#trans philosophy
profestriga · 5 months
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I meant to post this some months ago when I defended, but accidentally saved as a draft. Despite the absurd formatting requirements, I discovered we're allowed to have a frontispiece.
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What is a Woman?
A summary and response to Talia Mae Bettcher's Multiple Meanings Position
Talia Mae Bettcher is a revolutionary figure in identity politics and trans philosophy. She challenges conventional ideas of womanhood, and offers a conclusive, binary-breaking, perspective on what it means to be a woman. She is revolutionary in trans studies, not only critiquing trans-exclusionary discourse, but evaluates concepts that attempt to ally the trans liberation movement. This post will explicitly explore one of Bettcher’s most notable contributions: her critique of semantic contextualism and her alternative multiple meanings position.
Proposed by Jennifer Saul, semantic contextualism seeks to validate transgender identities by acknowledging fluidity in language and meaning [1]. Saul argues the meaning of woman shifts depending on the context, it can encompass biological sex, determined gender roles, and self-identification.
To simplify, take the word now. To me, now means a specific time and place. Now is 14:07 on 20/04/2024, in UOM library. But as you read this, now refers to a time in the near distant future, where you accidently stumble onto my blog page and are bombarded with new information on gender, sexuality and racial identity. Likewise, Saul argues that the definition of woman changes depending on the context.
Bettcher takes issue with this definition. Transwomen are women unequivocally. They are always women, not just in specific contexts. Instead, Bettcher proposes “multiple meanings” concept, suggesting the term woman encompasses a spectrum of experiences and identities that coexist simultaneously [2]. Not only does this provide inclusivity, it completely challenges binary understanding of gender. It proposes gender as something fluid and malleable, instead of rigid and fixed. This dynamic reimagining both embraces the experiences of marginalised individuals, and affirms the complexities of cisgenders women.
Personally, I appreciate this perspective, and feel it offers somewhat of a solution to the debate regarding the definition of lesbianism, as presented in I reserve my right to be complex. I find merit in feeling somewhat uneasy about using the term “non-male” as a defining factor for lesbianism. I recognise that so much of being a woman is defined in conjunction to men and the patriarchy. Bettcher’s broader understanding of womanhood allows me to still feel connected with “women attracted to other woman” as a definition for lesbianism. As a non-binary lesbian, it can validate my gender identity, whilst simultaneously validating my explicitly queer attraction to women.
Talia Mae Bettcher is an incredible philosopher, and a prime example on why it is so important to have trans, and other marginalized community, representation in academia. I highly recommend watching the video below, as it discusses and dissects both academic and wider societal debates regarding trans liberation and rights, whilst providing additional information on Bettcher and her lived experience.
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jammin-media-medium · 5 months
A transy throught I've had for year,
If I could wish everybody was born their wanted gender would I ?
After lots of thinking, the answers I came to was no .
While a lot of people would be happier, myself included . the world itself would be a worse place for everyone.
It would be a transphobes paradise. Everyone would be cis, no one having cool introspection about gender, or weird gender euphoria moments.
It's sucks to live in a world this hurtful, and we can make it better. But it will never be perfect.
So second best opinion the world's a better place with lil gender goblins running around, making the world a cooler, gayer, sexyier place.
It is worth some of the pain and discomfort
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ashes2caches · 6 months
the two transfems spitroasting me have started arguing dialectics and their disdain for each other’s philosophical leanings has caused them to further ruin my poor body
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sky-chau · 6 months
Are LGBTQ labels confusing? Do you ever see a collection of words and think "aren't some of those antithetical or mutually exclusive?" Congratulations! You've run into a very interesting phenomenon that I'm about to break down to the best of my ability.
There's two major philosophies when it comes to labels, they don't have names to my knowledge so I'm gonna call them Reflective and Telegraph.
The Telegraph Label philosophy states that labels primarily function as a means of conveying useful information about one's self to others. It's telling others what pronouns, what parts and what genders that person has or is attracted to. This is usually pretty straightforward, the stuff someone interested in dating you would check before asking you out to avoid embarrassment.
The Reflective Label philosophy states that labels are primarily a tool for describing an internal experience. Putting words to feelings for the benefit of the self. This is how we get lables like stargender or autismgender. These aren't meaningfully useful labels that tell others what to expect physically or what pronouns to use. But that doesn’t mean they're useless. In the case of someone using autismgender, that label probably describes the internal experience of the ways a person's autism impacts their views on and performance of gender. Stargender likely explains not that they literally see themselves as a star but rather that their internal experience of their prefered gender performance makes them feel a way that reminds them of stars or stargazing.
And this applies to sexuality too. Boy lesbian might seem antithetical but ultimately that label isn't there to tell others anything. It's merely a comfort to have words to describe a mess of feelings and social dynamics.
And for clarification, anyone calling themselves a boy-lesbian probably isn't the cis male boogieman forcing lesbians who aren't interested in cis men to date them or else be labeled a bigot. That boogieman doesn't exist. A more likely explanation is that a nonbinary or trans person has a complex relationship with their changing gender that doesn't trigger a change in the way they see themselves in relationships and attraction thus causing them to keep or adopt the lesbian label despite the gender weirdness going on.
I see a lot of infighting about what people call themselves and whether or not certain combinations can even physically exist. And Y'know what? I don't think that's terribly productive. Neither philosophy is wrong. People are just using labels to address different root problems.
As aggravating as it might be for Telegraphers, you don't have to understand everything. Not everyone feels that they owe you the list of information you find useful, and their labels reflect that. And that's okay.
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theabigailthorn · 1 year
This is the one baybeee. This is the big one, the one about trans healthcare, the big kahuna, the forbidden episode I’d never do, the one where I drag Br*tish institutions and make a bunch of references to a famous novel - you know me!
Enjoy, and also - I never normally ask but, SHARE THIS ONE AROUND LADS
Abi XXx
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redditreceipts · 8 months
the state of r/actuallesbians, part I
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"What is cool about being a lesbian?" "they know where the clitoris is" "well, I, a man, have bad news for you, because I most definitely do not know where the clitoris is"
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I love how she apologized to trans women even beforehand, but this person couldn't stop himself from talking about his "tummy ache" and being sad because "people are so dismissive of it"
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officialspec · 2 months
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
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first off i hate this ask and i think youre a freak. in any other world i wouldve blocked you for this but unfortunately for both of us i actually like this type of philosophy. dont send this shit to anyone else though
i dont think its right to compare human sexuality to the same thing in animals, to get that out of the way. im sure until a certain point it comes from the same biological impulses, but human beings have way more complicated social structures and reasons for coupling that just do not exist in other animals. our social behaviours are what make us unique in the animal kingdom and that definitely extends to gender and sexuality. so theres that
people love to tout 'gender is a social construct' around like its a criticism in and of itself, which i think betrays a misunderstanding about social constructs in general. theyre the foundations we build language on to better understand each other, and affected by a whole host of cultural and historical factors. just because theyre subjective and complicated doesnt mean they arent real. in terms of the effect they have on peoples lives they may be the most real thing that exists
for example, 'kindness' is a social construct. the definition and ways it is enacted differ greatly across personal and cultural lines. but no one would ever suggest a world where kindness doesnt exist or loses meaning, because its an essential part of the way we interact with each other (in the same way i dont really see a world where gender entirely ceases to exist, mainly just one where people have more fun with it. im not a psychic though so who knows)
similarly, sexuality in humans is another social construct. i think the driving biological forces behind it are very real, but the labels people attach to those impulses are subjective attempts to express their inner world to the people around them if that makes sense. and those same biological impulses are ALSO subject to social ideas of gender, because those ideas are established at birth and reinforced over a persons entire lifetime
to use myself as an example, im a gay trans man. ive identified as other things in the past, because i was trying to pick apart feelings i had and express them to others in an attempt to find community. my identity might change as i get older and experience new things, or it might not. i identify as gay because im not attracted to the social concept of women, and someone i would otherwise be attracted to might lose all appeal after i find out they fall under that concept (this has happened before w transfems pre and post coming out lol)
of course, the real REAL answer to this is that trying to give queer identities rigid and objective definitions is a fools errand, and also lame as fuck. someone might identify as gay and be more attracted to general masculinity than men as a social category, maybe they fool around with a couple of butch women without considering themself any less gay. two otherwise identical people might be a butch lesbian and a gay trans man without either of those identities coming into conflict. they might even be the same person at different times of the week
the labels people choose to use are communication tools, not objective signifiers. if you dont understand them, they probably arent talking to you
social constructs are everything. we as humans have the unique ability to interpret our own messy desires and impulses into words that other people can use to form an idea of someone else in their mind. its how we build connections, and of course it isnt perfect because trying to squeeze someones entire personal history and the centuries of context that defined it into a handful of syllables is going to leave some room for error. but its all we have, yknow? so we keep trying. and i think thats much more human than any imposed objective 'truth' could ever be
tldr we live in a society dipshit. get with it
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I think instead of treating somebody's queerness as a right for you to know, people should instead think of somebody's queerness as a privilege to know.
It is a privilege for you to know if somebody is queer - it is by no means a right. It should be treated as such.
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 5 months
let's be real, if Scott Pilgrim is a trans woman, she probably has like eight zillion one-off bullshit worldbuilding options for transitioning. some people like mundane HRT, some people prefer SHRT (Super Hormone Replacement Therapy) or GHRT (Giga Hormone Replacement Therapy), others swear by MHRT (Magic Hormone Replacement Therapy). Ramona offers to hook her up with the surgeon who gave Roxie her archaectomy ("removal of your past") in addition to an orchiectomy, but they end up agreeing that neither Trans Scott nor Ramona should have that, what with ... y'know ... (gestures vaguely at the entire comic). you can either get conventional bottom surgery, or a complete permanent magical transformation which is called "tf/tg", like that's its actual name in-universe (Roxie got the former, Ramona went with the latter), but in the latter case you sometimes still need HRT for some reason. someone breaks the fourth wall to comment that transphobes are the same as they are "in real life".
Trans Scott ends up going with Super HRT and the magical transformation (it's a kind where she still needs to take HRT)
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profestriga · 1 year
My 2023 Reading List
Here's the books and articles that I read in 2023 (a large part of which was a push to finish my dissertation). I thought it might also be useful to others to see what my workload looks like as a 7th year grad student in a PhD. program, especially since I'm unmedicated with severe ADHD. This is what I'm able to get done while fighting through that. I bring this up because I know that it can seem fucking impossible, most notably when we see our neurotypical colleagues churning through incredible amounts of research. A final note: two of the books I'm including in here are books that I started reading in 2022 (Kagan and Stock). Also, note that many of these are re-reads; I've marked these with an Asterisk, and a couple of the books I read around 90%, but dropped a couple chapters that weren't relevant for my projects. These are marked with two asterisks. Be aware that my citations here are of a pretty rough and ready style. Philosophy has weird disciplinary standards (read, almost every journal is different), so I just have a "here's what you need to know to find it" style here. CW: I work on some dark things involving death, suicide, sexual assault, sex, race, and trans rights, including actively fighting trans-exclusive theorists, so there's a lot of possibly triggering things in here.
Updated: Jan 4, 2024
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venus-light · 1 year
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What we seek, however, is not power over people, but the power of control of our own destiny:
// Become Ungovernable, Medium // BLACK PANTHER PARTY’S FREE BREAKFAST PROGRAM (1969-1980) // The Genius of Huey P. Newton, CounterPunch // Abi Thorn’s Trans Power Speech Transcript // Nina Cried Power, Hozier ft. Mavis Staples // Jackboot Jump, Hozier // Backlash Blues, Nina Simone // Be, Hozier // Take Me To Church, Hozier // Tomorrow is My Turn, Nina Simone
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cardboard-queen · 6 months
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crossdreamers · 2 months
Gender researcher Judith Butler argues that the anti-gender movement is bringing us closer to authoritarianism
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The famous gender researcher Judith Butler is out with a new book called Who's Afraid of Gender. In an article in the Los Angeles Times she explain why she thinks contemporary transphobia brings us closer to authoritarianism.
She writes:
The fear of “gender” allows existing powers — states, churches, political movements — to frighten people to come back into their ranks, to accept censorship and to externalize their fear and hatred onto vulnerable communities. Those powers not only appeal to existing fears that many working people have about the future of their work or the sanctity of their family life but also incite those fears, insisting, as it were, that people conveniently identify gender as the true cause of their feelings of anxiety and trepidation about the world. The project of restoring the world to a phantasmatic time before gender promises a return to a patriarchal dream order that only a strong state can restore. The shoring up of state powers, including the courts, implicates the anti-gender movement in a broader authoritarian, even fascist project. We see the rolling back of progressive legislation and the targeting of sexual and gender minorities as dangers to society, as exemplifying the most destructive force in the world, in order to strip them of their fundamental rights, protections and freedoms.
Read the whole article here.
See also:
Feminist philosopher Judith Butler is crystal clear in her condemnation of transphobic feminists
Renowned Feminist Philosopher Judith Butler Tears Transphobic Feminism Apart
Feminist philosopher Judith Butler goes up against anti-trans and anti-gender feminists and conservatives
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redditreceipts · 8 months
"guys, there is a difference between sex and gender. sex is your biology, and gender is your social presentation. transgender people understand that they can not change their sex, thats why they are called trans gender!!! everyone knows that you can't change sex! stop making up strawmen! we are not denying biological reality!!!!!"
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I fucking can't with these people.
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rxt-attack · 5 months
In light of ..... recent events, I thought it best to remake that recommendations post I did quite a while back. This is a playlist put together by Hbomberguy and it has quite a number of excellent queer video essayists + some people James Somerton plagiarized. I wanted to add a few people to the list.
Jessie Gender - I cannot recommend her enough. She covers issues facing women as well as trans, nonbinary, and autistic people. She also discusses other marginalized communities (Got this info from her YouTube bio). She analyzes media through these lenses while remaining empathetic and often delivering a nuanced take. HOWEVER, that's not all. Jessie does insanely well researched videos about Sci-fi (shout out Star Trek) and other "geeky" topics. She's working on a short film right now so the channel has kinda flatlined. Go give her some views!
Yhara Zayd - I haven't watched them in a bit but Zayd does videos analyzing media, often through the lens of race. Special shout-out to their "The Day Rue 'Became' Black" vid! Their work is eloquent, well researched, and you can find their sources listed in the bio of vids.
Philosophy Tube - Do I even need to say anything??? Go check out the play she wrote, "The Prince." You can find a recording of it on Nebula. I haven't watched it yet but I plan to.
Anyway these creators (and the ones of the playlist) are only a few of the great people analyzing media, talking about queer history, and more. These lists don't even include the numerous writers from whom James stole from. They all deserve support and I hope they get it. If you have any more reccs (including articles), list them below!
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