#took forever to complete this chap due to my life but at last it is here
hyakunana · 10 months
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Tomorrow — August 28th
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mirkwoodshewolf · 2 years
Hellfire’s mama fox; Eddie Munson x fem!oc Chap. 3
*Author’s note*
Okay well this is a chapter I’ve had done for maybe a week now but it definitely took me some time to try and write due to work and life getting in the way. So just some domestic fluff here with Eddie and Roxxi and my absolute ZERO knowledge on how getting a tattoo works (I did the research as best I could) but if anyone out there has any tattoos and sees something wrong with this chap. please let me know so that I can go back and fix it.
Anyways no real warnings here except for tattoo needles and the aftermath of getting a tattoo with pain/itchiness. Enjoy my lovelies until next time!!
Mama Fox and Papa Wolf
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I woke up to feeling kisses going up from my shoulder, to the junction where my neck met my shoulder and up my neck before going back down. I moaned and tried to wave it off only to hear a tired and deep chuckle.
“C’mon sweetheart, I know you hate getting up early on the weekends but you need to.” I groaned.
“This is punishment for getting you to school on time this week, isn’t it?” Eddie chuckled and said.
“As much as I wish I could say that, I’m not that cruel when it comes to you. I called Big Cat and he said he could only fit us in for 10am, and that’s in an hour babe.”
“He lives further down in the park right? We’ve got time.” I pulled the covers back over me and buried my head under the pillow.  I heard Eddie grumble before he said.
“Fine, you leave me no other choice.” Next thing I felt was his body almost completely on top of mine, his arms wrapped around me and his head burying itself into my back.  “I am so comfortable right now. Must be because of this cute mattress I’m on.”
“Get off me!” I cried from my pillow but I knew all he heard was muffled words.
“Whoa what’s this? Does this mattress talk? Oh speak again fair mattress.” He then proceeded to poke and lightly pinch at my sides and hips which tickled like crazy.  I shrieked and bucked my hips as Eddie laughed. “Oh ho-ho-ho-ho. Is this mattress ticklish? I wonder if I tickled here? Or here?” he dug straight into my ribs through the blanket then my knees which made me curl up laughing.
The pillow was soon tossed aside and I found myself tangled up in the bedsheet and couldn’t break free.  Eddie ceased his attack and just started to laugh, I glared at him and said.
“Get me outta here now Munson!”
“Alright Mur-dock.” He teased and enunciated my last name in a deep, teasing tone before helping me get out of the sheets.  It took a couple of minutes but I was finally free then I shoved him down the bed before pouncing on him and retaliated.
Yes Eddie Munson is just as ticklish as I am and I will forever use that information over his head if I need to.
“No. No wait! Babe, mama please don’t! Don’t no! Nononono stohahp!”
“Payback’s a bitch, now so am I.” I mocked him as I dug into his hips which made him buck and nearly toss me off the bed but I held firm until he got the upper hand and had me pinned to the bed.
“I could continue this cycle and punish you. But we’ve only got an hour to get to his trailer.”
“Why do we need to go so early?”
“You think getting a tattoo is just a simple prick of skin like I did these bats? Babe I was lucky to trace these with my mediocre drawing skills. You said you wanted a professional, and Big Cat is the best of the best to do it.”
“Why do they call him that?”
“You’ll find out. Now come on, get up.” He smacked my ass before getting out of bed.  I glared at him playfully for the smack but he only grinned before exiting the bedroom.
After getting dressed and having a quick breakfast he had asked me.
“So where do we want them at?”
“I was thinking I’d get mine done on my right forearm, but underneath it, so like here.” I said tracing around the soft underpart of my right forearm at around the middle.
“Okay so then I’ll get mine here under the left forearm. That way when we place them together,” he placed his left forearm next to mine. “The picture will meet perfectly. Make sure to bring the drawing so he’ll know.” I went and grabbed my journal and then Eddie opened the door before taking my hand and the two of us walked through the trailer park to Big Cat’s place.
It was just like any other trailer, run down and not really anything fancy.  You could hear loud music from inside and I asked.
“Is this why you wanted to leave early?”
“Mostly. Since public tattoo parlors are illegal here in this lovely state of ours, those who can’t take the pain, he drowns them out with music. At least it’s good music and not any pop shit.” I playfully shoved his shoulder as he walked up the steps and gave a secret knock but did it loud enough for at least Big Cat to hear.
We waited for about a minute until the music was turned off and the door cracked open slightly as it was being held by a chain lock.
“Well, well Munson. You’re actually here on time for a morning appointment.”
“I have my moments.” Eddie shrugged.  The door shut as I heard the chain lock coming undone before the door fully opened to reveal Big Cat.
He had some muscle to him but was a tall and lean man, definitely taller than Eddie at about 6ft something, but not basketball crazy I’d say somewhere between 6ft-6ft 2in.  His hair was as black as night and teased to the max almost kinda like Nikki Sixx or Tommy Lee, hell it was even framed around his face like a lion’s mane.
But it was all over his arms that tattoos covered almost every inch of his arms from the shoulders to the wrists, and even his knuckles. All varying in designs, patterns or characters.  And like Eddie he even had some tattoos along his chest that were exposed thanks to his Led Zeppelin tank-top.
“Dude you’re lucky I like you, I don’t do last minute appointments for just anybody.”
“Hey but I appreciate you man.” He and Eddie clasped hands and shook on it.  It was then his attention turned to me and he said.
“Well, well, this the girl?”
“Watch it man, she’s mine.”
“Hey I ain’t trying to weasel my way in. Just wonder what’s a girl like that do to get a loser like you?”
“For your information Eddie is not a loser. Just cause he had to repeat high school three times does not make him an idiot. You have no idea what he’s been through and I’m sick and tired of punk ass fools mocking him for that! If you wanna make fun of someone for repeating school you turn and make fun of me asshole! Cause I’m in the same boat as him. And if you’re gonna keep degrading him as such, we’ll take our business elsewhere, Big Cat.” I sneered his name.
He stared at me blankly until a wide smile spread across his face and his shoulders began to shake until he started laughing boisterously.
“Ahh damn Munson. You got a spitfire with her! I can see why you love her.”
“Told yah she can be feisty.”
“What now?” I asked confused.
“Baby, Big Cat is like that with all his clients, especially me.”
“Yeah. Being the youngest of any client I’ve had, of course I gotta rag on him even more. None of the older dudes get my humor but this motherfucker here.” They once again high fived each other, this time the clap being the loudest I thought I could ever hear from a high five.  “And hey, for that outburst alone, I’ll knock off 10% of the tat. Now come in dudes and make yourselves at home.” He turned back into his trailer.
“But it was real sweet of you to say those things about me sweetheart.” He pecked my cheek before trotting inside leaving me speechless. God this man I swear.  I shook my head before walking inside the trailer. Eddie shut the door behind me and locked it as I saw all around me various tattoo designs.
They all ranged from basic stencil designs to the more artistic and detailed pictures of dragons, wolves, and of course Big Cats mainly lions.  He also did Japanese and Chinese character templates according to some of the pictures he had of some of his clients.
“So dudes, what’ll it be today?” Big Cat said.
“Roxxi here actually has the picture she wants for the two of us.” Eddie said as he turned to me and extended his hand.  I handed him the journal and he flipped over to the page before showing it to Big Cat.
“Ahhh cute. Secretly wanted to do a matching set tattoo, but these stuck-up bats with their church knickers on don’t value the beauty that is a tattoo. So whose getting which and where’s it going?”
“We agreed our opposite under forearms. I want the wolf one on my right and Eddie will take the fox on his left.”
“Good. Cause that puppet master one deserves its own space. I’d kill if anything disrupted that.” He said as he got his tattoo gun and ink ready.
“Agreed. It’s my favorite one.” I said as Big Cat bowed.
“Thank you, thank you. Worked months trying to perfect the picture. Any colors for it or do you want it basic black?”
“You said coloring was extra last time I came around. Just how much extra?” Eddie asked.
“Well Munson, typically I’ll do colors about $50 extra, but like I said, you got the discount thanks to your foxy mama there. But if you don’t want color I won’t force it.” Eddie turned to me and asked.
“What do you think sweetheart? Color or no color.” I sighed and said.
“I don’t wanna pressure you to do color. If it’s too expensive then we don’t—”
“Hey, this is what you want. I’m following your lead on this okay?”
“I’ll tell you what,” we turned to Big Cat as he continued, “How bout this pairing comes for free?”
“No, no, no Big Cat I know what you do when you do that.”
“This ain’t no charity request Munson. And for a normal house call not even you could afford it. But this is for your girl, so this ones on me.” He gave me a wink.  Eddie turned to me and I looked at him.
“What say you babe?” Eddie sighed heavily before saying.
“You swear you won’t go back on this deal?”
“Cross my heart.” He said crossing his heart.  After agreeing, he then said as he held up the tattoo gun, “Now who’s first?”
“I’ll go first.” Eddie volunteered as he took the first seat and held out his left arm and turned it over for Big Cat.  He took a look at the picture and he asked me.
“And do you want it exactly like this?”
“Well as you can see I’m no real artist so if you could maybe make it as detailed as possible.” I answered.
“Can do.” He took out some moisturizer wipes and cleaned off Eddie’s forearm while Eddie pointed out where I had said we should do it.  Big Cat nodded as he tore the page out of my journal and took it over to what looked like an overhead projector and placed a paper over it.  He took a pencil and began to trace over the fox and wolf pictures.
“How long have you been doing this?” I asked him.
“About 12 years now. Dropped out of high school at 16 when I was still living in LA. The only thing that kept me alive was my art. Of course I wasn’t all for the fancy art show shit, until I found a local tattoo parlor. Got an apprenticeship and the rest is history.” Big Cat said as he got the final details done on the paper before placing it over some ink and wet it down.
“You know he actually did some of Nikki Sixx’s and Tommy Lee’s tattoos.” Eddie turned to me.
“Shut up!” I exclaimed.
“Yeah for real. Oh man those dudes were insane. Not to mention completely fucked up but I knew they were gonna be something big. They’d come into the shop almost every other week for new ink.”
“So what brought you here to Hawkins? I mean no offense but there’s nothing out here.”
“Yeah that is true. Unfortunately the tattoo parlor was a victim of one of the many riots we get in LA. My boss Tyler ‘Tyga’ Johnson tried to stop the vandals but the bastards shot him in cold blood. With no future homeowner, the city basically let the parlor rot and so I…..packed up my shit and started moving East. Thought about heading for New York but then my old ride died on me and now here I am.” As he told the story, he pressed the paper down on Eddie’s arm before pressing down on it (much like how you did those fake tattoos they give out in carnivals when you were a kid).
He slowly lifted the paper off his skin after a few minutes to reveal the fox perfectly stenciled onto his skin.  Big Cat prepped his tattoo gun and dipped the needle down in the black ink to trace the picture first and soon I heard the whirring loud hum as he pressed the needle to Eddie’s skin.
He slightly flinched but soon relaxed as Big Cat proceeded to trace along the picture.
“Since this will take a while, why don’t you go into the kitchen and on the cabinet drawer right under the sink is some ibuprofen, take two of those for yourself.” He suggested to me.
“Trust me sweetheart, you’ll want to especially for your first time.” Eddie advised.  I walked over to his kitchen area and opened the drawer until I found it.  I uncapped it, dumbed out two pills before popping them into my mouth and swallowed them.
I walked back over to Eddie and Big Cat and watched as Big Cat continued to trace and fully draw out the fox tattoo.  It took about a full hour and a half, maybe even two hours for him to finally get done with the fox tattoo but it looked so beautiful once it was done.
“Alright Munson, now just hang here for a bit cause I wanna measure out where to line that up with the wolf tattoo.”  Eddie stood up from the chair and helped me into it now while Big Cat restocked and changed the needle in his gun.  
He prepped my arm with the moisturizer wipe before waving Munson over to place our arms together so that way he could line up the pictures together.  Once he had it, he placed the wolf picture over my arm and pressed down on it.
“You nervous?”
“A bit to be honest. Just heard all the horror stories from some people or how they got sick after getting their tattoos done.”
“That’s just cause those assholes are too lazy to swipe out the needle before they do the next person. I may look mean and scary but at least you’ll know that I’ll keep you healthy with a clean and new needle every time.” Just like Eddie after a few minutes he slowly peeled the paper off and I saw the design in purple on my arm.
This is it, this was really happening.  Once that needle gets to my skin, there’s no going back. I felt Eddie’s hand grasp my left one and I turned to him.
“Deep breath sweetheart.” He and I both took a deep breath in before exhaling out.  We did that a few times until I felt the prick of the needle on my skin.  I hissed and tensed up.  “It’ll hurt more if you’re tense babe, try to relax. Just focus on me, okay?” I nodded before taking another deep breath in then exhaled.
“Guess I should’ve brought in my comics so you could read them to me.”
“Well maybe there’s next time.”
“If you want, I’ve got some comics in the back. Now they’re not Avengers or their solo comics. Just Batman, Daredevil and Spiderman.”
“No way. I love the Daredevil and Spiderman.”
“No kidding! Dude I’ve never known a woman to like comics let alone know anything about them!”
“Oh Big Cat, she knows everything about those two street-leveled heroes.” Eddie said as he wrapped his tattoo up in some protective wrap and bandages.
“So which is your favorite? Daredevil or Spiderman?” Big Cat asked me as he kept tracing over the wolf tattoo.
“God they’re both so great, but I guess if I had to choose it’d have to be The man without fear.”
“Hardcore, love that. Yeah Daredevil’s the shit man. I’m hoping for my next tat design to be Daredevil himself. It’s a work in progress but can’t get the damn gargoyle to look how I want it.”
“When you’re done I’d like to see it, if that’s alright.”
“For a fellow DD fan, anything.” Big Cat said with a grin before returning back to focus on the tattoo.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re trying to replace me.” Eddie mocked teasingly.
“Don’t you even go there.”
“No, no I get it. Just because I’m not a comic nerd like you, you go off and find someone else. I see how it is.”
“You big boob you know I love you, and will always educate you on any comic should you desire so.”
“Think I’ll stick to my fantasy genre thank you very much.” I stuck my tongue at him as Big Cat continued on with my tattoo and the two of us talked about our favorite comics and issue numbers.
“Oh hell no! You can’t beat out the double issue of Spiderman 121-122 the Death of Gwen Stacy!” I told him.
“You serious? She had it coming nah dude. If you want a real comic, it’s hands down Batman Detective comic #395. Lots of horror and gothic aspects man. Totally insane read and really fucked up my mind.”
“You sure you also weren’t getting stoned while you were reading it?” I sassed at him.  I heard Eddie let out a snort as he kept in his laugh behind his hand.  Big Cat scowled at me before saying.
“If you weren’t also a Daredevil lover, I’d personally make this hurt a lot worse than it is now.” I stuck up my nose at him letting out a small humpf.
Eventually my tattoo was finally done and after Eddie wrapped it up just like his was, Eddie thanked him and said.
“Thanks for getting us on short notice BC.”
“Don’t worry about it dude, but don’t let it happen again. You’re lucky your girl already had the drawing ready and was in perfect condition for me to trace. And you, tie-die, we’re gonna have another debate about comics should you come by these parts again.”
“I’m counting on it. I’ll have a full speech ready and everything.”
“Uh-oh better watch out Big Cat. Roxxi here practically smoked everyone whenever it came to debates. She could truly pass off as the female Matt Murdock attorney at law.”
“Oh I’m counting on it. Later dudes.”
“See yah.”
“Bye. Thank you.” Eddie and I soon exited Big Cat’s trailer and we headed back to ours for what Eddie called the TLC time to let our arms heal up.
As the day went on, the pain in my arm was starting to increase and on the borders of the bandages I could feel my skin starting to ich. I didn’t know whether to massage or scratch at my arm but just before I could lift my hand to do something about it, Eddie’s hands immediately clasped over mine.
“I know babe. The first tattoo I got drove me fuckin crazy. But you can’t touch it, it’ll get infected or make it hurt worse.”
“Isn’t there anything I could maybe put on it to ease up the itchiness?”
“Not for the first couple of days. Medicine could slip through the bandage and infect the skin or worse screw up the ink. And trust me when I say you do not wanna mess up a perfect piece of art created by Big Cat. The last man to do that, was never seen again.” He said the last part in a haunting manner that he’ll sometimes do as the DM.
“You’re making that up.” I said shoving him playfully.
“Okay that part was a lie, but I wasn’t joking about messing up Big Cat’s artwork. I mean I love the guy but damn he is a monster when it comes to people screwing up his art.”
“Reminds me of someone else I know.” I muttered.
“What was that?” he asked.
“You heard me babe. You are the exact same way when you’re in the zone with your campaigns. Especially the one you’re planning for next year after the winter break. ‘The Cult of Vecna’.”
“It’s a multitude, complex campaign full of twists and turns that I won’t even let you in on.” I rolled my eyes.
“And you’ve just proven my point.”
“Oh that’s it c’mere you!” he pulled me in close and blew a raspberry into the ticklish spot on the side of my neck which made me let out a shriek as I tried to pull away from him.  “I would have you handcuffed to this bed and tickle torture you until you apologized for what you said. But I’m refraining because you’ve got a boo-boo arm.”
“A what?” I laughed.
“You heard me.” He gently took my right arm and brought it up to his lips where I felt him gingerly kiss just a few inches away from the wrapped bandage.  “But I gotta say sweetheart, you were really brave today. Your first tattoo and you didn’t even scream once. I’ve seen like bodybuilders scream like babies whenever they get a tattie from Big Cat.”
“I mean it did hurt like hell, at least for the first half hour he did the basic outline. It also helps that I’ve had worse pain than this.” I looked up at Eddie who looked at me solemnly.  He tucked a strand of my tri-colored hair out from my eyes before he kissed the crown of my head.
“Hey just think though,” he raised my right arm before lifting up his left arm and placing it as close to mine as possible.  “In a few days, we’ll take these bandages off and our matching tats will be in full display. Letting everyone in the world know that I am yours and you are mine.”
“My Papa Wolf.”
“My Mama Fox.” We turned to look into each other’s eyes.
I swear the first thing that attracted me to Eddie all those years ago were his big, brown soulful eyes.  It was like looking into the personified form of safety.  Eddie’s eyes always held such comfort and warmth which reflected his accepting personality.  Back in the day when the stress of being Hawkin’s ‘Aerial Queen’ got too much for me, it was Eddie’s soft, brown eyes that always grounded me and gave me love and safety.
He was the only one who saw pass the whole façade that I was forced to live by and allowed me to be myself around him.  I could be vulnerable and not feel ashamed about it. While he wouldn’t patronize or underplay how I was feeling, he’d provide a shoulder to cry on, a warm embrace, and words of affirmation.
Eddie Munson is and will always be my soulmate.
I buried my face into his neck as I played with the ends of his hair while he wrapped his right arm around me bringing me closer to him as I felt him kiss my forehead and snuggle in close to me.
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writingsnmusings · 4 years
The Prince’s Favorite
pairing: ivar the boneless x reader
summary: reader is close to all the brothers, but this is just a glimpse into her relationship with the youngest son of ragnar.
a/n: i still suck at descriptions lmao but this is my first viking fic! feedback is more than welcomed ❤️ the rest of this series is linked right here.
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Your relationships with the sons of Queen Aslaug were each special and unique, but the one that really stood out was the one with Ivar the Boneless himself. Your parents were great allies to the Queen and she always had a special place for you in her heart, thinking of you as the daughter she always wanted. She cherished the way you treated her beloved sons, especially her youngest.
Ivar was always a rotten child, as many people had said. But to you, there was not one rotten thing about the blue eyed boy. You were by far the closest to him as you two were more or less the same age.
Sure, you loved hanging out with Ubbe and Hvitserk, watching them charm the thralls that came in and out of their chambers. Sigurd always kept you entertained whenever you had the chance to sit with him by the water and listen to him play his instrument and sing. Ivar was always wary when you spent time with his brothers; complaining that they were stealing you from him.
“Ivar,” You sighed, pulling the knife he just threw at Sigurd from the wooden chair, “You have got to stop getting so jealous.”
He scoffed for his seat at the head of the table, “Jealous of Sigurd? That’s impossible.”
Ubbe and Hvitserk exchanged glances from across the table, knowing their younger brothers emotions always got the best of him. Aslaug shook her head as she caught Ivar’s angry eyes. “My son, what have I said about throwing your weapons at my table? Unacceptable.” Her voice was stern, but everybody knew she wasn’t actually upset with him.
Ivar shyly bowed his head at his mother’s words, but quickly snapped his attention to Sigurd as he spoke once again out of turn. “Y/N seemed to enjoy my company at the shore earlier today. She raved about the new melody I came up with.” The smugness in his voice was impossible to miss.
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose before quickly moving to Ivar’s side. “Please.” You begged him, looking into his eyes and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. His hardened gaze diminished as he covered your hand with his own. The contrast of his calloused and rough hands with your soft and gentle ones always amazed him. How something so pure and innocent as you would keep his company was beyond him.
“Very well. As long as Sigurd keeps his mouth shut, there will be no more violence at the dinner table.” He gave his mother a smile while she returned before getting Ubbe’s attention. Sigurd seemed pleased with the way he riled up Ivar for the night and went back to eating his food.
Letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, you pulled away from Ivar, well tried to. He tugged on your hand and managed to pull you into his lap, encaging you to him with his strong arms.
“Ivar!” You yelped, blushing once everybody’s eyes were on you. Queen Aslaug chuckled at her sons antics as Ubbe and Hvitserk merely smirked. Sigurd rolled his eyes, but otherwise payed no mind.
“Feed me, Y/N?” Ivar sweetly asked, but you knew it was more of a command. You huffed, but nonetheless picked up the fruit that was on his plate and moved it to his mouth. He could’ve just let you plop the berry into his mouth but no, Ivar made a show of putting your fingers in his mouth and noisily sucking. The reddening of your cheeks never faded, especially when he decided to turn the tables and feed you. He titled his cup up to your lips, his intense gaze watching as the mead dripped down your chin. He pulled the cup away and scooped up the droplet with his finger before bringing it to his lips. Your eyelids grew heavy as you watched him.
Your little moment was broken due to someone loudly clearing their throat. It was Ubbe, of course. He held a small smirk as he spoke, “Seems you two were off in your own little world to hear mother excuse herself. We’ll all be off now as well. You two have fun.” He sent a wink your way before leaving the large hall.
Ivar shook his head, his grip on your waist loosening. You took this as your cue to get up and busied yourself by getting his crutch, shaking your head at the thrall who was walking towards them. “I’ve got it, thank you.” The girl left you two alone.
“Would you like me to start your bath?” You asked as he stood up, wobbling slightly. You frowned, but knew better than to express your concerns over his well being. You weren’t his mother or wife.
“If you would please? The stupid thralls always make it too cold and never how I like it.” He scowled, making his way to his chambers. You followed, shaking your head at his foul language towards the help.
You weren’t a thrall by any means, you were a completely free woman. You could have your own little house out by the water as you always wanted, but you chose to stay close to Ivar. Only a couple feet away from where he slept. Queen Aslaug was more than happy to take you in once news made it’s rounds of your parents being killed. It’s only been two years and you still stuck around, taking care of her sons, mainly her youngest as he always held you in high regard.
Making quick work of gathering Ivar’s steaming hot bath water, you secretly watched as he undressed himself. Starting with his top layers and ending by unbuckling the straps that kept his legs hidden. In all your years of friendship, you had never seen his legs and as long as it kept Ivar happy, you’d go forever without doing so.
The groan Ivar let out as he sank into the tub made you clench your thighs under your thankfully large skirts. It’d been quite a while since you were last touched and your body seemed to have finally noticed. You shook all thoughts from your head and made your way behind Ivar who had his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful and innocent and you loved the look on him.
“Ready, my prince?” Your use of his favorite nickname made his eyes open, a small smile forming upon his plump lips.
Instead of answering, he simply nodded. You began running your fingers through his hair, just detangling it from the braids and letting both of you bask in the peacefulness of the moment. His eyes fluttered closed again, the smile staying. At the way Ivar was leaning his head back into your touch, you were afraid he’d snap his neck. The thought made a giggle slip out.
Again, his ocean eyes met yours with curiosity. “What's so funny?”
You shrugged a bit, “Just the way you’re throwing your head into my hands. Reminds me of a needy little kitten.” Your hands left his hair to grab the wet washcloth and bucket at your side. You moved around to kneel beside him and began wetting his chest. His eyes roamed over your face as concentration took over. How he got dirt all over his chest puzzled you, but you simply scrubbed till it was gone. Moments went by till you noticed him still staring.
“Can I help you with something?” You asked with a teasing smile. Your hands stopped their movements and were splayed on his toned chest.
Ivar nodded as his tongue poked out to lick his chapped lips, “Answer me this, Y/N, ” He held the same confidence as always, but you heard a hint of something else in his voice. “Why do you do this? Care for me when I have thralls to do so, feed me before even feeding yourself, save my brothers from my attacks?” As he finished speaking, he took your hands in his own and held them tight against him, almost as if keeping you from fleeing.
You pondered the question for a few before settling on your final answer. “Because I care about you. It’s as simple as that.”
You looked at him so sweetly he sort of loathed it. There was no way in all of Midgard that he deserved someone like you in his life. It felt too good to be true. But, he’d keep his self loathing thoughts to himself for tonight. Right now he enjoyed your presence and how you cared for him.
“As simple as that hm?” He quirked an eyebrow as you nodded, keeping eye contact with him. Still with your hands in his grip, he brought them to his lips and kissed them twice, once on each hand.
Ivar thanked all the gods he could think of for allowing you to be with him. He didn’t think he deserved it, but he’d keep you for as long as he could.
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crusherthedoctor · 3 years
Sonic Heroes: Sweet or Shite? - Part 1: SILVER
There are some heroes I like. And there are some heroes I don’t like. But why do I feel about them the way I do? That’s where this comes in.
This is a series in which I go into slightly more detail about my thoughts on the heroes in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, and why I think they either work well, or fall flat (or somewhere in-between). I’ll be giving my stance on their designs, their personalities, and what they had to show for themselves over the course of time. Two things to keep in mind:
1. These reviews will be focusing mainly on game portrayals. Though alternate media will occasionally be mentioned, it'll be for the sake of adding onto a point if a portrayal is similar enough, or to compare and contrast if a portrayal is different enough.
2. These are just my own personal thoughts. Whether you agree or disagree, feel free to share your own thoughts and opinions! I don’t bite. :>
Anyhow, for today’s installment, I decided to challenge myself by starting off with a complicated one. Born from the future, and never content to stay put in said future, it's the saviour whose debut came from the most unfortunate game... Silver the Hedgehog.
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The Gist: Once upon a time, in the distant future, there was an idealistic young hedgehog named Silver, gifted with the power of telekinesis for reasons unknown. With his amazing potential, he was truly destined for a wonderful, prosperous li-just kidding, it was shit.
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“All two of us.”
For as long as he knew, the world was forever plagued by Iblis, the terrible Flames of Disaster. Cities stood in ruin, flames stood high, the floor was lava... it was a bitter life to be certain, all thanks to Iblis. Not even defeating the titular creature did much good, since it would simply come back to be a shitty boss fight another day. What was he - and his friend, Blaze, a character we definitely never saw before and definitely didn't have a completely different backstory before - to do?
Trust the first person he sees, of course. Even if they look like they might be related to the same Flames of Disaster that he fights so constantly.
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If he had eyelids, he'd be winking at the camera.
This mysterious fellow, Mephiles the Dark, informed Silver that if he were to wipe out Iblis for real, he would need to take a trip into the past, and eliminate the root of the problem... Sonic the Hedgehog? That was what Mephiles claimed, yes. What was his proof? There was no proof.
That was good enough for Silver.
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Oh look, it's Fleetway Sonic.
After an elaborate series of events, which should sound exciting but really isn't because it was just Silver going “Iblis Trigger grrr” in varying tones of voice, he was finally able to corner the blue hedgehog... twice! And despite having less fighting know-how than the hero who saved the world plenty of times, he effortlessly came close to killing the blue hedgehog... twice!
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This looks like a jobbing for...
Why twice? The first time was halted by Sonic's friend Amy Rose, who Silver had met beforehand after she mistook him for Sonic, an understandable mistake that even the keenest of eyes would be forgiven for making.
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The second time was also interrupted, this time by Shadow the Hedgehog. There's only room for one controversial non-blue male hedgehog in this franchise, sonny boy. Actually, his reasons were more benevolent than that: he wanted to show Silver the truth about what was going on, by time travelling to the incident that gave birth to Iblis. Why was one able to to this, so long as more than one Chaos Emerald was present? No one knew.
That was good enough for Silver.
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“I challenge you to a dumb-off.”
As it turned out, Iblis was one half of a sun god called Solaris, the other half being the aforementioned Mephiles. The Duke of Soleanna wanted to reunite with his late wife by harnessing Solaris' power, which succeeded from a certain point of view since he's dead now too. The resulting blunder split Solaris into two halves. One half was all brawn, with little capacity for intelligence. The other half was Iblis.
Understanding the error of his ways, and after making peace with Sonic, Silver went back to the future to try something different, which consisted of doing the same thing he always did. Luckily for him, the script decided it would work this time, albeit at the cost of Blaze sacrificing herself... Maybe? Sort of? It’s not entirely clear what happened to her, and it’s not like this was the last we ever saw of her.
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~La laaaaaa, la laaaaaa, la laaaaaa, heading to a better game, la laaaaaa~
But ohhhhh nooooo, turns out THAT didn't solve anything either! In the present, Sonic was killed by Mephiles, after the latter realised he should probably do that already if he wanted to make any progress at all with his plan. This incident led to Iblis being brought into the present, and they fused to become the omnipotent Solaris once more. Such power... such divinity... such devastation...
Actually, he was really easy. The antlion from Underground Zone was harder.
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Manchild robots - 1, god of time - 0.
With their super forms in tow, Silver, Shadow, and the revived Sonic joined forces to defeat Solaris, with Sonic in particular going the extra step in retconning Solaris out of existence entirely. Since time itself reset, meaning Iblis was no longer a memory, Silver's timeline was given a second chance. What was he to look forward to in this new, promising future?
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The Design: Let's take a closer look at Silver's appearance, shall we?
Or rather, a certain thing that's wrong with it.
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He's holding up fifteen fingers.
Yes, you all know what I'm pointing to: the hairstyle. Let it be known that I'm very aware of the intention behind this design choice. It's supposed to be based on the Japanese Red Maple Leaf, which holds a lot of relevant symbolism for Silver's character. This is a fine idea in theory, and I can respect the intent and the creativity.
But here's the thing: If it looks like a ganja leaf, people are going to say it looks like a ganja leaf. I know some fans will gnash their teeth at me saying this, but the fact of the matter is that intentions and ideas, no matter how good they may be on paper, don't always translate well into the final product. Unleashed Secret Rings Black Knight Sonic '06 in general is certainly no stranger to showcasing examples of that, and Silver's hairstyle is no exception. There are ways to incorporate symbolism in a character’s design without making them look like meme bait in the process, and no amount of “umm ackshually” will change that, I'm afraid.
That said, there's another reason why I'm staying clean of Silver marijuana: it doesn't work for a hedgehog character. With the other hedgehogs, their hairstyles are simple and get the point across: Sonic's goes without saying, Shadow's is more angular to befit a slightly rougher hero, and Amy's is a cute bob cut of sorts. But Silver? Even without the ganja, you've still got the two tentacles making up the back of his head.
I'd rather not be reminded of hentai quills, thanks.
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“I thought Crusher-san would like it :’(”
I do find it hilarious that they went through numerous designs for Silver, and this was what they chose to go with. Some of his prototype designs may have fared better had any of them been used instead... but we didn't end up with any of those ones. We ended up with this one, therefore I'm judging this one.
But don’t worry, it’s not all bad with Silver...
The Personality: As far as actual character goes, Silver's personality is as straightfoward as most characters in the series, yet it's no less interesting, because it took a while for it to fully evolve to what it currently is. The seeds of his character - a good-natured yet awkward and rather insecure kind of guy, who doesn't fully understand how the present time works - have always been there, but it was often downplayed in earlier titles due to him being hungry for Iblis Trigger blood... or being an arsehole for no reason.
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Although to be fair, everyone in Rivals is an arsehole for no reason.
Eventually though, after the writers gave him a Snickers, these traits got more opportunity to shine. Mostly in side media admittedly, but it's been noted in the games as well. With no Iblis to angst over, he's proven to be a surprisingly bubbly chap, who just wants to know how you're all doing, fellow anthro kids. And whereas his naivety was previously used for intended tragedy to benefit the evil plan of a guy who thought taking the -istoph- out of Mephistopheles would make him inconspicuous, now it's been used for a bunch of low-key contexts that do a much better job at endearing him to the player.
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Finally, something I can relate to.
Hell, he even seems to have learned from the Mephiles incident, as he was quick to make it clear to the next shadowy deep-voiced anthro with demonic eyes he met that he wasn't gonna fall for any of them fibs no more, ya hear?
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“YouTube and Twitter don’t count.”
All in all, it works well enough, in my opinion. His personality does pave the way for some funny and wholesome moments, and since they’re no longer trying to build him up like he’s Shadow 2.0, he's nowhere near as much of a tool as he was before. So I guess you could say... I like it?
Does this mean I can say that I like the character as a whole then, design and '06-induced idiocy aside?
Well, not quite...
The Execution: This is where the complication part comes into play. We know now that I like his personality, not so much his design, but that's only the half of it. It would be more accurate to say that I like his personality... and dislike everything else.
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Aside from that, obviously.
For starters, the creation process for his character and story was summed up with, in their own words, “Think Trunks from Dragon Ball Z”. So he comes off as rather lazy and uninspired. Now I'm not expecting my Sonic characters to be 100% unique, there's always going to be similarities to other franchises no matter what you do, even if subconsciously or by complete coincidence. Taking inspiration in itself is no big deal at all.
But... was that it? Copying a DBZ character to such a blatant extent? Was there no other thought put into it?
Naturally, this ties into an overarching problem: the franchise's mid-00's habit of trying way too hard to be the anthro Dragon Ball Z. Sonic has had DBZ influences since the early days, with the Chaos Emeralds and Super Sonic, but it didn't assimilate itself into every waking aspect of his universe. It was merely an additional flavor that added to the complete package, in the same way that a Death Star with a moustache didn't mean the franchise was suddenly Star Wars the Hedgehog.
But come the turn of the millenium, nearly every main title in the series ended with Super Sonic and/or Super Shadow saving the day, while everyone else either stood around being useless, or only helping in ways that no one actually cares about. Including the in-universe President apparently, since only Sonic and Shadow were featured in the photo on his desk.
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Amy smiled. “I guess the rest of us can go fuck ourselves, huh?”
This reached its peak with - of course - Sonic '06, with Silver in particular being an obvious result of this then-ongoing trend. And yes, it would be unfair to use him as a scapegoat, considering it was already a problem long before he turned up. But moreso than even Shadow, it's an era that Silver is forever a relic of, for better or for worse.
But it doesn't stop there. Since Silver is considered a mainstay character, his gimmick of being from the future also creates problems of its own, because in order for him to make further appearances, he keeps turning up for little explained reason, and thus he suffers the Deadly Six problem of being shoved into places where he doesn't belong, for fanservice's own sake. Take Sonic Colours DS for example, where he went back in time JUST to check out Eggman's theme park... Okay...?
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On one hand, I’d visit it too, since it's made by Eggman. On the other hand, I’d stay clear of it, since it's made by Eggman.
And when there IS a justification with more weight to it? It's just recycling the '06 routine of trying to avert his ruined future, which isn't much better. The cause may differ depending on the story, but if his future is a permanent shitehole for one reason or another, he might as well cut out the middle man and stay in the present altogether, since that's where his friends are anyway. But they seem intent on not doing that, despite the future schtick being a noose around his neck at this point.
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In hindsight, maybe this was a hint to how the rest of the arc would turn out.
And then there's his dynamic with a certain purple cat... No, not Big. The other one.
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“I’m here, by the way.”
Simply put: I don't like this dynamic. At all. Or rather, I don't like how they keep milking it. Blaze's backstory was radically changed to justify her presence in Silver's future, and it really shows, since she barely even shows up half the time, as if the developers themselves forgot she was in the game. But her backstory has since been restored to her original alternate dimension interpretation, so hanging around with the grey hedgehog is all good now, right?
To be brutally honest, I probably wouldn't care for this dynamic regardless. But I would be more willing to tolerate it, and I'd refrain from groaning every time they're seen together... if they weren't intent on playing it up so much in spite of '06 being wiped out, sometimes with a bit of commentary involving their thoughts and memories, which only succeeds at making things more confusing. If Blaze is around, Silver will be nearby, and if he's not at first, he will be soon enough. This franchise does have a problem in general with restricting who's allowed to interact with who (I personally believe Sonic Heroes may have led to this, or at least it accelerated it), but I'd argue it's at its most insufferable here, with Blaze's potential and her entire world taking a backseat to being the sidekick of Ganja Man.
And you might say “Well, it's part of the franchise now, so you'll just have to accept it”. To which I ask: Have you accepted Two Worlds? Have you accepted Solo Sonica? Have you accepted Sonic's friends not doing much as of late?
Yeah. That's what I thought. “It’s just how it is” doesn’t mean you can’t criticise it.
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Meanwhile, Marine is lucky enough to get so much as a shout out.
So yeah, I have quite an extensive list of grievances involving poor Silver. But... very little of it has to do with him, right? They're all indirect problems that he just so happens to be linked to, as opposed to someone like Chris Thorndyke, who is genuinely a shit character through and through. This is more comparable to Tails being bitchy in Lost World, or Amy being manipulative in Chronicles, or Sonic being a smug dumbass in IDW, or Shadow not wearing a Hawaiian shirt in Boom. Frustrating, regrettable, but not really the character's own fault.
Yet even after all that, there's one last kick in the teeth... How do you fix all this? And how do you fix it when he's since gained a sizable fandom, many of whom like him for these very attributes? If you leave it as it is, you're stuck with this big, awkward mess that everyone pretends to ignore. If you try to do something about it, you'll get complaints about disrespecting the True Silver Spirit, and you’ll get questions about why you didn't create a new character instead... And if you did use a new character for the sake of a clean slate, THEN you'd get complaints about not using Silver.
It's a tough call to be sure, and it's such a shame because like I said, I do appreciate his personality, so I can't say he's bad outright. But with all this... clutter, I can only put him in the average category. So, in he goes.
Crusher Gives Silver a: Thumbs Sideways!
Well, I'm glad this one's out of the way. Putting my thoughts into words with Silver was harder than it should have been. I do slightly regret starting this series off on a rather downer note, but rest assured, it's a lot more positive from this point onwards, since while I have higher praise for some heroes more than others, the hero characters as a whole fare a lot better than the majority of villains not named Eggman.
I guess you could say that I hope to show why Sonic's friends aren't as shitty as the haters would suggest. ;)
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mikkomacko · 4 years
Dear Daisy 6
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Harry enjoys Saturdays. For the past two months, Saturdays have consistently been his day off from patrolling. Occasionally he'll get Sunday or Friday off as well, but he doesn't get his hopes up. It doesn't matter to him. He's completely fine only having Saturday off.
A shop in town (one he's yet to learn the name of because he's still confused by the French language), had a nice leather bound journal he'd bought the first week of being stationed in the city. It's similar to the one he'd left at home, the one he's comfortable with, so it makes writing his letters easy. Which is what Saturday is for. A letter to Daisy, a letter to Anne, a letter to Gemma, and a letter to Niall who's unable to fight due to his old knee injury. Today he gets through Anne's, Gemma's, and Niall's letters quickly. He's addressing one to Daisy when he pauses, recalling the letters she sent last week. Harry quickly flips to a blank page, scribbling the name of a man he's only spoken to a few times.
Dear Robin,
I wasn't sure you'd remember me after all these years. The last time we spoke I was about thirteen, right before my uncle started grooming me on the steel business. I've changed a lot since then which is why it was quite shocking to hear about you from Daisy. She told me of your generosity, a quality I'll always remember you for if the books in my library are anything to go by. I'd like to thank you for taking Daisy in while I'm away and distracting her with the gift of baking. She may not look it, but I know she gets awful lonely when she's left to herself too long. I remember a few years ago, when I was maybe seventeen or eighteen, I'd passed by her near the park where she was sitting in the grass, chatting with a pigeon. Of course I teased her for it. What kind of nutter talks to birds? But she'd gotten flustered and yelled at me, told me birds need friends too. She also mentioned being stood up by a boy from my mum's neighborhood so she was complaining to the bird. It wasn't really my business, as she so snottily put it, but I knew she was continuing to speak me because she was lonely. I suppose I'm glad that Bill whatever didn't show up that day.
I was worried about leaving her. Her family has hurt her. She wouldn't want to spend much time with them. And her friend Summer has taken up a babysitting job so her time with her is limited as well. Knowing she's enjoying her time with you brings me comfort. I can't thank you enough for watching over my love.
She told me of your son's and I'm sad to not know them very well. I'm sure they're just as wonderful as you if not more. Perhaps you could give me their names or where they're stationed and I could keep an eye out for them? I believe it's a fair deal; you watching my family and I'll watch yours?
Wishing you a happy fall and hoping the bakery stays busy,
Harry Styles.
The bakery is a big company in town so he doesn't need to ask for the address. Finishing up that letter and stuffing it into an envelope, a titter of giggles flows through the November air. Harry peeks up through his eyelashes, finding two girls in long coats not so subtly looking at him. A red head one wiggles her fingers at him, flicking her hair over her shoulder. Harry thinks she's the kind of bird they'd put on a postcard around here. With the Eiffel Tower behind her, trees turning autumn shades that compliment her hair. It's a nice picture, but not one he'd like to look at forever. French girls are pretty, but he prefers English. Particularly English girls with frizzy brunette curls and freckles on her nose and cheeks. Light brown eyes that stir like honey and drip warmth into his veins when they look at him, whether it be through tears of frustration or sparkles of adoration.
He ignores the girls, shifting his shoulders under his thick army coat. At least the uniform is warm. Harry turns back to the letter he had started writing to Daisy, teeth sinking into his chapped bottom lip as he continues to scribble.
Dear Daisy,
I've never enjoyed autumn. I find it uncomfortable. That brief period between the peek of life in the summer and the bittersweet end in the winter. The one thing that I do enjoy, is my mother's pumpkin soup. I'm glad Gemma visited you on Halloween and I'm glad you had so many pumpkins. I would say I'm jealous but I think that'd give you an edge over me so I'll admit to nothing. As for the fighter pilot girl, I wish I could have seen her. My father was a fighter pilot and I use to have a photo by my bed of him in his plane. One time I had a dream that my daughter flew planes, crossed oceans and looked down at mountain tops. She might've looked like that girl you saw. I can't know for sure seeing as I'm here and you're there. Again, I won't say I'm jealous, but do you think there's a chance she'll be a pilot again next year?
Anyway, I'm sitting on a bench in the grass around the Eiffel Tower right now and there's two girls watching me as if they'd have a chance. Suppose I should tell them I'm a married lad? Or should I let them dream? I reckon it'd rile you up if I didn't say anything so I'll stay silent. Who's jealous now aye?
Think I'll go to the bakery down the street after this. You've given me an awful craving with that dream of us in our house, dancing as your pies burn in the oven and my roast beef cooks to perfection. One of my bunk mates gets cookies sent to him from his mum. He likes to brag about it. Think ya could send me some oatmeal ones? Oughta show his mum who's boss.
I don't like raisins though. If there's raisins in my cookies I'll have no choice but to divorce you.
Until then, I hope you're staying warm. Niall told me he'd drop by sometime, check the heater and leave some firewood for you. I don't know if you'll need it but there's extra blankets in my closet as well. My nan knitted a nice green one for me a couple years ago. Spilled some tea on it once but it's awful nice. Feel free to use it. It'll keep ya warm at night. Not as warm as me of course, but it should suffice. If it doesn't you can go to the church and complain to my Nan's grave. Tell her Harry sent you and maybe she'll only hit you a few times.
Heard a rumor the other day that if things are still slow around here by December a few of us might be able to go home for a bit around the holidays. Don't get your hopes up too much but know I'm brown nosing the hell out of my sergeant for the next few weeks. It'd be nice to be able to hit you with a snowball. And it'd be nice to spend my first Christmas as a married man with my wife. I promise I'll keep updating you (only if you send me cookies). Don't tell my mum or sister, they'll try writing to my sergeant about sending me home and I don't need him knowing I'm a momma's boy.
I'll dream of you baking cookies tonight, tossing raisins into the trashcan just for me and I hope you dream of me sitting here, getting oggled by some Frenchies. Happy November love, enjoy this time in the twilight zone.
I'll be home soon Daisy, I promise
The Harry Styles x
Harry's week has gone by too slowly. Typically, roaming the streets of Paris or cleaning up around the base is enough to keep him from straying but not this week. Everything he does, everything he sees, everything he smells pushes his mind to Daisy. Mopping the kitchen floors reminds him of the day they worked together to clean her room. The trees remind him of how it felt to sit in the backyard with her, listening to her soft breaths as she worked on her blanket. The smell of the bakery, flour and cinnamon, remind him of her warmth and the cold air only makes him long for her even more. He doesn't think he's ever had such a terrible week, so he decides he'll push himself to do more next week. Initiative will definitely earn him a ticket home for Christmas, right?
He tries not to let himself get too discouraged as he collapses onto his cot, fingers clutching to the envelopes he received today as well as the medium sized box addressed to him. He's got a letter from his mother as well as Robin, but it's the one attached to the box that he goes for first.
Dear Harry,
French girls may have cute accents but can they make Robin's famous oatmeal cookies perfectly on their first try? I really hope not because then I've really got nothing going for me. Except for the fact that I've already got your last name of course.
I don't know how often you go see the Eiffel Tower but I'd appreciate a thorough description and rating of it from you please. I'd love to see the Eiffel Tower one day but I think I'd like to see the whole world too. Maybe your daughter will be a pilot and she can fly us all over the planet. If not, I'll have to divorce you myself. Assuming you haven't already divorced me by then. I think it would be funny if we divorced each other all the time. Then we could just keep getting married over and over again. I wouldn't mind it if you wore that suit you wore on our first wedding day. You looked really handsome. I was thinking of dragging Summer to town with me to get our wedding photo. If you're nice I'll send you one. If not, I'll save it for the holidays when you come home. I know you said not to get my hopes up but I also know you. You're a born leader Harry whether you like it not, and I'm positive you'll be allowed home.
I just realized something a bit funny. Home. Home used to be my parents house. The home I grew up in. Then I thought it’d be your house, the one I took over by planting flowers everywhere and actually cleaning. I don’t know what home is right now. I keep telling you to come home but what does that matter if I don’t even know where that is? Maybe I’m overthinking it. I hope you know your home Harry and I hope you’re able to come back to it.
Enjoy the cookies, I put extra extra raisins and love into them.
-Daisy o
Harry heart pounds, teeth biting at his bottom lip as he lays the letter down on his pillow and wiggles his finger under the seal on the box. Tearing it open, he fights back a smile at the smell of cookies that hits his nose. They’re not hot or anything, but they’re relatively fresh and wrapped up in a cute basket with green ribbon.
“What’d ya get Styles?” Pip, a bunk mate, asks from two cots over. Harry pulls the basket out, smirking at the other man.
“Gift from my girl,” he says proudly, chest puffing out “she’s a baker.” Pip chuckles at Harry’s sudden uplifted attitude, peeking at the cookies that do look quite delicious.
"Hope they're better than Frank's wife's." He makes a disgusted face and Harry laughs. Frank only shared his cookies once and they were bloody awful. He's never tried Daisy's baking but he's sure it's better. She's better than every other girl on the planet. How could her cookies not be better as well?
Harry tucks them safely into the little bedside table he has, glancing over her letter one more time because he loves her words before tucking it into the drawer that holds all his letters from her. He can't help but think of her claiming she knows him. If Daisy knew him as well as she thinks she does, then she'd know that his home isn't some silly house. And she'd know that he's her home. He's always been her home.
Time is supposed to heal. That's what Harry's always been told. The words first arose after his father died and he has blown them off for a long time. Until they rang true. Because one day Anne stopped crying, and people stopped leaving casseroles at the house, and Gemma started going on dates again, and Thomas showed up to chat with Harry more than he used to.
Time. Harry thinks he's pretty tolerant of time. He'd waited hours to speak to Daisy the first night he met her. He waited years to finally be more than the boy who almost killed her. And he's held onto two big secrets for all these years because he knows she'll need time before she can see him as someone she doesn't hate anymore. Years flew by so months should be a breeze. Right? Harry thinks so, but the two months away from Daisy are agonizing, and they're getting worse as days go by. Since when did November turn from 30 days to 300?
Extra training. Extra shifts. Extra work. Extra letters. Extra sleep. Yet nothing is helping to speed the process. He's gotten snippy (snippier than usual) to the point that he pissed off Frank for saying his wife's baking was "absolute shit" and he snapped at that red head girl in town for batting her eyelashes at him. There's a chance he told her she's skin to something the dog would drag in but he honestly can't bring himself to care at all. He just wants a moment with Daisy. Just one moment so he'll know that she's still is because sometimes he feels like he's been stuck at an army base his whole life and their marriage is all one big dream.
When the final day of November rolls around, Harry breathes a sigh of relief. He tells himself that he'll see her soon although he really doesn't know when soon will be.
He's hunched over a table in the cafeteria, hidden in the corner because he really doesn't want to talk to anyone, with his journal and mail sitting before him. He'd told his mum how hard the days were getting and she started sending letters more often, filling him in on random events and gatherings happening back home. He'd just gotten one yesterday talking about the neighbors starting a victory garden so he's a bit surprised to have another one so soon. Surprised, but grateful.
Dear Harry,
We've gotten more snow this week, enough for Niall to come over to shovel out the driveway for me. He stopped by your's and Daisy's home as well, insisting he help take care of "Harry's gals" as he put it. He's awful nice and I heard he's been checking in on Daisy often which is great.
I know you've really been missing her, and I hope this letter brings you comfort rather than heartache. Daisy is devastated without you. I do believe she's happy when she's at the bakery with Robin which I find simply wonderful, but there's multiple nights where she's shown up at my doorstep. She cries for you a lot, misses you more than I think you know. I think she sleeps better here. I always put her in your old bedroom and she's out like a light.
Please don't worry about her Harry. I'm glad she's come to me. She needs companionship and nurturing, both of which I can give. Know that she's safe and happy in your old room, and she's safe and happy with Robin. I know this may not be the happiest of news, but I want you to focus on the good part. Daisy misses you, and to miss you means she's gotten comfortable with you. She's cares about you Harry. I remember the days where I'd hear nothing but you bellyaching about her hating you. Think of how far you've come Harry, and use that happiness when things are tough.
We're all watching over Daisy and taking care of her. Now you take care of yourself, you've got a family waiting for you. I love you very much Harry, and I'm so proud of you.
Harry's chest aches, bones collapsing with the image of his sweet Daisy dripping rain, crying in the middle of his mother's living room for him. He knows she's shy, and that she had a hard time being comfortable around his family. Not that he blames her. She was practically forced into the Styles family, so to know that she actually sought out Anne is heartbreaking. He's only ever seen cry a handful of times, all of them his doing, and the most dreadful time were her tears at their engagement party. She had looked so small and afraid, so desperate for safety that he genuinely hated himself at the time too. Because he did that to her. Well, not exactly, but he didn't fix the problem that was caused by his recklessness.
He can see that same look in her eyes. The one that came to mind when he was signing up for the army. Doe eyed, vulnerable, sweet, and innocent. Too precious for him to risk being hurt. He supposes he'd rather being crying over him than being crying over someone else's cruelty. At least if it's his fault he knows she's still safe. He'd never hurt her, not like the world would. Not like secrets between family members, and arranged marriages, and a German army would. No, he only teases her. It's his own stupid but relatively harmless way of getting back at her. She's been breaking his heart for years. He thinks it's fair that he gets to fluster her enough to tears sometimes.
But he never wanted her devastated and broken by his absence. Maybe he did his job too well. He somehow got her to be romantic with him after a decade of nothing but hatred. He cared for her, nurtured her, but then he had to leave, and that sheltered place he created for her left. He hopes she can find some sense of peace with his mother. Anne's always been the best mother anyone could ask for and Daisy could use that love right now.
Folding the letter back up, Harry decides he doesn't want to keep this one. While he feels appreciated and cared for because Daisy actually misses him, he doesn't want to have to be reminded of her teary eyes every time he comes across it. Harry's crumbling the letter up when another envelope is being thrown in front of him, smacking against the table top.
"What's this?" Harry asks gruffly, because the envelope is blank and thick so it couldn't have come in the mail. He looks up, heart jumping nervously when he's met with the eyes of his sergeant.
"Ticket home Styles," he says, lips quirking up under his thick mustache. "you've earned it. Taken on more work than necessary here. And I here you got a bird back home that doesn't want to spend Christmas alone."
Before Harry can say anything, sergeant is turning on his heel and heading towards the door. Harry stares in shock at the envelope, heart thumping in his ears. Pip had to have told sergeant about Daisy because that's the only guy Harry's ever talked to her about. After snapping at those French girls, he'd sat Harry down and told him to him everything. And he had. And now's he's got his ticket to Daisy. His ticket home.
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eleanor-devil · 3 years
Boruto: Sacrifices [Remade] | Chap.12 - Pursuing Silence
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Written by: Eleanor-Devil & @mirage-05​​
Prologue | Chap.1 | Chap.2 | Chap.3 | Chap.4 | Chap.5 | Chap.6 | Chap.7 | Chap.8 | Chap.9 | Chap. 10 | Chap.11 | Chap.12 - You’re here
There was silence for a long moment. "The sound?" then came a voice, low, emotionless... unknown to most. Naruto didn't even realize all the eyes in the room turning towards Orochimaru, his mind fixated on one word. "The woman...?" "She didn't actively take part in attacking the child, but... She did something much worse." The young Yamanaka paused for a moment, gulped, and continued. "You asked why you couldn't hear the child. She was the reason." The tension in the room was so dense that it was almost tangible. "Explain." the Hokage said simply, his voice suddenly dry.
"Yoshida Suzume, from the Sound's Yoshida clan... A clan who is known by a dangerous kekkei genkai. They form strong sound barriers, and in extreme cases, they can even silence the voice of their opponent." "You mean...?" Konohamaru was easily putting together the pieces, and his eyes widened slightly. "Exactly. She trapped Mitsuki in a sound barrier. Coupled with Takeru’s genjutsu, which was the reason the fire and explosion stayed hidden... even with how close and loud they were, we couldn't hear him fighting for his life." The silence was only interrupted by low murmurs - the news was indeed shocking and cruel. Naruto was lost in thought... He was sure there was no woman when they got there, he had personally made sure there were no other rogue ninjas, and then there was Konohamaru... But Ryu stood in front of him, telling him that there was a woman who was responsible for them not reaching Mitsuki in time... "Shikamaru." he said in a clear voice, cutting into the mumblings. His advisor was right beside him in a second. "I'm listening." "Contact the Land of Rice and arrange three tracker teams to immediately head out to the Sound. We should apprehend that woman at any cost." "Of course." Hearing the Hokage's words, half a dozen of the ninja's in the room got to their feet. "Lord Seventh..." Kakashi started, using his formal title. "As one of the best tracking ninjas, I would like a leading role in this mission." Kiba had also got up. "Me and my dogs have caught their scents before. I would like to be one of the team leaders as well." Naruto wasn't really surprised when he saw Konohamaru on his feet, too. "Excuse me Lord Seventh," the young jounin said, a hardened determination in his eyes. "This is a personal matter for me. I ask your leave to go, too." Shikamaru took a half step forward, but catching Naruto’s eyes, he didn’t open his mouth to voice his thoughts. "Lord Seventh..." That was Ryu. "I can sense that woman's chakra and I've seen her face. If you give permission, I would like to join the trackers, too." The Hokage thought about it for a moment, then nodded. Sai and Ibiki could continue the interrogations, and catching this woman was important. The groups were formed relatively quickly, everyone in there wanted to get this done as soon as possible. Shikamaru approached Naruto. "We got this under control. Go get some rest..." The blond laughed, although it lacked humor. "As if I will be able to rest..." Naruto sighed, but not just out of exhaustion… he gave his advisor a side-long glance. ”There is something I should tell you.” “What is it?” Shikamaru was almost hesitant to ask. “Shikadai… he was in the hospital too, during and after the surgery.” The Nara’s eyes slightly widened at that, and he was quick to grasp Naruto’s hand. “Did he… how much did he see…?” “I’m afraid he witnessed all of it.” Naruto affirmed his worst fear sadly. “Ino is with the kids now of course, but…” Shikamaru passed a hand through his hair with a sigh. “Yeah I… I will talk with Temari too. Excuse me for a moment.” With quick paces, he walked to the door and out. ... The groups were all ready. He himself lacked the necessary abilities for tracking, but Konohamaru felt that luck was going to be by his side tonight. This was an important matter. He couldn't afford to fail... As he was re-checking his weapons, he didn’t even hear the door open. He didn’t look up either, until he heard the Hokage’s voice. “Konohamaru...” The jounin glanced only half up, enough to see his advisor there too, before returning to what he was doing. “Is it time?” “Konohamaru, just…” It felt like the blond was trying to choose his words very carefully. “Why don’t you just stop for a minute?” “With all due respect, Lord Seventh, I don’t have a minute. The teams are heading out shortly and-” “That’s actually what we wanted to talk to you about.” There it was again… that guarded tone, although the Nara’s voice was more formal than the Uzumaki’s. It made the jounin finally look up at them, with just the slightest frown on his face. Although he chose a gentler tone, Naruto’s eyes were just as serious. “We are concerned that you might not be well-suited for this mission.” “No.” The young man had not listened to half of what they had been saying, but he didn’t need to. The implication was too clear, and too horrific. “No, don’t do this to me.” “What you had been through tonight…” Naruto paused a minute, but then continued. “We can’t allow you to succumb to your emotions, not in something this crucial.” “That won’t be a problem.” And with that, he turned his back to the two, but more so for the fact that he didn’t want to look them in the eye. “It will. It’s only too clear.” that was Shikamaru. “Look, I know how you must feel-” “No. You don’t.” Konohamaru cut in, and only the slightest tremble in his voice gave away his inner turmoil. Otherwise he sounded… almost cold. “Don’t I?” For the first time since he entered the room, the Nara was hesitant. “I watched, helpless, as Asuma-sensei was killed right in front of me… I know how it is to want revenge, but this is not the way.” The young man’s posture was a little stiffened from the mention of his uncle… today was really not a good time. He raised his head, but didn’t turn back to the other two. “But uncle Asuma didn’t die believing you can’t stand his presence, did he?” There was a big moment of silence, neither Naruto nor Shikamaru expected to hear this. “That… is not true…” the Hokage started to say hesitantly. Having finished his business, Konohamaru finally turned to them, but he was still avoiding eye contact. “Yes, it is. These last couple of days have been hard for me, and I’ve been out of it mostly… But I didn’t realize I was taking it out of my team… out of him especially… Maybe unknowingly, but it was inexcusable.” “This is all the more reason you shouldn’t go.” Shikamaru tried to reason slowly. “You are not in your right state of mind. In this case you might be more of a liability than help.”   “Shikamaru,” Naruto cut in, in a warning tone. “Easy.” “I won’t. I just… it’s all clear in my mind now. If I do this, when I go on this mission… I will have some sort of closure, some peace of mind. I will be able to live with myself and my mistakes. If… you decide to take that from me…” Konohamaru didn’t complete his sentence, but for the two men, it wasn’t necessary. “We don’t intend to punish you with this,” Naruto said, sighing. “I’m more concerned about you really… But,” he added, having made up his mind. “I also have faith in you, that you can pull this out. Just focus on the mission, and see this as a test to yourself.” Konohamaru felt his throat closing in on itself, grateful for the Hokage’s words. He made a quick, formal bow. “I will not disappoint you, Lord Seventh.” There was really nothing much left to say. With a curt nod from Naruto, Konohamaru was out of the room in a flash. ... No one saw him slipping out of the building. He had enough, dealing with these wretched people. So the sannin made his way, slowly, to the apartments where he knew his son lived. A new beginning... just a chance to become more... make friends... that was all Mitsuki ever wanted before coming to Konoha. Much like how he had a second chance... It would be simple... so much more effortless if he could just get Karin over to heal Mitsuki. He had no doubts that it would work, she was an Uzumaki after all, vast resource of chakra, and her healing abilities... But even if she begged herself to help his son (which he knew she would), he also knew that in her current situation, neither of his two other disciples would allow it. Suddenly, a harsh and sharp voice cut into his train of thoughts. "Halt!" Recognizing the voice, and more out of habit than anything, Orochimaru turned... and looked directly into the eyes of Anko, his former student. From the slight widening of her eyes, the sannin understood that she had managed to see through his disguise... Of course, he would expect nothing less from a disciple. "What do you want, Anko?" "What do I want?!" The woman asked incredibly, nothing but pure anger in her eyes. "What the fuck do you think you are doing here?!" The sannin didn't even bother to reply to her for a moment. "I have neither time nor patience for childish games. Leave me alone." "The hell I will!" The woman cried out, leaning forward in an attack position. "Fight me! You are going to pay for attacking Konoha!" A dangerous glint came into his snake like eyes. "I did not commit the crime all of you are so eager to blame on me." "And you expect me to believe it?!" "Since when did I ever deny something I caused?" "I hope you came here to take your little snake back!" Anko spit out, out of malice. "It was high time you realize he doesn't belong..." Before she could complete, Orochimaru appeared in front of her in a flash, lifting her up by the collar and throwing her, hard, into a wall. "No." he hissed through gritted teeth, and for a minute, Anko feared for her life. "Thanks to you and your wretched village, Mitsuki might as well forever stay in Konoha." Trying to get up, one hand on her throat, the former student gaped at him. "Wh... what?" "Oh, you're telling me you were not informed?" the sannin's tone dripped of heavy sarcasm. "What the hell are you talking about?!" The man turned his back on her, sparing only a brief glance at her. "If you value your life, do not try to follow me." And with that, he was gone. ... The sight of the blackened and barren forest right out of the borders came as a shock for the teams. It was almost mind-numbing - surreal - that a fight this ferocious happened so close to them without them noticing anything at all. In a silent agreement, the teams passed the area without a word, almost in a silent respect. Konohamaru was painfully aware that this place was where Mitsuki made his last stand. Still, with his mind set on one thing right now, to reach the Sound and find the woman who almost cost his student his life, he really didn’t expect he would still be paying attention to even the smallest details of his surroundings. Or maybe he was trying his hardest not to, to keep his focus. But he was a ninja, a jounin after all. The faint glimmer of light caught his eye as they were just about to leave the ghastly sight behind. Discreetly parting ways from the group, he made his way to the soft glimmer, something about it just drawing him closer like a magnet... … She didn't even wait to see the first tents - this was no time to sleep lightly. A bright light shone through the night, creating almost a day-like atmosphere, followed by a huge, rippling sound - but this was no explosion. Anyone who knew Yoshida Suzume knew that this was her kind of warning. "Wake up! Get going! Move! We need to LEAVE!" Slowly though at first, people began filing out. Suzume made sure that there wasn't anyone left inside, going into some of the tents herself to drag people out. "What's going on...?" "When did you come back?!" "Where are Takeru and Hideyoshi?" "They are not coming back! No time to explain! We need to move, NOW!" the woman yelled as she came out with a child in her arms. At once, there were murmurings surrounding the hundreds of people in the area. "We are not going anywhere until you make some explanations," came a strong, female voice, and a woman with long, orange-colored hair and fierce brown eyes came to the front. She had a young child clinging to her neck, looking around with sleepy eyes, his mahogany colored hair ruffled. "Why do we need to leave? Where are my husband and Takeru?" "He was killed!" the woman yelled finally. There were loud gasps. "And Takeru probably met the same end, or captured!" "W... what...?" the orange haired woman mumbled, as if in a trance. "Before we could even start the mission, we were attacked by a child! We had to defend ourselves and silence that kid forever - but if what I saw is anything to go by, he is, in a way, related to Orochimaru!" With her words, a silence gradually fell upon the people. Some of them looked very frightened by that last piece of news, but others looked at one another and one expression remained dominant; shock. "You... attacked a child...?" one of them asked finally. "We didn't have any other choice!" the woman snapped. "If we didn't kill that brat, the mission would have failed!" "Looks like it already did," another in the crowd said. "This mission was a mistake from the beginning..." Hideyoshi's wife mumbled. Some of the children had started crying. "Yeah, so what? What else were we supposed to do?! We all decided on this! Are you deaf - Orochimaru is coming for our heads!" "Hideyoshi would never fight a child!" the woman said while she put the child down and walked forward, towards the woman. "He did!" the other woman practically spat, glaring at the brown eyes. "Who do you think guided us to that child? Who do you think marked his route clearly so we wouldn't miss? Who..." SLAP! Suzume's head turned to a side, eyes slightly widened. "You are not gonna insult him in front of me any further." the orange haired woman said in a dangerous whisper. "There is no point in squabbling over a cast genjutsu," came an older voice then, and an aged woman came forward. Seeing her, Suzume immediately went over to her and knelt in front of her. "Kotone-sama, please... I swear that was the only logical solution... We were taught to put our mind before our heart and I swear I just abided by the Yoshida mantra... I..." "That's enough, Suzume." Kotone then raised her head to look at the other woman, who still had her hand in the air, looking at the younger woman with something akin to disgust. "Sasame, you might have ordered the Fuma out of the mission, but might I remind you that the Shiin, the Oberatsu and the Yoshida all agreed? I actually remember your husband being much honored for being called on this mission. You have no ground in lecturing us." Sasame gritted her teeth, her gaze drifting from the elder to Suzume. "If we have to run, let us run," she finally said, her voice tight. "But someone has to remain behind to cover our tracks." Her eyes held no mercy. "Kotone-sama..." Suzume whispered, looking at her with almost a plea. The elderly woman thought about it for a moment. "Even though you obeyed the Yoshida call, my child... Attacking a minor is still not in our book." The black haired woman's eyes widened, but she knew there would be no arguing to the point. "You will be punished... Of course, when you are finished, you will be allowed to rejoin us." Suzume bowed her head, gaze on the forest floor. "Yes, Kotone-sama." The elder woman then looked back at her clan. "Shall anyone wish to accompany her, I give my permission. Others, make your preparations quick. We are leaving." ... What... were all these...? The sannin felt his blood boiling as he gazed upon the Hokage's idea of 'childish pranks' on his son's door. To be fair, they were insignificant, he had seen much, so much worse during his seventy years of lifetime. But for a village that supposedly prided itself with its peaceful ways... They had no idea how this little drop would turn into a huge flood. His fists clenched a bit more, his teeth gritting as he looked at all of the images one by one, the words written... And he had actually believed that Konoha had changed for a better place. That was initially why he had decided to send Mitsuki back to his own village - that and his constant nagging. For one time in his life - foolishly, naively - he had believed in the young man who was now the Hokage - and even his own former teammate, Tsunade. He had thought that, as long as Mitsuki's identity was hidden, he would be safe and live the normal life he wanted - deserved all along. The red paint of the 'fire' stood out, almost mocking his thoughts. And his boy had still defended them. The image of Mitsuki, with all the severe injuries, once again came to his mind, and he closed his eyes for a minute, as if to not see the graffitis. He would make it his own ambition to make sure Konoha would crumble under the weight of his fury. His hands were shaking, the urge to kill, to make blood covering the streets rising. To make them pay... 'Please... spare... the village...' "We shall see how long I can hold on to that promise, child." Orochimaru murmured through gritted teeth and tried the door. It was locked of course, but it was hardly enough to stop him. The apartment was dark, cold and empty... Even more so now that it was missing his son. 'Come now, Mitsuki...' The sudden voice made the sannin do a double take. Where did that just come from? 'Repeat after me, sweetie... Da-ddy. Dad-dy. D... a... d... d... y...' He knew that voice... This was Karin... But how was that even possible - him hearing her voice from who knows how many years ago...? 'D... da... da...' came another, childish voice, stuttering over the basic word. 'That's right, go on. Daddy... call out for him.' Where was that voice coming from?! He started walking around the darkened house, looking around from room to room, following the childish jabbering. Just when he entered the bedroom... It was not enough to say that he was shocked when a small figure, a toddler about a year and a half of age at most, waddled his way towards him, stumbling, losing his balance and almost falling to the ground. After a couple more steps, the toddler started falling forward, but at the last moment managed to grab his legs. Although... he felt no weight. Then little Mitsuki looked up at him with a big grin, flashing a dozen of pearly-white teeth. 'Da-da!' he exclaimed gleefully and in excitement, before he slowly disappeared through thin air. The sannin closed his eyes for a moment... [Flashback] He was about ready to pull his hair off! It was not working. There was something very wrong with this experiment, and he was thinking this was all going good, the ‘donor’ was a good one after all, more than suitable. And during the nine months the fetus was in the tube, there had been nothing wrong - why now?! In a fit of rage - and without stopping to think what he would cause... the sannin let his fury explode. In less than a minute, the lab was lying in ruins... Broken glass, ruined wiring everywhere... Like a scene that was the aftermath of a battle... All... was lost after all... Just then he heard a strong sound, and his world came to a stop for a minute. A crying... a child... Or, more precisely, a new-born bawling his lungs out... Stunned, it took him another minute to get moving, but finally he moved through the broken tubes, to the one at the end of the left row... And there he was - the blue haired baby he watched growing for all this time... wailing so loud it was practically grating at his ears... More to just quiet him than anything, Orochimaru took the baby in his arms... Sniffling a bit, the baby slowly quieted down. [End of Flashback] Opening his eyes, the sannin sighed before mumbling to himself. "I should have never allowed you to come here..." ... A soft, orange light shone in the darkened room as a hand reached out to grab the phone that was ringing. A man with copper colored skin and blond hair squinted at the phone's screen while a woman with light brown hair half turned to look at him from his side. "What is it, baby?" "Naruto...?" Darui mumbled sleepily and pushed on the screen as he pressed a hand over his face. "You better have a good reason for calling me this early..." As he listened on, the young Raikage's eyes widened. "Goro and Hiraku?" Hearing that, his wife straightened up to a sitting position, putting a hand on his shoulder and leaning over. "No time to lose. I'm taking the first train over." He ended the call and hastily got up, getting ready. The woman got up, too, watching him. "Darui, what's going on?" Darui stopped in front of her and grabbed her arms. "Hitomi, I need to go to Konoha. Take care of Kumo in my absence." ... Looking over the vast clearing in the heart of the forest, Konohamaru felt his spirit failing. "We missed them...?" he mumbled, his eyes wide. "They didn't leave long ago." Kiba growled, his eyes scanning everywhere. "We can still follow them..." "That is not necessary." Ryu and two other ninjas who were scouting up ahead came towards them, excitement apparent in their eyes. "She is still here..." one of them started. "From what we saw, she is covering their tracks. There are two others with her, both kunoichi." "You can deal with them." Konohamaru said, determined. "Leave that woman to me." There was a pause. "Konohamaru..." Kakashi began. "Lord Sixth, please. All of you. Just make sure she doesn't run away, if your involvement becomes absolutely necessary. Otherwise stay out of my way, because I'm probably not gonna recognize you in the heat of the battle, so I can't guarantee your safety." Kakashi sighed but at his nod, no one said anything else. At Ryu's directions, the Konoha ninjas all took their places, getting out of sight. The gaze in the brunette's eyes hardened. "This is my fight."
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stopeatingwhales · 4 years
nighttime walks blurb x damon albarn
i figured because its my birthday today (june 23rd) and i haven’t posted in a couple days, i’d give you guys this little blurb thingy that i wrote a while back! i’ve edited a little bit to fit the idea and i absolutely adore this concept so i hope you like it! <3
Paring: 1999 damon albarn x reader
Warnings: nothing :)
Word count: 683
Carefully, my feet grazed over the delicate sand as my body got lost within the atmosphere. The empyrean shone over my figure - trapping me in such a euphoric state my limbs were numbed, numbed with the sensation of life. Opening my eyes to sights like these can only be such a grace. The sun elegantly began its departure from my vision - forming a ceiling of magnificent shades of pink and orange, the slight warming contrast between the two colours created a sight only one's imagination could try to express. Mountainous regions framed the miles of acreage surrounding me. The concept of time was long gone; it felt as if this moment was being held onto, grabbed ahold, forever. My eyes got lost in the scenery, the sand so soft it felt like I was levitating. The hasty breeze passed over me, my arms were extended from my figure in an acute angle, my head graciously fell back as I deeply took in everything at once. None of this felt real, reality was playing with my mind like the blanket of wind engulfing my corpse. The sounds of Damon’s shoes sinking into the sand behind me rang in my ears - once he stopped the air felt dry. 
“How’s that,” Damon said, inhaling his cigarette, his eyes enraptured with the wondrous physique of the skies. “Such a lovely view.”
Subconsciously nodding my head at his response, I turned my head to look at him, my arms falling back to my sides. The wind howled over me and Damon, resulting in us both squinting due to the grains of sand whirling around our eyes. I started to admire him, the soft, balmy shades of the earth’s atmosphere painted him more beautiful than one man could’ve ever been, regardless of the agonisingly painful year this has been. 
Damon had been having a rough time with his band for a couple months - especially with Graham. It seemingly felt as if they were sick and tired of each other, perhaps due to their extremely long lasting friendship. Nevertheless, Damon began getting worse, mentally, and it was taking a toll on not only him, but me. I had decided to get us both plane tickets somewhere abroad, helping us both get rid of the negativity engraved in our minds. It was our first day here and I could already tell he was getting better. 
“You’re so beautiful.” I mumbled, deeply inhaling the smoke that had escaped his mouth. His eyes shifted to me as our gazes interlocked, the silence shared between us so prominent I was able to taste it on my tongue. 
“I’m not.” he answered, taking another, long drag from his roll of tobacco. I sighed and grabbed his arm, connecting both our sides together. My eyes continued to wander on his face, the little stubble that had been growing for a couple days, his jawline, his beautiful complexion. He ignored my stare completely, until my fingers came into contact with his jaw and forced his eyes onto mine.
“Damon, do you honestly think I’d be lying to you?” I said, emphasising the word lying, as annoyance was notable in my words. “I just wish you could see how I see you, see what a gorgeous human being you really are.” I mumbled, my hands now fiddling with the sides of his billowy blue shirt.
Simply smiling, he chucked the cigarette out of his hand, cupping my cheeks. I pouted at him faintly, the destructive sounds of the waves crashing echoing throughout our ears. I felt his body lean in, as I watched his head cock to the side, resulting in our lips intertwining. His lips felt cold, chapped in remorse, coarse in melancholy. His mouth tasted like the worn-down cigarette he had merely seconds ago attached to his lips, attracting me more and more to his natural born allurement. Once our lips had detached, my eyes were once again connected with his dreamy orbs. A delicate smile was plastered onto my lip as realisation washed over me - I loved this man more than I could ever love. 
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loserholland · 5 years
 𝟎𝟏𝟔 ➺  𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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Pairing ➺  Ceo playboy!Ben Hardy x Reader
Warning ➺ nsfw towards the end of the chap, choking!kink, breeding!kink
Word Count ➺ 3,187
Summary ➺ An arranged marriage between two polar opposites.
A/N ➺ One more chapters and the series will be complete! I will be doing a thank you/q&a video once I’m done writing the series, so if you have questions please send them in! They don’t have to be Elite related questions! We’ve come to the end wow one more chapter well the epilogue and this series will be complete! Also sprinkled some game of thrones into the chapter because I’ve been obsessed and I’m on season 3 ep 2! I also apologize for the LONG delay.
Send me your thoughts, feelings, everything! It makes me day/night!
✿ 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓣𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ✿ -  @hollandfieldblurbs , @beerbottlesandchainsaws , @killerqueen-gunpowdergelatine​, @spideyyypeter
❁ 𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ❁ - @financialinstability, @magicwithaknife , @xrumkugelx , @rogertaylorsblondhair, @virtualsheepeat, @hollyissuchahoe , @yourkindabrainy-ilikeit, @fsociety00da1, @lee-519 , @2ptonpt, @sherlokiantheatrenerd , @local-radical-bandit , @calumfornicationx , @softcillian, @kittysblog14 , @peach-barnes , @prettyoddbarnes  , @spideyyypeter, @adepressedstudentslife , @wowza-bowza , @stilesneedsprotection , @anamcg317 , @indescribxbl , @heinz-doofenshmirtz-official , @loveofmylifeben , @captainxmoony , @whateverbakesyourcake , @waving-thru-a-window , @benhrdy , @beerbottlesandchainsaws , @frietjemeloen , @kirket03 , @emmieliabedelia , @sabbrriiinnaa , @justinemayi , @bummmblebeee , @wolverinesbeer , @allieburakovsky , @chocolatekisses8 @i-the-fangirl, @ksqueenie, @secretsweetscollectionblog, @luvborhap
☞  Masterlist  ☜
Can't say how the days will unfold, Can't change what the future may hold
Three years had gone by, during those wonderful 36 months a child was brought into the world. Before any of you question who’s child, Presely had gave birth to a beautiful baby boy names Boston. Now here stands (Y/N) holding her two year old nephew in her arms as she beside her sister who was currently going to marry Joe. (Y/N) scanned the crowd smiling as she caught Ben’s eye, the two have been taking things slow enjoying each other’s company, they weren’t in a rush to get married just yet.
But, I want you in it Every hour, every minute
It took a while for Ben to come to the realization that he wanted (Y/N) to be in his life forever. He thought that he could never fall in love again. He thought that if he fell in love again it would and slowly bring down the walls he had built up history would repeat itself. He was scared to show how vulnerable he could be. The moment she walked out of his life, it was as if time stopped an everything in his life came to a stop. 
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Everyone cheered standing to their feet as the happy newly weds walked down the aisle together. (Y/N) followed closely with her nephew in her arms, flashing a smile at Ben before continuing down the isle.
The two had just came home from dinner and a stroll in central park. They had no intentions on rushing things but to take things slow to make up for the past two years.
“I’ve missed this.. I’ve missed you.” Ben murmured causing (Y/N) to lift her head slightly looking up into those beautiful emerald eyes. The two were tangled in each other’s embrace as the moonlight brought a glow into (Y/N) room.
(Y/N) hummed leaning up to place a chaste kiss on Ben’s plump pink lips, “It was quite lonely to watch game of thrones without you asking questions every five minutes.” Ben rolled his eyes playfully and let out a dry chuckle “Well, I’d like to catch up on what has happened thank you very much.”
Ben had proposed a year after they were dating again but they had agreed to not rush the wedding.
This world can race by far too fast Hard to see while it's all flying past
Boston whined leaning forward towards Ben causing (Y/N) to pout “Boston! You want uncle Benny over me?!” Ben brought him into his arms as Boston played with his tie. Everyone patiently waited outside waiting for their turn to take a picture with the newly weds, Joe’s family stood on the steps as the rest of Presley’s family waited. 
Ben swayed Boston from side to side as (Y/N) stood beside Ben resting her head on his shoulder “Boston bud, I think you made your aunty (Y/N) very sad.” (Y/N) lifted her head from her fiance shoulder pouting at the two year old that just giggled. 
“Boston bub!” Presley called out needing Boston in the photo. Ben slowly set Boston down on his feet as he walked over towards his parents as the rest of the family watched in awe. 
Both (Y/N) and Ben couldn’t wait to have kids that was they never touched on the subject but Ben could see the gleam in her eyes when she would play with Boston. Or when she’d spoil him with many clothes that he’d outgrow and buy any toy he touched. He knew that when they had kids, he hops they have their mother’s golden heart.
All I want to do Is come running home to you
(Y/N) walked up to the stage tapping on the mic slowly bringing the chatter down, it was time to give her maid of honor speech. She had spent many months worrying about what she had to say. Every time she sat down to write something her mind went blank, so now here she stands unsure of where to start. 
“Friends, family I’d like to thank you for helping us celebrate the newly weds Presley and Joe Mazzello. I’d also like to thank Presley for choosing me to be her maid of honor. I’d also like to thank her for many memories, I know there was a time when we lost contact and were never close but I’d like to thank you for staying up with me during those stormy night’s. Thank you for giving me a beautiful nephew whom I love and cherish so much. I wish you and Joe nothing but happiness. Also give me more nieces and nephews. Now raise your glass for Mr and Mrs. Mazzello.”
Come running home to you And all my life I promise to
"So when’s the wedding?” 
Oh the questioned she dreaded, anytime someone asked her that question she never really had a response to it. Only because her and Ben never got around to talking about the date and where it would be. 
“Maybe next year.” (Y/N) answered smiling between her aunts that stood in front of her, she knew the next question a typical question they always asked.
“Have you two thought about having kids? I know that you two will make some beautiful children.” she smiled sweetly looking over at Ben to come and rescue her. 
Though that didn’t help the situation at all, they continued to ask even more question even though Ben had asked if they could excuse us to dance. The reception slowly came to an end as everyone began to say their goodbyes, and that was (Y/N) queue to leave. 
(Y/N) walked over to Presley who held a sleeping two year old in her arms, they would be babysitting Boston for the next two and a half weeks due to Presley and Joe going on their honeymoon to Europe.
“I will see this little guy tomorrow morning, goodnight Mr and Mrs.Mazzello.”
Keep running home to you Keep running home
There was a small knock at the door causing (Y/N) to quickly walk over opening the door to see her Presley with Boston in her arms.
“Hi bubba! We’re gonna have so much fun!” (Y/N) gladly took Boston into her arms pressing many kisses to his chubby cheeks. She loved her nephew with all her heart, the more time she spent with Boston made her want kids of her own. 
(Y/N) gave Presley one last hug before slowly pulling away as she pointed her index finger at her older sister, “I expect to hear that you’re pregnant when you get back.” 
Presley laughed at her sister’s remark, “Alright alright, bye my little love I’ll see you soon be good to your aunty (Y/N)” Boston nodded twisting and turning to be let down wanting nothing more but to play with his toys.
Ben had just came home from meeting with a New York based company all he wanted to do was lay in bed with (Y/N) just to be in her embrace. He unlocked the door to her condo kicking off his shoes and tugging at his tie, his blazer was long gone leaving him with his white dress shirt. 
“(Y/N)? Love?” Ben called out as he walked into the living room to see Boston cuddled up to (Y/N). His eyes softened, it was in that moment he was ready to marry (Y/N). He was ready to start a family with her, in that moment he knew that she would be the person he’d want to come home to.
To you
Ben hadn’t told her yet, he hadn’t told her that they should start setting a date, have her look at dresses, he wanted to find the right moment. The three were having a picnic at Central Park, Boston giggled as (Y/N) blew some bubbles.
“More!” he shouted as he reached up in the air attempting to pop the bubbles before they floated away. Ben loved the way (Y/N) interacted with Boston, soon his mind began to wander about if she’d be the same way with their kids. His train of thought came to a halt as an elderly couple began to talk to (Y/N).
“Your son is beautiful.” the woman spoke causing (Y/N) to smile widely, “Thank you but he’s my nephew.” the woman quickly apologized which caused (Y//N) to reassure her that it happen’s often. When that would happen there was something inside her that made her want to have children of her own so she could say yes instead of no, or he’s my nephew.
And I could see it Right from the start
Ben sat on their shared bed waiting for (Y/N) as she went to put Boston to rest. He began to mumble what he wanted to say staring at his lap as his fingers were interlocked, he didn’t even notice (Y/N) walk in. He was so deep in thought.
No answer.
Still no answer.
“Benjamin Jones.”
Immediately Ben looked up to see (Y/N) standing in front of him with concern in her eyes, she slowly walked over to him wrapping her arms around his neck as he snacked his arms around her waist resting his head against her chest.
“What’s wrong bub?” her voice was soft and soothing causing Ben to relax, he pulled away to look up at her.
It was now or never.
“I-I think we should start setting a date.. for the wedding. I’ve just been thinking about it a lot and when you interact with Boston. It makes me wonder what you’d be like with our kids- that’s if you want kids! If you don’t, I understand, I do really since you’ll be the one carrying the baby and I don’t want to force you into anything you don’t want to do! I also understand if you’re not ready to get married yet, I’ll wait take all the-”
(Y/N) leaned down kissing him sweetly to stop him from blabbering even more. Slowly she pulled away with a smile, running her fingers through his blonde locks.
“You talk too much,” she started causing Ben to roll his eyes jokingly.
“-I’m ready. To start looking at venues, churches, dresses. I’m ready to marry you Benjamin Jones. Also I’d love to have kids with you, I mean my aunt’s did say we’d make beautiful kids.” Ben smiled, pulling her into another hug.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Ben watched as his soon to be wife walked down the aisle, his heart fluttered as tear began to blur his vision. He allowed the tears to fall, as he remembered the first time they met. Who would’ve thought the most sweetest girl in the world could love him and give him another chance after everything he did?
Right from the start That you would be Be my light in the dark Light in the dark
(Y/N) was the one to help him love again, to show him no matter how bad things got she was there to guide him and was at his side when he felt lost. When they had called of their engagement, he felt lost without her, it was as if he was stuck in a dark pit no light to guide him to the opening.
Oh, you gave me no other choice But to love you
He was afraid to love again, he had thought this would be just an arranged marriage with no love. But overtime he began to love her, his heart and mind at war with one another scared to allow himself to love her again. 
All I want to do Is come running home to you
“(Y/N), you are the light in my life. No matter how hard and bad things get you’re there to guide me. When we had called off our first engagement I didn’t have you to guide be, to be there at my side to reassure me that everything was going to be okay. I was lucky enough that you found it somewhere in your heart to give me another chance which I will be eternally grateful for. Someone once said, home is the person or place you want to return to over and over. Your my home. All I want to do at the end of the day is come home to you. Even after a fight, it will always be you. No matter the circumstances, I want to come home to you and only you.”
Come running home to you And all my life I promise to
“Benjamin Jones, the day we met I knew I wasn’t going to like you. Though I tried because if we were going to be married though it was originally arranged I wanted it to be meaningful even if it meant our marriage would be one-sided love. Slowly after every date, every moment we spent together. I grew to love you. I was afraid to admit it, I was afraid that you wouldn’t love me the way I loved you. The first time you had told me you loved me was during our first fight. When we broke off our first engagement I didn’t know what to do without you. I held onto hope that one day, we’d find our way back to each other. Even if it took months, or years we’d find our way back to one another.I love you with all my heart Benjamin Jones.”
Keep running home to you Keep running home
“Do you Benjamin Jones, take (Y/N) (Y/L/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do.”
Home to you
“Do you (Y/N) (Y/L/N), take Benjamin Jones to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.”
Can't say how the days will unfold Can't change what the future may hold
“I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.”
But, I want you in it Every hour, every minute
Alexa had surprised them with a jet ready to take off to Bora Bora for their honeymoon. She had also packed many, many different colored lingeries with a note that read ‘Make me some grandbabies!’.
The newly weds spent most of the first few days exploring Bora Bora it a good thing (Y/N) knew some French though many of the signs included english, she thought it would be more efficient to communicate in french.
(Y/N) looked at herself once more before wrapping a satin robe around her body, she walked out to see Ben sat upright against the headboard looking over his laptop with his reading glasses sitting on the tip of his nose. 
She spoke softly but loud enough to pull Ben’s attention away from the screen in front of him, she slowly walked over to him causing Ben to place his laptop and glasses on the nightstand beside him. (Y/N) let the robe fall to the ground, revealing a beautiful white lace piece Ben truly felt like he had gone to heaven at the beautiful sight of his wife.
“I’ve gone to heaven haven’t I?”
(Y/N) couldn’t help but giggle after her husband’s remark, she straddled Ben’s lap wrapping her arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist leaning up to attach his lips to her neck.
“Not quite yet my love.”
She pulled away from to place her lips on his, slow yet passionate as their hands roamed over one another’s body. (Y/N) tugged slightly at Ben’s hair causing him to moan softly allowing their tongues to dance against one another. She began to roll her hips into his feeling his shaft harder against her inner thigh.
Ben pulled away to pepper kisses down her neck to the valley of her breast as (Y/N) worked to get it undone. Tonight she wanted to be the one in charge, there will be many other nights when Ben could be in control. But just for tonight.
“Let me be in control tonight. Just for tonight.” (Y/N) said breathlessly watching as Ben’s eyes filled with lust, “Anything for you my love.” 
(Y/N) stood up for a moment removing the lace material from her body then moved to remove Ben’s boxer’s. She took his hard shaft into her hand pumping it lightly as Ben threw his head back, she moved back to straddle him lining herself up before slowly sinking down onto his shaft.
Ben hand rest on her hips as he watched her adjust for a moment before moving her hips in a circular motion bringing a new feeling she hadn’t felt before. (Y/N) rest her hands atop Ben’s broad chest letting out a airy moan as she began to bounce up and down Ben’s eyes glued to her chest, one of his hands moved to touch them only to receive a slap.
“No, keep your hands on my waist baby. Who’s in control tonight?” (Y/N) cooed as she moved one of her hands to the side of Ben’s face.
All Ben could do was nod, causing her to stop and Ben to let out a groan.
“Words baby, use your words and maybe I’ll continue to fuck you.”
Oh those sweet words should be falling from his mouth, but the way she was speaking to him didn’t have him complaining.
“You’re in charge love.”
(Y/N) hummed in approval continuing her actions leaning forward to place a kiss on his sweet lips, she was enjoying this. Being in charge, giving Ben a taste of his own medicine. She could see it in his eyes, he enjoyed it too. Maybe this won’t turn into a one time thing.
Her hands moved to wrap around his neck squeezing it lightly as she clenched around him causing her to moan loudly as his eyes rolled back to the beautiful pleasure his wife was giving him. She could feel the knot in her stomach tighten, the pleasure and sight of Ben beneath her edged her to her climax.
“Do you enjoy me choking you baby?” (Y/N) cooed as Ben let out a throaty moan, ah I take that as a yes. 
She released the pressure from his neck and placed her hands grabbed his hands from her waist intwining their hands together, “Are you close baby?” Ben nodded trying his best to use his voice “Yes love.” (Y/N) moaned as she clenched around him.
“C’mon baby.”
Ben groaned lightly, “Let me cum love please, let me fill you up have your carry my child. Have you carrying all of my children, c’mon lovely.” (Y/N) let out a throaty scream her entire body felt like it was on fire, Ben followed closely behind her. He helped her ride out her orgasm, before she slowly rolled off of him.
They laid their for a moment, regaining their breathe before Ben spoke.
“We definitely need to do that again.” (Y/N) smiled turning to face Ben before kissing him sweetly.
“We have all the time in the world.”
Ben smiled pressing a kiss to her nose before pulling her closer to his chest, “I love you Mrs.Jones.” (Y/N) smiled pressing a small kiss to his chest.
“I love you Mr.Jones.”
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strife-and-discord · 4 years
Here Kitty, Kitty - Chapter Two: The Gang Finds Out
Read on Ao3 here | First Chapter | Next Chapter
Characters: Felix Hugo Fraldarius, Dedue Molinaro, Byleth Eisner, Mercedes Von Martritz, Sylvain Jose Gautier, Ingrid Brandl Galatea, Ashe Ubert/Duran
Summary: Dedue announces the news to the rest of the former Blue Lions.
A/N: Okay so this chap was a lil bit difficult to get out, I kept getting stuck, I didn't know how to end it, I don't feel like it has a nice flow but! I feel like it does at least have some funny parts so I hope you enjoy! I usually have a bit to say but this is all for now so enjoy I guess
“Your Highness, we are having an announcement in the war room. Would you like to attend?”
“Does it have anything to do with our plans to march on Enbarr?”
“No, Your Highness.”
“Then I have no interest. Leave me alone.”
Dedue sighs, “Yes… Your Highness.”
Dedue does this for every meeting of the Blue Lions. And for every meeting, the conversation goes pretty much exactly the same. That won’t stop Dedue from trying though and this particular news involves his Highness’s oldest and, once, closest friend. He has a right to at least be invited. Although he will find out about this particular change as soon as they gather for battle. Whether he will acknowledge it is an entirely different matter.
Dedue is in charge of making the announcement of Felix’s magical mishap. Lysithea, Annette, and Felix all agree that he is the best when it comes to delivering news and this particular news will just sound ridiculous coming from anyone else. However, despite his calm demeanour, he can’t deny that this whole situation is… weird. It’s weird. There’s no other way to think about it and Dedue is nervous to explain things to the rest of their former class. he sighs again. It seems to be becoming a habit for him these days. With his Highness’s dismissal heads back across the bridge and towards the war council room.
“Greetings... everyone,” Dedue sweeps his gaze across the room. “I have asked you all here today to discuss a… particular incident… that took place yesterday.”
Hushed whispers spread through the group, speculations about what this could be about, and concern over Dedue’s uncharacteristic nervousness. Amongst the quiet chatter only Lysithea, Annette, and the Professor remain in silence. Felix is also silent but mostly because it’s obvious that the incident involved him due to the fact that he’s sitting there with his hood on. It’s subtle but Dedue thinks he can see his cat ears twitching.
Dedue clears his throat before continuing, “As some of you may be aware, Seteth granted us the keys to the restricted section of the library and Lysithea and Annette were searching this section for any old information or magic that may be of use to the war efforts.”
“However…” Dedue takes a deep breath, by the goddess this is painful. “An unknown spell was accidentally fired leading too some… changes that will exist indefinitely unless a reversal is found.”
Dedue doesn’t actually have a way to explain what happened in words so instead he just nods at Felix, who glares back at him. At least some things never change.
Felix glares at Dedue desperately hoping that killing with a look is something he developed through his transformation. Unfortunately, Dedue doesn’t show any signs that his rage-filled stare is doing anything so Instead Felix is just going to have to go along with him. Ugh, he despises having everyone’s eyes on him like this, if it were up to him he wouldn’t be in the room for this at all.
Felix takes a deep breath, clenches his jaw to keep from saying anything too scathing, for once, and braces himself for the inevitable onslaught of foolishness as he finally takes off his hood, revealing his ears. Just as well, the hood was starting to get really uncomfortable, he might actually have to take Dedue up on his offer to sew some holes in. How annoying.
The room is the quietest Felix has ever heard it as his former classmates take in his new features. The weight of their stares is heavier than ever and Felix puts all of his self-control into schooling his emotions. Something that is a lot more difficult when he has when his new features and instincts seem keen to announce how he’s feeling to the entire freaking monastery. Sylvain, in particular, is staring slack-jawed, as though he’s seen a ghost, and Felix wants nothing more than to tell him to shut his damn mouth.
The silence seems to stretch on forever and Felix’s agitation increases with every second of it to the point that he knows his ears must be twitching by now. No one knows what to say until their professor, in the same monotone voice they use to explain they’re lessons, asks, “Will this have any significant impact on your combat ability?”
Felix looks down at the table, to drained at this point to even attempt making eye contact, “I don’t know for sure yet but I doubt it.”
Byleth simply nods at him then gets up from the table, “Then I see no reason why anyone needs to make a big deal out of this. If that’s all, I am going to return to my work now.” They walk to the door and they’re final words before leaving hit Felix in the face like a slap and leaves his cheeks just as red, “You look very cute Felix.” Distantly Felix thinks he hears Dedue choking.
“Well uhh… Meeting dismissed. Sorry for taking up your time.” With that Dedue leaves just as promptly as the professor did with Felix not far behind.
Felix has made it as far as the dining hall and has taken a seat in the back corner, where he’ll be mostly hidden when his former classmates seem to think it’s a good idea to all join him. It’s a cacophony of foolishness as they all try- keyword being try- to be inconspicuous about sitting and Felix desperately prays to the Sothis that she’ll make the ground open up and swallow him.
Unfortunately, the Goddess lets him down and he makes a note to bring it up with the Professor later, seeing as they seem to be the go-to for religion these days. Finally, his classmates settle into their seats but they give him barely a moment of peace before launching into their interrogations.
“Does it feel weird?”
“How did this happen?”
“Did you grow any fur in other places?”
“Do you have a craving for fish or milk?”
“Is your hearing better now?”
Felix doesn’t answer but yes, yes his hearing was better and right now his new ears are being completely overloaded! He’s tempted to run away but there’s not really anywhere he can go to avoid this right now so he just sinks lower in his seat and hopes everyone takes his silence as a hint to leave him alone.
Just when Felix is seriously considering getting violent the voice of an angel suddenly pierces through the ruckus.
“Now now, everyone. Felix as been through a lot the last couple of days and I doubt all of you yelling at him is making him feel any better. Sit back down in your seats and give the poor man some space,” Mercedes gently scolds before taking a seat next to Felix himself.
The group quietens almost instantly while Mercedes gives him a smile and in his slightly shaken state, Felix feels as though he’s gazing on true divinity.
“Felix, would you like me to go and get you some lunch so you don’t have to talk to anyone?” Distracted, Felix only nods at her.
“Okay then, what would you like to eat?” He frowns at this. He knows exactly what he feels like he wants but if he says it out loud everyone will surely laugh.
Instead, he leans in and whispers what he wants into Mercedes’ ear. “Sure thing,” she smiles at him, “I’ll be right back so don’t cause any trouble while I’m gone.”
Felix panics as he suddenly realises that Mercedes going to get him lunch means she won’t be here to keep the others under control and he gazes after her with a look of helplessness before slowly turning back to the others while keeping his eyes firmly on the table.
No one’s talking right now but the atmosphere at the table feels like it’s smothering Felix. He knows they probably want him to say something but the fact of the matter he doesn’t really know what to say that wouldn’t be too personal for him to tell them. Magical accident or no Felix would still like to keep a certain amount of privacy.
“You know, to be honest, I can barely see any difference.” Of course. Of course, Sylvain would be the one to break the silence with such an asinine comment.
“And what exactly do you mean by that?” Felix glares at him.
Sylvain seems to be unaware of the potential threat to his life and limb at the moment and keeps barreling forward. “Well, what I mean is that you’ve always reminded me of a cat. Now you’ve just got the ears and tail to match!”
Not wanting to make a scene in the dining hall but fully intending to kick Sylvain’s ass in the training hall later, Felix grits his teeth and tells him, “For the last time… I. Am. Not. A. Cat.”
The rest of the table subtly moves a little further away from Felix as if being pushed back by the aura of rage that was surrounding him but unfortunately such things have never worked on Sylvain, who just chuckles at the angry look on Felix’s face, “Aww, your ears twitch when you’re cranky now! That’s kind of adorable.”
Suddenly, several things are happening at once. When asked about it later Felix would say the most of the event was a blur and he’s not even sure what happened. Sylvain’s hand is moving towards his face, presumably on a journey to scratch him between the ears, and Felix, full of anger at Sylvain and a lot of physical changes he doesn’t understand yet, acts on instinct.
In a blink, Felix goes from the sight of Sylvain’s hand reaching out to having his, now particularly sharp, teeth clamped on several of his fingers. Both men are frozen in place. Sylvain with a look of regret on his face and no idea how to react to his childhood friend biting his hand, and Felix trying to figure out why the hell he did that and why the hell wasn’t he letting go?
For a moment one could swear time has stopped as everyone at the table is frozen while they desperately try to process the events unfolding in front of them. Until, once again, Mercedes is the queen of good timing as she returns with their lunch.
“Felix, get those fingers out of your mouth, you have no idea where they could’ve been!”
That seems to be enough to break Felix out of his stupor and he can’t help but gag a little at the implication of Mercedes’ words. Sylvain is quick to withdraw his hand and Ingrid snatches it from him so she can peer at the bite marks, “He drew blood,” she whispers. Although if it’s in awe or horror, Felix isn’t sure.
Mercedes seems content to act as though nothing happened and proceeds to place the lunch she brought in front of Felix, with a smile, before settling down next to him with her own lunch. The smell of Fisherman’s Bounty instantly fills Felix’s nose and is powerful enough to almost have him drooling. He could apologise to Sylvain and make sure he’s ok, or he could start shovelling these various pieces of fish into his mouth as quickly as possible.
He can still feel the weight of everyone’s stares as he eats but the food is too good for him to really care. In the back of his mind, however, he does acknowledge that this is weird. While Felix is definitely known for being an avid meat eater, he can’t say he’s ever had any particular craving for fish before but right now this Fisherman’s Bounty tastes like the food of the Goddess herself.
“Ah fish, of course,” Sylvain remarks, not having learnt his lesson despite still cradling his wounded hand. Felix looks up just long enough to give him a pointed glare but quickly goes right back to inhaling his meal.
Ingrid pulls a face. “Goodness, you’re going through that even faster than I normally go at my food, and that’s saying something,”
“I’m glad you like it Felix but be careful you don’t choke,” Mercedes warns him, Felix only grunts in response and continues to eat his food as fast as possible.
“Seeing as we don’t have any way to reverse this at the moment, I guess this is just how things are going to be for the time being. I wonder if there will be many other changes.” Ashe chips in now that the initial drama has passed.
“Maybe we should like, do some tests, or something, to see what’s changed?” Sylvain says though a mouthful of food.
“That’s not a bad idea, although I doubt your intentions.” Ingrid frowns at him.
Ashe talks over the pair before they can start bickering, “It might be good to talk to Linhardt about this! Magical accidents, cats, and studying the unusual, it’s everything he’s interested in except crests!”
Felix comes up for air from his food, “That’s… actually not a bad idea. Could you ask him for me? I’ve never really spoken to him.”
Ashe nods enthusiastically, “Sure, I’d be happy too!”
The rest of lunch passes in relative quiet once everyone gets settled with their own meals and no one seems too interested in asking Felix any more questions after what happened to Sylvain. If nothing else, the incident gave a hint as to how much Felix has changed, and how he’s going to have to pay more attention to his new instincts.
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reddogf13 · 5 years
Deal with the Devil ch 2
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Pennywise x Beverly
summery: Beverly, for barely a year had been suffering a terminal illness. one night after accepting her fate of oncoming death she gets the sudden urge to return to Derry. returning back after being gone for 11 years she comes face to face with IT. offering a disturbing deal of a lifetime.
"carry my eggs, and I'll fix you back to perfect health."
Will she commit to a deal with the devil?
status: complete
rated: M - fowl language and gore
previous chap: Deal with the Devil ch 1
next chap: Deal with the Devil ch 3
~ch:2 Fun house ~
Beverly woke in the same place she was left. Sitting up when she noticed herself being free of the threading. All her clothing returned onto her in her sleep. An effort of figuring out her surroundings useless by how dark it was. Patting around nearby for where her mini flashlight rolled off to. Thankfully not too far when she found it laying three feet away. Liking that she wouldn't be in pure darkness as long as her light battery lasted.
Shining the light over walls of threading connected to more of the same walls. Everything covered in a repeated threading pattern of weaved Xs as far as the eye could see. Broken by a lone tunnel entrance leading further into a never ending blackness. She assumed the other side edged the sheer drop they passed over. Not a pleasant way of escape unless she found some climbing gear. A reflective pair of orbs catching the light by the entrance snagging her attention. Redirecting her light onto the clown that had just arrived back. He froze his steps in the spotlight over him. Studying him she saw a paper bag in his hands letting off warm steam.
His body more lax than his usual straightened intimidating stance. Not staring intensely directly at her as usual either. Turning his head away to glance back at her now and again by the corner of his eye. Stepping tentatively closer over to her little by little. Stopping early to leave a distance between them where he set down the bag. voice soft as he pushed the bag closer to her.
“I brought you food.” Sitting off to the side crouched low to the floor as he watched her start to examine the bag.
Weirded out by his strangely submissive behavior she fully turned to the bag. Opening the bag had her stomach growl by the delicious smell of food wafting out. The first meal she'd have since out of the hospital. A take out trey filled by a steaming pile of pancakes next to bacon. A few bottles of orange juice sitting at the bottom of the bag. Enjoying the smell of adding on her small container of syrup. As with alcohol she wasn't allowed anything surgery in ages by her doctors.
Pausing to take her first bite by the clown speaking again. “I will be gone to build you a new nest. Will you be fine down here alone?”
contemplating about being alone she soon nodded her head. Staying down so deep in the earth would hardly be a problem. At the most it would be annoying if her light went out. He nodded back in confirmation before leaving her be.
“new nest?” she wondered. “where? Did he expect me to stay inside forever?” thinking about what was to happen now with her abnormal pregnancy. Stuck inside living by him for who knows how many months. Would her pregnancy be quicker then normal? What if it was incredibly slow taking up to a few years? She didn't think about these questions before.
What about after when she finally gave birth? They split their separate ways? Would the … kids … need either of them? Or could they be independent from birth like some insects. A knot forming in her stomach at remembering how some spider young work. Some species devouring their mother shortly after hatching. That depended on them acting like spiders though. What if they acted more like vulnerable baby crocodiles needing care?
“not much I can do.” if the baby's did need care they'd have to look to Pennywise for that. She'd have no idea how to care for them. Sighing in taking up her first slice of pancake. Humming on the soft pillow pancake bite covered in gooey syrup. Sipping at her cold bottle of orange juice to help wash it down. Looking down through the bottle she saw her extended stomach. Putting her fork into another piece of pancake while looking over herself. “already looks like I am 3 months pregnant.” groaning at what usually comes along with a 3 month pregnancy, the cravings alongside nasty morning sickness. Praying she wouldn't have to go through those steps.
Hours passed by having Beverly board to death down below. Finishing off all her breakfast including the two juices a while ago. Left in the literal dark with nothing to do. “should have brought my phone.” boredly switching her mini light off and on as her only entertainment. Flicking the light on catching the reflection of eyes coming through the entrance. Shining her light low onto the legs of the approaching spider. Spreading a bunch of threading between its most front arms.
“I can move you now up to the new nest.” keeping his voice gentle still. Ready to leave the place of darkness she gladly stood to accept being picked up. Wrapped gently in the thread to be carried close to his chest. On the way she had a sense of deja-vu in the tunnels. Recognizing the more concrete based tunnels she once had to navigate. Finding out soon enough where they were going when he crawled up the wells drop. Coming out the top to the Neibolt houses basement covered in thick webbing. A smidge of afternoon light peeking past the silver threads covering the window.
He set her down by the stairs that were much less rickety than the last time she saw them. Giving him a confused look as the threading was removed from her. “go check up stairs.” waving a hand in a gesture to go on. “I'll be right back after fetching you food.” crawling back down the well. Beverly turned from the well to the top of the stairs. A pristine door closed at the top of the steps.
Cautiously walking up the steps in fear they may still break. Turning the silver door knob sounding a small click. Spotting right off the bat the drastic changes he had done to the place. It all looked brand new filled by fresh intricate carved furniture. Walking through the rooms to marvel at the changes done to every detail. Reaching the kitchen filled by shiny new utensils ready to use. Testing the sparkling kitchen stove to see if it was real or not. Clicking a flame to life to shut it off right after. Testing the faucet next it poured a clean spout of water. It surprised her that everything worked and wasn't just a false image for normality's sake.
Moving to the upstairs to check out the other rooms. Two of them she assumed were guest rooms in the olden days of the house. Staying empty as guests weren't expected or wanted to be coming over. The last bedroom, being the master bedroom, extravagantly decorated in finely carved furniture. Small blue Christmas lights criss-crossing over the room. A massive bed surrounded by a canopy hanging down to block the sun from reaching late sleepers. The delicate stitching that made the bedding set a smaller version of his larger crossing webs.
“no wonder it took him so long.” accidentally bumping a foot into something she looked down. Spotting one of her bags edging out under the bed near the other further back. She pulled them both out far too easy on a lack of weight. Popping them open to find all her stuff missing. Shutting the cases closed in frustration that her bags were disturbed. Attention turned to a nearby dresser she went over to check the inside. Each drawer filled by her neatly folded clothes sorted from top to bottom. He was certainly expecting her to live here.
“comfortable?” she jumped at his voice. not expecting him to be standing in the doorway. Turning around in time to see him recoil at her fear of him. Ignoring his question to study his odd new behaviors toward her. He stood still shorty before setting a fresh bag of food down on a small counter. Intending to leave if it weren't for her stopping him.
“wait a minute.” stopping him right as he stepped out into the hall. “are you expecting me to live here?” asking her first question off the pile she gathered. She had a lot of time to think down in that dark room.
Not turning to face her he answered “would you like someplace else to nest?” Sounding how a kid would when caught doing something wrong.
“no, but how long do you expect me to stay?”
“ …. I am unsure. ...”
“unsure? What do you mean? Do you plan to keep me here after the pregnancy? How long is the pregnancy?”
“ I do not know how long the pregnancy is.”
“you don't know that either? What do you know about it? Am I even pregnant? Do you know that?”
“yes.” answering the last confidently. “I never had a mate to create life. Only myself, until now, to create eggs that held life.”
“you've had eggs before? By yourself?!” shocked to learn there could have been more monsters born in the past.
“yes, many times, but I cannot care for them. They die if i leave them alone which I must do to care for myself. Not a single egg had been able to hatch due to not enough feedings delivered. Each time I leave they get behind on the feedings. I can catch food every day, but it's never enough between the two of us. I need another to hold them who's body can give steady care without spending extra energy. Your body can provide what they need far better then my synthetic attempts to fill in.
I don't know when your pregnancy will end. I can't even get a clutch strong enough to grow. They shrivel up-” chest tensing cutting off his voice. One deep breath later allowing him to continue. “ then they rot away … my only guess is a few months, but I cannot be sure.”
Beverly gained relief at hearing no eggs anywhere else have hatched. At the same time a twinge of pity rising in her chest. Hearing pain in his voice at the whole subject. “how long has he been trying and failing? Eventually the constant failure would get to anyone.” considering why he turned to her. “was I picked out of desperation? If that's true I should use this to mine, and the rest of Derrys, advantage.”
moving on to tell him sternly her rule during this pregnancy. “listen carefully clown. My lungs are better, but I am still not afraid to die. That includes killing myself to make sure these parasites don't live if you don't act right.” aware she had fully caught his attention now. “ you can't eat anymore kids! If I so much as suspect your hiding a child's death I won't hesitate!” aggressively setting her boundary.
“I understand, don't worry.” obediently agreeing on her term. “ … are you comfortable?” repeating his earlier question.
“yes” rubbing her head of a developing migraine. Wanting to eat then head to bed for the rest of the day. Following his exit from her presence she grabbed the lunch he brought her. Closing the beds canopy to form something to further separate her from him. Rushing her eating of the stuffed omelet to get it over with rather than enjoying the meal. Curling up deep under the covers to create another barrier of separation. Laying in bed her eyes wandered around to end up staring at her stomach. Fearing that her belly would start moving at any moment. Disgusted by the parasites she had to carry that seemed unworthy of life. The young of Pennywise didn't deserve life if it meant being leeched off someone else. Her thoughts fueled by anger dying down to soften over the eggs.
“I guess it's not your fault one of your parents is a monster.” mumbling down to her stomach. “he doesn't have any idea what he's doing. May as well have a single parent status for me while handling this. This isn't what I wanted when I thought about having kids. It's already vastly different from what every mommy blog says.” looking back on the time she thought of enjoying the weight of being pregnant. A silly thing to enjoy that would turn into a thorn during late pregnancy. Here in her special situation she had no weight to her stomach. “no frequent trips to the bathroom, that I'll gratefully accept on passing.” no weight meant no pressure on the bladder. There was still time for all of that to change in the upcoming months. Pushing thoughts of worry far off so that she may drift to sleep.
Waking in the cold night after a few hours of sleep to the feeling of being watched. As soon as her anxiety spiked under it the sensation left. Whoever was watching her had ceased their actions once discovered. Sitting up at a knock on the door disturbing her secluded peace. “gee, wonder who that could be.” coming out from under the covers to open the canopy.
“yes?” answering the knocking. staying in bed as Pennywise entered holding another fresh bagged meal. Approaching her as if she was a frightened deer ready to flee. Setting the bag down then heading right back out of the room. Waiting a moment after he left to stretch her remaining sleep away. Checking the bag while letting out a yawn. Of course it was another food tray filled to the brim. Inside was a hot meal of steak sided by mashed potatoes and asparagus. without taking a single bite she Repacked it away into the bag. Not in the mood for such a heavy meal right now. She wanted a hot chicken soup that had long swirling noodles covered in various vegetables.
Checking her windows for some sense of time she saw the starry night sky. “shit, all the stores are probably closed by now. Lets see if the clown restocked the kitchen full of food.” carrying the food bag downstairs to drop it off in the fridge. The back of her skull sensing the spying again when she reached the last stair step down. Pennywise greeting her as soon as she stepped into the kitchen to check on her.
Spotting the rejected food bag being brought back down. “do you not like it?” asking about it. “I can get you something else.” offering right away to please her in anyway he could.
She set the bag on the counter shaking her head no. “I want to make something here.” opening the fridge surprising her on the lack of shelving. Instead Opening up to a whole walk in fridge area containing every fresh market ingredients. Closing that door to open the freezer side to check for the same. That door opening as well to a walk in freezer filled wall to wall in fresh farm cuts. Seafood filling a couple aisle of their own in the large butcher room.
Curious of why she wanted to make something he stepped closer from the kitchen corner to talk further. “why make something? I can go get it.” offering a second time.
“ I find it fun to cook a hot meal. When I was sick, I couldn't do it anymore unless it involved throwing a frozen meal into the microwave.” Returning back to the large walk in fridge half for ingredients. Followed closely by him down the cold aisles surrounded by fresh produce. Watching her grab a hand full of things along the way.
“i can carry those for you.”
“no, I am fine.” grabbing a few more things before leaving to drop everything off at the kitchen counter. Heading into the freezer to snag a bowl of shrimp. Guessing off the fridge and freezer that the pantry would be just as marvelous, and she was right. A mini market of all sorts of things being boxed, canned, and packaged. Grabbing a bag of thick noodles to throw in her developing soup. Having everything lined up on the counter for preparation she set a pot of water to boil. grabbing a large knife to chop the vegetables in the meantime.
Out of the corner of her eye she saw him tense at the sharp object. Staring at it wide eyed as she handled the sharp blade. The closer she came to start chopping the tenser his body became. His breath coming out rather rough while continuing to watch in silent horror. Unable to work if he was going to be doing that the entire time.
“I can't do this right if you're going to stand there and stare.” reading his expression change from tenseness to nervous fidgeting. Glancing around quickly to then land back on her as the knife started to cut through vegetables. Stopping her again from doing the task she barely started. “go somewhere else if you can't stop.” shooing him away.
Unable to think up a new suggestion to get her away from the sharp object he relented. Leaving the kitchen to enter the connecting hallway out of sight. Enjoying the lack of being watched she chopped into the vegetables in clean even cuts. Coming to a stop halfway due to a certain clown staring from around the doorway.
“go!” snapping at him scaring him back out of view. Her glare burning at the last spot he was peering around. Waiting for him to try peeking around the corner on a second attempt to watch. Attention turned back down to the vegetables. This time she wasn't able to get a single cut before being secretly spied on. She couldn't see him, but always felt that tingling in the back of her skull. Tapping the knife on the counter impatiently for him to stop, but he didn't. “would you like to cut?” asking the empty room she was sure he was listening into.
Taking no time to reappear by her side to give his answer. “yes.” taking the knife away from her the moment she offered it. Handing over the knife she moved on to add the packaged noodles to the soup. Mixing various seasoning to let dissolve in the boiling water. The start of a fulfilling broth coming together by the added chopped vegetables. Stuck waiting for things to cook filling the room in awkward silence. The clown hanging around to keep doing his guarded watching.
Hating how they both stood in the festering awkwardness she sought out more answers from him. “do you know how many eggs there are?”
“20.” his answer given instantly. Beverly secretly relieved that it wasn't more toward the hundreds like she thought.
moving on she wanted to question his motives next. Why was he so desperate for children? Did he truly want to expand his lineage? It wouldn't surprise her if he wanted them to reach a goal to fulfill his pride. He boasted so much about being a destructive being except for this one thing in his existence. His goal on its way to completion what would he do afterwards?
“why do you even want kids?”
“why would I not?
“you're not exactly someone boosting the process of creation. Always laughing over how easy it was to end things. You also loved talking about how horrible humans were. That we aren't a species meant to last, yet here we both are. You're breaking those two things you obsess over when taunting the people you torture.”
he stood there in silence twitches happening now and again as if searching for the proper answer hidden in front of him. “ its natural that all creatures want to reproduce. Its different to want your prey to fail vs wanting yourself to continue on in some way.” explaining himself the best he could.
“mm.” skeptical that, that is how he truly felt about it. It took him way too long to come up with that answer there must be more to it. Something that he didn't want her to know about. Growing a deeper curiosity to her surrounding the mystery of him desperately wanting children. “why do you need to continue on something? Are you dying?”
“no.” shooting her an offended glare over his shoulder. The one time, since he watched so tensely, to look at her fully. Turning back to stare at anything else in the room away from her.
“growing old then?” receiving another offended glare.
“I do not suffer such crippling things.” hissing out his building frustration.
“you can't be losing any time to have children then. You've been trying for a long time, right? Why, when you aren't losing any time yourself? There's always going to be another day for another try.” walking over to turn off the stove.
“... it's not important.” catching glimpses of her over his shoulder as she finished up the soup. Throwing the last final touch in a splash of soy sauce to mix in. swirling the whole thing using her hand to shift the bowl around slowly.
“sure seems important. You've been trying a long time clown to the point you're desperate enough to make a deal. The last time you offered a deal you were cornered. Why are you cornered now when your time isn't running out like mine was? Is this a timed goal to reach to fuel more of your egotistical pride?”
bearing his teeth he whipped around to roar at her. “NO!” unintentionally startling her by his aggressive reaction. Beverly stumbled back hand rustling the bowl of hot soup into spilling over. Clumsily setting the bowl down to rush her burning hand under the faucet. Right as he recognized she was hurt his sharp teeth receded back. Speedily appearing by her side to inspect the injury when she did. An angry red mark covering most her hand, but no blisters forming.
“I can fix it.” about ready to take her hand until she yanked it away from his reach.
“don't touch it! It's not that bad. I just need some ointment and a bandage.” holding her injured hand close to her chest.
“you don't need any of that I can fix it here, right now.” holding his hand out in waiting for hers.
“I don't want you touching me. I can fix it fine from a first aid kit.” leaving him to go search the cupboards for one.
“i can fixxxx it.” frustration filling his tone. “fiiiix?” annoyed his offer was being ignored. Beverly also having her nerves grated on.
“aiiid kiiiit.” rejecting his offer. Mimicking his frustrated tone to annoying him further. The clown grumbling as he pointed to a particular cabinet. Opening the suggested cabinet she found the kit. Searching through it to grab a small tube of burn ointment to apply then wrapping it up in a soft gauze. Rolling her eyes at the clown complaining as she applied the wrap.
“why wait to let it heal so slowly? What if you develop an infection?”
“that won't happen.”
“are you suuure? If it happens, wouldn't you need to rip off your arm? Don't you need more care for burns?” she would usually take this as a jab against her to get a rise of fear. This time it sounded like it came from a place of concern.
“heh, no. it won't happen and if it did I could go to the hospital for antibiotics.”
“or I can fix it.” he mumbled.
“you're not touching my hand.” ending the conversation after picking up her soup to head upstairs. Enjoying her warm homemade dinner to then settle back in bed for a full night's sleep. Instead she was woken in the night by a shifting of her hand.
Opening her tired eyes to see what was happening they went wide in anger at seeing him. Catching the clown off guard while mid unwrapping her bandaged hand. laying over the beds edging enough to reach her as the rest hid low. She yanked her hand back from him to hide it underneath her chest. Arms crossed in sitting her chest up to stare dagger eyes down to him.
“what the fuck are you doing?!” pissed off her sleep was disturbed for the second time by his doing. He shrunk back at being caught, but unable to flee now he hid almost entirely below the beds edge. Gloved hands gripping the edge with his hair sticking out above the line. Refusing to reveal more of himself to face off under her furious gaze.
had to release a chap on Friday the 13th. XD
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razberryyum · 5 years
A Gintama episode a day keeps the ending away…Episode 123
Episode Title: Always Keep A Screwdriver In Your Heart
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MY 19 FAVORITE MOMENTS IN EPISODE 123 (manga chap 192):
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1) If Hijikata and Shinpachi would’ve just switched places, the seating arrangement would’ve been perfect.
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2) They ordered 10 plates of meat for 6 people, which I thought was weird, but what’s even weirder is how do the screwdrivers expel their waste after such a hearty meal? It’s questions like that that keep me up at night. 
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3) In the manga, Gintoki actually grabbed his crotch to remind everyone why the hunt was important in the first place, so I kinda missed that from the episode.
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4) Ok, not a favorite moment per se but more like wtf: those two figures in the doorway were so freaking weird and creepy almost. The guy looks like he has one of those kabuki masks on and then that thing on his shoulder, I couldn’t figure out if it was a kid or a monkey, but they both sounded DRUNK. It was odd enough to actually distract me from the scene.
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5) Zura managed to escape from prison even though he was handicapped in his screwdriver form. Man deserves to be free.
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6) Gin-chan looked so good as a truck driver. And I loved that he was smoking a cigarette. Gave him one more thing in common with Hijikata. 
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7) I almost wish they could have stayed as drivers since they had a steady income and most likely were having regular meals since they could afford them.
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8) I don’t even understand why. And the anime team were the ones who came up with all the weird Sacchan stuff as she was looking for the aliens.
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9) Hijikata’s “O” pleasure face. Bless the anime team for coming up with this bar scene.
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10) Gin-chan being brutal to Sacchan as usual, though she probably enjoyed it as usual as well.
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11) Sacchan looking good even after being run over. She really was the MVP of the episode, heck, of the arc considering she found the location the aliens. 
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12) That’s Gintoki’s crotch and it looked magical. It kinda looked more vaginal than penile or even screwdriveral. 
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13) Just another magical crotch shot.
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14) I couldn’t stop laughing cuz it basically looked like Gintoki was forking the ship to death, causing it to explode. We even got to see the moment of his climax ffs. They took away the crotch grab and yet the anime team thought THIS was ok to show. Lmao.
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15) I wondered the same thing but thankfully everything was back to normal the next time we seem them. 
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16) Something the anime team came up with to fill in the extra minutes of the episode at the end. Basically Gintoki offering a glass-half-full look to Kagura’s concerns about cicadas and mosquitoes.
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17) Yeah, they really should have continued driving that truck. This made me so sad.
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18) Rudeass mosquitoes.
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19) I love that Gintoki had no glass-half-full counter to Kagura’s feelings about Madao.
Gintoki x Hijikata: so much flirting!
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Okita x Kagura: a couple that beats up Zura together, stays together.
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Kondou x Otae: I was so glad he was still thinking of Tae-chan even though it looked like he was ready to move on to Princess Phillips. This moment was not in the manga. 
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Zura x Elizabeth: they are a unit, forever together.
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Gintoki x Sacchan: I never thought it would be her boobs that turned into screwdrivers...don’t know how that would work with Gin-chan unless they actually became hex sockets. And every time I get to this scene, I picture it both ways. I need to go wash my eyes and brain now. 
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Hijikata x Okita: that whole scene, the way it was lit and the fact that Sougo bought him a drink, smacked of romance of the one night stand variety. 
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Kondou x Zura: they teamed up and were so in sync. 
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Kondou x Princess Phillips: She was cute! And their heads fit together. That’s probably how the people of Planet Screw reproduces. 
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Hijikata x Zura: it was nice of Hijikata to offer Zura a nice, last meal.
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Okita x Zura: even though Sougo was much meaner in the anime...he only ordered raw meat in the manga, but in the ep he ordered TAINTED raw meat...it was still sweet that he was feeding Zura (with an assist from Hijikata). 
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just completely unbelievably amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s immense generosity that I am able enjoy Gintama on an extra another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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anuknowha · 5 years
Till Death Do We Part//Chapter 5, Papers
I would highly appreciate it if you reblog it and all its lovely tags. Thank you!
As they stepped in they couldn’t help but marvel at the site of the long aisles of metal stands that contained many cardboard boxes. It seemed to go on forever, further than they’d want to go.
The door locked behind them as they each took another step in leaving them in complete darkness. This caused them both to jump.
A light slowly flickered on, it was dim.
“Hello.” a voice said from the corner nearest to them. It was a computer monitor, the screen was a bright blue.
“Welcome to the celebrity database. May I ask who you are looking for?” it spoke, its voice monotone.
“Yes-” John trailed off stepping towards it. “I would like to search for George Harrison’s news articles.”
“I’m sorry, but he is a band member of yours, you are to find him yourself if you would like to see such papers.” it replied.
John sighed and shook his head. “Of course I do. Now does that mean this is under “B” for “Beatles” or is it under our own names?”
“I suggest you check “B”!”
“B” it is mate!” John stormed off with George left behind still looking at the computer, almost admiring it.
“Ey, John, we didn’t even have such advanced technology back when I died.” George grinned as he looked around for his bandmate.
“John?” he saw him looking for the “B’s”. It was a process that took a while.
Minutes had passed, hours maybe even, and George sat down next to the computer. Occasionally he would touch it and it would respond to him with a question. He was completely taken aback by the reactions this machine would give him, and soon enough he grew quite fond of it. They soon started up a conversation, the computer telling George things such as the point of the room, and why it was created. This caught his interest and he would listen, until they were both caught off guard by John letting out a frustrated scream in the distance. George turned his head in his direction.
“I can’t find a single bloody thing in here!! I’m sure I’ve been searching hours, looking for a paper that probably doesn’t exist! I see everyone but us and we were better than Jesus! I bet his name is here, isn’t it?!” John shouted.
“Jesus. Many articles have been found, including movies and documentaries. Which section would you like to search?” The computer stated almost mockingly.
“No! I don’t want to find Jesus!”
“I’m finding all my favorite actors and actresses but I can’t find a single paper about us and its making me mad. Why can’t I just find the Beatles?”John sighed.
George couldn’t help but cover his mouth and let out a small snicker.
“Aha!” John shouted in what George assumed was a feeling of success. He had looked up and found the exact box he was looking for.
“I found them, the Beatles folder. Absolutely great!” John went in to grab the papers and found that there was nothing on them. He flipped through the entire box, paper after paper completely blank.
He threw the box to the floor in anger.
“This box says Beatles and there’s nothing in here George!! There’s not a thing in here! Everything is blank, no writing, nor is there an explanation!!” At this point he had a mental breakdown. He sat on the floor and brought his knees to his chest, and held his hands to his head.
“Are you telling me that Janis was lying!?” he said as he held back a scream.
“Would you like me to find Janis Joplin?” the computer said.
“What!? No-!”
George looked into the distance and only shook his head at the thought.
“Why can’t we find ourselves?”
The computer registered this question, it took a minute to look and search for the answer, one that hasn’t been given in decades.
“According to the system of the Information Center, members of the same band cannot view each other’s information. This is due to the fact that they are closer to each other than any other person here which only makes sense to inform them about other people. You are not allowed to see your own papers either because you more than likely know how you passed and when you passed, and if you don’t someone in here does and they are able to inform you with this information.” the computer declared.
“Than how come we can see theirs wouldn’t they know how they died, couldn’t we just ask them?”
“That is in fact true but this database was created to provide more information including documentaries that were created about them. Information that was released way after they had passed and that they are unable to find out anytime soon because of their bandmates still being alive. Yes, they can bring the information with them, but, there will always be more documentaries and movies that come out after a celebrity death and we want that to be more enjoyable, an accessible feature for all!”
The room was quiet for a while, and George could tell that John was staring at him from the darkness but he quickly turned to look back at the computer. It clicked in John’s mind that maybe there’s more in this than he knew, his curiosity brought him the thought of wanting to find new movies and documentaries of his band.
“I’m upset that this makes sense.” John commented pacing around as his mind started to race with thoughts about others who have been here, of others who have passed away and are now alive in this place. He knew a lot of these people died after him and that most of them, if not all of them, looked up to him and his colleagues in one way or another regardless if they publicly admitted it or not. He knew that his life had a big impact on everyone who was born after his time, and everyone who was alive during it.
“Hey computer, may I have Freddie Mercury’s files?” George hummed.
As John continued to process the databases methods, he picked up the box along with the papers that had fallen out before and sat them back on the self as neatly as possible.
“Yes!” A few boxes appeared around him. “These are articles on singer Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of the British band Queen.”
“Thank ye.” George nodded as he began to flip through the newspapers. He pulls one out.
“The Guardians. Hmm... “ curiosity peaked through him. He started to read, “Freddie Mercury, rock's showman incarnate, died last night, 24 hours after he confirmed he was suffering from Aids.Mercury, lead singer with the band Queen, had become a recluse at his home in Kensington, west London, over the past two years, fuelling speculation that he was suffering from the disease. He was 45.” George read out loud so John could hear.
John raised a brow, and decided to walk towards George, his footsteps becoming louder as he approached the man on the floor. He snatched the paper from his hand. His eyes scrolled through the words, looking for some cause.
“Freddie Mercury died of aids? Bronchopneumonia. Caused, by aids? Tch. How did he even contract such a thing?” John swung the papers in the air in slight disgust.
George continued to look through the papers. Finding another one that caught his attention, “Aye the New York Times.” he grinned showing the paper to John who was not at all interested.
“Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of the hard-rock group Queen, died today at his home in Kensington here. He was 45 years old. He died of bronchopneumonia resulting from AIDS, his publicity agent said. Mr. Mercury announced on Saturday that he had AIDS.” his voice lowered.
“Brave man admitting he had a disease. Most people didn’t even try to tell others while I was still around. Tragic death it was. I even felt bad for the poor chap.”
John failed to look up from the papers. He was completely indulged in the article about one of the men downstairs.
“Well, according to the papers and the channels that showed on the news. AIDS was brought on by homosexuality. I never believed it for a second.”
John peeked over the papers, his eyebrows furrowed. “AIDS? That wasn’t much of a thing when I was around. And homosexuality? Are you telling me that Freddie was gay?”
“Bisexual seemingly. And AIDS wasn’t a big thing until the year after you died, it became an epidemic, millions of people caught it and were unable to survive because of the lack of medicine. It was not at all a fun time, people would get really sick, die within months or years, some people didn’t even display serious symptoms and it ended them. A lot of the world blamed gays but it took forever for people to accept that it was more than that.” George nodded.
John took this paper, and he started to glance over it, George still digging through the boxes. As he picked up the boxes with tapes, movies, and dvds, something caught his attention. He started walking back towards the darkness to once again start searching for another Beatles box.
“So does that mean that, that guy that was standing next to Freddie was his boyfriend? Because I don’t remember any member of Queen looking quite like that.” John questioned.
“Yes, your spouse along with your band mates join you here when they pass. All are welcome. We don’t want you to be lonely in the after life, even with your band mates, sometimes you need your soulmate with you, that’s why you got married.”
“Hey George… Olivia and Yoko are going to be here eventually. My sweet sweet Yoko.” John said, a smile on his face as he hugged his knees tighter. “I miss her so much.”
Tears started to stream down his face, and he slowly wiped them away with his sleeve. He was overwhelmed with the thought of being united with both Paul and Yoko sometime in the future and he sat there in thought of what it would be like to see his two favorite people once more and be able to live with them forever this time around. He took time to remember the fun he had with the band, with Yoko, how all of them, even though broken up, were still a close knit family of four loving and caring goofballs. And even though he missed Yoko a lot, it was Paul who truly had his heart, he knew that Paul must’ve been crushed when he received the news. It happened so suddenly, he was so young, they all were, there was no signs of anything bad happening to any of them and his life was taken from him before the other Beatles all because a man wanted to end him.
He never knew why this man shot him or what he hoped to gain from it but he hated how early he left the world. He knew he wasn’t done back on earth but at the same time he knew that he couldn’t go back, he was stuck here and that’s just how it was. You live and you die and you can’t choose when you were born or how or when you die. ‘It's all about the path you lead’ he told himself many times in the past, but at times like this he would come to think something else. ‘What if this is all set in stone? That his fate was already made for him before he had been born, that he was going to die this same way unless, unless he decided to not create his band. Maybe if he had never been a Beatle he wouldn’t have lost his life so soon, maybe today, he’d still be with Paul, Ringo and George back on earth. It was a thought he never liked to have but couldn’t help but wondering too when he remembers how just him and George aren’t the whole group.
As much as he appreciates George being here, helping him through this, he still misses everyone who is still rocking out at home, his friends, his family that he knows are almost impossible to reach except for the feeling in their heart.  
“What’s this?” George picked up a brightly colored dvd case, it was purple and yellow, for the background. In the foreground was a man who looked and dressed similar to Freddie, leaning back and holding a microphone in one of his most iconic poses. The title on the top was “Bohemian Rhapsody.” written in a big bright yellow font. He turned it over.
“Golden Globes winner? Biopic of the legendary Freddie Mercury.” he turned to John, who was still wrapping his head around the articles and the thoughts of AIDS being a cause of death to a famous rockstar.
“Hey John, you might want to take a look at this one.” he said holding up the dvd high enough for him to see.
John glanced over to him in the darkness, his eyes red from tears. He was not able to see him from there but he got up and walked in his direction, trying to make sure all the tears that were on his face were wiped away. He had to snap out his own mind, his own thoughts to give George his full attention.
“What is that exactly?” He spoke, still a little choked up from the last thoughts he had.
“A dvd. It's like a tape, but updated, more around my time, and they became more popular than that of the VHS.”
“Interesting.” it caught the “older” Beatles attention.
“Bohemian Rhapsody?” he squinted. “Wasn’t that the name of that Queen song? What is that?”
“Apparently, it's a movie, a “biopic” as they call it. Its seemingly a movie about the life of Freddie and how he became a star. And must I say, the picture on the front looks exactly like him.”
John tried to avoid snatching it from his hand this time, his eyes stared directly at the cover.
“How come he has a movie all about himself and we have yet to see one about how famous we were!? We were more popular than Jesus! And we still lack a film as such.” He let out almost all his rage at once and soon calmed down as much as he could.
“I want to see this.” he huffed. “How can we view this?”
“I have a dvd player. You may insert the disc inside.” a small dvd slot slides out the computer.
Without a second to waste John opens the case and pops the dvd out. He looks at the disc and than to the slot. He puts it in carefully, still confused about the process. He takes a seat.
The movie started to play, showing many different previews.
“Would you like to skip previews?” the machine asked.
But it gained no response, John was intrigued by the camera movements, bright color and clear picture. He laughed to himself.
“We didn’t have such a thing back than did we!? This is amazing!”
George glanced over his shoulder, watching the previews as well until it came to the main menu.
“Would you like to play the movie? Or maybe you want to view special features.”  the computer questioned.
With John practically hypnotized by the amazing detail on the screen in front of him George had to respond.
“Play the movie please.” And with that it started, the voice of “Freddie Mercury” filling the room.
They sat there for over two hours watching the group of actors “perfectly” portray the life of Freddie Mercury. They were both highly impressed by the singing, and the staging.
The movie soon came to an end and the two Beatles were left with their mouth agape in awe.
“This was an amazing movie, I think it portrays him absolutely perfectly.” George clapped.  
John scoffed, not agreeing to finding the movie entertaining. He did not want to, “lose his battle.” It was obvious he was jealous but it was something he didn’t want to make obvious.
“I wonder if Freddie knows about this… we should tell him.” George grinned from ear to ear as he headed towards the door.
“No.” John responded bluntly causing George to turn around.
“No, we aren’t going to tell him, he has no reason to know about this. He doesn’t deserve to know about it. We haven’t got our movie and as far as he knows he hasn’t one either. We can keep it that way as long as we can, it’ll save both our pride and dignity.”
“Are you sure about this John? Don’t you think this is rude? Cut a man off from his victory?”
“And? Just promise me George that you won’t say a thing to him.” John sat his elbows on the desk in front of him. His fingers intertwined and covered his mouth. He blatantly watched the screen.
“I thought you loved Queen, they were around longer than us.”
“I do, but I do not like admitting a defeat, and trust me, after everything we put into that 10 years and what I put in after it, I refuse to be outdone. I sacrificed my life to this band, I died trying to save the music that we created together and society, after who knows how long still refuses to bring us what he had clearly created. I know we can’t be replaced, and I know that no actors would even be able to “represent” us the way we had ourselves, but out of everything, the least they could’ve done was given us what we worked for. We earned a movie, we earned our legacy and we earned the money we worked for. And I know Freddie has too, I believe he has, after all he was still making music with his band long after we had. Hell, they didn’t even form until after we disbanded, and yet, they had their legacy recreated in a more recent film. Remember, everyone knew who were were, regardless of race or religion, everyone knew our music, and they would sing along to. We had a cartoon, we had movies, we had stories to tell everyone that was nothing but jokes and laughs. But now, I’m pretty sure not a lot of people remember us these days, we aren’t as big as we use to be, I can feel it. I can feel our very existence as “The Beatles” fading George and I know you can too. And with that being said, I simply don’t appreciate being surpassed by anyone.”
George reached for his friend but quickly moved away when he saw only clouded eyes in the reflection of the computer screen. He swallowed hard.
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Taglist: @lennonwhipped @rogers-flowered-blazer @peacelennon @caviarandqueen @caminc91 @sweet-mother-love
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plaguedparadox · 5 years
Whispers in the Dark - Chapter Twenty
Back Home
Nausea was what woke me up, the feeling of needing to vomit compelled me to sprint out of bed and into the nearest room with a toilet so I could empty my stomach. An ugly sounding groan left my lips as I tried to clean the flavour from my mouth, the acidic burning causing me to wince slightly as I took a few deep breaths. I was mildly coughing by the time I turned to leave the room only to jump in shock due to Dark standing in the doorway looking worried. “What are you doing there, Stormy? You need rest.” I say before wrapping my arms gently around his torso, trying to avoid accidentally injuring his most likely heavily bruised stomach.
“I heard you throwing up, you okay?” He muttered out, his head almost immediately burying into the crook of my neck as he spoke, his voice almost completely like the man I fell in love with all those years ago but the echo was still there. Dark’s arms wrapped tightly around me, holding me close as if he was still trying to process the fact that we were together once again. I tell him that I was fine, that I most likely just had a stomach bug but I was still fine all the same. “Let’s get back to bed…” Slowly the demon walked backwards, guiding me gently back to Damien’s bed. I quickly found my place beside the man as I was practically curled against him while my head rested on top of his chest as if I was trying to listen to his nonexistent heartbeat. I let out a happy sigh and snuggle further into the man’s chest, the smell of expensive cologne was faded but still there, still the same scent that I expected my beloved demon to have. “You are my Sunshine…” Dark started to sing out a familiar song which brought memories of my time in a coma to thought.
The room was suddenly coated in shadows but I wasn’t worried, this was Dark’s doing after all. “My only Sunshine…” His voice continued, making me slowly connect the dots. Delicate shades of blue and red danced about, as if they were putting on a show before they slowed down and spread out like a galaxy in front of me. The small lights seemed to sparkle as they tried to not be consumed by the shadows.  “You make me happy, when skies are grey... “ The demon nuzzled his nose against the top of my head, a soft and peaceful smile on his face. The blue shade that was correlated with Damien seemed to radiate off of the man strongly as I noticed his hair to be more slicked back than normal. Safe to say that Dark was a very beautiful man. “You’ll never know, Dear, how much I love you… So please don’t take my Sunshine away.” He finished the small portion of the song, pulling me into a gentle kiss.
When he pulled away the shadows and shades of colour that were once depicting a galaxy faded back into him and the room was filled with the morning’s light. The soft lighting matching the mood of the room perfectly as it reflected off the fallen angel in such a wonderful way. Crimson invaded my cheeks as I tried to process Dark’s subtle confession that was combined with the delicate look on his face. Of course, as life with the egos went, nothing stayed peaceful forever.
“DARK!!!” Wilford’s panicked voice filled air as the slamming of doors sounded out. The demon who’s name was just called out groaned to himself as he turned to bury his head in the soft white pillows, cursing Wilford’s name for destroying the moment. With each new slam of a door, Wilford shouting out the monochromatic man’s name and occasionally another voice telling the madman off which was evident by their scolding tone. “DARK! Oh, you’re here.” Was all that he said when he entered the room that the demon was actually in. “And Gumdrop is here too! Oh! Is this a slumber party?! I want to join!” The reporter beamed before he jumped onto the bed next to me, suddenly in his sleepwear of a yellow top and striped pink bottoms. I bounced a small bit before Dark wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest, his shadows holding him down to the bed so his wounds weren’t agitated. A giggle slipped out of me as the madman fluttered gentle kisses across my cheeks, nose and forehead as he rambled on about how much he missed me and a few teasing words directed towards the man that held me close.
I wrap my arms around Wilford and give him a tight hug despite Dark’s small whines for attention which made my heart flutter. “Missed ya, Colonel.” I muttered out, a squeak soon followed as I was crushed into a tight hug as the pastel dressed man began to sob. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to call you that!” I cry out as I tried to comfort the man only for his happy laughter to cut me off.  
The man nuzzled me a small bit before pulling away and sitting up onto his calves. “It’s okay, old chap! Really! I just… I missed you calling me that.” He admitted, pulling me up so I sat between him and a still laying Dark. My gaze fell on my love to find him smiling back up at me which made my own smile appear. “Things are going to get better from here, right? Now that he’s under control?” The moustached man asked softly, pulling me into a tight hug as he rocked us back and forth slightly. Dark shifted behind me for a moment before swallowing both Will and me into hug.
“Hopefully.” Is all the demon said on that as our hug became tighter, both men seemingly avoiding wrapping their arms around my midsection, the heat from one man and the cold from the other radiated through me and started to lull me back to sleep.
The feeling of arms wrapped gently around me before I had a chance to even open my eyes, the person’s warmth radiating across my back. A gentle and familiar warmth. I open my eyes to see the rich blue sky of the meadow above me, small hints of red in my peripheral line drew my attention over to the red flowers that had been dotted around. “I missed you.” His voice muttered softly in my ear before he nuzzled against the nape of my neck, his breath tickling it gently. My love’s usually greased back hair was now a seemingly wavy mess, similar to how he had it when we were at University together. I murmur that I missed him too before turning around to face Damien properly only for my face to twist in confusion as I noticed what seemed to be eyeliner and an odd darkness under his eyes which contrasted with his now paler skin. I ask him if he’s okay, my hand brushing across his cheek but all he did was lean into it.
“He’s fine. Just getting used to the fact that him and Dark are practically the same person now, I reckon. Seeing as he has almost all the influence over the demon now that his soul has been put back together. Though not without cracks, but I’m sure you know all too well about that.” The Seer’s voice calmly spoke out as she paced closer, a small smile painted on her lips as she enveloped me into a hug. “It’s so nice to finally see you face to face again, so much better than being orb to face. To think when we were last face to face I couldn’t care less about you… If only my brother had explained his feelings for you then maybe my full self would’ve seen your worth.” Celine lamented, reminding me that the Celine I had come to know was only the good side of the Seer and the original Seer was fine throwing my life away.
Damien scoffed lightly, pulling me away from his sister and further into his own embrace. “Well, sorry if I didn’t bother to explain who I was in love with to a sister that had made sure I couldn’t contact her!” His grip tightened around my arms as his anger grew. I mutter his nickname softly and drag his attention back over to me. “Sorry, Sunshine…” He whispered as he began nuzzling gently into my hair, something about his actions made it seem as if he was afraid to touch me. “Sister, are you sure that your husband is fully dealt with?” My love asked firmly, one of his hands holding my head to his chest, letting me listen to the sound of his faint heartbeat. The Seer scolded Damien, reminding him that the Actor was her ex, divorced or not.
A moment went by, Celine obviously visiting the waking world to check up on the egos. “Fairly sure, Mark’s aura is completely different from before… It’s very possible that this Mark truly isn’t our Mark, possibly a bit like our situation where the good parts of him spilt from the bad. Which means the Mark we need to worry about most likely fled back into your body. Only joining with his good self for personal gain.” Damien questioned about the fight in the manor, Dark was sure that Mark was using Damien’s body in that moment but his questioning was interrupted by Celine shaking her head. “I fear he’s realised that it would be incredibly easy for you to get your body back if he was to take it back to the manor.” She sighed and looked away for a moment before her attention was back to us, or rather back to Damien as her face distorts with concern.“The doctors said they’re fine, Damien, stop worrying. You’ll make yourself sick.” Her scolding voice sounded out as my face lifted up to look at her brother, he was looking away with worry etched deeply onto his pale face.
The meadow became silent for a while as the siblings seemed to bicker back and forth with their facial expressions, Damien keeping me pinned lightly to him as they did. Eventually, Damien’s grip on me slowly slipped and allowed me to move away from him, the warmth he gave me almost immediately fled from my body and caused me to shake at the sudden chill as my body complained at me to move back towards the Mayor. I slowly wandered away from the pair, allowing them to speak openly as it was clear that there was something they didn’t want me to know.
The forest surrounding the meadow was dense and seemed to be covered in a thin layer of dew that flicked off of plants and coated me as I made my way further and further in. As my feet carried me I noticed the blue of my surroundings slowly dulling into shades of grey, I brought myself to a stop at the edge of the forest, staring at the void that seemed to be trying to break its way through indicated by a large opening that was suspended in the air. “Dark?” I call out softly, wondering if the demon had fallen asleep or was still speaking to Wilford. My call was replied to with thin, long tendrils that slithered their way through the air and wrapped themselves around my arm which I stretched out, their movements tickled my skin and caused me to giggle at the sensation.
“What are you doing so far away from the meadow, my dear?” Dark’s voice spoke out, echoing from the void as more of the tendrils wrapped around me, pulling me closer to the dark opening. Dark’s face appearing out of the thick smoke that seeped out of the hole. “Now, you really should head back to the Mayor, but I can’t help but be selfish, even if it is against myself.” He chuckled and slowly stepped out of the opening and straight in front of me, his arms gently wrapping around my waist and pulling me into his cool embrace. The warm smile on his face blew my breath away. Celine wasn’t kidding when she said that him and Damien are basically the same person now. My hand brushed his cheek gently, his grey skin darkening at the gesture. “I think it’s best you wake up, the doctors want to check over you.” I give him a small nod before letting myself fall into consciousness.
The bright lights of the makeshift clinic caused me to wince uncomfortably as my sleepy eyes suffered, I gazed around to see Henrik and Dr Iplier muttering amongst themselves while Dark was busy holding my hand, his thumb gently stroking the back of it. “Did they already check me over or something?” I mumble out only to be told that some checks were done but they still needed to speak to me. The questions were rather basic, ranging from how I felt at the moment to if I had been experiencing anything that could be considered troubling but my throwing up, which I had mentioned earlier in the questioning was brushed off. Dark didn’t even seem phased about that, instead only having something to say when Iplier said something out of line or scared me when his famous line accidentally slipped out. He couldn’t apologise enough - especially when Dark’s shadows appeared.
Once given the all clear, Dark lead me out of the room, out of the manor and into Damien’s garden that Bim had apparently taken to looking after while I was gone. I look down to where Dark and I were joined, my arm wrapped around his. The garden, even back then, was something Damien was proud of. Pure white roses and delicate blue forget me nots were a typical sight amongst the deep greens of the various bushes and small trees that he would tend to. It took a while to bring the old garden back to its original beauty but it seemed as it was more than just me that wanted to keep the place thriving. “I’m glad you decided to bring this place back, it took long enough to grow those flowers for you to begin with…” Dark muttered, his voice becoming lighter as his arm slipped from mine as he approached some forget me nots and bending down, picking some and slowly weaving them together, forming a blue circlet with the flowers.
It took a few moments before the demon made his way back over to me, gently placing the circlet on my head. The dork had made me a flower crown. My cheeks reddened slightly as a large grin crossed my face, thanking the man without having to say a word as I brought him into a tight hug. A vague memory of catching Damien reading a book on the language of flowers crossing my mind as I look up at the flustered demon. His cheeks dark grey while his eyes seemed to be a glowing blue. A giggle leaves my lips as I tiptoe and place a small peck on his cool grey lips, my grin widening as his blush darkened more. “I love you, Dark.” I announce, nuzzling my head into his chest, enjoying the cool breeze brush past us as the smell of the garden flowers filled the air, the scent being dragged around by the wind like paint on a canvas. I quickly look back up at the man to see him as an almost entirely blushing mess, his voice barely able to stutter out that he loves me too.  
A loud awe noise broke through the moment, snapping our attention to the pastel dressed man that was busy squealing and crushing a struggling King into an unwanted hug as his attention was fixed onto us. The poor squirrel ruler was wiggling to escape his arm prison but Wilford was just too strong as he cheered on our confessions. “Really, Warfstache?!” Dark exclaimed before storming over and freeing the king and watching the crowned man scurry off into the treeline. “I can’t have a moment's peace with you around, now can I?” His arms crossed, making the muscular arms concealed under his rather tight white shirt move and bulge, catching my attention rather well. My eyes scanned across the demon’s form, a scarlet tint coating my cheeks in a not-so-innocent way. A giggle left my throat as I watched Wilford tease a blushing Dark while the flushed man was scolding.
“You certainly know how to pick them, lass.” The calm Irish voice stopped me from jumping in shock as I turned to look up at my best friend. I greet Sean with a huge hug before he sits next to me. “I still can’t believe all of this. I mean… It seems rather impossible. But, the big thing is that you’re home and you’re okay. I have to ask though, are you happy? With Dark, I mean.” I nod along and tell Sean I’m happy with Dark. Truly happy. “Good, but if I hear he’s hurt you or tricked you or something like that then I’ll kick his arse. I’m sure the rest of my egos would happily do the same.” Sean beams at me, pulling me into a side hug as we watched the two Iplier egos in front of us. A moment later and my huge fluffy blanket is draped around us. “Oh look, the glitch decided to show up.” Sean joked as as Anti appeared next to us.
Anti rolled his eyes at Sean’s joke and pulled me into a gentle hug, his arms barely wrapped around my side.  “Oh, hush, will ya?” The green-hued man hissed out, his head laying between my shoulder and my neck. My arms wrapped around the glitch happily, returning the hug. “How ya feeling, lass?” He asked softly.
I shrugged, a smile never leaving my face. “I feel pretty good apart from the vomiting but I’ve been told it’s nothing to worry about and well… None of my symptoms are too worrying. I mean I could just be throwing up from eating something weird or the fact I’m overly stressed. Dark doesn’t seem to be freaking out over it. And neither are the doctors.” I explained as I looked back over to what seemed to be Dark trying not to kill Wilford as the madman pulled at the demon’s cheeks. Bad move, Will. My thoughts cringed as Dark slapped Wil upside the head and stormed back over to where I was, only to stop and stare at the Septics that seemed to gather around me. He looks at me questioningly, to which I just shrug and open my arms to him. The monochromatic man was quick to sit by my feet and let me wrap my arms around his neck.
It had been a long time since I felt as peaceful as I did in that moment, surrounded by the people I loved as we enjoyed each other’s company. Stories, jokes and laughter being shared between us. Hopefully, today was the start of a fairly peaceful future. I barely noticed so much time had passed until Dark was pulling me inside and into the kitchen. Before I could ask what he was doing, he started to rummage through the fridge and began to pull things out. He was making me dinner. I was surprised he didn’t just make it appear like he did on our date. “Forever means nothing without you, I hope you know that, Sunshine.” Dark smiles my way before turning his attention to the oven. “Now, how do I do this again?” Oh dear lord.
TAGLIST: @2s0uls @crystalsnowygem @thuutthuutbilly
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The Carnage Chapter One
Note: Adult Content, Adult Language and Graphic Violence is used in this story. The adult content is not is NOT pornographic nor will it ever be. Adult language is what it is and the violence is graphic with some detail. Reader beware. If you are underage you should not read these stories!
These are Dark stories, meaning that the hero does not always win. I hope you enjoy and please feel free to comment what you like about it and don’t like about it, but please be respectful. Just saying you don’t like it or like it, does not help a writer. 
These will be posted under the title and chapter and by chapter since some of these will be very long stories having many chapters. 
These are a work of fiction and copywrite by the writer Michael Metzger Please do not copy but feel free to share by keep my name in each chapter which will be located at the bottom of each chapter. Thank you!
True terror penetrates deep into the soul and portions out its depth of trepidation and anxiety in swells of apprehension and uncertainty. It berates the soul till it surrenders to the inevitable conclusion of its demise and true terror is what Tommy thrived on. It wasn’t sex or the overwhelming need to assert absolute control that drove him to murder but their absolute terror of him, of what he would do next. He fucked and tortured every single person he killed, not because the blood was a turn on, but their fear moved him deeply.
Tommy murdered his first person when he was only thirteen years old. It had been a messy kill, but he had learned much from it. It had been a homeless drunk that he had found sleeping in an old abandoned shamble of a building in Detroit, Michigan. The old drunk had put up a good fight at first, but eventually the razor sharp edge of the knife had started to have an effect, weakening him till he dropped unable to defend himself any further.
When the homeless man finally fell to the hard concrete, his knee’s buckling with pops and creaks of age, Tommy held out his small knife to his victim.
“Small cuts muthafucka,” He had said calmly to his victim. “It weakens you quickly, but doesn’t kill you.”
The homeless man, wondering what he had done to enrage this young man so much that he wanted him dead, looked up into the eyes of a devil. His fear seized him, oozing out his brown, alcohol blood shot eyes and saw a monster, but with the sweet innocent smile of a kid. That was when the torture started and he started screaming. He hadn’t even realized he was screaming until the smiling boy told him that no one was going to hear him.
With all the strength he could muster he spoke a single word, “Why?”
“Why?” The boy replied innocently, “Why will no one hear you, or why am I doing this to you?”
The boy had moved and was now lying directly on the man, seeing his face so close to his caused his breath to catch in his already tortured lungs.
“The answer is simple for both questions. The first being that you did this to yourself because you wanted to be so far away from everything else that now, your screams cannot be heard by anyone outside this building. Sorry, ole chap, but its a matter of opportunity. For the second question, well, why not?” Tommy smiled at him.
Then there was more screaming. Tommy took his time with his first victim. He wanted to relish this moment and remember it forever. He liked it when the guy screamed, it excited him immensely. So much so, that he orgasm’d in his pants three times.
When Tommy knew the guy could take no more, he tied a rope around his neck and hung him from a large concrete frame work in the center of the building. He masturbated as the guy kicked and bounced till his neck snapped and Tommy orgasm’d again. It had been a wonderful first experience for him, but he was covered in blood and the cops would be able to read this crime scene like the cover of a match book, only in the end, all of their conclusions were wrong.
The news media had called it a brutal murder and the police chief had eventually asked for the public’s help in apprehending the murderer or murderers. They suspected the killer was an older male, who had military training in hand to hand combat, was exceptional with a knife and who would be big enough to overwhelm the victim with ease. Tommy had got away with it. He was in the clear. After all, he was only thirteen and not old enough to have military experience.
As he sat watching the news again for word of his latest kill and reminiscing about that first time twelve and a half years ago when a new idea entered his mind. It wasn’t the news caster that was talking currently, but rather the one from that long ago time in his head. He had said something interesting. Why had Tommy not thought of this before? The news caster had said that the community was in fear that a brutal murderer was out walking their streets right now and no one knew who it was.
“The community was in fear,” He spoke it out loud, savoring the taste it produced in his mouth as if he were actually sitting at a fine dining restaurant right now having a nice Beef Wellington and making his mouth water. His penis was growing hard with excitement too and that was always a good indicator he was onto something.
He had heard those words before in other news casts, but this time it harmonized in him the way a good Beef Wellington would. He let the flavor of the idea transcend his conscience mind and take him to where it wanted to go. Then he got it. In all the thirteen years he had been killing people, he had never earned a name.
To date, he had killed twenty two people and the cops had never come close to discovering who actually killed them. But because he didn’t only kill in one place and in fact always traveled for his kills, no one actually knew there was a serial killer on the loose. The media had never given him a name because they had always considered the event to be a single event. He had never killed in the same place twice.
The truth was Tommy didn’t want to be caught. He liked killing and wanted to continue for many more years. Those who communicated with police or media were asking to get caught and that wasn’t for Tommy. The B.T.K. killer could have died of old age without ever having been arrested if he hadn’t written notes on cereal boxes to the cops and letters to the media outlets. It was a fool’s path.
But a name would imply more fear. His victims would know who was killing them and why. Tommy not only wanted, but needed a name and that would mean some changes. He needed an idea that he carried around with him and one that would let the cops and media know he was out there. It would certainly make the killing more interesting. But what would he do?
The realm of possibilities was immense. He had almost already killed at least one in every category he could think of. Children were always good because they produced the most fear for him and that was a requirement. But only focusing on children was not just dumb, it was out right asking to get caught. Go kill a bunch of kids as see how fast the law would invest in your capture! It would only take one child getting killed to cause this as he had seen on the two children he had killed already and those had been thousands of miles apart and completely different in the methods they died.
What was funny was that the murder he committed of Ethan Creon, a twelve year old, good looking boy had been pinned on another child killer who took over killing children in that county after Tommy’s own was broadcast all over the media. His focus had been on boys, namely blond haired boys who were good looking kids. The idiot should have considered that before he took over on the murderous spree that lasted almost six months before he got caught.
The girl he killed remained unsolved and the cops had actually given up on trying to find new clues. But when Tommy committed the murder of a child, he was sure to leave nothing. Not a part of his flesh touched that child and if it had, their bodies would never have been found. It would have negated any pleasure for him due to the high risk of killing children. He loved the fear they produced, but not the risk.
So Tommy eliminated children off the list quickly. The elderly followed soon after since they hardly ever produced enough fear to even stimulate him. The elderly had already lived a full life and, well, in Tommy’s mind, just gave up. They accepted their eventual deaths and died much quicker then he wanted. So they too could be removed from his list.
Those with sever mental retardation were just out of the picture entirely. They were unaware of the eventuality of death and while he had never killed on from this group, he also had no desire too. The mentally ill was always fun. Some of them were real fighters and held onto life as long as possible, but there was an issue with them too.
First, they above all other groups required additional research. The reason for this was clear. Some mentally ill people actually wanted to die and one such victim had actually thanked him for saving the poor sucker from having to do it himself. Tommy had never repeated that mistake. Even if it meant breaking into a counseling office to look at his possible victims records to make sure they were not suicidal. It had been one if his biggest disappointments to date because the guy seemed to be vivacious and high spirited in his every day life.
The second issue is that society as a whole did not consider the mentally ill to be a category. Hell, not even the cops did. It was like they all just missed that huge category completely. Tommy didn’t want to have to do so much research either. That took time and trips to the victims city or town and Tommy would not focus on his local area. It was the golden rule for him. Never kill in the city, town or county you live in or the neighboring counties. You leave space between you and your kill.
Like a car, you allow yourself cushion around the other cars on the road. Cops were a lot less likely to discover who you were if you never lived in that state or even county. If you were smart enough to not leave DNA, then you wouldn’t have to worry about the CODIS hits either. It would never be found in the system. Even with touch DNA, if your skin didn’t touch them you wouldn’t leave those trace amounts and it had been apparent to Tommy early on that this would eventually become the case.
What Tommy needed was something that would set him apart from anyone else. A focus no one else had and with all the murderers there had ever been in the world there wasn’t much left that would be considered unique.
Tommy had been sitting at his desk in front of his laptop watching the news from Butler County  Missouri where is last victim apparently still lay in a heavily wooded area off county road four twenty five. Tommy had found a small, old dirt track that went up the hill to an old mine. He had heard of people dumping bodies in those but he would never to that unless it was someone he didn’t want found.
He always monitored the news from the local communities where he committed his murders. It did a lot for him mentally. He liked hearing the first reports because it was always there that the words used to describe his brutality were the best. If a media outlet was exceptionally explicit and palpable in those choices it had the effect of putting a smile on his face and a bounce in his step.
As he sat there considering his options a new bleep occurred on the news papers website. It was a video. He clicked the play icon on the screen and put it to full screen view. At the bottom of the video was a red banner that said “Special Report” in bright gold letters. The screen flashed to a man wearing a dark blue suite with a deep melodic voice.
“Good afternoon, I am Miles Vallen with breaking news coming out of the Rolling Hills Mine area. The body of an unknown male has been discovered off the old mine road and had apparently been discovered by a couple of kids who were reported to have been walking up the road toward the mine. We have Millie Farr live on scene.”
The image changed to that of an older woman with straight black hair running past her shoulders and wearing a blue top. Her hair was starting to gray at the fringes and she looked slightly rushed. Tommy never could figure out why in such a small community where the nearest competing reporter was at least fifty miles away, they felt the need to rush things, but he was also glad they did. It was these rush jobs where he got the best descriptions. He listened.
“That’s right Miles. The body of a male was discovered about twenty minutes ago by Butler County Sheriff Deputy,” she paused to look at her note pad, “Deputy Jim Carneada who was first to arrive on scene. The Deputy had this to say.”
The image changed again to a tall slender young man, Tommy would guess was in his early twenties, with very short blond hair, blue eyes and a semi hawkish nose. He was clean shaven and the look on his face was priceless. He looked disturbed and disgusted, which pleased Tommy greatly.
“Yes we found the body of an unknown male just off the path to the mine.” The deputy was saying.
“Is there anything you can tell us Deputy? What kind of shape was the body in or hold old the victim is?”
“I can tell you its bad.” He swallowed hard and pursed his lips obviously reliving the nightmare scene. “Don’t know anything else, once I saw the scene I just backed out and ran to my car to call it in and get the tape to close it off.”
“Have you seen things like this before?” The reporter asked sounding concerned about how well the deputy was doing with this.
“I’ve seen plenty of dead bodies before, especially in Afghanistan, but I ain’t never seen anything like that. It’s bad.”
“Can you describe the scene to us deputy?”
He turned to look at her as if he was seeing her for the very first time.
“Why the hell would I do that? No, anyone who doesn’t need to see this doesn’t need it described in detail to them,” The deputy snapped. This excited Tommy even more.
“Can you tell us who the detective in charge is?” The female reporter asked, doing her best to sound concerned and interested in the facts.
“Do you see any detectives around here lady?” The deputy walked off in complete disgust.
The camera switched back to Miles in the studio.
“He seemed a little upset!” Miles suggested to the audience.
“Well from what I have been able to gather is that the crime scene was savagely vicious and it has obviously bothered this young deputy greatly.” Millie said unperturbed.
What she did was give back the attitude in order to save her reputation with not only her public but also other possible law enforcement officers who ever thought she would just take a criticism like that without rebuke. Tommy knew it was done specifically to help prevent it from happening again.
He loved the word she used too, “Savagely Vicious!” It just had a peculiar sound in his ears and a taste on his tongue that was sweet and wonderful. He liked this reporter. He thought it would be wonderful to pay her a visit. But he knew he would not.
“It sounds like a gruesome scene,” Miles said thoughtfully.
“The reaction of the deputy really brings it...” Millie turned as some woman in the background started to scream.
“My boy! That’s my boy!” The elderly woman screamed as other people gathered to take hold of her.
The camera started moving forward and focusing on the poor woman’s grief stricken face. Tears glistened in the daylight and she collapsed into arms that were holding her. After the camera got the episode on live television the camera panned back to Millie.
“It appears Miles, that one of the victims family had arrived...”
Tommy lost all recognition of the news broadcast. “Family!” He turned the word over in his mind several times, not realizing he was speaking out loud.
“Family!” A frown started to appear. The lines in his facial features deepened as the frown turned into a smile. “No one had done families before!” He had never heard of a serial killer whose primary focus was more then one person at a time. That was usually what they referred too as spree killers now. But families! It was the best of all killing! And the fear it would cause! Tommy came in his jeans.
copywrite Michael Metzger 2019
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twdxjess · 6 years
Knight in a Leather Jacket: A Negan Story (Chapter 10)
Summary: You are terrified about the threat headed toward your new community. But when things start to go awry will you still have Negan by your side in the end? Or will you be forced to start a new life alone, all over again?
Pairing: Negan X Reader
Word Count: 2,102
Need to Catch Up? Master list
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Negan had been waiting for this exact moment for weeks but when he saw that ring on the last supply run, he knew it was time to make it official, for you to become his wife. So today, he had left you a note saying he was out on a run, when in reality, he was setting the stage for a perfect night in the place where the two of you magically fell for one another.
"Hey Simon have you and these ass-hats finished setting up the RV yet?” Negan asked Simon as he drove up to the place you two first met.
Simon was finishing up his lunch when he turned to Negan and yelled, “Shit, I knew there was a thing called a bridezilla but I think it is safe to say you have officially turned into a GROOM-zilla!” Simon murmured and the men near by laughed.
"Well she has to fuckin' say yes first Si!" Negan snapped. Everyone froze at the man's tone. After a moment of awkward silence Negan apologized, "Sorry it just needs to be perfect because this is the first time since..."
Just before Negan could show the men any more weakness  Simon quickly interrupted Negan and chuckled, "Well shit no need to get all emotional  and just to let you know BOSS, of course it is ready what do you think we’ve been doing all goddamn morning! Here I’ll give you the grand tour myself.” The others went on about their business as Negan and Simon entered the heavily decorated RV.
Negan’s was shocked what these men were able to do. There was a table set for two with twinkling lights displayed along the walls. They even manage to find some roses and placed the petals down the mini hallway and arranged a heart on the bed. Negan was so excited he gave Simon a giant hug.
“I was gonna ask you what’cha think old man? But I think it’s safe to say,you think it’s fuckin great!” Simon said to Negan while slapping his back.
“This looks fan-fuckin’- tastic Si! Shit,if we hadn’t work together at the high school. I would have thought you were a fuckin’ wedding planner or some shit!”
“Home economics was my best class.” Simon proclaimed then asked,”Where is that girl of yours anyways? Isn’t she done teaching?”
Negan smirked at his question, “Well I told her I was going on a supply run. But I should get back to the room soon or she’ll start to get suspicious.” Negan ran to his truck and headed for the hotel, headed toward you!
It felt like eternity but you had finally arrived back at the hotel. With your mind still continuously playing your recent conversation with Brody , you noticed your reflection in the glass and before entering the lobby you wiped away the last of your tears. “Breathe (y/n)...no need to freak anyone else out...” You thought to yourself. As you scanned the lobby you finally came across Tiffany, coming down the hall. Even though you didn’t care much for her (due to her obsession with Negan) you put on your fakest smile and asked her, “Hey, do you happen to know if Negan is back?”
She looked at you as if you were a servant in her castle when she finally repiled, “Well to be honest sweetie, if I were him and I lived with you I would never come back...but unfortunately nope... haven’t seen that fine ass in awhile.” She grinned at the thought of Negan.
Now, in your past life you would have just slapped the living shit out of Tiffany for her comment but there were more important things to take care of right now. So you nodded your head sarcastically and replied, “Well shit Tif, I'll make sure to take a picture of Negan's sexy NAKED ass when it is in my bed later tonight. That's what friends are for right?” Then as you slowly turned around to walk away, you heard Tiffany whisper “cunt!”
You turned around and looked at her and sarcastically gasped, "Oh, sorry I didn't get that, what did you say?" 
 Tiffany stumbled on her words,as if she was never challenged  by another female in her life then stated, “Oh nothing... Have a nice day!”
"You too Tiffany, you too!" you grinned.
As you were walking out the door you ran into Mandy and her dad walking in. Almost instantly when Mandy realized it was you she embraced you in a hug and asked, “Did you happen to find Dash?”
“Why don’t you see for yourself.” You swung off your backpack and inside Mandy saw the sleeping pup. “You fff-oundd him! I knew I...I..I could count on you! Thank you miss (y/n).” Mandy reached for Dash and the puppy welcomed her with sloppy kisses all over her face. Mandy’s dad thanked you and you continued on in your hopes of finding Negan before it was too late.
As you entered the room you smiled with relief because you saw Negan half dressed looking for a clean shirt. You snuck up behind him and whispered in his ear, "Hey there handsome." while hugging him and gently kissed the back of his neck.
"Hot damn why, hello to you to princess, if you would have arrived a little earlier we could have saved some water and showered together." Negan proclaimed while grabbing your ass.
"What's the rush, you got a hot date later?" you playfully grinned at the older man.
"Hell yeah and if I'm late..." Negan bent down to give you a real kiss,  "She might leave because she "supposedly" doesn't need a tall, handsome, sexy-ass looking man on her ass all the time like me." Negan grinned and wrapped you up in a manly bear hug then continued to say, "but there is still time for her to take a shower." You nudge Negan and quickly ran to the bathroom to freshen up for your date with not only your Knight in shining armor,  but also your best friend.
After a few minutes you were done and looking for something to wear, so you stared at Negan trying to guess where this date might be and what you should wear. He was wearing his "nice jeans" and a collared shirt, which you've never seen, "is that a new shirt?" you asked Negan.
"Why yes it is and I found something for you too." Negan grabbed something from the closet and reviled to you a nice lilac colored laced dress. Your mouth dropped in disbelief. "So does this mean you like it?" Negan asked.
"I absolutely love it Negan! Where did you find it?"
"I found it a couple weeks ago on a supply run in what looked like a small boutique and its also where I found my shirt." He boyishly grinned at you. You took the dress and put it on in the bathroom, once you had it on you opened the door waiting for Negan's reaction. "So, how does it look?" You asked the shocked man while spinning around.
"You..you.. look fuckin' incredible darlin'!" Negan gave you a squeezed and a sweet kiss on the head then asked, "Are you ready to go on this hot date of ours?"
"Yeah, I just need to get something from my bag. I'll meet you by the car. " You told Negan and he started heading out the door. As you rush over to your bag to search for your chap stick all the events from earlier today came rushing back into your mind. You were so caught up in this fantasyland with only you and Negan that you completely forgot that the community was endanger.  But, Negan and the saviors were prepared for something like this so you grabbed your chap stick and ran out to Negan's truck praying while you two were gone everyone else will stay safe.
You and Negan finally arrived to your destination which looked like your RV but something was different it was all decorated and fancy looking. So you asked, "Negan what's going on here because this looks like my family's RV but it is heavily decorated with roses and candles."
"Trust me darlin' it's about time I took you on a real ass date." Negan grabbed your hand leading you into the RV. When he opened the door it was as if you were watching one of those prom-posal videos on the internet. There were twinkling lights with rose petals covering the floors the whole  bit. You smiled and jokingly asked, "Are you asking me to prom mister because someone forgot to..." before you could finish your smart ass remark Negan was down on one knee with a small velvet box in his hand.
Before you knew it tears started to fill your eyes when Negan started to say, "(y/n) when this world went to shit I felt like nothing good would ever come from this but to my fuckin' surprise it did it was the day I meet you. You are not only my hot ass lover but you are also my best friend... someone I truly admire and want to do life with, well whatever kind of life this is... but even if the world hadn't gone to shit, I honestly believe we would have meet in the old world because what we have here between us is fate and we were simply meant to be. So (y/n) will you marry me?"
You couldn't speak so you nodded yes and Negan slipped the diamond on your finger and kissed you for what felt like forever. "Let me guess you found the ring at the boutique as well?" you chuckled.
"Yep, did I forget to mention this boutique was a wedding boutique?" Negan smirked and continued to say, "Now let's eat so we can make sweet love later!"
As you both sat down and started eating you were happy but your community's safety was still on your mind and Negan must have noticed because he asked you, “Hey (y/n) is everything okay? I promise the spaghetti is fuckin' great I made it myself!"
You smiled at the handsome man's comment debating if this was the right time to tell your soon-to-be husband what happened today,  "I know it's just...I have something to tell you and it might ruin our whole night..and I...". Negan grabbed your hand, " What's on your mind darlin' did something happen today? You know you can tell me anything...Did someone do something to you? because I can have them.." 
You abruptly kissed Negan to make him shut up you then revealed to him what had happened in woods earlier today. Negan was stunned and started to get angry and said, "How soon (y/n)?"
"I don't know Brody just said soon..." Negan got up from the table and slammed his fist on the wall. "I'm going to kill all those fuckers...ughh!"
You cautiously went to Negan and asked, "Negan, you and the saviors have a plan right? Whatever it is I can help." Negan just shook his head and said, "Yes... but," then suddenly you both heard what sounded like a blast coming from the direction of the hotel. You both ran outside and noticed flames coming from the same direction. You started to panic when Negan demanded you to stay at the RV and wait for him to come back for you. You responded. "Hell no that is my community too Negan I am coming!"
Negan went back to his truck grabbed a radio and then scooped you off your feet going back into the RV. Once Negan placed you on the bed he said, "NO you are safer here... and I can't loose you... you mean everything to me (y/n)!" It was one of the few times you saw Negan get emotional. And you knew he was serious, so you hugged him and said, "Fine... but you need to come back to me too, Negan... even if the community doesn't survive promise me you will come back because I may mean the world to you but you also mean the world to me!" you both kissed one another like it might be your last. Then Negan gave you the radio and instructed you if they start to head this way leave and he would be able to contact you by the radio.
He then hurriedly rushed to his truck gave you one last kiss not realizing that it would be your last, then you watched as your knight in shining armor rode off into the night sky.  
Epilogue is on the masterlist
 PSA: We have finally reach the end of this series but I will be continuing this story in a sequel called "Hey There Princess" where the Reader and Negan meet up once again, but there is a twist. Thanks for all the love and support for this series. I loved writing it and I hope y'all enjoyed it. :)
Tags: @babygirlmeepi @pseudonymfox @curlyhairedblueeyedangel​ 
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So… it’s another one that just kinda turned into a drabble? I’m sorry if you hate this??Whelp, here it is🤷🏻‍♀️
“I think I’m dying,” Eddie said, his eyes were filled with a deep anxiety that Richie had only seen show through at the worst of times. Every time he saw this type of fear rolling through Eddie, he felt as though he had failed the smaller boy somehow, as irrational as that sounds.“Don’t talk like that,” Richie said, pouring cough syrup onto a large metal table spoon that he had earlier grabbed from the kitchen. Eddie took a deep breath to reply but the words died in his throat when a spasm of coughs erupted from his chest instead. The coughing itself sounded terrible, scratchy and with enough force to shake Eddie’s entire body. Richie felt helpless. Richie’s hand moved to grip Eddie’s just as the smaller boy reached for him, coughs finally dying down enough for him to take the spoon of syrup into his mouth.Eddie made a face of disgust as he swallowed the bitter liquid and rested his body against the nest of pillows behind him. “Eddie,” Richie said quietly, his brows furrowed and a comforting smile playing on his lips, “You’re going to be fine. It’s just a bug, Bill and Ben had the exact same thing just last week.”Eddie shook his head, still struggling to breathe properly. “Richie, you don’t get it,” Eddie whispered, rubbing his thumb over Richie’s knuckles and staring at where their hands were intertwined. “I don’t just get sick.”Richie reached forward and brushed his fingers against Eddie’s forehead, moving the sweat-soaked curls from his shining brown eyes and rested the palm of his hand against Eddie’s skin. He was burning up.“Everyone gets sick, Eddie Spaghetti,” Richie said before standing up. Eddie’s grip on his hand increased, if only slightly, and Richie’s heartbeat faster within his chest. Eddie was silently pleading but he might as well have screamed for the taller boy to stay with how easily Richie understood him. “I’m going to get you some water and cold compress.” Eddie’s brows furrowed in confusion. Richie let go and suddenly felt cold, mostly due to distancing himself from the warmth that was radiating off of Eddie’s in waves. His fingers ached to be wrapped around Eddie’s and his heart longs to be next to his. It astonishes Richie in that moment that Eddie has allowed him to stay all this time, exposed to him in one of the most vulnerable ways; sick, shirtless, weak and scared. Richie took his moment away from Eddie, running a white cotton cloth under the cold water, to wrestle his heart to stop beating erratically, to remind himself to breathe.Eddie was going to be fine.Walking back into Eddie’s room, Eddie looked at Richie with tears in his eyes. “Richie,” he spoke, his soft voice cracked and so did Richie’s soft heart, “I don’t want to die.”“Eddie, you’re not-”“Richie,” he panicked, his voice louder but still just as wrecked. “You don’t understand. Everything that happening to me feels like it’s never going to fucking stop. Germs and bacteria are going to continue to multiply, my fever is just going to increase and my heart is going to continue to speed up until it shuts down and I fucking die.”Tears, which seemed to have been welling in Eddie’s eyes forever, finally spilled over the flushed boys cheeks, leaving trails in their wake. “Ed’s,” Richie whispered.More tears fell down Eddie’s face, seeming unable to stop once they had started, “I’m terrified, Richie. It just keeps going through my mind and what if this is the thing that finally kills me. I know that’s insane and that I’m not going to die but I can’t-” Before Eddie can finish, Richie has his hands on Eddie’s cheeks and his lips are slotted over the sick boys. Richie’s heart is racing, his blood is screaming in his ears but he doesn’t stop. Eddie’s eager, responsive lips are the only thing Richie wants to feel for the rest of his life.Eddie’s mind stops, previously going a thousand miles every second to becoming completely still when Richie’s cool, chapped lips press again his own. “Richie!” The sick boy screamed, tearing his lips away from Richie’s but still holding his lanky body close. His heart pounding and his breathing shallow. “You’re going to get sick.”Richie smiled, resting his forehead against Eddie’s and keeping his hand on the other boys heated cheeks, “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, Ed’s,” he whispered, softly pressing his lips to Eddie’s again. “I’m never going to let anything happen to you but I swear to god, if you don’t stop being so dramatic I’m going to lace your dinner with an entire bottle of NyQuil.”Eddie laughed, his heart clenched and his lungs protested but he laughed anyway. “As if you’re calling me dramatic, Trashmouth.”Richie wiped the stained trails of water from Eddie’s cheeks, smiling weakly at the boy in front of him.
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie said as he walked into Richie’s bedroom. Richie was sprawled on his bed, he was drenched in sweat and coughing his lungs out. “Ed’s,” Richie said, brows furrowed and his voice weak, “I’m dying.”“Don’t be so dramatic, sicko.”
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