#trauma info
really-burnt-toast · 3 months
Leshycat doodles!~
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Love that weird freaky bush creature <3
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Time to return to my cave again, please take my offering, strange Tumblr creatures!
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captainkirkk · 11 months
How long was it between when Iroh convinced Zuko to take up the Fire Throne, and Sozin's comet? A day? Less??
AU where Iroh convinces Zuko to be the next Fire Lord MUCH earlier in the series. Zuko, who hasn't been in formal education since was 13yo, understandably panics. He barely remembers his lessons on How To Be the Fire Lord, and they were all focused on how to rule during wartime. Not peace. What does an international peace treaty even LOOK like and how does one go about making it???? How does trade work when you're NOT trying to eradicate every other nation????
Book 3 Zuko spends all of his time teaching Aang firebending, interrogating the other members about their culture's traditions and politics, going on Blue Spirit journeys to raid any passing libraries, and reading everything he can get his hands on. He barely eats. He doesn't sleep. He's info dumping about the DRIEST political texts. The gaang are THIS close to holding an intervention or having Toph sit on him until he sleeps.
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sen-ya · 5 months
reposting this cuz op asked me to do it separately of them, general context is “someone tells law no one dies until the last time their name is said” and anyway man is awake for at least 4 days straight thinkin abt it
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ed-recoverry · 3 days
Some of my favorite posts on r/BenignExperience from the past week
Thanks to the tumblr post that made me aware of this subreddit. It makes me smile.
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inkskinned · 2 years
there is a special, horrible feeling when your parents choose to love god more than they love you. when they visibly and repeatedly put god above your basic needs, above your happiness, above your safety. when god is a threat. when you have learned god as a figure that hates you: and your parents still choose god above you.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 273
You know what? We need more Good parents Fentons. 
And you know what else? Technically, Jack helped Danny defeat Pariah via the use of the Ecto-Skeleton. And like, that’s his son, his baby boy. Sure Danny is and has always been a mommy’s boy, but it doesn’t change that fact. They’re both already feeling horrible about the fact they could have hurt him, they could have hurt their son- they have hurt their son, killed him with their inaction and never again. 
So when these oversized jello-eyeballs try to insist that their baby, their precious baby boy, take a crown? Become a king when he’s not even out of highschool, when he doesn’t want it? No. Hell no! That is his Danny-o, his baby boy who was terrified of his own parents! 
Which is how Jack, despite technically still being alive even if so-very ecto-contaminated, became the Ghost King. 
And for some reason there’s several ghosts rather happy about this- oh, these are his Danny-O’s ghost-parents? Not-ghost parents seeing as some of them have never been anything but a realm denizen? That’s really fascinating- y’know what, want some fudge and we can exchange childcare- Maddie dear come over and meet our co-parents apparently!  
Now it’s not all easy, but they’re trying their best, and that’s all that can be asked. 
Which is perhaps why it’s so exasperating- or as Maddie would put it, downright infuriating- that it is now, almost an entire year and a half later that the Heroes finally arrive to investigate. Well, at least he has plenty of fudge since it’s almost time for the council meeting. 
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wooly-nooly · 6 months
Vessels interpretation of trauma is so important to me
“The way that you were”
“You will never be the same”
“No amount of self sought fury will bring back the glory of innocence”
He sees and portrays trauma as a new version of yourself, and it is. He displays the fact that you cant get the old you back, they’re gone. “Innocence” is the previous you because your damaged now, you can heal but the thing about trauma is that it doesn’t ever fully go away
“No matter what i do the scars will never fade”
“They talk me through the damage, consequence and how its a pain they know they don’t understand”
Trauma is such a personal thing, even if you were to go through the traumatizing experience with someone; it was different for them. I could talk forever on this and i might add to this later when i have more time but i cannot begin to express how vessels interpretation of trauma makes me feel.
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wayward-wren · 4 months
Fifteenth Doctor is the kind of person to fill a silence that isn't awkward with absolute nonsense because he can't give himself the space to be alone with his thoughts for even a moment
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skunkes · 1 year
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"describe your oc and then have them describe themself" is still one of my favorite little drawing/character exercises like this one's pretty blatant vs Showing but it's still so fun in either direction. what you say and how you say it... what you dont say + how much. etc etc
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antiendovents · 3 months
I have no idea if I have DID and I am so so scared that I might come off as an endo.
but, I have trauma, and due to that trauma, I do (technically) have alters of some kind??
Can you have alters without DID?
I’m so so sorry if I seem rude.
as far as I am aware, no. Unless you have OSDD or DID you cannot have alters /info
I'd recommend doing more research into this. If you think you have alters but you know you don't have DID perhaps looking into other disorders that could cause voices, identity struggles, mood switches, ect could help. It really depends what is making you think you have alters.
Obviously I don't know you, so like I can't tell you if it's DID, another disorder or whatever, but I can recommend you look into it s little more on your own and if you have a doctor or something perhaps communicating with them about these worried would be a good idea.
Also don't worry, you won't come off as endo. As long as you have trauma then you're not an endo. It doesn't matter if that trauma is "small" (no trauma is really small, just saying that because that's how some people put it) or "big". It's still trauma and you're valid.
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dukeofthomas · 25 days
I'm so mad that so far the only good robin!jason content i've ever found is his original run. Everything i've seen since has just been making him out to be the Angry Bad Problem Child and victim blaming him for dying. How is it that the only fucking good characterization of him is 20 issues from the 1980s
#my dc posting#jason todd#dc#jaybin#robin jason todd#i love jaybin so much but by god there is no fucking content#ppl are just obsessed w making him out to be Bad and Angry to make him becoming red hood make more sense in their heads#look thats what he was always going to be. that what he was always on the track for. look at how angry and unstable he was#SHUT UPPP#from comics anything told to me abt his time as robin after his death means nothing to me#everyone has a different version of canon in their mind and mine will never include a single bit of info abt jaybin said after his death#i have the most horrible brainrotting ''he would not fucking say that'' abt jaybin. nobody gets him like i dooo#<- said as someone who has been angry and problematic and difficult since a young age bc of trauma and mental illness and shit#AND JASON WASNT EVEN HALF AS BAD AS ME#im gonna go reread his og robin run. my safe space#sorry im being soooo annoying abt jaybin rn i just. i love him#i feel like most people only see jaybin as the precursor to red hood#jaybin is only worth something as the backstory of red hood#which like. its fine to like the red hood version of him most#but i like jaybin :( he's my robin. like if there's a robin in a story i'd want it to be jason#so many fics would be sooo good to me if they did not unnecessarily have jason arguing with bruce abt the no-kill thing while STILL ROBIN??#like what are we doing thereeee#ok sorry im done being annoying and venty and whiny now
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sweeteastart · 4 months
LU Time in 3 or 4 E outfits, if you're still doing these when you get to this LOL.
Still doing it albeit slowly 'cause I'm a bit burnout--
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At first, I thought I wouldn't do the same outfit twice but the idea of Time in the beautiful white dress was too strong... so yet again I ended up doing both.
Thanks for the ask ♪♪♪♪
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symphonyofsilence · 11 months
Among the heirs of the great sects, Jiang Cheng is the most balanced one. LWJ is too rigid (and frankly a very unfortunate diplomat), NHS only fucks around, JZX is...well,...JZX. Jiang Cheng, on the other hand, is responsible, serious when it comes to his sect and duties, very competent, good with politics (better than both his parents), has a strategic mind, is respectful to the people of other sects, and is a good representative for his sect, but at the same time when he's not being "a representative for his sect" and is among friends and family, he smuggles drinks to CR and gets drunk with NHS & WWX, he sneaks out of CR and goes to the nearby restaurant, he keeps bantering with WWX while at the same time being an accomplice in all his shenanigans and getting in trouble with him, he runs away from his mother along with his shixiong and their shidi into a boat and starts fighting with WWX in the waters where everyone cheers them on and they steal lotus seeds from a poor farmer.
He was really being a teenage boy before the war took that away from him. And even then this bad boy was totally okay with WWX's dark magic stuff and the black clouds and crows and rotten resentful corpses that followed WWX around.
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ed-recoverry · 30 days
Shoutout to religious people struggling with mental illness.
Shoutout to all Christian mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Jewish mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Muslim mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Hindu mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Buddhist mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Sikh mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Shintoist mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Taoist mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Zoroastrian mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Shaman mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Confucian mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Baháʼí mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Jain mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Cheondoist mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Caodaist mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Druze mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Sarnaist mentally ill folks
Struggling internally and still keeping your faith is something to be proud of. It’s okay to question, waver, and change your mind. Any healthy coping mechanism is a win.
This is not meant to invalidate non-religious mentally ill folks as well! You are also just as valid and loved and worthy.
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angelpuns · 1 year
I said I'd work on some villain sketches tonight so I did!!! I'm not totally in love with my Shredder design just yet- mostly just the armor. I can't reveal his actual face jus tyet cause spoilers and all that big teehee
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Baron Draxum, however, I put a lot of thought into his design and I actually really like what I've got so far. I decided yes actually I am going to lean into the Catholicism fuckery cause it's my religious trauma and I can get silly if I want to. Anyway his motivations have changed (not really actually)
His main goal is still to get the turtles back ( he created them with research funded by the government - they also fund the church but without proof of his research going places they've decided to no longer fund him)
It's kind of like in FMA:Brotherhood where the state alchemists have annual tests to determine whether or not their research is worth pursuing otherwise they lose their state alchemist title. It's sort of like that. Baron Draxum is a 'Catholic' priest, it's a bit warped due to being in the hidden city, but it's still definitely a Catholic church. He's also a scientist, I think in this warped version specifically they have kind of combined science and religon?
I'm still working on it.
Anyway, Baron Draxum created the turtles because he was experimenting with the mutagen, which he created.
( created from a mystery substance that the sort of underworld creatures - not sure if I wanna call em yokai yet, probably not- that birthed the hidden city creatures/mutated them way way wayyyy far back ?? again, wip onthat front) .
He originally used it to further advance his botanical studies, but then got a little silly an thought ' hmm wonder if this can change animals/humans' and yeah it can, but there's a very specific DNA trait you have to have (wip) or else it will just sort of destroy your system :/ that bit's a wip as well. Lots of this is wip stuff cause I never planned on getting so into this iteration LMAO
ANYWAY- he wasn't too impressed by Splinter because he initially didn't transform, but the turtles showed signs that they had been significantly changed. Splinter managed to escape with the turtles to the surface. He then transformed into a rat :/
Then Splinter fucking goes back to the hidden city o purpose because he knows he can have a social life there smh. Local rat man lonely so he goes back to the place where he got turned into said rat man. He's got his own issues tho-
There's more, but it's too loose to talk about soooo yeah.
I originally was gonna make Draxum a wolf, but HOW COOL WOULD IT BE IF HE WERE A WOLF/GOAT SORT OF CREATURE RIGHT????
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watching the baghera & jaiden convo from baghera's pov was so satisfying, like watching someone pick all the correct dialogue options to unlock the Secret Information
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