#tony stark aus
wynnd-citrus · 16 days
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Italian dad forehead kisses hehehehehe I love them
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literaryavenger · 5 months
Summary: Your crush on Bucky may be getting out of control.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Warnings: Dramatic Reader. Language. Angst. Fluff. My poor attempts at being Funny.
Word Count: 1.4K I'm physically incapable of making anything short.
A/N: I wrote this in like 2 hours and I don't even know what this is, just... Yeah.
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This is terrible.
This is the worst thing that's ever happened to you.
This is the worst thing that's ever happened to anyone. It's just the most horrible, dreadful, awful thing that could’ve ever happen to yo-
“Would you stop staring at him for fuck's sakes!” Natasha's hissed words make your eyes snap to her and finally away from the metal armed Supersoldier lifting weights. Shirtless.
You don't know when Bucky stopped feeling self-conscious enough to allow him to workout in nothing but a pair of gym shorts, but it has become literal torture for you.
Needless to say, Bucky's current level of undress is making it impossible for you to concentrate on the stretching you're supposed to be doing before your sparring match with Natasha.
But your very thoughtful and not at all exasperated friend makes sure to keep your attention on her during the entirety of our match by thoroughly kicking your ass.
What a lovely best friend you have.
Your entire mood shifts with one not intentionally overheard conversation. Steve enters the gym and goes straight to Bucky, who was putting his weight set down.
“She’s here!” Is all the blonde says to his friend and your heart stops at the way Bucky’s face lights up with a smile, not needing any more information before following Steve out of the gym.
She’s here? Who the fuck is she? Does Bucky have a girlfriend? And most importantly, she’s here? In the Compound?
Natasha can almost see the gears turning in your brain as you make no attempts to move from the mat after she knocked you on your ass for the hundredth time today. You didn’t even seem to notice her hand offering you help to get up, your eyes still looking where Bucky was just a moment ago, staring at nothing in particular while your brain drowns in your overthinking.
Natasha sighs and decides to end the match here, kneeling down in front of you and placing her hands on your shoulders, shaking you gently to snap you out of it.
“Don’t overthink this.” She tells you when she’s sure she has your attention. “It’s probably just a friend visiting.” She tries to comfort you, but you both know that’s highly unlikely. 
Bucky has no other friends outside the team. He doesn’t know how to talk to civilians anymore after everything he’s been through, and gave up trying to after the hundredth time he saw fear in a person’s eyes just by recognizing him. So his friend circle now includes the team and the agents of SHIELD that are not intimidated by him. Point is, every friend he has already lives in the Compound.
So who the fuck is here just to see him? 
Natasha can see that this is a lost battle, your eyes barely concentrating on her as you start drowning in your mind again. All she can do when you’re like this is try to distract you and keep you out of your head. So she takes your hand and helps you up, leading the way to the common room to watch one of your beloved romcoms together, because that’s how much she loves you.
Big mistake.
“Y/N! Y/N!” The excited high-pitched voice came just seconds after you set foot in the common room. And that’s about the only warning you got before the excited 5-year-old jumped on you, your reflexes thankfully quick enough to catch her.
“Hi, Maguna!” You say while chuckling as the little girl hugs you. “You seem excited today. Did you get into the sugar cabinet again?”
Morgan giggles at your joke and shakes her hand before taking your face in her little hands and dramatically saying, “No! A princess came to visit uncle Bucky! A real princess.”
You frown, confused at what she’s talking about, before you look around the room and finally notice everyone else in it. Pepper and Tony are on the couch, looking at you lovingly as you interact with their daughter.
You love Morgan, she’s like a little sister. You never miss an opportunity to babysit her and you spend as much time with her as you can. She also loves you, out of all the Avengers you’re her favorite, much to everyone’s dismay. She calls them all ‘aunt’ and ‘uncle’, but you’re just Y/N. You’re her big sister, you don’t need a title. Which is why you're the only one other than Tony allowed to call her 'Maguna'.
Then you notice the other people in the room: Steve, Bucky and… Shuri. The fucking Princess of Wakanda, standing in the common room of the Avengers Compound and just smiling at you as you carry Morgan.
You’ve never met Shuri, but you know she played an important part in deprogramming the Winter Soldier out of Bucky, and you’re grateful to her for it. She’s important to Bucky, and you can’t believe you forgot Bucky has Wakandan friends.
You put Morgan down on the ground again and the little girl takes your hand and aggressively steers you towards where Steve, Bucky and Shuri are standing, clearly thrilled to be in the presence of a real life princess.
“Hi, I’m Shuri.” She offers you her hand when you get close enough and you shake it with your free hand while introducing yourself.
There’s a bit of an awkward pause and you’re about to say the first thing that pops into your head when Morgan thankfully saves you by pulling on your hand, making you look at her. She tells you to come close and, chuckling, you kneel beside her so she can whisper conspiratorially in your ear.
“She’s a princess and she’s really pretty, but I still like you better.” She whispers and you can’t help but laugh.
God, you love this little girl.
You smile brightly at her and launch a tickle attack, her adorable giggles filling the room as everyone looks at you two with warm smiles.
Your attention is solely on Morgan, until you unintentionally hear the whispered conversation between Shuri and Bucky.
“So, this is the girl, huh? She’s pretty.” Shuri says and your heart skips a beat. 
You glance at them as discreetly as you can while still tickling Morgan, only to find Bucky looking at someone behind you. You turn around less carefully and see Sharon just entered the room, and she's also looking at Bucky with a smirk. You quickly return your attention to Morgan, but your mind is going a thousand miles a minute.
Of course he’d like someone more like Sharon. She’s pretty, she’s talented, she’s a total badass and she’s not afraid to go after what she wants.
She’s not a mass of anxiety in the shape of a woman that overthinks everything and becomes a flustered mess every time she’s even near Bucky.
It’s time to admit it to yourself: Bucky just doesn’t see you like that and you need to move on. 
Natasha is right, your obsession with Bucky needs to end.
What you don’t see is Bucky almost glaring at Sharon because he knows damn well why she’s smirking. She came in just before Shuri whispered to Bucky, when he was very intent on looking at you with heart eyes as you played with Morgan.
Just before you looked at him, Bucky noticed Sharon and he had to hold in a groan at her because he knows that she’s never gonna let him live this down.
Both Sharon and Steve have tried really hard to convince Bucky that you like him back and he should make a move on you. But Bucky, being as stubborn as they come, never believes them.
He obviously makes you uncomfortable, you’re always stuttering when he’s around and you avoid eye contact whenever possible. He’s just glad that you can stand his presence enough for the two of you to work together when necessary and to hang out with the rest of the team without problems.
So he just enjoys looking at you from a distance. He loves watching you play with Morgan and his thoughts always run wild with images of you playing like that with kids that are yours and his.
But he knows that’s never going to happen. Why would you like a damaged, PTSD ridden soldier that can’t even make it through the night without waking up from a nightmare? No, that’s definitely not your type.
Bucky accepts the truth: He doesn’t deserve you and you don’t see him like that anyways. 
It doesn’t matter that Sam thinks he’s obsessed, that won’t stop him from looking at you whenever he’s lucky enough to get a glimpse of his little ray of sunshine.
Requested taglist: @vicmc624 @matchat3a @nerd-without-a-cause @sapphirebarnes @cjand10 @mostlymarvelgirl @julvrs @blackhawkfanatic @lillianacristina @armystay89 @imdoingbetternow @spookyparadisesheep @elizalexwil @aceofhearts25 @dontworryboutitsweetheartxx-blog @justab-eautifulmess @buggy14 @thedonswife13
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lillyrob · 15 days
Actual footage of me patently waiting for my favorite author to upload😫😫😫
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ironshieldchild · 1 month
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a little something i made lmao
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The Baby Trappers AU Masterlist
Stories including some devious men with a breeding kink.
Wicked Games | Steve Rogers | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
So I | Bucky Barnes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Crash and Burn | Tony Stark | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
No Sugar Tonight | Brock Rumlow | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Long Snake Moan | Loki | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Bittersweet Symphony | Thor | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
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negasonic9403 · 2 months
Deaf!Peter trying out his new suit for the first time
Peter: Woah, Mr. Stark this is so cool! The suit is amazing!
Tony: It's got quite a lot of special features kid
Karen (AI): *smaller screen focuses in on Tony's lips and brings up captions that Peter can read*
Peter: *confused* You programmed my suit with captions?
Tony: *smirking* Well duh, I can't have you running around clueless when there's too much background noise or if someone's turned away while they're explaining the plan. That also works with the comm system too and if your AI ever goes down, but your suit still has power, I added a feature where you can alert me that you're on your own so I can intervene if need be
Peter: *pauses slightly as he's reading along while Tony's speaking* Wow, thank you Mr. Stark! That's just— wow! This really helps a lot, thank you!
Tony: It works for other languages too. The captions will appear in English
Tony: *signing in Italian Sign Language* Including other sign languages
Karen: *shows Peter captions in English*
Peter: *signing in ASL and excited* It worked! You said it includes other sign languages for the captions!
Tony: *signing in ASL and laughing* Yes, just don't expect me to know anymore Italian. I can speak it, not sign it
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ncis-nerd · 3 months
Breaking Point
older!nat x reader
warnings: anxiety, sleeping problems, mentally exhausted, crying, hints of mental illness?, age difference, petnames, spilled water, arguing, wet clothes, burnout?
grey november au
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"And I think we have space in our budget to do such a thing" Tony shrugged. You had another meeting and the earth's mightiest heroes could not agree upon how they wanted to spend the extra money they had.
You sighed softly, waiting for something solid so you could go back to note-taking. Natasha's eyes fell on you, after listening to Tony and Steve's back and forth.
"You okay" She mouthed, seeing your eyes drop. You were so tired, your anxiety had been worse lately and you couldn't sleep. Scratch that, you wanted to sleep but you were so busy with other work.
"I think we should take 5 before we have another situation guys.." Natasha side eyed Steve. "Hey! It wasn't my genius idea to use the metal suits" Steve rolled his eyes at Tony. Tony shrugged and said "sure, I could go for some water. Y/n?" His eyes fell on you.
Silence. "Yeah, can you get some for me and y/n too, please?" Natasha spoke up.
It was just you and Natasha in the room when she came over to you. She bent down, to your level to meet your gaze. "Dove?" Natasha spoke softly, the feeling of concern hinted in her voice.
"talia' m so tired.." you whimpered, raising your teary eyes to meet hers. It hurt her to see you in such distress. "Oh detka.." Natasha sighed, wrapping her arms around yours.
"I know you have sleeping problems.. Maybe we can talk to Bruce about that? Get you on sleeping pills?" Natasha spoke carefully, not sure on where you stood about on taking meds.
You nodded; you were open to just about anything because you were reaching to your breaking point. That is if, we weren't there already.
Natasha's fingers found its place in your hair, scratching your scalp softly.
Tony and Steve walked back into the room, both men holding 2 overfilled glasses of water. They walked very slow, attempting to not spill any.
You were sitting next to Natasha when they returned, neither men commented on this. Instead, they took their seats. Tony began to speak "Y/N? Remind me, where did we leave off?" Your eyes glanced at the notes on your computer. "Metal suits? The budget, we were brainstorming on what the spend the money on" You spoke softly, Natasha rested her hand on your thigh as a measure to comfort you and let you know she is here.
"Ah yes, the budget! As I was saying, I need some money for spare parts!" Tony exclaimed. Steve butted in "You already have a bunch of suits, how much more could you possibly need? " Steve huffed. As the two continued to argue, you picked up your cup to take a sip of water. Unfortunately it was filled to the max and you ended up spilling it all over you.
This caught the attention of Steve and Tony, distracting them from their argument. "I-" You stuttered. "And this concludes the end of the meeting. Steve, Tony, lets maybe not spend the whole meeting arguing next time?" Natasha jumped in, dismissing the tow men.
Steve and Tony left the conference room first. Before you could tear up, Natasha took your hand and let you to her room. "I think you need a warm, smoothing bath, babe. You need to relax, I'll run the bath and prep everything. Is that okay, dove?" Natasha spoke softly, her eyes meeting yours. You nodded.
taglist: @ssa-shaylam @madamevirgo @radcherryblossompainter @midastouch013 @dumbasslesbi @krystallevine @ellieromanov @fxckmiup @viosblog112-
part 2?
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Wanda: What the hell is wrong with your species?!
Demon!Nat:…Erm I don’t…I don’t what??
Wanda: Y/n has been ignoring me all day! Why?
Demon!Nat: Well Wanda when it gets to a certain time of the month a demon partner needs to spend a few days away from the other partner especially if they’re of female origin
Demon!Nat: Wanda you’re on that time of the month and there’s blood and when there’s blood around we either kill or protect our partners, maybe Y/n is on the kill side of things this month
Wanda: Oohh okay oh wow that’s very stressful
Demon!Nat: Yeah well, Y/n takes it bad, she’s gone off with Tony to see if she can calm down
Demon!Y/n: Another!
Tony: Y/n I can’t keep giving you prisoners to kill!
Demon!Y/n: You stop giving me prisoners and I’ll start on you!
Tony sighing, opening another cell door to release prisoners: I don’t know why I bought you for so much money
Demon!y/n: You bought a demon and expected me to behave? Stupid!
Tony: I at least wanted you to listen to me at all times and not sleep with any of the team, so what do you do?? Sleep with maximoff on a stakeout!
Demon!Y/n: She came on to me, she said her shoulders hurt so I needed to give her a massage
Tony: Naked massages aren’t a thing!
Demon!Y/n: Not to you! I see the way Pepper looks at me and I think a naked massage from me would do her good
Tony rolling his eyes: Just get this over with so we can go home and I can throw some water and soap over you
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delicatebarness · 2 months
bridges to burn | prologue
Summary: You arrive at the Avengers Compound to manage your uncontrollable Extremis powers. As you navigated the new environment, you clash with your assigned babysitter/bodyguard, Bucky Barnes.
Warning: MCU Spoilers. Iron Man 3. Intense Emotional Conflict. Superpowers and Uncontrollable Abilities. Parental Concern and Pressure. Family Tension. Emotional and Physical Heat.
Word Count: 1103
Spotify Playlist | Support: Ko-FI
Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
A/N: Oh look, another.
BTB Tags: - Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in this serious.
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602 | @thetorturedbuckydepartment | @mrsnikstan | @lanabuckybarnes
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Touching down at the Avengers Compound, the Quinjet’s engines hummed softly as they powered down. You stepped off the lowering ramp and took in the sprawling complex. The building was an impressive blend of sleek modern design and cutting-edge technology, lush greenery surrounded the wide-open spaces. The peaceful landscape contrasted against the bustling chaos of the city, where you spent most of your life. 
Your dad, Tony Stark, stood waiting for you near the entrance, concern, and determination etched across his aging features. The familiar scent of motor oil and cologne filled your senses as he enveloped you in a quick hug. His grip around you was firm, silently reassuring you that he was there for you. 
“Welcome home, kid,” he said, a small smile tugging at his lips. However, his eyes revealed the worry he had tried to mask. “Come on, let me show you around.” 
Following him through the compound, you passed training rooms that were filled with state-of-the-art equipment, common areas where you caught glimpses of some familiar faces, and the impressive hangar with various vehicles and aircraft. The building buzzed with activity, yet there was still a sense of order and purpose. 
Finally, you reached Tony’s sanctuary, his lab. The place you knew he felt most at home. You marveled at the array of gadgets and projects scattered around, as you followed his gesture for you to step in. Screens displayed holographic schematics, while robotic arms moved with precision, a new creation being assembled. The faint hum of machinery was a comforting backdrop. 
“And, this is where the magic happens,” Tony said, pride touching his voice. Watching you take it all in, his lips played a small smile. “But, before you get too comfortable, there’s something we need to talk about.” 
Raising your eyebrow suspiciously, you waited for him to continue. Looking uncharacteristically nervous, he ran a hand through his hair. 
“I know things have been… rough since the incident,” he began, trying carefully to choose his words. He leaned against a workbench, fixing his gaze on a point somewhere behind you, crossing his arms over his chest. “And, I know you’re struggling to control the Extremis,” he trailed off, pausing before he continued, “but, we can’t have another accident like that. Not again.” 
The memory of the uncontrollable heat coursing through your veins caused you to flinch. The sight of the flames, the smell of burning wood, the panic in the firefighter’s voice as they tried to contain the damage. Since it saved your life as a child, you lived with the Extremis virus. Your mother, Maya Hansen’s legacy, turned you into a ticking time bomb. 
“I know, Dad,” you sighed, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. “I’ll do better.” 
Shaking his head, Tony pushed off the workbench and stepped closer to you. “It’s not about doing better. It’s about getting help. Which is why I’ve arranged for someone to keep an eye on you.” 
The door to the lab opened, snapping your attention away from your dad before you could protest. And in walked, Bucky Barnes– The Winter Soldier. You had seen him in action and heard the ghost stories, but meeting him in person… that was different. He was imposing, a steely gaze seemingly assessing every detail of the room, and you. As he approached, his movements were fluid, almost predatory.
“Tin-Man, this is my daughter,” Tony spoke as he gestured toward you. “She’s going to be staying here for a while. And… you’re going to be looking out for her.” 
Bucky’s eyes narrowed slightly toward you, and you could see in his piercing gaze that he was as thrilled about this arrangement as you were. “I was expecting a kid,” he said bluntly, a hint of annoyance carrying in his voice. Crossing his arms over his chest, the metal of his arm caught against the light. 
“No, I’m not a kid,” you snap back, matching his posture. “And, I don’t need a glorified babysitter. Unless,” you paused, shoot Bucky a playful smirk. “You’re here to tuck me in and read me a bedtime story?” 
Tony stepped between you, holding up a hand to forestall any pending argument. “Easy, both of you. This isn’t up for debate. Barnes’ here to help, whether you like it or not.” 
You glare at Bucky, who returns the look with an equal intensity. “Fantastic,” you said, your voice dripped with sarcasm. “My very own bodyguard, don’t expect me to make this easy for you.”
Smirking, Bucky’s eyes filled with amusement almost as if he was accepting a challenge. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Princess.” 
“Don’t call me that,” you snap, your iris’ blazed with anger, a burning orange glow. 
His smirk never faltered. “Whatever you say… Princess.” 
Watching the exchange, Tony’s expression changed to one of concern and exasperation. His face, usually composed, now showed signs of strained patience. Rubbing a hand over his face, he tried to stifle a sigh. “Alright, both of you,” he injects, his voice filled with frustration. “This isn’t a battlefield. Can we at least try to keep it professional?” 
You took a glance at Tony, then back at Bucky, who still had a smirk plastered across his face, enjoying the friction. Tony continued, his tone firm but weary. “I get that you two won’t see eye to eye, but let’s keep the drama to a minimum. We’re here to make sure things don’t  go up in flames, literally.” 
Squaring off with Bucky, you took another step closer. The heat between you both was almost tangible. “I mean it, Winter Soldier. I’m not some dame in distress that you get to boss around.” 
Leaning in, his voice was a low, taunting whisper. “And I’m not some nanny here to hold your hand.” 
The tension crackled between you, and you noticed how his eyes were cold and calculating, with a flicker of something else– something that mirrored the heat in your own. You weren’t sure if it was anger or something more, but whatever it was, made your heart race. 
“Good,” you retorted, sarcasm stayed laced within your words. “I wouldn’t want you thinking you could handle me.” 
His eyes locked with yours, his smirking only growing. “Trust me, Princess, I can handle anything you throw at me.” 
Scoffing, you rolled your eyes, yet you couldn’t help but feel the thrill of his challenge rush through you. “We’ll see about that.” 
As you turned to leave, you felt his gaze burning into your back. This wasn’t over– far from it. And somehow, the thought of that excited you as much as it infuriated you.
Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
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wynnd-citrus · 26 days
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Main drawing for my next comic (posting in two segments bc it’s too long for a single post)
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literaryavenger · 6 months
Summary: You find something of Bucky's.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avengers!Reader
Warnings: My poor attempts at being funny. No use of Y/N. Just a whole lot of fluff.
Word Count: 1.1K
A/N: This is a dream I had and I couldn't get it out of my head so I decided to write it down. Hope somebody enjoys it!
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“Good morning.” you say casually to Bucky sitting at the island as you enter the kitchen.
He merely nods back to acknowledge your presence while sipping his coffee. It’s not like Bucky doesn’t like you, he’s just not a morning person. But the whole team is used to his morning grumpiness.
Also, you and the brunette supersoldier aren’t particularly close, so you don’t really expect bells and whistles when he sees you.
You pour some coffee for yourself and then sit on the kitchen island in front of Bucky. A light jingle coming from under your shirt gets Bucky’s attention and he raises an eyebrow at you.
“What was that?” He asks you, his curiosity getting the better of him.
You frown at his question before following his eyeline and seeing him looking at your chest. But he’s not staring at your boobs through your admittedly thin tank top, he’s looking under them where he can see something resting between the fabric and your skin.
You’re honestly confused at what that is for a moment before you remember and your eyes widen a little as your cheeks start reddening in embarrassment.
Bucky’s confused at your reaction as he watches you take the chain around your neck to bring out the set of dog tags around your neck and Bucky frowns even more.
“I didn’t know you were in the military…” He comments while looking at the tags and then at you, unclear as to why you’d be embarrassed about it.
“I wasn’t…” You say quietly while glancing down at the tags. “They’re kinda… yours.”
Bucky’s even more dumbfounded by your answer. But, after letting your words sink in and deciding he indeed heard you correctly, he couldn’t help the grin that started to grow on his face, much to your surprise.
You thought maybe he’d be mad, although it’s not like you stole them, you simply found them. But still, you were worried what he might think about you wearing them.
“Oh good, I thought I lost them!” He says relieved. “I looked for them everywhere.”
“Well, can I have them back now?” He asks you after a moment of silence and you realize you haven’t even taken them off yet this whole time.
So you quickly do, leaning over the kitchen island and setting them down carefully on his outstretched hand. You watch him put them on, your eyes lingering on the metal on his chest a minute longer than necessary before going back up to his. 
“And why exactly are you wearing my dog tags?” He asks, and right now you wish he’d get mad at you instead. Anything is better than the amusement that’s all over his face at watching you squirm in your seat.
“I found them at the gym… But it���s not like I was planning to keep them.” You quickly justify yourself, your tone entirely too defensive even to your own ears as you blush more. “But you had just left for your mission with Steve and I thought I would just keep them safe until you came back, so I put them on… But I had every intention to give them back, I swear!”
“That’s very thoughtful of you, doll...” He says, his grin turning into a full grown smirk as he points out the obvious. “But I’ve been back for a week, and you were still wearing them.”
“Yeah, I-I guess I got so used to them that I forgot to give them back…” You say quietly, your face turning impossibly red as Bucky seems to be having the time of his life right now.
You groan internally when you see his smirk still going strong at your embarrassment and you decide to cut your losses and not give him more fuel to add to the fire before 9am.
You get up and put your empty cup in the sink. As you turn around you’re startled to find the Sergeant much closer to you than he was before, the kitchen island no longer between you. He doesn’t give you a chance to say anything or even pull away before he’s talking.
“On the other hand…” He takes his dog tags off and reaches out to put them around your neck, making sure to keep his eyes on the metal and not glance at your boobs no matter how much he wants to. “Maybe you could hold onto them for me.”
He looks at the tags on your chest then up to your face before he pulls away completely with a quiet “Beautiful.” and takes a step back, leaving you a flustered mess.
After a minute you remember how to breathe and you glance down at the tags. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. We wouldn’t want me to lose them again now, would we?” He says with a smile, reaching out to lift your chin gently and making you look at him. “But you’ll keep them safe for me, right doll?”
You nod almost without thinking about it, his eyes putting you in a trance. You’re sure you’d agree to anything right about now, all you can really hear is your own heart pounding anyway.
“Plus, now I can do this…” He lets go of your chin and wraps his hand around the chain of the dog tags. 
He uses his hold on them to pull you closer and your heart skips a beat as he leaves you a soft kiss on your lips. You barely realize what’s happening before he’s pulling away again and you merely look at him with your mouth agape in shock.
Before you can say anything, though, you hear snickers from the door of the kitchen and you both turn towards it just to see the whole team there. All of them have smirks, grins and smiles, everyone delighted at the situation as your face starts getting redder than Tony’s Iron-man suit.
You look back at Bucky and the cheeky bastard is also smirking, clearly much more amused than you at being caught like this.
“Okay, well,” You say while clearing your throat awkwardly and stepping away from Bucky to escape from this situation altogether. “I’m gonna go research the tallest building in New York so I can throw myself off of it.”
Your deadpan reaction leaves everyone laughing as they get away from the door so you can pass.
“Oh, come on, sweetheart, it wasn’t that bad!” Tony yells after you between laughs, obviously sarcastic and you roll your eyes.
“Bite me, Stark!” you yell back, not even tempted to look back as you try to hide a smile of your own while hearing the team’s amusement in the kitchen.
You’re still a little in shock that Bucky kissed you but, once the embarrassment at the team having witnessed it washes away, you can’t wait to follow up on this with Sergeant Grumpy.
Part 2
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buckyalpine · 2 years
You had one job
Bodyguard!Bucky x reader
Everyone who asked for this raise your hand. As expected, everyone’s hands are down. I’m sorry. 
A lil angst, horny protective Bucky, smutty smuuttt, fluff, all that. Daddy kink, pregnancy 
“Not interested” Bucky glared at Steve, shoving the file back across the table, shaking his head while the blonde smirked, skimming through the papers. 
“Well you don’t have much of a choice; they requested you, not Mr. Stars and Stripes over here” 
Of all jobs, the last thing Bucky wanted was to play babysitter for the spoilt daughter of Tony Stark, the face of Stark Enterprises though that was clearly just a cover for the underground dealings he had control over. 
“I’m not taking a babysitting job” 
“You’re not a babysitter for fucks sake, you’re her bodyguard and head of security for the family. You have military experience, they only want the best” Bucky’s boss walked out of the room without looking back, not giving the brunet a chance to argue back. 
“You start next week” 
Don’t let her out of your sight
Don’t touch her
Don’t stare at her
Don’t touch her
Keep her safe
Don’t touch her
Those were the rules he was given as he walked out of Starks office, his jaw clenched as he made his was to the foyer of the mansion. Works of art decorated the walls, each piece different from the other, different from pieces he had seen in other homes- 
The sound of heels clicking down the stairs broke him from his train of thought, his eyes flicking up to the latest job he was forced to take on. You wore a skirt and blouse, make up perfectly done, not a hair out of place, nails manicured, unnecessarily pretty. 
You’d already gone though countless bodygaurds before, none meeting your standards, each getting fired for one reason or another. Unlike the others, Bucky only had so much patience. 
“Miss Stark” Bucky hardly looked at you, staring past you instead while you walked by him, grabbing your bag and calling for your driver. 
“Mr. Barnes” You nodded, making your way out to the car as he followed behind you, sliding into the car and keeping his distance. You didn’t speak to him the whole car ride, going about your shopping trip as if he didn’t exist. When you weren’t pretending he didn’t exist, you’d talk his ear off, your sassy banter seeing how far you could push him till you at least got a growl out of him. 
He had to give you some credit. While he usually ignored you most of the time, you were intelligent like your father and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t the least bit intrigued by you. 
Each day was the same. He’d accompany to wherever you demanded; shopping, brunch with your friends, dinners, oddly occasionally a few bookstores where you’d spend the whole day tucked away in a corner reading. The worst was when you wanted to go clubbing, your handsy friends ogling and eye fucking him the entire time while you continued to pretend he didn’t exit.
Again, he had to give you some credit; not once did he ever had to drag you out of the club, drunk and sloppy. Regardless of how much you drank, you always appeared stone cold sober. 
Not once had anything happened for his presence to be needed. The most he had done in the past month he spent with you was carry your shopping bags and hold the door open. Aside from his name, he wasn’t sure you knew anything about him. What he didn’t know was while you didn’t look at him, you’d carefully studied him whenever he looked away from you. 
You noted the way his blue eyes would always scan the room before you entered a building, marking all the exists. His hands would constantly twitch whenever someone got too close, his metal arm always tucked near the gun in his holster. His lack of patience amused you; always smirking to yourself at the way his jaw ticked when your friends got too close to him. 
In all fairness, he was handsome. 
As hell. 
Between his short dark locks, scruffy cheeks and pink lips, you’d have to be blind not to see how gorgeous he was. Unlike your previous bodyguards, you were most intrigued by him, the only one who hadn’t spared you a second look, always keeping his eyes and hands to himself. He was also the only one you wanted to ride until the sun came up-
“You don’t speak much” You mused, looking up at him from your sunglasses while he sat across from you, scrolling on his phone. You both sat in the car on your way to a charity event you had to attend, representing your father. 
“I was hired to protect you” Bucky shrugged, while you cocked your head wanting to prod at him more. “That doesn’t involve much talking”
“Shouldn’t you know more about the person you were hired to protect” You earning a grunt in response. “Might be difficult if you hardly look at me” 
“I don’t believe speaking or looking at you are part of my instructions Miss. Stark” Bucky challenged while you smirked, his blue eyes locking with yours. There was something about you that made him want to take you over his knee, curious about how demanding you’d be if you were stuffed with his cock instead- 
He broke his stare away feeling his phone buzz, opening the car door for you and letting you step out, trailing behind you. He spoke lowly as he answered the call though he was already dreading what it would be about, seeing Fury’s caller ID. 
“You’re scheduled to travel with her next month” 
“This is a waste of everyone's time” Bucky groaned, wishing he at least had Steve by his side to keep him entertained. “For fucks sake, all I do is follow her on shopping trips, this is what they hired me for?” 
“Suck it up Barnes, Stark is sending you both over to some event he can’t attend, everything’s already been arranged” Bucky growled, cursing under his breath when he hard the call end.
A month later
“I’m sorry sir, there must have been a mix up in the bookings” The front receptionist gave Bucky an apologetic look while he shook his head, taking single the keycard to the hotel suite while you continued to scroll through your phone. You both made your way up to the room, your bags in his hand while you took the card from his hand to swipe the lock. 
“What are you doing-” You shot Bucky as look as he followed in behind you, crashing onto the couch after setting your bag aside. 
“They only booked once room and there's no others available, so here we are” He was in no mood to argue with you, already irritated over the fact that he’d have to spend the night surrounded by stuck up shady business men all night while running on 0 sleep. You stayed silent for a moment; it wasn’t like you had time to waste finding different sleeping arrangements, your fathers business always came first. 
“You can sleep on the couch” You shrugged, grabbing your garment bag and locking the door of the master bedroom of your suite, deciding you’d deal with the hotel room mix up later. 
Bucky splashed some water onto his face, thankful there was a second bathroom in your room as he showered and threw his suit on. He sat at the couch, reloading his gun, looking up when he heard the click of your heels on the tiles, approaching him. 
For the first time since he’d started his job, Bucky struggled to take his eyes off you. You were in a long satin gown, the soft burgundy material wrapping around your body beautifully. The dainty straps of your heels hugged your ankles, his mind going rogue, thinking about how they’d look on his shoulders-
“Lets go” You gave yourself a once over in the floor length mirror while Bucky nodded, leading you to the elevators and down to the hall of the event. The sweet scent of your perfume evaded his senses as you stayed close to him, hoping he wouldn’t realize your stomach had burst into butterflies over the way he looked in his suit. 
You made small talk with a number of people throughout the night but something was off. Bucky watched you carefully, noting the way you downed your third glass of champagne in the past few minutes, anxiety clouding your usual confident demeanor.  
“What is it” Bucky whispered, while your eyes flicked to a few unfamiliar guests, which was unusual for such meetings. 
“This is a private event” You murmured, nervously linking your arm with his, “But I don’t know some of these people, my father would have mentioned new guests” 
Bucky silently nodded, slipping his hand around your waist, making his way towards the exit before the room went dark, a number of lights suddenly switched off. You gasped as a masked mad approached you, panic ensuing at the sound of bullets ringing through the large ballroom. Your eyes grew wide, recognizing the voice as the man tore the mask off, his burnt face a mess after he had already tried to touch you once before. 
“Fancy seeing you here” Rumlow grinned, his cold knuckled fingers gipping onto his knife as he stalked over to you, determination written all over his face. “Almost had you once. Shame your father will only have you back in pieces- 
Before you could do anything, Bucky pulled you out of the way, shielding you, the knife slashing across his shoulder instead. He hissed in pain, pushing you away just enough so he could push Rumlow down, cuffing him while a few of your families allies dragged him away. 
You hardly had time look back while Bucky let out a pained groan teeth digging into his bottom lip, pain radiating through his shoulder as he grabbed you and pulled you close to his side, making sure the area was clear before taking you to the safety of your room. He ignored the shooting pain that pulsed through his body, slumping on the couch while you berated him about needing to go to a hospital. 
“M’fine” He gritted out, while you shook your head, unwilling to take his brooding stubbornness if it meant he was going to bleed out in the hotel room. 
“For fucks sake, will you stop being so stubborn for once and let me take care of you” You dragged him into the bathroom, shrugging his blazer off and unbuttoning his shirt, throwing the blood soaked material into a hamper that sat in the corner. 
Usually Bucky would have protested, easily cleaning his own cuts and sewing himself up like he had done countless times before. 
Except he was exhausted. 
Before he could get another word in, you tugged his hand, leading him to sit on closed toilet seat, grabbing the first aid supplies he had in his bag. You threw your dress and heels off, quickly throwing on the first thing you could find in one of the bags, (his henley and his brief's) before rushing back to him and tending to his injury. 
He was able to feel every cut and sting as you dabbed the alcohol soaked cotton on his gash, unable to ignore the way the pain radiated on his skin. He hissed, his body moving on its own, his hand slipping up your shirt, grasping onto your waist, gritting his teeth, squeezing your soft flesh, groaning. You felt your heart jump, ignoring the way it fluttered. Your eyes grew wide when he sucked in a breath, letting your shirt ride up and he rested his head against your stomach. 
You continued to dab the bloody away, the sting only getting worse. He bit down onto your soft flesh, no longer in control of what he was doing, the pain felt white hot and the only thing that kept him tethered to reality was the softness of your skin. 
His grip on your waist loosened as he let out a shuddered breath feeling you blow on his skin to soothe the sting before placing gauze on top to stop the bleeding. 
“All done” Bucky pulled away, his eyes now locked on the indents on your skin of where he bit down onto you, a part of his mind wandering to how pretty you’d look if he marked you other places. He felt his face heat up, thanking you before getting up and leaving, the blood in his body now pumping other places. 
The softness of your hands.
The sweetness of your voice. 
A stubborn little princess, wearing his clothes, taking care of him. 
“I’m going to shower” You interrupted his train of thought, leaving his bathroom to use the larger one in the room, your own body feeling like it was lit on fire. You loved the way his calloused hands felt on your body, gripping onto you, each of his pained groans made your heart hurt yet needy. Imagine how beautiful he’d sound if you were bouncing on his co-
You blinked, your fingers tracing over the indents he left on your skin as you stripped his henley off, cursing when you realized you’d taken his clothes instead of yours. While you hoped he wouldn’t have noticed in his state of pain, you knew he saw every detail.
Perhaps a cold shower would clear your head. 
Bucky nearly growled as you emerged from the bathroom in nothing but a pathetic excuse for a towel while he stood half naked, grabbing his sweats to throw on before you came in to grab your own clothes. 
“Forget your clothes again” Bucky smirked, letting his eyes rake up and down your body, unable to hold back much longer. Maybe it was the exhaustion. Or the scent of your body wash. The little resolve he had was crumbling into a fine power when you stepped towards him. 
You could feel your pussy already dripping, eye fucking him right back, curious to see how far you could push him. He always managed to ignore your teasing though today his eyes had lingered on you for a tad too long. 
“Daddy said you couldn’t lay a finger on me” You cocked an eyebrow, dropping your towel to the floor, shamelessly letting him stare at your bare form, his cock leaking against his boxers. 
“Not a problem princess” He smirked, tugging his boxers down, stroking himself in front of you. “He didn’t say anything about admiring his pretty baby, huh” 
You whimpered while he continued to lazily stroke himself watching you, taking a few steps towards you while you backed yourself against the wall. Your eyes grew wide when he caged you against the wall, his hot breath fanning on your face. 
“Daddy said-
“I’m your daddy now baby” He growled in your ear, throwing you over his shoulder, and tossing you onto the bed. Something else surged inside him. He hadn’t realized how much he actually cared for you until today. He despised the feeling he felt when he knew you were in danger, no one, absolutely no one had the right to hurt you. 
Bucky didn’t hold back, fucking you with abandon, making sure you’d feel him for the rest of the week, pounding you into the mattress. He loved your desperate cries and whimpers, begging him for more, taking every inch of him. 
“Daddy, harder”
“Greedy little princess aren’t we” 
“Need it daddy”
“Daddy’s got you baby, just be a good girl and take it” 
You loved the way he tossed you around, marking your body, your skin littered in bruises, his possessive words making you feral. 
“You like when daddy bites you sweets? You like daddy losing control for the princess he has to protect?”
“Please Bucky, mark me up daddy!” 
“M’the only man who gets to hear you scream like this baby, the only man who gets to mark you. I’ll fuckin’ ruin anyone else that tries to put their hands on you, you’re mine to protect, all mine”  
He had you cumming all over his cock all night, his mouth filthier each time he had you creaming on his length. 
“C’mon babygirl, one more, it’ll make daddy all better”
“C-can’t daddy!”
“Just one more to help me feel all better baby, please? Daddy’s cock hurts when his princess doesn’t cum” 
The night ended with you cuddled up in his arms, the both of you insisting it wouldn’t happen when the next day. You tried to ignore the way you felt giddy around him while Bucky tried to keep his cheeks from going red whenever you were near him. 
That night started it. 
While neither of you spoke about any feelings that seemed to be brewing between you both, you couldn’t keep your hands off each other. 
Bucky had a lot of self restraint for many things but you were a weakness. He fucked you in everyway imaginable; the back seat of the car, the changerooms, by the poolside, your bedroom, the kitchen, even once in the club bathroom. 
What started off as a few hook ups turned into something more intimate. He snuck into your room more often, taking his time to feel your body under his, staying with you until the sun came up. He hadn’t been one to enjoy soft slow sex before but with you he found himself craving it. 
“Missed you babygirl”
“Needed this”
“Fuck you feel so good baby, s’perfect my pretty girl, so good for me”
“Never wanna leave princess, wanna be like this forever” 
Regardless of what he was saying in those moments, you both agreed there was nothing more. Its not like anything more could happen anyway, he was still your bodygaurd and its not like you could be together. 
A few weeks later
He had been patient for long enough. This was the fourth time he heard you empty your insides, walking out of the bathroom as if nothing had happened. You ignored his stare, making your way to your bed instead, your stomach churning again.  
“There’s something you’re not telling me” Bucky’s voice was low, watching you nervously fidget with your fingers, bringing your knees up to your chest, nearly curling into a ball. “I don’t know what you’re-
“Its nothing Bucky” You shot back, your frustration clouding overthrowing your patience. You fought back tears while Bucky sat by your side, clenching his jaw when you turned away from him. 
“Don’t lie to me, you’re never like this” 
You had avoided him for over a week, hardly leaving your room, leaving all his calls unanswered. You had refused to see him, deciding to stay holed up in your house so he wouldn't have to watch over you. You knew Bucky suspected something but how could you tell him this. 
“You’ve been sick, you’re tired all the time, you refuse to let me take you to the doctors, you don’t even let me near you anymore, baby just-
“I’m pregnant” You sat up, bursting into tears, shuffling away from him, guilt and fear consuming you, “I’m pregnant and I don’t know what to do, we didn’t plan this, I-I know you don’t want this, you were hired just to protect me, not have a baby, especially not with me- 
“Hey, hey, baby what makes you think I don’t want this” Bucky quickly grabbed you, pulling you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you and holding you to his chest. You trembled in his arms, shaking while he rubbed your back, tilting your chin to look at him. 
“Princess, listen to me, I want this with you baby” You looked away again, figuring he was saying that for your sake, “Sweetheart, look at me baby, please?” 
He huffed at your stubbornness, moving you so you were pinned under him while he held off some of his body weight to keep from pressing too hard against your tummy. He rested his forehead onto yours, his eyes sincere. “I mean it. I want our baby. I’m more than happy sweetheart, there's no one else I’d want to have a baby with” 
You whimpered under him, draping your hands over his shoulders while he rolled you over again, letting you lay on top of him. He stroked your hair, kissing you while rubbing your tummy, giddy excitement making him smile till his cheeks hurt. 
“Y/n, sweetheart” Bucky pulled you closer to him, his hand firmly splayed across your tummy, nose bumping against yours, “I love you baby” 
“You promise you want this James?” 
“I want it all with you babydoll” 
“Can-I have to tell you something” You stepped into your father office room while Bucky continued to remain a respectful meter away from you as always. 
“That you’re in love with the man I hired to protect you” Your father cocked an eyebrow, his face unreadable while he stared at you both, your eyes growing wide, while his face remained unchanged. You silently nodded while Bucky took a step closer to be right by your side, relaxing a little when Tony didn’t put a bullet between his eyes. 
“Do you love her?” 
“Yes sir” 
“You’ll take proper care of her?”
“Yes sir”
“You understand I’ll kill you right now you ever make her cry”
“Yes sir” 
“Suppose it could be worse” Tony shrugged, shaking his head at the way Bucky looked like a lovesick puppy, his hands clearly itching to hold yours, his pinky discreetly linking with yours for the time being. 
“Well-um-that’s not all?” You nervously fidgeted while Bucky bit back a smirk, though your father didn’t look surprised, shaking his head instead. 
“For fucks sake, you had one job” Tony rubbed his temples, itching to throw a paperweight at Bucky’s head while he sheepishly smiled, moving his arm to wrap around your tummy. “I thought I told you not to touch her” Tony deadpanned while Bucky bit his lip, a deep blush spreading across his cheeks. 
“Sorry sir” 
Just imagine utter ridiculousness that ensues after. Tony is more than happy that your happy but he can’t help but grill Bucky every time he sees him doting on you, reminding him of how this absolute punk touched his princess. 
“He had one job, just one job” He mumbles while watching Bucky feed you, the both of you cuddled on the couch together. 
“C’mon, they’re cute” Nat snorts while Tony shoots her a glare, continuing to sip his whiskey. 
“One job Romanoff, one job” 
After your little one is born, Bucky is even more protective over you than before and Tony couldn’t be more proud over the person he hired to watch over you. 
That doesn’t mean he’ll let Bucky live it down. 
“One job Barnes” 
Tags: @glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  @beabutterfly987  @teambarnes72  @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass  @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan  @buggy14  @whimsyplaty92  @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec   @pono-pura-vida   @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog  @happyt0exist   @emmabarnes  @bethyruth @matchat3a  @cjand10   @getwellsoontana  @cherryschaos   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog  @buckybarnessimpp   @potatothots  @goldylions  @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog  @kingfleury   @peaches1958   @spiderman-stilinski   @peaceinourtime82  @gublur   @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46   @lolawassad  @almosttoopizza   @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess   @buckycallsmeaslut    @kamaria-sweet-writes  @charmedbysarge    @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7 @alina02  @gh0stgurl    @polishprincess999 @jessybarnes @alltheficsiwant @chemtrails-club  @eralen   @perdidosbucky-yyo  @clqrosmgc  
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pretty-bratty · 7 months
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Every Mafia AU
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holylulusworld · 12 days
Sewer Rat (1)
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Summary: He broke your heart. Now he must pay for it.
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader, former Mobster!Tony Stark x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, scared reader, Bucky is scary as shit, mentions of a breakup, Tony is the worst in this (sorry), mentions of groping
Sewer rat masterlist
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He leans back in his expensive leather armchair, one leg crossed over the other. The kingpin of his own castle of blood, fear, and power smirks at you because you hit the bottom.
Coming here was your last resort, and you’ll do anything he wants.
He knows it. You know it. His men aiming their guns at you know it.
James Buchanan Barnes. Cold-hearted and calculating boss of the most feared organization in town. Well, except the one your boyfriend leads—or rather ex-boyfriend.
“What can I do for you, doll?” He clings his pinky ring against the glass filled with the most expensive whiskey a man can buy for money. Bucky watches you with those cold steel-blue eyes, making you shrink into yourself.
“I—” Your voice cracks. “I need your help.” You bite your lower lip, chewing on it. “I think you already heard what happened.”
“Oh, that—” He smirks while his eyes are glued to your trembling lips. Bucky enjoys your predicament; you’re sure about it. “It spread like wildfire that you are no longer Tony Stark’s arm candy, doll.”
“I wasn’t his...” you trail off. Bucky is right. After what happened a few hours ago, you know you were never more than a body he could use. A pretty thing to dress up and show off to his friends and allies.
Bucky takes a small sip of his drink, humming as the amber liquid burns on his tongue just right. “You were only his pretty doll to play with,” he insists as you drop your gaze and nod. Beggars can’t be choosers, so you’ll just let Bucky throw everything he wants your way. “Now that he’s done playing, he tossed you onto the street.”
“Mr. Barnes,” you say, and take one step toward Bucky, causing his men to unlock their guns. Your body goes stiff, and you hastily lift your hands in the air. “I-I…” You whimper in fear.
“Guys, relax,” Bucky laughs. “We checked her on weapons, didn’t we?” He quirks a brow and looks in Steve’s direction.”
“Rumlow did,” Steve replies, and goes back to watching your every move.
“Hmm…yeah,” Rumlow replies. He licks his lips as you drop your gaze. “She was soft and warm but not armed, boss.”
Bucky makes a face but doesn’t say a thing. Rumlow can get a bit handsy when it comes to pretty ladies. He doesn’t blame him, though. “So, no weapons, gentlemen. Please relax and secure your guns. I’d hate to shed her blood.”
“Got it, boss,” the men murmured in unison and secured their guns. “What are our orders?”
They expectantly look at Bucky, awaiting his orders. He leans forward, eyes glued to your exposed legs. Bucky licks his lips before he washes the taste of victory down with the rest of his whiskey.
“I want her to tell me what happened tonight,” he smirks and winks at you. “Come on, doll. Amuse me.”
“He kicked me out,” you stubbornly glare at Bucky. He’s enjoying this a little too much. “You already know that, Mr. Barnes.”
Bucky’s features darken. He slowly rises from his seat to stalk toward you. Bucky grips your face with his metal hand, making you whimper in fear.
“If I ask you a question, I expect you to answer me. Tell me every little detail, Y/N.” He leans closer to breathe in your face. You can smell the alcohol he drank and his cologne.
“He told me to leave, believing I am cheating on him,” you splutter without thinking twice. If Bucky wants to know every detail, you’ll give him the full heartbreak experience. “I tried to tell him that it’s not true, but Tony wouldn’t listen. He saw me with an old friend and assumed the worst. That old friend is in town to get married. He asked me to meet up with him to catch up. I used to work at the library with him.”
“What else?” He whispers in your ear, almost gently. If not for his metal hand holding your chin in a tight grip, you’d believe he’s a gentle man wanting to flirt with you. “Doll. I want to know everything.”
You sniffle. It’s so hurtful to repeat the words Tony threw at you after he dragged you out of the showers. Not half an hour ago you made love, and then he kicked you out of his life.
“Please don’t make me say it.”
“I want to hear everything, or you can go out there and try your luck,” Bucky growls in your ear. “I’m waiting. Time is running out on you.”
“He called me a sewer rat, and that he regrets bringing me into his life,” you choke out a sob, remembering the hatred in Tony’s voice. “He said that it would’ve been if he left me out there for dying.”
“And he just did that, didn’t he?” Bucky steps away. His hand drops from your chin as you look at him with watery eyes.
He’s not wrong. Tony pushed you out of his house in nothing but a towel. You barely had the time to grab your bathrobe before you ended up on the sidewalk in front of his house.
Bucky’s eyes drop to your bare feet. Now dirty and full of blisters. You had to walk toward the next house, begging them to allow you to call someone for help.
None of your so-called friends answered. Suddenly you were dead to them. You left the house, sitting on the sidewalk, until a black SUV stopped right next to you. Calling Bucky to beg him for help was your last resort. You remember his number because Tony saved it under “the devil.”.
“So, you came here to ask me for help?” Bucky laughs in your face, but you can’t find your situation funny. “You got that I’m your sugar daddy’s enemy.” He quirks a brow when you stubbornly lift your chin and glare his way.
You square your jaw before you nod. “I know you hate each other and that you’d love to take over his empire.” You smirk now as you get something out of the pocket of your bathrobe. “If you promise to help me get revenge on him, I’ll help you bring him down.”
You throw Tony’s little black book in Bucky’s lap. “What’s that?”
“A list of people he pays to look the other way,” you take a careful step toward Bucky. “This is a pledge of our confidence, and such a pledge is justified only if you do your part too. If so, I can help you bring him down.”
“How?” Bucky smirks as he thumbs through the little black book. “You were his bed bunny, not his right-hand man.”
“Oh, didn’t you know that men love to talk about business in bed? During sex, after, or while I suck them off?” You snap at Bucky. “Tony is very talkative, close to an orgasm, or after. All men are.”
“You’re a little vixen, huh?” Bucky seems to be amused, but his mind is running a mile in a minute. If you know more about Tony’s business, Bucky could easily take one of his biggest enemies down. “What do you want in return?”
“You will protect me until I’m back on my feet. I’ll need a little money to leave town and start anew somewhere far away from here. Whatever you do to Tony, I don’t care because I won’t be around when it happens.”
Bucky looks at the little black book again. He heard about it through the grapevine. Tony Stark is an old-fashioned man in many ways. He loves technology but doesn’t trust it enough to save his contacts on his computer.
“If you can deliver me more information, you’ve got yourself a deal, doll,” he holds out his hand, smirking as you reluctantly shake it. “Steve, make sure that Natasha gets my new informant new clothes and toiletries. Rumlow, tell the maid to prepare the guestroom next to my bedroom. Y/N and I have a lot to discuss, gentlemen. Please leave us alone now.”
The men leave the room without a second glance. Only Steve, Bucky’s best friend since childhood and the most trusted man, stays put.
He watches you with interest as you stand next to his friend. Lion with its prey. Steve thinks to himself. He pities you because you have no clue what you got yourself into.
Part 2
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291 notes · View notes
Bad Bosses AU
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The Devil Wears Armani | Tony Stark
1 💼 2 💼 3 💼 4 💼 5
Office Space | Nick Fowler & Jonathan Pine
1 💼 2 💼 3 💼 4 💼 5
Monster, Inc. | Lloyd Hansen
1 💼 2 💼 3 💼 4 💼 5
Code of Conduct | Steve Rogers
1 💼 2 💼 3 💼 4 💼 5
Backburner | Sam Wilson
1 💼 2 💼 3 💼 4 💼 5
Paradigm Shift | Bucky Barnes & Loki
1 💼 2 💼 3 💼 4 💼 5
Unorthodox | Captain Syverson
1 💼 2 💼 3 💼 4 💼 5
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arkhammaid · 7 months
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fandom. formula one & mcu
about. the grid reacts to the news!
content warnings. some drivers are acting like assholes, some cursewords, 23!grid
notes. have another reaction chapter hehe
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daniel ricciardo Guys
Guys wake up
lando norris ???
daniel it's 5am, why are you spamming rn
carlos sainz It's summer break, why can't you all shut up for once
daniel ricciardo Did no one see the news? Stark is coming to F1
carlos sainz To a race?
daniel ricciardo No you shithead, he's making a team
charles leclerc !!!!
lando norris at this point you'll never win monaco (because once stark joins, there no longer will BE monaco) charles leclerc Fuck you, nowins
daniel ricciardo This is serious... Tony fucking Stark wants to create an F1 team for the next season. @/max verstappen your winning streak will be over
charles leclerc Next season??? I thought for 26?
lewis hamilton Of course he would do that
charles leclerc Lewis, explain?? daniel ricciardo Yeah Lewis, please explain?
lewis hamilton Did any of you ever meet Tony? He will probably see the next season as test for the 2026 season. To train his mechanics and engineers and go all out. I bet many are saying it's a waste of money
carlos sainz It is a waste of money.
daniel ricciardo Yeah, they do. Reactions vary but 'experts' are saying that Tony is just wasting his time and should properly prepare for 26
lewis hamilton Knowing him, he already has a fully built car for 2026 and it's a beast.
fernando alonso Only the best for his daughter!
charles leclerc What. lando norris wdym his daughter??
george russell Why are you all awake at this bloody hour?
kevin magnussen Read the room. Everyone is in schock.
sergio perez Stupid. She will fail like every woman in motorsport with a rich father. Too dramatic.
lando norris i'm still confused???
oscar piastri Tony Stark has three children. Harley Keener-Stark, Y/n L/n-Stark, Peter Parker-Stark. Y/n is his only biological child and currently racing in Formula 3. She won Formula 4 last year.
charles leclerc I thought he only had sons?? When did Y/n appear? oscar piastri She 'appeared' the first time in January this year as Tony's daughter, no one knew before. lando norris how did you know? oscar piastri Google exists.
carlos sainz So daddy's money... great.
max verstappen I swear to god I will leave this chat the next time you all decide to fucking gossip at 6am like old women
daniel ricciardo It's important news!
max verstappen No it's not. Stark will be in F1 for a few years maximum and then leave again. It will pass
daniel ricciardo @/lewis hamilton you here? Don't you have anything else to add??
Fine, I'll guess I just ask the rest of the grid, you fucking bore.
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daniel ricciardo @/everyone wakey wakey, it's time to wake up and talk!
mick schumacher Daniel? What's up?
george russell Ignore him. He has been annoying us because Tony Stark is coming to F1 and no one really cares. charles leclerc Lies and slander! I care!! lando norris yeah! me as well, idk what you're yapping abt
carlos sainz It's bullshit.
arthur leclerc Why do I have a bad feeling about Monaco...
ollie bearman THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN THINKING bianca bustamante It will be something for sure
lance stroll Well, I'm just happy to see another friendly face at the paddock :)
carlos sainz Of course you know Stark.
lance stroll You're just jealous esteban ocon As am I??? I'm your best friend AND MY BEST FRIEND HAS THE POTENTIAL OF KNOWING SPIDER-MAN???? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME???????
daniel ricciardo I want everyone who knows anything related to Stark to immediately share with us because Lewis is ignoring me and I need to know. The only info we have right now, is that Stark will make a F1 team and that's it. I refuse to believe that's it. So, @/mick schumacher @/lance stroll spill the beans.
mick schumacher He didn't say anything last time I saw him, so I can't help you much.
lance stroll I know nothing, ask my dad.
daniel ricciardo I don't believe you.
pato o'ward If they say they don't know anything, then they don't? I don't know what's the problem, just wait for the next press release
max verstappen Do you even know Daniel. He's unable to wait for gossip. And he classifies this as gossip
daniel ricciardo Gee, thanks, feeling the love here
nico hülkenberg I wake up to 100+ notifications, why are you all like this?
kevin magnussen They're all idiots.
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kevin magnussen @/tony stark could you please speed up with the press release? Daniel is setting all grid chats on fire and it's not funny anymore.
y/n stark ha, weak ass bitch kevin magnussen Watch your mouth missy
tony stark Should I tag Seb in a Tweet to announce it?
peter stark do it y/n stark do it harley stark do it
pepper potts-stark Don't do it. We will proceed with the plan. No matter how annoying the people in your private life are.
kevin magnussen Yes, ma'am, sorry for asking.
sebastian vettel I deserve more than a Tweet at 10am.
y/n stark speak your truth king peter stark sorry for suggesting otherwise (@/yn stark stop being such an attention seeker, we all know seb loves charles the most) y/n stark but charles is not here rn is he?
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daniel ricciardo @/kevin magnussen EXPLAIN YOURSELF?!
carlos sainz What is going on now...
charles leclerc KMAG FOR STARK???? I didn't put this on my bingo card, now I lost 100 bucks. Fuck you Kevin
arthur leclerc Pay up bitch
oscar piastri Well done, man
nico hülkenberg And so he leaves he burning, ever sinking ship... the true hero- sorry, I meant coward
daniel ricciardo @/kevin magnussen I KNOW YOU'RE ONLINE YOU COWARD, COME HERE
I just want to talk to you
kevin magnussen No.
*kevin magnussen has left the chat*
fernando alonso There is your answer
several people are typing...
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