#to support That Arm is a VERY common headcanon
void-tiger · 9 months
Sorry, Shiro.
You have hEDS now. Not “just” epilepsy.
I make the rules. It fits. RIP buddy.
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Al-Haitham Headcanons 01
All SFW Here Folks! I think? There's like one bit that's kinda suggestive. If you - no you don't need to squint. It's not vulgar though. Tumblr MasterList
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I think his love language is acts of service.
Al-Haitham reads a lot, if he finds something that would be useful to you, he'd likely make note of it with sources, especially if you were going to use it in a paper.
Oh you got into an argument? Someone said something you disagree with? You struggled to support your point? He found some piece of information that supports your argument? Or maybe he found something that negates the other person's? He'll bring it to you.
Perhaps you had asked a random question: you were curious or wondering about something? If he comes across useful information again, he'll bring it to you, and explain it if you need him to.
Maybe you're stressed or struggling or your body hurts in some way? He's doing research and bringing it to you.
You've got a big daunting task? He's broken it down for you, maybe even helped you delegate and even eliminate some things too
Drapes his cape over you when you're napping and cold.
Drapes his cape over you when you're cold in general.
Someone is trying to belittle you? Let it be known that Al-Haitham has no problem silencing them, and in a truly intellectual manner.
Yeah no, he has no tolerance or anyone talking trash about his beloved.
Quality Time is another love language
As we all know: Al-Haitham dislikes having a large social circle. So if he is choosing to spend time with you, outside of work (or anything else that's necessary) nonetheless, he definitely values you.
For whatever reason I feel like he's more cuddly and probably goes for hugs more?
(For anyone reading Rationality of Emotion: when you see this appear again in that fic...well I mean I was always gonna use it there...)
I imagine his physical affections are more him holding you in some way, and mostly in private, and I mean just you and him private. Initially, when Kaveh was practically watching him like a hawk to see if he could display affection, Al-Haitham is deliberately avoiding any action that Kaveh was looking for.
That being said, if you're both reading on the sofa/couch looking thing in his house, he really enjoys kinda having you nestled into him? So you've got your back against the arm rest (you have it cushioned don't worry) with your head resting on his chest and your legs across his lap. Each of you just reading and enjoying the silence.
He usually isn't wearing his sound proof earpieces when you guys are doing this.
I can also imagine him going from mostly hugging due to requests to initiating hugs himself.
Yes he has hugged you from behind before, it was a hell of a day, he's kinda overstimulated, he's got his face in your neck, and is just leaning on you a bit. Please let him rest there for a bit, even if he's kinda heavy.
As for when he does kiss you though
I think Haitham's kisses are like cute little pecks on your temples or your head, or the juncture of your neck and shoulder. I don't think they're very common either.
If it's anywhere else he's probably got ulterior motives
But that's okay because he's your husband
(yes even when it's on your pulse)
(especially when it's on your pulse)
While he is mostly private, he will absolutely state his claim if necessary
I don't think Al-Haitham is a very jealous guy
he trusts you, he understands that for the most part you know how to handle yourself (sometimes you need help when hilichurls are involved)
however he doesn't exactly trust strangers
so if someone wants to try their luck, and can't take a hint, he will absolutely be by your side, with a hand on your lower back as he excuses the two of you and guides you along
That hand of his stays there the whole way home.
if you aren't picking up on the fact that this person is trying to hit on you: I think he'd only watch for a little bit, curious if you're going to pick up on it, before appearing to help you exit (especially if you look tired)
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emeritusemeritus · 9 months
Fred Weasley headcanons
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Just a few personal headcanons for our man, NSFW under the cut 🌹
Still considers you his best friend even though you’re together now (you and George being tied in first place).
Calls you princess and sweetheart (both of which started as sarcastic remarks that stuck around and are now used as endearments).
Always ready to kiss you. Doesn’t care who’s around, once he can be open about your relationship he’ll kiss you anywhere, and passionately - except for in front of his mother.
Actual menace at school. You’re walking to your next class and you pass him in the halls? He lifts you up and spins you, shouts out your name across crowded, echoing corridors to embarrass you. One time he lifted you up onto the stone pillars outside charms and left you there. You had to wait to be rescued by Ron who was luckily passing by.
You tease each other constantly, bantering back and forth. He’s heard more ginger jokes from you than anyone else in his life, but he knows just how much you love him and his red hair so there is never any malice behind it, the same with his teasing of you. It all comes from a place of love and familiarity.
He’s a natural prankster and takes great pride in it but he knows your limits and would never intentionally cross them. One time he did inadvertently go too far and he’s apologised profusely and had been torn up about it, trying to win back your trust in anyway he could. George still says that it’s the only time he’d seen Fred be actually remorseful in his life.
Throws notes to you in study hall, usually by scrunching up large balls of parchment and throwing them directly at you, bonus points if he manages to bounce them off of your head. Always followed by a sickly sweet smile or a wink.
As much as he teases you, he’s the only one truly allowed to (even George is warned sometimes).
LOVES seeing you wear his clothes, specifically his jumpers or his old quidditch T-shirt’s that you sleep in. It makes his little possessive brain twitch seeing you wear his clothes so openly in front of the whole school, declaring that you’re his.
Looks for you at every one of his Quidditch games- it gives him a boost of confidence to know that you’re cheering for him. Wanting to impress you, he always plays harder and better, putting on a show.
The first time you’d attended a quidditch game as his official girlfriend, you had worn his green ‘F’ jumper and he nearly fell off his broom once he’d realised.
He’s incredibly supportive as a friend and boyfriend. Even though he knows that he is seen as the ‘meaner’ twin, he has a true sweetness to him that most people overlook but he’d do anything for you and his friends, even at great personal risk. He supports you in everything you want to do and always looks after you if you get stressed or disheartened whilst chasing your dreams.
He’s especially protective of Ginny, taking his role of older brother very seriously. He still says that he fell truly in love with you the moment he saw you running up and confronting Malfoy, who had been teasing Ginny after the whole Chamber of Secrets event. Upon seeing the commotion, Fred had run to help her, followed closely by George, but you had gotten there first and had verbally berated the bully before punching him square in the nose. You then pulled Ginny away, cast your arm around her protectively and had begun escorting her back to the common room even though you were originally going the other way. Only when you had met up with Fred and George did you eventually leave her and go to your destination, making sure that she was comfortable and safe with her brothers before leaving. You’d received a letter home and detention for three weeks for punching Malfoy and another late night detention for being late to class but you still maintained that it was worth it.
Will throw hands without a second thought at anyone who disrespects you. He’s incredibly protective and won’t hesitate to throw a punch at anyone who violates your boundaries. Minimal offences still demand punishment and it’s common for anyone who crosses you to suspiciously find themselves with boils, purple hair or spontaneously vomiting the next day.
He’s surprisingly needy in private and loves to cuddle. Loves having his hair stroked and played with. Always has to be touching you in some way, even just your feet touching in bed or a hand absently placed on your hip.
Cannot cook to save his life, even with the assistance of magic.
He LOVES being a twin but he’s actually terrified of having twins once you start trying for a baby.
Will try anything once. Fact.
He’s a master with his fingers. He knew how much you loved his hands even before you were together, having caught you staring at them multiple times. They’re long, thin and incredibly skilled.
Makes it his personal mission in life to learn every single one of your pleasure points and can anticipate your every reaction just by the sounds you make, having learnt each and every one.
Had a definite breeding kink but doesn’t actually want kids yet. The idea of knocking you up and seeing you pregnant makes him harder than he ever thought possible. It’s his dirty little secret.
Dirty talk champ- he knows how much you love his voice and how much it gets you off when he whispers absolute filth to you in the middle of sex but it absolutely riles him up too. It’s less of a calculated dialogue and more of a dirty, running commentary on how well he’s fucking you.
Big fan of quickies. He’ll literally fuck you anywhere if the mood arises, which is always. As much as he loves to tease you and make you wait, savouring your body, there’s nothing like a quick, hard fuck in his book.
Definite size kink. He’s 6ft 3 and you are definitely not. Along with this comes a specific show of dominance, his height making him tower over you which makes him feel powerful and in control.
Although it depends on the overall mood, he’s mostly still playful and teasing even during sex, as are you. Occasionally you will try and throw each other off their game. One time you purposefully moaned out Snape’s name to throw him off and it caused a three minute intermission as you both had to stop and laugh. He then swiftly pulled out of you, spanked you and then proceeded to fuck you harder as ‘punishment’ for moaning another man’s name.
He’s absolutely feral for you wearing skirts.
He likes the idea of public sex but after you were both once accidentally caught by George, he decided that he hated the thought of anyone but him seeing you like that and put an end to your more risky escapades. Semi-public is still fine, of course.
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carmendeiact2whenplz · 5 months
Things we don’t know about Old Mondstadt (that Hoyoverse refuses to tell us)
Aka things that haunt me (and probably many other old mondstadt fans)
(keep in mind- not all of these may be entirely unanswerable as of now, some have partial/vague canon answers, while some may have completely canon yet relatively obscure answers)
(for the sake of making things easier to write, i will refer to venti’s dead friend/the nameless bard as “nb” and the red haired warrior as “rhw”, and specifically wisp venti as “wispti”, and i will be referring to the group of wispti, nb, rhw, gunnhildr, and amos (and maybe decarabian too if he’s relevant in that context) as the “old mond gang”)
Note- lots of paragraphs ahead
1- why is nb nameless? does he just… not have a name? does he have a name that he either intentionally or unintentionally kept secret? did he have a name that he used openly and oftenly, but it was forgotten by history as time went on? if anything, did he at least have some sort of nickname people used for him (so we can stop calling him “some nameless guy or smth idk”)?
2- While nb being, well, nameless, may be a bit more justified, what about rhw? did he also have some sort of name? would calling him “ragnvindr” (or similar) be entirely un-canon? did he at the very least have some sort of code name/nickname?
3- what is the timescale of the rebellion? did it take weeks, months, years? decades? how long ago did thoughts of revolution start in old mondstadt? were the people always unhappy, or did old mond use to be a better place?
4- what is nb’s role in the rebellion? did he start it? is he just a leader in general? or is he just there for the moral support? was he on the front lines or in the distance, playing his lyre to rally the troops? is he a strategist? has he ever directly fought anyone on the opposing side?
5- actually, how old is nb anyway? pretty sure most people agree that the rest of the old mond gang are adults (not wispti but like. i’ll touch more on that later), but i’ve seen stories/theories/headcanons about how old nb was (at the time of death) ranging from around 14 to 23 years old- that is not a small range by any means. (according to a poll i made a while ago, 16 was the most common answer on what people thought their age was (my headcanon too), but there was definitely a lot of range in the answers)
6- If Amos and Decarabian’s romantic relationship is so toxic (for lack of a better word), how any why did they get together in the first place? Did amos enter the relationship aware decarabian was against some of the things she wanted most in life? did she enter the relationship purely to try to “fix” him? was he abusive towards her, or was it just a lack of attention/affection/caring about other things more than her? or was it that he never loved her/was attracted to her romantically at all? were they still in a relationship even until the very end, or did they eventually split up when they both knew they would have to fight eachother and that things wouldn’t work out between them?
7- according to the “biography of gunnhildr” book (i think that’s the name), it says they worshipped the wind spirit barbatos and treated it like a deity, while other sources say wispti was nameless and was like. just kinda there. is one of them the truth, or both, or neither?
8- does wispti have arms and/or legs of any kind? can he talk/communicate with people? if so, how does he go about doing so?
9- it’s implied in “a drunkard’s tale” (an ingame book) that the wind spirit that transformed into a fox and helped create wine is the same wind spirit as well. wispti. if that means wispti can shapeshift, to what extent can he do it? can he even become a human/humanoid (not to the same detail and/or time extent that modern venti/barbatos can do so but still)? if so, how does that impact his relationship with nb and/or the rest of the old mond gang?
10- how long did the members of the old mond gang know eachother? did most of them meet in relation to the rebellion, or did some of them know eachother before they got to that point?
11- what is the order of events between amos dying, nb dying, decarabian dying, barbatos getting the gnosis, barbatos taking nb’s form, the end of the fighting, and rhw leaving/abandoning (for lack of better words) everyone? how much time took place between all those happening?
12- what exactly are the purposes of the tower? is it just a living space/government building for decarabian and amos, or is there more to it? did other people live in the tower too? if the circular ruins/symbols seen in the tower present-day were also there back then, why and how are they there? are the light actuators in the tower related to anything involving decarabian’s power/immortality and/or the storm wall?
13- how impenetrable is the storm wall, really? is everything restricted from going in or out, or are some people able to move freely? what is the immigration/emigration rate of the city? how often are things imported and exported? does the wall have any intended purpose other than for keeping the blizzard out?
14- how did amos get her bow? why is it so (hypothetically) powerful? where did she get it and how did it “retain its power” to this day?
15- how “old” is wispti? he could theoretically be any “age” between “manifesting into existence shortly before his first interaction with nb” and 14 billion years old/as old as time itself(and you thought nb’s theoretical age range was large.) how much did wispti truly know before getting involved with the rebellion? was he technically a toddler (in terms of knowledge/mentality), or does he actually have thousands of years of knowledge?
16- to what extent did the imunlaukr (i probably spelled that wrong) and lawrence clans participate in the old mondstadt rebellion? were they involved at all? should the old mond gang be eventually expanded to include more people? (lawrence, venerare, etc)
18- what is the relationship of the old mond game to eachother? were they friends? found family? or were things far more complicated than that? (and what was their reaction to knowing amos, one of their biggest allies, was also the lover/partner of their (the old mond gang’s) enemy?
19- did some of the genshin weapons with lore relations to old mondstadt actually get used during old mondstadt? (aka did nb get to use freedom-sworn as an actual combat weapon)
I probably left out a lot of things so i may go back later to edit, but there are just. SO many things hoyoverse keeps behind the lore basement. If anyone would like to add onto this list, or provide personal headcanons and/or canon answers to the things mentioned here, i highly reccomend doing so.
@honorary-fool @amarisrosalette @gierosajie @lanternlightss @arson-n-quwubilder @littleblueberryartist @lilyandthegenshinbrainrot @elysianheresy
@goyayato @lordofthetower @nellfe-the-feral-creature @thatonenerdinyourclassroom
(if anyone tagged would not like to be tagged, please let me know)
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rreskk · 7 months
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HEADCANONS: dating North Yankton Trevor (fem)
TW: angst, smut
-The Midwest was an… interesting time for Trevor. His unreliable nature of starting fights between “gangs”, drug hustling, doing these small-job heists that would have his mugshot printed on every surface in towns, his head being wanted on a stake by the authorities. He was constantly aware and paranoid as there wasn’t a lamppost without his “wanted” poster, alongside his best buddy, Michael.
-He’d use your home as a safe place, and this causes break-ins by warrants, gang-members, people who want Trevor dead. One time you were having sex on the sofa to warm up since the power cut out, and the front door was slammed open.
-This meant you spent the majority of the time sleeping around in motel rooms whenever you were to see him. This avoids your address being the main centre of his whereabouts. But this does strain your relationship. Due to his constant move around, you grew distant as you couldn’t keep up with these new motels and “jobs” he was doing.
-So arguments were common, especially over the phone. The daily “you promised you’d come” by Trevor and your repetitive “I couldn’t. You know that”. Face to face arguments were common as well. Trevor would get fiercely upset when you’d turn up to see him after weeks of no sex or calls. He’d cry, smash things up, snort drugs, sob in your arms until it was all calm. By all means, you spent most of your “hook ups” trying to comfort Trevor and his borderline personality.
-He’s very vocal about you to his crew-members, and sometimes they can be assholes about it. Whenever you go out, he’ll be high and drunk on whatever, laughing alongside his friends as they’d objectify women, hire some hookers who would strip and give them all lap dance. While Trevor wouldn’t accept a lap dance, he’d always drunkenly beg for you to do one in front of everyone so he could “show you off”. If you decline, he’ll get pouty and moody, giving you snarky looks and smoking more drugs out of spite.
-When he wasn’t around any bad influences, he was the funniest and sweetest guy ever. Constant cuddles and dirty jokes that would make you ugly laugh. Trevor would take you out to small diners and you both would rush home to undress and fuck after the sneaky squeezes of your thighs and breasts throughout the dinner.
-Sex would be very involved and needy. The Midwest is always cold and somewhat snowy, so he’s desperate to feel your warm body against his. You’ll find that he uses your tits as pillows and face warmers out of everything. When he’s fucking you stupid, he’d be hiding in between your breasts like his life was depending on it. Hence the constant rashes from moustache and bite marks from his teeth. Because he does it constantly, the marks are beginning to be permanent, scarring you lovingly.
-He would accidentally leave bags of drugs and illegal cash around your house when he does stay over for some nights. You try to end this habit but he always forgets to bring them with him when leaving. This would mean you’d have to travel 2 hours out from the town just to meet him in some shady corner from where he’s staying with his guys. And whenever you weren’t there to support him, Trevor would always look like a horrid mess when he’s out with his buddies for jobs. Uncut mullet, scruffy facial hair, eye bags, new cuts and bruises.
-Trevor doesn’t understand your disgust when he hangs around with his crew. Being so drugged and loyal to his unlawful friends, it definitely causes mishap in your relationship. Michael seems okay but the way he introduces Trevor to new ways of ruining his life, you grew out of favour, causing many arguments between you and Trevor.
-This meant that your relationship was off and on. Breakups after breakups, making up and fucking, a few weeks together and being this happy family, then weeks to almost months where he’s away doing god knows what. Every time you attempt to cut him off completely, he always lures you back with his charms and promises to change. It’s all lies but because he’s so dependent on you, leaving him would put him in an even more suicidal mindset. You wouldn’t bare the idea of losing him, so you’re trapped in this cycle.
-Trevor does attempt to change whatever may be bothered you. Whenever you are invited to hangouts, he’s by your side and (almost always) persuades some sort of alone time in the public toilets… Having you bounce up and down on his cock while he’s calling you “the one and only” and moaning loud enough to make his buddies know. This was his way of reassuring you that he’s always thinking of you.
-You’d know nothing much of his background, even with the amount of time you’ve known him. Trevor refuses to talk about his mother, and he certainly expresses deep hatred when talking about his biologically father. You assumed his mother was quite a figure to him as Trevor, unconsciously, would call you mama and mommy during sex, when he’s close to his climax. Due to his vague answers, you have researched to your ability and made assumptions that he suffers from traumatic mother issues. And you’d mention this during arguments, causing some real problems in his trust.
-But at the end of the day, Trevor refuses to lose sight of you. Even though he’ll spend months on end out of the state, he always returns on your doorstep with this cheeky grin and grabby hands. So you welcome him with open arms since he was someone special to you, despite his assholeness…
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cloudyyoimiya · 1 year
I just found your blog and I love your work!
How about a GN!reader like Kokomi from Genshin? Someone's who's very passionate, but also tends to get overworked or Burnt out easily <3
this has me giggling and kicking my feet because i’m similar to kokomi in some ways. i remember that i pulled for her on her first banner when everyone hated her. anyways, since you didn’t specify who to write i’m gonna do dazai and atsushi! i hope that’s okay! thank you for requesting! <3
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With a S/o Like Kokomi From Genshin; Atsushi Nakajima and Osamu Dazai
Format: Headcanons and scenario
Possible warnings: none!
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Atsushi Nakajima
First off, he’d be the sweetest out of the two.
What originally drew him into you was your kindhearted nature and how you were so devoted to helping people. He really admired how you managed to be so passionate about such a dark job.
One time he saw you talking with another detective while investigating a crime. The case was fairly simple, but you were still so passionate about helping the people affected by it.
He didn’t know that someone could be so tenderhearted.
When he first saw the side of you that overworked yourself, he’d be quite surprised. He never thought that you were the type of person that would stay up late at night, strategizing for your next mission. In a way, he almost found it admirable as well. Though, he would never tell you because sometimes it gets unhealthy.
Atsushi cares for you so much, so when he sees you over working yourself he’d immediately be worried. He would usher you to take a break, even if it’s for five minutes.
If you ever needed to take a break from society and go somewhere secluded, Atsushi would fully support you. If you didn’t have a specific spot to go to in mind, he’d give you a few recommendations after asking you if he could join you as well.
If you did let him join you, get ready for some praise and cuddles. He wants you to know that you’re loved, and that you do so much for those around you.
If you happen to like books, then he’d let you read to him. He’d most likely fall asleep, but he’d be happy that you’re sharing one of your passions with him.
He’s so sweet!
You put your hands in your hair as you stared at the computer screen. You then shifted your gaze to its keyboard, then your lap. A loud sigh escaped your lips as you slapped the sides of your head. You had been doing work for hours by now, and you were starting to get burnt out. Even the thought of bringing your hands down to your keyboard again made you want to clock out for the day.
Atsushi looked over at your figure with a slight frown. Recently you getting burnt out like this was becoming more common, and he hated it. He hated it with his whole being. Therefore, he was determined to help take your mind off of things for a while.
He stood up from his desk and tapped your shoulder. You immediately whipped your head around to meet his gaze. You then gave the weretiger a questionable expression.
“Atsushi? You should get back to work!” You exclaimed.
The weretiger gave you a small smile. “You’re getting burnt out again, (Name). C’mon! Let’s go out for a while!” He paused for a moment. “Only if you want too though! I won’t pressure you into anything!”
You blinked at him before letting out a short chuckle. “Atsushi! You’re too sweet.”
You stood up from your seat and stretched out your limbs for a moment. Who knew sitting for so long could make you cramp up?
Atsushi smiled as you got up from your seat. “Where should we go today?”
“Hmm… Let’s go to the park. It’s nice and relaxing. Plus, aren’t the sakura petals in bloom now? I’d love to see them,” you rambled. “I just love how pretty they are.”
“You seem quite passionate about them,” Atsushi butted in.
You giggled as you grabbed his arm. “C’mon, let’s go!”
You practically dragged Atsushi out of the office. He, of course, didn’t object. Once you exited the office, you looked around for a little bit. The streets were busy, as per usual. You wouldn’t have it any other way though. It just meant that people had something to do with their lives.
Eventually the two of you reached the park after a short walk. The sakura petals were falling gracefully as the wind started to pick up. It was a beautiful sight.
You sat down on a bench with a sigh. “Thank you this.”
Atsushi sat down next to you and glanced at your face. “For what?”
“For making sure I’m okay.” You smiled as you said this.
The weretiger only chuckled. “It was the least I could do… I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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Osamu Dazai
Simply put, the two of you would make up complex plans for the agency.
That is what originally made in interested in you in the first place. The two of you were lounging around in the office, coming up with a plan for an upcoming fight against the Port Mafia. It was very complex, and it all depended on one variable, but the two of you made it work miraculously.
Dazai admired how you put his trust in him so easily. He also admired how you could keep some of the most grim situations lighthearted.
If he ever saw you be passionate about something, he’d only fuel the fire. He’d do everything in his power to make sure that passion stays with you.
Sometimes he’d ask you questions about what you’re passionate about, only to hear your cute rambles. He finds it very endearing.
He knew about your unhealthy habit of overworking yourself from the start. He wouldn’t try to persuade you to not do it, no, but he’d make sure that you’re taking care of yourself. Dazai knows what it’s like to be unable to stop yourself when it comes to something like this.
If he ever catches you asleep at your desk or something of the like, he’d take off his coat and drape it over your shoulders. He’s a gentleman after all!
If you ever needed to take a break from everything and retreat somewhere for the day, he’d encourage you to do so. Dazai would recommend some book stores, a bar, and or just staying at your house. He wants you to be comfortable.
You slowly woke up at your desk. Some of your spit was on the cold wood alongside some on your cheek, so you lazily brought your hand up to your face and wiped it away. As you were doing so though, you felt a slight weight on your back. It wasn’t heavy, no, far from it. It kept you warm and cozy.
Once you let out a yawn, you grabbed the thing that was on your back. It felt like fabric, so you pulled it over into your line of vision. Lo and behold, it was Dazais jacket.
You got up from your chair, your bones cracking at the sudden movement. You then looked around for the tall brunette, wanting to give him back his jacket. Recently it was getting chillier outside, so you didn’t want him to be cold. You eventually found him slacking off on the offices couch, listening to music.
You tapped him on the shoulder, then offered up his jacket. “Here. I don’t need it anymore.”
Dazai smirked at you as he took off his headphones. “Keep it for a while. You were absolutely adorable with it on!”
“Oh! Are you sure?”
“Of course I am!”
You hesitated for a moment. You then sighed then put on his coat properly. After that you sat down right next to him and pulled out a book. He looked at you questionably, but then decided not to pry.
“What’s that book about?” He asked suddenly.
You looked up from the seemingly endless pages with a small smile. “It’s called Gone Girl. Basically this wife frames her husband for her murder. The ending gets very twisted though. It has to be one of my favorite books of all time…”
Dazai smiled at your rambling. He loved how passionate you can get over something like this.
“If you like the book so much, then I’ll just have to read it for myself,” he said sweetly. He then grabbed the book from your grasp with a smirk. “I think I might do that right now!”
You let out a shocked gasp. “How dare you!”
You reached up for the book, but he had the height advantage. After a few minutes you stopped fighting for the book and sighed in defeat. All throughout the whole ordeal, Dazai was chuckling. He enjoyed teasing you like this.
“Fine! You can read it,” you said as you pinched the sides of his torso.
Dazai let out a fake groan of pain. “Ow! You’re so mean to me!”
“That’s what you get for stealing my book.”
You brought your hand to your face, letting out a short yawn. Dazai seemed to notice as he looked over at you. He placed the book onto the table in front of you two, then guided your shoulders to his lap.
“You’ve been overworking yourself recently. Go on, take a nap,” he spoke gently.
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kuroo-hitsuji · 1 month
This is a prompt to talk about Lucifer and Satan purring (!!!!!) and body types??
Woo thank you !!
Starting with body types bc i think it will be shorter than the purring (i have. Many thoughts about the purring lmao). They're admittedly not drastically different from the models, I'm constantly at war with my brain between Canon Compliance and creative liberties ahzhsjxh but its a lot of smaller details, i hope its not disappointing at all orz
Lucifer - ironically his body type is the most difficult one for me to describe shdhhd he's just kind of a Fit Guy tm. Like he's got decently defined muscles and the slight dorito shape from his shoudlers/chest to his waist that you expect from anime men lmao. But he's not shredded, no washboard abs or anything (but relatively toned still, could be a six-pack if he's deliberately flexing lmao), the most defined muscles are in his arms and chest, primarily. Also he's got long-ass legs, idk why he is just ⅔ leg and i cannot unsee it
Satan - lean muscle and pretty boxy, the shoulder to waist to hip ratio isn't all that drastic, not a lot of chest muscle and again lean but not shredded ab region (using the flexing concept again I'd put him at a 4 pack lol) but also more visibly defined than Lucifer's at rest as well due to a slightly lower fat percentage. Also he has like no ass and I'll die on this hill (the first obey me post i ever saw was someone calling him out for having a flat ass in a chat picture and it has stuck with me the entire 4 years 💀 not slander btw we support all booties here). He's just very square/rectangle coded in my mind for inexplicable reasons
Demons purring is a headcanon I'm constantly dying to talk about Thank You 🙏 i hope these are actually like afjsjg decently coherent, they got long (as expected but still)
Lucifer - witnessing him purr at all is Exceptional rare (hearing it is even less common) for a combination of reasons that mostly boil down to his general commitment to his reputation and him being reluctant to show vulnerability at most times (and in this specific case its exacerbated by the fact that he was not Always a demon and the ability to purr in the first place is relatively foreign to him). He's put in the work to keep a handle on it as much as he can, and to keep it silent when he can't (control, control, control), and outside of him practicing that alone the most common instances of it happening have been when he's with MC, or when he's Very drunk and in good/safe company (diavolo, primarily. Lucifer is still hesitant to fully drop his facade with him, but it's been slowly melting away over the centuries. Diavolo does his absolute best not to call attention to the purring in the very rare instance that he even notices it occurring, but it is an absolutely herculean feat for him lmao). Generally the only time it's at all audible is with MC, in those rare perfect moments that let him feel safe and cozy enough to fully relax, often with the help of cuddling and petting his hair, wings, or the base of his horns. Even then it's quiet, a low, deep rumble somewhere between what you'd expect from a panther or other big cat (if they were actually able to purr) and the kind of sound a small tremor of an earthquake makes, where you might not realize you're even hearing anything at first but you can Feel your eardrums vibrating anyways.
Satan - also purrs very infrequently, for a few similar reasons but also wildly different ones. He's more accustomed to it as a general ability, having never had a body that was unable to purr in the first place, but he's still not incredibly familiar with it for a while. He did it instinctively as a self-soothing method at first, back when he was still out of control and would get locked in his room for the safety of himself and others, doing it less the more he gets a hold on his wrath, associating it with the consequences of a loss of control rather than positive emotions. It's not until he becomes attached to and knowledgeable about cats that he starts seeing it in a different light, eventually allowing himself to give into the urge to purr occasionally without feeling bad about it, but with this a different problem arises: having something so in common with cats has him almost too giddy, to the extent that when he starts purring he struggles to stop, so he still represses it most of the time. He purrs most often completely alone in his room where there will be minimal consequences to him getting stuck in a happy-stim feedback loop for an hour or two if it does happen, and he's still a bit embarrassed about the idea of this happening in front of MC for a good while, but not totally against it.
His purr tends to be a bit stilted and not particularly deep in pitch, waves of it more clearly following his breathing. It's not loud but its not really quiet either, and he's never really been successful at trying to control anything about it other than completely suppressing it, adding to the list of reasons he can't do it stealthily in day to day life as some other demons might be able to (purring loudly in public is seen as vaguely inappropriate, not really in a big way but kind of the same vibes as crying in public in most human settings. You won't get in trouble or anything but its one of those things most people feel more comfortable with keeping private).
I think I covered everything but if not I'll probably end up adding anything I couldve missed whenever i actually remember it lol
Thanks again for the chance to infodump :)
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monoclesnapple · 17 days
Simplicity is Lovely
Bungo Stray Dogs Female Chuuya Nakahara X Female Reader Summary: Headcanons about meeting and loving Fem!Chuuya Beginning Note: Kinda simple and boring, just wanted to get this out. Could probably find other fics that are similar to this, but eh. Word Count: 935 (Fluff)
You’re the daughter of a noble and recently moved elsewhere to start a new life alone.
You hoped to get a house, maybe find a job, and just live a peaceful life with a small, loving family.
You settle in and everything seems to be fine. You don’t want to gain a lot of attention, so you use a nickname and only share your real name to those who you trust.
Eventually, you meet Chuuya. The woman who isn’t necessarily a noble or anyone high ranking, but she has a reputation of being a fine and strong woman who isn’t looking for a husband to support her.
You respect her. She knows what she wants and refuses to cheat her way to a luxury lifestyle.
While you do have some money from your parents, you wanted to earn your own pay, so Chuuya was your motivation.
When you two met, you told her that you recently moved and wanted to support yourself. You two quickly became friends, bonding over your shared goals of being independent.
As you spend more time with her, you gain feelings. She’s so beautiful, and any men who want her, they can’t have her. And she’s so strong.
Because you two are very good friends, the best of friends now, really, you often sleep at either of your houses. There, you two can be vulnerable and share any and everything about yourselves.
Chuuya doesn’t like to conform to the standards for women, wanting to be recognized for her accomplishments and herself, rather than status.
You told her of your background, having a feeling that she might not like you due to it, but her respect for you only grew.
You, someone of a high enough status who could get things easier than common folk, we’re stepping away from that life in favor of peace? She really wishes she met you sooner.
Chuuya also has feelings for you, but romantic relationships between two people of the same gender are frowned upon.
The best either of you could do is simply continue your routine together, never really confessing. You two have a feeling that the other reciprocates the affection, but are afraid of possibly ruining things.
The incident that drove Chuuya to confess to you was when you were approached by a man who clearly had bad intent.
You were shoved against a wall and trapped between two wandering arms. You tried pushing them away, but were weakened by your shock. You had to scream, but you only let out quickening breaths, hoping that anyone was passing by.
Before any damage could be done to you or your apparel, the man’s face was punched by a gloved fist. You crouched down and hugged yourself, looking up to see Chuuya glaring at the attacker.
Luckily, her strong hit and threatening person was enough to convince him to flee. When he was gone, she turned to you? Her expression softening.
She crouched in front of you, gently taking one of your hands and asking, “You alright?”
You were still trying to calm yourself, but you managed to nod. “Yes, thank you.”
She stared at you for a few seconds before standing, pulling you up with her. She dusted off your dress and pulled you into a hug. You returned the embrace, burying your face in her shoulder.
Your breathing finally slowed enough and you mutter, “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t shown up… How can I repay you?” You leaned back to look at her.
One of Chuuya’s hands cupped your cheek and she responded, “I guess you can give me a kiss?” Her smile was lopsided as she internally yelled at herself for asking for that. She was going to take back her words, but you pressed a quick kiss to her lips.
She blinked at you, processing your action. You let out a soft chuckle at her expression.
“I’m assuming you return my feelings? Is it safe to do so?” You tilted your head, a small smile on your face.
Chuuya’s smile grew as she kissed you again. “Of course I do! I’m so glad you like me back!”
The two of you exchanged a few more kisses before deciding to go home to continue.
To the rest of the people, they only see the both of you as really good friends, always joined at the hip, as though you were destined to be by each other’s side. In private, though, you two always shared your love with each other.
Whenever either of you are approached by a man who’s hoping to marry, you simply turn them down. No need to give more information. If they’re really persistent, you’ll just say that you’re already with someone.
You both are married to each other with the help of a friend who knew about your relationship. After the brief ceremony, you and Chuuya celebrate your marriage in your lovely home.
After a year or two, you come across a young boy who doesn’t have a family. You two decide to adopt him, since you wanted a family, but couldn’t bear a child without a man. This was the perfect opportunity.
Your family is the most important thing to you, and the same goes for Chuuya. You’re both extremely thankful that you had made the decision to leave your house of home. Without that event, you wouldn’t be together. Probably stuck in some loveless marriage with a man.
While nobody aside from closest friends and your child know of your forbidden relationship, it couldn’t be more peaceful. Your goals have been completed.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
For ROR, was wondering about any headcannon or drabbles you may have of Buddha, Shiva, and Hercules as dads??
Parenting headcanons
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[ PLATONIC HEADCANONS ] [ Buddha, Shiva, Heracles ]
[ Records of Ragnarok / Shuumatsu no Valkyrie ]
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Buddha's part is dedicated to the simp of the four sages, i miss u 🥺
Just a cute reminder that here you are the child 🐭
My conclusion is Buddha besto father ✨✨
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Buddha is a pretty chill man and that won't really change when he becomes a father, he isn't exactly estrict and he let his child do whatever they wants, still he can get protective over you (specially with the gods)
Buddha actually loves parenting, finding pretty cute almost everything you do, specially when you were a baby, just holding you gently close to him make his day way better, and he loves seeing you grow up too
That is why Buddha can get pretty clingy to you, wherever he goes you go with him and he is always carrying you, in his arms, in his back or in his shoulders, wherever you prefer
Since Buddha used to be a prince he has received a very good education, and he will teach you all knowledge he remember along side with all that he had learn in his own
He is a really supportive father for whatever you want to do, doesn't matter is an ambitious goal or something more simple you will always have his support
Even when he let you do whatever you want he makes sure you don't forget to be respectful, you have to respect other as well as others have to respect you, even him, he tell you more than once that if he ever feel that he is been disrespectful or invase with you don't hesitant on tell him
Is for sure that you will meet the other sages too, but Buddha doesn't fully trust them to take care of you (specially in your early life) just because he knows the mess they are he is the same, but will never stop you from hanging out with them and they loves having you around, so is a win win for everyone
Buddha says that he doesn't like to brag about whatever he did, but he actually do love it and a lot but just with you because he loves seeing you amazed and proud expression whenever he tell you how he become the man he is now. And that is a negative point with the sages, because while your papa tell you amaizing stories about him the sages tell you stories about the irresponsable mess he is whenever he is with them (specially Confucious and Jesus)
The moment you start having friends with people your age or just people you like he just motivate you to go with them not really interfering, even when he doesn't seem affected by it is just matter of time for him to start to feel lonely without you around all the time (and he tells that to the other sages just to be dramatic and mess with them)
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If someone ask him about his child he normally don't say much, he acts like isn't a big deal, it isn't not like he doesn't like his newborn because he does and a lot, is just that he doesn't show it to others but he is extremely happy for this and he tent to spend all his time with his child, specially when you were just a baby
Your naps are the perfect excuse for him to be lazy, he says that he just want to look after you while you sleep but he always end up sleep too, it got pretty common to find Shiva sleep with you on top of him (sleeping too)
He won't admit it out loud but he is weak to your cuteness, whenever you do something cute (that for him is almost everything you do) he melt, leading Shiva to spoil you a lot, if there is something you want you will have it, he just can't bring himself to say not to cute little you
He grows pretty clingy to you, always wanting to hold you in his arms and play with you, but as you grow up he start to give you more freedom, not like he has been possessive is just that he loves spending time with you
He loves braging about all the adventures he had in the past and all the fights he had to become the man he is now (he may or may not exaggerate or lengthen the story to make it more exciting because he loves to see your amazed expression)
He isn't exactly estrict so is more probably that Parvati, Kali and Durga will be the ones who look after your education more. Although you are free to choose the direction your life will take once you grow up
Shiva introduce you to everyone he knows, still he is a little protective over you so if he notice that you are comfortable or someone is bothering you (even if is his friend) he will stand up for you, no matter what age you are he always will stand up for you
Once you start getting your own friends and wanting to go out without your parents Shiva gets a little jealous but he won't stop you from doing it, you have to explore the world on your own and find what you want to do
Shiva is totally the type of father that will tell your friends embarrasing stories about you because he find them cute and to mess with you
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Heracles is a caring and pretty protective father, he is mixed between wanting to protect his child from everything and anything and wanting to let them explore the world on his own
When you were just a baby he was really nervious about carrying you, is just that you were so small and tiny that he is worried that he would hurt you, it takes him a while to get used to but he end up loving holding you close to him
Heracles isn't exactly clingy but he likes to spend a lot of time with his child, and he gives you more freedom as you grow, again because he wants for you to explore and learn all you want
Also he used to carry you around all the time as a baby but as you grow he stop doing it so much for you to walk around all you want, although he will never say no whenever you ask him to carry you, no matter what age you have
Heracles will introduce you to the gods and humans he know (mainly the ones that are of his fully trust, specially when you were just a toddler), although he won't force you to get along with them, he hopes you will but won't force you if you don't
Since he is a god he will be busy from time to time so he will have to leave you with someone capable of taking care of you (probably Hermes), and, of course, it has to be someone you like and are comfortable with
Speaking of, whenever he goes out to fullfil a work he always tries to bring something for you on his way back, a gift of something he knows you will like (no matter how old you are he keeps doing it), and he always tell you the story of his adventure (avoiding disgusting details)
He isn't someone who likes to brag, but he can't say not to you whenever you ask him about the stories of all his adventures. And if you see him or tell him that he is a hero he will be so flustered by it and it gives him a lot of motivation to continue with his work
He want for you to grow up as someone caring and strong, he tell you that you should respect everyone, gods and humans, just as they have should respect you too. He won't let you be revelious but he isn't aggresive when confronting you
If you want learn how to fight he will happy to teach you (but will go easy on you since the circumstances aren't forcing you to become stronge like were when he a young human), but then again if you aren't interested on it is fine, he wont force you
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linkemon · 9 months
Showing affection headcanons 2
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
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✧ Clingy with the need of attention - this is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about him.
✧ He has a tendency to act like a child. He is everywhere and needs attention.
Have you seen what is happening in the market? No? You both have to go there now!
Were you watching me doing that trick? Well, see it now!
Are you listening to me at all? That day...
If he has your attention, he feels loved. Therefore, he gets jealous. More for show than for real but guys around you should be aware because he'll give stare at them or he'll just grab your hand and take you away without explanation.
✧ Venti likes to use the wind to pick you up. He'll make your hair look bad in a funny way or lift your skirt for if you wear it (within the limits of decency of course, almost...).
✧ He will sing for you any time of the day or night. Whether it's a private concert or a drunken shanty at Angel's Share, he'll take out his lyre and charm you and others present with his voice.
✧ He often takes you to the big tree in Windrise. Then he gets more serious and instead of quick kisses, before you expect it, he lays his head on your shoulder, reminiscing about older times. Then he also honestly talks about how much he appreciates you and what you have changed in his life.
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✧ Master of remembering details. The little things you shared with him, even long ago, turn into something special. Whether it's a gift or a place you wanted to see.
✧ His way of showing affection is to support and care for you. If you're having a bad day at a restaurant, he'll always gently ask how you're feeling. If you want to tell him, he'll listen, if not, he's got plenty of stories to distract you from your problems. Traditionally, he will make tea and then cover you with a blanket and you will sit together.
✧ Zhongli is a person who is used to showing affection more in private than in public but if you like walking around the city hand in hand, he doesn't mind.
✧ He loves to cuddle. You always feel safe in his arms.
✧ When you offered to comb his hair, he agreed and he must admit that he liked it a lot more than he thought. Now he often lets you do it or braid it.
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✧ If he's happy, his tail starts wagging. This is especially common with you. You can easily tell his emotions by his ears. Ever since a rumor spread among his people that his ears were lucky, you started petting them for fun. Embarrassed, he admitted that he liked it very much.
✧ Since the war in Inazuma ended, you have more time for each other. He especially appreciates being with you. Even if it's just paperwork, he doesn't mind. However, he especially encourages you to climb with him. He will always check the equipment several times and whether you are well fastened. He wants to be sure of your safety.
✧ He often brings you small gifts. Especially shells from the beach or pearls from Watatsumi. At some point it occurred to him that you probably had many of them before, after all, you lived on this island since childhood. He flattened his ears and started promising bringing something else but you assured him that the presents were beautiful and made a necklace out of them. Several people have complained that it looks childish but you don't care.
✧ You are a hero in his eyes since you learned how to cleverly save him from Yae Miko's clutches. The first time he yelled that you were so gorgeous he could kiss you. When you said you may do it, he got so embarrassed that you didn't bring it up again. He's not ready for it yet.
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Barbara Pegg
✧ If there's one thing you can be sure of, it's that Barbara will let you know that she loves you. Even if she gets embarrassed sometimes, she is so open that the words I love you are not a problem for her.
✧ Dressing your wounds is also an expression of affection for her. She will always help you when you have an accident or monsters attack you around Mondstadt. Barbara likes to apply bandages and tie mini bows on them. She also used to draw hearts on your cast.
✧ She loves to give you goodbye kisses on the cheek. You, on the other hand, love kissing her forehead. She considers it a very tender and caring gesture.
✧ She composed some love songs for you. You happened to find them by accident in her things. She's only sung one for you so far because she says the rest aren't finished. You have to wait until your birthday.
✧ Whether or not you believe in Barbatos she prays to him for your health and prosperity in all matters.
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my-own-walker · 1 year
dating frat! kyle headcanons please?? ily 💕💕
Dating Kyle Spencer - Campus Fratboy Headcanons
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note: i love this! it's a lil quickie i can put out before i post my next story!
He's really affectionate in public. Especially around his frat brothers. He treats you like his prized possession, but not in a toxic manipulative way. He's just really proud he bagged a babe like you.
And by showing you off, I definitely mean he tries to make his frat bros jealous of what he has with you. He talks you up to them and tells them how cool you are (your achievements, things he likes about you).
In private he's even sweeter. Very vulnerable with his emotions. He comes right out and says what he's feeling no matter what.
He will open up to you about anything. Fights/arguments are typically very productive. He's a good communicator and lays his thoughts out on the table for you.
Not afraid to cry in front of you either. He isn't afraid to curl up into a ball on your lap and sob into the crook of your neck. But he's also very supportive of your emotions too. Will do anything in his power to make you feel better. Total softie.
Frequently buys you flowers/food/trinkets he thinks you'd like whenever he gets the chance. Always thinking of you. He remembers the small things, too.
You said you were out of your moisturizer last night? He shows up with it the next day, correct brand and all, because he knew you had class and would be too busy to get to the store.
Definitely is already planning your wedding. Like who will be there, where it will be, the whole nine. He's a commitment king. He doesn't do flings. When he's dating you he's in it for the long haul.
100% has the worst sex playlist on Earth. Like he made one, which is cute, but it's all 80s yacht rock and classic rock he was raised on.
Fav songs include: Hold The Line by Toto, Goodbye Stranger by Supertramp, Do Ya by Electric Light Orchestra, and I'm Still Standing by Elton John.
Total uncle vibes. He's a 20-year-old uncle. Makes dad jokes and is super corny. If you're in a store together and a song he likes starts playing, he will full-on start singing and dancing to it in an attempt to make you laugh.
Like he will twirl you and everything.
A total people-pleaser. You have to have multiple stern talks with him about doing whatever his frat brothers ask him to do. He just wants to fit in, but you see their tendency to walk all over him and take advantage of his kindness.
That being said, he is totally cool with making a fool of himself in public. He laughs at himself a lot.
He's really book-smart, but not always street-smart. Common sense sometimes evades him. He'll tutor you in biology but then forget to use oven mitts when pulling something hot out of the oven.
Very intimate in more ways than sex. It isn't a top priority for him. He is very touch-oriented. Every part of him wants to be touching you at all times. He would live him your clothes if he could.
He's big on neck kisses. They're his weakness.
Whenever you hold hands he makes a point to stroke the back of your hand with his thumb. When you cuddle, he's playing with your hair. When you're studying together, his arm is around you, or his hand is on your forearm.
Big on eye contact. He likes to look into your eyes during intimate moments. It helps him feel grounded/stay connected to you. Gives him a sense of control.
He is super helpful. Will always carry heavy things for you. Built the Ikea bookshelf in your apartment for you all by himself. When he's around your family, he helps with cooking, cleaning, whatever.
Makes a point to sit next to your grandmother/grandfather. Really respects his elders. Has genuine conversations with them and is super patient. Truly listens to their life stories.
Has a folder in his phone of pictures of you. He's always taking candid shots of you. He likes the non-posed photos just as much as the posed ones.
Don't even get me started on the selfies. He will send you 5 million silly selfies when he's bored. Whenever you hang out he's taking dumb selfies with you. Basically, he figured out his phone had a front camera and has been entertained by it ever since.
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klausysworld · 1 year
hey honey can you make headcanons about dating joseph morgan😍
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@klaustopia love u and your mood boards ^^
Dating Joseph Morgan:
Joseph is a kind loving person, he wants you to know how much he loves you all of the time.
This is often shown from him spending as much time with you as possible. He helps you cook and clean, always trying to be helpful to you.
He'll ask you to help him learn his lines (if you're an actor too then he's even more eager)
He wants you to feel part his life even when he's pretending to be someone else. You get to come with him and watch him shoot scenes, if he has to kiss anybody else on set then he’s sure to make it up to you.
You don’t get mad at him for having to kiss other people, it’s part of the job after all but often he’ll feel bad about it and will be sure to make love to you later that day, showing you that he’s yours no matter what.
He also makes sure to take you on dates as much as possible. You have to travel around quite a bit for his job and so he makes sure you get the full experience of each place you visit.
He loves to bring you to the beaches, his arm round your waist as you stand before the sea, the sun low in the sky as you watch it disappear.
You have a collection of bikinis though he insists you buy a new one each time. He’ll go as far to buy shorts that consist of the same colour to see you smile at his coordination
Being a star in his own show comes with a large pay check and he loves to spend it on you, even if you tell him to keep it for himself he always gets you something to say thank you for always being with him.
He knows that with a fan base also comes with hate and unfortunately you may become a victim of it, he always feels awful even if you aren’t bothered. You love him unconditionally and toxic fans won’t stop that.
He’ll post you both together on his socials from time to time to make sure people know he’s still very much in love and he coaxes you to sit with him on his lives to show you off
Joseph knows how much you love his hair and will grow his curls out for you to play with. It becomes common for you to cut his hair instead of a professional, he prefers you to do it how you like it.
We also know Joseph is a dog person, your puppy dog is now your child. You both adore your pets and treat them like your babies.
Speaking of babies…
Jospeh is very happy to have kids with you if that’s something you want. He loves the idea of you being a mother, to have a baby that you created together.
If you don’t want kids thats fine too, he’s happy with you and he doesn’t need more, he’s content knowing that theres no worry of the child having to be hidden from cameras and fans.
He always has to keep you close to make sure he knows your safe and not being harassed. He loves when he meets fans who also adore you, glad that there are good people put there who are happy for him regardless.
You get to know that other cast members and you all go out from time to time for meals and such
Joseph loves to splash his cash and take you out on an expensive dinner every now and then to make sure the romance never dies.
He’s definitely someone who would cover the bedroom in candles, rose petals on the bed and he’s led across it with a a rose in his mouth making you giggle before joining him for a long, pleasurable night.
He’s a PDA guy and I don’t want to be convinced otherwise. He always wants to hold your hand or have him arm around your waist, kisses to your face and long hugs when he has to leave for a few hours.
Living with him is a dream and he never fails to keep your spirits up. On the days you are a little down and tired of the world he’s always there to hold you, he’s your biggest supporter and loves you to the ends of the earth
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silenzahra · 2 months
Dear friends: I LOVE YOU 💖💖💖
I don't even know where to start... I feel so HONORED that you've enjoyed my latest post so much 🥹😭💖
Thank you so much for all the comments, and likes, and reblogs, and for recommending it to your followers and friends. I swear I still feel like dreaming and you guys make this feel even better 🥹🥹🥹
@nuctoria @peaches2217 @itsavee4117 @keakruiser @bberetd
@alex-procrastinates @vulpixfairy1985 @hyperfixatingonbowuigisohard @cool-taya @charlie-the-ghost64
@mrs-luigi-vargas @luigitime83 @fandomphantom1 @thedragicloudluigi @canela2001
@wogwoman @imaginativefanatic @nunchukaninja-archive @pepperycar @brave-little-pauper
@thesavagekitten This goes for all of you 👇
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I really hope I didn't forget about anyone! 💖💖💖
In all honesty, I never thought this would get this far... It all started with some silly ideas from an avid bookworm who began to see herself reflected in her favorite character and got extremely excited every time she saw him with a book. And, from then... it all came alone, more or less. I've totally poured into Luigi (and the whole post) my own feelings when reading and fangirling over books, for you BET I'm also extremely intense when I'm enjoying a good novel. I simply thought that Luigi would act the same, since I have in common with him that I also get emotional very easily and experiment my own feelings in a very intense way. And it only makes me feel all the way more connected to my beloved boy in green 💚💚💚
So thank you. Thank you for your enthusiasm (I didn't expect that there would be so much anticipation when I shared my teaser post a few days ago!), and for welcoming all my ideas with open arms. I totally enjoyed writing them, and it was definitely something I needed after everything I went through last month. These headcanons have helped me connect with Luigi (and the whole gang) again, which means I totally feel like writing fics again and I just couldn't be happier because I've missed it so much! 🥹🥹🥹 I really hope you're ready, because some of the HCs I've shared today will definitely become written works in the future! And I'll obviously be bringing at last my pending fics! ✨
Of course, I can't leave without giving special thanks to the amazing @itsavee4117 for his lovely post (please go check it! 💖💖💖). Dear friend, it's been such a pleasure to work with you and to see some of my ideas come to life in your gorgeous art style! 🥹 I just LOVE how you've illustrated them, the many details here and there, how expressive and CUTE all the characters look... And of course, seeing our beloved Luigi in a beautiful dress is always such a treat! 💚 I seriously LOVE all of your drawings, but if I had to choose, I'd go with the babies (MY HEART 😭), the Cycle of the Common Reader (Peach and Luigi are so ME in that one!), and of course...
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They look so damn CUTE 😭😭😭 I swear, I've enjoyed writing the whole post, but the Luaisy parts were my ABSOLUTE favorite because this couple really owns my heart. And, more specifically, their first Book Day together, with Daisy's purple dress covering Luigi's legs while he tries to read the book he has gifted her... My God, how I ENJOYED writing that. These two cuddling and kissing and sharing their love for literature I just 😭😭😭 I love them.
And then you go and draw this MASTERPIECE and I'm. So dead and happy and crying 😭😭😭😭😭 It's literally my phone wallpaper right now, THANK YOU, thank you for all your drawings, Vee, but especially for this one 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 You made me SO HAPPY 😭😭😭💚🧡✨
Again, thank you everyone for all your love and support! You truly mean EVERYTHING to me 🥹 I still can't get over the fact that what I write not only interests you, but you also enjoy and love it. I'm so elated to be part of such an amazing and wholesome community 💖💖💖
I'm now off to bed, but again, thank you so much for making this the best Book Day I've ever had 🥹🥹🫂🫂 I love you all with all my heart 💖💖💖💖💖
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samiwife · 8 months
Hi again can you do Headcanons and Preferences for Julian Casablancas ? I never found nothing about him, I would really love + the way you think and write it's perfect!
Of course! I love doing these. By far my favorite things to write! Also thanks for the support and request!!!! <3
Headcanon and Preferences 𓆩⟡𓆪 (Ft: Julian Casablancas)
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𓆩♡𓆪= Smut
ੈ✩‧₊˚= Fluff
⋆ ★= Angst
𓆩⟡𓆪 = Headcanons
Always sings for you
Tries to take you on tour but you always say no
Playing with his hair is a constant
You wear his leather jackets
He always wraps his arms around you
He's unbelievably funny
He's also very wise and mindful
You could talk to him for HOURS
Sleeps face down like a corpse (haha, I'M SORRY)
He's insecure about his lips (thinks they're too thin)
He always snuggles his head in your chest
You make fun of his style a lot
Gets jealous easily
Pouts when he's jealous
He doesn't know it but he has MUSCLES
Radiates gentlemen vibes
Does everything for you like opening car doors, carrying you to bed, etc
He makes funny faces when alone with him
Speaks so many languages
Loves touring
Eats so little (it concerns you)
He drinks and smokes (which you hate)
Wears nice black boots with tank tops
When he wears belts, it kills you
Chugs energy drinks
Draws a lot but also writes song lyrics a lot
His smile is everything
Flirts with his fans
Has the funniest stares when he looks at you
You sometimes help dye his hair
Very medium-sounding moans during sex
HOWEVER, he is very good at doing oral
His tongue is a skill
Him fingering you drives you crazy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He sings when he's alone
Gets slightly embarrassed when you hear him sing
Has a lot of vintage music stuff like a CD player and records
Would wear fake mustaches to make you laugh
He loves to make you smile or laugh
Holds your hand when you're scared
Piggyback rides are common
He may be insecure about his lips but he is a good kisser
Loves eating dessert
Would choose sweets rather than an actual meal
Loves comedy films and watches them with you all the time
Hates studying and books (thinks they're for nerds)
Also hates going shopping but does it for you
He can be very mean sometimes
He makes fun of you like how you make fun of him
Playfully pushes you and hits you
Always fake cry when you slightly hit him
He always wears funny T-shirts
Also loves Disney movies
Has an undying love for Mickey Mouse (LMAO)
Makes his own loom bracelets
You mock him for having a shirt that looks like a mechanic would wear
His morning voice is so hot
Rides his bike but he sometimes falls off it
Great with babies but terrible with kids
He tries to act like an older brother in front of kids
He acts like a father with babies
Overpacks while traveling
His nails are always clean and neat
Has crooked teeth but it's okay
For some odd reason, he loves playing golf
Hates cold weather
Always looks like a grandma when the weather is cold
He gets sick easily
You steal his necklaces and bracelets
His favorite vacation spot is NYC
Speaks fluent French
Speaks French to confuse you
He's kinda dumb but you always teach him
He loves music class
Has strong political views
Loves learning about philosophy
Loves learning about space and planets
Has glow in the dark stars around his bedroom
Has the weirdest decorations in his room like a rocksalt lamp and stalker-like pictures of you
His favorite animals are lizards
He tries to skateboard but he keeps falling
Lastly, he kisses you a lot on the lips, cheek, chest, and much more. He also tries his best to make a better life for you. He talks about marriage a lot with you.
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cup1dt3a · 1 year
Coming out Hc! Ft: Dorm Leaders
summary: headcanons n honor of girlypop month of how our beloved dorm leader cast would react to you coming out to them!
Riddle Rosehearts
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He would most likely not know that much about homosexuality. His mother is and is most definitely homophonic so he would know nothing of it unless his mother speaks of it in a negative light.
Though even with his little understanding of it he will try to be supportive. He won’t know that much of what he’s being supportive of at first but he will try to be. Along with later that night after you explained it to him he would dedicate his whole night to just studying every little bit of information he could get about it just because he wants you to know he cares about you. Like he is having a whole ass study montage just for you. But he isn’t going to study all night no. He knows better than to stay up. But he may just stay up for a few more minutes then he’s supposed to just for you. His dorm is going through hell but hey we all have to make sacrifices for our loved ones.
If someone is bullying you then it’s immediately off with their head, having to write a whole essay on why they shouldn’t bully people over being attracted or a different gender, and then studying everything about LGBTQ+. If they can’t understand it then they might as well learn how to.
“So…Riddle I’m ____.” You said finally mustering up the courage to tell the red head. He remained silent for a few seconds worrying you. Holding in your breath as you awaited for him to start yelling at you about how it was wrong. “ Oh…I’m not too familiar on that subject of sexuality. Do you mind explaining it…I’m not upset with you. Mama never really told me about things like this.” He sighed giving you a reassuring soft smile of his.
Leona KingScholar
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He in all honesty doesn’t care whatever you are. You could even be a fucken mango and he’s still want to go back to sleep after you told him. Like he gives zero fucks. Though he will be supportive in his own way. He won’t treat you differently or anything really but even though he’ll never tell you this he appreciates you telling him.
He may be an asshole to a lot of people especially you but he still has his own little soft spots for people that care about him. And with you caring enough to tell him he may even be a little nicer to you. Not a lot because you’re just a herbivore but still just a little nicer. He makes no promises.
If someone is bullying you well then all hell goes loose. You’re someone he actually tolerates so you’re pretty much untouchable. Because who would want to get on his bad side?
“ Well I’m _____ Leona….” You said. How you even managed to be in such a serious conversation with him you will never know but one thing you will is his face slightly softening after you tell him. He still looked a bit annoyed from being woken up from his nap, but still he then let out a chuckle. ” That’s nice….will you now let me sleep?” He stated with a tilt to his head. ” I feel so supported from you.” You huffed crossing your arms. ” I’m sorry for not leaping in joy.” He said in a dramatic gesture making you laugh.
Azul Ashengrotto
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In the sea it’s very common for same sex relationships, transitions, and ect. So at first he won’t understand what’s so important about you telling him because it’s something he had seen every day growing up. But when he does he is very shocked. And has the most surprised face ever. When you explain to him about how things work up on the surface he is flabbergasted. At first he thinks it’s a joke but when he sees it’s not he’s nice again flabbergasted!
He’ll be supportive of you so don’t worry and if someone isn’t well they’re now the Leeches problem you poor unfortunate soul. Being bullied for something such as attraction or gender should be a crime. And bullying in general he’s literally the bully buster.
“I’m ___ !” You told the shady business man. “ Ok? I mean that is normal.” He told you with a soft chuckle at why this was such a big deal to you. ” Maybe where you come from but it’s very different and difficult up here.” You explained before going on about what it was like up here. After telling him he is flabbergasted! “ People even get bullied for attraction that’s just ridiculous!” He gasped.
Kalim Al Asim
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This sweet baby is also very clueless on why it’s such a big deal. Not because he doesn’t understand it. No he has many siblings that probably are also part of the LGBTQ+ so he had painstakingly studied about it just for his younger siblings being the good older brother he is. He didn’t study that much but still he tried his best to understand what it was just for them. So when you go to tell him he is immediately hugging you. He’s very happy you told him it. He might even throw a party. But if you don’t want have a big ol party tell him now before he does it all in one minute. It’s literally a party everday for him so please if you don’t want one tell him or else you will now be very well known for your sexuality.
The most spot on supportive person in this whole group. If someone is bullying you well then he’s giving them a stern talking to. Joking yeah Jamil will deal with them as Kalim gives them a very friendly but oddly threatening talking to.
“ Kalim…I’m ____!” You stated in fear of what the heir would say to you. I’m “ I’m so happy! We should celebrate! How about a coming out parody!?” He suggested as he rushed to hug you.
Vil Shoenhiet
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Have you seen this man? Have you fucking seen this man? He is literally the most obvious ally you will have. If you seriously thought he would be homophonic he will be extremely offended. Vil is literally the most girly pop of this group. He has literally everything in the bag. I’m not joking he is now your Marry Poppins. If you need any tips he’s got you. If you’re having gender dysphoria you’re now going shopping or whatever to help you feel better. He’s your guy!
Someone bullies you they are now cursed. Hes joking but wished he could, but he has a reputation to keep so yeah. If they’re in Pomefior their life will be even more of a living hell in that dorm. If they’re not well let’s say they would want to show their face anywhere.
“Vil ….I’m ____!” You stated waiting for his answer. “ Oh that lovely potato!… Did you seriously think I’d be homophobic? I knew you were stupid, but not that stupid.” He sighed. “ Well…I mean you just never know with people.” You shrugged. ” I’m not that judgmental or strict!” He announced while a feral Epel silently disagreed.
Idia Shroud
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Another obvious Ally. Just because he rages like a serial killer when losing a game or threatens to doxx people on the internet doesn’t mean he’s homophobic. He’s literally just slouching in his chair playing on his nindento switch when you all the sudden just come out to him. Listen just because he can be mean and scary doesn’t mean he is always mentally prepared for things. It takes him a whole minute to even process what he should say. Until he eventually just says “Oh…okay.” Sure it’s not what you’re expecting but still it’s the thought that counts.
He literally will support you. He along with Vil, Kalim, and Azul probably know the most about LGBTQ+ in all honesty. He probably has questioned himself after having his fourth identity crisis every week.
If anyone bullies you well they’re dead. I’m not joking they are literally just dead to him. They may or may not have had their address leaked by some mysterious person online. No one will ever know.
“Idia I’m ____!” You announced finally getting it off you chest. ” Oh, okay…. I mean good for you, but I’m really trying to kick this persons ass right now.” He told you. ” I’ve never felt so cherished and supported in my life wow!” You sarcastically told him as he rolled his eyes.
Malleus Draconia
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Once again clueless but he does know about it just not that much of it. He doesn’t see it as bad or anything really just two people who are in love. Something his hopeless romantic ass dreams of. A beautiful relationship with the person he loves most. But once you come out to him he’s very intrigued about it. And so on you’re now his very own encyclopedia or dictionary. He is thrilled to have you explain things to him. He finds your knowledge and how you put things very amusing.
Very supportive and I mean very…very supportive. He got a pride flag just for you. Just for you He will even ask Lilia many questions about it too just to learn some more about it. But yes in all honesty very supportive friend who will love you no matter what.
You aren’t being bullied no. Just no if the idiot doesn’t know your friends with him they will now know. And have a 50/50 on making it out maybe.
“ Hornton I’m ___! “ you told him anxiously waiting for his response. ” Everyday you intrigue me more and more Child of Man.” He chuckled giving you a sweet smile.
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Tysm for reading this! Hope you’re all doing well or that things are getting better! In honor of the first day of pride month I had done this! I hope each and everyone of you are s having the best of luck! Sorry if a bit of them are kinda oc!
Sincerely-Cup1dT3a ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Shout out to all of my fellow Bisexuals!
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littlelightfish · 6 months
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Four Swords boys, the sames from the manga, but my version of them.
They're around 15-16 here
Under the cut for my headcanons and closeups <3
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My personal favorite
Blue is less explosive after his adventure, but an overall grumpy introvert, and is autistic. Talks very little with his brothers, but he talks to no-one else. Doesn't know sign language, he has to express himself the best he can, and since he doesn't always has something to write on, he ussually just doesn't try to socialize and can be mistaken for someone rude when he doesn't reply. He doesn't have friends aside from his brothers and Zelda, but is mostly fine with it, and his love language is acts of service, since he doesn't know how to express love very well, and likes making the people he cares about happy. He isn't great with his body language when he's not trying to express something in particular. Ussually stands arms crossed and grumpy face.
Usually goes on missions with one of his brothers (since the events of the manga, he doesn't like being outside alone at all), and he's the strongest colour, at the same time, the most scarred of them (usually takes the first hit and tries to avoid his brothers getting hurt in battle at any costs). Gets a bit jaleous when he notices how many friends Green and Red have, and when he's left aside or behind (on purpose or not) he tends to overthink and aisles himself. Claustrophobic, can't sleep with closed doors and without a light, hates the cold, and when stressed can be very sharp and mean. He has outbursts when stressed but he usually doesn't mean what he says or does when he's having it. His brothers and the castle guards know this, but town's people don't, and that's why he isn't very loved in town, and why he doesn't like going outside and getting involved into situations that may stress him. Sometimes he hates himself for being like this, and hates that he can't help it, but at least he's got his brothers support. His farher doesn't understands him, and often makes him upset trying to be nice, which he gets, but it drains his patience and pushes him to be sharp with him.
Has an obsession with weapons. He knows every single one of them, he loves them, he likes to take care of them, polish them, test them... His room is always tidy because he just can't stand when something is out of place. Has sensory issues with certain foods and doesn't like animals that much. Only Red's kitten. He's the only one that truly understands him.
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Green hasn't changed that much, he's a loud extrovert and spending time with people is his love language. Is Zelda's closest friend, they share everything after the adventure. He doesn't like being the center of attention, but manages it well, at least better than the other colours. Uses a ponytail because Zelda told him once that she liked soldiers with long hair, and is the one with the most common sense, against popular belief.
He is terrified of solo missions, and likes Blue's mute company the best when outside, but he enjoys time alone in the castle and their home. He's the one the people are talking about when they say "Link", and therefore the only one that reacts at that name. Has ADHD, can't sit still even in serious situations, even when he tries, always forgets what he was going to do and that's why he writes down everything he's been told to do. Usually is the one to carry all the healing items, as he's the most agile and fast of them, and can hand or throw a bottle with precision while running. He's really good at sparring and is usually the last standing colour in a fight.
He is worried sick about his brothers well-being, much more than he cares to admit. He is often at Blue's side at all times (unless when he says that he needs/wants to be alone), and is beginning to worry him the way people in town looks at Blue. He's got an obsession with insects. He knows every family of insects, every variation, the evolutive line of every single one of them he sees. Yet, arachnids do not count. He HATES spiders with all his might. Still, knows everything about them. Specially the bet way to get rid of them.
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He's seen things. Usually soft and caring, but often too tired to get out of bed. Is really sweet and never means to make anyone upset, and even though he doesn't know how to say no, he knows to stand for others, to tell if someone is being reckless, and can see when someone is a bad person right though.
His brothers are afraid he might be developing some kind of disorder, and they suspect depression or bipolarity (1), and he has come to admit he isn't as happy as he was before, and he would like to know what's wrong with him, because he realizes it isn't normal to behave like he does. Lately he's been having meltdowns more frequently, and struggles with basic chores.
Reliable in battle, is always trying to get everyone to safety once they can't continue fighting. He's very perceptive and can tell when someone is hiding an injury easily, at the same time, he's the best hiding them (when he believes it's nothing that important). Usually is the one to save Blue's ass when he is very focused on being the human shield of the group, and the best at not getting hit. They've decided lately that's better not to take him into missions until he feels better. Is a terrible survivalist, likes to cook and eat very much, and can't stand being alone at any time, otherwise he'll start overthinking and end up crying after the first half hour. He has many friends in town and all over the map, is by far the most loved of the colours, likes to write letters to them and his love language is giving gifts. He's the reason they adopted a kitten. He is empathetic, bot doesn't know how to handle other people's meltdowns or outbursts. Likes Vio's silence company the most, but enjoys everyone's. He really doesn't like dark places, and being alone is his biggest fear.
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After his adventure, he's shown to be someone who doesn't like being disturbed while focused, but that enjoys company. He's really talkative and objective, but even being the brains of all them, he lacks of common sense. He thinks everything way too much, is always the pessimist vewing the worst possible outcome, and because of that he's always prepared for the worst. He knows every enemy's weakness only by looking at it, but he's the worst at fighting and the first always to fall. He prefers to be shooting arrows from a safe distance because he isn't that useful during a battle (he knows this and doesn't like going on missions at all). The scars on his face are Shadow's courtesy, and he doesn't like to talk about it. He's the closest to Red and the one that knows the first when somethings off about him, but sucks at reading people in general. He knows the best how to get Green to focus on something, and how to manage Blue's outbursts and prevent them. His love language probably is phisical contact, but he is really selective in this. He's afraid of heights and often avoids the third floor of a building or a dungeon if he can, especially if the room he has to go to has windows or a balcony. If he can avoid going into stairs, better.
He doesn't really likes to talk about his feelings at all, but no because he's shy about it, but because he doesn't understands feelings well, even tho he knows how to behave and react when someone's being emotional. He often feels guilty about Shadow, and wonders if he did the right thing back then. "It was probably the best outcome", he thinks to put his mind at ease. He didn't had any kind of feelings towards him, he was only hoping to be useful to the other colours with his actions.
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He was very little time with the colours, and no-one seems to know what happened to him after he disappeared. After saving them he was presumed dead, but he lives in the colours shadow and has enough movement to unsettle someone looking carefully. He wishes to be hylian and live the lovely lives they all seem to live, but he knows every messed up thing that happens in the colour he's under range of vision/hearing, even when said colour doesn't. When the colour he's being the shadow of falls in battle or asleep, he, if wants to remain conscious, has to move to the shadow of another of the colours, but it's really hard to do, since he has to be touching the other shadow for it. It's easy in dark rooms, but since they don't seem to like them very much, he just falls unconscious.
He truly hates being reduced to a mere shadow, he misses talking so much... He's always the first to know when there are enemies nearby, when someone's about to get ambushed, and when an item is cursed. He usually avoids being at Green or Vio's shadow, because Green's always close to Zelda, and because of what Vio did. He had a hard time getting over it. He prefers Blue's shadow the best, and is worried sick about his and Red's well-being since they're often struggling with being alive, and he grew a soft spot for them both with time. When far from Zelda, Green's shadow is his fauvorite. He's always moving and doing something, it amazes him a bit, actually.
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They all go by he/him, but they don't mind being misgendered my "they/them", it makes sense. Every other pronoun would offend them and they will kindly (or not so much) tell what their pronouns are.
Red is hetero, Blue is demi, Green hetero as well, Vio aro, and shadow doesn't know what we're talking about neither cares.
If you read all this, thanks for liking it enough to read it all <3
If I mispronounced something, I'm sorry, English isn't my first language :')
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