#toxic gamers
nerdylilpeebee · 10 months
Playing Xbox. Got a flirty message from a rando teammate in Rainbow Six Siege. Didn't respond cuz, why would I? He tk's me. Here's the messages between us.
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Apparently, I'm what's wrong with humanity. XD
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rosiegames · 2 months
“It’s a team game” so why are they bullying me then Respawn…
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Guys are so toxic toward casual players! I asked in a Youtube comment section how hard TemTem was (cause I heard some complaints) and if casual players can play it and this asshole called me a “softie casual (who comes up with these stupid names?! lol) who can’t handle a challenge”.
I love challenges but some games are made to be too difficult just to frustrate the players or its bad design, you know? THAT’S what I was asking about. Some guys make difficult games their whole personality and it shows.
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krissiefox · 2 years
I recently got to see Henry Rollins in person at his "Libraries Are Punk Rock" speech at my local library. He had a lot of great things to say, and one of the many pleasing moments was him touching on misogyny in gamer culture. I'm paraphrasing from memory here (they asked the audience to not do any filming), but he said something along the lines of: "Now, I don't know much about video games, I've never had time for that sort of thing. But I've heard that there's a big "boys club" mentality in that crowd, and I though "Really? You're just swinging a bag of rocks around and hitting dragons, it's not even real! You're gonna use this as an excuse to be a misogynist?!"
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erofanart · 2 years
The toxicity gaming communities have (Dbd especially) is beyond sickening. To tell people who has epilepsy to not play the game just because there was a simple small change to an item...that's ableist as fuck. That's like telling people who were born with no legs or arms to not play a game. Or telling someone who's partially or fully deaf to not play a game. Or telling someone who is color blinded to not play a game. You really gotta be a bold mf to tell someone that, when there are solutions that can help people to play games easier. So...if you’re that paranoid and angry over a flashlight change where you can’t micro click a killer just to annoy them, then you need to not play the game. Because getting upset over a small change is not even normal. It’s not like flashlights have been nerfed to the ground, making people not use them anymore. The majority of the Dbd community can be toxic as fuck most of the time, I swear. 
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wonderr-skyy · 1 month
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dddemigirl · 1 year
If people on PlayStation could stop spamming me with friend requests, adding me to random group chats and saying racist things in chat that would be great! ☺️🙄
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k3r0deku · 2 months
kacchan: why did you want me to play this
deku: it’s a fun game! i really thought you’d like it, video games can be so relaxing if you— FUCK YOU, DIE, DIE, DIE!! KNOCKED HIM. thought you could kill me, bitch? NAH. i’ll drop you in your fucking GRAVE before your slow ass even knew i was there. probably thought you were good, huh? kacchan, come here, i want to play catch with his body until his sorry excuse of a teammate shows up
kacchan: i raised him right :,)
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khalixvitae · 6 months
I’m still. Hung up on the fact that people think Idia is an incel. I think what’s fundamentally important to remember about him is that he is the biggest proponent of his own isolation. Incels believe they are unfairly ignored by/passed over by possible romantic partners, but Idia doesn’t really think that way. Like yes on his deepest levels he does want to connect with someone (I mean look at the media he consumes- he’s a massive romance and slice of life junkie) and have a normal life. But he’s firmly convinced that he can’t. He can’t cultivate face to face relationships because he thinks that ultimately it will be pointless; he can’t give somebody a life worth living because yk, he’s literally bound by blood to a life of isolation w this whole generational curse thing. Either that or they’ll just be generally put off by him and see him the way he sees himself. Whether it’s because he can’t or he shouldn’t, ultimately Idia is the one perpetuating his own isolation. He’s horrifically depressed and lonely, but he’s also agoraphobic. He finds himself gross and just generally considers himself a bad choice in partner. whether or not others agree is trivial. He doesn’t feel like anyone owes him a relationship because he doesn’t think he’s worth that trouble. And like yes he does think he’s smarter than everyone in a given room, but he doesn’t think he’s a better person. Like he literally all but states that numerous times. Idia knows he’s terrible, and tbh part of his problems come from his fear that he can’t change that and nihilistic complacency in his own misery. It’s like his internship offers kind of. He just deletes them because there’s no point in pursuing something that he just isn’t “made for”. He’s had enough bad luck as is, why try and defy fate. It’s actually really sad because he does seem to resent that part of himself even in his complacency, and he does think the whole thing is unfair, but like. He’s definitely not an incel ???
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b0tster · 8 months
my girlfriend just beat balteus so proud of her 🥳
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odettepx · 1 year
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dbdviolators · 7 months
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rosiegames · 2 months
still thinking about an interaction that just happens minutes ago …
don’t react well to being yelled at how to play the game.
do not talk to me like that. I don’t care WHO you are.
it’s just a game, chill out. you’re really shouting abuse at strangers online?!
Whatever’s happening in your actual real life does not mean you can go online to abuse people verbally.
If it’s such a huge deal to you how I’m playing… go solo. go ranked. whatever you do, gtf away from me.
I ran because we’re out numbered and I hadn’t even a secondary weapon or enough ammo… you ran off first. don’t run into fights 1v3 immediately then blame US for your loss.
I also had to run off towards the end or the ring would get us … so hope it was worth it 🤡
it’s selfish and just plain disgusting behaviour, if this is how you treat strangers online.
Hope you carry on sucking. 🫶✨lil entitled man child
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artheresy · 1 year
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Im having thoughts about Stormbringer again, YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!
Stormbringer Sillies to cope with the horrors!!!
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coldagoraphobic · 18 days
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i want to be perfect
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ithinkimauggie · 2 days
I don't understand ship wars. Like, I get why people have these disagreements, everyone has different tastes and preferences, but I just saw a post where someone was talking about how they hope everyone who ships [insert ship here] has a shit day, and it's like... Girl. Why do we STILL care about this stuff so much? 
I know this is minuscule and silly for me to post about, but the ship in question has garnered so much negative attention that I, someone who doesn't like it and only wants to engage with the general fandom, can't go one minute in the fandom's tag without being hit with a barrage of angry posts condemning it like it's some moral atrocity.
Some of these people are acting like the Steven Universe fandom circa 2016 and it's just like... Girl. Respect other people's interests and move on, it shouldn't be this hard. If you start shit with people because of something as insignificant as a ship, that's embarrassing for YOU.
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