#trender boyfriends!
scary-lasagna · 10 months
hey! recently obsessed with your blog lol
i’d like to request ben (and any other creeps) with an s/o who’s a model? i’m thinking mostly runway modeling
had to give Trender a lil backstory ofc bc its so cute :]
Ben is super duper on top of things for you!
He’s your personal assistant, and enjoys helping you organize your errands, portfolio, and social media.
He’s your number one fan as well, always supporting you and sneaking your cover letters into the emails of high ranking CEOs.
And at the end of the day, he always wants to make sure your taking care of yourself, since modeling can be both emotionally and mentally straining.
And by being your boyfriend, he’s now morally obliged to share all of your skincare stuff! How fun!
You’ll have to teach him how to use the products because he’s chaos, and tries to use everything at once.
He’ll broadcast your events for you, and excitedly engage your fans on every single social media platform possible.
And at the end of the day he’s just happy to gaze at you while you drift off to sleep, wondering how a human can capture such elegance and beauty.
Oh! Trender just adores you from the moment he spotted you!
You met at a fashion event, and by the way he feeds off of the rising confidence of others, he is drawn to you like a giant magnet.
Not only does your beauty reach out to him in a ethereal way, but the way your body speaks as it glides across the runway leaves him breathless.
Trender couldn’t help but to imagine you wearing his designed clothes, gloating down the runway and failing to hide a beaming smile.
He practically has his next 30 years planned out ahead of him with you by his side, all gauged by a simple glance as you talk to your advisor.
A statement piece is what would make you glow, yes it would. And so, he gets himself hired on your team, and works closely with you, every move calculated to learn about you more.
What ignites that flicker that sparks in your eyes? What color makes your skin glisten like rays of sun were beaming down on it?
Eventually, after some unspoken time, you two click perfectly. Hand in hand like two sewn fabrics intertwining each other with love stitched in its frame.
Trender will treat you with the uttermost care. He wants you to get your proper nutrients, drink enough water, and take daily vitamins to keep up with the hasty lifestyle of being a runway model.
Fainting under the heavy lights would put your career in shambles, not to mention Trender would absolutely curl up in a ball of worry until you were deemed safe again.
He’s right by your side at every event, cheering you on an excitedly whispering to others around him that he’s in love with the person eating up the runway.
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d3eathnotes · 8 months
Ṡṗḷëṅḋöṛ Ḧëäḋċäṅöṅṡ Wαɾɳιɳɠ ⚠️ : Nsfw implications
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❥ Splendor isn't as innocent as people think he is. Personally, I see him as someone who wishes they were pure-minded, but he isn't, so he pretends to be. He actually doesn't disagree with killing people, like he will NEVER kill someone unless it's needed, like when a child's parent wakes up in the middle of the night and catches him depending on whether they're abusive or not, he'll keep them alive.
❥ Splendor and Sally's relationship is kind of one-sided. like Splendor loves Sally to death and would do anything for her. Sally, on the other hand, just likes Splendor because he gives her stuff.
❥ Splendor is a hypersexual. This man is always horny, but he's too scared to act on it. Like he feels ashamed about this and wishes he were different, but any time the kids are asleep, he'll go feral and hump his pillow all to hell. But for any Splendor lovers out there, be careful because this man will never be gentle with you, but the aftercare is amazing with him.
❥ Splendor is a yandere. Once he gets a boyfriend or girlfriend, he'll go absoulutely feral. He won't let them leave his eyesight at all; he'll barely let them leave the house. He won't let Trender or Offender near his s/o, knowing what horndogs they are.(as if he isn't one lmfao)
❥ Trender and Splendor are best friends/brothers. They have a deep connection, and they both have a love for fashion and color. Although Splendor hates the fact that Trender kills people, he understands that they need to survive.
❥ Speaking of which, Splendor is a vegan (or tries to be), but he only eats humans when he really, really needs to or he feels the "other" side of him start trying to claw its way out of him for some food.
❥ Splendor is genderfluid (I'm not projecting stfu), but he's mostly male, and some days he will feel more feminine and wear a dress or skirt. Trenders supported this side of him, but offender and slender do not understand how he would feel like a woman next and a man the next day; they kind of bully him for it.
Hope ya enjoyed cuties ╰(▔∀▔)╯I feel a lot better so expect me to post at least one headcanon per week (or twice if I feel nice)
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dadumtss · 2 years
Slenderbros with a reader that has a wired curse
the curse is having different jobs and memories everyday
like their a house wife from the 40s
or their a retired guitar player that was in an old band
or a dead ghost that died a long time ago etc
and they actually don't forget people but remember them differently like they don't remember one of the slenders being their boyfriend they remember them as their loving husband or their best bud that used to play with them in the old band they had etc
Like theirs not human just an average vampire but with a really wired curse
He does all he can to try and break the curse
He spends days conferring with specialists and late nights researching on anything that might possibly work, often becoming consumed by his goal of finally freeing you to see his love for what it is.
You’re always there to bring him back to what really matters, however, as regardless of what memories you have that day, you always seem to remember how to pull him from both his work and the depths of his mind.
Spending time with you -whether as childhood friends, partners in crime or an old married couple- always seems to increase his love for you.
You seem to shine in whatever role you’re in and even though he only plays along with each role you imagine for him to an extent, he loves seeing all the directions the two of your lives could have taken.
But as he sits with your head in his lap after a day where you’re convinced the two of you are bank robbers who just pulled off the heist of the century he feels his heart sink
You won’t remember this tomorrow. You won’t know him for who he truly is tomorrow. You won’t know, truly know, how he loves you tomorrow.
Instead the curse will come up with a scenario and he’ll have to contort his feelings to match your false memories. Day after day.
He gently lifts your head from his lap and carries you to bed before returning to his office.
Something has to break the curse eventually.
He knows he doesn’t have the magical ability to break the curse.
He consults specialists, turns to his family, does everything he can think of, but he knows the answer won’t come easy.
He leaves the researching to others and focuses his attention on you.
He fully dives into every role you believe him to play, uncaring of what others think and relishing in the adventure of your more ridiculous roles.
He has a lot of fun being the doting 40s husband or the old band mate or the criminal mastermind
He has even more fun getting you to fall in love with him again, every day, the same as he does.
Trender, like Slender, throws himself into trying to find a way to break the curse.
Unlike Slender, he’s harder to pull away from his goal
It becomes an obsession, eclipsing his design and fashion work and taking over his daily life to the point where even eating is secondary
In the beginning he played along with all the roles and scenarios happily, dressing you for the part and finding ways within his assigned role to show his affections
 But now every new role just reminds him that he hasn’t done what he promised himself he would.
He doesn’t know who he’s doing it for anymore
It has to be hard never having the same memories day-to-day. Never knowing the people who love you as they are. 
But its agonizing to love someone who can’t truly know you. For the person you know and love to be unable to know and love you beyond a role they have assigned you. 
He catches you crying on the floor one night after a day of being, what was it today? A stay at home parent to a son? Regardless, the sight pulls at his heart in a way that compels him to sit next to you and pull you into his arms. 
He asks what happened, expecting a fantastical tale comprised of false memories but instead you state that he hates you.
You cite him locking himself away and barely interacting with you. You cite his tense words and rigid posture whenever you do interact. You cite things he hasn’t even noticed himself and things he was convinced wouldn’t matter since you’d forget by tomorrow. 
He holds you tight and reassures you that it couldn’t be further from the truth, that he’s so sorry for his actions, that you’ll never know how much he loves you, how much you mean to him, how he hates himself for ever letting you forget his love
You laugh through your tears, commenting that you’re happy and you’re sure their son will be happy that their parents love each other. 
Trender’s jaw clenches as he swallows down sadness.  
Splendor also tries to break the curse
But he never lets his studies on that get in the way of what really matters: being with you
He plays along with all of the roles he’s expected to play as much as he can without causing trouble for you or others.
As you head to bed and the curse resets he’s sad at the memories of the day that you’ll lose but he’s looking forward to the next day he’ll get to spend with any version of you.
To Splendor, all love is equally precious, whether the love of an old childhood friend, the love of a married couple or the love of a ghost that admires his life.
 And he loves learning all the ways he can love you 
Thank you for the ask, anon! I couldn’t tell whether you wanted the reader to have been dating the brothers before the curse or just after, so I kept it vague.
I am genuinely sorry if you wanted a happier answer. My brain refused to keep it angst-free.  
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zootedhoot · 1 year
Why I Still consider myself a transcel/incel even if I have a bf.
LISTEN LISTEN. (Not a volcel)
I know what you’re thinking, that I’m no longer an “incel” because I eventually found someone, but I beg to differ.
This is NOT me trying to attach myself to this label because I like it or romanticize it, I honestly am not proud that I’m involuntary celibate but shit happens.
The reason why I still consider myself a transcel, even more then before, is that this relationship is long distance, VERY long distance because I’m strictly t4t, and yeah. I feel for someone online. Now I know what your thinking.
“Just date someone near by so you’re no longer celibate.”
With who? I can’t be t4t here, let alone if most people can’t find trans people irl, the trans ppl Ik are ether taken or NOT in the mental space to be in a relationship. (Or just trenders.)
2. “Then try dating cis people.”
LMAOOO. I’m not putting myself through that again. Dating a cis woman is the absolute worse, they manipulate and play mind games with you, so you can fit in their butch lesbian fantasy. Absolutely disgusting. Cis men are slightly less horrid, they’re at least a bit more direct/obvious about it, attempting to make you more woman.
3. “Ok but you still got a bf at the end of the day, so why’d you call urself a transcel?”
The definition of celibate according to the Oxford dictionary is:
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Since my bf is 1,175 miles away, we can’t do anything sexual anytime soon. And honestly, based on our distance, where he lives, and our current life circumstances, it’s most likely we aren’t going to meet, like, ever.
And no, I don’t consider “E-sex” or whatever as actual intercourse, sure it’s an inmate thing, but not actual sex.
4. “Okay, hypothetically if you did meet up with your bf, and did do the do, that’d no longer make you an incel.”
I need you too understand, that I do want to have sex. One day or another.
But due to the world we’re living in, and that I’m a dude with out a dick, I mentally can not agree too it. This is where the phrase I have in my bio, “mentally castrated”, cause that’s what I am.
I’m going to get real personal here, I was S/Aed by lesbians. Therefore can not have sex with a cis woman. Yes, that might be “transphobic” towards me, but I can’t let that 12 year old boy sobbing while being traumatized feel betrayed because future me was horny.
And It’s unfortunate, but I feel the same is true for trans men. I KNOW I KNOW that’s sooo “transphobic”, but come on, we have the same parts, female parts. And that disgusts me. Sure things like strap ons exist, but those were made for lesbians. Hell, I might have a break down if i recognize the sound.
I can’t have sex with cis guys, no matter how sexually satisfying that might be, because I’ll know he’ll see me as just a woman.
I feel t girls wouldn’t be as humiliating or traumatizing as the others I listed, but I’d say it’s pretty demasculizing for a chick top you. But I’d still take that chance, because if you couldn’t tell. I’m desperate. However, I only met two trans girls irl, and they’re both in long term relationships so we can rule out.
As you can see, this is why, even with a wonderful online boyfriend who lives in the middle of nowhere. I’m still, unfortunately, a transcel.
TLDR: I crave sex but cannot have it with my bf bc of the distance, cannot have it with any other individual ether bc of Trauma and gender.
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tamales78 · 2 years
Loss!: Abusive!Offenderman X reader X Slenderman PT:4
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 PART 5
“Do you wish for more tea, mommy?”
“Sure, why not?” (Y/n) says smiling at Sally.
Sally grabs the teapot and pours the imaginary tea into (Y/n) little teacup and they sip it. 
“Do you and the baby like it, mommy?”
“Yes, baby.” (Y/n) says as her hand lands on her huge baby bump.
Sally smiles and serves her doll and stuffed animals more tea. (Y/n) giggles at her cuteness and soon they hear a knock on the door.
“Come in!” Sally yells out.
Slender enters and Sally runs to her father. She giggles as Slender throws her up in the air and catches her.
(Y/n) smiles softly and tries to get up.
Slender goes to her and helps her get back up.
Slender smiles and kisses her, meanwhile caressing her swollen womb.
“Sally why don’t you give daddy some tea?” (Y/n) asks the child on her boyfriend’s shoulder.
She nods and Slender brings her down. Sally grabs his hand and forces him to sitdown, before giving him a teacup. (Y/n) sits in her daughter’s bed and enjoys the lovely scene infront of her. Slender playing with their adopted daughter as she tells him about how ‘Mr, Teddy’ and ‘Mrs. Duck’ got into a fight.
(Y/n) caresses her belly as her child inside starts kicking. Just then they hear the doorbell ring.
“It must be Trender, I’ll go get it.” 
“No, I’ll go.”
“No, you will stay here and play with our daughter.” (Y/n) says smirking at the father of her children.
“Yes daddy!”
“Ok, just take it easy, babe.”
(Y/n) nods and gets up as she starts to walks out the bedroom. She’s walking down the stairs when E.J, Hoodie, and Toby spot her from the couch.
“Let me help.” E.J  says as he walks up to where she was and helps her walk down.
“*giggle* I’m fine, I can walk down.” 
“No, no I insist. Plus, if Slender finds out he’ll kick our asses for not helping you.”
“That, he will do.” (Y/n) giggles and walks to the door.
She grabs the doorknob and opens it.
There he was. Right then and there. Right infront of her.
“(Y-Y-Y-Y/n)?” Offender enters the house and is about to hug her, however, the three boys who were in the couch get between them.
“Nah ah buddy!” Hoodie tells him before shoving him.
“Get out of my way! Let me speak to my wif-” It is then that he notices the bump. 
(Y/n) moves away before placing her hand on her womb as in protecting it. She starts tearing up as she remembers that faithful day.
“What’s going on?” 
Everyone looks up and find Slender walking down the stairs. Slender looks at (Y/n) before turning to look at his brother.
“WHAT THE FUCK!!” Offender yells out shoving Hoodie to the floor.
“I’VE COME HERE SINCE MY WIFE HAS GONE MISSING! ONLY TO FIND HER IN YOUR HOME AND KNOCKED UP! WHO THE FUCK IN YOUR MANSION KNOCKED UP MY WIFE!” He yells out before turning to look (Y/n) baby bump. Tears flow down his eyes out of anger.
“I should of known she was here! You knew and told me she had lost my child! I should of questioned you! BUT YOU TOLD ME SHE CAME TO SMILEY AND THAT HE TOLD YOU! But, when I went to him he.......he said she never came!”
He starts to walk up to (Y/n) however is stopped by the three pasta’s. Slender goes to (Y/n) and comforts her crying form.
It is then Offender notices it. The way Slender held (Y/n), to how he was caressing her bump, to how he touched her.
“DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE! You of all people have no damn place to say anything! You abused, cheated, and hurt her! YOU EVEN CAUSED HER TO LOSE THE CHILD!”
Offender groans and and jumps at Slender. The brothers start to hit one another, eventually drawing blood.
(Y/n) cries out for them to stop, however, she soon feels very familiar sharp pain. Hoodie sees her discomfort and rushes to her side as he sees her holding her womb. It is then that they both look down only to see a puddle of water and blood.
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paintedhyenadogs · 6 months
I love being a trans men who's suuper dense. I didn't even realise that I had feelings towards my boyfriend. I literally didn't even realise up till he confessed to me lol. The trans part comes in when I think back to a lot of my experiences as a kid. I like to think I was a little tomboy kid with bits of trans-ness sprinkled in that grew and grew till I evolved like a pokemon with the appropriate evo stone (which for me was the storybooth transgender video) at 11 years old.
Then the transmeds made me feel like I was a "trans trender" and I convinced myself I was faking for attention (which begs the question on whos attention bc I could legit be sent to conversion therapy by my parents if they knew lol). Then I evolved again (at 13 during the pandemic), and here I am. Trans-ier than ever haha.
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angels-and-demons · 1 year
Some reporter in the Underrealm: Oh, look! An up-and-coming new face down here... it's the one and only Ghost King. And-!
Someone: Who's with him?
[Nico and Toby walk up to the reporter. Nico is wearing a very large black/grey/blue coat/cape thing, and a silver crown - while Toby has a new pair of bright yellow goggles, a blue/red/white sweater, and some new boots]
Reporter: Your majesty-!
Nico, aged 23: Yes.
Reporter: This is your first Emerald Gala, is that correct?
Nico: uh, yes. Yes, it is. I'm really excited to be here, by the way. Such an honour.
Reporter: right. And, if we may be so bold, who is this, here with you tonight?
[Toby and Nico share a quick look and laugh]
Nico: Well, uh... as, you know, as a... a fairly recognisable new person down here, I figured I may as well have some security. So-!
Toby, age 23, joking: I'm a prostitute he hired to make himself look cooler.
[Nico snorts. The reporter chuckles nervously]
Nico: Toby-! No, he's not.
Toby: Yeah, I'm not...
Nico: He has been hired, though.
Toby: I was?
Nico: Yes. Anyway, uh-!
Toby: how much?
Nico: I don't know. About, fifteen bucks?
[Toby scoffs]
Nico: uh, anyways... he's a... a guard, hired from the Slenderman.
Toby: it also helps to know that I'm his boyfriend.
Reporter: Awe, and how long have you two been together?
[Nico and Toby share a look]
Nico, Toby: uh...
Nico: about, about uh... what, six, seven years now?
Toby: Yeah, I'd say that that's right...
Reporter: so, young love, then?
[Nico and Toby nod]
Reporter: and are there any... plans for the evening?
Toby, Nico: uh...
Toby: if you're asking if one of us is gonna propose, then you're in poor luck. We're not gonna take away from Trender's big night.
Reporter: really? Well, that's too bad.
Nico: Yeah. But, hey. We'd probably prefer a more personal proposal over... one of these "over the top" public ones.
Reporter: Awe, well isn't that sweet? Now, what's on everyone's minds right now is this: who are you wearing?
Toby: Well, my... ensemble was, uh put together by my friend, Nat. He's an artist, a new designer, and has always been one of my closest friends. So, if you're watching this, Nat. Hi, we love ya!
Reporter: right... and you, Nico?
Nico: actually, it's a collaboration of sorts, between Trender and that designer my boyfriend mentioned. She did such a good job on this, didn't he?
Toby: Yeah, Nat went all out this year.
Reporter: right... Well, that's all for now. You two go have fun at the Gala.
[Toby and Nico walk off]
Reporter: This is Grizelda Grieve, with Channel Thirteen, Underrealm news.
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turgidscum · 1 year
Girl don't claim to be trans when you have heterosexual sex with your boyfriend. You're the type of people who make transsexuals look bad. It's especially stupid to call yourself a truscum since that implies you're a true transsexual, and anyone who is comfortable enough to use her vagina for sex would never be considered one back when those categories were a thing. Your boyfriend isn't comfortable with anal sex because he's straight, and you'll never be a man due to your mentality. lol the truscum and transmed movement is a fucking joke and full of larpers
couple things here.
1. i am a man legally and mentally. i am working on becoming a true male with surgery, but since i don't have the current financial ability to do so, i work with what i have. i just spent $500 on a new prosthetic actually and have horrendous bottom dysphoria i'm working to alleviate until i have the time, money, and support to have phallo.
2. you do not know why my fiance does the things he does. you do not know him. i'm not going to reveal his personal history and information, but getting him to do anything sexual in general has been a struggle. we are working together as a couple who love and respect each other to get to a place where we both enjoy having sex.
3. i don't enjoy having sex with my natal genetalia when it involves penetration. for this reason, we do it this way no more than like... ten times a year. it involves major dissociation on my part, and while i enjoy the sensation initially, it quickly becomes uncomfortable, overwhelming, and unenjoyable. this is why we are working towards anal on my end, as it is what will have to be done when i bottom in a couple of years anyways.
besides, it's much more enjoyable to me. the pleasure i get is 1000x greater than using my natal genitals for penetration.
4. you're calling me a larper even though i am actively pursing to fully transition and find a way to better enjoy sex outside of using my natal genitalia. if you're saying i'm a trender because i'm not celibate and still want to, i dunno, make love with the man i'm going to be marrying in a way that you specifically don't approve of, i'm going to kindly tell you to pull your head out of your ass for a minute and look at what you're getting mad about.
i am a transsexual man pursuing full transition and looking to have anal sex with my fiance when we do have penetrative sex where i bottom.
on another note, that's not the end-all-be-all of sex you know. jerking off together is much more enjoyable and relaxing.
so while i explained this to you, i want you to understand that i don't owe you or anyone else i don't know any justification about my sex life. you would never see me in person and say i'm "larping" as a man, as i am a very stealth, very passing man in my daily life.
the fact that you think my fiance is straight just has me laughing. if he thinks i look like a woman, then damn, i want whatever he's on. you too apparently lmao
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kazumahashimoto · 5 years
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nice try bootlickers!
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wyverber · 2 years
Jane headcanons
Jane lives alone in a rlly sweet apartment.
Modern aesthetic. And she's always well dressed like- damn fashion on point.
She reads Psychology books and Greek mythology. Yes. Smart woman.
And a History lover. Her fav time is 1980's and Greeks to like everything from them.
She's a Crystal bitch. Not in a bad way but she has a lot and treasure's them a lot.
Gossip Girl with Natalie. "Jeff shited in his pants, yk?" Or smt like that- while drinking wine.
Jane likes to do LJ Eyeliner. Cus one day he asked all the girls but they said no or couldn't do it themselves 💀 but she likes him and they don't rlly like children so yeah I would say their good friends
Like I said before she's into fashion so phonecalls with Trender are a must between them.
She likes Sally but would never have children. Sorry I can't see her with an child.
Pro choice. (Hope u good over there my American friends)
Listen- she became a killer to kill the killers- that's why she doesn't live in the Mansion/manor or whatever (I can't decide what I'm doing in my Au).
Wise, she's wise like damn ur Stupid boyfriend broke up with ya? She has some advice. Depressed? Go to her, Jane talks rlly calm when you not pissing her off.
Sally only accepted to put to bed if Jane sing the lullaby or reads the book (lol)
Spicy food 🤤 is the way to go
Spanish roots. Hot Latina. Rawr
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scary-lasagna · 3 years
Gimme Helen/Jeff/Toby reacting to their s/o dressing up as them for halloween or else you fool
Helen (and Trender): https://scary-lasagna.tumblr.com/post/633522860414107648/what-abt-trender-or-bloody-painter-helping-their
Toby and Helen (+Ben) https://scary-lasagna.tumblr.com/post/633070568896397312/can-you-imagine-bentoby-and-helen-with-a-so-who
"Well, lookie-loo~ Someone has been stealing my shit once again!"
Even if you weren't stealing his clothes for your costume, you really can't help but steal his oversized sweatshirts and hoodies during the cooler months.
They're just so ridiculously comfy and if you're lucky, they don't smell like blood and sweat after working for a full day.
"It's for a good cause, I promise!" You chimed, adjusting the hood over the wig for a more ominous look.
When you finally turned with an impression of his cocky side smirk, Jeff stops his cockiness in it's tracks.
"You know," He'll grab your chin and inspect the latex by tilting your head from side to side, "It doesn't look half bad. From a distance, you might even look like you have a real Cheshire."
"Well, that's the plan." You purposely made your voice raspy and deep, trying to mimick your boyfriend's niche way of speaking.
"Hey, nono, I don't sound like-"
"My names Jeff and I sound like this." You completely ignored him, nudging past his protests.
"Alright, Jeff, you have five seconds to start running before I tickle you to death and then give you a real smile."
"My names Jeff, I'm not scared of tickl-"
You run. You've never ran so fast.
And Jeff didn't even wait for the countdown, as soon as you took off, Jeff was hot on your heels.
Dressed as the infamously smiling killer, you could only hope you lived up to his reputation of evading capture.
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dadumtss · 2 years
Do you have any voice claims or fitting songs for the Slender brother's, plus Willow and Junior?
I tried finding voice claims for everyone for this ask, and even wrote out a whole post before deleting it. I'm either too picky or just don't have a wide enough net to find the perfect voices so the post was just a lot of "like this person from this thing but actually not really."
I do have a lot of music I associate with them though! Including:
Take On Me by a-ha
I've been listening to this song way to often because I can't stop imagining drunk Offender, Trender and Splendor being escatic that an equally drunk Willow can hit all the high notes. Slender walks in and asks Splendor what on earth is going on and Splendor is like "We're just having a few drinks with my brother's girlfriend. Not to many though. And I'm supposed to make sure we have time to sober up before he gets back." Only to realize that he's talking to Slender and that everyone is hammered (including himself).
The Wolf by Siamés
This song just helps me get into the mood for writing Slenderman because the lyrics remind me of his abilities. But mostly when I listen to it its because I'm imagining Cabadath sneakily putting Teen!Junior into a (harmless) situation where he can guide the young slenderbeing on his first kill.
Villain I Appear to Be by Connor Spiotto
I can imagine Willow loving to sing this song and performing it frequently at her job. It's also what I was imagining her singing the second time she ran into Slender.
About Damn Time by Lizzo
I get some serious Trender vibes from this song. Plus, whenever I listen to it I can imagine Trender and Offender (with Splendor there for support) coaching Willow on how to put on a visual performance while singing so she can make her performance job permanent instead of going back to being a waitress. (Maybe that's what they were doing before they all got drunk).
Offender: "If you ever bend or crouch down; to get standing again you have to lead with your ass. Like this."
*Proceeds to perfectly demonstrate how to get from a crouching position to a standing one, ass-first.*
Offender: Ok. Now you.
Willow: *is mortified at the prospect of having to do something like that in front of her boyfriend's brothers let alone a crowd*
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nothorses · 3 years
I hope it’s okay that I just lowkey vent, I’m not requiring actual mental or emotional labor from you, but if you or your followers have any opinions, I’m open to them.
I’ve been out for like a decade, and at first ftm mlm spaces were a refuge for me. Cis gay male spaces can be really really toxic with their body requirements and their judgement of gnc men and their enforcement of a binary between masc emotionally unavailable tops and sensitive unreasonable demanding twink bottoms and their hookup culture and just everything. Not to mention that jokes about vulvas and breasts being disgusting are EVERYWHERE.
But in trans mlm spaces the vibe was so accepting. I felt really comfortable and understood. I could go up to a trans mlm guy and know we more or less had similar identities. We could commiserate about binders and the limitations of phalloplasty and how weird it could be to try and fit in with cis gay men. Talk about learning to love ourselves and the more ‘gross’ changes that came with HRT and how it gave us a flat ass and zero waist definition. It felt like there was a massive sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding based on us all being men who loved men?
And over the past decade I’ve seen the community turn more and more to include nb people. I respect nb identities and I think they deserve support and respect as members of the trans community (when they identify with the term and all) etc etc, but now I feel like I can’t get away from nb identities in trans mlm spaces? Like… I feel like almost everyone identifies as a nonbinary trans man or a trans masc enby. The communities are filled with jokes about wanting to destroy gender and how gender isn’t real or is meaningless. Inside jokes about how people will be called he him but they’re not a man but you can call them a boy or a boy girl girl boy. Or their gender is a werewolf cryptid boyfriend. Or how their gender is just Gay and they aren’t male outside of loving other men.
This sounds like I’m complaining about Those Damn En Bee Trenders, but I genuinely am happy for them. I’m really glad that they’re learning to be comfortable and love themselves and connect with others like them, but it makes me feel really lost. Every post is geared to include them in a way that makes them alienating to me. Nothing feels like it has the feeling of simply being a man who likes other men, and all of the gross sweaty oily hairy jockstraps getting caught in your newly grown leg hair moments or whatever. Everyone is a picture perfect hairless vampire bf in expensive lingerie, and again I’m undesirable and unloveable.
It’s started to make me reflexively really bitter about nb trans mascs. I don’t want to be a bitter transmed or something. I want to love the community and not quietly be an awful seething hateful person. I feel like I’m a bad person nowdays. I never attack nb men, but I just… feel so angry that they’re always mlm AND nblm AND nblnb spaces now, and there’s nowhere to go to get away and just see the niche content that makes me feel seen and supported anymore.
How do I stop being a toxic nbphobe? Feel free to roast me or call me problematic or point out what an idiot I am, because I KNOW I’m awful and I sound awful. I just don’t know how to stop.
I hope it’s okay I sent this to you. I just feel like you’re a levelheaded person who would care and. Yeah.
I think what you're feeling is pretty natural, actually. I don't mean that it's Good or Reasonable, or that nonbinary folks are actually doing anything wrong- because they're not! And I think both of us understand that here; it's a good thing that transmasc spaces are broadening to include more people, that our community is growing, and that there are more and more ways to be transmasc & be accepted for who you are.
It is hard, though, to feel like the spaces you had to be who you are are being narrowed down to nothing; and it's normal to feel some reflexive resentment in response to that.
I think there's a valid point here, too, that some of this is probably coming from internalized transandrophobia. A lot of folks are exploring their identities without really unpacking the ideas they hold that have prevented them from doing so in the past, and finding these middle grounds where they can be "acceptable" transmascs: boy but not man, cute and pure and digestible, respected as A He/Him without ever being seen as the gross ugly sweaty monster they still believe men are.
And at the same time, a lot of folks are just genuinely boys but not men, want to be cute, want their he/him pronouns respected, and don't really feel they are Men in the way lots of other men are. A lot of them have honestly unpacked those feelings, respect the men who are men in those ways, love them, support them, and fight for them to have space here as well. They're a part of our community, and we both need to support each other.
We can't always tell one from the other, and we can't reject the transmascs who don't associate with the same kind of manhood we do just in case some of them might be doing it out of internalized bigotry- in the same way that we deserve space in the community, despite some of us clinging to these versions of manhood out of a different kind of internalized bigotry (i.e. nbphobia and truscum ideology).
You know all that, I'm sure, but I say it anyway because sometimes it does help to remember that all of us feel these things, to some degree. All of us have to get over it.
It doesn't make you a bad person to have those feelings- they're natural, and beating yourself up for experiencing normal human emotions isn't going to help anyone. Take a deep breath. Accept that the feelings exist, and understand why they do. Then let them go.
You are choosing not to act on them, you are choosing to understand that they're not reasonable or correct or helpful, and you are choosing to move past them in order to do better. That choice is what defines who you are and what you "really" believe, and that's what matters.
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slasher-fasntisy · 3 years
Since you were a kid you had always been obsessed with the slender brothers. You had found out about them in middle school from a friend. At the time that. Was pretty normal, but what was not normal was for you to actually crush on them now that people thought was unusual. The only person that knew was the friend that introduced you to it. What you did not know was that your friend actually knew them.
One day your friend texted you to meet you in the woods. Behind your school because they had something to show you.
You met them there after school confused on why they wanted to meet here of all places. They ran towards you when they saw you.
"Y/n are you ready to see the thing I needed to show you" your friend said with a huge smile on their face. All you did was nod your head. "Okay close your eyes" your frend said. And you did so then they shouted "now open!" And you did so. You were shocked by what you saw . There they were right in front of you and you could not believe it. The slender brothers in the flesh. Then the one you knew as slenderman spoke "you must be y/n it's a pleasure to meet you" you nodded you head and spoke "it's a pleasure to meet you as well" Not even a second later you were tackled into a hug by the one you knew as splendor "f/n talks a lot about you I have been waiting so long to meet you oh this is great" you could tell he was always this loud he then let you go and you stood up, but the second you stood up you were pinned to the wall by the perv offender "why hello y/n" you. were shocked by how deep his voice was so deep it made you frozen in place."h-hello" was all you could muster up "let them go offender" is what the well known fashionista trender said. Then offender backed away from you and walked toward your friend "oh I love your outfit it's just marvelous" the blank faced fashionista said "thank you" you said with a smile spread across your face.
And that was how you met them
Time skip
To collage days
You and your friend had grown apart but you did not know why. So the slender brothers were your only friends they were the only ones you had so you just had to tell them about your new boyfriend/ girlfriend aka your first
Present day
You had run into your house and found the brothers in your living room on the sofa. "Guys guess what" you shouted ready to tell them the great news
"What is it" you heard splendor ask
"I got a boyfriend/girlfriend" you shouted happiness filling you voice, but what really shocked you was they looked angry you had never seen them angry out of all the years y'all had been friends you had never seen them this upset then offender spoke "are we not good enough for you y/n" "w-what" is all you could say then trender spoke " after all we have don't for you this is how you treat us really is that the kind of person you really are y/n" you did not even know what to say " y/n this is not right you belong to us and no one else understand" "what are you guys talking about" is all you could say
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tamales78 · 2 years
Dirty in public: Trenderman X reader
Warning: Sex, squirting, creampie, hair pulling, spanking
(Y/n) was out shopping with her boyfriend. It was a daily occurrence in their relationship, after all they both did enjoy going out. 
(Y/n) enters a small boutique and starts looking around. She picks out a nice pair of jeans and her boyfriend goes to find a sweater. She heads to the fitting rooms, however, on her way she comes across the lingerie section. She smirks as soon as the light bulb lights up.
She picks out a nice set and thankfully finds some matching garters. She heads in the dressing room and is quick to try on the jeans before trying on the lingerie. It was her favorite color and not to mention the fabric! She loved how it hugged her figure yet it still let her breath. Plus, the fabric wasn’t itchy nor anything.
She giggles as her phone rings, she’s quick to answer it as she knows who was calling.
“Where are you?”
“Here in the fitting rooms. Babe, do you mind coming? I need help with something.” She says lying only to make him come.
“Yeah, sure just send me the number of the room.”
“Ok, thank you. I love you.” She says before allowing him to say it back. She giggles knowing he will definitely point that out to her.
She sends the number of the room to him and not long later she hears knocking.
“(Y/n).” He says in a angry tone.
She giggles and hides behind the door before opening it.
“Why did you hang out early? I didn’t even get to say I lov-”
He quickly turns to (Y/n) and is left stunned when he sees her wearing the lingerie. (Y/n) closes the door and Trender quickly pulls her in for a kiss.
“You look so fucking hot.” He says panting.
“You like it?” She says as her boyfriend starts pinning her to the wall, and lifting her up.
“Like it? I fucking love it.” He says as he starts to remove the set only to be surprised when they end up being crotchless. 
He slithers his fingers through her folds and starts pumping into her. (Y/n) bites her lip as her boyfriend hits her core. As soon as he notices that he hits it, he slows down, causing his beloved to whimper.
“You don’t like that? Do you? You want me to make you cum, right?”
(Y/n) nods as more pleasure courses through her body. Trender grabs her by her neck and pulls her for a kiss. His thumb presses itself to her clit and starts forming circles on it. 
As a loud moan leaves her lips, she’s quick to cover her mouth.
Trender removes her hand from her mouth and pins both her hands, he slips the bra down allowing him to have access to her breast. His mouth is quick to latch onto one of her nipples and suck.
(Y/n) bites a lip trying to hold back a moan. She grabs onto one of the hangers and just the hears someone enter the stall next door. She looks at Trender and sees a smirk appear. (Y/n) shakes her head not wanting someone to hear, or even find them this way. However, at the same time she kind of wanted someone to see them. Just the thought of being seen in such a vulgar way with her boyfriend made her wetter.
“From the looks of it, you do want them to hear, love.”
“Tren~” She moans out.
Trender thrusts his fingers faster into her causing (Y/n) moan out his name and more. He starts to kiss her neck slowly sucking on that sweet sensitive spot. 
(Y/n)’s toes curl in pure pleasure and her nails slowly dig onto her boyfriend’s shoulder. Soon the wet sound of Trender’s finger’s pumping into her pussy fill the fitting room. They hear some footsteps and Trender pumps in faster while at the same time stroking her clit with his thumb. (Y/n) moan’s out his name in pure estacy as she orgasms all over his hand. 
The source of the footsteps walks away, causing (Y/n) to blush madly. Her boyfriend chuckles at this and kisses her cheek.
Just then (Y/n) hears something unzip she looks down and moans as she sees and feels Trender’s tip be pressed onto her clit. She pulls him down onto her in a steamy kiss.
(Y/n) starts unbotting his shirt and Trender is quick to throw it into the ground. 
Without warning Trender slams himself into (Y/n) causing her to moan out. He starts slamming himself into her, meanwhile her legs wrap themselves around his waist. His hand goes down to her ass and squeezes it, whereas his other free hand grabs both her arms and pins them over her head.
“Oh, god! T-Trender, baby h-har-fuck!”
“*chuckle* C-Can’t-talk?”
“Shit! shit! Shit!” (Y/n) screams out as she squirts all over his cock.
“Fuck, baby!”
“S-Shut up!”
Trender exits (Y/n) and makes her get on all fours facing the mirrior. 
He slams himself again and soon their moans and the wet sounds of their skin slapping fill the fitting rooms. (Y/n) gets her hair pulled, just so Trender can see her cock drunk face. 
They go on for so long that they lose count of how many times they bring each other to their peaks. 
By the end (Y/n)’s pussy was full of cum and was practically dripping down her thigh to the floor. She practically drooling as Trender was pounding into her. His hands start slapping her ass and some footsteps come again.
Trender starts to touch her clit causing (Y/n) move louder. He chuckles as soon (Y/n) releases all over his hand. (Y/n) tight walls squeeze  every drop of seed out of Trender. His seed flows deep into her pussy, dripping down her thighs. 
(Y/n’s) arms grow weak and she falls down the ground. Trender turns her head back to him, to share a french-kiss. The door gets unlocked and a worker is shocked to see (Y/n) and Trender completely naked.
They are quick to close the door, causing Trender to chuckle.
“You’re a fucking asshole.”
“You didn’t think that when we were fucking.” He says smiling at her.
(Y/n) looks away completely ashamed and Trender covers her with his jacket.
“Stay here. I’ll go and pay for the mess we made including some sets.”
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trenderayghe · 3 years
actually, I have something else to say, while I'm saying things. I used to identify as asexual when I was in high school, which coincided exactly with when ace disc**rse started to become big on this site and it makes me really sad to think about how much it has ruined my perception of asexuality as a proper and valid orientation.
I feel like I stopped identifying as ace because everyone was saying that it was bad, that ace people were just annoying and looking for attention (which by the way is the same kind of stupid things tr*scum say about "trenders" now that I think about it) and it made me feel so ashamed that I went looking someplace else, even though I did feel comfortable identifying as ace, because it is part of my identity.
It makes me angry because even now I feel like I need to unlearn a lot of bad assumptions that I have developed because of that mess and it's already difficult as it is (because let's face it, having to tell my boyfriend does give me a lot of anxiety bc I don't know how he'll react) but I hate that I also have to remind myself that it's okay to be ace, it's normal and valid and it's not just to seek attention. It will take a lot of work, I think, but I'm still so happy that I (re)discovered this part of my identity! It does take a big weight off my chest :)
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