed. “I want to show you our home when you’re with me.”
Our home.
San didn’t miss how her face fell at those words. He had his arms around her so he only squeezed. “Stay positive, will you? You’re coming back, Gaeul. You’re gonna be fine, and once you come back, we will go to my castle- or anywhere in the world that you want. You have a home not only at my place but at everyone’s now.”
“He’s right,” Wooyoung inserted his face in the little gap between San and Gaeul, making them laugh. “You have a home with us, Gaeul. Just make sure you don’t… un-make it, will you? You never know what Gaeul’s gonna do, eh, San?”
“The only thing I want to un-make is you,” Gaeul muttered and he laughed loudly, making her wince and rub her possibly bleeding eardrums. “Do come visit me, Wooyoung. I’ll make sure you’ll have fun.”
“Ah,” Wooyoung slapped the top of Gaeul’s head, earning a slap on his own hand from San which he ignored. “You hurt me, woman.”
“I’ll visit, just to see if I’m needed- in the meanwhile, I’ll be doing research so if you ever feel like your nature magic is acting funny, just… call me,” Jongho said as he passed by with a box of what seemed to be books and archives from the library in this house and Gaeul nodded in gratitude.
Gaeul scooted closer to San, resting her head on his shoulder as she watched Seonghwa and Yena argue over something probably related to how long it was going to take- they really were a married couple. Seonghwa held Yena’s hand in his, caressing them even when Yena looked like she could incinerate him with her glare alone. The way Yena let Seonghwa calm her down even when she was angry at him melted Gaeul’s heart. Yena would miss Seonghwa a lot- she knew so. The last time she had been in the other dimension wasn’t a very good experience so Gaeul knew it could bring back bad memories.
She watched Seonghwa kiss Yena’s forehead before she ran to Hongjoong who was calculating something related to the time and magic- Hongjoong had explained that if they entered the wrong dimension, it could mess things up irreversibly. Gaeul hadn’t realised just how hard this magic was and she insisted that they find a secluded place or something to train her, but Hongjoong told her it had to be there, and that way everyone would be safe, no matter how much time passed there. Gaeul felt guilty but everyone around her kept assuring her it was alright.
She wanted to believe so too. She watched Yunho and Seonghwa go over the details of how Seonghwa was going to manage Yunho’s kingdom while he was gone. Jongho was sitting next to San as well, going over whatever instructions San had given him earlier. Mingi and Yeosang were doing the same. 
Gaeul felt tired and she almost dozed off on San’s shoulder but she caught Seonghwa waving at her from the other room. Gaeul waved back and he came closer, hesitating before he looked at San who was busy talking to Jongho and then her. “Can I have a word with you? Alone?”
That was new. Gaeul broke apart from San’s embrace which was when he finally noticed Seonghwa standing in front of her. “Is something wrong?”
“Nothing, just wanted to discuss a few things with Gaeul,” Seonghwa assured and San nodded.
“Get her to eat something if you can while you’re at it- she insists she’s not hungry.”
“I’ll make her coffee- I’m good at it,” Seonghwa grinned and San laughed, letting them go. Gaeul insisted she was okay but Seonghwa just made her follow him to the kitchen and as he made coffee, he asked how she was feeling, how her magic was doing, just small talk.
With two cups of coffee in their hands, they decided to take a walk along the long paths in the garden around the estate. Gaeul felt nervous- apart from the fact that Seonghwa looked intimidating (even though she knew well enough how kind and soft his personality was), she never really had one-to-one time with the Prince of Dark. Just his presence alone made her magic feel queasy- he was truly a force to be reckoned with.
“Do I make you nervous?” Seonghwa noticed her fidgeting as they walked and Gaeul passed him a guilty grin.
“More like my magic,” she informed and Seonghwa nodded in realisation. “Even though my magic is ‘dark’ in nature, it gets a bit queasy.”
“Your magic and mine… it’s going to be the most similar when you come back,” Seonghwa told her and she paused- Seonghwa had never said that in front of anyone. In fact, he never let anyone make a connection between her magic and his. “I’m the Prince of Dark. It’s foolish of everyone to think that it only means I am able to control the shadows. Even the Princes don’t know the entirety of my magic, and I would like to keep it as such. Only Yena knows.”
“I never thought…” Gaeul faltered. “What exactly is the Prince of Dark capable of?”
“We never practised the ‘dark’ aspects of my magic, but we know it’s there,” Seonghwa told her. “After the incident, I started practising a bit with the help of Yena- just so I can keep her safe. So nobody goes through the things that we did. And I think in the future… we can sit and talk about our magic freely, you and I. It’s a freedom I never thought I’d have one day, so I look forward to that, Gaeul. Do come back safe and sound.”
Gaeul’s heart warmed at that and she clicked her cup of coffee with his as they drank. “Thank you… Seonghwa. It feels better to know that someone understands the gravity of how dark our magic can be, though I’m surprised you didn’t let me know sooner.”
“I wasn’t sure what exactly your magic was like, but I think I have an idea now. We could even train together- I might be needing your help, in that case,” he laughed. 
“Anytime,” Gaeul promised. 
“There’s also something else I wanted to talk to you about,” Seonghwa looked down as they walked, his bangs falling over his forehead. “The last time Yena was in that dimension… It was a really, really bad experience. I’m not sure how she’ll react this time and I’m glad Mingi is with her again, but can you… keep an eye on her?”
“Of course, Seonghwa,” Gaeul let him know before he could say more. “I don’t want Yena to be in a bad place mentally while I practise. I understand the gravity of this situation. I’m glad there’s a lot of us going because that’s going to keep Yena from being distracted and thinking about those memories, but if I feel like it’s too much for her, I’ll let you know. You can trust me on that.”
“Thank you,” Seonghwa visibly relaxed in relief. “She’s strong. She won’t show it. No one else but you might notice that- you’re good at noticing that. So is Yunho. Also, Yunho is a very, very good listener so if you ever feel overwhelmed, you can talk it out with Yunho. He is the first one who notices whenever someone else is upset.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Gaeul thanked him. “You have nothing to worry about, Seonghwa. But can you promise me something as well?”
Seonghwa paused as he narrowed his eyes at Gaeul and shook his head furiously as he realised. “I shouldn’t have told you about my magic.”
“No, I’m glad you did,” Gaeul faced him. “Now I know I won’t hurt anyone else if it comes to that. Yeosang is practical- I’ll ask him to bring you there if things go… wrong with me. You, not San. If I become something that I’m not supposed to, only your magic might be able to end me. I want you to do that favour for me, for everyone, Seonghwa. I cannot live with myself if I hurt anyone.”
“You’re asking too much of me,” Seonghwa looked to be in pain. “San won’t forgive me if I do.”
“He will,” Gaeul smiled knowingly. “I have made arrangements for that too.”
Seonghwa shook his head. “Very well prepared, aren’t you? Who?”
“Hongjoong,” Gaeul sighed. “He refuses to convey my message to San if anything happens to me, but I hope you can help him with that.”
“Please… come back,” Seonghwa put a hand on her shoulder, surprising her. “I know what it's like to lose a soulmate- I didn’t, but I very well could have. San won’t be whole again if something happens to you. And you’re a good person, Gaeul. Bond or no bond, you��re now the Princess of the Underworld. When you come back… you’ll be one of us.”
“Thank you,” Gaeul took Seonghwa’s hand and squeezed it. “It means a lot. And… I hope I can come back too,” Gaeul said as she looked around, still holding Seonghwa’s hand. “I’d like to see how my life turns out after all of this.”
It was time to go, late at night after dinner together in which the mood wasn’t as cheerful as the previous few days. Gaeul, for one, was the most nervous she had been, and San had to constantly touch her hand to check if her magic was under control. 
“You’ve been playing with your food for an hour now,” Wooyoung, who was sitting beside her, pointed out. 
“I’m sorry, I’m just not feeling hungry,” Gaeul slid her plate away from her, glancing up to notice that everyone was stealing their own nervous glances at her. “I’ll be in my room if anyone needs me.”
“I’m fine, San,” Gaeul smiled at him, squeezing his shoulder. “Please finish up and call me when it’s time to go.”
It was a clear message to be left alone, yet… each one of them felt like they needed to go after her. After all, at times like these, you rarely wanted to be alone even if you felt like it. San stared at his food- he wasn’t feeling the best today either but he was being strong for her sake. 
“Do cheer up and let her have some time to herself if you can,” Yena said from across the table. “No point sulking right now, San. She’s probably feeling scared right now and that’s only natural.”
San knew that Yena had a point and he reluctantly finished his food, cleaning the table with the rest, sighing as he forced himself not to drop everything right there and then to be next to Gaeul. Gaeul, however, was at the roof, staring as far as she could at the town she used to live in before her life turned upside down. Gaeul couldn’t help but smile at the irony of life- she used to think that being a part of the yin-yang bloodline and having to hide her possible affinities for other elemental magics was the worst that could have happened to her. Here she was, with magic that no other faerie had ever possessed in history.
Gaeul scoffed to herself- she still wasn’t sure if she had come to terms with her magic. She quite liked the idea of cold fire even though it was probably more dangerous to possess than the ‘anti-life’ magic. The latter, she still wasn’t sure of. But she had a thought stuck in her head ever since San had voiced it out to her a couple of nights ago as they lay in each other’s arms. 
“If you miss your earth magic or nature magic, you can always use mine. Aren’t yin-yang soulmates able to borrow each other’s powers?”
That was something that gave her hope, though if she was really going to train her magic, she was sure she wouldn’t really be needing earth magic- her magic was dangerous and enough. But the thought that she could still use her original magic with San… it made her ecstatic, and it made her wonder why San, the Prince of Earth, was her soulmate. Perhaps destiny had chosen so- if she had still been normal, she wouldn’t have felt much of a difference in her magic other than the strength and range of it heightening since they were both earth magic wielders. 
But now… San and Gaeul could make quite possibly the most dangerous pair- at least as dangerous as Yena and Seonghwa, if not more. Gaeul silently prayed she would be able to come to terms with her magic and help the missing faeries who were unfortunately involved in her mess.
She didn’t realise how long she had been standing at the edge and watching the lights flickering along the city until she sensed San behind her. She turned and smiled at how he was cautiously approaching, ready to leave her alone if she wished so, but she extended her hand and he took it, sighing as he stood beside her, glancing at her. “What were you thinking?”
“Too many things,” Gaeul laughed. “Just trying to sort out my thoughts before I go.”
“And did you?” San caressed her hand.
“Kind of,” Gaeul nodded slowly, relishing the feeling of their connection, trying to fix it in her memory for the days it would get bad. “Is it time to go now?”
“We still have a few minutes until someone calls us,” San told her, watching her cautiously- he didn’t want her to feel overwhelmed tonight so he only watched, waiting for her to make whatever move she pleased. “Are you feeling good? Is there anything I can get you?”
Gaeul turned to face him, taking his other hand as she looked up at him, smiling. “I’ve got everything I need.”
San grinned shyly at that, shaking his head. “You know, you have a way with words.”
“Learned from the best,” Gaeul looked pointedly at him. “I like that I can have the upper hand now as well.”
San watched her eyes travel all around his face and he raised his brows in question. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Gaeul wanted to tell him that she was memorising his face in case she ever dared forget, in case this was the last time she saw him. She only brought her hands up to his face and let her fingers trace every curve and angle, marvelling at the way he was carved- he was simply beautiful. Gaeul sighed internally as her heart swooped and then she let her hands travel down and hold onto the edges of his jacket as she rested her forehead on his chest, breathing in his scent and feeling his heartbeat reverberate through her body. 
San understood why this goodbye was so hard for her. He let her stay like that for a few moments before he cupped her face and made her look at him. He laughed a little at the pout forming before he tucked her hair away and locked eyes with her. 
“I hope everyday that you are there, every night that you think of me, you’ll remember that I love you. That nothing in this world could change it. I pray that every time you start to lose hope and think you’re better off gone, you remember that I am waiting for you back here, that you have someone to return to. I hope I’ll be enough to be your strength, Gaeul, I really hope I am.”
“You are,” Gaeul nodded- it seemed stupid to say it out loud since those words didn’t encompass the entirety of how grateful she was to have him. He really was her strength in every way, and Gaeul hoped that he could feel it physically. San smiled as if he could understand and leaned in to kiss her- it was slow and deep, making Gaeul wish she could sink into the feeling she was experiencing right there. She was definitely going to remember this moment if no other- the kiss was full of emotions- love, fear, longing, strength, everything. 
He kissed her long and good and then he joined their foreheads as they broke apart, caressing her face as he caught his breath. Kissing her forehead once, he proceeded to hug her, arms around her shoulder and eyes shut as he rocked her. Gaeul stifled her tears, deciding to leave on a cheerful note- she knew she would be losing it pretty soon in the other dimension. 
Gaeul was the first to break the hug. The two of them looked at each other, wanting to tell a million things but at a loss for words. Gaeul laughed nervously. “Let’s go downstairs, shall we?”
San nodded, kissing her temple before taking her hand and leading her downstairs where everyone was waiting. Yeosang was the first to spot them and he clapped once. “Perfect timing- I was just going to send Wooyoung to fetch you two. He had a few plans on how to ruin the moment.”
“Ah, it seems I was late,” Wooyoung appeared from the kitchen. “You good?”
“I’m good,” Gaeul confirmed and Wooyoung smiled, glancing at San who looked like he was trying not to cry- he would handle him later. “Where are we… doing this?”
“Backyard- the others are already there,” Yeosang tossed a chocolate to Gaeul while putting one in his mouth. “Let’s go.”
Gaeul didn’t know what to expect, but everyone gathered in a circle with Yena shouting orders at everyone just wasn’t it. She giggled- Yena looked like a teacher scolding her students. She spotted Gaeul and relaxed as she smiled. “You’re here. Let’s go.”
Gaeul nodded, looking at San who gave her a brief side hug with one last kiss to the forehead before letting her go reluctantly. Gaeul grinned at him. “Try not to cry too much while I’m gone- I’ll be back before you know it.”
San chuckled at that and Gaeul looked at Wooyoung. “You make sure to keep him busy.” 
“Yes ma’am,” Wooyoung saluted before patting her shoulder. “Stay strong.”
“Jongho, can you make sure Wooyoung doesn’t annoy San too much?” Gaeul whispered to him and they giggled. 
“I’m not as nice as you think,” Jongho scoffed.
“I know,” Gaeul winked at him. “But at least you’re not Wooyoung.”
“Hey, I heard that!” Wooyoung came for Gaeul but San held him by the back of his shirt like a cat, making everyone laugh. 
Seonghwa and Hongjoong finished saying their goodbyes to Yena and the rest and Gaeul walked to them. “Both of you better keep your promises, okay?”
“I’m out,” Hongjoong announced, folding his arms as he sulked.
“I know you will,” Gaeul smiled knowingly. “And Seonghwa… you need not worry.”
Seonghwa nodded in understanding and gratitude. “Stay strong.”
“You have to,” Hongjoong continued. “It will get bad before it gets better, remember that.”
Gaeul wished she understood the gravity of those words. Everyone waved goodbye to each other and Yena opened a portal in space with the help of Yeosang. Gaeul was to be the last one to jump and she looked at everyone with a smile before she did.
However, as soon as she was on the other side, a mirror of the world she had just left, she fell to her knees as excruciating pain took over her entire being- it felt like her connection with San was as good as severed, and she was back to square one, right where she had started. San, unfortunately, saw and felt that before Yena could close the portal and he went for her, held back by Wooyoung and Jongho. The last thing they saw was panic on each other’s faces before Gaeul passed out and the portal closed shut.
“Well,” Mingi sighed as the pale Gaeul passed out in front of them, looking up at Yena. “This certainly brings back memories.”
[Day 2 in the dimension/45 minutes in Mirinae]
“Do clocks even work here?” Yunho glanced at the wristwatch he was wearing. “If so, Gaeul has been out for almost a day now.”
“Kind of?” Yena, who was relaxing on the grass using Yeosang’s thigh as her pillow, flipped through the page of a comic book she was reading that she refused to share with anyone. “I mean, the days change. That’s how we kept count of the time, didn’t we, Mingi?”
Mingi nodded in answer, too busy making paper boats out of a book he had grabbed from Wooyoung’s library that he was sure was very important in the real world but here, it would make for origami. “I think we did that until we lost count and Neve told us a rough estimate of just how much time had passed- wait, what was my boat count?”
Yeosang, who was only relaxing by the tree and taking this time to think and do nothing, scoffed at Mingi. “How did the darkling know just how long you two had been here?”
This made Yena put down her book as she met eyes with Mingi. “He probably sensed us or had a time-calendar or something, right?”
“Let’s pray that’s the case,” Yunho went back to completing his puzzle and Mingi groaned, not believing all his effort making and counting boats went to waste. “I’ll still be counting the days just so we know.”
“You do that,” Yena said and before she could comment on how he, too, was going to lose count one day, Gaeul woke up with a gasp, sitting upright and-
“You scared the shit out of me,” Mingi put a hand on his heart. “How are you feeling?”
Gaeul looked around at the Princes and the Princess, frowning as she recollected the previous events of her memory. “I… I feel empty.”
“Empty like how, exactly?” Yeosang asked cautiously. “Magic?”
“That, and… whatever I had with San, I can’t really feel it. It’s like before I met San- I would feel this empty pit in my heart until something ticked me and then I’d lose control.”
“That’s good, actually,” Yena got up, finally shutting her book. “That means that it’s just you now- San and his magic are not interfering in any way.”
“She looks sick though,” Yunho frowned. “Is she going to be okay?”
“I don’t know how sick I look right now but that’s how I looked before I met San,” Gaeul pursed her lips. “Like a zombie.”
“Like your magic,” Yeosang mused. “Like you really did come back from the dead.”
Gaeul shrugged. “So? What are we doing?”
It was Yunho’s turn to smirk. “We’re going to be… ticking you off, as you said. We need to learn the extent of the different magics you can control, and we really, really need to examine cold fire before it consumes you- or us.”
“I must warn, I’m not hard to tick off,” Gaeul folded her arms and everyone laughed at that. “In fact, you should have brought Wooyoung here. He’s the best at that, isn’t he?”
“I’m better,” Yeosang said and the rest hooted in agreement. Gaeul considered him with a scoff. 
“We’ll see,” she said. “What about the… anti-nature? What are we calling it again?”
“Destruction, doom, whatever you wanna call it,” Mingi thought out loud. “Or… Queen of Ruins sounds nice too.”
“My point is,” Gaeul tried ignoring the pit in her heart singing louder, “We need to deal with the fact that I could do something very, very wrong. I don’t wish to hurt you guys, so… how are we dealing with it?”
“Well, as soon as I feel something is wrong, I can immediately portal us to somewhere far away from you,” Yena assured her. “So… I say, let’s get started. I’d suggest destroying this garden first- start with flowers and will your magic to make it wilt. You need to be able to control it to such an extent that you only harm a single petal on that flower.”
Gaeul gaped at the Princess. “I’m sure that’s not even possible.”
“Didn’t San do something like that with your magic too?” Yeosang mused.
“That’s what we’ve all done,” Mingi sighed as he reminisced. “My father made me sit in a room full of candles and asked me to light only the one he would mark as the target. You can imagine how it went.”
“And how long did it take you to master that?” Gaeul asked casually.
“About a decade, I think-”
“And you expect me to master that in a short time and not more than a decade?” Gaeul gaped at them. “Are you sure you’ll be here for a decade? A decade here would mean at least a year or two in reality, right?”
“It won’t take you a decade,” Yunho said and Gaeul looked at him. “It won’t even take you a year. A few months, at most.”
“How are you so sure?”
“Do you think we would have willingly brought you here if we weren’t?” Yunho smiled and something about it made her shiver. “We can feel it. The more a person’s magic is bound to get out of control, the more quickly the person can actually control it if they have the willpower, contrary to popular belief.”
“Wow,” Gaeul brushed her black shirt. “If you say so. I’m trusting you then. Where should I do it?” 
“Wherever is fine,” Yena went back to her position, resuming to read her book. “And keep trying until you can at least stop the whole flower from wilting. You’ve got all the time in the world.”
Gaeul shrugged and walked to the nearest flower bush, grabbing a daisy and beginning to try. Mingi, who had been quite intrigued by Yunho and Gaeul’s exchange, looked at his friend. “Do you really believe it will only take months?”
“Nah,” Yunho went back to finishing his puzzle. “In fact, she can never wilt only a single petal. It’s all about control- that she will be able to stop her surroundings from dying when she focuses on one single object.”
Mingi scoffed at that, shaking his head at a grinning Yunho. “Who knows? Maybe she could wilt a single petal too.”
“If she does, that would be a bonus,” Yunho nodded.
[Day 6 in the other dimension/5 hours and 32 minutes in Mirinae]
“I’ve been doing this for like a week now,” Gaeul huffed in annoyance.
“It’s only been like three days, stop being so dramatic,” Yeosang muttered, not even bothering to open his eyes from the ‘nap’ he had been taking from the past 2 days.
“Four, actually,” Yunho said and Yeosang groaned in answer. “We could take a break.”
“Yes!” Mingi got up, “There’s a lot to explore here, actually. No one to worry about. We shouldn’t be sitting here like bummers. We should be making it fun so that Gaeul feels better.”
“Says the person who always stays home when we go out in town to eat during a meet-up,” Yena narrowed her eyes.
“There are no people here,” Mingi challenged. “And you remember how you and I roamed around a lot here? It made you feel better, didn’t it?”
Gaeul glanced cautiously at Yena who contemplated as Mingi waited for her answer, and for a second, they both thought that he messed up before Yena slowly nodded. “I guess it did. We could take this chance to practise our magic too. I’m sure some of us have a lot they need to get out.”
“Ah, yes, I do,” Yunho raised his hand. “I haven’t been in my animal form for years now.”
“What is your animal form?” Gaeul asked but Yunho only winked.
“I haven’t seen it ever, either,” Yena laughed at Gaeul’s annoyed expression. “It’s better if you let it be a surprise.”
“You can try guessing,” Mingi said, waiting for what he knew was about to come.
“Uh… fish?” Gaeul said and started laughing, “It’s probably something better than that, right? What’s yours, Mingi?”
“You’ll never guess mine,” Mingi said proudly and Gaeul knew she couldn’t. She looked at the twins. 
“Mine is pretty obvious. Yeosang’s is… funnier.”
“Don’t even start-”
Yena giggled and Yeosang finally got up from his two-day nap to attack Yena. Gaeul looked helplessly at the rest. “Do only the Princes have animal forms?”
“Some of the faeries do as well,” Mingi said. “Shapeshifters have it best.”
“You could have one too, since you’re technically of royal bloodline,” Yunho commented and everybody paused as they digested that fact. “What? You haven’t thought of it?”
“I wasn’t aware that I was a descendant until a few days ago, thank you,” Gaeul sighed. “And… I don’t think my family explored that part of their magic. Probably to not attract attention. Or even if they did, they kept it secret.”
“Sad how so much of your history was kept from you,” Yeosang said, his eyes glinting. “Makes me think if someone knew just who you were.”
“As in?”
“There are a lot of ways to know the hidden about someone- that even that person themself might not know,” Yeosang explained. “Spirits usually do that. It’s against their law but sometimes, a faerie makes a deal. And now that I think about it… It might be how Kieran found out about you.”
Gaeul felt sick again though she couldn’t throw up here- not when her stomach was empty and she didn’t need food. She only choked on air and tried to calm her trembling hands. Yena slapped Yeosang’s arm. “You didn’t have to think out loud, Yeosang.”
“No, it’s okay,” Gaeul brushed her hair away from her face. “I should know. Thank you, Yeosang. If all of you find something about me, even if it is bad, please don’t keep it from me.”
They knew what she meant- she had lived in lies and secrets all her life. She did not want to live like that anymore. 
“What do you think your animal form might be, if you still possess that part of your magic?” Mingi changed the subject.
“I think as a nature-user, her animal form could have been anything at all,” Yunho thought. “Now I’m not so sure, and we shouldn’t explore that idea until she has all her magic under control- we don’t want her to be stuck in her animal form forever.”
Gaeul whistled. “Already forgot about it. Shall we go now?”
The beach was of course the nearest place that provided a good scene with the waves crashing, both the sun and the moon shining brightly creating a pastel sky of purple and orange, and Gaeul immediately sat at the shore, letting the waves wash over her. The twins joined her on either side, yelping at the coldness of the water once it hit them. 
“Does it not bother you, the coldness?” Yeosang noticed how calm Gaeul was.
“I used to sit like this every other day, so I’m quite used to the cold,” she replied. “Try digging your toes in the sand too.”
The two did and realised it kept them steady when the waves washed and also made the waves tickle them in a pleasing way. “You must have had water affinity if you felt so calm at a place like this- I can sense your magic.”
“I must have,” Gaeul’s smile didn’t quite meet her eyes. 
A magic- a whole world left unexplored. How many other doors did she never get to open?
“Water magic is the most disastrous,” Yeosang commented and Gaeul looked at Yunho- he had never looked happier as he played with Mingi in the water. “I know you feel like you missed something, but where one door closed, another opened for you. I say you master what you have and make a whole new magical world for yourself.”
It was as if Yeosang had read her thoughts. Gaeul nodded, taking a deep breath, pleased to smell the familiar tinge of saltiness in the air. “I should, huh?”
Perhaps every one of them had told her about the downside of their magic, and with time, Gaeul had started to feel like her magic might not be all that bad. She still needed time, but… she didn’t hate it now. Strongly dislike it, more like. Progress.
Mingi came running towards the three. “Yunho is going to turn.”
“Here?” Yeosang got up immediately. “Shouldn’t we run away?”
“We should move back, yes,” Mingi helped Yena up and Gaeul got up as well. 
“Why exactly do we need to move?” Gaeul frowned. “What is he? A shark? Alligator? Is he going to eat us?”
“Oh, you’re gonna cry when you see him,” Yeosang shook his head, patting her back to make her move and she reluctantly followed until they were a good distance away from the sea. Yunho made an ‘okay’ sign and started moving further into the sea, until-
“Underwater?” Gaeul gaped at a disappearing Yunho. “Octopus? Jellyfish? He does look like a jellyfish-”
“Shut up,” Yeosang laughed, “It’s something better. You can’t even imagine.”
“Seahorse? But we wouldn’t need to backoff. Dolphin? Oh no, is he a whale? Is he-”
The waves crashed several feet up in the air, giving all of them a jumpscare and earning a frightened yell from Gaeul who instinctively hid behind Yeosang and watched the sea calm down until the waves were still.
“Don’t tell me he drowned.”
“Is he going to be okay?” Mingi looked at Yeosang. “It’s been a while since he turned.”
“He’ll be fine,” Yeosang smiled proudly.
The waves started to vibrate in a rhythmic motion and Gaeul narrowed her eyes, waiting, anticipating, until the sea split apart to reveal the most glorious shades of blue and teal shimmering like diamonds and the gasp that left both Yena and Gaeul was one they would always remember. 
“That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen!” Yena gaped at the sight that unfurled in front of her- the long torso disappearing and reappearing at the surface as it swam and swam and Gaeul didn’t even realise she was clutching Yeosang’s arm so hard, though he didn’t mind. He, too, had the same reaction. 
“A dragon!” Gaeul looked at the others, her eyes wide.
“A water dragon, yes,” Mingi nodded.
“You mean you are a fire dragon?” Gaeul narrowed her eyes.
“I wish I was,” Mingi shook his head as he laughed, pointing back at Yunho. “Watch.”
Gaeul watched the tail disappear and then the dragon drifted upwards and spread its wings, large and mighty, and it flew up and up until it blocked the light from the orange sun, creating an eclipse. Gaeul sighed dreamily- she wouldn’t ever forget this sight. 
“He’s really enjoying himself,” Yeosang scoffed, though he couldn’t have been happier for him. “Let’s go back there.”
As they reached the shore once again, Yunho as the water dragon swam until his head rested on the sand in front of them, happily. He could have swallowed a couple of them in a breath, yet… Gaeul felt no sense of danger from him. Even his eyes looked friendly. They all marvelled at his beautiful skin and scales. 
“Can I… touch it?” Gaeul asked and before anyone could reply, Yunho nudged his face forward, making Mingi laugh. Gaeul grinned before she cautiously leaned forward and touched its temple, marvelling at the smooth texture. 
“This is beyond anything I ever imagined, I thought water dragons no longer lived.”
“Kept a secret for the right reasons,” Yeosang said.
Gaeul nodded, moving back to sit and Yunho went back to the sea, his tail barely avoiding them as he turned, earning a curse from Yeosang. Then he disappeared underwater for the longest time, occasionally coming up, sometimes flying. All of them lied down and watched him, and for a few moments, Gaeul forgot who she was and why she was here. She felt peace within her- something she hadn’t felt in a while.
It must come with embracing the magic itself, she thought. It must be hard for Yunho to fight the urge to turn into a dragon whenever he pleased. And the fact that he was one was both grand and alarming- water dragons were very dangerous animals. 
“All of you have your own battles you fight each day, isn’t that so?” Gaeul muttered.
“Everyday,” Yena confirmed. “Without something, we’d be sitting idle, wouldn’t we?”
Gaeul nodded. She shut one door that night- the yearning to possess water magic. Though she still loved the idea of it, she was no longer selfish.
San had never felt like such a mess in his life before. And Wooyoung and Jongho could see it in his body language, on his face, in the way his smile wasn’t meeting his eyes, barely a quirk of his lips.
“Look, they’re probably doing fine over there,” Jongho tried comforting him as they sipped on their coffee, sitting in front of the fireplace in an inn they were stopping at back on their way to Wooyoung’s castle. “Can you relax a bit? Your magic is… all over the place.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Wooyoung hesitantly asked. San sighed, rubbing his face. 
“I’m sorry, I just… don’t know.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Wooyoung assured him. “Just say it out loud if you want to. Don’t keep it in- I can see it’s killing you.”
San looked at the worried faces of the two and pursed his lips. “I should keep my magic under control, I know. It’s just that it feels like my magic has lost a part of itself. It’s strange because I didn’t feel it earlier.”
“Ah,” Jongho nodded. “Probably because… the bond snapped in place?”
“Yeah,” San took another deep breath. “Now I feel like I lost something. Dread… that’s what I feel.”
“Well, Choi San, you’re going to have to stop sulking at least,” Wooyoung began to say and Jongho raised a brow at the change of his tone. “I’m sure they’re doing fine. If there’s a chance that you two can still feel each other across dimensions, she better not be feeling all this negative energy from you, okay? Be strong for her, man.”
Jongho had to nod in agreement- Wooyoung was absolutely right. “No point moping, really- won’t do either of you any good. However, you remaining in good spirits might actually help the both of you. I’m sure you feel really bad inside, but… stay strong. We’re with you.”
San smiled at the two and it was the most genuine smile they’d seen in hours, making Jongho and Wooyoung laugh a little. San half laughed, half groaned and told the two they better make his stay at Rukbat fun enough to distract him.
Enough to distract him from the neverending sinking feeling in his heart- as if a part of his very soul had been snatched from him. He prayed Gaeul was feeling better.
[Day 12 in the other dimension/12 hours and 42 minutes in Mirinae]
Gaeul was far from feeling any better- at least physically. Though she hadn’t bothered looking in a mirror for the past few days, she could tell she had lost weight from her hands alone- they were less fleshy from her wrists than she recalled. 
It was unnerving, she thought, to be able to feel yourself losing to your magic which was also a part of oneself. Her movements were getting sluggish, she was fainting at least once a day and her thoughts were getting cloudier, all as she began practising- she would be fine as soon as she regained her consciousness back after fainting, probably a courtesy of staying in this dimension. 
The progress with her magic, however, was slower than she thought. She still couldn’t make a single petal wilt- instead, she usually ended up wilting her surroundings. That gave Yena an excuse to practise her targeted healing magic, with which she reversed the damage, but Gaeul thought Yena was probably getting tired of her too.
“Don’t you all have kingdoms to run?” Gaeul slumped down against the tree at the outskirts of the forest in Ascella. “With the progress I’ve made so far, I think you all can go back and return in like… a week to check on me. I would probably make little progress by then.”
The Princes and the Princess who had been fooling around with some board games they stole from one of the cabins along the beach all looked up at her and started giggling, to her horror. “What makes you think we want to go back? We’re escaping from our duties if you haven’t noticed already, Gaeul.”
Gaeul narrowed her eyes at Yeosang but everyone else still giggling made her realise it was part truth. “Besides, only like 12 hours have passed in the real world. I don’t want to go back so soon,” Yunho commented. “I need at least 3 days there to pass- that should be enough rest for me.”
“Well then, why don’t you all travel the world then?” Gaeul offered, “No people around here, time to check out the unexplored territory of this planet, huh?”
“That’s a good idea, actually,” Yena pointed out. “And while we’re at it, I could try to send some signals to Neve as well. I’m sure he could be of some help.”
“Are you sure that is a good idea though?” Yeosang asked. “I still don’t trust any darkling, whether it be Neve or someone else.”
“Neve is different,” Yena’s tone was guarded and Gaeul thought that it was probably because she only had one darkling she could compare him to- Kieran. “And I think to actually send a signal worth his attention, we’d have to go to the mountains in Rukbat.”
“Are you sure you wanna go back there?” Mingi asked cautiously. Gaeul understood where exactly he meant- the place she and San had gone to. Gaeul decided not to reveal that she knew.
“Yeah, it’ll be okay,” Yena shrugged. “I’ll keep sending signals along the way so he knows it’s really me.”
“And can you trust he will be alone?” Yeosang raised a brow. Yena didn’t answer.
“I’m not sure we need him right now,” Yunho started. “I think once she has a better control of her magic, then we can maybe consult him. Right now… there’s no other way, is there?”
“Well then, let’s just explore Wooyoung’s kingdom,” Mingi offered, getting up. “I’m going to set his palace on fire.”
“Do you have some grudge against Wooyoung?” Gaeul laughed, taking his hand when he offered it and getting up. “Do you secretly want to set his ass on fire too?”
“What makes you think I haven’t already?” Mingi leaned in as if to whisper that secret and Gaeul gasped.
“I should have known!” Gaeul laughed, the rest following behind them. “Who’s ass is still safe from that?” 
“Only Seonghwa, Yeosang and Yena,” Mingi revealed. “They scare me.”
“Well, I got a tip for you,” Gaeul peeked behind her. “With Yeosang, you just have to make it look natural- like when he’s near the fireplace or a candle. Make it look like he caught fire himself.”
“That’s a very nice idea-”
“You make it look natural and I’ll show you just where you’ll be going when your time on this planet is over, Mingi dear,” Yeosang said and Gaeul winced, laughing along with the others.
“Not if I burn you to a crisp first!” Mingi called and Gaeul clapped at that.
After aimlessly walking until they reached what would have been a lively marketplace, Yena decided to tag with Gaeul while the others teamed up, looking around at the clothing items, trinkets and jewellery, and some kid’s game that everyone paused to play, until they stopped at a stall with some hotdogs ready to eat.
“I still don’t understand why food is here when we don’t even need it,” Yena admitted, biting into one. 
“Probably so you don’t go insane while being here?” Gaeul offered, looking around. “Just like everything else here.”
“Or maybe to tempt you into living here forever,” Yena’s eyes glinted and Gaeul gulped- she had once admitted that dimensions felt like a living being itself and the thought that it was tempting people to stay here felt dangerous. 
As the group spent hours in the marketplace, Gaeul was beginning to understand just what they were doing- keeping her busy and distracted at all times. She felt better when she was not thinking about her magic- or more specifically, the missing bond inside of her.
The soulmate bond, feeling like it was being held together by just a fibre of the thread, threatening to snap at one wrong move. The very thing keeping her alive, the thing also making her weak with each passing day because San was not here.
Oh, how she missed San. She yearned to feel the comforting presence of him the most- not even his addicting touch but just his presence. She wanted to feel him creep behind her from the shadows like he usually did when he was up for teasing her, settling behind her close enough that she could feel his faint breath caress her skin but far enough that she would want him to touch her. She wanted to see him, hear him. She wanted to watch him talk, wanted to see him even if he couldn’t see her. She wanted to feel his fingers brush hers whenever he passed by, wanted him to look at her with his flirty gaze, and wanted so much more-
Gaeul didn’t realise she was smiling sadly at the distance until Yunho came to stand beside her. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah,” Gaeul sighed, “I just… miss everyone.”
“Oh, stop being so humble,” Yunho teased. “You miss San.”
“Would it be surprising if I say I do miss everyone else too?” Gaeul looked at him with a grin. “A certain someone’s endless yapping, for instance, or the dad jokes-”
“It’s natural, you spent a lot of time with them,” Yunho nodded, inhaling deeply as he looked at the sky. “But I’m asking if you’re feeling okay physically and mentally. If you want to talk about it, if it’s getting too much for you… I’m here.”
Gaeul recalled what Seonghwa had told her- to talk to Yunho. “I know,” Gaeul nodded and Yunho raised a brow at her knowing smile. “I guess I’m just… surviving. I haven’t made much progress. I’m worried I won’t.”
“But you have,” Yunho said and Gaeul narrowed her eyes. “We feel it, you know. Even if you can’t wilt a single petal right now, your control over your magic is improving at a steady rate. You don’t feel it, but we do.”
“Could have let me know earlier then,” Gaeul pouted, tracing her shoe along the dirt in circles. “I wouldn’t be feeling like shit then.”
“Trust me, you’ll be feeling like shit even if we do tell you,” Yunho laughed, shaking his head as he folded his arms. Gaeul looked up at the handsome Prince, his blonde hair almost pink in the glow of the sun. “That’s just how practising goes.”
“And once I manage to get better control? Give me something to look forward to, will you?”
“Then, Princess of Underworld,” Yunho’s smirk made Gaeul’s heart sink, “You fight us in battle.”
[Day 36 in Mirinae/36 hours and 17 minutes in Mirinae]
“I did it, I did it!” Gaeul jumped in the pile of wilted flowers, happily looking at the rest who were all… napping. “Guys?”
None of them stirred and Gaeul stuck out her tongue at the sleeping lot- they had missed a historical moment because they were taking a bloody nap. Gaeul sat back down, concentrating her magic just like before, trying to wilt another petal of that flower- she had to focus on the remaining four.
But as if she hadn’t just wilted only a single petal of the flower, she was back to being the miserable failure she was so sure she was now. It wasn’t working anymore- the flower wilted and even spread into ashes around her.
Gaeul sighed, wondering if she had actually just done that or hallucinated altogether. In the past few weeks, she had started hallucinating a bit whenever she was tired- probably the side effect of her staying in this dimension for so long with her magic, but she knew she didn’t have much time to gain control over her magic. She wasn’t growing any thinner, but weary. That wasn’t good and it made everyone around her a little nervous too, though they wouldn’t admit it. 
Gaeul shrugged and picked another flower, and then another, and another, but to no avail. She couldn’t do that again. So Gaeul slumped and rested her hands on the bare earth, sighing, but then she had the strangest idea.
Just like the magic she had possessed- she had to think like before. Could it work? Gaeul dug her fingers into the dirt, recalling how she used to call out to earth and nature as she felt the roots, felt the very life in them and had the desire to suck the life out of them-
The very instinct she had to fight. The urge to destroy everything in her wake. The urge that every faerie struggled with at least once in their life, the urge that was so much stronger in her now. But Gaeul took a few deep breaths and with steel nerves and focus, she picked one of the trees in the path of several and managed to turn it grey within seconds.
This was control. Gaeul almost smirked as she created a pattern around them and when she was done, when the sleeping lot finally felt something fancy in the air and woke each other up, they gaped at Gaeul who had created nothing less than art from the trees around them. 
One dead tree, one alive, one half dead from the trunk, one’s leaves dead, one’s branches dead, and so on. Mingi whistled while the rest gaped. “I think I’m never taking a nap in this dimension again.”
“How did you do that?” Yunho glanced back and forth between the trees and Gaeul. “We didn’t even feel it happening.”
“I did what you asked me to do- I wilted one single petal, but I couldn’t do it again. So I thought I’d focus my energy on something… bigger in scale. Turns out I’ve got this amount of control afterall.”
“This was quicker than I expected,” Yena clapped but Yunho was still dumbfounded.
“You wilted a single petal? Not the stem, nothing else, just one petal?”
“Yeah?” Gaeul narrowed her eyes- was he suspicious of her? “I would have shown you the proof but I tried to wilt another petal of that flower and the whole thing died.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” Yunho shook his head, assuring her that he believed her. “Though I have to say, I never imagined it was possible that you could do it.”
“Really?” Gaeul frowned. “Then why did you ask me to?”
“So you could do this,” Yeosang pointed at the tree with only the leaves dead. “This amount of control is impressive, I have to admit.”
But Gaeul was gaping at Yunho who was shamelessly grinning. Mingi raised his hand, coming between the two. “I believed you could, Gaeul, from day one. Yunho here thought you could never do that.”
“I wish I had proof!” Gaeul shook her head, amused at how the two had bet on her. “I don’t think I can do it again.”
“And that’s perfectly fine- you don’t need to practise on such a small area right now anyway,” Yena told her, hands on her hips as she assessed the situation, her golden locks like a halo around her. “But now that you have a good amount of control over your magic, we can move on to the next phase.”
“And what was that again?” Gaeul was brushing the ashes off her clothes as she asked, finding them grinning at her when she looked up. “No way. Were you serious about the duels?”
“Very,” Yeosang grinned. “You need that if we’re ever taking care of the otherworldly creatures and getting those faeries back.”
“But… me against you?” Gaeul was sure all the colour had drained from her face. “I thought you all were joking or something-”
“Who’s going first?” Mingi interrupted her, her protests ringing in the air while they decided their turns by rock-paper-scissors.
“I’m first,” Yeosang smirked.
“Oh no,” Gaeul gulped. “Can I at least have some rest?”
“Oh, of course, we’re not fighting right now,” Yeosang patted her back, chuckling when she flinched. “Don’t worry. I won’t kill you.”
“That’s really assuring to hear, Yeosang,” Gaeul glared at him. “Let’s start tomorrow, okay? Give me some time to prepare mentally.”
“Of course, of course,” Yeosang patted her back again. “I’ll tell you what you should look out for- it’s a battle of your senses with me. What you see is not what there will actually be. After going first against me, you’ll be able to battle the rest of them way better than they think.”
“Really?” Gaeul perked up at that. “Because I’m preparing myself for the fool you all will make out of me, Prince Yeosang.”
“We’re the fools going against you,” Yeosang raised his brow. “You should go all out against us. Don’t hold back- don’t worry about the consequences. As long as me or Yena are safe, we can reverse any damage, so… I think we should be the ones scared.”
“Come on, that doesn’t sound like you,” Gaeul pouted and he laughed. “You should be saying something like how I’m a fool and how I’m going to get my ass handled tomorrow and the shame I’ll never forget-”
“I’m not that bad!” Yeosang put a hurt hand on his heart. 
“He is,” Yena called out from where the rest of them were packing what little they carried. “Shall we start moving to Rukbat now? It will take forever on foot.”
The five of them started walking- one of the perks of this dimension was that they didn’t feel physically tired. Walking endlessly was not as bad as it sounded- at least for now. So far, they had explored much of Wooyoung’s territory, especially the south where none of them had visited much. They had tried all sorts of street food, feeling full just after a few bites. They had fooled around on bicycles and Yeosang had taught Gaeul how to skate which he was surprisingly good at. Yunho taught Gaeul archery from the tools they found in a weapons market. Mingi gave Gaeul history lessons about the fire magic, demonstrating everything he could do, and how he suspected Gaeul would be able to control the temperature of the fire better- especially in the cooler ranges. Usually when they walked, one of them would discuss something like magic with Gaeul.
But that night, when they took a break and decided to nap (just for the heck of it) in one of the inns on the way, Gaeul knocked before entering the room Yena was using. Yena was drying her hair with a towel.
“I’m glad we at least get dirty here like the real world,” Yena mused. “It’s like the markings and washing them away makes me feel like I’m not really stuck in a dream or a hallucination- that this, too, is real.”
“Do you suppose there is a dimension where you don’t need to wash up? I wonder if people get lost there, wandering around.”
“I don’t want to find out,” Yena shivered. “Imagine getting stuck in a dream forever, not realising who you are and why you are there.”
“Can I ask you something? You don’t have to answer,” Gaeul said and Yena nodded. “Is this the same dimension that you came to with Mingi?”
When everything happened, Yena didn’t need to hear it out loud. She sighed as she nodded. “The principles are the same, only the time ratio is different. It’s been about 37 days here, so around 37 hours have passed in the real world.”
“That’s it?” Gaeul wowed. “It hasn’t even been too long for them- they won’t be missing any of us.”
“You bet they aren’t,” Yena laughed. “They would be more concerned about taking care of our kingdoms than us.”
“Can you feel Seonghwa? From here?” Gaeul asked. Yena understood why she asked.
“I just know he’s there, in my heart,” Yena put a hand on her chest. “I think the connection gets so dull here that you’d only know if the other person dies.”
“Seonghwa told me something,” Gaeul started and Yena raised her brow. “He said when you were here… the only thing that kept him going was the feeling that you were alive.”
“Did he say that?” Yena smiled and Gaeul liked how her smile was always different when they were talking about Seonghwa. “I think it’s the only thing that kept me going too. I actually… forgot who Seonghwa was. Kieran tried to take my memories, but he couldn’t have guessed he was my soulmate. I think it’s the bond that made my memories come back and because of that, Kieran couldn’t erase the love I had for Seonghwa out of me. Even when I didn’t know who he was.”
“That’s… unbelievable,” Gaeul whistled. “Is that how you knew that you and Seonghwa were soulmates?”
“That was the only possible explanation, yes,” Yena nodded. “How did you know?”
“I didn’t know he was like… my soulmate,” Gaeul tried explaining. “I didn’t know what soulmates were, but I felt him in my bones before I saw him.”
Yena clapped. “You explained the feeling perfectly. I felt that too.”
“Right?” Gaeul chuckled. “One look at San and I knew we were meant to meet- I just didn’t realise how big it was, I guess. My magic probably messed it all up… but now that we’re apart… I feel so, so empty. Do you feel that way too?”
“That’s because of your magic,” Yena shook her head. “Soulmates are just… partners. Friends. Lovers. You aren’t dependent on them like a drug. I can stay years away from Seonghwa and I wouldn’t go mad- of course I would miss him, but that’s just it. You and San… your bond took a chaotic form, Gaeul. It was why we had to separate you two- whole dimensions apart. You shouldn’t be dependent on each other like that, ever. And your case is understandable because your bond is keeping you alive, but San? I think his magic was becoming messed up too.”
Gaeul bit her lips, realising she was right. She felt guilty but she knew she wasn’t to blame, and neither was San. Yena smiled sadly. “I can see you’re growing weary. Keep your mind strong, Gaeul. Only then can you overcome this. We’ll see this through, okay?”
“Thank you,” Gaeul nodded. “But… are you sure you want to go back to Rukbat, in the mountains, Yena? You don’t have to do that- not after everything you’ve been through.”
“I’m sure,” Yena’s chin was up and Gaeul realised she was stronger than Seonghwa might have thought. “I still have nightmares sometimes, if I’m honest. But I’m not going to let them hold me back from my life. And for San, I’d do this even if I’d hate to do it. I owe him that much.”
“Do you think San and you meeting was a coincidence or planned?” Gaeul asked, curious. “I feel like nothing is a coincidence after the events of my life.”
“Even if Kieran didn’t plan this, I think it was a ‘planned’ coincidence,” Yena laughed. “You call it fate.”
“Then was I meant to die before I could ever meet San? Would we have ever crossed paths had I not encountered Kieran?”
“Maybe,” Yena laid on the bed. “It’s interesting to think how life would have been otherwise, isn't it? But if we keep thinking about the what-ifs, we won't be able to carry on with life.”
“You’re the Princess of Space. You can live in any version of the timeline, can’t you?” Gaeul asked, curious ever since she learned just what Yena could do with her magic.
“Yet, I wouldn’t change a thing right now,” Yena curled like a cat, yawning. 
[Day 38 in the other dimension/38 hours and 31 minutes in Mirinae]
Gaeul was tired of being thrown around by Yeosang- especially when he was doing absolutely nothing. 
Well, absolutely nothing was what it looked like at plain sight. He was lying down, eyes closed, absolutely relaxed and you would think he was sleeping if it weren’t for his constant scoffs reminding Gaeul of what a failure she was right now. What was happening, really, was that his spirits, his warriors, were playing with her.
“How the hell am I supposed to sense it?” Gaeul muttered, looking at Mingi who was clearly enjoying the show with Yunho. “Ears? Nose? At least give me something!”
“It’s not that,” Yunho helped. “It’s about sensing the energy-”
“Wrong,” Yeosang spoke, unmoving. “Spirits don’t have ‘energy’. Can you feel them, Yunho?”
“Oops,” Yunho grinned and she gaped at him- even he was playing with her. 
“So basically I can’t feel them?” She scoffed, getting pushed from the back and almost falling on her face, fighting the urge to scream every curse in every language she knew. “I’m supposed to stand and take the beating?”
“Wrong,” Yeosang opened one eye, finally deciding to guide Gaeul after hours. “Firstly, you’re learning balance. You’re being pushed-” As if on cue, she received another shove from the left side and this time she tripped and fell on the thankfully soft sand. “But you can’t figure out who or where or when. You need to be steady on your feet, Gaeul, before you learn anything else.”
“Geez, so much for confidence,” Gaeul sighed. “I admit that I’m clumsy but we could have started somewhere else.”
“As long as you’re clumsy, dear, you can’t be trusted with the dealings of your magic,” said Yeosang. “You need to have the sharpest senses and the best aim before we move on to magic. And the trick to fighting my spirits would be agility. As soon as you’re pushed- the very moment you come in contact, that’s when you need to stay steady and fight back.”
“Oh,” she could see Yeosang’s point now and she had to admit, he was smart. “Thanks for the tip, though it won’t make things easier, will it?”
He simply snickered and went back to sleep, leaving Gaeul to deal with invisible forces- she was pretty sure they weren’t even ‘warriors’- just normal dead mean people.
“I swear if one of you pushes me from the back again, I’ll kill you,” she said when she received another shove and fell on her knees. 
“There’s only one of them, Gaeul,” Yeosang sighed and Mingi and Yunho burst into laughter, leaving her cheeks pink with anger. “At least, for now.”
“If I accidentally end up damning you, Yeosang, forgive me.” Gaeul straightened and shut her eyes- she couldn’t see the spirit anyway so she might as well focus. She didn't see Yeosang turn his full attention to her this time- he was going to take advantage of her heightened senses to train her.
It took uncountable hours, but Gaeul was soon able to 'feel' the spirit before it touched her. That was strange for the others since they relied on sensing energy, but they figured that since Gaeul was half dead anyway, she could probably sense the spirits.
"Why can't I sense the dead," Yena said with a pout. "I'm related to Yeosang. You'd think I'd be better at that."
"Maybe you need a little one-on-one training with me too," Yeosang offered casually but Yena saw right through him, throwing popcorn at him. 
"Who's teaching me how to fight back though?" Gaeul stood near the fire that Mingi had lit, warming her hands- it wasn't cold but oddly, she felt like she wasn't warm enough. "Wooyoung didn't get to teach me everything."
"You should learn from Yena," Mingi glanced at her with a devilish smirk. 
"I didn't realise I was being tested too," Yena scoffed. "Yes, I haven't trained as long as you all but I'm not an amateur! Seonghwa has been training me well."
"None of you are patient enough to teach me," Gaeul laughed. "You can fight all you want among yourselves."
"I volunteer," Yunho raised his hand and when the rest stared at him, he shrugged. "I'm the best here anyway."
And so began another argument followed by challenges to duels. Gaeul yawned widely, rubbing away sleep from her eyes and Yena noticed.
"You must be extremely tired if you're feeling sleepy here."
"Getting tired from physical exertion is so much better than me getting tired from magic malfunction," Gaeul replied. "It makes me feel like I'm… the same old Gaeul."
For the next few days in that dimension, Gaeul was learning everything from scratch. It was like she was being trained to fight in war. Yunho was teaching her how to use her body, how to find her core strength and balance on her feet, and most importantly, how to remain calm, which Gaeul was finding the hardest to do despite her mellow nature. Mingi was teaching her how not to react impulsively- that meant that she had to figure out how to react within milliseconds. Yeosang continued to strengthen her senses, not keeping her limited to her sixth sense alone. Yena, apart from providing endless support and encouragement and teaching her how to tolerate the Princes, taught Gaeul how to live with her magic from now on.
Acceptance. Endurance. Perseverance. 
Gaeul kept repeating to herself. Yena had taught her how to live with herself.
And when Yeosang put Gaeul to test, sending not one, not two but five spirits all at once, Gaeul was able to detect them all and use not only her body but also her magic. And this time, she didn’t just fight back- she protected herself too. 
And ‘accidentally’ sent Yeosang flying a good distance away.
While the others recovered from laughing, it was Gaeul who offered her hand to Yeosang who shook his head before grabbing it to get up, and then, quite affectionately, patted her shoulder. “You’ve learnt a lot in a short time, Gaeul. Well done.”
“They’re having a good time laughing at you,” Gaeul pointed at the rest who were now attempting a reenactment. “You can tell me how to finish them when it’s their turn. We’ll call it even.”
Yeosang smirked. “Deal,” he said and they walked to the rest who straightened up. Yeosang rolled his eyes at them before saying, “Mark the calendar. Day 74 is when Gaeul wins against me. Get ready to lose… losers.”
Gaeul snorted at the weak retort but was more surprised when Yunho fished out an actual notepad from his pocket and started scribbling. “You’re keeping a calendar?”
“Tracking your progress, actually,” Yunho explained. “Our parents used to do that too- though it must have been rather boring for them. We weren’t the quickest learners.”
“No one tracked my progress,” Yena pouted. 
“You should track your own progress,” Yeosang said. “There’s no way we could have with all the time-travelling mess.”
“True,” Yena shrugged. “Only I know my progress. That’s so weird…”
“Why do you keep records, though?” Gaeul asked. “To help?”
“And to improve ourselves as well,” Mingi added.
“Day 74…” Gaeul mumbled, calculating the hours in her head. “74 hours- it’s only the third day there. Wow.”
It was the third day in their original dimension, but things weren’t as relaxed back there. Whatever remnants of Gaeul’s magic resided in San’s body were causing him to experience after effects such as-
“-incredible longing, short temper, bad retorts-” Jongho stopped narrating when San sent a shoe flying for the youngest Prince, sending Wooyoung into a fit of laughter but making him pause when San hurled into the bucket again and wrenched his guts out- there was nothing left to throw up now. 
“...along with extreme nausea, disorientation and occasional hallucinations,” Jongho concluded, folding the note and throwing it in the fire- a message to Hongjoong. San wiped his mouth, drinking a glass of water before slumping down on the couch, drawing the covers over himself.
“I’ve never seen him sick like this, I’m actually worried for once,” Wooyoung sighed, sitting down with Jongho, the two ‘babysitting’ San as they had quoted in the note to Hongjoong.
“They did say it was supposed to get worse before it got better,” San’s voice was weak as he said, shivering. “I just hope she’s okay there.”
Wooyoung rolled his eyes so hard they would have gone back in his skull. He leaned forward, snapping his fingers in front of San’s face so he opened one eye. “San. Listen to me, you love-sick bastard. They’re in the dimension where their body functions have basically frozen. You worry about yourself- I’m pretty sure they’re joking around there.”
“Agreeing,” Jongho scoffed. “They can’t remain serious when Yeosang is there.”
San laughed a bit at that. “It’s been 74 days there. What do you think is their progress?”
“Just hoping they aren’t burning the world down there…” Jongho muttered, sounding unconvinced. 
He wasn’t wrong. In the other dimension, Yena, Yeosang and Yunho were watching Mingi set the forest on a blazing fire, a blast from Gaeul’s attempt to shield herself creating a wave that made their hair fiercely (and dramatically) fly back. Yeosang sputtered, trying to get the ash out of his mouth.
“If Gaeul sets his ass on fire,” Yena sounded serious, “I’ll treat you all to a grand feast back home.”
“Shall we bet?” Yeosang asked.
“I don’t think we need to,” Yunho started to laugh. “I think we’re all with Gaeul.”
Gaeul, however, wasn’t having such a grand time. “At least give me time to get my shield back! I’ll burn myself!”
“You won’t get that luxury when you’re in a fight,” Mingi continued with the fire shots in her direction. “And anyways, if you get burned, Yena can heal you.”
“Geez, why didn’t I think of that,” Gaeul muttered, cursing under her breath. Fire was probably the scariest element to be against. “I’d like not to get cooked, Mingi-”
Gaeul winced when her forearm caught fire, quickly patting her clothes to blow the fire. “It’s not like I’m going to the fucking war!”
“You still don’t get it,” Mingi laughed. “It’s not about fighting against fire. It’s about not being scared of the most frightening element. You can fight back properly because I’m the most scared of your power too. We’re learning from each other, Gaeul.”
“Are we?” Gaeul retorted. “So far I’ve been the only one learning-”
Gaeul’s calf caught on fire this time and something in her brain ticked- she had been fighting fire casually for the past few days, but for the past few hours, she had caught fire uncountable times. Gaeul groaned and bared her teeth, shooting her hands forward.
The last thing Mingi was expecting was catching fire himself- not like his, the warm flame, but the cold flame that burned harder than the hottest fire. Mingi yelped, rolling around in the grass and this time, it was Gaeul’s turn to laugh- but when the fire didn’t go out, Gaeul rushed for Mingi and put her hands in the flames-
Transferring them to herself.
“You underworld witch,” Mingi was laughing in disbelief and pain now- he was used to the pain of the burns which was the only reason he wasn’t crying. He called for Yena and she healed him first before joining Yunho and Yeosang to gape at Gaeul who was playing with blue, almost white, flames of her fire.
“They’re not hot anymore,” Gaeul looked at Yunho. “Can you feel it?”
Yunho was hesitant but he put his hands in the fire, gasping because it felt colder than his ice. “You can control the temperature?”
“I was angry- it was hot,” Gaeul turned to Mingi, muttering sorry but he assured her it was alright. “When I took it away, it didn’t feel too hot to me. Should I try consciously raising the temperature?”
“Go ahead,” Yunho nodded. Gaeul concentrated and tried but it remained the same. She groaned.
“More to practise, I guess.”
“Fighting fire with fire. Who would have thought!” Mingi was clapping.
“It’s a good thing it finally manifested while we were here,” Yeosang was nodding. “Whatever you need to do to practise, whatever the damage, you can do it here. Meanwhile, let me just appreciate the sight of Mingi’s smug ass catching fire-”
While Mingi and Yeosang bickered, Yena went back to what she was originally doing- she had a portal opened up in this dimension and was trying to get the portal to shift to some other dimension. She couldn’t figure out how to contact Neve.
“Is it necessary to summon him?” Yunho asked for the first time- Yena had been practising her portal for months now. “We taught her well.”
“We still need to do something about the parasitic nature of her magic,” Yena sighed. “I got a message from Hongjoong earlier- San’s not feeling well. Don’t tell the others.”
Yunho frowned. “What happened?”
“I’m guessing it’s the bond- the bond isn’t supposed to act like this, but since her magic is unusual, it’s attacking San. I got Hongjoong to portal to San to assess how bad it is and report back.”
“Let’s hope it’s nothing Hongjoong can’t heal,” Yunho was worried. “Gaeul’s doing better here, though.”
“Perks of this dimension,” Yena’s smile didn’t meet her eyes. “I wonder though- how strong is the soulmate bond? Will she be able to live with both this magic and the bond?”
For that, no one had an answer yet.
[Day 93 in the other dimension/93 hours 27 minutes in Mirinae]
Fighting against Mingi may have made Gaeul fearless, but she was learning that the fear of the element that she loved the most was a different sort- and it was bad.
As a kid, Gaeul had adored the water bodies, the animals in it, the seemingly endless oceans, the rain, everything. She would sometimes dive and play with the fishes as well. And that one time that she had raised a few water droplets in the air? She told herself that it was a secret she would take to the grave (now she was supposing she did take the secret to her grave) though it was something she wanted to yell to the world. 
Now she was learning to be afraid of the endless depth of the ocean, of the monsters that resided under the sea, of the rain that could drown you or peel your skin away, and of the water in her own body. In the past few days, Yunho had managed to scare her in every possible way and she was not enjoying the experience. He had shown her the horrors that something as simple as water could bring by nearly drowning her a number of times- of course, Gaeul trusted him not to actually drown her but he sure did increase the amount of time she could hold her breath underwater. 
Gaeul was actually feeling a little scared of Yunho, if she had to admit. It was funny because he was apparently the friendliest of them all, a literal ray of sunshine, always smiling and laughing, but there was this other side to him that he rarely showed anyone, and oh. It sent shivers down Gaeul’s spine whenever Yunho’s eyes would change, whenever he would become serious. She was calling it his ‘inner demon’, and she was not a big fan of this inner demon.
Especially when she was training across it.
“Ice and fire are not that different, you know,” Yunho was saying as he drew a circle of spiky icicles in the sand around them. “Just two extremities, polar opposites. You, somehow, are somewhere in the middle.”
“Would you really call it being ‘somewhere in the middle’?” Gaeul almost muttered and Yunho raised a brow. “I mean… Cold flame isn’t exactly natural, is it?”
“True,” Yunho nodded, playing with the icicles, shaping them into different objects. “Cold fire can take the appearance of snow and icicles, yet it can burn like fire too. I’m just wondering what I would do if I possessed such power?”
“Probably set your friends on fire for fun?” Gaeul thought and Yunho snickered. “I bet Mingi doesn’t really have that luxury.”
“If he tried that, he’d be in big trouble,” Yunho shook his head. “So… do you think you can melt my ice with your fire?”
“Of course I can,” Gaeul straightened, extending her hand to send the almost white flame for the icicle circle Yunho had created around them. It went around the ice, to Gaeul’s surprise, and she touched the ice this time for good measure but it didn’t budge.
“I don’t understand,” Gaeul frowned. “Is it not hot enough?”
“Honey, I’m the Prince of Water and Ice for a reason,” Yunho was grinning and Gaeul pouted, slumping. “If my ice would simply melt, I would be no match against someone with fire powers.”
“True,” Gaeul made an impressed face. “So how would one defeat the Prince of Ice?”
“That’s what we will figure out,” Yunho stretched his limbs. “So far… I have no weaknesses as far as my power is concerned.”
“Wow,” Gaeul was gawking at the Prince. “You’re really scary.”
Yunho laughed loudly, shaking his head. “You’re scarier, you just don’t know how yet.”
Gaeul scoffed, watching Yunho melt the icicles and create them again. He explained that he could control the temperature and other properties of the ice, which meant he could make the ice as strong as he preferred, as cold as he liked. He displayed the stages of his element- from extracting a drop of water from the air itself, making it into a snowflake, solid ice, and then the hardest of ice which had a bluish tinge to its form. 
“That’s what I’m aiming to teach you,” Yunho explained further. “Now that you have good control over your body, you need to have the same amount of control over your magic.”
Gaeul nodded. Her physical training was nowhere near the end but she had never been quicker on her feet, never been this strong. It was amazing how she could control every muscle, every movement in her body. To have this amount of control over her reflexes was no joke. And to have a similar amount of control over her magic was Yunho’s final aim. 
He had been incredibly patient with her, so much that Gaeul marvelled at his stamina- he was teaching her from scratch like he would teach a child. Anyone would think he had trained armies just like this. He had taught her how much each of her limbs could move, had figured out her extremities with her body in a way that she didn’t feel overwhelmed and most importantly, taught her to be patient with herself. For that, she respected him a lot.
“So cold fire has how many stages? I’ve seen the snow stage but I think it resembles ash more in that state…”
“I have a theory,” Yunho began, leaning forward as if to whisper a secret. “But I won’t tell you.”
“Yunho!” Gaeul rolled her eyes. “You’re just teasing me. I know how all of you work- you drive me to the edge and somehow it does the work.”
Yunho shook his head. “I taught you how not to be driven to the edge ever since we came here, Gaeul. That may have been Yeosang and Mingi’s plan, but not mine.”
Gaeul ignored that, wondering what he could be talking about. “What is cold fire even good for?”
“Making people non-existent, apparently,” Yeosang, who was passing by, said. “I still don’t know what fate those souls met.”
He was talking about the man Gaeul had killed. It still sent a jab through her, even though she knew they didn’t mean to hurt her. “Well, what other purpose does it serve? I don’t think it’s here just to… make people poof.”
Yeosang snorted at her choice of words and Yunho said, “It’s meant to be the bridge between the power of ice and fire. It can both burn and freeze. I do think it serves a greater purpose but we know nothing of it yet.”
“So we’ll just master the temperature control for now,” Gaeul suggested and Yunho nodded. “I’ve gotten better at it, I just…”
“Don’t work well with the extremities,” Yunho nodded. “That’s the toughest part. Maybe we should call Mingi after all…”
“Only if he promises that we’re even- I don’t want him to burn me,” Gaeul pouted. “I’ve had enough of my hair fried!”
“Just burn him back,” Yunho laughed.
“No! What if I make him go poof?” Gaeul sighed and Yunho paused for a second before shaking his head and calling Mingi. Mingi was quick to come and help for the sole reason of trying to get back at Gaeul for the forest firefight but Yunho told him to stop being a child.
With the three working together on trying to learn about the cold fire and its properties, Yena and Yeosang were left working on the portal and trying to contact Neve. Yena was learning quite a good amount of things on how the portals worked in this dimension and with Yeosang’s guidance, she was getting better at the duration of the portals. The scary part was opening portals to unknown worlds and having to shut them in a matter of seconds- before anyone noticed- when they found out it was the wrong world.
“I still can’t grasp the fact that there are places other than the planet Earth and our planets where there are actual habitants,” Yena phew-ed as she shut another portal to a place that looked to be a garden full of flowers- she was pretty sure there wasn’t a hint of flower or life on the planet that darklings dwelled on.
“The universe is neverending, it seems,” Yeosang was taking notes- he had the ability to process the distinct feel of each dimension but it seemed the ability extended to different environments- or worlds- as well. “There are multiple dimensions we’ll never know of.”
“Talking about dimensions, we still haven’t found out what dimension exactly those creatures are taking the missing faeries to, right?” Yena asked and Yeosang shook his head in denial. “I was wondering if we could somehow get Gaeul to do the deed.”
“I don’t think she can open the doorway to that dimension at will, that would mean she possesses dimensional powers which cannot be the case even with her magic taking a turn,” Yeosang explained. “But… what are we even going to do once we’re facing those creatures? We don’t know what they look like, how strong they are, what they are. All we know is that they’re capable of travelling dimensions without consequences, it seems.”
“Consequences?” Yena asked.
“We’re still on planet Mirinae, right?” Yeosang drew a sketch to explain. “We’re just in a different layer of time. That’s why Neve can come and go from here as he pleases, because it’s the same dimension but different worlds. We don’t know if the planet that the darklings dwell on is on the same plane as us. By plane, I mean the time-flow.”
“Ah, I get it,” Yena nodded. “So there has to be something in common to roam around without consequences?”
“Yes,” Yeosang nodded. “Take my example- there’s the world of the living and the world of the dead. They have nothing in common but I am the bridge. Where the spirits stay before moving on is a dimension that is entirely unique. Without a bridge, the spirits cannot move freely.”
“Oh, so with those creatures, they must have something in common with our world, right?”
“Yeah, they must either be in the same time flow as our planet, or just be another dimensional layer of our planet- wait a fucking second.”
Yeosang was frowning as he looked at his notes and Yena watched him go to Yunho and whisper something in his ear, looking grim. Yunho handed him the journal he was using to track Gaeul’s progress and then Yeosang came back to sit in front of Yena. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Let me just confirm something,” Yeosang was skimming from the beginning, stopping at one of the pages. “I have this awful theory but I’ll need Hongjoong to confirm it before I reveal it.”
“Tell me,” Yena insisted, poking Yeosang’s thigh again and again until he gave in.
“If this is the first time some otherworldly creatures have made it to our planet, and if there are no such records from Earth as well… I think it might mean that Gaeul could be the bridge, like I am, to another world, which means…”
“That we may have a serious problem at our hands,” Yena finished, looking at Gaeul who was laughing along with Mingi over something. “What have we gotten ourselves into?”
[Day 124 in the other dimension/124 hours and 39 minutes in Mirinae]
Hongjoong was positive that if he stayed alone in his library looking for god knows what for one more day, he was going to combust into light.
If he sat down and thought about it, he would say that he was speaking a little selfishly, considering that those who were in the other dimension have been staying there for more than 4 months now while here, only about five days had passed. And he had only spent three of them in the library.
But three of them in the library, going through the archives, reading scroll after scroll without a single soul to accompany him because of the sensitivity of the situation? He would say it was too much for him. He was almost finished, but he needed a break. 
Hongjoong went in front of the fire and wrote a letter to Seonghwa, saying he hoped he was doing well. He got a reply a few minutes later.
You must be bored already.
Hongjoong scoffed- Seonghwa knew him well. Hongjoong wrote another letter, asking him if he wanted to visit San with him when he was done turning the library upside down. Seonghwa agreed and Hongjoong mustered the remaining kernels of his willpower before going through the last shelf.
Sadly, he found nothing. He wrote that on a note and placed it on the window Yeosang had designated from where one of his soul-friends would receive it and pass it to the Prince. Yeosang conveyed the message to Yena who had something to say about the situation.
“It’s no use searching the archives. Gaeul is an entirely new case. We’ll have to do everything ourselves.”
“Always better safe than sorry,” Yeosang scolded and she pouted. “Also, he wants you to portal him and Seonghwa to San. Apparently they’re having a sleepover.”
“Oooh, we’re missing all the fun,” Yena said, opening a portal to her room where Seonghwa was standing in front of the mirror-
“Getting ready for who, exactly?” Yena asked and Seonghwa froze before sinking to his knees, making Yeosang giggle.
“If you scare me with the portal one more time, Yena dear, I’m going to pass away,” Seonghwa clutched his heart as he got up. “How are you doing?”
“I’m good,” Yena grinned. “Just missing you a lot. Let’s get you to Hongjoong.”
“Okay, I’m ready,” Seonghwa turned, grabbing a bag. “Yeosang, you better be taking care of my wife-”
Before Seonghwa could say anything further, Yena portalled him to Hongjoong, earning an eye roll from her brother. Hongjoong was prepared for the shock and didn’t react as funnily as Seonghwa did. 
“Hello there,” Yeosang greeted. “I hope your time at the library was fun.”
“I found nothing,” Hongjoong sighed.
“I knew it. I just wanted to keep you a little busy.”
“Yeosang, you little-”
“Don’t throw anything through the portal!” Yena shouted and Hongjoong froze, sighing. “Get your stuff, quick.”
The next stop was Wooyoung’s room where San was half passed out, Jongho and Wooyoung eating popcorn as they watched a movie. However, when the portal opened in front of them, their screams almost made Yena shut the portal midway.
“You can’t be louder, can you?” Yena flinched, shutting the portal and Hongjoong laughed at the sight before going to San who still appeared sick. “I need San’s health report now.”
“I’m okay,” he shifted up with immense effort, looking like he was in physical pain. “How’s Gaeul?”
Yena looked back at Gaeul who was sitting by the shore with Mingi while Yunho swam in the water. “She’s well. Her training is almost complete- we’re just waiting to contact Neve so we can do something about the bond.”
“Right,” he sighed, wiping the sweat off his forehead. “When do you expect to be back?”
“No idea, it’s all on me opening the portal to Neve now,” Yena shrugged and San told her that it was alright- she could take her time. “How are you feeling?”
“The potions have helped, but every day I can feel the bond getting weaker,” San said and Seonghwa met eyes with Yena. “I hope something can be done about it soon.”
“Of course,” Yena smiled in assurance. “Don’t worry. It’ll be over before you know it.”
“I’m sure Wooyoung is wearing you down,” Yeosang commented, making Wooyoung yell at him. “I know I’d be sick if I stayed with Wooyoung for this long too.”
Everyone had a good laugh over that and with the goodbyes, Yena shut the portal, looking at Yeosang. “I really don’t like seeing San in this state. And if he feels the bond getting weaker, I can’t imagine the kind of pain he’s going through.”
“Shall we move on to Plan B then?” Yeosang suggested and Yena looked at him.
“I’m not so sure about it- what if something goes wrong?”
“Well, you could open the portal in front of Kieran too,” Yeosang said and Yena grimaced. “You can imagine how wrong that could go. It doesn’t look like we can control where the portal opens to a world we do not know of, so let me find a stray darkling spirit who might be willing to help.”
“I bet they don’t help for free,” Yena muttered.
“They don’t, but I’ll make sure we have the upperhand,” he said and when Yena didn’t sound very convinced, he nudged her. “Come on. You know I’m good at that.”
“It’s not very safe,” Yena countered.
“You opening portals is even more unsafe. Come on, now. It’s time to tell the others what’s really going on.”
Reluctantly, Yena followed Yeosang to where the rest were and Yunho joined, instantly dry as soon as he got out of the water. The orange sun was almost setting here. Yeosang spoke as he sat down.
“Gaeul, you don’t feel anything regarding your bond right now, is that right?” 
“Not really, no,” Gaeul shifted, thrown by the sudden question. “Is everything alright?”
“It is, don’t worry, it’s just that San’s not really handling it well,” Yeosang said and Gaeul looked around- it seemed like she was the only one who didn’t know. “Sorry for not telling you earlier, but we thought it was the initial separation.”
“But that’s not the case?”
“He can feel the bond getting ‘weaker’,” Yena said. “Which means we may have to be quicker.”
“What can we do?” Gaeul straightened. 
“Nothing, for now,” Yeosang was smirking. “I’m going to be hibernating for a while.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Gaeul scoffed. “What are you, a bear?”
“He’s not actually hibernating,” Yunho laughed. 
“I’m just going to be separating my soul from my body for a while,” Yeosang said and Gaeul felt sick hearing that, “In an attempt to find some stray darkling spirit and get them to pass a message to Neve. Meanwhile, Yena can continue with her portals. Whoever makes it first does it.”
“Can I hibernate too? I kind of want to take a nap…” Mingi pouted.
“While I’m gone…” Yeosang stood up, pointing his fingers at everyone. “Do not mess with my body. You don’t want to face the consequences, I can assure you.”
“Does that mean I can’t even draw something on your face?” Yunho asked and then started an argument that had Yeosang wanting to go back to his home. Finally, when he was done explaining everything, he chose a comfortable spot in the grass and sat down.
“Adios, you good-for-nothings,” Yeosang said and before anyone could retort, he fell sideways and Yena laughed before putting him in a more comfortable position. 
“Who wants roasted Yeosang for dinner?” Mingi asked and Gaeul snorted, pushing him away from Yeosang’s body.
“Let’s not interrupt him while he’s working. I have a better idea- we can turn him into a flower princess.”
Yeosang was only pretending to have gone into hibernation and when he opened his eyes, saying “I dare you to try”, the screams that came out of Gaeul and Mingi as they clung on to each other could have woken up the dead. Yunho couldn’t move as he sank to the ground, having gone to the stage where he was laughing so hard he couldn’t produce a sound, and Yena scolded Yeosang for joking around, threatening to hibernate him for good before sending the rest away so he could actually do his job properly.
[Day 130 in other dimension/130 hours and 21 minutes in Mirinae]
Gaeul was getting tired of just sitting around and waiting for either Yeosang to contact Neve or Yena to open a portal. It’s not like she was not doing anything productive- Mingi and Yunho were making sure that she kept busy, introducing her to a new technique everyday and she found herself getting better and better at controlling her powers. Still, the thought of San feeling unwell and actually feeling their bond getting weaker was making her anxious.
If she was also a little honest with herself, she would admit that her life back in Mirinae was starting to feel like a fever dream- that’s how long they’ve been here. She missed her home even though she had long since moved on from that, and she missed the boys. She missed Wooyoung’s constant bickering and teasing, Jongho’s shy playfulness, Seonghwa’s calm presence and advice, Hongjoong’s confidence that everything would be alright, and…
She missed San so much that she was positive she would go insane.
Gaeul took a deep sigh and looked up at the sky- she was sick of the blue sky that never changed its colour. She wiped the remnants of tears away from her cheeks and looked at where the sea met land- even though she had been sitting here for hours, it was still beautiful.
She felt a soft thud beside her and found Yunho sitting next to her, crossing his legs for a moment but then opting to let them hang by the edge of the cliff, mirroring Gaeul’s position. He didn’t look at her. “Don’t you wish the weather would change?”
Gaeul passed a tight smile, nodding along- she knew he meant much more by that. “I’m sure you can make it rain here too.”
“I could, but…” he sighed deeply. “The constantness of this dimension reminds us that we have to go back one day or another. If you become too comfortable here, you might forget your purpose.”
Gaeul blinked- she hadn’t imagined that the rest might be as tired as her- or maybe if she had listened closely, she would have noticed how their jokes about ‘resting’ and ‘being off-duty’ were starting to sound dry. “Well… what’s something you want to do when you go back?”
Yunho almost snorted. “Sleep. Actually sleep, and then get back to duty.”
“Got enough rest, huh,” she stretched her arms, the sound of the waves ringing in her ears. “Who do you miss the most?”
This time, Yunho looked at her. “I… I suppose I miss my court. They’re the ones I spend the most time with.”
“Do you ever feel lonely?” Gaeul asked, and Yunho tilted his head as if he found the whole situation strange. “Seonghwa told me I could talk to you if I ever needed someone. If everyone comes to talk to you, who do you go to?”
Yunho smiled at that. “I go to the sea. I sit where the land and the ocean meet, and I pour my heart out. Then I let the waves carry it away.”
“Just like me,” Gaeul looked ahead. “It’s been lonely.”
Yunho let a moment of silence take over as he sorted out his thoughts. “I do… talk to one of them sometimes. It’s just that we’re all busy and have a lot going on. And I’ll admit that I’m better at listening to others than talking about myself.”
“Well, if you ever wish to go to the sea again, maybe you could find me instead?” Gaeul offered and Yunho raised a brow. “I know what it’s like to only talk to the sea. You can think of me as a fish too, if that helps-”
Yunho laughed at that, and Gaeul thought that was the most relaxed laugh she had heard ever since they arrived here. “Thanks for the offer. I’ll consider it- if you return the sentiment too. I know something is eating you up right now. Will you go talk to some fish in the sea or…?”
Gaeul felt pleased to hear that he would think of her if he needed to talk to someone- she had seen how he carried so much for the others, perhaps without realising. She wished to share the burden. But right now, with his offer to listen to her, she felt her defences slip. “I just miss home. I don’t remember the last time I missed home- I guess it’s just because it’s so strange here, with every day being the same. I also miss San a lot,” she laughed a bit but hid her face when tears threatened to spill. “It’s starting to feel like meeting him was only a dream.”
“We’re closer to the end than ever before,” Yunho assured, putting a hand on her back and patting it. “You’ve done so well until now. Let’s hold on a little longer, alright?”
“Yeah,” she wiped her face. “I don’t know, it’s just messed up, all of this. I’m so tired-”
Gaeul paused when she felt her heart sink dangerously, and she immediately turned to look at Yeosang, who was still in the same position, lying peacefully on the grass, Mingi resting next to him. “Something’s not right, Yunho. Where’s Yena?”
“She was practising down there,” he pointed. “What did you feel?”
“I don’t know,” Gaeul frowned. “We need to get to her. Mingi can watch over Yeosang.”
“Okay,” Yunho got up, leading the way to Yena and waking up Mingi on his way. As they started to step down, they spotted the portal open and Yena stood frozen, staring at something beyond it. Gaeul sped up, jumping across the rocks and Yunho stopped her by her arm when they almost reached.
“Let me check if Yena is okay,” he said and Gaeul nodded, following him slowly this time.
“Yena?” Yunho called when he was closer, and when he called her name the second time, he didn’t need her to explain anything, feeling Gaeul’s sharp intake of breath as well as they too could now see what was beyond the portal. 
“Tell me you see this…” Yena finally managed to say.
“Well and clear,” Yunho breathed, “Gaeul?”
Gaeul couldn’t believe her eyes- there was darkness in whatever world was ahead of her, but she could somehow make out everything. The land seemed dead, devoid of any signs of life save for the naked trees around which those creatures rested-
It had to be the creatures she’d seen that day in the forest, when she killed someone. She could feel the familiar presence, and she could also sense-
“Faeries. The missing faeries? Can you feel them?” Gaeul asked.
“Yeah, I think I can,” Yena answered. 
Gaeul took a step ahead before anyone could stop her, now standing between the current dimension and the unknown world before her. As if the creatures had sensed her, they opened their eyes, sending chills down her spine at the synchrony. One by one, they got up, revealing their huge size, the feline features and pointed ears abnormally long, stretching their bat-like wings. 
“I- I’m going to close the portal-”
“Not yet,” Gaeul motioned with her hand. “They won’t hurt me.”
Yena and Yunho looked at each other and Yunho nodded, ready to pull Gaeul away if he felt the need to. Gaeul watched the creatures almost snarl at Yunho and Yena before they turned to Gaeul and dropped their heads-
They were bowing to her, waiting for her command.
“I- I don’t understand,” Gaeul looked helplessly at the two who looked just as surprised. “What do I do?”
“Nothing,” Yena commanded. “I’ve memorised the portal. We will open it again when we are ready. You need to step back now, Gaeul.”
Gaeul nodded, outstretching her hand and watching them rise. Yunho grabbed her gently by the arm, pulling her behind and Yena watched for a moment before shutting the portal, each of them looking at the other in confusion.
“Well,” Yena exhaled, looking bewildered. “It seems like the Underworld might have a queen afterall.”
“But,” Gaeul looked at Yunho who was grinning in disbelief and then back at Yena. “How?”
“We’ll have to ask Yeosang that, I’m not really educated in that field, but if I have to guess,” Yena rubbed her chin in thought. “If those creatures didn’t exist before you, then your rebirth might have caused another dimension to open up to cope with your presence, to keep the balance. And just like Yeosang is the gateway between life and death, mastering over one dimension… you might be the same.”
“And she says she is not educated,” Yunho commented. “I think that’s the only explanation we can come up with. Yeosang can confirm if it’s true.”
“I better note down the calculations,” Yena started making her way up, muttering to herself as she went. Gaeul looked at Yunho, her face pale.
“That means the faeries are in there because of me, right?”
Yunho pursed his lips. “If those creatures obey you, you might free them.”
“What if they are hurt? Oh, goodness,” Gaeul sank to the ground, her limbs trembling. “I can’t have more blood on my hands, Yunho.”
“You won’t,” Yunho sat down beside her, putting an arm around her. “If we can sense them, they’re still alive. We don’t know why those creatures took them, but… we can only hope they’re somewhat safe.”
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taglist: @yunnierights @monstaxdirtywonk @moni-cah @uyumilk @atxxzist @hazysan @bewitchedinyourhunger @kk-fleury @sincostansan @onedumbho3 @wooya1224 @icouldntcareless22 @jjaelly @huachengsbestie01 @ztjileen @charreddonuts @mdibby @gugggu6gvai @altgojo
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existslikepristin · 2 years
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King of the Beasts
Technically, this is a follow up to Yexercise... And, uh, there's no sex in it, but I'd argue that it's pretty cool and it's not too long of a read. So if you're ready for The Lounge lore to get crazier, here you go.
Tags: TheLounge, NSFW but not really smut, Red Velvet, Itzy, Seulgi, Yeri, Ryujin, Yeji, violence, yes this is canon, no this is not a dream this time, it's not a hallucination either, stop trying to justify it, okay there’s ONE boob, there’s a lot more fire than boobs though because three of four characters are kinda flat lol, not that that’s a problem, all I’m saying is that overall volumes of boob and fire are skewed way in the favor of the fire
Seulgi rubbed her forehead. It felt like someone flicked her between the eyes.
“Yeri? Did you feel that?”
Seulgi straightened her back and glanced around. Something smelled odd, but Seulgi couldn’t place it. The alley around her hadn’t changed, but it was drier than it had been moments earlier. There had been puddles, but they were gone. She sniffed the air more deliberately. It didn’t smell like rain, and yet it still smelled clean. Looking up, she questioned where she was. The buildings to either side of her were shorter. Four or five stories tall, rather than dozens.
“Yeri. Are you there?”
It wasn’t like Yeri to go quiet.
“I’m moving forward. If you can hear me, I’m going to figure out where Ryujin went. Recon only.”
The street was surprisingly well-lit, and quiet. Seulgi couldn’t recall those same features from just a block away, and yet when she looked back everything matched, besides the alley itself still being relatively dark as one would expect at night. One of the light sources was just to her right. The windows were oddly large, like the owners were inviting criminals to break one open and get inside. Then again, they also revealed the interior to potential customers: a cafe. There was no signage on the exterior, but above the clearly visible menu were the words “The Lounge” in curly calligraphy. Some of the people inside caught her eye. She expected the usual cold shoulder, but instead got an unusual, friendly wave from a couple of them. Seulgi squinted briefly and turned away, back to the matter at hand.
The matter at hand was several blocks down the street. Ryujin was just turning down another alley with someone else in tow.
Seulgi broke into a sprint. “I’ve got her. Closing in,” she said quietly as she ran.
Again, no response from Yeri. If Seulgi didn’t know any better, she’d be far more worried.
She slowed to a brisk, light walk when she reached the corner. Her footfalls were subtle. Even with the lack of ambient noise, she could barely hear herself, which made it all the more shocking when she slowly rounded the building’s edge to see Ryujin facing her from a mere two meters away.
“You’ve got us huh?”
It was the first time Seulgi had heard Ryujin’s voice in person. It seemed deeper, and made her sound far more confident than expected. Seulgi made rapid mental notes of the situation. The second person, whoever they were, was no longer with Ryujin, and Ryujin herself was wearing some sort of costume. It was black leather, but it had no polished gloss to it, stuck out at odd angles, and layers of it were buckled together. Armor. Stranger still was the sword tip and handle sticking out from behind her.
“Sorry, do you mean me?” Seulgi figured she had been much too far away for it to be reasonable that Ryujin had heard her say anything, so she could still recover.
“Don’t play dumb with me. Do I look like someone you want to mess with?” Ryujin asked smugly and puffed out her chest. The armor and the sword were extremely unusual, but Seulgi mentally scoffed at the idea that they would scare her. What she noticed next confused her though. It was subtle, but something about Ryujin’s eyes didn’t look normal. There was nothing in the intel about augments, but those eyes were clearly not human.
“I’m not trying to mess with anybody, I prom—”
“You said my name earlier.” Ryujin cut the act off. “You’ve got the same voice. How do you know me?”
Seulgi took a deep breath. Augmented target it was, then. Recovering wasn’t an option. “Fine. Ryujin, I just need to talk to you about Jin-Young.”
“What the fuck is that?”
Ryujin took a step closer. A streetlight caught her eyes just right for Seulgi to get a better look. She’d never seen an augmentation like whatever Ryujin had, and it looked bafflingly realistic. Her irises were a dark yellow, and her pupils were slitted, top to bottom.
Seulgi fought her instinct to reach for her gun. “Park Jin-Young? You work for him.”
“Is that right?” Ryujin rolled her shoulder, and Seulgi heard something unlatch. “And what work do I do for him, exactly?”
“We might want to talk about this in a more private setting.”
“We’re alone out here, aren’t we?”
“True, but—”
“Listen, you. You may know my name, but I suspect you’ve got the wrong person.” Ryujin reached over her shoulder and grabbed the sword’s handle. “I suggest we go our separate ways now.”
“I think we need to keep talking.”
“Well I’ve heard enough.”
Seulgi didn’t fight her instinct when Ryujin lunged and flipped the double-edged sword out of its last latch. She pulled her gun from the holster under the back of her shirt, aimed a bit high of center mass, and fired. Ryujin moved at an unbelievable speed, shifting down, back, and to the side, such that the bullet grazed her shoulder, tearing a path through the relatively flimsy leather armor. Seulgi attempted to aim a second shot, but Ryujin’s free arm flicked up, and a large knife spun out of her hand. Seulgi barely had time to move her hands between the knife and her face. The force knocked the gun out of her grasp, and it cut her hand as it ricocheted off.
With a fraction of a second to reassess, Seulgi watched Ryujin’s face track the path of her gun through the air.
“The fuck is that thing?” Ryujin growled as she leapt forward, arcing her sword horizontally at Seulgi’s torso.
Seulgi questioned the motive behind asking someone a question while attempting to cleave them in half, but figured she could get more information later, after dodging. She expected the woosh of a large object, but heard instead a near-whistle. The front of her shirt, just below her ribs, sliced open without the resistance of getting caught on tightly woven threads.
There was clearly no time left for critical thinking. Seulgi tucked into a back roll to avoid another strike, sprung off the cement, saw her gun, and dove. A glance over her shoulder let her know that Ryujin was swinging again, vertically, right where she would end up if she wanted her gun back. Thankfully, another option was available in range. Seulgi redirected herself toward the thrown knife, practically landing on top of it, and twisting into a full-power throw. Ryujin’s armor included long gloves, which are likely all that saved her from losing her forearm entirely, as that’s where the knife embedded itself. 
Ryujin roared in pain, and Seulgi saw her let go of the sword. Before she could kick the dark age weapon away, though, Ryujin threw her weight into another lunge, grabbing the sword by the blade with her uninjured arm and yanking it forward, opening a clean gash on the side of Seulgi’s leg.
Fighting a standing, fast, trained opponent from the ground and through intense pain was not something Seulgi hadn’t experienced. She curled backward into yet another roll, got to her feet, and immediately had to jump as Ryujin’s sword again slashed low through her personal space. Her momentum was enough that Seulgi was able to somersault and bring her heel down. It was a risky gamble, as she would surely hit the ground flat, but she hoped a heel drop to the face would slow Ryujin down. By some luck, she hit the next best target, the knife.
“...not picking up your—found you.” Yeri’s voice in her comms was welcome, but Seulgi found it difficult to respond when her back slammed the ground, knocking the wind out of her. She hoped that Ryujin’s agonized scream would make for an adequate alert.
The clatter of a sword against the pavement encouraged Seulgi to lift herself onto one knee and get eyes back on her opponent. Ryujin was retreating toward another alley, where someone else peeked out, with light grey hair and sharp eyes.
“Get back, Yeji!”
“You let her stab you in the arm?!”
“I’m telling you to get back because I didn’t let her!”
“That’s your own knife!”
“She’s got worse weapons!”
Seulgi stumbled to her feet. The slash in her leg was, luckily, not debilitating. “Yeri, I’m going to need some help,” she coughed, catching Ryujin’s attention. They were just far enough apart that she figured she could easily dodge any more knife throws, and it sounded like this Yeji was a non-combatant, so she glanced back at her gun to judge its distance.
Before she turned back, she heard Ryujin again. “Yeji, I said back!” It was immediately followed by a rapid series of chilling bone crunches, a sulfuric smell, and intense heat. The gun would have to wait, as Seulgi had never before stared down the throat of an inhaling dragon. Its razor teeth gleamed in the light emanating from somewhere deeper inside.
None of Seulgi’s training prepared her for such a sight, and it was all she could do to call out again for her last resort. “Y-Yeri?!”
From somewhere behind her came the sound of a rocket being fired. But rather than a conventional missile, something larger burst past Seulgi, ringing her eardrums and smashing into the dragon’s chest. Just in time too, as a spray of white flames erupted from its mouth in that exact moment, but was redirected first to the side from Yeri’s impact, and then upward as Yeri wrapped her arms around its long neck and launched vertically, taking both of them into the sky in a split second.
Despite not being in the direct line of either the dragon’s fire or Yeri’s boosters, Seulgi had to duck away and shield her face from the inferno’s heat. Doing so saved her eyebrows, but was a mistake anyway. Even before the fire dissipated from the air, Ryujin was attacking again, and Seulgi didn’t have the time to avoid it. Ryujin’s leaping punch connected with her cheek. It was materially softer than some android attacks Seulgi had dealt with, but it had just as much force behind it, and sent her sprawling across the pavement.
The reality of hand to hand combat snapped Seulgi out of her stupor. She shook the sting of another fresh cut and the instant onset headache away. Ryujin snapped up from the ground, red, glowing veins snaking up her neck. She had her sword again, but had Seulgi’s gun in the other hand. It only took her a half second of looking over the new weapon to understand the basic concept.
“Weird shape for a crossbow. Effective though,” Ryujin said with a strange, echoing quality to her voice. She pointed the gun. Seulgi’s adrenaline rushed like it hadn’t done in years, as she watched Ryujin’s finger pull back on the trigger, barrel aimed straight at her head.
But there was no shot, or even a click. Seulgi’s eyes twitched to the tiny safety button on the side of the gun, presumably flipped when it hit the ground. Ryujin scowled.
Another gout of flame less than a meter overhead lit up the street like the world’s fastest sunrise. Yeri rocketed past too, white fire licking off of what at a glance appeared to be scorched remnants of her clothes.
“Ready to go?” Yeri’s voice was inappropriately calm.
“Definitely. Now,” Seulgi responded. She barely dodged her own gun being thrown at her.
“You’re not leaving,” said Ryujin, lifting her sword.
Seulgi only had to avoid one swing of the blade before Ryujin dodged to the side, allowing the Yeri-shaped bullet to fly through, snag Seulgi off the ground, and take off at speeds that would knock out someone who didn’t have Seulgi’s G-force training. The night air quickly cooled the two of them off, but it didn’t soothe enough to take Seulgi’s mind off of the ferocious roar in the distance, which stayed audible even over the sound of Yeri’s engines.
“Yeri? Was that a…”
“Dragon? It sure seemed to be, yes, and at least five meters tall at the shoulders.” Yeri still spoke through their comms to be heard over the whipping wind.
“And Ryujin?”
“Not Ryujin. At least not the one we followed. I lost her signal entirely. But this one looked exactly like her.”
The two landed on a rooftop some number of miles away from their opponents. Seulgi winced at the pain in her leg, back, hand, and head, and looked out over the other roofs. The buildings were all so short, like the one with the name she couldn’t get out of her head, The Lounge.
“We’re not in Seoul anymore, are we?” Seulgi asked.
Yeri switched to speaking out loud. “A quick, though primitive, net search says we are, in fact, still in Seoul.”
“Primitive? Like that crazy bitch’s choice of weapon?”
“Not quite that primitive. Primitive in the sense that it uses basic hypertext transfer protocols.”
Seulgi shrugged. “If that’s the case, it should be easy to hack, right? Can you check if there’s any net info about Ryujin?”
Yeri put a hand on Seulgi’s shoulder. “I can do that, but we have another new problem. I’m horny.”
Seulgi blinked and turned around to look at Yeri. She was covered in scorch marks, including on her clothes, and on her skin where her clothes had been burnt away. One of her breasts was hanging completely out of her hoodie and was damaged, tiny electric sparks crackling along the side.
“Horny…? How?”
“I’ve already asked myself the same question. Most new emotions have come to me gradually, but I am struggling to think of anything except you touching me in... a sexual way.”
The pain of Seulgi’s wounds faded to the back of her mind as she stared at Yeri. She’d loved Yeri for almost two years, but she hadn’t been especially lustful, occasionally reminding herself that it was an emotion Yeri likely wouldn’t be able to develop. But then, all at once, Yeri’s aesthetic beauty hit Seulgi like a freight train. “Do you mean that you would… like me to touch you?” Her fingers trembled.
“I think I would, but perhaps first we should start repairs so that you aren’t electrocuted. And you could use some medical treatment yourself.”
Seulgi sighed, suddenly far more disappointed than she’d felt about anything in quite some time. Her hands drooped. “Right. Well. You’re right. Can you find us a place to stay for the night?”
A moment passed, and Yeri frowned. “That may be a little harder than normal, Seulgi.”
“Did our accounts get hacked?” Seulgi asked.
“It’s far worse than that. I think. Look.”
Yeri extended her arms and brought up a holo screen. A series of images flashed past. Seulgi, Yeri, and three other women dressed in matching outfits, singing and dancing, with titles proclaiming the five of them as “Red Velvet” beneath. One of the others looked familiar, though it took Seulgi a moment to recall her name.
“Yes. Your history with Agent Joy, who only tried to kill you once, is the most pressing part of the images indicating that every person on the net is convinced that you and I are part of an archaic singing and dancing troupe called ‘SM Entertainment.’” Yeri’s ability to project sarcasm was improving.
* * *
Seulgi paced the room like a caged animal, but with not so much regality as a lion. More the nervous energy of a skittish alley cat.
“Are you really okay with this?” You asked. “We can go some other time.”
She started to chew her nails, so you stood and lightly slapped her hand. She jumped far back, as if you’d swung a sword at her.
“I—what? No—I need… U-uh. If I… just need to m-make a choice.”
“How about I narrow your options down?”
“N-no! I still want to go!”
You sighed and picked up the bear mask and the lion mask, leaving the fox and sheep ones on your bed. “I mean these options. They give off more of a confident vibe than the others, I think.”
Seulgi shook with anxiety. “People c-call me… I mean ‘bear’ is kind of my nickname. Do you think… people might recognize me with the bear mask?”
Rolling your eyes, you held out the lion mask and tossed the bear back over your shoulder. “Lion it is.”
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stormoflina · 3 months
Call me selfish but I want all the boys just to rest and not play international. City players always magically pull out of international for injury and then are suddenly fit for premier league games
im with you, anon 😭 especially with our South American players with the upcoming Copa América.
as a south american myself, it would be wise if they didn't travel (while it would be amazing to win la Copa, i don't expect my country to get too far in the tournament cause my dearest Lucho cannot do everything by himself) cause shit gets ugly reallyyyy fast in our football. players over here loooooooove their dirty tackles especially those from certain countries that know that they can get away with many things cause they are more successful than others (just like certain countries in other regions lol). many of our matches are aggressive and borderline violent when you see how hard they play each other even without dirty tackles 💀
i will never forget Copa América 2015 and 2016, those two tournaments were filled with fights almost every single match. competitiveness here seems to jump straight from normal competitiveness to violence within like 5 minutes of the game starting lmao.
i remember one Colombia vs. Brazil match ended in a fight after tensions just kept rapidly rising as the match progressed. the whole thing exploded when Neymar kicked the ball just so it could hit a Colombian player and in retaliation a Colombian player came running and pushed Neymar which only helped to make things go even crazier. the whole thing became a meme and many were kinda happy cause goddamn, Neymar was so fucking annoying during that tournament 💀 (not that he has changed tbh, he seems to be getting worse as he gets older).
and oh my god, while this specific moment was not really aggressive or anything, there was this one match (Chile vs. Uruguay) where a Chilean player put a finger up an Uruguayan player's ass (Cavani, out of all people 😭) and the one who got sent off was Cavani after he lightly slapped the other guy and he, as football players do, dramatically fell to the ground holding his face as if he had just gotten punched within an inch of his life. However, the match as a whole was aggressive as hell. Crazy match tbh.
later, the whole thing got reviewed and the Chilean player got suspended for like three matches lmaoo. some look at him or hear his name and go "oooh, that's the guy that put his finger up Cavani's ass".
i remember watching that match with my family and we all just looked at each other all confused cause "did that guy really put his finger up Cavani's ass??? 👁️👁️" and then got mad when Cavani got sent off as if we were Uruguayans cause no one but Chileans were rooting for Chile during that tournament lmaooo.
- long ass rant anon with south american gossip lolololol 🇨🇴
My lovely anon, thank you so much for providing the South-American gossip, this was so amusing to read!!
I confess, I don’t watch a lot of South American football, but when I do, it always leaves an everlasting impression lol. Those players truly play football like they are in war, but hey, violence can be entertaining - especially if the drama is not happening to your favorites, but rather rivals haha. I’m so afraid of this international break, ngl, my favourite ever player is finally back from injury in our nt after 1,5 years and I just know if he goes down even with the lightest tackle I will be clutching my pearls lol. And of course with Domi too, or any players really. They also suffer from the passion disease and act like they are fighting for our country’s independence or something. It’s just a friendly, please protect yourself!!
And hahah, no, I actually remember the Cavani ass touching incident. I didn’t see the whole match but rather the videos and meme after that haha, crazy stuff. Which countries are the favoured ones in your opinion? I'm nosey and live for the drama 😭
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Also happy birthday in advance! Hope you get to have a fun (and safe lol) day! 🎂🍰💖
Okay so my request :3 If you're cool with it, could I request something nsfw with a stalker yandere kind of Reader obsessed with Raditz? I have a few different prompt ideas I can't decide between so I'll list them and let you decide whichever!
-Reader breaks into Raditz's home in the middle of the night either to leave gifts and love notes or to finally stake her claim on him (this sounds very dub-con/non-con i don't blame you for skipping this one)
-Reader follows Raditz to an outdoors Halloween party/event to get handsy with him (look i like outdoor/public play too 😹😹)
-Similar prompt to first, Reader breaks into Rad's home in the middle of the night, except in this scenario this is actually a RP scene between Rad and Reader with Reader pretending to be a Slasher from a horror movie for a little fun and hot fear play and maybe even some knife play
-Crazy prompt: Werewolf!Reader chasing Raditz at night in the woods for more outdoor play and some pred/prey play :3c
-Even crazier prompt: Succubus!Reader
Literally any of these would be cool to see you handle but obvs only if you want to! I just want more Dom!Reader and you feed me so well (Kamidere of Destruction my beloved 😹)
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Raditz x Stalker!Reader〖 requested by @emmacornell 〗 ✦✦Content: M/18. MINORS DNI. unrequited love, rejection, hypnosis, raditz activates reader's trap card!, "I put a spell on you because you're mine~" intensifies ✦✦Warning: canon-typical violence, yandere themed, noncon/dubcon, implied somnophilia ✦✦A/N: Emma you are grounded for giving me so many great ideas to work with and me being incapable of picking just one! So I blended a few for good measure. 👀 ♥ You can ask for another one off the list of course. And thank you for the birthday wishes! ♥♥
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The smell hit him long before he reached the door, a blend of spices and smoking meats seeping through the windows and walls of his home. He opens the front door to a trail of flower petals and heart-shaped balloons flying out past him. Cute. A romantic means of one lover expressing fondness for another. But Raditz lives alone with no such company. Moreover, no one had access to his home without his permission. For a while, he would come home to anonymous letters tucked in the door with words of deep affection, longing for his attention in return or a gift box sitting on the doorstep coincidentally holding something he openly spoke of being useful to him. Someone had to be out to get him and naturally, he suspected foul play in it rather than accepting the idea some Earthling admired him. From the looks of it, he was about to find out who was behind it.
Raditz cautiously follows the petal trail towards his kitchen, ignoring the piles of new gifts decorating the living room and connected dining room. The sounds of pot lids rattling come in over a gentle humming before he reaches the threshold into the kitchen. He couldn't recognize the voice yet, but it sounds like they were still too preoccupied with cooking to notice him come in. He first peers into the kitchen, by some chance that the humming did belong to someone he knew. However, the aproned silhouette was unfamiliar to him, quickly prompting him to stand in the doorway with a stern glare.
You turn away from the stove and your humming abruptly ceases once startled by the larger man darkening the doorway. The shock was quickly replaced with excitement as a bright smile filled your face.
"Welcome home, Raditz!" You cheerfully greeted him, his brow arching over his fixated glare.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He demanded, taking the chance to place your face in his memory, and surprisingly something does jump out to him. "Wait... I do know you. Bulma's assistant!" He remembers you from a brief encounter outside the Gravity Room, not that you stood out among the Saiyan Prince and his wife's bickering.
Your smile grew, cheeks darkening with color. He remembers!
"Thaaat's me. The cats out of the bag." You softly laughed, moving to the countertop to grab the dish rag to clean your hands. "I-I hope you didn't mind, I noticed you don't keep a lot of spices around here so I brought some from my home. But then I didn't really know if you had a preference for any ones in particular, so I just bought some more for you to have and try out." You gesture to the full spinning spice rack, also purchased by you, and give it a little spin to show the variety before giving a thoughtful pause before turning back to him. "...Unless, maybe... you don't like them- you're allergic, maybe? Vegeta and Goku never seem to have an aversion to foods, I should have known better than to assume-"
"I asked you what you're doing here?" He asked more firmly, moving further into the kitchen as if to corner you from the only exit. Blinking, you clear your throat and lower your gaze to set the rag back on the countertop.
"You...um, you accepted my letters, right?" You look back up to him with a softer smile and clutch your hands together taking a step towards him. "-And the gifts, did you like them? You always bring them inside when I leave them for you." You approach him more boldly, placing your hands to your chest as you bit into your lip to tame your widening grin. "...I'm your secret admirer." You let out a sigh, happy and relieved and with a giggle. "It feels good to finally admit that to you face to face! I didn't know how else to tell you before now, I was so afraid...But now...I understand you feel the same way."
Raditz's glare lets up only to let the blatant confusion show on his face. "I-...What?!" Someone was definitely messing with him to get that idea stuck in your head. Maybe it was Bulma! Pushing some weakling on him to take away any of Vegeta's distractions from training in the Gravity Chamber. Raditz has never even spoken to you before now, you're just one of many forgetful drones wandering around the Capsule Corp building.
"I'm sorry, I just feel so relieved and overwhelmed at the same time that we can be honest with each other now!"
"Don't go getting the wrong idea! I don't even know you!" He quickly lashes out, taking a step away from you before you get too cozy. "How did you even get in here?!"
"The spare key." You plainly stated. Raditz stares quietly at you. "-The one you keep in the capsule corp capsule in the gutter guard?" His eyes widened suddenly. No one knows about that key, certainly not Bulma. Only he knows, he's the only one who needs to. With a playful giggle, you move to close the space in between you as you continued speaking, "I put it back, of course. I just had a copy made to surprise you! Maybe next time I get to come home to you and you can greet me." Your hand reaches out for him and he immediately swats it away.
"Don't touch me! Just-" Raditz huffs and moves to the side to make an opening to the kitchen doorway. "Get out of here. Now!"
You stare at him with surprised wide eyes, holding your rejected hand from the impact and your smile only waning for a moment as you giggle again. "You're right-" You laugh, turning back to the stove. "It's my job to welcome you home now! How rude of me anyways, you've been home long enough that we should be eating dinner by now. Just let me set the table and-"
"No." Raditz grabs your shoulder and turns you back to face him, glare colder than before. He's warning now, "Get out of my house, you creepy human."
"But-...Raditz, I-I.." You try smiling at him again. "Are you having a bad day? You can talk to me about it." You pleaded to him, wanting to feel the skin of his cheek when you reached for him again to reassure him you were here for comfort. Instead, your forearm is grabbed painfully tight as he leans away, forcefully tugging you over to the threshold of the kitchen.
"I said don't touch me!"
"Y-You're...hurting me...Raditz, please!" You whimper, stumbling into the frame of the entrance when he roughly lets you go. You leaned against the opening, holding your arm to soothe the throbbing. Breathless sobs escaped you, tears falling down your cheeks before you knew it. It's not supposed to be like this. You did everything within your power and you did it just right!
"I don't understand it... why did you tell me that you loved me?" You cried, curling into yourself.
"You're supposed to be leaving. As if I would say such a thing to a pathetic human like you." He scoffs.
You slowly straighten yourself up, your shoulder leaning into the frame. "After you came in from training with your father."
"After we ate the dinner I prepared for you." Your tone sounds more even as you spoke, breaths calmed. You turn your head to speak over your shoulder to him. "After we tucked in our children..." A small grin pulls in the corner of your lips before you turn to face him, gingerly wiping away crocodile tears and tracing your wet fingers sensually down your lips. "After you…made love to me. Remember? You told me you loved me most of all."
Your switch from despair to delusionally smug was infuriating, Raditz moving to once again force you out of the kitchen and his home if he had to drag you out the front door. His hand reaches out to grab you but when his eyes meet yours, he freezes up. The sensation of energy around you changed drastically, coming off as less human than you appeared and paralyzing him. He feels like he's being repelled by you, and at the same time drawn to you. But it's more than that. He simply can't bring himself to harm you again. You lower your eyes to his outreached hand, your fingers aligning with his and then closing in between.
"It was just a dream to you then, but I gave you your perfect life with your parents again, with your brother, and our family. And you loved me." He watches you move in closer to him still frozen in his own body, unable to shake himself free of this hold. "Your heart told me what you wanted, so I helped you to see it. I couldn't resist...the call of my true nature. To please." Your other hand stretches out for his face once more, ignoring the subtle jerks of him trying to move away from it before you finally grace his skin with a soft caress.
"W-What are you?" Raditz grunted, struggling to even speak. "What power is this?!" Such admirable willpower on this one, still trying to fight your control. Such a saiyan. But you had bound him in his dreams and conquered him many times already. Whatever resistance he held was futile, quantities of his life force existed inside you. You are as strong as he is now. It was all but sealed with a kiss.
"Love." You answered, softly. Round pupils thin into slits as a bright venomous color fills the iris in your eyes and tears fall down your cheeks again. A gentle smile is given to him as you look back up into his hooded gaze. This was supposed to be a romantic experience, a profession of love to be answered in kind, shared over a feast with candles and kisses. He would die in his sleep beside the one he loved, not having to suffer the last of his spirit drained from his body. But he took that chance away when he rejected you. "I didn't want us to end like this my darling, but you left me no choice. I do...truly love you, Raditz. Can you forgive me?"You plead to him, pulling him down to you for that kiss and quieting the muffled "no's" he was able to choke out. It felt like fire going down his throat and consuming his insides, the sensation burning in his chest, down to his stomach, and up into his head. All his muscles tensed and pulsed, his grip on your hand was like a vise.
The kiss is broken and a sharp exhale fell from his lips in visible puffs of smoky air that matched your eye color, the heat inside his chest dulling with fresh breaths. He could feel his body still pulsing, hearing it in his ears and a heaviness in his head. Then his eyes met yours again, seeing not the monstrous stare but the eyes of his love, the wife of his dreams. He's soothed by their focus on him and your hand stroking into his hair. The touch, so provoking, letting his tail slack from his waist behind him. His body acted beyond his control, asserting himself on you with another kiss and backing you into the wall. Immediately mounting you up where your legs could rest around his hips. An all too familiar ravenous sensation spurs within him and for a brief instant, he regains some clarity.
"N-...N-no!" His hand snatches your hair and forces your head back against the wall as he held himself back, still fighting for his control. The illusion of you flutters right before his eyes to enough to see through it, but he cannot force out the heat stirring inside him. It only burns worse as he fights it. "No!" He snarls at you. "Stop t-this!" You watch him silently, impressed by his resolve however fleeting it was. But this seemed to be the extent of it. You reach for the hand tight in your hair and carefully loosen his fingers.
"It's okay." You smile kindly, running your other hand along his clothed chest. "I'm yours right now. And I will keep you cozy." You drop your tone to a sultry lure, dragging his hand down to your breast and holding his grip around it, letting the soft weight of it sit in his palm. "I'm yours right now, Raditz..." You pull at his shirt and he leans into you with less struggle, capturing your lips again. Your demonic spell working away his willpower once again. His hand squeezes your breast and pulls away the fabric and his tail wraps around your leg.
Piece by piece your clothing was stripped away, affectionate and spiteful bites left on your shoulder and neck by him. So rough, and yet so obedient. Your exposed skin felt so familiar but he just knows he has never consciously known your body. Raditz could only watch his own body surrender to you, his head swimming with your voice in his ears. You worshipping his natural beauty, his obligation to desire your destruction present in the way his hips pinned yours up against the wall with the thrust of his large cock inside you.
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samantha-evergreen · 2 years
Looking for beta readers!!!
Heyyy readers, I'm looking for 3 betareaders to read my edited novel "Lyrics" before I start sending it off to literary agents and get some outside comments on it.
I'm going for YA, Mystery and Romance
It does mention ED's, SA, suicide and violence so please don't read if that could trigger you in anyway.
Please DM me if interested.
Where did this all begin? And where does it all end?
Elizabeth Hall, (Liz) had never wanted to be a singer, dancer or star of any kind, but the world seemed to have its only ideas for her. Now everyone knows her as Angel. A nineteen-year-old pop singer in a band made up of her three childhood friends Eve, Abby, and Lacey. For the past three years they had grown to be known worldwide, having millions of fans and still growing after a four-month world tour.
To everyone around they had everything they have we ever wanted. But behind closed doors they were falling apart.
For months Liz recovered with barely any panic attacks now, eating better and finally getting to sleep through the night with barely any nightmares.
That was until a stalker unsuccessfully tried to kidnap her after their last concert. The attack triggers memories she never wanted to relive. But Liz doesn't have the time to deal with it all over again, not when Eve is in rehab after she drunk herself into the hospital, Lacey unsure how to help her after her father was sent to prison for something no one wants to talk about. and Abby confused as to what to do about it all. And thing only got crazier when Liz is picked to sing in the WWMA's (worldwide music awards) with an up and coming k-pop star in Seoul, South Korea's, with just over a month to prepare she has no choice but to go.
But Liz was thrown in too more than she could handle when she meets the handsome dark-eyed and messy-haired Korean singer Jeong Min-Joon (JJ) who seems far too kind to be real, and when her stalker seemingly follows her to Seoul he brings up a past she saw coming
Yes I made a bad trailer for it lol
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star-birthmark · 4 years
Silent Saviors: 4taro x Fem Reader
Finally... FINALLY IT IS DONE! This is infernal ask that has been in my inbox for so long!!! Thank you to @stardustbrosaders for the request all those months ago lol. This was the request: “Heya! Would it be possible to write a P4! Jotaro x Female! Reader where the reader gets her stand under stress from a battle? The group almost gets defeated but the reader’s stand appears and she beats the enemy, saving everyone? For the readers stand type could it be close range like SP and CD?”
I also drew the reader’s stand for this fic. You can find a link to the stand info here. 
This is a long ass fic btw. It’s literally 11 THOUSAND WORDS. I don’t know what compelled me to make the fic this long. I really don’t. But I did and here we are. I hope you like it, no matter how long it is!
Quick content warnings: General violence and angst, strangulation, murder (duh)
Without further ado: Silent Saviors: 4taro x Fem Reader (11k words)
A dark force was afoot in the town of Morioh once more, but it had just been a long day, and no progress had been made to capture that force. The team’s morale was low. The exhausted high school students stumbled home to catch a good night’s rest, thoughts of ongoing danger in their small town looming over their heads. The young manga artist Rohan Kishibe grumbled to himself about his failures, wondering how a genius like him could not decipher this mystery like he had last time. You felt a heavy air of unrest lay over the town as you awkwardly shifted in your seat on the ride to the Grand Hotel, looking over at your travel mate as he silently ran over the facts in his head. He shook his head in frustration. None of this made any sense. All the victims had been killed in the same way, so it must be a stand, one that didn’t leave behind any evidence, one potentially even more dangerous than Kira. 
A dark force was afoot in the town of Morioh once more, but you didn’t know anything about the first monstrous event that had occurred. The small town’s silent saviors all agreed with one another to seal their lips and tell no one what had really happened. Not that anyone would have believed them. 
But you would have. Your travel partner didn’t know anything yet, but the more time you two spent in this strange town, the crazier you felt you were becoming. You were seeing objects levitate in the air, you were seeing arms stick out from these bizarre teenagers. At this point, you’d believe anything just to make it all stop. You stumbled inside from the taxi, convinced this small town was driving you insane. 
Your partner turned to you in front of your hotel room, his own room right next door, and placed his large hands on your shoulders. 
“Are you alright (y/n)? If any of this investigation gets to be too much for you, just tell me and I’ll send you on the next flight back home.” 
You snort tiredly. “Too much for me? Jotaro you look exhausted… You haven’t been taking breaks from the case at all…  You’re always so anxious. Do you promise you’ll actually go to bed this time?” 
Jotaro looked down at you and moved his hands from you, sighing heavily. “Yeah… I promise…” 
You give him a shy smile before shrugging. “Besides… you need me, don’t you? Weren’t you the one that said I’m the only one that calms you down?” 
Jotaro gulped and broke eye contact with you, his own silent way of admitting that you were right. You chuckled and opened the door to your hotel room, giving him one last look and goodnight before you left to go to bed. You would wake up about two hours later from the sound of your partner’s shuffling about in his room next door. You slipped on a thick crew neck over your thin tank top and shorts and open to the door connecting to the two rooms. 
You peaked your head past the door to find a familiar sight before you. Pictures were tacked onto a corkscrew board, red thread connecting the dots to draw the group one step closer to solving the crimes. Files were splayed out over the desk, a map of the small Japanese town resting on the nearby bed, etched with red Xs displaying the sites where several young men and women met their demise. Amongst the mess, you found the broad shoulders of a tired Jotaro Kujo hunched over the desk, the young man still looking at the mountains of documents, eager to find the path to justice. It was hidden in those pages, he was sure of it. It had been your third night together in that hotel, and it was evident that you two would be there for much longer.  
“Miss (L/N) it says here that you have received your degree in zoology and graduated at the top of your major.”
“Yes, sir.”
“And it says here that you recently led an academic study of marine biology that went very well back home.”
“Yes sir, and it would be an honor to join this esteemed team of scientists here at SPW.”
It was the year 1998, and you were interviewing to work at the Speedwagon Foundation. You had graduated atop your class, and had a passion for your work that few possessed, as well success that few could show for. You prayed that this interview was going well. The Foundation was the utmost important center of scientific research in the world and you didn’t want to waste an opportunity to work there. You watched the smile on your interviewer’s face as he reviewed your credentials before setting the paper down. 
“Miss (L/N) I’d like to welcome you aboard our team. I believe you will contribute much to our efforts.”
Your face lit up in excitement and you rushed to shake his hand. “Thank you so much sir, I won’t let you down! If I could ask what position you’re hiring me for?”  
“You see we have an opening for an assistant with the Kujo lab. Since you’re just starting off here- you’ll be assisting him in meetings and in bench work-”
“Excuse me... the Kujo lab? As in Jotaro Kujo? Isn’t he my age?” You interrupt nervously. 
“Why yes miss… is there an issue?”
“Well no sir it’s just… I thought perhaps I’d be working under an esteemed professor… I didn’t think someone fresh out of grad school would already have a lab to himself… Not to sound ungrateful of course, I just didn’t realize I would be working under one of my contemporaries…” 
A sigh came to the man and leaned back in his chair, thinking about how to explain the situation. 
“Miss (y/n), the reason I’m placing you in Kujo’s lab is that I feel the two of you would work well together, given your similar backgrounds and parallel personalities…” You furrow your brow, unsure what the supervisor meant until you were face to face with Jotaro Kujo himself a few days later. 
You still remembered the day well. You hung your coat up on a nearby hook and looked about the lab. Documents were piled over every available surface with no particular organization. A large fish tank stood in the far corner, a wild variety of fish encased within. Anatomical posters of aquatic life were all over the walls, and right by the window sat Jotaro. He hadn’t looked up when you came in. Approaching his desk, you stared down at the mass of black hair on the top of his head. Soon clearing your throat, the young doctoral student’s head shot up to look at you blankly. You opened your mouth to speak, taken aback by his unemotional expression, nervously turning to a notebook you had on hand.
“Uh… um… My name is (y/n) (l/n), your new coworker. I would like to thank you for allowing me into your lab. I had been going over your most recent papers on the social patterns of starfish on the eastern-most coast of Japan and I was just wondering if-”
“I’m sorry, who are you?” 
You looked up from your notes and into the young man’s deep blue eyes, your breath catching in your throat. You struggled to form a sentence under the intense gaze, your breath shuttering out from your lips, and you looked back down at your notes. 
“I’m (y/n) (l/n)... your new coworker.” 
Jotaro nodded slowly, considering what you had just said. You watched as he removed his large white overcoat and leaned back in his chair, donned in a fitted black t-shirt. 
“Why did they hire you?” You lean forward confused, your ear facing him. 
“I’m sorry?” 
“Why did they hire you?” 
You look away for a moment, considering his now nervous expression, his nervous tick of chewing on his lip, his small twitches of the eye, his clenching and unclenching of his jaw. You looked down, finding his leg bouncing anxiously against the floor. A small, sweet smile came to you, and you opened your mouth to speak, alerting his attention. 
“You and I apparently have parallel personalities… according to them.”
You watched as Jotaro’s lips curved into a shy smile and he got up from his seat, grabbing a notepad from a nearby drawer. He then turned to you and extended his arm out, pointing. You followed the direction of his hand and saw a separate desk facing his at the other end of the office. You turned back and quickly nodded, rushing to set your things down and then turning to face him once more. 
Jotaro nodded courteously at you. “Have you read my most recent work?” 
“Yes, I just told you that I did that-”
“Good. Come to the meeting with me then.”
You followed after him into a nearby boardroom, unsure of the situation about to befall you. The meeting began. Executives discussed their most recent funding prospects, deciding whether or not to continue their spending, depending on how successful the trials had been. You sat patiently in your chair, listening to the others argue frankly amongst themselves. A steady, fast tapping upon the table commanded your attention and you turned over to see Jotaro staring off into the distance, his fingers rapidly tapping on the desk, his whole form shaking with sensory overload. 
“Mr. Kujo? And you?” You watched as Jotaro’s head shot up and he looked around the room. He hadn’t been listening, his mind had been too overcome with anxieties. 
“I um… I uh… W-what were-” 
You watched nervously as this man came undone at his seams. You cleared your throat and tapped the table next to his notepad. Getting the message, Jotaro grabbed the notepad quickly and anxiously flipped through its pages. 
“Um… sorry about that. I would like to further my research- wait no this is on the wrong page. Wait no it’s not… wait-” 
You looked around as the listeners began to get frustrated, looking at each other in jest of one of their top researchers. You chewed nervously on your finger, hoping Jotaro would pull himself together. It was your first day working with him, and it was already troublesome.
“I would like to further the research done in my penultimate paper. Or was it my most recent...”
“Mr. Kujo, we would have liked for you to have prepared for this meeting…” 
“No no… I did. I did. Wait-”
With a quick motion, you reached over and placed a hand on Jotaro’s shoulder, calmly taking the notepad from him and then turning to the group. Jotaro looked away, still visibly shaken. 
“Mr. Kujo clearly states in his most recent paper that he plans to continue his research, at a different coastal region, comparing more behaviors there to make sure that this past successful trial wasn’t any sort of spontaneous fluke. He writes in his goals of perhaps inspecting the regional colonies of starfish around S-Town… Following that, he plans to remain in contact with the genomic department and track genetic similarities between human and aquatic life that may explain the similar social patterns between the two.” 
You explain to them all, having memorized the paper. Turning to the notepad, you saw what Jotaro had written in preparation for the meeting. You then turned back to the investors.
“Mr. Kujo kindly asks that you aid him in his funding so that mankind as a whole may find a better understanding of the natural world… That’s all he wanted to say. He just couldn’t find the right page. Sir.”
You reached back and placed the notepad back near Jotaro’s shaking hand. You returned your hand back to the other’s shoulder, squeezing gently to reassure the scientist that he was alright. The young man turned to you in a bit of surprise, not expecting your presence to calm him oh so much. The executives all took in your words and the head of the meeting slowly nodded. 
“Well… thank you for your assistance, miss…?” 
“Right well thank you… We will consider Mr. Kujo’s work for a second trial.”
“Thank you. He appreciates it.” With that, you let go of Jotaro’s shoulder.
The meeting soon adjourned, You got up to leave your seat when you felt Jotaro’s hand grab your shoulder. You turned around to see him slowly stand up from his chair. 
“Thank you. I’m not a big fan of speaking to them…”
You nodded quickly. “Yes…  of course…”
From that day on, the two of you were inseparable. Having experienced the horrific acts done to him and to those he loved back in his teenage years, Jotaro was convinced that you were the only one who could calm his constant nerves and anxieties. You became his most powerful tool against the outside world. You understood his work perfectly, understood his mannerisms perfectly, and respected his need for silence in the office. You knew how to say things the way he would himself, and you had no fear discussing them to other people. The two of you became much closer over the months of your working. Jotaro became much less of an enigma in your eyes. It would be a few months until Jotaro would unwillingly reveal his more “secret” projects. 
The first time you saw the arrow, Jotaro did not want you to see it. But still, what happened that day would forever change your relationship with the young scientist. You had arrived early, hoping to surprise him with a hot breakfast and a smile. You turn the corner to walk into the lab, yet when you go to open the door, you find it locked. Strange. Looking inside the room, you find Jotaro hunched over his desk in focus, in the same clothes as the day before, having not yet unlocked the door. Even more strange. You knocked on the door, only for him to leave the room with another door in a hurry, ignoring your pleas. With a grumble, you dug for your keys, figuring his weird behavior was just fatigue, and that he probably slept over at work again.  When you finally get into the lab, you place your things down, and that's when you see it lingering underneath his desk in a rushed hiding spot. 
Encased within a thickly walled wooden box, an arrow remained, barely hidden from your gaze, as Jotaro had had no time to hide it from you. The latch was undone, another sign that Jotaro had run away from the scene.
Jerk. Didn’t he trust you enough to show you something like this? It’s just a bow and arrow! Why was he hiding it? You called out for him to return to the room and explain what the bow and arrow was for. Hearing no response, you turned back to the wooden box, reaching your hand in to inspect the bow and arrow. 
It all happened so fast. In the blink of an eye. 
There were no in-between movements. One moment you had pricked your finger on the razor sharp tip of the arrow, the next moment you were standing up, the box had been tightly locked, and Jotaro stood right in front of you, chest to chest, intensely staring you down. Your breath became ragged as you maintained eye contact with him. What just happened? You didn’t even hear him come in. The box was right before your very eyes, and you didn’t even see that it was locked. How did he even turn you around without you knowing?! A chill went down your spine as you hesitated to speak even a word to the man before you. 
“Do you see what was in there?”
 Jotaro asked you calmly. You felt a cold sweat form on your forehead. Jotaro, ever the impatient man, grabbed your jacket collar, shaking you out of your scared daze. 
“I’m asking you now (y/n)! Did you see what was in there?!” 
“No, I didn’t see anything! I don’t know what just happened! I swear! I saw you run away from the room and went to see what was in there and the next thing I knew you had come back and it was all so fast and I don’t understand and I-... Jotaro… you’re scaring me.” 
Your body convulsed at his rough contact, your hands reaching up to push him away, but his tight grip on your jacket remained steadfast. Pure instinct had compelled you to lie to him about seeing the content of the box, but the terror and confusion you had displayed was genuine. You still didn’t understand how he was able to move that fast, or affect you with you even knowing. Just who was this man?
Jotaro stared down at you for a moment longer, before releasing you from his grip and taking a few steps back. You stumbled back, grabbing the edge of his desk to stabilize your fall. Your heart continued to race in your chest as you heaved, still struggling to make sense of what just happened. 
Jotaro silently called out Star Platinum, having his stand hover right in front of you as you kept staring at him in confusion. Your expression didn’t change once he called out his stand. So you were telling the truth. You really hadn’t seen the arrow. Or at least, hadn’t touched it.
Jotaro sighed, rubbing the side of his head with a groan. He hadn’t stopped time in so long, but it seemed he was worried over nothing. “I’m sorry to frighten you, (y/n).” 
You finally straightened yourself out, gulping. “Who the hell are you? Really?!” 
“...I’m Jotaro Kujo. That is all.” 
Another chill ran down up your spine, but you played it off. If he wanted to continue things as per usual, you’d have to do the same. 
“Right… I brought breakfast. And there’s a morning meeting in half an hour so freshen up.” 
You walked past him to retrieve the food you had bought for them. Looking down to pick it up, you noticed a red blood stain on your jacket. It must have been from your bleeding finger when you’d pricked it on the arrow. However, when you turned to look at the finger itself, you found that it was fully healed, not even scarred, even after such a precise and direct cut. Jotaro politely asked you for the food, claiming hunger, and you rushed to take your coat off and hide it away. You got the sense that he’d question further if he saw the fresh blood stain. 
After that fateful morning, things continued on as per usual. You still had your questions, but after a few weeks had passed without another incident, you resolved that whatever that bow and arrow were must have been top secret for the Speedwagon Foundation. You figured no company could be as powerful as they were without keeping a few secrets. And this was one of them. 
So you resolved to ask no questions about that one day. The same way you didn’t put up much of a fight when, in the summer of 1999, after months of you two planning to stay there together, Jotaro told you that he would be going to Morioh alone to research for his PhD, without you. You were furious, enraged how the two of you could become so close since you began working there, yet he still didn’t trust you to go with him. You argued with him the night before he was set to leave, but his resolve never crumbled. You weren’t going to Morioh, that was final. 
In the three months that he was gone, Jotaro regularly sent you his findings, and you sorted them back at Speedwagon Headquarters. When he finally came back, more visibly shaken than he was before, you could only wonder what the coworker you had grown so attached to had experienced in Morioh in the summer of 1999. 
Circling back to the present day, it was the winter of 2000, and there was yet again a dark force afoot in the town of Morioh. Only this time, Jotaro would not go alone. 
“You have to let me come with you this time.” 
“Explain why. Explain why I have to let you come with me this time. I did just fine on my own before.” 
You gritted your teeth at the other’s stubbornness. “Will you please just listen to me? Jotaro when you came back from Morioh, you were even harder to deal with than before! Any sound in the office set you on edge and you screamed when someone set off fireworks near our building! And you still haven’t explained to me what happened there! Now let me come with you! I can help!”
Jotaro turned his attention away from his work, finally looking at you for the first time in that conversation. He hadn’t realized just how attached to you he’d become, how much you meant to him. You were his ticket into communicating with the world to his fullest, and after recalling several confusing conversations with Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi, Jotaro realized he actually needed you in order to articulate himself to the others without getting too anxious or angry. 
“Alright fine. We’re leaving tomorrow at 2. You better be ready.” 
But nothing could have prepared you for the horrors you were about to encounter in that small town. To your shock and disgust, you learned that aside from his research, Jotaro was investigating a murderer. And then you met Josuke and the others. That was when you first felt that you were going crazy. When you saw glimpses of third arms extend out from these teenagers, saw one of them heal a broken leg with ease, saw another erase space itself. People all over this small town were vanishing in thin air, and the incidents were happening more and more frequently. It didn’t make any sense, but no one was commenting on it, so you felt you were just imagining things. The same way you must have imagined Jotaro moving at lightspeed that morning you pricked your finger on the arrow. 
Finally, we return to the current scene of Jotaro hunched over his desk, his room in the Morioh Grand Hotel littered with documents, the board nearby covered in photos and string, the bedside clock reading 2:33 am.  You approached him carefully in the tense silence, knowing not to startle him whenever he was in deep thought. 
“Dammit dammit dammit! I’m sick of it! Where the hell is he?!” 
Jotaro slammed his fist down on the desk, his chest heaving in frustration. Why did this keep happening to him?! He just wanted to live a normal life, and he thought after Kira, he could. But like so many times before, Jotaro Kujo was wrong. Perhaps it was his destiny to be unfortunate. Perhaps there would always be another person stabbed by the arrow that would have it out for him and the others. Perhaps he was always destined to have a target on his back. Jotaro turned around to see you there, your form shaken from his sudden outburst. You’d never seen him that angry before. He met your gaze, unaware that you were sensing a vague presence of a being just above the man’s shoulder. 
He sighed, walking over to you. “I’m sorry to scare you (y/n). I’m just getting frustrated by all this.”
You hesitated to speak for a moment, flinching when Jotaro placed his hand on your shoulder. You look up at him with a glare.  “Tell what you haven’t been telling me.” 
“You’ve been with me in Morioh this whole time (y/n). We both know the same things about this case I-”
You shoved Jotaro back, the surprised scientist bumping into his desk. “Don’t play dumb with me Jotaro! There’s something you’re not telling me! Do you think I’m an idiot?! Do you think I can’t handle it?! Tell me why you and a bunch of fucking kids have to be the ones taking down a killer?! Why can’t you just leave it to the police like a normal person?! Just say it! I…  I can help you!” 
But Jotaro couldn’t tell you. You wouldn’t understand his world and the horrifying stands contained within it. He had to keep you safe. The moment you find out anything more will be the moment you die. 
“No… I can’t tell you (y/n).” 
“But that’s not fair I-”
“(y/n), I’m sorry, but if you ask me again, I’ll be forced to send you back home and have you fired from my lab. Try to understand me, I’m doing this for your own safety, but I can’t have you be near me if you don’t cooperate.” 
You stood there in shock. Would he really do that? Didn’t he know how much working for him at the Foundation meant to you? How much care that you put in for him and his work? And he’d throw all that away just to protect some stupid secret!? Who did he think he was?!
Your whole body began to quiver in rage at the other’s behavior. Just when you thought there was something between the two of you, something more than just a young professor and his assistant, he makes it clear that you mean nothing to him, and you never have. You watched the man before you, turn away from your gaze to focus back to his work. With a huff, you reach for the door to leave, your hand touching the handle. 
Then, it all went white. 
Your hand touched the handle, feeling the metal scalding to the touch. Before you could flinch back and yelp at the pain, a hand circled around your neck and another crept around your waist, the grip keeping you flush against another body. You look around the room, watching the color and furniture dissolve from your view until all you could see for miles was a white void. The only thing you could feel was the man with a locked grip on your neck, blocking your airway. You kicked to set yourself free, until you felt a ghostly presence cling onto your legs to hold them together. That same feeling washed over your wrists to bind them as well. The man holding onto you within the void leaned down to bring his mouth to your ear.
“No human on Earth is unable to feel pain.”
Your whole body shuddered at the deep growl in his throat. “W-who are you?! What do you wan-”
“I’m the one talking (y/n)!”
With that, his hold on your neck tightened ever more. How could he have known your name? You all had made a point to only use names in private in case the murderer was lurking around. So that means… A pang of realization hit you. He’d been hiding in this hotel room, listening to you and Jotaro was however long. Black spots appeared before you in your line of sight, your head was feeling lighter and lighter. You were becoming weightless. 
“In the split second that a human being first feels pain, that is when they are at their most isolated. At the first sign of pain, it’s every man for himself. When a man is shot, in the first moment he feels pain, he isn’t thinking of the man next to him that got shot in the brain. He’s thinking only of himself. The fight or flight response is activated, all other surroundings become useless. That selfishness, that hunger to be healed, that desire for self preservation, is what fuels Foreigner’s God, my stand!” 
Your eyes shot open at the last word. “A...stand?” You choked out.
“My stand, Foreigner's God, extends that initial moment of selfishness that comes with pain. No longer are there distractions that can bring someone back to care for others. No longer are there healers that can take that pain away. Your hand is still burnt from the handle that I heated up, so…”
He turned you both around and you saw through your hazy view, a body appear in the white void. It was Jotaro, the man frantically calling out your name and rushing between his room and yours in a search for you. At one moment, the two of you even seemingly made eye contact, and you saw the absolute fear in his eyes at the realization that he might have just lost you. Your mouth quirked up in a smile, and tears began to form in your eyes. 
Jotaro took a step closer, maintaining your gaze, and you felt relief in your heart that he could really see you. Until suddenly, he rushed to the night stand, fazing right through you and your assailant, not even noticing your presence in the room. You struggled to shout under the choking pressure as you saw him panic, reaching to the phone to call Josuke.
“Wait! Jotaro! I’m right here ah-”
“Didn’t I tell you (y/n)! At that critical moment of pain, it’s every man for himself! It’s just you and me in here! You’re in my world now, sweetheart. I allowed you to see Jotaro’s image, but he cannot see or hear you!” 
The killer turned your head to the side, ready to snap. But he had to wait, for his stand would deactivate the moment you were killed, and then he’d be left vulnerable to a furious Jotaro in that hotel room. He needed information about his opponents’ abilities, and Jotaro was playing right into his hands by calling his friend. 
“That’s it… That’s it Kujo! Call Josuke Higashikata! Call him! CALL HIM!”
You trembled under the rough grip, struggling to call out for Jotaro, hoping he wouldn’t call anyone and reveal any secrets. 
And then amidst the silence, the click of Jotaro hanging up the phone filled your ears. You watched the look of reflection on his face. Somehow, maybe it was because of years of battle with monsters just like this man, but Jotaro Kujo realized that you hadn’t run away. Someone was keeping you from him. And he was now more alert than ever. 
“Shit! He’s smarter than I thought! He must suspect there’s a stand attack going on.” 
The murderer grumbled before dropping you to the ground. He couldn’t kill you, not without proper info on how to defeat Jotaro and the others. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t hurt you. With a sharp kick to the back, the assailant managed to knock you away, breaking bones in your spine and leaving you immobile. Recalling his stand ability, the murderer managed to escape out a window without a trace, figuring you would lose consciousness. With a gentle thud, you toppled to the ground, right next to the open window. 
Jotaro rushed to the sound, seeing you lay there, gasping for breath. He turned to the open window seeing no one around. He had disappeared. And right under his nose too. How long had the man been in the room with them?! How dumb could he have been?! Reaching up to Jotaro, you muttered that the man had broken a few bones in your back and that you couldn’t move. 
“I’m sorry Jotaro. I didn’t get a good look at his face…” 
“Don’t worry about that! I’ll get help right away!” 
You looked up with hazy eyes as Jotaro rushed to the phone to call Josuke. After everything between the two of you, after everything he’s said to you, it was surprising to see just how much he truly cared about you. Holding the phone to his ear, Jotaro frantically told Josuke your condition and for him to get over here as soon as possible. Glancing down at your arm, Jotaro’s eyes shot open at the black ink that painted your skin just a few centimeters beneath your wrist. In all caps, as if the murderer was playing with you all, the ink wrote, 
“Foreigner’s God - AS.”  
- - - - - 
“Honestly Mr. Joestar, where does that grandson of yours get off running me and the others ragged like this? He sees one person with the initials A.S. in a phonebook and he sends me out across down to read them with Heaven’s Door.” 
Rohan Kishibe sat drinking his tea, absently working on Pink Dark Boy, waiting for Jotaro’s next move. His companion, Joseph Joestar, took a sip of his drink at Rohan’s rude accusation. 
“Hush now Rohan. We all put Jotaro in charge of his operation, given his connection to our main victim. All he’s doing is using your stand to its full capabilities.” 
The old man raised an eyebrow and Rohan got the hint. Mr. Joestar was the only one of the group that the snarky artist fully respected, so he would follow the seasoned stand user’s lead. 
A heavy set of footsteps entered the room, followed by a more uneven pair lingering behind. The two stand users looked up to see you and Jotaro enter. You were looking better since the attack. Josuke had healed your back of the broken bones, but the bruises and intense pain of walking remained. Moving with crutches, you slowly stepped out from behind Jotaro as the two of you entered the room. Jotaro, his face darkened in a mixture of unhealthy fatigue and intense bloodlust, approached Rohan’s table and slammed down a stack of papers. 
“Names, addresses, ages, and criminal histories. All here. I want you done with it within the next two days.” 
Rohan grumbled, standing up. “You’ve got a lot of nerve talking to me like that Jotaro. Not even a hello, not even an acknowledgment of your grandfather. He’s the only reason I’m letting you push me around like this you-” 
Jotaro took one step closer to Rohan, staring the smaller man down in silence. A chill went down the artist’s spine. Shown plainly in the scientist’s eyes was a haze of dark intent, of evil desires. He wanted this person dead, and for them to suffer. Joseph flicked his gaze up at his grandson, recognizing the expression from the other’s climactic fight with DIO. A tinge of worry filled the old soul. 
They needed to catch him, and catch him soon. 
“Jotaro, come on. We told Josuke and the others we would give them an update soon.” 
At the sound of your voice, raspy still from the attack, Jotaro’s face softened into its usual composure. He turned around to face you, and you gave him a tired smile. 
“Right, let’s go. Rohan. Two days, please. I’m counting on you.” 
Tipping his hat over his eyes, Jotaro held out an arm for you as you both walked to the rendez-vous point to meet with Josuke. 
Rohan still felt lost in the other’s murderous expression. It had been three days since your run in with Foreigner’s God, and Heaven’s Door’s user was one of the first to arrive at the scene in order to search for clues. He remembered reading a page drawn from your unconscious body; you had blacked out soon after Jotaro made the call for help. Josuke was working on your spine, and there was a tense silence about the room. A silence soon interrupted by the crash of wood hitting the floor. Everyone looked up, seeing Jotaro standing deathly still in his spot, meanwhile Star Platinum had escaped and had thrown the table over and smashed it into the floor. The rampaging stand turned to the board and knocked it over with a fierce punch, wood scraps and documents flying everywhere. 
“Hey Jotaro stop it! We need those!” 
Josuke yelled, drawing out Crazy diamond to hold Star back. In his blinded rage, the stand took a mindless swing, punching Crazy Diamond in the jaw and sending both him and Josuke flying into the opposite wall. 
Koichi and Okuyasu rushed to their friend. He wasn’t injured too badly, surprisingly no bones broken; nothing a bandage or two couldn’t fix. The four of them, the three teenagers and the artist all turned to Jotaro in shock, who by this point had absorbed Star Platinum into his being. Turning back to face them all, they all got a look at it. 
The truly furious face of Jotaro Kujo. 
The calm and collected scientist now wore the face of violence, a face he hadn’t worn since Egypt. His eyes shone bright with a horrifying lust for vengeance. Those eyes looked away from the frightened stand users, towards your unconscious body. Without a word, Jotaro left the room, and the others let out a shaky breath in the tense air. Those eyes. It had been three days and those eyes were still ever present. Rohan shook away his discomfort and waved goodbye to Mr. Joestar, understanding now. 
Jotaro was not in this for justice. If Kira had hurt only you those months ago, Jotaro would have worn the same face. You were the key to Jotaro’s psyche and wellbeing. That was a fundamental truth about Jotaro Kujo. It was that day that Rohan Kishibe learned another fundamental truth. 
Sometimes, the universe places an answer in your hands when you need an answer the most. 
Half an hour later, it happened. It was in the middle of a secluded street, inhabited by only three people at that moment. A man. A woman. And the young artist, who had been so enraptured by his goal of locating the first name of his list that he barely had the time to react when it happened. And when it did, it only took an instant. 
The man in front of him quickly drew out a pocket knife from his jacket, driving its blade into the woman’s shoulder, unaware Rohan was behind him seeing the act in its entirety. Before the woman had any time to scream in pain, the pair vanished into thin air before the artist’s very eyes, and into the man’s stand realm. Rohan held his breath, frightened at the pair’s sudden disappearance. A stand user. It must have been. Was this him? Reaching quickly into his bag, Rohan Kishibe phoned his first line of defense.
You had been sitting with Jotaro and all of the Morioh teenagers when Jotaro received his call from Rohan.  
“What is it?” 
“I found someone. It’s either him or another one Jotaro.” 
Jotaro shot up from his chair, eyes blown out in stress. “Are you sure?! How do you know?!” 
Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi all grew the same expression of fighting spirit on their faces and you were sure danger was ahead for you all. 
Rohan tried to remain calm. “I’m not sure… Come over here with the others. We have a better chance of taking down whoever this is together. I’m by Owsen, two streets over…” 
Inside Foreigner’s God’s realm, the man  grabbed on tighter to the struggling woman’s neck as she gasped for air. 
“Please, please don’t kill me! Please don’t k-kill me!” 
But the man was hardly paying attention to her cries. He had brought a vision of Rohan into the void and was watching the artist’s movement’s while still strangling the woman as she writhed in pain. 
He didn’t like what he was hearing. With a grunt, the man turned the woman around to face Rohan’s vision, his hand still tight around her neck. 
She whimpered at the sudden motion, tears streaming down her face, meanwhile he stared boredly at Rohan talking on the phone with Jotaro and the others. 
“Hey bitch, who is that?” 
The woman just kept crying.  “Please don’t kill me!” 
Gritting his teeth, the man smacked her upside the head and tightened his grip around her neck. “Tell me who that is!” 
Her vision hazy, the woman took a good look at the eccentrically dressed man. “I-I think th-that’s Rohan Kishibe. A famous manga artist…”  She sputtered out. 
The man’s eyes widened. Rohan Kishibe. He was at the scene of Kira’s death. Could he be another of them? 
A fit of laughter took over him and he cackled, his jubilation mixing uncomfortably with the woman’s struggle for her life. Continuing to holler, the man dropped the woman to the ground and she remained there, coughing to catch her breath. 
“Oh that’s great! I’ve heard he’s good too! You ever read any of his stuff?!” 
She looked up at him confused, watching his face twist in excitement as he realized that he, a lowly stand user, was about to kill a man that helped take down the mighty Yoshikage Kira. Staring down at the ground, she shuddered at the sound of the maniac’s voice.
A chill went down the woman’s spine. Suddenly, the man wasn’t laughing anymore. She turned her head to find a way to escape, seeing nothing but white everywhere. Why couldn’t anyone see what he was doing to her?! The man on the street with them, Rohan, why wasn’t he stepping in? It’s like they weren’t the real world at that moment. 
“...I asked you a question.” 
Tears filled her eyes again as she met his bored gaze. “W-what?” 
Drawing closer to her weak form, and kneeling down on the ground, the man before her grabbed a fistful of her hair and she screamed at the sudden jerking pain.
“I’m asking if you’ve ever read any of his stuff!” 
The woman felt a crushing pain in her chest, as if a mysterious force was stepping on her. 
“N-no! I haven’t! But please don’t k-”
In a split second, the stand’s hands came around the woman’s neck and snapped it, and Foreigner��s God’s ability ceased. The man quickly his himself out of sight, seeing Rohan standing alone in the street. 
Rohan turned around at the thud of a body hitting the ground behind him. He looked over to see the dead woman, her eyes blown out and a thick ring of bruises around her neck. Just like what you had gone through. And there it was, the same tag that had been on your body after your attack.
 “Foreigner’s God. - AS. ” 
Bringing his phone shakily to his ear, Rohan muttered, “It’s him Jotaro. He’s just killed someone else. Get over here now!” 
Jotaro felt the same dark intent sweep over him as he heard Rohan speak those words. “Do you see him?” 
“No. He hid himself somehow. He’s nearby I bet. Waiting to get me… Come soon. I’m hanging up.” With that, the artist turned his phone off, staying on guard for any attackers. 
Jotaro hung up the phone call with Rohan and turned to the others to come with him. You stood up as well to head to the scene when you felt Jotaro’s hand roughly shove you down into your seat. 
“No.” He ordered plainly. 
“No?! You expect me to be useless again?! I’m the one he attacked first! I wanna see him go down and I wanna help do it!”
“I’m not having you go over there! You can’t get hurt again!” 
You stared up at him, shocked at the concern plastered all over his face. But still, you were stubborn. That’s one of the things he loved about you. 
“What about you?! What makes you sure you won’t get hurt?! Or even die Jotaro?!” 
“I’d rather that than you die (y/n)! The world needs you more than it will ever need me! And I can’t watch someone I love get hurt right in front of me again!” 
You stood there frozen, your legs feeling like they were about to give out at those word.
Jotaro felt a hand grip his shoulder, turning to see Josuke motion for him to get going. They needed to catch this guy. And fast. Giving a quick glance to your shaken form, he knew you understood why you needed to stay behind. 
You did, of course, know him and his words better than anyone else on Earth. 
Jotaro began running with the others towards the scene and when he was a few feet away, you heard Koichi ask your beloved lab partner if he had any idea what kind of stand they were dealing with. 
Your mind flooded back to the words that man had spoken to you. A stand. That was the word he kept using. A stand. AS. Those were the initials of the man that nearly strangled you to death. Foreigner’s God. He said that was the name of his stand. A stand. Stand.
Your mind kept repeating that same word over and over again in your head as you stood there in the crowded Morioh street. All of these people. The people you had come to love. Josuke and the others. The strange lives they lived. Jotaro. The strange life he had drawn you into. They were all working to save the thousands of people that lived in this small Japanese town. 
You thought back on all they had said, all that you had overheard over the course of the investigation. Things you didn’t understand now flooded your mind. They spoke about the first trip, the killer. Killer. A man named Kira. Killer Queen. Killer Queen must have been his stand. A stand. Is that why you think you’ve been going crazy? Are those third arms stands? ...Did Jotaro have one? 
“Gimme… gimme… gimme… GIMME!”
Your whole form awoke from your deep train of thought at the sound of someone calling out to you.  You turned around, looking at all the people that were walking nearby. No one was even looking at you. You sighed. You supposed this town really was driving you crazy. You reached for your crutches and took one step forward- 
The loud voice rang violently in your head and you fell to your knees from the shock. Covering your ears, you foolishly tried to block out the sound. Your whole body began to feel weak, your whole being heating up. It felt like your blood was boiling, your muscles were tensing, an unwanted rage consuming every cell in your form. 
“What’s going on?! What’s happening to m-”
“Who are you?! What’s going on?!” You thought to yourself, panicking. What was this voice?!
“Go away…” You muttered under your breath as you knelt on the pavement.
“Go away…” Your voice subconsciously raised, drawing others’ attention. 
“GO AWAY!”  You let a shrill yell, grabbing violently at your hair in terror, causing a crowd of people to form around you. 
And then the voice stopped, a quiet renewing in your head. You sat there, gasping for air, your throat still burning from the attack days before, and your screaming had not helped it. You looked up at everyone staring up at you in shocked worry. In a calm daze, you stood up, grabbing your crutches and began to walk away from the others. 
Jotaro. Jotaro would know what it means. What that voice was. 
- - - - - 
Arata Sone had been Yoshikage Kira’s only friend as long as the killer had been alive. He was the only person in the world that Kira confided in. He remembered the night he met the blond murderer. One evening, the normal man came home from a very late night at work to a silent home, his wife sleeping upstairs. With a heavy sigh, Sone was about to enter his bedroom when he heard his wife let out a sudden shriek, before the sound immediately ceased into a renewed silence. Panicked, the man swung the door open to find another man about his age, standing in the middle of the room, a dismembered hand in his grasp. The hand was dripping blood onto the carpet, and Sone’s wife was nowhere to be found. Putting two and two together, the man felt a chill slither up his whole body. He remained stuck in his spot as he watched the blond man draw closer to him. Then something strange happened. Arata Sone knew that he should be afraid, knew that he should be begging for his life, knew that the proper thing to do was flee. But what he did shocked both himself and the murderer before him. 
Arata Sone laughed harder than he ever had before. 
Cackling loudly to an unsettling degree, he even managed to throw the calm and collected Yoshikage Kira off guard. After several minutes, the laughter died down and the man looked at the other before him with a wide smile on his face.
“Thank you.” 
For the first time in a long time, Kira felt a shudder rush through his body. 
“Thank you?” 
“I was waiting for a good moment to kill her myself.” 
In that moment, both men felt one of the great pleasures of life, a pleasure that can only come from being shunned for one’s desires for so long, and then to finally have that desire recognized by another being. The two men called out their stands and both fell into fits of laughter and joy at their shared murderous trait. A new friendship had been born.
A few years later, Arata Sone saw on the news the gruesome image of his beloved friend’s face crushed beneath an ambulance. Seeing what he could only guess were other stand users at the scene, his ever present lust for murder grew within him to a boiling point. Foreigner’s God’s user made a promise to himself. To kill those who had killed his friend. 
And today was the day to make that happen. The killer watched from his hiding spot as Jotaro and the others ran to the scene to see a very shaken Rohan Kishibe, who was wondering why the killer had yet to show himself. What none of them knew, was that their attacker had grown as a stand user. He was about to apply what his dear friend Kira had once taught him, and was merely hiding to get them all in one place. 
Sone waited for the group to get within his stand’s range.
You slowly made your way on your crutches towards the scene. You needed to know these answers. 
“Just a little farther…” He thought as he waited for Jotaro and the others to be within his grasp. 
“Just a little farther…” You muttered to yourself as you turned the corner, two streets away from Owsen. An ominous feeling crept over you, making you feel sick to your stomach. 
Finally, they were all together within his stand’s range. Arata Sone waited for the right moment, a sick smile on his face.
Jotaro went to speak. “Any sign of h-”
And then the attack was sent into motion. In that split second, each of Morioh’s fighters looked down to see a small mass of white matter form around their ankle. With the snap of his fingers, the matter exploded, taking a chunk off each person’s leg with it. Jotaro, Josuke, Koichi, Okuyasu and Rohan all collapsed to the ground as the street became consumed in a white void the moment they all felt that same sting of pain.
“No human on Earth is unable to feel pain.”
They all looked up from writhing in pain as the man they had been hunting down showed himself, the twisted smile on his face more present than before. 
“When a man feels he is at his most cornered, that is often when the most opportunities arise for him. My st-”
In a flash, Jotaro lunged forward, landing a punch to Sone’s face. The smile went away.
“I suppose I’ll take your hand next.” He grunted, grabbing Jotaro’s arm and slamming his whole body to the ground. The moment his hand made contact with the ground, another white mass formed around Jotaro’s finger and exploded, and Star Platinum’s user once again hollered in pain.
The other Morioh fighters called out to their injured friend and all of them got up to attack their enemy together. The moment they took another step, white matter formed once more around their feet and exploded again. The five of them were squirming on the ground in pain once again. 
“As I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me, Jotaro Kujo. My stand feeds on that first moment of selfish pain and extends it, trapping others in a blank void without distraction from their pain. It’s a terrifying ability when used properly, though I will admit, back when I attacked your little friend, I wouldn’t have been able to take you all on at once, and that’s the only reason I spared her life…” 
He looked down to see Jotaro’s face overcome with rage at your mention. It was a fruitless effort, but Jotaro lunged at his enemy again, only to be knocked on his back. The moment his body touched the ground, several bubbles of the same white substance engulfed the scientist’s back and exploded, leaving bleeding indents all over the tall man’s frame and causing him to gasp at the pain. 
“But you see. I have grown as a stand user. You may remember from the tag on your beloved friend’s arm the words Foreigner’s God. Well that my friends, is the name of my stand. Or no… this is something different. A new ability that I’ve learned. A swan song to my dear friend, Yoshikage Kira!” 
Their eyes shot open at the mention of that hardly forgotten name. “Kira?” Josuke muttered. 
“Oh right… an old friend of mine. I figured when I would be taking revenge for his death, I would use some of that explosive power of his that I loved so much. You see everyone, normally I would only be able to keep one person at a time in my realm. You can only hurt some many in one instance after all!” 
It was in that moment, Foreigner’s God revealed itself in its humanoid form right beside its user. Lunging forward, the stand attacked the stationary fighters, knocking them all to the ground. At the very second their bodies touched the ground, the same miniature explosions went off, extending their pain and keeping them in the dangerous realm. 
“Gimme gimme gimme…” 
You placed a hand against your ear trying to block out that annoying voice that was seemingly coming out of nowhere. You weren’t far from the scene, your mind still running wild, asking a thousand questions as to what a stand even was, what that voice just then was, who were the others really dealing with, what was this man capable of. You weren’t sure of what you would be able to do, but something within you drew your body closer and closer to the street where your friends were currently writhing in agony. You didn’t care about what Jotaro wasn’t telling you. You didn’t care that there were still questions that needed answered. You just wanted to help, anyway you could figure out how.
Staring down at their battered and bleeding bodies, Arata Sone let out another burst of jubilation amidst the void. 
“I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of this before! If you haven’t already noticed, my once empty void has now been combined with its own type of landmines. You cannot move without a new one setting off, and extending that pain further. You’re going to be stuck in here until you bleed out, with no one to hear you or see you! That is it the secret to my new ability, Arsonist’s Lullaby!” 
With that cry, the stand stormed through the five of them once more, knocking them to the ground once more, causing new land mines to set off, all to the tune of its user’s laugh-filled joy. It was then that white walls of the void were beginning to fade, and the scenery of that Morioh street was starting to fade back into view. 
“Hmm… it appears this ability takes up more of my energy than I thought. I suppose I can’t kill all five of you at once and remain invisible at the same time. No matter, I can’t sense any other stand users around, just the six of us. I don’t care who sees this! I’ll just kill the witnesses after I kill you!” 
It was then that Arata Sone made a fatal mistake, and just like his friend Yoshikage Kira, let his hubris take over. Removing the hiding nature of his stand, but doubling the landmines, the man watched as the five powerful stand users struggled to even get close enough to him to land in a hit. New landmines keep going off, new injuries created. 
They were dangerously close to bleeding out, all in plain sight of another stand user. You. 
You turned the corner to see the carnage ahead of you, finding your whole group in the enemy’s grasp. You couldn’t even tell what you were seeing. The moment one of your friends moved, they would immediately flinch back in agony. Drawing your attention to the man standing over them, a familiar chill went through you. That was the same man that had attacked you days before. And seeing what he was capable of doing to the people you had grown so close to, you were now more scared than ever of him. 
But you noticed something. Amidst the pleasure that this monster was reveling in, there was a distinct look of concentration plastered all over his face. You watched his expression twitch with each time an attack went off on one of your friends. He must be doing something with his mind to attack them. He was focusing. His focus. You needed to capture his focus. 
Steeling yourself for what was to come, you dropped your crutches and took a deep breath in, something in you knowing the dangers you were about to face, and the rest of you stupidly seeming not to care. 
With a small ounce of bravery, you shouted at the top of your lungs. “Stop it! I won’t let you hurt them!” 
Sone turned around at the sudden distraction, surprised that someone was taking notice. His eyebrow raised in intrigue. That could only mean one thing. You were another one. 
Jotaro recognized that voice. No… no no no. Looking up, he saw your frightened body shaking and staring straight into the enemy’s eyes without a way to defend yourself.
“No! (y/n) get out of here! You can’t be here! He’ll kill-” 
The killer turned back around and punched Jotaro straight in the gut with his stand, sending him flying back into a tree. 
You shrieked. All five of them were dying right in front of you, so close to bleeding out. And now his focus was on you, and it had taken all your courage to simply call out and distract him from the others. You watched as the man drew closer, ready to kill another. The same giant smile came over his face again. 
“(y/n) huh? And here I thought you were a smart person. Smart enough not to beg for me to hurt you again. But sorry, there’s no escape this time!” 
“(y/n) no! Run away! Get out of here!” 
You didn’t have time to register whose voice had called out to you before you saw the attacker lunge right at you. You put your arms up over your face as your body collapsed to its knees, your eyes shut in fear, and a horrified scream uncontrollably left your lungs. 
“Now die!” 
And then, you felt weightless.
As you felt a massive weight being lifted from your body, your eyes shot open to find someone new standing over you. Actually, you weren’t sure if it was someone new, or something new. This new thing, it didn’t seem real.
Your face lit up in shock. Attached to this new thing was the same voice that you had been hearing in your head before. You watched as its fists fired off in a flurry of punches, all hitting their marks on the man’s body. You were mesmerized by its appearance. Its body, about the same size as yours, looked as if it were made of glass. Swirling around within that glass was a pool of different colors. Different blues, purples, oranges and pinks flowed together seamlessly, all encased within the glass structure as it pummeled the enemy before you. 
With one last, hard punch to the enemy’s chest, the glass figure stopped its attack and turned around to face you. You shuffled back on the ground, your chest heaving in fear from what had just happened. The figure before you, without speaking a word, drew its arm forward to point at Sone, who was now frozen in his spot before you. Then, everyone watched as small ripples began to form over the man’s whole body. All over his arms, legs, and chest, it looks as if the flesh was moving, as if someone had dropped a pebble into a lake. Then the ripples began to glow brightly, the full spectrum of colors radiating out, and tearing their way from the inside of his body outward. The enemy let out a painful shriek as the searing pain overtook him, more and more light spilling out of his body as the flesh around it became torn and melted. Finally, less than a second later, an explosion of white light burst out of the man’s body. And once that flash was gone, so was he. Foreigner’s God had been defeated. And this thing that you could tell was a part of you, it had been the thing to kill him. 
Shakily, you stood up, holding on tightly to your crutches, keeping your gaze on this figure that had erupted out of you. 
Still confused, all you knew was that something in your body told you to say that name. The figure turned around to face you and gave you a shy smile before coming closer and embracing your shaking form in a hug. Surprised you could even touch it, you wrapped your arms around ABBA as well, finding to your disbelief that the glass like material felt soft and warm to the touch. You looked down its back, eyeing the pattern of jagged lines all over its body, as well as the swirling colors within. You felt your eyes well up with tears. Something about holding onto this being, one not entirely separate from you, felt so right. It felt like it had been welling up inside you for so long, and you couldn’t help but love it now that it was out. 
“A stand…” You muttered. It was all so clear now. Your stand.
After a few moments, ABBA stood up and nodded towards the group of your injured friends. Holding you up, both you and your stand rushed over to Josuke. The teenager’s eyes opened with a pained groan, looking up at you and seeing ABBA at your side. His face lit up in surprise and he tried to sit up before the crushing pain forced him back down onto the ground. He muttered weakly for you to see if Rohan was alright, and you did. 
Suddenly, a small white figure burst out of the artist’s body and punched Josuke in the arm. You watched, intrigued as a section of the teen’s arm unfolded like a book. The white figure leaned in, writing in Josuke’s arm the words, “I currently do not have any injuries.” 
You watched in awe as the bleeding wounds all over Josuke’s body slowly began to close. Within a few minutes, Josuke was up and mobile as ever. He had several questions to ask you, but first, he had some healing to do. You watched as a pink and blue being, you assumed Josuke’s stand, flew out of his body and hovered over all of the other injured, healing them nearly immediately. They all stood up, groaning from the shadows of pain still left behind from the attacks. One by one, each of them looked up at you, each of their faces growing an expression of surprise and adoration. You felt small under their gazes, looking up at your stand standing next to you. As small as you felt, there was something about ABBA that made you feel powerful. Especially considering what it had just done to defeat the enemy. 
“(y/n)... is that your stand…?” 
You looked over at Koichi before quickly nodding. “Yeah… I guess it must be right?” 
You tried to shrug it off with a nervous laugh, but even you were still in awe of this new ability. Finally, you turned to Jotaro, watching his face for a reaction. The gentle giant stood frozen at a loss of words, unsure of what to say. His gaze turned to ABBA, a melancholy look of admiration and love spread over his features. 
“Come on Jotaro… say something. Don’t worry. I’ll understand-” 
You muttered softly before Jotaro rushed forward and cut you off with a tight hug. You rested your smaller body against him, tears of relief streaming down your face, grateful that everyone was still alive. You looked up to gaze into Jotaro’s blue eyes, seeing that he had begun to tear up as well. Then something caught your eye. Looking over the tall man’s shoulder, you saw a purple skinned spirit faze out of your partner’s body and float over to ABBA, starting deeply into your stand’s face. ABBA, who had before been so calm and collected, now shrunk back a little bit with a childish giggle at the sight of the handsome stand before her. As ABBA held her face in her hands, you felt your cheeks flush bright red. Your eyes widened and you pushed Jotaro away from you, turning to your stand. 
“H-hey wait a minute! ABBA, it’s not like that!”
ABBA asked innocently as she grabbed Star Platinum’s hand tightly in her own. Jotaro now felt his face heat up and turn bright red. With a heavy sigh, he watched as his stand wrapped yours in its arms, chuckling a bit at your embarrassment. 
“Sorry about all this. His name’s Star Platinum, and he’s definitely more… emotional than I am.” 
Your eyes widened at what that could possibly mean. Wait… did they think that you and Jotaro were… 
“W-wait it’s not like that! He and I are just… “
“No! W-well I mean I care about him but I-”
You turned around to face Jotaro as he calmly took his hat off, revealing the jet black hair that you loved seeing. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay (y/n).” 
Your heart swelled at his words and you slowly turned around to see ABBA and Star Platinum holding each other lovingly, a warmth erupting throughout your whole body at the sight. The feeling of Jotaro grabbing your hand caught your attention and met his gaze once more. 
“He’s the personification of my thoughts and well… it seems like your stand, ABBA right? It seems like she’s the personification of yours.” 
The two of you watched as your stands talk to one another in their own little language, each enamored by the other’s presence. You turned back to Jotaro, seeing that his face had drawn closer. 
“Yeah… I guess... you’re… right.” 
As you breathed out that last word, Jotaro closed the gap between the two of you, your lips connecting in a sweet, long awaited kiss. You wrapped your arms around the fellow scientist’s, and now fellow stand user’s, neck, giggling slightly as he lifted your body off the ground to hold you tightly in his arms. When you two broke for air, Jotaro quickly kissed you again, holding you up like his life depended on it. 
When he finally set you down, Jotaro Kujo placed a hand to the side of your face and wiped away your tears. With a small laugh, he turned over to your stand.
“Hey ABBA, what took you so long huh?” 
“...Gimme.” ABBA shrugged a little bit and pointed at you. 
You smiled, wiping your tears away. “She said she wouldn’t appear until I was either ready for it, or I really needed her.” 
Jotaro rolled his eyes at your stand. “Well you really waited for the exact moment that she needed you huh-Ow!” 
Jotaro grumbled a bit as Star punched him in the arm, annoyed that his user was making fun of this new pretty stand. ABBA grinned mischievously before looking around at the rest of the group, and seeing all of the other stands. 
A feeling of happiness swelled within the stand’s heart. Ever since you had pricked your finger on the arrow, for so long she had been growing, becoming more and more trapped within you. It had been lonely seeing you struggle without her help. It had been upsetting to see you not yet be ready for her to show herself. But now, eyeing all the others, Heaven’s Door, Echoes, the Hand, Crazy Diamond, and especially Star Platinum, ABBA really didn’t feel alone anymore. And seeing now how the other stand users of Morioh rushed over to hug you and vocalize their shock at you having a stand, ABBA could tell that you didn’t really feel alone anymore either. With a sigh of content, your stand fazed back into your body as you followed the rest of the group away from the scene and back to the hotel to get some much needed rest. 
You leaned against Jotaro’s frame as he wrapped as a strong arm around you. “Come on. Let’s get something to eat everyone! Tonio’s, my treat!” He said with a bright smile. 
Josuke and Okuyasu cheered, “and (y/n) can meet Tonio’s stand!” 
You turned back to the teens in shock as you all walked ahead. “Tonio has a stand?!” 
Koichi gave a firm nod. “Yeah. So does Hazamada.” 
“That weird kid?!” 
“My girlfriend Yukako too.” 
“Damn… I had no idea…” 
You all shared a laugh as you left to enjoy a well deserved victory, the sun setting over the beautiful town of Morioh, another dark force defeated by the town's newest savior.
101 notes · View notes
flashfuture · 3 years
Barry is most of Hal’s impulsive control, and Barry’s impulse control is Iris. So it’s a cycle of dumbass on dumbass violence. It’s funny because Id argue in the flash family it’s Jay and Iris (and Joan) who have the most sense, Linda and Wally share the same fight me mentality, and it’s like, they fell for the other intensity, over all else, like they are the anti hallmark movie couple, no slowing down only SPEED (Sorry For my feelings on Linda and Wally)
Conn: No, not doing that.
Kyle: Okay...but
Conn: no!
Kyle: 🥺
The 90’s said to Conn, Wally, and Kyle: “you are no longer baby.” And then threw them into the Colosseum to the lions. Ollie, Barry and Hal are all saying your doing great sweetie but wincing.
The human lanterns protect their own, like a pack of wolves or a very green bee hive. If Hal is the biggest brother and Kyle is the littlest brother, that makes John and Guy the like...middle children and like Guy fits the vibe of a middle child and John has eldest daughter syndrome (I feel like I’m being rude not including Jess ans Baz, but they like...do their own thing with each other)
Here’s the thing though about the Flashfam none of them are okay
Jay and Joan did their craziness years and years ago, golden age silliness 
But Barry and Iris they’re quiet about their feralness. Iris gunned down a shit ton of security agents in the future, stole Bart, and jumped them back into the past. Iris has slapped Batman across the face. She’s wild you just wouldn’t notice it right away. She provides Barry with some stability cause she’s like Bar babe we should do this and no matter how crazy the idea Barry is down. 
Wally and Linda are def the ‘put em up’ couple
Bart is the meet you in a Denny’s Parking lot at 2 am whoops I killed god kid. It gets crazier and crazier the more gens down lol. 
Lol that is Kyle and Conn tho. But if Conn can’t stop Kyle from starting shit you know he’s right there with his friend. 
Yeah Jess and Baz are doing their thing and vibing. But Hal pulled such a big brother and dare I say dad move on them. “Stop fighting or so help me I will make you get along” He tied their rings together so they had to use the same Power Battery. Honestly a dad move (throwback to the time my dad made my brother and I sit in the same chair together for an hour)
Hal, John, Guy, and Kyle are the four horsemen or corpsmen which they have proclaimed themselves to be. They’ve got a very tight unshakeable bond.
Hal is the big brother of the group in that he’s the one in the front. He takes the blame for everything. He makes the calls. And everyone in the universe knows who he is. Like his family can handle themselves more than fine but you wanna run if you hear big brother is coming
Which lol I’m imagining a massive fight right and Guy and Kyle started it of course. John claims he had no part in it (he did) And Hal rocks up. That’s when everyone flees the scene of the crime. “Really?” Guy says while pointedly ignoring Hal’s raised eyebrow and tunes out John completely bull shitting Hal while Kyle just pouts
John is the eldest daughter of the group for certain like a textbook case. John takes over the leadership of the corps. Which meant he was playing peacemaker between his bros who are disasters and the guardians who are like their parent bosses. 
Guy is unable to escape being the middle child. Which means he fights non-stop with Hal but they’d do anything for each other. He and John are super tight best of friends. And he’s non stop teasing Kyle while also being hella overprotective of Kyle
9 notes · View notes
technoskittles · 5 years
Catradora fic rec list
I mentioned making one of these awhile ago and I’m finally sitting down and compiling some of my all-time favorite fics. I’ve read a lot (like, a LOT), but I feel like a few of those really deserve an extra shout out.
I’ll separate them between multi-chap and one shots, but other than that they won’t be in any particular order. I’ll also try my best to tag the authors here on tumblr if I can find them, but if not, just lemme know if you see your fic and I can edit this later.
I’ll also be including ratings/word count/trigger warnings/etc
(I’ll mostly be including common tw’s so please make sure you also read the tags for anything that may affect you personally! Also, if I miss any, please keep in mind that it’s been awhile since I’ve read some of these so I may not remember all of them!)
[E] - Explicit 
[M] - Mature
[T] - Teen & Up Audiences
[G] - General Audiences
And for the multi-chap fics:
(O) - Ongoing
(F) - Finished
(?) - Not finished and they haven’t updated in awhile so the author probably died
So let’s get started! (Get ready for a long post obviously)
Multi-chap fics:
1. upper west side by ceruleanstorm (F) [T] ~190,000 words
TW: past child abuse, alcohol abuse
I feel like this is definitely one of the top must-reads for all Catradora fanfics. I know I’ve seen this on a couple different lists but I’m including it on mine as well because it really is just that good.
The chapters are lengthy (but in a good way!) and the story really takes its time to flesh itself out. The character development of the characters as individuals is beautifully done and wonderfully realistic. The pacing of the development of Catra and Adora’s relationship is also sweetly slow, a steady slowburn that invokes that deep-rooted yearning feeling mirrored by the characters themselves.
It’s a really clever premise that takes place in the modern world but implements the canon universe in the form of the book that Adora’s writing that ties back to her and Catra’s shared childhood. The way that aspects of the show were revamped into this fic are so creative and I just....ugh. LOVE.
This fic also has a oneshot compilation that takes place after the events of the final chapter which is currently ongoing and I HIGHLY suggest checking that out as well once you’ve finished this. 
The sister fic for those interested: she’s god (and I found her) (O) [T] ~40,000 words
2. The Devil Is In (The Details) by SeasInkarnadine (O) [M] ~58,000 words
TW: Graphic Depictions of Violence, child abuse, emotional abuse, use of recreational drugs, Major Character Death
This is a really great fic where Adora is an undercover cop who sidles her way into one of the largest gang syndicates to bust whoever killed Hordak, a big gang leader and drug trafficker, whose death was originally ruled as an accidental overdose. Her and Catra (one of the gang members) both know foul play was involved and work together to figure out the truth.
The dynamics between these two is so casual and hilarious but still has those gut-wrenching moments that really ground you and realize that their relationship is dysfunctional on a few levels. The exploration of Adora’s conflicting feelings towards Catra hurt in such a good way as she realizes that she does genuinely care for Catra, but also is aware that what she’s doing will eventually screw her over and land her in jail. It’s the best kind of underlying angst and I highly recommend it.
Another really great selling point that I particularly love is that Adora is deaf in this AU and the author really shows this in such a realistic and natural way that shows she really knows what she’s talking about. It makes the dynamic between the two even more interesting considering that Catra also knows sign language which give the two a lot of moments of mutual understanding that doesn’t extend to the other characters. It’s something that the two of them have that’s sort of just for them to be on that level of understanding and it’s so great.
Also, Morgan is just a great writer in general and I highly suggest checking out more of her stuff (her art too!). She’s one of the writers I’ve looked up to since my beginning days in the fandom and it’s still amazing seeing all the great stuff she puts out.
3. Skinny Love by Maychup (O) [M] ~100,000 words
TW: past child abuse
Another staple of big fics in the catradora fandom but for good reason. This fic is a wonderful exploration of events taking place after S1 illustrating Catra & Adora’s relationship in a different path that the rest of the show takes. It focuses heavily on their past experiences with each other and how that affects their current situation being on opposite sides of the war. 
This fic is older, published just after S1, so canon divergence is an important aspect of its build. But the way the story is written is so beautiful and grounded that it’s still interesting even now knowing what really happens in the show. 
Their dynamic is kind of back-and-forth, with Catra figuring out what Adora means to her and vice versa and where the two of them want to go from that point. It has so many sweet moments and steamy ones as well (btw, there’s a lot of smut) and the exploration into each of the character’s pysches is so compelling and intriguing.
4. Faded With Feelings by yesimgay (F) [T] ~24,000 words
TW: recreational drug use
This was such a cute, short multi-chap fic. It’s a bit older but I think it’s still one of my top faves. 
A modern au, Catra & Adora are roommates post-college and trying to make their way in the adulting world. Catra has ADHD and smokes weed to help with that. One day Adora accidentally eats a couple of her edibles and cute shenanigans ensue. And that’s just the first two chapters.
The rest of the fic goes on to the girls figuring out their feelings for each other, especially Adora who, in this case, isn’t really sure of her sexuality. All-in-all, a really cute fic that’s a nice break from all the angst that typically saturates the fandom.
5. Chasing the Spotlight by holymountain (?) [T] ~20,000 words
This is an AU where Adora is hired to be Catra’s, a pop singer, bodyguard. There’s so many cute moments in this, though admittedly it’s been about 6 months since it’s last updated so be sure to keep that in mind.
6. we’ve been making shades of purple out of red and blue by darklady21 (?) [t] ~24,000 words
An “and they were ROOMMATES” au. In this one though, Catra and Adora don’t actually know each other and really only get to know each other over time. It’s cute and has a lot of interesting interactions between the two, but it hasn’t updated in about 7 months.
7. Tuning Out by FaiaHae (?) [T] ~2500 words
I actually really loved the whole concept of this fic but it hasn’t updated in like, an entire year so...only read if you’re okay with the fact that it probably won’t ever be finished haha
8. burnt sugar by jeserai (O) [G] ~11,000 words
Oh god YES this fic. The classic “fake dating” au except Catra is a rich kid inheriting a business who essentially hires Adora, a broke college student, to go on a date with her to this big business function. There’s not a lot to say about it other than that without giving too much away, but the fic is about halfway done at this point so it’s a pretty short read as of now.
Just be warned, it’s currently on a MASSIVE cliffhanger so if you wanna wait until it updates I totally understand lol
9. still waters by summerson (O) [M] ~28,000 words
TW: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, self harm
A “The Last of Us” AU. Personally, I’m not super familiar with TLOU because I could never get into the game myself, but this fic is so well done and the writing style is so interesting and well-executed that I still love this fic to bits. But obviously, for those of you who are aware of TLOU, you already know that this fic is going to contain quite the fair share of angst so be ready.
10. Whispering Dreams by dragonesdepapel (F) [T] ~7500 words
It’s been awhile since I’ve read this one so I don’t remember everything, but I do remember really enjoying the writing style and the construction of this fic. It’s a short read, but it’s totally worth it
11. please could you be tender by erce3 (F) [G] ~40,000 words
please please PLEASE go read this fic. I’m actually begging y’all to go read this one I loved it so much it’s still one of my top 10 faves out there.
This fic is set in a modern setting where Adora & Catra were childhood friends and are in college and god it’s just SO. GOOD. The writing style and composition of the flashbacks with the present events is so beautifully done and organized and I really cannot hype this fic up enough GO READ IT
12. buried a hatchet (it’s coming up lavendar) by erce3 (O) [G] ~12,000 words
on the note of that last rec, I highly rec their other work which is currently in progress. It takes place after S3 but it’s an exploration on if Catra and Adora got trapped in the portal instead of Angella and FUCK this person is genuinely amazing go read their stuff
13. Senior Year by SimplyAbsolute (O) [E] ~98,000 words
This is a really cute fic about Adora and Catra in their final year of college and I guess for me personally it really just hits hard because I’m also in my final year of college lol. But really, it’s a great fic and I suggest checking it out. It’s actually only got one more chapter left too so it’s almost done!
14. Assassinating Adora by Wicked42 (F) [T] ~13,000 words
TW: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Jeez this fic was a real rollercoaster of emotions. I loved every bit of it. 
Basically, some people try to assassinate Adora and Catra stops one of them, but both girls are still inflicted by the poison and....it just gets crazier from there. Don’t wanna spoil it too much but this is a must-read for sure.
And this one may seem like cheating but I’m gonna plug one of my own multi-chap fics here
15. Pure Feeling (O) [T] ~30,000 words
TW: brief mention of sexual assault in Ch 5
This is a modern AU set after all the kids have been out of college for a few years. 
Adora and Catra were childhood friends but ended up drifting apart and falling out during their college years. Fast forward about 6 years and they run into each other again, except now Adora has a daughter and is struggling to balance her life as a single mother. Overtime the two girls work on rebuilding their friendship and somewhere along the way might even realize that they’re feelings for each other never really went away. But of course, like all things in life, this isn’t an easy process and they run into more than a few complications - internal and external.
One Shots:
(there’s so many of these I’ve loved so I’m really going to try and narrow it down to about 10. If yours didn’t make it, no offense! I just have WAY too many to include and this post is already so long haha)
1. The Interlude That Never Ends by FMLClexa [M] ~2500 words
TW: Major Character Death, brief mention of sexual assault
Okay I’m gonna be honest: If you ignore all the other fics on this list, READ THIS ONE. This is absolutely my #1 favorite without a doubt. It’s a soulmate/reincarnation au and it’s so wonderfully executed that I honestly cannot even begin to tell y’all how much I love this one. It’s old and one of the first fics I ever read, but it’s so timeless and excellent and I promise you won’t regret reading it. I know I’ve read this about a million times over.
It’s been a whole year and this has held my #1 fave position the entire time. READ. IT.
2. after party by summerson [M] ~2000 words
TW: recreational drug use
God this fic was so great I read it last night and I’m still in awe in how well it was written and the emotions it managed to invoke in me. My favorite scene is the part where Catra tells Adora “I love you” because it’s so raw and desperate and I vibed with it so hard. It’s really difficult trying to tell someone how much you love them with just a few simple words because they really just don’t convey how much you love them and it’s so frustrating and GAH this fic was fucking great please read it.
3. jigsaw by jeserai [G] ~2500 words
This fic is so great and I felt so warm inside reading it. Definitely read if you want sweet, slow friends to lovers burn.
4. Vicious by SeasInkarnadine [M] ~3500 words
TW: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
I really highly recommend this one if you can get past the trigger warnings. It was so well written and very suspenseful with the juxtaposition of the timeline between current events and snippets of what had happened just hours before. But the ending is really sweet and the way that Catra cares for Adora after the whole thing squeezed my heart to pieces.
This is one I’ve read a few times over because of how much I love it. Def in my top 3.
5. Basement by spookyscaryskeletons [G] ~2800 words
This was such a great rendition of “Adora and Catra are forced to talk” and the emotions were raw and bleeding and I love the character portrayals. 
6. Coming Apart by Whorls [E] ~13,000 words (or ~6,000 words each chap)
Okay this fic technically has two chapters but I’m including it here in the oneshots because the chapters are identical in the sense of story but the only difference is that in chapter one Catra is a cis woman and in chapter two she’s a trans woman pre-op. Other than that the chapters are identical so it’s mostly based off which experience you would rather have while reading.
This fic was. So. Fucking. Good. Sen did such a fantastic job with both aspects of this story and I love it to bits and pieces. The smut in the beginning is delicious as can be, but then towards the latter half it absolutely sucker punches you with feelings but in a good way. I really, really fucking love this fic and I think it needs more attention than it initially got so I’m imploring you all to please go read this fic. It’s fantastic.
7. Seconds That I Cannot Replace by Mogatrat [M] ~7800 words
TW: child abuse, underage(?)
This is a really heartbreaking fic set before canon. It’s about all the times that Catra and Adora started a romantic relationship only for Shadow Weaver to come in and ruin everything by constantly erasing and resetting Adora’s memory. I still think about this fic from time to time. Give it a go.
8. Come morning light by dragonesdepapel [T] ~1800 words
TW: Major Character Death
Another one that’s technically two chapters but it’s the same events, just covers the perspective of each girl. Adora’s dying and asks Catra to stay with her.
Basically this fic ripped my heart out and I still think about it sometimes.
9. someone you like by caela [T] ~5100 words
oh fuck me yes this fic. A modern au where Catra sorta stalks Adora on instagram and accidentally likes an old picture. Fluffiness galore.
10. When You Came Calling by ActuallyMe [E] ~5200 words
TW: Major Character Death
A 1940′s Mob AU where Catra is a private eye and Adora married high-ranking mob boss Hordak...who’s just been murdered.
Really great one shot. Personally I would’ve loved to see more come of this but it’s great on its own.
And once again, this is cheating but here’s a couple oneshots of my own that I wanna plug real quick
11. hang tight (all you) [T] ~9200 words
Modern AU fic set when Catra and Adora are in high school. Adora struggles to come to terms with her sexuality in an discouraging environment as well as the fact that she’s had a crush on her best friend since middle school. Personally I think this was one of my best works and a lot of other people seem to have liked it too so yeah!
12. as my World d[ivides] [E] ~2500 words
TW: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
One of my darker fics, but still one I’m pretty proud of. Without giving too much away, Adora suffers from a trauma and engages in unhealthy coping mechanisms and Catra enables her because no one’s taught them any different.
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literaphobe · 4 years
Im so sorry...is your sister a minor
yeah she’s 17. i really don’t blame her it just sucks. anyway i think i needed to work through this but its also way too long so 
lol like that was supposed to be my birthday gift but it has now become a romantic getaway for a man and his gf (who is 18 years younger than him) and my sister and one of her friends. at like. one of the most expensive hotels in the country. the same man who guilted me into giving private tutoring to 8 students at a time while i was a student because he apparently is super poor and has no money and no job. (i started tutoring for extra money and to just. have a job. because he has also given me shit about that before too. if i don’t have a job i’m like a useless baby child who he can never trust to be responsible for her own life. turns out that was just a load of bullshit to trap me. and yeah i was teaching 8-9 students at some point and i think i was like telling him hey i don’t know if this is a good idea. its a little crazy. and he was like no u should keep doing it. its money u should just earn it. we aren’t doing great financially and at some point we might need ur help paying for ur sister’s tutoring classes. and so i did and it hurt me SO much last semester. + covid but also. it was tutoring mostly lmao) 
anyway i just. the thought of everything made me cry a lot in the shower lol. like that. quiet cry where u are sobbing uncontrollably but u have to mute it as much as possible so that ur mother who’s washing dishes in the kitchen doesn’t hear it
today we had some ikea furniture delivered. and i was assembling it. and my mom told me “when we were married i was always the one putting together the IKEA furniture. ur dad would always get frustrated and give up” and then in the shower i realized that’s exactly how my dad treats me lmao. i am.... his ikea furniture
so like. i can actually trace the most recent incident of abuse i faced from him back to when. i allowed him to “help” me with my university degree transfer issues. u know. because i couldn’t do the coding degree he pressured me into doing. and wanted to do something else (i could’ve gone to my uni open house w my friends. who ended up entering the arts faculty. and i WANTED to do psychology in the arts faculty too. but my dad and his gf were there. and they just. told me if i did that i would have no future and no job prospects when i graduated. which is SO fucking funny because both of them individually. their grades were super fucking shit and they were never good enough to get into the school that i did. so they had no fucking business telling me what i should or shouldn’t do. but i didn’t know that because they lied to me. my dad lied to me about so many things to scare me into thinking i couldn’t do anything. and at this point in my life. they were still monitoring my internet usage. and there were restrictions set on my phone. mere. months. before i was meant to be a university student. even getting restrictions off my phone was a big fight i had to have. i bought my own laptop with money i made from this f&b job because i knew if i waited for them to get one for me i would be waiting forever. and i was just so fucking scared of them so i got a. ‘practical’ degree. and then slid off my adhd meds because even that felt like part of the trap they kept me in for years) 
i decided i wanted to do linguistics and become a linguistics major but my school wasn’t letting me. and it had been a year. so i let him and my mom get involved. which i had SUCH a bad feeling about. an awful awful bad feeling. i was right lmao. i should’ve known his involvement wouldn’t have done shit and would also. set me up for yet another Major Traumatic Incident. which i have spent the entirety of 2020 trying to avoid. do you know how stressful and tiring it feels to just like. every moment around ur own father is u just trying to walk on eggshells praying and hoping that nothing bad will happen. i tried so hard and it fell apart in the end anyway. he couldn’t fix this problem so he took it out on me
my school essentially texted us back saying “we get a shit load of transfer requests every year, even from students from other schools. ur grades from the classes u took aren’t good enough to justify a transfer” and like they were right. i had been off my meds. various things in life had happened. my commute situation wasn’t helping matters either (to and from was 2 hours each) and it has just. not been great. grandad passed away like 2 weeks ago or something at that point. which. may have been an underlying cause for the situation. or maybe he was always going to blow up at me and get violent and crazy. idk
anyway. i guess u could say it is ‘my fault’ for cutting off contact w my father n not speaking to him. but also. he threatened to throw me into a mental institute. and also. violently refused to let me leave the house so he could keep yelling at me. he physically would not let me. i yelled at him to just let me go but he implied that he would actually hurt me if i tried to get past him again. and he said all sorts of shit like he can be crazy too and he can be crazier than me which is something he’s said before. what triggered me to leave was. ok so in the beginning he was giving me the same thing he has yelled at me about over the years. i am super super fucking smart but i waste it all away on purpose and refuse to get my shit together and that’s somehow a personal attack on him. i can’t remember most of it by now. but anyway. i was tearing up and keeping absolutely quiet just waiting for it to be over so i could leave and go to another room. but then he started to. yell at me for crying. its so fucking ironic and weird because in a separate previous incident i was complaining about my school and how much it all was. and i was barely raising my voice but he was like woah woah stop being so emotional!!! as if he doesn’t regularly scream and shout and punch walls or whatever the fuck over the SMALLEST bullshit. anyway. he started to scold me for crying. and then he said ‘if you go out in the future and get a job are you going to cry like this too when ur boss scolds you? or are you acting like this because i’m family and you think its okay?’ as if. i have never had a job. as if i have never had to deal with a boss. bro i swear to fucking god. i am dead to most things now because of him. he can’t do shit. but. in the moment i found this so ridiculous and just SO fucking stupid that i left. i had had enough. i started laughing and i walked out and went to grab my bag so i could go. i didn’t. get very far obviously. and when my dad started threatening me i genuinely thought i was going to die. he was so angry and deranged that i thought he was going to murder me. my heart was going just. so so so fast. even tho i was just standing there. and i told him he was terrifying me (to which he said “GOOD”) and i just NEEDED to get out of this situation and get some space (to which he said “NO” repeatedly). he refused to admit that he would use actual violence to prevent me from leaving the house. he told me he would NEVER let me leave. which was fucking ridiculous. i stay at his house. 2 days out of the fucking week. he literally shoved me backwards so hard when i was trying to leave and he wanted to stop me. he also refused to admit that he used violence or was planning to use violence. i tried to point out this flaw in his logic to him. i said ur going to hurt me. he said no. i said ok then if ur not going to hurt me then let me walk past you and leave the house. he also said no again. and then our cousins rang the door at some point. so then he started to come to his senses. he was like. ‘the reason i don’t want to let you leave is because i’m afraid you’ll hurt yourself.’ which was so fucking stupid. i have NEVER threatened to hurt myself in front of him. i have never shared ANY thoughts of self harm in front of him. he’s the one who would get into massive fights w his dad and threaten to jump out of the window in anger (and i don’t even mean when he was younger. he would fight with his 93 year old dad. fucking stupid bitch). i made this clear to him that i was never ever planning on hurting myself. and then he said fine and let me leave. meaning i had to answer the door to my cousins in tears while he got to walk back to his room and lock himself in
he also. at some point during this argument, told me there would be consequences to me leaving. i guess i know those consequences now lmao. and like. i went home to my moms house. my cousins walked me there. i still haven’t told them. idk if my dad told them. my dad texted me to gaslight me. said that when he said he was going to put me in a mental hospital he meant it as a friendly suggestion because of ‘the state i was in’. and that it ‘wasn’t meant as a threat’ and like. oof. healthy suggestions aren’t meant to be yelled. anyway. i might be texting him. just to inform him about developments and to like. i guess set boundaries maybe. idk. i can’t carry on like this. i hate him and am terrified of him but. cutting him out of my life is basically inviting ostracism from his side of the family. and it’s putting so much stress on me. so. lol
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Chapter 9 - 5 Things
Pairing: Jason Todd/Reader
Genre: Smut/Action
Word count: 7,211
A/N: Wow, two chapters in one week! Don't expect this to keep this going lol! This chapter has major trigger warnings for: non-consensual acts, anxiety/panic attacks, mentions/implications of r*pe, violence, drug/sedative use. 
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Amazing mood board by: @brokenblossoms36 
Your head was spinning.
Your eyes were watery, your heart palpitating. You struggled to open your eyes, but all you saw was a blur of blinding light. You saw a shadow, a movement, but it was still unclear as the light was piercing your eyes. You tried to shield them with your hand, but found that you couldn’t move it.
You were seemingly tied to a chair.
How did you get there?
Your throat felt dry. A wave of nausea came over you and you gagged, but nothing came out. You blinked away the tears and squinted at the figure now looming in front of you, blocking the light.
It was all coming back to you now.
You were walking from the Academy to the nearest metro station, heading to the public library in Old Gotham- since your usual one burned down. You had noticed a hooded man following you from behind as you turned into a secluded street.
You remember slightly panicking, because despite your training and reflexes, he was much much faster than you were. The next thing you knew, you woke up right where you were.
Your vision cleared as the cloud in your mind disappeared.
Red Hood was looking down at you, arms crossed. This close and vulnerable, he seemed taller than you remembered.
You also remembered that you weren’t Robin at the time. You were a spoiled girl adopted by the billionaire Bruce Wayne.
“W-where am I?” you squeaked, “Wh-who are you?”
Red Hood simply stared.
You tried on the ropes that he tied you with. It was tight, well knotted. You wouldn’t be able to get out of those without assistance.
“P-please,” you quivered your bottom lip, “Please don’t hurt me.”
No windows. You couldn’t see a door either. The bright light almost completely blinded you to the dark room you were in.
“My dad is Bruce Wayne,” you pressed on, “He’ll give you whatever you want, just please don’t hurt me.”
You started sobbing, going hysterical in panic.
Then, Red Hood started chuckling. “You’re not a bad actor,” he said.
“I- I- I don’t know what you’re t-t-talking about,” you stuttered in breaths, “Please, just let me go. I won’t tell anyone, I p-pr-omise.”
“Quit the act, baby girl, you’re boring me,” he turned around and walked away from you.
Despite your commitment to acting, you couldn’t help but notice his well sculpted ass that was on your eye level as he strutted away.
“W-wha?” you continued, “Please, mister, I don’t know anything. Please let me go.”
Red Hood leaned against a metal table you only just noticed, “I prefer you snarky and bitchy. This isn’t fun. Quit the act before I make you.”
He was calm, as he always was.
You did suspect that he knew your identities, but you couldn’t risk it.
“You’ve got the wrong girl,” you wailed, “I’m not who you think I am! Please, sir, you have to believe me!”
“You know, I never asked,” he began, “How’s Nightwing?”
“N-nightwing?” you gave a watery hiccup.
“Yes, Nightwing, your older brother, Dick Grayson, ex-Robin, Boy Wonder, et cetera et cetera,” he waved his hand, “What else must I tell you to get you to stop? Bruce Wayne is Batman? How about Barbara Gordon is Oracle? Ring any bells?”
You couldn’t help the shock that appeared on your face. If he knew about Barbara, he was more than just a crazy conspiracy theorist. You decided to drop the act.
You gave one last sniffle and looked at him coldly, relaxing against the cool metal chair that you noticed were bolted to the cement floor.
“There she is,” he walked nearer to you again, noting your immediate change of expression when you conceded.
“He will find me, you know,” you told him.
“I disabled the GPS tracker on your phone. Also the one in your pendant,” he nodded at the jewel around your neck that you wore every day. Bruce had gifted it to you on the first year anniversary of your adoption. It was a silver robin with a small diamond glittering on its breast.
You didn’t even know there was a tracker on it. You mentally cursed Bruce for disguising it in a form of sentiment.
“So what do you want, Red?” you demanded. Surprisingly, you were calm. You didn’t feel any fear. Something told you that he wouldn’t hurt you.
“Nothing in particular,” he shrugged, “Maybe I just wanted you all to myself.”
You scoffed.
“What?” he bent down to meet you in the eye. You could see your own reflection on the white lenses of his mask. “Can’t I just want you? I haven’t seen you in so long. Didn’t you miss me?”
You glared at him. The fucker was mocking you. He was right about you missing him, but still.
“Because I missed you, baby girl.”
Even with the voice scrambler, you noticed his voice had dropped an octave. You gulped, and for some reason, butterflies filled your tummy.
He straightened up, “You look so cute in your uniform. The skirt. Which sexist pig designed it that short and made underage girls wear them?”
He squatted down in front of you and tilted his head. “Pink? Adorable.”
You grit your teeth. You could practically hear him grin. You tried to close your thighs but your legs were tied to the chair, forcing them slightly apart.
“Don’t tell me you kidnapped me just to tie me up and take a peek at my panties, Red,” you scowled.
“I’ve done crazier things, baby girl,” he stood up, “What’s wrong with a little talk?”
“So. Talk,” you hissed.
He reached out an arm towards your face. You forced yourself not to wince and maintained eye contact. He caressed your cheek with his gloved hand, his thumb trailing down to press against your lips.
You bit it.
“Fuck!” he recoiled, and then chuckled, “Should have expected that. I do love your feisty side anyway.”
“You don’t know me, Red. Just because you know my identity, it doesn’t mean shit,” you spat.
“I know you’re not who you pretend to be,” he gripped you by the hair and forced you to face him. The slightly rough pull made your breath hitch. “I know you try to hide it from everyone. You're not the good girl people think you are.”
“The same could be said for every other angsty teen. Try better,” you retorted.
He released your hair and chuckled again, “I really did miss you.‘’
“I’ve been busy, you see. Things to do, people to kill, the usual,” he went on, “Did you see what I left for everyone?‘’
“You mean Black Mask? Sorry to break it to you, but it wasn't much of a surprise. It was either you or him eventually,” you rolled your eyes.
“You really are a bitch, aren’t you?” he hummed.
“That's what you get for tying me to a chair,” you snapped.
“You people ought to be more grateful towards me,” he stated.
“Grateful? Really?” you condescended.
“Black Mask was a gift,” he claimed, “Now you have one crime lord less in the streets.”
“Yet here I am tied to a chair,” you sassed.
“Get over it, even the Bat’s done worse than this,” he chided.
“So what makes you so different from Black Mask? You think you're better than him?” you stated. You would be lying if you said that you hadn't tried to answer that question yourself. That you didn't lie awake at night justifying his actions.
“My, oh, my. Don't tell me you still haven't figured it out?” he mocked you, “I don't do this for any profit. In fact, I'm just like one of you.”
“You are not one of us,” you growled, “We don't kill. We're not barbaric like you are.”
“Which is why you won't ever get anywhere!” he argued, “That's what the Bat always failed to get. You can't stop crime. But you can control it. Thats what I'm doing. And I take the necessary steps to achieve it. The Bat is a coward.”
“You're wrong,” you defended, “He doesn't kill not because he's a coward. It's so much more than that. A person like you would never understand.”
“A person like me, huh?” he suddenly said quietly, the direction of his gaze fell towards the side, as if he was reminiscing. The change of tone surprised you. It made you think that maybe he wasn't always bad.
But it didn't matter who he used to be. What matters is who he is now.
“I'll make you see eventually, you'll understand soon enough,” he squatted down in front of you again, “but for now, let's talk about us.”
“Us?” you raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, baby girl, us. Don't you feel like there's something between us? I feel like there's a spark,” he adopted his tone of mocking again.
“Fuck off,” you snarled.
“I'd be lying if I said I don't think of you as I lie in bed, touching myself. You'd be lying if you said the same right?” he put his gloved hands on your bare thighs. You could feel his heat beneath the leather.
You'd be lying if you said that didn't excite you just a little bit.
“You're too full of yourself,” you responded, “And I happen to have a boyfriend. You're the only pervert here.”
You obviously lied about the boyfriend part. You wanted to seem like you had other things better to do than think of him.
Which, for some reason, seemed even more pathetic.
“Boyfriend?” he laughed, “So what? I bet that doesn't stop you from thinking of me.”
His hands slid up your thighs slowly, bunching up your skirt in the process.
“What are you doing?” your voice went high, “Stop that.”
“When was the last time you told a bad guy to stop and he actually did?” he asked.
He had a point.
Still, you didn't like the way that he didn't disgust you. You didn't like the way that he made you want him to go further up.
And further up he went.
Until he paused at the crease of your thighs, and then suddenly pressed a thumb on top of your clit. A jolt of pleasure shot through you.
“Stop it,” you repeated.
He ignored you again, this time pulling aside your panties and ran his middle finger up in between your lips. The middle finger you’ve thought about countless of times.
With the same thick finger, he pushed inside you slowly, all the way to his knuckles. You felt yourself automatically squeezing around him. You bit your lip.
He started sliding it out, and then back in again. It felt so different, having someone else's finger inside you.
Having his finger inside you.
Then, he curled his finger, hitting a spot inside you that you've never touched before, eliciting a soft moan from you.
Your eyes widen when you realised what you just did, and you turned your head away, blushing.
With that, he took his finger out, and then stood up. His crotch was at your eye level, and you could see his hard on straining against his pants. You didn't realise that your mouth watered at it.
“If only you wore skirts as part of your uniform, we could do that again whenever we meet,” he taunted you.
He didn't comment on your moan, nor the wetness that was left on his finger. Instead, he took off his glove and walked towards the table. His back was towards you now, and you couldn't tell what he was doing. You heard a rustle of plastic. He came back with a piece of black cloth from it and walked behind you.
Suddenly, you saw darkness. You began to struggle as he tied the blindfold, but his grip was too strong.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” you yelled.
“Relax, I'm blindfolding you so I can take off this stupid helmet,” you heard him say, and then you heard a heavy thump on the floor next to you.
“You motivate me, you know?” you heard him breathe in your ear, causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand. He masked his voice similar to the way Batman did- it was raspy and gravelly. That close, you could smell him. He smelled like sweat, and leather, and gunpowder.
“You make me want to kill more and more,” he nipped your earlobe, “I killed someone for you, you know that? Did I get a thanks? Of course not.”
“What the hell are you on about?” you snarled.
“Fuck, you drive me insane,” he continued, ignoring your question. He used a hand to grip your hair and pull your head to the side, exposing your neck so he could lick a strip on your pulse. He then started sucking on your skin. “I’ve always wanted to mark you like this.”
You felt hot. You were panting, and the worst part was that you could feel yourself dampening your underwear more than before.
His other hand ripped your shirt open, buttons popping all over the floor. He pushed your bra upwards and grabbed a fist full of your right breast, squeezing hard.
“Mmm,” he moaned, “Finally, I get to feel them. You usually wear too much armor.”
You felt dizzy, hazy, blurry. You were utterly consumed by his heat. You tried so hard not to get turned on, but your body betrayed you.
“Tell me, why do you wear lip gloss while on patrol?” he continued sucking on another spot while he started rolling your nipples in between his fingers, “It makes me wonder how your lips would look like around me.”
You whimpered, and cursed internally. Who knew dirty talk would be your downfall.
“I knew you'd like this,” he chuckled at your reaction, “But I feel like you need a reminder of how scary I can actually be.”
You didn't need one. You knew how terrifying Red Hood was. You felt that fear the first time you met him, and again when he pointed the gun at you in that alley behind the bank. It seemed so long ago.
But that fear had long turned into curiosity. You weren't afraid anymore.
“Black Mask couldn't beg,” he rasped, “Because he was suffocating. I wonder what I should do to you.”
His hand went from your tits to around your neck. And then, and then, you felt it. The panic you felt the first time he got his hand around your neck.
You started thrashing about, anything to prevent him from getting a proper grip on you. But unfortunately, you were tied down.
And he was standing behind you, strong hands around your neck.
“Remember this, baby girl?” he started squeezing, “Doesn't this feel nostalgic?”
He was pressing on your carotid arteries, making you even dizzier than you already were, but you could still gasp for breath.
“I still have a syringe of what I gave Black Mask to paralyse him, I wonder what I should do to you?” he then suddenly released you, making you cough and gag, tears streaming down your face.
“I wouldn't want to ruin that pretty face,” you heard his voice move in front of you, “Maybe I should just keep you here to myself and use you. This job gets stressful. You'd be my own personal fuck toy. I'd ruin your cunt over and over again. You want that?”
Your mind began to race. Would he actually do that? No. No, even if he did, it didn't matter. Because Batman will-
“And then you will know how Batman really is,” he stressed, “You'll cling on to the hope that he's out there looking for you. That he won't give up on you. Batman would be the only thing keeping you sane.”
Yes, yes he was right. Bruce would find you.
“But you know what he’ll do instead?” he continued, voice shaking in evident anger, “He will just forget about you. Even after you're dead and he catches me, all he’ll do is lock me up behind bars. And then he’ll replace you with another child soldier to brainwash.”
No. Bruce wouldn't do that. He loved you. He wouldn't give up. He wouldn't move on.
Would he?
Panic started to rise again, you felt yourself hyperventilating for the first time. What was wrong with you? You couldn't break down just after being kidnapped. Why would you feel this sense of impending doom?
No, it's just Red Hood getting to you. You were just giving him what he wants.
“That's more like the reaction I was looking for,” you heard him growl. You flinched when you felt his hand on your cheek. He was wiping away at your tears, and he was surprisingly gentle.
“There, there,” he sighed, “I’m not going to do that to you. I don't hurt innocents. Though you're far from it.”
You tried to calm yourself down. He was just looking for a reaction?
“I just want you to see Bruce for who he really is, baby girl,” he explained, still caressing your cheek. You found yourself leaning into his warmth, “And I want you to see me for who I really am, and what I've been doing for Gotham.”
Before you could even think of responding, you felt something spray on your face, and then everything faded to black.
The first thing you noticed was an annoying beeping sound.
And hushed whispers.
You opened your eyes, blinking away the grogginess. You were on a bed that wasn’t your own, in a room that was unfamiliar.
A hospital room. Private, high end. You tried to prop yourself up, suddenly-
“No, no, lie back down, honey,” an aging woman pushed you gently back into the pillows, where you laid back reclined. “I’ll go get the doctor and your father for you.”
Shortly after, in came Bruce, who rushed to you immediately.
“How are you feeling? Are you okay? What happened?” he bombarded you with questions and more than just his usual serious look on his face.
“Mr. Wayne, please,” said a man in a white coat behind him, “She needs to recover first.”
“Yes, yes, of course. I’m sorry,” Bruce stepped back and cleared his throat.
You were taken aback. You’ve never seen Bruce this way before.
The doctor flashed his penlight in both your eyes, and told you to follow it. He then performed a thorax auscultation on you.
“Hello, Miss Wayne. I’m Dr. Kevins. I’m going to have to check several things to make sure you’re doing well. Is that okay?”
You nodded.
“Do you feel dizzy?” he asked you, “Does your head hurt?”
“I feel a bit nauseated actually,” you croaked, “And thirsty.”
“We’ll get you some water just a sec,” he smiled kindly. He looked like he was around his late forties, with greying hair and sunken eyes. “The nausea is probably caused by the sedative he used on you. It’ll go away in an hour or so. But most importantly, do you feel any pain anywhere else?”
“No,” you shook your head, “My neck is a bit sore, but that’s it.”
The doctor pursed his lips, and then looked at Bruce, “Excuse me, Mr. Wayne, but would you please step outside for a moment?”
“Why?” he protested.
“It’s okay, doctor,” you voiced, “I know what you’re going to ask me. No, my genitalia does not hurt. He didn’t do anything to me.”
“Okay then,” he sighed a breath of relief, “We did a physical on you while you were unconscious. It doesn’t look like anything’s wrong, except for a little dehydration. We just wanted to make sure.”
“Cool,” you shrugged, “Can someone tell me what happened?”
“We found you unconscious outside our emergency room on the floor,” the doctor responded, “We checked the security footage and saw a man in a red helmet walk in and left you there. He is a wanted criminal. The police are right outside to ask you a few questions. If you’re not ready for that, I’ll make them wait.”
“I’m fine, you can call them in,” you told him.
The doctor left to get the cops, and you and Bruce shared a long eye contact, silently communicating. I’ll tell you everything later, you tried to convey.
He gave you a stiff nod.
“Mr. Wayne, Miss Wayne,” Gordon himself came in through the door, “How are you feeling?”
“Like I’m hungover, Commissioner,” you smiled.
“I’m going to ignore that, since you’re underaged,” he chuckled, “Can I ask you a few questions?”
He took out a pen and a small notebook from his trench coat.
“What was the last thing you remember before you blacked out?” he began.
“I was walking to the metro station,” you explained, “It was around two in the afternoon. I noticed someone following me, but didn’t think much of it. I remember turning into a secluded area, and then I heard him running towards me. Before I could turn around, I just… Went black. It happened so fast.”
“And this man, what did he look like?”
“He was big. Maybe around Bruce’s size, but I can’t be sure. I couldn’t see his face. He was wearing a baseball cap and had a hoodie on,” you struggled to remember any other details about the man behind the mask.
“What happened next?”
“I woke up in a dark room, with this really bright light shining at me. I couldn’t see any windows, or doors. I was tied to a chair,” you pretended to tremble, “I was so scared.”
“I know, Miss Wayne,” Gordon comforted you, “I’m sorry for doing this, but I absolutely have to ask you to recall everything, before you forget. It’s essential to catch the man responsible for this.”
“I know,” you wiped away a single tear, “It’s okay. I saw a man in a red helmet. But not like a motorcycle helmet. It covered his whole face. And it had white eyes. It looked weird.”
“Did he have a red bat symbol on his chest?” Gordon pressed.
“Uhm,” you bit your lip, “I think so. I can’t- I can’t be too sure. It was dark, and the light blinded me.”
“That’s okay, you’re doing real good Miss Wayne,” Gordon smiled.
You held back a smile at how well Gordon treated you. If only he knew you were the same girl who witnessed Black Mask’s peeled face.
“I- I’m not sure what he wanted,” you stuttered, “He t-touched me. But not there!”
You had to reveal it. There was no hiding it from Bruce this time, thanks to the probable hickies on your neck.
“He… I think he didn’t know who I was,” you invented your lie, “But when I told him I was Bruce Wayne’s daughter, he immediately stopped whatever he was doing. Maybe he didn’t want to mess with Bruce, since he’s… rich and all.”
“There’s no doubt your father is rich, Miss Wayne, but I don’t think something like that would stop him,” Gordon huffed, his forehead scrunched up in a frown deeper than before, “This is interesting. Why would he be scared of you, Mr. Wayne?”
“Maybe he thinks I’m Batman,” Bruce simply shrugged.
You coughed out loud in shock.
“Well, he wouldn’t be the first person out there,” Gordon smirked, “No offense, Bruce, but you’re hardly the crime fighting type.”
“None taken, Jim,” Bruce grinned, “I can’t afford to get my face injured. It’s what gets investors after all.”
“What happened after that?” Gordon rolled his eyes at Bruce and turned back to you. “Did you hear any sounds? Maybe water, or vehicles? Was there anyone else there?”
“Th- that’s all I remember,” you scratched your head, “Next thing I knew, I was here.”
“Okay,” Gordon closed his notepad, “Thank you, Miss Wayne. I’m sorry that something like this happened to you. This one’s a bit tricky but I promise we’ll catch him.”
“I don’t doubt it, Commissioner,” you have him a big grin.
He paused for a moment, suddenly staring at you with an intense look in your eyes, as if he was searching for something.
“What’s wrong?” your smile faltered.
“No- nothing,” he shook his head, “You just- remind me of someone.”
“Your beautiful daughter perhaps?” you suggested.
“Y- yeah,” he nodded slowly, “Yeah, that’s it. You and Barbara both have the same smile.”
“What a compliment,” you giggled.
“You get well soon, Miss Wayne,” he nodded at you and at Bruce, “Mr. Wayne.”
“Commissioner,” Bruce nodded back.
Gordon left.
“That was close,” you breathed a sigh of relief.
Bruce pulled the sofa nearer to your bed.
“Are you really okay?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you said, “Just tired.”
“I’ll let you rest. We’ll talk when we get back,” Bruce got up to leave.
“Where are you going?”
“To deal with the press,” he fixed his hair and tie at the glass window, reflecting his handsome face, “Bruce Wayne’s daughter missing for 24 hours and then found on the emergency room floor? The media is going crazy.”
“I bet,” you took a deep breath and closed your eyes, drifting to sleep once more.
You thought you felt a pair of lips press themselves on your forehead.
*** “So. What really happened?” Bruce asked once you settled down in the manor.
You finally got discharged from the hospital after another day they kept you under observation. The both of you were now in the dining room, finishing up a light dinner.
You put down your cutlery and took a deep breath.
“How he got me was the truth, and I woke up in a dark room with a bright light shining in my eyes. First I acted like a civilian, crying and begging. I told him that my father was Bruce Wayne and that he would give him anything for my release,” you began your story, “But he told me to drop the act. I didn't. I acted dumb. And then he asked me how Nightwing was. How Dick Grayson, my older brother was. He told me he knew you were Batman. But what really hit the jackpot, was the fact that he knew Barbara was Oracle.”
Bruce leaned forward in his chair, elbows resting on the table, his chin on top of his knuckles.
“So I decided to drop it,” you continued, “I figured if he knew that, he was more than just… One of those crazy conspiracy theorists. Anyway, I asked him what he wanted and he… He was just playing around.”
“Playing around?”
“Yeah, like he wasn't being serious about it. Like he kidnapped me just to mock me. He told me that… He missed me,” you avoided eye contact with Bruce, “He also said something about how we should appreciate what he does for Gotham. That he was technically one of us.”
“Yeah, exactly my thought,” you agreed, “He has this delusion that he's doing good, more good than we are. He mentioned Black Mask, and how he was a gift. Because now there's one less crime lord in the streets. I told him that he's not like us. We don't kill. And then- and then he got a bit emotional.”
“How so?”
“Well, the whole time he was relatively calm. But when we got to the topic of you,” you hesitated, “He seemed frustrated. He said it's the one thing you will never get. He said that you can't stop crime, and you can only control it. And that's what he was doing.”
“He thinks he is controlling crime?”
“Yes,” you nodded.
“And what about… All that,” Bruce gestured to his own neck instead of yours.
You thought of how he touched you, how he had his hands underneath your panties and put his finger inside you. You decided to leave that out.
“He came up behind me and blindfolded me,” you started blushing, “He took off his helmet and-”
“He took off his helmet?” Bruce looked at you, the creases in between his eyebrows deepening, his shoulders suddenly tense.
“Yes, but I couldn't see anything,” you told him, “I was blindfolded.”
You noticed how Bruce relaxed his shoulders- very slightly.
“He said I motivated him,” you continued, “He masked his voice- like how you always do. I didn't recognise it.”
“Go on.”
“He said he killed for me,” you frowned, now remembering that odd statement he made, “I don't know what he meant by that. He never clarified. And then- he started to- do this.”
You waved at your neck, still avoiding eye contact.
“And then he started choking me,” you quickly went on, “He said he was considering keeping me there and… Tormenting me. And that the only thing that would keep me sane is the thought of you coming for me. But then he said that you wouldn't. That you would just… Replace me.”
You glanced at Bruce now, who was just silent, absorbing in everything you were saying. There was on odd expression in his eyes. Was it sadness?
“The last thing he said to me was that he wanted me to see you for who you really are, and see him for who he really is and what he's doing for Gotham.”
You waited for a response.
Finally, Bruce said “I see.”
Very anticlimactic.
“What do you see?” you prompted.
“It's even clearer now that he targeted you to get to me. He's trying to turn you against me,” Bruce spoke.
“I think I got that already,” you rolled your eyes, “But why? And what's this about replacing me?”
He remained silent, staring into space.
“Bruce,” you began, “We’ve been through this. You need to tell me things.”
“There's nothing to tell.”
“There's obviously something to tell,” you argued, “I just got kidnapped by him! Isn't it time for you to tell me who he is?”
“I don't know who he is,” he insisted.
“That's a big fat lie and you know it,” you accused.
“I'm lying for your own good!” he started to raise his voice.
“My own- my own good?” you scoffed, and then stood up, “Haven't you been paying attention, Bruce? I. Got. Kidnapped. By. Him. Obviously keeping me in the dark is not helping.”
“Back down,” Bruce rose from his seat as well to tower over you, “Now.”
“Don't you care about me Bruce?!” you yelled
“Of course I care! Which is why-”
“Don't give me that bullshit!” you fumed, “You keep on telling me to trust you-”
“I said back down, Robin-”
“But trust goes both wa-”
You gaped at him, not believing your ears. You've always been insecure. You always thought that Bruce either adopted you out of guilt, or worse.
As a replacement.
It was the first time he ever mistakenly called you him.
The ghost of Jason Todd had caught up to you.
“I mean- I meant-” Bruce tried to correct himself, horrified at what he had just said.
You turned and left.
He was tired.
Jason was tired.
The rain made his bones ache.
The past few weeks had taken a toll on him. He went out almost every single night to do his job- be it kill a few people, extract information, deal with Moehler’s international contacts, and also deal with the people under him who has broken rules or planned to start a coup. They thought he didn't know. He’ll deal with them later.
He had gotten back from his money collecting run, taking the profits from the people beneath him. Through whispers and some interrogating, he found out about some insignificant rebels. He really wasn’t in the mood to deal with those now.
He took a shower, and laid naked in bed, splayed on his back.
He probably should put on some clothes. It was getting cold.
Though, he was used to it.
There were so many times when he was a kid living in the streets that he had to deal with the cold without much insulation. Even when he had a roof over his head, it wasn’t like his parents paid for a heater.
The reason why he became Robin was because his parents were bad. The reason why he died was because his biological mother betrayed him. And the reason why he was who he is now-
No. Bruce was never a father to him. He refused to admit it.
Bruce was just looking for a soldier to brainwash.
A soldier like you. He had brainwashed you pretty well. Jason wondered what words of encouragement Bruce had given to you, that he probably gave Jason as well, all those years ago.
When Jason saw you start to panic, he knew. He knew that you knew deep down, Jason was right. Which meant that Bruce probably had not changed since Jason died.
Did Bruce ever tell you “good job”? Did Bruce ever fuss over your injuries? Did Bruce ever gave you affection?
He doubted it.
After all, Jason knew Bruce. The only thing Bruce cared about was his past.
Or so Bruce liked to call his own insecurities, an excuse to not move on from the traumatic childhood he faced.
Bruce was the fucked up one here, not Jason.
Jason was perfectly sane.
Not that he cared about how Bruce raised you. Not that he cared that you were probably facing the same problems he did, all those years ago. After all, Jason was just using you to get to him. He knew what he was doing was obvious, but it didn’t matter.
It only took one trigger- and you would spiral. As long as you had any doubt about Bruce, Jason’s plan would work.
“Fuck,” he said out loud. The rain outside was hitting hard like pellets on his metal roof.
Jason was tired.
He closed his eyes, and remembered how you looked when he started touching you. How your breath hitched, how your voice went high, how you let out the tiniest moan.
Jason smirked to himself.
You were probably craving him all those weeks you didn’t meet- it was part of his plan after all. And the moment he gave you all the attention you wanted, you got wet.
Withdraw, and then attack.
It was an excellent strategy. To get you to miss him so much that you welcomed his touch.
And welcome him you did.
Jason wasn’t blind. He saw how you looked at his hard on straining against his pants.
Remembering those scenes again made blood shoot to his cock. He remembered finally being able to feel your tits.
He reached down and fisted his cock- now hard and leaking. He gave himself a few light strokes, remembering how much he wanted to fuck you right then and there.
The glove.
He opened his eyes and walked towards his backpack, his erection slapping his lower belly with every step, and took out the ziplock he had put his glove in. He took it out, and collapsed on the bed again.
He was wearing the glove when he fingered you.
He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the glove.
The smell of leather was overpowering, but faintly, he smelled you. He kept it in a ziplock bag for a reason.
It was equivalent to panty sniffing, and Jason thought about how absolutely pathetic he was being- but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
Because you always drove him insane anyway.
His cock was leaking on his stomach, and he stroked himself to the faint sweet tangy smell of your juices on his glove. Maybe he should have taken a taste instead.
Would that have driven you wild as much as it would him?
God, and your tits. It was so soft, so supple, and it was spilling in his hand. He just wanted to see it bounce. Why must you wear so much armor?
Jason was sweating now despite the cold, the sound of rain outside drowning his pants and moans.
He wouldn’t call it backfire, but Jason’s plan to not see you for so long also affected him more than he thought it would.
He stroked himself faster, and squeezed himself tighter, imagining your mouth drooling over the head of his cock.
Fuck. He told you your lip gloss made him think of that, didn’t he? And what did you do? You fucking whimpered.
“Fuck,” Jason groaned. He loved how much you liked it when he talked dirty to you. He loved how you tightened around his finger.
Pleasure and heat built up and spread, making his toes curl. Finally, he came all over his fist, spilling onto his abdomen.
He huffed.
After cleaning up, he decided to text you. It was about time anyway.
Hey, Princess. I'm sorry I haven't texted you in so long. Life just got in the way, and I was facing some personal issues. I hope you're not mad. Anyway, I read about what happened in the papers. Putting the fact that you didn't tell me you were THE Wayne kid aside, are you okay? he sent the text.
He was hoping to prey on your kindness and understanding.
And he saw you typing back almost immediately.
Hey, Jason. Don't worry, I'm not mad. I completely understand. I've had times like that too. And I'm okay, a bit shaken up, but still okay. Also, you didn't tell me your last name so why would I tell you yours? you replied with a winky face at the end.
Touché. Would you be up to meeting me at Robinson Park tomorrow? I'll get you ice cream. It’s the least I could do, he asked.
That would be great! I’ll see you around three? you texted back.
It’s a date, doll, Jason sent with another winky face.
He knew that one text would make you giddy with excitement.
*** Jason was self-conscious in public.
Whenever he walked in the daylight without his helmet on, he felt like everyone was staring at him, judging him. His scars, his scowl, his crooked nose that had been broken and reset again so many times.
So he usually kept his head down, and his calloused hands in his pockets, avoiding the glares he knew deep down was just part of his imagination.
Until he saw you waiting at the park bench wearing a white sundress, the slight breeze blowing your hair, the sunlight shining on your skin.
He straightened up, confidence returning, and even before you saw him, he smiled.
It wasn’t like you made him happy, it wasn’t like he was looking forward to seeing you. Nor was it because you made him feel like the Jason Todd who never died.
No, he was just getting into character in advance.
A character to fool you, manipulate you, corrupt you.
“So, do you come here often?” he said when he crept up to you, making you jump.
“You scared me!” you laughed, slapping him on the arm lightly. And then, your smile faded ever so slightly, and a slight crease between your brows formed, “Not many people can sneak up on me like that.”
“My friends always did say I was light on my feet,” he shrugged, sitting down on the bench next to you, “Could be useful in the force, actually.”
“Definitely,” you grinned.
He noticed the bruises he left on your neck were absent- probably hidden by layers of makeup. He was slightly disappointed. His hickies on your skin would have looked amazing as a contrast to the low cut sundress you were wearing.
“So how are you?” he asked, “Wayne?”
You rolled your eyes, “Like I said, you didn’t offer me your last name, too. Plus, my picture’s everywhere.”
“I don’t really keep up with the news, sweetheart,” Jason replied, “Why would I care about other people’s adopted daughters?”
“I guess that’s true,” you conceded, “You’re one in a million, then. Everyone’s obsessed with that kind of information these days.”
“So enlighten me then,” Jason said, “How did Bruce Wayne come to adopt you?”
“Well,” you started, “My parents have always been trying to get close to him. They invited him for those fancy galas and charity dinners. I remember always seeing him around. When they died, and I was left with nothing and no one, he decided to adopt me.”
“Any particular reason he chose to adopt you?” Jason prompted.
You bit your lip. And then, Jason noticed that your eyes started tearing up.
“Oh, no,” Jason responded, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. We don’t have to talk about it.”
What was up with you?
“No, no,” you sniffed, wiping away your tears with the back of your hand, “I’m the one who’s sorry. I’m so stupid. I’ve just… been wondering about that too.”
Finally, Jason thought. He thought you would never have figured out you were always meant to be his replacement. He wondered what happened between you and Bruce. He had no doubt that the kidnapping triggered it.
Just as he planned.
“Hey, look at me,” he took your chin in his hand and tilted your head to face him.
It was the wrong move. Because seeing you teary eyed, red nosed, lower lip trembling, so close to him. So vulnerable.
It made his cock twitch.
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” Jason tried to pull himself together, “Or if you just want a shoulder to cry on, I’ll gladly offer you mine.”
With his thumb, he wiped away a tear that fell on your cheeks. He could see how your long lashes clumped together in the wetness, how your skin was slightly flushed.
He wanted to kiss you and tell you everything was going to be okay.
The thought shocked Jason. So much so that he jolted away from you.
“I- I’m sorry,” Jason sputtered, “I probably crossed a line, or something.”
He looked away, not wanting you to see the panic that was rising. No, no, not here. Not now.
“It’s okay,” he heard your voice, but it seemed so far away, “Jason?”
He tried to calm his breathing. He fisted the material of his jeans and took deep breaths. 5 things that he could see.
The green grass. The blue sky. Someone’s red frisbee flying. Little yellow flowers. Kids running around.
4 things that he could touch.
His denim. The wooden bench. The gravel beneath his feet. Your warm hands.
3 things that he could hear.
A dog barking. The bells from the ice cream man. Your voice calling him out, getting nearer.
2 things he could smell.
His own cologne. And your shampoo.
1 thing he could taste.
He turned to face you and crashed his lips against yours, surprising you. But Jason felt you relax against him, and kissed him back.
Your lip gloss was strawberry flavoured.
Jason broke the kiss, and blushed at you, “I’m sorry. I never know how to act when I’m with you.”
He saw you take the bait. Your wide, curious eyes fluttered downwards in embarrassment.
“That’s okay,” you tucked your hair behind your ear, “I feel the same way.”
“I promised you ice cream didn’t I?” he stood up, and offered you his hand, “Shall we?”
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melonlord-ramblings · 4 years
Watching You by Lisa Jewell Review & Ramblings
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Picture source: goodreads
Title: Watching You
Author: Lisa Jewell
“Melville Heights is one of the nicest neighbourhoods in Bristol, England; home to doctors and lawyers and old-money academics. It’s not the sort of place where people are brutally murdered in their own kitchens. But it is the sort of place where everyone has a secret. And everyone is watching you. As the headmaster credited with turning around the local school, Tom Fitzwilliam is beloved by one and all—including Joey Mullen, his new neighbor, who quickly develops an intense infatuation with this thoroughly charming yet unavailable man. Joey thinks her crush is a secret, but Tom’s teenaged son Freddie—a prodigy with aspirations of becoming a spy for MI5—excels in observing people and has witnessed Joey behaving strangely around his father. One of Tom’s students, Jenna Tripp, also lives on the same street, and she’s not convinced her teacher is as squeaky clean as he seems. For one thing, he has taken a particular liking to her best friend and fellow classmate, and Jenna’s mother—whose mental health has admittedly been deteriorating in recent years—is convinced that Mr. Fitzwilliam is stalking her. Meanwhile, twenty years earlier, a schoolgirl writes in her diary, charting her doomed obsession with a handsome young English teacher named Mr. Fitzwilliam…”
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of grooming and ephebophilia, stalking (will be explained later), infidelity, explicit sexual content, murder, explicit murder details, domestic violence, unhealthy relationships, undiagnosed disorder (I don’t know if this is considered one or not, just putting it just in case), mentions of suicide, bullying.
Rating: 3.5/5
Hey everyone, smolmenace here! Today’s review & ramblings will be on Watching You by Lisa Jewell. I liked this book! It had a good mystery and build up to it, and it was a quick read, so I finished it in less than a day, which I do appreciate. It was a little hard to get fully into the flow of the book because there were just so many characters that I kept losing track and forgetting who’s who and what they do and everything. I did like how Lisa Jewell kept not only the identity of the murderer a secret but also the victim, I mean, it was easy to deduct who, but it was still a new touch! 
I also both liked and disliked the plot twist! I’ll explain it in my ramblings because it is spoilers, but the murderer is someone who I never expected! In hindsight, maybe, but there were so many hints and allusions to other people and other reasons that it was quite shocking! 
This book does have a lot of things to think about and it was a ride to try and figure out who the victim was, and who was the murderer.
I will say, this book can be boring for some people. I had read emmabooks’ review on goodreads and I can see where she’s coming from. This book might be boring and slow because the chapters tend to be the character’s thoughts and whatnot, and not most of them contributes to the actual development of the plot. A majority of the chapters were like character studies? I don’t really know how to describe it, but it was more to learn about the characters rather than see how the plot and murder develops.
All in all, I do recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a quick, but still good, murder mystery!
In my ramblings, I will be talking about one of the characters who is later diagnosed near the end of the book with Asperger’s. I wasn’t really educated nor with knowledge over what Asperger’s is and whatnot before reading the book, and even after reading about Asperger’s, I was still on the fence about the character. So, if anything I say about this character (and even other topics!) sounds offensive or uneducated, please do let me know!! Also, my ramblings will be full of spoilers, which dips its toes into the trigger warnings, so please stop reading if any of those are triggering!
Oh man oh man! Let me talk about and explain why I was disappointed by the plot twist. So the whole time, the story really emphasizes the importance of Tom. Who, throughout the story, is heavily thought and implied to be an ephebophile. For those who may not know, an ephebophile is an adult who is sexually attracted to teenagers. So, at this point, I like, really wanna know - is Tom an ephebophile? Everyone in this story (the main character cast) is super sketch and they all have some secret. But, as the story is heavily around Tom - which was actually fun because his was the one POV that the book did not do, so it was everyone obsessed with Tom in some way. Anyways, so yeah, I’m like, super invested in finding out about Tom.
Let me get back to explaining why I found the plot twist a little disappointing. Turns out, that the murderer was one of the MC’s sister-in-law, Rebecca.This was the plot twist because she was such a background character that you really don’t see it coming. However, if one was really good at mysteries or something, they probably could have figured it out. Rebecca’s sister is the one who is talking in her journal about becoming obsessed with Tom in the summary, and she had committed suicide because of extreme bullying from, who - and this gets crazier, is Tom’s wife!! Σ(・口・). Mind-blown. NOT ONLY THAT, but it’s implied that Viva (Rebecca’s sister) didn’t even commit suicide, and that Nicola had murdered her!!! WHAAAT?? ∑(ΦдΦlll) This is implied in the epilogue, where their son finds an envelope that has a lock of dark brown hair - she cut off a lock of hair and kept it as a trophy all these years. And this is a really good twist, don’t get me wrong - writing this now and thinking about it, I’m like, oh dang, oh dang, OH DANG. BUT the thing is, the whole book got me invested in knowing about TOM, and that’s not what I really got in the end. More like, I’m feeling this “oh dang” now having given it some thought, but in the moment of reading, I was wanting to know about Tom.
Lemme also say this, Nicola and Tom’s relationship was real weird. Nicola was 14 years old when she thought to herself that she will marry Tom, and then it happened! When Nicola was 19, she met Tom, who was 35? and according to Tom, she was pregnant and they got married. At this point, Nicola kinda goes downhill. She starts becoming extremely possessive and easily jealous and at one point their relationship becomes sado-masochistic and that leads Tom to cheat on her with Joey who is also married(○□○), yeah it gets real complicated.
Anyways, let’s get into the character that the warning section was for. So this character, Freddie, is the son of Tom and Nicola (the one who bullied Rebecca’s sister). The summary describes him as a genius aspiring to become a M15 and is amazing at observing people. I did not get the genius during the story. I also thought that the amazing at observing people meant he was just really good at body language and whatnot. What I did not expect was him to be keeping photos and video footage of not the entire neighborhood, but a specific set of girls his age, and one of the MC’s, Joey. Like, for real, this ain’t selling me on genius aspiring to be M15. All I’m getting is stalker and creepy vibes. Because that’s not where it stops. He physically follows some of these girls around. 
During the story, he gets so obsessed over his crush that he redirects all this creepiness towards her - so he’s got a single folder dedicated to pictures and videos to this girl. Not only that, at one point, he does something super gross and I don’t know if that’s natural, but it’s just the buildup of everything just made it super gross to read. This escalates to the point where he follows her from her school to her house and stays there to “observe” her. He also finds and buys whatever piece of clothing she was looking at on her way home and leaves it off for her at her house!!! Like???
And then I got confused because the author then reveals that he has Asperger’s and it kinda came off as an explanation for his behavior? And I was like, I don’t think that’s how it works? So yeah, that’s what I was thinking about Freddie.
Back to Tom, is he an ephebophile? I think yes! There is a point where the line gets blurred too much to imply anything else. There’s also a lot to say about Joey, but I think this post is already getting too long lol.
Anyways, for those who have read it, what do you think? Do you think Tom is an ephebophile? What did you think during and after reading the book? Thanks for reading and honestly, kudos for having read all of this! (ノ≧∀≦)ノ
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thefilmtactician · 5 years
Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?
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Once considered as the best movie of 2019, Todd Phillips‘ Joker did not disappoint (or it did?) its audience. There was so much hype when it got an R rating because of it’s dark and disturbing theme. They say some moviegoers had to go out of the cinemas while watching because they can’t take the violence in it. Lol.
I’ve seen the film earlier and I’ve got to be honest that I was somehow disappointed because I had expectations. The movie had a 92% metascore at some point before critics hammered it down to 58%. The trailer was pretty decent. Knowing that Phoenix and De Niro are in the movie, it’s something a film enthusiast looks forward to see. I was awaiting for some spectacle, something original and authentic while watching but that just didn’t happen. All it looked like was a homage to Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver (which makes the cinematography and acting pretty decent.) I know I’m not much of a film critic but I guess I have seen too much psychodramas over the past years that my expectations are different from others, that the violence wasn’t even violent and such, however, if there’s something that we can all agree on is Joaquin Phoenix’s performance was outstanding. He went on full-Christian Bale mode on losing weight that comes with better acting, better than Jared Leto’s in Suicide Squad, but not as great as Heath Ledger’s in The Dark Knight (but somehow in the same level as Jack Nicholson’s in Batman.) That being said, it’s safe to say he can be this year’s Rami Malek, making this Joker film the Bohemian Rhapsody of 2019, a movie that is loved by the fans but not much by film critics.Who knows? Maybe The Academy will surprise us once again, with Phoenix acing his 4th Oscar nom and maybe win his first.
My rating: 7/10
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deviantconnorarmy · 6 years
deviantconnorarmy’s 750 Followers Celebration
Okay, so since I don’t want to do another challenge so soon after I issued the first one, I’m gonna set up something for me for this mile marker--as in, a bunch of writing for moi to do lol.
I’m going to list some song quotes, some tv/movie quotes, and ten gifs as prompts.  all you have to do is pick one of the prompts (Or two, or one of each category, if it so pleases you) and send it to me in an ask with a character (preferably Connor, RK900, or Markus since I’m most comfortable with them, but it doesn’t HAVE to be them...unless its smut, I’ll only write smut with characters I know.) (And you can ask for a pairing if you so desire).  If you want to you can specify a genre, too--(Fluff, smut, angst, horror, violence, romcom, crack, whatever).  I wanna be challenged and see what I can come up with, and flex my writing muscles lol.
I’m not going to give myself a deadline cause muses are fickle things and I still have Survivability, Details, and another one shot sitting pretty waiting for me, and life can get hectic, but I’m a perfectionist and I WILL fulfill requests.  I’ll tag the stories for this #DCAs750FollowersCelebration and tag the requester in the author’s note, of course.
I will also take your own song quotes/tv&movie quotes/gif prompts if none of these are appealing to you.
Reblog to spread the news!
Now let’s get cracking.
Song Quotes:
1.  “Take me high and I’ll sing, oh, you make everything okay, okay, okay.  We are one and the same, oh, you take all of the pain away, away, away.  Save me if I become my demons.”
2.  “I’m coming home to breathe again, to start again.  I’m coming home, from all the places I have been, with nothing but a voice within.  They called me, called me home.”
3.  “It started out as a feeling.  Which then grew into hope.  Which then turned into a quiet thought, which then turned into a quiet word.  And then that word grew louder and louder, till it was a battle cry.”
4.  “Fear is a device, so quiet and precise.  Its not what I allow, not in my world now.  Deep beneath the light, a spark will now ignite.  You will see me now, this is my world now.  They come to your dreams with illusion.  They come to bring shape to your mind.  You know how to stop the intrusion--we all have to fight for our lives.”
5.  “She’s talking to angels, counting the stars.  Making a wish on a passing car.  She’s dancing with strangers, falling apart, waiting for Superman to pick her up in his arms...She’s waiting for Superman to lift her up, and take her anywhere.  Show her love, and climbing through the air, save her now, before it’s too late tonight.”
6.  “Loving you forever can’t be wrong, even though you’re not here--can’t move on.  O-oh, that’s how you sang it.  And there’s no remedy for memory, your face is like a melody--it won’t leave my head.  your soul is haunting me and telling me that everything is fine, but I wish I was dead.”
7.  “Well, what is this that I can’t see, with ice cold hands takin’ hold of me.  When God is gone, and the devil takes hold, who’ll have mercy on your soul?  No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold, nothing satisfies me but your soul.  Well I am death, none can excel, I’ll open the door to heaven or hell.  My name is death and the end is here.”
8.  “Turn it up in here--I still hear you loud and clear, like you’re right there in my ear, telling me that you want to own me. To control me. Come closer. Come closer. And I just can’t tear myself away, under a spell I can’t break, I just can’t stop, I just can’t stop. And I just can’t break myself away, but I don't want to escape, I just can’t stop...I can feel it on my skin, I can taste it on my tongue, its the sweetest taste of sin--the more I get the more I want.”
9.  “When angels fall with broken wings, I can’t give up, I can’t give in.  When all is lost and daylight ends, I’ll carry you, and we will live forever.”
10.  “If love is real, maybe I’m just to bad to remember how good it feels.  My heart is steel.  I can smell your fear the only reason that I’m here is to wreak havoc.  Everybody prayin’ that’ll change, yeah, maybe one day, but tomorrow I’ll be back at it.  Cause bad habits, they die hard.  We live fast, we die hard.  Go against me you’ll die hard.  Die hard.”
11.  “All you have is your fire, and the place you need to reach.  Don’t you ever tame your demons...but always keep them on a leash.”
12.  “You’re the light inside my eyes. You give me reason to keep trying. You give me more than I could dream, and you bring me to my knees....I still can’t believe that you’re right next to me after all that I’ve done. I don’t deserve your love, but you give it to me anyway. Can’t get enough. You’re everything I need. And when I walk away, you take off running and come right after me. It’s what you do, and I don’t deserve you.”
13.  “Did we take too many chances? Did we let too many pass us? Did we throw it all away? Did we throw it all away? Did we light too many matches? Turned ourselves into these ashes? Did we throw it all away? Did we throw it all away?”
14.  “He says save me, save me.  She says maybe, maybe.  She starts to turn away when he says hate me, break me, let me feel as hurt as you.  Push me, crush me, but promise me you’ll never let us go.”
15.  “Power to protect me, don’t let it affect me. Spirals like a staircase, racing like a car chase. Pulses push the limits, testing my resistance. Cameras that capture, moments that enrapture. Don’t let go, no, just lie low...If it feels right, if it feels right, if it feels right, it’s probably wrong. Spinning out, spinning out of control. Take it back, give me something to hold. Spinning out, spinning out...”
TV/Movie Quotes:
1.  "Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.“
2.  “Tis but a scratch!”
3.  “I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.”
4.  “I don't want to survive. I want to live.”
5.  “You moon-faced assassin of joy.”
6.  “It appears we have lost our sex appeal, Captain.”
7.  “Were you ever nice?”  “1985.  Worst year of my life.”
8.  *Answering a phone*  “You’re dead.”  “Nope, just using a dead man’s phone.”
9.  “The freedom to make my own mistakes was all I ever wanted.“
10.  "The good news is that he won't be bitching about losing his hand if he can't breathe."
11.  “There is not a thin line between love and hate. There is--in fact--a Great Wall of China with armed sentries posted every 20 feet between love and hate.“
12.  “So what's it going to be, sullen silence or mean comment?“  “Okay, you’ve got me in a box, here.”
13.  “You know who I am. You don’t know where I am. And you’ll never see me coming.”
14.  “There is nothing more reassuring than realizing the world is crazier than you are.”
15.  “Some men aren’t looking for something logical.  Some men just want to watch the world burn.”
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